#Sorry. Sorry. I will hold it up against them forever
cha-melodius · 2 days
💘💚🧡 or ♥️ for the kiss ficlet- your choice!
🧡 kissing in bed / lazy kiss / cuddling (ok, so the main heart I chose is listed above, buuut I also threw in first kiss (red) and mutual pining (arrow) because why not? read all the kiss ficlets)
In retrospect, he probably should have expected this.
When the heat had gone out in their building, they probably should have just bit the bullet and gotten one of their friends to put them up. But Pez was out of the country and hadn’t left Henry a key—rude—and June and Nora just had a small couch that’d barely fit Henry.
It was fine. It wasn’t gonna be that cold, and anyway they’d shared a bed before that one time when they’d road tripped to Texas in the summer and the hotel had messed up their reservation. They’re best friends. They regularly snuggle up against each other on the couch during movie night. It’s fine.
Alex is genuinely warm when he wakes up, so much so that he thinks the heat has come back on in the night. But no, the only furnace is his roommate, who’s currently plastered to his back. Alex shifts a little, but he doesn’t want to disrupt Henry when he’s sleeping so peacefully. So what if Alex is currently playing the role of an oversized teddy bear. He’s not complaining.
Henry wakes slowly, nuzzling his face a little into the back of Alex’s neck, and ok, that’s a little much for Alex’s poor heart to take. He can handle the casual physical intimacy, the hugs and friendly touches—dishes them out as much as Henry, in fact. But this is far too close to the quiet, secret desires of his heart, the ones he’s never been able to act on for fear of fucking up such a good thing. Henry’s arms tighten around him as he hums contentedly, and a moment later Alex could swear he feels Henry’s lips against his neck.
“Uh, H?” Alex croaks out.
Henry freezes, his entire body going stiff. “Shit,” he breathes against Alex’s neck. “I’m so sorry, Alex, I didn’t mean—”
He tries to pull away, but Alex catches him by the wrist and holds him tight, then turns over so that they’re facing each other, so close that Alex can count every one of his eyelashes. Jesus, he’s so fucking beautiful. There’s something in his eyes that makes Alex pause, that makes him settle Henry’s arm around his waist and scoot even closer, even though they’re only inches apart. Henry exhales shakily, but he doesn’t try to pull away again.
“Alex?” he murmurs. “What are you doing?”
“Enjoying this,” Alex replies. “Being in your arms.”
“Is that… something you like?”
“Mm,” Alex hums in confirmation. “You?”
Henry lets out a breath, a little smile curling onto his lips. “Very much.”
Emboldened, Alex nuzzles a little closer, until their noses are brushing. “I also liked it when you kissed my neck.”
“Did you?”
“Yeah,” Alex breathes. “I’d be up for more. Kissing, I mean. If that’s something you—”
He gets what he wants: Henry kisses him, a gentle, brief press of his lips to Alex’s. Then he’s trying to pull away, but Alex just pushes forward, letting his lips part and welcoming Henry in. It’s a slow, lazy slide of lips and swipe of tongues, the kind of kiss that feels like it could go on forever, and Alex is inclined to let it. Apparently, so is Henry, because they kiss for some obscene amount of time before he finally breaks out of it.
“Should we get up, do you think?”
Alex just tightens his hold, snuggling closer. “Why? ’S cold out there.”
“Right you are, love,” Henry laughs, and kisses him again.
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joshlmbrt · 1 day
WAIT for the angst, i see richie and sugar being apprehensive about you coming back into carmen’s live because of the pregnancy and they’re all like “are you sure it’s yours”
i’m SO SO sorry that this took forever to get out, love :( please forgive me!! but i absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this request - thank you for sending it in! w; doubts about carmy being the father (not from reader!) a lil angsty, a lil short, but that’s all!
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carmen is smiling, though it’s slightly fading now from how silent it is from the two loudest people he knows.
richie and sugar.
he’s jittery now, though he tries not to show it, crystal blue eyes quickly bouncing back and forth between the two.
“did you hear me?” his brows furrow. “i’m-i’m gonna be a dad.”
“we heard you.” sugar nods, pushing back a strand of hair that bounces against her forehead before glancing at richie - she knew he was feeling the same way she was.
“are you sure it’s even yours?”
carmen’s brows pinch more, almost painful, as his head shakes. “what? why would you even ask me that?”
“carmy…it’s normal to miss someone. but if she’s pregnant, are you sure it’s your baby? or you just want it to be because you think that might fix things between you two?”
he’s rended speechless for the first time in a long time - which is weird for him because he’s a quiet person.
turning, he rubs his lips together as his palm rubs at the side of his neck. he was happy and the people he really only had left wasn’t happy for him, instead, feeling him with dread and a sense of shame.
shame because he always tried to keep his vulnerable side to himself - with the only exception of you - and now he feels tears burning at his lower lash line.
“i’m just saying - it’s better to not get your hopes up fully, bear.”
he gets that, in their own strange way, they’re trying to keep him on his toes just in case anything goes sour like it has before.
but he doesn’t believe you’d lie about this. you wouldn’t be that cruel.
you’re never cruel to him even if he’s been deserving of it.
shaking his head, his eyes squeezes shut and he walks past the both of them.
“i just…” he takes a deep breath, holding up a hand. “i need a breather. i’ll be back in.”
he doesn’t look back, doesn’t see them nod. the door is heavy when he pushes it open and it’s heavy when it shuts.
punching the air, he lets out a small grunt before running his hands through his unkempt curls. allowing himself to finally breathe, he reaches for his phone that’s in his right pocket, immediately going to his contacts.
he clicks your name before pressing the phone against his ear. he’s facing the building.
“hello?” his forehead leans against the brick, eyes slowly closing when he hears your voice. “carmy? you okay?”
“yeah…” he breathes out, head turning so his temple is resting against the building now. “just needed to hear your voice.”
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muffinsin · 19 hours
Can you please write dimitriscu sisters with child reader ?
Where the reader is attacked by a lycan or something gets found by the sisters (separately) and the immediate response of the reader when seeing each women is calling them mama ? I don't know if you accept these but if you do can you write what their reaction would be ? And the aftermath of it ? Like how their mundane life would be?
I don't think this breaks any of your rules or preferences but I'm sorry if it did
-( I'm not new to your blog but this is my first request)💜
This is such an adorable, heartwarming request! It’s been in my inbox forever, so I’m very happy I can finally get to it! :) as it comes a mundane life; I doubt any of them would live one tbh! They are absolutely ready to treat this child like royalty🙌👀
Splitting this into 3 parts btw, due to the length of each. This is Bela’s part, Cassandra’s will be linked here, Daniela’s will be linked here once it’s out🙌
Let’s get into it!
She’s out hunting, at last not too busy to tend to this activity as well
It feels like it’s been forever since she last hunted with her sisters
Cassandra, despite her tough exterior, clings to her side subtly, hunting and retrieving prey only to bring it to Bela to show off. Daniela was less subtle, her arm hooked with Bela’s, her own hunt dismissed as she takes the opportunity to talk to her eldest sister and chat a little
Clearly, Bela is not the only one who missed this. Her heart aches a little knowing her busy work schedule forces her to neglect the time spent with her sisters
Where’d the time go? When did she become busy planning and working and managing things, rather than playing and looking out for her two younger sisters?
She shakes her head, dismissing these thoughts. She’s here now, she reminds herself
And as hours go on, she finds herself enjoying the hunt more and more again. Her senses are sharp, her reactions imminent
When Cassandra suggests a game, a competition of which sister can find the best prey within the last two hours left to them, she complies
Perhaps she could get a deer for them. She knows better than to go for varcalocs and larger lycans
What she doesn’t predict as she wanders and flies about, though, is the sweet, innocent cry she hears in the distance
No animal. A human
A cry, with no malice or aggression to be found
A helpless cry. A pained one. A scared one
A young one
Did a villager stray too far? But; the cry is so young, it can’t possibly come from an adult, from a hunter no less
Naturally, she investigates
And yet, when she finds you after moments already, she finds herself unprepared
You sit in the dirt, your back to her
Your little body shakes with every sob that leaves your wet lips. Your fingertips slide against the muddy ground anxiously, your other hand holding onto a stick far too rough for your small, soft hands
She frowns, unsure whether to make herself known or not
She can’t see your face, but you can’t be any older than eight, she figures
Upon inhaling, her nose scrunches up in disgust and her expression turns to one of concern. You reek of a lycan
Perhaps she should leave, she wonders to herself despite everything
She hardly ever stirs good emotions within people, after all. No matter their age
Yet..her heart aches and urges her to act with every little sob and cry that comes from you
Her natural instincts scream at her, urge her to act. She remembers her sisters, how they would cling and depend on her, look up to her, feel safe around her and only her
Something tugs at her heart when you begin hiccuping between your cries, your body shaking, your muddy hand raising to your face
She swarms around carefully, making sure she approaches you from the front rather than behind
When she does, though, she is greeted by yet another surprise
Upon getting close, she sees your wet, tear stained face. Your red cheeks, your puffy eyes, your wet lips, your red button nose
She spots the trap your leg is caught on immediately. A snare, the rope wrapped tightly around your little, swollen ankle
Yet, this isn’t what surprises her the most, but rather the words that fall from your wet lips the moment you lay eyes on her
“Mama!”, you all but yell desperately, your bottom lip wobbling, your muddy hands reaching out to Bela in a silent, desperate plea to be picked up
She doesn’t quite understand, but doesn’t hesitate
Easily, she snaps the rope from around your ankle. Easily, her hands slip under your armpits and pick you up
You’re sat at her hip, carefully held by her. For once, she doesn’t care about her dress being dirtied by mud
“Mama!”, you repeat, your voice mixing with whimpers
She doesn’t understand. She doesn’t know you
Yet, you seem so sure
“Bela”, she introduces herself
You stare at her blankly for a moment, then grin a little. Mama has a pretty voice
“Mama”, you confirm again
“Do I know you?”, she wonders. Could you be someone from her past life, maybe? It’s a life she has left behind after being infected, one she can’t remember, nor wishes to return to. She loves her family more than anything- Mother, Cassandra and Daniela. This is her family
You shake your head. No, you don’t know your mama. But you know, this is your Mama
With this, it seems you’re done talking. Bela gasps in surprise when you shift closer to her, your head rested on her chest, your little cries finally calming and quieting down as she rubs your small back lovingly
She doesn’t understand; don’t you know what she is? Probably not
And yet..she wants to keep you, and so she does
She holds you close to her as she walks back towards the castle again, a gentle smile on her lips as she sits and waits for her sisters
You’re cuddled up to her, a little bundle in her arms. You look…relaxed, like this
Still, she takes note of your swollen ankle, your cut cheek and dirtied face and clothing, your bruised ankle and the rash seemingly growing on your hands. You look malnourished, and almost sickly. She doesn’t notice, but holds you a little tighter
You seem so perfectly content in her arms, your little fingers hooked into her dress, your lips slightly parted as you sleep
“That’s a…unique catch!”
Bela jumps at Cassandra’s words and quickly turns to face her sister. In her hand she drags a wolf, nearly the same size as her, by far larger than you are
Next to her stands Daniela, a large, juicy deer dragged behind her, a big grin on her face
Bela rolls her eyes, her arms wrapping around you protectively
“They’re not for eating. I found them”, she clarifies, and with a stern glance, both her sisters shrug and refrain from more jokes
Once in the castle, Bela’s priority is to nurse you back to health
You whine sleepily as she draws you a warm bath and sets you down in it, but squeal in happiness almost at the many bubbles she’s added just for you
Bela carefully washes you, using a cloth and sponge to clean off all the dirt and mud still sticking to you
Thankfully, whatever lycan that was in proximity to you must have only scared you off, rather than attacking and landing a hit on you
You nearly fall asleep again when she washes your hair, her movements precise and careful
She ensures no water or soap gets in your tired eyes and scratches your scalp gently as she massages the soap into it and your hair
Soon enough, unruly and tangled hair is soft and clean and she can comb her fingers through it effortlessly
You aren’t familiar with this much warm water, bubbles and delicious scents and can’t help but cry and cling to her when it’s time to leave the bath again
You watch curiously as she dresses you, her touches gently and guiding, her voice soft as she talks you through it all
You glance around as she does
The fabrics are impossibly soft and good to your skin, her fingertips even more so. You don’t remember life at the village all too well, but recall the constant fear. You recall, your mother’s touch was never as soft and guiding as your Mama’s- Bela’s- is
Her room is large, larger than any house in the village. It’s also warmer than anywhere else you’ve ever been
When done dressing you, she rises, ready to find you something nurturing
But, the moment she moves from you, a hoarse whine and cry comes from you
Immediately, she picks you up and back into her arms, and likewise immediately you calm again
You mouth at her collarbone and shoulder, hungry, in pain, whining occasionally
When she walks out of the warm room, she notices you stare curiously
You hold onto her dress still, content to quietly stay with her. She doesn’t mind that you aren’t too talkative, instead opts for holding you close as she wanders to the kitchen
Inside, the staff immediately begins to gush about you. A child in the castle is…a rare sight, certainly
She doesn’t understand why; not yet, but possessiveness stirs up in her nearly immediately. She holds you closer to her, her emotions calming a little when you whine and push yourself closer to her in return
Now, each sister comes with a special, unique reputation
Daniela, the unpredictable one. Cassandra, the brutal one
Bela, the smart, level headed one
That is, until she isn’t anymore
You jump in surprise, a gasp, the loudest noise that’s come from you yet
A maid reaches out, and you flinch back instinctively. Yet, just when her fingers were about to touch your arm, Bela’s arm shoots out
As it does, her sickle is summoned and a single swipe is all it takes for the woman’s hand to come clean off
Three of the staff members scream, the others lower their gazes to the ground
You cry quietly, the noises all too familiar. And yet..you find it’s not all that bad, because your mama is still with you, still holding you close
You calm faster than Bela would’ve expected, even more so when the staff is dismissed and you’re left alone with her
And still, when she looks in your eyes…she doesn’t find fear like she expected
From this day on, you are practically inseparable
She is your mama, and everybody knows. You have her, her sisters and Mother wrapped around your finger
She teaches you to be strong, to be fast, to be smart. She guides you and inspires you, teaches you to go after your interests and encourages you to tend to your hobbies
She loves you, she realises very early on
The maternal connection between the two of you is pure, real, and immediate
She vows to always protect you, and always does. Always has, and always will
You’re her world
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jamsterrr · 5 hours
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heeseung & jake. blessed - yet - cursed. best friends. love triangle.
description; people say trios don’t work , until they see you , heeseung and jake. then all of those doubts and thoughts cross over their head. but what they don’t know is what goes on behind closed doors, and what you don't know is, they're sneakier than you ever could've imagined.
words : 4.6k
heesung x jake x female!reader
contains. ‼️ ; cursing , sexual scenes , 18+ content , oral sex , vaginal sex , plot twist , may contain typos , unprotected sex , mentions of cheating , both jake and heeseung have a dirty mouth , dirty talk , face fucking , slapping , both or them are a little crazy as well , maybe something a little unsettling. ( let me know if i miss anything ! )
link to my masterlist . . . !
———— .. ᯓᡣ𐭩 ( start ... ) ᡣ𐭩ᯓ .. ————
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you hurried to class, a big smile on your face as you sat down next to sunghoon, placing your head on his shoulder as you looked up at him. "sorry i'm late" you smiled and sighed, the male leaning down and placing a soft yet sweet kiss to your lips.
your body melted before you pulled away and looked around the class. it was still fairly empty. you did get there a bit earlier than you normally did. "sorry, heeseung and jake wanted to walk with me here, but i told them no. that's what took me a bit longer" you explained, and he gently took your hand, smiling and placing his soft lips against the knuckles of your hand. "it's fine baby, i'm just glad you are here."
sunghoon wasn't too bothered with heeseung or jake. in the couple months of your relationship, he got to know them. he seen them as your older brothers, how they cared for you and treated you like their baby sister. so, he wasn't threatened at the fact that they would be around you every 24/7. he was just thankful when needed, the time alone with you, he could have.
you smiled and looked at him. "have i ever told you how amazing you were?" you spoke and he shook his head. "if i am, then it's only for you." you laughed at his corny response and continued to hold his hand until the professor walked in.
you held onto the males arm as the two of you walked out of class, sunghoon holding your hand, placing sporadic kisses on you knuckles. "so i was thinking, date tomorrow night?" he asked as you smiled and nodded your head. "it feels like it has been forever hoonie" you pouted playfully, your chin resting on his arm as you looked up at him. "sounds perfect baby" he spoke, your hands taking his into your hold before you spotted heeseung and jake walking towards the two of you. sunghoon smiled and bowed to them as he gently handed you your bag and cupped your cheeks, kissing you sweetly as you smiled in his hold. 'okay, okay bye bye" you smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips once again before he walked away.
your eyes lingered on the male's body before turning towards jake and heeseung's who had a playfully disgusted look on their face. "oh shut up, like i haven't seen the two of you suck lips off of some poor girls face" you rolled your eyes, straightening the bag on your shoulder as you walked towards them.
"hey i didn't say anything" jake declared, laughing and shaking his head before walking. the three of you made your way down the side walk and to heeseung's car. "okay, what's the plan?" you ask curiously, your hand holding tightly onto your bookbag's strap. "food, obviously y/n" heeseung laughed as you hit his shoulder. "you're buying then" you smile. the three of you make your way to the school's cafeteria. stacking up on food. hell you paid to be here, to learn why not each as much as you can since there isn't a limit currently, and it was getting late. truthfully who was going to stop you.
"should i wear this?" you asked, bringing out a red sparkle dress, showing it to heeseung and jake, the both of them sitting upright on your bed. you were preparing for your date with sunghoon, having an hour before the promised time that he was going to be here. trying to get your best friends to help you who seemed to be more interested in their phones than to help you pick out an outfit.
"i don't even know why the two of you bothered to even come if you were just going to sit there...bums" you mumbled under your breath. "heard you, and y/n stop stressing, you look good in everything you put on okay?" jake reassured, heeseung sitting up and placing his phone beside him.
"try it on, some out and show up hm?" he suggested and you nodded, going into your connected bathroom, shutting the door. you took off the white shorts and t-shirt off, slipping the dress over your body. you took a moment to look in the mirror as you looked at yourself. finding all the ways the dress hugged your body perfectly.
stepping out of the bathroom, jake and heeseung's eyes shot up to you, staring a little too hard for comfort before you rubbed your arm. "something wrong?" you asked, clearing your throat to snap the two out. "you look awesome y/n, he's going to love it" jake spoke, standing up to look at you a but more. "going to wear it just like that?" he asked, clearing his throat a little. "no!" you exclaimed, grabbing the leather jacket that was spread across your vanity that was cluttered with makeup and things you used for your hair.
you slipped the jacket, going to your full body mirror, and checking out yourself. "damn, egotistical are we?" heeseung laughed, coming over to you and wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "you look great, now stop worrying" you smiled to yourself and then looked at heeseung in the mirror. "okay..." you took a deep breath, being a little nervous since its been a couple of weeks since you and sunghoon have actually been on a date due to how busy the both of you have been with studying and meeting project deadlines. you barely had the time to grocery shop.
hearing a knock on your door, you smiled as you look back and the two. "okay, help yourself to anything you want, and don't wait up too late!" you shouted, grabbing your purse and smiling before you headed to the door, hearing the words of jake.
"don't do anything i wouldn't do!"
"there's nothing you wouldn't do" you shouted before opening the door and excitedly wrapping your arms around sunghoon's neck as his hands immediately found your waist. "ready to go?" he asked, his smiling bringing a smile to your lips as you nodded. "always."
the date went amazing. the two of you ate delicious food, cracked jokes, laughed tons. you enjoyed being out with sunghoon. for once in your life, one of the guys you dated actually made you feel amazing without having to give them sex for you to feel wanted.
the way he held you on days you were sad. the way he smiled when he saw you made you feel like you were the princess in a movie that finally got the prince after all your hard work and heart breaks. he was even gentleman enough to open the door for you once you both made it back to the car, doing a small jog to the driver side and you were both off.
"there's something i want to get for you before i drop you off baby" sunghoon spoke, one hand on your thigh and the other on the steering wheel. "oh yeah~?" you questioned. "and what's that?".
"you'll see." is all you got in response, his teeth showing and the fangs you adore so much peek through. after a few minutes of driving through the downtown traffic the male stops in front of a small flower shop as your heart thumps out of your chest almost. "oh my god-" you speak. sunghoon just smiles and gently reaches over, pressing a soft kiss on your lips before rubbing your cheek with his hand. "i'll be right back yeah?" you nodded and blushed. your heart feeling as if it was going to beat out of your chest.
you watched sunghoon walk into the shop, then come out with a big bouquet of your favorite flowers: lilies.
the male got into the car and handed you the bouquet of flowers, the smile never leaving your lips. "thank you so much hoonie..." you said, feeling as if your life just got a little more complete, feeling the love from sunghoon as he smiled at you. the rest of the car ride was filled with comfortable silence as you held the flowers with one hand and held sunghoon's in the other.
you finally reached your door as you sighed, not wanting the night to end. you gently got out the car as sunghoon approached your side. you smiled and turned to him, his hands bringing you in by your waist as he kissed you deeply, his lips matching perfectly with yours as he gently rubbed the small of your back.
you both pulled away when it was time or you to catch both of your breath. you turned and grabbing your purse, spotting a silk material underneath the seat of the male's car, gently pulling them out, revealing them to be panties. silk ones. ones you didn't wear. in an instant your night was shattered, your heart feeling like it got struck with a knife in the most sensitive part.
you turn around with tears building in your eyes. "baby? what's wrong?" he asked, seeing the material in his hand as you stare at him blankly, the bouquet dropping out of your hands. "baby, those aren't mine. i don't know how they got there" he proclaimed, gently placing his hand on your arm. you looked at him as tears started to pour from your eyes. "sunghoon..." you mutter, balling them in your fist and throwing them at him, stepping on the flowers that you received.
"i cant believe you would cheat on me!" you shouted, choking on sobs as you spoke. "how could you!"
"i'm not cheating on you..!" he proclaimed loudly. "i would never!"
"the proof is right there, because they sure as hell aren't mine!" you shouted, pushing past him. "baby, please, you have to believe me" he said, turning to where you were, grabbing your hand, practically pleading with you.
"leave me alone sunghoon!" you shouted, snatching your hand away, rubbing the tears that fell down your face. "fuck you!".
"baby please~!" is all you could hear behind you, following words of. "i don't know why those were even in there!" "please baby, hear me out!" but you just couldn't listen right now. your head and heart hurt too bad. you couldn't see him right now. you couldn't even enter the key to your apartment correctly. though once you got in, your sobs got louder, kicking your shoes next to the door as you fell to your knees. too heartbroken to walk before you heard your bedroom door open and heard the patter of two feet, following up with "y/n?! what happened??". your voice blocking out the question as you sobbed, gently beating on your chest, hoping the pain from your heart would subside.
heeseung gently wrapped his arms around your waist, picking you up as he carried you to the room, jake picking up your shoes and bag bringing it to the room with him.
heeseung sat you gently on the bed. "here, im not going to ask what happened, I'll wait until you're ready to tell us princess" heeseung spoke as you continued to cry, your body relaxing against the male. jake took a place on the bed and gently rubbed your back. "fuck what sunghoon did, you didn't need him anyway "jake spoke, you looking at him with sad eyes. hearing the male's name this soon made your heart hurt even worse as you shook your head and rested it on heeseung's chest, soaking up his t-shirt, though he didn't seem to mind as he held you. jake gently massaging your back, getting off of the bed and grabbing the clothes you disposed of earlier.
"here, lets get you in something a little more comfortable"
you didn't even care at the males taking the dress off, sliding back on the white shorts and crop top from earlier. heeseung continued to console you as jake gently wiped off the makeup from your face, carefully gliding the soft wipe across your tear-stained face. your sobs dying down as you watched them both, thanking god for bringing heeseung and jake into your life. you weren't even sure what you'd do if you didn't have them. heeseung ran his hands through your hair and gently on your cheek. "don't worry baby, you font need him when you have me and jake. we will take care of you" heeseung whispered into your ear. his voice soft as you shuddered slightly.
"heeseung what are you talking about?" you mumble as you lift up, sniffling and rubbing your eyes once jake was done getting majority of the makeup off your face. he didn't say much, but the look her gave jake was enough for the two to silently agree on something.
you sit up. "i need to uh.. use the restroom" you spoke but heeseung gripped your waist, pulling you close to his chest as jake hovered over you. "let us get your mind off of sunghoon.. baby" the male mumbled as he smashed his lips against yours, kissing you deeply.
you widened your eyes as you looked at him. "kiss him back princess" heeseung spoke to you calmly. you were confused, but your lips slowly started to kiss the male back. you didn't understand why you were giving in. maybe it was the thought of how both heeseung and jake made you feel comfortable. how the both of them were always there for you regardless of the problem.
your arms wrapped loosely around the male as he gently pulled the shorts he just placed on your body off, leaving you in your panties. his hand traveling down to your waist, gently tugging at the fabric as he depended the kiss, slipping his tongue in your mouth as your tongue played with his. pulling away, jake smiled as a trail of spit followed, licking his lips to get rid of it.
heeseung's hands played with your shirt. whenever jake was done he took that chance to get rid of the cropped shirt, leaving your top half exposed, unclipping your bra in one swift motion.
"wow y/n, your body is more perfect then i could've ever imagined" jake swooned, pulling off his shirt as heeseung pushed you up off of him gently, taking off his shirt. standing before you at the food of the bed as you looked at them, covering your breast. you didn't doubt the attractiveness of your friends. i mean. you weren't blind, though you never really allowed yourself to seem them in that type of light. "w-we shouldn't do this.. i just broke up with sunghoon.." you spoke.
"god. shut the fuck up with his name already. sunghoon this. sunghoon that. fuck sunghoon." heeseung spoke, leaning into you, pressing a soft kiss to your head and leaning against your ear. "the only names i should be hearing come out of this pretty little mouth of yours is heeseung, or jake. understand me?" the male spoke. jake gripped your jaw as you switched to look between the two.
"y-yes.." you whimpered at the right hold of your jaw.
"yes what?" heeseung hummed.
"yes heeseung" you whimpered out more. jake letting go of your jaw as you closed your mouth. you couldn't deny the arousal that was pooling in your underwear, closing your legs tightly as it started to irritate you, wanting the underwear off you as soon as possible. jake noticed before he forcefully spread your legs open, smirking at the wet stain inbetween your panties. "oh shit seung, i think she likes the talk" he smirked, placing a smack against your clit as you jerked a bit under jake's touch, him smirking a bit.
"you like it baby?" heeseung asked, his hand coming to your breast, taking one of your breast into his hand, gently squeezing the plush. you nod. "ah, i don't understand movements. let me hear your pretty little words." the male spoke sternly.
you didn't know what the matter was with you. how you could just give in to the two of your friends that quickly. "y/n!" you heard, a soft smack being delivered to your breast and cunt at the same time. "yes!" you cried out, shuddering a bit.
"good girl" heeseung spoke, looking back at jake, giving him a silent nod before jake removed your panties, revealing your cunt. all glistening and pretty just for them to use and abuse. the male got down on his knees, gently pulling your legs to his face to where he was met with your cunt. you could feel the male breathing against it, your legs wanting to close but jake forces them open once again. delivering a smack to them. "do that again and see what happens" he growled and you nodded.
you felt the air get warmer as jake licked a stripe from your hole to your clit, flicking his tongue against your clit. "oh fuck heeseung, she's so sweet" he moaned practically against your clit. you whined, arching your back at the feeling, your hand gripping onto heeseung's side as he watched you with a smirk.
jake eats you out, holding your body close, his actions are the same, but the groans you hear coming from the male's lips cause more arousal to come from your cunt. heeseung watches as his cock hardens, gently massaging your shoulders. "fuck, you sound so pretty darling, can i hear you gag?" the male asked, though it was a question that needed to be answered. you lift up your head as you moan and whine from the pleasure that's being delivered to you by jake's tongue you don't even notice heeseung's length pressed against your cheek as you widen your eyes. he was big and thick, there was no way it was fitting, and if it did it was going to hurt like a bitch.
"i want you to make me feel as good as jake is making you feel, can you do that for me pretty girl?" the male asked, gently rubbing your cheek. you clench around nothing as you slightly nod, lying to heeseung and lying to yourself. you were going to die, but he didn't seem to care. heeseung tossed his leg over you as the sight of jake was now gone and it was only you, face to face with heeseung's length.
"open wide sweetheart" he spoke as you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue, moaning and shutting your eyes from the long stripes jake was licking against your core, the knot in your stomach forming. before you were prepared, heeseung placed his mushroom tip on your tongue and slid his length into your mouth, pushing it all the way down your throat as he let out a heavenly moan. his bottom lip being tucked in between his teeth as his hips moved at a pace, fast enough to give him pleasure, but barely fast enough for you to keep up.
jake licked your arousal, sliding his tongue into your hole as he could feel the velvet of your walls pulsing. the sounds of your gagging and whimpering only fueling his hardened length in his pants. the moaning from heeseung's lips causing you to cum on the males tongue. gagging and squeezing on heeseung's thighs so you could breathe as he pulled out, his hardened length hovering over your face. "came already baby?" jake spoke, licking your cunt one more time before he pulled up and watched as heeseung crawled off of you. "you've got to taste her, she's better than we ever imagined" the spoke to each other.
by this time jake had already taken his pants off, his length just as big and as thick as heeseung's causing you to audibly gulp as you tried to catch your breath. the two switching positions, jake now sitting by your head as he leaned you up so you could watch heeseung.
"damn, i cant wait" he spoke, wrapping his arms around your legs keeping them open, before attaching his lips to your sensitive cunt. you arched your back and shut your eyes tight, jake smirking as he looked down at you. "watch heeseung baby, it's a few you wouldn't want to miss". you slowly opened your eyes as you looked down at heeseung, his tongue exploring each part of your cunt. from the walls, to your clit, to your hole that was clenching around nothing, desperate to only make you cum with his tongue. your body shuddered at the feeling or heeseung's tongue, swirling over the sore muscle. your back arched as you moaned more, attempting to keep the eye contact with him, but it didn't work. the knot in your stomach snapped again and that was it, you were cumming for the second time in less than 10 minutes.
you jolted as you felt a smack against your thigh. heeseung coming up as you watch the bottom half of his face glisten with your arousal as jake pressed kisses along your jaw, kissing the soft spot on your neck. heeseung used this opportunity to press his red, leaky mushroom tip to the entrance of your cunt. you widened your eyes and squirmed. "no--no heeseung" you mumbled as jake kissed you, sucking up the words as heeseung smiled. "i'll make sure to take it nice and easy pretty girl" he spoke.
you felt the males tip stretch you open, gripping and digging your nails into jakes aides, heeseung forced his whole cock to fit deeply inside of you moaning at the feeling of the tightness around him. "fuck, did sunghoon not stretch you out at all?" heeseung asked, grabbing your legs and held them up against his chest, wrapping his arms around them, delivering deep strokes into you. you moaned and cried out, grabbing a tighter hold onto jake's side. "hm?" he asked, delivering a deep hard thrust into you as you shook your head. "words baby, give me your words," the male declared, giving another as his tip rubbed against your cervix.
"n-no!" you cried out, grabbing onto jake's arm as his hands played with your nipples, squeezing on the plush and sucking on the nipple. "good girl, i want to hear your pretty voice" he soke as he stopped and you gasped. "kee-keep going seungie..!" you shouted out as he started out once again. the room filled with both you and heeseung's moans, his hand travelling down to your clit, taking jakes hand and making him rub it. "you're so fucking tight baby" he moaned, the sound of skin slapping feeling the room.
your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the room turned cloudy. your body reacting heavenly to the feeling of jake and heeseung pleasuring your body in different ways before you felt the knot in your stomach snap once again. heeseung's hands gripped your thighs as he pounded deeper into you. "fuck y/n, im going to cum' he spoke. another groan escaped his lips as the male came into you. his long dirty blonde hair sticking to his forehead as he looked at you, your body shaking. jake popped his head up from your nipple and exchanged a look with heeseung before the two switched spots yet once again. only this time was your ass up in the air, and heeseung laid out in front of you as you were once again face to face with his semi hard cock.
jake smirked as he watched both heeseung and your cum leak from your cunt. "going to be a great little cum dumpster for the both of us aren't you baby?" the male spoke, placing a smack to your ass as you whined. heeseung sat up and grabbed your face. "what?" he asked, raising his eyebrow. "ye-yes jake" you mumbled out, looking at heeseung with pleading eyes. heeseung looked at jake and then you, gently letting your chin go and patting your face. "good girl." he spoke.
he exchanged another glance with jake as heeseung scootched to the headboard so his back could lean against it, causing your body to shift as jake lifted you up, placing a pillow under your abdomen and hovered over you, giving you no time to settle as he entered into you and your eyes widened. a slight squeak escaping your lips as you hid your face in heeseung's thighs, grabbing onto the sheets as you moaned, the male pushing his cock deep into you, feeling the pressure against your velvet walls as he started to thrust into you.
heeseung watched as he listened to both you and jakes moans, sounding like music to his ears. you moaned into the blankets, your body jerking with each thrust jake delivered. "fu-fuck!" you cried out. heeseung lifted your head and looked at you, assuming what he wanted, you stuck out your tongue, gripping the sheets as you belted out moans.
jake was hitting your cervix hard, his rough yet soft hands delivering hard smacks to your ass, sure to leave handprints. heeseung pressed his length to the tip of your tongue and pushed it down your throat. making a makeshift ponytail out of your hair, he bobbed your head down faster onto his cock as you moaned around it. unable to comprehend it all, tears started to escape from your eyes once more. the overstimulation plus the pleasure mixed in was all too good. you wanted to come, no you needed to come, but for some reason you weren't there yet. you clenched around jake's cock, bobbing your head and gagging around heeseung's. small sniffles were escaping along with moans and cries as your vision started to become blurry once again.
the saliva build up spilling from out of your mouth onto heeseung's cock as he came in your mouth. "swallow it" he said, you moaned and slowly moved your ass back against jake's thrust as you swallowed heeseung's cum, only for your makeshift ponytail to be taken over by jake's as he pressed your back against his chest. "open your mouth and let me see" heeseung said, attempting to catch his breath as well, coming closer to you and jake as you opened your mouth, letting your tongue hang out.
your hips and body stuttered as jake came inside you, you cumming with him as you fell against heeseung, shaking as jake pulled out and both of their cum leaked from your cunt.
"you did so good princess" heeseung spoke as he pressed a soft kiss in your hair. jake smiled and pressed a kiss on your shoulder blades. "who needs sunghoon when we got you baby." jake spoke, gently rubbing your ass before delivering one more smack to it as you looked back and glared at him. a small smile on your face.
"go and run y/n a bath" heeseung said looking at jake as he ran his hands through his hair, walking to the connected bathroom.
jake ran the bath water, putting it at a nice warm temperature with some bubbles to help you relax. heeseung gently lifted up your body as he took you to the bathroom. the male lowered you in the tub as you sighed when you hit the water, letting your body relax. "thank you" you spoke as heeseung smiled and shook his head, "no need to thank me pretty girl. just doing my job" he spoke. heeseung left you alone in the bathroom, quietly.
you closed your eyes, enjoying the moment you got to just relax before what you heard made your eyes widen, your bones chilling in a hot tub.
"i told you it was a good idea to plant those panties in his car." "told you she doesn't wear silk, dickhead."
was all you could hear through the walls, your mind going blank.
poor sunghoon.
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sskk-manifesto · 4 months
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Wouldn't say they were desperate to save him...
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worstloki · 1 month
Mu Qing ascending is objectively so funny considering Feng Xin and Xie Lian also do. Out of the people in your kingdom who accomplished immortality there’s this guy who used to be your servant but is now on equal rank to you and he‘s super rude now and also thinks you hate him because he remembers when you were 18 and lacked socioeconomic-interpersonal awareness
#he doesn’t even hold the ignorance against you. you hold it against him though#list of people who ascended from Xianle: the crown prince and his noble bodyguard. also the prince’s attendent who came from poverty#like mu qing only got to cultivate because of a very specific set of circumstances but like he did it very successfully#it’s hilarious#by all rights he worked harder than them both but he sure got there#also you see him as super rude and mean now while the people of his region keep insisting he’s kind gentle and refined etc.#Feng Xin looks at Mu Qing as if they were in the same boat and Xie Lian looks at Mu Qing like they were in the same boat#and Mu Qing is there doing their chores on top of studying and training and caring for his mother looking at their idealistic nonsense#with many question marks#Xie Lian and Feng Xin: our past friend Mu Qing#Mu Qing: ah yes. my employer. who I would like to befriend but unfortunately I have dignity.#tgcf#like sorry not everyone has the awareness or priorities or ideas another who grew up poor might smh#also he has like a ridiculously impeccable memory so like. yea he DOES remember when you were 18. in vivid detail.#he used to prepare your clothes so has your whole cultural fashion line embedded into his head forever. including the jewelry#imagine being 800 years old and the guy that used to steam your clothes every morning and fold them every night lives next door#isn't that so embarrassing#that guy remembers EVERYTHING too#you don't remember that stuff but HE DOES?????
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This is the weekend where I start supporting Logan with my whole CHEST
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hivepixels · 22 hours
#i wrote the arsl essay really emotionally if it's illogical i'm very sorry it's just my impression T0TTTTT.........#mumblings#EVEN THE SOLLUX ONE IS CRINGE TO ME I CANT LOOK AT IT ANYMORE i'm just glad people who've gotten something out of it can feel#more reassured in their enjoyment of these characters bcs theyre awesome & i like when people think abt them esp in relation to each other#i was so 👀!!! by how sollux detected his relevancy was reduced compared to the rest of the meteor crew and chose to step away with aradia#and since her arc was pretty much finished around the same time as his i rlly love how they complete their jobs then go off have fun#(well sollux is extra funny bcs he doesnt WANT to be a Main Character but mf can't resist adding his two cents backseat commentary LOL)#anw.. idk if ive ever mentioned but i dont care for pale arsl whatsoever skjskj highkey resent the popularity of that depiction but i don't#have grounds to complain since it gives people a reason to keep including aradia with sollux somehow#once again coming from a dvkt background i often saw aradia and sollux entering as a pair so it was wild to switch to slkt and#find out a lot of sollux shippers don't like aradia as much. or at all#<- was scrolling old posts and saw that people have been discussing this same exact thing years ago LMAO the cycle repeats itself#i think sollux should 🥺👉👈 for aradia forever its funnier to think he likes her so much and she's just. occupied by more important things#ANYTHING SHE NEEDS HE WILL COME.... SHE JUST HAS TO ASK. BUT WHAT CAN SHE POSSIBLY ASK FOR WHEN SHE'S ALREADY SO CAPABLE....... HSJAHAA#back when she approached him for tech and research assistance he could feel useful but now. he's huddled in the corner sad puppy#its so ;;; when ppl make him super relieved to see aradia like WAAGHHHHHH SHE'S HERE... SHE'S HERE FOR HIM!!!!!!!!!#sollux wanting to be more important to aradia is a thought i revisit a lot he just wants to know if there's anything there#but he can't pick Just One Thing and regardless of the outcome good or bad he'll always regret screwing it up#in reality its not his fault lol just like karkat dude's got the self-sabotage instinct for things no one holds him against for so. yeh#STILL don't take my opinions as truth gospel alright i'm a fangirl not a meta writer!!!!!!!!!
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martyrbat · 7 months
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detective comics #509
[ID: Bruce Wayne sleeping in his penthouse, his eyes squeezed shut as the narration reads, ‘Gordon's strained laugh sounds hollow, but it echos in the Batman's mind... and haunts his dreams...” Bruce awakens to a hand on his shoulder and before he can think, he's twisting it and holding it down. The panel expands, revealing the hand belongs to Alfred as he's almost toppling over! He cries out, “M-master Bruce—my arm!” as Bruce groggily realizes who it is. He lets go at once as Alfred moves to the end of the bed and holds his arm while stammering an apology, “S-sorry, s-sir... Sorry if I startled you.” Bruce looks at him with aghast as he cries out, “My god, Alfred—I almost broke your arm!” Alfred reasons, “You must have been having a nightmare, sir.” as Bruce sits up and puts his face in his hands. He weepily dismisses, “A nightmare—what kind of an excuse is that? Old friend... forgive me...” Alfred reassures, “Nothing to forgive, sir. Just bad nerves, sir.” END ID]
#THIS ONE !!!!#bruce and his neverending guilt complex#just immediately regretful and so apologetic as alfred is quick to reassure and dismiss it#holding his arm because of fucking course it still hurts but when bruce lifts his head he stops ....#always thinking of how he was a caretaker for bruce since he was a small child/infant and how many little things bruce does now will remind#alfred of those days#he likes his grilled cheese q certain way. he cries if he thinks he hurt someone. he blames himself for a lot. he gets bad nightmares#like so much has stayed the same as so much continues to change but the love and care thry have for each other is always there#(<- guy who is always number one in bruce is disabled and needs a caretaker but also in how the people around him know bruce loves and cares#about them. its not about not being loved its about how heavy his love is and how bruce will subconsciously use his love to harm himself#(from blaming himself to his parents murders and jason's future death to something as simple as this and how he'll beat himself up#for hurting alfred and not able to protect him as well from himself)#(like his mental illness is forever using his stupid bleeding heart against himself as a reason for why hes awful)#this is all fully sidetracked im just fucking wired today sorry lol#but while im talking and something more related to the panel itself::#after this line bruce looks up and says ‘the batman suffering from bad nerves? lets hope not. gordon can worry about the election but i#cannot afford to. still its not just the campaign. lately so many other things are pressuring me—mostly as bruce wayne’#and like !!!!#it wasn't about batman! it wasnt about his burdens and responsibilities!! alfred was telling HIM. BRUCE. that its okay#and bruce automatically ‘its not because batman cant behave like this’ like !!!!#batman is the priority in the sense of he thinks he needs it to protect people. even his family even alfred and every single stranger#he won't ever allow himself any grace even while sleeping because batman cannot afford those ‘slips’#just GOD 70s/80s batman makes me insane for forever and ever amen#c: detective comics | i: 509#crypt's panels#bruce wayne#alfred pennyworth#alfred & bruce#‘awake or asleep—it scarcely matters anymore. the nightmare never seems to end.’#<- nightmare bruce tag <333
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coqvttes · 8 months
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୨୧˚ synopsis: after getting turned on from seeing you being domestic in the kitchen, your doting husband is definitely not stopping until he's sure you're pregnant !
୨୧˚ warnings: nsfw 16+ only, breeding, p in v, petnames, praise, fem!reader, sub!reader, dom!kento, fingering, tummy bulge, creampie, teasing, lmk if i forgot anything!
୨୧˚ wc: 1.4k (sorry it’s not proofread)
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your doting husband, kento just couldn't help himself when he saw you fussing around in his little kitchen. the enchanting smell of fresh pancakes had stirred him from his sleep in the bedroom, and he wondered what you were up to when he noticed that his wife's spot on the bed was empty. appearing in the doorway of the kitchen in his briefs, he freezes as he sees you prancing around in the kitchen. taking in the sight of you. 
there you are, sporting the linen workshirt he wore yesterday, styled with your cute little apron over it. clearly, you aren't wearing anything underneath the shirt, save for your cute lacy panties that he just loves so much.
he ponders if he should just take you right there. bend you over the worktop push those panties of yours to the side and make love to you like last night. you just look so gorgeous and domestic like this, waking up early just to change into HIS clothes to cook him HIS breakfast in HIS kitchen. how can he resist the temptation? god, sometimes he thinks you do it on purpose just to rile him up. and it works. 
"good morning, kento," the sound of your sweet voice forced him out of his perverted thoughts and his eyes met with your gentle ones. you were holding a delicate plate of freshly made pancakes, just for him with that sweet smile on your face. warmth filled his heart as he looked at you with adoration and lust. 
"g'morning, darling," he says in that sexy morning voice of his. your mouth almost waters at the sight of him. hair tousled, shirtless and a tired smirk on his handsome face. he notices the way you stare at him and he doesn't know how it happened but he's approaching you, pulling you in by the waist for a sweet kiss, sealed with passion and devotion. 
"you look too good in that shirt and cute little apron of yours," he groans, hands slipping down your hips to grab onto your arse. you squeal as he unexpectedly lifts you up, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, your palms flat against his chest. 
"w-what about breakfast?" he chuckles at your concern and grins. 
"who needs breakfast when i have you, hm?" he chuckles, carrying you back into the bedroom, you giggle as he plops you down on the bed, climbing over you. his fingers play with the strands of your hair before he speaks.
"god, you're so perfect in my shirt. so pretty for me, hm? all mine, aren't you?" his fingers slide under the shirt as he kisses you, caressing you tenderly before moving up further to grope your tits. he smiles into your lips as he feels how hard your nipples are for him, pinching and tugging at them gently, eliciting a choked whine from your throat.
"all yours, kento," your voice is breathy, so desperate for his touch. he skillfully unbuttons the shirt and peels it off of you, letting the cool air blow over your now bare torso. your fingers tangle in his blonde locks as he envelops your nipple in his warm mouth. you mewl softly from the stimulation whilst he gazes at you through his eyelashes, you look so heavenly like this. 
releasing your wet nipple he moves lower down your body. as he spreads your legs, exposing the wet stain on your panties, he chuckles. he ducks down and presses his lips against your clothed cunt. his pointer finger slips under the lace, pulling it down your legs, revealing your needy cunt.
"fuck, darling, let me put a baby into you, hm? make you mine forever? would you like that?" he asks, his slender fingers, slipping into your hole slowly. you nod profusely, choking on your words as he stuffs you full with his digits. sliding them in and out of you slowly, he curls his fingers to tease that sweet spot inside of you that makes your walls clench around him.
"use your words, sweetheart." 
"yes, yes! wan' your babies, kento. wan' it so bad. wan' to be yours forever-!" you babble mindlessly, completely unaware of how much your words are affecting him right now. the thought of having kids with you and how much you want it too, makes his dick so hard. his heart is beating fast as the phrases truly sink into his mind.
with that, he withdraws his now slick-covered fingers, before lowering his head down, capturing your plump lips with his. your hand moves down between your bodies to palm his bulge through his briefs. he pulls away from your lips and groans with how painfully hard he is and he tugs his briefs off, dropping them onto the floor carelessly. 
your eyes are fixated on his cock that yearns to be inside of your warmth. he pumps his length a few times, drops of precumming spilling out of his sensitive tip as he slowly lines himself up with your drooling entrance. you mewl out lewdly as he pushes himself in, filling you up completely and your palms fly up to his shoulders for purchase. 
your thankful he prepped you a little bit earlier otherwise you're not so sure if you could take him in one go like this. after a few heartbeats, he rolls his hips slightly, his pelvis rubbing against your puffy clit and you moan softly. 
he picks up the tempo, his thrusts now faster and harder as the room echoes with the sounds of your pleasure and the bed creaking. his strong arms move your legs up to rest on his broad shoulders, making the position more intimate but most importantly, making it easier for him to go deeper.
his eyes are fixed on the way your cunt keeps sucking him in, the way you can see his bulge in your tummy and the way you look at him with those adoring doe eyes. he dips his head down to seize your lips in a kiss.
the kiss was gentle and innocent compared to the sinful actions being committed with each of his powerful thrusts. with every single drag of your tight cunt against his dick, constantly clenching around him deliberately which forced out a long string of groans as he felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge.
he dotes on the sound of your sweet voice calling out his name in a choked whisper, your nails clawing down his back. your cunt pulsing around his cock. your juices spilling from your hole as he thrusts into you like there's no tomorrow.
“that feel good, darling?” the rumble of his voice against your ear makes you shiver slightly. 
"can't wait to see your tummy swollen with my babies in you, you'll look so gorgeous."
“mmm—!” moans and whines bubble up in your throat as a response to his teasing words. the thought of having his children makes your mind go fuzzy and your heart swell. you want it more than anything. 
“i love you, sweetheart,” he coos, pulling away from your neck to look into your eyes. his husky voice, how close his lips are, the lust evident in his gaze, it all makes your mind go fuzzy. 
"i love you, kento! love you s'much!" you cry as you cream around his cock, cunt tensing around him which pushes him over the edge too. he lets out a broken moan as his warmth fills you up. he stays inside of you for a few moments, not wanting his cum to go to waste. 
"mmm, can't wait for you to get pregnant, sweetheart," he confesses, pulling you into his arms as he lays down on the mattress.
“i think the pancakes are cold,” you pout, turning your head to look up at him through your lashes and he chuckles down at you.
"that's alright, darling... i've already had my meal, haven't i?"
oh yes, he has...
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‧˚ʚɞ˚‧ all works belong to © coqvettes 2023. i do not give permission to claim, translate or copy any of my works. reblogs are appreciated!
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yabakuboi · 3 months
Steve watched Eddie's van turn the corner and shut the front door, closing himself away from the outside world so none of his neighbors could see him as he rested his forehead against the painted wood.
"I'm not going to cry," he told himself.
He said it even as his eyes began to burn and his face began to twist, teeth grinding and throat closing. He wiped quickly at his face, again and again, as he stumbled to the couch to sit, drying each tear as it rolled down his cheeks, clinging to his jaw.
"I'm not going to fucking cry," Steve choked, and then doubled over into himself, arms around his thighs, and he began to sob.
So what if he was twenty-two, living in his parent's house alone, working the same dead-end job with a sixteen year old manager. So what if all his friends and family were in college, spread out from New York to Chicago to Los Angeles. So what if his boyfriend was moving to Seattle for his band and they broke up, because Steve was never going to be his parents, resenting and being resented for keeping his partner from his dreams. So what if he was too scared to ask Eddie to stay, to ask Eddie if Steve could go with him. So what if everyone moved on and Steve couldn't?
Steve grew up lonely. He could get used to it again.
He didn't realize how hard he was crying until the front door burst back open and Eddie hurled himself at Steve's feet, long limbed and clumsy and babbling.
"Baby, oh fuck, I'm sorry," he said, already untangling Steve from himself, tying all his loose ends back up together with his until they were a knot of their own. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Stevie. I never should have— I wanted to—"
"I'm sorry," Steve sobbed back. He gasped and swallowed it all back down. Eddie had already gotten them raveled up again, it would take forever to pick it back apart. Steve knew it would hurt worse this time. "Fuck, Ed, you didn't have to— I'll be okay, I don't want to hold you back—"
"Come with me," Eddie burst.
And Steve couldn't help himself, and began to sob again.
"Please," Eddie begged over Steve's crying, his voice shaking and his face wet enough to match Steve's. "Please, sweetheart, honey, please just come with me?"
Steve took a shaky breath, embarrassed and now too full of hope and fear. "You sure?" he whispered. He pressed his face into Eddie's neck, breathing him in again for what might be the last time, again. "Eddie, don't—"
"I'm so sure," Eddie said. "I'm so fucking sure, Steve, please."
"Okay," Steve breathed. Eddie had always been the braver of the two of them, especially when it counted. Steve leaned back so he could look at him, red faced and watery eyes. He tried to give Eddie a smile, but he knew it was wobbly and weak. "Okay."
All of Steve's fears meant nothing as he watched the happiness break like dawn over Eddie's face.
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strawberrymatchawhore · 3 months
summary- babying your "tough" hubby rafe.. maybe some freakydeakyness at the end
note- this is the complete opposite of the rafe ive been writing about LMAOOO.. this man is SO BAD help me
it was 2am and you were in your bedroom scrolling on your phone, a random netflix show playing in the background. you've been waiting for your husband to get home for hours, being the wife to the chief of police did have its negatives. this was one of them.
you heard footsteps walking up the stairs and immediately turned off your phone, throwing the covers over yourself you pretend to be asleep. the door opens and you feel the weight of the bed shift.
"hey baby. sorry for getting home so late" rafe says giving your forehead a kiss, you jokingly ignore him.
"c'mon now i know youre awake.. get up and hold me." he begged tiredly, you couldnt help but giggle at how desperate he sounded.
"fine." you mumbled into the sheets but stayed in your position, he hugs you putting all of his weight on your body.
"okay okayy, i got it. now get off me you fatty." you whined, pushing his large frame off of you. you leaned against the bed frame and opened your arms, the both of you adjusting to a more comfortable position. which was the both of you propped up against a pillow.
"im so tired." he yawns into your chest, you played with his hair as the both of you stayed in silence.
"i know you are, you need a day off. youve been working too hard." validating him, his hand plays with the ribbon of your pajama shorts.
"see? youre still in your uniform, youre gonna make the bed dirty." you patted his back and drew circles on it.
"what, you want me take it off? if you wanted to see me naked you couldve asked sweetheart." he looked up at you and smirked. you glared at him, lightly slapping his arm.
"not what i meant.." you blushed.
"youre so cute you know that rafey, honestly when i look at you i just want to eat you." you confessed and massaged his temples, his face nuzzles into your chest even further. clearly he was blushing as well.
"i dont know how i got so lucky, im so glad i have a such a beautiful boy in my life. everything about you is just perfect." you cooed admiring his sculpted face, the way his plump lips curled into a smile.
"stopppp" he whined. you couldnt help but pull out your phone and take a picture. because if you didnt, who wouldve believe that your 6'2 husband loved to be babied like this? not like you were going to show anyone, its just for your eyes only. you wanted to cherish this moment forever.
"did you just take a picture?"
"let me see it." he shot up and reached for your phone. you put your phone under your pillow and laid on it, making sure he wasnt able to grab it. the two of you started play fighting.
"nooo please, you look so cute. let me keep it!!" you laughed, he started to tickle you. and you slowly started to fall off the bed. your legs wrapped around his waist and dragged him down, if you were gonna fall he was going to come down with you.
the laughing coming from you both died down and you looked up at him, what a funny position. you both were on the floor and he was in between your legs hovering over you.
rafe leaned downed and passionately kissed your lips, his hand starts to play with your shorts. you eventually pull away and slap his hand.
"nuh uh. go shower first. you stink." you got up to your feet then helped your boyfriend get up as well. you looked up at rafe with your head tilted, what was this man plotting?
"not unless you join me.. you cant say no" he quickly said and grabbed you by the waist. hoisting you over his shoulder and carrying you to the master bathroom.
"ahhh! rafe stop!!" you busted out laughing, kicking your feet as he practically dragged you to the shower. he put you down and turned on the warm water, it poured over you both. you furrowed your eyebrows.
"great now my clothes are all wet." you pouted crossing your arms over your now soaked tank top.
"more reason to take it off... lift your arms f'me"
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 3 months
His Biggest Prize
Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x reader
Warnings: smut!
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After Australian GP, Lewis was counting down the seconds until he got home to you and the kids. It was not a good weekend for him. Not at all and now all he wanted, all he desperately needed was to find comfort in your arms.
It was late at night, close to midnight, when you heard the door of your shared home open. You and Roscoe were lying on the sofa in the living room under a blanket waiting for Lewis. Your two children, Harper and Miles, have been sleeping cause it was long past their bedtime, and your eyes were slowly closing too, but you knew that Lewis needed you and you wanted to be there for him, awake.
You quickly crawled out from under the blanket, waking a snoring Roscoe in the process, and hurried to the door.
"Baby" You welcome him in with a tight hug leaning your head on his shoulder and leaving a lot of soft kisses on his neck.
"Hey, love" He pulls you tighter to him breathing in your scent that calms him right away.
"How are you?" You ask, but he doesn't say anything. He gives you a smile, but his eyes look terribly sad. "I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you. Do you want to talk about it?"
"Don't worry, baby, I'm okay now. I don't wanna talk about it, I just want to go to bed with you." He says taking your hands in his and softly kissing your knuckles. "Are the kids asleep?"
"Yeah, they wanted to wait for you, but I told them you'll be home late so they'll see you in the morning."
"Good, good."
"Let's go to bed, yeah?"
As soon as you got into bed Lewis pulled you all the way to him holding you tightly as if you were gonna slip out of his arms every second. He was so exhausted that it took him only minutes to drift of to sleep with his head resting on yours.
The next morning you were the first one to wake up, a bit earlier than usual. Your body was still pressed against Lewis' feeling his hot breath against the back of your neck and his morning erection unconsciously poking at your lower back.
One of Lewis' oversized t-shirts served as your nightgown every night under which you were wearing only panties so you pulled it up revealing your butt and rubbing it over the bulge in his boxers making him moan in his sleep.
Normally the kids wake you up every day, but since you got ahead of them this morning, you decided to use that time to show your man how much you missed him, how much he is loved, to show him that he is forever the champion in your eyes.
First you turned and placed a few short gentle kisses on his lips before straddling him, slowly grinding your hips against his crotch and running your hands over his firm tattooed chest.
A smile spread across his face when you leaned down and kissed him below his ear whispering "Good morning handsome" It took him a few seconds to open his eyes and realize your position.
"What a sight to wake up to..You on top of me," His hands find your waist pulling you closer into him. "If I'm not the luckiest man in the world, then I don't know who is. Good morning baby"
"Did you sleep well?" You ask still slowly grinding against him. Your panties were staring to soak with your wetness as you feel his rock hard cock through the thin material pressed against your folds.
"I sleep best next to you" He moans at the friction that you're creating between you two. His hand reaches for your, his, t-shirt pulling it up a little so he can have a better view to the junction of your body.
"Yeah. And what have I done to deserve such a special morning treatment?" He asks admiring you, his fingers pulling the strings of your panties up making your lips part and groan.
"Just wanted to remind you how much I love you before the kids wake up" You tug at the waistband of his boxers pulling them down his thighs and taking his thick cock into your hands stroking him up and down at, for him, excruciatingly slow pace.
"Fuckk, baby" He sighs running his hands over his face and through his hair. His hips raising up begging you to take him.
"Baby, don't tease" He pleads, but you can't help it. You bring your face dangerously close to his shaft swirling your tongue over his tip. He hisses squeezing his eyes shut as you start kissing it, sucking on it and collecting the pre-cum that started dripping out. "I swear I'm gonna cum in your mouth if you don't stop"
As soon as you move and straddle him again, he takes his cock in his hand giving it a few strokes and with the other he moves your panties aside. His fingers quickly glide over your wet slits stopping at your aching clit tapping it and rubbing small circles on it.
"You gonna ride me?" He asks and you nod impatiently. "C'mon baby, sit on my cock, show me how you do it" Before you slid yourself down on his length, he sat up and leaned his back against the headboard because this way it was much more intimate, he wanted to have you as close to him as possible while watching you ride him.
Lewis wasn't a loud guy, but he loved that you were. It drove him crazy listening to you whimper, moan, scream out his name in bed. But this time he had to make sure you were as quiet as you could be because you didn't want to wake up the kids. So when you sunk down on him, Lewis quickly covered your mouth with his hand shushing your whimpers.
"Shh, baby, you gotta be quiet okay? Can you do that for me?" He asked and you nodded. His thumb slips inside your mouth and you quickly get to work sucking in your cheeks his eyes never leaving yours. "Such a good girl. You're so hot, fuck"
His lips attack yours aggressively pushing his tongue inside while his hands grasp your butt guiding it up and down on his cock, setting the pace he wanted.
"You like that, baby? You like how I'm taking you?" You murmur against his lips. "So big Lew-uh"
"Yes, my girl riding me so good. Your pussy feels so good, so perfect for me." His teeth bite your nipple through your t-shirt making you wince as the pain and pleasure mingle.
You know that time is running fast and that the kids could wake up at any moment so the rhythm of your hips quickens and you start riding him faster and harder wrapping your arms around his neck.
"You gonna cum around me?" He grunts as he feels your walms clench around him. Before you can even confirm, your body trembles and your head falls into the crook of his neck biting your lip to stop yourself from screaming as you come undone around him.
"That's it, yes, yes, ahh. So pretty when you cum" He leans backwards so that he can lift you up and start thrusting himself hard inside you. The sight of you already worn out from his cock makes him twitch pushing him to the edge. "Shit, I'm gonna fill you up, shiiit baby"
As he finishes he doesn't pull out but stays buried deep inside you. You fall on his chest, both of you gasping for air he cooes you telling you how good his pretty girl did as his hands start rubbing your back.
"To be yours, that's the biggest prize" He says lifting up your chin to look you in the eyes and you smile shyly as your heart flutters at his comment.
"You're forever my champ Lew"
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obsessivevoidkitten · 4 months
Male Half-Demon Yandere x Gender Neutral Vampire Reader CW: Noncon, blood drinking, biting/cutting for blood, making out, drugged sex, drugged reader, forced addiction, overstimulation, reader fucked well and truly out of their mind whilst high on demon blood, aftercare, general yandere behavior Word count: 1.6k (Sorry this took forever. The image of reader sitting on dick while sucking blood from a wrist was living rent free in my head and I had to write this. Written on my phone, hopefully I fixed all the weird formatting and typos.)
The full moon shone brightly in the clear winter night. With each exhale, your breath plumed out visibly. The shadows of trees stretched long and spindly, grasping for a material world they were incapable of grabbing hold of. You hid amongst the bushes, silently watching the small bar in front of you. It was a secluded place. Quiet and down the road from anything else. Perfect for a person to grab a drink. Even a vampire like yourself. This was your first night in this town, but there were almost always places like this to slake your thirst. 
Wait for a drunk customer to come stumbling out and nab them to have a drink of your own. Then, if you needed to, use your hypnotic powers to make them think it was all a dream. 
That's what you had intended tonight. But then you caught a whiff of a human that smelled much more tempting than any other you had ever encountered. 
The bartender. Your sharp ears could pick up his name even from outside. Wade. Not that you needed to bother knowing it.
You decided to wait for the last lingering patron to leave the bar before sneaking in and making your move. It took a few hours, and your joints grew stiff in the cold, but finally, the bartender was alone, and you could make your move. You were practically salivating as you slipped into the bar, and his scent hit you more directly. You couldn't wait to taste what waited in his veins. Luckily, you didn't have to. 
"Sorry, we've just closed," he said as he heard you enter.
With superhuman speed, you rushed behind him, barely having time to note the surprised expression on his face. 
You wasted no time on pleasantries and sank your fangs into his neck.
Instantly, you were lost in his flavor. His blood was glorious. But after one drink, your eyes glazed and your thoughts were foggy. 
He plucked you off of him easily, and you fell to the floor, dizzy and confused but yearning for more of him. You were so thirsty. A mild sense of euphoria washed over you, but your body felt weak and wobbly. 
Wade stared down at you, smirking. His brown hair turned silver, small black horns sprouted from his forehead, and his hazel eyes glowed red.
"What's wrong? Bit off more than you could chew?"
Not much blood had been consumed, so you started to get to your feet, but Wade wanted you nice and helpless. He rubbed his fingers to the bite mark you had left and shoved his fingers into your mouth and smeared the drug on your tongue. You immediately slumped against the counter.
He went and locked up the bar before returning to your side and administering another hit of his blood. You eagerly drank it up. It was too irresistible. 
Then he gently led you downstairs where he apparently lived. 
"Didn't realize I was part demon or didn’t know demon blood was like a narcotic? Maybe you didn't know either of those..." 
He tossed you on the bed rather unceremoniously.
"Thought you were gonna get an easy meal, but you're gonna feed me too!"
Assuming that he ate beings with magic, you looked up at him with a horrified expression and scrambled to get off the bed. He stopped you and pushed you back.
"I'm nourished by intoxication and addiction the way sex and lust nourishes an incubus," he explained, having noted the fear on your face.
Though you still had a fierce thirst for his blood, you weren't addicted. Yet. Just significantly increased blood cravings. You had the presence of mind to know what he intended, and you didn't want to be a captive.
"You can't do this!"
The effects of his blood on your body were rapidly wearing off. It had only been a small amount. You could use your speed to zip awa-
"I can do whatever I want to a little leech like you~" 
Wade pinned you on the bed and used the sharp nail of his thumb to slice his wrist before shoving his wrist to your mouth. You tried to turn away and keep your mouth closed, but you could feel the warm blood tingle your lips, and the smell was all-encompassing. Tired of your struggles, he smacked you hard across the cheek. You could have shrugged off a strike from a normal human, but he had demonic strength. As he had anticipated, you cried out in pain. With your mouth open, he jammed his bloody wrist right into your mouth. 
Once a drop had touched your tongue for the third time that night, all your resolve melted away. You relaxed under him and greedily lapped at his wrist. Now that it was in you, you needed more.
As you gave into your dark desires and fed off Wade, he fed off the intoxication and the budding addiction growing inside you. 
But the whole situation had his cock straining painfully in his jeans. 
He maneuvered your clothes off as well as his, but your attention was focused on your meal. You whimpered and grabbed for his arm as he pulled it away to lube up his cock. Just because he was doing this for nourishment didn't mean he couldn't have some fun. Besides, being all cute and needy for his blood made you look far too tempting for the half-demon. 
He pulled you into his lap and slid his thick cock into you.
Wade put his arm up to you so you could suckle from his wrist as he slowly fucked into you. A large demonic cock like Wade's would have stretched and hurt the hole of any human, but you were far more durable. In fact, it felt quite nice. His blood seemed to heighten pleasurable sensations while reducing unpleasant ones.
You moaned softly as you fed.
"That's it, take alllll you want babe. I regenerate faster than you can drink."
It must have been true. His wound had healed and you had to bite his wrist to draw more blood. He didn't seem to mind. 
The demon kissed your neck and sucked it softly as he continued pumping into you. Never too hard to interrupt your meal. 
He kept the slow and considerate pace until you had finished. Blood was smeared all over the lower half of your face, your eyes glossy and half lidded. You were barely cognizant of your surroundings anymore. All you knew was that you felt warm, happy, relaxed and, for the first time since you had turned, alive.
Wade angled your face towards him and kissed you deeply from behind, enjoying the taste of blood from your lips and the rush of energy he got from getting you high. He brushed his tongue against your fangs to draw blood so you could suck it while the two of you made out sloppily. The half-demon broke the kiss, a sanguine string of saliva and blood connected your lips for a moment. Wade hastened the tempo of his thrusts into you as his mind raced over the implications of having you. 
A human would have died from just a drink of demon's blood. That's why he blended each bottle of booze in his bar with but a single drop. Just enough to subconsciously coax humans to crave coming back to his bar and give Wade a bit more intoxication to sustain himself. But he didn't have to hold back with you at all. 
Rapturous moans left your body as your pleasure reached its zenith. Your normally frighteningly pale face was actually flushed.
"You enjoying yourself?" Wade smirked and kept going.
You could only weep silently as the overwhelming sensations from the drug and sex mingled into an overwhelming wave of ecstasy bearing down brutally upon you. 
With supernatural stamina he kept going for hours, he readministered his blood as needed. Every time he made you cum you whimpered. Each orgasm seemed to hold within it a greater and greater threat of throwing you off the brink of sanity and shattering your mind. 
By the end of it, when he had finally had enough after filling you with cum over and over again, you were a shaky drooling mess. His demonic features faded away as he picked you up. Then he took you to the tub and bathed you gently, getting all the dried blood off your face and cleaning up all the semen leaking from your hole. 
"Sorry I had to give you so much. Have to get you hooked on it."
Wade picked you up and wrapped you in a soft towel. You were too out of it to respond.
"The crashes aren't bad though at least. Extreme cravings but no life threatening illness or anything."
He kissed your forehead and tucked you in before getting under the covers and spooning you. 
"You're gonna love it here I promise. All the blood you want. I'm not just keeping you here to feed me, I could see glimpses inside your mind when your inebriation nourished me."
The half-demon ran a hand soothingly up and down your side.
"I know we're compatible lovers. You'll see."
You could hear his words but could just barely process them. 
"B-but.." You protested weakly.
"Hush now. You need to rest."
He put his arm around your waist and held you protectively. It was so much easier to just let sleep claim you than it was to resist.
Wade stayed up far longer though. All the thoughts of the wonderful life you two would share together running through his head and keeping him awake. It would be amazing. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.
He'd treat you so well and make sure his little vampire was always happy. And he'd keep you hopelessly addicted to his blood. You'd be so helpless and dependent on him that you'd simply never be able to escape.
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writing-fanics · 5 months
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don’t mess with the devil
Part ii
Lucifer Morningstar x Reader
[warning: angst: mentions of death: death?]
Your movements became sluggish. The wound on your side bleeding more and more with each movement, and swing of your angelic weapon. “Can’t even hold a weapon.” Adam mocked, as she glared at him. Already tired and she looked down at her wound. “Who would’ve thought a fucking human, making a deal with the devil.”
“Was it for dick? It was for dick wasn’t it?” Adam laughed, and mocked. You let out a battle cry flying towards him.
You screamed in pain, as the yellow light shot right through your wing. Your wings started going weak, as you struggled to keep up with Adam’s attacks. He laughed and cackled, taking enjoyment in your struggle.
“Where’s your little boyfriend huh?” He mocked, as more and more yellow shots kept hitting your body. Until you could barely keep your body up, “awe, is he not coming to scared to show his fa-”a fist punched, Adam in the face. Causing him to let go of your chin, but you didn’t fall instead.
A pair of familiar arms held you, “I’m so sorry, I couldn’t be here sooner,” said Lucifer, as he nuzzled his head against his partner. Then lifted his head and glared at Adam, eyes fuming with rage.
“Sorry, for being so stubborn.” You mumbled, knowing this was the reason he didn’t want you to fight. Even though, he gave you some of his powers. You were still a human. He nuzzled, his head against yours once more. “It’s okay,” He said, as he landed on the rooftop.
He handed you off to Charlie, his daughter taking your injured body into her arms. She looked down at you worriedly, as you took shallow breaths. Your face battered cuts and bruises covered your face, and your right eye was swollen. Landing on the rooftop, walking towards Adam.
“Huh? Okay? Seriously?” Adam panted, as he stood up slowly. “How many of you freaks do I have to fight?!” He shouted, glaring at them.
Lucifer rolled up his sleeves, as he walked towards Adam. “Oh, I’m the only one that matters.” said Lucifer, as he looked up at Adam angrily.
“See, you messed with my daughter and my partner.” his eyes burning with rage. “and now I’m toning to fuck you!” he shouted, and everyone went silent as they stared at him dumbfounded.
Charlie leaned over, “It’s fuck you up dad?” Charlie whispered, and he looked confused as he raised his eyebrow, “Wait what did I say?” He said, and then Adam flew towards him sending them both into a wall. But Lucifer transformed into a white snake.
You could barely keep your eyes open, as the pain became worse. You didn’t know how much blood you were losing, but knew it was a lot. You were just a mere human, a human who fell in love with the king of hell. Him inevitably giving you some of his power in an act of love.
Your memories of how you ended up in Hell, a blur. You still figuring out a way to at least see your family again. But now that seemed to be in vain. You wondered if this was how it was going to end for you. You wondered, what would happen to you a human dying in hell?
Would you be dead forever no second life? Or would you just enter purgatory?
“So, this is what you’ve been up to since Eden?” said Lucifer, taunting him.
“Gotta say, you really let yourself go buddy.” He said, as he taunted Adam.
Adam laughs, as he grabbed Lucifer by the tail. “You judgin’ me?” He shouted angrily, as he tried to throw him. But he transformed again, this time into a duck. “You’re the most hated being in all of creation.” Adam shouted, angrily looking at him.
“Well, your first wife didn’t seem to hate what I had to offer.” said Lucifer, as he made a V shape with his fingers and dragged it downward from his mouth.
“or the second.” He said looking Adam straight in the face, “Bow-chicka-wow-wow.” He said, as he backed away making a thrusting motion with his hips. Adam lunched at him, and Lucifer transformed into a horse. Kicking him around, “I’ll fuckin’ end you!!” Adam shouted.
Your vision started to blur, as you leaned your head against the wall You didn’t want to die not like this, not without seeing your parents again. Wondering if they’re worried about their missing child, who they haven’t seen in almost a year.
You’ve been stuck in Hell for that long. Lucifer and You, still figuring out a way to get you back. But you always promised that you’d stay in Hell with him, and visit your friends and family once in a while.
Maybe this was to be your fate, dying in Hell. Where would your soul go? You couldn’t imagine the heartbreak your death would bring to both, Charlie and Lucifer. You couldn’t bear the thought of seeing them cry, you’ve grown to love them so much. Seeing Charlie as a child of your own.
Lucifer your partner. The best thing to ever come out of being trapped in Hell. He was so kind and caring, when he found out about your situation. Wanting to help you anyway he could, which led him to falling in love. How his heart swelled whenever you smiled at him, turning his cheeks red.
How seeing you cry made his heartache, knowing you missed your family and friends back on earth. How when that ‘Red Bastard’ at the Hazbin Hotel, took your hand and kissed him while staring mockingly at Lucifer. Boiled his blood.
A smiled grew across your lips, as you grew tired. You were too tired to even notice the beam of light, heading straight towards the hotel. Towards you. Everything went dark.
who’s calling my name?
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cassiopeiasdaughter · 10 months
Hiiii pretty star,
Me again.
📝Can I get a little something with Theo and the prompt cuddles after being touch starved? I feel that with his mother gone and his father being who he is, Theodore deserves all the love and snuggles in this world. Thank you 🤍
"My house of stone, your ivy grows, and now I'm covered in you"
Theodore Nott, despite popular belief -mostly his-, was easy to love. Your relationship was still fresh, you two were slowly getting to know eachother; favorite hobbies, habits. And most importantly, each-others love language. 
Your favorite way to love someone is by touching them. Kisses, holding hands, looping your arm around them, playing with their hair; that is how you show love, and it is how you show Theo you love him.
He however is not used to that. You had suspected so one day, when you two were walking, casually talking to eachother about your day; out of habit you grabbed Theos hand, lacing your fingers together. His hand tensed at first, as if he was entirely unfamiliar with this feeling, and lost his train of thought, mumbling words and excuses until he grew used to your touch and picked up the conversation from where he left it.
Your suspicion was confirmed one night. You were tired and stressed; homework was piling up, quidditch practice was more constant and you had taken up way too many extracurricular activities. You ran straight to Theos dorm, needing the comfort of his presence to ground you, calm you, help you recharge your energy and get ready for the days to come. 
You found him in his bed, with a book you had recommended to him, in his hands. You quickly walked towards him and he greeted you, lifting his eyes from the pages, “Hello.”, he said with smile “Hi.”, you mumbled back, way too tired to pretend you weren’t. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked as you changed out of your clothes and into an old sweatshirt of his. 
“Exhausting day. Exhausting week.”, you replied with a deep sigh and then settled next to him in his bed.
You rested your head in the crook of his neck and looped your arm around his shoulder, breathing him in “I want to stay here forever.” , you mumbled with your eyes closed.
But, instead of a kiss on your forehead or his arm hugging your back you felt him grow tense and his heart beating really fast against his ribcage. You raised your head worried, and looked at his face “I- am I crashing you?”
“Ah- no…no, this is new to me, that's all.”, he quickly said nervously
“Oh, I am sorry, I didn’t think-“, you exclaimed and moved your body off to give him space.
He stopped you, quickly and guided you back in his arms, “No, don’t go, I like it.” he whispered in your hair. His body was more comfortable now, moulding into yours, his muscles weren’t tense anymore and his limbs shifted to keep you close to him.
“Stay.”, he whispered in your hair and you let yourself close your eyes, and drift off, finally able to relax, in the arms of the person you craved all week.
After that night he simply couldn’t let you go. His hand is always clasped in yours, or settled in the small of your back or around your shoulders. He kisses your forehead goodnight and greets you with a peck on the lips every morning. And his favorite; whenever life feels heavy, he will lay on your chest and let you play with his hair, causing him to forget all his troubles.
He is learning how to love and be loved and his favorite thing is that he is learning with you.
fin 🤎
celebrate my academic hardships & Theodore Nott masterlist
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