#Reg's little play thing
wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
Regulus would Pavlov James, end of question. I think James would do it back, but just a slip of Reg's collar exposing his shoulder, or craning his neck to the side to expose his neck? Jams is already at his beck and call, flipping his switch.
James would probably be certain phrases and holding Reg's chin. Reg being Pavloved into either melting or pushing full brat, depending on his mood.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Starchaser hcs :D
Regulus is VERY adamant on no nicknames/petnames at first but eventually James is able to periodically slip them into conversation, progressively getting more cringey and sappy with them until 'Baby' is in his daily vocabulary and Regulus just...doesn't care anymore
The first time James hugged Reggie his brain went into shutdown for about ten minutes and he had to take time to PHYSICALLY recover from it because he wasn't used to enjoying physical touch anymore since his family all grew up before him and had stopped going near him as much
They both wanted to propose around the same time and both asked Sirius for his blessing and the little shit just agreed and kept quiet, wanting to see who would go first. In the end it was James but Reg still proposed right back to him a week later and Sirius thoroughly enjoyed the shock on both of their faces when they realised he knew and kept it quiet.
They have a very long period of 'I love you and it makes me want to VIOLENTLY HURL' before they get together and it lasts throughout the first two months of their relationship too before it fades into just 'I think you're the one and that is mildly irritating'
They both refer to each other as 'my partner'. Idk they just seem the type
James goes through a small phase of convincing himself their relationship is fake and reg could never really like him unless it's a joke. Reg snaps him out of it by straight up yelling at him to not be so dense and accept that he loves him. It's the first time either of them say the word love
James is a 'kiss it better?' Guy through and through. Burns his finger on the stove? Reggie, please kiss it better :( . Scrapes his arm while pissing about in the garden? Regsy, can you kiss it so it will go away :(? Breaks his fucking leg playing quidditch? Baby, I know it's in a cast but can you kiss it better or I won't be able to sleep :(. Purposefully gets hit right in the mouth by a football? Reggie baby, come here real quick, I need you to kiss it better :).
They OBSESSIVELY say they love each other. And it's less of a soppy pda thing and more of a 'I need to know you love me and want me more than anything else in this world' it's a comfort thing and a devotion thing
Regulus is a huge cuddler when he's sleeping. He'll end up sleeping sprawled on top of James every single night to the point where he's practically suffocating. James just wraps his arms around his waist and holds him closer.
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itsmarsss · 2 months
hunchback of notre-dame [Wade Wilson/Deadpool x Reader] (Marvel)
You get this ridiculous idea that you just need to mark a huge heart into his back.
Word count: 1,945
Warnings: sexual innuendos and jokes all around, mention of logan being a 'free pass' in your relationship lol, wade having a hard time grasping intimacy that isn't of a sexual nature, wade feeling self-conscious and speaking badly of his own appearance. established relationship. so many ridiculous and over-the-top pet names.
kiiinda loosely based off this ask- "Deadpool with s/o who keeps biting him? Not sexually (mostly) but I need to CHOMP this man."
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“Please? Please please please please please please? Come onnnn sweetie-pie. Darling-dear. Baby boy. Baby.”
“Oh my God never call me ‘darling-dear’ again, what is this, medieval england?”
“Don’t change the subject!”
“Geez Louise why do you wanna do that so bad? Is it like a biting kink or something?”
“It could be.” You shrug.
“I’m listening.”
You roll your eyes at his reply. “‘Course now you are. I just wanna see how it looks!”
“It’s gonna heal in like two seconds, you know that, right?. I’m not sure it’ll even show.”
“Yeah but get this- what if you tried really really hard to stop it from healing?”
“I… don’t think that’s how it works, pookie-bear,” he tells you, booping your nose along with the ridiculous pet name.
You ignore it. “You don’t know that!”
He stops to think for a couple seconds before letting out an exaggerated sigh. “Fine. This once.”
“Yes! Take your shirt off. And throw it in the wash, how many days have you been wearing it for?”
“Oh, too many to count, sweetheart.” 
“That’s gross, Wade.”
“Hey now, I’m gonna revoke your biting privileges!” He threatens, but proceeds to take the shirt off as and throw it in the hamper anyway.
“Nuh-uh, no take-backsies.”
“Then stop insulting my habits!” He sits down on the bed and you sit yourself on your legs right behind him. 
“What? When have I ever done that?” You feign confusion, kissing his shoulder.
“Now that’s just gaslighting. You’re a gaslighter. A mean, evil, toxic gaslighter and you’re gaslighting me.”
You laugh. “Oh whatever, grown man who needs to be reminded to do his laundry. You ready?”
“Why do you even care so much? You get, like, stabbed on the daily.”
“Yeah but this isn’t… stabbing. Stabbing I’m used to.”
“I can stab you if you want me to.”
“Can you really?” 
“If you’re into that,” you play along.
“Oh you know I am, baby. No but that’s not what I meant.”
You kiss his lower back without a warning, and you can’t contain a smile at the way he shivers. “What do you mean, then?”
“This is… different.” He fidgets with his own hands as he talks, eyes trained on them over his own lap.
“What, not every person you’ve ever dated that’s asked to bite a heart into your back?” You continue kissing your way up his back, up until where you want said heart to start.
“Oh no, everyone asks me for that on the reg actually. I’m actually super mega lucky that I heal so fast, otherwise I’d just have to come home with all those hearts on my back all the time and you would not be happy with that would you?”
You punch his shoulder lightly and he smiles. “You bet I wouldn’t! Only I get to do this, you hear me?” You exclaim, feigning offense.
“Wolvie carved a heart into my thigh once. Hottest thing to ever happen to me. No offense.”
“None taken.” You bite the skin of his back right where you’d just kissed before. Not so hard that it’s meant to hurt, it’s not that kind of night, but not as if he’d break either, since, well, he kind of can’t. You suck lightly on the skin to make sure to leave a tiny mark and it’s a little funny to be doing this with no ulterior motives. “Especially since that for sure never happened.”
“It could have.” 
“If Logan ever carves a fucking heart into your thigh and I’m not there to witness it I will be so mad.” 
“Hey I thought we had a free pass with him!”
“Not if I’m not involved! Or at least get to watch.”
“Aye, aye, captain. Anything else you wanna witness between us, sweetcheeks?”
“I’ll tell you when I’m done, how about that?” You grin before resuming your work, biting and sucking on the scarred skin until you can see the aligned marks almost forming the shape you want them to. 
It’s a shock that it gets him to shut up for even just a few seconds, so it’s no surprise that the silence doesn’t last all that long. “This is…  It’s different… It’s… It’s really intimate isn’t it? Like overwhelmingly so. Is it hot in here, are you hot?”
You stop immediately. “Hey. Don’t freak out on me. I know I insisted a little but I didn’t think you were hesitating ‘cause you were uncomfortable. I wouldn’t have-” 
“No- no no no no no, it’s fine. It’s… Nice. It’s silly, but it’s nice. Just different.”
You stare at him until he manages to get himself to look up at you and nod, easing your worries and letting yourself believe him. “Okay. But only if you’re sure. And don’t call me silly!”
“You’re making it really hard, sugartits.”
“Hey!” You flick the back of his head.
“Ow! What was that for? It’s obvious that by ‘it’ I meant my dick. I was dirty talking. Clearly.”
“You’re ridiculous.” You bite into his skin again. He stays still and weirdly quiet once again, eyes closed and still shivering occasionally as you trace kisses along his back before following them with bites and, finally, the main goal- the hickeys. 
“You done?”
“Almost. Missing three.”
“They all still there?”
“They’re fading, but they’re still there. You trying to keep them?”
He shrugs, very obviously trying his hardest to pretend he doesn’t care. “Well you wanted me to, didn’t you?” 
You smile, cupping his jaw with one of your hands and turning his face to the side so you can give him a quick kiss. 
“Almost done,” you promise.
“Do it harder.”
“Bite harder.”
“What, is this you saying you have some sort of biting kink?”
“First of all, you should have guessed that. Second of all, no, I just don’t want them to fade so fast.” 
“So someone’s enjoying the idea now.”
“Enjoying is pushing it. Curious is a better-fitting word.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure.” Making the last of the marks, you lean back to admire the work. “Done,” you announce, tracing the shape with the tips of your fingers. 
“Well, can I see it?”
“Yeah.” You pull him to his feet and lead him to the full body mirror in the corner of the room. Turning himself around so his back is facing the mirror, he looks over his shoulder so he can see it too.
“You don’t like it?”
“I thought it would… you can barely see it with the… you know. The scars.”
“Of course you can see it! Look!” You trace the shape on his skin with your pointer finger for him to see in the reflection.
“You know what I meant.” 
“I- didn’t want it to make you feel bad. It was really silly anyway. You can let it heal if you want to.”
“It’s not- it’s not that. Fuck, I know this was supposed to be this whole funny haha silly cutesy little thing but I just- I don’t even know why you do it.”
“Do what?”
“Put up with it.”
“What exactly?”
“This. It’s not really the best view in town, is it?” There he goes, unable to look you in the eye again.
“Like why would you even want to see this? You just spent like ten minutes staring at my back, which frankly looks like I single-handedly brought leprosy back to fashion and then you- just- like even just my face is enough for people to, like, projectile vomit. Why’d you make yourself do this right now?”
“I didn’t make myself do anything. I had to convince you to let me do it´.”
“‘Cause you wanna prove something.”
“What would I wanna prove with something so dumb?”
“I don’t know. That you don’t see me as a monster or something.” 
“I don’t see you as a monster. But I wasn’t trying to prove anything.”
Letting his face fall into his hands, he lets out a frustrated sigh, as if he hadn’t meant for the conversation to come to this. And he probably hadn’t, really, but he already did so much of pretending to be fine all the time. It sucked to see him like this, but at least he was letting himself be real, be honest with you about the way he was feeling. 
You’ve come a long way to gain this kind of trust. 
“Sorry. Ruined the moment. Way to go, Wade!” He apologizes.
“You don’t have to say sorry, you know that by now.” 
He glances at the mirror again and sees all the marks have gone away already, his mind going elsewhere and interrupting the focus he’d been putting into trying to put off the healing of them. He finally turns around to actually face you. “See? Can’t even have this one fucking silly little thing you wanted. It’s gone already cause, guess what, I’m a fucking freak of nature now. Like The Hunchback of Notre-Dame or something. I don’t know, I didn’t watch the movie.” 
You laugh. “Well I’ll just be Esmeralda then.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“Oh you’d find her so hot, dude. But doesn’t matter.” You walk up to him, kissing him gently from his ear to his jaw to his neck to his lips. “Don’t fucking question why I love you ever again, that’s, like, so rude.”
“Oh that was just so sappy, even for you babe, massive sap vibes all over.”
“Oh shut up you big baby.” You place a last gentle kiss on the palm of his hand. “I have an idea.” You pull yourself away from him, disappearing into the bathroom.
“Yeah? Does it involve pity sex? Cause I’m feeling down and I am ready to pounce if you are and-“ He raises an eyebrow in question when you come back holding up something. “That some new vibrator or something?” 
“Can you wait like ten seconds?” 
“Ten seconds? Babe, you know that’s asking too much of me when I’m this horny. They don’t call me The Flash for nothing.” 
“Who is ‘they’? And what does that even mean?”
“Sorry, wrong franchise. You wouldn’t get it.”
“Back to the vibrator.”
“It’s lipstick.” You turn to face the mirror, taking your time applying the dark red color to your lips. “Kay, turn around, pretty boy.”
“Oooh, kinky! You gonna gimme a rimjob with that lipstick on?  Wait is that another kink? We are full of surprises today.” He quips, turning around as asked. 
“Wade please shut up.” 
“You know I can’t do th- aaahh what are you doing?” He flinches, taken by surprise by the kiss you place on his back, right where the heart you’d marked on him had been.
“Well you can keep these ones a little longer.” This time, he keeps quiet the entire time you take to mark the heart on his back once again, with the lipstick this time, reapplying it before every other kiss so the marks truly showed. 
“Fuuuckkk I’m never washing my back again,” he comments as he admires the reflection in the mirror.
“Don’t even start.” 
“I’m staying dirty forever and it’s gonna be your fault, sweetheart,” he declares as he turns around to face you, and it pleases you to see his mood seems better. 
“We are taking a shower in a couple hours and there’s nothing you can do about it.”
“We?” He raises his eyebrows suggestively at the implication.
“If that gets you to actually shower for once.”
“Hey, I shower all the time!”
“Then you can shower without me like a big boy.” 
“Actually I don’t take showers I don’t know how.” 
“Yeah, yeah I figured.”
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A/N: hey send me stuff for deadpool i actually enjoyed writing this lol it was v fun and cute!! i hope it isn't much too ooc lol i still gotta get the hang of writing wade
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c0mbatchameleon · 4 months
I think regulus was the kid that cried over literally everything. all the other elementary school kids were so used to him just bursting into tears at least once a day. all it took was him getting a purple crayon instead of green or a noise he didn’t like or not getting a 100 on his spelling test and it’s over, the tears are flowing, he’s trying to hide it but doing a terrible job at it, sniffling. he was such a cute kid too it’s a little devastating to watch cuz he has such a sweet little face like an angel and his big buggy little kid eyes just look SO SAD. sirius is always getting pulled out of class and called to the main office and everyone in his class is like “oooo sirius is in trouble again” and of course little shit Sirius plays into it and is like yeahhh I’m bad but really it’s just bc the school figured out he’s the only thing that will calm reg down
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eclipseslayer · 10 days
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• SUMMARY: You're exhausted from work, and so, you slip into your safe space, and ask your "daddy" to help relieve some of your stress.
• CW: age reg., daddy kink, Kento calls you, "sweetheart," "princess," & "little one,", creampie, cunninglingus. (p.s. I use "little space" incorrectly, I apologize about that. I'll do better in the future!!!)
• WC: 1.7k
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Nanami Kento always understood what it meant to have a bad day at work.
He always understood the exhaustion and the headache that came with it—hell, he was an expert in dealing with it, which is why he understood why you often had to slip into your "little space" after a terrible day at work.
He understands that his girl needs to be taken care of and pampered. You always pamper him whenever he has a bad day, so it's honestly the least he can do while you're in your little space.
"There we go, sweetheart." A smile graces Kento's face when he hands you your stuffed animal.
He finds you cute and endearing whenever you're surrounded in bed by your stuffed animals. Your gleeful smile is what makes this all worth it to him.
"Thank you, daddy," you respond in a sweet manner, pitching your voice higher up. He feels his heart thrum in his chest at how adorable you look right now, laying in the bed, under your pink covers with big, fluffy, stuffed animals on your left and right.
"It's my pleasure, sweet girl," Kento hums and he leans over, planting a kiss on your forehead.
You beam a bright smile at him, and he feels his legs go weak. He'd do anything for you, he thinks, because he loves seeing you happy.
"Now, do you need anything else before I let you go to sleep?" Kento asks, crossing his arms while looking at you.
Caring, soft, brown eyes watch you as you think for a minute. A shy look graces your expression as you slowly sit up; stuffed animals fall from your sides as you adjust in the bed.
"I know we jus' made the bed, daddy, but uhm… wanna play…"
Kento notices your soft and shy tone, and he smiles warmly that you still would like to "play" with him, despite getting all comfortable in your bed.
Kento obliges easily as he starts to unbutton his blue collared shirt. He slips off his tie with it, taking in no thought in saying no to you as he undresses.
He strips down to his underwear, leaving himself in his briefs before approaching the bed.
Slowly, he crawls on top of you and he smiles, taking in your little features—how you have your hair tied up into a braid, your cute baby tee you have on, and your sweet pink panties that have a cute little lace bow on them—he feels happy that this makes you happy, reverting to an age where you feel like you have no responsibilities or a care in the world. He supports you in every aspect, and wants to take care of you in every way, even if you're like this.
He gently reaches out and caresses your face; a soft smile tugs on his lips when he sees you nuzzle into his hand.
"Little one, do you want me to take off your clothes for you?" He asks, gently.
His gentle nature is much appreciated by you as you let out a soft hum—pensively, for a moment—but ultimately you shake your head, deciding that the clothes will help you stay in your little state better.
"No, daddy. Just m'panties, please."
Kento offers you yet another warm and gentle smile, one that he knows makes your heart leap.
You always told him how comforting you found his smiles, even if he didn't smile often, you found his smile to be one of the best things to be comforted by. His smile is gentle, and sincere. He never smiles in a fake way, at least, not around you, so whenever you can get a smile out of him, you always find it special, and you hold it dear to your heart.
His smile is especially potent in moments like these—where you're in your little space. It makes your heart leap because you know your daddy is so willing and eager to take care of you and set your mind at ease. You know that he knows that you find his smile so endearing and comforting, so it's especially important to you.
His large hands slip under your body and turns you over so you're laying on your stomach. He hums at the sight of you, so sweet, as you grab a pillow and hug it.
You feel the weight of the large man shift behind you, placing his legs at between yours while his hands grip your thighs and pushes them open.
Then, you feel a pair of soft lips start to kiss your shoulders, slowly and gently, making their way across your body in a skilled and calculated manner as your daddy knows exactly where and how to make you shiver, and ways to make your toes curl.
He does exactly that as his lips map your body, finding where "X" marks the spot on each side of your neck, the spot between your shoulder blades, the middle of your back, and just above your bottom that makes your breath hitch.
God. The sound of your breath and the little sighs you make makes his cock stir in his briefs. He grunts at the sudden stimulation, but regardless, he continues his trek with his mouth, kissing down, and down, and down… until his nose is buried between your pretty, plump ass-cheeks, and situated above your fluttering folds.
He hums, pleased at the sight, and with his large hands he grips the globes of your ass and begins to slowly lick at the center, brushing the flat of his tongue over your pretty folds.
You shiver and your toes curl from the sudden touch.
Kento smirks, knowing he's reached another spot that "X" marks.
He resumes without a second thought, the flat of his tongue licks slow, and long licks over your pussy, testing the waters for how sensitive you are.
Lucky for him, you seem to be very sensitive today as your toes curls and you whimper with almost every lick that Kento gives you.
His grip on your ass tightens, suddenly, and his eyebrows furrow as he shifts into being more focused. His tongue, slips between your folds, the fat of his tongue fills you so well, making you let out a moan.
Your grip on your pillow tightens and you whine.
Kento hums in acknowledgment, pleased at your choice of words as he continues to slowly move his tongue in and out of you.
You moan with every thrust of his tongue, and your hips arch into his face.
Kento lets out a hot breath against your pussy as his tongue darts in and out at a faster pace, earning more and more moans from you. His ears perk up as he listens to your moans, and his cock twitches again.
You sound so good, Kento can hardly contain himself. He grunts as he removes his tongue from your pussy—
"Daddy!" You chide him, but you're quickly shut up when Kento locks his lips around your clit and sucks.
If Kento could've smirked, he would've. He's glad that he can get you to react like this, just by using his lips. It's so easy to get you to squirm, to whine, and to moan, and fuck, does it make him hard that he's the one who can give you this much pleasure.
He gets so hard on knowing that he's doing this to you, so hard that his lips are making you feel this good.
"D-Daddy! S-Somthin'… is happenin'!" You squeal, and you bury your face into the pillow as you start to pant.
Kento takes this as a cue to suck harder, and, just like that, you're cumming. You moan, loudly, and your body jolts and shivers, squirming as you cum onto Kento's tongue.
"Mmm…" He groans, and slowly licks up that creamy, white liquid that spills from your pussy before pulling away. He sits up on his knees and begins to pull his underwear down.
His eyes remain on your body as he pulls down his briefs, brown eyes locked onto your figure while you try to regain your breath.
"Daddy's gonna use his big parts on your little parts now, alright, princess?" He says, gently, and he chuckles when he sees that all you can do is nod.
" 'Kay…" You murmur, blinking slowly.
With that, Kento grips his cock and, with a grunt, he pushes the tip against your pussy, feeling the wet mess that lies there.
His eyes roll back as he stimulates himself for a moment, but it's quickly interrupted by his frustrated girl.
"Daddy…" Your tone is sharp, and unforgiving.
Kento chuckles, "Forgive me, princess."
With that, hoping you'd forgive him, he slowly pushes in. His thick, long cock slowly fills you, making you whine.
"O-Oooh… D-Daddy…"
Kento smiles, though his jaw drops quickly once he feels himself bottom out in you.
Your tight, little pussy makes Kento's balls throb, and he swallows thickly. On top of that, you calling him daddy makes him elated, simply because he knows that this is making you feel good.
He swallows thickly, and he leans down so his chest is pressed against your back. His lips meet your skin on your shoulder, and slowly, he starts to thrust, rolling his hips into yours.
You think he feels so delicious as his cock slowly fills you with each roll of his hips, as it allows for your brain to turn off for a good few minutes, reveling in the feeling of euphoria clouding your head.
Sweet moans escape your mouth as Kento fills you, and fills you, and fills you—hitting that delectable spit every single time.
He feels so good, you think to yourself as you begin to babble under your breath, taking in the feeling of everything—how close he is to you, and how his cock fits so perfectly inside of you like you were made for him—it's all so perfect.
Though, soon, Kento's perfect, slow rhythm begins to become erratic as he lets out short, panting breaths. He swallows thickly and buries his nose into your neck as his large hands fist the bedsheets on each side of you.
"Close…" He murmurs into your neck and groans, though, his eyes light up when he hears you murmur the same.
With a few more thrusts, Kento finishes, shortly followed by you as you both release a loud moan, and heavy breaths.
Kento spills into you—hot and heavy—and then pulls out, slowly, wishing he could stay buried inside you forever, but he knows that's unlikely.
"Felt so good, princess…" Kento murmurs into your neck. You hum, contently, and a smile graces your face.
He smiles.
"Mmm, that's my sweet girl."
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ellecdc · 5 months
Hello I’m new here (tumblr) and idk if I’m doing this right but hi!
Your fics first came up with regulus and moon water so I’ve been binge reading your fics :), I was wondering if you would write Sirius x reader?
Where like Sirius is like head over heels for reader and it’s just him talking to the marauders about her because she’s like on prefect duties so he misses her.
If not that’s fine.
hahaha lovesick Siri is my kryptonite - thanks for your request; here's a cute little baby blurb <3
please note: my requests are currently closed as I finish exams and work through the requests that I currently have.
lovesick!Sirius Black x fem!reader who's on prefect rounds and he's upset about it
“So….why exactly is Padfoot pouting right now?” Peter asked cautiously as he shed off his bookbag and sat down to watch James and Remus’ game of wizard chess as Sirius hung upside down from a grandfather chair looking awfully contemplative. 
“His bird ditched him for some other bloke.” James muttered without raising his head.
Sirius scoffed dramatically and shot James what was probably supposed to be a withering glare, but was significantly diminished from his current upside-downness. 
“First of all, do not call my darling girl a bird. Second of all, she did not ditch me for another man, she has prefect rounds with Regulus.”
“The better of the Black brothers; good for her.” Remus commented; dodging a throw pillow lobbed at him from Sirius without moving his attention from the board. 
“What? You think you’re going to die if she’s not here to stroke your ego, Pads?” James asked teasingly.
“I might.” Sirius responded earnestly.
The other three Marauders groaned.
“You’re all just jealous you don’t know what it’s like to be in love.” Sirius accused as he repositioned himself upright in the chair.
Remus and James both turned to give him unimpressed glares.
“You’re nearly as bad as Prongs now.” Peter muttered, earning him indignant “oi!”’s from both James and Sirius.
“I can’t help it if she’s the best thing to ever happen to me, Wormy.” Sirius pouted.
“I am sitting right here.” James grumbled. 
Sirius rolled his eyes. “You’re a close second, Prongs.”
“She can’t be that great if she willingly puts up with you.” Remus commented, causing Sirius to launch himself out of the grandfather chair and onto Remus’ back.
“You take that back right now! My girl is the sweetest, most angelic, lovely person in the whole wide world and we’re all better for it.”
“Oh my gods, okay, okay. Merlin’s tits you’re wild.” Remus muttered as he bodily shoved Sirius off of his person.
“I can’t believe she puts up with you if this is what you’re like around her.” Peter commented, earning him a laugh from James.
“Oh, you should see it, Worms. She reduces him to nothing but a soppy lovesick smile whenever she’s around; no more feral Pads, he’s right docile with her.”
Sirius stared between his three friends with his mouth hanging open, face painted in a look of pure betrayal.
“See, this is why I spend so much time with her; she’d never treat me like this.”
“And yet, here you are.” Remus taunted.
Sirius stood quickly as he scoffed derisively. “Fine. I’m going to go hang out with her; at least then I’ll know I’m wanted.”
No one said anything as Sirius dramatically stormed out of the portrait hole and the Gryffindor common room once again returned to its appropriate volume.
“His logic is flawed if he thinks Regulus wants him anywhere near them during their rounds.” Peter commented, causing James to groan.
“Reg’s gonna hex him into oblivion if he disrupts their prefect duties again.” The Headboy groaned.
Remus let out a long suffering sigh as he stood from his long since abandoned chess game and made for the portrait hole.“I’ll go play interference…again.”
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smusherina · 6 months
yard work - chapter 9 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warnings(s): use of the d-slur, the one for lesbians. use of the q-slur, the one that’s been taken back.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 10
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You lost track of time, mind consumed by Regina's mouth on yours. The feel of her lips, her hands playing with the hairs at the back of your neck, made you tingle. You didn't know much about actual technique when it came to kissing, but taking cues from and mirroring Regina seemed to work. When she opened her mouth and bit your bottom lip, you chanced a little tongue. Met with welcome, the kiss deepened. The sensations had you shivering, hands gripping tightly at Regina's waist.
"Bed, now," Hazy and a little slow, you chased Regina when she pulled away, making a pathetic little sound at the loss of her. She stood up and pulled you with her, roughly pushing you onto your back. Sprawled on the bed, you could only watch as she climbed over you. Soon, her lips descended down on yours again and your eyes blinked shut.
Then, startling you like a bucket of cold water thrown onto you, her hands snuck under your shirt. Her nails brushed at your ribs and you, despite the nervous excitement bubbling, began to feel apprehensive.
"Reg," You mumbled, hands moving from her shoulders to her upper arms. "Reg, I- hold on."
"What?" She kissed down your cheeks to your neck.
"Hold on, I-" Your breath hitched, the tickle of her lips in such a sensitive place hindering your ability to speak. "I don't wanna have sex."
As if shaken from a trance, Regina pulled away abruptly. Her hands slid out of your shirt and rested on either side of your torso, looming above you. The dim, warm tinted lamp light from the nightstand made her hair, hanging around you, seem like a halo. Or a canopy.
"You don't want to have sex." She said, voice a little hoarse and eyes betraying something until she pulled the shutters closed. "You're lucky I'm letting you get this far."
You stared up at her, stunned. "What? Letting me? You're on top of me."
"I know you want this. You've been wanting this for a long time. I've seen the way you look at me, the way you act around me." She spoke fast as if she was trying to convince both you and herself.
Panic was beginning to constrict around your throat. It took a while to find your voice.
"Reg, I'm sorry, but-"
"You should be sorry." She crawled away from on top of you and stood up. You leaned up on your elbows to keep looking at her. "You should be so sorry."
"I- I am," You tried to reassure her, tried to hold down your own hurt. "I just thought this was a little fast."
She rolled her eyes at you, though the action seemed jilted. "You've been pining the whole time we've been friends, I'd say it's been long enough. And now, when you have all you want offered to you, you reject it."
"Is this what this is about? Rejection? Regina, I just meant not yet."
"You're so fucking full of yourself." She accused, pointing a finger at you. The whole display was made weaker by the glistening in her eyes and the redness covering her from neck to ears.
"You think you can walk into my life, cause all sorts of chaos, take my family from me, and then reject me?" She hissed, gesturing with her arms all the while. You swallowed, unsure of what you should do.
She was firing insults at you and the only thing you could think to do was sit there and take it.
"Chaos? I'm not trying to take your family from you, Reggie, where's this coming from?" You stood up, feeling too awkward to be on the bed.
"You think I haven't seen the way you act around my mom or my sister? You want to be me so bad, you're acting like they're your family. They're mine and you're never gonna have them! You're never gonna have a family!"
You reeled back, offended by the uncalled-for insult.
"You have the gall to come to my home, my family's Thanksgiving dinner, acting all holier than thou meanwhile Kylie fawns over you and mom dotes on you."
"Are you jealous? They love you, Regina." Your ability to argue was getting flimsier by the minute, the stinging in your eyes inhibiting any power you could've drawn from.
"Jealous? You think I'm fucking jealous? I have everything and you have nothing!"
"I don't think that's true, Reg. I think that you're hurt and saying things you don't mean."
"You always put words in my mouth, try to manipulate me and change me into someone you think I should be. I'm good the way I am!"
"Change can be good, Reg, I just-"
"God, you're actually so insufferable. Genuinely, I cannot stand to be around you. I hate you." She turned away from you, hands going to her hair and tugging. "I don't need to change. I hate that you try to make me. I hate that you've already done it, with your fucked up mind games."
You blinked rapidly and breathed in deeply, trying to stay calm. She was just being destructive because she was hurt. She didn't mean any of it. She was just earlier kissing you. Didn't that count for something?
"I don't play mind games. I just wish you were kinder."
"You wish I was this and that, and what about me?" She whirled around and strode up to you. "I am this way. I am not kind, I'm not soft, and I thrive."
"Are you thriving, Reg?"
"Do not call me what stupid name!" She yelled, getting right in your face. You flinched back, startled and scared. "Oh, you're gonna cry now that your other tactics don't work anymore? I see right through you, you freak."
"Don't yell at me, Reggie." You said, biting your lip to keep it from trembling. You wiped at your eyes furiously. "I'm sorry, okay, for rejecting you, for trying to change you. I didn't mean to manipulate you."
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want to you." She hissed. "I'll fucking ruin your life. I'll tell people you're a lesbian and what you tried to do to me."
"What?" You breathed. "What do you mean? What I tried to do to you- do you hear yourself?"
"I hear myself, jorts, and so will everybody else when I tell them what a disgusting, perverse little dyke you are."
You wouldn't have described it as something snapping, but you'd had enough by then. It stung, hearing that from her, of all people. It stung more than you liked to admit because you knew her.
You knew she didn't mean it, she was lashing out, and desperately trying to cling to the power she'd lost the moment she'd been vulnerable with you- kissed you.
You didn't want to feel it, so you were mean instead.
"Just like you did to Janis then. Did you kiss her too and when you got scared you decided to ruin her life. Is that how it went?" You laughed bitterly and before she could interrupt, went on. "Is that how you're gonna live your life, Regina? Anytime you feel those dirty, lesbian urges you'll use some innocent bystander to sate your lust and then, because they know too much, you ruin them? Sounds very sustainable."
"How dare you accuse me of being that," Her face was scrunched in anger, red like the devil.
"Oh, I dare, I seem to recall you were just kissing me, on top of me, hands up my shirt. You're not fooling anybody, Reg, you're a filthy queer just like me." You were aiming to hurt now, wanting her to feel like you did. "The truth is, Regina, that you fucking hate yourself. You hate yourself and you just don't know what to do with yourself so you make everybody around you feel the exact same way."
"No, that's not true, I-" Seeing her face crumble, her posture turn defensive, stoked the fire of your anger. You wanted her to hurt, wanted to punish her for leaving you back then and insulting you now.
"You're like some shitty reincarnation of Heather Chandler, all high and mighty until you're inevitably toppled by some nobody you were so sure was so below you that they couldn't even pose a threat."
"Great film analysis there, loser." Regina quipped weakly, already backing down. You weren't done, though.
"It's only a matter of time before Cady Heron pours you a glass of drain cleaner too, and I'll be looking forward to the day." You sniped, watching as Regina's lip curled in an exaggerated show of being unaffected. You knew her. You knew she'd seen Heathers and you knew the parallels weren't pleasing to the eye. You knew you were going too far, but you couldn't stop.
"You think you're such a martyr, you think that-"
"I thought we were friends, Regina! All I wanted was to be your friend. Sure, I liked you, but that didn't have to mean anything until you kissed me."
"It meant something the whole time! You can't act like it was nothing, our whole friendship is tainted by it!"
"Get over yourself, Regina, you could've ignored it like you do every flaw you have!"
"I don't have flaws, I'm above that." She scoffed, but the tremor in her voice told you that even she didn't think that was true. "I'm doing everyone a favour by showing who's on top."
"Who are you? A fucking dictator? Is that how you truly see yourself? Because I see a scared little girl, confused and angry, taking it out on the easiest targets."
"Nobody gets to feel okay when I feel like this! It's not fair! It's not fair they get to be happy and I have to be like this all the time! I hate this and they deserve it!"
You fought to ignore your heart breaking for her, how her words and obvious cries for help made you want to bleed for her. You'd stood idly and let her hurt you for long enough, it was about time you stood up for yourself.
"Oh, well, I'm so sorry then. I'm starting to fucking get Janis. Maybe I could've come up with the Homecoming sprinkler prank myself. Maybe I should've let you use the lard for your face."
You regretted it the moment the words left your lips.
A beat, both of you staring at each other, faces slack and chests heaving from all the screaming, regret and betrayal swirling in the air like a toxic tornado, passed.
"You knew?" Regina whispered, suddenly so quiet the wind from your sails wooshed away. "You knew and you didn't tell me?"
"I... I did." You looked down. Fuck. You'd fucked up. You'd insinuated you wanted to see her die. You didn't want that at all. Tears sprung to your eyes again and you pressed the heels of your palms to them.
Could this even be fixed at this point? You should've just shut up and it wouldn't have escalated like this. You knew why she'd reacted the way she did, you knew, but you hadn't been able to stay level-headed when she'd started coming at you.
"Get out." She spoke normally, volume steady. She was shaking, you could see that even with your faltering vision.
"I'm sorry, Reg, I really am. I should've told you. I shouldn't have said those things to you. I'm sorry."
"I said get out."
Unable to hold it any longer, a sob burst out and you decided to leave before you humiliated yourself any further. You grabbed your overnight bag and practically ran out of the room.
You should've been quieter because Mrs George came to see who was stomping down the stairs so late. She had a wine glass in hand, a silken robe tied at her waist, and a worried look on her face.
"Oh, hi, I packed some leftovers for you to- oh, honey, what's wrong?"
"It's- it's nothing, Mrs George." You hiccuped and looked away, embarrassed by your crying. You couldn't look her in the eye. Did you want her to be your mom? Did it matter when Regina clearly saw it that way even if it wasn't true? Taking any comfort from her now felt like proving her right.
"It doesn't seem like nothing. Why don't we go sit and you can tell me what happened. Did Regina say something mean?"
"I don't wanna talk about it, please."
Mrs George sighed. "There's leftovers in the fridge for you." She lingered as you passed. "Honey?"
"What?" Usually, you didn't have the heart to be so rude to her.
"You're welcome here anytime." She smiled at you gently. Clearly, she was experienced in dealing with volatile teenagers. You turned and headed for the kitchen.
Walking home, bag on your shoulder and various containers of delicious food in your arms, you felt numb. You'd left through the garage door, grabbing your clothes from the mudroom as you went, but you still had on the sweatpants.
Tears dried on your cheeks, eyes swollen and nose stuffy, you didn't know what to do. Snow was falling and the streetlights made the scene look more beautiful than was warranted. You felt empty, hollowed out like you'd spilt your guts, heart, and most other internal organs on the floor of Regina's bedroom.
You got home, put the leftovers in the fridge, and stood in the kitchen. Swallowing on a dry mouth, throat scratchy, you figured there was little else you could do other than smoke a cigarette.
You stepped onto the porch and sank down onto the bench swing. Lighting up and inhaling, you closed your eyes as the smoke passed through you.
Regina by the poolside in her bikini, Regina eating pizza on your couch, Regina on the passenger seat of your car, Regina smoking a cigarette with you under the bleachers.
That was all gone, then.
Notes: I was a little wary of having the chapter be only the argument, but it got so long that I figured it'd be nice to have the next chapters work towards a resolution straight away. No need to stretch out the acute misery for any longer than necessary. I'll say, though, that just like IRL something like this isn't just fixed right away. So look forward to more chapters! This is getting so long. I started writing this like, hey, a cute oneshot with a butch OC! Here we fucking are.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer, @dandelions4us, @natashamaximoff-69, @alexkolax, @jareaul0ver, @here4theqts, @charleeeesworld, @natsbiggestfan1, @brocoliisscared, @yellowwallflowers, @scarlettbitchx, @ayoungexwife, @cyberbonesworld, @syddie-reads, @screechcat, @theenglishswiftie,@gabby-duhh, @sweetmissnothing, @masterofpuppets-10, @l1lass, @starved-mortal
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
emotional - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 317
It had been such a long day.
Two hours working on a prank with Peter, an hour trying to finish a group project with an emotional post-breakup Hufflepuff, his nightly Head Boy duties, half hour reviewing Quidditch plays, and then Remus wanted to discuss his relationship with Sirius.
He was happy to help. He was always happy to help. He was just...tired.
So when the little paper airplane came from Regulus, requesting that they meet, he almost cried.
It wasn't that he didn't want to see him! Not at all. It was just...he needed to breathe for a moment.
But he couldn't say no to Reg. Especially not to Reg. He would do anything for him. So he stood, sighing wearily, and pasted a smile on his face, heading to the abandoned classroom they often met at.
A few minutes later, he opened the door to see Regulus sitting at a back window of the room, looking out at the stars. "Hi, James," the younger boy smiled, making James's stomach flip-flop.
"Reg, how are you? I missed you," he murmured, pulling the Slytherin into his arms.
"I got you something," Regulus replied, backing up a bit and pulling out a Pumpkin Pasty.
Stunned, James stared at the napkin-wrapped food. "You got me my favorite?"
Regulus shrugged. "You looked a bit off when I saw you in the Great Hall at dinner. I just...this was the only thing I could get on short notice."
It was such a small gesture. Just a slightly-squished pastry that had clearly been in Regulus's pocket for a few hours.
But the fact that someone had taken the time to think of him? Do something for him?
Fighting back tears, the tension of the day leaving his body in one swoop, James pulled Regulus close again, burying his face in his hair. "Merlin, I don't deserve you," he mumbled.
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bowiesversion · 26 days
How I think Marauders Era Couples got together
Dorlene: Slept together for a couple months, Dorcas refused to admit she had feelings but Marlene was head over heels. Eventually Marlene went to Dorcas' one summer and they worked it out (this is heavily inspired by casual and red wine supernova by chappell roan)
Wolfstar: very natural, they were roommates so it was lingering touches and staring just slightly too long. When Remus (bc siri is baby) confessed he liked Sirius (they were drunk) the only thing that changed was that they started sleeping in the same bed and kissing.
Marylily: Kinda the same as wolfstar, but they were more mature about it. Lily opened up to Mary as soon as she felt like she liked her more than just friends.
Jegulus: oh my babies. Pining, so much pining. They would glare at each other across the hall, and Regulus would be such a little punk on the quidditch field (James found this very hot, but he also got PISSED). They got detention together one night, and as they were cleaning the trophy's James asked Reg why he hated him sm. Reg was dumbfounded and it spiraled into them making out somehow.
Peter and Sybil (idk the ship name): they were friends for a while, and they got together after a game of spin the bottle (Peter didn't want to play but Sirius convinced him to) oh and Sybil knew it would happen for a while, she was just waiting.
Rosekiller: Definition of no homo. They would literally mess around and say no homo after. They would blow smoke into each others mouth while holding eye contact. Evan fell first, Barty fell harder. They ended up dating after Regulus got mad at Barty and started yelling about how they were so annoying and just needed to have sex.
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denileisariver · 7 months
pairing: batman aka bruce wayne x f!reader
summary: you move into wayne manor, but not everything is as it seems. pt.2
warnings: smut, some non-con/dub-con but not really, doggystyle!, creampies ♡, mentioned babytrapper!bruce but nothing happens (or does it 🫣?), some anal play but also not really, unprotected sex, descriptions of male and female genitalia, bruce is not the best father unfortunately, age gaps, uses of the word(s) 'baby' and 'daddy' like once or twice, non-consensual recording?, reader is described as dating girls in the past.
a/n: i guess this is a small continuation. i'll still be tagging as yandere due to some slightly darker undertones kinda. i'm not sure how i feel about this one but oh well :).
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bruce never believed that he was a good man.
he could care less for all the praise he received throughout the years. fundraisers and charities, his image as a loving adoptive dad who took in struggling and orphaned children, or as batman. deep down, he knew he was selfish.
everything he did, he took too far. whether it was to fulfill a pipedream he realistically knew would never come true at the expense of others. or even with love, using the people he cared for the most just so he could gain something out of it. he considered himself lucky that all the little vigilantes he collected over the years stayed. and he was even happier you decided to stay as well.
bruce knew fear like the back of his hand. he could easily recognize it in your eyes whenever your eyes met his. whether it was subconscious or not, something in you knew that you should be cautious around him, and for good reason.
he couldn't quite pinpoint when his infatuation with you started. the only thing he knew was that it had crept up on him slowly, and it had been far too late until he realized its claws were sunk deep and he wanted you wrapped around his finger.
his mind would drift off sometimes, wondering if it's because of how closely he's been able to keep tabs on you over the past couple of years. you were strong and independent, more than able to take care of yourself, and others if given the opportunity. he admired that you were bold and selfless, driven. and he wanted to control that.
he stood by on the sidelines for far too long, watching you be strung along like an afterthought. he hated seeing your pathetic dates that always turned out horribly, pitiful men who only wanted one thing from you and girls that led you on because they were 'experimenting'. he hated the sad puppy look in your eyes whenever you hung around dick, before he invited you into his family, even if it was unintentional.
whether you believed it or not, bruce truly wanted what he thought was best for you. and if that meant keeping you under his surveillance, where you were at arms length 24/7, then so be it.
bruce wanted to train you how to be obedient for him. you were already establishing your own place in his household, practically marking your territory there, and he enjoyed every bit of it. for the most part, at least. there were still some challenges he needed to overcome, but you'd always been a good girl for him. that much he knew.
you tried to be grateful for him as much as possible.
even after his creepy behavior and even weirder training, you wanted to trust him. it felt wrong not to. everyone had been kind and did more for you than anyone else in your life had, and bruce set the foundation for all of it. you'd finally got a taste of being part of his family like you always wanted, and you weren't willing to let it go just because of eccentric assumptions and silly feelings.
you did find all of it a bit extreme, though. the excessive amount of gifts, the kids were attentive as ever, and alfred practically babied you. but it was normal. completely normal. at least that's what you chalked it up to, living under the roof of a well renowned billionaire, and you weren't about to complain about it either.
being around all the other wards put you at ease. regardless if you truly saw them as found family or not, you considered them your best friends. whether it was helping alfred around the manor as much as possible, burning pastries in the kitchen with the girls, playing video games with jason (which grew to be one of your favorite pastimes), you found yourself letting your guard down. like you could finally breathe and be safe in your own home, which was basically never while you were still surviving on your own back in gotham.
speaking of jason, you think maybe you are beginning to like the boy. sure, he had always been attractive, but you never actually got to interact with him longer than a short conversation here and there before dick decided to butt in. he had always been protective of you like that. you figured whatever you felt for jason might've been weird at first, but considering tim and stephanie dated for a little while, and they were still here, that it was okay.
you tried to subtly spend more time around jason. sitting close by during dinner or while catching a flick, offering to be by his side during patrol. maybe you were a bit more obvious than you would've liked, but jason took it well, much to bruce's disdain. the boy started to talk to you more often, more lively around you than ever, staring at you from across the room, making physical contact. and you greedily accepted it.
and of course dick would be the first to pester at you about it. he'd snuck up from behind, startling you when you were too engrossed in a romance book that you'd discovered while exploring the ginormous library.
"so you and jason are a thing now?"
the sound of his sudden voice makes your body jolt, damn near dropping the precious book you were reading that probably cost more than your entire life. the only people in this world that could make you flustered the way you are now are all living underneath the same goddamn roof, and you've successfully trapped yourself in it, willingly.
"what're you talking about?" the blank look on dick's face makes you cringe. in all your years of friendship, the two of you never really fought. the thought that he'd be mad about you being with jason was almost enough to make your heart sink. but the truth was, you weren't really actually with him anyway. things were just.. different.
all of his rigorous training with bruce had apparently worked off, because almost right on cue, dick notices how anxious you are right now. he shifts his body language to a more lighthearted demeanor, no longer as stiff. his voice is soft. "listen, i don't care, kind of, but.. just be careful." the way he says it almost makes you feel better, like he cares, and of course he does, but—
"what's that supposed to mean?"
your defensiveness is no surprise to dick. the look on his face let's you know he expects it, and you almost hate yourself for being so predictable.
"i don't want you to get hurt, that's all i'm saying." he tries to reassure, but it does nothing but the opposite. hurt you? you never expected much to come out of your tiny fondness for jason, and even if it did, you knew better than to think it'd be something that'll last forever. "I won't get hurt."
you say it like it's a sure thing. there's this unreadable look in dick's eyes. something that you don't think you've ever seen before, and it almost scares you. like he knows something you don't, but you can't tell what the hell it is. he curtly nods, forcing back that charming smile to his face, but you're no idiot, especially when it comes to him.
"i don't doubt it." and with that, he's gone.
it's been a couple of days since your little talk with dick. well, more of a warning than anything, so that's what you take it as. you started being more mindful, not just around jason but everyone. more observant and aware of how you interacted with them. and after a while, you deduced that whatever dick was thinking is just part of his overprotective nature, both as a brother and as a friend. that he'd grow accustomed to you and jason just like everyone else was.
that was up until you noticed your possessions were starting to go missing. it started with just panties, then a bra or two, eventually your sweaters or jewelry. at first, you thought you were going crazy, just misplacing and losing things, but it was happening way too often. bruce spoiled you enough so that everything was replaceable, but still. was dick right?
was jason some sort of pervert or stalker?
well, you think all of them had the stalking part down, getting it from bruce, but you aren't completely oblivious to the fact that jason harbored reciprocated feelings for you. but to go as far as stealing your stuff? even dirty panties? there's no way. it couldn't be. if it was true, you were daring enough to confront him about it. you'd just have to wait for the right time to do it, but that proved more than difficult. there seemed to never be a perfect moment.
bruce had been more rough than before during sparring. and honestly, you didn't mind. at first, it scared you. but with the emotional turmoil you were suddenly experiencing, you almost liked it. those damn hands in your hair, a tight headlock cause his bicep was wrapped around your neck, a muscular thigh between your legs. it felt better than you would ever admit, and you found yourself almost looking forward to it. it was just because you needed some stress relief, right?
bruce intimidated you more than anyone you've ever met, but that didn't stop you from checking him out occasionally. the older man was more than attractive, and no one could deny that, not even you, regardless if you thought he was a bit peculiar.
if you hadn't been so enamored in your thoughts, trying to convince yourself that you weren't just another perv, maybe you would've felt bruce's growing hard-on accidentally poke your ass. or that he's held you in this same position for too long, admiring how you looked bent over for him like this and wanting nothing more but to make you take him right then and there. but he was upset with you.
you were getting too close to jason. on a fatherly note, he knows he should be happy. jason always had trouble around others, and he was probably just another reason for you to stay. but a larger part of him wanted to spank your ass over his knee, gag your tiny mouth on his cock in front of everyone so they knew who you belonged to.
he has to be more careful. he'd barely gotten ahold of you, and if he pushed too much, he'd run the risk of you trying to escape. but he couldn't bear to just stand by and watch while you and jason tried to pursue a relationship. no.. that couldn't happen. jason would have a knife at his throat if he caught bruce just now, that he'd hate him even more if he found out that the girl he was crushing on was being lusted on by his father figure.
but bruce could live with that.
that's why he doesn't say anything when he gently bounces the leg that's slotted between your thighs, your clit grazing against him through the thin fabric of your workout shorts. he only gauges your reaction to it, waiting, expecting you to fight back but you don't. the movement was soft enough for you not to notice it at first, but when the rubbing gets repetitive and you finally realize just how long you've been in such a comprising position for him, a flood of both excitement and anxiety goes straight to your core.
it almost feels like a betrayal to jason, even if you owed him nothing. you couldn't even remember the last time you hooked up with somebody, and it was actually good. you'd been stuck with making yourself cum, and that got old very quickly. on one hand, doing this with bruce could potentially ruin your relationship with his other wards if you were caught, and on the other hand, you were horny enough to not be thinking straight. even if bruce was a weird fuck that you didn't trust fully.
you manage to let out strained whimpers, hoping to appeal to bruce so he'd let you go. the arch of your back had become strenuous, but even then, you found yourself yearning for more. if this is what he wanted, you couldn't bring yourself to stop him. your hips move on their own accord, rutting and pressing the plush lips of your cunt along the thick muscle, face contorting slightly in pleasure whenever your sensitive bud received the attention it craved so much.
he allowed you to hump his leg like an animal in heat, his hips jutting out forward and now fully pressing a heavy cock against your ass, the clothed tip resting by the lower half of your back. whether you fully wanted this or not, it didn't really matter to bruce. the arm that was wrapped around your neck moves down, then squeezing a handful of one of your tits, appreciating its weight and how squishy it was in his grasp.
the differences in sizes made your body appear tinier than it really was, and bruce thought that was cute too. his other free hand wrapping around your body so he could feel both of your pillowy breasts in his hands, his groping making you squirm. even if you encouraged this more than you probably should've, you wonder if this is moving way too fast. he's your best friends dad for christ sake. jason's dad. (as much as he liked to deny it). and you were already living in his mansion.
all while these thoughts swirl through your head, bruce is slipping his hands beneath your shirt and moving the cups of your bra out the way, twisting and pinching at your pert nipples. his teeth find your neck, biting, a tongue licking the sensitive skin. you felt helpless to how quick and overwhelming all of it is. it doesn't take long for it to feel like his presence and touch is suffocating you, and bruce is even more greedy than you are.
"can i touch you baby?" the grufness of his voice sends chills down your spine.
you don't know why he even asks. you stupidly nod your head in agreement, even though rough pads of his fingers are already eagerly shoving themselves into your shorts and cupping your tiny pussy through cotton panties. he hums in content, noting the warmth of it and the gentle rhythmic pulses. your heart races, resisting the urge to hump his hand just like you were on his thigh.
much to your disappointment, he slips his hand out of your shorts, whining at the loss of contact. that is up until your bottoms are being pushed down your legs, and suddenly, you're conscious of how anyone could walk in on the two of you. and you still can't bring yourself to protest.
bruce bends you over once more, your face down and ass up for him. his cock aches in its confines, throbbing and begging to be released, but he holds it off. he stares at your exposed cunt, making you feel subconscious for a bit. your lips are soft and glistening, tiny clit shyly hiding beneath the hood. his thumbs spread your cheeks a bit, your slick holes on display for him.
your arousal drips down, dripping a bit onto the sparring mat in the process. your openings wink at him a bit with small flutters, and bruce leans down slightly, using his own spit to lube up your asshole and rim it with his thumb, even if he wasn't going to use it yet.
your body jolts, yelping a bit in surprise. no one had ever touched you there, and you certainly weren't expecting it just now. your hands move to try and cover yourself. "wait— i've never—"
bruce interrupts you with low shushes, kneading the soft flesh of your asscheek in his hand. he decides to feel your clit instead, his thumb working its way down your slit and easily finding the tiny nub. the constant and steady movement ties a knot in your tummy, instinctively pushing your cunt against his hand, soft moans emitting from you. fuck, he was good at this.
you were no stranger to playboy bruce wayne. ever since you've met him, he always had a litter of lovers that followed him around like lost pets, people that he'd never commit to always at his beck and call. you think you might understand why, now. he was a provider, strong, handsome. and even though you hadn't felt his cock inside you yet, you feared you might not ever want another one again after this.
your pussy fluttered desperately, needing something inside you, an impending orgasm building up but frustration was still there. one of his long, thick fingers offers you grace, gently pushing into your cunt. it was almost comical how easily he got you to gush and make a mess of his hand, the digit rubbing and pushing at that sensitive and spongey spot deep inside of you.
"fuck!— bruce—" you cried out, back arching even further, hair sticking against your forehead due to your sweaty state. you pant quickly, trying to regain composure, but your heart only beats more wildly, like a tiny prey animal, the sound of bruce's clothes being removed filling your ears.
you twist your body and head a bit so you could look at him, the sight making your mouth fall open slightly, practically drooling while you oggled him. regardless of his age, the man before you was built like a damn sculpture. hand-crafted to perfection. he was still toned in all the right places after all these years, even if his body had grown softer during his time as a father. coarse hair that led down to a fat cock that was standing up at full attention.
you whimper a bit, unsure if you were really prepared for this. you assume that whatever this is will have an unspoken agreement to be kept secret, at least you hope so. bruce was sometimes unpredictable, but if dick or even jason found out, you'd imagine you and bruce would be killed.
"don't worry baby," bruce grunts softly, as if he knows exactly what you're thinking. the head of his cock teases your entrance, before moving his hips in a mimick motion of thrusting into you, fucking himself in between your thighs and cunt. the tip of his cock smears pre-cum along your stomach, a thick vein protruding from the shaft, and you worry your guts are about to be rearranged, not knowing if you'll be able to walk without a limp tomorrow.
you haven't been able to catch a good look at his cock yet, but you're sure he's gonna have the biggest dick you've ever had. it's proven to you quickly, the air being knocked out of your lungs when he fully sheaths himself inside, bottoming out without warning.
bruce grins above you, his hand resting on your lower back, just above your butt so he could watch the delicious jiggle of your ass bouncing on his cock. he keeps a slow pace at first. judging by your reaction, he knows the stretch hurts you a bit. your baby pussy was so taut around the meaty length, lips struggling to open up for him, even after playing with it.
soft ah ah ahs spill from you, body quivering ever so slightly. it would've been unnoticeable to anyone who wasn't watching you as closely as bruce was. you wanted to take it. you wanted to be good for him. you didn't want to disappoint him. you needed to take his cock like a big girl, even if you didn't fully understand why you wished to please him so much. maybe it's just cause you were sick of feeling like a child in front of him. like you had something to prove even if it wasn't needed. he'd adore you either way, but you didn't know it yet.
bruce was surprised you even succumbed to him as easily as you did, an adorable determination in your eyes, he presumes for a number of reasons. you were deprived just as much as him, which sometimes led to some questionable decisions. which meant he also knew you'd regret this later. but those were problems for another time.
one of his hands finds your wrists, keeping your arms pinned behind your back. bruce imagines the dainty fingers struggling to wrap around his thick girth, how pretty you would look with a cock fucking down your throat. he had fantasized about this happening for too long.
he fucks you with consistent movements, cherishing this moment in case he wouldn't be able to get it back. you were a kind girl. he knew all about the conflicted feelings that were settled deep in your heart because he felt them too. the teary look in your eyes, not knowing if you wanted him to stop or fuck you even harder, but he'd do the latter. with or without your permission.
bruce snaps his hips with more ferocity, keeping his focus on the recoil of your ass, his cock getting getting increasingly wet with creamy white slick, a ring of cum forming at the base of his length. you shudder a bit, his heavy balls slapping against your clit, and you shift your hips to fuck him back, needily chasing your own orgasm.
"that's it— use that little pussy on daddy," bruce hisses through his teeth, his nails digging into your supple flesh, all the filthy sounds that you and that sweet pussy made had his cock pulsing.
you could barely register a word he said, completely forgetting about anything other than the persistent pounding your weeping cunt was receiving. tears prickle your eyes, spit spilling out of your mouth. you looked a damn mess, barely coherent other than the small chanting of 'daddy' just like a prayer, mindlessly accepting the title.
this was something that bruce could get used to. everything about you was just so damn perfect. he shamelessly hoped that you were ovulating, wishing to fill your womb with his seed and make your belly full and round with his child, then you'd have no reason to leave. even if you tried, he wouldn't allow it.
your toes flex and curl, legs trembling from a wave of ecstasy. your poor cunt spasms uncontrollably around his cock, a strangled but sweet moan forced out of you while you rode out your climax. bruce stuffed you full, plugging himself deep inside of you. he stayed there for a moment before fucking you with slower but unmerciful strokes, skin slapping against you with a force that made your breasts bounce harshly.
your pussy squelches, juices leaking all over him. you struggle to crawl away from him cause of the overstimulation, aching and already sore due to the ceaseless strech. but he only pulls you back, growling at your disobedience, swatting your ass with a calloused hand. bruce cums with a raspy groan, a bruising grip on your hips, the sticky substance painting your velvety walls.
the mat below you is drenched in a mixture of yours and bruce's fluids, sure to leave a stain unless poor alfred was stuck cleaning your mess, and you had a feeling bruce wouldn't do it. you'd be willing to clean it yourself to save the embarrassment, but your weak limbs had other plans.
you think he's finished with you until you're hoisted up, forcibly turned around so bruce could see the rest of your naked body. he wastes no time to latch his mouth onto one of your nipples, swirling his tongue around the stiff peak. he wasn't going to allow you to leave here without leaving his mark on you, claiming you by filling up and covering your chest with his lovebites.
he could care less if anyone had seen how effortlessly he managed to corrupt you. all it took was to turn you into his perfect little cocksleeve. it'd be damn near impossible to avoid him after this. even if he wasn't around, the memory would be forever ingrained into your mind, and you wouldn't be able to look at dick or jason or any of the other wards without the reminder that you fucked their father.
you gently try to push at bruce's broad shoulders, the effort not doing much other than making him bite down on your tit, then moving along to the other. you guess the post-nut clarity had hit you, and a tinge of guilt welled up in your chest.
your brows furrow a bit in a feeling of discomfort when bruce glides two fingers through your folds, then gently massaging the swollen button above them. but your heartbeat picks up again, cunt clearly working with a mind of its own.
strained whimpers spill like honey from your lips, now finally shaking your head and attempting to push yourself away in defense when it's what you should've been doing since the beginning. bruce let's you break away from him though, his lips pulling off of you with a pop.
stern eyes meet your lustful but ashamed gaze, a state of displeasure evident on bruce's face. it's something that worries you, unsure of what that might entail. you don't want to make him angry, and you also don't think you're ready to leave the manor just yet, but you also don't know if you can act indifferent around bruce and the others.
maybe if he wasn't around as often, things would be easier, and you'd be able to pretend like this wasn't a mistake. your throat bobs, swallowing your anxiousness, wanting to reevaluate yourself, preferably alone.
you kneel there and wait, half expecting bruce to just fix himself up and leave without much regard for you, because you assumed that's the type of man he would be after fucking someone, but he doesn't. instead, he let's out a small disgruntled noise, collecting your panties and shorts that he had pulled off of you earlier.
his cum is still seeping out of you, a thick load slow to ooze out of you when bruce had emptied his balls inside your abused pussy. he doesn't ask if you want help or if you wanted to be cleaned up, simply raising the fabric up your legs and thighs till the most precious parts of you were covered again. the cotton becomes damp, your wet core coating them with the evidence of yours and bruce's sex.
he shortly cups the tiny cunt in his large hand, gently swiping his thumb over your mound. a small sigh leaves his lips, almost as if he was sad to be leaving the warmth and tightness of it so soon. you're not sure if you're comfortable with how easily he assumed he should have access to your body, but you guess it's also partly your fault, so you allow it for now.
his lips find yours, surprisingly gentle and loving, a stark contrast to how hard he was pistoning his dick inside your belly. but it's pleasant, so you welcome that also. bruce's tongue is smooth and soft, gliding along yours for a moment before he breaks away, a hazy look in his eyes. something you don't think you've ever seen there before, and you swear he's so dreamy to look at.
it's when you remember he's still undressed, eyes shifting below between your bodies and honing in on the massive cock that bruce endowed. even if it was gradually getting softer, he was still semi-hard, his blood pumping to that area just in case he needed to go another round. he'd be more than willing to stuff that tiny hole for you again, and he wished you'd ask him to, but you don't.
but maybe you will someday.
he let's you stare at his cock unabashedly, his breathing heavy and shaky. he slowly moved his hand, gently jerking the long length since you were gawking at him. you let out a cute squeak, suddenly remembering you were about to leave.
bruce doesn't seem to care that it's getting late, or that the rest of the family would be heading down to the cave sooner or later, his focus purely on what was in front of him. but he can see the look of worry written all over you, and it deters him. he stands up to his full height, your eyes widening slightly, his cock dangled in front of you shamelessly, and a small smirk forms on his face.
he has to refrain from grabbing your hair and prodding his dick between those pretty lips of yours. he moves to tug his joggers back on, his cock slapping a bit against his thigh from the movement. you never break eye contact, and neither does he, your thoughts plagued by bewilderment and amorosity.
you stumble over yourself while picking yourself up off the ground, barely reaching bruce's shoulders. you have to tilt your head up just to look at him without straining your eyes, uncertain of what to say or how your relationship with him will be like after this. it's distressing for you, but you're even more concerned with how you're gonna be able to look dick or jason in the eyes again afterwards.
you push away your apprehensiveness, chewing on your bottom lip so you can find the right words. "this— this never happened," you stutter out, your voice coming out more frail than you intended.
bruces lips curl a bit in dismay, his jaw clenching. out of everything he wanted to hear you say, that was certainly not at the top of his list. his hands ball into a fist, his nerves tensing up. he would never think about hurting you. not physically, at least. but you didn't know that. bruce scoffs lightly, almost amused that you actually thought he'd let you off that easily.
you scramble a bit, trying to get your point out before he can get a word in. "if anyone found out–"
"who i fuck is my business only," he cuts you off, already knowing what you'll say next. it's something he's thought over plenty times already. dick had been suprisingly compliant with bruce thus far, so he wasn't an issue according to bruce, and it was easy to get to him anyway. but he didn't foresee his other sons feelings coming into play, or yours. "and you're not an innocent little girl either, so don't act like one."
shit. you were practically digging yourself into a deeper and deeper hole since you moved here. you stare up at him with pleading eyes, and he can't help but soften up a bit. if you were more smart, none of this would've ever happened. how the hell are you gonna be pining after jason now? and bruce.. he seemed less than pleased at the moment. and your gut told you that he wouldn't be letting this go anytime soon.
but he was at heart, a family man. everything he did was out of love, and a desire to protect others so they didn't have to experience the pain he felt when he lost the people most important to him. at least that's what you liked to believe. after jason's passing, they worked so hard to rebuild their relationship, and the trust between them had slowly begun to resemble what it used to be, even if there were some slight changes.
there was no way in your mind that bruce would destroy all of that just for you. you were just some girl, who occasionally hung around his son, but that didn't mean you held as much value in his life than his adopted children. he wouldn't go as far as breaking down his own home, again, just for you, would he?
"if this ever happened," you gesture between the two of you, shaking your head, already gathering how he must've felt about this based off his demeanor. you were no master detective like he was, but being able to easily read body language, sensing people's energies, and intuition, you were good at. "it would ruin everything."
"we're not going to argue about this." he rebutted, taking on a more stern tone, his voice raising above yours. like he was already making the decision for the both of you, and you weren't having that. you want to say more till the sound of footsteps catch your attention, a familiar voice resonating from the stairwell.
"master bruce, is everything alright?" you silently thank whatever higher power that it's alfred instead of someone else. alfred has had his fair share of catching bruce in.. less than favorable circumstances. but the look of surprise on his face isn't something you can miss, even if it's only there for a split second. you'd been caught.
alfred's eyes wander down to the floor below you that's still wet with juices, registering what it was quickly. his eyes meet yours for a moment, smiling at you weakly, then taking a step back from you and bruce. "sorry for the interruption, sir." the older man says formally, turning on his heel to leave, but you do the same before he can.
"actually, i was just leaving." you glance at bruce whose eyes haven't left yours since even before alfred entered the cave. and then you were back to feeling small and helpless around him, back to square one. you sigh and roll your eyes at his poker-face, trying to rush out the cave to escape the awkward interaction.
alfred's eyes follow you with worry, only turning to bruce with a vexed expression once you're gone, shaking his head in disappointment. bruce stared at him blankly, already knowing he was about to get a scolding. "i'm a grown man—"
"precisely." alfred cuts him off, sass in his voice. "she's over a decade younger than you, your sons friend. you have no right to take advantage of her." he argued, pointing a finger in bruce's face.
"she can make her own decisions." bruce seethes, unwilling to hear him out. he hates himself for knowing deep down the butler was right, but he didn't force you to do anything. not really. he knew this wouldn't be without repercussions, but alfred wouldn't say anything either to avoid suspicion.
everything would blow up in bruce's face, and maybe he'd take some accountability for once in his life, but alfred highly doubted that would happen anytime soon.
bruce faced away from him, dragging his tongue over his bottom lip. he hated how easily you turned this around on him, turning into a little cock-drunk slut while having sex and then turning around to be angry at him, but it was something he'd seen coming. bruce huffs out a heavy breath, ignoring alfred's smoldering expression. "just get out, i'll clean this up."
"and what of the girl?" alfred asks, side-eyeing the man he raised. he cared more for your safety and how you felt rather than getting on bruce's nerves. "that isn't your concern. i'll take care of it."
alfred was less than enthusiastic about what that could possibly mean, or what any of this would result in. his heart ached for you and jason, even occasionally eavesdropping on the time you spent together, and the friendship had blossomed. maybe it could have turned into something more, but he isn't so sure now.
he turns back into his more reserved and neutral state, giving bruce one last judgmental stare before leaving him to tend to him thoughts. there was no point in trying to reason with him, so he wouldn't waste the energy. he'd only watch you like a hawk now. and bruce included.
with alfred away now, bruce makes quick work of his computer. he searches for the camera he placed in your room upon your arrival to the manor. there's a weird feeling in his chest that he can't quite explain, unsure of what it even was, seeing you curled up in bed, staring off into space. this was one of the rare times he wished he was meta, just so he could read your mind, pick your brain, even if just for a little bit.
you didn't seem sad or angry. just more confused by what he could tell. your eyes shifting like you were thinking up all the possibilities and outcomes of this, and he hated to see it wrack your head. he wished he could say something, or hold you, anything that would give you comfort, but it'd probably just have the opposite of his desired effect.
he had hoped to dwell on the fact that he finally got to penetrate that pretty little cunt of yours more without having to stress over issues that were nonexistent for now, but that wouldn't be the case. there was always something there to bite him in the ass and humble him if need be.
now he could only dream that whatever emotions you possessed for jason would alleviate. that he was an option you didn't know you had up until today. he hoped that he could make you his. and he would. just one day at a time.
he makes sure to save the footage that the security cameras all over the cave had captured, for later usage. he didn't think he'd get an experience like that again anytime soon, that he had just gotten lucky this one time.
but you were almost too eager to fuck him back. bruce wondered if maybe he had more of a chance than he thought, but he didn't know the extent of the loyalty you held for jason or him. or if you would want to avoid the situation completely and decide to leave the mansion. he was never a religious man, but if there was anything for him to pray for, it was you.
he didn't know what was worse. his eyes narrow, analyzing you for a quick moment before shutting off the computer, his head almost beginning to hurt due to the frustration.
just one day at a time.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 3 months
892 words – trans fem reg jegulus pwp – cw: light spanking, orgasm control, heinous dirty talk about breeding, cum play, creampie <3
James fastens his grip in Regulus’ curls and ducks closer. He knows the answer for the question before he even asks it. But he wants to hear it. Needs to hear it. He spanks Regulus on her left cheek just to feel her clench around him, then noses at his girlfriend’s ear. “Want me to pull out before, baby?”
“No,” Regulus cries out helplessly, mindlessly arching back into him.
James grunts against the side of her head, mind swimming. “Yeah, want me to cum inside?”
Regulus whimpers deliciously, “Please.”
“God, baby,” James groans, voice rough, “Gonna make a creampie, huh?”
Regulus moans.
“Want me to lick it back out of your sweet little pussy?”
“Ja-mie,” she whines brokenly. Just the deliriously fucked out of her mind quality of her voice is enough to make James twitch inside her. There’s sweat running down her temple, mixing with the tears on her cheeks with how she’s turned her head over the pillow. James licks it up.
“Ngh- gotta be careful not to get you pregnant, love.”
Regulus gives a whole body twitch beneath him, letting out another whine that sounds close to his name. James wants to ruin her in the sweetest way.
He lets his lips ghost over her ear, “Or do you want me to breed you, baby? Huh? Pump you so full, I’ll make it stick?”
Regulus is chanting incoherent pleas, curses and gasping out his name like she does when she’s close. When that delicious pressure is building up low in her gut, about to ring up her spine and shoot into every cell, every far inch of her body. When her whole being is an electric wire and James is about to trigger a short circuit. 
And he’s babbling now, couldn’t hold himself back even if he wanted to, spewing the nastiest things right into his pretty girlfriend’s ear. “Answer me, love,” he taunts.
Reg whimpers and James watches her eyes try to flutter open, so out of it.
James repeats his question. ’Cause he’s nice like that.
He can see the exact moment it registers in Regulus’ brain. A noise slips out of her, involuntary, and then James’ eyes greedily follow her spreading blush as she tries to hide her face in the pillow.
“No, no,” James admonishes, gentle and patronizing. He purposefully aims away from that bundle of nerves deep inside her, momentarily. Regulus makes an obscenely sexy mourning noise. “No hiding, baby. I’m not gonna let you cum before you tell me.”
“Jamie,” she sobs, dark curls falling over her shoulder when she ruts her face into the sheets.
“C’mon, you’ve been such a good girl. Why are you being bad right now?” He spanks her again.
Regulus yelps, followed by a moan. “Mnh, want it- inside.”
“What do you want inside, sweets?”
“You,” she presses out, pushing back onto him, “Your cum, Jamie. Want you to cum inside. Please, please.”
“Good girl, baby,” James groans, deepening his thrusts again. Regulus immediately dissolves underneath him again. “See, was that so hard, hm?”
Regulus makes an indecipherable sound. James grins.
He brushes her hair to the side, mouthing and nipping along her neck. She tastes like sweat and viscous sweetness. Salted caramel. James wants to put her in a blender and squeeze her into his latte every morning.
“Can I—” Regulus hiccups, “Aah- can I cum?” 
James keeps putting open mouthed kisses on her neck, rutting deep inside her relentlessly, devilishly.
“Please,” his girlfriend sobs, “Please, Jamie. Gotta cum.”
“In a moment, baby,” James pants, letting himself get lost in the slick, silky heat of her, “Hold on for me, just a bit.”
She’s moaning continuously now, whining pitifully and gasping high-pitched breaths back in. Her thighs are shaking, her face scrunched in pure pleasure. One of her hand fists the sheets, white knuckling them. “Jamie, Jamie, Jamie.”
That’s what manages to tip him over in the end. He gasps out a hurried Cum for me and then he’s stuttering through his own moan as his cock kicks and spurts deep inside Reg. She’s loud when she lets herself break on James’ command. Shouting nearly and shaking through it so hard that James feels the pulses of her milk him dry.
“God, fuck,” James grunts when he finishes with one last feeble twitch, still shallowly rocking inside to help Regulus ride it out. 
This one hums breathlessly, a sweet little moan, panting like she’s just done a triathlon.
“Baby,” James mumbles, breathing heavily, making her hair move and tickle his nose.
Regulus makes an acknowledging noise, nodding weakly to show she’s okay.
“Love you so bad,” James utters, kissing her cheek, her ear, the soft spot behind it.
“Love you,” Regulus replies, on a half moan, blissed out and like she’s floating.
He’s still inside and Regulus doesn’t like feeling empty immediately after but James needs to kiss her like- yesterday. He reaches around, prodding at her puffy entrance and hearing her breath hitch when he lets his cock slip out and his fingers in, plugging her up. James maneuvers Reg’s pliant body, making her leg lift, and turns her over onto her back with his finger remaining. 
And then Regulus barely has the chance to blink cloudy grey eyes at him before James is demanding her mouth in a needy kiss, tasting caramel sweet.
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taintedpearls · 2 months
can you do vi and a breeding/mommy k!nk??
⋆⭒˚.⋆ vi with a breeding/mommy kink — daily click
nsfw + reg txt under cut , thank you for the request
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this girl is genuinely obsessed with the thought of making u a mom herself like.. okay technically she can't but in moments like this she definitely thinks it's possible.
she brought up the idea of a breeding strap awhile back and you completely forget the two of you even had the conversation, but you were more than open to the idea of it, assuming it was to feed into vi's delusions of being able to impregnate you.
now you wished you had agreed much sooner.
both of your legs are pressed against your chest with vi's forearm keeping them down as she pounded into you repeatedly, the dildo stretching you in a way that felt so good.
"how's that feel?" she groans from above you, eyes in a trance and focusing on the point where a white ring was forming at the base on where the two of you were connected, mesmerised by how easily the dildo was sliding in and out of you.
you're unable to give her actual words, instead mumbling out a bunch of gibberish mixed with your moans of pleasure, mouth open and eyes screwed shut as you clawed at your girlfriends back.
"c'mon... words mama..." she encourages, moving her arms that were pinning you down to gently lift up your chin, being met with the sight of your teary eyes and cheeks. she cant help but groan and throw her own head back at the sight of you, rutting into you helplessly and needlessly, slowing her pace down significantly. she swears she can feel the way your gummy walls are clenching around her 'dick'.
"fuck.." vi whimpers, speeding her pace back up and dropping her head into the crook of your neck, trailing soft kisses up to your ear. you move your hand up to play with the pinkettes hair gently, kissing the side of her face.
"f- feels so good vi" you moan out, tugging on her hair ever so slightly and pushing your hips back into her, chasing your release, chasing what the feeling what be like for her to nut in you.
"you gonna cum?" she asks breathily, stopping her kisses for a brief moment before sucking on your sweet spot, biting and nipping at it.
you nod your head a little too quickly, moving your hands back to her back and gripping onto her like your life depended on it.
"you can let go... its okay baby, this is gonna make you-" she pauses to gasp at how the harness is rubbing against her clit perfectly, trying to quickly recover and finish her sentence "this is gonna make you carry my fuckin' kids huh?" she encourages, and that was all it took for the knot inside you to snap, faux cum dribbling into your hole as your own release leaked out.
vi came quickly after you, groaning into your ear and slowing her pace down significantly to now overstimulate you too much, pulling out quickly to catch a sight of what you looked like right now
leaning down so her head was parallel to your pussy, you laid above her, panting and trying to catch your breath, whining at the loss of being filled.
"want me to clean this up for you?"
this is the filthiest thing ive written pls forgive me...
alternate beginning i scrapped:
"you can look now," she tells you while adjusting the harness ever so slightly on her, you've been sprawled out on your bed and staring up at the ceiling for the the five minutes while hearing vi shuffle around in the bathroom for a 'treat'. looking up, your line of vision instantly went to your cocky girlfriend and the dildo that now rested on her hips.
"babe... what?" you questioned, letting out a breathy laugh at the situation, memories of the conversation slowly coming back.
"you wanna try it out?"
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pedal-writes · 11 months
Lloyd garmadon hcs (romantic & reg hcs)
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A/N: This is first post on here 😭 I’m super into ninjago right now so I might as well write abt it. And Lloyd is super pookie bear 🫶
-When you guys first start dating, Lloyd is a bit awkward since A. He’s never been in a legitimate relationship before and B. He has insane trauma from Harumi.
-But over time, he’ll start to warm up to you! You just gotta be patient with him.
-Loves to read comics with you, it’s such a guilty pleasure (and he’s a big nerd.)
-When he’s with you, he’s always holding your hand or resting his hand on your lower back. He’s protective in a casual way rather than a possessive way, yk?
-Very prone to venting to you.
-Every once in awhile, he takes you out in ninjago city for a date on a rooftop of a building. It’s not the best place for a date but he’s not much of a romantic. But he does try for you!
-Always takes care of you when you’re sick. He makes soup and tea for you, and sits by your side, holding your hand while talking about whatever.
-He’s such a cuddle bug!! He loves laying on your chest while you tangle your fingers in his hair. And vice versa.
-Loves to kiss you on your face, esp your cheek and your nose. Seeing your face get all blushy after he surprises you with a kiss really makes him happy.
-Feels a little self conscious around you about certain things, like his dad, his oni form, or the idea of being a master since those things bother him deeply. But a little reassurance and kind words from you will help his self esteem a ton.
-He likes it when you braid his hair or play with it in any way.
-If you’re up to it, lloyd loves training with you. He’ll go easy on you considering he doesn’t want to hurt you, but if he does he feels so bad 😭
-When you two are together, Kai will do EVERYTHING in his willpower to embarrass Lloyd for funsies.
-One time, he totally showed you a picture of when Lloyd was little and he had that atrocious bowl cut. Let’s just say Kai was locked out of the monastery for a good 3 days 😁
-Doesn’t use many nicknames but does like to use a shortened ver of your name, to keep it simple. But he doesn’t mind calling you “gorgeous” or “beautiful” once in awhile, since to him you definitely are.
-Misako and Wu would definitely love you immediately after Lloyd introduces you (more so misako), no questions asked.
-Garmadon though? It depends. If you get to know him a bit better, then he’ll probably warm up to you. He’s just a bit weary because of his trust issues.
-Kinda same with the Ninja honestly, but they’ll warm up to you super quick when they see how you treat lloyd and how happy you make him. They just want the best for him is all.
-Lloyd really values his hair, like a ton. He takes super good care of it. And I really like to think after the events of crystalized, he started to actually grow his hair out.
-And by the time of dragons rising, his hair is all the way down to his lower back (he puts it in a low ponytail most of the time for combat reasons.)
-He’s both Japanese and Chinese!
-Demiromantic/sexual and omnisexual!!
-Looked up to Nya as a mother figure when he was little, and still does. He loves misako so very much, but resents her deep down.
-Has a little stubble in DR, kinda canon but whatevs.
-Has a pretty good singing voice, but only really does it in private.
-Outside of his Gi, the clothes he usually wears is just a jacket, a t-shirt and jeans 😭 he has like 15 jackets in his closet (he’s just like me fr)
-Has scars like all over his body, and some on his face from like the millions of battles he’s been in.
-He’s a little chubby, but has pretty muscular arms (🤭)
-Lloyd has like small non-human features that nod to the fact that he’s half oni and dragon.
-Like pointy ears, sharp teeth, and slitted pupils.
-Still has an adoration for candy.
-Every once in awhile, he still heads to Ninjago Doomsday Comix to buy a new issue of a comic he likes.
-He would probably enjoy music like Radiohead or some other sad stereotypical man music.
A/N: I can’t think of much else but I hope you guys enjoyed these!! I’ll write at my own pace for a little bit and then I’ll open requests. I gotta make a carrd sometime soon lmfao 😭
( @weirdotaku1000 these are the hcs I was working on!!)
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villain-crown · 6 months
forbid | @jegulus-microfic | words: 657
critical care, part 3 (part 1, part 2, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9)
a Jegulus nurse!AU
The thing about calling a code blue was that it could quickly turn into social hour if you weren’t careful. Mates that you hadn’t seen in awhile came out of the woodwork from all over the hospital to get in on the action, leading to a sort of impromptu reunion over the patient you were working to snatch from the claws of death.
“Lily! Oh my god, I haven’t seen you in ages—“
“Dorcas! What unit are you on these days?”
“Oi, Barty, I thought they fired you!”
Like now, apparently, as every person James had ever fucking met decided to grab a front row seat to spectate as he tried to make small talk with Regulus Black.
“It was a lovely day yesterday,” James began when they’d finished delivering a second shock to their patient. “The sun was out. Do you get out much, Regulus?”
James could feel Sirius’s suspicious gaze as Regulus glanced incredulously away from the new rhythm tracing itself on the cardiac monitor.
Still v. fib.
“…No. Sirius locks me in my bedroom and just lets me out four days a week when it’s time for me to be here—what the fuck kind of question is that, Potter!?”
Bloody hell, but Dorcas had clearly lied to Marlene about Regulus’s personality.
Sweet, Dorcas had called him.
No. This was a feral devil cat with a mouth full of knives and Merlin save him but James was so fucking into it.
“I wouldn’t rule that out,” Barty Crouch Jr. butted in unnecessary, watching Regulus’s vitriol land with an entertained expression. “One time I asked Reg if he wanted to check out my new apartment and Black threatened to peel my face off and put it on the CPR mannequin. I still haven’t gotten a proper answer.”
“There’s no need for him to go anywhere with you unsupervised, Crouch,” Sirius scowled, turning up the energy level of the defibrillator for their next attempt. “Just describe it to him.”
“Describe it? Well, okay. Picture it, Reg. You and Evan, in my bed—“
“Stop messing with him, idiot,” Regulus rolled his eyes, finally shoving Crouch’s arm off his delicate shoulders as Sirius picked up a spare saline flush and squirted it right in the blond’s face. To Sirius, he added, “he’s just trying to get a rise out of you, you know.”
“I’m calling HR you fucking asshole!”
“Fine, if you want to play that game. I’m sure they’d love to hear about you taking it from Lupin in the supply room last month.”
“Reggie! You can’t say dirty things like that! I forbid it!”
“I say a lot worse under the right circumstances, Sirius.”
James felt a flash of lightning race down his spine as Regulus maintained unwavering eye contact with him as he said so, ignoring Sirius’s outraged sputtering.
“I told you not to let Sirius catch you looking at his baby brother,” Marlene pointed out in an undertone, sidling up to James in the already crowded room.
“He’s bloody perfect.” James replied, unrepentant. “I’m going to marry him.”
“Dorcas called him sweet. I’m not getting that vibe.”
“Maybe he just needs a little… persuading.”
Marlene rolled her eyes, opening the airway drawer of the crash cart at Dorcas’s behest. “He’s mean, James.”
“He’s pretty, Marlene.”
“…You aren’t going to see reason, are you?”
“Absolutely not. Regulus Black is going to have my children.”
She looked back at the petite man with obvious misgivings. “If he doesn’t kill you first.”
“He could carve his initials into me with a scalpel and I’d thank him.”
“…You’re fucking crazy.”
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beautifulbrainrot · 1 year
regulus black x fem!reader
cw 18+ reader in lingerie, reader slaps reg once, cock ring, riding, bj, sub!reg
“Quiet now, Regulus. You don’t want anyone to hear you, do you?”
Regulus only whimpered slightly, before you slapped him across the face. His head flew back and he cried out, before you gripped his jaw, effectively silencing him.
“I said, quiet.” You whispered, seethingly, your brows furrowed. Regulus nodded quickly, the best he could with your hand still gripping his jaw harshly.
You let him go, stepping back slightly, giving Regulus the chance to admire you, which he of course did.
His eyes raked over your form slowly, taking in the beauty before him. You were clad only in white, lacy panties and bralette, the material practically see through, leaving nothing to his imagination. He stared for a little too long though, you yanked his hair, forcing him to look up at your face.
“Like what you see?” You purred, small smirk playing on your plush lips. Merlin, how Regulus would give anything to kiss you right now.
“Bet you're thinking about kissing me,” How did you do that? “Too bad you can’t. Bratty boys don’t get to kiss.” You hissed, leaning down to face him, lips inches from his.
Regulus’s head was spinning, every sense heightened. He could feel your breath against his lips, every beat of his heart, the blood rushing in his ears.
You leaned away again, turning your back to him, and he sighed.
“I think you deserve a punishment, Regulus. After being so naughty. Don’t you think so?”
Regulus knew better than to answer, until given explicit permission.
“You may answer.” You smiled, turning back around to face him, happy he had obeyed you.
“I was a brat. I deserve your punishment.” He answered, voice clear yet meek and submissive.
“Good boy.” You cooed, hooking your finger under his chin, thumb on his soft bottom lip, to lift his head. His expression softened at the praise, blush tinting his pale cheeks.
You dragged his bottom lip down slightly with your thumb, and he automatically opened his mouth.
“Do you want my thumb, baby?”
He nodded softly, submissively, eyes wide. You granted his wishes, sliding your thumb into his warm mouth, and he held it there gratefully.
You let him have it for a few seconds, before retracting. “You can’t always get what you want, Regulus.” You tutted before he could whine at the loss, instead just looking dejected, pout on his lips.
“Oh, don’t give me that look, Regulus.” You chastised, shaking your head. “You were bad. This is what bad boys get.”
You enunciated your words by finally wrapping your hand around his aching cock, giving it a swift pump, running your thumb over the leaking head.
He cried out, head dropping down as you finally provided him with relief. But he knew this was a punishment. Nothing good comes out of being bad, he knew that. A physical reminder of that fact was the cock ring at the base of his length, holding him tight, so tight that he could not get full release.
Oh, how he hated that little thing. How he despised it. But oh, Merlin, how he loved you having this amount of control over him. How he loved you having so much power over him. How he craved it.
He whimpered as you continued stroking his length, biting his lip as you sunk down to your knees before him.
Despite him being above, it was clear that you still held all the power. You looked up at him, eyes open wide, a deceivingly innocent facade.
You suddenly leaned in, licking a stripe from the top of the cock ring, to the sensitive tip of him.
Leaning back, you giggled as he moaned out, mouth dropped open and head flying back.
“Did that feel good, Regulus?” You giggled patronisingly, watching as his chest rose and fell dramatically with each breath.
After a beat of silence, just filled by his harsh breathing, you snapped your fingers. He immediately looked down at you.
“Yes- Yes, so good. You always make me feel so good.” He panted, gasping as you wrapped your hand around the base of him once again. You began slowly stroking him, paying close attention to every twitch of his cock as you stimulated it.
Regulus breathed heavily, whimpering as you worked his cock leisurely. You looked up at him, admiring his already fucked our expression, eyes dazed and teary and lips bitten. He looked perfect.
You leaned in close, keeping your eyes on his beautiful face as you wrapped your lips around the swollen, red tip of him. He cried out, wantonly, at the sudden warm wetness enveloping the most sensitive part of him.
Not giving him time to adjust, you lowered your head, taking in more and more of him engorged length, until your lips met the cock ring and he flexed against the back of your throat.
Merlin, how you loved the feeling of his cock in your mouth. How you loved to choke on his length, while still being fully in control of him. It gave you a sense of power and control that you so desperately craved.
Regulus’ whines and whimpers filled the quiet room as you began to bob your head on him. Tears filled his eyes as he started to feel so dangerously close to his release. But you would never let him get off that easily. That dastardly ring still clamped around the base of him, stopping him from reaching the release he so craved.
You lifted off him with a soft pop, licking your lips as Regulus watched you, eyes drooping, but unable to look away. How could he look away when you looked so perfect?
Getting up and stepping forward, you straddled his lap, kissing him deeply. The lace of your panties rubbed against his aching cock so perfectly as you kissed him, holding his head in your hands, fingers tousled in his soft curls.
Without warning, you moved your panties to the side, and sunk down on him. Regulus choked out a moan as your warmth enveloped him, your tight walls squeezing around him as you eased yourself onto him. You breathed a moan into his ear, burying your face in his shoulder he throbbed inside of your tight cunt.
A single tear dripped down his cheek as you clenched around his sensitive cock and he whimpered softly as you then began to kiss and nibble on his bare shoulder, up to the crook of his neck, which you sucked on harshly.
Without warning, you lifted yourself up off him, until your soaked cunt was only around the pink tip of him, before you slammed back down, smiling into his neck as he cried out in pleasure.
You began to ride him, moving your hips so that his cock would almost slip out of your wet heat before it swallowed him back in.
Regulus couldn’t stop the tears from pouring down his flushed cheeks. He was inside of you, balls deep in your warm, wet cunt, but he still couldn’t cum. With that damned cock ring still at the base of him, he couldn’t fill you, feel how you would mewl and shake as you both came together.
“Please-” He managed to cry, his voice desperate.
You lifted your head from his shoulder, smiling at the marks you had left on the pale skin, before looking into his pleading eyes.
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ellecdc · 6 months
Hi darling, maybe you have this request already, but I just found it funny that I literally woke up at 2am with thoughts of how did Poly!moonwater and reader got together and typed this on my phone half asleep
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Marauders taking over every part of my life now, ngl. Your writing especially, I'm literally in here morning, noon, and night the past weeks just enjoying your fics 🥹
Love you, please take care always 💜
LOL Mimi you are so stinking cute, waking up in a panic because you NEED to know how poly!moonwater came to be 😭😭😭😭 I love you
I can't really think of a one shot of this because I think it would be a slow progression, so I'm going to make it headcanons!
the origins of poly!moonwater x reader headcanons
you're totally right, they would have absolutely met in the library - perhaps tutoring group? Remus was tutoring in DADA (obvs), Reg maybe potions and reader....you can choose?
And I always picture tutoring like, in the library with the textbooks, discussing the concepts (not actual physical practice which would require them to actually duel, cast, mix potions etc)
I do imagine reader x reggie being friends first, though Remus was always friendly with them
I picture Reggie and reader to be same age/year so they would have classes together and such
I think perhaps Remus would notice lingering glances between reggie and reader and would decide to befriend them in an attempt to play match maker for the notoriously stand-offish Black and the very quiet you
Regulus would have at first been VERY confused, startled, and generally concerned when his brother's friend started sitting at his table in the library
I think this would be because he was a) slightly worried something was wrong with Sirius, b) convinced this was a prank, and c) shy because he definitely found the werewolf attractive and really (hated that he) liked how calm and assured the older boy seemed to be
"To what do I owe this....pleasure...Lupin?" He asked cautiously
Remus would have been all smiles at that. "Oh, I assure you that the pleasure is all mine, baby Black."
Regulus hated that
"So...you and L/N, hm?"
Regulus turned a beautiful shade of pink in Remus' opinion
"I assure you I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Hm. So I guess your lingering glances and shy smiles mean nothing?"
"And hers? Do they mean nothing as well?"
That caught Regulus' attention.
"What do you want, Lupin?"
"Is it a crime for me to want my best friends little brother to be happy?"
Regulus scowled. "As you so eloquently pointed out, Lupin, I'm a Black. I don't deserve happiness."
Remus sighed sadly at that. "I disagree. Besides, there's worse things to be, Black. Trust me."
"What, like a Gryffindor?" Regulus muttered what he thought was quietly, but Remus let out a hearty laugh.
So Remus decided to be a scheming little menace and mediate conversations between you two
"Hello baby Black!" Remus called out joyously one day, dragging you behind him by the crook of your elbow - you looked horrified. "Look who I found!"
Remus bodily sat you down at Regulus' library table and sat in a chair beside you near the exit, almost daring you to try to flee.
"Hello Lupin....hello, L/N." Regulus offered, knowing exactly what Remus was doing, but he couldn't pretend he wasn't at least a little pleased that you (and he) had joined him
You offered a small smile and a quiet hello in return
Remus looked between the two of you with the biggest smile on his face like he was watching two of his 1st year DADA students internalize a lesson they'd been working on for far too long
"How are your tutoring sessions going?" Remus asked, which seemed to spark some conversation and allowed the two of you to relax a little
you shared stories of some of the silly feuds of the first years, mistakes they made, crushes they had on each other - "oh that's good to know! I'm going to make them partner up next week" - and such
"Were we ever that small? they all seem so little" you commented.
"I don't think Lupin was ever that small." Regulus commented unintentionally which horrified him. He vowed to never say another thing to the two of you ever again. But that vow was broken the second he heard the sweet sound of your laugh at his comment, and Remus couldn't help but laugh too - watching you like this version of you was perhaps the most beautiful he'd ever seen you.
"I'll have you know I was average height in first year." Remus defended
"Yeah." you agreed disbelievingly, "average height for a fifth year - what do they feed you in Wales?"
Remus decided he actually really liked hanging out with you and Regulus, never mind his role of matchmaker.
hanging out with the two of you was like finding shelter in the middle of a thunderstorm - you dulled the sound of rain pouring down on him, offering him a safe, warm, dry place to recuperate from the chaos
Regulus was funny in a way that seemed to surprise even Regulus himself - so used to keeping his thoughts to himself. It was refreshing for Remus to see a personality come out so innocently and effortlessly - not performative in the slightest
you were very comfortable to let silence linger - never feeling the need to fill lulls in the conversation that didn't require it
and for being so quiet, Remus was very happy to discover how excited you got about things
"Reg! Remus!" You called (albeit quietly) one day as you came running into the library to show them a copy of some first year's essay on [insert subject you tutor]. "Look! Little Archie got an outstanding on his essay!"
Regulus and Remus were equally as enthusiastic as you (which would have looked very strange to anyone watching from the outside), both far more proud of you than either were of 'little Archie'.
But it was when Regulus noticed you blushing when Remus gave you a 'celebratory' hug that lasted far longer than strictly necessary that an idea of his own was formulated
"You know that Lupin has been trying to play matchmaker with us?" He asked as he approached you at the end of one of your shared classes.
You looked at him oddly.
"Disappointed?" He asked, mistaking your look for disappointment.
You were a little disappointed, albeit not for the reason's Regulus was suggesting
You had always had a little crush on Regulus throughout school, but you found that you really liked Remus too. And you liked spending time with Regulus and Remus - you looked forward to your little 'study/tutoring dates' as you'd taken to calling them. You were equally as excited when sharing a hello with Regulus in the halls as you were Remus, and...well...you kind of perhaps hoped they felt the same way. You were also certain Remus and Regulus felt that way about each other which didn't completely upset you.
"Really? I thought he just loved our company." you deadpanned instead, ignoring the subtle tightness in your chest.
Regulus' face morphed into a devious grin, however. "Oh...but I think he does. And I think you do too." he said, taking a chance and straightening your school tie, gently pulling you slightly closer to him. He swore he could feel the heat radiating from your cheeks as you swallowed thickly.
"What do you want, Black?"
Regulus smirked as he made eye contact with you. "You? Him? Both."
Your pupils dilated as your eyes flit between both of his, chancing a glance down to his lips as he licked them.
Remus was really looking forward to your study date today. He'd been trying to keep track of James all day who was on day four of no ADHD medication, talking Sirius off a cliff (aka, convincing him not to hex Mulciber at every given moment) and his only support through all of this was Peter (which was not very much support at all). He was very much looking forward to the calm oasis the two of you provided him
He was very embarrassed and ashamed when his heart plummeted to see the two of you walking in hand-in-hand, looking particularly infatuated
"What's this?" He said in faux excitement, only having to clear the lump in his throat once.
You smiled shyly while Regulus smiled victoriously.
"Your plan worked, Lupin. We've decided to give this a try." Regulus explained, holding your joined hands up and pressing a kiss to the back of your hand.
Remus chuckled but it sounded manic even to his own ears.
"Well! Wonderful!" he shouted about 4 octaves higher than usual. "I guess my work here is done." He admitted as he slowly and dishearteningly packed his things.
"Hey, not so fast." You chided softly, placing a gentle hand on his forearm. "What about you?"
"What about me?" He asked quietly, pretending your hand on him wasn't throwing him for a frenzy.
"We'll return the favour." Regulus explained. "Tell us who you like, and we'll make sure you get them."
Remus let out a humourless chuckle. "I don't think that's possible."
"No?" You asked innocently. Too innocently if you asked Remus.
"Come on. Tell us about them." Regulus said as he sat on the table to look down at Remus, body facing him in his chair. "Perhaps she has....beautiful eyes...." He said sultrily, looking pointedly at you. "Or lovely hair...." He added, twisting a lock between his fingers. "Or a smile capable of convincing you of just about anything."
Remus' heart was beating frantically. They were on to him. They saw right through him, surely, but not because they were missing half of it.
"Or..." You carried on. "Maybe he has black curls that fall disturbingly perfect....or grey eyes that make you feel so vulnerable yet build you up.....or has constellations of freckles lining him that you want nothing more than to memorize."
Remus let out a pained groan. He was caught.
"I'm sorry." He admitted into his hands.
"For what, Remus?" Regulus asked quietly, and Remus nearly sobbed. That was the first time he ever referred to him with his given name.
"I didn't mean to." He admitted. fall for both of you he admitted quietly in his mind
"Mean to what, Remus?" you asked, causing him to groan again.
"What do you guys want from me?"
"Just you." You admitted shyly.
He looked at the two of you dumbfounded. You had the grace to look slightly abashed at the request. But though Regulus sat with an air of casualness, Remus could see the slight dusting on his cheeks giving away his nerves.
"You're not serious?" He asked dumbly.
"No, thank goodness. I'd look terrible in red." Regulus joked, surprising a manic bark of laughter from him.
"Both of you want me?" He asked disbelievingly
"Do you want us?" You asked, still shyly but unbelievably brave in your vulnerability
"more than anything..." Remus admitted
Regulus' face morphed into a cocky grin as he stood from the table and walked around it. "Then it's settled." he said plainly as he sat at his place.
"And what exactly is settled?" Remus asked, looking between you as you sat in your place beside him and Regulus as he took out a book.
"You're both mine, and I'm both of yours, and you're each others. We're together, Remus. Do keep up."
Remus knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. He accepted this new reality and never looked back.
AN: (I wrote this during my lecture so I apologize for any errors)
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