Gravity Falls Fic-a-Thon
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AO3 collection || SquidgeWorld Collection || Dreamwidht
Hello Everyone, and welcome to the Gravity Falls Fic-a-Thon 2024!
What is this?
This is fun, low stakes' event for all ships in the gravity falls fandom! With the fandom gaining traction again, we want to encourage people to create for smaller ships that might not be getting as much attention and, most importantly, just have fun as a community!
How does this work?
You can submit a prompt or fill a prompt.
You can submit a prompt by replying to THIS POST, or fill one yourself and publish it on AO3 or Squidgeworld.
Any Ships! Any medium! Any Rating! Any word count!
If you fill a prompt, you're encouraged to add them to our collection!
Do I need a Dreamwidht account?
No! You can reply anonymously! Just don't forget to leave your ao3 username if you want the fic gifted to you.
What kinds of work can participate?
Any type of work! Fanfiction, audiofic, fannart, meta... whatever you want to fill a prompt you love! Just make sure that it's tagged appropriately.
What ships can participate?
All gravity falls ships are welcome! This includes works that might make you uncomfortable, please keep an eye on the tags when browsing our works. And remember! Ship and Let Ship! Any discourse will be deleted.
Do I have to fill a prompt to submit a prompt?
Nope, submit as many prompts as you want, fill as many as you would like.
Can I fill my own prompt?
It's against the concept of the event, but anon comments are on, so theoretically I couldn't stop you.
Any other rules?
You should check our guidelines, but as a general rule: Be over 18, don't be a jerk, complete works by the end of the event, don't use AI.
This event was heavily inspired by @fourormore's own event, which is still running! You should check them out!
This event will run from October 1st to November 30th
Any other questions? Just send us an ask here!
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zhongrin · 2 years
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welp, all things come to an end... it's been fun *wipes tears dramatically*
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Saying No
Okay so a conversation in a discord server inspired me to make this.
You guys can say no to things. You do not always have to "Yes And" everything that comes to you.
Like. Usually when we talk about rping, we talk about saying yes and. continuing on the scene, not shutting interaction down. We're pretty lucky with how this rp stuff works where in character denying and saying no CAN work a lot better than in standard improv without fully stopping the scene and kinda shutting it down, but that's not what I'm talking about.
I've seen a lot of people who kinda. Accidentally start god modding or kinda burst their way into plotlines without asking and like. This is public rp! Anyone can join! But there is a certain degree where you gotta stop first and ask or just not say it.
But sometimes people do not think first and just do. Maybe sending a magic anon that solves all of your oc's problems. Maybe they have dimension hopping powers and are like "Don't worry! I've come to your reality and I can help you get away from your problems instantly!", maybe your character really wants a mega stone and you have plans to have a whole thing about them working to get this mega stone and learning to mega evolving their partner and then someone mystery gifts or pelipper mails the item to you immediatly.
You don't have to "Yes, and" that. You can just say "No, you didn't do that". You are allowed to say no when someone crosses your boundaries and is affecting your plot.
Is someone trying to involve you in their plot without asking? "That is not happening in my character's universe" Is someone trying to say they're just there at a crucial event with your character when they never asked? "Your character is not able to be there. Please delete that post".
Yes And only goes so far. There is a time and a place where you will need to say No, and that is just as important to RP as going with the flow! If someone's fucking with your plot, its your job to tell them to stop. People can get involved, sure, but sometimes people try and get way more involved than what you're comfortable and its okay to tell them to back off.
I've also seen people feel that stuff like Muse Mixup Madness or Pelipper Mail are mandatory things they HAVE to do? You don't! You don't need to do anything even if others are! So I guess this is your reminder that you can ignore pelipper mail and magic anons and just asks in general that you dont like! you can turn pelipper mail and magic anons off completely! you can ignore peoples replies to your posts if they fuck with what you have going on. you can tell people they did not do things that would fuck with your characters and story. you can just not do muse mixup madness when it rolls around. you can just not do follower special events. you don't have to participate in anything you dont want, and you dont have to allow people to do whatever even if it makes you uncomfortable.
Other people can do what they want, but you have a right to say no when they try to involve you.
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actual-changeling · 9 months
A small 'this is how you use tumblr' for the people that haven't been here very long. These are in no particular order, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask them!
Since I probably did not mention a lot of things, you are welcome to add to this post with your own advice.
a) Reblog posts. if you like it, reblog it. even if you have zero followers and ESPECIALLY if it's art or writing of any kind. We will see the reblog in our notifications and that alone brings joy. One reblog can start a chain and push the post onto many people's dashes.
b) Tumblr is not a very functional website, if you want to survive without losing your mind, there are two things you need: xkit rewritten and dashboard unfucker. Play around with the settings until it is to your liking. Additionally, change to firefox if you haven't already and install ublock origin to get rid of ads, tracking etc.
c) If you go to your settings (account! not blog) you can find this under dashboard at the bottom. Turn off at the very least 'best stuff first' since that will fuck up your dash and not give you posts in chronological order.
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The rest are a perfonal preference but it will keep your dash tidy and easy to control if you turn them off, too.
d) Apropos settings—get a profile picture, a header, write something human in your bio, anything. Otherwise people will assume you are a bot and block you on sight.
e) Blocking! Do it generously and whenever you want, this is how you keep whatever remains of your sanity. It's not a lethal offense, it is (usually) not even seen as rude or anything along those lines. You block people and they block you and everyone is happy.
f) Under account settings you will find this:
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Just like with blocking, use both options to your heart's content.
g) Tumblr is not like other social media platforms, spam liking & reblogging and going three years deep into someone's account is NORMAL and encouraged. You can search a blog by post type, tags, or even go to the archive and scroll through the posts there.
h) Lastly—interaction. We already went over reblogging (I mean it, REBLOG), but there are also replies and asks. If you add something to someone else's post please behave like a kind human being and don't be an asshole; based on my experience, that's easier said than done. On top of that, the tags are ALSO used for communication, go unhinged, ramble, leave your thoughts, or simply use them for organisational purposes. Everyone loves a good insane tag wall.
An open inbox (either anonymously or with your blog attached) is to be used! Please send people asks if they have them active, use it like DMs or a comment section, use it to recommend something, ask questions, participate in an ask or prompt game—we love asks here.
(We do not like harassment in our inboxes, same rules as above.)
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fanofthelamb · 12 days
Welcome back, everybody!
Yup! I am opening the kissing both again. Everyone give a very polite thank you for Mana for her help in this! I'd like to make this more of a general booth this time, though! No need to kiss him. You can even come in and beat him up if you'd like!
Also I am so sorry I buffed up Narinder on accident... Then on purpose. I can't not. Listen. My hands have a quota that only Narinder can reach. Cringe Comic Below! vvv
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The rules are the same as the last time, but for anyone knew or anything this is how to send in a submission for Nari's Kissing Booth!:
Be 18 years or older. This is an adults only blog!
No proshippers, please! This is for my own comfort.
You can Submit through the ask box, or, you can make a reply to this post! Before was ask box only, but I'd like to add the reply option for side blogs!
You MUST send a photo reference of your character! It doesn't need to be a lamb, or a canon character (ocs welcome!! PLEASE!!!) but I. need. References. PLEASE. orz
ANYONE is welcome to send a submission! Especially if you sent one in last time! I adore all of those who submitted last time.
Other than that, it's just a "I'll do the ones I'm comfortable with doing!" kind of thing! Feel free to send asks about the booth if you don't want to submit but still want to participate!
There is no current deadline! When I decide to put in a deadline, I'll announce it and you will be able to find it in my BIO! Take your time with submissions and please have fun!!
And for anyone curious on WHY I'm doing this: I'm just bored. Honestly. I've been thinking about it and seeing other people open their own reminded me of mine.
Vitas will have his own booth open eventually!! I'm opening Narinder's first to give people who'd like to submit to both some time in between so they don't feel rushed.
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upsidedownsmore · 8 months
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ENTRIES CLOSED, reblogs turned off, thank you everyone for entering and sharing your wonderful works!!
A compilation of every entry piece can be found here!
The winner is @mugbearerscorner and the information has been confirmed in DMs!!
Roll proof:
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A link to the full spreadsheet of entries can be found here!
I'm so so grateful to all the people who participated in this event!! I'm so happy with how well it turned out and I'm so so thankful to be able to host it!!! Love you all!! :) :) :)
* Provided by Digital Extremes! Info about the prime access here.
To enter, simply reblog with your art of ANY warframe giving a thumbs up!
Giveaway entries will close on FEBRUARY 10TH at 10:00pm CST
The post for the above drawing (with reference screenshot and wips) can be found here.
This is not a contest! The winner will be decided entirely randomly, image quality will have no effect on chances of winning! Make whatever you can in any medium you want! (This can also include 3D mediums! The only thing I'm not including is unedited game screenshots/captura, though edited might be okay). Everyone can draw regardless of how good you think your own skills are!
Please submit your own drawing(s)!! Only one is necessary but you can make more if you want of course! Do not use any AI generation tools for your entry.
When reblogging it might be a good idea to enter some text either in the post or in the tags! It turns out reblogs with just an image and nothing else might not show up under the original post, which means I might miss your submission!
Only one entry per person, you will not get more entries for additional reblogs and/or drawings.
The goal of this is for the community to have a fun little gallery of warframe thumb ups in the reblogs, but again don't stress over how "good" your drawing is! As long as you have fun and submit something vaguely in line with the prompt you're good! (such as a wave instead of a thumbs up or an operator instead of a warframe, etc. Up to you how closely you want to follow the prompt!)
You DO NOT need to engage with me in any other way (likes, follows, etc.) to enter, just a reblog with a drawing loosely following the prompt!
This giveaway will only run here on Tumblr due to issues with bots and impersonation on Twitter. The issue of course is that the only way to submit images under a single post on Tumblr is through reblogs, but please know that I do not intend this to be a means of promotion. If people could submit images in the replies I would gladly take that option! If this post gets taken down I will look into other giveaway options.
As this is my first giveaway as a Warframe creator please let me know if I've made any mistakes!
Here are some example drawings that would all work, but of course whatever you want to make shouldn't be limited to this!
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Inspired by @ritens, I will be assigning one unique number per individual and then throwing them into the random number generator on random.org. After the entries close and I roll the winner, I will update this post with the winner's name and a message saying that the giveaway is closed. Reblogs will also be turned off once the giveaway is closed, as I am only using reblogs as means of congregating drawing submissions under one post during the giveaway period.
Whoever's number get's chosen will be contacted via DMs here on Tumblr, so please make sure your DMs are open! I will be asking for your Warframe IGN and platform so DE can give send over your prize! If you have cross-save linked or merged then please tell me, though I will also be asking in DMs as well. If the winner doesn't respond within 48 hours or no longer wants the prime access pack, then I will roll a new winner with the same method but with the previous winner(s) number(s) taken out of the pool.
Topmost drawing without giveaway text:
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Anyways good luck and most importantly have fun!!
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comment-bingo · 1 month
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Murderbot Diaries Comment Bingo 🚀
About Page ☆ FAQ ☆ Announcements ☆ August 18 - September 18
Do you like reading fic or admiring fanart? Watched a fan video that shook you to your core? Perhaps you've been meaning to check some fanworks out but just haven't gotten around to it? MBD Comment Bingo 2024 might be RIGHT up your alley.
This is the "Murderbot Diaries 2.0" fan discord server's third annual Comment Bingo event. Everyone is welcome to participate! This event fosters community engagement and connection by sparking Murderbot fans to share their appreciation with our amazing creators!
Players grab a random bingo card which will prompt them to check out fanworks across a breadth of mediums, styles, and tropes, leaving behind comments as they go. From August 18th to September 18th, see how many of the squares you can fill out! Can you get bingo?
To find out how to play, click the read more!
How to Play
🎲 Selecting Your Bingo Sheet 🎲
There are 2 categories to pick from: General and Angst.
For general, use a random number generator to roll from 1-40
Go to the “General” bingo sheet folder, and select your sheet corresponding to the number you rolled.
If you want an angstier selection, roll numbers 1-14 and select from the “Angst” folder.
📝 Filling Out Your Bingo Sheet 📝
Each box on the bingo sheet is a prompt for either a type of work you should leave a comment on (i.e. "fic with <1000 words"), or a type of comment ("ask a question"). When you've completed the prompt, cross out the box.
One comment fulfills one box. So if you leave a comment asking a question on a “<1000 words” fic, this comment can count for either “ask a question” OR “<1000 words”, but not both.
A “comment” to fulfill a bingo box can be: A comment on AO3, a reblog or reply on tumblr, a comment on a YouTube video, etc.
🚂 Participating In The Hype Train 🚂
You are encouraged to make posts that share recs and fanworks as you work on your bingo sheet. If you get a “bingo” (5 boxes on the bingo sheet in a row) or “blackout” (all the boxes filled), you can make a post showing us! If you @ this blog on your post, we’ll reblog the evidence of your coolness. We’d also love to see the titles or links to the fics and fanworks you commented on!
Please feel free to comment on/share posts about this event, and help your friends hunt down or discover fanworks they might like. The event tag is #comment bingo, so go nuts!
🏆 Prizes 🏆
The real prize? THE HONOUR AND THE GLORY 💪
Nobody will be checking your comments for this game — you will self-report your win(s).
If you get a “bingo” (5 boxes on the bingo sheet in a row: either horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) before the end of the event on September 18th, you can claim a prize: send an ask to this blog announcing your bingo, or @ us on a tumblr post showing us your bingo sheet, and ask for the bingo prize. We will add your username to a “Hall of Fame” post at the end of this event, listed as a “bingo” winner.
If you get a blackout (all the boxes on the bingo sheet filled) before the end of the event on September 18th, send us an ask or @ us in a post asking for a blackout prize, and you will be listed as a “blackout” winner on the “Hall of Fame” post.
Go forth and bingo!
*If you're curious about the Murderbot Diaries 2.0 fan discord server check out our FAQ and scroll to the bottom to find info about the server and how to get an invite.
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tfp-is-prime · 3 months
🔊 Calendar and Prime Day Event!
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Behold! More episodes for your summer festivities! Grab a cube of Energon, kick back in root mode, and enjoy the show. 😎 ~
S1E18: “Metal Attraction,” Tuesday, July 9, 2024
S1E19: “Rock Bottom,” Tuesday, July 16, 2024 S1E20: "Partners," Tuesday, July 23, 2024
(Next Episode: September 2024) Each episode will “go live” at 12:30pm PT / 1:30pm MT / 2:30pm CT / 3:30pm ET. DECEPTICONS, ATTACK! There will be a short hiatus between July 23rd and September 10th, but as always, this blog will still be active!
In other news, July 16-17 this year happens to be conveniently dubbed ✨"Prime Day"✨ by a certain corporation. We are not affiliated with them in any way...but we do love the idea of having an unofficial holiday to celebrate TFP and Optimus Prime! So, we looked at the day, and transformed it 😉
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Here's our lowkey event:
If you draw artwork, compose a moodboard, or edit a meme of Optimus Prime, we will select a random entry and pin that to the top of our blog through the hiatus!
RULES (any entries that do not correspond to the following rules will not be considered for the random drawing):
- Art / moodboard / meme must be SFW and Optimus-centric - AI generations are not valid for entry - Photography counts as art! If you have an Optimus toy / figure / plushie you want to show off with a fun background, now's the moment you've been waiting for. (Just make sure you don't doxx yourself in any way through your photos. Thanks!) - Any iteration of Optimus Prime is welcome! (It does not have to be TFP, but if you go with TFP and your creation isn't chosen to be pinned, there will be a chance your art might find our Friday Spotlight later!) - Remember that TFP-is-Prime is "real-time spoiler-free" for new viewers who are just finding the show now! That means that if your work includes aspects from episodes not yet on the blog, we won't be able to reblog it until that episode "releases" during the rerun. Please keep that in mind! (You can reference "Metal Attraction," "Rock Bottom," and "Partners," however, since those episodes will all be out before the Prime Day entry is pinned.) - If you want to draw an epic battle shot, keep the energon spill / robogore / etc. no crazier than canon-typical TFP violence.
- There is no "your art must be this good to pass" rule; just make it if you want to! Transformers are hard to draw but give it your best! All skill levels are welcome. - Tag your creation with #tfprimeday2024 so we can find your post! Only Tumblr entries will be considered (for reblogging purposes) but you're welcome to post what you make to other platforms! - Post your work during July 16-17! After the 17th, the event closes (so that we have time to draw a random number from all the entries before the hiatus). - We'll shoot you a ✅ in the replies once we see your post to let you know you've entered the drawing! (If for some reason we miss it and you don't see a ✅ by the 22nd, then you can @ this blog in the replies.) ~
Depending on how many entries we see during the two days, it might take some time for us to compile all of them for random selection. Thanks for your patience! If it so happens that a crazy number of participants swoops in, we might also split the entries into categories (drawings / moodboards / memes / etc.) and select one from each, granting each one time to shine on this blog. We're not sure how many people will participate, so stay tuned as we play by ear.
Again, this is a very lowkey event. Many fandom events occur in July, so we understand if this is a bit last minute. However, if this sounds like fun, and you wanna go for it, we'd love to see what you all make in celebration of (Optimus) Prime Day! Feel free to send us asks if you have any questions not answered here!
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viviennevermillion · 2 years
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Spending Valentine's Day with him
notes: i just noticed i haven't written anything for cater yet except for my dystopian au. also if you guys like my writing, comments in the tags or anon asks are appreciated! feedback motivates me to write more!
contains: character x gn!reader, established relationship in some but not all
characters included: cater diamond, leona kingscholar, jade leech, malleus draconia
warnings: mention of gruesome death in jade's part (this is about a mushroom he grew and talks about), accidental marriage proposal
dark content creators and consumers dni
Cater, of course, is more than familiar with Valentine's Day. He's always up to date with the latest trends and on this day, Valentine's Day is trending on Magicam. Every year, Cater participates in this holiday even though he didn't have a crush on anyone for the past few years. He at least always posts some themed photos and sends chocolates to his friends. Sometimes he also does little events on his Magicam page where he prompts people to ask him Valentine's Day related questions or post their own stories they've had with this day and he'll comment on it.
But this year was different.
Having fallen for you quite a few months ago, Valentine's Day was the perfect opportunity to finally ask you out on a date. Cater knew so too but Trey was the one who had to convince him. "You're always so flirty with them, why don't you ask them out already?", Trey smiled and shook his head in confusion. "Well, that's different...", Cater replied awkwardly and rubbed the back of his head. "How exactly is that different?", Trey chuckled and proceeded making a Valentine's Day cake for the Heartslabyul dorm.
Indeed, Cater had flirted with you quite a few times but given his usual demeanor, there was no reason for you to suspect this wasn't just what he was like in general.
Cater eventually asks you out with a box of chocolate from Sam's store. He's happy when you say yes and the two of you agree to go to the cinema together.
Cater buys the two of you colorful drinks and a box of nachos. He takes a picture of the food and asks you if you'd like to take a photo with him as well, which he'd post on Magicam with the caption "Spending today with my valentine ❤️ #cinemadate #valentinesday #nightravencollege ❤️" if you let him. He'd tag you in the picture as well. Cater loves to take pictures but there's a couple of them that's just you two laughing together and having fun and he decides that even though they'd probably get a lot of likes, they're special to him and he just keeps them on his phone to remember this day with you fondly.
He originally intends to take you to a romance movie and bought tickets for it....but life had other plans for you.
"This uh....this doesn't look like the movie we asked to watch", Cater sunk back into the seat and had to be careful not to drop his 3D glasses when the horrifying forest creature from the screen seemed to charge directly at him. You fished the movie tickets out of your pockets. "Uh yeah I think the employee mixed something up...we have tickets for something called 'The Unspeakable Horrors'", you explained before looking back at the screen. "Oh god I don't like or subscribe to this", Cater lets out a slightly distressed sigh. He wondered whether it was too late to watch the other movie and get the actual tickets he wanted but you taking his hand in yours when he seemed scared changed his mind. Maybe watching the unspeakable horrors was indeed a way to get closer to you.
"I'm going to have vivid nightmares of this for days to come", Cater chuckled awkwardly as the two of you left the cinema, still holding hands. "Maybe I can help with that", you chuckled and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek.
Cater asks you to be his significant other after your date. He explains how he had a crush on you for a while now and how all the attempts he had made at flirting with you were actually genuine. "Oh yeah I knew", you smirked and pulled him into a hug, "and yes... I'd love to be your valentine every day from now on."
"How about we finish this date with a kiss?", he suggests, nervousness now having left his voice. You nod and he cups your cheek and presses several soft kisses to your lips; the horrors from the movie already forgotten.
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If Leona didn't have have a deep-rooted distaste for a lot of celebrations his older brother hosted in his homeland, Valentine's Day would be right up there on the list of Leona's least favorite holidays. He really doesn't like anything cheesy and seeing people being all lovey-dovey gets on his nerves. For Leona, it's pointless to dedicate an entire holiday to appreciating your lover when you could just be doing that whenever.
You enter Leona's room on Valentine's Day, finding your boyfriend sleeping in bed. You smile and sit down beside him, gently rubbing his ears and watching him instinctively snuggle close to your lap and his tail swishing back and forth. "Pspspspsps Leona", you whisper and poke his cheek.
His eyes open slowly and he looks at your face with a confused expression before stretching his limbs like a cat and sitting up. "Why'd you wake me up, herbivore?", he asks calmly and rests against your shoulder. To anyone else he would have said this with an annoyed tone and a frustrated facial expression but with you his tone was gentle and like he was actually interested in the answer.
"I got you something", you say and pull out a small yellow box from your bag, tied neatly with a black ribbon. "Did you get me one of those Valentine's chocolates Sam sells around this time of year?", he asks as he takes the box from you. "Well, not really. I know you don't really like Valentine's Day so I got you this instead", you explain and Leona lifted the cover of the box, instantly snorting and letting out a laugh. Instead of chocolate hearts there were pumpkin-shaped chicken nuggets in the box and the inside of the cover was decorated with a sparkling, cursive "Happy Halloween!" surrounded by stickers of ghosts and bats. The little greeting card that came with it had a distorted "Congratulation!" written on it that started in the middle of the card and the letters became more and more squeezed the closer the writing got to the edge, to make sure that the whole word still fit on it.
Leona was wheezing and patted your head. "Okay that's funny, you got me", he chuckled and plopped one of the nuggets into his mouth, pleased that you had given him meat instead and attempted to make him laugh rather than trying to feed into convention and giving him a red box of Valentine's chocolates.
He ate all of the nuggets in the box and then put it aside, pulling you into his arms and laying down in bed with you. He mumbled a "thank you" and buried his face in your shoulder. You started gently caressing his ears and kissed his forehead.
Leona would just hold you in his arms for a while and maybe spend the day in bed cuddling with you or playing chess with you.
If Valentine's Day is important to you, Leona would adapt and actually try to celebrate it with you. But in general, as your relationship grows, Leona learns of all the things you like and dislike and he takes you out on dates once in a while when he feels like you'd appreciate it. Whether that's Valentine's Day or just any other day. After all, who would he be if he didn't put in any effort after you were the one to put him first?
He definitely keeps your affectionate gestures in mind and who knows? He might take you out a couple days later to have a nice walk on the beach and have a picnic there as the sun sets.
Jade is relatively new to Valentine's Day as it's not a holiday that exists under the sea. They have a similar holiday that's dedicated to celebrating the union of the mermaid princess and her human lover but it's not quite the same as Valentine's Day on land.
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"What a curious custom", Jade thought at first when he heard about it during his first year. Ever since the twins and Azul knew about it, they've been using the opportunity to sell overpriced Valentine's gifts and specials at Mostro Lounge.
Ever since he started dating you, Jade has wondered whether he'd be celebrating Valentine's Day with you this year. He gets you some rare flowers he grew himself (actually making sure none of them are poisonous) and if he feels like you'd like it, he'll make you a terrarium like the ones he has. He puts a bunch of plants and small sea animals in there that he collected himself while scavenging the ocean around Sage's Isle. He makes sure to include everything he thinks you might like. He promised you to take you to the Coral Sea and show you his home one day but for now the opportunity hasn't arisen yet so he wants to show that you're part of his world by giving you a part of his.
He puts psathyrella aquatica in your terrarium which is the first and only known underwater mushroom.
Jade shows you how to take care of the terrarium and sometimes the both of you take care of it together.
For Valentine's Day, Jade takes a free day from work and reserves a table at Mostro Lounge for you and himself. He gets the special Valentine's Day mocktails and dishes for half the price so you're in luck. "It took you this long to prepare it?", Jade teases his twin brother as Floyd brings you your meals. Floyd glares at his brother angrily and then turns to you. "Jade used to be scared shitless of the sun when he was a kid. He thought it was gonna fall out of the sky and kill him", Floyd snickered, now being the one to earn a glare from his brother. You laugh at the mental image of a small Jade being scared to swim to the surface of the ocean because the sun was there. "We'll sort this out later, Floyd", Jade replies with a bright smile on his face. The shady, threatening kind.
"For the record, Floyd was the one who told me that the sun was going to fall out of the sky and kill me", Jade explained and sighed, "he kept that prank up for 2 whole years." You chuckle. "Somehow that makes it even funnier", you took his hand on the table and held it in your own, "did you think you were safe underwater?" Jade nodded. "I thought it was just going to go out when it falls into the water", he chuckled, "looking back on it, it was quite curious what we'd come up with to explain what was above the surface and on land before we started going to school and learnt the real facts."
He makes sure to inquire whether you enjoyed your meal or not and gives Azul his feedback. He wraps an arm around your shoulder as he walks out of the restaurant with you.
He later takes you to the greenhouse after all classes have ended for the day and no one was in there anymore. "I have to show you something", he explains and leads you to the window where several plants were standing, "this is an entirely new mushroom species I've created. It's very fascinating. I named it after you." You look at the mushrooms that were moving slightly in a way that looked almost threatening. "Let me guess, they're poisonous?", you ask and lean against Jade. "Probably the most poisonous ones we have on this entire island. Actually they'd make your organs explode within a couple of hours of eating them." He said that with such a joyful smile on his face that it was almost unsettling. But don't worry, Jade naming the creepy mushrooms after you is a sign of his love for you.
You're like "is this even allowed?" and Jade is like "that depends on how you interpret the rules :) "
Valentine's Day with Jade ends with some comforting cuddles in his room and few sharing chocolates after stopping by at Sam's shop and buying some.
Malleus is completely unaware of Valentine's Day. Straight up didn't know what it is.
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You've liked him for a while but you were quite unsure whether the two of you could even work out because he's the crown prince of a whole country and meant to be king one day and you're a commoner. Nevertheless, you hoped he would become aware of your feelings for him and give you the answers you needed. You considered just telling him and talking to him about this but you didn't know how appropriate it was to just confess your love to Briar Valley's heir apparent and you were also worried it might make your friendship awkward.
So you decide to take your chances on Valentine's Day. If he rejected the idea of being involved with you romantically, you could always say you gave him flowers and chocolate because he's a great friend.
You get him a personalized bouquet with flowers you associate with him and a box of Valentine's chocolates. He doesn't get why you're giving him gifts and he's just like "thank you, my dear friend :) "
He's really happy about it but he only learns about the intention behind the gifts when Lilia educates him later. "Valentine's Day is a celebration in human society that is dedicated to appreciating the one you love", he explains. "Oh...like a best friend?", Malleus smiles. Lilia sighs. "Uh...sometimes...but I think y/n wanted to express that they're in love with you", he puts Malleus out of his misery. Cue the surprised Malleus face™.
Malleus is so unfamiliar with romantic relationships that he doesn't notice he has a crush on someone until someone else makes him aware of it, in this case Lilia.
So Malleus, with his newfound clarity about his feelings for you, decides to make the best out of the rest of Valentine's Day and get you some gifts in return to attempt to court you. Lilia recommends that he stops by the Mystery Shop, since Sam is selling a lot of typical Valentine's gifts today. So Malleus heeds the older fae's advice and buys 3 bouquets of red roses, which Lilia told him are the ones most associated with romantic love, along with a box of chocolates for you too.
There's also a stand in Sam's shop with a bunch of silver rings in ring boxes. The picture above it shows a man going down on one knee and presenting the ring to his significant other. The caption on it says "Give your loved one the ultimate proof of your love". And Malleus finds one with a subtle dragon-themed design and he's like :)
So he goes to you after classes and presents you with the bouquets and the chocolate first. "Y/n....perhaps it took me some time to realize, but I love you. Would you allow me to court you?", Malleus asks. The three bouquets are a bit much but he's got the spirit. You accept and put the bouquets aside for a moment, pulling him into a hug.
Then he pulls out the ring and gets down on one knee in front of you, presenting it to you. You're shocked for a moment, not knowing how to even process what is happening. Three students walk by and stare at the two of you in bewilderment as you frantically try to gesture to them "this is not what it looks like".
You guide Malleus to stand up again and take his hand in yours, squeezing it gently. "I love you, Malleus. But we've only started dating a couple of minutes ago...I can't possibly agree to marry you yet...", you explain softly. Malleus is like "wait what?"
He explains to you how the rings were advertised in the shop and you laugh, putting one on your finger and the other one on his. "Well, an accidental proposal was not on my list of things I expected to happen today, but I will never forget about this", you snicker and Malleus laughs along with you, glad you're taking his awkward mistake with humor, "let's take these rings as a promise of our love for now. We'll worry about the future when we get there."
You gently cup his cheek. "May I kiss you?", you ask and Malleus nods, leaning close until his lips meet yours in a soft and loving kiss. He holds you gently in his arms and looks into your eyes with a happy smile. "I love you, my dearest. Next year you should show me all about celebrating Valentine's Day."
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
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Unburied!Riddler x Fem!Reader, word count: 6k commission: eddie is made for cuckoldery, particularly when he gets to stroke his ego as the bull. and reader is lucky enough to have captured his attention on the kink forum to provide his services 💚 commission me here! request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: cuckoldery, videotaping sex, plus size reader, lil bit of humiliation and degradation, penetrative sex
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There were plenty of hotels in Gotham that asked no questions and gave no answers when any authority came questioning. As long as the money was paid upfront, cash only, then you could do almost anything you wanted to within reason. The one you had chosen for your arranged dalliance was no exception, though it was one of the cleaner and more reputable ones. Worth it, however, for that semblance of safety and comfort for what was potentially a one-off experience. A trial. A taster. An adventurous step into uncharted territory. And it was going to be awkward, even just initially, so why not treat yourself. A strange encounter in a classy environment. 
Thinking about it, it felt almost like a dream. It was strange to know that you had been conversing with Edward Nygma, renowned and widely disliked criminal, for weeks now. Arranging this meet-up, contacting him through the burner email account you used for registering on the fetish forum. Secretly, you had hoped it wasn’t actually him on the other side of the screen. But as you made your way down from the room you had booked, you could see him in the lobby. Unmistakeable. Standing out, but fitting in seamlessly. Free of Arkham yet again, and fulfilling requests to participate in organised cuckoldery with strangers. 
It was an awkward greeting. He smiled knowingly, all too smug for your comfort, but something in the way he carried himself with what you felt was, despite his notoriety, an undeserved level of confidence struck a chord within you, a chime that resonated through your chest and sent vibrations over your skin. But despite him feeling secure and smug, confident in himself and his reputation, he still politely introduced himself which put you at ease a little. And the way he gestured towards the elevators to the rooms took away the nerves that wrestled in your stomach as you had been wondering how you were going to proceed with the events to come. 
“Shall we then? I’m a busy man, believe it or not.”
The elevator ride was quiet, a brief moment of small talk as Eddie asked how you were. You could only muster an awkward smile in response, thankfully saved from what was going to be a relatively snippy retort by the ding of the antiquated elevator reaching your floor. With an air of confidence, only somewhat forced, you led him down the hallway, smiling as you pressed the key card against the lock. 
You opened the door to the empty room and ushered him inside, gesturing to the space with an awkward grin before watching him enter and look around. He nodded as he took it in with a haughty air before pressing his fingers together and taking in a deep inhale. Irritated by what you perceived to be judgement, you pursed your lips together and took a breath before you spoke. 
“What? Got a problem?”
Folding your arms, you raised an eyebrow expectantly, waiting on his response. He turned to you, his eyes slowly shifting from your feet to your head, training his gaze on yours as he smirked. 
“It’s better than Arkham.”
With a slight laugh, you replied.
“I’m glad you think so.”
“That isn’t as great a compliment as you’re welcome to pretend it is.”
You rolled your eyes, but still smiled. His sense of humour, though you wouldn’t admit it to him, was delightful. Something you had always admired in partners, or people in general. Sharp wit, taunting, but in a way that excited you. You’d noted it in the interviews you’d read with him, remembered it from your email correspondence, and in person it had an even stronger effect. 
Ed definitely excited you. You had seen the images of him with barbara Gordon, old coverage of his previous arrests, snapped pictures of him by Gotham’s warped paparazzi. Always messy hair, a sweatshirt, his arkham jumpsuit. And while there had always been something about him that caught your eyes, you were faced with a far more obvious attraction as he stood before you. 
His dark hair was slicked back into a tidy, classic style. Every so often, he would reach his long fingers, well-manicured nails now, to the flat, neat lapels of the deep green suit jacket. His clean shaven skin was smooth, impossibly clear, and the sweet shade of brown seemed to have an almost golden hue to it, though you imagined the sparkle was due to the fog of attraction. Freedom suited him, and it suited your tastes. Especially as you noticed the slightest hint of ageing which had begun to show on the corners of his mouth and around his eyes. 
“So… are you wearing this? Do I get to undress you from your street clothes? Add an element of narrative to this little roleplay?”
Eddie’s voice had interrupted your thoughts so unexpectedly that you began giggling, unable to help yourself in the face of his charisma, the smug smile that creased into his cheeks, tittering like a school girl at the way his deep brown eyes seemed to hold you, magnetised and focused. 
“I’m actually going to go get changed into something a lot more attractive and a lot less comfortable. You can make yourself comfy in here, if you need to. I won’t be long.”
“Oh, please, by all means take your time. If it’s for my benefit, I’d rather you looked your best.”
Another eye roll as you made your way into the bathroom, turning quickly to hide the blush that had begun to heat your cheeks. And once in the bathroom, you took a moment first to catch your breath and calm yourself. You weren’t usually a nervous person, but something about him made your heart beat a lot faster than usual. Unsurprising, really, when you thought about it. It was Edward Nygma after all. A criminal. A handsome criminal. A handsome criminal who, without much doubt, was going to fuck you. He’d looked at your pictures, read your rules and stipulations and what you wanted from him, and had decided that he was happy to oblige. He wanted you.Or at least, he wanted to please you, which was just as good in your books. But the way his eyes lingered…
The notion of being desired by him made your chest shudder, a refreshed confidence that spurred you on as you quickly changed out of the sweatshirt and skirt you had on and into the lingerie that your partner had picked out. Something they knew you would look good in, and which would look good being taken off of you by Edward.
Leaning against the bathroom door, you rapped with your knuckles and spoke out to Ed. 
“Are you ready in there?”
“”Uh, yes. I’m a genius, remember? I’m capable of unlacing my own shoes in record time without any help, believe it or not.”
Rolling your eyes once more, and biting your lip to curtail the spread of the grin that rose on the corners of your mouth, you left the bathroom and offered Edward a smug smile of your own, knowing you looked exceptional. 
He sat on the edge of the bed, his shoes and tie off, suit jacket folded neatly on the back of the desk chair. The sleeves of his clean, white shirt were rolled up, showcasing his arms which were slim, toned, and covered in thick, dark hair. His eyes rolled over you, up and down, slowly, lingering, learning, as he took in the outfit you had changed into with a dark smile. 
Standing, your back leaning against the dresser, you folded your arms and watched as Edward managed to drag his eyes away from you and began studying the room again. The silence was uncomfortable for only a moment, but you had prepared yourself for that. This felt like a game of chicken though. Tense. Who would break first? It definitely wasn’t going to be you. You had known Edward for such a short time, but you were certain you couldn’t give him any win, no matter how small. And as Ed opened his mouth to sigh, you celebrated this minute win. 
“So what? They’re being cuckolded in spirit? Didn’t want to come watch the professional in person?”
Typically, yes, being cuckolded would involve you being in the room to watch as your partner was satisfied by another party, but you and your partner had come to a different decision.
“I think it was enough to know that it was happening.”
Eddie walked around the side of the bed, an inquisitive and exaggerated frown on his face. 
“So, I suppose we don’t need to do anything at all. For all they know, I rocked your world. Which I would. But if they’re not here to witness it, then I can claim this time back and go and have a coffee. It’s the simple pleasures, y’know, when you get your freedom back.”
Raising an eyebrow, suspicion clouding every other thought in your mind, you questioned him in a somewhat sharp tone.
“You don’t want to go through with this?”
Eddie raised his hands defensively, shaking his head with a slight smile.
“Of course I do! Humiliation, ownership, rule breaking, taboos, viciously lewd sex. All of that is well within my wheelhouse.”
“But you want to as well. I can tell. Far more than just a quick dive into kink. And while I do think, no, know, it would be fun, I’m willing to risk it for something I would find even more delicious.”
You folded your arms in front of you, eyes narrowing as you tried to figure out what his game was. 
“And what might that be?”
He lowered his head, looking up at you from his furrowed eyebrows, mischievous smile changing the way he said the words. 
“I would like you to beg for it. Either you beg me, or I walk away. You can still them that we did this, pretend that you lived out your little cuckold fantasy. But if you want to really experience the good stuff…”
Ed’s hands flourished in front of his crotch, a gesture that made you grimace, but sent a tingle down your spine and left a heat in the pit of your stomach.
“... then I want you to look desperate.”
You scoffed incredulously, refusing to give in quickly despite being particularly inspired by this request. With a derisive hand motion you waved off his proposal, pretending it was ridiculous and completely out of the question. 
“We both benefit from this, Nygma. You think you’re any different from any other person who might have answered the call for a one-time bull to play out this experiment in kink?”
Taking a step towards you, Eddie leaned in, his nose almost touching yours, his hot breath on your lips and cheeks as he spoke. 
“I don’t think anything, I know I’m different. And so do you.”
You inched closer to him, noses pressed together now, unafraid of stepping to him in whatever kind of game this was. The tension, the adrenaline, the arousal, it was all more than you could have even imagined. 
“Oh yeah?”
Ed pressed forward even further, your noses squished together, chests almost touching as you both took deep breaths in and out. 
“Obviously, I’m the greatest and smartest man alive, duh.” 
“Smartest, huh?”
As he nodded, you let your body fall back ever so slightly, your lips pouting forwards as you whispered your winning statement.
“Not smart enough to notice the camera on the dresser though.”
As you pulled back, you smacked your palm on his cheek twice in succession, soft enough that he still stood, blank stare, the gears in his big brain turning to find a suitable retort. But he couldn’t find one. He knew he had to say something, but there was a burning excitement in his chest. Heartburn? He thought it could be. There was a faint sensation of bile churning in his throat. But it felt good. To be challenged. Someone who was going to put up a fight against his demands, against his sarcasm. Wit versus wit. You were someone he could genuinely have fun with. So, at the risk of sounding stupid, but knowing he had to have some give if he waned to keep you on side, he said the only thing he could think of. 
“I see. You’re recording this.”
Looking over your shoulder, you winked at him.
“Treasured memories. I only… perform… for one person at a time. Having someone, even them, watching me while I do my thing… the idea of it made me feel nervous.”
Eyes widening, Edward looked you up and down, taking in the vintage lingerie you wore under the sheer robe you had changed into in the bathroom, an outfit he had to admit had been clouding his mind and rendering his IQ in half since he’d first seen it. 
“You don’t strike me as the shy type.”
“I didn’t say I was shy. I said I was nervous.”
Parrying on the nerve he had clearly hit, Ed took another step closer to where you stood by the dresser. 
“What are you nervous about then? Worried you might be able to perform to my standards?”
You stifled a laugh which turned into a choked snort. Ed’s eyebrows narrowed as an irritated, but falsified, frown formed. 
“No, I’m worried this might be a waste of time. I’m beginning to think I should have been far more shrewd in choosing a potential participant. That I shouldn’t have let my partner jump at the chance for, and I emphasise that this is their words and not mine, ‘a celebrity’ involved in our sex life.”
“A celebrity, hm?”
Eyes rolling dangerously to the back of your head, you sighed and returned to the bed, untucking the tightly made sheets and setting out the lube you had brought for the occasion. You ignored his question until you were walking away back towards the dresser. 
“In name only, Nygma. In name only.”
The warmth in your smile was obvious, unable to be hidden as you enjoyed the back and forth. Strangely enough, he put you at ease, like you had known him your whole life. He picked up on the banter, the tone, never offended and never offending. Not truly anyway. 
Without breaking eye contact, you reached for the camera on the dresser. It was borrowed from a friend, loaded with your own memory card. Better to have these things separate from something like a phone or a laptop. Your private life, and Ed’s, you supposed, were worth protecting in any way you could. You looked up to him once through your eyelashes, a silent question asked as your fingers hovered over the buttons on the camera, one which he responded to with a slow nod. 
“I won’t beg, Mr Nygma, bu-”
“Ed. Eddie. Edward. Anything but Mr Nygma. I think formalities need to be set aside for an occasion such as this.”
Ignoring the urge to chastise him for interrupting, you continued.”
“I won’t bed, Ed. But I will say… I do want this. And while I’m still undecided on whether the choice of candidate was a mistake or not, I can hardly hide the fact that there’s an element of excitement that comes with you. One I’m keen to experience fully.”
To your surprise, Ed only nodded, self-admiration written over his face as he nodded in agreement. Not wanting to give him any more satisfaction from that little admittance of the truth, you turned away from him, bending in front of the dresser. You angled the camera as best as you could towards the bed. A high definition reflection on the side screen showed you the view, almost perfect, the bed behind you where Ed sat still, silently, and not so covertly admiring your rear in the position you were in. 
“Enjoying the view?”
“It would be rather pointless me being here if I didn’t, don’t you think?”
Quick, sharp. You were going to have to keep up with him, unless you wanted him to ever think he had the upper hand. 
“I don’t know, Mr Ny-... Ed… I do wonder how many prospects you have given your reputation.”
Ed laughed, leaning back on the bed, nimble fingers undoing another button on his shirt as he made himself more comfortable. 
“And you? Like what you see?”
It had been so quick, the nervous glance to the side, to where the camera sat just behind you. All three of the parties were consenting, but you weren’t sure how into it you should be. Jealousy might make a fire, but it was one that could potentially burn out of control. Sensing the question, understanding it before you had even really asked it to yourself, Ed offered what was conceivably a solution.
“Of course you do. Who wouldn’t? Look at me, I’m adorable.”
When you brought your eyes to him, you could see that he was looking directly into the lens of the camera. He was putting on a show. That made it just a little bit easier for you to play along with, calming your nerves, giving you some direction. And while words still weren;t coming to you, Ed was happy to continue the delivery of his own lines in this role which suited him so well. 
“You can say it. In fact, I might make you. Because, after all, what was even the point in letting me have you if you weren’t going to be a good little slut for us both and enjoy yourself?”
With wide eyes you swallowed the collecting drool as he looked at you, staring intensely as he spoke his next words, no longer focused on the audience, but giving his full attention to you. 
“Or is that question a little too hard? Too difficult for you? You can take it with you as homework then. Oooh, Professor Nygma… I like the sound of that… Do you think they let ex-cons teach night classes?”
You looked to him, smirking at the suggestion that he’d place himself in such a reserved position on the academic ladder. Returning your stare, he rolled his eyes and scoffed. 
“Oh, come on. I’m egomaniacal, yes, but I am a genius. I’d have to be pretty stupid to think I’m going to be the fucking department head with tenure. Not with my rap sheet… Babs might vouch for me though…”
He caught your eye, realising he had trailed off of the important events of the day.
“... maybe roleplay isn’t the way to go, I tend to get distracted with the details… Anyway!”
Eddie clasped his hands together, folding all but his two pointer fingers together and pointing them both, hands clasped behind him, straight at you. 
“Shall we begin?”
“An odd way to propose sex.”
Striking his cheek with his palm in a look of faux shock, Eddie gasped.
“Oh! I’m so sorry, how formal of me. Just trying to play the part here, y’know? What would you rather I said? Hop on the bed so I cna fuck you good and hard? Or something in between? You know, if we postpone actually having sex a little while longer, we could really labour over this and come to the correct answer if you want?”
Before either of you were really aware of it, the heel of your hands were pressed into his collarbones, fingers clutching his shoulders as you pushed him down flat onto the mattress, settling yourself on top of him, thighs straddling his waist. 
“Ah, now this is more like it! I enjoy a ‘take charge’ lover.”
But as the words came out of his mouth, you found yourself losing balance, his arms surprisingly strong for all that he was slender and toned, and he had you pinned down on your back in no time. Each of his hands curled around your wrists, holding your own arms above your head. He marvelled at you for a moment, allowing himself to indulge in the vision before him. Breasts spilling over the top of your lingerie, your hair in loose curls spread over the bedsheets like a halo. Your cheeks flushed as his dominance sunk in.
The way he looked down at you. Condescending, controlling, authoritative. Irritatingly sexy. It made you forget who you were and what you were doing. So much so that you had stopped pushing your wrists out against him, instead almost admitting defeat in your lovestruck stupor. 
“I hadn’t thought of you as someone who would give up so easily. I imagined you’d have a little fight in you.”
“Are you saying… you’d rather I was difficult to control?” 
He mulled this over, looking to the ceiling as if it held the answer, before his eyes shot back down to catch your gaze.
“No. Not at all. But I do enjoy a challenge. It’s far more… stimulating for me.”
With a gleeful giggle, you tried to struggle against him, wishing you had your hands free to hide your blush. You teased him, sticking your tongue out before you spoke.
“I know what we’re here for, but I’m not about to take orders from you.”
“Now that is exactly the kind of bratty attitude I was hoping for. If you keep that up, I’ll have no complaints to make.”
“Oh what? Are you going to give me a bad review otherwise?”
“We’ll see.”
He let go of your arms, his body still above you as he knelt on the bed, back straight, your hips closed in by his thighs. With his now free hands, he unbuckled his belt, slowly pulling the leather strap through the loops of his pants and tightening it around his knuckles. This display, the dominance, Ed could feel it soothing him, his chest swelling with pride at his ability to command anyone, or anything. Beneath the fabric of his pants he felt his cock, now semi-erect, twitching in response to the pleasure he received from the way you bit your lip, anticipating his next move. 
“Roll over and push your ass out.”
He was suddenly at your level, catching you as mid-roll and pressing his lips to the shell of your ear.
“You're mouthy, and yet you do exactly as you’re told. What a little conundrum you’re turning out to be. Does your partner take this kind of attitude from you? What am I saying, of course they do. A pathetic cuck? I’m surprised this was even partly their idea.”
You stayed silent, wriggling around onto your stomach and pressing your hips up and out towards Edward. It was a desperate display, but you felt like he was due some leeway. Besides, as much as you enjoyed being a nuisance, you wanted this just as much as he seemed to, so a little bit of giving in meant you could reassure him that you were still very much interested. 
He didn’t seem deterred, though, as you felt a soft thud against the base of your spine, a warmth on the skin as Ed lay his fully erect cock against you. His hips rolled softly, allowing himself the pleasure of friction as he spoke, almost in a whisper, but loud enough that he knew the camera would pick it up.
“So, how do I compare then? And there is a correct answer, so that better be the one you give me. And be sure to speak up, we wouldn’t want to miss any juicy gossip for the record.”
And then, quiet enough that only you would hear, his lips so close to your ear that his lips would be covered from the lens.
“Make sure to play it up for the camera. I want them to be seething at home.”
Trying to suppress your giddy glee, you kept your face away from the view of the lens, hiding the grin and the blush as you spoke. It wasn’t the best quality acting you could do, but you were flustered, nervous, and excited. 
“I hate to give you the ego boost, since you definitely don’t need it… but credit where credit is due, you do feel far more impressive, Eddie.”
“Mmm, it does feel good to hear someone else say it.”
Ed grabbed your hips, pressing his cock between your soft, plush ass cheeks. With what sounded almost like a trembling whimper, he slid it up and down, masturbating himself with your flesh, letting his fingers dig deep into your love handles as he held you in place, fingernails making impressions in your skin that you hoped would last long enough for you to admire them later, alone.
You nodded, biting your lip to hold back the guttural groan of ‘yes’ that longed to come out. But nodding wasn’t enough for Ed, evident by the way he reached for your cheek, hand caressing it gently, holding you firmly in place. 
“I asked you a question. It would be impolite not to answer it. Unless of course, you don’t have an answer… but I don’t expect that you’re truly that stupid, despite knowing that my assumptions are never incorrect.
Nodding again, you made sure to utter a clear answer alongside the motion.
“Yes, I’m ready for you.”
His hand slipped away, thumb grazing over your lip as he went, and he busied himself with the lube by the side of the bed. 
“I would have expected a please, or a more excited tone. But I think I know you well enough now.”
With his cock coated in lube, he pressed the tip against your lips, sliding himself in easily, but carefully. The way he filled you up, pushing past your natural instinct to clench around him, made your mouth open in a silent gasp. Without realising it, you arched your back to give him a better angle, pushed your hips into him to help him enter you further. 
“Patience, dear. Good things come to those who wait.”
His condescending tone, the patronising way he chose to lecture you for wanting him, only made your desire for him stronger. And as much as you wanted to push yourself back on him, cheeks meeting his abdomen as you felt him squirm at being completely inside of you so quickly, you did as you were told and eased up, relaxing further into the mattress, lifting your ass higher, spreading your thighs wider, to make it easier for him to tease you.
Each little bit of himself that entered you felt better than the last, and you let out a sigh of relief as you felt his high, tight balls graze against you. Eddie stayed there, still, relishing in the warmth of your body for just a moment before he pulled back out, almost completely, and then eased in once more. Quicker this time, but still not as rough and ready as you wanted. You were aching for him, your body clenching around him to keep him inside of you. And you were certain he could tell how desperate you were. 
“Someone’s enjoying themself… is this a new sensation for you?”
You whimpered as he brought a hand down to your cunt, fingers pressed flat to it as he stroked your skin, your hair, teasing around your clit until you twitched, at which point he withdrew the source of satisfaction. Cruel, and in control.
“No answer again… well, how about an easier one for you?”
Eddie’s pace stayed the same, slow, almost painfully slow, but each thrust into your body was firmer, with more effort behind it, as he spoke. 
“Tell me, and please do note that this is a question simple enough that even your pleasure-addled mind will be able to answer it, so make sure that you do…”
You rolled your eyes, aware he couldn’t see the feature from his position behind you, and knowing full well that in his typical self-satisfied and sanctimonious way, that his eyelids would be gently closed anyway while he was talking down to you.
“... do they ever make you feel like this? Do they tease you to the point where you’re just desperate, close to begging like a good little slut? Or is it just me that makes you this wet, so needy? Hm?”
The silence between you spoke volumes. He was right, it was a simple question. And one with a very obvious answer. But it was one you weren’t quite willing to accept, not just yet anyway. And certainly not at the behest of Edward Nygma. Besides, he said he liked a challenge, so it was surely your duty in this role to hold out a little bit with any praise, despite the fact that you could have happily opened the windows and screamed to all of Gotham how good it felt to be fucked by the Riddler.
And Eddie seemed ok with you not offering him a response, despite his demanding one moments ago.
“Fine, fine. Keep quiet. I’ll remember that though! And I’m deducting one point from you. You’ll be taking home a terrible report card. Won’t they just be the picture of disappointment.”
It was hard to contain the excited, mischievous giggle that fell over your lips, but it was a sound that made Edward smile. He liked the confirmation that, over everything else, you were enjoying yourself. It would make for a far better experience for you, and for him, and for your partner, watching later, irritated that some previously thought ineffectual nerd had you begging for his touch and laughing along with his charms.
That stroke of his ego, the kind that had him purring like a cat, that was what he was hoping to get out of this. Imagining, as he had to with this particular set up, the emotional scarring, the ego bruising that your partner might experience at his hands, or at his cock. The way they might wince at his cheesy lines, at the way he spoke them without thinking, without worry, and still managed to have you swooning over him. That he was so unforgettable, to them and to you, so annoyingly wonderful, just as wonderful as he thought himself to be. Committing that kind of crime, against someone’s confidence. That was his specialty, and he was glad he found a legal way of committing it. 
“I don’t need you to give me the answer anyway… I’m Edward fucking Nygma. I don’t need help to be correct.”
His pace quickened, his hips barrelling into you as he fucked you harder and faster, picking up the speed and the force as he continued his self-congratulations, the demeaning, humiliating words aimed at your partner. 
“They can’t be any better than me… you’re so tight… so quick to bend to me… to fit me in… to clench around my shape…”
A hand clapped against the side of your rear, the most forceful thing he had done so far, spurring your heart into a frenzy.
“So tight… feels good to get stretched out, hm?”
You could feel his cock twitching, turning himself on inside of you as he upped the effort he was putting into the gimmick. Or was it even really a gimmick? Someone like him, like the Riddler, who for all intents and purposes seemed to forever be trying to prove himself… Cuckolding someone’s partner while complimenting himself seemed par for the course. 
“I feel like I can really leave my mark on you… would they like that?”
So much of your effort was placed into keeping yourself up and calm, not wanting to collapse into an almost immediate orgasm under his control.
“Would you like that?”
The way he fucked you felt amazing, different, not better, than your partner. But it was an experience you wouldn’t forget quickly. His tone, his arrogance, they all added to his specific brand of attraction. But the way his hands smoothed over your waist, around to your stomach. How he held his breath as he felt the slight jiggle of your soft skin. You could feel him, rutting into you like a stud, wild and animalistic, but his touch was still gentle, secure, as though he had remained entirely focused on the fact that he was still a stranger to you, despite the surface level of familiarity he seemed to exude.
There was care in the way he held himself. It made sense. He didn’t seem like the type to half-ass a job of any description.
It was probably why you felt yourself coming undone so soon, against your will almost. You’d wanted it to last longer, desperate to keep him for as long as you could. And luckily, even as he felt your arousal dripping out of you around his cock, he kept pumping, only gripping tighter.
“I’m not… done with you… yet…”
Ed thrust into you, keeping himself still for a moment as he maintained his composure, unsure of how much longer he could keep up, but refusing to succumb easily. The hair on his chest had begun to mat with the sweat that dripped down, his hair no longer slicked back neatly into the tidy style from before. Instead, strands draped in front of his eyes, giving him a dishevelled look that suited the deep, guttural grunts that poured over his lips like granulated sugar. 
“Does your partner let you get away with that? With coming first and then stopping?”
Even through the frantic moans and frenzied motions he still put the effort into the humiliation, ever committed to his work. 
“Keep going… that’s it… You’re still mine until I’ve filled you up. I wouldn’t want to have to leave without tainting what’s theirs. A moment preserved in time forever. Featuring yours truly.”
With a slight vocal flourish as he referred to himself, you could feel Eddie losing control, his fingers pressed tighter into your skin, but his grip loosening up as the rest of his body tensed up, almost completely rigid as he prepared himself for the orgasm that began surging through him. 
Ed’s seed was warm within your walls, and as he pulled himself free of your satisfied cunt you could feel it dripping down over your skin. A quick, playful smack against your rear cheeks told you it was over. Regretfully so, you mused. A brief encounter with the Riddler. It would have been disappointingly short had it lasted a week. There would never be enough of him. His ego was well-deserved, though you would never consider admitting that to him. 
You would have the memories though. Preserved for as long as the medium you stored it on was available. It wasn’t something you’d give up easily, and it wasn’t something you wanted to forget in any kind of hurry.
He had walked away, presumably to get dressed, so you followed suit, making your way to the bathroom. But as you approached the door, Ed moved in front of it,blocking you from entering. As you stood there in a stalemate, trying hard to keep your eyes from wandering down his smooth, slim chest, you folded your arms and sighed.
“Make as much fuss as you want, but you’re not going in there. Don’t bother with modesty, and don’t bother showering.”
In response to the quick shift in your eyebrows and your questioning gaze he continued.
“Pull up your panties and head on straight home.”
“Think of it as a… souvenir. Surely your partner will be expecting you to bring them a little something back other than just the tape.”
He brought his fingers to your cunt, still wet with your own slick, sticky with his cum, spreading the collected arousal around.
“A little extra proof. Something to keep me in your mind a little longer. Although I doubt you’ll be able to forget me quickly. No one is.”
He laid a hand on your cheek, pushing his lips out in a pout as he kissed at the air in front of you. 
“And don’t try to argue about it. Let’s leave on a high note, shall we?” 
A wink, a grin that you couldn’t help but return. A high note indeed.
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valkeakuulas · 3 months
@cacodaemonia here's your Waxer/Boil/Rex fic! I picked B2 because it spoke to me most.
Hope you like it!
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Walking down the corridor, Waxer felt comforted by the fact that no matter which Venator he was on, their layouts were always the same. The only thing that currently differed from him being on the Negotiator was that the majority of troopers wore blue instead of the gold of the 212th. Walking down the long corridor of the officers’ quarters, Waxer nodded at the few 501st troopers he passed on his way to the quarters he and Boil had been assigned to share with a certain Captain.
Sometimes it was a good thing that your General was all but attached to the hip of your lover’s General because that meant the two battalions worked together more often compared to others. Unfortunately, one of the rare cons of that was putting up with the said lover’s company of highly competent misfits who, within the three hours the 212th had been onboard, had somehow managed to goad half a squad of Ghosts into an illegal mouse droid pit fight.
So, when Waxer had walked past the ring of cheering troopers on his way back from the mess, he had initially written it off as the men engaging in a friendly competition.
Until Waxer’s ears caught the loud buzzing sound, followed by a horrifying screech of metal getting cut that made him stop on his track.
Officially, it was Waxer’s duty as an officer to stop the whole thing, write down the participants for a report to send to someone in the Torrents chain of command, which he did.  
(Unofficially, Waxer would very much like to know where Crys had found a mouse droid-sized buzz saw.)
After sorting that out, Waxer had wasted no time getting back to Boil and Rex.
Inputting the code on the doorpanel, Waxer didn’t bother to wait, already speaking as he stepped inside, “Rex, you have to stop your men from corrupting our – oh.”
Waxer’s words trailed into a soft, breathless sound when his brains caught what was happening before him.
Sitting on the bottom left bunk, Boil and Rex embraced each other as they exchanged languid kisses.
Waxer stared, mesmerized, by how Rex ran his fingers through Boil’s curls down to his neck before tugging them just right to make Boil’s back arch as he shivered visibly. In return, Boil used his teeth to bite Rex’s bottom lip, licking into the blond man’s mouth when he gasped in pleasure.
Waxer barely noticed the door closing behind him, his whole attention on the two men before him. It was almost like getting pulled by a tractor beam as Waxer walked closer, hoping that Boil and Rex wouldn’t stop when they finally noticed him. He wanted to memorize this moment, to tuck it deep inside his heart to keep it safe there for the rest of his days.
Slowly, he sat down on the opposite bunk, and the movement caught Boil’s attention as one of his eyes opened, looking lazily at Waxer.
Waxer nearly whined in protest – please, don’t stop, he wanted to tell them – when the dark-haired broke the kiss to nudge Rex’s cheek with his nose. Humming inquiringly, Rex opened his eyes to look at Boil. The blond man’s fingers loosened their hold on Boil’s curls just enough for him to nod toward Waxer, the soft smile only highlighting the puffy, wet lips.
“Hello,” Rex greeted with a soft smile, and Waxer shuddered at the huskiness of his voice. The fact that Boil started to mouth the spot beneath Rex’s ear might’ve also contributed to the way Waxer’s body suddenly felt several degrees hotter.
“Hi,” Waxer replied breathlessly, wondering just what kind of expression he had on his face because Rex’s smile turned even more affectionate.
Boil let out a soft chuckle, leaving Rex’s neck alone to look at Waxer, too. “You okay there?” Boil asked, teasing.
Nodding hastily, Waxer sat down on the opposite bunk. “I’m good.” More than good, Waxer thought and felt his face grow warm at the attention the two men gave him as they looked at him, their dark eyes assessing him. Waxer wondered how they’d take his wish for them to keep kissing the way they had before he had gotten there.
Soon, Rex made another hum, almost as if having come to some kind of conclusion before he turned back to Boil.
The dark-haired man kept his attention on Waxer even as Rex gently tilted his head back so that he could place a kiss on his throat. Boil sighed quietly at the touch, eyes fluttering close. With one more look at Waxer, Boil gave him a soft, ensuring smile before he swooped down to capture Rex’s mouth into a slow but thorough kiss that left the blond man gasping.
When it became clear that his lovers were comfortable at continuing with him there watching, Waxer settled more comfortably on the bunk. Waxer sighed, smitten, as he drank in every single kiss and sound from Boil and Rex, and felt like the luckiest clone in the whole galaxy.
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fandombingo · 2 months
Fandom Bingo: Neverwhere
August is Neverwhere Bingo! I think most people prefer one of Neil Gaiman's other books, but Neverwhere was the first one I read way back when, and it's still a favourite now, largely because of the worldbuilding and in no small part because of the Marquis ;) Anyway, I was cleaning my room and found my copy of Neverwhere so I thought I'd do that this month.
As always, this bingo is multifandom so you don't need to know the source material to participate.
**Signups here! Open until September 5th.**
General Rules:
You can interpret the prompts any way you want. If you think it fits, then it fits. All prompts, including the quotes, can just be used as inspiration or a general fit, no need to actually include them word for word in the fanwork, and tenses and pronouns can be swapped accordingly.
You can write for any fandom you want, including crossovers and original works.
You can combine multiple prompts in one fanwork.
Each submitted fanwork should be new and complete, but it can be a standalone, part of a series, or one chapter of a multi-chaptered fic.
This bingo is primarily geared towards fanfic, but any medium is fine if you feel you can do it.
For fanfic, the minimum is 100 words with no maximum.
You can use fanworks submitted for this event for other events as well, so long as it’s okay with the other side too.
While signups are only open for a month, there is no time limit for completing a card.
This round's bingo only offers 3x3 cards. Everyone can sign up for a maximum of FOUR cards (please send in one form per card).
After submitting a form, please give me up to a week to reply with your card.
All content and ratings are allowed but please tag everything appropriately, especially if there’s trigger-warning content.
Please be respectful of each other. If you see content tags you don’t like, just scroll past and move on.
All works must be your own creation. No plagiarism. No AI-generated works.
To Finish a Card:
Get a bingo! This can be: 🪽 1 horizontal row 🪽 🪽 1 vertical column 🪽 🪽 1 diagonal line 🪽 🪽 2 diagonal lines 🪽 🪽 or a blackout 🪽
Fill out the completion form (1 form/card).
When Posting:
You can post your fanworks to this AO3 collection here.
If you make a Tumblr post for your fanwork, remember to ping @fandombingo and tag #NeverwhereBingo so I can reblog it.
On your post, please clearly indicate the Fandom, Prompt(s), Rating, and Tag(s)/Content Warning(s).
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to send in an ask!
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tillywunderwing · 2 months
Hello IEYTD fandom I am coming back at you re: thoughts of a community event of some kind
So a while ago I floated the idea of having some kind of prompt list / challenge / etc. thing running through July, and the general consensus I got back was that a lot of people were interested, but would be busy with art fight at that time. Which is fair!
I’d still like to run some kind of an event to get people Creating and Interacting With Their Fellow Fans, so thought I’d make a post to see what kind of event people would be interested in?
There’s of course your typical prompt list running over the course of a week~month~[insert time period], or something like a Big Bang (Big KBOOM? lmao), or like, the other thought I had was having like a grab bag of different types of prompts (like a list of titles, a list of ideas) and letting people mix and match… we could also do gift swaps, RNG prompts, there are so many options!
The one thing I do know is I’d really like both artists and writers to be able to participate, so we can sort of foster overlap between different fandom ‘subcultures’ as well. So, if you guys have any other ideas for events or any thoughts on what you’d like to do—reply or rb or send me an ask/msg, let me know what you think! (I could even potentially do several of these, I’m kind of fond of Big KBOOM akdhakdsh, just don’t know if everyone will love the buddy system)
The other thing I thought was that it would be fun to do something on/around December 13 specifically. Yknow, like, D.13,, like, I Expect You To D13… so possibly a single day event, or a scheduled prompt list that starts or ends on that date… I dunno!
Let me know what yall might be interested in doing and I’ll make some plans :P
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kingofbodyrolls · 5 months
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My Heart's Home (m) | pjm | sixteen
🐴Chapter summary: You help Yoongi rescuing some neglected and mistreated horses and then, a stranger drops by with some wild information that will alter the course of Jimin and Jungkook’s life.
🐴Chapter title: The Stranger
🐴Pairings: jimin x reader (main), jungkook x reader (only happens once in the first chapter), jungkook x OC (jessi), namjoon x OC (jessi), yoongi x hoseok, namjoon x oc, seokjin x oc, taehyung x oc
🐴Characters: female reader (isn’t mentioned by name and no “y/n”), Jimin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Seokjin, Taehyung and four female original characters.
🐴Genre/AU: ranch!au, slice of life!au, soulmate!au, cowboy!au + smut, humor, fluff, romance, slow burn and angst
🐴Rating: mature/explicit/R18 – this is mature/explicit content, so minors, please do not interact!
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🐴Disclaimer: I do not own BTS or know them personally and this work of fiction is purely fictional and for entertainment purposes only. The actions and personalities described in the story do not reflect those of BTS— it’s just fiction. Also, if you would kindly read the tags/warnings before reading, that would be lovely: and if you don’t like whatever is described in the tags, just hit return and find something else to read. Thank you 🌸
🐴Chapter warnings: drama, mention of mistreated horses/animal cruelty, period pain (Jimin tries to ease MC’s pain 🥹), body massage, brief breast play, spanking, a lot of kissing again, Jimin is just being sweet (he’s making up for all the time he was a douche, okay 😭)
🐴Status: completed 🥳
🐴Word count: 14.1k
🐴Taglist: @kookswifesblog, @kiki-zb, @babejinnie, @ownthesunshine, @allie-is-a-panda, @glllhjh, @bergandysam, @13-manggaetteok, @jeonsbabygirlsworld, @antisocial-mochi267,
*tumblr isn’t letting me tag you! There could be a lot of reasons for that, check out this lovely post about it.
🐴Now playing 💿 “The Stranger” by Rebecca Lavelle. [Wanna listen to the serie’s playlist?]
🐴Author’s note: some parts of this chapter was very hard to write, but I hope it’s still okay! This chapter is very much a transition chapter lol, yes, important stuff happens, but yeah, you’ll see. Also, thank you guys so much for reading this story, for sticking with it 😭 It means a lot to me, and also every time you guys comment (some of you who have commented in the beginning, but stopped— are you okay? I’ve seen you like the rest of the chapters, but damn, I really get into my head, thinking you hate it now, and that’s why you stopped commenting, lol. But I also know that some of you are busy with life, work and studying, which is good), or leave me asks, like talking about the story in general or the characters, it’s been so much fun ❣️ Again, I want to say sorry, because I have mixed feelings about this chapter. It might seem slightly rushed (which it is), and it might shock you to know that this was always planned. But I hope it turned out okay in the end! I promise that next chapter is one that YOU DON’T WANT TO MISS 😭
🐴Author’s note— extra: I’m a done with writing the story 🥳 I just finished it and I’m feeling very emotional, like the ending 😭😭😭 (it’s happy tears). So that means that I’ll drop the remaining chapters as I see fit and earlier than scheduled (probably with 24 hours between them). I hope that you’ll still comment, reblog, like, give kudos and generally just interact, because I’m afraid that you won’t when I post the chapters closer together. But I also know some people are waiting to read until the whole series is done. Anyway, I want to thank you for joining me on the very emotional roller coaster ride 💖
You can send in your questions for the characters or me here → Ask away 💜*
*for people on AO3 you can also participate if you want to, just leave a comment (guest/anon or not), and I’ll reply to that and I’ll add your question in the Epilogue💜
It’s been cross posted to AO3 if you prefer to read there.Wanna see the book cover?
← previous | s.masterlist | m.masterlist |  next →
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“Yes that strangerBrings mystery into your life” ‘The Stranger’ by Rebecca Lavelle
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Amidst the lingering warmth of a delightful dinner shared among friends, you, Yoongi, Jimin, and Soo-ah gather around the kitchen sink, the clatter of dishes and laughter filling the air as you work together to tidy up and stow away the remnants of the evening’s feast.
Jimin shuttles tirelessly between the bustling kitchen and the dining room, bearing an array of steaming pots and pans brimming with savory delights, while Soo-ah efficiently transfers the culinary treasures into containers destined for the fridge or freezer. The kitchen hums with activity as Jimin and Jungkook’s culinary prowess shines through once again, ensuring an ample supply of delicious fare for all present.
At the sink’s edge stands you and Yoongi, a dynamic duo in the post-dinner cleanup brigade. Your hands deftly wield suds and scrubbers, coaxing remnants of culinary delight from plates and utensils, while Yoongi’s skilled hands swoop in to dry or load the dishwasher with practiced precision. Together, you orchestrate a symphony of cleanliness, ensuring that each piece finds its place in the grand choreography of post-meal tidying.
Amidst the clatter of dishes and the rhythm of your shared tasks, a lively exchange of banter ensues between you and Yoongi, punctuated by shared laughter and good-natured chuckles. 
At times, Jimin saunters over to your side, his fingers tracing a tantalizing path down your back and lingering provocatively on your curves, eliciting a delicious shiver that dances along your spine. With a mischievous grin, he retreats as swiftly as he arrived, returning to his culinary duties alongside Soo-ah, leaving you to catch your breath amidst the lingering sensation of his teasing touch.
As Yoongi leans in closer, a flicker of curiosity dances in your eyes, prompting you to meet his gaze with a quizzical expression. With a subtle tilt of your head, you offer a small smile, your hands deftly maneuvering a plate beneath the cascading water as you await his next move with intrigued anticipation.
“I’ve been meaning to tell you,” Yoongi starts, leaning closer into your side with a conspiratorial air, his voice dropping to a low murmur meant for your ears only. A playful glint dances in his eyes as a smirk tugs at the corners of his lips. “But you’ve got a little something in your hair,” he reveals, gesturing subtly to the stray wisps of hay that have nestled themselves into your locks, punctuating his observation with light-hearted amusement.
A rush of fear and embarrassment floods your wide eyes, igniting a fiery blush that paints your cheeks and neck in a kaleidoscope of pink hues, accentuated by the lingering traces of purple marks adorning your skin.
Yoongi’s hand ascends to your hair, deftly plucking out a few stray strands of hay, and a wave of mortification washes over you at the sight of the offending debris caught in his grasp. Across the kitchen, Jimin catches a glimpse of the scene, his chuckle floating through the air like a whispered secret before he disappears from view, leaving you to contend with the embarrassment in the aftermath.
“Did you have a good roll in the hay?” Yoongi’s voice rings with playful amusement, his eyes sparkling mischievously as he teases you, a giggle bubbling forth at the sight of your bemused expression.
As the water ceases its flow, you stand there, arms crossed beneath your chest, a sudden realization dawning upon you. The memory of your not-so-silent escapade in the stables floods your mind, causing a flush to rise to your cheeks and a hint of embarrassment to flicker in your eyes.
He continues to pluck away the stubborn remnants of hay from your hair, and a shared laughter bubbles forth between you, mingling with the lingering traces of embarrassment. Despite the slight blush staining your cheeks, the infectious joy in Yoongi's laughter draws out your own.
“You’re welcome by the way,” he quips, flashing you a playful wink as he grabs a bowl to dry with the towel, his gesture laced with a hint of mischief.
The weight of gratitude settles upon you as you fully grasp his unspoken act of rescue, sparing you and Jimin from a potentially embarrassing discovery. Meeting his gaze, you convey your heartfelt appreciation. “Thank you,” you whisper, the words carrying the weight of unspoken understanding and relief.
His smile widens, punctuated by a playful swat with the towel against your arm. “No biggie,” he reassures with a casual shrug, his easy going demeanor underscoring the depth of his friendship and the simplicity of his gesture.
Soo-ah pivots, her gaze locking onto you with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. “What are you talking about?” she inquires, her voice tinged with a hint of anticipation, as if sensing that the conversation holds secrets yet to be revealed.
With the food safely stowed away in the fridge and freezer, Soo-ah strides over to Yoongi’s side, her eagerness to lend a hand evident as she joins him in the task of drying the dishes you’ve diligently cleaned. 
You shake your head, a silent plea to Yoongi not to reveal the details, preferring to keep the incident in the hay room of the stables under wraps. “We’re talking about the hay room in the stables,” yet, Yoongi’s words cut through the silence, laying bare the topic of conversation before Soo-ah.
Your eyes widen in a silent plea, urging Yoongi to respect your wish for discretion, but when he divulges the topic anyway, you react instinctively. With a stern hit to his arm, he recoils with an audible “ouch,” a testament to the force of your reproach and the gravity of the situation at hand.
“What about it?” Soo-ah’s question hangs in the air, her eyes alight with curiosity, a spark of intrigue dancing within their depths as she awaits your response, poised on the edge of anticipation.
“It’s a popular spot,” Yoongi remarks, a mischievous glint dancing in his eyes as his eyebrows wiggle suggestively, “for hooking up.”
A rosy blush spreads across her cheeks as she turns to you, her laughter bubbling forth like an irrepressible fountain. “Is that why you have hay in your hair?” she quips, the realization dawning on her with a delightful twinkle in her eyes.
You grumble and huff, unable to hide your exasperation. “Has everyone noticed?” you grouse, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and frustration creeping over you.
Jimin returns to the kitchen at precisely this moment, his keen eyes catching sight of your discontented demeanor. Without hesitation, he crosses the room to your side, his hand gently finding its place on your hips as he leans in, pressing a tender kiss against your neck, his comforting presence a soothing balm to your unsettled emotions.
You pivot to meet your boyfriend's gaze, a mix of curiosity and amusement playing across your features. “Did you know I had hay in my hair?” you inquire, a hint of playful accusation lacing your words as you await his response.
His eyes flicker to your hair, and a burst of laughter escapes his lips, mirroring the reaction of Soo-ah and Yoongi. With a gentle pat on your head, his hand traces a tender path down your face, delicately caressing your cheeks before coming to rest on your bottom lip. “I had no idea,” he confesses softly, his tone tinged with regret.
“But you still look stunning, even with a little hay in your hair,” he murmurs, drawing you close as he presses his lips to yours. In that moment, all traces of anger and embarrassment melt away, replaced by the warmth and reassurance of his affectionate embrace. The kiss is deep and unhurried, like he has all the time in the world.
Beside you, Yoongi’s suppressed snickers fill the air.
“If you two scoot over a bit, I can take care of the rest,” Yoongi suggests, his chuckle carrying a hint of amusement as you and Jimin gladly make room for him in front of the sink.
You gaze up at Jimin’s face, noticing the adorable scatter of moles across his features, adding to his irresistible charm. “Would you like to join me for a bath?” you propose, a playful twinkle in your eye as you extend the invitation.
He hums softly, his gaze locking with yours, his eyes sparkling with a mixture of affection and desire. In that moment, you can feel the depth of his love radiating from him, intertwined with a hint of excitement at your proposal. “Absolutely,” he responds, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. “I’d love nothing more than to pamper you, scrub your skin and wash your hair.”
A grateful smile graces your lips as you reflect on the depth of your appreciation for him and all the ways he shows his care. The thought of him eagerly offering to wash your hair and tend to your body fills you with a profound sense of gratitude, a feeling you’ve never experienced with any previous partner.
Soo-ah’s gasp beside Yoongi prompts a swift turn of her head towards you and Jimin, her eyes widening in disbelief. “He washes your hair for you?” She exclaims, her voice tinged with both surprise and admiration. The sight of her puppy-dog eyes and genuine happiness paints a poignant picture, her wistful longing palpable as she expresses her heartfelt sentiment. “That’s absolutely sweet,” she continues, her words laced with a hint of envy. “I wish I had a boyfriend like that, or even just a boyfriend at all.”
You offer Soo-ah a compassionate smile, your heart swelling with gratitude for Jimin and the abundance of love he showers upon you. His arms envelop you in a tender embrace, his words a soothing melody that resonates deep within your soul. “Anything for my love,” he murmurs, his voice infused with sincerity and devotion, reaffirming the depth of his affection for you.
You tenderly press your lips to his, intertwining your fingers with his as you lead him away from the kitchen and into the bathroom. Cupping his cheeks in your hands, you lock eyes with him, pouring your heart out in a soft declaration of love. “I love you so much, Jimin,” you whisper, sealing your words with another lingering kiss. With playful excitement, you gently guide him into the bathroom, a chorus of smiles and giggles filling the air as you close the door behind you, cocooned in the warmth of your love for each other.
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Rumors have been swirling around town lately, particularly at the local bar, alleging mistreatment of horses at a neighboring farm—an unsettling notion that strikes a chord deep within Yoongi. Compounding his concern is the fact that some of these horses are the very ones you’ve spent countless hours training. Feeling a sense of responsibility and urgency, he grapples with the realization that action must be taken, though the path forward remains unclear.
Deep in contemplation, Yoongi grips his beer tightly, the weight of his thoughts pressing heavily upon him. With a determined resolve, he sets his drink down on the bar and strides purposefully out of the building, his steps carrying him through the winding streets and straight to the doors of the police station. There, he hopes to find allies in his quest to liberate the mistreated horses from the clutches of their neglectful owner.
Stepping into the dimly lit confines of the police station, Yoongi's determination radiates from every fiber of his being as he seeks out an officer, his plea for assistance delivered with earnest conviction. Yet, his hopes are dashed when he learns that without concrete evidence against the horse's abuser, the hands of the law are tied. Disheartened but undeterred, he offers a begrudging nod of gratitude to the officers before turning on his heels and trudging out of the building, the weight of his disappointment heavy upon his shoulders as he makes his way back to his truck.
As darkness cloaks the landscape, casting shadows that dance across his determined features, Yoongi’s mind churns with purpose. The officer’s words echo in his mind—a relentless reminder of the need for concrete evidence to bring justice to the abuser of these innocent animals. With a determined resolve, he inserts the key into the ignition, igniting the engine with a determined hum as he steers his car back towards Bell Ranch. But just as he nears the familiar route, he makes a split-second decision, veering off the path towards the ranch of the despicable man he's heard so much about. If only he had been aware when he sold some of your horses to him—had he known, he would never have allowed it to happen. Now, knowing that Holly, one of those horses, is among the mistreated, his heart weighs heavy with regret and anger. Unable to stand idly by while these animals suffer, Yoongi’s sense of duty propels him forward, his resolve unyielding in the face of injustice.
With a keen sense of caution, Yoongi refrains from driving directly to the ranch—after all, he’s no fool. Instead, he parks his car discreetly further down the road, determined not to arouse any suspicion. With his camera firmly gripped in his hand, he embarks on the remaining journey to the ranch on foot, each step a calculated move towards uncovering the truth hidden within its confines.
Indeed, this clandestine excursion had been meticulously plotted long before his visit to the police station—a testament to Yoongi’s unwavering determination to seek justice for the mistreated animals. With a resigned acceptance of the limitations of official channels, he had braced himself for the realization that the burden of action rested squarely upon his own shoulders.
As Yoongi stealthily approaches, his gaze locks onto the scene before him—a chilling image of cruelty unfolding right before his eyes. There stands the man, lazily lounging one of the horses, its fur matted and cut short along its legs, bearing silent witness to its mistreatment. His blood boils at the sight, a surge of empathy coursing through him for the suffering animal. In the man’s hand, a cruel whip glints in the dim light, its menacing presence a stark reminder of the pain and coercion inflicted upon the helpless creature to force it to perform.
Despite the rising nausea in his gut, Yoongi steels himself and raises his camera, capturing the harrowing scene before him in a series of haunting images. Every click of the shutter serves as a painful reminder of the injustice unfolding before his eyes. His heart aches with the urge to intervene, to rescue the suffering horse from its tormentor’s grasp. The crack of the whip and the horse’s pained whine fuel his righteous indignation, threatening to shatter his resolve as he fights the urge to rush forward and confront the evil man.
Yet, as much as he longs to intervene, a nagging sense of caution restrains him—instinctively aware of the potential repercussions should he act impulsively. With a heavy heart, he resigns himself to the agonizing reality that capturing evidence through his camera lens is the safer course of action, despite the torment it inflicts upon his soul. Each click of the shutter serves as a solemn vow to seek justice for the abused horse, even as it tears at the very fabric of his being.
With a heavy heart, he ventures deeper into the heart of the ranch, his steps echoing in the dimly lit stables. Each stall he passes reveals a new horror—every horse bearing the cruel scars of neglect, their once majestic forms now reduced to emaciated shadows of their former selves. Anguish courses through him as he stands witness to their suffering, his fists clenching in futile rage.
As he continues down the aisle, his gaze falls upon Holly—a wave of devastation washing over him at the sight of his old friend. She stands before him, a mere shell of her former self, her once graceful frame now reduced to a skeletal silhouette. Her hooves are overgrown, her coat matted and unkempt, a testament to the neglect she has endured. His hand trembles as he reaches out to comfort her, but she flinches away from his touch, a painful reminder of the betrayal she has suffered. A single tear escapes his eye, tracing a path down his cheek as he stands helplessly before her, consumed by a sense of despair.
His heart plummets like a stone to the floor, shattered by the heartbreaking realization that Holly no longer seems to recognize him. Her gaze is distant, devoid of the spark of recognition that once lit up her eyes, and the pain cuts deep into his chest like a knife. With a heavy heart, he raises his camera, each snapshot a painful reminder of the profound loss he feels inside. Despite the searing ache that grips his soul, he is determined to capture every detail of her suffering, a silent vow to stand witness to the injustices inflicted upon her.
With a heavy heart and a mind fraught with determination, he concludes that the harrowing scenes he's documented are evidence enough to expose the horrors endured by these innocent creatures. However, his mission is far from over—he must now navigate the treacherous path back to his car without drawing the attention of the ranch's owner or his cronies. Every step he takes is laden with tension, every rustle of leaves a potential threat, as he maneuvers through the shadows, his heart pounding with the urgency of his mission.
With his camera clutched tightly in his hand, Yoongi sprints back to his truck, the adrenaline coursing through his veins like wildfire, his heartbeat thundering in his ears. Each breath comes in ragged gasps as he propels himself forward, his palms slick with sweat, the weight of his mission bearing down upon him like a crushing weight.
Finally reaching his truck, he flings open the door and slides inside, the engine roaring to life beneath him as he tears away from the ranch in a whirlwind of desperation. As the miles blur past, his mind reels with the stark reality of what he has witnessed—the sheer magnitude of suffering far surpassing anything he had ever imagined.
The image of Holly, once vibrant and full of life, now reduced to a mere shadow of herself, haunts him relentlessly. Anguish gnaws at his soul as he grapples with the knowledge that he cannot stand idly by while such atrocities continue to unfold.
Determined to be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves, Yoongi vows to take action—to put an end to the cycle of cruelty and neglect that plagues these innocent creatures. 
As he pulls into the yard, Yoongi’s gaze scans the surroundings, his heart skipping a beat when he catches sight of you—your figure moving gracefully across the yard, a beacon of warmth and familiarity amidst the darkness of his thoughts. With a sense of urgency, he calls out to you, his voice cutting through the stillness of the night, and watches as you turn towards him, your steps quickening as you close the distance between you.
“What are you doing out so late, Yoon?” you inquire, a radiant smile gracing your lips, your eyes alight with a joy that Yoongi finds utterly captivating. In that moment, he can’t help but marvel at the sheer happiness radiating from you—more vibrant and infectious than he's seen in a long while. It dawns on him that maybe Jimin’s presence in your life has brought about this newfound joy, and despite any personal struggles he may have, he's genuinely thrilled to see you flourishing in the embrace of love.
His gaze snaps up to meet yours, a flicker of intensity dancing in his eyes. “Just taking some pictures,” he replies, his voice tinged with a hint of urgency as he raises his camera, its presence a tangible reminder of the weighty mission he's undertaken. Intrigued, you follow his gesture, your eyes locking onto the camera in his hand, curiosity sparking within you as you ponder the significance behind his late-night photography session.
You reach out for it, your hand extending eagerly as you inquire, “Can I see?” But in your eagerness, you bypass the customary waiting for his response, instead seizing the camera from his grasp with an impulsive determination. With practiced ease, you power it on, your fingers deftly navigating through the digital gallery of images, each click of the button revealing another glimpse into the horrorful world he’s captured through his lens.
He watches intently as your eyes widen in shock and a deep furrow creases your brow, your reaction a visceral testament to the gravity of the images before you. Each flicker of discomfort that crosses your features is like a dagger to his heart, a painful reminder of the suffering he’s witnessed and the burden he now shares with you. Despite his desire to shield you from such distressing sights, he remains steadfast.
“What’s this?” you inquire, your voice quivering with a mix of disbelief and unease as you return the camera to his outstretched hand. The tremor in your voice doesn’t escape his notice, a stark indication of the emotional toll wrought by the distressing images you've just been confronted with. In that moment, he’s acutely aware of the weight of his actions, grappling with the realization that his quest for justice has inadvertently exposed you to a world of suffering that he would have shielded you from if he could.
“I heard about this guy mistreating his horses, so I went to take a look for myself,” he explains, his voice tinged with a potent mix of frustration and righteous indignation. Each word carries the weight of his emotions, his tone a reflection of the deep-seated anger and despair that churn within him. “It’s horrible,” he concludes, his voice heavy with the weight of the injustices he's witnessed, his resolve hardened by the stark reality of the situation.
“We have to do something about it!” you declare, your voice ringing with a resolute determination that commands attention. As you speak, a fierce resolve animates your features, your eyes ablaze with an unwavering commitment to righting the wrongs you've just borne witness to. The subtle set of your lips into a firm line only serves to underscore the steely resolve that propels your words forward, a silent vow to take action in the face of injustice.
He scuffs, the sound underscored by a palpable frustration that permeates the air. “That’s why I gathered evidence,” he admits, his words carrying the weight of his determination and the gravity of the situation they find themselves in. 
“No, Yoongi. We can’t wait any longer. We have to save the horses, now,” you implore, your voice laced with urgency and a hint of desperation. With every word, you convey a sense of urgency that underscores the dire need for immediate action. Your plea carries the weight of compassion and empathy, a heartfelt call to arms in defense of the innocent creatures suffering at the hands of cruelty.
He gapes at you in disbelief, grappling with the gravity of your suggestion. The intensity of your conviction leaves him momentarily stunned—of course he wants to save the horses, but what you’re proposing borders on the edge of legality. The weight of the potential consequences looms heavy in his mind, a sobering reminder of the risks they would be undertaking.
“I don’t care about the potential repercussions. Those poor horses need us,” you declare with unwavering determination, your voice resonating with an urgency that brooks no argument. With each word, you convey a sense of righteous indignation and compassion, compelling him to action with the sheer force of your conviction. Your plea reverberates in the air, a rallying cry that demands immediate attention and action.
“Holly is one of the horses,” he murmurs, his voice heavy with defeat, a tinge of sorrow coloring his words. With a resigned gesture, he kicks at the stones scattered across the dirt, the sound echoing the weight of his disappointment and anguish. In that simple statement lies a world of pain and regret, as he grapples with the harsh reality of seeing his beloved horse subjected to such cruelty.
“What the fuck are we waiting for?” You exclaim, your frustration palpable as you confront him with a fierce intensity. It’s clear that you've reached your limit with his indecision, and with a swift motion, you deftly snatch the keys from his hand. Without hesitation, you move past him, swinging open the driver’s door and sliding behind the wheel, the engine roaring to life under your command. “Get in, Yoongi,” you command, your tone leaving no room for argument as you signal your unwavering determination to take action.
You sound furious, and maybe rightfully so—he feels the same anger coursing through his veins. Damn it, he wants to save them too. With a heavy heart, he slides into the passenger seat, yielding to your determination as you take control of the wheel. As you speed back towards the ranch, his directions guide your path, a silent acknowledgment of the shared resolve burning within both of you to make a difference.
The drive is brief, but each passing moment feels weighted with anticipation and purpose. He directs you to park in the very same spot where he had stopped earlier, a silent reminder of the urgency and gravity of the mission ahead. As you bring the vehicle to a halt, the air crackles with tension.
You both leap out of the truck, propelled by a shared sense of urgency and purpose, and advance towards the ranch shrouded in darkness. Despite the obscurity that surrounds you, you navigate effortlessly towards the stables, your determination cutting through the night like a beacon. With a heavy heart, he leads you to Holly’s stall, where he reveals the heartbreaking sight of her current condition. As you lay eyes on her, a deep furrow forms on your brow, your expression mirroring the anguish and sorrow that grips your soul at the sight of her suffering.
With a determined resolve, Yoongi cautiously swings open the stall door, his movements deliberate as he beckons Holly to approach him in the enveloping darkness. The dimness cloaks your actions, a deliberate choice to avoid drawing unwanted attention to your clandestine mission. In the shadows, you both stand poised, silently willing Holly to trust you amidst the palpable tension that hangs thick in the air.
“Come on, girl,” Yoongi murmurs in a soothing tone, his voice a gentle melody cutting through the stillness of the night as he endeavors to coax Holly out of her stall. Despite his best efforts, however, the bond between them appears strained, the connection faltering in the face of Holly's evident apprehension. Each whispered plea hangs in the air, an earnest plea for trust and understanding in the midst of uncertainty.
Suddenly, the harsh glare of light floods the stable, casting stark shadows that betray your presence in the otherwise darkened space. In that moment, a shared realization dawns upon both of you—an unspoken acknowledgment that your covert mission has been compromised. The abrupt illumination serves as an ominous harbinger of trouble, a stark reminder that your clandestine efforts to rescue Holly have been uncovered, plunging you both into a perilous predicament.
You move closer to Yoongi, seeking solace and solidarity in the face of impending danger. Side by side, you stand united in front of Holly, a silent bastion of strength amidst the encroaching threat. As the man draws nearer, the air crackles with tension, but you refuse to falter, bolstered by the unspoken determination to protect each other and the helpless creature before you.
“Who’s there?” his voice cuts through the tense silence, laden with an ominous weight that sends shivers down your spine. Each heavy footstep reverberates ominously, signaling his approach with a menacing cadence. As he draws closer to Holly's stall, the air hangs heavy with anticipation, the imminent confrontation looming like a shadowy specter. With bated breath, you brace yourselves for the inevitable encounter.
“What are you two doing here?” He demands, his voice a sharp echo slicing through the tension-laden air. His gaze pierces through you with a mixture of confusion and displeasure, each furrowed brow and narrowed eye conveying his suspicion and disdain. In that moment, you feel the weight of his scrutiny bearing down upon you, as if every syllable is a challenge that demands an answer—a challenge you must navigate with caution and cunning.
You seize Yoongi’s hand with a fierce intensity, your grip conveying a tidal wave of pent-up anger that courses through your palm like a surge of electricity, pulsating with raw emotion. In that charged moment, he can feel the seething rage reverberating within you, mirroring the tumultuous turmoil that churns within his own being. It’s as if the palpable fury radiating from your touch connects you both in a shared symphony of indignation, binding you together in defiance against the injustice unfolding before you.
“This is cruelty!” Your voice rings out, sharp and resolute, carrying the weight of your indignation like a battle cry echoing through the stillness of the night. With a pointed gesture, you direct the man’s attention towards Holly, your anger etched in every line of your face. 
The man scoffs, a bitter chuckle escaping his lips like a venomous taunt that pierces through the solemn air, leaving a bitter taste in its wake. Your reaction is visceral, a wince born of both frustration and disgust, as you recoil from the callousness of his response. 
“We are taking the horses,” Yoongi declares, his voice cutting through the tension like a clarion call, his stance resolute as he steps protectively in front of you. In that defiant gesture, he embodies a steadfast determination to stand against injustice, his words echoing with unwavering resolve amidst the turmoil of the moment. Beside him, you feel a surge of solidarity, your spirits bolstered by his unwavering courage in the face of adversity.
“You’re stealing them?” The man’s voice crackles with incredulity, his tone laced with a volatile mix of irritation and anger that threatens to erupt like a smoldering volcano. His accusatory gaze pierces through the darkness, locking onto Yoongi with a searing intensity that demands an explanation.
“No. We’re saving them,” you declare with unwavering conviction, your voice ringing out with a resolute clarity that cuts through the darkness like a beacon of righteousness. With your chest thrust forward and your head held high, you exude a palpable aura of strength and determination, commanding respect in the face of adversity. In that defiant stance, he finds himself admiring your unwavering resolve, your steadfast commitment to standing tall in defense of what you believe is right, no matter the cost.
“That sounds like stealing to me,” he scoffs, his laughter bitter and laden with contempt, a stark contrast to the gravity of the situation. With a cynical twist of his lips, he retrieves his phone, his intentions clear as he prepares to summon the authorities. Yoongi can sense the impending threat, the urgency of the moment weighing heavily upon him as he bristles with anticipation, poised for whatever comes next.
You both watch in dismay as he dials the police, the harsh reality sinking in as he locks the stall door, trapping you both inside with no means of escape. The metallic clang of the lock reverberates through the stillness of the night, a chilling reminder of your precarious situation. In that confined space, tension hangs thick in the air, your hearts pounding in unison with the weight of impending consequences bearing down upon you.
“The police are on their way now,” he chuckles with a menacing edge, his voice dripping with satisfaction at having cornered you in this precarious predicament. 
Aware of the imminent danger looming over both of you, Yoongi’s mind races with desperate determination. Amidst the chaos, a flicker of hope ignites within him as he recalls the evidence stored safely in his truck—undeniable proof of the atrocities witnessed tonight. If only he could reach it in time, if only he could present it to the authorities when they arrive. With every fiber of his being, he clings to this glimmer of optimism, his resolve steeling him against the encroaching darkness as he plots his next move, knowing that redemption lies just beyond his grasp.
He watches intently as you swiftly retrieve your phone, fingers dancing across the screen with purposeful urgency. In that moment, a wave of apprehension washes over him, a silent understanding dawning as he realizes you're likely reaching out to Jimin for help. 
As the tense minutes stretch on, Yoongi’s heart aches with a profound sense of helplessness. With Holly cowering in the corner, her fear palpable in the dimly lit stall, a surge of indignation courses through him. The sight of her trembling form ignites a fierce determination within him to protect her at all costs. Yet, the sinister presence of the man blocking your escape serves as a stark reminder of the perilous predicament you find yourselves in. Trapped within the confines of the stall, Yoongi’s mind races with fervent desperation, seeking a glimmer of hope amidst the suffocating darkness. Every passing second feels like an eternity, each beat of his heart a silent plea for deliverance from this harrowing ordeal.
As the heavy wooden doors of the stables swing open, revealing the ominous silhouette of two officers, a surge of mixed emotions washes over Yoongi. Among them stands the familiar face of the officer he had spoken to earlier in the night, recognition flickering in his gaze as it falls upon Yoongi. Caught off guard by the unexpected reunion, Yoongi's lips curve into a lopsided smile, a nervous habit betraying his attempt at nonchalance as he absently scratches his head. 
“What seems to be the problem?” The other officer, his voice cutting through the tense silence like a blade, directs his inquiry at the man standing before them. 
“These two here are trying to steal my horses,” the man’s accusation slices through the tension like a blade, his voice dripping with venom as he points an accusatory finger at Yoongi and you. 
Yoongi’s gaze remains fixed on the officers, observing their scrutiny as they shift their attention between you and the hurt horses. The weight of their words hangs heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the gravity of the situation. 
“You’re aware that theft is a punishable offense, aren’t you?” Their inquiry is not just a question but a warning, echoing with the imminent threat of consequences.
“We’re obliged to bring you in,” the other officer asserts, his tone brooking no argument as he delivers the unwelcome verdict.
In a sudden, welcomed twist, Jimin strides into the stable with a confident swagger, a smile lighting up his face as he carries Yoongi’s camera in his hand, carrying the hope and evidence that you need.
“Officers, hold on a moment,” Jimin interjects, his voice carrying a firm but composed tone as he approaches them. The man’s gaze shifts from Jimin to you, his expression sour and unsettling, a silent testament to his apprehension. Yoongi senses the tension escalating, his concern growing with each passing second.
“You need to see this. It’s undeniable proof of what’s happening here,” Jimin urges, extending the camera to the police officers. With a sense of urgency, they take the camera and begin to review the images, their expressions shifting as the gravity of the situation sinks in.
Returning the camera to Jimin, Yoongi observes as Jimin casts a tender glance your way, his smile a silent reassurance. The officers then redirect their attention to the man, their expressions stern. “This constitutes animal cruelty, which is a serious offense,” they assert firmly.
“Please come with us,” one of the officers requests firmly, reaching for the man, who begins to resist, his actions reflecting his desperation to evade justice.
“What about them? They were trying to steal my horses!” He bellows in panic, his voice echoing in the dimly lit barn as the officers firmly escort him out, his frantic protests fading into the night.
“They haven’t stolen anything yet,” one of the officers declares, his voice cutting through the tense air like a beacon of reason, a reassuring nod directed at Yoongi, Jimin, and you.
Relief washes over Yoongi like a cool breeze on a scorching day. His hand instinctively finds its way through his hair, fingers threading through strands as if to anchor himself in the moment. A wave of adrenaline slowly recedes, leaving behind a sense of calm amidst the storm. That was too close for comfort.
He observes as you cast a tender glance at Jimin, a silent exchange of understanding passing between you. With purposeful steps, Jimin approaches, swinging open the stall door to free you both. Without hesitation, you leap into the waiting arms of your boyfriend, seeking solace and security in his embrace.
“Did you bring the trailer?” You inquire of Jimin, a grin lighting up your features as you lean in for a swift yet affectionate kiss.
“Of course,” Jimin chuckles, his hands settling on your hips reassuringly.
Yoongi gazes at both of you, a hint of confusion knitting his brows together.
“What’s going on?” Yoongi’s voice carries a tone of bewilderment as he directs his gaze between you and Jimin, his curiosity piqued.
“She asked me to bring the horse trailer so we could take the horses home with us,” Jimin’s words sink in, and Yoongi’s eyes widen with understanding, a glimmer of admiration flickering within them. As he turns to you, a silent gratitude fills the air, acknowledging your quick wit and resourcefulness.
“Let’s bring Holly home,” you declare with determination, your smile radiant as you clasp Jimin’s hand in gratitude for his timely assistance. As you envelop your boyfriend in a warm embrace, Yoongi redirects his attention to Holly, patiently coaxing her out of the stall. Though it requires effort, his perseverance prevails, and soon Holly steps out into the dim light of the stable, her eyes reflecting a newfound hope.
He’s overjoyed by the favorable outcome, relieved that you and Jimin intervened to rescue him and the poor horses. And, goodness, you should be elated that the police officers didn’t haul your asses away for trespassing.
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Every damn thing is agony. You’ve exhausted every remedy in your arsenal. You attempted riding, hoping movement might ease the ache. 
No dice. 
Ice and heat packs offered fleeting relief at best. But the pain? Unyielding. 
It’s a relentless torment, and you’re at your wits’ end.
Thus, you’ve sought solace in Jimin’s bedroom—or is it yours by now? After spending countless nights here, the lines blur, leaving you uncertain of where one space ends and the other begins.
You push open the door, your weary frame yearning for the comfort of the bed. Collapsing onto the mattress, your body meets it with a resounding thud, a symphony of exhaustion echoing through the room as you bury your face into the softness of the sheets, emitting a muffled groan of discomfort.
The sheets envelop you in their soft embrace, a familiar comfort that whispers tales of shared moments with Jimin – cuddles, tender kisses trailing along your neck. Infused with his signature musky scent, now mingled with your own, they offer solace to your weary mind, lulling your senses into a state of tranquility as you surrender to their gentle caress.
You draw your knees up to your chest, cocooning yourself in a protective embrace, silently pleading for the relentless pain to subside – a relentless companion that has plagued your entire day. In moments like these, you question how you manage to accomplish anything amidst this unyielding torment. Yet, surrendering to it is not an option; you refuse to grant the pain dominion over your spirit. Sickness is an unwelcome adversary, casting you into a disheartening abyss of vulnerability, a place you rarely visit.
You shut your eyes tightly, yearning for the solace of sleep to envelop you, if only to grant respite from the relentless ache gnawing at your stomach. The unwelcome arrival of your period compounds your discomfort, adding insult to injury. Oh, how you despise this monthly intrusion, an unwelcome visitor overstaying its welcome.
The door whispers open, and even before the hinges complete their eerie symphony, you sense his presence—Jimin, your ever-watchful guardian, silently slipping into the room. His quiet footsteps echo with a tenderness that speaks volumes, a familiar comfort that wraps around you like a warm embrace.
As the mattress yields to his weight, a gentle hand finds its place atop your hip bone, a soothing anchor in the storm of your discomfort. His voice, a soft melody of concern, washes over you like a gentle wave, carrying with it a warmth that beckons you to surrender to its embrace, “What’s wrong, love?”
“It’s just my period,” you murmur, the words heavy with discomfort, as you wrap your arms around yourself in a silent attempt to ease the ache.
His hand glides up your body, a comforting warmth that sends delicate shivers down your spine. “Let me help,” he murmurs, his voice a soothing balm to your troubled soul.
You whimper softly at his touch, feeling the tension in your body begin to ease as his hand settles gently on your stomach. Drawing you closer, he envelops you in his strong, reassuring embrace, his warmth seeping into your bones. The scent of his skin fills your senses, intoxicating and familiar, as he nestles his head against your neck, his warm breath caressing your earlobe, sending delicious shivers down your spine. With tender care, his hand applies a gentle pressure to your stomach, offering comfort in the midst of your discomfort.
“Is this alright?” He murmurs softly, drawing himself nearer, his presence enveloping you completely. You sense every contour of his form, the steady rise and fall of his chest against your back, the rhythmic thud of his heart, his warmth seeping into your skin. Your senses are heightened, acutely aware of his closeness, from the gentle pressure of his body to the tantalizing proximity of his hips against yours, with his dick pressing on your ass. With every inch of him pressed against you, you feel a surge of electricity coursing through your veins, igniting a deep-seated longing within you. His powerful thighs brush against yours, his feet intertwining with yours in a tender embrace, as if seeking solace in your hold.
“Yes, Jimin. You’re incredible,” you whisper with a sigh, feeling the tension slowly ebbing away from your body. Finally, a sense of tranquility washes over you, as if his touch has the power to soothe all your worries and pains.
The sensation of his hand on your lower stomach is nothing short of heavenly, each gentle caress a balm to your aching body. His mere presence, his unwavering support, threatens to bring tears to your eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his kindness. In this moment, with him by your side, you feel as if your heart could burst with an abundance of love and gratitude.
His lips trace a path of warmth along your neck, each kiss igniting a delightful shiver down your spine. A soft chuckle escapes you, but as his lips continue their tantalizing journey, you find yourself squirming in his firm embrace. A playful movement causes your backside to brush against his crotch, and in that instant, you’re acutely aware of his growing erection.
“Jimin,” you chuckle, but his lips continue their delicious assault on your neck, seemingly oblivious to your protest. With each tender kiss, you feel yourself melting further into his embrace. Finally, unable to resist any longer, you turn to face him, your eyes locking in a silent dance of desire.
“You’re hard,” you state, your voice a delicate whisper tinged with both softness and a hint of lust. Your gaze locks with his, a silent invitation hanging in the air, accentuated by the subtle nip of your lower lip.
“Yeah,” he rasps, his voice a husky melody that sends shivers down your spine. His laughter, like music to your ears, fills the room with a warmth that envelops you both. His hand, now back on your hips, moves with a gentle rhythm, tracing soothing circles that melt away the tension, leaving only the sweet anticipation of what’s to come.
You release a soft, involuntary moan as his touch ignites a fire within you. With each knead of your hip, his fingers trace a path of desire, sliding down to the curve of your ass with deliberate, tantalizing slowness.
As he skillfully works the muscles of your ass, your hand ventures downward, drawn to the undeniable bulge in his devilish black sweatpants. The outline of his dick is unmistakable, beckoning you with its tantalizing presence. With eager anticipation, you seize his cock through the fabric, eliciting a low, guttural groan of pleasure from his lips.
“I want to touch you, to make you come,” you implore, your gaze pleading as you offer him a glimpse of your longing. Despite the innocence in your eyes, he remains resolute, unmoved by your entreaty.
“No,” he insists firmly, gently removing your hand from his dick. “This is about you. Let me ease your discomfort,” he adds, his voice tender as he redirects your focus to your own needs. “Trust me, it’s fine,” he murmurs reassuringly, his touch promising solace and relief.
He rises from the bed, his silhouette carved by the soft glow of the bedside lamp, and sits up while you remain reclined. “Take off your clothes,” he instructs, his voice a husky murmur that stirs a tingle of anticipation. “But keep your panties on,” he adds with a hint of restraint, his hand threading through his tousled hair. Even in the dim light, you can discern the subtle tension in his body, the silent yearning echoed in the strain of his form-fitting sweatpants, showcasing his cock wonderfully.
While laying down, he assists you in shedding your garments with gentle precision. His fingers deftly navigate the buttons and zippers of your pants, easing them over your hips and down your legs until they are scattered at the floor. With a tender touch, he removes your socks, his fingertips grazing your skin in a playful dance that elicits a fleeting giggle from you.
His gaze lingers on your panties, a simple yet alluring black lace, and a soft admiration gleams in his eyes. “You’re stunning,” he murmurs, his voice filled with genuine appreciation for the sight before him.
His touch ignites a tingling sensation across your skin as his fingers dance over your body, coaxing your shirt off with gentle insistence. With a skilled touch, he guides you to sit up, his hands tracing a tantalizing path up your torso until they find the clasp of your bra. Effortlessly, he releases it, setting your breasts free, and his warm palms cup them delicately. “So soft and beautiful,” he murmurs, his voice a velvet caress against your skin, as he revels in the intimacy of the moment.
Your breath catches in your throat as a soft moan escapes your lips, your body responding eagerly to his caress. With each lingering touch, a wave of arousal washes over you, igniting a fire within that yearns for more of his intoxicating embrace.
“Now lay down on your stomach first,” he instructs, his gaze tracing the curves of your body with hunger, his tongue darting out as if you’re a delectable feast waiting to be savored.
You sink into the bed, enveloped in his familiar musky aroma, a comforting embrace for your senses. His hands start at your neck and shoulders, his presence pressing gently over you, as he straddles your ass, his weight a reassuring anchor. With skilled precision, he works your muscles like a master baker kneading dough, each movement easing the knots of tension from your body. The touch is firm yet tender, and with each stroke, you feel the weight of the day lifting from your skin, leaving you adrift in a sea of relaxation.
His hands, like skilled artists, glide down your back, tracing the curves of your shoulder blades with delicate precision. The sensation is exquisite, sending tingles cascading down your spine. His touch is a symphony of pleasure, each stroke orchestrating a chorus of sighs and gasps from your lips. And beneath it all, you feel the subtle rhythm of his dick pulsating against your ass, a silent melody of passion that dances in harmony with your own.
His hands continue their journey, traversing the landscape of your back with a tender firmness that speaks volumes of his skill. Each movement is deliberate, mapping out a path of relief along your ribcage and tracing the contours of your spine with an expert touch. It’s a paradox of strength and gentleness, his fingers like whispers against your skin, soothing away the knots of tension with practiced ease.
He positions himself lower, settling onto your thighs with a deliberate intent, his hands now gliding over the expanse of your lower back. The sensation is exquisite, each touch sending ripples of pleasure through your body, evoking a deep, primal response. A needy moan escapes your lips, punctuating the air with a symphony of desire, and you can feel the immediate response of his cock against your skin.
With a gentle tug, he eases the edge of your panties down slightly, allowing him better access to massage the curves of your ass. A deep, guttural groan of pleasure escapes you as his skilled hands work wonders on your body, each motion a symphony of blissful sensations. It’s an exquisite dance of touch and response, leaving you utterly captivated by the sheer intensity of his ministrations.
Fuck it feels so good.
“Do you like it?” He inquires, his voice laced with a playful edge that sends a shiver down your spine. It’s as if you can feel the warmth of his smile in his words, his teasing tone igniting a spark of anticipation within you.
“Fuck, yes,” you moan, feeling as though you’re melting into the sheets beneath you, every nerve ending alive with pleasure. A bead of sweat forms on your brow, mingling with the dampness of anticipation, as if your body can't contain the overwhelming sensations coursing through you.
You think you’re drooling too, maybe from more than one place.
“Good,” he murmurs, his voice a low rumble that sends shivers down your spine, as he pulls your panties back up and shifts to sit beside you. His hands firmly grasp the curves of your ass, kneading with a skill that leaves you breathless. Every touch ignites a fire within you, a fierce longing that consumes your senses, driving you to the edge of desire with each caress.
His hands glide downward, tracing the contours of your thighs, down to your calves, and finally reaching your feet. With a gentle touch, he massages each toe, sending a delightful tingle through your body that elicits a soft, involuntary giggle from your lips.
“Turn around, love,” he murmurs, his voice laced with a playful tone, punctuated by a gentle spank on your ass.
You twist your body to face him, your nipples erect and inviting, a sight that elicits a tender smile from him. “You really like it, huh?” He chuckles, his eyes dancing with affection as you settle onto your back, eager for his touch once more.
He begins with your feet, cradling one in his hands and working his fingers expertly into the arch, easing away the day’s tension. Then, with the same care and attention, he turns to the other foot, his touch gentle yet firm, coaxing relaxation from every muscle.
With a feather-light touch, he glides his hands up your legs, his fingertips tracing delicate patterns on your skin as if each stroke is a whispered promise of comfort and solace.
As his hands start to massage your hip with the gentlest of touches, eliciting a soft moan from your lips, you’re overwhelmed by the sheer bliss coursing through your body. Every caress feels like a blissful release, easing away the tension and leaving you floating in a sea of pleasure.
His hands ascend to your stomach, and a cascade of shivers dances across your skin, ignited by his tender touch. Each stroke feels imbued with love and affection, as if he’s painting delicate strokes of adoration upon your flesh. Despite the sensations, a soft giggle bubbles from within you, tickled by the intimacy and warmth enveloping you.
Anticipation tingles through every fiber of your being as you await the touch you yearn for, expecting his hands to caress your breasts next. Yet, to your surprise, they bypass that destination entirely, gliding over your arms instead. Confusion flickers across your face as you lock eyes with him, seeking answers in his mischievous smirk, which only deepens the mystery of his intentions.
His hands glide over your arms with expert precision, tracing the contours of your biceps and kneading your skin with a delicate touch, as if each stroke is an ode to the strength and grace you possess.
With a teasing glint in his eyes, he finally descends to the part where your desires lie most fervently – your breasts.
His touch is both tender and assertive as he cups your breasts, his fingers skillfully exploring every curve and contour, sending waves of pleasure coursing through your body.
His voice is a husky whisper against your skin as he murmurs, “Love these,” before lavishing attention on your right breast with soft, tantalizing kisses, igniting a fire of desire within you.
You arch your back, a soft moan escaping your lips, as you instinctively press your body closer to his tantalizing touch, craving more of his affectionate caresses.
As he straddles you, his weight presses against you, a tantalizing pressure that sends a shiver down your spine. Beneath him, you feel the unmistakable warmth of his dick against your crotch, a delicious friction that ignites your senses. Despite his weight, he feels weightless in your embrace, each touch and movement a delicate dance of desire that leaves you yearning for more.
His hands, strong yet tender, caress your breasts with an intensity that leaves you breathless. With expert precision, his fingers trace tantalizing patterns over your sensitive nipples, coaxing them to stiff peaks that ache with desire. Each stroke sends a jolt of pleasure coursing through your body, heightening every sensation until you’re consumed by a whirlwind of ecstasy.
As he pinches them gently, he observes with a hungered gaze as your expression twists in the throes of pleasure, your lips parting in a silent gasp as waves of sensation ripple through you.
“Jimin,” you murmur his name, a plea hanging in the air, laden with uncertainty and desire. In the turmoil of conflicting emotions, you’re unsure of your own wishes. The idea of sex during your period feels messy and uncertain, yet an undeniable need throbs within you, pulling you in conflicting directions.
“What do you want, love?” His voice, a whisper of warmth against your skin, carries the weight of anticipation, lingering on the edge of a kiss yet to come.
His breath, a tantalizing tease, caresses your skin, igniting a longing for his lips to meet yours in a fierce embrace. Frustration mounts as he hesitates, but you refuse to wait any longer. With a desperate pull, you seize his face, drawing him into a kiss overflowing with the depth of your affection.
He breaks away from your lips, his gaze fixated on your face, where a flicker of discomfort dances in your eyes, mingled with a hint of bewilderment.
“I’m torn, Jimin,” you confess, breaths coming in ragged pants, frustration lacing your tone. “I’m so turned on right now, but the thought of sex during my period... it just feels so messy.”
“Of course, my love,” Jimin responds with gentle understanding, his eyes reflecting his sincerity. “I completely understand, and I never intended to pressure you. All I want is to soothe your pain and make you feel comfortable.”
With a soft smile, you draw him closer, savoring the warmth of his embrace. Your lips meet in a tender kiss, a silent exchange of affection and understanding. As you break away, you meet his gaze, your heart swelling with love. “Can you just hold me?” you whisper, your voice a gentle plea, seeking solace in his comforting arms.
His touch traces the contours of your face, a gentle caress that ignites a flutter in your chest. From the bridge of your nose to the curve of your cheeks, his fingertips dance with a tender grace, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. Finally, they come to rest at your lips.
“Of course,” he murmurs, his voice a soft caress against your ear as he settles behind you. With a gentle sweep, he tucks the duvet around your mostly bare form, cocooning you both in its warmth. Drawing you close, he molds his body to yours, fitting together like pieces of a perfect puzzle. His lips brush against the sensitive skin of your neck, leaving a trail of featherlight kisses that send tingles down your spine.
You’re acutely aware of the fact that you’re both turned on right now, the magnetic pull drawing you closer with each breath. Despite the electric tension, there’s something undeniably comforting about the way he envelops you, his embrace a sanctuary from the outside world. As his warmth seeps into your skin, mingling with yours, you find yourself entertaining the idea of drifting off in his arms, the allure of intimacy lulling you into a tranquil embrace.
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“Do you want to come with me for my wedding dress fitting appointment?” Your sister’s eyes sparkle with excitement as she delicately lifts her glass of water to her lips, anticipation dancing in the air between you both.
“Yeah, when is it?” You reply, a soft smile mirroring the excitement in her eyes. You can’t help but wonder why she hadn’t brought it up sooner, but you're thrilled she finally did.
“Right this moment, actually,” she chuckles, a playful glint in her eyes as she runs her fingers through her tousled brown curls.
You chuckle at her predictable spontaneity. It’s classic her, always deciding things at the eleventh hour. But you don’t mind, setting down your glass of water on the table. “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s hit the road.”
Jessi sets her glass down, and together you stride out of the house toward the purple truck. You climb in, and Jessi takes the wheel, navigating you both into town. Along the way, she fills you in, explaining how she’s arranged an appointment with the local seamstress, boasting about her expertise. You nod, smiling at her enthusiasm, eager to witness your sister transformed in a wedding gown. Knowing Jessi’s usual aversion to dresses, you're curious to discover the style she’ll embrace for this momentous occasion.
After the familiar two-hour drive, Jessi expertly maneuvers the truck into a spot in front of the boutique. The quaint storefront beckons with its modest size, yet inside, a vibrant display of mannequins showcases an array of dresses. Among them, you spot wedding gowns, bridesmaid dresses, and elegant gala attire, each one whispering tales of dreams and celebrations.
As you step into the store, a delightful aroma envelops you, filling the air with its sweet fragrance. The atmosphere exudes warmth and comfort, instantly making you feel at home. A friendly lady approaches, her smile radiant as she offers her assistance.
“I have an appointment to try on wedding dresses,” announcing her appointment with a hint of excitement, your sister catches the store lady’s attention. With a nod of understanding, the lady graciously guides you both deeper into the boutique’s heart, where plush couches await, adorned in a regal hue of deep royal red, accented with elegant gold details. The ambiance is further elevated by the cream-white walls, instilling a sense of tranquility and serenity throughout the space.
“Please take a seat, and have some champagne,” the lady invites with a gentle gesture towards the inviting couches and the sparkling champagne flutes that beckon. 
“I’m Hyorin and I’ll help you find the perfect dress for your wedding.” Her warm smile assures you of a journey filled with personalized attention and expert guidance in your quest for the gown of your dreams.
You both sink into the embrace of the lush couch, the rich fabric cradling you like a cloud of opulence. With glasses of champagne in hand, poured with Hyorin’s effortless grace, you take a drink of the champagne, its effervescence mirroring the excitement in the air.
“What kind of dress are you looking for?” Hyorin’s gaze beams with anticipation as she directs her question to your sister, her eyes aglow with genuine interest. Their golden hue, reminiscent of warm honey, adds a radiant charm to her already captivating presence. Her brown locks cascade gracefully over her shoulders, framing her face like a portrait, while her chic curtain bangs lend a touch of modern allure to her appearance.
“I would like something simple and elegant, but not too tight or princessy,” your sister’s voice carries a tone of understated sophistication as she articulates her desires for the perfect gown. Her words resonate with a refined taste, seeking simplicity intertwined with an effortless elegance. You find yourself nodding in agreement, not at all surprised by her choice, and a spontaneous chuckle escapes you, nearly causing you to choke on your champagne.
Jessi turns to you, her lips curved into a playful smile, teasingly prompting, “What’s got you chuckling over there?”
“I’m just not surprised,” you muse with a grin, raising the champagne glass to your lips for another sip.
Hyorin smiles warmly. “I’ll be right back with a few suggestions for you to try on. You can get ready in the dressing room,” she says, her voice filled with excitement for the dress-finding journey ahead.
As Hyorin strides towards the racks adorned with elegant wedding dresses, Jessi rises gracefully, disappearing into one of the changing rooms. Left alone, you sink deeper into the plush cushions of the couch, anticipation tingling in the air like champagne bubbles.
Hyorin returns, a vision of grace carrying three dresses like treasures from a bridal chest. Each gown, pristine white with delicate lace accents, exudes an aura of simplicity, elegance, and sheer beauty.
“I’ve curated a selection for you to consider,” Hyorin announces, presenting the trio of dresses to your sister as though unveiling treasures from a sacred bridal trove.
“Thank you,” Jessi responds graciously, snatching the dresses and whisking them into her dressing chamber, eager to unveil their potential allure.
With a flourish, she parts the curtain, revealing the first gown: a sweeping masterpiece. Its neckline plunges daringly, yet tastefully, inviting a glimpse of allure. Sleeveless, it caresses her curves with a perfect fit, offering both elegance and freedom of movement.
Your sister beams at you, her eyes alight with anticipation, as she gracefully lifts the skirt, revealing its fluid movement. “Well?” she prompts, her excitement palpable in the air.
“I think you look absolutely stunning,” you remark with a smile, admiring her from every angle. “But I’m curious to see how the other dresses compare,” you add, eager to explore the options further.
As she emerges from the dressing room, a new silhouette adorns her figure, this one an elegant a-line rather than the previous mermaid style. Yet, it’s adorned with subtle sparkles that catch the light, casting a magical glow around her. Observing her in the dress, you can’t help but wonder if the shimmer aligns with Jessi’s taste. She turns gracefully, the long sleeves adding a touch of sophistication to the ensemble.
Hyorin interjects, her voice tinged with anticipation, “How about this one? Does it speak to you?”
Jessi gazes at her reflection, her eyes lingering on the gown's shimmering embellishments. “The sparkles aren’t my thing,” she muses, “but I adore how the skirt flows—it’s not overly poufy, but just the right amount of volume for movement.”
Hyorin nods in understanding as Jessi retreats into the fitting room to slip into the third gown. The fabric is adorned with delicate lace, and as Jessi emerges, you notice the skirt’s voluminous size doesn’t quite match her liking.
“I’m not sold on the skirt of this one, but the top is lovely. Plus, I don’t mind flaunting a bit of cleavage,” she remarks, gracefully twirling in the dress.
Hyorin nods understandingly, collecting the three dresses from Jessi before gliding across the store to hunt for the next contender.
You rise from the plush couch, a glint of determination in your eyes. “I’ll scout out another option for you to try, sounds good?”
Jessi shoots you a thumbs-up from the dressing rooms, and you set off on your exploration of the boutique. Rows of stunning dresses greet you, each whispering its own tale of elegance and romance. Lost in the sea of bridal dreams, you ponder what you might choose for your own wedding someday, if fate allows. Amidst the glitter and sparkle, something catches your eye, beckoning you like a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered.
You delicately pluck the dress from the rack, and instantly, you’re captivated. An ivory masterpiece unfolds before you, its allure undeniable. The neckline plunges daringly, yet a sheer nude fabric veils it with a touch of modesty. Long, lace-adorned sleeves promise both grace and breathability, while the bodice, adorned with intricate lace, exudes charm. With its lace-up back, the dress offers a timeless elegance, reminiscent of fairy tales and romance. The A-line silhouette, though not voluminous, carries a subtle flow, enhanced by the delicate lace fabric of the skirt. As you hold it, you can’t shake the feeling that this is the one—the dress that encapsulates your sister’s dreams and desires.
You cradle the dress in your arms, feeling its weight as if holding a treasure. With each step, anticipation swells within you, a silent prayer that this gown may be the key to your sister’s bridal bliss. Approaching Jessi, you extend the dress to her with a gentle urgency, a silent plea echoing in your eyes. “Try this on, Jess,” you urge, your voice a whisper filled with hope and excitement.
Hyorin glides over to you, her hands cradling two delicate dresses like precious secrets. With a graceful flourish, she presents them to Jessi, a silent invitation to discover the magic within. As Jessi disappears behind the dressing room curtain, anticipation hangs thick in the air, each passing moment pregnant with possibility. You exchange a glance with Hyorin, sharing in the silent anticipation of witnessing Jessi’s transformation.
As Jessi parts the curtain, her radiant smile bursts forth like sunshine breaking through clouds. In the shimmering gown you discovered, she spins with effortless grace, a vision of confidence and joy. 
“What do you think?” She beams, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, awaiting your verdict on her newfound elegance.
“Absolutely stunning! Jungkook won’t know what hit him,” you exclaim, your voice brimming with excitement and admiration. The dress envelops Jessi like a dream, affirming your belief that it’s the perfect choice for her special day.
“I feel incredible in it, but I doubt he’ll be able to keep his hands off me, he’ll probably just want to rip the dress off my body,” she chuckles, her laughter infectious as it fills the room. You can’t help but join in, the joy of the moment contagious, even Hyorin finds herself laughing along with you both.
“I don’t care what he does, that dress was made for you,” you affirm with conviction, your admiration for your sister evident in your voice. Damn, she looks stunning.
“This is the one,” Jessi declares with a radiant smile, her joy palpable as she moves gracefully in the dress, completely at ease.
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As the morning light pours in, casting a golden glow over everything, it feels like the perfect day. The air is crisp, the sun’s warmth wraps around her like a comforting embrace, and the sweet melodies of birdsong serenade her every step. Each footfall is buoyant, as if she’s walking on air, filled with anticipation for the days ahead. Her heart beats with excitement, knowing that her big day is drawing near, and she can hardly contain her joy.
She revels in the comfort of Jungkook’s presence, cherishing every moment spent in his company. Witnessing her sister’s radiant happiness with Jimin fills her with a profound warmth. Never before has she seen Jimin so utterly content in a relationship, and it melts her heart to witness their love blossoming. Everywhere she looks, love seems to weave its enchanting tapestry, wrapping her in its gentle embrace. In this moment, surrounded by love and joy, she feels an overwhelming gratitude for having everything she’s ever wished for and more.
Jessi dances through the halls of Jungkook’s home, her joy infectious and her spirit light. As she twirls amidst the familiar surroundings, she can’t help but entertain the thought that maybe Jimin might summon the courage to take the next step and propose to her sister. The idea has been floating around her mind for some time now, especially knowing that Jimin has been holding onto an engagement ring, patiently waiting for the perfect moment to pop the question.
Since you accompanied her to her dress fitting, Jessi couldn’t help but notice the unmistakable look of devotion in your eyes, a silent declaration of your readiness and unwavering commitment to Jimin. But now, she finds herself pondering a question that weighs heavily on her mind: how can she nudge Jimin towards proposing to you, or maybe even inspire you to take the leap and propose to him? Tradition and conventions hold little sway over her; all she desires is to witness the radiant joy of her beloved family as they step into a future filled with happiness and love.
With an infectious energy pulsating through her veins, she sways to an imaginary melody in the kitchen, her movements a symphony of anticipation. Suddenly, the distant hum of tires against gravel draws her attention, and she rushes to the window, her curiosity piqued. Through the glass, she spots an unfamiliar vehicle winding its way up the driveway, sparking her intrigue even further.
Eager to welcome the visitor, she strides outside, her smile radiant with warmth. But as her gaze falls upon the sleek, crimson sports car, a sudden chill washes over her, like a shadow eclipsing the sun. With a sharp intake of breath, she senses a storm of emotions brewing within, a tempest of memories stirring to life. That scarlet vehicle triggers a cascade of recollections, each fragment dancing on the periphery of her mind, teasing her with familiarity. Where had she seen it before? 
Despite the heavy weight pressing upon her, both in her heart and on her shoulders, she continues to move forward, each step an arduous journey. Every footfall feels like an uphill battle, as if gravity itself conspires against her progress. Yet, propelled by a mix of curiosity and apprehension, she persists, determined to confront whatever awaits her at the end of this daunting path.
With each inch the car draws nearer, her memories awaken like a dormant beast, stirring from its slumber. Images of the past flood her mind, each one a jagged piece of a puzzle she never wanted to solve. The car’s color triggers a cascade of recollections, transporting her back to the day of the accident, a day etched in pain and regret. As the truth dawns on her, fury simmers within her veins, boiling over like a tempest unleashed. Her fists ball up, knuckles whitening, while her teeth grind together in a symphony of anger and anguish, a bitter melody echoing the depths of her soul.
Vividly etched in her memory is the sight of that crimson car careening onto the wrong side of the road, a reckless intruder in her world of order. She recalls the split-second decision, the desperate swerve to avoid a collision, the sensation of losing control as her vehicle skidded off course, hurtling towards an unforgiving embrace with destiny—a collision with a tree that shattered her sense of safety and left her broken, physically and emotionally.
The car grinds to a halt, and her muscles tense with a mixture of apprehension and frustration, her arms folding protectively across her chest, a silent barrier against whatever or whoever emerges from that ominous vehicle. With each passing second, impatience brews within her, a fervent desire for the intrusive presence to vanish, to leave her to the serenity of her solitude. She fixates on the car’s door, her gaze an unyielding challenge, daring the unknown occupant to unveil themselves and confront the consequences of their intrusion.
The silence stretches taut as the stranger emerges, his movements deliberate, almost calculated, as if he’s orchestrating a grand entrance. With a polished precision, he plants his first foot onto the ground, clad in sleek, designer shoes that exude opulence—a stark contrast to her indifference, maybe even disdain, for such material extravagance. She suppresses a scoff, her lip curling with distaste, a silent protest against the superficiality that seems to accompany him.
As the man steps fully out of the car, his gaze sweeps the surroundings before settling on Jessi. Her expression remains stern, a subtle furrow forming between her brows, her lips pressed into a thin line betraying her impatience. One foot taps rhythmically against the earth, a silent declaration of her readiness for the stranger to break the silence enveloping them.
As the stranger remains silent, Jessi takes a moment to size him up. True to her initial assessment, is a city slicker; his brown hair meticulously styled with gel, giving him a sophisticated yet laid-back appearance. His heart-shaped face boasts a pointed nose and sharp eyes that seem to miss nothing. Clad in a loose silk shirt tucked into sleek black dress pants, he stands out amidst the rustic surroundings with an air of effortless elegance. Feeling the weight of his silence, Jessi clears her throat, a subtle signal to draw his attention.
“Some balls you have,” she begins, her voice laced with the simmering anger that clouds her thoughts and judgment.
His expression twists into confusion, but she can feel the heat rising within her, pushing her to raise her voice at him.
“Get out of here!” Her voice reverberates, echoing the anger pulsating through her, each word a thunderclap demanding his departure.
As footsteps and doors creak open behind her, you, Jungkook, and Jimin approach her, enveloping her in a protective circle. Your arms wrap around her, seeking answers to her distress, but Jessi’s vision blurs with rage, seeing nothing but crimson swirling before her eyes.
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“He’s the one who caused my accident,” Jessi’s voice cuts through the tension, still charged with anger as she jabs her finger accusingly at the stranger.
You turn to gaze between your sister and the stranger, a surge of disbelief coursing through you. Suddenly, everything clicks into place, and you realize why your sister trembles in your embrace, her fury palpable.
Jungkook and Jimin move protectively in front of you, their gaze fixed firmly on the stranger standing before you. Jungkook takes the lead, his voice firm with an undercurrent of caution. “Who are you?”
The stranger clears his throat, his demeanor cautious yet oddly composed. “My name is Taehyung, and I’m—”
His words come out in a low, rumbling growl, cutting off Taehyung’s attempt to speak further. “Are you the one responsible for her accident?”
Taehyung’s gaze drops to the ground, his expression clouded with a hint of remorse, his hands retreating into his pockets.
“I’m sorry. Yeah, I am,” he murmurs, his voice heavy with regret, his eyes flitting nervously among all of you, unable to meet any one gaze.
Your sister hisses, her fists clenching again, and you can feel the tension vibrating through her, a palpable desire to break free from your hold and maybe slap some sense into the man, but you cling to her tightly, refusing to let her go.
Jimin’s voice cuts through the tension, his gaze assessing Taehyung from head to toe. “What are you doing here?”
Taehyung shifts uncomfortably, his laughter tinged with nervousness as he kicks at the dirt, his hand absently smoothing his sleek hair, disrupting its neatly styled appearance.
“I came to speak to my family,” he murmurs, his gaze sharpening once more, a flicker of resolve crossing his features as he braces himself for your response.
“Then you came to the wrong place, mate,” Jungkook utters through clenched teeth, his voice laced with simmering anger, though beneath the surface, you sense his effort to maintain composure.
You don’t know what Taehyung means by speaking to his family; none of you know him, and he’s certainly not part of your family.
“I’m your brother,” Taehyung says, his voice carrying an unexpected calmness that sends a ripple of disbelief through the air. Your eyes widen in shock. How can he remain so composed amidst such a damning accusation? You turn your head to glimpse your sister’s reaction; her eyes mirror your incredulity. Glancing at the others, you notice Jungkook and Jimin standing frozen, their expressions a mixture of confusion and surprise.
As the weight of Taehyung’s revelation settles in, you release your grip on your sister and stride towards Jimin, while Jessi gravitates towards Jungkook, seeking solace in his embrace. Together, the four of you stand, an image of disbelief and confusion. What is the meaning of this?
Taehyung’s gaze shifts between Jimin and Jungkook, his expression a blend of hurt and confusion, his eyes reflecting a deep-seated disappointment or maybe sadness. “You didn’t know?” he ventures, his voice tinged with an undertone of caution, as if unsure of how his revelation will be received.
You sense Jimin’s body tensing within your embrace, his muscles coiling like tightly wound springs as he grapples with the sudden influx of information. His fists clench, knuckles whitening with the intensity of his emotions, a silent storm raging within him.
“I don’t believe you,” Jungkook hisses back, his voice tight with tension, his fists clenched at his sides like coiled springs ready to release. “Our parents never told us anything of the sorts.”
Taehyung simply nods, his expression pained yet resolute. “Well, my mom recently told me about you and my father—our shared father.”
Both Jimin and Jungkook scoff, disbelief etched on their faces, their eyes narrowing with suspicion.
“Dad would have told us,” Jimin’s voice is strained, his attempt at composure evident in the way he clenches his jaw. You reach out, soothingly tracing your hand up and down his arm, feeling the tension coiled within his muscles. With your other hand, you firmly grasp his hand, anchoring him in the moment.
“Are you sure? Seems like the guy got around a lot,” he remarks casually, shrugging his shoulders. Beside you, you notice both Jungkook and Jimin flinching at his words, their expressions betraying a mix of disbelief and discomfort.
“You,” Jungkook seethes, his voice edged with barely contained fury. From the corner of your eye, you see him attempting to break free from your sister’s grasp, but she holds onto him firmly, refusing to let him go.
“I can prove that I’m your sibling with a DNA test,” he states casually, his demeanor unsettlingly composed. You can’t fathom how he can maintain such calmness amidst this chaos. Doubt creeps into your mind, questioning his intentions. What does he seek from the guys? Money, maybe?
You can feel Jimin’s heartbeat against your chest, a rhythmic drumbeat echoing his uncertainty. He clears his throat, his voice edged with skepticism, “Then come back with proof. Because we don’t believe you.”
Taehyung nods, his demeanor nonchalant, “I just need some DNA from you and I’ll be on my merry way.”
It feels like a scene ripped straight from a surreal drama as Taehyung produces a small plastic bag, and both Jimin and Jungkook pluck out a hair from their heads, handing it to Taehyung with a mix of reluctance and defiance. Their expressions betray a cocktail of emotions, but it’s clear they’re doing it more out of defiance than genuine cooperation. Taehyung calmly plucks a piece of hair from his own head.
“Thank you,” he says with a pleased smile, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes as he waves before disappearing into the sleek red car. With a smooth maneuver, he gets behind the wheel and drives off, leaving behind a cloud of uncertainty and a lingering sense of unease in the air.
You all hold your breath, a tense silence enveloping the group as his car disappears into the distance, leaving nothing but a swirling cloud of dust in its wake.
“What a douche,” Jungkook’s voice seethes with a mix of anger and exhaustion, his words heavy with disbelief and frustration. “I really hope he isn’t our brother.”
Jimin turns towards you, his expression a blend of confusion and desperation as he seeks reassurance in your eyes, silently pleading for answers you’re not sure you can provide at this moment. Nevertheless, you envelop him in a tight hug, hoping your embrace can convey the support and comfort he needs.
You offer a soothing rub to his back, your touch a reassuring anchor amidst the swirling uncertainty. “That was so weird. I can’t shake the feeling that there’s more to this. What could he possibly want?”
Jimin’s warm breath against your neck sends a shiver down your spine, and you hold him tighter for a moment, finding solace in each other’s presence. As he pulls away, uncertainty lingers in his voice. “Yeah. I don’t know if I like this.”
You intertwine your fingers with his, offering a reassuring squeeze. “I’m here for you, Jimin. Whatever comes our way, we’ll face it together.”
You find yourselves immersed in a search through old papers and documents together, scouring for any hint of a connection from the guys to Taehyung. The disbelief hangs heavy in the air, and you empathize with their skepticism. It’s like watching their world tilt on its axis, leaving them grappling with uncertainty and confusion.
Despite days spent sifting through mountains of old documents, the evidence of Jimin and Jungkook having a brother remains elusive. The mystery hangs heavy in the air, fueling speculation and unease. You engage in discussions, contemplating the possibility that Taehyung may be orchestrating some sort of scheme.
As anticipated, Taehyung fulfills his promise, returning a few days later, his sleek red car gliding into the driveway. With a mixture of curiosity and apprehension, you and the others step outside to confront him once again.
Taehyung emerges from his car, exuding the same impeccable style as before, his attire as refined as his demeanor. A confident smile graces his lips as he approaches, clutching a piece of paper in his hand, his eyes glinting with a sense of purpose.
He strides purposefully toward Jimin, extending the paper with a determined yet enigmatic air. “Proof,” he states simply, his gaze locked onto Jimin’s, a hint of anticipation in his eyes.
You position yourself behind your boyfriend, stretching on tiptoe to catch a glimpse over his shoulder, eager to discern the contents of the document. As your eyes sweep across the page, there it is— the undeniable confirmation, the positive result staring back at you, setting your heart racing with a mix of astonishment and disbelief.
You position yourself behind your boyfriend, stretching on tiptoe to catch a glimpse over his shoulder, eager to discern the contents of the document. As your eyes sweep across the page, there it is— the undeniable confirmation, the positive result staring back at you, setting your heart racing with a mix of astonishment and disbelief.
Frustration and disbelief surge through you. You can hardly fathom it. Without a word, Jimin passes the paper to his brother, his silence a testament to the tumult raging within him as he grapples with the sudden upheaval of his reality. In a bid to anchor him amidst the storm, you envelop him in a reassuring embrace, feeling the weight of his uncertainty and turmoil pressing against you.
Jungkook’s gaze flicks over the document, his features contorted in a mixture of skepticism and disdain. “You may share our blood,” he begins, his voice edged with a steely resolve, “but you’re no brother of mine.”
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Author’s note(2): Thank you so much for reading! 🌸 I would very much appreciate it if you reblogged the chapter, if you liked it ✨ A small review or a comment would also mean a lot to me, and even a like. But please, don’t be afraid to let me know what you think; your kind words makes me extremely happy 💜
Remember the Q&A that is coming in the Epilogue— if you want to send in some questions for the characters, you can do it now (and later too) → Ask the characters (or me), anything ❣️
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de-fanzine-cpr-pale · 3 months
July 9, 2024 UPDATE:
Tumblr media
In this newsletter: A. Participants, B. Sign-Up deadline extended, C. submission deadline extended, D. recruitment call to the fandom, E. Discord has been set up, and F. a general mod call.
Info about this zine: TUMBLR and TWITTER
A. We have 71 participants signed-up so far!!!!
That's more than I ever expected would sign-up. Thank you all so much for the support so far, I wouldn't be able to do this without ya'll!
B. I will be extending the sign-up deadline by a week!
Sign-Ups will now close on July 19th!
C. As a result, submissions will be due at the end of September (September 30th, 2024).
D. I am also sending out a recruitment call to those of you in the fandom!
If there are ANY artists or writers you would like to see featured in this zine, please let me know in the replies, reblogs, or this account's DMs. I will see what I can do to ask them to join!
As I don't have an Instagram and don't have mutuals on Twitter, I won't be able to contact those who are exclusively on those sites. If there is any one here you feel should join, please let them know!
Furthermore, if there are any writers on Ao3 or wherever else fanfiction is posted, please let me know as well! I would love to invite writers, but I am not as familiar with them.
I am trying to recruit as many of us as possible, and I would love to have members picked by the community. This also allows the reach to go further! Anyone from Twitter, Instagram, AO3, etc. as well as Tumblr is welcome to join! There's a lot of places I don't go, and I don't want people who would be interested in joining to miss out.
Please do check replies before replying to see if the account you have in mind has already been mentioned.
E. Join the Discord for updates!
As I don't have mods to help me regulate a general chat, no general discussion space will be offered here yet. The Discord will just be for announcements and a quicker way to ask the mod (me) questions. My username on Discord is dr.tycho
F. Mod Call!
Finally if you are interested in helping me mod this zine, please contact me on this account in DMs or on Discord at dr.tycho .
Mod Jobs: In order for the Discord to have a general chatting channel, a mod is needed to help me moderate chatlogs. A mod may also be needed to help me process and organize submissions / keep track of communications.
Mod Rules: Mods must be 18+ (not minors). Must be able to reply to communications within a reasonable amount of time.
Thank you!!!!!
Twitter Version of This Post HERE.
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perdicinae-observer · 6 months
Urgh, how do people normally start this... Fancy greetings? Right, right. Hm...
Afternoon. (That was not fancy at all.)
This is Marshal Louis Nicolas Davout writing. Or...well, typing.
I've decided to finally excuse myself from my moping session solitude and venture into unknown territory that is this strange platform. (Which I have been...observing from a distance.)
Seeing as my late colleagues have been up to some...shenanigans on this platform, I might as well find something to amuse myself with the ample time I'm given and do some...[*grimaces*]...socialising.
[*sigh*] I'm going to regret this...
So, to whoever may see this and care; you are free to send me your questions, letters, and queries regarding whichever subject you wish. I will be reading through and answering them accordingly when I am not busy tending to domestic matters around the painfully quiet estate.
However, do be mindful of the things you send. Respect goes both ways and I do not like to squabble. Unless it's against certain bastards.
Unsavoury comments regarding my hair will swiftly be ignored and used as fuel for the fireplace.
...Don't expect me to initiate interactions much.
L Davout.
!! This is a joke RP account run by @mbenguin, a guy who is in no way shape or form a bona fide historian-- just really enthusiastic about balding dead nerds and French history! This is in no way meant to be accurate, analytical, or faithful 100% to reality despite being based on actual historical facts to a certain degree. This is a fictionalised parody that is meant to be in-character as possible to my interpretation of the man himself and I'm doing it for shits and giggles !!
Handy list of folks participating in this madness (whose exchanges will be tagged separately!)
Events (chronological, sometimes) ──
[✓ — Finished , ✗ — Ongoing]
Birth of "Lenoir", Hell's cutest ink demon chick
Local Old Man Turned Cutest Owl Ever, More On Page 2
Princess of Eckmühl(?)
⇲ Swedish Home Invasion
⇲ Catgirl Madness (ft. The Ass Boys)
The Ginger Rescue Expedition
⇲ Lenoir took over correspondence!
⇲ Party ADCs in the house tonight
Epilogue (1,2)
He's back!
Swedish Home Invasion 2 Dinner?
Waterloo 2: Electric Boogaloo
The Gasconious Wedding
Eagle sitter
Tags ──
#correspondance de Savigny-sur-Orge -- The marshal's replies to his letters- sent straight from his humble, lonely manor. Could both be written and spoken answers.
#dépêches personnelles -- General responses/exchanges (hilarity ensues)
#proclamations du Prince d'Eckmühl -- Important announcements/event messages
#représentations par le petit gardien -- Drawn visual representation by the marshal's mysterious companion...whose text will be in purple!
#la réponse du petit gardien -- Said mysterious companion's answering his letters, if there are any directed towards him.
#galerie d'oiseaux -- Collection of bird images that 'ruffled his feathers.' With positive connotations.
Be careful when asking questions regarding Aimée or his family!
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