#The army brat and the nerd
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Clark Kent beaming and blushing for being entitled to the cutest most adorkable nickname in comic book history
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simplydannie · 3 months
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Part 1 Click Here
Part 3 Click Here
The twins are sent back to the bottom pits of Rageous. Velvet does something horrible under the effects of the Troll poison. The twins run off in search of shelter… but not far from their tail… a new villian is after them for the bounty on their head. Soon, other crime bosses begin to find out about their worth.
A black car pulled up to the two bodies. One still lay unconscious, the other lay severely beaten…and dead.
Out of the black stepped a pair of silver steel boots. A black trench coat stretch all the way down to his ankles. Black army pants covered his legs, a dark gray skin fright shirt covered his torso. Scars covered his body, his neck, his face. He had the same sharp tooth grin like his henchmen. His long stringy, dark blue hair tied back in the form of dreadlocks. His real name was unknown, they just called him Shank. He walked up to his fallen henchmen.
“Idiot got offed by a couple of kids. Pathetic.” He kicked the body. He looked at the one who lay unconscious. “That one is going to wish he was offed by the brats. Get him in the trunk. I’ll deal with him later.”
He paced back and forth looking through the dark alleys and streets…. His eyes began to glow with a pink pigmentation.
“They couldn’t have gone that far….Set around the perimeter… find them. Oh! And send out the birds.” Shank demanded with a smirk on his face
“Keep up Vennie come on!” Velvet yelled over her shoulder as she pulled him along. She dared not let go of her grip on him… afraid that she would turn around and he would be gone.
“Vels where are we running too?” He called out to her, trying his best to keep his balance as she held tightly to his hand. Somewhere, anywhere, she thought to herself. Velvet did her best to imagine where they could go, where they could hide. The address they had given them back at the detention center would be no good. Somehow those thugs would figure it out and go looking for them there.
What happened back there, what she did… she really couldn’t comprehend. She just knew her brother was in trouble, and she just lost it… no self control, no nothing.
“Velvet please hold on!” She felt Veneer tug his hand away from hers. She turned around to find him bent over wheezing, trying to catch his breath. How long were they running for?
“I wasn’t….the best….in sports…. remember.” He said in between breaths. Right. How could she forget, Veneer the nerd was never a sports kinda of guy.
“Well hurry up!” Velvet pushed him behind some dumpsters nearby. “We didn’t get very far. Who knows who showed up or even saw.” She pulled up her hoodie over her head. Velvet did the same to Veneer although he already wore his purple beanie.
“Uugghh! Your stupid hair!” She exclaimed as his green swoop still stuck out.
“Dont be jealous-HEY!” He exclaimed as she began to try and flatten it out. It eventually made a side swoop down his right eye. She laughed. “What did do!?” He asked touching his hair.
“Emo Vennie, never thought I’d ever see that.” Velvet giggled.
“Seriously Vels!” He tried to look at himself in a nearby window. “I’m putting it back once we’re out of sight.” He pouted.
“Whatever. Okay we have to keep moving.” She peeked around the dumpster.
“Why not try to crash here?” He asked pointing at the run down building.
“No. Still too close to the scene. We HAVE to keep moving.” Velvet told him. In their moment of silence, a weird noise was heard in the distance.
It sounded like the buzzing of a bug… a giant one…
“Head down!” She exclaimed pushing her brother out of view.
At the center of the streets above them flew a drone. The X shaped machine hovered to and from, scanning its surroundings.
Another one appears in the farther distance…great… they were trapped.
“Drones! Really? How in the world are we going to get away?” Veneer questioned as he saw the machines hovering in the air. Velvet didn’t know. No matter how well they could cover themselves, once those drones saw movement, they’d do a facial recognition scan…. And they’d be done for.
“Follow me.” She said. They stayed as close as they could to the wall and began walking down the alley. They were able to make it to the end of the alley and to the next street. Velvet glanced around for any drones or vehicles. For now, they were clear.
“To the next alley….. now!” She didn’t give her brother a moment to think. Velvet grasped his hand again and pulled him along with her as they darted to the next alley.
Hovering above them was the drone. It spotted them with a bright light.
“We have them sir.” Said a voice.
At the other side of town, Shank and his henchmen were viewing the drone feed through a small computer.
“I know those streets.” He said. “Send in the rest of the drones. Keep them there until we can arrive.” He leaned in to watch the feed; live footage of the twins running for the life. “My little trophies are going to bring me in big bucks… plus a little extra for the inconvenience….”
He was silent as he saw the actions that happened next. The brother grabbed something as they were running, turned around, and smashed the drone right in the camera. He saw him smash and smash until their screen went blank.
“What happened?” He asked.
“He took out our bird.” His henchmen said.
“What the heck Veneer?” Velvet exclaimed.
“It was following us Vels! What was a I supposed to do?” They both stared at the broken drone lying before them. Something clicked inside Veneer. He ran to the drone and began shoving it in his duffle bag.
“Veneer leave it! Let’s go!” Velvet exclaimed. He zipped up his bag and ran towards his sister. She glanced to the left and saw some stairs that led down to the subways.
“Follow me!” She said. The siblings made their way down the stairs and into the darkness of the subway tunnels. There were some Rageouns hanging about waiting for the train. They looked at the twins in confusion as they ran by. Velvet led them down an empty waiting area.
“Crap! Crap! Crap!” She exclaimed. Velvet turned behind her… where was Veneer? “Vennie?…Vennie!” She called in despair.
“Vels follow me!” She heard him call out from across the tracks. She could hear the sound of the train getting closer. Velvet hurried herself across the tracks and onto the other side.
“What the heck Ven?” She said.
“Come on.” He told her. She had no choice, she followed Veneer deep into the other side of the subway tunnels.
It was quiet, empty. Hardly if no one passed through there, she could tell. But how did her brother know about this? She followed him into the deepest part until they came to what looked like a door. Veneer pushed it open. Inside was made into some sort of little apartment. There was a bed, a couch, a tv… and arcade game?
“What the heck Veneer? What is this?” She asked him.
“It was my hideout back in the day. Well not like way back, but when we were on our own for a while, remember. When you’d be gone and the bullies come knocking at our door, I’d come hide here. Or when I would go out to make cash and maaaayybe got into trouble. Bam! Here I was! Took me awhile to get that arcade in here but I did!” Veneer smiled. Velvet looked at her brother… she really didn’t give him enough credit. He’d spend a lot of days alone… and being the more sensitive one, the ruffians and thugs knew to come pick on him. But he managed… he managed days without her.
“Okay. We’ll hide out here for now.” She said finally laying her duffle bag on the floor. Velvet heard a distant grumble… was that someone’s stomach?
“Sorry! All that running… I’m kind of hungry.” Veneer admitted.
“Well they gave us some cash before feeding us to the wolves down here.” She said.
“Oh! A sandwich shop is just above us! Not the best, but definitely better than prison food!” Veneer chimed.
“Stop it.” Velvet told him.
“Stop what?” He asked.
“Stop being so….so….so cheerful.” She sat down on the small couch. Velvet stared at the wall… she didn’t know what to do… she didn’t know who they could trust…. She was stuck taking care of her and her brother again.
“Sorry..” She heard Veneer say as he sat himself next to his duffle bag, hugging his knees. He was honestly just happy to be alive and safe right now…. Alive and safe with his sister. Veneer was actually the one always looking out for her… deep down she knew this. Velvet had always been hard on him…. Maybe it was time to change that…
“What sandwich do you want?” She asked standing up. Veneer looked at her questionably. “We have to eat. We can’t starve down. I’ll sneak up and get us some food really quick. Enough to last us a couple of days so they can get off our rear ends. Do we have working water down here?”
“Yeah! There’s a working bathroom not far down.” He said.
“Then get settled. We’re staying down here for a while.” She exclaimed.
Back on the side of the city, Shank stared off to the top of Mount Rageous. One of his henchmen came to him.
“They’re gone sir. Drones couldn’t find them. We went to the location, searched everywhere. Nothing.” He said. Shank twiddled a knife in his fingers.
“Kids are smarter than I thought. Smarter than what she told me.” He spit to the ground. “Hold off searching for them for now. Get on the line with the Upper Rageous. For all the trouble these kids have cost me, I am tripling the price for them.”
“Yes sir. Oh, one more thing. We got more sir.” His henchmen said. Shank smiled.
“Enough to sell too?” He asked.
“Yes sir.” His henchmen replied.
“Good.” Shank said walking up to the dark vehicle. He lifted up them blanket that lay over a tank. Inside, with terrified little faces, were Trolls. “Include this batch in the pricing along with the two brats.”
The little Trolls inside the tank shook in fear… unknowing what lay ahead. Within that batch of Trolls was a familiar bluish/gray one. He was already planning an escape, calculating his next moves.
“No one is gonna get their hands on me.” Branch said.
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“I know he’s Dorky, but I Love Him” - Lois Lane; Superman And Lois 1x11
Edit ©️ AlchemyProds / YouTube / Twitter [ @dylans-obriens ]
@jetslay @lostsoulincssea @the-army-brat-and-the-nerd
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evandarya · 2 years
{Read on AO3}{Part 1}
"I don't know what scares me more, Dickie. That you invited strangers to Bruce's private stretch of beach for a bonfire, or that they agreed to come." Jason said. They had been hauling logs around for half the day, building what could easily be a small beach hut that they were going to set on fire. Not that Jason was against fires, far from it, but they had only met Jazz and Danny and Dani-with-an-i the day before. Jason would love to get to know Jazz more and figure out why the Green reacts to Danny the way it does, but this seems forward, even for Dick.
"I'm good with people." Was Dick's only answer. 
"You're a class A manipulator, that's  what you are." Jason shot back. 
"Well, you know what they say: "Mansplain, Manipulate, Malewife." Dick hoisted the last log onto the pile and brushed the dirt from his hands. 
"What?" Jason asked, bewildered.
"It's a meme. Don't you ever go on the internet?" 
"Yeah, for research, not memes."
"Oh my gods, don't tell Tim that, you'll break the little nerd's heart." 
"Whatever, what time are they supposed to get here?" Jason asked as they headed back to the beach house.
"They should be here soon. I told them the pizza will be here at eight." Dick checked his watch.  "I bought enough to feed an army of Flashes with enough left for midnight snacks."
"That delivery driver is going to hate you," Jason said with a grin.
"I tipped them 50 percent, so they shouldn't be too mad," Dick said, knocking the sand from his sandals and stepping into the house.
There was a knock on the door and Dick answered to find Danny, Jazz, Dani, and a delivery woman each holding a warming bag. 
“Hey, Dick,” Dani said with a smile. “When you said you were going to have enough pizza to feed an army I thought you were exaggerating.” 
“I never exaggerate about food,” Dick said, thanking the delivery driver and waving everyone in. The delivery person unloaded the pizzas and took her warming bags back. Dick slipped her an extra twenty, which she tried to refuse but Dick slipped it into one of the bags. 
“Richard! Did you remember to order a veggie pizza for me?” Damian asked as he came into the kitchen. Tim almost bowled him over when he stopped dead at the sight of Dani. “Hello, Danielle. It is nice to see you again.”
“Don’t stop in the middle of the walkway brat, Tim said, pushing around Damian to check the pizza boxes. 
“Hey, Dames! I think I saw a veggie and a plain cheese on the order slip,” Dani offered cheerfully. 
“We didn’t know what kind of drinks you liked,” Danny said, setting his backpack down and unzipping it. “So we got a bit of everything.” Danny pulled out three two liters of soda from his backpack and set them on the counter. Jazz set her own bag down and pulled out a jug of sweet tea and a two-liter of lemonade.
“You didn’t have to get anything!” Dick said. “I made juice and tea.” 
“Your tea is too sweet, Dick,” Jason said, taking a slice of pepperoni pizza from one of the boxes and biting into it. “I’d like tea, not diabetes.” 
“Diabeetus.” Danny and Tim said at the same time. They met eyes and both looked away with a blush. 
“Fine.” Dick fake pouted. “Let's eat so we can start the bonfire.” 
Tim had never been to a bonfire before. He’d been to housefires and fires caused by explosions, some he set off himself, but he’d never really sat in front of a fire for the fun of it. Dick had run off almost as soon as the fire was lit, saying something about going to get marshmallows, but he hadn’t seen his brother since. Dani and Damian were sitting side by side on a log across the fire from him, holding a quiet conversation. Dani laughed at something Damian had said and Damian blushed in response. Jason and Jazz had disappeared pretty quickly, claiming they wanted to go on a walk, but they left holding hands, so Tim figured they wanted some alone time. Danny was sitting on the sand next to him, drawing some intricate symbols in the sand. Tim watched him for a moment, enjoying the heat from the fire. It was a nice contrast from the cool sea breeze blowing across his neck and back.
“What’s that?” Tim asked. Danny froze and a red flush crept up his neck that had nothing to do with the fire. 
“Just, ah. Nothing, really.” Danny said, obliterating the symbols with his hand. “Just, it’s kind of embarrassing.” 
“Is it like a secret code or language or something?”
“No, more like a summoning script,” Danny said. 
“To summon what?” Tim asked. He knew summonings were real, and if Danny was involved in magic, well, that was something the Justice League would be interested in. 
“The Ghost King,” Danny said, waving his hands around in a way that was supposed to be spooky before laughing.
Tim laughed, too. It felt nice. Danny had an easy casualness about him, something Tim couldn’t help but feel drawn to. Danny leaned back against the log Tim was sitting on and stretched his arms out, brushing Tim’s leg as he did so. 
“This is nice,” Danny said, gazing up at the sky. “Back home I don’t have time to just look at the stars anymore.” 
“You can’t see the stars where we live, too much light pollution,” Tim said, gazing up as well. “I never have been able to pick out constellations.” All the bats knew enough about the stars to navigate by them, but picking out shapes from the thousands of stars up there was never Tim’s goal.
“It’s not hard, once you know how to find them,” Danny said, pointing up toward the sky. “In the northern hemisphere, you can always find the Big Dipper. You see those four stars in kind of a square with three more heading off to the side?” Tim looked but he couldn't see where Danny was pointing, so he slid off the log and sat closer to Danny. Just so he could follow his finger as he traced the different constellations in the sky. And if the places where their arms touched burned a little hotter? Well, that was because of the fire.
“So,” Jason said. He wasn’t sure what to say. Should he bring up the fact that the pit reacts to her brother? Then he’d have to explain the pit to her. Or maybe he should just ask where they are from, and look into it later? That's a normal question, right?
“What brings you to Florida?” Jazz asked before he made a decision. 
“Mandatory Family Bonding Time,” Jason said. “You?”
Jazz laughed, full and loud. Jason was glad it was dark because he didn’t want her to see the heat creeping up his neck. “Our parents are here for a conference. They wanted Danny to come to help them out and I knew if I didn’t come, too, they would make him work all weekend. Then Dani heard about it and invited herself along, too.” 
“Was Dani not invited to begin with?” He wondered aloud. 
“Dani’s not technically our sister, she’s more like a cousin, so she doesn’t live with us.” Jazz said. “But she and Danny are close, they have a lot in common. He feels responsible for her, so he’s always treated her like a little sister.” 
“Do your parents treat her like a daughter?” Jason asked. 
“No, to them she’s a distant cousin.” Jazz looked out toward the ocean, thoughtful. “They aren’t bad parents, but they get caught up in their own work and everything else falls by the wayside.” 
“That's why they were okay with you going to a stranger’s beach house for a late-night bonfire?” Jason asked with a grin. 
“Are you a stranger?” Jazz asked. “I thought we had got to know each other pretty well yesterday.” Jazz stopped walking and turned to face Jason, her hand resting lightly on his chest, looking up at him with those soft teal eyes. Before he knew what he was doing he leaned forward and met her pink lips with his own. 
The kiss lasted for only a few seconds before he pulled away. Before he got too far Jazz pulled him back down into a deeper kiss. One of Jazz’s hands snaked up to rest on his neck, keeping him exactly where she wanted him. He could break free, but why would he want to?
Damian was used to the heat. Growing up in the desert had made him used to it. He didn’t understand the appeal of a bonfire. Campfires to keep warm and ward off predators, sure. But the fire Grayson had made was too large and required too much wood and put off too much heat to be comfortable. An issue Drake and Fenton didn’t seem to share as they sat cuddled up on the sand. 
“Come on, Dames, let's go before they start kissing,” Danielle said, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. They walked hand in hand along the beach. Danielle seemed to have a destination in mind, so he allowed her to lead him. They were quiet for a long time until Danielle broke it. “I’ve never been to the beach before. I’ve been almost everywhere in the country, but I’ve never thought of going to a beach.” 
“Does your family travel a lot?” 
“No, Danny and Jazz have school and jobs.” 
“You don’t have school?” He had been taught everything in the league, but Father still made him go to school. 
“Let's climb up there,” Dani said, pointing to an outcropping of rock. There was an obvious and well-worn trail leading to the top. 
"Who do you travel with, if it isn't your siblings," Damian asked as they started up the trail.
"I go alone, most of the time. Sometimes Cujo comes with me."
"Your parents make your siblings go to school, while you are allowed to travel alone?" Something was wrong with this family if that was the case.
Dani gave him a look over her shoulder that he couldn't quite grasp in the darkness. "You know I'm not actually Danny and Jazz's sister, right? Their parents aren't my parents. My father is their uncle."
"And your father is okay with you traveling alone?" 
"Not exactly, but the less he knows about me and where I am the better. He isn't exactly nice." They had reached the top of the cliff by this point and Dani walked right to the edge overlooking the ocean, unafraid of falling. "It's beautiful." 
Damian couldn't spare a glance at the water, instead, he watched Danielle's face, happy and calm, and made a vow. No harm shall come to Danielle as long as he could prevent it.
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ps1snake · 6 months
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my gendy bendies. if you even care. close ups + notes under the cut
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doc: no longer an insane med school dropout and lying about it, doc is now an insane nursing school graduate and still lying about it (both are saying they're doctors)
carolina: frankly carolina is way less interesting as a dude, goes from being a woman who has to be masc but not too masc but also masc enough to be Good Enough for the army/her farher/ her own neurosis shes now just just bog standard army brat type man. although without all the internalized misogyny to wrok through first hes a lot more concerned with the latent honosexual tendencies now.
tex: same issue as carolina to be honest, goes from being butch becuase she likes it (and to my mind, to be different from allison), is just like. a dude because she is a dude. differentiates himself from allison by being trans. he just chooses to do that. but its like. adding 0+0. a process has occurred hut you cant tell. (to me regular tex does this too but i digress)
church: shut-in IT department manager becomes shut-in fujoshi forum warrior
caboose: he doesnt think that hard anout any of this, i think he just wears whatever his mom dressed him in when he was little and calls it a day, as long as it's comfortable. swapped the goetee for glasses because the goetee reminds me of shaggy scooby doo and the glasses remind me of velma :)
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tucker: tucker goes from IM A MAN IM MASC IM A MAN IM MASC to 'im not like those OTHER girls im one of the BOYS like YOU. but im also NOT A BOY im A GIRL im FEMININE and never insinute otherwise. puts effort into her appearance but doesn't want you to know it - she wants to appear effortless, asopposed to regular tucker who doesn't want you to know it because it's girly to carw how you look.
wash: girl wash purchases pain killers. thats it
kai: her main gendy stuff is modtly just "how hot and slutty and DTF as many genders as possible can i look at any given time" so she's easy peasy. she wants you to see her bulge so bad.
grif: trades stubble for a rack, he doesn't put effort into his appearance and his taste wouldn't change, so it's very little difference.
simmons: a boy child bullied for being a nerd and who mostly hangs out with girls until he gets scared of them and a girl child bullied for being a nerd and who mostly hangs out with boys until they get embarrassed by her is the same child basically. so very small detail changes and not much else.
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sarge: sarge is not a gender presenter sarge is a bit presenter and baby am i dedicated to it. girl sarge is still saying shit like "ive never hit a girl in my life" and not thinking twice about it
donut: donut is a silly little man whos going out of his way (intentionally or not) to look and act like a homo gay fag scream it from the rafters. the first insticnt is to make him be a hyper feminine bimbo type, but i think they were right when that one gender bend ep of s14 said hes a butch now. i agree even if they did it wrong. hes now a free-the-tit type butch with farm muscles (girl edition). enjoy.
lopez: in the spirit of all the great photoshop gags of early rvb, she just gets a bow to show that shes a girl. he likes it but will never admit that.
sheila: she is a tank and caboose can't tie a tie so that's right out.
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imhereformr · 1 year
Winx S2 E14 Battle on Planet Eraklyon
Ah yes... This episode... As you can surely tell, I'm very excited for it
I just noticed in the recap that one of the weird dudes from the last episode had chains in his hands when he cornered the fairies... Dude
What the fuck... I do not remember this scene of Musa walking through an argument and calming them. Seems a little odd for the most hotheaded and argumentative of the winx girls to be the one forcing peace
Holy shit Yoshinoya... Yikes
"What if Sky comes to her rescue?" What about Eraklyons soldiers or police force? 🤨
Diaspro screaming over a dog... Good thing she didn't marry Sky with his (disappeared) beloved dog #justiceforLady
"Because of droughts" Flora you nerd. I love you. More of nerdy Flora please.
No, you know what's rude Tune? Talking over someone! Like you're doing right now! "pixie of manners" 🙄🙄
To organize a concert? ORGANISE? Faragonda dropped a whole ass concert on her? Does she not know how much work goes into that?
"how primitive" Tune is a fucking hypocrite. Now I don't know anything about etiquette, but as a Canadian politeness is built into me and insulting people like that IS FUCKING RUDE TUNE YOU FAKE ASS BITCH. Tune is now on my list alongside Faragonda. I've got beef with Tune.
"I've got a bad feeling about this. Someone down there needs our help" Uh yeah Sky, you were just talking about some emergency remember?
If Diaspro's father is so influential why can't he pay the ransom? Why does the kingdom need to pay for one man's daughter being a fucking brat?
Sky's angry pose 💀💀💀
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Wait where did Musa get that paper from? Did I miss something?
HOLDTHEFUCKUP Brandon and Sky traded places because of threats from Yoshinoya but they decide to go fight his goons JUST THE TWO OF THEM and Sky's parents are totally fine with it because it means he might fall in love with Diaspro???? Even though it also means they might end up with their sons head in an unmarked package that says youre next? Who the fuck let these people be parents let alone in charge of an entire kingdom?
"I ain't got time to hurt" Zing is the best of the pixies.
Brandon is two seconds from never having babies
Is it ever explained why Stormy is at Alfea? Or did they just need a reason for her to want revenge in the next episode?
"Hey I'm not afraid of your justice, I'm rich" Diaspro is an icon.
Once again, Bloom could defeat three crazed witches on the magical equivalent of speed, but she can't take these losers in bad costumes? FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️
The people being swapped need to be about the same height and weight. Well isn't that an awfully convenient moment for Bloom to prove what a good person she is.
"but you don't even like her" 😂 😂 😂
"Youre kind of mean for a hero" "Yeah troubled childhood" STOP I'M FUCKING DYING 😭💀💀😭💀💀
How did Bloom break those restraints? Either she's super strong or Diaspro is weak af
"I'm supposed to marry a prince" No Diaspro, you're gay. You want a princess. I don't make the rules.
Shessofuckingcute. I love her so much.
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But seriously tho why was Stormy there?
We all know Bloom wouldn't lose 🤦🏻‍♀️
They're not gonna get very far on Earth 😂
Okay I've never watched this episode more than twice cause it was very Bloom and Sky heavy, but honestly it was fucking hilarious 😂 😂
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Ahhh! I love that ask response with jake. He’s so damn cute. Will we see him in the main fic? God they’d be adorable together. Sweet sweet nerd. Almost surprised he’s not in the frat cause he’s so built. Perhaps he’s an army brat?
probably nothing more than a friendship, that is if Ari approves of course, we'll see what the stepbrother thinks of the funny nerd with harry potter glasses 🤓 you didn't hear it from me, but jake tried to get into the frat...
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dei-lab-assistant · 2 years
"Technoblade Never Dies"
A short reader-insert story I wrote Thursday night as a way of dealing with my emotions after finding out Technoblade died. :(
Sort of gives the reader a chance to say goodbye. Word count: 1717 words
Everyone saw Technoblade differently. Some of his officers spoke of his impossibly broad shoulders, and tireless right arm, while others recalled a mask of antlers and bone. Those who opposed him on the battlefield and managed to survive returned home with stories of “The Blade,” an inhuman being more monster than man. Disbelieving nurses tending to wounded soldiers heard stories of an immortal being with blazing red eyes and the Devil’s hooves, “The Blood God.” Visiting dignitaries recounted the visage of a stern man, wearing an imposing crown and immaculate clothing befitting his station as a prince. While many shrank from him in fear, the palace servants who took care of him seemed to see a little boy, soft and comely, who threatened far more than he ever intended to actually carry out. Without exception, animals loved him.
You saw your own version of Technoblade. To your eyes, he was a slender young man with flowing pink hair that shone in the sunlight, a man who moved with absolute grace and assurance, a man who stood straight and strong, with the kindest eyes. 
You were never supposed to grow up to be anyone important. Your mother worked in the palace, and your job was mostly to stay out of the way. And you knew you were lucky to be in the situation; in most kingdoms a woman who bore an illegitimate child while working in the palace would have been fired. But your mom always said you were born under a lucky star. 
As a child, you liked to watch Technoblade train the new officer recruits. Since you always watched from your favorite, vine-covered hiding place, you thought he had no idea you were there. Afterwards, when everyone cleared out, you would grab your stolen practice sword and imitate whatever drills you could remember. However, one day, while you were practicing, Technoblade stepped into your field of vision and grabbed your wooden sword midswing. “I don’t remember recruiting any children to fight in my army.” You started to apologize, but the man laughed and released your sword. “You’ve already got better form than most of the men I was training today. Keep working at it and one day you’ll be ready to fight at my side.”
As you grew older, Technoblade took further notice of your talent and began to give you formal lessons in the art of war. Since you lacked a noble’s title, palace functionaries spoke badly of your rising position in the palace, but Technoblade viewed people with a far more meritocratic eye. Time passed, and in your teenage years you found yourself holding the newly created title of “Technoblade’s Official Assistant.” 
In an often dreary world of paperwork and palace intrigue, Technoblade was a bright light, illuminating your world with his gentle dark humor. He played at not caring, he pretended to make fun of those around him, he made you laugh—and behind it all, you could always hear his kindness, a warmhearted soul who seemed so at odds with his incredible abilities with any weapon of war. Once you gained his trust, you risked calling The Blade  “Techno,” even though it seemed scandalously informal. Laughing, he called you a nerd who would be better served using that courage to ask for a raise. You laughed too, and asked for a raise. You got one.
By the time you became his assistant, you realized how odd it was that while you grew from a young child to a teenager, he never aged at all. Perhaps this was what was truly meant by his rallying cry of “Technoblade never dies!”
You met his tall blond friend, a man dressed in green with a big striped hat. Of course, you’d heard rumors of this man. After Techno introduced his friend as “Phil,” you asked the green clad man, “Are you Death?”
“You’ve found a gutsy apprentice, Techno.”
“One of the first questions the little brat asked me back when we started training together was, ‘Are you really the Blood God?’ I think finding out I only worked for the Blood God was a disappointment.”
Phil shrugged, and answered your question,  “I’m not Death, no. I only work for her.”
As the times changed, the kingdom fell into peace, and the people grew distrustful of Technoblade, who had fought so many battles on their behalf. Soon he was exiled to a quiet corner of the kingdom, where he was supposed to live in obscurity. Although you were offered a position of importance in the palace, you opted to stay with Techno; better to work for a man of honor in obscurity than sully your hands with the schemes of a dozen greedy men vying for power in the palace.
Surprisingly, Techno excelled at encouraging plants to grow, and soon, the two of you were developing new ways of farming. Sometimes you thought you liked this version of Techno best, finding him hard at work in the fields, with a big straw hat and dirt under his fingernails, or hunched over his desk drafting plans for new farming techniques. You helped where you could.
By the time you were in your early twenties, you fell into believing your life would always go on like this. But then one day, while Techno was out in the fields, a knock at the gate brought you out of the rustic compound you both lived in. Phil stood there, awkwardly holding his hat in his hands. Several months had passed since his last visit, but the man was always welcome. Before you could ask him to step inside, Phil jammed his hat onto his head and pulled it down so low it completely hid his eyes. “What’s wrong, Phil?” you asked.
“I’m sorry, but I’m not here as Phil today.”
“Today I’m the Angel of Death, and I need you to follow me quickly.”
You didn’t fully understand what he meant, or why you needed to follow, but without a second thought you closed the gate and followed the man.
Twenty minutes later, you stood at the edge of the newest field, which was now strewn with more corpses than you could count. The scent of blood hung heavy on the air.
“What…what happened?”
Your companion shook his head, “These men thought they could sneak into the country here and loot the nearest town. They were fools.”
As Technoblade’s assistant, you had followed him into battle. You knew he was formidable, but you never realized he was this good at fighting—there had to be at least one hundred men lying in the dirt of the field. 
A slowly growing fear began gnawing at the back of your mind. “Where’s Techno?” When Phil hesitated, you asked again more urgently, “Where’s Techno?”
The Angel of Death slowly raised a hand to point towards the sea of bodies. Squinting in the harsh sunlight, you glimpsed a dash of pink. “I brought you here to say goodbye.” This was impossible. Inconceivable. Wrong. Opening your mouth to protest, you noticed Phil was silently crying. “You best hurry; he doesn’t have long.”
And that’s how you found yourself running through what felt like a million corpses. Finding the barely breathing body of your friend, you yanked a dead man off of him. With great raspy breaths, Techno forced himself to sit up, leaning against the piled dead to steady himself. “If you’re here to ask for a raise, I think you might have to come back tomorrow.”  
“Techno—” Your voice broke as you took in the sheer number of wounds covering every inch of his body. No doctor could fix this. You knelt in the bloody, muddy ground next to him. “I should have been here. I should have fought at your side.”
“Nonsense. I was more than enough for these idiots.” He tried to smile, “But I think I might need a break now.”
“But you can’t have a break!” You knew you were being irrational, but didn’t care. “Technoblade never dies, right? I won’t believe you were lying all those times you shouted it on the battlefield.”
Techno let his hoe fall from his hand, and you realized he had wrought this scene of carnage with nothing but farming equipment. His eyes crinkled in a real smile. “I used to be called “Alex,” a long time ago, before the Blood God marked me as his own.”
“Alex?” The name felt strange in your mouth.
“But that name doesn’t feel right anymore.”
“Techno…” He smiled again when you said his name, “what should I do now?”
Your friend closed his eyes and focused on breathing for what felt like an eternity. 
With a Herculean effort, Techno opened his eyes and reached out towards you, “Give me your hand.”
You muffled a sob and took his cold fingers in your own.
“You were right.” He stared into your eyes, “Technoblade never dies.” Suddenly, you felt his hand grow warmer. With a sudden movement, his hand slipped out of yours and grabbed your wrist. His hand was hot against your skin, almost burning you, but his eyes were calm. For a moment, all seemed right in the world. You saw the laughing prince you first followed as a child. 
Techno’s fingers turned to ice and fell limply to the ground. You frantically felt for a pulse, finding nothing but an unnaturally cold corpse which moments ago was your friend.
That’s when you first heard the tiny whisper in the back of your mind. Blood. You rubbed your wrist, which still felt unusually warm to the touch. Blood. Phil joined you, gently lifting the body of his friend, but you barely noticed until he spoke to you, asking if you were all right. You nodded numbly, staring in the direction the marauders came from. Phil eventually left, and the sun continued across the sky. As evening arrived, you noticed you had picked up the broken sword from one of the dead men all around you. And the voices whispered again and again. They should have frightened you, but they didn’t, they couldn’t. Blood for the Blood God. 
Echoing in your mind, weaving itself amongst the voices, were the last words of your friend, “Technoblade never dies.” 
For the first time, you fully understood the meaning of the phrase.
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jvolt04 · 1 month
Update on the Demi-Servant Idea. I probably won’t come back to this for a while, since I have a Fate/Stay Night x Fire Emblem Awakening fic that is much more thought out that I have to right. In the meantime, check out my improved list of Demi-Servants.
Name: Sofia Garcia
Spirit: El Çid
Stats: Strength (B), Endurance (B), Agility (C), Mana (C), Luck (B+)
Class Skills: Riding (A), Magic Resistance (C)
Succeed Phantasm: Strategy (A)
NP: Tizona y Colada - Blades of the as-Sayyid (A Ranked Anti-Units, Tizona inflict a fear effect on “unworthy” opponents, Colada is an unbreakable blade that increases Sofia’s luck)
Personality: Military brat, wanted to follow her father’s footsteps and join the army. Extreme nerd, really into fantasy (Lord of the Rings is her favorite).
Name: Eric Hansen
Spirit: Simo Häyhä
Stats: Strength (D), Endurance (B), Agility (B), Mana (D), Luck (B)
Class Skills: Magic Resistance (D), Independent Action (B)
Succeed Phantasm: Clairvoyance (B)
NP: the White Death - Hidden in the Snow (B-ranked Anti-Army, projects an aura of snow that makes it almost impossible to find Bernard, even as he fires from his rifle)
Personality: Orphaned at a young age, numb to the world. Softens his demeanor around his friends. Can focus on a single task for an extremely long time.
Name: Jamal Smith
Spirit: Cadmus
Stats: Strength (B+), Endurance (B+),
Agility (C), Mana (B)
Class Skills: Magic Resistance (B)
Succeed Phantasm: Bravery (B)
NP1: Draconic Body - the Cursed Blessing (A Ranked Anti-Unite (Self), can take on a draconic form, as Cadmus did at the end of his life, granting boost to strength and endurance)
NP2: Spear of Thebes - Peircer of Scales (A+ Ranked Anti-Unit, a spear this can pierce even the toughest of defense, increased damage against dragons)
Personality: Inquisitive, loves to learn. Struggles with self-worth due to drug addiction. Determined to save his sister from anymore hardships.
Name: Keisha Smith
Spirit: Taliesin
Stats: Strength (D), Endurance (D), Agility (D), Mana (A), Luck (C)
Class Skills: Territory Creation (B),
Item Creation (C)
Succeed Phantasm: Shapeshifting (C)
NP: Bardic Awen: Songs that Move the World (A Ranked Anti-Army, Keisha can use her songs to affect the world around her, such as creating walls of earth or summoning lightning storms)
Personally: Loves music with all her heart. Had a promising future as an artist. Songs are usually about nature, another love of Keisha’s. Cares for her brother’s wellbeing.
Name: Joey Gencarelli
Spirit: Julius Caesar
Stats: Strength (C), Endurance (B+),
Agility (B+), Mana (C), Luck (B-)
Class Skills: Magic Resistance (B),
Riding (C++)
Succeed Phantasm: Imperial Privilege (A+, grants Swordsmanship, Charisma, and Arts)
NP1: Homo Pollicem: the Human Toed Horse (B Ranked Self, the polydactyl horse of Caesar ordained that its rider would rule the world, and gives a strength, agility, and endurance boost to Joey)
NP2: Crocea Mora: the Yellow Death (C+ Anti-Unit, basically a less powerful version of Saber Caeser’s Noble Phantasm)
Personality: Hates chaos and disorder. Wanted to go into politics and fix shit-show that is the American Government. Bisexual, has a crush on Elijah, but tries to hide it (he fails, everyone except Elijah knows.
Name: Zahra Bashar
Spirit: Hassan of Shadow Peeling
Stats: Strength (D), Endurance (D), Agility (A), Mana (B), Luck (C),
Class Skills: Presence Concealment (C+)
Succeed Phantasm: Infiltration (A)
NP: Zabaniya - the Deceptive Shadow (B Ranked Anti-Unit (Self), Zahra can turn her own shadow into a perfect copy of herself, either using it as a decoy or using it for tag-team moves)
Personality: Devout Muslim, Strong moral compass, worked at a soup kitchen. Wanted to be a lawyer help stem injustice. Enjoys pranking and teasing her friends.
Name: Gabriel Hernandez
Spirit: Galvarino
Stats: Strength (B+), Endurance (A+),
Agility (C+), Mana (D), Luck (D)
Class Skills: Madness Enhancement (B)
Succeed Phantasm: Battle Continuation (B+)
NP: Rage of Resistance - Madman’s Inspiration (B-Ranked Anti-Army (Self), Grants allies a lesser version of Battle Continuation, raised Gabriel’s own skill by one rank)
Personality: Total anarchist, the kind of person to throw a brick through a police precinct if they did some racist shit. Loves cats, really good at crocheting.
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thirddeadlysin · 2 months
okay that fanvid SLAPPED, do you happen to have any fic recs about steve harrington that a person who hasn't really watched the show proper could enjoy?
okay a) I'm so glad you like that fanvid bc I have been obsessed with it for YEARS 💖
b) I have read many wonderful Steve fics I would love to recommend but unfortunately I read most fic in a kind of escape from my shitty job/social life fugue state on my phone and never remember or bookmark anything so (oh woe is me lol) I'm going to revisit whatever I can find in my browser and ao3 history and try to do up a proper rec list, but to start you off I think this is a great intro to Steve fic:
It opens at the end of s2, but recaps how he's progressed to where he is as the fic opens and I can very clearly remember like ten paragraphs in thinking, wow I am REALLY in Steve's POV rn.
The basics you need to know are that he starts out as a rich cocky jock who isn't book smart who starts coming on real strong at the start of s1 to the very smart and reserved Nancy, who is a year behind him. He invites her to a ~party~ of just them and his besties, but she brings her third wheel bestie Barb, who gets ditched pretty early so Nancy can have sex with Steve for the first time. Barb subsequently disappears (and is later definitively revealed to have been murdered by the horrors) about the same time Will disappears (the series' inciting event) and Nancy keeps dating Steve for about a year but is riddled with guilt the whole time. Steve doesn't appear to notice until she can't take it any more and dumps him. He also doesn't appear to notice that Nancy has been really drawn to Will's brother Jonathan the whole time, even though he broke up with his besties sometime around the end of s1 bc they're awful people (who had egged him on to harass Jonathan AND Nancy) and is apparently only hanging out with Nancy for a year.
(Fanon has kind of drifted to Steve being a real pussy hound before Nancy and maybe pursued her as another v-card punch if you will but I always read him as pursuing her because of ~the challenge~ bc she was dazzled by his popular jock persona but not totally bowled over by it and she's so much smarter than him. Either way after they break up he's hung up on her for a long time AND really bad at picking up other girls.)
Anyway basically everyone else in this fic is one of the main cast of younger kids who have repeatedly roped Steve in to help with the horrors, and this fic is him coming to terms with the fact that he is actual friends with at least one but up to four middle school mega nerds: Dustin (my extremely annoying child with zero boundaries), Lucas the very skeptical Army brat, Will the tiny traumatized-by-horrors boy who may not yet realize he's gay, and Mike, Nancy's very annoyed-by-Steve little brother. Max is the fifth but she is very cool and not a nerd (and in love with Lucas who is much more in love with her) and her stepbrother Billy is a huge asshole and the guy who basically took Steve's role as big man on campus.
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Clark Kent's ultimate guide to charm the woman of your dreams : treat her to coffee.
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Superman And Lois Lane ❤️
@jetslay @lostsoulincssea @the-army-brat-and-the-nerd
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solejust · 2 years
Free the spiderwick chronicles cast list
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The only other annoyance is the frequent shouting with an older sister. I hate to hear child actors, using God's name as exclamations, though, but that's not Highmore's doing. Star Freddie Highmore, who seems to get cast in a lot of these fantasies Charlie And The Chocolate Family," "August Rush," "Arthur And The Invisibles," and "The Golden Compass" has a dual role in here, playing brothers "Jared"and "Simon Grace." Freddie is a fine actor, so no problem in that department. A creative enough story helped by good film-making and an eye for what kids and adults love about these movies make this film a generally good and above average family fantasy film of the past few years. This is all captured very well here and works as a fairy tale for kids 8 to whatever age. When looking at a film like this at a child you would like the magic, imagination and the story that is woven in front of you with interesting characters, environments and a grand sense of storytelling that can make the make believe into a fun and entertaining film. There were a few repeated story patterns and clichés in the script, but there were also a lot of surprises and new takes on things, so that can be forgiven. The running time moves along fairly briskly and the film is involving and interesting from the start and keeps it's energy and charm throughout the running time. The young cast each did their own and carried the film and even though I don't usually like computer generated effects in films, I didn't feel it was overdone here just for the sake of showing what today's new wonderful technology can do and I really appreciated that the film didn't go overboard with that. The story sounds simple enough, but it is enhanced by a lot of creative creatures and imaginative things going on. The film is aimed at a family audience even though some young children might be afraid of some scenes, but this is a film that I think kids will absolutely love and there is enough here for the grownups as well. I wasn't sure what I would think of The Spiderwick Chronicles, but to my surprise I thought it was pretty good. The majority of them that have been released over the past few years I have not seen because for one thing they did not look appealing to me at all and also because of bad word of mouth and reviews. Ever since The Lord Of The Rings and Harry Potter films have done so well, filmmakers are taking other fantasy books and turning them into feature films as well. The ensuing battle under siege is the start of further adventures, involving Arthur's mental asylum-bound daughter Lucinda Spiderwick (Dame Joan Plowright), who divulges more surprises, while the ogre's forces stop at nothing to conquer he book for control of the magical world, which Jared gets to penetrate further then he could imagine.Also protects himself and his family from the evil monsters that want the book to do harm. Rescuing Simon, Jared meets and teams up with bird-eating Hogsqueal (Seth Rogen). Honey-addicted tiny book guardian Thimbletack (Martin Short), who lives indoors, explains it most at all cost be kept away from ogre Mulgarath (Nick Nolte) and his army of trolls et cetera, which a magical circle keeps outside, but his clueless siblings draw them there. Shy nerd Simon (Freddie Highmore) resigns to thinks, but adventurous brother Jared (Freddie Highmore) stubbornly revolts, then finds presumably deceased uncle Arthur Spiderwick's (David Strathairn's) life's work "field guide to the magical world", is stunned when the creatures it generally warns against actually inhabit the estate and explores further. The Grace twins are dragged from New York to the inherited, run-down Spiderwick estate with clueless but bossy elder brat sister Mallory (Sarah Bolger) as their divorced mother Helen (Mary-Louise Parker) couldn't afford her old job at city prices.
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lostsoulincssea · 2 years
Aww, thank you so much cutie!! You are wonderful yourself! 💗
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svgurl410 · 3 years
Thanks to @frostysfrenzy for tagging me! :D
Pumpkin or apple // cocoa or cider // halloween or thanksgiving // leaf piles or apple picking // hay ride or corn maze (never been on one or to a corn maze tbh) // woolly sweater or furry slippers // pumpkin carving or knitting // squash or sweet potato // black cat or bat // skeletons or witches // fake blood or fake spiders // mashed potatoes or stuffing // orange or black // apple pie or maple donuts // marshmallows or candy corn // vampire or werewolf // fireplace or cozy nook // spiced wine or craft beer // candied apples or s'mores // big scarf or oversize hoodie
Tagging: @lizzy384, @noxelementalist, @ksfd89, @wallsarecrumbling, @the-army-brat-and-the-nerd, @hiraeth-doux, @creativityobsessed and anyone who wants to do it! No pressure. Please let me know if you like/don’t like being tagged in these things. :D
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frostysfrenzy · 2 years
SOOO. I have succumbed to the sideblog universe
Smallville, Supernatural, and anything related to them will now be @sams-superman
Gonna tag my friends and mutuals in the fandoms so y'all get it!
@coping-via-clint-eastwood @rolliraserin @redonkulouspopcorn @stuffycrookshanks @donnas-troia @fate-and-chance @svgurl410 @52frogs @clarklexlois @the-gray-ghosty @the-army-brat-and-the-nerd @donttelltheelff @storytimewithnetty @julianarsantos-blog @jetslay @itdobecannon @mr-red-dead-yeehaw
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