amylilly · 7 months
OKAY SO I DONT REALLY LIKE ASKING FOR HELP BUT LIKEE I KINDA NEED IT (also im shit at explaining sooo, sorry)
So anyone who reads sanders sides fanfics (or just in general) I NEED HELP FOR FINDING THIS ONE FANFIC THAT IS STUCK IN MY BRAIN AND IF I DONT READ IT IMA EXPLODE
My memory is kinda shit but ill try to recall as much as i can
the fanfic was about logan, patton, virgil, roman, and maybe thomas too?? getting kidnapped?? sucked into a game/rpg?? and they had to find some items to defeat the boss and stuff. I remember that they had weapons but idk what they were. i think one of them got their arm broken, and i think they were spilt for a bit (like 2-3 chapters if i remember correctly) i don’t remember how they escape exactly but i remember they woke up, talked about for a bit and went along with their days? i might be remembering wrong for some parts. The fanfic was on ao3 and it was multi-chapter. i think LAMP was also in the tags but idk
if anyone can find it lemme know please its been stuck in my head for days and i had no luck finding it so far.
and now ima head out bc i spent too long thinking about this fic and i really need to do my homework like rn
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ravereina · 3 months
“Hear me out on Akaza!”
“Hear me out on Gyutaro!!”
Hear me out on Kokushibo.
Notice how everyone is quiet.
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kosalot · 2 months
Emo Rain, send twt
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magg0t-king · 2 months
Clickholding guy kinda 😋
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ya-what--ya-erster · 9 months
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Guilty pleasure: bsd gacha reaction videos...
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kil9 · 2 years
has anyone translated the sirius visual commentary (full 2 hour version not the 2 minute preview) into english im going insane
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hoplessromanticdreams · 11 months
I want love, I just cant get it
Honestly, I don't know' what romantic love from another person feels like. The only love that I feel like I have received was from my family and best friend. I have never been in a relationship with anyone, I have never been hit on, been confessed to, or have ever had anyone show genuine romantic feelings for me. But still I want to be loved by someone. Despite my lack of romantic knowledge; I still want to be loved. At this rate i feel so hopeless though, I figured since I'm at a new school now, and not somewhere where people have known you for years, that at least one person would want to even look my direction, or at least try to get to know me. But no. I'm aware I'm not the best looking person in the world, but I'm also not the worst.
I just don't know what to do at this point. I know not being in a relationship is not the end of the world, and that I have a family that loves and supports me. But just the simple act of someone choosing you out of thousands of people in this world to love. when someone is not obligated to hang out with you, when someone wants to sit down with you and talk for hours, because they are interested in you specifically.
In this video by Aisha Rae, at 20 minuets and 30 seconds
she says something that I find really resonates with me and my view of love. Aisha says "it is the act to choose someone who you do not need to, not by Blood not by association but the choice to choose someone that you have no connection with..."
Yes you can say love and support of family is all you need in life, but the action of loving and being loved by someone for who they are and not because you feel like you have to because they are related to you, seems like a dream and something I want and have been wanting so bad.
In short, I want to be loved. I want to give love. I want to be held tight, have sweet nothings whispered in my ear. I want to look into someone's eyes and just see pure love, I want someone to look into my eyes and see how much I love them. Someone I can share my first kiss with, go to football games with, someone to go to prom with. Someone i can have my dad embarrass me Infront of because I'm his first baby girl that he doesn't want to let go of.
But I don't have that.
and as much as I wish i do,
I probably wont have it for a while.
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evilsliceofbread · 1 year
Form is for brick and mortar (or non home schooled) folks to take. I need some statistics plz :)
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margoisthemoon2 · 1 year
Hate // Miguel O’Hara x Spiderpunk x reader smut w/ plot
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Word count: Idk I wasn’t keeping track but this is very long.
Warning. Smut. Fingering. Eating out. Rough. PIV sex. Porn w/ plot. Unprotected sex.
Note: OC is 20-22. Miguel is in his 30s. Hobie is 19-21. This story takes place before ATSV. Contains a bit of spoilers. If you haven’t watched the movie then idk what to say, just don’t get mad at me lol. Ummm I haven’t wrote smut in a while so bare with me plz. Also OC is black because i am and there needs to be more representation. Oc can look like whatever you want them to look like but i put height/weight in there already. Okay im sorry im done. Go read!!!!
Let’s do this one last time.
Hey I’m spider woman or more so called Spider Riot. I’m 5’11, 130lbs. I was bitten by a radioactive spider. And for 4yrs I’ve been the one and only spider woman of New York on Earth 1214. A year ago I was pulled into the spider-verse. Invited by Jessica Drew and taught by her also. Lets get to the real story.
My best bud and rocker; Hobie Brown or as i call him, Hobs. We met a few months into me being in the verse. Our similar style and life made us super close super fast and we have been inseparable since. “Hey hobs have you seen my guitar pic?” I asked. We was getting ready to rehearse a song and I was desperately looking for my red and black pik i had just a few minutes ago. “Why are you asking me its your stuff” Hobie says lazily strumming on his guitar. I look at him with an annoyed expression. “Wow your really no help you know that?” I say reaching under a couch digging around for my stuff “good” He says reaching behind him “is this it lad” he says holding up my exact pic “ah yes!! Thanks hobs” i say reaching for it and him pulling his hand farther away from my reach. “Gotta give me a kiss first” he says with a smirk on his face “Hardy har har give it hobs” i says snatching it from his hands “i just wanted to know if you would actually do it” he says walking to the back of our rehearsal room. I know that he likes me but I just don’t feel the same. He is a great guy and all but i have my eyes set on someone else… Miguel O’Hara. Miguels was a authoritative 6’7 man who i couldn’t help but fall for.
After rehearsal I, Hobie and a few other bandmates was hanging out in the living area chatting. It was getting late. I do a big yawn and stands up “looks like it’s my time to bounce guys” i say heading towards the door “ill come with you to make sure you get home safely” hobie goes and we both head out the door into the cool night air. We walk into an alleyway and i get out my watch and type in my destination, a portal opens up lighting up the area. “Same time tomorrow?” Hobie goes leaning against a wall “you betcha” i say stepping a foot into the portal. “Actually i need you both at HQ” a hologram of jess pops up behind hobie. “Its late and people have jobs” hobie goes turning around “and those people are not you or her” jess says looking over at me “Get over here asap its important” and with that Jessica’s hologram goes away and i sign “well I guess we have other plans” i go typing in Nueva York destination and Me and Hobie step in disappearing. We arrive at HQ and i immediately goes to throw up into the nearest trashcan. “I will always say this. I. Hate. Portal. Traveling.” I say a sick look on my face. “Well you go to and from my place all the time” hobie goes shoving me a but with his elbow, “yeah because I actually like you and your fun” i go poking his nose the sick feeling leaving my body as we arrive to Miguels ‘office’. We wait what seems like an eternity for miguel platform to lower to us. “By the gods i hate this” I whisper to hobie “I can hear you” Miguel goes as soon as his platform stops. He turns towards us. “How many times do I have to warn you both to cut it out with the constant traveling between earths” He says “In the past 6mths you both have totaled over 12,000 travels. Hobie more than Moxie” Miguel goes pinching the bridge of his nose and putting a hand on his hip. “Where are you going so much hobs” I jokingly say, hobie side eyed me “don’t worry ’bout it” he goes and looks back at Miguel. We watch as Miguel blabbers on about being a superhero and being more responsible. “You are dismissed” Miguel says we both turn around to walk away “Except for you Moxie” He says running a hand over his face. Hobie winks at me and walks away with jess. “What did i do now your highness?” I go rolling my eyes. When i focus back in miguel is standing in front if me. Close enough to reach up and touch. I look up making eye contact with him and feeling smaller than ever under his large frame. “Do you know that hobie is mainly going to your earth?” He says, i talk a gulp of air “No I didn’t. Why are you bringing it up?” I ask taking a step back, miguel puts both hands on his hips “I think you should find out for yourself. And please…please be safe Mox. You two might be friends but who knows what that kid is up to” Miguel goes pointing out into the distance. “Yeah…yeah ill keep an eye out. Thanks” i say feeling a small tingling in my cheeks. I turn to leave, looking back and seeing Miguel walking back to his platform. “Miguel being worried for me…..strange” i think seeing Hobie sitting down and kicking up his feet. We wave at eachother and i do a small run over.
I wake up in a sweat. The dream i just had was so weird and strange. It was miguel and me in a relationship. Laughing. Happy. Drinking coffee. “I hate coffee” I whisper to myself and remembering the numbers i saw in that dream 199786. I slip on my spider suit. Black and red mask with long sleeve arm covers. Cropped red leather jack and half full black and red plaid skirt with thigh high combat boots. Jumping out of my open window and swinging to the rook of my building pulling out my hidden radio, listening to my next thing to do.
After fighting off a villain and rescuing a few kittens from too tall trees im finally free. But the numbers 199786 wont leave my mind. Out of curiosity i Type it into my watch and a portal opens up. Surprised I listen to my radio one more time….silence. I shut it off stepping into the portal and flying away. I land into a version of new york. But not my new york. It’s more minimal and cleaner. I’m on the rook of what would be my building in my earth. And look down and the person i don’t expect to see is… Miguel. I swing down. Hiding behind a car as i watch him enter a corner coffee shop. I look up at the business name Ceces Coffee Cafe. This place closed in my world tears ago. I continued watching running to hid behind a neatly trimmed bush looking through the window at miguel or at least a version of him. This Miguel looks more happy with life and a gleam to his eyes. I watch as he orders a coffee the server face is hidden behind a hat and then they look up…. ME. The server is me. I’m working here and talking to Miguel. “Hey are you okay?” I hear a voice behind me and turn around to see a lady reaching to touch my shoulder. I jump back and swing away to a rooftop. Can’t believing my eyes. I open a portal back to my world. Taking another look back and see Miguel leaving the cafe with a big smile on his face and a coffee in his hand. I quickly exit and land back to my world. I cant tell anyone.
It’s been a few months and every 2-3 weeks I visit ‘myself’ at the shop. Seeing miguel come in and order the same coffee. Its the 4th time ive come to this earth and im sitting in the shop using a black mask and a hat to cover my face a features. Miguel enters and goes right up to ‘me’ and orders. But instead of walking to wait for his coffee he does something else.
“Hey so i know i come here alot and fet the same thing but… i was wondering if you would be interested in grabbing dinner with me sometime” Miguels goes rubbing the back of his neck nervously
The version of me does a small chuckle. “Actually I would like that”
My eyes widen as i watch them exchange numbers and Miguel grabs his coffee and leaves. I quickly gets up and leaves. Turning a corner into an alleyway and opening up a portal. My heart is beating fast and hard. I jump into the portal and land in my room on my bed. Doing a sequel of excitement. “Omg I can’t believe Im going on a date with Miguel o’hara. Well a version of me but STILL” i say to myself. “What are you losing your wits for?” I hear a familiar voice say in my doorway. I look up. Hobie. “Hobs when did you get here?” I say sitting up. “Don’t worry ‘bout it” he says and looks up “where ya go?” He questions leaning against the doorway. “Don’t worry about it” i shoot back at him. He rolls his eyes and walks away into the living room. I follow behind sitting on the couch and watch as he perch himself on my coffee table. “So I’ve been thinking. We work great together” he goes. “Yeah we work pretty good beating bad guys” i say laying down onto the rest of the couch “yea, we’d look even betta together” he says looking at me. I look around and back at him “look hobs. You’re a really good friend and all but im waiting for someone” i say leaning up on my elbows to look at him more. “And that someone will never be ready for you. Why wait when im right here for you now” he goes i sit up fully “it can’t happen hobie. Im sorry. We just do-“ i get cut off from Hobie rushing over and kissing me. The kiss was soft with a little urgency. The cold metal of his lip piercing causing me to shiver a bit. “What was that again?” Hobie goes. I look at him still processing everything. Hobie leans in kissing down my neck. I put a hand on his shoulder “no please let me show you how much i care” He goes and looks at me. We make eye contact and i nod my head. Hobie moves down to the floor. And gently spreads my legs as he plants kisses along my underwear through my skirt. I let out a small gasp when I feel his tongue pushing into my underwear and into my area. I watch as his head comes up and we stare into eachother eyes as he pulls off my underwear. He lowers back in and continues to kiss my area. Eventually he sticks his tongue in and uses a free hand to rub my clit. I gasp and let out a small moan. “Youre so wet” i do a small hum as he proceeds to lick and suck my area. His left hand that was previously on my thigh grabs a boob and massages it for a bit before it goes down and two fingers plunge into my softly. I let out another moan. “Yeah you like that right?” The sounds of his sucking and my wetness fills the room. I’m getting close snd his fingers picks up the pace a little faster. “There we go” he says and i arch my back and do a not so loud moan. He kisses between my legs and removes his fingers. Getting a paper towel to wipe them clean. I’m panting looking up at the ceiling. “What have i done?” I think to myself. I quickly put on my underwear and hobie is walking back to me. “What ya thi-“ he says before i cut him off “go” i say “what? I-“ he stutters “JUST GO HOBIE. Please. I need time to process this” i say almost shouting at him. I hear a shuffle before a portal opens behind and he’s gone. I curl up into a ball and cry silently. Things are going to be so different from now on. Slowly i drift into sleep. Somehow my tear stained cheeks comfort me a bit.
“Hey. HEY WAKE UP!!” I shot up from my sleep jessica’s holographic voice yelling at me. “Yeah! Yeah! What is it?” I ask yawning and rubbing my eyes. Looking up at her. “Miguel wants you at HQ” she says crossing her arms. “Okay, okay just let me get ready and ill be out there” i say getting up “yeah yeah. Shuuutt up” she says before leaving.
I arrive at HQ doing my usual throwing up my insides and talking to a few spiders. Eventually I arrive. “You called miguel” i say kinda afraid of why im here “yeah. Jess leave the room and shit the door make sure noone comes in…or out” his eyes shoot me a glare. I gulp and watch jess leaves. Miguel stands and looks at me “how are your portal travels?” He says “umm good good. Haven’t really been going anywhere except for hobies place” i say playing with my hands “really. Because i see you’ve been going to a unusual PLACE!!” Miguel says and jump down from his platform. “Umm what you mean?” I say taking a step back “you know exactly what I mean” he says walking up me me “Haha funny joke. Nice one you got me!!” I say nervously stepping back until my back hits a object and Miguel towers over me “Dont play dumb and stupid with me. What is earth 199786? And how do you know about it” he says “i don’t know. I’ve only been there a few times” i say “i saw it in a dream and it stuck with me” i say trying to move away. Miguel uses him arms to trap me in on both sides, he leans in closer, whispering in my ear “I know all about your little secret moxie” he says “You do?” I go shaking a bit. Both in fear and arousal. “Yeah and I know what you want” he goes. I feel his hand grab my waist as he pulls me closer to me. He pulls his head away and looks down at me. I gulp “you do?” I ask again “yeah. This!” He goes before he kisses me. In shock i push him off me. We stare at eachother for -5 seconds before i throw myself onto him and we continue kissing. I run my hands through his hair and he gives a small chuckle. “I work very hard on my hair” he goes as i bite down on his lip a bit and go “well looks like you’re gonna have to work hard again” we continue kissing and he starts using his hands to make me grind on his clothed member. I reach down to remove my underwear and immediately i feel his hand in between my legs. His thick long finger plunging into me “Youre so wet” he goes and i moan a little louder as he sucks on my neck. He removes his fingers putting them on his mouth sucking on what’s left of me. He takes my shirt and rip it open “don’t worry ill get you a nee one” he says into my ear. His suit retracts and he is bare in front of me. He taps my thigh a couple of times signaling me to jump up. I obliged he uses one hand to hold me up and the other to position himself. “This is going to hurt a bit sweetheart” slowly he moves into me. I wince a little from how big he is. He starts off slow. My juices covering his length now allowing him to slip in easier and faster. I moan loudly and bite his shoulder “Yeah you like that right?” He goes i lean my head back and we kiss. He start picking up the pace hammering into me. The feeling of his balls hitting my butt turns me on even more. I feel us moving as he walks over to a table like area and lays me down on it. Taking one leg and putting it on his shoulder and using a hand to cup my breast. The bee position allowing him to go deeper and faster. I put a hand on his bicep to hold myslef in place “oh god miguel faster” i say “There we go” he says as he lowers my leg and put both arms by my shoulders to hold me in place as he ruthlessly pounds into me. Our skin slapping rapidly and echoing in the large room. “Oh fuck. Miguel. Im close” i moan. He lowers himself onto me and rest his head in the corner of my neck, panting loudly and letting out few groans to curses. “Fuck!! I want to cum in you” He says as he wraps an arm around my waist and lifts me up a bit. The new position causing us both to moan and he sloppily kisses me. “Please do. Please miguel” i say in the heat of the moment. He looks at me to thrust into me a few times before I felt the warm rish of his cum paint my walls. I orgasmed and my legs shake he thrust into me slowly as we both come down from the intense moment. He slips off and kisses my forehead. “Go and shower I’ll go get you a new shirt” He goes as his suit materializes back onto him.
-The next day-
I happily skip into HQ to see miguel of course. Me and Hobie still haven’t talk but i plan to fix that. I see Miguel talking to jess and Ben and kiss him on the cheek. “Hey miggy” i say cheerfully He looks at me with cold eyes and back at jess and ben “excuse me for a moment” he gently shoves me out of earshot of the two “what the hell are you doing?” He asks “what you mean? Im just giving my future boyfriend a kiss” I giggle. He closes his eyes and sign’s before opening them again and looks at me. “Im not your future anything. We had a one night stand” he says looking away “what! No last night was very intimate. You made loved to me!” I go “No. i fucked you. I was stressed and you was there. Like i said i knew all about your visit to earth 199786. Those versions of ourselves dating. Well thats not going to happen between us okay, i filled your fantasy and you you helped me out” he says. He pats me on my shoulder before walking back to jess and ben. I felt the tears form and fall as I quickly typed in my home and left. Running to my room and into my bed crying into my pillow. “Im always here if you need me.” I hear behind me, i turn around, Hobie. “And im sorry for what i did. It was stupid and i wont ever do it again” he goes and sits on the edge of my bed. I sit up and hug him tight. “Im sorry for doing that to you hobs. You’re all I could ever ask for” i say He wraps his arms around me and I silently cry into his shirt, he says “Dont worry about it Big steppa. I could never hate you”
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Note: My thumb kinda hurts now. Anyways what you think? Should moxie stay with hobie or should she go back to Miguel who cant decide his feelings for anyone. Also did you pay attention to the smut details i did using the same words that hobie used with moxie and had Miguel also use them to get a different reaction from Moxie. Anyways. Dont steal. I only posted this fic on tumblr and nowhere else. I hope you enjoyed it. Rock on!
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hiii can I plz request a tangerine x soft/femreader where they’re on a cute date at a nice restaurant and they’re having a great time. Tangerine gets up to go use the restroom and while he’s gone some musty crusty dude who probably looks like a divorced Librarian walks up to reader and harasses her. Reader doesn’t know what to do since she’s more of the quiet and shy type and then tangerine (who is fuming when he sees some Walmart wearing dude yelling at his girlfriend) punches him and starts a fight. Meanwhile the reader trying to stop it cause her anxiety can’t take any more of this when the crusty dude accidentally ends up punching reader. Now she’s basically crying and tangerine quickly stops throwing hands and gets her out of there. (Obviously he’s gonna kill that guy some other time but yk he’s an amazing boyfriend so) then they get home, tangerine apologizes and takes care of reader, and she ends up falling asleep while cuddling w/ him.! Although tangerine is loving this moment they’re sharing, he can’t stop thinking about just how much pain he’s gonna inflict on the crusty dude. Sorry for this being so long and thanks! 😅
hii!! the way you described it made me giggle😭 i love stuff like this. thank you for requesting, hope you like it 💌
uncomfortable encounter
tangerine x f reader
wc: 1.2k
warnings: reader gets hits and hit on, little bit of violence- just him being protective for his girl
a/n: this was in my drafts, im not back from my break just yet. I just felt bad and wanted to give you all something
masterlist + rules
Every couple of weeks, Tangerine would take you out on a cute little date of your choice. He’d do the whole get-up; dressing up nice, buying you flowers, opening your door, anything to make you feel like a princess. He would always be chivalrous but during your dates, he’d go the extra mile to show you how much he loved and appreciated you.
For this date you had decided on a quaint pub by the river, specifically choosing it for its calm and serenity that Tangerine desperately needed after his week at work. Enjoying each other’s company as you both indulged on your dessert, chatting and sharing playful remarks throughout the entirety of the evening.
Everything was all flowing perfectly, you were gossiping about your job while you finished your drinks, both occasionally gazing out at the swan-filled stream that your table was overlooking.
He places down his glass and picks up your hand, pecking a sweet kiss on the back of it before excusing himself to the toilets. “I’ll be right back.”
“No problem.” You smile, taking another sip from your drink as you watch him walk away.
Turning your attention to the bay window, looking out at the view, your eyes darting as they watch over the birds and wildlife.
“That was quick.” You grin, turning around when you feel a presence behind you. “I’m sorry— I thought you were someone else.” You wryly smile as you apologised to the stranger.
“No problem, sweet cheeks.” He grins, causing a shudder-like feeling over your whole body. “Feeling lonely?”
You didn’t enjoy talking, especially if it was to a stranger that made you feel wildly uncomfortable. You didn’t really know how to respond, just awkwardly smiling as you try to distract yourself by playing with your straw.
“You not like me or something? … that’s not what your lips are telling me.” Nodding down to your mouth, noticing the way you were biting the bottom lip. You weren’t biting them provocatively, it was just something you did when you were anxious, harmlessly chewing on your bottom lip to deter you from thinking about your nerves.
“You’re cute.” He smirks, brushing over his greasy hair. “Let me buy you a drink, and maybe the more you drink… the more you might wanna come home with me.” Stroking over the sleeves of your upper arm, staring down at you.
Flinching at his uncalled touch, waiting impatiently for your boyfriend to return.
The man trails his dirty hands over the fabric, breathing heavily with his mouth open, itching his stubby fingers lower.
You felt stuck, it was as if you were paralysed in fear. When you hear the familiar voice of Tangerine yell “Oi” from across the pub, it felt like you could finally breathe again. “What the fuck you doing?” He grits, yanking on the back of the man’s collar to pull him away.
“Hey, man. Nothing. She was practically begging for it.” He groans, stroking his throat.
“Excuse me?” Tangerine grimaces, his eyes displaying nothing but fury as he looked at the man. “What did you just say?” His words were slow and taunting.
“Nothing— nothing.” He stammers, trying to back away.
You knew where this was heading, you’d seen this a dozen times before. You could tell by your boyfriend’s furrowed brows and contorted face that he was about to do something. Something aggressive.
“Say it again.” He whispers, his demeanour nothing but cold and rigid. “Go on.” Provoking him as he tightens his grip on the man’s t-shirt.
“N—no.” Shaking his head, looking at you with hateful eyes.
He grips the man’s face, holding his cheeks tight as he forces his gaze away from you. “And why’s that?”
“What you gonna do? Huh? Cause a bigger scene? We’re in a pub for fucks sake.” He snarks, his features suddenly shift and grow taunting.
Tangerine takes the bait and lands a firm solid punch to the side of the man’s face. Hitting him repeatedly until the man stumbles back, flailing his erratic arms as he landed unsuccessful strikes on your boyfriend.
“Hey.” You say softly, looking nervously around the room. Eyes dart between the two in fear as you make a step towards them, speaking a little louder than before. “Come on, that’s enough.”
The man momentarily sends a scowl your way before wavering a wide lunge that accidentally catches you across the cheek in the process. Tangerine immediately drops the man to the floor and rushes to your side, his hands now tender and soft as he cups your jaw. His worried eyes searching your face, honing in on your tear-filled eyes.
“I’m so sorry… are you okay? Are you hurt?” He questions, his tone scared and rushed.
Nodding with uncertainty, he carefully takes your hand, holding it in his as he leads you away from the man on the floor. He picks up your bag in his spare hand as he leads you out of the pub, guiding you through the crowd of people that were circling around.
“I shouldn’t have done that…“ he says regretfully, searching your face. “I’m so sorry.” Smiling painfully as he wipes his thumbs under your eyes, delicately swiping away your tears. “How bad does it hurt?”
“I’m fine.” You lie, burying your face in his chest. Hugging him tight.
He sighs, resting his chin on the top of your head as he wraps his arms tighter around you, comfortingly stroking your back as you stood under the fairy lights of the smoking area. “People are coming… let’s get you home.” He says softly, slowly separating from your embrace.
Nodding your head as you sniffled, allowing him to take your hand and lead you to his car.
The journey home was pretty quiet, with occasional sniffles and ‘you okay?’ diluting the silence. Spending the majority of the way home with your eyes glued to the floor of the car.
Once you get back home, he immediately sets you atop the kitchen counter, standing between your legs as he gently holds a bag of frozen peas to the sore parts of your face. His free hand carefully stroking over the other side of your face.
After a little while, the swelling starts to go down, so he changes you into his hoodie and pyjama bottoms that he was warming up on the radiator for you. Dressing you before carrying you into the living room and laying you down on the sofa.
He returns shortly after with two teas, a pack of biscuits and your favourite blanket. Snuggling beside you as he cocoons your head in his bicep, holding you close while he flicks through the channels on the tv. He glances down at you, watching your eyes flutter while they attempt to stay open.
He knew he should be enjoying this quiet moment with you, but once he notices the growing red patch on your face that was lit up from the tv, he couldn’t help but plan exactly how he was going to get this man to pay. It wasn’t solely the fact that another man touched you, hit you even. It was because of how uncomfortable and uneasy he made you, how strained your features were when the man looked at you. How frightened this man made you feel.
Tangerine would do anything for you, he’d kill for you. And that’s exactly what he was planning to do.
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@tangerinesgf @kpopgirlbtssvt @ch3rries-n-cream @earth-elemental18 @ashlynhasmanyhyperfixations @idontknowwhattohaveasmyuser @thewinterv @navs-bhat @ilovetangerinewithallmyheart @theredvelvetbitch @randomawesomeperson102 @lov3lypeaches7 @princess-pebbles-things
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rey-mp · 1 year
Can we get smut headcannons for all the girls? PLZ IM DESPERATE FOR MORE WLW
Smut headcannons for Avatar women
(Includes: Ronal, Neytiri, Tsireya, and Kiri
Adores marking you everywhere.
Whenever she is stressed she would force you to eat her out.
Would always, always take out her frustration on you. Making you eat her out or forcing you to ride her.
She's so rough, her touch on you always leaves a bruise or two.
Ronal would fuck you for hours, she doesn't care whether your tired or not, she will only stop when she wants to.
She loves watching you suck her strap. The way you gag on it always makes her smile.
She's so touchy, always groping everywhere with her rough hands.
She loves growling into your ear while she fucks you into oblivion.
If you're being to loud she'll make you suck on her fingers to shut you up.
But, if she gets pissed off by someone, she'll make sure everyone hears you. Letting everyone know your hers.
Would make you say humiliating things about yourself. She'd grab your face and tell you to say how much of a whore you are for her.
Whenever she spanks you, oh it's too much for you. She's so harsh and barely gives you time to process what she's doing.
She's so shy and embarrassed. She doesn't know what to do. Which makes you take the lead, but you're more than happy to do so.
She'd attempt to cover her face whenever you touch her. But you'd be quick to pull them away, wanting to see that pretty face of hers.
She cries so easily. You'd be eating her out, and she's already in tears.
Clings onto you for dear life when you fuck her. She always needs to hold you when you touch her.
You asked her to sit on your face, she worried you wouldn't be able to breath but the moment you pulled her down to your face all her worries disappear.
Very sensitive, she'd be a shaking mess, and you only made her come twice.
She would bite down on her lips when you eat her out. Trying so hard to suppress her moans.
Loves eating you out as well. Whenever she gets the chance she does so.
Always makes out with you. You two would be gasping for air each time.
Kiri likes it slow, passionate. Or rough, and fast depending on her mood.
Kisses your neck whether you're fucking her or she's fucking you.
You adore embarrassing her by forcing her to moan out loud. You laugh at how pathetic she sounds.
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So as someone who consumes and writes fanfiction, I am on the fanfiction is a valid type of literature train choo choo but my god it is so painfully obvious some of you don't read anything else.
Some of you desperately need a cure for your fandom police brainworms and I think the answer might be just reading a fucking book. Check out a book from the library. Preferably one without a wattpad cover on it and a disclaimer from the author being like ZOMG PLZ DONT THINK IM CONDONING THE BAD STUFF!!! PROSHIPPERS DNI!!!111
Did you know that books don't have those usually because people reading books are generally smart enough to know that fiction is fiction.
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Im wondering if tumblr maybe ate my ask :sob:
I asked about how there was this post from ages ago that was something like "it sotra looks like pony's gonna off himself with the knife during deaths at my door" and you were like "depends on the actor" (thats completely from memory - if thats wrong plz correct me)
But i was just wondering which pomyboy do you think makes it look more like that? im aware that its obviously not the focus of the scene and that it probably wasnt even intentional on the actor's part, but as someone who has struggled with sh and mental helth stuff for a really long time, its super interesting to see performances that people are interpreting this way!
(PS; if tumblr did not eat the original ask and you are uncomfy with answering for whatever reason please just ignore this too and i'll get the message lol stay safe <3)
i remember seeing this original ask and i never got to it! there’s over 400 asks in my inbox right now,,,so consider the original one dead LOL! thanks for resending it!
my instinctual answer is trevor,,but like i said in a post last night, brody has been really killing the emotional side of ponyboy recently!!! i think brody sounds more anguished and desperate, especially in his delivery of “i mean it johnny, it’s like i curse everyone i care about.”
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thevoidbunnyx · 4 months
The need for someone to play with me and use me till im a complete desperate horny mess. Plz play with my nipples till my brain is fuzzy and warm and I can’t stop looking for something to grind my cunt into. Im just a bunny for you to use however you’d like. I promise ill be so so so good. You can fill me up if you want or just tease me till im desperate and cant think. Ill be a good toy i promise
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hi im ovulating so instead of writing my fanfic, here's some dirty Hawkeye thoughts instead.
NSFW under cut.
also plz be nice to me i am literally paranoid of being percieved (i want to be a lurker but i have too many thoughts). ive never posted anything like this before so if you don't like, keep on scrollin' baby.
● holds ur head during sex so you literally have to keep your eyes on him or just kiss him.
● talks the whole time even if hes just a blabbering mess talkin nonsense. "mmph - that's – fuck....ohhhh shit" "what even – are you human? my god" "someones enjoying themself"
● "look at me, darling"
● HEAVY on eye-contact. he wants to watch whatever pretty little expression comes over your features.
● we know hes a biter, now youve got his teeth imprinted on ur neck, which he pretends he doesnt feel smug about.
● you take over?? mf is a whimpery little mess in seconds. esp if you go straight to suck his dick. words??? gone. just heavy pants and desperate hands.
● his hair is the perfect handle and his lap's the perfect saddle. save a horse, ride a surgeon, yanno?
● kiss his stomach and it's absolutely over for him. immediate nut. he's got very sensitive skin.
● period sex?? "I'm always covered in everyone elses blood, let me have some of yours too, hmm?"
● bite his ears. neck. mouth. just bite this mf he likes it
● he knows his hands are talented, and he will use them to make you fall apart and then act all smug.
● don't even get me started on the nose. nudging ur clit (if u got one). teasing ur hole. omg. i NEED him.
● main focus is that everyone is having a good time, and will make stupid jokes if you get nervous. or even if you don't, he will anyway.
● grab his neck. watch those pretty eyes dilate and breath catch in his throat as you squeeze lightly, just to be a tease.
● mans is the biggest tease. will hit on you all day until ur all hot n bothered, and hes nothing but a nonchalant ass about it when you confront him.
● grab him by the collar of his shirt. manhandle this mf (not too rough, he's babygirl, remember); throw him on the bed and pin his hands above his head. he's putty
● cums when he eats u out. not even gonna apologise, he's got an oral fixation. he talks too much, but he knows exactly what hes doing, don't fret.
● strip poker. i cant get this one out of my head. wandering eyes. growing tension. flirty banter. hands that grasp the edge of the table. tense muscles. it's still platonic, right? it's just a game, right?
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