#Trans surgery
prismalmelonman · 2 months
So much trans advice I see online is mainly for trans femmes/trans women (in the vein like "estrogen will do x, t and z, be careful!" And things like "testosterone blockers will so these things too") and that's really awesome and I'm glad the girls got each other,
but most of the advice for trans guys i had to seek out myself. (And I still don't know like much past "testosterone makes you retain body heat" and I don't know about any of the other effects like stuff for trans girls being a diuretic and can make hydration harder most of the side effects lists for testosterone therapy don't mention those things despite my hours worth of research) And yeah it's good to do your own research, but like I have to get my warnings from scientific journals and whatnot. I'm not qualified to give any of the advice bc I'm still pre-everything (hormones, surgery). Like social transition is all I have rn. Anyway if there's any good like resources made by trans men/mascs for trans men/mascs please drop it below and we can help our fellow guys out! 🫶
But yeah any trans guys that can offer some health advice regarding post-op, hrt, effects of testosterone and so on, it'd be super appreciated!
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chrissy-kaos · 1 year
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Day 5!, when you can finally fill out your fav blouse without stuffing a bra! I'm so happy right now. They are the perfect size for me!
For those of you who have been asking. I got 470cc implants. No big but not small. I wanted a natural size proportionate to my body. I gave my surgeon a ton of leeway on that. He went 55cc more than I thought I wanted. I feel he picked a perfect size for me! I couldn't be happier 🥰🥰🥰
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quirkypostcards · 4 months
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all queer folk are safe here🫶🏻
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deathtokillian · 9 days
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First pic is 6 days post op.
Second is 1 year.
Third is 3 years.
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aporetic-elf · 1 month
Hello! I'm still fundraising for my FTM Top Surgery. Today I found out that insurance is going to be able to cover a good chunk of it, which is awesome! I can actually start scheduling soon most likely. We're still about $1200 shy for making it through the procedure and the recovery time. Anything helps, even reblogs <3
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goatguy7399 · 7 months
I have had a hysterectomy and lemme tell y’all smthn real quick about my experience.
No babies.
No period.
Less dysphoria.
Better mental health literally immediately.
No drinking/smoking for set amount of time each. (I use cbd for pain and that is not allowed during Big Pain Meds, after which I can have supplements but not carts)
No sexual anything for set amount of time (both external and internal for different amounts of time).
Body requires so much fucking calories and liquids. Get high calorie food and drinks. You will thank me. It’s annoying how often I have to eat.
For the first 24 hours after discharge I could feel the empty space where the removed tissue once resided. This is a wild experience as my body attempts to adjust to the new space and everything fights to take up as much of it as possible, as if they ascribe to Manifest Destiny.
Currently (day 19) suffering the third day of my belly button nerve being triggered from the inside by my shifting organs. This feels like I still have the ghost of my umbilical chord attached and it’s attempting to pierce me and suck out my insides but it hasn’t figured out the sucking thing yet, as well as it’s made of ghost so it’s just… touching the nerves in a ghostly way. Tartarus hath found me before my soul has left mine body and teases me with what is yet to come.
Farting. So much farting. Also, constipation is the worst. Take your anti constipation stuff. It’s not worth shitting rocks.
Will update with more Fun Facts as they come!
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twobruhsinahottub · 7 months
Psa that when a transmasc only gets one surgery or only wants one surgery, that may not necessarily be top surgery. Personally i like my boobs and wanna keep them. But i would like to have a penis or at least some bottom growth. A lot of people think all trans guys want top surgery and all trans guys dont want bottom surgery. This isnt true. We're all different. Also, gender affirming surgery isnt exclusively bottom and top surgery. It can also be hysterectomy or ffs or [insert name for the adams apple being shaven down, i forgot the term sorry] as well as other things. If it affirms your gender, it is gender affirming.
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pitl0ver · 1 month
my chest is flat. i’m still wearing wraps but i can still feel it and visually it’s. flat. I get top surgery scars now :) truly incredible and life changing feeling. I can’t believe it happened. I finally feel at home in my skin.
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rhad-barks · 1 year
idk about you guys but i am SO SO SO excited for when i'll have phalloplasty scars. i want people to see my arm and go ahh what happened to you?!?!?! and i get to say Oh Yeah I Fought 4 Grizzly Bears On A Hike Last Summer. i can say literally whatever i want. I Had A Mad Scientist Era And The Experiments Didn't Go Well. I Got Into A Knife Fight With Gordon Ramsay. I Slid Down One Of Those Aluminum Slides In The Blazing Hot Sun. Hot Glue Gun Accident. i will come up with a sillier story every time and it will be my favorite thing about meeting new people ever.
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notsocheezy · 2 months
V-Day - The First Twenty-Four Hours
Guess who's got two thumbs and no penis? That's right, this girlish-shaped thing!
My "the surgery" went off without a hitch! And it couldn't have happened at a weirder time. The news has been absolutely wild this week, hasn't it? Mass Windows system outages, Biden dropping out of the presidential race... probably some other stuff... I'll be honest, I'm a little woozy from the Oxycodone, so a lot of the past week escapes me at the moment. But let me tell you all about the first day. I still remember most of that.
I arrived at the hospital at about 5AM yesterday, and they had me wipe down with CHG wipes even though I'd just taken a CHG shower. I guess they like to be safe. But it leaves a residue that isn't the most pleasant thing in the world. It's kind of like when you step out of the ocean and the salt dries onto your skin in a fine, well-seasoned flaky layer.
After that, they gave me a morphine injection into my spinal fluid, which according to the pain management guy, reduces the overall necessary intake of opiates/opioids (what is the difference between those anyway?). So far that seems to be very true. My new bits don't hurt in the slightest even now, after the injection has worn off.
On the other hand, though, there has been excruciating pain in my chest and shoulders. You see, this was a laparoscopic surgery performed with a fancy robot - the DaVinci XI - and they had to pump me full of CO2 so they'd have room to work. That's right folks - I'm carbonated. And they didn't just give me one new hole, but an additional five incisions on my abdomen, which also don't really hurt but damn are they itchy. It turns out though, being a human balloon is a really bad experience. If I'd had an inflation kink before, this would probably have killed it in its tracks.
When I woke up in Recovery, I was at 10/10 on the pain scale. It was truly miserable. They had to inject me with Fentanyl (Ooooooh, scary!) just so I could breathe. Once they did, though, I was fine. That is, until they moved me onto the bed in my room several hours later. Now the pain comes and goes, but I'm on pills for that.
Other than the chest pain, the most uncomfortable thing is the catheter. It constantly feels like I've just gotten back from a long road trip without pit stops, or the credits just rolled on an IMAX screening of Oppenheimer (I saw that twice, by the way). I have to pee so damn bad, but I'm just kinda... always peeing. Very weird. Nice not to have to get up, but I'm not even really allowed to get up. Which is a shame, because I'm told moving around will help the CO2, ahem, escape. Via the most obvious channel, of course.
On that note, I was on a liquid diet until about an hour ago, and now I've got an omelet and some oatmeal that they forgot to put sugar or salt in. They really want to get my guts up and running again - they gave me a laxative and a stool softener. But I'm nervous about getting up from the bed. I've got more wires attached to me than my PC at home, so I'll need to unhook everything to get to the bathroom.
Anyway, other than being misgendered a concerning amount of times by people who should be able to read the word "vaginoplasty" on my chart, everyone has been very kind. I thought I'd be more scared and depressed being left in the hospital by myself, with all my loved ones hours away, but I've been able to make friends with the nurses.
If you're on the fence about getting this done because you're scared of the recovery process, don't worry. I'm only a day in and I'm doing just fine. Electrolysis was significantly more painful down there than this is. Can't speak for more traditional methods, but the robot is damn good. I, for one, welcome our new robotic sex-change overlords.
Anyway, stay tuned for more. I'm here all week.
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justdavina · 9 months
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Nicole Scavuzzo: In the link below the Nicole Scavuzzo talks about her journey transitioning from male to female.
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quirkypostcards · 3 months
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ditch em x
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ephemeral-darkness · 8 days
Help me seek private transition related healthcare!
Hi, so I set up a GFM for my transition related costs! I would really appreciate it if you could share it about. Living in this body is getting tougher by the day and I’m anxious that the NHS will eventually take the move to remove trans healthcare before I’m on the waiting list. I’ve found a private practice in London that could see me within 2 weeks for this appointment, however their costs are steep and I don’t have insurance.
I’m not sure how to word these posts if you couldn’t tell. No pressure if you can’t donate, I’m in the same boat myself, but I would really appreciate the shares. I’m looking for £6000 at the moment to cover initial consultations and T prescriptions. I would also be using smaller amounts for other transition related stuff as my binder is old and worn out.
Here is the artwork I made for the campaign! It’s just something quick and silly (yes that is the closest to a face reveal I will be doing this side of HRT lmao)
[Image ID in Alt]
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imgayalso-ouch · 1 year
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Almost 48hrs post op! Got a nipple sparing double incision with Dr. Armstrong in ON. Not feeling too bad all things considered, definitely more comfy during my binder breaks though
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viyatrix · 5 months
I’m not trans, but i had a breast reduction at 22 and because of that I have the same anchor scars that many trans men get after top surgery.
I like to think of them as my “scar brothers,” or “brothers in scars” if you will. Scar Siblings for my nonbinary peeps.
I think it’s neat.
CW: Medical stuff under the cut
If I was going to say anything else it would be a note on said scars -
If you find your top surgery scars healed super thick and you find that upsetting, you can get them redone several years after your initial surgery and they will heal better the second time. (My insurance covered it as a “follow up operation” ymmv) (also no shame if you like your scars thick, that’s totally cool too).
The reason for this (to my limited knowledge) is because your first surgery is a much deeper heal. The cut went deep, and a bunch of stuff was removed, so the body had to heal all the way from the tissues to the skin all at once. Deeper cuts often end up in bigger scars.
However!! If you come back a few years later after the initial surgery has fully healed and settled (I think mine was 3-5 years? Not sure) and get the scars redone (they cut the scar out and sew up the unscarred skin on both sides) the scar generally ends up much smaller and less noticeable.
My first scars were big, ropey, and purple in some areas. They were very obvious and the keloids would hurt when I hit them by accident.
My second set of scars are much MUCH better. In some areas it’s hard to even notice them. They’re flat and the coloring is barely notable. I have one or two spots that are thicker but on the whole, the scarring is much less noticeable and less painful.
So just something to keep in mind if the look or feel of your scars bothers you.
Best of luck all my scar siblings!! (and wear your scar tape post surgery, it helps keep those scars flat and provides support to the skin so it doesn’t get shuffled about or pulled apart by movement and gravity and helps control keloiding)
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aporetic-elf · 17 days
51 days until I get top surgery!
If anyone can spare a few dollars or share this, it would help so so much. 💜
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