#Padme’s parents
padawansuggest · 2 years
Okay let’s expand on an idea I told you guys about before because this would be so hilarious I would die.
Tag and Bink are found by Padme’s parents before they can escape to try and hitchhike back to Coruscant, her parents are like ‘oh god wtf’ and call up the Jedi. Yoda and Mace take one look at these baby trouble makers and goes ‘??? Idk???? Those look like yours???????’ And now Padme has two younger brothers. Tag and Bink’s new parents (and older sisters) are really nice and willing to put up with the dumbest antics with a *shakes head* ‘they’re a little… you know… not all there in the head’ and everyone is like ‘oh bless their hearts’ and thinks they’re cute.
One day a year into the clone wars, Padme’s mom needs to visit the inner rim and asks Tag and Bink if they wanna go to Coruscant to visit their old crechemates (they will be looked at super hard by the temple guards, before being given visitors passes that everyone is just pretending about and sent off to the creche playrooms to chill with their friends (Cal is devastated to have to see them again, and Reva, who is 8 rn, is like ‘owo how’d you get adopted like that???’ And it’s all delightful) but then they get brought back to the senate and left on the front door like ‘lol, have fun kids!’ And set off to find big sister Padme.
Padme gives them ice cream and the ensuing sugar rush causes destruction of an epic proportion that leads to the chancellor getting a painful concussion, which makes him confused and lash out, which makes every Jedi on the planet know he’s a Sith, and Padme just quietly ushers them away when her poor fellow Nabooian gets confused and thinks her sweet baby brothers are trying to hurt him, saying she’ll come check up on him when he’s feeling better.
Palpatine is arrested at that point and given extreme force suppression chemicals so he can’t hurt anyone ever again.
Tag and Bink are found in Dex’s diner when Dex shouts out ‘Order 66’ and three clones try to attack Kenobi and Anakin. Tag and Bink hit all three of them over the head with a frying pan and excitedly say this is like that time Jango tried to attack them in Dex’s diner too. Obi-Wan and Anakin are extremely concerned and bring Cody, Rex and Alpha back to the temple where the clone chips are found, and they start working on getting all clone chips removed.
Tag and Bink have had a very big day! They played with their friends! They had ice cream and made Palpatine trip down two flights of stairs! They outed a Sith! They went to lunch with Padme’s husband (whom they have never met before no not them they have never seen newly Knighted Skywalker before who says they have???) and had to save them from an attack!
It’s time to go back to Padme’s office for a long needed nap and call to their new mom to tell her about their big day.
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Aww Luke Skywalker with both of his Star Wars parents Anakin Skywalker & Padme Amidala.
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revenge-of-the-shit · 5 months
Luke and Leia would have been so fucked up if Anakin and Padme actually raised them
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girlrandomstuff · 1 year
No I don't think a lot of people understand when I say Bail and Breha Organa are criminaly underrated.
This two knew the freaking most important and dangerous secrets in the entire galaxy. They BOTH knew about the rebelion, knew about important imperial figures that supported the rebelion in secret, they knew about the Alliance plans and next steps, they were SO DEEP into it. And they BOTH knew about Vader, they knew that he was once Anakin Skywalker, that he had a relationship with Padme and had two children together, they knew what happen on Mustafar, they knew the location of the other twin, they knew about Palpatine being a Sith, and they hide Leia from Palpatine and Vader for 20 freaking years, and they did it like it was nothing, like it was another family thing.
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ventresses · 5 months
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Star Wars + Moodboards
Anidala Parent Trap AU (1/?)
(Inspired by this fic)
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fistfuloflightning · 11 days
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An old sketch for a role reversal obikin au feat. fem!anakin
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simpleslugs · 7 months
Obi Wan Kenobi was basically a teen father. He was young, the youngest to become a jedi master. He loved Qui Gon, but he was totally unprepared to raise Anakin. He tried to parent him the same way that Qui Gon parented him. He jumped on every imperfection he saw, he stuck as close as he could to the rules, he even tried to make Anakin respect the council as much as he did. However, I don't feel that he should be blamed for Anakin's fall. He did his best under the circumstances. Even as inexperienced as he was, he gave Anakin a real home.
Edit: I now know that Obi Wan was 25 when he took on Anakin. I pretty much agree with everything else I said, but sorry for the slip up lol. ;)
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Padmé: we’ve been trying to teach the twins to use tissues
Anakin: *sneezes*
Leia: *throws tissue box at his face*
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I don't think the star wars fandom is mature enough to handle the nuances of adoption-
I saw a take that Anakin and Padmé weren't Leia's parents because they didn't raise her and in the same breath saw a post that said that Bail and Breha weren't her parents because they didn't give birth to her and oh my god y'all shes adopted. She has four parents. Give it a fucking rest.
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solar flare
l: you killed my mother you bastard
v: she was dead the moment she stood against my master
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"He's not my father!" - a luke skywalker fanfic idea (AU)
Kinda had this thought in my head for a while. Luke Skywalker is reborn in a galaxy where Order 66 never happened, Palpatine was killed by Mace Windu, Anakin never became a Sith and Padme lived. That doesn't mean everything is sunshine and rainbows. The empire still weighs heavily, its infrastructure not completely destroyed along with their leader. Little Luke Remembers. Nobody's having the best time. All Luke wants to do is go home.
Luke doesn't come to his memories right away. They come in nightmares. He has had constant nightmares since he was a child about the life he lived before (sequels notwithstanding) and when he is 9 years old something happens. Holding his father's lightsaber and lighting it, the breeze brushing through his hair and he thinks 'Oh'.
He passes out. The memories and the force caused him to convulse and scream. The force had always been fond of the young boy, not the passive serenity Obi-wan faced or the beating heart of Anakin Skywalker. However, the fondness did not abate the suffering to come. The windows crack and the walls shake. Anakin is trying to reach him, but something has slammed him and his wife into the wall. Luke's force presence shifting, morphing, and tearing. Leia wouldn't stop screaming. Echoing the anguish cries. This can't be happening. Anakin thought.
Anakin and Padme were adamant about not having the Jedi teach their children. The Jedi had come gently to ask, but quickly took their leave afterwards. They hardly talked to the Council. Perhaps from some anger or pain or maybe guilt. Perhaps it was a mistake to keep them away. Obi-wan had come around often and Luke loved him. Loved him so much that when the nightmares came only Obi-wan could comfort him. Sobbing into the man’s robes saying a nickname given by a long lost love.
"Ben. Ben. Why didn't you tell me?" The boy gripped the Jedi's robes tightly, squishing his little face to hide the tears, the terror.
Obi-wan would ask what, but the boy couldn't remember or couldn't say.
"Anakin. Padme. Have you thought about bringing him to the temple?" Obi-wan took them aside to ask after one such episode to where only Obi-wan could comfort.
Oh, how that stung both of them. Luke, during the suffering, hadn't recognized his mother. Treating her as if she were a stranger and Anakin, he treated him with resistance and violence. Oftentimes, Anakin had to take Leia aside while they wait for it to go down. Helpless to stop it.
Obi-wan's question sparked anger and a leaving to where little Luke hadn't seen his Ben for over a year.
When little Luke stopped screaming, they had rushed over. His force prescence injured, weak and cold. Quickly, they reached out to the very people they once didn't let him go to.
"Help you, we will." Master Yoda eyes gazed at the Chosen One's face. Anakin refused to look into them.
"The Jedi halls of healing may be the best place to monitor him." Master Windu, the Sith Slayer and Hero of the Republic stares at their exhausted figures. An offer of compassion of help despite all the animosity.
Both parents had tried so hard to keep him away, but they had reached their limit. At this point, Luke could die or kill someone. Padme could still feel the echoing of the force around her neck like hands trying to choke her.
"We'll be on our way in the morning." Padme's hoarse voice croacked out.
After ending the call they gathered little Luke and Leia into their arms and took them to bed. When they shut their eyes, the force lulling them to sleep they didn't realize Little Luke getting up and out of bed.
They didn't hear the packing of clothes, the grab of credits or the sound of the door shutting.
When they woke Little Luke Skywalker couldn't be found. He was gone.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Obi-Wan: *gently massaging Anakin’s wittle palms while talking about the importance of proper hand care and why little padawans shouldn’t bathe in motor oil before beddy-byes* -and that’s the seventeenth reason you are the bane of my existence, yes yes, you cause Master soooo much stress! Naughty!
Anakin: *happy purrs and cuddles*
Entire Jedi Council: …
Mace: I swear to god Kenobi, if you don’t stop babytalking that twenty-five year old man-
Yoda: Familiar, this situation is…
Plo: *amused* Yes, I seem to remember Qui-Gon acting much the same way when Obi-Wan was this age.
Mace: *throwing a balled up flimsi at Obi-Wan’s head* force, stop that! It’s giving me force-hives! Padme won’t stop messaging me asking where her husband is, send him home already!
Obi-Wan: Hmmm… kick me off the council and I’ll stop bothering you with it.
Mace: Done.
Yoda: Not your decision alone, that is.
Mace: *hissing* you old troll either they go or I do but I’m not dealing with their codependent bullshit today, I’ve already encountered four shatterpoints while his antichrist children were in my presence today, I’m done here, I’m just so done.
Anakin: *falling asleep half in Obi-Wan’s lap* Just tell Leia to stop it. She doesn’t give me visions if I don’t bother her.
Mace: …did you just imply she can /stop/ force visions with her abilities???
Yaddle: what the fuck…
Yoda: Delightfully terrifying, she is!
Mace: That’s it, I quit, I’m retiring, I’m not dealing with this-
Anakin: Awwww, you can’t retire, Luke likes you.
Mace: He gives me anxiety! He always has a bunch of shatterpoint bubbles floating around him!
Anakin: Alright, how did you get over Obi-Wan’s weird force bubbles when he was tiny and constantly looking for you because babies love their finders?
Mace: I spontaneously learned teleportation one year. And forgot how to do it when the panic died down.
Anakin: There’s the trick, then.
Mace: I hate it here.
Yoda: Love Jedi, I do!
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fic-rec-time · 8 days
Ashes To Ashes, Dust To Dust
by Livsy 
Star Wars/Complete/Chapters: 13  Words: 36,193
In which Old Ben has time travelled back to the clone wars era, but twenty years on Tatooine have left their mark. Anakin notices.
A tender, heart-wrenching piece. Really leans into Obi-Wan’s position as Anakin’s father figure. A very satisfying read for Time Travel Fix-It fans. Good pacing and SUCH good hurt/comfort. This story doesn’t shy away from the choices Obi-Wan and Anakin have made, or the consequences of their actions, but it isn't a bashing fic. Theres interesting parts about Tatooine culture as well.
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incorrectskywalkers · 2 years
Anakin: You lying, cheating, piece of bantha shit!
Padmé: Oh yeah? You're the idiot who thinks you can get away with everything you do. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!
Anakin: I'm leaving you. AND I'M TAKING ARTOO WITH ME!
Luke and Leia, sitting across the room in stunned silence: ...
Obi-Wan, picking up the monopoly board: I think we should stop playing now.
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ventresses · 4 months
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Star Wars + Moodboards
Anidala Parent Trap AU (3/?)
Childhoods Apart: Anakin & Leia, and Padme & Luke
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mmelolabelle · 2 years
Sometimes I think about how deeply loved and wanted Luke and Leia ultimately were by all of their parents; Anakin, Padme, Breha, Bail, Beru and Owen and I just want to throw myself into the sun.
In some form or another each of them risked their lives for those children at some point. They didn’t have to. Anakin and Padme didn’t have to keep the pregnancy. Bail and Breha and Beru and Owen didn’t have to take them in. Obi-Wan didn’t have to dedicate the rest of his life to keep them safe. Every single one of them either the last thing they did, the last thing they thought about, or the last thing the saw was Luke and/or Leia.
So much of the Skywalker twins lives sucked but they were so, so loved by all their parents and I just 🥲🥲🥲
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