#Relationship healing
brownsugar4hersoul · 8 months
If he’s not calling you, it’s because you are not on his mind. If he creates expectations for you, and then doesn’t follow through on little things, he will do same for big things. Be aware of this and realize that he’s okay with disappointing you. Don’t be with someone who doesn’t do what they say they’re going to do. If he’s choosing not to make a simple effort that would put you at ease and bring harmony to a recurring fight, then he doesn’t respect your feelings and needs. “Busy” is another word for “asshole.” “Asshole” is another word for the guy you’re dating. You deserve a fucking phone call.
Greg Behrendt
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hopesandmountains · 3 months
We’re not in control of our feelings, we may be in control over our actions which influence our feelings, but feelings are just feelings.
And I do think that love is a choice.
Because love isn’t always a feeling, it a bond that you work towards. You may have feelings of love if you work towards a love bond, but you may also have feelings of love just by being excited about something or reading a book for example.
But love is a two-sided choice.
If one side just gives up trying to build love, it’s impossible for one side to build love by themselves so it’s not right to force that person to stay trying to do the impossible task of keeping a love alive all by themselves.
And that’s not even mentioning abusive (physical, emotional, or mental).
Because love isn’t a trap.
You don’t get married and then force someone to love you forever.
Love is a continuous bond that you build over time, through good and bad.
But it’s also a choice.
Anybody can leave at anytime for whatever reason.
And yes it’s difficult knowing you could spend most of your life on someone who either will through it away or even just give up and check out on the love building.
But the answer isn’t to trap someone.
The answer is to find someone right for you, someone who will put that work in over time and someone you can learn to trust. Someone who will treat you right and with respect, love, nurture and care.
Someone who will help you to be the best version of yourself.
And love takes time and it takes communication and a lot of emotional and mental awareness from both parties, but that’s just how love is built.
You don’t want to be with someone who puts you down, someone who will disrespect you, or diminish your self worth in an attempt to keep you around.
Trauma-bonding is real, which is not mutual bonding over a traumatizing event, it’s one side traumatizing the other which caused the other party to become more dependent and attached to the person traumatizing them.
But attachment and co-dependency isn’t love.
If you’re feeling constantly anxious or afraid during a relationship, that’s not love.
Love is not built through traps or guilt-tripping or manipulation.
And if you recognize that you are attached or dependent upon someone, and you recognize that it’s not love and that it’s toxic and detrimental to your mental and physical health.
Please seek help.
It may seem like other people won’t help, but the more people are aware of the situation, the more they will want to help.
Remember that you are deserving of love, regardless of how you think or how you feel about yourself.
And that love is possible.
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ajthecinephile · 1 year
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lightofemotion · 10 months
Relationships are hard. Knowing when to stay & when to leave is even harder. It’s important to keep in mind that any relationship CAN become a healthy one if both people are committed to making things work.
Before cutting someone off, consider the following:
1. The frequency of their behaviour. I use the following to assess behaviour in myself and others based off movement assessment scales I used in my field of practice. Keep in mind I use this loosely—I’m not pulling out a calculator and calculating or anything.
0-5% of the time = never, rare
5-33% of the time = occasional
34-66% of the time = frequent
67-100% of the time = constant, always
When someone is doing something often enough, you’re going to take notice. Now, I try to address something the 2nd or 3rd time I notice it to avoid any bigger issues. As a general life lesson, I’ve learnt it’s better to handle things when they’re small & manageable—small issues become big issues if they go unaddressed long enough.
2. Is this person narcissistic or just avoidant? (In reference to page 3, 17 signs you’re in a toxic relationship outlines common red flags for narcissists). An avoidant person struggles with handling conflict (would shut down/ draw away, give silent treatment, have difficulty with their emotions) but would still be giving and considerate otherwise. Most people are avoidant, narcissism is more rare.
3. Did you address the red flag? Try talking about it first. Some people are acting unconsciously & may not be aware of their behaviour. How people react to you bringing up something calmly & with the intention of saving your relationship is very telling.
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loreladumbrava · 11 months
I fell inlove with you,
It hurts you're not with me.
Since the day you ghosted
I have only fantasies.
The feelings still not faded,
They linger within me
I would have loved you so much
Your heart I would receive.
I know you fight your demons,
I hope you fight them well
'Cause being with me requires
Dedication, love, true will.
I deserve true love,
And so do you, entirely.
Im sending you my love
To tear down any vail
That keeps you out forsken
Of the bliss that you deserve.
If my love will light your path,
I then shall see you,
On the other side
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sherkirti · 1 year
The Law of Correspondence emphasizes the importance of recognizing that patterns repeat throughout the universe, that our external reality is a mirror of what is happening inside of us. It encourages us to take responsibility for our lives and to view challenges and difficulties as opportunities for growth and self-discovery. This concept is beautifully summed up in Kaiser's mantra, "it's happening for you, not to you."
Kaiser reminds us that if our external reality is chaotic and fearful, it is because we carry chaos and fear within us. Similarly, if our life appears calm and grounded, it is because we feel peace within. However, this is not meant to be a source of shame or self-blame. This is not to say that it's your fault that for some reason the world isn't working—because of me, because of you. Rather, it is an invitation to look within and explore the underlying causes of our experiences.
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truenarracounseling · 17 days
The quest for balanced mental well-being and enriched relationships finds a sanctuary. Mental health counseling in Frisco, Texas is more than a service; it’s a journey toward rejuvenation and understanding. Every marriage, with its unique blend of personalities and challenges, can sometimes find itself in troubled waters.
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sevenseptember · 4 months
Oregon grape Flower Essence
Oregon Grape heals patterns of conditioning that are instilled in us, conditioning that tells us we aren’t safe in relationships and can't let our guard down. Oregon Grape helps you see the good intentions of others and disrupts paranoid thought processes, allowing trust and love to flourish.
Berberis aquifolium (yellow) Positive qualities: Loving inclusion of others, positive expectation of good will from others, ability to trust Patterns of imbalance: Paranoid or defensive behavior; expectation of hostility from others; antagonistic projection
Source: Flower Essence Society and Freedom Flowersr
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thepeacefulgarden · 10 months
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innerwisdomlight123 · 6 months
It can be difficult to maintain happy, healthy relationships in our fast-paced society. It's simple to lose sight of the vital relationships that give our lives joy and purpose, especially in the midst of the stresses and strains of daily life and the responsibilities of work. This is where Inner Wisdom Light comes in, providing a distinct and all-encompassing method of mending relationships.
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therainbowmiracle · 7 months
Revitalize Love: The Rainbow Miracle's Relationship Healing in India
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Nurture deep connections with The Rainbow Miracle's expert relationship healing. Reignite passion, resolve conflicts, and foster a harmonious bond with our transformative sessions across India. https://therainbowmiracle.com/relationship-healing/
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loreladumbrava · 1 year
Holding onto you feels too painful to stand with, You chose to let me go, and I had to handle it. You left me with questions that I had to answer, Telling me your feelings for you felt like a burden. You could’ve just tell me to leave you alone, You could’ve just block me to not reach you anymore. Instead you avoided tell me your truth And kept reading my messages in silence and aloof. What can I understand from this behaviour, dear Mister, How can I describe this, you look like a Trickster. Regardless of how is sounds, I would’ve take the truth, But now I just have to take it as it looks. I sincerly hope you’re going to be well, The connection we shared indeed felt highy real. I will remind of you with a smile on my face. The pain you inflicted teached me many lessons. I cherish them all in all colors and nature, I hope to reborn and so do you, dear secluded partner. I would’ve dive and explore you as long as I could, But I must to accept this ending, as you deliberately chosed. You know the reasons, better than all. Maybe one day I will know Who I was in your inner world.
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Intimacy in a relationship can ebb and flow like tides, and it’s not uncommon for couples to face challenging periods that test their bond. When a rough patch hits, it’s important to remember that seeking support is a proactive step toward rekindling the flame of love. Whether dealing with relationship and divorce recovery or just the strain of daily life, there are ways to reconnect and rebuild.
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Family, with its intricate dynamics and unique connections, forms the cornerstone of our lives. When challenges arise within this core unit, seeking help through family therapy can be a profound step toward healing and growth.
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Healing Together: Overcoming Infidelity with Faith and Forgiveness
Feeling the Pain When someone you care about does something as hurtful as having an affair, it can feel like your world is falling apart. This kind of betrayal shakes the very foundation of trust that your relationship was built on. In the Bible, Psalm 34:18 reminds us that “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Even in moments of deep pain and…
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