#Rafiki’s tree
elijones94 · 1 year
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🐒 My recent drawings have consistently been in relation to “The Jungle Book”, “The Lion King”, and “Tarzan”, all animal-based movies from Disney. Interestingly, earlier drafts for “The Lion King” initially envisioned Rafiki as a cheetah instead of a mandrill. Back when the movie was in development, it started off entitled “King of the Jungle”. Months ago, I came across some early concept artwork for “Lion King” online and of course, did some sketches based on the artwork that intrigued me. This drawing is my interpretation of an early version of Rafiki within the leaves and branches of his tree. 🌴🌳🐾
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sukalaap · 15 days
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The wise Bob Rofiki also says:
NO to AI ""art"".
If you disagree, he'll grab his staff, come beat the devil out of ya and make it look like an accident... an happy little accident~ ❤️
You know the drill, man. You know the man, drill.
Subtitle-free/Non-VHS Version:
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Reader as Persephone's only daughter? And she doesn't get into relationships bc of her mother's past as she was kidnapped by Hades?? Like History repeats itself with Luke being so obsessed with her and the reader doesn't know that she'll just end up like her mother
hello, hello! this one is definitely long overdue. i've been very busy with uni, but this ask was very intriguing!!! thank you for sending, anon ♡ (bonus scene at the end lol)
Luke Castellan wasn’t immediately taken by her the first time she set foot on Camp Half-Blood, that much was certain. She was only a topic of interest because she was Persephone’s daughter, promised yet unexpected all the same. He was far too caught up with claiming his own hoard of kleos to entertain ideas of attraction; however, she became a friend soon enough.
“What are you growing?” He asked her during a spring afternoon years ago, so insignificant that a normal person would forget it entirely.
“I don’t know yet actually.” She responded with pursed lips. Her open palms lingered just above the brown earth, colorful beads dangled from her wrists.
Luke raised an eyebrow.
At his silence, she looked up then waved a packet in front of him. She smiled. “Secret stash from Persephone.”
“Now, I’m not really the boss or anything but I think I’ve been here long enough to know the rules.” He perched his forearm against the bark of a tree, leaning his weight against it. “I don’t think that’s allowed.”
“But you wouldn’t tell on me, would you?” She batted her eyelashes sweetly, jokingly. She turned back to her lump of land. “‘Sides, they're harmless… I think.”
He remained silent and observed as a sprout quickly rose from the depths of her plot. A number of curved leaves on top leaning stems dotted the once empty ground. She rose from her knees, dusting off pellets of grass that hitched onto her clothing.
“That's it?” He asked her, sounding very unimpressed. Was this the extent of her god-gifted abilities?
She narrowed her eyes at him as she stretched. “I don’t give a show for free, Castellan.”
“What do you want in exchange, then?” He asked curiously. He wanted to see— witness what Persephone’s little seedling was capable of flowering.
She thought for a moment then shrugged her shoulders. She walked away from him with a wave. “Grow something of your own then we negotiate the terms.”
A few weeks later, he proudly paraded a plant pot all around camp in search of her. Most of the younger kids looked at him a bit judgmentally when he held it up like he was Rafiki and the little thing was his Simba.
She emerged from the greenhouse after several vexingly loud knocks. She looked down at Luke’s outstretched arms, her lips twitching in amusement at the container filled with inch-long two-leaved sprouts.
“Strawberries?” She pursed her lips. She motioned to the fields of berries sprawling to the left of them. “A bit unoriginal considering…”
“Well, you didn’t tell me I wasn’t allowed to grow strawberries.” He reasoned.
“Touché.” She ceded. She placed a hand over the pot, the sprouts growing exponentially before she took it from Luke's hands. She spent a handful of minutes transferring them into the dirt.
Luke watched silently, interested and intrigued by the alacrity with which she moved.
“Can you look away for a sec?” She spoke suddenly. She turned towards him, all seriousness. “The glaring is pressuring them. They’re a bit self-conscious.”
“Oh.” He looked away immediately, distracting himself instead with the silvers of light that shone through the canopy of branches of a tree not far from him. He listened to her hum as she worked. He couldn't help but return his gaze to her once in a while.
“Done!” She proclaimed excitedly, pulling off her gardening gloves with a satisfied look on her face.
Three strawberry bushes stood before him, taking up residence in what was an empty patch of land mere seconds ago. His lips parted slightly in surprise— it definitely wasn’t uncommon for demi-gods to inherit some of their parents’ powers, but he was startled by how quickly it manifested, especially for botanokinesis.
“Impressed enough?” She crossed her arms with a grin.
“Just the right amount.” He responded casually, returning her smile. He bent down to pick a big ripe berry from the branches.
He bit into it, the juices trickling down his chin. “Sweet.”
He offered the other half to her. She looked down at it skeptically before Luke urged her with a slight little shake from the bundle of leaves at the fruit’s head. She took it into her own hold then lifted it up to her mouth.
In her iteration of the story, Luke wasn’t merely a stand-in for Hades. He wasn’t simply her captor— he was also her pomegranate. His smiles, his looks, his words, his lies, his charm and his wit were all the seeds she foolishly consumed over the years. She yearned desperately for the tart sweetness he offered and unknowingly caused her own captivity.
Bound, bent and broken: this was the fate of Persephone’s only child.
In the darkness of the night, with the hum of Luke’s faint snoring keeping her senses alive despite the late hour, she wondered to herself briefly: was this how her mother felt?
She paused at the thought. Surely, it was a thousand times worse for her mother— a dread and pain so unfathomable that she couldn’t even begin to imagine it. Persephone was innocent; she was tricked and taken advantage of. She, however, was complicit: ignorant at first, but willing to succumb to Luke’s pleas and promises even if she knew the horrors of what he was attempting to do.
“Can’t sleep?” He whispered suddenly, jolting her out of her reverie. His hand moved to rest against her hip, his thumb stroking comforting circles onto her skin.
“Hm,” She hummed absent-mindedly. She turned around to face him, breathing in the scent of sea and sweat that lingered on him— a glaring reminder of what he was getting himself into.
Luke caged his arms around her then pressed a kiss against her temple. "Mine."
"Yours." She responded softly.
He returned to sleep in a matter of seconds, but he held her firmly against him. She couldn’t escape even if she wanted to. She didn’t even want to, anyway.
She closed her eyes. Luke’s presence was her prison, and she was insane enough to willingly stay shackled, albeit metaphorically, regardless of how horrific that sounded.
This was her underworld— her own dauntingly lovely elysium.
BONUS scene from my first draft that i didn't continue writing:
“Well, what’s her master plan then?” She asked. “Why kidnap me?”
“You’re Persephone’s daughter.” He shrugged his shoulders, as if that was enough explanation as to why the leader of a rebellion against the gods wanted to kidnap the spawn of the Goddess of Spring— really, what did he think she was gonna do for him? Grow daffodils and tulips to distract his enemies? It didn’t seem like horticulture proved useful on the battlefield.
“I am not going to grow potatoes and peas for her little revolt, Castellan.” She scoffed.
Of course she knew why she was being held captive. Pretending to be foolish and ignorant never hurt anybody, though. Let him think she was dumbed down enough to bend to his will.
“You’re basically Hades’ daughter.” He continued, essentially bypassing her reply. It was a bit rude, honestly, but the fact that he kidnapped her showed plenty about the state of Luke’s manners.
“Careful what you say, Lukey.” She would’ve wagged her fingers if her wrists weren’t so tightly bound together. “You might just insult another one of the gods.”
Her relationship with her stepfather was… civil yet glacial at best; definitely on brand for him, actually. On her annual winter-break visits to the Underworld, he’d just ignore her for the most part (very understandable, there wasn’t much in common between an eons-old powerful god and a nineteen year old, except the angst probably, but that was a very awkward topic to breach with a father figure). Most of the time, she assumed he just tolerated her because of her mother.
“With you on board, Hades is going to think twice before attacking,” He explained further. He began to pace in front of her. “Your presence might even dissuade him from attacking at all.”
Oh. Oh.
“Sweetheart,” She called him softly with a condescending coo in her tone. “Oh, sweetie. You’re delusional.”
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bones4thecats · 7 months
What Are They Like With A Rafiki! S/O?
Type of Writing: #7 - Poll Result Characters: Cater Diamond, Leona Kingscholar, and Lilia Vanrouge Name: What Are They Like With A Rafiki! S/O? Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: My hands are currently dying! I'm making the special stuff for the 19th! Also, I will not be posting that much that day, since I'll be out of my home for the day to spend time with my family. Anyways, I do hope you enjoy this!
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💎 Cater first heard about you from Ace and Deuce, and he had to admit, you sounded quite entertaining
💎 You were noted by many to be quite nutty-sounding, as, whenever someone came to you for advice, you'd offer it in tounges. Words sewn together for the listener to figure out for themselves
💎 Even he'd have to admit, for someone who uses hashtags and quite a bit of social-media related lingoes in his sentences, your words were confusing!
💎 But, once he got past of all of that and he saw how tame you were with maintaining this 'Circle of Life', which he guessed you meant by how things chase others and whatnot, Cater grew to start admiring you
💎 The reason you used those metaphors to drive many insane was because it taught them to think and learn that wisdom is not something you can just grab, but it's something that one must learn, with difficulty, after all, as you say;
" Nothing is easy to obtain when it comes to wisdom. Wisdom is something that pushes and pulls on your struggles and weak spots like children playing tug-of-war in elementary school. "
💎 Cater loves to mess around with people, especially when you come into the mix and make them not only annoyed, but confused beyond belief
💎 It also makes him laugh when you play chess with your old friend, Leona. You're basically the only person that he knows that can beat him in the strategic game
💎 He also adores watching you draw things using some random items, such as fruits and flower's petals/colorings to make one colorful
💎 Your boyfriend loves posting stuff on his Magicam, and ever since he noticed how amazing you were with both magic and hand-to-hand combat, he would take videos of you training in Savanaclaw and post them with a classic Cater-style hashtag
" Oh, my lovely S/O is so talented with that bakora stick! " #caycay'sdarlings/o #caycay'ss/otraining #caycay'saveragedaywiths/o
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🦁 Leona and you grew up together
🦁 While his ego blocked him from doing so, deep down in his heart, he admired how talented you were with magic and your words
🦁 He also found it entertaining watching you speak with your words twisted around to confuse everyone, including his older brother, Falena, and his wife
🦁 Leona first became interested in you when you began to study the darker-parts of magic, the stuff that your family and ancestor had banned from being learned in your home
🦁 Due to your flaw in 'rule-remembering', you were transferred into Night Raven College, just after your first years at Royal Sword Academy and NRC respectively
🦁 People from all different dorms could tell there was some tension between the Savanaclaw housewarden and the vice-housewarden, and Ruggie used this to his advantage a lot
🦁 Or, he attempted too...
🦁 The two of you are very strong apart, but when you come together against something, those you have seen you fight know that that person better just hand in the towel, unless they want to get their asses handed to them
🦁 Leona loves watching you use your wisdom to your advantage, teaching your under-classman about the value of knowledge and acceptance of all types of magic
🦁 He also adores watching you train with a new member of Savanaclaw each year, using your mandrill-beastman abilities to leap into the trees to hide and plan you next attack or use your bakora stick to whoop them into place
🦁 By the way, he plays chess with you whenever he maintains energy, and he gets very grumpy when you win. And by that, I mean he doesn't let you get up from your napping-sessions for two hours
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🦇 You were the mentor of the Kingscholar brothers, so, when you walked up to their group of four Night Raven College students when visiting the beastman's homeland for the Tamashina-Mina Event, he gained an extreme interest in you
🦇 He noticed that Leona was appearing annoyed, but in his eyes he held a glint of adoration and joy at seeing you so joyous at meeting his so-called 'friends'
🦇 When he asked Leona about you after you left, he learned everything
🦇 You and your friend Kifaji were the maintainers of their home and helped raise the boys whenever their parents were busy with their royal duties, and you had been the main caretaker of the younger of the boys
🦇 From teaching him about magic styles to the many ways to fight hand-to-hand, you were the person who Leona was closest to, and Lilia had to admit, he was smitten by your personality from the start
🦇 Despite your age, you were a very well-versed person. You were fairly eccentric and happy-go-lucky, and the way you spoke made everyone who heard you confused
🦇 All except Lilia, who understood exactly what you were saying
🦇 Lilia and you quickly bonded and began spending a lot of time together, and when he went to perform his part of the event, you gave him a big thumbs up, showing your support full-on
🦇 Leona wasn't very happy to see his only parental figure being close to such a 'fae-dickhead', but, he had to admit, seeing you so happy and carefree with the guy made him feel slightly good
🦇 Before he had left to go back to his adoptive son(s), he gave you his number, winking at you and slyly telling you to message him sometime
🦇 He has never felt thing young in years!
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australet789 · 2 months
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TLK: Survive
"A mjuzi... did that to you?" asked Kiara.
Laini nodded.
"I told you it was very important", said Vitani.
The galago matriarch had come earlier to the Lion Guard leader, tears in her eyes, and asked to have a inmediate reunion with the Queen, saying that something terrible has been going on in Mizimu Grove. Kiara hadn't wanted anyone in the pride to panic, remembering when Scar's spirit had made himself noticed seasons ago, so she went alone to meet her with her sister-in law.
This felt worse.
"We only wanted to greet him! And to lead him to Rafiki!" Laini was still trembling. "We know how he has been waiting for a new apprentice, so we only to wanted to be nice! But this...chimp, laughed at us, and then his staff made me bleed!".
"Blazes..." Kiara mumbled to herself. This really was worse than Scar and his minions. Fire could be controlled, fire was natural; but magic that could injure other animals, was something else. It was...wrong.
"I got his scent." Vitani said. "Ready when you tell me so, Kiara."
The Queen let out a sigh. "Ok, let's go, Vitani. Don't worry, Laini, find Rafiki and get yourself healed. We got this."
They so not got this.
Vitani and her have managed to find the stranger in one of the Baobab's trees from the Grove. Kiara has never seen him, which made sense if he was a new apprentice for Rafiki. But the way he controlled his staff, cutting the fruit and the branches from the tree didn't seem like someone who needed guidance.
"Hey, you, up there!" yelled Vitani, who has been angrier all the way to the place, "the blazes are you doing messing with the trees? They are sacred!"
The chimp stopped and let himself hang from the branches, balancing his staff with a smirk on his face.
"Ugh, more females. Is there anyone in this territory who is competent enough?"
"Excuse me?"
"You are excused." And the chimp laughed.
Vitani's fur raised in rage. Kiara didn't like this a tiny bit.
"Listen, we don't want troubles with a possible future mjuzi," Kiara intervened, "but you hurt one of our own, so you need to come down."
"Why?! Because you hurt someone!" Vitani growled.
"And? It was fun."
"Fun?!" Vitani was losing her patience. Kiara was aware on how close Vitani was to Laini, so she understood her fury.
"Vitani, calm d-"
"It's going to be fun when I kick your smug-butt out of The Pridelands! Get back down, you coward!"
Suddenly the ape's eyes darkened, the smile no longer smug but threateningly
"Name is Tangulifu. And with pleasure."
The next thing Kiara saw was red.
Vitani's blood covered now Mizimu Grove.
I headcanon that Laini was the first one of the Pridelanders to actually trust Vitani and accept her and the Outsiders as part of the pride. So her getting injured was something personal to Vitani here.
I also don't think that these animals have the concept of weapons. Seeing a "mjuzi staff" making someone bleed must have felt like dark magic. And now you see why in Perfectly Valued Vitani has her scars (and why the concept of another dark mjuzi was scary).
Tangulifu means "go before, precede". Basically a reference to Adam, the first man (and yes, making him like the one from Hazbin xD)
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
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TLG: As You Move Forward
So I went a few months thinking about how I'd forgotten to include Makini to my past depictions of Kion's Guard as adults (1, 2), so I decided to celebrate the 4th anniversary (albeit 2 days late :p) of the Journey of Memories episode by finally showing off the adult design I have for her!
Because I'm still salty about TLG's last-minute decision in making Makini the Mjuzi of the Night Pride instead of Kiara's bestie like Season 2 hyped her up to be, I made a compromise by headcanoning that she frequently journeys back-and-forth between the Pridelands and the Tree of Life, especially when she's called over by each land for a ceremony of some kind.
Design Process:
To avoid making her look too much like a clone of her mother Fikiri, I figured that Makini would develop her dad Kitendo's features as she grew older (I think she's about 20-something in this image). It's kind of a thing for TLG to erroneously depict animals without their distinct sexual dimorphism (see: Mbuni the ostrich), but this time, I felt like embracing Makini's unusual bright colors for a female mandrill and make her look a little androgynous. I feel like it would fit her role as a Mjuzi for some reason lol
I figured the Bakora Staff she received at the Tree of Life would be her last new one as she's since learned to keep better track of it. I like to think that it symbolizes not only growth and learning, but it coming from the Tree of Life symbolizing that her true place is there.
In all that time she's owned it, being the crafty artist she is, she's put years of customization and souvenirs from her back-and-forth Pridelands/Tree of Life adventures into her decorating her staff, selecting just about every pretty flower and naturally-occurring bead she saw. I mainly sought out the idea of people bedazzling their canes for reference, she seems like the type to do that, making just about anything she owns pretty lol
Drawing Process:
ngl I got to work on this very much like that episode where Makini procrastinated on getting started on her portrait of Simba's family. I just, like... really struggled with the composition until I was hit with sudden inspiration to just go wherever my hand took me.
I grabbed a thumbnail sketch of my adult Makini design that I was the most happy with and rendered it digitally and was happy that it got me somewhere... then I ran into the background that I didn't put any thought into.
Because of the cropping and composition I already had going on with Makini's standalone model, it was very hard to come up with something she could be surrounded by, until I decided to insert some headcanons about a certain new TLG-related short Disney released. Basically: I headcanon Makini made those Circle of Life paintings that Kion shows to those younger cubs as I think the style they used in those paintings looks WAY different from Rafiki's (I mean the whole video looks different from the whole TLK art style). You can't tell me those purple pigments and cutesy flowers aren't something Makini would draw everywhere lol
Sources of Inspiration:
Sadly not pictured due to the angle and cropping is the headcanon that she paints her nails all the time, and she's always trying different color combos basically every week lol. I adopted that headcanon from iceflowerglow, who depicts Makini with painted nails in their comic "Shining Above Your Head". Other artists I drew inspiration from were Vtoony's "TLG: Kion's Guard" and tango_fizz.le's "Where'd all the time go?" when it came to designing her fully-developed mane.
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datotherd00d · 1 year
RSA Fanmade Dorms
Thought I should share a fleshed-out(ish) list of dorms that me, @chohouse , and @dizastermango made for Royal Sword Academy. Honesty thought that RSA should get more love (plus it was a lot of fun to make this, especially since I have some OCs that go to RSA). Also I made a Pinterest board for the dorms, the dorm uniforms, and their ceremonial robes.
The overall inspiration of these dorms were the supporting characters in the stories of the Big 7, but it’s the characters that were associated with the heroes. Now with that out of the way, here is the list!
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- Iterspeculo: Spirit of Carpe Diem
Themed off of The Mad Hatter
Pronounced as “I-ter-speh-coo-loh”
Carpe Diem roughly translates to “Living in the Moment”
The complete opposite of Heartslabyul when it come to organization and tidiness
Basically an eyesore, and constant game of ‘Eye-Spy’
Dorm name was made with: ‘Speculo’ which is Latin for mirror, ‘Iter’ meaning journey, so it completely comes out to ‘Journey (through the) Looking Glass’ 
- Baoheart: Spirit of Mindfulness
 Themed off of Rafiki
Pronounced as “Bau-hart”
This dorm is SO chill and can be wise. They have a lot of relaxing activities like yoga and meditation sessions. Literally living that Hakuna Matata life 
Dorm name revolved around the tree that Rafiki lived in which is a Baobab tree, and the heart because it sounded better and more whimsical than tail or fang lmao
- Plimsoll: Spirit of Sharing
Themed off of Scuttle
Pronounced as “Plim-sl”
Nautical and sea port vibes with this dorm (ngl was hard to figure out, so I mixed it together)
Heavily community based! Everyone helps everyone out because why not? The more the merrier! 
Literally a silly headcanon, but the common room has a deep brown wood flooring to imitate a ship and someone made the joke of it looking like shit, so now everyone calls the common room the “Poop Deck”
Name came from the Plimsoll Line of a ship, which is a mark on the hull of a ship indicating how deep a cargo ship can travel safely to trade goods
- Sadjinn: Spirit of Friendship
Themed off of The Genie
Pronounced as “Sah-jin”
Kind of similar to Scarabia, but it has that overall “goodness” to it
Not as many parties, but still very much so community based
It’s a more creative dorm that leans more into enjoying what you have and making the most out of it with the people you have. Literally if Kalim was a dorm it would be this one.
Also, the Cave of Wonders is where the dorm resides, and it is surrounded by a beautiful oasis and small forest of sorts
Name came from: ‘Sadiq’ meaning friend in Arabic, and a Djinn (Jinn) is another name for the mythical creature of a genie (this is under the pretense of fiction and fantasy rather than the Arabic/Islamic religious aspect of Jinns) 
- Septierre: Spirit of Humility
Themed off of the Seven Dwarves
Pronounced as “Sep-tea-error”
Such a hardworking yet humble dorm. Like omg- this dorm is that meme that is like “It’s not much, but it’s honest work”
Literally all of the produce and materials for the school is from this dorm! The students in this dorm are basically all in agriculture and geology, it is wholesome and very simple living
Mostly flatlands with cottage dorm rooms/dorm housing. It’s cute ngl. A lot of orchards and mines and woodland creatures
Name came from: ‘Septem’ which is Latin for 7, and ‘Pierre’ roughly translates to ‘stone/rock’
- Fulgyros: Spirit of Growth
Themed off of Philoctetes (Phil)
Pronounced as “Fuhl-ger-ose”
Dorm of perseverance and growth (emotionally, physically, and mentally. Literally in every possible aspect)
Basically the gym bros/fraternity of the school lmao, but don’t worry, they’re usually himbos. Just want what’s best for everyone and will help achieve that goal
All Ancient Greece influences, kind of a mix between Mount Olympus and Phil’s home/training area. Ethereal and godly vibes with white and earth tones. One of the more pristine dorms, especially with their mostly white uniforms
Name comes from: ‘Fulger’ which is the Latin root word for ‘lightning’, the suffix ‘-ysos’ from Dionysus who Satyrs would be associated with (along with Pan), and ‘-os’ from mythos
- Rosasci: Spirit of Harmony
Themed off of The Three Fairies (Flora, Fauna, and Merrywheather)
Pronounced as “Roh-zeh-see"
Spirit comes from the three fairies working together to raise Aurora despite how chaotic it was. They worked in harmony together and were able to make things work. So that same vibe of responsibility and harmony of oneself and community is prominent in this dorm.
All roses imagery with no thorns. Thorns are a big nono in this dorm
Was another difficult dorm to figure out, but then again this whole school can be viewed as pretentious, so why not add in that overly sweet ‘goody-two-shoes’ aspect lol
However, this dorm is so pretty and very Fairycore with flowy and whimsical uniforms and decorations
Best way to describe the dorm vibe is the Moors in the first and second Maleficent movie
Name came from: ‘Rosaceae’ which is the botanical family name for roses. It’s a simple but pretty name.
- Bonus HCs
Snow White’s Wishing Well is the magical object(?) that sorts students into their dorms
The way it works is that you have to sing a tune or something into the well, and the well sings back to you what dorm you are sorted into. Note that the voice singing back is a collection of voices that are in perfect harmony. It’s creepy if you think about it because do those voices belong to anyone??? Who knows.
Also, students arrive to RSA in a brilliant, blinding white, pumpkin carriage drawn by horses, pegasi, unicorns, even comically large seahorses/dolphins, you name it! It’s magic- anything is possible.
Honestly think of the flying carriages in Sophia the First, and bam it’s that, but a white pumpkin! 
Everyone is alert and awake during their journey to the school, with various magical accommodations to make the trip as pleasant as possible. Hungry or thirsty? No worries, a menu with simple summoning spells fixes that. Bored? Don’t sweat- free wifi in the carriage AND a hidden movie screen to watch the latest block buster starring Vil Schoenheit  and Neige LeBlanche. It’s basically a first class seat on a magical airplane. Straight up comfort.
However, once you do arrive to the school and land, your luggage disappears (of course there is a notice before you land). Once you get your dorm and room assigned, your luggage will already be there waiting for you
Students are dropped off towards the back of the castle where staff greets the new students on the outskirts of a whimsical tree line. Upon crossing into the forest, students are magically dressed in their ceremonial robes and matching makeup . They all flood into a large whimsical pavilion full of seats (think of the one from Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses) that surrounds a very well known wishing well
After the ceremony, the headmaster opens portals to the Heart of the Castle where the main portals are.
RSA has a similar portal system to NRC, but the room is full of really pretty ports that fit the decorum of each dorm/school location. It’s located in the heart of the castle, which is easy access for the students and staff
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That is basically all of the headcanons I had, and I hope it helps in any creativity process, or was enjoyable! Let me know if you want any more HCs or have any comments, questions, or concerns! It was a blast making this!
Also! If you want to use any of this for OCs or fanfics, please go ahead!! Just please link this post and like/reblog 🖤 I appreciate those who want to use this! Thank you!
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veryqueermovies · 2 years
It's Black History Month, here's a list of Black Queer Films and Documentaries to watch all year long. This is just a fraction of the movies that exist, many people on Letterbox'd have plenty of lists for Black Queer movies that you should check out.
Please check trigger warnings, some of these films deal with very heavy topics, protect yourselves.
Portrait Of Jason (1967)
The Color Purple (1982)
Tongues Untied (1989)
Looking For Langston (1989)
The Women Of Brewster Place (1989)
Paris Is Burning (1990)
Young Soul Rebels (1991)
Black Is ... Black Ain't (1994)
When Night Is Falling (1995)
Set It Off (1996)
The Watermelon Woman (1996)
Destiny (Dakan) (1997)
Holiday Heart (2000)
Punks (2000)
Madame Satã (2002)
Noah's Ark (2004)
Brother To Brother (2004)
The Aggressives (2005)
Rent (2005)
Rag Tag (2006)
Noah's Ark: Jumping The Broom (2008)
Mississippi Damned (2009)
Fig Trees (2009)
Difficult Love (2010)
Gun Hill Road (2011)
Pariah (2011)
Leave It On The Floor (2011)
The Skinny (2012)
Stud Life (2012)
Naz & Maalik (2014)
Blackbird (2014)
Out In The Night (2014)
Girlhood (2014)
Dear White People (2014)
Bessie (2015)
The Eiffel Tower Mystery (2015)
Tangerine (2015)
Kiki (2016)
Suicide Kale (2016)
Jewel's Catch One (2016)
Check It (2016)
I Am Not Your N*gro (2016)
Moonlight (2017)
The Pearl Of Africa (2017)
The Wound (2017)
Good Manners (2017)
Saturday Church (2017)
Rafiki (2018)
Shakedown (2018)
Hearts Beat Loud (2018)
Pier Kids: The Life (2018)
Selah And The Spades (2019)
Trigonometry (2020)
Kelet (2020)
The Christmas Lottery (2020)
Disclosure (2020)
Tahara (2020)
Boy Meets Boy (2021)
The United States vs Billie Holiday (2021)
Anything's Possible (2022)
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tired-lamb · 2 months
@pizacat72 SENT ME AN ASK ABT MY BUNGA X ONO X BESHTE HCS. WHICH I LOST . but here’s your answer I’m so sorry I accidentally deleted your ask 😭😭
using this as an opportunity to post about an hc I’ve thought of recently!! I hc bunga, beshte and ono eventually adopt a kid when they’re older, cause, c’mon, all three of them are great with kids at varying degrees. in my head it goes like: bunga finds an abandoned kid and immediately is like I am Not leaving you I’m gonna take care of you now. and beshte finds bunga with said kid and bunga immediately convinces beshte to let him keep the kid (+ the kid’s adorableless already having beshte convinced).
ono, on the other hand is slightly hesitant because of their duties and also because he knows how stupid (/lh) little kids can be. what makes him even more hesitant is that this kid bunga and beshte found is None of their species. none. not a single fur feather or skin is shared, you get the idea, but after begging and begging ono agrees to take care of the kid TEMPORARILY. can you guess where this goes? the kid gets attached to ono and who is ono to say no to that. in conclusion: they now had a kid :3 (I haven’t thought abt the species yet so feel free to suggest!)
a couple of other hcs I have is related to each of their families! I’ve mentioned before that beshte is timon and pumbaa’s favourite, but they do love ono too. ain’t no way you’re gonna see those two be partial to their son’s partners!!
beshte’s entire family (because I imagine him to be the person with that gigantic family tree) is absolutely thrilled. ono and bunga have basically been adopted into the family. they are honourary hippos. beshte’s dad treats them both like his own sons, and ono and bunga just KNOW that if they’re visiting beshte’s family they’re not leaving without a bunch of gifts and well wishes :).
the egrets are generally very happy for ono!! we don’t see a lot of the relationship between ono and the other egrets so I haven’t really thought much about it. HOWEVER WE HAVEE seen ona and kulinda!!! ona is introduced to not just queerness but also polyamory through the three of them and is pleasantly surprised to learn she can mate with females AND not just one, too :]. kulinda is so so happy for ono and because I hc she becomes sort of like an aunt-mom figure for ono she definitely is the type to ask them embarrassing but sweet questions haha
it took a lot of time for the three of them to get together. it started with ono and bunga first, and then beshte came in. ono and bunga had been crushing on each other for some time now but neither were willing to admit it because they were too scared that their feelings would be rejected. beshte had the exact same feeling except he also felt shame and guilt because he felt like he was intruding on ono and bunga’s relationship. it took a lot of talks with fuli, kion, anga, their respective families and a lot more for them to finally confess to each other. the time they spent pining also took a toll on their friendship and it was hurting them, but now theyre partners and what more could they ask for :]
their number one shipper: makini. I hc her as bunga’s sister figure and that she and beshte are also really close so the both of them tell her how they feel about the other (+ ono ofc!!) and shes just there trying not to spill the beans and ends up ranting to rafiki who is pleased for them too!!!
I’ve got a set of hcs for these three related to co-dependency which is also slightly angsty but I’ll make a seperate post for that. this ended up getting really long but thank you for asking!! I’m genuinely so happy at the positive feedback this ship + my hcs and rambles are getting, and what with gem now making her own hcs I’m like LETS GO THE WORD IS SPREADING!!! /silly. I am. still working on their ship name but as soon as I come up with one I’ll be tagging all my ono x bunga x beshte posts with it so that it’s easier for you guys! (and me lol)
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iceflowerglow · 1 year
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“The Shaman of the Outlands”
Nuka, the Dork Dark Shaman :)
Okay, to be serious, this idea is also connected to my oldest and most thoroughly considered Lion King 2 theory, that throughout the whole movie, Nuka expected Kovu to betray the Outsiders. The theory itself is in the caption for this drawing, and there is also an addition here. Interestingly enough, Nuka seems to be quite perceptive, at least when it comes to his family and hopes. Besides the main point of the theory, there is also a curious detail that Nuka's role in the movie involves a lot of foreshadowing, like the part of "My Lullaby" where he basically predicted his own death. His good intuition, no doubt the result of Zira's unpredictable treatment of him, also seems to be the reason why he shows certain skill as a tactician/strategist, which can be seen in the ambush scene. This could have been a great asset for the Outsiders, if Zira actually bothered to listen to him. So, this is what this AU is about.
What would happen if Nuka decided to be more proactive and take matters into his own paws, pretending to have shaman powers and channel spirits to make Zira and Vitani finally listen to him? Would Zira and the other Outsiders actually start taking him seriously after it starts looking like his "powers" can be used to aid their effort to conquer the Pridelands? Perfect tactics developed based on what he can "sense"! This story begins when one day, Nuka deliberately hits his head on a tree branch and pretends to lose consciousness. When he wakes up, he brings Zira and Vitani unbelievable news: he had a vision of Scar, who told him that Kovu will soon betray the Outsiders. An enraged Zira hits Nuka, who pretends to lose consciousness once again. This time, upon waking up, he tells her more: if tomorrow, the day before being sent to the Pridelands, Kovu will say that he's worried about not being able to find Kiara in the flames, it's a sure sign that he'll betray them. Zira calls him ridiculous as Vitani laughs, but it stops being funny when the next day, Kovu says just that.
Vitani becomes concerned, while Zira insists it was just a coincidence. Vitani later talks to Nuka, and he "reveals" that he's always had some vague sense of "spiritual connection", and could tell that something was wrong about Kovu. "It's just your jealousy", says Vitani, but it's clear that she begins to have doubts. After Kovu departs for his mission, Nuka has another "vision", and tells Zira that Simba will accept Kovu into the pride, but won't let him sleep in the cave. Of course, that was to be expected, but it nevertheless looks suspicious when it happens just like Nuka said. Zira is still not convinced, but she can't deny that something is up with Nuka out of anyone making three correct guesses in a row. Next day, Nuka tells Zira that Kovu won't attack Simba in the morning, because Kiara will get in the way. What this wording means, who knows (certainly not Nuka), but once again, Zira's spies bring her the news: Kovu looked like he was about to attack Simba at the waterhole, but Kiara jumped out in front of him out of nowhere. Zira turns to Nuka, who can't believe his luck that his "prediction" turned out to be so literal (he only meant that Kovu likes Kiara and that would stop him!), and demands answers. Trying to regain his composure, Nuka says that he can sense these things, and Scar's spirit gives him clues. Remembering Rafiki and what they know about him, the Outsiders come to the conclusion that hitting his head on a branch "unlocked" Nuka's dormant shaman powers. Shamanism and predictions aren't really Zira's thing, but she can't deny that Rafiki's abilities are the real deal, and the Pridelands having what her pride lacks yet again was making her furious. If her pride had a shaman, that would even out the power imbalance at least a little bit... And there is no more perfect candidate for this role in her pride than Nuka, with his eccentric personality, and not really being good for anything else. She starts thinking about many other times when Nuka seemingly accidentally turned out to be right about something, or even instances where she'd swat at him, and he'd duck just at the right moment, like that one time in a tree.
Scar had chosen Kovu to be his successor, but perhaps that was because he had different plans for his biological son, thinks Zira. She had scoffed at the rumor that Simba could feel Mufasa's presence, thinking that these foolish pridelanders use this story to glorify and mystify their "wonderful" new king. But maybe there is some truth to it, and Nuka can really channel his father Scar? And if Kovu will really turn out to be a traitor like Nuka says, then better safe than sorry. So Zira appoints Nuka the pride's shaman, and Nuka, beside himself with joy, delves into his work in his new shaman residence. ----
Apparently this is also the first time I've drawn Nuka in the Elephant Graveyard, which is strange, because he's strongly associated with this location in the fandom, and his dialogue in the movie also implies that he's been there more than once, most likely starting as a cub, because the hyenas were still there. Of course, this place also "connects" Nuka and Scar. Nuka's staff is the same tree branch that he's hit his head on. For how long will he be able to keep up with the charade? Not sure yet, but it's a mystery why I didn't come up with the idea of a charlatan shaman Nuka earlier, it seems like such an intriguing AU idea now.
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elijones94 · 2 months
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🦁🐾 This years marks the 30th anniversary of “The Lion King”. Last year, I had done drawings based on Chris Sanders’ storyboards for the Mufasa’s ghost sequence and made a little series of drawings of Simba and Rafiki with bees and wild honey. Possibly, aside from eating bugs and grubs, Simba might’ve also consumed some honey during his time with Timon and Pumbaa. It’s a possibility. 🍯🐝
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ian-galagher · 1 year
for your followers: africa spoilers approximately as big as rafiki's tree.
in nosho's theater today and long overdue: the lion king (1994).
- africa, as per ian's expectations.
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- inyoni and sarabi are one and the same, i do not take criticism.
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- ian x mickey before they had out together for the first time, symbolic image.
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- ian, full of hopes and dreams, wanting to be as great a wildlife photographer as mickey.
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- ian, after getting the car out of the mud.
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- jan: "had to break his little heart. poor mick's never gotten over it, as you can see […] but i guess he's gotten himself a new toy to play with…" ian: "sounds to me like you're jealous." jan:
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- "mom?"
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- ian and mickey in the city.
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- "but i don't want to ruin-" / "then don't."
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- mickey taking ian to god's window.
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- mickey x mandy, symbolic image.
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- it's surprisingly hard to find a gif of scar obscured with fog in the ravine. anyway, chapter eleven. stalking figures. you know what i mean.
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- "you and your stupid face distracted me."
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- the tourist situation. it's still giving me eye twitches.
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- ian and mandy going shopping.
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- mandy and ian conspirating with the make-up.
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- mickey: mandy is driving, isn't she. ian x mandy: don't be mad!
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- ian / inyoni / mandy vs mickey.
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- the braai. point made.
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- prediction: ian, day thirty.
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- bonus: inyoni if she caught jan harassing mickey and ian.
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- bonus bonus: jan: exists. the gang:
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- bonus x3: me: theorises. you:
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- bonus x4: i wanted to say jan is ed, but then i felt bad for ed.
Noshoooooooooooooooooooo! 😁🧡💚
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This is the BEST one yet! 😁 I do think that every time but this is THE LION KING!!!!! 😁🥰🦁🪶🦒
EVERY ONE of these movies has those pretty intro shots 😂😂😂
YEEEEESSSS Inyoni = Sarabi! 😭
Ian in the rain! 😭
Scar with that mouse 😂 why am I not surprised Jan is already popping up 😂 seeing as Becki thinks you needn't be afraid he'll come back at all 😂😂😂
Again, these fit soooo well it's scary 😂 then again... this IS the Lion King, the most referenced movie of all in Africa 😂😂😂
MOM 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩
Okay but them in the city 🥰
You joke but that gif of God's window IS the one I used but for chapter 4 because I couldn't wait to use it and because they had that view from the hotel 😂😂😂 and I got to chapter 7 and went, darn can't I use it again? 😂
Mickey and Mandy fighting 😂😂😂 it's sooo them 😂
THE FIGURE 😭😭 it fits so well!!
Zazu flying into that rhino's butt 😂😂😂 and the tourists! 😂😂😂 and the braai! 😂😂😂
Mandy and Ian as baaaabies 😭🥹🧡
Oh we're now doing predictions are we?! 😭😭😭
Rafiki as Inyoni is perfection 😂😂😂
THE GANG 😭😭😭 that's us 🥹🧡💖💚💙❤️ ignore the fact that we've outgrown the trio sized group 😂 @francesrose3 @juliakayyy @thisdivorce
You CANNOT do that to Ed 😂😂
Okay but you got me spot on there 😂 that IS what I look like 😂 sitting on my rock laughing evilly 😂 mwuahahah! 😁
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wisemandrill · 5 months
A breeze blew through the branches of the baobab tree, rattling the dry gourds Rafiki had hung among them. In the heat of the savanna, both the cool breeze and the shade of the baobab’s leaves were very welcome to the mandrill, and she sighed happily. Yes, she truly had found a good place to call her new home in this part of the Pridelands. Food and shelter were both in abundance within this beautiful, giant tree she had claimed, and from the right part of the canopy or lower branches she could see for miles. Though...perhaps she would try her hand at finding what fruits or bugs she might be able to forage for on the ground as well as within her home. Grabbing her walking stick—truly, she didn’t need it on the flat ground, but it was of use for much more than just walking—she clambered down the baobab’s broad trunk and dropped to the ground.
Barely a moment later, she heard a rustling in the tall grass nearby. It was a quiet rustle, like something trying not to be heard.
It appeared her walking stick was going to be useful quite a bit more quickly than she had anticipated.
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indiphyr · 5 months
Every sapphic movie, show or book I like:
(* = favorites)
Bend It Like Beckham (lesbian/trans coded)
Black Swan
*Bodies Bodies Bodies
But I'm A Cheerleader
Dating Amber
*Death Becomes Her (sapphic coded)
Do Revenge
*Everything Everywhere All At Once
Fear Street
Fucking Åmål
*Ginger Snaps (sapphic/queer coded)
Hearts Beat Loud
Heart Shot
*Jennifer's Body
Joy Ride (I think one of the MCs is sapphic?)
My Days Of Mercy
*My First Summer
Nope (Sapphic sister I think?)
Polite Society (either a lesbian or aroace mc)
Princess Cyd
Rye Lane (Sapphic coded MC)
Saint Maud
Saving Face
Set It Off
*Shiva Baby
The Fallout
The Half Of It
The Handmaiden
The Incredibly True Adventure of 2 Girls In Love
*The Miseducation Of Cameron Post
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
*A League Of Their Own
Adventure Time
*A Kind Of Spark (Keedie is not hetero)
*Anne With An E (sapphic coded)
American Horror Story
Black Cake
Derry Girls
Druck (seasons 5&6)
Everything Now
Everything Sucks (problematic actor age gap)
Everything's Gonna Be Okay
Faking It
First Kill
Gap: The Series
Gentleman Jack
*Good Omens
Grease: Rise Of The Pink Ladies
*Heartbreak High
I Am Not Okay With This
Killing Eve
Little Fires Everywhere
Motherland Fort Salem
One Day At A Time
Our Flag Means Death
*Paper Girls
Sex Education
Stranger Things
*Such Brave Girls
Teenage Bounty Hunters
*The Boys + Gen V
The Formal (tiktok/youtube series)
*The Good Place
The Haunting Of Bly Manor
The Last Of Us
The Legend Of Korra
*The Owl House
*The Power
*The Sex Lives Of College Girls
The White Lotus
*The Wilds
Warrior Nun
We Are Lady Parts
*What We Do In The Shadows
While The Men Are Away
Wo der Egg Priority
Xo, Kitty
Ace Of Spades
*A Dowry Of Blood
Black Cake
*Black Girl, Call Home
Burn Down, Rise Up
Cinderella Is Dead
Clap When You Land
Crier's War
Dear Medusa
Girls Of Paper And Fire
Hani And Ishu's Guide To Fake Dating
*Her Body And Other Parties
Honey Girl
House Of Hunger
If You Still Recognise Me
It Goes Like This
In The Dream House
In The Ravenous Dark
I Who Have Never Known Men
You're Not Supposed To Die Tonight
*Keedie + A Kind Of Spark
Last Night At The Telegraph Club
*Legendborn (Sapphic SC)
Loveless (Sapphic SCs)
Music From Another World
Nothing Burns As Bright As Her
Not My Problem
Our Wives Under The Sea
Parachutes (Sapphic SC)
Perfect On Paper
Radio Silence
Rise To The Sun
She Gets The Girl
She Drives Me Crazy
*She Who Became The Sun
Siren Queen
The Chosen And The Beautiful
The Falling In Love Montage
The Girls I've Been
The Henna Wars
The Jasmine Throne
*The Kyoshi Novels
*The Locked Tomb Series
*The Mirror Season
The Nature Of Witches
*The Priory Of The Orange Tree
The River Has Teeth
*The Unbroken
These Witches Don't Burn
Graphic Novels:
*Are You Listening
Hi-Fi Club
Jook Joint
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me
*On A Sunbeam
*Paper Girls
The Avant-Guards
*The Tea Dragon Society
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thepaststillhurts · 6 months
Simba had a terrible nightmare last night. He saw his father on the cliff again just out of reach, Scar behind them, laughing. As he came closer, he morphed into Kovu and suddenly threw Simba down after Mufasa.
What did this dream mean?
After he woke up he walked out of the cave, then after his morning streches he descended to the valley floor, where he walked slowly toward the water hole for a drink. Simba wasn't even aware of Kovu scanning him behind a rock, almost ready to strike.
Seeking for answers, the king continued his way towards Rafiki's tree hoping to find her there. He believed that this dream meant to warn him that Kovu must not be trusted, yet, he had to be loyal to the royal protocol. This contradiction almost broke him up. What to do now?
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"Rafiki? Are you there?"
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australet789 · 9 months
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TLK: Mothers and Fathers
"You are pregnant?!" Kion exclaimed, scaring a few zebras that were eating nearby.
Kiara left a soft chuckle. "Wow, not even Kovu reacted THAT badly".
"When? How?" Kion still couldn't believe what he was hearing.
Kiara raised an eyebrow. "Do you REALLY want me to answer those questions?"
Since Kion didn't reply back, she continued. "Yes, Rafiki confirmed it to us after the coronation ceremony. We still don't want to tell the Pride yet because Kovu and I are still nervous about this. But I wanted you to know first, since you are my brother."
Said brother was still utterly silent. Kiara started to get worried.
"Kion? Lil' bro? Are you ok?"
Still no answer.
"Kion!" Kiara roared, and that seemed to get the red mane lion out of his stupor.
"What's gotten into you? Do you think I'm going to be a bad mother or something?"
"No, Kiara, wait-"
"That I'm not brave, or smart or strong enough to get through this? Because let me tell you, I'm not here for you to doubt my skills as a mother even though I'm super scared and I don't know how to not be like Dad or-"
"When did we get so old?"
That stopped Kiara's rambling.
"Excuse me?"
"When..." Kion licked his muzzle, "when did we stop being cubs. You... you are going to be a mother. You are Queen now, you have a duty and you are fullfiling it!"
"Meanwhile, Rani and I are still playing around! The Night Pride is getting older and we...I am not doing anything as a King to help with the matter. I'm just patrolling and sleeping and fighting tresspasers because I don't know what else to do!"
"You want to have cubs for duty?"
"YES! NO!" Kion was shaking and he started to rub his scar. "That's what Kings should do, right? That's what I'm supposed to do, right? Continue The Circle of Life, give The Tree a heir... even...even if..."
Tears dropped out of the lion's eyes, the shakes getting harder. Kiara reached and hugged her brother and he nuzzled into her golden fur. 
For a moment, the savannah was filled with a lion's silent cry.
"I don't even know if Rani wants to have cubs with me..."
Kiara sighed and hugged Kion even harder. "Have you talked to her?"
"How do you even start a talk like that?"
She shrugged. "I don't know, you just... try. Or else you are just going to keep walking around the theme and it's not going to be good not for you nor Rani." Kion sucked in a breath. "But this is a conversation you need to have when you are ready and not because your older sister is doing it, ok? My decisions are not your decisions. You are your own lion, Kion. And the path you take is up to you, nor because of a stupid rule about 'filling your duty'. Do you understand?"
He nodded.
"I don't heaaaaaar youuuuuuuuu".
"Fine, fine!" Kion chuckled. "Yes, Queen Kiara!" 
 "Shut up, you rhinohead".
The silence this time was a welcomed one.
"You do know you are very brave and smart, right? You are the best Queen The Pridelands could ever have."
The lioness smiled fondly.
"Thank you.".
"That's what siblings are for, sis."
Continuation of this
Also the title of this piece is based in this song, i suggest it to listen to it while reading this
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