#This is kinda a continuation off the tags of the last reblog on my blog
lemotmo · 15 days
I don't know if you want to share this but I thought I would send it just in case. Also, I agree with this. This makes sense. Hope you're having a lovely day!
Q. How in the world is an off screen breakup less satisfying from a storytelling standpoint than an onscreen break-up? A breakup is a breakup.
A. An off screen breakup does not allow the character any agency in their own breakup. It's that simple. The audience needs to see Buck recognize and acknowledge what it is about the relationship that doesn't work FOR him. The relationship is entirely about and for Buck, don't @ me Tommy people, that is the reality. The relationship is entirely about giving Buck an opportunity to grow. You can't see the growth if all you get is a throwaway line about the relationship fizzling out. The audience has seen Buck go through relationship after relationship without really learning anything. And then we watch him repeat the same thing a few months later. This relationship and breakup needs to be about Buck finally figuring out the wrong patterns he keeps repeating. He dates people who do not actually SEE him. He dates people who like the wrapping he comes in. He dates people who are physically attracted to him but aren't interested in or are annoyed by the real parts of him. Every single relationship he has had has followed this pattern. The audience needs to see Buck acknowledge that and officially break that pattern. It's that simple. For better or worse, like or not, Tommy is always going to have been the first. Irregardless of yours or my personal feelings about the relationship, from a life lesson for Buck perspective, it needs an onscreen breakup. Especially if the show is truly going to put him with Eddie. You cannot have a season of personal growth and acceptance from Eddie and not show Buck growing in some capacity as well. He won't be heavily featured but an onscreen breakup is the correct way to go from a storytelling perspective.
Oh no Nonny, I'm definitely posting this. Thank you so much!
As much as I hate to admit it, I do agree to some extent here. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved it if Tommy had just quietly disappeared, but I guess I always kinda knew that wasn't going to happen. I always believed that Lou would be in season 8.
So now that we know for certain that he's there, I say let them play out the story the way they intended before all the craziness started in fandom. The orgininal story was always about Tommy being Buck's first relationship with a man, but it was never meant to last very long. We know this from what Tim said in an interview, what Lou himself said in his interview and Oliver's very clear hints in all his interviews.
So, let's see how they're going to deal with this. Let's see how Buck and Tommy struggle to connect and how they maybe start to realise that they might not be very compatible. I also think that Buck has very real feelings for Eddie at this point, but he has never confronted these feelings, so that might inadvertently also be a factor in BT not working out.
Let's see how they'll eventually break up so that Buck's story of growth may continue during season 8.
And ultimately, if they go with the queer Eddie narrative like we all strongly suspect, this will give Buck the chance to finally take a closer look to his feelings for his best friend and come to the realisation that the thing he has been looking for has been right in front of his nose for years now.
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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aspens-dragons · 4 months
hey hey hey! i'm not like super into purple tbh but also like it's the closest to my current like little streak soooo yk how it is lol
Hey! My name's Aspen (he/him 👍) and I'm a junior at Naranja-Uva Academy! (i'm typing this with like proper grammar and all that cause like readability lmfao but that isn't how i normally type unless its like an essay or something) Right now I'm in the STEM track with a primary focus in veterinary sciences and a secondary focus in battle studies. And I'm vice-captain of our Cyclizar racing team! If you haven't noticed by now, I like Dragon-types. I really like Dragon-types :D
Other than my Cyclizar (her name's Spitfire!) I have two Pokemon, my Alolan Raichu (named Chip) and my Dreepy (named Zeppelin). AND in addition to those three, I have five other Pokemon, but they're kinda retired and live in Alola with my parents, but they're Pebble (Lycanroc), Jitters (Golisopod), Chloro (Lurantis), Grampy (Drampa) and Hibiscus (Kommo-o). I call Chip and those five the Big Six, 'cause they're the Pokemon I used while on my Island Challenge.
Speaking of my Island Challenge though, I was born in Nimbasa City, but I moved to Alola when I was... I wanna say maybe two or three? I dunno, I don't remember the moving part. Also, I've got an older brother and a baby sister.
Anyway, I've talked a lot, but I think that's just about it! See ya around :D
OOC under the cut!
Things to know!
Last updated: 09/03/2024
Hey, welcome!! Likes and follows come from @aster-pkmn-irl-real!
Current Arc(s): Patchwork Sanctuary, Victory Road Previous Arcs: The Schedule Switcheroo
Mod and muse are both minors! Please be mindful of that when interacting. This means no NSFW. The occasional dick joke is fine, but keep it PG-13.
Aspen exists in a timeline shortly after the events of Scarlet and Violet. He knows very little about what occurred during The Way Home.
Sentient Pokemon, eeby deebys, slow eeby deebys, chosens, legendaries, etc. are all welcome to interact, though Aspen may be skeptical about eeby deebys, legendaries, chosens, and evil teams!
Pelipper Mail/Malice, Musharna Mail/Malice, and Magic Anons are OFF.
Other than the rules above, feel free to send in asks :D
All posts prior to 06/05/2024 are not canon to this blog.
Regarding the above point! For some context, Aspen has actually existed for over a year at this point, and has had a blog just as long. I was originally using him on the blog this post was made on. In February (2024) I decided to create a main blog that I would use Aspen on instead, but in the past few months, I've been feeling kind of stuck about Aspen and it just hasn't been fun to RP as him. As a result, I've soft rebooted this blog (and a few blogs connected to him have also been soft rebooted for similar reasons). If you knew Aspen before this reboot, please be mindful of that fact that since he's been rebooted multiple aspects of his lore and backstory have changed and might continue to change over the course of this blog. This is why all posts from before June 5th are no longer considered canon to this blog!
Aspen's older brother might show up on the blog sometimes, so look out for that!
Aspen has a RotomPhone named Lithium, who will be talking with orange text!
#clanging scales ⇌ posts or reblogs from Aspen (where he has something to add)!
#dragon dance ⇌ reblogs from Aspen (without anything added)!
#breaking swipe ⇌ answered asks from Aspen!
#devastating drake ⇌ Aspen-centric angst!
#wormhole link ⇌ off screen posts!
#fickle beam ⇌ posts to pay attention to! these might provide clues or foreshadowing!! Here is a link to all the #fickle beam posts in chronological order!
#blind spot ⇌ posts that cannot be seen by certain blogs connected to this one, those being @jaimemes, @espers-n-espurrs, @yveltalreal, @vulgrados-best, @rock-n-rolycoly, @estranger-and-stranger-still @victoria-vd. only one or two characters cannot see the post, the character name will be tagged as well (ex. #blind spot: jaime would signify that jaime cannot see that post). everyone else, regardless of if they’re an anon or a blog, will be able to interact and comment.
#ft. suriya ⇌ Anything and everything from Aspen's brother!
#bzzt! ⇌ Anything and everything from Lithium, Aspen's Rotom!
#Da Beast ⇌ posts mentioning/about the New Client (see #Patchwork Sanctuary)
Posts pertaining to certain arcs (for example, 'The Schedule Switcheroo' and 'Patchwork Sanctuary'. ) will be tagged with the name of the arc. Here is a link to a post with descriptions of each arc!
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blortch · 2 months
Not trying to start any drama or anything, but I sent that ask letting off some steam about Mike being a petulant little man, and a lot of tags in the reblogs were calling me out that I don’t know mikes humor, he’s always been like that etc etc etc. but I just want to make my point clear, that I like you all have watched all the videos too. There is a marked change in his insolence. Whereas in the past mikes jabs at rich and Jay were mean yes, they felt like a part of the bit. Written jokes, even if there was no script. Like it was an understanding that Mike was gonna use insult humor to make jokes and build the channel. And I think it probably worked. Whereas now it’s not as directly mean, like direct fat jokes or gay jokes or whatever, now it’s just more dismissive of rich and jay’s opinion just to make room for mikes. (I don’t think you watched the acolyte video but Mike in editing, cut off rich in such a disrespectful and shitty way that it really irked me) also the “shut ups” in particular from Mike seem to me to be the most disrespectful, not only because it’s boorish or inelegant in its delivery, but because he is their “boss” it’s even more particularly distasteful, because they usually do just shut up when he tells them to. It just highlights a power imbalance that MAY have been there all along, I’m not sure, but that rift feels even more wide, and makes Mike feel even more like a tyrannical boss to them, which makes him seem more like a petulant little shit.
Anyway as always thank you for listening. You are always one of the most clear eyed in the fandom, and I always respect your opinion. Thanks!
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Anon to be honest with you I've been where you've been a couple times myself where I was shy or hesitant to post my opinion so I send an anon ask, and then people write in the notes horrid shit that should happen to me cuz it's "just some anon" which is why I can sympathize with you. I understand what feelings led you to send this ask after the last one yet I can tell you from experience that you honestly shouldn't have sent it, it unfortunately won't help your case if you overexplain yourself to people that evidently have made up their minds and have come to different conclusions from watching about as many videos as you have. Usually it won't help you come to terms with the feelings you might've gone through while looking at like 7 people bash your theory with you being unable to argue back with this format. I'll publish this ask mostly for this piece of advice but if you get more of the same notes on this ask I can't help you. And I know u said u didn't want to start any drama but unforch by sending this ask alone you kind of are 😭
But let's assume you wanted to just send this to me specifically as a DM you couldn't send for X or Y reason just to chat and for the rest of this response I'll answer accordingly.
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I still haven't watched the Acolyte video and you can't make me !!! Despite what my blog looks like I value my time dearly.
Your accusations are kinda heavy. I can already tell you that there's one point that isn't quite correct which is that "when Mike tells them shut up they do" because in one of the latest "shut up" instances Jay continued exactly where he left off.
Seen objectively, one thinks "boss" and thinks some degree of power is at play, but in execution, the hint that we've been given is that supposedly Jay has just as much power to not upload edits he doesn't give the ok to post (with some exceptions as seen in the Space Cop commentary where Jay personally didn't want the joke in there where it was implied his character shoved something 10 inches long up his ass, or where Rich and Jack said in PreRec they protested vehemently against the "whazaaaa" joke at the beginning and they couldn't change Mike's mind).... From this All we can infer is that movies are a different ballpark to Mike or at least Space Cop was. I KNOW I've mentioned Jay complaining about the Wedding arc in the Projection Booth Podcast too before but him saying that he found it "horrible" doesn't equal that he didn't want it to be in the show unlike the two Space Cop instances. TLDR we can't say with certainty if they mightn't have taken FURTHER countermeasures that we don't see that might counteract this POSSIBILITY of a owner vs. employee power imbalance.
A more cynical side of me has seen this company-of-friends model go very nightmarishly horribly many times in the past and I think some people feel threatened by the idea that their dream might be impossible or have a low chance of succeeding.
I think I can vaguely see what you're seeing in terms of what Mike insult-jokes have looked like through the years but there's a fair amount from back then I didn't like either, like this horrible old Plinkett commentary that sounds like an audiobook version of his video descriptions where not a single joke-insult towards Rich and Jay hits so they just land on the floor with a thud and feel weirdly bitter. (btw they are all before the 4:03 mark so please don't torture yourself listening to the rest of the commentary)
Ultimately as I've been saying your views are your own and I would personally value them as questionable and I don't exactly have the authority to prove you wrong. I have absolutely 0 at stake so I don't feel like defending their reputation much either lol all I'll do is add an ALLEGEDLY banner. You're welcome.
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neo-neos · 2 years
My BL journey so far
Okay kids gather round, get comfortable. This is a long one.
Disclaimer/background info: I started watching BL about a month ago-ish. I don't remember the exact date but I believe I started last month or maybe the end of the month before. So I am still a bit of a noob and trying to catch up with watching things. I am also a very chaotic person which you will probably find out by the way this is structured/written. Lastly, even though I do study/teach English for a living, it is not my first language.
Okay with that out of the way, let's dive in.
Like any good story I feel like a bit of backstory/intro might be a good idea. Hi, on the internet I mostly go by the nickname Peach, however I created this blog when I got into BL and have adopted yet another fruit as a new nickname for this side of my personality/identity which is Lychee. I don't really mind which one you use. I'm 24 years old and I am Dutch (the Netherlands). As mentioned in the disclaimer I teach English but I am also still a student, I plan on studying more after this because I love learning new things and especially about languages and cultures. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community myself and mostly identify as Bisexual or Pansexual. I use she/her pronouns. When I was about... 13-14 ish I rolled into the K-pop fandom. I used to listen to bands like SHINee, Super Junior, EXO, BAP, Infinite, Girls Generation, 2ne1, Block B... I was a real fangirl if you ask me HAHA. In this time I also watched a Kdrama or two here and there. Favorites being: Heartstrings and Shut up flower boy band. (I was never too into Kdrama back then). I also used Tumblr back then, I have a literal 12 year old tumblr account with almost 50K posts that I used during my K-pop times. I stopped using tumblr quite a while ago too but that blog is still there. I would reblog gifs and pics and what not about my biases and ships. But as interests do sometimes, it faded into the background and I fully stopped keeping up and listening to K-pop. It has literally been 10 years now.
But then...
One random afternoon I was bored at home and wanted to watch something new. I randomly realized Kdramas existed and so my journey to find one began. I stumbled upon Semantic Error and almost by accident decided to read the little description and the tags that were with it. My eyebrows furrowed for a minute before I could feel my eyes widen: "WAIT THE TWO BOYS... IT'S... GAY???" I could almost not believe what I saw. Obviously back in my K-pop times every band had ships and pairings you fangirled over, Baekyeol or ChanBaek, 2Min, JongKey... You know what I mean...You fangirled over every random moment they were together but that was as far as that went. So you could maybe imagine my excitement when I realized that Korea has come far enough to actually make BL shows now. So without further thoughts I watched Semantic Error. And because it was the first BL I saw I fell in love with it, the story was good, the acting was good, the fluff was to die for. An all round great experience to start off with.
Little did I know...
After this experience I was obviously hungry for more. So, I turned to the internet to tell me where they had been hiding this secret stash of everything I ever wanted in Kdrama... And boy was I surprised with the results. This was the moment I found out that not only Korea but also Japan, Thailand, Taiwan and China made BL shows... And not just 1 or 2... The choices were endless. My journey continued with (either... I kinda forgor...) Don't say no and Love by Chance. This was my first experience with NC scenes too. I had no idea that Thailand already took the step to also go into a little more 18+ when it comes to BL and to be fair... I was kind of excited about it. Now that I have seen more BLs I guess you could argue that neither Don't say no and Love by Chance are the best BLs ever made but at the time I was completely hooked on them.
And so began...
An insane marathon sprint. By this time I wanted more more more and that's what I consumed. I watched some more Kbl, some Japanese BL and some more Thai BL's as well. Until I hit KinnPorsche and that's when I realized how hooked I actually was on this new comfort genre I had just discovered. KinnPorsche allowed me to put the shows I had watched for far into perspective. Most BLs have the university students falling in love drama vibe... KinnPorsche was something completely different and boy did I fall in love, and hard too. This show quite honestly changed a lot of things for me. I went from 'I'm just casually watching these shows' to 'Oh I might be a little obsessed now' and after finishing KP I realized I wanted even more and I could no longer deny that I was becoming a part of the BL fandom.
So where we are now...
In the past month I have spent every free second of my day watching shows. Binging one after the other. I was lucky to have a week off during this time too and I have managed to COMPLETE 32 BLs between then and now. 5 currently watching shows I try and keep up with and a TO WATCH list of 40+ shows. (aka: obsessed much?)
In the meantime I have made a BL twitter and a BL tumblr (this one) to find out more about the BLs I watched or am watching currently, but also to keep up with new ones coming out. I have realized that because of how badly I want to keep up with things I SUCK at remembering names. If the show did not leave a big impression on me I can also easily forget the whole storyline of some. This in addition to people talking about ship names but also IRL ship names using actors real names makes it quite hard to keep up sometimes.
The community...
I also made these accounts in the hopes to interact with the community. This part has been quite a challenge for me. I have never been the most extraverted person (both irl and online) but I am one of those people that is almost desperate to make friends (that sounds a bit sad but hear me out.) I love talking to people (< but you said you're introvert.. I know again, hear me out) but I have absolutely no idea how to behave in order to make friends. I am often too shy to interact with people so I just kind of pull myself back and hope someone reaches out first. As soon as they do there's a good chance I will latch onto them without mercy. I have realized that I am afraid I do not fit in sometimes within this community (mostly on twitter to be honest) I see a lot of very knowledgeable people when it comes to BL shows and I am too afraid to interact. Here on tumblr and twitter I also (after literally 10 years) realize how talented people are when it comes to making gifs, edits and translations. Something I did not really think much about when I was using Tumblr 10 years ago. I have so much admiration for what people make but at the same time I feel like being a cheerleader from the sidelines by reblogging/retweeting I cannot match up to them too. Now I am obviously very new to BL and the community and I have actually met some lovely people already. I guess I just want too much too fast haha!
BL as a whole... (Disclaimer: The things I talk about are not just directed at BL alone, the issues I list are VERY MUCH also alive in Hetero shows and I would like to see change there too. But to keep on the topic of BL I list them here with my reasoning)
Realizing how far these countries have come when it comes to even making shows about LGBTQ+ is an awesome thing to see. Like I said before I come from the time where all I could really do is ship two band members together and fangirl over them sitting next to each other basically. I am part of the LGBTQ+ community myself and I live in a country is supposed to be very accepting so it is nice to see the steps different cultures are taking as well. However I do feel we are not there yet in the way they portray things. Consent (this is obviously not only a BL problem) has been a bit of an issue for me in some shows. Power dynamics - My main issue show for this one was Cutie Pie (not very sure how to elaborate further) NC scenes - Still being quite unrealistic sometimes, you really cannot tell me that bottoming is something you do without preparation of any sort. Only gay for xxx -> Straight but gay for this one man is not exactly how sexuality works. I feel like it might kind of give off the wrong idea as well. I do see that some of these trends are turning to the right direction (Between Us being a good example for consent for example)
Now I obviously know that these are fictional stories so please don't come for my throat over this. I am just listing a few things I have noticed in my journey.
The shows...
Now I would like to use this last little section here to mention and give my thoughts (positive and negative) about some shows I have seen. Let's start with the good shall we.
KinnPorsche -> I have mentioned this show before but I would like to do it again. I fell in love with this show, the actors are amazing, the storyline is great, the chemistry between the couples, the diversity in the storyline, the humor, the serious moments... It has so much and the casting they did for this show is a legit 10/10 Apo is such an amazing actor, Mile is his perfect match for the role and don't even get me started on the rest of the cast I would probably pull up an entire powerpoint presentation.
Life-Love on the line -> Is a Japanese BL that I related to quite a lot. The entire story of how two boys fall in love and grow up together, one becoming more serious while the other stays quite 'childlike' hit me right in the feels (I don't want to spoil things) It was such a beautiful story to be fair.
Semantic Error -> My first BL and what a great start to have to be honest. Need I say more?
Bad Buddy -> I loved this one because of the storyline and the awesome chemistry between the characters. It showed an amazing story of how sometimes you need to put your prejudice thoughts aside to find something beautiful.
Blueming -> The way this story unfolds made me fall even deeper in love with Kbls to be honest. The way this was filmed was just so beautiful.
Roommates of Poongduck -> I was a little hesitant in the beginning of this one. The storyline description did not grab my attention and after seeing how KBL is often focused more on the story than on the passionate kisses for instance it took me a moment to get into it. But we have all seen the kissing scene (that they robbed us of to be fair) and the chemistry between the characters had me sobbing while having the biggest grin on my face.
I told sunset about you -> When I got a little deeper into my research the name of this BL kept popping up everywhere and it obviously got me curious. Boy oh boy this was such a beautiful story I cannot even begin to explain. The exploration of sexuality, gender, love and friendship in this one... Ugh ugh ugh.
Not me -> A masterpiece. The themes, the storyline. They touch upon heavy topics while also maintaining an entertaining series. It's so good.
Love in the air -> Okay so, MOST of the shows above have a lot of deeper messages or storylines and love in the air might feel out of place. WRONG. Sky's storyline shows quite a bit of deeper meaning and I think it was done really well. The other part of why I like this show is because of the actors. They really did such an amazing job with this one and I cannot wait to see more of them.
ChocoMilkShake -> (up until last ep) this was my comfort show. I kind of ignored the dark side of them leaving and just focused on all the cute stuff but I just love it. They better give me a happy ending though!
Between Us -> I have seen UWMA and I must say that although the story was very very beautiful and touching and heavy... I did not vibe with the insane drama as much as I would have hoped. I did however enjoy the WinTeam moments quite a bit. And then BOOM Between Us happened and I am having a blast with this one. Consent being a big plus. The storyline is good, there has not been (knock on wood) unnecessary drama (I was afraid this would happen with the overhearing half a conversation thing they were giving us but I am SO happy to see it was done in a mature way). I love it.
And now for some shows I would like to give a tiny piece of my mind. DISCLAIMER: These are opinions you can ignore, I am not shitting on actors whatsoever, this is mostly targeted towards writing/storyline. THE ACTORS DID NOTHING WRONG!! I am okay with people asking questions about it though (: I also do not JUST shit on the shows I talk about here, I point out some things and also say what I DID like about it
Lovely writer -> This show holds a scene that I find THE MOST frustrating one I have seen so far. "Let me explain" -Silence- "I can explain" -Silence- "Wait don't leave" -Silence-.... If you have seen the show you probably know what I'm referring to. This is what I mean with unnecessary drama. Characters being angry at each other for longer than needed or for a reason that does not make sense. The rest of the show was okay. I don't hate the show but it frustrated me more than that I enjoyed it.
Big Dragon -> The first episode had me screaming. The NC scene, the open kink representation on this one made me so excited. It felt like the next step towards representation for kinks within the genre... And then that slowly died off. The scene where Yai is with the girl that (I suppose) normally helps him with his kink and then the bathroom scene where Mangkorn orders Yai around were 10/10 too but then it was gone and we were back to quite the normal BL plotline again which I found very sad. In the later episodes I also missed the chemistry between Yai and Mangkorn. I fucking LOVE MosBank together like... They are legit amazing actors and I would love to see them again in something different. I am just a little disappointed in the storyline progression.
Cutie pie -> The power dynamic in this show was not really my style. The controlling BF type deal was a bit hard to watch at times. and I KNOW that this entire show is about breaking free of that but the fact that there it is needed in the first place and the lying and secrets.. it was all a bit much for me. However the casting was really good. The chemistry between the characters/actors is awesome and everyone played their role really well!
To my star -> NOW BEFORE YOU BEHEAD ME, HEAR ME OUT. I love this show. I actually love this show. It is really good. But there are some small things that made me frustrated sometimes. Talking about feelings is hard and I do get that 110% but it sometimes felt quite frustrating and left me with a little bit of a bad feeling. I really hope that this show teaches people that you can only really move forward by talking about your feelings instead of running away from them.
Together with me -> The controlling, dramatic, witch female role. Now again, hear me out. The show is great! The chemistry is there, the acting is 10/10 the casting is 10/10 but it has an element I would like to discuss that I have seen in multiple BLs as well. Now I get that the girl is mad, right. Her BF literally cheats on her (shame on u) but the entire master plan the girls come up with like... damn girls... That's all I really have to say about it. Not all women become murderous, petty witches.
TharnType -> From homophobic to being almost assaulted into a gay relationship. Again casting 10/10, chemistry 10/10. But I see this storyline quite a bit too in deluded forms. Consent is a BIG issue in this show for me. Then there is the "I am only okay with this gay guy" idea too that just kinda made me pull some faces at my screen at times.
If you have made it this far... I'm so sorry?
As for now, I think I have written enough about my BL journey so far, if you DID actually read this far and have any questions about it, feel free to ask. I am willing to discuss anything and everything as long as we respect each others views (:
This post is also an invitation to whoever wants to connect. I really do love making friends and my DMs (here and on twitter or if you want to connect on a different platform let me know) are always open. You can literally go in there without context and go: GIIIIRL LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT... and I will reply as if we've been besties for years I really do not mind skipping the awkward first stages of interaction.
My DMs (+replies) are also open for:
Show recs (dm me your fav show and a little description on why it's your fav show and why I should love it too!)
Questions regarding this post or me personally
FanFic recs (If you have written something pls show it to me I love to read!
Seeing my watched list, currently watching list or to watch list for the curious cats (: (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Thank you so much for reading and for now I cannot wait to see what the BL community has in store for me ♥
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viri-writes · 3 months
The Issue, a summary: this blog is meant to help me curb my biggest issue, which honestly is just... The inability to write an actual substantial fic. I've tried and tried and tried, using various methods like forcing myself, prompts, drabbles, outlines etc. Unfortunately, whatever I try, it only seems to end in this... Circle of self loathing until it gets too much and I end up erasing the fic entirely. No trace except in my mind as another attempt that never worked out. It's gotten to the point where it wears me down to even entertain new ideas, as I believe I can't contribute with how I act. So...
This Blog: What is it? Well, between you and me? It's a dumping ground. Kinda. Last ditch attempt to make something without feeling scared or angry or frustrated. Something where I can take my own pace as I write what I can and leave the scavengers (my hypothetical You All. All of you? Y'all?) to pick at the bones I 'artfully' place down. That is to say, work adoption.
Adoption?: So... Adoption. What is it and what am I trying to say here? If you have ever seen a discontinued fic, only to see someone make a continuation in the Inspiration tab thing or in the comments, that is an adoption. Adopting a work can happen if an author blatantly allows it (which is me rn), if the author disappeared suddenly or if the fic was suddenly discontinued for unknown reasons. A good samaritan, saving this poor impoverished little... Yeah, you get the point, I'm done. What this blog offers though is that ALL drabbles, prompts and posts in this blog? They're all up for grabs.
Hell, I might even give up on some and take back what I said, allowing previously unadoptable works to be adopted (I probably attempted to make it and failed once more, in which case the attempt might go up as a reblog).
Basically, I'm giving my consent in order for anyone to go around looking and take ideas off my shelves, to mix and match and then show your little macaroni kindergarten arts to me so that I can be happy with myself... So that I can have a little happiness in the fact that at least, my ideas are out there, even if I can't find it in myself to put pen to paper. Or... Big toe to keyboard. Hehe.
My only requests are to at least have mention of me (Viridian/Viri, don't care which one) and to tag me, if you can.
[Tried to make this look official, ish. Did it work?]
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haleigh-sloth · 1 year
4, 8, 18 for the violence ask game!!
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I don’t remember the last actual blog I blocked honestly. I block too many bots to remember lol. My space is so insanely curated it’s hard to come across shit I strongly dislike anymore. The only time I do is when mutuals reblog from people whose blogs I don’t like, which usually isn’t an issue until I start seeing really rank shit on my dash repeatedly. I’m pretty tolerant but after seeing like…certain stuff I just kinda decide I’ve had enough. But at that point if it’s a mutual I don’t block, I just unfollow. Any time I block someone it’s because they’ve come into my space via reblogging and commenting whether that be on the actual post or in the tags something I don’t like, leaving it in the comments, or sending asks (which is usually done on anon).
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I’m beating a dead horse here but like, pretty much anything with the LOV I disagree with like majority? It’s either one of two extremes—the “they’re irredeemable psychos�� takes that I can’t take seriously, or the “they’re a loving found family trying to make the world a better place by fighting for justice” takes. Those actually annoy me more because they often come hand in hand erasing everything that makes the LOV interesting. I also get annoyed by them more because I USED to think that. I know why I thought that and how I got sucked into it, but it’s annoying looking back at how miserable it made me to read it that way. It’s annoying that I got out of it and am super stoked with almost everything the manga does now but the space I was in just stayed there and continues to spread unnecessary negative bad faith takes based on…ideas that the manga has stomped on and tossed out. These are the types of takes that mutuals put on my dash that I’m more or less tolerant of until I’ve had enough lol.
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The Tomura Izuku dynamic. I used to wonder if I was looking too deep into it but NO like dude all the art Hori puts into them and their dynamic and the way the story is panning out RIGHT NOW tells me that no, I’m not looking too deep.
It gets ignored in favor of like…the LOV. I get finding the Tomura/LOV dynamic interesting because I was there at one point but it’s so…not what I thought it was (back then). It’s not as explored or deep or significant as everyone tries to make it out to be. In fact often times posts I see looking at them this way have nothing solid taken straight off the page to base that take on. I find that often it’s taking small moments of characterization and just blowing them out of proportion to overshadow everything else because it paints a nice idealized picture I guess, idk.
Tomura’s and Izuku’s roles in each other’s arcs get ignored and overlooked. “They’ve only talked twice 🙄” “Izuku tried to kill him in the PLF war he’s not heroic 🙄”. Like these takes completely ignore Tomura’s perception of their relationship (actually their LACKTHEREOF—BUT NOT TO HIM) and ignore how desperate Tomura actually is to latch onto an ideal (saving someone from the heart, saving no matter what, saving everyone within your reach) and a person (Izuku) who represents that ideal. Izuku represents the core of everything Tomura’s wanted growing up and people just…ignore that in favor of some headcanon which I think is criminal.
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darcymariaphoster · 2 years
Welcome! New Year, New Pin!
Idk how you found this space, but you're more than welcome to stay! 💕 I've somehow turned into a Hetalia/Nordic Hetalia blog, so I thought I'd better change up my pin to better reflect that.
Quick notes: I really only tag things to either gush about whatever I'm reblogging or because I believe that one day it will actually work as a functioning system that I can use to reference. So my tagging system is mostly useless to you. I rarely reblog or post anything nsfw and I haven't quite found a personal tag that will work for that, so sorry if you stumble into one of those posts.
This is a "please interact" blog! More details below! ⬇
I am an author! I have been writing fanfiction since I was 13 and I still have a lot to learn and improve upon. You can find my writing here. My top 5 fave fics that I've written this last year are (in no particular order):
Your Guardian Ghosts
Anything Goes
Finding You
I Asked for Coffee and Got You
Phantom Hearts
Ships: I am, at my core, a SuFin and DenNor shipper. However, I have also become an avid NorFin shipper, along with SuNor, SuDen, and DenFin. I have also been introduced to RomNor and ScotNor, and the people involved know that they are in the process of converting me to those ships. I'm pretty sure Iceland is aro/ace in my head because I really just don't love shipping him with anyone. (I don't hate HongIce, I just don't personally go out of my way to ship it. 🤷 Ice is just a solitary creature to me.)
This year (2023): My intention is to slow down on how many stories I write in one year. I kinda overdid it this last year, and I got burn out a couple of times. My focuses for this year are to wrap up my two almost finished wips and continue progress on my longer wip. I also have a new series I started, based off an AU I wrote in 2021 that I look forward to sharing with you! Other goals I have are to write a few more character studies and maybe expand on some of the pairings I have been exposed to, and really challenge my writing skills. There are some aspects that I feel like I've left behind recently that I'd like to bring back and hone better.
Bonus: I've decided to open my askbox this year for 1k story prompts, headcanons, refs, and some get-to-know-me's. If you have questions about my writing, writing processes, or other things about me that I haven't answered before, send them in. I'd also like to work more with 1k sprints to challenge my writing, so please send me a prompt and a pair/writing request at your leisure. I usually only write human AUs, so if you'd like any headcanons, give me a character and I'll see what I can come up with. (All of my country-verse headcanons, I feel like, are meh but I'm willing to give it a go if you want some of that, too! After all, I have done a few of them in the past.) If you want blog/artist/fic recs, lemme know!
If you made it this far, thank you for reading! And please enjoy your stay! [And don't forget that spam-liking/reblogging is not only appreciated but encouraged here!]
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improper-integral · 2 years
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I posted 8,194 times in 2022
That's 2,259 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (1%)
8,134 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 7,118 of my posts in 2022
Only 13% of my posts had no tags
#honestly me - 634 posts
#lmao - 476 posts
#supernatural - 288 posts
#our flag means death - 255 posts
#tumblr - 211 posts
#the devil judge - 195 posts
#cats - 187 posts
#destiel - 185 posts
#tgcf - 182 posts
#fanfic - 145 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i don't care about mcr but this post distresses me cause i'm apparently like the same age as batman in the new movie which is uncomfortable
My Top Posts in 2022:
Today I turn 34!
My 30s really have been better than my 20s, so far. Hopefully that trend continues for the upcoming year!
I took today off so I could have a 3 day weekend, and I'm going on a quick solo road trip to Big Bear (mountain area of SoCal) to celebrate 😊 Even though it might be rainy tomorrow, hopefully I can come back with photos to share!
8 notes - Posted August 12, 2022
My blaze post finished last night and I got the "Blaze Report" after I went to bed.
Here are the stats: Impressions: 9223 Likes: 271 Reblogs: 114 Replies: 32 Follows: 2 Shares: 9
Yes, while some people assumed I paid for the $10 version, I actually paid for the $25 version, which estimates 7k impressions, so I'm surprised I got over 9k [insert meme here].
These stats don't line up with the notes on the actual post, which is curious. It has 40 comments (including 3 of my own), 184 reblogs and 356 likes. I'm guessing the difference comes from users who saw the reblogs and not the original sponsored post? Getting only 580 notes with 9k impressions is a little disappointing but that's tumblr for you
Anyway, that was super fun! I think I might try again sometime, but maybe with something less likely to have people curse at me lmao
9 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
alivorte ➡ brillemos
I posted about this earlier today (thanks @tenacioustam and @lib for responding and helping me pick!) but I finally changed my url!
In case you missed it, brillemos means "let's shine" in Spanish! And is also a pun on my name, Bri, because I'm a cringe dork and proud of it 😎
I saved alivorte as a side blog and wrote a little JavaScript that will auto-redirect to my new url, even if you're just looking at a singular post, it will redirect to that post. BUT, it only works on desktop. I don't know how to make it work on mobile and I'm not particularly motivated to try. Sorry mobile-using followers 😅
9 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
I'm registered for the Lesbians Who Tech Pride Summit this year and I recall that you went to the same event before (or something that sounded very, very similar to it). Do you have any tips to get the most out of it? I am still very much a tech newbie who wants to break into tech and the agenda looks a bit overwhelming. Thanks in advance if you have time to answer this ask! If not, it's okay...you sharing your career journey on tumblr has been inspiring, to say the least!
Aww thanks! I did go to Lesbians Who Tech back in 2018 when I was still in grad school. I think I also signed up for the virtual pride summit this year as well, though I probably won't be able to attend (work kinda gets in the way lol).
The biggest regret I have about when I attended in 2018 was being too shy to try to connect with other people there. I think that's probably the biggest benefit to attending events like this in the first place - networking. Which I've never been particularly good at, lol. So if possible, I'd recommend targeting sessions about networking or allow you to network.
Otherwise, as a tech newbie, you likely won't get much benefit from the more technical sessions, unless you already have some prior exposure to the topic or it's marketed as a beginner friendly session (like I found one called Intro to Native Mobile Development on Tuesday, if that suits your fancy). So I'd have some fun with it, look for ones that sound interesting to you! Or check out sessions in a variety of different areas of tech (coding, analytics, product mangement, etc) so you get a wider exposure to the tech world. I feel a little overwhelmed myself looking at how many sessions there are lol so I don't think I can give more specific advice than this, unfortunately.
I hope you have fun attending the summit, and if you ever have any more questions, feel free to reach out at any time!
13 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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585 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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savagecuhnt · 2 years
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I posted 1,220 times in 2022
That's 492 more posts than 2021!
519 posts created (43%)
701 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 913 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#ooc - 158 posts
#writingxthexsilence - 93 posts
#answered - 74 posts
#&lt;3 - 44 posts
#indie horror rp - 35 posts
#heartxshaped-bruises - 34 posts
#✖║𝕾𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖍𝖓𝖙║✖ ⛧ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕪𝕟 ⛧: 𝙰𝚗𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 - 30 posts
#dark rp - 26 posts
#glitchexmachina - 26 posts
#✖║𝕾𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖍𝖓𝖙║✖ ⛧ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕪𝕟 ⛧: ship ☾ 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚗 & 𝙴𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗 - 23 posts
Longest Tag: 81 characters
#✖║𝕾𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖌𝖊𝖈𝖚𝖍𝖓𝖙║✖ ⛧ℝ𝕠𝕤𝕒𝕝𝕪𝕟 ⛧: ship ☾ 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚊𝚕𝚢𝚗 & 𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗
My Top Posts in 2022:
@heartxshaped-bruises​ asks ‘ do you ever think we should stop meeting like this?’ 
 Spoken words come as a surprise to the witch as she stands from a crouched position. There’s a self satisfied smirk that plays at the corner of her crimson stained lips as she wipes the blood splatter from her face. She wonders how long he’s been standing there in the shadows, watching as she takes the life from yet another shit stained soul. Petty criminals are never truly missed, no big news announcement, no man hunt for their killer, just another criminal off the streets and out of the hair of the boys in blue. An easy target, and easy payday. Gloved digits slip out what cash is in her victim’s wallet before tossing it beside his lifeless body. Joe now has her full attention.
 “now why would we stop such romance, hm?” boots cross the space between her and Joe, gloves now coming off and stuffed into the small bag she keeps over her shoulder. “I was wondering when I’d run into you again. I can almost say I’ve started to miss you.” there’s no sense of personal space as she wraps her arms around him, lips pressing to the side of his masked face. “If I knew you were coming, I would’ve waited a little longer.”
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18 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
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continued from X
 there’s was enough energy left to allow a small smile to stretch along her lips. An obvious stress in his tone. he was worried. and his coping mechanism; comedic sarcasm. “you’d love to watch me take my last breath.” she coughs as hand squeezes at her abdomen. It wasn’t looking too good for her. She was leaving herself vulnerable. out in the open to be snatched up. taken to some prison of a hospital to be experimented on. Eternity as a prisoner just didn’t have a nice ring to it. Death was a better option at this point, but she knew the gods would never grant her such peace.
 “I’ve managed to get to some weird storage unit of a place. kinda reminds me of--”she growls out in pain, trying to reposition herself against a wall. “your fun room. I-I don’t fuckin’ know where I am. woke up in a SUV. fought my way outta it. got shot a bunch and uh--” she manages to laugh, “ended up here. bleedin’ out.” she lays her head back against the cool concrete wall, eyes closing as she tries to steady her breathing. “if they find me...you gotta save me. okay?” she wasn’t one for theatrics, hates showing emotions, though Ethan was one to witness such break downs. Raw emotion she never usually allows anyone to see. he was different. He understood. It annoyed him, that she was certain of, but it wasn’t enough to push him away. and only if he knew just how much she appreciated him for that “there’s so much shit I haven’t told you--” 
  she feels her eyes well up with fresh tears, the taste of blood filling her mouth as she fights back the urge to cough, “just fuckin’ swear you won’t leave me behind, babe. even if it looks like I’m dead. You fuckin’ take my body and keep it somewhere safe if you have to--” another growl as she begins to cough. blood pours from her mouth and she knows she’s about to lose consciousness. “Don’t let them take me away again...don’t let them use me....” 
See the full post
21 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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 @gadgetmxn liked for a starter
   heels of her boots click behind her with haste. she’s slipping in and out of the way of late night city goers, moving passed them on the sidewalk. she keeps checking over her shoulder. she sees no one, but she feels them. feels their presence. she’s being followed. has been for the past fifteen minutes. what was supposed to be a quick recon job, has twisted into a bigger issue for “The witch”. usually going unseen, like a ghost, she had undeniably been sloppy.
 “Excuse me. pardon me. get the fuck out of the way.” she snaps as she hits the corner, now beginning to pick up speed. she finds herself sprinting through neon lit city streets. inked digits gripping her duffel bag at her side. she can hear the thudding of quickly approaching footsteps coming from behind. she makes the quick decision to turn one last corner, clashing bodies with an unsuspecting stranger. she drops her bag in the process, managing to kick it off to the side as she grips onto the stranger. She repositions them as she presses her back against the cool, brick wall, arms throwing themselves over their shoulders as she presses her petite frame to theirs. glacial orbs gaze pleadingly up at them, “Please, just go with it.” 
   face buries itself in the crook of their neck, body swaying side to side as she hears the footsteps stop, angered voices muttering back and forth before the footsteps begin to lead off into the opposite direction. she lingers for just a bit longer before she pulls away enough to smile up at the stranger, “Thank you. I’m pretty sure you, in better terms: just saved my life.” she pulls away to grab her bag, tossing it over her shoulder once again. “Thank you. Really.”
See the full post
21 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
  inked digits hurriedly pull large headphones from ears and let them rest around her thin neck. Her attention is focused as ice blue hues stare down at a key pad in hand, her eyes move from screen to key pad as she mindlessly types in codes. She looks over her shoulder, then back to the screen. She’s muttering to the music that blares from her headphones, and then suddenly the Atm screen turns blue and cash begins to spill out. “there we go.” she grins to herself, grabbing as much of the money as she can and stuffing it into the the small black shoulder bag she has across her chest. She’s quick to unplug her key pad and shove it into the cash filled bag, ready to make a run for it.
 her rollerblades are fastened tightly to her feet as she begins to speed down the sidewalk. In this moment she feels free, wild, unhinged. Nothing can stop her. Nothing except a mindless idiot crossing in front of her. “Oh Shit--” she swerves to the right and hits a curb, causing her to fly forward, landing to the cold concrete and rolling out into the street. She lays there for a moment, eyes staring up at the night sky as cars begin to honk. “Fuck off--” she mutters to herself. she groans, and rolls onto her stomach, making an attempt to crawl back onto the sidewalk.
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34 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“ what do you mean YOU’RE LEAVING ? ” glacial blue orbs begin to sting as she forces back the tears that are beginning to well in the corners of her eyes. hands are shaking, usual gorgeous, raven tresses are a matted mess. “ You chose me, you chose to be with me--” she chokes, “ I’m not fuckin’ sane. and neither are you!” fists slam against the wall, leaving a perfect fist shaped hole in the drywall, “ don’t fuckin’ do this...please.” it’s a struggle to fight back her emotions, and she’s losing miserably.
 Sliding down the wall, she pulls her knees to her chest and begins to sob, “I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry I’m a fuckin’ mess!” inked digits wipe at her eyes, “I-I don’t know what you want me to say, just...just don’t leave me.”
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41 notes - Posted May 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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russian-soft-bitch · 2 years
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I posted 1,392 times in 2022
182 posts created (13%)
1,210 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 165 of my posts in 2022
#ashley zukerman - 10 posts
#nick goode - 10 posts
#nick goode x reader - 9 posts
#so true - 7 posts
#fear street 1994 - 6 posts
#alan rickman - 6 posts
#the devil wears prada - 5 posts
#ashley zukerman x reader - 5 posts
#fear street - 4 posts
#mob wives - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 119 characters
#also it'd be fun if the had started to say something about being too old and the reader suddenly become protective lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
She's the girlfriend
Miranda Priestly x fem!reader
Requested by: anon. If you’re requests are open can I then request a miranda priestly x reader where reader is going through a really bad anxiety period of time, and r is having a really hard time one day and goes to visit miranda at her office and everyone at the office are like “who is this bitch?” And maybe r ends up falling asleep in Miranda’s office?
Warnings: mentions of panic attacks, anxiety
A/n: I'm SO sorry it took me that long bestie but I kinda felt that way too for all this time
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It was the worst week of your life. It first started with your usual anxiety worsening; the constant fidgeting, panic attacks in the mornings, and the feel of dread that never wore off. Then it was your job: a lot of unnecessary tasks, the need to do the job of your co-worker who’s gotten ill. Every day you woke up to the feeling that you can’t go to work; you felt like you had no power in you to do so. Then the day would go impossibly slow, every minute felt like an hour.
It all would be okay if you had the opportunity to go home and spend some time with your girlfriend. Everyone around you (those who knew) was calling her that but you don’t like it. It’s too simple for your taste. When you’re alone or with her you like to call Miranda ‘your woman’. Well, she’s not a girl anymore, that’s for sure. Also that sounds a little more mature.
So, the last week was terrible. Luckily for you, your boss was not an absolute dick and he allowed you to have a few extra days off.
One day, waking up, you thought that you’ve definitely slept for like 3 days straight. Taking a deep breath, you felt the smell of Miranda’s favorite fragrance which made you smile. You haven’t seen her for a while, both of your jobs making it quite difficult at the time.
Making yourself breakfast, you thought about finally buying that coat Miranda was telling would look perfect on you. You decided to buy it on your way to her office.
Breakfast was exactly what you needed but your heart rate was still unstable, and you felt like crying. You were feeling the need to see Miranda as soon as possible and spend some time in her presence. You knew it would make you feel better.  
It took you long enough time to get there and feel yourself even worse. You decided not to stop anywhere to buy that coat, you surely weren’t chatty enough to do that.
Immediately after hearing the words ‘Miranda’ and ‘girlfriend’ in the same sentence you already had your personal pass in hand and with that you made your way to the floors that belonged to the Podium. The looks models were giving you made you feel even worse than you already felt, and you tried to make it in the office faster. You already knew where to go but nobody at Podium (except Nigel) knew about you and your relationship with ‘the devil in heels’ as everyone liked to call her (you honestly didn’t get it).
As you made you way straight to Miranda, a girl, who you assumed was Emily, tried to stop you, “Hey! Who do you think you are?” She tried to go after you, but the way Miranda looked at you and went to hold you made her stop in her tracks.
While Miranda continued to work on the upcoming New York fashion week, you made yourself comfortable on the little sofa she had in her office. You were watching her silently for 20 minutes or something when you started to feel your heart rate was getting back to normal and your eyelids started to feel very heavy.
When Andy made her way to the office with a cup of coffee for Miranda, Emily told her about you. At that Andy shrugged her shoulders and, sitting down, said, “She’s the girlfriend. Didn’t you hear?”
92 notes - Posted June 13, 2022
Nick Goode x reader
Requested by: @darling-i-read-it "can i please get a nick goode fic? Like the reader mayhaps not knowing about the whole deal with the devil thing and when she finds out he thinks she's gonna be pissed but she is actually like <3 this is fantastic <3 i love you AND murder <3
Warnings: mentions of murder
A/n: nick goode brainrot
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It was a known fact that everyone in Sunnyvale was happy. But once in a while someone would ask you, "Y/n, are you happy?" And you would always reply with a 'yes'. It wasn't a lie; you think of yourself as a happy woman. You like to look at yourself in the mirror, you have a job you like more than anything, and you have a man to call your own. You fell in love with him the moment you saw him; smart and handsome young man, also known as sheriff Nick Goode.
You could tell he liked you too right away, that little smile always on his lips when he was seeing you in a crowd, or his inability to talk in your presence. It was only a matter of time for you to start a relationship.
Early on you decided that you should trust each other completely, no matter what. For the most part you did. He knew about you everything. In the beginning, Nick was asking you a lot of questions: your favorite movie, color, what you like to eat, what kind of person you are in the morning etc. He was really curious, and you appreciated it; it was good to know the man wanted to know you and to understand you better.
You did the same. Asked him a million questions, always ready to pick up on something new. However, there was one secret he kept from you.
In his living room, near the fireplace there was a door; simple white door. It was locked at all times. It was okay when you didn't live together, but you started to question it more and more since the moment you moved in.
Were you supposed to clean there? Was it just a creepy basement that was completely empty? You wanted to know what was in there and once you asked Nick about it. The first time he said that it was just a basement, nothing to see there. His reply suited you for a while. Then you saw him coming in the basement for a few times, and when you asked him again, he turned the conversation in another direction.
It continued time and time again; you were so sick of this, you tried to find the key without him knowing. Of course, you didn't succeed. Later you would know that Nick kept the key with him at all times.
Finally, came the day when Nick Goode forgot to lock the door. Something happened in Shadyside, and he hurried there without as much as saying goodbye. You didn't notice it at first, the door was slightly ajar; you only noticed while approaching the fireplace.
For a couple of minutes, you stood there, looking at it and not knowing what to do. On one hand, Nick wouldn't hide the information from you without sufficient reason. On the other hand, he was being suspicious, with all his weird answers and avoiding the questions. Also, your curiosity was eating you alive, you HAD to know what was there. Looking at your watch, you noted that Nick was out for an hour, so it would be safe for you to have a quick look.
You found an old flashlight in the kitchen and turning it on, you opened the door. A few steps away there were torches on the walls of the tunnel; from the first sight, you could see it was leading somewhere not too far away. You turned the flashlight off and began to move forward with cautious steps.
The place was very old, that much you could tell. Slightly damp stone which was overgrown with moss you've seen before only a few times. Damp air, making it hard to breath. You almost fell one time, your foot stuck on something, or it just wasn't a place to walk in your home slippers.
You reached a clearing of some sort. It was all stone and soil. On the floor in the center was something you mistook for a pentagram at first. Surrounding it, there were large stones with something engraved on them. Stepping closer you realized it was names. All of them sounded familiar. It all started to make sense to you, and you were just about to look at the mark on the floor again when the voice startled you, "I told you to not go in here".
Nick returned home just a few minutes ago, anticipating warm dinner and you in his arms, but he couldn't find you anywhere. Living room was the last place he checked and the first thing he noticed there was an open door to the only place in his house you had no access to. Plans were already forming in his head as he made his way to the altar. Two of them contained the way he would explain everything: one was telling the truth and the other was lying shamelessly to your face. He knew the lie wouldn't do, so his only option was to tell the truth, no matter how ugly it was. Nick wasn't sure how good you would take it. He doubted you would be happy, but he surely could make it sound good. In the plan he didn't want to think about, he was killing you. Of course, Nick knew that if it all came out, people would believe him, not you. But he still needed to think it through.
Also, he really didn’t want to kill you. You were like a ray of sunshine for him; always there, supporting him in everything, always on his side. But what you probably already saw was able to make him look like a psychopath killer in your eyes, and he didn’t want that.
Stepping quietly, he made sure you wouldn't hear him. You didn't, and he waited patiently for your brain to make the connection. And just when you were about to turn around, he said, "I told you to not go in here".
You turned around quickly and looked at him wide-eyed, "Sorry, I couldn't help it, I had to know. And how cool is that?! Why didn't you tell me?"
Nick had to take a moment to process what you just said. You could see the confusion on his face, so you stepped closer and took another look at the engraving and the stones. "You’re making deals with the Devil, that's so cool! Oh... Oh! So this stuff a couple of days ago at the mall happened because of you! Ah, I love you. I knew you were the best, but this is just like a Christmas present". He finally came to his senses and looked at you in disbelief, "What?"
You were already making your way out, talking non-stop, "And the murders were so nice! So much blood, classic slasher movie, I swear. Is it your first time? Or the Camp Nightwing massacre was you too?"
You stopped walking when you didn't notice him near you. You turned around and looked at his still shocked face, "Nick? You okay?"
"You okay with it? Why?" he took a few steps closer. "I have some secrets of my own", you smiled and continued your way to the living room. "But seriously, you have to tell me everything!"
98 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
Good Morning, Indeed
Miranda Priestly x reader
Requested: by anon. Would you do some morning fluff for Miranda Priestly? E.g styling her hair? Fanks! 😌😁
A/n: it's short but cute! hope you like it x also i;m done with my requests (finally) send me sone more!
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Honestly, you've no idea how exactly you ended up living with that woman. Only yesterday she was whipping you with her words at the Runway and today you’re making her favorite breakfast. The things you do for love, huh.
It was so early in the morning, you weren’t even sure if it was morning already. Miranda was still sleeping, the girls were in their beds too. The aroma of fresh coffee has filled the room, making you slightly more awake. The first Harry Potter book laid on the table waiting for you to read it. Miranda’s girls were ecstatic for you to read the whole series; their mother didn’t have the time to do that.
You flipped a pancake and took a drink from your cup. When the table was served, you heard Miranda already being mad at someone over the phone. You smiled a little, gladly it wasn’t you on the other side.
She ended the call just before coming into the kitchen. “Good morning, love”, you handed her a cup of coffee and took a notice of her hair. They were still wet from the shower, so you went to the other room to grab some brushes and a hairdryer to style her hair. She didn’t like to do that herself; it was your prerogative.
When you returned to the kitchen, Miranda was flipping through the book, shaking her head from time to time. You kissed her temple and started to do her hair.
You felt her relax instantly. She didn’t like people touching her hair, but when it came to you, she loved it. Miranda took a swing of her coffee and you just knew that she had closed her eyes.
It was an unusually quiet morning. Just the two of you. You both didn’t like to talk at the moments like this. Work related topics can be dealt with in a car on your way to the Podium. Everything related to the girls was done yesterday. So you just enjoyed those quiet moments.
When Miranda’s hair was done with, you took a sit next to her and started to eat. She continued to work on the book. Half an hour had passed just like that.
You heard the book was closed, felt her lips on your cheek. “Good morning, indeed”
107 notes - Posted January 23, 2022
the world without Him
Severus Snape x fem!reader
Requested: no
Warnings: mentions of death, ptsd?, suicide
A/n: please don't read if even one of the warnings trigger you! extremely sad. also don't read if you don't want to!
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She looked up at the sky and then shut her eyes. The sun was too bright today. How could it be bright? How could it be so cruel?
They couldn’t find his body. Not on the day of the fight, not after it. She had nothing left. Nothing to bury. Nothing to come back to. Nothing to mourn.
It was the first sunny day after the battle. It happened almost two weeks ago and now it seems like it never happened. Funerals went for days straight; everyone was mourning their loved ones. Everyone but her. She had nothing.
Harry tried to cheer her up a little, saying he died a hero. She didn’t care about that. Funny how he became a hero only after his death. The death she couldn’t believe in. She saw no body. She never saw him being killed. Every day since the battle she was expecting him to come home to her. Weak, tired but still alive. She was sure that he was somewhere out there just trying to heal the wounds. Every day she cooked breakfast for two, brewed coffee exactly the way he liked it. Sitting in his chair she read the daily prophet as if she was getting ready to discuss news with him in the evening. Just like before the war.
Of course, the day of his return never came. In September she returned to Hogwarts just like she would before the war. Spent her free time in the dungeons just like before the war. She even continued her potions lessons. But now she only had his textbook. Countless of times she traced the words he had written with her fingertips. Countless of times she imagined him talking, giving her advises and teasing her endlessly. Professor Slughorn didn’t mind her being there; he even caught her crying one time.
Time flew by and students started to see more of him in her. Quiet, brooding, not a hint of emotion. She didn’t have the energy to smile. Didn’t have the energy to be helpful. Suddenly she had found her students to be irritating and lazy. Just like he did.
Hermione Granger, who had returned for her 7th year, pointed it out to her just before Christmas. She smiled a little, for the first time in months, and said that it was just easier this way. Easier to ignore the pain.
When the holidays were over, she didn’t return to school. Some said, she retreated to muggle world, someone was gossiping about her possible death. One girl said that she just couldn’t live in a world without him. For everyone she just vanished. Nobody knows what happened to her. And I’m not sure someone wants to.
150 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Unexpected Speech
Severus Snape x reader (but the focus is on you), Umbridge
Requested: no
A/n: can't say this is angst, don's know what's this lol, mentions of sex
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This morning you were getting ready for work in a rush. I wasn’t often when you overslept, but when you did, it was always a fault of your husband. He was already having breakfast, maybe even finished it. And you had to skip it today. While in a haste you didn’t notice a little hickey on your neck. You always wear modest clothes, so that’s probably the reason why you didn’t notice anything.
You were a Muggle Studies professor at Hogwarts. It was a great help that your mother was a muggle-born witch, she taught you a lot of muggle related things. The lesson with a 3rd years went by pretty quickly, children were actually curious to learn new things, and they readily passed their enthusiasm to you. Your second lesson of the day you spent with a 7thyear.
When Fred and George Weasley (your favourites, but they didn’t need to know that) were telling you about their father’s job, Dolores Umbridge had paid you a visit.
About your hickey. It was only visible when you turned your head to the side, so, if the student didn’t pay you attention, you were safe. But your older students were really interested in the subject. They noticed, of course, but didn’t tell you anything. It would be awkward to both parties. So, they stayed quiet.
That woman never stayed quiet. She noticed it and was already lecturing you on why exactly your appearance was inappropriate to a teacher. It wasn’t the first time she did that. Earlier that year, Umbridge gave you a good scolding because of: your hair, your makeup (“Surely, you don’t need that much of mascara, do you?”), your choice of clothes, your choice of shoes, even your nails. What was wrong with the last one, she didn’t tell you. So, that day was the last straw. You didn’t care that she could fire you, you could easily find another job. Yes, you would miss your students, but that’s okay. You finally let yourself speak back to her. In front of children.
“Thank you for your concern but I’ve had enough of it for the past months. And I won’t stay silent any longer. As far as I know, my husband provides you with Veritaserum potion you like to you use on innocent children so much. So I strongly suggest you stop bullying me just because of your non-existent sex life. And yes, I am aware that you can fire me. And no, I don’t really care about that. Now, please, leave the room and let me finish today’s lessons. You can announce my outrageous behaviour and fire me at dinner time in front of all school. Thank you very much”.
It was the first time you ever saw her speechless. She silently left the room and even closed the door behind her. Students were quiet for a few more moments and then you heard them applauding. Only then you realized what you had said to her. No one except the staff knew about your marriage. You and your husband, Severus Snape, wanted to keep it a secret to the sake of yours and his reputation. Students adored you and loathed him. Severus wanted to keep it that way.
Your little speech had the effect of an exploding bomb. By the end of the day all school was talking only about that. You didn’t have a free minute that day, sadly. You wanted Severus to know everything from you, not from the gossip. You only saw him when you came into the Great Hall to have dinner. Perhaps, your last one within those walls. You avoided looking at him and wanted to sit somewhere else, but this time Minerva left the spot on his right to you. You took a seat there and took a little sip of pumpkin juice. You calmed a little when you felt him hand on your knee. Yes, he was probably mad but not at you, you were sure of that. He was never mad at you.
Just like you predicted, Umbridge fired you but not without the unnecessary drama. You were fine with her being mean, but this time she was saying you were unprofessional. Bad influence on children. Profaner of these sacred to the wizarding world walls. This time you needed to calm your husband. You squeezed his hand in yours gently and smiled at him a little, showing that you were doing okay. Spoiler, you weren’t. You were on the verge of tears. It hurt you deeply that your students were hearing such horrid words about you, that they could believe it. You knew they wouldn’t, but it hurt, nonetheless.
On your way out of the hall you tried to communicate with as many students as was possible. They all stood up, paying you a tribute. Saying the last “don’t get yourself in trouble just because of me” to the Weasley twins, you left the hall.
You only let the tears fall when you ended up in your husband’s embrace 20 mins later. You were saying sorry over and over again and as many times Severus was telling you that you did the right thing, even if it weren’t so smart. At that you smiled a little through the tears and hugged him tightly.
In the morning you had left the school. You had left the home. Of course, you didn’t know that you would return just before august ended. Finally you had some time to make your house a home.
189 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
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theshatteredrose · 2 years
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I posted 548 times in 2022
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220 posts reblogged (40%)
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I tagged 207 of my posts in 2022
#etrian odyssey - 53 posts
#fanfiction - 30 posts
#reblog - 23 posts
#author ramblings - 18 posts
#fanart - 16 posts
#writer problems - 14 posts
#oc labyrinth inspiration - 13 posts
#etrian odyssey nexus - 12 posts
#etrian odyssey 5 - 11 posts
#very important - 10 posts
Longest Tag: 48 characters
#just no energy to actually do anything with them
My Top Posts in 2022:
yknow, come to think of it... which race even IS egar? my first thought was earthlain, but during the event where you get the recipe for fishball soup, its mentioned that its a therian recipe passed down from guildmaster to guildmaster, plus there's the bit in the artbook of him apparently having a therian child at some point in development, so maaaaybe he's a therian??
Hmm, he works closely with the Earthlain royal family, however. So there's that. Although, that bucket helmet he wears could be somewhat accommodating for his therian features.
I like the idea of him being Earthlain and just adopting a therian child. Adopting any child who's parents were explorers, and said explorers had met an untimely end. Him just bringing home adopted children and his wife is 100% ok with it.
Previous guildmaster could be of any race, and perhaps the first guildmaster ever established was Therian.
There is also the possibility that he, himself, had been adopted by the previous guildmaster, who was Therian.
Let's also not overlook the fact that he could be half Earthlain, half Therian.
Heck, why not all of the above?
16 notes - Posted March 1, 2022
So I did the events of Area Zero in Pokemon Violet and...I wasn’t ready.
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21 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
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27 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
There's been a lot of worrying news about floods in my feed today. Are you okay? Safe from the flooding? I really hope so!
Oh yes, everything's calm where I am, thankfully. It's actually quite hot today, so I'm getting a bit of laundry dry for a change! I'm located on a bit of a hill, so just need to watch out for water running downhill should the rain become torrential. From weather reports, I should have a couple more days of sunshine, which would be a nice change.
I also just got back from the vet. Nothing serious, just that my little girl is an adventurous brat who thinks she's bigger than she really is. I wish she was more like her brother; content to sit in the sunlight and meow for attention. But no, she has to continuously stick her nose into everything like a hyperactive child.
29 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok, so last night was fun.
About 5.30pm yesterday, my uncle fell off the roof of his single-story house and handed on concrete. But he was home alone at the time. He managed to phone his wife, but the message was garbled and all she could discern from him was he fell off the roof and there was a lot of blood. Not something anyone wants to hear, but especially someone who works in the medical profession. Unfortunately, she works 40mins away. She called her daughter to see if she could get there first.
And she does. Manages to get an ambulance and all’s good. Right?
Not exactly. Poor thing was in such a flap she either forgot to ask or was told and simply didn’t hear where they were taking him (he lives in the middle of nowhere in the country so numerous possibilities that are literal hours in any direction). 
My aunt and cousin get to the hospital they thought he was at, only to find he’s not there. In fact, he’s not in the system. At all.
So, where the fuck was he?
That’s kinda where I was informed of everything. I had no idea above happened until I get a phone call from my mum basically stating, “Your uncle is missing, and no one can find him.” Literal what the fuck?
Mum is terrible at explaining things, jfc.
Took some time to get the above from her. But, like, he’s in an ambulance. How the fuck did he go missing? Unless he turned zombie, attacked the medics, and then wandered off into the scrub, he couldn’t be ‘missing’.
Apparently, he was.
Took three hours of ringing hospitals to learn that he wasn’t not even out in the country. He wasn’t in an ambulance. He was in a bloody helicopter being flown to Canberra hospital.
Turns out he was on his way to Wagga Wagga Hospital but had deteriorated in the ambulance, so they pulled into the nearest airstrip and called for the helicopter to fly him to Canberra. 
Needless to say, he’s not in very good shape; bleeding on the brain and neck in a brace. Seems to have movement in his arms, though. They’re thinking of transferring him to Sydney, though.
41 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
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because-magic · 2 years
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#stranger things - 13 posts
#steve harrington - 8 posts
#stranger things spoilers - 7 posts
#do revenge - 6 posts
#eddie munson - 6 posts
#fire island - 6 posts
#filmedit - 6 posts
#wwdits spoilers - 6 posts
#userjasmine - 5 posts
#strangerthingsedit - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#yeah i was reading that and i was like gurl what. that almost definitely didnt happen but ill be honest i kinda believed it until i saw the
My Top Posts in 2022:
“its the power of friendship, dumbass” me screaming at shadow moth as he questions how his akumas are deterred
4 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
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5 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
thinking about how what if gabriel agreste hadnt turned off the video call in Queen Banana before he called on the miraculous cause I never see that man hit end call
6 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
thanks for the notification the queen is dead Apple News but i already found out ten minutes ago from tumblr
63 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Read it on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43436799/chapters/109196823
Beep. Beep. Beep. 
Steve was finding it harder and harder to recover after every rager the jocks threw, but it was what was expected of him right? King Steve was always meant to make an impression. 
Last night’s impression had ended with him falling into the pool and half of the laughter felt like it had been directed at him, rather than with him. He didn’t remember much of how he got out; there had been his jackets and jeans and boots weighing him down in the icy water. But he could recall the scraping of metal against his skin where someone’s hands had roughly dragged him to the shallow end and waded him out. A voice was cursing about it being the middle of winter and who would be lame enough to host a party around a pool and who was rich enough to leave a pool uncovered overwinter. 
He must have just stumbled his way upstairs and fallen into bed at that point, because Steve realized his clothes and sheets still had a dampness to them. He mentally cursed. If he got sick and couldn’t go to school, he’d be screwed; if his teachers didn’t fail him, his dad would certainly yell at him for being a deadbeat. 
As he rolled over, the drum beat against his skull worsened, and he flailed to reach his bedside table. He grabbed the glass of water and ibuprofen there, quickly downing some. He thanked his last night self for leaving it on the nightstand, but he couldn’t remember when he did. 
His alarm was still going off. He reached over to shut it off, groaning with the effort, and managed to drag himself out of bed to start the slow process of getting ready for school. Who threw parties on a  goddamn Sunday?
Eddie Munson had saved Steve Harrington’s life on three separate occasions, and the man had never had the decency to even thank him for it. Granted, each of those times had been while the jock had been either stoned or drunk out of his mind, but some common courtesy was expected. 
In his latest bender, the great King had misstepped into the deep end of a perfectly cleaned pool in the middle of winter. It had definitely been funny, and a little vindicating to see the high and mighty in a state of shambles and fallen grace. But the fun had tapered away when Eddie realized Steve had continued sinking and the rest of the party goers were too wrapped up in their own ridiculing to offer any help. After dragging his ass out of the pool and up the stairs, Eddie had even been kind enough to leave the guy some water and medicine for the next morning. Maybe that would get him a thank you. 
But as he rolled into his Lit 101 class, he knew he wouldn’t be getting that expression of gratitude. To those who only casually watched the King around school, Steve Harrington still looked like an image of perfection, his hair styled high and looking soft, and wearing the perfect set of clothes. He even had an attitude of not giving a fuck with his dark sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose. 
Eddie Munson was no casual viewer of Steve Harrington. Embarrassingly, he’d come to be able to notice the small changes in Steve’s demeanor and his appearance that indicated the other man had gone through some shit. That shit was most often getting drunk with his friends, but on a few occasions, Eddie had seen the peeking out of a black eye and bruising on the arms of the younger male, suggesting a home life that wasn’t as perfect as everyone else thought. 
Eddie wondered how many teachers had tried and failed to get the King to remove those glasses, and if they’d been persuaded by his charm or his daddy’s money. 
“Good to see you lived, Your Majesty,” Eddie called over with a large sweep of his arm and a deep bow, grinning in Steve’s direction. 
That got him was a shake of the head and a look of disgust on Tommy and Carol’s face, the two assholes Steve always seemed to be hanging around, although Eddie noted the two weren’t even talking to Steve this morning. When was the last time Eddie had seen them at a high school game together? Eddie wasn’t a big fan of sports himself; he only ever went to sell to the band kids and some of the jocks after the games, but he had taken note of the comings and goings of the more popular kids in the school. 
Steve for his part merely glanced in Eddie’s direction, raising an eyebrow up from behind his sunglasses as if asking who Eddie even was, before looking back to the chalkboard as the bell rang and class began. 
“Take your seat, Mr. Munson. The world waits for no man, and I wait for no student,” Mr. Conrad chided before beginning his mind numbing lecture on remorse in literature.
At lunch, Eddie sat with his club mates and band members, picking at the sad excuse for a lunch that the cafeteria offered. Gareth was discussing new weapons and armor that had been introduced to the Dungeons and Dragons game for higher level characters, but Eddie was too preoccupied thinking about the events of the night before and what had happened that morning. With that, he was stuck thinking about the high school hierarchy and how he’d never had a conversation with Steve longer than it took to pass off some little baggies and receive cash in return. And Steve. Now he was thinking about Steve. The jock was infuriating overall, late to his morning classes and almost always eating something and leaving crumbs behind him. Looking up, Eddie was surprised to see how Steve had a full tray of food in front of him even now. They were already halfway through the lunch period, but it looked like Steve hadn’t even touched the food on the tray. The milk carton was still closed. As he watched, Steve started stacking salt packets together to make a tower. 
“Eddie. Hey, Eddie. Dude!” 
Suddenly his shoulder was being roughly shoved, and the trance Eddie was in had been broken. Gareth and his boys were staring at him expectantly. 
“What do you want?” Eddie asked with a frown. The troup rolled their eyes. 
“We asked if you had bought the new companion book yet dude, it's totally gonna sell out in this town,” one of the boys reiterated. Eddie scoffed at the question, rolling his eyes right back at them.
“Do you guys seriously doubt my skills? As much as I value the arcane and anachronistic writings in those books,” Eddie started, sarcasm dripping off every word, “I believe that the best quests are those we develop in our own minds.” He ended the last word with a long hiss, and punctuated it by bringing his hands up to his own head. This comment delved into a debate about the pros and cons of utilizing the books, and the beginnings of where to take their high level characters–retirement or otherwise–that lasted till the end of the lunch period. 
As Eddie walked to throw his trash away, he saw Steve ahead of him walking alone, and still wearing those asshole sunglasses. When God provided an opportunity to annoy, Eddie happily took it, and he hustled to catch up to Steve. And maybe Eddie was hoping this would be the time Steve finally said thank you with none of his other lackeys around. 
“Hey! Mr. Big Shot, just the guy I wanted to see!”A voice behind Steve exclaimed, with a hand clamping down on Steve’s shoulder. Steve jerked to a stop, turning to stare at one Eddie Munson in bewilderment. To Eddie, Steve was just giving him a frown while his eyes were hidden. 
Eddie Munson hesitated. How was he supposed to go about this? He could be smooth, he could be snarky, he could–
“You didn’t eat your lunch,” Eddie said lamely, noticing the still full tray in Steve’s hands. One milk carton unopened. 
The jock shifted from foot to foot, the frown on his face deepening. 
“What’s it matter to you, freak?”
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100 notes - Posted November 9, 2022
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savventeen · 2 years
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I posted 1,220 times in 2022
That's 1,220 more posts than 2021!
154 posts created (13%)
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I tagged 1,190 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#in my queue world - 728 posts
#savv speaks - 139 posts
#savv reads - 83 posts
#woozi - 68 posts
#seokminnie - 64 posts
#god - 52 posts
#moot chats - 52 posts
#fanart - 51 posts
#mingyu - 49 posts
#like - 46 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#i desperately want to go to the pumpkin patch with him and drink spiced apple cider and laugh at the antics of the goats in the petting zoo
My Top Posts in 2022:
2 ... With mingyuuuuuuu 🥺
break the curse, break my heart
pairing: cursebreaker!mingyu x cursebreaker!gn!reader rating: M (mostly for reader's potty mouth) wc: 5.1k prompt: ‘things you said through your teeth’ (from this list) summary: what's supposed to be a simple hex job turns into something much deadlier, and suddenly the two of you are fighting just to stay alive warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, near-death experiences, exorcisms (kinda), convulsing, blood, hospitals, but there's a happy ending friends no worries!!!, mingyu is self-sacrificing, self-harm (mingyu cuts himself so he can use blood for magic reasons), descriptions of a panic attack tags: modern magic au, curse-breaking as a career, they’re partners (in the business sense AND romantic sense), non-linear narrative, alternating pov, reader calls mingyu stupid approximately a billion times, but he absolutely deserves it so *shrugs*, seungcheol also makes a guest appearance as #1 hyung a/n: sorry this took approximately 84 years to complete (it was only supposed to be a drabble lmao) but i hope you enjoy it despite the wait!! also a quick note on the magic in this world: hexes are the equivalent of small pests and are more annoyance than anything whereas curses are Extremely Dangerous and often deadly
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Hex hunting is not what you expected to be doing tonight.
Well, it was your job, of course, but usually you weren’t called in on a case so last minute, and especially not on one of your few days off.
But apparently whoever owns this house-turned-antique shop called in a favor or two at the guild, and everyone else was busy, so here you were — hauling yourself up a ladder and into a dusty attic at nearly midnight on Saturday night because there was pesky little hex on the loose that apparently couldn’t wait until morning to be taken care of.
Whatever. Jeonghan would owe you one, and you plan to save that favor for something big. Plus, it’s not like you’re doing this job alone.
Right on cue, Mingyu’s voice filters through your earbuds in a petulant whine. “Jagi-yahhhhhh.”
You roll your eyes even though you know he can't see it, a hint of fondness trickling through the exasperation in the form of a smile, and you continue your scan of the first room of the attic. The bright teal glow at the end of your wooden staff is your only source of light as you look for any signs of the wayward hex.
"Why did I have to be the one to search the basement,” Mingyu continues. “Why couldn't we have switched?"
You snort, peering around a stack of old moving boxes that tower over you and seem to be more duct tape than cardboard, miscellaneous protective runes scribbled all over them in sloppy permanent marker. "You lost rock-paper-scissors fair and square, babe, I don't know what else to tell you."
Besides the faint scorch marks you've found that match the ones throughout the rest of the house, you haven't had any luck in finding traces of the hex.
"But it's so creepy down here," he whines, pout audible through the phone call. He's right, of course — you suppress a shudder at the thought of having to face the numerous shelves lined with antique porcelain dolls stored down there, and thank the stars for letting you win that particular battle of rock-paper-scissors.
Even still, you can’t help but tease him just a little. “If you stop complaining and actually clear the basement, you can get out of there much sooner, you know.”
There’s a moment of silence over the line, and you take the opportunity to do one last sweep of the haphazard piles of boxes and broken artifacts — your staff’s glow unwavering — before heading to the door that opens into the attic’s second room.
“Wow,” Mingyu deadpans. “I think I hate you and everything that you stand for, actually.”
You bark out a startled laugh, loud and carefree in the way that only seems to happen with Mingyu, and you feel a smile bloom across your face. “Oh, wow,” you giggle. “Whatever did I do to deserve such sweet words from you?”
The teal light flickers slightly as you trace your staff in a familiar pattern in front of the door, checking for traps and finding none. Satisfied, you push it open with a creaking groan and step carefully past the threshold.
“You know exactly what you did,” Mingyu scolds indignantly as you step fully into what appears to be an empty room. “And you will get sweet words when you stop forcing me to go down into scary basements, y/n. I swear, some creepy possessed toy is going to be the death of me one day.”
“Sure,” you reply, distracted. Something about the room is…off.
There’s nothing immediately amiss — boxes and antiques just like the previous room propped up and shoved against the walls — but there’s something, a feeling, that you can’t quite seem to put your finger on, and it sets you on edge. “Should’ve picked a different career if you wanted to avoid scary basements, though.”
“Funny, we have the exact same job description and yet somehow you never have to go into the basements — only me.”
“Yeah,” you murmur quietly. “Funny.”
Something’s wrong.
Your bad feeling coalesces into a pressure that starts to build in your chest and the hair on your arms stands on end as goosebumps race across your skin.
“Gyu, something’s wrong.”
Belatedly, you realize you’d just interrupted him in the middle of a sentence, but you’re too busy tracing a quick series of protective sigils in the air around you to care too much.
His tone turns serious in an instant. “What’s wrong? What’s going on?”
“Not sure yet, bad feeling.” There are only a few strokes left for you to complete when the teal light at the end of your staff flickers and then goes out.
“Shit,” you whisper.
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63 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
jihoon is exhausted.
to be fair, he can’t really remember a time in recent memory that he wasn’t exhausted. and he knows it’s been the same for you, too — covering for other departments and working overtime and spreading yourself paper thin between friends and family obligations.
you both consider yourselves workaholics, and he knew what he was getting into when you decided to move in together. but he feels like he’s barely seen you these last couple of weeks and — he misses you. he misses you a lot.
you make sure to talk everyday (communication had been something you both struggled with in the beginning) but with your conflicting schedules he feels like it’s been eons since he’s gotten to just, sit with you.
he’s never been much for initiating physical affection, but he misses the way you let him wiggle his cold toes under your thigh when you’re watching anime together on the couch. he misses the way you seem to be magnetically drawn to him whenever one or both of you are trying to cook in the kitchen — a hand at his elbow, his waist, a cheeky hip check, a cheek pressed to his shoulder, a nose to his neck. he misses the way you press your fuzzy socks against his bare feet under the kitchen table when you’re both eating cereal at one in the morning. he misses the way every once in a while you’ll take his hand and pull him out of his thoughts and the apartment and into the passenger seat of your car, pulling up an artist you’ve been meaning to show him and letting the music play over comfortable silence as you take the scenic route to nowhere — one hand on the wheel and one hand holding his.
he misses you — and when he drags himself through the door well past midnight to find you fast asleep on the couch, laptop still open precariously on your stomach, something in his chest slides into place with an aching clarity.
silent beneath your light snores, he takes off his shoes and shuffles over to your sleeping form, delicately removing the glasses that were slipping off of your nose. the laptop is next, and then there’s just you in your oversized hoodie and a pair of boxers and your stupidly adorable fuzzy socks, and — jihoon is so, so in love.
he sighs, feeling his heart swell behind his ribs, and he decides he’s tired of missing you. it’s easy for him to crawl up and over until he’s laying on top of you with his head resting against your chest. the movement wakes you up, but only barely — enough for you to instinctually bring your arms up around his back and waist and mumble out, “hoonie? ‘ssat you?”
he hums, and you hum back before immediately drifting off again, a “love you” trapped on the tip of your tongue.
jihoon hears it, though, as he always has with you — as you always have with each other. and so he tempers his thoughts to the metronome of your breathing, and with the solid tempo of your heartbeat beneath his cheek, he finally lets himself succumb to his most precious melody.
102 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
the D in DK stands for Dihydrogen monoxide
pairing: dk x reader rating: G wc: 0.5k tags: fluff summary: seokmin just wants to make sure you stay hydrated :( a/n: this is for you @dokyeomblr bc ur last reply gave me brainworms and also hydration is important >:(
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staying hydrated is hard for you.
not for any particular reason, of course. it’s just always been something that you struggle with. and no matter how many times people tell you how important it is to drink lots of water, you can never seem to remember until it’s hours too late and your body is cursing you for forgetting to take care of one of its basic needs.
you’re not sure when it was exactly that seokmin first took notice of your little predicament (probably the first time you complained about a headache in front of him), but in the last few weeks, he’s made it his personal mission to make sure you stay hydrated.
it started off with him giving you a water bottle every time you saw each other on campus, always making sure you took at least a few sips before he had to run off to one of his approximately 2380238 obligations. and then it upgraded to a personalized tumbler full of ice water — the cup was your favorite color and covered in adorable angry cartoon cats. when you’d taken your first sip from the straw, he’d smiled so wide and proud that you’d felt your heart skip three beats. (and then you’d choked on your water and ended up hacking up your lungs as he worriedly patted your back, but you try not to remember that embarrassment).
which brings you to now, the week of midterms, and the realization that you’ve somehow acquired your very own hydration fairy.
you know he has his own busy schedule to attend to, but somehow, every few hours seokmin manages to find you and refill your tumbler with fresh, cold water. sometimes there are even little pieces of fruit in it — "for the vitamins, y/n!" —and more than once, you’ve been so focused on your work that you didn’t even realize that seokmin was there and putting a straw to your lips until half the cup was gone and you felt like you could focus again.
it’s one of those times now, late thursday afternoon in the campus library, and when you turn to look at where he’s crouched down next to where you’re sitting, your breath catches in your chest. he’s tired, you can tell – who isn’t right now? – but even then, he’s one of the most beautiful things you’ve ever seen. the golden light filtering in from one of the nearby windows gilds his silhouette, and the light of his soft smile brightens all of the dark, exhausted corners between your ribs.
finally, after weeks of keeping the question on the tip of your tongue, you hold up your nearly empty cup and ask, “why do you keep doing this?”
his smile brightens, a sun cresting over the horizon. “can’t let my beautiful sunflower wilt, can i?”
110 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
you glow pink in the night
pairing: non-idol!the8 x fem!reader rating: G wc: 1.7k prompt: none, i just wanted to post something for minghao's bday <;3 summary: you and minghao are in a long-distance relationship, and minghao returns to his apartment after meeting you in person for the first time. he finds a surprise you left for him in his luggage warnings: none tags: fluff, just pure romantic fluff, long-distance relationship, Yearning™️, talks about kissing, they are so in love it's insane, love letters a/n: i wanted to break my angst streak and post something soft for minghao day. also, while it's not explicitly stated, i wrote this as the reader being a transwoman! if that bothers you in any way, please do not interact, thank you 💜 (this was originally a sapphic minjoon threadfic that i'd posted on twitter) a/n pt. 2: there are two theme songs for this fic — can't help falling in love cover by ingrid michaelson and pink in the night by mitski
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The apartment is quiet as Minghao enters.
First, there are the soft thumps of his sneakers when he toes them off in the entryway. Then, the jingle of keys as he drops them onto the countertop, the acrylic frog keychain you had gifted him clinking softly against the tile, followed by the low whirring of wheels across the wood floor as he drags his suitcase behind him to the bedroom.
The springs squeak as he flops face down onto his mattress with an exhausted grunt, and then — silence.
He's never been a huge fan of silence. Don't get him wrong, he loves the quiet — soft moments in nature or normally bustling parks.
But silence, pure silence, the kind that feels like it compounds in on itself until it feels like you're completely ensnared in it — it always leaves a little too much room for unwanted thoughts to flutter to the forefront of his consciousness, swirling and uncatchable like dust motes in the afternoon sunlight.
This particular silence echoes a little louder than usual, though. The absence is felt a little more keenly — the yearning leaning a little bit more towards unbearable than not.
He really should have expected this — a crash, one that would inevitably come after such an incredible high.
And oh, what a high it had been.
He had saved and managed and planned and saved some more until finally, finally, the stars had aligned, and he'd been able to take time off of work and school and book a flight to New York — to where the other half of his heart lives.
To you, his long-distance girlfriend of two years and the woman he planned to marry someday.
For an entire week, you'd gotten to live in each other’s pockets, gotten to never be more than an arm’s length away instead of thousands of miles. Gotten to be face-to-face, heart-to-heart, (lips-to-lips), instead of screen-to-screen.
It had been heaven.
And like all things, the good and the bad and everything in between, it had come to an end.
So here he lay, a fourteen-hour flight and an hour-and-a-half bus ride later, in a space devoid of the warmth of soft skin and high-pitched giggles that he'd just had the privilege of getting to hold in the palms of his hands.
His surroundings had so swiftly gone from hallowed to hollow, and he releases a shaky sigh into his pillow.
He doesn't want to sink any further into that line of thinking, so he rolls over and pulls his phone out of the pocket of his oversized hoodie, turning on his playlist full of swooping orchestral music and blasting it at full volume.
He tosses it beside him and goes to get up and start unpacking before realizing he almost forgot to do something important.
Snatching his phone back up, he holds it up above him as he's lying on the bed and turns on the front-facing camera.
Before he can overthink how tired he looks, hair falling all over the place and bags under his puffy eyes, he snaps a quick photo and sends it to you. He follows it up with a few quick texts letting you know he made it home.
to: y/n ❤️✨🌻
See the full post
145 notes - Posted November 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Hey :)) I love that promt list.Can I request things you said at wedding with coups
our ending is made for each other
"Choi Seungcheol,” you start lowly, a dangerous edge to your tone, “you had better not be proposing to me right now, at our best friend's wedding."
pairing: choi seungcheol x gn!reader rating: T wc: 1.1k warnings: alcohol (reader gets drunk), lots of cussing (reader has a potty mouth oops) tags: fluff, just pure ooey-gooey fluff, humor, established relationship, talks about proposing/marriage, reader is an angry drunk and it's adorable summary: while at their best friend's wedding, seungcheol brings up the fact that he wants to marry reader someday. reader proceeds to have a little bit of a breakdown (the mostly good kind) a/n: hihi thank you so much for the request! i'm not 100% satisfied with this, but i still had a blast writing it and i hope you enjoy reading it :) title from svt's 'happy ending' || prompt from this list
You don't process what he says at first.
The wedding reception is well underway, cheesy romantic pop music blasting through the speakers as different groups of people let loose on the dance floor. You've also had a little more to drink than usual, already tipsy and steadily heading towards drunk, so when Seungcheol murmurs something from where he's next to you, it's no surprise that it takes your brain a while to catch up.
And then you think you must have heard him wrong. You turn in your seat and ask, "What?"
Ethereal is the first word that comes to mind when you look at him. His suit jacket hangs abandoned on the back of his chair, and he's rolled his sleeves up to his elbows, showing off his strong forearms. His long hair is pulled into the half-up style that you love, and the colored lights dancing across his face remind you of the stained glass windows you grew up around — like he's something almost holy.
You're brought out of your momentary reverie when he turns to look at you, surprised, like he didn't realize he'd spoken aloud. "Huh?"
You elaborate, "What'd you just say?"
"Oh." He looks back over to where he'd been staring before, and you follow his gaze to where the bride and groom are seated, falling into each other as they laugh about something. When you turn back to Seungcheol, he's already looking at you, a soft smile on his face. "I said, 'That's gonna be us someday.'"
Quite suddenly, you don't think you're sober enough for this, for the way an earnest kind of yearning bleeds out of his big doe eyes — especially when he pulls your hand off of the table to hold it gently between his own and promises, "I'm gonna marry the hell out of you someday, y/n."
You think your heart might have migrated into your throat, and it feels like the rest of your organs have decided to play a spontaneous round of musical chairs.
Of course you've thought about what your future together looks like, of course you have, especially after years of being together. You've spent more time than you'd like to admit daydreaming about what it would be like to go from calling Seungcheol your boyfriend to calling him your fiance and then your husband. And more than once, the two of you have talked about and reaffirmed that you're both in it for the long haul, but…
"Choi Seungcheol," you start lowly, a dangerous edge to your tone, "you had better not be proposing to me right now at our best friend's wedding."
His eyes blow impossibly wide in shock, and you would laugh at his expression if your heart wasn't trying its damndest to suddenly become an Olympic gymnast.
"No, oh my god, no," he assures, squeezing your hand. "He would actually murder me if I did."
You raise your eyebrows, confirming, "No?"
He smiles, sheepish. "No." His expression smooths into something soft and contemplative, and he doesn't let go of your hand as he scoots closer to you, knees touching.
"No, I was just..." he trails off as he searches for words, and you get distracted by the way he starts playing with your hand. It's an endearing habit he has whenever you're together — using whatever part of you he can reach as a fidget toy while he's thinking.
Finally, he asks, "You know how sometimes something doesn't feel real until you say it out loud?"
He trails a callused fingertip down your fourth finger, stopping where it meets your palm. "I realized I wanted it to be real." You look into his eyes, and he's looking back at you with a hopeful kind of longing, one that steals the breath right out of your lungs. "That I want it — a future of forever, with you — to be real."
For a moment, you feel suspended in time. The lights continue to paint Seungcheol in a kaleidoscopic chiaroscuro, the music and laughter a faint mumble in the background. You know you love him — have loved him for a long time now — but in this moment, you feel so full of that love that you think your chest might explode like an overinflated balloon.
And since you can't actually explode, your inebriated body does the next best thing. Angry tears start burning in the corner of your eyes, and you feel one of them drip down your cheek as you say, "Fuck you, Cheolie. I'm so mad at you right now."
Seungcheol's jaw drops. "What?"
You use the hand not currently being held to angrily scrub at the tears continuing to fall. "I bet Seungkwan that I wouldn't cry at the wedding, and now I'm about to be out fifty bucks, and it's all your fault."
He laughs, incredulous and confused, and he uses one hand to start gently wiping your cheeks with a napkin. "I— I'm sorry?"
"You should be! You can't spring something so disgustingly romantic on me when I'm drunk and already in a state of heightened emotions!" You send him a particularly scathing glare over the hand he leaves pressed against your cheek. "Especially when I'm realizing how utterly and irrevocably in love with you I am! Fuck you!"
He starts giggling, and it's one of the most beautiful sounds you've ever heard, and it only serves to make you even angrier. With the tone of a man who's absolutely besotted, he says, "I always forget you're such a belligerent drunk."
See the full post
156 notes - Posted September 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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peachpaws0 · 2 years
God I love love PB episodes so much
(Im gonna reblog with a continuation of the rant in the tags since I hit the tag limit :)
#This is kinda a continuation off the tags of the last reblog on my blog#So go look at that or smth#since I only learned today there is a tag limit lol#ANYWAYS#like look at the thin yellow line !#I love this episode BECAUSE it shows us how the banana guards see her#and I love seeing how that connects with her development#they very clearly fear her. just look at what banana guard 16 said about her. obvi not all of the things bg16 said is true. even if some of#the story’s are rooted in the truth#(the third one is 100% true though#but it’s intresting to see how they both fear and#venerate her#bg16 didn’t want to put the paintings out because he thought she would#take him apart to find out what went wrong#since he said that banana guards were just meant to guard#which in the past ? yes I can definitely see her doing something like that#she has changed. she literally said she has done stuff in the past she is not proud of#‘I'm just a person. I've done things in the pastthings I'm not proud of.’#and after that the banana guards are eager to show her what they are talented at!#even the banana guard that has no talents#also how the stories have been twisted is interesting#I kinda wanna focus on the first one since I also wanna talk about the stuff in ‘bonnibel bubblegum’#‘When the first candy people rose against her She transformed them into hideous monsters.’#obviously the second part is incorrect#gumbald dummified#chicle and lolly. although pb did dummify Gumbald it was in self defense#nor did they turn into hideous monsters. just into candy people#anyways boo Nigel bubblegum is a VERY intresting episode imo#pb is a child forced to grow up too fast due to living in an apocalyptic wasteland with only her and her brother
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kittenofdoomage · 3 years
Happy Birthday to my blog, seven years ago today I started out in this strange wilderness and it's only gotten stranger 👍 nearly 700 stories and over 3.3 million words of fanfiction.
I was just going to leave this as a happy birthday blog post but I feel like I've got a few things I need to get off my chest, so this is below the cut, I know not everyone wants to or particularly cares to read it so there's ya choice 🤷‍♀️
There's no big announcements here FYI. I'm just doing what my friends have told me and putting my thoughts down on paper.
Some of you may have noticed I'm not posting anything on Tumblr anymore. The lack of interaction (comments, asks etc.) has just really put me off putting anything on here because it doesn't really feel like anyone either wants to read it or wants me around anymore, and I'm not gonna beg for attention. I'm not surprised, to be honest, my whole life I've been a square peg in a round hole. People just don't want me around - it's not just online. In real life there's exactly one place I feel like no one wants me to leave and that's in my house, with my family. I've just always been an odd person, and there aren't many people who vibe with me, it's cool, I've accepted it. But I'm not gonna be opening myself to that discomfort or pain anymore. My fics are all on Ao3 and I'll continue to post on there, my Tumblr will remain but I can't find the strength to get excited about something and then deal with the crushing feeling that no one wants my work. TBH I barely check Tumblr that much anymore bc I only come on here to check messages (usually from Beka, who knows all of this already but if you're reading this, thank you for listening to me and being patient with my mental breakdowns). My asks are staying off for now (sorry, Heart Anon, I love you, I've no idea who you are but please know you've been a light in my life and I appreciate you so much, and Marie, you have also been a beautiful friend with your daily gifs and hearts) but my PMs are on, just don't expect an answer right away.
I turn 35 tomorrow. It's been playing on my mind a lot, especially since my life expectancy ain't looking too good lol. I don't really have much of a life outside Tumblr. I'm a pretty boring person actually. Writing was the way I expressed myself and I truly enjoyed interacting with people who liked my stories. During the pandemic, it's been a way to keep myself focused and keep from slipping into the dark places we're all too familiar with. But there have been occasions lately where writing has been the cause of a slip into a dark place. And that's not healthy, and I need to work on it. I feel this is the time to stop forcing myself to write, seeing as I can't do much of it with my tiny human home for the school holidays.
My Patrons don't need to worry, I've still got material to share, it's a commitment I intend to honor because really, writing is the only thing I have, the only thing I feel I can do well and I am so, so, so, appreciative of every single person that supports me. I can't have a regular job right now (I hope that will change at some point because I've worked all my life until I got sick and I hate it) but you guys have given me a thread of independence, of dignity, and I value every one of you so much, those who have supported, who continue to support and who do so in the future.
I know this won't get absorbed, because it never does but those of you who read on Tumblr... please share the work you like. Set up a separate blog if you're too embarrassed to share on your main, make a reblogging blog, send asks, whatever, just please tell your author how much you liked what they did. I can assure you, those authors are waiting for it. We work so hard on what we make, what we create, we want you to scream from the rooftops. It doesn't even have to be coherent, we love all the feedback, we crave it (as long as it's not just a demand for part two, even Thor learned to ask for more without being rude about it, everyone else can). Without it, we're like plants without water. We don't feel the want to create anymore. And that's kinda where I'm at now. I don't want to lose my passion for my art but when there's nothing to do it for, sometimes it's out of our hands.
So, that's where I'm at. I'll probably lose followers (though I've already lost 250 in the last two months so that's not a surprise) and if any of my Patrons feel like my statement is unacceptable, that's fine. I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I just wanted to put my feelings down, to be honest with everyone. And I have.
I don't want the list of stories to end at 700. I want to keep creating stories that everyone will enjoy. I really hope things with change, even if not for me, then for the others out there who are on their creative journey.
Much love to everyone, stay safe xxx
(this post will remain untagged so it will not show in searches and I'm not tagging those people who I have spoken to about this and my feelings in general, as they know who they are, and they know they're very special, amazing, and appreciated people to me. I don't particularly care if this gets reblogged or not.)
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.13
The Honeymoon’s Not Over
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 5,309
Warnings: jealousy, slight angst, light smut, language, talks of pregnancy
A/N: I’m sorry these are taking longer. My grandparents are living with me for a few months and these are going to get a little slower now that they’re here. I hope you enjoy it! If you have a favorite part, let me know what it is! I’d love to hear. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my stories on any other blogs or sites.
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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Not knowing what to expect from a marriage to a veritable stranger is predictable. Of course, you’re not going to know what’s to come when you don’t know the man you’ve agreed to marry.
Apart from the responsibilities of the throne you’ve chosen to sit upon, and the obligations you have to provide the kingdom with an heir, the marriage you have chosen for yourself was entered into blindly.
You knew absolutely nothing about Thor when you agreed to marry him. You knew a little bit more by the time you stood directly opposite him and said your vows.
Now, after spending time with him in the company of his comrades, his friends, you know what Thor sounds like when he busts a gut. You see the twinkle in his one eye when they all sit around the living room reminiscing about battles won.
You see sadness over their losses, and the loyalty of his friendship. You see the weight they all carry on their shoulders to give this world its best chance against all forms of threat.
Most of all, you know how proud Thor is to have you by his side. At every moment possible, he’s pulled you into their games and conversations. He’s invited Tony to give you a tour of the compound and Bruce had tagged along and whispered to you smaller things that Tony conveniently left out because they weren’t things for him to boast about.
As the night went on, the Avengers told you their farewells and those that lived outside of the compound took their leave. They told you it was so nice to meet you, shook your hand—or hugged you as was the case with Wanda, Nat, and Steve—and then made you promise to stop by again and stay for longer than a day.
“We’ll make a real vacation of it, I assure you,” Thor promises Bucky who has taken a shine to you more enthusiastically than you thought he would.
Since you made your opinions on Loki clear, he’s been much more eager to speak with you and exchange ideas on more than just overlooking the troubled pasts of people desperate to make a change.
By one o’clock in the morning, Tony and Bruce are the only two left in the living room.
Bruce sits at the edge of the sofa, his glasses balanced at the end of his nose as he scrolls through large amounts of text and numbers on a sleek black tablet.
Tony has taken over the corner of the sectional, his phone pressed to his ear again as he yawns but resists sleep.
You hear him say Pepper’s name and a quick acknowledgement that he misses her when you decide that maybe it’s time to give them their privacy.
You rise slowly, Thor back in the main common room where you’d all eaten dinner, talking to Loki or Hilde on his own phone to keep up with what’s happening back home.
Bruce notices, not as invested in his reading as you’d thought.
“I think I’m gonna head to bed.” You admit, gesturing over your shoulder towards the other room.
“Oh, okay. Have a good night. I think Tony has breakfast set up for eight o’clock tomorrow morning so, the others will be back by then. I think?”
Bruce turns towards Tony who has his legs folded up on the seat, his hand combing through the back of his head as a sappy grin overtakes his face.
“Hey, breakfast at eight, right? Tomorrow morning?” Bruce asks, reaching over to place his hand on the seat of the sofa to attempt and get his attention.
“Hold on, Pep, there’s some weird old man trying to ask me something. I think if I ignore him long enough, he’ll leave me alone.” Tony mutters, loud enough for everyone to hear but muffled enough to make it clear that you’re not supposed to.
From the other end of the phone, you hear a clearly amused female voice speak back, “Be nice. He’s trying to be accommodating for Thor’s wife.”
He throws his hand back towards Bruce and waves his hand at him in clear dismissal.
Bruce sighs and gives you an apologetic smile, but you’re smiling from ear to ear.
“Sorry. Just to be safe, we’ll say eight o’clock.”
“Thanks, Bruce. For the tour and everything.”
“Yeah, no problem.” Bruce nods.
“Good night. Good night, Tony.” You call at him pointedly.
Tony makes a point to look back at you, fixing you with a buttery smile, “Goodnight, Cherub.”
You scoff, laughing a little, but give them a wave and move into the common room.
Thor’s back is tense, and it makes you worry.
Despite the conversation you’d overheard in the kitchen, you’re more confident now than before that Thor is devoted to you.
Because it’s in his touch. It’s in his gaze. It’s in the way he pulls you into his side when the others teased you about now being obligated to be an Avenger and the consequent terror that filled your eyes.
“A jest, my sweet.” Thor had whispered, then chuckled with the others.
He’d promised to tell you about this threat when the two of you were alone, but you’re so exhausted and as much as you want to go over and demand he fill you in now, you turn down the long hallway and pass two or three doorways before you reach the bedrooms.
The first door on the left is Thor’s and you slip in quietly, hoping not to interrupt Thor’s phone call.
It’s toasty warm inside. You peel off your clothes and despite wanting to just snuggle into bed, you make your way into the bathroom and the deep tub is long and wide enough for two people.
You flip on the shower instead, the water burning hot and as it glides down along your skin it summons goosebumps as the cold is chased away.
You hadn’t realized how chilly the compound is until now, and wonder if the Avengers are just hot natured. It would be weird for all of them to be like that, but if the ones with powers are like Thor, then maybe they all run a little hotter?
A tickle around your arms, just above your elbows, coaxes your eyes back open.
You hadn’t even realized you were falling asleep. Looking down you see two sets of large familiar fingers.
The hands they’re attached to turn you around and pull you close until Thor’s lips press down against yours, pushing you even further into peaceful bliss.
He opens his mouth wide, coaxing your own to respond as his tongue delves hungrily into your mouth.
You’re slow to respond, so tired but eager and pleased with the affection.
Thor’s knee nudges against the inner part of your thigh and you take a step, but he catches it as you do, and he lifts it up against his hip.
Water rains down along your naked bodies and Thor slides into you slowly.
You moan, low and sweet. Quiet and pleased but lazy.
“Thor…” You whimper, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he dips down to nibble at your throat.
He pumps in and out so deliciously slow that the stretch of him pulls an orgasm from you quickly.
You’re so sensitive at the moment. You go limp in his arms, and he adjusts to support your body as you relax while he continues to push into you.
He rests your back against the shower wall, hips pulled against his as he fucks you slow. Watching him thrust into you, hips rolling slow, is perfection.
You caress the side of his face and he pulls back to look at you before he kisses you sweetly.
It all feels like a dream, and as he speeds up, you shut your eyes and you’re sent off with another wave of pleasure.
The morning is toasty. Large warmth wrapped around you.
You twist where he holds you, straining to look at his face which you know like the back of your hand by now. No eyepatch, you reach up to trace the edges of his missing eye.
He croons and curls into your touch, the space gets red and itchy sometimes from wearing the patch all day.
This feeling, this soft glow in your chest, the way it aches and makes you feel like you could fly is something you didn’t know to expect from your marriage.
This iridescence, this shine that grows from your very center to entangle itself around you and Thor.
“Sleep longer,” Thor whispers, his voice deep and gravelly with sleep.
He pulls you closer, large hands splayed against your back as he rubs it several times up and down.
It almost does lure you back to sleep but you force your eyes open.
“We have to go down for breakfast. Everyone will be waiting.”
“Mmmmmm,” Thor protests.
No, he’s straight up whining. Tightening his hold, you groan as he squeezes. Any harder and he’ll crack your back.
“Thor,” You insist, and after a bit he opens his eye and peeks at your face before shutting it again.
“I do not appreciate early mornings when I am supposed to be enjoying uninterrupted time with my new wife.”
“You’re the one that brought us here!” The chuckle that slips through your lips is unintentional, but he’s so cute all pouty.
“It doesn’t matter,” He frowns, “I am King. Things should go my way.”
“Well, excuse me Your Majesty. Should I go tell the Avengers that they need to reschedule breakfast until you’re ready to wake up?”
“Yes,” When you start to move, he shoots up, tackling you to the bed and pinning your arms over your head as you laugh. “Wait, I don’t want you to leave the bed.”
“How the hell else am I supposed to go tell them then?”
“I suppose we can’t make them wait. I am so glad that we’ve still got a few days left to spend at your home. I want to make sure we go back to the palace with my child firmly planted in your womb.” He gushes and even though the words aren’t exactly dirty, it’s got your core throbbing and aching for more of what you think happened last night.
“Did we make love last night?” You really don’t know if it was just a dream or not.
It was all so sleepy, the memory like smoke. It could very well have been a wet dream.
“Don’t you remember?”
“Kinda. I was so tired.”
The amused curve of Thor’s lips give you the confirmation you need, “Yes, you were very tired. I had to catch you after your second climax. You fell asleep just as I also reached mine.”
“I don’t remember,” You confess, trying hard to remember what happened after your eyes shut.
You vaguely remember feeling supportive hands on the back of your head and back.
The soft mattress of his bed supporting you as he placed you on it?
“I’m not allowed to get drunk or to get really tired around you anymore. I hate not remembering my nights with you.”
He settles down on top of you, keeping his weight light and balanced on his side. His hands he brings down along your arms until he has his right cupping the left side of your head while his left hand finds its usual spot on your hip.
“I quite enjoy it when you can’t keep your eyes open. You sang for me on our wedding night.”
His reminder makes you groan and you turn away from him but he catches your lips in a kiss before you can turn away fully.
Thor gives you a good morning. A very good morning.
You both shuffle out into the common room where you’d had dinner last night with wide smiles, playful chuckling, and completely satisfied.
Both of you are so into what the other is saying or doing with their hands that you don’t really hear the murmur of conversation by the long table.
“When we get back, we should break in that bench in your backyard.” Thor whispers.
“Are you joking? That thing is gonna leave so many marks on my body. No way.”
“Come on, I’ll put a blanket, and you can be on top.” He presses his lips right up against your ear as he seduces you, but you’re stronger than that...maybe.
“Mmm, that’s really tempting there, Your Majesty,” you tease, reaching up to tug on his ear until he meets your lips in a quick peck.
It’s noisy and it smacks. So loud in fact, that you two finally notice the way the murmur of voices has disappeared and turned into silence.
Both of you stop, searching ahead for what might have caused the sudden death of conversation and at first don’t see anything.
Well, you don’t see anything.
“Good morning, everyone. What’s-is everything okay?” You ask, finding Steve’s face as he stands with his arms crossed across his chest, looking at you and Thor with his chin tucked in a bit.
He looks pensive and worried.
A quick look at Natasha and Wanda tells you that they’re worried for you for some reason. Both of them sitting at the edge of their seats.
Beside you, Thor has gone stiff.
“Thor?” You look at him, not sure why and search his face to see if there might be a clue but his eye is lasered in across the room and you follow his gaze.
You’re still not quite certain what he sees until movement on the furthest seat of the table draws your attention to a small brunette, with peachy skin, rosy cheeks, and bright brown eyes.
She’s so nervous that she’s almost clumsy, pushing her long hair over her shoulder, her lips quivering into a smile and then back into a straight line several times before they settle into a teeny uncertain curve of her lips.
Pink lips. Not chapped. Perfectly proportioned so that both lips are the exact same thickness.
“Jane…” Thor says, almost like it’s a realization.
“Oh,” Your voice is more timid than you expected it to come out if you ever came face to face with this woman. “That’s Jane.”
You’re suddenly really sad you never Googled her so that you’d at least have been prepared for the absolute petite beauty that she is.
Thor’s head whips towards you and he blinks, mouth opening as he searches for the words.
“I-we-er-I mean...This-this is my wife,” He introduces you breathlessly.
Clearly seeing her has caught him by as much surprise as you. Maybe more.
“Queen of Asgard,” he gives her your full name.
In Asgardian tradition, since Thor doesn’t technically have a last name in the traditional sense like humans do, you’ve kept your own.
“Right,” Jane shuts her eyes, claps her hands gently then nods slowly. “Right, of course. You’re King now! RIght. Your Majesties.”
Her greeting is simple and she even gives a quick somewhat off balance curtsy, probably from her nerves.
“Oh, that’s-”
Thor takes your hand, pulling you just a smidge more into his side, cutting off your protest to her curtsy.
“Thank you for that,” Thor tells her, nodding once. “None of these rascals bothered to bow to my new Queen.”
There’s something odd about Thor’s voice that you’ve never heard before. An anger. Subdued rage. Surprise too. His own sprinkle of nerves thrown in there as well.
You steal a glance up at his face and find a tightness around his eyes as he then drops your hand to slip it around your shoulders.
“What are you doing here?” He asks her, and the Avengers take this as their cue to rise from their spots and move into the living room or the kitchen.
Jane comes around the table, stopping a few feet away from the two of you.
Their eyes are locked on each other, her pretty browns and Thor’s one electric blue.
The silence, though it lasts only a quick three seconds, is endless. Instantly you’re an intruder and you spot Bruce peeking from the kitchen. He makes eye contact with you and there’s a beckoning from him, a promise of safety and sanctuary in this super fucked situation you find yourself in and you pull out from Thor’s arm and nearly scamper into the kitchen but a large hand wraps around your wrist gently, pulling to stop you from moving.
“Where are you going?” Thor’s face has softened, all tension leaving his beautiful face as he steps towards you to close the distance between your bodies.
It’s still respectful, a good two feet between you as opposed to the narrow six inches he’s kept you in all week.
Something tells you that he’s also keeping you at arms’ length because Jane is right there and it’s only been at most, two weeks since he ended things with her.
“I was going to give you two some space.” You whisper, though Jane is literally right there, so she can hear you.
“Oh, you don’t have to-” She starts, but Thor cuts her off, almost as if he can’t hear her.
“You do not have to give us space, cherub. You are right where you should be, at my side.” Thor doesn’t bother to whisper, but it’s clear in the volume of his voice that his words are meant only for you.
“It feels weird…” You whisper more quietly that it makes Thor move closer and lean his head down.
“It shouldn’t,” He reaches up to stroke your cheek, and you can’t help but peek at Jane.
She’s watching the two of you, her eyes darting away and back and away again, a fleeting look of confusion on her pretty face.
You reach around Thor’s side and give his side a little pinch to bring his attention back to Jane.
“She’s waiting,” you inform him, and flick your head in her direction before turning to face her again, planting yourself beside Thor just as he wants.
“Right,” Thor agrees, then wraps his arm right back around your shoulders. “What brings you to the compound, Jane? I can’t imagine anything would get you out of the desert with what you showed me last time I was there.”
Your heart gives an upsetting lurch at the reminder to Thor’s and Tony’s conversation last night, but you simply lean into Thor’s side some more, pushing down your insecurities for now.
“Yeah, um...I was in the lab when a weird energy spike completely threw off my sensors. It fried my stabilizer. So, I checked with NASA and UNOOSA, CNSA, SUPARCO, and a whole bunch of other contacts at various space agencies around the world and all of them also had similar readings. Not as strong, but they all swear that they don’t have anything in orbit or out in that quadrant. Given the strength of the surge, I contacted Tony to let him know so that he could get word to you but then he told me that you’d be here this week for a day, so I...I decided to stop by and tell you myself.”
She smiles, just a quick awkward little thing, at you and then at Thor.
Thor’s mind processes what she just told him as quickly as it can while you steal a glance at the kitchen again where Tony is peeking out this time.
“To be fair, I didn’t know you were going to be so nice.” He tells you, unapologetic that his words will reach all ears in all three rooms.
He quickly ducks out when you frown at him, leaving Bruce peeking out behind him who then panics and also pulls himself back out of sight.
What you can infer from his words is that he’d invited her to come when he’d known that you and Thor would be on your honeymoon in an attempt to get them back together?
As you look back to Jane who stands there staring at Thor with those stupid big brown eyes, you wonder if she knew Tony’s plans and that’s why she’s here.
“What’s the trajectory of the energy you found? What’s it heading towards?” Thor wonders, taking a half step forward, dropping his arm from your shoulders.
Your mind goes into a sudden frenzy as you, like him, put two and two together quickly.
“The threat?” You guess, stepping away from him but also moving around so that you can look at him and speak a little more face-to-face with him and Jane too.
You’d completely forgotten about the damn threat! You’d been so seduced and tired last night that you passed out. Then Thor woke you up so sweetly with more seduction that you’ve put the secret threat Thor has been trying to hide from you out of your mind.
His furrowed brow, large biceps bulging as he crosses his arms across his chest, betray his guilt at having kept it from you. But the two of you know that you have no time to dwell on petty arguments, so you table the argument you’d planned on having last night for another time.
“Could that be it?” You push, looking to Jane who looks a little confused by the tension in both your and Thor’s bodies.
“It might be.”
“What threat?” Jane wonders.
“What’s the matter, Cherub? What’s got you all worried?” Tony shuffles over, probably having heard the bit about the threat.
You give him a quick glance before you look at Jane, “What kind of energy reading was it? Cosmic? Solar? Celestial?”
All of the Avengers who had begun to make their way back into the common room for breakfast along with Thor, Tony, and Jane stop to look at you, several of them with mouths open and in complete surprise.
The silence is deafening, pressing in on you from every direction. Thor takes a step towards you and seems to be the only one unphased by your question.
“I don’t know that Jane would be able to determine the type of energy at this distance.” And yet, he turns to look at her once he’s spoken. “Jane?”
She blinks, still completely in shock by your knowledge, “Uh, I might be able to find a way to determine...how do you know about-?”
“As soon as Thor formally asked me to marry him I started to make a list of things that would probably be good to know in my position. Loki helped me um…” Wait, shoot...maybe you shouldn’t be so open with them?
“The weird sister helped you what?” Tony asks, casual disdain in his voice for the younger Asgardian prince.
You frown at him.
“Nevermind.” You cross your arms across your chest and sit down on the seat right behind you.
“He didn’t mean that, cherub.” Thor cuts in, moving towards you he pulls the seat beside you out to sit down, facing you. “Isn’t that right, Stark?”
“No.” You frown, really not liking the way some of them seem to really hate Loki.
Part of you knows that you can’t blame them. Loki did a lot of bad the last time he was here for an extended period of time.
He killed a lot of people and wreaked havoc on New York. They have every right to be angry at him. Even though you know this, you can’t find yourself letting them get away with their open hatred for him in front of you.
Thor looks at Tony with a pleading, his large hands on your knees as he strokes your legs softly to try and soothe you.
You see Tony roll his eyes from the corner of your own and with a silent exasperated sigh, he throws his hands out in front of him to physically push away his words.
“Alright, you’re right. I’m sorry. He’s made amends, right? He’s spent the time since he came back doing right by those people that he hurt. You’re right.” The longer Tony speaks, the more it looks like it physically hurts him to say sorry.
“Wait, you actually like Loki?” Jane asks, her smile in slight disbelief.
“Didn’t he save your life before?” You throw at her, having heard all about her infection by the Aether and how she’d helped Thor save many worlds.
It’s intimidating and not a story you’d easily forget.
At the time, you’d wondered how you’re ever going to compare to that. She’s helped Thor save Earth twice. What can you do?
Your words have the desired effect, and she quickly deflates as you meet Thor’s eye and sigh slowly.
“They don’t mean anything by it, cherub,” Thor promises, his voice soft and gentle and soothing.
You see the way Jane’s head twists in your direction at his pet name for you but he reaches up to take hold of your chin and turn your face towards his.
“Loki is lucky to have your loyalty.” He praises, looking genuinely happy about it too, but the smile leaves quickly in favor of his curiosity. “But how did you learn about different types of energy?”
“Loki hacked into the S.H.I.E.L.D. mainframe when I told him that I wasn’t sure that I was up for the task of being Queen and wife of an Avenger since I knew almost nothing about anything. I-I did a lot of reading.” You admit, heart in arrest as you gauge everyone’s reaction to Loki’s deceit. “But he only did it because I was crying and really worried and I was almost having a straight up panic attack, and he wanted to help so he offered me a place to learn and I couldn’t-I didn’t have it in me to say no even when he told me how he was going to get me the info so if you’re going to blame anyone, blame me because I was feeling so inadequate and he was just trying to make me feel better.”
Once again, the room is left in silence, save for Thor who smiles at you and reaches around to grab the back of your neck and give it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s alright. We’re not angry. Any of us, right?” As he looks around at everyone, they all nod quickly, giving you reassuring smiles save for Tony who has his arms crossed over his chest now, hand covering his mouth as he shakes with silent laughter.
“You’re angry?” You ask him, and he startles slightly when he realizes you’re talking to him.
“Me? Oh, no. No, I’m not. I just can’t wait to tell Fury that Loki hacked into his servers.” Tony bursts into laughter and has to turn away from all of you and move back into the kitchen to get a hold of himself.
“I’m sorry.” You repeat, reaching down to take hold of Thor’s hand, “I didn’t want to disappoint you.”
“You could never disappoint me, love. Never.” He smiles at you, then pulls you down to kiss your forehead before rising and moving to stand behind you. “Can you get to work on detecting the type of energy it was that destroyed your instruments?”
Jane straightens up out of her slouched pouting as she realizes that he’s talking to her, “Yes. I can. That’s kind of why I came here, to get some help from Bruce. It could also be gamma, so I wanted to consult with him before I made any decisions.”
Bruce lumbers forward between Nat and Bucky, waving Jane over, “We can go now? I don’t exactly have an appetite at the moment. If you don’t mind?”
“Not at all,” Jane shakes her head and moves for him as he turns to lead the way.
Before she can get too far, she stops and turns to look at you and Thor as he moves back to take his seat next to you, your hands pulled up to his lips.
“Uh, congrats again, both of you,” With a firm nod, she turns and leaves you all to your breakfast.
“We don’t have to cut our honeymoon short?”
“Definitely not.” Thor frowns, “I would quit my job as King of Asgard if we had to end our private time.”
You smile, despite the pit in your stomach, “You can’t quit, silly.”
“I can. Loki would be more than happy to take over.”
“Well, I won’t let you quit. You’re an amazing King.”
“You’re my wife. You are clearly biased in my favor. I can’t believe a word you say.”
You chuckle at his playful banter, but after a few seconds, your worry for the people of your kingdom takes over.
“But really, Thor. If the threat coming is the same thing that destroyed Jane’s equipment, shouldn’t we go home and, I don’t know, deal with it?”
Thor breathes in deep, considering your words as he finishes pulling off his armor, tossing the last piece onto his red cape leaving him in a plain dark shirt and pants.
In a clear attempt to distract you, he rolls up the sleeves to his elbows, you’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a distraction.
“I already have Sif and Hilde working on it. Loki is managing things with the palace, beefing up security for when we get there and until Tony and Bruce can come and make their own modifications.”
“Then we can enjoy our last four days?”
“Enjoy them?!” Thor moves to you, slipping his hand down around the waist of your skirt where it intertwines with the lower piece and with a firm tug, he rips through the fabric leaving only the bodice.
You gasp, hand pressed to your chest as you laugh in surprise.
“I’m going to impregnate you in the next four days if it’s the last thing I do.”
Oh my.
“No, turn around for me cherub, so I can finish ripping this dress off of you.” He coaxes you around and leans down to press a kiss to your back, then rips down the back of your bodice with more firm tugs that shake your body.
His lips trail open mouthed kisses down the side of your neck, hands gripping the flesh of your thighs with a possessive squeeze.
Despite your worries, it doesn’t seem like seeing Jane has affected his desire for you in any way. Somehow you’d never believed his devotion to you, until now.
With meeting Jane now that you’re married out of the way, and Thor’s cock still solid as he rutts into you from behind as he strips you, you feel a lot more secure in the emotions and passion you’re able to summon from him.
Almost like he knows you need it, “Tell me you love me, cherub.”
How can he doubt it?
“I love you, puppy.” It just slips out and Thor freezes.
You panic, turning to look at him because you hadn’t meant to say it, and it was something you’d just been calling him in your head in secret because of that look he gives you when he’s begging you to give in for whatever he wants in the moment.
“I’m-” He cuts you off, smashing his mouth down onto you, open wide as he delves into you, tasting you, tongue searching and coaxing.
“Mmmph,” You whimper, wrapping your arms around him to grip the back of his shirt tight.
He suddenly tosses you back onto your bed, pulling his shirt over his head and then shoving his pants down before he grabs your ankles and pulls you towards the edge. With wide splayed out hands he pushes your thighs open and settles between them, two fingers run up along your slick slit making you quiver.
“Tell me again,” he orders, voice so deep you feel it in your toes.
“I love you, pu-AH!”
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