#So that must be extra weakness to ice
driftingballoons · 11 months
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Gotta stay warm as the temperature drops
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jarofstyles · 9 months
Illicit- 4
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Heyyyy my loves! Here is part 4 of Illicit and a better look into Harry's behavior without Y/N... not a nice man but he's OUR man <3
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Wc- 3.3k
warnings- asshole h, infidelity, slight violence, paparazzi
Harry was reaching a boiling point. 
Katherine had stolen him away from Y/N for the night, under the guise her father set as a business dinner. Said he had something to discuss with him at a new, up and coming restaurant that it was imperative that he came tonight. He had to peel himself away from Y/N who was curled on his couch with her laptop in her lap, doing a bit of clothing shopping while he leaned against her to help veto and approve on things she was on the fence about. He had been having a very good time being domestic this afternoon to be forced away was already pissing him the fuck off. 
So to find a table clear of said man and just see his daughter there with a scheming beam on her face? It was the worst possible option. Of course, she assured him that her ‘daddy’ would be coming shortly, but by the time their entrees arrived, Harry was fairly certain of what was happening. 
H: I need wine when I get home. 
Y/N: Yeah.. someone sent me an article. 
Harry’s stomach dropped when she sent the link, an article that must have only been published just a few moments ago. A photo of a preening Katherine across from him had been snuck. Thankfully his face was blank, ever so practiced. She was leaning across the table with a preen all over her face, the angle taken so you couldn’t see the third drink set out for her father who was mysteriously not there. 
This had to be a set up. He wasn’t giving the image of the doting, in love boyfriend that Katherine wanted and she was obviously a bit more cunning than he had originally anticipated. He was beginning to piece things together again, and he was getting more furious by the minute. 
The real anger stemmed from being taken away from one of the rarer nights he didn’t have work to check up on periodically, and he’d cleared it just for her. It was like she somehow knew how to piss him off out of some fucked up intuition. While Y/N had the owner's manual on how to make him happy, Katherine knew how to make him irrationally angry. Despite his asshole behavior he was still nice compared to the whole plethora of things he wanted to tell her.
He had no qualms about embarrassing her publicly. It’s where she had weakness. Her reputation. 
H: I’m leaving in a moment. I have a theory about this. Brant Jr never showed up. 
Y/N: Seriously????
H: Yes. What ice cream do you want me to pick up on my way home, my love?
Y/N: ……
Y/N: You’re good, H. Mint Choc pls <3
H: Anything for you. I’ll be home soon. Go get changed into something more comfortable. 
Harry tucked his phone back in his pocket, turning to Katherine who had been watching him curiously. “So when are you going to admit you stole your father’s work phone and tricked me here?” He had waited until the waitress was in earshot. This was a story he wished would actually show up on TMZ. “Because I was having a very important evening and was torn away from people I had meticulously scheduled to come here and discuss ‘emergency business’ changes. I didn’t ask you to dinner because I didn’t have time for these silly things, and because I didn’t want to.” Harry tugged his wallet out. “You are childish. I knew that. But messing with important business shit because you’re trying to trick me into a dinner and planting one of your friends at another table to get some clicks for your weird fangirls living vicariously and extra money?” He pointed directly where he had found one of her friends, the redhead’s eyes widening as Harry caught her phone up and gave his stone cold glare. “My business isn’t a fucking game, Katherine. Wasting my time when I’m doing things because you’re throwing a childish tantrum because I can’t shower you in affection every hour of the day? What did we discuss last time?”
“Harry, darling, you’re being a bit loud-” Katherine chuckled nervously, eyes wide as she had been figured out. The waitress and tables close could clearly hear him. She hated negative attention and had been working at trying to market them as some sort of ‘it couple’, which wasn’t going to work for him anymore.  He was growing tired of this scheme and really needed her to just end it so the contract could be over, null and void. 
“I can be louder, if you want.” He said ruthlessly. “I can let all of your little friends know the image of our relationship you paint is a sham, that you try to make me out as someone who I never had been, and never will be for you. I am not in love with you, Katherine. I told you, if you wanted to date me that it would be on my terms. If that makes me an ‘asshole’” He sneered, “So be it. I’ve never lied about my stance in dating you. I let you prance around and use my name to get into clubs that your own last name is too irrelevant to get you into, I allow you to pose photographs of me though you know I despise it when you do, I allow you to use my yacht and I let you use my home in Los Angeles before I sold it to have one of those stupid influencer parties you love to post about although, I know you hate half of those girls.” He knew his voice was carrying, but he didn’t care.  “You are the one hurting yourself by making this relationship out to be anything but it is. A means to an end.” For both of them, but she would know now just how onto her he’s been. 
“I’ve let it go for a while. I’ve allowed you to do what made you feel better because if it kept you off of my back while I handled things on my own, I was fine.You even harassed my friends for the lake house keypad number, which is fucking pathetic.” it really was and Harry had been mad since then, but this was growing past a disrespect he was willing to accept. “ But you’re fucking with business now. I will not ever stand for it. If I say no, it means no. If I say not tonight, it means not tonight. If I say to stop calling, stop fucking calling me.” He let his voice seethe while his face remained mostly it’s usual cold sneer, throwing a few bills on the table. “Continue fucking with my business and see how that ends up. Your father could build up a company, and I can take it down just as fast.”
He stood up, righting his jacket as he watched her pale face, knowing he had just scared her. He didn’t care. Maybe there was something wrong with him, but he truly, to the bottom of his heart, didn’t care about her feelings. The one girl he cared about was waiting for her mint chocolate chip ice cream. 
“Are- Are you threatening me?” She shriekd quietly, making Harry pause, calling their waitress all the way over.
“It’s not a threat, but a promise.” There was no questioning that he meant it. Looking towards the waitress, he handed her a generous tip and nodded, leaving the restaurant to find flashing cameras. One particular flash pissed him off, and catching Harry in a bad mood was not a good thing to do. 
His hand shot out, grabbing the surely expensive to the man’s camera, and threw it forcefully onto the pavement. It shattered into little pieces, the lens crackling on the sidewalk and the plastic of the body falling into shards, his blank stare going from the broken beyond repair camera to the sputtering camera man. His face was tomato red while Harry’s jaw remained sharp and clenched, raising a brow in challenge. 
“What the fuck! My fucking camera!” He bellowed. “I’m gonna sue the fuck out of you!” 
Harry grabbed his business card out from his pocket, handing it to the man. “Reach out. It will be a pleasure to beat you in court.” 
His car was in the lot, which he quickly got to and peeled out of the parking lot. He wasn’t even inside of the shop yet when he got a call from Y/N. Her contact photo brought a smile to his face, answering it as he briskly walked inside the automatic doors and grabbed a little basket. 
“Hi, my love.” He murmured, making his way towards the back, knowing the exact brand she wanted from the freezer. 
“Did you really break a camera?” Y/N squeaked into the phone. It made him laugh, not pausing in his expedition. She was still relatively new to his life and didn’t seem to google him like everyone else who met him. Even if it felt like she was meant to be with him forever, that their souls had always been familiar, she hadn’t seen much of that side of him yet. 
“Yes.” He hummed. “Shoved it in my face, blinded me for a moment. I was already angry. The photographers know it's a risk when I’m involved, darling.” It was sort of his thing. If people got too close, hit him with it, intruded on his personal space, he was quick to rid himself of the problem. They were lucky he chose the camera and not the person behind it. Harry really didn’t care, and he knew some would label him as toxic or maybe even crazy, but it wasn’t something he cared about. His temper was notorious. 
“Christ! H!” Y/N laughed in disbelief. “Hannah sent me an article. There’s a video circling social media. I haven’t watched it yet.” 
“Good. Don’t, it’s a waste of time yeah? Told you I’m an open book for you, sweetheart. Can ask me any questions you’d like when I get back to you.” He tucked the phone between his shoulder and cheek, opening up the freezer door to grab their designated flavors. “Stay comfortable for me, I’m just about to check out and get home t’you. I’ll talk to you in a bit.” It was something Harry wished he could have happen every day. Going home to her. She was the centerpiece of his home now and her absence was palpable when he got home and she was at her own place or out and about. 
They said their goodbyes and Harry found himself lost in his head as he used the self check out to pay for their sweets. He avoided most social interaction when he could because everyone always had a favor to ask him, a question, a dig. It was nice to be able to pay and avoid the pointless small talk with a cashier who usually didn’t give an actual shit, or someone who obviously gave far too much of one. His lone wolf lifestyle suited him just fine- but now Y/N fit into it. She wasn’t just anyone, her voice didn’t grate on his nerves, and he was in love with her. He figured adding another lone wolf to his life wouldn’t hurt- not when it was her.
“Harry…” Y/N laughed, licking her spoon clean. “While I am most definitely proud of you for how quickly you can come up with comebacks and witty words, I’d prefer they not be needed at all.” Her smile faded, leaning further into him. The man had stripped himself of his suit and found his clothes after a quick shower, trying to rid himself of the disaster and waste of a night. Now he was going to be with the woman he had been looking forward to spending time with for the rest of the night. 
“Unfortunately, s’part of the job.” His thumb rubbed over her shoulder as she leaned into the man, his neediness even more apparent when he’d plucked her up from her spot and sat down to settle her in his lap. “Paparazzi are, for some reason, something that still is a thing and they make a pretty penny on photos of me because I like to dodge them.” Harry was not the stereotype of a nepotism child. He did work for what was given to him but he was under no false pretenses. He knew that he was born into an almost impossible wealth, one that some of his peers had deluded themselves into thinking they could be anything. The so-called ‘self made’ millionaires as if they didn’t have billions to cushion their blow if they were to be shot down. He liked to hide away from the attention part of it the best he could, but sometimes appearing at things was a necessary evil. 
“I know.” The angel in his lap grumbled. “I know it is but it still makes me irritated that you have to worry about it. That they’ve gotten so far in your face that you were even able to do that. It’s just rude and invading your privacy.” Her little pout did something to his formerly black, charred heart. 
Y/N was his opposite in a good way. She was love and warmth and light and morals. Harry was cold, cruel, darkness. Iron compared to gold. If it were anyone else, he thinks he may be slightly annoyed by their cheerfulness, their optimism. Harry had seen a lot of the world and a lot of the bad sides of people, skeletons hidden in closets and the life of the elite. It was hard to be optimistic at times when he’d seen such hopelessness, but she managed to peel back some of the grimy layers in his dim outlook in life, his cynical snarks and soften the jagged edges just a bit. He wasn’t a changed man- no. He didn’t have rainbows out his ass, he wasn’t a warm being, but he held the new wick that was lit up in a dim glow when it came to her. He could be good to her. Thankfully Y/N wasn’t looking for more. She didn't want to change him. 
“Oh, my love.” He sighed, his hand chilled from the ice cream coming up to her chin. “It’s alright. They’ll learn at some point. Besides… It isn’t a normal occurrence when I just go out, not normally. Katherine called them, I’m positive.” The mirth in his eyes returned at the reminder of the woman. “I’m going to call Brant tomorrow and let him know of the antics, but I’m going to threaten again. I don’t want to be under this contract anymore.” His voice quieted, looking at Y/N who dropped her eyes from his. His stomach twisted, knowing where her head went. “Hey, sweetness. Look at me.” He urged, trying to catch her eyes again. “You know that I’m looking for every way out, yeah? If I can’t use that, m’gonna move on to the next idea. It’s hard when I’m contract bound, but I’m going to make her break up with me.” 
Honestly,  he was surprised she hadn’t just from tonight. It had him suspicious of her. There was no way that her ego wasn’t bruised from his spiked tongue tonight. He’d made sure other people heard the verbal hits, made sure some of it would be sold to the same publication she was trying to make a few bucks off by planting her friends to take photos. There was a prayer in his mind that maybe that would move it on, make her give him up. Surely, she was someone’s dream trophy wife. Sure as fuck not his, but maybe someone else. 
“I know. I just hate….” Y/N paused, giving her eyes back to him. “I hate that she makes you so miserable, but I’m glad that you hate her. I feel like an awful human being, but I just hate so much about her and It makes me feel like there’s something wrong with me.” 
This was news to Harry, surprisingly enough to actually show on his face. She’d mentioned disliking Katherine before but to see her struggling with her hatred towards the woman who was trying to claim her boyfriend as hers in the public eye, it made him feel even more guilty. He didn’t want this for her, he didn’t want her upset- but he knew that it was his own fault. 
“There’s nothing wrong with you, Y/N.” He said seriously. “I know that hatred isn’t something that your pretty heart feels a lot so m’sure it does feel a bit off but I promise you, it’s worth hating.” There was a pause, thumb squeezing her jaw slightly and watching as it popped open from the little trick. “If I had to see you out with someone else… I’d be murderous. If another man said you were his, I’d enjoy knocking every tooth from his skull.” His jaw tightened. There was no way. Every time he thought about it it made him ache, so he knew that it must be similar to her. Though he couldn’t imagine Y/N’s gentle soul to be murderous, she at the very least must be angry. 
“Cool it, cowboy.” Y/N crooned, watching as his brain was visibly showing his thoughts on his face. “No one is coming to get me. I’m all yours.” It was like she was soothing a dragon. To be fair, Harry was pretty sure that if it could, smoke would be coming from his ears or his nose. Y/N could read him very well but to be honest, he did little to hide his emotions from her anymore. His girl was just good at knowing him, and he appreciated every moment of it. He couldnt lie and say that her insistence of being his didn’t please him- it absolutely did. 
Harry had quite a few morally gray qualities and one was his possessiveness. Words like that, telling him that she was all his, it made him hard. Settled him in a primal, animalistic way and he wasn’t going to stop it. Y/N had been clued into it, knowing the exact right thing to sway his mood a different way. Knowing that the woman curled up to him thought of herself as his, that she was fully belonging to him and would be proud to be his as soon as they could be in the limelight. Harry would be equally as happy with people knowing he belonged to her, and he had no shame in labeling himself as so- but Y/N was playing into his weaknesses. 
“You are, aren’t you? And I’m yours.” His voice dropped an octave, moving his hand down a little bit to cup the side of her neck. “No matter what she tries to play to the public, no matter the image shes trying to sell, I belong to you, sweetheart. Heart and soul. It’s all yours.” No truer words had been spoken. Harry was an honest man, most of the time, but this wasn’t something he would lie about. He wouldn’t declare his heart as hers if it wasn’t. “My messy little girl.” He swiped away a bit of ice cream from the corner of her lip with his free hand, bringing it to his mouth to suck it away, keeping her eyes on his. Her ice cream was melting in the tub in her hand, and Harry had a better idea on what too with it now. 
“Let’s not talk about her anymore, my angel.” He suggested, gently moving her closer to him. “Why don’t you let me have my sweets now, yeah? Taste them off of you?”
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an0nymousmessenger · 1 year
Boyfriend Gojo Headcannons
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ft. Boyfriend Gojo Satoru tags. gn!reader, fluff
Boyfriend!Satoru is someone who would always fight with you to open the doors, even if it’s in your shared apartment. He would run ahead or block you from trying to open it by yourself. He says it’s his job as a boyfriend after constant bickering back and forth.
Boyfriend!Satoru would buy and store sweets around the apartment, sometimes even hiding them from you as you would sometimes complain about how it’s bad for him.
Boyfriend!Satoru is someone who would wake up in the middle of the night to brew tea for you if you couldn’t sleep without complaint. He would do it every night if it meant you’d feel better after drinking it.
Boyfriend!Satoru phone would be full of photos and videos of you, good and bad ones. He would have his Lock Screen be a photo of you looking your worst, insisting it’s the best photo of you.
Boyfriend!Satoru peppers you with soft gentle kisses at least a few times a day. 
Boyfriend!Satoru whose social media is just him showing you off.
Boyfriend!Satoru would cuddle you every night, (it’s a must he says) and would pull you closer if you try to escape. He would hold you tight as if you're the most precious and delicate thing in the world while mumbling sweet nothings into your ear to lull you to sleep. And on the days he’s away for work he would call you on FaceTime to fall asleep too.
Boyfriend!Satoru would chase you around with the bug you would ask him to kill before killing it.
Boyfriend!Satoru would purposely put on scary movies just for you to hold onto him tighter.
Boyfriend!Satoru who is ticklish but never turns on his infinity when you abuse this weakness.
Boyfriend!Satoru would always steal the covers. 
Boyfriend!Satoru who buys matching pairs of everything just so he can brag to everyone that he’s yours.
Boyfriend!Satoru who would ask to take a bite of your ice cream and proceed to inhale half of it.
Boyfriend!Satoru would be extra clingy to you when drunk, latching onto you as if it were his lifeline, slurring all his compliments and confessions about how much he’s in love with you, and how you got him wrapped around your finger.
Boyfriend!Satoru who would always stay up till midnight to be the first person to wish you a happy birthday.
Boyfriend!Satoru who insists on putting up the most extravagant Christmas tree to outshine your neighbors.
Boyfriend!Satoru who would cry when proposing to you. (And at the wedding)
a/n : Just something short and sweet (´ー`)
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mono-dot-jpeg · 1 year
child support - kafka & himeko
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summary; you miss your parents but it's okay, you got new ones now.
genre/extra tags; fluff, found family, himeko & kafka give me divorced couple energy but in a good way, possibly ooc kafhime, almost mute! reader, kafka pays the child support, comfort vibes only, slight angst ig????
[gender neutral reader] [platonic] [7-8 yrs old! reader]
[warnings; implied child abandonment, describing hypothermia symptoms (in the first-ish half)]
word count; 1.1k
a/n; you know it took me a solid few moments and a google search to figure what kafhime was bc i forgot that shipping exists for a moment. i don't really engage in shipping especially when i know that some people,,, transfer over to games from the same company they like and those people can be... weird or in my face about shipping. but who am i to judge. also kaf and hime can be interpreted as just two rude besties or just platonic (/hj) this fic is more long winded than i expected. idk, it was a little bit difficult to figure out. but hope you enjoy!
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cold. everything was so cold.
how have you even managed for so long? you thought you were a goner. the people who first found you almost thought you were a goner with how despondent you were stuck in the old rickety house you once lived in. you were so tired, so gone in your mind, you couldn't feel anything. you were lucky to live, that's what you heard from the doctors.
why did fate leave you like this?
"hello dear. are you feeling any better?" a gentle motherly voice rings in the warm room. the room was a bit warmer than the rest, maybe it was just for your sake or this was just a normal thing. you weren't sure. you lived out in belobog after all. a palace of ice and a hundred winters. but it's not like you remember much of what even got you out in the dangerous cold in the first place.
you feel a hand press against your forehead. "colder than winter itself. poor kid." the same voice speaks again. "perhaps she can help me out for this." the hand moves away from you, making a weak cry leave your lips. "sorry. sorry. i guess it isn't warm enough for you in here." she apologized. "perhaps pompom can find some more fluffy blankets."
you twist and turn as her open thought chatter starts to wake you up more. you turn to rest on your side and find an unfamiliar woman as you're in an unfamiliar room. you choke up in fear as you struggle to get up and keep yourself far away from her.
"dear, you're barely even recovered! don't move too quickly!" it's too late for her words and you can't even get that far away. your tiny body is heavy and you only manage to move not even 2 inches away. the red head doesn't make any move to startle you. "i know you must be scared. i'm here to help you." she lowers herself to face eye level with you. "do you remember anything?"
you don't say a word and stare.
"we don't have to talk about it. you don't need to say anything. just nod or shake your head, does that sound okay?" she smiles gently, hoping to appear as not as scary to you.
you hesitantly nod.
"thank you for answering. you must still be feeling cold, right?"
she grabbed a nearby blanket, "is it okay if i drape this over you? won't touch you or anything." she glances at you, making sure you either nod or shake your head.
you slowly nod, remembering how cold you are.
she doesn't make any fast movements, noting your flinchy behavior. she wraps the blanket around your shoulders gently but you still flinch when it touches you.
"now what's this about a little child?" you flinch at a new voice. another feminine voice that you find a bit more melodic than the warm tones of the other. then another lady enters. you inch towards the farthest corner of the bed.
"kafka, you're going to scare them."
"aw, don't be so mean." she pretends to sound hurt but her voice is teasing. "where did you find the kid?"
"in belobog. outside of the city. well, trailblazer, march and dan heng found them. they were stuck in the freezing snow." kafka's face grimaces at the thought of seeing you stuck in the snow helpless without anyone able to find you. "but anyways, you should head out, lest the others know about you being here so suddenly."
"i paid for the items you're giving to the little star, at least let me stay for a little while longer." himeko sighs before realizing.
"i forgot to introduce myself-" the red head looks over at you who is covered in blanket, attempting to hide yourself. "see, you did scare them!" she muttered to the other. "i'm sorry about her, dear. my name is himeko. this is kafka."
"sorry for scaring you, little one. i tend to do that." kafka hummed. "well, that aside, miss himeko over here and i, we want to take care of you. but we can't be doing that when you're stuck in your little cocoon." she gently chuckled. you slowly get out of the blankets, head peeking out to look up at the lady. "well, that's a start. have you eaten yet?" she asked.
you don't say anything but your belly grumbles.
"i know what would take care of that." himeko smiled. you hear the knocks at the door but no figure enters but you hear shuffling. "pompom got some food for you, himeko!" and you find yourself face to face with a cute living rabbit in a conductor's outfit. himeko gets up opening the door and grabbing the plate of food.
"thank you pompom." himeko hummed as she closes the door. kafka soon moves to sit by the bed. you still stay head peeked with the blankets as you stare at the plate of food and then himeko. himeko walked over. "this is for you, dear. you can stay on the bed if you want. me and kafka will be right back." the redhead places a hand on kafka's shoulder, slowly pushing her as they both leave into what you assume is a bathroom. once they do, you can hear them talking but you're too focused on eating to care about the conversation.
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you finish eating and you're feeling much better than before but it doesn't stop you from keeping away from himeko and kafka. it makes them a little sad but they're so patient as they converse with you as if nothing's wrong.
you don't really answer or say anything really. you just nod or shake your head depending on what they ask you. and they seem satisfied with that.
"can you give us your name? unless you're still uncomfortable."
you tell them your name weakly.
"what a lovely name. now. i'm sorry that we have to get a little heavy but, have you always been living out of the city in your home?"
you give a small nod.
"what about your parents?" himeko speaks softly and carefully. she watches as your eyes water and you shake your head. "oh, sorry, sorry. let it out." she moves to sit by you in the bed. kafka sighs.
"of course we couldn't have known about that but would you like to stay with me and himeko? i know himeko wouldn't want to leave you in a state like this."
you think for a moment, well.. there's nowhere else to really go. you nodded. and you watch as two gentle smiles grow. you feel a bit calmer and you can feel some reassurance that you have a chance to continue your life.
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Riddle Rosehearts - Bloom Birthday Vignette
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Riddle: It's time for the customary interview. I must prepare myself to provide proper responses so as to be a role model to the other students.
Riddle: There is five minutes remaining until it is slated to begin. I wonder if we will be able to start on time…
???: For celebrities like me, it is crucial to be punctual. Although, I cannot say I blame you for your concern.
Riddle: Ah, so you're my presenter, Vil-senpai. It seems this interview should run smoothly.
Vil: Well, aren't you lucky, Riddle? Don't you think having me as your presenter is the best birthday gift one could receive?
Riddle: Fufu, you're right. Thank you, and please be gentle with me.
Vil: Alright, let me start from the beginning… Riddle, Happy Birthday. I'll start the interview now.
Vil: “If you could use flight magic to go anywhere, where would you like to go?”
Riddle: Anywhere while using flight magic, you say…? Given that condition, I believe I would be able to fly back and forth between the Queendom of Roses and Sage's Island.
Vil: If I recall, you're from the Queendom of Roses, yes? Are you looking to take quick day trips back home?
Riddle: Oh, I wouldn't go home, but instead, I'd like to go out to this one ranch.
Vil: A ranch? That's… actually not too surprising, I suppose. You are in the Equestrian club, after all.
Riddle: Come to think of it, I believe they also offered horseback riding lessons… My recollection is from some time ago, so I'm not sure if they still offer it, however.
Vil: Oh, so you've gone before?
Riddle: Yes, during one of my elementary school extra curriculars.
Riddle: It wasn't very far from my hometown, so many of my classmates would visit there on weekends.
Riddle: It seems it was common for them to buy some ice cream from the ice cream vans they had stationed around the ranch…
Riddle: Even when we visited for our extracurricular course, I recall many of my classmates eating that ice cream.
Vil: Well now, it must have been very popular. So, essentially, you wish to once more taste that ice cream from time long past, yes?
Riddle: I've never eaten it. At the time, my mother had forbidden me from having snacks of that sort.
Riddle: So, while I am interested in their ice cream… I would also like to visit the ranch's café.
Vil: Has that café still been in operation since that time?
Riddle: Actually, it opened after I enrolled here at Night Raven College.
Riddle: I saw an advert for it in a magazine that one of my dormmates were reading, so I researched it on the internet…
Riddle: They're really well known for their white and fluffy whipped cream topped sweets, so much so that apparently some customers come from overseas just to try it.
Vil: From overseas, even? That's impressive, especially for a ranch café.
Riddle: I agree. There was even a showcase of their delicious looking sweets on their website as well.
Riddle: Among them, I found the cream tart to look the most appealing… So I have been wanting to eat it someday.
Vil: So, put simply, you wish to go to this ranch and come back without your mom ever finding out? Ahaha! I like it!
Vil: For you of all people to want to secretly snack like this, I guess you've truly embraced the spirit of Night Raven College.
Riddle: That's not…! Ah, no, it probably is just as you've surmised, Vil-senpai.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Vil: NEXT! Here's the next question.
Vil: "What is your best class?"
Riddle: As I always receive a perfect score on my tests, when it comes to grades, I have no obvious strengths or weaknesses.
Riddle: If I must choose one, I suppose I'd choose Practical Magic.
Vil: True, practical application of magic is a very useful skill.
Vil: Although, back when my magic first presented itself, I do remember thinking, that I could do it much faster if I didn't use magic, however.
Riddle: That's understandable. In Heartslabyul, we use our magic for practical application when painting the roses, or transporting our tableware, but…
Riddle: For those who are unsteady when it comes to their magical output and control, they often just do it with their own hands, instead of magic. This is especially true with our inexperienced first years.
Vil: You say that as if you were not like them.
Riddle: That's exactly correct. Before I even enrolled in Night Raven College, I already was capable of casting practical magic our classwork requires us to use.
Riddle: It wouldn't even take me 10 minutes to paint all the roses in our garden red.
Vil: I expect that would be true, especially coming from you. Were you receiving special training before coming here?
Riddle: Yes… My parents are both mages, so I acquired my knowledge through the assignments my mother tasked me.
Vil: I wouldn't know anything about how living as a family of mages would be. I'm curious to know what kind of assignments she gave you.
Riddle: The simpler tasks would be those such as putting away the books I had finished reading or changing my outfit.
Riddle: Let me see, I think it might have been when I was five years old when I once fell asleep from exhaustion in the middle of finishing what had been tasked to me...
Riddle: My mother had come in to check on my progress, and she scolded me fervently. After that, I was given another task to complete.
Vil: I assume your mother simply very earnest when it comes to your education… But she sure does not take it easy on her child, I see.
Riddle: …As I endeavored to complete all my assignments, I could tell that my own abilities were growing bit by bit.
Riddle: I could feel my own motivation surging after I had set a goal for myself, to complete all my assigned tasks before my mother would come to check in on me.
Riddle: I can still clearly remember that proud feeling that coursed through me the first time I was able to achieve that goal.
Vil: Essentially, you were challenging yourself to a speedrun, is that it? I can't help but be impressed by your diligence.
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[Heartslabyul Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Vil: Alright then, this is your last question.
Vil: “What would you like to do in the coming year?”
Riddle: I would like to improve my cooking skills.
Vil: YOU, COOK!? Rather, I should ask, why did you decide to try to improve that?
Riddle: I have several reasons, but… I suppose the biggest one is that I realized that there is still much I don't know about cooking.
Vil: Well, that is a laudable thing for you to say, a far cry different from your comments earlier. Perhaps you'd elaborate further for me.
Riddle: The other day, I was invited to have lunch with Trey and Cater. They said that Trey was planning on making the food…
Riddle: So I asked them what he was making, and he responded, "I'll just look in the fridge and decide after I see what's available."
Vil: And what did you eat that day, then?
Riddle: The main dish was a cheese omelette. It seems he used the leftover ingredients from when we baked some cheese tarts the day before.
Riddle: We had leftover carrots and raisins from making a carrot cake, and those were tossed into a salad side dish.
Riddle: In addition, he also made soup and dessert for us. All with ingredients that we had in the kitchen.
Vil: For a lunch that was made with whatever was leftover, that sounds as if it was rather splendid.
Riddle: As the food was almost finished, Ace and Deuce showed up, having followed the aroma to see where it was coming from…
Riddle: In the end, it was the five of us eating lunch together that day. Cater, Ace, and Deuce had nothing but praise for the food.
Riddle: I was truly astounded… I never expected such a delicious meal from leftovers like that, let alone multiple courses.
Riddle: I always believed that cooking required one to plan the menu ahead of time and carefully prepare each step and ingredient properly.
Vil: You're not wrong, either. It's actually rather difficult to create dishes on the fly like that without any experience.
Riddle: Trey explained that there many times that he would cook instead of his parents, so he just naturally learned how.
Riddle: When he said that, I came to a realization. It wasn't enough for me to only memorize recipes, but I needed to gain more experience as well.
Riddle: Eventually, once I leave the dormitory and my parent's home, I'll be on my own and I may need to cook for myself.
Riddle: If I am able to use up all my ingredients and seasonings without being wasteful, then it should also reduce the time I would need for shopping.
Riddle: That's why I intend on taking continual Master Chef courses in order to gain that practical know-how.
Vil: I have this feeling that you may find that there will be many challenges when you live alone, much more than just cooking.
Riddle: …What does that mean?
Vil: Well, there's a plethora of things I can think of… But for now, I suppose I'm just extremely curious what kind of interior design you'll end up choosing.
Riddle: My interior design choice, hm. You're right, I would need to assemble a complete set of furniture once I start living alone.
Riddle: If I ever come to purchase any furniture, it would be an honor to receive advice from you, Vil-senpai.
Vil: This concludes the interview. I was able to learn many fascinating things about you.
Vil: Here, take this. This broom has copious amounts of bright red flowers and suits a leading man like yourself well.
Riddle: Thank you very much. Red is a color that symbolizes both Heartslabyul and the Queen of Hearts.
Riddle: If nothing else, it fills me with joy. I shall demonstrate flight skills that is worthy of such a broom.
Vil: What high spirits. Well then, go on now. I look forward to seeing what the Dorm Leader of Heartslabyul can really do.
Riddle: Of course. I absolutely won't disappoint.
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Riddle: Flying in the sky is a simple task. I'll show every person gathered here my true ability!
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Requested @leonakingscholarship and @agnesmontague.
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lanitalay · 11 months
Before I Say Goodnight
Chapter 5
a/n: this one was fun for me. enjoy!!!
Other chapters
wordcount: 2.5k
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“Good morning” you sit across the table from him “what’s for breakfast?” He picks up a piece of toast from his plate and flashes you a sleepy smile and says “anything you like”. Magic house, right. “In that case, I’d like a cinnamon roll, an omelet, hot chocolate and orange juice” placing your hands on the table as the list of food begins to appear in front of you. You half waited for Azriel to make a comment about your choice of breakfast but he only said “a cinnamon roll sounds really good right now” and then his own plate appeared. A giggle, an actual giggle, escaped your lips. Get a grip. “Cheers” you motion with your bun and he returns the gesture. “If Cassian sees me having simple carbs for breakfast he’ll make me run an extra ten miles at training tomorrow” his eyes have gone wide and it reminds you of the kid you used to babysit when you would take him to the ice cream shop on the way home from school. “The super fit general doesn’t like a sweet treat?” you ask between bites. “It’s not that he doesn’t like sweets but when he gets in his trainer mindset he becomes a pain in the ass” you snort “and I’m guessing you have a sweet tooth?” he nods once “it’s my only weakness” you roll your eyes and smile as you keep eating. Everything was delicious, you basically inhaled the cinnamon roll and hot chocolate. As you push those dishes away they vanish. This house freaking rules. You go to eat the omelet as Azriel asks “How did you find your room?” “Oh it’s beautiful and the bed is very comfy” he continues “did you sleep well?” You shake your head “well, once I fell asleep it was fine but I was up until late tossing and turning”. “I’m sure this has been difficult to process” you sip the orange juice, throat suddenly feeling dry “uhm, yeah it feels fake, all of this and last night was the first night I got the chance to think without being distracted or interrupted and… I was just overwhelmed” Azriel nodded and you jumped a little as you felt a cooling sensation against your cheek “sorry, they usually don’t bother people” he said and pulled his shadows away from you. You bring your hand up and notice the tear tracks. I must be dehydrated from all this crying. Lightly laughing you say “I don't even notice when I cry anymore, before I got here I don’t remember the last time I cried and I can’t seem to stop” another laugh slips as another shadow swipes the last falling tear. “I can’t even begin to understand how you feel, but if you want my opinion, I think you’ve been incredibly resilient”  he gets up from the table “I’ll see you later” and walks away. You can’t help but feel a little embarrassed crying in front of him before the day has even begun. 
“You must be y/n! Nesta told me you’d be joining us today” after breakfast and a little bit of walking about the house trying to remember where everything was. Feyre had found you and informed you that the priestesses were ready to begin. “I”m Gwyn” she held out her hand and offered you a million dollar smile. You shook her hand and offered her a five dollar smile in return. “Well, follow me,” she walked you through shelves and shelves of ancient looking volumes and tomes and from what you gathered these books could very well be thousands of years old. The thought made you feel very small. “I have taken it upon myself to take charge of this project and put together a small group to find out how to get you home” she said the last few words in a whisper. So the portal business is not for everyone to know, makes sense. You spend the next few hours meeting the other priestesses and beginning the search for books that might have what you’re looking for. By lunchtime you are starving and in need of fresh air. 
You opt for lunch on your balcony. But regret it almost immediately, the peace and quiet opening the floodgates of your mind and soon enough you’ve lost your appetite. Sighing, you get up from the little table and walk into the room. You grab your bag and empty it out on the bed. You had some snacks, your water bottle, an extra pair of socks you had forgotten about, your wallet, passport, sunglasses, phone and sunscreen. That was it. This is it. You place everything that you have to your name in the drawer of your bedside table and resist the urge to cry again. There’s still a full day ahead. The despair quiets down as you return to the library and are consumed by the work. 
After a full day of research you feel like your mind is going to explode. This will take months, if we’re lucky. You return to the dining room and see Cassian, Azriel and who you could only assume is Nesta already eating. “Y/n! Meet my mate, Nesta” Cassian excitedly points to the female beside him. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you” you try to muster up some energy but the defeat in your voice and your face is obvious. “It’s nice to meet you as well, I apologize I wasn’t here yesterday but I assume everything has gone well with the house?” At that you can’t help the enthusiastic nod “the house is fantastic”. You start to make yourself a plate and they return to their conversation but you don’t really listen to what they say. You keep going over and over it. Before you got here, before you stepped on that circle- there was something there. But you hadn’t seen anything, not a shadow, not a footprint, nothing. But the quiet… whatever it was, it was a predator that had scared off all but one prey. Maybe it was a trap. You feel sick. Oh god. “Y/n? You’re pale” Azriel’s voice snaps you from your spiral and you see the three of them sharing the same concerned look. I hate that look. “I’m just tired, it’s been… a long day” you try to finish your dinner but between their worried glances and your lack of appetite you can’t do it. “I’m gonna call it a night, guys” you say and walk to your room. 
The next few days are a blur of the same routine: breakfast with Azriel and sometimes Nesta, research, lunch, research, dinner, sleep. On the third day Azriel is the only one at breakfast “do you only have two changes of clothes?” You furrow your brows at him, “yes” last night had been the second sleepless one and you were in no mood to be tested. “I can take you into town if you’d like, get you something else to add to the rotation” you appreciated his offer, truly, the dress and the leggings were getting old “thanks, but I have no currency or goods or services that I can exchange for new clothes. These will have to do” you start drinking your tea, the only thing you could stomach since yesterday. “Y/n, you are an official guest of the Night Court. You can charge whatever you need or want to the High Lord” Oh “I did not know that. I’ve never been an official guest of anything. But still, you’ve already given me too much”. He stays serious as he says “We leave after you finish breakfast” he pushes a cinnamon roll in front of you. “I guess we can leave now” he doesn’t move “you’re not going to eat?” You shake your head “I’d love to but I am not hungry at all” he looks at you square in the face and you know he can see through the paper thin mask you’ve put on. “Very well, let’s go then”. 
“Do you prefer pants or skirts?” Azriel asked as you walked through a very busy part of Velaris. “Well it depends, I like skirts for leisurely activities and pants for everything else” Azriel looked around, he seemed just as lost as you were “fair enough”. “Azriel, do you know where we’re going?” He placed his hand on your back to guide you through the crowd “of course I do”. You say nothing. Both of us seem to be in a mood today. “Here we are,” he points to a quiet looking storefront “Feyre and Nesta talk about this shop a lot”. You walk in and see a mixture of textiles, prints and cuts that revive a part of you that has been dormant for a while. “Oh my god, this is great” Azriel lets out a breath and says “go crazy” and you do. Two hours and three full bags later you walk out of the shop. “I feel like I went overboard, we should return half of these things” you go turn around but Azriel’s wing stops you from walking any further. “Nonsense,  you need the clothes, now we need to get you some new shoes” you look at your boots “what’s wrong with these?” He walks into a shoe shop “nothing is wrong with them, but don’t you want something more comfortable?” You would like some slippers and maybe something cute to wear with the dresses “alright, if you insist”. As you walk towards the displays you miss the smile that ghosts over Azriel’s face. 
“I’ve got to hand it to you, Azriel. Getting out of the house and the library was just what the doctor ordered” you say as you bite down on a cinnamon roll that you had ordered at a little bakery. “A change of scenery is always nice I suppose” you nod and keep eating. “Y/n, feel free to not answer if you don’t want to but what is your world like?” Dammit, just as I was having a nice time. You sip some tea, your throat having gone dry yet again. Breathe, come one. In. Out. “It’s ok. Well for starters there’s no magic. There is war, famine, illness. But we also have so much beauty. Where I’m from the trees are always green and the sky is constantly blue. We have beaches and rivers. I was traveling before I got here, and I saw a bit of the world away from my home and it was beautiful. Similar to this, but the stars felt like a painting and these feel like living beings. We have art and I guess the most recent advancement has been the internet, but that’s a whole other conversation. There are so many animals, we keep some as pets. I had or have a dog. But there are monkeys and dolphins and butterflies and oh- we move around by cars or planes or trains mainly. We have horses but ever since the industrial revolution they aren’t the main form of transportation” you talked for what felt like hours, by the end your throat was sore from overuse. Azriel had listened to it all and had committed every detail to memory. Even if he didn't understand the internet or how planes flew without magic. 
 After the snack break Azriel let you know that you were going to have lunch at the River House with Feyre and Elain, the third sister you had yet to meet. The sister Mor thinks Azriel is enamored with. The walk back was pretty long but enjoyable, conversation with the Shadowsinger seemed to flow naturally and he seemed interested in everything you had to say so when he announced you had arrived you couldn’t help the disappointment that bubbled in your chest. The River House was a spectacular mansion overlooking the Sidra. “Azriel, y/n! Come over here, Elain is just finishing up lunch” Feyre said in place of greeting. You follow Azriel towards glass doors that lead to a beautiful garden terrace, where you are greeted by a delicious looking spread of finger foods. “I tried to make everything baby friendly” a delicate musical voice says to Azriel. You look from the spread towards the voice “you must be Elain, I’m y/n”. She smiles and says “lovely to meet you, please start without me, I’m in the middle of decorating a cake” you note the apron she dons and the frosting that stains her pretty face. I’d be into her if I was Azriel.
Feyre, Nyx, Azriel and yourself enjoy lunch and simple conversation “there’s only a few more weeks of summer so we try to make the most of this weather before the Sidra freezes” you nod, having noticed that the breezes gliding through the air seem to be getting cooler and cooler everyday. The High Lady lets the little boy out of his chair, he doesn’t look older than two. Once he’s free of the confines of his high chair he races to the lawn and begins to play with some toys he probably left there earlier.  “Here we are” Elain returns to the table with an intricately decorated cake, it has all sorts of flowers and leaves made of pastel color frosting and Elain herself looks perfectly put together, she looks for her nephew “Nyxie, do you want a slice?” The table laughs as he ignores her and goes back to playing. “Sorry Elain, you know how he gets after being still for too long” Feyre says. The domestic scene fills your heart with longing for your own family. That could’ve been you. Your blood runs cold as you hear the distinct lilt of your mother’s voice. Not this again. You had had some reprieve of those words ever since getting here. “So Elain, I’ve been told you garden?” You ask to fill the comfortable silence the group had fallen into. Luckily Elain had a lot to say about the upcoming autumn harvest and her plans for the following year. 
After lunch concluded, you and Azriel went back to the House of Wind where you resumed the routine you had grown to appreciate. In the morning you would wake up and actually choose an outfit, which was a nice addition, have breakfast and go to the library. After lunch you’d go back to the library until dinner. After dinner you’d either walk around the house, find a book to read, maybe journal a bit. Other nights were a bit more fun though, someone would take you into town and you’d go dancing or walk along the river or visit art galleries. It was a nice routine. Predictable. Dependable. Enjoyable. 
So Azriel was very surprised when you walked into the dinning room with a huff and a scowl. “What’s the matter?” You look at him like with wild eyes “Azriel I can’t do it anymore” he stiffens and you continue “The priestesses are all very nice and Gwyn is a sweetheart but the only thing I do is look for books for them to read because they are all written in ancient languages I don’t understand. I’m so bored, Azriel, I’m numb with boredom. I’m not a researcher and I can’t even contribute, not really. I don’t wanna go back down there. It’s dark and cold and I need sunshine. Sunshine!” you finish by dropping into your chair and putting your head between your hands. “I see-” you interrupt him “and I’m sorry I sound ungrateful ok? You’ve all been very nice”. He continues “if you need a change of pace you could come with me to the human lands, I’ll be there for a few days on an assignment. I’d appreciate the company” you could kiss him.
 “When do we leave?” 
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journey-to-the-attic · 7 months
3rd anni req 1: lucifer / night dagger scene
ao3 link
note: what better way to kick things off than to make lucifer so very sad! this is based on lesson 38 of the original game, during the whole three-realms-imbalance-lucifer-amnesia arc. requested by anonymous - thank you!
little bit of context: in our version, the source of the imbalance is an 'aberration', which ik is the 'host' of - owing to the weird time stuff + exposure to extremely potent foreign magic, meaning she has the exact specific constitution that allows the aberration to form
∎ ∎ ∎ ∎ ∎
“I’ve told you everything I know. Do what you think is right - I trust you.”
Solomon tells me this, presses a cold blade into my hand, and leaves. Lucifer stands in his wake and stares at me in blank silence.
Do what you think is right.
For the first time since he woke up without his memories, I’m grateful that he doesn’t remember anything. I don’t think I could have looked him in the eye if they’d held even a shred more clarity.
“How much did you hear?” I ask.
Ten frozen seconds tick by without a word. Lucifer steps forward - cautiously, as if approaching a stray dog - and slips the dagger from my hand.
I watch as he balances the blade between two fingers. It looks so fragile that it might shatter at a touch. A single ray of light glances from the sharp edge, into the red of his eyes.
He doesn’t flinch. “So this is the solution.”
He’s holding the blade just out of reach - just high enough that I can’t snatch it back. I wonder if he’s doing it on purpose.
“It’s only a last resort,” I say, without really processing it. “Solomon’s clever. He’ll come up with something else. He will, he— he has to.”
Lucifer’s eyes flash down to me. Slowly, he crouches down.
“...it’s strange. There are certain things that still haven’t disappeared, even if I’ve forgotten everything else." He smiles a little. "This house - I don’t remember how we came to be here. But I know it is where we've all been together, and I know it is where I want to stay.”
He reaches up, cradling my cheek in a gloveless hand. His skin is ice-cold - but I can only lean closer, grasping for comfort where it lingers, in the way that his thumb still moves in exactly the same soothing motion.
“I don’t remember who I must have been,” He says softly. “But the feeling remains. If this is what it takes to keep you safe, so be it. If we don’t fix this quickly, you’ll all suffer for it. I cannot allow that.”
I hate that he can make it sound so easy. When he presses the dagger back into my hand, I can’t fight it.
“Just close your eyes.” He cups his hand around mine, closing my numb fingers around the handle. “It’ll be over before you know it.”
And he points the tip into his heart.
My hand trembles. He holds it steady. He won’t look me in the eye, won’t raise his head - he keeps it bowed in supplication, waiting silently for the blow.
I can’t do this.
Lucifer doesn’t know how to die. I don’t want to be the one to teach him.
Do what’s right. Do what you think is right.
Do what’s right.
Do what you think is right.
I don’t understand. This is all to restore balance - but why? Why does it have to be like this?
The dagger needs power if the aberration is to be cut out with precision. It has to be done with precision if I don’t want it to tear me apart on the way out. Once torn from its only host, it’ll disappear.
...I should’ve put two and two together. It’s not that I’m special enough to need this whole fancy scheme. This is all a work-around for just how mundane I am.
Solomon hasn’t been telling me everything. Either he’s tricked me, or he’s tricked himself - into thinking that the only solutions for this end with me alive. He watches over humanity, and that includes me - so of course he wouldn't tell me. Of course he's decided that this is the best course of action, because he thinks he knows best.
The dagger could drain the life from my weak human body in an instant - no extra fuss. With that, everything would be fixed. But he's chosen something else. And for this version of the plan, Lucifer has to die instead.
I suppose Solomon doesn’t know me as well as I thought he did. Surely he’d realise that this is worse than anything else he could have asked me to do.
Do what’s right.
Or maybe that’s why he asked me to do it. He knows what would happen if I realised I had any other choice, and it goes against his very purpose to let me do it.
In fact, he's known for a while now. He's just pretended not to, and I haven't questioned it because it's so obvious. If it did work, he'd have brought it up, right?
And that's exactly what he was banking on. Too bad I've outsmarted him at this turn.
Do what you think is right.
I’ve made up my mind.
“No.” Before Lucifer can pull away, I reach up and seize the knife with my other hand as well. “I’m not doing this.”
His expression stutters. “What—”
“This is stupid.” I try to wrest it from him, but he holds fast. “Why are we doing this? Wouldn’t it be so much easier if I just—”
His eyes widen, and he interrupts sharply, “That is not an option.”
“If I'm gone, it all ends." I can't fool him. All I can do is try to reason with him. "I can fix this. I can give you your memories back.”
“And what do you expect me to do after that?!” His voice cracks. It feels as if the sound might break him apart. “You’ll give me my memories - and what will happen when I remember who I am mourning?!”
“You’ll carry on. You always do.” I try to look him in the eyes. He refuses to look back. “If I let you die— that’s thousands of years gone, and thousands more that you won’t have anymore. I know you - you'd want those memories back."
"Your family matters more to you than anything - you'd never want to forget them." I try to offer him a smile - just as he did as he prepared to tell me to kill him. "I'm not important enough to make you give that up."
He stops struggling. His expression is hollow. “...you are lying to me.”
"I know."
Stalemate. Neither of us will back down. Neither of us will let go.
My sleeve has slipped up. There’s a pin-prick of dark blue light winking up at me - a pact he once made to protect me.
I won’t make him do it. But I have to make sure he won’t stop me.
“Lucifer. Give me the dagger.” My head is clearer than ever before. “That’s an order.”
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vihola · 7 months
Get to Know Your Tav
Tagged by @starknstarwars, thanks! 💜
Tagging anyone who wants to do it, and specifically @mimabeann, @ladyorin, @dameaylin, @keldae, @greyias
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What is your tav’s favorite weapon?
She becomes very fond of the Pale Oak staff she receives in the Emerald Grove. She carries it everywhere not because it's the best option but because it reminds her what it feels like to finally be accepted. That feeling alone is enough to give her extra confidence against all odds. 
style of combat?
Every step is calculated. Verbena doesn't rush into the fray but steps back and takes a good look at her opponents. She seeks any weak spot to exploit, any tactical advantage. And then she's ready to kick ass.
most prized possession?
Her old lyre. It was the only possession she took when she ran away from the childhood home. It has become the only friend that stayed by her side for years. She cares for it reverently, fussing over every speck of dirt and every little scratch.
deepest desire?
Her every granted wish turned out to be a double-edged sword, so she's afraid to truly want something. She desperately wanted a family and got adopted by abusive narcissists. She wanted to make the world better and ended up hurting people. She wanted the freedom to choose her own path and got it at the cost of being completely alone. Maybe it's safer not to want anything at all.
guilty pleasure?
She's addicted to shiny things. You can't convince her to sell all the jewelry she looted in exchange for something more practical like camp supplies. No, she will wear rings on every finger instead.
best-kept secret
Her entire past. She shares bits and pieces when she must, like when she encounters shadow druids who recognize her. But she puts these pieces into a whole picture only after reaching Baldur's Gate.
greatest strength?
Perceptiveness. She's very good at reading people and picking up on little cues after years of hypervigilance.
fatal flaw?
Secrecy. She seems so open, surely you can trust her to tell you everything? Wrong. You can bare your soul to her without learning anything in return. She won't talk about the enemies that may come back to haunt her or about the fact that she might unexpectedly die at any moment. Not until you press her or until it's too late. And when you demand to know why she withheld this important information, she just shrugs. "You didn't ask," she says.
favorite smell?
The way the air smells after a thunderstorm. It makes her feel like the world has been renewed, washed clean of all cruelty and injustice. If only this feeling could last. 
favorite spell or cantrip?
She has a favorite spell for every situation. Combat? Thorn whip or Ice knife. Too many enemies? Invisibility. Trying to talk it out instead of fighting? Detect thoughts.
pet peeve?
She can't stand bullies and gladly uses every opportunity to put them in their place.
bad habit?
She can't walk past an animal without attempting to talk to it. And every dead body has a story, let's summon the spirit of that decomposing guy! It's time-consuming for her and exasperating for others, but she just can't help herself.
hidden talent?
Can sneak like a pro. She's been doing it all her life – staying out of trouble in the orphanage, hiding from her parents when they were in one of their volatile moods, evading suspicious people in her travels.
leisure activity?
She loves calm evenings when she can just sit back, play her lyre, and finally finish the lyrics that have been stuck in her head for days.
favorite drink?
She likes to come up with her own tea blends. Not all or her attempts are successful, but she will drink them anyway and then share the good blends with others. She also loves mulled wine, but only if she gets to be in charge of spices. She always complains that taverns make the blandest mulled wine and whoever is responsible for it should be in jail.
comfort food?
Freshly baked bread. She can't make it and rarely visits cities, so it feels like such a luxurious treat.
favorite person(s)?
The friends she meets while trying to get rid of the damn parasite, she has no one else. She burned all the bridges to her past and resigned herself to being alone because she was denied love and control everywhere she went. And it's so strange and wonderful to bond with someone after all that loneliness. Maybe she's terrified of Lae'zel and tempted to kick Astarion's ass. Maybe at first she doesn't trust anyone in her party and expects betrayal. But these weird traumatized people find their way into her heart and stay there forever.
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic)?
It's easier for her to be physically affectionate in her wild shape. Verbena as a cat shamelessly bonks her friends and purrs in their laps. Verbena as a tiefling is a little awkward and touch-starved, but she learns to enjoy hugs very much.
fondest childhood memory?
Childhood memories are tricky. She fondly remembers her best friend from the orphanage, but thinking of the orphanage itself makes her blood run cold. She remembers when her parents were affectionate and generous, but then she recalls how they used her for their entertainment. Every memory is tainted, every bright moment leaves a bitter aftertaste.
free-response! Is there anything else about your Tav you’d like to share?
The party has no idea that a friendly cat who often shows up in their camp is actually Verbena. And then she uses her wild shape in front of them to investigate without alerting nearby enemies. The party is shook. Gale apologizes for petting her.
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good-beanswrites · 2 months
Can I request a director's commentary for the drabble that started it all? (Mahiru visits Amane)
Though since it's over 500 words (so much for "drabble=100 words"), I'd put more weight at the beginning.
LISTEN I didn't realize, I got it confused with Sudden Fiction (to be fair, that doesn't have as nice of a ring to it as "drabble") 😂 I guess I'll need to update my tag name hmm... But yes! The very beginning of OoA! I won't include it here because I know I've talked about it before, but there was definitely a lot of pre-planning for this scene just trying to get the au to work in general. I pretty much had to go with a injury swap because any other situation in which Kotoko was left alone with Amane would have resulted in her or Mahiru dying 😭
TW for Amane's cult beliefs and indirect talk of suicide
Mahiru could practically feel her heart shatter into a million pieces when Amane finally cried in front of her. She hadn’t shed a single tear yesterday – it was the shock, Shidou said. Mahiru was skeptical. After all, she had been shocked, too, and cried plenty.
I know it's cheap to try and jump start an emotional scene by just saying "they were crying" but I didn't necessarily want the reader to be upset yet, but I wanted the crying to be a warning sign for the reader. We haven't seen Amane allow herself weakness, so it's a big deal that she was pushed to the point of doing so. Mahiru, too, has constantly looked on the bright side and stayed positive in canon, so I wanted to make audiences aware that something That Bad happened to make her heart break too.
Amane woke as she came in with breakfast. She took a moment to survey herself, bandages peeking out from beneath her pajamas and an eyepatch securely over her right eye. As calmly as one might say “good morning,” she started to cry. Mahiru might have missed it, if Amane hadn’t wiped at her good eye with her sleeve.
The reality hits Amane in this moment -- the adults aren't going to let her refuse the medical aid. She fell asleep with everything torn off, so the fact that someone came in the middle of the night to put it all back on forced her to realize no matter how many times she takes it off, it won't be enough. As well as the pain and exhaustion, it's her defeat that makes her cry.
“Oh, sweetheart…!” Mahiru rushed over to her. “It’s okay, I’m here.” She wanted nothing more than to wrap the girl in a secure embrace, but she remembered the mass of bandages that were around her chest. Shidou had mentioned broken ribs and bruises. It took everything in her not to cry along with Amane, at the thought.
“I can get you another ice pack, if you need. Or more medicine.” Her mind spun with ways to help with pain. Many of the first aid supplies had been used to keep Fuuta from the brink of death, but surely there were extras to spare for Amane. 
I knew the reader would be thinking of it already, but I tried to highlight the miscommunication as best I could -- Mahiru thinks she's crying over pain, then the fear of Kotoko "punishing" her again, and only later realizes it's something else altogether.
The girl just shook her head. 
She muttered, “I can’t… I…I’m going to be punished, I’m going to be punished…”
Also. Um. How fucked up is that. Imagine being in a supernatural prison cut off from all reality and nearly killed by someone and your first fear is "my parents might be able to get in and hurt me more for accepting help from someone else." Ah.
“No! You’re safe now.” Mahiru placed her hands gently on Amane’s arms. “Kotoko’s not coming back. We’re all watching over you. You’re safe. She’s not going to hurt you anymore.” 
“That’s not…” Amane pulled away. Her voice stayed level, despite hiccups interrupting her. A hand reached up to her eyepatch. “It’s this. It’s all of this. It’s sinful. I took it off last night, but he must have…” She started unwrapping it. “They’re going to punish me...” 
She assumes it's Shidou, but honestly it could have been anyone who came to check on her. I played around with Mahiru confessing to doing it herself, but that made things messier than I wanted for this (though we did get a taste of that later on!)
With a careful motion, Mahiru held it in place and took Amane’s hands into her own. She’d been picking up on the signs ever since they arrived here together, and a final wave of understanding washed over her. 
I know people paint Mahiru as oblivious, but I think can read people extremely well (she just chooses to overstep or ignore things she doesn't like). Amane also doesn't really keep her beliefs and past a secret, so Mahiru would have always known what her home life was like. She's realizing right now just how dire the situation was, though.
“I can’t let you do that.”
Amane’s expression twisted, though words came out far more frantic than fiery. “Let me go.”  
Mahiru didn’t. “I’m sorry. Amane, you need this treatment.”
“That is not your decision to make. That is not any human’s decision to make.”
Mahiru pressed her lips together. “I know. But I can’t watch as you… I can’t sit by again while someone…”
"... kills themself when I could have stopped them." This is a really tough moment for Mahiru, because her theme with "letting others follow their beliefs" (Kotoko, Es, her bf) clashes with the feeling of getting a second chance at her crime. She's in the same position, and can save someone who's hurting themself, but she needs to be "cruel" to them to save them, a concept she still can't fathom.
She was careful not to apply any pressure, but she could no longer fight the urge to gather Amane up in her arms. “You don’t need to be afraid of those people, anymore.”
“I’m not afraid.” Amane hiccuped. “They love me, and I love them. I need to be good for them.”
I really wanted some line of Mahiru's thoughts here, some kind of emphasis of "NO! That's NOT love!!!!" but nothing felt natural, nor would it go over well with Amane (and Mahiru knows that). I went with the safe bet of her confessing her own love.
“I love you, and I don’t want to see you in pain.”
“You just pity me because I’m young.”
“Why does your age matter? You are a lovely young woman – you are my friend – and I can’t bear to see you in pain.”
The two sat in silence for a moment. Mahiru doubted she would take that as an answer; Amane had refused to call any of the others her friend.
I don't know if that's true in canon asdfsdf. She seems the type to keep things professional with the others -- she's here for judgement, this is no place for friendships. At the same time, she's the type with a big hear would definitely be kind enough to call everyone her friend... So at least for this fic, I liked the idea of her being very isolated in order to contrast how close she'd grown to Mahiru.
At least she didn’t argue. In fact, it seemed she was leaning into the embrace a bit more. She sighed a shaky breath into Mahiru’s uniform.
“Listen, Amane. Can you do me a favor? I’m trying to be a good girl, too. To make up for something awful, I need to make sure you’re alright. Can you help me? Can we be good together?”
Amane immediately sees through the trick. She knows that Mahiru's just trying to tempt her into agreeing by framing it as Amane being a hero and saving Mahiru, instead of the other way around. At the same time, no other adult has done something like that -- when adults want her to do something, they just demand it. By offering her a gentle excuse in the first place, Mahiru sways her a bit more.
And I mean, Amane also knows how honest Mahiru is. Even though Mahiru's framing things this way for the sake of the situation, she is actually trying to make up for her murder, and Amane does want to help.
A long pause followed. Amane’s voice spoke up, ever so gently.
“I suppose I can consider it.” She added quickly, “for the sake of your redemption. Of course.”
It's the most reluctant "yes" imaginable -- I suppose I can consider it for your sake -- but the important thing is it's not a "no." I couldnt picture Amane agreeing explicitly for a looong time -- maybe ever. By speaking it out loud it becomes real, but if she creeps around it with non-denials its okay...
"Of course."
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Yautja x trans read on period part 2
Looks like I'm making three parts cause I got some great suggestion's for a male yautja from @empressnarria that I just had to write, than you for the amazing suggestion. The next part will be a female yautja.
Same warnings as the first part but of course I'll add them to this one.
Warnings: blood, swearing, bones, period,
Like always
Minors don't interact!!!
This like the first part is just a whole lot of fluff from your yautja mate.
Formated on a phone, sorry if it looks wonky on different devices. Not spell checked, I'll fix any if anyone finds them.
Male Yautja
Having cravings your mate can't get from his planet? He's flying off to earth to get you anything you want to eat and extra just in case. If your craving different stuff and ask him about those when he gets back he'll sigh and march right back into his ship to get that too.
He will want to try what you get though, it must be good if he had to go all the way to earth to get it, it was worth it though to see how happy you were he would do it again of you asked him. When he tried your chocolate icecream that seemed to have more chocolate added to it than possible he reeled back holding his head. It hurt! Why were you eating something that causes pain!? He was so confused when he heard you laughing at him, he looked like a kicked puppy as he held his head. You had to explain to him that eating ice cream to fast causes brain freeze and it will pass.
He won't eat ice cream again not trusting it. However he wouldn't say no to a little if you spoon feed him it.
Now if you have a meat craving that he can get on board with he'll jump up and race out the door to go hunt the biggest thing he can find to bring back to you. He'll be a little disappointed that you ask him to cook the meat first but then remembers oomans can't eat raw meat like he can. He won't complain about it again.
Every time your on your period he'll make a nest of pelts and pillows, your not allowed to get up he's snuggling you and pampering you the whole time.
If your being extra snuggly when you get junk food craving that you can only get from earth he'll whine lightlgly not wanting to stop cuddling you but he'll get up and go, your his special little mate, he'd fight the sun for you. If space had speeding laws he'd break each one rushing to and from earth to get you your junk food.
Having bad cramps? He's cooing softly as he gently places his warm hand on your stomach applying a small amount of pressure. Expect lots of kisses and nuzzles until your cramps pass you by. He feels awful that you have to go through this, he worries he doesn't do enough. Please tell him how much you appreciate him big scary alien men need praise and appreciation too.
Bleeding everywhere and feeling awful about it? Don't worry, he got scared the forst time he smelled your blood but now he's used to the scent. It's odd how sweet is smells compared to normal blood. He kinda likes it? He doesn't want to admit that though in case it embarrassed you. Any spilled blood he'll clean it up no problem don't worry about it ooman mate he got this.
Anyone sniffing around because if the sweet blood in the air quickly gets a growling male in the face. Will fight anyone to protect his little mate in a time of weakness.
He may have read a few ooman articles to learn more, apparently it helps oomans to swear to deal with pain? Maybe try cursing? He has no idea what most of these words your saying it but it seems to be working? No idea what a cock sucking mother fuck is but you sure did say it a lot.
Chocolate and teddy bears seem to be a thing that helps according to this ooman document. He doesn't trust the chocolate ice cream any more but he'll get you other chocolaty things. Fruit is good for oomans, chocolate covered strawberries seem like a good idea. Getting you a couple new stuffed animals he'll present them to you as if he had hunted them. He was delighted when you happily took the items.
Sense your laying around in bed all day you wouldn't mind if he cleaned his trophies in the bedroom then right? He claims it's so he can be there if you need his help but he mostly wants to show off his trophies. If you comment about the skulls while snuggled in the stuffed animals he gave you with a heating pad, though he's jealous of the heating pad, he'll be delighted if you talk about his trophies. Talking is good, talking means your not dying, please don't die on him. He knows your period won't kill you but they way you act some times makes him think your about to die.
If you cry at all because of your hormones he will panic. He has no idea what to do. Pulling you into his chest he'll burry your face in his plump chest. Oh you stopped crying, that's good, why are you kneading his chest though?
If you have a couch and tv at his ship or home at his planet expect lazy cuddles while watching tv. Cooking shows are boring to him he prefers raw food anyway. Now reality tv that he likes, he likes it even more when the petty people on the tv start fighting each other. Don't tell him it's all fake he won't understand and he'll get confused.
Oh no you bleed though onto your favorite comfy pants and the bloods not coming. Please don't cry he's rushing out to earth to search every for at least five more pairs for you. Don't worry he'll buy you as many as you need. He won't through the ruined pants out, he'll still keep trying to get the blood out if it held meaning to you. If he manages to get the blood out he'll present it to you so happily his hard work paid off.
If you ask for a pet while on your period he's going to any planet he needs to go to for it and will present it to moment he gets back. He couldn't wait he wanted to see the look of joy on your face, it was worth it. Might get a little jealous if you give the pet more kisses than you give him. Please give him more kisses.
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yanderemommabean · 2 years
(You don't do have to answer this question if you are not into Overwatch anymore dont worry 😅)
What would it be like to wake up one morning with Hanzo? opening your eyes to sunlight or maybe him waking you up (not nsfw necessarily just fluff that's my biggest weakness, yandere intimidating male characters being soft and lovely with reader it's just-😫💖 I hope I'm not the only one here :'D)
A warm hand caresses your face softly as you stir awake, eyebrows furrowing as you try and fight off the dread of waking up. You hear a chortle, and roll over to bury your face in the warm body beside you, groaning as the sunlight slowly fills the room. “What are you doing?” a deep voice asks, a hand coming to rub up and down your back as you adjust and try to curl in a bit more.
“Avoiding waking up. What are you doing?” you groused.
Hanzo smiles as he plays with your hair, wrapping his leg around yours to pull you in closer “Admiring the love of my life. In this one and the next”
You tried to keep playing with a pout, but couldn’t stop the little laugh bubbling from you. “You think we’ll know one another in the next life? I'm so unfocused I'm surprised I met you in this one”.
He knows that. It’s endearing to see you like that, it’s cute and while not practical or helpful, he loves that it’s a part of you. Plus it gives him reasons to send you extra texts and reminders, so that's a plus in his book.
“I think we meet and fall in love every lifetime”
“Ah, you think I’d fall for yet another assassin in my next life? I don’t know, I’ve seen the dangers”
Hanzo just hums, staring into your eyes with amusement “You know I’d track you down and tie you up right? Wouldn’t want anyone else but you in whichever life I live”.
His hand slowly caresses down your side, to your hips, then to your thighs, where he grips it firmly. “I’d mark you up in every life I live as well. Show the world your pretty skin with my claim”.
You grab his wrist with a pout, pulling it away and locking your fingers together. “No need to be so possessive this early in the morning. Plus it’s cold, and your fingers are like ice”. You bring his fingers to your lips, gently kissing them “I’ll never understand how hands this gentle can lead to so many bruises and deaths at the same time”.
The man is capable of ending countless lives, yet is able to hold you so dearly, it’s always been such a stark contrast to you. You suppose it’s part of his endless allure. Hanzo gently kisses you while holding your hand, sighing as he presses his forehead against yours. “Must we get up? I’d rather lay in bed with you all day”.
“We did that yesterday”
“Then let’s do it again”
He kisses you before you can finish the playful scolding, wrapping your legs around his hips as he moves to sit above you. “I know I know. Be good and stay inside today ok? I don’t trust people in town lately…Too many odd occurrences”
You nod, debating on pulling the man back down for some extra fun before he left, but didn’t want to ruin the plans he had (or the bedsheets). “I’ll keep you up to date, I promise. Now go, you’re gonna be late”.
(Hi bean! I hope this was ok! I haven’t written for Overwatch in a loonngg time but this was fun! -Mommabean)
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film-in-my-soul · 1 year
Icemav missing scene please!
.⋆。°✩ Maverick and Ice have a little goodbye after the Layton rescue. ✩°。⋆.
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Maverick is still buzzing, even two days later, even when the threat is gone and he's being told to pack his things so he can head back to dry land, where he thinks he needs to be, where it should be safe. He tells himself it's all that adrenaline from nearly getting shot out of the damn sky. From almost getting Slider and Hollywood, Wolf and Iceman shot down, too. If he ignores a closer, more probably truth, well, that doesn't have to be between anyone except him and his front seat.
He's folding his spare uniform in precise corners, following the sharp creases of it, and lets the routine settle him enough that the slight tremor under his skin doesn't make him shake. It's a familiar comfort, arranging his life into a box. Each fold and tuck as ingrained in him as slipping on his flight suit.
There are only a few hours left before he's on transport. He's said his goodbyes to Wolf and Wood, both of them staying on for their redeployment, and Sundown had wished him farewell and good luck in the mess hall that morning, his belongings already moved out of the temporary bunk they'd been put in. He knows there are more people he wants to shake hands with, tell 'em to keep the skies warm for him while he goes and teaches, but Maverick keeps himself to the room, worried the jitters still living in him will make him do something stupid, get his position at Mirimar revoked.
There's no Goose to temper him now, no RIO to back up his bullshit, no-
A knock against the frame of the door Maverick left open stops him cold, spiraling thoughts and all.
It's both usurping and a shock to see Ice leaning there, hip cocked and chin tipped down, eyes flicking over Maverick's mostly filled pack. He'd been up on a hop with Slider when Maverick had been given the departure information. Someone must have told Ice he was shipping back to California. As far as Maverick knew, Ice and Slider were getting dropped off at some European port for their next assignment.
For a moment, neither of them says anything, Ice just standing there, watching, like he's looking for an answer that might have been hiding in the layers of Maverick's shirts and Maverick watching him back, throat tight for some unknown reason.
Though, if he lets himself consider it, he might know. He could guess, at least.
They had their moment on the tarmac after it all. They were wingmen, friends now, and to pretend it wasn't at least a little bit cowardly to cut and run without a metaphorical Dear John was, well... cowardly.
"Teaching?" Ice doesn't say it like Maverick thought he might, all shit-eating and sarcastic, no follow-up like Wood had, ribbing him hard and asking if he was gonna ask the female cadets to turn in 'extra credit.' Ice sounds strangely approving, and for some dumb reason, Maverick wants to bristle at that.
"Yeah. Looks like you're gonna have to find someone else to keep sharp on your wing." It's more bitter than he means to be, than he should be, but Ice, catching him off guard again, doesn't rise to the admittedly weak bait. He smirks instead, snorting with an amused shake of his head as he stands up straight and walks into the room. He saddles up beside Maverick and knocks their shoulders together lightly before snagging the half-done undershirt from his fingers.
"Nah. They wouldn't measure up."
And that- that's a goddamn compliment, isn't it? Maverick's almost too stunned to speak, so instead, when he catches the sloppy way Ice is tucking his clothes into his pack, Maverick jabs him with his elbow, laughing when the taller man almost trips to get away from the strike.
"Guess I'll just have to train 'em up so they can."
"A dozen more Mavericks flying around? Don't think the Navy will go for that."
Maverick lifts his head and catches Ice's eyes. There's a lightness there, a fondness he hadn't been expecting, but it looks right, living there on Ice's normally stern-set mouth and pinched eyes, and just like that, all that restless energy rolls out of Maverick like it wasn't there to begin with.
"Guess we'll just have to see about that Iceman."
A pause, a look, a quirk of a mouth, and another nudge, maybe just for the sake of the pressure of touch.
"Guess we will."
Ficlet Bingo!
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rpking99 · 5 months
Gym Leaders
There are Twelve different Gym's in Luxure, however you only need to win Eight badges to qualify to face the Elite 4. The Gyms have no order and can be faced at any point in nay order, the Leader's shifting their teams depending on how many badges you currently possess
The Gym circit is just for fun so the Gym's all have a secondary, recreational, purpose. And defeating the Champion gives you a speical badge, a badge that lets you hang out with the Elite 4 whenever you desire. Basically a key to their secret club house
In Gym Battles, the Luxure Gym Leaders must be faced in Pleasure Battles (for more info, read here). This also applies to the Elite 4 and Champion, although the Elite 4 increase the strength and the Champion pushes it even further.
Sabrina (Psychic)
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Sabrina's Gym also acts as a meditation dojo and yoga spar. To help clear the mind and body.
The dominant and powerful Gym Leader tends not to play 100% fair, using her psycic powers to project sensual images in her opponents mind to weaken them in the battle.
Whitney (Normal)
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Whitney runs a farm as her gyms extra action. The farm helping to support all of Luxure, reducing the amount of food that is needed to be imported.
Whitney is the most fair when it comes to Pleasure Battles, however she does act bratty in hopes of distracting her foes and make them want to 'punish' her
Clair (Dragon)
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The dominant Clair runs a museum, her gym dedicated to Dragon Pokemon and the history of many tribes focused around the mystical type of Pokemon
An added twist to the Pleasure Battles with Clair is the fact the buzzing never stops.
Flannery (Fire)
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Flannery runs a hot spring with her gym. And the twist she runs, well the passioante and hot headed girl has herself and her challenger naked
Candice (Ice)
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Candice runs a skii lodge at her Gym. And like Whitney, does not have a twist to her Pleasure Battles
Elesa (Electric)
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Elesa being a model and a star, she has her gym at PokeStar's Studio. A more... adult branch. And the twist she uses is... you and her are being filmed while it happens. You get to keep the tape afterwards, lol
Skyla (Flying)
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Handgliding is an event held at Skyla's gym, gliding across the vast oceans of the region. And for her Pleasure Battle twist, she has some Gym Attendents groping both herself and you during the battle.
Mallow (Grass)
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Mallow runs an outsdie kitchen slash exotic garden, the kind girl being a bit kinky with her twist to the Pleasure Battles. Mallow and her challenger edge each other three times before the Battle starts
Olivia (Rock)
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Olivia does rock climbing with the cliff face near her Gym, both artifical and real. Seeing no reason, she has no twists on her Pleasure Battles. Although herself and her challenger do fuck before the battle.
Bae (Fighting)
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Bea, The Galar karate prodigy, is the Fighting type Gym Leader of Galar. Living in Stow-on-Side, she is a serious fighter. Trying not to show weakness she hides her emotions, emotions that some times leak out during the height of battle. She also loves sweets.
Her Gym in Luxure is an actual gym. Weights, treadmills, all that stuff. And you have to have a work out before you challenge her to a Pleasure Battle.
Nessa (Water)
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Nessa is the raging wave, the Water Gym Leader of Galar. From Hulbury, she is a fashion model on the side. She is very calm, but still highly competitive.
Her Gym is a small Water Resort. And the twist she puts on Pleasure Battles? There is none.
Klara (Poison)
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Klara's Gym works as a sex club. The bully bitch of a Poison Master enjoying the fun
And her trial during a Pleasure Battle has both contestents be under the effects of an Aphrodisiac during the battle.
Elite 4
When facing the Elite 4, there is no gimicks to the Pleasure Battles. The intensity is just increased between each level. And after you defeat them, well it is sexy time. It is a test on your stamina, endurance and will as well as your battle skills
Lorelai (Ice)
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Karen (Dark)
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Phoebe (Ghost)
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Rika (Ground)
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Against Cynthia, the devices used for Pleasure Battles might as well be called f-machines. The pleasure they give pushed to the ultimate limit. And at most, you have a half an hour break between the four and her.
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Cynthia is the Champion of the Sinnoh Region. Somehow radiates MILF energy without being a mother. A serious badass Pokémon trainer
Total Muses: 17
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smallestapplin · 2 years
I think it would be cute if a newbie pokemon researcher was trying to put a Pokemon that belongs on Mount silver back into it's natural habitat after they were stolen by poachers/learn about Pokemon on mount silver without disturbing them and like...ended up nearly dying from the cold trying to protect said/a Pokemon bc the cold is evil and I hate it
And Red stumbles upon this poor idiot, and notices that they're not:
1) trying to prove themselves
2) trying to find him
3) being a general overly proud dick about things
So decides to bring them up back to his cave home so they can study more pokemon (nicely and unobtrusively to the Pokemon's lives) instead of just dropping them at the bottom like he usually does with any idiot that climbs his mountain
Local mountain idiot gets a visitor but this person is be completely unconcerned about his existence (aside from studying his ice type traits) and he's living for being practically ignored
:D!!! Baby bro! It’s nice to have you here!!
First time writing in third person! So I hope I didn’t mess that up lol.
Red has never been so dumbfounded in his life.
Staring at the person with the same blank expression, but he couldn’t help but think they must be dense.
They come to Mt.Silver ill prepared, it’s obvious to Red this person has never been up a mountain like this before.
Yet as he gets closer to their fallen and shaking form, he sees what they are holding.
A Larvitar? The poor thing looks rough, but is hanging onto you for dear life.
Red looks to the sky, the blizzard won’t be letting up anytime soon. He silently sighs, he can’t exactly just leave you here.
He pauses in front of them, their eyes locking with his.
Yet they don’t move, they don’t say anything, only holding the Pokémon closer.
Do they not want to battle him? Is that not what they came up here?
He knows the Pokémon lives in the caves around here, so what are they doing?
He can’t just leave them here to die.
With a muted grunt he lets out his Charizard, letting the fire type carry them and the smaller Pokémon.
Looking at them, they seemed so weak, too weak to speak.
By the time they awake, they are in a warm den, surrounded by a Charizard and Snorlax keeping them extra warm, while the Larvitar sleeps on their lap.
Red offers them some soup he made. He watches their face morph into one of confusion, looking around, as if trying to find something.
“Thank you.”
They take his soup carefully as he nods.
Red finds the den much too warm, but he doesn’t know what this person wants, or even why they are up here.
Yet they sit in silence.
They seem a little antsy, but Red doesn’t seem to care.
Even after they were finished eating, they sit there anxiously.
“Um…thank you again, sir.”
Red nods and waved his hand, it was no problem.
“Actually I uh, I came up here to return this Larvitar to its home, and maybe study some Pokémon that live up here too.”
He eyes them suspiciously.
They haven’t done anything, haven’t challenged him, haven’t sassed him like that one brat, and have been polite.
What’s the harm in letting them stay a bit? Or at least visit?
When he signed this at them, he was expecting them to ask for paper.
But they grew excited.
“Really? Thank you! I know I’ve said that a bit now, but really!”
For the first week he kept an eye on them, making sure they don’t hurt any Pokémon, or get hurt themselves.
But they watch from a distance.
Half the time Red forgets they are there.
But when he catches them, it’s like they are studying him too.
He guesses it is weird, he is on a mountain top in casual clothes.
You’re probably trying to figure it out.
He silently snorts to himself.
This person is a strange one.
But he can’t help but find their company amusing.
Especially since you don’t realize what he’s frozen.
You’re a good kid.
You don’t question when his den is much colder than it should be, you only cuddle with his fire type more.
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rookfeatherrambles · 6 months
Endkissed AU 3 upon ye!
Its a week past Jon's usual order time that Martin decides enough is enough. Whatever Jon is feeling between them and that.... man, (Martin doesn't like thinking of him as Jon's husband, it makes him feel sick), Jon still needs food. And if he doesn't want to call, Martin will simply bring it to him. He goes to bed that night, resolved to take Jon's usual order, plus some extra treats up to the cottage in the morning, whether Jon wants him to or not.
Its the scent of smoke that wakes him. Deep in the night, something is burning, and when Martin looks out his window, he can see what.
The cottage on the cliff- The lighthouse, its all horribly aflame. Ice spikes through Martin's veins, a terror he's never known filling his chest and making it hurt. Oh god, Jon!
He dresses, he rushes to his truck and he speeds through town and up the gravel track, praying to whatever god is listening that Jon made it out, that he's okay-
Martin throws open the door to his truck, already calling Jon's name over the crackle roar of the fire.
And somehow, he hears Jon call back, from inside the burning house.
Martin has no choice, and he doesn't think twice about it either, even though fire is his greatest fear. He busts into the smoke filled, flame filled cottage and calls out again. He hears the weak reply in a room and finds Jon, but Martin doesn't understand what he's seeing. Why is there so much blood?
Jon's wearing a dress, something beautiful, white and classy, and all signs pointed to him expecting a fine evening with someone, but the dress is streaked with blood. Most of it is coming from the gashes in his upper arms and the too-dark knife wound in his heaving chest, still sluggishly gushing with every beat of his heart. "Martin," Jon rasps, his eyes filled with such pain, regret, and something like inevibility, and the fire rages around them, almost drowning out his voice. "I'm so sorry."
Its a little foggy after that, but somehow, Martin gets them both out of the cottage. There are sirens cutting through the night. Martin tries to keep it together, he tells Jon that help is on the way, that he's going to be fine, that whoever did this is going to be caught, but Jon doesn't listen. He pushes away Martin's attempts to stop any of the bleeding, and though breathing is agony, he finds the strength to tell Martin to leave him and run. To forget him and flee town, its no longer safe for him there.
Martin can't though. He can't leave Jon, he's in love with him, the confession spilling out of him just like his tears as tries to staunch the bleeding. But Jon's wounds are deep, and its not working.
"Please," Martin begs him, for help, for reciprocation, for anything that can make sense of this night. The authorities are taking too long. Martin picks up Jon, who's too weak now to protest, and bundles him into his truck, before driving away. Jon keeps telling him to leave him on the side of the road and not look back, its dangerous Martin, you must go. Martin speeds towards the nearest hospital, and is about to tell Jon that he's not going anywhere without him, when in the rearview mirror, he sees Jon go limp in the backseat. Martin pulls over, almost hitting a pole, and checks on him.
Jon is dead. He lies still like a doll, his eyes half closed and without breath or life or pulse.
Panic and the night's fugue takes over and Martin just gets back into his truck, and keeps driving. He's covered in Jon's blood. The lighthouse is on fire, and Jon is dead in the backseat. If he takes him to the authorities, they'll think he did it. So, because he's not thinking too clearly right now, and he's in shock- Martin just leaves town, with Jon's body in the back seat. He's driven for an hour, when out of the corner of his eye, he thinks he sees the corpse move. Then, it sits up hard and fast, and a very angry Jon shouts at him. "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE ME AND GO!!!"
Martin screams and about crashes the car, managing to get the wheel under control just in time before they careen head first into the ditch.
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dmwrites · 2 years
“It’s not fair.” Joel muttered to himself. He was watching, not stalking, watching, Jimmy and Tango walking around Tumble Town together, chatting and laughing and looking like they were having a lot of fun. Joel hated fun, more specifically them. So, he flew down from his hiding spot to grouch at them. “Oi! Idiot toy and ice guy! You’re both so annoying!”
“JOEL!” Jimmy yelled, shaking his fist out of instinct.
“Woah, woah, big guy! You can’t talk to Jim like that!” Tango strode forward, frowning and crossing his arms at the god. “What’s got your toga in a bunch, huh?”
“I don’t need a reason to hate, I’m a god and he’s an annoying little toy. And you, ice boy, are his little soulmate, so you too will suffer.” Joel sneered at them.
“Jimmy, you know what?” Tango said thoughtfully. “I think that Joel here is projecting his anger onto us, because Etho didn’t come to visit him.”
Jimmy gasped. “Tango you’re a genius!” He started laughing. “Oh my god, Joel’s jealous!”
“Am not!” Joel said defensively. “I could care less about him, he was just some guy, I would never care what he thinks or why he didn’t come to see me even though you two morons got hang out with each other. I’m not jealous!”
Jimmy and Tango were laughing now, and Joel huffed and puffed at them, feeling how red his face must be. Tango was the first to stop, and spoke again.
“Listen, dude, you’re literally a god! Just, like, summon Etho here or something. I’m sure he’s just in his singleplayer world or something, hasn’t even noticed that the hermits left hermitcraft.”
“He can’t do that, he’s weak! He’s a weak little man!” Jimmy laughs turned into screams when Joel hit him with lightning.
It wasn’t too bad of an idea though, Joel thought as he flew back to Stratos. Perhaps if he prayed to his fellow gods, he could be granted some extra power to jump over to another world, just enough to grab Etho. He hated that Tango had read him like a book, but it was true, he missed his soulmate, and had sulked when he found out that Etho wasn’t among the people that had come through the rift.
“Oh great and powerful Peril.” Joel stood in the peaceful temple he’d built for some god he could hardly remember. And he wasn’t weaker then them, just to be clear, he was just collaborating with the other gods, because he just loved teamwork. “I don’t know if you know, but I once was in a relation ship, like an actual wooden boat that looked so cute, with a guy called Etho. You might know him, he’s kinda a big deal, super mysterious and cool. We were soulmates, I showed him everything he knows, well, you know how it goes. Anyway, I want to bring him here, but I need some-” and here Joel looked around conspiratorially, like someone would be spying on him from the bushes. The only person around was Hermes, who was playing in the water a ways away, “extra power to get him. Could you please help?”
There was a moment of silence, and Joel stood with his head bowed. And then, Joel felt a heaviness enter his skin, and he knew that the prayer had worked. He snapped his fingers, and a portal appeared in midair, rippling in the breeze.
“Hermes! I’ll be right back, son!” Joel called. Hermes looked up and waved. Joel stepped into the portal, closing his eyes and concentrating on Etho, his mask and his laugh and his sarcasm.
And when he opened his eyes again, he was in a field, and there was a man with a shock of white hair with his back to him. He was surrounded by bits of redstone machines, and Joel grinned.
“Honey, I’m home!”
Etho yelped and turned around, pulling out his sword. “Wha- who- hold on, Joel?”
“The one and only!” Joel couldn’t stop smiling.
“What- hold on, hold on. Why are you dressed like that, and why do you have a beard, and, most importantly, why are you here?” Etho cocked his head and approached Joel slowly.
“Listen, we don’t have much time before my extra power gives out.” Joel told him. “Long story short I’m a god now, surprise, and all of your hermit guys came through some rift into empires- you remember empires, right- and you weren’t there and I was upset because the silly toy got his soulmate back- come with me!” Joel grabbed Etho by the arm and dragged him into the portal, giving Etho no time to respond.
They appeared back in Peril’s temple in an instant, and Joel sighed as the heaviness in his skin left him, and the portal vanished. Etho gripped Joel’s arm and looked around.
“Where am I? Did I have some bad mushroom soup or something?”
“No, no, my friend, this is my kingdom, Stratos! I am super cool and hot, I’m a god, baby.” Joel spread his arms so Etho could behold it. “You’re impressed, I can tell.”
Etho’s breathing was slowing, and he let go of Joel. “It was just very sudden, all of this. You know, I was trying to figure out a redstone machine that could invert-”
“Hermes! Come meet your dad’s old fling!” Joel called.
“Dad?” Etho asked, distracted at once. Hermes came running over and waved right into Etho’s face. “Hi there. Is this your father?” Hermes nodded, hugging Joel’s leg for a moment before running off again. “You had a kid?”
“Oh, yes, with Daddy Sausage, it’s a funny story actually, we-”
“Sorry, who?” Etho interrupted, eyebrows raised high, a laugh making his voice crack.
“Oh, shut up.” Joel muttered. “Listen, I did not do all of this just for you to laugh at me for what I call the man I co-parent with. My builds are in the sky and amazing, and I am so tall and hot. Right?”
Etho eyed him over. “Still shorter then me.” He said.
“Etho, I swear!” Joel said, but he couldn’t help but smile. Etho was back with him, and it felt right.
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