clare-with-no-i · 1 year
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But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’—that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.’ Don’t you see?”
East of Eden, p.351, John Steinbeck, 1952.
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lilaccatholic · 1 year
"And death is at your doorstep/And it will steal your innocence/But it will not steal your substance."
Like!!!! Isn't that the point!!!!!!! Yes, death will come for us, but it no longer destroys as it did before! Christ has come and He has died but He was and is triumphant and now we're not bound for destruction, but for life with Him!!!!!
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[h/t Carey]
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“But the Hebrew word, the word timshel—‘Thou mayest’— that gives a choice. It might be the most important word in the world. That says the way is open. That throws it right back on a man. For if ‘Thou mayest’—it is also true that ‘Thou mayest not.”
― John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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stele3 · 2 years
Chapters: 19/19 Fandom: Original Work Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: OC/OC Additional Tags: young adult, Medical Conditions, the characters are both 17 and there is one offscreen implied sex scene, Disabled Character, Disability, High Fantasy Summary:
This was originally a book that I published through Etopia Press 10 years ago. I noticed last year that EP had taken it down from all sites where it was sold and now the only place it's available is through crypt*currency websites, which is weird. I tried for the last year to contact EP about it and they didn't respond; their contract for exclusive publication rights has ended so I'm reclaiming the book and putting it up here.
Here's the book summary:
"The Cursed Ones. As the sheltered youngest son of a healer, Eiland of Summerton has heard of them all his life, the miserable creatures who share the great sickness brought down by the wrath of the gods. Yet unlike any of the illnesses Eiland's father treats in the village, this one is not passed by touch or cough or poison. It's given by the Cursed Ones. All it takes is three small words: I curse you.
It never occurred to Eiland that a Cursed One could be young. Or handsome. Until he meets Charon, a wandering outcast who bears the Curse. One stolen kiss changes everything for Eiland and sends the two young men on a dangerous journey that neither can hope to survive—unless they set aside their differences and give in to forbidden love..."
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flourmelon · 19 days
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Lee looked at him and the brown eyes under their rounded upper lids seemed to open and deepen until they weren’t foreign any more, but man’s eyes, warm with understanding. Lee chuckled. “It’s more than a convenience,” he said. “It’s even more than self-protection. Mostly we have to use it to be understood at all.”
John Steinbeck, East of Eden
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ghostingfee · 2 years
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harmonicabisexuals · 1 year
another thing that bothers me about making donnie pfaster a demon in “orison” is that making him human plays so much better with the show’s overarching themes of fate vs. free will. if he was a monster, it’s basically fate that he would be evil, would kill all those women. the show even explores that concept earlier in the season in “hungry” where the monster can’t help his urges to kill people, even if he doesn’t want to, seemingly accepting his fate at the end by saying “I can’t be something I’m not”. however, pfaster being a human shows that evil is something that can be chosen too. in the x files, monsters are not afforded the luxury of free will, but humans are. which is precisely why a human villian who chooses to be evil, like pfaster, is much scarier.
it just makes the end of the episode that much more interesting as well. scully, a archetypal “good” person (which is probably also how she see herself) is just as capable of something “evil” (cold blooded murder) as someone like donnie pfaster. this realization bothers her, which is why at the end she says she fears that it wasn’t god working through her in that moment, that her human capacity for evil overwhelmed her overall desire to be good. however mulder, as someone who loves free will, immediately understands that one “evil” or immoral act does not outweigh all scully’s other actions that overwhelmingly make her a good person. of course he offers to lie for her. it isn’t exactly true that she “didn’t have a choice” but he understands that choice and decides that she is worth his love and protection regardless. 
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clare-with-no-i · 2 years
Hiya! Hope you’re doing well 💗 Recently reread foreigner’s god for the—checks notes—94th time and was wondering where Timshel was at? No pressure ofc but if you’re in the business of handing out snippets I wouldn’t say no… (read: would read, reread and think about the words to and from work and before sleep)
hi lovely, hope you're doing well, too!
of course you can have a snippet! you all seem to think that I won't just give you snippets if you ask for them, but I assure you the arrangement is just as (if not more) beneficial for me as it is for you HAHA. so if you ever feel like asking for a snippet of something, just do it! I'm more than amenable.
I don't think I've posted this before, but tell me if I have and I'll swap it out for another one. I honestly can't keep track anymore…
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sending love!
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beefshaker · 2 months
relaxing and taking a break from literary analysis (mandatory). Meanwhile i might partake in some literary analysis (voluntary)
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atlantic-riona · 2 years
actually I'm very curious to know what lines and/or live rent free in everybody else's head
#mine are the entirety of Puck's monologue from A Midsummer Night's Dream#''I rather think he knew anyway'' from Bartimaeus#the whole scene from Bartimaeus where Kitty has just asked him about Ptolemy#and it ends with him going ''What do you presume to know about me''#''hound I am fallen'' from the Tain#''the wine dark sea'' from the Odyssey#''timshel'' from east of eden#the ending scene of arcadia where they're dancing by candlelight and the audience knows that the girl will die in a housefire that night#the entirety of the fate/stay night ubw abridged series but in particular the first and second episodes#''bite me bite me''#''I'm just doing a bit I speak modern English just fine''#''you know what this is? we're sailing a friendship. the ss get-along''#also many lines from Peter Pan#''to die will be an awfully big adventure''#''but he was looking in through the window at the one joy which he could never share''#to name a few#superman's world of cardboard speech in jlu#the argument between batman and lord batman in jlu#''mom and dad. they'd be *so* proud''#lots of folk songs#''true love has no season no rhyme nor no reason/justice is cold as the granger county clay''#''how do you like his face he said how do you like his chin/how do you like that dead body now there's no life within#it's more I love his cheeks she said it's mor I like his chin/it's more I love that dead body than all of your kith and kin''#''they came in the night when the men were asleep/that band of Argyles through snow soft and deep/#like murdering foxes among helpless sheep/they slaughtered the house o' MacDonald''#more poetry#''she walks in beauty like the night/of cloudless climes and starry skies/#and all that’s best of dark and bright/meet in her aspect and her eyes''#and the first half of the lady of shalott poem#okay I'll stop now 😂😂😅
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prngsie · 1 year
Isn't it ironic for the god of love to hate himself?
Chapter 1: How to survive War when you are the literal definition of Love
Starring Regulus as the unmovable object and James as the unstoppable force. Or the opposite, really.
(Read it on AO3)
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rarephloxes · 1 year
I said I'd keep my blog updated on reading East of Eden but the truth is I didn't have the strength for it. I think I'll need to read this book three times over to understand it fully and still, I don't think I will ever have the guts to. I never had a book change me, or chisel away some part of me, or add a little clay to my own clay bar (you know? the one people use to make little cups and plates), but I guess it was about time.
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raylangivins · 1 year
Finished East of Eden 😭😭😭😭😭
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fandom-hoarder · 3 months
I'm currently watching season 12 of spn for the first time and oh my god, samdean are so married. Wow. Y'all were not exaggerating.
Do you have any late seasons (doesn't necessarily have to be season 12) wincest fic recs?
I'm so happy to hear you're enjoying the late seasons domesticity! I love them so much.🥰🥰🥰
Your ask has made me realize I really need to make a masterlist of my rec lists, because my tag is a mess right now lol. I do have some recs for you! IDK if you care about spoilers, but I tried to avoid s13-15 fics just in case. Many of these skew angsty with a positive ending, because that's my jam.
Mid-Late Seasons Wincest (through s12)
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Let’s Do Some Living After We Die by AmyPond45 (post s11 canon divergence)
Darkness, Darkest by themegalosaurus (ep 11x13)
Bleeding Out by themegalosaurus (ep 11x13)
Wire Inside Me by merle_p (post 12x07)
Bullet for my Valentine by merle_p (ep 11x05)
the apprentice year by deadlybride (between s7 and s8)
what lasts by deadlybride (gencest s8 canon divergence)
Getting Down And Out by verucasalt123 (post ep 10x12)
timshel by deadlybride (ep 11x20 + early seasons retrospective)
a few things worth saying by hathfrozen (s10 canon divergence)
the blood in your mouth by hathfrozen (s11 biting, cannibalism kink, sweeter than that sounds lol; I recorded podfic for this)
Camp by LaughableLament (s11 era fake relationship case fic)
Summer Film Festival of Death by OldToadWoman (case fic, canon compliant through s11; includes a side pairing for Mary)
almost rosy by shiftylinguini (post-ep 12x02)
The Starving Time by Sintari (s12 case fic)
Memory Box by smalltrolven (post 12x08/12x09, Sam has powers)
presumption by deadlybride (post 12x05)
so let it out and let it in by nowhere_blake (12x02, I made podfic for this, too)
All Things Series by sonofabiscuit77 (s12, s12)
Rec Lists:
Caretaker!Dean in the Bunker is a rec list of bunker era hurt sam fic
Mary Finds Out is mostly s12, I think, but leans Mary critical due to the request.
Self Recs:
his body is his but he gives it to me (11x09 pwp, possessive/protective exhibitionist Dean)
To Reclaim Love's Obsession (11x13/11x14 love spell)
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squash1 · 1 year
a post on finding your team, your group, your family, your people.
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[the west wing / the raven boys / our flag means death / ted lasso / timshel by mumford & sons / young royals / schitt’s creek / six of crows / new girl / dead poets society / bbc ghosts]
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