#RSA ocs
ellovett · 2 years
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Fayette Marraine Dieu - twisted from The Fairy Godmother from Cinderella
More under the cut!
Twsted from: The Fairy Godmother
Occupation: Practical Magic Professor
School: Royal Sword Academy
Pronouns: He/him
Height: 6'3
Homeland: ???
Age: ???, Is within the 900s range
A professor at Royal Sword Academy who teaches the Practical Magic's class, specializing in conjuration and transformation. A passionate wizard that appreciates both the nitty gritty and sparkly aspects of magic. The whimsical nature of his classes are famous amongst students.
Trivia -
- Fayette tends to forget things easily, often losing his wand and forgetting his own spells..despite this Fayette has never run late to work
- Has a fondness for light sparkles, always incorporates it in his magic, to make things prettier
- As mentioned before they have a special expertise in conjuration and transformation magic, can turn pretty much anything into something completely different with ease.
- Despite being a fairy, Fayette lacks wings, he is able to levitate using magic but cannot fly around and about like his smaller counterparts.
- Keeps his cloak on even on the hottest of days, do NOT make him remove it!!!
- His favorite food is anything with pumpkin in it.
- His classroom is the most decorated and colorful one, to add to the magic, and to make his students focus and not fall asleep from the boredom.
- He's also known to host the wildest of field trips, some of them aren't even headmaster approved, but they're always somehow effective in teaching a good magic lesson!
- Just a very silly guy.
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windblume-wishes · 11 months
Coinín Bán - Twisted from the White Rabbit
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Age: 16
School: Royal Sword Academy
Year: 1st year student
Birthday: June 24th (Cancer)
Club: Track and Field
Loves: Being On Time
Hates: Being Late/Lizards
Favourite Food: Carrots
Least Favourite Food: Meat Of Any Kind
Hometown: Clock Town
Nicknames: “Fluffy Bum”, “Cottontail”, “Floof”, and “Bun Bun”
Other: Coinín’s name is Irish Gaelic for “Bunny White” as he is twisted from the White Rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
Coinín is a very sweet boy, always making sure everyone is doing well and happy. He has a habit of being a stickler about time and being tardy and will yell “I’M LATE! I’M LATE!!” Despite being on time for his next class. He is an incredibly fast runner and is one of the Track and Field team’s best runners.
Fun Fact: Coinín is a vegan! 🌱
🚫Distribution without permission is prohibited🚫
- Windblume
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nuitthegoddess · 2 years
Royal Sword Academy boys
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The 3rd years
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The 2nd years (one held back, Aurelian)
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1st year and 4th year
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thetwistedcryptid · 2 years
Twst oc Valentines headcanons
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彡(✿╹◡╹) 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦?? [ocs featured: Bowie, Cailean, and Bomani] warning: long post || triggers: none
彡(✿╹◡╹) 𝘛𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦 𝘣𝘰𝘺𝘴 𝘣𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵.. 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘰𝘴𝘦?? [ocs featured: Bowie, Cailean, and Bomani] Route 1: Bowie Eustace
🐂 you get a knock on your door, and go to check to see who it is. standing on the door step of your old run down dorm, was a fellow NRC student. he was a Bull-beastman from the Tumbleranch dorm. a dorm filled with 'old western' themes and people, from what you knew.
🐂from the tops of his bull horns, down to his boots - he was about 7'0" tall. he was somewhat buff, muscles of which could be seen from under his his dorm uniform.
🐂you weren't super close with him, but had a science class with him. and he helped you out during gym classes whenever you began to fall behind everyone else. he was a gentle giant in a sense, always there for you when others didn't spare you a 2nd glance. he was one of the few people outside of your established group of friends that you told about your magic-less status.. and he never treated you any differently. in his own words 'people are people, no matter their core'. his earnest personality and kindness were why you were drawn to him so much.
🐂upon you opening the door, his bull tail swayed side to side in a semi-rapid fashion, giving away how excited he was to see you despite him trying to appear composed. brushing some of his thick curly locks out of his face.
"Hey Bowie! what brings you here today? sorry if the yard looks like a graveyard, i haven't had time to tidy it up--"
🐂" 's aight! don' matter to me much. think it gives 'er dorm it's own personality! a-anyway, i.."
🐂he handed you a fresh sunflower, which was in a small pot - a pot that had a pretty bow tied around it. his alluring southern accent filled your ears as he spoke.
🐂"I wanted tha' know if.. ye wanted tha have.. a picnic with me? 's ah nice day out, an' could give us time ta get ta know each other! since we usu'ally only eve'a see each other durin' classes..."
he seemed a bit nervous, his typical goofy lopsided smile wobbled a little in anticipation as he waited for an answer.
🐂 you thought it was a fun idea, and agreed to go along. which made him perk up, and you could see the will power of him fighting back the urge to hug you, in order to not make you uncomfortable. he had always been a touchy-feely kind of guy when it comes to interacting with others.
🐂 you left a note for grim, who was still sleeping soundly on the bed. and before you left you put the sunflower in the lounge - in front of a window, so it could get enough light. you'd have to plant it outside once spring comes around.
🐂 you left the area around your dorm, him gently grabbing your hand as you walked side to side. interlocking your fingers and cradling your hand in his bigger one with tender care. he did it so casually, as if it was normal to do so. the contact with someone you admired made your cheeks become dusted with a light pink.
🐂 you both soon arrived at the botanical gardens, him holding open the door for you like a gentlemen. you spotted a picnic basket and blanket under the tree in the center of the room. at first you were worried leona would be here, as this is his favorite napping spot, but Bowie assured you that he wouldn't bother either of them today. not letting you in on the fact he had to bribe leona to insure no interruptions.
🐂 you both sat down on the blanket and began to chat. the room being filled with your conversation and occasional laughter. you ate sandwiches and fresh fruit - even some of your favorite chocolate from a store in the towns that's at the center of the isle of sages.
🐂 you asked how he knew you liked this chocolate, and he rubbed his neck while blushing. admitting he asked one of the people in your small clique the other day, and set aside time yesterday in between his dorm activities in order to head into town and buy it for you.
🐂 soon he began to play a song for you on his harmonica, claiming its a song he was working on (secretly for you) and wanted some feedback. it was an upbeat yet smooth tune, making your heart swell in awe.
🐂 he even offered to each you, and you spent a little while trying to learn how to use his instrument, it wasn't too hard but you would probably need a lot of practice to get to his level.
🐂 whenever you got a note/sequence right while playing, he would playfully ruffle your hair.
🐂 you thought to yourself - 'wait.. he never washed off the harmonica before he gave it to me to use.. is this- an indirect kiss??' the thought made you blush, and you tried to think of if it was intentional or not on his end. but when he asked about your red face you brushed it off, saying you were just tired from playing. to which he didn't question and took back the instrument. then you both took a small break.
🐂 after a while he fell silent and locked his vibrant violet eyes with yours, wringing his hands together nervously.
🐂 "s-so.. i wus wonderin'.. i reallah' like ya an' all, like.. very much! an' i wanted ta know if.. you would, y'know.. like ta be.. my valentine? not jus' this year, but.. every year?"
🐂 both of you had faces as red as riddles hear. there was a eerie silence between the two for you for a moment, before you launched your self at him - wrapping your arms round his neck, exclaiming 'yes!'
🐂 his smile beamed from ear to ear at your answer, he didn't seem to budge much when you leap at him. he quickly jumped up from his spot on the blanket and spun you around in a hug.
🐂 you two both soon felt back down onto the blanket, laughing like children, with you laying on top of him as he lied there on his back. your eyes soon met again before he nuzzled his cheek against yours affectionately.
🐂 "I wouldn' trade ya f'ur anythin' in tha world, Sugarbug." Route 2: Cailean Atharrais
🪶you hear a ping for a notification on your phone. bored and in search for anything to do to pass the time, you hop up from the couch and head over to the kitchen counter, where your phone was sat. having been charging all night.
🪶you unplug you're phone and unlock the main screen, and see the message sent from an rsa student you befriended a few months ago, who had helped you take fertilizer from the town to nrc to set up for some magic plant lesson. "hey! could you come over to rsa today? Neige and the dwarves are setting up stuff for a small party in celebration for it being hearts day and all, and we want an outside opinion on the set up. you can even join in on the party too when we finish!"
🪶you were a bit surprised by the invitation, but being in a gathering of actually friendly faces for once sounded like fun! at the very least, it would be a good break from the villainous students at your school that your surrounded by each day.
🪶you texted back; "sure! I'll be there as soon as i can. can't wait :)" to which Cailean sent back "ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬" in response.
🪶you got ready and left your dorm, leaving behind a note for grim to find when he wakes up. hopefully ace and deuce can keep him company, and keep him from burning anything down, while your gone for the day.
🪶you eventually arrived at the rsa campus, walking across the bridge to the school building. as soon as you step off the bridge, a bird swoops down in front of you - and with a 'poof' a boy lands on the ground right where the bird was about to. he quickly stands up from his crouched landing position, and brushes himself off.
🪶it was Cailean! he was wearing his school uniform, and honestly it was the first time you had seem him in such fancy clothing.. but it suited him. he had added his own flare to the typically orderly clothing. his brown with black striped swooped to one side hair bounced looked a little frizzy due to moving so much, but his freckled face beamed with an ear to ear smile upon his deep brown chocolatey eyes landing on you're form.
🪶" 'ey! ye mayde it!" the 5'8" boy chirps out in a singsongy type of tune with his prominent scottish accent, before pulling you into a firm hug while jumping up and down a bit. "Nice ta see ye ageen, Dove!"
🪶you laughed and hugged him back. when he eventually let go of you, he ushered you through the schools front gate while chatting with you about what's happened since you last saw each other. admittedly, not much on his end. but you had some fun tales to tell about grim and your other 1st year pals, to which he gave his full attention for.
🪶as he walked with you through the halls, laughing all the way, some people gave you a passing glance. not expecting to see you there, but not saying anything as they were all seemingly rushing around with their own tasks. eventually you both exit the main school building, and arrive at the wide open space with a big fountain, that sits in between the paths to each dorm. the whole place was decked out with decorations, and people! turns out that 'small party' for negie's dorm quickly turned into a big school wide party, since neige just couldn't help himself and invited any students he came across.
🪶he took you around and asked for your opinion on different parts that were being set up - the color pallets, the amount of balloons, the shape of balloons, the types of deserts, etc. after collecting that feedback, Cailean ran off to give the info to Neige.
🪶after about a half hour, the set up was finished, your opinions having been taken to heart and implemented right away. people soon began to file into the area in a more steady flow, and begin mingling with each other as someone got onto a DJ station and began to play some upbeat dance music through the amps. people either went solo or paired up on the decently sized makeshift dance floor on the grass next to one of the dorm buildings.
🪶after a while of picking around the food table and chatting with some people, you felt a tap on your shoulder. spinning around on your heel, you came face to face with Cailean. he had a cheeky grin on his face, before bowing slightly and extending out his hand to you.
🪶" 'ello, Dove! mey I.. hev 'is dance?"
🪶you chuckled and put your hand on his, "course you can, scatterbrain."
🪶" 'ey think ye mhen 'fancy-brain' !" he chimes as he swings you around and drags you off to the dance floor. the two of you have a blast, spinning and swinging each other around and kicking your legs. you failing at trying to copy one of Cailean irish dance moves, and him giving you a thumbs up and mouthing 'A for effort'
🪶eventually, after a little while, a more somber and relaxing song came on. the two of you ended up slowly swaying back and forth, hands interlocked and chests close together. you could feel each others breath on your skin. both of you had faces as red as the cherry filling inside a tart. there was only a few other people on the dance floor along with the two of you, as most others had taken breaks to sit or eat some of the sugary concessions as the party came to a slow drawl.
🪶neither of you had said anything since the song began, but halfway through your dance partner took in a breath - trying to give himself some courage, despite his nervousness.
🪶"..ey, Dove?" he says softly, his warm breath flowing against your ear. making the hair on the back of your next stand on end. "Evry’hing hus been soh moch fhun! ey couldn' be mair happy.. tah hav' yah he'er. whan ey met ye that day.. ye mhade meh tha happiest half fae on tha isle of sages. ye make meh feel.. free." freer then a bhird in tha breeze!
🪶"h-heh.. sorrah if thats cheesy, bhut.. ey mhen it! an'.. if ey mhey be so bold, im not shure if it's selfish tha ask f'ur, bhut.. could ey... hev ye witt meh.. all tha time? not jus' todah, as a valentine, bhut as.. a partner?"
🪶you were stunned for a moment, the both of you just staring into each others eyes as the somber music slowly began to swell into a more heartfelt symphony. you both had stopped in place due to your surprise at his declaration.
🪶he panicked a little when you too a bit longer to respond then he expected, his nervousness showing more clearly. "c-course' ye don' hev tah agree if ye don' wa--" but, you swiftly cut him off with a kiss. his blush turning a darker shade of red, if that's even possible. but he soon leaned into the kiss, and let out a stutter-y coo'ing bird sound. the taste of honeydew was noticeable on his lips. when you pulled away after a minute, you two were the last two on the dance floor. lost in your own world.. some people noticed and clapped for you, but most were preoccupied and didn't realize what was happening. the two of you shyly soon made your way off the dance floor, hand in hand, and headed towards a more quieter place to just enjoy each others company and relax for a while as you both process the bloom of your new union. Route 3: Bomani Melokuhle (meet-cute <3)
🦈towards the afternoon, your inner circle of friends contacted you and asked if you wanted to spent some time down at the beach today, since it was such a night day outside and they wanted to have some fun while the weather was still nice this week. you agreed and headed down into the town in the center of the island with grim, to get some supplies. since you didn't have a swimsuit or any beach gear. grim decided to wait outside for you.
🦈as you went to the counter with your things, you bumped into someone - both of you dropping your things onto the floor with a 'oof!', though luckily you fall down from the collision - due to the fact the other person wraps an arm around your shoulders to catch you. your faces ending up a few inches away from each other.
🦈after opening your eyes, which you originally closed in anticipation, upon not hitting the ground.. you locked eyes with the other person. which seemed to be a boy, somewhere around your age range. and very handsome at that.
🦈 the boy had warm pecan colored skin, which was covered completely in freckles from head to toe (from whatever skin you could see) - far more freckles then their friend cailean has, since cailean only has them on his face/shoulders. he has emerald green eyes that shimmer as the light from the ceiling fixtures above you shine down upon the room, and he has obsidian black hair .. which seemed to be very curly from the front fringe of thick curls, though most of it was pulled back into a low hanging, semi-big, puffy bun. he also seemed like a mix of chubby and muscular in terms of physique.
🦈you didn't recognize him at all, but you knew he probably wasn't from nrc due to that fact. people did live in this town of the center of the island, so he could just be a resident. since he isn't dressed like the typical tourist.
🦈soon the boy heaved you up back to your feet, and out of the half salsa dip pose you were being held in. it was only less then a minute, but it felt like much longer when you both were just lost in each others eyes.
🦈the boy give a toothy smile to you, showing off his shark-looking sharp teeth, before waving his hand in your face and giving an alluringly baritone voiced "helloo~?" which makes you snap out of the daze that you didn't realize you were in. a light pink blush dusting your cheeks, feeling a bit embarrassed for staring at this stranger.
🦈"oh- sorry! didn't mean to stare, i- uh" luckily for you, the boy didn't seem offended by it, and gave a hearty chuckle, pretending to wipe a tear in a comedic fashion. which made you feel a bit less uneasy about the situation.
🦈"it's alright, no harm done." he waved a dismissive hand, "anywho-" he dropped down into a crouch and began to separate your items from his, soon handing you your things before grabbing his own stuff and standing back up. "sorry for making you drop your things! i tend to wander, and when i wander.. i get lost in my own thoughts, and just don't focus on whats around me. heh heh, i wouldn't purposefully mess up the schedule of a sea star like you."
🦈as he was being very complimentary and casual, you accepted your items back, hugging the things against your chest to insure you wouldn't drop them again. "sea star?" you inquire.
🦈"yeah! your [y/n] right? it's a pleasure to finally meet the one making waves over at nrc. anyone who's anyone on this island knows about you, considering how many overblots you've fought and quelled! real impressive work there. your one tough cookie!"
🦈"oh- heh, sorry, i didn't introduce myself." he extends his hand, and you shake it. "Bomani Melokuhle. the star of the rsa swim team, and ukulele player extraordinaire on this side of the isle of sages!" ah.. so he was from rsa. well, that's a surprise, but also not a surprise..? you seem to be befriending a lot of rsa students recently.. so it's quite on brand.
🦈the two of you head to the counter together as you chat, and yo find you that you have quite a few things in common with him, in terms of interests. except for extreme surfing ... which he says he'll happily teach you, and you tell him you'll think about it.
🦈he goes to pay for your things as well. "oh- you don't have to, i have money" to which he just gives a warm smile, "yeah, but i want to. don't worry 'bout it, 'kay?" you begrudgingly agree.
🦈as grim complains about how long you took in the and asking what the hold up was, you and Bomani bid each other farewell. and you watch as he walks down the road, soon out of sight as he rounds a corner. oh wait- you forgot to get his number.. well, maybe another time.
🦈you then take grim and head off down to the beach, where your friend group had already set up in a pretty good spot. you all played volleyball, build sandcastles, the whole shebang. the beach was crowded for a while, but as the day went on and the evening arrived, people began to slowly leave. your group still stayed, even as the beach soon became almost empty, but your plans were soon cut short as the wind began to pick up. and soon after it began to rain.
🦈 your friends all complained and began to pack up, really only jack cared about the rain due to his tail. but as you finished gathering your things, grim told you he lost his sunglasses, and ordering you as his henchmen to get them as he flew off. you relented, and soon spotted the sunglasses. you managed to grab them before they could be washed off to sea, but as you turned your back to the water a wave slammed down on you from behind. all you could hear was the sound of the waves, mixed with the muffled voices of your friends calling out to you, as you get dragged away from shore.. while underwater you see some glimmers of something blue nearby, before your vision fades out.
🦈eventually you wake up on some rocks next to a light house nearby RSA, coughing up a bit of sea water as your vision steadies itself. you quickly notice that the sun had finished setting, and it was now nighttime. and something was approaching in the water..
🦈 it was bright spotty blotch of a neon aquamarine color, moving towards the cove from the water. a head soon poked through the surface of the water, and you noticed it was Bomani! other then his hair being out of the bun and flowing around his shoulders in bundled frizzy curls and all of his freckles glowing - it was him! he seemed to now have gray skin and sharp ears, along with his lower half being that of a shark - almost covered in glowing spots.
🦈 he checks if you were okay and not hurt at all, even giving you the sunglasses, which he found after saving you, he offers to swim you back to the beach. which you agree. he takes you by the hand, and guides you back into the water, you wrapping your arms around his neck as he wraps his around your waist and rests his chin against the crook of your neck.. holding you close to his body, which was warm compared to the cold water.
🦈he casts a spell to allow you temporary water breathing, since you don't have gills like him, and takes you back to the main shore. your friends were there waiting for you, but before you depart he gives you a peck on the cheek and winks "till we meet again.. sea star." then swims off. your heart bubbles with a new fuzzy feeling...
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silent-dragon · 1 year
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My entry for @twisted-tech 's mermay event. Here is sprite art of my rsa oc Cary and his siblings! Cary is a twist of Ariel from the live action movie. He is in a r&b singing group with his siblings but is trying to go solo on the surface. His siblings are 5 brothers and 1 sister. I based their looks from the live action sisters aswell.
Their names are below(not in order)
Update! They are in birth order from left to right now.
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aranciangelo · 2 years
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them 🧡💙
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rosietrace · 2 years
Davidson Novellion
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“Oh?... You underestimate me?.. Well, now I'm obligated to prove you wrong with a single swing of a blade.”
— Davidson Novellion
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General Information
Full Name — Davidson Mordred Novellion
↳ Davidson; A name of Hebrew origin, meaning ‘Son of David’.
↳ Mordred; A name taken from the Welsh form ‘Medraut’, and possibly the Latin form ‘Moderatus’, meaning ‘controlled, moderated’. In Arthurian legend, Mordred was the illegitimate son (and in certain versions, nephew) of King Arthur.
↳ Novellion; Taken from the word ‘Novel’, with additional letters.
Japanese ver. — デビッドソン モードレッド ノベリオン
Romaji ver. — Debiddoson Mōdoreddo Noberion
Twisted from: The Black Knight
❐ — Arthurian Legend
V/A(日本語): Yūichi Nakamura(中村悠一)
↳ Voices Gojo Satoru from Jujutsu Kaisen
V/A(英語/EN): Josey Montana McCoy
↳ Voices Kaeya Alberich from Genshin Impact
Age: 19
Birthday: October 19th
Horoscope: Scorpio ♏
Species: Human
Height: 187 cm
Hair color: Ink Black
Eye color: Amber (+ Black scleras when UM is activated)
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/They
Sexuality: Bisexual, Demisexual
Dominant hand: Left
Extra Information
Homeland: The Blackheart Empire
↳ Formerly known as the ‘Lucretian’ Empire
『 Family:
Mordred Lucretius — Father
Antoinette Winchester Lucretius — Mother
Lancelot Winchester Novellion — Younger Brother
Roya Callistis — Cousin 』
Dormitory: TBA
School Year: 3rd Year
Class: 3-A(seat no. 1)
Club: Fencing Club
Best class(es): Fencing, physical education, debate
Worst class(es): Prophecy, ancient curses
Like(s): Himself /j, teasing his brother, dressing up, swordsmanship, sparring, horseback riding/archery, equestrianism in general, makeup, ducks, walks in the garden with his mother, fairytales his Mother used to tell him at night
Dislike(s): His father… Sort of, handling political affairs, being petty, talking shit about Roya /j /j, the idea of abandonment, lack of acknowledgment for his accomplishments, playing second fiddle, Roya Callistis, his brother getting hurt, being called a horse girl /j
Hobbies: Swordsmanship, horseback riding, horseback archery, hand-to-hand combat, unnecessarily complex debate, upside-down chess, blindfolded grenade launching, doing his makeup, feeding ducks
Talent(s): Sweet talk, swordsmanship, sparring, horseback archery, political debate/negotiation, general persuasion, getting what he wants ~~that counts right /j~~
Flaw(s): Prideful, two-faced, manipulative, apathetic towards those he doesn't care about, selfish, vindictive, competitive
Honestly, Prince Davis is quite charismatic, no? Ladies, gentlemen, those from lands far and wide would give anything just to grovel at his feet!
So kind, so hospitable, so…. Competitive, yet compassionate.
Why, some might even say the Prince is just damn near perfect!...
….. That's what they all say, unfortunately. Davis is frighteningly good at keeping up an act for long periods of time. Those with a keener eye know to steer clear of him; most of the time, at least.
His mask feels too real. Putting on a compassionate, hospitable, yet prideful face for the sake of the glory it brings him in return.
Out of all those three traits, Davis is mostly prideful. His pride — in most cases — goes before all else. And he isn't afraid to use some…. Underhanded, yet manipulative, tactics to satisfy it.
Don't expect him to genuinely care about you. If you aren't Lance, or someone he's close to in general, don't expect genuine kindness off of him. At most, you'll get hit with a blank expression.
Never get on his bad side. Davis knows what he wants, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. By getting on his bad side, the only thing he wants out of you is begging for mercy.
Davis' pride knows no bounds. He will do anything, anything, to get what he wants.
Desperate as he may come off, at the very least — the man knows what he wants.
And he's good at getting what he wants.
Unique Magic: Mordred (モードレッド)
♔ Allows user to summon a shadow-like clone of themselves. Said clone wears a full suit of armor, obscuring their physical features.
As for the user themselves, they develop black scleras, as well as their hands having the effect of looking like they were consumed by shadow itself.
By summoning the clone, many of the user's physical stats will rapidly increase. Such as:
♔ Physical strength
♔ Physical speed
♔ Advanced hearing/sight
♔ Faster reaction time/reflexes
The clone can only stay depending on the amount of energy used by the user. In a situation in which their energy has dissipated completely (especially if they push themselves to their limit), the user will collapse and be temporarily paralyzed.
Thoughts on them
“He's a perplexing subject of conversation. Prince Davis is a prideful individual, frankly, I find nothing wrong with that. I just find it inconvenient and…. Unsatisfactory.”
— Victoria Shard, Davidson's ‘rival’
“It's hard to understand my brother, honestly. I'm supposed to say he's wonderful, and he is…. When he wants to be.”
— Lancelot Novellion, Davidson's younger brother
“I admire my cousin, his accomplishments certainly are…. Something. I don't understand that look in his eyes when he looks at me, though. Do you happen to know anything about it?”
— Roya Callistis, Davidson's cousin
Additional Trivia
✑ Main Theme: Judas by Lady Gaga
✑ Backstory: 『 The Weight of the Sky 』
✑ OC Playlist: TBA
༝ㅤ・ㅤ˚ㅤ。ㅤ.ㅤ⋆ㅤ✦ .  ⁺   . ♔
♔ Davis hates losing. He just hates it. The only time he tolerates it is during the Swordsman Solstice, and that's only because he knows Victoria's ambition knows no bounds.
♔ Victoria's one of the few people Davis genuinely respects. Like him, her pride — her ambition — knows no bounds. Nothing can stop the two of them when it comes to satisfying what must be satisfied. And in that sense, they find mutual respect in each other because of that.
♔ Every year, in every Swordsman Solstice, Davis has always played second fiddle to Victoria. As much as he wishes to respect her by honoring the win…. His pride can't handle being a runner-up.
♔ Don't try asking him why he seemingly dislikes Roya. He's not going to elaborate, whatsoever. The same applies to Lance if you ever go to him for answers.
♔ Roya is painfully oblivious to Davis' genuine disdain for him, to the point it's almost painful because of how glaringly obvious it can be 😭
♔ Davis' hobbies are…. Unconventionally entertaining. At least to him. He usually plays the games he plays by himself since no one — not even Lance — wants to play with him.
♔ Davis is the reason behind the numerous scars Lance acquired during his childhood. More specifically, the ones on his face.
♔ Is a horse girl, and named his horse ‘Spirit’ /j /j
Davis' Tags
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#davidson novellion • #『 davis ⚔️ 』
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onedreamingartist · 10 months
My Twst ocs!!
- kira amenai
-Mary E. Alexandria
-aiden (twst aurora)
-elivian (twst Elsa)
-cindrea (twst Cinderella)
-rielle (twst Ariel)
-raquel (twst Rapunzel)
-beau (twst belle)
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husky-artz · 2 years
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I'm not dead I promise- Just lack of motivation
So Arson has a disguise in RSA ~ He named this disguise Cupid Celeste
Arson sneaks into RSA to observe their students and targets Zephyr as someone to get close to , in order to have someone familiar with the place so he creates Cupid as a way of having common ground being a pegasus with Zephyr. Little do both of them know, they fall for each other. Arson is the only one who doesn't realize it , even when he comes off as flirtatious
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wanou-dorm · 2 years
RSA Oc- Willamina “ Willa/Will” Queens
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Incremnia @fumikomiyasaki
Name: Willamina Queens
Based on: Numbah 4 from KND
𝗔𝗴𝗲: 16
𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆: April 4
𝗦𝘁𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗶𝗴𝗻: Aries 
𝗛𝗲𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁:  152cm  /5’0 
𝗘𝘆𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿: Hazel
𝗛𝗮𝗶𝗿 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗿:golden rod  Blonde with an orange streak 
𝗗𝗼𝗿𝗺: Incremnia 
𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗼𝗼𝗹 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿: 1st
𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘀: 1-A
𝗢𝗰𝗰𝘂𝗽𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻: Student
𝗖𝗹𝘂𝗯: Spelldrive/ Martial Arts
𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁: P.E
Homeland: Kingdom of rose 
Sexuality: Pansexual
𝗗𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗱: Right 
𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱:  Shrimp 
𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗮𝘃𝗼𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱:  unicorn flavored anything, Coconut 
Likes: Comic, Anime , Martial arts, Going on cool Mission , Fighting, Francine 
𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝘀: preppy Make up , Hairbows , Barry, People making fun of her Accent
𝗛𝗼𝗯𝗯𝘆:  Practicing her “special Moves”
Watching Anime
Reading Comic
Hand to hand Combat 
Underestimating people
Crazy Plans that actually work
Willamina or Willa/Will  is a Rather Bold and Brash Young lady. She’s Not the Brightest Only Passing because of Help from Francine and other normal Members  of Incremnia . She’s very Hot headed Loud and Feriocus  .
Willa is also fairly Confident to the point of Arrogant in her any abilities 
Thus makes Her Opinions known to All in her Vicinity. This includes opinions about her  dislike of Barry trying to Flirt with Every girl, how lot of Members Dont Get Action, and How Barry others uptight members suck  . which she’s been Punished for by others in the Dorm by Being forced to Clean the Entire Dorm,  she gets her Revenge By throwing away particularly annoying Members Homework and Acting  like she didn’t know .
Willa is Notably very Tomboyish , this is more of an act of Rebellion  as Her Parents wanted a Girl Girl  and Never let her partake in any thing that could be Considered to Boyish which included what Kinds of Sports she could and couldn’t do so during Middle school She often Lied about her Doing something “girly “ to  Go to Martial art  practice . She cut Her excessively long Hair as soon as she got to Royal  sword and When her Parents Ask what  happened Said that Someone put Gum In it and she had to Cut it.
She could barely watch Anything superhero Related unless her Little Brother was around she usally reads Comic cause she can hide  them in the “Girly” Books her Parents buy her . Despite her Tomboyish  nature  and Apprehension to anything girly  she dose Hold some Apperception towards the Magical Girl/boy Genre 
“ I mean thier Hero’s too  not the Punchy kicky Kind  but Still .”
Unique Magic: Unknown 
Willa Has a notable Soft spot for @hey-its-cweepy’s Asashise
She has a Habit of Underestimating opponent  lead to Her getting  Rocked.
She did this with Acer( Twst!Maple) only to get  proven wrong and then rubbed it in Barry’s Face that Acer was the most Useful member Incremnia 
Can’t Swin   Will Refuse to missions were she has to Physically be in the Water.
Dosent like Preppy Make up her parents  made her were perfers Punk/ Gothic styles
She’s actually loves her Parents but Wishes the could Understand  her Perference 
Australian accent 
She’s Allergic to coconut . Once as A Joke some Rich Incremnia students decided it would be Funniy to Not tell her the Icecream they Had was made with coconut milk and you can guess what happened
her Hair reached to her Thighs before be she cut it
Secretly loves Charmix has a Poster of Sento in her room
also a Secretly Big Fan of Poisonelle , Wants Rubina’s Autograph
voice Claim
Mordred ( Fate)
Theme Song
Q by Calliope Mori and Gawr Gura
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twstrhythm · 1 year
TWST OC Dream Worlds pt.1
RSA OCs edition
Under the cut cause spoilers
Since RSA is also caught up in it since the curse covers all of Sage's Island...
Anthony Page - Anthony's ideal dream world is a world of peace. He lives a happy life with his family, and there is no split. He is going to the same school as his older brother, Elise and things have not gone wrong. Everyone is happy, and he sees his friends almost everyday.
Hui Jin Liang - Hui Jin's ideal dream world would be one where his family is happy. They never had to hide the magic they had, and they were able to use it more freely. He learns more about magic earlier on, and he has a greater magic efficency.
Nasir al-Reza - Nasir's ideal dream world is one where his family's business is succeeding. There is no rivalry, and his family has worked their hardest to be at the top. They don't have to compete to survive.
Daisuke Hino - Daisuke's ideal dream world involves his family. Their clinic is successful, and they have earned enough to be able to expand. Since they can expand, they are able to reach more people and provide more healthcare for more people. He wants to be able to help as many people as possible.
Damien Bellerose - Damien's ideal dream world is one in which he lives a normal life. It is not a strict one, and he is able to do what he wants to do. He can play the games he wants to do and take part in activities he wanted to do. Things are just the way he dreamed.
Issac Miller - Issac's ideal dream world does not seem much different than the world now. He is someone his family is proud of. Nothing more. This is probably the simplest dream so far.
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windblume-wishes · 2 years
Alistor O’Wonder (Twisted from Alice) - A Second Year student at Royal Sword Academy
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Since Twisted Wonderland released, I hoped to see a TWST version of Alice but alas we have not yet received one- ah, but I suppose that gives us artists a chance to imagine how he would look! I can imagine him being rather handsome~! *giggles*
Distribution without permission is prohibited 🚫
About Alistor O’Wonder:
Alistor is 17 years old and from the Queendom of Roses, his parents raised him to be adventurous and always eager to discover something new. He has always been a very curious boy, even sneaking out to the yard in the dead of night just to watch fireflies and see what makes them glow. Alistor is not afraid to get all scraped up, it is part of being curious!
One time as a child he accidentally fell into one of Che’nya’s trap holes he claimed was for “catching trolls” and since then he has developed a mild fear of holes- avoiding them at all cost. His mum did not make his fear any better, going as far as to say that some holes would send you to a far off land- he did not sleep well that night…
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noeou · 2 years
would you guys, maybe want me to share my rsa ocs with you??
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thetwistedcryptid · 11 months
What would your boys get if they ever go to a starbucks? (this popped in my brain while wishing i had a double shot can from the gas station)
hmm.. that's an interesting one! you didn't say which of my characters, so i just picked a few of them Taranis: Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappuccino .. maybe with some extra chocolate syrup sometimes .. he has such a strong sweet tooth, but wouldn't ever admit it. has probably bribed or threatened the baristas to never mention his order to anyone.
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Bowie: Frozen Pineapple Passionfruit Lemonade Starbucks Refresher. mega fruit lover in the house!! def something he would drink after working on his families farm, or after a lot of harmonica playing at his dorms hidden 'tavern'. sweet boi likes sweet treats! probs trys to get/mimic the recipe to make it for his friends.
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Cailean: Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade - with extra lemon. very refreshing after a streak of pranks on his dorm mates, or for soothing his dry throat after light music club rehearsals. best mix of sour and sweet for him.
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Bomani: Iced Matcha Tea Latte with Oleato Golden Foam ... not sure how to explain this one, but just trust me on this. (am i just saying it cuz of the vibes? cuz its green like seaweed and hes a merman? who knows..)
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Hikaru: Emperor's Clouds & Mist (hot tea/green tea) sometimes keeping it simple is the way to go! he just really likes tea.. has probably tried all the types starbucks has like some kinda tea-type food critique but with only compliments and genuine reviews, no negativity here folks. always gives decent tips, even if he doesn't end up liking his order.
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Oisín: some simple hot chocolate with LOTS of whipped cream, and a little cinnamon sprinkled on top :3 caffeine makes him a little sleepy but mainly doesn't have much of an effect (plain caffeine tastes icky to him, too). so he goes for the sweeter hot stuff.
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Wyborne: Pumpkin cream cold brew .. with LOTS of expresso shots. like, as many as the workers are legally allowed to give him - whatever number that is to where it won't kill him but still keep him awake for 3 weeks straight without seeing god. he's a busy boy ('i dont have a problem, you do' - said him)
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Fǔzhù: Iced Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte - he would drink like maybe 3 a day if he had the time to go out and get them. but, his schedule is usually too packed for even short trips like that. so its a rare, but nice, treat for him.
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silent-dragon · 1 year
∅ with the Armonye boys and James!
OC Opinions
Long post since so many. (Sorry cant fit Sinclair's banner)
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"A seemingly textbook knight which is always fine yet I need him to give some spicy flare to impress me."
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"Such a good fellow! Always so helpful...Kinda want to take home as a good do..er potential knight in my kingdom."
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"Face is boring but thats what's the problem is. Such a face that looks at you and can say the sweetest things...Not sure if I'm offended or attracted."
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"Reminds me of a protagonist that has the choice to become the villain in their own hero's tale which is a twist indeed. I wouldn't mind being there to see what arc he takes...gripping my arched back..hehe."
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"Oh he probably so loved by many for his skills..I wish that was me. Sized perfectly too..better then unappealing me with my fat."
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"Lap...looks warm to..lay on."
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"No one can be this normal in this world I don't trust everything he displays himself to be."
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"Could use some scars or tattoos. Bring out the animal hiding within you know?"
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"Is good guy I respect him. Feel kinship but may be my insecurities playing with me."
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"Another puppet on these strings of serving others? Maybe I can cut a few to see what gets him moving on his own. Fluster him some..get under that soft skin."
"I see him and get feeling that I can be where he is in life and not be a mess up like I am now. I can't help but try to mimic him sometimes to better myself."
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umburgrr · 2 months
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another one of my twst ocs! wanted to give kier a friend so i made parker — he’s a first year at rsa
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i think parker would communicate either with a notepad or by using sign language. he can speak but just prefers not to, for whatever reason
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^^^^ and above here is the original sketch i made for him… slight improvements have been made since 🤞🤞(he definitely looks like a reptile here but in a bad way LMAO)
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