#The problem my dad has(& probably a lot of other men)is that more women showing up in these movies & that is now also seen as a lady
tumblingxelian · 2 days
I have to admit I'm impressed with how awful a father CRWBY made Taiyang while giving him a veneer of reasonability.
To the point that his ability to just spout off things reminds me of an Aunt and Uncle who have no idea just how badly they are painting themselves.
As in - when he makes a judgement call about how Yang lost her arm that fits it into his "Over dependence on his semblance" it's incredibly telling about him not ever actually asking anyone about what happened.
It means he never talked to Yang about it, or even you know offered because while Yang wouldn't have said everything she'd probably have said a little.
Or talked to any of the students who probably got information about what happened from Blake when she dragged Yang to safety. Which wouldn't have been much but probably included the fact that Blake was attacked by someone, Yang intervened.
Given that students presumably died when Beacon fell and that Yang was a first year student... Like by itself, Yang being alive enough for a teammate to save her is a victory.
Nevermind context of her going up against someone that fought Blake, who came back injured herself, and Adam probably did get ID as going around killing students. So the fact that Yang was vastly outclassed would have been known, you know if Taiyang asked at all about "What happenend". Or worse - he did and still blames Yang. Like what did he expect her to do - leave Blake to die? Yang got Blake enough room to run, Blake used the opportunity to get both of them out of there but Yang bought that opportunity for Blake.
Meanwhile I'm looking forward to the Belladonnas actually talking to Yang. Because I don't think it's an accident that we didn't see said interaction before we started being shown in detail the grease fire of the Xialong Rose family.
From my perspective Tai is a rather interesting execution on the archetypical father on these fronts. IE, he's not a classic bad father the way Jac is, or the classic emotionally distant husk archetype. Yet to me, he is still 100% a big problem and done a lot of harm to Ruby & Yang with lackluster parenting & 'teaching'.
As outlined here.
I think this is one of the reasons why a lot of people struggle to actually see him as flawed even when e gets basic facts wrong.
Another reason is just how much undue credit men are given by default that women have to earn. Hence lots of people shrugging off Qrow's drinking or Ozpin's manipulation, or Ironwood's authoritarianism until they couldn't anymore.
Though being more charitable, I would also note how CRWBY often play these characters against their more traditional archetypes to help offset the audiences presumptions.
For instance,
Ozpin is a mysterious headmaster of an adventurers school but he's the 'fun' headmaster who both helps the kids go on adventures but unlike certain other headmasters sends an adult escort with them.
Or Ironwood, he's a big military hard liner who wants more tech, bigger weapons and to throw his military around. But he asks about the kids, he jokes casually, he's not just some General Ripper.
& Qrow of course is the bitter veteran and mentor, who is super badass & drinks/smokes, but in contras, he's also seemingly functional, friendly and clearly has a good rapport with his nieces.
Its easy to see why people saw those aspects and were willing to ignore things like:
Ozpin sending teenagers into terrorist dens, Ironwood backstabbing his allies while making himself out to be the victim, and Qrow's blatant dependence on alcohol to function.
Cos CRWBY made them characters & not archetypes.
So when the shit hit the fan and subtext became text, subtly problematic behavior became blatantly problematic and festering problems once seen as comedic now had real weight.
I feel Tai fits the same mold, he's on the surface 'functional', he definitely cares, and even seems to do some 'fun dad' stuff. He just also as no idea how Yang's Semblance works, & was absent or otherwise none functional for so long its left deep scars on Yang having to keep the family together & Ruby outright says Yang raised her.
He's in many ways a more realistic and nuanced portrayal of a dysfunctional or toxic parent who may not obviously have issues the way an open abuser like Jac, or an absentia parent like Raven might but can still do harm.
Also excellent breakdown on how the surrounding context of the Fall of Beacon. Team RWBY are first years, Blake is an incredibly experienced combatant, Yang had been put through the ringer. Literally everything was on fire and even people like Ozpin died.
The fact the whole team made it out at all is nothing short of a miracle. But accepting that "Sometimes bad things happen" is a surrender of power, its an admission that there was nothing to be done and that is terrifying. Especially for a man whose had two of the most important people in his life vanish on him without a trace.
He wants there to be something in Yang to blame because then there is something that can be done about it. Add in his clear and overtly stated projection of Raven onto her, and hos incoherent his reads on her personality are given Yang's addressed stuff like stubbornness & strategy well before this.
& you get a parent making being dismembers in a no win situation against a more powerful opponent the victims fault while giving vague, generalist advice to feel like they're doing something.
Gosh I want them to just adore her, and her to adore the Belladonna's.
Thanks for the ask, and good luck on that essay you mentioned, remember to tag me ;)
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My dad: is a new hulk movie coming out? I saw a trailer with hulk & a... female hulk
Me: it's a Disney+ show
Dad: ah okay... But now they're overdoing it, aren't they?
Me: overdoing what?🤨 (knowing exactly what he means & that his answer will piss me off
Dad: that they (marvel) making hulk also a woman. It does not even make sense.
Me: *pissed of. Even when I saw this coming*
Me: she also exist in the comics & her name is Jen & she is Bruce cousin
Dad: & how did she got these powers?
Me: she needed a blood transfusion & Bruce gave her blood...you can put the puzzle together
Dad: ah okay.
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stellar-mop · 7 months
The Coffin of Andy and Leyley has me thinking about gender and gender roles a lot. I know other people have done more in-depth analysis of this, but I'm just gonna throw my thoughts out into the void of tumblr (the void is welcome to yell back, just be nice please)
I think one of the things that makes these characters fascinating especially for me as a vaguely-agender nonbinary person is like the places I can see where their gender is impacting their interactions and choices. Like changing the gender of the characters would fundamentally change their story and personality (love y'all's genderswap AUs tho, this is not an objection).
Something I'm not sure how to articulate super well is how the game interacts with like neurodivergence gender stereotypes. On the surface level they line up with the "women are emotional and men aren't allowed to show feelings" set of gender stereotypes. But I think there's another layer if you look at it through the lens of how societal pressures around mental illness and gender intersect especially in like school-aged kids/teens. Like Andrew being the "easy child" and Ashley being... Ashley. In not-particularly-nuanced terms: "boy" neurodivergence shows as acting out and being a problem child (which Ashley does), and "girl" neurodivergence gets hidden via masking and passivity (which Andrew does). I think it's neat that this is contrary to societal expectations - like this would be a very different story if Andrew was a pushy chaotic mess and Ashley was apathetic but seething under the surface. Because gender! What's even up with that?
Less sfw thoughts under the cut, including some coffincest stuff. Warnings for unhealthy relationships and attitudes towards sex:
The way Ashley and the mom talk about sex is fascinating. I've read some really good analyses on here about Ashley thinking about sex as transactional and I think she gets that from her mom. In that one scene ("you fuck her") the mom asks Andrew something like "what does she give you to make it worth it?" Like, the only reason she can think of for why Andrew wants to spend time with Ashley is sex. That says a lot about the mom as a person (also wow she really does see zero value in Ashley as a person wtf), and probably the way Ashley was raised to think about sex. And that's a very gendered (like cishet women specifically) view of sex. Like sex in a relationship as something to be tolerated, and for Ashley "another way to keep him around".
But I'm also wondering about the flip side of that, like is the mom only tolerating the dad for sex? Because I don't really get the impression that she likes him very much, but they textually have a very active sex life. If so, this is also sort of counter to societal gender roles/expectations. I really don't like the parents but they're such fascinating characters too.
I guess my point with all this is like we got distracted by the cannibalism and murder and incest and demon summoning, but there's some really neat and subtle stuff about gender in here that I want to talk about too! It's just so well written there's so much depth
*slaps roof of game* this bad boy can fit so much dysfunction!
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chaifootsteps · 2 months
need the fandom to understand that 'character who is the soft one who cries is not equal to the character who is in the right'
it makes sense for a show that's primed it's audience to think abuse is just limited to obvious cruelty and insults (but only when the show says it counts, HB cared about Blitzo being a jerk to Moxxie for all of one conversation) but it's frustrating to see this show touted as 'sooo deep' when it could have done a lot more to show the different types of manipulation and abuse with the material it already has
like, a character that's soft and weepy and constantly rewrites reality to favor himself? that's A grade PSA material for how abusers don't always look like Stella or Crimson and make their targets feel like they're the ones who are crazy or in the wrong
Oh yeah, and for the contingent who says Stolas would be treated way more sympathetically if he was a woman - I kind of doubt it, personally. I think a character like Stolas if he was genderswapped would be judged far more harshly for what he does in the Stol/tz storyline, not less
like the audience would probably jump to 'he reminds me of my mom/girlfriend/other female friend who also uses crying and looking pathetic to get people to take her side despite treating me like dirt', 'this or that trait is such a narcissistic thing to do'.
the show already expects its audience to treat the female characters with way more scrutiny and suspicion after all, but I feel like people are more inclined to recognize the figure of the 'narcissistic woman who's only emotional reality is her own' or the image of 'mom who neglects kid for new beau' than they are when it's a male character
and that's not a bad thing, to be clear! it's good the fandom can recognize abusive behaviors in women, probably most often their mothers (though it is disturbing how little they can acknowledge the emotional landscape of the female characters - there's any number of reasons for Stella to feel disenchanted with her life and the fandom cares about none of them)
the problem is they can't extend that logic to Stolas. they can't see how Sad Owl Twink is distorting reality around his relationship with Blitzo and refusing to treat him like a person, or how he's a subpar dad to Via. it feels like the bar for male characters is being set way lower as long as there's a convenient excuse. and it seems part of the reason is more than just Stolas being male, since logically Blitzo wouldn't be getting it in the neck from Stolas fans so much
it seems like it's also because they seem him as soft and harmless that on top of the extra credit male characters get for doing nothing, they've decided he can do no harm. men already deserve a medal for being connected to their emotions, so if Stolas appears soft and sensitive it means he can't possible be abusive or neglectful at the same time. which is just not true
sorry if this is rambling, kinda thinking out loud
Thank you for sharing these thoughts aloud. It's absolutely true...Viv and her fandom seem to have it in their heads that abuse looks like screaming and insults, that sexual abuse looks like being held down (also that it doesn't count if you "get away,") and that is so, so unbelievably dangerous it genuinely chills the blood. It's going to get someone hurt.
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WIBTA if I told my dad's girlfriend about his Tinder? He doesn't use it when they're dating, only when they argue.
i (21 NB, closeted as F) currently live alone with my dad (57 M) while I study in college. My dad has been dating this person (52 F) for about 10 years. They met through work and started dating when I was around 12. They say they get along well, but they argue often, and have broken up multiple times in the past. They do not live together because her family dislikes my dad, including his girlfriend's children (20 and 15 year olds). I also have a bad relationship with him. He does provide good quality food, supplies, and shelter, and does favors (according to him) like cooking or not nagging me for staying up late to study.
The reasons I don't like him is because we share next to no political opinions, he constantly engages in toxic behavior such as harassing people over tiktok where he spends most of his free time, and holds really misogynistic opinions, such as that women should not talk to men unless they intend to engage sexually or romantically with them. He is also very racist (which is bad bc part of my family is indigenous!!) homophobic (i am closeted to him, he doesnt even know i had a girlfriend while my mother does), transphobic, and ableist (he has joked about doing harm or killing autistic children I worked with, has called my half-sibling with an ID a black sheep "jokingly", and i suspect i am autistic myself, to top it off).... These all probably sound like valid reasons to hate him. I just state them to be clear that I do have a negative bias. The only reason I don't rebel is because I want to study without many disturbances and,. He is just a pain in the ass and stressful to be around, but not actively harmful. He also denies every claim I make about him when I do call him out, so i have to confirm with my brother or bystanders to know I'm not making these things up)
Ok so. facts: Every time he breaks up with his girlfriend, he vents it all to me while they stay apart for a few weeks because he doesn't have other people to vent to. So, whenever they break up, he installs Tinder, matches with random women (he does not look at their profiles and just accept everything until a match happens), then shows me their photos to make fun of them. He usually does nothing serious about those relationships, except the one time he held a long distance relationship with a woman in a different country for a few months in 2018 and he expected me to advise him on that while the original girlfriend was making efforts for them to get back together.
I have talked to the girlfriend about my own problems with him and she validates them too. She is a sweet woman, but really non-confrontational. She insists that the two of them get along well, that he does respect her and love her a lot when they're together and she does want to be with him long term, but struggles because her children and family really don't like my dad and avoid him when he visits. I really do not think she deserves such a prick and if she doesn't know he uses dating apps when they break up then... I think she should know, so she can choose what to do about him.
I really DO wanna tell her, but I am afraid of the consequences for her and me for snitching, and while I dislike my dad for well established reasons, I do still need to rely on him, which is why i don't intend to give this info away. I guess more than anything I just want validation in disliking him and whether making this move would be too far. I'm willing to wait until graduating next year to pull it off from a safer distance.
What are these acronyms?
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Zoomer Huey, I tend to see people saying why Gen z don’t have sex much.
These journalists surprisedly have WORSE self awareness than there boomer relatives
Here a hint https://x.com/swannmarcus89/status/1762582001507323991?s=46
And gender dynamics are…nuked in the fields they are surveying. Women and girls are told that all men are predators and misandry is left unchecked
Also, why Hollywood act surprised about the sex abuse?
We all heard about the casting coach, and how suspiciously people from working class backgrounds like Micheal Jackson (yes his dad had his music connections. But essentially mj was a slave and was arguably was the first black child star unless I’m missing someone) and Walt Disney (though not as bad) are painted as monsters while the actual monsters are protected for decades
I mean look at Judy Garland, she was a sweet person and she did help the LBGT in Hollywood and supported the civil rights movement
But her “crazy” behavior makes more sense because she was sexually abused at a extremely young age
And she not the only one, Shirley Temple, the boy who played at the first LA Dennis the Manis
Oh and the Peter Pan actor (a lot of people leave out the part where ALL of Hollywood basically says he can choke and die because he was “too” Disney)
But sorry about the Gen stuff, but the false rape accusations, maybe if you guys didn’t view men (especially white ones) the same way Nazis viewed the Jews while saying all the working class men were Weinstein.
My Gen would have more sex
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Entertainment industry has been like that since the beginning of forever, probably less so when women weren't allowed to participate but still a thing I'm sure.
As for Judy Garland it was nice to see people come out swinging in her defense when someone tried to start shit over well
She was not in control of her carer, saying no was not an option for her with this, but dumbasses that can only think in terms of today's standards never think about that.
Jay North (Dennis the Menace) did ok, so did Shirley Temple, plenty of others not so much, more recently we can look at Drew Barrymore and RDJ who both had fairly public meltdowns and problems.
Drew was ruined since her first film was ET and Spielberg takes care of the kids on set, going beyond the legal requirements.
Bobby Driscol was the Peter Pan VA top of his Wiki article.
Robert "Bobby" Cletus Driscoll (March 3, 1937 – c. March 30, 1968) was an American actor who performed on film and television from 1943 to 1960. He starred in some of the Walt Disney Studios' best-known live-action pictures of that period: Song of the South (1946), So Dear to My Heart (1949), and Treasure Island (1950), as well as RKO's The Window (1949). He served as the animation model and provided the voice for the title role in Peter Pan (1953). He received an Academy Juvenile Award for outstanding performances in So Dear to My Heart and The Window.
He just fell into the child actor pit, where he wasn't "cute" anymore couldn't get gigs and couldn't adjust to not being in the spotlight, the way he went and nobody knowing is awful to think about still.
Jackie Coogan, on the other hand was a different story.
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His parents sucked and as a result there's a series of laws named after him California's Coogan Law all about protecting the earnings of child actors from their parents. % goes into a trust iirc.
He ended up OK in the end though
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The false accusation thing, #me too hurt women because #believe women was taken advantage of to such a degree that even this coming out to light
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has still probably not cleared up for the trooper, and men are opting to not mentor women because of not wanting to risk a false accusation, everyone screams about how rare they are, to which I say so what, why should they assume the risk even if it's minor
Former VP Mike Pence came out and said he won't be alone with a woman that's not his wife in order to ensure that there is no possibility of someone making a claim of impropriety.
And he got this response
Why is anyone going to put their neck on the line when something like what he said is going to get this kind of response.
Maybe instead of crying about how rare false accusations are they should focus on shaming the people making them and coming up with solutions to keep them from happening.
You know instead of blaming the victims of the false accusations.
All this and so much more going on that isn't in this ask goes to the I don't blame people for not having as much sex, it's actually kinda nice too, fewer std's this way.
I went on a couple tangents, hope that's ok
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jellyishi3s · 7 months
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Valeria headcanons (cuz I love her.)
TWS: talks of toxic parents/household, misogyny, talk of some sac-religious topics, drugs but nothing explicit, cartel related things, honestly nothing explicit but just talks of violence in general. Idk i think that’s it, I’m sorry if I’ve missed anything. If i did let me know!
I love this women so much lmao. Speaking of love lets talk about familial love and relationship. I’ve seen a lot of people say Valeria has daddy issues… she definitely does not lmao. No but it all honesty, she most definitely has mommy issues. Her and her mom, can never have a genuine conversation without getting into an argument, or they just act civil, which is usually just them ignoring their ever growing problems with each other. Alejandro mentioned Valeria having brothers briefly, now i don’t know how many she has but I’m assuming somewhere between two or three. She loves and hates them. Now pulling some information from my own family(extended) and patterns I see in my own community. Hispanic mothers tend to absolutely baby the men in the family, especially their sons, if they ask to go out on a school night they’ll usually say yes, even when they haven’t done their chores or are failing classes. But as a daughter… no. It’s a no. You’ll actually end up doing their chores and than be told you need to do better in school even though you only got a B. The double standards are crazy sometimes. And this most likely what contributed to Valeria’s strained relationship with her mom. Her relationship with her brother’s are good though, but they do piss her off, mainly because of that double standard. I think she’s either the second oldest or middle child. She loves her dad, and grandma. Daddy’s girl, I think her father definitely was the more laid back parent. He spoiled her and definitely was excited when her mom was pregnant, and they found out it was a girl. She loves her grandma, she sometimes wonders how such a sweet woman could make her mom. Her mom probably saw too much of herself in Valeria, but also so much of what she’s not.
Friends. Valeria to me, seems like she has one maybeee two, really close friends. She did really well in school, always excelled, loved the competition of it all. She did sports in school, probably looked up to her brothers and tried following in their footsteps, she did soccer (football), swim team, cross country, and did boxing even though her parents said it wasn’t lady like. Her best friend since like fourth grade, would come to all her sport meets. They were really close, they were in all the same classes up until high-school, they talked shit about their parents or kids at school, they skipped school, caused trouble; because I just know Valeria probably pranked one or two teachers but in very personal and targeted ways, she never got caught. Honestly her and her best friend, had a homoerotic friendship. Lmao.
I didn’t grow up in Mexico but I visited quite often as a kid, and it’s no surprise that most people there are very catholic. (It’s next too impossible to find tampons sometimes, and you can thank purity culture and religion for that.) Take that in mind. I don’t think she had internalized homophobia, but she genuinely thought of it as a phase of sorts… It was not a phase. Her and her best friend would kind of experiment together, they kissed, made out, lingering touches, but they never went further. Valeria, had kissed a few guys in high school, but when she kissed her friend, it felt right you know? Valeria at some point did fall in love with her best friend, she never admitted to herself until her best friend started dating some mediocre guy. She was low key hurt and honestly jealous. Said mediocre guy and her best friend got married a few years after they graduated high school. Valeria went to the wedding, and while she had convinced herself what they did was just dumb teenage experimentation, she felt very bitter sweet seeing her friend get married to this guy.
Speaking of relationship. Valeria probably dated quite a few guys, but none of them ever made her feel a real type of connection. She also didn’t like a lot of them because didn’t like her taking control, or being so ambitious. (I mentioned Valeria did good in school and was probably the more competitive type; adding onto that she definitely had a passion for politics, and the intricacies off it, I think she wanted to be a politicians, but I bet her mom and brothers kind of just wrote her off about it.) So the men she dated definitely didn’t like how she was so ambitious and dominate both in and outside their relationship and bed. She didn’t take shit from anyone and that included the guys she dated or slept with. if she wanted to be on top or the one in control in bed, and their egos were too fragile for that, she would leave them high dry. Honestly sex with men felt… okay to her. Like she definitely tried to be more submissive and try things they wanted to do… yeah she never finished. Also men’s ego’s and how they viewed her and women were a major deal breaker and turn off, the minuet a guy made misogynistic, comment, that relationship or date ended quick. Honestly for a long time she lied to herself, saying she likes men but just has high standards. Now Maria (Valeria’s actor) said Valeria and Alejandro definitely had something but she also stated she’s not sure if Valeria was in love with Alejandro or she hat plain likes women. Maria also stated the reason why Valeria betrayed the military and became an enforce for La Arana and than became El sin nombre, is because she was treated worse than her male counter parts in the military, so keep that in mind.
Alejandro. Honestly i think Valeria actually did like, or at the very least felt attracted to him. She definitely thought if she was going to date a guy it would be Alejandro. I think both of them had a thing for each other, it was kind of a this weird relationship that was a relationship but also wasn’t confirmed, type of thing. I think what happened was Alejandro seemed like this guy who respected Valeria and her ambitions, and she liked that, she liked how he didn’t mind letting her have control but at some point, Alejandro said or did something, that just reinforced that its really is all men. She wasn’t heartbroken, but she probably felt betrayed in a way. After Alejandro, I think she came to terms that she really just liked women. Her first time with a woman was early on, when she became an enforcer for La Arana. It was this other woman, one of few, and she didn’t really know how to go about asking or telling if she was also into woman. She was honesty and blunt, she straight up just asked the other woman “you into women?” And by Valeria’s surprise. She was and you know what happens from there. She was actually a little nervous to have sex with a woman, just because she never knew how two women did it and because she was coming to terms that she was a lesbian. Valeria’s a quick learner, so she kind of just watched a bunch of porn video’s to get an idea of what to do. After she left her hook ups place, she kind of had like that realization, that she really was attracted to women. Valeria also figured out what it was like to actually enjoy sex. Yeah she got around after that.
Military. Okay so like I stated before, Valeria was probably seen as less than, compared to her male colleagues. But also I think in general throughout her life she was seen as less than her brothers, her class mates, her boyfriends etc… I think she joined the military because it’s a stable job, it makes decent money, but I also think, Valeria thought the military would be about your skills, about your capabilities, she thought it had nothing to do with gender. Oh. Was she wrong. The misogyny, the machismo, the cat calling, the condensation. She tried ignoring it, and just tried to prove herself, but she probably learned pretty quickly, that some guy with half her skill and capabilities would surpass her. The time in the military actually altered her brain chemistry. She was never one for just taking shit from others, and that strengthened and solidified even more. She wasn’t scared to argue or to even get physical with a guy who made a remark. She was probably a little more… idk lenient? With higher commanding officers. But even than sometimes, they’d mansplain or be condescending towards her, she’d just passive aggressively smile at them. Her brothers are in the military and in a way I think, she wanted to prove to her mother she was just as good or better than her brother’s. But when she saw, that a man with half her qualifications were always advance quicker and higher than her, she became an enforcer. Now I’m not an expert on cartels, but cartels have nothing to do if you’re a woman or a man, its about how good at business and how much power you hold. Valeria liked that. She probably became something like a right hand man, or something of higher authority. Now I don’t know what happened for La Arana to essentially fall, but it was probably a mixture of poor business and a lot of paper trails or something. Valeria saw what happened and how it could’ve been prevented. It was most likely already a failing thing, with a mediocre past time. Valeria was steps ahead, she had a plan she ended up convincing most if not all of the enforcers and made a deal with the enforces that were apart of her military unit. She had a plan, she had everything figured out, and she already had people who were helping her build something better. She was smart and and calculating about it all, and that’s why she succeeded. But also I think one thing many look over is her capability to be cruel.
I think some people forget, just how cruel and violent cartels are. And maybe because, we saw Valeria just shoot and get it over with, so it doesn’t really register but… Unfortunately, she probably has done worse, and she needed too. There’s a few big cartels in Mexico, and if she wants to expand and have respect. She has to prove she’s just as unforgiving as them, so you know, interrogations, probably get a lot messier than what we saw with soap. I think to be able to do those things or to give the okay on t0rture, you definitely have to already have some sadistic tendencies. Like you don’t just randomly abandon a piece of your humanity or morals, that is something you have to accept or come to terms with before even acting on or doing. So Valeria probably had known, or come to terms that she could kill without much remorse. She’s not scared to get her hands dirty, and that’s why she has succeeded, that’s why the men who work for her respect and follow her. I think part of her cruelty is this need to prove and show, that she is better than them, and they can’t deny that. Cruelty is a necessity in cartels, and Valeria, understood that, and probably had little to no qualms about that aspect.
Valeria is honestly the epitome of “I support women’s rights and wrongs.”
Tattoos. Okay so Valeria’s tattoo’s actually tell you a lot about out her. Now I didn’t do super in depth research but this what I did find. So one is she believes/follows Santa Muerte. Which for those who don’t know is considered like the grim reaper, or lady of death. Now it’s not an official religion, or religious figure in Mexico, but she is still consider a saint or deity of sorts for those who believe. Santa mureata is kind of controversial, because many cartel members believe in her, and it gives her this kind of dark or cult like vibe. But like most religions, people have used her as a way of justifications of things or symbol for something that is not accordance to the religion. (Now my grandparents immigrated to the US from Sinaloa, and as a kid I would go there, and Sanata Murete is popular there. My family doesn’t believe in it, but I was taught about it and I’m kind of trying to remember so if I get anything wrong apologies.)
So Santa Muerte is not necessarily bad, she represents the acceptance of death, but also to bless you from dying a painful or violent death, wealth, good health, safe delivering to the after life, healing and probably more but I forget. Now while Santa Murete is often celebrated by those who are lgbtq, in sex work, or just had or have/had struggled throughout their life. Valeria might have it because it’s become some what of a symbol among cartels. Valeria has two Santa muerte tattoo’s, both of them have the initials KW on them, but I couldn’t find anything relating to that, so I’m assuming its an initial for name? Valeria also has a rose tattoo, with shackle on it, now, this is actually a popular tattoo among Russian prisoners. It represents someone who was either incarcerated before 18 and can symbolize rising up from oppressive forces or people. The general consensus I could find about the tattoo that it means to basically rise above oppression. She has a snake tattoo with a dagger stabbing it which can represent triumph, bravery, and over coming demons, or obstacles. She also has two scorpion tattoos, now scorpion’s can symbolize many things. In general they are a symbol of strength. Within Mexican and Cuban gangs and cartels, in particular, the tattoo indicates the wearer is a contract killer or enforcer. Valeria tattoo themes surround, overall strengthen, overcoming oppression or obstacles she has faced in her life. She most likely wears the Santa muerte tattoo as a form of worship in a way, but because she has initials combined with it, she might be of done in a memory of someone. Anyways she looks hot.
Alchol, she loves and hates it. Coming from a Hispanic household, and family in general, I have never met a Hispanic who doesn’t drink, unless they’re alcoholics and in recovery. So she probably drinks, but never to the point where she’s drunk. She likes really anything, but rarely drinks hard liquor though. Beer and wine she likes. Oddly loves cheap wine, and liquor but can’t stand cheap beer. She prefers Modelo’s, reminds her of how her dad would let her sip or try a little, when she was a teenager.
NSFW— I for the life of me can not see this woman, being submissive. Maybe she’ll let you top, but she’s in control, honestly will somehow edge you more than herself. Lmao. She gets off on seeing you cry tbh. I think she can be gentle and sweet and loving in bed, but that’s very intimate to her, so I think you’d have to be her lover. If you’re a random hook up, pfffttt… good luck, you‘ll feel sore, everywhere. Honestly into a lot of rough, and kinky things, she a sadist, and isn’t going to lie about it. Will do aftercare though, 100% even if you are some one night stand. She’s kind of quiet when she does aftercare with a hook up, but with her lover, she’s just going to casually, talk to you, about anything as she cleans you up rubs you with lotion.
She smells like vanillin and sandalwood, just naturally.
I think Valeria likes to dress more gender neutral, very, simple but expensive clothes she can replace. She doesn’t flaunt her money or spend it needlessly. She’s good with money in general. She does spend her money but within reason, and quietly. Probably more of an asset and stocks person.
I think her family knows what she does, but it’s not spoken about, they have very mixed feelings about it. Her mom actually showed her some semblance of actual concern for once. Valeria had VERY mixed feelings about that.
NSFW— one day at church (she’s catholic like canonly) Valeria and this one girl kept like looking at each other, you know where you stare at the person until they catch you looking? Yeah that. After mass, and everyone left, Valeria fucked her in the pews. Valeria had to regrets.
Valeria is honestly confused about how she feels about religion, despite practicing it since she was a kid. She believes in god but hates the church, but yet, still very much goes to church and practices Catholicism. She also knows she can’t atone for her sins but in some way it brings her peace and like some semblance of stability. But she also can’t stand the Catholic Church. She honestly doesn’t know how to feel about it, so she kind of just doesn’t think about it anymore.
Now, she doesn’t hate white people, but she definitely has mixed feelings towards them, since they’ll come to vacation in Mexico, or buy a vacation home for cheap, and than the start of gentrification starts. She has a particular mixed feelings towards white Americans, she knows not all of them believe in the whole build a wall and all Mexicans are criminals, thing, but.. she just can’t help but just feel kind of… annoyed? Not saying she wouldn’t have a white partner, but she definitely would want to know your views for sure.
Her opinions on cartels before she became who she was a grey area. Cartels to her are honestly just another way of making money. She knows how many workers are exploited in Mexico and the US, and for what? To take home maybe 200 dollars, if that, after a ten hour work day? To her drugs are honestly a long term business. For centuries, people have used drugs, of some sort. It makes money, and a lot of it. Now most cartels usually give back to the community, whether its simply a tactic or because they genuinely want to give back, they help the community. Now that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have it’s negatives, or consequences, and domino effect. So it was a mixed bag for Valeria, but she believed, a win is win.
Not everyone likes the cartel and she doesn’t blame them, she’s not the type to kill those who speak ill about her. Now wether you cause problems or not is different.
Had a emo phase in middle/high school
Loves painting her nails, and manicures, hates cuticles with a burning passion.
Had a crusty white dog growing, up. It died when she was in her early twenties, and she’s actually never had a dog since.
She was a weird kid growing up, like she was tomboyish but that’s not weird. She just liked being in the dirt by herself for HOURS, digging up worms or random insects.
She confused v@gina and p3nis. Like she thought her brother’s had v@gina’s and she had a p3nis. She thought this like up until she was 12. Lmao.
History nerd. Also watched Naruto, one piece, and sailor moon a lot growing up. Dressed up as Sasuke one year for Halloween.
Selena, Menudo, and Juan Gabriel. We’re her favorite artist to listen to growing up. Had a crush on Selena and Beyoncé.
Valeria is tough, she can take a hit, she can fight. She was in the military, and a cartel boss, she’s seen something’s, and been through something’s. But she swears to god, nothing gives her more trauma or anxiety than those bounce houses. She was fighting for her life at family gatherings and all the parents did were laugh it off. This is just for some reason a universal experience for Hispanic and Latino children, I literally can not tell you why.
Hitched hiked once.
Has a weird fear of deer?
Her dad keeps her graduation picture in his wallet.
At her communion she drank too much wine, and had to swallow her vomit because of how bad it tasted to her. Also she received ten rosaries, three cross necklaces, two pairs of cross earrings and a cross bracelet. She has them all still.
Had a pet hamster, treated him like it was her child. Named him Julio because she got him in July… Julio is July in Spanish. She was a funny kid growing up.
Wants to get married but doesn’t really want kids. If you really want kids, she’d consider, but she also would have to think about giving the cartel over to someone else. She’s honestly wouldn’t want her child involved or even connected to the cartel so she’d probably leave if you guys decided to have children. Also, its a no to pregnancy for her.
She won’t admit it, but she has very low standards when it comes to women. She just likes women. I think she does prefer chubby girls though, and I’m not saying like oh you have a little tummy, no she like big women, she can’t explain it, she just likes ya’ll. But that doesn’t mean she’s not attracted to other body types, she loves all women bodies, she kind of has this artist and muse thing when she sees women’s bodies.
Valeria watches soap operas with her grandma still.
Omfg this was so long??? Lmao I’m so sorry. Also I’m still trying to figure out my theme and how to do everything so forgive me if it looks ugly. Also pleas forgive my grammar, and punctuation mistakes, English is my first language and I am a disappointment to many English teachers across the world. Funny enough English is my best subject and I have a 98 in my class, so I’m just a contradiction. -jelly 🪼
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theshadowrealmitself · 4 months
One of my really self indulgent Naruto au is Tsunade still being Hokage while the Konoha 12 are young adults and Tsunade treats Karin and Naruto like her grandkids
And because so many of her loved ones have died and Tsunade has a bit of a complex about it, part of her treating those two like her actual grandkids is being hella overprotective of them (which both of them have no idea how to feel about that since no one was overprotective of them as kids)
Unfortunately I have no idea how canonically they’d treat each other as family, but my version of it for Karin and Naruto is that they call each other cousins and they’re protective of each other in different ways
Because this is my au: Naruto is genderfluid and actually a bit sad that he doesn’t have much connecting him to the Uzumaki clan, and Karin knows a lot about the Uzumaki clan
So Karin is protective of Naruto in that way older relatives can be, she sees Naruto as her sweet younger cousin who’s a bit too oblivious for his own good and obviously insecure about his lack of ties to the clan, so she’ll constantly tell Naruto how great he is at being an Uzumaki and is wary about who he befriends cause she doesn’t want people to take advantage of him
Naruto, meanwhile, is protective of her in a loud way, if anyone’s got a problem with Karin, they gotta go through Naruto first (also I like to imagine that Karin is still taller than Naruto, standing behind him while he’s like the “excuse me, she asked for fries!” meme)
Main thing I like to think about for this is people on the outside thinking that Karin would be struggling with finding her place, because Tsunade is kinda like the Uzumaki/Senju “head” of the family (which is just like,, 5 of them, I count Shizune and Iruka), and Naruto looks more like Tsunade, got her necklace passed down to him, has always been a part of the village, would probably be the next in line to be clan head, etc
But actually Naruto’s the one who’s super insecure about his place, with not knowing anything about the Uzumaki clan, looking a ton like his dad and not having the signature red hair, not having the chains, etc, and Karin is just constantly comforting him
Also, this is my own hc, but I think the Uzumaki clan would probably have more women than men in it and (if I’m not in a bad headspace where it sends me spiraling down my own dysphoria) that would be another thing Naruto would struggle with
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junewongapologia · 21 hours
The fact is tho that no matter how you look at it, no matter how insufferable she is, no matter how Out Of Touch, regardless of whether she’s doing herself no favours: Eloise is right about society and just about everyone else in the show is wrong.
Like, she’s not got the full picture, she’s blinkered and her political philosophy is not very in depth or well thought out. But she’s right, and I think that’s why a lot of people watching really don’t like her because she’s breaking the illusion. All in all, the 1810s were a shit time to be alive for most people, and you can “well actually” it all you like, but the Luddite movement existed for a reason, the Chartists existed for a reason, Porto-feminist writers like Wollstonecraft and de Gouges wrote what they did for a reason.
So when you keep being reminded that it was a terrible social order for women - in a show targeted mainly towards women for escapist purposes then that character is going to come across as irritating, because she’s ruining the immersion.
Really, her attitude isn’t more anachronistic than the dresses, or the hairdos, or the diamond necklaces (men and women had been advocating women’s right to vote since before Eloise was born, lads), but it’s a problem because people are watching the show for the sweeping romances and the general regency vibe, they don’t want to think about how the regency was for most people. Which inevitably leads to some incredible projection, when watchers of a show with the central conceit of only being interested in the love lives of the top one percent of the one percent of the British aristocracy acting as though Eloise is the only privileged person on the show.
And yeah, she is better off than most of the people who exist in all of Regency Britain (though if you were to take the show as read, Britain is made up of about 70% aristocracy, 1% gentry, 5% urban bourgeoisie and 24% urban workers), but she’s the only one whose privilege is harped on out of her whole family and social circle. 99% of the speaking characters in the show come from a posher background than Beau fucking Brummell.
And! Eloise is literally just about the only main character who ever has to question her privilege! And when she is in season 2 she doesn’t throw a shitfit, she’s willing to learn! She goes out of her way to hear perspectives that she wouldn’t have heard in her social circle! But the narrative punishes her for that, and that’s because for all the criticism she gets about needing her privilege checked, they don’t actually want her to learn, they just want her to shut up and enjoy the trappings of regency decadence as much as they do.
Also - I know it’s really fashionable to rag on “pick-mes” and “Not Like Other Girls” - but actually, no, “traditional femininity” has never been socially unacceptable for women the way being GNC is, and it is in fact ruthlessly socially enforced against GNC women, even more so in the 1810s. Eloise is a teenaged girl in a society that stigmatises her for her wish for more legal autonomy, the idea that she’s somehow the villain for not being able to enjoy “feminine” hobbies without seeing them as just another element of the way women’s education is trivialised as ornamental, is farcical. “Sewing is a valuable and useful skill” so is cooking, but there’s a reason my mam, and not my dad, had home economics lessons, and that reason is still misogyny, despite the fact that it set her up better for being able to operate independently as an adult.
Idk I’m just kind of uncomfortable that in a world of rising reactionary political sentiment towards women, and this seemingly increasingly re-normalised view that women need to be wives and homemakers, people feel that the person on the show who needs to do the most introspection regarding their politics is an eighteen-year-old who is vocal about the fact that she has limited legal rights, and not any of the adult men in the show (a lot of whom probably have seats in the Upper House!!!) who never mention politics at all.
And frankly, given the shower who were Having Political Opinions in the long eighteenth century, Eloise’s brand of semi-anachronistic protofeminism is infinitely preferable to Hannah “I refuse to teach the poor how to write in my schools” More, or Edmund “don’t read my big thesis on revolutions too closely it’s definitely not all lies and junk history” Burke, or even a load of prominent members of the Bluestocking Society.
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hauntsthenarrative · 22 days
1, 8 and 10 for yellowjackets 👀
The character everyone gets wrong - I feel like people misunderstand so many of the characters (as an ex Misty hater who didn't understand the mechanics of a black box I have been guilty of this), but I think the main one is Natalie. I've seen a lot of people complain about how her character is largely based around Travis, but the whole point of it is to demonstrate her trauma-bonding habits and how she EVENTUALLY GROWS OUT OF THAT. While we didn't get a chance to see healed Nat apart from the S2 finale, the show explores how you have this loner girl, who's included with the team and her two friends but at the same time reclusive, with a horrific family life that prevents her from truly connecting with others (ex. Kevin, who she probably never invited over to her house to bond or otherwise EVER again), and a sex life with men who have only used her for her body. You bring her into this situation where she's stranded with the only girls who truly notice her and a guy - Travis, who has an asshole dad who is just lost. Travis keeps people at arm's length, he's got this turmoil inside of him, he's angry and isn't afraid to show it. And Nat is drawn to him because she NEVER gets to be angry- she had to be careful around her dad and take care of her mom. And she sees her inner thoughts in this guy so much. Natalie wants to be there for him in the same way that no one could ever be there for her, and it's someone she can connect with on a personal level, not someone who wants her for her body, not someone who will never understand her, not someone who will idealize her and see her for her beauty. And just as suddenly she's taking bullets FROM this guy and she's falling into the same pattern as her mother, even becoming her. But she stays with Travis for so long, because she doesn't see her father, she sees herself. And so she bonds with him, she sticks with him, she destroys him just as much as he destroys her because she wants to punish herself, and Travis, in many ways, IS her. But the problem is that Travis is also her dad, and she wants so badly to love and hate herself, that she doesn't know he's the one holding all the cards. When she loses him, she loses herself, her other half, her purpose in life, and then he dies and she will never have him in her life again. So in S2, this man who she has projected herself onto, it turns out, really isn't a part of her at all. They are 2 separate puzzle pieces painfully glued together, but they can be separated. That's why Natalie isn't with Travis on the plane to her death. She's with her younger self. Because all along, it wasn't Travis that she truly loved and accepted, and who loved and accepted her. It was the parts of her she had lost and had finally gained back.
Jesus I yapped on the first one so I'm gonna make the next one shorter. For number 8, I think people are wrong about Ben. Do I think it was awful he lit the cabin on fire? Yes, obviously that's fucked up. But this is a man who needs more food than the rest and hasn't eaten for literal weeks at this point. He is anxious, schizophrenic, and totally anti-cannibalism. He just witnessed his only 'friend' (Nat) let a CHILD die in her place and be crowned a fucked up cult leader queen for a group of insane women (and Travis). He is horrified. He is scared. He is on his last leg. Like I said, lighting the cabin on fire was horrific, but whose to say he was next? So I think it can be justified a bit in many extents.
Finally, for number 10, I'm sorry to all my Van loving mutuals, but i genuinely HATE her. I know she's starving and unreasonable but I feel like her character got really fucked up towards the ends of season 1 and the entirety of season 2. Fanon acts like she's the greatest ever but she literally told a guy whose brother she had JUST LET DIE that he was being selfish, and that she didn't regret letting a little boy die when there was a USELESS, CULTISH, HALF DEAD BITCH who was WILLING AND READY to be consumed if necessary that was offering herself up for food. Javi's whole death was fucking bullshit and literally horrific. They let Jackie sleep outside and consumed her dead body but couldn't allow an ailing Lottie to just die when she was already injured? And Van EXCUSING that behavior and on top of that TAUNTING a fellow survivor about the fact they were going to fucking eat his little brother? I feel sick. All the girls are fucked, but Van is especially shitty, and fanon needs to stop making her out to be a fucking perfect angel.
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vouam · 2 months
just found this guy’s answer to a question on quora (“is misandry a problem in the US?” or something of that nature) and was wondering what your reaction to it would be. there are some points i wouldn’t be sure how to refute, though it’s certainly not enough to change my radfem beliefs lol. i’ll copy and paste it since i can’t send ss in anon
Q:“is misandry prevalent in today’s society?”
A:“I would say so.
Woman: doesn't want a child so she secretly aborts it.
Man: doesn't want a child and is forced to pay child support for 18 years while being ridiculed as a dead beat dad
Woman: my body, my choice
Man: has his genitals forcibly mutilated for no good reason at birth
Woman: free drinks at the club on ladies night
Man: there is no men's night. Drink prices increase to cover all the free drinks ladies get
Woman: oh please keep yourself safe
Man: forced to sign up for selective services (a.k.a. draft) at 18.
Woman: complains about low paying job
Men: 67% of work place injuries happen to men, 93% of work place fatalities happen to men. No one bats an eye
Woman: mostly automatically given custody of children no matter what
Men: you can see your children on the weekend only and pay for child support
Man: simply accused of abusing a woman and goes straight to jail.
Woman: beats the man senseless and if the man defends himself goes to jail. If he doesn't defend himself he still might go to jail or if he is lucky police will tell him to quit making a big deal about it. Has 1 place in the country to go to for sheltering battered men despite the fact that women are the perpetrators of domestic violence some 40% of the time. Woman, have countless battered women shelters to go to.
Man: gets raped by woman at gun point being forced to give oral sex and held captive for days. Society has a good laugh
Woman: gets raped and her perpetrator is rightfully punished. No one is laughing about it. Woman gets psychological help and all kinds of assistance from society. Also if she makes false accusations of rape, ruining a man's life, no one says a thing about it and she is free to go on accusing.
Men: penalties for the same crime as women are much longer sentences.
Men: comprise 60 some % of homeless population
Men: comprise of a majority of suicides
I could go on but it's only going to anger the feminazis more and more”
reading crap like this makes me so mad tbh, like i understand moids don’t have easy lives just because they’re moids but GOOD FUCKING GRIEF it’s like they just can’t fucking get enough of acting like society wasn’t built by men for men. 🙏🙏 sorry it just gets me upset. anyway love ur blog!!
Oooof this is a really great ask so thank you for sending this in! I guess I’ll approach this by answering each one individually (although I might repeat myself)
Men pay child support while women can just have an abotion
This is a very strange argument. Because firstly not every country has fully legal abortions. 47 countries only allow it for health reasons, 43 to save the mother’s life and 22 it is fully illegal. A lot of men like this seem to forget that there are other countries on this planet. I’d personally rather be the gender that has to pay child support for an unwanted baby. Even in the case of legal abortions, abortions are not easy to go through. It is mentally very difficult and can be an invasive procedure. Women are shamed for having abortions in every country, even the most ‘accepting’ places.
I am very against circumcision and this was probably his most valid point(?) But his point excludes the fact that FGM is practiced in many countries and cultures. And while male circumcision is usually done for religious reasons claiming its ‘hygienic’ and has little to no bad side effects while FGM can kill women and girls, and is done for far more malicious reasons that I can’t even begin to describe.
Men’s drinks night
Does he know the implications of what ‘buying a woman a drink’ means?? Yeah, I’d much rather be a man in this situation 😭
Drafted at 18
I am against anyone being drafted, and I’m against any military work period. But men made this rule because they deem men to be brave and strong - a stereotype designed to benefit them.
Work place injuries and fatalities
Most injuries and fatalities happen with manual labour, construction/factory work etc. Same stereotype as listed in the point before this.
Custody over children
Again, this happens due to a stereotype that benefits men. Women are ‘better parents/nurturing’ while men are not and should go out there and work and achieve their goals while women stay at home. Literally designed to benefit men. Also, a lot of men view the custody struggle as a privilege because they cannot be bothered to be fathers.
Going to prison because of a simple accusation and less abuse shelters for men
This is the craziest point because men do not go to prison over some random accusation pulled out from thin air. In order to accuse someone of abuse, you need extensive indisputable evidence. Even then, the police will not take it seriously or the defence will win the case for whatever reason. These are the hardest crimes to prove in a court and the statistics show this. Less abuse shelters for men because they are far FAR less likely to be a victim. Yes, its’s sad but this literally proves misogyny is a thing rather than misandry - because I know damn well which sex I’d rather be in this instance.
People laugh at male rape victims and women are given full support/legal justice
I addressed this in the previous point. Women are ridiculed and not believed/not given justice at an extremely higher rate than men.
Longer male prison sentences
Same stereotype that I’ve said before about being stronger/braver vs weak/nurturing. The stereotype was made to benefit them. Also this ignores that a lot of the time there are other aspects to a crime that result in a higher sentence given. For example 1st degree murder done for financial motive vs sexual motive.
Larger male homeless population and male suicide rate
I guess this is more of a question of why men are more likely to be homeless or commit suicide. Make suicide rate studies suggest it’s harder for men to admit mental health struggles/reach out for help. Again, it’s sad but the strong brave stereotype was designed to benefit them, like I’ve said before. Permanent homelessness is largely due to addiction, mental health, childhood poverty, financial crisis, loss of relationships to family/partner. These can all happen to women, except a lot of the female homeless population are trafficked, resort to prostitution, enter abusive relationships to escape the streets. In a lot of countries, people seem to think its 99% men that are homeless, but its usually not. You just typically only see male homeless people sitting/sleeping on the street in public spaces - that’s a more terrifying place for a woman to be compared to a man.
I guess this guy’s main problems is that he:
- Thinks USA/Europe/western countries are the only places that exist
- Can’t see that bad things that happen to men are actually a result of stereotypes designed to benefit the male population
- Makes up statistics in his head that aren’t true
- Has a crazy victim complex
- Can’t see that the women’s position in his scenario is actually worse
I hope this helps with any future debates and refutes! And I hope I explained myself well enough 😭
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lifmera · 19 days
Hi! I know you're probably really busy, but I would like to request a hazbin hotel and helluva boss matchup please :)
For the personality traits, I'm an INTP-T with the amazing 98% introverted score Other traits: •autistic, prolly ADHD too •doesn't like physical touch unless either I initiate it or it's a person I'm comfortable with •really picky eater •eats like once in 5 hours •likes to stay up late and sleep in •curses like a sailor •likes to draw •rants about hyperfixations a lot (mainly dragons) •doesn't really talk much until I get to know someone better •gets easily overstimulated •If I'm comfortable with someone I'm a chaotic gremlin
female aroace with the desire to date (prefers women over men, mostly because men are stupid) •doesn't drink, smoke or anything •loves reading (especially fantasy books) •procrastinates profesionally •can speak two languages •is done with everyone and everything 99% of the time •loves tea if it has a lot of sugar in it •massive sweet tooth •loves salty things •puns are the best (dad jokes all the way) Physical traits: •Long, straight golden-brown hair thst tends to get real greasy real fast TwT •rather tall for my age •skinny af •green eyes •likes to keep hair loose
Hi!! Of course!!
I’ve decided to pair you with…. EMILY & OCTAVIA!!!
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Although Emily is 100% a hugger- she knows when to respect boundaries!! She’ll only hug you if you ask her :)
She’ll make sure you get your proper nutrition in a meal!!
Definitely an early bird!! But she would love to see your sleeping face in the morning!!
To be honest, when she gets excited shes probably also a chaotic gremlin, but she also knows how to handle a situation so it wont get out of hand.
She’ll love you any way you are :)
She’ll help find some books for you two!! If anything she’ll recommend books she’s read.
Cause she’s an angel i personally think she’s able to understand every language- so she thinks it’s awesome to hear you speak in other languages!!
She also has a massive sweet tooth, cus you both are sweeties!! But she’ll make sure to manage it so you don’t get cavities!!
Although I feel like she wouldn’t understand dad jokes. She’d cock her head to the side like .. “?…. OOOHHHH…”
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Huge on physical touch. She appreciates it especially when she’s emotional, but she doesn’t like it if you guys aren’t close enough.
Although she isn’t particularly picky, she’d probably eat what you couldn’t!!
She can sleep whenever, but I personally believe she likes to stay up a lot of the time to go stargazing, so she’d love it if you joined her!!
Also curses like a sailor, she thinks it’s funny when you both do it together. (She cusses her mom and dad out)
She loves to listen about your hyper fixations, it helps her get away from the problems of her family.
She’s also an introvert pretty much. But once you two get to know each other, I don’t think you could separate!!
50/50 on reading. Picked up both parent’s reading. She only likes to read about what interest’s her- and when it really does she wont be able to put it down. She would have shelves just about that one topic!!
I also believe she would know a few languages since shes a goetia!! Would LOVE to speak to you in different languages because she finds it romantic.
Also done with everyone. Constantly. You, Octavia and Loona would all be best friends.
Probably more savory than out of the other two!! She’d indulge in it though, and would give you some sweets she’d find in a bakery :)
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Do we have any idea how old Odysseus was when the trojan war started? Like I'm actually curious, Ive always imagined him to be sth around 20 but then I tried to find it online and the the range goes from 20 to mid 40s so like im so confused, do you know anythig??
My dear Anon, the timeline is a mess and I wouldn't bother trying to find the "real ages" as...it's just straight-up impossible. :'D I literally made a meme about it a LONG while back.
For example, The Apple of Discord happened during Thetis' and Peleus' wedding. They decided Paris would chose, he chose Aphrodite, so he got to kidnap Helen.
The War starts....How tf is Achilles old enough to go to war if his parents just got married? I have never seen anything that said they waited until Paris grew up.
Thing is, so many people throughout history have their own versions and if we were to try and make sense of all of them, these heroes would probably be around 200 years old.
If you're worried about this stuff for writing? MAKE IT UP!!! :D There's technically no "real age"
One of my favorite examples:
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Left to right: Menelaus, Paris, Diomedes, Odysseus, Nestor, Achilles, Agamemnon.
Old man Nestor. Achy breaky back Nestor. "Back in my day" Nestor. Grandpa fucking Nestor!!!
(Paris, Odysseus, Achilles, and Agamemnon look pretty good imo but the others don't feel like their faces match their ages.)
It's because of the fact that there's not a distinct specific age, and therefore artists and muses could make it whatever!
BUT! Considering some things, Penelope, Helen, Menelaus, and Odysseus were all most likely around 20 when they got married.
I'm no expert. I am absolutely not. But from what I've read, Women in Sparta got married when they were around 20 years old. Part of the reason why exercise for women was a thing was because of the idea of "strong mothers have strong sons". Fully grown women are less likely to have health problems if they get pregnant compared to "girl who just got her first menstrual cycle". I don't know if this was the case during the Mycenaean/Minoan eras but it's what we're given.
Men were around the same age BUT with military stuff, they'd be in the barracks most of the time and had to "sneak away" in order to be with their wife for the night.
In many other places, men got married when they're around 30. But with all this happening in SPARTA, I think Tyndarius would probably hope to "keep to his own Spartan rules". I think a lot of young men saw this as an opportunity or even a "Mom, Dad, This is the chance of a lifetime!!! Even if I am technically too young to get married, this is the chance to marry the most beautiful woman in the world!"
The Iliad mentions Odysseus being older than Menelaus however!!! (personally, I have Odysseus older by a few months and him pulling the "I'm the older of the two of us!")
Hermione is said to be 9 years old when Helen is kidnapped. Most likely, making them around 29, give or take. (Personally I changed Hermione's age to 7, making them more around 27) Odysseus at around 28 and Penelope at around 27 about to turn 28 shortly when he has to leave.
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High Fidelity by Nick Hornby
"What came first--the music or the misery? Did I listen to music because I was miserable? Or was I miserable because I listened to music?"
Year Read: 2024
Rating: 3/5
My desert-island, all-time, top five most memorable split-ups, in chronological order.
Matt S.
Nate G.
Matt G.
Carson M.
Tiff G.
First of all, and I mean this in the nicest possible way, this is obviously a piece of media written by a man for other men. That's not in itself a bad thing, and it's actually a little refreshing to have it so up front (instead of the sneaky way most classics and literary fiction are written by men for men and still foisted upon us as the universal, inviolable canon by which all other pieces of literature should be measured, while genre fiction and YA--more typically written by women--are sneered at as lesser.) It lets me acknowledge that I was never the target audience for this book and that it's no moral failing that I can't relate to it and, this being accepted from the get go, I can still go on to find things to appreciate about it-- because being relatable, while nice when it happens, is obviously not the only reason to read or appreciate a novel. I do find it fascinating that so many men Identify so strongly with this novel, so clearly it speaks to something very real in adult male British/American culture. Still, if a woman (character or writer) spent 300 pages whinging about why her boyfriend had good reason to dump her, it would be slapped as self-indulgent and disregarded as a whiny rom-com rather than a work of literature.
All-time top five favorite recording artists:
The Gaslight Anthem
Taylor Swift
Fall Out Boy
Lady Gaga
The Weepies 
Rob is, by his own estimation, about the most average guy on the planet, and it's hard to argue with him on that point. He's not a bad person or a particularly good one; he's just a guy who likes music a lot and can't quite figure out why he's never happy with his adult life or in a relationship. You know, like a lot of people. I like that it fully acknowledges what I've known since fifth grade (Matt S.), which is that men are just as invested in romantic relationships, if not more, than women are, and they're just as obsessed with the romance of a perfect partner and a happily ever after. Fairy tales are, after all, primarily written by men. Probably everyone has known a Rob at some point in their lives, but I can't say definitively that I'd want to date him. He sounds like a lot of work.
All-time top five favorite books:
The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater
Carry On by Rainbow Rowell
Into the Drowning Deep by Mira Grant
I'll Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson
A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
I'll confess I really like this movie adaptation and I've watched it a lot with my dad, which is more or less what landed this book on my shelf. It's one of those films that's so well-written you almost don't even need to read the book, and so many of the best lines are pulled verbatim from Hornby's prose. (And there are many, many good lines.) It's a lot like reading and watching The Princess Bride: you can do it because you love it, but there's almost no point. All the "best parts" are in the film, and what's left in the novel feels fairly unnecessary, if not outright detrimental to overall enjoyment. (I've also had a crush on John Cusack since Say Anything (1989), so do with that what you will. Rob is no Lloyd Dobler, however.)
All-time top five favorite films:
You've Got Mail (1998)
Almost Famous (2000)
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
Doctor Sleep (2019)
Stand By Me (1986)
There's something entertaining about watching Rob work through his list of most memorable breakups, which is essentially the plot of this novel, with obvious emphasis on the one he's currently experiencing with Laura. Exploring his breakups seems like a first real attempt at figuring out what his problem is, and I think it's pretty successful. Sure, the character development is slow and a bit dubious. There's not so much change by the end as the idea of change. I had the sense that he could go either way. Either he really is starting to see the problem in the way he approaches relationships and life as a whole, and he's finally learning how to pull his head out of his own ass and see Laura as a real person. Or not. He falls right back into his old habits. I kind of like that I'm not sure which it is because that's life, right? Change is hard.
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Uh, you see, you kind of also proved my point here:
“HOW DARE YOU CALL US ALL RACISTS AND TELL US TO BE QUIET??! Like my dude, my pal, my friend. That's quite a logical leap and represents the exact thing we're talking about here, so thanks for helping us demonstrate it.”
I specifically mentioned that I am not USA American. In fact, I too am from a country that used to be a part of USSR :) I just straight up don’t believe in communism and usually think that they are morons and should be socialists instead. And while I am white by American standards I am visibly identifiable member of an ethnic minority and I’ve experienced a lot of xenophobia in my life. I get it. I however don’t understand why did you pile me up with white american leftists, i did not live that white american life, come on.
I find a lot of American leftists annoying. Like yes a 22 year old self-proclaimed Stalinist is very alienating to me, a person who can be considered to be a victim of Stalinism.
However, that person does not have a political strategy! They are just a person, a very annoying one and one that I will consider to be malicious (because come on, Stalinism?????), and is probably abusive in online spaces, but all of that is just them being a bad or misguided person (or both). They don’t have a political strategy. AOC does, and the fact that someone wrote a propaganda piece that alienated someone’s dad is not the responisibilty of idk let me think of a username…. stalinspussykitty.tumblr.com, however vile this hypothetical person is.
The left is a minority in USA, one that has experienced a lot of prejudice, and as far as I know a lot of USA leftists are from marginalized groups. And people are largely alienated from the left because of the massive influence of the right-wing in USA, not because of loud and stupid kids.
Stupid kids are just stupid kids, and are not responsible for anyones fathers, that’s what I’m saying. I really do understand your frustration, but your argument reminds me of the “weird women alienate men from feminism” argument tbh
Okay, cool. We can agree on that much at least. But since I'm talking about this phenom in the American context, and by your own admission you're *not* American, we can also agree that there might be some cultural context to this that is specific to spaces that are American-centered and have direct impact on American politics, from which (through no fault of your own) you are at more of a remove. Likewise, "communists are bad, be socialists instead," is ALSO not going to be a winning message in America. It's just not.
Loud and stupid kids aren't the core problem with this or anything, and they're certainly (as my last post pointed out) not the biggest issue with a fundamentally racist, right-wing, reactionary country that casts every move toward the left as an existential threat. But because they claim, at least theoretically, that they want to help, they're not doing that and they're instead often-actively paving the way for fascism to get more of a foothold. The right wing is the biggest threat, but that doesn't mean I can't criticize other Americans for ineffective and often dangerous strategy, even and especially when they want to claim to be all on the same side as me.
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funarisjournal · 1 month
Kasuga was S U F F E R I N G
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Kasuga was growing girl in a family with genes that clearly leaned toward tall, robust adults. Of course she was always starving, not just because of the portion disparity, but also because she wasn't being given the nutrition she NEEDED during her adolescence!!
Aaagh baby...Ahem. Anyway.
At worst, her going downstairs that one night to have herself some toast was her body finally going into a little bit of a survival mode. The way she words it, and the way it's portrayed, give me a feeling that the rules of her household were strict. Thankfully not strict enough that her dad actually punished her then and there when he caught her in the kitchen, but "lights out" literally meant "go to bed." But we saw other signs. Women in the kitchen, men get the bigger helpings because hungry MAN, men get all the free time while women cleaned up afterward and, as far as I could tell with Kasuga, she probably was just allowed to head to her room until it was time for bed, probably her study time and whatnot.
Love that it wasn't that she planned her escape all the way through. She took a Hail Mary for step one ("I somehow convinced my father to let me go to college out of prefecture"). Running away outright has a lot of problems, and we know Kasuga did still have feelings for her mom, so she didn't want to burn all the bridges. But once she got that ball rolling, she kept it rolling. She plotted what she'd do. Not going to find a job back "home," learn to drive and ask for secondhand vehicles from relatives so she could then REALLY get out of there and never look back.
I bet her Plan B would've been to just stick to a local college but try to find things that would make her stay on the college side more, including jobs. The less often she would have to go back to her family, the better.
But then she wouldn't have met Nomoto!
Life can be weird like that.
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