#Other way around too: some intelligent and interesting people have the tendency to just.... pick the wrong fights
ecruvian · 5 months
I have cracked the code (again)
The secret to having fun on Tumblr isn't just block and move on, it's also to find all the blogs run by people with advanced degrees or long career experience in a field. Literally any field. I don't mean follow blogs about law or medicine or physics or game design or whatever. Just find people who know about those things, and also use Tumblr, then follow them. Your feed quality just straight up gets better.
And I think I know why. You see, this is the Discourse Site. It doesn't matter if you follow it for memes or fandoms or mindless shitposts or cute art or something else; unless you are phenomenally strict about who you follow, you'll end up with stuff that's not what you came here for, and eventually that will mean Discourse.
People who have spent decades getting good at formulating and articulating intelligent, thought-out, evidence-backed opinions are Better at Discourse. They choose more interesting topics to engage with. They say more interesting things. It doesn't even matter if they're right. They'll still make your feed much better.
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sugaringcozy · 9 months
Donghyuck/Haechan Natal Chart Reading - Part 1: Personality, Mind and Identity
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☁️ I will mainly be referring to Haechan as Donghyuck in this reading as I am referring to the actual person, not his stage persona. However, elements of his career/stage persona do come in and I may refer to him as Haechan then!
☁️ This natal chart reading is for entertainment purposes and this is just my perspective. Take this with a grain of salt.
☁️ My intention from this reading is just to understand Donghyuck better and appreciate the person he is, where any troubling topics come up I do not claim to know them as fact or wish to speculate.
Please do not copy my work and credit me if referencing!
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Standout Traits: Intelligent, changeable, sensitive, intuitive, hardworking and creative.
🫧 Eighth house in Gemini - Starting off with this because it is a perfect summary of everything I’m about to cover. Donghyuck is a really magnetic person, a brilliant mind and naturally draws attention to himself.  However, he has many sides to him and is a complex, interesting person and much more sensitive than people realise.
♋️ As you can see, Donghyuck has a LOT of Gemini on his chart lol. As such, there is a lot of Gemini energy. His Gemini chart stellium and Ruler show how well he can fit in with different groups of people, he’s a master at ‘fitting in’ - and he understands exactly what the public are thinking and want from him.
🪩 However, while some people like this are natural chameleons, you will never forget when Donghyuck is present. He is a ‘life of the party’ type as we know… but has a tendency to shock or contradict the normal way of thinking. He is a natural contrarian and doesn't have a filter. Combined with his energy and ability to read others, he has a tendency to say things which are blunt or taboo because he enjoys winding people up and being a clown, haha. He’s incredibly intelligent in the way he does this, even when he does things like randomly trying to kiss the other members- he knows who to pick on and on some level has fun seeing them squirm.
🔥 Gemini Sun and Mars Conjunction - gifts him incredible will-power and passion. Hyuck’s warrior self and fighting spirit aligns with his gemini sun self, which is positive - he is fiery and brave, and this is what makes him SO competitive and ambitious.
💢 Scorpio Ascendant - Scorpios are seen as very mysterious and complex people, but they are actually incredibly honest and funny people. This makes sense for Donghyuck as he sometimes seems a little too honest with his thoughts lmao, but his Gemini self knows when to reign it in.
🧸 Something else which really stood out is how sensitive he is. I will get into this more a later on, but just having a Cancer Mercury (with his Gemini stellium emphasising Mercury traits anyway) AND Pluto in 1st House makes him very expressive, sensitive, and reactive. Hyuck is someone who has to try hard not to let his feelings show on his face, and he feels a lot.
🤹‍♂️ Leo Moon - At his core, Hyuck just loves to be creative and entertain others. He has a great sense of humour, but likes to tease and get on people’s nerves. This is his love language! BUT it also comes from a need to create fun for himself if there is no entertainment around him.  However, when he winds people up and gets into arguments he is forgiven just as easily. Leo Moons are very charismatic, lovable people!!
🦁 A fixed Moon makes him incredibly loyal, determined and hard-working - this is brought out even more by the Leo placement. He has incredible stamina at work.
🩹 His Leo Moon self can be a little uncareful, and he has a tendency to sulk when his pride is hurt. Hyuck will also have a tendency to be emotionally dramatic and really perform his feelings (no surprise to anyone lol). Pride is a big thing for Leos and this is both good and bad, he can be a little bossy, petty, and has to walk away from arguments when they are uncooperative because he can’t abandon his views. In terms of Hyuck as a person, having a Leo Moon in the 9th house is  wonderful. He is extremely intelligent, open-minded and able to read others very well.
🎭 People with a Leo Moon house placement are almost always naturally gifted with acting, dance or performance. A Leo Moon in general is the perfect placement for a life in the arts.
🏆 Aries in Donghyuck’s fifth house compliments his Leo moon perfectly - as a person, Hyuck is playful, athletic and competitive. Takes pleasure from perfectionism - wants to be the best, keep improving himself and be the first to do things. He has a youthful and boisterous - playful energy.
☁️ Uranus in Aquarius - Free-spirited, very unique personality. Creative and very intelligent. Intuitive and empathetic, but sometimes over-opinionated. Having Aquarius in Uranus (the house of change/innovation) suggests Donghyuck loves change and excitement - really fits with his other signs and placements. In fact, Donghyuck needs change and excitement in all areas of his life. Aquarius’ (myself included) are known for being lovably weird - we just do things which other people can't make sense of. I think this sign is quite fitting for Donghyuck because he definitely does some strange, hilarious and unexplainable things sometimes. It’s the embodiment of giving in to your impulses, and when combined with the flippant nature of his Gemini stellium it explains some of the crazy things he casually comes up with.
💫 Something which will keep coming up in this reading is just how forward-thinking Hyuck is. The Trine between Gemini Sun and Aquarius Uranus really demonstrates Hyuck does NOT like old-fashioned and stuffy views and is not afraid of taboos - which is a big deal in a deeply Confucian society like South Korea.
🪖 Jupiter Saturn Conjunction - Makes Donghyuck strong-willed, proud, brave and prosperous. Willing to work for his goals and has patience in achieving them - this is especially true in the context that he became a trainee as a child, with odds stacked against him and has worked his butt off to get where he is today. A mix of incredible luck, talent and being a profound hard-work.
🃏 Opposition between Jupiter and Ascendant/ ‘Jupiter Setting’ - Always very bold people with something quirky about them - usually a larger than life presence and good sense of humour - likes to play ‘the fool’.
🐂 Capricorn in the third house - Donghyuck has grown to be an incredibly resilient and resourceful adult. Very hardworking and will withstand pain to achieve what he wants - he understands sacrifice very well. Fits well with his Saturn in 6th House making him very dedicated and reliable.
🦚 Neptune in Aquarius means someone with a lot of unique inspiration who likes to be bold and daring. Hyuck is also genuinely compassionate and wants to fix problems for the sake of harmony - harmony is really important to him.
🎨 Moon and Neptune Opposition - Donghyuck’s imagination and creativity is really a gift - he will be able to come up with such unique concepts and authentic ideas if he can harness his imagination and his emotions properly.
🗣️ Mars in Gemini - A gemini speciality - king of debating!! Hyuck can and will debate anything, especially if bored or wanting to get his way… as we know lol
🌊 Trine between Venus and Uranus - Creative and experimental person, good with his hands and has very good fluidity of movement - I think this references his talent for dance and general creativity. Naturally talented with musical instruments too.
🫂 Going back to his sensitivity, this can be a very positive trait as it is also where he gets his empathy. Donghyuck’s empathy is something to be admired and he isn't given enough credit for it - he is actually very affected by seeing people hurt and feels a great deal of compassion for them, because he has the ability to truly feel others' feelings.
🎭 Virgo Midheaven - Virgos love to help people and to make things, I think Donghyuck would have always gone into a creative profession. He can struggle to express his true feelings verbally but he will always express his gratitude to fans through his performances and devotion to his craft. Knowing his music makes people happy during hard times will also be very touching for him, and it truly makes the hard days worthwhile. 
👀 Virgo Midheaven also shows him to be a lover of the taboo and unexpected - if all his friends got tattoos, he wouldn’t. If no one in kpop had a tattoo, he would be the first to get one. He’s just naturally a contrarian because he enjoys thinking for himself and making his own rules lmao (probably why he cheats in games too).
🌟🦂 Midheaven in Virgo - 10th House cusp, Scorpio Rising/Ascendant - Intense but captivating personality, you can’t look away from Donghyuck. Again, keeps his insecurities and deep emotional thoughts to himself despite being a very honest person. He will always express his feelings rather than say them outright, and he censors what he does share with everyone. Craves privacy, might be why he hates showing his tummy/bare skin to fans - Hyuck has set a boundary here that no one is allowed to cross - though the Virgo aspect could also show it also stems from a place of self-consciousness and doesn't want others to compare his body with his group mates.
👤✨ Pluto in Sagittarius - Hyuck understands his subconscious truth and has a sense of identity separate from societal expectations. Modern and open-minded views. Pluto being in the 1st house is interesting though, it shows this huge intensity in his personality and makes him crave authenticity. I think this really fits him, he’s both intense and thoughtful, bold and responsible.
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Section 2: Mind & Emotions
♊️ Typical to Gemini nature Hyuck is restless and he has such a busy mind. This is supported by his Sun in 7th house too - the inside of his mind must be a very loud place, and all this energy inside him tends to spill out as hyperactivity.
☀️✨ Gemini Stellium - There is a sense of alienation Donghyuck feels often, both in life experiences and in personality. He feels judged for being honest, and his Gemini Sun in 7th House alludes that he gets along with many people but truly ‘clicks’ with few. This Gemini Sun in 7th House can become negative if he is not surrounded by encouragement and stable relationships (however, he is). It is heightened by his Gemini Sun-Venus conjunction in 11th house, opposite a Sagittarius Pluto-Chiron conjunction in 4th house which will make him place a huge amount of importance on whether he is socially accepted and loved. It gives him an edge of determination as an idol, to become ‘the best’, ‘the most loved’, BUT he will also have felt very depressed about himself at times and comments about his appearance as a kid will have really stuck with him. His self-esteem is lower than it seems at first, though he is confident in himself.
⚖️🙇🏻‍♂️ Neptune in Aquarius - this is a fixed sign so again Donghyuck is very fixed in his values although his mind and interests change often. Can sometimes feel a bit alien or like he has a hard time understanding others people who are superficial or conformist. These natives tend to be deep thinkers underneath their flashy exteriors and Donghyuck probably thinks a lot about the deeper stuff and issues he cannot find answers to. Might be why he finds religion grounding and helpful (will go into that in Identity). Again very stubborn in his ideas, but his mind will change so quickly (esp. with all his water signs) that he can suddenly lose interest in arguing his case!! ❤️‍🩹 Along with his Neptune in third House - Hyuck is a beacon of strength in himself but to really flourish and be happy he needs supportive friends around him and to hear encouragement.
🌑⚔️ Leo Moon - Again a duality here where Hyuck is intensely self-critical, never thinking he has done enough or being satisfied with his performances, but is very prideful about his opinions and his singing and dancing talents. Moon in the 9th house can show insecurity about emotional vulnerability and suggests Donghyuck copes with this by acting out his emotions. By making everything a big performance, he doesn't have to verbalise topics which are hard to talk about. He also does this to avoid rejection, because as mentioned, he can feel misunderstood and judged, living in a superficial society.
🔮☁️ Leo Moon and Sagittarius Pluto Trine - Donghyuck’s intuition and gut feelings can be really strong when not clouded by fear, so much that he could even be psychic. Has a lot of psychic protection, maybe from his ancestors.
💢🔥 Gemini Mars - Makes Donghyuck especially fiery in anger - he can have a temper and I see him as the type to get really mad, and then get over it quickly because Geminis are so changeable lol. However, the Gemini Sun and Mars conjunction can also show Hyuck can be consumed by his feelings - definitely the type to rant, to argue or yell into his pillow - definitely swears a lot off camera. If really provoked, Hyuck has the potential to say things in the heat of the moment which are cruel; forgetting his humility. But due to his empathetic nature, Donghyuck will then genuinely feel terrible about it once he calms down. Combined with self-criticism/self-doubt, he is likely to suffer from anxiety without grounding and support from loved ones. For Hyuck, Mars is in the 7th house which is interesting as Mars is in the natural house of Venus, its polar opposite. What this means is Donghyuck has an incredible ability to channel his anger/frustrations into creativity if he doesn't let himself wallow in it.
🌪️ Mercury in Cancer - A deep thinker with a lot of mental energy and a VERY good memory. The inside of his mind is very loud though lol. Like many water signs, Hyuck is emotionally changeable and can experience overwhelming feelings which he moves on from just as quickly. In the eighth house it gives Hyuck a very busy mind, especially with the emotionality of Cancer so Hyuck likely has problems switching his mind off. People with this placement often have insomnia or vivid dreams (I think he has spoken about insomnia before?)
🧠⚡️ Uranus in Third House - Really rapid thinker, genius ideas just come to Haechan and he notices patterns easily. This is probably what gives him that scheming edge whenever he plays a game. Needs intellectual stimulation all the time & will have a wide range of hobbies (with his Gemini stellium I think his hobbies probably change often too) and a short attention span. In a lot of ways having such a busy and varied job as an idol really suits him. Donghyuck also has a very restless mind and thinks a lot. Again, puts a lot of value on his own ideas and beliefs which he has gained through challenging rules and authority. Hyuck knows he is different from most people and it can heighten a sense of ‘not-belonging’- but this isn’t necessarily negative and he is confident in his mind.
☔️ Trine between Venus and Uranus - Must be encouraged to share his deeper thoughts and feelings - again this could be his issue with being emotionally vulnerable. Hyuck is the type to try to demonstrate how he is feeling without having to tell you.
🥊 Square between Jupiter and Uranus - Some restlessness and anxiety can occur with this placement. Donghyuck has a strong urge to break free of tradition and to be free of ordinary routine - in this sense I think being an idol is actually an excellent career for him, as long as he doesn’t beat himself up over mistakes. Also makes Donghyuck a natural thrill-seeker and risk-taker. People with this placement tend to have very modern and open-minded views and a bold sense of humour.
💡 Opposition between Jupiter and Ascendant/’Jupiter Setting’ - A slightly negative aspect - Hyuck can fail to really consider the opinions of others because he places a very high value on his own beliefs/ideas, which could cause friction in relationships. Seeing how much Haechan has grown up over the years though, learning to be quiet and letting others believe what they want - I think he has an awareness of this behaviour and is trying to grow from it. For the most part it is something people just grow out of with maturity and experience 🫶
🌑🩹 Lilith in Capricorn - Lilith is where we hide our taboo sides, our trauma, shame, insecurities and hidden desires from the world. I read Haechan as a perfectionist (Capricorn) who is unable to ever feel fully satisfied with his success and performance. He is an insane workaholic as we know, but he nevers feels he has done well enough. There is also a part of him which is cynical or a little icy, as a result of trauma and disappointments in his life. Can be afraid of showing his delicate emotional side to people (goes back to the ‘funny loud guy’ personality.) At times (off camera, as Lilith is a hidden side) Haechan probably comes across as quite serious or somber. You definitely see this more as he has gotten older. However, Hyuck also has an extraordinary stamina and resilience when it comes to times of hardship and conflict.
🖤🔒 Eighth house in Gemini - His privacy is something that bothers him. He wrestles with himself over what fans should and shouldn't know about him/his life. As an idol he likely also feels he cant fully be who he is inside, so there is a conscious mask - he loves to push boundaries but knows not to push too far, so he moderates what he shows of himself even around the members. There are things even they don't know about him.  Along with his Scorpio Ascendant, Donghyuck feels a need to control what people see of him. A good example is his ‘customer service’/on-camera voice, which is a purposeful decision as he knows fans like Haechan to be cute. However it is also so that he can keep some of his identity private and put a boundary between Haechan and Donghyuck.
🌀Twelfth house in Scorpio - Donghyuck is good at burying his feelings and his secrets, which is unfortunate because then he has to carry the burden of them by himself. Donghyuck hates to talk about the low points of his past, his insecurities, fears and failures and this means he works through his issues in private, not wanting anyone to know. This can mean he suffers in silence, and that he needs to learn to process his feelings and let others in. This house can indicate someone who is almost unaware of their own psychological suffering or resists being vulnerable. I don't want to say I am worried about him - there is much positivity in his chart too, but I’m glad he has a supportive circle around him in NCT and I’m sure his family are the same.
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Section 3: Identity & Appearance
👑 Gemini is associated with Mercury, the androgynous planet, so having a Gemini Sun and Venus will mean Hyuck doesn’t feel the need to play into masculinity the way some male idols do - he is happy being seen as cute, having long hair and doesn’t look for validation in his masculinity the way a lot of men do. King shit!! It also means he appears to have some typically feminine qualities; big doe eyes, plush lips, plush thighs, a pretty vocal tone etc.
❓ With a Gemini Sun in 7th House, Donghyuck really struggles to find a sense of identity separate from what he is to others - his self-worth and identity is dependent on how others see him, quite likely because becoming an idol at such a young age has really restricted his social development and sense of personal identity. They say becoming famous as a kid is a type of trauma and so I imagine he has felt stuck - with his understanding of himself, and therefore most of what he knows about himself is related to how others see him. I imagine he enjoys trying new things to find out if he likes them, to learn more about himself as a person.
💫✨ Gemini Sun and Aquarius Uranus Trine - Hyuck is naturally very intuitive and in tune with the universe. In turn this makes him empathetic and able to really feel others' pain. This also means he probably dreams very vividly and has strong gut feelings. Because of this, he may be drawn to find answers to the unexplainable through religion or spirituality. This trine also shows an absolute hatred for routine - no matter how his life played out, Hyuck would need a varied and busy job. 
👣 Square between Aquarius Uranus &  Scorpio Ascendant - Haechan is the epitome of a self-made person, but I think he is conscious that he did not have a conventional upbringing/teenage period and this placement brings up the lack of self-identity and experiences that other people his age have.
🎙️ Uranus in Third House - Usually these natives have a distinctive voice - for Haechan and his angelic vocals this is absolutely true. Also a really witty, expressive communicator.
🪐 Jupiter in Taurus - makes him broad-shouldered and attractive. Again shows an innate respect for religion/spirituality/deeper meaning - interesting bc as we know he seems to be exploring his faith and enjoys praying before performing. A Jupiter in Taurus native also has a tendency to indulge in his pleasures, but with his financial prosperity this shouldn't be an issue.
🔮 Cancer Mercury in Eighth House - Donghyuck feels there must be a greater purpose to everything, and has a great hunger to learn the complexities of life and things we cannot understand through religion or the supernatural. This tracks well because I know he has been seen praying before concerts and Mark bought him a bible - so I assume faith is something they talk about together.
⚔️ Opposition between Mercury and Lilith - Quite a hard placement, finds it hard to understand himself and there is a continuing theme of an inner conflict.
🎯 Mars & Uranus Trine means natural charisma is attractive and feels exhilarating to others - he’s bold and exciting and outrageous. It adds to his natural  competitiveness. 
🏴‍☠️  Aquarius Uranus in 3rd house - Hyuck has a rebellious streak and a dislike for authority and strictness. This tells us the way Donghyuck sees the world - he sees social norms as boring and is distrustful of authority- he knows that someone in a higher position doesn’t automatically know better. He is also absolutely the type to HATE rich assholes & chaebols who act as if they are better than others. 
⚔️📝 Square between Saturn and Uranus - Describes some inner tension or unrest which gives a huge amount of creative energy and boldness. Combined with his other placements, I think this speaks of the conflict between Donghyuck and Haechan. Donghyuck is not a confident person, so being Haechan on camera/stage allows him to become everything he needs as an idol - the unrest inside him creates a huge amount of creativity and boldness through his Haechan persona.
💸 Moon Sextile Venus - This placement attracts popularity, comfort and wealth. Can be a little over-indulgent in things he enjoys, like food, games and presents for loved ones.
Also such a cute placement, basically meaning Hyuck is naturally a very lovable, soft and endearing nature. People naturally want to take care of him. But, people with this placement are usually so good at being adorable that they can simply rely on this to get their way, so has a tendency to manipulate others with his cuteness.
💅 Venus in the 7th house also means Hyuck is naturally attractive and charming without needing to try. Along with his Venus & Mars Conjunction, Hyuck has what is referred to as a magnetic appeal. People are just drawn to him, and he would be a fascinating and attractive person in any career. Masculine Mars & feminine Venus conjunction is also interesting, I choose to see it as a balance of these energies within himself. Hyuck is confident in his masculinity!!
😷 Square between Jupiter and Uranus - this is a slightly negative aspect. I think Donghyuck feels very conscious of the ways he has to moderate himself to be acceptable in a superficial and judgmental society. If Haechan wasn’t an idol I think he would live an unusual lifestyle in some way and not pay much attention to Korean social norms. However, we know what other people think really matters to him, so I believe this adds to this feeling of 'I can't show this normal part of me to the public'.
🩶 Chiron in Sagittarius 1st House in Retrograde - Suggests there is a disconnect with who Donghyuck is at his core and how he fits into the world. Again goes with this theme of a lack of self-identity or knowing things about himself and life for certain. I have this too but not in retrograde (I was also born in 2000) and the best way I can describe it is just feeling… lost. It is hard to understand this crazy world enough to be confident in the path you’re walking - in 1st house especially you can feel very new to the world. It also means it’s a sign of finding purpose in this lifetime, not just physically but spiritually. This is a large part of his journey to overcome, and it will get easier for him.
🌟 Venus is a powerful planet in Donghyuck’s chart so it suggests he is in control of his actions (even if he cannot control his feelings). This is really positive and attracts wealth, respect and fame. A really good placement for a famous person.
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Section 4: Health
Venus in 7th House - Vulnerable to back problems. 💢
People with Saturn in 6th House tend to be obsessive workaholics. However, they have a tendency to be overworked for long periods which is good for nobody’s health and likely adds to the emotional exhaustion mentioned in Donghyuck's other placements. Health issues can occur due to stress (which would mean high blood pressure, fainting, heart problems etc.)
Sixth house in Taurus speaks of physical exertion - it is suggesting Donghyuck is overdoing himself physically and changes will have to come in the future as it will continue to impact his health.
Honestly I don't think Hyuck has a predisposition to heart issues, I think his illness occurred because he is so overworked and hasn’t treated himself with a lot of compassion 🙁 The good news is he seems to be doing better now, and this kindness for himself will grow with age. I will touch on this later but he will go through a huge emotional transformation in the next couple of years + will really come into his own. 🤍
Thank you for reading! ☁️ 💖
Next - Part 2: Career, Passions and Work Life
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Does Jess Mariano have ADHD or not? One neurodivergent's meager opinion, don't take anything I say too seriously.
I have seen some people (infrequently) try to armchair-diagnose Jess with ADHD. I was diagnosed around 7 years old in the early 90s with ADD, when ADD and ADHD were two separate diagnoses. I'm old? I realized, as an adult, that it was and still very much is common for women to go under-diagnosed well into adulthood, so for my school district to pick that out when I was in first grade shows they did at least one thing right, I guess? Or my ADD was so severe and blindingly obvious that it wasn't exactly difficult to notice. But I digress. What is my diagnosis? Take everything I say with a grain of salt. I'm only playing armchair therapist, as we like to do around these parts. I have no medical or mental health training and I can only speak from my own experience as someone with the condition. As we know, it's a spectrum, and it often presents differently for boys than it does for girls. With that out of the way, no, I don't think he has ADHD. A lot of people lean on the scene in Teach Me Tonight where he's not interested in Rory's tutoring. Or maybe that scene where he's bugging Lane for a pencil in class. (PLEASE, I needed to see more interaction at SHH!) So that's the Attention Deficit, but those two scenes really aren't enough to convince me. Some of other symptoms of ADHD (and certainly not all of them) and whether I think they may apply to him: Talking Excessively- No Fidgeting & Squirming-No Interrupting-No Restlessness-No Problems with Following Through On Set Tasks-No Mood swings- no impulsiveness- no Frequently loses items-no Disorganized- Maybe? (if we're going by his sometimes messy living quarters, but he also keeps a nicely organized dresser that Luke can snoop through) Forgetfulness-no Trouble Listening: Ehh? I don't think so. He just doesn't like listening to people who are transparent as a piece of plastic wrap with their bullshit (cough, lorelai) Trouble following rules: Yes, but see above A tendency to hyper-focus on a task he enjoys but he will become easily distracted if a task bores him: Maybe Problems with time management/lateness-nope Daydreams frequently- Yes, and getting lost in his books (wouldn't you do the same to cope if you were him though, let's be honest) Errrr, come to think of it, Lorelai might want to get checked out. Jess was highly intelligent and too smart for his own good. He loved reading and learning about subjects that actually interested him. Homework, tests, and studying likely bored him unless it was a subject or a specific topic he enjoyed and he felt this kind of work was beneath him. This is quite typical of those diagnosed with ADHD. He would be one of those kids (and I would know) whom the teachers describe as "Bright student, but he needs to apply himself/ not meeting his potential" I think he would have enjoyed the more rigorous academics of Chilton and the structure of a school like that could have helped him stay on the right path. It couldn't have been worse than Stars Hollow High, which failed him miserably. However I think that ultimately a place like Chilton would have felt too stuffy and restricting for him and he would be miserable being surrounded by all the rich snobby kids. Despite some road blocks, Rory survived and thrived being the "poor" transfer student, but it would have been much more uncomfortable for Jess (even with Rory being his classmate and having at least one person in the school he could lean on). Rory, at least in high school, is a lot more agreeable, docile, focused, and beholden to authority, has an involved parent and a stable home life. (I have a couple of weak theories about how he would get into Chilton and how he could even afford it, but they're really a stretch and unrealistic)
Imagine your troubled alcoholic mother dumped you on a bus to live in a weird town in another state, where you live with an uncle you barely know in an apartment above a diner where you have no privacy and said relative makes you work day and night in his diner and gloats about how he pays you in acorns, he steals your car, his most frequent customers don’t tip you, and that's on top of working a second job, there's this crazy random lady who is always getting up in your face about everything and she throws eggs at your car, the town holds an emergency meeting because you stole some spare change and drew on a sidewalk with chalk, you’re in a new school in a new state and this 6’4 diseased human pine tree named Dean Forrester tries to pick fights with you in alleways and probably tries to nail you with dodgeballs in gym class. Your dad left you when you were born and your Mom was a teenage mother who was deeply neglectful at best and abusive at worst and barely cares that you exist. Starting fom a young age you experience a revolving door of Mom's Boyfriends and Husbands, one of whom apparently died (and TJ was probably one of the best ones of the bunch, god help us all) who may or may not have been abusive to you and/or your mother. Would you be able to focus on school after all of that? He didn’t even skip school purely because he hated going or to play hookie and get into trouble, he was skipping school to work a job. If this wasn't a (barely) PG show he could have turned to drugs or alcohol (or real crime) to cope. (Oh, and all the stress of his relationship with Rory PLUS dealing with Luke, Lorelai, and Dean getting involved in that shizz too. You're not even allowed to experience the slightest grain of joy, like kissing your girlfriend without your relative breaking down the door and hauling you in for a talk on sexual impropriety. (also, your uncle thinks you're a drug dealer and an underage prostitute) There's also a lot more we still don't know about his childhood, he could have moved frequently with Liz, he could have spent time in foster homes. His education could have been interrupted on a frequent basis. He likely had a number of teachers who let him fall through the cracks or didn't believe in him or thought he was nothing but trouble wouldn't amount to anything and he lost trust in the educational system. He doesn't seem to be able to make friends in Stars Hollow (despite his declarations that he's playing sports "with the guys", lol) .It's canon that Liz drank while she was pregnant with him, which could have affected him neurologically.
His turbulent childhood likely caused him to act out at school before he arrived in The Hollow. His school district could have just slapped an ADHD label on him for his behavior. With that, I can’t imagine Liz putting in any effort into reading his report cards, noticing his grades were plummeting, seeking a diagnosis for him, taking him to counseling, trying to obtain any resources to help him, going to any parent teacher conferences, or even opening mail the school sent home. If he ever was diagnosed with a condition ike ADHD he surely had very weak supports.
I just think there are just too many external factors muddying the waters and many things that were not explored enough. I see someone who is very troubled emotionally but I don’t see many specific signs of ADHD, if any. I am much more convinced he has some social anxiety and most certainly some underlying depression and other emotional issues which are too heavy for me to try and armchair-diagnose, and I hope he will have sought some therapy once he was able to. By how much he seems to have grown by season 6, I think he did go to therapy. This concludes my diagnosis of The Boy.
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loverboy-havocboy · 4 months
*slides in a home-made cookie* Any headcanons or info about the characters included in the aliit verse you're able to share? Whether it be the main gang or anyone else?
i spent hours telling @the-starry-seas about the boys (mostly sinker) last night, so here are some thoughts from that convo as well as some fresh ones. some of them are also from rolling the blorbos around with @executeness
sinker has pretty severe adhd and his favorite fidget toy (besides boost) is one of those 3D printed slugs. it probably has a normal person name like james or something so he can say he needs to "fiddle with james".
boost got into a lot of fights in high school. he had a lot of rage after his parents died and he used it on anyone who tried to bully sinker or comet (or really probably anyone - i see boost being the kind of guy to step in even if he doesn't know the kid getting bullied).
before meeting gregor, comet was a sleep-until-the-afternoon type of guy, then he adjusted his sleep schedule so it would be easier to get up closer to gregor's time whenever gregor was on leave. he's still not an early riser by any means, but those few extra hours with gregor when he's home mean the world to him.
wolffe and gregor's relationship is the definition of "you came." / "you called."
sinker doesn't try to set his dates up with boost, but if they're not at least a little bit interesting in him, i think sinker is less likely to pursue a relationship. related to this is that boost loves befriending sinker's boyfriends - i mean, they share an interest in boost's absolute favorite thing in the world, after all.
sinker is a he/they in my mind though it is not canon. i could also see boost using he/they, but in a lack-of-gender way unlike sinker's abundance-of-gender way.
people have a tendency to underestimate sinker because of his bleached blonde hair and neurodivergence (they assume he's "ditzy"), but he's incredibly intelligent and he uses their assumptions to his favor.
i headcanon thorn as having had metoidioplasty.
echo uses a wheelchair on days that his pain is too much or he just can't be bothered with his prosthetics.
this can't go in the story, but the dominos and the pack are all stoners on some level To Me. echo and thorn have chronic pain from their injuries and the pack just seem like they smoked a bunch of weed behind the mall in highschool.
gregor's favorite music is rock, especially from the 60's-70's.
comet's favorite band is placebo. brian molko was a big influence on his gender expression. he also loves david bowie - both his music and his role in labyrinth.
sinker is a model so he sometimes gets to take clothes he wears for shoots, but his favorite pieces are things he's bought from small businesses/artists. clothes that are hand painted or beaded or given zest in some other way. he likes supporting them and he also likes wearing their love around and looking hot as fuck while he does it.
the pack were not normal about my chemical romance in high school. sinker's favorite album of theirs is danger days, boost's favorite is bullets, and comet could never choose between them.
tupma are unwritten at this point but here are some for them:
background is they met in college. dogma is a he/they transmasc, he cracks tup's egg and helps her become comfortable in her identity as a she/they/he* transfem. *she does get comfortable reacquainting with he/him pronouns eventually, in a "he's my girlfriend" type of way. after college, they moved to keldabe (mandalorian nyc where the rest of the aliit gang lives) together.
tup has 3 sisters and 2 moms, so as the only "man" in the family, their coming out as transfem is the funniest thing they could've done.
dogma is autistic. his special interests are bugs (especially spiders), and idk i feel like he's a minecraft and animal crossing man.
dogma has a tarantula named daenerys. tup saved up the money for him to pick her out and all the stuff she would need as a gift. tup may or may not have a pet lizard of some kind.
dogma's parents are divorced, his mom remarried and he got a little brother who's in elementary school now who likes to hunt for bugs with him.
tup sews and paints as hobbies. she likes to alter clothes she thrifts, and also makes dogma patches for his shorts and jackets to add a little spice.
i'm really going now but i think i will leave it here. thank you so much for asking, my dear, this was really fun 💖💖💖
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99simproblems · 2 years
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The High School Years V2
Note: My OCs went to school with other occult kids. Most of the students were either Witches or Witch hybrids of some kind( the twins are Gumiho-Witch hybrids).
Isaiah(Questioning): Isaiah was an overachiever who already had his future planned out. He seemed like a loner, but had no problem talking to a girl he liked. V was intelligent and had a competitive streak that rivaled his own. One day, she asked him to run against her ex for class president. She wanted to get back at him and possibly make him jealous. Isaiah had no interest in leading his class, but he wanted to impress her, so he joined the student council. He was way out of his element at first. Having a reputation and maintaining it never occurred to him before. Isaiah either had to adapt or give up. He was determined to prove himself(to V) and didn't mind being phony. He got to know everyone and made his way up. Eventually, he ran against his romantic rival and won by a landslide.
Kiet(Bi, closeted): Outgoing and popular. A jock with a double life. At school, Kiet was the Point Guard of his basketball team and well-liked by his peers. They saw him as a fun guy to be around. Girls were drawn to him. At home, he was a geek who loved anime and martial art movies. He also liked building things and had a knack for math. Kiet often helped his little sister with her math homework. However, he was too embarrassed to share that part of himself. He’d downplay his intelligence, hide anything ��suspect" from his friends, and bribe his sister to keep her mouth shut(she made sure he didn’t ‘forget’). He even avoided nerds out of fear of being seen as one. His reputation was a big deal to him. He feared being clowned by his friends or worse--girls wouldn’t find him attractive anymore. Being a nobody was his worst nightmare. 
Kyung-hwa(Bi, questioning gender):  Kyung-hwa was a typical delinquent, ditching class to make out with a weekly fling or do whatever he felt like doing. He also had a temper and got in fights a lot(and always won). Deep down, Kyung-hwa was compassionate with a strong sense of justice. He couldn’t stand by and watch bullies pick on others weaker than them. Ironically, that’s how he met his high school boyfriend, J. One day, Kyung-hwa saw the boy getting harassed by kids twice his size. He stepped in and scared them off(they didn’t want to fuck with a half-demon).J asked him to stay just in case those jerks came back. He seemed to have good intentions, so Kyung-hwa decided to stick around. They hung out and got to know each other. The teens had a connection that quickly turned passionate. Kyung-hwa fell for him hard. Sadly, he later got cheated on in their senior year. Furious and heartbroken, Kyung-hwa confronted J then hooked up with his friend, M. It was supposed to be a meaningless fling, but M wanted a relationship(he had feelings for Kyung-hwa all along). Kyung-hwa thought it was wrong to lead someone on, so he told M that he couldn't love him back. It may sound harsh, but he was just being honest.
Ramón(Bi, not out to family): Theater kid; Stage Manager. The twins’ childhood friend and Takeshi’s boyfriend. Lively and outgoing. In his freshman year, Ramón struggled at making new friends. He came on too strong, scaring people away. His tendency to over share didn’t help either. Ramón was desperate to connect with others and he loved feeling needed. He’d use charm or try to help in any way he could. He wanted to be the shoulder to cry on or the voice of reason during a crisis. Sometimes he didn’t mind being more hands on. It seemed like meddling, but he had good intentions. Some people welcomed the attention while others found him obnoxious and invasive. Unforenately, he didn't handle rejection well. He’d try to push the issue then get upset when he got brushed off.  Many arguments were started over his feelings getting hurt. As he got older, he learned to respect the boundaries of others.
Seon-hwa(Bi): Kyung-hwa's twin sister. Honor Roll Student. Someone's Future Boss. Seon-hwa was a goth girl with an imposing presence and the temper to match. Nobody would ever expect her to be into theater, let alone musicals. She knew the lyrics of her favorite musical by heart. However, she didn't consider acting in a play until her sophomore year of high school. Her friend, Ramón, talked her into joining the drama club. She didn't give the best impression on her first day. She came off as blunt and intimidating. Ramón's drama club friends liked her, while others took some time to warm up to her. C, the student director, hated her the moment she walked in. C wasn't openly hostile. She'd smile in her face then talk shit behind her back. She even spread nasty rumors about her. Seon-hwa was never the type to take crap from anyone, so one day at a club meeting, she humiliated the girl in front everyone. C left the auditorium in tears. Seon-hwa almost got kicked out for "bullying", but it was worth it. The wannabe mean girls left her alone after that.
Takeshi(Openly Bi):  Talented Artist. The twins’ childhood friend. Takeshi was a rebellious prankster who liked stirring shit up and getting into trouble. He once got caught tagging a building. Fortunately, he got away with it. Art was his passion; he dreamed of owning a tattoo shop. At school, he was usually seen drawing designs in his notebook. Other kids would look over his shoulder and ask for a drawing. It happened so often he decided to make money selling his art. Unfortunately, his success was short-lived. One day, a classmate approached him, asking for a refund. Takeshi refused to pay him back, but the guy wouldn't back off. Soon things escalated and Takeshi ended up fighting this kid in the hallway. He had the upper hand until a teacher intervened. They were both suspended for the rest of the week(and also got detention). Takeshi was banned from selling his art at school. 
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zyuna-arts · 4 months
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I'm happy to finally introduce the XYZ siblings in art form after brainrotting for so long through writing about him and his siblings in my original story/spin-off of Code Lyoko, Project UNCIA 😭
I introduced concepts for their species earlier on here!
I took part in the #sgoctradingcard event which gave me an excuse to draw the siblings, though I could've done a better job with the graphic design and everything had I started much earlier 🤣 Deliberately kept the art style simpler after spending so long working on Cinthya and I have the tendency to overcomplicate things 🗿
He's energetic and curious and will steal your snacks if you leave them unattended 👀 Despite his playful nature, Zol knows when it's time to have fun and time to be serious. He is incredibly smart for a rynka but with intelligence comes mischief - not everyone can handle him and he gets labelled 'stubborn' or 'untrainable' sometimes. There are times he decides he wants to do his own thing so you must know how to negotiate with him.
He loves working together with his rider Aria (who I will formally introduce via art soon) and is very loyal to them, and by extension whoever Aria is close to. Zol likes to retrieve and gift things, where his gifts can range from a single rock, a branch, food, tools... Anything he thinks is interesting or useful!
Ysri [pronounced 'is-rri'] is anything but the stereotypical "forgotten middle child". With a heart of gold and dignified loyalty, her royal blue and red coat is coincidentally apt as "people's Prince" Faros [pronounced 'fah-rros'] of Rodron is her rider.
Although she isn't the easiest rynka to get close to, she is a reliable ally and dependable friend you can count on if you gain her trust. Ysri cares for her brothers deeply and looks out for them despite the occasional sibling squabble, as well as her rider Faros and by extension anybody he's close to.
I found myself gawking while designing Ysri's card frames (idk maybe I was high from lack of sleep) and it gave me Star Wars vibes for some reason.
Xilim [pronounced 'si-lim'] may be docile by nature, though he dozes off when he gets a bit too relaxed and isn't much help saving you unless you give him detailed instructions on what to do... He will just stand there or idle like an NPC and lacks natural guarding instincts - something his rider needs to keep in mind. If you do tell him to keep watch and be firm about it, only then will he fulfil that task. But he is good for hugs! He's also a popular choice among his drift for public meet-and-greets when there's open houses since he's one of the calmest around strangers.
Fun fact: The notch on his 'ear' is natural and doesn't cause him any issues. What may look like ears on rynka are actually akin to whiskers, helping them sense and pick up vibrations in their surroundings! Their actual ears are hidden behind those appendages and look similar to bird ears.
You may have first heard of Zol and Xilim as the name of my pigeonboi and crowboi plushies by @berry_winkle_ if you follow my Instagram but the reality is the plushies were named after the OCs and not the other way around hehe 👁️ Zol and his siblings mean a lot to me and I hope to share more about them 🥺
SOCIALS: Linktree
Original Art © zyuna
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shytastemakerthing · 10 months
hi id like to request a romantic twst matchup ^_^ i dont label my gender/sexuality and the way i present myself fluctuaes but i could consider myself as androgyne (he/she). im an afro-carib with caramel brown skin, 4a curly hair. im more on the chubby side with a round face (two moles on each side) and apple body shape. i have a bit of a resting bitch face as well.. and my voice is at most monotone amd flat.
im pretty calm and mellow most of the time.. like an observer in the background. im a soft-spoken guy. usually im relaxed and unshaken, though my motivation seems to come on a whim every other day so i may seem out of it at times. its easy to keep my composure for most things and keep my emotions in check.  i have tendencies to be passive-aggressive when provoked and im kinda stubborn but i swear that im chill and friendly.
its easy for me to pick up from setbacks. im naturally intelligent but i dont really study to keep it.. its not like i dont want because, im quite self-aware, its just the lack of motivation. im also quite clever when the time comes and people still seem surprised abt it. im also a realist and i tend to give advice rather than comfort when the time comes. when im around the people i love i seem more chatty that usual, not like super loud or outgoing but im def enjoying myself.
i also laugh at like everything even if its unfunny as hell. my humor is mostly sarcasm and satire tbh. i like trying new things for the sake of trying new things. i also like playing video games, indulging in my interests (drawing, fashion, movies, etc) or whatever seems to catch my eye. ive been wanting to get a bass guitar and grow a garden one day. im also told im quite good with babies but not toddlers. quite the pacifier. my love languages are quality time and parallel play and id like to receive acts of service and words of affirmation (or the ones i give). thanks!! ^_^
A/N: Hello and thank you so much for your request, anon! I do hope that you like your match-up! Enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with..........
Ruggie Bucchi
Honestly, with how crazy his life is, between doing jobs for Leona, jobs for anyone else, trying to get his schoolwork done, being like an unofficial vice housewarden for Savanaclaw, he needs someone who is as calming as yourself, After such a long day, knowing that he could easily retreat into the safety and comfort of your arms makes his hyena beyond thrilled. It's his favorite part of the day.
Ruggie loved just how real you can be about things. Too many people just beat around the bush or try to sugar coat things when there are times where you just need the brutal honesty of a situation. Seeing how he grew up, it was easy to say that he had a similar mindset. Not everything is all sunshine and rainbows. So the fact that you'll just tell him things as they are, no beating around the bush or trying to make things better, it is something that he greatly admired about you.
Look at the hyena and tell me he isn't sarcastic in some way, shape, or form. Sure, he absolutely loved himself a good laugh, oh, but he just loved your sarcasm. It always brings a snicker out of him. This means he will also get sarcastic with you and at you, or crack some jokes as well, some being better than others.
Seeing how you keep your composure is something that's always impressed him (even more so if your the Ramshackle prefect, because if he was ripped out of his world, put in a brand new one where he knew absolutely nothing, put in a dorm that was falling apart at the very foundation, he didn't think he could keep his cool the way that you do), and he certainly thinks that a lot of the students here could learn a thing or two from you.
Oh, he absolutely loves your hair! He has seen hair like yours before, but not often. Now, he is a very dedicated partner (and also got some experience with a lot of the kids that were in the village he grew up in), meaning he learned everything about your specific style of hair. How to care for it, how to style it, the whole nine yards. If you ever need someone to work with and style your hair, he's the hyena for the job (he will even do it for free....... or maybe at least for a doughnut)
Overall, Ruggie is a very dedicated partner. He may not have much, but he finds anyway that he can be able to show that he can provide for you. Just the fact that you actually looked his way and gave him a chance means more to him than you could ever possibly know.
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
Hi! Absolutely love your school quiz (I got Life btw which is me to an absolute tee) and I just wanted to know if you'd consider publishing all the results since I'm a curious bean and want to know what the other school results are 😅
(link to quiz) (i recommend others take the quiz because this has spoilers for the answers)
hello anon,
I figured out how to log back into Uquiz because of this ask.
and hooo boy. some stats. first off: I made the quiz 2 years ago. god, i was 19. innocent, a darling, a babe in the woods. uncancelled, free.
Grand Total of quiz takers: 1,326! buncha nerds! many of them are myth wizards, apparently!
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Now here are your Answers for the Quiz!
“That which can be imagined, can be achieved.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Storm wizards, known as Diviners, are creative and strong willed, though easily distracted at times. They have a tendency to be dramatic, but that makes them even more fun as companions. They are electric, and powerful, and wonderful people. They are diverse in their interests, but all follow the same motto of achievement, of having a concrete object to show their progress as wizards.
“… with Persistence, Victory is assured.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Ice wizards, also known as thaumaturges, are intelligent. They can become perfectionists, and can be almost too self sacrificial in their role. They can be unyielding, not changing their ways in this deep need to be right. Their closed off and curt nature leads to an isolation. To melt the walls around an ice wizard's heart, to be let in to those deep emotions and memories, is something rare and to be cherished.
“If the Mind is like a candle, the Heart is like the sun.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Fire wizards, or Pyromancers, are passionate and wild, impulsive. They rush in on instinct as opposed to what logic would dictate. They are, down to their core, good. They are trying their best, even if it means they burn out. Their passion can manifest in a number of ways, many detrimental, but having a network of friends to anchor them can lead to a very powerful leader.
“Timor mortis conturbat me.” (The Fear of Death Confounds Me)- School Motto, Wizard101
Death wizards (necromancers), are morbid and fond of dark humor, as long as it doesn't make light of the tragedy of their school. They have a hard time connecting with other schools of wizards, because of their personality, but also the fundamental understanding of the Spiral that they cannot share.
“To control the Future, one must look to the Past.”-School Motto, Wizard101
Myth wizards, Conjurers, are very control driven. They are imaginative and have a deep investment in history, whether mythological or human, and they try to learn from the past as best they can, because the cyclical nature of time vexes them the most of any school. They can also have visions of the past, present, and future, through many different mediums, but most of all through dreams.
"As we have been Created, so must we Create."-School Motto, Wizard101
Life wizards, Theurgists, are kind people. Their magic derives from the body, keeping themself and others whole. They can be almost parental at times in their protectiveness, though they tend to feel helpless in the face of grave danger, only able to pick up the pieces and heal afterwards. When only around other life wizards, they can become vicious and competitive in their usefulness, a secret hierarchy few outsiders know of.
“Eye of Newt, and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat, and Tongue of Dog.”- School Motto, Wizard101
Balance Wizards, Sorcerers, do not draw upon magic in the traditional sense of the other six main schools of Ravenwood. There is no internal or external draw, but from the magic itself, the elements of each school understood in such ways that they may become one whole.The most flexible of the schools, they meditate and try to understand many things other take for granted. This may lead to an almost condescending view of other wizards at times, for they are never willing to understand the balance of the Spiral.
“Your path is illuminated by the light Yet darkness lets the stars shine bright.” ~J.L.W. Brooks (School Motto)
Star wizards specialize in auras, enhancing their own magic in order to more effectively defeat their foe. While an accessory school in game, it is believed that they are prone to distraction, fond of glitter, and rather giggly at times. They can be vicious, can fight as well as the next wizard. They will fight until the end, until the last star dies out, and even they will not know when that is, and they will not stop.
“The strength of the Sun will show our inherent capacity for truth and transformation.”-School Motto, Wizard101
Sun Wizards are primarily leaders, an excellent figurehead and rallying point for others. Their magic is used to enhance their spells in battle, enchanting or mutating the inherent magic in the spell cards for just one encounter. These wizards do not crumble under pressure as others may, they are strong and inherently hold onto that strength in order to guide and pull their allies through to the other side of a difficult situation.
“The moon is a transformation that shows where change is necessary.”-School Motto, Wizard101
Moon Wizards use their magic to polymorph into other creatures or beings, changing their spell deck and statistics mid-battle. They must have a strong sense of self and grasp upon their own identity in order to continue to utilize these magics and remain who they were originally when they polymorph back. They have so many secrets they fear sharing, but when they do it is the ultimate form of their trust, and they bond with friends for life.
"It is unstable and difficult to control." Wizard101.com on Shadow magic.
Shadow wizards are few and far between. The backlash the magic inflicts upon its wizards is difficult and painful, but a fair way to rebalance the Spiral after using this reality bending, strange magic. Shadow wizards are capable of great things, but in that greatness, there is no indication whether it shall be for the good or the harm of the worlds and peoples of the Spiral.
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okthatsgreat · 10 months
hiiiihihi lee those oc asks look so interesting so . any of the following for any of your ocs that you feel like talking about? 🔥🌪️🔧🔫🔪🙈💥 i got a little carried away picking out fun ones but feel free to only do the ones you want!!
LILY U RULE SO HARD. i was gonna go with sae but realised she's way too new for some of these questions so you know what....... ill choose ryobe teehee 😁
oc ask game!!
🔥 FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
his complete inability to take anything seriously to the point of delusion and destruction lmao. he really and truly lives in his own little world where everything is about him and how much fun he is having, because he's convinced himself that if he is having fun then everybody ELSE must be having fun also
🌪 TORNADO - what is the biggest change you've ever made to them? how have they changed from their original version?
AHGHJS oh jesus christ he got changed a lot design wise. he was always something along the lines of an ultimate prankster but originally he was way more business oriented, he still had red hair and a gap in his teeth but with a goofy looking suit lmfaooo. biggest change from that first interpretation of him to now was just how intentionally cold he was-- this updated version of him is still intelligent and cunning but his actions are so clearly driven by the horrors of the killing game and his attempted escape from it. the older version of him was always Like That GHFDSKJG
🔧 WRENCH - are they good at fixing relationships? or do they tend to avoid doing so?
surprisingly he's kind of alright in settings that aren't post/pre-game! he's pretty persistent in trying to cheer people up so even if he doesn't really get all that serious he'll still make an effort to bug you even if you dont exactly want to see him right now ghfsdjkg. but if youre looking for a serious discussion with him youre kind of out of luck unless you catch him in a super specific mood and time lol. he's probably had like. two serious conversations post-game about his actions and he hardly acknowledges they ever happened
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
hmmmm this one is odd in regards to him short answer yes he does trust easily??? long answer it depends on what setting. like he trusts pretty openly but he is very flimsy with that trust and kinda throws other peoples trust around just as easily lmfao. he isn't extremely gullible but he'll believe you if you tell him something in earnest there just isnt much guarantee he wont turn around and use that information for a prank or something hgfkjsdghk ESPECIALLY pre-game/during the game. post-game he chills out he's a cool guy. definitely doesn't trust as openly and is a bit more reserved about who he hangs out with but he himself is way more trustworthy as a person
🔪 KNIFE - how do they react to injury / misfortune befalling their loved ones (significant other, family, friends)? do they put themselves at blame?
AGAIN DEPENDSSSS pre-game he'll try to cheer them up but will feel awfulllll about it especially if it happens during one of his videos, where he'll def blame himself but will cope by shoving all that into a tiny box where it will eventually catch on fire and explode. catch him during the beginning stages of the game and he's just wayy too far in his delusions that he'll straight up think you're fucking with him gfhdsjgkf. he'll be so convinced it's all some elaborate ruse that he legit starts dragging other people down with him. later on in the game he just crumbles entirely. just feels that guilt so immensely, and there is no going back to fixing anything
🙈 SEE-NO-EVIL - whats a side of your oc that they don't want to show other people?
he's a lot smarter than he lets on!! his talent is catering to the algorithm and staying relevant, and he knows how to manipulate the platform in his favour. ryobe hardly talks about the business side of his job just because it kinda ruins the illusion of this "fun-loving prankster"
💥 COLLISION - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
oh jesus fear. he will NOT be scared
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nuwanders · 2 years
OC asks part 2: 1-9, 12, 13, 16
Sorry if they’re too many! If so, just pick what you want to answer
2 has been answered already, as have 3, 5 and 12 for jórunn and cassathra! :^) answered something on character motivations (question 4) a while back. otherwise i’ve just picked out those which yield the most interesting answers for my characters.
1. What are your OC’s best and worst qualities? What do they think are their best and worst qualities?
Cassathra - best would be her passion and drive. Worst would be her recklessness.
Raydrin - best would be his kind and gentle heart. Worst would be his total lack of self-regard.
Jórunn - best would be her tenacity and resilience. Worst would be her ill temper.
Mathyas - best would be his diligence and his intelligence. Worst would be his cutthroat and callous approach to problem-solving.
3. What does their voice sound like, in a couple of words? (ie soft, scratchy, seductive, high-pitched, etc)
Raydrin - low, soft, raspy. Think somewhere between Manny Jacinto and Riz Ahmed (in terms of quality, not accent).
Mathyas - full-bodied, baritone, smooth + even cadence.
8.  What is their coping mechanism?
Cassathra - Cassathra tries to keep herself busy, throwing herself into her studies and otherwise inventing projects to keep her mind off of whatever it is that is troubling her.
Raydrin - Raydrin turns to substance abuse :/ it started in the aftermath of the Great War, when he was mourning his twin sister and wanted to numb his grief, but his depression never properly cleared up so that tendency has stayed with him.
Jórunn - Jórunn withdraws from those around her and spends a lot of time on her own, minimising social contact.
Mathyas - Mathyas overthinks things in a misguided attempt to find a solution or to rationalise his way out whatever is bothering him. This is rarely possible, but it doesn't stop him trying.
12. How do they feel about romantic relationships? Are they into casual flings or more serious, long-term romances? Or are they uninterested?
Raydrin - Raydrin is a romantic; he wants stability and commitment with someone he loves. But he's only ever been in one serious relationship and that was before the war; since then, he's dallied in the occasional fling but found them largely unfulfilling, and he was never interested or emotionally available enough to put the time into looking for something more.
Mathyas - Mathyas is largely neutral on this; he's had a few serious relationships over the decades but none that ever lasted more than a few years, largely due to incompatibilities in lifestyle given his status as the son of a Redoran councillor and the duties that entails. In the meantime, he's quite happy keeping his needs met with casual flings.
13. What are their views on marriage? If they want to get married, what would their dream wedding be like?
I think Cassathra finds the idea very romantic and exciting, especially now she's removed herself from the pressures of her family and is free to pursue what she wants in life. Neither Raydrin nor Jórunn particularly care for the idea of it. Mathyas has always seen it as something that he will have to do at some point as part of his duties to his House, and he accepts this with indifference.
16. How do other characters in the story view them?
hoo boy.
Cassathra - Cassathra's peers at the College generally find her quite amenable; she's not friends with everyone but few people have reason to dislike her. Those who have classes with her may find her natural aptitude for magic a little frustrating, but she's not a dick about it. After Saarthal, she and the others in her tutorial group are treated by their year group with a degree of wariness and morbid curiosity; it becomes common knowledge that something horrible happened down there, so the other students tend to act a little like they're treading on eggshells around them.
Jórunn - those who Jórunn meets in her travels find her a little closed and standoffish, and those who know she is Dragonborn view her with varying degrees of awe and pity. Mostly people find her intimidating; they want to ask her questions, about her powers, about her disability, about how they interact, but her big ‘fuck off’ vibes mean few actually ever ask her. (etienne rarnis, for example, asks raydrin instead). 
Raydrin - acquaintances are largely indifferent to Raydrin; he’s quiet and doesn’t leave a lasting impression, unless you see him in battle. Those who get to know him find him easy to get along with and pleasant company. Delphine found him (and Jórunn) both unimaginably frustrating at the start, but they are starting to grow on her; Delphine now finds Raydrin exasperating but weirdly endearing.
Mathyas - the DBH is mixed on this one. Gabriella finds him endlessly entertaining to tease. Babette and Veezara both like him. Nazir thinks he’s pathetic but in a hot kind of way respects him enough to feel sorry for him. Arnbjorn and Festus think he’s a sad, strange little man. Cicero doesn’t trust him. Astrid sees him as her pet rat and she’s teaching him tricks. Vivienne wants that twink OBLITERATED him dead but is refraining from acting on that while he’s useful to her.
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cinnamonest · 4 years
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Y’all are too nice to me I swear… here I am being horny and nasty on main and I’m getting encouraged, damn. But for real  ( ´ ω ` ) thank you so much!!
I’m gaining more confidence to post more smutty stuff and the kind of dark shit I like, so I might go back and make more nasty Childe content later on too… After Albedo, I got Razor and Zhongli coming up, and a few ones I just worked on for fun. But yeah, just in case it wasn’t clear for anyone who followed me, I’m going to be writing almost entirely dark content and some really nasty stuff, so just be aware of that, and don’t consume my writing if that’s something that may be harmful to you.
Albedo is so pretty… and such good dark content material… He treats you like a science experiment but has the audacity to make it hot smh
I haven’t seen a whole lot of him outside the cutscenes, so potentially ooc (as if yandere content isn’t already ooc, lmao)
Albedo - Yandere Profile
tw: general yandere content, obsessive behavior, stalking
tw (below cut): smut, noncon (seriously, you’ve been warned)
What are they generally like? Lucid, aware? Obsessive? How do they behave?
Very much aware. In the beginning, it frustrates him. He’s never been particularly attached to anyone, outside of his former instructor. He’s always enjoyed being out on his own, spending extended amounts of time by himself – the desire to be around someone is a foreign feeling for him. He immediately notices how bizarre the emotion is for him, how it changes his behaviors. His self awareness combined with perceptiveness makes him able to acutely recognize not only how unusual this emotion is for him, but also how the extent of his feelings, the types of desires they ignite in him, is unusual even for “normal” people who aren’t social recluses.
He’s frustrated by his own actions, feels embarrassed at how attached he is to you, how easily you make him flustered and trip over his words. As he is a very aware yandere, he’s definitely afraid of rejection to some degree. He has no idea how to navigate feelings and interactions with other people, he’s never really had the desire to form a particularly strong bond with anyone before. As such, he’ll come across as very awkward, and he will interact with you less than most yanderes – he knows he’s just going to embarrass himself if he talks to you, right? He’ll just mess up and say something strange, so instead, he opts to watch you from the shadows, go to places where you are, but keep a distance from you, just being able to watch you makes him feel fluttery and overwhelmed. 
He will definitely be one to collect things from you. He collects plenty of things for the sake of science, this is no different. Or so he tries to tell himself, but he can’t delude himself even if he tries. He knows its weird, he knows its wrong, but the overwhelming urge to have things of yours is too great to resist. He’ll start off with more innocent things, but it will gradually progress to not-so-innocent… items of yours.
It may not be obvious, but he’s actually a fairly sensitive person, at least regarding you. He places a lot of value in what you think of him, and wants to ensure you’ll respond positively to him. He views it like a science – there should be some formula by which he can put in the correct actions, and produce a specific result. Unfortunately, unlike real science, there’s not much room for trial and error – he feels he only has once chance.
How likely are they to kidnap their darling? How quickly will they do so?
It will take some time, as he’s got to get over his own nerves first. He’s torn between the fear of you hating him for such a thing, it would be the end of the world for him, but also the desire to pull you away from the world, to keep you hidden from others, to have you all to himself, to be the only person that gets to look at you. If you start showing positive signs, reacting positively to his gifts, expressing interest in conversation with him and going out of your way to see him, he’ll start to get more confident, think that he can afford to do something that might sour your opinion of him, hoping it will merely be temporary.
He’ll probably start to do so several times and back out. He’ll set out at night, make it all the way to your room and stand over your sleeping form, and he’ll start to worry, wonder if someone saw him, see holes in his plans, he gets too nervous and bolts. He’ll persuade you into being alone with him, and although its the chance he’s looking for, again, he’ll get nervous, worry about being caught, run through all the what-ifs, and miss the chance. Honestly, when he does finally take you, it will probably be not planned, but in the heat of the moment, a rash decision from desperation. Something like you coming to visit him to tell him you’re leaving the area, came to say goodbye, and he’ll panic, ultimately grabbing you by the arm as you try to leave and dragging you back inside, silently, but forcefully.
How difficult is it to escape from them? How do they keep you restrained? How do they deal with attempted escape?
Moderately difficult. Your best bet is to take advantage of his tendency to be absent minded when he’s absorbed in his work. He gets very lost in his thoughts, to a point where he’ll completely zone out and be oblivious to the world around him. On the downside, this means you won’t have much time to cover distance, he’ll be close behind the moment he realizes you’re gone.
The route he’ll probably take is actually one where you won’t need to be too restrained, because you’ll be taking… a little research trip. Out to the most freezing, desolate areas of the mountains. He’s convinced the knights he needs to stay there for his research, but in reality, he’s internally panicking, as he tries to figure out how to make this work – after all, you two can’t stay here forever. You’d be foolish to run out of the little cabin he’s bought, out into the perilous freezing cold and jagged, high slopes. At first, he thinks there’s no way you’d try it, so he’s content letting you have free reign to walk around as you please. If he has to leave for whatever reason, he’ll probably lock you into a single room, but he won’t chain you up, as again, he's really trying to avoid making you hate him.
If you prove to be determined to leave, he’ll be hurt, but mostly concerned for you. He’s actually not one to get too mad over an escape attempt – he’ll blame himself, or theorize it’s just a natural response your brain triggered. Against his first choice, he’ll end up having to get more strict with your restraints. If you get too whiny, though… you might trigger one of his more frustrated moments.
“I didn’t want to have to do this… I’m sorry. I can’t risk anything bad happening to you. Tell me if it’s too tight… I don’t want to hurt you. I don’t blame you. I know you’re probably panicking over all this, but you’ll get adjusted to it, I promise. Just… just give it some time… it’s not so bad, living with me, I promise.”
“Don’t be like that. You’re only tied up because you tried to leave. You should understand why you have to be kept like this… If you don’t want to be restrained, you shouldn’t have run out, trying to get yourself killed.”
How easy are they to trick, deceive, or manipulate?
For all his academic intelligence, he’s not highly skilled with people and socialization. He’s not too good at being able to tell when he’s being lied to, and he definitely won’t pick up on subtle manipulation. It’ll be pretty easy to wrap him around your finger, he’ll do what he can to make you happy.
Once he finds out you’ve lied to him, though, he’ll get pretty upset. He likely won’t trust you again, and will require proof of anything you say, or set out to find out if you’re telling him the truth or not.
How lenient are they? What privileges can you have, and what will you be denied?
He’ll try to accommodate you, giving you things you ask for, but he has limits. He’s too paranoid to let you have any contact with the outside world. You do have him wrapped around your finger to an extent, though. Whatever he’s doing at the moment, he’ll drop it in a heartbeat if you want to spend time with him in any way, even if its just you asking for food or to take a walk. He’ll be willing to take you for very short trips outside, no further than a few yards from the lodging, if only because he knows sunlight is vital to your health.
What kind of rules do they have? What kind of punishment would they use?
The basics will be there – don’t try to leave, don’t be difficult with him, try to cooperate, be obedient. However, he’s also particularly overprotective of anything that can hurt you – even yourself. Under no circumstances can you handle anything that can hurt you – that means no cooking, no knives, no lifting anything heavy, no going outside without him. If you’re determined to cook something, he’ll have to stand right behind you, and watch while you do it. If you get so much as a little cut or burn, he’ll take over, insisting you go sit down after he tends to your “wounds.”
At the very beginning, he’ll be hesitant to punish you too much, as part of his plan to get you to like him. However, he can be a little easily frustrated, and your safety and well-being comes first, even if it means he has to make you upset. He will have to restrain you, take away what little privileges you had. If you try to bolt while you’re outside, no more going outside. If you try something foolish like attacking him with a knife when he gives you cooking privileges, you will lose said privileges. Really, the worst part of it all is the humiliation, being treated like a dumb, incapable baby that can’t do anything for yourself. He insists on doing everything for you, even down to bathing you and dressing you, even feeding you if you can’t convince him to take restraints off your hands. He’ll talk down to you in that way, too, talking to you as if you were a child.
How do they deal with rivals, or perceived rivals? Will they get rid of them? Will they kill them themselves, or find another way?
It’s a situation he’s not prepared to handle, and he’s unsure of what to do. It strikes fear in him that you might have someone else interested, so he has to get rid of them as quickly as possible. He’s not opposed to killing, if it comes down to that, but initially, he’ll try to work behind the scenes – expose something that will ruin their reputation, get them accused of a crime. This would also be one of the possible aforementioned situations that might cause him to kidnap you a bit earlier than he normally would, as well. If he can’t get rid of them easily, he’ll just take you away from them.
He will absolutely try to make you hate them, try to ruin your image of them, and he’s rather good at falsifying evidence for his claims of their behavior. With his alchemic skills, that sort of thing is easily possible.
How easy is it to make them mad? What does their anger look like?
He gets more frustrated than anything, when you’re being difficult. This is mostly just him sighing quite a bit, speaking a bit harshly, even pouting and sulking a bit if you’ve offended him. But true anger in him is not pretty, and almost never happens. It’s a buildup, a slow rise that has a boiling point. If he reaches that point, he can definitely get mad enough to hurt you, it’s actually kind of terrifying in how sharp of a contrast it is to how he normally is. It’s a side of him that’s very difficult to draw out. He’s not one to yell or shout, no, his anger is a suffocating silence, he slams down whatever he’s holding as he stomps over to you, grabbing you by the arms hard enough to bruise, and dragging you by the hair to whatever he has planned.
With mild frustration outbursts, he will feel justified, but if it reaches that intense anger, he’ll usually give at least a little apology, tell you he didn’t mean to go that far. He hates to think of you fearing him, but ultimately, if that’s what’s necessary to keep you safe, then he can live with it.
Do they see you as above them, beneath them, or equal to them?
It’s an odd mix. On one hand, he sees you as utterly fascinating, the most beautiful thing he’s ever laid eyes on, more than any landscape or art he’s seen or made, an invaluable treasure to be kept on a high pedestal. Simultaneously, however, he will treat you like a child, thinks you can’t do anything for yourself. It’s a bizarre duality, but one he is consistent on. You’re precious, so very precious, and he’s undeserving of you, but at the same time, you need him to be safe and sound.
How determined are they for you to love them? How hard will they try to make it happen? Or are they content just having you?
Of the genshin boys, he’s one of the most determined. He’s not good with people, and he doesn’t really have anyone particularly close to him left anymore. He tends to keep people at a distance. You sort of fill an space inside him that he never knew was empty, a void he wasn’t aware he had until it was consumed by thoughts of you. He doesn’t need anyone or anything else, so long as he has you with him, but he really, really wants it to be true that you love him. He doesn’t need you to even love him as much as he loves you – he doesn’t even know if that’s possible – but he just wants to know that, even if only in the slightest, his feelings are returned. He’s so distant from everyone else, but you wormed your way into his heart, even if you didn’t intend to, with your smiles and softness and kindness towards him. For the first time, he feels weak around someone, but in a way, it’s a good feeling. He wants to be able to be vulnerable, be weak, and not have anything to fear by doing so.
He’s lucid, though, so he doesn’t expect you to love him immediately. As he’s not good with words or displays of affection, he’ll get you all sorts of gifts. Rare items that you wonder how the hell he obtained them, beautifully crafted little trinkets from all his searching and time traveling, more clothes than you could ever wear. You’ll start to feel a little guilty, it’s so much, and you’re certain he doesn’t have that much money. He’ll blow it off, say it’s no big deal, but if you insist, he’ll have to start finding new ways to convey his affection. In captivity, he won’t stop trying, but he’ll understand why you might be angry. In that case, he will utilize what he’s learned from research in books he’s read. He knows that eventually, with him being the only one you have, the only company, the only one to talk to, the only source of touch, you’ll eventually have to cave. You’ll become attached to him, bond with him, whether you like it or not. He knows how powerful the affect of touch can be, and will make sure to hold you in his arms, keep you on his lap, make you crave the only source of human touch you can get. Dependency, he thinks, is the gateway to you loving him.
Bonus: Is there anything that makes them unique, in comparison to other yanderes?
Drawings. So many of them. Much like his drawings he uses in notes, he’s found he tends to start scribbling a familiar face when his mind drifts off. He’s memorized every little detail of your face, every curve on your body. If you’re ever snooping around, you’ll eventually uncover a book of sketches he has solely dedicated to drawings of you. Drawings of you laughing, smiling, sleeping, drawings that you’re certain were of real events you were at, that you didn’t remember him being at. Every bit in perfect detail. If you confront him about it, he’ll be horrifically embarrassed, insisting they’re no good, or, if you’re upset, trying to reassure you it was all from his mind and totally not him lurking in the shadows as he watches you.
Also, if you want to make him happy, get him on one of his spiels about his work, his interests, anything that he can catch onto and go on and on about. He’ll catch himself rambling and apologize for being “annoying,” but if you reassure him, and express interest, that will make him feel particularly appreciated. It would be a primary way to get on his good side and manipulate him, or lull him into false security to make your escape, if that’s what you’re looking to do. But be warned, it will only work once, and he’ll be far too hurt to let himself indulge in sharing these things with you again.
General perverseness: how sexual of a person are they? What’s their drive like? How touchy do they get? Do they have any reservations about sexuality?
Publicly, definitely highly reserved. He’s easily flustered, and thinks of sex in a very scientific way, for the purpose of procreation. For fun? He knows it’s enjoyable, but can’t separate it from his very analytic, scientific way of viewing things. It’s a formula, you touch this here and pull that there, and the result is supposed to be orgasmic bliss. He just isn’t very familiar with pleasure – he doesn’t drag out masturbation, even, as that would be a waste of time. He gets it over with quickly, taking short breaks during his work. He is a fairly high drive, though, and gets the urge fairly frequently, about once or twice a day.
He’ll be hornier with your presence, having to leave more frequently to get off to the little things you do, quickly getting himself off while recalling the mental image of you holding a pen in your mouth, the little moan when you stretch, the way your clothes fit to your frame.
Prior to abduction, he’s not particularly touchy at all, in fact, he’s very jumpy if you touch him. Once he’s gotten you alone with him for the foreseeable future, isolated, dependent, he’ll gain more confidence, be willing to give into his cravings to touch you, hold you, eventually progressing to groping you, moving his hands up and down your body, under your clothes, slowly peeling them off.
He’s initially a bit ashamed of his urges towards you, feels guilty every time he gets off to you, but will likewise gain more confidence once you're his.
A guy can only fight off the urge for so long before he cracks, before he can’t continue to care about the consequences. For him, that point is when he knows he finally has you all to himself – his worries fade, and while the guilt is still there, it’s far outweighed by desire.
How forceful are they? Do they care about your willingness?
He does care, but as stated previously, it’s hard to fight the urge for so long. It will be torture, but for the first few days, he wants you to “adjust” to your new “home,” and not add to your panic. After that, though, he’ll try to assess your reactions. If you’re extremely resistant, he’ll give you more “adjustment” time. He can’t really hold off forever, though, and eventually, maybe a few weeks in, comes to the conclusion that if he just does what he wants, so long as he’s gentle and reminds you he loves you, it will help you get past the mental barrier in your mind. He’s convinced there’s simply a psychological issue, and that sometimes, people need a push. It’s like having a friend who can’t swim – sometimes, you just have to throw them into the water, help them get over that mental hurdle, and they’ll be grateful in the end. That’s what he tells himself to justify it, anyway. He has enough… anatomical prerequisite knowledge to know what’s good and what’s bad, and will take your body’s positive reactions as a sign of what you really want. Is definitely the kind to use that against you, holding up his fingers to your face after you cum on them, as if to prove a point.
“See? I told you, you just have to let go and give in to what you want… if you didn’t, my fingers wouldn’t be dripping like this, now would they?”
What sort of kinks or fetishes do they have, or would they fill?
He wants to experiment on you. This manifests as him being something of a service top without really intending to be, even if you’re not exactly happy about it. He likes to watch your reactions, watch the way your body moves, test the pleasure you get from different things, discover what it is that you like, even if you weren’t aware of it. In particular, he’s fascinated by the fact that girls have so many types of orgasms. He’ll want to try them all, watch and see which ones are more intense than others, which ones make you convulse, makes your toes curl, your eyes roll back. Which erogenous zones make your breath hitch, make you twitch and whimper. Probably the type to be determined that he can make you cum just from something like sucking on your nipples, and he won’t stop until he achieves it. He’ll also want to try everything. At least anything that he thinks has some potential to appeal to him, mentally. He’s a busy man and hasn’t really taken the time to explore his own sexuality, and has virtually zero experience.
Edging, overstimulation, forced orgasms
Experimentation also means testing limits and thresholds. He’ll bring you up to the edge, learn to watch for the slightest of signs that you’re close, listen to your breath, watch your face, wait until you’re just so close and then draw back, stopping just short of letting you catch that high. Then he’ll let you drift back down, and bring you back up again. No amount of begging will make him show you any mercy, you’ll only cum when he’s decided he’s observed enough. He wants to push the limit, see just how close to the edge of orgasm you can get without spilling over, just how much it takes to drive you insane. He’ll also want to see how far you can go after it as well. Orgasm won’t be the end of his ministrations, no, he wants to see how much stimulation you can take. You won’t be able to get away from his tongue, he’ll grab you by the hips and slam you back down, continuing to lap at you even if you’re so sensitive it’s painful. Watching you cum will just make him rut into you harder, bruising and abusing your insides to a point that they’re so sore you can feel it long after it’s over. At first, he might feel a little guilty, and may very well after it’s over, but in the heat of the moment, he can’t fight the insatiable urge to listen to you squeal, feel you convulse, watch the tears from overwhelming pleasure run down your face.
He’ll make it his personal mission to see how many orgasms the female body is capable of within a given amount of time - per day, per hour, how quickly you can have them in succession. For scientific purposes, of course. Anatomy and human biology isn’t really his main field of focus, but he likes to expand his research horizons.
“Just one more… cum one more time for me, then we’ll be done. Come on… I know you can, just one more.”
How do they feel about pregnancy or babies? Do they want them?
He’s actually good with children, usually. He has a calming effect on kids. He isn’t sure how he feels, though. To some degree, he fears his capabilities to parent, thinks he would be too cold to be a good father. But he also likes the idea of a protege, an heir to his title, one he can teach everything he knows. If he does end up having one, this fucking nerd man will read every book on pregnancy, birthing, and parenting that he can get his hands on.
Also, he’ll absolutely be one to track your cycles, even better than you can. He’s researched enough to know exactly when you’re most or least likely to get pregnant, and you can’t help but notice how much more he seems to cum in you when you’re at your most fertile. Nor can he deny how satisfying it is to watch his cum slowly drip out of you, watching you twitch with aftershock and slowly drift off in exhaustion.
What kind of (nsfw) punishments would they use?
Unfortunately for you, since overstimulation and edging are already normal and everyday for you, he’ll have to amp it up a bit if he’s trying to make you regret something. He might get rougher, abusing more pleasure spots on your body, keeping his hands, mouth, and cock occupied all at once with driving you over the edge until it’s painful. But if you’re exceptionally misbehaved, you might not ever get a release to his edging, instead left to suffer from being so close, tied up so you can’t finish yourself off.
In moments when he’s really, truly angry, the peak of it, and that blends with arousal, he’ll really, really throatfuck you. Grabbing the back of your head and shoving his cock down as deep as he can, holding you there as you gag and choke, feeling your throat convulse around him, desperately trying to pull back for air. The movements are harsh and brutal, pulling harshly on your hair, moving at a pace so fast you barely have a second to breathe. Thankfully, when it gets like that, he won’t last long, emptying out into your throat, holding your jaw shut and demanding you swallow. If any spills off on your chin, he’ll gather it up on his fingers, hold it to your face, and command you to open your mouth, suck it off, and swallow again. That’s at the peak of his anger, though, and you’ll have to substantially piss him off to reach that point. He’ll apologize later, holding you close, but his guilt doesn’t change the fact that it’s one of the most intense orgasms that he’ll have, and he’d be lying if he said he didn’t sometimes think of doing it again, even without provocation. He’s restrained enough not to, but the thought is there… and deep down, he’ll entertain the idea.
What body parts of their darling do they like the most?
The curves of your body, no matter how defined or faint they are, no matter the general shape of your body, to him it’s the most beautiful thing. He’ll definitely want to draw you, even if you’re not too keen on posing. He’ll run his hands up and down your body, squeezing every little bit of flesh he can, moving his palms over every little curve, every inch of your skin.
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
The Akatsuki as Parents
Was a bit reluctant when he found out he was going to be a daddy ... at first. Not because he didn’t want kids ((he really did)), but because he severely doubted his own ability to be a father. But the second he holds the baby in his arms, he’s hooked. He will be so eagerly helpful and hands-on that during the child’s infancy, the other parent will rarely have to lift a finger. Diapers need changing? Obito’s on it. Baby needs to be fed at 2am? Obito’s already out of bed and warming formula on the stove. Rash? Fever? A cough? Obito is consulting every doctor within a 20 mile radius on what to do. Note that Obito is a hard-core traditionalist and, if he isn’t married to the child’s other parent before he gets them pregnant, he’ll be persistent about doing so before the kid is born. Sobs the first time his child calls him “papa”. As the child grows older, Obito will be a tireless teacher and mentor, and you better believe that the kid will know every facet of what was once the Uchiha clan. Sharingan training is a bit nerve-wracking for Dad, because while he wants his child to grow strong, he knows the power of the eye is a deadly one, and doesn’t like to see his son/daughter get hurt. Is the type to be a bit more strict with his sons than with daughters, in fact being a complete pushover for anything his little girl(s) wants. Very, VERY likely to insist a girl be named Nohara. Also the type to sneak and let his kid eat lots of sweets (like Obito himself does) before meals, much to the other parent’s chagrin. Also involves the other Akatsuki members as uncles/aunt in the kid’s life, especially Itachi and Sasuke as he wants the kid to be exposed to members of the family more often.
The literal first words out of his mouth are “pregnant? Why the hell didn’t you make me wear a condom?!” Takes a long time to warm up to the idea of parenthood, but once he does, he’s surprisingly better at it than anyone would anticipate. He tends to be very fast-paced in his body movements and not really used to being careful, so if he’s holding his infant it’s best to make him sit still in a chair first. Once the kid(s) is older, it’s better, because Hidan’s energy levels will match (and overshadow) even the liveliest of children. It will be a big point of contention between Hidan and his co-parent on whether or not to introduce their kid to Jashinism, and Hidan will eventually promise to wait until the child is an adult to start talking about “all that shit”; although Hidan’s idea of adulthood seems to be when the kid is old enough to use a kunai. Puts a startling amount of emphasis on his kid getting a good education, and will be sure to send him or her to the best village school that he possibly can. The reason behind this is because Hidan himself had a poor education growing up, and is in fact barely able to read or do basic math; and he says over and over that his kid “isn’t gonna be some dumbass like his/her father”.
Nearly faints when told he’s going to be a father. Will immediately get out a calculator and start figuring out expenses like diapers, food, toys, education ... is so preoccupied that he ends up neglecting the person who carries his child, causing them to go off on their own expecting to be a single parent. Oddly, it’s Hidan who sets the old guy straight. He stays on his case and talks to him until the nonagenarian sees the error of his ways, and goes after the person having his baby. Kakuzu will be gentle with a baby, and show a surprising affinity for making up and singing lullabies. As the kid gets older, Kakuzu will be a bit more strict. “Food is expensive; you better eat every bite on your plate.” “A hole in your pants? No give them to me and I’ll mend them; buying new clothes is unnecessary.” His child will grow up knowing how to stretch a buck and budget money better than any other kid their age. Kakuzu isn’t really one for showing much warmth or affection, but there will be a few rare moments in his kid’s life where his father hugs him and tells him how proud he is of him. Kakuzu knows that the life of a shinobi is hard and therefore encourages his kid to pursue other career paths, such as opening up his/her own business.
Konan and Nagato
These two are so closely intertwined that they could only be parental mates to each other. When a baby comes into the picture, Nagato will still maintain his position as leader of the Akatsuki as Pein, but will insist that Konan quit. It’s for a practical purpose rather than a sentimental one; they both lost their collective parents to war, and Nagato always thought that if he had a child, he’d ensure that at least one parent would be around to always take care of him or her. Konan, however, will still keep in touch with all of the Akatsuki members, who will become very enthusiastic uncles to her child. She’s always been a good cook but with a child she’ll level up to professional chef caliber, creating dishes that are fun and healthy. Her child(ren) will be taught all of their mother’s paper jutsus, and Nagato will work to devise a way for the brightest one to get his rinnegan once he passes. The kids will primarily spend time with Nagato through Pein, and only be taken to meet their father when Konan feels they’re ready. Because Konan and Nagato had a childhood devoid of parental love, they’re often at a loss for how to be affectionate or sentimental, instead putting a lot of emphasis on “toughening” their kids up, so that they’re prepared to face the cruelties of the world. But the kids will know that mom and dad love them; it’s obvious in everything they say and do.
Will be the fun, loving, yet highly irresponsible father. As soon as his kid is born he anxiously awaits to see if he or she inherits his explosion-release kekkei genkai; and if the kid DOES, he’s ecstatic. “Art is an explosion” won’t just be a saying in his household; it’ll be a way of life. The child will grow up given complete freedom to express his or her artistic tendencies, with Deidara highly praising any and every impact they make on the outside world. Yet despite being for artistic creativity, he’ll be (surprisingly) strongly against the child joining any kind of organization that’s like the Akatsuki; he regrets his own decision to join as he feels it out a horrible damper on his artistic expression and independence. Likes to tell his young children stories every night, which are actually just heavily edited and sanitized versions of his Akatsuki missions. Like Obito, will be a bit more of a pushover for a daughter than a son, and will love spending hours brushing and styling the beautiful long hair that the girl inherits from him. He’ll let any member of the Akatsuki around his kids except for Hidan (because he doesn’t want his foul language around the child).
There are people in this world who know for certain that their lives wouldn’t be fulfilled by having children, and Zetsu is one of these individuals. While wanting no offspring of his own, he IS rather a good “uncle” to the children of his fellow Akatsuki members ((although the majority of these kids are too terrified of his physical appearance to want to go anywhere near him until they’re at least teenagers)).
A child would be hard-pressed to elicit any kind of emotional reaction from Sasori, as the man cleared himself of most feeling when he underwent his puppet transformation. However, one thing that he could never rid himself of, was his ability to love. Even if he has difficulty showing it, he loves his child and would do literally anything to help or protect them. When the child is a baby, Sasori will spend hours crafting tiny puppet-dolls for the kid to play with. As he grew up with a skilled medic grandmother, he possesses a wide knowledge of herbs and healing, which he will painstakingly pass on to his children. Not one to baby his children by any means, as he lives by the philosophy that the world is tough meaning you have to be tougher; however will offer advice, support, and encouragement on any issues that may be troubling his son/daughter. Early on he expresses a desire for his child to learn to be a master puppeteer like himself; however will be understanding if they choose to pursue a different path. Is very smart and naturally mistrustful of strangers, so will likely choose to educate his kids at home rather than send them to a village school. The type to seem more like a trusted mentor or an interesting uncle than an actual father; also the type to relate to his teen or adult children better than young kids.
Itachi never feels like he deserves any of the good things in life, because of what he’s done, and therefore doesn’t know how to handle blessings that are given to him. A baby is the ultimate example of this. Itachi will feel as though any child of his would be better off not knowing him or being “exposed” to the cursed Uchiha bloodline, so at first he’ll make it a point to barely be around his baby ((even though this kills him inside)). Surprisingly, of all people, it’s Deidara who will talk him out of this mindset, telling him how important it is for a child to be around their father “even if he is a damned red-eyed weirdo”. Once Itachi allows himself to fully commit to parenthood, that’s it — he’ll be the best damned father in the universe. He’ll be warm and affectionate, especially liking to pick his kid up (no matter how old they are or how embarrassed it makes them) and squeeze them. He’s not much of a disciplinarian, believing that kids need to be able to make mistakes in order to grow from them. The only time he’ll ever get angry is when the child does something that could have resulted in a serious injury. Itachi’s intelligence has always been off the charts, and he utilizes this to help his kid be a spectacular student. In fact, as the kid gets older, they’ll start bringing his/her friends around the house in order to receive Itachi’s tutoring. Itachi’s brother Sasuke will adore his nephew/niece and come home more often simply to be with them. Also Kisame will come around practically every day, and the kid will grow up learning an impressive arsenal of water jutsus to compliment the traditional Uchiha fire jutsus.
The tall, somewhat awkward father that scares all of his kid’s friends with his intimidating physical appearance ... until he opens his mouth and they hear a god-awful dad joke come out. Any child of Kisame’s is going to be part shark, and therefore have some affinity for being in/breathing under the water. Kisame’s favorite pastime will be taking his baby (and yes, I do mean baby, as he tends to start his kid on this when they’re young) out for long swims in the ocean. Kisame has always been self-conscious of his looks, so from the time the child is born he will spend a good deal of time teaching him or her to have self-confidence and love for him/herself. Like many of the others in the Akatsuki, Kisame never received much of a formal education, and therefore puts a lot of emphasis on his child going to a “normal” school and giving it their all when it comes to their studies. When the child proves him or herself physically capable, Kisame will start training with them on how to wield/control samehada, as well as fight with a variety of swords. It goes without saying that Itachi will be in Kisame’s kid’s life from the day they’re born, and be their favorite “uncle”.
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darkcircles4lyfe · 3 years
retrospective & predictions
Since we're on a hiatus week (between 320 and 321) I feel like waxing poetic about the depth and growth of bkdk for a bit. Especially because it seems like we’re right on the edge of their biggest development yet, I’m getting the urge to lay all my perspectives and insights I’ve picked up from others out on the table. This is ultimately only my subjective interpretation of subtextual material in canon, though. If you’ve never quite understood what people see in their dynamic and you’re actually open to hearing me out, maybe from this you can at least see where we’re coming from. And if you don’t like my takes after all, well, we’ll see who’s right in the coming chapters, won’t we? What I have to say can be taken platonically or romantically; I appreciate both. 
putting it under the cut, since it’ll be long:
At the risk of projecting, I want to start by examining a couple things based partly on personal experience.
From many different directions, I often hear people expressing that Deku’s persistent attachment and admiration for Bakugou is baffling at best. Despite the bullying, despite Bakugou’s loud, rude, and uncompromising personality, he still puts effort into their relationship and frequently describes him as amazing. It seems like Deku himself is aware of this as he’s said things along the lines of how he’s difficult, BUT... etc. Although I don’t think it’s exactly that Deku finds Bakugou’s personality hard to be around, but that he’s deliberately expressing patience for Bakugou’s emotional turmoil. 
I have to say I know what this sort of patience is like, as I went through it with someone I love. I only chose to put up with their behavior because I decided the possibility of what our relationship could be was worth it. I wasn’t blind or submissive to how they treated me, and I wasn’t coerced. I simply expressed myself and established my boundaries while still allowing them the opportunity to join me in my world once they got over their own hangups. And guess what? It worked out in the end. That doesn’t mean there aren’t circumstances where it’s better to cut ties, but I want to stress that true reconciliation is possible sometimes. I used to worry that other people around me thought I was delusional for seeking it, but what really helped was my therapist reminding me that I’m smart and strong. So I think Deku deserves to feel the same. In a way this is his whole mission in life, his approach to being a hero as well as his personal relationships.
Let me also be clear though that I don’t mean Deku is only tolerating Bakugou’s personality, his mannerisms, the parts of him that will likely never change. I’m drawing a line between those things and his emotional state (they so rarely align anyway, but I’ll get to that later). In fact, I think Bakugou’s general attitude is part of what Deku admires. This is gonna be hard to explain without inserting personal experience too, sorry. As a writer myself I’ve noticed I’m drawn to writing characters that are brazen and bold and don't mind telling people off. Really it’s because I operate in the world in the polar opposite way. I try not to draw attention to myself, I’m quiet, and I’m a people-pleaser. People who project confidence, especially in an impolite sort of way, fascinate me. It’s good to take cultural context into account, too: I've heard people who’d know better than me that part of the reason Bakugou is the most popular character in the Japanese fandom is likely because he contradicts a lot of their social norms. His disregard is refreshing and cathartic. I can speculate that Deku has a similar point of view based on what he thinks but does not admit about Bakugou being his image of victory and how this sometimes makes him mimic Bakugou’s speech and mannerisms: 
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There’s also the bit in this fight where Deku realizes he's the only one able to receive Bakugou’s emotions. This is because he’s the most intimately familiar with him and his situation, but I think there’s another layer. Deku, as we know, has a self-sacrificing tendency, and in the current chapters we’re seeing the worst side of that. But let’s also not forget that to an extent, it can be a positive trait: resilience. When it comes to Bakugou, he has an almost comical ability to dodge the potential fallout of his outbursts. The example we all jump to (and fight about..) is how in ch1, apart from the initial shock of Bakugou suggesting he jump off the roof, the most he reacts is to criticize him for saying such a ridiculous thing. However, I think their interaction post- sludge villain is a lot more interesting:
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Note two things: 1, in his head, Deku is practically making fun of how Bakugou’s acting as he stomps away without waiting for a reply. It doesn’t faze him. 2, Deku thinks, optimistically, that he can now focus on a different career choice. This is astonishing really. Up to this point, none of Bakugou’s attempts to put him down have worked; he just kept pursuing his dream. The only reason Deku concedes in this moment it because for the first time, he has been shown that he really couldn't do anything in a fight against a villain. All Might told him he couldn't be a hero (although he’s literally about to take that back in the next few pages lol) and the other heroes at the scene gave him a lecture about it too. It was those experiences, and not Bakugou’s words, that truly affected him. And when All Might tells Deku he can be a hero after all, it’s not thinking of Bakugou’s bullying that makes him sob and fall to his knees, it’s the memory of his own mom never telling him those words he so desperately needed to hear. Having spent most of their lives together, Deku must have been aware all this time that Baukgou was influenced by larger societal forces rather than a core judgement, so he didn’t take it personally. He separated the person from the action, and because he’s resilient and patient, he is thus equipped to handle Bakugou’s emotions. It’s a testament to his maturity and emotional intelligence, really. 
But I can almost hear some of you saying, “that doesn’t mean Deku should have to be the bigger person here!” Correct! Just because Deku is perfectly alright bearing all of that, doesn’t mean atonement-era Bakugou sees it this way. We can track his awareness of Deku’s care and selflessness as follows-
The bridge scene, when they’re little kids: Bakugou conflates Deku’s heroism with pity, and subsequently thinks Deku is looking down on him because Bakugou’s own insecurity makes him defensive.
The Sludge Villain, and also Deku vs. Kacchan Part 1: Bakugou witnesses first-hand how easily Deku jumps to risk his own life, but still thinks he’s being looked down on. 
The Sports Festival: Bakugou fights Uraraka and recognizes her endurance strategy and refusal to give up as very Deku-like. He’s half right. He thinks Deku advised her in the fight, when in reality she just mimicked Deku because she admired him. I want to draw attention to his very sober comment about her not being frail. It’s a great endearment of Uraraka’s character and Bakugou’s respect for her when others didn’t take “fighting a girl” seriously, but it also reflects on his opinion of Deku. Deku isn’t weak either. He never was.
Deku vs. Kacchan Part 2: Deku finally corrects him about the whole looking-down-on-him thing, and Bakugou is informed that Deku’s selflessness is in fact the reason All Might chose him. Since Bakugou had been in search of what he himself was “doing wrong” for All Might to favor Deku over him, he now has to reconcile the fact that selflessness is a heroic trait, and moreover something he lacks. This is also possibly the first time Bakugou is able to see his past actions toward Deku as bullying since he previously thought it was more mutual. Additionally, Bakugou can now link Deku’s selfless behavior to what he perceived as pity/contempt, and realize that Deku has been giving him A LOT of grace. Maybe too much. Maybe more than Bakugou deserves, and definitely more than Deku should have to. Holy heck- now Bakugou has to figure out how to live up to all the faith that’s been placed in him. 
Subtextually, we can see Bakugou’s feelings about atonement reflected in the Todoroki family:
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1, Shouto is another example of Deku growing a friendship using his selflessness (since their fight in the sports festival) and their relationship is being acknowledged here where it hasn’t been in Bakugou’s situation. Perhaps Bakugou is wishing it could be so simple for him, to be able to thank him for being his friend like that. Deku saying the pleasure is all his also probably calls to mind how a mere apology from Bakugou would probably be dismissed because that’s just the kind of accommodating person Deku is. Bakugou has to operate more quietly in order to actually make up for their past. I personally don’t interpret this scene as Bakugou being jealous of Deku and Shouto’s friendship, exactly, just the lack of emotional baggage. Side note, Deku and Fuyumi are kinda similar in their desire to repair relationships. I like that she’s the one to give him some credit. 
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2, With the common terminology, this can be interpreted as Bakugou receiving a model for atonement, one that is about action, and nothing to do with receiving favor or forgiveness. It’s a sense of duty. 
Many of the above sentiments are repeated in the flashback conversation between All Might and Bakugou right before Bakugou’s sacrifice. 
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Bakugou acknowledges his bullying and that it happened because of his own insecurities, but aside from that, it’s interesting he neither confirms nor denies All Might’s suggestion that he’s trying to atone, or that Deku doesn’t see it that way. All Might is a bit of an unreliable mentor sometimes, but I don’t think he’s misreading here. Rather, Bakugou is displaying his tendency to hold back when talking about things that would make him really emotional. Besides, admitting to what he’s doing kind of defeats the purpose. He isn’t seeking acknowledgement. All Might has gotten to the crux of the issue here when pointing out that Deku doesn’t recognize the atonement, likely because Deku doesn't think Bakugou even needs to atone. Am I reading into it too much to say Bakugou looks wistful at this? It’s kinda frustrating sometimes trying to interpret Bakugou’s actions because he’s so paradoxical. Loud and in your face, but also extremely reserved. Sometimes I feel like I’m grasping at thin air, but hey, being hard to figure out is part of his intrigue as a character. The simplest way to look at him is to assume that unless he’s really showing vulnerability, he’s probably deflecting and hiding something.
Speaking of Bakugou’s tendency to to hold back emotional stuff, there’s his apparent lack of issue with Deku calling him Kacchan. Maybe to begin with, in his warped perception of things where he thought they hated each other, Bakugou saw it as Deku’s way of getting back at him for calling him “useless,” and didn't dare give any indication that it actually bothered him. However... consider how betrayed Bakugou has appeared when he was noticeably thinking Deku was looking down on him- the bridge scene, and the beginning of their first year at UA when he thought Deku was hiding a quirk all along. He looks shocked and hurt. That kind of emotion couldn’t be invoked by someone Bakugou didn’t actually care about his relationship with. “Kacchan” comes from a long time ago, before their relationship was strained, so it’s connotations are pure. Maybe somewhere deep down, Bakugou has always been hoping that Deku’s continued use of the nickname was not simply a matter of habit or teasing, but a vestige of friendship they’re both clinging to, and Bakugou himself was too afraid to admit to himself that he felt this way about it, so he mostly ignored it. (These are not original thoughts I am having here lol, this is a common interpretation. I’m just laying everything out like I said.) 
And now we turn to the current situation. Personally, I’ve been looking frantically back and forth between them wondering who’s going to break down first (Deku vs. Kacchan Part 3, this time it’s just a fight to get the other person to cry? ha.) Both have looked like they’re approaching a breaking point for some time. Also, I’ve addressed this before, but I think it’s significant that Bakugou is no longer wearing his mask with his hero costume, in contrast to Deku recently donning his own. It feels symbolic of Bakugou about to be upfront about how he feels.
The question is, what is it going to take to get Deku to accept help? If you ask me, Deku has dug himself so deeply into the I’m-doing-this-for-everyone-else’s-safety-and-smiles hole, no common sense argument can possibly reach him. By the end of 320, Deku’s mask is off, and we can see how desperate he truly is. But he has not cried, yet. I predict we’re going to see a bit more of his defiance, this time on full display on his face as the remaining class members and his other friends take their turns. But then I think Bakugou has to be the one to break down so Deku can witness his actions having the opposite effect he intended. People have been pointing out that Deku is currently ignoring Bakugou, and oof, that’s gotta be intentional. Regardless of what Bakugou says, it’s going to be wrapped up not only in his understanding of Deku’s self-sacrifice, but also the betrayal Bakugou feels at being ignored/left behind that ironically echoes his previous perception of being looked down on, as well as a need to express how much he cares about Deku before it’s too late. He must show that the two of them are inseparable because they both act to save each other without thinking, and both feel like losing the other would be like dying themselves. All Might may have been right when he told them they could learn from each other after Deku vs. Kacchan Part 2, but he didn’t fully realize that idea by making sure they stuck by each other for support and balance. 
I can’t wait to see what it’ll be like when they do finally get to that point, totally in synch and in tune with each other. They’ll be a powerful force no one is quite prepared for. Who knows when that will be, or even which chapter will be their big showdown, but I know the day is coming.
To speculate even further, I think the 2nd user is going to be really important really soon. And no I don’t mean to suggest that the 2nd user is Bakugou. But I do think their resemblance is key. Okay this is gonna be convoluted...
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See how 2nd is the only one still standing? I think that’s symbolic of him withholding his quirk. Deku may not even know what it is at this point, let alone have unlocked it. Given that 2nd approves of Deku’s strategy at this point, it seems odd for him to withhold his quirk based on lack of faith. I think if his quirk was something that would help Deku in combat, he would have shown it to him already like the others did. So what if those gauntlets of his are support items that are meant to make up for his lack of a combat-oriented quirk, rather than to augment it? Mind you, I still have no idea what his mysterious power might be, but I’m dead set on it not being explosion-y. Regardless, I think 2nd looking like Bakugou is more about aiding some grand visual parallel, so! You know how 2nd and 3rd were probably intending to do away with Yoichi but 2nd changed his mind as soon as they made eye contact? This is really a long shot, but I wonder if 2nd’s quirk has something to do with that exchange. Maybe it’s something psychological, or some 6th sense about people he meets. So... in that way 2nd’s quirk could play a role in bkdk reaching a deeper understanding? Idk! But it could be significant at least that 2nd left Yoichi’s question about why he reached out to him unanswered. 
One more thing- while I was gathering screenshots I found this. I think “you’re the last one I’m telling” might be foreshadowing for Bakugou revealing his hero name to Deku and it being a Big Deal:
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As for other lingering threads in the overall plot right now, such as the UA traitor, Stain, whatever Tsuyu is apparently about to do, All Might’s car maybe in the background of the last page of 320... man I have no idea. All I know is there’s literally 320 chapters’ worth of build-up to this confrontation that can’t be interrupted. 
See you next week <3
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miss-writes-a-lot · 2 years
Jayvik kids (Disclaimer: This is just for fun. Nothing too serious.)
So, I had meant to draw designs or root through my things and find designs for these kiddos, but I got sick at the time of writing this (April 23rd), so I just made a shit ton of picrews of them and I'll just describe them to you here in this post. This is the picrew I used for them: picrew link -> https://picrew.me/image_maker/1414503
Storyline is kinda jank,. mainly because I didn't totally think this through before I wrote this, so don't be too hard on me or my characterization of Naph and Amaranthine.
Naph (he/him) and Amaranthine (she/her)
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These two are a pair and cannot be separated. These are not *my* kids of course. They are the two children introduced in LoL Jayce and Viktor's respective short stories. I can't say much on how they come into this family in my au at least, but in a certain angsty au that I am working on, it pretty much falls in line with canon. Naph gains a lot of confidence from working with Viktor and being around kids just like him (orphaned, picked on, etc.) And I think he gets along fairly well with Jayce (eventually). He's intelligent, kind hearted, but can reveal a tough side of himself that others hardly ever see.
Amaranthine is a ball of sass and style, likes to mess around but can get serious when occasion calls for it. Blunt as shit and isn't afraid to tell you that you're doing a terrible job at something. Also incredibly intelligent and witty.
They are the same age (12).
Eleanor 'Nell' Vallis (she/her)
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Nell was adopted at age 7 after the unexpected death of her parents left her orphaned on the streets for some time. She is meant to be a trio with her two other sisters, their powers representing the heart, body, and mind. Nell is the body but, in terms of powers, I'm still unsure on what those powers should be.
She is a kind soul, always looking for the best in others, and enjoys helping out in anyway she can. She doesn't like to think about her past and anytime death is brought up, she has a tendency to shut down or become visibly uncomfortable by the mere word.
She is 16 years old in most aus.
Reynard Rossi (she/they)
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(see how I made them color coordinated.)
Reynard was found at age 15 after running away from home. She represents the mind, having the ability of telekinesis and the ability to enter one's mindscape. Despite representing the mind, they don't often think before they act and would much rather fight first, ask questions later.
They're tough, fiercely protective of the people they care about, and they are Latinx coded.
She is 17, being the oldest of the siblings.
Viola Pizzelle (she/he/they)
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(technically she doesn't count but I'll explain.)
So, if you know me or Viola from my sorta dead art blog or from AO3 (MissWritesALot55), this is my oc Viola. I just started writing them into situations after watching Arcane for comfort and they just worked their way into being the Heart. As the heart, she has the ability of pathokinesis, the manipulation of emotions. She can use them offensively and can also take other's emotions (whether she means to or not)
She started out as an apprenta, working on a way to produce Hextech's own synthetic hex crystals to beat House Ferros and stop the added pollution they are producing. She's anxious about everything, constantly down on herself, and a bit pessimistic.
But she also caring and compassionate, and despite not being as intelligent, she does what she can to help out with the knowledge she does have.
They are 15 years old. The picture to the right is for a sort of Divorce Era Au I'm working on.
I have a few ideas for them, but I'll need to work on them more to execute them properly but if you're interested in them and their stories, feel free to ask and I'll answer the best I can and maybe I'll work on actually drawing them for things.
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creacherkeeper · 3 years
hey same anon from before!! and yeah i meant general headcanons/ aelwyn + the bad kids dynamics/ honestly whatever fh headcanons you have so lmao you’re good. if you have any more know i would LOVE to read them but no pressure of course!!
oh okay dope ^^ thank you for clarifying. but ...... while we’re here ...... MIGHT AS WELL TALK ABOUT SOME ND HEADCANONS EHH??
of course disclaimer that these are just my own reading and everyone is entitled to read it differently, but i’ll try to back up my takes as much as i can
adaine (autism & panic disorder) - detail-oriented problem solver, thrives under the structure of school but doesnt do well with overwhelm, organized, seems sensitive to noises (like if the bad kids are being loud or rowdy), extremely earnest and forward even in situations where its inappropriate and doesnt always understand when its actually hurting her goals (see: every time an npc has to go “whats your deal? can i help you?” to adaine), tends to fumble some spontaneous speech (come backs in fights or like. the WHOLE thing with the innkeeper), very knowledgeable and skilled in a specific area of interest (divination magic), thrives with an emotional support animal, possibly ace (for sure not all autistic people are but we tend to be in much higher numbers), vibes with ayda almost immediately (by like. just straight up asking if she wants to be friends), very direct when talking, strong sense of justice and morality and gets very frustrated when things dont work how she thinks they should
riz (autistic) - hyperfixates on cases (both in the ‘losing track of time’ and ‘has trouble thinking of other things while out and about’ way), odd sense of fashion, has trouble making friends and understanding relationship dynamics (him thinking he was friends with the popular kids in ep1, being obsessed with finding penny who was his babysitter but then they dont really hang out after, being very verbal about fabian being his best friend even though fabian is embarrassed), ace, detail-oriented problem solver, sleeping issues, CAN lie but tends to be very direct to the point of being rude and abrasive at times, very defined moral code and strong sense of justice, easily frustrated in certain situations, intimidated by social interactions (especially with people he doesnt know), struggles with self-care and self-maintenance, i dont know exactly how to categorize the hissing but im throwing that in here too, doesnt always have “average” emotional reactions (like being really excited about the video of his dad instead of upset), very mature interests for his age
gorgug (autistic) - trouble with communication (putting his thoughts into words, tends to speak very slowly with a lot of pauses, doesnt always know what to say or what the average person in his situation would say), has a hard time making friends, struggles with emotional regulation (you can read barbarian rage as this in general but im also thinking of him getting mad at the high elves and just having to run around to calm down), very emotionally intelligent but doesnt always come across that way because of communication struggles, understands the value of having things explained in a simple and accessible way and does so without judgement or embarrassment if others need him to, thinks in a different way and comes to conclusions others dont seem to (sometimes he’s completely correct and other times .... dad!?), uses sensory input to regulate emotions (mostly music/drumming), screams when overwhelmed, doesn’t always ‘get the point’, is a very good friend but is so with great intention and care
fabian (adhd + dyslexia) - doesnt enjoy school, has some Very Bad Rolls when it comes to books and reading, doesnt think he’s as smart as his friends, struggles with a disconnect of identity (how he sees himself and his family vs how other people see him), very physical and physically active, tends to default to loud and “rowdy” (as adaine put it), struggles with emotional regulation, very sensitive but would NOT admit that, doesn’t always understand social cues or when he’s being rude, struggles with impulse control
fig (adhd + autism) - sensory seeking (especially music & the physical element of playing music which can be read as stimming, as well as smoking cloves), disconnect between how she sees herself (mysterious closed book) and how others see her (incredibly open and earnest), feels like a social chameleon and slips into roles very easily but has trouble feeling like and understanding herself; very excitable, engaged, reactive, and verbal; runs away when she feels uncomfortable or overwhelmed, tends to wander from the group a lot, admits several times that she wasn’t paying attention or doesnt remember key info about the plot, builds an identity around deviation from societal norms, big emotions, lots of energy, cares very deeply but actively works on understanding boundaries, doesnt always pick up on social cues
kristen (cptsd) - discussed in this post but can be summed up as issues with affect and emotional regulation, cognitive/executive functioning issues, difficulty with boundaries, struggles with impulse control, goes from VERY self-restrictive to VERY loose with sexual activity, drugs, alcohol, tattoos, etc; struggles with self-concept, doubt, and trust issues; possibly has dissociative and/or depersonalization tendencies with her cleric abilities 
so 8))))) yeah. bad kids neurodivergence headcanons ahoy
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
Not a Summer Crush Part One
a/n: calex x reader/ofc. welcome to part one! all feedback is appreciated. forgive any errors. set in au-present day svu. all fluff, allusions to svu type situations.
Part One
You never admit when you have a crush. Not to your friends, not to your crush, and certainly not to yourself. You're a one-night stand type of girl, and ideally with strangers whose names you don’t even know. You got off, they got off, and nobody had to worry about calling in the morning. That was how you'd managed to reach 27 without ever having a serious relationship (and, you thought, having a job in the DA's office at 27 spoke to the efficacy of your strategy). You sure as hell intended on keeping that streak going. But, ever since you started this new job three months ago, something strange was happening.
It was Casey and Alex, that was who was to blame for these pesky feelings. You couldn't help it, they were just infuriatingly sweet when it came to their relationship. Most people in long-term committed relationships were completely miserable at least as far as you could tell, but whenever someone mentioned Alex around Casey she got this energetic glow in her green eyes, like how you got when people mentioned puppies, unadulterated adoration. And when Alex talked about Casey, she went on for as long as anybody would listen about her intelligence, beauty, and cute habits, her interests, and talents. Their whole dynamic was nauseating. And yet, when you saw them, you felt this annoying warmth building in your icy heart. Maybe this was all simple professional adoration, that was a good excuse. You only wanted what they had because they both outranked you, Alex being Bureau Chief, Casey Assistant Bureau Chief. Of course, you admired them both. Yeah, that was it. When you looked into Alex's office and saw Casey there, answering emails on her couch and waiting for her wife to come back from court, the blush in your cheeks was only about Casey's dedication to her work. You certainly didn't have a crush, especially not on two people, not on your superiors.
So, you vowed not to think twice about it when Alex showed up at the office you shared with the other Junior ADAs one Monday morning and placed a cup of coffee on your desk.
"Morning, Haley," she said as you looked up from your work. "You're in early today."
"Yeah, I'm swamped with this St. Benedict's case," you said, explaining your presence. "There are just so many moving pieces, so many people to blame. I'm just trying to figure out my strategy here." You rubbed your temples. You'd rushed out of the apartment that morning, saying a quick goodbye to Ashley and the girls after your shower, you had only gotten a few sips of drip coffee in before rushing away on your bike. You were deeply touched by Alex's kind gesture in caffeinating you. You took a sip, still going on about the case. You pulled back from the cup in surprise as you recognized the taste of honey.
"Is this a café miel?" you asked. She had brought you your favorite special coffee. You expected plain black or a latte, something generic. "How did you know I loved these?"
Alex smiled, thoroughly charmed by your frantic early-morning energy. She wasn't sure why, but while she was in line picking up for herself and Casey, she'd remembered you going on about the virtues of coffee and honey to another poor Junior ADA who definitely hadn't asked. The way you talked about what you liked was cute to her, and watching you thank her now confirmed to her that it had been a good choice.
"I heard you talking Anderson's ear off about it yesterday," she told you. You looked at her sheepishly.
"I think he hates me," you said, fiddling with the outer sleeve of the cup.
No way does anybody hate this girl, Alex thought, but replied, "I was getting coffee for myself and Casey and thought I'd be nice to the new kid." Alex paused, hovered a little waiting for you to say something, but you seemed lost in thought. "Earth to Haley," she said. "Caroline?"
You snapped out of it. Your thoughts were split in two, half picking apart your case and half trying to figure out how to feel and react when your supervisor brings you your favorite kind of coffee. "Oh, I'm so sorry," you said, "I was just thinking about this nun..." You trailed off. At that, Alex actually laughed.
"OK, well, I'll let you get back to work. Let me or Casey know if you need another set of eyes." She started to leave but you stopped her, reaching under your desk for something.
"Wait, Cabot, how much do I owe you?" you asked, your manners catching up to your mind.
Alex only smiled. "Nothing. My treat."
"Thanks," you said as she left. You kept thinking about the conversation all day. How Alex had clearly paid attention to you, gone out of her way to do something nice for you. But it started to feel suspiciously like a crush as you sat on your couch thinking about Alex's slender fingers handing you your favorite drink early in the morning, how special it had made you feel. So, you weren't going to think about it again.
You also didn't think about it when, one warm evening, you literally ran into Casey on your daily run in the big park by the office.
You looked up after your head bumped another runner's shoulder. You tugged your earbuds out, dangling them around your neck, apologizing profusely. You completely zoned out when you were moving, so this happened a lot more often than you might like to admit. Today, you were deep in thought about a case law issue, and the park had all but ceased to exist in your perception.
"It's fine, Haley, calm down," you heard a familiar voice say, making you realize that you'd nearly trampled Casey Cabot Novak. You let out a mortified squeak.
Casey surprised herself. She was not at all bothered like she might usually be upon being rudely collided with on a very wide running path. Instead, she found your focus and bashfulness kind of... cute? Your face and chest were flushed red from exercise, your hair was falling out of its messy bun, and you had on a neon pink shirt with a neon orange running skirt, it looked like a toddler had dressed you.
You kept apologizing until Casey grabbed your shoulders and told you to stop.
"Join me for my last mile?" She asked, and you agreed. You kept the pace slow enough for small talk, Casey asked you, "So, what's up with the neon creamsicle look?"
"Oh my god," you chuckled as you rounded a corner, "a 6-year-old packed my gym bag."
While you showered that evening, you kept going over your afternoon. You were very embarrassed and a little horny, and couldn't get the image of a breathless, sweaty, Casey out of your mind. You decided these feelings were just to be blamed on runners' high and pushed them from your mind.
"You know, I really like the new junior ADA," Alex said as she splashed her face with warm water. Casey spit the toothpaste out of her mouth and cupped some water into it, swishing it around.
She spit again and said, "Anderson? He's fine, I guess. A little slow to object, a little quick to make a deal, but he'll get the hang of it."
"Haley," Alex said almost under her breath, patting moisturizer underneath her eyes.
"Oh," Casey replied, slightly flatly. "I've noticed."
Alex gave her a glare out of the side of her eyes as she removed a contact. "Not like that, my love. I just think she's a really good lawyer. Promising."
"She is. But I've also seen how you look at her."
"With professional respect," Alex said, rinsing the lens solution off her fingers. Casey's nighttime routine was much simpler, so she just watched her wife in the mirror, leaning against the shower door.
"Sure," Casey said, letting the silence hang between them. "Lex, you’re my wife. I know how you are when you're attracted to someone."
Alex turned around, leant against the counter, took Casey's hand in her own and ran her thumb across her wedding ring. "Are you jealous?"
"No," Casey said, kissing her wife. "You know, I might be if I didn't completely get it."
Alex sighed with relief. She hadn't exactly intended to get into this conversation.
"She is a bit young."
"If I recall correctly, someone I know was sleeping with Judge Mary Clark when she was that age."
Casey opened her mouth in mock-offense, and Alex kissed it closed.
Once it was acknowledged between the two of them, Casey and Alex had an agreement-- neither one of them could fault the other for flirting with you. In fact, they even enjoyed watching each other be sweet to you. And it was pretty harmless, they thought. The moments got more frequent. Alex brought you coffee most mornings, sometimes talking about work, but equally as often, she tried to get to know you. She now knew that you loved baking and crochet and Charlotte Brontë, that you grew up with 6 siblings, you were raised in Oakland, that you'd gone to Stanford. It was like she was collecting pieces of information for an eventual file titled "Caroline Haley: interests." When you weren't in, she left you notes. She even bought you a mug warmer, knowing your tendency to get sucked into a case and forget about your drink.
At the same time, Casey now insisted that the two of you run together whenever you could. She would tease you, complain when you were going too fast. She once convinced you to go for an early Sunday run, and even held your hair back as you vomited in a bush (you neglected to tell her how hungover you were, and she'd forgotten how much 20-somethings could drink). She laughed at you, but she bought you sympathy pancakes to apologize.
While Casey and Alex knew they were flirting, you had no suspicions. You assumed they were just very kind, open people, (and they were, when they wanted to be) contrary to what Anderson and the other junior ADAs had to say. You thought they all must just be frustrated by the difficulty of the job. You were good at staying positive, even in terrible circumstances.
On a particularly unpleasant Friday, Alex watched you from the hallway as you took a phone call, waiting to come in and see if you'd like to have an after-work drink. She watched your eyes light up, saw you smile as wide as she'd ever seen, watched you excitedly shake your hand back and forth in the air and scrunch your nose. Maybe a boyfriend? she wondered as she clicked open the door to the junior ADAs office, shutting it while you packed up your things.
"Hey, Cabot," you said, "I know I'm leaving kind of early, sorry about that, did you need something?"
"It's 6:30. Technically, you're here late," she said as she watched you search your impressively messy desk for something. "But no, I don't need anything, I was actually going to ask if you wanted to get a drink with Casey and me and some other attorneys."
You stopped what you were doing and looked at her with the most accurate yet unintentional impression of a kitten that Alex had ever seen. "Any other day, I would absolutely love to," you told her, “But some people from my studio are going to a salsa night and my partner can actually come to this one. It's been months since we've both been free at the same time to dance together, so I really can't miss it. But please ask me next time if you still want to?"
Alex couldn't resist the way your eyes got big when you asked, the subtle pink in your cheeks and nose, you became impossible to refuse (not that she would want to). She told you that yes, of course, next time, only a little deflated to your knowledge. She has a partner.
"Speaking of," you said as your phone rang. You picked it up. "No, Ashley, your shoes are not in my bag. What would I do with them, babe? Check your old one. Or wear your old ones. Yeah, ok, see you at home." Watching you casually go back and forth with whoever was on the other end of the line was captivating. Ashley must be the partner. That you were both not single and not straight wasn't surprising, but it was a little disappointing if Alex was honest with herself.
"You dance?" She asked you.
"Mm-hmm," you hummed. "I was semi-pro in high school and college, actually. I just got back into teaching a year or so ago when Ashley moved to the city. That flake, god." You snapped your backpack shut (a classy leather affair, but a backpack nonetheless-- Casey adored it, Alex remembered) and changed your tone of voice. "Alex, you guys should come tonight!"
She let out a laugh. "I am as uncoordinated as a baby deer, Caroline."
"I doubt that," you said, rising from your desk. "Because you're good at basically everything. But you don't even have to dance if you don't want to. It's at this place," you wrote down the address of the club on a post-it and stuck it to Alex's cheek. "Live music, drinks, and you get to watch me do my favorite thing in the world, so. Yeah, you should come."
Alex, taken aback by your familiar demandingness (she'd noticed how warm you were with everyone, always professional, yes, but you put people at ease perfectly naturally with your unpracticed air), said "I'll see what Casey says," and watched you excitedly flutter out of the office, trailing close behind you.
Casey agreed to come dancing. She had also been a little hesitant, but when Alex described how sweetly you asked, how your face lit up when you talked about it, she wasn't in a position to say no. She and Alex sent their apology texts to Pippa, Rita, Sophie, Serena, and Gillian, receiving very characteristic replies.
Casey: Sorry, Al and I have to raincheck, Haley invited us out dancing???
Rita: Ha, have fun with the little energizer bunny, you two.
Pippa: Rita, be nice.
Rita: No.
Rita: I once saw her actually bounce down a hallway.
Serena: Alex Cabot dancing? I wish I was coming.
Alex: :( ouch, Ser.
Pippa: Have fun, you two.
Sophie: Wait, is something happening with Haley? Why do you guys never keep me in the loop?
Gillian: Aw :.(
Alex: Nothing is "happening," Rita's just cruel.
Rita: Haley's impressive, all I'm saying.
Casey. OK. Anyway, we're going to go somewhere we've never been to watch our junior colleague dance instead of having the same whisky as always with you people.
Pippa: 👯‍♂️
part two
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