#WAY happier with this one than i was with last fest's
inkedmyths · 1 year
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Alright team! Let's Sa-SQUASH the competition!
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vajazzly · 6 months
day 1: cooking together
kicking off good godfather sirius black fest with a raging new years hangover (the way sirius wouldve wanted) and some post-war sirius lives family feelings !!! @goodgodfathersiriusblack
one month after the battle of hogwarts, islington
When Sirius wakes up, it’s to the smell of bacon.
The Order has finally cleared out of Grimmauld Place, only Harry (and, occasionally, Ron and Hermione) remaining; today it’s just his godson in the house, he remembers. Last night, Harry woke up screaming twice. 
They’re holding it together, or something close to it.
He descends the stairs in his favorite robe, and the smell only gets stronger as he makes his way to the kitchen, vanilla and bacon and coffee. When he finally makes it to the kitchen Harry is standing at the stove, barefoot in his baggy muggle pajamas, the wireless on the counter turned down low, the weather report barely audible over the sizzling of no fewer than three pans.
“If I knew we were having company I’d have put on something more suitable,” Sirius says lightly, taking in the state of the kitchen table; there’s a quiche, and a stack of pancakes so tall it threatens to topple over, and fucking croissants - even when he was a boy he doesn’t think he ever saw a breakfast quite as elaborate as this in this kitchen.
“Sirius!” Harry says, turning around with a wide smile - there are shadows under his eyes, deeper than yesterday (though Sirius didn’t think it possible), and his hair’s even more of a mess than usual. “No company, I just, er…” he seems to take in the spread before him for the first time in its entirety, “Well, I’m tops at breakfast, so I figured I’d put something together. Sit down, bacon’s almost ready, and -”
“Why don’t you let me take over for a bit, hm?” Sirius says, as gently as he can manage. There’s a mostly empty mug of coffee on the counter, and he’d wager it’s not the first. He slides in next to his godson and plucks the spatula from his hand before he can protest.
“No buts!”
“I was gonna-”
“Eat some of those croissants? I think that’s an excellent idea!”
Harry glares, and huffs, but eventually swipes his coffee off the counter and sits himself at the table; Sirius lets himself smile when he hears the tell-tale crunching of one of the croissants. “Couldn’t sleep?” He asks, keeping his tone light, casual.
There’s a pause while Harry chews, then another pause. “Not really.”
“Your mum used to bake when she was stressed,” Sirius says, flipping the bacon. It’s crispier than he likes, but he knows Harry likes his pieces a bit black on the edges. “I never left your parent’s place without about ten tupperwares filled with biscuits and cakes and things during the war - used to give half of it to the old lady next door and pass it off as my own so she wouldn’t file any noise complaints!”
Harry laughs, but is otherwise silent, like he always is when Sirius talks about his parents - like he’s trying to soak up every detail.
“The recipe book was lost with the rest of the house, I’m afraid, but she showed me how to make a few things,” he says. Memories, soft, yellow-tinted slices of the happier moments of his life before Azkaban, are starting to filter back, come into focus. “After we figure out what to do with all of this I can show you, if you like.”
Harry’s smile is wide and sincere, eyes shining. “I’d like that a lot.”
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cailynwrites · 6 months
Harry Potter Rec Fest Day 8 - Canon-Divergent
Like I said for Day 7, my OTPs mean that I'm spoiled for choice when it comes to canon-divergent fics for @hprecfest Day 7. So to offset the bummer that was Day 7, here's two Wolfstars and a Drarry with happy endings all around!
annual honesty written by @alwaysalreadyangry Podfic by @revolutionaryjo Pairing: Sirius x Remus Word count: 18,703 Length: 2 hours Rating: T
Okay so technically this could be canon compliant, I guess, but in this fic, you don't have to live through (most of) the tragedies that our poor boys suffer. This story is non-chronological and the little snippets, some only one line long, so perfectly crystallize the characters of and relationship between Sirius and Remus (as well as their relationships with others like James, Lily, and Harry), and string you along through the story given just enough information to anchor you in time and space but still feel floaty and timey-wimey.
All Roads Lead Me Back to You written by @cacchieressa Podfic by sisi_rambles Pairing: Sirius x Remus Word count: 3,304 Length: 21:43 Rating: G
The summary says it all:
Six ways it could have ended less tragically.
I love the snappy dialogue, which obviously translates well to audio. I could read sixty more happier endings than canon. (Which is why I'm particularly excited for everyone else's recs today!)
And one little self-rec ...
Tuesday Nights written by @firethesound Podfic read by Cailynwrites Pairing: Draco x Harry Word count: 15,279 Length: 1:33:43 Rating: E
I recorded this last summer for @harryjamespotterweek. I love a down-and-out Draco and this fic progresses so calmly and sweetly. No huge angst or tragedies, and @firethesound does an excellent job with dialogue, especially getting Draco's voice just right. The smut is hot and the ending is tooth-rotting, in the best way.
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indian-kahani · 1 year
Day 4: Ten Steps Forward, Two Steps Back
I know, I know, it's a day late :P I was feeling really bad today and tbh just wanted to write something, so here you go.
Tagging: @tumhari-bhairavi and @morally-gayy because you both loved Durga x Saranika ;)
also @desi-lgbt-fest since ig it counts as a submission.
Might delete later but as of now here you go:
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Durga stood stonily in front of the officer with disgust smeared across his face.
“Fucking unnatural.” He shook his head, curling his lip at her. “Who do you think you are, disrespecting India like this? Bringing shame to the army.”
It’s all for Saranika. She repeated the mantra that had brought her this far, over and over to herself. We are not immoral.
“Anyway-” the officer cleared his throat, eyeing her with utter revulsion. She could see him edging away from her, as if being gay was a disease that he could catch. “-Officer Sharma, you are honourably discharged from the Indian Army as of today.”
Durga let out a little shuddering breath. Honourably discharged.
“Honourably?” she questioned, the ghost of a sure smile lingering across her lips. “What, was my father’s influence so strong that you couldn’t even bear to discharge his daughter dishonourably?”
The officer sat down behind his desk, waving his hand at her in dismissal. The gesture stung more than she would like to admit. “Collect your things and leave. Your taxi arrives in half an hour.”
Durga stepped out of the office without saluting, head held high and with a smile on her face.
She had been discharged in the name of love, because of a system that continued to deny her identity.
Her lifelong dream… gone, and yet…
She couldn’t have been happier.
Walking down the corridor in her perfectly shining boots, keenly aware that this would be one of the last times she felt this way, wearing the uniform of the Indian Army, she called her beloved fiancée.
“Saranika?” her heartbeat quickened as the smile of a young girl deep in love twinkled in her eyes. “Ay, meri jaan. Honourable discharge. You?”
“Honourable discharge as well, Dee.” Saranika sniffed from the other end, clearly close to tears. “Papa ji’s influence is still strong, I see.”
As Durga prepared to step into the taxi, a young soldier ran up to her, her hair a mess and holding her cap in her hands. “Sindh-ji! Sindh-ji!”
Her voice was frantic, and although Durga was tired, something told her to listen to the woman. “Yes? Was there something you needed?”
“Just one minute, please.” The woman looked around furtively, beckoning Durga to a corner. “You got discharged because… you’re a lesbian, right? Do they do that to all of us?”
The woman’s eyes were wide and frightened, and Durga crumpled looking at her, just another girl that had to make the choice between her country and her identity.
Her voice was barely a murmur.
“Please don’t abandon us.” The girl begged. “We need change here. I don’t want to leave… but I want to love someone, someday. Please, Sharma-ji.”
Her voice trembled and shook as she spoke, twisting the fabric of her cap between her fingers. Durga’s eyes were filled with tears, but she placed a comforting hand on the younger woman’s soldier. “Of course I will.”
Durga’s voice was soft, but resolute.
“I’ll fight for as long as I need to.”
Saranika had never seen Durga so frustrated. Always calm and collected, she was used to finding a logical solution to each and every one of her problems.
“Fuck-” Durga threw a cushion across the room, turning away to bury her head in her hands. Saranika wrapped her arms around her fiancée, wishing to ease her pain, even a little. “There are so many people just like us, baby.” Saranika sucked in a breath, seeing her red-rimmed eyes.
“It’s fine.” Saranika reassured her. “We’ll find a way to help them.”
In the next few months, they were full of plans. Durga’s and her father’s influences in the army was high, and there were many willing to listen to them. Around the world, support for their campaign rose higher and higher, the hashtag #LesbianArmy trending worldwide.
We are willing to fight!
Campaigns, reports, articles, websites, documentaries – the list was endless. Durga and Saranika held their faith. They were fighting for something they believed in, fighting for something they lived by.
It was a hard battle. They received as much hate as they did support. Daily, slurs were sent anonymously, hate comments left on websites.
It was a hard battle, yes – but they had each other, and so they persevered.
Three years later, the official bill was passed allowing those of any sexual orientation to join proudly in the Indian Army, and serve their country in the way they had always wanted to. Among those, Durga and Saranika stood proudly, hands intertwined: showing the world who they were, loving each other as much as they loved their nation.
That day, someone spat at them. They received a fair amount of disgusted looks and cruel sneers.
Despite that, they carried on.
Ten steps forward, and two steps back… is still eight steps forward.
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Again idk anything about the army, literally everyone is referred to as officer so feel free to imagine appropriate ranks, etc etc. hope you enjoy regardless!
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Number 5 with a Bullet - May
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read on AO3 | tumblr masterpost
older!rockstar!Eddie Munson x Reader/unnamed OC a multimedia diary fic
An unnamed diary writer working at a record label meets retired rockstar Eddie Munson when he's hired as the producer for an upcoming band's first album. Despite the 20+ year age gap and Eddie's checkered past, the chemistry between them is instant and they fall for each other alarmingly fast. But their budding romance can't stay private forever. Will she be able to handle the pressure of being a rockstar's girlfriend? Can multiple-divorcé Eddie finally make a relationship last? And what will the record company, the tabloids, and Eddie's semi-estranged adult children have to say about it?
general contents/warnings for this fic: angst, fluff, smut (MDNI), 20+ year age gap, past substance abuse issues, past sex work, multiple kinks no specific warnings for these entries
810 words
@rebel-blue @wolvesandvampires @toxicanonymity @hersweetrevenge @cordelium dm me or reply to this post to be added to my tag list 💕
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transcript below the cut
20 May
Work has been so fucking boring lately. Festival season is in full swing and all the bands being out on the road means nobody is in the studio. I have a dull couple of months ahead of me. Most of the year it’s extremely fun, but studio manager summers suck. 
And this is my fifth one! Fuck, I’ve been doing this a long time. Might be at the point where I should start angling for a promotion or something. I’ll bring it up to Rina. She’s climbed almost all the way to the top of the ladder – they announced a couple weeks ago she’s going to be the new director of A+R. I’m not sure what my options for moving up really are, but I know if Rina’s director she’ll have my back.
Seems like pretty much any job title would get me more interesting summers than this. Most of my coworkers and most of my non-work friends are gone somewhere doing something. A lot of them are on tour too, playing or managing or doing lights. The ones that aren’t are renting a beach house or living in Europe for a few months. The label offices are a ghost town and so is my calendar. 
Maybe I’ll use some of my vacation time, take advantage of my connections to actually go to a festival for once. I already missed Coachella but that doesn’t bother me at all, that’s not the kind of festival I want. I think I’ll look for something much smaller, more curated, more niche, and NOT in California. A little east coast trip sounds so nice.
22 May
I didn’t even get a chance to look for a small east coast fest before I decided I’m staying home this summer. The best email I’ve ever gotten in my entire fucking life was waiting for me when I got back from lunch. 
There’s the band, Apologetic Weapons. I’m friends with the members, especially the bassist, Nicky (we went on one date – no spark but we’ve been buddies ever since). I’ve been going to their shows since their second or third gig. I remember the first night I saw them, getting in my car and opening my work email immediately. Rina had been on the discovery team for a while by then and I was like keep an eye on these guys. All they had at the time was an instagram with ONE post. 
Then last year they did a self-release that was so fucking good. I sent that to Rina too, and she said they were already negotiating a deal. I fucking called it! I couldn’t be happier for them, they’re gonna be fucking huge. The email was a request to book them studio time. 
It’s so dope, it’s my first time working with a band I've followed since the beginning! But that’s not even all of it…
Holy shit!!!!! When I read the email my jaw was on the fucking floor. 
Corroded Coffin is like, everything to me. They were my first favorite band, Mom used to play them in the car for me all the time. I got sent home to change in school so many times for my collection of “inappropriate” CC t-shirts. I fucking cried when Eddie announced that he was retiring because I only got to see them twice 🙁 But I heard these rumors that he got his GED and went to college for audio engineering. Can you imagine sitting in a fucking college lecture and THE Eddie Munson asks to borrow a pen?? Anyway, I guess this means the rumors are true! 
I respect that a lot. He’s been a megastar for like, 30 some odd years and plenty of other artists get into production with no formal training or anything, but he still put in the work. He seems like a pretty decent guy, unlike some of his peers. It’s such a low bar to just like, not hit your wife, not fuck around with underage girls, and not say stupid shit about minorities, but these old fuckers keep tripping over it anyway. Not Eddie tho. He’s far from perfect – substance abuse, arrests, car accidents, four ex-wives, all those pictures and videos that leaked – but he’s been out of the headlines for years, and I’ve never heard any industry people say anything bad about him. 
And the man himself is aging like a fine wine. He’s always been stupidly beautiful, but in recent pictures his iconic hair is salt and pepper, and he’s got these deep crows feet and lines on his forehead. Somehow it all works to make him even hotter. I can’t believe I get to meet him and work adjacent to him. This summer is actually gonna be so fun.
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jmagnabo92 · 5 months
GGSB Fest 2024 - A Second Chance
Prompt - ball
A year after Sirius' return to Harry, Harry decides to meddle in his love life to get him a second chance with Kingsley.
Follows "Remembrance of Things Past" but you don't really need to read it to understand.
It’s been a year since Sirius returned to him, since he met Dean and discovered the Padfoot Tattoo.  
Life has never been better for Harry since then, but he knows, especially as Kingsley’s visits and letters seem to increase, that Sirius deserves to find love, too, more than just Harry.  
He knows that Sirius would never tell him that he wants to find love or that he wants a second chance with more than just Harry – even though he loves Harry and adores being part of Harry’s muggleborn school (he’s taken to being a teacher quite well).  
Either way, conversations that were meant to be about getting Sirius to think about dating again have ended in Sirius insisting that he doesn’t need to date and he’s quite happy as things are.  
Thus, Harry has to do a little bit of subterfuge.  
He encouraged Kingsley to have a winter ball and insisted on Sirius attending.  He said something about how it’d be good for him to be around people again and that Kingsley was honoring Harry for his part in the war, and it would be nice to have a parent present.  
Sirius had only agreed because he knew how important it was for Harry to have some moments to have a parent proud in the background.  
Of course, it was a lie. 
Dean had warned him that Sirius might leave when he realizes that Harry wouldn’t be honored, but by that point, Kingsley should have made his move and it would be all good.  
He’s sure of it.
Sure enough, once the dinner starts after Kingsley makes a speech about enjoying time with one’s loved ones, Sirius narrows his eyes at Harry, who’s smiling into his soup.
“You lied to me.”
“Did I?  Technically, Kingsley could still honor me, just after dinner.”
“You expect me to believe that?” Sirius asks, glaring at him slightly.  
“No,” Harry admits.  “But I was hoping that you’d realize that I want this for you.  I want you to be happy.”
“I am happy,” Sirius insists.  “I love working with you, doing good in the world, and I don’t need anything else.”
Harry pins him with a look.  “I know that you are happy, but you have a chance to be even happier.  You have a second chance.  Don’t you think pining over a man you can actually be with is silly?  You can be with him.  You don’t have to pine.”
“Maybe I’m better off pining,” Sirius states.  “What if he doesn’t even want to be with me?”
“He does!” Harry insists.  “Haven’t you noticed?  He’s always coming over just to do nothing … he writes and visits, half the time he’s flirting with you, and I swear the last three times that you walked him out, he was tempted to kiss you.”
“I – you –” Sirius stutters.  “I can’t…”
“Why not?”
Sirius looks away and down at his food.  “I’m afraid that I will let him down somehow.  That he’ll be disappointed.”
“He won’t be.”
“You can’t be sure of that.”
“And you can’t be sure that he will be,” Harry states.  “Just… one dance?  It’s a ball.  You gotta dance at least once.”
Sirius sighs.  “Fine.”
The rest of the dinner passes with conversation about literally anything else, and before Sirius knows it, it’s time for the dancing to begin.  Harry nudges him into action when he doesn’t immediately move towards Kingsley. 
He sends him a look, but nevertheless, approaches Kingsley.  “Hey Kings, any chance you want to dance with me?”
Kingsley smiles widely.  “I’d be delighted.”
“Good – great…”
With that, he offers his hand, and leads him to the dance floor… now, if only he could remember how to do this.
Harry’s grinning so widely by the end of the night that Dean whispers, “You know people might think you like ballsafter this with a grin like that.”
Harry laughs at the word play.  “I’m just happy that Sirius found his second chance.  He deserves it.”
Dean grins.  “You both deserve all the happiness in the world and I’m glad that you managed to meddle in the love life of your godfather.  Maybe now, you’ll focus a bit more on our love life?”
Harry turns to him.  “Oh?  Have I been neglecting you?”
“Just a bit, but I’m not complaining.  I know how happy Sirius’ return has made you and I’m more than okay with that.”
“Thank you.  Maybe we could plan some double dates and that way you get attention, too?”
“I think that sounds brilliant,” Sirius says as he approaches with Kingsley.  “I just wanted to let you know that… your plan worked, and I’ll be home tomorrow.”
Harry laughs as Dean says, “Wow, Kingsley, you work fast.”
Kingsley gives a low laugh.  “Been a long time coming, not wasting any more time.”
“Good for you,” Harry says, smiling.  He gives Sirius a hug and says, “I told you that a second chance is worth it.”
Sirius hums.  “Yeah, yeah, see you tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow it is.”
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braveclementine · 3 days
Chapter 39; Ending 2 (Happier- Hornier- Ending)
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Warnings: 18+readersonly, slight angst, slight fluff
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own my OC: Elizabeth Y/L/N (created so you don't get Y/N and Y/S/N consistently mixed up. I do not condone any copying of this.
"CAN WE TALK TO THE BOTH OF YOU?" Steve asked anxiously, looking between you and your sister as the both of you continued to sit at the table.
"Um, sure." You said. Elizabeth said nothing, but got up from the table as well to follow you out into the living room.
Everyone seemed extremely pleased about something, there was an excited, though almost nervous energy buzzing through the community room. Nearly all of the main Avengers were there: Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Stephen, Tony, Rhodey, Clint, Sam, Vision, Pietro, Bruce, Natasha, and Wanda. Oh, and of course Hogun was there as well.
Elizabeth seated herself calmly next to Hogun, who wrapped an arm around her shoulder to pull her into him. He started to whisper into her ear and you looked away.
You took a seat next to Stephen, so that you could see everyone else. You weren't sure why the energy in the community room was like this. Why would they be excited if they had just heard the two of you arguing? Unless they were excited that you and Elizabeth had finally gotten some problems out of the way? But then wouldn't the energy be different?
"So, we have something we need to. . . talk about." Steve said shiftily.
"Look if this is about the conversation Bucky and I had last night-" Elizabeth said in a rush but Steve shook his head.
"No, this is about all of us, as a whole group, soulmates and not."
"Spit it out." You said wearily. "I have had quite enough of the beating around the bush method."
"Before the two of you showed up, we were all on Asgard when Queen Frigga pulled a majority of us into a conference by herself. She said that Heimdall had seen several different futures with our soulmates, and that we needed to be wary. That our soulmates were very different and we had to watch out for. . . well. . ."
Steve glanced over at Tony who looked uncomfortable now.
Tony bit his bottom lip and then leaned forward and spat out, "Before you and Elizabeth showed up, we were all together in a huge relationship. One big, polyamorous relationship. But Queen Frigga warned us that we wouldn't be able to do that with the two of you. Especially. . ." Tony looked apologetic now, "Elizabeth with her views on marriage."
You looked over at Elizabeth, but she just looked blank, as though she couldn't hear anything that Tony was saying.
Tony quickly continued, "Queen Frigga said that the only way we could revert back to one big love fest was if the two of you sorted our your previous problems, that the both of you were unaware of. We couldn't make you guys hash it out, we had to do it organically. For the most part, Frigga conducted the events behind the scenes. Stephen, Steve, Bucky, and I were to act aloof around Elizabeth so that she became more jealous of Y/N than she already was. However, when Elizabeth was kidnapped, Stephen and I were unable to hold it up anymore and we gave in. Bucky and Steve nearly gave in as well, before Frigga visited them separately and told them that as long as the two of them continued, it would be alright."
"And, of course," Steve said heavily. "Frigga planned for Loki to choose Elizabeth over Y/N, making an entire show of it, so that Y/N would become more jealous of Y/N."
"No." Wanda said suddenly, looking over at Elizabeth who was starting to look increasingly upset. "Their love for you wasn't manifested or faked Elizabeth. They all really do love the two of you."
"I. . . I don't understand." you said slowly.
Tony sighed. "Basically, you and Elizabeth had to admit to each other that you were jealous or we'd never be able to continue the polyamorous relationship that we all had together. Frigga pretty much told us how to act, which of us had to act a certain way, and then how to remedy it."
"Wait." Elizabeth said softly. "Did all of you know about it?"
You noticed she was looking specifically at Hogun.
"No." Loki spoke now. "Hogun, Vision, Clint, Natasha, Thor, Pietro, and Bruce were all completely unaware of what steps were being taken to do this. Hogun because he didn't have to know. He was only your soulmate. The same with Clint. With Nat, Pietro, and Bruce it was because we knew they'd never agree to the strategy that was used to make things normal again. And Thor and Vision would never have been able to keep the secret."
You noticed that Hogun, Clint, Thor, Pietro, and Bruce did all look rather shocked. Vision was even frowning. Nat looked pissed and even Clint was starting to turn from shocked to angry.
"And the Queen organized all of this?" Elizabeth asked softly, looking upset.
Loki hesitated and then said, "Yes."
"Why did I have to be the one to suffer so much?" Elizabeth's voice cracked.
The excitement was gone in an instant and they all looked upset. Bucky looked like he was on the verge of tears himself. He opened and closed his mouth four times before he finally just kept his mouth shut.
"I don't know." Tony finally answered. "But it was why I couldn't continue the plan. I said 'fuck it' and stopped. I couldn't keep doing it anymore."
"It killed them to do it to you doll." Sam said suddenly, jerking his head towards Bucky and Steve. "They were so torn up over it. I think Bucks' cried himself to sleep every night for the past couple of weeks."
Bucky turned bright red, slumped down in his seat, but didn't bother correcting Sam.
"Okay, wait." You interrupted now. "Exactly how far does this. . . relationship go?"
"Only Avengers." Half of them responded.
"Of course," Nat continued, "This includes The Guardians, the Wakandans, and the Asgardians too."
"And we exclude the youngsters' like P- Spiderman." Tony responded.
"So. . . can. . . how do we know you're not pulling our leg?" You demanded.
There was no answer, and then suddenly, Clint leaned over and kissed Thor on the lips at the same time Nat grabbed Stephen and kissed him.
Your eyes widened and you felt yourself getting turned on. You'd always wished Black Widow was your soulmate, now you could actually get in on the action with her.
You looked over, saw that Elizabeth looked as though someone had slapped her across the face, and your arousal immediately stopped. And then a horrifying thought occurred to you.
"Wait. Sorry. Like. These are orgies?" You confirmed.
"I'm assuming Elizabeth and I aren't attending the same ones, right? Cause that would be just so awkward."
"I. . . I don't know if I can do it." Elizabeth whispered. She was hugging herself, looking down at the floor. "I don't know how I could. I'm not. . . I mean how God could forgive me if I wasn't married to those I was sleeping with. . . and I'm not even sexually attracted to girls so-"
"Sweetheart, you don't have to be." Tony interrupted. "If the marriage problem is a big issue, and I know that it is for you, you can marry every single Avenger that you want. And you think everyone around here is bi and likes both genders? You're not the only one sweetheart. Pietro is painfully straight."
Pietro stuck his tongue out at Tony.
"So is Fury." Loki said with an eye roll.
Elizabeth still seemed hesitant. "I have to think about it."
"Of course." Hogun murmured, squeezing her tightly.
You had nothing to think about. You did want to join. But you'd have to get over the fact that just about everyone here had kept a huge, huge secret from you. Even if it was a good reason, you couldn't help but have some doubts. You would just need a little time. But you already knew what your decision was.
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THE NEXT MORNING, THE DYNAMIC WAS clearly very different, yet also the same. Elizabeth was still cooking breakfast- Wanda helping- and you sat down at the table quietly and observed.
Elizabeth had clearly already set out plates of food because there were two plates stacked sky-high with pancakes, a dish of sausage links, and a bowl of fresh mixed fruits already cut. Including lime with Elizabeth had a peculiar taste for.
You watched as Natasha snuggled up with Bruce at the kitchen table. Stephen was feeding Tony off a spoon. Steve and Clint were sitting particularly close, fingers brushing over each others whenever they reached for something.
It was as though all of them had been holding back on their affection while the two of you were here. As though only the two of you should be on the receiving ends of affection so that the others wouldn't be. . . jealous? Upset?
Once Elizabeth and Wanda finally set out french toast, waffles, and bacon, they sat down as well.
Conversations were already flowing very easily, until Elizabeth murmured, "Um, Hogun and I are thinking about going back to the farm."
Conversations quieted down and Elizabeth was pink.
"I just. . . need some time." She continued, still looking at her plate.
"Then take your time." Steve said in a very soft voice. You'd never heard him speak to her in a voice like that yet. This was so weird.
"But." Tony said now and you all looked at him, "The three of you-" He pointed to Steve, Bucky, and Elizabeth, "-should go on a date before you leave. You know, just to hash things out."
All three of them turned bright red, and turned back to their breakfast.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
BUCKY HAD TOLD HER THAT THEY WOULD be going to a museum. He had asked if there was something else she wanted to do, but she had shaken her head no. Museums probably weren't crowded.
Elizabeth had zero idea what to wear of course so she mostly stared at her closet before dragging some things out and throwing them on.
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
"DON'T BE NERVOUS." YOU SCOLDED THE nervous Super soldiers who were waiting for your sister as she got ready upstairs.
"How can I not?" Steve asked. His hands were shaking so badly he had to shove them in his pockets. "After everything-"
"Blame the Queen of Asgard?" You suggested. "Or Heimdall?"
Steve looked aghast. "We can't blame them!"
Bucky meanwhile was muttering under his breath every terrible thing he'd ever done to Elizabeth. Which apparently only consisted of ignoring her, and not catching her when you'd knocked her off the beam in the Asgardian training room.
"Seriously you two. You need to act like yourselves or she'll never get to know you." You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
"You mean we're supposed to act like nothing happened?" Bucky asked.
"No. You're supposed to apologize. But you also have to be yourselves. Don't put on an act to try and get her to like you more. This is Elizabeth we're talking about. She's going to end up forgiving you eventually. You guys are sorry and I know perfectly well you wouldn't do it again because I'd kick your asses."
Steve and Bucky both smiled a little and the elevator door opened.
You were just slightly surprised as Elizabeth came out. She was dressed different than how you'd imagined.
She was wearing an olive green, long sleeved-shirt. It looked like it was made of silk. It had a slight v-line so that you could see gray lace poking up underneath. She had the shirt tucked into her blue jeans, which were cinched with a belt. And to complete the entire effect, she'd worn small, two inch black heeled boots.
You could already see the adoring look in Bucky's eyes and Steve was blushing slightly.
"You look adorable." You announced to your sister. "I love the new outfit."
Elizabeth looked down at the outfit as though she hadn't just put it on and had no idea what she was wearing. "Oh, thank you."
"Well, I'll leave you to it!" You said cheerfully and walked off.
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xviruserrorx · 4 months
Title: "Would We Be Caught Dead Here?"
I am oh so very late and I know I didn't do the interest check but I wanted to do the @elyan-fest so here is Day 1's for the prompt "Stop, coming back". Also 1. This fic seems really weird to me, I don't know what it is, I like the fic I really do, but there's something weird about it. And 2. From the get-go this was supposed to be Elyan/Merlin, like the situation, the image it was all merlyan... And then I wrote the dialogue and it was very much the way I normally write Mordred—but not they way I normally write Mordred's dynamic with Elyan though—but, but the situation, the actions are very Merlin (to me) but the dialogue is too much not-Merlin (how I normally write him) for me. And I can see Mordred doing the actions under a situation (the situation being this weird au). Okay... Yeah there's my weird dilema. This fic wrote itself, truly, it's not even the ship I originally wanted it to be which has never happened to me before. Anyways Enjoy! 😁
Elyan Fest - Tumblr | Ao3 - [-> Next]
Fandom: BBC Merlin
Prompt(s): "Stop, Coming Back"
Relationship(s): Elyan/Mordred
Character(s): Sir Elyan, Mordred
Important Tag(s): Canon Divergence, Post-magic reveal, Magic Reveal Gone Wrong
Rating: Gen
Warning(s): No Archive Warnings Apply, Mention of Blood and Death, Manhandling (kinda sorta)
Word Count: 1,659
“I'm risking it all just for you.” Elyan felt a shiver run down his body. Mordred's hand found his and he lifted the other to brush his fingers on his jaw. “I'm risking my capture just to say I love you,” Or After a long day Elyan returns to his chambers to find an unexpected person in wait for him.
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Elyan rolled his shoulders. His chainmail grew heavier with every move that even the weight of his cape seemed to make things worse. 
He swatted his arm back, grabbing the feet of cloth from dragging behind him. All need for his appearance dropped. The halls were empty, only the sound of his shoes against the floor filled the silence of the night. His normal company of one of the other knights had faded slowly but surely over the months. Though, he could say that for many things of the Camelot that he knew.
Camelot's once strict laws against magic somehow had grown worse in such little time. The leniency of the death penalty for those with or through any association of magic was all but gone.
Gallows were built more often, the executioner consulted more often, and the smell of burning flesh had little remedy to remove the after trace it left on his clothes, skin, and the air of Camelot as a whole.
The king was no longer the king he had promised to protect and serve. It'd been far too long since he had seen his sister's smile. The one he'd once teased her about; love and everything more for what she held for Arthur. He'd hardly seen them glance each other's way in weeks.
Missions that before had them picking on one another were nothing the same. Gwaine had little energy to display his usual charm; he was Camelot's best swordsman after all. He couldn't remember the last time he had talked to Percival, more so even heard the other knight say anything. But perhaps it was Leon he saw take it all the hardest. Comparing Camelot's records to when Uther reigned, none of them could have ever imagined those records matching, even surpassing the older ones.
They had been happier once at the peak of war.
Instead they were sent on tasks—hunt after hunt. It was nothing more than the king using them as a hawk as they brought innocent people one after another to his feet.
All of them hesitated just the same to continue to perform each task they were ordered. Elyan knew it was out of fear. Fear none of them possessed before everything happened, as if everything was the proper word to cover it all. 
Elyan let out a sigh of relief as he reached his room, his hand coming to undo his cape buckle around his neck. He yanked the leather free and felt the chill of the night come over him as he closed the door, the all too familiar presence partnered to close.
He'd done this before. Too many times before.
He pressed his eyes and edged the exhaustion further. “We can't keep doing this.” He turned around and tossed his cape to the side. 
His window was wide open as he had suspected. The figure he knew too well was sitting on the window ledge; legs crossed, hands gripping the sill, cloaked over in moonlight and yet still completely hidden in darkness. As if Elyan didn't know all of him to recognize him with much less.
He let out a scoff. “And you know it too, Mordred.”
Gold lit in the dark, a rush of something he only could find desirable from him as flames erupted at the wicks of the candles.
Elyan felt some of the day's tension fall away. Even though It felt wrong to find such comfort in something he imprisoned day after day.
The soft glow from the candles lit Mordred's face as he stood up. He removed the black hood from over his head and let the light take over him. An expression of something somber yet unreadable was all he showed to him. 
Mordred walked closer, his finger tracing down the exposed blade that laid on the table in his room. Elyan hadn't found the strength to properly clean it off since that morning, just the dried remnants of what they both knew, left there to be.
“Patrol has tightened,” he spoke. “More guards, more knights.”
Elyan nodded. “The king has things… different.”
His finger traced the bottom of the hilt where the name of his sword was branded. “Not different enough.” He pulled away, his cloak catching in a gust of wind through the window.
“I suppose not.” Elyan walked over, grabbing the empty scabbard from the other end of the table. “Still holes in our defense?”
Mordred cocked his head. “If you know where to find them.”
He sheathed his sword, placing it back on the rack with the rest of the weapons. Mordred watched.
“And how to make them,” Mordred continued.
Elyan stopped. He eased his shoulders to relax and to turn back towards Mordred. “Why are you here?”
He stood there, something mocking humor played at his lips. “You know why,” he said. He turned on his heal, looking around his room. “I've heard things have gotten worse around here since…”
That unspeakable incident. Perhaps they both wished it was all just some nightmare they were trapped in together.
“They have.”
“And Merlin?” he asked.
Elyan moved, following behind him. “He's been adjusting.” It wasn't a lie. It was all he knew. It was all both the king and queen had said about Merlin since they'd last seen him all those months ago.
Mordred scoffed. “The king's closest friend swears off magic. Sounds too familiar.”
He folded his arms across his chest. “Did Morgana tell you that?”
He turned to face him. He shook his head. “Morgana’s still in Ismere, has been for a fortnight. Didn't want to go.” He glanced down at his feet. “I've been with my people.”
He cocked an eyebrow.
Mordred all but rolled his eyes then loosened the laces of his cloak. His robes and talisman around his neck all the proof he needed.
“You didn't tell me that.”
He raised an eyebrow, sarcasm dancing across his face as he pulled his cloak back around. “Because you think me a murderer.” He fumbled with his laces.
Elyan closed the distance and nudged Mordred's hands away and took over. “I think, from what I've heard, you possess very powerful magic, Mordred. Magic you can use to protect yourself.” He pulled the laces into a knot.
“Protect. Kill. Defend,” Mordred said. “It's no use when you see it all the same.”
Elyan took a breath and dropped his hands to Mordred's shoulders, straightening out his cloak and fixing his talisman. “Not me.” He let them fall back to his side.
Mordred smiled. “Not you,” He emphasized
Elyan knew at the end of the day they would have Mordred killed, no matter if there was blood on his hands or not. History or not, he knew perhaps that might have made him all the more wanted for Camelot's gallows.
“I know you know.” Mordred stepped closer. “And you know too, but…” He tilted his head to the side, their noses brushed one another's. “I'm risking it all just for you.”
Elyan felt a shiver run down his body. Mordred's hand found his and he lifted the other to brush his fingers on his jaw.
“I'm risking my capture just to say I love you,” he continued.
Elyan turned his head away but felt that gentle touch deepen and pull his head back forward.
“And you're risking just the same.”
He swatted his hand away and grabbed Mordred's wrist in the same strike. Watching that facade of bravery crumble underneath his touch as Mordred's expression twisted. Pain infiltrated in the cracks, leaving the same scared boy who had fled Camelot months back right in front of him.
“I have a chance,” he spoke through his teeth. “You don't.”
Mordred twisted his hand but he only tightened his hold. It would bruise. They both knew it. The longer Elyan held and the more Mordred moved and struggled guaranteed it.
“Stop coming back,” he continued.
Mordred cocked an eyebrow, teasing him with that feigned innocent look that turned mischievous all too quickly. “If that's what you want.”
“It is.”
He held his gaze. Neither of them wanting to give in till Mordred lowered his head and looked away. “Fine.” He yanked his arm free as Elyan loosened his grip.
Elyan breathed out, staying in place as Mordred turned around back towards the window. Until he stopped.
Mordred turned around. “You and I both know that if you really didn't like this—me coming here night after night. You would've told the queen or king already.”
“I wouldn't do that to you.”
He lightly chuckled, a grin forming on his face. “You wouldn't,” he agreed. “Keep your space. Keep me safe, keep you safe. Is that not it?” He took a step back.
Elyan shook his head. “Our love isn't worth your torture.”
He smiled, something of hope there too. “Isn't it?”
Elyan swallowed past the lump that formed in his throat. “Go. Camelot isn't safe for you anymore.”
He gave him a pitiful smile. “Was it ever?” Mordred continued to walk backwards.
Elyan looked down, seeing how close he was to the open window. “Mordred?”
The back of his knees hit the ledge. That smile changed. “I'll just risk it again.”
He watched as Mordred leaned back his weight and fell out the window.
“Mordred!” He lunged forward, scrambling to grab the ends of his cloak but was too late. He stuck his head out the window, exhaustion no longer a thought as he looked at the drop to the ground.
No Mordred. No body. No cloak. He looked up. The cloaked figure that was in his chamber was walking away. 
Mordred turned around, still walking and looked up at him. He smiled one of his all too fleeting grins before he pulled the hood forward and turned back around.
Elyan watched as his cloaked figure walked on and disappeared without a sound on Camelot's grounds.
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italoniponic · 2 years
Mc Hcs pt 5 sad edition
Mc when they were 12 years old were sent to a psychiatric hospital for half year due to the emergence of a second personality they said was called Dahlia(Mc as kid has been described as clumsy, honest, happy go lucky , loyal etc but Dahlia in the hospitals psych evaluation was said to be the embodiment of evil and beauty.they would eventually also know them as the noble flower of evil because when ever their around they can cause the worst in somebody to bloom and reveal the worst version of themselves )
Mc due to their fame as a 'small' time actor had their fair share of stalkers and one time nearly gkt kidnapped so they begged their dad Donald to let them practice martial arts which after the recent incident they did. Sometime later they were gettung stalked by a fanatic classmate who had been really creepy and one day took it too far with nc who lashed out and beat them within an inch if their lives, they were sent ti hospital dor two months and even thiygh they were left off the hook due to ir being self defense. They felt horrible afterwards because they beat a guy nearly to death without ever trying to get him to stop or to change and simply chose violence as their first option so after that they swore that unless there was no literally no other way they wouldn't use violence to end conflict.
Filowing the pevious HC. Mc stopped acting after that incident as to stop attracting stalkers and prevent anotger situation like that.
Mc when they were younger they struggled to fit in with people. This was because in their own words was that they always felt as if that place wasn't their real home.(even when they were un their own house they sometimes felt homesick)
Mc also used to get sick a lot when they were younger and it was said by doctors that it was odd since on their arm They did have a vaccine shot scar but they still got sick almost as if the vaccune they took was for some foreign illness.
Bonus headcanons(happy edition)
Mc and Peter always did stargazing together and when it was Mc birthday he woulf often joke about whisking them away to land where kids never grew up so he could always babysit Mc in future
Mc has on more than one occasions played the role of nobility in a play or movie they often took etiquette classes meant for nobility and due to this has some friends who are nobles.
Mc at the end of everyweek gives Lilia all the photos they took so Lilia can cherish the memorues he had at Nrc
Mc has been noted to be a treasure magnet and often finds hidden valuablss on the schook camous which they usually give to Sam.
Mc during the Port fest worked at a cafe called Dukes cafe to raise money so they could get their friends souvenirs and gifts
Mc when their not busy during clubs time often sings solos of songs from their old world(did Mc one time sing the Macarena yes do they regret the fact all of scarabia had to do a macarena dance practice for 3 hours no)
I hope you liked these new batch of Hcs as always feel free to ask questions regarding bg the Hcs and Cherry i also hope you got my Hcs home edition or if Tumblr ate my ask if they did i dont mind sending it again
Goodbye and have great day
Sorry for taking so long to reply! I got tangled in a lot of irl things and it took me some time to come back here again but once again, thanks for your additions for the MC hcs~ [these in special are continuations of the multiple MC's hcs from last time]
seems that we have sad and happy hcs this time! the thing with more angst/dramatic hcs is that I'm not so good at commenting on them as the few times I think about it so, unfortunately, I won't have much to add on the first part...
as for the more happier hcs tho~
so, interesting, MC is more of a Wendy (or one Lost Child) in this one. Another thing that I love about it, not only for my love for the Peter Pan story, is that I actually made an twst!Peter oc that is a teacher at RSA and these specific hcs always reminds me of him. I won't be able to show him yet since... well, my posting schedule is the amalgamation of chaos (especially with ocs). And the stargazing part is really beautiful
MC always has the connections since ever lol reminds me of that Barbie song "To Be a Princess" (from the og Princess & the Pauper)
aaaawwww~ I never stopped to think about how faes like Lilia or even Malleus feels about photos, in the same sense we view them. but it's an heartwarming (and lowkey sad for ch6 watchers) hc <3
MC works so hard at all times. now imagine after the event ends, MC kinda does the same thing as Jack (like he wanted to treat Ruggie to eat the special dish from this one restaurant he worked on) and they invite their friends to eat there too. and their boss is like "take a day rest and enjoy it with your friends" too~
THE MACARENA KILLED ME LMAO Kalim probably had the time of his life, he didn't feel any of the 3 hours. idk about Jamil bc he likes to dance (tho he has his issues with doing in front of other bc of the whole "not go into the spotlight", still he's getting more out there since ch4...) but maybe the same song after a lot of time might be a bit annoying for him? I'm not so sure for his part
and we ended this batch! I'm sorry again for not commenting much on the angst hcs, like it's just not something I'm familiar or comfortable enough to talk about, but your ideas are always interesting and creative, believe me!
thanks again <3
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pacifymebby · 1 year
Hi, I haven’t messaged you or anything in so long !! I was like 16 the last time i even posted on tumblr, i’m literally 20 in two days !!
I haven’t checked up with you since The Ride but you used to be my favorite blog and my favorite fanfic writer. You fully shaped my late teens and ur old fics got me through everything from GCSES to Covid.
And then i stopped using Tumblr cos Catfish just vanished like but i’m so happy to see you’re still writing like and you’ve found new things to write about. I went to Uni n stuff and my whole life changed and i completely forgot about ur fics. They used to be a form of escapism, and helped my romanticise my life. They genuinely helped me feel lighter when life was just heavy like. and now i don’t need them anymore and all that seems so sad and distant, my life is so so great now and i got through the not so great bits with your writing.
I just thought it was worth letting you know that you shaped a girls teen years. I completely accredit you to all the fun I had romanticising my life because of ur fics, and you literally have no idea. like some random girl in Manchester accredits some writer girl in wherever to shaping her entire late teens into some indie cringe fest nightmare that she secretly loved (don’t tell)
like i would never fess up to it anywhere except anonymous on tumblr but you were one of my only friends at times and i would read ur fics and sit alone in my room and listen to the strokes (who id never heard of until you) or id walk home from school listening to catb and imagine i was on some english coast walking to the pub with the lads and the sun setting. it sounds really sad i know and it fucking genuinely really was i was a sad lonely girl but i had so much fun!
and my music, like all of my music taste came from you !! all my book recs came from you!! i love kerouac to this day because of you.
If you ever reupload any old fics i’d be the first to have a little nostalgic read !!
Okay, first of all, thanks for sending me this bestie it really hit me in the chest because a) i cant believe ive had that level of impact on someone else's life and in such like a cute little way? And b) because everything youve just described is exactly what i was doing too!! Like using my little fanfictions to escape to, romanticising my dreary/lonely little life and using it to imagine a better future for myself...
Like, i started writing Oxygen when id broken up with my abusive ex, was livibg alone in a student flat, id lost ALL my pals to said ex, i was floundering at uni feeling stuck and alone and like, i used to get stoned and listen to the national and live in this little daydream which was that story and its probably one of the only reasons i survived that year!
And The Ride, i had the idea for that when i was trapped at my grandparents painting their house for them. That whole bit at the beginning where Maria is painting the B&B stemmed from a days daydreaming trying to romanticise my dreary little life.
Basically most of the fics i wrote were me creating the characters i wanted to be more like, like fliss and saffron, i wanted to be that kind of positive, confident, carefree girl and writing the characters helped me believe that I could be more like that.
And like idk, you really summed up what i was doing for me, and I'm glad u were able to romanticise your life too! I think its an underrated and important coping mechanism tbh, if you cant daydream up a better reality for yourself, how can u ever achieve a better reality for yourself?
I also think thats maybe why I don't write as often now too, generally my lifes much better than it was, I'm happier, i dont need to imagibe these friends for myself because i have a really solid group of friends, and I have B and im cared about and no ones out to hurt me anymore. So i dont need to escape to my fanfictions so much anymore idk.
Still sometimes its lovely to revel in nostalgia isnt it.
Also omg i cant believe u read those books cause of me, and heard the strokes cause of me, thats so fucking cool <3 <3 im glad we were friends back then and had eachother, i think thats so cool that without knowing eachother we've had that impact on one another (because honestly the people who read my fics and comment and send me anons have all supported me and made me feel less alone and lame)
Thank u so much for sending this and confessing to the indie cringe fest (we were all there and secretly loved it, its okay to admit that here!! Indie cringe fest lives on here!!)
And im so happy your life is better now too and that youre somewhere u want to be having a nice time, I'm glad u don't need to romanticise ur life anymore because youre living a life you actually want to live.thats amazing and im v proud of u for getting here and v happy that u got here <3 <3 <3 <3
Love u bestie ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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aeoki · 10 months
Seven Bridges - Hate Control: Chapter 15
Location: Tanabata Fest Stage Characters: Mitsuru & Mao
TL Note:
Mao is referring to the culture where it’s more appropriate to address those in a higher standing to you by their titles instead of by their names in Japan, as it’s a sign of respect.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ< At that time. Music ward (“Tanabata Fest” Venue 4). >
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Mao: Maan~! Things are tough! Preparing everything was hell but D-Day feels even worse than that!
But it’s fine! I’ll work hard! Actually, hell is more than welcome! I’m the kinda person who gets happier when things are more tough and hectic! Ahahahahaha ☆
Mitsuru: Baaam! ☆
Mao: Who just rammed into me!?
Hey, Tenma! It’s great to see you’re full of energy but don’t just ram into me like that! Are you an assassin after my life or something!?
Mitsuru: That’s right, y’know!
Mao: It is!?
Mitsuru: Just kidding! Sorry, sorry, Student Council President Nii-chan!
Mao: It’s okay – so you’ve finally learnt to call me that, huh. Good job. If you’re gonna keep calling me Mao-chan-senpai, then that would set a bad example for the kids.
Mitsuru: Mao-cha– I mean, Student Council President Nii-chan, were you also worried about that sorta stuff?
Mao: Uh, not really. But, suprisngly, the new students are a bunch of serious kids with common sense[*]~ They get angry when they see other people treating me sloppily.
They even come all the way to tell me and say, “You’re fine with them treating you like that!?”.
Even that felt really nostalgic… I’ve gotten too used to Yumenosaki’s way of doing things freely.
Mitsuru: Being free is a good thing, y’know! It’s because you’re not tied down anywhere that you can go wherever you want!
Mao: Yeah~ Yeah, you always say such good things, Tenma. It's reassuring.
Anyway, what’re you doing over here by yourself? Where’s the rest of “Ra*bits”? Did you get separated from them?
Mitsuru: Huh? Oh no, I left them behind, y’know! I was so happy being able to run around boldly around town…!
Mao: Watch out for accidents~ Well, there’s traffic control so I think it should be fine, though.
Oh, and Tenma, do you really understand what’s going on during this “Tanabata Fest”? There’s no point in you running ahead by yourself like this, you know?
Mitsuru: Hmm~ It looks like things are different from what I heard before so I’m confused, y’know! Apparently, Anzu Nee-chan fixed the proposal at the last minute?
Mao: Yeah. It was a rush construction job. The original proposal was useless so it’s been a lot of work. It’s still better than using that disappointing proposal, though.
Mitsuru: So what specifically changed? I’ve got time until the others arrive, so tell me!
Mao: I don’t have time though… Oh well, I’ll keep it brief.
First, there were two events that focused on Tanabata. The one at Yumenosaki and the other at ES.
Mitsuru: Yeah, I heard about that, y’know! Arashi-chan-senpai and “Knights” were supposed to take part in the ES one, right?
Mao: Yeah. But we decided to combine both events together. I worked really hard in that aspect so I’m pretty proud of that.
I negotiated with ES and ES would include the school’s “Tanabata Fest” in their proposal.
So that’s why even though Arashi and “Knights” were supposed to take part in ES’ event, they ended up taking part in the school’s one too. You get what I’m saying?
Mitsuru: Yeah…?
Mao: In other words, it was done out of consideration for “Knights” since they kept changing their plan of action like a weather vane.
At the same time, we could get a budget from ES so that was a huge help in terms of managing the event.
Anzu then revised the “Tanabata Fest” proposal with the new budget and other factors.
Basically, the format is the same as last year’s “Tanabata Fest”. The idols who applied can go up on the stages set up in the venues.
And two units will face off in a performance battle. That’s also the same as last year’s and will be decided by the tanzaku paper votes.
The winning unit remains on stage and grants the wishes of the audience Tanabata-style while waiting for the next set of challengers to come up.
Mitsuru: Oh, I love that part where we grant wishes! Bakyuun ☆
Mao: Me too~ It looks like “Akatsuki” will be appearing as a complete unit, so maybe you can see Hasumi-senpai’s bakyuun this year too.
Mitsuru: I wanna see, I wanna see! But we lost to “Akatsuki” last year, so this year, I wanna win, y’know! I dunno what I should do!
Mao: It’s okay. As you’re aware, the unit who lost can come up for a rechallenge after a certain amount of time passes, so you can get back up on stage however times you want.
Mitsuru: I’m happy about that but I went back up on stage so many times last year, I was exhausted at the end, y’know! Wahaha!
Hajime-chan also doesn’t have much stamina, so a few days after that, he could barely move an inch.
Mao: Sengoku was also dead… last year… Yeah, this sorta brutal method definitely sounds like Anzu’s style. She has way too much faith in us.
But it’s fine. It just means she thinks we’re just that amazing.
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nataywrites · 1 year
A plea for the plight of the world.
Hello there, friend! I hope your day is a beautiful one. Here, the sunshine dapples the leaves of the trees and casts shadows on the grass and pavement. It is not yet time for the evening birdsong, but I can hear them occasionally chirping about two-legged intruders moseying around on their territory.
Have you ever thought about the effect we have on our environment? The effect that we have on our furry, feathery, scaly, exoskeleton-bearing, and mucus-encased neighbors? There hasn't been a day that I haven't thought about the climate and our encroachment on animals' homes. Every night there are deer in our neighborhood. Bees and other insects make their homes inside the bricks and wood of our tenement. Birds make precariously placed nests in the eaves and on the lanterns.
I recall a documentary made about the foxes that have made their dens in the backyards of suburban Madison homes. Fox Tales | About | Nature | PBS There was another documentary on bears. It said that the Black Bear, one of the nine species of bear in the world, is the only thriving species. Bear Essentials of Hibernation | NOVA | PBS
The year before last, our family went on a little road trip to Hayward, a town known for Rock Fest, Northwoods camping, and fishing. The main street is bedecked with seasonal restaurants and t-shirt shops. We traveled there to meet with friends and then go foraging in the beautiful forests surrounding the town.
On the way home, I saw a dead bear cub on the side of the highway. The wife and kids were dozing in their seats. Just me and that bear cub, bleeding on the gravelly shoulder, were party to the stars and the bright moon in the sky. I silently mourned that little bear for miles after I had passed it. I still do. I mourn the raccoon I saw on the road today and the deer I passed by last week.
I remember seeing a meme on Facebook about a woman that made funerary art for the dead animals she found while out driving. She placed rocks, flowers, and twigs around them in beautiful halos and also strategically on their bodies to hide the horrible wounds that the poor creatures endured in their last moments. Sometimes I want to do that too, but not for notoriety. It's my apology for being a human. For the part I play in the extortion of our planet, whether or not I had known about my complicity in the past.
I am still complicit, even though I do my best. I limit driving as best I can (I live in a rural community, so many things, like affordable groceries, therapists, and specialists, are in neighboring towns.) I don't use the air conditioner until it is truly needed and avoid wasting water. Whenever we go to visit forests and parks, we try to leave them in better shape than we found them. I challenge my kids to pick up as many pieces of trash as they can on our walks. We put them in a bag and drop them in the bin when we get home.
This isn't a hard and fast cry for change. The situation is too complicated for that. I just ask that we, as humans, think about the changes we are making. Our fellow animals do not have the capability of speech, but they feel. They react to our encroachment on their homes. This is a plea for compassion and understanding. I ask that you, my dear friend keep your mind open. In my heart, I believe we can make a change. I believe we can mitigate some of the damage we are doing. By making a change for ourselves, we are modeling that behavior to others. Step-by-step, person-by-person, we are making a healthier, happier world.
With Love,
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kokoskwark · 2 months
hi evy! 1, 3 and 10 for the fic writer asks? <3
hi honeyponey :D <333
Last sentence you wrote Now I have a more interesting sentence (unsurprisingly from my super secret wip) Hyunjin’s lips twitch down, his heart hurting because Seungmin blames himself for not seeing this coming. “It–It’s okay, I… I haven’t really talked to anyone about this a lot,” he admits softly, feeling ashamed.
3. how you feel about your current WIP Oh boy now you've asked me something KJGNDKJFN I am writing this wip, the super secret wip (at this point it's barely secret anymore but oh well), for a fest. The prompt made me really excited, which is why I chose it, BUT it turned out to be more difficult than I thought I am/was struggling to write this without it being too monotonous, and I wasn't happy with it a few weeks ago, so I had to rewrite a whole scene and change my approach (I never completely rewrite scenes bc I always try to plan well).... Now I am way happier with it, but it's still not the easiest fic to write kjfgndfkjgh and I am hoping that when I read it back to edit it I will be satisfied!! I think I will be, but yeah it is a tough one
10. what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it? I don't know the exact time, but as you might know, I'm someone who has at most 2 wips at a time, so I think the longest I've let a draft rest is a month or two? (and it's usually bc I've started a WIP and in between I've joined a fest so then I prioritize the fest fic)
thank you for asking!! <3
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heartshvped · 1 year
MARCH 6, 2023. 9:37 AM.
a lot has been going on lately and that must be why i haven’t had the time to write. but anyway, here’s a quick life update of everything that’s happened during the last two months:
• had my prom + sang in front of every one. to say that it was nerve wracking would be an understatement, but i enjoyed it a lot and people cheered at the end !!
• had dinner and went to karaoke with my friends on the day after. it was sm fun and i was able to interact more with M.
• went to the beach with my family. it felt like such a good way to end the first month of the year.
• finally finished taking all of my university entrance tests. (now time to anxiously wait for the results to be released next month)
• M asked me out and i went on my first ever date (everyone at school unsurprisingly knew about it the next day)
• for valentine’s day, M bought me red velvet crinkles and a physical copy of my favorite books which had a letter he wrote inserted in the front page (i cried after reading it on the way home)
• went out with my friends, including M, over the weekend for valentine’s day. i gave him a necklace and a letter as well.
• on the same day, i went over to my cousin’s surprise birthday party and i may or may not have gotten massively drunk for the first time and drunk texted M. (0/10 experience, i’m never drinking again) thankfully, he reacted just fine to it.
• had a three day sports fest at school + handled a business fair. it was the most stressful thing ever but i had fun anyway. i bought matching bracelets for M and i from one of the business fair booths and i’ve been wearing it every day since then.
• on many weekends, i either played volleyball with D or watched a wide variety of movies with M.
and that was it! as cheesy as it sounds, i know february would be so full of love but i never thought i’d experience what that meant until now. but other than that, i have four or less months until graduation and my fear of growing up (or just change in general) has been catching on to me. most of my friends have agreed as well that the main goal before that time comes is to maximize all of our time together.
just two days ago, i went to see them again. we ate lunch together, went to the arcade, chaotically played uno in starbucks, and had dinner before we left. i rode with Z, D, and of course, M going home. Z drove the car and D sat in the passenger seat while M and i sat in the backseat. he held me close and i held his hand and for the entire time that we had been listening to whatever song D had put on, lover by taylor swift played on loop in my head.
it felt so strange yet so good to be that close with someone and it occurred to me that everything about us was “so strange yet so good” because none of it was anything i’d ever thought i’d experience especially while i’m still in high school. but regardless, i’m grateful that i’m where i am now because i feel so much happier.
as always, n.
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knoxvilleisgender · 2 years
Johnny Knoxville x Reader
Gender-Neutral Reader
Part 1?
sorry if this is a cringe fest, i haven’t written in a long time
Irritated. Lonely. Bitter. The list could go on for years, and you couldn’t help but try to list out all of your emotions as you lay in your cold hotel room. Now, you should have been out of the door hours ago. Filming had already started but the thought of having to be surrounded by screaming men had you strapped down to your bed of sorrows. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy being around them, it was the fact that you had to be around…him.
The thought of his brown eyes filled your stomach with butterflies, whether they were out of giddiness or anger you could never tell. You could never think about it long enough to figure it out. Your flip phone had been discarded onto the floor as soon as the first call from Johnny had interrupted your loathing. You didn’t hate him, it was actually the exact opposite. You wish you could hate anything that man did. But that country accent had you wrapped around his finger and left you in a trance that made you do anything he wanted.
Which was the real reason why filming had become more of a chore than messing around. The weight of having to carry around this secret had surely buried you six feet under by now, and the last thing you needed was the guys noticing. It was getting harder to hide your feelings for him. Every comment by him had your face burning and your knees nearly giving out. It had to be obvious how much happier you got when you saw his lanky figure walking towards you. Hell, the thought of it made a smile appear on your current solemn face. Though the reality of the solution wiped it right off within milliseconds. The self-pity hit once again, washing over the few seconds of euphoria you got from just the mere thought of his face.
You knew it was pathetic to be letting such a cliche situation ruin everything you had worked for. But this situation of hidden love and the possibility of it turning into an unrequited love drowned out any other worries. To let a man infatuate you this much was already infuriating as it is. But for him to walk around without a clue to the pain that he was causing, filled you with so much anger once the rose-colored glasses disappeared.
So maybe you did resent him a little bit. How could someone be so blind? So oblivious to the schoolgirl-like crush that had completely taken over your every thought, your every emotion, when he was around. Could he not see the way you looked at him? The love-struck gloss that covered your eyes when he spoke? It made this hate for him boil in your chest, and come out as bitterness towards your own cowardness.
Maybe if you could just tell him how you felt, these overwhelming feelings wouldn’t have you bedridden. This self-pity wouldn’t have left you bitter and hateful towards yourself and the feelings you held. It wouldn’t have made you hate the one person you feel that you truly love. You wouldn’t have to be buried under this secret anymore, you could-.
A knock interrupted your internal monologue, and you tried not to let out a frustrated scream. You flung your body around on the bed out of irritation, as the knocks continued rapidly. Finally, you got up after a few more seconds, kicking your phone under a pile of clothes, already knowing it was one of the guys coming to interrogate you. You slung the door open after unlocking it, trying to come up with an excuse within the few seconds you had.
“What the hell?’ you heard the one voice you had been avoiding ring out. Causing you to sigh and look up at Johnny’s taller figure.
“Hey,” you mumbled, glancing around to make sure there were no cameras hidden behind a corner.
Johnny looked at you like you were insane, and you could tell he was frustrated. His voice was strong, not as charismatic as you were used to hearing over the course of filming.
“Hey? You’ve been ignoring us all day long,” Johnny said shortly, making a ping of guilt hit you in your chest. You looked back up at him slowly, trying not to show a speck of your feelings.
“I haven’t been able to find my phone, I think I left it at the filming spot yesterday,” you lied through your teeth, leaning against the door frame. Continuing to stare at him, both of you observing one another for a second. Making your chest tighten from his gaze, nervousness suddenly hitting you as the reality of the situation set in. Your gaze shifting to look down the hallway of the floor you were staying on.
“Okay, so why didn’t you show up today?” He questioned, still not removing his eyes from your face, trying to find an answer for your actions.
“Just didn’t feel up to it…I guess,” you muttered, with a small shrug. Not knowing what else to say without spilling out everything you had just been moping over. Johnny noticed your half-assed responses quickly, furrowing his eyebrows slightly out of irritation. Your heart pounding rapidly in your chest. He moved his hand in front of your face, making you look back up at him.
���Is something going on?” He asked, and even though you could tell he was upset, you could see the concern on his face. It was just like him, always there to help the people around him. Being the friend that just wanted the best for people around him.
“No, nothing to be concerned about. It's just been one of those days, you know?” you said, trying to get the conversation to end quicker. Not wanting to see him anymore, knowing you were already going to have to suck it up for the next day of filming with him.
“Yeah…” he said lowly, a skeptical tone in his voice. His eyes narrowed as he stared you down, sizing you up. You looked away again, moving from your spot against the doorframe, placing a hand on the door. Johnny gets the hint and stands up straight after a few more seconds of staring. “Well we were gonna go to a bar…did you want to come?” he asked slowly, making you let out a sigh.
You acted as if you were thinking about it for a few seconds, your fingers tapping against the door. “I think I’ll pass for tonight” you sighed, slightly closing the door. Trying to get Johnny to catch on that the conversation was over.
“I'll see you tomorrow?” He asked with a hopeful tone, putting his hands in his pockets.
“Yeah for sure Johnny. See you tomorrow,” you muttered dryly before closing the door completely. Standing by the door for a few seconds to think about the short-lived conversation. Trying not to overthink the short responses you had mustered up. Maybe it was overdramatic for you to be acting like this, but it was better to be short than to ruin the relationship you already have.
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dangerous-mess · 3 years
Holiday Troubles
Characters: Aizawa, trans male reader
Contains: Unsupportive family, transphobia, homophobia, misgendering, mentions of a deadname (D/N), mentions of religion and praying, mentions of dysphoria, angst, hurt/comfort, angst with fluff ending. This was written mainly as a comfort fic during the winter holidays but wanted to post this here (originally posted on AO3). Please read with caution as this content may be triggering for some
Word Count: 2K+ 
The holidays were always rough for you, being not only gay but transgender as well. There were the off-putting tension and feelings every time you walked in the room, and the side glances and judgemental glares that were shot your way if you were even caught wearing something feminine and not masculine. Mostly from your parents and family, feeling the obligation that you had to follow gender norms in the hope to not only pass but to be taken seriously in your own identity.
The holidays got a little easier once you married your now husband. He made visiting your family a bit easier and made the holidays in general, more enjoyable for you. This year, unfortunately, he had meetings and a nightly patrol that he couldn’t get out of, so you were left to go to the Christmas family gathering by yourself.
The day came, and needless to say, you were a nervous mess. You dressed up in a suit, something masculine of course to appease your family and keep those comments at bay. Though, you knew you weren’t in the clear as there was still a high chance of being deadnamed and misgendered by family who were unsupportive or others who just didn’t try. Your husband, Shouta, let you know before he left early that morning that if you needed anything at all to give him or Hizashi a call and they would come and get you in a heartbeat. He said Hizashi, just in case he couldn’t be reached, which was fine with you, Hizashi had become a close friend to you.
You arrived at your parent's house a little later than they asked, just cause you were nervous and needed more time to prepare for this evening. You knocked on the front door, adjusting your suit as you waited for someone to open the door, only to be greeted by one of your younger siblings. They gave you a big hug, before dragging you inside where you were greeted by family. Your grandmother was the first to deadname you. She called out as you talked to your uncle, a devious smile on her face as the name rolled off her tongue. You cringed hearing it and so badly wanted to correct her, but if your mother caught wind that you did, who knows what drama may pursue. You endured the conversation with her, as she made sure to drop in your deadname every chance she could get.
“Honestly D/N, you really should stop playing dress up and realize that you are a girl. Your husband would be so much happier to have a wife who knows her place and not some confused girl.”
You took a deep breath and bid your goodbyes to your grandmother as you went to find someone else to talk to. Eventually, dinner was called, and you all gathered around and your grandfather said a prayer. You looked down at your feet the entire time, not really wanting to participate in the prayer. Soon it wrapped up and a line formed into the kitchen to get food. After everyone got food, everyone gathered around and talked, telling stories of things that happened within the past year in their lives, as well as asking questions to others to get the latest scoop. You just decided to eat silently, trying to not participate in the gossip fest happening before you.
“So Y/N, how are you and your husband doing?” Your dad asked before he took a sip of a beer. You held up your pointer finger, signaling that you needed a moment as your finished chewing food before you smiled and spoke.
“Oh, we are doing well! He sends his deepest apologies that he couldn’t make it, hero duties called.” You smiled, taking a quick glance around the room. Some whispers were exchanged, knowing it was about you and Shouta. It was clear that besides your family not supporting your identity, they also did not support your marriage to a hero. Especially a hero who was supportive of you and your identity.
“Honestly, how she manages to keep such a hero man, is insane. Like who would wanna marry some confused lesbian?” One of your aunts spoke out. You gripped your glass tightly, biting your tongue, not wanting to start any issues.
Other family members chimed in to add on to your aunt's comment and soon it became too much. You quickly excused yourself and went to the bathroom farthest away from your family. You pulled out your phone and texted your husband. You told him that you needed him or Hizashi or someone to come to pick you up, as you originally walked, as it was nice earlier prior to the sun setting. You quickly got a reply, saying your husband was on his way, and that he was getting someone to cover the rest of his patrol. You felt a bit bad to interrupt and have him leave his patrol, but god you just needed him right now more than anything.
You hid amongst the rooms as you waited for Shouta to send you a message or signal that he was here. Your mom called out your name, walking down the hall looking for you. The smile on her face dropped as she saw you and grabbed your arm.
“Come on Y/N, we are about to exchange gifts. Stop trying to hide and be nice and spend time with your family. It took a lot of work and effort to get everyone here, like your grandparents who haven’t seen you in ages.” Your mom aggressively whispered at you, as she pulled you towards the living room. You stayed silently, hoping that your husband would be here soon.
Your mom let you go and pointed to a chair near the tree. You sat down and were handed some gifts. You slowly opened them, trying not to draw attention to yourself. The first gift was in a gift bag, and opening it exposed a colorful piece of clothing. You pulled it out and it was a sundress. Although you didn’t mind breaking gender norms, dresses were never your thing, they held too many bad memories and made you dysphoric. You frowned, not having the energy to fake a smile. You felt your mind start to spiral before a voice pulled you out.
“Oh, D/N do you not like it. I made sure to even get the right size and everything. I thought you could put that on and surprise your husband when you go home. Imagine how he would react to see his wife, finally coming to terms with herself.” Your grandmother called out, staring at you the entire time. You went to open your mouth when another voice spoke up.
“Actually, I think my husband looks handsome and perfect just the way he is in the suit he is wearing, but thank you. Maybe we can save the dress and give it to one of my students, I know one of them would get much better use of it.” Shouta’s voice boomed out, making a hush fall across the room. You never heard the front door open, but then again Shouta was very good at staying silent. You looked at your husband, feeling all your emotions and feelings starting to rise to the surface. You caught a dirty look your mother gave you as you stood up and made your way over to Shouta.
He held out his hand as you got closer and held it tightly, quickly bidding goodbye for you both as he quickly led you outside to the car that was waiting outside and still running. “I had Hizashi drive me over, hope that’s okay.” You just nodded at him, not letting go of his hand until you got into the car. As soon as you and Shouta were in the car, Hizashi sped off.
“Heya listener, how did it go?” Hizashi asked out, peeking into the mirror looking back at you.
“I lasted longer than last year, so that’s a new record at least.” You joked, trying not to cry. At least not now, you had to make it until you were home and in bed, with your husband holding you close.
Hizashi talked most of the ride home, while Shouta kept glancing back at you. You tried to listen to what was being said, but you couldn’t focus, so you just looked out the window, slightly dozing off. You woke up to the feeling of being carried, your eyes adjusted as you saw Shouta was carrying you into the house and to the bedroom. On any other occasion, if he was carrying you like this you were bound to tease or crack a joke or something, but in this moment you just stayed in his arms, gripping onto him tightly. Once you both got to the bedroom, he helped you undress and slip on something comfy. After he finished helping you, he quickly changed and climbed into bed, pulling you close to him and holding you tightly.
For a while, you just laid there in his arms, fighting back the urge to scream and cry. Though, after he comforted you and let you know it was okay to be upset and that you could let it all out. In which you did, you sobbed in his chest for what felt like hours. You screamed and sobbed and let out all the feelings you bottled up for the few hours you were at the family gathering. Eventually, you ran out of tears to cry and were only left with your own thoughts. You were overthinking, mostly dwelling on the words your family spoke out to you this evening, and couldn’t help but question if it was true.
“Sho...I’ve got to ask you something, kind of important.” You gently pushed away and sat up in the bed, looking at him. He stared at you, and nodded, letting you know it was okay to continue on. You took a deep breath and went for it, “Am I enough for you? I brought a lot of baggage and trouble into our relationship and I know it can’t be easy for you dating me, specifically with the backlash and comments that get made by my family and others about me transitioning and just. If you were with anyone else, I feel like you won’t get all this drama and I’m sorry I’ve brought so much of it onto you Shouta.”
You watched as his facial expression changed and you quickly looked away, finding interest in anything that wasn’t his face, afraid of what his reaction not only meant but the words that were about to follow. “Y/N, please look at me.” You slowly looked up and he placed a hand on your cheek. “I love you Y/N. I love you for you, you are my husband and I won’t want anyone else besides me. You are more than enough for me. And we both have a lot of baggage but that doesn’t change my feelings for you, we can work through it all together. I meant what I said in my vows and at our wedding and I still stand by it. Forever and always.”
You fiddled with your fingers before speaking up, “I love you Shouta so much, I’m just afraid one day I won’t be enough, cause as silly as it is, I don’t feel masculine or manly enough, that you’ll find more of a ‘real’ man one day and just leave me behind.” Tears filled your eyes and you looked down, just wanting to hide under the blankets.
“Y/N Aizawa, you are absolutely masculine and manly enough. I will never find anyone else or more a man than you. You are all I want, and all I need. I love you so much, don’t ever doubt my love for you, cause it is never-ending sweetheart.” Shouta spoke out, lifting your head up and placing a small kiss on your forehead before pulling you into his arms, holding you close. You just stayed there close, as Shouta whispered sweet nothings into your ear as you drifted off to sleep.
Shouta always made the holidays more bearable, but he also made life in general easier. He made waking up a little easier and helped with your hectic thoughts to calm you down. He truly was the love of your life and the best you could ever ask for. You couldn’t have gotten any luckier to have a husband as sweet and perfect as you. He may not be the number one hero to the rest of the world, but in your eyes and his heart, he was, he was your number one hero.
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