#Sunshine Never Stops (Clouds Get in the Way) au
llamagoddessofficial · 5 months
The times you write about Dream is so cute, are you free to write romantic headcanons of him?
HOHOO I'm glad you like my spin on Dream! Here's some headcanons about him.
Elegant, polite, serene, refined. Early morning sunshine and clear freshwater lakes. He's a prince for sure, and he'll make you feel like royalty with the way he courts you.
He's got a way with words; his brother's an artist at heart, but he's always been a poet. He knows how to make you melt, how to weave sonnets that leave you sputtering and swooning.
(You'll know you're the one for him, because you're the only one that can leave him speechless~)
He likes nature. He doesn't often actually get to see the things that he works so hard to save from his brother. Flowers, animals, even just looking at the clouds in the sky can bring him peace - he'd be a good walking partner.
He's terrible at gardening though.
Sometimes he needs comforting. It's so hard. He's so tired. Your arms are the only place he gets any rest, anymore.
He's an excellent musician! Very adept at multiple instruments. He'll serenade you with delicate verses, if you'll only let him.
He doesn't particularly like using his abilities to make you feel positive emotions. He will, however, soothe aches and pains for you, and if you wake up in the night he'll be more than happy to dispel bad dreams and help you back to sleep.
All that being said...
... He does have something of a superiority complex. When you're literally a God, it's hard not to. He hides it very well, because he knows it's not acceptable, but it's not always easy to mask. You're his darling, the light of his life, you and him are simply 'better' than the simpletons of the other aus. Sometimes it slips through.
That's not all, either.
... A lot of Dream's gentlemanly behaviours are his ways of dealing with very dark thoughts and desires. He and Nightmare are cut from the same cloth, after all. The only difference between the brothers is Nightmare chooses to indulge at the expense of others - and Dream knows that. He knows he's only a few bad deeds away from becoming his brother. He's compensating by acting extra good and kind.
Just like Nightmare, Dream is prone to jealousy and possessiveness. It's extremely hard to tell when he's jealous because he masks it with even more politeness and kindness. He already lost one person dear to him, he deeply fears losing you as well. When his smile is just that bit wider and his fingers wrap around your shoulder with just a little too much deliberateness, it might be time to go home.
He claims he never uses his emotion powers because they're draining for him. That's not the truth.
He won't tell you, but the reason he resists using them on you is he fears what he might do when he feels how easy it is to stop you from leaving him.
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mistergreatbones · 6 months
Batfam X Encanto AU, with powers decided by their ages (it kinda got away from me at the end)
As the baby of the family, Damian gets Antonio’s animal speaking powers and absolutely is living his best life
Skipping Duke since he has his own powers already, we have Tim as Mirabel and Steph as Camilo. As tempting as it would be to switch them, I think there’s great angst potential in Steph never being sure if Bruce actually values her or just finds her powers useful.
Also angst in Tim being the only one without powers having to work to prove himself and Bruce being terrified as Jason has Luisa’s strength and was still struck down.
Outside of that Jason’s power doesn’t change that much, neither does Dick with Isabela’s powers, just now uses vines to swing around. Cass is a bit weird because she’d have Delores’ power, so now you have a girl who hears everything but can’t understand it. I mean it’d be helpful in the field, but I imagine it would get overstimulating quickly, especially trying to focus on one conversation while she’s just starting to learn English.
Finally we have Alfred, Barbara, and Bruce. I picked a random triplet for each since they’re the oldest, so Alfred gets magic healing cooking, obvs, Babs gets Bruno’s powers to match her Oracle branding (we’re not gonna talk about how this affects the killing joke or how Bruno made prophecies for others but never for himself ok?), and Bruce gets Pepa’s powers.
I mean like in a meta way Gotham was literally made to reflect Bruce's mental state, but what if that was true in universe? What if it's rained everyday since that night in the alley? What if you're trying to fix a city and you can't even fix your own brain? What if you're just making it worse? Worse weather, worse conditions, worse things you're willing to do to get out.
What if you're Batman, with an unreadable face, yet your emotion can be read on a thermometer?
What if you can't feel it in the Watchtower, but the weather warms up when you tell that old Bat a joke? What if the skies clear up when he knows you're flying to him?
What if you're Dick Grayson who can make the sunshine with your smiles? What if you're used to getting rained on when you try to talk?
What if you're Jason Todd, and the rainbow you once made only come out in the reflection on the hailstones he drops every time they mention your name? What if you once wanted nothing but thunder clouds, but now you want lightening to strike at everything but you?
What if you're Tim Drake, holding back a hurricane? Stephanie, reasoning with fog? Alfred, who's given up trying to change him, just grateful when it drizzles instead of snows?
What if you've mastered control as best you could and it's still not enough? What if you're trying to be some sunny playboy when all you want is to be a kid again? Could you keep it from pouring down on everything you love? Could you stop your rain from eroding everyone down?
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Autumn Blues
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki x fem!Reader feat. Ella
Summary: Loki spends some precious time with his newborn daughter.
Warnings: none, I'd say... This is pure fluff!
Word Count: 1,5k
a/n: This just a fluffly, lil' oneshot, kinda based on the pictures of Tom, taking a walk with his baby. 🥰 Why not letting Loki take a walk with baby Ella? 🙃🧡
Tagging: @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @vbecker10 @loz-3 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @loki-laufeyson-1054 @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @coldnique @lady-rose-moon @mostclevermiss @aagn360 @acefeather2002 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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"Darling?" Loki entered the apartment he shared with you on quiet feet, pulling off his shoes. "I'm back!" He called out in a hushed tone, in case Ella was sleeping. "Living room, babe!" Your voice echoed back, but in a normal volume; giving Loki the hint that his baby daughter must be awake. The god went to the kitchen first, placed the few groceries he got on the counter, before moving on to the living room. Both, you and him still had to learn a few things; being only parents for a little over a month now - namely to buy enough nappies. That was the reason Loki had to go to the next supermarket today.
Entering the living room, Loki immediately started to smile. Ella was indeed awake, currently in your arms, quenching her hunger. "Somebody's hungry, I see?" His blue eyes shone bright, watching his wife breastfeed his daughter. A sight he would probably never tire of. It was so wholesome and intimate. A special moment every time.
You nodded. "Uh.Huh. Not even ten minutes after you were gone, she started to complain - and I was just on the verge of dozing off." Loki furrowed his eyebrows in compassion, "Ohh, I'm sorry, love." and made his way over to press a kiss on your forehead, before sitting down on the sofa beside you. "It's okay, babe. I mean... We chose this life, didn't we?" You said with a soft giggle, stroking Ella's tiny, chubby cheek with your free hand. "And I wouldn't trade it for anything in this life." Loki answered, still with a smile, cuddling close to you. His big hand went to cover yours, which rested on the baby girl's tummy; his wedding ring twinkling in the ray of sunshine. "Me neither."
It was a beautiful day today. Utterly cold, but sunny and with a clear blue sky. No single cloud in sight. This, and the fact that you barely had any sleep last night and today, gave Loki an idea... "What if I take Ella outside for a while? I can take her on a walk, so that you can get a bit sleep, love. How does that sound?" He asked, lovingly nudging your cheek with his nose. Your lips curved into a smile. "Heavenly." A sweet laugh urged to your ears, before you felt Loki's lips press to your cheek. "In that case, my queen, I am happily obliging and take our princess on a walk." The god stood up then, moving to take the tiny girl out of your arms. Ella was looking up at her dad almost deliriously; totally content and tummy filled to the brim. He giggled and pressed a kiss on her small head; then leaned down to bestow a kiss upon your lips. "Rest, darling. Sleep for a while. I'll be back later." You nodded, already laying down on the sofa and getting comfortable. "Love you, babe." "I love you, too." He was on the verge of turning around to leave, when you stopped him in his tracks. "Make sure to dress her warm enough! It's cold outside." He smiled, nodding. "I know, love." You smiled as well and cuddled into the blanket, closing your eyes, as you heard Loki's steps fading. Sure, Ella had some Frost Giant genes within her, but nevertheless... She was just an infant.
On quiet feet carried Loki the already half-asleep Ella into her nursery and laid her down on the wooden changing table with the pink blanket on top. "Let's change you into something much warmer, princess." The god started with a smile, pulling off her tiny socks, to replace them with a pair of warmer socks. "Not that your tiny toes get frozen." He tickled her small foot softly with his pointer finger, causing Ella to yank her feet away from his touch. A low chuckle rumbled through his chest. "My apologies, baby girl. I just couldn't resist." He leaned down to kiss her chubby cheek - as a redemption, then continued to getting her bundled up.
Once he was finished, Ella was barely able to move. A protesting whine left her small lips, but Loki quickly shushed her, cradling her in his arm again. "I know, I know, but daddy doesn't want you to get cold - or even sick. As your mama always says... Better be safe than sorry." Ella seemed to accept her father's reasoning, looking up to him with sleepy eyes, cooing. "There you go." Loki whispered, and tiptoed down the hallway. He took a last, quick look on your sleeping self on the sofa, before he headed towards the main door. Gently, Loki placed Ella in her pram, tucking her in and getting dressed himself. He slipped in his black boots and pea coat, tied his untamed raven curls into a bun and left the apartment, closing the door quietly behind himself and Ella. "Let's go on a little walk, sweetheart."
The god made his way down the long corridor, rounding the corner and heading for the elevator. It opened with a ding and revealed a completely sweaty and dishevelled Natasha, who was clearly on her way 'home' from the gym, which was located a few floors above yours and Loki's apartment. "Natasha." Loki greeted the Russian beauty with a nod and a small smile, joining her in the elevator. "Loki." The redhead greeted him back, smiling as well. The metal doors closed shut. "Going for a walk?" Natasha asked, nodding towards the pram, and crossing her arms over her chest, as she leaned casually against the metal walls. "Yes. Giving Y/N a little break and time to get some sleep." "How gentlemanly of you." Natasha snickered, teasing him a bit. Through you, Loki and Natasha definitively became some sort of... friends. "Was there a time I've not been a gentleman, Romanoff?" "Well..." Natasha drawled, wanting to speak further, but got interrupted by a sweet coo, coming undoubtedly from inside the pram. "See? Ella is on my side." Loki stated, smiling proudly. Nat scoffed, shaking her head. "I don't think so. She's on my side, right Ella?" The Russian spy stepped over and peaked inside the pram. "Hiii, Ella! You're with auntie Nat on this, aren't you?" Ella loved Natasha, and therefore, it wasn't a wonder, that she started to smile, when her blue eyes fell on the Widow. "See? That seems quite clear to me." Loki scoffed, rolling his eyes, before he sighed dramatically, looking down at Ella as well. "Did you just stab daddy in the back, huh?" "Like father, like daughter, eh?" Loki just wanted to answer something, as the elevator came to an halt with another ding. The doors opened and Natasha stepped out. "Have a nice walk." With those words, the red-haired woman disappeared around the corner with a smirk. Loki just shook his head in amusement, before continuing his journey.
Finally arrived on the main floor, he made a beeline to the main entrance of the Avengers tower, passing by Bruce and Tony on his way. They were looking at some papers, discussing something. They looked up to face him, when his steps got closer. "Stark, Banner." Loki greeted them with a short nod, although passing them by quickly. He had no intentions in talking to them now. "Loki," said Bruce, while Tony went with 'Reindeer Games' - as per usual. The two men's eyes followed him as he left the building, pushing the pram. "It's still very strange to see Loki pushing around a stroller, isn't it?" Piped up Bruce, facing Tony. The billionaire nodded, crossing his arms. "Reindeer Games being a father? Weirdest thing ever, and yet here he is." Tony answered, pausing for a moment. "Honestly? I never ever thought someone would make a guy like him a dad, but well..." A boyish smile crept up Bruce's face. "Well, Y/N felt quite different about this." "And I'll never understand her."
The cold, autumn breeze hit Loki immediately, as soon as he stepped out of the doors. Not that it bothered him. He was a Frost Giant after all. So, he walked with Ella through some quieter streets of New York, enjoying the cold, but sunny day. Ella loved it as well, without a doubt. It was also a great way to lull the already tired girl to sleep. By the time they were back at the compound, she was sleeping like a rock - like Loki noticed with a smile. The sun had already started to set, when he stepped through the door of the apartment. Quietly, he took Ella to the nursery, peeled her out of a few layers of clothing and tiptoed a room further. Yours and his bedroom. He gently tucked her in her crib and pressed a lingering kiss on her head, feeling her tiny, soft curls grazing his lips. "Sleep tight, princess. I love you." With a last look at his daughter, he tiptoed down the hall and into the living room. You hadn't moved an inch, still peacefully sleeping on the sofa. Loki smiled and stripped himself off his hoodie and jeans, before he joined you. He slipped behind you on the sofa, wrapping his arm around you and pressing your body against his warm, comforting chest. "Lokes?" You mumbled, still halfway asleep. "Shh, my love. Go back to sleep." "Mhhh." You smiled and cuddled closer to your husband. Home. It was home.
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azaleaniath · 1 year
read 'Unexpected' here
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warnings: none? Just fluff here (Rotxo's POV)
SFW | 2.3k words
It still felt like a dream.
Rotxo couldn't believe what had happened last night. Of course he woke up to a bunch of unpleasant, nosy messages from his best friend about every little detail that he had missed and as bored as Ao'nung was about his answers, Rotxo was on cloud nine. To say it was visible was an understatement. Even if he was usually a walking little sunshine, he beamed brighter than ever this morning. After a quick shower he got dressed and went downstairs to his grandmother's kitchen for brunch. Singing and humming he danced through the open kitchen in his favourite otter print apron, sliding over the tile floor in his black socks.
Music played from the old radio, echoing louder than usual through the entire house. He couldn't stop smiling at the pictures in his head, accompanied by your voice. 'I like you too, Rotxo.'
'I like you too, Rotxo.'
Had anything in his life ever filled him with so much happiness? He couldn't remember. All that was on his mind was you, filling every corner of his brain. How did he not burn the pancakes in his mental absence? He would never know.
Thank eywa he could breathe on his own because his love for you almost knocked the air out of his lungs whenever he remembered your blushing, beaming visage. And the kiss on his cheek he had gotten as a goodbye? The cherry on top that almost made him faint. If he would've known how amazing this felt, he would've told you about his crush ages ago. Rotxo had tried so hard to keep his feelings down, because he didn't want to bother you with them. You were supposed to focus on your career, on college. So was he, but that seemed unthinkable to him right now.
It was only a few days ago that he had gotten the final puzzle piece to whether his feelings were mutual or not. The message of his best friend in the group chat and everyones reaction to it, that was the last bit it took to confirm his guess. For the 20th time that day he took his phone out of the pockets of his sweatpants, scrolling back to Ao'nungs message in the group chat.
*time travel to when he first read the message*
Rotxo hung over his notebooks, studying for an upcoming exam. It was already late, so he checked the time on his phone and set his alarm. College was starting early the next day, so he decided that further studying had to wait until then.
With a loud smack, he closed the heavy textbook that layed on his lap, gathering all his notes and materials that were scattered across his desk. An exhausted sigh left his lips as he was done fixing the mess, then he reached out to his phone. That in hand, he got himself over to his bed and dropped his tired body onto the soft matress.
Just a quick rest before he'd get ready to sleep, he told himself, but his heavy eyelids fell shut already. Rotxo was quickly dozing off, if it weren't for the buzzing of his phone that pulled him back to reality. The device kept vibrating in his hand, so he rolled onto his side with knitted brows.
Rotxo could barely keep his eyes open as he checked his phone.
'Hmm... just Ao'nung in the group... that can wait until tomorrow.' he thought before his eyes quickly flew over the message once and he locked the device again.
Wait. Y/n? Had he read that correctly? His heart was already skipping a beat just from reading your name on the display.
Rotxo pressed the lock button again and once more his squinted eyes landed on the text.
The cool kids
Ao: I don't understand why y/n doesn't talk to Rotxo if she's crushing on him lmao
What. The. Hell.
There was no way he had gotten that correctly, so he rubbed his eyes quickly, sitting up straight in his bed in no time.
Ao: I don't understand why y/n doesn't talk to Rotxo if she's crushing on him lmao
In panic he gasped loudly, unlocking the screen as fast as he could. For a few seconds he stared at the chat in disbelief, frozen in his position as he covered his open hanging mouth with one hand. He felt his pulse up to his throat, unable to do anything other than stare at the group chat.
Then his heart skipped another beat before sinking into his stomach.
Y/N💚: AO'NUNG????
What was that supposed to mean? Was that good? Was it bad? He had never been in a situation like this before.
Ao: whoops, wrong chat
Kiri: wtf is happening?
Kiri: oh lol nvm
Reya: wrong chat ffr?
Ao: bruh it was an accident chill I'm sorry
Ao: hmmmmm
Ao: he's online
Ao: bet he read it already
Y/N💚 has left the group.
Rotxo was holding his breath the entire time, still not processing what was happening. He gasped for air before he quickly called Ao'nung with hot red cheeks, putting the call on speaker. One of his hands combed through his short curls.
'Pick up, skxawng...' he cursed internally.
A rustling sound came up, then Ao'nung quickly muted himself.
Rotxo called out his friends name with a hoarse voice from his dry throat. For a few more seconds he stayed muted. Rotxo couldn't hear anything until he flinched at the sound of Tsireya shouting in the background.
"Rotxo just called, get the fuck out of my room!" he heard Ao'nung hiss, before Tsireya voice got more and more distant.
"You said you wouldn't tell anyone! I'm driving over to the Sullys now, say bye bye to your favourite icecream! Go call Y/N and apologize for real!"
A loud bang followed. Rotxo knew the sound of this specific door being shut aggressively too well as their mother had often demonstrated before.
He swallowed the lump in his throat as he heard his best friend sigh and he knew he had only a few seconds before Ronal would storm in and ask for an explanation to what in eywa was going on.
"S-so she... she does like me too?" Rotxo finally stuttered out. He felt his hands shake, a cold shower went town his stiffened spine. Ao'nung groaned and his bed creaked in the background. Waiting for an answer felt like playing Russian Roulette, adrenaline pumping in his veins.
"I was at the Sullys house a few days ago and I saw y/n had her phone open on the counter and she was texting with you and Reya in the group-" Ao'nung went silent for a moment before he quickly hurried to explain.
"I saw that she put a heart behind your name in her contacts. I told her that I've already suspected her feelings and she said not to tell anyone-" That's when his door flew open again and Ao'nungs mother interfered.
"Care to explain why your sister storms off at this hour with the words 'Ao'nung is an idiot, I'm going to the Sullys'? What in eywa's name did you do this time?!" Rotxo could hear every word through the phone, but to be honest, his best friend deserved his mom's upcoming verbal beating.
"Bro I gotta hang up, talk to you tomorrow."
Unable to say anything, Rotxo looked at the chat again as Aonung hung up.
Lo'ak added Y/N💚 to the group.
Kiri: wb
Tukie: y/n can you scream a bit less loud? I'm tryna watch my show
Y/N💚: .........
Y/N💚: Ao'nung, prepare to get you car keyed.
Should he write something?
And if so then what exactly?
He'd better talk to her in private, but what was he supposed to say anyway?
And so he dropped back into his pile of pillows, staring at the message for a long period of time. His tiredness was completely washed away, instead he was wide awake, unable to keep himself from smiling at the sight of that message.
*back to the present*
Rotxo didn't even notice how his grandmother came down to the kitchen, observing him closely as he whistled to the music, flipping the pancakes with a few skilled swings. He cleaned up the counter quickly after putting his phone back into his pocket.
"What has gotten into you, my dear?" The old woman finally giggled, and Rotxo couldn't help but smile even brighter as he turned down the music a bit. "You remember that girl I told you about? Y/N?"
His grandmother took a seat at the already set wooden table in the dining area close by. Rotxo had gotten her newspapers already and placed them on her plate, but whatever was going on with her dear grandson was far more interesting right now. She waited for him to sit with her, sipping on her steamy coffee mug in the meantime.
"Of course I do. I might be getting old, but how could I forget about that sweet girl?"
Oh how right she was. You were just simply the sweetest person he had ever came across in his entire life.
"Did she say anything?" His grandmother continued to ask as Rotxo served the pancakes and dropped himself onto a chair next to her as he started to explain.
"So, Ao'nung told me that she likes me and you know I went to that party yesterday, she came too. I had the chance to talk to her and I drove her home after we got something to eat." He got himself one of the pancakes from the stack, spreading some of his granny's selfmade fruit jam across it. Then he rolled it up and took a rather large bite.
The woman smiled proudly, happy about having this literal angel as her grandson. They had raised him right.
"And did you tell her you like her?" The heavy nod from Rotxo made her even more happy, and he smiled with closed a mouth, chewing on his breakfast.
"Seems like she was positively surprised?"
"Hmmmh!" was all he hummed out before swallowing. "She said she likes me too."
It filled his grandmothers heart with happiness to hear about these news. He was such a good guy, truly an angel. Rotxo deserved the world, in her eyes. And in yours too.
"You should take her out on a date then!" she suggested as she got herself a pancake and reached out for the jam jar. Again the metkayina nodded. "I want to, yeah. I think it would be nice to take her to the beach maybe."
"That sounds lovely, I'm sure you'll figure something out" she said smiling, then continued to congratulate him on his first girlfriend. That's when his smile finally faded a bit. He swallowed at these words.
Where you his girlfriend now? Was it official?
Without a word he got his phone back out, clicking opening the chat with you. And without any second thoughts he started tipping away.
to: Y/N💚
'good morning beautiful, hope you had a good rest. I was wondering if you're free today and would like to go to the beach with me? I wanted to ask you something'
Then he waited a bit, his heart start pounding faster as he read his message again. His heart skipped a beat as his phone vibrated and he saw your reply.
Y/N💚: 'good morning, couldn't sleep all night honestly, too exited
I'd love to spend the day with you but I promised to go shopping with Tuk...'
A frown crawled up on his face as he replied
you: 'need a ride to the mall? I could pick you two up later too and if you're still down for it we can go to the beach later?'
Y/N💚: 'Tuk asks if we can get McDonald's afterwards?'
you: 'anything for my two fav girls'
Y/N💚: 'you're too sweet'
Y/N💚: 'I doubt you want to but you could come with us to the mall?'
you: 'why would I not want to?'
Y/N💚: 'have you ever been shopping with a 14 year old girl?'
you: 'I don't mind at all'
Y/N💚: 'u sure?'
you: 'I'm sure. Just tell me when you're ready to get picked up'
Y/N💚: 'Gimmie an hour ig?'
you: 'so imma pick you up, we go shopping, then McDonald's, drop Tuk off and go to the beach? Sounds good to me. I'll ask Ao'nung for his car then'
Y/N💚: 'Great, I can't wait!'
new message to: Ao
'hey bro, mind if I take your car?'
He placed his phone on the table and continued to roll up another pancake.
"Looks like I'm having my first real date today..." he mumbled, the shy smile from last night returning to his visage. His heart was still racing at the thought, his cheeks turned pink at the mere thought of spending the day with you. He couldn't wait to see your face again and he kept asking himself so many questions. Would you like to hold his hand? Would you maybe even kiss him? And, on top of all his countless throughts, what would you answer if he'd asked if you were his girlfriend now?
🏷️list: @luvlykrispy @zatarias-pandora @vviolaswrld @yeosxxx @lilgurlbeoncrack @philiasoul @itszzmoon @simp4ff @itsnotme02 @et-j-art @lovekeeho @mayhemories @cavvedin @ducks118 @lov3rluna @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @wowimsofelle @cumikering
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mega-punani · 4 months
Hello hello!! I really love your writing and your art sm!! <33 I gotta say I'm all in for the romantic feels asks but platonic dynamics have a special place in my heart so- got any headcanons for the pirate au boys with a little sister medic/healer crewmate? Like the passive sweetie in the background that makes sure everyone's okay and her worry about everyone rivals that of edge yk? Ty! ^w^
Worried Medic Younger Sibling Y/N!:
Sans: Oh great, yet another sibling to spend sleepless nights worrying about... All jokes, Sans loves them to bits, and he is so incredibly grateful that they would go out of their way to fret over him and take care of him. He had just grown so used to hiding his weaknesses, for Pap's sake. But now, he finally had someone who took care of him like he does everyone else. Even if he's gonna crack cringey puns along the way. He'll let out a low chuckle every time they tell him to shut it. Papyrus: He's so touched! As much as he hates to make them worry, a part of him always cries when Y/N rushes up to him with a concerned expression and a medkit. Although Sans practically raised him, he could never feel good actually pouring all his concerns out to his stressed older brother. But his wonderful, amazing, talented sibling is the beam of sunshine he never knew he needed. Blue: NOOOOO NOT ANOTHER EDGE! Blue is sprinting the moment they approach him with a medkit. He always hated the doctor, and you are telling him that his beloved younger sibling is one of those apple-repelled freaks? With great effort, running, screaming, and other crewmates' help, Y/N will be patching up Blue with an iron grip on his skull. He'll whine, but he really is glad that they are willing to put up with his goofs. He will give you a big hug when he's all better and then jump straight into the fray like they didn't just spend 2 hours getting him fixed up.
Stretch: Literally the definition of the annoying older brother. Will come into the medical bay just to knock something off of the table and then turn off the lights, leaving Y/N in the dark. He'll say jokes and puns until someone shoves gauze in his mouth and will not stop bothering you. He has his moments and is a great shoulder to lean on when times are rough. And it's not like the teasing is one-sided! Y/N had seen their fair share of romance poems and songs that Stretch swore he had stashed away. Too bad Cash will do about anything for 3G.
Red: Annoying older brother #2 except he's the type to air punch you and profusely apologize if he accidentally hits you. He rolls his eyelights every time they scold him, sprinkling a few "Who are you, Edge?" and "Big words for such a short guy." He will be relentless when it comes to goofing off. One moment he's your partner in crime, another moment, he is giving you a noogie for being in his business.
Edge: It's like a nagging cycle. Y/N will fret over Edge triggering him to start analyzing you, and then it's just Y/N's sweet concern and Edge's masked care repeated into infinity. Of course, he can't help but cherish the feeling of being so looked after. Even if he feels like it is his duty to look after his younger sibling. He will give them a rare smile, just glad that they love him enough to try, even if he was as stubborn as a mule.
Razz: He's already covering his earholes the moment Y/N enters his navigation status chamber of a room. He groans and grumbles while they place some much-needed food on his desk, blocking his view of his book. But of course, he will never actually yell or rage at his kind younger sibling, although that was the only thing he knew best. He won't say a thank you, but just know that he is so giddy that his sibling is being so thoughtful. You can tell from the warm breeze and the pretty clouds.
Cash: Steals. Everything. He thinks it is the FUNNIEST thing in the world to bother the soul out of his siblings, and his poor younger sibling Y/N. So sweet, so kind, so... EASY TO STEAL FROM! The food they were saving for later? Gone. The little candy jar that they use to give to the crew after checkups? Vanished. Y/N's favorite jacket that doesn't even fit him? Wow, he actually looks really good in it- NO HE'S STRETCHING THE FABRIC. He thinks it's so incredibly rejuvenating when Y/N chases him around. Of course, doesn't last long cause that smoker is already heaving for breath. Bear: Being a sibling is the only way that Bear will not feel nervous about touching Y/N. Of course, he will make sure not to pat to hard or shake them around, but he will be more willing to throw Y/N around if he thinks that they are in danger. He will protect just as fiercely as Y/N would, and he is just so happy to be surrounded by that familial warmth he was never allowed to enjoy. Expect big thank-you meals every time he gets patched up. Cinnamon: He knows that Y/N worries for him sometimes, and he can't help but feel guilty. There are so many things that are wrong with him, and it seems like they visit him every day when he has yet another issue with his eyes or teeth. But every time he is reassured. Perhaps that is why he finds his sibling so wonderful. Because no matter how terrible he feels Y/N will always patch him up and give him a big hug. Having such a caring younger sibling had inspired him to be the best big bro!
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bungalowbear · 7 months
nanami kento x reader, pokémon au, wc: 1,095
reader is a psychic gym leader and nanami is a ranger. this part is a flashback explaining their shared history. thank you to @strawberrystepmom for inspiring this little series 💜
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Many years ago…
You and Nanami are in the park, enjoying the bentos you packed for lunch while sharing easy conversation. Once you’re meals are finished you lie with your backs against the grass and watch white fluffy clouds make their way lazily across the sky above Saffron City.
“I’ve been accepted to the psychic training school,” you say.
Nanami hums. His eyes are closed as he basks in the afternoon sunshine. “Didn’t I say you would be?”
“Yeah, but it’s Sabrina.” Your words are a whisper, doubt creeping into every syllable. “She’s close to our age and already one of the best.”
“And you will be too,” Nanami reassures in his usual steady cadence that you find so soothing. You’re both only teens now but you’re certain as he grows older his voice will only get richer. You often wonder what it will sound like.
Tilting your head toward him, you notice his hair is getting longer. Side swept bangs cover nearly the entire right side of his face. “You think so?”
“From my limited knowledge on psychic abilities it seems you’re already showing promising skill. Having proper training will only help you reach your full potential.”
You grin at his practical evaluation. “I’ve got potential, huh?”
“Of course. Just…” Nanami’s eyes drift to the side, catching yours already looking at him. He shifts his hand so that the tip of his pinky touches yours. “Be careful. Sabrina may be gifted but she doesn’t have the best social reputation.”
“As long as I have you I’ll be okay.” You move your hand to rest on top of his, making his ears blush pink. “We’ll always be friends, won’t we?”
“Always,” Nanami says confidently.
“Okay, enough of the mushy stuff.” You smile at him, then turn on your side to face him fully. “How has your training been at the Dojo?”
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You run straight home and use your video phone machine to call Nanami. When he picks up you can’t hold in your squeal of excitement.
“I take it something good happened today,” Nanami comments. His hair is damp and there’s a towel around his neck. You must have caught him right after a shower.
“Something great!” you exclaim. “Sabrina chose me to be her direct pupil.”
“Well done. You’ve been working really hard.”
“I’ve felt her close by since I’ve started at the school. But I never thought she would choose me.” You’re so excited that it’s hard to stop smiling, even with the ache settling into your cheeks. “We should go out and celebrate. It’s been a while since we got together.”
“Sounds good.” Nanami nods. “I’m fine with wherever.”
“Yay!” You throw your hand up in a cheer. You lean forward to get closer to the screen. “Oh, and tell Yu to come too.”
Nanami frowns, slightly, but you catch the shift in his expression. “What for?”
“I miss him, too.”
“Sure,” he says. “I’ll tell him.”
“Aw, did you want me all to yourself?”
Nanami’s eyes widen and now there is a very obvious pout on his lips.
“It’s okay, Ken.” You chuckle. “Next time will just be the two of us.”
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Something is wrong.
Nanami doesn’t hear from you for months. Calls go unanswered and eventually your messages promising to meet up stop altogether.
It isn’t until the competition between your respective gyms to determine which is to be the official gym of the city that he sees you. And he instantly knows that something is really wrong.
You stand beside Sabrina wearing a hard expression. Your eyes don’t seek him out the way Nanami’s do. In fact, you don’t even acknowledge him until the battle pairings are announced.
Cold, unfamiliar eyes lock onto his when you’re named his opponent. He’s always known your abilities would grow, but even he is taken aback by the intensity of your changed presence. You’re surrounded by an aura of maturity that seems to have sprung itself up in a short amount of time.
Nanami follows your lead and doesn’t approach, not until you’re on opposite sides of the battle court and he summons Hitmonchan to go against your Gothitelle. Nanami braces himself, an unsettling feeling forming in his gut. This won’t end well.
For him.
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Not unexpectedly, the Dojo suffers a swift defeat. Nanami seeks solace in the comfort of his room where he lies on his bed with a towel over his eyes while Yu lounges in his desk chair.
The match against you was brutal. You didn’t hold back as you directed Gothitelle to victory. His fighting type didn’t stand a chance against your psychic, and ultimately Hitmonchan could not overcome any of your attacks.
Nanami’s head aches as he contemplates the relationship with his Pokémon. He didn’t like how it felt as he watched Hitmonchan take such a hard beating. Nanami couldn’t help him on that court, no matter how much he wishes he could have. There’s only so much training he can give until it’s time for them to stand on their own.
But is that all he’s meant to do? Train Pokémon and stand by while they fight alone on the battle court? Nanami always thought he was helping his Pokémon, making them stronger. But maybe it was time to decide if this is the really best way for him to nurture Pokémon.
Yu has been training to become a Ranger, often suggesting Nanami consider becoming one as well. Perhaps that’s a route he should consider.
“She didn’t seem like herself,” Yu comments as he sips from the juice box he got on the way over.
“Because she wasn’t.”
“I’ve heard Sabrina’s gym was intense, but…” Yu pauses. He says your name, forlorn. “I never thought she was capable of being so ruthless.”
Nanami sighs. “Neither did I.”
“You should talk to her.”
“I’ve tried,” Nanami grumbles. “She doesn’t answer any of my calls.”
“So try something different.” Yu’s voice is light, as if the answer is so very simple. He tosses an unopened juice box onto Nanami’s stomach. “Go see her.”
Yu is probably right, Nanami thinks to himself. After all you and Nanami made a promise to each other, so an effort has to be made to keep that promise intact.
It’s another month until Nanami is able to set aside his pride and go see you. But he’s in disbelief when your home is empty and your neighbor tells him you’ve left the city. And in that moment Nanami feels a hardness forming around his heart, sealing away the promise made between once devoted friends.
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lovebillyhargrove · 7 months
Harringrove seasons au, created by the ever-amazing @akioukun ❤️ and remaining the source of inspiration
All living creatures know - since summer and autumn got together, every September has been blessed with soft kind sunshine and warmth.
Steve is sitting on a strand of golden sand close to the river. The sand is missing August heat, but it's still nice to the touch. The river drifts quiet and thoughtful.
Steve runs his fingers through the sand and digs deeper.
He is watching Billy.
Billy is like a child. He disrupts the calm, the tranquility. He is wilful and petulant. Bursting with energy, lightning strikes out of a blue sky, and tears pour down in a surprise thunderstorm. One second dark clouds overcast all heavens, the next one the sun is already shining down on everything, and life itself turns glorious.
Billy is running in shallow water, right near the shore, several drops landing on Steve's brittle patches of moss.
Summer is giggling and splashing water all around. The naive little kid, still believing in miracles, still not doubting them.
Steve is watching Billy, listening to the chimes of his voice, and it makes his heart ache.
Steve is older. He knows loss. He feels the pain in his bones sometimes, when they creak like logs of an old house. He is as ancient as the time itself, and he is the season when nature wilts away and, according to the common belief, everything dies.
The belief is wrong. Nothing dies, but everything transforms.
Billy doesn't think about things like that. He gives life. He celebrates life. He enjoys it. He doesn't care because he is not made like that.
Steve appreciates it in Billy, the careless humming of this never-ceasing ardour. He knows how noiseless and cold it can get in late October, how lonely and empty it usually is in November.
Steve will sleep then and see Billy in his dreams, day after day, spent together, encounter after encounter.
Steve will be sleeping just like brown leaves, buried under the first November snow. He is well prepared for the upcoming biting cold, for it runs in his core. He also knows that the world is full of wonders, and it is only a couple of months before he will have to wake up. Unlike autumn leaves, he won't become one with earth, he will rise from his slumber
And travel.
Looking for the summer.
Travel to the other hemisphere, where his love will be awaiting him.
Where the sun is hot and the sand beckons you to leave all your troubles behind, step on it barefoot and run around, like carefree children whose laughter is innocent and embodies the spirit of summer.
Will summer be different in the other hemisphere? Yes, but it will also be the same.
It will be Billy.
Steve's love comes closer and sits on the sand beside him.
"Hey, pretty boy. Do you know what I'm unhappy about? In late June Linden trees start blooming. The smell is .. enchanting. I want you to taste it, I want your mind to stop thinking for a moment. Too bad, you can't be here in June. There is no way you can."
Billy's gaze turns sad for a second and then
"I know what I'm gonna do. I'll put the dry blossoms in the jar and save them till the time you start coming round. Yeah?"
He's taking Steve's hand, gentle and playful.
"Come walk in the water with me. Let's look at this big fish I noticed searching for a hidden spot under a log to stay for the night. Shhh," -
Billy is pressing his finger to his lips, -
"Be very quiet, autumn, I don't want to spook the fish away."
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On ao3, all credit for the idea belongs to @akioukun
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kjmcotton · 7 months
Ray of sunshine,the clouds are vanishing | ZHY
Zhang Yixing x fem!reader
Best friends to lovers!AU
Slow burn!AU
Plot:love can disappoint sometimes,but what if you find someone who shares the same wounds as yours? And what if that person is Zhang Yixing,the friend of a friend who randomly started hanging out with your group?
This story is a request
Author’s notes:I was in the mood for a slow burn so here we are!! It took me a while to write and it’s pretty long,also a little bit cliché maybe,but I hope you enjoy it♡
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“You light up the rooms you step in”
You were sitting on the sidewalk in front of the club you had just left. An half empty bottle of Soju standing a few inches away from your left leg as you were staring at an undefined point in front of you. You shivered:the short skirt and the fishnet thighs weren’t enough to protect you from the cold of the night,but you had no strength to get back inside the club. You didn’t want to see him again.
Your night was amazing until he appeared.
You were drinking,dancing and singing with your friends,having fun in trying to convince Lisa to hit on the cute guy she had put her eyes on at the beginning of the party. Everything was great,you didn’t have such an amazing time in a while until him,your ex-boyfriend,was so bold to talk to you as soon as he noticed you.
He appeared and grabbed you from behind,hitting on you like he had never cheated with a chick with fake lips and fake boobs. You felt like throwing up and,then,your night was ruined with a snap of fingers.
Mad,you slapped him and ran outside,without even seeing Sehun and Jongdae scolding him. You didn’t know what to do,you felt lost.
Suddenly,all that pain you had felt while breaking up rose inside you once again,with no mercy,ready to make your heart bleed for love.
Fuck him,fuck her and,most of all,fuck yourself for being so dumb to date a walking red flag when everyone had warned you.
You sighed,stroking your legs with your hands in hope to warm your skin;when,suddenly,someone covered you with their black jacket.
You turned around sure to see that asshole,but the only person that was there was Yixing,Baekhyun’s friend,who had started hanging out with your group a few months earlier.
“Take it” he said kindly,sitting next to you
“Thank you-you grabbed the bottle of Soju-you want some?” you asked
Yixing sipped from the object and then gave it back to you,watching as you threw the burning liquid down to your throat
“Slow down” he laughed,trying to stop you,but you pushed his hand away
“I need this. My night has been ruined” you mumbled
“I didn’t really understand why,to be honest”
“You saw the guy that approached me? That was my ex”
“Now I get it. That’s why Sehun and Jongdae snapped at him”
“Did they?”
“Yes. They were mad. Junmyeon and Minseok had to hold them back-Yixing giggled-you’re so lucky to have them. They’re great friends”
“I know. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for them. When I broke up with Sunghoon everything was pitch black. They were my light”
“Did he hurt you that much?” Yixing’s soft smile disappeared as soon as you talked
“He cheated on me for six months. In a relationship of one year, half of it was a lie. I think he’s the person who hurt me the most.I pushed all my fears aside for him and gave him my heart only to find out that he stopped caring about me before I could even notice” you sighed,drinking more Soju. You were having an hard time holding back your tears.
Yixing noticed and slid closer to comfort you, caressing your back
“I hope you know that wasn’t your fault” he then said,softly
“I know now,but back then I didn’t. I felt like I deserved nothing. If I’ve changed my mind is thanks to my friends:they sticked with me,supported me and helped me seeing myself in the way I had to. However,Sunghun still haunts me sometimes. I was so happy with him,I thought he was the one”
“There are many potential ones out there,don’t focus on an idiot. I’m saying that because I got cheated on as well,so I know how it feels”
“Really?! What a bitch. You’re such a nice guy,you don’t deserve a similar a treatment!”
“Neither you do,but it happened. The most important thing is that we both know that it’s none of our fault,but theirs”
“You’re absolutely right Yixing” you smiled.
You didn’t expect that such a short chat could lead the two of you to a beautiful friendship:you slowly started opening up with Yixing,exchanging messages all day and talking about everything;even Sunghoon who,suddenly,started looking for you again.
It disturbed you a lot. You had healed in the past months,but not enough to face him again. The truth was that you had been hoping to never see him after breaking up. You wanted to re-start building your life;so,seeing his lost calls and texts unsettled you a lot,pushing you closer and closer to Yixing as he seemed the one who could fully understand the situation.
“Why don’t you block him?” the boy asked,sitting in front of you as he sipped his coffee
“I can’t” you mumbled,resting your chin on the palm of your hand
“Why? You said you don’t wanna have anything to do with him”
“Which is true…”
“No buts” you sighed,Yixing giggled
“May I tell you what I think,y/n?”
At those words you nodded
“I think that you’re still in love with that asshole”
“I’m not!”
“Then block him” your friend rested his back against the chair
“Seen it? That’s my point”
You rolled your eyes and scratched the back of your head:maybe Yixing was right;maybe,deep down,you were still a little bit in love with Sunghoon,but it didn’t imply giving him a second chance,that was another reason why you ran away when you saw him at the club.
“What am I supposed to do Yixing? Please help me,I’m so tired. I was feeling better,so why did he have to come back?” you hid your face with your hands,holding back your tears.
Why was your life so hard? Why couldn’t you be living happily for once? You constantly had to face troubles and problems without even looking for them. You had enough.
“You already know what to do,y/n:stay with your friends,enjoy the good things of your day and focus on yourself until you’ll meet someone who values you for the amazing person that you are” the boy smiled and hugged you. Your face sank in the crook of his neck,your nostrils got filled with his sweet cologne. Your stomach tingled for a second at that nice sensation,but you were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice it.
“Don’t tell our friends he’s texting me again. You saw how they got mad,I don’t want any drama to happen”
“My mouth is shut,key thrown to the sharks-he giggled-but you gotta block him. Promise me you’ll do it”
“I will”
“Then let’s have fun together so you can forget Sunghoon”
Said so,Yixing started organising regular evenings out with the whole group:you would eat together,go clubbing,try fun activities like climbing and even organise movie nights.
Besides that,when your friends were busy with their jobs and couldn’t join you,Yixing would always find some free time to spend with you,even if it meant only having a coffee together.
That was why you grew fond of him,developing a soft spot in your heart that made you consider Yixing your best friend. The same happened to him. He had to admit that,even tho he had a lot of friends,no one made him feel as good as you did:you were his ray of sunshine,the person he would look for when he needed positive vibes,that someone who would listen to him and support him through the hardest moments,making the clouds vanish.
The more time flew,the more you two became close. You met everyday,letting your inner children come out and fully heal in each other presence.
“Let’s do this!” you grabbed Yixing,dragging him towards the shooting game of the arcade you had decided to visit that night.
“Killing zombies sounds fun!-he laughed,grabbing the VR headset-let me help you with this” he then smiled,tucking the lace at the back of your head.
His fingers accidentally stroked against your cheeks while he was placing the object on your eyes:it sent shivers along your spine. Yixing’s touch was always so gentle and delicate,it made you feel safe and well treated. A little smile unconsciously appeared on your lips.
“Why are you smiling now?” your friend asked
“What? Oh,nothing,I’m just having fun”
“The game hasn’t started yet” Yixing laughed,grabbing his VR
“I know but I’m having a great time tonight. It’s been a while since I came here at the arcade. I missed it,this was my favourite place when I was younger”
“Then we’ll come back soon”
Those words widened your smile even more;then,once the zombie game had finished,you moved to the next one:the Pump it up game. You were surprised it was still there.
“This one! I wanna dance,it’s always been my favourite”
“Let’s go then,I’ll beat your ass!” Yixing exclaimed,placing himself on the platform.
The two of you chose the song,a Michael Jackson one to make things harder but funnier,and started dancing…if that was how you could call what you two were up to.
To be honest,all you did was pushing each other to make the other hit a lower score:
“Are you that scared to lose?! Really?!” Yixing taunted you,blocking your hands with his:you melted noticing how his touch was,once again,extremely careful with you. He treated you like you were a precious jewel,which warmed your heart.
“You are scared to lose!” you bit back,laughing,and trying to push him away
“I’m a dancer,there’s no way I’ll lose!”
“I’m better than you in this game,I’m sure!”
“Oh,yeah,I see! That’s why you’re sabotaging me right now”
“That’s not true!” you kept on laughing and pushing,until,by accident,you slipped and lost your balance.
“Ouch!” you exclaimed,falling,but,luckily,your body never touched the ground as Yixing laid in and held you tight.
“You okay?” he demanded,concerned
“I’m-I’m fine” you blushed:his arms were wrapped around your waist while your chest was against his. You could feel both his heartbeat and his warm breath on your skin.
You bit your lips:what was happening? Why,all of a sudden,you were feeling so odd? Something that you couldn’t tell was going on inside you while being so close to him. Your stomach twitched and sparkled while your legs were shaking. You didn’t want to lean back and stand on your own feet,you wanted Yixing to be that close forever.
“So…that’s the reason why you stopped answering to my texts,isn’t it?” A familiar voice made you startle and push the brunette away.
“What are you doing here?!” You asked,shocked as Sunghoon was standing right in front of you. Right hand in his pocket,soft black hair framing his beautiful features. You felt like the ground beneath your feet was missing.
“Texts? What is he talking about?” Yixing furrowed his eyebrows
“I can explain!” you exclaimed,grabbing his arm. Sunghoon laughed:
“Yeah,explain everything to your boyfriend. Come on,I wanna listen”
“He’s not my boyfriend,asshole! And tell me why you’re here! Are you stalking me now? Wasn’t text bombing and calling me everyday enough?!” you growled
“You answered so I just texted. I don’t seen anything wrong with it” Sunghoon shrugged his shoulder. His cocky attitude was getting on your nerves.
“Why did you answer him? You said you would’ve blocked him” Yixing’s face was marked by an expression of disappointment
“I should have,I know,but I didn’t;however I told him to stop texting and calling,I did it multiple times. I swear Yixing”
“If you didn’t want to text me you would’ve blocked me like the dude said”
“Shut the fuck up Sunghoon!”
“Yeah,you heard her:shut the fuck up” Yixing stepped closer to the boy,who obviously didn’t back up
“Who are you to tell me what to do?”
“Yixing,please,no drama” you ran towards him,holding him back. The boy’s attitude softened as soon as you touched him;so he breathed in and recomposed himself.
“How did you find me?” you asked again to your ex
“I saw the story you posted. I was around so I thought I could come say hi” he smirked
“You’re fucked up” you mumbled,shocked
“You said hi,now go home” Yixing butted in the conversation, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder. You scanned his movements,realising that there was a new shift in his attitude:he clearly had something in his mind so you just let him talk.
“Or what?” Sunghoon threatened the guy
“Or you’ll get kicked out. Let my girlfriend alone as she told you to do. I don’t repeat myself.”
“Girlfriend? For fuck sake is he your boyfriend or not?”
You were about to talk but Yixing gently hit your shoulder,meaning to let him handle the situation,so you did.
“I am,and you’re ruining our nice date” he spat out.
Sunghoon glared at him,then his eyes met yours:
“Is he lying?” he demanded,leaning in
You were sweating:you knew that the best thing to do to get our from that awful situation was following Yixing’s lead,but you were so scared of Sunghoon that words wouldn’t come out from your mouth.
“Step back” your friend put his arm between you and the guy whose eyes shifted again,leaning on Yixing
“You aren’t his boyfriend,are you? You’re just trying to get rid of me”
Yixing’s jaw clenched:he was getting extremely mad,you could tell from the veins of his neck popping out. It was sexy for sure,but it was also scary.
“I’ll show you then” the brunette spat out,turning to you.
Suddenly,you found your face a few inches away from you friend’s. His eyes chained to yours as his fingers stroked your cheek,resting on your chin. Your heart started beating fast,shivers crossed your spine,then the space between you and Yixing was set to zero.
When you lips met, the world stopped spinning. Everything froze,the only thing you could feel was Yixing’s sweet taste of mint bubblegum. He kissed you slowly,delicately. The arm wrapped around your shoulder tightened his grip a little bit as he used it to push you closer,while, with one of his hands,he tilted your head on the side. His lips moved back and forward,sweetly biting yours,mixing your salivas.
Your hands rested on his chest,gripping the cloth of his jacket,while your lower abdomen started tingling as you pushed it against the boy’s. You had completely lost control of your body,but you liked it:it had been a while since you felt like that.
You were completely lost in the moment,same was Yixing who would’ve never let you go if Sunghoon didn’t remind him of his presence with a loud cough.
“I’m his boyfriend and you gotta get out of here…now!” the brunette exclaimed,hiding his short breath.
Sunghoon glared at him,fire burning in his eyes:
“You’ll see me around,asshole” he growled
“I hope not for your safety. I’m not always this gentle with dickheads like you”
You watched as your ex left from the entrance door,feeling relieved.
“God” you mumbled while hiding your face in your hands
“He’s gone” Yixing dragged you into a new hug that you couldn’t reject,in fact you let yourself sink into it.
“Thankfully. I-I thought we needed to call the cops for a second” your voice was breaking as holding back your tears was hard
“It’s okay y/n,I’ve got you-Yixing said stroking your back-shall we go home?” he then asked,you nodded.
The next day you blocked Sunghoon everywhere,hoping that finally you would’ve lived a quite life…but nothing like that was about to happen.
There was one more thing that couldn’t let you sleep at night:Yixing’s kiss. It had been magical,you couldn’t deny it…and you couldn’t deny that the boy was as lost into it as you were.
“Fuck” you blushed,covering your face with the sheets of your bed. Why were you feeling like that? Like a little,vulnerable kid? You were so confused and,at the same time,so eager to meet Yixing again.
You wanted to see his smile,feel his fingers linger on your skin,giving you those little pleasing shivers and lighting up the sparkles in your stomach.
Wait…were you in love with Yixing? That Yixing,your best friend?!
“It can’t be possible!-you exclaimed,sitting-it can’t be!” you sighed.
Right in that moment, your phone rang and,as if it wasn’t enough,the one calling was the person you had been thinking about.
“Hi” you spoke calmly. You couldn’t let him know what was going in on in your mind.
“Wanna have breakfast together?” Yixing asked
“I’d love that,I’ll get ready. Where are we meeting?”
“At your place. I’ll pick you up. See you in a bit” the brunette didn’t even give you the chance to talk as he turned the call off.
Fastly,you got ready and then jumped in your friend’s car once he had arrived. You had breakfast in a nice café in Hongdae;the streets were already flowing with people even tho it was only 8:00am.
“How are you doing today?” Yixing asked while biting his croissant
“I’m doing better,thank your for asking” you smiled
“I’m great to hear that. I’ve been pretty worried. I don’t want you to suffer again for that idiot”
“I’m doing fine,really. I just got scared yesterday,I told you,but luckily you were there” without even thinking about it,you were looking for his hand to hold.
Yixing blushed as soon as your hands touched,but he didn’t try to shrug yours off,otherwise he held it back
“You mean the world to me. No one will make you suffer,not as long as I am around”
His eyes were chained to yours,a sweet light shining in their pupils:you didn’t know in which way he meant those words,but they made you skip a beat.
“T-Thank you…” you murmured,lowering your gaze. You wanted to giggle and kick your feet like a teenager girl,but you couldn’t.
Yixing smiled and tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear:he was looking at you with those puppy eyes that made you melt.
“Anyway-he coughed,recomposing himself-do you wanna go to the cinema tonight?”
“Tonight?” you blinked
“Yeah. I mean…hum…there’s a nice movie”
“What is it?”
“I-I don’t remember the title right now,but you can find it out by coming along”
You laughed:was there a real movie to watch or he just wanted to see you again? You didn’t care. You nodded and accepted the invitation,spending the whole day thinking about it.
As soon as you got back from work you ran to your bedroom,picking out the nicest dress you had in your wardrobe;then you moved on to your makeup,putting mascara and eye-liner on. The last time you worried so much about your appearance it was during one of the first dates with Sunghoon. That fact made you think even more:were you actually in love with Zhang Yixing? Damn if you were. You had lost it for that guy,for his eyes,his smile and,most of all,the way he treated you. You felt like a princess anytime he was around:he cared about you,paid attention to your well being and did everything he could for you to have a good time.
“Yixing,what did you do to me!” you sighed,hearing your door bell ringing:it was him for sure.
You ran downstairs and met the boy,who drove you to the cinema. You weren’t sure if Yixing actually chose the movie you saw or if he randomly picked one up just to cover his nice little lie,but you didn’t care anyway as you were too busy laughing with him and leaning onto him anytime he whispered something to your hear. You didn’t do it on purpose,your body was naturally attracted to the boy…and so was your mind.
Once the movie had finished the two of you went for a night walk,no one wanted to go home.
It was past midnight of a cold Saturday night. You were wrapped up in your coat,but apparently it wasn’t enough for you to stay warm
“I hate winter” you mumbled,sliding your hand in the pockets
“You’re always so cold-Yixing giggled,wrapping an arm around your shoulder to hold you close-better?” he demanded
“Better” you laughed.
The silence fell for a few seconds:you could see the boy staring at you under the dim light of the moon,a little smile on his lips
“Why are you smiling?” you demanded
“Am I?”
“Yeah” you nodded
“I think it’s your presence. You light up the rooms you step in”
“Oh come on,that’s too much” you laughed
“That’s not. I really believe it. No one is like you,and I must be favoured to know you”
At those words your cheeks heated up:thank God it was dark so he couldn’t see how you turned into a fresh tomato
“I could say the same of you. I’ve never been so happy before meeting you”
Without even noticing,the two of you had stopped walking and were standing face to face
“I can make you happy everyday if you let me”
“W-what?” those words caught you off guard
“You heard. Why would I keep on staying silent? I think it’s clear,isn’t it?”
“W-what do you mean?”
Was he getting there? Was he about to say what you had in mind? Oh God,make it happen—you thought
“Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed it,I know you did. I never really tried to hide it,maybe at the beginning,but not in the past weeks-Yixing paused for a moment-I love you y/n. I don’t know how it happened:maybe it was because we shared the same experiences,or maybe because I found someone that listened to me and understood me,or maybe it’s just you and the way you are…cuz you’re beautiful y/n,both inside and out. You’re the ray of sunshine I’ve been looking for during the past years and I wanna keep it with me for as long as it wants to stay…so,y/n,would you like to warm me for a while? Maybe forever if we’re meant to be?” Yixing grabbed your cold hands,holding them and dragging you closer. Your noses were a few inches away from each other. Once again,you could feel his warm breath against your skin
“I do,Yixing:I would love to be your ray of sunshine” you smiled
At those words Yixing’s hands cupped your cheeks and his lips met yours:once again sparkles lit up in your stomach and you lower back tingled.
Maybe it was finally time:maybe you had found the person that would’ve given you the unconditional love you deserved.
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mae-gi-writes · 1 year
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what happens when ball of sunshine meets Mr. Grumpy? When you make the sacrificial decision of shadowing Dr. Hanson Chwe to scramble for your TA hours, nothing could’ve prepared you for the way in which this grumpy ass charms his way into your heart.
Genre: romcom, university au! Student! Reader x professor! Vernon, svt members…
He always looked so darn sullen.
With those dark locks falling across his face and those intense orbs hidden behind steel-framed glasses, Dr. Chwe was the subject of pride of the Psychology Department. He was the best professor by far, a lecturer that gave his facts outright, and was never one to be found mingling among his peers. Cold. Tough. Dark. Those were the adjectives coined to his name.
But you were desperate.
You waited till his final class ended. It was late evening and it was icy cold, gusts of wind slamming against the building walls with such force you could feel it rattle, even through cement. As the students walked out and the chatter dispersed across the corridors, you quickly slid inside the lecture hall only to find him by the podium.
This hall was specially designed for lectures, rows and rows of seats that ressembled a theatre room and a stage for the professor, with a screen to project any slides of particular interest.
"Hello," you called tentatively, trying to get into his field of vision. He paused in his paper rustling, looking up with a frown.
You continued regardless, shuffling forward so that you could get a closer look at him, "Hi, sorry to disturb. Dr. Chwe? I'm Y/N, a graduate from the music department."
"Yes, and?"
"I'm looking for a TA job with you--"
"Wha--" you blink up at him, "I haven't even given you any argument yet."
"Why is a music major asking for a TA position in my department?"
"Well Dr. Hong told me to ask you specifically, to help me out this one time because music and psychology are interrelated. And plus, I'm working on my master thesis and it has to do with their relationship--"
"Irrelevant. Find a professor from your own department," with that, he closed his folder of testpapers and made a move to walk out. You quickly stepped before him, chin high and trying hard not to tremble in front of his tall frame. He was slim, and yet he looked like he could crush you with one single glance.
"Wait. Please," you held up your hands as if in surrender, trying to ignore the way his scowl deepened, "please. I really really need this opportunity. Like, I don't even need you to read my research, just please make me your TA and I promise I'll--"
"Even if I could, I can't. We're not in the same department."
"We're in Bachelor of Arts both, that's good enough right? Right?" You wondered whether begging on your knees would convince him, "I swear I'll be good. Ask Dr. Hong, he's the one who recommended you. Said you could help me."
"He...said that?" Dr. Chwe looked suspicious, eyes narrowed and stance cold.
"Yes! You can ask him. I can call him right now--"
He stopped you, palm held in the air and a grim expression clouding his features, "I will talk to him."
"But I--"
He didn't wait, pushed past you with his stack of papers and ignored your protests that kept following him out in the corridor until the door closed right in your face.
Well, so much for an attempt to find a reliable spot in academia. You were so fucked.
If there was one thing you had learnt from this whole encounter, it was that Dr. Chwe did not like being disturbed when it wasn’t class time. Oh, he was helpful to his students alright…until the lesson was over. Then the beast took over, devoiding him of human emotion and contributing to the bastard-y tag that he received amongst gossipers.
Nevertheless, he was a popular Professor at the University of BurnBridges and you couldn’t deny his talent. He had a way of dealing with people — not surprising, considering that he was a psychology professor — that made you feel like you had both the responsibility of the knowledge shared and that you were an active participant in this fostering of information. He understood you more than you could understand yourself, which came from his countless observations as he walked around the campus perimeter.
(Not that you’d know. You did not stalk him throughout the day just to see what his routine was like. You did not wish for him to seek our Dr. Hong out of his own will. Not at all.)
A week passed with nothing on the radar. You probed Dr. Hong in hopes that he’d help you out. He was the beloved maniac of the Music and Theatre Department, as crazy and as gentle as he was. If Dr. Chwe was a big, sulky wolf then Dr. Hong was the lovely puppy abandoned on the corner of the street. Everyone loved him.
“I tried, Professor, I really did,” you kept on whining every day after class, “but it’s been a full week and he hasn’t responded yet.”
Dr. Hong just laughed, “he’s probably busy with corrections. It is mid-term season after all. If I ever bump into him I’ll tell him to re-consider your offer.”
“Tell him that it doesn’t have to be legal or on paper,” you were desperate for him to hear you out, for if you didn’t have a position by the end of this week, you were considered dead meat, “I just need my TA hours filled and he can show me how to grade his papers—“
“Do you even know a thing about Psychology?”
A voice cut through your conversation as cold as ice and you whip round, only to find none other than the said person in question standing by the door and looking as annoyed as ever.
You briefly wondered how he would look like without the scowl. Probably ten times more handsome.
“I—Yes of course I do! I minored in Psych! That’s why I’m asking you whether you— well, I’m sure I’ll be able to help you in some way,” you stuttered out before you lost the courage, inwardly wincing at how the words made it out of your mouth. Wow. So not cool Y/N.
“Y/N’s been in my class since first year,” Dr. Hong prompts, “and she hasn’t yet disappointed me. So I’d say she’s a firm package.”
Dr. Chwe looked like he was ready to chew his colleague’s head off for supporting you and yet, the latter didn’t seem fazed in the slightest, “come on, Vern. You need a TA anyway—“
“I do not need a TA.”
“Surely you do. Every professor has one. It wouldn’t make sense for you to grade all those papers, and who’s going to hold your seminars for you?”
“I already have someone doing that for me.”
“Nakamura’s only doing it because she fancies you,” Dr. Hong rolled his eyes playfully, “come on Vern. If ever you have any trouble, you can come straight to me.”
Dr. Chwe’ s gaze flitted from your face to Dr. Hong’s, the scowl deepening with every second like a storm slowly rolling in and shadowing his features. It was a surprising duo that boggled you, the sunshine puppy Dr. Hong and the moody Dr. Chwe together in one room, looking like the best of friends.
But that soon went out of your brain the moment Dr. Chwe sighed, turned around and started walking out of the room. You scrambled up after him, “wait Professor, I—“
“Be in my office on Monday. 8am. Don’t be late.”
He spat them out like venom before the door slammed shut, leaving you with Dr. Hong in a mixture of confusion and excitement.
Slowly, you turned towards your professor, “Did he just…” trailing off without knowing what to say next, you saw Dr. Hong burst out laughing.
“That’s it, Y/N. You’re in.”
You were in. You still had a chance to make it through.
Dr. Chwe scared the shit out of you.
He didn't hesitate to bite your head off at every mistake, every chance he got. He loved taunting you, seeing you struggle to cope with the material prepared, loved dumping testpapers in your arms for you to correct till early morning hours. He especially enjoyed asking you questions in the middle of his lectures so that you'd have to scramble for a response on the spot, blush littering your cheeks and fingers fumbling.
You knew it wasn't fair, but you also knew that it was an opportunity that wasn't supposed to be yours in the first place. You had just gotten lucky because the psychology department wad one TA short and really needed the help.
Still, seeing Dr. Chwe every day traumatised you to no end.
"He looks like he can kill me. I can't even talk when I'm around him," you kept on complaining to your buddy Minghao. He, also part of the music department, had the luck of getting the famous Dr. Woozi, composer, pianist and singer. God knew what strings he'd pulled for that.
"At least he's hot," Minghao commented.
"Yeah well, I don't think that comes in handy."
"I think you should bribe him with food."
You shot him a look, "that's a terrible idea."
You decided to test out Minghao's theory by bringing him a coffee during your next TA meeting. Something small, yet significant and helpful. Everyone loved a bit of caffeine, right?
"Here you go, and extra shot of espresso just for you," you set it down with a flourish and fought hard to keep yourself from smiling, expression faltering whrn Dr. Chwe looked up at you as though you had just placed a dead corpse on his desk.
"What?" You tried to lighten the mood, "I thought coffee would cheer you up, considering you look like only had one hour of sleep."
"I had three, thanks for asking."
"Oh I wasn't, but please," you motioned towards the said cup, "go ahead."
"I...don't drink coffee."
"No way," you sat down at your desk, grabbing the pile of testpapers that you would have to start grading pronto, "how are you still standing? Energade? Tea?"
He favoured ignorance, proceeding to flick through the department documents. You pressed on, "do you prefer soda? I know some people prefer soda but that's like, really not good for your health. Or maybe-- oh wait, you're a hot chocolate fan aren't you?"
The slight tense of his shoulders was enough to give him away. You couldn't help but stare, "no way," you half-murmured, "you have a sweet tooth, don't you?"
Dr. Chwe turned away from you in determination to stop your sudden onslaught of questions.
"Oh my gosh, you know sugar's really bad for you right? It's worse than caffeine. It converts into fat and gets stored in--"
"I don't think I asked for a biology lesson, miss Y/N," he snapped. His dark orbs flashed to yours over the document papers, shadowed with irritation, "with all due respect, you have papers to grade."
"Oh yes, sorry, yes." You quickly focused your attention on the papers at hand. The atmosphere tightened with unease, a knot of nervousness coiling at the bottom of your stomach as you grabbed your pen and flicked through the pages.
Clesrly, he had no wish to talk and converse about trivial things other than work. It did hurt your pride somewhat. But you tried to brush it aside. You weren't here to entertain him after all.
But during that same week, you left him two chocolate cookies.
No thanks, no receipt of acknowledgement. But when you noticed the empty wrapper in the bin the next day, you stifled a smile.
“I saw someone left you cookies,” you remarked a few hours later when still no acknowledgement had been made, “how generous of them.”
Of course. There was only you and Vernon in this room. No one else had access, so it was easy an easy guess.
He grunted, muttered something incoherent under his breath and proceeded to read the document in his hands. But you weren’t going to let him off so easily this time. Sliding your hand onto his desk and leaning over so that you were in his peripheral vision, you wriggled your eyebrows suggestively, “So? Anything you want to tell me, Dr. Chwe?”
“Get back to work.”
“Aw come on, not even a thank you? I—“
He glanced up. His eyes were cold ice, “last week’s quizzes, are they done yet?”
You paled, “no…”
“I want them on my desk this afternoon.”
IIt was supposed to sting but somehow it didn’t. Not as much as it should’ve. Maybe because you were slowly getting used to his porcupine nature, but the moment you sat at your desk you noticed the small cup of coffee, still steaming hot, right beside your keyboard. The smile on your face widened tenfold, though you kept quiet about it.
Dr. Chwe was — at least to you — not so bad after all.
“Y/N will be distributing the test papers from last week’s quiz. You will go through it with her but before you do, I’d like a quick word,” Dr. Chwe’s gaze flitted from face to face, the class of 20 sleepy students looking back at him through heavy-lidded eyes as he stepped towards the lecture podium.
You were sitting at the side on standby, ready to take over once he’d depart. A few weeks had gone by since your appointment as his TA and things have settled down somewhat. It seemed as though Dr. Chwe’s personal vendetta towards making your life miserable was put on hold, probably because he actually needed you now that midterms were coming up.
You busied yourself by distributing the papers, nodding as they mumbled out ‘thank you’s’ while Dr. Chwe droned on with the explanations. For the most part you didn’t listen, your mind drifting in and out of focus. It had been ages since you had played any instrument whatsoever, and time was an issue when every spare second was wasted on that stupid thesis paper, so who could blame you for thinking of what musical notes would go well together instead of listening to behavioural theory?
“I’ll leave you to Y/N then, if you have no questions for me,” Dr. Chwe nodded at you, snapping you out of your daze. You hurried towards the front, quickly mumbling your goodbyes before taking over, “alright, let’s go through the test paper for any common mistakes. Before we begin, do you guys have any questions?”
It wasn’t until class had ended that one of the students came up to the podium, greeting you shyly behind round spectacle frames.
“Hi, I’m Mingyu.”
“Hey you alright? Anything I can help with?” You look up from your folders and zipping up your pencil case in the process.
“Uhm not really no,” he flashed you a shy smile, “i just wanted to ask you if you were going to be present at the Departmental Olympics this year.”
“Oh, uh—“ you tried wracking your brain for excuses. You didn’t loathe exercise but you were so bad at it you’d rather stay on the sidelines, “I didn’t even know we were having the Olympics this year. When is it?”
“In two weeks. I’m running event for our department, along with a few other psych majors.”
“Ah that sounds great!”
“yes, and uhm—we were wondering if— if you would play,” he stammered over his words, “for the psych department.”
“I’m not really though,” you smiled in what seemed to be an apology, “I doubt they’d allow that.”
“They said it was fine, as long as you weren’t playing for the music dept,” he put his hands together, looked at you with those melting doe eyes that he knew worked on everyone, “please?”
“I—“ “There’s free food,” he persisted, “and you get a free coupon for a drink at the after-party.”
in the end, you had no choice but to say yes. He had, after all, the powers of someone who couldn’t be argued with. Not to forget his dashing looks. It was hard sometimes, good-looking people had their way too easily and you cursed yourself the moment he’d exited the room with a victorious grin.
You asked Dr. Chwe if he was going to be present, which resulted in him scoffing at you like you were a complete idiot.
“That’s just a waste of time,” he said, “I have better things to do.”
“Well, maybe you can take a break from all those things that you need to do,” you hid your grin from behind the coffee cup you were sipping on.
He scowled at his computer screen, “and what? Socialize with people I don’t give a shit about?”
“Would you rather rot here with your test papers?” You looked over at him, “come on Dr. Chwe. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the break. Plus, sports can be fun.”
“No thanks.”
“Or are you such a sore loser that you can’t participate just for fun?”
His eyes narrowed into slits, jaw tensed, “I am not a sore loser.”
“Oh yeah?” You tilted your head with a smirk, “feels like it though.”
That was enough to make him sign up the next day.
You almost spilled you entire cup of coffee down your shirt when he told you through a mumble jumble of words behind his computer screen and if you didn’t know any better, you would say that he was…embarrassed about it.
“So what changed your mind huh?” You asked, laughter falling from your lips despite the glare he was sending your way every five seconds. He looked like a grumpy cat, “did you decide it was worth a try?”
“Shut up.”
You cracked up, “you are such a sore loser, Dr. Chwe.”
“I said shut it,” his head snapped up from his computer screen, “and it’s Vernon, not Dr. Chwe.”
Vernon. It was weird to hear his name— his actual name — roll out from his own mouth. You weren’t used to being so chummy with the professors when you were still a graduate student yourself. But ever since you’d gotten to work with him, you had to admit that you’d gotten comfortable in his presence. He was like that sour colleague that found everything so revolting that it made up for your lack of entertainment. In short, Vernon was fun to be around most of the time, when you got used to him. Because he never meant anything that came out of his mouth.
No. You were certain that behind that permanent grimace was a young man with a good heart.
“So what sport did you sign up for?” You leaned over your desk and placed your chin into your hands.
Dr. Chwe— Vernon — glanced up at you, dark strands falling across his eyes that he brushed away impatiently, “volleyball.”
“Wait really?!” You couldn’t hold in your excitement, “I signed up for volleyball too! I’m in team red.”
“Team blue.”
“Oh pffft,” you rolled your eyes, “you suck, Dr. Chwe—“
“Yeah yeah, so I guess I’ll see you across the field.”
“Don’t come crying to me when you lose.”
“Oh we’ll see about that,” you grinned and tried, in vain, to stop the small bubble of fluttery feelings seemingly blooming in the middle of your chest.
A/N: Part 2 will be up soon! <3 enjoy for now! I have never seen a Vernon fic where he is not a shy boi so I really wanted to try this side of him out. Not sure i was successful but mehhhh ._.
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
Valentine's Week Angst Day Seven: Engie/Spy - Last
Final day of @dontneedadispenser Valentine's event.
“We can’t keep doing this,” Spy said, disengaging his invis-cloak as he walked into the room; a small out of the way supply closest that had served as their meeting place since they’d moved to their current bases on either side of Sunshine.
Engie had started to push off against the wall he’d been leaning against to greet him but at those words registered, stopped, the smile on his lips dying. Thanks to various things on both their parts they hadn’t been able to meet up for more than a week now. He’d been looking forward to finally doing so again all day but… the coldness in Spy’s tone seemed to indicate that perhaps he’d been feeling the opposite. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, we’ll get caught eventually and then we’ll be in trouble.”
“You’re a spy though, avoiding detection is something you’re supposed to be good at. I’ve been plenty discreet as well.” Their interactions on the battlefield were probably where they were most likely to draw open suspicion as they weren’t as intense and rarely ended in either of them going through Respawn. But they still fought and Spy still sapped Engie’s stuff. It was a point of tension but they were both capable of understanding it was just part of the job and thus were able to get past it when alone together like this.
“That is why we have been able to get away with this for as long as we have. However, as you know, I’m not perfect and neither are you. With how long this has been going on now, it is truly remarkable we haven’t been caught yet. It is only a matter of time before we are.”
“And so what if we get caught?” Now Engie did push off the wall. “We ain’t like Demo and Soldier, they can’t tell us lies or bribe us to make us start hating each other.” They were both too smart to believe any lies and too self sufficient and proud to easily be bribed.
Spy frowned. “They can do other things though. The Administrator is not someone we should cross lightly.”
“Neither should she cross us lightly.” Engie was one of the smartest people in the world and Spy was one of the deadliest assassins. It’s why they’d been hired. No matter how powerful the Admin was, making an enemy of them was a risk and probably not one worth taking as long as they didn’t let their relationship effect their jobs too much. Which they’d been careful of since the start.
Spy’s frown didn’t lessen, if anything, it grew deeper as he pulled out a cigarette to hold in his mouth as he lit it. “This is the last time we meet like this.”
“Coward.” Getting angry probably wasn’t a good idea but… how could Spy really just cut off their relationship after more than a year because he was suddenly scared of getting in trouble? Ridiculous. … Or maybe not. Maybe he was just using that as an excuse and in truth didn’t feel the same way Engie did anymore. He should just say that then. It’d still hurt but at least it would mean he respected Engie enough to be honest with him.
Spy breathed out a cloud of smoke in a heavy sigh. “Yes. I suppose I am. Au revoir, Dell. Have a good life.” With that, he turned and left, engaging his invis-cloak again, leaving only the trail of smoke from his cigarette as he left.
Engie stood there for a few moments, arms crossed. He could chase Spy, try to convince him it really would be fine. Or to try to win him back; ask what he could do to respark those feelings in Spy. But well… what good was either likely to do? Romantic relationships had never worked out for Engie. The other person always lost interest long before he did, or he’d do something that turned them away. Apparently it just wasn’t meant to be.
With a sigh, he let his arms drop to his side before also leaving, unable to stop himself from dragging his feet a little. At least he still had his machines. They would always be there for him even if they were eternally cold and unfeeling. Perhaps he should try to emulate them more, it would certainly save him quite a bit of heartache and loneliness.
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melonsfantasyworld · 2 years
Fic Masterlist
The fics are all ACOTAR and sorted by pairing, then by date published. Everything I have is available on aO3 under the name mel_0n:
*🌶️= smut (which is almost all of them)
*🔫= incomplete (it's pointed at my head to finish the work)
"She's Everything To Me" - Short modern au oneshot 🌶️
"Azriel and Gwyn's Domestic Adventures" - Modern au in which Azriel and Gwyn move in together, play animal crossing, and have domestic bliss 🌶️
"Azriel and Gwyn's Domestic Adventures Pt. 2" - Continuation of the modern au, the couple sees whose going to cave first after banning sex for a week 🌶️
"Keep It Down" - 200 years after the end of ACOSF, Azriel and Gwyn have been indulging in their breeding kink; part 1 in the "Keep It Down" series 🌶️
"The Private Agony" - Azriel returns from the Hewn City with a sore back and wings, Gwyn helps him recover; part 3 in the "Girls and Their Wings" series 🌶️
"Shout It To The Clouds" - Azriel jumps in front of one of his sons, preventing a spell from hitting him, but causing interesting side effects; part 2 in the "Keep It Down" series 🌶️
"Chained To You" - Vampire AU, in which Gwyn is the Vampire and Azriel is the sacrificial virgin 🌶️
"What We Need To Hear" - Part of SJM Romance Week 2023, exploring the love languages between Gwyn and Az at the beginning of their relationship
"Someone Is Going to Die...Of Fun!" - Part of SJM Romance Week 2023, Cassian walks in on grumpy Az and sunshine Gwyn making bracelets
"Whispers In My Ear" - Azriel and Gwyn's schedules keep them apart for far too long where Gwyn is concerned; part 3 in the "Keep It Down" series 🌶️
"The Private Pain" - Cassian returns from Illyria with sore wings, and Nesta is there to help take care of him; part 2 of "Girls and Their Wings" series 🌶️
"Heir of Sunlight and Fire" - Multi-Chapter in which Lucien is ordered to leave the Night Court with Elain and go to Day 🔫🌶️ (eventually)
"To Choose Our Own Way" - Part of SJM Romance Week 2023, Elain realizes she has feelings for Lucien when he announces he's never returning
"Honey That Dick Was 11"" - Short Valentine's Day gift, Elain is at Ladies Night, and the topic shifts towards the males in their lives 🌶���
"Care Less More" - Multi-Chapter in which Azriel and Eris have known they were mates for 500 years, spending the entire time antagonizing each other until they don't 🔫🌶️
"Escapism. Vol. 1" - Multi-Chapter modern au in which Azriel and Eris have a fight, leading to an entire family apology tour; part 1 of the "Escapism." series 🌶️
"To Stay In Bed Or To Not Stay In Bed" - Part of SJM Romance Week 2023, Azriel and Eris are on their honeymoon. Azriel wants to explore while Eris just wants to stay in bed 🌶️
"Escapism. Vol. 2" - Multi-Chapter modern au in which Azriel and Eris have a fight, Azriel gets drunk, calls Eris, and they make up; part 2 of the "Escapism." series 🌶️
"Escapism. Vol. 3" - Multi-Chapter modern au in which Eris finds out something unsavory about Azriel's past, and he doesn't react well; part 3 of the "Escapism." series 🌶️
"And I Know I Should Stop...But I Can't" - One Shot modern au where they aren't anything...but Azriel can't stop running back to Eris 🌶️
"His Hands On Me" - During their youths, Cassian helps Azriel overcome his ultra sensitivity to touch; part 1 of the "Touching Azriel" series 🌶️
"People We Meet at the Gym" - A meet-cute AU part of SJM Romance Week 2023 where Cassian owns a gym that Azriel frequents
"Did I Mistake You For A Sign From God" - A heavy-metal band au where Cassian is going to die if Azriel doesn't stop touching him on stage 🌶️
"I Want Everything With You" - Part of SJM Romance Week 2023, a series of firsts between Emerie and Mor 🌶️
"Everybody Knows" - Azriel/literally everyone. The Inner Circle (minus Mor and Amren) discover that Azriel has been a third to all the mates and decide to do something about it; part 1 of the "Everybody Knows" series 🌶️
"He Likes To Watch Me" - Cassian/Azriel/Rhysand, Rhysand watches and eventually joins in with Cassian helping Azriel overcome his sensitivity to touch; part 2 of the "Touching Azriel" series 🌶️
"The Private Lesson" - Nessian and Gwynriel, Cassian uses Azriel to demonstrate how to touch Illyrian wings to Gwyn and Nesta; part 1 of "Girls and Their Wings" series 🌶️
"He Likes To Push Me" - Cassian/Azriel/Rhysand, Rhysand forces Cassian to stop treating Azriel like glass; part 3 of the "Touching Azriel" series 🌶️
"Nobody Knows" - Cassian/Nesta/Azriel, in which the mates invite Azriel to their bed to help him relax; part 2 of the "Everybody Knows" series 🌶️
"Servants of the Night Court" - Cassian/Azriel/Rhysand/Feyre, in which Cassian and Azriel are faithful servants to their High Lord and Lady, even if they would like some space every now and then 🌶️
"He Fights for Me" - Cassian/Azriel/Rhysand, in which Cassian gets jealous of Azriel flirting with another man at a tavern, and reminds him who he's going home with; part 4 of the "Touching Azriel" series 🌶️
"Somebody Knows" - Azriel/Elain/Lucien, in which Lucien invites Azriel to join him and Elain to cheer him up; part 3 of the "Everybody Knows" series 🌶️
"More Hands Mean Less Work" - Multi-Chapter Nessian and Gwynriel, with chapters dedicated to just Gwynriel; Cassian and Nesta help Azriel and Gwyn overcome their personal hesitancies about sex 🌶️
"The Gray Sweatpants Series" - Each chapter is a different pairing, where one wears gray sweatpants and the other goes feral 🌶️
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plutominho · 2 years
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✧ WRITTEN BY: galaxy
✧ GENRE: best friends to lovers(?), i imagined this as a late high school/early college au but it's never specified, fluff
✧ PAIRING: i.n/yang jeongin x gn!reader (ft. lee know)
✧ SUMMARY: you're on a summer road trip together and the view isn't the only thing catching your eye.
✧ WORD COUNT: 0.7k (a galaxy fic <1k ? who am i)
✧ NOTES/WARNINGS: extremely delulu. don't try this at home.
✧ TAGLIST: @svtbabiesrecs @svtbabies​ @felix-neverbad​ (message me if you want to be on the taglist!)
✧ A/N: if you enjoyed this fic, please reblog it. reblogs are one of the only ways to promote fics on this platform and i love seeing feedback on our fics :D
stopped working on the seungmin fic for a sec to stay up till 1:30 am on a work night to write this 🧎‍♀️ worth it
also yes it was inspired by a song brainrot (embedded below)
SONG REC: "sunroof" by nicky youre, dazy
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“what are you doing?” you could practically hear the subtle tilt of jeongin’s head as he stifled a giggle, watching you stick your head out the window.
you opened your eyes for a moment, staring up at a small fluffy cloud dancing above you. “i’m basking,” you said, retreating your head out of the window and back into the moving vehicle. “well, i was. wasn’t it obvious?”
your best friend failed to hold back his laugh this time, his eyebrows threaded together in amusement. “sure, and you looked like a dog!” he pointed up, bringing your attention to the window above the two of you. “you know there’s a reason for that, right?”
the bright instrumentals of “rocketeer” by far east movement filled the car as you thought of a response. you could only utter out an “oh… right,” and you moved your hair in front of your ears to hide that they were turning red.
jeongin snickered at you as he shook his head. he reached up to retract the sunroof, allowing the warm sunlight to flood into the back row where you both sat. he clicked off his seatbelt and stood up, and gestured for you to follow. “come up here, this is way more fun!”
smiling at the boy, whose arms were outstretched outside the vehicle, you closed your side window and removed your seatbelt.
“if you two hurt yourselves up there, i’m leaving you at the next rest stop,” minho chastised from the driver’s seat.
“we won’t!” you rolled your eyes playfully, standing up next to jeongin.
immediately, you felt a cool breeze caress your cheeks as the car traveled down a slope. you closed your eyes, spreading your arms out in a similar manner as jeongin, allowing yourself to relax. jeongin was right; this was much more comfortable than your original method.
after a while, you propped an elbow against the roof of the car, your chin resting on the palm of your hand. letting your gaze wander, you took in your surroundings. rich, green leaves of palm trees swayed under the summer breeze, a shadow of one occasionally flicking past the car as you drove past one. you could spot the ocean line from miles away, its gentle waves seemed to sparkle under the clear sky. it could not get more perfect than this.
actually, it could.
you found yourself stealing glances at the boy beside you, and he quickly became the star of the show for you. you admired the way the summer sun kissed his skin, and hit his eyes in such a way that you could count the flecks of hazel within them. the breeze flowed through his blonde hair almost flawlessly, as if he was the dashing prince in a disney movie. a blissful smile spread across his face as he closed his eyes, taking in the utter beauty of the day. meanwhile, you took in the utter beauty of him.
the breeze suddenly hit you both harder, causing jeongin to let out a yelp and scrunch up his face. chuckling awkwardly, he ran his hands through his hair in an attempt to fix it. you did the same, taking a minute to regain your composure.
he smiled at you sheepishly. “i wasn’t expecting that.”
you nodded. “me too.”
you continued to stand out the sunroof together in silence, you occasionally stealing a glance at jeongin. at some point, you must have let your gaze linger a moment too long, because he noticed you staring and smiled back affectionately.
you turned away in embarrassment, hiding your reddening cheeks from him. “sorry,” you mumbled.
jeongin chuckled, feeling a blush of his own creep up his face.
another silence filled the air around you two. you tried stealing one more glance after a minute, and he happened to look at you at the same time.
“enjoying the view?” jeongin teased, nudging your side.
you felt your cheeks heat up again and you rolled your eyes, “you wish.”
he smiled shyly, scratching at the back of his neck. “you know what’d be fun?” he said in an attempt to hide his embarrassment.
you hummed in response.
“what if i climbed on top of the car?” he said jokingly, sending you a mischievous grin.
playing along, you stared at him challengingly. “if you fall off, it’s your fault.” 
jeongin giggled, holding his hands up in surrender. “i’m kidding, i’m kidding!”
little did you know, he already did fall.
fall for you.
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— please like + reblog (no empty reblogs) if you enjoyed this fic!
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river-ocean · 1 year
riverrrrrrrrrrrrr, we want more of the marriage brainrot so i’ll prompt you with proposal au + stranded bc of inclement weather 🤍🤍🤍��
sol. the brain rot will never stop, i promise. i know you didn’t say this is piarles but obviously it is. so pls enjoy.
“Pierre, we cannot go out there, the road is probably flooded by this point,” Charles groaned, looking out the window.
Pierre was already in his rain coat and boots, and he was holding his arms out with a set for Charles. He quirked his eyebrows at Charles while he waited for him to take them.
“Calamar, it will be worth it, I promise! We have tried ‘waiting out the storm’ for three days and you get cranky if you stay inside for too many days,” he said, extending his arms further to Charles who was still refusing the rain gear.
Charles groaned even more dramatically this time, snatching the boots and coat from Pierre and donning them with a grimace.
Pierre watched him stumble around while putting the boots on, biting back a laugh because he knew Charles wouldn’t follow him out if he teased him and he really needed them to make it to the beach today, rain be damned. He slipped his hands back into his coat pockets, checking once more that the box was still there, as if he hadn’t been subconsciously squeezing it every thirty seconds since he slipped it in the coat pocket.
Once Charles felt that he had sufficiently complained about the weather, the way his boots rubbed his toes, and the feeling of the raincoat sticking to his skin, and he had made Pierre promise him that he would get to choose the movie for tonight once they came back, they were off to the shore.
For once, Pierre was grateful for Charles’ grumbling as they walked, because it gave him time to rehearse his speech in his head. He didn’t blame Charles for being upset with the weather — it wasn’t exactly ideal beach weather. If Pierre had his way the entire week would’ve been sunshine and clear skies, and they could’ve done this days ago. But even if the weather wasn’t on their side, Pierre would make sure that this week would be memorable for them, and he couldn’t risk wasting any more time cooped up in the cottage.
The rain slowed as they walked, and Pierre said a silent prayer of thanks as it stopped completely. He looked to Charles and watched as his face softened into a smile when he realized the clouds were parting, pulling his hood back and tipping his head back to face the sun that was now starting to peak through.
“Thank god,” Charles sighed. “I was beginning to forget what the sun felt like.” He picked up the pace of his steps, clearly in a better mood than he had been when they left the cottage.
Pierre knocked his shoulder against Charles, laughing at his dramatics but too nervous to fully tease him. He was glad Charles had softened up though, because they were quickly approaching the boardwalk that would take them on to the beach.
When they reached the edge of the sand, they took their boots and socks off and left them on the boardwalk. Charles skipped off toward the water, leaving Pierre to half-jog after him.
Standing shoulder to shoulder at the edge of the water, just far enough back that the tide couldn’t reach their toes, Charles turned his head toward Pierre and reached for his hand.
“I am sorry for being grumpy earlier, Pierrot. I am actually very glad we came out here, you know,” he said with a grin, turning back to face the water.
Pierre wasn’t mad at him, could never be mad at him, really. Especially when he was about to propose to him. 
Pierre took a deep breath and turned his whole body toward Charles, watching him take in the ocean for a moment before stepping back to kneel beside him. The sand was a bit wet, and his trousers would definitely be stained, but did that really matter in the scheme of things?
He had to clear his throat to break Charles out of his sea water trance, and when he finally noticed Pierre, he nearly fell into the water.
Pierre smirked at him, ever endeared by how ungraceful Charles was. He reached into his coat pocket to pull out the box and —
“Pierre, no!” Charles laughed, to which Pierre furrowed his brow.
“I haven’t even asked you anything yet, Charles,” he said with a frown.
Charles laughed harder this time, his whole body shaking.
“No, no, I am not saying no to your proposal. It’s just…” he trailed off, wiping the tears from his eyes and unzipping his rain coat.
Pierre remained silent, his brow still furrowed, watching Charles fumble with his coat for a moment. 
Once he finally got the main zipper undone, he reached into the pocket of his sweater, pulling out a small black box of his own.
Pierre’s brow smoothed, his jaw dropped, looking up at Charles with wide eyes.
“I have been so upset about the weather because I have been waiting to bring you here, to the water, to propose,” he said with a soft smile. He reached for Pierre’s hand, tugging him up from his knees so that he was level with Charles again.
“We know each other by heart,” Pierre murmured, tears pooling in his eyes.
“Excuse me,” Charles scoffed. “I was going to use that line in my proposal.”
Neither of them got around to making a proposal speech. They exchanged their rings with kisses and laughter and happy tears, and went back to the cottage to shed their rain gear and enjoy the rest of their stay at the shore as fiancés.
Pierre let Charles pick their movie for the night, and the night after, and realized that he would let Charles pick the movie every night for the rest of their lives if he had to.
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trop1cal-punk · 2 years
Dancing in laughter
---------------------------------- Summary: Levithan remiscies on a sweeter time (plationic fic)  Word count: 755 A/n: you totally want more Purpled!hermes au yes you do take it ----------------------------------
It was no doubt to anyone in the Tired crew that purpled was, weird. In the best or worst way all of them were weird. For Herobrines sake, Walibear was literally a man cursed to be some kind of bear hybrid, then there was squid and his stupid height! But Purpled was weird weird. 
Purpled seemed forever cautious yet completely confident. Completely in control yet out of it at every single moment. There was not a moment any of them could remember where he smiled or laughed. 
Except for Leviathan.
It was long before Purpled disappeared. It was just the two of them. The others were always a few years their senior but this was the first either of them had actually hung out with someone their own age. The stars above twinkled as he laughed playing his melodica. Purpled was relaxed, laying on his back, pointing out constellations when he could, describing the stories behind them. It was comforting to just exist with bloodshed for a while.
That's when Levithan noticed something, placing the Melodica on his lap, reaching out, “Hey you got something on your face-”
Purpled sat up, swatting away Leviathan's hand to scrub at his own cheeks with his sweater, ‘What? Did I get it?”
“No you didn't but,” Leviathan squinted, they were freckles. Glowing and purple freckles. Not only that there seemed a slight glow in his eyes. “Do you wear makeup?”
“No? Why would you ask that?” Purpled’s eyebrow scrunched up.
“You have purple freckles.”
“I what?” Purpled stared at Levithan as Levithan stared back. 
There was a beat of silence before Levithan threw his head back, almost rolling down the hill with the force of his laughter. “How did you never know?! It’s your own face Purpled!” 
Purpled then launched himself forward, taking Levithan down with him. The grass under them was enough of a cushion as they rolled down the hill throwing soft punches at each other. One that never really hurt, if they did, the pain never really lasted long. 
Once they had rolled to a stop Purpled was on top as Levithan struggled back smirking. Then Leviathan saw it. It was just a smirk at first, then it bloomed into a grin that stretched ear to ear. Suddenly, he laughed, rolling off leviathan without a care in the world. 
Leviathan felt the first raindrop, he looked up at the sky. Fragile clouds now covered the sky, just enough to only cover a few stars. The moon now looked misty, hazy even. Then another and another. But this rain was warm. It felt almost like liquid sunshine, although it was the middle of the night. 
Leviathan was so busy admiring the rain, that he hadn’t even noticed the way Purpled look away in shame. He only barely heard Purpleds apology, “I’m sorry, you probably don’t like the rain.”
Leviathan gawked at him, “Why are you apologizing!?”
Purpled shrunk into himself, “Whenever I laugh, it rains. Usually, people don’t like the rain.”
Leviathan was dumbfounded, “Were you always able to do that? That's so cool! Can you control the weather? Can you?” 
“You, like the rain?” Purpled asked, looking equally dumbfounded. 
“Purpled, Have you ever danced in the rain?” The rain was letting up. As much as Levithan loved star gazing, (the overworld stars were always more pretty than nether stars in his opinion), he loved the rain a bit more, and his friend actually enjoyed himself for once. 
“No? I never really liked storms, they give me a- AH” Purpled yelped as Leviathan pulled to his feet. Leviathan laughed almost maniacally as he spun Purpled as fast as he could. “Levithan! This isn't dancing!” 
“I can be!” Leviathan got in between laughs.
Then Purpled smirked, “Then two can play this game!” That's when purpled planted his feet on the ground, gaining control and spinning Levithan. Levithan screamed. 
Then he felt his feet come off the ground. “Purpled!” He was going to yell at Purpled until he heard him laughing again, and the smile returned. The rain was now a downpour soaking the both of them. 
They spent the rest of the night chasing each other through the rain, attempting the splash each other through the puddles forming. 
Now the memory was bittersweet. Purpled had been missing for god knows how long. Leviathan had lost track of the days and months long ago. Leviathan knew he was probably six feet under. So he clung to the one thing of his he still could from Purpled, his laugh.
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rosenallies · 1 year
64, your body is perfect the way it is alternative breakup au
🫣🫣the way I keep writing this au 😔💔 rip me
Tw/mentions of SH and themes of ED so pls be cautious
Denali absentmindedly stood in front of the mirror in his and Rosé’s bedroom, staring at every detail on his body, picking himself apart as if he were nothing but every negative thought he’d ever had. Tired eyes drifted to his thighs, squinting at the light pink scars that marred his flesh that brought him embarrassment even after he’d been clean for so long. His hips, wider than he liked, softer than he wished. His stomach, bringing him an ugly grimace, tears pricking at his eyes. With trembling hands, he pokes and prods at himself harshly, wishing he could mold his flesh like clay into something else, something beautiful, desirable, something Rosé would be proud to show off.
He stopped himself, mind flitting to Rosé, sweet, perfect Rosé who would’ve cried himself watching Denali stare at himself critically. Rosé was all strong limbs, warm smiles, and nothing but love for Denali, who couldn’t fathom even for a second what Rosé saw in him.
Where Rosé insisted he saw sunshine and beauty, Denali only saw himself as disgusting, a dark cloud threatening to ruin even their brightest of days. 
Tears began to fall, blurring his vision and the image of himself standing there in nothing but his boxers and socks. For a moment, he imagined himself punching the mirror, glass shattering at the impact of his knuckles, shards glittering on the carpet and taking his reflection with it. It hurt to look, but he couldn’t look away, too caught up in his tornado of self hatred to think logically. If he were smart, he’d take the duvet off the bed and cover the mirror with it like Rosé had so many times before, like he did when recovery was still so new to Denali that he wasn’t sure if he’d ever get better. 
On days like this, it felt as though he was right. 
Denali was so wrapped up in his loud thoughts, that he didn’t hear Rosé coming down the hallway, whistling happily and wearing a soft smile, happy to be coming home to his boyfriend. When he gets to the door, he stops in his tracks, smile faltering when he notices Denali, tears steadily falling from his eyes, down his reddened cheeks.
It takes Rosé dropping the bag he was holding for Denali to turn around, hands instinctively moving to cover himself from Rosé’s view as if he hadn’t seen him naked in the shower just this morning.
“ Nali ,” Rosé cooed, moving toward him with his arms open.
“No, no, no,” Denali whispered like a mantra, backing away from him until his back hit the wall and he slid down, pulling his knees to his chest and hiding his face in his hands, tears leaking through his fingers,” no, don’t look at me, please, don’t look.” 
Rosé keeps his distance, keeping his arms to his sides even though every fiber of his being is screaming at him to touch Denali, to wrap him up in his arms and to never let him go. Instead, he kneels in front of him a few feet away, far enough that Denali wouldn’t feel boxed in but close enough for him to be able to hear Rosé’s gentle whispers, softly begging for Denali to come back to him. And as much as he hated to admit it, close enough that he could visually assess Denali for self-inflicted injuries. Even though he hadn’t had a relapse in so long, it was still a fear that lingered in the back of Rosé’s brain. 
“Come on, sweetheart, it’s just me. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay.”
Rosé knew Denali like the back of his hand and he knew that enough of the soothing, gentle coaxing and Denali would be reaching out for him, silently asking Rosé to please take him into his arms, squeeze him until his broken parts mended themselves. 
And soon enough, he was.
His hands fell from his face and he kept his gaze down as he reached for Rosé, still hiccupping  enough for Rosé to wince and worry whether or not Denali was getting enough oxygen. But Rosé would breathe every last bit of air in his lungs into Denali’s if he could. And he tried, taking him into his arms, whispering soothingly into his ear, every little compliment inflating Denali’s lungs with air until he could take a full breath without wheezing. His sobs turned to sniffles into Rosé’s neck, hands fisted in the knit sweater Rosé wore, holding on tight as if he thought Rosé would dissipate into thin air if he let go. 
“My beautiful boy, what’s going on?”
Denali only shook his head, silently telling Rosé he wasn’t ready to talk yet.
Rosé nodded in response, opting for rocking Denali back and forth in his arms until Denali cleared his throat, voice hoarse and low.
“Why do you love me?”
“What? Denali, I love-”
Denali cut him off with a scoff.  “But I’m so- I’m so disgusting . You could be with someone beautiful. Someone normal, someone-”
Rosé tutted softly, stopping him in his tracks. “Stop, don’t say those things about yourself. Your body is perfect the way it is, everything about you is perfect the way it is. Let me show you.”
Denali shook his head, glancing back toward the mirror leaning against the wall and taunting him, daring him to take another glance and send himself back into a spiral. “I don’t want to look at myself.”
“While I wish more than anything you could see yourself as I see you, the things I love the most about you, you can’t see in the mirror.”
Curious, Denali cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” he said, lacing their fingers together, bringing Denali’s hand to his lips and kissing over his knuckles, “I love how kind and sweet you are. I’ve never met anyone sweeter than you.”
“That’s nice, but-”
“Uh-uh don’t interrupt me. I love how you always manage to make me feel better if I’ve had a tough day. You always know exactly what to say.”
He paused to run a hand through Denali’s hair, ruffling it slightly so he got a whiff of the scent of Denali’s shampoo and something else that was so entirely Denali. “I love the way you smell. Whenever I go out of town and you don’t come, I put your shampoo in my travel bottle so I can still smell what you smell like from afar.”
Denali gasped, a tiny smile drawn on his lips. “So you’re the reason I have to buy shampoo so often!”
Rosé chuckled, nuzzling into the crook of Denali’s neck. “Guilty.”
“You are truly a menace,” Denali said, pausing before taking a shaky breath, “I’m sorry I’m still-”
“Don’t apologize, don’t you dare. Healing doesn’t happen in a straight line, you know?”
Denali nodded, he did know that, in theory at least. In practice, knowing that was harder. It was harder to think about when he looked in the mirror and saw the changes in his body that came along with recovery, the part of his brain that only shrank with time but would likely never go away altogether screaming at him to fall back into old habits, ones he worked so hard to get under control.
“I know, it’s just hard and I had a bad day today. I’m s-,” he stopped himself before it came out, “I’m just glad you came home.”
“I’m glad I did too. I love you no matter what, okay? You don’t ever need to change anything about yourself for me to love you.”
“I love you too, more than anything,” he sighed, resting his head on Rosé’s shoulder.
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seokiloquy · 2 years
Seven Days Pt 1 - Kuroo Tetsurou
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AU: Regular – Based on Seven Days (Monday → Sunday) 
Tags/ Warnings: slight swearing, ooc Kuroo??
Word Count: 3.6k+
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Kuroo Tetsurou had a reputation. 
You heard more about his love life than you experienced your own. You wondered, not being friends or even speaking terms with him, if he knew he had a reputation. When you saw him in the hallways during school, he always looked the same. 
He would hang with his volleyball teammates and have a lazy smile on his face. Only a smirky kind of grin was reserved for a shorter boy with bleached hair that he would stick together like glue. 
You gathered all of this information and then some, just by hearing your classmates talk about him because there was something that everyone seemed to know. It lingered in the air like smoke after a fire. An unspoken rule. 
The first person who would ask Kuroo out Monday morning would be in a relationship with him until Sunday. From the rumours and whispers you heard, he would close off their last date, look the person in the eye, and say a variation of: “I don't have strong feelings for you. Let’s break up.” 
The cycle would start again that Monday. 
Surprisingly, you rarely heard a bad word about him. He would be invested in his relationship for the week – wouldn’t look at another person and he was kind and respectful. All of your classmates knew what they were getting themselves into or thought they did. 
If people did hate him after, you never heard of it. 
You heard every version of “It was enough just to get a week with him” and “I wish I could turn back time and start the week over again”. You didn’t know which one sounded sadder to you. You thought that the people who said the first were just telling themselves that and the people who said the second were in denial. 
You understood the appeal of him, why everyone would want to date him or wanted a chance. He was captain of the volleyball team, friendly and kind to those he knew and didn’t, and handsome in a rough kind of way. He seemed like a person who knew what he wanted and went to grab it without hesitation. 
On the outside looking in, it was hard not to think he was a player. Who dates a new person every week? Who can move on with their relationships as fast as skipping a song on your playlist? Even though it was a week, you would still form a bond with that person, right? It had to mean more than that.
There were an endless amount of questions you had. But despite all of them, it never took away your curiosity of what it would be like to be Kuroo’s relationship of the week. Nothing stopped you from asking him out, but you didn’t know if you could handle it, being in a relationship for a week and going back like nothing. 
You weren’t that type of person. Maybe you’d consider it more if he asked you out without the measured time weighing on you but that wouldn’t happen.
Whenever he snaked his way into your line of sight and stayed there — his arm around someone new, smiling and talking like no tomorrow — there was a loneliness that hung around him like a single cloud on a sunny day.
Which is why you didn’t know how you got here: standing across from Kuroo Tetsurou on opposite sides of the hallway outside of the teacher’s lounge in awkward silence for the worse part of five minutes. Hushed voices came from behind the door and you couldn’t discern if it was about either of you. 
Kuroo cleared his throat. “How much longer do you think they'll make us stand out here?” 
You raised your eyebrows. “However long they decide to be sadists.” 
Kuroo laughed. It was deeper and more playful than you thought it would be. “Why were you called here?” 
You shrugged. “Who knows? All I do know is that when your teacher sends you here, you don’t question it unless you like suffering.” 
“Such happy thoughts in the morning.” He nodded, a smile lingering on his face. 
“I am known to be a ball of sunshine.” 
Still grinning, he said, “You’re (L/N) (F/N), right?” 
“Yup.” You hesitated. You were 99% sure that he was acting out of kindness. Teasingly, you asked back, “You’re Kuroo Tetsurou, right?”
Kuroo smiled half-heartedly and looked down. You could feel the cloud of loneliness blocking out the sun. You frowned. Did you cross a line? 
 “We were in the same class during the first year,” he said. 
You blinked. “You sure?” 
“You were class representative,” he said, his voice airy, almost far away. Kuroo looked back up at you. “You had the highest score in the class. I remember, one time, the teacher had gone back to the teacher’s lounge one morning cause they forgot something, so everyone started talking and shouting at each other. You looked like you didn’t sleep or something the night before and after a minute of the loudness you told everyone to shut the fuck up and they did. It was kind of scary.” 
You remembered that. Your little brother had a nightmare and wouldn’t go back to sleep so you read him stories until he could close his eyes without flinching in his sleep. You only slept for two hours that night. Your brother stayed at home and you went to school. But you didn’t remember Kuroo being in your class. You would’ve remembered him. He was very memorable. 
Kuroo smiled. “You also gave a really good presentation of the history of Japanese swords for one class.” 
“I did.” You smiled. “It might have been good, but five minutes before that I felt like I was going to throw up.” 
“In middle school, I actually threw up before a presentation.” 
You laughed and he joined you. After catching your breath, you asked, “Do you get nervous before volleyball games? I feel like throwing up before them would be bad.” 
He hesitated for a moment and then shook his head. “Volleyball is different. I do get nervous, but it's a good nervous, like the feeling before you drop on a roller coaster.” 
Did he mean the fall? “I don’t think there’s a good nervousness.” 
“Then you haven’t found something you want enough that you’re excited to be nervous about.” 
“Maybe,” you said. From all of the things you’ve heard about him, Kuroo Tetsurou made you nervous — the bad nervous — but talking to him like this was easy and light. You hadn’t felt like this for a long time. Free. “I’ll let you know when I do.” 
“Please do.” Kuroo looked past you, to the door of the teacher’s lounge. “I’m missing math…” he said, more to himself than you, so you didn’t comment. 
You weren’t in the same classes for your final year. Right now, you were missing Japanese Lit, but that subject was a breeze. You thought mentioning that would be rude. 
You didn’t want your conversation to end. You looked up to the ceiling, counting the specks of dust that could only be seen when they were close to the light. 
One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. 
Your eyes snapped back to Kuroo who was already staring intently at you. You flushed. How long was he looking at you and you were counting pieces of dust? 
“Will you go out with me?” 
Your stomach dropped. “What?” 
He hesitated and coughed. “I mean for the week. Will you go out with me for the week?” 
You swallowed. Trying to make your voice as light as possible, you said, “I thought someone would have asked you out by now.” 
He smiled painfully, like he was forcing himself to. A grimace. Maybe you wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't been talking to him. He was relaxed but now he was tense. Maybe he was aware of the things that people said about him — that all he was good for was that one week. 
“You’d think that, but not today. Sometimes they wait by my train stop to ask me but I woke up late this morning.” 
Woah. You didn’t know it was that extreme. 
“But,” he continued, “I’m asking you.” 
“Is that against the rules?” 
This time he let out a genuine laugh. “I didn’t know there were rules.” 
“I think if anyone knows if there are rules it would be you.” 
Kuroo pushed off the wall and took slow steps towards you. “Is that a yes?”
The door to the teacher’s lounge slide opened and he stopped abruptly. “Could you two come in please?” 
Kuroo looked back at you. “To be continued.” 
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You were asked to deliver papers to another classroom, which was extremely anti-climatic. You couldn’t focus for the rest of the morning. You kept replaying your conversation with Kuroo in your head, searching for anything that might tip you off that him asking you to be his week date was a joke. 
You were glad you had a different classroom than he did. It made avoiding him that much easier. You know those people who faced their problems head-on? Yeah, you were not one of those people. You waited for things to go away until you physically couldn’t put it off anymore and this was one thing that you knew you couldn’t avoid for long. 
Why did he have to ask you out for the week? Why did he have to add that on? Relationships were one of the things that you had no experience with and knew that Kuroo had a lot. 
You walked to the in-school convenience store with your head in the clouds. 
“Have you made a decision yet?” 
You jumped and let out a small scream. People were looking at you and then looking past you. 
You turned and glared at him. “Geez, don’t you knock?” 
He furrowed his eyes as an amused smirk appeared on his face. “We’re in a hallway at school. You do know that right.” 
“Yeah.” You looked around you and people were still staring. You cocked your head in a direction, any direction to get you away from people. He followed you. “You could still knock.” 
“I’ll make note of that.” 
The both of you strolled in silence, bypassing chatty students and silent, judgy teachers. Kuroo occasionally saw one of his volleyball teammates and did this weird handshake. When you reached an empty stairwell, Kuroo stepped in front of you. 
“You’re not leading me to a non-crowded place to murder me right?” 
“At school? No. I’d take you to the woods, more secluded.” 
Kuroo snorted. He covered his mouth with his hand, but his grin peeked behind it. “Thanks. I appreciated it. I’d rather no here people hear my high pitched scream of terror.” 
You hummed. “Good to know.” This was the second time today that you were up close with him. Is this what it would be like to date him? Is this how other people felt too? A mix of dread and excitement went through you.
In that moment, you hated that your first thoughts while looking at Kuroo were about the other people he dated. Did he do this with other people? Did he enjoy…chasing people? But you couldn’t help but smile when he smiled and you didn’t have another explanation for the flutters in your stomach. 
“So,” he began, “Do you have an answer from this morning?” 
This was unfamiliar territory. You didn’t know what you wanted, but a week? Would it be enough? Would it be too little? This was putting your hand over the fire and letting the heat consume you.
“Are you sure?” 
“Are you sure you want to date me? I mean, I know that you say yes to the first person who asks you, but do you like any of them?” 
He ran his fingers through his hair. Since his hair stuck at odd ends — in a constant state of bedhead — you imagined it to be rough and spiky. You didn’t know what you wanted to hear him say or if there was a right or wrong thing to say. He didn’t answer for a moment. 
Kuroo’s face was blank. A slow emotion formed in his eyes like honey dripping down a wood dipper and it was gone in a minute. A small smile formed on his lips, almost a smirk. You suppressed a frown. 
“What’s not to like? The people at school are pretty nice.” 
You sighed and shook your head. “Look, I don’t want to date you if you have no interest in me at all. It would be a waste of my time. I’ll see you around.” 
You glanced at him and began to push past him to the doors. One step away from the exit and you could put this in the back of your mind. 
Kuroo turned and grabbed your hand gently. “Wait.” 
You started to pull away and he let go just as quickly. Kuroo’s eyes were wide and desperate. 
“Sorry,” he said. “I don’t want to waste your time and I won’t.” 
In a steady voice, you said, “Then I want a real answer. Did you like any of the people you’ve dated?” 
Kuroo looked at the ground. “Honestly? I did like some of them but it just didn’t work out. With people who I don’t know, I try to see if there could be something there. A spark, a common interest. But by the end of the week, I can’t imagine myself with them. To me, it’s better to break it off quickly than to hang on until there is really nothing left. We’d both deserve better.” 
You nodded slowly. Your hands were sweaty and suddenly aware of how alone the two of you were. “Okay.” 
He furrowed his eyebrows. “Okay? Okay to the explanation or okay to dating me?” 
The explanation. “Both,” you said. 
Kuroo’s look of confusion morphed slowly into a soft smile. His eyes darted quickly to the wall behind you and then looked into yours. “I should go back now, but I’ll see you after school?” 
This might be worse than fake dating and all of the other love tropes. This was only getting half a cup of water when you’re dying of thrust. You nodded.
He took your hand again and squeezed it. “Great! Bye!” 
You watched him…skip? Run? Through the doors. You raised your hand and waved to him when he turned and looked back at you.
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Did Kuroo Tetsurou have magical powers? Much like that morning, when you were talking to him in the hallway, after your second encounter with Kuroo, your head was in a daze. What were you doing? What did you do? 
Just earlier, you thought that you’d never agree to date him for a week. This would hurt you, you knew it would. Now, it was just a matter of when. 
You didn’t answer any questions during class, which meant that the class was unusually silent that day. Packing up your things was through muscle memory and so was saying goodbye to your classmates. 
You passed the cubbies for your shoes and exchanged them. The sun was gone, covered by clouds and there was a slight breeze in the air. Just as you were passing the gates, someone knocked on your back as they would a door. 
“Can I walk you home?”
You turned. Kuroo’s signature lazy smile was on his face, his eyes beaming. “Did you just knock on me?” 
He raised his eyebrows. “You’re the one who told me to.” 
You chuckled. “I didn’t mean it literally. I meant just let me know you’re there.” 
Kuroo stuck his tongue out at you in a childish way that was both endearing and made you want to punch him. “So can I walk you home?” 
“Sure. I take the subway though. Are you going the same way as me?” 
“I take it too so we'll see once we get there.” He gestured in the direction of the closest station. “Lead the way.” 
You started walking and he kept a brisk pace beside you. There was a bounce in his step like he couldn’t wait to get the subway and ride the train. It was cute. Up close, there was a lot to see. You wondered what else you would see just by doing little things like this with him.  
By this time next week, he would be walking by someone else's side and you’d be walking home alone again. You pulled on the strap of your bag and looked at the pavement and your feet carried you forward. Now you understand why the people at school would constantly say that the week was enough to have a week with him, like they were convincing themselves. 
This was only for a week. You weren’t sure how many times you’d have to say that to remind yourself or if it would ever stick.
The walk to the station was silent. A comfortable silence. 
“Are you okay?” he asked once you got to the station. You went first to scan your pass and began towards your usual train platform. When he followed you without hesitation, a giddy feeling filled you. 
You nodded. “Yeah, why?” 
“No reason. You just looked like you were on autopilot.” 
He nodded. “Like the way you do things was just because you knew to do them, not that you were thinking about it. If that makes sense. It gave me the feeling that you were thinking about something else. Made me curious.” 
Kuroo could tell all that by looking at you? His eyes were hazel, intimidating and steady. You wouldn’t want to be on the opposite end of his volleyball net. His eyes were intense and opened. You felt that he was listening and understanding everything you said. “Oh. It’s just that I’ve never done this.” 
“Gone on the subway?” he said with a smirk. 
You glared at him. “Dated anyone.” 
He shrugged. “That’s fine. There’s nothing wrong with that.” 
The train platform was mostly empty except for the few school students who didn’t linger after school. Everyone was in clubs or teams or expected to stay late and study, but you didn’t. You had other things to do. 
You froze. “Wait. Don’t you have volleyball practice?” 
“We get Mondays off.” 
“Oh, good.” 
A moment later, the train buzzed through the platform and you and Kuroo found two seats together with your backs facing a window. His knee touched you ever so slightly that you couldn’t tell if it was on purpose or by accident. 
In a low voice, he asked, “Are you nervous that you’ve never dated anyone but I have?” 
You stifled an incredulous face at him. Was it written on your face or something? “Maybe a little.” 
“Okay.” He looked through the window on the opposite side of the train. After a minute, he leaned closer to you and said, “How about this. You can ask me anything you want — anything you’re curious about and I’ll just answer you so that you don’t have to worry about not knowing something. Would that make you more comfortable?” 
Your mouth gaped open. “It would.” 
He smiled. “Great.” 
You picked at the strap of your bag. You looked at him and his gaze was already on you like they had never wavered from you. “Only if you do it honestly. I don’t want halfhearted answers.” 
“Can I ask you things too?” 
You bit the inside of your cheek. “I don’t see why not.” 
Kuroo’s smile only grew. He untucked his hand from his jacket pocket and stuck out his hand. “Deal.” 
Your hand was shaky — and probably a little sweaty — but you tried to relax it and grasped his outstretched hand. “Deal.” 
You waited for him to pull away but he didn’t. Maybe he was waiting for you to pull away, but you didn’t want to. His hand was warm and rough, you could feel the calluses on his hand from volleyball. You looked away from him but didn’t let go.
You sat in silence the rest of the train, hands interlocked. Once your stop came, you stood up and let go. His hand fell to his hand. You were tempted to reach for it again. “I get off here.” 
He stood up too. “Okay.” 
“Do you live here too?” You asked, walking off the train and onto the platform. You swore that you would have seen him before if he did. 
“Nope. I live in the opposite direction.” 
You choked. “What? Then why did you come this way?” 
He ruffled his hair with his hand. “Does that honest answering start now? 
“I wanted to spend time with you.” He grinned at you again before taking a couple steps backwards, towards the stairs that would lead him to the opposite side of the tracks. “Until tomorrow.” 
Everything came to you slowly. The way the corners of his lips curled up when he smiled. The mischievous glimmer in his eyes. The way he walked backwards so naturally and how his hand waved to you as he faded down the stairs. 
You were so fucked.  
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This one was really fun to write :( Writing has been weird for me lately… This was supposed to go out last time (sorry about that) but it didn’t feel right so I took more time on it. I don’t know if I want to keep making my writing really consistent or put more time into it to make it something I really like. Maybe I can do both one day :(
As said early, this was based on Seven Days (Monday → Sunday) by Venio Tachibana and Rihito Takarai. It’s a great manga to read if you’re interested. 
I hope you enjoyed! Until next time - Kiwi
Posted: 10/07/2022
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