#Update update: oh the hunger games guy
ldshadowdoodles · 5 months
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[168] ok
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goldfades · 4 months
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❪ requested -> "please I need something about riding caitlins abs its taken over my brain" ❫
─ pairing | caitlin clark x fem!reader
─ warnings | blurb length. nsfw under the cut, read at your own discretion. ab-riding (gasp 😱), dirty talking, mention of being loud/kinda getting caught??? not really??
⇨ missing out on updates? check out my wcbb masterlist!
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your legs were sprawled out on each side on caitlin's sides, your cunt rubbing against her toned torso. her hands were gripping your hips, guiding your movements with ease as you let out soft whimpers, trying to quiet down.
you were both on an away game, and sharing a hotel room with caitlin made you unexplainably needy. everything she did, every little touch seemed to set your skin ablaze with longing. from the way she brushed past you to grab a towel, to the gentle squeeze of her hand as she handed you a water bottle, each interaction sent shivers down your spine.
and of course she noticed it, you could see the cocky expression on her face and the twinkle in her eyes whenever she caught you staring. caitlin was perceptive like that ─ she always seemed to know exactly what you were thinking, even when you couldn't find the words to express it yourself.
you tried to focus on the task at hand, to distract yourself from the overwhelming neediness that threatened to consume you every time she touched you. but every time you looked at caitlin, your resolve crumbled, replaced by a burning hunger that demanded to be sated.
so that's how you ended up here, rubbing yourself against her toned abs, desperately trying to cause friction as caitlin watched with hungry eyes. her hands gripped your hips tightly, keeping you in place as you snapped your hips against her torso like a bitch in heat ─ but again, you couldn't help it.
"fuck, keep going sweetheart. feel good, huh?" caitlin's words came out as a soft groan as she watched you closely, slowly wetting her lips in concentration.
"oh yes, cait," you moaned quietly. you tried to keep your noise to a minimum, knowing how thin the hotel walls could really be. your teammates were just in the other and you really didn't wanna be teased in the morning.
however, caitlin had different plans for the two of you. her fingers slowly inched closer to your stomach, slowly dropping down to your cunt as she began rubbing circles against your clit.
and that was all you needed to let out the most loudest moan you could muster, that surely echoed through the walls. your back arched in response, your body slowly edging toward your orgasm as caitlin smirked in response ─ you hadn't even processed what had happened yet, you were too caught up in your head.
"oh fuck, baby. you like that, huh?" caitlin's finger rubbed against your clit harshly before you felt the knot in your stomach thin, the pressure from her abs and fingers slowly accumulating.
a few seconds later you get hit with an intense wave of utter bliss as the knot snapped, harshly. it almost knocked you out, letting out another shuddering moan which prompted caitlin's hand to quickly cover your mouth to try and stifle the noise.
your hips slowly stopped, collapsing on top of tall brunette as her arms immediately wrapping against your body. she pulled you closer into her chest as she caught her breath, her hands finding your hair as she began to softly run her fingers through it, sending a cascade of tingles down your spine.
lost in the moment, you leaned into her embrace, craving the closeness and the intimacy that only she could provide. her heartbeat echoed in your ears, a steady rhythm that matched the pounding of your own heart.
before you could relish in the closeness any longer, you heard your phone buzz beneath you. caitlin sighed and pulled it out, putting on speaker as she answer with a breathless hey.
"you guys fuck really loud," jada's voice was loud through the speaker as caitlin smirked. you could hear some of your other teammates giggle in the background, feeling a rush of embarrassment. "like, i'm pretty sure you woke up the entire floor,"
"sorry jada, she can't help it," she responded before you could. you gave her a glare as she shrugged, the smirk still evident on her face.
jada's laughter echoed through the phone, teasing. "it's okay, cait. just try not to break the bed, okay. oh and remind me never to room next to you guys, like ever again."
you buried your face in caitlin's chest, mortified by the unexpected interruption. but as she wrapped her arms around you, pulling you closer, you couldn't help but smile despite the embarrassment.
"got it, jada," caitlin replied with a chuckle. "we'll keep it down. see you in the morning."
as the call ended and caitlin set the phone aside as you shared a knowing look, before bursting out into laughter.
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↳ make sure to check out my navigation or masterlist if you enjoyed! any interaction is greatly appreciated !
↳ thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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bloopitynoot · 17 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 4
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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aaaaaaand i'm back for another chapter! Again at my desk with my reading buddy (Charlie) tea for this chapter is a soy matcha latte.
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So, I thought the conference was a few days from when Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan was in the cave, but im assuming it's annual? Since he was in the caves for a year? p191
Ah JK. the top of the next page - the conference is every 4 years 192
I'm actually so stoked for this demon blood reveal. I want to know how its spun in this "version" of the story p 193
I love how confused shen yuan is, he's still over here thinking he's the villain when he has so clearly been upgraded to Love Interest/Damsel in Distress. IDK what to tell you pp193-194
Okay so now luo binghe is 17. Question though- do we ever actually get an age for Shen Qingqiu? p195
This kid is still here simping. Actually at this point I dont even know who is the simp. Luo Binghe is openly heart eyes and Qin Qingqiu isn't even aware of his own feelings but the way he describes future luo binghe is too much LOL. It is a trainwreck to read. p195
Binghe: *all flirt* Shen Qingqiu: shit. fuck. ah. I need to not fuck this plot point p196
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LOL at Shen Qingqiu taking the carriage "I'm frail and indisposed" x3 twink energy p200
not the snacks too LOL p200
oh no! Luo Binghe thinking that Shen Qingqiu has any feelings at all for Liu Mingyan p201
But also then trying to make Shen Qingqiu jealous. Oh boy.
Let's take a second to appreciate how clear and concise the point system is for the conference. like this was well thought out- I love it. It's also giving a bit of hunger games spectator energy p205
This guy (Shen Yuan) already knows the outcome, and yet he's going to gamble (AND GAMBLE BIG) anyways p 208
I cannot with this group following Luo Binghe "my feet hurt :(" p215
why the foot fetish material 💀 217
RIP to the OG timeline's harem- the have been felled to the Demon Realm's Nu Yuan Chen p218
omg this is a massacre p220
awww at liu qingge not letting Shen Qingqiu join the fray. I feel like these two probably have a shit ton of fics pairing them p223
Shen Qingqiu's entrance though!!!!!!!! p227
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Shen Qingqiu is even getting the flower poison plot (points for my love interest/damsel in distress plotline) "Stop. Do not pass go. The girl you're supposed to pick the flower for, Qin Wanyue, is right next to us, watching- and you want to deflower it in her presence, and for a big, strong man to boot? Leave your wife some dignity, all right?!" p231
oooo now we get details on who the spy is. Enter Shang Qinghua p233
Shang Qinghhua deserves an Oscar for this performance 236
And more damsel shen qingqiu 242
the miscommunications! oh gosh why is this scene so painful. They're talking about two different things. pp247-248
Oh no. Shen Qingqiu/Shen Yuan is not okay :( p257
oh no oh no oh no -> heartbreak points?!?!?!? this is so sad p259
RE: Who the spy is- A SPY WITHIN A SPY?
Thats all for today!
The twist really twisted me at the end there. AH. I can't wait to read more. Will they work together? will they be mortal enemies??? Will this be the author attempting to usurp Shen Yuan????? I DONT KNOW????
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daboyau · 5 months
And another rise hunger games chapter! Wow, just training and interviews to get through, and then the real fun begins. First person to correctly guess who the president is gets a prize or something idk
tag list! as always, let me know if you’d like to be added or removed. 💚 thank you to everyone who reads and interacts with my stories. I definitely wouldn’t be updating as often or as eagerly without you guys.
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The roar of the crowd is deafening as they emerge into the City Circle. Donnie doesn’t drop to his knees and cover his ears, no matter how much he may want to. Kendra presses herself subtly closer to his side, making his skin crawl as she tests her weight slightly against his arm, and once she’s confident that he isn’t going to let her fall, she lifts both arms high in the air in a dramatic flourish that has the crowd going wild. 
Well, that just won’t do. The competition for attention (and for their lives, though he’s trying not to think about that right at the moment) has begun, and Donnie has been a middle child for far too long to let someone else win. With a hand still bracing her, he lifts his free hand high to call attention to himself, then sweeps into a graceful bow as he uses that hand to flip the train of his costume and show off the way the scales shift and change with his movements. The excitement that gets him makes Kendra elbow him hard, digging into the leftover bruises from when Kendra had tackled him. Despite the slight sting, he turns to smirk down at her, smug as she glares back. He’s grateful for the distraction. It makes it feel a little easier to ignorr the ever increasing urge to start screaming.
White and yellow chrysanthemums rain down all around them, carpeting the streets and getting crushed beneath the wheels of the chariots. Donnie sputters as one nails him in the face, and when Kendra tilts her head back and laughs, he forces himself to do the same, all too aware of the eyes and the cameras trained on them. Kendra plucks it from where it had fallen to his shoulder and tucks it behind her ear, grinning at him with a gleam in her eyes before turning a bright smile towards the cameras. More cheers, and suddenly the flowers raining down around them feel a lot more intentional. Oh, she is good. 
There’s not much room in the chariot for them to do much more than wave or bow, or make a few subtle gestures at one another as they try to disguise jostling and thrown elbows as incidental closeness. Every time either one of them does a little half-twist or bows, the crowd goes crazy as their costumes ripple and change in a complimentary dance of beautiful colors. For one stupid moment, Donnie can almost forget what’s at stake; this just feels like hassling April or his brothers over the last piece of a birthday cake or for their dad’s attention. It is stupid and childish and all the meanness without any of the malice. It’s almost nice. 
And then the feeling of a new set of eyes on him sends a prickling up his spine. This gaze is different. It is not the attention of the thousands of cheering fans, or even the grave watchfulness he can almost imagine he feels from the District people settled in their homes, watching the proceedings on their holoscreens. It is cold and dangerous and close. 
Donnie snaps upright from his latest sweeping bow, careful to maintain his facsimile of a smile as sharp eyes sweep the crowd for the source of the gaze. He knows that it is foolish to actually believe that he can pick out or even feel a single glare amongst a crowd of over one hundred thousand, but he doesn’t know how else to classify the sudden creeping, choking sensation that has crawled up his spine and circled his neck like a noose. Alarm bells are ringing inside his head, drowning out all other sounds.
He scans the crowd, taking in the gleeful smiles and hungry excitement, before his eyes finally settle on the massive raised platform that they are barreling towards. The presidential mansion looms above them, bright and beautiful and utterly sterile. Lights are projected onto its side, fake fireworks exploding over the bone white surface in a colorful facsimile of true celebration. Standing high above them all, the president stares out with an expression that Donnie can only think of as regnant. He is impassive as he watches the proceedings, and indifferent to the fact that he holds so many lives in the palms of his hands. He is completely confident in his control of the situation and the people as he stares down at 24 soon-to-be killers. The distance between the procession and the presidential manor is still far too great for Donnie to delude himself into thinking that their eyes can meet, but he still shudders when that cold gaze passes carelessly over him. He knows where that sense of danger is stemming from now. 
Though his features are wizened and long greyed with age, the president still cuts an imposing figure. He has not let power make him soft. The cushion of Capitol living hasn’t done anything to dull his sharp edges. 
Not that Donnie is surprised, really. The man has been in power since before papa was born; an impressive feat, considering the immense power struggle that had occurred after the first rebellion failed. From what papa has told him - and what the cobbled together and highly sanitized history lessons have conveniently left out - there were an impressive number of assassinations during that time. He would have had to be sharp to survive. Unless, of course, he was the one ordering said assassinations in the first place.
Donnie narrows his eyes as they draw closer to the man who has created an age of prosperity for Panem, and has kept the Districts crushed thoroughly beneath his heel. He’s always looked minatorial during every holoscreen appearance he’s made, and papa used to warn them all of his propensity towards cruelty in hushed, fearful whispers. Donnie had never questioned his father’s words, but he hadn’t realized before now just how accurate those statements had been.
He keeps the smile in place, even as the lump in his throat grows and threatens to stop his breathing. He can’t tear his eyes away from the platform, or the figure standing atop it, flanked by his counsel. They watch the procession with a detached interest, like the children they are sending to their deaths are nothing more than pawns to be moved across the board.
Those cold eyes settle upon their chariot, raking over the beautiful costumes and sparkling gems, assessing the Tributes encased within. The president doesn’t seem impressed. He turns his attention on to the next set quickly, and Donnie feels tension prickle across his muscles as their chariots begin to slow, raising goosebumps across his bare skin as each one settles upon its predetermined spot before the presidential mansion. 
The crowd falls silent as the president steps closer to the podium, the slight electronic feedback of his microphone enough to have the entirety of the Capitol holding its breath. Donnie does his best not to wince at the sound as it needles at his skin and scratches uncomfortably inside his brain. The president’s eyes sweep over the gathered tributes again, slow and thoughtful. He does not smile, but he does incline his head at each chariot, as if acknowledging each individual District. 
“We gather today, to welcome our tributes,” he says, his deep voice soft but commanding the attention of the crowd with enviable ease. Donnie can almost feel each onlooker sit up a little straighter. “We salute each of you for your courage and your strength.”
The crowd erupts into applause, more subdued now than the previous raucous cheers and screams, but no less enthusiastic. The president smiles, just the slightest tick of his lips, and his gaze moves slowly over the crowd before snapping back towards the gathered tributes once again.
“We honor our tributes,” he says slowly, as his eyes come to rest directly upon Donnie. “—and their families. We recognize the sacrifices made for the sake of peace and prosperity. We thank you.” 
His gaze moves on, but the feeling of it lingers. Donnie stays frozen, fingers digging hard enough into the handrail that he can almost feel the flimsy metal warp beneath his grip. His heart is pounding. The lights are too bright. Everything is so loud.
He just wants to curl up in the familiar comfort of his own bed, tucked beneath the weight of his blankets. He wants Mikey to sit on his thighs to to provide much needed pressure while he hides away in the darkness of his covers. He wants Raph to hum and rub careful, comforting circles on his back. He wants Leo—
Well. He just wants to be home. He wants his family. 
“We wish you all a happy Hunger Games,” the president says serenely. “And may the odds be ever in your favor.”
The crowd cheers. Fanfare plays. The fake fireworks pop and explode all across the walls of the mansion, painting it bloody red and fire orange. Donnie stares at the bursts of color, wishing the fires were real. The president stares back, eyes narrowed like he knows the thoughts inside his head. 
The chariots begin to move with a lurch that nearly sends Digi and Gizmo stumbling off the back of theirs, and has Kendra clutching at his arm to keep her balance. He can almost feel that chilling gaze lingering as they ride away. Kendra bumps him gently with her shoulder, and when he turns to look at her, she gestures for him to lean down. He obliges, mostly out of the desire for a distraction from the creeping unease.
Her lips brush the shell of his ear as she whispers, “That speech was total bullshit, huh?” 
His smile feels a little more real all of a sudden. 
There is a stranger waiting for them when the elevator doors slide open to reveal their fourth floor apartment. He is seated primly upon the pristinely clean and stupidly shaped sofa, ankle crossed over his knee, hands folded in his lap, head held high. He is invading the only marginally safe or private space afforded to them within the Capitol, and it rankles how much he looks like he belongs within this stupid fancy apartment.
He assesses them as they pile off the elevator, Donnie and Kendra both shuffling awkwardly forward as they clutch at the trailing fabric of their costumes to keep it from getting caught in the elevator door. They each keep a wary eye on him, suspicious of the interloper in their apartment. Atomo goes silent when she sees their visitor, her excited chattering about their Chariot Ride and the burgeoning sponsor interest cutting off with a sharp gasp. Donnie glares at the stranger, who surveys him with an expression that he has no idea the meaning of in return. He looks…excited, maybe? But that doesn’t quite fit. Certainly not upset, but not happy either. There’s a strange shininess to his eyes as they focus on Donnie’s face. He wishes Mikey or Leo were here to tell him what that expression means.
The stranger doesn’t stand until papa steps out from behind the cover of their small crowd. His eyes light up, yet his lips pulls down into a frown. He smoothes the fabric of his skirt and crosses his arms, muscles bulging in a way that even Donnie can tell must be purposeful. Yikes and gross. Talk about desperate. 
“Draxum,” Yoshi says, his voice low and full of a quiet rage that Donnie rarely gets to hear. His hands flex at his sides before curling into tight fists. Donnie steps to the side, train dragging in his wake and shimmering even in the dim apartment lights, intent on keeping both of them in his sights. As if sensing the brewing danger, Kendra and Atomo both hurry to join him, standing a few feet back like they hope he’ll act as a buffer.
“Yoshi,” the man returns, sounding more amused than angry, which tells Donnie all he needs to know about who holds the power between the two of them. The stranger’s eyes narrow as they move slowly up and down Yoshi’s body. It’s something that he’s seen done to his father before, but it makes Donnie’s skin crawl worse than usual this time. “I see you are as pathetic as ever. Maybe even moreso than usual, considering the…special guest this year.” 
Donnie stiffens as those sharp golden eyes drift towards him once again. Draxum’s lip curls, and if he didn’t know any better Donnie might have said that it almost looks like a smile. He stares back, too exhausted to bother trying to force even the barest hint of emotion into his expression. His papa hisses between his teeth, sharp and deliberate, and Draxum’s attention snaps back towards him immediately. 
“What do you want?” he snaps, and though Draxum has a significant height advantage, he somehow manages to look down his nose at him in the way only someone who knows their own strength can. This time, the twisting of Draxum’s lips can only be a smile, small and cruel as it is.
“There has been a report that your son requires medical intervention,” Draxum says, slow and soft, and Donnie feels his stomach drop at the way those words make his father’s face go all twisted and pale. He really doesn’t want to deal with this right now. 
So he won’t. 
“I’m going to shower,” he announces, refusing to meet any of the eyes that snap towards him. “If you’re still hanging around when I’m done you can look at my back then.” 
And then he turns and stomps away, ignoring the voices that call after him as he goes. It feels good to slam the bedroom door behind him, and as silence falls over the room he finally feels like he has a chance to catch his breath. Leaning against the door just in case anyone decides to follow him, he takes a moment to just try to breathe. His eyeballs feel hot and his chest feels tight. He can hear the blood rushing in his ears as his heart pounds, echoing the dull throbbing at the base of his skull. There is an uncomfortable tingling in his fingertips. 
Thankfully, no one tries to follow him. There is no pounding at the door or jiggling of the knob. He’s not sure what he would have done if someone did try to get in, but he’s sure there would have been blood. Exhaling slowly, Donnie steps towards the bathroom, mindful to stay close to the wall and out of the range of the camera’s ever watchful eye. Glittering gems trail in his wake, silent as they fall to the carpet. The sting as they’re pulled from his skin feels good. It feels real in a way very little else has today. 
He leaves the beautiful, glittering gown in a heap on the bathroom floor. His hands are steady as he turns the faucet, water gushing forth and filling the air with steam almost immediately. For a long while, he sits on the side of the tub and just watches the water as it circles the drain, breathing in the steam and the lingering smell of the shampoo he used when he last showered.
The water burns when he finally steps beneath its strong spray. His back tingles at the heat and the pressure, but it does not hurt. He thinks about the stranger in the living room, and wonders what he plans to do during the so-called medical intervention. His hands do not shake even though his lungs feel too small inside his chest. He takes his time. Thankfully the Capitol never runs out of hot water.
When he leaves the quiet sanctity of the bathroom, he’s not surprised to find Draxum in his room. The man is standing by the floor to ceiling window, which has been made clear again, and is staring at the city beyond. There’s something thoughtful and fond in his gaze, though Donnie couldn’t begin to guess at what he might be thinking as he looks out at the glittering expanse of white and silver. He clears his throat, impatient to get this over with, and Draxum turns slowly to face him.
“I’d rather this be fast,” he says simply, arms crossed tight over his chest, refusing to look Draxum in the face. 
“It should be a simple matter, as long as you haven’t caused any undue damage to yourself,” Draxum concedes with a tip of his head. Dark pink hair cascades over his shoulders with the movement, silky and long. Teal lines his eyes and lips, a strangely vibrant pop of color against his dark skin and dull grey clothes.
“Close the window.” 
Draxum arches an eyebrow at being ordered around but thankfully complies, and the late evening sunlight is dampened as the window goes opaque again. Donnie grits his teeth and stands by the foot of the oversized bed, wishing there was a chair or a desk or something besides a bed in this stupid room. He feels vulnerable. He hates it. 
“Shirt off,” orders Draxum, and the cold clinical tone he uses is actually almost enough to soothe some of the nerves sparking inside Donnie’s chest, screaming that this situation holds the hallmarks of both stupid and dangerous. Donnie shrugs his shirt off, but keeps it clutched tightly in his hands. Draxum slips on a pair of gloves, not looking at him. “Turn so I can examine your back.”
There is no gasp of shock as he takes in the scarred expanse of flesh and the metal exo-spine. He doesn’t even hum with interest or ask how a boy from the Districts could have come into possession of such a piece of technology. All he does is press forward, far too close for Donnie’s comfort. He can feel each of the man’s cool breaths on his back and feel the press of latex covered fingers as he examines the seam where skin and metal meet. Donnie grits his teeth and tries not to snap. 
“You don’t seem surprised by it,” he says instead, eyes trained on the ceiling, trying to take deep breaths to calm himself. Draxum scoffs, and his fingers press a little harder, almost to the point of pain. His gloved hands trace the metal spine, and Donnie feels his legs tingle. He hates it he hates it he—
“Why would I be surprised?” Draxum demands as he prods at one of the keloid scars on his shoulder. “I made it, after all.”
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mmelionsblog · 1 year
Taking Care of You || Peeta M.
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After the rescue of the three victors, you had to take a moment for yourself. People warned you about him. Katniss warned you about him, and what he had done to her when she first visited him. You didn’t care about that, though. You knew that wasn’t your Peeta. All he need was someone to be there for him, and no one was doing that.
You breathed in deeply, then nodded as you looked right at Haymitch. “I’m ready.” You spoke, standing up from the couch. He breathed in deeply and then waved his arm to follow him. He stopped at a hallway that lead to two big white doors at the end.
“Don’t get to close to him. He doesn’t know what’s real. Just try to get him on the right track.” He said. You nodded, then slowly walked towards those two big doors. Your heart beat was racing, nervously, and worried. You hadn’t seen your husband since the broadcast was cancelled when Katniss shot down the dome.
Opening the doors, there was a white room. There was space to walk around, and a window to see him through. Your eyes started to water as you looked at him through the glass.
His eyes found yours, and for a moment he looked at you with a blank face until his eyes widen. “(Y/n)?” He croaked out, his eyes viscously blinking. His head started to shake, “I-…” he stuttered. “I thought I’d never see you again.” Peeta breathed out. “Oh Peeta,” you choked.
You walked towards his bed and sat on it, your left hand placed onto his thigh. “I thought I’d never see you again either.” A tear left your eye and he had bit his lip. “Don’t cry,” he whispered. “Don’t cry. No need to cry. I’m here. I’m right here,” he repeated. “If I could I’d wipe your tears away. But they put me in these cu-” his words got cut off as you launched yourself onto him.
You didn’t care about Haymitch watching through the other side of the wall, that was your husband. Your husband was suffering. You didn’t care if he would attack you like he attacked Katniss, you knew he didn’t mean it. He had just gone through a lot with the capital abusing him. All he needed was someone there for him, someone that would open up arms for him, trust him 100% for him.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, and you started to shake and cry. You had broken down. “I’m so sorry,” you whisper out. “I’m so sorry they did this to you.” You felt Peeta’s hand on your waist. “Shh, don’t cry. Don’t cry. No need. I’m here.” He repeated. “(Y/n) I’m here, I’ll get better I promise. I’m never gonna leave you again. Let’s run away, yeah?” He kissed the side of your cheek and you looked at him with tears running down your face. He had the same look like you as well.
You nodded. “I’ll always take care of you.” You said. “And I’ll always take care of you, as well. Till death do us part,” Peeta whispered.
A/N: guys I know I’ve been gone for so long but I’m in my feels and I just finished rewatching all hunger game movies and I fell in love with Peeta again and ughh THE SCENE WHERE HE ATTACKED KATNISS I CRIEDDDDD … anywho I hope y’all like this! I’ll try updating more about Peeta and Bradley:) bye for now!
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itsyagurlchip · 4 months
٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰Video Game Lover💜٠ ˚ ※ ๋࣭ ᯓ⚝ ⋆ .˚✰
✰⋆⁺warnings: cussing(!) (Y/N) is used (😱)(!) mentions of injury and bone (!)
✰⋆⁺Im actually really loving this plot that I'm coming up with. I hope the world around Player (that's what I'm calling reader) is making sense. Since I haven't written for this fic for a long time, I'm gonna try to finish this as i go thru the summer, and hope to finish it around august or september! Enjoyyyy!!!
✰⋆⁺ Chapter 2: What to Do...What to Do!?
(Chapter 1) | (Chapter 3)
WELCOME BACK! GAME START? (ok, back here...)
YES NO (here we go again)
{ tip:the shadows are sentient, its best to not ager them } (you spelt anger wrong lmao)
{ shut up! I'm trying to help you >:(( } (who even are you???)
{ It's me! } (who-!?)
That interaction was odd. you wondered who that could've been.
or better yet,
what the hell happened after you finished reading that semi-biography gnome obituary? And why didn't Nigel have enough paper???
what were you thinking about? your memory is fuzzy. oh well.
Now the area in looked vastly different than the previous one, which disoriented you a bit.
Looking around, you saw that the world still had a pastel palette. Except this time, instead if a forest, it looked more like a field.
The inconsistent style between the character design and the background pissed you off, as you were still pixels.
But, instead of worrying about that, you drive your attention to your surroundings once more.
The grass looked super stiff, and despite the sensation of wind showing on your sprite, nothing actually moved along with it.
Oddly enough, the creator didn't add any flowers, which honestly surprised you. Instead, there were soft and plump succulents (???) and small bunnies and insect-critter thingies crawling around.
Who the hell designed and produced this game?
while your headache was growing bigger, you decided to press that white check mark above your head once more.
(Update!!✨ New Page Unlocked✨!)
Lives: 1
Death Count: 0
Health: 25/30
Attack 2/20
4.Objectives (✨new✨)
The first thing that you noticed was the lack of health you had. Didn't you have full health? Then, looking towards the new page, you figured out why.
Honestly, you were lucky because it seemed that only hunger could personally damage you. Damn thirst.
Back in Donnie's lab, Mikey, Leo and Raph sat in silence.
"So Leo-"
"Guys look!, the screen!" Leo interrupted, shallowly 'saving' himself. On the computer, it showed a round world with a pixelated character right in the middle.
It was you! But not?
The outfit you wore was something that the real you would never wear. Being broke and all. *cough* snacks *cough*
"(Y/N)'s a royal!! My prayers have been answered!!" Mikey sighs comically, despite not intending for them to be sucked into a video game for his wishes to come true, "I'll take what I can get."
"I knew it! It was Mikey's fault!" Leo said, jabbing a finger at the little man. "He and his 'DoCter FeEliNgS' cursed Donnie to never find love, man I hope Jaquelin's okay, AND TOOK ONE OF OUR HUMAN FRIENDS! prayers for homegirl. " Mikey rolled his eyes.
"Dude, you tripped the girl and she ended up in a hospital because Donnie was buildin' her a gift instead of your dumbass 'uNicORn RocKeT'" Mikey then gestured to his leg. as Leo crossed his arms and looked away. "Her bone was sticking out of her knee!"
"I've already told you, !" Leo yelled, "Jaquelin just so happened to walk in front of my leg! And the building just so happened to come to an edge- which was totally not caused by my lack of perception!" Leo huffed and stomped out of the room.
"So that was....o-okay-" Raph blinked froggily. Focusing back on the screen, he watched as you adjusted the crown on your head, curiously looking around. Raph found it cute how your sprite blinks with wide eyes.
"Back to my favorite couple!" Mikey said, looking towards where Raph was. The music in this is annoying as hell, they both agreed.
On screen, they watched as you tried to figure the world out, cheering you on as they watched you grab a log to cross the rushing river. Despite being mouthless in the world, you still had a range of emotions on your face that both turtles enjoyed.
Now, you pressed on into the woods, your sprite skipping along in happiness. And suddenly stopped. A question mark appeared on your forehead before an exclamation mark popped up soon after. an idea?
Raph raised an eyebrow, before watching you reach your arm up to the white check mark above your head. Almost instantly, a page of black opened up. Purple lettering began to quickly type out across the page, a long with a note a the bottom.
Mikey was already sitting down in Donnie's gaming chair with a bag of popcorn, snuggling into the blanket as a voice actor began reading out the letter.
F in the chat for Nigel, he deserved better.
It was like a movie! A terribly illustrated, yet fully interesting, predictably flash backing, movie! Mikey wasn't gonna let this new form of entertainment go to waste.
He instead typed in the keyboard shortcut for screen recording, and sat back and watched.
Raph sighed and plopped himself down onto the floor, tired of standing anyway.
In a flash, the screen suddenly turned black, startling the boys as they leaned forward. Immediately they relaxed, seeing that it was simply a loading screen.
"[give player tips (?)]" The screen blinked, waiting for the "viewers" to make their choice.
Mikey chose the right answer- god forbid (Y/N) takes this for granted.
Tip: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
"Hey Raph! Can I borrow your phone real quick?" Mikey asked.
Raph, already knowing what to do, pulled up the wheel of names, and inserted each number twenty times, before spinning and landing on the number 2.
"Number 2!! Raph was rootin' for 4 tho-" He said, shaking his head solemnly.
Mikey, chuckling a bit, chose the number on the screen. There was a tingling sensation in his head, which he'll just get medication for later! This was way too fun.
In a flash, Mikey was dissipating into the computer screen.
"OH SHI-" *pop!*
Raph sat there, stunned, just as Leo walked back in the room with April.
April, being the badass she is, noticed something wrong.
"Where's Mikey?"
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i hope this is making you guys laugh. i literally i haven't touched this in weeks. I think im gonna stick to 2nd person, because i find that my silly shit is easier to reference and the narrating is funnier. I really wanted to make this longer but I just had to cut it off there or it would seem wayyyy to run-on for me.
Anything you guys wanna reference? some memes?
Also, do you guys recommend anything for the stats page? i feel like i shouldn't list all of that out (i may tire myself out as well as you guys) so i want to find a way to make that easier.
wait nvm- that lowkey gave me an idea. i think it'll help you guys visualize better as well too-
(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و tags: @kittykittyanon @radicallxser @oleander-nin @towomatos @thealphagirl
@ziipzeepzop-eez @spongejuice @nuncscioquidsitamor-13 @cyb3r-st4r
if you would like to be added, check my blog. if you would like to be added, check my blog. SEE? I SAID IT TWICE!!
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sejanusxcoriyo · 8 months
Pairings: Josh Andrés Rivera x Fem!Actress!Reader/ Tom Blyth x Rachel Zegler
Face Claim: Coco Jones
Type: Social Media Au
Summary: After filming is over, you wind up becoming really good friends with Josh, but he gets a girlfriend. You are extremely jealous, but he's happy, right?
A/N: The photos posted of Josh and Rachel, just imagine they are someone else, anyone but Rachel or yourself. I'll be updating my masterlist later today!! Just a little treat since today is my birthday! I'll be on hiatus for the next few days to enjoy my birthday, and I also have a job interview coming up I need to get ready for! Thank you for all the love, follows, reposts, and everything, I love you guys soo much🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
Warnings: Cussing
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Ynuser I've never had so much fun filming before. The Ballad of The Songbirds and Snakes is officially finished filming. Check it out in theaters November 17th!
Liked by: Rachelegler, tomblyth, thehungergames, and 45,732 others
Tagged: @/tomblyth @/rachelzegler
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Rachelzegler love you bestie🫶🏾
↪️Joshfan1 Why haven't we seen her post, Josh anymore?
↪️ynfan1 I was just about to ask the same thing🙄
↪️ynuser love you more Rach😘
Tomblyth stop stealing my lady's photos🤺
↪️ynuser Or what?🤷🏾‍♀️ don't forget I helped yall get together🫤
↪️rachelzegler 👀
↪️rachelfan1 that's the kinda stuff you watch from a distance😭
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Popcrave Hunger Games star Josh Rivera posted and deleted this from his story, new couple alert?
Tagged: @/joshandresrivera
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↪️Ynfan2 I stalk this man's page faithfully and I NEVER SAW THIS
Joshfan1 He has a gf, so get over yourselves🙄
↪️joshynfan2 stfu
Tomfan1 if only this wasn't true🤦🏾‍♀️
↪️ynfan3 he posted and deleted? It's true, he just didn't want anyone finding out
Ynfan4 him and y/n had such good chemistry together😩
↪️joshfan3 I wish they would get together🙏🏾
Rachelfan1 so yall think that maybe her and Josh are just friends?🙄
↪️tomfan2 right? They act like Josh and y/n can't just be friends
↪️ynfan5 it's not that, have you seen the way she talks about him??
↪️joshfan4 have you seen how he lights up when he mentions her, they are in love
↪️ynfan6 apparently not
Tomfan3 please stop feeding into this bs, they probably fuckin lying anyways🤷🏾‍♀️
↪️tomfan4 at, cus I have been in this comment section for a lil min and nobody has netioned seeing this photo😂
↪️tomfan3 exactly my point🙄
Text message
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Ynuser we already know, my face card don't decline😘
Liked by: rachelzegler, tomblyth, and 44,874 others
Tagged: @/Rachelzegler
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Ynfan1 oh she petty, petty😂
↪️ynfan2 right, but we love to see it😌
Joshfan1 damn she looks good🤩
Joshynfan somebody betta tell Josh come get his womannn👀
↪️joshfan2 he has a gf🙄
↪️ynfan3 we know, shut up
↪️ynuser at least I can get someone's attention😘
↪️ynfan4 OH, YEAH SHE PETTY😭😭
Joshfan3 @/joshandresrivera COME GET YO GIRL BRUH, SHE PLAYIN OUT CHEA
↪️Rachelzegler shut the fuck up🤬
Comments have been limited
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thgfanfictionlibrary · 8 months
Authors On THG Writing Hiatus Masterlist (4)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 /
***Active (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer who has updated within the past year. Inactive (on this blog) is defined as a blog/writer that has not been updated at all in the past year+. On THG Writing Hiatus (on this blog) is a blog/writer who has updated within the past year but has not posted a fanfic in the fandom in the past year BUT they may return to writing in the future. Lists will be updated as needed based on activity. ***
Created: November 17th, 2023
Last Checked:----
abrahamsdaughterraisedherbow-ao3, tumblr
Popular Fic: Winter Flower A blizzard strikes. With Peeta stranded at the mayor's place and Haymitch passed out at home, a heavily pregnant Katniss must have her wits about her. post-Mockingjay, pre-epilogue.
alatariel-gildaen-ao3, ff.net
Popular Fic: A Year in the Life It hadn't been her plan to fall for him but his unending goodness won out. As soon as they met it became inevitable. This is a series of snapshots following Peeta & Katniss' first year together as their relationship develops into something real. Modern AU sequel to Sabotaged Heart.
archersandsunsets-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place "What did you see in him anyway?" "Oh, I don't know." She waves a hand absently. "Blond hair. Blue eyes." "So Taylor Swift walks into this coffee shop, and you'd date her?" In which Katniss Everdeen has a bad date, and her best friend Peeta Mellark comes to the rescue.
aquarpisc-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: It Started As A Bet The bet was: Be the first to lose your virginity and you win. How hard could it be? Find a guy. Have sex with him and that would be it. Right? For Katniss, that's all it should have been...
Popular Fic: Safe and Sound A series of oneshots following Peeta and Katniss after the war. Post-Mockingjay, pre-Epilogue. Some chapters rated M listed at top of page .
Belladonnablush-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: Masquerade When Peeta convinces a less-than-enthused Katniss to dress in costume for a Halloween party, she quickly learns just how fun dressing up can be. Modern Day Everlark AU, they're 21 and living together. A fun and very smutty Halloween-inspired one shot.
bethylark/katnissisbrown-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: As Long As the Danelions Grow An in-panem, no games AU exploring the complex relationship from childhood onward between our beloved Peeta and Katniss, told from Peeta's POV. This starts out innocent, but will become more dramatic as the story progresses.
Popular Fic: Small Debts She never wanted to owe him anything. If he didn't have to be such a damn hero it wouldn't be a problem. Same universe with no hunger games. Everlark
Blueberrychills94-ao3, ff.net, tumblr
Popular Fic: It’s a Jungle Out There When head cheerleader Katniss Everdeen is found in her bathroom unconscious and surrounded in pills everyone thinks the same thing: suicide. Her life is thrown into turmoil when nobody believes her when she says that she didn't try to kill herself and the only person she can turn to is Peeta, the boy who she has bullied for most of her life and is now tutoring her for math. OCC.
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marblerose-rue · 2 years
oh my god so this definitely would take for ever. and definitely would be something i will struggle with faithfully updating. but how do we feel about a hunger games warrior cat thing (LIKE you guys give me characters and i enter them into the brantsteel website) and i draw it to the best of my ability like a little comic thing . and not reveal anything until the end. and mutuals will get no special treatment (cue my breaking heart bc i have to gossip 24/7) LIKE OBVIOUSLY im not the first person to do this but
-EDIT im running through the game with unrelated characters and there is a lot of filler and if it goes like, 2+ days with nothing interesting happening ill void it . sorryAHBLDKFHJ
-EDIT p2 i will also tone down the violence/not draw like. the deaths to the point where its like, incredibly graphic and everything will be tagged accordingly dw!! and ill also take out some Human Weapons and get creative
-EDIT p3. running another game with canon hunger games characters and i think im gonna have to cut out a lot of the 'filler' bits like talks of scavenging or collecting berries or whatever unless i can use it in my favor
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shadowsxgwynriel · 2 years
Hi!! I'm thrilled about the next update of The Heist 😄
New question to start off the new week... What is your favourite romance movie of all time? ... What is your favourite book/movie genre?
Hi 🤗 I’m so glad that you’re enjoying it! 😁
Oh boy favorite romance movie? I don’t really like sappy stuff irl and yet my heart melts every time I see (or read) a good romance. I don’t think I can narrow down an all time favorite since it’s not really my favorite genre so I’ll just name a few 🫣
How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days & 10 Things I Hate About You (apparently I like the number 10 😂) and I tend to stay away from romance movies with sad endings but I can watch Titanic with no problem. And because my nine year old self is screaming at me, I’ll go ahead and include Twilight for nostalgic reasons 🤣
Favorite book is like asking me to give up chocolate. It’s impossible 😩 But I can name my favorite manga of all time (at the moment) and that’s Battle Royale. It’s pretty much the Rated R version of The Hunger Games, but I don’t know if I would necessarily want to recommend it to anyone because of how graphic and violent it is 🤔
Favorite movie genre is easy. While I like a good murder mystery, comedy, or action movie . . . Horror is my favorite genre 👻
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tyonfs · 1 year
sorry i’ve been ia partied way too hard during spring break </3 little life update tho the gas station near my apartment which is not rlly near my apartment it’s like 3 miles away but like the guy who works the register has been flirting with me everytime i go and just yesterday he was like “oh you again?” like 😹😹😹😹😊😊😊😋😋😋😁😁😮😹😹😁🤔🤗🤔💔😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶😹😹😹😹😹😹😁🤔😁😊😋😁💔 pls i want u! it’s like flirty banter and i’m UP. i feel like such a hot girl bc i’m talking to this girl and flirting with this guy like omg 🤭🤭🤭 also yes you should so visit dallas 🙏🏼🙏🏼 i go to a uni that’s liek 6 hrs way from dallas but it’s so fun to take a road trip with my friends and stuff! another question do u live in the states bc i swore you lived in the uk 😭😭?enough of me! how r uu what’s ur little life update? is s2 of bitch hunters confirmed bc if so i’m UP same with hunger games au. about about colleen hoover i hate that woman she’s so annoying 😭😭 like actually irritating her books r really not that good. nowadays a ton of writers r actual weirdos online and offline.
hihi 🎀 anon here i am catching up on asks :'))
i'm glad you had a fun spring break !!! also did anything happen with the guy at the register since?? :o flirty banter is soooo FUN i hope you bag him >:) i should have gone to the dallas show for tds2 fr 😡!!!! but omg i doubt any of my friends would wanna drive that far 😔 one day tho !!
also yes! i'm in the us NOT THE UK LMAOOAOA IM NOT BRITISH 🤚 s2 of bitch hunters has been teased and is currently in the works 😩 and as for the hunger games au .. i do have 8k words written and im reading the ballad of songbirds and snakes rn 🤧
LMAOOAAO i despise colleen hoover and what she's done to the reading community 😭 !! the glorification of such toxic relationships my god...... how will we undo her mess </3 ALSO DONT APOLOGIZE I LOVE READING THROUGH YOUR ASKS <33 i hope you're having a wonderful day btw!! 💕
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thaimedia · 2 years
Tag Masterpost
(for mobile access only. for web view, go here.)
last updated: apr 11 2023. more under cut
Movies: ordered by year then alphabetically
movie tag - short film
Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003)
Shutter (2004)
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives (2010)
36 (2012)
Mary Is Happy, Mary Is Happy (2013)
May Who? (2015)
Fathers (2016)
Glowstick (2016)
Bad Genius (2017)
Homestay (2018)
Manta Ray (2018)
Happy Old Year (2019)
Deep (2021)
One For The Road (2021)
The Whole Truth (2021)
Faces of Anne (2022)
Fast And Feel Love (2022)
Love Destiny The Movie (2022)
Six Characters (2022)
The Cheese Sisters (2022)
The Lost Lotteries (2022)
Hunger (2023)
You & Me & Me (2023)
Dramas/Lakorns/Sitcoms:  ordered by year then alphabetically
drama tag - lakorn tag - sitcom tag
Bang Rak Soi 9/1 (2016)
Gasohug (2016)
O-Negative (2016)
Confusedly In Love (2017)
Slam Dance (2017)
Ban Saran Land: Suparburoot Sut Soi (2018)
Girl From Nowhere (2018)
Wake Up Ladies (2018)
3 Will Be Free (2019)
Manner of Death (2020)
My Forever Sunshine (2020)
Girl From Nowhere 2 (2021)
Not Me (2021)
Remember You (2021)
The Debut (2021)
Bad Guys (2022) 
Bad Romeo (2022)
Flash Marriage (2022)
GAP (2022)
I Will Knock You (2022)
Mama Gogo (2022)
OMG! Oh My Girl (2022)
P.S. I Hate You (2022)
Remember 15 (2022)
The Love Proposal (2022)
The Three GentleBros (2022)
The Tuxedo (2022)
Triage (2022)
You Are My Heartbeat (2022)
The Warp Effect (2022)
When The Sky Falls (2022)
Dirty Laundry (2023)
Eclipse Of The Heart (2023)
Return Man (2023)
Show Me Love (2023)
Reality TV/Game Shows/Events/Awards/Interviews:
interview tag - variety show tag
4 Podum (One31)
Once Upon a Time with Tay Tawan (GMMTV)
SosatSeoulsay (Youtube)
Candids/Tik Toks/etc:
Music Videos:
music tag - ost tag
BKC (group)
loserpop (band)
mints (band)
PERSES (group)
Season Five (band)
SIZZY (group)
The Parkinson (band)
Celebrities: ordered by nickname then by first name then alphabetically
Teeradetch Metawarayut (Alek, actor)
Ananda Everingham (actor)
Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying (Aokbab, actress, model)
Piyada Akaraserani (Aom, actress, model)
Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul (Baifern, actress)
Thitiya Jirapornsilp (Baipor, actress, model, minor)
Thiti Mahayotaruk (Bank, actor)
Suradej Pinnirat (Bas, actor, singer)
Becky Armstrong (actress, model, singer)
Ranee Campen (Bella, actress)
Kemisara Paladesh (Belle, actress, model)
Putthipong Assaratanakul (Billkin, actor, singer)
Thanawat Uthaikitwanit (Bom, actor)
Maylada Susri (Bow, actress, singer, model)
Panisara Rikulsurakan (Care, actress)
Chaleeda Gilbert (actress, singer)
Suppacheep Chanapai (Chap, actor, model)
Charlotte Austin (actress)
Cherprang Areekul (actress, singer)
Panuwat Kerdthongtavee (Copter, actor, singer)
Cris Horwang️️️️️️ (actress, model, singer)
Nopjira Lerkkajornnamkul (Fern, actress)
Supanaree Sutichitwong (Fern, actress, model)
Rachanun Mahawan (Film, actress)
Thanapat Kawila (Film, actor)
Kanaphan Puitrakul (First, actor) 
Sarocha Chankimha (Freen, actress, singer)
Narikun Ketprapakorn (Frung, actress)
Arachaporn Pokinpakorn (Goy, actress)
Jirayu Tantrakul (Got, actor, model)
Phongsathorn Padungktiwong (Green, actor)
Atthaphan Phunsawat (Gun, actor)
Napat Injaieua (Gun, actor, singer)
Natara Nopparatayapon (Ice, actor, model)
Preechaya Pongthananikorn (Ice, actress, model)
Natthaweeranuch Thongmee (Ja, actress)
Teeradon Supapunpinyo (James, actor, musician)
Ployshompoo Supasap (Jan/Janhae, SIZZY, actress, singer)
Patcha Poonpiriya (June, actress)
Plearnpichaya Komalarajun (Juné, actress, model, singer)
Wikorn Buranapinyo (Jung, singer, idol)
Vithita Srasreesom (Kaning, actress, idol)
Jirayu La-ongmanee (Kao, actor)
Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun (Kao, actor)
Supassara Thanachart (Kao, actress, model)
Kay Lertsittichai (actor)
Warodom Khemmonta (Kimmon, actor, singer, MC)
Krit Jeerapatananuwong (Kit, actor, singer)
Chicha Amatayakul (Kitty, actress, model, singer)
Thanat Lowkhunsombat (Lee, actor, model)
Nattapat Nimjirawat (Mac, actor, minor)
Davika Hoorne (Mai, actress, model)
Chutavuth Pattarakhumphol (March, actor)
Mario Maurer (actor)
Prin Suparat (Mark, actor)
Manichar Aimdilokwong (Marmink, actress, idol)
Nattapol Diloknawarit (Max, actor)
Thirawat Ngosawang (Mee, actor, model)
Chonnikan Netjui (Meiko/Mei, actress)
Lapassalan Jiravechsoontornkul (Mild, actress, model)
Phantira Pipityakorn (Minnie, actress, model)
Engfa Waraha (Mook, actress)
Naphat Vikairungroj (Na, actor, model)
Tipnaree Weerawatnodom (Namtan, actress)
Korapat Kirdpan (Nanon, actor, singer)
Nat Kitcharit (actor)
Nat Sakdatorn (actor, singer)
Naphat Siangsomboon (Nine, actor)
Sadanont Durongkavarojana (Nont, actor) 
Siraphan Wattanajinda (Noon, actress)
Jumpol Adulkittiporn (Off, actor, model, singer)
Eisaya Hosuwan (Oom, actress)
Khemanit Jamikorn (Pancake, actress, singer, model)
Chayanit Chansangavej (Pat, actress, model)
Pachara Chirathivat (Peach, actor, singer)
Nichaphat Chatchaipholrat (Pearwah, actress, model, singer)
Phum Viphurit (singer)
Phuwin Tangsakyuen (actor, minor)
Ploi Horwang (actress, singer)
Phatchatorn Thanawat (Ploy, actress)
Fonthip Watcharatrakul (Pooklook, actress, model)
Thanawat Wattanaputi (Pope, actor)
Kannarun Wongkajornklai (Prang, actress)
Sutatta Udomsilp (Punpun, actress)
Puttichai Kasetsin (Push, actor)
Vachirawich Watthanaphakdeephaisan (Ryu, actor, singer)
Koramit Vajrasthira (Sai, actress)
Wongravee Nateetorn (Sky, actor, model)
Sunny Suwanmethanont (actor)
Darvid Kreepolrerk (Tae, actor, singer)
Natapohn Tameeruks (Taew, actress)
Atiwat Saengtien (Tar, actor)
Tawan Vihokratana (Tay, actor)
Thanapon Jarujitranon (Tee, actor, singer)
Tonhon Tantivejakul (Ton, actor, musician)
Kitsakorn Kanogtorn (Tongtong, actor, singer)
Anthony Buisseret (Tony, actor, minor)
Sattaphong Phiangphor (Tao/AFB, actor, singer)
Tony Jaa (Tatchakorn Yeerum, actor)
Phakin Khamwilaisak (Tono, actor, singer)
Thanapob Leeratanakachorn (Tor, actor, model, singer)
Porapat Srikajorn (Tre, actor)
Tontawan Tantivejakul (actress, model)
Pakorn Thanasrivanitchai (Tul, actor, model)
Warawut Poyim (Tum, actor)
Awat Ratanapintha (Ud, actor, singer, musician)
Apasiri Nitibhon (Um, actress, model)
Poompat Iam-samang (Up, actor) 
Uttsada Panichkul (Utt, actor)
Violette Wautier (Vee/Violette, singer, actress)
Wanlop Rungkamjad (actor)
Wongsakorn Rassamitat (actor, singer, musician)
Urassaya Sperbund (Yaya, actress)
Directors: ordered by nickname then by first name then alphabetically
Ampaiporn Jitmaingong (Aew)
Natthaphong Aroonnet (Aum)
Banjong Pisanthanakun
Nattawut Poonpiriya (Baz)
Surachan Munkongwongsiri (Boy)
Weerachit Thongjila (Champ)
Thanamin Wongskulphat (Cheewin)
Chudapa Chantakett
Onusa Donsawai (Daew)
Sitisiri Mongkolsiri (Dom)
Kritmongkol Pienthong (Games)
Jariwat Uppakharnchaiyaphat
Tichakorn Phukhaotong (Jojo)
Apichatpong Weerasethakul (Joei)
Sivaroj Kongsakul (Karn)
Ekkasit Trakulkasemsuk (Koo)
Rangsima Mathipornwanich (Kukkai)
Kongdej Jaturanrasamee (Lek)
Chookiat Sakveerakul (Ma-Deaw)
Phawat Panangkasiri (Mai)
Phontharis Chotkijsadarsopon (Mike)
Chayanop Boonprakob (Moo)
Sarasawadee Wongsompetch (Nine)
Pinya Chookamsri (Ninew)
M.L. Pundhevanop Dhewakul (Noi)
Anucha Boonyawatana (Nuchy)
Nuttapong Wongkaveepairoj
Patha Thongpan (O)
Voravudh Niyomsap (Oat)
Parkpoom Wongpoom (Oh)
Yuthana Lorphanpaibul (Paajaew)
Ekkapop Paiaree (Pai)
Palatpol Mingpornpichit
Pantip Vibultham
Paphawee Jinnasith
Thachai Komolphet (Pat)
Phuttiphong Aroonpheng 
Adisorn Trisirikasem (Ping)
Thitipong Kerdtongtawee (Pong)
Pongsak Chimchroen
Prachya Pinkaew
Prueksa Amaruji
Pun Homchuen
Rasiguet Sookkarn
Seksan Singurai
Wisit Sasanatieng (Sid)
Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit (Ter)
Thanapol Phangdee
Piyapan Choopetch (Tom)
Adirek Wattaleela (Uncle)
Waewwan Hongvivatana (Waew)
Wanwaew Hongvivatana (Wan)
Production companies/distributors/platforms:
AIS Play (distributor)
Baa-Ram-Ewe (production)
BeBraveHub (production)
BEC World (production)
BRAVO! Studios (production)
Channel 3 (production, distributor)
Diversion (production)
GDH 559 (production)
GMM 25 (distributor)
GMM Pictures (production)
GMM Studios (production)
GMMTV (agency, distributor, production)
GTH (distributor)
Happy Ending Film (production)
Happy Hub Production (production)
Hard Feeling Film (production)
Houseton Films (production)
iAM FILMS (production)
IDOLFACTORY (agency, distributor)
Jorkwang Films (production)
Jungka Bangkok (production)
Kantana Motion Pictures (production)
Kick The Machine (production)
LIMBIX CUT (production)
Line TV (distributor)
Lovetitude Production (production)
Maker Group (production)
Netflix (production, distributor)
One31 (distributor)
Parbdee Taweesuk (production)
Phenomena Motion Pictures (production)
Pop Pictures (production)
Pordeecom Entertainment (production)
PPTV (distributor)
Sahamongkol Film (production, distributor)
Snap25 Production (production)
Song Sound Production (production)
SOUR (production)
Studio Commuan (production)
The One Enterprise (agency, production, distributor)
Thong Entertainment (production)
Transformation Films (production)
Trasher Bangkok (production)
True CJ Creations (production)
True4U (distributor)
TV Thunder (production)
Very Sad Pictures (production)
Viu (distributor)
WeTV (distributor)
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glorified-red · 3 years
Could I request hcs for subtle ways the boys express their protectiveness?
Thank you for the request my love! I got to play a fun little game of ‘Eenie Meenie Miney Mo’ for which request to do.
Protective BatBoys
word count: 1600~
warnings: insinuation of someone getting hit by a car, mentions of attackers
I was quite tempted to write Bruce headcanons to this but I must hold back ><
Dick Grayson
Ah, Dick Grayson, the King of small romantic protective gestures
Every time, without fail, Dick will wait until he watches you get inside your house safely before driving/walking away
Its a really cute tick of his because he covers it up with a goodbye kiss and goofy waves that leave you giggling even after you close your house door
But its so he knows where you are, and he can see for himself that you made it safely inside because the second he turns away too soon, you may get locked out, or someone can crawl out from the bushes and nab you
Paranoid, he knows
He constantly wraps you up in things, when you two go swimming he’ll patter up from behind you and place a towel around your shoulders, patting you dry along the way
Very insignificant gesture but he doesn't want you to catch a cold in the A/C or Gotham wind
He’ll do the same with his jackets, maybe even plop his hat on your head when it's gets to the snowy seasons 1. Because its adorable seeing the hat fall into your eyes and 2. Because it'll warm your head up
Scarves too, he’ll even go on a tangent about how cold it is outside while he wraps you in it
Dick will always offer to drive you places, even if you insist on driving yourself to meet up with him or walking there, Dick will still offer because it means he’ll be present if you get into a wreck, sucks but then he can help with first aid
If you decline his offer though, he’ll politely ask for you to take Titus or Ace with you whenever you walk somewhere, they’re trained and he trusts them to keep you company/safe when he can't 
Jason Todd
Jason’s protectiveness comes from a place of knowing how cruel the world actually is
He can't stand the idea of anything happening to you
If he has to, he will use his reputation of Red Hood as a way to keep you safe, putting a man at gun point and sneering out, “They’re off. Limits.”
He’d bust a whole trafficking ring if it meant ending a person who touched you or hurt you in any way
But Jason’s protectiveness doesn't stop while he's wearing the helmet
Even when you two are sleeping, Jasons unconsciously protecting you, no matter how you two cuddle, Jason always positions himself as closest to the bedroom door
Whether his back is to the door or he’s facing it, Jason needs the comfort of knowing any person coming into the room would have to get through him before even reaching you
He also envelopes you, he's a big guy so its pretty easy for him to wrap you up in his arms as an extra layer of protection from the outside world
Jason doesn't really like the idea of training you past basic combat or gun skills, hell, he doesn't like involving you in the family business if he doesn't have to
So he inserts himself into any situation you may need protection in
Which is exactly why he starts going to the gym with you as a work out buddy
Jason makes it sound like he just wants to spend time with you or help you achieve your goals faster since he knows how the body works from his Robin days
But deep down you both know his true intentions: he wants to keep an eye on you
The gym is crawling with creeps that have the guts to ogle at you or get too touchy, but having Jason’s 6 foot beefcake of an ass standing beside you the entire time is like an instant creep repellent
Plus, he gets to spot you and make sure you don't get injured from bad technique or from pushing yourself too hard
He’ll even encourage you with innuendos the entire time, but at the end of the day, he’ll gladly walk you home
Tim Drake
Tim is the most subtle about his inner protectiveness, a subtle King if you will
Most times when he gets protective, you never even notice
When you two cuddle in your house, it takes him a very long time to actively fall asleep because he doesn't trust your home security system if you even have one so he forces himself to stay awake just incase anything happens
But don't worry, he’ll eventually get to updating the security in your house
He does get these protective eyes whenever something is off when he's around you, they narrow a bit and latch onto whatever is off, glaring holes into the offending object until its all clear
Its quite terrifying to witness and very hard to miss when Tim is staring dead at the man speaking to you from across the room at a Gala, sipping his drink in the corner
If he feels the need, he will walk up and control the situation, whether it mean inserting himself into the convo or simply being present for it, he’ll do it
The thing with Tim though, is when he's protective, he’s almost always touching you in some way
His fingers playing idly with the ends of your hair as he speaks to a random person who walked up to you, clinging to your shirt/sleeves when he’s analyzing a situation and doesn't want you to go forward just yet, or even as simple as holding your hand as he leads you home
Tim also keeps small snacks/waters on hand at all times to protect you from Gotham heat and pesky hunger, very much like a mother hen because he also carries a first aid kit everywhere
He follows you whenever you walk alone around Gotham at night, he’s already on patrol so he might as well make sure you make it home safe, if anything happens he won't think twice about intervening as RR
If your going out somewhere alone he always always always asks you to call him until you make it to your destination, he doesn't care if he's working on something or in the middle of a board meeting, he has an assistant for a reason who can give him notes
Its become a normal thing for you to send him your Uber tracking link so he can watch it, if you don't send it he won't hesitate to hack into your account just to find it
Damian Wayne
Damian? Wayne? Being subtle?
Its usually pretty obvious when Damian gets protective over you
He’s the type who won't hesitate to pull out a knife out of god knows where and threaten whatever is responsible for you being uncomfortable
This leads to very interesting encounters of you having to hold him back because ‘oh no a random guy bumped into you and didn't apologize’ and suddenly Damian is missing 
He’s also incredibly blunt, saying things like “Cover your drink” at galas or handing you one of those hand held tasers before you go out and saying “Go for the neck”
Will insist on training you himself, whether its hand-to-hand combat or with a sword, Damian wants to keep track of your progress himself so he can make sure all your weaknesses are trained
Its also because he doesn't want his grimy brothers near you, so its protective on all counts
But subtlety? Theres a few you can notice after being with him for awhile
He’s very careful when going out around Gotham with you, Damian knows he can fend for himself so he will gladly take the brunt of any possible situation
This leads to him always walking on whichever side of you thats closest to the road, so on the off chance a car derails, he’ll get hit first
Always making sure to match your pace when you two walk together, he doesn't want you getting too far ahead of him because he'd have to run to get to you, too far behind and he might not notice you getting taken silently, he wants you right in arms reach at all times
He has a permanent scowl and narrowed eyes but when he's protective, they get even more prominent
All the BatBoys do the same exact thing out of instinct when it comes to protecting you
None of them will hesitate to step in between you and any attacker, pulling you behind them so they are in the line of fire now
Its a subtle action that each of them do, albeit with some differences
Damian will push the attacker back as far as he can from you, putting plenty of distance between the two of them and you, so if anything breaks out, you can run away easily
Dick will hold his arms out, fully covering you but keeping his hands in the fray so if the attacker tries attacking you from any angle, Dick is ready to protect
Tim will grip onto you somehow, keeping his hand right on your bicep or forearm so he can still hold you, he doesn't know if there can be a hidden attacker from behind that will pry you away from him, so touching you is his way of making sure he doesn't lose track of you
Jason will slip in front of you and cross his arms, its a sign of nonchalance but obvious dominance, showcasing that he doesn't need his hands to be intimidating to the attacker, he’ll glare and challenge them so all attention is on him now and not you
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barzzal · 4 years
between halls and thin walls → part three
summary: friends who fool around almost never work. almost.
↳ pairing: mathew barzal x you
↳ warnings: fingering, fem and male receiving, mentions of pornography, sexual/suggestive themes, swearing, mat not knowing how to eat pussy, anddd too much sneaking around i’m hating myself for it
↳ genre: fluff, angst, smut, roommates au, best friend’s best friend, friends with benefits, 18+
↳ length: series; part one, part two, part three (8.6k), part four, part five, part six
↳ masterlist: the barn
↳ track: god is fair, sexy nasty, cinderella, planet god damn by mac miller
note: so sorry for the wait! have been a lot busier with uni :(( took weeks for me to finally sit down and write on my laptop to finish this aaaah anw here’s the update and i’m making it up to yall i hope you like!! happy reading babies <3
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“Wait–” you break off, your fingers already weaving through his ever so gorgeous hair. 
“What about Tito?” you fret.
You’re sure there was at least a hint of annoyance in his voice. Possibly irked that you had to ruin the one thing you both have been craving for for weeks.
“He won’t come home, trust me.” he says, lips already making its way back to touch your skin, nestling on your jawline, before trailing down to the intricate line of your neck, his movement hasty with a sense of hunger and urgency. 
You didn’t mind. It felt good. 
“Okay– no. Let’s stop this for a sec.” you try to snap out of it, pushing him away but just enough to keep him within arms reach. You rest both your hands on his broad shoulders whilst he rests his on your hips, just a few inches above your ass. 
“We need to clear things out.” you start, eyes lingering on his irises, making you wet your lips at the sight. 
“Didn’t we clear things out thrice now?” he quirks his brows, “And it kinda looks like we’re about to clear the same thing for the fourth time. What’s not clear about it?” Mat kids, half laughing as he lets you punch him playfully, “I’m not kidding, Barz.” you say, clearing your throat. 
You didn’t mind for any of his double entendres but you did mind the fact that whatever’s about to happen tonight is bound to tip the scales of whatever it was that you were having with Mathew.
“Fine. Let’s talk,” he agrees. He walks towards the bed just as he began pulling his shirt off over his head to undress himself.
“Mathew!” you call him yet again, earning yourself a defensive shrug from him, “What? We’re gonna have sex either way might as well talk while we’re at it, right?” he counters, “Now, take your clothes off.”
Regardless of being annoyed at him for acting like an unreasonable child engaging in too much banter, you let out a laugh in disbelief, letting Mathew’s quirks have a hold on you. You roll your eyes out but do as you’re told and begin taking your shirt off which you then throw his way. 
Mat whistles, a smirk sprouting off his lips, evidently in awe of how good you looked half-naked, “Wow.”
You cock up a smirk and shrug to play it off, “Well, you’re not so bad yourself.” you turn the compliment back which Mat only reciprocated with a taunting wink, brushing his shoulder briefly like an idiot.
“So. How do you want to play this?” you inquire.
“Naked, I hope.” he laughs, putting his sweats off revealing nothing but his boxers on. When he sees you roll your eyes, yet again, almost wondering if you’re going to bawl it out at any moment, Mat clears his throat and decides to dial down his terrible jokes. 
“Fine. Let’s just say we’re doing ‘Friends with Benefits’ or, you know, what was that movie again?” he thinks for a second, snapping his fingers as he gathers a few romantic comedies he’s seen in the past. “No Strings Attached! The one with Natalie Portman! Yeah, that’s the one.” he marvels.
You look at him quite stunned that he’s familiar with these movies. “Wow. I thought you guys are just into full-on pornography and sports.” 
“Hey!” he retorts, defending himself at once, “I’m speaking your language, dumbass. And for the record, I don’t like porn.” with that, you let out a loud laugh accompanied by a scoff, obviously not buying any of his lies. To which Mat jumps to defend himself the moment he sees the mocking look in your eyes, “What?? Not all men likes pornography, y/n.”
With both hands on your hips, you arch your brow at him and reply with a revolting grin, “First rule, no lying. I wasn’t born last night, Barzal.”
“Fine. I don’t like it like it.” he points out just as he averts your gaze, “But I’m certainly not against it. Those girls need to make a living, y/n.” 
You meet his cocky remark with an exasperated sigh, “You’re such a pig.” 
Mat answers with a shrug, letting your judgmental glares slide, “Call me names, I don’t care. You’re the one sleeping with a pig.”
And as if it had been expected all along, it didn’t take long for the both of you to end up in bed, wearing nothing but your skin, breathing in each other’s breaths, gasping as you let yourselves let loose with the company of a friend.
Mathew marvels at the sight of your heaving chest whilst his head was wedged in between your thighs, going on endless circles as he nibbles on your clit, perhaps trying a little too hard to make you meet your high. 
What the fuck is he doing? is probably what every girl has asked herself when a man goes down on her thinking that he already got her all figured out. 
Mathew knew what he was doing to be fair. He was there. For the most part. His fingers were nothing but magic but his mouth was a different subject. It was almost as if he was overachieving something. Kind of like the way he does during plays that would eventually cause them the game. 
He’s in his head a little too much. That’s for sure. You didn’t want to ruin the moment so you decide to let it slide and put on your best suit. After all, it wasn’t the first time you had to fake your sexual orgasms. You weren’t entirely surprised though. Half of the men you’ve gone out with didn’t know shit about eating pussy. And Mat was pretty, at least he had that going on for him.
You bit your lower lip, trying to suppress the fact that you weren’t enjoying it. Mat was doing all sorts of things at once and it was all too much. Too much that you’d rather finish the job yourself than have someone licking your region like a fucking chew toy.
As much as you didn’t want to, you arch your back and let out a fake moan, curling your fingers on the sheets, the other tugging on Mat’s hair, staging the perfect scene Mat had wanted to see. He emerges from below and hovers on top of you with a proud grin on his face, oblivious of the dramatic pin you’ve successfully put into the night. 
“And that, my friend,” he smirks, “is how you do it.”
Oh, believe me, it is not. You try to smile, “Hm. It’s that easy, huh?” 
“Well, yeah. Think of it like a scrimmage.” he says as he starts to pepper kisses on your cheeks, his hands roaming around your body, compensating for what his mouth missed. “Or a shootout even.”
“I’m thinking no.” you deny, “Rule two, if talking hockey is your definition of dirty talk, you better zip it.” you stress out as you prop your leg around his waist in order for you to move on top of him. 
Mat chuckles, trying to mask how much he longed to feel your mouth envelop his member. There hasn’t been a day where the image of you sucking his length didn’t enter his mind. It didn’t matter where he was. Whether he was in the shower, on the road with the boys, leaving for practice, or just tying his skates. He wanted nothing more than to look down at you as your little tears revolt to escape your doe eyes whilst you take him whole. Indeed, it was a sight for Mathew. And god knows how much he’s willing to give just to see it again. 
You spit just as you kiss the tip of his shaft, stroking his length in a circular motion to spread your saliva on his cock before you proceed on pressing gentle kisses on his head; edging him for not letting you cum— unconsciously wanting him to know how to give a goddamn head the right way. 
You patiently went your way as you began taking him in your mouth, inching down his thickness without breaking off of his dark and lustful gaze. Mat rests his head on the headboard, his breathing growing heavy and hoarse whilst he watches his dick be consumed by your hollowing cheeks, sucking the life out of him. 
“Fuck. You’re so good.” he groans, pulling your hair with his free hand before guiding you further down his dick. “Yeah, that’s it.”
Flattered by his praises which you find undeniably hot, you pop him out of your mouth, letting all your spit drip onto it just before gathering it back once you start licking him underneath, sucking on his balls as your tongue goes on little circles, playing with it for a while before letting it go with a loud pop. 
You watch Mat lose his mind with every movement you make but you know full well not to let him come in your mouth. It’s bad enough you didn’t get to come the first time he tried tonight. You won’t have yourself seeing the light of day high and dry while Mat gets to doze off the second you leave for his door. 
You climb on top of him. Mat was rather quick to let his hands find its way to your hips, your pussy sitting on his flat stomach just enough to let him know how wet you still are for him in spite of not getting the fun you’ve wanted for your own. 
“Where’s the rubber?” you ask him. Mat props himself quickly and carefully shifts towards his bedside table. You feel him on your back, poking on your skin whilst he pulls out one of the drawers. He fishes a wrapped condom straight from the box which he then swiftly opens with his teeth, motioning for you to get off of him first so he could get settled. 
“Ready?” you ask him, “Ready.” 
Mat rolls over and secures you in between his hands resting on both sides of your head. You feel his head poking against your abdomen as he finally takes his shaft to rub it in between you far too moistened slit just before he takes the plunge and dive deep.
“So,” you struggle to find the words as Mat finally starts making up for his loss a while ago. Your fingers envelop his nape, digging on his skin as you let himself adjust inside you. Stretching you whole with barely half his dick pushing through you.  Thank god this was one of the many things Mat definitely did not suck at. 
“Wanna walk me through this whole set up?” 
Mathew groans, his chest hard against yours as he pumps inside you at a steady pace; one that was pleasurably slow. One that had you closing your eyes whilst you let your head sink into his pillows. 
Despite working his way on tending to too many things at once, with his thumb brushing on one of your nipples, his lips attached to your earlobes, and his free hand secured on your hips, Mat whispers in your ear. “It’s like what we’ve agreed on that night.” he breathes heavily, his mind trailing off to that night momentarily before he speaks again, “We’re friends.”
“And?” you whine as you feel his wet lips brush briefly on your sensitive skin just enough to send chills up your spine, making you crave more of his touch; a grave wanting kindling inside your gut like fire.
“Friends…” he repeats in between kisses, “who likes to do this.” his lips travel from the corner of your lips and onto your jaw line. He then lets himself pull away just so he could look you in the eye, all whilst maintaining both your bodies moving in sync as you follow his lead. 
“You do know that things like this almost never work, right?” you honestly say, telling him the very same thing you’ve told him when you first crossed the line and threw everything you’ve progressively built with him throughout the years of being Anthony’s best friends. 
“Almost is good enough for me.” he counters with a husky voice, feeling constrained by how tight your pussy was around him. It had been a while and Mat was going insane just by thinking about how your cunt was made exactly for him. It was absurd for him to think such a thing but he would not deny the sensation coursing through his veins as if sex had become something entirely new to him. That you have miraculously been able to paint something far better than what he’s already gotten used to for who knows how long; luring him into the worst kind of addiction he could get himself into.  And although Mathew wanted to hate himself that it had to happen with you, he knew he couldn’t. 
“Let’s not have secrets,” he suggests. You raise both your brows, quite intrigued that he requested such a thing. “We’re not that close to have secrets, Barzal.” you remind him. 
“Exactly!” he cheers, voice briefly rising as you let out a moan escape when he pushes himself deeper through your heated walls. Mat hurriedly locks your mouth with his, swallowing all your moans before continuing with his case. 
“That’s the point. We’re not that close so we shouldn’t be keeping anything from each other. You tell me everything. Good or bad, and I’ll do the same.” 
You shoot him a questioning look, pushing him briefly so you could position yourself on top of him. Your action was very much well-received on Mathew’s end and it’s amazing how he’s able to lift you close to his torso before the two of you roll over the switch-game without letting his dick slip out of you. 
“Are you saying we’re going to be in a relationship? You’re way over your head, mister.” you laugh because it was exactly what it sounded. At least for you.
Mat rolls his eyes as he takes a pillow to support his back. His hands then roamed from your thighs before settling to cage your hips to lock it with his, “First of all, bold of you to assume that’s ever gonna happen.” 
You scoff.
“Second, it’s more of a mutual agreement and definitely less than a relationship.” he points out to reiterate that having said ‘relationship’ with you was the last thing he wanted. 
Your hands take rest atop his chest as you start working on rocking your hips at a gentle pace; the kind that had Mathew at a loss for words for a moment, his body taking over his mind as your physique towers all over him. Mathew meets you halfway while you do most of the work. He angles himself forward so as to reach for your tits, his mouth latching on one of your buds, thirsty like a newborn child. Your fingers find their way to his tousled hair, its disheveled state unbelievably making him much more difficult to resist. 
The two of you worked each of your own highs whilst you rock each other’s bodies. Exchanging moans and groans thrown carelessly throughout the room. You were all over Mathew as much as he was with you. His strong and capable hands that moved so well on your body, made you crave for more. Mathew took control of the pace now, his arms embracing your waist closer to his body that no amount of spatial space could ever be perceived by either of you.
“Come for me.” Mat orders, voice almost inaudible as he was chasing his own, the moment he feels you throb rapidly around him, fluttering like butterflies while he watches you shut your eyes. Just like that, you finally reach the ecstasy you’ve been longing for the whole night; one that was specifically shut down by Mathew’s stale mouth.
You let Mat take over. He orders you to turn your back against him before he pulls you rapidly close to his front, your ass perked up close to his skin. His mouth leaves fashioned bites on your neck whilst he held you firmly by your forearm. Mathew begins pounding on you hard from behind, his sharp and abrupt movements painting bruises you know will show up the next morning. 
You were all over the place and you didn’t care. It was messy, it was loud. The sound Mathew’s lips leave on your skin, his balls banging against your pussy, your moans— his groans. Everything was off the record book but neither of you wanted to stop. 
With one final thrust, you feel his body grow all the more rigid behind you. Mathew’s hand was wrapped firmly around your neck whilst he caught his breath. 
“You good back there, bud?” you ask, chuckling. 
“Oh, shut up.” he says, finally letting you go. 
The two of you gather yourselves. Mat discards the wrapper and offers to clean up after the mess he’d made but you profusely decline. 
“I’m not your girlfriend. You don’t have to take care of me.” you tell him with a strong suit as you begin picking up your clothes. 
“I know–” he cuts himself off when he sees you getting into your pants, “Where are you going?” he questions. 
“Rule four. No staying the night.” you point out, grabbing your sweatshirt from the floor. “You come to my room, I come to yours, but that’s that. No more, no less.” you add. 
Mathew looks stunned. Obviously on board with how well you were taking things so easily. 
“Alright then, buddy.” he strides his way towards his bed still naked. 
“We don’t speak about any of this in the morning.” you warn him for you know how the three of you tend to leave the house almost at the same exact time as each other. Meaning that this new setup of yours is bound to be much difficult if you let anything slip off your hold. 
Mathew runs his fingers on his lips as if to zip it before he jumps on the bed, already reaching for his phone that was on his bedside table so he could check the gram.
You were just on your way out of his door when he called you one last time, a teasing smile creeping on his lips, “What’s rule five?”
“No funny business.” you say at once. You look at him one last time with your own teasing smile to mock him from across the room, “No strings attached.” you say, repeating how he used the movie as a reference from a while back before finally disappearing into the hall. 
Who would have known agreeing to such a set up would mean getting laid almost every chance you get?
It had been a few weeks since you and Mat committed to your foolish escapades after sorting out your mutual agreement. Said escapades involve a handful of times of you driving over to the Coli to pick him up right after his morning skate and get off the back of your car. It wasn’t that big of a deal being that Mathew usually rides with Anthony for work. Of course, there were also times where you would call him into your office just to grab a quick lunch. On those times you always make sure to leave out at least half an hour or so before going home to avoid unnecessary suspicions from Tito and you and Mathew have been mindful so as not to let him notice anything. 
Mat had mentioned how he was already looking for a place nearer to yours and Tito’s but farther than his previous complex. The place was half an hour less than the travelling time Tito had to drive to from when they used to ride together going home. And now that you were officially friends and more than just acquaintances, Mat has asked you to come and see the place with him. 
You took a lift on your way to Mat’s and let’s just say, that for a man with a whopping 21M at his disposal, the building was grand but it wasn’t as boujee as you’ve expected. It might’ve been your lack of a better judgement but Mathew just didn’t seem to be the kind of guy who would be smart when it comes to his finances. You’ve always thought that he was the kind to splurge on things whenever he gets the chance. Although much to your surprise, just like everyone else, he was a simple man. 
You knock on the door a few times before you hear the familiar footsteps nearing the front door. 
“Hey,”  a signature grin welcomes you. He opens the door wider and invites you in. “Took you long enough.”
“Well, I had better things to do, Barzal.” you retort as you start to scan the vicinity. 
The flat had floor to ceiling windows so the surroundings were well lit. You were making your way further when you noticed a few sealed boxes laying around what you assumed to be where the living space was going to be. 
“I thought you were just looking?” you ask, brows furrowed in confusion whilst you look back at him, pointing on the storages with your thumb. 
As expected, the entire apartment was painted in white and beige tones. Pretty much like every Islander’s home you’ve been to. It was quite spacious just like his former home. That being said, spacious doesn’t necessarily mean ‘good’ sometimes. For one thing, it didn’t feel home to you. It felt like a cage with huge-ass windows overlooking a scenery you can’t even lay your hand on. You keep your thoughts to yourself, not wanting to ruin Mat’s excitement for the place. Sure enough, it’ll all come together once he gets settled. 
Mat walks towards you, taking a deep breath. “I was. But the offer was really good so I figured signing the lease right away would be a smart move.” he explains. When he sees your gaze trail off onto the boxes again, Mat feels the need to reassure you that he wasn’t going to move out of your apartment just yet. 
“I won’t be moving in for another month or two, just to be clear. Those are just some stuff I didn’t want hogging all the space at home.” he says candidly pertaining to your apartment as his home, not even realizing the weight he had tied to his words. 
You were quick to dismiss your own unsolicited thoughts and carried on with the semi-tour Mat was starting to indulge you with. “Are you sure you’re gonna live here alone? Feels like a whole penthouse up here.” you honestly say, half-laughing as you make way towards the hallway. 
“Yeah. I mean, it would be great for when the team comes over.” he says as he follows your tracks. “The penthouse is actually two floors above mine though.”
You roll your eyes at his subtle remark, “Why’d you made me come here anyway?”
And as if Mat had remembered the task he originally had in mind, he walks right past you to lead the way. “I want your opinion on something.” 
“Really? What is it?” you inquire, following after his footsteps. Mat stops and opens a door leading to what you assume is the master bedroom. Situated at the center of the fairly spacious room is a california king sized bed, waiting patiently to be slept on. 
Mat looks back at you and says, “D’you think it’s any good?” 
He lets you roam around the place, setting yourself down on the foot of the bed. “Bed’s nice actually.” you tell him and you stand at once to look more of his semi-furnished room. 
“How nice is it exactly? Like, nice to sleep on or nice to not get any at all?” you turn around, rolling your eyes at his sleazy innuendos. “You’re such a tool. You really made me come all the way here to get me tied down this bed?” 
Mat only answers with a shrug. An adorable one to be exact. “What? That’s what friends are for, y/n. Now, come on. Test the bed with me.” he says, taking your hand at once before you could even answer. He lets himself fall onto the bed as he caught your weight in his arms, your bodies dangerously close to each other, feeling your own body temperatures. 
His hands roam around your clothed physique just as he starts to cage you in a well heated kiss. Your lips dance with his, letting his tongue slip whenever he gets the chance, nibbling on your tongue as the two of you enjoy exchanging your own take on what house warming gifts are supposed to look like. 
Mat’s hands were already gripping on the curve of your ass when the sound of your and Mathew’s kisses were stopped by a sudden knock on the door. Your hand immediately trailed down from Mat’s nape to his chest, “Are you expecting someone?”, he thinks for a second, both of his hands still secured on your bottoms.
“Oh!” he gasps upon remembering who could it possibly be, “It’s probably my realtor. He’s picking some stuff up, I’ll go get it.” he says, propping himself up as a cue for you to get off of him. 
“Would you mind getting the door? I’ll be quick, I promise.” he adds, looking back at you as he steps out of the room, heading for the other side of the hallway. He speaks in an apologetic tone, feeling sorry for having to cut off the purpose of your visit. So, in an effort to let him know he had nothing to worry about, you shake your head as you finish straightening the wrinkles off your work clothes. 
“No, it’s all right, I got it.” you give him a reassuring smile.
You gladly make your way towards the door, not even bothering to look through the hole. You hand enveloped the cold metal, swinging the door wide open, leaving yourself not a chance at escape as soon as your eyes landed on those all too familiar big blue ones you’ve known all your life.
“Y/N?” a puzzled expression was all you could make out of Tito’s face. You tried stumbling for a few words in the hopes of calming your already racing heart impending to escape your chest at any moment. 
“What are you doing here?” he asks in utmost bewilderment. You were still in shock being that you’ve never lied to Anthony before since he’s the only one you’ve told everything to most of the time. Having him here, clearly unexpected, has evidently thrown you off guard.
You maintain your gaze at him and throw the same question back, “What are you doing here?”
“Mat and I are going out with Mikey and Noah for drinks.” he answers quickly so he could throw the ball your way, “You didn’t answer me. I didn’t know you knew about this place already?” he furrows his brows, looking over your shoulder to get a glimpse of his best mate. 
“Uhm. Mat called me to discuss a few things. Showed me some stuff too.” you nervously say, tip toeing on the fact that what you just told him wasn’t entirely a lie. You open the door all the way and finally let him in. Your knuckles were wrapped hard around the cold metal knob, wishing that Mat would come out to the room to save your ass. 
You must have gotten on a wrong foot and told Tito a lie that’s bound to invite more suspecting queries.
“Really? What stuff?” 
His bed, where he was just about to defile me on. 
Thankfully, Mat walks out the open room holding an envelope in his hand, immediately halting his tracks the moment he sees Anthony looking straight at him. 
“Beau! What–” he tries to remain composed, but you know Tito would definitely pick up on something just by how pale Mat’s face was. Dead and cold like someone who had seen a ghost for the first time. 
“What— am I doing here?” Anthony finishes Mat’s question just as he turns his gaze back at you. You try to avert his gaze but you figured it’s best not to. You need to go before him strong and level headed. The last thing you and Mathew want is to get caught in the act by no other than the last person you want to know about it. 
“What?” He laughs, brushing Tito’s biting tone off. “I know why you’re here, silly.” he tries to search in his head momentarily, but when he takes long enough, Tito answers it for him. “Drinks, man. You texted me for drinks.”
“Oh– yeah, no. I knew that.” he breathes out an uneasy laugh. 
“Why is Y/N here? I didn’t know you guys hung out? The last time I checked you can’t even last in the same room without slashing each other’s throats.” he smirks.
Surprisingly, Mat was fast enough to come up with quite a clever way to sway Anthony from his inkling suspicions. One that made sense, but not necessarily helpful in your end. “Psh. That?” Mat throws a hand towards your way, dismissing your presence in his unfurnished apartment, “She told me she needs money so I hired her to move my boxes for me. She even insisted on listing all the stuff I’ll eventually get rid of online.” 
Anthony looks back at you, surprised that you didn’t go and asked for his help instead. “How much do you pay her?” he asks Mat again. 
“Uh, five… ten bucks?” Mat scratches the back of his head and your face immediately falls to your palm. 
“Ten?” he questions, glancing at you. “Don’t you have your own office and a secretary? What do you need the ten bucks for?” Tito’s tone was now getting more curious and Mat, just like he always was, was dumb enough to forget you were earning more than just ten bucks for a living. 
“Did I say ten? I meant fifty— per hour.” Mathew takes it back instantly, following it with a lie that involves you asking him for a job because your publisher ordered you to for a book she wants you to sign for. Not that any of it made sense but at least Anthony seemed to have bought it. When you agree, Mat immediately takes Anthony in his arms as he guides him out to the door, snatching his coat resting atop his kitchen island. 
Mat looks over to you once more, both of their bodies already at the other side of the door, “You did great today, y/n. I’ll write you a check in the morning!” he says pushing Tito, who was still asking questions, farther from the door. 
Before Mathew disappears, he looks at you with his big doe eyes already thanking you for going along such a stupid make-up excuse. You roll your eyes as you watch him mouth a quiet ‘Sorry’, flashing his ever so gorgeous smile before him and Tito finally went on their way.  
You’ve gotten used to how lazy Mat and Tito are during their off days. They would rather stay at home and play endless video games with each other than spending it with something less dumb than their stupid Xbox. Luckily, today wasn’t like those days because you happened to have your free day as well. You all agreed to spend the evening binging the entire Fast and Furious franchise. 
The three of you were cramped on the cloud couch. To put it in simply, you were sandwiched between two huge hockey players. Your back was leaning on Tito’s strong shoulders as it was laying just above your head. The huge bowl of half-eaten popcorn safely sits in between your middle, hugged by your stomach and your curled up legs, your sock-covered feet brushing against Mat’s thighs innocently. Almost as innocent as how you ignore Mathew’s hands creeping underneath the thick wool covering your body. 
Alarmed at how dangerously close Mat’s creeping palm was to your inner thigh, you shot him a warning look which was, as expected, answered by a defensive, and seemingly harmless “What?” look on his face. You roll your eyes, cautious as to not make any sharp movements for the benefit of Tito. You shift your position, angling your body away from Mathew and towards the direction of the screen instead. You let your body sink in your best friend’s shoulder, clueless that your movement had just given Mat the exact opening he was hoping for. 
With wide eyes, you give Mat’s thigh a firm nudge as carefully as you can, “Are you being serious right now?” you mouthed. Mat stifles a smirk and moves his hand away, keeping it to himself. You try turning your attention back to the television but somehow, Mathew’s actions left your mind wondering what he was about to do next. 
Gently, you stir back to your original position, propping yourself from leaning against Tito. 
“Hey, could you please fill this up for me?” you ask him nicely. Thankfully, Anthony reaches out for the bowl without letting his eyes break off the screen. “Thanks, Beau.” you add the moment he starts walking towards the kitchen. 
“Why’d you stop?” you cautiously whisper, asking Mathew who was surprised by your sudden inquiry.
“I thought you didn’t want me to.” he answers on the same level of your tone, putting his hand back on your shin. The warmth of his palm sends a familiar sensation down your region.
Looking back at the archway leading to the kitchen, you quietly tell him, “I asked if you’re being serious. I never said no.” 
Your candidness was met by Mathew’s widening smile, incapable of stopping himself from biting his lower lip, finding your bluntness quite adorable. “Be quiet.” he mutters as he clears his throat, eyeing Tito who was just returning from the kitchen holding a bowl full of popcorn fresh from the microwave. 
“Thank you.” you say the moment Anthony hands you the bowl. You scootch over, making you a lot closer to Mat. Tito places his arm back over the couch, allowing extra space for you. Once you got yourself in a position comfortable enough to last for the remaining half of the movie, your mind flies away, briefly forgetting the exchange you and Mathew just had. 
It was not even a full minute when you feel Mat’s very much capable hand start creeping underneath the thick cloth again. You swallow a giant lump in your throat, your senses already heightened just by the mere contact of his rough and calloused hand on your skin. 
You were wearing a pair of sweat shorts, the kind that were loose enough to let Mat maneuver his way deeper down your thighs so effortlessly. You steal quick glances towards his way but to no avail, Mat’s eyes were nowhere else other than the screen. His fingers, however, told quite a different story. 
You did the exact thing as him and put your sole focus on the movie. The sound of Anthony’s breathing was a good reminder to not let anything slip off of you unconsciously, especially now that Mat’s long fingers were inching its way to the thin fabric covered by your night wear. 
Mat begins to brush his middle finger over your delicates. You bury a part of your face underneath the thick cloth whilst your eyes are still pinned on the screen. The scene where Dom goes rogue plays and the light of the television flashes before your eyes. 
You tried to listen to Tito when he tells you about that time you went to the movies to see the film, trying to space out from Mat’s finger drawing idle circles on the thin fabric of your underwear, easing you just right, evidently taking his time fondling in between your clothed lips.
When he feels your moistness on his skin, Mat sophisticatedly slides a finger in your underwear just so he could feel the wetness of your folds. 
You on the one hand, keep your face hidden under the only light flashing from the screen. You manage to choke down your whimpers and instead lean your force towards the bowl you’re holding. However, you fail to stifle a gasp when Mat slides a finger inside you, making you stir just enough to stop your sudden movement from being unnoticed by Beauvillier. 
“You okay?” he asks, a concerned tone embracing his voice. You meekly nod, saying that you were just too caught up watching the film. He then takes his attention back, pretty much like the grinning Mathew sitting on the other end. 
You shoot a knowing look when you meet Mat’s irises. He casually plays it off just as he remains busy on his own, his fingers curling inside you with ease, pumping in and out at a slow pace, not wanting to let any of his movements show on the surface of your blanket. As Mat continues pleasuring you, you gather all your strength to stay still and calm your breathing. To no prevail however, knowing how good of a fucker Mat was, you knew you won’t be able to hold it in longer than you’re supposed to. 
Your heart almost beats right out your chest when Anthony’s phone starts to ring. You prop yourself up, causing Mat’s finger to do just the same inside you. You shut your eyes at the feeling and chose to clear your throat. 
Anthony takes his phone and looks at the two of you, “I need to take this. Just watch the movie without me.” he says, already standing to head for the balcony at the other side of the room. You sigh in relief, letting yourself fall back on where Tito used to sit, allowing more space for Mat’s miraculous fingers. 
He adjusts his seat, cautiously looking back after Tito’s track just to make sure he was no longer near the two of you. He looks at you, attention faltering from the screen as he slides another finger inside you. 
“Don’t make a sound. Stay still.” he orders, pumping his way in just as he glides his thumb to massage your clit. Your hand takes rest on your forehead, your eyes closed at every pleasure thrown your way, almost forgetting that you were holding a bowl full of finger food on your stomach. Mat must’ve caught on and ensured no unnecessary noises would make Anthony come back just yet when he takes the bowl off your middle to set it down the coffee table. 
“Fucking hell, Mat.” you can’t help but moan, arching your back once you feel your arousal come close. 
“Do it, y/n. Come on my fingers.” he growls in a low register, moving his way into hitting the spot at just the right speed, not wanting to prolong your misery any longer. 
You reach for his hands, your grip on him tighter than ever. Mat feels you come around his finger, eyes pinned on your spent up state harder than it was when the two of you were still watching the movie. When he feels your pulsating core starts to die down, he slips his fingers out your slit, eventually taking it in his mouth to suck your far too addicting juices.
You fix yourself up, eyeing Tito who had just ended his call. Mat looks at you, quite proud of himself.
“At least your fingers make up for what that pretty mouth can’t.” you say with a taunting smirk before standing up to get yourself a glass of water just as Beau finally comes back from the balcony, leaving Mathew with his mouth slightly agape and without a doubt dumbfounded.
It was an hour before midnight but the house was already asleep. The boys had to call the night early because of the morning practice they have first thing tomorrow. But you still had some energy left so you figured drawing yourself a calming bath would help soothe your mind and maybe even up the chances of having yourself a well-deserved good night’s sleep. 
Now that you’re feeling better and getting ready for bed, your bathrobe hugs your body whilst you finish off your night routine so you could finally dip into the comfort of your sheets, the cream white duvet calling onto you as you picture yourself dozing off for the night. 
The strides you were just making out of your bathroom were put into a stop by how your door sprung open wildly, revealing one troubled Mathew Barzal entering your room almost a little too carelessly. 
“What the hell did you mean my mouth can’t?!” he questions at once, hissing. When he realizes the sudden rise in his voice, (which has also startled you in the process), Mathew immediately looks back just to make sure that Anthony was in his room, or far enough to hear. He shuts the door behind him before he finally turns his attention back to you. 
“What the hell are you doing here?” you ask him, putting both your hands on your hips, your body covered by nothing else but a bathrobe. 
“The thing you said back in the living room, my mouth can’t what? What the hell did that suppose to mean??” Mat roars like a child’s impending tantrum was about to come. You avert his gaze for a moment, scratching your temple. You couldn’t believe something you’ve said stuck to him. Not that he’d ever do anything about it. Something you most absolutely doubt. 
“If you had to come here to ask me that, I’m pretty sure you already got what I meant.” you say, walking towards your bed as you get the bottle of your vanilla scented lotion from your bedside table. 
“But all those times it looked like you were having a good time?” he speaks, voice in a lower register as if he was talking to himself all along. 
“I was faking it Mat.” you finish off applying lotion on your legs, spreading the remaining on your hands. You met Mat’s gaze and saw that you might’ve tipped him off a little for there was a faint hurt in his eyes. 
“You were faking it?” he repeats in a quiet voice.
“You’re still good in bed, buddy.” you assure him with a smile yet to no prevail, Mat didn’t seem to buy any of what you said thinking that it was just a decent effort to save his ego already plummeting to the pit of his own embarrassment. 
“How many times have you been faking it?” he asks the moment he gathers his thoughts, his mind circling on the fact that all throughout this time he wasn’t able to get you off.
“You’ve only had the chance to do it twice. So… just those two.” you answer honestly. 
Mathew, who was utterly clueless to what was going on didn’t know how to react to such bluntness. He tried to mutter a few words but he was speechless. All this time, he thought he was good at something he obviously wasn’t. And being told something as morally immobilizing as that shocks him to his very core. The horror of all the girls he’s slept with, walking out of his apartment unsatisfied befalls on him. 
“You should’ve told me, otherwise this whole setup won’t make any sense, y/n. I thought you said we shouldn’t lie?” he questions, evidently disappointed in himself. 
“Look,” you stop, tapping on the side of the bed to have a proper conversation. When Mat finally sits beside you, you continue, “I didn’t think it mattered. And no offense but we both know you’re such a sore loser. I didn’t know how you would react. And I definitely didn’t want to deal with any of the messy stuff just to feed your ego.”
“For your information, I’m a thick faced motherfucker, you should’ve known that by now. This thing between us is going to be complicated if you’ll tiptoe your way around it just to spare my feelings.” he says with certainty, a definitive tone accentuated by how intense he was now looking at your face, still glowing from your night care routine. 
“Is there something I don’t do?” he adds, “Or is it something that I should stop doing?”
“Fine. If you really wanna talk about this I’ll tell you.” you angle yourself facing him and Mat does the same, “You’re not entirely bad. You do know your way around. It’s just that— you’re trying a little too hard and it gets really overwhelming at times. And mind you, it isn’t even the good kind,”
“Show me.” Mat cuts you before you could grab the chance to continue, stopping you mid sentence, causing you to stumble on a few words. “What?” 
“I won’t leave this room knowing I can’t get you off.” he says, and just like that, Mathew meets your lips with an all too hungry mouth eager to make you come for him even if it takes having to have endless runs at it. 
Your body achingly responds to every bit of Mathew’s kisses whilst you let him run the course. His touches are tantalizing, urging you to come near him. He takes you in his arms, one fondling on your robe to pull it free from your body, the other tugging lightly on your hair just as he begins to move his weight on top of you.
“Tell me what you want.” Mat breathes the moment he breaks away, his mouth now travelling down the skin where your shoulder meets your neck, leaving faint bites, nibbling on it just before he makes his way down to fondle on your breasts. 
You answer him with a muffled moan when he takes your lips yet again. Mat’s irises unwaveringly gazes on your buck nakedness, your scent just enough to take over his senses. You feel the roughness of his hands graze all over your skin. Pinching on one of your buds just before it travels down your thighs, staying out of the place where he knew you needed him most. You feel him in every inch of your skin but there.
But just as you want him more, Mat purposely leaves it out of his hold. You begin to realize how much you must’ve underestimated what this forward could do. His hands were everything and you couldn’t even put into words how much you need him down there. 
“Mat…” you call out his name, groaning. His featherlight touches flowed smoothly on your inner thigh, grazing just your lips but even that was more than enough to tell him how wet you already were for him. 
He begins to leave wet kisses in between your breasts down to your stomach. Kisses that eventually made their way to your thighs as he inched his way to your core, the sloppy noise he makes sounds so beautiful in your ears. You look down on Mat trying to compose yourself under all the breathing he’s subtly passing your middle. 
“What do you want?” Mat asks again, this time his doe eyes meeting yours, clouded with lust and desire. You buck your hips upward in an effort to meet his mouth but Mat was rather quick to put you back in your place when he cages your hips with his capable arm. 
“Use your words, y/n.” he orders, one that has effortlessly made you oblige. You wanted to feel him more than anything else and if that meant submitting to Mat this time, you know full well you’d gladly break before him. 
“I want you to get me off.” you surrender, signaling him to take the plunge. Once he did, you let out a whimper at his touch, almost forgetting that Mathew was probably doing this so he could eat out his future girl right.
“Don’t rush.” you breathed as you guided him, “Stay slow and steady.” 
Mathew’s eyes never left yours even when you had to look away when you let your head fall back on your sheets with how well he was moving with everything you say. 
“Mathew…” you moan, reaching for his hair to take him closer to your throbbing core, “Go on circles, please.” 
Mat was obedient and followed your every command. Unlike the times he’s spent trying to pleasure you with his mouth, tonight was a time where he actually listened and gave you exactly what you wanted, exactly how you want it.
Mat didn’t have to do anything else for when he started to slip into your cunt and fuck you with his tongue, you going insane was more than enough to let him know that he was doing it right. He watched you fall before him, your chest heaving, your breathing rapid as if there wasn’t enough air for you to breathe. He entwines both his fingers atop your abdomen, the sound of you calling his name like a prayer doing all kinds of wonders on his end. 
You meet his eyes yet again just to see that it never left. Mat looked at you darker than ever before and for once, you feel a firm tug in your stomach you just weren’t ready to acknowledge and care for. As he takes time with his final strokes, knowing that you were close, Mat pulls away, thinking about the one thing he knows will redeem himself. 
“Turn around.” he orders with a grim voice. You were in dire need of an orgasm to even care about how he’s the one ordering you. You gladly oblige to his every whim and turned to your belly, your ass perked up so perfectly for him.
He lets your robe fall just above your back, revealing more of your skin for him to enjoy. He takes no second to waste and kneels before your already swollen pussy. Needy and very much heated for him.
Mat’s hands spread your cheeks before he takes you in his mouth once again, letting himself drown in your juices glinting under his all too heavy gaze. 
“Oh, god.” you whine, feeling Mat’s grin behind you as you dig into your sheets while your legs begin to shake at your incoming orgasm. “Mat, please.” you call out in a whimper, pushing your ass back further his face. 
Mat gladly takes the challenge but maintains at the pace you wanted. As he feels your pussy flutter in his mouth, he deepens it into yours to finally pour you with nothing else but ecstasy and ecstasy alone.
His face was filled with nothing but your juices once he pulled away, leaving you breathless and still caught up on meeting your high. He stands, a hand gripping on one of your cheeks whilst he admires the art that is: your all too spent pussy.
“Next time you lie, you won’t get to fake it at all.” he warns with a firm yet definitive voice masked as a taunting remark. 
Mat looks at your still throbbing pussy, eyes lustful and dark. As much as he craved for the inkling fire resting in his loins, it was already past midnight and he had self-discipline stronger than anyone else’s. He couldn’t afford any more scolding from Anders the next morning. 
So, even when he wanted nothing but to fuck you right then and there, he lets his hand send a message he certainly wants you to remember instead. One that has left a faint yet stinging mark on your skin. Your legs were practically still wobbling when he finally leaves for the door, this time fueled with the purpose of being the one leaving you dumbfounded in your own post-orgasm shame.
Perhaps, even wanting and more.
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Chapter 1
A/N- I've teased y'all for so long I hope this series is going to live up to expectations, I'm confident it will though because I'm addicted and it's been super easy for me to write - I'm up to chapter 3 so far so updates can be on time! There's a slight age gap between my professor Hemsy and OC Jess but she's twenty and completely legal. You know this is gunna be a giant tease fest for the first couple of chapters cos that sexual tension is fucking gold 🥵
Summary- Jess meets the man of her dreams and then stupidly leaves without getting his number. Will fate bring them together again?
Word count- 1.5 K
Pairing- Professor!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, age gap
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 5th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
@skyfullofsong123 @swaggysposts
Chapter 2
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I pulled out a chair at the last available table in the unusually busy coffee shop, I thought I might've caught a break choosing the one outside of campus but alas I was wrong.
I was about to sit down when the chair opposite me slid out from under the table, my eyes lifted to meet with the most sparkly blue eyes i'd ever seen. The sight of him took my breath away. Literally.
I stood staring, frozen on the spot, my mouth slightly ajar as I looked him up and down. He was tall, so tall, definitely over 6ft and built like a dream. Thick thighs straining against his fitted trousers, wide muscular shoulders and I just knew there was a six-pack hiding behind that tight t-shirt. 
"Sorry. You were here first, I'll just grab a take-out." He smirked a side smile, amused at how I was so obviously checking him out but his sexy Australian accent distracted you from anything else.
"It's fine, I'm on my own. I don't mind if you want to sit there too." I mentally face palmed myself, drawing attention to the fact I was alone wasn't the best idea but then again he was alone too. "I don't bite." I added trying my best to flirt.
It seemed to work, he smiled at me as he sat down and I took the time to admire his handsome face. He was quite clearly a lot older than me, the laughter lines around his eyes a tell tale sign but he was still quite possibly the best looking man I'd ever laid eyes on. His hair was fair and the short beard framed his face perfectly but the one thing that stood out the most were those piercing ocean-blue eyes.
"So do you come here often?" I cocked my eyebrow at him over my coffee cup making him laugh at my reaction. "Sorry, it's been a while." He said nervously, running his hand through his hair.
"It's been a while since you spoke to a stranger or…?" I questioned casually.
"It's been a while since I spoke to an attractive woman." He finished, his eyes sparkling as he watched me almost choke on my drink.
"Oh, I err…. I don't think you're doing too badly." I absentmindedly circled my finger around the rim of my cup, crossing my leg over my other and accidently rubbing my foot up his leg. My cheeks felt hot and flushed as I looked up into his eyes and saw him smiling slyly.
"Evidently. We're already playing footsie under the table." He smiled widely, a genuine smile that stretched the corners of his mouth. I smiled back at him shyly, thinking of something to say to change the subject before I ended up looking like a tomato.
"What part of Australia are you from?"
"I'm originally from Melbourne but I lived in Byron Bay before I came to America." 
"Awesome. I've always wanted to go to Australia, the Spiders put me off though." 
"Yeah I think they put most people off but in heavily populated areas they stay pretty much hidden, I think it's the size that scare people." How have I made this conversation go from flirting to talking about spiders? And how do I get back to flirting?
"Are we still talking about spiders?" I raised my eyebrows questioningly and laughed at the innuendo, flicking my hair over my shoulder. I noticed something in his eyes when I did so, a hunger, just a little flash and then it was gone again. I'm sure I didn't imagine it though because his eyes lingered on my exposed shoulders.
I checked my watch subtly, not wanting him to think he was boring me but I had to get to class and couldn't be late again, not when this semester had only just started.
"I'm really sorry, I'm gonna have to run, I'm going to be late. It was really nice meeting you." I gathered up my bags, ready to leave.
"Already? You've only just got here." He looked disappointed, his smile fading. His mouth opened as if he was going to say something else and then closed again when he saw I was ready to leave. "It was really nice to meet you too, hopefully I'll see you again." His eyes sparkled as he looked into mine, standing from his chair to get the door for me. I felt fireworks when his hand brushed against the small of my back and his face lingered close to mine. The tension was unreal, like we were the only people in the room as his eyes hungrily stared into my soul, undressing me with his eyes. My heart stopped beating when his face moved closer to mine so I could feel his breath on my lips, the smell of coffee and his aftershave filling my nostrils. I paused, my feet routed to the spot, I wanted him to kiss me so badly but I moved away at the last minute. Surely he wasn't actually going to kiss me, we'd only just met, that would be ridiculous. Wouldn't it?
I spent most of class daydreaming about my tall handsome stranger and the way he looked at me but most of all how I didn't even get his name. Or his number.
Now I was feeling sorry for myself because it would just be my luck to meet the man of my dreams and then never see him again. So I'd moped about all day and avoided the invitations for drinks after class. Instead I'd
gotten home early, changed into some sweats and settled myself in front of the TV for the night.
"What's up with your face?" My roommate, Ellie said as she walked into our room, throwing her bags onto her bed.
"What're you talking about?" 
"Your face. Looks like you're chewing on a wasp."
"Feeling sorry for myself." I pout pathetically.
"Why, what've you done now?" She rolled her eyes, kicking off her shoes and throwing her legs up onto the bed. I felt so lucky to have a roommate like Ellie, during our freshman year she'd become my best friend practically straight away and now after two years together we were practically sisters.
I sat up in bed cross legged and faced Ellie, getting myself ready to spill my misfortunes of the day with her.
"Well, I went to Impresso's this morning to get my morning coffee before class." She nodded, showing her enthusiasm by also sitting cross legged on her own bed, facing me. "And it was packed full of students, there was only one table left. So I went to grab it as soon as I could." She raised her eyebrow at me, wondering where I was going with the story. "And I kid you not, the most attractive man I have ever seen, pulls out the chair opposite me." 
"Oh my god! No way. Did you talk? Oh my god, this is like the perfect chick flick. Carry on." I smiled at her excitement.
"I told him I didn't mind if he sat there, I mean of course I didn't mind, you should've seen him El. Oh, oh, oh I almost forgot" I flapped my hands, bouncing on the spot. "He was fucking Australian."
"Fuck off, you're lying. Drop dead gorgeous with the sexiest accent ever. How is this even real? Now remind me why you're sat there with a face like a slapped arse?" 
"I panicked when I had to leave, didn't want to be late for class and I didn't get his number, didn't even give him chance to ask for mine." 
"Wow! Ok, now I understand. What were you thinking?"
"I wasn't thinking, I was panicking and you know what I'm like when I panic." You sulk.
"It's ok, maybe you'll bump into him again."
"Yeah, right. I should be so lucky."
"Cheer up." she says throwing a cushion at me. "There's a party at Alpha Kappa this weekend, I'm sure we can find you someone to help get over your mystery man. Or under should I say?" She raised her eyebrow at me, smiling slyly and making me laugh. She always did know how to cheer me up and maybe a party is what I needed.
There must be some good looking boys around campus that could make me forget about my Australian hunk. Surely? I thought about the guys I'd seen around campus, the guys I'd seen at frat parties and that's definitely not what I wanted. How could a twenty year old boy match to the masculine, experienced man I met this morning. My mind was set, I'd dipped my feet ever slightly into the mature pool and that's what I wanted more than anything. There was always something missing with previous boyfriends and I was tired of all the game playing. I wanted someone who knew what they wanted and wasn't afraid to get it.
The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again. If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
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hello to all my lovely followers!
i’m really sorry that i haven’t been active for ages — in truth, i’ve just been having a total writer’s block right now and i’m not inspired in the slightest.
to those awaiting an update on my ethan hunt story, it is coming along. chapter 5 is at around 8000 words, and it’s gonna be much much longer than that cause i’m trying to fit two missions in.
i don’t think anyone’s still expecting a follow-up for the mitch rapp fic — it’s been months lmao, and i don’t even have a plot for it.
I’m gonna list my coming stories and some ideas, just cause i don’t want you guys to feel like i’m dead and not writing anymore, because i am. I’m so sorry, and i’ll be out of this slump soon (hopefully)!
my stories in progress!
william cage (edge of tomorrow: live die repeat); okay, so this is the consequence of a long drawn-out tom cruise obsession, and it’s basically porn with a plot, but i think it’s pretty interesting for what it’s worth; it’s also basically finished, so look out for it lol
pete “maverick” mitchell (top gun); ahhhh this is one of my favourite movies of all time, and omg young tom cruise owns my heart (especially cause i think it’s before he joined scientology), and it’s a series, got lots of (rough?) smut in it (ayy), and also quality goose content because 🥲 he deserved better
newt (the maze runner); yup, my newt fanfiction phase is making a return (finally oml); turns out i actually wrote loads of ideas down in my notes and just never developed them, so, right now, i’ve got a story in development and it’s basically ready to start writing soon; this plot is separate from my other newt story btw; oh and it’s basically smut so
legolas greenleaf (lord of the rings); i love this guy so much, and i have thought out (in great detail; eleven year old me was really intense lol) the future world of middle-earth, and i’m really proud of the plot i have lol, but it’s so hard to write and it’s so long and ahh i’ve been trying to write it for ages
my ideas in progress!
peeta mellark (the hunger games); peeta is such a soft boi and i really want to write for him lol; this may sound rash, but i am going to write fucking smut for this man (a bold decision for such an innocent boy lol); i went through a really intense hunger games phase at the age of thirteen and yeah
vincent (collateral); hello *insert tom cruise character*, we meet again; i’m so sorry lol but i was so attracted to him in this movie cause we always see him as the good guy so like him as a bad guy?—wheewwww; there’s also no fanfiction for this man so i’m just doing a service to the community like 🙄; (there will be mentions of smut in this as well)
edmund pevensie (the chronicles of narnia); i have always been, am, and will forever be that bitch who would die and kill for edmund (him in prince caspian can end me); this will probably be a series, i don’t really know lol
ethan hunt (mission: impossible); there are multiple story ideas in my notes for this man, and they’re all spin-offs from the main series (the world will be dead by tomorrow, and i want you to come over; long title, i know); there is a proposal fic in this and i have made it my mission to make people cry cause i always cry at proposal fics lol; there’s stuff to do with miller as well lol, as well as other characters; this is gonna be a long ass series lol (but it’s cause ethan’s hot af)
tony stark (marvel); probably smut, and that’s all i can say about it (he owns me istg)
yelena belova (marvel); bitch i fucking love this woman with my entire body, soul and heart, and don’t you dare hate on her 🔪; but i also know her character’s asexual in the comics so
clint barton (marvel); he seems pretty chill yknow, and he could definitely fucking rail me and hence ^^
benny watts (the queen’s gambit); he’s a hot chess dude and has really nice hair and hands, so obviously he’s the perfect candidate for one of my smut fics; thomas brodie-sangster, what’s uppp 😩
whitey winn (godless); an underrated legend, deserved better, hot cowboy, so need i say more?— i don’t think so; i don’t have anything but a sentence for this man lol, but i plan on just having the one story for this guy and having it be 😃 hardcore 😃 smut 😃
okay then! there you have it: basically my entire writing plan for the next five fucking years ig.
i really hope y’all are looking forward to some of the stuff on this list, cause i sure as fuck am. and please hang around to read them lol — it means so much to me when people leave comments and likes!
okay, i hope you all have a nice day! (please go drink and eat something as well!)
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