bisexuallsokka · 11 months
Ok not necessarily zukka but my fave divorce song: Changer by Anaïs Mitchell!
“Morning has stolen your shadow from me/but I hold its shape in my mind/the shape of your back as you turned it on me/one last time”
“I’m gonna go quietly/you don’t have to tell me to/just let me lie a little longer next to you/I’m not trying to bother you/I’m just trying to breathe you in”
“speaking of loving you, I do/I’m telling you stranger to stranger”
oh cool an anaïs mitchell divorce song nice *explodes*
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liviavanrouge · 5 months
New Style
"Oh my me, oh my God"
Epel: Livia! Come ooooon!
Livia: Coming!
Lilia: *Chuckles*
Livia: *walks down the stairs, wearing ripped light blue jeans along with a plain white shirt and a yellow checkered jacket, a cap on her head with yellow and black sneakers on her feet*
Epel: Wow! Nice outfit!
Livia: *Walks away beside Epel, grabbing her skateboard on the way out*
Lilia: Hah..finally she's letting loose
"How'd this girl get so fly?"
Livia: *Rides her skateboard around the courtyard*
Deuce: *Gasps when she stopped in front of him* Huh, who're you?!
Livia: Hey Deuce!
Deuce: Liv! Wow, you look great!!
Epel: She's a tomboy now!
Livia: I still wear my dresses but I like this style
Deuce: Awesome...
"I do what you doin', boy"
Livia: *Carries her skateboard, chatting with Deuce*
Kalim: Hey guys! You made a new friend!?
Livia: *Looks over*
Kalim: LIVIA!!?
Livia: *Laughs, waving to him* Hey Kalim!
Kalim: You look so different!
Livia: New attitude, new outfits, new me!
Kalim: Awesome!
"Doin' it like a tomboy"
Azul: *Looks up* Kalim, who's your friend
Livia: That hurts, Zuzu~
Azul: *Stares in shock* LIVIA!!!!?
Livia: *Cackles, shaking her head* Yo~
Azul: What happened!? Where's your dress!??
Floyd: Catfish is a tomboy!
Jade: The style suits her
Livia: I'm not fully a tomboy, this is just a freedom style I'm trying out, when I'm not being a lady or anything else!
Azul: Well...I think this style suits you well
Livia: Thanks~
"Oh my me, oh my God"
Livia: *Runs to the schools gates, wearing black baggy pants with multiple pockets along with a baggy yellow shirt, a black and brown baggy varsity jacket, black and white sneakers on her feet with a bit of yellow. A black and brown beanie on her head*
Livia: *Sets down her skateboard, riding the rest of the way*
Jamil: *Stares in shock* THAT'S Livia!?
Vil: ....Hm...
Livia: *Steps off her skateboard, grabbing it* Vil?
Vil: *Smiles* This style really suits you
Livia: *Laughs* Means a lot coming from you! Thanks!
"How'd this girl get so fly?"
Livia: *Sits on her phone her legs crossed, wearing black pants and a white shirt, her checkered black and white jacket beside her, a cap on her head*
Lilia: Livy! Ready to go?
Silver: Clothes shopping.
Livia: *Grabs her jacket* Yep! Let's go!
Lilia: Look at you, such a pretty young girl!
Livia: *Rolls her eyes giggling* Whatever Papa~
Lilia: *Chuckles*
"I do what you doin', boy"
Livia: *Fixes her sneakers, watching Silver try on clothes*
Boy A: Hey nice outfit man!
Boy B: Yeah!
Livia: *Waves to them in thanks, smiling*
Lilia: *Chuckles in amusement*
Livia: *Walks over to Silver, looking at some baggy outfits*
"Doin' it like a tomboy"
Livia: *Sits on a wall, one leg hanging off*
Silver: *Reaches up, handing her mint ice cream*
Livia: *Grabs the ice cream cone* Thannks
Lilia: Ready to head back?
Livia: *Leaps down and nods, grabbing her skateboard* Yep!
Livia: *Runs forward and sets her skateboard down, hopping onto it and riding ahead of them*
Lilia: *Chuckles, watching her* Glad she feels more free...
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress
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papirouge · 1 year
Hi!! sorry for the late response, you answered my ask about jpop idols, thannk you so much for such a thoughtful answer!!!
Honestly when i was younger i was really into mostly hello!proyect, so i know that they had literally child groups with berryz and cute, whose younger member was 8 years old! It was pretty creepy how they would make those photobooks with them posing on bikinis as soon as they turned 13 or 14.
I also really loved perfume, it used to be my favorite group, but like you said nakata got lazy and started prioritizing other acts around the level 3 era, and it really got cemented with cosmic explorer, which is when i started to lose interest in them. Their costumes also used to be so good, creative, and designed thoughtfully for each girl, but now its always the same costume except achan gets the longer skirt, kashiyuka the shorter skirt, and nocchi gets the shorts. Even the fabric is visibly cheaper. I feel like the only one who still cares is mikiko as her choreographies are still good.
But i dont know who that artist you mentioned is, but i'm interested in hearing the story 🍵
Japan is EXTREMELY problematic when it comes to child sexualization and the fact that rightoids who are constantly blaming the left for entertaining sexuality degeneracy....have no problem sporting anime pfp/watch anime is everything you need to know about how much of clowns those people are 🥴 They don't care about child abuse, they just pretend they do to dunk of their political opponents.
They try to cope saying it's "cultural" but Japan is currently recording an increase of sexual crimes, so...why would they defend a culture suspected of increasing sexual assault coming from a country struggling to contain their own sexual predator? 🤔 Also why the "it's cultural" argument shouldn't be used for honor killing and child marriage then ? Oh my bad, it's Muslims so this time we can finally admit it's a problem 🤡
To be fair with Perfume, they've been around since ~20 years now, so it makes sense their concepts are starting to become more rehashed. Nakata is a VERY derivative artist (even when he tried something new after he discovered future bass, he shoved this sound in everything he made around that time, whether it was on his own album 'Digital Native' or Perfume song "If you Wanna" lol.
The concept of them having distinctive outfits (as you said, longer dress/skirt for A-chan it's said that's bc she has wider hips which aren't considering a good feature in Japan, shorter dress/skirt for Kashiyuka, and shorts for Nocchi) goes back to their debut, and I think it's incredible they sticked to it for so long (especially since they also have respective hairstyle code - Nocchi has never been able to have hair longer than her chin for most of her life.... 🥲), but yeah, after so many years.... it's starting to get old. But they're basically idols I don't think doing an イメチェン (= drastic change of style) would be well received...
In the era of streaming, the lowering of budget for music videos is global. Perfume last outstanding MV (great costume + set design + extras on set) was "Cling Cling"... which was released almost 10 years ago🥴 but other Japanese artists had a drastic drop in MV quality, included Ayu Hamasaki (the artist I talked about in my first reply).
She is Japan best selling artist of all times and her "Jewel" MV has been for a while listed in the most expensive music video of all times🥶💎
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Ayu story is quite endearing because her dad abandoned her when she was a child and was edging on delinquency. She's from an era when random girls were being scouted in karaoke and producers propelled them into stardom, tho very few of them made it beyond one single (which was the case of Ayu who started... making rap LOL) but by an odd turn of events, she got another chance where this time she did pop and things eventually took off. What's interesting with Ayu is that despite being marketed as an idol at first, she from the start had control over her music/image: she wrote all her lyrics, choose to display her own (very distinctive) personal style, etc. By her sophomore album, LOVEppears, she endorsed a more daring image and in the following one, Duty, she dropped the cutesy idol thing to become more diva like and confident ...
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That's also the time she started pulling out very disturbing music videos. There are A LOT of them, but I'd say "Ladies Night" is the one who stuck the most with me (which is weird bc the song is pretty positive : celebrating girlhood support)...but the MV is just unecessary creepy and dark. It starts off cute & goofy...only to become more and more scary & nightmarish 😰 WHY?
Her '(miss) understood' album era is pretty dark tbh ALL the MV of this album have this sad, dull, gloomy energy... Excellent album, but very dark energy
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Thankfully there is "Fairyland" (which was also one of the most expensive MV of that time) to brighten up that energy
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- Her 'Duty' and 'Party Queen' album booklet + SURREAL MV features full on sex kitten programming (it's interesting that "SURREAL" has subliminals about her -then- hidden relationship with Tomoya Nagase (another popular male entertainer of that time) and has a frenetic vibe which is very reminiscent of hypnosis/trance. I hate that it's one of my favorite MV of her 😓(the scenery is just soooo pretty).
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- dissociation in "RAINBOW" and "Don't look back" MV
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- mind control in "Alterna" and "Marionette"
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- "Free & Easy" MV is a gigantic nod to Joan of Arc and apostolic martydom
- transhumanism in "Real Me" MV
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Now that music videos don't have the same budget as they did 15-20 years ago, Ayu's MV aren't nowhere as elaborated as they were before (also her music has gone down to the toilets - she should've retire after her 10 years best of). But it's obvious she sold out to achieve this level of fame and success, therefore she had to shove all these twisted messages in her MV.
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we haven't written yet but we've got the "-even" solidarity so--
okay no but seriously, you seem really sweet! i'm super duper excited to write with you because i can see how much love and care goes into every one of your muses. i think you do such a great job with your characterization and just generally the way you write!
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what's my rep? ( from last week i suck. ) / EVEN SOLIDARITYYYYYYYYY. we do, and i appreciate this very much!!! szdkzfjhb. thannk you so very much! i apologize for being as slow as molasses!! sometimes life can really get away from me. D; i tend to get pretty busy on the weekends since it's the only time hubby and i really get to see one another and then during the week, work occasionally drains me! BUT! i will always try and get to things when i can!!! i am so excited to write with you! i love seeing bela's things on the dash and!! soon :tm:!! thank you for being so sweet & kind, this made my night, even twin! :D
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Hi! Your art is amazing!🥰 Would you mind share with us a random trait that your OC have? He is so elegant!
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And I'm assuming you meant Fein? If then, sure!! Ofc I don't mind Ueue ✨
I don't think this is random anymore but one of Fein's (not so noticable) trait is his nosiness but he is great at hiding it. Fein is usually a bit silent - unless he holds grudge towards you, his mouth wont stop - but his ears aren't always closed. When he hears a rumor or any gossip, he'll find lots of way to dig more into it. With that being said, Vil's poor ears are bombarded with gossips and rumors that Fein collected. He usually flicks his fingers on Fein's head if he wont stop but when he really wont stop, he's not against shutting him up with magic 💀
Another trait of Fein is he is also caring despite how he intimidates some people with his look alone. But deep inside, Fein is very caring towards people he loves. You can basically see his affectionate side towards Vil the most but aside from his brother, Epel too. He usually lets Epel roam around or eat whatever he wants which sparks an argument between him and Vil. And Rook but he's in denial about caring about him
Oh and he is also a big cry baby. He cries easily whether about a movie, someone teased him, or even when Vil teases him. He's very open about his emotion to the people he trusts (Vil, Epel and Rook). When he was younger, he was teased for being a cry baby which is why it became hard for him to open up but Vil talked to him about it and thankfully, he became open to his emotion again to his family
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peterpparkrr · 6 years
(Chris Schistad x Reader): You Can’t Like Him
Request: the reader is new in school and everyone tells her to be careful with Chris, because he could be using her, and he is super sweet with her and asks her to be his girlfriend... something like that, super adorable imagine please and thannk you!! Summary: The girl gang take the reader under their wings and are very determined to warn her about Chris Schistad, but will she take their advice? A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this request, I’ve been bad at keeping up with them this semester but I promise I’m going to get through them before the new year!
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Being the new girl was always nerve-wracking. It was cliche, but it was also true. You did your best to keep your cool and present the facade that you were cool, friendly, and not the nervous mess you felt like on the inside.
And it sort of worked. You quickly befriended they girls who sat next to you in your Spanish class. It turns out one of them, Noora, was also new, she’d started at Nissen at the beginning of the school year, a few months ago, and Eva, the other girl had moved to Oslo in middle school and was sympathetic to your situation.
Eventually, they invited you to join them and their friends at lunch, and the group of you all bonded rather quickly. Sana was sarcastic and incredibly quick-witted, Vilde was incredibly sweet and welcoming, and Chris was hilarious and easy to talk to.
“You should totally come party with us this weekend, we’re going to pregame at Eva’s and then go to the Penetrator's party at Chris’s house,” Vilde tells you one day while you’re all chilling outside before class.
“The Penetrator's?” You ask, confused, “What are the penetrator’s and why are they having a party at your house, Chris?”
“Not this Chris,” Vilde says, giggling, “Chris Schistad, we call him Penetrator Chris because he’s part of the Penetrator’s, they’re one of the Russ groups,” She explains, clearly perturbed by your still blank expression, “(Y/N)! They’re like, the coolest, hottest guys in school!”
“Okay! Okay! I believe you!” You tell her defensively as you put your hands up jokingly, “It’s a dumb name but I guess it fitting for a bunch of fuckboys.”
“They’re not just fuckboys! Some of them are really sweet!” Vilde protests as the rest of you laugh at her naivete.
“Well I’m down for a party,” You tell her with a grin, “Message me the details, it sounds fun,” You tell them as the bell rings, “I’ll see you guys later.”
You were walking up the stairs to get to your History class when you body collided with someone else.
“Shit, I am so sorry,” You apologize quickly as you reach out a hand to help up the guy who stumbled down to the ground.
“It’s okay,” He says with a chuckle as he gets to his feet, “I should have been paying attention,” He tells you as he finally looks up at you, “I’m Chris,” He says with a smirk.
“(Y/N), Nice to meet you, sorry for running you over,” You say, apologizing again.
“Don’t worry about it,” He says with a wink, “I”ll see you around,” He says before heading down the stairs, leaving you a bit dumbfounded. 
“I totally plowed this hot guy down in the hallway on Wednesday,” You tell the girls while you all sit around Chris’ bedroom getting ready for the party and doing some pre-drinking.
“Really? Who?” Eva asks curiously, it seems like the girls are already hellbent on trying to set you up with someone.
“I think it was the Chris that’s throwing the party,” You tell her, “And you were totally right Vilde, he’s really attractive.”
“You can’t like him,” Vilde tells you bluntly.
“What? Why?” You ask as you turn to face her.
“He’s a player, he’s the reason Eva and her ex broke up,” Vilde states as if it’s obvious and you should have known already.
“Well, that’s not quite what happened-” Eva cuts in.
“I’m just saying, he’s already hooked up with Eva so he can’t hook up with any of us, it’s girl code,” Vilde replies with a shrug as she finishes up her mascara.
“I’m not sure that’s how it works,” Noora says with a bemused grin, “If you like him you can hook up with him (Y/N), it’s your body after all, but Vilde’s right about one thing, he’s a player, he never dates.”
“He’s incredibly sweet, so just be careful,” Eva tells you.
“Okay, okay,” You say defensively, “Now I know what to expect.”
“Hey, we’re not here to scare (Y/N) away from every boy at Nissen,” Chris cuts in, “Let’s party!”
When you walked up to the party it was already in full swing.
Chris greeted all of you at the door and let you all in as you held up the bottles of alcohol you’d brought. He winked at you as you walked past and opened his mouth to say something only for Vilde to push you through the doorway and into the party.
You were dancing with Eva in order to keep an eye on her since she was already pretty out of it, but Noora came along and relieved you of your duties when you went to get another drink.
“Hey,” You hear a voice greet you over the music as you’re grabbing yourself a beer. You turn around to see Chris and grin at him.
“Hi, great party,” You tell him, trying to raise your voice enough to be heard over the music as you open the beer and take a sip.
“I had no idea that you were friends with Eva and that group,” Chris comments.
“Yeah, I just moved and they’ve taken me in,” You tell him, “You know, they’ve told me that you’re bad news,” You add as you raise your eyebrows at him, curious as to what his response will be
“Oh yeah, and what do you think,” He asks as he leans against the counter next to you.
“I think I’ll decide that for myself, but so far I don’t think I’ve seen any red flags,” You say before pausing as you think of one, “Other than the fact that you drink shitty beer,” You add as you set down your drink.
“Well if I promised you there wouldn’t be any shitty beer would you want to get dinner sometime and figure out if I’m a fuckboy or not?” He asks bluntly.
You grin at him, “I think that’s a great idea,” You tell him, “You better not mess this up Schistad,”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
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So, when I woke up this morning and got your notification, I was about to skip 'Be'. But then I saw the link to the masterlist beneath the title and was like "ooooh it must be another chapter of 'Breach' series! Can't miss this!!!" What can I say, I'm more of a Steve's girl but you make me a softie for Bucky/WS with this one. Such a poignant chapter, I teared up a bit. Great job, Roo my boo! - MP💜
Thannk you. Guess I should've mentioned the series lol
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Imma need some dot with “Have you been drinking or are you just bad at typing today” because god knows we’d be missing an opportunity if one of us didn’t write it
this one’s college au, they’re roommates
“Are you sure you wanna stay here tonight, Davey?” Spot asked as he pulled on his coat. “It’s s’posed to be fun.”
“I have to study,” Davey said. He sighed and stared at his laptop screen, which was full of notes. “I wish I could, but I have that test tomorrow-”
“That’s worth thirty percent of your grade, and you just can’t afford to fail it,” Spot interrupted. “I know. You’ve been stressin’ about it for the past two weeks.”
“Just go have fun,” Davey said. “Tell the others I said hi.”
“Will do.” Spot opened the door of the dorm room and glanced over his shoulder before he left. “And Davey?”
“Try to relax a little. You’re gonna do great on the test.”
Davey smiled. “Thanks, Spot. Now go.”
“See ya in a few hours.”
As it turned out, Spot did not see Davey in a few hours. It was 2am before he left Mush and Blink’s dorm with Jack, Race, and Albert, all four of them laughing and stumbling down the sidewalk. They shared an Uber, where the driver seemed only slightly annoyed to have four loud drunk college students in his car (not that any of them noticed at the time, anyway). Spot pulled out his phone.
Daveyy u awakke
Hey, where are you? yeah I’m still studying. you safe?
uh huh i’m wigh jck anf racctrakk and al
okay...have you been drinking or are you just bad at typing today
ummhmm...Spot had to think about it for a few moments...both
I can see that. so you’re sure you’re safe?
yeeahh. in wn uber. cominh heom.
cool. I’ll be waiting for you with a glass of water.
‘mm nut thwristy
you will be
thannks dave
you’re welcome, spot
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kawaiinohime · 5 years
For the "send me a fandom" thing, One Piece?
Here we go:
who i will protect at all costs: Vivi
who deserves better:A lot of characters deserved better…
who was killed off too early: Ace
who i used to hate but now i love:Jinbei (I didn’t liked him on the beginning but now I adore him!!)
who i used to love but now i hate:Big Mom…
who needs to be killed off asap: Blackbeard
who is unfairly hated:Rebecca…I think
who is unfairly loved:Sengoku…I just can’t really like him…
who needs to sort out their priorities:Jinbei
who needs a hug:All of the Strawhats
who needs to get out of their current relationship:Baby 5.
who the writers love:Maybe Law
who needs a better storyline:I can’t answer this one, i’ve liked all the stories so far…
who has an amazing redemption arc:Bon Clay, just became a great character.
who is hot af:ZORO!!
who belongs in jail:Ceaser
who needs to be revived from the dead:ACEEE
Thannk you so much for he ask!!!!
send me a fandom
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markipliergamegifs · 6 years
top 5 markipliers
This is a great one! So many to choose from
1. Markiplier (obviously, duh)
2. Markiplire
3. Mairkpleirr
4. Parkilimer
5. Mdaosfjjh$(fv  (the best one)
Thannk you so much! 
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blondejohnny · 6 years
3, 12, 17, 22 + 25
wow thannk you! (❁´◡`❁)
3. tbh this isn’t rly that deep but nct and kpop in general has introduced me to some new ppl which is great bc i have like one friend irl and being lonely sucks! now there’s amazing ppl i talk to regularly and that’s helped me a lot!
12. ooh this one is interesting....maybe yoongi? he was my very first bias and ive always thought he has a very calming presence, i feel like there’s too many i would bust out laughing with but he would stay chill
17. omg question of my dreams :O im gonna say all of blackpink bc we could make it a girl’s day and go to the beach after ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝
22. DISNEY i fucking love disney. i’ve never gone when they do special occasion stuff so i’d want to go on halloween when they do the mickey’s-not-so-scary whatever thing. id def go with johnny bc he’d be a blast, and we’d ride everything 5 times and watch the fireworks for sure!
25. hmm id say summer with red velvet. their music is just so happy and refreshing (butterflies has been on repeattt and thats the song that would play as i drive down the coast in a convertible mid july)
You’re so sweet for this thank you so much again! These were rly fun to think about! I’m on my laptop rn but imagine 50 heart emojis 
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silverhawk · 6 years
The eyes are so nice in the newer designs!! Tbh the older ones eyes seem kinda blank and emotionless but the new ones seem more alive!! Great job I can't wait ti see you improve even more!!
YEAH that was one of the big issues w my old art i spent too much time drawing the eyes and they just looked. emotionless bc they werent expressing anything, they were just big and round and that was all i had to them. now i can draw them in shapes in stuff and dont spend nearly as much time trying to Perfect them if that makes sense
+ ive gotten better at designs and stopped drawing actual eyebrows on my cats bc it just did NOT work for me so thanNK GOD
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strangestlosersclub · 6 years
Here goes nothing ( finn x reader❁) Part 7
18.” just need this to be what it is.
21. you deserve a hell of a lot more
58. look at how happy that made her
81. it matters to me
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It was about 8 now everyone was in their rooms still getting ready, wyatt was downstairs talking to security and the media setting everyone where they need to be. 
“HE DID WHAT ?” y/n stylist says 
“Yeah i know, “ y/n says looking down at her phone while getting her hair done.
“so this boy is obviously madly in-love with you, and you obviously like him.” the stylist says
“but...” y/n says looking up in the mirror at the reflection of the stylist 
“why have you two not tried out the whole relationship thing ?” the stylist says
“Stacy, finn is my best friend i love him but i cant’t put him through what i am going through, plus .... i am not even close to good enough for him.” y/n says she looks down at her legs. Stacy walks over in front of her and squats down so she is looking up at her
“Sweetie look at me,” she says grabbing y/n hands “you are the most amazing girl i have ever worked with, for a 16yr old you are so mature and humble. Sometimes you even teach me a thing or two. You can’t make the decision for finn, if he wants to take that chance and risk it all for you then let him. Y/n love is so rare and unique you should never take the chance for granted.” stacy stands up also helping y/n up, “now take a deep breath, close your eyes and pick yourself up you have somewhere to be.” the two smile at each other 
“thanks stacy and do me a favor,” y/n stays going to grab her perfume “stop being such a great friend.” y/n laughs and so does stacy, she begins walking out the door
“hey girly one more thing, have as much fun as you can.” Stacy winks at /n and then y/n walks out.
As she starts walking downstairs she sees wyatt going downstairs too.
“hey wy, i havent seen you all day.” y/n says smiling and hugging him
“oh wow you have no idea how busy i have been that hug really helps.” wyatt says then looks her up and down “you clean up nice, well obviously i mean you are a model, anyway you look really beautiful.” wyatt says smiling, y/n smiles and looks down at her outfit
“yeah, kudos to the girls for the jumpsuit and my team never fails me,” the two smile at each other then wyatt puts his arm out for y/n to grab
“shall we ?” wyatt says then y/n nods and they start walking down, everyone meets in the kitchen so they can walk around and make their entrance. Y/n sees all of the people and just stops 
“hey you okay ?” wyatt says he looks over at y/n and sees her face, she’s smiling slightly and he could see how nervous she was. 
“if i could cry right now i would.” y/n says looking at him
“listen y/n i know we havent been friends for long but you should know all of us here have grown to love you and see you as part of the family. No matter what those stupid so called fans say, you will always be good enough for all of us and hey if finn doesn’t take you, im single so feel free to call me.” wyatt says winking at her then laughing causing y/n to laugh as well. She then turns back to them takes a deep breath and starts walking again.
“i officially believe in love at first sight,” sadie says 
“he’s like 20 years older than you.” noah says
“okay and ?” sadie says then everyone laughs
“oh wow y/l/n you look stunning” caleb says
“wow did the king of dressing good just compliment me on my outfit, i am truly honored.” she says touching her heart and slightly bowing then she giggles
“okay so heres the deal, everyone knows who they are walking with right ?” wyatt says looking at everyone “ okay good, so everyone just needs to go out the back door where the pool is and a couple of security guards will lead to where to go. Now i want everyone to be on their best behaviors and please do not break anything.” wyatt takes a deep breath and fixes himself, he then starts walking with everyone towards the door but y/n hesitates
“hey, have you seen finn ?” y/n asks gaten, he gets ready to say something then his eyes slightly shift to see right behind her. He smiles and points at him y/n turns and sees the beautiful boy. They both look each other up; and down, finn was wearing a armani tux and his hair wasn’t touched at all 
“if you’re done checking me out, we have an entrance to make.” he says smiling at her then putting his hand out, she takes it and they start walking around.
Once they got to the front the paparazzi goes absolutely crazy when they see fin and y/n entering together, finn leans over to her closely and says “you look absolutely gorgeous tonight by the way.” she smiles looking down and he just smiles at her. Inside the music was going and a lot of people are already their.
“Y/n i want to introduce you to someone, y/n meet ansel ,” finn says y/n looks at finn then looks at ansel with absolute shock 
“oh my god, i love your music and your movies wow is this real life or am i dreaming.” y/n says ansel laughs and hugs you both
“y/n y/l/n you are definitely prettier in person, loved your variety shoot by the way.” ansel says
“thank you so much, “ y/n smiles at him 
“hey listen man it was good seeing have fun.” finn says shaking hands with ansel, the two walk off
Music was blaring, people were dancing, and talking, it was a perfect night. Around 10:30 y/n and millie and caleb were dancing, they were having a blast. The music they were dancing to ends and on comes finn and y/n song, she looks around the room to find him then she sees him getting up on the stage where the dj is set up
“uh hi can i have everyones attention,” finn says into the microphone, everyone gets quiet and the paparazzi starts taking pictures
“first of all i want to thank everyone for coming and making this the most fun night i have had,” everyone claps and finn laughs and looks at y/n
“but what i mainly came up here was to give a sort of toast, so if everyone could do me a favor and take your phones out and go live or just record what im about to say that would be great.” y/n can see how nervous he is 
“There has been a lot of stuff going on about me and millie and i just want to say for the 100th time, it isn’t real, sorry.” he says shrugging his shoulders and everyone laughs “the girl i actually having feelings for is in this room right now, her name is y/n, she is my best friend and kind and beautiful. She doesn’t realize how amazing she is and i just want to do something to show her how much i am in-love with her. So if everyone could follow me into the living area and bring your chairs i have a little video to show.” he gets off the stage and everyone starts walking with him whispers filled the room. Chosen then grabs y/n arm and directs her to where she is supposed to sit.
The video starts and its a compilation of videos and pictures of finn and y/n together, then it switches to the cast members talking about her. It was the most beautiful video ever, the light shines back on the boy
“so now that everyone has seen and recorded my publicly saying i love this girl, you can all go back to the party, thank you.” everyone walks back to the room and starts dancing and talking. Finn runs to find y/n and once he does he sees her still sitting in the chair.
“Come with me,” he says she stands up and follows him to the party, their song is still playing so they start dancing.
“I love you,” y/n says grabbing the boys face he looks at her and then smiles and goes in to kiss her, she finally kisses back and everyone starts taking pictures. Y/n giggles and looks at him, he smiles at her then grabs her face
“i love you too.”
A/N: wooooo thats the end of this series, sorry i was m.i.a. for a while but i just wanted to finish this because i know a lot of people seemed to like it. I might stop using this account just because my life is starting to become really busy and i dont have a lot of time to write anymore /::::: i love you all and thannks for all the support xoxo
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
Swan song and it is the story of Icarus and the son of Prometheus, the boy who would be king his father wuold always say..and your welcome to your throne, have to it is what i do for work and we love it..lol.   she is a wonder and powerful a spitfire..yes and i do spit fire..lol covers my mouth proverbially. this song is all accoustic and instrumental and we have to sit and hear it and listen as it is wonderful, we did not write i t but it is bja and his sorrow no no listenand nope, so he willdi e adn macs ordered it too...and should really but it starts a war Hera says.  and he loves her for it she is sharp and smart and says it like it is and remembers it all  vividly and tells him lots and she is fun too! we all love her unique foods and cakes chocolates pastries and more she is a wonder in the kitchen he is ok lol ahhaah and i cook food for you too and he says wow a cchange and lol due to you it is relaxing and tastey and i want to share my power lol hahaah and of cooking wonderful he says this is great i have to think though as  i love food and we know.. but now it is brads day to leave..hs day and Icarus will be said and it is a weapon s have and plan to use Nuada Arrianna Thor Freya we said above mostly  i said he last Nuada and me Arrianna and commented her foo dis very good and she should open a shop and cooks American food and name it  we do that with her today..as a gift and she loves it and we open them here and hold it for you,,,,he says thank you ,,,very much as it is the restarautn biz lol Duke Nukem Blockbuster Frank Castle Hardcastle....and ahhahah i have to work and that is hard work so i put in hight tech self cleaning all...and she smiles not at first ok but here we have Asimo ok ok i see our kitchen isnt no no the restaruants well the binford 9000 selfcleaning kitchen yous tep out close it seal it turn it on ok ok i see we can ok yes thannk you at th end but cleand all day ok ok. Thor Freya we do love her food. and yes Asimo cleans and cleans and tons of it.  tons. we use him all the time msut monitor though.  and we say this we watch out now for infiltrators ck them  and this is the case not so much tlk. true.  she will have her boutiaue chocolates cakes pastriesand statueettes deserts up in front in a case.  and the restaraunt is classy and has the meals you and jen had and mop and carrie and colleen her forms and more...tons of dinners and some one date.  he laughs why i dont know she does. out you..and the bad stuff for this one seewhy though too nice. too haughty..and they were.  tons of hard things to say no.  easy and yuor a louse no. not at all.  it was right cant do it.  and you had tons of meals and will remember and oh yu need to i see i hav to oh boy..we hear our childen say it is good and snacks small pepto bottles as sugar was not that hard then. true too lots of snacks and treats gilene too ate adobu and it is on ther a huge hit too with asians and stylish meaning more taste less rice but good.  need carbs.  so i add for yuu lol hahaah ok. Hera Zues
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paragonshep · 7 years
Anyone got any fanfic recs?
i haven't read any sort of fiction since i left school, and fanfic seems like a pretty good way to get the ol' brain muscles flexing, so please shoot me some links! 
 original trilogy only please!!! i haven't played andromeda 
doesn't have to have any romance in it, gen!fic is super great 
that said, my ship of choice is shenko!!! m!shenko and f!shenko are both fine 
or some shaynor if you have it i know that pairing is a lot less popular
no character death please :((((( 
any length is fine!! some shorter ones would be great to start with though 
 anyway if you have any links plz shoot them my way!!!!! thannk you
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flwerluda · 7 years
Wait. We want a letter. Dear Tuan Siblings~
Ahh My two fave siblings! Who should I write about first hmm?Gayeonie! You are one of the most strongest independent women ever and I do envy you for that. You are also a great friend and someone I can go to when I need a friend. Also I know you would kick someones butt for me and I feel like that has to be the nicest thing someone has ever almost or will do for me. Also thank you for just being a true friend. Markie pooh, Markie, Mork. Mawk. I have one thing to say.. you’re smile can kill me. I mean seriously it shines brighter than anything. You can even ask Jaebutt, I always call you a real life angel, or tell him to calm you, Jackson and Bam down sometimes you three can be a little extra but I love it. I just want to let you know you are loved, and I adore you. I care for you as much as I care for Gayeon, and I thannk you for being a friend and a person I can also lean on.
I love you both, MWUAH KISSSES.
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