#Why are gay men trying to kill women and girls
hexados-on-a-string · 2 years
I JUST FUCKIN REALIZED ITS FEBRUARY. FEMSLASH FEBRUARY. bakugan sapphics i have failed you... i will make content to feed myself (a lesbian) tomorrow maybe...
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doberbutts · 2 years
The thing is that, like most trans men I know, I’m more than willing to discuss my relationship with male privilege and manhood regarding the ways I’ve seen a direct benefit on my life.
I work a woman-dominated, and let’s be real an afab-dominated, job. When a known misogynist client- who has been scolded multiple times for his behavior heckles and hassles the women who work there to the point where multiple coworkers refuse to be in the same room as him- glances at me and then looks away and chooses a different target, I know why. It’s because he saw my beard and my moustache and my generally male appearance and decided that it would be far too gay to engage in that behavior with me.
But if I talk about this relationship, then you also need to listen when I say that exact same client treated me exactly the same way he treats the female staff when I was on the phone with him just a week prior, because he heard my voice and decided for me that I was a woman he was going to treat poorly.
If I talk about this relationship, then you need to listen when I say that people have called the police to report a violent black man was threatening them when all I was doing was existing in an area, an area that I have existed in as a black woman and not had people try to get the police to kill me.
If I talk about this relationship, then you need to listen when I say that I experienced terrible antiblack racism as a direct result of being one of three black girls in my entire school system, and that it did not magically get better the moment I realized I was transgender at 13 nor did the misogynistic part of the abuse suddenly stop affecting me or my mental health.
If I talk about this relationship, you need to listen when I say that being pulled over by the police due to a broken headlight takes a very different tone now that I am largely passing in my day-to-day life, and what used to be “let off with a warning” has now become “tickets and points”.
And if you are not ready to listen, then I am not willing to have this discussion, because by focusing only on one part of the equation you ignore the entire rest of my existence.
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stench-core · 1 month
I find it a bit strange how it's okay and normal to say trans men have 'afab privilege' but if you say trans women have 'amab privilege', that's bad and wrong and incorrect and also maybe you should kill yourself. strange stuff
somehow trans men were 'socialised female' and therefore can 'get away with being women' but trans women were not 'socialised male' and can't 'get away with being men' cos there's something inherently feminine, inherently queer about them.
though, i spent my whole life being called gay, getting asked if i was a butch lesbian, getting asked if i was a tranny, cos i wore pants [girls!] instead of skirts, cos i wore shirts [girls!] instead of blouses, cos i wouldn't wear dresses and would prefer [girls!] formal wear that weren't dresses, cos i liked bionicle instead of dolls, cos i played video games, cos i swore, cos i liked heavier music, cos my favourite colour wasn't pink, cos i wore caps. i would not say i fit into girlhood at all, actually.
but this masculinity was inherent to me, it still is, i couldn't and can not change it (despite trying, very hard, to my detriment) so i ALWAYS stuck out as being 'too masculine' for other girls. and then i come into queer spaces and i'm 'too masculine' for other queer people - but that's besides the point, currently.
so, currently, when i see people say 'trans women aren't "socialised male," that's not real, they always stick out as "other"' and then turn around and say 'trans men have afab privilege, they can be women to get away with things, they fit into girlhood so well' I can't help but become incredibly fucking frustrated. this is not true and actually it's something we have in common! neither of us were socialised 'correctly' cos we're both trans and raised amongst peers who were not trans!
everything from masculine girls to trans men do not fit into 'girlhood' cos masculinity is not what girlhood is meant to be. this shouldn't be hard to grasp. this is why the 'socialised' concept is bullshit cos it's founded on whatever was forced upon you as a kid and if you don't fit that standard you will not be socialised that way due to, in large part, being fucking ostracised from everyone else. and that doesn't mean there won't be things to unlearn, i know very many trans men who were very feminine for a long time and the opposite for trans women, but someone who clearly cannot fit what's being pushed onto them is going to come off as 'strange' and 'uncanny' to the people who can fit into what's pushed onto them.
but the way people talk about this really highlights to me that yous don't want to consider us trans in the first place - transness is for trans women and not for trans men, socialisation concepts are fake when it comes to trans women but real when it comes to trans men cos they're not really trans, 'amab privilege' would get you branded a TERF or radfem saying it to a trans woman but it's fine to say trans men, trans men have 'afab privilege' cos we're not trans, we're just women. you know until we get a little too rowdy and then we're not trans, we're just men.
maybe i'm just jaded and bitter. idk
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victimsofyaoipoll · 11 months
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Propaganda Under Cut
Sakura Haruno
Her husband is gay and her author doesn't know how to write women. So many people say she's the worst but she. DESERVES. BETTER!!! Save her from this franchise.
My baby girl my bestie my best friend. She committed the crime of um being written by kishimoto who both doesn’t know how to write women and somehow writes men in the gayest way possible specifically naruto and sasuke. Like the thing is naruto and sasuke ARE gay and also she gets so much hate for the crime of kishimoto writing her one dimensionally in love with sasuke. I know her personally she is a butch lesbian to me just trust me she’s in love with Ino and has a lesbian thing going on with Karin okay just trust me. My everything. She needs to divorce the loveless lavender marriage she’s in 
What is there to say, even? The OG Threat to my 90s anime brain, the only woman I've ever hated with such a passion she made me turn away from the color pink. I used to write fics with my friend where she got left behind on purpose so our OCs could join the Naruto and Sasuke team instead. I loathed this bitch until I was 16 and realized the author simply couldnt write women and decided it was time to make peace with Sakura. It is not her fault she's vaguely written and obsessive over Sasuke. She deserves better. Sasuke and Naruto still should be together and Sakura shouldnt be with Sasuke but I no longer believe this because I hate Sakura, it is because I love her. She deserves a spouse who will actually put in the time to treat her like the hero she is.
Misa Amane
she gets treated in-canon the way fandoms treat female characters that Threaten an m/m ship. it's like, "oh why don't you go sit in the corner and be pretty, misa, while the Men have intelligent conversation and pretend they aren't ten seconds from fucking each other, doesn't that sound nice?" it's infuriating. and MAYBE it's better now but i remember her getting treated the same way in fanfiction too, like we all need to do just as badly by our female secondary characters as fucking tsugumi ohba, but with the added insult of making her be alternately oblivious of the relationship between light and L or actively trying to sabotage it—incompetently, of course, because god forbid misa be allowed dignity or moments of cleverness.
she's one of the first characters I think of when I consider old school fandom misogyny. The annoying bitch and clingy crazy gf allegations were AFTER HER ASS. She's also a lot more intelligent than people gave her credit for, but most seem inclined to take the Very Biased word of our unreliable, narcissistic narrator and his homoerotic arch nemesis and claim that just because she's bubbly and into romance that she's also a complete moron. Which is blatantly untrue. Everyone was afraid of Misa girlbossing too hard. Killing people and devoting yourself to the deranged twink of your dreams even though you know he'll never love you back??? Having a hardcore goth aesthetic and being so Hot even literal Death Gods are into you?? God forbid women do ANYTHING!
Not only is she the victim of yaoi culture, she is the victim of early 2000s misogyny by an author that wanted to introduce a girl character because he knew his male rivals were getting too homoerotic. She is a goth bimbo icon who portrays what I think is one of the few callouts for stan culture and what parasocial relationships can do to both the stan and the idol. The fact that she is a toxic fan of Kira and also hot, funny, sociable is tragic in its own way, which I think the author did try to touch on but was too misogynistic too really get through. Of course, she was reduced to villain status by the fandom and anime alike because she got in the way of the supposed romance in their psychological horror anime
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leahkentwriter · 21 days
Backstories for girls and women in stories that *don't* involve sexual assault.
I beta read a lot, and am involved in writing communities of various kinds, and I briefly taught English way back in the day, and I consume storytelling media in general - and one of my biggest pet peeves is sexual assault backstories. While I think this is improving, it's still annoying to me that a lot of writers (of all genders, but particularly men) fall back on a sexual assault backstory whenever they need to make a girl or woman in a story complicated or haunted or fucked up in some way.
Unless your story is dealing with the topic of sexual assault in some way, please don't use it as a way to give a character depth or angst.
Here are some prompts, just to get you started with some ideas.
Why would a woman be trying to escape her past? Why would she be seeking a fresh start?
She hated her small town; the people there didn't understand her and she never felt like she fit in - she's queer, she has a weird birthmark, she's got unique interests, she has magical powers, etc.
She's a criminal - she robbed banks or stole cars and she wanted a fresh start
She was an addict and hurt people, and she wants a fresh start now that she's sober
Her parent is a criminal or an addict and she's trying to outrun the stigma of being related to them
She didn't get along with a stepparent and skipped town as soon as she turned 18
She had big dreams of being something else, and left to pursue them
Her childhood home was haunted, but no one believed her
She got married young then divorced, and wants to start over somewhere that no one knows her
Heartbreak of any variety - she's leaving a place that reminds her too much of someone she lost or couldn't have
She wants better; maybe more money, or a career, or simply a higher quality of life
Some other violent tragedy occurred - a school shooting, an explosion at the plant, police brutality, her best friend was killed, etc.
Her hometown no longer exists (climate change, the main factory shut down, it was overrun by rabid squirrels, etc.)
What would make a woman distrustful of others?
Heartbreak; being lied to, cheated on, left for her best friend, etc.
A big betrayal - her former best friend told everyone a secret about her, someone weaponized her trauma or her past or a major flaw she's sensitive about, etc.
She witnessed a traumatizing event as a child
Her mother was a grifter and used her as part of her scams
One parent cheated on the other and broke up the family
Her older brother isn't dead after all, he was disowned for being gay and now she's questioning everything her parents ever told her
She has problems with her memory, and is never quite sure what the truth is
She's bad at reading people and has been taken advantage of
She finds out a dark secret about someone she loves and is having trouble processing it
She gradually comes to see that someone she idealized as a child is not at all what they seem
Someone she thought was a good, kind, and genuine person is arrested for a terrible crime
Spiritual abuse - the worldview she was taught was right turns out to be exploitative, represses women, etc., so she leaves
What would cause a woman to have mental health issues?
Any form of abuse - doesn't have to be sexual
Her parents had really high expectations that she couldn't live up to
It simply runs in the family
Survivor's guilt - she survived something that someone else did not
She was bullied and no one protected her
Her parents were very controlling and destroyed her confidence
Her sibling was the golden child and she was the scapegoat
She's had issues since childhood but her parents refused to admit there was anything wrong with her, so she didn't get help
Being a part of any oppressed group of people who experience discrimination - she's a person of color, she's an immigrant, she's got a disability, she's queer, etc.
Any major trauma, either witnessed or being a part of - weather events and natural disasters, infrastructure collapse, crashes and accidents, fires, a shooting or a murder, etc.
You're a writer - get creative. There are lots of ways to traumatize and haunt a girl/woman character without having to resort to a sexual assault backstory. You can even make her the problem! Maybe she's the one who did something bad and is trying to outrun the guilt.
Let's also let go of the idea that it's meeting and falling in love with a man that saves her from her trauma. Let her have a healing arc that doesn't involve a man - a love story can still be there, but it can't be the magic healing balm that fixes her. Make her have to save herself. Give her autonomy to both make her own mistakes, and improve her own situation. Don't let your man go into savior mode - let him get frustrated with her. Let her push him away without him clinging to her in a desperate bid to show her what unconditional love is. Don't let him be a martyr to her trauma.
Women are complicated for many reasons. We have trauma for many reasons. We have mental health issues for many reasons. We may want to escape our past for many reasons. We're angsty and weird for many reasons.
Please pick literally anything other than sexual assault.
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momxijinping · 12 days
GIRLS YOU CAN HIT (original .pdf)
In a nine-day period between June 25 and July 3, six Black trans women - Brayla Stone, Merci Mack, Shaki Peters, Draya McCarty, and Tatiana Hall - were found murdered. The news barely made a ripple; Black trans women and trans women of color are murdered regularly - and no one is shocked, because the gender class structure is operating as usual. Liberal-individualist analysis claims that this is simply the result of amorphous personal "prejudices" -- that individual men, fearful of the unknown or afraid of change, attack trans women for personal reasons.
This is both idealist and ahistorical, a comforting fantasy that naturalizes and atomizes the oppression of trans women as a class and protects the underlying gender class structure of the empire.
In fact, reactionaries make trans women a primary target. ICE imprisons trans women in special separate concentration camps under under even worse conditions than cisgender men and women, and during protests, police subject captured trans women for especially brutal treatment. On July 25, a group of pro-police protesters outside Pittsburgh switched their chant from “all lives matter" to "kill transgenders" and "kill faggots." State power and reactionary elements target trans women specifically - but why? Because the oppression of trans women as a class is critical to the gender class structure of the empire, and by centering the oppression of trans women in our material feminist analysis, we can understand that class structure much more clearly.
Fundamentally, the gender class structure is built on the domination of white men over women; white women constitute a subordinated but privileged class under the control ("protection") of white men, and reactionary white manhood is ultimately defined in terms of control of women.
Trans women, nonbinary transfeminine people, and feminine gay cisgender men are treated as a gender underclass. Structurally, they are "girls you can hit." They are also subject to substantial sexual violence in the form of sexual assault and rape. Cisgender women from oppressed and colonized nations are treated more like "girls you can hit" if they are less acceptable as potential members of the "protected" class of potential wives and mothers.
Thus, Black and Indigenous women are treated disposably as "girls you can hit." Likewise, sex workers, who are seen as disqualified from the "protected" class of women, are "girls you can hit." The further they are from the "protected" class of women, the more disposable they are, and they are treated more and more like trans women. This develops intersectionally as well; Black trans women are often accused of sex work to justify violent treatment, and Black trans women sex workers are murdered casually.
This dynamic arises in childhood, where they are an acceptable target for violence and covert sex ("practice girls") by boys trying to enact their manhood. Men can gain status and an identity as controllers of women by hurting “girls you can hit." They "protect" (white, cis) women in the same way that the police "protect" communities: by enacting violence on the underclass, they gain control over the "respectable" class of women.
The threat to the women they control is supposed to be implicit, not enacted: "Serve me faithfully and you will never be hurt the way | hurt those sissies in middle school." But the opposite side of the coin is that any "protected" woman who refuses to comply in a serious and sustained way can be threatened with degradation to the underclass.
They get to not be treated like trans women, sex workers, and other "girls you can hit." Their respectable status is contingent on having an underclass they are not part of.
The greatest threat to a trans woman's life is being treated like a trans woman. For trans men and nonbinary transmasculine people, the greatest threat to their lives is being treated like a cis woman. We can see this play out in fascist fantasies of "correcting’ trans men to become cis women, and in the way that transmisogynists like JK Rowling claim that "trans activists [code for trans women] are seducing your daughters into mutilating their healthy, fertile female bodies in an impossible attempt to become men." In fascist and reactionary rhetoric, trans men are framed as deluded, innocent cis women who have to be saved from a horrible error. In the material world, this agenda often plays out in the form of corrective rape and other atrocities.
Trans men from colonized communities are treated much more violently, as in the case of the murdered Tony McDade; there is no prospect of forcing them to be "protected" women, so they are treated disposablly, like trans women.
The reactionaries are not mistaken to see the liberation of trans women (and sex workers) as linked to the liberation of cis women from colonized communities, nor is their targeting of trans women a mistake.
The liberation of trans women and "girls you can hit" in general would invert the gendered class structure of the empire and strike a critical blow to the control of "protected" women that reactionary men depend on for both social reproduction, personal exercise of power, and identity formation.
We must center the liberation of trans women, sex workers, and other “girls you can hit." This will immediately help to liberate cis women from colonized nations, remove the hierarchical power of "protected" white cis women over other women, degrade the power of white cisgender men over oppressed genders, and remove the basis for treating trans men and transmasculine people as deluded cis women.
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utopicwork · 2 months
>finds really cool project
>creator is trans! i love to see that!
>checks blog
>creator believes that if i say that like "hey trans men have some of the highest rates of sexual assault in the trans community, and the erasure of the daily violence that happens to trans men because they are both trans and seen as fertile women as well as predatory in the same way as butch lesbians in the eyes of perpetrators and have their meds restricted because they could possibly ever get pregnant as well as be forcibly impregnated as conversion therapy" then im a horrible evil theyfab monster who thinks that trans women are predatory
i know im like an evil horrible hysteric theyfab tme feminazi or something who should be ousted from queer spaces everywhere and doesnt deserve to be lesbian, gay, or trans (as im chosing to be the oppressor gender) because my existence is disrespectful to womanhood and i will forever exist as a wolf in sheeps clothing but like, fuck, i dont know, im tired of being seen only as an afab (tme), and being told i could never experience systemic violent misogyny indistinguishable from systemic violent transphobia i also experience. i dont see why being beaten, raped, and killed in the dark is somehow any less violent than the same thing happening in the light.
itd be really fucked up to imply that one group of trans people is violently invading feminine spaces w their masculinity or to gatekeep oppression from a marginalized community or to imply theyre exaggerating or are a poser and simply couldnt have experienced the type of oppression theyre referring to.
i dont know, i thought your project was cool enough to try, even though i know i cant code switch away from the tone that historically hasnt ever gone over well for anything ever because something something girls cant have autism something something, idk, if i ever saw someone excluding a trans woman in a group irl id damn well do something but bc of the way i am i know that id be excluded first. i dont know. theres no acceptable trans group to call violent and predatory and privileged by virtue of gender.
i wish they made programming for trans guys too, something unaccounted for by the representation of trans people in cs and women in cs
Well okay but counterpoint, putting words into my mouth, completely lying about what I believe and having this whole whatever this is in my inbox is exactly representative of the problem tme people have with transmisogyny.
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gamerbunny1996 · 1 month
Jschlatt x famous streamer
Heyyaaa!!! how are you doing?? I have a request for Jschlatt obviously. (sorry if my english is bad it’s not my language.) Jschlatt x famous streamer reader, maybe she’s a guest at Chuckle Sandwich or either a contestant at Jschlatt’s love or host. Honestly i have no clue so i’ll leave that up to you if you want. Asked by: @mikeytheweirdoo
Thank you for the request I tried really hard so I hope it's what you wanted if not please let me know I can try again. -Bunny
“We have a a special guest today don’t we Schlatt” Ted said.Schlatt looked right into the camera with an “kill me now look”. “Hello Y/N welcome to Chuckle sandwich” Ted spoke to you. “Hi it’s nice to be here”you say waving to the camera. Soon ed started to rub his hands together and gave an evil look. “I think todays topic should be about celebrity crushes we all have one but some are kinda weird” Ted telling you about what the podcast will be about today. Ted knew what he was doing he knew who Schlatt liked and that is you. So why not get him to admit it to you.
“Oh… alright then” you spoke out a little confused why that’s the topic he picked. “I think it's only fair we all mention our celebrity crush” Schlatt rolled his eyes. “Is this some teen girl's sleepover or something.” you laugh at that comment. “We have to put on PJs now,” you said laughing. “Great Idea y/n” tucker but into the conversation. The laughing soon died down and Ted spoke up. “So y/n your pretty famous streamer do you get a lot of people crushing on you” you took a minute to think about all your fans. “Yeah I do actually I don't mind though it just boosts my confidence” Schlatt just rolls his eyes knowing damn well he is one to crush on you. Ted smiles at your comment. Soon the conversation turned to statistics about how often women crush over women and men crush over men. It was a very interesting conversation and Schlatt defended the fact that it's not gay to crush on a man that is a hot celebrity.
Laughing along to the argument, Schlatt can't help but notice your bright smile while enjoying the conversation. He loves that he is making you laugh. He just wants to hear it over and over again. Soon the conversation calms down and he just stays silent smiling and staring at you on his computer screen. If he could he would have just you without Tucker and Ted being there but it's a group call so he can't.
“So y/n who's your celebrity crush” Schlatt heard Ted asked. His eyes grew not ready for your answer. “That's a tough one. What do we count as a celebrity crush? are we talking like all that includes YouTubers and streamers or like just movie stars and musicians” you asked. “All” Ted winked. “I have a few you could say (insert celebrity crush that isn't Jschlatt) or (and another) but if we are going like on a deeper level Schlatts pretty cute for being this big scary guy” everyone's eyes grew open not expecting you to say that when Schlatt was in the call. “Was not expecting that," Tuckerqqq said. Jschlatt was trying not to scream with joy.
“That's cool,” he said, trying to act calm. Ted started to grin very wide. “Schlatt who is yours” that's when Schlatt froze, not ready to say anything. “I don't have one” he crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair” soon a knock can be heard. “Oh sorry guys give me a second” you mute yourself and went off screen for a second. During that time Ted and Schlatt were having a stare off. “I think Schlatt here has a huge crush on y/n” Ted spoke. Schlatts face grew red. “I do not” he tried to argue. Before Ted can say more you came back and unmuted yourself. “Sorry guys big bro brought me my drink I ordered” putting your headphones on you notice the staring match between Ted and Schlatt. “I was gone for like two seconds what happened” raising your eyebrow. “Schlatt is just being a grouch so let's talk about meet ups with fans”
Smiling and taking a drink from your cup you replied. “That shit can become wild, it's insane love meeting my fans but some are too much so I try not to do stuff like that” all three nod their heads in agreement.
After a while of talking about crazy fan experiences Ted decided to ask Schlatt one last question. “We know you have a crush on someone just tell us we all said ours” blushing hard Schlatt turned his head away. “Already said no one” laughing a little at Schlatt’s response. “Your face says different” you smile at him. He looked at you and saw you smile. Melting he gave in “fine I got to say you toots your my stupid celebrity crush” shock at his response you still smiled. “Well glad I'm not alone” he smiled at your response. “Alright you two love birds it's the end of the podcast” Ted stopping the two of you from making out over the screens.
Once the podcast ended Ted and Tucker left to give you two some alone time. “You're really beautiful I hope you know that” Schlatt says, shying away. “Why are you acting all shy, big guy” he turned his head to his monitor, rolling his eyes at you. “You can flirt with all kinds of people but me you get all shy on that's so unfair” you jokes making him smile. “You're different alright I actually like you compared to the rest” soon you blush as well. “Whatever” you turn your head away so Schlatt can't see your face. “So maybe I can take you on a date” turning you head up you smiled. “That would be amazing” he smiled back as well. “So where do you live?” he asked “oh I live in Florida.” He smiled, “I'll book a flight as soon as possible.”
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hotvintagepoll · 6 months
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Ann Sothern (A Letter to 3 Wives, The Blue Gardenia)_ Another unsung comedienne of the 30s and 40s, not enough people know about Ann Sothern. She was, along with her bestie Lucille Ball, originally a Goldwyn gal, but was soon a featured star in pictures. She even headlined a series of films, the Maisie movies. And though she was known for her comedies, but I fell in love with her after her dramatic role in A Letter to 3 Wives. I also absolutely love her in the noir murder mystery The Blue Gardenia. She was absolutely stunning, and I am always excited to find a movie of hers to watch. She's high on my list of "Why don't more people talk about her?" actresses
Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight, Casablanca, Notorious)—Where do I even begin with Ingrid Bergman? I fell in love with her with her astounding performance in the 1956 version of Anastasia -- the best Anastasia movie in large part due to her wonderful and touching performance. She's got this amazing, fascinating intensity to her in whatever role she's in. She commits 100%, and she's got this light in whatever she's in that's stunning. She's utterly convincing no matter what she plays, from an amnesiac possible lost princess, from a nun, from a woman taking her revenge on the town that wronged her, to light romantic comedy. She's never missed in any role I've seen her in! Also she became quite the MILF.
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ann Sothern:
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She was so beautiful and had great comedic timing!
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Ingrid Bergman:
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God, she's fantastic. She's both beautiful and a compelling actor who's more than capable of putting the whole movie on her shoulders if necessary. It's worth noting that while her beauty is conventional, she was seen as refreshingly "natural" with more eyebrows and less makeup than many other leading ladies of the time. She's well known for her role in Casablanca, but in Notorious, Spellbound, (both available on archive.org ) and Gaslight (1944) she shows how immensely capable she is.
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I mean...she's Ingrid Bergman. I feel like that should be enough, you know? She's physically beautiful (her eyes!) but watching her is like a transcendent experience. Her voice, her expressions... beautiful woman, beautiful actor.
I'm a gay man but even I understand her appeal. I'll watch any movie she shows up in. Gorgeous woman.
Just try and watch her movies without sighing wistfully, then get back to me!
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Choosing 1-3 movies where Bergman was at her hottest was agony because, of course, she was always at her hottest. Not just because she was beautiful but because she was absolutely willing to go up against the bs women in Hollywood were constantly dealing with. When exiled from Hollywood for having an affair with Roberto Rossellini, not only did she refuse to apologize at any point, but she went on to say that Hollywood's films had grown stagnant and boring to her. Though she said she appreciated her time working there, she wanted to try new, different techniques (hence starring in Italian neorealist films, working on stage, and acting under directors like Ingmar Bergman). She was not afraid to chase after her artistic ideals and go outside the box regardless of what society had to say about it. From her first movie to her last she killed it. There's so much more to say about Bergman's career and life, but I've already written five million words so I'll stop at that.
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One of the most incredible actors I've ever seen on film. Her facial expressions are so intricate and poignant that I cannot look away. I'm either ace or straight, but damn she made me question that.
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SEVEN TIME OSCAR NOMINEE QUEEN. Girl also PULLED, having affairs with famously hot men Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck IN ADDITION to her three marriages...sexy
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She has a very natural beauty to her, and she's from Sweden!
She left Hollywood and only became more beautiful. You could drown in her eyes. She can look innocent AND like she's seen it all. She is effortlessly elegant. She's played Joan of Arc (automatically hot) AND was in the movie that coined gaslight as a term. And where would we be without that!
She was known for being a breath of fresh air on the movie scene at the time with her windswept hair, dreamy smile and soulful eyes. I have loved her in every movie I have seen her in - she was just magnetic!
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Where do I even start. There's a neighborly quality to this beautiful, talented actress that makes her hotness one of a kind and her looks impossible to forget
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With a career spanning five decades, Bergman is often regarded as one of the most influential screen figures in cinematic history. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman spoke five languages – Swedish, English, German, Italian and French – and acted in each.
She's hot, don't get me wrong, but I've always found her very approachable, like she could easily be a member of my friend group
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A lot of the time hotness in a movie is just about words and framing. "You're the most beautiful person here" [vaseline lens] well I sure hope so because that's who you cast. But when, in Casablanca, they call Ingrid Bergman the most beautiful woman in the world... they were not fucking lying. And such a dynamite actor too!! I'd only seen Casablanca up until last year, and there she's confined to love interest. But in Gaslight she was maybe one of the most incredible actors I've ever seen!!!! Goddddd shes so fucking hot and cool.
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bengiyo · 6 months
23.5 Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we started our first big GL from GMMTV and were introduced to so many fantastic characters, including but not limited to: Disaster Lesbian Ongsa, Sunshine Girl Sun, Obsessed With Aliens Aylin, Eldest Daughter Alpha, and the Boy Who Means Well Mawin. Ongsa is so gay that she passed out in school because Sun touched her. She’s so gay that she forgot that women sometimes date men. Two teachers are trans. They’re reading Ender’s Game, a story about destroying those you believe to be your enemies and only through trying to destroy them does a boy bred and trained to kill the other does he come to love them. I’m having a great time.
Sometimes I forget that AJ/JJ are only 23. I’ve been watching these boys play high schoolers for six years now, and I’m sure I will for six more.
Mawin is Mawin. How dare you?? Euro continues to be great at comedy.
I appreciate the rainbow at the end of the intro. Make sure people know this is about gay people.
Episode 2: Universe Club
Very much enjoying Ford and Earn as the nosy friends.
Sun is so confident in her flirting in these DMs.
What’s with the trans color pattern around the floral club? I hope this is a teaser for later!
Wait! Is Mawin interested in Tinh?
Is this going to be like Geography Club (2013) where the club is secretly just for the gays?
Now why would she throw her phone away and not just close the account? That makes no damn sense.
Why are we blaming a curse when she threw her own damn phone away?
Yes, Charoen, call her ass out.
When I was a kid, I watched bird shit land on a senior who was wearing a cast at the time. She was horrified.
Accidentally ghosted Sun and now she thinks she’s cursed! Ladies, please!
I am invested in the dynamic between Teachers Bambam and Nida.
Latte is always panting. I feel so bad for this dog. They probably have the A/C off to cut down on ambient noise.
I respect Sun for not being petty and leaving Earth on read.
Ton is feeling like he might be family. I’m feeling good about this since he played Ta and Non before so we know he’s down to clown as a queer character.
I’m still with this show. I like seeing Milk play a character with a lot of energy after UMG, and I like that they’re continuing to let Love play self-assured characters. I’m also enjoying the rest of the cast in this. It’s been a fun two weeks so far.
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roseaesynstylae · 1 year
I like to think of One Piece boys trying to be allies to women and LGBTQIA+ people.
Sanji: Likes to see women smiling, in that he wants to make them smile and doesn't ask them to. Is trying to unlearn his beliefs about women.
Zoro: "I do not care if you are a women. I do not care if you are trans or gay. I will fight you."
Usopp: Has made it a point to never interrupt a woman or not take her seriously. Makes an exception for the first in life-threatening situations, though.
Brook: Has stopped asking for to see women's panties. Has instead started asking their opinions on music.
Jinbei: If you catcall, slut-shame, or victim-blame, he will politely ask if the woman/women in question want to handle it herself/themselves. If they don't, he will teach the person in question a lesson in respect.
Franky: If he can run around in a speedo and receive little to no sexual comments, women should be able to do the same. He is trying to spread this view.
Luffy: Has little to no idea why people treat women and LQBTQIA+ people differently. Will happily beat up anyone if they start being weird.
Law: "I treat everyone equally. That is to say, I have no qualms dismembering, snarking at, or killing them. I don't discriminate."
Kid: Equal-opportunity murderer.
Killer: If a man gropes a woman is front of him, he gropes the man and sees how he likes it. Then he beats the guy's ass (often fatally). He may be homicidal, but he has standards.
Bege: "If Pez is gay, or figures out that he's actually a girl, that's fine. I'll be happy with a son-in-law or a daughter."
Ace: Is happy to be eye-candy. Thinks that it's only fair.
Kaido: Doesn't misgender people. He has a son, thank you very much, and as badly as he treats Yamato, he will hurt anyone who uses the wrong pronouns.
Izou: "Misgender my sister and I'll fucking kill you."
Katakuri: Put down his sisters and die. Misgender his siblings and die. Imply that there's anything wrong with their orientation and die.
Rocinante: Firmly believes that virginity is a social construct and that women being identified by their relationship to men is the stupidest thing imaginable. (I headcanon him as being just an ally [or, to put it more accurately, a guy who has basic decency] in general.)
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smallestdogswilldie · 4 months
ok you know what makes me sad. as like a former self proclaimed misandrist man hater that would cry and scream about how much it sucks to live in a mans world etc etc etc put estrogen in the water fountains (was never a terf. yall can still die)
for anyone who is still… like that… how can you live in that hatred and misery every day. are women paid less yes are we denied reporductive care by old fart men who are going senile and some by some middle aged women yes. are men statistically like responsible for almost all violent crime and child crimes yes. the more you focus on this shit JUST TO GET MAD ? No ACTION? your fucking soul will get torn apart. genuienly whats the fucking point of just sitting in a circle and hating men. its such a stupid fucking “personality trait” to GENUINELY hate all men sorry babe but you are self harming your soul is shriveling. im sorry please cope. i dated a “””bi””” man because i “hated straight men” for 2 1/2 years…
tldr i hated “masculine” men so much i ended up in a loveless touch deprived relationship with a man who wouldnt touch me because he was actually gay (didnt feel the need to tell me this for 2 1/2 years..) nothing wrong with that but you see where my hatred of MASCULINITY landed me. in a relationship that was about to kill me from stress trying to figure out why i was untouchable because i chose the most feminine man in the midwest to date. hitting myself with sticks in the forest hoping someone would come kill me all because i refused to date a straight man. SWORE never to date a straight man. then i fucking did and hes normal. are they all? not at all. maybe i got lucky but im sorry. girls who are attracted to men but hate them genuinely just are in a cycle of not knowing how to pick them or of unresolved trauma. its on you to fix that. are they going to say sorry? no 😂 so YOU fix it because we all have to.
are the majority of straight cis men uneducated, rude, bigoted and kind of stupid? yes! literally yes. if you feel some type of way or anger towards men because of trauma i ABSOLUTELY understand. but we still gonna need a therapist tho girl. i cant even feel bad if you don’t address your issues and spew hatred at half the population for no other reason than to hear your own voice, and making no effort to heal yourself.
i like to believe, ground breaking statement here, that some straight men are actually great fucking people with manners and decorum and emotional intelligence. do you have to risk it to find them? yes. is it worth it? yeah. 1000000x over. there is beauty in TRUSTING SOMEONE. if they hurt you? ok ouch! do whatever has to be done to keep loving. you cannot shut yourself behind reinforced fucking bars because 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 men hurt you. easier said than done yes esp if you have trauma. do you have no desire to HEAL????? and become full of love again???? stop w the bullshit. like actually its tired childish and im going to say it its pessimistic, annoying and posionous. keep that shit to yourself until you resolve that shit. or dont and shut the fuck up!!!
some of us are trying to keep faith which you clearly have lost. and its a sick, stinky attitude to have. keep it to yourself because it makes anyone with a healthy relationship and attraction to men feel like a wet blanket. like sorry that happened to you and you havnt put any effort into healing and that you are seething with hate. its not my problem. survive like the rest of us and for your heart health, literally get help before you have a heart attack or get ulcers.
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jacks-little-jacky · 4 months
hiii could i request a headcanon (or fic) of jack & yami playing fuck, marry, kill (and they ask each other about fellow captains/Julius/Marx/Owen/Mereo included) thank u!! kekeke 💚
Fuck, Marry, Kill | Jack & Yami Shenanigans
I love this. Yes. Please ask me for bestie-content of my idiots. Also reading this a couple days later I just noticed I missed Owen, fuck, so sorry.
Warnings: consumption of alcohol, the men are talking and arguing about their choices and it's a shallow game, the b in their bromance almost escaping, mentioning of "this was so gay lmao"
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Jack was spread over the couch of the black bull's base, the sun had already left for the darkness as he and the other Captain shared a few more drinks. They talked and chatted, the tension of the meeting regarding border secrutiy sliding off their shoulders.
"Yeah, did you see Nozel? He was all like 'My squad and I will rise up to the need..' ... Ugh, why does he talk like that?", Jack mocked. "Cause he's a fancy little prince with his fancy little prince talk.", Yami giggled.
"Fancy little braid.", Jack muttered before breaking out in a laughter. Yami couldn't help but howl out a laugh too. "But it's kinda cute, no? He has it done every morning just to be a presentable prince." Yami chuckled. "Very cute. Just like a shiny bird. Just too bad he can't attract a mate.", Jack snorted.
"He can't? That's news to me." "Yeah well, he doesn't have one. So he can't attract one he wants?" Jack changed his thought.
"Okay but I don't get his fanclub. Is it like... a bunch of groupies who wants him to step on them with those sandals?", Yami chuckled, leaning back in his seat before taking another swig of beer. "God, urk... Why do ya' make me imagine this?" "Do you like it, scarface?"
"No!" Jack yelled out before sticking out his tongue to illustrate his distaste. Yami couldn't help but further laugh at his friend's disgust.
"Ah... I have an idea." Yami mused. Jack raised an eyebrow at this, waiting for the bull to continue. "Fuck, marry, kill. Our pretty bird, William and the little one, Rill.", Yami mused. Jack thought for a while. "... You make me feel weird saying this but Fuck William, Marry Nozel and kill Rill.", Jack said after a while.
"Care to elaborate?" Yami asked, trying to hold in a laugh. "Rill is too young for me. What am I? A nobel? I'm not thinking about someone younger than twenty in that way, that's weird... So kill, besides he's kind of annoying." Jack reasons which makes Yami nod. "And Nozel... Well... He's a pretty bird. And imagine him married to me, that'd be his worst nightmare. That would be hilarious."
"So you'd marry Nozel just to spite him?" "And cut off his braid when he sleeps, keke!" Jack laughed which Yami heartily joined in. "What about you?"
"Honestly, kill Rill too, same reason. Marry William and fuck Nozel. I don't think seeing Nozel all that much would do me any good." Yami mused which Jack could only confirm in a nod.
"Me next," Jack decided, thinking for a moment about the next three candidates, "Dorothy, Charlotte, and Mereoleona." "All the girls, I see... Ugh... I don't know where to place Sisleon..." "Just kill her off?", Jack suggested. "I can't. I can't fuck or marry Dorothy, she's always asleep, that would be weird."
By now it was clear both of these men were thinking for this game.
"Okay... Kill Mereleona, fuck Charlotte, and marry Dorothy.", Yami decided after a while. "I think Dorothy would be chill, and I don't have to fuck her. Like... platonic marriage, we just say we completed the wedding. Or she wakes up, I don't know."
Jack nodded, thinking about his answer. "Honestly with the asleep point, you kinda did something. Kill Dorothy, fuck Mereoleona, and marry Charlotte, keke." "Marry Charlotte?", Yami asked with a raised brow.
"She's cute, isn't she?", Jack answered. "And I like tough women, keke." "I can see where you're coming from but... If you like tough how come you didn't pick Sisleon?" "I know Charlotte better." Jack shrugged it off.
"Oh?" "We patrolled together sometimes when our people were busy preparing for the exam.", Jack added before rolling his eyes.
"Okay... Fuegoleon, Kaiser and... me?", Yami suggested before chuckling. "... You're so weird, keke." Jack mumbled. "Are you like into me or why do you put yourself in the roster?" "We're out of people, scrawny dude!"
"... Alright... Uhh... Kill Kaiser, I'm not about to homewreck for someone like that." Jack muttered. "Like that?" "Aw c'mon he's boring! Maybe the missus is satisfied but I wouldn't be!... Anyways, kill Kaiser, fuck Fuegoleon and... Marry... You?", Jack said, getting a lot quieter towards the end. "Aw, are you blushing?", Yami asked before laughing loudly.
"Shut up! I'm not! It's just weird, keke!" Jack answered laughing too.
"Alright, for the roster; Me, Marx and our dear chief, Julius.", Jack said with a cocky grin. "... Julius? Are you serious?" Yami asked with a deadpan face which send Jack into a laughing fit.
"Man up to the challenge, keke!" "Alright, alright!", Yami called, raising his hands in the air, "Fuck Marx, Kill Julius because I can't do the other two with him, and Marry you."
"Aww, you'd marry me." Jack cooed before strechting out his tongue. "Go away and kill yourself.", Yami shot back as he watched Jack stumble off the couch toward him.
"Aww, don't be like that. Give your husband a kiss.", Jack giggled before creeping above Yami, caging him in his seat underneath the taller man.
"Jack, what the-" "Awww, are you blushing?", Jack teased, using the same tone Yami had pulled earlier on him. He leaned in a little. "Are you sure you're not into me?"
"Very.", Yami said before shoving Jack back by his face. The taller man stumbled back laughing before letting himself fall on the couch again.
There was a certain silence hanging in the air between them before Jack spoke up again. "This was the gayest fuck, marry, kill I've ever played, not gonna lie."
Yami couldn't help but laugh too and nod along.
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hjellacott · 1 year
To those agreeing with what I say but saying I'm mean and "Let's just be nice" when we're discussing TRA things or feminism or J. K. Rowling... I am DONE being nice.
I was nice the first 100.000 times. Now I've been bombarded with private messages and Tumblr "post" (the envelope thingy) and general comments, plus seeing dozens of posts that I just can't be nice and patient about. Because these MORONS and some of them, actual TERRORISTS, are literary burning books, twisting the Harry Potter stories to justify their unjustifiable extremism, harassing children for being Potterheads, mocking adults for finding solace in Harry Potter, attacking and sending death threats and death wishes to everyone that disagrees with them, manipulating children, autistic, and also all kinds of mentally disabled people to absorb their agenda and mutilate their bodies, targeting the lives of people who disagree with them and attacking them and their loved ones, cyberbullying left and right hiding beneath anonymous names and pink and blue flags, burning and thrashing businesses where feminists go, turning Pride into an event where rapists are being allowed to take the mic and say to kill women (literally) and being applauded, saying homosexuality is transphobic and raping lesbians and gays, applauding men changing in locker rooms in front of little girls, applauding men taking over women's sports and spaces, applauding sending rapists to women's prisons, applauding children being brainwashed into life changing treatments, terrorising the world, imposing their own agenda with violence and threats, silencing and attacking the detrans community, manipulating the media, fucking it all up for all the normal trans people who are now thanks to the TRAS being seen as terrorists, and justifying their hatred and their violence on them having basically no reading comprehension, twisting people's words to have a pity party, and creating a self-imposed narrative to try and convince us that everyone wants them to die so it's all right for them to attack everyone else and be given free reign and justification to do so. Police can't even report that a criminal is trans any more and people are losing their jobs for reporting crimes by trans people, for fuck's sakes.
Do you know how often I've dealt with the same lazy justification to "explain" to me, a mixed race Jewish descent woman, why JK Rowling is anti semitic or racist? Or why she's transphobic? And every time one tries to nicely point out that they're twisting things and decontextualising them and inserting their own racist views, they just tell you to kill yourself. They've taken over press, media, social media, pride, women's spaces, they're going after children, attacking local pubs and restaurants... I'm not going to allow it. I'm done being nice.
I see them bullying the detrans community and shutting them up. I see how they harass and threaten the trans community that doesn't want to occupy women's spaces or that doesn't condone violence and threats and wants children to be left alone. I see how they attack women, lesbians and gays. I have a collection of articles of their rapes and other attacks, mainly to women. And they won't brainwash me.
I'm not afraid. These are a violent, terrorist mob that is taking over the left and making themselves the victims when we haven't faced a more aggressive and dangerous mob since the Nazis. Have you seen the videos of the teens and young adults crying in the US Congress, talking about how afraid they are when they see men changing in their lockers, or talking about how their breasts were chopped off and begging us, adults, to stop this nonsense? I have and I'm listening.
Like Joanne Rowling, like all the women who won't wheesht, I'm going to fight for those kids, for the normal people in the trans community, for detransitioners, gays, lesbians, mentally disabled... I'm not afraid and I'm not nice. Not any more. You want a fight? I'm full of weapons.
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lilareviewsbooks · 1 year
Gay Mermaid Books!!
Are you excited? 'Cause I'm literally so excited -- who doesn't love a gay mermaid book? Honestly, I think mermaids are a little underrated as fantasy creatures, and so it's time we change that. And be gay along the way. 'Cause why the fuck not, right?
I've compiled this list with all the gay books with mermaid and mermaid-adjacent creatures I've read before. I've also made a GoodReads Shelf with more books, as some lovely people from SaphLit (a sapphic bookclub you should definitely join!) contributed. I haven't read the ones that aren't here, though!
The Deepwater Bride, by Tasmyn Muir
If you're a veteran of queer books, you've probably heard of Tasmyn Muir! She's the author of The Locked Tomb Series, which starts with Gideon The Ninth and is about gay necromancers in space! It's a wonderful series, but before she sat down to write that, Ms. Muir penned this novellete, which is featured in the July/August 2015 issue of The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction. 
This is a more Lovecraftian take on aquactic creatures. The Deepwater Bride follows a young girl who can see the future, and the weird things that begin happening in her small town. All the while she's falling in love (with a girl, duh)! 
This one will give you Ms. Muir's traditional cheeky style, which includes phrases such as the iconic "the drowned lord who dwells in dark water will claim you. the moon won't rise tonight, and you'll never update your Tumblr again". Not to mention, it's a quick read, and still takes you on a rollercoaster of a ride that will leave you wanting more.
Aquicorn Cove, by Katie O'Neill
Another quick read, Aquicorn Cove is the sweetest graphic novel you'll read. It's a middle grade, but like Ms. O'Neill's other work (The Tea Dragon Society, which you should also take a look at, by the way), this one can be enjoyed by all ages. 
Aquicorn Cove follows Lana, a young girl who comes back to her family's seaside town to help clean up after a storm, and soon discovers the aquicorns - seahorse-like sea creatures. And, don't worry, there will be mermaid-like creatures as well!
This one is extra special because of how cute and fluffy it is - if you're looking for a nice, comforting read, look no further! Aquicorn Cove will fill your heart and make you feel warm and fuzzy inside!
The Girl From The Sea, by Molly Knox Ostertag
The Girl From The Sea is also a graphic novel! This one follows Morgan, a 15-year-old who terribly wants to leave the island she grew up on. But everything changes when she meets a selkie called Keltie, and her desire to leave seems to lessen...
What I really loved about this one was the introduction to the mythological figure of the selkie. It's so rarely seen in modern SFF and I thought it was lovely to see it here. Not to mention, the art is super sweet and it follows that queer first-love plot-line every gay person needs to read every once in a while. Definitely recommend!
Ice Massacre, by Tiana Warner
This is the first book in a trilogy I haven't completed yet, but this first one impressed me so much, I couldn't help but recommend. It follows Meela, who lives in the fictional Polynesian island of Eriana Kwai, which has been attacked mercilessly by mermaids. As a solution, the elders send groups of young men out to sea to try and kill them, but it hasn't been going well - the men fall prey to the mermaids' songs. Now, Eriana Kwai is trying out a different strategy - sending young women, and Meela is among them. But she might not be as immune to the songs as all the other girls are...
Ice Massacre is action-packed and is perfect if you're in need of a post-Hunger Games-revival fix. Most of the story follows the girls in the boat, as the situation progressively gets more and more dangerous, and it definitely feels like reading about Katniss in the arena. Although the story does skew a little younger, I do think it's a good read, and it had me totally hooked from start to finish!
The Deep, by Rivers Solomon
This is definitely the most interesting of the mix, and the one I recommend the most! The Deep follows an underwater, mermaid-like people, descendants of enslaved African women who were thrown overboard slaver ships. Because of their painful history, they have designated someone to hold one to their collective trauma: Yetu, a young mermaid, is their historian. But this role can be more draining then it seems, and Yetu might find herself wanting something else.
The world building in this novella is just so unique! And it draws you in. The writing is very atmospheric, making you feel like you're in the ocean (and I'm super scared of deep water, so that was a weird experience lmao). Not to mention, Mx. Solomon seemlessly weaves in themes relating to slavery and the Black experience, not to mention the queer representation. It's definitely a must-read!
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riacte · 5 months
Part of the weirdness about m/f ships feels like this kind of performativity from insecure queer teens? At least I think so based on my own experiences. I've always been a big multishipper who likes f/f m/m m/f and any other kind of ship equally but there was awhile where I felt kinda ashamed if I liked a m/f ship "too much" bc I felt like I wasn't gay enough. Like I wasn't queer enough if I didn't ship gay ships enough. Even now (tho I've gotten better) I still feel this obligation to keep the ratios of ship fics I read "even" so I can prove I'm still a good queer. I think in my case it's probably part of my internalized biphobia (since I feel a similar obligation to make I prove I have attraction to all genders and am really bi "enough" in my actual daily life) and it's a similar feeling of stress at having to constantly police your own identity/attraction/interests.
It's unfortunate that this kind of insecurity in how queer we are seems so common in queer people especialky those of us who are young one w/out much actual dating experience (who make a large part of this fandom. This sort of "who even ships m/f lol gay ships only" I've seen others in this fandom doing feels very much like a way of coping with that insecurity, by proving you're gay enough through your ships. I'm sure there are plenty of people who simply are just not interested in m/f but I'm sure there are also others like me, trying to prove we're queer enough by carefully curating our fandom interests.
My thoughts on m/f ships is that the end of the day, shipping is just shipping. It doesn't actually necessarily say much about your sexuality or what you actually want in a relationship and certainly doesn't mean you're less queer.
(Obviously there are other factors too in the weird attitude ppl in the mcyt fandom have about m/f ships, but this is one that has affected me a lot and I've never seen anyone else talk about it so I wanted to bring it up. Idk I hope I made sense)
Thanks for the ask! It was really nice seeing this as a bi person who heavily mains m/f and sometimes feels bad for it (I also main friendships but I mained m/f reallllly hard pre 2020 aka. before this fandom).
Yeah, I feel like it could also be like "we see so much m/f in real life so we should go hard on the other options to even it out". This fandom specifically there's been problems of irl truthing in comments so I completely understand why people shy from it, but it's 2024, we're quite developed in the character vs cc divide, shipping m/f isn't the end of the world.
I do feel guilt over maining m/f (then liking f/f and m/m, in that order, yes Treebark is the exception and my first m/m that I really got into), like for a looong time I was pretty sure it was just terrible heteronormativity that I needed to kill, but now I feel like it's a mix of heteronormativity (which I fight like daily lmfao) and just. being attracted to men and women both. Because when I write m/f, I can write about being attracted to women and men all in one neat package. And it feels "equal" to me. I do tend to prefer pieces of media with an equal gender ratio, or at least the leads are (eg. Miraculous Ladybug (my ex fandom lmao), Kagerou Project (ex fandom, stares into the distance), Spy x Family, Assassination Classroom) so I can love male and female characters. When reading fics, I like reading about loving a man from a woman's pov and loving a woman from a man's pov. Even in HC with its highly uneven gender ratio, this manifests in the corner I've tucked myself into (False, Ren, Stress, Iskall, etc). Although I do also like media with mostly female characters - Love Live (another ex fandom lol), Precure, Madoka Magica, Nikkiverse - and I do read stuff, I just don't really write for them because I wanna write about girls AND guys. Shippy or not. And this leads me to main m/f a lot. That's my personal taste.
Side note: as a kid, I was frustrated by media aimed at boys which had like a whole cast of boys and one token (cardboard cutout) girl AND media aimed at girls which had a whole cast of girls and almost no boys. 9yo me in co-ed school was like "well this doesn't feel very pro gender equality, I want books with the same amount of boys AND girls :((((( oh wait. I can just write it." And.... it ended up defining what I write now? Even outside of shipping, I like m+f friendships a lot. Because I still get to write about a guy and a girl even if they don't kiss or whatever. Idk. Am I cursed with an extreme case of heteronormativity and / or internalised homophobia or am I bisexual. Maybe both. Idk.
Maybe I do have boring stupid milquetoast hetero taste whatever but I'm having a good time in my fandoms and my ships / dynamics. I like writing about my guys and girls and I'll keep on doing it. And I am queer. I am bisexual. This doesn't change.
Anyways watching HTTYD at a young age changed me. Hiccstrid you will always be my origin story <3
Thanks for the ask again! We don't have to prove our queerness because we are queer. Everyone has different tastes. And m/f does get a bad reputation in queer spaces because oftentimes it's done badly and ofc the enemy.... heteronormativity [evil].
Final note re sibling fanon: if you have to turn friends into siblings just to show you're not shipping, you are coming back to heteronormativity. Why can't a (straight) man and a (straight) woman be friends only. What assumptions are you making?
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