femmeidiot · 2 months
if you're shy and nerdy but also dominant I need you to fuck my mouth with your fingers
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copepods · 7 months
william afton was stuck in that safe room for decades do you think he ever learned about 9/11
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crowned-aeris · 1 month
In honor of mermay, but not related to any prompts:
“I don’t trust that guy,” Jason narrowed his eyes, jabbing a finger at the weird not-human and his half-human son chatting with fully-human Bruce and fully-human Alfred.
“Relax, Jay,” their fully selkie not-human brother drawls with his legs in their giant pool filled with aquarium-grade water, “It’s just Uncle Clark with his son.”
Tim shrugs, “I dunno, they look weird… and smell weird. Cass says theyre- and I quote- really weird, if Cass says they’re weird? Sorry, Dick, they’re weird.”
“So…” Dick puts on a cheshire smile and leans forward, “you can even say they’re Super -weird? Eh? Wha- AUGH!”
Tim yelped, flinging himself out of the pool as Jason lurched forward to yank the selkie into the water. Cass was laughing below the surface, a wide smile on her face as Dick floundered and screeched. Jason had his claws hooked into the selkie’s pants with a bright grin.
“BRUCE!” Dick screeched, the sound of struggle clear within this floor of the manor, and Tim pulls his caudul fin out of the water in disgust, “ALFRED! HELP, I’M- AUAGDHGAGAHDHFPFPSPFGSAGO—”
“What is going on here?” Bruce walked over to examine the scene with an incredulous expression, “Jason, let your brother go!”
The lionfish mer hissed in displeasure, but released the selkie after a stern look from the butler.
“BRUCE!” Dick gasped dramatically, clawing himself onto the floor. His Pelt remained dry, but everything else about Dick was sopping wet. There was even a puddle forming under him.
Tim eyed him warily, flattening his cranial fin as Damian approached with the other half-human, half not-human spawn of the not-human Dick had named “Clark”.
“Grayson, cease you incessant chatter,” Damian huffed before addressing his… “friend”, “Jon, feast your eyes upon our mers.”
The older human walked over while Bruce ranted to Clark about his children’s “dramatics”. Meanwhile, Damian was still talking, “Timothy is a pedigree mer. He is born of a prestigious bloodline, and his scales echo his worth. The previous humans he resided with were not providing him with the proper enrichment a mer of his value should have, and so Father rescued him.”
Tim grimaced at the human’s description before glancing at his red-dappled tail, “Thanks?”
“What do you have to say about me?” Jason swam over and propped himself upon the ledge of the pool with a grin.
Damian sniffed and gave Jason a side-long glare while “Jon” giggled.
“He looks pretty,” the bright boy commented while his… brother(?) hummed.
“I think this guy looks prettier, kinda like a koi.”
Jon examined Tim’s tail before nodding, “Hmm, you’re right!”
Tim frowned, feeling suddenly self conscious at the attention.
Damian sniffed, “Please do not scrutinize Timothy! He is a sensitive mer, and I will not allw you to unsettle him! Jason, on the other hand, is hardier- though I advise you to keep a healthy distance from his spines. His piscine breed is that of a lionfish-”
Jason grins and flashes his fins like the show-off he is.
“-and Father rescued him from an illegal mer trade,” Damian finished.
“What about her down there?” the older half-human asked, peer down at Cass, who popped up to wave and tap Tim’s tail. With a smile, he flicked his tail and artfully drenched the older half-human with the pool water.
“Kon!” the little one exclaimed in shock, and Tim darted away before Bruce coild spot him.
“Jason!” Bruce called again, “We don’t splash guests either!”
“I doesn’t matter if he was annoying, we don’t splash guests!” Bruce sighed in exasperation before returning to his conversation with an amused Clark and an equally entertained Alfred.
Damian continued on with his infodumping, “Cassandra is a mer who escaped from a facility ran by my grandfather, who was trying to create the ultimate weapon for marine warfare.”
“Oh!” Kon blinked in surprise, “That… was not what I was expecting!”
“I kinda feel bad for them,” Jon commented, but Jason waved him off.
“Don’t worry about Cass. If she was in any real danger, she’ll just electrocute you and then rip your throat out!”
“That’s so cool!” Jon chirped eagerly while Kon remained slightly peturbed.
Tim shrugged, “I guess, but it’s kinda… just our lives. Dick has seen so much more of the world than any of us.”
“Maybe, but he’s an asshole,” Jason replied and Cass nodded in agreement. The selkie jerked upright with an affronted gasp and a mock-offended expression.
“Excuse me! I am not an asshole!”
“Mhm, sure not,” Jason countered with a flap of his hand. Before Dick could continue his defense, Bruce approached once more with Clark and Alfred at his side.
The not-human helped Dick to his feet before addressing the two half-human boys, “Alright, boys. It’s getting pretty late, so we should head back to the farm before Ma and Pa worry.”
The boys chorused their agreement before… floating and flying out of the manor? Tim thinks that not-human and his half-human sons were weird.
Bruce took in a breath before kneeling down in front of them, “Okay, kids. I know your thoughts on strangers in the manor-”
Jason interrupted with a flat expression, “If they weren’t kids, then I would’ve stung them.”
Tim huffed as Bruce’s expression tightened, “Okay, I wouldn’t have done something as extreme as Jason, but I really don’t like strangers in the manor… I kinda don’t mind that Kon, though.”
“What?! Tim!” Jason gasped in offense and Tim groans.
“Shut up, Jason! He had shiny things, okay!”
“Timmy has a crush!” Cass teased swimming over to wrap herself around Tim’s torso and drag him underwater. Very wisely, Tim decided it was in his best interest to not fight with the electric eel.
“Ugh, I wish I’d sting him sooner!”
“You will not be stinging anyone,” Bruce admonished, and Tim could hear Jason boo in dissatisfaction before joining Cass and Tim underwater.
“Father, I support Jason’s idea,” Damian chimed in, “we should allow him to sting Timothy’s potential paramore, for Timothy is a regal creature and shall not be paired up with such a thing below his standing!”
Tim groans in exasperation, the sound echoed by Bruce as he thrashed his red-white tail. Suddenly, the water churned and a ringed seal joined them in the pool, his eyes bright with mischief and whimsy.
As Bruce watched his fish (and seal) children tussel together underwater, he pulls Damian close against his side. Alfred rests his hand on Bruce’s shoulder, and the man cannot help but marvel at how far all of them have come since their first introduction into this… messy and patchwork family who now all call the Wayne Manor home…
Bruce could not be happier.
(here’s like, the prequel)
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What do you know about emancipation
And not the historical kind. The kind that lets a minor have custody of themselves.
— @midtown-braincell-holder
Well, in most states the age of majority is 18 years. After that someone is no longer a minor and can legally have custody over themselves.
If one is not over the age of 18, they can go to court to gain emancipated legal status.
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archangeldyke-all · 5 months
Hey ! It's my first request ever, so I'm not sure how it work. If you're not confortable with it, feel free to don't respond. I'm kinda obsess with an AMAB Sevika, can you write reader discovering a surprise pregnancy with a sex friend/flirt/crush Sevika ?
I like the way you make her express her feelings, it's pretty accurate with Arcane. Feel free for them to keep the baby or not. Thank you so much and thank you for your work. ^^
sure!!! i got another very similar request too so i'll combine them :)
Amab sevika really be curing my depression
Maybe reader and vika are married and trying for a baby? 🥺🥺 amab sevika is my beloved and I'd die for her
men and minors dni
you guys have been trying to get pregnant for about six months now.
a lot of it's been fun. flipping through baby books together in bed, sending each other videos of cute babies on social media, and the actual baby making process is a blast.
but some of it's hard.
sevika's stopped taking her estrogen to get her sperm count back up. as a result, she's been horribly dysphoric.
you've caught her crying several times, standing in front of the mirror with a pair of tweezers in her hands, her chest irritated from the plucking and picking she'd done. she's become obsessive in shaving her face, doing it two or three times a day. her metabolism's gotten faster without the estrogen, and the 20 or so pounds of extra padding she'd put on her thighs and hips since she started e years ago is starting to fade away.
you try your best to make her feel better, insist that you guys could always try ivf instead, but she's determined to do it 'the old fashioned way.' so, you just hold her when her dysphoria takes hold, pressing kisses to her hair, reminding her you'd love her with a full beard just as much as you love her now.
it's been hard on you too. the more time that goes by without a successful pregnancy, the more you feel like your body's betraying you.
how many times did you and sevika have a pregnancy scare at the beginning of your relationship, before you were ready for kids? hundreds. but now that you're actively trying, your period is as regular as it can possibly be.
you've decided that if you go another month without any success, you're going to throw in the towel and ask your obgyn about ivf. you can't take much more disappointment, and you don't like seeing sevika so depressed all the time.
but then, something happens.
it starts with your tits getting sore.
for a week straight, they're tender to the touch, sore by the end of the night when you take your bra off. you know it's one of the earliest signs of pregnancy, but you don't say anything, not wanting to get your hopes up.
but then you start getting sick in the mornings. you can't hide this from sev, and she's squirming with excitement beside you as she rubs your back while you spew your guts into the toilet below.
"this is amazing." she says, giddy. you groan.
"real amazing sev, i'm feeling great." you say sarcastically. she giggles and presses a kiss to your head.
"i'm sorry, honey." she whispers. you giggle and reach out to hold her hand as another bout of nausea overtakes you.
your period is a day late.
and then two.
you know this. you know sevika knows this. but neither of you say anything, too scared to jinx it.
but when two days becomes three, and then three becomes a full week, you start getting excited.
you don't tell sevika you buy a pregnancy test-- not wanting to disappoint her if it's negative. but you do buy one, and you take it an hour before sevika's meant to get home.
it's positive. you nearly pass out from excitement.
sevika comes home to dinner on the table and flowers in the kitchen.
you sit on her lap the second she sits down, swinging your arms around her shoulders.
she's smiling like she already knows, but she's biting her lip-- worried that she's wrong.
"i got two surprises for you." you say.
"two?!" she asks, her hands clawing into your hips. you smile.
"two." you say, nodding.
you reveal the syringe full of her estrogen to her, raising your eyebrows at her. she blinks.
"what's that?" she asks. you laugh.
"'s only been a few months sev, y' already forgot what your e looks like?" you tease her. she blinks and gulps as you wipe a cool alcohol wipe over her bicep, pinching the skin and bringing the needle up to her arm. you smile at her.
"but what about--"
"don't ruin the second surprise." you scold her as you inject the needle into her muscle, pushing her hormones in and watching as her eyes go wide and sparkly.
she doesn't even notice the sting of the needle-- she's usually such a wimp about it, but tonight, she's got all her attention focused on you.
"does that mean-- are you--"
"pregnant?" you ask as you gently place a bandaid over the tiny puncture wound. sevika's breath catches in her throat and her eyes get watery. you place a kiss on top of the bandage, keeping your eyes locked on hers. sevika's breathing is shaky, tears already streaming down her cheeks. you lean up to kiss them up. "you're gonna be a momma, sev." you whisper against her cheek.
at the words, sevika bolts out of her chair, holding you in her arms and running you to the bedroom. you laugh the whole way.
sevika slams you (gently) down onto the bed before jumping on top of you. one of her hands goes to hold your stomach, the other comes up to cup your cheek.
"are you serious?!" she whispers. you smile and nod, your own tears welling in your eyes.
"took three tests. all positive." you say. sevika whimpers, then swoops down to kiss you.
she fucks you like she's trying to get you pregnant again.
and then, when you're done and she's holding you in your arms, her hand still on your stomach, the both of you catching your breaths, the first thing she says is, "what do you think about athena as a girls name?"
"goddess of war!?" you ask, laughing. "absolutely not. i'm not dealing with another little fighter in the house." you say. sevika giggles.
"but it's badass! nobody'd fuck with her." she says, pouting at you. you laugh. sevika gasps. "she just kicked!" she says, pointing at your belly. you laugh even harder. "she loves it! we have to name her athena now!" she says, teasing.
you groan and push her face away as she chuckles. "you're fuckin' ridiculous." you say between your giggles. sevika grins.
"i love you so much." she whispers, tears forming in her eyes again. your laughter ceases, a sweet watery smile taking its place.
"i love you too." you whisper.
sevika grins and swoops down to kiss your stomach.
"love you too, little fucker." she whispers to your belly.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther
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chiptrillino · 1 year
How the hell do you find every accurate representative culture fashion for the avatar gang? Like it pains me the hell how people this good and hardworking can find these gorgeous cultural clothes and accessories and draw them so well and detailed like you- TELL ME YOUR SECRETS (Please)
idk about accurate. at the end it is still a fantasy world inspired by real life cultures contrasting or soothed out to fit a charakter personality and traits. listen if i spot an option to have a older fire lord zuko with his titts chest out i will go for it and nothing can stop me not even accuracy i say this as if i didn't already do it in private with seethrough material hahah
there is not much secrets behind it though, sorry its research, fact checking. often even the most random things. at least that is my method. you go to google and type in what you need and would like to know. read the wikipedia article for some general understanding on the topic but them go to the source part and check these out. or like double check these. if reading is not your thing there are lots of dedicated youtubers or ticktockers that love to share and explain parts of their culture or tradtions (clothing included. depends on what you research.) contemporary to that or after that you build up your visual library by collecting images on pinterest, or google or websites covering the topic you are researching. make your own folders or pin boards.
an amazing blog for atla real life culture sources is of course or beloved: @atlaculture blog!
https://www.tumblr.com/atlaculture who recently began to dedicate some post in flashing out more water tribe and air normad cusine, also instruments. its a delight to read through.
of course you have an easier time with some research than with other. some things are clear others a contradicting some are barley documented. it is also necessary to have an occasional reality check. like reread your sources see if there is something new. replace what you misunderstood before. don't always go for what looks pretty and aesthetically good to you. there is a reason why things looked like they did. was it the material, was it protection, was it culture.
a part looking at contemporary photography i personally preffere to look at how people liked to depict themself at that time. Statues, wall painting, illustration, old fotos from that time and compare them to current pictures to see how they used to stylize this element or to see what was essential to them. thats probably my old art-history phase flaring up again though hahah. at the end it is also how you Interpret and headcanon the atla world for yourself. before i were able to redesign jet i had to figure out how i want to draw fire nation armor. because to me jet repuporses a lot of the armor from the enemy. a shin guard will be used as an arm protection. the red shirt he wears is fire nation, a shoulder guard that fits will just be used as it is. i just assume that FN armor is better in being fire resistent than earth kingdoms ones.
but fire nation armor is a chellenge on its own again. because is it tang dynasty? is it song? but the collar protector is a typical thai armor element. how do i combine that? is there a history behind it?
speaking about armor what would be the southern water tribe one? if it is lamellar ivory armor, how and why does it look so different by season 3 at the day of the black sun? did the southern water fleet separated form their home begin to adopt EK styles. switching out kuspuk and parkas in for sleeveless wrap shirts and armor with inside plating like they have in ba sing se? because that what was aviable to them?
(appart everything the talk of armor is in general really curious because... what do you wear when you go in to fight against fire??? in the poles you can argure that it is not a concern. if you burn you roll in the snow but in the EK... hm.. they dont have fancy heat resistand clothing like fire fighters have now.... armor is ment to cushion off impact and or slicing. our standard armors conzept can work well against earth-, water- and air bending (to some degree) but fire burns what do you idealy do against that? leather helps to some degree)
while the southern water tribe is clearly circumpolar people inspired (although lacking lots of world-building which you can kind of excusing it with... the war destroyed everything but also... uh.... its a nearly 20 year old show.... ) the northern water tribe shows korean or even mongolian elements. so what do you want to focus on? i personally like to make things connect because these characters live in one world togheter and trade and exchange happens. (yes even during a 100 year war or at least there had to have been a time of influence and the lack of exchange froze(*snorts*) this culture in time) you know... migration? and transition of style and life through out history.
maybe i overthink things to much for just drawing some clothes... -srugs-
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ganondoodle · 11 months
also .. you know, thinkign about zelda in totk, considering she just lived throguh a crisis in botw, then makes a huge horrifying discovery and get yoinked into the past of this hyrule right after, in a world thats clearly the same but she knows no one, even if sonia and rauru are distant relatives, they are are still strangers like literally EVERYONE else around her shes lost all of her support system and everything she build up over the years between the games now AND the strangers are wielding incredible power she has never seen before AND are also in a crisis ... isnt kidna logical she'd just kinda .. tag along and do whatever shes told or try to be as inoffensive as she can, i know they mean everyone around her to be nice and helpful but it leaves me feelign a little uneasy still, do you really think she actually chose what she did or did she literally have not other choice-
ok im stopping here you heard enough rants from me :I
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ballwizard · 1 year
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dreamlightofyourway · 1 month
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Rick Danko of The Band, 1971
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mischiefmodig · 2 months
Amity Celebrations \ / @magnusmodig
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Why are the celebrations of this world so... asanine? In Asgard the festivities would be for tales of glories and battles. Stories that were passed down from generation to generation, and regarded in the highest esteme.
Perhaps in some ways these "traditions" were largely the same. And perhaps Loki was biased, but that did not change the fact Loki saw little to no interest in engaging with anything of this world ( lest another beast come after him and force him to do so. )
But something was softened in the Ice Prince's heart. Perhaps it was seeing sons with their mothers, brothers playing in fields... it reminded him of an older time. a simpler one. where war was only a story they celebrated and they could fight it all together. Maybe what he felt was jealousy, maybe it was anger that these lives were happier than his. Mischief had already lifted his heart, but... perhaps... just this once...
Loki had found himself in a secluded part of the field's. There were very few eyes that would be upon him as he strode his way among the freshly bloomed flowers. He saw the ones he was searching for. With a skilled and delicate finger, he took them from the ground and into his hands.
He had a sizable collection of flowers, which to any casual observer were nothing special. But to him, he knew them alone as his mothers favorite. He'd often spent hours collecting bouquets for her from the lush castle gardens. The light that shown on her face whenever she would recieve such a gift was something he always cherished. Her smile was the prettiest. He often wondered if she was ever truly happy.
Every stem weaved into the next. He lost count of the hours he spent on the field floor, while waltzing in his memories. Good memories. Happy moments with her... that was squandered. The wreath was only halfway done, by the time he became aware of approaching footsteps.
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loverockawaitsyou · 1 year
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A small fraction of the guest list of the Singles Premiere and Afterparty.
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minty-bunni · 1 year
The amount of chaos Danny could cause by setting up a blob ghost circus for a class project or science fair is immeasurable.
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cherboxishere · 1 year
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Planning the other side I LOVE FLOWER LANGUAGES
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slutdge · 4 months
hate it when a book is good but its a little off just cause the dialogue is written in a way that is immediately clockable that the author is not from where the characters are supposed to be from, like im reading a book that takes place in west virginia rn and this whole time ive been like theres no way this author is from the appalachian region.
lo and behold.
she is from oregon.
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throwawaytherapist · 4 months
(This is for a paper I'm writing, so it would help me a lot to vote, reblog, and elaborate in the tags. )
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starry-miki · 4 months
What character color do you think micheal would be?
(This is important information) 👁️👁️
Color used chart down below (not 100 accurate)
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