#Question Guidelines
morganbritton132 · 22 days
Eddie: Do you think you’d survive a saw trap?
Steve: Sure, why not? Survived everything else
Eddie: *shrugs because yeah, can’t argue with that logic*
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weeb-polls-with-pip · 2 months
Morally Questionable Anime Milfs Submission Form
No mommy's perfect.
Welcome to the morally questionable anime milfs competition, where we pit hot moms who have made controversial choices against one another.
Fictional characters only please.
The term ‘anime’ is used loosely for simplicity’s sake. Manga, visual novels, manhua, manhwa, donghua, etc. are also allowed. If you have a question about a specific character, just ask. Or go ahead and submit them anyway, and if I don’t feel they fit, I just won’t include them.
Y'all know what milf means. I don't think I need to explain that one. Do feel free to tell me about your milf's sexiest qualities though.
Not limited to biological mothers—as long as the character fills a maternal role, it's fine.
This is NOT the place to submit outright abusive mothers (towards children, at least). The mom must genuinely care about their kid(s)/charge(s) and be someone who is not intentionally malicious. I would say it is alright to submit a 'bad mom with good intentions' who is trying their best, but still messing up, or a character that is a very good mother, but who's moral ambiguity arises from reasons Beyond their parenting. Example being the 'villain who's an excellent parent' trope. Just explain your reasoning to me, and I'll use my own discretion if I feel the character crosses a line.
I have not yet decided the bracket size, and will do so once I see the final submission count.
Some level of horniness in the propaganda is expected, but I will urge you guys try and keep things at a PG-13 level. Here's everyone's advisory notice now: Don't follow this particular competition if this type of content makes you uncomfortable.
Poll propaganda can be submitted through the ask box, replied directly on poll posts, or made as separate posts and then tagged with the blog name. Just be sure to keep things civil.
I'll keep the form open until June 15th. Have at it!
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reality-detective · 7 days
President Trump is asking everyone to forward this message to a minimum of 20 people, and to ask each of those to do likewise. In three days, most people in the United States will have the message. This should be passed around, regardless of political affiliation.
Congressional Reform Act of 2017 👇
1. No Tenure / No Pension. A Congressman/woman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they're out of office. And, no more perks go with them.
2. Congress (past, present, & future) participates in Social Security. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. It may not be used for any other purpose.
3. Congress must purchase their own retirement plan, just as ALL Americans do.
4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%.
5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people.
6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people (i.e. NO MORE INSIDER TRADING!!!).
7. All contracts with past and present Congressmen/women are void. The American people did not make this contract with Congressmen/women. Congress made all these contracts by and for themselves.
Serving in Congress is an honor and privledge NOT a career. The Founding Fathers envisioned citizen legislators should serve their term(s), then go home and go back to work … not get all kinds of freebies.
These are Trump's rules.
NO WONDER THEY’RE FIGHTING EVERYTHING HE TRIES! Pass it on!!!! Let's help TRUMP drain the swamp!!  Forward and send it to everyone you know.  Let’s help Trump get the country straightened out. 🤔
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just-null-cult · 9 months
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i've always wanted to try out this trend! i didnt think i drew him that different. i was wrong. very wrong.
hes so baby girl in my style what the fuck. oh i know, i was just drawing what gege meant to draw. dw, i got his telepathic brainwaves 👍
[time lapse + my headcanons for Noritoshi's appearance under the cut]
some headcanons i have while drawing him are semi obvious while others are bc i like it ahehahhaheha
cupid's bow lips! this was semi inspired by Mizuki Umetsu, the actor for Noritoshi in the jjk stage play! hes so. pretty. perfect guy for the role imo! i was captivated therefore my views changed.
longer hair! the thought that his bangs(? are the same length, or longer, as the rest of his hair is nice.. it also makes his inevitable haircut much more refreshing! i also just like long hair and its a fucking waste not to do whatever the i want.
thicker brows and visible eyelashes! i naturally draw thicker eyebrows because it looks pretty, but the eyelashes is so fucking canon bro. dont even fight me on this, you'll lose. i read a fic about Noritoshi where it said he took good care of himself and his appearance inspired jealousy. that fucked me up man, so now i draw him as beautiful as i can.
monolids! I've looked through the manga and i think its highly implied that Noritoshi has monolids? yk those lines in between the eye and eyebrow, he doesnt have them in the manga. i thought it was because of the expressions he had, but no. the others have them, except geto! so geto also having monolids is so fr in my head. i like that feature abt him.
loose hairs! the hairs that i draw on his face. they make him look so cute and a bit more relaxed. he's not trying to be perfect nor have a single strand out of place. he's just a bit more at ease... though if there's something important he has to go through, he sharpens up. becomes.. stiffer?
I UNINTENTIONALLY MADE HIS CHEST LOOK A BIT BIGGER IN MY STYLE AND I WANT TO APOLOGIZE, BUT I'D BE A LIAR. DOES THIS COUNT AS A HEADCANON??? I JUST THINK... SINCE. YK. HES AN ARCHER. AND DOES TRAINING. AND COMBAT. AND DOES ALL THOSE HIGH JUMPS... HIS CHEST. ITD BE A BIT BIGGER FOR HIS STATURE.. omfg. that'd imply that his legs are fucking insane. and his arms too, since he has to pull back all those arrows so quickly.. oh my fuck. this. this is a revelation. what are you hiding under those robes noritoshi...???? one day.. one day we'll see...
oh my fucking god i forgot that i wrote shit while drawing. please ignore my fucking stupid writings AND THE STUPID ASS THING IN THE MIDDLE I FORGOT ABT WHILE DRAWING..
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dear-ao3 · 11 months
Okay I have to ask bc I have some really funny tags on some of my own fics
Is it cringe to submit your own fic stuff
and how, pray tell, would any of my 88,000 followers know that it was your fic
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circuit-if · 10 months
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Hey everyone! This is just a quick frequently asked questions post with a couple answers to repeated questions in my inbox. Hopefully this addresses them all, but if you have anything not included here just shoot me an ask and I'll get back to you if I can.
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★ Circuit Content Warnings: Circuit is rated 18+ for the following: sexual themes, drug and alcohol use, explicit language, and violence. This blog is ALSO 18+.
★ Ask Guidelines: I'm willing to answer general asks surrounding the story, characters, and mechanics of the game and blog. I'm also willing to answer asks of the following (more specific) types - "how would [char] react to," prompts, and NSFW prompts. I'm NOT willing to answer any asks relating to self harm, SA, SH, or explicit asks about pregnancy. I also won't answer asks offering unsolicited and unwanted criticism or advertising your own work.
★ Romancing Multiple Characters: You can romance multiple different ROs, but there will be points where you need to choose. I advise choosing 1 per play through if you're interested in more than 1.
★ Can we choose our characters ____? Here are a couple things you can choose about your character thus far into the story. These may grow as the story progresses.
First and last name
Pronouns, including set she/her, he/him, and they/them as well as an option to enter your own pronouns.
Preferences pertaining to physical appearance, such as hair colour (dyed or natural, can dye a natural colour), hair length, hair style, clothing style, eye colour.
Team colours, primary and secondary
Car design
Pre-race habits
Racing nickname
However, there are a couple things coded into the game allowing it to naturally pick up on your characters actions and label your character as such. Here's a little info on that:
Based on actions/choices during races, your character can be labelled a wildcard, a patient and cautious prowler, or a vicious daredevil, which the world around will take note of and respond to your character with. You can actively manipulate which of the three you are during races, but you cannot manually choose.
Actions/choices made in the public eye impact how the world responds to your character. You can hate the press or love it, ignore your fans or cherish them. Again, you can actively manipulate which of them you are during press/fan interactions, but you cannot manually choose.
★ Can my character be [personality]? I try to be as inclusive with my personality options as possible, so I'm inclined to say yes. However, I can't promise that every option will pertain to an ultra specific personality. In that case, I always make sure to include neutral options that cater to a wide variety of characters.
★ Any Romances Besides the ROs? Yes, but these will not be nearly as fleshed out as the main four. These will take the role of flings and will be short, without any particularly happy endings.
★ Do we have to participate in a romance route to play the story? A large part of the story is romance, but it is not its centre, so no. You can be best friends with each of the ROs and that can be the extent of your relationship.
★ Character perspectives: I'm definitely willing to write character perspectives on certain situations that happen in the story, however that will likely stay reserved to a future patreon page.
★ Fanfiction: Sure, you can write fanfiction.
★ Fan art: Sure, you can create fan art, so long as art including my characters remains generally true to the physical appearance given, which can be found here for the ROs.
★ Can we ditch Roman? Absolutely.
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widevibratobitch · 28 days
try not to randomly complain about the state of modern opera in your unrelated thesis about an 18th century opera singer challenge: failed.
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cantdrawist · 1 month
I will add to this if it is necessary.
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alphabetquest · 28 days
Why are M/M relationships not allowed?
Hi anon, because it’s not something that interests me to see / read. It wouldn’t be fair of me to allow it and then not read / watch / see an entry that includes it.
Thanks for asking.
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numberoneanika · 6 days
Honestly the roleplay blogs are stronger than I am because if I saw a post where people were saying my blog was annoying and calling me corny I would jump in a large pit and rot away
#I don't think I should tag this one#Okay I've typed my emotions out. For a more normal way to put it: While it makes sense to be upset#best move. I'm sure the blogs in question would be happier if you just told them about the roleplay guidelines than if you made a post#where multiple people call them annoying. Like can you imagine if someone said that about a writing blog#'So sick of x reader fics in the tag I don't want to see that and they're all so out of character' What a dick move.#It is a different case with rp blogs I'll give you that. But I think the principle of the matter stands#unless it doesn't and everything I said is stupid#original ramble below I was so mad for some reason. im not mad at anyone really. everyone is cool. love you guys#I get why people are unhappy that theyre clogging up the tags#like despiar dev said not to and people want to see content of despiar thyme not just ask blogs#I saw someone say they just blocked them and like. I get why. however. people do not know everything#but my brother in Christ you're not helping the matter!!!!!!!!1 send them a screenshot of what despiar dev said!!!!help other people!!!!!!!#just politely tell them instead of weirdly vague posting it helps everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe they just don't know#misspelling the tags so no one finds this post. I will actually be so pissed if people find this and r upset#Oh I'm sorry THIS is the post you're noticing? You have followed me for over six months and you haven't said anything about any other negat#negative feelings i've expressed. I see how it is#I wish the drdt confessions account was still open but whatever fucking whatever#sui mention#personal vent#whatever I guess
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andrrrgynous · 4 months
do you have any good recs for female/female fronted underrated bands?? thanks in advance!
yeah for sure but i'll need more guidelines what genre do you want and how would you define underrated bc i can give you obscure bands that aren't even on spotify or have less than 1000 montly listeners or bands that do well but just don't make it to the charts or bands that only play shows in their own local areas or bands that are going on their first ever tours. and also do you want recommendations of bands that are still active. and when you say female are you trans inclusive bc i can also give you a whole bunch of bands fronted by trans women.
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arcadekitten · 1 year
I may as well post it here too, I recently updated a guidelines page to help illustrate what is & isn't proper etiquette when it comes to interacting with my work! It can be found in my carrd but it's also luckily right here on tumblr & I appreciate you giving it a read through! https://arcadekitten.tumblr.com/guidelines
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begging everyone to learn the difference between "influencer" and "just a regular person posting on the internet" w/r/t struck work because oh my god everyone and their mother are unintentionally spreading misinfo by classifying everyone posting online as influencers
this is what classifies an influencer per SAG-AFTRA's own FAQ:
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^ if this applies to you so do the strike guidelines that SAG-AFTRA has put out, if it doesn't then you are not an influencer and all that union reps have asked casual fans to do is be vocal in support of the strikes and try to weave that support into things like cosplay etc.
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hazeltail · 8 months
Quick question for you guys. I have some pics modeling a plus size top & briefs for fashion reasons, should I post them to @hazeltailofficial & if so, am I supposed to label them mature? They aren't meant to be sexual or pornographic.
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aranciadotcom · 26 days
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r.i.p azusa yamato you would've loved taylor swift
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spottedenchants · 11 months
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