#Thomas and Martha Wayne
lurukifennecfox · 18 hours
Danny slamming open the door(in Phantom form): Jay is think i've just been adopted by your grandparents!
Red Hood having no memories of the GZ and thus no point of reference as to wtf is happening and who is this glowing teenager: ...???
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call-me-strega · 4 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #21: Petition to the King
I haven’t done one of these in a while so here we go:
AU where Thomas and Martha Wayne live in the Ghost Zone version of Gotham and have been collecting signatures from the other ghosts there for a few years now. Since the Ghost Prince Phantom has finally come of age and is now able to hold court/assemblies they approach him with their official petition and beseech him: Please allow them avenge their grandson and countless other souls, who’ve signed agreeing to the petition, to haunt and torment the Joker for the rest of his living days. May he never find peace even in sleep, even in death.
Danny being the gracious prince he is agrees. Even going as far as to take the names of literally everyone on the list and create a haunting rotation, for who gets to torment the Joker on which days, with Thomas and Martha having first dibs.
The grandson in question is a revenant and thus also eligible to be put on the haunting rotation so Danny decides to reach out and go to Gotham himself and ask if he wants to haunt the Joker with his grandparents. Thomas and Martha tag along bc they wanna visit their grand-babies, their son, and their partner who raised him.
Jason isn’t sure what to make of his doting ghostly grandparents, the beautiful interdimensional king, or the apparent laundry list of people ready to mess with the Joker’s mind, but hey! If he can’t kill the Joker, eternal torment isn’t a bad deal to swing!
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stars-fall · 5 months
If Thomas Wayne was a surgeon then that means that he wasn't running wayne enterprises while alive. So I present to you: Martha wayne took over the company.
Young Thomas Wayne meets Martha Kane at a gala and they become fast friends. Martha is smart and cunning, business savy, more than Thomas was. So he convinces her to go to business school (rather scandalous for the time- assuming it's the late 40's) while they are in school and Thomas is going through medical school the two fall in love and by the time Martha graduates they decided to get married and Martha Kane is now Martha Wayne. Shortly after Thomas graduates his father decides that he can no longer run WE and Thomas, being an only child is troubled. He didn't want to run the company and honestly hadn't thought of what to do when his father stepped down. Lucky he had a brilliant beautiful, and did he say brilliant wife who just so happend to go to business school.
: ) I regect model Martha wayne because that's boring, CEO Martha wayne who was simply a fashion icon and often on the cover of magazines is better (nothing wrong with model Martha but I want Martha to be more than Bruce's mom)
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i-am-trans-gwender · 15 days
Disappointing that the only time (to my knowledge) Batman x Joker was canon was in the Flashpoint timeline. Even then it wasn't the main Batman and Joker. Instead Bruce died rather than his parents so Thomas became Batman while Martha was driven mad and became the Joker. DC Comics has officially straight washed Batjokes.
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comic-art-showcase · 2 years
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Bruce by Chris Samnee
Batober prompt: Absence
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l-deadelion-l · 2 months
Okay so idk if anyone’s thought of this but in the show Ghosts the like whole plot is this girl (Sam) has a near death experience (considered dead for like 3 minutes) and can talk to ghosts right? So hear me out, Jason Todd was dead for a hot minute before being revived or like resurrected so what if he could see ghosts. I think that would be cool, imagine him just walking around Gotham, going to chill in an alleyway then Martha and Thomas Wayne are just also chilling in that alleyway, would be wack but would make for a sick story
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Alfred Pennyworth - Not Quite Human?
In Gotham City the name ‘Wayne’ holds a certain weight, akin to modern royalty; the Wayne family are the end-all-be-all of Gotham. And with that power comes a level of fame, not just for them but for their associates.
With fame comes rumours and delusions, such as the belief of many Gothamites that Bruce Wayne’s ( @officialbruciewayne ) (see related articles) second eldest son, Jason Todd-Harper ( @jason-peter-todd-harper ) (see related articles), is dead.
This is not, however, what we will be dissecting and discussing today. Rather, we will be turning our eyes to another member of the Wayne’s extended family (see related articles), Alfred Pennyworth ( @alfiethaddeuscranepennyworth ) (see related posts); the Wayne Family’s butler.
It was brought to our attention by an anonymous source earlier this evening that Mr. Pennyworth may not be as entirely the kind grandfather figure that we know him to be. Our source had recently gained access to the private files of Martha and Thomas Wayne (see related articles) when they started noticing certain discrepancies in Mr. Pennyworth’s employment files.
These discrepancies included, though are not limited to, his age, physical description, background, and family, each varying considerably depending on which documents you are looking at. It’s a wonder how any of these went unflagged by the IRS (see related articles) when the Wayne’s were filing their employment rebates (see related articles).
On top of this, we have been able to find multiple interviews with the late Wayne’s in which they speak of Mr. Pennyworth, who they were quite close with despite being his employers, and refer to him as being ‘willowy’ with auburn hair, a distinctive south whale’s accent, and a scar along his jaw. Later on, once the current Mr. Wayne was born (see related articles), articles begin to refer to him as being more portly with close-cropped black hair and a London accent.
Now, as we are all aware, body types change with age and circumstance, as at this time Mr. Pennyworth would have finally retired from his position as an MI6 (see related articles), and hair can be died on a whim. What is not so easy to change is one’s accent and one’s skin. Mr. Pennyworth has little reason to fake an accent, and there is no evidence of him covering any scars.
On top of this, Mr. Pennyworth has not seemed to age a day in nearly 3 decades. While this could in part be due to the runoff of the many Lazarus Pits (see related articles) under Gotham City in the Gotham Water Supply (see related articles), it could not have had this much of an effect on Mr. Pennyworth’s body without him directly bathing in it.
On top of this, it is unclear his exact age in any approximation, as some of his employment records date his birth to be as far back as 1923, with others placing it as recently as 1960. When questioned, other former members of the Wayne house staff stated that they simply ‘had never thought to ask’ or ‘couldn’t remember’.
When asked about his appearance the oldest members of the staff would state that he ‘reminded them a bit of Indiana Jones, nothing like a butler’, lining up with the late Wayne’s testimonies, whereas newer members of the staff would say he looks as he does now. There seems to be no period of shift between answers, all falling into the former or latter categories, something this journalist finds to be quite remarkable given the extreme shift.
There are two leading theories on this, and they are as follows -
Either Alfred Pennyworth is a human made immortal (see related articles) by some unknown force, or he is one of the 12 eldritch constructs (see related articles) of Gotham City.
While it is near impossible to prove either, we would simply like to inform the public of these theories as it may pit a rather tragic spin on the relationship between Mr. Pennyworth and the Waynes.
Let us know your thoughts on the topic (here)
Gotham Reports is certified in unbiased, fair, and reliable reporting
See the posts that inspired this (here)
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dceuheadcanons · 3 months
RIP Thomas and Martha Wayne, you guys would've loved Chappell Roan 😔
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arlydarkfire · 3 months
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a little boy in a mask
i love bruce wayne i want to put him in a blender and turn him into paste
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doomedthunderdome · 9 months
Doomed by the Narrative Thunder Dome
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lexxieannie · 3 months
something about how bruce and dicks parents are named after such biblical foils. martha and mary, martha being distracted by the smaller details of preparation while mary is favored by Christ for sitting and listening. thomas and john, the disciple who doubted Christ and the one who was His beloved. does this mean anything to anyone? didn’t think so.
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the-woker · 5 months
I think the next Batman origin iteration they do should feature the Wilhelm scream when Thomas and Martha Wayne get shot in Crime Alley
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youweremadetosoar · 8 months
The true tragedy of Thomas and Martha Wayne is that they are destined to always be nothing more than a legacy.
They were doomed by the narrative from the very beginning in order to highlight the brokenness of of their city.
Their son was destined to live in their tragedy the rest of his life and maybe he never got over it but he was still able to change, and live, and become what he felt he needed to become.
Thomas and Martha didn’t get that change.
They are destined to lay forever in that alley, unmoving, unchanging, nothing more than memories that we will never see.
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nightwings-robin · 2 years
having some feelings about Joe Chill in this Chili's tonight.
I often hate how Joe Chill and the Wayne murders are handled, specifically when it's part of some bigger grand scheme as opposed to just a regular everyday mugging and how that relates to Bruce as a character. I feel like something is lost when Thomas and Martha are killed because of some conspiracy or whatever. I think it takes away from one of the core reasons why Bruce became Batman in the first place.
like it's supposed to be a random act of senseless violence! not some huge conspiracy with a secret group controlling Gotham or because of some mob connection. I don't want Joe Chill to be in the Court of Owls or be a Talon or a hired hit-man or to be a mob boss or or or
I think Joe Chill works best as a character and plot device when he is simply a guy who needed some quick cash and robbed the first wealthy people he saw. (maybe killing them was an accident or maybe he did mean to kill all three but didn't realize that he didn't have enough bullets for Bruce. idk haven't figured that part out yet)
it doesn't have to be any more grand than that!
Bruce became Batman so that he could stop random acts of violence from tearing families apart. so that no one else has to watch their loved ones get murdered right in front of them.
that is the core of what he does and why he does it.
making his parents be the target of the Owls or the mob or whatever kind of takes that away imo.
I don't like when stories have Bruce figure out who killed his parents. I like it to be a mystery! I like the irony of Bruce being the World's Greatest Detective but the one case he can't solve is his own.
the irony! the drama! the frustration! the feelings of inadequacy!
he keeps going back to the case. HIS case. trying to find new leads, new evidence, new anything. but there is none! because there was no rhyme or reason to the killings. it was just some guy who needed money. and that could be anyone.
I feel like Bruce never being able to find the guy who killed his parents would actually be better for his character growth than if he ever was able to confront Joe Chill. it would push him harder to want to be a better detective. it would give him more drive! like yeah I do want him to have some closure and some solace but I also have a lot of feelings about his pursuit of finding his parents killer being ultimately fruitless and bleak.
it could also add a layer to his relationship with his kids, specifically the ones who also have murdered parents. but the thing is, all them who have dead parents know who the killers were. there's no mystery to who killed Dick's parents, or Jason's parents, or Tim's parents. Bruce can relate to them all for having murdered parents but he can't relate to actually having that closer of Who Did It.
it's what drives him to help Dick take down Tony Zucco. it's about the guilt he feels knowing his own friend Harvey Dent killed Jason's father. it's about how he couldn't save Sheila Haywood from the Joker along with Jason. it's about how Jack Drake was killed by a villain that Bruce easily would have taken down had he been there. it's about how he couldn't actually save any of his kids bio parents but has solace knowing that at least they won't lie awake at night wondering who it was that killed them like he's done every single damn day since he was eight years old.
does anyone else have as many thoughts and feelings about Joe Chill as I do???
this post was brought to you by my long tags on this post.
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comic-art-showcase · 11 months
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that fateful night in Crime Alley by Chris Samnee
Batober prompt: Sacrifice
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nightwings-blue · 11 months
idea of alfred, only a few months after the murder of thomas and martha wayne, having to become the sole caretaker of their son, bruce and discover all the quirks, hardships and dramatics that come with raising a reserved, eight year old. worried about if this boy will be able to endure life afterwards.
he gets shot into the future, give or take a decade or two and sees all the amazing things bruce accomplishes, building a family, and building strong friendships with other people. the wayne legacy is not forgotten, moreso remebered with a strength that alfred couldn't have imagined. that bruce considers alfred a father figure of all things, and doesn't resent him for 'replacing' his parents. that even after years of major loss and trauma, bruce is still bruce.
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