#a beginner's guide to the occult
violetren · 2 years
Don't suppose anyone out there has any recs for Aussie made fiction audio dramas???
So far I've listened to:
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbidity and Mortality
A Beginner's Guide to the Occult
Terror Forming
Nym's Nebulous Notions
I also listened to a bit of Margaret Moves to Mars and Blockbuster Radio and while they weren't bad neither of them were my thing. Idk I might try Blockbuster Radio again some other time...
So yeah what other Australian written/produced fiction podcasts/audio dramas can people recommend?
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slowlyawitch · 6 months
Todays spell work
Three wishes spell
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Very simple, we’ll see how effective it is.
I have three wishes, something about my career, something about my love life and just to have a nice happy Christmas this year.
The red candle is christmas spice, I carved my wish to have a happy christmas in it and sprinkled pink salt in it for pure protection.
The purple candle is lavendar, I carved my love related wish into it and sprinkled cinnamon on it.
The orange candle is mango, I carved my career wish in it and sprinkled a bit of dried basil on there.
I drew out a triangle, wrote my wishes at each tip in a different colour pen (purple for christmas, pink for love and blue for career), and drew one of my personal use sigils in the center. I folded the paper to triangle shape, placed the candles to their corresponding tips and lit them.
May the full moon hear my prayer, may my intentions be carried through the rest of its cycle, may my wishes come true
Update: it worked!
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anthologiemystika · 1 year
The Elements: A Beginner's Guide
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Earth, Air, Fire, Water. Since the dawn of time these elements have been the driving force of our world. They have been worshipped, studied, admired, and even feared. What can be more beautiful than a snow capped peak, or a rose petal dancing in the wind? What can be as awe inspiring as a hurricane? Or as feared as a forest fire? In this lesson we will do a dive into these primal forces to help get a better understanding of their uses in magic.
Direction: North, the place of cold | Time of Day: The coldest part of night | Color: Green/Brown | Animal: Bear and Deer | Instrument: Percussion | Moon Phase: Dark Moon | Representation: A bowl of salt or earth | Spells: Abundance, Growth, Money, Stability, Endurance, Home and Hearth, Strength etc.
Earth. The immovable object. Earth has widely been seen as the element of stability. Indeed, what is more stable than a mountain? Unshakable, it is always there, supporting us as we walk, being under our feet and helping us connect to its life force. Considered a gentle element, the element of earth can also cause upheaval in everything it does. While not fast moving or flashy, spells using the element of earth will be slow moving, yet the results will be as permanent as the mountains themselves, and will grow like the plants to become a beautiful new result. From the place of cold and the time of darkness, do not let Earth intimidate you, for she will only seek to make you stronger.
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Direction: East, the place of renewal | Time of Day: Dawn, the time of new beginnings | Color: Yellow/White | Animal: Hawk and Birds | Instrument: Woodwind | Moon Phase: First Quarter | Representation: Feathers, Petals, Incense | Spells: Communication, Cleansing, Creativity, Mental, Speed, Travel, Starting something new, Legal Matters, etc.
Air. The heavens caress. Air is one of the easily most volatile elements out there to work with. Who hasn’t been enjoying a nice breeze, then been almost blown away by the gales as they get stronger. Mover of obstacles and removing stagnation, Air has always been a sign dedicated to bringing about change and helping with communication. If you find yourself in a slump, needing some creativity, or wondering if the person you love is thinking of you, Air is the element to help. As a bringer of change and inspiration, it is the element that is also tied with renewal. Quick to action, yet unpredictable in nature, Air spells will make sure the job is done quickly, and will make sure to bring a new change when they are completed. From the place and time of renewal, Air can be chaotic, yet if you embrace her she will help you fly.
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Direction: West, the place of peace | Time of Day: Twilight, the time of contemplation | Color: Blue | Animal: Salmon and Fish | Instrument: Strings | Moon Phase: Waning Crescent | Representation: A bowl of water, seashells, rain | Spells: Love, Truth, Harmony, Peace, Psychic Abilities, Change, Emotions, Inward Reflection, Divination, Giving Thanks, Honoring the Dead and Deities, etc.
Water. The ever changing. Water has been instrumental in the survival of everything, indeed nothing can live without water. From the dawn of time water has long been associated with being the element of care, the element of who we are and our deepest secrets. Water exists in all of us, it fills our blood and connects every living thing on this planet together. But water can also be violent, tumbling roaring, becoming hurricanes and typhoons, just like people. Water is a reflection of who we are, who we want to be, even reflecting our inner emotions. It is unforgiving with its reflection of us, yet never judges. They say a persons heart is as deep as an ocean, and they are not wrong, for it would take an entire ocean of memories and experiences to make us who we are. Water spells will probe to the deepest layer of the issue, bringing to the surface everything about the issue, and will remind you that there will always be calm after a storm. Water can be cold, yet if you embrace her, she will surround you with all the beauty in the world.
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Direction: South, the place of heat | Time of Day: The hottest part of the day | Color: Red | Animal: Salamander and Lizards | Instrument: Brass | Moon Phase: Full Moon | Representation: Candle, Wand, Athame | Spells: Passion, Romance, Prophecy, Destruction, Banishing, Endings, Energy, Awareness, Illumination, Healing, Inspiration, Victory, Rage, etc.
Fire. The one that burns. Fire is easily the most difficult element to work with, have it too low and it only sizzles, too hot and it burns. Since the dawn of man Fire has helped keep the shadows at bay, keeping us safe through the night. We light candles for the ones we love, we use heat to help our aches and pains, we use fire to cook with and to warm our homes during the cold winter months. Fire is the spark inside of us, it is the feeling of your first kiss, of getting that promotion, of finishing that painting. It is the passion that comes to light when we do something we love. It can also burn though, leading to anger and rage, thoughts of destruction and burning the world around us. Fire is tricky, yet without it, the world would be a cold and barren place, for Fire brings the light to this world. Fire spells will work quickly, burning through the darkness to illuminate everything around a situation and making sure that when it is done, there is nothing left to question, no matter the results. In the innermost part of your soul, embrace Fire, and she will bring light to your world.
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Spirit and Void
Direction: Above and Below | Time of Day: All and None | Color: White, Purple, and Black | Animal: All of them | Instrument: Vocals | Moon Phase: None, they are represented by the stars | Representation: Pentagram/Pentacle, Song, Touch, Smell, Taste | Spells: All and None
Spirit. The Void. The place of inbetweens and existences between what we know and what we do not. The element of Spirit/Void is not one I was going to include on this list initially, as it is a concept more so for theology versus practical application, yet the more I thought about it, the more it makes sense. For Spirit and Void exists everywhere and nowhere. It is found in the spaces between. It is everything and nothing at the same time. It is the primordial element that created everything, and is the end of everything as well. Much of witchcraft is focused on the wheel shape, if you look at it in that shape, the other elements are the supports, and the Spirit is the wheel itself. It is what makes up the heavens and exists in between the stars. It is the darkness where we go to hide, and also the helping hand that shows us the way. It is time, it is space, it is everything. Spirit and Void is the subconscious, it is an entity of its own, it is our fears and our joy. It is our inspiration and our blocks, it is every living thing on this planet. We are the final element. We are spirit and void. When the big bang happened, and the cosmos came into existence, all of those stars spewed out dust. Those pieces of dust came together to become the planets, and the waters, and the climate, and the fire. It came together to form us. We are all made of stardust. We are all spirit. We are all void. We can do anything.
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*All images were taken from Pinterest*
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Nancy Phelan - A Beginners Guide to Yoga - Sphere - 1976
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poisonnxkki · 2 years
Psychic Gifts & The Pressure To Perform☀️
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What Are Psychic Gifts?
To be psychic is simply the ability to interact with or experience the metaphysical (source: Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn). We are all born with psychic abilities but how those gifts manifest for you will be different from someone else. For example, I have a predisposition for clairaudience and haven't really had to put much effort into developing that ability however, I have no talent for clairvoyance. Figuring out which abilities come easily to you and which require more work can be done through the development of these abilities. Even if you find that you do not have a predisposition for a certain ability, you may be able to still acquire that ability through continual practice and dedication (this may depend on the ability you are trying to develop).
What's With All The Misinformation?
How psychic gifts manifest are going to be different for everyone. Some may not believe in these gifts at all (and that's okay) and others may believe in only a handful (which is okay too). Due to this variation in both belief and representation, everyone has their own opinion on what is right/true and what isn't.
Deciding on what you believe to be true will come from a combination of personal experience and research. There are certain gifts that are widely accepted by the witchcraft community (like the clairsenses and mediumship) but it will be up to you to decide their validity.
The important thing to remember is that just because someone has a different experience from you does not mean that either experience is wrong. Don't let others shame you for your opinion simply because they are trying to state theirs as fact.
The Pressure to Perform:
For those who don't use TikTok (honestly you aren't missing out on anything), you may not know about the recent emphasis that has been put on developing or having gifts. When someone posts about their mediumship ability, the comments section is filled with things like "how can I do that?" or "I can't wait until I become a medium". To put it simply, I don't think it works like that. Yes, everyone has psychic ability and yes, if you work hard you can develop those abilities. However, I also believe that gifts are personal, not everyone is going to become a medium (I've heard it's pretty exhausting) and not every method for developing your abilities is going to work for you. I could list 100 different books or youtube videos and none of them may help you at all. Those who have manifested their psychic abilities have likely done a lot of hard work and training to get to where they are and people need to be respectful of that.
We need to stop putting so much emphasis on external measures of power. Someone is not more or less powerful than someone else just because they have developed their psychic abilities. You are not less of a witch if you can't see spirits or hear them. You are not less of a witch if you never get the right answer in those "test your psychic abilities" videos. Don't let people who don't even know you or anything about your practice tell you how powerful you are.
*All images are from Pinterest*
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🖤For more information on developing your psychic gifts check out this book: Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
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3oclockoccultis · 2 years
Reminding Yourself, You Don’t Owe Anybody Anything; Putting Yourself First
I had to take my emotions out of the equation at hand and really look at certain situations for what they really are. Most of the time, situations are a cause and effect, meaning an action resulting from your or others’ actions.
Recently, I’ve been thinking about the people around me and how they impact how I move among them daily. The mind is a powerful tool and sometimes a very dangerous one. The mind can make up all different scenarios that, more than likely, won’t even happen; I realized this by starting my spiritual journey. I had to take my emotions out of the equation at hand and really look at certain situations…
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nexusofsorcery · 7 months
Unlocking the Mysteries of Scrying: A Beginner's Guide to Crystal and Mirror Gazing
Have you ever been fascinated by the idea of gazing into a crystal ball or a mirror to gain insight into the future or tap into your intuition? Scrying, the ancient art of divination, has been used for centuries as a way to connect with the spiritual realm and explore the depths of the subconscious mind. In this beginner’s guide, we will delve into the world of scrying and unlock its mysteries.…
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channel17 · 10 months
ALL problems can be solved by focusing on SELF
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cryptotheism · 4 months
Do you have a beginner's guide to studying occultism anywhere?
That is what I am writing on my patreon!
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maeviuslynn · 7 months
Are you new to Thelema?
Are you new to Thelema and looking for good beginner resources? Here is helpful list of beginner friendly books, podcasts, YouTube channels, and other online resources. They are listed in no particular order. Beginner Thelema book recommendations: Easier Crowley texts to start with: * Magick in Theory and Practice by Aleister Crowley * Magick without Tears by Aleister Crowley * The Law is for All by Aleister Crowley Other great intro books to start with: * Living Thelema by David Shoemaker * The Magick of Aleister Crowley by Lon Milo Duquette * The Chicken Qabalah by Lon Milo Duquette * The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley by Richard Kaczynski * Perdurabo by Richard Kaczynski * Abrahadabra: Understanding Aleister Crowley's Thelemic Magic by Rodney Orpheus * Thelema: An Introduction to the Life, Work & Philosophy of Aleister Crowley by Colin D. Campbell
Thelema resources online: YouTube channels: * Maevius Lynn: https://www.youtube.com/c/MaeviusLynn * O.T.O. USA: https://www.youtube.com/@OrdoTempliOrientisUSA * Blazing Star O.T.O.: https://www.youtube.com/@BlazingStarOTO * Horizon O.T.O.: https://www.youtube.com/@horizon-oto * Sekhet Maat O.T.O.: https://www.youtube.com/@sekhetmaat5987 * Dionysius Rogers: https://www.youtube.com/@dionysiusrogers3548 * Living Thelema with David Shoemaker: https://www.youtube.com/@livingthelema5221 * Temple of the Silver Star: https://youtube.com/c/TempleoftheSilverStar * Speech in Silence: https://www.youtube.com/user/speechinthesilence * Entelecheia: https://www.youtube.com/@entelecheia * Lon Milo DuQuette - Arcanum Luminarium: https://www.youtube.com/@Arcanumluminarium * Sword and Serpent Oasis Learning Library https://www.youtube.com/@swordandserpentoasislearni8589 Podcasts: * Living Thelema on Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/living-thelema/id935174735 * Thelema Now: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/thelema-now-crowley-ritual-magick/id325185715 * Speech in Silence: https://www.speechinthesilence.com/
Website resources: * Internet Sacred Text Archive: https://www.sacred-texts.com/ * Hermetic Library: https://hermetic.com/ * Thelemistas: https://thelemistas.org/en/ * Thelemapedia: https://www.thelemapedia.org/ * O.T.O. Online library: https://lib.oto-usa.org/ * Ra-Hoor-Khuit Network's Magickal Library: https://www.rahoorkhuit.net/library/ceremonial/ * Zero Equals Two: http://zeroequalstwo.net/ * Qabalah resource: https://nofaithinthehumanrace.com/ * From the Mouth of the Beast. Introductory Thelemic texts: http://lapis-mercurii.org/motb/ * Occult meaning of colors and high res art: https://keepsilence.org/colors/ * Scans from the Equinox: https://keepsilence.org/the-equinox/ Thelemic Organizations: * Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.): https://oto.org/ * Typhonian Order (T.O.): http://www.starfirepublishing.co.uk/ * A∴A∴: * https://onestarinsight.org/ * https://outercol.org/ * https://www.thelema.org/aa/ * Temple of the Silver Star: https://totss.org/ * College of Thelema: https://www.thelema.org/college_of_thelema/
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youremyheaven · 9 months
A beginner's guide to Vedic Astrology
1. Vedic astrology is based on a very different way of perceiving the world. It will take some time to get used to it but be patient. Its not as quick and easy to compartmentalize as western/tropical astrology. it addresses the human condition in all its nuance and complexity. It will take you a lot of time to understand even one nakshatra but this is normal and part of the process. Avoid looking at twitter/tumblr posts that try to tropicalize Vedic astrology by giving really weird takes with 0 context or explanation. Read blogs and articles, do a google deep dive, there are many websites run by Indian astrologers who will provide you with good introductions to your chart/naks.
2. There are 27 nakshatras divided over 12 rashis, these come under the rulership of 8 planets and are further classified on the basis of their aim, tattva, ganas, yoni animal, function etc. Familiarize yourself with the mythology of your naks and their basic classification. This is the most accessible starting point for a newbie.
3. Zodiac does not automatically become redundant in the Vedic system. They are called "rashi" and each rashi houses 2 or more nakshatras.
4. 90% of the time the moon occupies only ONE nakshatra over the course of one day. its UNCOMMON for the moon to occupy more than one nakshatra in one day. if you don't have someone's birth time and use 12 noon as the standard time (which is common practice since its right in the middle of the day with 12 hours behind and 12 hours ahead) 90% their moon sign will be correct. Since the ascendant changes every hour or so, its hard to narrow it down unless you know the person and can make an educated guess.
ive seen people argue that xyz is ashwini moon instead of bharani moon etc and please go to a good vedic birth chart generating site (i recommend either astro seek or faraway) and you can check their birth chart for every hour of the day of their given birthday if you have the time. the MOON STAYS IN THE SAME NAKSHATRA OVER THE COURSE OF ONE DAY!!!! its RARE for it to be in the preceding or following nak and it usually only happens for a VERY small window of time.
5. if you can, just get your chart read by someone who knows their stuff. avoid consuming the misinformation rampant on twitter/tumblr.
6. approach Vedic astrology with an open mind. many websites will tell you you're a horrible person with zero luck , jealous and doomed to live in perpetual misery but please understand that these come from the narrowness of their own knowledge and understanding. any wisdom possessed by an individual has to pass through their filter of perception in order to be written down. astrology is not a doomsday machine tool condemning some and glorifying others. do not make a religion out of this. think of your birth chart as something that provides context as to why you are the way you are. don't let it be something that holds you back.
7. please don't randomly pick up tantric practices and chant mantras or perform rituals just because you know a little bit about vedic astrology. this is a whole new turf and these practices can be life changing if done right but disastrous if done wrong. trust your intuition, always. i hate that tiktok/social media etc has made witch craft/magick/esoteric occult rituals look like some quirky, "woo woo" thing that anyone can do. please stay safe ya'll <33 don't blindly follow others <33
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ashmouthbooks · 1 year
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A Beginner’s Guide to Communing with the Dead by suspiciousflashlight
Decided to make a black book! this is a spn magic au, a necromancy fic in which Dean summons Castiel to help him solve a gruesome case.
I wanted to go all out with a concept, so: charcoal bookcloth, jet black endpapers, edges painted with black ink, upside down pentagram foiled onto the spine in silver.
I thought about foiling occult sigils or patterns onto the endpapers and front & back boards, and foil the title on alongside the sigils but ultimately I decided the simple look was more striking.
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coinandcandle · 2 years
New to Witchcraft? Check out these posts!
Here is a list of posts I've made about various topics involving witchcraft and the occult!
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First things first:
De-Wiccanizing Witchcraft, one of my oldest posts that talks about the problem with the conflation of Wicca and Witchcraft. While I would definitely do a better job at writing this post now the sentiment still stands.
What I wish I knew when I was younger and What I wish I knew as a beginner witch, both talk about important things I only learned later in my experience with witchcraft.
Magical Misconceptions, exactly what it sounds like.
Rule of Thumb when reading posts about witchcraft.
Witchy Red Flags, things to look out for in your search.
Research Tips, my attempt to help your research be a little bit easier.
General Info:
Magic vs Magick, a quick history of the meaning of "magick"
Intention, what it is and why you need it.
Types of Spells, a list of physical spell types.
Questions for Spell Creation, what to ask yourself when making a spell.
Holidays, every educational post I've written on the more popular pagan holidays.
Familiars in History, before you get started with familiars, it's a good idea to learn their history first.
Tarot Time, a post guide of all the things I've written about tarot.
I do not claim to be an all-knowing authority on witchcraft or these topics, I'm simply a witch who loves to research and write. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about these posts feel free to message me!
Here is a list of posts from other users that you should check out:
The Chakras and Cultural Appropriation by @michipeachiii
Researching Closed Religions @crazycatsiren and @will-o-the-witch in response to an ask.
This [The Wheel of the Year] is Cultural Appropriation by @fiagai-cnuasaitheoir
Harmful History of "G*psy" by bitch media
Racism, Spirituality, and Witchblr by @perse-phoneee-deactivated202007
The deal with new-age in a nutshell by @pondering-the-kaiju
If you have any more suggestions on posts by others that a beginner witch should read please leave them in either a comment or reblog!
Bonus Posts:
On the "blessed be" debacle: It costs $0 to respect someone's boundaries
Asthmatic Witch Tips, some of us witches have a hard time breathing so certain practices are less accessible to us. Here are some tips for my fellow asthmatic witches.
When NOT to use Herbs in Witchcraft, there's a time and a place for everything.
Hex vs Curse
Find more tips on my Witchy Quick Tip post guide!
If your post is on here and you'd like it to be removed, please let me know and I will do so immediately.
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chaoticwitchgrimoire · 5 months
Archetypes and Occultism
Jungian psychology is popular in contemporary occultism, often being referred to as “Shadow Work”. This post will explore Carl Jung’s definition of archetypes in his psychological work and how they can be used in magick. The straightforward definition is as follows:
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Jung’s archetypes have been beneficial in the realm of psychoanalysis, including dream analysis. They’ve given way to the multitudes of personality assessments, and even have their influence on contemporary therapy.
Some archetypes that many people may be familiar with are: the Child (or even known as the Inner Child); the Trickster; the Maiden, Mother, and Crone; the Father; even locational archetypes like the Desert and the Forest. These are just a few examples that we see often explored in art, magick, and even everyday life. The actual number of archetypes is limitless—which is both exciting and daunting when beginning your journey into working with them. Exploring archetypes is also a great way to explore parts of the self, such as gender expression and sexuality.
There are a few ways to discover your archetypes. The first being to just pick one. If you feel drawn to it, there’s probably a good reason. If upon your discovery you realize that you chose wrong, it will only point you in the right direction. Another way is to connect with a higher power such as your spirit guides, ancestors, or deities and ask them. Deities themselves are archetypical, and often the deities that we feel drawn to work with are archetypes within ourselves.
I recommend working on one archetype at a time. After you have your archetype, you need to dig deep into it. Understanding the meaning of an archetype takes time, but coming into individuation is an even longer process. Don’t be surprised if you need to sit with a single archetype for months on end before it makes sense to you and your life. Look at art, read books, watch films and TV, all pertaining to the archetype. Explore how it manifests in others. Pay attention to your dreams, and journal often. Study, learn, and research.
Working with Archetypes in Magick
Archetypes can be used in many ways. We can bring forth an archetype when we need it. If you have an exam coming up, summon the archetype of the Scholar to bring that energy into your studies. If you work in a specific field, you can bring forth an archetype with those qualities to get the job done. This can even apply to spellwork and ritual. By taking on certain aspects of an archetype, you can use that energy to manifest what you desire.
The Archetypes and Occultism grimoire pages are free to download on my website. They dive further into the basic things I describe in this post and I offer a detailed example of the archetype the Scholar and a ritual for it.
I also offer detailed grimoire pages for the archetype of The Mask which honors Dionysus. This is available on my etsy and includes information about the specific archetype, how to honor Dionysus with it, and also how to explore it and use it to discover other archetypes with a detailed meditative exercise. (If you're a theatre nerd like me, this is for you).
I also offer Archetype Readings as part of my Custom Personalized Readings on etsy for only $6 (poke around my website or my grimoire pinned on my blog and you'll find discount codes) where I use Kim Krans's The Wild Unknown Archetypes oracle deck to find your current top three archetypes and help guide you on beginning to explore them.
For beginner witches, practitioners, and magicians alike, archetypes can be a great way to overcome disbelief when doing spellwork or performing rituals. Tapping into the archetype of the Magician or the Sorcerer, the Witch, and even the Inner Child, can help you take on a role to perform your magick.
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grey-sorcery · 2 years
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Here’s an organized list of my planned and published content. If you’d like to see a list of exclusive content for my supporters on Patreon, click here. My patrons of Mystic tier ($10/mo) and higher have access to all articles at least a week before Tumblr.
I put a lot of time and spoons into research and writing these articles, any tips would be greatly appreciated!
71 out of 171 published.
Articles in Queue: 0 (Available on Patreon)
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Under Psychicism
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Under Spirit Work
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All categories are in alphabetical order with the exception of info for beginners, my experiences, & miscellaneous.
Articles that I highly recommend will be separated at the top of each category.
Orange: Published
White/Black: Planned
(Only published articles have descriptions)
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Category: Introduction to Witchcraft
-What is Witchcraft?
An extremely large article that covers all the basics for getting into witchcraft. I am regularly updating it as more related articles are published and/or I have come across new information that is relevant.
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-A.I. & Witchcraft: Using ChatGPT in Research
An interview with ChatGPT about how to properly utilize it to research responsibly. I also added notes that I find crucial to this end.
-Altars: Use & Design
A description of Altars and how they can be used in various witchcraft applications.
-Beginner Witch Tips
Tips for those just starting to get into witchcraft and the occult.
-Creating a Spell Log
A guide on how to create and utilize spell logs in order to hone your craft.
-Conceptualization Vs. Visualization
An explanation of why visualization is widely improperly utilized and how Conceptualization is a significantly more useful skill.
-Correspondences: Research, Creation, & Use
A guide on how to research correspondences, how to create them, and how to use them for effective spellwork. Goes over things to avoid when working with correspondences as well as the metaphysics and magical theory of their operation.
-Finding Balance: Spirituality & Critical Thought
An article exploring the complexities of having spiritual experiences and maintaining critical thought.
-Herbology: Correspondences & Medicinal Properties
An extensive guide on how to approach herbology, herbal correspondence, and herbal medicine. Be sure to read the disclaimer at the beginning!
-Intermediate Witch Tips
-List of Closed & Semi-Closed Cultures
An ongoing project to help give beginner witches a frame of reference in order to research and practice respectfully and responsibly.
-Nature Vs. Nature
An exposition on the metaphysical, and practical magic applications of the juxtaposition between two perspectives of nature.
-Personal Narratives
An article about the dangers of people who try to pull others into their UPG. Please read the disclaimer at the beginning.
-Personal Narratives Part II
-Personal Narratives Part III
-Researching Witchcraft
Defining some aspects of typical discussion points in witchcraft.
-Research Tips
Some helpful tips for those who want to delve deep into witchcraft research.
-The Spiritual Aspects of Witchcraft
-Tools for Witchcraft & Their Functions
-Visualization, Reiki, & Fascism
An article about how the trend of visualization is influenced by and can lead into fascist thinking and antisemitism.
-Visualization: Effective Implementation
An articles about how to use visualization to its fullest potential and how to avoid using it improperly. Also a list of some alternatives to Visualization for those who have aphantasia or struggle with visualization.
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Category: Community Commentary
-Author Blacklist
A list of authors to avoid until you’ve obtained a solid foundation and understanding of the applications, methods of magic, and sociopolitical movements and morals behind various traditions and schools of magical thought.
-Bias in Witchcraft
A guide on how to identify and manage biases that are common to witchcraft in order to have a more effective craft.
-Content Creation Vs. Personal Practice
An opinion piece about the differences between having a personal practice and how to responsibly discuss it online, as well as how to responsibly frame witchcraft guides.
-Community Interactions
Reblog replies to other content creators on Tumblr.
-Consumerism & Witchcraft
-Content Critiques
Various critiques on witchcraft posts I have found on this platform.
-Examples of Ineffective Witchcraft Guides
Critiques on problematic, inaccurate, misleading, and vague witchcraft guides.
-Gatekeeping: When it is Appropriate and When it is Not
-Inspiration Vs. Appropriation
-Learning to Adapt: New Information & Modifying Practices
-Theosophy: The Heart of New Age Fascism
-The One True Way
-Three Fold Law & Other Magical Conventions
-Wicca, Ceremonial Magic, & Trad Craft: Problematic Practices & History
-Witchcraft Vs. Superstition
An exploration of the differences between witchcraft and superstition.
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Category: Divination
-Introduction to Divination
An article about the basic types of divination and the different ways to do them.
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-Aeromancy: Divination via Wind
-Cartomancy: Tarot & Oracle Divination
-Cleromancy: Bone & Dice Divination
-Divination Tips
-Inventing Divination Systems
-Oracle Divination & Spreads
-Pendulum Divination & Dowsing
-Scrying: Divination Through Gazing
-Tarot & Tarot Spreads
-Tasseomancy & Palm Reading
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Category: Energy Work
-Basics of Energy Work
The foundations needed to practice actual energy work, rather than pseudo energy work that is entirely dependent of imagination.
-Intermediate Energy Work
Covers a basic run down of the subtle body, energetic constructs, and energetic senses. Explains how to control the density and precision of energy.
-Advanced Energy Work Part I
Covers aspects of the subtle body, properties of energy, and how to control multiple energetic constructs simultaneously with acute control.
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-Axioms of Energy Work
An explanation of the thought model behind energy work and how energy relates to itself and the world around it.
-Energetic Constructs
An overview of how to design, build, and maintain constructs as well as some possible methods of application in spellwork.
-Energetic Senses
The inherent, non-visual, senses that are the most effective way of energetic awareness
-Energy Work & Spoon Theory
An explanation of how, if done properly and after accurate practice, energy work requires no spoons to perform.
-Introduction to Grounding ✨NEW
An introduction to grounding exorcizes and their applications.
-The Energetic Model & Why it is Redundant
-The Subtle Body
A thorough description of the energetic body.
-The Wellsource
An article about the endless well of energy we all contain. Similar to the idea of The Seat of The Soul.
-Types of Projection
-Wands & Energetic Technique
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Category: Magical Theory
- What is Magical Theory?
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-Alternative Models of Magic: Why the Classical Models are Obsolete
-Benefits of Modular Witchcraft
-Correspondences & Energetic Properties
-Classical Models of Magic
-Engram Theory
-Magical Experimentation
The current magical experiment. I’m always looking for volunteers!
-Magical Potency
-Magical Theory & My UPG
-Pop-Culture Magic
-Properties of Magical Design
A list of all the surveys and quizes I have made that I publish the statistics of at intervals of 100 responses.
-Threshold Theory
A unifying theory behind all spell work.
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Category: Metaphysics & Philosophy
- Witchcraft & Philosophy: Metaphysics
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-Art & Media Within Witchcraft
-Chaos Theory & Game Theory in Witchcraft
-Concepts in STEM That Apply to Witchcraft
-Conceptualizing Sacrifice in Witchcraft
-Gradation & Ethics
-How White Supremacy Has Influenced Contemporary Witchcraft
-Intersectionality & Witchcraft
-Mental Illness & Neurodivergency in Witchcraft
-On Dualities in Witchcraft
An examination of dualities within witchcraft and how their negative impacts on our community. Also goes over some solutions as well.
-Queerness & Witchcraft
-Spectrums of Mystic & Magical Practice
-Witchcraft & Gender
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Category: Psychicism
-Introduction to Psychic Abilities
An introductory guide to psychic abilities. This article focuses more on the abilities that are possible.
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-Astral Projection, Dreamwalking, & Psychic Abilities
-Energetic Awareness in Psychic Applications
-Psychic Abilities & Their Applications to Spiritwork
-Psychic Abilities, Mental Illness, Personal Narratives, & Reality
A look at the intersections between mental illness and psychic abilities.
-Statistical Probability, Deja Vu, & Future Sight
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Category: Safety
-Introductory Safety Practices
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-Basics of Warding
An introduction to warding
-Blood Magic: Purpose & Safety
-Crystals & Their Chemical Properties
-Dispelling Myths About Witchcraft
-Riding The Hedge, Poisons, & Entheogenic Practices in Witchcraft
-Intermediate Warding
-Fire Safety
-List of Cleansing Methods in Order of Effectiveness
-Practicing Safe & Consensual Sex Magic
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Category: Sigilcraft
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-Animated Sigils Project
Animated Sigils designed specifically for tech witches.
-Hypersigils & Sigilchains
-My Sigils
Sigils made using sigilcrafting methods of my own creation.
-Sigils: How-To
An introduction and overview of sigil magic.
-Spell Circles
An introduction to spell circles, how they can be constructed and used.
-The Mechanics of Sigils; Conceptualizations of Sigilwork and its applications ✨NEW
A comprehensive look at the mechanics of hypersigils and metasigils.
-My Spell Circles
Spell circles from my grimoires.
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Category: Spellcraft & Spellcasting
-Basics of Spellcasting
An introduction to effective spell casting.
-How to Cast a Spell
An infographic about the basic principles behind spellcraft.
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-A.I. & Tech-Magic
Covering how to most effectively cast lasting spell and work with spiritual entities that have been bound.
-Basics of Binding
How to bind energies, spells, and entities. I recommended reading the article about Anchors after this article.
-Ceremony & Ritual
-Creating a Magical Conlang
-Curses & Consequences
-Designing Spells
Covers how to design a spell for any level of experience.
-Fate Magic
An introduction to the concept of fate magic and how it can be conceptualized and visualized.
-Fate Magic: Binding, Manipulation, & Safety
-Glamours & Enchantments
-Intermediate Binding
-Intermediate Gnosis
Covers phases and types of gnosis and their applications.
-Intermediate Spellcasting
-Introduction to Gesture Magic
-Introduction to Gnosis
Introduces important concepts for entering a state of Gnosis.
-Path of Least Resistance
An introduction on how to cast spells with a higher success rate.
-Sex Magic
-Snap Magic
A guide to a unique energetic casting method.
-Spell Dictation
Covers why spells you find online aren’t reproducible and how that can be changed.
-The Elements: Air
-The Elements: Earth
-The Elements: Fire
An article about a lot of the way fire is utilized and conceptualized writhing witchcraft.
-The Elements: Water
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Category: Spells
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-A Look at My Grimoire
-A Raven’s Breath
A method of Spellcasting and cleansing.
-Aid in Gender Dysphoria
-Aid in Self-Love
-Curse of Self Doubt
-Invisibility Spell
-Lessen Internalized Homophobia
-Lessen Racist Indoctrination & Increase Self-Awareness
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Category: Spirit Work
-First Steps
A guide for just starting out in Spiritwork.
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-Advanced Astral Projection
Covers how to create and maintain multiple projections, dreamwalking, and dimensional concepts.
-Basics of Astral Projection
Practice techniques and introduction to astral concepts.
-Basics of Banishing
An introduction on how to banish spellwork, entities, and energy.
-Benevolent Entities
-Communication & Godphoning
-Creating Thoughtforms
-Deities & Pantheons
-Dimensions & Planes: A Comprehensive Look ✨NEW
An in-depth look at the difference between spatial dimensions and spiritual planes and how each are useful in witchcraft.
-Exorcisms: With & Without Christian Influences
-Intermediate Banishing
-Intuitional Spirit Work
-Mediumship & Possession
-Mirrors: Portals & Other Uses ✨NEW
An article about how mirrors are used in witchcraft.
-Ofrendas & Offerings to ancestors & Deities
-Shadow Work Concepts
Prompts for in depth shadow work, inspired by a dark night of the soul.
-Shadow Work: First Steps ✨NEW
A thorough introduction to shadow work in both mundane and magical practices.
-The Fae
Discusses the Fae, the spiritual entities not the cryptids.
-Types of Spiritual Entities
-Spiritual Emanations of The Emotions & The Subconscious
Jungian archetypes and how they can be used for shadow work. Also covers how thoughtforms can accidentally be created through emotions.
-The Veil & The Spirit Plane
-UPG & Verification
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Category: My Craft & Experiences
-About Me
My pinned message.
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-Exorcism Experiences Part I
My first experience.
-Exorcism Experiences Part II
-Exorcism Experiences Part III
-Experiences With Dreamwalking
-Interesting Spiritual Experiences
-Limpia Experiences Part I
-Limpia Experiences Part II
-Limpia Experiences Part III
-Limpia Experiences Part IV
-My First Experiences With Witchcraft
-My Introduction to Energy Work
-Why Grey? My Personal Philosophy
An explanation of why I consider myself to be a grey witch.
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Category: Miscellaneous
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-Glossary of Terms
-My Art & Graphic Designs
Digital art and graphics
-My Discord Server: The Reliquary of Unique Magics & Their Inventors
My tumblr post that explains our mission and requirements for membership.
-Oil, Corn, & Wine: A Witchcord Server
A discord server for witchcraft that is easier to gain entry to than The Reliquary
-My Services
Divination, sigilcraft, script design, and conlangs.
-My Tiktok
-Digital Templates & Inspiration
From spells logs to ideas.
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Last Updated: Oct. 30th, ‘23
See Updated List
If the last update date is two weeks or more, I’d recommended checking out the updated list.
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booksandwitchery · 1 year
List of books I’ve mentioned or reviewed on my blog
Here is the master list of books I’ve mentioned, with links to their pages. I will be keeping this list current and linked in my description.
*The ankh symbol [ ☥ ] indicates that this book is especially important to me and/or drastically changed my life
☥ Atheopaganism: An Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science by Mark Green
Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer
☥ Drawing Down the Moon by Margot Adler
☥ DIY Magic by Anthony Alvarado
How to Become a Witch by Julie Wilder
☥ Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation by Mat Auryn
Storytelling Alchemy by Renée Damoiselle
The Beginner Witch’s Guide to Grimoires by Julie Wilder
The Door to Witchcraft by Tonya A. Brown
The Enchanted Life: Unlocking the Magic of the Everyday by Sharon Blackie
The Witch of the Forest’s Guide to Natural Magick by Lindsay Squire
The Witch’s Guide to Manifestation by Mystic Dylan
☥ Witchcraft Therapy by Mandi Em
Wisdom, Psychology, Philosophy, Self-Growth, etc…
☥ The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
☥ Sane Occultism by Dion Fortune
Simply Wicca: A Beginner’s Guide to the Craft of the Wise by Lisa & Anton Stewart
☥ Wicca for Beginners by Thea Sabin
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