#US Continuing Care Retirement Community
jenniemnhi · 1 year
A Trip to Hightower Beach with our assisted living residents 6/13/23 [Video]
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velvet4510 · 3 months
Here’s the thing.
Many Bagginshield shippers, especially in fics, focus on how Bilbo never got over Thorin, to the point where some describe Bilbo’s life as sad and unfulfilled because of that loss.
Don’t get me wrong: I do agree that he suffered terrible loss and undeserved torment by the Ring. And the fact that he never marries probably does have some connection to the memory of Thorin.
But, y’all, don’t forget or ignore the fact that, in Tolkien’s text, Bilbo does move on from grief and live the rest of his life well.
He does not become bitter from his pain. He retains his kind heart.
He is generous with his wealth, helping in every way he can the very community that ostracizes him.
He sees in Frodo a kindred spirit and takes it upon himself to be the parental figure that Frodo so badly needs as an orphan.
He and Frodo develop an uncle-nephew (really more like father-son) relationship built on trust, keeping no secrets from each other, to the level where he tells Frodo the truth about his encounter with Gollum. (And probably the truth about his feelings for Thorin, too.)
He and Frodo have so much fun, going for walks every day, studying the Elvish languages, and throwing big birthday parties to show the community a good time. It’s plain to see that caring for Frodo filled that massive void inside Bilbo, finally giving him someone to love and devote himself to looking after, after his first chance at that (albeit the first being a different kind of love) was taken from him.
He does not see himself as superior to the lower class despite his riches, and always treats the Gamgees with the utmost respect.
He teaches Sam to read and write.
He tells his story to the younger hobbits, inspiring more of them to want to learn more about the outside world and not be so sheltered and ignorant…an effort which ultimately saves Middle-earth because the Travelers learn from him to be curious and interested in the lands outside the Shire, and he inspires them daily, as they constantly say to themselves “if Bilbo could go there and back again and face great danger, so can we.”
He even learns to love having a tarnished reputation, ultimately taking advantage of being “mad” to play a fun prank.
When he is no longer at rest in the Shire, he gifts Frodo all his property which will ensure Frodo is set for life, and through all his passive aggressive gifts to his relatives, he gives the Gaffer genuinely useful items that he knows will help him, including ointment for creaky joints.
He gets a peaceful retirement among his Elven friends, which he spends writing his memoir so that future generations will know all about his lost friends.
And ultimately, he embraces the special gift of an exception from the Valar and rare permission to set foot in the Blessed Realm for one last adventure, where he will continue to look after his beloved nephew.
And the fact is, he never would’ve gotten any of these things if he’d stayed in Erebor. He would never have developed that special bond with Frodo - he may never have even met him - and consequently, Frodo may never have met Sam.
Yes, a lot of his life was lonely and somber. But much more of it, even after experiencing such a tragedy, was full of love and joy and fun and excitement. He became an invaluable caretaker and mentor to the next generation of hobbits, got a taste of fatherhood, passed on his expertise and his story, and spent his last years surrounded by friends and family.
Bilbo Baggins may have lost the love of his life, but he did not give up on life itself, and he lived a full one. Don’t forget that.
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skipper1331 · 2 months
Loyalty and Love // Leah Williamson
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warnings: dead family member
Leah was a gooner through and through, never been seen in a different club jersey than the arsenals as she was Arsenals biggest fan.
She went through all the youth team stages until she reached the senior team. Her body was full of loyalty to the club while your career path was very different - something Leah did not like about you.
Your career started at your hometown club near Bavaria, Germany, until FC Bayern München became aware of you. You were the only girl in the league and still scored the most goals. So to be fair, your actual club career started at the FC Bayern academy. You started there at the age of 10 and played there until the age of 16.
At 16 years old, you said good bye to Germany and played for Ajax in the Netherlands. You played two years for them and enjoyed every second with the Ajax family, yet after those two years, you transferred to AS Roma. You had many transfer offers, inside the league and outside of it but even though, you had transferred a few times already, you had one rule: never play in the same league with a different club. Roma sent you on loan to Olympique Lyon where you won the champions league and the league, each time as a key player of the team. OL offered you a real contract which you gladly signed - winning the treble. After three years in France, where you had learned a lot technical stuff but also had developed further as a person, it was time for a new challenge. A new club and country.
Spain was calling, FC Barcelona to be exact. After a teary good bye, you left for good - it was time to shine at Barcelona.
Your talent was magical, you could score from every angle, no matter the position and the fans loved you.
You had been nominated for numerous awards, won many of them yet still you were the kindest person. You always made time for the fans, signed jerseys, took photos and chatted with them. You were down-to-earth.
Of course you had haters, people not liking your volatility but you didn‘t care. You had a mission and would continue it, no matter if you had no fan at all or a the whole woso community behind you. So while your job was to score goals, you only had one goal in mind.
You loved the Spanish weather, you loved the City, you loved the girls. They made Barcelona your home and more than that. Playing alongside Alexia, Mapi, CGH, Aitana and literally every one on the squad was amazing. It was the way they played and the mentality they had that fascinated you.
The first season at Barcelona was the season you won the Ballon D‘or, while still being so young. The combination of the playing style that you learned in the individual clubs in each country also made you Fifas the best. You were the best.
On the pitch, every opponent was afraid of you while off pitch they adored you. It broke your heart to leave Barcelona, the City you adored. So why did you leave? It was the thing you had to do. The thing you promised yourself at the age of 16 when you left Bayern - Arsenal would be your last stop ever. The thing you promised someone. Your retirement club, you would stay there forever - as long as they offered you a contract.
While everybody had greeted you with open arms at your arrival, the skipper kept her distance, only talking to you when necessary. Leah was skeptical to say at least, some things bothered her about you. She didn‘t appreciate your transfers nor respected them. Every country? Really? Why Arsenal? Her childhood club? How long did you want to play here before you stab the team in the back? When another country became interesting? Maybe the US? Sweden?
And then the tape. The strip of tape on your shoulder, it didn‘t make any sense to her. It didn‘t seem like you had problems with your shoulder nor an injury in the last few years (which she had obviously checked) so why the tape? She - well actually everyone, never saw you without. When it slowly started to look rancid, the next second it looked like new again. When you changed, even in the shower after playing it was always there. Were you hiding something?
Leah didn‘t like you, it was clear as the day but (even if she would never admit it out loud) you were a fantastic footballer. Your feet could do magic with the ball, from assisting to scoring to defending, everything you did on the pitch was faboulous. That, she had to appreciate, maybe you would help Arsenal to win the league.
This season. who knows how long you‘ll stay.
After your first month with the gunners, you knew for sure, your heart and brain realized it for the first time: after years, you had finally fulfilled your promise.
You felt peace, nothing more. Maybe you could forgive yourself someday.
Over time, Leah‘s dislike towards you turned into much more - hate. When you were near the blonde, she would glare at you or leave the room,
the moments you tried to talk to her, to get to know her, she ignored you and
she would rudely comment on the things you said.
After months of trying, you just stopped. If she doesn‘t want to talk to you that‘s okay. You didn’t have to be friends - colleagues, that‘s it.
"When I visited Greece-" you started to tell Lia about the beauty of the country when her work wife cut you off, "wow, Y/L/N, a country you didn‘t play in, really respectable" Leah spat, rolling her eyes. Lia smacked the back of her head, her behavior unbelievable.
It was no secret that the defender felt some sort of dislike towards you - noticeable for your team mates and especially for the swiss as she knew Leah like the back of her hand.
"Ignore her" the midfielder stated, asking you to continue your story.
"It‘s fine" not in the mood to tell the end of your Greece-story, you left the two LW‘s joining Vic as she juggled with the ball.
"You really need to stop that" the swiss international grumbled, "she‘s actually really nice"
"And her loyalty sucks! I won’t let her ruin this club"
The brunette watched the blonde march away, arms crossed.
Leah‘s behavior continued like that, rude comments sent your way, cut off mid sentence and ignorance accompanied you every single day. But your mindset was clear: you couldn’t be bothered by her.
You understood that Leah was skeptical of you, you‘re new and played for several clubs but on the pitch you played your absolute best each game. You deserved at least some respect.
"Where‘s hopper?" Leah asked - you’re never late. Her new nickname for you showed her antipathy towards you yet hiding it well enough, so other people outside of the team wouldn’t get suspicious.
"She‘s on her way home for a few days" Lia replied calmly, not wanting the blonde to explode.
You had texted Lia about your plans earlier this morning - she was your friend after all. Just because she was great friends with Leah, didn‘t mean you couldn’t be friends with her too. Like I said, you were friends with the whole team, just not with Leah. Besides you enjoyed talking to Wally as it was in your mother tongue, conversation flowing with an ease.
"What the fuck?! She does know we‘re playing a derby this weekend!" The England captain growled, marching out of the changing room, already calling you. Who do you think you were?
Her calls went straight to voicemail which only angered and frustrated her more. why were you so infuriating?
The defender was quick to approach to Jonas - what was the thinking letting you leave? Did he even know about this?
"Why did you let her leave?!" the woman asked loudly and harshly. You made her blood boil. "Is she playing on Saturday? You should kick her out of the squad! This behavior is unacceptable" she scolded.
Even though Leah knew the team would need you, she was too caught up in her anger.
"Who are you talking about?" the coach asked rather confused. Was he missing something?
"Your new signing" she huffed out frustrated, how can he be this clueless?
"She‘s not here. Apparently at home in Germany, did you know about this?"
"Oh! Yes, I know about this. It‘s in her contract"
"What do you mean? In her contract?"
"She‘s allowed to leave, no matter what day, at-" he looked at his watch, checking the date, "at the 20th of March for three days. One day to get there, one day to stay, one day to leave" he explained.
"I can’t tell you that"
On game day, you arrived on time at the stadium, your favourite defender already impatiently waiting for you in the locker room. When you entered the room, she was about to stomp over, telling you how your behavior was unacceptable and jeopardizing the team but something told her not to. Your shoulders were sagged, your eyes red and puffy as you had bags under them ad well - it looked like you had been crying for awhile and not sleeping either. You looked small and sad, but not the sadness-sad, somehow it looked like grieving-sad or guilty-sad. Leah didn't know if her analysis was correct, after all, she didn't know you as you weren’t friends - not even close to that - and to the others it seemed like you were your usual self.
As you walked past her to get to your cubby, she grabbed your hand. "Are you okay?" she asked, genuinely concerned about your well-being. Her stone cold persona towards you was gone for the moment, eyes scanning your face - what was wrong? How can she help you?
"I‘m fine, Leah"
Her hand had a firm grip on yours yet it was so gentle and soft - it was almost like you could feel her 'caring' about you.
But you knew, she only cared about the team and not about you.
"Thank you for asking, though" you smiled a bit, before leaving her touch and walking over to your cubby.
You didn't want to be rude to her because it seemed like she was dead serious about her question. Besides, if you wanted to have at least a somewhat normal work-relationship with her, this might was a step in the right direction.
However, you had to admit, the feeling of her holding your hand was quite nice and made you hope for eventually being friends one day.
The game started with you on the bench as agreed with Jonas. It was his decision if he wanted to put you in or not and you respected either way. You were thankful enough that he had shown so much understanding about your family situation, so you wouldn’t be the one to complain about not playing.
Next to you on the bench sat the one and only Leah Williamson, who watched the game very carefully, attentively and critically - the same as you did. In your heads, the two of you analyzed what happened on the field, every bad pass, every unused space or loss of the ball was noted while you tried to come up with solutions. While Leah stated her analysis to everyone at half time, you talked to the relevant person what they should pay particular attention to - most opponents had the same playing style, even if the tactics were changed. Overall, it wasn't the played game in general that mattered, but rather the individual players on the field. If you watched them long enough, it wasn't too difficult to outplay them and their team - Leah and you knew that.
Both of you got subbed on in the 74th minute, the defender doing her job brilliantly while you ran down the wing. The game seemed like it had shifted as soon as the two of you took in your positions. Chances were created, space was used, passed connected perfectly - in all honestly, Tottenham didn‘t have any control over the match anymore, thanks to Leah and your critical eyes.
The score changed when Leah sent a ball flying towards you. With one quick motion, you dribbled around the defender, firing a shot on goal - Tottenhams goalkeeper stood no chance.
That evening a special chemistry was born between your favourite defender and her favourite hopper.
If you were hoping that the 'how are you' question meant something, you were wrong.
Her arrogant attitude got worse, as did her mean behavior towards you. You thought that maybe, just maybe, the link up on the pitch earned you enough respect that she at least refrains from commenting. Yet she questioned everything you did and not only that: you were regularly asked whether you would leave the club at the end of the season or whether you would leave one season after that. At this point you felt helpless, you didn’t know what her problem was with you - she seemed like a nice person towards everyone else.
"Come on, Leah, leave me alone" you grumbled as she stood next to you in the locker room with her arms crossed. Especially today she was getting on your last nerve. You hadn‘t slept well the last few days and the bickering was getting more and more exhausting.
"You weren‘t concentrated today" she stated, "this isn‘t acceptable at Arsenal."
"Leah-" Wally tried to stop her but there was no chance. She wouldn’t hold back.
"No, she has to know. She‘s played at enough clubs to know that she has to give 100%!"
"As if you haven‘t had a bad day before"
"I can keep things professional"
"No you can‘t! If you could, you would leave me the fuck alone. You are all judgy but never played somewhere else than Arsenal, so get a fucking grip. At least I have the experience of other leagues"
The whole changing room gasped, Katie smirking, happy that you stood your ground. Leah’s behavior was ridiculous. And this time she took it too far.
On an emotional level, your week had been absolutely shitty.
It‘s like a haunted house, only you‘re the ghost.
On an physical level, you were exhausted.
So, neither emotionally nor physically you could deal with her at the moment.
"Watch your mouth-" the defender started before you cut her off.
"No, you will watch yours" your pointer finger angrily poked her chest, "Listen to me closely, I will not repeat myself. You, Leah Williamson, will stay away from me. I‘m not your friend, I’m not your mate, I’m your colleague, so treat me with damn respect" with that you grabbed your stuff and left.
Leah was breathing heavily, your anger awfully attractive.
"Why are you being like this?" McCabe asked, the girls in the room waiting for an answer. This couldn’t be just because you played for several clubs and she was questioning your loyalty - there had to be more.
"Because she‘s hiding something! I won‘t let her ruin this club" she growled, sitting down in her cubby.
"What should she be hiding?" Steph questioned, you seemed like an honest and truthful person.
"She literally left for three days out of nowhere!"
"She did that when we played at Barca together too" Laia added. She had never thought about that before. But Leah was right, it was unusual to not show up at training when you weren‘t injured or sick, especially since it was in the middle of the season.
"I still don’t see the problem" Steph shrugged her shoulders, "she‘s a lovely person and you would know that if you gave her the chance to show it" with that the Australian left. You were such a lovely girl, at least someone had to defend you. Partly, Steph could understand where Leah was coming from - that girl was bleeding Arsenal red.
After Steph had left, the other girls started to leave too, Leah and Kim the only ones left.
Leah was sorting through her bag, checking if she had everything she needed when Kim broke the silence, "Her brother died when she was 16. The 21st of March is the day of his death"
Leah stopped her movements, "what?" she turned around, the colour leaving her face.
"That’s all I know"
Kim grabbed her bag, walking past the blonde, about to leave, "I’m disappointed in you, Leah. We're a family here, and you didn't show her that. Have you ever thought about why she played in every league? You’re criticizing but not questioning. You doubt her loyalty, but she hasn't transferred within the league - doesn't that show her respect for the club she‘s played at?"
"Have a nice evening"
Alone in the changing room, Leah tried to process the information, now it made sense that you were at home for a few days. It was his anniversary.
She had been a complete ass to you without knowing your story - she still didn't. However, for the first time she felt something like interest. She wanted to get to know you. She wanted to know your story. But most of all she wanted to apologize. You seemed like a sweet girl.
Of course, most of her questions were still unanswered: the tape? Why did you transfer so much? You‘re young.. but for the first time she didn't care. She fucked up and was determined to start over.
I‘m disappointed in you, Leah.
At home, the defender sat on her couch, eating some food while the tv was showing her favourite show. This wasn’t right. She couldn’t wait till tomorrow. She had to talk to. Now.
Leaving her food on the table, the blonde called Lia, asking where you lived. The Swiss was hesitant to tell her as she wanted to protect you but Leah sounded genuinely upset about her own behavior.
"Please.. I- I‘m in the wrong here, I know that now. I don‘t want her to go to bed angry or feeling like she‘s not a part of the Arsenal family."
After that, the Swiss texted your address, the England captain already on her way.
When she arrived at her destination, she felt nervous. She rang the bell, hoping you wouldn’t open. She wasn‘t prepared at all - she didn’t know what to say or how to make things up with you.
In that moment, she realized maybe it was a hasty decision to just show up in front of your door and apologize. It wouldn’t be deserved to accept the apology straightaway.
"Leah?" you said surprised.
"Hopper" it was almost inaudible as you had knocked the air out of her lungs. You looked breathtaking. No, it wasn‘t something fancy - you wore an oversized shirt and some shorts while your hair was down but you looked naturally beautiful.
"What are you doing here? I told you to leave me alone"
"I- um.. I came to apologize?"
"Are you asking me that?"
"I came to apologize"
"Go home, Leah-"
"Give me a chance-"
"No. Look, I don’t know why you are here or what your problem is but I don‘t want to play your sick games" you stepped back, closing the door, leaving the defender dumbfounded in front of your home.
"I know about you brother!" she called, helpless on what do to. But as soon as the word 'brother' left her mouth, she regretted it.
The door was thrown open, "what did you just say?!" you were angrier than ever. Your family had always been a sensitive subject.
"I know about your brother" the audacity Leah had to repeat her words was unbelievable.
She squeezed herself inside, looking around.
"I swear to god, if you don‘t leave-"
"I‘m really sorry" she turned around, you didn‘t know if she was talking about your brother or how she had treated you and neither did she. Either way, it made you furios, you were balling your hands into fists, trying to stay calm.
"Is that him?" she asked, walking to the picture frame on your shelf, "what‘s his name?"
It was a picture of the two of you as kids, both of you wearing Germany jerseys as you grinned in the camera - one of your favourite pictures.
And that made you explode. How dare she come to your home, implying to apologize which she wasn‘t and then act nosy.
You marched over, grabbing her at the collar of her shirt and pushing her against the wall, "leave me alone" you weren’t shouting but you voice was loud, clear and firm, almost intimidating.
Her breath hitched, "I can‘t" you were so close to her. She could see all tiny freckles, those which only appeared when you were in the sun. She was intrigued by you. Her eyes darted around your features, the wrinkle between your brows slowly disappearing.
You didn‘t know what came over you, but in less than a second, you smashed your lips against hers. Teeth were clashing, all anger and frustration purred in, hands gripping and pulling as both of your minds went blank. Neither of you could think about anything else but each other.
The day she stood in front of your apartment, wasn’t brought up again yet you had to admit something shifted in your dynamic that night.
The chemistry you had on the pitch only grew, Leah assisted while you scored countless of goals.
Her behavior wasn‘t as bad as before anymore, she started to greet you, say good bye or other acts of kindness yet every once in a while a snarky comments left her mouth.
After Arsenal had won the conti cup against Chelsea, the celebrations were on the rise when you entered the club. You saw some girls dancing around, some lingering at the bar and others sitting at the table.
You joined the girls at the table, sitting down next to Stina. Lost in conversation with the Swede you didn‘t notice a blonde defender standing right behind you with her arms crossed and a pout on her face, "you‘re sitting on my seat, hopper" she grumbled, the pout increasing.
"Sit somewhere else" you replied, not looking up as you continued your conversation which had been rudely cut off by the English woman.
"There is no seat left"
This time you turned around, looking up from your seat as the defender glared at you.
It was the first time, you had seen her tonight and she looked absolutely gorgeous with the outfit she was wearing.
"I think you‘re old enough to deal with that, aren‘t you?" you smiled sarcastically at her, once again turning to Stina.
"I am" she stated, a smug smile plastered on her face. With the alcohol in her system, she simply sat on your lap, one arm going around your shoulders while she started her own conversation. Weirdly confused but somehow not minding, you let her be, your arms going around her waist to support her. No one said anything about, most of them not realizing what was happening or simply not caring - as long as you weren‘t fighting everything seemed fine.
The night continued like that, chatting, dancing and enjoying the time.
"Could you let me get up, please? I‘d like to have another drink" you asked the defender who immediately got up, "can you bring one for me too?"
She smiled shyly before you left, sitting back down, Lia looking at her with a 'tell me right now what‘s going on' expression.
"Seriously? What‘s going on between the two of you?" the Swiss asked, Leah‘s eyes already back on you as you stood at the bar, ordering.
The defender’s brows furrowed when a man approached you, standing way too close to you, her jaw clenching.
She saw you taking a step to the side, intending to signal the man that you were not interested. In responds, he only stepped closer.
Angrily, the blonde stood up, marching over, "is everything alright here?" her hands settled on your waist, pulling you protectively towards her.
"Everything‘s alright, mate" the man slurred, stepping forward, "I’m just getting to know your friend."
Leah was quick to step in front of you, her hand holding onto you to know you‘re safe, "leave my girlfriend alone or I will break your nose" she threatened.
The man held his hands in surrender before he left.
In an instant, she turned around, cupping your cheeks, checking if you were alright.
"I‘m okay" you stated. What just happened? Girlfriend? Weird man? Break his nose? Girlfriend?
"Here‘s your drink"
She took her drink, resting her hand on the small of your back, guiding you back to the table.
What‘s just happened?
Lia was the only one left at the table while the others had joined the dancers. You were about to sit down on an empty chair when the blonde pulled you on her lap - roles reversed.
Raising an brow, "There are enough empty seats this time"
"I don’t care, hopper"
"I‘ll join the rest on the dancing floor" Wally said, winking at Leah whose cheeks turned red.
"You‘re so beautiful, you know" the England captain said, cheeks turning a deeper shade of red.
"How many drinks did you have?" you giggled, your fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns along the back of neck. "Not enough to punch that guy" she growled.
You laughed, "you‘re cute when you‘re jealous" not so sober yourself.
She squeezed your hips in responds, resting her head on your shoulder.
Both of you enjoyed the silence that came over you, also enjoying the closeness you shared in that moment. Leah wasn‘t forgiven and she knew that yet she couldn’t stay away from you. Somehow you were addicting.
For once, it was nice not to argue with the blonde but to enjoy her company. She was cute, you couldn’t lie.
"I‘m very sorry for my behavior" she whispered, "I’d like to start over again" you turned towards her, eyes locking, "I’m not asking for your forgiveness, just for a chance to show you that I’m not an awful person. You are a part of the Arsenal family and I’m sorry for treating you otherwise"
You let her words sink in. She was right, she couldn’t ask for your forgiveness because too much had happened already but starting over seemed like an opportunity for the both of you.
"I’m Y/N"
The next weeks, Leah was the sweetest person to you. Each morning, she greeted you with the widest smile and when she left the facility, she always made sure to tell you good bye. She treated you with respect and listened to everything you had to say. She was amazed by the stuff you had to say. She couldn’t care less if it was something as simple as your favourite colour or an opinion on something. Everything you said was important to her.
Soon the small talks turned into longer conversations until they were endless.
In matches, when somebody fouled you Leah was the first to stick up for you, arguing with the opponent before she argued with the ref (of course after she had made sure you were okay.)
Slowly but surely, Leah earned your trust and appreciation.
She wasn‘t just anybody - she was Leah Williamson and once she had set her mind, you couldn’t stop her from doing it.
She wasn‘t the Leah you had met at your arrival - she changed for good. She was much more. She was funny, loving and caring, attentive and respectful - she was actually an amazing woman and your friend.
Standing in the kitchen of Leah’s apartment, you made dinner for the both of you while she sat on the counter watching you and eating the ingredients.
The atmosphere was tranquil and relaxed as music filled the background.
"His name‘s Sebastian" you turned around, grabbing another ingredient out of the fridge while you avoided Leah‘s eyes, painful stings in your heart. You wouldn‘t cry, not now. "He‘s three years older than me" you inhaled sharply, trying to compose yourself as you continued to cook. "You would have loved him, he was a big Arsenal fan, watched every match" you chuckled, "but was the worst player of all time. He never really was a sports guy anyway, he was rather the calm type of person. He loved to cook - that‘s actually one of his favourite recipes" you nodded your head towards the food splayed out on the counter.
The dish you were making had brought you so much comfort after his death. It felt familiar. Sometimes, you imagined him standing in the kitchen, so concentrated that his brows would furrow as he cut the vegetables or when he seasoned - never a drop too much. He was very particular when it came to cooking, but rightly so, because when he did it, it always tasted absolutely perfect.
"He used to be my best friend"
Your heart broke into pieces saying it out loud. He wasn‘t just anybody - he was your brother, the only man you ever loved and him more than anyone.
The two of you had a special bond, you basically owed him your entire career. Because it was him who kicked the ball around with you for hours,
because it was him who drove with you to training when your parents had to work,
because it was him who always watched your matches,
because it was him who always believed in you, even when you were on the verge of giving up.
He was your biggest supporter, the person who believed you could be the best footballer in the world one day and the one person who made sure that you had a life outside of football.
And even though you would have never shared your charger with him, you would have given him your lungs, so he could breathe.
"What happened to him?" Leah asked, her voice gentle, testing the waters if it was okay to ask or too much.
"When-" you closed your eyes, holding back the tears that were about to fall, "I was at a birthday party. At some point during the night I asked him to pick me up because I wasn't feeling well. He did it without hesitation. On the way home we- we got hit by a car and crashed into a tree. Both of us were conscious but he was coughing and bleeding very badly. It looked very bad. I prayed to every god I knew that they should take me and not him- they didn‘t listen" tears were streaming down your face as you aggressively cut the remaining vegetables, "his last words were 'make me proud' and i remember shouting at him but it was too late. I told him I loved him- he took his last breath with a smile on his face"
Silence filled the room, small sniffles the only thing being heard. You grabbed a tissue, blowing your nose and another one to dry your tears, "I am- was blaming myself for what happened, so I left home as soon as I could"
Leah was listening carefully, her heart aching seeing you in pain and the pain you had been through.
"I always complained about others leagues, because they seemed so easy and everything" you chuckled at the memory, "and he always was like 'you can‘t complain if you haven‘t played there'" mocking him, the most german accent in your voice, "so that’s what I did. I have played in several leagues but I always knew Arsenal would be my last stop"
Everything made sense now, Leah‘s heart broke even more, realizing what an absolute ass she was while you only had one goal in mind - to make him proud.
It was never your plan to ruin Arsenal, you wanted to stay there to fulfill the promise you had made in the night that changed your life.
Leah saw you with different eyes now, her heart was beating for you in more than one way. She admired you - for the way you play, how strong you are and how hard life had been for you yet still smiling throughout it.
She had to protect the ray of sunshine and the feisty beast you could be. You weren‘t just anybody - you were Y/N Y/L/N, the best footballer in the world.
The defender was a 100% sure, your brother would be more than proud of you and the woman you became.
But she also knew what she had to do. You deserved an apology, even more than that - you deserved every good thing in the world. And if she could she would take all your pain away.
It was in the middle of the night, all lights turned off besides in the kitchen of the blonde defender. She sat at the kitchen table, one sheet of paper and a fountain pen in front of her.
Dear Sebastian,
I’m Leah, Leah Williamson.
I've been playing for Arsenal my whole life. I've had my best and worst moments at the club. All of my best moments had to do with my team, my friends, my family, whereas my worst moments had something to do with my performance or injuries. Unfortunately, because of my loyalty and love for the club, I was blinded from seeing the important things - your sister. I never understood why she had transferred so often - it seemed like she was volatile and didn't understand loyalty and love. But she does - she does that more than anyone else.
Her loyalty was only ever dedicated to you.
She is an incredible person and I’m so sorry for the way i treated her at her arrival (I will tell her that, this time when I’m fully sober and explain everything). But I’m writing you to tell you that I like your sister, more than I ever thought I would. To be honest, that‘s the first time I’m admitting it to someone, I didn‘t even admit it fully to myself - but I do. I like her. And I guess, this is me asking for your blessing.
A blessing that I can treat her right if she lets me,
a blessing that I can always support her,
a blessing for one chance with her.
I know, there is much too make up for and my behavior will never be excused - no apology could be strong enough for what I have done - but I want you to know that I will regret it till the rest of my life.
So while you may be her biggest fan from paradise, I want to be her biggest fan from earth.
I promise to do everything in my power to be the best person she deserves.
Leah Williamson
With a lighter in her pocket and the letter in her hand, she went outside on the balcony. The night was chill and quiet, the perfect atmosphere as the moon shone brightly. Her nerves were calming down and her mind seemed to find rest as she looked up in the sky, "one chance" she whispered, burning the letter. She watched the ink and paper slowly disappear, the smoke rising into the night sky. She knew it was unrealistic to expect any sign of positive responds but was it wrong to hope? When the letter was fully burned, she waited till the smoke was completely gone before she went back inside, turning off the kitchen light and making her way to bed.
When the blonde woke up the next day, she made her way to kitchen immediately, needing her morning tea. She frowned and froze.
"Hello?" she called.
No response.
She had turned off the light last night, didn‘t she?
She sure did!
Was this her sign? Was this the sign that the letter arrived?
It was his blessing.
"Hey" the blonde greeted you with a wide smile when you entered the changing room.
Matching her smile, "good morning" you walked to your cubby.
"What are you doing tonight?" she followed you, the smile not leaving her features. Someone woke up in a good mood, you thought.
"Going home, eating, then sleeping" you replied.
"Do you want to watch the Arsenals men game tonight? With me?"
"Are you nervous?" you asked, the defender fidgeting with her fingers as her cheeks were slowly turning red, "I’d love to watch the match with you."
And if you thought her smile couldn’t have gotten wider, you were wrong - the smile she sent you was from ear to ear.
"Perfect" with excitement in her body, she pressed a peck to your cheek before she happily skipped out of the room, the other girls watching the interaction that just happened closely.
"Are you blushing?" Katie laughed loudly as you embarrassingly turned to your bag, in fact blushing.
Half an hour before kick-off you rang Leah‘s doorbell, takeout in your hands. You weren‘t in the mood for cooking and Leah‘s cooking skill were eh, e for effort?, also you had been craving Chinese all day long, so that‘s what you got.
"I brought food with me!" you grinned, pushing yourself inside as soon as the blonde had opened the door.
"What did I do to deserve this?" she asked chuckling at your eagerness as you walked in her kitchen to get some plates and cutlery.
Cheekily, you replied "Nothing, I was just hungry"
Serving the food on the plates, you sat down at the table with Leah, comfortable silence filling the air while the two of you ate dinner.
Something was bothering Leah though, you could tell. Every now and then it seemed like she wanted to say something yet she closed her mouth quickly after.
"I‘m sorry for my behavior" she mumbled, "when you arrived at Arsenal, I mean" you looked up from your plate, meeting her eyes for a brief second, "I was skeptical about your loyalty and it got out of hand" carefully she laid her hand on yours, hoping you wouldn’t pull away.
You didn‘t - you wanted to hear what she had to say.
"I‘m really sorry and I know we started over, but I need you to know how sorry I am, this time without any drink in my system. You’re the most loyal person I know, I just didn‘t notice it"
"Leah" you said gently, "look at me, please"
The defender raised her head, looking at you with unsure eyes, rapidly tapping her foot under the table.
"Thank you for telling me. I guess I would have been skeptical too if I had played for the gunners my whole life" you told her, "I’m not excusing your behavior because it wasn‘t nice or appropriate but I don‘t have any bad blood against you either. In fact, I enjoy your company" you pulled her hand from hers, only to put it against her side profile, softly caressing the apple of her cheek.
Subconsciously, she leaned into your touch, "I‘m very sorry"
"I know"
The unspoken 'why' barrier was finally removed.
"Arsenal will win, I can feel it!" the defender stated, flopping down on the couch. With a bowl of popcorn in your hand, you sat down next to her, somehow your thighs touching even though the couch was big enough. "Liverpool is a tough opponent"
"Oh stop it! None of that"
Making herself comfortable on the couch, she turned on the tv, ready to see Arsenal win.
Getting comfortable yourself, you pulled your legs on the couch, leaning towards the armrest on the other side which earned you a glare, "what do think you‘re doing?"
"Oh, sorry" in an instant your feet were on the ground.
"No, what are you doing over there? Come here" she nodded to the space between her legs, signaling you to cuddle her.
With red cheeks and a racing heart, you crawled over, settling between her legs as your body melted into hers, head resting on her chest while her arms wrapped around you.
Leah was sure you could hear her racing heart and even though she desperately tried to concentrate on the match, she just couldn’t. With you in her arms, she wouldn’t ever want to think about anything else. You looked so precious in her arms, eyes fully focused on the tv.
"You are so beautiful" she admired, looking at you with heart eyes.
You prompted yourself up, looking at the blonde who was smiling dazedly at you, "you are just so gorgeous" her fingers started to play with your hair as she got lost in your eyes, "let me take you on a date"
It was crazy how the mood had changed - from apologies at dinner to cuddling on the couch to asking you out.
"Okay" you smiled shyly, cheeks crimson red as your skin tingled.
You stared at each other, eyes shining with adoration and passion, both of you slowly leaning in.
When your lips met, the world seemed to stop spinning, fireworks exploding as you melted into each other and Arsenal getting themselves on the scoreboard. She kissed you so gentle and tender - the complete opposite of the kiss you had shared before.
Everything was perfect.
After many many dates, the blonde asked you to be her girlfriend. None of your friends surprised at this point - you had always been obsessed with each other.
The two of you had been caught kissing several times, not even trying to hide it. Leah loved kissing you but she also loved physical touch in general, always holding your hand, having her arm around your midsection or her hand on your thigh while driving. She couldn’t get enough of you.
"Come to bed" the blonde whined, waiting for you to join her under the covers. Weirdly, neither of you could sleep good at night without being in each others embrace, so it became your routine - either Leah would sleep at your home or the other way around - this night you were at Leah‘s, and obviously you had stolen a shirt from her wardrobe as your pajamas - which she liked very much. You looked so cute in her clothes.
When you joined her, her arms were immediately wrapped around your body as she pulled you close, pressing a good night kiss on your temple.
The next morning, you woke up with hair in your face and a head resting on your chest, the blonde defender still peacefully asleep. You stayed like that for awhile, your hand gently rubbing her back before you slipped out of bed, ready to make some breakfast and your much needed coffee.
Since it was the weekend and your day off, you decided to surprise the England captain with some self made pancakes - you knew she loved them.
While Leah woke up due the feeling of your absence which turned out to be correct, something she didn‘t like. Sleeping without you was awful already but waking up without you? absolutely horrible.
Grumpily, she made her way out of the bedroom, the smell of pancakes hitting her nostrils, lightening her mood in an instant. Following the smell, she found you in the kitchen, only wearing a sports bra and some of her old Arsenal shorts - you looked cute - booping your head to the non existing music, no doubt that you were humming some song. Silently, the defender walked up behind you, her arms smacking around your stomach, "gosh, you scared me!"
"Sorry, baby" apologetic, she pressed multiple kisses on the side of your neck, fingers tracing along your sides.
You inhaled sharply when she traced along the stripe of tape on your shoulder, she had never brought it up before, respecting whatever story was behind it.
"You- you can take it off" you whispered breathlessly, anxiety and fear creeping through your body.
"Are you sure?" her lips kissed the other side of your shoulder, trying to calm you down and ease your mind.
"Yes, just- be careful, please"
and that’s exactly what she was. All of her moves were gentle and careful - you weren’t afraid that it would hurt pulling the tape off but the story behind it.
After the tape was ripped off a big scar was displayed on your shoulder, "it‘s from the car crash" you said, pain shooting through the healed wound. It wasn‘t an injury pain rather the type of phantom pain - suddenly you were back in the car.
"It‘s a constant reminder of what had happened - something that‘s my fault" you admitted, fighting the tears, "I started to cover it up but make up didn‘t work, so the physio at Ajax taped it. And since that day, I do it all the time"
Leah‘s heart broke at the vulnerability she was seeing, your posture seemingly weak and exposed.
"Is this okay?" Her pointer finger traced over the scar..
..not in a way that made you uncomfortable but in a way that made you feel like you didn’t have to be ashamed of it.
"What about this?" for a moment you didn‘t feel her touch at all before she pressed featherlight kisses over your scar.
Tears were streaming down your face, all of your walls broken down now, Leah made you feel perfect the way you are - because you are.
"I‘m proud of you"
Everything came crashing down, a sob escaped your throat and within a second, you were in your girlfriends arms, crying into her shoulder. The tears that you had not allowed to shed in previous years, fell all at once now.
The England captain hugged you through it all, letting you cry as long as you needed - she wouldn‘t go anywhere.
She had promised your brother to do everything in her power to be the best person you deserve and that‘s what she did, does and will do.
She kept her promise and you did too.
Arsenal was always half but never whole, Leah‘s begun to feel like home.
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a-d-nox · 5 months
Hello, can you please give me your take on ☄️ Varuna in the 4h (conjunct IC) and opposite MC, at an aries degree ? 👱
varuna (asteroid 20000), what's his sign/degree, where he sits in a chart, and his aspects
after receiving quite a few asks and comments about varuna aspects and placements i decided to continue the series (reminders: @e11e27 , @cosmiccvnt ).
IMPORTANT: varuna is a slow moving asteroid it is very likely that everyone reading this will have a cancer varuna. mainly the sign/degree section is for the degree. other than that, the house and the aspects made to varuna are highly important in this post!
all of this is in my opinion. some of it you may be like how tf did she come up with this. my answer: intuition and experience with other people's charts that i have available to me. warning i can be harsh: please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. plus let's not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. it's never just varuna. this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. take what resonates and leave what doesn't.
*all of these observations are based on a natal chart - solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*
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aries (1°, 13°, 25°): you might feel the urge to control things. it is likely important and even vital for you to control every activity that you are involved it. this may be trust thing - you likely struggle to trust those around you fully; especially, when it comes to your welfare and the welfare of others. you are likely a natural leader. often you may use your energy to get what needs to happen done. the unfortunate part is that people with this placement tend to be forced out of power or even into retirement. often you are likely to use your brain power to take initiative to get things done... however, you might struggle with keeping balance - you might be a bit of an extremist and some may even say you are forceful.
taurus (2°, 14°, 26°): you might find yourself wanting to control beauty standards and your monetary life. early in life, you could struggle with feeling in control of your beauty (acne, inability to keep up with trends, etc) and/or your money. when finally get both under your control via routine and saving/budget, you are likely to cling to the control mechanism for each. in the age of social media, you might find yourself influencing others on those topics - however, you might want to be careful that you don't get cancelled for being to rigid in your thoughts/beliefs on the topics. it might be a lesson for you to learn that there is a fine line to balance beauty and ugly or saving for some day and living life to the fullest. beauty can be found in all things and you can't put a price on happiness.
gemini (3°, 15°, 27°): you likely find yourself wishing to control communication with others and involving others. you might really enjoy gossip because gossip tends to involve knowledge that gives you power. if you can control who knows what, you likely feel in control and powerful... but with great power comes great responsibility. it is very important that you are selective who you tell what to because if you tell someone the wrong thing, you might find yourself having a social fall from grace. in the gossip realm, it could be something like you tell someone something and they then tell the person who it is about that you were the one that told them this gossip. being someone who collects knowledge via communication, you might find yourself a moderator or needing a lot of social recharge time in order to feel at peace / in balance. as a knowledgable person, you likely enjoy reading about philosophy and morals.
cancer (4°, 16°, 28°): this placement has some hardcore domestics vibes - it tends to feel like they are good at all things involving the home. you could even have a naturally green thumb. you know how to sell your vision of the future to those around you. you also could be super involved in local government (stars hollow vibes, if you know, you know, Gilmore Girls fans). you likely have great morality where justice in a community is best served. you naturally wish to protect those in your family (both your blood and chosen family that is) - you will do whatever it takes to do so. there is a chance that your "fall from grace" in the eyes of those around you is just you slowing down and appreciating where you're at in life - it could also just indicate falling off the radar when you go into retirement. a goal for this placement also tends to be, you want everyone to feel safe in your environment.
leo (5°, 17°, 29°): you might have the mindset that you are the rightful leader and that you should be in control of most things. while i believe that you have great leadership abilities (i feel like you are extremely moral/responsible as a leader), i also believe that you may want to be more openminded to collaborating. you are a great organizer, but you should also practice delegating. with this placement, you might find yourself the most likely of the bunch to lose your power... you will want to balance your power with pleasure - while you may derive pleasure from power, you must realize that you can get pleasure from other sources too, like creative entertainment for instance.
virgo (6°, 18°): i get this feeling that you would make a really good administrator or accountant - you are very good at keeping the details under control. but "the devil is in the details" - no one person can be in control of everything... you might find yourself failing to keep everything under control, or that your status changes after you say that you have everything under control. something is bound to happen that will make you realize you have less control than you think. for those in a medical profession, you might believe that a patient is fine one moment then the next they are deceased. these things happen - not everything is predictable. the world is a place of homeostasis - this virgo placements often strive for prefect or a semblance of control that is just not realistic. take the tricky/bad with the good.
libra (7°, 19°): ugh, you guys try the hardest to maintain balance... especially, in terms of relationships. compromise is likely very important to you - often it appears that you can do so with grace, but be aware that your idea of what is just is not the same as everyone else's. others might look down on you for your ego in believing that you know best / what is right and wrong. remember to compromise with others as they compromise with you. anywho you are gifted at elegantly handling many things at once - things that are a struggle for others, often aren't as a big a struggle for you.
scorpio (8°, 20°): i feel like you are often very passionate about having control. you need to know everything and feel like you have some measure of control to feel at peace. you don't mind sleuthing on those around you, so you can make them feel comforted and as though they can let their guard down around you. just like you have the power to end others, they also have the ability to ruin you. at some point, you might find yourself casted out / eliminated by those around you. you need to learn a balance when it comes to purging the world and curiosity. sometimes you have to just be grateful for what you have and let a mystery be a mystery.
sagittarius (9°, 21°): this gives political vibes. i feel like a lot of people with these degrees will find themselves wanting to control whole societies (thus the political vibes). you might find yourself wanting to be in the political realm, otherwise you might just want to influence society (perhaps via social media). usually, this is a morality thing - you are on a moral high ground and have a vision of what is good and what is bad. perhaps it is because you have an innate wisdom about humanity and an idealism that could manifest within this society, if we had mores become norms. unfortunately, you might not have the endurance to withstand dealing with things such as this in the long term sense. you are devoted to spreading wisdom and sharing your vision for the future, but it becomes very exhausting after awhile because so few actually listen and take action.
capricorn (10°, 22°): you seek order, organization, and efficiency - you will do whatever it takes to obtain it. often you might find yourself fighting for order for a very long time - these people typically don't mind cleaning or organizing professionally for a long period of time because it helps them feel at peace, and they like to help others also feel at peace. of course, you will eventually slow down due age - you might feel depressed when you notice clutter accumulating because you realize you simply can't keep up with things anymore. alternatively, you might find yourself forced to retire from your profession - you might feel like you are still sharp, but others will see that you are making too many mistakes which will lead them to force you out of your position. these people often seek balance in their schedule because they tend to have a lot that they wish to do, and as they say, "very little time to actually do so"...
aquarius (11°, 23°): the controlling friend... not the best look and it is funny too because in the beginning you might have really good intentions. you might want all your friends to get together regularly to do something fun, but after awhile people might accuse you of nagging. you might find yourself becoming a moderator in an online group forum and "controlling" what others are allowed to do in that sense. i only mean to make you aware - just because you want to see progress or to have fun and do new things, does not mean that others would enjoy doing so and will follow your every word. you might be someone who believes in altruism - so practice it. don't do things hoping to get praised by those around you. often the people who are around you know very little about who you actually are so try not to present yourself as bossy and as though you seek accolade for every little thing you do. you will quickly notice that others will turn away from you, if you do that. progress over notoriety is key.
pisces (12°, 24°): it is hard to say what this placement would seek to control; perhaps, you are the only one in the mix who doesn't really wish to be in control of anything. you might be the type that prefers to have options - you might struggle with having to come up with everything on your own. the illusion of having control is more important than actually having control. you don't seek absolute power, you prefer limited power likely because you have the tendency of fearing disappointing others. ironically, if you did disappoint someone, you might seek to make it up to them by any means necessary, thusly you give them control over you and then situation. life is an abstract concept and you likely will come to understand a majority of that in you time. you might realize the limitations of knowledge, power, and morality and see that there exists more grey and neutrality then there does omniscience, omnipotence, and pure good.
1h: you may feel as though you were born to be in control of the elements around you. you could be a generally moral individual because you constantly self-evaluate. for you controlling your actions and having restraint is rather easy, but, one day, you might give in to temptation and feel as though you are spiraling. it is important that you notice that life has its ups and downs; moderation is the only way to feel you are acknowledging all your actions and inactions.
2h: money is the name of the games. money makes you feel powerful and safe. if you have the money you need, you feel like you have room to give to and receive from others. your aim is likely wealth - ultimately you want to have an emergency fund so that if something were to happen you can still feel like you have the money you need to keep going or so you can retire and still live comfortably. but it is give and take; you can't just hoard money right now - at least a majority of you can't because you have to continue to live and living costs money. make money to live - spend money to continue to make money... give yourself permission to live a little - it is great to save but take a look at what you are saving for. no future is certain.
3h: i feel like this can be such a tricky placement. varuna is about control, but the 3h tends to require openness and flexibility to the world around you... it might be difficult for you because you are constantly being forced to adapt to some sort of new knowledge, new communication technique, or new environment. do not be hard on yourself. control is not everything. you can only control what you can communicate, what you know / are open to learning, and where you go - you can't control what others say, what they know / are open to, and where they go. it will be fine just keep being your wonderful self. communicate, learn, and walk around a bit. new things don't have to be scary.
4h: are you varuna or is someone else varuna? that is up to you to figure out with this placement. typically, i see this as people who are either controlling or controlled by their family. often, i see this as people who are in charge of their household as well; you might be the one who makes the dinner, pays the bills, cleans the house, etc even from a rather young age. it can be a struggle though because after doing all that for such a long time you might find you are exhausted and simply can't do it anymore know that it is okay to be burnt out - it is okay to be overwhelmed when you do everything like you do. alternatively, you might feel like you have no say in your family or in your home. it could feel like you are "low man on the totem pole" - even when you try to help or do something you somehow "mess it up" and a parent (typically, your mother) will take away your responsibilities because "you can't be trusted to do the task".
5h: you can't control anything in this bracket funnily enough, so you are likely to feel very tested... you can't control a child - especially, not your own. you will likely never see half of what is coming until it has already happened where your own child is concerned. you can't control chance, creativity, nor, and most importantly, love. when you try to control any of these, you will notice quite a few things... your children are likely to leave your home the moment they are reasonably capable of doing so. when you try to control chance, others might state you are a "stalker" or a "control freak". when you try to control creativity, you might close yourself off to inspiration and originality. and when you try to control love, you are likely to find yourself alone... so don't embrace varuna too heavily with this placement. instead, be open. this placement is great if you want to be an agent, producer, art teacher, guide your children, be dominant in romance, etc. but a key lesson will be the art of letting go because that is when the magic truly happens.
6h: i can't decide if you are a health guru or a g-calendar wiz. maybe it is both. it is astounding nonetheless because you have unbreakable control over your own elements. you might know what marcos are in your meals, what time blocking is, how long it takes to burn fat, etc. it is great by also i feel like you are incredibly hard on yourself; just because you missing one day does not mean it is over. one missed day doesn't mean you have failed - yes, your routine is messed up BUT it is just for the day. it is just for the day - tomorrow is a new day.
7h: these people tend to have their hands on a lot of contractual things - it feels very lawyer like. you will likely deal with agreements, settlements, contracts, controversy, etc. this is the placement of "i have it all under control" and generally you do. you tend to find yourself in an alliance of sorts; sometimes it is with your public enemy and other times it is with your lover - either way it is likely that whichever one you partner with will take over your power at some point in time. this could be a source of controversy in your life.
8h: another placement were you must learn it is okay to lack control... you can't control change, death, nor what you inherit. change is inevitable - if you refuse to change, you refuse to grow... if you refuse death, you forget to live or you find yourself mourning what isn't lost yet in the waking world. if you try to control what you inherit - well genetically you simply can't - you will be disappointed and find yourself removed from legal will(s) entirely. so you have to be open to change. you have to live. you have to be grateful and live in the moment - not in the future.
9h: be open to learning. you are in control of what knowledge you let sit in your mind. allow yourself to take all knowledge with a grain of salt. it is important that you learn everything that you possibly can - be worldly, get a different perspective, learn different philosophies/religions, etc. you will find yourself at a lost when you close yourself off, are too devoted to a single entity of knowledge, you stay at home, and/or you refuse to follow your intuition. open up and be willing to learn new things - this will help you to be the best version of you possible.
10h: often this placement loves a title - they enjoy having status and power. you likely enjoy the authority and/or notoriety that is associated with a title. the higher up you are the more at peace and comfortable you feel. however, the higher up you are, the further you can fall - so be mindful of your place. often with a high status comes a level of popularity. with popularity you have to be mindful of the power you have over influencing others. you are someone that others look up to, so be worthy of being looked up to.
11h: acquaintances, companions, friends, etc your contact with others make you strong and powerful. you might find that you have a number of people around you that are willing to help you get to high places and to reach your hopes and dreams. however, for this to be the case, you have to be aware of how you present yourself to others and the world around you. you also have to be careful that you aren't manipulating people into doing something solely for your gain. just because the people around you have influence, doesn't mean that you should expect their help. never expect to be given something without making a show of faith and effort. help others to see you are worthy and not just demanding a free hand-out.
12h: you are the secret keeper - a lock box for the unconscious and subconscious. you are in control of what you do and do not share with others. others are likely to lean on you to safe guard their issues, secrets, etc. the one thing you can't control with this placements is karma - karma is in control of it's self and will ultimately catch up with you. this, of course, causes your downfall/woe... the best way to keep in check is to resist sharing things that are meant to be a secret / private.
aspects from varuna to
sun: positive aspects: you might be shocked to learned that when you are in control, people follow your every command. you are someone who was given power because you have earned it. your achievements afford you authority and advancement. i find that these people are the best to be in power because they are selfless - they seek balance and fairness first and foremost - which is highly commendable. negative aspects: you may wish to be in control of most every situation and frequently fail to recognize that your ideals and desires are not everyone else's. you may fail to see that you are not always the best person to be in control of the situation, you may come off as slightly arrogant and/or as though you brag about your accomplishments very often to the point of annoyance. your ideas may not be popular opinion among others - and you have to accept that.
moon: positive aspects: you adapt well - your ability to keep up with the ever-changing world around you is what aids you to maintain balance and control. your emotions are a superpower; you feel for those around you which makes you all the more moral and fair. you might feel like you are popular and/or worshiped simply for showing sympathy/empathy and being flexible. negative aspects: i feel like you often wish for others to change on behalf of you - you likely fail to realize that the world doesn't revolve around you. it is a rarity that people will drop everything to help you regain security/balance. that is something you have to do on your own - which is likely to be what causes you a lot of stress. you likely won't find it fair that people aren't helping you - but that is the task of varuna. you have to do your own thing without the aid of others and most often the "others" that you wish would help you the most are your parents/family... be sympathetic/empathetic towards others as you wish they would be with you. it is not easy being human and even less so when you are depending on others without understanding who they are outside of their connection either you.
mercury: positive aspects: you likely depend heavily on communication - you are very particular about what you say and how you say it. accurate communication is key and then comprehension of that information. personally you are likely very good at communicating accurately and comprehending information. you are even very good at being adaptable to new information. you very easily can find yourself back on track if the communication with you and those around you is good. negative aspects: you can only control what you say - you can't control others or what they take away from what you say. you might struggle with efficient communication which throws off a lot of things in your life. you have to practice only communicating what is true/accurate - try your best to not say things you aren't 100% certain of because you will either find yourself in trouble or struggling to get things back in control (things are likely to get out of hand). you might also need to work on comprehension of verbal and written communication.
venus: positive aspects: you have a very powerful gift - controlling the admiration of others. in fact, you will likely find yourself a social media starlet or "famous" on some level. you could even control how desirable you are to those around you. for you it is not about control or balance, it is about finding bliss. you don't really want control or power, you want to be happy and be loved by others. negative aspects: i feel like you are the type of person who gets rather annoyed when people "mimic" you - even though it is common. "imitation is the best form of flattery" they say... but you? you take it personally; you don't like or appreciate when people appear as a "threat" - you especially hate when they get more attention then you did when using your concept. you desire to be seen as a sole entity but that is just not the way of the world any more - everyone copies everyone and most fame is not long-term (social media trends change, you age out of a concept, cancel culture, etc). you have to be okay with admiration no matter how you receive it.
mars: positive aspects: oof it you aren't in charge, you need to be. you are the one who gets things done. we need more doers in this world. you have a passion for achieving balance in the realm around you. you have the ability to control the activity of many people at once which is good too - you would/do make a good supervisor and/or manager in this lifetime. negative aspects: be very careful that you don't come off as controlling... it is likely that you will be seen as such. varuna a god centered on balance and mars is war and chaos - war is messy and unpredictable when functioning at its finest. so the two concepts do not fit together, thusly making for someone who is overly aggressive in having control or someone who attempts to stay away from actively doing anything at all. often your passions get in the way of you being logical and orderly, or you likely face decision fatigue.
jupiter: positive aspects: you are an incredible advisor; you have such wonderful knowledge and wisdom. you can really benefit a lot of people by sharing and being in a seat of power where you can help others - so explore and learn. you are someone who promotes the expansion of the world around you. you are someone who likes the formality of a hierarchy which promotes respect and loyalty. loyalty is everything to you when you feel like you can trust those around you then life will get a whole lot easier - everything will feel peaceful and you will feel comfortable stepping down from a position of power. negative aspects: you have a lot of learning to do before you teach anyone else - keep that in mind when you are giving advice to others. perhaps there is someone else who is in better spot to teach others - perferably someone with a lot of experience. you might also not be the most ethical person. without ethics you are definitely going to feel the pain and have a fall from grace or be forced to retire. you could struggle with open mindedness and/or honesty... practice leading with innocence and willingness to grow.
saturn: positive aspects: you are super self-controlled. you have a strong will which is rather uncommon for people... you have such strength - you could even resist the things to desperately desire. you are someone who is likely to retire before you are ever forced to quit or into retirement in general. you live a life of moderation, thusly you already follow the elements on varuna. negative aspects: you likely aren't the most self-controlled person... you might struggle with doing things in moderation and waiting in general. it is likely a struggle of yours to resist your desires. this might be something that springs from a mistrust built in childhood... you might fear that while it is there one moment it won't be there the next. you will need to work on your trust issues because while you could be right you are equally likely to be wrong in that regard. so have faith. don't doubt the world around you. you might be the type of person that has to be forced into retirement because you do not realize you are decaying in a knowledge sense - there is likely someone more capable than you and you will just have to accept that.
uranus: positive aspects: you are an extraordinary individual - while nothing is predictable when you are in charge, things are also unpredictable and innovative when you are. you cause growth and forward movement. you get things done and help others to evolve in a positive manner. you likely can juggle many things at once as well. your originality is likely to keep you in business and keep you in power for a long time. negative aspects: you might constantly question if everything you are doing is correct - you likely lack faith in yourself and your ability. you also might have the tendency to want to control things that aren't controllable like the future. you need to learn to have faith in the unknown. you probably struggle with finding balance because you likely do not plan - normally this is fine for a uranus placement/aspect but not where varuna is involved because he requires consistency and control. as for the fall from power - i don't feel like you will have a fall. i feel like it is more akin to estrangement. you might fall out of love or interest with your field and just leave it be.
neptune: positive aspects: astral projection vibes - you have strong psychic gifts, so don't hesitate to use them. you don't seek control which is your greatest gift; you reach a sort of nirvana when you stop trying to control things - it is so rewarding for you too. you don't let blockages set you back - you just go with the flow. negative aspects: you doubt your abilities which really sets you back. you have to acknowledge that you are capable of everything and anything. when you try to control your creativity, you will find yourself bored by your work and you might even create things that seem too simple to get the recognition you seek. you don't resonate with idealism - you want things to be predictable but they aren't. you need to embrace the unpredictable and the impractical. speaking of impractical, you likely won't be a leader, at least not the best leader, because you might just lack practicality where it is needed.
pluto: positive aspects: you embrace the chaos; you aren't a controlling person - you are the opposite a majority of the time. you want change not balance. you might be the least varuna like of this bunch due to this fact. the changes you make are often done carefully and overtime. you aren't someone that wastes time though; you make calculated risks/changes. negative aspects: you likely hate people who try to keep order... you loath those who try to control you most of all. you aren't someone who likes being controlled - if anyone should be controlling anyone you will believe it is you who should be in control. your passions likely overshadow you desire for balance/moderation.
asc: positive aspects: these are the people that you look at and you are like "dang, they have everything under control in their life". you appear so well composed that no one questions a thing. you look fine and like you can handle anything, so you likely find yourself tasked with a lot in life. miraculously, you can handle it too and continue to climb the ranks. you have a classic look about you that makes you look timeless and ageless. negative aspects: you may be controlling or lack control where your appearance is concerned. you should look into better life balance - no one should be living their life concerned about their looks and worrying about whether they will be taken seriously or not OR if they are on trend or not. do what what works for you - nothing more and nothing less.
mc: positive aspects: you may receive a lot of praise for your achievements and ambitions in life. you may find yourself in a high position in your career in which you are in charge or creating the code of conduct for your workplace. you could be a good leader because you are willing to hear others out in regards to regarding functionality. your father could have been someone of great importance who had an important job that allowed you to have a good childhood/home environment from a young age. negative aspects: you might expect to get accolade and it never comes - no doubt you are going above and beyond in your role though. you might feel like you are constantly on the cusp of getting to where you wish to go in life, yet you never get there. you could struggle with following those in a seat of power too because you might feel like they took your position or that you are better than they are at the job. status for you is very important, but it is not something you will ever feel confident about.
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ghcstao3 · 6 months
(part 1)
Ghost wakes up to the sound of someone knocking on his front door—to which he feels the need to frown at, because he hadn’t been expecting any visitors.
When he grumpily swings open the door to find John on the other side, his irritation subsides, just a little.
“Mornin’!” John greets, his grin far too bright for—Ghost lifts his wrist and squints down at his watch—nine in the morning. “Brought you something. Or, well. My Mam made them so I could bring you—“
Ghost raises a tired hand to wag his finger and point at the container in John’s hands, asking in lazy movements, “What is it?”
“Oh!” John blinks. He thrusts the container into Ghost’s unoccupied hand, and somehow his smile grows tenfold. “Tattie scones. Wasn’t sure what you might like, so. Went with something simple.”
Ghost squints at John a moment, before swallowing a yawn as he offers a mumbled thank you and pries open the lid. He holds it out to John, but he just shakes his head.
“I have my own. Just wanted to apologize for the noise.”
Ghost nods, stuffs a scone in his mouth, closes the lid. He then steps aside and gestures for John to enter the flat because he supposes it’s courtesy, and if he’s making tea for one he may as well offer for another.
John follows with a shrug.
“Tea?” Ghost asks. Then pauses, considering, before he scrunches his nose and signs instead, “Coffee?”
John barks a laugh, shaking his head again. “I won’t force you to make coffee if you hate it. Just water, if that’s okay?”
Ghost obliges, traversing his kitchen as John sits politely at the island. He feels eyes on his back all the while he fetches the water and puts on a kettle, but for once Ghost doesn’t feel unnerved by the sensation. In fact, dare he say he feels almost… comforted.
They sit in silence a while as the water boils and even a while after, nothing more than the shriek of the kettle to break it, and Ghost’s quiet compliments to John’s mother for the scones.
After a few tentative sips of tea and a refill for John, Ghost ventures to begin signing a question that had plagued him since meeting his neighbour.
He only mouthes the words as he signs, rediscovering that comfort in silent communication that he’d had to abandon in his retirement if only for not having anyone left to share it with.
“How did you…” Ghost pauses, wincing slightly as he questions, “…have you always been deaf?”
John’s smile has since dimmed considerably, though it’s no less friendly. He only uses sign for about half of what he says, and if Ghost could guess, it’s likely a clashing mix of habits.
“Not always,” John says. “I was in the military. Specialized in demolitions, got too close to an explosion, though my hearing was already shite by then. Had to retire early, but so is life, I guess.”
Ghost smiles weakly. “We’re not so different, then.”
John’s eyebrows knit together with curiosity, so Ghost takes the invitation to continue. Normally, he doesn’t think he’d ever be so open with a near complete stranger—but sharing that background, somehow it seems… easier.
He knows Price would be a right smug bastard about this if he knew.
“Also military. Retired from injury. Knee is fucked.”
John snorts. “I’m sure that’s one way of putting it.”
Ghost shrugs. They fall back into comfortable, companionable silence until John announces he should go, he does have work to attend to.
“What do you do?” Ghost can’t help but wonder.
“Boring office stuff from home,” John tells him. “Art commissions on the side, if I’m up to it. You?”
Ghost huffs. “Working on it,” he mutters. He doesn’t particularly care for John knowing about that.
The man seems to understand anyway, but says nothing of it. He just thanks Ghost again for the company, Ghost thanks him for the scones, and they bid each other a good rest of their day.
It’s weird—as Ghost hears John’s door shut across the hall, he finds he already misses his presence.
Maybe he should dig up some of his mum’s old recipes and return the favour. It’s definitely not an excuse, or anything like that, just… friendly neighbour activities.
Yeah. That’s all it is.
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gabessquishytum · 5 days
Dream's Michelin starred restaurant is in an up and coming neighborhood. It's expensive generally, but Dream also makes sure to have a more economical version of his pre fixe menu, so they people in the neighborhood could also eat in the restaurant.
When Dream opened his restaurant it was next to a smaller neighborhood favorite restaurant run by this sweet older couple. When Dream heard that the couple was retiring, he was sad to lose their friendly, simple, fare place.
A few months later, the neighborhood scuttlebutt was that a relative or some long-lost someone was going to takeover from the couple and continue to run the restaurant. Dream didn't think much of it.
Until, during the height of summer, when Dream caught a glimpse of the hottest (looking), sweatiest, man unloading produce into the old couple's restaurant..... he kept stopping, putting down the box he was holding, and using the bottom of his shirt to wipe his face.
Dream started sweating himself from all the damp hair (chest & trail) on display whenever the mystery man lifted his shirt.
This is the first time Dream wishes his restaurant served something as plebian as lemonade.....Dream would have brought him a glass and introduced himself.... A bottle of water will have to do.
Dream is calling dibs, before that lady from the fashion boutique sees him and tries to get new hot guy first!
I totally love the idea of Dream fighting with other local businesspeople for Hob’s undivided attention. He's super territorial and Hob obviously absolutely loves it.
Hob is honestly a little nervous about the restaurant next door. He's never even stepped into a Michelin star place, let alone eaten in one! But he's actually heard that the place isn't so snobby, and the owner actually really cares about food and the community. And when Hob sees the owner? He stops caring about what the restaurant is like. If a man that angelically gorgeous runs the place, food is not the thing that Hob’s thinking about having in his mouth.
The man even approaches Hob with a bottle of fancy branded water and offers to help with unloading his van. Hob has never been so flattered, although he doesn't want to make the pretty man strain himself in the midday sun. He offers Dream a seat and carries on with the heavy lifting while Dream watches. And boy, he is definitely watching. Hob starts putting on a proper show, squatting when he lifts each box, pulling his shirt all the way up to show off his tits. He should be embarrassed by his own behaviour but Dream seems to be eating it up.
They end up making out inside the kitchen of Hob’s restaurant, while some of his produce totally defrosts on the floor... but hey, it's so worth it. Dream even has one of his staff members run over later with replacements. After he's finished running his hands through every inch of the hair on Hob’s chest, belly, and between his legs... Dream is a Michelin star chef for a reason, and he is VERY clever with his fingers. And Hob won't be looking at any other local business owners now that he knows exactly how much Dream likes to, ahem, eat.
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cultofdixon · 1 year
What Happens Next
Daryl Dixon • She/Her Pronouns • The archer was given the best news of his life, and one would say he’s one of the more involved in every single thing that has to do with his future child • ANGST/SFW/NSFW • TW: Pregnancy & Birth / Anxiety / Scars / Injuries / Sleep Deprivation • Ignoring Canon, cuz I can
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl stared at her dumbfounded and a little taken back by what his wife had just told him. He had to sit down and the silence started to worry Y/N.
He doesn’t…
He doesn’t want this
We should’ve been more careful
Fuck he’s probably mad
What am I supposed to do—-
“Hey…hey…darling, what’s wrong? You’re crying” Daryl frowns as he has risen from his seat when the tears rolled from her cheeks abruptly. He carefully took a hold of her face wiping away the tears that kept falling. “Sweetheart…”
“I should’ve been more careful…”
“You don’t want this—-“
“Daryl I’m so sor—-“
“I want this, I want this if you do” Daryl states holding her face as the tears came on faster but no longer from her anxiety. He couldn’t help his own as he wipes the happy tears away before bringing her close in his embrace. “We’re gonna be parents”
“We’re gonna be parents”
First Trimester
“Are you going on the run tomorrow?”
“I’ll have to ask Y/N” Daryl states helping Rick pack up the truck for the overnighters as the retired sheriff gave him a confused look.
“Ask Y/N? Really? You usually never asked her before you did anythin’. Tell her yeah but—-“
“Things have changed. No more worrying of Negan causing hell on us anymore. I ain’t leaving her in the dark of anythin’.” Daryl shuts the trunk before making his way back to the house. “I’ll ask and let yea know”
“Okay…” Rick continues to have some suspicion about what’s hidden behind his words.
As Daryl enters the home he spotted Y/N immediately as she was sitting on the kitchen floor. He quickly ran over to her thinking the worse but she gave him a reassuring look that made him sit with her instantly.
“Are you alright?”
“Just felt icky when grabbing something to eat…had to sit down”
“Quickly I assume”
Y/N hums tiredly in response as she rests her head on his shoulder feeling his instantly rest on hers. “Did you tell anybody yet?”
“Am I allowed to?”
“Yes…but I wanna tell Carol. You can literally tell anybody else but this is my one. And Maggie.”
“If I tell Rick or Michonne what makes yea think they won’t tell others? Rick also doesn’t know how to keep his mouth shut” He laughs making Y/N do so as well snuggling into his side. “He’s going on a run tomorrow, wondered if I’m going”
“What’s stopping you?” She asks as the silence gave her her answer. “Oh, me? I never stopped you before”
“Mm. Told him I’d ask yea if I could go…” By the way he said such, Y/N knew he didn’t want to go. Leave her for too long…she couldn’t help the smile on her face.
“I don’t want you to go”
“Then I’ll stay. Take care of yea”
“Speaking of such…I’m hungry, but I don’t want to lose it instantly”
“I can make yea toast. Prob one of the few things I can make without burning it” He smiles listening to her laugh to such before slowly getting up and offering a hand to help her up but she shook her head. “Still icky?”
“Mhm. Besides I like the view” Y/N winks smiling up at her man while he groaned to the comment.
A few days went by and today was the perfect opportunity to tell Carol. Alexandria took a big hit after the Saviors War along with the Kingdom that they have been going back and forth to help rebuild each other’s communities with the help of others. It was the Kingdom’s turn to come to Alexandria which meant Carol coming by. But Y/N went on an infirmary run with Siddiq to the other communities. This meant Daryl has to bite his tongue from telling Carol.
Even though Daryl’s silent moments that was him biting his tongue, concerned Carol.
“How’s the house holding up?”
“What do you mean?”
“Well this place was set on fire and our first job was fixing the houses. Was wondering how yours and Y/N’s is doing. Anything you add since I’ve moved to the kingdom?”
“Nope” Daryl lied of course because he can’t talk about the nursery they are starting early before Y/N can’t help physically. “Only got the guest room set up for you. That’s pretty much the only thing we did to the place”
“Uh huh” Carol squints at the man waiting for him to reveal more but he didn’t. “Well, the crops aren’t going to take care of themselves and you’re certainly not helping by drowning the potatoes” she had to take the hose away from Daryl since his mind was elsewhere and that made her worry even more.
She was even more worried and a bit suspicious when Daryl stayed outside that night with the universal radio talking to who she assumed to be Y/N.
“You feelin’ alright, darling?”
“Yeah…Maggie made sure I didn’t overwork myself once I told her”
“She happy?…for us?”
“Why wouldn’t she be? She’s a bit surprised it didn’t happen sooner. Given yknow. The times she walked in on us”
“Do I still have to apologize for the first time in Alexandria or?” Daryl smiles listening to her laugh on the other end. “It’s about to get harder to hide certain things. You better get your ass back before I blab”
“You better fucking not Dixon”
“It’s either I—-Or Rick”
Bingo. Carol knew exactly who to go to and it’s the blabber mouth. Rick can keep secrets when it came to death level situations but life? The man will fold.
“Rick!” Carol calls out to the retired sheriff while he was carrying Judith on their morning walk. “Want some company?”
“Uhm. Sure?” Rick sets Judith down as she instantly reached to hold Carol’s hand as well as her dad’s. “What’s up?”
“Daryl is keeping a secret from me and I overheard him last night talking to Y/N on the radio”
“Why are you eavesdropping on the two?”
“Because they are my family and if something serious is happening…I want to know. I’ve lost enough” She knew playing the guilt card will get Rick to fold but Judith, as young as she is, knows when her father is about to fuck something up.
“I WANT MOMMY” She screams and let go of the two’s hands to sprint in the opposite direction they were heading.
“Sorry Carol I gotta—“ Rick gestures to where his kid is running as Carol waved him off.
As Rick catches up to Judith he quickly picks her up once again as she held her hand out. He immediately took out a hard candy from his back pocket giving it to her.
“You’re a life saver”
“Can you open it daddy?”
“Of course, sweetheart” Rick smiles helping his kid on the way back to their house.
Finally, Y/N returns home with Siddiq who on the drive back was telling her about the pre-natals they had and if she ever got too sick to move that she should see him right away. He was freaking her out really with everything he was talking about. The baby book that Maggie gave her already stressed her.
“Siddiq, I love yea. But please shut up”
“Sorry. Did I go too far?”
“Yes…” Y/N sighs laughing after.
Siddiq drove up to the infirmary and parked, Y/N quickly stepped out grabbing her duffle. “Let me get you the vitamins before you head back home, okay?”
As Y/N waited on the porch, it didn’t take long for Daryl to reunite with his partner knowing she would’ve stopped there first. He was also getting restless not being able to tell Carol the news and needed her to tell her. But she looked exhausted when Daryl drew close.
“You alright?”
“Been doing check ups all day…and driving back from the Sanctuary was physically and mentally exhausting…”
Daryl didn’t know one of their stops was the Sanctuary and felt awful knowing she went there. He took her bag for her and the timing was perfect when Siddiq came out tossing the bottle to the archer.
“How many times a day?”
“It says it on the bottle, but should be once. I’d take it around noon” Siddiq advises patting Y/N on the shoulder before going to unload the truck for them.
As the two made their way back to the house, they were welcomed by Carol standing obnoxiously in the middle of the foyer.
“So what’s going on between you two?”
“Daryl didn’t tell you anything right?” Y/N asks watching the confusion grow on her face. “I’ll take that as a yes…but I’m so exhausted…”
“Carol can she tell yea in the morning? It’s nothin’ bad” Daryl frowns rubbing circles on Y/N’s back as Carol’s expression softens before inevitably nodding.
“But if you forget, I will yell at you”
“Promise” Y/N gave her a soft smile approaching her and hugging her family. “I’m so happy you’re here”
After their small moment, Y/N didn’t wait any much longer to climb into their bed and get comfortable. Daryl brought himself to her side of the bed helping her get out of her shoes and her jeans so that she could be more comfortable.
“Yea need anything from your bag downstairs?”
“Mmm. Besides my shorts, can you get me water while you’re down there?” Y/N smiles as Daryl snuck in a quick kiss to her lips before doing such.
As the archer made his way downstairs he spotted Carol at the dining room table where he put Y/N’s bag…and the bottle.
“You fucking hid this from me?! I wouldn’t have reacted badly—-“ Carol stops when Daryl started shushing her. “Excuse me?”
“Y/N wants to tell yea. She even got mad at me about it. She really wants to be the one to tell you that she literally gave me a list of who I could tell and you were off limits. Same with Maggie.” Daryl took the bottle from her and stowed it away in Y/N’s bag. “You can’t say shit”
“Well can I say—-“
“You can say it in the morning when she tells yea”
When he turned toward his best friend he saw the permanent smile on her face as he clenched the shorts Y/N had him get for her.
You’re gonna be a dad Carol mouths to Daryl with her smile following as she held in her squeal to hug him just for a moment before letting him get back to what he needed to do.
The morning came and Carol anxiously waited at the dining room table for the two to emerge. But only Y/N woke out of them and by the looks of it, she woke up to puke and Carol couldn’t help the worried look.
“I’m pregnant”
“I know”
“I’m too tired to kill Daryl”
“He didn’t tell me, love. I found the prenatal bottle in your bag because Daryl wouldn’t tell me anything that I had to investigate. Even Rick didn’t tell me”
“Mmm…that’s impressive” Y/N was a bit proud of Rick for not spilling the beans. Then she started tearing up which lead to her close friend rising to her feet and making her way to her. “I’m so scared Carol…” she sobbed hugging Carol back once she wrapped her arms around her.
“Oh hun that’s normal. Trust me. You are going to be a great mom, and I know that man of yours is going to be a great dad by how over protective he is and the little one isn’t even here yet” Oh Y/N knew that the archer was looming around the corner as he didn’t want to ruin their moment but also didn’t want to leave her alone in case of anything. “Now come on. You go back to sleep and take it easy today. Dad-to-be and I will hold down the fort” Carol directs Y/N back to the stairs as she stopped to hug her husband feeling him tighten his grasp on her kissing her temple.
“Come find me if yea need anything”
“Mhm” Y/N hums happily parting from him to head back to bed.
“You are going to be difficult to ask for help that takes you away from Y/N, huh?” Carol smiles watching Daryl nod. “Then go! I’ll tell Rick you’ll help out later”
The first three months was a breeze even with the morning sickness and overly tired days. Daryl wouldn’t leave when the days were bad even if Y/N insisted he’d do something other than watch her sleep. But he didn’t care. He’d even catch up on some sleep as long as it meant being with her. Carol started visiting more and Maggie would give her items that helped her during her pregnancy with Hershel Jr. She’s honestly relieved that Y/N wasn’t pregnant during all the chaos, all that was happening was just rebuilding the communities. Some part of her really wanted to physically be there but couldn’t for reasons.
“Y/N, Carol is making me read this and it’s already fuckin’ terrifying” Daryl thought something like the prison flu or another asshole threatening their lives would be the thing he worries about. But there’s so much more to it and the new world changes a lot of it.
“You don’t have to read it if it gets too much” Y/N grumbles to herself as she struggles to her favorite jeans on.
“I wanna be prepared. Even if I have no idea what colostrum is…” Daryl stops reading the page he was on when listening to Y/N’s annoyance get louder. He dog-eared the page he was on setting the book down on the dresser approaching his partner to help when he noticed. “Stop. Wear something else”
“I’m working on the farm all day. I want to be comfortable”
“If comfortable is crushing my baby, I don’t want it” Daryl unbuttoned her jeans as Y/N looks at him confused feeling her face flush when he pulled her pants down low enough to show her in the mirror. “You popped”
“Don’t ever say that again” Y/N laughs resting her hands on her small bump feeling Daryl’s gaze burn into her as she took his hand to rest on it. “Your big ass hand makes it look like nothing”
“It’s still somethin’” Daryl couldn’t help his smile forming as Y/N kisses his temple while he continued to hold her bump.
Second Trimester
It was the first deer she has seen in a while, given she usually gets rabbits and squirrels once she learned how to use her bow. Y/N snuck up on the creature perfectly as she readies her bow, the first time she had to readjust given what she was carrying. She took the shot once it was clear and managed to get the deer.
“Yes!” Y/N cheers putting her bow back on her back approaching the downed deer, pulling the arrow out once she put it out of its misery. She heard the walker approaching and given her knelt position it was going to take her a minute to get up but she was going to take it out before it got near dinner.
Then an arrow shot past her taking the walker out as Y/N quickly turns around finding her man had took the shot and gave away his position.
“I told you I could’ve done this alone”
“But yea ain’t alone, and I didn’t make any promise to the peanut. Ain’t leavin’ her alone”
“You really want a girl don’t you?” Y/N smiles ignoring how she felt a second ago to gush over the fact that Daryl really wants a little girl and how cute it was that he did.
“I ain’t calling the baby an it that’s for sure” Daryl scoffs going to retrieve his arrow and help her carry the deer back, and by help, do it himself. “Yea feel anything yet?”
The archer has been reading the baby book given to him non-stop. He’s already protective of those who’s he cares about, and the book only made it 100 times worse because of all the scary things that could happen. But there are good parts. In this regard, the baby kicking.
“I just got to five months. It won’t magically happen instantly”
“I know…but I wanna be there”
“You most likely will. You don’t leave me alone for more than a minute” Y/N laughs quietly as the two got closer to where they’ve been staying for a month. The Sanctuary. Rick had asked Daryl if he could watch the Sanctuary for a few weeks just until they’re comfortable knowing not another Negan will emerge. He also promised Y/N that it would only be a few weeks and then they can be back home enjoying their lives just the two of them before their new addition joins.
It’s been a month and Daryl hasn’t seen anything happen with the ex-saviors but has seen his wife become more anxious the longer they stay there.
“I’m talkin’ to Rick tomorrow about going home. I think the place is fine without supervision. Just as long as someone checks in every now and then…” Daryl frowns looking at Y/N who was actively ignoring the conversation knowing Rick is only going to ask for another couple days. But he was persistent this time. “Y/N. We’re gonna go home. Not have to worry about anythin’ else but gettin’ ready for the little peanut”
She really wasn’t there mentally when Daryl would talk about that. All she did was give him a small smile before hesitantly heading inside the place.
“You can go back if it’s that bad”
“Rick fuckin’ owes me this time. It’s one thing dealin’ with my own shit. But Y/N not saying more than five words a conversation while in this hell, I ain’t having it anymore Carol” Daryl frowns gripping the radio in his grasp as he tried not to lose it while he stepped outside for a moment even if his anxiety was telling him to not leave Y/N. “I need to go back inside”
“You should”
Daryl looks up from his lap finding Carol in the protective gear that Kingdom guards wear as she brought herself to sit beside him. “When did yea—-“
“You’re not the only one with access to that radio.”
“She’s talkin’ to yea and not…Carol if something serious is—-“
“Don’t. Don’t jump the gun. It has nothing to do with her state or the baby. For the most part” Carol set her pack down going through it and handing Daryl a few things at a time. They were all baby related and some clothes for Y/N that would make her more comfortable even if wearing Daryl’s sweaters were enough. “We talk about her and the baby in good terms. Whenever I do bring up the Sanctuary, she goes quiet and doesn’t want to talk about it at all. She doesn’t want to be here. So I am helping y’all get out of here and if whoever has an issue with it, they’ll talk to me”
“Or me. I don’t want Y/N to stress just from being here.” Daryl frowns holding a Fox plush that was in the pile. “Rick should’ve thought this through”
“Mm. He should’ve. But right now? We have our priorities”
Y/N was sleeping uncomfortably in one of the rooms at the Sanctuary as she would wake to every noise she heard and didn’t like being so close to the cells knowing where Daryl has been held captive for weeks. Her anxiety was the worse that night Daryl and Carol decided to sneak her out in the middle of it, the door opening lead to Y/N taking her gun out from under her pillow.
Daryl held his hands up watching Y/N relax but also break out into tears. “Hey…no I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have snuck up on yea or anythin.” He frowns sitting on the side of the bed wiping away her tears. “We’re going home, not waiting for Rick or anybody else for that matter. We’re going now”
“Nah. I need my wife and baby safe, and even if everything is fine here. You don’t feel safe. I need yea safe” Daryl presses his forehead against hers resting his hand on her belly and that’s when it happened. Right at that very second, Daryl suddenly pulls back keeping his hand cemented on her belly as Y/N rests hers on top of his laughing through the tears.
“Timing couldn’t be more perfect”
“Peanut didn’t like it here either” Daryl kept his attention to the movement until it stopped for the time being as he brought Y/N close to hold his family. “We’re gonna be okay. I promise”
Nobody questioned their return, and Rick definitely didn’t bother asking because he knew he’d get chewed out. But a huge part of him was thankful to have them back.
“Daryl told me to check on yea while he’s gone, but by the looks of it…” Michonne enters the nursery. “You’ve been busy” she smiles seeing all the work Y/N had managed to get done.
The walls were already a grey and Daryl found paint cans in one of the garages that matched the shade enough to fix the spots. The one part he didn’t let Y/N do because of fumes. Even though he did try to convince her to let him move furniture but she would yell at him every time he tried. It’s the simple stuff. The closet had the extra supplies, there was a dresser that held the baby clothes Daryl found and hand me downs from Maggie, a basket on top of such that held cloth diapers and burp clothes, a crib, and the rocking chair Y/N was currently sitting in that was gifted to her by someone at Oceanside. There was still much to be done but she was exhausted when Michonne came in.
“He’s on a gas run but knowing my partner he’s going to come back with things. He never comes home empty handed” Y/N shifts a bit getting used to being a growing planet of a human being as she rubs circles on her belly. “Wish he’d be back already”
“You want company?” Michonne smiles watching her friend’s eyes light up to those words.
The party of two became three and then four. That being Rosita joining once she heard a girls night was commencing in some way and Carol joining after she came to visit to do her usual check in on Y/N. Daryl isn’t the only hoverer. At first it was talking about the changes happening in the others’ lives and then the talking became talking and working on the nursery with the directions given by Y/N.
By the end of the night, Daryl came back with Rick as the two were heading toward the Dixon residence.
“You excited?”
“Who wouldn’t be?”
“I was terrified with Carl and that was before the outbreak happened. Then Judith, same feelin’ but with the undead around. Y’all having a kid with the sickos still walking. Just thought you’d be a bit more—-“
“Scared?” Daryl chuckles gripping the strap to his crossbow. “Never said I wasn’t scared and as much as hell continues to surround us, as long as they’re safe and well, our bubble can stay intact.”
“You did seem to be a natural with babies when Judith was small. I know for a fact you’ll be great” Rick pats his brother on the back watching Michonne step out of the residence with a smile on her face and immediately hugging her man.
“Have a good night” Daryl tells the two as he enters his home seeing Carol and Rosita in the kitchen cleaning up their mess but also enjoying dinner. “Hey”
“Hey, look who’s back”
“Y/N misses you. Should go check on her” Rosita states watching Daryl give her a questioning look by how she said such before doing exactly that. Since it was his plan the second he entered Alexandria.
Daryl’s first stop was the bedroom half expecting her to be in bed already. But since she wasn’t there, he knew to check the obvious and he was surprised by the finished nursery. It was very gender neutral even if he was convinced and convinced Y/N that they were having a girl. But he loved everything about it.
“You’ve been busy”
“I had help from my girls” Y/N smiles happily from the rocking chair that now had a blanket resting on the back of it. It had little woodland creatures on it. “Do you like it?”
“I love it, love it even more if you didn’t lift a finger”
“I didn’t. All the moving was done by them and Carol told me off every chance I tried” She laughs leaning forward when Daryl brought himself over leaning into her to kiss her as she met him halfway. “How was your day?”
“Found enough gas for a few more trips. Gonna try Maggie’s alternative and see if we can eventually change to that” Daryl brought himself to sit on the floor beside her enjoying the feeling of her hand running through his hair. “Did get more stuff for her”
“I figured. But you should look at one of the shelves before you bring the new items in” Y/N states watching Daryl get up with a slight groan after having an exhausting day as he goes to the shelves finding some of the plushies but books they found on display.
But there was a solo shelf above the dresser that held knickknacks. He felt a warmth in his chest finding little wooden carvings that represented each member of their family. Crossbow…arrow…sheriff hat…katana…knife…baseball cap…and the last item was a framed Polaroid that the two had taken with their family all the way back to the prison.
“Eugene whittles and got them done perfectly in my opinion. He also felt like he owed me for the time I was three months and he made me cry for an hour” that got a laugh out of Daryl even though he remembers the day perfectly where he didn’t even know his own strength by how he managed to lift the poor guy off the ground for scaring him in thinking he hurt his wife. “I think it’s perfect but we’ll need something temporary to mount them”
“I’ll think of something but they’re fine where they’re at for now” Daryl smiles returning the picture back on the shelf.
Third Trimester
I’m a fucking goddamn planet Y/N thought as she tries to look down at her feet from sitting on the bench at the end of their bed. Seven months wasn’t so bad. Eight is fucking hell.
Daryl came upstairs once he stood at the front door for too long waiting for Y/N. He thought she was right behind her but she wasn’t.
“What’s the matter?”
“I’m huge. My back hurts…and I can’t tie my shoes” Y/N frowns lifting her feet up and setting them down gently as she readjusts from her seated position holding her belly.
“You should’ve just asked for help, love” Daryl knelt down once he got close enough and helped tie Y/N’s shoes feeling her distract herself by messing with his hair. “Why are you even wearing this pair? I got you shoes without laces”
“You found shoes without laces and I forgot where I put them” Pregnancy brain is a bitch. “Why are we doing this again?”
“It’s a walk around Alexandria. It’s five to ten minutes top. You also bugged me to remind you of such the past few days we’ve been doing this” He tried really hard to contain his laugh but his grin was prominent. “Helps the swelling in your legs”
“Sometimes I wish you’d listen to my tired brain over my screaming one from a few days ago”
“When we get home I’ll rub your feet”
“Sold” Y/N stops messing with his hair, fixing it quickly before he stood to his feet holding his hands out to help her off the bench.
Daryl gave her a quick kiss, then one to her bump. He’s been doing that every day since her bump became more noticeable.
It was a cool fall afternoon that the two were walking around Alexandria as Y/N watches all the familiar faces go about their day along with the new ones. This community expanded like the others and her heart swelled over the fact that this little one has a village in case of anything. But boy did her man make sure everything would go smoothly.
“I’m not naming our kid after any dead relatives”
“Middle names are fine. But you also have to give me boy names” Y/N watches her man roll his eyes as she was just preparing for that just in case. “C’mon baby. We don’t know the gender and our already huge list of girl names over power our list of boys that is literally nothing. It could happen”
“It ain’t but fine. What are yea thinking”
“I really like Shepherd”
“Done. That’s the name if we have a boy—-“
“Daryl!” Y/N smacks him in the chest lightly. “Actually come up with one instead of instantly agreeing with me. What would you like for a boy that would be on the same level with your favorite girl names?”
“Robin can go both ways”
“Okay, fair. But come on” Y/N returns her hand to holding Daryl’s as he was silent for a long time before actually thinking of one.
“Andy ain’t bad”
“Short for Andrew? That’s cute. Andrew Glenn Dixon” That sounds nice.
“Mmm. Gregory”
“No” Y/N immediately shot down. “Steven?”
“Not my first option, but an option. Mmm….” Daryl looks around the place thinking something would inspire him as Y/N tugs at him to take a seat at the gazebo. “Josh—Nah that didn’t sound right leaving my mouth”
“I had an ex named Josh in the old world”
“Then that’s a fuck no” Daryl leans back into the bench resting his head on top of hers once she placed herself on his shoulder. “Can we just agree on Andrew or Shepherd for the boy names?”
“Then Robin or Evelyn for our top girl choices” Y/N sighs happily knowing she doesn’t have to stress about that. “Glad we got that covered”
The two were simply enjoying themselves as a party of two for a little while longer. Listening to the wind of autumn…watching life continue even while outside the walls was a scary place…Daryl couldn’t help but think about the future. Would he mess up? Would he turn out like his father? But those thoughts washed away every time Y/N would look into his piercing blue eyes with her beautiful E/C ones. She’s always been the light that lead him back to reality. He knew he’ll be fine with her by his side every step of the way.
A few nights have past since that calming moment, Daryl brought his arm around his love bringing her close even if it meant her back flush against his chest. Y/N shifted slightly in her sleep out of discomfort from the size of her belly and the movement of the baby. She brought her hand on her belly hoping rubbing circles would soothe it but instead the discomfort got worse.
“Your baby won’t stop moving” She sighs feeling Daryl shift behind her enough to bring his hand to her belly. Her hope was dad’s touch would do something but it didn’t.
Daryl got up entirely from the bed moving himself to her side watching the discomfort in her face grow as she tries to hide in her pillow.
“Imma get Siddiq”
“Please don’t leave me…” Y/N sobs feeling his calloused hand brush the hair out of her face before taking care of the on-going tears.
“Hun if you’re in labor we need the doc”
“My water hasn’t broke yet…”
“Y/N. I don’t want to take any chances here” Daryl frowns hating that she was already experiencing a lot of discomfort that they both knew was only going to get worse. “The second it breaks I’m getting Siddiq. But what do you want me to do right now for you? Just name it”
Early stages of labor was mainly discomfort and the body preparing itself. Daryl didn’t like anything Y/N was suggesting they’d do before her water breaks.
Like the walk they were taking at 3AM and Daryl growing frustrated every time Y/N would smack his hand away when he tried to hold her in some way. She was starting to feel crowded in her own person making her stop suddenly in the middle of the street.
“What’s happenin’” Daryl frowns resting his hand on her back as she tensed to the touch. “Y/N. Tell—-“
“Shut up. I don’t want to walk anymore” She groans turning herself around and waddling incredibly slow back to their place.
The sound of a door opening caught the archer’s attention as he quickly noticed Rosita stepping out of the house she shared with Eugene and Gabriel. She looks at the two confused as Daryl tried his best to tell her what was happening with hand gestures. Rosita is a smart woman she caught on without Daryl’s gesturing as she went back inside to get her shoes on and leave to go get Siddiq for the Dixons.
“She’s in the bath”
“Hm. That makes sense” Siddiq rubs the sleep out of his eyes as it was now around five in the morning and her water hasn’t broken yet. “How do we know these aren’t Braxton?”
“The fake ones? She’s in a lot of discomfort. I doubt it’s fucking fake” Daryl frowns his anxiety was spiking his rage slightly. “I gotta check on her. Just. I’ll come and find yea—-“
“I’m already here. I’ll just be on the couch until anything. Okay? But if it gets worse, I have to check her myself to see how dilated she might be”
“Alright” Daryl quickly went back upstairs, surprised Y/N even wanted to be back up there. But it meant having their kid in their bedroom if it comes to it.
Y/N was comfortably uncomfortable in the bath as she didn’t say a word when Daryl entered, only looked at him with tears still blurring her vision.
“How bad is it?” Daryl sat on the edge of the tub taking her hand into his, feeling her crush his hand instantly. “Fucking hell”
“You should’ve told me sooner if you were a big baby.”
“I wasn’t?” Daryl knew her emotions were going to be all over the place, and her anger is starting to get there. “I was premature.”
“You gave me a big ass baby” Y/N squeezed her eyes shut and the grip on his hand got tighter indicating the pain getting worse. These weren’t fake. These were real contractions. “God she’s going to fucking rip herself out of me”
There’s a mental image Daryl is never going to forget, and the man has seen Alien. Okay now it’s worse applying a chest buster to labor.
“Siddiq has to check yea to see how dilated you are”
“Only you can see me fucking naked. I need to get the fuck out and put a shirt on before that happens”
“Are you even ready to—-“
“NO” She snaps wanting to remain in the tub for a little while longer.
Word got out that Y/N was in the early stages of labor and as more of their family entered the living room, the more it progressed. Siddiq had left to get everything he’ll need from the infirmary given this is now happening in their home. Oh what the doc would give for a hospital right about now. He knows what he’s doing but he still feels inexperienced every time.
Y/N wore one of Daryl’s shirts covering most of her as she felt like a tiny person carrying a planet even more now that her water has broke all over their floor. She leans against the bed gripping the sheets trying to distract herself, appreciating Daryl’s hands working their magic on her back to ease the pain while she took deep breathes.
“I hate you”
“Mm. Fair.”
“No don’t agree with me I’m not serious” she started to sob again. Nice job Daryl. “I love you…I love you so much and I’m excited for this chapter but HOLY FUCK DOES IT HURT” she screams as it startled Daryl a bit, especially their friends in the living room.
“I’ve gotcha love” Daryl brought himself beside her resting his head against hers feeling her lean into him. “Just a few more hours and it’ll be all over”
“I can’t…Fucking, I can’t” Y/N sobs into him feeling his arm wrap around her shoulders to bring her closer.
“You’re the strongest person I know. You can, and you will.” Daryl states kissing her temple before helping her back into the bed.
A few hours have passed and Siddiq checked how dilated she was once more before giving Daryl and Y/N a look that it was time. While he got himself prepared, Y/N gave her partner a horrified look.
“I’m not ready”
“Love, it’s time”
“Daryl I’m not ready” She cries. “What if I’m a terrible mom? What if I mess up so bad that she’ll resent me? I-I…”
Daryl squeezes her hand bringing it up to his lips kissing the back of it before resting his forehead against hers. “You’re going to be great. No one is ever ready. I’m scared shitless. But I know I’ll be great with yea, Y/N. We’ll be great. We’ll mess up and take care of it along the way. It’s bound to happen but again, we’ll be great. We have a village. Have each other. I’m right here, sunshine”
His words made her cry even more but in ease. Siddiq was finally ready and bringing the blanket up checking her once more when Daryl got an idea. He kicked his shoes off and had Y/N sit up enough for him to slip in behind her. She instantly presses herself against his chest feeling his hand move to her knees after instructed to do such.
“Okay, push on the next contraction” Siddiq states letting the nature take its course.
Y/N started to get anxious when the contraction hit her like a truck which lead to her pushing given her instruction. Daryl felt her hands grip onto his forearms as he moved one of his hands off her knee a second to grab her hand letting her squeeze the hell out of it while he brought her leg back into position.
“Good. Good” Siddiq made sure everything was happening smoothly. “Only push on the contractions, Y/N. Or you’ll tear”
“I want to push now…” She sobs feeling Daryl rest his chin on her shoulder.
“Just wait love” Daryl squeezes her hand and her knee with the other one as she rests her head against his.
It felt surreal, like how the hell did this even happen? How did they manage to create this perfect little human being that was currently crying up a storm on Y/N’s chest…Daryl couldn’t help the tears that breached from his eyes as he watches their little girl sob into her mother’s chest.
“We did it love…”
“You did it, sweetheart” Daryl kisses Y/N’s temple continuing to keep his full attention on their little one. “She’s perfect”
As the day progresses and the news of little Robin Elizabeth Dixon spread through their entire family, the day felt as if it slowed for just a moment. That moment being Daryl holding his little girl for the first time, letting his wife rest as he took care of her.
Daryl hasn’t stopped smiling since he first saw his daughter and how perfect she came out. He didn’t have to worry about losing either of them during the process, and she was a healthy little girl that calmed instantly in her father’s embrace.
“Are you happy, Daryl?” Y/N smiles tiredly watching the two from her spot seeing his smile grow.
“Yeah, yeah I am”
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shadowlali · 8 months
alejandro vargas but he became a pastor after he retired from the military and reader who is a newcomer to their church and and and (EXPLODES)
COD - priest!Alejandro Vargas x fem!reader
[18+] wc: ~ 4.4k masterlist
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warnings: NSFW, some proofreading, no use of Y/N nor too many details on reader’s appearance (Alejandro is taller than reader and reader can sit in his lap), pet names (mi niña, hermosa), masturbation (m!), fingering, unprotected sex a/n: this is written all in Alejandro’s POV
Alejandro speaks to the crowd, taking in all the familiar faces. He keeps his voice calm as he repeats the passage he’s memorized by now. His eyes land on the back corner and he stumbles over his words as he notices you, someone he’s never seen before. You have your head slightly bowed and eyes closed as you listen to his words. You’re wearing a light pink dress with enough of a v-neck to show your soft skin and the rosary that hangs between your breasts. 
He quickly continues talking and tries to shake away whatever emotion begins to claw at his skin. Temptation. Lust. The emotions he was told would truly test him and his character as a priest. He never truly listened before, or cared. Alejandro’s head was filled with too much trauma to pay attention to women. They come into the church and bring him gifts or flirt, but he always redirects their attention to prayer. They’re nice to look at, and definitely eager, but he’s never been interested enough to break his promise. 
Before he knows it, his service finishes and people begin to file out of the building. Many stay behind to thank him and add more money to the donation plates. He sweeps his eyes through the crowd and doesn’t see you anymore. Disappointment and guilt washes over him. Disappointment at not finding out who you are and guilt for wanting to see your pretty face up close. She’s not an object to be lusted after, he tells himself. 
The last of the church goers file out and he’s left alone. Alejandro walks back to the podium with the intention of picking up his book and walking into his office when he hears soft footsteps approaching. He turns and finds you walking down the aisle towards him. His mouth dries at the sight of you, sunlight cascading through the stained-glass windows and illuminating your body in soft light. Like an angel in a pink dress–No he reminds himself. 
You stop about a meter away and introduce yourself. He breathes in slow and deep, your perfume too delicious to ignore. You’re new in town and missing your family so you decided to visit church, you tell him. It reminds you of home and you’re feeling a bit lonely. He listens as you speak, focusing on the sound of your voice and the way it draws him in. You like how beautiful the church is and how connected you feel to the words in the bible. 
“Solitude and loneliness is something we all feel at some point. But I hope Las Almas can provide you with community, mi niña,” Alejandro says. [My girl]
“That’s what I want, community,” you say with a soft smile,” I was wondering if there were any bible study or worship groups that meet?” 
“None yet.” He notices the sad look on your face that you quickly try to hide with a smile. 
“I see, well I’m sure I’ll find my place here in Las Almas soon. Thank you, Padre.” [Father]
You turn and begin to walk away. Alejandro’s lungs seize as he realizes that the conversation has now ended. He knows first hand what solitude feels like. Priests take an oath to serve and dedicate the rest of their lives to God. It’s a sacrifice, one that leaves them lonely. 
“Espera,” he practically yells out,” I–we don’t have one but, if you want to, we–you and I can meet in the afternoons.” [Wait]
You turn at the sound of his voice, your smile growing bigger with each word he says. 
“I—yes, Padre. Me encanta la idea.” [I love the idea] 
So you two decide on a weekday, one where you won’t be too busy. It’s also a day he knows not many people attend church, which means you two will be alone–no. He busies himself with work the rest of the afternoon and the days that follow. Alejandro tries not to think about you. He focuses on the other members who come in for guidance, on a few baptisms and communions.
At night, he does his prayers and squeezes his eyes shut while forcing the memory of your eyes and your citrus scent out of his head. He pushes you to the farthest corner of his brain, but as his mind relaxes and his dreams begin, he sees you. On your knees while you wait to swallow his dick. On top of him while you sink down his length. Bent over his desk while he takes you from behind. 
A much better man, a good priest would ignore the temptation. He would remember his oath and fight the urge to fuck his own hand. But Alejandro never said he’s a good priest. He wakes in the middle of the night, cock aching and body sweating. He thinks of you while he pumps his length slowly. Alejandro imagines it's your much softer and smaller hand that strokes him. He thinks of your voice and skin. With a suppressed moan, he finishes. Ropes and ropes of come paint his stomach while he wishes you were here with him. 
- - - 
He cleans and organizes and then cleans and organizes his office all over again. You’re going to arrive soon and Alejandro finds himself nervous. The doors of the church are locked and the only source of light are the lighted candles in the front. He waits on a pew with the bible in his hand, reading but not actually paying attention to the words. His body is poised to jump up the moment he hears you knock on the side door. 
The minutes go by, closer and closer to the time you two agreed upon. And then he hears it, a knock on the door and a soft, Padre? He slams the bible shut and fixes his collar before quickly walking towards the door. You greet him with a pretty smile and a kiss on his cheek that he can feel scorching his skin even under his beard. The mary janes make you a bit taller than last time to where you fit right underneath his nose. 
Alejandro leads you to his office and motions for you to sit on his small couch. The sun has now mostly set, a yellow lamp illuminating the small room. You're sweet and polite, asking him about his day. He can tell you’re an avid listener by the way you respond at the appropriate moments and keep your body angled towards him. He sits across from you in an armchair and watches as you pull out a quilted pink bible from your bag. He notices you rub your upper shoulder a bit and then drop your hand back down to your lap.
Alejandro tries not to stare too much while you situate yourself. The dress you have on is similar to the one you wore during Mass with a row of buttons leading to a v-neck that shows the same gold and pearl rosary. The image of you wearing nothing but the rosary while he makes you ride him briefly flashes in his mind. He discreetly adjusts his hardening length between his thighs and uses his own bible to cover himself. 
“How has Las Almas been so far?” 
“Good, great actually,” you respond, ”it’s similar to home. The people here are so… welcoming and nice and just so warm.” 
“That’s great to hear, mi niña–” 
“I actually found out something about you, Padre,” you say in a teasing tone.
Alejandro’s mind races with a hundred negative thoughts. What could have you found out about him?
“I had no idea you were in the military. I thought maybe you just liked weightlifting.” 
His body relaxes and he lets out a chuckle, ”Sí, I was in the military for most of my life.” 
You tilt your head slightly and he knows the question you’re going to ask before it even leaves your lips,” Why priesthood? If you don’t mind me asking.” 
He’s ready to tell you the answer he’s told everyone since he joined, I felt like it was my calling. However, Alejandro pauses. A few more moments pass and he’s left wondering if he can be truly honest with you. You wait patiently for his answer, your curious look void of any judgment. 
“I… saw and did things that will… stay with me forever. I don’t regret any of it,” he quickly says,” but I want to–I want time to think about what I’ve done. Sometimes I think about praying for forgiveness too, from all the bloodshed.” 
You lean forward and place a hand on top of his. He feels warmth spread up his arm as you give him a gentle squeeze. “Thank you for sharing, Padre. I can’t imagine what you went through… yet you continue to help the people. That’s incredibly generous of you.” 
Alejandro doesn’t feel the need to tell you to keep what he said to yourself. He’s not sure how, but he knows you won’t repeat his confession. He smiles and you pull your hand back and once again reach up to rub your shoulder. 
“Are you okay?” he asks while motioning to your shoulder. 
“Sí, recogí una caja pesada” you respond, ”and I think I pulled a muscle but I’ll be fine.”  [I picked up a heavy box]
Before he knows what he’s doing, Alejandro stands up and walks towards the shelf holding the anointing oils. “Do you want me to take a look? I had medic training in the military.” 
“Oh, no it’s okay. I wouldn’t want to impose–” 
“You won’t, trust me.” 
Alejandro thinks he imagines the shy look on your face as you stand up and sit at the foot rest placed between his spread thighs. He’s back in his arm chair with your back facing him, trying his best not to react as he feels your body between his legs. You move your hair to the other side and move down the sleeves of your dress just enough to where he sees the imprint left by your bra strap. He catches a glimpse of a pink, lacey strap before you push it under your sleeve. He opens the glass bottle and pours a bit in his hand, places it on the side table and begins to heat the oil in his palms. 
He can smell your perfume, the same citrus scent from last time. There’s also something else, an unmistakable sweetness found in your skin.”¿Lista?” he asks. [Ready?]
You give a nod and he brings two large fingers to press and mold the skin. There isn’t a ton of skin showing, only the part where your neck dips into your shoulder. It’s more than enough for him. He feels the warmth on your skin and holds in a moan as he notices goosebumps rise with each probe into your muscles. You tilt your head more down and lean back, almost pressing against his erection. You become more comfortable as he massages you, and he hears the unmistakable sound of a small moan leaving your lips. 
His pants tighten as his cock grows harder but he keeps massaging and cooing in your ear, relájate, lo estás haciendo muy bien. Your moans rise only a bit in volume and he can see the fluttering of your pulse on your neck. The scent of your skin and the strong scent of the oil fogs his brain. He brings his fingers and ghosts over your pulse before sliding back down to your shoulder, leaving behind a shiny trail of oil. [Relax, you’re doing really well]
“Again please,” you whimper. 
He stills, his heart beating in his chest at your words. You enjoy this just as much as he does, he thinks. Your body tenses, thinking you went too far and you begin to sit up again but Alejandro does just as you ask. Once again he runs light fingertips to your pulse and back down to your shoulder. He knows this is a bad idea, that he’s doing something that a normal, good priest wouldn’t do. He knows, hopes, what this will lead to but he doesn’t want you to pull away again. 
Alejandro finds the courage to explore more of your skin, trailing the edges of the v-neck and back up with harder strokes on your neck. He can see your thighs squeeze together and feel the purrs in your throat. He wipes the rest of the oil on your neck before lightly squeezing it, with enough pressure to get your attention. 
“Is this okay?” he asks.
You try to nod, not having much room to do so, ”yes.” 
With his other hand that was gripping the arm rest, he slowly brings it up to your front and leads you to sit on him. Your firm ass lands right on his bulge and it's his turn to let out a groan from his chest. You twist and moan in his lap, trying to find a position that can no doubt relieve your own ache between your pretty thighs. With you in his lap, he begins to unbutton the front of your dress. 
Little by little, your pink lacy bra comes into view. You lean your head back on his shoulder and move your hips in small circles. The rosary winks and glitters in the low light and Alejandro runs his oily fingers underneath the necklace to touch the skin at your sternum. His movements are slow and precise. There’s no reason to rush what he’s doing. He wants to take his time with you, hear the sounds you make, see what you look like when left bare. The dress is unbuttoned underneath the swell of your breasts and you push it down your arms and wiggle out until it lands on a heap at the foot rest. You kick off your shoes and socks next. 
He turns his head slightly and presses his mouth on yours. Your lips are soft and pliant, letting him take the lead while he swallows the noises that leave your mouth. Your tongue gently prods his bottom lip, seeking entry. He opens his mouth and feels the press of your warm tongue on his. He moves a hand to keep your hips still, too close to coming from the way you kiss him and the movement of your hips. 
Alejandro uses one hand to grip your neck while his other hand slides over your tits, down your tummy, and back up to your hardened nipples. The bra is basically see through, the shape and color of your nipples visible to his eyes. When he pinches your nipples through the lace, you whine louder and grip his wrist. He keeps pinching and pulling at your nipples, using the lace as stimulation. 
He lets go of your neck and briefly pushes you forward a bit to unhook your bra. Once you fling it off, he uses both hands to massage your chest, rubbing up to your sternum and neck then back down to cup and pinch your nipples. Alejandro picks up the anointing oil again and pours more in his hand. Not wasting another second, he quickly rubs it into his palms and places his hands on your tits again. 
“Bella,” he groans.
His hands move across your tits and soft tummy, lathering your body in oil. Your body glows and sparkles even in the low light from the lamp. He skims his fingers down your tummy, pressing and massaging the skin. With lubricated fingers, he teases the top seam of your pink panties. He pushes two fingers underneath the scrap of lace and feels the wetness that covers your cunt. 
Alejandro skims the tip of his finger over your swollen clit causing you to twitch and nip at his bottom lip. He chuckles into your mouth and runs his finger over your clit again, loving how your breathing picks up. He continues his descent and slowly plunges his middle finger into your slick entrance. You both hiss, Alejandro wondering how he’s going to fit in your little hole the way your walls flutter and tighten around him. He cups your entire pussy and uses his palm to apply slight pressure to your clit. 
“So wet and pretty, aren’t you?” 
He pumps his finger slowly a few times, not able to move much since his hand is still in the confines of your panties. Alejandro adds his ring finger, shushing you when you hiss again. Up until now, you had left your hands at your sides, letting Alejandro explore your body. You raise one arm up and cup the back of Alejandro’s head, dragging your fingers through his hair. You continue to eat at each other’s mouths while Alejandro slowly pumps his fingers inside of you. His aching cock now forgotten, your grind down on his hand and spread your slick all on it. 
He slips his fingers out and nips your bottom lip at your protest. “Quítatelos,” he says while hooking his thumb in the side of your panties and slightly pushing them down. [Take them off]
You use both hands to quickly wiggle out of your panties. Alejandro continues to stay fully clothed, wanting to focus his attention on you and the wet stains you leave on his pants. At this point, barely any words have been spoken aside from his coos of encouragement. 
“Spread your thighs, mi niña,” he says as he helps you place a thigh over the armrest. 
You look like a pretty angel in his eyes. Your thighs are spread, one foot placed on the foot rest while your other thigh hangs over the armrest. He pushes his hand into your stomach to have you lean as much into him, wanting a better angle to see your pretty pussy. Alejandro moves his slick fingers back down, pausing to rub your clit in a light circle then plunges two fingers into your heat again. 
“Padre,” he corrects you, bringing up his hand to squeeze your neck once more. 
“Padre, así– por favor así,” you cry out. [Just like that– please, just like that]
He works his fingers faster and feels as you wet his hand the moment he curves into your g-spot. You’re loud, your cries bouncing off the old walls in the office. There’s no one in the church, yet even if there was, he wouldn’t care. Alejandro encourages you, whispering in your ear how pretty you sound and how perfect you wrap around his fingers. He uses his palm to press and rub on your clit. 
“I’m com– oh fu– Padre, oh God,” you stutter out. 
He plunges and plunges his fingers while you come apart in his lap. You bring both of your hands up to your neck, encouraging him to squeeze you tighter. You walls pulse and squeeze him and you twist your hips in jerky movements. Alejandro manages to see the gush of your slick wet his hand. He doesn’t mind if the rest of the night is spent giving your orgasm after orgasm. His balls are heavy and his cock is pained but he wants you to have as much pleasure as possible. 
You push his hand away with the little energy you have left and melt into his lap. His fingers glisten with your creamy juices and he quickly sucks them in his mouth. Alejandro groans at your sweet taste and the remnants of the anointing oil, laving his tongue over his two fingers. You bring a shaky hand up to his wrist and pull his fingers out of his mouth. Your mouth is warm and wet while you lap and suck his fingers. It sends shocks directly to his dick as he imagines your mouth around his length. 
You slowly sink down to your knees, pushing the foot rest away and situating yourself between Alejandro’s big thighs. He stops you as you reach for his belt buckle, knowing he’ll come the moment you wrap your lips around him. 
“No, mi niña. I won’t last.” 
You glance back up, eyes shiny and glazed from the orgasm you just had. He sees the moment an idea pops into your head, your lips forming a devilish smile. You stand on shaky legs and grab his hand, pulling him up. Walking backwards, you lead him to his desk and push the office chair away. You let go of his hand and push away the few books that scatter his desk, bending over and presenting your firm ass and glistening pussy to him. 
You look back over your shoulder with innocent eyes, ”Will you please fuck me, Padre?” 
He smiles at the way you drag out the last word, mocking him from earlier. Alejandro keeps eye contact while he unbuckles his belt and frees his cock. You glance back down and gasp slightly. He’s slightly curved and impossibly hard. The tip is painfully red and pre-come drips slightly from his tip. You begin to turn your body and reach a hand to touch him but Alejandro moves behind you and presses a hand on your shoulder blades, pushing you down until your tits press on his desk. He lightly presses his shoe to your bare ankle and you spread your legs further apart. 
“Malo,” you mutter. 
His head snaps up while he pushes his pants and briefs below his heavy balls. “I’m mean?” 
Alejandro doesn’t give you a chance to respond before he’s sinking his length all the way in. His hips are flush against yours and his tip nudges your cervix. You tense and claw at his desk before he grabs both hands and pins your wrists behind your back. 
“I’m mean?” he repeats. 
You don’t say anything, mouth open but no noise or air coming out. 
“Breath, mi niña,” Alejandro says. 
He waits until he hears a few shaky breaths come in and out of your mouth. Once you're okay, Alejandro begins to pound into your drooling cunt, using your hands as leverage. Your walls are swollen and wet, barely able to accommodate his length. You don’t stop him, moaning loudly and chanting more, more, more. 
“Is this mean?” Alejandro repeats again, watching as his cock thrusts in and out of your fluttering cunt. 
“Yes,” you scream, ”so fucking mean.” 
He lands a loud slap to your ass. “Don’t curse.” 
Alejandro’s eyes stay where you two are joined. He watches as your inner walls grip him every time he pulls out. Your sticky arousal paints his cock and drips down your inner thighs. You begin to push your hips back into him, meeting each of his thrusts. You ass jiggles and recoils with each slam of his hips. 
Alejandro slows down his thrusts, pulling out fully until it's just his tip notched at your entrance then sinking to rub your cervix. He does this a few times, calming his breathing or trying to while your pussy massages and suffocates his cock. His mouth hangs open and sweat drips down his chest while his body tenses.
If he could stay buried in your heat for the rest of eternity, he would. Alejandro tries to hold off his orgasm. He feels a pull in his balls while he speeds up his fucking. The noises coming from the both of you are raw and obscene. Alejandro groans and pants from deep with his chest. He loves the whimpers from your mouth and the unmistakable wet sound of your fucking. 
“I–I’m going to, I need you to fin–finish inside, inside,” you stammer out. 
You begin to squeeze around his length and Alejandro goes momentarily blind. He feels the gush of your come wet his cock, your pussy becoming a slippery mess. He pumps his hips faster while you come, jackhammering you into his desk. You’re a crying, trembling mess at this point. Drool pooling out of the side of your mouth and eyes half closed. 
Alejandro explodes inside of you, marking your walls with his spend. He feels powerful in that moment, rutting into you like an animal while he brands your pussy with his come. He keeps one hand on your pinned wrists and uses the other to slap and slap your jiggling ass. Your cunt pulses and massages his cock while he fucks you through your simultaneous orgasms. 
He stops spanking you and lets go of your wrists, one hand moving to grip your neck. Alejandro feels the beads from your rosary press on the side of his fingers. He makes you stand slightly while he grinds his cock into you and brings your mouth to his. In the same rhythm that he fucks you, he attacks your mouth with his tongue. There’s spit and teeth and bites but it's perfect. It becomes too much for the both of you. His cock unloads the last ropes of come in your messy cunt and you begin to cry no more, please – too much. 
Alejandro manages to drag you to the couch in a few steps and sink down with you in his lap. His cock stays firmly lodged inside of you, now softened but still gripped by your tight pussy. Your head leans back on his shoulder and you close your eyes. Alejandro lightly grasps your chin with his thumb and index finger and presses his lips to your mouth. It’s a soft kiss, just the press of two mouths. He moves the hair from your sweaty forehead and places a kiss on your nose. 
You look like a beautiful mess to him. Your body is shiny from sweat and the anointing oil, the rosary stuck between your heaving tits. Alejandro’s body relaxes as he caresses your warm skin with one hand. Maybe it wasn’t a lie he told the others. Maybe priesthood really is his calling, if it brought you to him. He skims his nose on your temple and breathes in your scent once again. 
“Hermosa, how are you feeling?” he asks. 
“‘m okay, Padre–”
“Alejandro, just Alejandro.” 
You eyes open slightly in confusion, “But I thought you said–” 
He chuckles, ”it was just the heat of the moment. The cursing stuff too, doesn’t matter. When we’re alone, you can call me Alejandro.” He waits until you nod and repeat his name back to him before he continues speaking. “How about I run you a warm bath, yeah?” 
You nod then groan as you try to move your sore limbs, ”sí, I think that’s a good idea.” 
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anemoxlys · 1 year
Cregan Stark x reader
The lack of Cregan Stark fics is a problem we need to sort out as a community, it is a severe issue... May write a pt2 if people like this Warnings: Implied Targcest (NOTHING HAPPENS), men Side Note: Your dragon in this is called Rhaegon
“Sister.” You heard the most unwanted voice of your eldest brother slur from behind you as he stumbled down the corridor, clearly drunk. “Aegon, I believe you should retire to your chambers.” You muttered, turning to walk away and continue on your way towards the library. “I do not think you should marry.” Aegon continued, clearly not taking note of your keenness to leave. “I couldn’t bear the thought of another man touching you, dear sister.” He finished before he tripped over his own feet and hurtled towards the ground. You left shortly afterwards. 
“I do not know why I must be present.” Aegon muttered, clearly unhappy at having to sit through the many men trying to win your titles, money and future children. “I do not know either brother, why don’t you just leave if this angers you so.” You retorted with a snarl before turning to face the next man. 
“Oh seven hells.” You cursed, staring down at the boy who stood before you, him being no older than two and ten. “You dare mock the princess with an infant?” Aegon laughed, eyes narrowing as the boy’s father stepped forwards. “I am aware that my son is young-” He began before he was cut off once more by Aegon, “What could he possibly offer to the princess except for wooden horses and games?” He jeered, causing the other suitors to snicker as well. “I have a good name, my grace, I could also offer my protection.” The child replied. “Your protection!” A man you could not remember the name of snorted, “Let us see how well you protect yourself before you claim to protect her highness.” The boisterous man continued, drawing his sword at the boy. “Aegon.” You said, standing as the man drew closer to the now trembling child. “Fear not sister, I doubt the child will harm Ser Horton.” He replied, a sick grin spreading across his lips. Your eyes scanned the sea of suitors, desperately trying to find someone who would stop this cruel mockery. 
You watched, mortified, as Horton brought his sword past his head and began to bring it back down on the child who’s own sword was stuck in the scabbard he clearly received a few days prior. “Pick on someone your own age.” A gruff voice spat as the sound of steel against steel sounded. A man with the most gorgeous brown hair stood with his back turned to you, blocking Horton’s sword from reaching the now snivelling child. With no hesitation, you ran down the steps in the throne room and fell to your knees before the child. “Are you alright?” You asked, taking the small boy’s hands on your own. “I apologise my lady.” He sobbed, head turned to the floor, “I am a fool to think myself worthy of you.” “Nonsense, you will grow to be a fine knight, you are simply not of the right age yet.” You replied, pressing a kiss to the boy’s forehead before turning to his father with a glare. “He is far too young to be courting someone of my age, you have placed his life in danger by doing so. You disgust me.” You hissed, eyes blazing with fury as you turned to face the rest of the suitors, “Cowards, each and every one of you. You stood and watched as this poor child was about to be murdered before your very eyes, and yet none of you did anything. You are less worthy than the boy you failed to consider.” You finished your rant by turning to face the only man in the room you could stand to look at, “Thank you Ser…” You began before trailing off at the realisation that you neither knew his name nor noticed the striking grey eyes that stared at you as if you were the only woman alive. “Ser Cregan Stark, princess.” He replied, taking your hand in his as he pressed a kiss to the back of it. “Well then, thank you my lord. You have proved yourself an honourable and just man. Would you care to accompany me to the gardens for a walk? I wish to clear my mind.” You offered, extending your hand for Cregan to take, which he did momentarily.
“Is the north pleasant, my lord?” You asked, breaking the peaceful silence the two of you had fallen into. “Very my lady, the views I believe would be much to your liking.” He replied with a fond smile. “Tell me my lord, are all men of the North as handsome as you, or did you just get lucky?” You grinned, leaning slightly closer to the man as he looked down at you. “I consider myself to be better looking than average, but I’ll leave that judgement up to you, your highness.” He replied with a smile. The two of you fell back into an easy going rhythm of silence before you once again broke it, “Do you have many direwolves Lord Stark?” “I do indeed princess, our lady just had a litter of pups a few moons ago.” He elaborated further. “I do so love Direwolves, I find them very beautiful.” You smiled, thinking back to your previous trip up north. “You have been North princess?” He asked, mildly surprised. “Yes, never as far as Winterfell though, and not for many years now.” You replied sadly. “I shall extend an invitation the moment I return home, if you are not with me that is.” He returned, a smile spreading across his lips as he finished speaking. “How very forward Lord Stark, whatever would my brother’s think?” You teased, a slight blush forming over your cheeks at the pleasant thought. “I think that we should-“ He began before he was interrupted with a loud snap of a twig. “Sister, Aegon has been searching for you.” Aemond muttered as he stepped away from the tree he was leaning against.“They would think that-” He began before he was interrupted, “Sister, Aegon has been searching all over for you.” Aemond muttered, pushing himself away from the tree he’d been leaning against. “Of course brother.” You replied, turning to face Cregan Stark and wishing him a brief farewell before pressing a kiss to his cheek and whispering something into his ear, “I would very much like to take you up on your offer Lord Stark.” You finished, pulling away with a soft smile before following an awaiting Aemond out of the gardens.
“You smell like wet dog.” Aemond muttered as you caught up to him. “Don’t be mean Aemond.” You replied, giving your brother a quick glare before continuing, “I rather like him.” You both fell into a silence shortly after and soon enough you were once more in the throne room. “Sister!” Aegon grinned as the room fell silent again. “Brother.” You replied, standing in the doorway, “What is it you needed me for?” You asked, refusing to step further into the room. “We must continue, my dear, there are many more suitors.” He grinned, inviting you to sit beside him as you reluctantly walked forwards.
Suitor after suitor came and went before Cregan Stark was officially presented as a suitor himself. “Lord Stark, your highnesses.” The herald announced as you immediately sat up straighter and a smile appeared on your lips. “Lord Stark, how good it is to see you again.” You smiled as the Lord bowed his head at your brother. “The sentiment is shared princess.” He replied with a smaller smile dusting his cheeks. “Have you seen a dragon before, my lord?” You asked. “I’m afraid to say I haven’t princess.” He answered. “Well then, you must allow me to show you mine, it is only fair that should I meet your direwolves you should meet my dragon, is it not?” You smiled before leaning back against your chair. “I believe so, your highness.” He grinned before turning to your brother to say the usual proposal.
“So Lord Stark, are you ready?” You smiled, taking his hand as you pulled him down the corridor towards the dragon pit. He only laughed in response, a smile spreading across his features as you enthusiastically danced down the hallways. “Rhaegon Iksan kesīr! (I am here!)” You called out as you entered the pit. “Qilōni's iā sȳz valītsos? (Who’s a good boy)” You whispered as you approached your dragon, followed by Cregan Stark. “Bisa iksis cregan Stārke, issa iā raqiros, sagon sȳz (This is Cregan Stark, he is a friend, be good.)” You murmured, reaching your hand out to pet the dragon before turning to Cregan and speaking, “This is Rhaegon, he is nice, do not worry.” You smiled, reaching your hand out for Cregan to take. When he did, you slowly brought it up to Rhaegon’s nose before releasing your hold. “sȳz valītsos (good boy)” You whispered, walking along the side of your dragon before speaking again, “ilagon (down)” You spoke before Rhaegon lowered himself to the ground. “Come, lord Stark.” You grinned, once again offered your hand for Cregan to take. “You are very unexpected princess.” He chuckled, taking your hand. “What did you expect my lord?” You laughed, climbing on top of Rhaegon as Cregan followed after, more slowly. “Call me Cregan and maybe I will enlighten you princess.” He returned, hands wrapping around your waist as Rhaegon began to move. “Only if you stop calling me princess Cregan.” You replied, gripping onto the reigns as you felt Rhaegon about to take flight. “It would be my pleasure, Robyn.” He muttered, now fully pressed against you as Rhaegon took off.
“Is it not freeing?” You laughed, turning to face Cregan who looked pale as a ghost. He silently nodded but the grip he held on your waist spoke otherwise. “You have to trust me for a moment.” You chuckled as he froze and stared up at you in horror as you handed him the reins, “You just have to hold them for a few minutes, Rhaegar knows what to do.” You finished, standing up as you spoke much to the horror of the Stark Lord. “gīda rhaegon, ao gīmigon skoros naejot gaomagon (calm Rhaegon, you know what to do).” You called before jumping off of your dragon. “Princess!” You heard Cregan call in horror after you. With a large smile you opened your arms and grabbed a hold of the pieces of fabric. “I told you to trust me my lord.” You said as you flew alongside your dragon. “Where are we going Princess?” He asked, his eyes now filled with amazed horror. “Where would you like to go Cregan?” You countered, a softer smile now spreading across your face at the sight of Cregan Stark atop your dragon, his cheeks pink and his eyes so beautifully alive. “You are very pretty my lord Stark.” You murmured, landing back on your dragon. “Many people have called me many things, no one has dared to call me pretty before my princess.” He chuckled as you sat down facing him. “No one has seen you like this before.” You returned, lying down on your dragon's back. “Well thank you princess, you too are pretty.” He chuckled, tentatively lying down beside you. “You never said where you would like to go, I hear Dorne has very pretty views.” You suggested, turning to face Cregan. “My lady, you are by far the prettiest view a man could ask for.” He replied, making your cheeks flush red as a flattered grin spread across your face. “If the fierce and scary wolf of the north thinks I’m pretty I must be doing something right, but do not flatter me too much else I will become insatiable.” You countered, attempting to cool your cheeks down. “Maybe that was my goal princess.” He replied, moving slightly closer to you. “Maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing.” You returned, also moving slightly closer and then before you could continue your speech you felt lips press against your own.
“I do believe that is the most forward you have been my lord.” You chuckled before pressing your lips to his after the first kiss ended. “Is that such a bad thing?” He chuckled as you began to kiss along his jawline, “I do believe it was rather attractive.” You replied, pressing another kiss to his lips. “Glad to hear it princess.” He smirked before chasing your lips.
“Brother, where is our sister?” Aegon asked, storming through the doorway. “Riding.” Aemond replied nonchalantly, eyes not leaving the book he was reading. “And where is the Stark boy?” Aegon continued, Aemond immediately lifting his eye to stare in horror at his brother. “She would not…” Aemond muttered before realising that you very much would.
“Sȳz Rhaegon (Nice Rhaegon).” You whispered, climbing down from your dragon before assisting Cregan to do the same. “He is most impressive, my lady.” He smiled before taking your hand in his and walking you out of the dragon pit.
“Thank you Lord Stark, I shall discuss matters with my mother. I do hope to see your direwolves soon.” You smiled as Cregan pressed a kiss to your hand, the appearance of a gentleman returned to his face. “I shall make my proposal in the morning princess.” He smiled before bidding you goodnight.
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jenniemnhi · 11 months
7 Benefits of Moving To Assisted Living [Video]
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imaginedanvrs · 2 months
there's not enough major angst fics for Kate so here's my contribution :)
warnings: major character death, gunshot wound, blood
You couldn’t have been more proud of Kate. You had never seen someone work as hard as she had to get what she wanted, to help people. She was officially an Avenger now - your girlfriend worked alongside supersoldiers and the occasional god, aiding in the effort to defend the planet. Yet she still looked at you as though you were the single most important person in the universe. 
  You watched her from the other side of the room, giving her the time and space to soak up the praise and attention of the partygoers that welcomed her to the team. They were already desperate to impress her and hear of the stories she had accumulated during her time working with some other heroes. She was infamous, and nothing could ruin the high she was floating on. 
  As far as parties went, it was the best one of your life. You met Kate’s new team who were far less intimidating once you saw how easy they were to joke around with. Wanda said that you guys were cute and you had never seen Kate blush so much in her life. You danced together, you laughed, you made immoveable memories, you celebrated, you lived, letting the excitement of the future take hold of you until you finally retired to the balcony to spend some time alone. As much of a social butterfly as Kate was, she always prioritised her time with you. 
  “If this is what the superhero life is about then forget I was ever worried,” you told your girlfriend who smiled and leant her head against you. There had been stressful times where Kate had come home so battered and bruised that you had desperately tried to talk her out of the life she was pursuing, terrified that one day you would get a call that she wasn’t coming home. It had led to fights and sleepless nights that threatened the foundations of your relationship. But seeing Kate’s skills advance and the care her new team took for her, you were confident she was in safe hands. 
  “I still can’t believe it,” she sighed, gazing out at the city she had the honour of protecting. 
  “I can,” you said. “They’re lucky to have you. So am I.” Kate pulled away so that she could look at you clearly, the adoration in her eyes enough to shorten your breath. You never got used to that. 
  “I love you,” she said, pulling you flush against her to capture your lips. You grinned against her, feeling the strong surge of pride return. 
  “I love you too,” you muttered, suddenly stepping back to admire her better. “And I really love that suit on you,” you continued, making the archer roll her eyes but unable to suppress her smile. 
  “You might have mentioned it already,” she told you, peering back at the city. Perhaps if she had kept her eyes on you, she would have noticed it quick enough. 
  It felt like a pinch at first, more than an innocent bug bite or poke from a friend, a harsh pinch, right across your abdomen. You passed it off at first, thinking it was one of those random spontaneous pains that everyone got, until it became hot. Really fucking hot. You breathed out shakily, suddenly finding it to be taxing as the pain blossomed into something more sinister. It really hurt, so much that you had to clutch your stomach. 
  That was when you felt it, the wetness across your abdomen that was quickly spreading. “Kate?” You mumbled, confused. You were in shock. Kate snapped you out of that when you saw the look in her eyes. 
  “Y/n!” She rushed towards you as your legs gave out and you stumbled to the floor just as your girlfriend caught you. “Oh fuck. Fuck, someone help!” She screamed as you continued to gaze at her. God, it hurt so bad. Why did it hurt? 
  Kate continued to scream as she grabbed at your stomach and applied pressure, making the pain increase. You grabbed at her hand in an effort to communicate your pain because Kate wasn’t looking at you and speaking was suddenly impossible. When you grabbed her hand, you felt the wet you had gathered on her own, prompting you to look down and finally see the red pool taking over your new blouse. Why were you bleeding? 
  “Kate,” you managed to repeat, not caring for the people who suddenly appeared at your side. She was crying, you hated seeing her cry and needed to reach out and comfort her. You could always cheer her up. 
  The pain was becoming unbearable but still you focused on your girlfriend, the newest Avenger. What an accomplishment. She was incredible, you loved her so much. 
  “It’s okay, you’re gonna be alright.” Kate had always been a bad liar, something you discovered the first time she tried to organise a surprise date. It seemed that after all her superhero training, she still wasn’t very good at it. 
  You felt another pair of hands take over applying pressure to your stomach and heard someone mention a sniper. You weren’t listening to them, you were entirely focused on Kate’s slippery hand gripping your own with an iron grip, as though she was afraid to let go. “You’re okay,” she repeated, crying more. 
  “Yeah,” you whispered. “I’m with you.” You smiled at her, the love of your life. She smiled back but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Still, you couldn’t help but admire how beautiful your girlfriend was, adamant on keeping her face ingrained in your memory. 
  You were lucky really, if you could have chosen how to spend your final moments, it would have been in Kate’s arms. You just wished she wouldn’t have been so sad, you hoped she wouldn’t stay sad for long, it would be such a shame to deprive the world of her contagious happiness. Even the pained encouraging smile she assured you with was something that shortened your breath. In fact, it was enough to steal your last one.
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agendabymooner · 9 months
the hamilton daycare || lh44 fic
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lewis hamilton x ofc (hearth sister!ofc)
Summary: A retired Lewis Hamilton already knew how to operate while his children’s mother was out to work. So why was their trip to Monaco any different? Right… Much like his in-laws Toto Wolff and Charles Leclerc, he had to find a way to keep his kids occupied while Stevie Hamilton went to Cannes with her sisters. (based on the Charles Leclerc fic, The Leclerc Daycare)
Content warning: dad!Lewis-centric fic, EXTREMELY FLUFF UGH, slight use of explicit language, brief F1 drivers x Hearth Sisters!OFC, mentioned fatherhood, emotional intelligence, and mentions of overbearing media/journalists/shitty paparazzi, feat. dad!Toto Wolff and dad!Charles Leclerc
note: have some dad!lewis hamham <3 enjoy xx
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Lewis Hamilton disciplined himself to wake up at a decent time in the morning. He’d been retired for a couple of years now, yet his routine as a driver remained except for the practicing for the next race part. In his schedule, two kids were added to the mix.
Who would have thought Lewis was a stay-at-home dad to two of the most adorable kids ever? 
If you told him all those years ago that he’d become one, he would’ve laughed at your face. But now, he was pretty content with his life. It was still busy, of course. He still had some side projects that he would work on, but he often worked on them remotely, wanting to keep an eye on his kids as they grow continuously. He didn’t like being away from them as often— knowing that when he raced, he was often away for weeks— even months. 
His relationship with Stevie Marlene Hearth remained stable as she worked as a communications director at Ferrari — making their distance shorter than expected. But now, with kids at home, neither ever considered being away for too long. 
Stevie could make do as she could work remotely, but if Lewis hadn’t retired just as his eldest was born? Yeah, they would be screwed. He wouldn’t have been able to see his kids as much. He wasn’t about to bear that thought without feeling an ounce of guilt in his system. His wife came from a family with an absent father; he didn’t want their kids to go through that. He would have to be a shitty father first. 
And so he made himself the best father that one could be. A househusband was what his sister-in-law Sylvie had called him, and he embraced that title. He was proud to be called a stay-at-home dad. Not everyone got to drop off their kids at the preschool happily, and Lewis had every chance to do so. He welcomed this opportunity with open arms. He did everything a parent would in a domestic household. He cooked, cleaned and cared for their children just as he was about to do now.
Now, it was only 7:30 in the morning in Monte-Carlo. He was moving around the kitchen to prepare some breakfast for his kids and wife while Sylvie helped him cook as compensation for waking him up at six in the morning to open the door to his vacation home. 
“Did you feed Sassy and Jimmy?” Lewis asked Sylvie as they prepared the food. “I don’t want Max coming home later tonight to two starving cats because I haven’t fed them enough.” 
“They’ve been fed,” Sylvie scoffed out. “I left them some stuff to eat as well. Just please feed them later?” 
“I will,” Lewis replied with a nod while he prepared his kids’ breakfast. Blueberry waffles and eggs were their usual breakfast, and it didn’t even take him long to start making their fresh eggs. 
“Thanks, Lew,” Sylvie grinned as she plated the cut-up fruits. She took a slice of an apple and munched on it while she said, “Where’s my sister? Did you wake her up yet?” 
“Yeah, she should be down soon,” Lewis answered as he gestured towards the second floor, “she’s just getting her bag packed up and everything. You lots always pack a lot for people who’d only be out for a day only.”
“You’re the one to talk,” Sylvie frowned lightly. “We all took the same jet more than twice— don’t think for once I have not seen the pile of suitcases you have on top of Stevie’s mountain full of bags.”
They paused for a moment when they both heard a pattering of small feet, making them look towards the entrance of the open dining and kitchen space as two little figures with tamed curls walked in. Both were frazzled, and Lewis could only smile at the thought that they’d literally just woken up. 
“Oh! Lottie, Leland— it’s your Aunt Sylvie,” a blonde woman followed the two as Stevie Hamilton grinned at her sister. “Good morning!” 
“Morning,” Sylvie watched her nephew and niece walk up to her with their shoulders slightly slumped. The woman nearly laughed aloud at this as she said, “Is it too early for you two littles?” 
“Mornin’, Aun’ie.”
Lewis looked at both of his carbon copies’ hairs. “Lotlot- Leland,” he laughed quietly, “your hair looks very messy. Have we not combed it yet?” 
His little princess shied away from the comment, now a bit flustered after Lewis brought up the state of her bedhead. 
Lottie Cecelia Darcy Hamilton was born to a newly married Lewis and Stevie — roughly eight months after the couple wedded on Valentine's Day. He’s had a fair experience with kids — with his boss Toto and Lewis’ best friend Tilly having three children and his siblings having their own kids as a test run. But it was different when Lottie was born. It was as if everything he prepared for had disappeared. He was petrified to hold his princess for the first time, but it all disappeared when Lottie offered him a soft smile when he first spoke to her. 
He could remember how his eyes were tearing up when she smiled just as he uttered the words, “You’re so beautiful.” 
And at age five, she still remained the sweetest girl to have existed. Whenever she’d shy away from anyone, Lewis just wanted to cry, his heart full of adoration towards her. Now, as she hid herself from her dad — he couldn’t help but feel slightly guilty. 
“I’m sorry, my girl,” Lewis said softly, not wanting to make his own daughter cry.
He really couldn’t just make his kids cry — he remembered how hard he laughed after Lottie, in her 7th month, accidentally tripped on a sleeping Roscoe. He also reminded himself that Stevie caught him wailing in laughter while Lottie cried. God, he was such a horrid dad at times.
“We can get them done in braids when we hang out, hm?” 
Hearing the word ‘braid’ had his son’s eyes sparkling as he exclaimed, “Daddy, hair pretty too?”
“Of course, little man,” Lewis grinned at his son. 
“We see Mamé later?” Leland asked, excitement washing through his features as he grinned widely. 
Leland Carl Darwin Hamilton was his youngest. Lewis didn’t exactly plan on having his littles’ names have his initials, but Stevie had a knack for tributes like her sisters. He had free reign to name his son after making a bet with Stevie about the gender. He had a few months to think of it, but he was more worried about Stevie’s pregnancy than he was worried about his son getting bullied for his name. Lewis thought of Lewis Jr., but he didn’t want to make his son an extension of his name.
Lewis didn’t have a clue on what to name his son, but the moment Sylvie uttered, “He looks like a Leland,” he couldn’t help but agree and immediately snatched the idea from his in-law. So with his soft curls and his smile, Leland remained as Lewis’ mini. 
But if there was anything the retired Mercedes driver had learned from the moment his son had been born, it was that Leland was a twin brother to his Leclerc cousin, who was born a month or two after him. Yes, he was Lewis’ son, but Leland Hamilton and Sacha ‘PJ’ Leclerc were their own duo.
You see, PJ Leclerc was Stevie’s nephew — born to her youngest sister, Aimee Leclerc — and the sisters had made it a habit to lump the two together whenever possible. If the Leclercs hadn’t been living in Monaco (or if the Hamilton family moved back to the principality), PJ and Lewis’ son would’ve been sticking together like glue.
They shared a lot of stuff together, even their grandparents. PJ called Pascale Leclerc ‘Mamé’, and Leland had picked up on it and started calling her Mamé too. 
“I’m sure we will,” Lewis answered with a grin. “Nobody does your haircut better than Mamé does.”
“You’re getting him a haircut?” Sylvie’s jaw slacked, “We’re only going to be out for a day.”
“We’ve been trying to get Lels his trims done, but he wouldn’t let anyone touch his hair,” Stevie rolled her eyes, now directing her kids towards the dining table as the two began eating breakfast. The older woman continued, “But he persisted. Only Pascale could do his hair without him throwing a fit.” 
“A boy with taste, he is,” Sylvie joked, now turning towards Lewis as she asked, “Is your day out just gonna consist of getting your hair done, or are you planning to keep your kids sane?” 
“Toto texted me last night,” Lewis replied, sitting across from his kids as he grabbed his vegan breakfast from the centre of the table. “He managed to book the indoor playground for a couple of hours so his kids and their cousins could go as crazy as they wanted. So it’ll keep Lels and Lotlot busy.”
“Ah yes, the F1 father support group,” Sylvie laughed. “Is that the location this time? I’m surprised he managed to book it at the last minute?”
“If you told your sisters beforehand about a day in Cannes, we would’ve given them more notice,” Lewis replied back, making Sylvie shrug. “Or a better location.”
“I know, I’m sorry-“ Sylvie started, “but I didn't even realize how free I was until Christian decided to let the communications team go for the rest of the break after Max blew up during the interview last race.” 
“Mmm, yeah, that’s really not a problem,” Lewis waved off, “I’m just glad they’ve finally gotten off the hook now.” 
“Well, Max got an earful from me— his fiancée— on the first day of the break,” Sylvie huffed.
Sylvie was the Head of the Media Communications of the Red Bull team and had often made an effort to ensure that they wouldn’t be stupid enough to say something that would taint the team’s image as an outstanding team. Sylvie didn’t often have an issue with managing her drivers’ media duties and responsibilities, but for whatever reason, the Dutchman’s behaviour was too much to handle by any journalist. 
Sylvie continued, “I wasn’t about to let Christian nor the higher-ups just give my staff overtime because of what happened. Max needed to sort that out himself.”
“Well, they did get paid for it.”
“For a price of a certain amount of sanity, too.” 
Lewis rolled his eyes playfully as Sylvie asked, “All jokes aside. Are you sure you’re alright with us going? I can just stick to Monaco instead of going to Cannes?”
“It’s not my first rodeo,” Lewis waved off and joked, “You’d only be gone for a day. Stevie, I hope you don't miss the kids too much, though.” 
“I’m already shedding tears,” Stevie pouted playfully and sniffled, hugging Leland from behind as she said, “I’m going to miss my boy and my princess soooo much~ I wish Mummy could stay.” 
“No, Mummy,” Leland protested with a frown, “have fun, ‘member?” 
“Yes! Have fun, Mummy!” Lottie exclaimed as she munched on her waffle. “No stress in Ferrari, okay?” 
Sylvie snorted behind her glass of apple juice. Lewis offered his in-law a look as they both laughed quietly. Whatever Charles told Lottie and Leland, it rubbed off on them. Lewis couldn’t fault Charles for that, especially when he’s had his years of being fucked over by the strategies in place during the previous seasons. 
But Stevie’s disbelief was all over her face as she gasped, staring at her daughter with wide eyes. She glanced at Lewis and Sylvie before she shook her head and softly kissed Lottie’s hair. “The F in Ferrari means fun, my love. That’s what it means.” 
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“What about this?” 
“Lot, princess,” Lewis looked over his shoulder as he watched his daughter stand there in a set of tracksuits. “It’s hot. Why don’t you pick something comfortable?” 
“But this is pink, Daddy,” Lottie reasoned out. “I want pink.” 
“I’m pretty sure you’ve got more pink in your closet,” Lewis stated as he followed her into the princess-themed bedroom, glancing over at the closet before he caught a glimpse of a hot pink and reached for it. It was a see-through hot pink dress. Underneath the sheer fabric was a white playsuit that went with the dress. “See? This is much more comfortable than the trousers you’re wearing now.”
“But these trousers are for playing. White is messy, Mummy said.” 
“Yeah, but Mummy and Daddy can wash it for next time,” Lewis almost sighed. His daughter was an overthinker, much like when he first began dating Stevie.
For goodness sake, Lottie was five and already thinking too much. 
“It can be washed off, don’t you worry about it,” Lewis told his daughter gently, “besides, you will look really pretty in those. Mummy got them for you, remember?”
“Hm…” Lottie hummed before she took the hanger from her father’s hand and nodded. “‘Kay. Thank you, Daddy.” 
“Mhm,” Lewis smiled softly as he watched her run off to change her clothes. His smile never left just as he wandered off to find his son, who sat on his bedroom floor with a Christopher Robin pop-up book. “Leland.”
The boy looked up, and his eyes brightened at the sight of his father. Lewis examined the outfit he had put together for the boy: a Prada shirt that was just as colourful as any of the outfits he wore back when he was still a driver fulfilling his media duties. Leland’s little denim bucket hat covered the wild curls waiting to be trimmed and washed at Pascale’s salon. 
Despite his colourful outfit and beautiful features, Leland looked a bit… blue. His eyes dimmed a little seconds after catching sight of his dad. Lewis wondered, “How are you feeling, little man?” 
“Mummy not here,” Leland told his dad almost gloomily, “Mummy sad?” 
“What? She is not sad,” Lewis took his phone from his pocket before opening a photo Stevie sent of herself with her sisters on the road. Her smile was radiating from the screen, and it shone bright. He crouched down to show his son, “See? She’s happy. Maybe you are sad?” 
“Leland not sad,” Leland shook his head with a frown. “Leland sad because Mummy is.”
“So, how do you feel now that you know Mummy isn’t sad?” Lewis asked. As a child, he was always told to tell his parents how he felt — that his feelings shouldn’t be bottled up but explored. A child who was told to keep to himself is a child who never learned to be curious about his surroundings, making him either isolated or unthoughtful.
Stevie wasn’t raised to be selfish, either. Lewis knew she put her younger sisters before herself, asking them how they felt or if anything could make them feel better. Just as Lottie began to explore the world, Lewis learned to encourage his children to be the little adventurers that they were — to explore their surroundings and emotions. 
Much like his sister, Leland was en route to becoming an emotionally intelligent toddler, thanks to his parents. Lewis always asked Leland how he felt, especially when the child was silent. “Lels? How are you feeling, buddy?”
“Happy, Daddy,” Leland finally answered, leaving the older man to grin as Lewis reached out to wrap his arm around his son. “Happy because Mummy’s happy!”
“That is good,” Lewis nodded encouragingly. “Sissy is also happy, she said. Since you and Sissy are happy, do you know what that makes Daddy?” 
“Happy!” Lewis grinned. He also learned how to share his feelings rather than bottling it up. If he was to teach his kids how to explore their emotions, then he should do it, too. 
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The first hour outside consisted of taking a trip to Max and Sylvie’s temporary flat in Monaco, where the cats were currently roaming around as the couple spent their time back and forth between Monaco and the UK. As requested, Lewis (and his kids) fed Sassy and Jimmy and spent half their time playing with the cats. He was never a cat person, but he’d do many things just to care for his in-laws’ pets. 
Now, Lewis stood by the counter as the retired driver watched Lottie getting her braids done by a friendly hairstylist, pink extensions laced through her hair. Next to the counter was where Leland sat, his hair being cared for by Pascale Leclerc. 
“It’s a good thing you came here, Lewis,” Pascale grinned as she continued to work on Leland’s hair. “Too bad you haven’t seen Charles and the kids. They were here an hour ago to say hi.”
“We’ll see them later,” Lewis chuckled. “I’ve heard he brought his friends along.”
“Three kids in one trip isn’t exactly a good idea if it was just him so he roped Estie and Pierre into watching the boys,” Pascale replied with a giggle. “His boys are just like him and his brothers back then. So active.”
“I suppose that’s what happens when you raise your kids in a principality full of people,” Lewis joked, “they’re most likely to be more loud than serene.”
“Mamé,” Leland interrupted the adult conversation, making the two peer down at the toddler as Pascale pulled away. Leland then turned and asked, “Where is PJ?” 
Lewis laughed at the excitement in his son’s voice. Pascale chuckled and said, “You will see your cousin, my darling! Let Mamé care for your hair first, hm?”
“Yes, don’t worry about PJ right now, silly goose,” Lewis pinched his son’s cheek lightly, leaving Leland to grin at him. “You will see him later.” 
“How are you liking Lottie’s hair though?” As Lewis looked at his daughter, Pascale gestured towards the girl, who giggled at her hairdresser as the older woman spoke about princesses. “The pink extensions just came in last week— I knew Lot’s gonna love it.”
“She saw the pastel rainbow too,” Lewis grinned, “she would’ve chosen it but said she’d go match her hair with her clothes.”
“I think your little boy will get his hair braided too,” Pascale told him quietly with a grin, “he said something about the silver one— it reminds him of Mercedes.”
Lewis chuckled at this. Leland was his mini, indeed. 
Leland wasn’t even listening to them, too busy with the McLaren Tooned episode playing on Lewis’ phone. The older Hamilton merely shook his head at his son’s thoughts. “His Uncle Toto will love that.” 
“Well, let’s just hope there’s enough hair to braid after his haircut,” Pascale sighed as she continued to tend to the wild state of Leland’s hair. “This boy is very indecisive about getting the right length.”
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It wasn’t rare for tourists of Monaco to come across a celebrity and have their photos taken with them. It wasn’t different from Lewis — he’s a Formula One retired driver.
He’s had things signed and photos taken while he lived in the principality, and there were times when he hadn’t needed any security. He was safe here, and no fans were insane enough to even try and act erratically towards him. But he often hesitated when it came to his children. 
Stevie and Lewis were both A-listers and continued to be so as years passed. Stevie was a supermodel — making her well-known in the fashion industry and even show business overall. Lewis became well known for his dedication to his racing career, and his fan base expanded as much as his wife’s did as she walked down the runways. If there was anything he knew about their marriage, it was that paparazzi wouldn’t leave them alone, especially after their children were born.
It was what they hated about living in the United Kingdom. They abhorred everything that most British media outlets had written about them because they were biased— mostly leaning more toward the editorial side instead of delivering the news. Lewis could remember how Stevie was practically harassed by the paparazzi when they had that nasty fight in public all those years ago. He learned to stand his ground in that situation— telling them to fuck off in the process. 
And then there’s that situation when Stevie was pregnant with Lottie. She almost got knocked out by a reporter who wanted to get a good story, only for Lewis to scream at the man and practically threaten to end his season early if that kind of harassment continued in the paddock. Since then, FIA had a strict policy on journalists outside the F1 media, keeping a safe distance from the guests and staff. 
These situations scared Lewis Hamilton. The fact that his children were out in the world, trying to explore it while cameras were on them all the freaking time? It wasn’t something that he ever enjoyed living with. So he tried to keep them at a safe distance from the cameras and the public, allowing them to explore their curiosities without being exposed to the nastiest side of the media. 
But the tourists of Monaco understood his worries and how they kept their distance from the kids and Lewis while they politely asked for photos with him, nearly had him giving out his whole wallet as a gift of appreciation. His kids didn’t feel scared around these strangers but asked if they could be in the photos.
“Can I be in the photo, Daddy?” Lottie asked as she smiled up at him and the pair of fans that stood with admiration. The fans thought that Lottie and Leland were the cutest, and they wouldn’t say no.
Lewis was alright with it, too. “Yes, of course, princess. Come here,” he pulled her next to him. 
“Daddy, me too!” Leland exclaimed before coming up to hug Lewis on the leg. The three smiled widely with the pair of fans, getting their photos taken before Lewis looked back at his fans.
“Thank you sooo much!” The one on the left’s eyes brightened as she gushed, “You are so amazing. And you have kind kids!” 
“Oh! Thank you!” Lewis replied, equally as happy before he wrapped his arms around both his kids. “They are very polite. Their Mummy and Daddy taught them to be nice to others. I’m glad they are practicing it.”
“How old are they?” The other asked.
Lewis looked down at his daughter, “Lottie, how old are you?” 
“FIVE!” Lottie stuck out her hand, showing five of her fingers.
“TWO!” Leland answered after, making Lewis smile. 
“Do you want to see something?” The fans nodded before he beamed in pride and asked Lottie, “Lotlot, if you add five and two, what number would you have?”
Lottie paused for a second before murmuring quietly to herself, the adults watching her as she counted on her fingers. “Four…five…six…” then she looked up at them and answered, “Seven, Daddy.”
“…and they’re smart, too— ugh!” The fans squealed. “I wasn’t even interested in maths at her age.” 
Lewis continued to smile, offering his fans a big grin. It wasn’t every day he got to meet fans who weren’t so invasive when it came to his privacy— or those who were too overbearing and would scare his kids away. If only everyone were like them, then maybe Lewis would’ve been more open to sharing his life with the public without any hesitation. 
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Lewis eyed the cotton candy bag on the indoor cafe table, wondering if it was left open on purpose as he glanced at his in-laws. Charles Leclerc sat there and shrugged, indicating that it wasn’t his kids. Then, the British man looked at his other in-law, who was once his team principal when he still raced. 
Toto Wolff sighed and rolled his eyes dramatically, grabbing the plastic bag as he tucked it into his daughter’s opened backpack and muttered, “Your niece has a bad habit of leaving things out for the littles to get sugar rush on. I keep telling her to put her stuff away so it doesn't get stolen and it's clearly not working.”
“We know, Toto,” Lewis chuckled with a shake of his head before looking at Charles, “it was a good thing the little ones found the playground first before the sweets.”
Pierre Gasly and Esteban Ocon were also in the cafe and made their presence known to Lewis as they returned with a tray, and five mugs of ice cream were waiting to be held. The sight of the desserts left Toto, Lewis and Charles groaning. 
“Gasly, I hope that isn’t for any of the kids,” Toto started, already too annoyed at the thought of feeding his youngest this amount of ice cream. Seeing the energy of the Leclerc kids already took out Toto’s energy, so for his youngest to get sugar high wasn’t on the books.
“Non,” Pierre replied with a smirk before grabbing a spoon and taking the cloud mug off the tray. He scooped up some of his chocolate ice cream before indulging in it. He then said, “It’s hot outside. We shouldn’t leave the ice creams to the kids and have some for ourselves.”
“I like your thinking,” Lewis and Toto nodded before they both reached for the cold dessert. 
Their conversation shifted from the desserts to the fathers’ vacation with the kids. Pierre and Esteban merely listened as they had nothing to offer regarding a conversation about kids. Neither of them had any.
Toto nearly went on a tangent about his daughter’s stubbornness and his son’s overwhelming practice days. According to him, Tia kept forgetting that karting was what she needed to take a break from. The girl barely gave herself some time off and often insisted on getting driven straight to the karting track in Brackley for practice by the family chauffeur. She was nine and already insisting on being extremely perfect at the league. 
Not only that, but Toto’s eldest, Soren, was barely given a break from his school’s association football practice; his coach was a douche, and if the men didn’t know any better as they were listening to Toto, they would have immediately said that the coach was trying to make the school team into a Premier League-level team. It was a private school, not a football academy. If Toto and Tilly hadn’t pulled Soren out of his practice (during his summer break), he wouldn’t have made it to Monaco with his siblings. Toto also expressed how close he was to a fistfight with Soren’s football coach.
Then Lewis continued to sit there as Charles told them about his day with his sons so far. The kids baked cookies earlier today with their Uncle Estie and watched The Princess and The Frog after Hervé, Charles’ son, cried at the thought of his mom not being home. He then stated how worried he was about tucking the kids in tonight because he never did it alone. His wife was always with him to do it. Lewis and Toto only said that he would do perfectly fine as long as he did what he normally does on their bedtime - telling them stories, tucking them in and everything else. 
Charles’ worry eventually withered away, leaving Lewis to tell the men on the table how his day had been going. They all kept their eyes on their children as they wreaked havoc at the playground, with Toto’s two eldest at the arcade area. 
“...I’ve met some fans today,” Lewis continued on, “They were so polite, and the kids were surprisingly not scared of them.”
“They must’ve kept themselves at a distance then,” Esteban replied, “which is very good.”
“The kids are sociable, they are,” Lewis told the men, “they just tend to be scared of other people because they get hounded real fast whenever they see me or Stevie. It’s not just us, right?”
Charles nodded, “PJ doesn’t like the journalists. Some assholes still shove their cameras on the kids’ faces, and it takes me a good while to not break them. Remember Silverstone last year? PJ cried hard because of the flashes and the screaming of the paparazzi.”
Lewis’s heart broke at the statement, “Poor lad.”
“That’s why I think Monaco’s safer at times,” Toto murmured, “nobody’s bothering the kids whenever they’re out.”
“I’ve always considered getting a security for them,” Lewis shrugged.
“Why don’t you? It’s good if you did,” Pierre piped up, sipping on his water.
Lewis then answered, “Our home in Warwick’s pretty secluded and Lottie’s preschool is very accommodating. I like the thought of getting security, but at the same time, I don’t believe that we need that just yet. We’d need it for public events but for daily? No, I don’t think we need it.”
“Speaking of preschool,” Charles interjected before he asked Lewis, “Herb and Jules are telling me about this book that they saw from Lottie. It’s phonics, I think? J- Jol–”
“Oh! Jolly Phonics,” Lewis suggested, leaving the Monegasque to nod eagerly. “Yes, Lottie got a lot of those books. It was what they have in their preschool.”
“Yeah, the boys said they love it,” Charles pursed his lips, “will you send me the link to it? I’ve been wondering what the titles are, but I've had no luck. Aimee was struggling to figure it out, too.”
“Definitely, I’ll send the Amazon link to you,” Lewis nodded as Charles murmured ‘thanks.’
“You know what, Charles,” Toto piped up, making the men turn to him, “I’ll also send you some links to the Italian and French phonics that we got the kids. I find it quite helpful when they learn it at home, too. Have you ever thought of flashcards?”
“Oui,” Charles nodded, “but I would have to make them myself, non? I can’t buy it.”
“I am sure there are some resources you can get them from,” Toto replied, “but Tilly always made them by hand. She printed them and laminated them. The kids really liked them because they were the ones putting the answers in.”
“What about you, Lewis?” Charles asked, “Do you have the same?”
Lewis grimaced, “We do our phonics on the iPad.”
“Maybe that’s what I should do, though,” the retired driver continued as he hummed, “it’ll definitely be a hands-on experience for Lottie and Leland. Do you reckon your wife still has the links to the printables, Toto?”
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DADDIES, DEBRIEFED! Formula One drivers and team principal discuss teaching strategies at home as Toto Wolff shows a photo of preschool books in his phone.
“Indoor playgrounds, pastel mugs and… serious discussion of at-home learning? Now, this is a story I can get behind!”
CHARLES LECLERC, PIERRE GASLY, ESTEBAN OCON AND LEWIS HAMILTON listen in as Toto speaks seriously in this photo!
“What could they be talking about, you ask? Simple: learn phonics and preschool lessons at home and make it as fun as playtime!”
NAME ONE THING HOTTER THAN THE MONACO SUN. We’ll hint: Formula One drivers being the hottest dads as they take their kids for a day out in the principality.
“When is it Max Verstappen’s turn? No, the cats and the dog do not count.”
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“Daddy?” Lewis Hamilton had a thick skin. Nothing could break him, really. But his confidence towards the possibility of being vulnerable to anything weakened as he became a father to two of the most precious humans in the world. He had a weak spot, but he was okay with it.
He was never prepared for anything, though. When he turned around to face his daughter, already tucked in her bed after a bedtime story, his smile softened as Lottie asked him, “Are you happy?”
“Of course, I am, my girl,” Lewis nearly cried on the spot as he continued, “why did you ask? Are you happy?”
“I am,” Lewis could tell that Lottie was already falling asleep, but it never stopped her from grinning as she said, “But Mummy said that we ask others if they are happy too.”
“Yes, because we don’t know if they are happy or not,” Lewis walked back to her direction before crouching down, “And other people would not know if you don’t answer them. Mummy’s right, princess, and you are such a smart girl for remembering.”
Lewis tucked the strand of curl behind her ear and kissed her forehead, “Now, sleep tight, my love. You can continue being happy in your dreams, hm?”
“Good night,” Lottie murmured before she drifted off to sleep, “Love you, Daddy.”
Lewis peered down at her and smiled softly, whispering in the air, “And I love you.”
If someone asked Lewis how he was feeling, he’d say that he was happy that the Hamilton daycare in Monaco was a success. 
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
Operation Apollo | 2.1 | Jake Seresin x Reader au
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synopsis: After a threat is made against her life, the President’s grown up daughter gets her security tripled. Her long term detail is about to retire and needs replacing, only — she isn’t the easiest to work with. Ex-Navy and current Secret Service, Jake Seresin is devoted to being the best at everything he does. He isn’t going to let a bratty little girl cost him this job.
warnings: age gap, power imbalance, enemies to lovers, danger and angst, mentions of sex, mentions of plotted kidnapping, dark themes to follow, arguing, lack of communication on both sides. Smut (pinv) briefly at the end. 4k words
Awake long enough to see the full range of the sky’s gradient, an almost grey Steele colour to a powder blue brightened by the morning sun, Jake rubs a hand tiredly over his aching eyes. They hurt when he closes them, so he tries not to.
“I’m a busy man, Seresin, I can’t keep having this conversation with you.”
Matthew’s voice is stern on the line, there’s a monotony to it, like he’s already bored of speaking about this. They have had this conversation before, four times already actually. But Jake hasn’t grown bored of it. In fact, he can’t think of anything else.
Sleep-deprived and out of sorts, Jake’s heart aches in his chest.
“There’s just — there has to be another way,” Jake says gently.
Fiddling with a pen, taking it’s intricate insides apart and piecing it back together, Matthew stifles a sigh. He rubs a hand over his eyes and shoots a look towards his assistant, then shakes his head. The pause tells Jake what he needs to know.
“She’s never going to trust any of us again.” Jake insists, his voice quieter now than it had been before. Matthew barely notices, frowning as the pen bursts and ink spills out onto his fingertips.
“She’ll trust who I tell her to trust,” Matthew answers back, discarding the pen with little thought to the damage that it causes. Black ink seeping out onto hundred year old wood. Caring more for the mess on his hand, he reaches for a tissue and swipes the ink from his fingers. “Now, if you don’t mind, kid — I’ve got an important meeting to get to.”
The line clicks dead before Jake’s got an opportunity to respond. You hum softly and press closer to him, your cheek smushed into his abdomen and your arms draped loosely around his hips. He presses his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he soaks in the image of you like this, sleeping so peacefully against him.
He follows the curve of your back as his fingers trail, featherlight, along the length of your spine. Ten days of knowing what he knows.
At first, he tried to take it in his stride. There’s no certainty in missions like these, there is almost always another way. Options exhausted and the gala fast approaching, he can barely bring himself to look you in the eye these days.
This is easier. Just this moment. Your bare chest lying against his front, sheets just covering your bottom half.
He knows that you’re on to him. He hasn’t exactly been subtle about his withdrawal. Yet, you’ve come sneaking into his bed for the last ten days straight without fail. Even if he hasn’t touched you since you left San Diego.
Almost certainly, that’s what last night’s display was about. Him standing by the balcony door, letting the fresh air soothe the strain in his chest, when you pulled open your balcony door. Wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of underwear, you had strolled right past him, looking him dead in the eye, and then slipped into his bed without a word.
Still nothing. Jake had stepped out onto the balcony to continue his conversation without fear of you hearing. When he had returned, you were already asleep. He can’t pretend that he wasn’t glad that you were.
His lips quirk softly as you hike your leg around his, shifting closer. He smooths his hand over the subtle v-shape your underwear makes, stretched out over your hips when you lie like this. It’s cute that you need his affection the way that you do. He likes giving it to you.
It just doesn’t feel right now. It won’t again until he knows that he has done everything in his power to keep you safe. As many options as he has exhausted, he can’t stop trying just yet. Two more days until he’s supposed to take you to the airport and let you attend that gala.
Jake smooths the backs of his fingers across your cheek softly. The action tickles your skin and makes you stir. Still deep in sleep, sprawled out across white sheets, one of your hands presses to his stomach like you’re checking that he’s still there. He exhales slowly, finding peace in watching you sleep.
He wishes he could join you, the two of you tangled peacefully in pleasant dreams. He hasn’t been sleeping much lately. Too busy trying to fix it. Hundreds of phone calls, emails, freedom of information requests and accessing confidential documents. And still, the man at the top says that his plan is the best.
Jake remembers starting this job and knowing that the danger you were in was so grave that it had to be kept from you. He remembers reading the letter that was on your pillow, his stomach churning at the lines and lines of detailed threats.
Reaching for fabric to unconsciously tug him closer, your fingers extend against the ridges on his stomach and your brows furrow slightly. Never one to deny you, even when you’re not awake to make the request, he knows you well enough to know what you want. Shifting down the bed slightly, he presses himself against your side and drapes an arm around you, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead.
As you settle into this new position, Jake holds you a little closer, resting his cheek against the top of your head. Your heart beats steadily against his, the soothing rhythm almost enough to drag him into the sleep that he has been fighting. Still fighting now, he keeps himself awake by massaging your back, gently kneading and stroking your skin under his warm palm.
“Mm, feels nice.” You hum softly into his chest.
He damn near flinches at the sudden sound of your voice, even with its half-awake cadence and muffled start. Eyes widening, he pulls back to find you smiling sleepily with your eyes still closed. You scrunch your features, preparing for the morning light, beginning with a few soft blinks to adjust before you really look at him.
“Morning.” You smile, stretching your arms above your head. With Jake’s sudden change in attitude this past week, this affection is a welcome surprise. Almost ten days of downright glacial treatment from the blonde haired agent. He’s been working hard so you’ve given him a pass.
You’re not too sure with what but the elections are picking up speed now and things always get a little tricky around this time. That, and you’re going to be back in classes from next month.
“Morning.” Jake says quietly, like he’s ashamed to have been caught being so affectionate. The look on his face is hard to ignore. He has already withdrawn from this exchange before he moves to get up from the bed. You reach out and catch his dog tags, knowing that he won’t pull back hard enough to risk you breaking them.
He turns his head, glancing down at your fingers curled around the metal, slowly lifting his gaze to look at your face again.
“Stay in bed.” It’s neither a request or an order. It’s the first thing you’ve asked of him in a while. Releasing the metal, you smooth your fingers along the inside of his arm. Trailing along each inch of warm skin, following the veins on his forearm down until you can entwine your fingers with his and give a gentle tug.
“I’ve got a phone call to make.” Jake answers, giving a soft shake of his head. He squeezes your hand and moves to drop it. Pushing yourself up and supporting your weight against your palms, your face doesn’t give much away about what you’re wanting to say to him. But he knows anyway.
“Jake,” It’s quiet, almost like a warning — the look in your eyes tells him that it’s more of a plea. “Just stay for a little bit longer.”
His eyes trail downwards, his shoulder casting a shadow across the morning glow that has managed to soak the rest of your body. Wearing nothing but a white cotton thong, giving the excuse of last night’s lingering heat even with the sound of the air conditioning in the room muffling your words. The manufactured chill covers your body even now, his absence making it all the worse. Your nipples perked and goosebumps covering your arms. Jake trails his fingers over them, feeling your eyes on him. Waiting for his decision.
“This… it’s an important call.” He offers you no other consolation, no excuse, as he pushes himself up from the bed and turns his back on you. He can’t bring himself to touch you with such a weight on his mind. Until he has fixed this, he doesn’t deserve to.
“Jake.” You repeat. He doesn’t look at you, grabbing some shorts from beside the bed and pulling them up his legs. He has been showering in the downstairs gym so that there’s no chance of him bumping into you while you’re still laying in his bed. Exhaling heavily, he grabs his phone and moves for the door.
“Jake, if you don’t look at me right now, I swear to god, I’m going to start screaming.” Right back where you started, fighting fire with fire. It works and you’re met with an endearingly serious jade-coloured gaze. A silent warning from the man at the foot of the bed. He stares back at you. The almost naked girl in his bed with his heart in the palm of her hand.
Exhausted and already at his whit’s end with the careless decisions that your family seem prone to making, he shakes his head.
“Do what you want, honey.” Jake replies, tone calm and calculated. Knowing that you care for him too much follow through with your threat. He slips his phone into the pocket of his gym shorts and cranes his neck to the left. He’s wound so tight these days that it feels like his head might roll right off of his shoulders if he dares to stretch further.
Your gaze burns into his back as he curls his fingers around the door handle and tugs it open.
“What is the matter with you, you fucking asshole?”
Jake goes to ignore you. It’s his every intention. It’s even in motion, the door swinging shut behind him as he starts down the hallway. It’s only when he hears it bump into the wall as you swing it back open that he can’t call your bluff any further.
“I’m talking to you!” You insist.
Jake spins, green eyes blown exceptionally wide at the sight of you in the doorway. Two steps forward and you’ll be in the frame of the hallway camera.
“Don’t you dare.” Jake warns, squinting as he takes a step back in your direction. Immediately, he knows this was the wrong thing to do. There’s a glint in your eye that tells him he just played right into your hands. Either he comes to you or you go to him. “Put some fucking clothes on or something, anyone could—“
“I don’t care if the entire secret service sees! I said: I’m talking to you. Don’t walk away from me!” Your voice carries and the open-planned house doesn’t do much to stifle the noise.
Jake walks forwards so swiftly that instinct carries you a couple of steps back. Far enough into the room for him to slam the door shut and corner you against his dresser.
“Keep your fucking voice down.” He warns you, deadly serious now.
“I’ll let this whole neighborhood know what a dick you’re being if you don’t start giving me answers, Seresin.” You poke a finger into his chest and square your shoulders. Even with him hulking over you, there’s not a chance that you’re going to budge on this.
“It’s not my job to give you answers.” Jake answers back. The words spill from the inside of his mouth, cold and sharp. You squint at him.
“I don’t think it’s in your job description to fuck me either, and yet here we are.”
He inhales slowly and exhales even slower. You study his face, trying to find the answers you need between the furrows and creases in his features.
“Something happened in San Diego, and you’re going to tell me what it was.” You insist, standing up straighter so that he has no choice but to take a step back and give you room.
“I don’t take orders from you.” Jake replies swiftly, green eyes on yours without faltering in the slightest.
“If you want me to go over your head on this, Jake, then—“
He scoffs and pulls back, pinching the bridge of his nose. The idea is almost laughable, he truly has to stop himself from laughing at you. Something seethes through him, his fists clenching and unclenching at his sides as he paces back. “Try it. Be my fucking guest. Call your dad.”
At least then it’ll be on him to explain this fucked up bet he has made, with you as the wager. In fact, Jake would enjoy that. The plan would fall through, you’d realise everything that Jake has been doing to keep you safe and he’d be able to start sleeping again.
Seeing him almost laugh at you changes the tone of the conversation entirely. You’ve been here before, and this feeling certainly isn’t unfamiliar. The only one who doesn’t know.
Such a bright girl. So clever. Such a bright future. Beautiful and smart. All of those compliments, all of those good grades — and there’s always still a man standing in front of you, trying not to laugh.
“Maybe I will call him,” You bite back, straightening up again like something will change and suddenly you’ll be the one towering over him. It sure feels that way with this anger surging through you. “I’m sure it would do wonders for your career if I were to speak to my dad today.”
“Did you just threaten me?” Jake’s brows knit together and he presses forwards. Your back bumps into his dresser before you even realize that you’ve stepped back. He gives you a quick glance up and down, then steps out of your space. “Put some fucking clothes on. Keep yourself busy today, I don’t want you bugging me for anything.”
This time when he goes for the door, you let him. You let it slam shut behind you and pretend that it doesn’t make you flinch.
Jake pretends that he doesn’t hear you screaming ‘asshole’ as he continues downstairs. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, several eyes are on him.
“Don’t you idiots have something you should be doing?” Jake bites, shaking his head as he continues past the living room and towards the gym. He spends the rest of the morning carefully maneuvering the house, making sure there’s not a chance that he’s going to run into you.
“I was surprised that you called! — it’s been forever.” Blake’s face is turned towards the sun as her long, slender legs sprawl along the lounger. Her martini glass rests against her stomach, droplets of condensation trailing along the stem and onto her fair, freckled skin.
Your posture attempts to mimic hers. Only, your fingers drum against the side of your hi-ball glass and the inside of your cheek has gone numb from all of the nervous chewing. It’s a while afternoon by this point, the sun is high and there’s a breeze soft enough to make the heat deceptively mild.
“Mm, well, I missed you.” You reply gently.
She doesn’t move, squaring her shoulders and adjusting her tanning position just slightly, “I missed you too. But you sounded kind of upset on the phone.”
Closing your eyes for a moment, your thankful that your sunglasses mask the realisation. All of those years of media training and your runway model friend can see right through it. You’re letting your guard slip. Your brows scrunch softly at the pain in your head.
“Just kind of a crappy week, nothing big. How’ve you been anyway?”
“I just got back from Italy actually,” “You know, the girls and I are going to Belize at the end of the month. You should come. I was going to invite you, but you’re kind of hard to reach sometimes.”
“I don’t think that would fly.” You shake your head quickly, shooting a quick glance to the rookie sitting up on the deck. He might as well have a pair of binoculars for how intently he’s watching the two of you.
“I’m sure you could strike up a deal with one of the men in black, right? — Get them to pull some strings for you?” She pulls her sunglasses down and winks. It’s just a lighthearted joke, she doesn’t mean anything by it. Until she sees the look on your face.
You have had classes on this since you were a kid. Someone stepping on a nerve and you not flinching in the slightest. Yet, she barely even nudges the cover of your secret and your demeanor changes.
Turning your head, your gaze focuses on the pool as you shift. Pretending that it’s just to find a comfier spot rather than fidgeting with nerves.
“Oh my god,” Blake turns, setting her glass down on the table between the two of you, then propping herself up on her palm. Every fibre of her attention is on you — which is a rare occurrence from Blake. “Are you fucking one of them?”
The intrigue in her voice should be a dead giveaway. On a day where your head was a little clearer, you would’ve taken time to analyze exactly what it was about her tone that didn’t feel quite right.
Today, you’re alone and you’re wounded, and she’s looking at you waiting for her answer.
“Jake.” You nod quietly.
“The one who came to my party?”
You nod sheepishly at her, lifting your sunglasses off of your face so that you can study her reaction a little more closely. She grins wolfishly and leans forwards. Up close, it appears as intrigue.
“Girl, tell me everything.” She sounds giddy as she smiles across at you, reaching for her glass again. And the floodgates open. You start from the beginning and it’s hard to slow down from there. The first gala, the party, the break-in, and then Texas.
“This is the best posting I’ve ever had,” The voice is hushed just the slightest amount, no real effort is being made to. A couple of chuckles follow it. “God, look at that. God bless America.” More chuckles follow.
Jake rounds the corner, fresh off of a phone call with the head of security at the White House and not in the mood to be fucked with. Three of the rookies standing around the kitchen, staring out of the window, focused on the pool. They take no notice of Jake as he strolls past them to check the view.
You’re lying on your stomach, in a black bikini that’s more strings and ties than it is real fabric. Standing from where he is, he’s got just about the perfect view. The swell of your ass covered by the skimpy black material and the curve of your breast peeking out from the side of the top, too deep in conversation to notice that you’re being watched.
“God, I’d fuck her into the next century, man.”
Jake turns his head slowly and his gaze locks on the kid who just made the mistake of speaking. He stares calmly. He’s a little too still, just watching in a way that’s unnerving enough to have the young man fidgeting on his feet.
“What? — Like you wouldn’t?” The boy tries, swallowing and glancing around to the others for help. Jake’s lips quirk softly. He glances back towards the pool and the girl that he loves, and back at the shithead that was drooling over her.
“I catch you doing that again, and I’ll drown you in that pool.” Jake warns calmly. He takes his time to look between the young agents and nods, just to confirm that he meant what he said. “Now, move.”
They scuttle away like bugs. Jake sighs softly, leaning against the kitchen island and resting his head in his hands. His temples throb when he closes his eyes, that can’t mean anything good.
“Have you heard those little perverts?”
Not a moment’s peace, Jake lifts his head as Manny strolls into the kitchen. He hums a tired agreement. Manny rolls his eyes at their behavior and leans against the other side of the island.
“So, what?” Jake mumbles, rubbing softly at his eyes, hoping that it’ll make the pain stop long enough for him to keep his eyes going.
“So what’s up with you and Apollo?”
Jake looks up, struggling through the pain behind his eyes, brows furrowed. He waits for Manny to elaborate before he dares to attempt at an explanation.
“You two screaming at each other this morning?” Manny prompts. Jake closes his eyes again and stifles a sigh. It’s hard to care about keeping a low profile when someone knows how to step on his nerves like you do.
“Told her to put some damn clothes on. She can’t keep walking around here half naked.”
“Yeah, not with those little vultures hanging around. Her dad’s gonna kill us if she winds up sleeping with one of them, you know that, right?” Manny breathed out, shaking his head softly as he checks out of the window to make sure you’re still where you’re meant to be.
Jake hums and pinches the bridge of his nose. He isn’t trying to avoid you that afternoon. Not like he was this morning. It just so happens that you don’t run into him again until the evening.
He closes the door to his room and almost frowns when he sees that you aren’t in his bed. Before he has time, he registers the sound of the water running. Locking his bedroom door behind him, he gently twists the bathroom door handle and lets himself inside.
You’re silent, aware of his presence but not looking at him. You lather soap over your legs as he rids himself wordlessly of his clothes. Your breath catches in your throat as his chest presses into your back.
Jake drapes one arm around your waist and pulls you back against him. He turns his face into the crook of your neck and leaves soft kisses against your damp skin.
“I love you.” He reminds you, working a string of kisses along the ridge of your shoulder. You lean back into his touch, silent. He wouldn’t be saying that if he knew.
Telling Blake had never been part of the plan. You hadn’t realised quite how much you had been holding in until you had started to let it out. It had felt so good to finally talk about it, to finally say it out loud. Such a relief, each word truly a weight off of your chest.
Now, a new weight presses heavy on you. Knowing that it’s only a matter of time. That you could’ve screwed it all up. That he’ll never trust you again. You whimper softly as he nips at the column of your throat. He snakes both arms around your torso and squeezes you tight in his arms.
Options exhausted, every box checked and each one of them a dud, there’s nothing that Jake can do but revel in the time he has left where you’ll believe in him.
You lean forwards and arch your back away from his chest as he sucks softly at your throat, squeezing his arms around your middle. Catching hold of his thigh for leverage, a small whimper slips your lips as you grind back.
Jake’s hand nudges between your legs, mouth working expertly against your neck. After ten days without his touch, you’re soaking his fingers in a matter of minutes, shivering against his hold even under the steamy water.
“You want it?” Jake breathes out as you grind yourself back against him. He kisses every part of skin that he can reach, keeping you pressed into his chest. You nod feverishly, humming a quick please that’s lost somewhere between the running stream of water and the soft groan that vibrates from his lips and onto your neck.
You gasp softly as he withdraws his fingers and presses the tip of his cock into you, a contented moan falling from your lips. Jake exhales slowly against your skin as he sinks in deeper until he’s buried in you completely.
“Missed you.” You breathe out quietly, trying to rock your hips. Jake presses a palm into the wall in front of you and grabs your hip with the other, nodding as he settles his forehead against the back of your shoulder.
“Missed you too, darlin’.” He murmurs.
@alanadetigy @thedroneranger @momc95 @basicchelsea @perpetuelledaydreaming @cherrycola27 @eviesaurusrex @xoxabs88xox @desert-fern @fuckyeahhangman @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @khaylin27 @cowboybarbie @someinsanefangirl @marchingicenotes7 @marantha @lgg5989 @herladyshipxx @chaoticweirdogeek @mak-32 @obiwankenobis-lap @diamond-3 @wolvesofthewinter @shawnsblue @itsmytimetoodream
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faulty-writes · 9 months
heyhey how are you doing ? I was super excited to see someone writing so much for Tenya. So if it's okay...Can you write hc of him with a romantic partner (gn or fem if you feel more comfortable writing fem) who tries to bond with his family, like someone who would befriend Tensei, help him with his recovery maybe, would get along with his parents etc ⸜( ´ ꒳ ` )⸝
[ I'm doing okay, thank you for asking. Been busy with schoolwork, Abnormal Psychology is kicking my ass this term but so far I've gotten A's so, hooray for me. Also got a new job. Honestly, he's very popular on my blog because I write him well. At least that's what everyone tells me, hah. Anywho, this sounds adorable. Plus Tensei is mentioned! I love him very dearly as well. ]
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"This is Y/n. She is my fellow student and romantic partner. She is rather admirable for the way she so victoriously displays her heroic skills during our assigned training sessions as well as the way she articulates her quirk!" You weren't sure if you were more embarrassed that those were his first words when introducing you to his family or that his mother immediately took a liking to you, going as far as to thank you for your interest in her son.
It was an honor to meet Tensei since Tenya continuously spoke of his admiration for the now-retired pro hero. Although it saddened you to see him in a wheelchair, it didn't dampen his spirits. "Hey! It's awesome to meet the girl my little brother keeps talking about!" He said, happily shaking your hand. "Brother! I ask you not to go into such details regarding that," Tenya insisted, flushing softly.
"Apologies, my family has requested my assistance." You understood that family was a priority for Tenya, especially considering he bragged about the Iida name. Because of this, he canceled your date plans on occasion, and you tried to remain supportive considering family bonds were precious.
On more than one occasion, you had dinner with the Iida family. "It is quite an honor to share this family bonding moment with you! I do hope the Iida family has made you feel welcome!" Tenya would always try to break the ice and unlike his mother, his father was less impressed by you but regardless, you tried your best to connect with him.
"You can pull harder, it's totally okay!" Tensei said. Sometimes you'd help him with his physical therapy exercises when Tenya was busy studying or just provide him with companionship, all of which Tenya would thank you for. "To show such noble attributes to fallen heroes is a wonderful characteristic! I hope that I may be able to display true hero qualities such as yours one day!" Sometimes his praise was too much.
His mother would invite you to go shopping or out to eat. Of course, you weren't used to the fine taste the Iida family was known for. However, you genuinely enjoyed your time and when you returned, Tenya was eager to hear what had happened.
The basis of your relationship was honesty and open communication, and you extended this courtesy to his family. Especially with his father who asked you specific questions regarding your dreams and goals for the future. He also asked you about your romantic life both with his son and any past partners you had.
The two of you managed to keep each other in balance and more importantly, worked around your busy schedules. Between your academic and personal lives, it was tricky to maintain your romantic life. But Tenya always made time to show you how much he and, to an extent, his family cared and loved you.
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604to647 · 6 months
Safest with You - Ch. 4 (The First Date)
2.8K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: Din takes you out on a first date.
Warnings: First date fluff, lots of kissing and possibly too much description of 🫣, a little pet name usage (pretty bird, sweet girl, sweetheart), brief mention of parental illness and passing.
A/N: So... you may have noticed I increased the chapter count - I'm sorry! I really wanted to stretch out the longing these two have for each other and build up their neediness; so I split "The Courtship" into two parts and am using it to make the second part Din's POV (it's time for us to see what's going on in that pretty head of his!) But then the first part turned out to be 5K...and that's just two long so I split it into two as well. I'll post Ch. 5 shortly (it's written, just needs to be edited) - the point is to make them wait, not us 😂 Thank you as always for reading!
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Series Masterlist
You emerge from the subway station to see Din waiting for you, ready to walk together to the taco place he picked.  The way his face lights up when he sees you makes you glad you took the extra time in choosing what to wear tonight.
Din looks devastatingly handsome; freshly showered after what was probably a long afternoon of sparring, his hair now fluffy again and looking so touchable, you have trouble keeping your hands to yourself.  His dress shirt is worn casually, untucked and with the top buttons unbuttoned, which somehow makes him look impossibly big; and when he offers you his hand, you happily take it, heart thumping at the way he slots his thick fingers through your much smaller ones.  He smiles down at you, hoping to convey how excited he is to finally be taking you out, telling you how beautiful you look and asking after the rest of your day.
The two of you chat effortlessly as you walk to the restaurant, and once you’re seated, the conversation switches to the business of the food.  You jokingly let Din know that food is very important to you and is weighted very heavily when determining the success of this date.  Din looks at you with a serious expression, “You don’t have to pretend you’re joking.” Without skipping a beat, you match his solemn expression and deadpan, “Good.”  Both of you crack at the same time, and you have to grab onto his muscular arm you’re both laughing so hard.  You swear you feel an actual jolt of electricity in your fingers.
After you’ve ordered, you ask Din a question that’s been on your mind ever since you found out where he worked: What sort of gym business brought him downtown on the day you met?  Din looks thoughtful for a moment, as if trying to decide how to start his answer, and when he speaks, you can tell that he’s about to share something heavier than the usual first date chatter.  You learn that about 5 years ago, Din’s father fell ill, and he decided to leave his personal security job to take care of his dad and help run the gym.  When his father passed, Din chose to stay and carry on his father’s legacy, taking over ownership and operation of the gym, which had been his pride and joy.  When Din pauses, you add gently, “After you, of course.”  Din smiles, somewhat sadly.  Something strikes you, “That wall you showed me, with all the news articles about you – your dad put that up?”
That seems to brighten Din a bit, and nodding, he continues, “The gym was a big part of my childhood and younger years, where I trained and fought.  Dad was a really involved parent, and he had a big hand in my training.  I have a lot of great memories of him and I together in the gym.  But it was more than just the boxing for him; he also opened the gym up to all my friends and gave us a place to go to stay out of trouble, giving everyone a safe place to go after school if they didn’t have one.  He ended up opening it up to all the community kids; if you were under 17 you could come in any time and train, use the equipment, or just hang out, do homework, whatever.  No membership fees, no questions asked.  He was a really good guy, my dad.”
Din looks wistful and reminiscent. 
“So stuff like that is a big part of why I decided to stay instead of going back to my old job.  Dad loved how the gym was important to the community and really believed in the neighbourhood taking care of each other, and I wanted to keep it and all the good it does going in his memory.  This way it’s still open to the neighbourhood kids to come and hang out and train, or just have somewhere to go and be safe; I don’t know if that would still be the case if someone else took over the gym and just cared about turning out winning fighters or something.”
“Awww, Din, you’re a good guy too.  Your dad would be so proud.”
You’re so grateful to Din for sharing something so personal and being openly vulnerable, you forget your original question, but Din hasn’t, “So I retired from my old job, but the people I used to work with, we were… we are still really close.  Like family.  I grew up with most of those guys; most of them are the same friends that used to hang out at the gym when we were kids.  They’ve always been there for me and Dad, even more after he got sick.  Great guys.  Stepped up when I needed to take time away from work to help Dad and understood when I told them I was leaving.  Every one of them has had my back a million times over.  So once in a while, they’ll ask me to come back in and help with something.”
You finally understand, “And the day we met, you were downtown on an assignment from your old work buddies.”  Din nods.  You think you’re coming to appreciate some things essential to Din’s character; in addition to being strong and protective, he’s also deeply loyal and compassionate.  “That’s nice of you.  It’s personal security work, you said?  Your friends probably feel safer with you around. I know I would.”
Din grins, “Good.  I’m glad you don’t find me scary.”
“Not in the least,” you give Din a fond look and he is gratified; Din is used to people being wary of him because of his appearance and size or even his reputation as a fighter among certain crowds, and he doesn’t think he could stand it if you ever felt in any way unsafe around him.
Carrying on the conversation, you share with Din that you’ve remained close to some childhood friends as well; some of your closest friends are actually from home.  You had all moved to the city at different times, but eventually reconnected and are now inseparable.  You’re grateful for your friends the same way Din seems to be for his.
“Are any of these friends the ones who are reading the same book as you?  Do they know you’re seeing me tonight?” Din is curious if he’s been worth mentioning to your friends, now that he understands how much they mean to you.
You let Din know that yes, in fact, some of those friends are one and the same and that everyone in the group chat knows about your date.    
“What do think you’re going to tell the group chat about tonight?”
“Well, so far, it’s a really good first date.  But night’s still early… and the food hasn’t come yet,” you grin, “They’ll get the full debrief tomorrow.  We have a standing brunch date every week.”
Din puts on a mock worried expression, “Got my work cut out for me, then.”
“Something tells me you’ll do just fine,” you place your hand on Din’s; he turns your hand over in his and brings it up to his lips, giving it a gentle kiss while looking at you with adoration in his eyes.
From there, the conversation continues to flow easily, with no lulls or awkward silences.
Over delicious food, Din learns that you’re a workaholic and always have been, but you love your job and your team, despite the somewhat long hours.  He asks you to tell him a little bit about your work and he finds that you’re whip smart, with an analytical mind; poking a bit of fun at yourself, you confess that you’re an overthinker and that work is probably a way to use this power for good instead of evil.  Long hours of working that brain overtime leaves you with not much free time, and your preference is to spend what little of it you have in a lowkey manner, with close friends and your dog.  You shyly admit you might be too obsessed with your dog, Al (short for Alfredo, like the pasta sauce), and when Din asks to see and then proceeds to enthusiastically coo at the 812 pictures of Al you show him on your phone, you think you might actually be making heart eyes at this teddy bear of a man.
The first time you’re both quiet is when Din walks you to the front of your building; after an evening of non-stop talking and laughing, this intimate moment of silence feels well earned and full of promise.  The evening has been more than lovely; you’ve learned so much about this handsome, kind man that you’ve fantasized about for the last week, and he has somehow surpassed anything you could have imagined.  Now you’re aching for him to touch you in ways beyond the gentle and respectful way he has throughout the date; you’re ready to feel the strength you felt radiating off of him in the coffeeshop pressed against your body.  Looking up at Din as you step in his space, you tip your face up to his while your hands find their place on his waist.  Following your cue, Din leans down and gently cradles your face with his hands, thumbs on either side of your cheeks, fingers softly stroking your neck and hair for a moment before bringing his lips to yours.
As Din’s mouth fits softly on yours, you close your eyes and return his kiss like it’s all you’ve been wanting to do for the last few hours, which if you’re being honest, it has been.  You map Din’s lips with your own, inhaling his breath and exhaling your own breaths of quiet contentment.  Din meets each brush of your lips with an equal tenderness, pressing into them with his own over and over.  Then, as if through some silent agreement, a sense of urgency overtakes the both of you and you each reach for the other at the same time to deepen the kiss.  Your hands work their way up Din’s chest until they lace around the back of his neck and you use them to pull yourself up into him; Din’s arm’s have enveloped you and he presses his hands on the small of your back, firmly urging you even closer.  On instinct, your mouth opens eagerly, and Din slips his tongue in, pushing against yours with hunger and purpose; you’re delicious and he can’t get enough of you.  Greedily craving even more, you wrap your arms around his neck, needing to get impossibly close to Din; nothing else exists in this moment for you except Din and the way his mouth moves against yours.  His facial hair is scratching your chin and the friction is starting to feel hot, but not unpleasant; you let out a low hum of pleasure that vibrates through to Din.  He groans and gently bites down on your lower lip, pulling lightly as you finally break apart.  When you open your eyes, you find that you’re both panting slightly, chests heaving in tandem as you try to catch your respective breaths.
“Holy shit, pretty bird. That was some first kiss.”
“Din…”, you whisper, your voice low, your desperate eyes meeting his.
You don’t even get to finish your thought before Din is on you again, kissing you with the same intensity and passion as the way the first kiss ended, but now with less urgency.  He wants to savour you, taste you, and show you through his kisses how much you’re affecting him.  During this second kiss, he doesn’t press you against him but instead lets his hands roam; his one hand trails up your neck and finds a home on the back of your head, threading through your hair and you lean into his hold.  His other hand strokes your back, fingers kneading as it travels from your shoulder blades and down to your lower back, almost dipping to your ass, but only getting close enough to graze the top with his fingers.  You might whine a little from the anticipation - oh how you want him to grab your ass.  You know he’s being respectful, but this kiss and the one before it has you burning with desire for this man; you can feel a wetness starting to pool between your legs, and you want, need Din to just handle you.  Your tongues chases his, trying to convey your neediness. More, more, more.
“Din…”, you try again, murmuring into his mouth when his nose gently bumps yours and his mouth gives yours a moment of reprieve.
“Mmmmhmm…?” Din presses his lips lightly on yours again, unable to be apart from them.
“Do you want to come upstairs?”
Din’s mouth stills against yours before he pulls his face away slightly, “Oh.  Uhhhhh…I…no.”
In an instant, you feel a tightness in your chest from misreading the situation, and shrink away from Din, out of the warmth of his arms, “Oh.  Okay, it’s okay.  You don’t have to.”
Fuck.  Din blames his light headedness from kissing you for his harsh and misleading response; when he sees you trying hard to keep your face neutral, he’s desperate to correct and explain himself, “No, no, no, pretty girl.  I do, I do want to come up.  But, I also…don’t.  I-”
Din is running his hands through his hair nervously, looking flustered in a way that astonishes you: this big force of a man, looking unsure and tripping over his own words.  It’s endearing, and your tenderness towards him wins out and you put your hand up to his cheek; Din immediately leans into your touch.
He presses his forehead to yours, eyes closed, worried that he’s ruined things, but when he opens his eyes, he sees you looking at him with softness.  When you see Din’s finally face relax, you chuckle, “That’s confusing.”
Din takes a deep breath, “I know.  Pretty bird, I would love to go upstairs with you.  I really do.  And without sounding too presumptuous, I would love to do all the upstairs things with you.  To you.  I want to.  I want you…but…”
You wait with bated breath for him to continue.
“…but I also…I want to… court you.”
Whatever you were bracing yourself for, it wasn’t this, “Court me?” You’re not sure you heard him right.
Now Din is running his hands through his hair again, looking sheepish and self-conscious, “Yeah… is that dumb? I…want to do things the proper way with you.  Take you out, get to know you, treat you special…court you?  I know if we go upstairs, I won’t be able to keep my hands off of you, and things will go fast and… some of the nice things I want to do for you will get forgotten, maybe left behind…and… I want us to take our time.  Is that dumb?  Sorry.”
Din’s eyes can’t quite meet yours, so you press a soft kiss to his lips to which he gives you a small smile.  “It’s not dumb at all, Din.  It’s super sweet.  Surprising, but sweet.”
“Why surprising? Did you think me a hussy?”  Din pretends to look scandalized.
You giggle, “I mean, it’s pretty clear that I’m the one being a hussy here, old man.” 
“Old ma-..?” Din doubles down on looking offended.
You kiss him again before he can retort, “Okay. Let’s take things slow.”
Din kisses you slow and calm, all the urgency from earlier gone, as he settles into the relief of knowing he hasn’t inadvertently pushed you away.  Closing your eyes, you melt into Din’s embrace, letting him know with your actions that you’re not going anywhere.
“Do you want to meet the dog and go for a walk with us?” you mumble into Din’s shoulder, somewhat shy about inviting him to do something so familiar and domestic. 
“Nothing I want more, pretty bird.”
“Nothing?” you arch your eyebrow, teasingly.  Then practically skip into the building, giggling, as you hear Din chuckling behind you.
Al takes to walking with Din immediately.  The nighttime walk is lazy and comfortable; hardly any words are exchanged, but Din’s arm around you, and the soft kisses he presses into your hair throughout, tells you everything you need to know about how Din feels the date went.
Before letting you go for the final time tonight, Din kisses you deep and slow again; this time letting his hands wander down to where you had needed him earlier, palming your ass with both his hands, groping you lightly and making you yearn for more of him yet again.  Turning you towards your building door, he gives one side a light slap before bidding you goodnight with a wink, leaving you dazed and lightheaded as you head in with the dog.
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moonlit-imagines · 5 months
Headcanons for being Scott and Hope’s child (Hank Jr. Edition)
Scott Lang/Hope van Dyne x child!reader
prompt: anonymous: “Scott and Hope have a baby girl (reader). And everything seems to be fine, but somewhere from the age of five, it becomes clear that the reader is a complete copy of her grandfather Hank Pym, that is: she is incredibly smart, she loves ants (she can talk about them for hours), she also has problems controlling anger (she hit a guy in the face at school for saying that ant-man sucks), thinks that there is no one smarter than her and her grandfather, and she also transferred his sarcastic communication style and views on things and people around, for example, when she first met Tony, she said: "You can never trust Stark."”
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somewhere in the distant future a special kid was born
and that special kid had special parents and special grandparents
and those parents and grandparents were two generations of superheroes who saved countless lives (and, well, the world)
so it was no surprise to them that this next generation would be just as intelligent and caring as the ones before them
*cue a toddler with crayons in class*
“and then my grandpa asked the ants nicely to fly him to a bunch of different places and do all these cool things like move stuff around and like do other stuff” -you rambling on
“do you like anything besides ants?” -your teacher
“no” -you, continuing to draw ants on your paper
hank and janet were quite proud grandparents
and scott and hope, your wonderful amazing parents…couldn’t get enough of it
“honey, what about wasps? wasps are cool, right?” -hope
“no” -you
“she’s spending too much time with my dad” -hope
“well, he’s the only babysitter we’ve got since cassie got that new job” -scott
“oh, you mean our old job? yeah, miss those days where we could go flying around getting into trouble and beating people up” -hope
“well, you promised we’d retire so y/n wouldn’t end up with a childhood like yours” -scott
“y/n’s gonna want to be a superhero when they get older, arent they?” -hope
“let’s not think too far ahead. it might kill me” -scott
scott reads you his biography every night before bed
and you always giggle at the parts where your mom and grandpa bully him
“hey, not funny!” -scott
“so funny” -you
“dont get any ideas” -scott
“daddy, are you gonna get arrested again?” -you
“if i do it’ll be grandpa hank’s fault” -scott
you continued spending time with grandpa hank and grandma janet
and they spoiled the crap out of you
hank…got you an ant farm
“now you’re just being ridiculous, hank” -janet
“what? i’m just having some bonding time with my grandchild! hope never wanted anything to do with me growing up” -hank
once you started getting older, you wanted to hang out in grandpa’s lab allll the time. day and night
your parents hated it
“hey, think this one will suck us all into the quantum realm?” -scott
“it was one time!” -cassie
cassie was at hank and janet’s a lot, too, actually. they always wanted to help her with her suits and gadgets and all that
and make sure she had plenty of pym particles
“you have enough, right? here, take some more, i have plenty” -hank
“grandpa, please, i have more than enough, thank you” -cassie
“can i have some pym particles?” -you
“we can play with them in the backyard next time youre over” -hank
you draw new suit designs for cassie all the time
some of them she actually incorporates into her suits
and as you get older, you try to start designing more tech for her
“y/n is really scaring me” -hope
“why?” -scott
“just watch her and my parents together…they’re the same” -hope
“dear god, what have we done” -scott
“dad, look at this new pym particle powered weapon, i just finished the prototype!” -you
“okay, now i’m mad because where was this when i needed it!” -scott
“fifteen to twenty years too late” -hope
“we should have gotten together sooner” -scott
“i disagree” -hope
“wow, not even a pity agreement” -scott
asking your parents if they’ll get back into crime fighting
they said no
asking if you can get into crime fighting
they said no again
so you just kinda stockpiled all your ideas
and did everything you could to further your grandpa’s work
and help your sister
and keep your parents’ minds at ease (doesn’t really work)
and maybe one day you’ll be able to ride those ants and kick some ass like you always dreamed
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @nekoannie-chan // @evilcr0ne // @v0idl1nq // @ruvaakke // @thedarkqueenofavalon // @amirahiddleston // @beth-gallagher22 // @brutal-out-here // @rqmanoff // @elenavampire21 // @mymelodymia // @pheonixfire777 //
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