#Polyamorous Relationship
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Lovers and metamours
My friend needed a visual. So here we are 💗 More info about their relationships below ↓↓
Halsin is Astarion's, Shadowheart's and Snakis' romantic partner
Astarion, Shadowheart and Snakis are metamours. They are not together
Astarion and Snakis will eventually get together, but now they just love making plans to bed Halsin together
Shadowheart and Snakis are simply friends. They do not know each other very well. They won't become partners either
Astarion and Shadowheart are really good friends (and I'm still not sure if they will try to be together as a couple or maybe just having a platonic relationship)
Halsin and Snakis have comet lover.s (not in the pic)
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youneedsomeprompts · 2 years
10 OT+ prompts
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requested by: anonymous request: poly ship prompts, especially a quad (OT4)
Feel free to use and reblog!
#1 - two couples falling in love with the other couple
#2 - A coming home to the sight of B & C asleep in each other's arms on the couch, and it warms their heart
#3 - A & B already preparing dinner for everyone while C & D still have to work
#4 - A is sick and everyone is fussing over them
#5 - having the wildest group chat
#6 - A prefers having one-on-one dates with their partners while B always wants to do a group date
#7 - having a huge shared bed and always ending up sleeping totally tangled up in each other
#8 - OT3 'adopting' D because they're just so cute and they make for a perfect addition; D is a bit flustered and overwhelmed at first
#9 - using family discounts when they're making trips
#10 - having a sleeping schedule pinned to their fridge and shocking their guests with it
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throuplesdating · 3 months
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Happy polyamory family.
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terrence-silver · 1 year
What would Poly!Cobra Husbands x Beloved’s house look like through the ages? 🎊
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It looks like...Terry Silver's home, of course.
Any of Terry's homes, at any point in his life.
Because Terry insists, and no, actually, Terry is unflinching on the matter that his own roof is best, the most spacious, most apt, luxurious, best equipped for the task of housing him and his and giving them they best they deserve, which they do deserve by virtue of being his, naturally. Comes with its own gymnasium, training lobby, office spaces, steam room, pool, jacuzzi, waiting staff, sparring partners one can beat up for sport and them being paid heftily to take it, the relative neighborhood of Griffith Park where potential bodies can be hidden, if need be (just a joke, Terry swears!) astounding views towards the skyline of LA (or his private beach at any other era), bedrooms that can easily house three and much, much more. And, he'd be right, truth to tell, notwithstanding that it gives him the unique chance of killing two birds with one stone. He gets to move in one significant other and then uses that as an excuse to move in John Kreese as well, who proved otherwise stubborn and proud when faced with the suggestion of living on Terry's address in the past --- something Terry wanted him to do for ages, to no avail, and now can under the excuse that you're there as well. And isn't that great? Isn't that the best thing that ever happened!?
This a billion dollar bit of exclusive revenue and real estate!
Why not use it for the intended purpose!? For living in it. Together.
-"Johnny, c'mon! C'mon, Johnny! It is only practical."-
Terry might push, with a hefty dose of deliberate manipulation, using the logically utilitarian nature of them all being in the same place rather than brining up the absolute luxury of their surroundings as a perk and selling point knowing John might be turned off by the prospect of living in a mansion on The Hills, or any other exclusive top-tier bracket location, as for that matter. Terry's smart. Terry knows John too well, and by extension, knows exactly what quality of his estate to name to sweeten the offer and present it as a viable living option for some as world-hardened as John. No, no, it is practical, don't you know? One of us lives at Glendower Avenue and so all of us should leave at Glendower Avenue, Johnny! And if that fails, then hey, Terry can always effortlessly try and tug at John's heartstrings, for old time's sake. So awfully lonely here at times, in this great, big mansion and he does like the company. Your company. And John's. That last part, turns out, is not such a lie at all, and Terry is buttering John up by sharing a great many truths with that statement, and that is exactly the reason why that attack might just work best to the point Terry can have you and John moved in by the very next day. Flawless victory!
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indecentpause · 18 days
The Black & Blues: Part I, Chapter i.
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You had no idea what to major in when you started applying to schools. The punk in you says going to school for music is bullshit, but the artist in you wants to surround yourself with it. Music, every day and every night, music theory and music history and music performance and music business. So, you settle with yourself, and you do what you want to do, which is what all your friends would want. You major in music performance, and you minor in business, so you’ll know how to manage yourself when you finally get there. Your first day is slow, all syllabuses and introductions, along with some reading and listening assignments. You get back to the dorm before Danny does; your classes are early and his are a little later. You’re listening to one of your assignments when you hear a thunk outside loud enough to disrupt your headphones. Curious, and only a little scared, you pause the assignment, put down your headphones, and tiptoe to the door. It was down the hall. But what if the person–people?—are here now? What if there are rumors and they’re coming for you? That’s insane. Meara, you’re being insane. Someone probably just tripped. So you open the door to see two men maybe a year or two older than you, one huge and imposing, at least 6’3” and built like a bear with dark arm hair to match, and one who’s tiny and waiflike and blond and kind of feminine, like Tyler was. The smaller one has wrestled the bigger one to the floor. The bigger one is laughing so hard he’s wheezing. The smaller one yells, “Austin! Stop laughing! I’m trying to beat the shit out of you!” But he’s laughing, too, so hopefully that means it’s good-natured. You take one more step out of the bedroom and the door creaks loud enough the two guys hear it. The bigger one rolls over, squishing the smaller one against the floor. He pushes himself up and helps up his friend. “Hey,” the big one grins. “Sorry. Hope we didn’t interrupt any studying.” You raise a hand and shake your head. “No, it’s fine. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay.” You pause. “Is it?”
in which Meara and Danny make some new friends, see some new places, and learn some things about other parts of the 'plus' in 'LGBT+".
read it for free now on Ao3!
Current taglist: @abalonetea @only-book-lovers-left-alive @poore-choice-of-words @leadhelmetcosmonaut @jasperygrace
@drippingmoon @athenswrites @magic-is-something-we-create @winterandwords
@revenantlore @mr-orion @idreamonpaper
Black & Blues taglist: @lynnedwardswrites
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juneofbones · 2 years
I love wwdits because of the way side pairings are completely plausible and welcomed without messing with established relationships. The Baron and Laszlo/Nadja don’t mess with Laszlo and Nadia’s relationship, a sideplot with The Guide and Nadja together wouldn’t be mess anything up either. Marwa and Nandor can be a happy couple while Nandor and Guillermo could also be. It doesn’t have to be one or the other. It’s just a lovefest. It’s nice :)
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birthedstars · 2 years
Building A Family: 1st Trimester 
TW/CW: Miscarriage Mention
AN: Gonna be a multi-parter(probably two or three). First part is mostly set up. Gonna try to work on it while I do request based fics.
Morgan stared at the test between their fingertips. It was happening. Those mornings feeling sick. All explained by a set of blue lines. Morgan cupped a hand over their mouth, trying to stifle the sounds of their own sobbing. They and their partners have been trying for so long but…Morgan wasn't supposed to be the one to get pregnant.
Layla was the one who was excited most about the idea of being pregnant and dealing with all of the symptoms. She'd read all the baby books and every web article on how to get pregnant efficiently. Layla was the one who dealt with the loss of it most. The pain of trying and failing. Morgan's fingers tightened on the test and felt themselves get choked up. Why did they forget birth control?  How would Layla react to something like this? She would be angry right? Would she hate her?
Morgan had never seen Layla angry before but the idea sent them spiraling. Their heart began to pound hard enough that they felt it down through their toes. Their breath started to hasten and grow in volume with their anxiety. Morgan felt sick to their stomach. Even worse than the morning sickness. 
"How do I tell her? Should I tell Isaiah first? When should I-" 
A door from the ground floor of the house opened and closed abruptly. 
"Yooooooo, babe! I'm back and I got the groceries!" Layla's voice echoed through the halls. 
"I-i'll be down in a minute!" Morgan shouted. They quickly stuffed the pregnancy test into their back pocket. 
Morgan quickly steeled themself. They would wait for as long as they could.
Morgan walked down to the kitchen to meet their partner. Layla was beautiful to say the least. Purple and Noir black, curly hair that reached down to her shoulders. It was dyed that way, but it paired well with her vibrant blue eyes. 
Between them, Layla was the more outgoing and confident type. Especially with how she dressed. Deep cut, v-neck crop top that showed off some cleavage and her midriff. Shorts were down to her mid thigh and accented the roundness of her ass.
"Hey babe," Layla planted a kiss on Morgan's forehead. "There are few bags left in the car." 
Morgan nodded silently. It all felt awkward. Hiding something so life changing from her. Not knowing how to pull the words out of their own throat. 
Morgan hurried through helping Layla with the groceries. Just looking at the food she'd bought made Morgan sick. Morning sickness again. Morgan did their best to shove it down until they got the chance to sit down. 
Morgan swayed to the couch in the living room to rest and bite back the nausea. They rubbed their stomachs absently as they sat down. The unmistakable firmness of it made it worse. 
Layla sat down on the couch next to Morgan, leaving barely even hairs width of space between. Morgan felt her hand trace their back. Her fingers lingering on Morgan's bra straps. 
"You've only been home a few minutes and you're already…" Morgan tried to stifle a moan when Layla's hands gripped their thighs. 
"Isaiah is going to be a little late, but who's to say we can't get started awhile," Layla pressed her body up against Morgan's, putting their back firmly on the couch. 
Layla shifted her hand to the waist of Morgan's pants. Layla planted a kiss on Morgan's lips as she pulled their pants down and discarded them to the wayside. 
It had been sometime since Morgan had sex with Layla without Isaiah. They'd forgotten how smooth she was, flowing from one point to another like a graceful serpent. Morgan didn't even realize that Layla had already reached up under their shirt and took a handful of their breasts. 
Just the slight grasp of them made Morgan yelp. They were so sensitive. Why were they so much more sensitive now? It didn't take much more of Layla's playing for it to settle in. It was because of the baby. Morgan's body was already changing. 
"Stop!" Morgan quickly grabbed Layla's forearm that was up their shirt. Layla looked up from between Morgan's legs in shock. 
"Woah, what's wrong?" Layla stared up at them, eyes full of worry. 
Morgan started getting choked up again. The words started catching in their throat like rust on a chain fence. Morgan did all they could to force the words out.
"I…I'm pregnant." 
Layla's face went blank. No feedback at all. Morgan could feel tears well up into the bottom of her eyes.
"I'm sorry! I don't know what happened! I took birth control correctly, or maybe I didn't, I don't know!" Morgan started to unravel.  "This was supposed to be your baby! Not mine!" 
The bedroom was echoing with Morgan's sobbing and babbling until Layla got up from her position on the floor. 
Morgan felt a slight sting on her cheeks, then warmth. Layla clapped her palms onto the side of Morgan's face. 
"The only thing I want is to have a kid with you and Isaiah, stupid,"  Layla said, not breaking her eyes away from Morgan. 
"Y-you're not mad…" 
"Never," Layla said, not breaking her gaze. "Well, I might be a little sore, but the end means so much more to me. I love you Morgan, and this is the last thing that would change that." 
Morgan felt their heart twist. Layla liked putting on a strong front when she was hurt, but this was genuine. No facade. Morgan felt another wave of tears spill out of their eyes. 
"Hey, hey, hey, it's ok you big crybaby," Layla pulled Morgan close into a tight hug. "It's ok, as long as you let me rub your belly and listen to the baby whenever I want though. Unrestricted belly rubs for life!" 
Morgan felt Layla's body stiffen a bit. 
"Oh holy shit…we're going to be parents. We're going to have a kid." Layla continued, the realization just hitting her. "Isaiah is going to freak when he gets home." 
Morgan sniffled and laughed into Layla's shoulder. How did they get so blessed?  
Being treated like a fragile glass was the worst. Everyone is afraid that the slightest tap could crack you. That every bump on a table that you stood on was as apocalyptic as an earthquake. A slight tumble could shatter you across the ground, leaving you in disrepair.
Layla was sure people would be more and more sensitive around her now that Morgan was pregnant. Trying not to trip over their words or offend. Layla didn't care either way. But only Morgan and Isaiah knew that. 
They did their best not to treat her carefully when Morgan's pregnancy was confirmed. It came out a few times now and then the past few weeks, especially today. 
Morgan's first ultrasound was today. The three of them were walking through the parking lot of the OB/GYN office. It was a private practice that a friend of theirs worked at. They were pretty supportive of the trio's relationship so it was pretty comfortable. 
Layla's chest tightened and stomach turned with each step.
Last time she was here, she was clinging weakly to Isaiah's shoulder and blood was dripping constantly from between her legs. That night was a nightmare. Probably the hardest she'd ever cried in her life. 
Two years of trying. All of that excitement. And she didn't even make it to the first ultrasound. 
"Hey, are you ok?" Isaiah asked.
Layla was startled out of her thoughts. The tall, slightly muscular young man moved beside her. His gaze didn't betray a whole lot of worry, as per usual, but she could tell by his tone that he was. Only a little bit though. Layla took a deep breath and put on a smile. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just ready to see what's going on in Morgan's belly is all," Layla said with a smile. 
The practice building was fairly homely and down to earth. Wooden floors, light blue colored halls, pretty open for a mid sized building. It didn't have the sterile feel most hospitals had. Probably comes with territory of being family owned. 
Almost immediately after signing in, A heavy set young woman with flaming ginger hair dressed in office scrubs approached them. 
"Hey guys! I'm so, so excited for y'all!" The woman drew Isaiah into a spine breaking bear hug. 
"Nice to see you again, Amber," Isaiah managed to say through her grip. 
Layla didn't even get to say a greeting before dragging her and Morgan into a big hug. She was still as strong and excitable as ever. 
"Let's get yall back to the examination room," Amber said, pulling Morgan by their arm. 
Layla and Isaiah followed behind briskly just to keep up.
Amber somehow was always the most excited one in the room when it came to good news no matter what it was. She was an old childhood friend of Morgan's, but she always seemed to treat Layla and Isaiah like they were friends from right out the womb. 
The group entered a room that was toward the back of the office. It was a room specifically for ultrasounds, so it only had the basic and most necessary equipment. A small display screen, a computer with the ultrasound transducer wired to it, and a bed already covered with the medical paper. 
"Ok, Morgan, you can lay down  right there and lift up your shirt over your belly," Amber instructed as she switched on the computer.
Morgan laid down on the propped up bed and lifted their shirt up to the bottom of their chest. Layla guessed that they were only two months in, but the brown skin of Morgan's stomach already had a noticeable curve to it. Even under a shirt it looked bloated sometimes. Their belly button was even a bit shallower than before. Morgan was a petite person, pregnancy was bound to be more pronounced on them. 
Amber squirted ultrasound gel onto Morgan's stomach and pressed the transducer onto Morgan's gel covered abdomen right below her navel. 
"Alrighty guys, let's take a look around," Amber shifted the transducer.
 The breathing of all three soon to be parents slowed. Layla clenched to Morgan's hand and she felt Isaiah's fingers grip her shoulder. A bean shaped image appeared on the screen and a small, alien looking figure in the fetal position was within it. A vibrating beat echoed through the room. 
Morgan clenched Layla's hand. Isaiah, stern as always, only stared at the monitor with wonder. They were real. Their heartbeat was strong. 
"That's our baby," Isaiah whispered. 
It was. Layla's eyes were glued to the monitor. Everything was so real. It was a live baby. Breathing. Slightly shifting and bobbing 
"Everything looks good, heart beat is strong," Amber slightly moved the monitor a bit. "It's too early to tell the gender but, congratulations!"
"Hold on, what's that to the top of the screen," Isaiah spoke up. 
Layla looked to the spot Isaiah pointed out. It looked like a sac next to their baby. Amber shifted the transducer up a bit to get a view of it. It was a shock to say the least. 
Layla's jaw dropped. Two heartbeats were in sync within Morgan's womb. Two figures sleeping within them.
"Well, well, almost didn't catch it. Looks like you're having twins! Double congratulations!" Amber announced. 
Morgan's eyes became as wide as saucers. 
Isaiah couldn't help but go slack jawed. 
Layla's face forcefully pulled her mouth into a huge grin that spread on her face.
"Well…I guess we know why I look so bloated already," Morgan's face relaxed and she chuckled bashfully. 
Isaiah's expression was blank. Probably running several calculations and adjusting the budget they had for two babies already. 
Layla felt like jumping up and down right then and there. She pulled Isaiah's still dumbfounded form close to her and Morgan into one big group hug. 
They may not have been growing in her womb or even using her eggs, but these were her rainbow babies too. 
And she couldn't be happier. 
Isaiah fumbled through the kitchen cabinets in search of a can of tuna. Isaiah knew what he was getting into when he agreed to enter a serious relationship with Morgan and Layla. He knew what he was getting into when they decided to have children as well. Late night convenience store runs were gonna be his life for the next 6 months or so. 
Sometimes their needs left him scrambling though. Who would ever wake up from a nap and decide they absolutely needed mint ice cream topped with Tuna? Why would he think to buy a ton of chocolate last week? It made his head spin on occasion. 
Morgan dealing with a sudden onset of pregnancy cravings halfway through the 3rd month of carrying twins and Layla having what she calls "period cramps painful enough that she's going to kill god for making her this way" or something.  
Isaiah put the tub of chocolate mint ice cream under one arm, a can of tuna in one hand, new Morgan's prenatal vitamins that they needed to start taking, a bag of dark chocolate in his mouth and some utensils in between his fingers. Just imagining Morgan eating the combination made him gag. 
Isaiah walked up the stairs to the bedroom. The TV was only just audible with what sounded like a late night cartoon. Isaiah enters the room steadily just to make sure he didn't fumble any of what he was carrying. 
"Jeez…I was only gone for 15 minutes," he muttered walking in.  
Layla was cuddled up against Morgan side with her head resting just above their pregnant bump. She looked deep in sleep while Morgan stroked the curls of her hair. One moment she was boisterous as always, even in her complaints, and the next she was conked out like a sleeping cat. Morgan was still awake however, the fabric of their sleep shirt stretched subtly over their bump down to the top of their belly button. It was already starting to get one of those dark lines that leads through the navel too. 
Morgan put a finger to their lips and shushed quietly as Isaiah placed the late night snack on the night stand. 
Isaiah knelt next to the bed and put a hand on their swelling belly. It was so smooth. Morgan was bound to be on the bigger side. Being short, petite, and carrying twins was the recipe to having a big belly. 
To say it turned him on would be an understatement. 
It was a part of the "plan" of course. Morgan and Layla both knew of his fetish well before they'd even gotten serious about their relationship. Layla teased him about it when they first started trying for a baby and Morgan had gotten a little used to using that fact in dirty talk when he was getting close to cumming. However, now that Morgan was pregnant, the conversation never came up.
It didn't bother him till Morgan's shirts started to accentuate their form. It wasn't on purpose, they were just all belly. Isaiah's mind wandered as his palm rested on the warm skin of Morgan's bump. How big would their belly get on them? What shape would it take? Round spherical like it was a weighted ball or would the babies elongate their stomach instead? Would their bump drop early just with the weight of two babies. Their belly button, already shallow, popping out into a knob or being pulled flat into the swollen skin of their stomach.
Isaiah's anticipation threatened to consume him every once and awhile. When they got bigger it would probably be harder to repress his feelings, but he would put whatever made them comfortable first. Without hesitation. 
Morgan took a scoop of the green ice cream and plopped it into the bowl. Then they popped open the can of tuna and dumped it right on top of the ice cream. They took in a healthy spoon of both in their mouth and smiled like a kid at a fair.
Isaiah's stomach squirmed. Ok, maybe there would still be some hesitation.
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dreamlikedesires · 1 year
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I did a thing
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queer-ghosts · 1 year
There is literally no bigger joy than listening to your girlfriend yearn for, talk and ramble about their crush, i love her so much.
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27vampyresinhermind · 2 years
I love how, when the scene in the bar where Time touched Tem’s shoulder happened, what was supposed to be assumed as the beginning of Time’s infidelity, we as a fandom just collectively ignored that assumption in favor of immediately jumping on the TayTimeTem bandwagon and holding on for dear life. Cheating? Nope! Throuple? Yes please!!!! I mean honestly, have you seen Tay? Who in their right mind would cheat on that man? Time isn’t an idiot, he managed to land that ray of sunshine in the first place. And Tem? I refuse to believe that Tem would be anything other than absolutely honored to be chosen by that beautiful couple, to be shared between them. The TayTimeTem ship is sailing regardless of canon goddammit! Sail T3! Sail!!!
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haamuart · 10 months
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Colored doodle of my favourite triad! Fumika, Akio and Gaku from 2020.
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boomerluke · 1 year
Paper Thin
Michael Clifford x Luke Hemmings
After leaving behind a past he'd rather forget, Luke is excited to finally be living on his own. With the help of his foster parents and best friend, Calum, he finds the perfect apartment- well, almost. The walls are paper thin and there's no hot water after 11 pm, but Luke doesn't care. It's finally a place that Luke can call his own, and while it's lonelier than he expected, it's all his. And if that means he can spend each night curled up with a hot cup of tea reading aloud his favorite mystery novel, he's happy.
Contrary to what his best friend Ashton thinks, Michael likes his life as it is, thank you very much. After surviving an accident that left him permanently blind, Michael's become dependent on his monotonous schedule. Breakfast with Ashton, working on the next novel for his publicist, and dinner with his neighbor, Sierra. Routine and control rule his life and keep him shackled to his shoebox of an apartment, but he prefers it this way. Until he hears his new neighbor reading aloud the book that he wrote.
TW: domestic violence, mental health struggles
My first Muke fic ya'll :')
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throuplesdating · 3 months
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Open marriages can be just as healthy as monogamous ones. And some argue that the benefits can significantly improve overall well-being.
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wettestwraith · 2 years
not to be harsh or anything but I've always been weirded out when people say that if their partner wanted an open or polyamorous relationship, they would be heartbroken because they would feel that they aren't enough. now you are totally entitled to your feelings and opinions, but like... aren't you not enough either way? the amount of love a person needs cannot be fulfilled by the love from one lone individual no matter how much they love that person, i'm not just talking about this in a romantic sense, humans tend to crave for companionship and need more than 1 type of love in their life. a love that is warm and welcoming especially after a long day, a love that makes you want to journey the world with that someone, a love that is full of fun and childlike wonder and joy, a love that needs no words and is full of understanding, solidarity and resonation, a love that you carry with you all the time, a love that inspires you to put your best foot forward, a love that consists of simple everyday compassion, a love that gives you hope for the world, a love that calms you and many many more that I cannot put into words. you can't be all-encompassing and provide someone with all those types of love, you yourself can't create all the kinds of bonds that that person needs in their lifetime, and most of all humans need a community, a single person cannot provide that. to be honest, i'm not quite sure about my romantic orientation, but if I was going to have a partner in the future, and they would ask me for a polyamorous relationship, i would be open to the idea. why not? romance to me is not above friendships and family and all the other relationships that cannot be defined exactly, i would never value my partner over my friends. if my partner asks me for a polyamorous relationship, and I know that they love me just as much as they love their friends and family and vice versa, I would say yes, because I can trust they will continue to love me just the same.
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Chapter 1: I Am a Witch
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Summary: Persephone Keres is a witch with a dark past; she never imagined that a knock on her door from the celebrity and her current boss, Kim Taehyung would lead her right to what she was running from. When she started working for the biggest band in the world as a stylist, she believed she was finally escaping her fate but the Gods had entangled their destinies, and now the only way to survive what was coming was… together.
Genre: fantasy, polyamorous relationship, witches, bts idol au, romance, fluff, angst
Pairing: BTS x Female original character
Rating: Mature (may include violence, sex, smoking, cursing)
Word count: 7.0k+
Cross posted on Ao3 and Wattpad
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Masterlist | Next Chapter >
My hotel room looked like a tornado passed through but I couldn’t find my lighter, my needed for a cigarette was starting to become desperation. Travel days always got on my nerves. My Witch side didn’t respond that well to airplanes. 
A strong knock on my door made me stop my search, with slight resignation I stood from my current position on the floor, replied a “coming” while grabbing my purse and proceeded to go answer the door. 
To say that I wasn’t expecting the person that was standing on the other side of the door was an understatement, it took me a whole 30 second to react and make a 90 degree bow.
“Mr. Kim good night, is there anything I can do for you?” Kim Taehyung, a member of the largest boyband in the world… and my boss was standing in front of my door scratching his head, grinning like a teenager about to ask permission to go out to his parents. 
“Hi” he did a quick bow “are you Persephone? Sorry to bother you but one of the  other stylist may have said that you where the one to see if I wanted a cigarette.” This makes me chuckle. 
“Please call me Seph and I guess my reputation precedes me” I start searching in my bag and pulling packs out “So… I have menthol, chocolate, reds and some rose and lavender that I roll myself” I wave the four packs in the air, his boxy grin gets a little bigger, which makes me add “I may have some vapes inside as well if you want me to search for them…”
He lets out a little laugh waving his hands “No, no, if you sell me a pair of menthol ones I would be eternally grateful.” I hand him the pack. 
“You can keep the pack, is there anything else I can do for you Mr. Kim?” 
“Oh, how much do I owe you?”
“Nothing, don’t even worry. I have more and I should seriously stop smoking” I give him a huge smile “If that is all Mr. Kim, have a goodnight.” I bow, closing the door and start heading towards the elevators 
“Actually…” his voice stops me “are you going out?” I turn, he is scratching his head again with the mischievous grin. 
“Yup, I was heading to grab a smoke and an ice cream from my favorite place in the city” His eyes grow a little bigger getting a cute little spark in them “Do… you… wanna… come?” His answer is an enthusiastic nod accompanied with a huge boxy grin “Great. Do you have to go grab a cap, a mask?” He nods again, making me laugh a little  “I will see you in the lobby in five?” He nods a third time and sprints to what I assume is his room.
I’m waiting by the lobby door, my mind berating me for inviting my boss to come grab an ice-cream with me, there is no scenario where this is not a bad idea. Crap. My magic sits restless in my stomach, a product of my own anxiety. There is an endless list of why I should have kept my mouth shut, starting with the fact that absolutely no one within the company, and specially not my seven bosses, knew anything about the Witching World or the danger they may face, if certain people where to see them near me outside of a professional environment. That’s exactly why I had accepted the job on my terms of being a ‘back of house’ stylist, which basically consisted in helping with the conceptualization of looks and dealing with international brands to get the pieces for the outfits we needed which meant I had little to no interaction with the boys whatsoever. 
I seriously can’t believe how my mouth had betrayed me that way. My magic was becoming more and more restless in the pit of my stomach, when the feeling of a light tap tap on my shoulder pulls me out of my thoughts, making me turn around to find a tall slim guy dressed in jeans and a knit cream sweater with a black mask and black beret hat over his brown fluffy curls. His attempt to hide is identity was cute and mostly useless considering how their fans could recognize them from the tip of their ears, to avoid any uncomfortable situation I cast a quick spell to actually hide who he was, it may not work for magical being but there was no way the regular human eye would recognize him tonight. 
“Okay, I’m ready to go. Let me follow you to the magical ice-cream place you where talking about” He began bouncing on the ball of his feet and it was easy to tell he was smiling with anticipation bellow his mask. 
We walk out of the hotel to the fresh night air of early March. For the first time in a couple of days I take a deep breath filling my lungs, my magic steading a bit more at the sight of the Arno river, water always helped with grounding. Right in front of us we had the view of Florence’s lights dancing in the water, an instant pang of nostalgia struck my chest, I missed this city so much, I missed the cobblestone streets, the smell of fresh espresso in the mornings and fresh baked pastries at night, the sweetness of drinking in the afternoon a glass of wine with a delicious pizza, the weekend trips all over Tuscany, the buzz of ancient magic that flows trough the city… a loud “whoa” pulled me out of my thoughts. 
“It’s gorgeous right?” I can’t help but ask. Taehyung nods enthusiastically. “Let’s go. We have to cross to the other side of the river” We start walking, both of us pulling our cigarettes “Shit, forgot I lost my lighter. By any chance you have one Mr. Kim?” His melodic laugh startles me a little. 
“I have one and I will only lend it to you if you stop calling me Mr. Kim, call me Taehyung-ssi or Tae if you are feeling bold but please I’m begging” he trows his hands in the air very dramatically “I’M BEGGING, stop the formality” His drama was hilarious, actually making me laugh. 
“Fine, fine, can you please lend me your lighter? It’s been such a long day and I really need a cigarette.” He smiles, lights my cigarette and proceeds to light his. The heavenly feel of the first drag, the way the smoke caresses my throat feels just right, I let out a deep breathe and my sight becomes clouded with smoke and just for a moment I feel steady and calm. 
We walk in silence, enjoying our cigarettes, the murmur of the city, the flow of the river. We start crossing the Carraia Bridge and when we reach the middle Taehyung stops and leans into the old stone taking in the view of city. 
“You know? Its my first time in the city, and I have walked like… one street and half a bridge but it kinda feels magical” His deep voice matches the Florence night vibe down to a T. 
“It does, doesn’t it?” Little did he knew, how right he was, this was a city filled with ancient magic. He answers with a soft ‘mhm’.
We continue walking until we reach Sbrinos, a small ice-cream shop that makes hand made gelato and every day offers a variety of different flavors, it’s widely popular and it might have something to do with the fact that the owner infuses a little bit of magic when he churns the gelatos, taking advantage of the ingredient’s properties. Dante was one of the best herbalists healers in the witching world. We go inside the tiny gelateria, the insides are beautiful, the stone walls covered in vines and local artists paints. 
I spot the huge man behind the counter serving a young boy, his broad shoulders hunched while he serves the gelato. Dante may be a 6’2” giant, with a muscular broad body but in reality his bearded face, tatted arms and piercing glance where just the facade of a big ass teddybear, the fact that he extended his magical abilities towards his hobby of making gelato was a testament to his soft personality. When he feels the two new presences his heads lifts and a loud booming voice is calling my name.
“Seph! Bellissima, come stai? Mi mancano tuoi visite di mezzanotte amore” I can’t help but laugh at my best-friend’s stupid antiques, of course he misses my midnight visits, we would gossip about all the Italian fuck boys we encountered, and Dante was the worst busybody in the whole Tuscany region.
“Dante, I missed you too! How have you been? How is Stephan?” He hands the ice-cream to the little boy and walks around the counter to embrace me in a huge bear hug. 
“I have been doing good Amore, business is doing great and Stephan is been amazing, he took me on a surprise trip to Venice last week, one of the must romantic weekends of my life.” He is grinning from ear to ear “But how about you principessa? You are always so busy with work and you haven’t come to visit in six months, you know Mrs. Rossi is gonna throw a pot in your head when she sees you right? She is pissed, keeps saying you have to take a break.” I cringe at that. I was planning to surprise Mrs. Rossi with breakfast tomorrow, I know the 90 year old seer thinks I’m overworking myself, because she tells me so every time I call, and I know she will berate me to dead when she sees how much weight I have lost in the last months. Dante must notice my pout because he lets out a loud laugh and hugs me again. “So are you here for pleasure Amore?” I can’t help but laugh again.
“I wish. Actually, I’m working but it’s good because it’s a light schedule and I get to spend the next three weeks and a half here, which makes me extremely happy.” We came to Florence because the boys where shooting some concept photos for some projects taking advantage of the fact that they had a big photo shoot and the recording of a fashion film as brand ambassadors for an up and coming brand. My job was technically easy this weeks because we planned this concepts for months, we had the looks ready to go and for the brand shooting they where the ones bringing the pieces, I just had to coordinate the sizes, styles and preferences for each boy with the brand beforehand which meant I just had to show up and make sure everything ran smoothly in the set. “Let’s say it’s almost like vacations” 
Dante tsks and flicks my nose 
“Don’t talk anymore Amore! You are breaking my heart, have I taught you nothing? Work hard but don’t forget to enjoy life.” Just then he remembers I’m not alone and I realize we have been talking in Italian all the time, which seems like a rude thing to do to your boss. What is worse is how Dante is eating alive Taehyung, making him squirm under his gaze which makes me punch his arm, hard, making him wince. “I’m sorry we have been so rude, I’m Dante. Are you one of Seph’s boyfriends? Do I need to threaten you?” This earns him another punch on this arm.
“DANTE!! WHAT THE FUCK?!” I shriek, but Taehyung only laughs and crosses his arms signaling a no, with the very Korean gesture.
“No, actually I am one of her…” He pauses considering what to say. “coworkers. My name is Taehyung” he bows and extends his army in greeting “but I am curious to hear all about her boyfriends, I’m always down for some good gossip.” I narrow my eyes towards Dante and the bastard just laughs and pats Taehyung on the back. 
“Oh, Mr. the amount of stories I have of this girl are unbelievable, you know this once…”
“Don’t you dare Dante! I just properly met Taehyung today, don’t make me never bring anyone again.” I point at him “He just tagged along for the amazing ice-cream I promised.” Dante just shrugged it off.
“Maybe next time she brings you pretty boy, I will be allowed to talk.” He winks and makes Taehyung laugh again. “So today we have your favorite red wine gelato” Dante begins pointing at me and then turning to look at Taehyung. “Which I totally recommend if you want that fuzzy feeling of infatuation and adoration pretty boy or if you want something more creamy to make your night sweeter and comforting you should try the caramello al sale or if what you are looking for is pure euphoria then you have to get a baccio della casa e buonissimo” He starts serving the wine gelato “So what can I get for you pretty boy? What do you crave?” Taehyung looks at me as if looking for an answer and then back at Dante. 
“I will get the caramel one… please?” He gives Dante his typical boxy grin which I know is melting Dante in the insides, because he throws me a look that says it all. he has always had a soft ass spot for pretty boys and my boss had the one of the prettiest faces in the world only rivaled by his bandmates faces. When Taehyung turns to check some decoration inside the parlor, Dante mouths “You brought a literal god to my shop without warning me! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” That made me wince, I knew my bosses where handsome I wasn’t stupid, but I tried not to think about it, because what would be the point of doing my job more difficult than it already is? So I just tend to ignore their looks. Dante will never let me hear the end of this once we are alone. 
He hands us our ice-creams and both me and Taehyung reach out to pay, which leads to a bunch of things happening at once, the first being an incredulously offended face from my boss, he started spewing something in Korean that completely passes over my head because at the same time I got a huge Italian man talking and gesturing at light speed.
“Stop, stop, stop, please! I think my brain just short circuited, I understood absolutely nothing from what you just said and somehow I still feel like a two year old getting scolded” 
“Yaah! Of course you are getting scolded, you brought me here, the least I can do is buy you an ice-cream” my boss pouts.
“And while I would normally agree with pretty boy over here, the ice-cream is on the house Amore. You should know this!” Dante crossed his arms and this makes Taehyung grin like an idiot. 
“Seph-ssi, I really like your ice-cream maker friend, can I keep him?” I gape at him, its Dante’s turn to laugh and pat my boss on the back. This wasn’t good. 
“We are having dinner tomorrow Seph, and before you say that you are too busy for that, I don’t care about any excuse you might pull out of your ass, you are coming to dinner tomorrow. Stephan is gonna die when I tell him you are here for a few weeks.” He then turns to Taehyung “You are invited to pretty boy. My boyfriend is one of the best chefs in the city so, don’t eat much during the day” He really didn’t have to tell him that, these boys had the worst reputation of not taking care of themselves properly “And if this crazy bitch doesn’t want to take you, call me.” My boss chocked at his words but Dante didn’t notice or didn’t care, he just handed him his business hard which made me roll my eyes. This really wasn’t good.
We say our goodbyes and leave. Once we start walking with our ice-creams in hand I can’t help but open my mouth.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Kim, I know Dante is a little bit much but he means well. Sorry that you had to pass as a coworker, If I had known he was working today I would have never brought you, normally he rests on Mondays. I’m so so sorry.” His chuckle takes me by surprise, I wasn’t expecting him to be ok about it. 
“Hey, first of all you called me Mr. Kim again, that’s unforgivable. Now you have to take me to your dinner tomorrow, that’s gonna be your punishment.” He winks at me and I’m sure I’m gapping now. “Second I absolutely loved Dante I wasn’t kidding when I said I wanted to keep him and lastly this is the BEST ice-cream I’ve ever tried! I would go trough actual hell flames just to get more of this” This makes me snicker “I have to bring Jiminnie and Kookie and Jinnie. Hell… I have to bring all of them here, they are gonna pass out!” His boxy grin couldn’t be bigger by now.  “So… I don’t mean to pry but, are you Italian? Did you grew up here? I was truly surprised when both of you started speaking in Italian, sounded really beautiful.” His voice full of curiosity.
“I took a semester off during college, came here to learn Italian, art history, some fashion” and witchcraft, but I keep that tad bit to myself “ate like crazy, traveled all over Tuscany and met some amazing people along the way.” He just nods. 
“That’s how you met Dante?” 
“Mhm, I used to live right by where we are staying. You know the church that is in front of the St. Regis? It’s called Chiesa di Ognissanti, my apartment was right beside it, one day my roommate and I were craving ice-cream late at night, we googled a place near by and Dante doesn’t close until midnight, the rest is history.” The fact that he was also a witch was just a lucky coincidence. He nods again, checks his phone and places it back in his pocket.
“Taking advantage of the fact that you lived here, and that you owe me for calling me Mr. Kim, can you recommend a place where we can have an amazing dinner, that is not a tourist trap?” He is giving me the biggest puppy eyes I have ever seen. “Jiminie is spamming me about dinner, apparently he is hungry.” 
“Sure, there is this tiny family owned osteria, really close to the hotel. They do the best handmade pasta in town. I don’t know the address but I can walk you and you can send him the location.” 
“That be great, Thank you so much Seph-sii!” His Boxy grin was back.
We were waiting by the restaurant, smoking yet another cigarette when a melodic voice boomed in the empty cobblestone street.
“KIM TAEHYUNG YOU HAVE TO STOP THAT DISGUSTING HABBIT OF YOURS!” I turned tomato color and actually choked like a fucking amateur trying a cigarette for the first time. “AND ARE YOU ROPING POOR INNOCENT GIRLS INTO THAT?!” Now you just wanted the earth to open up and swallow me whole. 
“Yaah! What’s wrong with you Jimin-ah?!” Taehyung pointed at me and continued “Look what you did! You just embarrassed one of your stylists! If she decided to dress you in feathers and sequins for the shoot, I’m just gonna laugh at your face because you deserve it!” He was pouting while shouting at his best friend and soulmate. Park Jimin, an adorable men, with an angelic face half hidden in a huge scarf, framed by pink wavy locks under a beanie, turns to look at me, I was ready to die, so I did the only thing that seemed logical on my panic and bowed. 
“Mr. Park, I’m deeply sorry, when I gave Mr. Kim the cigarette, I didn’t taught it would be a problem! He didn’t rope me into anything I swear, I have been smoking since I was eighteen, nothing to do with Mr. Kim. He was just keeping me company while I smoked.” I could swear I heard Taehyung groan, I knew I was rambling but I couldn’t stop myself “I’m Seph part of your team of stylists and I would never dress you like a psychedelic chick I swear!” The psychedelic chick must have sounded funny because next thing I know is that my pink haired boss is a little ball on the floor laughing his ass off. I could hear Taehyung snickering behind me and just then my brain registered a third laugh coming from the most adorable bunny face ever, the youngest of the bandmates, Jeon Jungkook was holding his muscly body against the wall trying not to fall into hystericals besides Park Jimin. He was the one to gain enough composure to make a really tempting offer. 
“If you dress him like a psychedelic chick, I will make sure you get the biggest bonus ever” He manages to say between laughter “please, please, stylist-nim” 
“Kookie, don’t tempt her please.” Jimin said while standing “I’m sorry, that was so rude of me. I’m Park Jimin and I know my asshole soulmate tends to be a bad influence, I shouldn’t have assumed. Please don’t listen to Kookie and don’t dress me like a psychedelic chick.” Taehyung snickered again at his friend comment. 
“I won’t, you don’t have to worry Mr. Park.” I gave the three of them a polite smile and bowed “I will get going now. Mr. Park, Mr. Kim, Mr. Jeon I hope you enjoy your evening” 
“Aish! Seriously why am I still Mr. Kim?” His voice was reflecting the pout his lips where forming “And what are you talking about, what is this about leaving? You are having dinner with us, its the least I can do since you showed me the best ice-cream in the city!”
“What? You went for ice-cream? Without me?” Now the bunny was the one pouting. The cuteness overload. “Hyuuung that is so mean” he continued whining, making Jimin slap the back of Taehyung’s head, making him wince.
“Yah! Kookie is right! So mean Tae!” If Jimin starts pouting I swear to the gods…
“Thank you, for the offer Mr. Kim but I wouldn’t like to intrude” He groaned.
“Seph-ssi, stop with the formalities, besides it’s not up for discussion, you are having dinner with us. You can add it to your job description for the day.” Taehyung gave me an evil smirk, leaving me with absolutely no argument, accepting with a nod, that made him grin. 
The little restaurant was not to busy but the nice hostess lady gave us a table in a room that was completely empty for the privacy of the boys. 
We were looking at the menu, the boys where discussing what to order when the waiter arrived and asked us if we wanted anything to drink, this made three pair of eyes turn to me, expectantly. Taehyung was the one to speak. 
“Seph-ssi why don’t you order for us? You are the one that knows the place and besides we are not really picky when it comes to Italian food” He batted his eyelashes at me, I don’t think I will survive the night if they keep this up, then turned to Jimin. “besides you have to hear her speak Italian, she has the cutest accent ever!” It was loud enough that me and Jungkook heard his alleged whisper across the table, making me turn pink and Jungkook snicker. With a deep breath, I ordered a bottle of wine and several different plates so they could have different options to try. Once the waiter left, the three of them were completely silent, Jungkook was watching me with his doe eyes, Taehyung was grinning knowingly and Jimin was smirking. Jungkook was the one to break the silence.
“Are you Italian?” His tone was dripping with curiosity, like it had millions of questions and this one just scaped. Before I could answer, Taehyung beat me to it.
“Nope, she took a semester off in college and came to have her eat, pray, love era, how cool is that?” The other two boys let out a low ‘whoa’ this just peaked Jungkook’s curiosity even further.
“I had no idea you were a stylist, I mean you are always around and I remember you asking some questions about some clothes, but you never do what the other stylists noonas do. I just assumed you where part of the marketing team or something like that.” Jimin nodding along his words.  
“I’m more in charge of the concept behind outfits and with dealing with international brands to get specific pieces to create the looks.” The three boys looked confused but it was Jimin who voiced his question. 
“Thats actually the first time I hear that a stylist is in not involved in the whole process. Are you part of like a different team of stylists?” Before I could answer the waiter came with all our food, they tried the plates and moaned in agreement, Jungkook looked a little pissed at how good the food was, furrowing his brows while he continued eating just pausing to look at me expectantly. 
“I’m the only one. When I accepted the job offer, my only request was that I would be exclusively involved in the preproduction part of the styling.” 
“Why Seph-ssi?” Jungkook tilted his head. 
“Well, maybe I should shut up before I lose my job” A nervous laugh scapes, but I can’t seem to actually shut up "I declined when the company first sent the request, but apparently one of you guys had seen some of my work and were pretty adamant about hiring me as your stylist, so the company pushed, made it pretty hard to say no.” Jimin starts choking on his pappardelle, Taehyung automatically patting his back until he calmed down. He took a swig of wine and spoke. 
“You are the fashion designer Yoongi-hyung couldn’t stop talking about! You do a lot of experimental design, don’t you?” He was grinning now “I truly believed they couldn’t get you, I knew Yoongi put in the request but he didn’t say anything afterwards and when we didn’t get an evident new member in the stylist team I just assumed… but I should have known something had changed when the clothing started to be a little edgier” 
“Does Yoongi-hyung know that you are working for us Seph-ssi?” Taehyung inquired. 
“I’m not sure. But my bet is that Mr. Min knows because, one day during my first week a huge arrangement of flowers appeared on my studio, the note wasn’t signed it just said ‘thank you for accepting, means a lot to me’. Never had a clue which one of you was until now.” A soft smile grazes my lips remembering the sweet gesture. 
“He is gonna flip when he finds out we had dinner with you. He tends to be a little… possessive” Jungkook sneers, making Taehyung reach over the table to flick his head 
“Yaah! Are you trying to scare her? Don’t listen to him, fell as a child, now he is missing must of his grey matter. Please forgive him.” I hold in my laugh.   
The dinner continued with a light atmosphere and by the time we finished all our plates and ordered desert, we could just roll back to the hotel after everything we ate. 
The walk back to the hotel was quick. The night was getting colder, the light chill of the wind through my clothes made me sigh in contempt, this gained the attention of Jimin who tilted his head in curiosity but said nothing. When we arrived at the hotel we hopped into the elevator.
“We are gonna play video games in Tae’s and Jiminnie's room, do you wanna come?” 
“Thank you for the invitation, Mr. Jung but I think I’m going to head to bed, I’m having breakfast really early in the morning and it’s been a long day” I politely declined, and just in time the elevator dinged indicating it had stopped at my floor, I bowed and wished them goodnight. I couldn’t stop smiling, it had been such a nice night, I just hoped this wouldn’t complicate my job or bring any unnecessary danger towards the boys.  
I was standing outside Mrs. Rossi house, the lavenders she had planted besides her doorstep looked like they where stuck in eternal spring, their color was vibrant, a lot of flowers were either growing or fully grown, the smell so intoxicating, making it easy to get lost in it. This reminded me of home and the lavenders by my bedroom window.
The basket with basket with fresh pastries and some fruit hanged from my arm. I hesitated for a moment before knocking at the door because Mrs. Rossi would make a scene when she sees me, she has a tendency for the dramatic but I loved the old hag. I knocked and almost instantly a shout letting me know someone was coming came from the inside. The door opened and Dorothea, the 12 year old granddaughter of Mrs. Rossi greeted me with a polite smile and a tight hug, as she let me go a petite old woman with a slim frame, soft lilac curly hair that hanged right above her shoulders was pushing Dorothea out of the way and was ready to claim her hug. Nera Rossi was a one of the most gorgeous women I knew, she used to be a model back in the day and she still looked like one in her nineties, her face looked like it was sculpted to be a doll, delicate and perfect, with enough fire in her green eyes to burn entire villages in one look. 
“Beat it squirt, Seph is mine all morning!” Mrs. Rossi told her as she came to hold me.
“But Nonna! This is so unfair!”
“Life is unfair Thea, so shoo!” Dorothea stuck her tongue out to her grandma and started walking away. It was useless to fight Nera, she was stubborn as a goat. When my mother sent me to Florence to hide, my grandma contacted one of her oldest friends, asking her to be my teacher. Nera specialized in shadow work, our lessons tended to be intense and explosive. We were both incredibly headstrong, causing endless arguments between us but in the end her stubbornness is what truly made me understand how to unleash my powers. 
“Bye Seph, come see me some time soon, yes?” Grinning I nodded towards her. 
“Come, come child, let's sit in the kitchen. I will make coffee and give you something to eat. You look so skinny. I saw you where coming so I picked your favorites, I was wondering how long it was gonna take you to you grab your big girl panties and come see me. I’m glad it wasn’t long.” We settle in her vintage sage kitchen table and I can’t help but admire Nera’s kitchen, you could tell that the place has seen and enjoyed countless memories, filled with love and affection. The cabinets were all the same shade of sage but they didn’t look perfect, there were tiny scratches here and there, a testament of how lived this kitchen was. While the style was typical Italian, you could still see Mrs. Rossi in the details, the bases with flowers everywhere, the countless spice racks placed randomly, the herbs hanging to dry in weird places, the cute and funny kitchen cloths… This kitchen felt like home and I appreciated the comfort I so desperately needed. 
“My child have you not been eating?” She caressed my cheek “You keep loosing weight every time I see you. It’s troublesome to say the least. I worry”
“Don’t worry Ne, I swear I have been eating” This was a blatant lie, with the crazy work hours I’ve been putting I barely had time to eat. “I just have been doing a lot of exercise” Nera Rossi was no fool, i knew she could see right through me, with her being a seer and all, it was hard to get away with anything, but she just chuckles and lets it pass. She places a cup of coffee and a plate full of food in front of me. 
“Now eat my dear child, so you can tell me all about your exciting life working for worldwide celebrities.” The grin that paints my face is full of joy. I start digging into my delicious breakfast while I hear all about Mrs. Rossi’s brand new hydroponic strawberry garden, which lead her to adopt a baby raccoon that was stealing her strawberries, so now she had a new garden and a new baby pet raccoon called Cuddles that was currently being babysat by Stephan because apparently Cuddles loved cuddling, catch the irony here, under the morning sun rays by the bay windows at Stephan’s restaurant, Delicia. A spot he had discovered one day Nera and Dante has breakfast together, apparently he would make a fuss if Nera didn’t take him in the mornings and it had become such a sensation having Cuddles at the restaurant. Stephan agreed to come to pick him up the days Nera didn’t stop by and brought him back by luck when the sun no longer hits Cuddles favorite spot. To say that I was excited to meet the baby raccoon was an understatement. I finished eating, knowing we couldn’t postpone the big talk any longer. 
“So baby girl, tell me all about your boys now”
“Neeeeeee” Dragging the e’s in the most dramatic way possible “You know they are not mine, I have barely spoken three words to any of them.” I glare daggers at her and she just waves me off. “The work is good. Tough and long somedays but truly rewarding when I get to see how the pictures turn out, or how empowered they look in the outfits we put together for them.” Taking a deep breathe I continue. “You know how much this all means to me, but I don’t know Ne. I feel like throwing myself at work it’s… not working anymore.” I let my head fall in my hands. Clouds start to form in the kitchen ceiling, starting to rumble with little thunders. “I keep working more and more hours, asking for extra shifts, covering for coworkers, making all the extra trips, but my head still finds time to play tricks on me and I’m afraid of slipping into old habits Ne…” She pulls my face out of hiding and her soft hand started caressing my cheek with nothing but love, her tender strokes feel like she is handling crystal and could brake easily, she sighted. 
“Could you stop the almost storm inside my kitchen? I would hate to have to deal with humidity in my ceiling.” Her comment instantly made the room feel lighter, my clouds beginning to dissipate. “Baby girl, you knew that throwing yourself at work was just a temporary solution for a much more bigger problem” her eyes where so comforting, so soft, so full of love and they just turned softer when tears started to paint my cheeks “Yes child, what you need is a good crying, you don’t have to be strong all the time”
“I don’t know what to do Ne, I really taught this was it… that this job would be what erased my past” my voice cracked “I don’t know how long I can keep running.” 
“Baby girl, thats where you are wrong, you can’t erase your past and you can’t run for ever, it will come a day when you have to confront your demons.” her fingers kept wiping my tears “But remember that you wont be alone trough this fight, there are a lot of people that will be with you when you are ready to take on it. But until that moment comes, please top weakening yourself, try to find a balance and maybe open up to other people, you can be surprised with what you find.” She gives me a knowing smile that made me believe that she saw something coming but wasn’t telling me.“And by the love of the Gods child, eat. If you keep losing weight you will leave me no option but to follow you to Seoul and force feed you or to call your grandma, and I wouldn’t put it past her to crawl out of your cauldron once she hears her little princess is not eating, and then you would have two old hags to deal with in your tiny apartment.” Her sudden outburst makes me laugh between my tears.
“Now, tell me all about  what you are doing the next weeks. I bet you are dying to talk about it.” With that, the heavy conversation ended and we fell into the topic that excited me down to the last detail.  
I had to leave before lunch to pick up some accessories for tomorrows photoshoot. We were saying our goodbyes at the door, Nera gave me a tight hug.
“I know you are here for a few weeks, so if you don’t come visit often I will haunt you down girl.” I chuckled and nodded 
“I’m having diner with Dante and Stephan tonight, want to come? I bet they would love to have you over Ne.” 
‘No, no baby girl. You youngling have fun tonight” she winked at me “Besides, Stephan said your boys are going and like hell I’m gonna meet them before I can threaten them.” I groan.
“Ne, this “my boys” thing is getting annoying and of course my bosses are not going! Mister Kim just said that to be polite.” 
“You have to let Him go at some point Seph.” She murmured “Anyway, shoo girl, you have places to be and so do I.” She started to push me away to get me out of the house and I could swear I heard her say under her breath something along the lines of Mister Kim my ass before she closed the door. 
The afternoon went in a blur between picking up the missing accessories and finishing some touches in the outfits. I was going over some paperwork for the brand shoot when my cellphone rang.
“Dante, you little bitch I swear if you call me one more time to hurry me, I will curse your ass six days from Sunday!” 
“Sorry for interrupting Seph-ssi” The deep timber of the voice on the other side from the phone, startled me automatically making me cringe, crap, crap, crap. “The manager gave me your number, I just wanted to know if you wanted to walk together tonight.” It took me a moment to realize he was talking about dinner at Dante’s. 
“Thank you Mr. Kim but don’t worry that won’t be necessary. Dante was just being polite, you don’t have to go tonight.” The light chuckle let me know he was going no matter what I said, before he even voiced it. 
“He said you would say that. See you in the lobby, we will be there in a few minutes and then we can head out.” Taehyung didn’t even give me a minute to answer, he just hanged up the phone. shit. I was going to kill Dante, what the fuck is wrong with him? When he called me earlier I had informed him that Taehyung was my boss and how it was a terrible idea for him to have dinner with us. He was so dead. A groan forms in my throat, I had the feeling that the next few weeks were gonna be interesting, thanks to my asshole friend. 
The elevator pings to the lobby. Dreading what my night had in store, I step out of the dangly metal coffin. Taehyung is standing right by the elevators looking dashing in black slacks topped with a gorgeous oversized camel wool coat, his dark hair looked messy as if someone had been running their fingers trough his locks. Damn it! I shouldn’t be noticing how he looks outside of the outfits I put together for him. When he spots me he flashes a boxy grin, tilting his head, expectantly. 
“Come on Seph-ssi. We are gonna be late! Dante said to be there at eight and it’s eight o’five” 
“Don’t worry Mr. Kim, Italians are not that into punctuality. Dante won’t mind one bit. But if you don’t want to come, you can always stay and rest, you do know tomorrow night you have a big shoot, right?” He presses his lips together, shakes his head while he turns and starts walking towards the door. What I didn’t expect was the two figures that rose from the couches, just like Taehyung, my other two bosses looked ridiculously good. 
Jimin was wearing skinny jeans, his black leather racer jacket was open showing a pink sweater that looked so fluffy (I really wanted to touch it), his blond hair was in a similar state as Taehyung’s: messy. His pink plump lips held the biggest smile making his eyes look like little crescent moons, a beautiful sight, specially paired with the bunny smile Jungkook was sporting, his outfit screamed comfort, oversized black cargo pants with an oversized black hoodie and a black beanie covering most of his fluffy black hair. 
With a quick bow I greeted both of them. Taehyung must have caught the surprise in my face because he quickly added “Dante said it was okay if they tagged along, said something about meeting ‘this boys Ne keeps talking about’. Which I have no idea what he means but he did say his boyfriend is a great chef so…” 
My hands balled into fists, my jaw locked and I could feel shadow starting to crawl the walls ready to consume the whole room if needed be. I need to calm down. Taking a deep breath, the rumble of my magic starts to ease, the shadows instantly disappearing. Through clench teeth I manage to utter “Sure, let’s go.” 
Next Chapter > 
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shayminskyforce · 2 years
Just thought I'd make another post of poly Little Nightmares. Hope you like it ^^
This is my personal opinion of what I think their relationship would be like.
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