#Twst Avatar au
anonymeqaupdates · 6 days
Avatar AU : His heart in your hands
Takes place towards the end of the AU. Take place after meeting Ruggie and after entering the Fire Nation. Kalim and Jamil have a fight under the full moon and it doesn't goes the way Jamil expected. Cornering Kalim hadn't been such a good idea after all.
"Nowhere left to run now." Jamil said mockingly while Kalim had been desperately looking a way to climb the cliff blocking his path. He turned around to face Jamil and the panicked and scared expression on his face made him scoff.
"Jamil, please, I don't want to fight you." He had taken off before Jamil could find Silver and the others. He simply got unlucky coming back for a supply run and got spotted by Jamil. They were in fire nation territory, if they got found out now they would be in a lot of trouble. He did what he had to but now he was trouble and he knew no back up would show up.
"Of course you wouldn't. You were in such a hurry you didn't even notice you dropped this." Jamil raised his left hand and Kalim blanched when he noticed he had his flask in it. Jamil unscrewed it and emptied his content on the ground before using his fire bending to evaporate it. "It's too bad, without this you're completely defenseless. Considering it was the full moon you had a slight chance of saving yourself... Oh well."
There was no water near them, no river, no ponds, not even a small stream. A few month ago Kalim would have had to agree with Jamil but that was before Kalim ventured into the Earth Kingdom.
Knowing that a fight was inevitable Kalim took a deep breath and reached into his surrounding. Sure they weren't any large body of water near them, but that didn't mean he couldn't find water elsewhere.
At first Jamil didn't paid any heed to the grass suddenly withering around Kalim. He was having too much fun terrorizing him by sending fire ball and purposefully missing him by a few inches each time. After all, he was in no rush and if he terrorized Kalim enough, it would make him easier to interrogate and manipulate afterwards. However when he saw small orb of waters forms around Kalim's leg and notice that the heir was back into a waterbending stance he quickly put two and two together. Somehow, Kalim had managed to pull the water from the vegetation in the space they were in. Jamil couldn't allow himself to lose the advantage he'd created for himself. So, to prevent Kalim from gathering more water he created a circle of fire around them. Flames too hot to let any more water through.
"You really tried to pull a fast one on me, uh. I admit, it was almost impressive but this little trick won't save you."
"Jamil, please, just let me go."
"I'm sorry, master, but this is a wish I can't grant!" Jamil resumed his attacks, more aggressively now that Kalim could defend himself. He had to dodge some weak attempts of Kalim to fight back but the heir was mostly shielding himself and trying to create an opening in the circle of fire.
Kalim had to escape quickly, the others were waiting for him. They were supposed to leave this area tonight. They had stayed around here for too long but Kalim needed to buy more medication before they go. They got hurt so often lately and ever since Riddle and Trey got captured they only had Kalim to heal them. If Kalim let Jamil capture him then the next time someone of the team got hurt what then? No, Kalim couldn't let this happen. But he didn't have enough water to effectively fight back against Jamil. If things kept at it then his only recourse would be...
"You seems to really hate this bending style. I can see it on your face." Ruggie chuckled. "Not that I'm surprised that a goody two shoes like you would turn up his nose to it."
"It feels wrong, it's violating and cruel. It really feels like it's..."
"Evil?" Ruggie finished for him before scoffing when Kalim nodded weakly. "The view must be nice from that ivory tower of yours, but for us struggling in the 'mud' those kinds of consideration are just in the way."
"What are you talking about? It doesn't matter who you are everyone has a sense of what's right and what's not!"
"Ugh, you're disgustingly naive you know that? Right and wrong isn't always so clear cut. Yes, this style of bending is wrong and disturbing. Even I can see that even though I developed it myself."
"So you agree with me?"
"But!" Ruggie cut Kalim off. "Without it, my tribe would be gone. We would have been enslaved and brainwashed by the Daï Li! If I could escape it was only thanks to this! You've seen what they did to those Joo Dee, can you blame me for doing whatever I could to save my grandmother and the rest of the people I grew up with from this?!"
Kalim shook his head. Of course he couldn't blame Ruggie for this. What they witnessed in the Daï Li headquarters had all messed with their heads and will haunt them for a long time.
"I never pretended or cared to be on the right path. I cared about my and my tribe survival first. It's time you start to rethink your priorities too if you don't want to see what you want slip through your fingers like sand."
Kalim did not want to injure Jamil. He didn't want to do something this horrible to him. But Kalim's feelings and morality wasn't worth putting everyone else in danger. Ever since he agreed to help and follow Silver in his quest to put an end to the madness of the Fire Nation he was working towards a goal bigger than himself. Bigger than any of them were. He couldn't let childish feelings and memories hold him back anymore.
When the water Kalim was bending suddenly dropped to the ground Jamil felt immediately on guard. Despite the fact that he discarded his only means of fighting back it didn't seem like Kalim was ready to give up quite yet. In fact he was still in a fighting stance though Jamil never seen any waterbender use that position before. Something was off and Kalim had surprised him enough for one night. It was time to put an end to this. Jamil gathered flames around his fist and was about to launch himself at Kalim, but his feet wasn't moving no matter how much he tried.
"What? What's going on?!" He shouted in outrage when his arm painfully twisted behind his back and forced him to release the flames he had gathered. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!"
"Don't struggle, you'll make it worse." Kalim said calmly. On top of everything else it was the apathy Kalim was showing that unnerved Jamil the most. How? How was he doing this? What would he do next?
Kalim was nearly in a trance with how focused he was. He wasn't as good at this as Ruggie was. Honestly it was a little overwhelming to him. He could feel every veins in Jamil's body, could follow along the flow of his blood in his head, his muscles, his limb, all the way back to that one place where it always circle back into, his heart.
"Besides." Ruggie chuckled. "I don't think you're as righteous as you pretend to be. Even a naive guy like you must have his dark side."
"I don't know what you mean." Kalim said defensively.
"Oh come on, you must really resent him no? That guy that betrayed you."
"I don't hate Jamil! I never could hate him!"
"Really? Well, I guess we'll see. I wonder what you'll do..."
Jamil's heart was starting to beat faster in fear now that he was at the mercy of his former master.
"The day you'll have his heart in your hands, the heart of the guy that broke yours."
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Twst Avatar AU, but it's humans using Avatar Beastmen/Mermaid/Fae bodies to interact with the different realms of their world since its hostile to humans because they don't belong there.
Thoughts (and prayers)?
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Marron bullshit to put on @writing-heiress twst avatar au part 1
Bringing up the fact I made Jasir unique be the literal avatar. This man would be from the calmest reasonable prince Freya can respect to get influenced by her and Minako for a few moments of life to get involved in danger to not give a shit and be ready to spout out roasts out of no hesitation.
Probably also get his ass beaten for not telling Freya he learned to bend gold (I call this the gold bending/ he can find gold nuggets in lakes and caves and bend them into pure gold coins for currency), probably also knows bloodbending, somehow knows to glass bend for a split moment, and might’ve studied more medicine then his family to fucking mess with them.
Jasir, very done after being dragged everywhere: man I want to tell my shitty family bend every element just to fuck with them.
Freya: exCUSE ME WHAT-
Jasir: but I really…… really want to tell my brother I hooked up with his ex two weeks ago. She said i was the better twin.
Minako: *wheeze*
Jasir: I learnt to bend Gold by accident but I find it useful because if they disown me. I would be rich to steal gold from mines or lakes and no one will give a shit about it-
Jasir: I am going to ruin my family some day…..
Srs he is ready to bend everything and probably destroy his own home and get away with it while also taking the family tiger too. Liliana is just suffocating Minako with her giant height and fur. She just a hint tiger who probably almost killed the twins few too many times and they accept that would be their way to go.
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind @skboba-stars @nproduction626 @rose-tea-and-strawberries @anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @achy-boo @abyssthing198 @zexal-club @liviavanrouge
Jasir after Mina dared him to burn his house three times and this was his wanted poster which he refused to let it be changed:
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Update to my tag: it’s actually 1 am now.
Ps: no I won’t fucking sleep I live for chaos
Me when my brain thinks of the stupidest idea yet so genius to me:
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Funny thing is I’m fucking listening to “fun facts with Wan” on TikTok and next shit happen for me to think Jasir can actually see the avatar spirits and never fucking said a word of it and just waited on a very serious moment to just say “oh yeah. I see the avatar spirits. Yeah. Yeah for my entire fucking life.”
Jasir: im surprise as you, I ain’t the avatar but here I am bending four elements with no relations to any avatar or nomads in that order. My best friend who I confide secret is a tiger, my family dote on a boy who blood bends his way around anything, and I fucking can gold bend. My life should’ve been normal. I would’ve been fine if I was just an earth bender but granted someone said “hey let’s fuck up this kid” look where I stand! I stand on a wire!
I should be asleep but my brain just refuses so if anyone wanna talk about crazier ideas for au’s or somewhat. I’ll be open until my brain thinks about more info or how unhinged the avatars would be to guide Freya or encourage her to go apeshit on someone.
And maybe I’ll draw her about to bend someone existence out again, making it the third time I’ll draw her. Maybe. Unless I debate on drawing her smacking the shit outta Jasir for holding the boiling tea then so be it. Someone will be smacked on sight.
This post got too long then I expected but I can just say this.
I have no control, I am just the embodiment of chaos and I want to eat soup so late.
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ignihydeidiot · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland as Avatar the Last Airbender AU part 2!
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Part two of these fun little guys with Scarabia! (HUGE PLANS FOR POMEFIORE)
We start with Kalim, and since he's literally from the Scalding sands, he's a Prince of the Sandbenders. However, he was born to a Water Tribe mother, who his father married for her exotic beauty. Born as a waterbender, Kalim is worshipped by his people for his ability to pull water from the ground, and purify it for drinking. (Based on his signature spell)
Jamil on the other hand is Kalim's servant. His parents are both servants of unknown origin, though Jamil figured out from a young age that he was different. Honing his airbending in secret, he can't admit to anyone of his power, because of the danger he'd be in as well as the fact it would tear people away from Kalim's waterbending and he would be worshipped instead.
A little bit angsty, but I love Jamil's pose.
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bluelightning16 · 10 months
Avatar AU (*Version One...?)
As with the original series, the Fire Nation has expanded its power far beyond its borders—and then some...
Malleus is, of course, the heir to the Fire Nation throne
Lilia is his chief advisor
Sebek comes from a long line of royal guards
Silver, an orphan from the Earth Kingdom, was taken in by Lilia when he was only five
He was recovered during one of the last raids on some now-fallen city that Lilia (unbeknownst to him) was leading, unceremoniously adopted in a guilt-ridden, spur-of-the-moment decision
Only Lilia knows that he is the son of nobility
For the vast majority of their childhood, Malleus, Sebek, and Silver are raised as friends, despite their differences in social status
However, on the eve of Silver's sixteenth birthday, it is suddenly revealed that he is the Avatar (he hadn't even known he could bend!)... and everything goes downhill from there
Malleus is consumed with fear and jealousy—his grandmother has fed him countless stories about the Avatar reemerging one day to rob him of his throne, of his birthright, of the last thing connecting him to his parents... ruining the harmony that their nation has worked so hard to build
He feels betrayed, though rationally, he knows that Silver couldn't have known about it, either
(Just wait until he finds out about Silver's royal heritage...)
Unfortunately, his festering emotions ultimately win out, and he ends up banishing Silver from the palace altogether
Lilia, naturally, leaves with his son—giving Malleus yet another thing to be robbed of
This was only supposed to be a temporary ordeal... but, somehow, a hit has been ordered on Silver, and his former friends (former family) have disappeared from the Fire Nation altogether
And thus begins the search for the Avatar...
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grgulya · 1 year
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When in NRC they broke something and set it on fire AGAIN And all the terrible events happen when YOU are the director
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adrianasunderworld · 7 months
Avatar au thought for Isabelle. Isabelle is a waterbender and so is her mother. And their family is the most feared in their village. Elena was not content in the North because they would not let her learn beyond healing. So she left and settled in a village somewhere else. In her healing training, she always wondered if she could control other fluids in the body and that's how she discovered blood bending was possible, though kept this to herself. Everyone in their village feared and revered Elena. Both because of her prowess as a healer, but also they believed her to commune with dark spirits. No one knows how or why, but they know those who cross her find misfortune befall them. From a string of bad luck to sudden loss of control over their body. Many in the village know it's best to go along with what she wants, all the while whispering about how she may be a witch or an evil spirit herself. But the villagers were so reliant on her for healing or some even going to her to bring misfortune to those who had wronged them, that they keep such gossip to themselves.
Elena eventually had a daughter, and Isabelle learned everything from her mother. From the spirits that inhabited the forest around their home to healing, to even blood bending when she was strong enough to do so. Due to her mother's reputation, everyone in the town feared Isabelle when she walked by too. The streets would be silent when they walked by, other children only played with her out of fear, no one spoke against her, even when she was in the wrong. The only reason Isabelle wasn't a carbon copy of her mother was her father teaching her to be kinder. Isabelle had a better relationship with her father as a result, but even so, that didn't stop Elena from having her daughter as her assistant and apprentice. From aiding patients to even blood bending people her mother wanted taken care of. Isabelle wanted to leave the village, but she wasn't strong enough to stand against her mother, and even if she did, she feared more for her father's safety, or Elena going after them if they both left. She didn't think she could leave until she meets the others.
@mangacupcake @marrondrawsalot @writing-heiress @the-weirdos-mind
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I've turned Sebek into a cat
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gabysdreamtrail · 2 years
Hey, herbivore! Surprise?
Well, you shouldn't... Do i look so different than before?
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You know, since the new Avatar movie came out, the Internet has gone crazy, and this days i return to watch the Twisted Wonderland newest Events... so came to my mind... This. So why not? Twst with AvatarAU?
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anonymeqaupdates · 6 days
Avatar AU : Lilia finds Silver + growing up in the Fire Nation
Lilia returns to the Air Temple and finds a baby Silver. We then see snippets of the years that follows in the fire nation, and, Silver's discovery of his destiny.
Lilia never felt much attachment or affection for the air temple. He knows this is the place he should have grew up in, had it not been for the genocide all those years ago, but he never got the chance to knew it as his home. To him it had been the lair of his enemy and now the tomb of his best friend. The place were Malleanore lost her sanity.
And yet he still came back to it regularly, call it penance, call it masochism, call it foolish. Lilia would still return here, in the place he hated the most in the world, searching for something, anything that might alleviate his and Malleanore's grief. Even if the temple remained depressingly empty of life and hope.
When he heard the faint echoes of a cry he thought his mind was playing tricks on him. Then that the wind had played some tricks with some chimes that had managed to stay in place despite the years. But as he explored the temple further and further there was no mistaking what he was hearing.
The cries of an infant. One that Lilia knew exactly where to find. After making his way through the rubbles he arrived to the room where he last saw Revan. And there he was, the infant he barely saw all those years ago.
The Avatar, in a crib in the middle of the room. Completely alone. Lilia got closer and observed the crying infant in the crib.
He was definitely a little older, he did not have all that golden hair and he had been smaller. But this child was human, and even if the Avatar had been a fae, he should have been way older. Malleus himself had practically reached his full height and he was only 161. So what had happened to that infant?
And where was Revan?
The child kept on crying and a flurry of emotions was battling inside Lilia. Did that child knew who he was? Did he realized that the remains of his father were broken and scattered at the bottom of a cliff because of him?
Did he knew they were enemies?
Lilia reached into the crib...
"There, there. You're quite loud you know that? Reminds me of another lonely child I know."
Silver was still hiccuping weakly but Lilia's soothing tone was doing wonder to calm the infant. He was innocent in all this after all. Even if he was the avatar. It's not like they knew for sure the previous avatar had deliberately chosen to reincarnate in the royal family of the kingdom of Steel. No, Lilia couldn't believe it. And the way that child was crying, it reminded him so much of Malleus when he was born. Despite being the child of his enemy, Lilia couldn't leave a crying baby alone.
While whispering words of reassurance Lilia replaced the previous blessing with his own. He would take care of that child, and, if he was lucky he would never know that he was the Avatar.
Malleus wasn't entirely convinced when Lilia came back with a human child that he presented as his son. His mother at first had been furious but Lilia had stood his ground. He pointed out that the child had been abandoned by humans, so what was the harm in Lilia taking him in? Besides humans were part of their subjects now. Having a human child around Malleus would help him accept those subjects that he had shown only contempt for so far.
This had seemed to won his grandmother over. She had long decided that Malleus would succeed her directly instead of his mother. His mother hadn't cared as she only wanted the best for him, and that way she could focus on 'keeping the balance' in the world.
Eventually his mother relented, since Lilia wouldn't budge. Malleus wished she hadn't. Silver kept monopolizing Lilia's attention. To add insult to injury, every time he'd finally got to speak with Lilia he would encourage Malleus to spend time with him. The prince did his best to avoid doing just that, but Lilia did not give up.
"Here, hold him." Lilia had told him one day and unscrupulously shoved Silver into his arms.
"I need to buy some formula in town for him. Human babies don't survive on nectar you know?"
"We have servants." Malleus had reminded him. Silver was already getting fussy and was gesticulating in his arms.
"Malleus, you're the only one I trust to watch over my son while I'm gone."
Had that been cheap? Maybe. Did Malleus recognized it as a blatant manipulation attempt? Of course. Did it work anyway? Obviously.
Lilia had left him with the now crying fragile and useless human but Malleus, despite all his annoyance, wouldn't have handed Silver to anyone. However he was getting to his wit's ends with the crying! And he had a feeling that Lilia would take his sweet time to come back. Would he be disappointed in him if Silver was still crying before he came back? Malleus had to find a way to calm Silver before that. And so, with no other better ideas, Malleus started singing.
It worked better than he thought. Silver even started to smile, like he wasn't even afraid of him.
Maybe that human child wasn't so bad after all.
"I don't understand why Silver can't join us." Sebek said sulking a little. Malleus cocked his head to the side and waited for Sebek to elaborate. "I feel bad for excluding him. It doesn't feel fair I'm the only one taking lesson with Waka-sama."
Ah, so Sebek was worried he was hurting Silver's feelings by accepting lessons from him. The fact that Malleus was doing him a favor by giving those lessons behind his mother's and grandmother's back probably did not help either. However there wasn't much to be done about it.
"Silver wouldn't be able to follow those lessons Sebek." He tried to explain gently.
"Because he's an Airbender?"
"Excuse me?"
"Well, he's Lilia-sama's son and he's an Airbender so Silver is one too, right?"
Malleus wasn't quite sure what to say to that. But he started to see where the confusion was coming from.
"Sebek, do you perhaps thinks that Silver is an half-fae? That Lilia had a child with a human like your mother did?"
"... He isn't?"
"No." Malleus shook his head softly and had to held back a laugh at Sebek's looks of utter confusion. "Silver is completely human, and, he's also a non bender. That's why he's not having those lessons."
"I don't understand." Sebek insisted. "How can he be completely human if he's Lilia-sama's son?"
"Lilia adopted him a long time ago." Well, long for a human child, not for him. "Silver was abandoned and he found him. He then decided to be his father."
Malleus explanation had been simple and perfectly satisfactory, so he was extremely surprised to see that Sebek was suddenly looking like he was going to cry!
"Where Silver's parents bad humans like the one grandpa told me about?"
The question took him by surprise. He never really bothered to think of who Silver's parents were or had been. All Malleus knew was that they were fools to leave him behind.
"I don't know. And it doesn't matter. Lilia is the only parent that Silver needs."
Sebek had nodded fervently and they went back to their firebending lesson. Yes, where Silver came from did not matter.
"You can't just rely on your Firebending Sebek. You need to train more with your sword."
"I know that but I don't have as much time to practice with it than you do!"
"I don't practice that much more when you're not around. I mostly sleep when you have your bending lesson."
Silver ignored Sebek's tirade about Silver sleeping habits. They both knew he couldn't help it. When his father first notice that Silver sleeping patterns were abnormal he had inspected him and concluded that in between the time his bio parents abandoned him and the time Lilia found him a spirit had gotten to him and cursed him. Unfortunately unless they found the spirit there wasn't much to be done about this and his father had been reluctant to bring him to experts. Not that there was any trustworthy that remained since the Airbender genocide all those centuries ago.
"How's your wrist?" Silver asked instead.
"Tch, you got it good. It's going to be bruised for a while."
"That's because your grip was weak."
Silver ignored Sebek's complaining and instead he dragged him to the side and plunged their hands in the bucket. Sebek winced a little at first but soon relaxed.
"Does it still hurts?" Silver asked him after a few moments.
"Lilia-sama told you not to do that anymore." Sebek tried to be disapproving but it was clear to Silver he was grateful nonetheless.
Silver, for some inexplicable reason, always seemed to be able to alleviate other's people's pain with the use of water. However only Sebek and Lilia knew about this. His father had sworn them to secrecy about this and he had looked so frightened when he saw Silver heal Sebek's scrapped knees that they never pushed the subject.
His father was kind and caring, if a bit eccentric and he took care of him well. But he was also really secretive and reluctant to tell much about him. Silver did not care. He loved his father nonetheless.
If he was keeping secrets, he had to have a good reason for this, right?
He just wanted to protect Sebek. That fae had forced him into an Agnis Kai all of the sudden. Neither his father, Baul or Malleus were around so there was no one to put a stop to it. Sebek's opponent was going to burn his face if he had done nothing. He had acted on instinct and before he knew he had done waterbending. And Malleanore saw it. Now he was in a jail cell waiting for his fate to be decided while her majesty interrogated his father about where and how Lilia found Silver.
Why was his waterbending such an issue? Silver had always felt like the princess had been suspicious of him for some reason and now the reveal of his bending seems to have proven something to her, but what? Silver was lost and he didn't have anyone to ask for clarifications!
"Oh my, what a precarious situation you're in. However fear not! As I am very generous I will help you!"
Silver turned around and saw a strange man wearing a mask in front of his jail cell.
"Now young Avatar, let's get you out of here. It's time for you to fulfill your destiny."
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redrage71890 · 2 years
Soooo I have a Wattpad account and I currently have a Twisted Wonderland fanfic with an OC from the world of Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra.
This is just an introduction to my character, p.s I made the picture in Picrew.
And I have not revealed everything in her backstory.
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Name: Yichen
Age: 18 (Birth Year: 233 AG)
Height: 5'8ft, 175cm
Birthplace/Home: Earth Kingdom, Ba Sing Se Lower Ring (Formerly) Republic City, Air Temple Island (Currently)
Personality: Calm, confident, observative, learning fanatic, teasing to family and friends, anxiety is a thing
Abilities: Earth, Fire, Water, Healing (Beginner), Air, Metal, Lava
Favourite Food: Seaweed Soup and Cookies
Least Favourite Food: Bitter Melon
Hobbies: Yoga, Dancing and Fashion Styling
Dislikes: Politics, Over-confidence, Doing Nothing, Gangs, Bitter Foods, Roses, Mistreatment
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During Yichen's time now, the Avatar World appears like Hong Kong in the 1970s. Heavily modernised compared to Korra's time.
Airbender Island looks the same and is kept the same with the Airbender Temples being restored close to before the genocide
The Earth Kingdom still holds the traditional side as the Palace is a historical sight and all politics are moved to a new building.
The Fire Nation is still the same with a similarity to the Earth Kingdom but not the new politics. People have become warry of the Fire Nation with the passing of Sozin's Commit in recent times.
The water tribe is in charge of caring for the spirit portals while the Air Nation is charge of caring for the spirit portal in Republic City.
Jinora cares for the portal and the spirits the most while Kai tends to looks after the Air Benders.
Yichen grew up in the lower ring of Ba Sing Se with a younger Earth Bender brother. At 7 she and her brother were sold off to a gang by their parents to try and pay back debt they had. They were worked to death in training and gang work and each were forced to get rose tattoos on their arms.
Within the years Yichen taught herself and her brother Earth Bending and learnt scismec sense on their own. Discovered she could do lava bending and trained in secret.
6 years later, the gang was taken down by a group of authorities. The siblings were taken away as well and questioned about their actions. When they said they were sold by their parents, charges were changed and they were put into the care of Jinora and Kai at the Airbender Island.
One day, Yichen was curious of the airbender moves and decided to copy them only to them produce air herself. It was found that she was the Avatar.
From then on, she and her brother were put into intensive care and she trained with the four elements. In a year, she managed to achieve Metal bending and is close to mastery level in her bending skills.
Never loosing her pace for learning new things, she took up Yoga and Dancing as a calming way to express emotion and clearing her mind.
Even befriended a male water bender healer from the south and a female fire Bender from the Fire Nation.
However, she quickly grew in enemies from the former gang. For another 5 years, Yichen, her brother and her friends fought against the large gangs, within that time she first entered the Spirit World and met Avatar Korra through dreams and meditation.
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selsieeeo · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland ATLA (but set in a similar premise like Legend of Korra)au
I’m just gonna dump some info of my inconsistent TWST!LoK au I made with a friend.
Deuce: earth bender
Ace: fire bender (but specializes in explosions, idk my friend wanted ace to have something to do with explosions so yeah lmao)
Jack: earth bender (can Lava Bend)
Epel: water bender
Sebek: earth bender
Silver: non bender
Riddle: fire bender (can deflect lighting and shoot it)
Jade, Floyd, Azul, are water Benders and can blood Bend
Ruggie: water bender (blood bend because, his unique magic is literally like blood bending)
Kalim: Water bender (healing)
Jamil: earth bender (can sand bend)
Malleus: fire bender (also shoots lightning and deflect it)
Leona: earth bender (sand bending)
Vil: water bender
Rook: non bender
Trey: non bender
Cater: air bender
Lilia: air bender (has that spiritual projection ability of entering the spirit realm)
Idia: Earth Bender (metal bender)
Ortho: non bender
Vil teaches Epel to use water bending more efficiently and how it can do a lot of damage and all
Yuu is The Avatar, or honesty anyone could be tbh I would think maybe Deuce being the avatar would be fun to See but *shrugs*
First years are Team Avatar
This au has a very inconsistent timeline so I’ll probably try to figure that out later.
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ignihydeidiot · 7 months
Twisted Wonderland- Avatar the Last Airbender AU
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Starting off strong with the Octatrio!
I decided to make them waterbenders, because of the merman blood.
Azul, having Yue's white-silver hair, became Prince of the Northern water tribe, and while a nonbender, he still uses his title and status as a "benevolent" royal. Using his title, he makes deals with his subjects, usually ending with them working as servants in the palace when they can't uphold their end of the bargain.
Jade and Floyd became Azul's bodyguards, and are based slightly off of Eska and Desna. I think they'd be extremely powerful waterbenders, but unlike Katara, they favor the practice of bloodbending, especially Jade. I get the sense that Floyd would only use his bending when he feels like it, and maybe substitutes his "squeezing" with bloodbending.
Let me know what you think, and if I should do the other dorms!
@flouriteflotsamleech @mountainloversclub @keiyaku-tako
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dr3am-ph0enix · 3 months
Filled roles
Roles filled
Neytiri: Jamil
Quaritch: Crowley
Norm: Idia
Grace: Riddle
Max: Kalim
Unfilled roles:
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Twst ATLA au ideas
Riddle- Firebender in charge of a team to capture the Avatar. Kind of an Azula character until he realizes that following the rules of the Fire Nation is hurting so many people.
Trey- Riddle's childhood friend, an Earthbender in the Fire Nation. His mother is Fire Nation and father from the Earth Kingdom. He follows Riddle's command until Ace and Deuce convince him otherwise.
Cater- Firebender born in the colonies. He feels a need to fit in with everyone else in his team under Riddle because he was born outside the real Fire Nation. He typically "loses" the Avatar for silly reasons. Eventually becomes a kyoshi warrior.
Ace- Naturally talented firebender who was recently assigned under Riddle, who thinks capturing the Avatar is dumb. He hates Riddle at first, but turns around once they start fighting on the good side.
Deuce- A boy who joined the fire nation army to support his mother after an early life as a street thug. He thinks he's a nonbender but later discovers he's an Airbender, and learns from the Avatar.
Leona- An Earthbending Prince of the Earth Kingdom, second born. He lives in Ba Sing Se, and already knows there's no hope for peace with the Fire Nation, while his brother Falena is convinced they can still win this war with words and compromise.
Ruggie- A nonbending thief in the lower rings of Ba Sing Se who works for Leona, giving him information in exchange for fresh food and money. He informs Leona of the Avatar arriving in Ba Sing Se.
Jack- An Earthbender who lives in the middle ring of Ba Sing Se, and secretly fights in Earthbending rumble battles, though he deems it low. He convinces himself it's for training, and eventually joins Team Avatar to train the Avatar in Earthbending.
Azul- The nonbending prince of the Northern Water tribe. He uses his position to form deals with the people of his tribe and hold them in his debt. He takes Yue's place, although he declines to become the moon spirit, it would be bad for business. He does join Team avatar.
Jade- Jade is one of Azul's bodyguards and a waterbender. He's also a bloodbender, though he keeps it hidden. He joins Team Avatar to teach the Avatar waterbending.
Floyd- Floyd is Azul's other bodyguard, and also a waterbender. He is more open about the fact he's a bloodbender, though he's not as good as Jade is. He joins Team avatar as the avatars other waterbending teacher.
Kalim- Kalim is the waterbending prince of the Sandbenders, and is deemed extremely valuable because of this. He is celebrated for his gift of pulling water from the clouds and ground. He wants to join Team Avatar, but eventually declines because his people need him.
Jamil- Jamil is Kalim's servant, and has to hide the fact that he's an Airbender so Kalim can shine. He secretly trains his bending, and as soon as the Avatar comes to visit, he grabs the chance and leaves with them.
Vil- Vil is a nonbender, and the current leader of the kyoshi warriors. He meets up with the Avatar a few times to aid them, and eventually trains Cater personally to become a Kyoshi warrior as well.
Rook- Rook was originally a chi blocking assassin sent to kill Vil, but instead was inspired and joined the kyoshi warriors. He's Vil's second in command, and has sworn to fight alongside him for life.
Epel- Epel was the only earthbender in his village, and wanted so badly to join the Earth Kingdom's army, but instead was swooped up by Vil and forced to join the Kyoshi warriors. He eventually discovers his place there, and is trained by Jack alongside the Avatar.
Idia- Idia was part of a fire nation force to infiltrate Ba Sing Se, but his squadron was discovered and wiped out, except for him and his younger brother, who escaped into the crystal caverns and have been hiding ever since. He's a fire and lightning bender, and once found, is taken in by team avatar as their firebending teacher.
Ortho- Ortho was part of the infiltration squad, but was heavily injured. Idia built him new limbs made out of metal and crystal, and he was very excited to join Team Avatar. He used to be a firebender, but had to adjust to his new body and has become a combustion bender.
Malleus- Malleus is the prince of the Fire Nation, and at first sees no reason to stop his bloodlines attempt to capture the Avatar and continue the war. He's a powerful fire and lightning bender, but soon realizes his mistakes and takes over the throne to stop it. He is very similar to Zuko.
Lilia- Lilia is Malleus's caregiver and takes the place of Iroh. Most people dismiss his ramblings about knowing previous avatars and seeing spirits, but he's secretly an Airbender.
Silver- Silver is a nonbender and Part of Malleus's guard. He sleeps a lot, and has a much higher spiritual connection than most people, finding he can contact spirits and the Avatar through dreams.
Sebek- Sebek is Malleus's other guard and a firebender who is much better at bending lightning. He at first would never doubt the fire nation, but eventually helps establish a new Era.
Chenya- Chenya is a waterbender with a high spiritual connection. He was born in the fire nation, and raised by his grandfather, a former fire nation General. He plays no significant role other than showing up and laughing at people with the spirits.
Chiyo- In this au, Chiyo is the Avatar, an Airbender born to defeat the Fire Lord. He picks up Jamil and the others as she goes, and eventually becomes one of the most well known avatars in history.
Atlas- Atlas is a nonbender who works at a tea house, specifically Auntie Wu's. He predicts the future with the help of spirits, though its not always accurate and is very cryptic. He's head over heels for Jade, even though he's a little intimidated by him.
This is very firebender heavy, but I think it fits NRC well.
@inotonline @b0njourbeach
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crystallizsch · 3 months
WAIT I've been having atla au brainrot (I rambled about it a while ago!) so I kept wondering, if you watched Avatar ofc, where would Yuusha belong?🤔 Would she be from the Fire Nation, Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom or would she be an Air Nomad?? Would love to see your opinions on this<33
anyways i actually haven't thought about what tribe yuusha would be born into,,, so i mayyyy have thought way too much about this -
(like with your daisy i think it would make sense for yuusha to be the avatar bc she’s also yuu/mc!!) my first instinct with yuusha was water tribe just based on vibes (and colors tbh), i lowkey have no further explanation 😭 AND THEN i thought northern water tribe specifically bc i thought it’d be interesting to have a female avatar when the tribe was still like- basically sexist against women
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ghdkfjsk and i just had to envision yuusha in the water tribe fit -
if i recall correctly the girls were only allowed to use waterbending for healing and stuff like that and they’re not allowed to fight with it??? but if yuu is the avatar they’d probably make an exception with her??? also also!! i like the idea that even though she’s the avatar she’s there’s still people looking down on her / underestimate / doesn't take her seriously bc she’s not a boy (and she still has to follow customs like being engaged-to-be-married at a young age hence her betrothal necklace)
OR maybe an alternate take - since yuusha IS a girl they would try to hide the fact she’s the avatar bc it doesn't fit their patriarchal society
idk yeah i’m also just rambling 🧍
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