#SpongeBob Grooming
spitaroo · 6 months
he's such a little freak I'm going to pelt him with rocks
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officialv · 2 years
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(SpongeBob) Truth or Square Deleted Scene
🚫 Please do NOT use, repost, edit, fix, or sell any of my art!!! 🚫
So, apparently in the terrible filler special to celebrate the 10th anniversary for SpongeBob SquarePants that's titled "Truth or Square", there's a supposed deleted scene during the scene where SpongeBob "married" Sandy, and I say that with quotations because it's not a real wedding and was actually a play. Anyway, after the wedding officiant says, "I didn't know this was a play." SpongeBob would've said, "Well, it doesn't have to be a play, right Sandy?" or something along those lines, and then Sandy would slap him in return.
So, back in 2020, I decided to create this short comic of what I thought the deleted scene would go. It's probably not perfect, but I thought it was pretty funny when I wrote it. I don't remember if this deleted scene has been debunked or confirm by any of the SpongeBob crew, but I hope you like it nevertheless!
I have labeled the panels, but if you need help figuring out which comes first, second, third, etc., here it is: Panel 1: Patrick and the Wedding Officiant look at each other as the Wedding Officiant says, "I didn't know this was a play." Panel 2: SpongeBob looks over at Sandy and says, "It doesn't have to be a play, right Sandy?" Panel 3: Sandy is alerted and shocked at what SpongeBob said. Panel 4: Sandy slaps SpongeBob while saying "Idiot Boy!" while SpongeBob screams as he flies in the air. Panel 5: SpongeBob falls into their wedding cake. Panel 6: SpongeBob sits on the table with cake batter and icing covering himself. His eyes become red hearts as he says, "Oh yeah. She loves me."
Credits: SpongeBob SquarePants and its characters (c) Stephen Hillenburg Comic (c) @officialv
🐿️ Thanks for stopping by and have a nice day! 🧽
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viaviv124 · 7 months
Little addition to my post debunking Nayfrogs (i shall stay with this term because it's hillarious) because i just remembered. Bullfrog is a war vet. He fought in the Wasteland war.
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We don't know when exactly this war was but Eden exists for roughly 40 years now, meaning Bullfrog is probably in his mid 30s considering he grew up there. Preeeetty sure this man is old and mature enough to decide shit on his own. You're telling me a guy who spent probably his entire or most of his life training to be an assassin and also served in a war against Eden is being groomed by something he saw on TV when he was a small child? We don't know if hybrids can reproduce on their own (allthough Bullfrogs full name "Bullfrog Korvin Jr." suggests it) and if he was made in a lab i'm also pretty sure the Rayman Show was forced on him in an attempt to "form" him.
I really don't get your grooming point, peeps. If y'all watched Spongebob as a kid and 30+ years you meet him and you hated him at first but would end up dating him eventually, would he have groomed you? He didn't even know you existed when you were a child. Please explain your logic to me because i am genuinely curious on how you came up with it.
As people have stated before, if an age gap makes you uncomfortable, that's fine. If you dont like a ship, that's fine. Block and move on. I feel like unless a ship actually has a bunch of problematic shit you want to call attention to (like literally a child and an adult, i will die on this hill) there's no need to say something. There's shit people shouldnt enable from my view point. But consenting adults with an age gap because one of them is pretty much an ageless being made of light? Yeah no. That's just petty.
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moonybemine · 1 month
WHO WANNA BE BESTIES‼️ i need someone to giggle over hp with. you HAVE to be a jkr hater tho bc i hate terfs and am agender(im just vibin tho all gendered terms i use by vibe alone)
i have some Opinions on a lot of things about hp and i have some fluctuating emotions on certain characters. i genuinely treat every hp character like barbies that i play with and put into Shenanigans and Situations.
i will reading bashing fics especially albus ones i hate the things he did but i on occasion have been known to enjoy a good albus fic including ones where he's less "we have to kill voldy!!" and more "you (platonically or romantically)Love someone, dont you Tom?" like that spongebob meme. i do not like sirius or remus bashing, it's always overly harsh and vilifies a man locked away in the harshest prison who's mental faculties have been horribly abused, and while The Prank was an incredibly stupid attempt of a prank due to the danger it put severus in and also remus i ultimately believe it would've never happened in the first place if albus and minerva properly chastised the marauders earlier for their treatment of snape. we also don't know when this happened in the timeline of the marauders, was it before or after snape and lily's falling out. in remus' case he's a man who's been treated as a monster his whole life who was allowed into hogwarts by albus who then used this BOY'S gratitude to make him go into enemy territory and spy on and try to recruit people to the other side of the war. not to mention that albus groomed them all to fight the boy he FAILED(ive got so many opinions on tom and albus) and then when remus who support network was either dead or imprisoned he was told he couldn't raise harry and was told to not contact him. albus did all he fucking could to make harry miserable and pliable so that he'd sacrifice himself to end a war like a pig to slaughter. ur telling me Great Albus Dumbledore defeater of grindelwald couldnt find a solution to the horcrux besides having him walk to his death not to mention that he could've probably figured out horcruxes decades earlier and tried collecting them and probably would've succeeded! also i hate that the whole marauders generation is completely wiped out jkr u nasty bitch!
my ultimate fav ships are nottpott and wolfstar. ive BEEN a wolfstar lover since i was literally a child. nottpott entered my life last year and proceeded to ruin me on drarry(and pretty much every other ship involving harry and someone else or theo and someone else) i used to hate dramione bc i was apart of a toxic forum back in the day but i have grown to enjoy it bc it usually goes hand in hand with nottpott. i am forever a fremione and a pansmione gurlie tho. i love a lot of marauders ships as well jegulus/jily/jegulily/wolfstar/marylily/dorlene/pandalily/rosekiller/etc
i will mention i have dipped my toe into tomarry. i have enjoyed quite a few fics with this pairing and while i have enjoyed mostly ones where they are both teens, i do not like or support ones where its oldie voldie and literal child harry. its a grey area with somethings with them because of a multitude of factors and it shifts from a fic to fic basis. im not one to judge overly harsh over liking ships but i will judge in cases of straight up pedophilia but it will mostly result in a block because im not a child that starts fights on the internet anymore. i also do not support bestiality or incest and i'm specifying these things in particular due to a intimate relationship with the harry potter ao3 tag i know what freaks and weirdos exist there. literally the only fuckin fandom thats got a UNIQUE BESTIALITY tag
anyways msg me if ur interested <3
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crmsnmth · 6 months
Seen But Not Heard
In my house it was always to be seen but never heard. It didn't matter unless you were dying You were to never interrupt and you spoke when spoken too Any time they had friends over Find me off in the corner, coloring a Rugrats coloring book scared that the sound of crayon on paper might get to them Because if I was heard, they'd be heard And I'm constantly in the way
Parties every weekend, when I hide in my room Learning voices of music and keeping my headphones Some habits are hard to break Across the hall, there's a snowstorm happening in their room I know because they don't always close the door all the way I used to always wonder why they put powdered sugar on the mirror
Soon it was to be hidden and not heard I wasn't a cute little kid with crayons anymore I was an angry teenager dressed in black putting holes in his bedroom walls Just so I can feel something in my swelling knuckles And across the hall, they keep their door locked now I never see behind the cracks
Soon I didn't matter at all, as bitter divorce shows it's fangs Even the blizzards couldn't keep a loveless marriage alive At first it was depression at the fact that my family had fallen But it quickly faded, when I realized that this wasn't the first time And I watched in silence, hiding in the corner with my crayons drawing pictures that would disturb any guidance counselor For some reason, I have to see her once a week
At eighteen I said goodbye, with a slamming door and a "fuck you" I moved in with my dad until I could get on my feet And now that I was an adult, I was seen, I was heard Just never in a way that anybody could really understand and soon enough it started to flurry a little bit in my world Finally understanding how to bake something off of reflective glass
In my home, it is always hide and be silent I've never really figured out how to adjust the volume Things get built into us as we age in our lives Habits become permanant enclosures in our dangerous zoo Each new thought processed is a new animal that kills Apex predators hide best when they grab hold of dying words
She tried to listen to me, but that's all on her I gave her fair warning that my mind is a wasteland she played caretaker until she'd find me overwhelmed locked inside a closet with broken crayons I don't blame her at all for when she couldn't take it at all Always heard, but never seen
And soon enough, off to new friend's living room floor drowning a flood of brown liquors and beer stained nights How is it I never got to see how this ends And she came out of nowhere, seeing me. Hearing me. For the first and only time in my life, I knew what it was to be human to be loved, cared for, heard, seen, wanted.
But things don't last forever in this world we go through And soon enough I wasn't seen, and I wasn't heard Alone in a city with nothing worth grabbing I lived in pits of heartbreak, dragons, snow, and fungus Walking along sidewalks of violence even the muggers couldn't see me they couldn't hear me
Until she appeared, dragging me by the neck into her arm Pretending to listen and see but in the process starting the grooming I was seen, but I was clay and I was heard, but I was static Miable, pliable, building blocks of what she wanted She held red crayons and used them to drain my blood Her little project
I escaped in the quiet of domestic abuse excuses I claim no sainthood by my hands And she couldn't claim her innocense forever I take my undeserved punishment, in a cage always seen always heard
Now I've learned from all these lessons And I've taken them as the gospel of my life Chris 8:15. Make sure you are seen, and make sure you are heard I've written this in crayon and the margins of a SpongeBob coloring book.
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transpersian · 9 months
The 'it's their house, they can do whatever they want' argument is not the trump card these people seem to think it is. The logic behind it is that they can do whatever they want inside their own space, which is fair enough. However, by inviting Dormiyu into their space, they are now sharing that space with it. These people seem to think the issue is that Poppy is being told what to do in her own home, when the actual issue is that she had a guest over and deliberately showed it her genitals despite knowing it wasn't comfortable with that. This whole semantical argument of what Poppy is entitled to do in her own home is bogus. So anything goes as long as it's in her space? That's not how consent works you goddamn fools. And you KNOW it. Are you people so stupid that you would let your own moral integrity devolve just to justify supporting or liking Poppy? Look at the facts, god damn you. Look at the implications of what you are actually saying for fuck's sake! What a dangerous mindset, to think that just because it's her house Poppy is allowed to bully or disrespect those who visit! This isn't a case of Poppy wearing a shirt her guest doesn't like, it's about how she exposed herself to this asexual being purposefully despite knowing it was uncomfortable with it. Anything that has anything to do with even a whiff of nonconsensual sexual undertones, and that includes exposing oneself to others (even if nudity itself isn't inherently sexual, it is downright willfully idiotic and even malicious to ignore how flashing someone or exposing oneself to others without their consent is not- to put it mildly- a good or moral thing to do.) This is sexual harassment. What these people are essentially saying are ‘this can't be sexual harassment because it's inside her own space’ without taking into account that she was sharing that space with another being who didn't consent. At worst, what they are implying is that it is okay to sexually harass others as long as they are technically in your own home. “Welp, since they chose to be here, I can do whatever I want and they can't say shit! And if they are uncomfortable, well, it's their own fault for coming here to this place I told them would be safe.” This is the same logic used by predators/abusers to justify their abuse/grooming/harassment by pinning it on the victims. They should've known better, they were actually disrespecting ME by telling me they were uncomfortable or upset with my actions. For fucks sake, it's not like Poppy was wearing a spongebob shirt and Dormiyu went ewwwww go change. Use. Some. Sense. 
I have no patience for people who try to wield semantics as justification. The second you rely on semantics and technicalities to explain or justify abuse, you've already lost.
The appropriate response. Thanks, anon.
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nomapsupport · 4 months
ME TOO about the childish interests. I love Bluey and Paw Patrol and SpongeBob and many others, and while yeah I’m a MAP it has nothing to do with those things. They’re just cute and I like cute things Dx
YES see you get it! i love bluey too 🩷 i also love plushies (especially bunnies), making friendship bracelets, sanrio, pastel colors... cute things are peak. it sucks so bad that whether i share my cutesy interests or my dark edgy stories id be seen as "grooming kids" either way because being cutesy is tricking children into thinking im kid-friendly & writing about adult topics is grooming kids into thinking abuse is okay 🙄🥲 it sucks to feel guilty over just existing & having normal human interests
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xthescarletbitch · 2 years
nsfw alphabet || dani rojas
18+, minors do NOT interact
cw: f!reader, smut, strap-on use, f!receiving, [implied] reader!giving, exhibitionism, spanking, power play, rough sex
word count: 2000+
author’s note: i have read this over and over to a point where i’m tired of looking at it. i apologise in advance for any mistakes or inconsistency, i tried my best! these responses were easier in my head (lmao). i hope you enjoy. ♡
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✦ A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
when duty does not call, dani’s aftercare includes reminding you how much she adores and appreciates you. lots of little kisses and praises like “you did so good”. she will also constantly ask if you’re okay while cleaning everything up. you can expect her to ignore every call that comes through during this time because all of her focus is on you. you feel like getting a bite to eat? of course. you want to cuddle for a bit? even better.
✦ B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
you would both answer this the same: her thighs. she absolutely adores it when you’re seated atop them, whether it’s just as a seat or as a ride (it’s your favourite because of the latter). she also has no preference of where you face as each position brings its own benefits. when facing her, she can kiss all over your neck and face! when facing away, she is able to see her favourite body part of yours, your ass, move as you pick up speed. it allows her the chance to smack it however she pleases and to grip your hips harder to thrust up into you. she also enjoys massaging your breasts with one hand and pulling you back against her with the other.
✦ C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
it doesn’t matter what brought you here, but after your release, dani is immediately there to scarf it down. she makes sure to get every last drop out of you, even if it means spending the rest of the day there (as if that’s a bad thing). sometimes you can’t help but feel a little shy about it, especially when she’s done fingering you and makes a show of licking it all off her fingers and your thighs.
✦ D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
dani yearns to fuck you right on el presidente’s desk in torre del león. something about sticking it to the man (or in her girlfriend) gives her a rush of adrenaline. being in a position like that would surely give her the surge of power and control that she desires.
✦ E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
she has had a few flings here and there. she is not the most inexperienced person in the world, but also not the most experienced. one thing is for sure, and it’s that she knows how to read your body. she is a dedicated and thorough lover.
✦ F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
any position where you both are close to each other, skin to skin. she loves the contact and intimacy that it brings. she especially loves taking you from behind, but bringing you up so that your back is fully against her chest. she loves to rub her hands all over your front as she pounds into you; a tactic she uses just because she likes to touch you and also because it keeps her stable with her exertion.
✦ G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
sometimes she will be too focused on pleasuring you that she is so serious, but it’s not rare for her to be goofy either. even though she wouldn’t outright degrade you, she enjoys teasing you and chuckling at your reactions. *insert spongebob mocking meme* “woooow, i barely touched you and you’re already this we-” before you jokingly smack her. it’s also an ego boost when she can turn off your laughter instantly by having you moan out instead.
✦ H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
dani could care less about personal hygiene. she is not very well groomed down there because she doesn’t really care much about it. on that note, she has no preferences for her partner either. you’re still a full-course meal either way.
✦ I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
she can be very romantic during the deed. she is huge on cuddling and kissing while fucking. she wants to feel all of you against her, and vice versa. she always has to be touching all over you. she is certainly passionate in her lust.
✦ J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
it’s rare for her to find the time and means to masturbate, but that doesn’t mean she won’t do it. especially if she’s away from you for an extended period of time, she’ll pleasure herself while imagining the two of you and your deeds.
✦ K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
she enjoys power play and being the dominant figure in the bedroom. additionally, she loves to spank you, especially when she can watch your ass jiggle in time with her thrusts into you. considering her dirty secret, she doesn’t mind a little exhibitionism. anybody who would ever walk in would know that you’re dani’s and dani’s only.
✦ L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
if you’re both horny and there’s a flat surface, horizontal or vertical, you’re doing it there. if she had to pick a favourite place, she would choose the workbench. it’s perfect because she can have you sit there and look pretty while she does her thing. she can eat you out in this position, she can finger you, and she can even pound into you as she’d like with her superior angling. she also likes the way that the workbench will slam against the wall (there may have been one or two times where you made an obvious marking to the workbench or wall itself). she can’t necessarily do that much against a wall, but she’ll still manage to use it to her advantage. after all, a good guerrilla masters their environment.
✦ M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
dani has a dirty mind, okay. you could be fighting a soldado, grunt, and she’d be turned on. you could bend over to grab some scrap and she’d be turned on. it’s not hard to get her going at all. however, one of the biggest things you could do that would turn her on is to take charge. not necessarily in the bedroom, but by doing things like leading some bandidos on a mission. god, she thinks you’re so hot when you get into command mode. sure, she likes to be the dominant one in the bedroom, but seeing you like this just motivates her more.
✦ N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
no sharing. ever. she would also never dare to degrade or hurt you. even if it wouldn’t be in a bad manner, she still can’t bring herself to do it. she has lost so much and tries her best to remain kind, even in the bedroom. she is a big softie (let’s go with soft dom). <3
actually, that doesn’t include spanking. have i mentioned that she loves that?
✦ O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
dani loves to give. one of her favourite things to do is eat you out. she loves how your nails dig into her skin as it only invigorates her more. of course, she does enjoy receiving too! but when it comes down to limited time, she does not mind taking up all of it to enjoy you like a buffet.
✦ P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
dani is all about being quick and rough. she usually doesn’t have a lot of time to spare, so she wants to make it count. if she’s using the strap, she is doing quick and deep strokes. she’ll grip your hips as she draws the strap all the way out, only to slam it back into you over and over (rip to your insides).
✦ Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
it seems like all dani does is run around and do errands. she hardly has time to spare in order to properly plow you. that said, she loves quickies. you are both almost always game, so any moment that she has to spare is dedicated to absolutely devouring you. her favourite? you pressed against a wall as she crouches down and eats you out.
✦ R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
it depends on context. as mentioned before, she fantasises about taking you in one of the most guarded places in yara. that is not where her fantasies stop, but her ultimate goal is to keep you safe. thankfully, she is fully aware of the risks that come with taking you in fnd territory and will usually avoid it if she can. however, it’s not past her to pounce on you as soon as the vicinity is clear.
✦ S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
thanks to being ex-military, and contributing to her being one of the best guerrillas, dani has high stamina. she could go on for as long as time permits if she were able. however, due to time constraints, dani is often dedicating her efforts to quality over quantity. she wants to make your limited time count before the next mission occurs.
✦ T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
oh, she definitely does. if nothing else, she has an emerald green strap that brings out her eyes. it’s quite a sight to behold when you watch dani sheath it inside of you. and when she notices you watching? her pace will quicken and her strokes will become even more unforgiving.
if you would like to read more about dani and her legendary strap, my friend @mrsdanirojas is the one who coined this toy hc. read her fic here (you will not regret it)! ♡
✦ U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
as mentioned before, dani is known to tease. she knows the effect she has on your body and uses it against you (lovingly and jokingly of course, not at all derogatory). she will have you soaked and tease you for it. don’t worry. her teasing is always followed by an “apology”.
she’ll wait to hear a giggle from you before she buries her face in-between your legs and has you gasping from the sudden stimulation.
✦ V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
dani is a grunter. we’ve heard how many times she has grunted in frustration! it’s incredibly hot, both in bed and on the field. she grunts as she pounds into you, as you deepen a kiss and move your hand down to her core, and/or while she’s enjoying the full-course meal that is you.
✦ W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
i feel like dani is incredibly sensitive. you could touch her once and she will turn completely feral, wanting more. and she is easily turned on, so it’s not hard to get her going. any little touch and she’s ready to throw you onto the nearest surface and plow you into next week.
✦ X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
✦ Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
incredibly high. this poor woman gets sexually frustrated way too easily. i mentioned before how sensitive she is, which means she can usually cum from just giving pleasure. both your release and hers motivates her to keep going, and she most certainly does not stop at once. or twice.
✦ Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
dani barely sleeps as it is. instead of being the type to sleep afterwards, she prefers to cuddle instead. she does not end your rendezvous there. one of her favourite things to do (and she hopes to build upon this after la revolución) is to set up a picnic under the stars. maybe she’ll take a little snooze after cuddling up with you and watching the night sky, but that’s contingent on you falling asleep first (preferably on her).
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lynettesdiary · 5 months
𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗯𝘆 𝗺𝗼𝗱𝗲…
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Hello, good evening! My name is koko and I run this account . I plan to keep my introduction simple so here are some key things about me:
☆ I use any pronouns.
☆ my interests are genshin, jjk, pjsk, black butler hazbin hotel/helluva boss (though I have a hate-love relationship with both,) and danganronpa. I am also a frantic SpongeBob lover.
☆ I AM profic. Antis can interact since I do not care that much, they are funny little people after all.
☆ I don’t currently have any favorite ships, but instead tropes. The ones I enjoy the most usually have loli/shotas or grooming in them. (I prefer shotas, I blame Ciel Phantomhive.)
☆ And last, but probably not least: I am a writer. I write both sfw and nsfw content. I will try to write to the best of my abilities if I ever do decide to jot down some of my ideas here.
🤍 — 𝗜 𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗻𝗼 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲𝘀… 𝗛𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝗮 𝗴𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗱𝗮𝘆.
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skautism · 1 year
top most fucked up episodes of childrens programming i watched as a kid because i’m bored
the main drain (gave me my third existential crisis)
the nasty patty (i was like four and spongebob commited manslaughter)
to love a patty (mostly the disgustingly detailed painted cels)
that episode of ppg where they time travel on accident and without them the town turns into a hell dimension and they’re all mad at the girls and close in on them chanting “it’s all your fault” in monotone
the episode of ren and stimpy where stimpy farts and thinks he gave birth and immediately abandoned his son. ok arguably this isn’t kids programming but my dad showed it to me when i was 7 and it was on nick technically (we watched it on hulu)
dark harvest.
the two parter goosebumps episodes where there’s a demon cat that saps the life out of you for itself when it scratches you
gone (the spongebob episode)
buttercup gets groomed
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frecklesky · 2 years
The Sun + Sun Signs and Their Couple Halloween Costumes
**Check your Rising + Rising as well
Aries + Aries: Astronauts 
Aries + Taurus: Superman + Batman
Aries + Gemini: Peanut Butter + Jelly 
Aries + Cancer: Danny + Sandy from Grease 
Aries + Leo: Red Riding Hood + Wolf 
Aries + Virgo: Pikachu + Ash 
Aries + Libra: Dead Bride + Groom 
Aries + Scorpio: Cop + Criminal 
Aries + Sagittarius: PIlot + Plane 
Aries + Capricorn: Soccer Player + Referee 
Aries + Aquarius: Burger + Fries 
Aries + Pisces: Joker + Harley Quinn 
Taurus + Taurus: Thing 1 + Thing 2 
Taurus + Gemini: Tom + Jerry 
Taurus + Cancer: Lilo + Stitch 
Taurus + Leo: Horse + Cowboy 
Taurus + Virgo: Woody + Buzz Lightyear 
Taurus + Libra: Snow White + Sleeping Beauty 
Taurus + Scorpio: Red Pill + Blue Pill 
Taurus + Sagittarius: Donkey + Shrek 
Taurus + Capricorn: Hera + Zeus 
Taurus + Aquarius: Patrick + Spongebob Squarepants 
Taurus + Pisces: Cosmo + Wanda 
Gemini + Gemini: Eggs + Bacon 
Gemini + Cancer: Thelma + Louise 
Gemini + Leo: Man in Yellow Hat + Curious George 
Gemini + Virgo: Waldo + Wenda 
Gemini + Libra: Betty + Veronica 
Gemini + Scorpio: Mario + Luigi 
Gemini + Sagittarius: Shaggy + Scooby Doo 
Gemini + Capricorn: Peggy Carter + Captain America 
Gemini + Aquarius: The Chicken + The Egg 
Gemini + Pisces: Mickey + Minnie Mouse 
Cancer + Cancer: Skeletons 
Cancer + Leo: Anna + Elsa 
Cancer + Virgo: Leia + Luke Skywalker 
Cancer + Libra: Winnie the Pooh + Piglet 
Cancer + Scorpio: Pirates 
Cancer + Sagittarius: Tinker Bell + Peter Pan 
Cancer + Capricorn: Bert + Ernie 
Cancer + Aquarius: Alice + The Mad Hatter 
Cancer + Pisces: Milk + Cookies 
Leo + Leo: Cheerleaders 
Leo + Virgo: Hannah Montana + Lily Truscott 
Leo+ Libra: Velma + Daphne 
Leo + Scorpio: Firefighters 
Leo + Sagittarius: Hans Solo + Chewbacca 
Leo + Capricorn: Garfield + Odie 
Leo + Aquarius: Medusa + Statue 
Leo + Pisces: Calvin + Hobbes 
Virgo + Virgo: Crayons 
Virgo+ Libra: Magician + Rabbit 
Virgo + Scorpio: Cruella + Dalmatian 
Virgo + Sagittarius: Harry Potter + Ron Weasley 
Virgo + Capricorn: Thor + Loki 
Virgo + Aquarius: Zookeeper + Animal 
Virgo + Pisces: Fish + Fisherman 
Libra + Libra: Tourists 
Libra + Scorpio: Phineas + Ferb
Libra + Sagittarius: Basketball Players 
Libra + Capricorn: Serena + Blair 
Libra + Aquarius: Angel + Devil 
Libra + Pisces: Fred + Velma Flinstone 
Scorpio + Scorpio: Zombies 
Scorpio + Sagittarius: Racecar Drivers 
Scorpio + Capricorn: Joey + Chandler 
Scorpio + Aquarius: The Shining Twins 
Scorpio + Pisces: Gomez + Morticia Addams 
Sagittarius + Sagittarius: Wrestlers 
Sagittarius + Capricorn: Minion + Gru 
Sagittarius + Aquarius: Wayne + Garth 
Sagittarius + Pisces: Timon + Pumbaa
Capricorn + Capricorn: Construction Workers 
Capricorn + Aquarius: Doctor + Patient 
Capricorn + Pisces: The Grinch + Cindy Lou 
Aquarius + Aquarius: Aliens 
Aquarius + Pisces: Priest + Nun 
Pisces + Pisces: Chefs 
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bunbysdiary · 1 year
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About me
✿ name: Bunny or Shooby
⚘ age: 23 yrs old
✿ age(d)re age: 3-5, mainly 3
⚘ I have a carer, 01/05/21
other socials & links
my carrd: bunbysdiary
my Instagram: @/bunbysdiary
Some of my favorites
✿ color: green, yellow, & pink
⚘ movie: I love the saw franchise
✿ tv show: bluey, Sofia the first, SpongeBob, & rollie pollie Ollie
⚘ drinks: coke, Pepsi, mountain dew, and milk/chocolate milk
✿ food: subs, salads, different veggies, & chips
Interest and more info
⚘ likes: music, nighttime, watching YouTube, playing Minecraft & animal crossing, playing cards with papa, and baby time with papa!
✿ dislikes: loud noises, mean people, liars, trying new foods, & people who fake disabilities.
⚘ Dm status: [ 🥕 ] open || [ ] closed
Do not interact
• the basic criteria (homophobic, transphobic, racist etc)
• if your account is nsfw, and not child friendly, (you post kink related content, nudes etc)
• you intend to message me and cause drama, with me or my friends.
• you are a map, map supporter
• you believe that adult pacifiers were made for the kink community, which makes them inherently kinky
• you associate with shops who have been outted for grooming minors, or scamming people
• you intend to bully me, my friends or make fun of my work.
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dyketubbo · 2 years
finally got around to watching ro ramdin's dream video. im not fully done, but considering the things ive mentioned before about the desensitization of dream related controversies due to how many hes been in, this part seemed relevant to share and properly type out so everyone could read it.
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[ID: Two screenshots of white text over YouTuber Ro Ramdin, with Ro and the background being blurry to the point of not being able to make out details. The text reads as follows, with breaks in the text not originally there to allow for easier reading:
The earliest controversies I can think about are the R Slur situation, The Native War Cry Incident, the Cheating Controversy, the John Swan situation, Manatreed, the Racism allegations, the Racist Edits, and now the Grooming allegations. The R slur situation was when he degended his friend A6d's use of the word, said it, and claimed he himself could say it because he has ADHD and has had the word used against him as well.
Then there was the Indigenous War Cry controversy. I am Indigenous myself. At the end of one of his "manhunt" videos, Dream did a "victory screech." It's pretty clear he was just imitating SpongeBob's victory screech from the episode where Plankton and Mr. Krabs switch management roles. Unfortunately, some people took offense to the action and Dream's first reaction was not to explain he was imitating SpongeBob, but to claim he's part Idigenous and make some off comparisons between the war cry as an offense and war as an offense. He would later do a second apology to clear the air.
Then he got into the fated Cheating Controversy where he claimed he didn't cheat a minecraft speed run, even going as far as to insult the minecraft speedrun moderators (his friends made slights at them too). It came out to be true, and he apologized because he claimed he didn't know he was cheating at the time.
Then there were the racism allegations where black and POC fans of his expressed they did not feel safe in his community because of rampant racism. Dream's sentiment towards stans and his fan base had always been "I can't control them, so I'm not going to try." He had a response akin to that statement along the lines of "I don't condone racism, but I don't control the people who are racist. If they're racist, why would what I say affect what they do?" It was really lackluster and a lot of people, myself included, didn't understand why he didn't just say "Don't be racist" and then give examples of what is racism and microaggressions.
Then there was the Manatreed situation. Manatreed was a small account with a pfp that people thought looked like Dream from the small hints he had given us. He gained popularity because people thought he was Dream, gaining Dream's attention. Dream eventually invited him to the Dream SMP. Manatreed was there for one day before abuse allegations came out about him. There's this part of Twitter called Leaktwt that a lot of mcyt fans dislike because they leak personal information about the content creators. Some leaktwt users brought up "evidence" that Manatreed and Dream knew each other for years and that Dream housed Manatreed during a lawsuit against Manatreed claiming he abused his ex-girlfriend. As far as I know, these allegations came out as false, but the damage was done. Dream has stated he suffered from an abusive relationship in the past, and his reaction when the allegations came out were not pretty. He famously claimed the people who believed the allegations were foolish to do so, which sat really poorly with a lot of fans.
The racism edits came out this year. Using the wayback machine, several users discovered Dream had made kkk and nazi edits not too soon before he blew up in 2020. This is what really caused me to detach myself from him altogether. I had already unfollowed him around the Manatreed situation because I didn't want to see his tweets anymore, but this was pretty much the nail in the coffin. As far as I know, he admitted to making the edits but stated he doesn't condone nazism or racist organizations like the kkk. End ID]
again, this is maintagged purely for the sake of organization and blacklisting. if youre still a fan of dream, and you look over this and realize why hes not someone to support anymore, than thats an extra benefit and im glad you were open to listening. but i do not care to discuss this with fans who will only ever engage with me in bad faith.
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corndoggod · 1 year
Passing this turtle in the hallway whenever I left the apartment was a daily ethical conundrum, Cale said. The turtle in question was housed in a plastic tub of dirty water, choking on its own sewage, in a terrible building Cale used to live in. I helped him move in and we scuttled all his belongings, including his mattress, up and over the sad, helpless turtle, which did not move at all. The turtle belonged to the family across the hall, but no one seemed to feed it.
I could’ve put it in the pond in prospect.
That’s probably where it came from.
Maybe it was more like a lobster and they were waiting for a special occasion.
Celina pointed at me. Remember Ang’s rogue turtle? The one she found on the street.
Yeah didn’t she find someone who specializes in rescuing turtles.
Was it a turtle or a tortoise or a box turtle? Cale interjected.
A box turtle? I said
It was a turtle, Celina insisted.
There’s always the reintegration problem, Cale went on. Do you remember what kind of turtle it was because it matters. **A lot**.
Where was this?
If you get out of the city there’s a lot of turtles. Celina pointed at me and said remember that place we couldn’t swim in because humans poisoned it with their deodorant and sunblock? That used to be swarming with turtles.
(I remember the day well. On the drive out, I stopped to buy a twelve pack. It was 11am and the cashier asked me if everything was ok at home. I was taken aback. Was I giving divorced dad spiraling energy? Did I look that rough? But I said yeah, everything is good back home.  Oh good, he said. I know so many people whose homes flooded.)
Have I told you the story of the snapping turtle? Cale asked.
Celina shook her head.
I must’ve told you he said looking at me.
I don’t think so.
You remember the cove at my Dad’s cabin? I didn’t, but Cale visited the cove every day. A bullfrog lived in that cove and Cale heard him call out every morning and every night. He responded to the call and started grooming the bullfrog. Gave him little pets. Set him on his thigh. Spent quality time like that.
I go to show Anthony -- I don’t even like Anthony -- but I went to show him my frog friend anyway. But when we got to the cove, the frog was swimming in a circle like this, Cale said digging at the air with his torso turnt as if blindly rummaging around in a high closet shelf.   And it’s guts we’re just spilling out, he said gripping his spleen. And it was surrounded by these two snapping turtles -- **who I also knew, and hated** -- were pecking at my frog friend.
At the time I always carried a net. You know, like SpongeBob.
Ok Huck Finn, Celina cooed. Celina loved a Huck Finn. All I had to do was roll my jeans up high and walk around bare foot with my chest out and eat a can of worms.
I started stabbing the snapping turtles with my net and then I gently scooped out the frog, guts and all. I took my knife out and cut into one of its organs, and out swam a baby turtle.
An inner turtle, Celina mused.
It wasn’t really an inner turtle, Cale said. It was a dead baby turtle. All gray and stuff.
So it ate one of their babies and that’s why they attacked? I asked.
No it was actually a baby box turtle. That’s what was weird about it.
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paper--machete · 2 years
tf is 4lung?
furry musician that did some really fucked up shit I don't remember what it was but a quick Google search will probably tell me
ah. grooming and cp.
but yeah they liked one of my popular posts and I immediately blocked and then a post they were in the rbs was on my dash and I'm like. eugh. no thanks. spongebob fish kicking sand image.
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danny--jk · 2 years
Going Nowhere
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playlist 2.36
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I realized that i only feel one type of love. i have other things i feel for different types of people in my life, like friendship or attraction. but at the end of the day, the love is all the same.
in early august, i was put in a psych ward for _________ to ___________ _________. i’m very ashamed of that happening. i have grow so much, but sometimes it feels like i’ve grown into nothing. gone nowhere with my health.
i very rarely actually talk about myself. i’m terrified to. when i was a kid i wasn’t supposed to talk about what’s happening at home, just ‘put on the long sleeve to hide the bruises’ and keep it moving. that’s how it was. now i have all the freedom i could have ever dreamed of, but no actual personal agency. mama raised me to be strong, be myself. but what mama didn’t get is that i was never given the time to actually make a self to be. every day of my adolescence was an isolation tactic in practice. i was not allowed to be part of the real world.
so when i finally became part of the real world, it was daunting. i didn’t know how to act. i didn’t know how to talk. i was the alien. i just this year saw spongebob for the first time. how do you think it feels to not understand 90% of your peers jokes/references as a kid? i didn’t want to be out of the loop. i wanted to be normal. i wanted to be free. but i couldn’t be, i was groomed into being a good christian conservative, who dosent engage with real society, by parents who lost their minds long before i was even created.
i don’t want to be a man. i hate being a man. i want to be something that can’t be categorized. i hate feeling like i have to assume every person i meet is gonna assume i’m a monster. i don’t want to be a monster. but it’s hard, i’ve never met a woman who hasn’t been abused by a man. and i understand because i was too, but at the same time having to internalize that monster status eats me alive. i don’t want to be a monster. i want to be treated how i truly am. i don’t want to be a woman, i don’t want to be an ‘it’, i don’t want to be non-binary, i just don’t want to be a man.
i see what shes doing to you _______. you’ve been isolated. i can see what’s happening. i know what’s happening. it’s just like the longsleeve shirt to cover up the bruises.
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