BIG GULP …… sorry guys i fear another cult leader geto drabble is abt to be thrown into my drafts 💔💔💔💔💔💔
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moonstruckme · 2 months
Hii honey!! I hope you’re doing good, would you be willing to write about the reader trying to quit smoking weed and either Sirius or Remus helps her through it <3. I’m currently on day 2 of quitting and it’s SO HARD, but it’ll be good for me
Hi lovely, thank you for requesting! Hope quitting is going okay for you, I've heard the first week is the worst but I'm rooting for you!
cw: weed (reader isn't smoking but is around people who are), reader has hair long enough to reach her neck
Sirius Black x fem!reader ♡ 844 words
The sound of Marlene flicking her lighter reaches you like a siren’s call. You can hear it from across the room, your head turning towards her automatically. She raises a blunt to her lips, smoke pluming from between them a moment later. You know it’s impossible, but you think you can smell it already. You breathe in like you can taste it. 
“I’m spent.” Sirius’ voice sounds like it’s coming from faraway, but his hand wrapping around your thigh is solid. It brings you back to your side of the room, where your boyfriend’s looking at you with a jovial grin and a knowing flicker in his eyes. “You ready to head out, gorgeous?” 
“I could stay longer if you want to,” you say, trying to tell him it’s okay. Even if there’s an insistent tugging in your middle, a familiar ache in your lungs, dying to bring you to where Marlene sits. 
Sirius doesn’t hesitate. “No, I think I’d rather get you to myself.” 
James groans for show, but his expression is fond as he watches Sirius pull you up from the couch and tug you playfully into his side. He loves seeing his best friend in love; he’s told you directly more than once. 
“We’ll see you tomorrow,” he says. “Rem’s off somewhere with Lily, but I’ll make sure he’s up in time.” 
“We could always push until the afternoon,” Sirius tries, grabbing both of your jackets from where they’re slung across the back of the couch. You feel a bit like you’re in a daze, the headache that’s been pestering you all day suddenly an insistent throb. 
“Fat chance.” James waves you both off with a laugh. “See you bright and early, Pads.” 
“Wanker,” Sirius mutters as you turn away, but he doesn’t stop to argue further, guiding you out of the party while you both call hasty goodbyes to your friends. When Marlene raises her hand in a wave, your vision narrows on the blunt between her fingers as you smile in reply. 
Outside, the night air is fresh and pleasantly cool. Goosebumps skitter up your arms, and you take your jacket from Sirius, letting him hold your bag while you shrug it on. 
“I thought we might walk home,” he says, watching you with something hidden in his expression as you pull your hair out of your collar and take your bag back. “Does that sound good?” 
“Yeah,” you agree, starting in the direction of Sirius’ place. Walking is good for your head when the cravings are bad like this, you’ve found. Your boyfriend knows this. “Thanks for getting me out of there.” 
He falls into stride beside you, slipping a hand into your back pocket like that’s where it belongs. “Figured I ought to do my part in keeping you out of trouble.” 
You huff a laugh. “Doesn’t sound much like you.” 
“I know.” Sirius’ nose wrinkles. Somehow he manages to make even that look pretty. “Look what you’re doing to me, sweetheart. I’m disgusted with myself.” 
You roll your eyes, and he grins, squeezing your butt playfully through your pants. Your laughter rings out sharply on the quiet street. 
“I wouldn’t worry too much,” you assure him. “You and your friends are still terrible influences on me.” 
Sirius gasps loudly. His hand slips from your back pocket and he fists both in the front of your jacket, a grin slicing across his face as he yanks you closer. “That so?” he asks in a low voice.
It’s impossible to keep your own lips from curving. “Mhm.” 
“I resent these accusations. We’ve just left a house full of saints. You can see their halos glowing right above their heads.” 
“Then you’ve had more to drink than I thought.” 
Sirius’ laugh rings out, loud and stomach-flipping. He kisses you soundly with a smile on his face, fingers still bunched in your jacket. “Really,” he says, slipping an arm around your waist as you start walking again, “do you want me to tell Marls not to smoke around you? I’m sure she wouldn’t mind taking it outside.” 
You take a deep breath. Remind yourself that the air clearing your head instead of muddling it is a good thing. “No, that’s alright. I’m going to have to get used to it eventually.” 
Sirius makes an agreeable humming sound. He presses a kiss to your temple. “Proud of you, sweetheart.” 
You huff a laugh, though the words start a pleasant buzzing in your chest. “Sap.” 
“Don’t tell Jamie.” 
“Oh, I’m telling him.” 
“No,” Sirius says firmly, as if you can’t hear the laughter in his tone, “it’s only for you. If you tattle on me I’ll have to stop doing it.” 
You roll your eyes, going quiet. It’s not so much an aquiescence as a contented silence, but you let your boyfriend take it for what he will. He squishes you up against his side fondly. 
“I am, you know,” he says, voice softening with sincerity. “I’m proud of you, baby.” 
You suppose that for now, that can be enough for you.
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eowynstwin · 2 years
in the early morning
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neighbors - next
On a cold winter's day in the early morning hours, you knock on your neighbor Captain John Price's door to make a noise complaint. You don't know much about him; only that he's a soldier in the SAS, and gone more often than he's home. You don't expect to like him as much as you do—or that he might share your longing for connection. Together, he and you may just learn how not to be lonely.
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You’re about to knock again when your neighbor finally answers the door.
It’s the last place, time, and chore you want to be involved in—nearly 6am, looking to register a noise complaint with a man you’ve never met, shivering in flannel pajamas and bundled into two coats on his stoop.
The landlady Mrs. Walmsley had pitched for your flat hard on the basis of this mystery neighbor being absent for months at a time.
“He’s SAS, dear,” she’d said in that little nasally voice. Her eyes had been excitedly wide behind thick, round glasses. “A captain. They have him going all over the world, so it’ll be quiet as the countryside here at home.”
Evidently not.
The world is still swaying a little, indignant on behalf of your interrupted REM, as the door swings open before your knuckles can connect. Then you’re sure you’ve fallen back to sleep, because in the doorway stands a tall, handsome, shirtless man with a bowl of cereal cupped in one very large hand.
You’re not sure where to look, but your gaze has not waited for your brain’s directive, because you take in a trim, sturdy waist, full pectorals, and thick, strong arms all dusted in a pretty composition of dark hair before thinking to actually look the man in the eye.
Oh. Equally disconcerting. He has a kind, lined face, a dark beard and soft blue eyes that are focused directly on you.
Whatever words you had half-planned to say flee like birds startled away from a park bench. You think, SAS. Captain. Couldn’t Mrs. Walmsley have mentioned even once that he looks like an honest-to-god movie star?
You must look like you’re staring into the headlights of an oncoming car, because the SAS Captain’s dark brows crease in the middle. “You alright, love?”
You blink. “Um.” Goodness, no man’s voice deserved to sound that sultry so early. Or did it sound that way because it’s so early? “I, um.”
He tilts his head, listening. You have to rub your eyes so you can stop looking at him.
“I’m sorry,” you say, noting the dumb, drowsy slur of your thus-unused voice. “I don’t mean to bother you.”
“Not a bother at all,” says the Captain. “What can I do for you?”
This is going somehow far better, and simultaneously much worse, than you could have imagined.
“It’s,” you try, peeking at him as you reluctantly lower your hands from your face, “it’s the telly. Or the music. I—you’ve got something playing, and I don’t mean to be a pest, but it woke me up, and—”
His brows shoot up his forehead, and you can see realization bloom across his expression. “And it’s loud, isn’t it?”
Before you can nod, he steps away from the door, and you can see him retreat into the living area to retrieve a remote. He points it at something, his long, muscled arm outstretched, and the noise, which you had failed to even notice once he’d opened the door, instantly silences.
He comes back to the door. “Better?”
You blink. You try very hard not to stare at his chest, which is pebbling with goosebumps in the morning cold. “Uh—yes, that should be alright. Thank you.”
“No trouble,” says the Captain, stirring his cereal without looking at it, blue eyes once again directly on you. “I’m sorry, didn’t know someone had moved in.”
“Just a month ago,” you admit. And you introduce yourself, because even half-asleep your manners haven’t completely fled you.
The Captain nods. “That explains it. I’ve been out of the country. I’m John Price. You can just call me John.”
Out of the country. SAS. Captain. Strong arms, and soft blue eyes. Suddenly you feel very small, shivering on this man’s—John Price’s—front doorstep, bundled up like you’ve never experienced a cold day in your life, while he stands there half-naked and not even blinking at the bite of 4C.
“Well,” you say, trying to remember how conversation worked, “welcome home?”
John Price smiles at you, then, and you’re struck even in your drowsy state by it. It’s a sad smile trying its best to be happy.
“Thank you,” he says. And by the way he’s looking at you, blue eyes gone even softer than before, you think he’s appreciated your half-hearted pleasantry far more than it deserves.
“Well, um.” You flounder. When you stepped up to the door, your only intention had been to make this as quick as possible, wanting to return to the warmth of your bed underneath six blankets as fast as you could manage.
Now—okay, you still want to get back into bed. But Captain John Price (still shirtless) seems in no rush to hurry you away, and it isn’t every day that a mysterious, dashing soldier trains his attention solely upon you.
The still-asleep part of your brain wonders shamelessly if he’d be as warm as those blankets if you touched his bare skin. You strangle the thought immediately.
“I don’t know if you know Mrs. Walmsley,” you say, “but she had some quite nice things to say about you.”
Captain John Price smiles again, and it’s a little less sad and a little more amused. “Did they have to do specifically with my absence?”
SAS. It’s only six in the morning. The lying part of your brain is still asleep, if it would even be any use here. “It came up? Sorry?”
He doesn’t laugh, but the huff that comes out of him resembles it enough that you know he’s not offended. “Don’t be. Seems like she has trouble keeping the place lived in as it is. Think you’re the first one who’s actually talked to me.”
“That’s a shame!” you say in earnest.
But John Price shrugs. “I can’t imagine they would’ve enjoyed talking to me too much. Career soldiers aren’t all that interesting—I should know, I spend most of my time around them.”
“Well, I think you seem very nice,” you insist, and despite the morning’s rude awakening, you’re being entirely truthful.
John opens his mouth to reply, but a cold wind chooses that exact moment to blow, and you are not able to suppress a full body shiver as it hits. You tug your coats more tightly around your body, tucking your hands into your sleeves.
John frowns. “Not nice enough to send you back inside where it’s warm, clearly.” He sets the cereal bowl out of view and crosses his arms loosely across his bare chest. “Aren’t you freezing?”
“Me?!” you exclaim, astonished, face warming. “You’re wearing less than I am!”
“I’ll be fine,” says John. “I hate to think I’ve kept you out here suffering. Please, I appreciate the conversation, but you don’t need to indulge me.”
But you want to, you find, and very badly. You want to stay in this man’s soft blue gaze, listen to his rumbling voice, even if you stop being able to feel your own body from the cold. There’s something about Captain John Price that’s unusually compelling (helped by the absence of a shirt), and you feel in that moment a little like you’re brushing up against someone more important than someone like you will ever be.
But you recognize a polite dismissal when you hear it, too.
“If anything, I’ve been the one keeping you,” you say, smiling apologetically. “But it’s been very nice to meet you, John.”
He smiles at you again, and it’s the same one from before—sad, trying to be happy. He says your name, and it sounds better than it has ever sounded, wrapped in the rough baritone of his voice. “Pleasure to meet you too. Truly.”
You smile back, and leave his doorstep. You’re not sure now how you’re going to fall back to sleep now.
You’re twisting the handle of your front door when suddenly John calls your name. When you turn to look at him, he’s leaning a little out of his doorway, balancing himself with a hand on the inside of its frame.
“If I ever get to noisy for your liking,” he says, “just knock on the wall, and I’ll bring it down, aye?”
“Okay!” you reply. “And you too, yeah? I don’t want to bother you, either!”
“I don’t imagine you could,” John says, giving you another amused huff, “but sure.”
You don’t know how to respond to that, so you wave, and escape inside.
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vashbug · 1 year
Dropped into No Man’s Land Ch 2
Summary: Vash has a hard time trusting you. You tell him about Earth. You realize something important.
Notes:  Chapter 2 of my silly Trigun Isekai fic. Okay, that's all I'm posting for today! I think two chapters is enough for now. I hope you enjoy :)
First Chapter: Here
Read on AO3: Here
You let out a nervous laugh as you watch Vash's face go from jovial, to curious, to suspicious in the span of a few seconds. He's taken a cautious step back, and suddenly you feel like he's looking at you as though he's calculating the trajectory of a bullet. Vash might be all too trusting, but he's not stupid, and you're an outlier in a world he knows almost everything about.
The moment drags on for a little too long, and you can see Vash's right hand twitch slightly at his side near his gun. You know he won't fatally harm you, but you sure don't want to get shot today. You make the mistake of sparing a quick glace at the holster strapped to his thigh, and it takes a millisecond for him to take that as a threat and draw, aiming directly between your eyes.
"Hey! Woah!" You put your hands up quickly. You know he's only doing this because he feels like you've deceived him, but the sight of his gun makes your blood run cold regardless.
"What are you," He asks, "and why are you here?" He's practically growling, and if you were watching him on TV, the tone in his voice would make you shiver. Instead, you feel like you might throw up.
"I'm human, I swear!" Your mind is struggling to process what is happening, and you're having a hard time finding the right words to defuse the situation. His glare is colder than you anticipated. "I told you the truth! I swear on my life."
Vash doesn't move a muscle as he stares you down. "Explain why you know who I am, then. I need to know if you're a threat to the people who live on this planet or not."
Ah, that's what this is. He couldn't give a shit whether or not you were here for him, he just wants to make sure you won't hurt anyone. Your mind clears somewhat and you're able to speak.
"Oh," you chuckle nervously. There's no point in hiding it now, whether he thinks you're insane or not. It's better than having him shoot you. "You're sort of... famous. In my time."
For the first time in a minute he moves, slightly lowering his gun. He looks surprised. "What?"
"Theres..." You need to phrase this in a way that makes sense, and in a way that doesn't make you so embarrassed that you beg him to shoot you. "There's a book about you. Where you're the main character. It's a... western, about a gunslinger named Vash The Stampede. He wears a red coat and travels from town to town helping people. Or trying to," you smile sheepishly.
He takes a moment to think this information over. "So in your... reality or whatever, there's a book about me? That you've read?"
"Yeah, I mean, it doesn't seem like it's entirely out there that at some point our realities have crossed, given that I'm here." You feel a lot more confident now that his gun isn't pointed directly between your eyes. "Maybe the author dreamed about you or something."
"How much does it say about me?" His curiosity is obvious now, though he's still trying to mask it with suspicion. His gun is lowered all the way down now, still in his hand.
"Oh, well, it... It says enough about you that I know who you are, but you seem a little different from the Vash in the book." He seems exactly like the Vash you know, but you're trying to save face a little, in case you get any details wrong.
"Okay..." He doesn't seem entirely convinced. "Then tell me something no one else knows about me."
This takes you by surprise. You didn't expect a quiz. You have to think for a moment. "Um, I know that Rem grew red geraniums."
He looks surprised again. "That's... That's not good enough. There are plenty of people who know that." His face says he's expecting another answer.
You feel sick to your stomach. You look him directly in the eye, so he knows that you're serious. You know what you have to say, but you desperately don't want to open old wounds.
"You saw something terrible; something when you were young, back on your ship." You eye him cautiously, careful with your words. "After you saw that, Knives was asleep, and Rem told you about the train, and the ticket..." You stop, sure this is enough. You don't dare to elaborate further.
It's Vash's turn to look sick. He carefully places his gun back in it's holster and sits heavily on the ground, his head dropped between his knees. "There's only a couple people that know that," he mutters.
Your heart aches for him, but at the same time you feel relief flood through you. You slump back and sigh. He raises his head and gives you an apologetic look. "Sorry, this is just so weird. When I realized you knew me, I was worried you were an alien... here to threaten humanity... or something." He looks ashamed, his cheeks red with embarrassment. It's obvious in the way his shoulders hunch forward that he feels bad about threatening you. "If it makes you feel any better," he pulls his gun back out and releases the cylinder with a click, showing you the inside. "I'm out of bullets."
You glance between him and his empty gun with your mouth open, not sure of what to say. Then you laugh-- a real laugh--and the sound makes his face brighten. "Damn it... you really are him."
He laughs as well, and for the first time since you've met you're both smiling at each other. He takes this as forgiveness and snaps his gun shut again, hiding it away once again. The two of you sit quietly for a while, watching the fire flicker in the dark, trying to process everything.
"So..." You look up at the sound of his voice and find him tracing circles in the sand with his prosthetic hand. He looks like a little kid about to ask their parents for something they're not supposed to have. "In this book... what other things do you know?"
"I'm not sure if I should tell you," you say, trying to sound playful. Truthfully, you were worried about this. Would telling him too much alter the timeline? Was it even the same timeline?
"Please! Just a little!" He half-walks on his knees over to your side, lacing his hands together and giving you the biggest puppy-dog eyes he can manage. His big blue eyes sparkle with anticipation. "I just want to know a little, you don't have to tell me anything life-altering; nothing about the future."
You fold immediately. Damn it. "Okay, I'll tell you. But only the light stuff! I don't even know if this is the same timeline I know." He sits upright, legs crossed like a child ready for story-time.
So you tell him about his friends, mostly, steering clear of any major events. He knows Wolfwood, Meryl and Roberto already, but the timeline diverges slightly and he ends up separated from them, with plans to meet with them again after Vash makes a few stops. You don't have time to ask him for details, as he's playing 20 questions with you at break-neck speed. After a while you run out of things to tell him about, and he begins to ask about your timeline and your Earth.
"What's it really like there?" His eyes are wide, and he leans closer and closer with each answer you give him. "Is flora really everywhere? Do you really watch movies? And just how many people are in your town?" He hangs on every word you say, and the fire begins to die from neglect.
"Well, flora really is sort of everywhere, except for in the desert, but even then there's specific vegetation there." You're careful not to use the word plant in this context. "And I do watch movies... And..." You have to think for a moment. "There are about 9 million people in my city? It's one of the biggest." You have to guess the population size.
His already wide eyes grow even wider. "9 million... In just one city." He thinks about it for a moment, and then his tone turns quiet and serious. "Is it... peaceful?"
You know the answer he is hoping for by the look on his face.
Your heart throbs painfully in your chest. "Well..." You look down at your hands. "It's more peaceful than here." You give him a weak smile, and you know it's not convincing. "It's not the same as here, really. I mean, I don't think you can even compare the two. People have more peaceful days than not, depending on where you live, I guess." You quickly realize you're not cut out for this conversation; you're not sure how to explain that there are so many contradictions in your life on Earth.
You look at his face in the dying firelight. For the first time since meeting him here, you see that familiar look, the one that exposes just how old and tired he truly is. You're not sure if he's disappointed with your answer, and you don't have the heart to ask.
"But," you continue, reaching over and taking his hand in yours. You figure you know him well enough to do this much. "People are mostly good. And we all help each other when we can. There are so many people from my Earth that are trying to make it a better place. I forget sometimes, that the Earth is a good place. It is... It's beautiful." You smile at him, this time genuinely. One of your hands holds his right, the other tracing circles into his palm. You notice that his hands are bigger than yours.
His eyes search your face, and while his expression is still worn-down, something else is there. Surprise? Curiosity? You can't place the feeling.
"Rem would have really liked you," he says quietly, looking down at his hand in yours. "I'm sure I don't have to tell you, but she wanted the world to be a better place. She wanted everyone to get along, just like that." His voice hitches slightly in his throat.
You're surprised at the mention of Rem, and suddenly you're keenly aware of your hands, your finger tracing it's slow circles over his gloved palm. You know it's a huge compliment--an honor, really--to be compared to Rem. Your face turns hot, and you can hear your own heartbeat in your ears. You can feel him looking at you, but you can't meet his eyes. You have to change the subject.
"The fire..." You glance at the dying coals. "We should probably keep it going, it's getting cold." You pull your hands away so you can wrap them around yourself.
"Ah!" Vash looks as though something in him has snapped back into place as he makes a show of fussing over the fire. He seems like his usual, cheerful self as he pushes sticks and kindling into place. The fire comes back to life, and you're both bathed in the warm glow.
"Thank you," he says into the fire after a while. "For telling me about Earth. I hope you get back there someday. It sounds like a wonderful place." He turns his head to look at you as he says this, a smile that reaches his eyes spreading across his face.
He is so sincere it makes you want to cry again. You're not sure if you want to curl up in his jacket or curl up in his arms. He's still smiling at you, and you're sure he knows exactly what effect he has on people. Several thoughts cross your mind, all of them having to do with touching him or kissing him, and you have to fight to hold down your embarrassment. You decide it would be best not to act on any of them, though he's still looking at you, and he's so close...
Instead, you pick up your cracked phone and look at it once more, Idly turning it over in your hands. You concentrate on picking the sand out of the crevices, trying not to think about Vash. You look at the cracks in the screen, thinking it would probably still work if you could get it to turn on. You know you won't get a signal, but you'd at least have whatever is saved on it...
You exclaim so loudly Vash nearly falls into the fire.
"Ah! What that hell? What is it?"
You ignore him as he watches you scramble on all fours behind him, reaching for your bag. "My laptop!" You pull it out of your bag and brush the sand off of it, frantically opening it and pressing the power button. "Come on..." You plead. Please turn on.
Vash moves to sit behind you so he can look over your shoulder, obviously curious about your strange tech. His proximity is dangerous, with his chest practically pressing into your shoulder, but you don't have time to think about that.
You have to contain a shout when the screen blinks on. You can't believe it. It's working. You sort through your files and find that everything is unchanged, and this fact brings a small comfort to you. A piece of home.
But more importantly, you're looking for something. You search your downloads folder for the file. Vash watches you without making a sound; his gaze could drill a hole through your face and hands.
And there it is. Thank god for poor reception on the subway! If you really want to read something on the way home, you have to download it and send it to your phone so the poor cell reception doesn't prevent the next chapter from loading.
The fic your friend sent you, the one you didn't finish, sits in your downloads. The absurdity of it makes you laugh and nearly tear your hair out. Vash looks at you, concern and confusion written across his face.
You scan through the pages you've already read, heart thrumming in your chest.
Your hunch was correct. The events of this world, the one you've fallen into, aren't following the plot of the original. No, they're following this specific story. Vash separating from his friends, on his way to Octovern to buy gun parts; it can't be a coincidence. You've fallen into the story you were reading when the car hit you, right where you left off.
If you can't get back home, you'll need a way to protect yourself.
It doesn't seem like much, but with your combined knowledge of the original story, this is the closest thing to a weapon you have here. You might as well be able to tell the future.
This is it. This is how you'll survive.
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addisonstars · 10 months
"kiss me underneath the mistletoe"
written for day 2 of december for @wolfstarmicrofic with the prompt "mistletoe" -468 words
“Hey Moons, here is your hot chocolate.” Sirius extends his arm with a mug filled to the brim with hot chocolate. It has marshmallows, peppermint flakes- 
“Did you add the-” 
“Chocolate syrup yes,” Sirius sighs. “I’ve known you for how long and you still think I am going to forget to add the chocolate syrup even though you remind me every single time to add it.” 
Remus smiles. 
Oddly, Sirius isn’t leaving the frame of the kitchen. He just stands there with his own hot chocolate in one hand, and Remus’ in another. “Can you bring me my hot coco love?” He asks, arm outstretched and a slight pout in his lips. 
Sirius shakes his head no, but there is a twinkle in his eye giving something away. “You've been sitting there for the whole morning Rem, it’s about time you get off that wonderful arse of yours, don’t you think?” 
Standing up, Remus rolls his eyes, and walks over to where Sirius stands with his warm drink. He tries to grab it, but Sirius pulls back. “Sirius,” He drawls. 
“Oh would you look at that, I think we’re under something.” He looks up at the mistletoe hanging clear as day above their heads. So that’s why Siri wasn’t giving me my drink, Remus thinks. “I think it might be... a mistletoe.” Sirius looks back down at Remus, directly in his eyes. He sees the bit of sparkle Sirius beholds in those midnight black eyes of his. This is what he was up to. “Gimme a kiss and I’ll give you your hot coco. Deal?” He smirks. "It's the rules anyways, so there's no getting out of it."
I would never want to get out of it. “Fine.” Remus leans in for a kiss, lips meeting lips, hands winding around waists. Remus feels electricity move down his spine as Sirius licks his lips, asking for permission. Remus obliges, mouth opening for Sirius. He tastes Sirius’ hot chocolate on his lips. 
Overcome with desire for more, Remus backs Sirius into the wall frame. He doesn't mean to push him so hard into the wall, but he does hard enough where Sirius lets out an “oof” as his back hits the doorframe and Remus’ hot coco splashes out onto the floor. 
“Oh, shite, I’m sorry Siri.” Remus backs away, apologizing. One look at Sirius and he figures that he probably didn't need to apologize though. His lips are swollen, bruising with red, and his cheeks share the same flushed color. “Here, let me help.” 
Sirius shakes his head, handing Remus his hot chocolate. “No, you earned your drink, Moons, I’ll take care of this.” He sets down his own drink and walks away to grab the paper towels. 
Remus smiles, taking a sip of his hot chocolate. Perfect, he thinks.
sirius takes advantage of the mistletoe every chance he gets. remus acts like he's annoyed by it, but we all know deep down he loves it tehe
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stainedglassandpigs · 5 months
Ruskaina pt 2
someone was calling
But my body felt like it had just been thrown into the sun then stomped on for good measure
the last thing I wanted was to have to be social so early in the day,
so in response I simply turned my body, the dem dem Mushi couldn’t bother me if I couldn’t hear it
so now I wasn’t facing the direction of the nose.
Peace please it shoudlnt be so hard to have a quiet moment.
No, I’m to tired I’m nawt getting up.
I refuse
Covering my ear with another pillow I try to get back to my rem sleep, my dream cable was real interesting before I was rudely awaken something about a boy and a beast but i couldn’t remember the rest anymore.
The ring was still there only now it sounded to be underwater, this I could easily work with so letting my mind ease its way back into sleepy mode was natural.
My breathing was slower and I started to forget why I was even awaken in one first place when it happened directly next to my head this time that little fu(ker had moved.
“FINE” I yell jumping up and taking the phone from Athena’s massively interrupting self.
“HELLO!” I was rubbing my eye buggers away annoyed as hell laying back down in bed stubbornly closing my eyes.
“Isabell that’s no way to greet your wonderful mom”
Well great I jsut yelled at my mother for no reason. Today as alr looking to something special.
Wait .
Why was mom calling so early
Opening my eyes I looked around trying to gauge what time of day it was.
There was no sunlight coming from the window, just a deep twilight.
“Mom why you up so late, everything okay?”
Getting up from bed I move the phone piece and grab Athena I decided I might as well get a snack while I talk
“Yeah I just was bored and everyone’s asleep, I figured you’re always up so late. I don’t wake you did I pretty ?” I could hear her concern clearly, I missed our daily call today I was so busy with-
With… what did I do today
My memory was so foggy.
“No mom you’re fine I was just straightening up a bit” lie.
“Oh okay that’s good, oh btw your monthly don’t die care package should be coming soon, so yk don’t die. “
“Ha thanks for the encouragement mom”
“You’re welcome” I could hear her laughing which brought a smile to my face. It was always nice to talk with mom being away was so lonely I missed my family and our daily calls kept me sane.
“How was your day mom ?” Opening my fridge looking around it, empty.
Didn’t… I…
Wasn’t I supposed to go out today, I thought I did.
“Your little brother started his first day of daycare today so we took loads of pictures, don’t worry we sent you some in the care package I know how you get about seeing pictures of everyone. Oh the gardens doing lovely that tip you gave about adding crushed bone is making the compost top shelf shit fr. And the Saffron plants have begun to pop above ground which your Stepdad is really excited for soon we’ll be able to send you some, we’ve been working womp womp Also the other- wompawa wa She said to me that- wa womp”
Mom just kept rambling as a searched the kitchen area for something to snack she was basically my podcast at this point.
The kitchen was so bare, I really should’ve gone out today but I was stuck with doing my… doing my ? Doing my what ?
What had I been doing all day
It was so hazy for some reason.
Never mind it I was to focused on my snack now, ig tea would be fine for now.
“And then Miss Jackson threw all the navy out the community garden it’s a shame to see how much they’ve changed from me and your father’s time. But anyways how was your day Isabell you’ve been real quite”
“My bad mom I was making tea my day was actually-“
Jumping up I fell-off the couch this time all my sections were on over drive.
It was a dream, which ment I still needed to call mom.
The sun was now pouring into the house and I was actually awake this time and the sound I heard was real.
Getting up I look in the direction of where the sound came from only to find a man standing in my kitchen making ???
Something ?
A mess ???
Both unfortunately for me the person who cleans this shoddy abode
“Your supposed to be recovering unable to move what the hell are you doing up ???”
The man turned to me and smiled
“I got hungry” he said it so matter of factly like it made so much sense.
“But your wound ??!!!?!? It’s gonna tear with all this movement” Rushing over to him, mouth running a mile a minute talking about everything that could go wrong and how we was supposed to be recovering
The kitchen was a mess for sure but that was the least of my worry’s now, this man with a straw hat was about to start bleeding out in my house AGAIN.
It was bad enough the first time my nose still burned with the smell of his blood I was not looking to relive that.
Reaching him quickly I look at the bandages. So far it wasn’t soaked through with his bodily fluids thankfully.
“May I ?” Gesturing to his wound.
“Will you make me something to eat if I say yes”
Rolling my eyes deeply, I didn’t even know his name and I was already catering to the strange man so much.
“Omg yes now can I please check the stitches”
“Okay hehe, since you promised”
“I didn’t promise” I said as I began to reach for the wrap when he stepped away just before I could do anything.
“Hey !”
I tried again and yet again he stepped out the way.
“WHAT NOW” I regret so much.
“Pinky promise me first” his features had the most serious look on them since I met him. Mind you we had almost died and he was laughing through all of it.
Sighing I raise my pinky to him which lite his face up instantly. Eagerly he took hold of mine
“Say it”
“I pinky promise” I tried to let go but he held my pinky firmly.
I shoulda just minded my own business yesterday.
“To make you breakfast if you let me see you wound and make sure you okay, good?” I look up at him growing more than slightly annoyed.
“Okay! It’s a promise you can’t break it!!” He let go of my smallest phalange.
Attempting once more I raised my hands to remove the wrap heisting just before glancing up at him to make sure he wouldn’t move another time.
Immediately I was met with his big brown eyes staring at me as he smiled lightly.
I guess he was just as curious as me about the conditions of his wound.
Looking back at my hand I carefully began unwrapping the white cloth.
As it unraveled the white seemed unchanged until the very last two layers that covered the gauze which had turned an ugly red color.
Bracing myself for what I would see I peeled the last of the bandages off.
Looking at the wound immediately one thing came to mind.
“Devil fruit ?” I said looking up at him again.
“I the Gum-Gum fruit! Hey how did you know that !!?”
“Educated guess” I shrugged
Looking back at the wound I examine the wound that remained there after a night of his devil fruit working its magic. There was some redness paired with a dark scab and a few stitches pocking out. A far cry from the deep gash it used to be.
“Stay here for a second okay”
“Sure, what are you going to do tho ?” He said watching me as I moved about the cave.
“Dressing your stitches again because they’ll get dirty if I don’t, I really wanna avoid an infection. Wait.”
I stop mid digging through my medicine bag that was still by the bed because exhaustion over took me before I could put everything up.
Standing to my full height again I looked at him. The only part of his body that was clean was the area that I cleaned.
This mf needed a shower.
“What ?!” He quirked his bushy eyebrows
“When’s the last time you took a shower ?”
“A week ago”
“Go taking a damn shower lord how are you alive still. You need to go clean your ass”
“But you promised!” He crossed his arms and stood planted.
“I am doing exactly that, see” walking over to my back pack I grabbed it and began spreading all that I foraged out onto my table.
“I first need to clean everything I didn’t get to yesterday, well, because of you. Respectfully you changed my plans drastically” As I took every thing out it was like Christmas a bit I thought .
All the commotion from yesterday rattled my brain so much I completed forgot everything I collected.
He was still standing in the kitchen as I unpacked my bag I gave him a questioning look.
“I don’t know where the bathroom is.”
“Righhht” was all I managed out,
I was so ready for my morning calm I didn’t even bother telling him I just grabbed his hand and walked him to the bathroom.
Quickly I turned on the shower, taking out a towel and rag, and dumping it into his hand.
“Do you need some clothes?” Looking him up and down I accessed his attire.
Said atire being dirty blood stained jorts and a straw hat, the t shirt he once had on long discarded
“No need to answer actual, I’ll find you some. Take a shower I’ll leave the clothes right here” I pointed at a storage unit near the door.
“And you’ll be making breakfast right” He was looking straight into my eyes again, direct eye contact really was his thing huh
“Yes yes yes, now go clean yourself. And please be careful I don’t want you to pass out in the shower. You may heal quick but who knows what’s really going on inside there.”
Walking out the bathroom I closed the door and began looking for some clothes for the straw hat man.
Which reminded me I needed to ask him for his name.
Finding some close was easy enough, although I live on the island alone my brothers some times would visit and they always left clothes and crap here.
Setting the close on the storage unit I began tidying up even tho I was still pretty tired doing nothing would only make me over think about yesterday .
And besides the cave really was a mess, blood soaked rags and stuff thrown everywhere while I was in a panic, she desperately needed some tlc
Waking Thena and giving her a treat I request I track while I clean she graciously obliged me. Cleaning for the most part goes by fast only real hassle was cleaning and sanitizing everywhere with blood.
Once I had picked everything up to an alright level I put my medical back next to the just in case my guest indeed did need something else done.
I didn’t know what that man eats so I decided on something relatively simple.
Eggs, potatoes, with some random veggies. I was a little limited since I needed to prep all the new ingredients I got yesterday before I could use any of it. And I was certain he wouldn’t want to wait for food.
Turning the stove on I added some butter to a pan and let it heat up a bit while I chopped some onions and ramps since I used the last of the garlic and the new batch was still uncleaned and processed like I liked.
Throwing those in I went to the spice cabinet and took out all that I thought I would need for the meal, adding a bit of sea salt to begin with to help caramelize the ramps and onion together.
Moving onto the potatoes I thought of what I could do with them.
Would he like hash browns more ? Baked potatoes ? Fries ???? Potato stew on the side ?
Fuck it seasoned chopped potatoes would have to do.
Going to the sack of potatoes I kept in the pantry I took out 4 medium Rosara potatoes a favorite of mine personally.
Not even bothering to peal them I roughly chop em up and call it a day
Adding a ton of seasoning just like my mom taught me I throw them in the pan with the butter and onions.
As I cleaned my area up a bit as everything continued to cook I thought about the fight.
This random boy appearing from the sky laughing going toe to toe with one of the islands most formidable beast without flinching.
For a brief second there was this moment I remembered
When the light shone on him like a hug
And his stretched fists and kicks where coming down on the beast like something akin to hell fire that he…
Almost look sort of…
Like… a god.
A small laugh leaves my lips as I think about it all.
Refocusing on what I was doing I transition now to preparing some lions mane with carrots as the the main veggies, tossing them in some oil then seasoning and finally into the oven.
With the veggies in the oven all that was left were the eggs.
But I didn’t wanna use another pan and the potatoes needed a bit longer so I just but everything away that was not in use and took out some plates and such for us to eat on while I waited for a pan to clear up.
Using a fork I poked the potatoes through.
They still needed a bit more time, but I wanted to start the eggs so everything was done when he came out. Using an oven mitt I grab the veggies out and move em over a tad then dump the potatoes onto the tray and put in all back in to finish off nicely.
Using a bit more butter to coat the pan I add 3 eggs in on low heat mixing them into the pan so they would scramble. The process was a quick moving one because the eggs cooked so fast, I graded a bit of milk and splashed it into the end mixing the whole time. The eggs had basically formed by now so I added salt pepper and garlic to it.
And with that I was pretty much done, using my shoddly made oven mitts I took out the veggies and begin plating the food.
Should I put his plate next to mine ?
In front ?
Far away ?
Looking in the direction of the bathroom I wondered how much longer he would be.
In front, I decided
That way I can see his face when we eat.
For manners and stuff..
Placing all the plates and utensils I go to grab us something to drink.
In the cabinet I look at the tea options, Dandelion, Rose, Oolong, Lemon, Matcha, ginger all these options.
I usually had a cup of matcha in the morning but my brothers always said it tasted like grass cum.
So perhaps some Oolong, my family’s favorite.
Taking it out I eyeball enough for two cups and but a kettle to boil.
Bringing the sugar n cups to the table I just sat n waited.
Either the tea would be done or he would either way all I had to do was wait.
Athena was playing a jazz inspired tune now and focusing on that was what occupied my time as a waited.
Circling my thumbs together trying to focus on the music my thoughts unfortunately begin to drift back to last night.
Exactly what I had been trying to avoid.
I could vividly see it again.
The way he looked was just so haunting his chest barely able to rise and fall skin pale as a cloud on a rainy day.
It was like sun that once lit his body had been sucked out all because he tried to save me.
He was on deaths door because I was too busy digging for truffles to noticed a 5 ton beast rampaging towards me.
It was all my fault
As I knew alr being left alone with my thoughts was indeed taking a turn for the worst
Even tho I knew it helped no one for me to think like this the cogs in my brain still churned to push out every single thought that’s while purpose was to make me feel like a royal fuck up
Closing my eyes I make myself take deep breaths and think 2 positive things I did.
1. I got more us to one cave without dying
2. I made sure he didn’t die
The again he would even-
Before I could finish my thought the bathroom door swung open and the energetic young man can out…
He was running to the table
“ thankyoufortheclothes!!! FOOD FOOD FOOD “
And just like that the room and my mind was quickly filled with his bright presence.
I smiled
As I watched him almost collide with the chair I thought to myself something I had been pushing back since I began my research on the island by myself.
Maybe I did want company.
Authors rambling time 🤩
I honestly couldn’t even tell you why I’m writing this story but it’s definitely fun to try and characterize Luffy. Using this as a learning experience bc I do wanna get into writing more. I know only 2 ppl and mice see this but I would love to hear the feedback for those who do !
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thatgirlonstage · 8 months
Re:zéro asks!
What do you think would be the most interesting/hilarious crossover Subaru could stumble into. Either pre-canon or canon (or maybe even IF story), because he gets into situations, regardless of the timeline.
What ships do you like?
Do you ship rezero characters with characters of other series? If you do which ones?
And lastly, do you think Subaru deserves à vacation?
I don’t really do/think about crossovers so much unless I get particularly inspired for some reason—I’ve had some AU thoughts about Re:Zero but I’ve never really bothered considering crossovers for it. Subaru is a difficult character to transpose out of his setting & original plot without doing a LOT of work vis a vis how you manage his character arc. Though actually precisely bc of that maybe the most interesting crossover to me would be if canon Subaru got a glimpse of himself if he had been dropped in a more traditional isekai (I don’t know nearly enough about classic isekai to pick one though) and the kind of person he would’ve become if he was just handed a bunch of awesome powers and people who think he’s cool without ever being called on his shit (the absolute worst version of himself). Relatedly, to your third question, nah I p much never ship characters outside their franchise. Even if they don't directly interact I need them to at least exist in the same/similar enough context or interact with some of the same people in order to get the shipping tickle in my brain. Again unless something particularly inspires a crossover idea, but even then, I will at most do like, bullet point ideas that are mostly meant to be funny to me. I almost never read crossover fic and I’ve never written it.
On ships in general… okay look. I am a) multishipper galore and always one good piece of fanart from being interested in whatever ship idea you want to pitch to me, but b) not primarily into this show for ships and c) at most poking the Re:Zero fandom with a ten foot pole for pretty fanart and usually staying well away from it except to make posts for my own amusement and like six of my friends. I can’t go in the Ao3 tag for it. Every time I do I start wanting to stab things. My current strategy to make re:zero fandom for myself by slowly luring all my friends into watching re:zero is having a shockingly good success rate but yeah the fandom at large is…… holy lack of reading comprehension Batman.
For whatever it’s worth, just as, things I will yell the most about while watching, I am deeply invested in Rem and Subaru in whatever configuration of relationship you want to put them in, I like Rem/Ram because I’m me, and idk that I really know enough about Satella to have Thoughts but I am So Normal about Satella/Subaru Jesus fuck the love love love love love you bit. (NB: I’m anime only with this series so far, please no spoilers.) Emilia/Subaru do make me soft, Subaru and Otto should queerplatonically own a cottage and 37 pets together, and Crusch/Felis are a t4t couple and I shan’t be told otherwise. Actually the ship I’ve probably Thought the most about though is Julius/Subaru. Why did they put in a loop where they speedran an enemies to lovers tragic boyfriends arc. What was that about.
But all of that is secondary to my desire to watch Subaru get the shit beat out of him 😂 which, to your last question—does he DESERVE a vacation? I mean, sure, boy’s been through the biggest boatload of trauma one can imagine and he’s not a bad person even if he’s an asshole with a lot of baggage to unlearn. Do I want him to GET one? Absolutely not, that boy was made in a lab for me to squeeze him like a stress ball
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liloinkoink · 2 years
Fic ask meme: I wish you would write a fic of lamplight Ren’s thoughts when he first meets Martyn 🥺🥺 -rem
[ask meme: i wish you would write a fic where...]
The first sign that Ren’s life is about to start again is the sound of shattering metal. The second is the protest of old hinges, and the third is splintering wood.
The man who enters the room doesn’t wear a mask like the ones who put him here, which is enough for Ren to like him. He steps back to the door, breaks off a chunk of wood, and holds it into the fire. 
Ren isn’t sure where the man is planning to take him, but it doesn’t matter.  
Ren takes the lifeline with both hands and lets the man pull him free. 
They don’t go very far. The man circles the room once, quietly concentrating, though Ren isn’t sure on what. As he searches, Ren focuses on him. 
The man is exhausted. He looks like he’s been punched in both eyes, and has to switch which hand he holds the torch in several times as he circles the room because the act of holding it up seems to tire him. He seems to be looking for something. Whatever it is, not only does he not find it, but he’s so focused on searching that he nearly walks right into the statue of Ren—the last bastion of a useless god, drenched in darkness even when its patron is made of light. 
He stares at it blankly, circling around to see its face, holding Ren up to look closer. Ren reaches toward it, but the man pulls his hand away before Ren can touch the stone. 
“Are you still here?” the man asks, and Ren’s attention whips back to his face. The man stares directly into the stone face of Ren’s statue, as though he’s trying to meet Ren’s eyes. The man’s talking to him? “You’ve been stuck here a really long time, huh? When was the last time someone came down to talk to you?”
I’m here! Ren wants to say, but all that comes out is a crackling. He tries anyway, insisting I can hear you. I’m listening.
“Listen, uh. We’re in a pretty similar spot right now. I don’t know who put you down here, but there’s bad people running around your place now,” the man says, and oh, does Ren know that already. He doesn’t need someone to come down here to remind him how he’s failed to save even his city’s corpse. 
Does he want Ren to save Dogwarts? He’s come to the wrong place. The city-no-more doesn’t need a worthless god. What use is a prayer to Ren?
“They’re keeping me here,” the man says, pleading, “and I’m running out of options.” 
“If you can help me escape, I’ll follow you,” the man continues, “I’m not really a paladin, but I’ll see what I can do.”
A paladin’s oath is nothing to scoff at. A lifelong bond from a god to a mortal, a promise of devotion in turn for power and protection. Most paladins study under their gods’ churches for some time before making the sort of oath this man offers now.
To offer this at first meeting, before even offering his name? This is a desperation Ren knows. The last time he felt if, he gave up his form to save a city already burning. The first time he felt it… 
This is the sort of desperation that drives a mortal man to set himself alight in search of godhood. 
“Neither of us have better options, so…”
Ren is the pointless god of a dead city. 
But surely, surely, Ren can save just one man. 
Who would Ren be to turn him away?
The basin goes out, the fire inside snuffed without a sound. Martyn jerks back, startled, but he can still see, if barely.
Nice to meet you, paladin, Ren says, Let’s leave.
“Oh,” the man—his paladin—breathes. He holds the torch with both hands, and Ren can feel the way they tremble, even as he looks past Ren toward the statue above him. “I didn’t really think you could hear me.”
I told you I was listening! Ren wants to say, but he’s a bit too giddy to be properly chiding. 
“Oh, man. If I knew you could hear me, I…” his paladin trails off, “Wait. Am I watching this now? Am I supposed to build a temple or something? I’m not really a builder… If I get out of here, I’m going to be the world’s worst paladin.”
His paladin looks down at Ren, and Ren would give anything to smile at him. Only the worst for the world’s worst god. 
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otterpop13 · 8 months
It's pretty long, so I send it here but hear me bunnie cunt :
I wanna invite you over, let you assume you're a guest, while you're the entertainer.
I'll tell you to come 1h after everyone else, you're arrive to my place and be collared at entrance. I bring you on leash to the crowd so they grope your ass and tits to validate the freaky fucktoy of the day. They are especially sleezy taking their time grabbing your crotch and tits to reach your clit and nipples through clothes. They make you drip like a filthy little slut, eager to be abused by all these older perverted men.
I pull the leash and you come back to me… in the middle of the room, whispering to you “ tonight I’m your daddy , “bunnie bitch”. You gasp and look around … see every man sitting in the sofas pulling their cock out. I make you strip to undress and you filthy baby slut try your best to put up a show. I whip your face, your ass or tits with your leash whenever you are too slow for my taste or not sexy enough … You see the audience getting even harder everytime ... for each of your squeals.
At the end of your strip, i push your head down, forcing you on your knees. I pull out my cock watching you gasp ... and make them watch your skills, as i plunge all of it directly down your throat .... pinching your nose and fucking your jaw numb and your throat gagging and choking from every thrust. I let them get closer if they want to watch your throat bulge, making fun of the natural cock pleaser you are... young cocksleeves simply are the best ... nothing can beat a fresh hole.
I am the host, you are my slut, i get the privilege of pumping the first load in your holes … and i do intend to use it thorougly … pulling my cock out of your throat you try to grasp a second breathe , only to see me turning you around… using your sloppy throat and cunt juices to barely lube up your butt, that will do , while poking the entrance…. In a single slam i push my cock in one thrust up your guts, making you scream and shake … in pain. I whisper " shhhh little one, that is how good girl have fun ... i will hurt you good and you will cum into a filthy ragdoll at the end " while i break your hole to a whole new size, for the audience's greater delight …
Every now and then you'd see one of the guests get up and cum over your body, or simply grab your face and fuck your skull one, two three, sometimes 4 thrusts ... just what he needs to get over the edge and pump you full of his cum. After each user is done, he simply gets up and goes to the table, waiting for the dinner, one after the other. No matter how hard you cum from your butt being raped, no matter how much cum is already dripping from your face, I make sure you can't gather two shit for thought, pounding your butthole into sweet agony ... swapping positions to let everyone enjoy your orgasming face and moans ... You feel me getting bigger ... i swap holes ... push myself womb deep in a single thrust, you gasp , but by now, your cunt is so damned wet that it slides in with no effort. "There it is , little fucking whore, daddy will breed you like a sow ... do you like that? do you like being daddy's cum dumpster?" you hear as i whisper at your ear, humping you doggy style like a savage beast .... but not for long .... a few thrusts more and you feel something pumping into your wombs ... warm and thick cum filling you up full … full of my seeds … breeding you like MY sow .
After i cum, everyone goes to the table, even if they didn't get their turn. The food is already on , and everyone helps himself. We start eating , talking and praising my hospitality for bringing such a filthy young bitch in heat tonight … while .... you have no seat, your place is below … under … crawling between our legs, going from cock to cock sucking men after men like a thick warm paci .... only to have your delightful milk poured down your throat, one cock at a time. Cum will be your only food tonight, so you better be good at it , you will please the remaining men who didn't get their chance to cum in or on you, and savour the mixed flavour of older men's seed in your mouth... ruining furthermore your slutty mind. You listen to men laughing at your filth and depravity, comparing your holes to the slut of the week before and yet keep sucking, stuck in a loop of shame and lust … unable to think anymore … just wanting to please, to be praised and useful … but mostly, craving to be used, by all these strong cocks …. you did get your orgasm, but one cock is far from enough for a slut like you to be satisfied. Little do you know that the real party starts after diner … and that gangbanging your holes into a mess of cum piss and squirt ought to be your desert … the reward for all your efforts for keeping our cocks pleased and your users entertained.
Such a good little fucktoy, after the party i'll be busy handing your phone around to all your future users … being the guest is fun, but being the shared fuckmeat feels so much better … you would never dare to refuse … you are a natural cock pleaser afterall, aren't you?
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guard dog!suguru the man that you are
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thatonelesbianfander · 8 months
The Ghost and the Reaper Chapter 7
Fandom// Sanders Sides
TW// Death mention, Suicide mention, Crying, Shouting, Swearing
Word count// 2884
Description// Janus is one of the many grim reapers whose job it is to reap the souls of the dead and help them ascend to the afterlife. After one assignment, the spirit they reaped, a 23-year-old nonbinary person named Remus, refused to ascend. Now, Janus is stuck with them following it around wherever they go.
Characters// Remus Sanders, Roman Sanders, C!Thomas Sanders
Pairings// Slight Karrot Kings mention
AUs// Found/chosen family Creativitwins & C!Thomas, human!sides, they/them Remus, it/they Janus, he/she Roman
Author’s note// This chapter is also less tense and more fluffy compared to the last few chapters. Enjoy!
Masterpost // Previous // Next
Remus backed up a little, shocked at they saw their sibling looking directly at them.
”Y-You can see m-” Remus started before being cut off by their sibling clinging onto them, sobbing. Tears filled Remus’s eye as they hugged their sibling back.
”I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean all those horrible things I said to you! I…” Roman sobbed, holding his sibling tightly.
”It’s okay, Roman… I’m alright…” Remus said, comforting their sibling.
”It’s not okay, though! I shouldn’t have said all those horrible things to you… You deserve so much better than me…” Roman replied, hiding his face in Remus’s chest.
”Ro…” Remus said. Roman held Remus close, afraid to let go. Remus hugged Roman back, the two not daring to move.
”I missed you so much…” Roman said. Remus smiled at their sibling.
”I love you, Roman,” Remus said.
”I love you too…” Roman replied. The two stayed in each other’s arms for a little while longer before Roman broke away. The two stood up, smiling at each other.
”We got to get you home! Pa would love to see you again!” Roman said.
”I…” Remus started before being dragged away by Roman. Remus looked around the graveyard, seeing Janus staring at them, a sad expression on its face. Remus awkwardly smiled back at them, giving them a thumbs up before running off with Roman. The two ran through the neighborhood, crossing the street and arriving at Thomas’s house. The two burst through the door, Roman closing it behind them.
”Pa! Come downstairs! I’ve got something to show you!” Roman said, calling up to his father.
”Alright, just give me a moment!” Thomas shouted back. Remus nervously stood next to Roman, still holding his hand.
”I’m nervous, Ro… What if Pa doesn’t take it that well…” Remus said.
”Don’t worry, Rem. It’ll be okay,” Roman replied.
”What’s up, Ro-” Thomas said, walking down the stairs before coming to a stop at the bottom.
”Hey, Pa…” Remus said, smiling nervously.
”Remus…” Thomas said, putting a hand to his mouth as tears filled his eyes. Thomas walked over to Remus, putting a hand to their face and holding their cheek.
”Is that really you…” Thomas asked, tears streaming down his face. Remus nodded, smiling at their father. Thomas wrapped his arms around Remus, pulling them into a hug as he sobbed into their shoulder.
”Oh my god, my baby!” Thomas cried. Remus smiled, hugging Thomas back as he cried. The two stood in each other’s arms for a while, Roman sitting on the couch as the two hugged each other.
”You’re back…” Thomas said.
”I never really left…” Remus replied, smiling. Thomas smiled back, letting go of Remus.
”You need to tell us about what you were doing these past few months!” Thomas said, walking over to the couch with Remus. Remus walked over to their chair, sitting down.
”Well, after I died, I was reaped by this grim reaper named Janus so I just decided to follow them around. We had a bunch of adventures together going around their district and visiting the people who died. Oh! Once there was this one guy Janus was reaping and he thought that Janus was Jesus Christ! That was hilarious! We also visited Junior’s after it was abandoned and played some arcade games together during one of Janus’s off days!” Remus said.
”Wow! You were busy it seems,” Thomas replied.
”Kind of, yeah, but I also made sure to make time to visit you two as well,” Remus said, smiling. Thomas smiled back.
”So, you’ve been listening to One Rat Band?” Remus asked.
”How did you know?” Thomas replied, smiling.
”I heard you listening to it when I visited you and Roman during your Mulan movie night. You know, that night with the big storm?” Remus said.
”You were with us during movie night?” Roman asked.
”Hell yeah! You really think I would miss out on movie night just because I died? No chance!” Remus responded.
”Well, it sounds like you were having a really good time in the afterlife,” Thomas said.
”Yeah, it was pretty nice,” Remus replied, smiling. Thomas smiled back.
”Okay, well, I have to go to the store. We’re out of bread, and I was about to go to the store to get some more so I can make dinner,” Thomas said, standing up, “Are you two going to be okay staying here on your own?”
”Yeah, we’ll be fine!” Remus replied.
”Alright, I’ll be right back. Love you two,” Thomas said, turning around and heading to the door.
”Love you too, Pa!” Remus said. Thomas opened the door, stepping outside and closing the door behind him.
The twins went upstairs to Roman’s room, Roman going over and sitting on his bed.
”I couldn’t really tell you this before, but I love how you decorated your room, Roman!” Remus said, looking around.
”Thanks…” Roman replied, looking down. Remus looked at their sibling, frowning.
”Ro… Is everything alright?” Remus asked.
”Yeah, everything’s fine, I just…” Roman started. He sighed, looking down at the ground.
”I just wish I never said all those horrible things to you in the first place. If I just kept my mouth shut that day, maybe you would still be alive…” Roman said, looking down. Remus frowned.
”Ro… You know I don’t care about what you said anymore, right?” Remus said.
”You don’t?” Roman asked.
”No, I don’t. I don’t care that you called me annoying or a freak, or said that you hate me, or said that you wished you weren’t my sibling. All I care about is if you are safe and happy,” Remus said, walking over to Roman and sitting down next to her.
”But, all those horrible things I said to you! I told you that you were useless, that you were a waste of air, that I wished you weren’t in my life. I said all these horrible things to you and it lead to your death! I-” Roman said.
”Hey, we both said nasty things to each other that day,” Remus cut Roman off, Roman looking at Remus, “But that day is in the past. What matters now is how we move on from that stuff and heal. So, let me ask you this… Are you safe?”
”Yes?” Roman replied.
”And are you happy?” Remus asked. Roman smiled at them, hugging them tightly.
”I am now,” Roman said. Remus smiled, hugging their sibling back. The two pulled away from each other, sitting next to each other.
”You know… Yesterday, when you were about to kill yourself, I was terrified… I didn’t want you to end up like me… I sobbed after getting back to Janus’s apartment after I got Pa to save you… I saw how you spiraled after my death, and it was the most terrifying thing ever…” Remus said. Roman frowned, looking at their sibling.
”Remus… I…” Roman said.
”Roman… Can you promise me one thing?” Remus asked.
”Anything,” Roman replied.
”If we ever have to be separated again, and you end up losing me… Promise me you’ll stay strong for me and move on… I’m not saying you have to forget me… but at least don’t destroy yourself for me, okay?” Remus asked. Roman smiled, nodding.
”Anything for you,” Roman said, Remus smiling at her. Remus laid their head on Roman’s shoulder, closing their eyes.
”Thank you,” Remus said. Roman smiled.
”Now, you have to tell me more about these adventures!” Roman said, Remus sitting up.
”Oh, okay! Well…” Remus started, Roman smiling at them as Remus talked. The two continued to talk together, enjoying being in each other’s company again after being apart for so long. Roman smiled at Remus as he listened to Remus talk. The two laid back on Roman’s bed, laughing and talking before Thomas interrupted them.
”Kids! I’m home! I’m going to start dinner, I’ll call you two when it’s ready, okay?” Thomas shouted up to them.
”Okay, Pa!” Roman shouted back down. Roman turned back to Remus.
”Continue,” Roman said. Remus smiled at her, starting to talk again.
The two talked for what seemed like hours until they were interrupted by Thomas calling them from downstairs again.
”Roman! Remus! Dinner!” Thomas shouted up to them.
”Be there in a minute, Pa!” Roman shouted back. Roman stood up, turning to Remus.
”You coming?” Roman asked.
”Yeah, I can’t eat, but I’ll be glad to just hang out with you and Pa. You go ahead of me and tell Pa I’ll be down in a minute,” Remus replied.
”Alright,” Roman said, leaving the room and running downstairs. Remus pulled out their phone, texting Janus.
”Hey, Jan! I’m gonna stay at my family’s house for the night! I’ll see you tomorrow though! Have a good night!” Remus texted. They put their phone down on Roman’s nightstand, running downstairs to the dining room where their father and sibling sat around the table.
”Oh, Remus! You’re here! Come on, sit!” Thomas said, patting the seat next to him. Remus smiled, sitting down next to Thomas.
”So, what are you having?” Remus asked.
”Oh, I just made us some sandwiches, it’s nothing really special…” Thomas said, taking a bite of his food.
”Cool! Now, Pa. I saw you had a new date! Wanna tell me about that?” Remus asked. Thomas chuckled, looking over to Remus.
”Well, his name’s Nico. He’s a music writer and he actually wrote some of the songs for One Rat Band,” Thomas replied.
”That’s really cool!” Remus said.
”Yeah! I met him today since he came over for a little this morning. He’s really nice!” Roman said.
”I can’t believe you got to meet one of the creators of One Rat Band!” Remus said, Thomas smiling.
”Yeah, it’s cool,” Thomas replied. The three smiled together, talking as Roman and Thomas finished their dinners.
”And then Janus socked him in the face!” Remus said.
”Woah!” Roman replied.
”I wish I was there with you. I would have socked that guy in the face with them!” Thomas said, standing up. Remus giggled.
”Pa! We all know you’re not a fighter!” Remus said.
”Still, I would have!” Thomas said, grabbing Roman’s plate off the table with his. Thomas carried the plates to the kitchen, putting them into the sink and going back to the table. Thomas sat back down at the table, Remus grabbing his hand and holding it. Thomas smiled at them.
”Hey, buddy,” Thomas said.
”Hi, Pa!” Remus replied, smiling.
”You know. I’m really glad you’re back. It’s nice to see you again, even if it’s like this,” Thomas said.
”I’m glad I’m back as well,” Remus replied.
”Well, what do you two want to do now?” Thomas asked.
”Ooo! Can we have a family movie night? There’s a new movie that I really wanted to see and I think Remus would like it too!” Roman suggested.
”Ooo! Yes!” Remus said, standing up.
”Alright, then. I’ll clean up the dishes, you two get the movie ready,” Thomas said, standing up and walking to the kitchen. Remus started to float, looking over at Roman.
”Race ya!” Remus said, floating over to the living room.
”Oh, you motherfucker-” Roman started, chasing after Remus as Remus laughed. Remus picked up the remote, floating above Roman so he couldn’t grab it.
”You motherfucking cheater! Give me the remote!” Roman said, jumping up and trying to grab the remote.
”Never!” Remus said, laughing. Roman grabbed Remus’s legs, pulling them down and grabbing the remote from their hands.
”Hey! That’s not fair!” Remus said, laughing.
”Too bad, so sad,” Roman said, smiling. Remus tackled Roman, the two laughing together as they fought for the remote.
”Okay, you two, break it up,” Thomas said, grabbing the remote from the two. Thomas sat on the couch, Roman sitting next to him and Remus sitting on their chair. Thomas turned on the TV, giving the remote to Roman who put the movie on.
The three sat in the living room together, watching the movie.
”Ugh, Valentino’s such a fucking bastard. Reminds me of Janus’s stupid manager,” Remus said.
”I’m guessing you don’t like him that much?” Roman asked.
”Nope, they’re both fucking assholes,” Remus said, rolling their eye.
”Hey, at least the side character’s are likable?” Roman said.
”Yeah, I guess,” Remus said, shrugging.
”I honestly thought this movie would be better than it is… All the trailers looked really good,” Roman said, leaning back on the couch.
”I mean, the movie’s fine, but it could be better,” Remus said.
”Yeah, I agree,” Thomas replied. Remus thought for a little, Thomas and Roman continuing to watch the movie.
”Hey, Pa, Ro?” Remus said, getting the two’s attention.
”What’s up, Remus?” Thomas asked, pausing the movie.
”I was just wondering… If Janus lets me… Could I move back in with you guys?” Remus asked.
”Of course, Remus! Why would you think you couldn’t?” Thomas replied.
”I mean… It’s kind of a big hassle for you… I mean, I kind of guessed you just got used to having to care for one person… I didn’t want to overload you with another…” Remus replied.
”Remus, buddy… You wouldn’t be overloading me… Besides, this is your home too. You grew up here. You’re welcome to come and go as you please, alright?” Thomas said. Remus smiled, looking at their father.
”Thanks, Pa,” Remus said.
”Come here, buddy,” Thomas said, reaching his arms out to Remus. Remus floated over to Thomas, laying down in his arms as Thomas held him. Roman unpaused the movie, the three watching the movie together. Roman leaned his head on Thomas’s shoulder, Thomas putting his arm around Roman’s shoulder. Thomas held his two kids close as the three continued to watch the movie.
”Ha! Yes! Valentino died!” Remus said, pointing at the TV while smiling.
”Good! I hated him so much!” Roman replied.
”I mean, his actor was kind of hot, though,” Thomas said.
”Pa!” Remus said, pushing Thomas back as Thomas laughed.
”I’m joking! I’m joking!” Thomas said, laughing. Remus hugged Thomas, Thomas hugging Remus back.
”Ooo! I like the new main character this movie’s following for the second half!” Roman said.
”Hopefully he’s not a giant bastard like Valentino,” Remus said.
”You really didn’t like Valentino, huh?” Thomas asked.
”He was so annoying! Like, can it! No one wants to hear about your failed love life!” Remus said, Thomas laughing. Roman yawned a little, leaning his head on Thomas’s shoulder again.
”You good, buddy?” Thomas asked.
”Yeah… just a little tired,” Roman replied.
”I would bet… Today was a long day for you,” Thomas said.
”It was a long day for all of us,” Remus said.
”Tell me about it,” Roman replied.
”Alright, you fall asleep for a little while. I’ll pause the movie,” Thomas said, grabbing the remote and turning off the TV. Roman leaned his head on Thomas’s shoulder, closing his eyes and falling asleep as Thomas held him close. Remus sat with Thomas, zoning out.
”Remus, buddy,” Thomas said, tapping Remus’s shoulder. Remus jumped a little, looking over to Thomas.
”What’s up, Pa?” Remus asked.
”Are you okay? You seem tense…” Thomas asked.
”I’m fine… I’m just thinking about something Janus said…” Remus replied.
”What did Janus say?” Thomas asked, concerned.
”Well, earlier today, they had a meeting with their manager. During this meeting, their manager said that the Antichrist was on the rise and if one more timeline break happened, all hell would break lose… I’m scared that I fucked up and that me being here is letting the Antichrist rise… Or worse that it will turn out that I’m the Antichrist all along… I don’t want to be evil, Pa…” Remus said, tears starting to form in their eye.
”Buddy… You’re not going to be evil… I know you’ve had this fear for a while, and I just want you to know everything’s going to be fine. You know why?” Thomas replied.
”Why?” Remus asked, wiping the tears from their eye.
”Because I’m with you… I’m not going anywhere. As long as you exist on this Earth, I will always be with you. I promise,” Thomas said, brushing Remus’s hair from their face. Remus smiled, hugging Thomas.
”Thanks, Pa,” Remus said. Thomas hugged Remus back.
”Now, you get some rest as well. You’ve had a long day,” Thomas said. Remus smiled, laying their head down on Thomas’s shoulder and falling asleep. Thomas put the recliner on the couch back, laying down with his kids as he fell asleep. They finally had each other again, and that’s all they needed for right now.
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hermannsthumb · 2 years
Hello! My dumb autistic ass decided to go into ~autistic burnout~ right before finals so I missed an entire final and I'm looking forward to a month of intensive therapy to see if I can even go back to college. If you could write a winter prompt for our favorite dumb scientists I would be so friggin happy! Maybe 25 or 35?
25. i love snow days because it means that you trek across town to hang out with me and watch movies on the couch except this time you demand to know who i’m crushing on and i don’t know how to say you
from winter prompts here
filling this one a little (ie...four years....) late because it got lost in the depths of my inbox. imagining this set post-movie in the weird realm of 'are we dating???' because it's stupidly fun to write
They're well-practiced enough in their traditions at this point that Newton knows to hang his coat on the door hooks rather than simply flinging it into the ether (only to complain when he cannot find it later), but the same cannot be said, unfortunately, of his treatment of his boots, which are filthy on the best of days and positively caked with snow now, and which are currently tracking all manner of puddles and mud across Hermann's poor front hallway. Fortunately Hermann is well-practiced enough in this as well to know to seize Newton by the back of his t-shirt before he can make it remotely in the direction of the small sitting room—and, of course, to keep a stash of old hand towels in the hall closet for faster mopping-up. "I bought a shoe rack," Hermann gripes, as Newton grins at him sheepishly, "specifically for you. Your very own shoe rack, Newton."
Newton ducks over to tug at his sodden bootlaces, and melted snow drips from his hair and pools on the scuffed hardwood floor. Hermann grits his teeth. "Sorry, sorry, I know," Newton says. He gets one boot off and tosses it in the direction of the shoe rack, which, Hermann will give Newton credit, is more than he expected of his friend. "I forgot. I was excited. Oooops. You wanna toss dinner in the microwave or something while I clean this up? It's definitely, like, frozen by now."
Hermann delicately picks up the bag of takeaway (one of Newton's myriad of tote bags, and likewise dripping melted snow everywhere) that Newton hung on the doorknob and nods. It was Newton's turn to pick the restaurant this time, which means it is likely Taco Bell and whatever bottle of wine he could dig up from his small kitchen pantry. Hermann cannot imagine the food will reheat well. "I hope your walk wasn't too unpleasant," he says. He peeks into the bag as he navigates around Newton and into his kitchen and is pleasantly surprised to find that Newton has actually stopped off at a rather nice noodle place they've frequented together before. It's one of Hermann's favorites. He smiles to himself, only because he's certain that Newton will not be able to see it, and puts the cardboard takeout container directly in the microwave.
"Nah," Newton calls. "I mean, it totally was, but it was worth it."
His sock-cushioned footsteps echo into place behind Hermann just as their dinner finishes, and he begins making himself at home in the kitchen, pulling out plates and cutlery from Hermann's cupboards and laying everything out on the counter. "Worth it," he repeats, and then continues pointedly, "but, uh, kinda unnecessary. And more expensive. Twice as expensive, literally. You know I have an extra bedroom, dude."
Hermann divides the food into two portions between the plates in silence. "Yes, so do I," he says, mildly. "The second one made for a marvelous office. You ought to try that."
Newton sighs. "Right," he says. "Where's your corkscrew?"
The only couch Hermann has in his sitting room is second-hand, left by the previous renters who undoubtedly did not feel up to the task of fitting it back through the somewhat narrow front door. It's a loveseat, which at the time Hermann did not mind, and indeed felt rather nostalgic about: it reminded him of the old, ragged one he and Newton had carted into the k-science laboratory over a decade ago and the nights they'd spent dozing at each other's sides (all pretenses of animosity gone) when the work became simply too much to bear. Anyway, it wasn't as if he was expecting to host a revolving door of guests. Only Newton. Unfortunately it also means he's got nowhere to hide when Newton is cross with him about something, and the lingering air of tension between them shrinks from the whole of Hermann's kitchen to a mere two inches as they crowd in next to each other, avoiding eye contact and hugging the overstuffed arms as tightly as they can. "You could buy another chair, you know," Newton finally says. "Now that we're actually getting, like, paid. Enough for two more chairs. Three more chairs."
"What would I do with three chairs?" Hermann says.
"Sit in them?" Newton says. "I don't know, what do people normally do with chairs?"
"I like this one just fine," Hermann says. "Besides, you're the only one I ever have round. Seems a bit pointless. And a waste of space, really."
Newton glances at him curiously, then reaches for the remote control far too casually for Hermann's liking. He flips through a few streaming services and cable channels before settling on a bland-looking romantic comedy and turning the volume down so low it's practically inaudible. "Sooooo," he says. "I'm guessing that your date last week didn't go well, then?"
Hermann stifles a small groan. Date is not precisely the word he would have chosen, though he supposes for all intents and purposes he had, in fact, gone on a date last week. He had been attracted to the man, a fellow he'd met at a bar when he and Newton had gone out for drinks to celebrate the end of the semester earlier that December, and who had been bold enough to ask for Hermann's mobile number in front of both his own friends and Newton, which Hermann had thought was rather dashing at the time. They had met up last Friday. It was evening, as Hermann thought most proper dates were. They had eaten dinner. He had said all sorts of complimentary things to Hermann and had accepted Hermann's invitation back to his flat for tea (the first excuse that came to Hermann's mind) without any hesitation. It all went a bit downhill when they began kissing and that sort of business, and Hermann came to the terrible realization that he had only given out his mobile number for the express purpose of making Newton jealous. "Er," Hermann says. "N-not precisely. He was a perfect gentleman, it was—my fault, I suppose."
("I'm very sorry," he said, "but I've been in love with my colleague for quite some time, and I don't think I'm being very fair to you.")
There's a flash of something like relief behind Newton's eyes, and he smiles far too smugly for Hermann's liking. At least he doesn't push for more details. "Awww," he says. "Sorry."
"Oh, be quiet," Hermann snorts.
"You're out of his league anyway," Newton says. He flings an arm around Hermann's shoulders and tucks Hermann in against him. On the television screen, the two romantic leads make eyes at each other in the snow. "Any other hot dates lined up? What about that guy in the chem department, with the motorcycle? The one we met at that stupid barbecue? You totally thought he was sexy. I could scope out the situation. Wingman you. Was it the motorcycle that did it for you, or...?"
Hermann clears his throat. "He's our colleague," he says, and feels himself blush at the grin Newton sends his way. "It would be—vastly inappropriate."
Newton rubs absently at Hermann's shoulder, as if working out a knot that Hermann himself was unaware of. It feels damned good, actually, Hermann doesn't mind it in the slightest. "No one else, then?"
Of course there is, you fool, Hermann thinks. Newton must know; Newton simply must know. His body is warm, and he smells nice, like his deodorant. Hermann would like very much to rest his head upon Newton's shoulder and fall asleep. Or, perhaps—if Newton was amenable—if Hermann could but gather up the courage— He wonders what kissing Newton would feel like, what his lips would feel like. He often wonders things like this. He wonders what would have happened if he had accepted Newton's offer of the spare bedroom in his—their, really, Hermann supposes it would have become—flat in the first place rather than pitching a fit and insisting on letting his own, or what would happen if he would simply admit to himself the spare bedroom in his own flat was subconsciously intended for Newton all along as well. Perhaps—after some time—they might fall into new routines, and they wouldn't need separate rooms at all, and Hermann might—well, it's silly to think about things that might never be.
He does not fear Newton's rejection, but rather the opposite. (Hermann made a career out of predicting disaster, after all, and it's very hard to shut that part of his brain off.) The fallout of it all if everything inevitably goes wrong. He can handle his tragic, unrequited romance, but requited... Newton is his oldest and dearest friend. And, er, rival, he supposes. He's not sure what he would do without him. "No," he says. "Or—yes, I suppose. There is. Only I'm not sure if it would work out."
"Welllll," Newton says, dragging out the word far too slowly, and he nudges the side of Hermann's head with his hand until Hermann (unable to help himself, or his smile) relents and rests it on Newton's shoulder. Newton threads the fingers of his other hand with Hermann's. "If you ever change your mind, Hermann, I'm sure he would be interested. Whenever you're ready. Just say the word."
"I'll bear that in mind," Hermann says.
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axgmented · 1 year
“Remember what you said before? I’m always with you too. I’ll come back to you, I promise!”
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she wants to bark at him, to snarl in his face and scream at him to never make a promise he can't keep. She knows he wont be back; he has a family now. He has Tifa, the stone in his storms, and Marlene the princess that has him wrapped around her finger with those beautiful eyes of hers…and then Denzel, who stares at Cloud like put the stars in the sky: how Cloud looked at the general. He's out-- he's been out, turning his back on the whole operation and focusing on himself. Which he should, honestly. He deserves it.
Rem feels a burning sensation, coupled with a rapidly cooling, tacky feeling dripping down her elbow. Her eyes screw shut, a scream bit off by clenching her ivories together. Just because she was augmented, didn't mean it didn't hurt when bullets ripped at her flesh and stuck themselves in hardened muscles. Her palm is slick, pinky finger is nearly soaked from the wound. her tie comes out from under her collar, wrapping quickly around her bicep and teeth cinching it tight to staunch the bleeding. The turk wastes no time, stalking across the walkway to block the attempts on Cloud's life. She hears the distant blades of the chopper and knows Reno has it from above; her tongue pokes out and slides across her teeth like a hungry dog before aiming Nyx towards the beast that flanked the three puppets.
" i'm always with you, too."
his voice echoes in her head, drowning out the clap of her Ruger as she puts bullet after bullet into the disgusting creatures-- shadow creepers if she remembers the name correctly. The beast is large, but the bigger they were the harder they fell. With each bullet that leaves, she hears his voice-- that promise as if he were right behind her and whispering it in her ears. He won't come back; her eyes sting before another scream is bitten off with snapping ivories. Rem's forced to her knee as a bullet lodges just above the patella. Sweat darkens her roots, the dust mingling and creating smudges of soot on those high cheekbones, her eyes nearly pulsating with rage and the colour of crimson slowly bleeds into that beautiful blue that haunts both of their nightmares.
Rem knows he's on Fenrir, those tires eating the road like a starved beast. He's heading towards safety; he's running away. Her leg aches, fingers trembling as those glowing blues flicker down to her wound-- her lungs suck in a sharp breath and with her thumb and pointer finger, she digs the bullet out. Her teeth are pink, cheek bleeding profusely on the inside from how hard she's bit the muscles there. Nyx gives another clap as two bullets aim at Yazoo; he needs to be taken out first.
" i'll come back to you, i promise."
Rem stumbles faintly, jaw aching and chest feeling as if a shadow creeper were sitting directly on it. His eyes were so full of determination-- so full of promise. She knows better than to let herself believe him. She inhales shakily, a sob getting caught in her throat. She could handle her brothers; Cloud couldn't. He had… other priorities. It's just how it went. Her gun finds itself home in a holster, her uninjured arm pulling a cigarette from her blazer pocket before her lips part and teeth bite at the filter. She flicks the wheel against her thumb and lights the end before the zippo lands in a puddle of gasoline, the line of fire rushing towards a tipped-over truck. her lungs burn as she inhales, smoke obscuring her vision. The puppets don't seem to like the fire, hesitating almost. It gave her a short break-- just long enough to slowly lose herself in that madness: pupils narrowing into those of a feline.
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"…no you wont."
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treehousesinfrance · 2 years
Love Leaves Traces - Chapter 9
“Hey Rem, can we tal-”
“Can we do it later? I’m kind of busy right now, Pads.”
Even being dismissive and infuriating, he was attractive. Needless to say, Sirius was not doing very well on the whole talking-to-Remus front. In his defence, his friend was not making it easy. It was somehow worse than before, because he wasn’t even pretending there was anything wrong, just flat out refusing to speak to Sirius about anything other than their friends or class work. 
He was convinced that Remus liked him back however. The way he caught his eye unintentionally or the tips of his ears went red when Sirius ran a hand through his hair. Or spoke French. Or walked into a room. 
So, if he wasn’t going to talk, Sirius was going to make his life utter hell. 
He had perfected the art of eyeliner, styled his hair so it was soft and wavy and smelling of jasmine and vanilla and threw on one of Remus’ sweaters and waltzed into the dorm room wearing literally nothing else. Of course, the sweater was long enough to cover anything unsavoury but the imagination is a beautiful thing, and Remus was known for having a very, very good imagination. 
He bent over to rifle through one of the drawers in his cupboard under the pretence of sock hunting, certain that he had Remus’ undivided attention. Upon turning around, he found that he was correct.
Mouth agape and eyes unfocused, Remus sat perched on his bed, his book sliding precariously close to the edge.
“What book you reading there, Moons?” He said in what he hoped was a seductive tone. 
“Um–” His voice came out hoarse and Sirius could have punched the air. “Uh– ahem, ah it’s Wuthering Heights . Your copy actually. —erm. I didn’t mean to, it’s just that… Is that alri–”
“Oh that's perfectly fine, Remus. Splendid, actually.”
Remus was nodding, staring directly at the ceiling in defiance of the half naked friend in front of him. Sirius had annotated that book meticulously, and as he grew more aware of his feelings, those annotations became heavily centred around Remus. Around loving Remus. He couldn’t ignore him once he’d seen what Sirius had written so plainly.
Splendid, indeed.
“Urgh! Why can’t I get this right?”
Remus tried the spell again. He was supposed to be turning a goblet into a rat, but was only successful in making it grow fur. Peter, thankfully, was absent.
“You’ve got the wand movement wrong. Here–” Sirius reached around Remus, grasping his hand over his wand and rested his head onto his shoulder so he could whisper to him, “Yes. That’s perfect. You’re doing so good, Rem. Just like that.”
The shudder he felt was worth any weird look he revived from James. 
“That’s my boy. So so good” He let his lips brush against the back of his neck.
Remus’ goblet set fire. 
Sirius was in the process of thoroughly cleaning each of his fingers with his tongue, sucking on each diligently, delighting in the way Remus would jump a little in his seat each time Sirius released a finger with a soft pop. It was a blatant display. Some girls from the Gryffindor table were staring unashamedly at him, but he didn’t care. He was only watching Remus whose gaze had gone glassy and lips red from how hard he was biting.
“Merde, Sirius. Les choses que tu me fais…”
Fuck, he was so hot.
“Oh, Remus. Les choses que je pourrais te faire si tu me laissais faire.”
Sirius very much enjoyed flirting with Remus. It was going exactly as he’d hoped. Remus was getting more flustered by the day and Sirius no longer had to hold back on doing all the things he wanted to do around Remus, but even so, he missed him. 
Unless they were flirting, their conversations were still short and forced and Sirius wanted to punch a wall.
Remus. Please will you talk to me? After class?
Sirius levitated the note carefully onto Remus’ desk while Professor McGonnigal was turned. Remus vanished the note after a glance, not bothering to reply.
Remus. Please. I miss you.
Okay fine. I can’t stop thinking about you and that kiss. I know you want to ignore it but I want you and I think you want me too. I don’t really know what it means but can we just work this out together? Whatever I did I’m sorry but please. Just put me out of my misery.
It was brazen, but he was running out of patience. If Remus didn’t know how he felt, then Sirius would make damn sure he was aware that Sirius liked him, in a not so platonic way.
“Passing notes in my class?” McGonnigal snatched the note out of the air before it reached its destination. Sirius’ stomach dropped. Shit shit shit.
“What’s to stop me from reading this out? Hmm?”
“Professor please, it was me. I swear I’ll never do it again. I– I’ll be the best student. I–”
“Mr. Black, please take your seat.” He had apparently stood up unconsciously and sank down slowly, taking in his professor’s pinched expression as her eyes flicked over the note. 
“5 points from Gryffindor” She tucked it away in a drawer at her desk. Sirius felt like he was going to pass out, like there was no blood in his head. For the rest of the class, the voices around him were cloudy and muffled and his hand was clenched painfully around his chair. He hardly noticed when James tugged on his arm. Class was over.
James’ eyes were full of concern. 
“Sirius, what’s happening?” It sounded far away. “Sirius, what was on the note? Are you okay?”
“It’s fine. I’m fine. Promise. I just gotta um sit down” He planted himself on the side of the hallway, grasping at the walls, the floor, something to hold onto.
“What’s happening to him?”
“I don’t know. Was he hexed?”
“I don’t think so.”
“He’s freaking out”
“I think he’s having a panic attack.”
“A what?”
Remus reached out, took Sirius' hand and let him squeeze .
“Sirius, you’re okay, yeah? You’re safe. Just breathe with me. Nice and slow. In. Out. That’s good” 
Remus' gaze was steady and focused, the weight of his hand grounding him. In. Out. In. Out. His eyes were brown with specs of blue and a dark ring around the iris. In. Out. His hair was brown with streaks of gold. Soft looking. Perfect. In. Out. He smelled like peaches.
In. Out. 
He came back to himself, overly aware of the students bustling around him, leaving their final class of the day. 
“Sorry. I don’t know what happened.” He ran a hand through his hair. Having an emotional breakdown in the middle of a hallway was not going to make him look good to Remus. 
“You don’t have to apologise.” Why was he being so nice? “Has that happened before?”
Sirius thought back to the bathroom, his room at home, the hospital wing, his Mother, Crucio. “Once or twice”
“Sirius…” Remus pulled him into a hug, squeezing him tightly. He was mortified when he let out a little sob. Remus was running his hands through his hair and he couldn’t help but relax into the embrace. 
James and Peter were standing to the side a little awkwardly. Peter was glaring at anybody who slowed to get a better look and James was ringing his hands, obviously wanting to talk to Sirius but not wanting to let anyone else know his secret. 
Remus muttered over his shoulder reassurances. 
“You’re okay. You’re safe. We love you” and then, “I love you”
He was okay. He was safe. Remus loved him.
Remus loved him. 
After that, things changed. They still weren’t talking about it – Sirius took McGonnigal’s intervention as a sign to let it rest – but Remus wasn’t being as dismissive of him. Embarrassed over the moment in the hallway, he decided to spend more time in his animagus form, where his emotions were less consuming and he could smell Remus on almost every surface of the dorm. 
It was a Saturday when it happened. 
James was at the library being tutored by Lily and Peter was on a date with Bea, so Sirius and Remus had taken up residence in the common room. 
“What the fuck is this?”
“Hm?” Sirius didn’t look up from his book. It was one of the ones Lily bought him.
“When did you put this in here? Is this some kind of joke?” 
The distress in his voice snapped Sirius alert. Remus had Wuthering Heights open, eyes wide in shock. 
“You’ve been flirting with me all week”, he said, “I’ve been trying to– fuck” He dropped the book open onto the sofa and darted out of the common room. 
It was open to a page Sirius remembered, ‘Rem <3’ written carefully in the margin. It was the same one Remus had seen him write all those weeks ago in the dorm. 
He took off running after him, through the castle and out the front gates. It was raining. Of course it was raining. 
He found Remus in a clearing near the lake. He looked frantic, his hair wet and clinging to his face, his breath coming in pants.
“What are you trying to do here, Sirius?”
This was fucking ridiculous. “What am I trying to do!? I think I’ve made it pretty fucking obvious, Rem!”
It was pelting down now. 
“Sirius, you’re killing me. I like you. You know this. Why are you torturing me?”
“You like me?”
They crashed together. Lips and teeth and tongue. Remus was pulling at his robes, tugging his hair, his hands were everywhere and he still wanted more. The rain was incessant on his skin until he reluctantly pulled away, cursing his body’s need to breathe.
Remus was staring at him, bewildered. His hair an utter mess, wet and spiky. His pupils were blown and his lips red and puffy. Sirius couldn’t believe his eyes. 
“But, in the cupboard, you said. You agreed it was a mistake, to forget it. I didn’t want to lose you. Your friendship. It means so much to me.”
Sirius placed a careful kiss on his lips. He couldn’t help himself.
“The only thing I could think about in that cupboard was how close you were standing to me. Bloody hell, Remus. Do you understand how gone I am for you?” He peppered kisses over his face, his neck. “You’re so perfect, it’s infuriating. Your face and your smile and your— fuck, your freckles and the way you sing , Remus, it’s fucking everything. You’re everything.”
“I’m not everything Sirius. I’m not even a whole person.”
“You’re everything. To me, you’re everything.”
“I don’t deserve you Sirius. You’re too good.”
“Sirius –”
He cut him off with another kiss. 
“Stop being a self deprecating tosser and let me love you”
Remus bit his lip in that way that Sirius loved and smiled and his ears did the thing that Sirius loved. 
“Yeah, okay.”
They kissed until the rain cleared, and then a little while longer until they were frozen to their bones and in desperate need of the warmth of the Gryffindor fire. 
They walked in silence, their hands brushing occasionally, the touch electric. Sirius would never get sick of this. 
“Sirius. I have a question and don’t laugh.”
“I promise I won’t laugh”
“Will you be my boyfriend?”
Sirius could explode. This is the happiest he had ever felt. If he ever needed a patronus, this is the memory he would use. 
“Fuck yes”
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captainhysunstuff · 2 years
Transcript:  The Chain - Please Rest
The Chain - Please Rest comic
Light:  ...You look terrible.
L:  *wobbly* GEE.  I WONDER WHY THAT IS.
Light:  You haven’t been sleeping at all, have you?
L:  OF COURSE NOT.  Every time I try, you imperil yourself.  IT NEVER FAILS.  Then, I have to save you BEFORE you wake up, or else I’ll face either your or your father’s wrath.  *Wrapped around the knee?!  How did you do that?!*  I’d swear you were doing it on purpose... but after viewing the footage... I can only conclude you are in deep REM sleep and moving naturally.  You can’t be doing it on purpose.  *groans*
Light:  Maybe just take the chain off when you know I’m sleeping to get a quick nap?
L:  No.  I need the chain on you more than ever when I’m asleep.  I can’t directly watch you then.  It would defeat the entire purpose.
Light:  Right...
L:  No offense, but I’m less concerned by your sleeping actions than by the consequences of allowing them.  Damn this human body!
Light:  I had no idea I was such a chaotic sleeper...  I’m sorry.
Light:  ?!
L:  *collapses*
Light:  Ryuzaki!!  *picks L up* How about this:  I’ll stay awake tonight while you get some sleep?  I’ll stay cuffed to you.  I promise I won’t try to go anywhere.  You can even use the bed.  No, I insist.
L:  But--
Light:  DON’T ARGUE WITH ME.  IT’S BEEN A WEEK.  YOU NEED SLEEP.  You can just watch the security footage later if you don’t trust me.
L:  ...Fine.  Thank you.
Light:  *winks* Hey.  Like it or not, you’re not alone in this anymore.  Remember that.
L:  ...Don’t trip us now.
Light:  Shut up.
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ultraericthered · 1 year
Anime Update V2 51
Tokyo Magnitude 8.0 - Have seen the next two episodes, and I’m noticing that Yuki getting lost from Mirai and Mirai having to call out his name seems to be a once an episode trend now, as are the aftershocks and tremors causing more random destruction and casualties, and the newscaster lady giving a report after every credits that clues you in on what’s to come in the next episode. Episode 4 was particularly notable, with Mirai’s petulant stubbornness giving me serious cringe (just use the portable disposable toilet already, girl!) as well as her continuing to be a terrible big sister to Yuki, a really gutwrenching scene with her and Yuki both sobbing over missing their home and parents, and oh yeah, Tokyo Tower falling down!
Hunter x Hunter - At last, the end of Greed Island. I was glad for Gon, Killua and Biscuit that they were able to achieve the win, am going to miss Biscuit if she’s really going to be away for a while, and damn, every new thing I hear about Ging really makes him come off more like a jerk. Getting a guy’s name wrong for a more convenient game title and not retracting it ‘cause you find it funny? Major dick!
Fruits Basket - Another solid episode for Yuki’s character growth.  We found out that Machi is actually the younger half-sister of Kakeru and that she struggles with having independence. Yuki also got locked in a closet for a bit and had to conquer more painful memories of Akito’s abuse in that time. But by far the episode’s most important development is that Cinderella has been chosen as the play for the upcoming school festival, with the roles cast as such: Saki as Cinderella, Kyo as the Prince, Minami as the evil stepmother, Tohru as the evil stepsister, and Yuki as the Fairy Godmother. I. can’t. wait!
Re:ZERO - This is no doubt going to be an unpopular opinion but, aside from Subaru’s continuing character arc of mental and moral degradation, I’m not particularly liking this arc compared to the ones before it. It had such promise at the very start, but rather than maintain focus on what it started with - the different campaign camps of the Royal Selection - it’s veering in a different direction that seems intent on throwing as much bleak, miserable, mean-spirited and edgy shit at you as it can. And if it was working dramatically, I’d be more forgiving of it...but I didn’t get “drama” from this episode, I got unintentional comedy gold. The Witch’s Cult shows up and we meet a character named Betelgeuse (yes, like Beetlejuice) and not only is he just about the most Extra psychotic weirdo I’ve ever seen in anime, but how he’s set up in the plot as Subaru’s new arch enemy comes out of nowhere. He kills Rem and torments Subaru about his “sloth!” (and Rem’s sloth too since she’s gratuitously in love with Subaru but hasn’t really acted upon those feelings) sending Subaru into a mental breakdown where he’s all  “RAAAWR I’LLKILLYOU, I’LLKILLYOU, I’LLFUCKINGKILLYOU!” and even screams his name:  “BETEEEELGEUUUUUSE!” There’s just no way I could take this seriously. The actually effectively creepy part was the very end with all the snow and the outline of giant monster Puck appearing, and then the evil, furious look on Subaru after time has looped back.
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works - Once again the part of the story where Shirou, Saber, Rin, and Archer face off against Ilya and Berseker for the first time, but this time with more details that the Deen anime left out such as Rin combating Ilya directly at one point, and there was even a scene of Kirei talking to Gilgamesh. Oh yes!
Symphogear GX - Another new start with another new enemy showing itself, this one being some creepy witch girl and her doll-like underlings who are after something from someone because they want to destroy the world. It’s not really clear yet, but I just loved seeing everyone again, especially with Kirika and Shirabe hanging with the main heroines now, and Maria doing her community service.
Eureka Seven - Finally got started on this, it’s been so long since I last saw any of this series, but Dai Sato, the head writer on it, is also the head writer of the currently running Pokemon Horizons, so the timing was serendipitous. Episode 1 spends a lot of time around Renton Thurston, a whiny 14 year old boy living in a small village who bitches about how much stuff in his life “sucks” but is also the son of a famed hero and who’s voiced in a very Tom Holland-ish sort of way by Johnny Yong Bosch (ironic since Holland is the first name of his idol), and some conflict with his grouchy old grandpa. It all changes when the Nirvash Type 0 shows up, piloted by a really weird girl with green hair and purple eyes named Eureka (pronounced EHUH-REK-UH), followed by Holland Novak’s crew in Gekko State and an assault from the United Federaton Military (which includes the cruel Captain Juergans and twerpy intel officer Dominic Sorel). So much is established within these two episodes I can’t recall it all off the top of my head, but damn does Sato’s strong writing make it fun!
Gintama - This episode took Gintoki and Katsura away from any of the other main characters as they’re roped into a temporary job that requires they crossdress and pass themselves off as women under new feminine identities. Yeah, one of those episodes, and easily the weakest to come out of this show at this point, though not without enjoyable moments. The plot with the ashamed son of the bigender owner of the place trying to prove himself a man led to something I had not been anticipating, and that in turn led to a laugh-out-loud ending joke. But for a cours concluder, they could’ve picked better.
Oshi No Ko - For whatever reason, this anime was allowed to lead with a goddamn movie, one that despite its length is recommended viewing for determining whether or not this series is for you. And for me, it’d be a “nope!” Not because it was bad, I actually was quite engaged in it a good deal. But for a story with a premise this batshit crazy and totally ungrounded from the reality it’s depicting on-screen, it can only work if A: it’s a comedy, and B: Ai remains in the picture, as she’s the main selling point and the character with the most intrigue to her. Well, guess what happens at the end? It suddenly goes full “deep” and dramatic and serious, and it does so by having Ai get murdered at her home in front of her children by some rando stalker who may or may not have been brought there by the kids’ unknown father. Leading to a last minute swerve where Aquamarine vows to scour the entertainment industry for their father and whoever else might’ve had a hand in AI’s death, and get revenge! Yeah no, I think I’ll pass. I can see myself maybe checking back in with this every rare once in a while, but it’s not something I could get into. 
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