#Omega which he said Nope
connecting-the-stars · 5 months
Crosshair and CX-2
Crosshair’s motivation and display of fear this season isn’t not lining up for me.
Yes, his looming guilt from season one and two have him throwing himself in the line of fire a lot. He feels he doesn’t deserve redemption.
Yes. He was tortured, and put through the CX program which failed but still left him at the mercy of Tantiss and Hemlock.
But basically every episode that has CX-2 coming after Omega and the batch, Crosshair is throwing himself into the path of convergence every time. Extraction and Calvary has Arrived (two times in each), cross is doing everything in his power to keep them separated. Like he knows something that no one else does.
Crosshair’s PTSD can absolutely be correlated to his torture, but in addition what if it’s also connected to losing his brother to the empire’s brainwashing. Hemlock and his terrible methods taking advantage of the smartest and one of the most capable soldiers, his brother who can think his way out of anything who he knows never supported the corruption of the authorities above them, be turned into someone he doesn’t recognize. That fear growing to expand the others. If tech can be reprogrammed, just because Crosshair himself was in the clear doesn’t mean his other brothers are not. We focus on the shot of the four evil batch, and crosshair doesn’t waste any time demanding the others retreat before him. He’s constantly placing himself as a barrier between CX-2 specifically, like we aren’t even looking at Hemlock here.
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The big bad scientist that created these guys, that executed Crosshair’s torture for information. But the frame focuses in on CX-2 once again, his hand starts shaking worse and then cuts to Cross immediately demanding that the others retreat. Yes. He’s trying to save his brothers like he knows he failed in the past, but this is just too pointed. Especially with their waterfall fight, crosshair really took that beating, nearly drowning. When they crash down the first waterfall it SO feels like crosshair is just operating on the defensive. Like the knowledge that CX-2 is away from the batch, he’s not fighting as aggressively, the offense is over with.
Dude, I know I joined late in the game. The first episode I was able to watch live for season 3 was Juggernaut. I had finally caught up from s1-2 in like lil over a week. But I saw people spotlighting the moment in extraction where CX-2 is drowning crosshair and cross stops hitting his arm. Instead he grabs it, it like one does when they tap out in sports and wrestling. Literally had my lil brain running in circles fully sold on the idea that cross KNOWS who CX-2 is.
Side note: I am running on like 4? 3 hours of sleep from this morning. But I think i would enjoyed the concept of introducing this dark mirror of the bad batch at the start of the season and the bad discover that they are clones which were reprogrammed on Tantiss. Having the season revolving around saving these guys despite how far gone they appear. Of recruiting some of them to help free Tantiss prisoners. And working with Rex would just naturally be apart of it. Of emphasizing the theme of not giving up on your family, of listening to Omega’s faith in her brothers and in others
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solar-wing · 7 months
⚣ Nightwing & Shadow 🌃
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⚣🌃 A/N → So, remember when I said I wasn't going to re-write and re-vamp Nightwing and Shadow like I did Primal? Hehe, funny story... I lied. HOWEVER, I did follow the original plot line...sort of. Just made it easier and smoother to read, along with SOME proofreading and fixing SOME grammar mistakes. So, this should roll out much faster than before (that also is possibly a lie knowing me). WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI | MAJOR THEMES of NON-CON/DUB-CON | Omegaverse | YANDERE Behavior | Mentions of Blood | Bondage | Lactation Kink | M-Preg | Oral Sex | Knotting | Implied Stalking |
⚣🌃 Summary → A new vigilante, Shadow, takes to the streets of Gotham, protecting its innocent Omegas against arrogant and brutish Alphas and the arbitrary and oppressive laws that support their criminal-like behavior. Yet, what will he do when in both his civilian and vigilante lives, he's plagued by the very same problems he's fighting against?
⚣🌃 Words → 11.1K
REBLOGS & replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💙
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Welcome to Gotham City.
Known for its less-than-sunny atmosphere and crime-riddled streets, the city holds many titles under its mantle. One of them being ‘Utter Hell for Omegas.’
In the old days, Omegas were rarely seen as love interests, romantic partners, or even just random associates you’d nod at on the street. Nope, they always had two roles attached to their titles; Fuck-Toys and/or Baby-Makers.
Not much has changed in the present day, save for a few laws passed here and there that criminalized some behaviors. In truth, these new laws and punishments were the equivalent of putting a toddler in time-out before rewarding them with a cookie later for acting like they were ashamed of their behavior.
It seemed like every day, another Omega was being abused by an Alpha who never understood the meaning of ‘no’ because they were raised in a society where everything was supposed to be ‘yes’ for them. Taken against their will and made to live in truly cage-like homes with partners who could only be called that when it came to legal documents.
In reality, they weren’t partners. They were masters, abductors, and delusional sociopaths who relied on biology and society to abuse and take the things they wanted rather than earn them.
They never saw the Omegas they were stripping of free will and autonomy as partners, or friends, or even humans for that matter. They saw them as possessions, things to own and show off to their friends and family as a symbol of how great they were and how well they were doing in life.
And Gotham was the breeding ground for these types of men and women.
Some would call it for what it was; ownership and power. They had no shame or morals about the acts they would commit. Others dared to call it romance, claiming that true love drove them to these vile acts and oppressive rules.
If this is what they called love, it’d be interesting to see what they’d do if they hated you.
Yet, progressing times meant more progressive and outspoken minds. Many, including some Alphas and Betas who held somewhat decent morals and values, were calling for change. They were protesting to their local, regional, and national governments for Omega liberation.
Of course, no revolution has ever started, let alone succeeded without someone getting their hands dirty.
Enter our hero, Y/N, and his story which some would argue was the ultimate catalyst that led to the fight for Omega Rights and Protections pushing toward victory.
Y/N lived a relatively quiet life in Gotham. Born and raised in the city, his parents taught him from a young age not only how to navigate this world in a way where he protected himself, but also equipped him with the means to do so if need be.
He was trained in the art of self-defense from the moment he had his first incident in school, when the signs of biological dynamics were becoming more and more clear, and some bigger kids decided to pick on him for it. 
His mother, an Omega herself, saw this and immediately went to her husband, Y/N’s father, and demanded they get him in lessons. He agreed and they began scouting classes the very next day. 
Y/N was blessed enough to see what a truly happy and healthy relationship between an Alpha and Omega was like from his parents. His father, bless his soul, never subscribed to the ideology that Alphas were the superior dynamic and held power over those below them, especially Omegas.
No, he fell in love with his Omega, genuinely in love we should say and not that obsessive and creepy kind where they excuse their horrible actions because of said ‘love’. No, he courted and adored her as nature intended, and their story eventually brought Y/N into existence whom they also loved and cherished as if he was the most valuable treasure on Earth.
Fast forward to the present, Y/N was a strong and stead-fast individual who didn’t let his biological dynamic hold him back from what he was meant to achieve. Seeing how different the world was from how his parents raised him, he made it his ultimate purpose to see to the change and betterment of society that included protections and rights for Omegas in Gotham and beyond.
In school, he studied business and politics, which landed him a position at Wayne Enterprises post-graduation, where he surprisingly had the backing of Bruce Wayne, CEO and heir to the very company he was employed by. He voiced his support and even dedicated teams to his mission which initiated the spread to other companies and beyond.
If a powerhouse like Wayne Enterprises was supporting ideas and notions of Omega Liberation and rights, many companies would soon follow. And as many know in this world, money talks. Politicians want to keep their investors and backers happy, so they’ll more than likely support whatever it is they’re claiming to support.
Though, appearances can be deceiving. Just because these companies would take up the mantle that they were for Omega rights, didn’t mean their actions would show that. And if there was one thing Y/N prided himself on, was being able to see bullshit for what it was; bullshit.
It didn’t deter him, though. It inspired him.
When Y/N sat and thought about it, he realized the thing that started and fueled most rebellions and movements was a symbol. An icon or an example that truly represented the meaning and impact behind said movement. And his meaning or idea was justice.
Justice for all Omegas who had been or had yet to be wronged by a system designed to hold them down in chains for others to use and abuse. He also sought liberation not only for those living today but future generations where they didn’t have to live in a world where they weren’t seen as people or equals.
What could be that symbol?
Conveniently, as Y/N sat in the living room of his moderately luxurious apartment, he looked out the window to see a symbol being cast in the sky. A symbol many residents of Gotham were all too familiar with.
The Bat Symbol.
And that’s when it hit him…
True, Gotham was a city known for its less-than-friendly streets and crime-filled alleys, but if the stories his parents told him were to be believed, Gotham was much worse before Batman began protecting its civilians, along with his numerous sidekicks and partners.
Seriously, why does it seem like Batman, or Gotham in general gets a new hero or vigilante every year? Kind of weird when you think about it.
Yet, they were about to get another one as Y/N had made up his mind. He knew the symbol his movement needed, the inspiration that was lacking for so many Omegas in Gotham and outside of it.
They needed to believe that they could stand up for change. That they could fight back and be victorious against their abusers. There was no such thing as biology not being on their side as much as it was their own belief not being on their side.
Omegas needed something, someone they could look up to, someone they could see fighting back and say “If they can do it, so can I.”
Y/N was going to be that symbol.
Thus, Shadow was born.
A bit cringe when you think about it, but the desired effect was still there.
Using his self-defense skills that never went without practice with his growing up and living in Gotham, as well as a couple of connections with some engineering friends from college, Y/N or Shadow was set to be Gotham’s newest vigilante and protector.
With their help, he created his own style of weapons and utility tools to help him out on the battlefield. Most notable were a pair of twin-style blades that when tossed or thrown, expanded out into throwing discs. They were magnetized to each other as well which threw out the need for grappling hooks when he could just toss one forward and use the other to pull himself forward.
He dubbed them Shadowblades.
Yes, still cringe, but aesthetics are everything when it comes to this kind of work.
It helped to have rich friends, especially when it came to his outfit. While, of course, Y/N couldn’t have everyone he knew getting involved in this project, he only reached out to those he knew he could truly trust as they would have just as much to lose if Y/N was to ever be caught and unmasked.
As mentioned before, aesthetics were everything when it came to these ordeals, so his outfit had to match his name. The color scheme consisted of a shadowy black and purple along with a domino mask that had gold covers in the slits to keep his eyes hidden as well.
Skintight (as usual), but flexible and functional. It was also light enough to accentuate Y/N’s smaller and leaner body frame. However, it did nothing to hide the dump truck from behind.
“Nightwing would be put to shame,” A comment from one of his friends who took it upon themselves to jokingly cop a feel. Y/N ‘jokingly’ tossed one of his blades at them as a warning, which they clearly received seeing how close the spinning blades came to their face before zipping back and folding close in his hand.
That did it. Shadow was a force to be reckoned with.
The moment Y/N hit the scene with his new outfit and weapons, ripples were being made in the city. It didn’t take long for Shadow to become a recognizable name and face in Gotham, some dubbing him the Omega Savior with all of his notable rescues and actions.
Within the first few months of Shadow being a presence in Gotham, he’d not only thrown a few dirty Alpha dogs behind bars for attempted rape and abduction but also stopped a major Omega trafficking ring happening right in the city, as well as liberated a few captives from their abusive homes and partners.
Unsurprisingly, with the trafficking ring, Y/N discovered many links and connections from that operation to people who were big-name executives and even CEOs at major companies. Even more shocking (not), some of those companies were the same ones that took up the mantle of supporting Omega rights and freedoms.
Discreet as ever, Y/N wasted no time in ‘suggesting’ that Wayne Enterprises cut all deals and partnerships with these companies, which helped earn him a promotion when the scandals were eventually revealed to the public. This ended up putting him more on Bruce Wayne’s radar who delivered his promotion news personally himself.
In every story, there’s a turning point. Many know the structure that many books, movies, and even shows will follow with the inciting incident that leads to the rising action until you reach the climax, where things typically turn for the worse.
For Y/N, that moment was when Bruce conveniently decided to introduce him to his first adopted son at the same time he was delivering his promotion news, Richard Grayson, or Dick for short. Little did he know how much Dick was about to invade his life.
But, everyone deserves a little teaser, right?
Shortly after Bruce introduced them, he had to leave for a meeting, leaving the two alone in Y/N’s new office. It wasn’t awkward, but it also wasn’t comfortable, at least for the Omega who was wary of being left in a room alone with an unfamiliar Alpha, despite how famous he was.
Yet, Dick seemed to keep a respectable front, only coming as close as he deemed allowed while making small talk, and congratulating Y/N on his new promotion. The Omega gave his thanks while setting his things up on his new desk and shelves.
Now, despite earlier thoughts and possible assumptions, Y/N was no prude. Just because he fought against Alpha abuse and their entitlement didn’t mean he didn’t have his fair share of interest and attractions.
And Dick Grayson did spark his interest. The man was undeniably handsome and had a body many either desired to touch or have. But, Y/N knew self-restraint, and sad as it may be, in this world, he knew to practice caution with whom he showed his attraction.
Dick, however, did not follow the same line of thinking. Of course, why would he if the world was made for him to not have to?
He noticed one of Y/N’s gazes towards him and took that as all the sign he needed to make his move. When Bruce said he was going to deliver the good news initially to the Omega, Dick all but demanded he bring him along. The former acrobat had his eyes on Y/N ever since he first started, and was waiting for the perfect chance to swoop in and make his claim.
Dick did have the right idea that Y/N was not the easy type, and would probably try to resist his charming suaveness. He hadn’t met anyone before who had such luck, so he wasn’t worried. In fact, the idea of a potential challenge made him all the more bold.
And he showed that boldness by closing the distance between him and the Omega while his back was turned, pressing himself against his backside. Dick was not shy about letting Y/N feel what he had packing down there while he in return got a feel of what he had decided was now going to be his.
Y/N immediately jumped at the touch and turned to move himself away but was held in place by the adopted Wayne who leaned forward, pressing his hard chest against the Omega’s while leaning his lips down their his ear. 
“Feel like breaking in the new desk?” Dick whispered hotly into his ear, pressing his very noticeable throbbing appendage against Y/N’s backside, the layer of clothes between them doing nothing to help mitigate the sensation.
Y/N could feel his instincts urging him to submit and present himself to the Alpha. He was no stranger to rumors and gossip and heard the many tales of Dick Grayson’s, well… dick, from many of his co-workers. Despite Bruce’s very relaxed rule about employees having relations with his family.
Though the temptation was there to see if the rumors were true, he was not about to let himself become another number or name in Dick’s or anyone's black book. He had to remain a symbol.
“Sorry, but I prefer to keep things a bit professional. And, frankly, you don’t meet my criteria.” Y/N sarcastically remarked.
“Oh, come on,” Dick smirked against the side of Y/N’s face, slowly grinding himself against him a little harder while rubbing one of his hands up his side, feeling the hot skin of the Omega under his silk-white button-up. “Don’t tell me you have a rule against workplace sex. Or are you worried because I’m the boss’s son? If you don’t tell, I won’t.”
Dick began pressing soft kisses against Y/N’s skin, now using both of his hands to rub up Y/N’s front, slowly beginning to undo the buttons. The Omega had to admit that he was good with his hands and lips, and he could definitely see some truth in his co-worker's words about the man’s hip control. But, logic wasn’t out of his mind yet.
Y/N began to use his arms to push back against the desk, creating a little room while the Alpha was distracted with trying to reach inside his shirt. He pushed off the desk, creating enough momentum to throw Dick off balance and allow him the chance to step out of his grasp, immediately moving to the other side of the room putting distance between the two.
“Boo, you’re no fun,” Dick mocked.
“Not for you. One of my criteria is not being a self-entitled brat who only thinks with his dick, and that’s just to get a text back.” Y/N rudely articulated. He quickly fixed the buttons on his shirt while the Alpha ogled his body up and down with no shame.
“If you come back over here, I’ll show you why everyone calls me Dick.”
He scoffed before exiting out of the room, marching himself to Bruce’s office. His assistant, Wyndall, was sitting at his desk, looking at the storm that was an angry Y/N who demanded to know if Bruce was in a meeting.
Wyndall was one of the only other few Omegas alongside Y/N who worked (relatively) this high in the company, so they both found friendship in one another and would often meet up for lunch to hang out and talk. So, when he saw his friend storming in the way he did, he knew something had to be wrong and immediately paged Mr. Wayne.
Given the okay, Y/N went into the office and, to keep a long story short, had a very heated discussion with Mr. Wayne that definitely did not end in him threatening to castrate his son if he came near him again. And, hypothetically if it did, Bruce respected it.
Y/N understandably made demands that if Dick was going to be present on company property at any time, he be notified in advance and not left alone with him at any point. He also made sure it was clear on the Alpha’s part that he was to have no contact or even attempt any with him and to keep his distance at all times, should they ever be in the same room together.
Bruce agreed to everything without a second thought and apologized on his son’s behalf, which, in truth, didn’t surprise Y/N as his boss always had been understanding and accommodating since he started at Wayne Enterprises. Y/N had to admit that the billionaire was one of the few Alphas that gave him hope in his vision for the future.
That was only the beginning of his troubles though. Not only did Y/N have to deal with pesky Alphas in his civilian life, but he had to deal with it in his vigilante one as well.
As more time went by with Shadow cleaning up the streets and helping more Omegas by the day, he eventually caught the attention of the city’s other ‘defenders’. This is when Y/N learned how ‘possessive’ Batman was of Gotham and didn’t appreciate some newbie moving on his turf without checking with him first.
He didn’t give Y/N the grace of making an appearance himself, but he did send his lackeys, or ‘team’ after him. Thankfully, none of them could keep up with him in the field, given his natural speed and agility. A credit to his Omega nature.
Only one could keep up with him though, and that’s where his Alpha troubles began as Shadow. Nightwing, Gotham’s second most famous vigilante, seemed to make it his personal mission to catch Y/N, and unlike the others, gave the Omega a run for his money the way he managed to keep up with his elusive ways.
The first night they met, which also happened to be the first night he made contact with someone from Batman’s team, he wasn’t surprised to discover he was being tailed and watched. He was expecting them at some point to try and make contact with him.
Though, in hindsight, he expected more of a welcoming, collaborative approach and less of a threatening, hostile trying to capture him one. 
Shadow had just finished dealing with a couple of Alpha thugs who were trying to force themselves on an innocent Omega when Batman’s first sidekick made his appearance. Just after he finished tying up the mammoths, he felt the hairs on the back of his neck standing, hearing the sound of footsteps approaching him from behind.
Immediately grabbing his blades from his sides, he turned to find Nightwing standing just a few short feet away from him, blocking the way out of the alley. Y/N had to admit, Nightwing was definitely a lot more attractive in person. Not that he wasn’t from far away, but you could appreciate the view more up close.
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“So, you’re the new kid on the block that has Batman all worked up? Have to say, I wasn’t expecting this when he asked me to check you out, but I’m not disappointed,” The taller man spoke, the shadows around his face barely hiding the suggestive glance he was giving the Omega.
“I get the feeling you’re doing a lot more than just checking out.”
“Guilty.” Nightwing chuckled.
Shadow’s facemask hid his annoyed eye roll, suddenly wishing it was Red Hood or Robin he was dealing with instead. From what he heard, they tended to get to their point a lot faster.
“Well, I’d say I’m flattered, but I did promise my mother I’d never lie. Anyway, I’m assuming you’re here on behalf of the Bat himself.” Y/N inquired, wanting to just get to the point so he could get back to doing his work.
“Yeah, Dark Knight would like a word with you. Not really pleased with you moving in on his turf. Can’t say I agree with him, though. I’m sure many have appreciated your touch around here.”
Cue another annoyed eye roll from Shadow. Between him and Dick, he didn’t know who had it worse when deciding to try and flirt at the most inopportune times. And it looked like it was going to be a draw.
“Now, my instructions were to give you the chance to come on your own and, if not, use whatever external measures as needed. But, I’m willing to forgo this little meeting in my memory if you’ll give me something worth forgetting.”
“And what exactly would that be?” As if Y/N didn’t already know what the smug Alpha was getting towards.
“I know you help and save Omegas, but what about poor Alphas in need?”
“Assuming you’re the Alpha in question, what exactly would you need?”
“The touch and comfort of a sweet and savory Omega like yourself.”
It was cheesy and overused. A cliché at best and totally cringe at worst. But, Y/N couldn’t deny (try as he might) the attraction he felt stirring in his body. He didn’t know what it was, but there was something in him itching to give in to the Alpha’s request.
It was like the feeling when you hear a sound or lyrics to a song and it reminds you of something, but you just can’t put your finger on it. And there was something oddly familiar about the vigilante that had Y/N’s curiosity piqued.
Yes, Y/N had standards and criteria for who he would decide to give his time to, but he couldn’t deny that Dick, and now Nightwing, both held something that made the idea of throwing both of those things out the window. But, again, his goal of being someone to look up to for him and all Omegas alike remained strong in his mind, so he went against his body’s sexual desires and instincts.
Was Nightwing attractive up close and afar? Arguably, yes. Did he appear to have a very nice and chiseled body under his skin tight suit? Also, arguably, yes. Yet, was he just as infuriating and annoying as every other persistent Alpha who couldn’t spell ‘Hint’ even with a dictionary in front of them?
It was this thinking that helped Y/N come back to his state of mind before he faked a sultry smile on his face, walking forward to rub his hand down Nightwing’s chest (which, Jesus Christ, that motherfucker is FIRM). The Alpha smirked down at the Omega going to place his hands against his waist before getting the uno reverse of his life.
In some complicated flip and turn, Shadow managed to not only catch Nightwing off his guard but put him in a submission hold with his head and neck being squeezed between the Omega’s flexing thighs. What was that saying about saving lives? Because this seemed to be the opposite.
“Is this the comfort you were seeking,” Shadow maliciously teased the Alpha, while flexing his legs more, effectively choking out the Alpha. When he decided to release him, Nightwing fell to the ground coughing, trying to catch his breath while the Omega threw one of his blades to zip off.
“Next time, tell Batman to send Red Hood or Robin. They’re a bit more persuasive and less desperate.”
After that, Y/N made sure to be extra careful on his patrols, figuring Nightwing would not be as forgiving lest they meet again in another dark alley or atop a rooftop. His Alpha troubles were nowhere near over yet, especially in his civilian life.
Some time had passed after the incident between him and Dick at his job, and after having the janitorial and cleaning staff do a deep clean of his entire office which he tipped them graciously for (tip your service workers people), Bruce adhered to his conditions perfectly.
Whenever Dick was in the office, Y/N was immediately notified and he would have his schedule altered for the day to avoid any run-ins with the billionaire’s son. If there was an occasion where he couldn’t get out of it and the former acrobat was present, he kept his distance from him and was happy to see the other doing the same even if it looked like he didn’t want to.
You’d think with his tight schedules at work and his busy nightlife, the young Omega would barely have any time for fun and social things like parties and dating.
You’d be right. Y/N did not party at all, but he did find time to mix and mingle occasionally and had come up lucky in recent months. On a previous outing with some co-workers, after a successful deal had gone through, Y/N had met a nice and attractive Alpha who happened to be a friend of Wyndall’s.
His name was Leo and he was not only a fitness trainer, but also a teacher in self-defense arts and fighting. Guess what their first date was considering the mutual interest.
Dinner and a movie. Dirty minds think alike, huh?
But, Y/N truly felt like he was growing strong feelings for Leo. He was a respectable Alpha who treated him with nothing but kindness, respect, and love. Attentive, romantic, and very easy on the eyes, the more time he spent with the Alpha, the more he could imagine spending the rest of his life with him.
Of course, he was no fool, and though they were still relatively new to this relationship, he wasn’t going to let up yet, knowing the first year is usually when the prospective partner is always on their best behavior. Really it was six months, but he was being gracious since he liked him.
Y/N even brought him as his date to Bruce’s gala that was being held in his honor. A major deal had been made at Wayne Enterprises where they partnered with some of the biggest charities in the region to begin plans for creating homes and centers for Omegas who were victims of abusive homes and relationships as well as those who were saved from human trafficking.
At first, he was tempted to not go, but since he was being honored at the event for being the major showrunner for the entire project, it’d be rude for him not to show. Of course, Leo decided to make it a whole show and went out to rent a new tux as well as a limousine to take them to Wayne Manor where the event was being held.
To say Y/N felt like a prince being swept off his feet the entire night would have been an understatement. Not only was he impressed with Leo’s manners and dedication, but he also duly noted the Alpha’s restraint and control considering they hadn’t done the do yet, despite being almost half a year into their relationship.
And there were moments when they came close and the temptation was all too real. Contrary to the earlier joke, the Alpha and Omega did have more physical type dates, where they met in Leo’s gym and would practice different moves and fighting styles following both of their training.
As you can imagine when you bump and grind hot sweaty bodies against each other, at some point, things can get carried away at intervals, but Leo always pulled back, saying he wanted to respect Y/N’s decision and wait until they were both fully ready. Damn, having morals and respect for yourself can really take the fun out of things sometimes.
Anyway, the night went on without a hitch. Y/N mingled and greeted the guests as well as shook hands with a few important people Bruce wanted to introduce him to. He gave a speech and had a few more inside jokes with Leo about the stuffy and posh atmosphere these galas radiate.
Right when they were planning to make their exit, things of course had to get interesting.
“Evening, Y/N. Long time, no see. It’s good to see you.”
Y/N counted to five in his head, reminding himself where he was and that couldn’t introduce the back of his fist to Dick Grayson’s cheek, no matter how bad he wanted to. Their running into each other was inevitable, the Omega recognized that. Whether it was him who accidentally did it, or the billionaire’s son who intentionally did it, they were bound to run into each other again.
He remained civilized though. His mother always taught him how being an Omega in this world, people were going to try and push him more than any others just because they saw him as an easy target. She always said the moment you reacted, you proved them right, and he wasn’t going to let that happen. That didn’t mean he couldn’t be petty though…
“Dick, what a surprise. I’d say likewise, but you know how our Lord & Savior feels about lying,’ Y/N responded with a smile on his face but the sarcasm clearer than ever.
Leo chuckled to the side of him, and for a moment, a quick fleeing second, Dick’s cool and suave charade dropped, and Y/N saw how his attitude and lack of respect triggered the Alpha. The adopted Wayne managed to retain his instincts though, keeping a cool smile on his face.
“Ah, you’re funny. A lot funnier than I remember when we were in your office,” It was then Dick seemed to acknowledge the other presence standing before him, “And just who might this be? Your next conquest?” He inquired in a ‘joking’ manner.
That wasn’t appreciated, given the nasty grimace that wiped over Y/N’s face as he was about to respond with an equal if not more than childish insult. At least, until Leo decided to interject in.
“Actually, I’m his date. Though, I wouldn’t mind being a conquest if it came to that. It's better than showing up alone to an event like this with no one by my side. Speaking of, where’s your date?” Leo asked, an egotistical smile on his face as he stared down the other Alpha, already knowing the answer.
Dick looked more than aggravated, and despite his surprise at Leo’s snarkiness, it did not stop Y/N from laughing out loud, despite his failed attempts at concealing them. While the Omega would have loved to stand there a bit longer and see how interesting that encounter could have gotten, he knew better and decided that was a perfect time to make a strategic exit.
“Well, Dick, as much as I’d love to stay and chat, I wouldn’t. Enjoy the rest of your evening, Dick.” Y/N said, quickly grabbing Leo’s arm and tugging him towards the main entrance.
When they reached the main hall, Leo went to give their valet card to the attendant standing by the door, while Y/N informed him he was going to use the bathroom quickly before they left. Both of them were oblivious to the shadow following behind the Omega.
Y/N found the bathroom and quickly did his business, however, he did take a small moment while using the toilet to admire the decor and pristine state of the bathroom.
“Oh, to be filthy rich and pee in luxury.”
After flushing and washing his hands, he was drying them off and was about to head for the door when it suddenly swung open and a familiar face entered.
“Dick! What the hell you fucking perv! Have you ever heard of knocking, or did Bruce forget that in etiquette training?”
“Funny,” Dick replied, his usual lighthearted tone gone, replaced by something dark and vexing. Y/N didn’t understand why he felt a small flutter in his abdomen at the tone of voice, but he chose to ignore that in favor of getting past the creepy Alpha.
“Yeah, I’m hilarious. Open the door, Dick. I’m not playing these games with you,” Y/N ordered.
“Who said anything about playing,” Dick asked, but he apparently wasn’t looking for an answer if the way he grabbed the Omega by his suit jacket and threw him against the sink was anything to go by.
“What the fuck! Get off of me!” Y/N shouted, pushing against the Alpha’s chest, but his smaller state compared to the acrobat put him at a slight disadvantage. If the hard and prominent muscles he felt under the jacket were anything to go by, he’d say Dick spent a fair amount of time in the gym. Made sense though, given his former circus background.
“Oh, come on. You can quit the act now.” Dick huffed while rubbing his hands down the Omega’s body, stopping right at his waist.
“What act? Were you dropped on your head as a baby?” Y/N retorted, still pushing (groping) at the Alpha’s chest. He could feel Dick’s fingers prodding around his body, taking extra time to squeeze his ass before making their way further down his legs, lifting them and forcing them around the acrobat’s waist.
Dick’s smug look grew even more when he could see the Omega’s submissive instincts kicking in, feeling how less and less he was putting up a fight against his actions.
“This act. Look at you, slowly giving in and letting me take control of your body. I’ve dealt with plenty of bratty little Omegas like you. Playing the honorable and conservative role, only to give it up the second you get the attention you’ve been begging for. You almost had me fooled for a quick second. But, after seeing that sad excuse you brought here as a date, I realized your game immediately. I’ll admit it though, you managed to get what you wanted. I’ve never been as jealous before as I was watching you with him all night.”
While saying all this to Y/N, Dick had wrapped one of his arms around the Omega’s waist forcing his body forward on the marble sink and pushing his own against it. His hard and throbbing member was positioned at an angle in the Alpha’s trousers where the smaller male could almost make out the entire length and size of the throbbing tool, the way it was being ground against his pelvis.
That combined with the adopted Wayne’s ever-talented lips sucking and kissing at the Omega’s neck while sniffing the boy’s pheromones and cologne left a fog in Y/N’s mind that was hard to see past. No longer was he fighting back against Dick, but instead he was mindlessly rubbing and digging his fingers into the hard muscles of his chest and abs covered by his white dress shirt, something the Alpha held a smug satisfaction in.
“Oh, would you look at that? What happened to your high and mighty attitude? I thought you weren’t attracted to demanding and ‘barbaric’ Alphas like me? For the amount of crap you’ve talked, I figured you’d have more restraint than that.” Dick’s mocking words were a bit in cruel taste, but it was a taste Y/N couldn’t decide if he liked or not.
His smug attitude and confidence were attractive to the Omega, given the pleasurable tingles he could feel inside his underwear which were slowly getting wetter by the second. But, that was the very thing that confused him.
Y/N couldn’t count how many times he heard this similar or exact sentiment from another overly confident Alpha who felt entitled to his attention and body. So, why was he having different thoughts and reactions now? Was there something in the air? Did he recently start taking some new vitamin or pill that had psychosis-like side effects? Did someone cast a spell on him?
Or was Y/N genuinely attracted and turned on by Dick Grayson and was just too stubborn to realize every word the Alpha was saying was true. He’d rather not think about that.
Small moans and grunts began to slip out of Y/N’s mouth while feeling the increased kisses and marks being left across his neck and jaw. With his legs spread and Dick in between, there was nothing left to the imagination of what he felt grinding against his pelvis.
When his noises were beginning to reach a volume level that could bring unwanted attention to the Alpha, he had no choice but to remove one of his hands from the delectable body he was ravishing to cover the Omega’s mouth. It was okay for now, he’d have him screaming in no time.
“Oh, Y/N. You’re so perfect. Why do you have to act so stuck up though? Just look at you right now,” Dick muttered against the Omega’s skin before looking up. 
It was a sight to behold, seeing the same man responsible for fighting against the system that held Omegas down in the first place being subjected to the same treatment he claimed to hate, and enjoying it at that.
“And to think, we could've been doing this very same thing in your office if you weren’t acting so stuck up.”
Dick’s feverish kisses and bites increased as his hand forced open Y/N’s shirt, exposing his shiny, leaking nipples to the Alpha. He smirked at the Omega’s whimper from feeling the cool air in the bathroom rush against his wet nipples before moving his lips down and attaching them to one of the nubs.
The yelp Y/N let out under Dick’s hand was enough to have the Alpha pausing in his ministrations, making sure no one came knocking on the door before continuing his feeding on the Omega’s nectar. His other hand that wasn’t muffling the moans and cries of the Omega was working its way down the front of the smaller man’s past, just getting past the elastic band of his underwear.
Y/N’s eyes went wide when he felt Dick's cool fingers prodding around at the top of his arousal, just tugging at his cocklette which he knew was probably leaking slick along with this cunt. He did his best to resist the sensations, but even he had to admit the man was skilled.
His eyes began scanning around the room, trying his best not to get distracted by the hot sight of Dick’s dark head of hair lapping and sucking at his chest like a newborn while he felt his pleasure nub and cocklette being fondled under his underwear. That’s when he spotted something of interest.
Sitting right beside his body was a candle, and more importantly, the heavy looking golden holder it was sitting in. It was a bit hard at first with the distractions he was dealing with, but he managed to get the candle out and holder into his grip, using it to bash the side of Dick’s head.
He shouted out in pain, leaning back just enough for Y/N to shove his body forward before swinging his leg right into Dick’s exposed crotch. The dark-haired man groaned in pain, falling over on his knees while clutching his bruised genitals, looking up to the Omega who scooted himself off the counter, taking a moment to collect himself before cleaning himself up and fixing his clothes.
“Still playing hard to get, I see,” Dick uttered.
Y/N turned around, throwing a dirty look toward the Alpha on the floor before turning his nose up at him in a sneer, “You wish I was playing with you at all.”
“True, but it’s okay for now. I’ll have you begging for me soon enough,” Dick chuckled, before groaning again from another painful throb.
Y/N tried to ignore the flutter he felt in his pants and the surge of feelings he felt in his chest. He gave Dick one last glare, before exiting the bathroom, promptly finding Leo and leaving the party. On his way out though, he ran into Bruce who looked concerned at the Omega’s disheveled and angry state.
“Ask your son,” He retorted, grabbing his valet ticket out of his jacket before looking up at the CEO, a storm of emotion and thoughts behind his eyes, “Mr. Wayne, it’s been a pleasure working for W.E., and I’m very happy to see the progress we’ve been able to make in my time at the company. But, after tonight, I think it’s best if I move on to other opportunities. I’ll be sending someone to collect my things from my office.”
With that, Y/N grabbed Leo’s hand and exited the party and Wayne Manor, hopefully for the last time.
That night, the Omega was extra brutal on his patrol, taking out his anger and confusion on every bloody criminal and thug Alpha who even looked like they were up to no good. By the end of the night, Y/N was going to have to ask his contacts for some new gloves with how dirty and covered in blood they were.
As the weeks rolled by, Y/N received numerous emails and calls from Bruce Wayne asking him to come back to the company and if they could work something out. Even Wyndall had reached out to see what was going on with him.
The only person he Y/N talked to about all of this was Leo. He did tell him what went down in the bathroom, and that he just needed some time to sort out his head. The Alpha respected his wishes and still checked in on him every other day just to make sure he was okay.
The thing was, Y/N didn’t really know if he was okay. He felt like he was going crazy.
On one hand, he was very angry and upset still about the bathroom incident and just the situation overall. He couldn’t believe the nerve of Dick, thinking he could just bust his way into the room and into his life and just have his way with him. It was unbelievably arrogant and barbaric.
On the OTHER hand, it was the barbarism of the situation that had Y/N so confused. More specifically, why he was so attracted to it. The truth was, Dick pointed out some significant stuff in that bathroom that had the Omega overthinking everything.
Why was he attracted to it, and why didn’t he fight Dick off harder. He could’ve taken him and avoided that whole situation, but he didn’t. Why?
That was the question that kept pounding in his head over and over for weeks on end. One part of him wanted nothing to do with Dick Grayson, but the other part wanted everything to do with him. Wanted to give in and submit to the Alpha.
But, he had to be a symbol. And he couldn’t do that if he gave in to the very thing he was fighting against.
Though, little did he know that soon, he wouldn’t have much of a choice.
Even if his Alpha troubles had gone quiet in his civilian life, his vigilante one was another story. Shadow was plagued by countless run-ins with Nightwing who was persistent in his endeavors of trying to corner him. That or he wanted another chance to throw some cheesy one-liners at him, probably both. Thankfully, Y/N managed to stay a step ahead every single time and always managed to avoid his capture.
At least that’s what he thought.
Things would take a major turn when Shadow decided to answer a distress call coming from Wayne Towers. An Omega claimed they were being harassed and stalked by an Alpha who locked them in the building. 
Since it was his old stomping grounds, and he knew plenty of ways in and out of the building, he figured it’d be a quick mission. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary on the outside, but for some reason, the hairs on the back of his neck were standing, but he still decided to go in.
The first thing he noticed when he got inside was how quiet the building was, almost too quiet. He’d worked plenty of late shifts in this building before and the silence was never this loud. Where were the nighttime guards? Or the other executives who inevitably stayed late to work?
Something weird was going on. Y/N made his way to the top of the building, closer to Bruce’s office where he heard the Omega say he was hiding over the police line he tapped into. As he approached closer to the hiding spot, he couldn’t help how tense he grew, feeling the ever-growing sensation of being watched take over him.
When Y/N finally made it to Bruce’s office, he was more or less shocked at who he found waiting for him.
The Omega looked up, confused at first but then suddenly shouting out only to be muffled by the gag around his mouth. His hands and feet were bound by rope and he was tucked into the corner. Y/N was about to make his way over until he realized Wyndall was looking at something behind him and not at him.
He turned just in time to see a flash of blue and black lunge at him before ducking out of the way in time, “Nightwing,” The Omega growled under his breath.
“Good to finally see you again, Shadow. Well, at least all of you since I’m only used to seeing the far-distant view of your back as you run away from me. Though, it’s definitely not a sight I’m complaining about.” Nightwing said, his usual playful smirk on his face as he once again eyed the Omega vigilante up and down like their first meeting.
“Attacking innocent Omegas just to get to me, why am I not surprised? Is Batman that mad at me?”
“Who said anything about Batman? Maybe I just wanted the chance to finish our conversation from before. And you say attacking, I say leveraging advantages.”
The Omega looked from Nightwing to Wyndall who was watching the exchange while still struggling to get out of his binds. “Well, hate to burst your bubble, but I’m not in much of a talking mood,” Shadow said before grabbing one of his blades and throwing it at the other vigilante.
Nightwing managed to duck but was unprepared for the attacks he received. Using the surprise to his advantage, Shadow landed quick blows along the other vigilante’s chest and legs before sweeping under him and knocking him to the ground.
When Nightwing didn’t immediately get up, the Omega rushed over to Wyndall, using his blades to cut the ropes and gag, “Thank you,” Wyndall began to say, before both of them turned to see the other vigilante not where Shadow left him.
“No time for that, just grab your stuff and let’s go,” Shadow ordered, getting the Omega off the ground and both of them making a break for the stairs.
Just as Wyndall made it to the exit and Shadow right behind him, neither of them saw Nightwing dart out of the shadows, surprising the Omega vigilante before being tackled to the ground.
“Where do you think you’re going? We’re not finished talking,” The Alpha growled in the smaller man’s face, doing his best to keep the Omega pinned.
Thankfully for the Alpha, the Omega was distracted by Wyndall coming back to try and help him, “No, Wyndall! Just go. Get out of here!”
“I said GO!”
He stood there for a few moments contemplating, before turning around and heading down the stairs. Nightwing smirked down at the Omega, using his strength to overpower him and pin his arms down.
“Alone at last,” Nightwing smiled before leaning down and claiming Shadow’s lips in a soft, but demanding kiss. The Omega could feel a familiar sensation sparking in his pants and certain feelings swirling in his gut.
Though, it didn’t mean he was giving up, doing his best to wiggle his leg putting as much momentum as he could into his knee as he shoved into the Alpha’s crotch. His eyes went wide as he let out a muffled grunt before breaking the kiss and letting his face fall into the side of the Omega’s neck.
But his grip didn’t loosen at all nor did his strength waver over the Omega as he tried to push back to free himself, and that’s when he heard the chuckle beside his ear.
“Sorry, but I’ve learned from your tricks before.”
Nightwing leaned off the Omega, but not enough for him to escape. Only enough to where he could flip him around on the floor, bringing his arms and hands behind his back before grabbing some more binding rope off his utility belt.
He tied both arms and legs together, grabbing his shadowblades off his waist and attaching them to his belt. When he had him secured, he turned the Omega back over and lifted him off the ground, holding him steady while taking a moment to admire his captured prize.
“All that running and fighting, and look at you know, finally caught in my grasp.”
“So what, you’re gonna take me to Batman now?”
Nightwing chuckled again, “Hmm, still haven’t figured it out yet. I told you, this isn’t about Batman. This is about you and me. It’s about finally taking what rightfully belongs to me.”
The Alpha leaned down to grab the Omega around his thighs before throwing him up in a fire-man carry and making his way down the hall. Y/N watched from his place atop the Alpha’s shoulder as they traveled through the dark and quiet halls. Eyeing the various security cameras positioned throughout the hall and noting that they were all missing the usual red light that indicated they were on and watching.
‘Did Nightwing manage to cut the cameras?’ Y/N thought to himself as they made their way down another hall, a familiar one at that as he realized they were getting close to his old office.
It was then that Y/N started thinking about various things. How Nightwing seemed to predict his move of kneeing him in the crotch as a last resort since he was apparently wearing some protective garment that kept his genitals safe. Then again, why wouldn’t he being a vigilante?
But, the comment he made seemed as if he expected it. Then, there was the fact that out of all the people Nightwing chose to attack in Wayne Towers, he chose Wyndall, one of Y/N's few friends at the company from this time working here.
And while he’d rather not think about it, that kiss they shared was just as pleasurable as it was familiar. Things were starting to slowly come together for the Omega. It was becoming somewhat clear that Nightwing knew he was, especially given the fact that he was right about his earlier hunch.
They were heading for his old office.
Y/N recognized the hall the moment they turned down the corner, before they made their way through the familiar glass door, Nightwing pausing in the middle of the room while looking at the city through the floor-to-ceiling windows.
“Hmm, feels just like the first time, only the view I have is much better than yours,” The Alpha gloated before using his other hand that wasn’t holding the Omega’s thighs together to land a harsh spank on the plump ass next to his face.
“Ouch, you fucking asshole,” Shadow yelled, before yelping out again in pain as he was subjected to even more brutal and harsher slaps.
Imagine how he felt in the moment, the Omega Vigilante tasked with saving his kind from brutish behavior, getting spanked over the shoulder of the Alpha who’d relentlessly pursued him for months. Only now, he knew that this Alpha was not different from the one that had been pursuing him in his civilian life as well.
“Alright, Dick! That’s enough.” He shouted, still flailing over the Alpha’s shoulder from the sting in his ass as he tried to hold back the tears that were brewing in his eyes.
The Omega suddenly found himself back on the ground, standing on his two feet but being held by the Alpha at the waist. He did his best to not scoff at the arrogant smirk on the vigilante’s face as he looked down at him with a knowing look.
“Oh, finally put the pieces together, have you?” Dick asked.
“You didn’t make it hard with your not-so-clever hints and cliché remarks.”
“Careful,” Dick warned, squeezing the tender behind while laying a hand over his growing arousal, “Before when I gave you the chance to submit to me willingly, you refused and defied me every single time, always with that smart and condescending attitude of yours. I was forgiving then, but not so much now. And I don’t have to be.”
Y/N didn’t know why, but that same feeling he had before in the bathroom, that ever-growing curiosity, had him wanting to bite back. To test the Alpha and see how far he would go. He didn’t understand why he was actively fighting to get out of the situation he was in.
Frankly, he didn’t care about any of that. Right now, at this moment, he couldn’t remember or think of why he cared about being a symbol so much.
All he cared about was wanting to get fucked.
“Hmm, well, maybe if you had been someone worthy of submitting to, I actually would have listened and given in. Even now, I still don’t see someone deserving of my attention, let alone my body.” Y/N remarked, his own smirk pulling at his lips.
The look in Dick’s eyes was something menacing. It was as if the curtains that were obscuring who the Alpha really was were suddenly going up in flames, and now, the real show was about to begin.
“Oh, you want someone worthy, huh? I’ll give you someone worthy.” Dick uttered, a darkness to his words before he forced Y/N onto his knees.
He undid the clasps of his utility belt before undoing the secret zippers at his crotch, reaching inside and pulling out a sizable tool. Definitely not small, but not too big that would have Y/N clenching. But, appearances could be deceiving. After all, Dick was just as much known as a playboy as his adoptive father.
“How about we fill that mouth with something more worthy, huh?”
He barely gave the Omega any time to comply, using his hand to grip the smaller male’s jaw and force his mouth open, using his other hand to shove his hard appendage inside and down his throat. Y/N choked and gagged over the organ, saliva already drooling out around his lips and tears building in his eyes as the Alpha let out a guttural groan, gripping his hair now and holding him against his pubes. 
“That worthy enough for ya?” Dick growled out, jerking himself forward causing another round of chokes and gags and reveling in the sound of them, “Finally, after all that time, waiting around and watching you ignore me and toss me aside, look where you are now. Crying over my dick.”
Y/N couldn’t even use his hands to try and push back at Dick’s hips, seeing as they were still bound behind his back.
Eventually, the Alpha pulled himself out, chuckling at the sounds of the Omega gasping for air and coughing. “Enjoy this little break, it’s gonna be one of the few you get all night,” Dick taunted, yanking on Y/N’s hair again before shoving himself back down his throat.
He kept the Omega like that for another minute, seeing how long he could go before giving him a slight breather for air. When he had enough of that, he slowly began to move in and out of his throat, watching with sinful pleasure at the teary-eyed look the Omega was looking up at him with as his veiny appendage slid in and out of his mouth, a glistening shine come off it from his salvia and the light of the moon through the window.
Eventually, Dick was ruthlessly shoving himself in and out of Y/N’s lips, barely giving him any breaks or breathers as he claimed the Omega’s throat for himself. This was only the first of his many victories that he would achieve tonight. His patience and planning would finally reward him, especially with the insurance he set up for himself, as he eyed the hidden camera tucked away on a shelf in the corner of the room.
Y/N had no choice but to learn how to breathe through his nose to get the much-needed air he required as Dick had his way with his throat. His mouth was covered in spit and drool while his eyes and cheeks were soaked with his tears. When Dick pulled himself out for the last time, he took a sharp breath in, falling forward slightly as he also released the grip on his hair.
“n-nh ... ah … fuck,” The Omega breathed before feeling himself be yanked back up to his feet and pulled towards the desk.
“I’m not done with you yet, slut.”
With one sweeping motion, he knocked everything to the ground before forcing the Omega against the desk and bending him over it. He made quick work of the utility belt before unbuckling and unzipping wherever he had to, pulling down his pants and revealing his wet cunt to him.
“Oh, look at that, even prettier than I imagined,” Dick looked over the panting Omega, taking pride in the fact that this was all his doing before taking a finger and rubbing it over the wet fold and leaking head of his cocklette, “What do you think, Y/N? Should I go slow? Give you time to adjust and widen up for me? Or should I just take you like this? Since I’m apparently not worthy enough?” He asked with a leering sneer.
“please ...a-ah, fuck ... !” Y/N moaned, feeling Dick’s fingers slip inside his heat while his thumb rubbed rough circles over his cocklette and nub.
“Aw, look at that. Told you I’d have you begging for me soon enough,” He said, forcing his fingers inside him a little more before taking them back out, “That’s enough of that. Time’s up, slut. Now, I finally claim what’s rightfully mine.”
Dick turned Y/N over, removing the rope at his ankles before pushing the smaller male further up on the desk, slotting himself between the open legs. He took a moment to admire the sight before him while slapping his dick against the Omega’s dripping entrance.
“After all that time, all that fighting back and acting like you didn’t want me. Look at you here now, helpless, about to have your body claimed by your rightful Alpha. And to think, we could’ve been doing this so long ago. You and me, Nightwing & Shadow, patrolling the streets of Gotham together, but you decided to be a little bitch about everything and resist me at every turn. Well, now, you’ve got nowhere to go. You’re all mine, and I won’t be letting you go anytime soon. Not now, not tonight or tomorrow, and especially, not after this…”
Dick gripped his appendage while holding Y/N at the center of his stomach, sinking himself inside the wet heat with a deep and vocal groan. The Omega shouted out at the brute and forceful intrusion before feeling a hand slap over his mouth.
“Quiet, slut. I may have knocked the guards out, but we still want you alerting anyone else now, do we?”
Dick held his hand firm against the Omega’s mouth while savoring the feeling of the tight flesh wrapped all around his cock. He had sex with many people before, Omegas and Betas alike, but none of them compared to the feeling he had right at that moment.
A few moments went by, Y/N’s vocal but muffled cries slowly quieting as Dick does his best to calm himself down as well before taking his first move inside the soft and tight cunt. Another whine pops up from the Omega, feeling the drag and pull of the hard cock in his insides.
“Quiet baby, I’m trying to focus on not cumming here, and your little sweet sounds aren’t helping,” Dick ordered, taking his time to slowly move himself in and out while fighting down his growing climax. He knew they would have multiple rounds, but there was nothing like the euphoric feeling of claiming your prize. Conquering the very thing that fought so hard against you.
And, now, his reward lay helpless beneath him. Subject to whatever treatment and punishment the Alpha saw fit. Dick knew it, and he could see Y/N was realizing the way he squirmed around on the desk trying to adjust themselves to being owned and taken by someone worthy.
When Dick made his first full thrust inside, the tears sprang to Y/N’s eyes again as he tried to scoot himself up on the desk away from the intrusive weapon spearing his guts.
“Uh uh, baby,” Dick said, holding him by one of his legs as he forced the Omega still on his cock, “there’s no running from this. You’ve got no choice. You’re tied up and helpless, and you’re going to take my cock whether you like it or not.”
And take it, he did.
Once Dick got himself under control and didn’t feel like he would cum too soon, he mercilessly fucked the Omega with no tone of softness or tenderness in his movements. His cries under the Alpha’s palms never ceased, seemingly only increasing in volume as neared closer and closer to his own orgasm.
Above him, Dick groaned and grunted like an animal while plowing his insides, his other palm was busy squeezing roughly at the whiny little cocklette and rubbing furiously over his little pinch of nerves. The evidence of their filthy fun was becoming increasingly more potent as the slick around his cock combined with the soaking and squelching walls of the cunt he was defiling dripped and splashed onto the floor and around the edges of the desk.
“This is all your fault, you know,” Dick spat, the sweat evident on his body as his hair stuck to his face and the top parts of his mask, “if you had just listened to me and been obedient, our first time could have been gentler and more romantic. But, you wanted to be a stubborn little brat who defied his Alpha, and now you’re paying the price.”
Dick delivered powerful and harsher thrusts to Y/N’s core, pulling even louder sounds from his throat as his arms tingled with sleep from being pressed between his body and the shaking wooden desk.
“Oh fuck, you’re squeezing me even tighter than you were before. Are you trying to make me cum, slut?” Dick asked, eyeing his Omega with lust and focus as he drilled even harder into his insides. “Still think I’m not worthy, huh? Still think someone else is more deserving of your body, Y/N? I bet you no one else can have you wet and screaming like this. I can feel the vibrations from all your moaning and whines under my palm. No one can make you feel like I can. No one can fuck you like I can! No one can own you like I can.”
Somehow, Dick began to go even faster, tears now flowing at a fast rate out of Y/N’s eyes as he met his explosive end over the Alpha’s cock. The vigilante leaned over the Omega’s body as his knot slowly approached.
“Get ready for it, slut. And feel lucky you’re not in heat yet, but soon, you will be. And soon, you’ll be carrying my kids.” Nightwing said as he pushed himself deeper and deeper inside before meeting his end.
He leaned down and bit into your neck with a vocal growl as he buried himself all the way inside, knotting his Omega for the first time. His body convulsed with shudders and shakes as he felt himself shooting his seed deep inside, Y/N feeling the streaks paint his insides.
Both their breaths slowly returned to normal as they waited for his knot to do down, and when Dick felt like he had enough strength, he held himself up, taking his hand away from the Omega’s mouth before looking at him in his post-orgasmic state.
“You were amazing, baby. I’m sorry I had to be so rough with you, but you gave me no choice. But, don’t worry, it won’t be the last time. We should get you home so I can show you how an Alpha properly treats his Omega.”
Y/N could barely form a thought, let alone a sentence, and he didn’t have any time to try and think of one as Dick pulled himself off and out of him. He reclothed both of them before tying the Omega’s legs back together and tossing him back over his shoulder.
“You’re all mine now, baby. Nightwing & Shadow forever,” Dick said to himself while grabbing the camera off the shelf, stopping the recording before exiting the office and heading down towards the parking garage where he planned to take you both home.
To be continued…
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☀️ | Dick Grayson/Nightwing | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
🌙 | Part Two | 🌙
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🌃 | Nightwing & Shadow | 🌃 (this image was genrated by Bing AI)
596 notes · View notes
eclec-tech · 1 year
Let's get into this "Tech is dead" thing...
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Until someone from the show confirms that Tech is dead, I don't believe it. We've seen this before. Echo died in an explosion. Nope. Ahsoka fell when she dueled Vader. That didn't stick. Maul, Palpatine, Leia, Mace Windu...okay, that last one is still in the air. But my point is that we never saw a body. Face it. If they wanted Tech dead, they would have given him a shoulder wound. I lost track of how many times that proved fatal this season.
For starters, it would be a very bad move! Tech was probably the most loved character on the show even before they further developed his character this season. To remove him from the show would deprive a lot of people of someone who gives them a feeling of true representation in Star Wars.
Then there's Phee. That last "conversation" she tried to have with him was awkward and very specific. They animated him in such a way that he was obviously avoiding eye contact. He was uncomfortable. He didn't want to say goodbye. I don't think he knew how. It looked to me like they were setting us up for a reunion scene.
Now let's talk about Hemlock. Him being in possession of Tech's goggles is another reason I think he's alive. When he held out the goggles and said, "I'm afraid this is all I could salvage," it suggested to me that Hemlock has him. It doubly struck me since he had just used the term "fascinating" in the same spirit of scientific curiosity Tech had used earlier in the season with the Zillo Beast. The only way I can see Tech being alive but not captured in this scenario would be if there is a raging river or deep crevasse beneath the train and all they found nearby was the goggles. (Which means that, if he is alive, we will finally get that goggleless Tech we've been wanting to see so badly all this time.)
Let's not forget the most important thing of all. Tech is an incredibly capable soldier. He is resourceful, exceptionally well-trained, and was fully kitted-out when he fell. It's not hard for me to imagine him using a grappling hook and cable or other means to keep from falling to his death. He said it himself. He has the "ability to think clearly in stressful situations". And if Hemlock has him, he's going to need it.
All this gives me great hope for season three. If Hemlock does have Tech, he would have him transferred to Mt. Tantiss on Weyland. Now, Crosshair and Tech are together with other no-longer-Imperial clones. Omega is there with Nala Se, who wants Omega as far from there as possible. Nala Se is no longer in a cell, but working in a lab—under guard, but with access to equipment. Factor in Omega's clone sister and this has all the earmarks of an epic escape episode.
Fingers crossed.
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littlefireball · 3 months
ᴊᴏɴɢꜱᴀɴɢ|ᴏɴᴇ ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛᴡᴏ ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ (ᴍ)
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ᴀʟᴘʜᴀ: ᴊᴏɴɢʜᴏ (ᴀʟᴄᴏʜᴏʟ)
ᴏᴍᴇɢᴀ: ʏᴇᴏꜱᴀɴɢ (ᴠᴀɴɪʟʟᴀ) , ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ (ᴘᴇᴀᴄʜ)
ʟᴏɴɢ ꜱᴍᴜᴛ|ʙxʙ|ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ᴄᴀᴜɢʜᴛ ᴊᴏɴɢꜱᴀɴɢ ʜᴀᴠɪɴɢ ꜱᴇx|ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴᴇᴅ ᴏꜰ ᴍᴘʀᴇɢ|ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ʜᴀꜱ ᴄʀᴜꜱʜ ᴏɴ ᴊᴏɴɢʜᴏ|ᴍᴀᴋᴇ ᴏᴜᴛ|ᴛʜʀᴇᴇꜱᴏᴍᴇ|ᴏʀᴀʟ ꜱᴇx (ʏᴇᴏ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠᴇ)|ꜰᴀᴄᴇ ꜰᴜᴄᴋɪɴɢ|ᴍᴀʀᴋɪɴɢ| ᴏᴠᴇʀꜱᴛɪᴍᴜʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴ| ɴᴇᴄᴋ ᴋɪꜱꜱ
ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.7ᴋ
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"Time to sleep, kids~"
"But Y/N, I want to play a little bit longer~"
"Nope, it's already ten. If you don't go to bed, your papa is gonna kill me."
Seonghwa and Hongjoong, together with Woosan, flew to Paris to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Meanwhile, you have been entrusted by Seonghwa to take care of their twins, Rocky and Aurora.
As their good friend, you have been helping to take care of Rocky and Aurora since they were born, especially since Hongjoong lacks any talent when it comes to parenting.
"Okay." Rocky pouted and reluctantly climbed back into bed, while Aurora fell asleep early.
"Y/N, when do papa and daddy come back?"
"After one week? Do you miss them?"
"Yah, also uncle Woo and uncle San."
"They will come back soon." You gently stroked his head and reassured him.
"How about uncle Yunho and uncle Mingi?"
"They are honeymooning in Australia~ You've asked that many times already~" Rocky always asked about the whereabouts of the other uncles every night because he enjoyed spending time with them and was very clingy.
"Oh, then where are uncle Jongho and uncle Yeosang? You said they will come back tonight." Speaking of which, Jongho and Yeosang would return tonight.
"Yah, they should be back tonight. You will see them when you wake up tomorrow~"
"Really? Then I need to sleep quickly! I'll play soccer with them tomorrow!" You nodded indulgently, finally managing to put him to sleep.
"Hu~" Carefully closing the door, you turned around to prepare for a shower. You slowly and deliberately soaked your body in the hot water, feeling the fatigue accumulated within you gradually easing. The thought of Jongho and Yeosang returning happily from their trip sparked a tinge of envy within you.
You have a crush on Jongho for quite some time, but have never expressed your feelings. He already has Yeosang, an omega, and if you were to confess, it could possibly ruin your friendship and their relationship, which is not what you want. Your feelings for Jongho can only be kept in your heart, existing as a fantasy in your mind.
"Oh, yes! I need to take the suppressants! The effects are wearing off!" Lost in your thoughts, you suddenly remembered that you haven't taken the suppressants yet today. You quickly got out of the bathtub.
You have been taking suppressants to suppress your own pheromones and pretend to be a Beta. This allows you to find work more easily and makes it more comfortable to interact with ATEEZ - after all, it is extremely dangerous for an unmarked omega to live under the same roof as four alphas.
As you opened the door, a strange sound suddenly reached your ears. At first, the sound was weak and indistinct, but as you got closer to your room, it became clearer - it was the sound of skin colliding and the gasping of two men.
"Ah~ Jongho~" Suddenly, Yeosang's moaning sound rang in your ears, freezing you in place. You felt a rush of heat surging from the soles of your feet to your whole body, your heart beating faster, and your body trembling uncontrollably. The scent of Jongho, which was uniquely his, filled the air, stirring up the suppressed desires within you.
You clenched your fists, trying to stay calm, but the sound of them making out overwhelmed you. "When did they come back…" It seemed like they came back while you were soaking in the bathtub.
"Oh fuck, you feel so good!" Jongho's cries pushed you closer to the edge, the heat in your body jumping like sparks, ready to burst out any second. Your knees weakened, realizing that the effects of the suppressants were wearing off, and if you didn't take them soon, you would definitely be driven into heat.
"No! No! This can't happen!" You covered your ears with your hands, trying to block out the embarrassing moaning sounds. With a quick step, you tried to run back to your room to take your suppressants and put on earphones to sleep.
However, a childish voice suddenly stopped you. "Y/N?" Rocky, holding DDEONGbyeol and rubbing his eyes, walked up to you.
"What's wrong?" You suppressed your anxious heart and asked gently.
"Ummm… I hear some weird sound and I can't sleep."
"Oh fuck~your pussy is mine." Jongho's sudden moaning made you blush like an apple, and your cunt became wetter.
"Ah~I'm cumming~" You quickly covered Rocky's ears to prevent him from hearing further. If Seonghwa found out, you would be in big trouble.
"Um? Is that uncle Jongho? What is he doing? Did they come back? What is pussy?"
"Huh… Yes! They are playing video games! Yah… video games! LOL, you know." You nervously said, unable to articulate properly, and your flustered expression made Rocky even more puzzled.
"Just go to bed, Rocky."
"But can I play with them? I want to play video games too."
"NO! Ah, I mean they are busy, and it's late." You forgot that both of you were standing right outside Jongho's room, and your shout made everything clear, causing the gasping sounds to immediately stop.
"See? They are sleepy, so they're not playing games now. Let's sleep and play with them tomorrow! Sounds good?" Rocky reluctantly pouted and returned to his room.
Just as you let out a sigh of relief, you realized that your whole body was already burning, as if it was surrounded by an invisible flame, with tiny beads of sweat forming on your forehead.
"Oh no… I need to take the suppressants quickly…" Your legs gave way, and you sat on the floor, feeling the hot flush from your lower body, knowing that the suppressants were becoming invalid and the heat was about to take over.
Jongho's pheromones enveloped you like an invisible heatwave, the intense sensation making you dizzy, and the extreme discomfort in your body was suffocating. "Fuck…" Just then, the door behind you slowly opened, removing the barrier, and Jongho's scent became even stronger.
"Here is an omega… with a peachy scent… Sweet like you, Yeosang." Jongho's figure cast a shadow on you, blocking the moonlight from outside the window. His warm breath fell on your neck, and his slightly cool fingers caressed your back, followed by a soft and intense touch. Jongho planted a kiss on the back of your neck, greedily inhaling your enticing fragrance.
"No, please, Jongho."
"What? You don't want it?" He paid no attention to your words and placed his hands on your arms, causing waves of tingling sensations to wash over you.
"You've been hiding the fact that you're an omega from us for so long."
"I… I… didn't mean to."
"And no alpha marks you." He licked your earlobe, softly whispering in your ear. The mere sound of his voice sent shivers throughout your body, like electricity coursing through your veins.
"Yeosang, do you want a partner?" Partner? What does he mean? Your mind couldn't function properly, as the stimuli from behind prevented you from thinking.
"Yah, you've known all along that I wanted to try." Yeosang leaned against the doorframe, a look of anticipation on his face.
"Then let's teach her."
"On all fours, Y/N," Jongho commanded, and you obediently knelt on the bed. As he slid your lower clothes down, a coolness washed over you, but instead of cooling your body temperature, it only intensified the heat inside you.
"So pretty, aren't you?" Jongho remarked, his hand coming down on your backside, eliciting a shy moan from you. His wet and heated chest pressed against your back as he buried his face in the nape of your neck, inhaling your peachy scent and placing passionate kisses on your skin. His kisses trailed down to your rounded buttocks, soft caresses alternating with gentle presses.
"Open your mouth wide, Y/N. Take Yeosang's cock," Jongho instructed. Yeosang kneeled in front of you, and you lifted your head slightly, obeying Jongho's command. You took Yeosang's cock into your mouth, and the sensations overwhelmed you.
"Fuck, it feels so good! So warm!" Yeosang couldn't help but moan as your warm mouth brought him endless pleasure. The touch of your tongue sent shivers down his spine. Meanwhile, Jongho aimed his erect cock at your wet hole and thrust into you in one powerful motion.
"Hmmm!!!" His size was overwhelming, testing your limits. The sensation of being penetrated was both foreign and incredibly satisfying. Your body instinctively responded, producing more fluids, as you continued to suck on Jongho's cock, trying to fully accept and enjoy the feeling.
"You're sucking me in so well, you slut," Jongho uttered dirty words that further aroused you. Finally, your longtime fantasy was coming true. Your heart raced, the pounding sound loud in your ears. You had never experienced sex before, all of this was new and exciting, and your body craved more - you wanted them to fuck you hard, to penetrate you deeply.
"Fuck her with me, Yeosang," Jongho commanded. Yeosang followed Jongho's movements, thrusting forward at the same time. The rhythm of their moves made you squeal, combining discomfort and pleasure. It was a sensation you had never felt before.
"Oh fuck, your pussy is fucking good, so fucking tight!"
Jongho's thrusts were consistent and deep, filling the emptiness inside you. The friction was intense, making your entire body tremble. And each time he thrust, his balls would slap against your ass, adding an extra touch that pushed you further. The sound of skin slapping against skin and the rapid beating of your heart created a hot tension within you.
"Ha-Ha-oh my god!!"
On the other hand, your tongue continued to pleasure Yeosang's cock, the tip occasionally touching the back of your throat, while your soft lips stroked him, earning moans and groans from him. His moans combined with the lingering scent of both of you, fueling your desires even further.
You tried to suppress the churning in your stomach as you did your best to take in Yeosang's member. "Ah~fuck~" Jongho's pace quickened, the sound of the bed frame creaking and your moans became an erotic symphony.
Yeosang's movements were not as intense as Jongho's, but they were deliberate and unhurried. He grasped your hair, making you bounce back and forth, lifting your head and grunting while Jongho continued to ravish you. It was all too thrilling, teasing your sensitive nerves, pushing you to your limits, and making you even wetter.
"Hmm…"Your cries were muffled, replaced by meaningless syllables. Each vocalization caused vibrations that drove Yeosang closer to losing control. His thrusts became sloppy as his orgasm approached.
"I'm cumming!" he exclaimed. Jongho, not wanting to waste any of it, instructed, "Cum in her mouth." Yeosang couldn't hold back any longer and after a few more thrusts, he released himself into your mouth. The taste, slightly fishy, made you uneasy.
"Swallow it," you had no option but to comply. Bound by your omega status, you were compelled to obey the alpha's commands. With a heavy heart, you gulped down the liquid, the sensation of it trickling down your throat sending shivers down your spine. As you released your mouth, a wave of overwhelming emotions washed over you, leaving you gasping for breath.
"Ummm…please, I can't take it anymore," you pleaded, but Jongho challenged you.
"Are you sure? It's just foreplay. Can't you handle it? I know you want more." Jongho had no intention of stopping, fueled by the sight of his lover's orgasm.
"You know what? I can't get enough of you. So sweet, so intoxicated af. How dare you, an omega, hide this from us?"
"No…No…I didn't mean to… Please"
"Please what? You want more? Want me to fuck you harder? Say it." His voice was like a siren made you obey, awaken your sexual desire. The heat of your body didn't allow you to resist.
"Please fuck me…I…I want you" Yes, you desired it for so long.
"I want you deep inside me."
"That's my good girl." Jongho pecked your nape and had a smile on his lips.
"I'm gonna fuck you as if it's the last day of the Earth."
The mingling of your peach and Yeosang's vanilla fragrance in the air heightened his primal urges. He thrusted really hard. With each deep and powerful thrust, it felt as though he was completely consuming you.
"Ahhh!!Ahh!! Jjong!!!"
The intense friction was almost too much to bear, and the rhythmic sound of skin meeting skin became a symphony to your senses.
"Taste yourself, Yeosang," Jongho suddenly lifted you up and settled you in his lap, your legs bent and crossed. His hands crept up to your neck, preventing you from lowering your head, allowing him to penetrate even deeper. Jongho's mouth trailed up, seeking out your sensitive earlobe. His lips softly sucked on it, his breath calming your nerves. Pressed against you, his body revealed the strength of his muscles and powerful physique.
Yeosang cupped your face, his fingers caressing your cheeks. You parted your lips, welcoming his tongue into your mouth, relishing the sweetness of his kiss. Mimicking Jongho's teasing kisses, he nibbled and explored your mouth gently.
Beneath you, the movements were anything but gentle. The sounds of kissing mingled with your sweet scent and the warmth of your bodies drove Jongho to a frenzy. His thrusts grew more forceful, aiming to penetrate as deeply as possible.
There was no pause, only rapid movements that repeatedly reached the depths of your being. Your muffled screams turned into stifled sounds and choked sobs. Your lips trembled as the rhythm of your breath was disrupted by overwhelming desire.
"Let her go, I want to hear her," Yeosang reluctantly released your lips. A thin strand of saliva connected you both, trickling down to your chin. Yeosang licked his lips in satisfaction, relishing the sight of his lover ravishing you. The earlier excitement had left him drained of energy.
"Ah fuck!!!" Finally, your screams broke free, and you swore, oblivious to any other presence in the house. Jongho pushed you down onto the bed, his body pressing against yours as before. Your hands were held above your head, fingers intertwined with his, leaving deep crescent imprints on your palms. You buried your face in the sheets, attempting to stifle your cries.
Jongho buried his face in your neck, kissing and licking with unrestrained passion, teasing and eagerly inhaling your scent. His movements grew more intense, the speed reaching an indescribable level. "Oh, Jong-Jong!!!" you sobbed, the overwhelming sensation almost unbearable.
Suddenly, a sharp, intense pain shot through your skin, like a thousand needles. Jongho entered your most intimate space without warning, his size even larger than before.
He knot you.
You cried out in agony, tears streaming down your cheeks. "Please, no more!" you pleaded, feeling like you were at your breaking point.
"You can take it, hold on."
He thrust vigorously, each motion causing you to squirm, his actions becoming erratic. You could do nothing but cry, the pain from the lower core was hard to bear.
"Fuck! All the heat surged through his body as Jongho could feel himself approaching climax. He softly nibbled your nape, releasing his pheromones, and cumming, leaving a lasting mark.
Both of you caught your breath, slowly coming down from the intensity of your shared experience. The sheets bore witness to the emotions that had spilled over, with tears staining the fabric and your cheeks flushed in vulnerability.
"Let's clean up, shall we?" Jongho's touch was tender as he stroked your face, gently tucking your hair behind your ear. You nodded in agreement, feeling a deep connection to his kindness.
With a reassuring hand on your back, he guided you and Yeosang to the bathroom for a soothing shower. As the warm water cascaded over your bodies, washing away the remnants of passion, you felt a sense of peace enveloping you.
Before you knew it, exhaustion crept in, and you drifted off to sleep nestled between the two of them, finding solace in their presence.
"Papa!! Daddy!!" Rocky and Aurora rushed towards Seonghwa and Hongjoong, who had just returned from their trip, cutely whining, while the others followed behind.
"I miss you so much!!" Seonghwa kissed Aurora's face, looking doting.
"Have you been naughty and caused trouble for Aunt Y/N?"
"No way!"
"We play games with Uncle Jongho every day, and we also play soccer."
"But Uncle Yeosang and Y/N often wake up late and don't play with us," Aurora complained softly.
"They wake up late?"
"It seems like they stay up all night playing LOL and don't let us play," Rocky added, confusing everyone. It was only then that you walked out of the room.
"Yah… we… we play LOL every night…" because you didn't use suppressants anymore, all the alphas present smelled your pheromones mixed with Jongho's scent.
"You… you?! What… you…?"
"Yah, she and Yeosang are mine. She is an omega," Jongho calmly stated the truth, leaving everyone shocked.
"I didn't mean to…"
"Wait! You said you play LOL every night?! What does it mean? You guys better explain to me! What did you let my two babies hear?!!!" Seonghwa angrily shouted and cut you off. He didn't care whether you are omega or beta but only cared for his two children.
"And Papa, what is pussy? Uncle Jongho always says he likes it."
The three of you were frozen in place, with no room for quibbles.
"Y/N, Jongho, and of course you, Yeosang, don't dare to run away. Explain what you guys did to my children!!" Hongjoong said strictly. Oh shit.. looks like you're in big trouble.
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merrybloomwrites · 8 months
I Hear Them Calling (Chapter 4)
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Story Summary: Alpha Harry Styles and omega Y/N Y/L/N meet under less than ideal circumstances. Overtime their paths will cross and they will be drawn to one another in ways they never expected.
Chapter Summary: After battling the symptoms of touch deprivation for weeks, Y/N sees Harry again in Chicago and he helps her deal with the worst of it.
Previous Chapters: Prologue ; Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
Word Count: 4.9k
“You haven’t had a nightmare in 4 days?” Rachel asks.
“Nope!” You reply happily, taking a sip of your iced caramel latte. You and Rachel both have a free afternoon and decided to meet at a local cafe. You feel so much better than you had for the last few weeks that you felt confident to order a different drink. No tea that reminds you of Sarah, no hot chocolate that makes you think of Harry.
“And you’re not using those coping mechanisms you mentioned?”
“Haven’t needed them in days.”
“And you’re still not going to tell me what they were?” You blush at this question, embarrassed by the truth.
“No, that secret may come with me to the grave,” you joke.
Rachel looks at you, slightly worried and says, “It was safe right? You weren’t like, drugging yourself to sleep were you?”
“Oh God no!” You reply with a laugh. “Nothing like that, I swear.” Though you think to yourself that Harry’s scent in its direct form would probably be so delicious that it would act like a drug to you.
“Okay, I trust you,” Rachel says. “So, have you heard from Harry?”
You sigh, slightly disappointed by the answer you have to give. “Not since the night of the concert. I’m sure he’s been busy.”
“Maybe you should text him first.”
“And maybe you are out of your mind. No way. And before you say anything, it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm the girl or he’s the alpha or any of that sexist bullshit. It has everything to do with the fact that he’s Harry Styles.” You whisper the last part, aware that you’re in public and anyone around could hear the conversation.
“So what if he’s Harry Styles?”
“What would I even text him?”
“You could start with ‘Hi, how are you?’”
“Very funny. I mean, I guess I could. Maybe. I’ll give it a couple more days.”
“Waiting for him to leave the area?”
“Something like that,” you reply.
“Speaking of procrastinating things,” Rachel says teasingly, “have you called your doctor yet? To find out why that alpha knew you’re an omega even though you’re on suppressants and scent blockers?”
“Okay, that I did not procrastinate on. I called her but I can’t get an appointment until November.”
“Yea. I mean there aren’t a lot of doctors who specialize in omegas, so they’re always booked. Anyway, she said that my body has probably just developed a resistance to the pills. She’ll try to change my regimen after the appointment and told me to use the spray on neutralizers until then.”
“That sucks.”
“It does. I am so not looking forward to changing meds. It takes awhile to find the right combo and then there’ll be all new side effects. But it’ll be worth it.”
“I wish omegas didn’t have to hide who they are.”
“Me too. But that’s just how it is now.”
From there the conversation turns to lighter topics until you part ways to continue your day.
Another week passes and you still haven’t heard from Harry. On top of that the bad dreams come back, along with the restlessness, and chills. You’ve started using the old coping mechanisms again, which barely work this time around.
The morning after his final show in New York City, your social media is flooded with videos of him receiving his banner at Madison Square Garden. If there was any time to reach out to him, now was it. He said he wanted to be friends, right? A friend would absolutely congratulate him on this achievement.
It still takes you forever to type out the message, and ever longer to find the courage to press send. It’s nearly noon by the time you text Harry, “Congrats on the banner!”
It’s a simple sentence, just four words, and you still find a way to overthink everything for the two hours it takes Harry to reply. You’re taking a walk, grateful once again that you work on your own schedule and can take a break when you need one. And right now, you need one. Because you texted a celebrity and he still hasn’t answered and you for sure made a complete fool of yourself.
You stop dead in your tracks when your phone buzzes and Harry’s name appears on your screen.
From Harry Styles: Thank you! Can’t believe I got such an honor. How are you? What are you up to?
There’s a bench nearby and you sit to reread his message five times before replying.
To Harry Styles: You deserve it! I’m good, just out for a walk. How about you?
The next message comes in much faster.
From Harry Styles: I’ve been doing well. Took it easy this morning, currently enroute to Texas for the next shows.
You can’t help but feel disappointed that he’s no longer just a city away. You know it’s silly, but it was nice that he was so close by.
To Harry Styles: Enjoy Texas!
From Harry Styles: Thank you! Have you ever been?
To Harry Styles: Once, in college. Went to San Antonio with some friends.
From Harry Styles: That’s a great city, love the river walk there!
And so, you and Harry Styes became friends who text each other about random things. You talk throughout his flight to Texas, and sporadically over the next couple of weeks. It never gets very deep, all surface level conversations, but it’s nice. You feel like you’re getting to know the real him, and he’s getting to know who you are as well.
The texts from Harry are the high points. The low points are, unfortunately, very low. The hot chocolate, and roses, and forest smelling candles are no longer helping you. Bad dreams happen almost every night, you’re constantly cold, and there’s an itch under your skin that just won’t go away. The voice in the back of your brain is telling you it’s touch deprivation, but you refuse to admit that to yourself. You’ve never needed an alpha, and you refuse to depend on one now. So no, you do NOT have touch deprivation.
You’re checking your email, and you see that there are still spots open for a job training opportunity in Chicago. You rarely go to these, but it’s been a while, and you think maybe it would be good to go. There are always new types of data software, and you found the last two training courses you attended to be pretty informative.
Looking at the dates you notice the course is the following Thursday and Friday. In Chicago. You also notice that Harry will be doing shows there at the same time. You don’t admit that’s what seals the deal for you, but it totally is.
After registering and setting up your flight and hotel reservation you send a text to Harry. You casually mention that you’ll be in Chicago the following weekend. You’re surprised when your phone starts to ring, and Harry’s name is on the screen.
You answer the phone and he’s first to speak, saying, “You’re gonna be in Chicago?”
“I am!” you reply, matching his excitement.
“Can you come to my shows?”
“Which days are they again?” You ask this to try and seem like less of a stalker.
“I’ve got one Thursday, Friday and Saturday. You’re welcome to come to as many of those as you want,” he answers.
“I think Thursday is an all-day thing, so I won’t be able to come to that one. The training ends with dinner on Friday evening so I think I could make it just in time for the concert.”
“Ok great, and Saturday?”
“I am free all-day Saturday. My flight back home is Sunday afternoon.”
“Wonderful. I’ll have tickets for you for those two shows. That is, if you want to come of course.”
“Harry, I absolutely want to come.”
“Then the tickets are yours. All the details will come from Jada. I’d be a mess without that girl.”
“You paying her well?” you ask jokingly.
“She’s compensated handsomely, I promise,” he replies with a laugh.
“Happy to hear it.”
“I uhm- it sounds like you won’t be able to come before the show Friday, correct?”
“Unfortunately, no. I’ll probably get there right before you go on.”
“Forgive me if this sounds forward, but would you want to hang out after? It would have to be at the hotel, I can’t really be out in the city after a concert.”
“Totally understand that. And yea, I’d love to hang out after.”
“Great! I’m staying at the Nobu Hotel.”
You quickly look it up and see that your hotel is close by.
“No way!” you reply. “I’m at the Crowne Plaza like, two blocks away.”
“Well, that’s convenient. I’ll make sure there’s a car to take you to Nobu after the show Friday if that works for you?”
“Yea that would be great. I’d love to hang out!” You cringe, hoping that didn’t come off too strong.
“I’d love to hang out as well. Listen I have to go to sound check for tonight’s show. I’ll text you soon. And look out for the email from Jada, it’ll have all the info you need.”
Harry POV
“You’re extra happy today,” Elin says as Harry bounces around the venue smiling so big that both dimples are showing.
“I am!” He replies. “Thanks for noticing!”
“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Sarah asks. “Because it’s definitely not how this sound check is going.” She has a point there. No less than a dozen things have gone wrong since they started, leading them to take a break while the sound techs work out a few problems.
“Just talked to a friend who will be in town next week.”
“Oh I see,” Mitch says. “So Y/N will be here?”
“Yes, and she’ll be coming to the shows Friday and Saturday. I can’t wait to see her!”
“Aw, someone’s got a crush,” Pauli says.
Harry ignores the teasing from his band members and says, “Honestly I’ve been a bit worried about her. I’ve just had this feeling that keeps getting worse.”
“Why do you think it has to do with Y/N?” NyOh asks.
“I mean, I don’t know for sure. But we’ve talked on the phone a couple times, and she always sounds exhausted.”
“I’m sure she’s alright,” Sarah says reassuringly.
“I know, I just can’t help it.”
“I completely get that,” Sarah replies softly, looking towards her mate.
“Fixed it!” One of the sound techs calls out, effectively cutting off the conversation as Harry and the band get back to work.
The next week passes in what feels like slow motion. Every hour drags on. Your apartment building hasn’t switched from air conditioning to heat yet, so you’re constantly wearing layers of warm clothes and burrowing under blankets. The itch under your skin only gets worse, spreading to new areas each day until there’s a maddening tingle throughout your whole body.
Amelia drops you off at the airport Wednesday afternoon. You know she can tell that something is wrong, but you don’t offer an explanation, so she doesn’t pry for details.
You put on your mask before walking into the terminal. It’s a habit leftover from the pandemic, and also a great way to block out the potential strange scents. Alphas and omegas might be rare, but there’s always a chance a few will be around in such a crowded place. You’re extra sensitive to smells at the moment due to the touch deprivation that you’ve finally admitted you have. But it’s mild. Totally manageable. Not a problem.
The plane ride and subsequent train trip and walk to the hotel is exhausting. You stop and grab some food on the way. After checking in you immediately eat your quick meal, take a hot shower, and crawl into bed.
You’re almost asleep when your phone digs with an incoming text. You’ve already texted your family and friends letting them know you’re at the hotel, so you’re annoyed that someone is interrupting your sleep.
That is, until you see who the message is from. Harry’s name pops up with a text asking if you made it safely to Chicago. You practically melt at how sweet it is that he’s checking in on you. You send a quick reply before immediately falling asleep.
The first day of the training session is typical- informative, but boring. Harry’s show is still going when you get back to the hotel, so you watch on a livestream. You’re still exhausted and fall asleep before it’s over.
Waking up the next morning is difficult. Your body feels heavy, like your bones are filled with lead. The chills seem worse than ever and you’re grateful you packed yourself a heavy sweater to wear that day. Not only is it warm, but it covers up the marks from where you’ve been scratching at the skin on your arms due to the incessant itching.
You have trouble concentrating on the training throughout the day. There was one alpha there, and he was somehow in every single session you attended. He didn’t have a bad scent per se, but his presence alone became overwhelming.
By the time the sessions are over, you feel exhausted. You debate skipping dinner altogether but know you at least need some food before you can start your walk to the United Center. The alpha, whose name you’ve learned is Andy, sits next to you at dinner. He seems nice enough, you don’t feel threatened by him, but you still want to finish dinner and get away from him as quickly as possible.
Once dessert is over you grab your bag, ready to escape. Andy stops you before you go, asking for your number. Without thinking you quickly say, “I have a boyfriend,” and hastily leave the restaurant.
You’re not far from the venue, only a few blocks away, and you’re so out of it that you barely notice where your legs are taking you. It only takes fifteen minutes to get there, but you’re on edge the whole time. Glancing at your watch you see that it’s just before 8PM, meaning Harry should still be backstage.
You’re tired, and dizzy, and a little fuzzy, but knowing you’re so close to seeing Harry again has you moving faster than you thought possible. You’ve even built up a slight sweat, and you feel warm for the first time in weeks causing you to roll up the sleeves of your sweater.
As you approach the building you hear your name being called. You turn to see Jada running up to you.
 “I didn’t think you’d be here so early! Glad I was talking to one of the security guards, you walked right past the entrance,” she says.
You smile as she hands you your VIP badge and leads you inside.
“Harry has a few minutes before he needs to finish getting ready. He’ll be glad you made it before he goes on, I know he’s been dying to see you,” Jada says, causing you to blush.
“Well, I can’t wait to see him either,” you reply.
She knocks on a door which opens a second later. The first person you see is Mitch, who gives you a hug as he says, “Hey kid, good to see you again.”
“You too!” you answer, somewhat surprised by the warm greeting.
Sarah’s there too, pulling you in to a hug next. The moment her arms wrap around your shoulders, you’re overcome with a wave of dizziness. Black spots flash in your vision and you blink rapidly to try and clear them.
“You okay, love?” she asks as she lets go and takes a step back.
After a couple deep breaths you answer, “I’m good. Practically ran here from dinner, still catching my breath I guess.”
Harry, who’s been quietly watching you quickly walks to the fridge and grabs a water bottle. You reach out your hand so he can pass it to you, and see his eyes focus on your arm. There’s no way he missed the angry red scratch marks there, but you immediately pull your sleeves back down to hide them anyway.
“Can we have a moment?” Harry asks, causing Mitch, Sarah, and Jada to promptly exit and close the door behind them. He motions to the couch, and you’re reminded of the last time the two of you were in his dressing room together.
Like the last time, you sit next to each other, but he seems to be giving you more space. This confuses you. If he’s so excited to see you, why didn’t he greet you with a hug like everyone else? And why is he so far away now? And why does he seem so serious instead of happy?
“Y/N, I have a question, and it’s kind of personal, but I’d like you to answer honestly,” he starts.
“Okay,” you reply, taken aback by this turn of events.
He’s quiet for a moment, seeming to think of exactly what he wants to ask. Finally, he settles on, “Where did those scratches come from?”
“My arms were itchy,” you reply. Not a lie, though probably not the full truth he’s looking for.
“And the dizziness? Cause I don’t think it was from your walk. You seemed fine until Sarah touched you. Until an alpha touched you.”
You know what he’s getting at. He’s no dummy. Just minutes after seeing you he’s figured out what you’ve been hiding for weeks. Hiding from everyone, including yourself.
He watches you, and you know he’s waiting for an answer. But you can’t think of one to give him. So, he continues, “Y/N, I think you have touch deprivation. Is that fair to say?”
You let out a shuddery breath and nod. “Yea, that’s fair to say.”
“It seems pretty severe.”
You finally decide to open up, saying, “It’s been getting worse the past couple weeks. I don’t think my meds are working anymore, and the soonest doctors appointment I could get still isn’t for a couple weeks.”
“I’m worried you’re close to a drop. Like, any minute now. Or that you’ll go under if I touch you. You realize that you were close with Sarah, right? That if you’d stayed in contact with her, or if she’d released any pheromones you’d be in a full drop right now?”
Part of you wants to snark back, yell at him for going full alpha male and acting like he knows your body better than you. But the problem is, he’s right. It’s been so long since the last time you dropped that you forgot what it’s like. You forgot what the signs are.
But now that he’s pointed out the obvious, you really start to feel it. He sees as you deflate, starting to fold in on yourself. His hand reaches out, wanting to comfort you in some way, but he can’t. He can’t risk sending you into a drop, not when he has a show to do in just twenty minutes.
“You’re right,” you finally say. “I didn’t realize it. I thought I was handling it, that I could make it to my doctor’s visit and get new soothers and I’d be okay. I just don’t know what to do if I don’t have meds that work.”
“I’d like to help you, if you’ll let me.”
You finally meet his eyes and see that he’s completely serious.
After a moment you nod and reply, “Okay.”
“Okay? You’ll let me help?”
“Yes. I don’t know what else to do. And uhm, I trust you. You’re a good person, Harry. A good alpha.”
He smiles at your words before glancing at the clock and saying, “I have to finish getting ready in a minute. I’d still like to hang out after the concert. I think it might be healthy for you to do a drop with me there, if you’re comfortable with that?”
“I mean, I don’t like dropping. It’s only happened to me twice before and I was alone each time, so they weren’t good experiences. But maybe it will be different if you’re there?”
“I can help you through it, if you’ll let me.”
“What would you do to help? Like, how do alphas help omegas through that?”
“It depends on what you consent to but ah, I would hold you, help you get the touch your omega needs. Most alphas will scent the omega. It lets them know that they’re not alone, that someone is there protecting them, keeping them safe while they can’t do so themselves. I’d also release calming pheromones to keep your omega relaxed.”
“Okay. I’m okay with all of that. I’d like that,” you answer. Truthfully you’re a bit nervous. Harry Styles has just offered to hold you, to scent you for goodness sakes. That’s incredibly intimate. But you’ve felt so awful for weeks, and there are still weeks to go before you can get new soothers. And this is kind of a dream come true.
“Do you want to stay here for the concert? You can hang in here or go to the VIP box. Or you can head to the hotel now and take it easy if you’d like,” he says.
“I’ll stay in here if that’s alright,” you reply.
“It’s more than alright,” he answers. “And if at any point you want to get out of here just text Jada. She can arrange a ride back to my hotel and I’ll meet you there after the show. Or if you change your mind she can get you a ride back to your hotel too.”
“Thank you, Harry. For everything.”
“Of course. I know I don’t know you all that well, but I care about you. Anyway, I uhm, need to get dressed so I’m just gonna step into the bathroom for a moment.”
“I can go in the hall for a minute, get out of your way-”
“Nonsense. You’re not in the way. I’ll be right back.”
Harry finishes getting ready, and you make yourself comfortable on the couch. A couple of people come in, touching up his hair and make-up and before you know it he’s heading to the stage.
You watch on the screen in the room for the first few songs. After a while Jada joins you and you ask if you can watch from the VIP section for a bit. It goes well until Harry and the band take a break. You’d been so focused on the music that you were distracted from everything else around you.
But now all you can hear are all the other people, and it’s overwhelming. It becomes difficult to breathe, and you start to see dark spots once again.
You turn to Jada, and she immediately leads you back to the dressing room.
“Do you want to wait for Harry, or do you want to leave now?” she asks.
“I think I should go,” you reply.
“To your hotel, or his?”
“Harry’s, please.”
“Okay, wait here, I’ll get the car and come back for you in a minute.”
You sit back on the couch, seeking out Harry’s scent to calm you, but it’s barely noticeable.
Jada comes back and you follow her to the car. It’s a quiet ride to the hotel, and once there, she goes with you to the suite.
His room is on the top floor. It’s big, basically a full apartment, and you stay in what seems to be the living room. Jada sits on the couch with you, and you say, “I feel like you have more important things to do than babysit me.”
She laughs and says, “It’s not babysitting. I like hanging out with you. And you’re a priority to Harry. Which makes you a priority to me.”
The two of you lapse into a comfortable silence for a while until Jada’s phone buzzes. “Shows over,” she says. “Harry’s just getting changed and then he’ll be here soon. He said you can borrow some of his clothes if you want to get comfy.”
You hesitate and she adds, “I have no problem going through his stuff. I can grab you some clothes if you want.” You laugh at that and nod.
A short while later you’ve changed into a pair of Harry’s sweatpants, as well as a t-shirt and hoodie. They smell like him, and you shamelessly inhale the scent you’ve been craving for weeks. The suite door opens, and Harry walks in, looking incredibly cozy in his own pair of sweats.
“Thank you, Jada,” he says. “Get some rest, you’ve earned it.”
“Night guys,” she says as she leaves the room.
You’re left alone with Harry. It feels different, here in his hotel room, surrounded by his belongings, while you’re wearing his clothes.
“You left early,” he says.
“Sorry,” you reply.
“Don’t be. I’m just worried as to why you left.”
“I was just overwhelmed. Needed some quiet.”
“I understand. Y/N, are you ready for this? You still seem on the edge of a drop.”
“I’m ready.”
“And have you changed your mind about anything? Or is it okay if I hold and scent you through this?”
You pause for a moment, scared at how vulnerable you’re about to be. “I haven’t changed my mind. I want you to do that. I trust you.”
He takes a step towards you. “Thank you, for trusting me. We’ll probably be more comfortable in the bed.”
“Lead the way,” you say.
It’s awkward at first, the two of you sitting next to each other in his bed, backs resting against the headboard.
He turns to you and says, “Can I hold you now?”
You nod, and his arms wrap around you, pulling you until you’re tucked under his chin and resting against his chest.
Everything starts to get fuzzy, and you feel yourself losing consciousness. It’s an unsettling feeling, but you know that Harry is there to help you through this.
The last thing you hear before it all goes black is Harry calmly saying, “I’ve got you. Let go. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Harry can’t describe the helplessness he feels as you go limp in his arms. He doesn’t allow himself to stress, or panic, knowing that his emotions will impact you. Instead, he takes some calming breaths and thinks through everything he knows he needs to do in this situation.
He hears you whimper quietly as you start to shiver, and he doesn’t hesitate to soothe you. It takes some maneuvering, but soon you’re both laying down in the bed. He tucks his nose into your neck and begins to scent you, releasing calming pheromones until you relax.
It continues this way for the next couple of hours. Harry holds you, and scents you, his nose rubbing against the gland in your neck. During one moment when you seem particularly distressed he can’t help but place kisses there to soothe you faster.
Finally, you start to stir. It takes longer than Harry had anticipated, so he’s relieved when your eyes meet his after hours of being closed.
“Hey there,” he says with a soft smile.
“Hi,” you answer groggily. “How long?”
“Couple hours. Your inner omega needed the rest. Now you need some too. Go to sleep, I’ve got you.”
It’s the same words he said before you dropped. You wish you could hear that all the time. No one has cared for you before, not like this. It feels good, but you remind yourself not to get used to it. Still, you curl into his embrace, enjoying every moment of contact with Harry that you can get.
The next thing you know, it’s late morning. You’re still cuddling against Harry, and his deep breaths indicate he’s still sleeping.
You feel amazing. You’re nice and warm, your mind is clear, and the constant itch and restlessness are nonexistent. You’re extremely grateful, but at the same time, you’re annoyed that you need to depend on another person just to feel normal. But you don’t dwell on that. Because Harry is starting to stir next to you.
“Hey,” he says when your eyes meet his. “How do you feel? Sleep okay?” God, you could melt at the gravelly sound of his morning voice.
“I’m good. Feel better than I have in a long time. And according to that clock, I slept wonderfully.” The two of you laugh, seeing that it’s nearly noon.  
“I was hoping to treat you to a nice breakfast, but I guess I missed the window on that,” Harry says, continuing to laugh with you. “I do still have plenty of time before I need to be at the arena. Would you like to spend the afternoon with me exploring Chicago?”
“I’d love to,” you reply. His face breaks out in a huge smile before he leans down, once again running his nose along your scent gland. You go limp at the feeling, happily submitting to him.
You don’t think about the fact that this is temporary. That you leave to fly home tomorrow afternoon. That you’ll be without his alpha scent once again.
Instead, you think about the hours you have ahead of you, hours to spend with Harry. Nothing could be more perfect.  
AN: Thank you so much for reading! This was one of the scenes I imagined when I first thought of the story and I'm so happy that it's finally shared with you all!
Taglist: @akkatz @pandeebearstyles @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@theekyliepage@numafarawayglxy @booberry019-blog @hillzrry@ssareidbby @gem1712 @acesofspadess@houseofdilfs@shaquille-0atmeal-1@kissitnhekitchen @amateurduck @poguestyleskye@n0vaj3an@snwells@drunk-teens-doing-drugs ; @fdl305@creativelyeva@daphnesutton@selluequestrian@lovingfurypanda @stardream14 @tbsloneely@eversincehs1@boomitsallie1@rose-garden-dreamz @fictionalmensblog @buckybarnessimpp
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freesia-writes · 3 months
Ch 18: Beach Date
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~ Master List ~ Previous Chapter ~ WC: 1.6k
Fanart by @amalthiaph!!
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The increasingly warm weather on the island of Xylo was a welcome reprieve from a particularly blustery winter, allowing the locals to venture forth from their cozy dwellings to enjoy the outdoors more. The Town Square was more active with events, the beach became increasingly dotted with people looking to enjoy the waves and sun, and the Tiki Bar was back to its usual bustle, including dejarik tournaments and the weekly karaoke night. Hunter was back to tying his hair up in a bun, utilizing a bandana out of either nostalgia or habit, and it was somewhat of a relief for him to don one of his looser tunic shirts and some blue shorts after being under the heavy butcher apron for a few hours. 
He’d led Lyra down the steps to a long stretch of beach, carrying a bigger backpack than usual and making some sporadic conversation as they walked. She had unintentionally matched his outfit, partly at least, with a loose beige long-sleeved shirt and an olive green skirt that brushed her ankles. Her brown hair was left down, holding that slight bit of wave as always, and she’d switched to sandals from her usual boots. She watched quietly as he pulled a thin blanket out from the backpack and laid it across the sand, gesturing for her to sit. When he continued to produce more snacks, drinks, and treats than she thought his bag could hold, she couldn’t resist a sheepish admission.
“I should have asked you what I could bring…”
“Nope,” he said, finishing his spread. “You did all the dinner stuff. Now it’s my turn.”
“Oh, is that how this works?” she smiled. “Well then I’ll have to start planning something good.”
Hunter was silent, trying to simply be present and enjoy the moment but unable to rid himself of the nagging questions in the back of his mind from their earlier conversation with Wrecker. They settled into snacking and light chatter, observing the people walking by and occasionally laughing at a raucous outburst from the tiki bar down the beach. The sun was sinking low in the sky, painting everything with beautiful peach tones, and the sea birds floated on the breeze, hovering above the people below with sharp eyes for any food left unattended. 
Their conversation was halting, with something unidentifiable beneath the surface, and Lyra’s body language was growing increasingly awkward. Once the snacks were thoroughly decimated and the drinks turned into empty bottles, Hunter shoved everything back in the bag except the blanket they were sitting on, and he leaned back on his hands, shaking bangs out of his face as he stared into the distance. Lyra was sitting cross-legged, idly sifting the tiny grains of sand between her fingers just off the edge of the blanket, and they fell silent for a while, each full of thoughts that they didn’t know how to share. 
“I haven’t seen a sunset like this in a while,” Lyra offered after a few minutes. 
“Yeah,” he agreed, lifting his head a bit to enjoy the slow fade of colors across the sky. “They’re different throughout the seasons here, it seems.”
“Part of the charm.”
More silence.
“Where did you get the chocolate-covered fruit? I haven’t been able to find that for ages…” she tried again.
“Omega brought it back from the agricultural island. I’m not usually much of a sweets person, I guess.”
“I know... No idea why not.”
“Well we all have our flaws.”
More silence. 
Lyra shifted, leaning to her side to prop herself up on a hand, and accidentally laid her fingers over the back of Hunter’s where they rested on the blanket behind her. She sat up again quickly, pulling her hand back and mumbling an apology, which seemed to make him further retreat into himself. The sound of a particularly boisterous karaoke singer reached their ears, drawing a little snicker from each and goading her into action. 
“Okay… What’s wrong?” Lyra finally said, turning to face him head-on. 
“What?” he said, his attempt at cluelessness falling wildly flat. 
“This all feels totally different. Awkward. Distant. I don’t know… I’m sorry to bring it up, but… Did I do something?”
“Um…” he paused, surprised at her willingness to point it out so directly. “No, I mean… Well, yeah. Okay.” He took a deep breath, noticing her anticipation growing along with the concern on her face, but when he met her gaze, there was an immediate softening that triggered a flutter in his chest. “Earlier… in town… with Wrecker. You seemed really quick to say we were just friends. I feel that way too. But… agh.” He faltered, rubbing his face in his hands before dropping them to regard her again. “I don’t know how to do this.”
“Oh,” she said softly, seeming on the verge of something. “I’m sorry…” Her tendency to apologize was sometimes irksome, and he felt a mild chagrin that he quickly assumed had nothing to do with his own fumbling for words.
“No, it’s not… It’s fine, it’s just… I don’t know. I don’t know what… this…” he gestured between them, “...is. I didn’t think this would ever be part of my life, to be honest.”
“This?” Lyra asked, swallowing hard with undeniable anxiety.. 
“Yeah,” Hunter said with a self-conscious chuckle at his own complete and total befuddlement. “I don’t know how nat– naturally this thing goes… I just… I like being with you.” The increasing sheepishness of his confession was both adorable and enlightening, and her eyes widened for a second before a look of happy disbelief flickered across her face. 
“I… Wow. Um… Hunter…” Again, the unfathomable softness in the way she said his name was a soothing caress to his ears. “I freaking love being around you. Every time we see each other again, I feel lucky beyond belief. I just didn’t assume you had any interest beyond casually spending time together, because… well why would someone like you… Ah, nevermind. I just didn’t think anyone would see me that way, so I was just trying to enjoy any time we did spend together.”
He processed her words, a slow smile creeping across his face. “Why wouldn’t anyone see you that way?” 
“Why would they?” she chuckled, tilting her head down and allowing some hair to fall across her face. “I’m old, I’m boring, I’m a coward… What do I have to offer?” Hunter opened his mouth to respond but she continued. “I guess I just feel like those days are behind me.”
“Maker above, Lyra,” he laughed, his chest swelling with affection. “You talk as if you’ve got one foot in the grave. What does that make me, then? Elderly and senile?” 
She shook her head, and he heard a little snicker from beneath her curtain of bangs. “You’re amazing,” she whispered, letting out a breath that made her shoulders slump a bit as she fell silent. 
“Hey,” Hunter said, his voice smooth yet the tiniest bit shaky. He shifted a little closer, leaning down to try to see behind her hair. A silent, steadying inhale gave him a momentary relief from the quivers in his stomach, and he lifted a hand to her face, deftly brushing her brown locks away from her eyes and tucking them behind her ear with feather-light apprehension. His lips twitched as her pulse increased and her face radiated warmth. 
She slowly lifted her head, meeting his gaze with a sweet vulnerability that made his heart swell in his chest. He almost forgot his words as he closed his mouth, which was suddenly going dry, and tenderly caressed her cheek with the backs of his fingers. She tilted her head into his touch, closing her eyes for a long moment before opening them with a blissful smile. 
“I don’t know what we’re doing,” Hunter whispered, cupping her face as though he were unable to pull away. “But I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. And I want to keep enjoying it. As long as you’ll have me, and whatever it looks like.”
“I don’t know how I got so lucky,” she murmured, moving forward to sit between his legs. “But that sounds lovely.” She sighed, moving as though to hug him but stopping, unsure, at the last moment. He similarly tried to scoot around her but faltered with a chuckle. “Man, we’re really good at this,” she remarked, earning a huff from him as he came to a rest behind her. 
“We’ll figure it out,” Hunter said calmly, offering himself as a backrest as she gently leaned into him, tucking perfectly into the curve of his chest. “Our own way,” he added, haltingly reaching an arm around the front of her shoulders to wrap snugly against her and provide the most comforting hug they’d yet shared. The breeze picked up a little, but it had no effect on the warmth between the two of them as they nestled further into one another. 
The sky faded to blue, the first brave stars peeking through the velvet curtain above, and the party at the tiki bar was going strong. There were still some people enjoying the beach here and there, but the whole world felt different somehow. Hunter took a deep breath, savoring the salt in the wind and the scents of evening cooking, and gave Lyra’s shoulder a little squeeze with a hand, feeling a heavy, pleasant contentment that in this moment, everything was perfect. 
* * * 
At the tiki bar, the back curtain flapped quietly as the small figure snuck out for a quick break. Luciana tilted her head, scanning the beach and zeroing on Hunter’s form wrapped tenderly around Lyra’s. A small smile curved at the corner of her lips, and with a slow stretch of the arms and back, she returned to the counter for the next set of orders.
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Birthday Gifts
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AN: So Alpha Nomad Steve won the birthday ficlet poll. Enjoy the fluff, which also means that this set of stories is officially a series now. Find Need You Now and Surprise, Surprise here.
Beta’d at speed by @indyluckycharlie
Dividers by @firefly-graphics and banner by me
Master list
Series Master list
Summary: It’s Steve’s birthday and you have the perfect gift all ready
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Relationship: Alpha! Nomad Steve and Omega! Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
CW: Breeding Kink, Fluff, Explicit Sexual Content, Lots of kissing, Non-graphic descriptions of pregnancy, labour and delivery.
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28th June
“Steve, I’m as big as a house!”
Your Alpha wrapped his arms around you from behind and nuzzled into your neck and the slightly scarred flesh to be found there.
“A sexy house.”
You playfully slapped his arm and let out an equally playful cry.
“Hey! I’m not gonna disagree with you. That would be dangerous to my health.”
You couldn’t help it. You giggled. Which had probably been his intention.
“Big, strong Captain America, scared of a pregnant Omega?”
He rubbed his bearded face against your neck again, inhaling your scent.
“Only because you’re my Omega.”  
You turned in his arms, your large baby bump - a bump that you now knew did hold twins - getting in your way. Luckily Steve knew what you wanted and ducked his head down to kiss you.
Although you had a few weeks until your due date, the fact that you were carrying twins meant they were probably going to show up sooner, rather than later. But it was Steve’s birthday in a week, and you hoped they’d wait until afterwards - you’d hate to miss his birthday by being in hospital.
Once the shock of being reunited and the reveal of your pregnancy had worn off, Steve had revelled in your situation. His Alpha hindbrain preened at the fact that his Omega was pregnant, and if he’d had voracious appetites before, your rounding belly just made him insatiable. 
When you were too tired to do anything, he just asked you to lie naked in front of him and he’d jack off, praising you, looking at you, covering your bump with his spend, before cleaning you up, and kissing you until you fell asleep in his arms.
However, when you did have the energy, he liked to perch you on top of him, so you could control the depth and speed. His broad hands held your hips, helping you move - grind - until you came. There’d still be the praises though, the electric gaze, and the aftercare.
Steve deepened the kiss, and then suddenly he lifted you up into his arms. You squeaked and clung onto him, and he let out a low growl in response that went straight to your core. You were glad you weren’t feeling tired today.
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July 1st
Your hands held onto the headboard, curling your fingers into the wood as you swivelled your hips.
“Alpha!” You whined as you neared your peak.
“I know, ‘Mega. You can do it, baby. Look so beautiful when you cum. I’ll be right there with you.”
Steve’s right hand dropped from your hip and his thumb delved between your folds, searching out your slick bud and rubbing tight circles over it. The tension in your body snapped like a rubber band and you threw your head back, keening as you trembled above him. His hips thrust up gently under you and you could feel his engorged knot brushing your entrance, and you wished you could take him deep enough to feel it inside you. He groaned with you as you rode out the waves of pleasure, filling you to the brim with his cum. 
As you drew in ragged breaths, your arms shook under the exertion of holding yourself up. Sensing your weariness, Steve helped manoeuvre you so you were lying on your side on the bed. He pressed a kiss to your sweaty brow before darting to the bathroom and coming back with a wet washcloth. He wiped down your face and chest, before gently cleaning you between your legs.
You smiled up at him.
“I must look a complete mess.”
He dropped another kiss on you, this time to your lips and shook his head.
“Nope. I meant what I said - you look beautiful. I don’t think I could want you more, and then I remember that once the babies are here you’ll be a certified MILF.”
You grabbed your pillow and threw it at him, but he easily avoided it.
He dropped down, facing you, tangling your legs together and dropping an arm over your thickened waist.
“Only for you, Omega. Only for you.”
He kissed you again, deeply this time, and stroked your hair until you fell asleep.
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July 4th
You groaned, and rolled over, an outstretched hand reaching for your phone to check the time. The screen lit up, bathing your face in its glow and mocking you with its answer.
You let out another groan and shifted, trying to get comfortable. It was Steve’s birthday today and you were determined it was going to be a good one. If only this damn backache would calm down. You closed your eyes and willed your body to relax, which is of course when the twins decided to start up a kicking war with each other, with you caught in the crossfire.
You rubbed your palm over your bump, trying to calm them.
“Quit it, you two.” You kept your voice low, but having an Alpha with enhanced senses means that it didn’t matter how quiet you were. A hair covered arm, corded with muscle came over your bump and pulled you close to the human furnace connected to it.
“They causing you problems, ‘mega?” His voice was roughened from sleep as he pressed his lips to your mating scar.
“Just waltzing around in there.” You suddenly winced and rubbed your hand over your belly again. “Okay, that was a little hard. I’ll be having words with them when they come out. Let’s try and go back to sleep, so we can enjoy your birthday later on.”
You turned your head over your shoulder to give Steve a brief kiss, and then snuggled back against him, pulling the comforter up and hoping the heat from his body would soothe your back ache.
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You woke up a few hours later as the sun started to rise, golden rays finding the gap between the curtains of Steve’s - your - compound apartment. Your back was still killing you and the twins were obviously headbutting your bladder. You were glad that your last scan showed both were head down, but sometimes you couldn’t make it 10 minutes between toilet visits. 
You carefully pulled yourself from bed, noting that the time was only 4:33. At some point Steve had rolled away from you, and the comforter was tangled around his legs. The early morning sun lit up the hairs on his body with a golden sheen and you smiled to yourself, before waddling off to the bathroom at the insistence of your unborn children. By the time you’d finished and washed up, despite still being tired, you were too awake to go back to bed.
You slowly made your way from the bedroom to the small living room cum kitchen of Steve’s compound apartment. You got yourself a glass of water and took two tylenol, hoping to ease your backache. You then moved towards the TV, snagging the throw from the back of the sofa and rolling your birthing ball out from the wall with your foot. Settling down on the bouncy rubber, the throw draped around your shoulders, you switched on the TV, making sure the volume was down low, and started to channel hop. There was bound to be some kind of mind-numbing rubbish on that you could while away the hours with. Then you’d have a nice nap.
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At 7am you were resigned to the fact that you weren’t getting a nap, and you had a sinking feeling that all your plans for today were getting put on hold. 
Normally, Steve would have been up an hour ago, to get in his morning run, but he’d agreed to forego the alarm this morning, accepting your suggestion that he have a lie in. Theoretically you should still be there with him, ready to help him out when awoke, but it appeared that the universe, and your twins, had other plans.
You were walking laps of your living room and trying not to accept the fact that your backache and slight twinges had morphed into the early stages of labour when a painful tightening of your womb caused you to moan out loud. Before the sensation had even fully passed, Steve was by your side, an arm around your back and the other holding your hand. There was a look of panic on his sleepy face.
“Are you okay, baby? What’s going on?”
You raised an eyebrow and swayed from side to side, the movement helping to ease your discomfort.
“Steven Grant Rogers, I’m 35 weeks pregnant with twins. What do you think is happening?”
He looked at you and you looked at him, watching as the realisation hit him. The panic on his face didn’t lessen any. In fact, it seemed to get more intense.
“They’re coming? Now? We need to get you to the med facility!” He dropped your hand and ran back to the bedroom, still talking. You rolled your eyes and restarted your perambulations.
“We need your bag, and the pups’ bag. And my bag. I need to call Buck. And Sam. And Tony…”
He reappeared, hopping on one foot as he tried to pull his sweatpants up the other leg.
“Should I carry you? Or do you want to walk? Maybe we could do both? Oh, and you have to remember to breathe, and…”
“Steve. Alpha. Please shut up.” 
He came to a grinding halt, watching you as you walked around him.
“It’s not that time yet, Steve. I spoke to the doctor about this last week. I need to wait until the contractions are regularly 2-3 minutes apart or until my waters break, whichever happens first. We’ve probably got hours to go yet. Now, relax, will you? Make your phone calls and get the bags near the door, but as the med facility is only on the other side of the compound, I don’t think we need to worry about getting there.”
Steve shook himself from his panicked stupor and moved back to your side, taking your hand and joining you in your circuit of the room.
“How are you so calm, Omega?”
You stopped and tugged on his hand to make him bend down so you could press your lips to his.
“Because I’m built for this, and because I will have the best Alpha by my side, supporting me. And let’s face it, if I’m squeezing your hands later, I’m not going to hurt you.”
The mental image made him laugh and he kissed you back.
“Bring it on, baby. Do your worst.”
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“I’m never letting you and your knot near me ever again, Rogers! Aaaahhhh!”
You were on your hands and knees on the bed in the medical facility. One of Steve’s hands was trapped under yours - you weren’t letting him go anywhere! - and you were swaying back and forth as another contraction washed through you. 
There was a midwife - Penny, a calming Beta - standing at the end of the bed, keeping an eye on proceedings, although to your mind she’d spent longer placating Steve’s fears than helping you through labour.
“I’m sorry, Omega. But you’re doing so well. And it will all be worth it when the pups are here. It won’t be long now.” He turned and looked behind you, towards Penny. “Will it?”
“No, in fact, Twin A is almost ready to be here, their head is starting to crown.” You turned your own head to look at her and she smiled at you.  “So with this next contraction I want you to push as hard as you can, okay. And Mr Rogers, I need you to hold up that water bottle so Mama can take sips when she wants.”
It was a good thing your mate was a military man, because he didn’t hesitate, and just did what had been asked of him. You didn’t have long to appreciate it, however, as your next contraction hit.
“Here we go,” Penny said, brightly. “Give me a nice big push…
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“What time is it, Steve?” You were exhausted, your eyes heavy and your blinks getting longer and longer. Your Alpha turned away from the window, where he was watching the fireworks explode across the sky. In his arms was a wrapped bundle with a scrunched up nose. An almost matching bundle was in the bassinet next to you. 
Sarah and Joseph, after Steve’s parents.
“Just after 10pm. You should get some rest, Omega mine. I can’t believe how well you did. You made it look easy.”
You gave out a little snort.
“I can assure you, it wasn’t. And I’ll get some rest in a moment. But I need you to come here.” You held out your hand, beckoning him over. With baby Sarah in his arms, he perched on the edge of your bed, the biggest smile you’d ever seen on his face. You pushed yourself up and pulled him into a kiss.
“Happy Birthday, Steve. I hope you liked your presents.”
“The best presents I could ever wish for, Omega. Thank you.”
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Tag list: @jobean12-blog @sidepartskinnyjeans @flordeamatista @goldylions @luxeavenger @wheezy-stucky @doasyoudesireandlive @chemtrails-club @seitmai @marvelstarker-mha98 @peaches1958 @pono-pura-vida @writing-for-marvel
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mysticmunson · 2 years
i absolutely LOVE your new alpha & omega fic!
you’re doing blurbs? 🥰
what about readers parents finding out she presented?
thank you so much!! :)
i hc omega!reader's parents are fairly similar to the harringtons. they provide you with things you need, but aren't home a lot due to work and when they are home, they have stuff to do. it partially explains your friendship with eddie as they hadn't even processed the fact their daughter was hanging with the town freak, they had heard the rumors, but they knew you wouldn't bring a maniac person into the house.
(i also wanna say i could totally see this scenario similar to the scene in juno where she tells her parents bleaker is the dad and they're like 'i didn't think he had it in him' and eddie's just like HEY)
however, this scenario has you on the verge of being sick as your parents are about to arrive back from their trip. eddie was right at your side with a bouncing leg, gripping your hand in reassurance that you both needed.
presenting is normal, but it can still be embarrassing, especially when you already have a mate within the first time. your parents briefly gave you the birds and the bees chat, how your dad was an omega and your moms an alpha, but no details.
when the front door opened and your parents stepped through the door, they instantly knew something was different. you hadn't even come into their eyesight and they were calling out for you, which is when you yelled you were in the living room while releasing eddie's hand.
"let me talk to them first." you mumbled as he gave your temple a brief kiss, scurrying behind one of the couches, making you roll your eyes.
they entered the room and gave a quick shuffle of your hair that you straightened out. knowing they would soon walk to their room and office, not coming out for hours, you stood up to face them.
"i presented as an omega." you blurted, fiddling with the sleeves of your dress, pulling them further down your palms. they froze, glancing at each other before turning around.
their eyes ran over you as if there was some big change physically, but you looked the same.
"um, well how are you feeling, sweetheart?" your mother asked, taking your hand and sitting with you on the couch, across from the one eddie was behind.
giving them a fabricated, not detailed version, saying you just felt a bit weak and lonely. that you were happy to be back at school with friends after not seeing them for a week.
"well, we should probably start seeing eligible alpha's in town." your mom humed, the gears in her head already turning, "except that carver boy, his dad is a prick."
it took all of eddie's will not to laugh at the bluntness of your mother, granted she always had a comeback for everything, but it was always pleasant to hear someone shit on the carver family.
"my pal patrick at work has a son whose an alpha, his names gio, already on his own and in college. maybe you could meet him?" your dad suggested, sipping his to-go coffee they probably got on the ride home.
before you could deny, already feeling the jealousy purring within your alpha who was still behind the floral furniture, your mother spoke up.
"oh! i can get a reservation for the two of you for enzo's, we can get you a new dress-" your mom began, fantasizing of all the stuff she could buy, when eddie rose.
"nope, i got it." he said with slight amusement and protectiveness, startling them as they clutched their chests, hearts racing.
you squeezed your eyes shut, simultaneously annoyed and appreciative of his abrupt announcement. they looked at you with raised eyebrows, expecting a more thorough answer, you just shrugged.
not wanting to delve into more details they nodded, "well, it was good to see you eddie, glad it's someone we like. we're tired though so goodnight." your father finished, the two going straight to their bedroom.
"what kind of a name is gio, that's dumb as shit. also when i was staring at the wall, i got hungry, we should go get kfc." he began to ramble as you laughed, putting your face in your hands.
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babygirl-diaz · 5 months
Milkshake and Fries (Omegaverse Mpreg)
"Put that down. Right. Now," Buck said in his alpha voice.
Eddie rolled his eyes at his mate's tone. "It's just a bag of pillows, baby," he informed the alpha. "And don't you use that voice with me"
"I have to when you won't listen to me," Buck replied. "You are 7 months pregnant, babygirl, and the doctor has said that you need rest. So that's what you're going to do."
"The doctor also said that I need some light exercise, which I will get if you let me help with the move," Eddie insisted.
"Nope, you can get your light exercise when we go on a walk around the neighborhood this evening," Buck told him. "For now, you're-" He picked up the milkshake and a McDonald's bag that were on a box and handed them to Eddie. "-gonna indulge in your cravings and let me do all the work."
"Oh yeah? So the big bad alpha gets to do all the heavy lifting while the dainty omega is supposed to sit aside and look pretty? I see how it is," Eddie huffed and took the food from him.
"I know what you're doing and it's not gonna work," Buck replied and picked up a box and set it aside. He stood there thinking before he snapped his fingers like had got an idea and picked up another box and set that aside as well. He opened the box underneath it and took out his hoodies, sweaters, t-shirts, and henleys.
"What are you doing?" Eddie asked, confused, as he took a sip of the milkshake.
Instead of answering, Buck took the clothes and scattered them on the floor and then took out pillows from the bag and put them on the floor as well. When he finished, he came over to Eddie, "Come on, sit in your makeshift nest and have your food," he said guiding Eddie over to the "nest" with a hand on the small of his back.
"I can't believe you're treating me like this," Eddie huffed but sat down on the pillows with Buck's help.
"Treating you like what? Like you're the love of my life and I want to make sure you and our baby are safe?" Buck asked as he crouched next to Eddie. He leaned in and kissed his cheek.
"You're lucky you're cute." Eddie couldn't help the smile that played across his lips. He grabbed Buck's shirt and pulled him in for a kiss.
Buck let out a surprised sound that Eddie swallowed and kept kissing him. Eddie then let go of Buck and smirked at him when he noticed Buck's parted lips and heaving breathing.
"That's for not letting me do anything," Eddie chuckled and picked up the brown bag, pulling a fry, and taking a bite.
"If that's what I get for not letting you do anything then I won't let you do anything ever," Buck replied and kissed Eddie one more time before going back to lifting and moving the boxes around.
Meanwhile, Eddie happily dipped the fries in the milkshake and ate them while admiring his alpha and how easily he picked up the heavy boxes with no effort.
"Hey, can you bring that box here?" Eddie asked when he saw Buck pick up an old white banker's box that had stickers on it.
"What's in here?" Buck asked bringing over the box and setting it down in front of Eddie.
Eddie put aside his food and opened the box. He smiled and took out photos, toys, and baby clothes. "These were Christopher's." He pouted as he put up a onesie with pictures of Spider-Man on it. He then took out an old brown teddy bear and looked at it with tears in his eyes. "He grew up so fast."
Buck smiled and picked up the photos from Eddie's lap and looked through them. "He was such a cute baby."
"He was," Eddie agreed. He cuddled the teddy bear close to his chest before touching his protruding belly with his other hand. "I can't wait to meet this little one."
Buck reached out and put a hand on top of Eddie's. "Neither can I," he replied before pressing a kiss to Eddie's forehead.
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hayanwulf · 1 month
Hi, in case you write a/b/o, can you write IronStrange where someone flirts with alpha Stephen and omega Tony steps in to stop them? That would be great!
Okay, I’m guessing you wanted me to write traditional a/b/o here. I, however, am not used to writing traditional. I tried (and failed) so went back to the way I always write my a/b/o’s. Non-traditional and with a high level of normalcy.
“Norns, you look pathetic ogling at that sorcerer,” Loki commented dryly, hands crossed over his chest and legs propped up on the conference table. The Avengers meeting hadn’t yet started, so the few people already present were more or less lounging.
“I’m not ogling at anyone,” Tony replied whilst clearly staring at the sorcerer in question, who sat all the way on the opposite side of the large table, discussing something with Bruce. “It’s called careful scrutiny.”
It was true. Stephen was a new player to the team — and it had taken a lot of persuasion to make that happen even if Stephen had been an ally nonetheless — so obviously, as a co-leader of the Avengers, Tony needed to observe him to learn more about his abilities, battle sense, teamwork skills, the like. There was absolutely no other reason for Tony to observe the Wizard, nope. And it was most definitely not because Tony found the doctor attractive, intelligent, witty, and with the most intoxicating yet calming scent he’d smelled from an alpha in a long while. Stephen smelled like rain and fresh tea leaves, which, how was it possible for an alpha to have such light, soothing tones in their scent?
But anyway, that was not the reason Tony was currently observing Stephen.
There were only practical reasons for observing him, yup.
Loki let out a sound that was somewhere between a snort and a giggle. Tony turned to glare at the Asgardian, who was currently in his alpha form.
“You aren’t fooling anyone but yourself, Stark. But if that is what you choose to believe..” Loki smirked, pulling his legs off the table to stand up, and leaned towards Tony to speak quietly, “All the better for me.”
Tony felt it the moment Loki shifted to his omega, the strong, musky undertone of his scent replaced by a pleasant kind of sweetness. Tony blinked and sat up straight, watching a little cluelessly as Loki sauntered around the table.
The Asgardian arrived by Stephen’s seat and leaned his back on the table, body tilted towards Stephen, eyes tracing the Wizard with interest.
Finally, it clicked what Loki was doing, and Tony stilled.
Stephen blinked up at Loki’s posture, no doubt already having noted the switch in gender. “Hello, Loki,” he said with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
The responding smile Loki gave was somewhere between mischief and mirth. “I do not plan to sit around in this inane gathering they call a ‘team meeting’. I would rather do something enjoyable, or at the very least, meaningful,” Loki spoke, then gave a light tilt to his head and raised a challenging eyebrow. “Care to join me?”
Stephen held Loki’s gaze for a long moment, a considering look in his face.
No, no.
Tony could not let this happen.
He could especially not lose to Loki, of all people.
“Or,” he spoke out loud before he could stop himself, catching the attentions of not only the magic users, but also Bruce, Natasha, Hope, and Scott. “We could go back to my penthouse after the meeting. Order takeout, watch some movies.”
He immediately wanted to kick himself.
But.. it was safest. It was all he could think of in the spur of the moment. They’d already had takeouts at Tony’s penthouse a few times, even if Stephen had never seemed to want to stay for long.
Tony could never quite figure out why.
What did it mean, Tony wondered, that Stephen never stayed till the completion of even a single movie with Tony, but had seemed ready to take Loki up on his suggestion just a moment ago?
“Sounds like a plan,” Stephen’s words pulled Tony out of his head, startling him a bit with how quickly his doubt got defenestrated.
He looked up to find the Wizard gazing at him with warmth in his eyes, lips turned up just a hint. Tony knew that Stephen did not easily give away his feelings, be it through scent or expression. Tony was among the few who were privileged enough to not only receive those warm looks from Stephen, but also know what he smelled like when he was content and happy.
Tony was grateful for being among those people.
He smiled up at Stephen, bright and genuine. “Better pick a movie before the meeting’s over.”
Loki, Tony realized, was staring at him with lips downturned, which seemed less out of annoyance and more out of disappointment, which, what?
Whatever.. the crisis had been averted and Tony had acquired a not-date.
For now, he was content with that.
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lifblogs · 6 days
White Noise
Rating: General Audiences Word Count: 527 Summary: Omega has a great prank in mind, and not everyone is as amused. Author's Note: I'm super burnt out, so I decided to have a little fun and write this fic, which was inspired by my bestie @miss-mouse99! READ ON AO3
Omega kept giggling quietly over dinner, even though she had tried so hard to hide her excitement all day. When Echo first questioned her, she lied it was a joke she’d heard earlier. She had the same answer for the rest of them as well. When she answered with that to Tech who sat across the table he just readjusted his goggles—Omega nearly giggling again—and gave her a discerning look.
“I am not convinced,” he said.
“Well, wait and see then,” she said.
Usually Omega was good at keeping quiet, but with something this fun, this exciting, she didn’t know how to contain herself.
Her exhaustion from the long day tempered her somewhat, and she was all serious as they settled into their bunks to sleep.
Omega stayed up, reading on Tech’s datapad he’d loaned to her for such things, and changed positions every time she felt herself getting tired.
When a good hour had passed, and she figured they were all asleep, Omega snuck from her room, and over to Tech’s bunk. He only slept with his goggles on if he had fallen asleep while working, so grabbing the recorder from them was no problem at all.
Recorder in hand, Omega snuck back to her room.
She had to put a hand over her mouth to keep from laughing when she connected the recorder to the datapad, and set it up for what she needed.
Omega pressed a button.
The sound of purrgil suddenly filled the Marauder.
With the volume high, everyone woke with a start, Echo even cursing accidentally.
Omega quickly got under her blanket, making it seem like she’d been there the whole time.
The loud song of the purrgil continued to fill the ship.
“What the—what is that?” Hunter asked.
Omega fake-yawned. “Oh, it’s white noise to help me sleep.”
She almost laughed as Tech crossed his arms.
“White”—purrgil interruption—”noise?”
“What is white noise?” Wrecker asked.
“That’s really loud,” Echo commented.
“Sorry,” Omega said. “I can lower it.”
“This helps you sleep?” Hunter asked, looking incredulous.
“You’re joking,” he said.
“Hey, you stole my recorder,” Tech exclaimed.
“I’m just trying to get some good sleep,” she argued.
Echo came over, and grabbed the datapad and recorder. She reached out for them, but he pulled them back.
He turned the sounds off, and then handed them back to Tech.
“Please,” Echo said. “No more white noise.”
Omega sighed dramatically. “Fine. But now I’ll never sleep. You really want me to be sleep-deprived?”
“You’re laying it on thick,” Hunter said.
“Fine,” she relented. “Now go to bed.”
“You go to bed,” Wrecker told her.
She waved him off, giggling.
At that, Hunter started laughing too.
“All right, I’ll admit it; you got us good, Omega.”
She popped her head up.
“Yes, now actually get some sleep. You look like you stayed up just to prank us.”
“I did,” she announced proudly.
Her chest warmed as he smiled, shaking his head. “Please, just go to bed. Or are you going to wake us in an hour with tooka noises?”
Everyone groaned, and Omega laughed maniacally.
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glitteringcrab · 12 days
So I've been wondering who the Rick and Morty final villain/antagonist will be...
There are a few options:
1. Evil Morty
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(NOOOOOOOOOOO I don't want it to be him T__T)
2. Rick Prime, revived/possessing Rick C-137/possessing Evil Morty
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(I also don't like this option, I want him to be dead and gone, he's impressive but he's a jerk and deserves as little screentime as possible)
3. Puppetmaster Rick
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(again, NOPE. He may be horribly dangerous but he doesn't deserve the screentime nor the importance of being the final, ultra villain)
4. One interesting option is Morty Prime and Rick C-137 having a falling out and e.g. Morty turning "evil" (but you know, not really, just in hurt teenager fashion) and trying to attack Rick, with Rick trying not to hurt him back...
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(but honestly? I think Rick would just let himself get killed in this scenario)
(or maybe he'd desperately try to comfort Morty while Morty is trying to kill him)
(it would be so bittersweet)
5. The Galactic Federation, or its version outside the Central Finite Curve. We already know there is at least one tripping civilization outside the Curve:
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And we know that, without Ricks' influence, technology has been advancing like crazy, everyone inventing portal travel and stuff.
The Galactic Federation could be A LOT more advanced and dangerous outside the Curve. They certainly have the manpower and resources to be the final antagonist... although I wouldn't really say they have the "villain" part nailed down. The Gromflomites aren't worse than any expanding civilization. As Rick said:
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(plus their economy collapsed by changing a one to a zero lol)
Do they really deserve the honor of being the final boss?
7. There could be a completely new character. We know Rick Prime was outside the Curve...
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...which means that the universes he was in had someone MORE INTELLIGENT than him. It could be more than one people (or not the same person in each universe) and I doubt all of them are nice and kind. So there could be a super-intelligent, power-hungry and bloodthirsty creature looming outside the Curve, and Rick Prime might have had a hard (but fun) time toying with them...
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(Foreshadowing? Was said looming villain trying to catch Rick Prime to seize the Omega Device schematics for themselves? Did Rick Prime know that Eyepatch Morty having those schematics would turn him into a target?)
This option is very very cool, but I am slightly miffed that said supervillain would come out of the blue. I think it would be cool if we've had a taste of said supervillain beforehand.
8. With this line of thought, it could technically be either any introduced character who is already erring on the side of villainy (Churry? Mr Nimbus? Those are jokes...) or whose Out-Of-Curve version could be a lot more lethal (evil Mr. Poopybutthole? That's also a joke)
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All these options, however, lack a certain je-ne-sais-quoi. They're small potatoes. I feel like we need something GRAND.
9. ...There is one option that fits the above criteria...
A character introduced early on and then forgotten, although I'm sure they were never truly gone from our memory due to the sheer impact they had.
Unique. Getting close and personal with the protagonists. Lethal.
A kind of creature never mentioned again, passing into obscurity, but still out there, waiting:
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Does the wormhole it entered our universe through remind you of anything?
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(Fart's wormhole is not exactly like the Central Finite Curve rift... No black hole in the centre. But it is kinda rift-like, ain't it?)
Rick was unfamiliar with this being:
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Why had he never heard of it before? You'd think he knows everything worth knowing by now, and these creatures are definitely important for several reasons.
...Did it come from the other side?
Mind you, Rick never saw Fart's wormhole, and Morty never said anything about the creature's intentions...
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...and said intentions certainly have the "villainy" part nailed down:
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These beings been cleansing the multiverse of organic life this whole time.
And as we've seen, they're very effective:
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(poor guy didn't even know these weren't his thoughts...!)
Wouldn't a collection of such beings be very, VERY interested in getting the Omega Device schematics... to aid with their cleansing?
(although would it really aid with the cleansing if they can only throw one person at a time)
And if they can construct materials out of thin air...
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...would they also be able to construct complicated objects out of thin air? Like... screws? Knives? Guns? Circuits? Robots...? Weaponized robots?
I'm a bit skeptical about this, because if it was something Fart could easily do, he'd construct the necessary machinery for his survival himself. However, I wouldn't be surprised if a larger numbers of farts (lol), cooperating with each other, were able to do it.
(Or maybe Fart was just manipulative and laying low so the carbon lifeforms could do all the hard work for its sake)
Wouldn't these creatures' headquarters be particularly... alien to us, due to their gaseous nature?
And dangerous, if they can indeed materialize weapons, robots, shields, walls out of thin air? Imagine trying to escape or rescue someone from such a place, where the existing air can turn into something else, an open corridor can turn into a dead end, your weapon can run out of bullets without ever being fired.
(Ain't that a cool fighting location for a finale.)
And even if their ability doesn't extend to such extreme lengths, it's not unlikely that they can still build whatever they want, by a combination of endlessly creating their own raw materials and telepathically tricking other lifeforms into doing the menial work for them (wow, they really have good reason to think of themselves as the highest lifeform).
Wouldn't the creatures themselves be particularly formidable opponents, able to read your plans, predict your next moves, and project your own insecurities back to you, in such an insidious manner that you can't tell their thoughts from your own?
(Morty had to distract Fart by asking it to sing in order to kill it. He also took advantage of his wanting to protect other lifeforms to trick Fart into thinking he agreed with it. Pretty impressive, Morty. That's Eyepatch Morty level of cunning.)
Would these creatures essentially be able to build the whole Omega Device on the spot out of nothing... if they telepathically get the schematics from a certain someone's mind?
(Keep those creatures away from Eyepatch Morty)
(or not)
(Do you think they'd need Space Beth's rebel army as backup to defeat those creatures terrorizing the multiverse?)
(and then she can adopt Eyepatch Morty)
(and then I will be happy forever)
(In theory, farts can also function as judges. Will anything change their minds about slaying organic life forms?)
Edit: I just remembered that these creatures can't go through a portal, so it should be hilariously easy to escape them. There goes my dramatic headcanon lol
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
The sun ☀️, the moon 🌙, and the stars ✨
Chapter 10: fun is in the air
Pairing: alpha!Steve Rogers x alpha!Sam Wilson x alpha!Bucky Barnes x Omega!Reader
Word count: 5.9k
Warnings: fluff, some heavy petting (at this point the alphas are edging reader), talk of birth control
A/N: we’ll this took for fucking ever to finish. But it was fun to write we are celebrating Steve’s birthday in this chapter. Next chapter will be very interesting!
Series masterlist
Ch. 9
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“And this will work?”
“Well like any birth control it’s 99.9% effective. But it’s specifically made for you so you have a better chance to not have any super pups in the next six months.” Bruce says as he prepares the shot he’s going to give you. “Have you told them yet?”
You shake your head. “But with everything that’s happened I know they’ll understand. Besides, we haven't even talked about having pups either.”
Bruce hums in acknowledgment before taking an alcohol swab and cleaning the area of your arm where he’s going to give you the shot.
“So how about you and Nat. How’s that going?”
Bruce immediately blushes and you giggle.
“I thought you turned green, not red.”
“How did you know?”
“She told me about it.”
“She did?” He looked like he didn’t believe you.
“Mhm, I’ve gathered she isn’t the type to just open up to people so it must mean she cares about you. ”
“I don’t- It’s not easy. It wouldn’t be like you and the guys.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m a monster.” Bruce gets the syringe ready and sighs.
“You don’t look like a monster.”
“You know what I mean. I can’t risk it.”
“Does the other guy like Nat? If he does, I don't see a problem with the courtship. Also she’s pursuing you so she doesn’t seem to mind.” You say as he gives you the shot.
“That should be good for three months since this is a trial run. If it works I can make it last longer.”
“Thank you Bruce. And just think about what I said.”
“You’re welcome and I will.”
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Walking back into the apartment you find Bucky laying on the couch reading. Other than when he’s asleep and not having nightmares he looks very peaceful at the moment. There’s no scowl on his face which is a rare occurrence. Without saying a word you climb onto the couch and duck under his arm in order to get comfortable.
“Hi.” He says as he looks down at you. “What’s going on?”
“Hi. Nothing, you just looked very comfortable and I wanted to join you.”
Bucky hums in acknowledgment, his free hand resting on your waist as he goes back to reading. You rest your head on his chest as he reads softly to you. This must be what Jules always told you about. The moments when you’re so at ease and safe with your mate that everything else just fades. He isn’t even doing anything and your brain is fuzzy, your body completely relaxing against his. It’s just you and Bucky in a perfect little bubble that could only be even better if Sam and Steve were there.
There’s a warm feeling on your back slowly coaxing you to wake up. You stretch and open your eyes briefly but the afternoon light bothers your eyes.
“Seems like we have two sleepy heads on our hands Steve.” Sam whispers and that causes you to open your eyes again.
“Just one.” You murmur.
Sure enough Bucky was also asleep. The book he was reading was long forgotten on the floor. You smile up at Sam who moves to kiss your temple.
“Seems like a good nap.”
“It was until you ruined it.” Bucky says sleepily.
You smile and kiss Bucky’s chest before getting up. Steve offers you his hand and when you’re up on your feet he pulls you into his embrace.
“You don’t have to work anymore right?”
“Nope, not unless a mission comes up at the last minute.” Steve informs you.
“I hope not, it’s your birthday weekend.”
“Unfortunately bad guys don’t take days off.” He mutters as he absentmindedly runs a hand up and down your back. “But let’s not worry about that, what do you want to do?”
“We should be doing what you want.”
“I want to do whatever will make you happy. So what will it be?”
“We can stay in and watch a movie.”
“I like that idea.” Bucky agrees.
“Me too.”
“Ok, movie it is.” Steve says.
“Awesome, I’m going to get blankets and pillows. I'll be right back. Someone should get snacks ready.” You walk out of the living room before anyone answers.
You come back a few minutes later with arms full of blankets. Steve moves the coffee table to the corner and you proceed to make a temporary nest big enough for the four of you. Bucky walks in with snacks and Sam picks a movie from the list he had made for Steve and Bucky to watch. Steve sat down first and you sat between his legs in order to rest your back against his chest. Sam and Bucky sat beside you while cuddling into each other. Watching them be so gentle with each other warmed your heart and being together as a whole and in such an intimate way relaxed you beyond belief. So much so that an overwhelming feeling hit you square in the chest unlike anything you’ve ever felt before. It was a mixture of love, contentment, trust and safety. The feeling bubbles in your chest and without being able to stop it something unfamiliar escapes your lips.
You chirped.
All the noise around you died down and you slapped a hand over your mouth. As if covering it would save you from embarrassment. All three men were staring at you wide eyed.
“I am so sorry. I don’t even know how that happened.” Your face felt warm the longer they stared at you. Sam smiled first and it put you at ease somewhat.
“That’s the first time you’ve chirped around us.”
“Is that what that is? But what does it even mean?” You question.
“It lets us know you feel safe and happy.”
“But I could just tell you that.”
“Well your omega instincts did it for you.” Steve said from behind you. “If an omega chirps or trills it lets us alphas know we are doing our job right.”
“You are.”
You smiled at them. Bucky sat up from his position at Sam’s side. Leaning in to kiss you. Sam followed and Steve had his arms wrapped around you. His kisses were on your shoulder until you turned and looked up at him. He kissed your cheek as the movie started and then the four of you settled down for the rest of the afternoon.
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It was the Fourth of July and Steve’s Birthday. You were excited for many reasons. This would be your first time meeting the rest of their pack and also the first time you would attend a Stark party. Your pack would also be in attendance which was great for moral support because just the thought of meeting everyone was overwhelming.
The party itself was a pool party and it would be on different levels of the tower. The guys had told you that they would be spending most of the day in the pool. With that in mind you had bought a swimsuit a few days beforehand. It had a vintage look to it. Over the swimsuit you decided to wear jean shorts and a white button up that you tied in a knot around your waist instead of buttoning up completely. Your hair was up and away from your face and of course you didn’t wear any makeup since you’d be in the pool too.
When you got to the shared living space Bucky and Sam were putting the finishing touches on breakfast for all of you. They were also already dressed for the party.
“You should have gotten me, I would have helped.” You said as you got closer. Each of them stopping to accept your kiss.
“You are helping, by looking beautiful.”
You roll your eyes playfully at Sam just as Steve walks in. His hair was damp, like he just stepped out of the shower.
“Happy birthday.” The three of you yelled at the same time and Steve went red.
“Thank you. This looks amazing.”
“Well this was all Bucky and Sam, I can’t take any credit for it.” You wrap your arms around his midsection and push yourself up to kiss him. “Happy birthday honey.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled up as Sam came up from behind you and Bucky’s head popped up from behind Steve. Both men take turns giving Steve their own birthday kisses. Somehow Steve was a blushing mess after getting all of the attention.
“What?” He says as he looks over at you.
“Nothing, you're just cute when you blush.”
“You should see him when he cu- ouch. Sam what the fuck?” Bucky rubs his shin from where Sam kicked him.
“Our omega is a lady, she doesn’t need to hear filth.”
“Just participate in it.” You wiggle your eyebrows at Bucky who’s sitting across from you. Bucky laughed. “Besides Sam, it's not like we weren’t getting hot and heavy in your car on our date the other day.”
“Oh really? I want to hear about that.”
“Me too.” Steve chimes in.
“It was after we went to the music festival. Sam took me home and we started making out in the car.”
“But someone forgot she was in the car and her ass hit the horn.” Sam smirked in your direction while Bucky laughed.
“Seems like you just like to pounce on all of us.”
“Wait, you haven’t pounced on me.” Bucky pouts. “I don’t like being left out, darling.”
“Don’t worry, your turn is coming.” You wink in his direction before taking a sip of coffee. “I just hope all this avenger training has prepared you for this moment. But for now can we do gifts?”
“You didn’t have to get me anything.”
“You’re kidding right? Of course I did. I’ll be right back.” You leave briefly and come back with a gift bag and an envelope. “Here you go.”
Steve smiled as he pulled you into his lap and then he opened the envelope, there was a simple birthday card and a small certificate in it. “What’s this?” He asked as he read over the voucher.
“Well I know you like to draw so I thought that you might like to paint and I thought it could be fun for the four of us to go. I know the studio owner, he gives classes at the center for kids. He’s willing to close the studio to give us private lessons if we call ahead and let him know.”
“Thank you sweetheart.” He kissed your cheek before he moved to whisper in your ear. “Maybe I could get the three of you naked and pose for me and I can stop imagining it.” He said with a purr.
The thought alone made you shiver and a small whine escaped your lips. Sam and Bucky smirked at your reaction. Steve however grabbed the gift bag as if nothing had happened and pulled out a few records and a small jewelry box. The records were of some singers and bands he had mentioned in passing, some were more modern but the others were from before the war. You had to go to five different places before you found them.
“I haven’t heard their music since the 30s.” He said as he opened the first one. “Bucky even taught me how to dance to this song.” He pointed at one of the listed songs and you smiled as you pictured a pre-serum and pre-war Steve and Bucky dancing around the living room.
“Well maybe you can teach me some dance moves.”
“I think I can manage that.”
“We can manage that. Don’t forget about us you punk.”
“Hey, it’s my birthday. I get to do whatever I want. So if that means hogging our girl, I will.”
You giggle at their back and forth before you stop them and ask Steve to open the last gift. When he did he found a pendant.
“What’s this?”
“This helps preserve your mate’s scent. I had to wear this little disc,” you say as you pull a small bag from your pocket then grab one of the small tablets and then open the pendant that was made to house the scent infused disc. “For a few days and it’s made for people that have to be gone for long periods of time. I thought you could add them to your dog tags if you’re on long missions. Since your suit disguises your scent I thought it would be ok.” You say as you hold the pendant out for him. He takes off his dog tags and adds the pendant then slips the chain back on.
Steve then grabs the pendant and inhales deeply, sure enough he’s carrying your scent with him now. He cups your cheek in order to turn you to look at him. Then his lips are on yours and he doesn’t stop the kiss until you’re putty in his hands. Just like he is in yours.
“These are perfect, thank you sweetheart.”
“You’re welcome.” You reply breathlessly.
Friday interrupts your quiet morning and informs the four of you that the rest of the team is waiting for you on one of the upper floors. So after cleaning up quickly you make your way up to the party. This was it, you would meet your mates’s pack.
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Never in your life had you seen so much red, white and blue. The colors were everywhere. Steve squeezed your hand as you approached the team to keep you grounded. You had told him multiple times how worried you were that they wouldn’t like you. They were practically family. Fortunately you already knew Bruce, Nat and Pietro. The latter rushed up to you.
“Good morning Y/N, I’m glad you finally get to meet the rest of the team.” He greeted you and turned when he felt a hand on his arm. “This is Wanda, my twin sister.”
“Finally another omega.” She said as she hugged you. That was something you always forget, how affectionate omegas tend to be with other omegas. “I was getting tired of the alpha stench.” You both giggle at the protests.
“Hey, I’ll let you know that this stench costs quite a bit per bottle. Hi I’m Tony but you knew that. I’d like to officially welcome you to the tower. You are way hotter in person than what these three have said.”
“Nice to meet you. And thank you for letting me stay here.”
“Let you? I’m willing to sign the building over to you right now. You’ve made working with these three a dream. All I have to do is ask about you and their mood shifts. Especially grumpy over here.”
You smile up at Tony before turning to look back at your alphas. Sam gives a quick shrug and it feels like an admittance of truth.
“Y/N, this is Clint.” Steve motions to the next person in the group. His scent was mixed with something light and sweet but you couldn’t see any type of claim mark.
“Pleasure to finally meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine.” You smile.
The longer you were in their presence the more you realized there was nothing to worry about. You weren’t oblivious about them being cautious around you, seeing if you were truly trustworthy and deserving of being with their friends. But they were still inviting. It helped that Pietro, Nat and Bruce had already met you, it put the others at ease.
“And this is Thor.”
“Lady Y/N,” he takes your hand and places a gentle kiss on your knuckles. His smile is flirtatious, almost like he’s putting on a show for Steve, Sam and Bucky. “It is an honor to finally meet you. I must say words have failed your alphas when it comes to describing your beauty.”
Your brain was fuzzy. All of the attention was becoming overwhelming in the best of ways. Like when Bucky, Steve and Sam give you all of their undivided attention. It’s not your fault that you’re still getting a hang of this omega thing because you want to preen at the attention but you hold back. It doesn’t stop you from saying something ridiculous.
“I love thunderstorms.” There was really no thought process behind the comment.
Thor’s laugh is loud and boisterous, it’s truly like thunder. You couldn’t help but preen at the fact that it was you who made him laugh like that.
“Ok, that’s enough.” Bucky muttered as he pulled you against his chest and away from Thor. The others snickered at his actions as he walked backwards, placing Sam and Steve between you and Thor.
“It was nice meeting you.”
“Trust me, the pleasure was all mine Lady Y/N.”
Friday announces that guests are starting to arrive so the meet and greet is officially over. It went well enough and you couldn’t be happier. However as Steve’s mate you do have to be by his side as people initially come in but so do Sam and Bucky.
“Do you know all of these people?” You ask him after a few minutes.
“Not a single one. But it’ll be over soon enough.”
Just like Steve said you all stood there for only a few more minutes. It was just as your pack made it through the doors. Jules launched herself in your direction and you both immediately began to walk away while talking. You settled down on one of the couches and you introduced her to Wanda and Bruce.
“Uh oh the omegas have gotten together. We are so screwed.” Ricky said as he watched you and Jules animatedly talk with the others.
“Nah, it will be good for the pack.”
“Whose? Yours or ours?” Jonah said as he stepped up beside Steve.
“I don’t think we are two packs anymore. Just one.” Steve said, a fond smile playing on his lips as he watched you. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
You were sitting on Steve’s shoulders in the pool, facing Wanda who was sitting on her brother’s shoulder. Your hands were holding Wanda’s as you pushed each other back and forth.
“I don’t get the point of this game.” Wanda said as she tried to push you.
“The point is to knock the other person back into the water. Then you win.”
“Oh.” Is all she says then you see a flicker of red and a mischievous smile before you’re knocked back.
When you resurface you laugh but splash her.
“That’s not fair! I don’t have magic.”
“You didn’t say I couldn’t use it.”
“I am bored and there are some pretty girls over there that keep looking over at me. Goodbye sister.” Pietro shrugs Wanda off of his shoulders and is gone in the blink of an eye.
You laugh again and Wanda flicks more of her magic at you.
“I’m going to find someone else and then we’ll have a rematch. I won’t use magic but you’ll still lose.”
“You’re on.”
Steve’s arms are around your waist before you realize what’s happening. He pulls you close and kisses your shoulder. The eyes of other omegas, alphas and even a few betas are on you. They watch the display of affection that the Captain would never have shown before with intrigue.
“Having fun?” He asks as he looks down at you with a smile.
“A lot more fun than I thought actually.”
“Good. As long as you’re happy.”
“You should be happy too. It’s your birthday.”
“I would have been fine with something small. Just the pack maybe. And to be honest I was kind of worried.” He confesses.
“Worried, why?” You stand up and turn around, still in his arms.
“Well public appearances are part of my life and sometimes the PR team wants me to show up with my mates. Once they know that we’re together they’re going to drag you into it too. I wouldn’t want this to make you reconsider us.”
“Steve, I could never leave you. I care about you so much and you make me feel so safe and cared for. No one in my life has cared for me the way you and Bucky and Sam do.”
He smiles again at you and lowers his head so that he could give you a quick kiss on the lips.
“Are you pouncing on him again?” Bucky whines as he swims towards you. “When is it my turn darling?”
“If I told you, you would be expecting it and it wouldn’t be fun. You’ll just have to wait like a good alpha.”
“I don’t want to wait.”
“Is he always this whiny?” You ask Steve.
“I’m right here. Besides, I never had an omega and never thought I would find one as beautiful as you.” Bucky pouts and gives you his best doe eyes. Steve chuckles behind you, knows Bucky’s laying it on thick, their bond is exploding with mischievous energy.
“Nice try, big guy. But I’m going to catch you off guard. You won’t see it coming.”
“You know I’m a super soldier right? I was trained to be aware of people trying to sneak up on me.” Bucky says as he moves to trap you in between himself and Steve. “Do you really think you can do that? Sneak up on me?”
“You’re very confident. I like that omega.”
“I see you’re underestimating me alpha. I guess I’m going to have to teach you a lesson.” You say before slipping away from their hold. Steve chuckles as he wraps an arm around Bucky’s waist, both of them watching you swim away and then turning to wink in their direction.
“I think you’re going to be in for a surprise Buck.”
“I fucking hope so.”
“Just remember to be gentle and have fun.” Steve kisses his cheek.
“Oh I’m going to have so much fun letting her think she snuck up on me.”
“I think you’re underestimating her.” Steve chuckles again.
You were at the bar with Jules just talking and catching up on what’s happened during the week. Jules had been the one to suggest finding Jonah a potential mate here at the party since other than hanging out together as a pack he didn’t really put himself out there. You were leaning against the bar with a drink in your hand and scanning the room when you saw it.
“What is that face for?” Jules asked from beside you. She immediately turned around to see what you were looking at.
“I think I found a potential mate for Jonah.”
“Who?” Jules' eyes darted around the crowd to try and spot who it could be.
“Come on, we have some matchmaking to do.”
You looped your arm through Jules’ and walked around the pool area. Smiling at Sam as you passed him.
“Oh, why didn’t I think of this.” Jules whispered just before stopping behind Wanda.
“Hey Wanda, do you have a second?”
“Of course is everything ok?” She turned around, stopping her conversation with Maria Hill who also worked with the team.
“Yes, everything’s fine. We just wanted to talk for a second.”
“Oh ok.” She turned back and excused herself before you grabbed her and started walking. “So what’s up?”
“Have I introduced you to the rest of my pack?”
“Just Jules, why?”
“I’d like you to meet someone else.” You smile sweetly at her. She eyes you suspiciously just before you stop again. “Jonah, I’d like you to meet Wanda, Wanda this is Jonah. He’s one of my best friends and my pack.” You say as they just look at each other.
Jules nudges Jonah with her foot to get him to say something.
“Hi, I’m Ricky. Y/N’s other pack mate and Jules’ mate.”
He holds out his hand but you smack it away and make a face, silently telling him to shut up.
“Nice to meet you Wanda.” Jonah finally says as he stretches out his hand.
“Likewise, Jonah.”
As they shake hands they exchange dopey grins and you’re satisfied that you’ve done your job. Jules grabs Ricky before he’s able to say something else and you leave Jonah and Wanda to get to know each other. You wander back around the pool to where Sam was sitting with Nat, Bruce and Clint. Sam looks over his shoulders just as your chest is pressed against his back.
“Hey baby.” He says as he takes the hand you placed on his bare shoulder and presses a kiss to your palm. “What were you and Jules up to?”
“Who and who?”
You embrace him from your position, your arms resting over his shoulders and chest. Sam sighs contently at the closeness and your sweet scent.
“Wanda and Jonah. They’ve been eyeing each other for a while. I think they’d be cute together
“They could work. As long as Pietro is ok with it. He’s very protective of Wanda.”
“I’ll convince him.”
“Who is my sister talking to?” Pietro showed up beside you.
“His name is Jonah, he’s my pack mate.”
He gives you a disapproving look before turning to look at his sister.
“Don’t you dare go over there and ruin this. I know Jonah and I trust him with my life. They look cute together.”
“I don’t know. No alpha will ever be good enough for her.”
“I can see where you’re coming from Pietro.” You say with a nod. “But you remember how I saved you from Bucky when you basically broke into the apartment?”
“Well you owe me one, so let them be.”
“It is not the same.”
“Come on man, just let them talk, it's not like he’s going to claim her. Besides, I've had the chance to get to know him and I trust him. Plus I trust him to keep Y/N safe when she’s at work.”
Pietro is now sporting a pout. “Fine. But one chance, if he makes her cry he won’t know what hit him.”
“Pietro, I’ll help you kick his ass. I know his weaknesses.”
“That’s more like it. Now, do you have any cute friends for me?”
“Just ran out, sorry.”
Sam and the other chuckle as Pietro mutters a few curses under his breath.
“You’re cruel sunshine.”
“No I’m not, I’m saving some poor girl. Might as well give me a suit and let me join.” You say as you nuzzle into his neck and scent him, which gives you an idea. “Sam, baby. I need your help.”
“With what?” He turns to fully look at you.
You only smile in response and he raises an eyebrow.
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The party had been going strong for a while. From what Bucky could see everyone was having a good time. He was on edge and vigilant in the best way. Bucky was confident he was going to win this little game you were playing and he couldn’t wait. Although he had lost sight of you about 15 or 20 minutes ago.
He had seen how you introduced Wanda to Jonah. Then how you went and hung out with Sam but then you went your separate ways. Curiosity got the best of him, especially when he was feeling a weird pull from his bond with Sam. As any good may and alpha Bucky left the pool area to find Sam and make sure he’s ok. Just outside of the pool area he finds you and Nat talking.
“Have you seen Sam?” He says as he comes up to you.
“I was with him a few minutes ago but he went with Clint. Something about who had the best aim.”
“Oh, ok.”
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah, don’t worry.” He gives you a smile and walks away.
On a different floor Bucky finds Sam and Clint playing darts. He didn’t know why he had been feeling the way he did but he was relieved Sam was ok anyway. Bucky spent a few minutes there and excused himself to go back to the pool. Just as he walks past the stairwell doors someone jumps on his back he tenses for just a moment. If it weren’t for the giggling and the sweet scent of honey he would have attacked.
“Omega.” Bucky said with a low playful rumble to his voice.
“What was that about me not being able to sneak up on you?”
“Fine, you win.”
“Good, because I want my prize.” You say in his ear before letting go of him and grabbing his hand to slip into one of the empty rooms on the floor.
His face lit up with anticipation. Once the door was closed to the room you were in Bucky pushed you up against it. One strong, warmed calloused hand and one just as strong cold hand land on the back of your thighs as Bucky pulls you up. He’s unashamed with the needy whine that escapes his lips as they find yours. Your hands roam freely from his arms up to his shoulders and to his back. Out of the three alphas Bucky understood the need for physical touch the most. He was always so sweet and gentle when it came to physical contact with you but right now he was letting his alpha take control. His touch was firm and without hesitation. The way Bucky kissed you at the moment was possessive and you loved it. This moment was different with Bucky than it was with Steve and Sam. Bucky was in full control. From the way he held you to the way his lips moved from your lips to your neck, his teeth gracing the spot he’d mark eventually.
You could feel his hardened length against your clothed core every time he rutted against you. The moans and whines you let out as you rolled your hips against him made him growl in response. Just as quickly as it started, Bucky slowly stopped.
“Fuck omega. You sound so pretty for me.”
“Alpha, I swear if you stop too I’m gonna kick your ass.”
“I’d like to see you try.” Bucky chuckles before giving you a quick peck and helping you unwrap your legs from around his waist.
You pout up at him as your hands travel from his shoulder and down to his chest.
“I think the three of you got together and decided to leave me hanging every time until I have my heat. And that is very mean of you.”
“I’m so sorry my sweet ‘mega. Trust me you have no idea how hard it’s been for us to behave. Especially now that you’ve made a very beautiful nest for us and we have you in it with us.” He says between peppering kisses all over your face. “We want you so much.”
“Absolutely. It’s killing us to not claim you yet but we know it can hurt and we don’t want to be the reason for you to be hurting.”
You give him a small shy smile.
“Don’t get shy on me now.”
“It’s just, you make me very happy. And sometimes I still can’t believe I have not one but three people that care about me so much.”
“You make me, us, very happy. We’d do anything for you. So we want to do this right. Now come on before I change my mind.” He pulls back and opens the door.
“I mean I still wouldn’t be against you changing your mind.”
He raises an eyebrow at you and you smile at him as you get in the elevator.
“You’re trouble.”
“The good kind.”
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Day quickly turned to night. Everyone had moved away from the pool and back to the other floors. The team had moved to a private balcony where you were joined by your pack to watch the fireworks show Tony had created.
“Is this seat taken?” Steve asks while motioning to the empty area of the lounge chair you were sitting on.
You move around and lean back so that he can rest against your chest. He sighs as you play with his hair and scent him. Sam and Bucky are close too, all cuddled up on another lounge chair.
“Today was a good day.” Steve muttered as he looked up at you. “Usually I don’t like big parties but having you and Sam and Bucky with me was great.”
“I’m glad you had a good time. You deserve it too.” You say before kissing his cheek.
“Alright everyone. I know there was that huge ridiculous thing out there that was labeled a cake but our very own Y/N made a personal care for her dearest alpha. Now why don’t you come up here you fossil so we can celebrate you properly.” Tony announced.
Steve looked at you confused but you only motioned for him to get up. Everyone gathered around a small table that had been sitting in the corner. The whole pack surrounded Steve and sang happy birthday in a loud and off key way, it was great. Just as he blew out the candles the first firework went off.
“When did you have time to make this?” Sam asked as he took a bite.
“Yesterday morning. I used Bruce’s kitchen.”
Steve and Bucky were silent while they practically wolfed down their slices. You watched them before you chuckled and shook your head.
“Mm, sweetheart, that was amazing. Thank you.” Steve said as he pulled you to sit on his lap. You smile and cup his cheek before kissing him and quickly deepening it.
When you pull back Steve has a dazed look in his eye.
“You had a bit of frosting on your lip.” You say with a smirk.
“Well shit, I’m gonna go get frosting.”
You and Bucky laugh at Sam before turning to watch the fireworks.
It was around 4:00 in the morning when Steve first stirred. He’d held you close all night so when he unconsciously moved his arm to bring you in he only found an empty space. Steve’s first sleepy thought was that you moved to snuggle against Sam or Bucky but there was an incredibly sweet and overpowering scent permeating through the room. A deep guttural growl bubbles in his chest as he sat up. The blankets were also missing from the bed.
“Sam, Buck, wake up.” He practically commanded.
They didn’t need to be told twice and were still half asleep as they looked over at their mate. The same sweet scent that Steve found hit them too and they knew they had to act quick.
They could hear you in one of the spare bedrooms. If the scent was strong in your shared room it was intoxicating from the source. Steve knocked gently so as to not startle you. He only heard a whine in response.
“Hey sweetheart.” His voice was soft as velvet. “Are you ok?”
You looked up at him from the corner of the room you had set yourself up in. There were pillows and blankets but it needed more. It needed their scents. You shook your head in response.
“What do you need? We’ll get you whatever you want.”
“I don’t know what to do.” You whimper. It was overwhelming, the heat, the need that kept growing between your legs and the slick that you had already tried to wipe away but kept pouring out. “Is something wrong with me?”
“Sunshine no,” Sam said quickly. “It’s your heat.”
Ch 11
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gothgirlmahi · 2 years
Knot A Good Idea
Pairing: Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader
Summary: If your knot lasts more than five hours, please call 911 or your local emergency number.
Warnings: being stuck on Bucky's knot
Word Count: 252 words
“Bucky, as much as I love being on your dick, we can’t stay like this all day.”
“I think it’s going down, maybe if we just wait a little—“
“Nope! We’ve got shit to do, laundry to wash, and my coochie is starting to hurt!”
“Oh god, who do we even call? 911? Is this a medical emergency?”
“Yeah, sort of. This can’t be healthy. How are the paramedics going to get in the house?”
“I mean, if it was a real emergency they could just break down the door but I think I can carry you and we can just—“
“This is the most fucking insane thing ever. Why does shit like this always happen to me?”
“To you? How do you think I feel?”
“Well I feel like you need to reach for your phone and make the damn call about how you’ve been stuck inside your fiancée for five fucking hours.”
“I think it’s been more like four—“
“James,” you growled at him.
“Okay, okay, sorry,” he said, reaching over the nightstand and grabbing at his phone. Which promptly slipped from his fingers and went somewhere under the bed.
The two of you groaned hopelessly.
“Fuck fuck. Okay, I have an idea. Hey, Siri!”
You heard the telltale beep that Siri was listening.
“Call 911!”
“Sorry, I didn’t catch that.”
“Call 911, call an ambulance!”
“Sorry, I didn’t—“
“Call fucking 911!”
“FaceTiming Steve Rogers.”
“No!” you and Bucky screamed.
You were ready to pull your hair out.
Mahi's Monster Mash
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f1amboyant · 7 months
Hello darling it's me again❤️ i hope you don't mind if I send in another prompt I am just obssessed with your works😅. This is for the physical gestures prompts🤍🤍
2 & 8 + charlos where charles or carlos are jealous of something and carlos confronts charles about his odd behavior which leads to this moment
Hello, darling 🥰
I don't mind another prompt at all! Please, feel free to send as many as you want (although I can't promise to write them all, I'll see what tickles the muse).
To be honest, this one was a little difficult to tackle. I'm not the greatest fan of jealousy tropes. I tend to prefer writing stories where the characters are confident enough in themselves and their relationship not to feel jealous. That being said, there are scenarios involving jealousy that I still like, and @moossings gave me the greatest idea for this one (thank you, love ❤️).
So here it is, it's not exactly what you asked for but I hope you'll like it anyway! You can also read it on AO3.
Charles wasn’t jealous, nuh uh, he wasn’t, not at all. He had no reason to be, hadn’t he? Carlos and he had a great relationship. Amazing, even. They were teammates (good teammates), they were friends (really good friends) and they were lovers (fantastic lovers, if Charles could say so himself), so really no reasons to be jealous at all. Carlos came to him for all his heats and he came undone under Charles' fingers every single time. It was amazing. Perfect.
Except. Well. They weren’t really dating, right? At least not officially. They had started courting but they weren’t officially dating and they are obviously not mated. Not yet (Charles hoped they would be soon, preferably). But in any case, their relationship was great so there was no reason to be jealous. (He was.) (Jealous, that is.)
Except that there was also the issue of Charles not wanting to spend his ruts with Carlos. No matter how many times Carlos asked, Charles refused. And it wasn’t that he didn’t trust the Omega, of course he did. He didn’t trust himself and yep, nope, not something he wanted to think about and definitely not something he wanted to subject Carlos to. But they were great, right? Their relationship was great.
So truly there was no reason to be jealous at all.
But maybe, just maybe, if Roberto didn’t stand so fucking close to Carlos, Charles wouldn’t be feeling all those weird things in his stomach. Not jealousy, Charles wasn’t jealous at all, obviously, he had no reasons at all to be jealous, their relationship was great, etc etc. But just. Just. If Roberto could just stop hogging his Omega and… Just. No, not his Omega, obviously, but just… Yeah, he was his Omega anyway and… yeah.
Charles truly wasn’t jealous, but come on, did Roberto really have to stand so close and spend so much time with Carlos that at the end of the day, when Charles spent the night with Carlos he could smell Roberto’s scent all over his Omega and it was fucking disgusting.
But no, Charles wasn’t jealous at all.
It wasn’t jealousy that pushed him to act like he did. It was that itch under his skin that he couldn’t get rid of, it was that boiling heat in his stomach, it was the tension in his shoulders and tight fists. He wasn’t jealous, really he wasn’t, as he spotted Carlos and Roberto (again) standing so close together, in the garage, heads leaned together to talk as privately as they could in a garage full of people and cameras. Carlos had just jumped out of the car, after his session of testing, still wearing his race suit. Really, Charles wasn’t jealous at all, when he sidled up right next to Carlos (the Omega standing right next to Roberto himself, again) and put his arm around Carlos’ waist, pulling him close to him in a possessive gesture he didn’t know he was capable of.
Carlos stopped talking as Charles pulled him close, with one arm around his waist, and used his free hand to grab Carlos’ chin and make the Omega look up at him.
It was stupid, so fucking stupid, but when Carlos’ beautiful brown eyes finally looked up at Charles again, the itchiness subsided, the weird hot feeling in his stomach settled and finally, Charles could relax. Carlos stared up at him and Charles pinched his side playfully, stroking a thumb over Carlos’ jaw. Carlos started to purr and released sweet Omega pheromones that had Charles immediately settling back in his bones, in his body.
Better. So much better. No, Charles wasn’t jealous, but it was all for the better now
“I’ll see you tonight?” Carlos said with a little wiggle of his eyebrows.
Charles smiled, barely containing his giggle (a very un-Alpha giggle) and said:
“Yes, tonight.”
He lingered a second longer, subtly (or as subtly as he thought he was) (he was not) (not at all) scenting Carlos with a palm stroking over the side of his neck. With a contented growl at how Carlos smelled (he smelled like Charles),  Charles finally released him, shooting a smug glare at Roberto, then left Carlos to be. He would see him that night.
Truly, Charles didn’t have to be jealous (he wasn’t) (he was, so so much). He didn’t have to be jealous because it was in his bed that Carlos would spend the night and no one else’s.
So really, no reason to be jealous at all.
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they-call-me-nagi · 24 days
Part 1 of…
I can’t help but think about omega Ghost who doesn’t purr or trill for anyone, he can’t recall a point in time where he ever did either thing…
But then he runs into Soap.
It started with Ghost enjoying Soap’s company, which is an odd thing because Ghost keeps alphas at an arms length. Even the 141 because he refuses to show what he perceives would make him appear weak since he had to fight his way to being one of the most dangerous soldiers in the SAS and being taken seriously for it.
He relishes making alpha recruits cry who try to pull those stunts alphas use to assume authority over omegas. It’s always some new pup who tries him as soon as they find out “The Ghost” is an omega. Because what would help bolster any alphas reputation higher, right?
And lord help you if you tried Ghost during heat. He’d rip someone to shreds who’d even dare enter his space. There’s no “alpha help me” from this man. Just raw territorialism.
When Price said the 141 was getting a new member, Ghost was prepared for the shit storm of some newby.
So imagine Ghost’s surprise when the alpha extends a hand to shake and say, “I’m glad to be working with you, LT!”
“LT,” he thought as he was shaking this alpha with a silly Mohawk’s hand, “Nope… nope. I’m just tolerating the nickname.”
Ghost was ready for him to try to step in and scent him or do any other stupid thing.
But the alpha just stood
there bright eyed with a goofy grin.
Ghost grunted and nodded, “Sergeant…”before he turned and let Gaz show Soap around.
When Ghost got to his room, he stared at his hand, thinking about the new alpha before clenching his fist and pushing this new sergeant from his mind. Just an alpha with half a brain.
“Good morning, LT!” Soap greeted with that same silly grin as Ghost took his seat at the table for breakfast.
Ghost nodded. Again, he expected the alpha to do something stupid and again, this alpha treated Ghost like he was any other person.
No, he didn’t treat Ghost like any other person treated him. This alpha had shown nothing but respect. Either he’s really smart or he’s broken. In either case, Ghost was willing to tolerate his presence.
Their first solo mission filled him with dread, because he figured Soap would try to carry things for him or undermine him.
Yes, he was insubordinate, but that’s more or less because he was questioning the strategy. It had nothing to do with his designation because the silly blue eyed alpha would even question Price.
The man was either brave or stupid, but usually his questions made them consider if there were any holes in a plan. That and he has an odd relationship with blowing things up.
Eventually, banter became a regular part of their routine. They worked so well together because Soap was competent and could keep up with Ghost, even if he has yet to beat Ghost in a sparring match. He was determined though, worked out harder, ran for longer, did what it took to be as good.
“No, Johnny, you shouldn’t strive to be as good. You should strive to be better,” Ghost said once as he helped Soap off the floor after Ghost tossed him there for the 10th time that day.
“Aye, sir,” Soap managed, looking pretty bright eyed for a man who gets his ass kicked ten times a day on his mission to beat his LT just once.
Not a single match did Soap ever grumble about designation.
No, he focused on how to be best Ghost because he admired Ghost as a person.
Then one day it happened. They were on their way back from a mission as a team. It was a good mission and they were in high spirits on the helo.
The two relaxed to where they made physical contact, thighs brushing. He was smirking under his mask until he felt a small rumble. Ghost cleared his throat as they all paused to look at him.
“Just had a cough. That’s all.”
He shot Price a glare when the captain gave him that dumb smile he does when he’s proud of something.
Whatever just happened it didn’t mean anything. They were all just happy.
But then it happened again when they held hands a bit longer when Ghost helped Soap off the mats.
He cleared his throat and said, “Alright. That’s enough for today, sergeant.”
“But we’ve only gone 5 rounds! Don’t tell me you’re tired LT.”
“Yep! That’s it. I’m just knackered,” Ghost tried to keep the crack in his voice under wraps.
He grabbed his towel and headed out from the gym.
“Will you quit grinning like that,” Ghost snapped at Price and now Gaz on his way out.
When he took off his mask and noted the flush on his cheeks he threw it on the floor and growled. Then decided maybe he was getting sick.
The infirmary confirmed he was not, in fact sick, but the doctor was smart enough not to mention that perhaps the lieutenant might have a bit of a crush. The doctor wanted to not need a doctor himself and just let Ghost be in denial.
The two were coming back from a rough solo mission. It was a success but mentally and physically exhausting. Ghost nodded off leaning against Soap’s shoulder.
Something about the contact released some stress Ghost was holding onto. It was nice.
“Purring for me, LT?” Soap asked with a yawn wrapping an arm around Ghost who unwittingly curled into Soap.
Ghost shot upright, looking away, “No. I don’t purr, Johnny.”
“Yeah, I noticed that,” Soap leaned his head back. He didn’t seem upset the sudden loss of contact but he didn’t seem smug either…
As embarrassed as he was about the incident, Ghost doesn’t back down or run away so they continued business as usual… except now for some reason he was making off with Soap’s clothes…
He was walking back to his room with a shirt he swiped from Soap’s laundry.
“Whatcha got there, lad?” He ran into Price in the hall.
“I don’t know what you mean…” Ghost tucked the shirt behind his back, “Will you stop grinning at me like a fool?”
“It’s okay to like someone, Simon,” Price said, “Off the record of course.”
“‘Like someone?’ What is this? Primary school?” Ghost hated the way his voice rose in pitch just then. He growled and stomped off to his room… still clutching Soap’s shirt.
“‘Like someone…’ the old man is going senile…”
-End Part 1-
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