#Star's Collide
melanielocke · 2 years
The Stars Collide - Chapter One
When Prince Charles of Fair dies suddenly and unexpectedly, his widower Alastair has to remarry a different noble soon to keep the treaty between their planets intact. He ends up marrying Thomas, the son of the Duke of Lightwood and together they have to navigate the perils of politics, marriage, and possibly love.
But Alastair has been keeping secrets, and not everyone is so happy about their match, and the two of them will have to fight to keep their marriage, the treaty, and their lives.
This is the start of a new TLH sci-fi AU loosely based on Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell, the first chapter posted today for Jaimie's birthday, congratulations!
Chapter list
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‘You can’t be serious.’
Thomas wasn’t sure what he’d just walked into in aunt Charlotte’s throne room, but Matthew seemed upset. The past two months hadn’t been easy on him, Thomas knew that. Matthew and Charles had never been close, and Matthew had often claimed to hate his older brother, but that didn’t make losing him any easier. If anything, Thomas had always believed it made it harder, to lose someone you were on bad terms with.
‘I’m sorry, am I interrupting?’ Thomas asked.
His father had wanted him to speak to Charlotte about something political, Thomas was hardly an expert but he had all the files on his phone. He was starting to think that had been a mistake, why not wait until Charlotte was out of mourning?
‘Yes,’ Queen Charlotte said at the same time Matthew said ‘No.’
‘I can come back another time,’ Thomas said.
‘You are staying,’ Mathew decided. ‘Thomas, help me out here. Not only am I expected to follow in Charles’ footsteps as new crown prince, take on all his stupid responsibilities, but I’m also to marry his widower.’
Thomas stared at Matthew, then at Charlotte. ‘Wait, what?’
‘Thomas, please don’t take it personally, but I would rather discuss this with my son in private.’
‘I’m not marrying Alastair!’ Matthew shouted. ‘He hates me. He’ll hate me even more if he ends up chained to me. It’s going to be a disaster. And I still don’t understand what’s the point to it.’
‘Matthew, this is serious. Without this marriage, our treaty with Turan is void.’
Turan was a nearby planet and one of seven in Queen Charlotte’s alliance. Intergalactic peace was dependent on such treaties kept by marriage, only then the sovereignty of their seven planets would be recognized. There were so many powers out there in the universe, empires so big Thomas was unable to wrap his head around it and if the treaty fell, any of them could invade if they chose to.
Thomas had always thought it was unfair to force marriages upon people for the sake of a treaty, Charlotte did too, but when the alternative was being invaded by an intergalactic empire Thomas understood sacrifices had to be made. Despite being the Queen of a planet, Charlotte didn’t make the rules.
‘And I’m not the only one who can uphold that treaty. Any noble will suffice. Even Thomas here could do it.’
Thomas’ father was the Duke of Lightwood and one of Charlotte’s closest allies from her own planet, and therefore Thomas had grown up knowing the ins and outs of the treaties, the various limitations his father and Charlotte had in improving Fair’s laws. Any mistake and their recognition as protected territory was void. Thomas had always avoided working in politics for that very reason, it was far too anxiety inducing. He didn’t want to spend his time thinking about the prospect of the Fair Planet falling into enemy hands if he messed up.
Matthew, unfortunately, seemed to have skipped this part of his education. He’d never cared much for politics and as the younger son he’d never had to. Thomas hadn’t either, but he’d been interested when he was young. He spoke the common language from each of the seven planets of the alliance at least. A good thing, because with Barbara gone and Eugenia working in medicine, Thomas was the heir.
‘I could,’ Thomas said. ‘Marry Alastair, that is. To uphold the treaty, and everything.’
Thomas wasn’t sure why he said what he was saying. Alastair was grieving. He’d never wanted anything to do with Thomas, or Matthew, or anyone outside Charles really. Even if Thomas did feel attracted to Alastair, even if there was a chance Alastair could like him, this was not the right time. Except for the treaty, of course. They would have to find another Turan noble, or find Alastair a new partner and with the official mourning period soon ending, they were running out of time.
Charlotte frowned. ‘You’re serious, Thomas?’
‘Someone has to do it, right? Did you speak to Alastair about it? Did he note any preferences? I mean, I can’t imagine Matthew would be his choice.’
Thomas wouldn’t be either, he knew that. He wasn’t Charles and he had no clue what he was getting himself into. For the treaty, he told himself. And for Matthew too.
‘Alastair understands how important this treaty is,’ Charlotte said. ‘His only request was for a male partner. So I guess you would suffice, Thomas. Don’t take this lightly though. We could all die if your union isn’t recognized.’
‘I won’t,’ Thomas said and if he wasn’t supposed to take this lightly, why on earth had Charlotte ever considered Matthew for this role?
‘I don’t understand why you did that, but thank you,’ Matthew said once they walked out of Charlotte’s throne room.
‘You’re right, you and Alastair would have been a disaster,’ Thomas said.
‘And you and Alastair won’t be?’
‘We’ll see,’ Thomas said. ‘Truth to be told, I barely know him. But someone has to do it or we’ll all die and I do speak the Turan language so I guess that helps with the political alliance stuff.’
‘Is that necessary?’ Matthew asked. ‘I didn’t even know.’
‘I don’t know,’ Thomas said. ‘Right now I’m more concerned with Alastair. And I’m concerned with you too, Matthew. I know what happened to Charles affects you.’
‘I’ve worked through that,’ Matthew said. ‘I’m fine. I never liked him anyway.’
Thomas didn’t believe that for a second, but he never knew how to approach sensitive subjects with Matthew. Whatever he tried, Matthew bounced it right off and pretended everything was fine. Matthew had quit drinking, but Thomas might have been able to convince him to seek help earlier had he known how to break through that shield.
Matthew waved his hand dramatically. ‘I still can’t believe you just volunteered to get married. I mean, I know you’ve always thought he was hot but still.’
‘Yeah, me neither,’ Thomas said with a sigh.
Alastair packed up the last from his belongings. He would be moving out of the Crown Prince’s rooms soon. Queen Charlotte had been generous to let him stay here for the time being, but Prince Matthew would want to move in soon. As he understood it, Matthew had refused to marry him at all costs and Alastair couldn’t blame him. Matthew wouldn’t have been his choice either, but he’d let it up to the Queen. In all her wisdom, she’d found him a different nobleman to marry apparently. Someone who’d volunteered for it. Alastair would have to do his best not to let him down then. Not like he’d let Charles down.
A stroke, they’d said. Uncommon at Charles’ age, but then he’d always been a heavy smoker. Apparently heart disease ran in the Branwell family and all things combined Charles had just gotten unlucky. Still, Alastair could not quite believe it. He had been married to Charles for six years. And while it had been a political union, Alastair had loved him more than anything.
He went back to the day he and Charles had first met. It was something Alastair had always been able to do, go back in time in his own head, replay his memories before his eyes as if they were happening right then. In time he’d even learnt to access the memories of other people, something Charles had encouraged. Recover them, and with some effort even removing or changing memories became possible. Alastair preferred to stay out of other people’s heads, but his gifts had had their use to Charles.
No one knew why he was like this, and Alastair wished he did sometimes. It happened sometimes that people were born different like him, but not often. His mother often told him he’d been blessed by the stars. To Alastair that sounded rather meaningless.  
The first day he’d met Charles had been at Turan’s palace. Alastair had been a minor prince there, his mother a second cousin to the Shah, just closely related enough to still have the title. On most other planets, Alastair wouldn’t even hold the title of prince, but this was Turan’s strategy to make sure there were always enough princes around to marry off to foreign nobles. He’d been visiting the Shah’s palace at the same time Charles had. His family had lived on a recluse estate back then, to keep Father’s problems hidden, but Alastair couldn’t hide forever, he’d wanted to do his duty and get politically involved.
Charles had wanted to propose to the Shah’s younger brother first. Politically, he’d been the better option. Wealthier, more influential. It had been a coincidence he’d encountered Alastair during his visit to the library, that they’d struck up a conversation about intergalactic politics, how they were all trapped between empires so big they were beyond their imagining. How Charles had wanted to change that. Alastair had been so charmed by him, he never could have imagined Charles could be interested in someone like him.
Charles had proposed to him a week after. Alastair had said yes immediately. He’d said goodbye to his family and left with Charles to go back to the Fair Planet where they’d lived for the past six years.
It had taken some getting used to. Gravity was lighter on Fair. Most of the planet was ocean, except the water was fresh rather than salty. Fair was one of the biggest exporters of fresh water this part of the galaxy. He missed home sometimes, he missed speaking his own language, his sister. He hadn’t spoken to her in so long.
Alastair took his bag with belongings outside the room and through the courtyard of the palace, and looked at the night’s sky. With a telescope he might be able to see Turan on a night this clear, the closest he’d been to his home in a long time. He still had a treaty to keep up, and soon he would be meeting his new husband. Alastair was far from ready to remarry. He didn’t think he could ever get it right. But he could protect the treaty.
Taglist: @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @thefoxandthefound @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction@imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s
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the-wolf-and-moon · 3 months
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NGC 7714, When Two Galaxies Collide
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peachyhoolagan · 4 months
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We are made of stars, you and I
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aziraphale-is-a-cat · 11 months
DP x DC Portal Collider
STAR labs has been abandoned for a long time, the particle collider was shut down after a series of system failures causing serious damage to the area.
Three years after its permanent closure, scans showed a spike in radiation coming off the previously defunct partial collider. It's assumed that something broke or reactivated and so the area is evacuated and the more durable members of the Justice League are called to come in and shut it down.
But in the center of the mess, they find a young adult with black hair and glowing green eyes frantically trying to keep the systems and monitors in check as inside a ring shaped section of the collider that had been jerry-rigged to the electrical wiring of the lab, a glowing green portal sputtered to life.
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movietimegirl · 3 months
I'm sorry? Worst? Din and the Batch are working their ass off to protect their kids and try their hardest to give them the best life that they didn't have. They may not be perfect, but they are trying. Come on, Collider.
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jojo-schmo · 10 months
A possible scenario during Kirby Star Allies that has Magolor investigating whatever he can about the mysterious Jamba Hearts that just landed on the planet.
Bandee is still wary of him from their past adventures however, and accompanies Magolor to make sure he isn’t up to anything…
Audio is from Star Trek Deep Space Nine: “Rocks and Shoals”
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lgbtpopcult · 6 months
Best WLW Romance Novels of 2023
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On the Same Page
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Sorry, Bro
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Playing with matches
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Iris Kelly Doesn't Date
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The Fiancée Farce
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Stars Collide
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The Villains series
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¿Y si no es conmigo? [What If It’s Not Meant to Be with Me?]
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partycule · 6 days
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I think siffrin being a bit of an asshole is like, essential to his mental health
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thaliasthunder · 1 year
impatient to see fanarts of baby nico and baby will in this moment <3
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justporo · 9 months
Changing Trajectories (Stars that collide)
A while back I wrote this drabble about ascended Astarion suddenly interrupting one of Tav's jobs as a thief - almost ten years after they've parted ways. The title was How to Catch a Mouse
I've come back to it and decided to turn it into a longer story. So, we'll be right back at the moment where the first (very short) part left off: Astarion with his hands on Tav, interrupting her from stealing her target object. Turns out the vampire lord didn't happen upon Tav on accident this fateful night.
Song: Devil May Cry (Apashe & Sofiane Pamart)
Pairing: Ascended Astarion/Fem!Tav (You) Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, angst Note: This will not be like the usual fluff I write. In fact it will probably not be fluffy at all
You were pulled back by the hands firmly gripping onto your waist. You couldn’t help but let out a little shriek as you collided with the upper body of the person standing behind you. His presence was overwhelming now.
You could take in his scent now: he still smelled of bergamot and rosemary and the scent immediately unveiled memories you had desperately tried to forget, to hide in the deepest, darkest corners of your mind, to strangle so they wouldn’t haunt you anymore. But images flashed through your mind: of the close moments before, ten years ago, when you had thought you had found your soulmate.
Hands were still gripping hard on your waistline, holding you in place, pressing you against a firm body.
“Hello, my darling Tav”, you heard the voice purr again and felt his breath as it was leaning over your neck. No lips were touching your delicate skin, but you could almost feel the grin that bared fangs right above your quickening pulse.
“Astarion”, you whispered spiritlessly because it was the only thing you could muster. You knew you should feel terrified that you had fallen – quite literally – into the hands of one of the most dangerous creatures of the Sword Coast if not Faerûn. But all you could feel at the very moment was deep desperation and overwhelming sadness as more memories flooded you from a different time.
“Is this the way you’d like to greet me after all this time, love?”, Astarion said with a tinge of anger when there was nothing else coming from you. His hands spun you around, made you face him. His hands grabbed your elbows now, holding you in place.
Again, you couldn’t help but gasp. He was as strikingly handsome as you remembered, even more so! Ten year old memories couldn’t do justice to the vampire lord’s glorious beauty: his chin lifted arrogantly, every white curl perfectly in place, ruby eyes striking, piercing, boring into your soul and soft lips perpetually curled into the smirk that once had almost made you give everything to him.
And suddenly you felt rage overcome you, drowning out all other emotions you had felt before.
The element of surprise on your side you pushed him away, startling him. It was only a split second, but it was enough for you to step out of his reach.
“Don’t fucking touch me!”, you screamed at him and took more steps away from him – until you collided with the small stone pillar behind you. The amulet on it fell to the ground with a clattering sound. But you couldn’t care less in this very moment.
Astarion’s face had become a mask of rage, his eyes almost blazing with it. “You dare speak in that tone with me?”, he screamed back. Power rang in his voice and struck primal fear into you immediately.
You immediately scurried around the small stone column at your back and slowly took more steps backwards, trying to get away from him.
You realised two things: firstly, that it was very likely no one in their right mind should speak with this mighty monster in this tone because secondly, he could absolutely kill you and splatter you all over the ground if he wanted to. It probably wouldn’t even cost him that much of an effort. And he’d probably walk out of here with not a hair out of place.
You gulped as fear filled you as a delayed reaction to Astarion’s appearance.
The vampire meanwhile closed his eyes and took a deep breath in as he obviously tried to gain back his composure. He rolled his head and shoulders as an arrogant – and very fake – smile entered his face and he opened his eyes again to watch you again.
You stopped wandering back – there was no use to it anyway, Astarion was blocking the only way out of the room.
“I do apologise, it’s been a while since someone has been foolish enough to cross me.” His tone was civilised, polite even. His gestures that of a bored noble merely having a dull conversation. But the way the smile grew into a wicked grin baring his fangs was still a bit too predatory for his masquerade.
And still your heart couldn’t help but flutter again as he looked at you again – this time again not out of fear. He angled his head and looked you up and down.
“You look incredibly beautiful, my darling, even more so than I remember.”
Unbelievably enough, he sounded genuine. His gaze lingered on you, seemingly far away for a moment. It seemed you weren’t the only one taken aback by a sudden flood of memories.
“So do you”, you whispered before you could think better of it. His gaze snapped back to yours, a knowing smirk playing on his lips now. He looked a lot less intimidating now and much more like you had kept him in your memories.
Back then, you had always told him how beautiful he was. At every given opportunity. And each time he had smiled at you and given you a loving kiss.
Your chest started to ache as you lived through one of those memories.
“What are you doing here?”, you asked him before the pain of it could close up your throat.
“Ah, I could ask you just the same, couldn’t I?” He inclined his head a little and his smile grew making it even easier to mistake him for what he really was. He watched you carefully, noting how you had taken several steps away from him, but he didn’t move closer again. “But then again, I know very well what you are doing here, seeing as I was the one who had the cheese laid out for you”, the vampire explained and pursed his lips. His eyes twinkled mischievously.
Your jaw dropped: “You are the client behind this contract?” Obviously, you internally rolled your eyes at yourself. Why else would he have put up a show with the whole cat-mouse-thing. But you had been too starstruck in the beginning to make sense of it all.
That you hadn’t known the true identity of your client wasn’t that much of a surprise though. You only had had contact via messengers that had kept the identity of your customer hidden – but that was very usual in your line of work.
Astarion’s eyes started to sparkle even more as he watched the gears in your head turn and while his smirk grew, he started to saunter towards you again. He kept silent as he approached you once more as you kept feeling more and more alarmed.
This wasn’t good. In fact, it was terrible. This meant he hadn’t just happened upon you. He had specifically sought you out.
“Why?”, you simply asked as the vampire lord strode closer to you with the languid elegance of a cat.
He threw out his arms in a dramatic pose: “Why indeed? Because I wanted an artifact stolen, obviously.” One of his eyebrows twitched and he let his tongue roll in his mouth. He was so obviously enjoying keeping you on thin ice. Another flare of anger rushed through you.
And to add to your misfortune, you suddenly heard shouts and the stomping of heavily armoured boots outside the room.
You must’ve been found out.
Your eyes darted to the door, then back to Astarion who must’ve heard the same. His grin had become feral again.
“Oh oh, my dear, looks like you’re about to be caught in flagranti”, he said as he had almost reached you. Your heart and mind raced, searching for an impossible solution.
“Come with me”, Astarion whispered in a deep, sinister tone when he was close enough to reach out to you and elegantly offered you one of his hands.
Your eyes jumped between the door, his face and his offered hand. Outside the steps came closer. You were indeed between a rock and a hard place – and you couldn’t decide which option was more daunting.
“Rot in a dungeon until you die or take my hand, your choice”, Astarion said, his tone now cold and sending new jolts of icy dread through you. And you were suddenly sure that if you were caught and indeed thrown into a dungeon, he would make sure you would die there. So, you probably did not have a choice from the moment you had entered this room.
With your heart racing you took his hand and he immediately drew you in close to him: his forehead almost touching yours in a delicate way. Another gesture you remembered well from him. Emotions swinging wildly from incredible fear to bittersweet melancholy and back again.
“Glad to see you still made the right decision”, he mumbled. His red eyes dropping to your lips for a moment before looking in your eyes again. You weren’t sure you would agree with him.
As he made to turn, you remembered that there was still an amulet to steal. You were a thief after all and even though your client was an evil vampire lord and your former acquaintance you’d rather forget, you sure as hell wouldn’t miss out on the gold – not if you had gotten so close.
Astarion must’ve sensed your intention as your head turned to where the amulet had fallen to the ground. “Oh, don’t worry about that, my love”, he said with a wink at you. “That’s only a replica, I had the real one stolen and replaced months ago. And you should be glad about it because two of the three thieves that were sent didn’t make it out alive”, he continued to explain and let out a laugh at the end as your eyes widened in shock and you felt goosebumps all over your body.
You let yourself get dragged towards the door as your mind tried to make sense of what he had said. This whole situation was becoming worse by the minute. So – not only had he specifically sent you on a quest, but the job hadn’t even been his motive… “Was this whole shitshow just an elaborate setup to get to me?”, you asked the vampire and dragged on his hand that was now firmly held by his, fingers crossed. As soon as the words left your mouth you wanted to bite your tongue off realising you had shouted at him angrily again – and you feared how he would react.
But this time Astarion only grinned at you, lifted your arm and made you turn beneath your joint arms as if dancing until you were chest to chest with him again. “Oh yes, you’re only now getting this? I mean, I could have let you be taken by my servants or broken into your home for a quick little visit, but this is way more fun, isn’t it?”, Astarion drawled. You could only stare at him in shock as hot and cold shivers ran down your spine at his casual explanation of how easily he could have threatened you.
But more than anything you wanted to know why he had taken such elaborate measures to get to you.
But you had no time to voice your question as the door flew open and a bunch of heavily armoured city guards stepped in followed by a bald servant from the estate.
The guards took in the scene and immediately levelled their halberds at the two of you. Astarion let go of you and nonchalantly stepped in front of you and the very pointy and sharp-looking weapons. He casually crossed his arms over his chest – not a care in the world it seemed. But somehow his posture was still that of a threatening predator not that of prey backed against a wall. Maybe it was the way how he held his back straight and slightly leaned forward as if ready to strike at any moment or his absolute stillness as he confronted the guards.
Before any of the guards or the obviously terrified servant could say something, Astarion spoke up: “Care to explain why you are so rudely interrupting this sweet – and dare I say private – moment I was sharing with my beautiful lady?”
His voice was cold now and made the hair at the back of your neck stand up. You’d been the focus of this voice once this evening and deeply wished to not be it again.
“Well, do you care to explain what you and your lady which is also a wanted thief are doing here?”, one of the guards answered – seemingly the captain of the six men and women lowering their weapons at you.
“In fact, I do not. But – I feel rather generously today, so if you’d be so kind as to let me and my lady pass through, then we can all forget about this and go about our lives”, Astarion offered throwing out his arms and then clapping them together again.
The captain threw his head back in laughter and his guards joined in with chuckles. “Who do you think you are?”, the captain replied after a few heartbeats.
The vampire lord lifted one of his hands quickly. You could see it was surrounded by a soft red glow.
With lightning quick motions every single one of the guards had moved and were now pressing their halberds beneath their chins, the metal points already drawing blood for some of them, their eyes filled with the same red glow.
The servant screamed and tried to scurry away, but Astarion’s eyes shot to him and enclosed him in this sort of spell as well: making him grip his own throat with both hands and squeezing.
“I think”, Astarion spoke, his voice filled with otherworldly power “I am someone you don’t want to threaten.” He flicked his hand and the guards parted into a grotesque row for you, their weapons slowly pressing harder against their skin, cutting flesh now. Their faces distorted as they felt the pain.
You had become a statue, horrified by the casual display of violence. You were no stranger to bloodshed, by no means, but this… this was different.
“Come now, my love, before we’re further inconvenienced”, Astarion said as he turned to you again. His demeanour was that of bored arrogance again. He stepped over to you, put his hand on the small of your back and pushed you towards the door – you did not have it in you to resist. Too shocked, maybe, or too scared he’d do the same to you.
You passed the men and women quickly as they were silently suffering. Only as you were past them did you dig your heels down and tried to turn around.
“Let them… let them go”, you demanded shakily. The vampire turned to you, his face a sneer. “Tss, if it makes you happy.” He snapped his fingers and you saw how the spell broke, the tension in the guards’ bodies broke and they toppled over, gasping, screaming. Astarion snapped again and the door flew shut, blocking your view of the men and women. You turned to the vampire lord who was carefully observing you, still holding on to you with one hand.
“Don’t tell me you softened up, my love. After all you were the one pushing me to sacrifice seven thousand souls to become this”, Astarion sneered moving closer to you until his nose was almost touching yours. “Don’t tell me, violence shocks you know, Tav. You’re no innocent lamb.” His eyes sparkled with challenge; his lips curled in slight disgust.
You tried to hold his stare, but you couldn’t. Only after a few heartbeats you had to lower your gaze; because he was right.
He dragged you on. “Come on now”, he demanded, no room for disobedience.
The two of you walked through the giant mansion for long minutes. You weren’t even entirely sure how much time passed as you were too deep inside your thoughts and also kept coming back to notice how gently Astarion was holding your hand as he led you very purposefully through this maze of a place. There was no need for him to still keep holding on to you. You knew you didn’t have a chance to get away from him. But it seemed he enjoyed this method much more than other means.
Then, before you could round a corner, you heard voices coming towards you.
Astarion lifted his free hand again. “No”, you whispered almost out of reflex, your tone pleading. The vampire looked at you in annoyance but simply dragged you to a nearby, small alcove and with a quick mumbled incantation shrouded you in shadows for passing eyes as he pressed his body against yours.
Two servants passed, focused on their idle chatter, as you were painfully aware of the closeness of Astarion’s body: closer than you had been the entire night. You could smell him again as he carefully observed the two passing persons and you kept staring up at his face.
You knew the line of his nose or the way a deep wrinkle formed between his brows when he furrowed them as well as the back of your own hand. Despite everything that had happened this night you couldn’t deny how your body and not least your mind and heart reacted to being so close to Astarion after a decade of mourning him and yearning for him.
The way his body pressed against yours, making you remember how it had felt like to be held by him or kissed. Just how effortlessly close the two of you had been. Whole nights wasted away with laying around naked, talking, embracing each other - not even always ending in sex.
You had felt the walls of the fortress you had built around those memories and feelings start to crumble from the very first moment you had heard his voice again. But the stones started crumble dangerously fast now.
When the servants had passed, Astarion looked at you with a grin, but not seeming inclined to move away. In fact, he even pressed you harder against the wall with a cheeky grin.
You gasped, eyes widening at him as your heartbeat thundered and you realised that you absolutely were the dove facing the dragon and yet craved for this continue – to go further actually.
And Astarion must’ve seen something in your gaze as you looked up at him with doe eyes. His expression changed from playful and cruel to something that almost made your heart stop.
For a moment it seemed in his crimson eyes like something was desperately trying to claw its way up to the surface. Something that had been thought lost almost a decade ago. But the moment passed.
Then Astarion pressed his open lips to yours, taking them in a possessive kiss. His tongue slipped into your mouth, dominantly taking it for himself as one of his hands pressed to your chest on the naked skin of your neckline. With so much force it hurt, his hand wandered up your chest to your neck until he could almost wrap his fingers around your throat.
You could not help but moan into his open mouth in heedless pleasure as the kiss continued aggressively, all teeth and tongues, his fangs grazing your bottom lip and drawing just a single drop of blood.
Tasting you again after what had been ten years of abstinence almost made the vampire lord lose control.  He moaned and his leg pressed between your thighs making you feel embarrassingly hot within in mere moments.
But then something changed. Almost as if an echo of what you had seen in his eyes for a heartbeat or two had come back to haunt him.
The kiss softened, his leg withdrew slightly and the hand on your neck wandered up further to softly cup your cheek. It became something sweet and slower until it was almost delicate and chaste, his thumb on your face caressing it with a featherlight touch.
And you felt your walls not only crumble but turn to dust – all the work of keeping these emotions out, for nothing. You were helpless under his touch and as it felt like something that could almost have been.
Suddenly, Astarion broke the kiss and stepped back – way more than necessary, as if he had suddenly an urge to get as much distance between you as possible. For an instant you saw confusion on his face, but a mask of teasing mischief was slipped quickly back into place.
“So, you do still want me”, the vampire said with another grin. “Interesting”, he whispered as one of his eyebrows twitched and his smirk grew. “Very interesting”, he said louder as he turned away and you asked yourself if he was doing it to keep a safer distance from you now.
“I trust you can find the rest of the way yourself, you’re a capable thief after all”, he said and threw you a last glance before he started to saunter off. “And don’t worry, I’ll be checking up on you again, very soon, my love.” He drew out the last words as he walked away without another look.
Of course, he hadn’t asked if you wanted that, but you had already realised that none of this had been your choice after all; it never had been.
And so, the vampire lord strode away, deep in thought about what kind of storm he might’ve started. While you kept standing there some long moments longer feeling helplessly violated by the events of the night.
But in your heart… In your heart you felt foolish and stupid and yet delicately warm hope rising up, slowly.
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assiraphales · 9 months
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I knew this scene reminded me of something
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horseshoemybeloved · 11 months
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Fire and flames and torment
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omgahgase · 1 year
modern setting where every once in awhile, luke drags leia into doing a tiktok video with him and every time, leia refuses to post it, saying it's embarrassing and that "they better stay in your drafts or else i will get violent."
luke obeys because, hello? leia doesn't threaten, she promises, and luke, blessed with his mother's brains (thank god), isn't dumb enough to go against her, no matter how many views their blindfolded dance challenge might get. luke thinks they may hit a million or two for their in perfect sync dougie, but with leia's words hanging over his head, luke begrudgingly sends the video to his drafts.
this time, however, is different because luke also dragged han into it and now both his sister and her boyfriend are standing in front of the phone camera. luke tells them it's a new trend, that they only have to follow along with the lyrics and do nothing else, simple as that.
only, apparently han didn't get it quick enough because when luke's phone blasts "fellas grab your lady if your lady fine" han stayed still, awkward and unsure of what to do, and resulting in leia getting him good in the arm because "why didn't you grab me?"
"did the song tell me to???"
din, on the other hand, understood perfectly. maybe a little perfectly because he sprang up from where he was watching from the couch, thinking it's a rehearsal before the real thing, and football tackled luke to the floor, flying in front of the camera and nearly taking it with them.
funnily enough, that's the only video leia ever allowed luke to post and, unfunnily enough, the last one luke will ever post of din because his comment section looked like something straight from a war zone with too many "🥵🥵🥵" and "ME NEXT DADDY" proclamations to be considered just jokes.
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steamberrystudio · 3 months
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24/03/2024 Devlog
Hallo! Time for the bi-weekly tumblr update! 
I have finished revising Chapter 6 and am about halfway through Chapter 7. Chapter 7 is the longest chapter in the game (by far) and will be longer when it's done as one of my goals is to flesh out the character interactions in this chapter and make them a little more interesting.
Received two new completed BGs (a restaurant and a Kav-specific BG) plus a new location sketch of, appropriately, a very sketchy place where sketchy things happen.
Other Stuff:
Nothing significant. I've been formatting each chapter as I get it revised but unlike a few months ago, I don't really have time to pick up many little extras on the side right now as real life is quite chaotic and busy, which means it's just easier mentally to focus on one game-development thing at a time instead of bouncing around.
I do have a little break this upcoming week so hopefully I can tick a few small things off the to-do list though including a few residual things I have to finish for GS backers who are waiting on some artwork.
Upcoming Weeks:
Mostly I will be focusing on the revision until it's done. I'm currently more than halfway through editing, and making decent progress though it doesn't always feel like it.
Chapter 7 is about halfway edited and is the longest remaining chapter to revise. (Not that the chapters after this are short - just short by comparison.)
The next two chapters are a little shorter and have a slightly higher ratio of common content in them so I'm hoping I can edit them faster since the "common" content has already been revised once.
I'm not quite optimistic enough to think I could get through two whole chapters in the upcoming week but I'll dream about it at least. Ha ha.
That's all for now!
Remember if you want more detailed and weekly updates, you can support on Patreon, where I update every week!
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gearsofmetal · 16 days
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they have no correlation to eachother i just like both of them
click for better quality ^-^
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partycule · 18 days
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sloops cuddles
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