#They have a slightly similar sense of humor
notmoreflippingelves · 8 months
OTP ask 😉 ! Krisnix: 10, 14, 30, 39, 42 ; Estelanor: 2, 5, 18, 30, 51 please?
So I ended up splitting this up into two different posts, because I ended up rambling a good bit. The Krisnix was already done. And I am putting the EoA OT3 beneath the read more.
(It is rather lengthy and I didn't want to scandalize the EoA fandom too much with my unhinged thoughts about a "problematic" OT3 ship that (probably) no one else has ever thought about before or since. So here goes...
2. What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
Of the three of them, Victor is the least likely to have "nightmares" in the traditional sense (i.e. one the evoke fear and/or anxiety), but it isn't too uncommon for him to have dreams that make him sad. Mainly dreaming about the happy days early in his marriage with Ash--when Carla was still small and they were a proper family. Or he'll dream about being cast out of Avalor with his family shortly after the invasion and being unable to return for over four decades. Or he'll dream of the other two during the Dark Times™ and wake up feeling melancholy that Elena was isolated in the amulet and Esteban under Shuriki's thumb for forty-one years. Victor can't help but feel a little guilty and sad that he wasn't there to keep the others safe or even just provide a little humor--and even guiltier when he remembers that he spent decades feeling jealous of Elena and resentful towards Esteban, so its unlikely that the selfish person that he was then would've done anything different if he'd had the chance.
Even though he is least likely to have nightmares himself, Victor is probably the best at calming either of the others down if they have nightmares. (He does after all have practice doing so with Carla). He will carefully stroke the hair off the sweaty brow(s) in question and quietly croon the same lullaby that he used to sing Carla to sleep with. He doesn't have Elena's vocal talents, but his singing voice is soft and gentle and the words of the song are reassuring. And it's usually only a matter of time before the others drift back off to sleep.
Unsurprisingly, Elena has nightmares A LOT. Most often, she dreams of her parents wrapped up in Shuriki's green smoke or the dark, cold silence of her amulet prison. But occasionally, other dreams creep in. Shuriki victorious and making Elena watch as every one of her family and friends are killed in front of her with her powerless to stop it. Orizaba blotting out the sun for good and all Avalor being trapped in the dark. Elena's emotion magic failing to revive Esteban after he teleported in front of Cahu's sand grain for her--even though she has forgiven him even if only in the dream.
She is also, however, pretty good at comforting the others when they have nightmares. Without fail, the first thing she will do is use the "glow" spell on the scepter to bring some light back into the room. (This is particularly effective when Esteban is the one who has had the bad dream, as he does not handle waking up in the dark and afraid very well). She speaks very calmly and very slowly--and asks first before offering consoling cuddles. (Again, Esteban does not always want to be touched depending on the dream he's had and what sort of mental place he's in after it). Sometimes, she will use her scepter again--specifically the "illusion" or "truesight" to bring a up a vision of something calming and comforting.
(It is worth nothing that I do headcanon Elena and Esteban have a bit of a strong psychic link due to their crystal well connection. So I think one or both might be able to "sense" the other having had a particularly bad dream. And on the nights where they are apart from each other, they will not let distance stop them from comforting each other. Elena can and will wake up one of the Guardians to fly her whenever Esteban is. Esteban will reach for his staff and teleport to Elena's side. And after they do this, they make a point to "check in" on Victor as well to see how he is doing/make sure he feels included).
Esteban, meanwhile, has the most frequent nightmares of the three. Shuriki and the Dark Times™  is naturally the most frequent source and subject of his dreams. Esteban is forced to recall the horrendous things that she did to Esteban's family, his country, and to Esteban himself. And more than that the things that she made him do that horrified and disgusted him and broke him in ways that he did not even know that he could be broken. It's almost a relief when he has a nightmare that does not concern Shuriki in some way and instead focuses on one of the other frightening times from his life--those times when he dreams of his parents ship going down, of Elena and Luisa disowning him, of Ash and Zopilote inevitably realizing that they could just kill him to drain Takaina's magic out of him and into themselves, of Cahu turning his abuelos to stone and Esteban not being able to teleport in front of Elena before the same fate befell her.
As he is usually the one (though not always the only one) who needs be comforted after a nightmare as opposed to doing the comforting, he has the least amount of practice at post-nightmare calming. Nevertheless, he has a few go-to strategies. He will usually teleport to the kitchen and back and come back with a jug of water, a few glasses, and some wash cloths on a tray. He will pour a some water into a cup and hand it over to the person(s) who had the nightmare(s). He'll also dampen the wash cloth with the cool water and then trace smooth, sinuous patterns with it across forehead(s) and the back of their neck(s). He'll also encourage the other(s) to count to ten and back with him, while also leading them into slow, deep relaxing breaths until they calm down.
5. Describe their cozy night in.
(I'm basing this primarily on the scenario of my w.i.p. where Esteban has moved out of the palace into a house of his own and most of the OT3 times happen at his new home--to avoid scandalizing the rest of the Flores family or putting Carla in a weird spot).
Victor cooks dinner for the other two, but Esteban retains custody and control of the pepper shaker so that Victor doesn't go overboard with the seasonings yet again. Elena is only allowed to help with gathering ingredients, chopping vegetables and setting the table, etc. because otherwise she is a kitchen disaster (also Esteban and Victor still feel a bit weird about ordering their queen around even if they know she's always happy to help.) After dinner, they sit around and have a quiet evening together. Victor has been promising for awhile to teach Elena how to play (i.e. cheat at) poker--much to Esteban's discomfort--and how to throw knives --much to Esteban's even greater discomfort, so they will often go into the other room and be chaotic, while Esteban works on paper work by the fire. (I tend to headcanon that post-canon redeemed Esteban either stays on as Naomi's assistant chancellor, takes over the bookkeeping and inventory for Luisa's chocolate shop, or does both--so either way there is always a lot of paperwork for him to do. ) When they're each done for the night with their little side projects, Esteban, Victor, and Elena regroup. Usually, there will be guitar playing (Esteban and Elena canonically play, and Victor probably knows how to as well) and singing and/or dancing. Other times, one of them (usually Esteban) will read aloud to the others from the latest popular novel.
When they start to get tired (but not too tired...if you catch my drift), they make their way into the massive bed in the bedroom and... [redacted].
18. How likely are they to have fur babies? How many and what kind?
I am assuming that "fur babies" refers to pets and not like an omegaverse situation, lol. This is actually an interesting thought as like...I'm not even 100% sure that cats and dogs exist in Avalor. I'm pretty sure they do given that there are some in Sofia the First and the little dog sculptures that come to life in the Valentina episode. But like...apparently, jaguars are extinct in the Sofia-verse, according to sunbird oracle and I don't think we see regular cats or dogs again at any other point, unless I am forgetting something. So like...it's possible that they don't????
But I'm just going to assume that cats and dogs do exist even if we don't see them.
Something about Esteban just screams "has allergies" to me, but I'm not sure I can put my finger on what exactly. Other than just me projecting onto him even more than I already do. But even if he does have allergies, it's very possible that the crystal well cured him of this, so that he can enjoy the furry darlings in peace.
I would say that Victor has dog energy, Esteban has cat energy (if he's only just now gotten over his allergies), and Elena has both. Assuming the royal household doesn't already have cats and dogs, they will probably soon acquire some for maximum cuddles.
I would like to think that Victor and Carla will get a dog at some point. It was a probably a tough and resilient stray from the wrong side of the tracks--not unlike the Delgados themselves. Victor probably wasn't too sure about it at first, but honestly, he can never say no to Carla and it's not exactly an unpleasant thing to agree to. There will inevitably be puppies at some point, because the thought never occurred to Victor to get the dog neutered once they agreed to take it in (And if the thought did occur to him, he probably would've resisted anyway because "why should we deprive the dog of one of life's greatest joys.") Victor and Carla will probably keep one of the puppies, and Elena who fell in love with the puppers at first sight will probably keep at least one more for herself (and the rest of the royal family)--and they'll make sure that the others go to good families.
Another thought that I had is that perhaps Elena uncovered an illegal magical animal trafficking ring in Avalor and put a stop to it. And maybe one of the animals that they discovered was a jaquin--specifically one that has been raised in captivity and/or had its wings or claws damaged in some way. They probably originally intended to return it to Vallestrella to live with the other jaquins, but it was eventually determined that due to its special circumstances, the poor thing might not survive out there on its own (even if under the protection of the other jaquins), so it actually makes more sense for it to live in the royal palace. Elena takes excellent care of her new "pet that isn't exactly a pet" and makes sure that it can socialize with Skylar and the other Guardians--as well as with the royal family and friends.
30. Your OTP gets to pick out each other’s outfits; what is each wearing?
Victor and Elena are both very into Esteban's little adventure outfit (God, they're so me-) --with the three whole buttons undone on his shirt, no jacket or cravat, the scarf belt wrapped around his waist and those sinfully tight trousers. So, the two of them (ganging up on Esteban as a group as they often do) are often able to persuade him into their outfit of choice. And unless there is a particular reason for Esteban to dress more formally, he can usually be persuaded. It's nice that he's able to dress more casually now than before, and he knows how good this looks on him.
(On a related note, Victor absolutely *hates* Esteban's yellow jacket that he wears for formal court functions. And so he does have a long-standing fantasy of asking Esteban to wear it to bed one of these nights so that Victor and Elena can literally rip it off him and tear the hated thing to shreds. But Victor hasn't acted on this impulse. Yet.)
Victor is also very into Elena's little adventure outfit with the tunic and ye olde skinny jeans. This is slightly for thirsty reasons. (He doesn't really get to admire her very nice legs when they're hidden beneath her skirts, but he can when she wears trousers.) But he is also aware that Elena is more comfortable in this kind of outfit than in her more usual "queenly" attire. Also a more casual look suits her very impulsive, headstrong and easily-distracted personality. Far easier for her to climb a tree on a whim this way. And Victor loves seeing Elena at her most "Elena," and she's very comfortable in her skin in this outfit . (Victor has not yet had the privilege of seeing Elena in her skintight fencing gear yet, or he would have a new favorite. And this would be entirely for the thirsty reasons. No one could ever say Victor Delgado is a saint. Not even close.)
Esteban, meanwhile, likes seeing Elena dressed like the queen that she is. The finest of gowns, the most extravagant of jewels. All should see her and be instantly struck by her beauty, her radiance, her goodness, her majesty in any and every sense of the word. Every Avaloran citizen's heart should swell with awe and pride as they clasp eyes yet again on the greatest queen in all the Ever Realm. Of Elena's canon outfits, I would say that Esteban's favorite is probably the red ballgown that she wears for official court functions throughout the show (and the one that her face character wears in the Disney parks). Red is after all, Elena's signature color--just as it is Esteban's own--and it is a very flattering one on her indeed. He would probably try to get Elena to accessorize the dress a bit more than she usually does. (A necklace that matches her crown, a jeweled broach at the center of her belt, rings on every finger, etc) though I can't say that he would be super successful.
Victor's only has two canon outfits and neither of them are particularly great. (The Dracula-core malvago cape is certainly memorable but not particularly flattering or the kind of thing that Esteban or Elena would care to see him again). So I am going to let Esteban and Elena find something new and better for him. Victor won't mind. He's always liked the finer things (too much for his own good), and he's delighted to be the "sugar. baby" for two royals who have very refined and expensive taste (Esteban) and love to spoil their loved ones (Elena).
Essentially, I think they would look for a more flattering and more upscale version of his "regular" canon outfit. Shirt with waistcoat, trousers and cravat. Elena and Esteban will make sure that Victor has his share of jackets too, but unless there's a particular reason why Victor needs to wear one (weather or a formal occasion), I think they'd prefer he go sans jacket with just the shirt and waistcoat. Victor is rather broad-shouldered and from the little we can see through his jacket, he seems to have some nice biceps on him too, so it would be nice to have something that will show off his arms a little better.
Based on my initial impression, green ( to match his eyes) and black would probably be the most flattering colors for Victor. And given that we see him wear these colors in his "regular" outfit, we can presume that Victor likes them reasonably well. So I think Esteban and Elena would probably focus on a lot on these shades when adding new pieces to their novio's wardrobe.
I think that they would particularly look for a patterned waistcoat, like the kind we often see in the Georgian and Victorian time periods (or even like Julio Guzman's Magister of Trade vest on the show itself). Nothing too over-the-top mind, but given that Victor is a rather flamboyant person in general, I think he deserves something a little flashier and more ornate now that he can. Preferably ones in green, black, or both is kind of the vibe I think they should strive for. A few examples below:
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I also think Victor is confident enough to pull off a black blouse with his waistcoat. He's a retired thief and an ex-malvago, so he definitely has more-than-a-bit of a "bad boy" edge to him and that would be reflected in his wardrobe. I also think Elena and Esteban would probably find that very attractive (even if Esteban would never admit it). So they make sure that he has a black shirt or two in addition to the basic whites. And neither of them complains too much if Victor desides to forgo the cravat entirely and leave the top few buttons his black blouse undone beneath his waistcoat.
51. What’s a non verbal way they say I love you?
Well, Elena canonically has her emotion magic, so literally all she would need to do is *feel* a profound sense of love for either of the others and her dress would turn pink and they would all know what was meant. That being said, she is very open and affectionate in general, so she is constantly telling the others verbally or through little gestures how much she cares about them. I feel like physical touch is her primary love language considering how physically affectionate we see her with her family and friends throughout the show. So, she is constantly reaching for the others' hands, kissing their cheeks, placing a hand on their shoulders, booping noses, etc. Victor naturally responds to this right away as he also a very physically affectionate person. It takes a bit more getting used from Esteban (even platonically, it was a lot), because he's naturally more reserved and because he's profoundly touch-starved (to the point of being overwhelmed when he first started getting more physical contact from people he likes). But now he thrives on it.
Victor shows his affection for the others in a lot of a different ways, most of them somewhat casual. He uses pet names for the others a lot. (Esteban has gone from "El Segundo" (derogatory) to "mi/nuestro El Segundo" (affectionate) to Victor. Meanwhile, Victor calls Elena "mi reina" ("my queen") and "jaquinita" ("little (female) jaquin")--which is just so cute I could scream.
Additionally, cooking with or for the people he cares about (see also: Carla) has always been a big thing with Victor. So he would constantly be doing things like trying to learn how to make various foreign dishes (ex: ramen or sushi from Satu, souvlaki from Corinthia) that the other mentioned trying/enjoying on foreign diplomatic visits. Or making (over-peppered but otherwise very tasty) soup whenever the others are feeling sick.
He also spends a good bit of time trying to make the others laugh--especially Esteban because his laughter is so comparatively rare (and therefore so much more precious). Cue Victor telling the worst fucking jokes you've ever heard to try to get the others to chuckle. (Elena thinks Victor is genuinely hilarious because her sense of humor is just as bad). He also is known to play particularly imaginative pranks (including ones on himself) to try and get the others' attention. Esteban is frequently just rolling his eyes at Victor, but there is a very amused twinkle in them when he does so.
Esteban's love language is a combination of acts of service, little gifts, words of affirmation, and physical touch that is perhaps best described as noticing and remembering things. This is partly due to the fact that "noticing and remembering" everything was quite literally his job as chancellor for over four decades. But another major factor is that Esteban spent most of his childhood wanting and waiting to be noticed and remembered himself, so he's especially sensitive to wanting to make sure that his partners feel seen and valued.
He never needs to be reminded about birthdays, anniversaries, holidays coming up. He is always on top of things and has been making careful plans for weeks (if not months). He will, however, very carefully and gently remind the others about the upcoming important date if he fears that they have forgotten. (They often need the reminder. Elena in particular).
And not even just the "big" things. He'll remember a book that Victor casually mentioned and then go search for it so that he can read it too and discuss it with him. He'll remember that Elena can sometimes get anxious whenever she has to make a big speech in front of crowds, so he adds a little note to the top of her scroll that says something like "You've got this, prima. It is a wonderful speech, and I know you will deliver it well. But even if by some bizarre chance it does not go well, I am still extremely proud of you and grow prouder every day." And of course, this is just the little pep talk Elena needs.
He notices Victor moving his head more carefully and rubbing his neck. Cue Esteban drawing him a warm bath and offering to massage Victor's tired back and shoulders until he feels better. He's not *consciously* tracking Elena's "courses," (that would be a bit too creepy and invasive for them both), but he is nevertheless mindful of the subtle changes in Elena's mood and health as any given month goes on. So he is nevertheless ready with a box of Abuela's chocolate, ye olde warming pad, and ye olde ibuprofen before Elena even asks for it.
Basically, Esteban is just always paying attention and always looking for a million quiet little ways that he can make his dos queridos ( and all of the rest of his family and friends to be fair) feel cherished and noticed in every way.
#vicestebalena#my beloveds#elena of avalor#victor delgado#esteban flores#elena castillo flores#i was trouble finding the exact waistcoats i was imagining in green so i had to recolor the first two ( from original blue) in photoshop#which is why they look slightly off but i hope you see and understand my vision#most of the roccoco/regency/victorian waistcoats i could find in green were either solids or too “light” a color than would suit victor#victor can be a little fancy boy as a treat but he shouldn't ever be a complete fop (that's esteban's job)#elena and victor have very similar senses of humor imo. as in terrible#do i have much canon evidence for this? not really apart from elena's bad jokes and how cringefail (affectionate) 'don't look now' is#but i know it in my heart to be true#victor's sense of humor is a bit more l.e.w.d and elena is a bit more likely to over-explain a terrible pun#but overall they have super similar vibes and they crack each other up while esteban rolls his eyes and suffers in the background#ironically victor is probably the most grounded and emotionally mature in this relationship for the most part...#but he has the sense of humor of a 12 year old who just discovered innuendoes for the first time#additionally victor doesn't do any knife throwing in canon but i just...I know in my heart he can and that he's really good at it#i mean he was a thief on the run for over 40 years without magic; he had to have learned how to defend himself#this trio is everything to me tbh#and to think this all started b/c i thought estevictor would be h.o.t and then discovered estebalena not long afterwards#and then accidentally put a brief vicelena moment in the estebalena i was working on#and then my third eye was opened and i realized i could in fact have them all at once and that it would be so so good#i just think after all esteban has been through he deserves to be smothered in affection and attention and validation#and the others are happy to deliver and to receive the love that esteban is so desperate to give in return#ask memes
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httpsserene · 3 months
𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚 𝐲 𝐩𝐚𝐩𝐚 - 𝐥𝐧. 𝟒 (& 𝐨𝐩. 𝟖𝟏)
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summary: you and lando are blessed with a beautiful baby boy. content warning: fluff, humor, slightly suggestive at times, and mainly crack/shitpost energy. reader owns & works in her bakery in monaco. images used are not mine. pairing: lando norris x fem!black!reader (& platonic oscar pastry) genre: smau & written fic combination (it's a longgg one)
author's notes: y'all i'm warning you i took it too far this time. it's long aslllll. but it might be the best thing i've ever offered to f1 tumblr in my entire career.
grab a snack, drink, and tuck yourself into a comfortable position xxx
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imessage • preseason 2023
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That’s how you find yourself outside of the MTC in the mid-morning two days later. You’re mildly…exhausted, after commandeering the kitchen in Lando’s Silverstone flat to make a sickening amount of banana bread to feed all of McLaren. After tipping your Uber to the MTC double what the ride costs (for allowing you to stuff his car with a hundred pounds of your decadent treat and helping you unload them into the lobby), you’re greeted with warm welcomes and hungry eyes from the staff. Eager to eat, they’re quick to find you a couple of carts to help you move all the banana bread to the communal area. You’re walking backward to make sure none of your sliced loaves fall, smiling with all the workers as they follow you through the building. Setting up shop, you hand out your sliced banana bread, chatting and catching up with everyone as they sing praises over your sweet treat. Word travels around the MTC quickly when it comes to you bringing baked goods and it comes as no surprise to you when you see a perplexed and overwhelmed Oscar Piastri join the line. You’re bursting with excitement and anticipation by the time he’s picking up his slice.
“Thank you for the banana bread,” Oscar expresses softly, his smile boxy.
“Oh, of course,” you dismiss his gratitude lightly, struggling to keep your cuteness aggression at bay, “I’ve been doing this for the factory since Lando joined–and I figured it would be a good welcoming gift for you!”
“Wait–are you Lando’s girlfriend?” Oscar chokes on his bite of bread.
You rush forward to pat his back, ordering for someone to get him a glass of water; you would hate to be responsible for the death of Mclaren’s rookie driver. When his airways are cleared, you exchange proper greetings and you are quick to make sure Lando has been treating him well. 
“Honestly, I should’ve known it was you” Oscar chuckles, “Lando cannot stop talking about you. Zak had to establish a rule that only allowed him to mention you two times an hour.”
“That must have been rough for him,” you snort dryly, “the rule was five times an hour last year. Anyways, Oscar–who do you main on Mario Kart? This could make or break our friendship.”
You find yourself enamored with Oscar as the conversation goes on. He stands and keeps you company as you continue to hand out banana bread. It’s mostly you doing the talking; Oscar’s quiet, a man of few words but he listens well. He has a sarcastic sense of humor that is similar to Lando’s yet completely different: Lando’s jokes are loud, Oscar’s are hushed. He’s humble, shy even, flustering when you lightly tease him. You’re well past having Oscar as your friend—you’re convinced that he’s achieved little brother or son status.
“Banana Bread!” Zak shouts as he walks up to the two of you, Lando at his side, “Please tell me this is your homemade version?”
“I would never settle for store-bought banana bread,” you gasp dramatically, “It’s homemade as always, Zak. This time I did my grandmother’s recipe instead of my own.”
The CEO practically jumps with glee and rushes to grab a couple of slices–he’s only had this version of the dessert once, and swore it changed his life. Lando walks to you, pressing a kiss to your temple before nodding at Oscar.
“What do you think, love, “Lando hums to you softly, “Did he pass the test?”
You blink up at him and whisper, “I invited him over for dinner tonight—do you think we can use one of the printers here to print out adoption forms?”
bahrain • 2023
After qualifying, it felt like you and Zak were the only people in the garage who remained optimistic for race day. Lando was less than pleased with placing 11th; he parroted words of positivity and hope for improvement but in the privacy of your hotel room he crumbled. He buried his face in your neck muffling just how low his expectations for this season are. You tried to convince him it was too early in the season—the first race weekend—to make that decision but, he was too in his feelings to see reason. 
Oscar was disappointed in himself for placing 18th. When he took off his helmet after returning to the garage, you could see the doubt in his skills lingering through his eyes. You pulled him to sit with you as you continued to wait for the second session to begin and gently reassured him that this wasn’t an accurate representation of his skills; Formula One is a massive change from Formula Two. Oscar nodded at your reassurance but you could tell he was still freshly in shock at his “terrible” performance so your logical advice wasn’t believed. 
On race day, however, you found your positivity dip as well. Oscar DNF’d on lap 13 and rage filled the spot that optimism used to inhabit. The Australian was handling his retirement better than you were; he brushed off everybody’s apologies and went straight to reviewing his data and watching Lando’s race—you, however, wanted to snap at any of his mechanics that walked by. It wasn’t like Lando’s race was any better if you could call what he was doing a race. Slow pit stops, six pit stops at that, the fast lap gamble failure, finishing last, and being two laps down from the race leader…Zak took one glance at you and quickly made himself scarce.
You rode back with both of the boys to the hotel and nearly cried for them with how down the mood was. On the walk to your rooms, Oscar attempted to exchange goodbyes with you and Lando before you cut him off.
“Uh-uh, nope,” you shook your head, “I pre-ordered dinner for us. Come eat?”
Oscar stuttered, “O-oh? I don’t want to intrude–”
“Oscar Jack Piastri,” both he and Lando winced at the sound of his full name, “I’m not going to let either one of you go to bed on an empty stomach. You’re going to eat dinner with me and Lan and you’re going to drink several glasses of water so I can make sure you’re properly rehydrated. Understood?”
“I would love to have dinner with you guys,” Oscar blinked at you in fear, “Also, how do you know my middle name?”
You laughed as you unlocked the door, holding it open for both of the boys as you walked in, “I had a wonderful conversation with your mother, of course.”
“When did you meet my mom?!”
australia • 2023
You were on the edge of losing your voice as you screamed and cheered with Nicole Piastri and Adam Norris for both of the McLaren boys and their double points finishes. The two drivers finishing in the midfield felt like the team had figured something out for Oscar’s home race (if you ignored how almost half of the drivers retired their cars). The Piastri’s invited everyone to a local restaurant to celebrate Oscar’s first points in Formula One, but before you and Lando headed out, the two of you nearly lost your minds.
The two of you forced him to pose with his car and take several pictures with it, strongly suggesting that he smiles big and wide for the camera. Fernando and Lewis walked by and burst into laughter, claiming that you and Lando were treating Oscar like a child. So, obviously, the two of you committed to the bit. You guys cooed and called Oscar’s name, clapping and jumping to pretend like he was a toddler whose attention needed to be grabbed to have him look at the camera. The rookie cringed in embarrassment, cheeks burning red as he tried to convince you guys to stop making a fuss over him.
Lando gasped, sickened at Oscar’s words, “Oscar! How could you say such a thing to your mother and me? We only want to celebrate our boy!”
You nodded furiously in agreement, nearly breaking character at the dumbfounded look that rose to the Australian’s face.
“What the fuck,” Oscar blurted out, yet he continued to smile for your camera.
“Oh my god!” You said appalled, “Lando did you teach our son that foul language?! I told you not to curse in front of the baby!”
instagram • bakewithyn • april 6th • melbourne ⚑
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liked by, oscarpiastri, landonorris, mclaren, markwebber, and 413,257 others
bakewithyn: happy birthday oscar 🥳 there’s no birthday gift like scoring your FIRST EVER POINTS in f1 at your HOME race but !!! i’m super happyyy you enjoyed the 🐨 cookies i made for you (lando helped ig 😐) 🤗🤗🤗
tagged oscarpiastri
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📌 yninstagram ps! these are limited edition cookies at my bakery for oscar piastri day!!! first come first serve until sell out! all proceeds go to the australian koala foundation as it was oscar’s personal request 😇
➥ user charitable king shit fr 👑
➥ user FUCK i wish i was rich enough to visit/live in monaco
➥ user don't worry, they're nearly sold out already and the bakery opened three hours ago !!!!
nicolepiastri these were so tasty! i wish i had your baking skills
➥ yninstagram tysm mama piastri !!! i'm blushing
➥ user mama piastri???? im crying
user the koala photo with the bow 😩
➥user what r u talking about?? i only see a picture of oscar with a bow?
➥ user fr i only see oscar 😵‍💫
user "lando helped ig" what did he do? look pretty the entire time you baked LMAO
➥ landonorris actually i was allowed to put the ingredients in the bowls AND preheat the oven too 😤
➥ landonorris and i always look pretty wtf
➥ user omg...yn gave him the toddler tasks 💀💀💀
oscarpiastri the cookies were so good! they nearly tasted better than my first points felt
➥ yninstagram omg high praise from the man himself 🤯
➥ oscarpiastri had to fight my sisters to make sure they didn't only leave me with crumbs
➥ user oh i understand that eldest sibling battle
➥ user my little sisters bite i think they have rabies
➥ user oh what a shame. euthanasia is an option 🤗
miami • 2023
The energy after Miami was rightfully terrible. The car is shit; Lando lost a position from where he qualified to make him P17 and Oscar maintained his P19. It’s hot, and humid, and everyone in the garage is miserable. McLaren is a family. When the boys don’t do good, everybody understands and feels their pain. Nobody likes seeing the boys with frowns on their lips and sadness in their eyes, but it’s becoming a usual appearance during this season. So to turn those frowns upside down, you went on a hunt for some cold treats. You got Lando a frozen lemonade and Oscar an ice cream sandwich—it’s a safe choice, you hadn’t necessarily thought about asking him what kind of ice cream he prefers. 
You found Oscar staring at the wall, eyes focused forward but his mind somewhere else. You tapped him gently on the shoulder, offering him a small smile when he looked at you. He tried to offer you a smile of his own but couldn’t manage to hold it for more than a couple seconds. You presented the ice cream sandwich to him and he looked at you in surprise, as if he couldn’t believe you would give it to him.
“F-for,” his voice cracks awkwardly, “For me?”
You hummed, ruffling his hair and taking a seat on the couch next to him, “No, for the King of England. Yes–for you Oscar.”
He thanked you shyly and quickly began to unwrap the packaging, munching away happily. You took a second to text Lando your location and inform him of the frozen lemonade waiting for him, and when you turned to look back at Oscar—the kid was a mess. He wasn’t even a quarter of the way through the dessert sandwich and you’re convinced he managed to spill more of it than he ingested. The ice cream was painted across the lower half of his face and dripping down his hands–you caught a drop of it with a napkin before it fell and stained his shirt.
“Jesus, Oscar!” you scolded him, “I look away for two seconds and you make a mess!”
Oscar shrugged at you, feigning innocence, but you saw the staple redness of embarrassment begin to tint his chubby cheeks. You snapped your fingers in remembrance before you moved to rifle through your purse, Oscar staring at you with wide eyes as he continued to snack away. You exclaimed in delight, showing off a pair of wet wipes you remembered to bring with you. Oscar accepted the offered wipes and you watched carefully to make sure he removed all the smudges of ice cream from his hands and face.
“Hi, lovely girl,” Lando approached you, throwing himself onto the sofa next to you. He gave you a soft kiss on the lips and temple before grabbing his now lemonade slushy and taking a look at Oscar.
“Woah, mate,” Lando teased, “Did you lose in a fight against the ice cream sandwich?”
Oscar rolled his eyes and ignored Lando as he finished cleaning up. Once he was done, you gathered all of the dirty wipes on the table to be thrown away. You and Lando both watched Oscar as he ate the rest of his snack in fear of another mess occurring—and, then you had a bright idea. Leaning forward, you took a dry napkin and tucked it into the collar of his McLaren polo, creating a makeshift bib. 
“Lando, remind me to get our son ice cream in a cup from now on!”
twitter • may 14th
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instagram • landonorris • may 23rd • monte carlo ⚑
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liked by, bakewithyn, charlesleclerc, fernandoalonso, and 502,113 others
landonorris: does it still count as a date night if your boy and his best friend are building legos in the next room🤨
tagged bakewithyn, oscarpiastri, logansargeant
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user "your boy" WTF DOES THAT MEAN ‼️‼️‼️
user they're building legos before the race weekend starts 🤧
user has oscar been staying with lando since last week?
➥ user i thought he was just sleeping over for one night 🧐
adamnorris does this make me a grandfather?
➥ user what the hell is happening
➥ landonorris um? surprise haha 😀
bakewithyn it's a great date night! it's comforting knowing ozzy's in the next room over
➥ bakewithyn i have separation anxiety :)
➥ landonorris me too omg this was my best idea ever
➥ user this is like a reverse 13th reason- it's like my 1st reason i'm glad to be alive
➥ user ozzy 🫠
landonorris logan and osc just went silent. chat, should i be worried?
➥ user i'll bet my life savings that one of them has a lego shoved up their nose 😬
➥ user when kids go quiet it's never good !!!!
qatar • 2023
You cried an embarrassing amount of times this weekend. Your son won his first sprint race in his Formula One career, and his father—your boyfriend—was up there on the podium with him to celebrate. It seems like you have to make another special dessert for your bakery to celebrate both of your boys, but you can worry about brainstorming ideas when you stop crying into Andrea Stella’s shoulder in the middle of the pit lane. You’re sure that your face will be posted all over Twitter in a couple of hours.
A part of you wished that Lando had won the sprint race, just as he probably wanted the same thing. But, as both of you made eye contact with each other over Oscar’s head, the Australian rambling endlessly as he hugged his trophy on your hotel room floor, both of you knew that there was no better outcome this weekend than Oscar getting a taste of victory. Lando’s win will come in due time. A P2, P3 finish on Sunday was just the proof everyone needed of McLaren’s improvement and the threat they may pose to Red Bull next year. 
são paulo • 2023
You had the Grand Prix playing on your phone as you did some prep work for the bakery. The race ended and you couldn’t help but feel happy, yet relieved for the race to be over for different reasons. Lando had a wonderful drive today, and Oscar had the opposite; you were just glad it wasn’t a DNF for him.
You had only just begun wiping down the counters when the sound of the post-race show is interrupted by the ringtone you have set for Oscar. You paused quickly, scooping your phone up to answer.
“Hi, Ozzy,” you cooed gently, “How are you feeling? Sorry about your race buddy, that was unfortunate.”
“It happens, I guess. I feel like shit, mostly. Like I let the team down.”
“No way, Oscar! You’re not letting anybody down. Your race result today wasn’t the result of your skills, it was the result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. It was a racing incident. If anybody tells you differently, let me know. I’ll rip their vocal cords out.”
Oscar’s laugh crackled through the receiver. “Yes, mum. I’ll let you know. I really want some of your chocolate chip cookies, they’re the perfect bad race remedy.”
“Well, I’m flying out in a few hours to meet you guys in Brazil so I can celebrate Lando’s—sorry, excuse me—your father’s birthday with him. I think there may be some time for me in my schedule to make some cookies with you.”
“Really? We should make some for Lando too! Wait, before you leave, I left his birthday gift—”
“—In our apartment, I remember! I already packed it in my luggage, I wouldn’t forget.”
“You’re the best, seriously.”
“Mhm, I know. Also, we should share some of these cookies with Charles too, his radio message made me cry.”
“Okay, he can have one cookie.”
“Oscar Jack,” you said dryly.
“Yes, sharing is caring or whatever. He can have like...two.”
instagram • bakewithyn • november 13th • las vegas ⚑
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liked by, mclaren, landonorris, f1, oscarpiastri and 353,764 others
bakewithyn: happy birthday to lando norris. he's a pretty cool guy, a great dad, and the perfect boyfriend. love you lots, baby, and i'll love you forever xxx
tagged landonorris
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user wait is this a pregnancy announcement 😨
user this is giving engagement reveal
charlesleclerc bro. if i didn't know you guys i would think your caption was serious 😣
➥ bakewithyn get pranked LOL XD
➥ user oh i feel like i just got catfished
➥ user wait so lando didn't propose nor did he put a baby in her 😒
➥ user oscar exists? he's literally their child
oscarpiastri no fr i thought i was about to learn i had a sibling otw from this post
➥ bakewithyn ozzy we would've told you???
➥ landonorris you literally bought the card for me
➥ oscarpiastri a boy can hope for a younger sibling can he not :(
➥ bakewithyn so close 😚 no you can't! hope that helps xo
➥ landonorris sorry osc, it's your mum's decision 🤷‍♂️
➥ user does this mean lando wants an actual kid
mclaren admin was terrified ngl 😅
➥ mclaren i thought you really posted an engagement and pregnancy reveal without letting me know 😭
➥ landonorris sorry admin, i'll keep you in the loop in the future
➥ user landoyn engagement soon??????
twitter • november 18th • las vegas ⚑
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twitter • preseason 2024
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miami • 2024
Lando had you pinned to the wall in his driver's room, with his hands tangled in your curls and his mouth devouring yours. Your moans are muffled into his lips as you grind against his thigh. You tried to multitask, struggling to pull his driver’s suit down. Lando lifted you slightly, encouraging you to wrap your legs around his waist and neither of you cared to pull away at the sound of your foot hitting his P1 trophy and knocking it over. One of his hands fell from your hair to grasp at the smooth brown skin of your neck, his palm acting as a warm weighted choker on your throat and you broke away from the kiss to moan. 
“Fuck, Lando—get naked,” you whined desperately, “we don’t have much time for you to tease me right now!”
Lando laughed as he moved to press kisses along your jawline and behind your ear. You felt his lips part on your skin, his breath ghosting over you causing goosebumps to rise, but it’s not his voice you hear.
“Lando, they need us for pictures—OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK,” yelped Oscar, the sound of his hand smacking over his eyes reverberating around the room.
You shrieked in surprise, pushing your boyfriend away from you as you speedily readjusted your clothes. Lando positioned himself in front of you, his back facing you allowing you a little more privacy as he speedily fixed his suit around his waist.
“Learn how to knock, kid,” Lando huffed, no shame found in his words, “You interrupted my winning celebration.”
You screamed in dismay, slapping the back of Lando’s head and Oscar began to stumble out of the room, bumping into the doorframe as he still covered his eyes.
“Yeah, knock in the future, I understand,” Oscar sounds like he’s about to cry, “I feel like I just saw my mum and dad having sex!”
instagram • bakewithyn • may 12th • mama's house ⚑
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liked by oscarpiastri, alexandrasaintmleux, landonorris, and 551,012 others
bakewithyn: LOOK AT MY SON 🥺🥺 PRIDE IS NOT THE WORD IM LOOKING FOR 🗣️🗣️🔊🔊 (happy mother's day to all the beautiful mamas x)
tagged oscarpiastri
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oscarpiastri did dad get you anything 🙃
➥ user 👀👀👀
➥ landonorris well i would've if SOMEBODY told me we were celebrating this year 🤬🤬🤬🤬
➥ oscarpiastri i didn't know i *had* to tell you
➥ user wowwwww lando
➥ user shameful honestly 😕
markwebber happy milf day
➥ markwebber *mother's day sorry typo
➥ bakewithyn what the fuck ☠️☠️☠️
➥ user that was not a typo mark
➥ user sir u are not slick LMAO
➥ bakewithyn i mean...oscar wouldn't mind a step dad, his fatther didn't get me anything today :(
➥ landonorris AYO BABY PLEASE 🧎‍♂️
oscarpiastri you know what would be an even better mother's day gift? getting a puppy 🤭
➥ bakewithyn we are not getting a puppy ozzy.
➥ landonorris should've clued me in osc i might've convinced her for you
➥ oscarpiastri :[
monaco • 2024
You’re about to crash THE FUCK out. At first, it was a little half-joke. Oscar’s home race in Australia, his 1/16th home race in China, and his 3/16th home race in Italy. You originally thought his tweet about “searching for his Monegasque roots” was cute, but you didn’t expect Charles Marc Herve Perceval (Demon Spawn) Leclerc to step into your playing field.
Who the hell does he think he is? Offering to adopt your son? And, Oscar is going along with it? And, the Miami Grand Prix account making a “Certificate of Adoption?” You started to like Miami after Lando won there; and now they’ve betrayed you. Every fan jumped on the bandwagon, thinking that this was the most adorable thing to happen. Like Oscar hasn’t been your child the minute he stepped foot into the MTC in Silverstone. Like he didn’t give you a Mother’s Day present? The Monegasques have some nerve; you were close with Charles and Alex but, now they’ve encroached on your and Lando’s territory. You’re committing several murders today. 
You laughed hysterically when Oscar joined Lando and you for lunch, mentioning that Charles and Alex invited him to eat with the rest of the Leclercs at family dinner after qualifying. You agreed to let him but not without making sure Charles and Alex are qualified for the job. Lando also cornered you in the kitchen and persuaded you to allow Oscar to go; swaying you with the idea of a real date night. You never realized just how much time you guys spend with your son. When’s the last time you guys had a break from being “mum and dad?" It was an appealing offer, but you were serious about clarifying expectations to the thieving couple.
twitter • may 25th • monaco
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instagram • bakewithyn • may 25th • date night ⚑
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liked by charlesleclerc, landonorris, nicolepiastri and 236,978 others
bakewithyn: a little night off from parenting was needed x
tagged landonorris
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user okay mamiiiii
user all parents deserve to relax !!!
oscarpiastri do you even miss me ☹️
➥ user damn he goin through it
➥ charlesleclerc i literally just got him to smile and now he's crying again 😒
➥ landonorris your mum and i love you lots osc
➥ oscarpiastri :]
alexandrasaintmleux take full advantage of having no children in the house 😈😈😈
➥ charlesleclerc leo will keep him distracted for as longggg as possible 😏
➥ user lando only needs about three minutes 🥱
➥ user wow that's a really long time fr
oscarpiastri mama y papa
➥ user mama y papa
➥ user mama y papa
➥ user mama y papa
instagram • landonorris • june 16th • daddy's home ⚑
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liked by oscarpiastri, angryginge, bakewithyn and 436,812 others
landonorris: father's day done right. my child and his mother made a cake for me, family photo slide two, and my son slide three. what more can a man want.
tagged bakewithyn and oscarpiastri
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user this man never misses a chance to call himself daddy
user too fucking funny 🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️
bakewithyn happy father's day, daddy xxx
➥ user OHMYGOD 😖🤢🤮
➥ user on my internet⁉️⁉️⁉️
➥ landonorris even happier now x
user this new wave of parents concerns me...
oscarpiastri the cake was good wasn't it???
➥ landonorris it was perfect, seriously
➥ oscarpiastri i know you both said there's no way we'd get a puppy but hear me out i've thought of something better
➥ oscarpiastri working on giving me a younger sibling :]
➥ user YES BABY NORRIS ‼️‼️‼️
➥ landonorris @/bakewithyn ?
➥ bakewithyn ask me again in a couple of years
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© httpsserene2024
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lymtw · 4 months
What does toji gets love boners over :3
Toji gets love boners because of you so often that every once in a while, he feels foolish for realizing that he is tethered to your happiness. His body reacts to your laughter, your smiles, your kind gleaming eyes in a similar manner to when you're intimately touching him or when he is touching you.
Toji only finds it embarrassing in the beginning, when it's first happening. His pretty girl is curled up on the couch, reading a book. There are no easily spotted turn ons in this scene. Not unless it's Toji doing the spotting. He will find too many things that get him hard at this simple sight. Just in the way you hold the book, he already feels his stomach start to stir. Your hands are clasped around the spine and covers, your knuckles protruding in the form your hands take. Your pretty, unpainted nails reflect as the light hanging from the ceiling casts light on them. As you turn the page to your book, your index finger and thumb pinch the page. Your fingers look so delicate, and he knows it to be true because even when he holds your hand, he can't squeeze too hard when he laces his fingers between yours, because he'll crush them. You look content, and part of it bothers him. He's not jealous of the book bringing you this state of serenity, but he does wish you were looking at him with that much focus instead. You would see the things you make him feel. The way his body reacts to you, and how even when you are in an idle state, you manage to make him desire you.
Toji doesn't feel as embarrassed when you indulge his desires that are brought on by you. Immediately after you fulfill his needs, he's grateful to have gone through another one of those humbling experiences that happen because he is so attracted to you. You're soft to the touch, you sound pretty, and you touch him in a way that shows that you enjoy having him so close to you.
Another one of his triggers for his love induced hard ons comes in the form of making you laugh uncontrollably. Sometimes it's flattery, like him telling you you look nice when you're on a date. The humor slightly outweighs the charm when he tries to compare you to things he thinks you might find pretty. He'll say, "you look pretty, doll. Like..." and then he can't find anything good enough to compare you to for a good ten seconds or so. "...that red flower over there," he finally says once he finds something. The gap of silence as he searched made you laugh, and the turning of his head as he scanned the area only added onto it. After a few seconds, he notices you're not walking next to him anymore and looks behind him to see that you're keened over, laughing. He walks back to you, a grin gracing his lips as he stands in front of you. Your cheeks are pink and your eyes are glossy with tears of joy welling in them. You mention that your stomach hurts through high pitched laughter, luring a chuckle from Toji. You try to compose yourself, standing up straight while taking relaxing breaths but as soon as you look up at Toji, you're wheezing again. He can't explain the feeling that formed within him at the sight. It was happiness with a tinge of something else. There he was trying to be romantic, and failing so hard that you had a fit of laughter instead of swooning at his words. He found himself swooning over you instead. He felt a sense of relief when he realized that even if he couldn't make your heart flutter romantically on purpose, he could always make you laugh, and for him that was just as good because watching you laugh was such a turn on for him.
Another thing that gets Toji going in a loving way is when you're in the same room but aren't next to each other, and you make eye contact with him from wherever you are. You smile at him, kindly, warmly, lovingly, and yet it goes straight to his crotch. It's the way you look at him, so longingly when you're merely across the room. All you have to do is walk a few feet and you'll be together again, but it feels like you're miles apart. You play eye contact tag as you get separate tasks done, and Toji always beats you, being the last one to look away. His gaze bores into the back of your head when you don't spare him anymore attention, and it always makes you turn around when you feel it like some sixth sense. You smile, happily losing focus on whatever you're working on to look at your handsome distraction sprawled out on the couch. He looks at you with a sly smirk. He knows what he's doing, but what you're doing is worse. Smiling so pretty at him like that, knowing he can't be next to you for at least another twenty minutes. He tries to entice you by looking you up and down while playing with the hem of his shirt. Your willpower starts crumbling when he's like this so you quickly turn around with wide eyes. He grins before letting out a sigh of impatience. The tent in his pants is unbearable, and god he wishes he had the same level of restraint as you, but he doesn't, so he stands from where he is, and he personally lets you know how much he wants you.
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7ndipity · 8 months
Their Ideal Types
Summary: What I believe the members ideal types would be.
Warnings: Swearing, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this! Please bear in mind tho that these are just my personal opinions, based on what I’ve observed from their personalities and with some references to their astrology charts(if you’re not into that, just ignore those points on each list)
His Capricorn venus means that he’s a little old fashioned in his style of romance, which I think reflects in his statements in the past about being a classic hopeless romantic. He wants someone who he can sweep off their feet and eventually settle down with.
I don’t think he has a huge preference on age, I feel like he’d kinda want either a little older/younger rather than the same age tho.
He’s said once that he wanted someone a little on the chubby side(granted, this was years ago, so I don’t know if that’s still true), he also strikes me as someone who would be drawn more to the classic ‘girly’ vibe(pastel colors, flowy layers, fluffy sweaters, etc) but I think the main vibe he’d look for in a partner is comfort. I don’t quite know how else to describe it other than ‘Ghibli vibes’ if that makes sense?
He would want someone with a classy/graceful air, who’s confident in themselves and not afraid to take the lead sometimes and stand up for themselves.
Someone mature, but not too serious, with a good sense of humor and who’s not afraid to be silly sometimes. Someone affectionate, but not overly clingy.
Someone patient and understanding, who makes it easy for him to open up and be vulnerable.
Pisces are already very deep feeling signs, but coupled with his Venus in Aries, Yoongi can sometimes come off rather intense in regards to relationships. He’s very matter of fact about his feelings sometimes, and I think he wants someone who can match his frankness. He doesn’t have patience for mind games, if you’re into him, fucking say it.
He’s said before that he doesn’t really have a type, at least when it comes to physical appearances or styles. Imo tho, I feel like he would be into someone with a casual, more tomboyish style(oversized hoodies/sweaters, layered shirts, sneakers, shorter hair)
Doesn’t really have a preference on age either.
He’s said before that he wanted someone similar to himself, with a deep passion for music and creating. Obviously, that doesn’t mean you have to be a professional artist/musician(I actually think he would prefer someone outside the industry, or at least outside the Idol/Kpop sphere), but he definitely needs someone who’s a fellow creative type who can understand that side of him.
Someone patient and warm, with an infectious energy that can help bring his mood up(kinda like Hobi), with a sharp sense of humor like his own.
I think he would like someone who’s somewhat independent, who knows what they want and isn’t willing to take shit from anyone.
His Pisces Venus means he’s very go with the flow when it comes to relationships, so he would want something very relaxed, without any chase or mind games, or anything too rushed either. He wants someone he can just ‘be’ with.
I think he’d prefer someone slightly younger, not significantly tho, just a couple years or so.
I think he’d be into someone ‘cute’, though maybe not necessarily in fashion sense, moreso just their general energy. Style-wise, I think he’d like someone who similar taste as him, more streetwear type clothes.
Someone bright and easygoing, who’s equally happy with going out or staying at home and doing nothing. Someone energetic, who not afraid to be silly at times.
Someone very sweet, kind and gracious(lowkey think he would be into the “mom friend” personality)
He’s said before he wanted to feel cherished in a relationship, so I think he would want someone he can take care of, big fan of skinship(bordering on a little clingy). Someone who makes him feel needed/wanted, who dotes on him over little things.
Namjoon is like a textbook Virgo, very grounded and practical. However, his Venus in Scorpio means he’s quite intense emotionally and sexually, so he would want a partner that can balance or match his intensity.
I think he would prefer someone his age or slightly younger.
I remember Jk saying once that Joon was into the ‘cute but sexy’ vibe, and I think that’s still true to an extent, he finds people with range very attractive. I don’t know that he really has a preferred style, maybe something more simplistic like his?
He would definitely like someone confident and independent, who can hold their own in a conversation or argument, but still polite and open minded. Someone that can challenge him and his own perceptions.
Someone intelligent, career/goal driven, and creatively minded, someone who he can go to museums/art exhibits with.
I think he would also really like someone who’s into fitness and working out like he is(lowkey loves the idea of gym dates), but it’s not a necessity for him.
He’s a classic Libra to his core(which I love abt him but it also drives me crazy). As much as he loves to tease, he doesn’t have the patience for too much chase or playing hard to get. He wants someone who’ll be honest about their feelings.
I think he would want someone close to his age, a little older/younger doesn’t make much difference to him.
He said before that he tends to prefer cuter appearance/vibes, but with his Venus in Scorpio, I think he would be drawn to someone with a bit of a darker, sensual contrast in their personality or looks, kinda like him.
He’s a hopeless romantic,(his favorite movies are the Notebook and Like Crazy, he’s a major softie) wants someone he can fall with and yeah, be a bit melodramatic with.
Someone warm, but slightly introverted, maybe even a little shy. Someone kind, open minded, and patient, but willing to stand up and speak their mind when they need to.
Someone who makes him feel needed(another Libra trait) Someone who can keep up with, or even match, his flirty nature.
As an Aquarius Venus, he tends to be drawn towards people with unique, unconventional beauty/style. He wants someone who’s not afraid to go against the norm to be themselves(tho he would love it if you have similar love for vintage aesthetic like him)
Idk why, but he gives me “When Harry met Sally” vibes. Like, despite his fascination with romanticism as an aesthetic, I think he really prefers to go the friends to lovers route. He wants someone he feels comfortable with first and foremost. He falls slowly and then all at once.
I don’t think he has much preference on age, but he’d probably like someone his age or maybe slightly older.
I think he’d kinda be into the “mom friend” personality. I’ve said it before, he really likes being taken care of, even if it’s just in little ways like fixing his hair or buttoning his coat before he leaves in the morning.
Someone slightly more extroverted, who makes friends easily, likes kids and animals.
Someone sensitive and mature, but who he can still be goofy and random with, who’ll play along with his skits and tangents(like jimin does)
Although he seems more drawn towards classic feminine style, I think he’d actually find someone with a similar style to his really attractive, even if it’s just in color palette. I don’t think he really has a type stylistically tho.
Despite Libra Venus’ tendency to look for partners that they have an immediate connection with, they actually prefer the ‘friends to lovers’ route, and I think that’s very accurate for him.
He’s kinda into the chase(literally the entire Seven video like👀), so he likes a partner that plays a little hard to get and teases/challenges him sometimes, but only sometimes.
I think he’d prefer someone his age, or maybe even a little older(He has a noona/hyung kink, I will die on this hill)
Like Joon, I think he’d really appreciate who’s into fitness/working out/boxing(lowkey, if you can hold your own wrestling with him, he’s got heart eyes)
Someone confident, independant, and artistic with a good sense of humor. Someone well mannered and patient(rudeness is an instant turnoff for him). Someone who can challenge him, but in a gentle, non-critical manner.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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rainerioun · 2 months
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𝖧𝖮𝖶 𝖣𝖮 𝖳𝖧𝖤𝖸 𝖵𝖨𝖤𝖶 𝖸𝖮𝖴? | 𝗉𝗂𝖼𝗄 𝖺 𝖼𝖺𝗋𝖽.
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— Hello! I thought I'd try and give a more in-depth reading. Interestingly, some of the piles seem to be similar. Perhaps this reading is meant for just a few people. I tried to keep it pretty general and unbiased whether we're talking about platonic or romantic connections, but it seems like there are hints of romantic feelings in all of them. However, if you're inquiring about a friendship or something similar, feel free to take what resonates and ignore the rest. <3
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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How Do They View You? King of Wands | Queen of Swords | Death.
To start, this person respects you heavily. They perceive you as someone exuding confidence and leading by example. You've influenced them at the very least. If you're experiencing change or have recently undergone a transformation, they want you to know they're proud of you.
How Do They View You? Dragon : Seeing One's Most True Self, Balancing Ego. | Oyster : Patient, Secret-Keeper, Hiding Inner Treasures.
They see the real you, not just the image you project. If you're shy or uncertain, they want to remind you not to underestimate yourself, and to embrace your genuine beauty and intelligence. They know that everyone else wants to see it too. I believe that they might perceive your confidence as a sort of façade.
How Do They View You? Trickster — Light : Transcending Convention, Stuffiness and Predictable Behavior. Shadow : Manipulating Others Through Duplicity.
I didn't view this card negatively; it felt more like confirmation of what I said earlier. This person understands that you don't reveal everything and perhaps even play a role, though it may not be intentional. They recognize your tendency to use humor as a shield, but they wish you would let them in a bit more because they can see through you already.
How Do They Feel Around You? Determination, Balance, Cleanse, Magic, Protection.
When this person is around you, they experience a sense of balance and comfort. They feel a protective instinct towards you, given what they know about you, or vice versa. They long to express their love and appreciation more openly and receive it in return. Reach out to them more often!
Additional. Photograph : Looking at Your Photos, Missing You, Nostalgia, Make New Memories.
They miss you if there's any current separation or lack of communication. They might even be keeping an eye on you, whether through social media or mutual connections, just to ensure you're doing alright.
Extra: Aquarius, Change, 10, Unique, Libra, Scorpio, Emotions, Bittersweet, Funny, Summer Blues, Phone Call.
Alien Blues : Vundabar | Fine Line : Harry Styles | I Wanna Be Yours : Artic Monkeys.
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How Do They View You? Ten of Wands [Reversed] | Nine of Swords [Reversed] | Knight of Pentacles.
This person acknowledges your ambition but finds it amusing that you can also be a bit absent-minded. It's not meant as an insult but more of a playful tease. They believe you sometimes overlook the risks around you because you're so captivated and excited by what lies ahead, which can come off as slightly immature. It reminds them of a naive child who might need a gentle nudge in the right direction, so you don't leap off the cliff hoping to grab the sun. I can picture someone stumbling clumsily while the other bursts into loud laughter.
How Do They View You? Moth : Impulsive, Hasty, Wishful | Bee : Earnest, Hardworking, Democratic.
I find this dynamic incredibly endearing. They see you as someone goofy or even whimsical. You're sensitive and vibrant, drawing people to you effortlessly, which they appreciate. Sometimes, it seems like they want to slow you down a bit so you don't scurry off too quickly. You give off a jittery vibe at times.
How Do They View You? Rescuer — Light : Provides Strength and Support to Others in Crisis. Acts out of Love with no Expectation of Reward. Shadow : Assumes that the Rescued will Reciprocate. Goddess — Light : The Feminine Expressed through Wisdom, Nature, Life Force and Sensuality. Shadow : Exploitation of the Female Nature and Form.
This person admires your kindness and charm. I can picture them giggling nonstop whenever they're with you. It's as if you have no worries, just frolicking through life carefree.
How Do They Feel Around You? Sweetness, Success, Rejection.
Once more, you're incredibly sweet to them. Normally, they feel content in your company, but there might be moments when they feel rejected. If they've made a move and you've turned them down, that's the reason. They need time to move on and accept that boundary if don't reciprocate their feelings. If not, it's because they've been dropping hints left and right, and you're just too oblivious to pick up on them.
Additional. Stabbed in the Back : Heartbreak, Pain, Separation, Shocking Attack. Camera : Remininscing, Keepsake, Perception, Learn from the Past, Make Memories. Coffee Cup : Meeting and Conversing, Savoring the Moment, Feeling Uplifted, Friendship.
Yeah, they're definitely feeling a bit disheartened that their attempts to win you over aren't hitting the mark or are just going unnoticed. But hey, you don't owe them anything, so no need to feel guilty. Regardless, they want to keep being part of your life, cherishing the friendship you've both formed.
Extra : Pisces, Indecisive, Kind, 7, Individuality, Unique, Communication, Taurus, Leo, Cancer, Junebug, Wheel, Fields.
Dangerously In Love : Beyoncé. | Hanging Your Picture Up To Dry : Cut Worms.
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How Do They View You? Ace of Swords, Six of Swords, Wheel of Fortune [Reversed].
I wasn't anticipating this kind of reading when I shuffled the cards. I almost reshuffled to get a more generic and 'safe' result, but I decided against it. It seems this person likes you a little more than they probably should. They perceive you as someone incredibly self-assured and inspiring, maybe even a bit out of their league. Yet, despite feeling like they're chasing you, they don't seem to mind the playful challenge and are willing to put in the extra effort to break through your defenses.
How Do They View You? Cheetah : Solar Force, Action, Achievement. | Starfish : Beautiful, Alluring, Superficial or Shallow.
This seems pretty clear-cut, lol. They view you as someone with the potential to reach any goal, maybe because your appearance tends to influence people without you even trying. They're strongly attracted to you, but they're also aware they're not alone in admiring you.
How Do They View You? Queen — Light : Radiates the Regal Feminine. Uses Her Benevolent Authority to Protect Others. Shadow : Becomes Arrogant When Authority Is Challenged. Controlling and Demanding. Hero/Heroine — Light : Passion for a Journey of Personal Empowerment. Shadow : Escapism and a False Sense of Heroism.
They definitely put you on a pedestal in their mind. Sometimes you can get a little sassy or assertive because you're clear about what you want, and they find that irresistible. They truly appreciate the natural authority you exude.
How Do They Feel Around You? Passion, Trust, Hunger.
Do I really need to elaborate? For my own sake, I'll keep it brief. You light a fire within them, and they feel like they cannot control such feelings.
Additional. The Snake : Competition, Enemy, Clever, Malicious, Look Over Your Shoulder, The Other Woman. Kisses : Unconditionally Loving, Giving and Receiving Affection, Falling in Love.
As I mentioned, they feel this urge to compete for your affection with others. They might even experience a twinge of jealousy seeing someone else getting your attention while they're so invested in you. My advice is, if this is a secret admirer or a third-party situation, it's best to tell them where they stand. If you're not interested, it's important not to lead them on. However, if polyamory is part of your dynamic, then there's no need to worry about what I'm saying; it seems like they enjoy the thrill of the chase.
Extra: 6, Virgo, Possessive, Cancer, Fussy, Moon, Emotions, Strong Needs, Candles, Stack of Papers, Show Off, Linger, Lust.
Fields of Elation : Sleep Token | Somebody Else : Bad Omens | Lost in the Fire : The Weeknd.
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hiitsm · 4 months
Bound by Trust: Navigating Turbulance Together
Part 2.
You hesitate to open up to your girlfriend about what's happening at home because you've been explicitly instructed not to share it with anyone.
Angst, Hurt, Undetailed physical abuse by a parent (reader's), lot's of Comfort & Fluff
Part 1
"Y/n, how are you doing, dear? How's football practice?" Alexia's mother, Eli, inquires during dinner. You've always felt welcomed and loved by Alexia's family, especially by her mother.
"It's been going great. Coach wants me to play a bit more defensive midfield instead of attacking, so it's a bit of a change, but I think it'll go well," you reply with a warm smile directed at Eli.
"She's so good, mami," Alexia adds, beaming with pride.
"I'm glad, y/n. I bet you'll do great. Remind me of your next match, I'll try to come watch with Alexia," Eli says, her smile radiating warmth and genuine affection. A surge of love and appreciation swells in your chest at her words.
"Maybe we can also bring Alba, she would love to come along and watch," Alexia suggests with a cheeky grin, her tone tinged with sarcasm directed at her fifteen-year-old sister. Alba responds by throwing a piece of potato towards Alexia's head, eliciting laughter from you.
"You don’t have to come, Albs, you know that," you assure Alexia's sister, smiling warmly at her. You've always had a good bond with Alba. "How's high school been treating you anyway?" you inquire, turning your attention to the brunette teenager.
"Same old, same old. Another day, another tampon flushed through the toilet and the whole school ground is under water," Alba responds with a hint of dry humor, drawing another round of laughter from the table.
A little while later, as you help Eli with washing the dishes, she notices a bruise on your arm, a mark you hadn't even noticed yourself yet. "Did you have a rough football practice lately, dear?" she asks, nodding towards your arm. Panic flickers within you for a moment.
"Oh, uhm, yes, it was a bit rough. Lots of pushing and pulling, you know?" you reply, flashing her a small, apologetic smile.
"Please be careful at the next training," Eli says with genuine concern evident in her voice. "I will," you assure her, grateful for her caring nature and silently vowing to pay more attention to your bruises and how to cover them up.
After finishing the dishes, you and Alexia retreat to her room. Though not overly spacious, it feels perfect to you—a sanctuary of calm where you feel utterly safe. Alexia pulls you onto her bed, your bodies snug against each other, her arms wrapped tightly around you. You bury your head in the crook of her neck, reveling in the sense of security she provides.
As Alexia's hands trace gentle circles on your back, her touch soothes you, easing away the tension of the day. But then, her hand slips beneath your t-shirt, and she pauses, seeking your consent.
"This is okay for you?" she asks softly, her kindness and consideration never failing to touch your heart. The two of you had agreed to take the new intimacy slow, and her gentle approach reassures you that she respects that.
"Yes, amor," you assure her, momentarily forgetting the troubles of the morning in the comfort of her embrace.
Alexia's hand encounters a rough patch of skin, prompting her to sit up slightly to inspect it. "You have a scratch here, amor. Did you fall this morning or something? The cut on your eyebrow is a bit similar," she inquires with concern, her gentle touch soothing. She traces her finger along the scratch, her expression filled with genuine worry.
"Uhm, yes," you reply quietly, your voice barely above a whisper. Technically, you did fall.
"How did that happen?" she asks gently, her eyes filled with worry.
"The stairs," you admit quietly, the weight of your confession hanging heavy in the air. It's not completely a lie if your mother pushed you violently, causing you to fall from the stairs.
"Amor, are you feeling okay? You know I'm here for you, always, right?" Alexia asks gently, her concern evident in her voice.
"I know, mi vida, it's just that—" Your phone interrupts, your dad calling to ask where you are and if you can come home. With a heavy heart, you hang up and sigh. "I'm sorry, amor, I have to go," you apologize, feeling the weight of your unspoken burdens.
Alexia's expression shifts to one of concern and sadness as you prepare to leave abruptly. Determined to ease her worry, you muster a smile. "Is it okay for you to come pick me up tomorrow before uni?" you ask, already knowing her answer.
"What do you think I have my drivers license for, bebe?" she responds with a wide grin, her playful demeanor returning.
"Okay, come on, go home, so I can come pick you up tomorrow," she says, teasingly pushing you off her. You share laughs as Alexia walks you to the door.
You say your goodbyes and thank-yous to her mother and sister, then Alexia walks with you to the door. Before parting, you give her a gentle kiss and whisper, "Te amo mucho."
As you arrive home, the atmosphere feels tense and subdued. You find your mother on the couch and greet her with a soft, "Hi, Mom," hoping to ease the tension.
"You haven't talked about this morning to anyone at school, have you?" she asks, her tone carrying a raw undertone. You feel a pang of hurt and disappointment at her question. After the morning's events, where her anger over a jacket led to a violent outburst, it stings that this is the first thing she brings up.
"I haven't, Mom. I promise," you reply quietly, struggling to hide the turmoil brewing within you.
"Good. Nobody needs to know about it. You shouldn't have to talk to anyone about it," she responds curtly, and you nod in acquiescence.
Feeling exhausted and emotionally drained, you excuse yourself, citing early university classes in the morning as a reason to head to bed. Climbing upstairs, you notice your father has already retired to his bedroom. You wonder if he noticed what happened earlier, a tear slipping down your cheek at the thought.
As you lay in bed, your mind swirls with thoughts of Alexia and the comfort she provides. Unable to resist, you send her one more text, expressing how much you miss her already and how excited you are to see her tomorrow morning.
Your girlfriend shows up at your place earlier than expected, but in truth, you should have anticipated it. When you open the door, there she stands, a wide grin stretching from ear to ear. "The girlfriend pick-up service is here," she announces proudly, holding out a beautiful bouquet of your favorite hibiscus flowers.
"This is beautiful, amor. Thank you. Do we have a little time? I'll put them in a vase," you reply, excitement bubbling within you.
"Of course, amor. Let's go," Alexia responds eagerly as you both step inside your house. She's been here before, and though it's not quite the same as her mother's house, she understands that no other place can compare.
"Are your parents still asleep?" she asks, noticing the absence of anyone else in the living room.
"Yes, they both have the day off, I think," you explain as you carefully arrange the flowers in the nicest vase you own. Quietly, you lead Alexia to your bedroom, seeking her opinion on where to place them.
"Next to your bed looks nice," she suggests, and you follow her advice, positioning the bouquet in a prominent spot.
Satisfied, you both head downstairs quietly and make your way to Alexia's car, ready for whatever the day may bring.
"Dinner was fun yesterday," you remark to your girlfriend, reaching over to gently squeeze her hand, the one not occupied with steering the car.
"I had fun too. You're great with my family," Alexia responds warmly, returning the squeeze. The feeling of contentment and love washes over you both.
"Your cut above your eyebrow looks a bit healed. I'm glad," she adds, and you notice the relief in her posture as she speaks. Another wave of the urge to confide in her washes over you.
She deserves to know, right? What could your mother possibly do if she found out you had told someone? Hurt you even more? You're already hurting, so why not tell your girlfriend? Maybe she can help you. Maybe you can let her help you. You're caught in a conflict within yourself.
"...and I thought maybe when they're away for the weekend, you could come to my mother's house to spend the weekend together?" Alexia suddenly says, interrupting your thoughts. How long has she been talking to you?
"I'm sorry, do you mean that your mother and Alba are away, and I can come spend the weekend with you?" you ask, hoping you've understood correctly.
"Yes, mi amor, but it's totally fine if—" Alexia begins, but you interrupt her.
"I would love to, amor," you say, a smile tugging at your lips. Alexia grins in response, and for a moment, everything feels perfect.
For a moment, there's a comfortable silence between you, until you break it. "So, yesterday I told you my mother got upset, but it might have been more—" Your words are interrupted by the ringing of her car kit. It's Mapi.
"Alexia, can you please come pick me up? My alarm didn't go off, and I'll be screwed if you don't pick me up. Ingrid is already there" Mapi's panic voice crackles through the speaker.
You sigh quietly, feeling a pang of disappointment. Perhaps the universe is signaling that it's still not the right time to confide in your girlfriend.
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dewdropdinosaur · 6 months
Flush Little Baby, Don't You Cry
ALASTOR x READER Summary: Alastor thinks your permanent blush is cute, similar to Charlie's even. But what if you aren't actually blushing at all his advances? Warnings: Small mention of scars, allusions to death. Rating: PG For the always lovely @anon-of-the-void Ask and you shall receive my dear!! Requests are still open - see pinned post for details!
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In the chaotic space of the Hazbin Hotel, where demons sought redemption amidst the swirling chaos of Hell, an unexpected connection began to blossom between Alastor, the infamous Radio Demon, and you, a newcomer to the hotel's staff as a receptionist.(To which Husk was greatly pleased that now he could just focus on bartending and not deal with as many ‘idiots’)
Alastor, with his charismatic demeanor and macabre sense of humor, found himself strangely drawn to your presence. You were different from the other inhabitants of the hotel, having a quiet demeanor and gentle nature standing out amidst the cacophony of voices and chaos. However, neither of you had dared to voice romantic interest, both of you unsure of the other's feelings and your own.
It was during one of your chance encounters early on in the hotel's grand foyer that Alastor noticed something peculiar about you. Little red circles adorned your cheeks, slightly tinted whenever you smiled or laughed. Even when, and especially when, frightened - they glowed slightly. Alastor found himself captivated by this. At first, he dismissed those little circles as mere blush or simple state of your demon form similar to Charlie or Nifty, finding them endearing in their resemblance to the delicate flush that adorned his mother's face in his long-forgotten memories of his mortal life.To him, it was endearing, a subtle charm that only added to your allure and reminded him of a simpler time in his life that brought him a sense of peace and familiarity. 
Because of this assumption, Alastor's fondness for you only grew, his interest piqued by the circle's presence. He found himself seeking out your company more often, engaging in lively conversations and sharing moments of laughter amidst the chaos of the hotel, just to see the cute flush of your rosy cheeks every time. The revelation ignited a fierce protectiveness within Alastor, a primal instinct to shield you from any harm that might befall you. He watched over you like a silent guardian, his presence a comforting shadow in the tumultuous world of the hotel.
However, his actions did not go unnoticed by the other inhabitants of the hotel, who watched with a mixture of amusement and bemusement as the usually aloof Radio Demon became fiercely protective of their new receptionist. Some whispered behind closed doors, speculating on the nature of your relationship, while others simply shook their heads in amusement at Alastor's unexpected display of strange affection.
As the days passed, you too began to notice Alastor's increased vigilance and protective nature. Sensing his concern, you decided it was time to address the elephant in the room. One evening, as the chaos of the hotel ebbed into a rare moment of tranquility, you found yourself alone with Alastor in his radio room, a perk that only you and Nifty enjoyed. It was a cozy tower despite its menacing metal exterior, with cozy chairs and vintage curtains. A lot like Alastor in a way, scary on the outside and maybe even the inside but something sweet and old was there too. 
Taking a deep breath and mustering the courage to broach the subject that had been weighing on your mind, you spoke. 
"Alastor," You began softly, voice barely above a whisper, "I noticed you've been... different around me lately. And I think it's because of these." With a hesitant hand, you gestured to the crimson circles on your cheeks that had remained beneath layers of uncertainty and shame.  In your time in Hell, many had found out about the circles on your cheeks. And had left you for them. So you were worried about approaching Alastor on this subject to say the least. 
Alastor turned his attention towards you, his crimson eyes softening with concern. "I assure you, my dear, it's merely a demon's instinct to protect those they care about."
You nodded slowly, a small smile tugging at the corners of your lips at his veiled confession. You would note that for later. "I appreciate it, truly. But there's something I need to tell you."
With a gentle touch, you traced your fingertips along the scared cheeks, gaze meeting Alastor's unwavering stare. "These marks... they're not from blushing or simply a part of my demon state…. They're scars – reminders of a past I'd rather forget."
Alastor's expression shifted from curiosity to empathy as he listened to this confession. Suddenly it all clicked in his head. The way you would flinch when anyone would get too close too quickly, loud noises sparked the tint of the scars to glow, and how the scars moved with each expression you made. They stayed on your face 24/7 but didn’t shrink or expand like Charlie’s with each new expression. Instead they stayed stagnant and were less of circles and more oval shaped. Definitely not a blush or demon feature now that he had a closer look. 
In fact, that cute little blush that he adored so much didn't happen within the circular scars on your face but around them. How had he been so blind? His shadows would mock him later for this.
"I see," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "Mhmm, yet they do nothing but add to your fierce beauty my dear."
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you met Alastor's understanding gaze. In that moment, both of you realized that despite the literal and metaphorical scars that haunted their pasts, they had found solace and understanding in each other's presence.  
He reached out to gently cup your cheek, his touch surprisingly tender despite his fearsome reputation. And this time, you didn’t flinch away but instead leaned into his embrace. It felt warm and comforting and he smelled like holiday cinnamon whiskey and pine. (Which my dear, as your sassy narrator I think sounds/smells like an Old Spice commercial but this is Hell and Alastor has no idea what that brand is)  
And as you both sat together in the quiet sanctuary of Alastor's radio room, surrounded by the faint crackle of static and the soft hum of his radio, you knew that you had found a confidant in the enigmatic Radio Demon – someone who accepted your scars, both seen and unseen, and vowed to stand side to side with you no matter what trials lay ahead.
Maybe that half hearted confession Alastor made had some truth to it and maybe your confession was right around the corner too. 
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aquarelliwrites · 3 months
All Caught Up
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SHIP: Max Verstappen x driver!Reader PROMPT: “I got you three gifts for Christmas. Since I wasn’t there for Valentine’s Day or your birthday-” “We weren’t even dating then!” CONTENT WARNINGS: slight alcohol consumption in the last scene, she/her pronouns, no use of y/n
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You sigh, the door shutting behind you with a soft click. Another one, and it locks. The keys get tossed unceremoniously into the decorative tray right next to the entrance, and your shoes get toed off soon after that. 
What a way to spend Valentine’s Day, huh? A transcontinental flight from Nice to Luton of all places, then waiting around for nearly an hour for your luggage to find itself on the revolving conveyor belt in front of you. Then, as if the universe itself had it out for you, the thin metal frame holding your umbrella together twists out of shape under the onslaught of wind - leaving you fuming in the cold rain for 45 minutes before your Uber arrives. The guy is apologetic, of course, and the traffic isn’t his fault, so you try your best to smile and reassure him it’s alright. Following that, you spend the half-hour drive to Milton Keynes attempting to warm up even slightly in your soaked coat.
Really, that whole monologue was a long way of saying the pre-RB20-launch meeting was cold, rainy and miserable in many ways. There were a couple of positive sides to it, though, you think as you unpack your bag in the hallway - your coworkers, both the ones who’d stay in the factory and who’d join you in the paddock, were all delightful and friendly, congratulating you on the promotion. The car itself looked fantastic - all smooth carbon fiber wrapped around the innards of the car like a silk sheet, covered in sponsor logos, sharp nose already pointing to another successful season for the team. 
And Max. He was… also there.
The dark and lonely flat seems to mock you at the very thought.
Well, no, that’s a rude way of putting it. Your most famous coworker was as kind as anyone else you’d met before and during that day. You’d already met before, when you became a reserve driver for the team the year before. Your first meeting face to face was nothing but pleasant, and you quickly found you both had a similar sense of humor.
You’re half-worried the kettle won't work after several months of abandonment. It turns on on the first try. You breathe a sigh of relief.
The problem arose in the fact that this grayscale day around you was eclipsed by his presence - as if he was the only object in full Technicolor - as soon as you’d noticed him. His smile was downright infectious, for one, and you honestly could have sworn your hand trembled when you clasped his in greeting.
“Hi, it’s great to meet you again.” He lit up the room with that smile, at least in your eyes. “Christian and the team have only sung your praises for the past few days.”
A softer sigh escapes you when you remember it, and your response: “Oh really? That’s good to hear - they haven’t exposed my worst secrets to you yet.”
“Your worst secrets?” He looked confused while you were busy taking off your coat.
“Yeah, you know,” you grinned, “that I’m secretly a terrible driver who has autopilot installed on her car, or that I’m awfully annoying. So they don’t scare you off, you know?”
To you, his laugh sounded like silver bells, and spring awakening in your chest, and a golden spark blooming into fireworks inside you, and every cliche thing you’ve ever read about in books. You had heard it in recorded interviews and distantly at parties you both got invited to, obviously, but the attraction fully hit you now that you were standing face to face.
Oh, attraction. That’s what it was. You hum and sit down on the couch, your teacup still scalding your fingertips. It's quiet everywhere but your thoughts. Actually, no, if you strain very hard, you might hear your downstairs neighbor's TV.
You couldn’t even fathom how headlines nicknamed him the rain of this cursed place, having spent half the meeting subtly glancing his way, and the other half trying to think of ways to look at him that weren’t… how should you put it? Outright creepy?
Hours later, you both stood in the car park under his umbrella - he’d insisted, and you really couldn’t bring yourself to say no. 
“What a Valentine’s Day, huh?” You chuckled, warming your hands in your pockets. He looked towards you - fuck, his eyes were beautiful - and shrugged.
“Never was a fan, really.”
“Me neither. I’ve never had anyone stick around long enough to celebrate properly.”
He nodded thoughtfully. “Any plans, then?”
“Not really. They set me up with a flat here back in December, so I’m just heading there for the night. Might get real freaky and order pizza, or something crazy like that.”
“Ooh, don’t go too wild.” He chuckled, and you joined heartily.
The LED headlights of your Uber bathed you both in white light, and you stepped out from under the umbrella. “Thanks for everything, Max. I’m looking forward to this season.”
“Yeah, no problem.” The pitter-patter of raindrops against concrete nearly drowned out his reply as you walked towards the car. He lingered for a moment, gazing at your retreating silhouette through the sheets of rain before unlocking his own car and leaving the car park empty of people once more.
You’re content to stare out of the window now, watching the raindrops race down the glass. The launch is tomorrow, and they'll announce you as the second Red Bull Racing driver. The world will either accept it, or be forced to deal with you for a year.
Truly? Honestly? You're just looking forward to becoming friends with Max.
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It is barely 9 in the morning, but the late-July sun is dead-set on giving you a headache today, apparently.
The automated gates at the paddock entrance let you through, and a couple of photographers spot you from a short distance, snapping photos immediately. You grin joyfully, throwing up a peace sign at them before checking your watch.
You have time to make a detour.
The fans at the barrier buzz with excitement when you approach them, and you find yourself in an easy conversation with the front-most ones. It’s nice to hear people are fans of you sometimes, so what?
A girl thanks you profusely for signing her poster, and extends a pink friendship bracelet towards you. “Oh, here’s a birthday gift!”
“Aw, I love it, thank you! Do we match?” You smile, tightening it around your left wrist, right below your watch. The girl simply responds by showing her own wrist - indeed, she has a matching one.
The short detour takes longer than expected, and shortly, one of the  social media girls comes to find you. “You’re all great, thanks for coming to free practice!” You wave goodbye and jog to catch up to your coworker.
Your side of the garage is experiencing an unusual amount of activity, and it doesn’t take a genius to figure out what’s happening - the people weren’t too subtle with their cameras either.
“She’s here, she’s here!” Someone yells, and you’re ushered into the middle of the crowd to stand in front of Anthea, your race engineer. Who is, shockingly, holding a cake.
“Happy birthday!!” The crowd roars, and you spot a bunch of the drivers hanging around as well - not that it isn’t obvious, what with the colorful fireproofs in a sea of navy polos. Charles and Pierre are standing somewhere in the middle of the crowd, Carlos and Lando in the back (granted, talking animatedly with each other as soon as the congratulating was over), Oscar and Logan to your left, close by. Max, of course, right next to Anthea.
The cake itself is Red Bull blue and checkered black-and-white on the top, a small model of your car right on top, surrounded by 22 lit candles.
In that instant, you feel indescribably loved. And it's a beautiful, sparkling feeling.
Are those tears rolling down your cheeks? Oh no, they are. And you worked so hard on your eyeliner today - you feel Oscar and Logan each put an arm around your shoulders as you wipe the skin under your eyes dry. 
“Happy birthday, dude. You’re finally old enough for preschool.” You yelp when Oscar ruffles your hair lovingly and swat at his hand.
“No, Osc, come on!” You laugh through tears, fixing your hair hurriedly. “Who organized this?”
Anthea grins at you, and Max suddenly looks extremely invested in the concrete floor underneath Logan’s feet. “Max suggested it, I think he was the only one who knew about it? Other than, like, Horner and the people who did your paperwork.”
A soft blush appears on your face, though you feel it burning your cheeks and ears to high heaven. Or at least that’s what it feels like - maybe it doesn’t look so bad to everyone around you. “You guys are the best, seriously. Thank you, Max, and everyone for making it happen.”
“Yeah, yeah, you big sap. Blow out the candles already.” Logan pipes up, and the entire garage chuckles. You roll your eyes in mock annoyance, but lean forward with a silent wish in mind, and blow them out in one breath.
Afterwards, you vaguely remember Oscar trying to shove your face into the cake when the candles and car were taken off - and failing - but the minutes after were so chaotic that it felt like one moment you were standing there, hugging your best friends, and the next you’re sat atop a countertop with Max, both attacking the chocolate cake with vigor. 
“Oh my God, this is so good,” you practically moan, your mouth full. “Is this Belgian chocolate?”
Max is swinging his legs, hitting your right calf rhythmically with his foot. “Yeah, I think so. I’d be disappointed if it wasn’t.”
“Me, too,” you nod, licking off the ganache stuck to your fork. “Hopefully practice won’t be a complete tragedy today.”
“It’ll be good. The data shows it,” he says, completely sure of himself, before hurriedly adding, “I think. I- well, I know. Anthea told me.”
“Good, then. It’ll just be my shit driving that will put me in the wall then.” You nudge his shoulder with yours, but his core strength is greater than you expect and, alas, he doesn’t even move. For a moment, you kind of want to stay stuck to him, leeching off his body heat.
However, it is July, and you are just friends.
He nudges you back - more like shoves, you nearly go flying - and clicks his tongue. “You always say that, but it only happened in Canada. And it wasn’t even your fault.”
You blush, again. Annoyingly. Were you overthinking, or was he keeping track of your results during the season?
“And you’ve already got three podiums. It’s great for a rookie.”
He was definitely keeping track.
You lower your head, smiling. “Thanks, Max. Seriously. For the surprise and the support you’ve given me - it means so, so much.”
“It’s really no problem. I think you’re very talented.”
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“I can’t believe you knew when my birthday was,” you pipe up when he takes a breath in between monologues.
It’s evening now, and the late July sun is streaming golden light through the window of Max’ room at the Belgium Grand Prix paddock. You’re standing in the doorway, chewing on your drinking straw absentmindedly while he talks about the data gathered in FP1 and FP2 - as if you weren’t in the debrief together. Or, you know, as if you don't drive the same car. It’s a habit of his that many could find annoying and is nothing but endearing to you.
He looks a bit taken aback, but after a moment simply says “I can’t believe no one’s ever celebrated it with you like this.”
You shrug. “People don’t really stick around enough. Or, most of the time, my friends and family were too far away to make plans,” is your reply. “You know how it is - moving to Monaco as soon as you can and leaving everyone behind.”
“It’s a shame, though.” He’s studying your face now, and you feel some emotion between ‘uncomfortable’ and ‘flustered’ when you notice how he’s checking you out. Or maybe he isn’t?
“It is, but so what?” 
“You deserve to celebrate your birthday properly.” He says it so matter-of-factly, like it’s a no-brainer. Which it may be - you’ve had birthdays, and they were great, but they seem like such a long-lost part of your childhood that it takes you a moment to remember when you last held a party.
“I did. Just- well, just not with other people.” You did. Really. You took yourself out to breakfasts and treated yourself to flowers and books and new shoes, occasionally. It’s just that you did it alone most of the time.
“Would you be opposed to celebrating with other people?” Why does he look like he has something planned?
“...Do you have something planned?”
“No, but we could go hang out. Grab dinner somewhere, and a drink after, maybe?” 
It’s a casual request, and you feel inclined to accept. Maybe you’re a bit brave, or a bit stupid, or just a bit head-over-heels when you laugh softly and nod. “Sure, what is this? A date?”
Now he’s the one who looks flustered. “Uh… sure. If you want it to be one.” 
“Sure.” You’re smiling again, and when he moves on to his next talking point, you’re more than happy to keep chewing on your straw and listening.
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Ripping open the wrapping paper to reveal a plain cardboard box, you send the camera guy in front of you a worried glance.
It’s a lovely, warm November morning in Abu Dhabi, and the Secret Santa event is wrapping up. You had gotten Logan - who was practically too easy to shop for - but now it’s your turn to open your present, and you’re nervous.
“Hopefully it won’t explode?” You joke, then run your nail under the piece of tape holding the box closed. When you manage to get it open, your lips curl upwards into a bright smile.
The box is full to the brim without any of the items cluttering together - whoever packed this had to have put immense care into it. You spot a pair of fuzzy socks, candles, bath salts, a bottle of French wine, and many other small self-care items.
“Aww, this is so sweet- Oh, there’s no way.” You pull out the last thing, which is a copy of ‘The Book Thief’ by Markus Zusak. “This is my favorite book,” you tell the camera, having a sense of who this is from, “and I remember I was talking to Max the other day about how sad I was that I lost my copy on a flight a few months ago. We agreed to start a book club over winter break.” 
The media employees chuckle at the thought, and you join them. “More like, I made him. Yeah, this is from him.”
“It is.” The woman holding the microphone confirms.
They leave you sitting on the white couch on the terrace, a small smile still tugging at the corners of your lips while you read what he’d written on the inside cover:
‘Sorry I can’t hang out - my weekend is fully booked. How about Christmas at my place? - Max’
You roll your eyes and giggle. What an idiot.
Your idiot.
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“Alright.” He starts when you both settle on the shaggy beige carpet in his living room. You’re both a bit buzzed - both having had screwdrivers for late Christmas breakfast, champagne on the balcony before lunch, red wine with the lunch itself, and now you’re nursing a mimosa while he finishes the champagne. Talk about day drinking.
“Alright. Presents, right? How do you want to, like… Should we alternate?” Your head tilts at the size of the pile of presents you definitely knew you didn’t bring.
“I was thinking we could go one by one, from the top, and just sort them by whose name is on it?” He suggests, legs stretching out in front of him. You smile when he playfully nudges your calf with his foot.
“Sounds good,” you nod, taking one last sip for the time being and leaving your glass on the coffee table.
Max reaches for the first present you got him - it’s wrapped in red and green with an obnoxiously large bow on the top - and is delighted when he sees that you’ve gotten him diecast models of his and your 2024 cars, different only in the numbers and the yellow T-cam on yours. He promises to keep them on his desk with a laugh, and hands you the next present.
Inexplicably, it’s wrapped in pink. With hearts all over it. And another obnoxiously large bow on top.
Wondering if he may secretly be colorblind (or unaware of Christmas traditions), you peer up at him with brows furrowed in confusion. Meanwhile, he’s handing you another two boxes: one white one with party hats all over, and another with a candy cane pattern.
“I got you three big presents. Since I wasn’t there for Valentine’s Day,” he says. Like it’s the most normal thing in the world. “Or your birthday.”
You can feel yourself start tearing up. “Max…”
He grimaces. “I’m so sorry. Should I have gotten more-”
“Max. We weren’t…” You swipe the tear off your left cheek, a little bit of eye pencil coming off with it. The alcohol is making you emotional, you tell yourself. “We weren’t even dating back then.”
“You were alone, though. I mean we did go on that date for your birthday, but it was just dinner. I, just…” He trails off, pulling at the carpet fibers. “You deserved better for this year.”
You set the box down gently, and move over to sit on his lap. He’s a little surprised when you hug him tightly, but he embraces you back quickly, one of his hands immediately reaching up to play with your hair.
“You’re one of the most thoughtful people I know. Thank you.” You whisper, and you can hear an exhale of a laugh when your breath tickles the back of his neck.
“It’s my pleasure, shatje.” He pats your shoulder, and you kiss him with a giggle still on your lips. Crawling off of him, you turn your attention back to the presents he gave you. The pink box holds the silkiest, softest cami nightgown you’ve ever touched; the one with party hats, a signed copy of your favorite author’s newest novel laying on top of a heavy navy blue knitted blanket. Arguably, though, the Christmas one is your favorite - a pair of Lightning McQueen Crocs. Signed by Charles Leclerc.
“You’re ridiculous,” you burst out laughing again while he only smirks and pours his champagne flute full once more. 
“You know it, darling."
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ficarcheologist · 4 months
୧ ⊹₊ ⋆ nsfw alphabet 💭 feyd rautha
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WARNINGS ⁞ smut, 18+, profanity, innuendo, afab reader, she/her pronouns
OPs NOTES ⁞ Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Dune characters nor do I claim to own them. I do not own any of the images used nor do I claim to own them. Comments, likes, and reblogs are never required but are immensely appreciated 🩷
MY NOTES ⁞ This is not my work. If you are the owner of this work and would like it taken down, please provide proof of ownership and I will take it down/redirect where necessary! Link to the fic reblogged on one of my other side blogs.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
If you’re his wife or a favored concubine/lover, you can expect some degree of aftercare, but otherwise? He’s honestly probably halfway out the door before you’ve come back to your senses. However if he genuinely cares about you, he’ll at least clean you off and ask if you’re alright.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His favorite body part of his own is his hands. And your neck for similar reasons. He loves watching the way his fingers wrap around your throat. The sight of that excites him like nothing else on the planet.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Harkonnen have black cum and that makes it pretty easy for Feyd to stain your body or clothes and mark his territory.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
You’re a bit shy about it but his absolute favorite act of intimacy with you is going down on you when you’re on your period. You’re so responsive, and blood has never scared him.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
About what one would expect for a nobleman his age, maybe slightly less as he focuses more on fighting.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Missionary for both the control it gives him over you and the intimacy it provides.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Deathly serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Shaved, perfectly well groomed. Feyd is a future Baron, and everything about him needs to be flawless.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He’s surprised by how much he changes through the course of your relationship. He goes from despising the romantic aspects of it to craving that affection from you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Only does it when he’s off world and can’t get his greedy hands on you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Knife kink, blood kink, impact play, hair pulling, biting, overstim, pregnancy kink, breeding kink
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
The luxurious chambers be shares with you at the palace. But, he does enjoy a good session where there’s a risk of being caught.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Your cleavage, the sound of your voice, seeing you hold your own in a fight, seeing you smile at him, seeing you cry.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He’d be turned off by disrespect. Sass is fine to a certain degree, but disrespect? No.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Prefers giving. Loves the power he has over you to make you scream and writhe against his ministrations, the way you taste, everything about it. And he’s damn good at it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Almost exclusively fast and rough and HARD. Very rarely will it be slow and sensual.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Sure, he’d rather take his time with you but he has nothing against a good quickie and engages in them often.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Definitely a risk taker and game to experiment with almost anything at least once.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
4-5 rounds, excellent self control so makes you come at least once or even twice before he does each go about. If he has time, he’s definitely going to wear you out.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Prefers the simpler things - like knives - but would have no issue trying out some toys on you, not so much on himself.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
If you’ve pissed him off? He can be very, VERY unfair. He will edge you for literal hours until you’re begging him to let you come.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Average to slightly louder than average. Mostly animalistic sounds (snarling, growling) and the occasional moan of your name.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Secretly enjoys the idea of you taking the lead and pinning him to the bed, having your way with him, riding him and using him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s big. 8 inches, long, thick, veiny.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Average. He’s a busy man who often has other things on his mind, BUT when he’s with you and doesn’t have any worries? It goes from average to insane quite fast.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Depends on his mood. Typically he will fall asleep pretty quickly.
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rainba · 5 months
ღ NSFW Alphabet - Kairos ღ
I finally got around to filling this it for him!! I hope I did this right. >_<
CW/tags: 18+, mentions of pee (non-sexually in the A category), slightly creepy behaviors from Kairos, mentions of Somnophilia, Kairos with a mild eating disorder (under the X category and nowhere else. B category might be mildly triggering under this topic too.)
GN reader!
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Kairos is overwhelmingly sappy right after sex. Every time the two of you finish and he collapses beside you, he’d definitely paint you with kisses while thanking you profusely. He’d also absolutely refuse to let you go, too– his arms clinging to your waist as he rests his face in the crook of your neck. It wouldn’t even matter if you needed to go to the bathroom, he’ll follow you right in there. (ノ´ з `)ノ
Side note: If you have a pussy, Kairos will definitely beg you to let him sit on your lap as you pee. If you have a dick, Kairos will beg you to let him hold it as you pee. o(>< )o
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
For Kairos, his favorite body part of his partner’s would have to be their mouth/lips! After all, the lips are where he kisses you, it’s where your words come from, and– truthfully, Kairos kind of has a mild oral fixation.
He just thinks your lips are just so cute and enticing…! ( ˙꒳​˙ )
As for his favorite parts of himself– he honestly just likes his stomach area. He doesn’t really know why, but he has a strange fascination with running his fingers over his ribcage, poking at them and staring at it in a mirror. However, his favorite body part will change, depending on what you compliment him the most on.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
For many reasons, Kairos really likes to both taste cum and to cum inside your mouth. ^^;;;; He sees it as something extremely romantic! Like… You’re tasting him, consuming a part of him, part of him is (in some way) becoming a part of you! And when he tastes you, the same thing applies to him. It’s as if the two of you are merging, in a sense. ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝
Oh, also, he’s not above eating his own cum too. There will be times where he comes undone on your body then fervently licks it all up. ^^;;;;;;
After he's finished, he’ll probably tongue kiss you, pushing some of his cum into your mouth and making sure that you swallow both his spit and semen. Err… I hope you’re into that, in some way, because the idea of doing that sounds like a dream to him...! ( ´ ▿ ` )
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Kairos has so many dirty secrets, it’s impossible to name just one. 
His most obvious dirty secret would be that he’s snuck into your place multiple times– stealing lots of your clothing, both clean and dirty. Also, um… He may or may not have used your body to get himself off while you slept. ^^;;;;; 
He’s never been confident enough to actually fuck you as you slept or anything, though…! Kairos has only ever used your thighs and hands. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Poor Kairos has absolutely zero experience. Kissing? Nope. Romantic hand holding? Absolutely not. He hasn't even hugged anyone before! He's incredibly touch starved, before he meets you.
The only things he knows about sex (prior to being with you) is from porn and random threads he reads online. Sigh. ☆⌒(>。<)
So, when you first start having sex, expect him to be really messy and insecure the entire time! He’d be the type to get so excited about giving you his virginity that he cums before he can even get his boxers off. >_<
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Kairos’ favorite position would actually be something similar to missionary! He mostly just adores any position where he can see your face the entire time. Your expressions are one of his favorite things ever. (¯▿¯)
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Kairos would be the type that tries so hard to be serious that it becomes goofy. (*^^*)♡
Sometimes he tries to say something that comes off as ‘domineering and sexy’, but he stutters on his words and his voice cracks. It just comes off as cute and pathetic.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Kairos would try to shave, but honestly, he’s pretty bad at it. Plus, razors get really expensive…! So he just keeps his hair down there very short and trimmed. He honestly doesn’t grow much hair down there, anyway… Plus, his hairs are actually white. ^^;;;;;;; 
(I imagine his natural hair color is white, but he dyes half of it black.)
(ᴵ'ᵐ ᵍᶦᵍᵍˡᶦⁿᵍ ᵃᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᶦᵈᵉᵃ ᵒᶠ ᴷᵃᶦʳᵒˢ ᵈʸᵉᶦⁿᵍ ʰᶦˢ ʰᵃᶦʳ ᵈᵒʷⁿ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ ʰᵃˡᶠ ᵇˡᵃᶜᵏ, ᵗᵒᵒ.)
He'll shave completely for you, though, if you ask him to!!
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Kairos is very romantic! During the moment, he wants the both of you to always feel really good, and he’ll make sure to ask how you’re doing throughout sex.
However, there will be times where he loses control over himself, and he can go a bit… Overboard while chasing his climax. ^^;;;; But he apologizes afterwards!
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
In the past, Kairos has definitely tried to make some DIY sex toys, but… They never really worked out for him. So, most of the time, he just uses his hands. >_< He always prefers to have his face buried in your clothes while he touches himself, taking in your scent that lingers on it. He also tries to find lewd 'x Listener' audios online and looks for people who have voices that sound like yours.
If… If he’s feeling particularly horny, the go-to clothing item that he buries his face in is your used underwear… ☆o(><;)○
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Kairos’ most prominent kinks are definitely somnophilia, face-fucking (both giving and receiving), knife play, praise, worshipping, etc. >_<
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
It’s… A bit of a boring answer, but honestly, he just really likes the bed. It’s so soft and cozy, so warm and intimate! His bed is the perfect spot for it all to happen. If he has to give a second answer, he also likes having sex on his computer chair.
He’d absolutely love it if you rode his dick while he’s on his computer, or if you sneak underneath his desk and give him head while he tries to work or play games. ღ
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Honestly, just about anything turns him on when it comes to you.
Your skin is showing a bit? His face is now all red. You bend over or stretch in front of him? Now he’s thinking lewd thoughts. You whisper something dirty in his ear or mention something that even hints at the idea of sex? He’s sweating and rubbing his thighs together.
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
There’s honestly not much that he would say no to. Whatever you want is ultimately what Kairos wants…! So, even if he seems mildly uncomfortable about something at first, he’ll grow to like it if you love it.
I think one thing he would say no to is being cucked or starting an open relationship. Honestly, suggesting those things to him would make him start crying on the spot. (っ´ω`)ノ(╥ω╥)
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Kairos absolutely loves both giving and receiving. While he might not be very good at giving, he’d be so enthusiastic about it that it’s really endearing! Kairos would want to try all kinds of techniques and positions– both ways.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Kairos has a weird tendency to awkwardly shift back and forth between fast and slow, rough and sensual. In one second, he’ll be thrusting his hips like a wild animal, and in the next, he’ll be moving dreadfully slow.
There is usually a thought process behind this: he goes extremely fast when he’s not thinking straight, but when he feels himself about to cum, he’ll stop moving so quickly, just because he wants to keep fucking you for a little bit longer. ღ
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Kairos doesn’t mind quickies– he likes them! But he prefers to take his time and be intimate with you. He adores lots of foreplay, and he also loves aftercare. (o^ ^o)
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Kairos would definitely like to experiment and take risks. He finds the idea of experimenting to be really exciting, and he also believes that it’ll keep you attached to him, if the two of you are always trying new things.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Kairos’ stamina is… Not good. He gets tired really fast, since exercise is not his thing. But it never really stops him! He’ll keep fucking you until he physically collapses from exhaustion. ^^;;;;;;;;;
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
As much as Kairos would love to own a ton of toys, he can’t exactly afford any. ^^;;; As stated earlier, he has tried to make some DIY ones in the past, but they never really turned out too good.
However, if you buy some for him, he’ll be truly ecstatic to try them out! He’ll really push to use them on you, but also… Can… Can you use them on him? Please?
Strap a vibrator to his cock, or push one deep inside of his ass… Or do both.
Turn up the settings to the max as you overstimulate him for hours, leaving him a drooling mess while he helplessly squirms and mumbles out incoherent sentences. ( ´ ꒳ ` )
And… And can you do this to him while you cuddle and pet him? Please? And can you praise him too?
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Kairos likes to tease a little bit, but his teasing isn’t very… Effective. He’s someone who’s much more used to being teased instead. >_<
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Kairos is, unintentionally, very loud. He moans, he whines, he whimpers, and he cries. He just can’t help it–! Being vocal for you is part of how he expresses his love!
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Kairos has very sensitive nipples. ( ` ω ´ )
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) (cw: ED)
Kairos is… A little malnourished and pale, very slender. He hardly ever sees the sun, and he barely gets anything good to eat, if he can afford meals at all. Just lots of cheap sweets and cup ramen...
(Plus, there are times where he refuses to eat for days on end- simply because he believes he doesn't deserve to eat. Although, that doesn't happen very often.)
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Always yearning… Always pining… You’re on his mind first thing in the morning, and you’re the last thing he thinks about right before he sleeps. If the two of you aren’t together, he masturbates to the thought of you at least once a day, and when you are together, he’ll want to have sex with you at least once a day as well. („• ᴗ •„)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Kairos definitely falls asleep near-instantly. His stamina is pretty bad, so after having sex, he’ll be completely spent. And, honestly, the sleep he gets afterwards is the best sleep he ever gets. ღ
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hopelessrromantix · 1 year
Sending a less intense ask now that I know you didn't disappear. How about Miguel x male reader who's cannon event was losing his husband, his worlds Miguel. (Hurt/Comfort)
Or Miguel, who's afraid to hurt the reader bc his fangs/powers/strength/etc. So reader has to show him that they're stronger than they look. (Angst/Fluff, optional Smut)
Or Miguel and reader having a secret relationship, but it's hard to keep it that way when he's so desperate for your attention all of the time (Smut, cough semi-public cough)
These are just some ideas, but there's no pressure to answer any of them. Have a good day :)
Might write your other ideas too, ngl...
Slightly more angst whoops.... sorry?
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The first time you met Miguel had been a very long time ago.
It was a glance at first. Just a random man visiting the doctor's area of your lab. Perfectly normal.
Then it was a conversation. Then a date. Then a proposal, and before long you were married and happy.
You were originally working on a biological project, which was the spider that made you the Spiderman of your world. And though Miguel was nervous, he was supportive nonetheless.
Unfortunately, like all your counterparts, your unavoidable canon had resulted in Miguel's death, something you never got over. No matter how long passed, your heart felt just as heavy thinking about your husband.
You'd tried just about everything to get him back, even if he wasn't the same.
Experiments, A.I., anything that came to mind. But it was never him.
Maybe it had destroyed you a bit.
Maybe you spent too long torturing yourself in your head, trying to cover any sense of loss with the humor so traditional of a spider.
And maybe, just maybe, you missed him more than you could handle.
It wasn't until you swung face first into an anomaly (literally, a wall had basically materialized in front of you) that your life changed again.
Before you could blink, a man in a dark suit had been tackled to the ground. He was forming stone walls around him, attempting to stand back up.
Judging by the large stature of the man behind him, that wasn't happening.
The suit drew your attention first. It looked weirdly like the one Miguel had helped you make years before. Not the same, but close.
Several other people were with him, each one with different but similar outfits.
"Uhhh should I be fighting you guys, or…?" You questioned, looking over the group. You were prepared for a fight, but they seemed too calm to be villains like those you usually fought.
The tall man looked over to you, nodding to a woman next to him, dressed in all red.
"No, but we owe you an explanation."
And they gave you one, explaining that you weren't really as unique as you thought, but in a much more fulfilling way. You were one of many, many universes out there.
They showed you HQ, a place full of slightly different variations of yourself.
And with that, you had one single question.
Is he out there somewhere too?
After that moment the tour was a blur. Your mind was too caught up in running over the ways to ask if you could find your husband. Even just seeing him from a distance. Anything would do.
"Hey, big guy?"
The man in front of you seemed unimpressed, even in the dim light of his workspace.
"What's the rule on going to see people in other universes? Like, you came to my world so shit wouldn't go sideways if I visited someone, would it?"
It wasn't the first time Miguel had been asked that, of course. They all lost someone, of course they'd ask to see them again. The only issue was breaking the fabric of reality. And the fact that Uncles, Aunts, and anyone else really was dead in most worlds.
"No you cannot see dead loved ones."
His mask faded away, a serious look on his face. "We all have canon events…"
He was talking. You knew he was talking.
But his eyes were so tired.
It had been a long time since you'd seen him, but he looked so much less… alive.
But you'd take any version of alive.
You couldn't hear anything he said. You were too busy studying every feature on his face, watching him carefully.
He paused. "We know each other on your Earth?"
"We don't on yours?" You asked with a twinge of sadness in your voice, wishing a parallel you could've been happy with him.
"Uh, yeah, hi, I was planning to step in a little sooner but, uh, whoops."
The flash of a woman floating in the air next to Miguel stopped you. Layla, as Spid- Miguel had introduced her earlier.
"Layla I'm in the mid-"
"Shockingly it's more important than whatever you're saying," she huffed. "In Y/n's world he joined the research team that eventually made the spider that bit him, in Miguel's world Y/n had joined a completely different company. You two didn't meet the same way in your worlds."
"Okay?" Miguel questioned, opening his mouth to continue complaining about Layla interrupting.
"Yeah, but on Y/n's Earth-"
"We're married. You… you saved the lives of a family and died in the process."
You could see his heart break for you. For most people, the shift in expression would be nothing. In fact, it was very well hidden. But you knew him.
And he knew loss more than most. And though he didn't know you, he knew what you felt.
Layla flashed away, leaving the two of you in the low light of Miguel's office.
"I'm sorry."
He was so much more broken than you remembered.
"I got to see you, that's all I wanted." You smiled, looking over his features with a sense of calm you hadn't felt since Miguel's death.
"Would you wanna take another walk? Maybe I could show you around my world." You suggested. You'd be happy just seeing him, you really would. But you'd be even happier spending time with him.
"You understand that-"
"It's not like you'd have to go back to my world forever. And I would've stayed alone there anyway, I doubt I would be wrecking some happy future life, Miguel."
His eyes narrowed. "But you-"
"You don't know me, it's okay. I'm not asking you to do anything. Hell even this is enough for me. Just talking to you, for any length of time"
"You aren't hearing m-"
"Losing you was the worst day of my life." He quieted a bit, letting you speak. "We all have canon events right? I'm sure you understand how much it hurt, then."
You took a breath. This was more overwhelming than you expected it to be, which was saying something.
"You don't know me, Miguel,.and technically I don't know you either. But we got along pretty well in my world? At least consider being my friend?" You asked, a hopeful look on your face as you stared at the much more tired version of your husband.
"Please, Miguel?"
He stared at you a minute, his eyes softer than they were a minute before. He glanced down at your hand before looking back up at your face.
"You should leave, Y/n."
Your hand dropped slowly as you tried not to let your heart break again.
And you listened.
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the-lonely-crow · 7 months
The fact that Gerry in 111 and Eric in 154 dont just have the same dry slightly dark sense of humor but the same cadence and super similar speech patterns is so so so so important to me. I am so incredibly emotional about the Delano boys i will love them till the day i die
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henrycangelbaby · 25 days
In which: Ellie allowed herself to be held for a second. The only sounds were their soft breaths and Joel’s light snoring. She felt silly asking it, as if she were still a toddler. Then again, she hadn’t had much comfort even in her toddler days. Ellie let out an exhale.
Ellie seeks comfort in those who love her the most.
Things are finally good for Joel. He and Ellie have been settled down in Jackson for a while now. They no longer have to fight to survive. Ellie can attend school and has made quick work of befriending many kids her age. They were finally happy.
Joel had even found himself a few friends; he had his brother in close proximity, was friendly with the neighbors, and cracked a smile whenever Ellie brought a friend over for dinner. And there was also Y/N, his precious darling girl.
Truthfully, Joel had never considered the prospect of settling down again. He had lost far too much to ever consider being truly happy again, but then he had found Ellie, been reunited with his brother and his new family, and then he had met Y/N.
She had come into his life rather unexpectedly, the prettiest thing he had seen in many years. He was only just settling down in Jackson when they had met. She was a little younger than him and had been so kind that he had been rather turned away at first, but with time (and quite a bit of Ellie meddling), they had grown close and eventually fallen in love.
It had been subtle, but people had noticed. He had been caught more than once wearing a hair tie around his wrist, and gradually her things had shown up in his and Ellie's house. Ellie isn't sure of much, but she doesn't even bother hiding her laugh when he walks downstairs in a slightly too-small, very faded Spice Girls t-shirt that his soft stomach peeks out of the bottom of. (Y/N also makes sure that Joel knows how much she appreciated him accidentally putting on her shirt that morning, but her and Ellie have very different reasons for thinking of his soft tummy).
For the first time in what felt like forever, he was happy and carefree. He still took patrols, but they seemed rather dull in comparison to the life he had lived outside of Jackson's protection. They were also fewer and further between as he reluctantly felt the effects of his age and life on the run. They had caught up to him rather brutally in the form of dodgy knees and full deafness in his left ear. For the first time since the outbreak, he felt at peace with the world.
Ellie had settled down well; it wasn't like she was a feral kid, raised by herself having to fight to survive. She had been raised in a school, had friends, and was educated to a somewhat proper level, but Jackson had been good for her. She was glowing with happiness most of the time, running around with her friends and even (much to Joel's dismay) girlfriends.
She had taken to Y/N instantly; they were both charmers in their own way, and Ellie had all but been swept off her feet by his darling’s kindness. Y/N, in return, had taken to the kid. The quick sense of humor and chatty nature in Ellie had caused Y/N to often joke about Ellie being better company than Joel. Truthfully, they did get along very well; he would find them bent over a puzzle on the kitchen table or wreaking havoc while cooking in the kitchen.
Ellie was getting older; she needed Joel and Y/N less, but she still found time to hang out with them. If it made his heart ache when they had family dinner together, or when he would come home from his depleting patrols to find Y/N and Ellie accidentally fallen asleep on the couch together, movie night long forgotten, it had been like this for years now, and it still made him emotional.
The sun had all but retreated behind the clouds, Joel barely awake as he peered out of the corner of his eye at his baby. Y/N seemed to be in a similar position to him, her head dropping slightly onto his arm, rubbing her eyes as if to try and run the sleep away.
“Darlin’,” she hums in response, turning to face him.
“Let's go to bed, baby,” he offers her his hand, pulling them up. She holds onto his arm, walking next to him as they sleepily made their way to bed together.
“Is Ellie still up?” Y/N asks, sitting on the toilet, waiting for him to finish brushing his teeth.
“She’s out, told us not to wait up for her, baby.”
God, he was getting old, having to go to bed early while his teenage daughter stays out too late for him to wait up for her. Ellie was hardly a teenager anymore; she was technically an adult, but he still felt as if she was a little girl.
They fall asleep quickly, as they always do. Joel is very secretly the small spoon. He sleeps peacefully with his back pressed against her chest, one of her legs in between his, her arm thrown over his stomach.
Ellie gets in late. She creeps through the house, well aware that Joel and Y/N have probably long gone to sleep. If she wasn't feeling so sullen, she might giggle at the old-people-ness of the adults in her life. Perhaps she had stayed up a little too late, past the point of late-night fun, into existential dread territory.
Everything is fine for Ellie. In fact, things are great in Jackson: a family that she can finally call hers, friends, and even dating prospects. Most of the time, Ellie is fine—she is more than fine, thriving even. Going out with her friends late into the evening, it was nice to be able to mess around with no repercussions.
But maybe she should have called it off this evening. She hadn't felt great all day, anxiety and dread settling at the bottom of her stomach and putting her off eating. She had learned to deal with it, mostly. The terrors she had seen in her past were just that—in her past. She would never have to fight again, never have to kill again; she was safe.
She was rather embarrassed to repeat those words over and over again to herself as she moved quietly through the house. She heard it in Y/N's soft tone, as she had once repeated it to Ellie after a bad panic attack. Ellie was safe, here in this house, with two people who cared about her like no one else did, in this town with all her friends, protected by the heavy walls and forever ongoing patrol shifts.
She was safe.
She tried to convince herself, unsuccessfully, as she fell into an uneasy sleep.
She wakes with a gasp. Her bed sheets feel far too suffocating; there is sweat dripping down her back, and as she brings a hand up to her face, it feels wet with tears. She doesn't remember what happened, but her heart won't stop beating fast, and the tears won't stop flowing down her face. She feels dizzy, like she might throw up.
Night terrors aren't unusual to Ellie. She has had her fair share of trauma to make up bad dreams. They had been bad when she was younger, in the beginning of her time in Jackson. She would often wake up crying and sweating, or she wouldn't sleep at all, kept awake by her haunting memories.
But as she, Joel, and eventually Y/N had settled down into their new life, they had become less and less frequent. Ellie’s life was going well, and most of the time she could escape her mental health problems. They came back to haunt her occasionally in the form of nightmares or panic attacks.
She had confessed to Y/N one night about how scared she felt sometimes, at the time confiding in Joel’s rather new girlfriend her problems and fears, which she felt too scared to tell Joel about. Perhaps she had secretly longed for the comfort that Y/N had given her, when she had been held close to the older woman’s chest, a kiss on the head as she slowly rocked Ellie back and forth.
Ellie loved Joel incessantly, but the introduction of Y/N into her life had filled a hole in her heart that she hadn't known she had.
She pushed herself up from the bed, quickly making her way to the other bedroom, where Joel and Y/N had resided for the night. The door creaked slightly as she pushed it open. It was rather comforting to see the room as it always was. The moonlight peeked through the window, revealing the messy bedside table and the photo of the three of them tacked above the bed.
Everything was the same, everything was fine. Ellie squinted in the darkness to see Y/N closest to her, her back facing the girl, her arm thrown over a much broader back and waist. She felt somewhat bad for waking her. She didn't want to scare her too badly. Y/N wasn't quite as switched on as Joel (Ellie still giggles thinking about how bad Joel had felt after he had cornered her against a wall—it had not been her best idea to stand behind a door to scare him).
She coughs awkwardly before shaking Y/N gently.
“Y/N?” she whisper-yells urgently. “Please, Y/N, wake up.”
Y/N turns around slowly. “Hmmm?” She rubs her eyes, still basically asleep, until Ellie nudges her again.
“Joel?” Y/N murmurs. She jumps slightly when she opens her eyes, scared by Ellie’s face so close to hers.
“Fuck,” she breathes, putting a hand on her chest as she pulls herself up. “Ellie, honey, what's wrong?” she asks, immediately alarmed by Ellie’s late-night appearance.
Ellie can't help as the tears begin to leak out of her eyes again. She tries to speak, but nothing comes out.
“Oh, my baby,” Y/N reaches forward to wipe the tears quickly. “Come here,” she says, while pulling Ellie up to sit beside her on the now somewhat squishy bed.
“I had a nightmare,” Ellie confesses quickly. She feels Y/N pull her in even closer.
“Was it bad?”
Ellie could only nod in response as she felt Y/N stroke her hair gently. “I’m sorry, baby,” was all Y/N said for a moment. After a beat, she spoke again. “I’d offer for Joel to go scare away the monsters under the bed for you, but I think you might be a bit old for that.”
It caused Ellie to let out a watery chuckle. “And also, I don't feel like waking Mr. Grizzly Bear tonight,” Y/N joked. They were silly, but they made Ellie smile.
Ellie allowed herself to be held for a second. The only sounds were their soft breaths and Joel’s light snoring. She felt silly asking it, as if she were still a toddler. Then again, she hadn’t had much comfort even in her toddler days. Ellie let out an exhale.
“Can I sleep in here, with you?”
She hadn’t expected to be laughed at, per se, but it felt like a silly request to be making nonetheless. But Y/N answered quickly.
“Of course, honey,” she said as she quietly pulled them both down to lay back down.
It was certainly a bit more of a squeeze with three of them, but she felt so warm and loved. Pulled close to Y/N, able to hear Joel’s snores close by, her nightmare felt like a thing of the past for a moment. So surrounded by comfort and love, perhaps everything she had suffered through had all been worth it if it led up to this moment, so loved by the best family she could ask for.
Joel's alarm went off at 6 a.m. sharp, just as he had set it to (much to his dismay). He was quick to turn it off, not wanting to wake Y/N—she didn’t deserve to be punished for his rather early patrol duty. He sat up slowly, feeling his neck creak. There was a pain in the bottom of his back that he couldn’t quite place, and his arm had gone somewhat numb in the night.
Fuck, he was getting old.
As he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, he peered around the room. There was little light creeping in through the windows, and Y/N was still peacefully sleeping next to him. He smiled slightly before leaning to get out of the bed with as little disturbance as possible.
He pulled himself off the bed as quietly as he could until he hit another body. Wait, what? He flinched for a moment before recognizing the face of his other family member that lived in this house. Now when had she gotten in here? She was sleeping peacefully under Y/N’s arm, much like he did most nights. Come to think of it, he had been a little colder than usual last night.
He climbed carefully over both of them, not wanting to wake their peaceful sleeping states. His heart felt so full as he peered down at his girls, so sweet and lovely. He pushed Ellie’s fringe off her forehead, leaning down to kiss her forehead lightly.
“Love you, babygirl.”
He moved to hover over Y/N now, gently cupping her face in his hands before leaning down to kiss the corner of her mouth and then her lovely lips.
“Love you so much, baby.”
He was whispering to himself, but it was still true. He loved his girls so much; his chest felt like it was aching with the love. He willed himself to walk away—he had to get to work, and he couldn’t spend all day fawning over his family. With one final glance back, he closed the door behind him, wanting his loves to get as much rest as possible.
He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face. He had everything he needed, and it just so happened to be sleeping in his bed. His loves, his girls, his family.
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hollowed-theory-hall · 2 months
Hi! I have read through all of your harry metas and I love them!!! And it made me wonder whether you had any personal head-cannons regarding him? Like any unpopular ones that are not mentioned in the books or discussed by the fandom. I found only a precious few posts regarding this matter, so yeah I would like to know yours if u do have any.
Hi, thank you so much! 💕
Honestly, I'm pretty sure I just sprinkled Harry headcanons throughout my various posts but I'll try to comprise a list of some of my headcanons that popped into my head here. As such, these are all my random headcanons about Harry, some have more reasoning behind them than others. So, here are some of them in no particular order:
1. I think Harry is gay (could be demi but I don't think he's interested in women and he is interested in men. Personally, I headcanon him as gay).
I have a whole post about it here, but I don't know how common of an opinion it is since I see mostly bi Harry and not gay ones.
2. I see some fanon Harry's portrayed as very small, but I don't think he is. In my head, he's about 5'11 (by book 7) and in canon, he can lift Mundungus by the throat with one hand so... I think he's pretty fit actually. (Though he's very thin due to malnourishment). He's just always compared to Ron, who is like, ridiculously tall. I also think he was short for his age up until and including book 4. Between books 4 and 5 is when he had his first real growth spurt.
3. I think he was born Master of Death and that a lot of his miraculous survivals are because of that.
4. Harry has ADHD. It's my way to explain his tendency to be very observant of some things and not others, his crazy good selective memory, and his tendency to fail when he starts overthinking. Idk, I have ADHD and I'm getting these vibes from him (or projecting, who knows).
5. In my head, the epilogue isn't canon, so Harry breaks the curse on the DADA position, like, 5 years after the war, and starts teaching it. Until then, McGonagall just made sure to hire teachers only with one year contracts.
6. I headcanon the Potter family had more estate than just the cottage in Godric's Hollow and Harry finds out about them at some point after the war. I mean, they are reasonably rich, have a Wizengamot seat, and had more family members until very recently. They have to have more houses.
7. I think Harry and Kreature actually become friends after the books. I think they could've during the books too, Harry finds Kreature's sense of humor funny even as back as OotP:
“. . . Smells like a drain and a criminal to boot, but she’s no better, nasty old blood traitor with her brats messing up my Mistress’s house, oh my poor Mistress, if she knew, if she knew the scum they’ve let in her house, what would she say to old Kreacher, oh the shame of it, Mudbloods and werewolves and traitors and thieves, poor old Kreacher, what can he do. . . .” “Hello, Kreacher,” said Fred very loudly, closing the door with a snap. The house-elf froze in his tracks, stopped muttering, and then gave a very pronounced and very unconvincing start of surprise. “Kreacher did not see Young Master,” he said, turning around and bowing to Fred. Still facing the carpet, he added, perfectly audibly, “Nasty little brat of a blood traitor it is.” “Sorry?” said George. “Didn’t catch that last bit.” “Kreacher said nothing,” said the elf, with a second bow to George, adding in a clear undertone, “and there’s its twin, unnatural little beasts they are.” Harry didn’t know whether to laugh or not.
(OotP, 107-108)
I just see a lot of sassy potential in their dynamic.
8. Before he was hit with the killing curse, he and Lily had the same eye color, a deep, bright green. After Halloween 1981, Harry's eyes are always the shade of the killing curse, which is similar to before, just slightly lighter and brighter. It's barely noticeable unless in certain lighting, but Sirius was sure he was hallucinating from exhaustion on a few nights in Grimmauld Place where he looked at Harry, and his eyes shined just a little off, a little too brightly, the wrong color for just a moment.
9. He had at least 1 too sexy dream about Tom Riddle, and he never told and never will tell anyone if it's up to him. He tries to pretend it didn't happen tbh.
10. Same as number 9 about Sirius, honestly...
11. His animagus form would be a Raven. (Although I can see a few other forms as possible as well)
12. Sometimes, when I draw Harry, I add a little white streak of hair from his scar because I think it looks cool. Also, white hair and death connotation, so, yeah. I'd like to think that the white tuft became larger after he died and came back in the forest.
13. I usually imagine his scar going down through his eyebrow to around his right eye, basically I like it when Harry is very obviously and clearly marked by the killing curse. Unfortunately, canon contradicts this by him being able to cover the scar with his hair, and Snatchers in Deathly Hollows believed him to not be Harry Potter when he made shit up, so the scar probably isn't that noticeable. I'd like to think it is larger with very few lines going below his forehead, and just very very pale and almost invisible when Tom isn't angry over something.
14. He's short-sighted. Aka, his glasses are for looking at things far away, and if he wants to read, he can do so without the glasses, assuming he's holding the page close enough to his face. Actually, contrary to fanon opinion, I think Harry can see without his glasses, it's just really hazy, but if you stand close enough he would recognize you without his glasses. His sight isn't that bad.
15. I think throughout the series, his wardrobe slowly becomes more wizardy (and it could be really cool to implement something like that in the TV show). Basically, in year 1, he's always wearing his school robes over Dudley's muggle clothes, but through the years, he ends up buying random wizard clothing artifacts. So, in later years, he occasionally wore jeans under his robes, but sometimes he wore wizarding shirts. Sometimes, in books like 4 or 5, he could wear muggle sneakers with a casual wizarding robe on the weekend. Like, idk, I like the idea of this gradual change in his wardrobe and by book 7 when they are actively on the run from the ministry he's finally really looking the part of a wizard, but he isn't part of their society because of the war. Like, I just like this arc to his fashion that I made up in my head.
16. The one thing I might agree with the epilogue on in my headcanoned future, is that Harry declines going back for 8th year. Except in my head, he doesn't immediately go to Auror training, instead, he tries to take some time to figure his life out after everything, realizes he wants to go back to Hogwarts and that he doesn't know how to just sit down after 17 years of running on adrenalin and he ends up returning to the optional 8th year like 3 months late.
17. Harry's patronus is never going to change. He isn't going to allow that piece of his father to die, so I don't think it would change.
18. Like what I mentioned above about his eyes being just slightly off from Lily's eye color, I think his resemblance to James is like that too (and the books support me on this). In SWM Harry mentions how James has a longer nose than him and a different eye shape, and I think if you looked closely at James and Harry side by side, you'll see more and more of these differences. They look the same when you don't think about it, but once you look, they don't look like carbon copies of each other at all. I think Harry has James' eyebrows and jaw structure though.
19. For some reason, I headcanon Harry was born on the evening. Like, around 7 or 8. I really don't know why.
20. Harry doesn't know it, but he is attractive. I mean, I'm not sure I mentioned it, but girls in books 5 and 6 start looking at him, and sure, he is the Boy-Who-Lived, but if he wasn't attractive there wouldn't be that many attempts to dose him with love potion. Also, he is the son of James and Lily, so the potential there is high.
21. I'd like to think he keeps the ability to speak Parseltongue even after Voldemort dies and the Horcrux is gone. I like to think the Horcrux wasn't the only reason he could speak it. Like, in my headcanon, Lily is a descendant from a Gaunt family squib line and that's why Voldy's soul triggered the Parseltongue gene that was already there. So, in my version of the books in my head, Harry could still speak it even after book 7.
Like, these are the ones I could think of off the top of my head.
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rafeshoeeee · 2 months
Business partners
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You and Rafe have never really gotten along, you were both extremely stubborn and your similar personalities tend to clash from time to time. Your relationship has slightly improved over the years, finally learning to tolerate each other, but the two of you still squabbled like children, bickering at each other over the smallest of things.
When the two of you found out your fathers had arranged for you and Rafe to go to a business party as a couple, hell broke loose. But after lots of disagreeing, you both realized that neither of your fathers would change their minds, especially when it comes to business.
Your father had already picked you out a dress for the occasion, because apparently all your dresses are too inappropriate. You were expecting something really ugly and an awful bright color, but it was actually surprisingly nice. A long, black strapless dress, the top was almost corset like, but very elegant, nothing too over the top, perfect for the occasion.
Rafe's father, Ward, had suggested that the two of you should share a hotel room. Despite only being in there for a few hours before the event started and for somewhere to sleep afterwards, Ward thought it would be a good bonding opportunity and your father agreed with his idea.
The taxi had finally dropped you off at the hotel after the hour and half drive it took to get there, you and Rafe both becoming agitated from being in each other's presence for so long. 
Rafe signed into the hotel and got the room key from the receptionist. You left him to figure out where your room was, but it didn't take him very long.
You assumed there would be two single beds but your jaw dropped when you saw one king sized bed. "why the fuck is there only one bed" you protested, slumping onto the lounge chair next to you.
"our dads clearly wanted us to practice acting like a couple" he chuckled, clearly finding this whole thing amusing.
you scoffed, his immaturity not taking you by surprise, "it's not funny Rafe" you ran a hand through your hair out of agitation.
He rolled his eyes before throwing himself onto the bed, "relax, it's called a joke. I was trying to lighten your mood."
You scoffed again, looking at his cocky smirk, annoying you even more by how he was enjoying winding you up, "stop pretending that your excited for tonight, you're dreading it equally as much as i am. And don't even try and deny it"
His smirk grew bigger, sensing how annoyed you were getting, "seeing you all dressed up will make up for it" he flirtily commented.
You just screwed your face up in annoyance and walked towards the bathroom, "i'm showering, don't come in"
"i don't know if i'll be able to help myself" he teased, the smirk on his face still remaining the same.
You spun your head around at his comment, looking straight at him with a 'don't you dare' expression on your face, and he held his hands up in surrender. You lightly laughed at his action before entering the bathroom and shutting it behind you.
You turned on the shower and let it heat up whilst you underdressed, appreciating the quiet time and being away from Rafe for a while.
As you stepped into the shower, the warm water hit you, drowning you in your thoughts. Maybe Rafe wasn't so bad, he was a very attractive young man but his temper and snarky little comments he constantly made was off putting. But he also made flirty comments here and there and it scrambled your brain. Most of the time you were walking on eggshells around him, never knowing what would cause him to lash out, but sometimes he was kind and gentle. You two shared the same humor, some times bouncing off each other's comments and laughing at things most people wouldn't even consider funny, but one of you always takes it too far, leading to yet another argument.
You scrubbed at your skin with the sponge, washing away any dirt that had clung onto you. The scrubs were rough, your thoughts about Rafe making you frustrated, annoyed that he had made this effect on you. The flirty little comments he made towards you were engraved in your mind, you always remembered every comment he made about you, good or bad, but the flirty ones always stuck with you. The way they easily rolled off his tongue and the smirk that was always on his face whenever a flirty comment was made, was an image you could never unsee.
God. What were you thinking? This is Rafe Cameron you're talking about, a spoilt, hot headed, rich boy who always wanted his own way and threw a tantrum whenever he didn't.
You turned off the shower and stepped out, the cold air hitting you, causing goosebumps to appear. You wrapped the towel around your small frame whilst you took your dress out of the bag, holding it up against you and looking at yourself in the mirror. You thought about how to style your hair and what sort of makeup would complement the dress.
You brushed that thought to the back of your mind and slipped the dress on, it took quite a lot of adjusting and making it sit comfortably but you thought you looked great. It hugged your curves perfectly and gave your boobs a slight push up, making them more noticeable.
You had taken everything in with you beforehand so you were prepared. You started by styling your hair with a curling iron, the curls weren't too tight as you wanted more of a natural looking wave. You didn't want to go too overboard with your makeup, you decided on a winged eyeliner and a red lip, wanting to look professional and classy so you fit in perfectly.
Just as you were perfecting your eyeliner, you head a light knock on the door, "can i come in?" Rafe asked gently. It took you by surprise that he didn't just barge in, never usually having any shame.
"sure" you replied, continuing on your eyeliner. You assumed Rafe had just come in to get something but he stood right beside you with a huge pout on his face. His tie was draped around his neck but undone, he looked extremely frustrated with himself.
You looked up and furrowed your eyebrows at him, "what's the pout for?" you asked before mimicking his babyish pout.
He rolled his eyes, clearly not in the mood for joking around, he let out a huge sigh and rubbed his forehead with his hand, "can you just, do my tie for me?" avoiding eye contact with you, clearly embarrassed about asking.
You lightly laughed before placing your eyeliner down, "you seriously can't do one?" you couldn't tell if he was being serious or not, his poker face had always been extremely hard to read.
He let out a loud sigh, "do you really think i'd come in here and bother you if i did?" he was trying to keep his cool, but not doing a very good job at keeping it together.
You raised your eyebrows and slightly rolled your eyes, not surprised one bit by his reaction. You tucked a loose strand of your now curled hair behind your ear, "well i can't reach" his height compared to yours was the first thing most people would notice when you two are together, you standing at 5'3 whilst he's at 6'4.
Before anything else could be said, Rafe's hand gripped your waist, lifting you up and he gently placed you on the bathroom counter, now in perfect eye-line of him. His beautiful blue eyes pierced into you, waiting for you to start. You quickly glanced at him before maintaining your focus on his tie, gently folding the ends over each other.
The silence was loud, you could almost hear a pin drop. It was different, compared to what the two of you are usually like, which is bickering and arguing, and now you're in perfect silence, it was peaceful almost.
You didn't like the silence though, it felt unnatural between the two of you. You patted his shoulder, letting him know you were finished.
He admired your work in the mirror, "cheers" he ran a hand through his hair before tucking his shirt into his trousers.
You had to admit, he looked good, his suit looked great on him and the navy blue trousers were perfect for him.
"I still can't believe you actually can't do one. How the hell did you manage at school?" you questioned, curious to what he did.
"my dad always bought me a clip on one" he stated.
you rolled your eyes, "of course he did" you picked up your red lipstick and carefully coated it on, being careful not to go over the natural shape of your lip.
"we need to go by the way" Rafe reminded you.
you messed about with your hair in the mirror one last time and put your lipstick back in your makeup bag, "yeah, yeah i'm ready" you told him, slipping on your black high heels and quickly spraying even more perfume on.
Rafe reached out his arm and you grabbed onto his bicep as he lead you out the room. As you were walking to the event, It didn't feel weird or uncomfortable being this close to Rafe and you surprisingly didn't mind clinging onto his arm at all.
You didn't want to admit it but you were actually quite nervous, you weren't an expert at business talk and your mind usually went blank whenever you were asked about the topic. You hesitated to ask Rafe but he was your only option, "um, Rafe" your voice was small and soft, but he heard you just fine.
He hummed, letting you know he heard you and allowing you to continue, "can you just, remind me what i need to say when somebody asks me about business" you felt extremely stupid, going to a whole party where everyone knew what they were talking about apart from you.
"just stand there and look pretty, i'll do the talking, you have nothing to worry about" he reassured you, a smile spreading on your face.
He looked towards you in awe, a smile creeping onto his face when he saw you smiling to yourself. He thought you looked absolutely incredible and he knew he was going to enjoy showing off 'his girl' to everyone there. He's always found you attractive but he never knew how to express it, he just hid behind teasing you and throwing flirtatious compliments here and there at you. He somewhat enjoyed getting a rise out of you, he liked the challenge that you offered, he was used to girls swooning at his feet but you were different. You were unlike any other girl, you had self respect which most didn't, you carried yourself so confidently and didn't put up with anyone's shit. Not even Rafe's. He loved how you always had something to say about whatever the case was, always defending yourself whenever necessary.
The party was only in the main building of the hotel the two of you were staying at, but the place was huge. There was a huge staircase leading to the party, you could hear the chatter of the people below you and the soft band music playing.
You looked towards Rafe and let out a huge sigh you didn't know you were holding in as you began walking down the stairs. When the people came into view, they all looked very posh, some were quite old and some were around yours and Rafe's age.
You spotted the bar and you were eager to get over there "can we please get a drink? I'm going to need one to get through tonight" you asked him, no matter what his answer was you were going to get one either way. A vodka coke would fill your craving and take away the stress you were feeling.
"one drink y/n, i can't have you drinking too much and messing this up" he told you, his voice stern and very serious sounding.
"Me?" you laughed, "your the one with a raging anger problem, sooo," you teased, slightly laughing to yourself. You looked up at Rafe and to your surprise he was actually laughing at your comment.
You two had reached the bar and you were patiently waiting for the bartender to serve you. You looked at the people who were sat around the bar, sipping on their glasses of what you assumed was champagne or Prosecco.
"what can i get for you guys?" the bartender asked, capturing your attention immediately.
Your mood instantly lightened, you could almost taste the vodka coke on the tip of your tongue, "please can i have a-"
Before you could even finish your sentence Rafe butted in, "two champagnes would be great"
The bartender nodded before collecting the glasses and going to fill them.
"what the hell" your voice raised slightly, frustrated at how Rafe literally spoke for you and didn't let you order yourself.
"what?" he asked, screwing his face up, wondering what you were so annoyed about.
you brushed your hair out of your face and lightly smiled at the bartender who had handed you guys your champagne, before speaking up, "i wanted a vodka coke, and i don't even like champagne" you pouted, still grabbing the glass a chugging down the pathetic amount of liquid they gave, hoping to feel some kind of buzz.
Rafe chuckled, watching you in amusement. You turned your head towards him and looked at him extremely unimpressed, "what's so funny?" you asked, looking at him as if there were daggers in your eyes.
"who's the one pouting now?" he teased, finishing off his champagne, looking at you and awaiting for your reaction.
You laughed, pushing him slightly, "oh shut up" you teased back, Rafe was looking at you with a sparkle in his eye, admiring your beautiful smile.
He led you around, stopping to talk to people you both knew, he did most of the talking about business just like he said he would. You just stood there, impressed by how much he knew about the topic, looking at him in admiration.
"someone's done there research" you nudged him lightly, trying to crack a joke.
He looked down at you and smirked, "well someone had to know what they were talking about"
You pouted at him a lightly shook your head, trying to hide the smile that you couldn't keep from crawling onto your face.
You both took a seat at your assigned table of two, getting ready to listen to the important people make their speeches. Rafe had told you the names of them but you didn't remember, not really very interested in the matter. You were just here to support your father's business, in hope to impress him. Although you didn't have to say much, you had actually learnt quite a lot from Rafe talking to everyone about both your father's business and how they share one together.
You found yourself admiring him every so often, not just how passionate he spoke of the topic but his beauty. You had really seen him in a different light after spending a long period of time with him. Despite knowing him for years the time you usually spent around each other was very short.
The waiters and waitresses handed out the appetizers which were disgusting. You and Rafe did try everything but neither of you particularly enjoyed any of them.
The speech people had already begun and the room was silent listening to them. You rested your chin in your hand, not understanding why everyone found what he was talking about so interesting.
"ma'am" you heard beside you, he captured your attention and you whipped your head quickly to look at him. It was a waiter handing out cocktails on tray, you turned the other way to see if Rafe had noticed. He had strictly told you one drink but he was so engaged in the man talking you grabbed the cocktail off the tray and mouthed a thank you to the man and he nodded in response.
You quickly put the straw to your lips and drank the beverage, the alcohol was prominent and took you by surprise. It had a lovely fruity taste and had the perfect amount of alcohol.
The sound of you slurping at the liquid captured Rafe's attention, he took the glass out of your hand and placed it on the table.
"where did you get that?" he whisper yelled, looking you straight in the face before his eyes traveled elsewhere. Straight to your cleavage, he licked his lips before looking at your face again.
You saw that he had gotten himself another drink but he wasn't as much of a lightweight compared to you. It didn't take much for you to be drunk and Rafe knew that.
"a waiter offered me it, he could clearly see i was in need of one" you flicked your hair off your shoulder and tucked it behind your ears so it was out of your face.
Rafe could sense your tipsiness and didn't fancy you making a fool of yourself in-front of all these people, "right let's go" he said, about to pull himself up from his chair.
You placed a gentle hand on top of his and your nails scratched at his skin gently, "'no no, i can see how much you want to listen, it's fine"
He looked at you with worried eyes, "i'm fine i promise" you reassured him, he nodded and took his attention back to the men speaking.
You never removed your hand from on top of his, still gently scratching at his skin, fiddling with his gold ring on his middle finger.
The waiter had come around again, this time with shots, you didn't want to annoy Rafe but you just couldn't fight the temptation. You quickly picked one up and downed it before placing it back on the tray and smiling at the waiter.
The alcohol was cursing through your veins, you craved the man next to you. You shuffled your chair towards him and whispered in his ear, "please can we go"
He looked towards you and watched as you placed a delicate hand on his broad shoulder, he nodded and grabbed your hand before leading you up the stairs and towards your room.
"did i tell you how hot you look tonight?" you asked him, the alcohol giving you more confidence and no self control. The grip on his arm tightening.
He looked at you and raised his eyebrows, not responding to your comment due to your drunken manner. He thought exactly the same about you, he just didn't know how to tell you.
You had reached your room and Rafe unlocked it with the key, he turned the light on before shutting the door behind you.
You felt a bit defeated by him not responding but you didn't care and just wanted to go to sleep. But Rafe grabbed you and pinned you against the door, "did i tell you how much i want to kiss you?" he asked, a huge smirk on his face.
You grabbed his face and connected your lips together.
Maybe you and Rafe got on better than you thought after all.
haven't edited sorry if it's bad xoxo
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midnight-glasses · 6 months
Can you do Reiji body headcanons, please🙏!!
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This headcanon clearly inspired by @/dialovers-lover-xoxo check out her post!
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☕ — Since he always wears gloves, Reiji's hands are very soft and smooth when you touch them. Additionally, he always keeps his nails trimmed.
☕ — He doesn't have many body hairs, but where he does, they are located in very specific places and not in abundance. He has a decent amount of hair mainly in the armpits and a bit in the abdomen region, extending down to the pelvis, and a little hair on his legs. They are almost imperceptible, but when you touch them, you can feel them.
☕ — Reiji has a thin torso and waist, but his body is well-toned and even muscular to a certain extent. He has more physical structure than Laito but is not as muscular as Ayato.
☕ — I'll be bold in stating this, but I like to entertain the idea of Reiji having inverted nipples. He tends to be very self-conscious about this and is unlikely to be shirtless around anyone.
☕ — Reiji has an upright and elegant posture, reflecting his refined upbringing and his sense of superiority over his other brothers.
☕ — His hair is tidy and impeccable; when you run your hand through it, you can notice that it's very silky and soft, with an aroma similar to that of fine herbs.
☕ — Reiji's feet are small and elegant, a feature he doesn't particularly like. Perhaps he's a little insecure or overly self-conscious about it, but it adds a certain grace to his overall demeanor.
☕ — He has broad, well-defined shoulders. If he ever allowed himself to wear a tank top, he would look great in it.
☕ — Reiji's skin is smooth and flawless, with hardly any noticeable hair or texture. It feels similar to the skin of a peach when you touch it, smooth and soft like a makeup sponge.
☕ — His fingers are long and agile, perfect for manipulating delicate objects with surgical precision.
☕ — Reiji's legs are long and slender, with an athletic appearance without being overly muscular.
☕ — His eyebrows are thin and well-shaped, curving gently over his eyes. Speaking of his eyes, they are not as feline as Laito's eyes; they are softer, though they narrow when he is angry.
☕ — Reiji has piercing and deep eyes, with irises of a dark hue that tend to shine brightly when he is excited.
☕ — His chin is slightly square.
☕ — Reiji maintains an upright and proud posture, with his torso tilted slightly forward when he is concentrating on something, giving him an air of determination and focus.
☕ — His skin on his arms and forearms is smooth and pale, without visible imperfections. As mentioned earlier, he is not the prime example of physical strength, but one cannot say that his combat abilities are atrophied. He knows how to use his strength and fighting skills when necessary.
☕ — Reiji's ears are not prominent, discreetly framed by his tidy hair, and they lie close to his head.
☕ — His nose is straight and thin, with a slightly upturned tip. The nostrils are defined, and the nose line is smooth and symmetrical
☕ — Reiji's buttocks are subtly defined beneath his clothing. He often opts for loose-fitting clothes that slightly accentuate the curvature of his hips. (I like to think so, again these are just headcanons, don't judge me by the thought)
☕ — Reiji's lips are thin and well-defined. When he smiles, you can notice some dimples appearing on his cheeks.
☕ — His smile is often restrained and calculated, revealing just enough to convey confidence and, occasionally, a sardonic streak of humor. His thin, well-designed lips contribute to the balanced aesthetic of his smile, the dimples in his cheeks only appear when he is very excited and cannot contain himself.
☕ — Reiji's teeth are white and straight, with slightly more pronounced canines.
☕ — Reiji has a gentle expression line between his eyebrows. This line, known as a forehead furrow or “worry lines”, is subtle but noticeable when he is focused or deeply reflecting on something.
☕ — When nervous, he has the habit of sawing his teeth or biting his lower lip, sometimes it is possible to see evidence of this, especially after moments of stress.
☕ — Reiji has a small dark mole on the inner side of his left ring finger, just like his uncle.
☕ — He has a long, slender neck
☕ — Reiji has a subtle scent of woody notes and spices.
☕ — He has a habit of combing his hair with his fingers when he's nervous, he tends to do it in a very ritualistic way.
☕ — In addition to being deep, Reiji's voice is engaging and melodic, captivating the attention of whoever listens.
☕ — When he is thoughtful or concentrated, Reiji may frown slightly or purse his lips.
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All my written content is original, however, I do not claim ownership of the characters depicted. ©2024-Present.
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