jrueships · 1 year
this is literally two dads celebrating their sons who are friends' graduations from highschool
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months
clown hours
new deltarune newsletter. i dont know how many characters are featured across the 50-ish valentines but i want it on record i only got queen and rouxls among mine. you will look at them
obviously toby fox knows my email personally somehow and knew exactly who to send me (joke. but also what are the odds)
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keeps-ache · 7 months
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trying to get my creative gears running again !!
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voxisdaddy · 1 month
Love Me, Please
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Fandom: Hazbin Hotel
Pairings: Alastor/Lucifer/Adam/Husk/Angel/Vox/Valentino/Tom Trench/Saint Peter
Type: Scenarios/Comfort
C/TW: Swearing, blood, reader written with fem parts in mind (bc this bout periods, duh)
In which you miss your boyfriend/cling to your boyfriend and are being emotional about it. Basically—period emotions.
This is more for me bc it’s that time of the month and I desperately want some comfort lol | also Angel’s I left up to either be platonic or romantic
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𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ He was at yet another unremarkable overlord meeting when he felt something pulling on him. Back at the hotel, you laid on your bed wrapped in a cocoon of sorts, eyes tiredly watching your shadow pulling on one of Alastor’s shadows-which he left to keep an eye on you. Alastor’s grin turned to one of amusement—oh how needy you are when it’s that time of the month for you. The meeting finally came to a close and instead of making his way back to the hotel with a lovely stroll, he disappears in his shadows. Not before bidding a friendly farewell with his dear friend, Rosie. He materializes in the center of your room with a shit eating grin as he twirls his microphone around.
“I was hardly apart from you for more than an hour, my dear.”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Lucifer had errands he couldn’t postpone today and so he made you promise to text him when you miss him and he’ll make his way right back in a jiffy! The bedroom door only closed behind him when he got a text from you. An ‘I miss you’ along with a sad face emoticon. He burst the door open, tears welling up in his eyes, as he crawled back into bed with you to hold you close. You honestly thought he was more emotional than you at the moment.
“My poor ducky! I’m sowwy!”
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Adam has been around for ages so I like to think he knows a bit about menstruation. On top of that, he has an army of baddies he likes spending time with-usually training but that's still time spent with them regardless. However he's definitely still rough around the edges since usually with his girls, he uses that to egg them on into being tougher fighters either physically or emotionally. If you're a person who's quick to be a grump or a crying mess then uhhh...just know he doesn't mean to be a dick all the time. He tries though, despite how annoying and tiresome it is. Especially since you make him feel oh so special with how you seem to demand his attention and his attention only. Right now you lay on his chest, looking on at the items set on the coffee table with a glint of amusement.
"Babe-you said pads with wings! I got that! I even made sure the chicken wings came with the good sauce."
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Husk is very vigilant so he's quickly able to come to the conclusion that you're on your period before even you realize it. It was just after he finished closing up the bar and returned to your room for a late nights rest when he smelt it. He might technically be an old man, but he's a respectful one and has been around for quite some time. He knows that small. Despite knowing you might be embarrassed to find out that he can smell it, he figured you'd be more grateful that he woke you up so you can deal with it before you wake up feeling all gross and annoyed in the morning. Plus it was worth it to almost immediately get a hug from you after being apart for a few extra hours than he liked.
"Come on. Don't wanna ruin your new pajama's now, do you baby doll?
Angel Dust
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This man was out on a much needed night out with his long time bestie, Cherri Bomb. You of course coming as his plus one that his bestie always welcomed like the supportive girly she is. He couldn't quite enjoy himself as much this time around though as he sat at in a corner booth with you hunched over your drink. You're hand gripping one of his hands as if you're afraid he's gonna leave. Despite how awkward he felt trying to comfort you, he did his best and allowed himself to be as sympathetic as much as he could.
"Toot's-if you wanna leave it's okay! You know I'll stick with ya! No need to make ya headache worse than it already is!"
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Vox still holds certain belief's and mindsets he had from his time in the 1950's. Part of that meaning him being 'grossed out' by your period and beliefs in woman faking or over exaggerating their monthly disturbances. He learned to keep his opinions to himself though, due to previous encounters with Velvette, and found it easier to just well, cater to your needs. They were easy enough for the most part. Food and beverage cravings? He's got ya covered. Cramps and aches? You're in luck because this man is basically one large heating pad. Which quickly became a downside for him because then you wanted him all the time. Didn't matter if he was working or not. He tried to put his foot down once but it only made you emotional so uhhh-
"Honey, I'll only be gone for one hour. As soon as the meeting ends, I'll lay my head on your stomach, okay?"
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ Valentino can only smirk to himself when he finds out it's now your time of the month. Which isn't hard to figure out since he woke up to you latched onto him like a koala this morning. A puff of red smoke invades your senses as a pair of arms wrap around your shoulders, a third hand coming to play with the top of your head. Valentino, spending years working with woman and people who endure this bloody cycle, knows a few...remedy's. He has his favourite solutions, obviously. Only if you're down. The last time he tried being more...persuasive with his advances to you during these times, it didn't go well-to put it lightly.
"Mi cariño~A good fucking helps with this time of the month, you kno-" ... "Or we could share some snacks. Kitty!"
Tom Trench
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ For this man I pray you are not a bitch on your period. Poor guy already has to deal with his co-star Katie Killjoy everyday. Whatever you deal with on your period though, just know your man is there and keeps your needy ass close. Such as right now, as you sit in an oversized fuzzy hoodie on Tom's couch, watching him and Katie host the latest news live. You glance down at your phone with Tom's messages open. You want to text him but you knew it wouldn't reach him anyways-they had to keep their devices on silent while they hosted. As soon as they were finished with their shift of the day however, Tom rushed to his dressing room to find you staring at the door with open arms.
"The interns told me you were waiting for me."
Saint Peter
𓈒ㅤׂㅤ𐙚 ࣪ ⭒ This man would never admit it out loud, and if he did he would word it very carefully, but he loves it when its your time of the month. I mean he feels bad for you obviously; dealing with an inconvenience once a month even in your afterlife does not sound like any sort of blessing, but he's clingy and affectionate himself. And you clinging to him just as much? Oh it's like he's died and went to Heaven-again! Currently he lays on the couch with you in his arms, you both engulfing each other in a snuggly cuddle. He periodically checks the time-as much as he loves this he's still got a job to do. He voices this but quickly finds himself soothing you.
"I'm only going to work, sweetheart! P-please don't cry!"
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This was supposed to be reader missing them but some of them became not exactly that and I’m sorry lol
I’ve had this in my drafts for a month, felt about right to finally post it. I’m also ashamed to admit, it took me way too long trynna figure out what to write for Tom’s dialogue. I love him but if I don’t know him as well as I thought 😭
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bunnyhugs77 · 4 months
Honey I'm Home
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୨୧- Just a little slice of life of a hard working dad, his tired wife and their twin girls.
୨୧ WC: 900
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Jungkook pushes open the door to your small two-bedroom flat, his keys jingling in the door which attracted the two little girls on the other side to come running instantly.
The soft patter of their socked feet hitting the wooden floors as they rushed to his as fast as they could. "Daddy!" The girls squealed. Jungkook crouched down, his once drained expression replaced with one full of delight.
"Girls!" He exclaims, taking the both of them in each of his arms, listening to their adorable laughter as he engulfed them into his tight embrace. "Daddy! Can't breathe!" Aria squeaks from where her head rested against his chest. Always the dramatic one of the two.
Jungkook laughs, apologizing and letting them go. Aria runs back to the kitchen where he could only assume the source of that flavourful scent was coming from. Meanwhile Hye-Ji stayed back to show him the flowers she'd picked just for him.
"Are these for me?" Bending at the waist to collect the crushed dandelions that were once in the grip of her fist. She nods with the brightest smile he's ever seen.
Picking her up as well, letting her rest on his side with one hand, careful not to ruffle the very elaborate princess dress she was wearing as he finally begins to make his way to the kitchen. "Thank you so much princess, I'll make sure to add this to my collection." He places a kiss to the crown of her head.
There you were. His eyes seemed to soften once they landed on you. In a button up and your favourite pair of mom jeans." Hi baby," He gets the chance to peck your lips briefly before Hye-Ji was asking to be put down.
She quickly ran off to her sister in the living room where there were colouring pages ripped out, building blocks all over the place, a box of crayons in the laundry bin full of clothes that were waiting to be folded.
"Hi." You manage a smile before resuming your blank stare into the pot of tomato sauce for the spaghetti that you'd been stirring for god knows how long. "Is everything okay?" Disregarding your mundane 'yeah' he know something is up.
"Honey, what's wrong? Talk to me." You sigh, dropping your shoulders, finally looking at him. He was in his typical work-wear for his day job as a private banker meanwhile he works part-time nights as a mail courier.
"Today was a bad day." Letting your head fall into your husband's firm chest in defeat. His hands raised to hold you in his arms the same way the have been for the last 5 years.
The shiny silver band of his wedding ring catching the light for a moment as he gently rubbed your back. "You wanna talk about it?"
You pout softly, "There's nothing to say, look at the state of the house. Hye-Ji turned the house upside down looking for her dress this morning. Then I took them to the grocery store and Aria got lost." Jungkook's eyebrows raise, but you weren't done.
"I finally got them to sleep for an hour while I did some laundry, and then I ended up falling asleep myself, waking up to crayons and toys everywhere, and Hye-Ji was crying because she missed you and then I started crying because I missed you too and-"
You couldn't believe this was making you tear up. The day was hectic and the fact you'd have to do it all over again tomorrow. Jungkook hushes you in a comforting manner, practically swaddling you in his arms. "I'm sorry I couldn't be here," you sniffle, stepping back.
"It's not your fault. You work two jobs. it's just hard sometimes." You admit and Jungkook gets an idea. "Go." He says and your brow arches, "I'll finish dinner, and take care of the girls. Go rest, or read that Jasper Wilde book you've been wanting to read. Please. Let me help, you deserve it." He pecks your forehead and you weren't going to fight him on it.
Leaving the kitchen and the responsibilities to him. Telling yourself that it would only be a thirty minute nap but it turned into 2 hours. By the time you walked back into the kitchen, it looked like you'd walked into a whole new house.
Everything was neat and tidy, the girls were sitting on the ground with a bowl of abandoned grapes shared between them as they watched Moana with an entranced gaze.
The laundry basket was gone, the floors were clean and the air smelled of soft fresh linens and cinnamon. Looking back to the kitchen where Jungkook quietly tidied up, humming softly to himself. You stood hidden from where you were admiring your little family.
You may not have had much but you had everything you needed right here. "You're amazing you know that?" Jungkook says as you approached him. "I should be saying that to you." You counter.
"No. I mean it, Y/n. Having two jobs is easy, but doing what you do everyday is a job for a saint. I appreciate everything you do for us, I love you so much." His lips pressing against your forehead while your heart felt so full of love. "I love you." You say.
"I have to potty!" Aria declares and the both of you look at each other.
"Not it."
"Not it."
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pseudowho · 2 days
okay here’s me getting all cocky and confident because you answered my ask once (ily for that seriously i think i screamed and fainted and sobbed and climbed up the walls a little) and once again asking you for….. for crumbs………. so my horny self was sitting and thinking…………… nanami sees you reading absolute filth and porn and you end up in biig trouble.. (i.e him doing that exact thing to you 😭) or perhaps you going up to nanami after reading absolute filth and being all needy with him bcs that straight porn made you a liittle…….. yk… 🌚🌚🌚
anyways i literally love you and ur my favorite writer ever and im gonna stop now before i burst
SMUT [smuht] (noun)
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In which Nanami Kento catches you reading dirty literature...and punishes you with a performative reading.
Warnings: The anon who keeps targeting me like this needs a warning label...but otherwise: roleplay, erotic literature (*laughs and laughs in Tumblr*) being read to you while you're systematically destroyed, performative Bad!Nanami, Kento fucks you wearing a mask and leather gloves, Pleasure Dom!Kento who gets lost in the sauce, reader way out of her depth, bondage, the usual spicy goodness, couple of cheeky movie references
The one she knew only as the Man in the Mask swept over to her, delighting in her capture, having evaded him for so long.
"Ahhh..." he sighed, his breath sweeping over the swell of her breasts, and sending shivers down her spine. "Finally...the little mouse who has wreaked havoc on my dreams for too many lonely nights. How does it feel? To be trapped here with me like this?"
Her heart stalled in her chest, and she gasped, his grazing touch to her belly leaving embers in its wake. The Man in the Mask saw her nipples pebble beneath her shirt, and felt something snap inside him as he loomed over her with a whisper; "I know. I feel it too."
With little warning, he lowered his barely covered mouth to her neck, hungry against her, and--
The door opened, and you leapt out of your skin, dropping your phone to the floor. You sat bolt upright in bed, your other hand coming up guiltily from beneath the covers as Kento leaned into the bedroom to greet you. You interrupted him.
"You're home early," you said, offering an unconvincing smile. Kento looked at you, flatly. He let the statement hang for a moment. His shrewd eyes flicked, taking in the glossy subtleties he saw from you only in foreplay.
"...well I thought you'd be pleased, but I'll just go back then shall I--"
You hesitated, words caught in your throat. Your eyes flickered to your phone. So did Kento's. His eyes narrowed.
"...what are you read--"
"Nothing! It's nothing." You lied, unconvincing. You both hesitated for a moment more, before Kento darted. You cursed at him for being faster than you, and Kento's fingers closed around your phone, sitting beside you on the bed in one swift movement. You smothered a pillow over your face, screaming silently, wanting the duvet to grow great maws and swallow you whole.
Kento read silently for a moment, scrolling, before reading aloud; "...she didn't want to fight anymore, as his fingers slid between her puffy lips...goodness me...his cock strained against the fabric of his clothes, begging for attention...I bet it did..."
You had begun to crawl away down the bed, just a maggot, unworthy of the sun and all its glories.
You felt a hand clasp around your ankle, and you squeaked as Kento dragged you back up the bed, without even taking his eyes off your phone.
"I don't think so, where are you going--"
"--oh god Kento just give me something for the cringe and let me die--"
"--no no no I'm blessed to be a part of my wife's interests--"
"--I am less than human, we need a divorce, I can't look you in the eye ever again--"
Kento scoffed, dark and derisive. "As if I'd let you divorce me. As if you'd even want to...now, where did I put that..."
Kento stood, still holding your phone as he rummaged in his dresser. You laid flat to the bed, trying to wiggle away again, still embarrassingly wet, your mortification laced with undeniable arousal.
"Stay exactly where you are, or I'll damn well make you."
You stopped. You looked up at Kento, unusually meek, as he approached you. He stood by the bed, looming and powerful, a god made flesh. He unbuttoned his shirt to the navel, not bothering to remove his harness. He undid his belt with a clink-clink. He let his tie hang loose...and pulled a black balaclava down to beneath his collar. He finished off with a pair of soft, black leather gloves.
Something imploded inside you; a dial-up noise in your mind. Kento prowled over to you, looming over you and chasing you up the bed, caging you beneath him, and reading through the smut on your phone screen.
"Be honest," Kento read aloud, his honey-brown eyes swirling with something altogether darker and more dangerous, "if you'd wanted to escape me...you could have."
You panted, breathless, your pupils blown into inky black as you lay splayed beneath Kento. You couldn't help but be captivated, lost in his insidious pull. You felt your heartbeat between your legs.
"Did you stay because you dream of me, too?" Kento intoned. You bit the poisoned apple, trembling as you nodded up at him. "Did you stay...because you wondered if hatred was as erotic a passion as love?"
"--Kento, I-- let me go, I--"
"That's the spirit." Laughed Kento, his voice booming through you, the vibrations crackling across every nerve, and you whimpered. Kento grasped your hands together with his own, gloved and powerful, pinning them above your head with the whole weight of his body. He pulled his tie loose with the hand holding your phone.
"I can't let you leave...not now. Fuck...you have no idea what you do to me, do you?" Kento growled. Being the villain seemed so effortless to him. Your safe word had never been further from your mind, your attempts to leave so paltry and insincere. The way Kento looked down at you, waiting to see if you would make him stop, sent shivers down your spine. Kento released his tie, eyes skimming across your phone for confirmation.
"I'd apologise, for trapping you here like this..." Kento intoned, tying your bound wrists to the head of the bed as you squirmed, crying out in anguish, "...but I'll show you...how you've craved my touch, just as I have craved yours." You strained against the bonds, in just the silky chemise you wore for bed, and it didn't take much for your breasts to fall free of the fine little straps.
In truth, Kento had never been harder in his life. Seeing you battle against primal desire beneath him, feeling your half-hearted embarrassed squirms brushing your bare mound against his aching, thick cock...and your nipples, hard as diamonds and covered by a thin veneer of lace. His breaths were heavy, chest heaving as he continued his performative reading.
"Just one taste, and we can return to how it was before." Kento groaned, his mouth suckling at your neck, licking, tasting, biting. You cringed against the assault on your senses, afraid to lose yourself to such diabolical pleasure. Kento pinned your bucking hips down with his own, the tip of his cock trapped beneath his waistband against his belly. "Just once...and we can rest easy at night, knowing how it feels for me to spend myself inside you."
You keened, mewling as Kento rested the phone on the pillow beside your head, and took your nipple into his mouth, ragging it around beneath his tongue with a fractured growl. Your head spun with the weight of him, totally captured, so wildly out of control. The suckling pleasure he gave to your nipples, connected in a fine thread to your clit, making it pulse with vicarious bliss.
"I can't...can't take it anymore...Ken--" You moaned, squeaking as his teeth closed in barely hinged warning around your breast.
"Unless it's to tell me to fuck you, I won't have you mewl like a kitten at me any longer." Kento rumbled against your breast, wet with his spit and the marks he left behind as he took what he was owed. "I hope you can take it. I'm...no small man. If you are ruined, after, I know you will bear the scars with grace, just as you have bore your hatred of me."
You were already so steeped in the hot rush of being pleasured, you did not notice how Kento's eyes glowered, lathering down your body and darting occasionally back to your phone. He continued his pilgrimage down your body. Kento growled in frustration at the chemise blocking him, and he rucked it up, spitting curses as you squeaked, wriggling against him.
"At least fight like you mean it." Kento laughed, and you blushed, eyes squeezed shut, mortified by how obviously faked your resistance was. Kento kissed his way down your belly, settling at your mound. He hovered, silent, giving your desperate clit nought but the breath from his lips.
"Do you want my fingers...or my mouth?" You whimpered again, babbling nonsense, such a rough and ruined heroine. Kento laughed again, dark and delicious, raising his mask just enough to free his mouth. "No words? No matter. You shall have both."
With little warning, Kento sunk his tongue between your folds, ragging his mouth and nose from side to side again to bury himself in the heat of you. You cried out as he growled into your heat, hitting a high note as he sunk two thick, gloves fingers into your fluttering pussy, slamming inside all the way to his knuckles.
Kento swore against your pussy, grunting and moaning as he lapped at your clit and entrance with animalistic rage. Quite canonically to his role, his cock wept against his belly, pre-cum leaking down onto his waistband until the fabric was cloying and sticky, the friction against his tip sending him spiralling. He couldn't help but fuck against the bed as you melted beneath him, writhing against his tongue.
Panting, letting his gloved fingers fuck into you and imagining it was his cock instead, Kento chuckled against your clit, at just how easily he had snapped. He pulled his fingers out of you for a moment, wickedly obsessed by the stark contrast of your creamy white arousal on the black leather.
He could smell you on the balaclava, the fabric over his nose soaking with your essence. Kento felt lightheaded with the blooming, heady scent of you. His cock twitched, aching and neglected, and so close to spilling thick spurts of seed all over its owner.
You risked looking down for just a moment. The eyes of a villain pierced through you, as Kento licked his gloves clean, not breaking eye contact once. You whimpered. He laughed, and curled his fingers back into you, continuing his relentless attack on your poor, aching cunt. Your moans reached a fever pitch, and Kento felt the creep of his own orgasm through his belly as he rutted against the bed with total abandon.
"Sing for me." He groaned, lifting your hips off the bed as he knelt, sucking your clit into his mouth in a devastating final move. You tipped violently over the edge, bucking against his tongue and crying his name, a stream of nonsensical babbles. Kento was quite sure you came harder than the girl in the story.
By the time you came back to earth, being licked in slow, languid movements through your peak, you saw Kento kneeling between your legs, stroking his cock in long, jerking pumps.
"You've reduced me to this." Kento forced, his teeth gritted and his mask back in place over his mouth. "To this...this boy, fucking his own fist just from the taste of you." Kento cursed, his gloved fist wet with pre-cum, cracking his neck from side to side and growling through his lurid tale. You lay, fucked out, bound, a fascinated by how Kento's whiskey-rich voice could fill you with fumes, warm and drunk one minute, but cold and piercing the next. You swung, manoeuvred across his harsh dichotomy.
Kento loomed over you, trapping you beneath him again, blocking the light from your eyes, a bad moon rising. "You did this to me." He hissed, accusatory in his possession of you. "You started this sordid fight. But I'll finish it. No more fisting my cock at night just to the thought of you. No more dreaming about bending you to my will."
You felt Kento's tip press through your entrance, thick and insistent enough that you squirmed up the bed, crying out as he yanked you back, his hands closing around your waist. Kento plaited his fingers in your tied hands, the ghost of affection, and readying himself to slam into your quivering heat. He was falling apart, he could barely contain himself, overcome by the raw power of making you pliable, shaping you to his desires--
Kento whispered in your ear, his voice shaking, gravelly; "And when you submit...know that it was entirely your fault."
You felt your delicate petals forced aside, crying out to be filled to the brim by Kento in one slick thrust. Kento could barely suppress a roar beneath his mask, throwing his head back in ecstasy. His enormous hands cuffed your waist, making it squidge down against your hips every time he dragged your hips, moving your pussy around him like a cock sleeve.
Kento's strength made manhandling you look easy. You lay ruined beneath him, your head lolling against the inside of your own bound arm. The image of him unbuttoned, masked, gloved and still almost fully dressed above you, grunting and groaning as he used your pussy for his own pleasure, burned onto your retinas.
Kento barely moved his own hips, his eyes fixed feverishly on where he dragged your swollen pussy around the length of his cock, twitching and burning inside you. He couldn't contain himself. The hook behind his navel, all scorched steel and selfishness, beseeched him to drag his pleasure from you.
"Fucking-- ruin you-- never be satisfied...by another man again-- keep running from me, and I'll hunt you down...and take you like this every-- fucking-- time--"
As Kento's pleasure roared over him, he punctuated his thrusts against your belly with the written word in action. Making nothing more than jolted, pitiful moans as he fucked repeatedly against your sensitive cervix and soft-spot, you clambered for purchase, sobbing your pleasure as his gloved fingers rolled your clit between them.
Kento came with a string of curses, his thighs cramping beneath him with the force of it. Feeling his seed begin to pump and spurt into you, he dragged you aggressively to another orgasm with his leathered fingers. He had to feel you clench around him, sucking his seed deep inside you. He had just enough forethought to recall his final, toxic line as he gasped, groaning and bucking with the force of his ejaculation.
You could barely hear him through the fog of pleasure, faint in the distance; "If you have the nerve...to crawl back to me...full and swollen-- know we can be enemies in matrimony, as well as battle."
The room was hushed and dark, the gloom broken only by your mingled, heavy breaths, and the earthy smell of sex. You reached up pulling Kento's balaclava up and pressing a breathless little kiss at the corner of his mouth.
"...but...we still have to get a divorce. I just-- couldn't live with you knowing what I read--"
Kento laughed, his shoulders aching from the weight of the villain, slipping away with his gloves and mask.
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sturniolos-blog · 3 months
Can you write a Dad!Chris fic that starts out with smut?
So it begins with Y/N and Chris having sex but Y/N has a daddy kink so the next morning Y/N wakes up and gets ready.
After she wakes up she goes downstairs to make breakfast and when chris comes downstairs with lacey he tells Y/N that Mason's mad at him and when she goes upstairs to check on him he says,"I heard you screaming last night and you kept screaming 'daddy' and 'chris' so I thought dad was hurting you. "
! In the fic Lacey and Mason are 4 years old ¡
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Mommy’s okay V2 - Chris Sturniolo x reader
warnings: smut, swearing
smut summary: P in v (unprotected w bc) daddy kink, doggy style, degrading
disclaimer: changed it up slightly! first person POV
Chris thrusts into me from the back, his hands gripping my waist as he pulls my ass into his waist.
“F-fuck! Chris, g-god!” I moan out, my hands gripping my pillow as i bury my face in it.
“What’s my name?” He growls, grabbing my hair and pulling me up so he can bite my ear.
“D-daddy! G-god! Daddy! I’m gonna cum! Please! Please!” I beg, tears streaming down my cheeks as he moves his hand to put it on my throat, squeezing slightly.
“Good girl, you can cum, baby. Let go..” Chris agrees, kissing the back of my neck.
My body shakes as i feel my orgasm, “Fuck! daddy! I’m cumming!” I yell out.
Chris doesn’t stop, instead he speeds up. I let out a whine as i begin to feel overstimulated, “I can’t, daddy! I-it hurts!” I moan, more tears streaming down my cheeks.
“Y-you can, mama. I’m cumming- g-god, fuck.” Chris stutters before unloading his cum into me.
I had my hair up in a bun as I put the last pancake I had made onto a plate, along side came with bacon and orange juice.
I grabbed the other plate I had set and brought it over to the kids. Kissing both of their heads before grabbing the glasses of orange juice and giving it to them.
“Thanks, mama.” Lacey smiles, grabbing her fork and starting to eat.
Mason notices Lacey said thank you so he does too, “Thank you, mommy.” He says, starting to eat.
“You’re welcome, guys.” I smiles as I start to clean everything up, Chris then comes downstairs.
“Hey, guys!” Chris says, kissing Lacey and Masons head.
“Daddy!” Lacey calls out, hugging Chris around the waist.
“Hey, babygirl.” He says, ruffling her hair.
Chris notices Mason hasn’t said anything, “You good, mase?” Chris says as Lacey goes back to eating.
Mason lets out a groan before running upstairs, more like stomping.
I give Chris a confused look, Chris shrugs.
“Lacey, que pasa a tu hermano?” I sigh, putting the orange juice back in the fridge.
que pasa a tu hermano?: What’s wrong with your brother?
Lacey shrugs as she bites a piece of bacon, “No sé, mommy!”
No sé: I don’t know
Chris comes over to me, kissing my cheek, “I’ll figure it out, ma.” Chris says before starting to walk upstairs.
Chris sighs and comes back downstairs as im washing the dishes.
“He talk to you?” I ask Chris, scrubbing a dish before putting it in the drying rack
“He said he’s mad at me, but he told me to go away when I asked why.” Chris shrugs, putting his hand on my lower back and coming to stand next to me.
I sigh, turning the sink off and drying my hands, “I’ll talk to him.”
I walk upstairs to see through the crack of Masons door, Mason playing with a toy dinosaur, i knock twice before slowly opening the door.
He quickly drops the dinosaur and crosses his arms like he’s mad, letting out a huff.
“Hey, mijo. Que pasa, mi amor?” I ask him, coming and sitting on the floor, criss cross apple sauce in front of him.
Hey, mijo. que pasa, mi amor?: Hey, son. whats wrong, my love?
“Nada, mommy.” Mason looks down.
nada: nothing.
“You can talk to me, baby. I know you’re mad at daddy. Why?” I ask, stroking his hair out of his face.
Mason groans and crosses his arms, “He was being mean to you, mommy!” Mason says.
“What? When?” I let out a laugh.
“I heard you screaming last night and you kept saying daddy and chris and i thought he was hurting you!” Mason lets out a soft sob, hugging my torso and burying his face in my chest.
I hear a muffled laugh come from the door, looking over to see Chris. I scoff and shake my head, “He wasn’t hurting me, baby, we were just talking and i just said his name a little louder. That’s all, my love.” I lie, kissing Masons forehead.
Chris comes in the room, “I would never hurt mommy, Mase..” Chris says, making Mason look up and sniffle.
“Okay.” Mason says.
so i wanted this out cs i feel guilty but like anyway enjoy this is ass
taglist: @sturniolosmind @novasturniolo03 @hearts4chriss @vinniehackerslefttoe @christhopersturniolo @mattybswife @streamermattsgf @sturnolio-luvs @sturnioloslurps @marlenafortuna @lovergirl4387 @sturniololovesss
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futurecorps3 · 7 months
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬
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Summary: Sirius and reader plan a romantic dinner for a very tired Remus Pairing: Poly!wolfstar x reader Warnings: mentions of sex and that’s all, I think! It's fluff and post!war where absolutely nothing went wrong because Reggie was a spy for the Order just like in canon duh Word Count: 1.4K Requested: No
Sirius leaned against the kitchen counter, a playful twinkle in his eyes, and said, "You know, love, if our cooking skills don't impress Moony tonight, at least our charm will do the trick." Y/N laughed, adding a bit more salt to the pasta they had been working on for about an hour now.
"Bet your pretty smile and my dazzling gaze will be fit enough… I really hope he likes it though," she mumbled that last part, feeling a pair of arms round her from the back. "I'm sure he'll love it," Sirius whispered, kissing his girl's cheek and moving on to whisk the eggs for the brownies they were baking for dessert.
It was Remus' first year as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts at Hogwarts. He had started the charge right after the war ended, and the trio had settled into a lovely flat on Eaton Square—a two-story building bought with Black family money. ("One thing my mum and dad will be good for!" Sirius had said back when he bought it.) They were slowly transforming it into a home. During the war, they realized they had the power to turn even a cavern into a warm place, as long as the three of them were together.
For the past week, Remus had come home absolutely drained. When he jumped into bed or the couch with them, he'd fall asleep right away and still wake up tired. Sirius and Y/N were aware that he was struggling to adapt to new routines; going from spending all his time with the people he almost lost to teaching six classes a day with minimal breaks was becoming challenging for him.
He'd adjust eventually and would be back to his old self, but for now, their boy was tired, and all they wanted was to treat him with every ounce of love and care he deserved. So, when Remus told them that he'd be coming home earlier that Friday, they decided to go all out with a romantic home-cooked dinner.
"Can you try this? I-I think it's a bit insipid," she said, stirring the cream-based sauce that was ready to serve, pouring a bit onto the back of her hand for Sirius to lick. His tongue gathered the liquid, and his eyes opened in shock. "That's amazing! D-don't change anything; it's perfect, baby," he smiled, grabbing the spoon from his girlfriend and taking more of it into his mouth, directly from the spoon to then place it back inside the boiling pot.
He either didn't mind or didn't think about it; knowing him, it was probably the latter. "Sirius, no!" she half-scolded while laughing, slapping his shoulder playfully. "Wouldn't be the first time my saliva is in either yours or Moony's mou- oi!" he snickered as the girl assaulted him again, all tiny hands against his broad figure. "You're disgusting," Y/N smiled, walking over to the dining table where a white tablecloth was set.
While the noodles cooked and her boyfriend danced to Queen while baking their last course planned for the night, she set the table. Y/N knew her boys to perfection, and Remus had always appreciated neat and aesthetically pleasing settings for their dates, and while this was not exactly one, she wanted it all to be perfect. Before coming home from a job interview that day, she stopped by and bought some candles and a nice bottle of wine; red. He loved red wine.
As she picked the bottle, she wondered how many bottles they'd collect as time passed and their flat became truly theirs. She smiled.
"Love, the water's doing it again…" she heard Sirius warn in a quiet panic and almost giggled. "Just stir them for a bit and turn off the stove; they're almost done," the girl reassured as she placed the brand-new silverware Regulus and James had gotten them when they first moved in neatly over the tablecloth, right next to the plates and careful that no wax could reach them when the candles eventually melted.
When all places were set and ready to be occupied—a bouquet of red roses and baby's breath in Remus', courtesy of their boyfriend—she returned to the kitchen. Her pasta was done, and brownies were in the oven. She found Sirius cleaning his rings, which he hadn't bothered to take off and were now covered in flour, delicate fingers gently scrubbing off the white powder.
Y/N took in the sight of him. He was going on about something that happened to him on the way home, about how he fought a lady for Moony's bouquet or something. She really didn't care when he looked like that. His long, black hair was tied in a messy bun with his wand, with a few strands falling out, a Rolling Stones t-shirt he turned into a crop top let a glimpse of his v-line show, as if it was purposely teasing his girlfriend, jeans hanging low and covered in flour.
Fuck. She scored. "… and so I told he- what are you doing?" he questioned when approached. Y/N stepped between the sink and his body, looking up at him while biting her lip. He felt her fingers hook on the empty belt loops of his pants, making him press flush against her body. "You're too pretty for this world; did you know that? Who gave you permission, Sirius? Do you think it's okay to be this perfect and just… exist like you're not this gorgeous?" she asked in all seriousness, making him blush and snicker at her flirting.
They were always like that with each other. Always flirting. Always trying to make each other blush. That, until Remus stepped in and made them both blush, fluster, and giggle like twelve-year-olds who just pecked someone else's lips for the first time.
"Careful. My brownies are still in the oven, and Moony won't take long in getting home," he warned, his eyes darkening a bit. "And?" she teased, scratching the bit of stomach exposed he displayed. "And if I bend you over-the-counter right now, dessert will be ruined, Remus will get too distracted in punishing us, and dinner will never happen. Just be patient," he groaned, stroking her face and kissing the corner of her lips, turning to clean his hands once again.
She ran her hands through his chest and screamed into his back in frustration, making his chest bubble with laughter. Right after, keys jingled in the front door, and they were both quickly at the door, smiling at each other like they held some secret intel Remus could never know about, and in some sense, they did.
Their boyfriend walked through the door, looking at them like they had grown two heads as he discarded his coat and boots by the door. "Well, hello," he smirked, walking over them and kissing their lips gently. "Are you baking something? I thought we'd do that on Saturday when Harry came over," he asked, trying to peek over their heads before Y/N pulled his head down with both her hands on his cheeks.
"We've got a surprise. Go change into something more comfortable and meet us in the dining hall." She smiled. "Dining hall?" Remus laughed, shaking his head as he felt electricity running through him with the information. Sirius remained serious as he nodded at their girlfriend's statement. "Yes, the dining hall, dear. Now go, c'mon," he encouraged, patting his shoulders as he walked away.
They used the time he took in putting some joggers and a shirt on to serve the pasta and place it on the table. Pads took care of the wine and looked up giddily at their boy paddling through the floor in disbelief. "Come sit." Y/N smiled gently, having changed the record to The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars; Remus' favorite. "Oh, I absolutely despise you both," he said, running a scarred hand through his curls as he approached the table with a soft smile playing on his lips.
Remus eyed the food, the table, and the soft music playing in the background, somehow managing to keep it together. Until he saw the flowers. He picked them up and looked at his partners with utter adoration in his eyes. "Fuck you," he laughed as tears prickled his eyes, making his boyfriend and girlfriend walk over to him to engulf him in a tight hug.
He felt safe and protected, even when he was very clearly towering over both of them. "We know you've been having a hard time coping with change, so we wanted to do something special for you," Y/N mumbled against his chest, stroking his back comfortingly. "The things I cooked might be shit… know I made them with a lot of love though," Sirius joked, kissing Remus' cheeks, which left a salty taste in his mouth. Moony laughed airily.
Surrounded by the warmth of his partners, Remus felt a surge of emotion. It wasn't just relief; it was a profound sense of belonging. Y/N's lips pressed against his cheek, leaving a lingering warmth, while Sirius's hand ruffled his hair in a gesture that felt both affectionate and familiar. "Come on, or it'll get cold."
They sat at the table, humming to the tunes playing in the background as they rambled about their day, sharing minutes of comfortable silence accompanied by loving glances out of nowhere. After the war ended, this is what they longed for. The trio would never forget how they fantasized about simpler times while laying on icy surfaces or in the woods, praying to whoever was willing to listen for a crumb of grace and a bit of luck to find solace after all that was done with.
As their eyes locked, there was an unspoken promise of enjoying the one thing they dreamed of a few years ago lingering in the air. They were giving themselves and each other a gentler life, a kinder environment, and a safe haven they could always go to. A safe haven with great pasta.
"Shit, dove… this is amazing! Where's the recipe from?" Remus exclaimed, resisting the urge to lick the plate and limiting himself to only gathering the leftover sauce with his fork like a civilized person. "I called Effie.” "Bless her soul," Sirius groaned in a solemn tone, licking the plate. Moony chuckled and drank the last bit of his wine as Y/N playfully scolded him. How he loved them, he thought.
Y/N slipped off her shoes and started prancing around to the music with a glass of wine on her way to serve dessert, a pair of warm smiles beaming at her going unnoticed as she was too lost in the beats. She paid attention to the plating, so she grabbed the small plates they had with tiny flowers on them and sprinkled some powdered sugar on top of the brownies her boyfriend baked.
"Here you go." She smiled, kissing both Sirius' and Remus' cheeks as she put the plates in front of them after putting hers on the place, sitting back down the next second. They bit into the pastry at the same time Padfoot waited for their verdict. "So? How'd I do?" He asks, in a concerned state his partners found hilarious, seeing how seriously he was taking the whole situation.
Y/N's expression turned into a disgusted frown as she chewed but quickly replaced it with a smile, making the change obvious to Sirius. "What was that!?" the black-haired boy said with wide eyes, taking a bite off the dessert himself and frowning when he actually found it good. "Come on love, it can't be that bad," Remus said, biting into his piece and closing his eyes in disgust in a very exaggerated manner.
"The-they're good, baby." She smiles, leaving the large piece untouched in her plate as she looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "I tried them; I did a bloody great job, so don't co-". His partners erupted in laughter. Moony almost cried, and Y/N's tummy hurt as Sirius shook his head with an upset pout.
"You're so mean. I hate you both. I'll never bake for you again!" "No, love, come on! We're sorry I-I just saw where Y/N was going and played along," Remus laughed, reaching over to engulf him in a hug, but his boyfriend pulled away, back facing his smiling face. He couldn't avoid the love for too long, cornered between his girlfriend who also reached out to embrace him.
"They're really good, Sirius! Come here; I-I'm sorry." "Why do you keep laughing!?" He whined with a little smirk playing at his lips he tried hard to contain when he found himself sandwiched between his loves. "No, ge-get off!" he playfully fought in-between giggles, trying to squirm out of Moony's arms, failing miserably. Y/N jumped over to them and kissed Sirius' face repeatedly.
"I-I'm leaving this house! Stop, Y/N, there's no changing my mind." He laughed. "We won't let you go; hate to break it to ya'." "Yup, I'm kissing you until you forgive us." They collapsed in giggles with sore bellies, letting go and going back to their spots to finish their desserts. "You did a splendid job, darling." Remus smiles, biting happily into his brownie. "Yes, they're amazing." Y/N assured and presses one last kiss to Sirius' cheek.
After several stories, laughs, warm smiles, and kisses were shared, they all decided to call it a night. Y/N grabbed one of Padfoot's shirts and a pair of Moony's socks, throwing them on before brushing her teeth and washing her face as her boyfriends got ready as well.
They jumped into the two queen beds they had joined and covered only with a soft silk sheet Sirius had insisted on getting since it was spring; They liked to cuddle, and if for some reason they covered more, they'd be kicking away in their sleep so they could be fresher.
Usually, Y/N would sleep between them, but today Remus took her spot and they were all comfortable with that. He wrapped his arms around his partners and kissed both of their heads, feeling exhaustion wash over him as their limbs pressed against all of his body; engulfed by love and warmth he craved his whole life before they came into the picture. "Thank you," he sighed, "for everything."
"Anything for our Moony," was heard in a soft whisper in the dark room, and with that, they drifted off to sleep.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Marauders taglist (DM or answer to be added): @kquil
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Thanks again, stranger. Hope you have a nice day<3
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hoenoredone · 10 months
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tags: sfw, fluff, headcanons, enstablished relationship characters: gojo, geto, nanami, naoya, inumaki, yuuta, noritoshi
cat café
he's a cat dad and you're never going to convince otherwise. because of his job it's quite difficult for him to keep a pet in the house, he feels too bad leaving it all alone for days at the time (do not worry, the ball of fluff would have an automatic feeder and a self cleaning litter). so he gets his fix at a cat café. it's perfect, really: he can pet all the cats, and you can eat and drink to your heart's content while seeing him all happy and giddy.
dinner and a movie
he's a wanted simple man, he's perfectly content setting the table while you stir fry the meat he had left in the fridge to marinate for the whole day. he'd fry up some popcorn after dinner and drizzle them in butter and salt. he loves it when you rest your head on his shoulder, especially if the movie turns out to be boring. he lets you fall asleep and does his best not to wake you at the end of the film. when nanako and mimiko make fun of him the day after for carrying you to the bed bridal style, he can only smile and ruffle their hair.
petit pâtisserie
he has a sweet tooth, sorry i don't make the rules. he doesn't like sickeningly sweet pastries, but a french press coffee and a slice of opéra cake are perfectly within his taste. he watches you eat an english scone with strawberry-rhubarb jam and clotted cream and sip on your darjeeling tea as he listen to you talk about whatever is on your mind. he notices some crumbs on your lower lip and tries to discretely let you know, but you're too absorbed in your own world to notice. so he gently wipes them away for you and notices a slight blush dusting your cheeks.
michlin star restaurant
it's really not a date, it's more of an interview. he doesn't date just to date, he dates to marry. he needs to be the perfect heir for the zen'in clan, he needs a wife and a child. so he takes you to an incredibly expensive restaurant and grills you with questions. at the start it's not the most pleasant experience, but as the date goes on (if you answer his questions correctly) he loosens up and lets you speak freely. he doesn't even realize it, but he feels like he has a lot to prove, so once he decides that it's worth it he orderes his favorite wine (coincidentally the most expensive one) and shoos the waiter away to pour you a glass himself.
please he loves the pinball machines, literally spends hours on them. you take turns at the claw machines to try and win each other a plushie (that riceball looks just like him? how?) and lose almost three thousand yen. he watches you play a shooter game and gets playfully annoyed when you don't listen to his tips. almost spills his coke all over one of the machines when you finally win your first game of the night. he offers you karaage to celebrate and you almost choke on the sauce when he imitates the panicked face you had during the game.
picnic at the dog park
can he pet that dog? can he please pet that dog?? you bring the food and a table cloth, and he brings plates, cutlery, drinks and two different brands of dog treats. you could swear he spends more time looking at the dogs run around and telling you all about the specific breed than actually eating. a big fluffy maremmano runs towards him and almost knocks the picnic table over, but yuuta is ready: he grabs a duck skin treat from his pocket and hurls it to the other side of the park, but not before having pet the dog's head and having called him a good boy.
japanese tea house
he enjoys the quiet of the tea house's garden because he's not a kamo there, just noritoshi. he used to be partial to sencha tea but you insisted on ordering something different every time, and he's glad you did because he's a creature of habit, without you he wouldn't have discovered he actually prefers hojicha tea over anything else. he lets you order whatever you want, from dango to daifuku, even dorayaki once, but warabimochi remains his favorite.
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milaisreading · 17 days
Crossdresser!Yn AU:
Loki: Sooo...
CD!Yn, while looking at a game: What?
Loki, putting an arm around her shoulder: Isn't it fun how we get along so well? We should go and eat dinner when this is over-
Noa, entering the room: You think that?
Loki, jumping away when he hears Noa's voice: Mister Noa, sir! I was just keeping an eye on your adopted son, who I otherwise don't know!
Noa, eyeing Loki suspiciously: Really?
Loki: Y-yeah!
CD!Yn: Adopted what?
CD!Yn, while eating past: You were right! It tastes much better with the original tomato sauce than the store bought one!
Lorenzo, smiling proudly: I know it does! We should definitely meet up a lot more often and try the different recipes I- Oh, we can make dates out of it!
CD!Yn, nodding along: Sounds good-
Snuffy: What are you kids doing?
Lorenzo: Nothing much
CD!Yn: Lorenzo and I are planning dates.
Lorenzo, noticing Snuffy's lips twitch: Are you alright?
Snuffy: Of course! I will join you guys on these dates as well. Is that alright?
CD!Yn: Fine with me. And you, Lorenzo?
Lorenzo, looks at Snuffy's warning glare:...
Lorenzo: ...Sure...
Chris: What a nice day-
Charles: Come on!! Please! Just one!!
CD!Yn: I don't know... I think you should save that for your partner-
Chris, while eavesdropping: Huh?
Charles: But I want you! Please! I even brushed my teeth for this!
CD!Yn: The way you said it makes it sound like you usually don't brush them-
Charles: Please just one kiss! Please!
CD!Yn: Fine-
Chris, slamming the door open: Kids, let's go and practice!!
Charles, grumbling: You are not one of our coaches!
Chris: True, that's why I will bring you back to Loki and you, Yn to Noa! Far away from each other.
Charles: What?! No!
CD!Yn, oblivious: Ok
Lavinho: Otoya. No.
Otoya: Come on! Yn and I always cuddled while we slept!
Lavinho, while pointing at the sleeping girl: Shush. No, you will not cuddle him while I am around.
Otoya: You act like I can't be trusted
Lavinho: Nothing personal, kid. I don't trust any of you around Yn. Now, be quiet. The poor boy is all tired from his previous game
Otoya: Fine... Can I at least kiss him when he wakes up?
Lavinho: No. Leave him alone.
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dollarstorefern · 6 months
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ok, so i’ve been thinking about the whole food/love symbolism in house, (i’m not sure who the first person to mention this symbolism was, but i love them so much. if anyone knows please mention them!!!) and there's one more specific element that i want to overanalyze, so just bear with me for a moment; there were four people that directly interacted with house when he was cooking in wilson's apartment (episode 3 season 6): cuddy, thirteen, wilson, and a random lady from the cooking class house and wilson took together. and i feel like these four best represent how house's love is spread. just hear me out for a second you guys.
first, you have cuddy. she comes to house and he happens be cooking; however, she never tastes the food he’s preparing. they love each other, he has love FOR her, but it's never the right time for them. (house and cuddy have such an insane and doomed relationship that i don’t think i quite understand myself tbh).
for the random lady, she's cooking *with* house when cuddy is there. this one isn’t as clean/sensible as the others, but i’m sure at least one person will get what i’m trying to say or be able to word this better. house has a certain level of understanding and care for others/strangers, but on a very grudging level. his love isn't necessarily made just for them, they'll never know the depth or spontaneity of it, and they'll never know what it means like the people close to house do.
with wilson, wilson wakes up to house cooking. house shoves the food in wilson's face, not listening to a word that wilson has to say. and wilson just goes with it! and i believe that it’s around here that house admits that he stayed up all night cooking because he was in pain, but i could be wrong. if that is the case though, that just ties into the whole idea that all of house’s strongest emotions are directly tied to his pain, all of his actions are fueled by his pain, which makes his love even more insane if you think about it. (i wish i was as eloquent as some of the other house fans on here when talking about this stuff but i only ever think about it when half-awake).
and lastly, there's thirteen. she visits house to ask for advice. and you see how precise he's being with the cooking. i don’t remember quite what he was making, something to do with chicken embryos or yolks, and extracting some of the yolk to squeeze sauce in there, something along those lines. pretty precise stuff. and thirteen tries it and says that it's the best thing she's ever eaten. quick and positive interaction.
so. we only see *two* people eat his food in this episode. two people who know what his love is like: wilson, the man that house depends on to even exist, and thirteen, basically the only character that (at this point in the show) has a chance of understanding house’s suffering, to some degree (house dreading the pain that comes with simply existing, knowing each day will be filled with pain, thirteen dreading every day, knowing that her huntingtons can only get worse and one day she’ll lose control).
also, this isn’t to say that house doesn’t/hasn’t loved other characters!!! i personally just feel like the relationships he has with wilson, cuddy, and thirteen are some of the most significant on screen relationships we see. (maybe i’m a bit biased because i adore wilson and thirteen, but we’ll ignore that).
anyways. all of this was likely just coincidence, but i don’t quite care! it’s the coincidences that make for the most meaningful portrayal of characters, in my humble (questionable) opinion!
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explosionkatsu · 1 year
“Age doesn’t matter” 6
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Dad!Bakugou x F!Babysitter!Teacher!Reader
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
“Mama Y/n..”
Did he hear him right? Did his son just call his teacher mama?
Katsuki scowled at this. He was trying to keep himself calm as he put Kazui back to bed and left the bedroom fast. This time, he shut the door as calmly as he can not to wake Kazui and made his way to the kitchen.
“What the fuck have you been teaching Kazui, huh!”
The loud voice made you stop pouring the sauces onto each plate and looked at Katsuki who was slowly nearing you.
“W-what?” You were confused. You didn't know what you did wrong.
“What the fuck have you been teaching to my son huh,” Katsuki repeated his voice raising.
“N-nothing! What would I teach him?” You were so confused. Earlier everything was fine, now here you are, face to face with an angry Bakugou.
“I don't know what you did to him, but this is the last time you’ll take care of him! I don't care if you're his teacher. You are not to take him in this shitty-ass apartment, ever again!” Katsuki yelled slamming his hand on the counter, trying to not activate his quirk.
Hearing him say this, Y/n’s heart throbbed painfully. She didn't know what she did exactly and why was he suddenly like this to you.
“B-bakugou. I really have no idea, please. Believe me.” Y/n looked him in his eyes showing him your honesty. You were really clueless.
Katsuki who was staring back at you saw how you have really no idea what he was talking about. He simply looked away and ran his hand through his hair.
“You really have no fucking idea, huh,” Katsuki said with a lower voice this time.
“Please. I really don’t..” You mumble wiping a tear from your eye.
Katsuki hesitated at first. He wasn't sure if he should really trust you or if this is only an act. But seeing you wipe a tear from your eye made him feel terrible. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself before speaking.
“He calls you mama.”
Y/n didn't miss how his scowl deepened mentioning this. She sniffed a little bit before trying to compose herself.
“I need to tell you something.” She mumbled, head hanging low.
Katsuki slightly turn his head to look at you after he heard what you said.
“When we got home. Eer, I mean. When we reached my apartment, I was preparing our dinner when he suddenly asked me something and made me stop.” She said as she tucked a hair to her ear.
“What is it,” Katsuki commanded listening intently, his gaze never leaving her face.
“He asked if I could be his mother. I told him it was not possible so he cried.” Y/n said recalling the scene from earlier. She could remember how broke Kazui looks making her heart throb in pain. “He said why he doesn't have a mom, why he couldn't have a mom, and started crying.”
When Katsuki heard this, he couldn't help but close his eyes in despair. He didn't know his son is feeling this way. Was that the reason why he was asking for his mother?
“It pains my heart seeing him cry. I love Kazui. Like my own child. But at that moment, I couldn't do anything. I couldn't say no because I can't.” You said, tears streaming from your eyes. “All I did was apologize and carry him. Embrace him as much as I can.” You sniffed. “Then after a few minutes, he calmed down. I found out he was asleep. So I put him on my bed and just went back to cooking.”
After you told him what happened, there was an uncomfortable silence.
“She left.”
Y/n slightly look up to look at Katsuki who suddenly started talking.
“After she gave birth. Kazui’s mother just vanished without any trace.” Why was he saying this to you anyway? “I got home hearing Kazui crying. I made him a bottle of milk not bothering to change. I was helpless. I didn't know what to do when I checked my home empty. All her clothes were gone, jewelry. Even the money I stacked for emergencies. It was all gone.”
You stared at Katsuki in pity. So that's what happened.
Katsuki looked at you seeing how you were staring at him in pity making him tch.
“Don’t fucking look down on me.” Katsuki looked away. “I did what I had to do. I asked for my parent's help.”
“You were brave, Bakugou..”
Your statement made him fully look at you. He saw how sincere you are. How honest. How innocent. So unlike his ex-wife. Now he gets why Kazui was so attached to you.
The small voice made both eyes widen. Katsuki looked behind him, and you, looked behind Katsuki both seeing Kazui waking up from his nap.
“Are you fighting?” Kazui looked at both of you.
“No, sweetie. Why would we fight?” Y/n smiled at Kazui.
“Papa?” Kazui looks to his papa asking for confirmation.
“Were not, brat,” Katsuki said ruffling Kazui’s hair.
Kazui lifted his arms up, asking to be carried but Katsuki rejected him.
“I thought you said you were too old to be carried,” Katsuki smirked but carried Kazui anyway.
Once Kazui settled in his arms, he looked at Y/n who just smiled at him.
“Ms. Y/n?” Kazui called.
“What is it, dear?” Y/n said staring sweetly at Kazui.
“Did you cry?”
Y/n stiffened but quickly compose herself. “Of course not, sweetie. Why would I cry?” You said.
Suddenly, Kazui places his small hand on your cheek making you blink.
“Are you okay, Ms. Y/n? Is someone bothering you? I can make papa beat them for you.”
Y/n laughed at what Kazui just said. He didn't know that you cried because of his father. But you’re not going to tell him that, of course.
“I assure you, sweetie. Teacher’s fine, okay?” Y/n gave Kazui a soft smile. “Now why don't you put this plate on the table so we can eat? You know your papa and I waited for you to wake up so we can all eat together.” You giggled seeing Kazui’s excited reaction as he wiggle out of his father’s arms.
“Really! We would eat together?! Yay!!” Kazui quickly grab the plates you were about to hand him and carefully took small steps, trying to spill the food.
Katsuki watches your interaction with Kazui quietly. He was still standing beside you in the kitchen, watching how you lied to his son about not crying.
Was this what it's supposed to feel like to have a wife around?
Katsuki saw how you treated Kazui like your own blood. How motherly you act towards him. No wonder he called you mama. Because he’s seeing you as a mother figure. A mother Katsuki wished Kazui has.
“Bakugou? Are you okay?”
Now here you are, worrying about him too.
“Tch. I’m fine.” Katsuki said about to head where the dining area.
“Wait.” Y/n suddenly said and grab his wrist, causing him to look at her.
“It may be too much to say, but please. Don’t take Kazui away..”
Her eyes. It's always her eyes that he noticed. It's how she shows her true emotions through her eyes.
“Tch.” Katsuki tched and firmly let go of her grasp.
He stood motionless, slowly putting his other hand inside his pocket and then slightly turning his head behind so he can look at her. But he didn't say anything, instead, he walked away.
Y/n looked at his back sadly. She didn't know if that was approved or not. But she tried not to get it inside her head. She took the last two plates from the counter and places them on the dining table where Katsuki and Kazui were now sitting on their own chairs.
The dinner went well. From Kazui’s rambling, and spilling food everywhere to Katsuki scolding Kazui to not spill the food everywhere and you, just smiling and chuckling, watching the father and son interaction.
After dinner, Kazui was watching TV whilst Y/n clean up the dining table. Unexpectedly, Kastuki suddenly appeared, helping her.
“No, no. It's fine. You're my guess-
“Shut up,” Katsuki mumbled going to the sink and started washing the dishes.
“B-bakugou.” You tried to stop him but he just blocked you from going closer to the sink.
“I said shut up. Wipe the table.” Katsuki threw a soaked tablecloth to Y/n’s face. Noticing it hit her face, Katsuki smirked. But soon turned into a laugh when he saw you pouting.
“Bakugou.” You pouted but threw the cloth back at him, hitting him on his face as well, earning you a laugh.
Katsuki growled in this. “You little shit.” When the cloth slid off reveals his annoyed yet playful face. “Come back here!”
When Y/n saw Katsuki took a step, you also took off. Both adult running around the house while Kazui watched in delight, laughing.
It was now 10 pm in the evening.
The sleeping Kazui was carried by Katsuki as he left the Y/n’s who were following him behind.
You followed them all the way to their car where you saw Katsuki settle Kazui into his own car seat, making sure that the belt was fastened and closing the door.
“Have a safe travel, Bakugou.” Y/n smiled as she watches Katsuki made his way to the driver’s seat.
But before Katsuki get inside, he looked at Y/n who was looking back at him curiously. “There’s a bag I left in your apartment. Go inside.” Katsuki said tilting his head in the direction of her apartment. “It's dangerous at this hour. You don't have to see us off.” He added.
“T-thank you.” You mumbled, slightly blushing.
“Ha? Tf are you thanking me for? I should be the one doing that.” Katsuki slightly pouts. “I said go.”
“Y-yes.” You stuttered. “G-goodnight, Bakugou.” You smiled slowly turning away.
Once you entered your apartment, you heard the engine start and gradually, the sound drifted away.
Y/n smiled to herself. She didn't expect Katsuki to have his playful side as well. She thought he was all serious.
Once she locked her front door. Y/n was about to leave the living room when she saw the bag Katsuki was talking about.
She blinked at it curiously as she approached it. When she opened it, she saw a bunch of fruits and flowers and a small note with writing saying thank you. She smiled softly as she read this.
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waitingonher · 2 months
ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ korra and her love languages
i. korra whose love language is physical touch. korra whose love language is physical touch because she finds solace in the warmth of your touch. 
if she could, korra would spend the rest of her life like this, with you nestled in her arms as the sun rises to paint republic city in hues of oranges and pinks. there’s nothing like waking up to a beautiful girl next to a beautiful sunrise. korra lays there silently, playing with a strand of your hair. 
in about an hour, she has to carry the weight of the avatar, but right now in this quiet corner of the world, korra wants nothing more than to just be ‘(y/n)’s girlfriend.’ and so she does. 
her eyes roam over your figure, drinking it all in. how did i get so lucky? from your cascading hair, to your plump lips, to your soft hands that just seem to flawlessy fit in her own, korra never knew it was possible to be this perfect. all her life people have only seen her as just the avatar, but you were the first to see her as just korra. you were the first to treat her as if she wasn’t some expendable end all be all to the world's problems. 
“(y/n),” korra starts, the back of her hand grazing your cheek. her voice is barely above a whisper, “i know i don’t say it as much as i should, but you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. i love you so much and i-”
beep. beep. beep.
“stupid alarm.” she mutters, reaching to shut it off.  
with a soft groan, your eyes flutter open slowly, the warmth of korra's touch lingering on your skin. as consciousness filters in, you feel the strong arms of your girlfriend pulling you close. 
“good morning, baby,” she whispers, placing gentle kisses on your forehead. 
with a contented sigh, you gaze up at korra, smoothing out her tousled hair, “mm, good morning.” 
she chuckles at your groggy voice before placing a final kiss on your crown. making efforts to rise from her position, she untangles herself from the bedsheets, “i’ll get the tea going. we’ve got a busy day ahead of us,” she sighs. 
“korra,” you draw out her name. reaching for her arm, you gently tug on the sleeve of her pajamas, a silent plea for her to stay, “please my love, stay. ten more minutes?” 
you flash her your signature puppydog eyes, your lips pulled downwards, eyes widened. and as easily as that, korra’s resolve falters. how can she say no to you? especially when you look so beautiful, your tired eyes looking up at her so sweetly and your open arms inviting her back to the comfort of your touch. 
“well…” she gives you that saccharine smile you’ve always been fond of, and that’s when you know you’ve got her, “i guess the world can wait another hour for their avatar.” 
and she climbs back into bed.
ii. korra whose love language is quality time. korra whose love language is quality time because amongst all of her avatar duties, she'll always want to come home to you.
the arctic hen sizzles beautifully on the pan as you take in the fragrant aroma of the kitchen. it’s savory from the arctic hen, yet delicately sweet from the cookies in the oven. you dance around, tending to the sea prune stew and seaweed stir fry. checking the clock, it reads 6:46pm, serving as a gentle reminder of korra’s anticipated return by 7:00pm. 
everything is perfect. 
after all, it is korra’s birthday. it has to be perfect. 
you begin plating everything, attempting to replicate the elegant plating from a mover that you had watched over the weekend. a little smear of sauce. some accent dots. and finally…seaweed flakes for garnish. clapping your hands together, you take a step back from the dining room table, admiring your hard work. as if on cue, you hear the front door slide open. 
“babe, i’m home! wow it smells really go-”
“happy birthday, my love!" you exclaim, catching korra off guard as you dash over and envelop her in a tight embrace. stepping back slightly, you tenderly sweep a stray lock of hair behind her ear, your eyes overflowing with affection. leaning in once more, you share a deep, heartfelt kiss, your whispered words carrying the weight of your emotions. "i love you so much, korra.”
she swears she’ll never get used to you doing that, her rapid heartbeat a testament to that. korra chuckles, her hands finding purchase on your waist, “i love you too. now, what smells so good?” 
her gaze wanders the kitchen, taking in the familiar sights, as you gently grasp her hands, guiding her toward the dining room. as korra enters, a gasp escapes her lips, and she feels a rush of emotion at the sight before her. the table is adorned with an array of dishes, each one a cherished memory from her childhood, meticulously prepared with love.
with a sheepish smile, you guide her to the two wooden chairs at the table, “now i know it’s not a lot. but i asked your mom for the recipes so i hope you like-”
korra shuts you up with a kiss. her hands again find their way to your hips, holding you. and by the look in her eyes, you know that she's been needing this. korra knows she’s never exactly been the best with words, so she hopes you understand what she’s trying to say, “(y/n), it’s perfect.” 
you lean into her side, a sigh of relief escaping you, “oh good, i was so worried you’d hate it.” 
your girlfriend turns to you, an expression of disbelief painted on her face, “what? babe, i’d love it even if you were a bad cook.” 
“what about the time i burned the seal jerky?”
“okay maybe that’s the exception. how do you even burn jerky?” 
“hey! you were distracting me!”
iii. korra whose love language is acts of service. korra whose love language is acts of service because when she’s not out there saving the world, she’s making sure her baby is taken care of. 
if there were a competition for the worst worst day ever, today’s events would take the cake. first, you and korra totally overslept, thus causing you to be late to your crucial work meeting. after a solid ten minutes of your boss’s scolding, of course, your coworker just had to call out sick, and just like that, you had to complete his portion of the work project. oh and for the cherry on top, your favorite lunch spot was inexplicably closed. 
today was not your day, you conclude. 
with a heavy heart, you trudge homeward, with nothing but your bothersome chores in mind. fold the laundry, dust the shelves, reorganize the desk…each task more dismaying than the last.
unlocking the front door, your ears are met with the quiet melody of an upbeat jazz tune. that’s strange. there’s never really music playing unless you’re home. then you’re greeted by naga, her gargantuan head nuzzling your side. and it’s even stranger, usually korra’s the first to welcome you home, “naga,” you stroke the top of her head, white fur as fluffy as always, “where’s korra?” 
the polar bear dog offers you a hushed bark as her nose points you to your shared bedroom, “thanks girl.” 
you find the door closed, the music resonating softly from the room. as the door swings open, you’re met with korra precariously balancing on her tippytoes, diligently dusting the shelves. the rest of the room seems to be spotless, the laundry basket empty and your desk absolutely pristine. 
at the sound of your voice, your girlfriend whirls around, almost surprised, “(y/n)! hi! you’re home early.” 
you chuckle, her crooked smile on display, “yeah, i spilled stew on my pants so i got to go home,” you gesture to the brown stain on your thigh, “but wait, wasn’t i supposed to do all of this? you only had to do the dishes and clean the bathrooms.”
“yeah, i know,” she lilts. korra’s grin widens as she hops down from the wooden stool, meeting you where you stand. her hands come up to rest on your waist and she plants a sweet kiss on your lips, “but i did them all anyways.” 
your astonishment quickly melts into gratitude. maybe today isn’t as bad as you had thought, “but…but when did you even have the time? didn’t you have to meet with the city council?” 
korra nods, savoring your reaction, “mhm, but they cancelled, so i came home and got a head start on everything. and plus, i wanted you to come home and not have to do anything for once. i know how much stress your work has been putting on you recently.” 
as you stand there, taking in the scene before you, another wave of gratitude washes over you. tears begin to well in your eyes, a floodgate opened by the weight of the day's trials and tribulations, mingling with a profound sense of appreciation for your girlfriend. korra knows all too well what you’re feeling—what it's like when the dam breaks. once more, she pulls you into her tight embrace, sturdy arms enclosing your waist.
“i’m sorry,” you begin, attempting to hold your tears back. korra gives you a sympathetic smile, “i’m happy, i promise. it’s just…everything today was such a big mess. so, thank you.” 
“it’s no biggie, babe,” korra states, her hands gingerly wiping away your tears. she places a soft kiss on each tear stained cheek before taking hold of your hand, leading you out to the living room, “bolin’s new mover is out. wanna give it a watch?” 
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d3adp00ls · 7 months
Omg what if Vanessa x reader where they are married and they have a nice slow day where they are on ther periods or something and are super clingy and touchy and make cake or something
Heart To Heart
Vanessa (fnaf movie) x reader
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Summary: See request
Contents: Pure fluff like seriously I’m single and writing this shit made me feel lonely, periods, so that means talk of blood, Vanessa is literally me in the beginning, food fights, attempt at baking, tickle fight, kisses, i want someone like this.
Word count: Go to McDonalds and ask for a double quarter pounder with fries and chicken nuggets with bbq sauce, the cashier should then tell you what the word count is.
side note: I got carried away ngl and now it’s less of a period fic than it is just a goofy fluff fic and I’m sorry about that anon 😅if you don’t like this one feel free to request another period fic and I can definitely try again. ALSO, I WAS LISTENING TO HEART TO HEART BY MAC DEMARCO ON REPEAT WHILE WRITING THIS, AND ISTG THAT SONG MAKES ME FEEL THINGS!!
Side note #2: I hate cake…I STILL WROTE ABOUT CAKE THO CUZ I KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT (kudos to my older sister for teaching me when I was younger)…but I hate it it tastes like dirt with frosting on it I never liked it. ALSO AS YOU CAN SEE HOW USED MY BIG BRAIN AND REALIZED I COULD NAME THE STORY AFTER THE SONG I PLAYED ON REPEAT LIKE A GENIUS.
The warm sunlight poured in through the windows, casting a gentle glow over you and Vanessa as you snuggled in your shared bed. Your bodies were entwined beneath the soft covers, and as the light stirred you awake, you nuzzled your face into Vanessa's chest. She responded by pulling you closer and resting her head on top of yours. Just as you were about to drift back to sleep, a loud noise jolted you both awake. With puzzled expressions, you sat up and looked at the bedside table where the noise was coming from.
"Did you forget to turn off your alarm?" you asked, watching as Vanessa reached over to turn it off.
"I must have," she groaned, hitting the alarm button to silence it.
You got out of bed, ready to start your day. Vanessa watched as you gathered a towel, one of her oversized shirts, and some comfortable clothing before she spoke up.
"Where are you going?" she asked, still sounding sleepy.
"I'm going to freshen up, I feel like I've bled all over the sheets," you replied, your voice slightly hoarse from just waking up.
Vanessa hummed in response, rearranging the sheets you had been lying on. She looked up at you with a concerned expression.
"There's no blood, my love," she reassured you, causing you to smile at her thoughtfulness.
"Still, I think it would be best if I shower now," you said with a hint of amusement. Vanessa moved to sit on your side of the bed and reached out for you to come closer.
"Please, can you stay in bed a little longer? If you happen to bleed, I'll clean it up," she pleaded, her voice still muffled from burying her face in your stomach.
"I don't want to get up right now," she whined, and you couldn't help but giggle at her adorable pout.
"It's already 12 pm, love. We've already missed half the day," you reminded her, causing her to groan.
"So what? We've worked hard all week, we deserve these few days off," she argued, crossing her arms and looking at you with a defeated expression.
"That's true," you agreed with a soft smile. You took a step back, causing her to let go of you, and she pouted even more.
"But you know what else is fun to do when we're both on our monthly cycle?" you asked, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"What?" Vanessa grunted, her arms still crossed.
"Taking a shower and baking a cake with the person you love most," you said, watching as her eyes widened in surprise.
"But if you'd rather stay in bed all day, that's fine too," you added with a shrug, before turning and walking towards the bathroom. You could hear Vanessa rustling around in the bedroom before she ran after you with a cheeky smile.
"I thought you wanted to sleep in," you teased, looking at her playfully as you took off your shirt.
"I wanted to sleep in with you. Plus, I don't want to leave you alone while you shower," she said, giving you a kiss on the cheek before undressing alongside you.
"Oh totally," you replied with a laugh, turning on the water in the shower.
"Okay, so now we need four room-temperature eggs that have been separated," Vanessa calls out to you as you grab the eggs from the counter and a bowl.
"Wait, separated? Do you mean in different bowls?" you ask, looking at the eggs and the one bowl you had taken out.
Vanessa laughs and you look up at her, confused. She shakes her head with a smile and puts down the baking book she was reading from before moving to stand behind you.
"No, my love, separatied means separating the yolk from the egg whites. Can you hand me an egg?" she playfully whispers in your ear.
You hand her an egg and she stands next to you, cracking it against the counter and separating the yolk from the egg white by passing it between the two shells until only the yolk remains.
"See? It's not that difficult," she says with a smile, breaking you from your trance. You return the smile and say, "Yeah, I've got this."
As you continue to separate the eggs and put them in the bowl, Vanessa moves around the kitchen, preparing the other ingredients.
"Done!" you exclaim, looking at Vanessa. She curses under her breath and you drop the empty egg shells in shock. Vanessa had accidentally dropped the flour on her head while reaching for it on the top shelf. You cover your mouth to stifle the laugh that wants to escape as you watch her.
"Baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I was just excited to do this right and-" Before you can finish apologizing, Vanessa throws the rest of the flour on you, causing you to gasp in surprise. You stand in shock as she laughs.
"Nessa! What the hell?" you exclaim, surprised. Vanessa continues to laugh as you grab one of the egg yolks from the counter and smear it on her face. She stops laughing as you rub the yolk on her face, then wipes it away to look at you with a playful glare.
"Now you're in trouble," she says, grabbing the rest of the yolks and smushing them on your face. You groan and wipe the yolk off, spitting out any that got into your mouth.
Vanessa continues to laugh as you complain about the yolk in your mouth. She runs to get towels and two glasses of water before returning and handing you a towel. You wipe your face and apologize for laughing, then pick up one of the glasses of water and pour it on Vanessa's head, causing her to gasp and close her eyes.
"Y/n!" she shouts, and you laugh as you run away. Vanessa wipes her face with her sleeve before chasing after you and tackling you onto the couch.
"Hey, stop! You're going to get the couch wet and dirty," you say, laughing as she tickles you. Vanessa finally stops and walks away for a moment, giving you time to catch your breath. But before you can, she comes back with the other glass of water. You try to protest, but she throws the water on you before you can finish. You groan as she giggles and says, "Now we're even."
"Let's go finish this cake," Vanessa says, laughing as she walks back to the kitchen. You call out that you'll get her back and fall back onto the now-wet couch, not caring if it gets any dirtier.
You lay snuggled up against Vanessa on the couch as an old romance show played on the television. She had her arms wrapped around you as you picked at the remnants of cake on your plate, gazing absentmindedly at the TV. Vanessa's lips snapped you out of your daydream as she planted a soft kiss on your head, causing you to smile and look up at her.
"Hi," you say with a smile, and she smiles back before nodding towards the plate in your hand.
"Are you going to finish that?" she asks, and you look down at the plate before shaking your head and playing with the plastic fork.
"Nah, do you want the last bite?" you offer, looking back up at her. She nods eagerly, and you hand her the plate.
"Can you feed it to me, though?" she asks with a mischievous glint in her eye. You raise an eyebrow, wondering what she's up to, but ultimately nod and move to straddle her. As you hand her the fork, she grabs your leg and pulls it over her waist, holding onto your waist as you lean down to feed her the last bite of cake.
"This is extra, you could have just taken the plate from me," you comment, slightly annoyed but unable to hide your smile.
"I know, but you look cute when you're flustered," Vanessa teases, smirking up at you. You playfully roll your eyes before planting a quick kiss on her lips.
"Let's go shower now," you say, trying to get up, but Vanessa's grip on your waist tightens.
"One more kiss," she pleads, and you sigh, knowing she won't let you go until you comply. You give her a tight-lipped smile before leaning down to give her another quick kiss, but she surprises you by deepening the kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth. You moan against her lips as you taste the cake on her tongue.
As the kiss intensifies, you feel Vanessa's hand move from the back of your head to rest on your cheek, and she breaks the kiss, her thumb lightly tracing your bottom lip. You catch your breath, looking down at her with a dazed expression.
"Do you still want to shower?" she asks with a playful glint in her eye, and you shyly nod, hiding your face in the crook of her neck.
"But we should take one together to save water," you suggest, your voice muffled against her skin. Vanessa hums in agreement, her voice teasing as she replies, "Sure, just because you want to save water."
You can't help but smile against her neck as you lift your head to look at her with a mock serious expression.
"Vanessa, that's gross. We both have our periods," you say, feigning disgust at what she was suggesting. But Vanessa just shrugs, not fazed by your comment.
"So what?" she replies with a smirk, and you can't help but laugh at her nonchalant response.
Tbh idk if this is short or long but I can tell you it sucks ass but I’m so fucking tired with school and shit I got lazy at the ending and I’m so sorry abt that 😭 I promise future fics won’t be this ass.
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emmyrosee · 11 months
Admittedly, Akaashi is an extremely forgetful man.
Scatterbrained, he prefers to call it, says it’s from a few too many volleyballs accidentally aimed at his skull from his old teammates, and he’s adamant it’s not because he’s just plain forgetful.
He picks up pans and trays that are fresh from the oven, unsurprisingly getting burned. He doesn’t know which anniversary you celebrate -meeting, officially dating or when he proposed- and he asks you every time one of those dates rolls around if you want to celebrate it. He has no clue what he did with the good set of pens you bought him for his birthday, and he becomes furious whenever he tries to think of where they may have gone.
He says they probably got stolen at work. He knows you know better.
But there is a few things Keiji remembers like the back of his hand- like how when he’s on his way home, you asked him to pick up some soy sauce for dinner. And, when you’re mad, he knows that if you’re emotional, you want ice cream, and physical, you want flowers.
He knows your shoe size, the names of the members of your family, the toppings you like on pizza and crackers, how you take your coffee and what time you want him to wake you up in the morning, even as you swat at him to go away.
Keiji knows when you want him to listen, or when you need advice, he knows which of his shirts are your favorite so they’re readily available for you to steal. He knows what spot you prefer on the couch when you watch tv, and he knows exactly how to make everything in your every day life just a little bit easier to navigate.
And Keiji isn’t above reminding himself of these things as you stare, amused across the table, as he digs around his backpack for his phone to show you the incredibly friendly dog he passed on the train home to you.
“I swear I had it,” he grumbles.
You offer him a shrug, “maybe you left it on the train.”
“God, please don’t put it out in the universe,” he nearly whines, bluest of eyes looking up at the ceiling in worry. “Can you please call it for me?”
“Sure!” With that, you take out your phone and immediately call his, his digging hands only pausing to answer the phone ringing just on the other side of his dinner plate.
He, of course, in true Keiji fashion, answers it swiftly, with a brow cocked at you. “Why are you calling me?”
You smile and shake your head lovingly, “found your phone.”
“Where-“ he cuts himself off before hanging up and burying his face in his hands, realizing just how ridiculous the scene must have looked. “Oh.”
“Yeah oh,” you tease, and you laugh at the expense of his reddening cheeks and the groan he lets out behind his hands.
Scatterbrained, sure. He’d probably lose his head if it wasn’t attached to him.
But he’s always grateful to have you bring what’s lost, back to him.
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russellsppttemplates · 3 months
Omg the dad Oscar blurb was sooo cute can we have one of him being in the house with the kids on his own like his first full day of being in charge and the kids are like maybe we should ask mum when something doesn’t work out
Note: thank you for taking the time to leave a tiny message 🫶
"Can we play outside, daddy?", Lucas asked as he stepped into the living room with a football on his hand. It was the first full day that you had gone back to work after having baby Jack, and because Oscar was home still, he said he wouldn't mind being on his own with the boys.
Currently, he was lulling Jack to sleep, the little boy snuggled on his chest with the help of the sling carefully strapped around their bodies, "I'm putting the baby to sleep, buddy, how about I watch you score some goals on the net from here?", he suggested, knowing that moving around before he fell into deep sleep wasn't ideal and ensuring that he wouldn't wake up.
Lucas nodded as he went to the garden, putting on some shoes and kicking the ball on the grass.
"You could fall asleep too, you know?", Oscar touched his youngest son's cheek softly as big, wide open hazel eyes looked at him, "How is it that you keep me and mummy up all night and then don't sleep during the day either? It's time to sleep, little fella, yes it is", he cooed, tapping his back gently and walking around the decking, nodding and flashing a thumbs up at Lucas whenever he scored a goal.
By lunchtime, Oscar had managed to put Jack down for a nap, and considering the baby had been sleeping for just Iver twenty minutes, he had plenty of time to have some alone time with Lucas, keeping an eye on the baby through the monitor.
"Does pasta sound good?", Oscar asked the young boy, "yes, please!", he smiled, "with tomato sauce and cheese!".
Oscar giggled and got started on cooking, letting the pasta boil and grabbing one of the frozen jars of sauce you had batch cooked a few weeks ago for moments like these. Once it was all underway, he got back to the living room and helped Lucas with his Lego blocks, "I want to make a garage like yours", he smiled as he gathered the orange, black and grey block, starting to build it as they watched Bluey on TV.
"Time's up for the pasta", Oscar said as he got up, "can we eat here, daddy, please?", Lucas pouted as best as he could to convince his to have lunch on the living room coffee table.
"Mummy doesn't like it when we eat here, and we're eating tomato sauce, if it falls on the carpet, it won't be good, Lucas", Oscar reasoned, "but I'll be extra careful, I promise!", he nodded as Oscar finally said yes.
When Oscar brought the plates to the table, the monitor showed a fussing Jack in his cot, "I'm going to get him, be careful with the food, okay?", Oscar warned as Jack sat as close to the table as he could to make sure he didn't let anything fall or drip where it wasn't supposed to.
"You're really going through some sleep regression, aren't you, cheeky boy?", Oscar said as Jack as wide awake when he got to the bedroom. Changing his diaper and stopping by the kitchen to get a bottle for your son, Oscar got back to the living room.
"I didn't spill anything, daddy, see?", Lucas showed him, the carpet white and the table clean as he had eaten half of his plate already, "Good job, buddy!".
He should've seen it coming, but he still trusted his reflexes. Turns out a couple of nights without sleeping properly really puts a dent on your skills as he watched Jack grab the fork on his plate only to let it fall on the cream pillow he had to support his legs, "uh-oh, mummy is not going to like that", Lucas whispered.
"This needs to go on the washing machine, now!", Oscar gasped, laying Jack on carpeted floor surrounded by some blankets and pillows just in case he decided he wanted to learn how to roll over and cause even more trouble than his father was already in.
"Stain remover, then wash liquid", Oscar mumbled as he read an online forum about tomato stain removal, dumping all the products on the washing machine before closing it and starting the cycle, "do you think it will work?", Oscar asked Lucas, "daddy really hopes it will work".
"Shouldn't we call mummy? Maybe she knows what to do", your son suggested, "if we remove the stain on our own, it will be fine. Mummy won't even need to know this happened".
A washing cycle later and another futile attempt at getting Jack to sleep on Oscar's chest, your three boys stood in front of the washing machine, the originally cream pillow now various shades of pink and red depending how far the spot you looked at was from the stain.
"Don't worry, daddy, mummy won't be mad at you", Lucas somewhat tried to comfort his father, rubbing his hand on his back.
The minute you set foot in the house, you called for your boys, "mummy!", Lucas ran to hug you, "how was your day, my love?", you asked, "did you get up to anything nice?", you asked as you made your way to the kitchen, stopping by the laundry room when you saw the light was on.
"Let me just - oh", you said as you looked at the pillow inside the dryer, "it's was not my fault, it was daddy who let it slip!", Lucas raised his arms, taking on the fully innocent role.
"It was Jack believe or not, sweetheart!", you heard your husband say as he approached, your baby boy on his hip.
Making grabby hands at him, you rested him on your hip and kissed his cheeks, "what did you do, little monkey?", you giggled.
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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