#Spanish education
thecrashcourse · 2 years
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Say "Hola" to Crash Course en Español! This new channel brings everything you love about Crash Course to a Spanish-speaking audience. Crash Course Química is coming soon, so be sure to subscribe at https://www.youtube.com/@CrashCourseenEspanol and share the news with your Spanish-speaking friends!
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saurotitan · 11 months
Watching My Language
I'm pretty smart, but there are some things I struggle with. Today I'll explain why I still try.
I like to think I’m pretty smart. After all, if good looks or a strong body aren’t on my side I’ve got to have something going for me, right? Still, it’s not like I don’t have good reasons to believe I’m relatively intelligent. I graduated college cum laude, I’ve read more books than I can count, and I even know how to identify various obscure and exotic animals from around the world on sight…
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spanishplaydates · 1 year
Polar Animals Bingo Game - Your Gateway to Spanish Immersion Fun
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Polar Animals Bingo Game - Your Gateway to Spanish Immersion Fun!
Welcome to an exciting world of language and adventure. Dive into the frosty realm of Arctic creatures with our immersive bingo game in Spanish class. 🐧🌟
Explore the wonders of polar animals while enhancing your language skills. Join us for a thrilling journey where education meets entertainment.
Get ready for a bingo experience like no other. Subscribe now and let the learning begin!
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reality-detective · 5 months
This was a famous Spanish model Gabriela Rico Jimenez, who was invited to an Illuminati party, screaming in front of a luxury hotel. She repeatedly pleads for her freedom, and claims she was held against her will.
She also made claims of murder and cannibalism, and drops some very big names in her accusations. 
The main problem in the brainwashed society that we live in, is that nobody will believe you if you say those things and especially if your freaked out about it they will call you nuts and lock you up. 🤔
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lupusmaxima · 2 years
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class got cancelled today, so i spent the day watching wall-e... for educational reasons of course!
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longliveblackness · 3 months
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Stephen Bantu Biko
Stephen Biko was born in 1946, in King William's Town in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. As a medical student at the University of Natal, he was involved with the National Union of South African Students (NUSAS) and went on to found the South African Students' Association (SASO).
At a time when the African National Congress and Pan-Africanist Congress were banned by the government, SASO filled the political vacuum by evolving into the Black Consciousness Movement.
In 1972 Biko was expelled from the university, and the following year he was banned by the authorities. Despite this, he played a key role in organizing the protests that culminated in the Soweto Uprising of 1976.
He helped to unite over 70 black consciousness groups which helped to develop the Black Consciousness Movement and help advance the liberation struggle, building a vanguard party.
He was banned between 1975 and 1977 and caught, arrested and in police detention September 12, 1977 after being beaten mercilessly, he slipped into a coma to his death.
Although Biko never lived to write his memoirs, he left behind some revealing documents. African Lives includes a portion of an interview Biko gave to an American businessman a few months before he was detained and beaten to death.
He was assassinated because he represented power of African unity and the black consciousness and courage of the people. Long live the life, consciousness, courage, contributions and legacy of Stephen Bantu Biko. May his spirit live and manifest in future generations.
Stephen Bantu Biko
Stephen Biko nació en 1946 en la ciudad del Rey William en la Provincia del Cabo, Sudáfrica. Cómo estudiante de medicina en la Universidad de Natal, estuvo involucrado con la Unión Nacional de Estudiantes Sudafricanos (NUSAS) y luego fundó la Organización de Estudiantes Sudafricanos (SASO).
En un tiempo en el cual el Congreso Nacional Africano y el Congreso Pan-Africanista fueron prohibidos por el gobierno, SASO llenó la aspiradora política al evolucionar y convertirse en el Movimiento de Conciencia Negra.
En 1972, Biko fue expulsado de la universidad y al año siguiente fue exiliado por las autoridades. A pesar de esto, él jugó un rol importante en organizar las protestas que llevaron a la Rebelión de Soweto de 1976.
Ayudó a unir alrededor de setenta grupos de conciencia negra, lo cual ayudó a desarrollar el Movimiento de Conciencia Negra y ayudó con los avances para la lucha por la liberación, así creando un partido vanguardista.
Fue exiliado desde el año 1975 hasta 1977 y el 12 de septiembre de 1977, fue arrestando y puesto bajo detención policial. Luego de haber sido atacado sin piedad alguna, cayó en coma y falleció.
Aunque Biko nunca vivió lo suficiente para escribir su autobiografía, dejó unos documentos muy reveladores. Vidas Africanas incluye una porción de una entrevista que Biko le dio a un empresario estadounidense unos meses antes de que fuese detenido y golpeado hasta morir.
Fue asesinado porque él representaba el poder de la unidad africana, la conciencia negra y la valentía del pueblo. Larga vida a la vida, al conocimiento, a la valentía, contribuciones y legado de Stephen Bantu Biko. Que su espíritu viva y se manifieste en futuras generaciones.
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nickiisthings · 2 months
does anybody else just mix languages in their brain when speaking? I speak both chinese and spanish and i often do that, my brain LOVES it it’s so convenient it makes so much sense for me 😂😂
eg: 你sabe donde ‘ta mi celular 呢?
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sitting-on-me-bum · 8 months
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A Spanish shawl nudibranch, Flabellina iodinea, at the Research Experience and Education Facility, at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
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norhuu · 2 years
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Have some more fluffy tealoranges my friends.
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absentdadza · 1 year
I think one of the coolest things about learning a new language is when you start not having to translate certain words in your head and you just know the meaning directly literally one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced
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How to say "I love you" in your partner's language - Part 1
English: I love you
Spanish: Te quiero / Te amo
French: Je t'aime
Italian: Ti amo
German: Ich liebe dich
Portuguese: Eu te amo
Russian: Я тебя люблю (Ya tebya lyublyu)
Chinese (Mandarin): 我爱你 (Wǒ ài nǐ)
Japanese: 愛してる (Ai shiteru)
Korean: 사랑해 (Saranghae)
Arabic: أحبك (Ana bahebak)
Hindi: मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ (Main tumse pyaar karta/karti hoon)
Greek: Σ'αγαπώ (S'agapo)
Turkish: Seni seviyorum
Dutch: Ik hou van jou
Swedish: Jag älskar dig
Bokmål: Jeg elsker deg
Finnish: Rakastan sinua
Polish: Kocham cię
Hungarian: Szeretlek
Nynorsk: Eg elskar deg
Dangme (spoken in Ghana): I suɔ mo.
We'll add more languages in the nest posts. Ask if you want to add your own language or different phrases. We're always open to feedback!
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Cuando la educación no es liberadora, el sueño de los oprimidos es ser opresor.
Paulo Freire.
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saintfrancesworld · 5 months
Currently filled with a strange and envious longing of those who are fluent in more than one language, who can read and write poetry in more than one language.
(Spanish is calling to me. I will answer.)
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useless-catalanfacts · 3 months
HI! Love your blog a lot!!💛❤️
I have a peculiar rant to make!
There are many motorsport events happening in Barcelona during the year, and they are often called "Spanish Grand Prix", and they are portrayed as the "home races" of people usually from other parts of Spain (most times these people are rich blokes from Madrid with links to Vox). I'm not Catalan, but that makes me so mad. It's once again the erasure of an entire history and culture. English-speaking media don't even make an effort to understand where they are, they are just happy to call it Spain and wonder why they're playing two anthems before the actual races.
But anyway, visca Catalunya i bona diada dels Països Catalans!
Thank you very much!
Yes, I completely agree with you that it's annoying. It's a way for the Spanish state (and every other state, because this happens to other occupied nations as well) to use the sports for propaganda and to cement the association "Catalonia=Spain" in the minds of everyone from around the world who's watching.
If I may, I will answer to your rant with another rant of my own. In general, most sports tend to be very state-centered. For example, for most sports you can't be a professional athlete unless you sign up for a specific state to represent it, wear its flag on your clothes while you compete, play their anthem if you win, the teams must be organized according to people who come from the same state, etc. And if you don't have one, then, bad luck, you either do it for the state that occupies your homeland or you don't get to become a professional sportsperson at all. But even if you have your own independent country that you identify with, still... why so much focus on it? Why is where these people come from so important that it becomes even more important that the person? Imagine if people did this with any other aspect of the athlete's background or identities: "Twilight fans won 5 gold medals this year, and Marvel fans went down to only 3". Or imagine if we did it by sexual orientation, conservatives would be so mad saying "why do you have to wave it in everyone's faces!?". All of those would be ridiculous, so why isn't this strong focus on what state they come from also ridiculous? It would seem more logical to focus on person, school/trainer, or teams that they could choose according to how they view the sport or how they think training works better or work better together. But we seem to just accept that the state (not even culture or nation, just a geographical-political administration unit) is the most defining trait.
That's why I personally never liked the Olympic games or world cups, it feels like it's more about nationalism than about sports. I used to follow them when I was young but I always felt like the gymnasts themselves weren't recognized enough because all the media was focused on "how many people from our country won", or "this sport was won by [country]". And Spanish media does this a lot, to the point that I think they are disrespectful to the sportsperson. Why do all Spanish people have to feel proud or like they won the games because someone from their state achieved something, but not when someone from another state did the same, even when someone from a state might be geographically closer to some parts of their neighbour state than other parts of their own? It's not like the random citizen who is supposed to feel like he himself won the games did, maybe he spent the whole competition eating chips at the sofa (that's me btw). It just never made sense to me. And even less for team achievements like F1 or MotoGP, where they play the anthem of the state that the pilot is a citizen of, but so much of that victory is owed to the rest of the team who worked on making and improving the car/motorbike, so it's a team effort but the anthem of the state of only one of them is chosen to be given the victory to. It makes no sense!
And if you're hosting on a city, it's the same. What does a state's anthem even have to do with an F1 racing? Why is it even there? Show the city and the area around it if you must show something, after all that's the people whose taxes are going to pay for that sport and whose lives are going to be inconvenienced by it.
Because that's another thing, events like the F1 race inside Barcelona (not on the actual track, when they made them fake-race on the street Passeig de Gràcia, afaik they were not even actually racing because the velocity limit was too low), the America Cup, etc contribute so much to worsening the worst problems of the city (touristic massification, gentrification, poverty, and pollution). For the America Cup, the neighbours of the Barceloneta quarter have to use cards that identify them as residents to be allowed in their own neighbourhood because that whole neighbourhood has been kidnapped by the America Cup people. And the F1 fake race thing in one of the busiest avenues of the city was very annoying to the citizens, too. It meant cutting a significant amount of the city's traffic, including public buses, and collapsing part of the metro system as a result. Some of my co-workers had difficulties arriving to our workplace that day because of it. Just so that cars can show off inside the city and pollute it, skipping the city's laws that aim to reduce air pollution by banning people whose cars pollute more than a certain amount (which in practise means old cars, the ones that poorer people are more likely to have). We can't use our cars in the city unless we can afford a green model, but they can cut off a whole avenue in the very centre of the city, asphalt it new just for them, and race there when they already have a track made for them to race in.
It's all part of the capitalist obsession with uncontrolled growth, they want everything to happen here for more and more people to come. Not just with sports events, but anything that will be used as an advertising for the city. Like the Louis Vuitton catwalk that was happening this month in Park Güell (a UNESCO World Heritage Site btw) and which damaged part of the architecture. Until now, the hotel lobby was the main promoter of many of these events because they wanted more tourists, but even the hotel owners are now saying that this has gone too far and the tourism monoculture model has become absolutely unsustainable and is ruining the city.
Don't get me wrong, sports are important and we need to support them and promote people practise sports, and it's good for entertainment purposes and we have to support people having fun (that's what life's about!). But the model that professional competitive sports use needs to be completely rethinked. I think every city that has gone through the devastating experience of hosting Olympic Games will agree with this.
Anyway, that's just my opinion and what you pointed out is definitely more offensive, but when I stop to think of it I can't but see how it's all.... not great. Sorry for getting out of topic but I have been personally very annoyed by these sports and fashion events this month.
Thank you for your message and your understanding, I read it on the Sant Joan but I'm answering late. I hope you had a good diada dels Països Catalans and that you're having a great beginning of summer 🌞
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reality-detective · 1 year
* * * History Lesson * * *
1918 Spanish flu experiment gone horribly wrong - Injecting bacteria and vaccine shedding… 🤔
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worldhistorian1845 · 3 months
Largest Empires of all time
Persian Empire
Han Dynasty
Mongol Empire
Spanish Empire
Russian Empire
British Empire
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