#We are groot
maximonster · 1 year
I can't even explain how much I loved Vol 3. I literally can't because I'm too occupied with crying over it.
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trashpandaorigins · 1 year
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guardingthegalaxy · 1 month
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Okay, guys. I wanna know what everyone's favourite scenes are?
For me, it has to be where they're in the space suits on the way to break into OrgoCorp.
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It's just such a good scene, I loved it so much that I didn't hesitate to make a silly lil edit of it. It's the music, and Mantis getting carried away in zero gravity. I don't know, I just love everything about that scene in particular.
This movie was a seriously emotional one that I really wasn't ready for. As much as it didn't end how I would have liked, it was still a nice send off to this version of the Guardians. We spent 10 years with them in the MCU and it's still sad to see them go. They've been my life for so long and I'm still refusing to let go 🥲
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frogmaster · 1 year
After Guardian fo the Galaxy 3 tell zoo workers not to worry if they see people crying in front of racoons, rabbits, otters, and walrus
Yeah, im people.
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cardinalcheerio · 1 year
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 spoilers
- I knew Rockets backstory and knew it was gonna break my heart to see. But my god did that make me sob. Like Marvel took it too an extreme level (as they should) and it was just amazing. Like, i wouldn't have it another way story wise, but it still hurt to watch.
- I feel like taking rocket out of most the movie honestly kinda hurt the relationships and humor of the crew. Obviously it was crucial to the plot and it was the right decision, but it felt like they were missing something. I think they realized and that's why they gave Nebula a bigger part, taking over rockets and her own jokes and jobs/skillsets.
- nebula was incredible. That's it.
- I think this movie gave the ability for more characters to grow rather than just Peter. (Rocket got a backstory) (mantis got a personality. And explored more of her character) (nebula got to be her own character rather than gamoras sister) (drax got to show his soft side and explain why he is important to the team) (Gamora got to grow outside of a relationship) (groot was understood more and the separation between him and gotcv1 groot was apparent)
- also cant tell you how much I adore cosmo
- Adam warlock not rhyming kinda bothered me. Bit be definately made up for it in his childish behavior. I thought it was hilarious and kinda fitting)
- the soundtrack was also good, not as good as the other 2, but good
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artemis-image · 1 year
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Mantis!! I love her :)
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jessfandrawer · 11 months
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Come and Get Your Hug #4: Groot Timelapse playlist (videos are posted on Mondays and/or Thursdays):
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kierancaz · 10 months
So I’m watching guardians of the galaxy 3 finally and Quills in character trauma dumping working as an exposition dump for the audience is so silly to me
Also someone comment on this around Christmas time so I can remember to get my dad a Groot funko pop and plushy and something to stand in his car.
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jeremyfuscaldo · 1 year
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It gives me great pleasure to finally unveil my Guardians Of The Galaxy and Suicide Squad tribute illustration that I have been wanting to do for a long time.
I call it: We Are Groot.
Thank you, James Gunn!
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lady-murderess · 2 years
the guardians of the galaxy vol 3 trailer literally has me in tears... I've waited so fucking long for this... just to see my comfort characters back on the big screen... and what makes it better is that they put gamora in the trailer too... my girl 🥹
honest to fucking god they're all gonna be killed off and I'm not fucking ready for that.
I just want them to be happy.
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satanzayoru25341 · 6 months
It Means Another Whole Year of Boating School (GOTG Version)
I just wanna make this, but with a Spongebob audio because why not
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hikikomorialice · 23 days
This is a semi-Loki merch post.
Funko is releasing a bunch of Groot cosplaying as other Marvel characters in the 'We Are Groot' set, Celebrating 85 Years of Marvel', and one is of Loki.
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There are 6 total, set for a July release in the US and up for PO on Entertainment Earth.
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They're pretty cute, tbh.
I'm 50/50 on getting the Loki one , but the Wolverine one has me sold - look at the wittle tough guy~
(Side note: I also collect Wolverine Pop!s, he was my og Marvel obsession)
There are 2 more, Funko exclusive, Avenger-Groots - Dr Strange and Black Panther
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caw4brandon · 1 year
Found Families and Why We Love Them
Dominic Toretto once said "I don’t have friends, I got family" with that in mind, that will be our intro for today! Although we find that iconic line cheesy as cheese, the audience loves a great found-family setup.
Something about how a bunch of misfits and inconsiderate douchebags developing to be a family of their own in spite of their quirkiness and tragic backgrounds makes us love them more than the typical and already functional groups. Like most families, there is the father, the mother, and the child. The rest is kind of subjective.
I've talked a little bit about actual families via [The Addams Family] but I think Found Families are a different breed. Let's discuss that and explain why we love them so much~
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- Crows Never Forget -
While conversing with a friend I've met on Tumblr. My friend suggested that I should watch the show < Shadow and Bone > based on the Grisha Trilogy by [Leigh Bardugo] The story mainly follows Alina Starkov who lives in a world divided by the haunting dark cloud placed at the center of the three counties known as; The Fold.
Aside from the main plot you can already guess if you know enough fiction. The show features a merry band of dangerous outcasts. The Six of Crows from Ketterdam. Led by the cunning leader; Kaz "Dirty Hands" Brekker.
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The team is supported by, Inej Ghafa The Assassin, Nina Zenik The Heartrender, Jesper Fahey The Sharpshooter, Matthias Helvar The Convict, and Wylan Van Eck The Runaway. Like every group that shares this type of beat. The teammates do not trust one another and are only united for the cause.
This will develop as the series goes on and their trust will change from strangers to allies to family beneath the backdrop of a sinfully cut-throat and exciting city. While the series only showed Five of the Six so far. I've grown very quickly to love this group for their chemistry and their respective motivations to stay as a team.
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What's so interesting to watch is, despite how typical this trope is. I still couldn't keep my eyes off this concept. It's so much fun to see the Six interact even though for now, it's just Kaz, Inej, and Jesper (also, The Goat; Milo) planning a heist to kidnap our heroine. On the other end of the world, we learn about Matthias and Nina. The Convict and The Witch (Matthias's words, not mine)
Dysfunctional groups like these feel very human. They don't act like they care for the world or for one another but instead, grow in the process.
Similarly, another dysfunctional group called < The Guardians of The Galaxy > shares the same vibes as the Six. Their talent is great but it's their destructive tendencies or personal vendettas that make them less like heroes. Rather, they are people who just so happened to be doing heroics.
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- Where is your Supervisor? -
Part of the trick in making fun found families is the will to condense the group down to about four or three characters. In most Shonen manga/ anime, the main character (eg, Naruto) is often supported by a lancer character (eg, Sasuke) and the heart (eg, Sakura) There is also the mentor/senior (eg, Kakashi) and it will always be these four. Other examples like Harry (Potter) and Co are good samples of the main trio with a mentor (Hagrid).
It's rare that we find trios with no mentor figure. Such is the case of another show I recently watched, < Lockwood and Co > based on the book series by [Jonathan Stroud] For a quick summary, Lockwood is set in London with one big exception. The city/ world at large is haunted by lethal ghosts (AKA The Problem) and only kids can sense them. Therefore, fight them.
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The main cast consists of Anthony Lockwood, the cool and fearless badass gentleman who is strongest with Sight. George Karim, an all-rounder but a highly talented Researcher. Finally, our main character, Lucy Carlyle. An incredibly talented girl who's the most gifted with Hearing and Touch. Unlike the other agencies which are by the book and led by a Supervisor (an adult). Lockwood is purely independent but is unfortunately small and always in trouble with the law due to their incredibly dangerous methods.
Still, they are the best at what they do. Hunting ghosts while solving the bigger mystery behind The Problem. Despite their terrible coordination, the team has proven themselves to be better and far more personal with the cases they crack. Making it less like a job.
They are reminders that less is better. The cast plays the role of Hero, Lancer, and Heart very well and their chemistry is great and funny. Anthony and Lucy will sometimes bud heads, George will do his own thing making two of his partners incredibly proud and, you might see some tender/real moments between them.
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Lockwood also removes the typical hero's journey of losing a mentor figure and instead makes the characters each other's mentors. The team relies on one other with their lives to survive every mission and navigate through life as a whole.
It felt more organic for them to grow together because there's a sense for when an adult shares a piece of advice (no matter how good it is) feels very smug and dull. The characters feel like actual teens because the setting for the agency sounds like something actual teens will do. Break the rules and do right for the fun or for some deep-rooted conspiracy that the world has yet to know.
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- You Chose The Wrong Side! -
From the dysfunctional groups like the Six or the Guardians to the power of Three. There is one other interesting layer to the Found Family troupe. The Disbanded Found Family.
While most stories tell of how the team came to be, rare stories tell of how they split off and are no longer on speaking terms. For a while, The MCU's Avengers were at war with one another during < Captain America; Civil War > With Steve Rogers and Tony Stark budding heads harshly over the Sokovia Accords.
Seeing a well-rounded team break up is difficult for the characters and the audience because. For all the disagreements they had with one another, they've developed along the way to be close like a family. Seeing them split is like watching a divorce happening on screen and it's heartbreaking and sometimes a little bit awesome because you've got the best of the best competing to declare their superiority.
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Perhaps one of the best examples I have seen is through < Kuroko No Baskue > where our main character; Tetsuya Kuroko entered High School and vowed to defeat/ beat some sense to his Former Junior High School Basketball Team with his newfound team; Seirin High
Kuroko's former team is famously known as The Generation of Miracles; an elite team of young talents that excel on the court, thus making them prodigies of their generation.
The Miracles consist of; Daiki Aomine (The Power Forward Beast), Shintarō Midorima (The Star Shooter), Atsushi Murasakibara (The Ultimate Center), Seijūrō Akashi (The Emperor's Eye) and Ryōta Kise (The Perfect Copycat) From the little we have seen, the team is passionate about the sport they play and they share a very brotherly relationship with one another.
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As the series develops, we learn more about their personal relationships with Kuroko and with each other. We see the infighting between them and we learn about how their respective egos build. We learn about their vow during graduation and we get to see them reunited once again.
The series as a whole function in two ways. Kuroko develops new relationships with his new team and Kuroko confronts his old team to mend their relationship. It tackles the dysfunctional team setup at its lowest state and rekindles the flame for the respective parties to be healed. Also, it's really cool to see such a colorful cast together.
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- I Didn't Pick The Damn Team! -
With that said, it's a wonder for why Found Families are a timeless troupe no matter the settings. But, like how Amanda Waller sets up Task Force X/ The Suicide Squad. Sometimes it's not by choice and it always starts out bumpy.
What I find fun in teams like the ones mentioned is that they share a common language in spite of their unique flavors. The teams are built on trust, a common goal, and the willingness to open up. For all the gimmicks, the core values stay the same.
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We, the audience love a good Found Family because in an indirect way. We wanted a group like that. We longed to have a group that we can call family but, the reality of it all is. It's really up to how the characters interact with one another.
Every circle is different and no matter the status or the seasons. All are maintained by the will to reach out. It's something I hope to use for my own team in the process. To have [Them be there for you, Cause you're there for Them too]
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Thanks for reading
- Caw4B -
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msv3rss · 1 year
This is how I was after watching Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3, one of the best movies Marvel ever made
I loved the whole movie
I will miss the guardians so much, they will always be in my heart ❤️‍🩹
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wisefoxluminary · 1 year
Groolock (Groot x Adam Warlock) dating headcanons
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Adam's life is indebted to Groot. He sees the good in him and believes he deserves a second chance. Adam considers Groot his savior and would do anything for him. He will never leave the tree's side.
They spent every hour of everyday together. Groot introduced the Warlock to the true meaning of family by giving him a home with the Guardians.
Groot is the first person Adam has ever fallen in love with. As he has the mind of a child in an adult's body, he doesn't understand the meaning of love and gets flustered wherever he has to talk about his feelings. Groot is the first person who has shown Adam kindness and generosity.
Groot is a joyful ball of energy who brings out the best in Adam. He is lovesick with the godly figure and will do anything to protect him. When Adam is in danger, Groot will lose it and will do anything to get back to him.
Groot started developing feelings for him first. He is very nervous about romance as he doesn't have any experience due to his duties as a guardian. He would pluck up the courage to confess first. Adam would reciprocate his feelings soon after.
Groot teaches Adam about the importance of love and family. He showed him the power of music and how it connects lost souls together. He dances to the music in the hopes of getting Adam on his feet. It works every time. They both dream of seeing the world together.
Adam struggles to resist Groot's charm. When he starts dancing, Adam will follow.
As they grew closer, many of their teammates knew of their feelings as they were just waiting for one of them to confess. Rocket serves as the matchmaker for the couple, doing everything he can to bring them closer together. Their biggest fangirl is Phylla, who is the closest thing Adam has to a sister.
They both take turns caring for Adam's pet Blurrg. The creature enjoys Groot's company because he gives them belly rubs. They like to walk him together.
Adam can understand Groot's language really well.
Groot loves it when Adam smiles. He does everything he can to make his boyfriend smile.
They like watching Disney movies together. Their all time favourite is Aladdin.
Adam helps Groot sustain agriculture in Knowhere. They like growing plants together like flowers and trees.
Groot tends to give Adam the biggest hugs. He just consumes the god in his strong arms, radiating warmth.
When Adam has nightmares about his mother's death, Groot will let fireflies come out of hands (like he did in gotg1) to give him comfort. As they light up the whole room and relax Adam's mind, Groot and Adam will drift off to sleep in each other's arms.
During missions with the Guardians of the Galaxy, Groot and Adam tend to flirt during battle as a way of keeping their love alive. Rocket finds it distracting and demands for them to get a room. Groot learned how to flirt from observing Peter Quill when he spent time with Gamora.
After a long day, Groot in his king size, will carry Adam on his shoulder as they both admire the sunset together. They like to hold each other for hours after this and converse non stop.
Groot is scared of hurting Adam as his body is made up of wood and splinters, but the god reassures him that size does not matter.
Groot is the big spoon of the relationship due to his fierce protection over Adam. Adam is the little spoon, the one who is always cared for by his floral colossus.
Groot likes to slow dance with Adam to romantic ballads. It brings them closer together. He likes to gently whisper in his ear - "We are Groot". Which to Adam means - I love you.
I'm going to do Roquill (Rocket Raccoon x Peter Quill) headcanons. I may try to do individual characters as well.
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puertogeekn · 1 year
I have officially cried at all 3 guardians of the galaxy movies
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