c00kietin · 6 months
SURE I'LL ASK!!!!!!!
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ahem ahem
17-name 3 things that make you happy
19/20- fabe thing about Day/Night
28- Do you collect anything?
30- what's 1 of the things that never fails to make u happy?
38- fave song?
27- nickname? (Srry idk ur nickname(s) 😭)
18- Do u believe in THE BOO(ghost) or the UEUEUUE(Ailen) or yhe BOOOEUEUEUEUEU (both) or MMM.(none)
26/25- fave color/season and why
(sorry if im weird dude- 😭)
17 - listening to music, drawing something I like, and being in my bedroom <3
19/20 - Daytime, it feels safer for some reason and in the morning I have loads of time to myself- as for nighttime, I personally hate because it's when I'm most anxious and paranoid. It's just torture hours for me <3
28 - I collect snow globes and Funko Pops!
30 - probably my cat Pebbles- being with her and patting her comforts me a lot.
38 - my favourite song at the moment is either Bobby Sox by Green Day or Physical by Olivia Newton-John :D
27 - online I'm known as Cookie (of course) and in real life I've been nicknamed Pat the Cat by my parents, one time Spare Parts by sister (jokingly), Cranky Old Man by my friends, and my English teacher has also called me a fountain of knowledge :D
Although, I used to be nicknamed Floofsta by my friends, but we don't talk about that/j
18 - For both, kinda? For aliens, I think it's likely there's some form of living organism on some far off planet. Ghosts, not so much, but when I was younger I was told I could see ghosts from how much I stared :>
26/25 - Don't really have a favourite season, but I mainly like spring and summer because of school breaks/holidays :')
I love teals, blues, turquoise, yellows and generally the rainbow!! I just think they're neat!
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zwolfgames · 7 months
|Mistakes|Platonic Yandere Alastor x fem!reader
Requested: /
Warnings: Alastor, condescending behavior (thats it for part 1)
Parts: Part 1 (you are here) , Part 2 , Part 3
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(Takes place before the Hazbin hotel and before Alastors dissapearance. + You have jellyfish features cuz demons have those extra animal things idk.)
(3rd person POV)
Here you were, Y/N L/N. Or well, thats what your mortal name had been.
After twenty harsh years in hell you had just stuck with only Y/N. Died at twenty four, how sad.
Tough thats not your problem at the moment, the real problem is your current situation.
Extermination day.
It had started half an hour ago.. Angels poured from the skies like dark birds, bad omens. Angels of death.
Angelic blasts and weapons rained down upon your neighbourhood. The appartement you had worked so hard for to get was in ruins. Your ceiling had fallen down and blocked you into your windowless kitchen...
Your whole appartment must be destroyed... Just you and your kitchen... If you were lucky, the angels wouldn't search for any sinners here...
And maybe... your unexpected guest would be of aid if they did.
You hadn't dare speak to him.
Alastor... Radio Demon. An overlord.
The red, deer-like demon had shown up in your kitchen when the ceiling crashed down... Why? You didn't dare ask.
Surely he could do some wicked magic nonsese to get out, unlike you and your absolute lack of impressive powers.
Maybe he just tought this would be a good hidey hole. Or he saw you as his next prey... One's clearly nicer then the other.
The tall overlord simply hums in his radio accented tone. Looking at his sharp fingers with that same grin on his face.
It hadn't changed since he came in here. Just kept on smiling.
"Lovely day today, wouldn't you say?"
He spoke... The overlord spoke to you! Shit- now what? Smile and wave! Fall over and die!
"Couldn't be better..." You sigh in clear sarcasm. You don't know what compelled you to play jokes with mister 'could kill you in a snap'. But perhaps you felt doomed enough to just go for it.
Alastor chuckled rather charmingly. Still smiling. His sharp yellow teeth looked... scary, to say the least.
"My my, what positivity. You must be a wonderfull sinner." Alastor grins and looks down at your seated form.
You were simply sitting on the kitchen floor, knees to your chest as you leaned against the wall.
You hum in acknowladgement.
Alastor had eyed your features... You weren't the most common animal he'd seen a sinner be manifested as.
Sure everyone had their human like parts... but.. jellyfish? He's never seen a jellyfish sinner before.
A big, seetrough cap on your head, like that of a jellyfish. It must be attached to your head... Long glossy tendrils hang from it. Practically coating you in a protective curtain.
Alastor wonders if you sting...
"I like your cap. You look more serene then most sinners." Alastor atempts at conversation once more.
"Thanks... I like your horns." You reply, albeit a lot more awkard then he was. Cmon, you can't blame yourself. Overlords are scary!
Alastor keeps smiling. Atleast you were polite enough to compliment back. Your awkardness was amusing.
The clear struggle for survival was evident in your eyes. He liked the look. What? He's a sadistic killer.
"Whats your name, jellyfish girl?" Alastor asked, maybe in a little bit of a belitteling manner... but he was showing intrest. Who's he kidding, he's just bored and he'd rather chat with this sinner then face angels outside.
"Name's Y/N. You- I mean.. I know you- sorry." You retsrain from hitting yourself multiple times.
Alastor chuckles again. Oh how fun, you're getting so nervous just from his presence. Better then the usual fear or fawning tough... he can work with this.
"Alastor, dear. How about some bevarages as we wait out this extermination? Mhh? Im sure your little kitchen has something." Alastor suggests. Oh- hanging out with the Radio demon on extermination day, yea sure, why not?
"Oh.. sure.. I've got... water and fruit juice..." You trail of solemly at your.. clear lack of good options.
"Why, no alchohol, dear? You're a rare creature." Alastor hums in amusement as he takes in your sad fridge. Money came slowly when you were in hell! Okay?! You're not into any shady buisiness... so.
"So thats a no to drinks...?" You ask awkardly.
"I'll take water." Alastor answers.
You nod and serve him a glass of water. Atleast your fridge still works, so it's cold.
Alastor gently takes the glass and takes a sip. He sits down next to you on the floor. Albeit at a respectfull distance. Maybe cuz he just doesn't like being close... or he wants you to feel safe. Wich, good try but you don't.
"So, Y/N. Those tendrils of yours. Do they sting?" Alastor asks with a broad smile.
"Yup. From what i've seen, really badly." You nod, getting just a tad bit more comfrotable now since you two were just talking about random things.
Alastor raised a brow, and he does the dumbest thing you have ever witnessed... wich seemed highly unlikely of an overlord.
He grabbed a tendril... What is this dude thinking?!
You saw the signature 'zap' sparkle trough the overlord. His hair fizzed up and he was out like a light.
Did he take your defences as a challange or something? What now? You've accidently killed lower sinners with your sting but... an overlord would be fine... right?
He's just.. sleepy...
You sigh and lay him down properly on the floor and try to find something to cushion his head with... Not a lot of good options in your kitchen... a bunch of towels it is then!
You managed to make the unconcious Radio Demon atleast a little comfy.
You awkardly try to get his hair flat again so he wouldn't... remember, maybe?
You were mid stroke when Alastors red eyes shot open. You flinch back immeadiatly as he gets up.
Tough instead of striking you, he laughs.
"A dangerous little thing you are, mhh?" Alastor chuckles and observes you.
"I suppose so.. sorry." You rub your neck, hoping he wouldn't oblivirate you for... well him touching your tendrils. It's defenitly his own fault, but that doesn't work like that with overlords.
"Don't be sorry dear. I should have believed you. Is that the full extent of your powers?" Alastor muses and looks at you closer.
Atleast you knew that if he were to physically try and attack you, he'd just get zapped like everyone else, good to know.
"I.. think so. It's like a protective little shield.." You answer with a nod. Alastor seems amused by the way that action makes your jellyfish cap bobble along.
"I can see that... don't like being touched, do you, dear?" Alastor asks with a toothy grin. You nod again.
"May I know why?" Alastor follows up.
"..No." You decide.
Alastor let's out a dramatic gasp.
"Oh deer, such attitude." He smirks and looks upon your messed up kitchen.
Deer puns... wow...
Oh a little mystery. How fun. You deem to be quite amusing.
Alastor keeps staring at you. It's making you feel a bit intimidated.
"... Music?" You suggest quietly. Looking up at him carefully. Holding out an earbud.
"From this... thing?" Alastor narrowed his red eyes.
You nod. "It's an earbud. Connected to my phone... my whole living room is in shambles so... no other means of music.. listening?" Your words were getting messed up as you were set under this demons scruntionizing gaze.
"Fine.." Alastor sighs in distaste. You notice you've messed up so your music choice had to be top notch!
He's from 19... 20? Something? Old. He's an old guy... old music... What does your downloaded list have to offer.
Frank Sinatra...
Who doesn't love that guy! Best guess. All or nothing.
As Alastor tries his best to put an earbud in his strange deer ears, you play the music.
It takes a couple seconds but the deer demon seems... content. A little sparkle in his eyes!
Yes, you guessed right! Take that, anxiety!
First mistake: Sharing good music.
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I really like splitting one shots into parts on here and then just upload just one whole thing on Wattpad, its just so cool to see feedback.
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samoankpoper21 · 29 days
Drunken Confession - Suna Rintarou
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Summary: Suna's best friend is going on a date. How will he react?
Content warnings: cursing, suggestive smut, alcohol use...can't think of anything else
A/N: Y'all I have been stuck on Suna for quite some time now, it amplified more after reading this one fic where he's a tattoo artist who pines over his plus size friend and the way the author wrote him is exactly how I picture him and it was just truly a work of art aslkdfalkdsj I've posted the link so please check out their work!! So good! Anyway I decided to do a slight twist to my drunker confession series^^ this time it's you receiving the confession^^ As always reader is chubby!/poc! as switches between using the Kansai accent. Enjoy~!!
"I always thought you and Rintarou were gonna be a thing." You nearly spit out your water at your mom's declaration.
"What the hell mom."
"Whaaat I'm being serious. He's a nice boy. It drove your dad and I crazy watching you two dance around each other. To this day it's still driving us crazy! When are y'all gonna get together?" Chuckling you remind your mom, "Have you seen his exes? They're all skinnier than me and besides back in high school I mean I knew I looked good but I don't think he would've wanted to date someone who's way darker than him and heavier than him."
"Now you're just playin' stupid."
"Oh geez thanks mom."
"Your dad and I see the way he looked at you back then and now. He got a thing for you honey so why not pursue it?" You began to chew on your bottom lip. The thought of being with Suna has crossed your mind numerous of times. From the moment you two met in high school ungraciously - he approached you asking how much you weighed because you were now his motivation for his weight lifting pr - til now you found him attractive, even more so with the addition of his tattoos and piercings.
"I don't know ma, I literally came over here to vent to you about how boring my date was."
"You know how you could get over another man?" your dad quipped from his place on the couch in the living room.
"How dad?"
"Find another one."
"Really dad!"
"That's what he told your brother all the time." your mom say shaking her head. Rising from his seat from the couch your dad finally joined the both of you in the kitchen, one arm snaking around your mother's plump waist, the other grabbing a fresh blueberry muffin your mom just put out. "Babe those are hot!" your mom scolded him.
"Not as hot as you."
"Ew save the bedroom talk."
"Look dear," your mom continued trying to hide her blush. Years later you still found it endearing how enamored the two of them were with one another. "It doesn't hurt to try. Text him and say you're going on a date, see what his response is."
Throwing your keys in the cup you began gnawing at your lip. You hated lying to Suna and you knew he would throw a fit considering that Fridays are reserved for the both of you but you were dying to confirm you parent's - and possibly your - suspicions.
Y/N: Sunaroooooooouuuuuuu
Sunarouuu <3: what
Y/N: ugh a little less sass would be nice???!!!
Sunarouuu <3: wHAT
Y/N: -_- Y/N: whatevs Y/N: anyway I gotta date today asdfkjl
Sunarouuu <3: And you're telling me because...???
Y/N: You know I'd appreciate it if you were a bit more happy for me 😥 Y/N: anyway he's taking me out tonight at around 7ish
Sunarouuu <3: breh u know fridays r our days da fuck
Y/N: I know I know I'll make it up 2 u next week I swear 🙏🏾😭
Sunarouuu <3: yer lucky the boys wanted to hang out 2nite
Y/N: 🫶🏾
Suna groaned his fists covering his eyes. "Fucking shit."
"Uh oh," Aran asked. "What happened?"
"Looks like I'm drinkin' with ya tonight."
"Whaaat? Y/N finally dumped ya?"
"Shut the fuck up Miya." Kita rounded the corner smacking Atsumu behind the head, Osamu giving Kita a thumbs up. "Stop teasing Suna. What happened? What'd she say?"
"She got a date or some shit like that." Sighing Kita advised, "Why don't you tell her how you feel? How you've always felt."
"Because fuuuck it'll just mess up our whole dynamic."
"Doesn't hurt to try. You can't get mad at the situation if you haven't even tried to change it."
"I hate it when yer right." he grumbled.
"Anyway I'm about to head home."
"Aw come on Kita ya should drink with us. We're drinkin' to celebrate Suna's rejection." Just as quickly as those words left Atsumu's mouth he dodged his head from the object that flew towards him. Kita shook his head chuckling. "Unlike you guys I have someone to go home to."
"Yer not talkin' bout your stupid dog are ya?"
"Keep it up Tsumu and I'll let Suna kill you for real this time." Holding his hands up in mock surrender he laughed bidding Kita a good evening.
Suna slammed down the shot glass, his cheeks red his head spinning. "Maybe ya should slow down" Aran fretted. "You've been knocking back shot after shot."
"Ya don't understand."
"Here he goes again." Atsumu mumbled under his breath. Ignoring him Suna continued. "I really really like her."
"So why haven't ya told her?" Osamu asked.
"Dunno. Scared I guess."
"Of what? From what I see she's been holdin' back too ya know."
"Oi yer hopeless."
Groaning you awoke to a flurry of knocks and bangs at your apartment door. Picking up your phone you saw that it was nearing 3AM with a bunch of missed call and text notifications from Osamu, Aran and Suna. Frowning you trudged your way to the door swinging it open to see Osamu and a very drunk Suna with his head down, arm slung over Osamu. "Samu? Hi what-"
"Yer apartment was the closest to the bar and he wouldn't stop tellin' me to drop him here." Ushering Osamu to hand him over you chuckle, "I don't mind. Why'd he drink so much anyway?" Osamu stiffened at your question before replying, "I'll let him explain. Anyway thanks for takin' care of him. See ya later."
"Bye Samu and thanks!" Flicking the lights on you turned to admire how beautiful Suna looked in his drunken state: his cheeks painted a dark shade of red contrasting against his skin tone, his chapped lips, and yellow grayish eyes that abruptly shot open. "Y/N?"
"Samu dropped you off here, told him that you didn't want to go home." Groaning he quipped, "Didn't mean to ruin yer date."
"You didn't."
"I think ima head home." Frowning you scold, "Suna Rintarou, how the hell are you gonna go home in that state?"
"What if yer date sees-"
"There is no date sheesh just stay here."
"I don't wanna ruin-"
"Rin, I'm telling you to stay." Staring at you intently he reluctantly agreed. Helping him remove his shoes you drape his left arm over your much shorter shoulder, your right arm hooking itself around his waist. "Come on ya big lug let's get you to bed. Lord knows yer gonna have a massive hangover." Leading him to your bedroom you gently sit him on your bed, one hand hanging onto him, the other reaching for the water bottle on your nightstand. You giggled as you watched him sway to and fro with his eyes closed. Grabbing 4 ibuprofen you smashed them into small pieces dropping it into the water bottle praying that he doesn't choke or spit it out. "Rin," you gently shake him. "Rin."
"Hm?" his eyes slowly peeled open, he gulped taking in your black spaghetti strap that hugged your full breasts and tummy and the short pink shorts that stopped atop your thick melanated thighs. Stooping in front of him he blushed at the dirty thoughts running through his mind as you got on your knees. "I need you to drink this. Can you do that for me?" Exhaling slowly he looked at the bottle in your hand and grimaced. "Water?"
"If you don't hydrate yer gonna wake up with a really bad hangover. Come on Rin do it for me. Please?" Gulping again he could feel his face heating up at the position you were in: you peering up at him through your lashes, pleading, had his cock straining in his pants. If only you knew how much power you had over him. The word please, the way you uttered it would make him burn the world if it made you happy. "Fine." you smiled unscrewing the cap to the bottle bringing it to his lips. Maintaining eye contact with you he opened his mouth letting the cool stream of water slide down his throat, his adam's apple bobbing up and down. Once the water was finished you lay him down gently draping the covers over his much too tall frame. As you were about to head out he grabbed your wrist. "Where ya goin'?"
"I was gonna sleep on the couch."
"The fuck just sleep here."
"I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Surprised by his strength despite his inebriated state you squeaked when he pulled you to him, your head crashing into his chest. Letting out a sigh of relief Suna pulled you tighter into his embrace, his leg wrapping itself around you as he began petting your head. Blushing you wished you could act on your desire but knew otherwise. Clearing your throat you tentatively ask, "Rin?"
"What happened? Why'd you drink so much today?"
"Cuz of yer stupid date."
"I like you so much Y/N. Hell," he chuckles. "I think I'm in love with ya. Yer so smart and beyond beautiful but it's not just physical attraction with ya, I like yer whole being. I can't see you with anyone else so when ya told me ya had a date fuck I don't know my heart just really hurt ya know."
"You like me Rin?"
"Since I first saw you in high school." With tears in your eyes you peered up to see that he had fallen asleep.
Groaning awake Suna's eyes slowly peeled open taking in his surroundings. Oh it's Y/N's room. What a weird dream. Closing his eyes again he snuggled into your warmth inhaling your scent releasing a sigh of relief. This is probably one of the best dreams I've ever had with Y/N in it. I hope I can sleep a bit longer. It feels so real. Stiffening his eyes shot open when he felt you wriggle closer to his hard on. "Fuck," he hissed out trying to recollect last night's events; attempting to pry his arms from around you you whined scooting back closer to him, pulling his arms around you again. "Y/N," his morning voice caused you to internally shiver. "Hm?"
"Ya awake?" Slowly sitting up you lifted your arms above your head stretching letting out a yawn, Suna gulping at your erect nipples as you slowly began rubbing the sleep from your eyes. "Fuck I'm sorry I don't know what or how-"
"Look I understand if ya hate me-"
"Or don't wanna talk to me-"
"But if I made ya feel uncomfortable-"
"You've never made me feel uncomfortable. Not once, not ever." Silence cascaded around you both, both of you scared to break the moment. Inhaling deeply you gently ask, "What do you remember about last night?"
"Fuck I just remember we went to the bar, I drank way more than I shoulda and...now that I think about it I don't feel hung over." Chuckling you respond with, "I crushed 4 ibuprofen and put it in your water." Dramatically gasping, Suna clutching a hand over his heart he says, "You've drugged me? How bold of you Y/N."
"Thank you for making sure I don't wake up with a really bad hangover would've sufficed the fuck." A comfortable silence settled when you tentatively ask, hands fidgeting avoiding his gaze, "D-do you remember what you said? What we talked about?" Gawd Suna wanted to smack his head against the wall, hell he was even willing to let Atsumu do it too for the sake of remembering. Awkwardly chuckling you mutter, "Doesn't matter if ya don't remember. I mean you drank a lot anyway." His chest hurt at seeing you hurt trying to hide the pain by cracking jokes. He cuffed your wrist gently. "Y/N." Biting your lip willing yourself not to cry he gently cupped your chin angling your head to look at him. "Please tell me what we talked about."
"Nah I'll let you suffer. Real fucked up how I'm the only one that remembers."
"That's unfair, one of us wasn't in a clear state of mind."
"Touche." Taking a shaky deep breath you whisper, "Y-you told me you drank because of me b-but the truth is I didn't have a date last night. I only said that to confirm my parents' suspicions."
"Which is?"
"That you l-liked me. But it's okay! I understand if you don't!"
"Gawd yer stupid." Pulling you against him his head bent down slotting his lips against yours, the fit perfect. You whimpered when you felt his big hand slide underneath your tank top sliding up your back. Pulling back both of you gasping for air he leaned forward so that your foreheads were touching. "I've liked you since high school. I didn't wanna ruin what we had, what we built so I kept dating all these girls in hopes of trying to forget you but it didn't fucking work. I kept comparing them to you how their smiles never lit up likes yours, how they didn't like to read, how they weren't you and it wasn't until the boys called me out on it where I finally realized that I have fallen helplessly in love with you."
"Damn," you smirk. "You were down bad for me huh?"
"Shut up." he groaned before yanking your hair back exposing your neck pressing and sucking wet heated kisses along your neck. "I-I like you too." Pausing his ministrations he pulled back to look at you with warmth in his eyes. Mustering up more courage you continue with, "Hell I think I love you." Smiling you lean forward to capture his lips in a passionate kiss when you gently push against his chest, straddling him, his hands instinctively finding purchase on your plump hips, his fingers squeezing the chubby flesh. Quirking an eyebrow up he watched as you slowly lifted the tank top over your head, his eyes darkening. "Rin, let me make it up to you, for all our lost time."
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gojoshooter · 1 year
Hi!! Thanks sm for your response! I'm glad you take requests since I'm such a fan of your work!
I was thinking about a scenario wherein Gojo Satoru always had the impression that reader hated his guts because they always bicker even at the pettiest of things. But one day, Satoru overhears reader gushing about having a crush on him (reader could be talking to Geto/Shoko/both etc) and they keep rambling about how much they like him and all. Meanwhile, Satoru's just 🧍‍♂️leaning by the doorframe with the biggest smug grin on his face (he actually secretly likes reader back). How it ends is entirely up to you if you'd take this request hehe
Just basically lots of fluff and the occasional comedy lol thanks so much for listening to my rambling (I just love him sm)
hi, thank you for the praise robynn! ’m so glad to know my works interest you, luv u & here's your req hc <3
Deer caught in Headlights : Gojo
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Pairing : frenemy!gojo x highschool!y/n
A/N : here's another set of hcs about gojo bullying you like the jerk he is. ps. i tried to be serious
WARNINGS : gojo is a tease, but so are you
“i don't like him like that. absolutely fucking not, what the hell?” you whisper, mouth stuffed with icecream in the comfy bed of Shoko's room as Geto copied her bored expression—sitting & listening to your endless rambles on why you're not attracted to Satoru like that
seriously, they've lost the count of reasons why you gradually became a Satoru simp but oh have you
“goddammit! i hate him, i hate him and his dumb voice and his stupid muscles and his awfully attractive face! it's all on my desserts he ate to look li-... Geto, are you sleeping?”
you stop your very important discourse to give the best friend of your enemy & your thought dump a pointed look
“no, please keep talking. i only yawn when i'm super fascinated”
says him, that talk-back king of a bitch you're sure he got that from is best friend
he lies down the bed with a soft huff and if he notices Satoru’s tall presence by the door, he does nothing—nothing but a hint of evil amusement making his lips curve into a subtle smile to the thought of your pathetically obvious crush being exposed
he does nothing to stop you who's back faced the door, nothing when his best friend approached slowly with his hands inside his sweatpants as your embarrassing tirade continued
“-and Shoko, trust me. I'd have let him known about his ridiculous eyes that i dreamt last night if he wasn't such a jerk like h-”
“...what about my eyes?”
you flinch... no, no no no, fuck. even Shoko burst out at your comical whip of the head
with a stifling laugh that she tried to fight so hard, Shoko gets out along with Geto who may have wanted to stay just to watch the drama commence
“um-” you almost landed face first trying to drag your panicked little self out of bed as the slanting white brows raised at you amusingly
“mhm, and you hate these stupid muscles” “no! i mean- yes, n-”
“y/n, i expected more”
god fucking damn, what was his cursed technique? to flatter people? you pulled a passive-aggressive face in defence of your shattering pride, and begin “h-how long have you been standing there?”
Gojo answered your question with the teasing smile on his face, and he chuckled before asking with a tilt of his head to watch your reaction “correct me if i've been reading this all wrong but.... you like me”
your figure shrinks at the claim and that definitely satisfied Gojo, his breathy hum confirming it further
“mm?” he hums slowly, as if coaxing a child to admit their wrong doings “cat got your tongue y/n?” just say it, say it, say it. you breath in.
“i like you” “say that again” “...i like you”
you know he would not let you live that down even if you were to end up having kids—but fuck that, you thought, the cat's out of the bag anyway.
“dunno i had such a weird taste in men but i just really enjoy spending my time with you and you've really become someone special to me and-”
“don't even tell me, i already know. i just needed to get that out.” he knows he shouldn't be mean, not when he feels the same about you, but can he help his obsession with your flustered red mess of a face?
you know he's trying too hard to tease you. cruel fucking bastard. “wait until i kill you”
“yeah?~ what're you trying here? to make this seem like a lovers' quarrel?” he chuckles, prolly wants to redden your puffy cheeks a little more before giving in.
“i'll punch that smirk off your face, Satoru!” “try me, i dont need to try getting you on your knees before me”
“oh, do you think of that image a lot?” you say lifting an eyebrow, perfect chance to make him taste his own medicine.
oh. Gojo blushed.
“w-well, what i think is... maybe our feelings are mutual” says after clearing his throat as he slowly regains his composure. “i have this weird feeling when i'm with you, can't explain it, but it's a good feeling...”
your usual instinct of fighting began to fade at his words as both of you stood in middle of the room in an awkward state, trying to fight the urge to smile
“hah, can't believe i never noticed it before, but you're kinda hot when you're angry. maybe that's why i loved pissing you off”
yes, that's when Gojo managed to break your last straw and make you blush at the same time “well then, take this!” his infinity stopped your little punch
“meanie!” he chuckles again, holding your fist softly
“okay little baby, no sulking. if a punch makes you feel better you can punch me. lightly.” he said in his silvery voice as he turned his infinity off, kissing you nice and soft...
(you ignored his last word)
A/N : i hope people this is one ^-^ i personally enjoyed this heheskks likes & reblogs are appreciated! ♡
Tags : @robynnnhooddd @nanamikentoseyebags @luckimoon @dazailover1900 @jspenft @tamakin7 @daquila @jkhlhjkjkjhkl @horrendous-introvert
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half-oz-eddie · 1 year
Billy Hargrove wasn't the type to stay with anyone for more than a day. He'd never even stay overnight.
He'd fucked enough of the cute girls in the school for rumors to spread. "Big dick Billy" "Hung Hargrove" "Mr. Fuck and Duck" all kinds of things were said about Billy in the hallways.
Not all of the rumors were flattering though. "Billy's a liar." "He says he'll call but he never does." "He'll make you feel like you're the only one, but you never are."
After the first 3 girls tried to confront him, none ever bothered to do it again. All he would ever do was humiliate them in front of the whole school, anyway, with harsh comments about the sex, or how boring their personalities are.
He even made one of the cheerleaders cry.
Steve thought he was cruel, stringing girls along for a little bit, but letting them down easy because he wasn't serious. Billy, on the other hand, let these girls know they didn't mean a goddamn thing. They were just another notch in his belt.
Maybe Billy's just an asshole, Steve considered at first, but after a whirlwind of weird situations forced Billy and Steve to be around each other (thanks, upside down, and the freaky creatures it unleashes), Steve noticed some things about Billy that a lot of people may not even pay attention to.
Billy's not cruel, and he's not a liar. If he says he's got your back, he's got it. If he says he's going to protect you, he's already got a plan. If he tells you "it scared the shit out of me when we got separated" and his eyes gloss over like a frozen ocean, he's scared to lose you.
Finally, he worked up the nerve to ask. "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"
"Just shopping, Harrington. Haven't found the right girl yet."
"You've been with a lot of the girls at school."
"And? You jealous?"
Steve shook his head. "Not even close. Just thought it was weird that you haven't found a single one that you like."
"Honestly, I'm just trying to appease my dad."
"Whaddya mean?"
"Never mind." Billy dismissed. "I gotta go, Max is coming."
Steve looked on as Billy and Max got into his car and he drove off.
Billy's words rang in Steve's mind for the rest of the day, carrying over to the next morning. He wasn't gonna let this go. He wanted to know what the hell he meant.
"So, what were you talkin' about yesterday?" Steve asked, approaching Billy before going into the school building.
"Yesterday when?"
"When you said you were trying to...'appease your dad' wha—what'd you mean by that?"
"Nothing. I said never mind."
"C'mon. We've fought monsters together, saved each other's lives. You can talk to me."
Billy let out an irritated growl and grabbed Steve by his collar, dragging him to his car.
He rolled up the windows and locked the doors.
"I don't...I don't like girls, Harrington."
"You don't like...oh! ooooooh! So...you're...gay?"
Billy bashfully nodded.
"I can see how that'd be a problem, then. Maybe you should stop sleeping around with people you're not attracted to. How do you even—"
"I just pretend they're you."
"No. Say that again!" Steve exclaimed. "What'd you say?"
"Get out of my car, Steve. I don't wanna talk about this anymore."
"Not gonna happen. You said you're able to hook up with these girls by pretending...you're hooking up with me?" Steve smiled, pointing to himself.
"Why are you so cheeky about it?"
"I dunno, it's just...it's pretty flattering." His smile widened as Billy scowled. "So a guy like me, am I...am I your type?"
"What does that matter? If I'm not your type—"
"I didn't say that."
Billy narrowed his eyes, testing Steve's honesty with an intense glare. "Then what are you saying?"
"I've seen a side of you that's pretty likeable. Maybe you're my type too."
"This isn't funny, Harrington. Actually, it's insulting, and I should break your jaw."
"I can't kiss you if my jaw is broken, Billy."
Billy eyed the smirk curving on Steve's lips, and he still took his words for a joke. "I'm not screwing around, Steve. If you're just doing this to humiliate me..."
"I'm not, okay?" Steve grasped Billy's collar, slowly pulling him toward him. "If it's like this...you don't have to imagine anymore. You can have the real thing."
Billy shoved him away. "I dunno if I'm ready for the real thing."
Steve grabbed Billy's collar again, pulling him in more aggressively. "One kiss, and we'll take it from there."
The closer Steve's lips got to Billy's, the more convinced he was.
This is about to happen.
This is really happening.
This is...
Their lips met, and Billy's mind went blank. When he would sleep with all those girls, he had to fill his mind with thoughts of Steve, but now, Steve was right here, his lips feeling exactly the way he hoped they would. He had to confirm this wasn't one of his fantasies, so he ran his fingers through the back of Steve's hair, messying the crown of his hair on the way up.
They parted, all too soon and Steve looked into Billy's eyes.
"If you tell anyone about this, I'm dead. You understand that?" Billy warned.
"You kidding? I'll do anything to protect you, just like you always do for me. And when the time is right, we'll get the hell out of Hawkins, and we don't have to hide this. Sound good?"
Finally, Billy smiled. "Sounds like exactly what I've wanted."
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smuttysunny · 11 months
[ADA]AFAB!Reader x Osamu Dazai
Genre: Smut
Synopsis: Dazai was made to stay behind after work to complete paperwork! Which was boring! Luckily for him you forgott your wallet so now he's getting to have a bit of fun during (and after) he finishes his paperwork <3
Contains: GN reader despite having fem anatomy(2nd person pronouns used), unprotected sex, cockwarming, praise kink, p in v, workplace/office sex(implied semi-public sex?), pet names, off-hand mention of Kunikida, no pre established relationship! Just Dazai being a whore with his colleague <3
Warnings: Absolutely not proofread‼️ may be a little ooc? Tbh the cockwarming bit was short lmfao, this fic seems a little short to me in general 💀 also English is NOT my first language so I'm sorry for any grammar errors and anything of the such! I may speak fluently but I still make mistakes often soo whoops
Thank you to my irl friend for giving me the scenerio/prompt to work with btw! Absolute life-saver 🙏
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It was dark outside, so fucking dark, and DEFINITELY after work hours but you were rushing back to the Agency because you realized you left your wallet back in the office.
As you reached the agency you rushed up to the office and turned on the light just to be met with the sight of a miserable Osamu sat at his desk doing.... Paperwork? Well that's a first, but...wait. Why the fuck was he doing paperwork in the dark? Why was he doing paperwork at all?!
Osamu groans at the sudden light and shuts his eyes tightly, rubbing them before getting adjusted to the bright lights
"What the fuck... Oh, and what are *you* doing back here at this hour?" He says as he looks in your direction, with that irresistible charm of his
You told him you forgot your wallet and you're here to get it back, he just lets out an "ohhh" before pointing at your desk. "By the way... Why are you still here so late at night, anyways? Doing paperwork in the dark, no less" you ask as you pick up your wallet and put it back in the pocket of your trousers. Osamu stretches a little before leaning on his desk with his arms and responding with a huge sigh, "Kunikida is holding me back until I finish at least a folder's worth of papers." You just chuckle a bit before making your way to the door, that is before Osamu stops you.
"By the way... Now that you're here, well... I've been a little bored while scribbling on all these papers, mind helping me out?" And little did you not know it was a request you should not have accepted.
So how the hell did you manage to get from getting your wallet back to your trousers down to your knees, panties pushed aside and his cock buried deep in your cunt? Only the devil may know. But luckily for you what you did know is you were near tears as you waited for him to finish his paperwork! When you agreed to helping him out you thought he meant his papers but oh...how wrong you were... At least he wasn't bored anymore! Far from it actually! He was getting a kick out of you squirming and whinning as you sat all pretty on his hardening dick! Which is why he put an arm on your hip, to stop your squirming.
Your pathetic whines were truly music to his ears as you started begging him to let you move, raising a chuckle out of him. "Just a bit more, belladonna~ only got a bit left~" You let out a shaky sigh, leaning back and resting your head against his shoulder, wondering how long "only a bit" really is.
To be fair it wasn't even that much time, but those 10 minutes felt like 10 hours instead. His dick throbbing inside your tight, warm hole was really getting to you and honestly it felt like he slowed down writing just to drag it out a bit more just to tease you. As he finished writing, you let out a sigh of relief. He put all of his papers back in the folder with a satisfied hum before turning his attention on you, a smirk played up on his lips as he looked at you with those mesmerizing brown eyes of his, intent and desire behind them. He put his lips closely to your ear, his breath fanning over it as he spoke, causing you to shiver.
"You did well, bella. Why don't I give you a reward, hmm?~"
And before you could process anything, you were bent over his desk, his cock now drilled even deeper into your pussy. You let out a soft moan and he chuckles, one hand pressing on your back and the other tightly holding your waist; a bruise or two were definitely going to be left behind.
He slowly starts thrusting into you, whimpers and moans escaping your precious lips as he leaned in close to your ear and moaned, all while wearing that smile on his face that made you fold oh so much.
"Ah~ oh bella~ never thought you'd be this tight... Ngh~ feels so good, baby. This was definitely worth the wait, yes?~" he asks you, not really expecting an answer as he picks up his pace, getting slightly rougher with you aswell, his grip tightening and his thrusts growing more harsh.
"Yeah? Oh yeah?~ yeeeaaaahh~ knew you'd agree"
As much as you'd want not to, you can't help but let out a loud moan as he hits that specific spot that your back arching and your eyesight full of stars. "Osamu..." Is all you can manage to babble out, causing him to let out a loud grunt as his pace becomes feral
"Ah fuck, the way you call my name like that~ mmm~ keep doing it, love~ I love it~" His voice drops with that last part, making you unable to keep holding on as you end up squirting all over his dick. Osamu's eyes widen slightly as he feels your walls suddenly clamp down on him as you pant and try to recover from your orgasm before you, out of nowhere, feel a pair of warm lips licking and suckling on your neck, leaving behind various hickeys.
"Hmm?~ sweet thing couldn't hold on just a bit more till I came?~ My... How needy~" he groans in your ear. He grunts as he feels your slick drip down his dick, getting closer to his own climax.
"Fuck...you're gonna take everything I give you like the good thing you are, right?~ Alright~..."
He doesn't even spare you a moment before a few final thrust is all it takes for him to dump his warm load into your aching cunt, soft whimpers and whines escaping your lips as you feel him filling you up as if you're a custard donut.
Both you and him take a couple of minutes to recover, panting heavily as you feel his cum drip out of your pussy before he leans back and looks down at you with a smile
"So how about round two, yeah? Wonder if we'll manage to see the sun rise!"
Maybe you should've just forgotten about your wallet...
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libbys-braincell-loss · 5 months
Im bored as hell so heres a short SMG4 x SMG3 oneshot (idk what to name it)
(Kinda angst? Not exactly, it also mostly includes some wholesome fluff too; takes place after the events of the Puzzlevision movie and references IGBP, so spoilers for that ig lol)
(Also its really short)
SMG4 was out for a walk, late in the evening outside of the castle. He was lost in thought - a lot of things were eating him up inside his mind since the day Mr. Puzzles took him and his friends and forced them to perform in his dumbass shows.
Just one thing was going through his mind.
When Mr. Puzzles showed him his corrupted behavior when he was going through the phase where he absolutely had to make the perfect video ever.
"Who knew that you could make such a great villain?" Mr. Puzzles had said.
He really did become a villain, didn't he..?
That was an entire year ago, and he still regretted his choices and still beats himself up over moments like that.
SMG4 stands in places and observes the pebbles on the ground.
The familiar voice surprised him. He turned around, and not too far away from where he stood was SMG3, holding his beloved Eggdog.
"What are you doing out and about at this hour?" SMG3 asked.
"I could ask the same to you?" SMG4 said in return.
"I always let Eggdog roam around at this hour," SMG3 said, putting Eggdog on the ground, as he hops off. "It's quiet out. No one, specifically Mario, is up at this hour to disturb our peace. It's real nice. ...Why are you out here? You're rarely out and about this late."
SMG4 sighs. "I've had things on my mind, and I thought touching grass would clear my head, y'know?" He chuckles.
SMG3 begins expressing concern, but is very quick to hide it. "What's up?"
SMG4 observes the ground. "Do you realize that I went through that... 'absolute perfection' phase over a year ago? Can you believe it's been that long?"
"Oh, shit," SMG3's eyes widen. "Time really flew by, huh?"
SMG4 stares sadly at his castle, not too far away.
"To think that something so impressive and monumental... wouldn't be here if I didn't do something so dumb."
SMG3 worriedly steps closer to him, realizing what's up.
"Is Mr. Puzzles' comment bothering you?"
SMG4 looks at 3. He nods.
"I just... hate the fact I was so selfish that I ended up hurting the people I cared for most," SMG4 says, blinking back tears creeping through his tearducts. "I didn't want to be a villain, I never wanted to..."
SMG4 buries his face in his hands. SMG3 inches closer, holding out his arms, but ultimately deciding against putting hands on the person considered his rival, so he lowered his arms.
"I never considered you a villain, SMG4."
4 looks up at 3.
"You were blindsighted, but the stupid keyboard corrupting you up was out of your control," says SMG3. "You are a dumbass, not a villain. You never had malicious intent. Mr. Puzzles is wrong and we are all thankful he's dead. He was such a sicko-"
SMG3 gets cut off, as SMG4 hugs him. SMG3 feels 4 silently sobbing into his shoulder. He is in a stun lock for a second, before coming to terms that 4 was hugging him. He wraps his own arms around his crying "nemesis". He gently rubs his back reassuringly.
"4, I promise you, you are no villain. You could never be a villain like me." SMG3 says, chuckling.
He feels SMG4 chuckle a teensy bit while buried in his shoulder, reassuring 3 that he would be okay, thus bringing him back at ease.
"Says the person who saved my life and called me a friend," SMG4 says, face still up against SMG3.
"Not like you said anything different when you saved my life," SMG3 chuckled.
SMG4 slowly lifts his face away from SMG3's shoulder.
"If I didn't know better, I'd say you cared about me," SMG4 said half jokingly.
SMG3 smiles sadly.
"I'll be honest, I'm tired of pretending I don't."
SMG4 and SMG3 look into each others eyes. 4 smiles slyly.
"I knew it. I knew you were a tsundere."
SMG3 gently pushes SMG4 away from him, smiling and pretending to be mad. "Don't make me actually hate you."
4 chuckles.
SMG3 looks at him again. "Are you sure you're okay now?"
SMG4 smiles.
"Much better, thanks to you."
SMG3 smiles, looking to the ground.
"Don't mention it. ..Seriously, don't mention it. If Meggy hears about this, I will not hear the end of it."
SMG4 grins, and begins walking back toward his castle, as Eggdog walks up to his owner, ready to head inside.
"I heart you too, SMG3," SMG4 says before walking to the castle entrance.
SMG3 rolls his eyes, smiling, as he picks up Eggdog and the two head back into the cafe.
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hey, I'm a new reader and I love that you write dark stuff! you asked for unhinged requests.. i hope it's not too unhinged <3 a chillout evening with euronymous hearing music and smoking pot at reader's flat. the house party slowly comes to an end and he's the only guest left. He talks about hating posers and that he admires pelle for cutting himself on stage. he wants to try it too - now. both are super drunk and stoned, he gives reader the knife. after a bit hesitation he gets what he wants and it really turns him on. It leads to nasty sloppy bloody sex with a very submissive and masochistic Euro. Could also fit to Kappa!
My dearest nonnie, thank you for this request! 🫶🏻
Summary: After a night of party and unprompted celebration, some matters with your boyfriend take a drastic turn in a very different direction…
Pairing: Euronymous x fem!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Content Warnings: Trve Kvlt Smvt 18+!, Unprotected P In V, Implied Substance Use (Pot And Alcohol), Kink Acceptance, Consensual Cutting, Blood Kink, Submissive!Euro, Dom!Reader, Reader and Øystein Are Painfully Lost For A Hot Minute, Pet Names/Honorifics, Implied Aftercare, Varg Vikernes Slander 💅🏻
A/N: I believe that by now we all know that I'm writing about Rory portraying Euronymous and not the edgelord with a patchy mustache 💀
Tagging the horny horde:
@crypticsewerslut @quicksilversg1rl @cc-luvr @icarus-star @milaeth @roryculkinsgf @spookyorchid @arch1viste @whoareyoi @angelsanarchy @b4sementgrl @blueberrypancakesworld @rocketqueen-world @r0ttenmess @doddernix @svgarcaine
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But I'm a creep
I'm a weirdo
What the hell am I doin' here?
I don't belong here
- Creep By Radiohead
Accompanied by a long, dragged out yawn, you let your back fall against the cozy mattress of your messy bed. You stretched your tired body and felt like sinking into the fabric of your soft duvet, uncounted amounts of Tequila shots and a bloodstream saturated with THC doubled down on you after hosting a rather impromptu party with Euronymous and his friends from the Black Circle at your place.
"Øystein!", You called out to your boyfriend who waddled towards the bed while simultaneously stripping out of his clothes up to his shorts, "C'm here…I wanna cuddle you!"
Your voice slurred a bit but you didn't care. As long as your head wouldn't start spinning just now, you'd manage.
"On my way!" Euronymous stated, stumbling towards the bed and flopping himself right next to you face first before he turned on his back with an exhausted groan.
"Next time you better warn me before you just bring your greasy boy horde here, Øystein!" You teased whilst closely snuggling up to him, cradling his lean statue in your arms.
"I did!", He mumbled with a wide, zooted-out grin on his face, "I texted you 20 minutes before!"
"You know what I mean." Your elbow playfully nudged his side before he scooted closer into your embrace, sighing contentedly.
"Yeah, yeah…sorry, won't happen again. But it was nice, no?" His temple leaned into the crook of your neck and you felt his warm breath, heavy with hints of weed and alcohol on your collarbone.
"Yeah, unexpectedly nice but I've been wondering why Varg's never around to party." Your furrowed your brows just a little at the thought.
"You mean Christian?", Øystein snarled in an unmistakably derogatory tone, "Fucking poser if you ask me. He's too busy being a boring prick with his no alcohol, no party and no meat policy."
"Kinda no pussy policy, too, huh?" With your comment you elicited a loud and hearty laugh from your boyfriend's mouth.
"Oh, absolutely! Dude ripped off his cringe Scorpions patch and thinks he's the big deal now…stupid poser…" Euronymous mumbled into the skin of your neck before he looked up at you, his bloodshot eyes searching yours.
"Mmm…babe? Can I ask you something?" His lips pursed a little, sparking your curiosity.
"Sure, what's up?" You met his drowsy gaze with a warm smile.
"Uhm, I don't want to sound like a complete nut job, but..", He huffed reluctantly, biting down on the insides of his cheek, "But I think it's pretty cool what Pelle did at our last gig, you know, the…well, y'know?"
"The….cutting? You mean that?" Your brows arched a bit further in a low wave of concern.
Of course you've supported your boyfriend at their last gig, just like every gig before that but what happened on stage that time had been something a little very outlandish, even to you.
"Yeah, uhm…", Øystein stuttered somewhat insecure, nearly tripping over his own words, "I…okay, so…I think that was really…like really damn true."
"Okay…" You reciprocated slowly, the creeping feeling that this was not being all to it dawning on you, "....and?"
"And…ugh…" Euronymous shimmied himself out of your hug a little to properly look at you, "Hear me out, okay? I-...I know it sounds fucking deranged but…maybe…I'd like to know how that feels?"
His voice rendered lower with every word until the last bit of the sentence was nearly inaudible.
"Oh…", It fell from your lips a little clueless, "I mean…I couldn't stop you from doing it, but.."
"That's not…", Øystein interrupted you, his pale cheeks flushing with a tint of red, "It's not…I…fuck….I'd like you to do it. Thought about it since the last show. There, it's out now."
He made a move to turn his head away from you in shame but before he could, you cupped his jaw with the palm of your hand and guided him back to look at you. So many alcohol and weed spiked thoughts ran through your thoroughly intoxicated mind that you hardly knew what to say about it and of all things possible it was an upright "Are you sure about that?" that rolled over your tongue.
"Yeah." He muttered, eyes widening in uncertain anticipation.
"Okay, uhm…so…don't you think that…that we should maybe do this sober, babe?" You suggested, watching how his cheeks turned into a deeper shade of red.
"No, yes, ugh…I…can we maybe just try it? Now?" You took notice of the almost needy desperation in his voice and you'd be lying if you said it wasn’t doing something to you.
"Now?" You inquired a bit taken aback.
"Yeah.", Øystein nodded, scooting further away from you until he raised his torso off the bed, reaching for his pants, "Here…with that."
His slightly trembling fingers fumbled around the waistband of his trousers, fishing for a hunting knife that he started to carry with himself in a sheath on his belt a while ago. As soon as he had pulled the sharp metal blade from its casing, he held it up to you and your eyes widened at the dedication in his proposal.
"The sharper the better… Pelle told me.", Euronymous stated with a tremble in his tone, "Takes less effort….y'know."
"Uh, wow, uhm…you really want that, huh?" , You took the handle from his grip and studied the shape of the blade cautiously, "With all due respect, babe, this looks really sharp…"
"Fair enough…" With your eyes trained to the blade you sat yourself back upright against the headboard of your bed.
"Okay…so…so how do we start this now, huh?" You mumbled more to yourself than to your gradually more excited boyfriend.
"Like…where would you want me to cut you?" It rambled out of you.
With an equally puzzled face, Euronymous took a seat in front of you, crossing his arms over his chest while looking at the knife in your hand.
"Not my arms, that's for sure…thighs, maybe?" He suggested with a shrug of his shoulders.
"But, like, the top, yeah? I'm not gonna cut you on the insides." A slight shudder went through you just at the thought of possibly cutting too deep on the inside of his thighs.
"Yeah, yeah…of course, that's good." He replied with a shaky voice.
"Okay, so, am I just gonna…", You inhaled sharply to steady yourself, "Am I just gonna do this now or what?"
"I'm ready, I trust you, babe." Øystein wiggled a little in his sitting position, "Do you want me to help you get started?"
"Yeah, I think that wouldn't be too bad…" At that he reached for your hand that was holding the knife, cupping it and slowly bringing it towards his thigh, pointing the sharp tip right against the delicate, pale skin of his leg.
"Are you really sure about this?" You asked once more, just to be sure.
"Yes. I want that, been thinking about it for so long now…" Euronymous answered in heavy breaths, feeling the tip of the blade on his skin.
"Okay…so…" You slowly lowered the end of the blade onto his skin, applying a very careful amount of pressure.
The device was indeed so sharp that it broke through the first layers of his skin like a bread knife through room-temperature butter.
"That's is…" Øystein encouraged you and with that you slid the blade over his thigh, a bright red stream of blood pooling at the incision right away.
"Fuck.." Your boyfriend exhaled while he threw his head back.
"Fuck, what? Is it bad? Do you want me to stop?!" You were ready to pull the blade back at any second.
"No, more…please…, Ma'am." Euronymous pushed between trembling lips and his intonation shot right through you, sending a jolt of arousal right to your cunt.
With the knife in your hand and your gaze transfixed on the first cut, deeply red droplets gathering all over it, you placed the blade a little lower, repeating the same motion, ripping his skin and drawing even more blood.
"Shit…fuck….feels so good, Ma'am." He huffed, sounding…grateful.
"Good god, such a good boy for me, huh?" You jumped right into his headspace, shamelessly indulging in it.
"Always!" Øystein groaned out as you left another shallow yet efficient cut on his thigh.
With a subconsciously forming grin around your lips, you noticed how your boyfriend's cock started twitching in his briefs.
"Aww, is that making you hard, Øystein?" You pushed only to be hit by: "Just one more, please, one more and I'll fuck you so good, Ma'am, I promise!"
With eyes wide and an already throbbing cunt, you cut over his thigh once more, eagerly awaiting his reaction.
"Fuuuuuuuck!" He pressed a guttural groan through trembling lips before unceremoniously slapping the knife out of your hand and practically pouncing on you.
Before your intoxicated brain could truly fathom what was happening, Euronymous shoved his shorts down to his knees for his hard on to slap against his lower abdomen in a wet thud as he pushed his crotch between your legs.
"Shit, you really needed that, didn't you?" It cascaded out of your mouth as you felt him drilling into you.
"Yes, fuck…yes, Ma'am, thank you!" He whined against the shell of your ear as he started fucking into you at a reckless pace.
With every needy thrust of his hips against your lap, you felt the blood, still oozing out of the cuts, sticking against your thighs. Lewd, wet and squelching sounds from his cock pushing in and out of your cunt mixed in with the slapping of skin against skin and you could hardly hold on to yourself because Øystein never ever went that feral on you just like that.
"Such a good, needy boy for me, filling me up so fucking good!" You praised as your eyes fluttered shut, your entire body buzzing with physical sensations.
Every roll of his hips against you had you tethering on the edge of orgasming already. In your thoroughly intoxicated state, you could hardly tell whether or not your pussy was contracting all around him by then or not. Every sensation was fading into the next one, making you feel like cumming on his cock for as long as Øystein kept fucking into you.
"Oh, God, fuck….shit…" It spilled out of his mouth as he hammered himself into you one last time.
"Ma'am, fuck…." Euronymous groaned into your ear right before you recognised his cock twitching and pulsing inside of you, pumping his load deep into your pussy.
"You good?" It left your mouth in heavy breaths.
"Uh-huh…" He muttered before collapsing right onto you, his face hidden deep into your neck.
"Shit…that was something…", You tried to catch your breath while wrapping your arms around his sweat coated back, "You did so good for me, love."
"Really?" Øystein hummed into your skin.
"Of course you did. We gonna take good care of those cuts tomorrow, yeah?"
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babybluebex · 1 year
hear me out… childhood friends to lovers with joseph and it’s mixed with idiots in love
and that’s all i got because i’ve been CRAVING for this for WEEKS😆 — please and thank you <33
also love you and your work💖
your wish is my command... (and thank you!!! <3)
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You almost missed the whispered words that Joe said to you. You were asleep on his shoulder, or at least half-asleep— it wasn't exactly that the movie was boring you to sleep, but you were exhausted from work. Still, you agreed to come over to Joe's flat for movie night, because who were you to cancel your weekly movie night with your best friend just because you were tired? He would understand if you fell asleep; hell, he'd probably do the same.
You and Joe had been friends since you were children in nappies, in preschool together, toddling around and playing house and Legos together. That persisted through your childhood and into adolescence, even though he got teased for having a girl best friend— he never let anybody get to him, and you admired that about him. You shared clothes, shared beds, you did everything together, and even now, all these years later, Joe was still your Number One.
"I wish you loved me."
"Hmm?" you mumbled, blearily blinking yourself awake. "Wha's'that, Joey?"
"Oh, nothing," Joe said softly, rubbing your arm gently. "Don't worry about it."
"No, what did you say?" you asked, sitting up slowly. "'Cause it sounded like you said something about me loving you or something..."
"Well..." Joe started. "I mean..." He cringed, and he mumbled, "You know I love you, darling."
"I know," you said. "And I love you too, you know that. So why'd you wish that I did?"
"I meant more..." Joe started. "Darling, do we have to talk about this?"
You scoffed. "Well, now I especially wanna talk about it," you told him. "All because you're avoiding it now."
"Shit," Joe mumbled. "I just think that... Fuck, I don't know. I love you, and I wish that you loved me the way that I love you."
"What are you talking about?" you asked. "Love me, like... Love me? Like, dating and shit like that?"
"See, I knew you wouldn't feel the same way," Joe mumbled. "Fuck, just forget I said anything."
Before you could stop yourself or even really think about it, you turned fully to him and grasped his face, and you drew him to you, kissing him deeply. Joe went pale and froze for a second, but he collected himself, his hands cupping your cheeks as he kissed you back. His lips were soft and warm, moving against your beautifully, and you smiled before the kiss broke away. "I don't want to forget you said anything," you told him, touching your forehead to his. "Because I do love you like that. I just never thought you'd feel the same."
"I do," Joe said. "I've loved you for years."
"So have I," you said. "I've been jealous of every girlfriend you've ever had."
"Oh, my girl," Joe whispered, and his arm wound around you, tugging you fully against him. "Sorry I was so stupid for not seeing that."
"Well, I didn't see it either," you chuckled. "You're fine. Just as long as you never let me go now."
"Never," Joe said, and he pressed a kiss to your hair.
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fortisfilia · 7 months
Promised Part 2 - Tom Riddle x reader
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Info: This is a rewrite of a story I've posted on my old account years ago. If it sounds familiar, that might be why :)
Summary: In this story, Tom didn't grow up as an orphan, but with his grandfather and uncle. Reader's sister got very sick and the Gaunts offer their help. But not without asking for something in return.
Warnings: Arranged marriage, sickness, bullying
Word count: 1.7k
Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 3
Part 2 - Back in Hogwarts
Being back at Hogwarts felt strange. Usually, it was like coming home, where the old stone walls kept you warm even when they were so cold. But this time, having left your sick little sister behind and after practically selling your soul to the devil, you felt as if everyone already knew. Every time someone looked at you, underlying judgement was inherent in their gaze.
How could she do this? How could she agree to marry someone she didn’t love? She probably did it for the money. Or for his reputation. Both perhaps.
No one had said anything to your face yet, but the nasty expressions they wore gave them away. Girls from year five had always greeted you, had looked up to you, trying to impress older students and wanting to be noticed. Now they didn’t look you in the eyes, even though their stares bore holes into the back of your head and when they thought you were out of earshot, they would group up in the hallways and whisper to each other.
Camille Kegley was the only person you trusted enough to talk to. She was your best friend since your first year in Hogwarts and being with her had always been easy. She was a breath of fresh air - humble, fun and a loyal friend. A true Hufflepuff. So you had told her every little detail. How your sister got cursed, that the Gaunts visited, what they offered and what they asked for in return. Camille’s mouth hung open by the end, but she understood.
“I would have done the same thing for my brother,” she said. “I’m so sorry all of this happened though. If I can do anything to help you out, just let me know.”
“Thank you. Really. The only thing I want right now is for everyone to stop looking at me like I murdered someone.”
“You think they know already?”
“‘I’m not sure,” you sighed. “Seems like it.”
“Have you told anybody?”
“Just you. And please. Don’t tell anyone. I don’t want Elsie to be the girl who’s been cursed when she starts school next year and I won’t be here to help her.”
“I won’t. Don’t worry. But how would anyone know it then, by now?”
“I have a feeling the Gaunts want as many people to know as possible. To make it harder for me to back out.”
“You think Tom-”
“No,” you said and shook your head. “It seemed he was even more against it than I was. His grandfather, Marvolo. I think it’s him who’s eager for everyone to know.”
“Wanker,” Camille said.
“Tosser,” you added.
“Merlin’s saggy left bollock,” Camille went one better and you both laughed. “And what about Tom?”
“What about him?”
“Well, if they’re going through with the pact like you said, you’re going to marry him. Do you like him at least? In any way?”
“I… don’t know. I hardly know him. Though he seems to take after his grandfather, unfortunately.”
“Saggy bollock,” Camille whispered.
“I guess I’ll try to get to know him. We’ll have to get along someday after all.”
“Good idea,” Camille nodded. “You should do that.”
“He’s so distant. Cold. I don’t know how to approach him.”
“Oh, that shouldn’t be too hard. He’s just a man. They're all quite similar if we're honest.”
“I’m not sure he’s similar to most men we know, Camille,” you said and she laughed.
“You’ll have to find out, then. Maybe, deep down, he’s quite nice.”
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Maybe not. Tom acted like nothing had happened for the first week of school. Either Morfin had slipped some Forgetfulness Potion into Tom’s tea, or he actually detested you that much, because it felt as if he didn’t even know who you were. He didn’t greet you in the hallway, hell, he didn’t even glance at you in class. Nothing. How was this supposed to work if he didn’t try at all? It was unfathomable.
The only person who talked normally to you, besides Camille, was Benjamin Hilt, a Gryffindor boy from year six. He was annoying, to put it mildly. Perhaps he just tried to be nice, but it seemed he wanted to know a lot about Tom and you. And, to be fair, you didn’t even know much about Tom and you.
Ben acted like Hogwarts’ very own private investigator, trying to elicit as much information as possible from you. He had you wondering if he was working for the Daily Prophet. 
How did the engagement happen? Weren’t you still too young? Did your parents agree immediately? Was it possible that you didn’t do it willingly? Was it forced? 
“Merlin, Ben!” you shouted. “Stop asking all those questions. What are you trying to get out of this?”
“I don’t know,” he said and scratched the back of his neck. “It’s just so strange, you know. I’ve never seen you two together. Seems off.”
“Well, mind your own business then. Git,” you said and rushed out of the great hall. 
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Even though Tom avoided you magnificently, his friends, or rather his followers, seemed very much interested in you. And not in a positive way. They looked you up and down in class, followed you in the hallways and you could only guess what they were mumbling to each other. Certainly not compliments.
Emlyn Avery and Tiernan Lestrange were the worst of them. The two boys were on you all the time. You tried to act as if you didn’t notice, but it got more concerning each day. Every time you looked over your shoulder, those two were standing close. And they smiled so spitefully, it was clear how much they enjoyed freaking you out. Bastards.
It had become a habit not to walk the corridors alone. Camille was with you most of the time and if she couldn’t be there, you followed random groups of people until you found one of your friends. This technique, as humiliating as it was, worked well. Until that one day, when Professor Binns asked you to stay for a moment, after your History Of Magic lesson. Not only did he take ages to get his point across, but made you more nervous each second, when your classmates’ voices faded until you couldn’t hear a single sound from the hallway.
Your heart was beating in your throat when you left the classroom. Of course. Avery and Lestrange had waited for you. With their stupid grins on their faces. They didn’t even act as if they were there for something else.
You pondered where to go. The great hall was always busy and also quite near, so you turned right. They were following you. You heard their footsteps behind you and they were coming closer. 
Whenever you went a little faster, the two of them did too. You thought about running away but didn’t want to give them the satisfaction. 
Eventually, they caught up. Avery walked to your left, Lestrange to your right until they had you cornered.
“What do you want?” you asked and tried your best to control your voice. 
“Just wanted to say hello,” Avery said.
“Hello,” you said and tried to push through them, but they didn’t let you.
“No,” Lestrange smirked. “We’re not done yet.”
“Did Riddle send you?” you asked. “To scare me?”
“Why would he do that? To his future wife.”
“You tell me.”
“We’re here to clear some things up,” Avery said. “That you might not know.”
“And what’s that?” you asked.
“You see, we don’t know how you did it. How your family pulled that trick to make Tom agree to marry you. It can only mean that you’re plotting something. And -”
“Wait, he didn’t tell you?” you asked.
They didn’t answer right away but exchanged an involuntary glance with each other. A sore point. Interesting.
“We know enough, okay?” Avery hissed. “Tom has a great future ahead of him. And I swear, if you get in the way, you’re going to regret it.”
“I’m not -”
“Shut up,” Lestrange interrupted you with his wand close to your face. “I don’t know what you’re after. Money, fame, whatever it is. You might want to think about it again and I’ll have you know it’s not worth it.”
“I don’t care for any of that.”
“Come on, what other reason could you have to pull off something like that?”
There was no way you were telling them about Elsie. Every student would know by next year and she was far too sensitive to handle that. “None of your business.”
“That just proves you’re not trustworthy,” Avery said.
“Because I’m not telling you two my reasons?” you almost laughed. “Give me a break. Why didn’t you ask Tom? Your good friend who confides everything to you.”
Their faces turned red, their embarrassment obvious. Even if everyone knew how much power Riddle had over his friends, they didn’t like to be reminded of it.
“Listen here, you little -” Avery stopped talking when a hand touched his shoulder and pulled him and Lestrange away from you.
Tom stood there, looking at them rigidly. “What are you doing?”
“We’re… Just…”
“Talking to her. Trying to get to know her better,” Avery mumbled.
Tom looked at you for a second, then back at his friends. “Doesn’t seem like you were having a nice chat.”
“Oh it was very nice,” Avery said. “Making friends.”
“Was it a nice chat?” Tom asked you.
You were still so tense from them threatening you and hadn’t expected Tom to talk to you directly after days of silence, so you just stammered, “I… They -”
“Shut up you,” Lestrange took a step in your direction until Tom pressed his wand against Lestrange’s chest.
“Don’t,” Tom said through gritted teeth.
“I wasn’t -”
“I don’t care Tiernan. Let’s go.”
Without another word, the three boys walked away towards the Slytherin common room. You were still glued to the spot when Tom turned around and glanced at you.
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Masterpost | Masterlist | Part 3
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hi mousey!! been a while since I sent you an ask
I was putting on my make up earlier today and an idea came to mind, I need to know your opinion on this
how do you think the sdv + sve bachelors would react to a farmer who asks to do their make up? which ones do you think refuse? which ones ask before the farmer does, "can you do it?"? and which ones just accept?
hope you have a great day <3
Hope you have a good day too, dear anon, and thanks for the ask! ☺️❤️
SDV and SVE bachelors react to the Farmer who asks to do their makeup:
"Babe, I don't know anything about this."
Still, Shane tries to try to give them a makeup so they don't get upset.
Unfortunately, it didn't work very well.
But he does get a funny little face made of mascara on Farmer's cheek, heh.
Next time, however, he'll refuse, as he'll only make it worse.
Well, at least Shane and Farmer got a funny little memory.
Surprisingly, Elliott agrees right away.
And what's more surprising is that he manages to help Farmer with the make-up very well.
Everything is precise, neat and harmonious, like wow!
Surely our long-haired writer hasn't been a stylist before?
Elliott is happy to do Farmer's make up and tells them not to hesitate to ask him for help in the future.
"Oh, make-up? I'm sorry, my dear, but I don't think I can..."
Harvey does agree to help, though he doesn't count on success.
Totally calm when applying mascara to Farmer, but accidentally paints their cheek with mascara anyway.
On the third or fourth attempt, the doctor manages to give Farmer a simple and quite passable make-up.
Hey, a reason to be proud, he helped his loved one!
Hell yeah, Sammy can do quite good make-up! A little different, though.
The young musician has been thinking about make-up for his music band for a long time, so he's had time to practice.
Even though Farmer needs a light, simple ("and boring" as Sam described it) make-up, he can still help them.
And will do very well with mascara and foundation.
"You sure you don't want cool make-up like metal bands? Eh, okay..."
Sebastian definitely uses black eyeliner (my headcanon, you can't change my mind).
At times our dear emo was too lazy to do his own eyeliner, so will ask Farmer for help first. "Hon, can you help with the eyes please?"
Doesn't know much about the rest of make-up products, but if you need to emphasise your eyes, Sebby will never refuse a request.
And he'll ask for it himself if Farmer's okay with it as well.
What make-up? He's not a girl!
To be honest, Alex has only had a couple of make-ups, which are usually done by gridball fans, and, well, that's basically it.
So if Farmer's going to the stadium, then Alex can help with cool sport fan make-up.
If it's just some regular make-up, then no, sorry. He can't do it.
He could try, but he'd end up with paint all over their face. Oh well, at least he tried.
"Makeup? Oh, I've never done it, but my mom does her own makeup every day. Maybe she could help you?"
If Farmer insists on getting help from Victor specifically, he will politely decline.
He'd be interested in the idea, though, and a little later he'd watch tutorials on his laptop or ask Olivia.
The next time Victor offered to help Farmer with their makeup, wanting to practice.
"I thought it sounded interesting. Besides, we'll have one more common interest."
Magnus Rasmodius:
"Only with magic can I fulfil your request."
For Magnus, magic is almost the solution to all problems. He thinks magic will help here, too....
With his hands? Sorry, Farmer. A wizard certainly can't do your make up by hands. Only with a spell.
Well, he still has to remember the spell.....
Hold on, he should ask Camilla, she's definitely using that kind of spell.
Another clever mage from the magical society where agree to help Farmer with the help of his magic.
He also watches his appearance and sometimes uses spells, but he doesn't do his own makeup and tries to take care of himself without cosmetics.
How then he knows the spells of instant perfect makeup is a mystery.
A snap of his fingers and in a second, he has perfect makeup on Farmer's face.
Though in the future he may learn a couple of basics on how to do Farmer's makeup without magic. Just because the process itself is kinda interesting.
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voxofthevoid · 3 months
Commencing Mundane Unclekuna Wednesday #1—yes, these names get more ridiculous by the day. The actual fic title is bloodstains on the collar means just don't ask, which is significantly cooler on account of not being mine.
This is my first non-canon JJK AU—as opposed to the canon divergence, minor or major, that I favor—and despite the name, this isn't just sukuita; there's also goyuu. Quick, act shocked.
A lot of the AU development/exposition so far has focused on adapting canon details about the Itadori family for a no-powers, all-human context—like this post shows. On the character end, sorting out a version of Sukuna who's not a cannibalistic mass murderer but is sure as hell not nice, kind, or even sane has been a fun challenge, especially when depicting him from Yuuji's perspective. Gojou and the goyuu bits also needed some work, since taking them out of the canon context while keeping their age gap and teacher–student dynamic changes the flavor of fuckery. The most fun has been Yuuji though—you can see why here.
The fic is currently 3 chapters and 14k. I have a total of 7 chapters planned, though that may increase by one or two depending on how the sex scenes come along. For this week, instead of a single scene, I've picked a goyuu section from Chapter 2 and a sukuita one from Chapter 3.
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Satoru plucks the manga that’s been resting on the table, balancing it on a finger while watching Itadori struggle to watch Satoru’s hand, chest, and face all at the same time. “School’s a boring place to wait. You can meet up at some café, can’t you?”
“I…guess?” Itadori shrugs. “It’s fine. I mean, I don’t mind. It’s more fun to go with people.”
“Shy?” Satoru asks, setting the manga down. “Or are you afraid people will think you’re some delinquent?”
Itadori looks both bewildered and entrained. He has a very expressive face. The eyes, especially.
“Nothing like that, sensei,” he says, and Satoru leans in a little at his tone—the same amused patience Satoru’s heard in people who can tolerate him best, except they generally take months, if not years, to get to that level of resigned acceptance. Itadori leans in too, matching Satoru consciously or unconsciously. “You ask a lot of questions.”
“I’m a curious guy,” Satoru drawls. It’s not even a lie. “And you’re interesting.”
Itadori blushes again. “Oh. Um, thanks?”
Satoru smiles. This time, Itadori’s eyes drop to his mouth, and Satoru can’t help smiling a little wider.
Itadori swallows.
“Back to the question then.” Satoru links his hands and props his chin on it. Itadori’s gaze doesn’t leave his mouth. “Why’d your uncle come pick you up?”
Itadori’s well within his rights to tell Satoru to fuck off—diplomatically, maybe, since they’re teacher and student, but the sentiment would be the same. Even Satoru’s closest friends aren’t shy about firmly and often physically steering his nose out of their business.
But Itadori answers: “My parents left town pretty suddenly, and I’d forgotten my phone at home. They couldn’t tell me to go to Sukuna’s place instead. So he came here.”
Satoru hums. “I’d say you’re old enough to stay home alone. Don’t tell me you’re the sort to cause trouble with a bit of freedom.”
“No?” Itadori looks genuinely confused. “I mean, I don’t think so. I don’t mind staying alone either, but my dad worries, so…”
“So you’re being a considerate son,” Satoru finishes in his own words. “What a good boy.”
Itadori’s breath catches audibly. His eyes are darker now, giving an animal edge to his face. It’s an interesting expression, and it makes him look a bit more like his uncle.
Satoru gives him a moment.
Then— “He seems like an interesting man to live with, your uncle.”
Itadori blinks. A frown takes over his face, even though his eyes stay tellingly dark. “You could say that. Gojou-sensei, you aren’t…?”
Satoru waits, but Itadori doesn’t complete the question, just stares at Satoru like he’s trying to telepathically pour the rest of the words into his head. Unfortunately, Satoru isn’t fluent in awkward teenager.
“Go on,” Satoru prods.
Itadori grimaces, and it shows in his voice when he asks, “You’re not, like, into Sukuna, are you?”
Satoru’s dumbfounded for a moment. Then he’s stifling laughter, not all that successfully. Itadori’s expression shifts from disgusted discomfort to just plain embarrassment, but even through that, he stares at Satoru—his mouth and his eyes.
Brave boy.
“Sorry,” Satoru says, not meaning it one whit. He’s loving this. “Reasonable assumption on your part, really. But don’t worry, your uncle’s safe from me.”
Itadori seems to relax a little. “It’s more the other way around.”
“Oh?” Satoru asks, intrigued. “Is he trouble?”
Itadori squints at him. “Sensei, you sound way too excited about that.”
“I did say I’m curious! I can promise not to hit on him, if that’ll put you at ease.” Satoru holds out his hand invitingly. “Gentleman’s agreement.”
Itadori stares at the hand for a full second.
Then he slowly, warily takes it.
It’s not a small hand; Itadori’s not a small boy. Satoru is bigger though, and his hand envelops Itadori’s, the tips of his index and middle fingers coming to a gentle rest against Itadori’s pulse. His hand is shockingly rough, with hard calluses brushing Satoru’s skin.
He squeezes gently.
Itadori’s blush hasn’t faded fully since Satoru called him a good boy, but now, it flares, splattering gracelessly across his face. It goes shockingly well with his hair.
Lines are being crossed. Satoru feels it keenly, the change in the air.
He drags his hand out of Itadori’s, slower and more delicate than he needs to. His fingers trail from Itadori’s racing pulse to the trembling tips of his fingers, and even after Satoru’s leaned back again, folding his hands demurely in his lap, Itadori’s hand hovers in the air over the table for a good few seconds before dropping limply to the surface.
Satoru winks at him. “Now spill.”
Itadori blinks slowly. Satoru can practically see his brain rebooting.
“What was the question again?” Itadori asks.
Movement wakes him, eons before the touch.
A hand settles on his hip, searing even through the cloth. It’s limp, flopping there in a decent mimicry of a sleep-heavy limb. Sukuna knows better.
Wasn’t always like this. The kid was a kid once. More of a kid. Small, helpless, useless. A piece of shit from the start though. The first time Jin handed him to Sukuna, practically forcing his little bundle of snotty joy into his hands, the little fucker had thrown up on his face.
Jin laughed, the bastard. He didn’t mean to, that much was clear from the stifled snorts and painfully red face. Kenjaku had no such compunctions, chortling like the same brat hadn’t damn near killed them on his way out of their cunt.
Kaori had the sense to take the baby away before Sukuna could toss him out a window. The most sensible of the lot, and of course she’s the one who went and died. Sukuna’s been seeing a lot more of the kid since then. Even more since Wasuke followed suit.
Shit luck to be born into a family like this. He used to think the brat didn’t fit in, with his big baby eyes and bleeding heart. Worse than his father. Turns out he’s weirder too, but Sukuna blames Kenjaku for that.
Blood will always out.
That’s no excuse for this—the hand sliding down to his stomach, the body pressing against his back. The kid’s warm.
He’s not, usually. That body runs cold. Sukuna noticed it the first time when the kid was tiny, barely the length of his forearm. A frail mass of fabric and fluff nestled against his chest, leeching off his body heat. Not that it took much to warm that tiny thing.
’Course, then the kid woke up and promptly latched on to a nipple because he was even dumber then, and when Sukuna pried him off while yelling for Kenjaku, he’d been treated to a deranged shriek that damn near ruptured his ear drums.
Nothing much has changed over the years. The brat went from screaming at him to biting him to scowling at him to punching him to trying to fucking kill him. Wildcat, through and through. The only part of him Sukuna’s ever bothered to nurture.
It’s different when he’s asleep. The baby soaking in his warmth. The toddler sprawled on his chest. The boy curled up in his lap.
Small and weak and utterly unbothered about it.
How the fuck do you live like that, trust like that?
At least this is better. It’s not trust breathing into his nape and groping his stomach. It’s just human filth.
They’re testing touches, slow enough and idle enough that the brat probably thinks they’d pass as sleepy ministrations.
Nobody would miss the intent behind this. It’s scorching.
If someone held him at gunpoint and forced him to admit the one thing he has in common with his brother’s spawn, it wouldn’t be the hair or the blood or the killing rage—it’d be this, the hunger.
Sukuna can tell the exact moment the brat decides he’s actually asleep. His palm presses flat against Sukuna’s stomach, skin to skin. That’s on him for sleeping shirtless despite his impromptu bedmate, but like hell is he changing his habits just because this little creep wants to molest him in his sleep. Not like clothes would stop him anyway.
Sukuna continues to feign sleep, his breathing steady and just a little uneven—a rhythm he memorized and learned to mimic for situations a lot more dire than the badly planned porno playing out right now.
The kid’s patient. Or just a fucking virgin. Sukuna can’t imagine why else he’d spent minutes just touching his stomach, that warm palm rubbing lazy circles over his abs. Sometimes, it presses down, denting the soft layer of fat on his belly to dig into the muscle underneath. It’s a struggle not to flex then. A few muscles jump, entirely involuntary, but the brat just breathes heavier and wetter, squirming closer to Sukuna.
There’s another hand between their bodies—an entire arm, the line of it doing nothing to hide what it’s touching. It’s not moving, yet, and Sukuna still hasn’t figured out whether it’s there just for the pressure or if the stupid shit actually thinks that not digging his boner into Sukuna’s back means something.
Some line to not cross. Some precious moral to cling to.
Sukuna wouldn’t put it past him, but the brazen bullshit the other day told a different story. It sure wasn’t guilt or even shame that darkened the brat’s eyes when Sukuna tore him off his back and pinned him by the throat.
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random-insomnia15 · 1 year
Street Fighter 6 Scenario: Meeting you for the first time.
A/N: Hey guys, this is my first SF6 scenario, I'm sorry if there any orthographic mistakes, English is not my first language.
Luke Sullivan
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You're not a big fan of fighting, but your Best Friend Bosch use to train in a Gym at Metro City. But it's been days since Bosch didn't called you or showed any signal of life.
So you decided to go to the Gym and look for any information about where your best friend are. After asking some rookies about him, you frown after always receiving answers like: "I don't know where he is..." "Haven't heard about him in a while" or even the new ones who always replied with "I don't know him, sorry!".
One of them offered to bring you to their Coach so there could be more chances of gaining good informations about Bosch. When you entered the gym, you noticed a guy about 2 or 3 years older than you, with good muscles, blond hair, blue tank top and some scars on his arms and even his face, holding a little smile with him.
"Coach, this Miss came here looking for some informations about Bosch and I've brought her here so you two can talk better about it." the rookie called him, making the blond Coach stare at them.
"Welcome Miss, my name is Luke Sullivan, may I know your name?" Luke asked you with a simpatic smile.
"I'm (Y/N) (L/N), I'm Bosch's best friend since childhood" says while smiling back at him. "I've been looking for him the past two weeks and he's nowhere to be found... I've tried to call him, sending a lot of messages to him, but nothing." You said while holding a worried expression. "So I thought that asking some of his friends or even his couch was a good idea, since he always wanted to become a great fighter and look for strength."
Scratching his nape, Luke stares at her with a sad expression. "About Bosch... He got involved with trouble and some gangs while looking for strength, in the Suval'hal Tournament he died because of the Winners Belt that was hiding a bomb... I'm really sorry for your loss."
You have lost your words, didn't know what to say and didn't even expected something like this to happen. Noticing the tears threatening to fall I n your eyes, Luke Pulls you into a hug to comfort her as you hid your face on his breastplate because of the difference in height.
After calming down, Luke offered to bring you to eat somewhere to light up the mood and maybe a reason to spend more time with you.
Jamie Siu
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Another night patrolling the Chinese streets of Metro City, Jamie was making sure that the thugs didn't start a fight with any civilians. It was his responsibility to protect HIS streets after all.
While walking to an alley, he heard some noises and groans of pain mixed with a sadic laugh. Running to the end of the alley, Jamie took notice of a female figure beating a big group of thugs with sadic smile on her face.
"What the hell...??" He mumbles to himself while watching her beating the shit out of them.
"Tch, I thought those little shits could be stronger than that" She scoffs, while standing up, revealing her full figure thanks to the lights. Her appearance reminds of Juri, just like her clothes, but instead of the locks of her hair and some part of her clothes being pink, it was all in a color of blood red. Her top was a little more long and a little more closed, hiding her breastplate more than Juri. And instead being her hair tied like a Juri's style, her hair is loose, with the ends up to her hip. (I hope you guys can understand my explanation, sorry if there's some mistake, maybe I'll draw Y/N from each characters scenarios). After beating those thugs, the girl took her phone and take a picture of each one of them, while holding a laugh.
"Who are you!?" Jamie decided to ask the girl, making her stop laughing and look at him with a bored face, while she put away her cell phone and approached him with her hands on her hips.
"I heard you are a peacekeeper..." she says while staring at him up and down. "Jamie Siu, right?!" asks him while she stopped walking, staying a little away from him.
"You know me?" he asks, keeping his confident expression on his face, trying not to show his nervousness in front of this girl.
"Those little shits here was talking about you the whole time while I was having fun beating them here..." she smirks at him, while moving her face near to his. "they keep saying that you were going to come here and beat the shit out of me, but..." put her lips near his ear. "I don't think a handsome face like your would do that!~" smirks at him before chuckling a little, making the Chinese boy become a tomato.
"Stay away from me!" growls, walking some steps away from her, staying in fighting stance, making the girl laugh. "Just who are you!?"
"You can just call me Y/N, I was really hoping to fight you, but I have to go!" says, while approaching him one more time and leaving a peck on his cheek (Just like Android 18 with Kuririn) and then leaves. "See you again soon, Mr. Peacekeeper" says before getting on her motorcycle and getting out of there at high speed.
Jamie just thought about one thing: "This girl is going to be the end of me!"
A/N: This is it, comment some other character that I should put in the next scenario.
@gourdkeeper @anyarainefanfictionent @vampirarts
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thegamingcatmom · 28 days
Hello <3 Listen I've started playing re8 and i've had my first encounter with the Dimitrescu family and I am here wondering why the hell didn't I play this sooner so I could obsess over this even sooner, but oh well. So I know you're cooking up a story where they meet the Denalis and I was like walking through the castle and my mind started asking questions. So ofc I imagine you don't wanna give away details of your story because then you wouldn't be able to tease us with lil spoilers and where's the fun in that, right? ;P So instead lemme write down what came to my mind and ask your opinion on that, let's dive into my delulu-land vision XD Tbh is nothing like super elaborated bc you know just rnadom throughts that came to mind so bear with me bc it probably makes 0 sense ok? SO it made me think like in a more kind of "modern" set up, where the Denalis are already vegetarians, they've lived a veeery long life, yk kind of like things are in the Twilight movies/books. In my mind it was like for X reason they were moving from Denali to another place to live, be because the Volturi, bc they had been exposed and therefore they need to gtfo before shit hits the fan (I blame the drones if that's the reason tho) IDK it could be literally any reason, it is unimportant. They somehow end up finding the castle, they meet this vampires who are like super different from them (In my mind I think is cool they can eat human food and sleep and shit eve n though perhaps they don't need it so I'd probs keep that for all vamps in any possible story but that's out of the question XD) and they ofc live very differently from them, the castle ofc doesn't mantain itself, so they have ppl working there for them and they probs dispose of them as soon as they stop being useful, they drink human blood, they make a game out of their hunts and seem to enjoy the pain they inflict before actually drinking the blood. Meanwhile the Denalis started drinking animal blood to stop killing the humans they slept with (With other reasons in the mix too but in the end it was to rpeserve human life) and they've lived away from humans, living in secret and all that shit, like is two complete different worlds they live in. Now all that to make this questions: Say Lady D offered them a place to stay in the castle for reasons unknown bc I hadn't actually thought about it tbh, I don't think she'd mind if they kept their boring vegetarian lifestyle, but they have a choice now to keep it or instead go back to human blood, which honestly seems more tasty and the better option, do you think they'd take it? Would they agree and stay in the castle? Would they leave? Idk f there would be any consequences if they decide to leave though, and in case of staying what about the coven itself? I mean Tanya's the leader, but it matters little I think her title in the castle bc I am not sure if Lady D gives a duck about it honestly, it's her castle after all(?) And final question I promise: How do you think they would adapt to this "new life" in the case they accept Lady D's offer of staying? You think someone might have more of a hard time with it? Will they talk/argue about it among themselves? Consider their options? I have a feeling that Tanya would not take any offer without speaking first to her coven, they are family after all and whatever they do will affect all of them, so yeah. Also this probably makes no sense as I stated before, it was a bunch of random thoughts that I poorly put together so yk don't feel like you gotta answer to all that nonsense XD And I still have not finished the game, just barely started it so idk, perhaps I'm missing some important lore, or something is inadequate, anyway thanks for reading my delulu-bible and for recommending me to go play the game <3 <3 Have a nice day :D
We´re simping for both camps now?
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I love how, after having only just reached their section (apparently), this is the result. As in: The Dimis got their sickles hooked in you alright, LMAO.
Can´t say I´m surprised. *cough cough*
(Simping starts in 3...2...1...)
This was ALL of us when the game was only just coming out and Lady D was revealed in the Maiden Demo. It was madness, lemme tell you. The memes, the art, the fics my god-
The fics were smt else. And they just kept coming. They still do. Lady D destroyed the internet like no other video game character before. People kept dying in game just so they could stick around Castle Dimitrescu for a bit longer (preferably forever).
Like, this was the majority of ppl playing the game:
Lady D: *begins stalking you*
Ethan (you): *heart-eyes*
Lady D: *stalks closer*
Ethan (you): *heart-eyes*
Lady D: *unsheathes her claws*
Ethan (you): *dreamy smile*
Lady D: *takes one giant swipe at you that nearly beheads you*
Ethan (you), barely alive: "...F-Fancy stepping on me too?"
It was truly a time to be alive.
(You should check out some reactions to Lady D on Youtube, especially Markiplier. 💀)
I mean, LISTEN-
I dunno what Capcom was trying to accomplish with The Dimitrescus (they knew exactly what they were doing), but being stalked and hunted down by feral goth ladies and their equally as feral Momma because they thirst for your blood (and hopefully mayhaps other things) is pretty much a dream come true for most ppl. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Capcom, were you even trying? Honestly.
Okay anyhow-
I love your thoughts on this. Especially because it´s a lot more serious than what I originally came up with, lmao. Like, this thing I got cooking rn is pretty much a total crack fic (for now). Yknow, stuff like portals and time travel and whatnot seems entirely possible there, but I haven´t reached that part yet (the explaining part), so it´s still rather unclear how they got to the castle.
Like, it never occured to me that the Denalis might just find the "real" village in Romania (which is where the game is set). But now that I´m reading your thoughts on it, this seems pretty plausible to me. Defo something I can see happening. With that said:
Lemme start by giving some canon info (which hopefully won´t spoil anything for you):
the Dimis aren´t actual vampires
they are what they are because of a parasite aka The Cadou
they need to sustain themselves on human flesh and blood because of it (for survival & to maintain their powers)
Lady D will grow to the point she mutates out of control if she doesn´t (I´ve read that somewhere)
the Daughters are made entirely of flies
those flies will die if exposed to the cold (yet another thing that´s entirely different from Twilight vampires, who can only be fully destroyed through fire)
Lady D has no such "weakness"
the pain they inflict upon their victims is not necessary for feeding
they just enjoy being cruel
they turn their staff into wine at some point
or use them for experiments ("Moroaicǎ")
With all of that said: I totally agree that it´s a clash of two entirely different worlds. But that´s what makes it so interesting.
I also kinda HC that The Dimis see vampires as some kind of role models? In a way? Like, they clearly enjoy this lifestyle (a bit too much), so I feel like meeting some actual vampires - the real deal - would be like meeting a popstar or smt. At least to the daughters. (Dani would swoon.)
Lady D would be a lot more skeptical about it ofc, but there´s no way she would be able to hide her curiosity. I mean, how many beings pose an actual threat to them? Not that many. Which means Lady D would be quite hostile at first. She got her daughters to think of as well, after all. There would be the usual threats of "slice you to ribbons" and such, until she realizes-
There are no ribbons. And there won´t be. Because her claws are actually kinda useless against them.
As are the flies the daughters are made of. There´s no piercing that skin.
That´s never happened before.
That´s when it dawns on them that whatever they´re up against isn´t entirely human. The fact they (the Denalis) lack a heartbeat or the usual warmth is kinda telling as well.
In fact, the Daughters don´t enjoy being near them at all. They´re so cold!
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But, you see-
The Daughters might keep their distance (for now).
But Lady D is more than intrigued at this point.
Listen, that woman is a sucker for power. That´s why she´s got the hots for Mother Miranda (MM), after all.
Well that, and because MM is fine af, obv.
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(I don´t blame you, Alci.)
If she saw the Denalis wielding their vampiric powers and, yknow, posing an actual challenge for her in terms of brute strength because it´s not every day she meets someone who´s actually able to lift her- (can you imagine?)
Ofc she´s gonna want to get to the bottom of it all. Because she´s also a bit of a nerd, you see. Just like Momma. (They both fine af.) She´s gonna want to study them, write down every little detail in that notebook of hers.
Kate´s power is gonna fill page upon page as Lady D goes completely mad scribbling it all down like-
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With that said:
Yes, I defo think Lady D would demand invite them to stay. She´s nothing if not a gracious hostess to those she deems worthy.
As for the Denalis-
Tanya would never make decisions without discussing it with her coven first. Not those that could be life-altering, at least. They'd only stay if everyone agreed to it. And, even then, I'm not sure it would be a permanent stay. I mean-
It's difficult.
I'd say it depends "which" Denalis we're talking. If we take the more deranged ones from my story (The Sisters) then I can defo see them agreeing to a permanent stay in the castle. Human life means next to nothing to them, aside from being their food source ofc. And while they might not agree with everything that's happening in the castle (some of the things going down in the cellar are...tough, even for them), they'd never judge the Dimis for their lifestyle, seeing how they're far from being saints themselves. One as corrupted as the other, I´d say.
If we take the veggie/modern Denalis, on the other hand-
I mean, the sisters killed ppl before. Loads of them probs. Therefore, the Dimis sustaining themselves on human blood and flesh isn't as appalling to them as it would be to your usual human. But it's how they do it (torturing their victims and basically getting the most out of it before they deliver the final blow) that makes them feel...conflicted. Most of their kind (as in: actual vampires) usually don´t draw it out longer than necessary. Mainly because they´ll succumb to their bloodlust almost immediately, sucking their victim dry in a matter of seconds. That (thankfully) doesn´t leave much room for any kind of torture.
With that said-
It´s still difficult, lmao.
I feel like our modern Denalis would defo be intrigued by the Dimitrescus. Then they´d be appalled. Then Lady D comes in with all that charm of hers, laying it on real thick yknow, basically downplaying the things that are happening in that castle full of blood and death. Then the daughters come in with their buzzing personalities. Then the Denalis would be intrigued again. And so on-
And before you know it, years have passed.
That´s the only way I can see our modern Denalis stay in that castle over an extended time period. Cause time works just differently for vampires, yknow. Years are like seconds to them. All one and the same. Doesn´t really matter. Not when you got eternity anyway.
Now, that was pretty much me rambling and fangirling without any kind of order, lol. So lemme try and give some more direct answers:
Would the Denalis switch to human blood during that time?
I think that´s entirely possible. That castle is pretty much filled with human blood - it´s everywhere: In the cellar, in the kitchen, in the storage rooms, in the wine glasses, etc. It lurks around every corner, constantly putting our sisters to the test. It´s like waving a piece (more like a bar) of chocolate in front of someone who´s been living on dry toast. Resisting becomes almost impossible under such conditions.
And the Dimis know that.
Am I suggesting that Lady D and her unruly daughters might try and seduce the Denalis back to human blood by deliberately leaving it out in the open, ripe for the taking?
Why yes, yes I am. That´s totally something the Dimis would do in order to gain numbers (and other things).
Would there be any consequences if the Denalis decided to leave?
As I said before, the Denalis pose an actual threat/challenge to Lady D. Neither her nor her daughters could do much to stop them from leaving, if they decided to do so. Doesn´t mean they wouldn´t try though. Lady D is a narcissist and rejection isn´t something she handles well. Her daughters share that sentiment.
"So you don´t love me?!"
Yup. That´s totally smt Dani would say in that situation. The poor baby.
The Dimis would probs try to stop them because rolling over just isn´t in their nature. But I´d like to think one of the following things would happen then:
A) The Denalis use their vampiric charm to convince the Dimis to let them go without a fight.
B) Lady D puts a stop to things herself once she realizes the only ones to get hurt during this would be her daughters and herself. (She´d never admit that openly ofc.)
To sum it up:
Even if there were consequences, it´s highly unlikely the Denalis would be affected by them.
Would the Denalis adapt well to their new life? Would they struggle at all?
I think my fangirling pretty much answered that, lmao.
Unhinged Denalis: No problem with adapting. (More like they cba as long as they get their fill.)
Normal (modern) Denalis: Depends on the Dimis´ efforts I´d say. There´d defo be times of struggle and self-doubt. But then there´d also be times of "yknow what, why tf not". It´s a constant back and forth and it really depends on how well the Dimitrescus play their cards.
As for who might struggle the most:
Lemme start by saying Kate would struggle the least. I mean, the struggle would still be there, but she´s never been one to back down from a challenge. She´s also not one to shy away from the unknown - on the contrary: Out of the three of them, Kate is probs the one most likely to go "only one way to find out", YKNOW?? No risk, no fun, and all that. That´s why Cass and her get along so well. Whenever the two of them are together, the whole castle holds its breath.
Tanya would probs feel quite torn because, above all else, she has a duty to fulfill: ensuring the best possible outcome for her coven. So there´d be this constant nagging, telling her that all of this is kinda wrong and that, just mayhaps, it´d be better to haul ass. But then there´s time where she´s actually enjoying herself when she´s having "wine" with Bela, giving each other some advice on how to best handle their younger sibllings and such. That nagging fades for a while then. Until it´s back. But so is Bela. And that nagging fades again. And so on.
Irina would spend most of her time with Dani probs, gushing about finding true love and such. She sees a lot of herself in the youngest Dimitrescu daughter, albeit a lot more...unhinged, lol. They get each other, as crazy as it sounds. It also really helps taking her mind off things, makes her forget what´s going on in that castle. For a while, at least. Until the doubts start creeping back in. Dani notices though, she always does. And she´s always there to manipulate cheer her bestest friend up.
I hope I´ve managed to cover everything. Tbh, that was just me rambling most of the time, hoping it all would make sense along the way, lmao.
...Come to think of it, that´s pretty much my writing style. 💀
Thanks a lot for your ask! I really, really enjoyed that mashup. 🥰💋
Have a great day as well! ❤️
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smutinlove · 1 year
You were my light (Part 4)
Carl Grimes x Reader
Warnings: Tiny angst, suggestive, nothing bad really.
☽ Author's note☾ That fun turned into me writing part 4 cause it's fun. anyway it IS VERY rushed. I'M SORRY. I was gonna make this like 20 parts long but school is starting soon. EEE gritting my teeth rn. wtf. show some love by liking. DO NOT STEAL, COPY, OR TRANSLATE MY WORK IN ANOTHER LANGUAGE.
Thank you to everyone who reads this!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Summary - The daughter of the now dead Negan Smith is walking in the woods. She thought she was alone. But she wasn't.
❝ Ocean blue eyes looking in mine I feel like I might sink and drown and die ❞
Two weeks. You have been staying in Alexandria for the past two weeks. Carol, the sweetest person you had ever met, got you an apartment in Alexandria. But there was still some part of you that wanted to leave. Go back to the woods. The woods were a bit like home to you.
But now Alexandria is your home. For now, at least. You would stay here, despite the dirty and angry looks the Alexandrians gave you. Even if Carl ignored you, you would stay here. For Carol.
Carl Grimes was a confusing fellow, wasn't he? Yep. That motherless man was strange and did not trust people easily.
Rick had been pushing Carl to talk to you. And Carol had been pushing you to go up to Carl and kiss his pretty little face. And maybe have sex with him. Maybe.
"Carol, what the hell?! I will not be doing that. Never!" You promised the gray-haired woman. "Please, I've seen it. You two have been staring at each other like it's the first time you've seen the opposite sex."
Carol laughed. She placed a plate of food in front of you. Carol, I just ate—"
"—Yeah, three hours ago. Eat," she ordered. "But—"
"No. Now, eat, Y/N." Carol was sweet like that. She cared about you. Carol reminded you of your mother, Lucille. She was caring, brave, smart, and could be strict, but you were always happy with your mom. And now she was dead. Gone. Erased from the world.
Y/N Smith, girlfriend of Carl Grimes—it does have a nice ring to it, doesn't it?
You saw Carl with Judith, his younger sister. She was a cute kid. "Carl!" You called out.
"Judy, go back inside," he whispered to his younger sister, and she reluctantly obeyed.
After Judith left, he walked up to you. "What is it, Y/N?" He asked. Carl sounded bored. Were you really that horrible to him?
"You've been avoiding me. Why?" You asked.
Well, so much for not asking him that.
He scoffed and looked at you in disbelief. "You—" He laughed. Why was he laughing? Maybe YOU shouldn't have asked that. It was a bad idea. A really bad one. You muttered an apology before quickly walking away from him.
But to your surprise, you felt him grab your wrist. "Leaving so soon, doll?"
There he was, back to calling you "doll" and sweetheart.
"I thought you didn't want to talk to me," you said.
"Well, you thought wrong, sweetheart. You were so wrong."
Lips touching lips.
You could feel, those warm, soft lips. Carl's lips. Your lips. Lips moving against lips. Carl's hands were on your hips. Your hands are on his shoulders. Both of you were sitting on his bed. "Doll." Carl's voice was rough and breathy. "Hmm." You hummed.
He kissed you again. But then he abruptly pulled back: "You sure you wanna do this, Y/N?"
You nodded. He started to unbutton your shirt.
Your shirt came off. Then Carl's. "God, you're perfect, doll."
You were lying next to Carl. Completely forgetting how he knocked you out, slapped you, and fed you dog food.
And then you remembered what you said.
"Carl, about what I said—" But he swiftly cut you off with a "Sweetheart, I just had my dick inside you. And you're still thinking about what you said?" He chuckled. "Doll, you don't need to apologize. I swear. It's fine. I was a jackass to you. And hey, I deserved that hit. I got a pretty cool scar out of it." He laughed.
You remembered when you hit him with a glass vase. It was a bad idea. But he said it himself; he got a cool scar out of it.
He was gorgeous.
Part 5?
☽ Another author's note☾ so what do we think guys?? Part 5 will come out tomorrow. I SWEAR WITH MY LEFT TOE AND PINKY THAT I REALLY WANTED TO MAKE THIS SLOW BURN. BUT SCHOOL GUYS. I GOTTA FOCUS ON BEING FAMOUS FOR BEING SMART. 🙄ANYWAY i love you all so much ❤️y/n, why do you have to lie so much? you promised my girly carol that YOU WOULD NOT FUCK CARL. dumb bitch. anyway carl is totally into us like
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hello!! can i request a valentines day one shot with minji hehe also please don’t rush if you’re busy or anything <3 thank you
one hell of an admirer, kim minji
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you weren't exactly the looker, or so you thought when you were met with letter and a rose inside your locker.
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"hey, any plans for valentine's?" your friend asked, leaning over her chair and peering behind your back, eyes trailing on your page before going back to her seat and scribbling the answer. "no. you already know that."
the sound of her scribbling stopped, feeling her annoyed eyes on you before continuing to write. "that's so boring though, spending your time in the library then at a coffee shop. you want me to set you up with someone?"
you sighed, "no thank you. your picks are terrible. i'm still traumatised from that blind date. besides, valentine's isn't until next week." she chuckled, throwing her crumpled paper on your back and landing on the ground with a soft thud. "who cares! it's not that terrible! you still enjoyed it!"
"that was a lie."
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"what the fuck?"
your fourth period has just ended, and as usual you walked to your locker to place your unnecessary books back when a letter and a rose had laid neatly on top of your books.
the person next to your locker sneaked a glance inside, a smile creeped up on her face. "oh my. wonder who put that there." you shook your head, grabbing the letter and the rose and handing it to her.
"take it back." she looked at you with amused eyes, "it's not mine." you hummed, "your tone intended it." she placed her hands up in defence. "it really isn't! you're free to take money from me when you 'prove' me wrong."
"i'll take you up on that." you replied, walking past her with the letter and rose in your hand as your admirer watched from afar.
well... holy fuck.
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"how many letters have they sent you now?"
"ten. it increased in amount yesterday."
your friend laughs, almost falling off her seat as you slammed the envelopes on the table with a slam. "you read them yet?" you shook your head, placing your elbow on the table and head on your fist for support.
"well that's dumb. maybe there'll be a hint for who it is and you'll never know because you never read it." a sigh escaped your lips, tired eyes locking onto a letter and grabbing it before tearing it open gently.
well... holy fuck.
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"kim minji?"
"yeah, kim minji."
arms and legs crossed, her eyes narrowed onto you as you looked at her with fire lit in your eyes. "all right, let's hear it." you smiled and pulled all of the letters you've received out of your bag and placed it on the table neatly, straigtening a folded corner of one letter before parting your lips.
"here, all of the letters she's sent started with each letters of her name." you lined the papers up with each other, and your friend's mouth came ajar. "holy fuck. she's like the talk of the school and if that letter's for real and it's not someone messing with you, you've got yourself a valentine!"
you sighed, "what if someone's messing with me though and i've been played the whole time?" you grazed your fingertips over the written paper that told you to meet her at the cafe 5 minutes away from the school, lips pressed in a thin line. "then that's that. but you have to at least see for yourself."
"see for myself?" she pointed a finger at your chest and lightly pushed you, "that someone's capable of liking you. that you're not as bad as you think you are."
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you impatiently tapped your fingers on the wooden table, accidentally nudging the corner when you reached for your bag that sat on the side of your chair in hopes of at least doing your work while waiting for whoever it is that may pop out.
"here's your order." the boy had said, placing your choice of drink on the table before turning on his heel. he looked tired, based on the way his shoulders slumped when he walked away.
you started to work on your homework, and when you were close to finishing it, a shadow casted itself on you and a voice startled you out of your thoughts. "i'm hoping the chair in front of you is for me?"
there in all her grace stood kim minji, hopeful eyes and a smile on her lips enough to make your tongue stumble out words. "uh, yeah." you gestured at the seat, packing your things away. "please."
the same boy came back to the table, but this time, he seemed lively, a big smile plastered on his face as he looked at minji. "happy valentines day, anything you would like to order?"
as soon as minji opened her mouth, everything around you was drowned out and it seemed like time played in slow motion. you caught the way the boy's smile started to get bigger (if that was possible) the moment minji's voice reached his ear, how she tried to pull out her card to pay but the boy had beat her to it saying it's on the house and especially how, you knew she was way too good for you.
"are you alright there, y/n-ssi?" voice like honey brought you back to reality for the second time, eyelashes fluttering as you tried to gather your thoughts. "yes, uhm, i'm quite alright." you ran your tongue on your bottom lip, not missing the way her eyes flicked at it.
"anything you would like?" she asked, ready to call for the same boy the moment you reply yes. you shook your head, a small smile gracing your lips and minji was certain her heart stopped pumping blood. you gestured at your drink, "i still have this to finish."
she nodded in response, feeling her mouth dry up witnessing your smile and how you almost stammered talking to her. she couldn't help but think that she was the reason of that, that maybe she had made you uncomfortable or, just maybe, you were feeling the same feelings she does for you.
you acknowledged her lingering sight on your drink, pushing it to her with a larger smile. "you'd like some?" she nodded, her confidence slowly dissipating the more your velvety voice tickled her ear.
as you watched her place the cup to her lips, you couldn't help but flush when you noticed that she had placed her lips on the same spot you did, fingers scattered and head turned to the side in order to hide your reddened face.
"here's your order." the boy smiled, placing her drink on the table at the same time she placed yours back on the saucer with a clink. she flashed him a smile and he did the same. "enjoy."
as she took a sip of her drink, she placed it back down with a slight crease on her eyebrows, and you chuckled, minji almost choking when her brain registers what she has just heard. "i-is everything alright?"
"did he overdo the bitterness?" you queried and she nodded, and you pushed your drink back to her once again. "take mine. i'll drink yours so it doesn't go to waste."
she almost combusted there and then when your lips touched the same place as hers did like what she did earlier to your cup, swearing she fell again for you when she noticed you scrunch your nose in full revulsion before placing the cup down. "he really did overdo it." you chuckled.
minji knew that she has to talk about it sooner or later, and braced herself the moment she parted her lips. "the letters, did you mean it?" she closed her lips when she heard your voice, catching your eyes with a smile.
"yes." she replied, but it was almost hushed and gentle, just like then wind that kissed your skin elegantly that day which caused all of these feelings to surface. "but you're way too good for me. are you alright with settling for someone like me?"
minji felt her muscles tighten, why couldn't you see yourself the way she saw you? you were enough. hell, you're more than enough. "if i'm being honest, you're the one that's way out of my league. i saw those things you did for people, and don't you dare tell me that you're not enough. because you are. you really are. trust me."
you reached for her hand that held the cup's handle, tangling it with yours and smiling larger than you've ever had before. you gave it a light squeeze, bringing it up to your lips and giving it a kiss. "i'll make sure that you'll never be hurt in this relationship. because you had just made me see myself in a different light forever. be my valentines?"
she nodded, chuckling when she did. "i was supposed to be the one asking you that." you playfully stuck your tongue out on her, feeling your heart work faster than before seeing her smile whose brightness rivalled the sun's. "my bad."
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broken records i'm so sorry anon this was supposed to be finished and posted at the 14th but i was srsly stumped on how to end this😭 IM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME DKAJKAKZKKAQK
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