#Victim reversal
literally my boyfriend is my painkiller.
Whenever I'm with him my pain goes down so much I can ignore it. Yea sometimes there's days where nothing helps the pain but at least he's there to take care of me. Most times tho his presence has a drastic effect on my pain levels. Maybe it's cause when he's around I feel less stressed and more safe and secure? Or maybe it's cause he's basically a human-shaped heating pad
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furiousgoldfish · 1 year
abusers will go 'it makes me feel sooo upset when you live your life the way you want to and do the things you want to do, actually what you're doing is victimizing me by not existing only as a support and validation to me you are so abusive and selfish and you should think more about how your sense of freedom and boundaries is negatively effecting me'
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fruit-kick · 7 months
the foundation offers arcanists the right to exist as long as they follow the foundation as martyrs, while manus offers humans the right to exist as long as they follow them as monsters. neither side is looking for equality. st pavlov seems like it, but their relationship with arcanists is conditional and controlled. their goal is less "humans and arcanists living together in harmony" and more "lessen the threat and utilize the power of arcanists for humans"
its easy to think of the foundation as the hero since we're experiencing the story as a member; surrounded by other members taught by the foundation, but at some point, it becomes clear they're not interested in the lives of arcanists
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maddiekinard · 1 month
Can someone tell me what yalls beef with marisol is besides the fact that she is played by a problematic actor like genuinely what has she done thats so wrong everyone says “burn the witch!” When they see her
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odinsblog · 1 year
White people live in an alternate reality where it’s Black people who have all the advantages, despite all evidence to the contrary; where it takes only one exception to the rule—like Barack Obama getting elected, or a handful of Black people getting admitted into an overwhelmingly historically white university—to somehow “prove” that whites are disadvantaged, not Black people.
Men inhabit a similar alternate reality, where it’s women who have all the advantages, again, despite all evidence to the contrary. In this world, it’s men who are the victims of the justice system, because a statistically insignificant percent of women won cases against their abusers.
American Christians also lie and try to convince themselves that people of belonging to religious minorities somehow wield power over them…
Famous comedians and wealthy people with enormous platforms cry about how their (hate/racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/antisemitic/Islamophobic/etc) speech is supposedly being cancelled,…
Larger more powerful countries invade smaller countries, then turn right around and blame the aggression on the smaller sovereign nations they invaded…
We could carry this on with Lgbtq people and many other marginalized minorities, but the truth is, oppressors playing the role of the victim is one of the oldest, biggest, most reliable forms of ɟlᴉddᴉuƃ ʇɥǝ sɔɹᴉdʇ.
Throughout history, one of the most reliable ways the powerful impose their will on the powerless has been by pretending that their “freedoms” are being curbed, when nothing could be further from the truth. “Accuse them of what you are guilty of doing” is, unfortunately, a tried and true method of disempowering the downtrodden.
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traumatizedjaguar · 7 months
Are you that type of trauma victim that just has one abusive relationship or friendship or peer interaction after another and after another and after another?
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ilynpilled · 9 months
I think the idea that jaime’s evil is because of cersei and his relationship to cersei just breaks apart most of his character and his development
YES. the world if this fandom actually accepted that jaime’s corruption is not because he was “being manipulated/groomed into it by cersei”, nor is it just pride and bitterness over society’s hypocritical reaction to his finest act and his vilification through the “kingslayer” label which leads to the development of a persona that he plays into and eventually becomes one with, and while it is all affected and set up to be worsened by parental abuse, unhealthy family dynamics, and tywin’s rearing during formative years, that is also notably not the main cause. cynicism that leads to his specific moral decay and “the flame going out” is primarily rooted in his specific experience with an institution and a tyrant whose power is sustained and actions are enabled by everyone around him —including the “moral paragons” of westeros and the heroes he sought to become — that in effect leads to an extreme and concentrated disillusionment with moral and ethical constructs that define the order of his society, a gruelling dismantling of previously idealized abstract concepts and aspirations that he revolved much of his identity around as a “very idealistic young boy” (such as heroism, honor, and knighthood), intense survivor’s guilt due to a failure to grapple with and triumph over these contradictions (he couldn’t even keep the vow to protect the innocent entirely: “i left my wife and children in your hands” | “…i was with the king” | “killing the king. cutting his throat”), and an unaddressed identity crisis and trauma during his teens that leads to destructive coping mechanisms, a reliance on compartmentalisation and self-delusion, isolation, selfish and cowardly stagnation, and spiteful moral nihilism in adulthood. over time, it leads to the intensification of his worst qualities, and the obstruction of his best ones. and the possibility of triumph in his story, and by extension the possibility of atonement, redemption, and forgiveness (“real world questions” the author explicitly said multiple times that he is dealing with using this character but does not intend to provide a resounding and unequivocal answer for) is rooted in overcoming this specifically, which is internal, and relates to his experiences and character. and the parallax in asos/his backstory is also not done with the intention to absolve or victimize him, but to contextualize him, explain his behavior and how he views the world at this point, and set up his arc.
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skipplings · 8 months
Tumblr media
Has anyone else with X on their menu Screen seen him become a painting (only very rarely). I’ve only seen it a couple times now and he doesn’t say anything when he’s like this. Do other characters do this too?
Also add me :) my ID is 400634195
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romanceyourdemons · 9 months
jigsaw 🤝 rorschach
in their original iteration, the character was clearly mentally unstable and obsessed with exercising violence on people who offend the irrational worldview they have developed due to personal traumas, which they have projected onto the rest of society with no consideration humanity of those they hurt; however, because the character is largely emotionless, highly capable of inflicting violence and controlling a situation, and has an interesting visual design, the character became a symbol of “cool” masculinity. subsequent iterations of the character progressively shed the character’s patent unlikability, selfishness, and obviously irrational worldview, and dehumanize the character’s victims to justify the character’s violent actions, completely contrary to the original point of the character
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saw VI is another one of those movies that i like because it’s entertaining to me personally not because it’s “good” but i think unlike some other movies of this caliber it does have several scenes that are actually genuinely unironically very good and one of them is the bit where erickson and perez get hoffman into a small dark room and force him to listen to his own voice repeating over and over “right now you’re feeling helpless” getting clearer and clearer as he slowly gets more and more nervous about the possibility of being found out any second
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lady-tortilla-chip · 1 year
The way Tamlin in the narrative is structured as fully a victim to Amarantha in acotar and yet people STILL read that book and go “he was always terrible actually” like he wasn’t in an impossible position just blows my mind.
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punkeropercyjackson · 4 months
Slytherin stans are objectively the worst kind of Potheads/Marauderers/whatever the fuck they call themselves because they're all like 'Slytherins are discriminated against for being ambitious uwuwuwu' as if thinking people being super hungry and very assertive over it is creepy and assholeish isn't like.A reasonable reaction to have Actually
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furiousgoldfish · 2 years
wow I can’t believe that I managed to give birth to myself, against the consent of my parents, and then invaded my way into this innocent family, screaming and blackmailing them for resources all my life, and then, out of sheer spite, then I also gave myself ptsd just to make them, poor victims, feel even worse about this entire ordeal that I put them thru. What an almighty and powerful baby I was. Surely I can only be grateful I wasn’t left on the side of the road, considering I was terrorizing the entire family.
This is how abusive parents act it happened, after they decided to have a kid, and the kid needed food and care. Kids don’t take responsibility for what you do to your life and they certainly don’t give themselves ptsd, no matter how badly you want to push the blame onto them. If you don’t want to take care of your kids then don’t fucking have kids. Kids are not villains for needing care!
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itsays · 7 days
every time a man comes out with his story about being abused or groomed by woman the comments are always bombared with "BUT IF THE ROLES WERE REVERSED" but then the roles are reversed 99% of the time and turns out the woman in the situation is still the villain and she is blamed and also the male abuser is topping every music chart in history and working with a listers lol and all the comments are either calling her a liar or saying she asked for it. also the "if" implying the "roles being reversed" wasnt a thing and actually far more common
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veronicathegoddess · 2 years
can we please kill the consent is hot and the consent is so sexy narrative. consent is the bare fucking minimum and it isn't supposed to be glamorized as anything else. anyone that doesn't care about consent is abusive and shouldn't be near anyone, in a sexual context and in a normal social context. end of discussion.
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sarahowritesostucky · 2 months
Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole Again
Amber Heard is a fair enough actress, and her acting during the trial wasn't that bad, actually kind of good. But her downfall was that she didn't realize that acting is not real life, and understand that going into that trial acting would not be convincing like a performance on film would, but would rather be an obvious effort of F.A.K.E. She really, seriously does not seem to be able to grasp the concept that regular people don't act in real life: they just exist.. She's lying so she feels she needs to put on the best performance in every interview she's done, but she's only making it laughably worse.
So glad that Johhny Depp is finally able to move on from his abuser and prove that he's a genuinely good person who was horribly victimized and unjustly banished the the island of #metoo.
(That is to say #metoo was improperly and criminally weaponized against him, not saying that it is that way with other people like Weinstein, Cosby, etc.)
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