#a lesson in romantics tour
kittyboy-cunt · 5 months
any cute guys wanna let me carve open your abdominal cavity and play around in your guts while i fuck your brains out?
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parxarchive · 7 years
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underscoregeoff: Love 💕🎸 (📸: @jawnrocha) [october 2, 2017]
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satireinfo · 2 months
Paris Olympics: Love, Lights, and Long Jumps 
Paris Olympics: Love, Lights, and Long Jumps The Real Story Behind the Games Paris, the City of Lights, has always been synonymous with romance, elegance, and a touch of whimsy. As the world’s best athletes gather for the 2024 Olympics, it’s not just the sporting events capturing headlines. From croissant-powered performances to impromptu dance-offs, the real stories unfolding in Paris are…
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maefansblog · 4 months
Colin definitely misses Penelope when he gets back. He wants to spend as much time with her as possible. She sees Colin and, of course, gives him an ego boost.
Penelope grounded him through his letters on his first tour, and without her writing him, Colin went crazy. He lost sight of who he was to a point that he created a new social personality as a rake like he thought was expected from him. Why did he think it was expected? The men who would talk to him also had rake personalities, and women would give him attention if he was "charming" and flirty. His brothers even congratulated him for having more "proportion."
However, Pen sees through that. He starts seeing how important not only their friendship is but how much she means to him.
Someone was saying on here that he used the courting lessons to have Penelope forgive him, to be friends again, and to spend more time with him, and I agree. He doesn't really teach her much, except to have confidence and be herself. He's still going unchaperoned with her, touching her, joking/flirting with her, and meeting up in the middle of the night.
Ooo!! Another thought... maybe this is another reason why in the Willow scene, he is so happy to quit the lessons. I think not only his world turned upside down with the kiss, and he now sees Penelope in a more romantic light. Also, he believes she has fully forgiven him for his words from last season, and they can resume just being together that is outside society rules. The word "friend" starts to sound so strange coming out of his mouth when he is starting to describe their relationship. "Like wow! I like her, AND I can kiss her too? I didn't know I could do that! And I like doing that."
Yet now, she is saying she wants to look for a relationship with someone else, and Colin just wants to make her happiness, even if it's not with him. Which starts his torture.
I'm seeing so many new things!!!
Then his mom says that it's ok to gather courage if she also has feelings. Colin is like, "Absolutely! I'm a good boy, and I will gather courage to ask."
And he freezes. There are so many doubts. He has no idea if she likes him. His fear takes over, and Lord Debling shows up to start a courtship dance. Of course, Colin wants Penelope’s happiness, so if she chose Debling, he would let her.
The second that he realized that Penelope would be engaged and to a man that would not love her, that is when Colin gathers the courage to ask. Pen would not be happy with Debling, and Colin only wants her happiness. Colin realized he wanted to make her happy, she would make him happy, and he would do everything in his power to make her happy. For the rest of their lives. He knew in that moment that he could waste no more time. Who needs courtship when they've known each other most of their lives? Now that he knows she wants to be more than friends, he wants to marry her.
I'm going to watch Season 3 Part 1 again. I'm in a loop, my fellow Bridgerton watchers!
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madlori · 4 months
What do you like about the bucktommy relationship? We haven't seen enough of it to know it's good. So far Tommy isn't seeming good for Buck. He didn't dress up for Buck's party and is a downer on Buck's enthusiasm.
I'm tempted to think this a trolling ask because the two things you cite are so trivial they can't possibly be serious objections. But let's pretend it's not.
Let's recap, shall we?
Things Tommy has done for Buck:
Given him a tour of harbor when he asked, offered to give him flying lessons
Be excited and welcoming to see him at basketball
Gone to his loft to talk to him and smooth things over when he thought there'd been a misunderstanding, or that Buck was feeling badly about his and Eddie's friendship.
Bonked him on the metaphorical head and said "um you're queer my dude"
Laid out his own emotional stuff (being jealous of the 118's closeness, his struggles with being closeted)
Come to talk to him after their failed date and told him he was still interested
Agreed to come to his sister's wedding even though he low-key thought it was kinda bonkers
Shown up in the first place for that bachelor party when he was on call
Made sure Buck knew he was only leaving because he had to
Showed up to the hospital after a long day firefighting, without even showering first, because he promised he'd try to be there
Presumably, been a good enough boyfriend that Buck hasn't had to be talked off a ledge (yet) and made Bobby think he was good for him.
Now as to your two objections:
He didn't dress up for the party. Know who else didn't? Literally everyone else. Buck and Eddie were the only two who dressed on theme. Also he WAS ON CALL. By this logic, I'm a terrible friend because I also don't usually dress up for costume parties given by my friends because I don't like it (and this wasn't even a costume party, it was "themed" whatever that means).
A downer on Buck's enthusiasm? I assume you mean at the medal ceremony buffet? Where he was on edge due to the presence of a former captain who made his life hell and who he's probably low-key terrified will say something homophobic to him and his still-pretty-new boyfriend, which he in fact DID? He was pretty supportive of Buck's enthusiasm over the harbor helicopters, being his date to the wedding, and Muay Thai.
What do I like about this relationship? Everything. It's the most giddy and starry-eyed we have EVER seen Buck about a romantic partner. Tommy has shown up for him repeatedly, and prioritized him in a way that Buck is not used to. Buck has needed someone who will treat him as important. In only the short times we've seen of them, Tommy has done that.
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damianwaynerocks · 1 year
ya know how it’s canon that damian was taking acting lessons with carrie? and that he was really good at it?
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what if that’s his civilian job when he’s older?
like we know some of the bats have civilian jobs. bruce, obviously, runs WE. tim is CEO. dick is a cop.
what if damian’s civilian job is an actor?
i know it wouldn’t make total sense bc he’d probably have to leave set randomly in the middle of a scene because he’d have to go on a mission but hear me out.
we know he loved acting because he gets to be someone else. carrie says this:
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and then damian says the same thing in super sons
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yeah he could’ve been saying that to fuck with jon but because carrie said the same thing, i think he was being honest.
and besides, look at how he played that old man. that is a jolly old fella and i personally read it in sweet old man voice.
and the disguises he always chooses when going undercover are outfits like these
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and yes you could say that it’s just a gag bit the writer put in to be funny or you could say that that’s how damian feels like “normal” people dress and he’s trying to fit in but to me!! i feel like it’s him trying to be the opposite of how he is. you know, being somebody else.
plus he’s so good with voices. he could easily put on any accent necessary.
and so i think he would be an actor. yeah, he wouldn’t be able to be in gotham all the time filming movies and stuff, but personally i love the idea of damian being like dick and moving out of gotham to become his own hero/person.
he’d get the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be someone else, someone who wasn’t taught to kill someone before they could walk, someone who wasn’t forced to grow up way too fast, someone who doesn’t have to risk their life every single night, somebody who doesn’t have to hold possibly the world’s biggest secret. he could embrace being a completely different person, even if it’s only for a few hours at a time.
and imagine how funny it would be for the batfamily to turn on their tv and watch their mean, stern little brother have a wide smile with an australian accent in a romantic comedy.
jason storming out of the manor after damian insulted him 30 times and then he turns on his tv to get his mind off it and there damian is on a beach searching for treasure side-by-side with tom holland
damian in a wired google search interview and the first result is “is damian wayne robin?” and damian just sighs.
damian on a press tour in an interview and he’s just shooting the shit with jennifer anniston.
tim watching the tiktok edits of damian and just silently fuming at the comments that are like “he’s so babygirl”
damian getting an offer for a star wars movie and yeah, he might hate star wars because the lightsaber duels follow no sword fighting etiquette but he takes the role anyways so that tim can’t watch his beloved star wars without seeing damian wielding a light saber with ewan mccgregor
would dc do it? no definitely not and logistically it wouldn’t work because crimefighter hours probs do not mesh with 14 hour days on set. however!! imagine damian in a buzzfeed puppies interview.
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chaifootsteps · 1 month
I think the thing that really gets me about how Viv has written Stolas is that, on top of everything else, it's been several months of in-universe time
So Ozzie's happens at the end of s1 and it looks like Stolas is having a 'what have I done?' moment on the stairs. The next time we see him, The Circus confirms it's the morning after when he wakes up with a hangover. From there it's kind of hard to tell if he's already decided to end the deal or not and he already creeps back to blaming Blitzo for his own romantic delusions ('I'm the fool who believes when you look in my eyes', implying Blitzo ever gave him reason to assume there was something between them when he spent a whole season being annoyed by Stolas)
Anyway, Full Moon confirms several months pass while Stolas is trying to arrange the crystal. He takes a good step of letting Blitzo take breaks from the deal, but the less positive step of sending wheedling 'but I'd like to see you anyway~' type texts, which is a total mixed message on his part. (And Blitzo crucially does not take him up on it, which should tell him something) The only other thing he does is start behaving when he calls Blitzo, though since this happens offscreen it's easy to give Stolas more credit for it than he deserves (since whenever he talks to Blitzo onscreen he's always far less nice than the narrative wants to make him out to be and we still don't know if Blitzo even wanted to field these calls but felt obliged to).
Either way, Stolas had several months to reflect on what Blitzo said during Ozzie's and the only lesson he appears to have taken from it is 'Blitzy isn't returning my affections, maybe it's the fault of the deal and nothing else?' (and it doesn't seem like he can really commit to believing the deal is that bad, since in one moment he's calling himself a monster and Blitzo his prisoner and in the next acting like the deal never happened)
He still sees Blitzo like an object, only now it's 'I give him with the crystal and he rewards me with love'. He doesn't try to communicate when Blitzo is understandably lost and confused and he gets pissy the moment he doesn't get the response he wants. If we're assuming he's taking Blitzo jumping to think it was roleplay as a rejection, then he isn't handling the rejection particularly graceful. He tries to exit the scene, sure, but when Blitzo follows him he keeps ranting about how long he's wanted Blitzo (as though he expected Blitzo to know in spite of the deal still being in place and him sending mixed messages) and ducking responsibility for why Blitzo doesn't trust he's sincere
And then Blitzo reinforces the idea that Stolas has treated him like crap when he can't comprehend Stolas is being sincere, then gets angry when Stolas pulls his DARVO 'I can't believe you're making it about sex' routine, then he expilcitly refers to what Stolas has 'put him through', mentions he treats him no better than his servants and calls Stolas an asshole
At this point Stolas has plenty of evidence to realize that not only is the deal ample reason for Blitzo to hate his guts, but Blitzo has mentioned directly that the way Stolas treats him and acts is part of the problem twice now. There's something else he needs to figure out and fix.
Stolas couldn't figure that out despite having months to prepare after Ozzie's, but now he has no excuse. And what happens?
The night after full moon Stolas has presumably done no reflection on anything Blitzo said. Throughout apology tour the deal is barely even referenced so it seems like Stolas assumes he's immediately off the hook for that and Blitzo doesn't get to hold it against him (and as usual the show supports that framing by sweeping it under the rug). But not only that, Stolas is now acting like he's the one who's been wronged and he's the one who's angry with Blitzo, who needs to make it up to him.
Despite knowing Blitzo feels he treats him like an underling he just straight tells Blitzo it isn't true, reframing past events to be more favorable to him (hiding his face in a menu is now 'showing people how much I like you', using his need for the book to extort sex out of him is now 'how hard I've tried to support you')
Just like after Ozzie's, he has a moment in the song where he could try and learn something and realize he's the one in the wrong...but he doesn't.
Tl:dr - Stolas has had literal months to reflect and change for the better, but he's still fundamentally the same person who treats Blitzo like an object who should be giving him sex or love depending on what he wants at the time. And now the deal is over and Blitzo has more autonomy to call him out on his shit, Stolas still doesn't do any self-reflection. Instead he gaslights and doubles down, considering changing only in passing before going right back to the same BS he's always done.
Fans who say 'Stolas will change, just wait and let the show cook' - how much more time does he need exactly??? How many more times can Blitzo reiterate what his problem with Stolas is before we admit that Stolas is behaving in a textbook abusive way: he makes token efforts to fix the problem while not fundamentally changing, expects immediate forgiveness and being rewarded with what he wants, then holds the smallest of transgressions over Blitzo's head endlessly in return (or ignores Blitzo is behaving that way as a response to his crappy actions and treats him like he's acting irrationally) while using his tears to emotionally manipulate Blitzo into treating him like the victim
Fun fact, it was apparently going to be even worse. According to the person who leaked the entire plot of Full Moon to me back in November, it was supposed to be the one year anniversary of the full moon deal.
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noisyquokka · 1 year
Bro you write Felix so well! I have an idea for a request if you're willing ^^
He buys the reader flowers a lot and keeps one from each bouquet so he knows when the rest are dying and he can buy them more! It doesn't have to be boyfriend!felix, I'll leave that up to you! Just something super cute and wholesome, love that!!
A Lesson in Gift-Giving
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PAIRING - Felix x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - Sometimes gift-giving doesn't go as smooth as you plan. Felix realizes the error of his ways after months away on tour.
WARNINGS - Fluff, humor, newly-established relationship, which means there's a little miscommunication, but we get through it like champs ✊🏻
A/N - I love this idea so much! Got a little inspo just from your request, which I added in, hope you don't mind 😅 Wrote it as bf!Felix just cause it's a vibe.
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"This is... definitely not getting out of hand."
You mutter these words to yourself as you stare down the latest delivery of fresh cut flowers sitting on your kitchen counter. Pink and white mini-carnations stare back at you in all their ruffled-petal glory, their sweet scent wafting through your personal space. The handwritten note between your fingers is cheesy and adorable; so very Felix. You scratch the side of your head in bemusement.
Most would say such a reaction to a bouquet of flowers was rude, considering it came from your boyfriend. But as you sit here amongst the variety of florals in your home, you think you've had enough to sustain you for the rest of the year.
It all began with one trip to a local Flea Market. You had stepped inside one of the mini shops on the way out only to catch the dashing white orchids in their pot on the shelf. Felix had offered to buy them for you as a little gift, and with hearts in your eyes, you had accepted. You stare at it now - a glorious centerpiece of four months that is absolutely thriving in its own right.
Then came the fresh cut peonies.
You were over the moon when Felix had surprised you with the first bouquet two weeks later, but you never could've imagined the deluge of flowers that would follow like clockwork. And you accepted all of them with the utmost gratitude. You'd also developed an odd relationship with the delivery guy over time; saying nothing verbally, but everything with the great art of facial miming, if that was even a thing.
The only thing about such a gift is that your place was beginning to look less like a home and more like a florist's shop. Your kitchen island not only held your thriving orchid display, but those same lush peonies, now dried in hues of dusty pinks. As your collection of flowers grew, so did your creativity. The flourishing arrangement of blooms that you had gotten for your four month anniversary had been carefully pressed between paper-towel-lined book pages for roughly two weeks before you were able to proudly display them in the frame above your bed.
It's safe to say you've turned just about every blank space in your home into a floral oasis over the last few months.
What was supposed to be a simple, romantic gesture was quickly derailing. Only problem was you had to be the one to stop it. After being with Felix for six months, you'd think such a simple conversation would be... well, simple. And yet, you stand here in a state of blooming panic.
A knock at the door brings you back to your current predicament. Your fingers twitch around the cardstock, crumpling the edge as your feet move in short strides toward the entrance. You're half expecting the delivery guy again, but as you swing the door open, you're even more surprised to find your boyfriend standing there with a smile that rivals the sun and-
"More flowers...!"
They're Dahlias this time - an arrangement of small but vibrant Orange Button blooms that compliment their larger, blushing Café au Lait companions. The contrast between them in both size and color is stunning; warm candle flames licking at the edges of whimsical ivory bones.
"Special delivery!" Felix's bubbly voice sets your heart in motion, and although you're seeing flower petals behind your eyelids, you can't help but smile at the cellophane-wrapped bouquet in his hand. A tote bag hangs off his other arm, filled to the brim with you can only guess what.
"Felix!?" You shake your head but lunge at him with open arms, a mix of confusion and excitement crossing your face. "Tour doesn't end for another three days. What are you doing here?"
"Last stop was canceled so I pulled some strings and caught a red-eye." He murmurs, burying his nose into your scalp. You feel him sink into your touch, a deep release of breath that says he's happy to be back home. God, did he miss you.
You pull away, ushering him inside and taking the flowers with the utmost care.
"Dahlias aren't even in season yet, where'd you get these?!"
You miss the furrow of his brow as he slugs his shoes off at the mat, following you through the immediate hallway.
"I may have pulled some more strings..." Felix trails off, footsteps faltering once he's in the open space of the kitchen and living room. He hears your laugh, lips quirking into a lopsided grin as he takes in the familiar centerpiece on the island. When you turn around, you catch those brown eyes shift from the orchids to the peonies that sit beside them. He points at the mummified bouquet with a tilt of his head.
"Are those~" He blinks, setting the tote bag down on the cool marble. "Are those the peonies I bought you for our one month?"
You hum an affirmative, lips thinning as you disappear down the hallway in search of a vase. Every single floral in your house is like a bright red flag in the apartment; waving rampantly in your peripheral as you pass through the living room. Good god, Felix hasn't even noticed those yet. The thought has you losing focus, fingers mindlessly shuffling through the vast collection of vases in the hall closet.
The crumpled petals in their muted pinks and creams stare back at the man as he leans against the kitchen island, chin resting in the palm of his hand with narrowed eyes. Felix would've expected these to be long gone by now. The peonies that had once been so vibrant and alive are nothing more than dried stems and petals in a ceramic vase. To him, they look less-than-lively in their current state. The sound of socked feet padding back into the living room shifts his attention. He doesn't even notice the other displays behind you, too focused on your presence alone.
"I'm no florist, Love, but these look like they're past their prime." There's a hint of a smile on his lips when he finishes his quip, and you can't help but chuckle. Twitchy fingers reach for the junk drawer handle, pulling it open with a lazy arm.
"I know they're not as beautiful as when you first gave them to me," You say, grabbing the set of pruners and scissors that rest among snack clips, rubber bands and the like, "but trust me when I say that they're still pretty."
"They look dead." He deadpans, padding around the island in few strides. He watches you work intently, leaning against the countertop as you cut the wrapping away and cut back the stems. The tap runs in the sink, cooler for the delicate blooms in your hands.
"They're not-" You start, filling the chosen vase a quarter of the way and mixing the food packet in. Your cheeks feel warm from the comment and you dip your head as you work. "Well, I guess they are technically dead..."
You hear the chuff of a laugh from your boyfriend and glance over your shoulder, quickly looking forward again when you find citrine eyes already on you. The grin on Felix's face is soft and yet you feel your face heat up even more. If he's teasing me about the peonies, what's he gonna say about the others?
"I dried them, so to me, they're just... frozen in time." You say, pruning the few leaves from the lower stems.
"You dried them?" He sounds surprised. You nod, placing the flowers into their yellow porcelain vase, fiddling with the placement of each blossom more than you should.
It's now, when you're preoccupied, that Felix's eyes rove over the island to the living room and his eyes widen. The Gladiolus bouquet from almost two weeks ago sits on the coffee table as a centerpiece, still alive by some miracle. Even more surprising, the Hydrangeas from a week and a half ago sit in a glass jar on the console table behind your sofa. The water in the makeshift vase is just about gone, settled in the base of the jar touching just the tips of the clipped stems.
"Baby, how are these still alive?" He asks, walking around the island towards the displays in the living area. Your attention shifts, following his movements as he stands there baffled by the still pristine blooms on the coffee table. Felix turns his head to you, your fingers laced in front of you as you move away from the Dahlias in their yellow porcelain vase.
"Felix, I have to tell you something."
Dark brows knit at your tone, voice mumbling and awkward as you tap your index nail onto your opposite ones.
"What, Love?"
"It's just- ah-" You let out a tense exhale, your heart beat picking up in your chest. "It's a little embarrassing to say, and I don't want you to take this the wrong way, but the flowers have gotten a bit out of hand... and..."
You pause in your ramblings, glancing up to your boyfriend who is still fascinated by the week old flowers. He picks up the jar of Hydrangeas with a careful hand, eyeing the petals that have begun their wilting and drying process. Observing. Analyzing. For a moment you believe he's so focused on them that your words have gone unheard, but he shifts his gaze to yours with arched brows and narrowed browns.
"How'd you manage to keep these fresh so long? The florist's site said they'd last a little under a week if you were lucky."
You tilt your head toward the ceiling, pressing your lips together as you scratch at the nape of your neck.
"I may or may not have some background in floristry..." You trail, voice going higher as you speak. Your fingers clench over your thumb as your eyes flicker about the living space, avoiding eye contact. "It's part of why I'm telling you. I love the flowers, Felix, I really do. But, it's just becoming a bit much."
"Love," Felix sets the flowers down with a sigh, and you keep your eyes on the far wall out of shame. He's mad, disappointed... he's something! And it's not a good someth-
You startle at the feeling of warm hands cupping your cheeks and your wide eyes dart forward to meet his. He takes in your expression, noticing the nervous shifting and fidgeting. Felix offers you his full attention - a warm smile and warm eyes, those familiar crescents.
"Why are you so nerved up? There's nothing to be ashamed of, you know I support you in everything." He leans forward and in an instant you feel him press a kiss to your forehead. Your chest lightens at the gesture.
"So you're not mad?"
"Never! Though I wish you would've told me that you were knowledgeable in fresh cut flowers. I only sent you new ones after the flower I took from each bouquet wilted on me."
His confession makes you laugh, your eyes closing as you shake your head.
"I was wondering why one was missing from every delivery. I thought someone was shortchanging you!"
"No, I wanted you to have something to brighten up the place when I'm gone. I guess I didn't consider the idea of you knowing anything on flowers..." He trails, chuckling to himself. His hands leave your face, taking their familiar place wrapped around your waist as he pulls you into him. Felix's chin rests atop your head, and you bring your own arms around his torso, nails scratching lightly against his shoulder blades. You press your face into his chest.
"So, where'd you learn all your magical floristry skills from?" He asks, glancing around the place for any other old bouquets he'd gifted you.
"My grandfather." You murmur, tilting your head up to catch his eye. Your arms tighten around him. "He was always out in the garden, spent most of his lifetime caring for his flowers out there, I'm pretty sure. Everything he'd taught me was through his own trial and error."
"Well, sure seems like you've perfected some of his teachings." Felix muses, grinning down at you. A scoff leaves you and you wave away his high praises.
"It's nothing, really. I just enjoy the process." You feel your cheeks heating up again, so you press your face back into the fabric of his hoodie.
"It's nothing?" Felix's arms tighten around your waist, lifting you easily and sitting himself down on the couch so you're draped over his lap. You settle your face in the crook of his neck, feeling him huff out a content sigh as he relaxes into the cushions. "You are so humble... but you have to admit, you're a natural at this. Maybe we should open up a flower shop together, hm? I'll take the orders, you just do your thing with this beautiful mind of yours." He nuzzles his chin into the side of your head with a chuckle, fingers cascading over the skin of your hip.
"You gonna take orders on tour, too?" You tease, fighting back a grin.
"You betcha! Your talent can be shipped worldwide." He glances down to gauge your reaction, the corners of his lips curled up in a smug amusement. Though there's that genuine affection seeping through as well. The kind that makes your heart flutter. You roll your eyes, but your hostility is lost with the curl to your lips. You press a soft kiss to Felix's neck, his expression shifting as he rests his head against the back of the couch.
"You really think I could open a flower shop?"
"You could be anything you wanna be, Love." He says, shifting so that you're facing each other. He draws you closer, hands moving to the curve of your shoulders. You can feel his heart beating against your own, missing that skin-to-skin contact that he's been craving for the past few months on tour. The living room settles into contentedness for a moment; just fingers brushing skin and shallow breaths as you both keep your eyes on one another.
"I love you," Felix whispers, lips brushing against yours once, twice, until they fully connect in a sweet kiss.
"And I love you," You mumble, smiling against him. "but I'll happily take your brownies every week for the next year."
"No more flowers, then?" You scrunch your nose at his question, pressing your lips together to stop yourself from laughing at the ridiculousness of your situation.
"You are the biggest rom-com protagonist I've ever laid my eyes on."
Felix's eyes light up with a playful spark as he tilts his head to the side, a deep chuckle rumbling his chest.
"What can I say, I try." He's oh, so humble about it; eyebrows arching in a cocky manner, a lopsided grin on his lips. He presses another kiss to your lips, slow and lingering as his hands slip to your lower back. You can't help but smile against his mouth, bringing a hand up to tangle in the dark tresses of hair. He hums before pulling back, suddenly remembering something.
"Speaking of being the best boyfriend alive-"
"Your words, but sure-"
"-I brought some takeout and a few other gifts from overseas... but you said you wanted brownies soooo..." He looks off elsewhere, and you roll your eyes.
Felix laughs, the sound a gentle melody to your ears. Your eyes meet again and he shoots you a loving smile, nodding toward the bag sitting on the counter.
"They're yours, Love." He murmurs, fingers tapping the side of your leg to usher you off the couch.
"C'mon. The quicker we eat, the quicker I get to cuddle you to sleep."
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Psst!! If you made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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chaoticpositvty · 5 months
I'm sure this has all been discussed but I needed to type it out myself.
So Buck asked for a tour because he saw how much of a badass Tommy was, in his own words, he wanted to get to know him. As he gets the tour of Harbor he hangs on every word Tommy says. I mean, there's also the fact he was smiling like a fool. Tommy offers to give him flying lessons and Buck looks giddy. He was so brave to ask Tommy to get a beer but the look of absolute disappointment when Tommy turned down the invite was devastating (yeah, I'm being dramatic) If you pay attention you'll realize this episode was NEVER Buck being jealous of a Eddie in a romantic way but in the way that he was getting all of Tommy's attention and Buck wasn't. I mean, we obviously come full circle by the end of the episode and see Buck's realization but watching the journey is quite beautiful.
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ash5monster01 · 2 years
Master List
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Who I write for - Headcanon’s
Requests are closed <3
please keep in mind that not all requests will be fulfilled. sometimes a request can be something I have no knowledge on, no interest in, or desire to write. don’t let that discourage you from asking though, you never know what kind of ideas you can spark just from suggestion :))
Posted Fics:
Steve Harrington
More Than You Know
Somebody’s Baby
Just The Way You Are
Speak Now
Not Just The Books 18+
Every Thought
Favorite Song
Sunday Morning
Pizza Mixup
Wrong Address
Perfect to Love series
Lifetime Tour series
Joe Keery
Unexpected Greetings
Drew Starkey
All Yours 18+
Talking In Your Sleep
First Love
Rafe Cameron
Air Supply
Why Didn’t You Say So
The Perfect Day
Learning to Love 18+ series
Andrew Garfield
She’s A Keeper
Seal The Deal
Should’ve Known it Was You
I Can’t
TASM Peter Parker
Baby Steps 18+
Best Kinds of Kisses
Spider-man/Peter Parker (whichever one you desire)
Knew It (Platonic)
Bradley Bradshaw
Do You Want Me
Overprotective (Platonic/Hangman Fic)
Lessons of You 18+ series
Miles Teller
Not Yourself
Angus MacGyver
I’ll Prove It To You
I’m Okay With That 18+
Back To You
Scars of Our Past
Tension 18+
Wish it Was Me
It Should Be Wrong 18+
It’s Only Fair
Ground Rules
Steve Rogers
Dreaming With a Broken Heart
Billy Tepper
Marty McFly
All of You
Randall ‘Pink’ Floyd
This Moment
Always You 18+
Only Comfort
Charlie Dalton
Getting Red
Only Thing Left to Live For
Snowed In
Red Lips 18+
I Can See You
First Snow
You’ll be Okay
Perfectly Me
Guilty as Sin? 18+
Turn Back Time
The Best I Could
Truths of Our Past 18+ series
Goes On series
Getaway Camp 18+ series
Neil Perry
New Romantics 18+
First Time 18+
Sick Days
It’s Just Practice 18+
Todd Anderson
Study Buddies
DPS Fics
Trapped In Time
It’s Not Christmas Without You
One’s Hour Has to Come
For actual stories here is my Wattpad
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Robert Schumann
Robert Schumann (1810-1856) was a German composer of Romantic music, particularly piano and orchestral works, as well as over 250 songs or lieder. He was also a musical critic and founded his own magazine. His wife Clara Schumann (1819-1896), a concert pianist and composer of renown in her own right, inspired Robert to attempt larger-scale works such as symphonies.
Schumann's work was not especially popular in his own lifetime, and he was continuously troubled by the spectre of mental illness. He attempted suicide, and, suffering from hallucinations, he ended his days in an asylum. Robert Schumann is today considered one of the greatest exponents of Romantic music, where emphasis is given to personal artistic expression and experimentation, often with inspiration coming from art, literature, and nature.
Early Life
Robert Schumann was born in Zwickau, Saxony, on 8 June 1810. His father, August Schumann, was a bookseller, but his interest went far deeper than merely selling literature, for he translated into German the complete works of Lord Byron (1788-1822) and Walter Scott (1771-1832). This perhaps explains Robert's life-long passion for literature, especially the work of Romantic writers like Jean Paul Richter (1763-1825), his personal favourite. Robert studied at the Zwickau Lyceum in an uneventful youth in terms of academic achievement.
Robert's life turned upside down when his father died in 1826 after suffering some sort of inner mental turmoil. There was further family tragedy when Robert's sister Emilie, who had also been troubled by mental problems, committed suicide. Robert thereafter lived in perpetual fear that he, too, would one day succumb to such an illness. Spoilt by his mother, Robert was "allowed to indulge in such expensive tastes as champagne and cigars while still at school" (Arnold, 1647). Robert had written his own music while still a child, and his skills merited taking private piano lessons in Leipzig where he also studied law from 1828. Unsettled in his studies – it was his mother who had pushed for him to study law – Robert moved on to the University of Heidelberg in 1829. Still not impressing his tutors and still showing little interest in law, which he described as "chilly jurisprudence with its ice-cold definitions", Robert decided to go on a grand tour to see the cultural sights of Switzerland and Italy (Steen, 400).
Schumann did not particularly impress with his piano playing. His hopes of becoming a concert pianist were, in any case, dashed early on in a bizarre accident involving a device he himself designed to strengthen his fingers. That is, at least, the traditional view. Some more modern historians present the theory that the injury came about as a result of a mercury treatment for syphilis (which is noted in his medical records). Whatever the real cause, Schumann certainly suffered a debilitating and permanent hand injury. Instead, then, Schumann turned to music criticism and creating his own compositions. Here he was to have much more success. At last, he had found his vocation. As Schumann himself remarked on completing his first compositions: "On sleepless nights I am conscious of a mission which rises before me like a distant peak" (Schonberg, 182).
Robert Schumann's Birthplace
Unknown Artist (Public Domain)
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melody-everbelle · 1 year
I Won’t Say I’m In Love (Wally Darling x Reader)
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Title: I Won’t Say I’m In Love
Pairing: Wally Darling x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 593
Featured character(s): Julie Joyful, Sally Starlet, and Poppy Partridge
Warning(s): Denial, persuasion, and fluff :3
Summary: You try to convince yourself that falling in love with Wally is a bad idea. However, your neighbors think the opposite. 😉
Author's Note: Another Wally Darling fanfic! 🎉
I based this fanfic off of the aforementioned scene from Disney’s Hercules, so I hope you enjoy musical fanfics 🥰
You were out on a date with Wally Darling. During the event, Wally picked out your favorite flower and handed it to you. Before the date was over, he kissed your cheek and wished you goodnight.
As the night went on, you sat alone in the garden, admiring the flower that Wally gave you. Moments of you and him together crossed your mind, causing your heart to slightly flutter, and your cheeks to glow pink.
"Oh, Y/N," you said to yourself. "To think you have feelings for him."
After looking around to make sure that no one was around, you began to sing out loud.
(Y/N) If there's a prize for rotten judgement, I guess I've already won that No puppet's worth the aggravation That's ancient history, been there, done that
To your surprise, your friends, Julie Joyful, Sally Starlet, and Poppy Partridge tagged along. You tossed the flower away, only for Julie to catch it.
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) Who d'you think you're kidding? He's the earth and heaven to you Try to keep it hidden, Honey we can see right through you Girl/boy/hon, you can't conceal it We know how you're feeling Who you're thinking of
Julie walked over to return the flower to you, but you rejected it to her dismay.
(Y/N) No chance, no way, I won't say it, no no
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) You swoon, you sigh, why deny it? Oh oh
(Y/N) It's too... cliche I won't say I'm in love
You walked away from the trio to give yourself a break. As you continued touring around the garden, you couldn't help but mentally visualize romantic scenarios.
(Y/N) I thought my heart had learned its lesson It feels so good when you start out My head is screaming "Get a grip girl/boy/hon" Unless you're dying to cry your heart out
Julie, Sally, and Poppy followed along.
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) You keep on denying Who you are and how you're feeling Baby we're not buying Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling Face it like a grown-up When you gonna own up that you got, got, got it bad?
Eventually, you walked around an area of the garden where there were statues of the residents of the Neighborhood.
(Y/N) No chance no way I won't say it, no no
You accidentally bumped into a statue of Wally, causing you to grin and blush.
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) Give up, give in, check the grin you're in love
Embarrassed, you recoiled from the statue.
(Y/N) This scene won't play, I won't say I'm in love
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) You're doing flips, read our lips: you're in love!
(Y/N) You're way off base, I won't say it
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) She/he/they won't say it, no
You eventually returned to the spot where Wally kissed your cheek.
(Y/N) Get off my case, I won't say it
Altogether, Julie, Sally, and Poppy place the flower next to you.
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) Girl/boy/hon, don't be proud, it's okay you're in love
Recognizing the flower, you brought it close to your face. You finally realized that your love for Wally was valid.
(Y/N) Ooh, at least out loud, I won't say I'm in love
While singing the last word, you leaned back towards a large, gnarled tree and fell asleep shortly after.
(Julie, Sally, and Poppy) Shoo-loo, shoo-loo, shoo-loo sha-la-la-la-la-la, ahh 💖
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imaginecolby · 1 year
broken record || c.b.
summary: you and colby were once best friends, but when he moves to LA, you lose the most important person in your life. when you meet again a number of years later, you confess your feelings and he attempts to fix your relationship.
prompt credits to @brocksblueroses !! *y/f/n: your full name *(m/n): manager’s name
y/f/n and colby brock, truly the best of friends. you and him were closer than two people could ever be. you went everywhere together, hung out together all the time. people truly thought you were going to spend the rest of your lives together, whether it was just a platonic relationship, or romantically.
unfortunately, that all changed after your high school graduation. you made all these plans to spend the summer together, but all of a sudden, he was packing up his car and leaving you behind. he was on his way to living a life in los angeles, in an attempt to make a name for himself in the social media world. you watched behind instagram and twitter, seeing him become one half of a very successful youtube duo. you were so proud of him for all of his success, but you wished so badly that you could be celebrating with him.
you tried every day to reach out to him, just to talk and catch up. maybe even plan something to meet up with him. he started out giving you short responses, then nothing at all, and eventually he ended up unfollowing you.
“it just sucks so bad because we were so close at one point. then, all of a sudden, it’s as if we never even met or knew each other.” you sighed, venting to a friend about what was going on between the two of you. 
“hey, that’s his loss. if he wants to get all in his head with an ego, then that’s on him. you’re an amazing friend to everyone, and if he can’t see that, then he’s dumb.” they said to you. you forced a laugh, trying to keep your tears from falling. 
as the years continued to pass, you began working on making a name for yourself as well. you’d been a singer for some time, and finally took the plunge to become more serious about it. you’d been taking singing lessons to perfect your voice, and meeting and making contacts. you lived in LA for a while, but it soon got very expensive. fortunately, you had a friend who lived in las vegas and had an extra room that they offered to you. you were able to work on a large part of your music from home, and it was only a short trip to los angeles when you needed to be there. 
your first couple of years living in vegas were so good, and you were starting to gain a following. your music was doing really well, and they were all songs that you were beyond proud of. after the first few singles, which then turned to an EP, your manager was able to secure you some spots performing at small venues and theaters around you. it was a very small “tour,” performing at small venues mostly on the west coast. performing gave you the thrill of a lifetime and you couldn’t believe that your life had taken this turn. 
tonight was your final show, which was taking place in las vegas, and you were performing at a small theater on the strip. you'd sold a good number of tickets and had seen fans tweeting you about how excited they were for the night. before the show, you had a small meet and greet event, meeting and taking pictures with your fans. it was so heartwarming to meet the people who supported your craft and made it possible for you to perform like this. you always took the time to make sure that they knew how grateful you were for them. 
once the show started, you were feeling a bit uneasy. despite it still being a small crowd, it was the biggest one you’d ever performed for. as you sang, hearing everyone sing the words back to you, you were on the verge of tears the entire night. it was so special, and you were over the moon. 
as your eyes scanned the crowd, they fell upon a face you immediately recognized. colby brock was in the audience, watching your show and vibing to your music. if you hadn’t been in the middle of a song, you would have run off the stage to throw up. but you powered through. 
throughout the rest of your set, you made a conscious effort to not linger on colby for too long. you couldn’t believe the butterflies you had by just seeing him. but you didn’t want to make it too obvious that you were staring at him. 
after the show, as everyone was leaving, colby was feeling those same butterflies. 
“man, she was amazing! i can’t believe i hadn’t heard of her until tonight.” colby said, reeling from the high.
“she was really good! im glad (m/n) convinced us to come. it’ll be good to us to get to know the local talent.” sam said. 
“sam, i need to talk to her. i dont know why, but something is drawing me to her.”
“well, she’s probably packing up to leave, so you better hurry. good luck. i’ll be waiting outside.” sam said, patting him on the shoulder. colby, working his charm, somehow convinced the security guards to let him backstage. as you and your crew were packing up, you turned in his direction, eyes meeting once again. 
“uh, hi. can we help you?” one of your band mates said to him, colby’s eyes stayed locked on yours. 
“i was wondering if i could talk to you.” he said shyly, eyes glued to you.
“yeah, sure.” you said, walking over to him. you eased your band mate who went back to their equipment to finish packing up. “c’mon.” you said to colby, leading him back to the green room. you sat down on the couch and he followed suit, sitting awfully close to you. 
“i just gotta say that was such an incredible show you put on tonight. you are so talented.” he said with a smile. 
“thank you. that means a lot.” you smiled back.
 “i’m colby, by the way.” he said, extending his hand to shake. 
“y/n.” you said, taking his hand and shaking it. why was he being so formal? is this some kind of bit? 
“so, have you always been a singer? you’ve got an incredible voice.” he said to you. 
“uh, not professionally, no. i've sung here and there, at home, in school choir. but just within the last few years or so have i taken it seriously.” you said to him. this was starting to weird you out. did he really not recognize you? 
just then, your tour manager came into the room, letting you know that you were needing to leave soon. 
“ah, shit. sorry. i dont usually hang around this long after the shows. but i gotta get going.” you said, leading him back through the main room and outside. 
“no worries! thank you for taking the time to chat. i was really amazed by your performance and just had to meet you and tell you that in person.” he said.
“hey, y/n! we’re headed to the bar next door! come on!” one of your band mates called. 
“you all go ahead, ill catch up!” you said, waving them off. you watched as they walked off and you turned your attention back to colby. “im sorry, did you just say you had to “meet” me?” you asked him. holy shit, he really didn’t recognize you. 
“yeah. that’s usually what you call two people sharing an interaction for the first time.” he said. you knew he could tell that you were upset. but he didn’t know why he felt so bad about it. 
“what the fuck, colby. do you really not recognize me?” you asked him. 
“y/f/n. from high school?” you took your phone from your pocket and pulled up a photo of the two of you from senior year. it was the homecoming game, he was in his band uniform, and you were at the game with the school choir as you’d performed the school songs beforehand. you both had the widest smiles on your faces and looked happy as ever. 
“oh my god.” he said softly. 
“did your ego get too big for your head that it made you forget everyone you ever knew? we were best fucking friends and you literally introduced yourself to me tonight as if we had no history.” you said, fighting tears. 
“i dont know what to say.” 
“well, im trying to have a good night to celebrate the end of a successful tour. so i'll be next door celebrating with people who actually enjoy being friends with me. you know where to find me when you think if something.” you said before walking off.  
“dude, what the hell?” sam asked, stepping to colby’s side. 
“i fucked up. bad.” colby said, staring at the ground. 
“obviously. she went to school with us?” sam asked, and colby just nodded. 
“i don’t know if you ever met. but she was right. we were best friends. we met freshman year and grew really really close. so much so that people thought we would end up together.” 
“how did i not know any of this?” sam asked. 
“i started distancing myself from her once you and i got more serious about moving to LA and starting youtube. i thought that if i kept her in my life i would never want to leave and be with her forever. i was really falling for her.” colby said. 
“clearly you have some unresolved feelings, since you were begging to talk to her tonight. granted your decision was a dumb one, i don't think you had intentions of hurting her.” 
“i didn't.” colby interrupted. 
“then you need to tell her that.” sam said, colby nodding in agreement. the two of them finally left from the venue and made their way to the neighboring bar. colby quickly spotted you at a table and made his way over to you.
“oh look everyone! its my ex best friend who i was so important to! so much so that he ghosted me and forgot who i was completely!” you said, downing the rest of your drink. 
“y/n, please. let me explain.” colby said to you. 
“explain what? how little i actually meant to you?” you asked. 
“explain myself.” he corrected. “please.” you looked up at him and saw the hurt in his eyes. no matter how mad you wanted to be at him, you broke under his gaze. 
“fine.” you said. you ordered yourself another drink before you followed him to a booth. you slid into one side and colby sat next to you.
“first, i just want to say how incredibly sorry i am. i was an idiot for the things i did to you and i feel so horrible that i didn't take into account how my actions would affect your feelings.” he began. “i wanted so much for this youtube thing to work out with sam that i thought the best thing for me to do was cut ties with you. i thought that, if you and i stayed in touch, i wouldn’t be as focused on this journey as i should've been. all it would’ve taken was one ‘i miss you’ text and i would’ve come running back to you.”
“if you would’ve told me you were serious about youtube, then i would’ve supported you. sure, i would’ve miss you, but i would’ve also convinced you to see it through.” you said.
“i don’t doubt that. but i would’ve been too weak to listen. i was falling for you so hard, i know that i wouldn’t have seen it through. and i didnt want to leave sam hanging. so i did what i thought was appropriate, which was to unfollow you and cut ties completely. and again, i am so incredibly sorry for hurting you the way i did.”
“colby, look. i understand that you felt you had good intentions. and i accept your apology. but i have to tell you, what you did was really shitty and it made me feel horrible. it felt like all the years of friendship we had all meant nothing and that you truly were done with me. seeing you thrive in LA, and now vegas, it made me so proud of you. you and sam have been doing such incredible things and have been so successful. but it made me so sad at the same time, because i wanted to be part of the celebrations. we were always there for each other in the big moments.” you said to him. “and all the times i tried to reach out to you and plan something for us to get together, getting nothing in response, and seeing you out with all your influencer friends. that's when i sorta got the memo that you were truly done with me.”
“i was never done with you. i thought about you all the time. but i had myself convinced that if i let you back in that you would convince me to leave this all behind. i was surrounded by a lot of shitty people back then, and i also had myself convinced that you would use me for clout and then leave me.”
“i’d never do that to you. i never wanted anything from you. i just wanted my friend back.” you said softly.
“well, he’s right here. ready to fix everything. if you’ll have him.”
“i want to fix this, you dont understand how badly i want you back in my life. i really do. but there’s a lot of years of damage that need to be repaired.”
“and im willing to repair it.” he said, taking your hands in his. “more than willing.” 
you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. you were way too drunk to think about trying to stop them, and just let them pour down your face. you tried to speak, but you couldn’t make the words come out. you just nodded your head as he pulled you into his chest, hugging you tight. you sat there wrapped in each other’s arms for a while, silence falling over you as you took comfort in each other’s embrace.
“i missed you.” you said softly.
“i missed you too. more than i realized.” he said, squeezing you once more before letting you go. 
you spent the rest of the night together, catching up and sharing drinks. colby formally introduced you to sam, and the three of you had a great time together. over the course of the next few months, you and colby fell right back into step, your relationship going back to how it was when you knew each other in the past. and the both of you did everything it took to keep it that way.
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reasonsmandy · 1 year
Private Drum Lessons
Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
✧.* requested by anon — ¹ omg can you do prompts 50, 11, and 23 for our fav drummer warren rojas? ² I really like your works. And I see you're taking a request. I would like to see Warren Rojas x Reader with prompt number 50. Thank you.🫶🏼
✧.* summary — You had only one rule in place for yourself: Don't get romantically involved with anyone you work with. However, Warren Rojas made you change all your plans.
✧.* warnings — slightly smut content. MINORS DNI
✧.* word count — 4.0k
✧.* 🥁 — Warren's masterlist
✧.* mandy's notes — You have no idea how much I loved writing this, now i want a "forbidden" romance with my favorite drummer.
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You tried your best to keep your relationships with any band you managed strictly professional, you had already had many negative experiences in this environment, even more so for being a woman in it. So your best decision was never to mix any relationship to avoid future problems, but Warren Rojas changed everything.
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When you first met Warren, you were struck by his talent and charisma. When you agreed to manage the band, you already had great ideas for the tour, they were the most famous band at the moment and having them as clients was a huge milestone for your career. You knew that it was important to maintain a professional relationship with all of the members, but there was something about Rojas that made it difficult to keep things strictly business.
The invitation to work with them came from Daisy, she had heard about your work from Simone and was delighted with what you had done on other projects of yours, Billy was reluctant at first but after getting to know your work he accepted.
You scheduled a meeting with the whole band to decide the main concept of the tour and the musicians' wishes regarding it, and that was the day you met Warren Rojas.
At your first meeting, you tried to ignore the flutter in your stomach as Warren introduced himself. He was handsome and charming, with a mischievous glint in his eye that made your heart skip a beat. You tried to focus on the task at hand, discussing the band's upcoming tour and the logistics involved, but every time the drummer spoke, you found yourself getting lost in his voice.
You immediately tried to remember all your principles regarding your work, it was difficult to keep your attention on the plans and write everything down correctly, because for some reason every time he smiled you felt a shiver on your whole body. He seemed to notice this because whenever he looked at you he would smile with his tongue between his teeth, a classic way he used to flirt without any words.
But that wasn't the first time he had seen you, in fact he had watched you since the first time you got to know the band's sound on live. Daisy called you on the phone and said that they were interested in having you as their manager, you clearly knew who they were, but you pretended you didn't and said that before accepting you would have to see a rehearsal of them to know if the band was your profile.
So that day was the first time Warren saw you, he was struck by your beauty. You were standing at the side of the stage, clipboard in hand, watching the band's soundcheck with a critical eye. Your pretty hair cascaded over your shoulders, and your eyes were being illuminated by the sunlight.
Warren couldn't help but feel a flutter in his stomach as he watched you move gracefully across the stage, making notes on your clipboard. He had always been drawn to strong, confident women, and you exuded that in spades.
He had heard that you were the new manager for the band, but he hadn't had a chance to talk to you yet. He wondered if you would be interested in him, if you felt the same attraction that he did. Billy was always very stressed when they had to present to anyone, and with that he was bizarrely more demanding of everyone, so that day he could only watch you from afar thinking about how your voice would sound, and looking forward to having a conversation with you.
Despite your best efforts to maintain a professional distance from Warren, you found yourself increasingly drawn to him. There was something about the way he played the drums, the way his body moved to the rhythm of the music, the way he always made funny faces while playing 'Aurora', the way he loved playing with the sticks drawing your attention to the agility of his fingers, that sent shivers down your spine.
You tried to focus on your job as the band's manager, but you couldn't help stealing glances at Rojas whenever he was around. He seemed to sense your attraction to him, and he began to flirt with you shamelessly, always finding a way to be close to you. And fucking hell you loved it.
The way your name sounded on his lips made you imagine how it would sound under different circumstances, you couldn't help but picture different scenarios with the drummer. Every time he got close you wanted to feel his touch, feel his lips against your skin, and it was driving you crazy more and more.
You kept trying to resist his charms, reminding yourself that getting involved with a band member was a terrible idea. But as the weeks went by, you found it harder and harder to ignore the chemistry between you two.
They were performing the second show, you could hear the crowd cheering and applauding. One by one they came in to thank everyone and say their goodbyes. When they came backstage and you greeted them with a big smile and said "Congratulations, you killed it!" to each one of them.
Billy didn't take long to retire to his bus, Daisy called you to the party but you said you had a lot to get ready for the next trip and maybe next time you would go, you saw Eddie, Graham and Karen leave with the redhead and you said a quick goodbye to them.
While you were trying to focus on getting things in place, the presence of the drummer didn't allow you to concentrate, you could feel his gaze on your every move which made you get goosebumps. You gather your courage and turn to face him, hands on your hips and eyebrow arched.
"Can I help you with something Warren?" You ask, trying to maintain your composure but now you face him you notice how handsome he looked that night.
"Why are you running away from me?" He asks without presumption, causing you to be caught unnoticed.
You try to keep your voice steady as you speak to him, but you can feel the desire building inside you.
"I'm not running away from you, Warren. I'm just trying to do my job." You try to keep calm, but with each step he takes closer to you, you shiver.
"Come on, Y/N. You can't deny that there's something here. I can feel it every time we're in the same room." He got closer, and this time you didn't try to get away from him anymore, you couldn't.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You become aware of yourself again, pulling away from him.
"I bet you think about me all the time, don't you? Dreaming of what it would be like to have me." He bites his lip, then smiles.
You drop your gaze to the ground, avoiding looking at him any further.
"Warren, I can't." You keep your eyes on anything but him.
"I know you're trying to be professional, but you can't deny the chemistry between us. It's like fireworks." He holds your hands in his, and you bring your gaze to the drummer, feeling such fireworks in your stomach.
"Rojas, I'm serious." You say it more like a whisper, even though your words said the contrary your body showed that you wanted him.
"You can't resist me, can you?" Warren says, a smirk on his face. "Even when you're trying so hard to play it cool, I can see right through you."
You frown, trying to control the beating of your heart that begged you to kiss that man in front of you.
"You don't know a goddamn thing." Your voice was weak, as were your legs with his presence so close.
"Yeah, maybe you're right and I don't know shit." He says still with that damn smile on his face. "But I know about me, and I guarantee you Y/N… every time I see you, I just want to throw you on that couch and have my way with you."
"Fucking hell Rojas." You utter, feeling more and more the urge to surrender to him. "I made just one fucking rule, I can't."
"Just one night, no one will know." He leans closer, kissing your cheek. "You know what they say, mi amor. The forbidden fruit tastes the sweetest. Don't you want to try a little taste?"
"Fuck you!" You exclaim, kissing him with every desire you had.
As your lips meet his, a shiver runs down your spine. You can feel his warmth, his strength, his desire, all pressed up against you. His lips are soft and firm all at once, his tongue expertly exploring your mouth. You find yourself losing control, your hands running through his hair as you pull him closer. The kiss is deep and intense, full of longing and hunger that has been building between you for so long. You can feel yourself getting lost in the moment, forgetting everything else except for the sensation of his lips on yours.
You feel a spark of electricity run through your body, a sensation that you've been longing for since the moment you laid eyes on him. His lips are soft, yet firm against yours, as his hands caress your back, pulling you closer. The kiss is heated and intense, filled with all the pent-up desire and tension that has been building between the two of you. You can taste the sweetness of his lips, the scent of his cologne enveloping you. It's a kiss that feels like it could last forever, and you don't want it to end.
You swore that after that night that desire you had for the drummer would disappear and you would finally do your job without distraction. But you were wrong, everyday when you saw those brown eyes on you you remembered the way he looked at you while kissing your thighs, every time you saw those curls you remembered how it felt to have them between your fingers as he kissed your neck, this man was driving you crazy, you couldn't stop thinking about him.
Today you had a meeting to decide some last details about the concert in Pittsburgh, you were sitting waiting for the band members in a random restaurant in the city, you shuffled your feet in pure anxiety as you scrolled through the list in front of you, you had a lot of ideas but it was hard to sort them. Without looking up from the notebook in front of you, you feel the presence of someone sitting in front of you, you didn't have to make any effort to know it was him, you recognized every detail of him.
"You're early." You say, still looking at your notebook.
"Couldn't wait to see you." He responds with a smirk, leaning back in his chair and running his hand through his hair. "You know, Y/N, you look even more beautiful when you're stressed."
You sigh, rolling your eyes at the comment. "You came early just for that? Because if it is, you can come back later, I have a lot to work here and I need to focus"
"Oh don't worry Hermosa, I'm here to help you out." He says adjusting his vest, resting his back on the chair. "Come on bring it in, I'm listening".
You explain your ideas for doing an exclusive show in their hometown, you read topic by topic of your list in detail talking about each one. When you're done, your eyes go to the drummer again, waiting for his opinions.
"I'll be honest I didn't pay attention to anything you said, your lips got me distracted." You can't help but laugh, rolling your eyes.
"See? You're not the best at staying focused on things Warren." You say, laughing a little.
"What are you talking about?" He says pretending to be offended. "I'm always focused… on you." He finishes his sentence by winking at you
"I'm serious Rojas, I have work to do and…" You watch him intently, your eyes focus on his bare torso with the chains around his neck and that vest that made him so handsome.
"Like what you see?" He says with a smirk you hated the way he had power over you.
"Can you please put a shirt on? It's distracting me," you blurt out, finally looking up from your notebook to see the drummer sitting across from you with his signature vest and bare chest. You try to keep your composure, but the sight of his toned body makes your heart race.
Warren chuckles and leans in closer, "Distracting you? Or turning you on?" he teases, raising an eyebrow suggestively.
"I'm not turned on by you Warren." You try to pretend to be convicted about it, but he only laughs at your words.
"That's not what you said that night, honey," he whispers teasingly.
Your heart races as you try to maintain your composure. "I was drunk," you mutter, knowing it's a weak excuse.
"Sure you were," he chuckles, his hand sliding up your thigh under the table. "But I bet you weren't drunk when you begged for more."
Your breath fails when you feel the drummer's hand go up your thigh, you close your eyes tightly trying to focus on what you had to do. Warren gets up from where he was, you frown not understanding where he would go, he just sits down next to you.
"Let's try one more time princesa." He says moving closer to you, you could feel his breath getting closer. "From topic one, explain to me."
You notice your uneven breathing, Rojas seemed to have you in the palm of his hand, he knew how to mess with you in every possible way. His hands come back to rest on your thigh, caressing it and slowly going up under your skirt. You hold back your urge to moan against his touch, he smiled to see you slowly surrendering to him.
You clear your throat, trying to focus on the task at hand. "Okay, topic one," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "We need to finalize the setlist for the Pittsburgh concert."
Warren nods, still teasingly caressing your thigh. "And what do you suggest for the setlist, mi amor?" he asks, his voice low and husky.
You take a deep breath, trying to ignore the sensations he's causing in your body. "I was thinking we could start with 'You were gone' and then move on to 'Honeycomb,'" you say, trying to concentrate on the matter at hand.
Warren hums, his fingers trailing higher up your thigh. "Mm, that's a good idea," he says, his breath tickling your ear. "But I think we should add 'Kill you to try' in there somewhere."
You bite your lip, trying to suppress a moan as his fingers brush against your panties. "Yeah, that's a good suggestion," you say, your voice shaking slightly.
Warren leans in closer, his lips brushing against your earlobe. "You know, I think maybe we can add 'Regret me' after this one?," he whispers, his fingers slipping beneath your panties.
You gasp, your body responding to his touch. "Warren, please," you say weakly, but your body betrays you as you arch your back against his touch.
He chuckles, his fingers continuing their teasing exploration. "Please what?" he asks, his hand inching closer to your core. "Please stop? Please keep going?"
You bite your lip, trying to hold back a moan as his fingers tease you. "Please...focus," you manage to say, trying to keep your mind on the meeting.
"You know it's easy to solve this, right?" He whispers, stopping moving his fingers, you bite your lip in frustration. "You only need to ask me."
You take a deep breath, trying to keep your cool. "I made a rule not to mix work with pleasure, Warren. And I intend to keep that rule."
He leans in even closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "Who said anything about pleasure? Maybe I just want to work on my thigh drumming technique," he whispers, making you shiver.
"I never heard of any technique like that." You say, looking deep into his eyes.
"I can teach you all of them if you want."
As Warren leans in closer, his lips almost touching yours, you hear a voice coming from behind him.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," you hear Eddie's voice from behind you.
Warren quickly withdraws his hand from under your skirt and sits back in his chair, a sly smile still playing on his lips.
"No worries man, we were just about to get started," he says, looking over at you and winking.
You feel flustered and embarrassed, knowing that maybe Eddie had caught you in a compromising position with Warren. You quickly gather your notes and try to compose yourself, feeling both relieved and disappointed that the drummer had stopped. The rest of the meeting proceeds, some moments after Eddie arrives the rest of the band don't take long to arrive, without any further interruptions you keep explaining your plans for the show. But you find it difficult to concentrate with Warren's words still ringing in your ears.
As you gather your things to leave, Warren sidles up to you and whispers,
"Don't forget our private drumming lesson," before sauntering out of the restaurant, leaving you feeling both exhilarated and frustrated at the same time.
Today was the day of the concert in Pittsburgh, you and Warren had met every night until today, always promising that it wouldn't happen again, that you wouldn't see each other again, but it was impossible you needed each other, you craved for each other.
You decided to give the band space to enjoy your hometown, you were invited to participate in the event at the Dunne house and only after much insistence from Graham did you agree to go, they seemed very happy to be there again, it was very beautiful to see them go back there with so many achievements.
You watched them all leaning in a corner, not wanting to draw any attention since no one there was close to you and you wanted them to enjoy it, you had a genuine smile on your face until you saw Warren talking to a group of women, you try to count the jealousy that was rising in your chest but you knew how irresistible that guy was and you knew very well what he was capable of.
As Warren was talking to the group of women, you felt a pang of jealousy shoot through you. You knew it was irrational - you and Warren weren't together, and he was free to do whatever he wanted. But seeing him flirt and charm the women made your blood boil with envy. You couldn't help but think about all the times you had been with him, how he made you feel, and how much you craved him.
"How long are you going to go on pretending you don't like him?" Daisy asks as if it's nothing taking a stand by your side.
"Like who?" You make yourself ignorant.
"You're almost killing anyone who comes near Warren" Daisy laughs, and you shake your head. "Look, he really likes you too...just saying!"
Daisy shrugs and walks away from you, leaving you with yet another whirlwind of questions about how to act on your feelings. But you don't do anything, the show would be that night and soon that feeling would pass, you would know how to deal with it since by then you had already managed.
You'd listen to them play 'The River' while dancing to the beat of the song, no matter how many times you listened to it you never got tired of how good it was, your eyes don't leave the beauty of the drummer, Warren managed to be extremely sexy in everything he did and you couldn't help but think that this must be a crime somewhere in the world. He seemed to live every second of the music, he represented the passion for rock in all his performances and it made you crazier and crazier for him.
The stage lights illuminated him in an angelic way, his body was sweaty from the exertion and adrenaline of the show, his curls falling over his face, and as usual every time he did the 'Regret Me' entrance he would look at you and wink, wanting to leave a message on the air, a desire to tell you that he wanted to be with you.
You could no longer contain the desire building in your body, as soon as the show was over you went to the drummer's dressing room, waiting restlessly for him. You were pacing back and forth, moving your hands anxiously for Rojas to arrive, and when you hear his laugh by the door and you see the doorknob turn you don't think twice… You pull Warren by his vest into the dressing room, kissing him passionately.
It takes him a while to understand what's going on, but then he kisses you in the same desire, you turn to the door still kissing the drummer and locking it with one hand. You remove his vest still kissing him, he pulls away gasping for air.
"Hey mama, god, what was that for?" He asks with a smile on his face.
"You were right Warren…" You start to say taking off your shirt, he watches your every move carefully, feeling a chill run down his spine. "I'm fucking crazy for you."
"You have no idea how long I've waited to hear this." He cups your face between his hands, kissing you but softly this time. "We always swear this will be the last time, then we'll do it all again! Promise me this isn't one of those times? Tell me I'll finally be able to call you mine…"
"I promise you..." You say, kissing him again. "Make me yours Rojas"
Warren smiles and without wasting time kisses you passionately. As you continue to kiss, your hands roam over each other's bodies, exploring every inch. Warren's fingers glide over your skin, tracing the curves of your body, and you shiver in response. You can feel his desire growing with every passing moment, his body pressing against yours with an intensity that leaves you breathless.
"Hey Warren! We're leaving for the party." Graham says from behind the door, making you stop what you were doing. "We're just waiting for you, by the way, have you seen Y/N? Daisy said this time she's going with us… but I doubt it, she doesn't like to mix things up apparently."
Warren laughs arching his eyebrows at you, you smack his bare chest in a way to tell him to stop.
"I don't know where she is, Graham." Rojas says, getting off you shrugging. "But if you find her, tell her I'm looking forward to our private drum lesson, she'll understand."
"Alright." The younger Dunne says, moving away from the door.
As you pull your shirt over your head, Warren comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist.
"I don't want to let you go," he whispers in your ear, upset about leaving this moment already.
You turn around to face him and run your fingers through his hair. "I know, but we have to go to the party."
"Can't we skip the party and just stay here?" he asks, his eyes pleading with you.
You laugh and shake your head. "As much as I'd like that, we can't. But how about we make a deal? We go to the party, and afterward, we come back here and have our own private after-party."
Warren's face lights up at your suggestion, and he leans in to kiss you again. "Deal," he murmurs against your lips.
As you both leave the room, hand in hand, you can't help but feel a sense of excitement for what's to come later. The party may be fun, but nothing compares to being alone with Warren.
Hi, I hope you enjoyed it... If you wanted to ask for something my requests are open, and if you want to ask and don't have any ideas check out my prompt list :) xoxo
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wannaeatramyeon · 2 years
OMG UR RECENT ZACK LEE WORK IS SO GOOD I NEED MORE PLS AND YES WE LOVE ZACK !!!!! i love the other boys as well but zack hits diff esp bcz he’s one of the first characters introduced 🥹
Ty!! i'm glad you liked the last Zack piece! AGREED he def hits different, part of the OG group, just makes me feel a bit nostalgic for the simpler times. How about some Lookism boys first date HC? Including my faves as well of course
Lookism First Date HC
(Zack, Goo, Gun, Samuel, Jake, Johan - a lengthier Vasco gen + romantic hc here)
Zack Lee
Classic movie and coffee/meal guy (as seen with Mira)
Honestly probably the only guy that would opt for the typical teenage stuff (which isn't a criticism!!)
Will absolutely dress up and style his hair (also as seen with Mira)
But give him absolute and complete free rein? Would LOVE cheesy and domestic shit
Matching outfits, tandem bikes, couples cooking lessons, tour of Seoul so he gets to experience everything with you, farmers market, reenacting home life in IKEA (like 500 days of summer if you've seen it)
Builds up a lot of it in his head but tbh doesn't even care. Just spending time with you? On your own? <3
Would literally want to do anything and everything with you
Goo Kim
Theme/amusement park
Thrill seeking and high-energy to suit this blonde
Tbh a bit too much for a first date as it's an ALL DAY EVENT, but Goo's a bit much anyway
Face paint, character ears, character costumes - he would happily do the whole thing. Think Vasco at Notte World.
A little bit of cash flashing with fast passes and whatever bribery required to get to the front of the queue
Takes a LOT of pictures. More of the mascots and place than you two though
Buying and feeding you all the fun character foods + snacks
Gun Park
Spa. He is so high-end, exclusive, full spa experience
The downtimes we've see him with Goo are surprisingly chill and matches Gun's vibe more than Goo's
Jacuzzis, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms, massages, manis, pedis - literally anything and everything so you're a puddle at the end of it
Uses it as an opportunity to relax as much as to get to know you
He appreciates a good body, but doesn't check you out as much as you expect and NOWHERE NEAR as much as you eye him up
Keeps his sunglasses on the whole time
Samuel Seo
Tell me this guy wouldn't be out to impress
Completely dressed up, flowers, chauffeur
And there's no way you would be paying for anything at all. He'll even pay for your shopping trip for the date outfit.
Books the most exclusive restaurant in town. Not just that, either opts for a private room or just books the whole place out just for you two
Definitely will involve a helicopter - either to get you A to B, or a night time tour of the city
Will definitely put out on a first date (no judgement). This man exudes sex, let's be honest
Jake Kim
Night time drive and stargazing
Look this might sound sketchy as hell for a first date but it's Jake, he's not a stranger
You already know him but this is your first official date. You both can talk to each other without the chaos of Big Deal and revel in the peace
Super intimate and surprisingly romantic. It's soft and comfortable, he'll be making you laugh a lot
Will take you to a non-sleazy lookout point to look at the stars and maybe share a beer
It's easier for him to be vulnerable with you especially under the cloak of night
Johan Seong
Hiking or picnic or just walking around a park
If this is a first date there is no way that Eden and Miro aren't coming along
The pups might know you already, but this is a big milestone and it needs to involve his babies
Awkward but so endearing. Very skittish. He's not familiar with this sort of situation and blushes a LOT
Absolutely rubbish at small talk or making the first move - you can tell he obviously wants to and likes you though
You best make the first moves unless you want to tiptoe around forever
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malixxxmizer · 6 months
Hi!, I saw your comment that you do headcanons. Can you do a headcanon of Mana x Bassist! Reader who is in a punk female band? (Please bare with me cause this is my first time requesting on a writer 🥹)
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Mama Sama x Bassist! Reader (AFAB)
Notes & Disclaimers: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR THE FIRST ASK, it’s truly an honor! 🥹 I hope you enjoyed this ask as much as I did making it! Hope to have you back anon 🫶🏻 also sorry if something is grammatically incorrect or misspelled, I was so excited I forgot to proofread. This is so teeth-rottingly sweet, but enough talking from me (I loved this ask so thank you so much)!!
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Mana Sama with a Bassist! Reader who’s in a fem punk band:
⛤ I imagine Mana would be the type of significant other to absolutely love to support you and your craft. They go to every show no matter how far or how busy they are, and they absolutely love watching you work your magic on stage. There’s nothing more attractive than watching someone you love do something that they excel in, same goes for when you watch them perform!
⛤ Mana is a skilled guitar player and because he’s so caught up in his work he never really got a chance to mess around with other types of instruments, this is where reader comes in and gives Mana all the bass lessons they want. Reader teaching mana how to slap the bass brings a smile to my face because they probably feel so out of their element when it comes to bass and reader is just so good at it; it makes Manas heart flutter knowing that their significant other is willing to help them learn an entirely new instrument.
⛤ Imagine standing behind Mana as you wrap your arms around them and place their hands where they need to be. Being so close to each other creates a romantic atmosphere between the two of you which has both of you dreading when the interaction will have to come to and end. Although since Mana always knows which heart strings to tug at with you, something tells me that this won’t be the only time you have your arms wrapped around them giving them a bass lesson.
⛤ Mana is a huge fan of your punk band and even goes as far as to slip out of the show for a couple minutes to make their way into the merch line for new stuff. As much as you try and convince them that they don’t have to spend their money because them simply being there is enough, they argue against it and claim that they choose to support your band by any means necessary 🤍
⛤ Sometimes when you’re stressed and can’t sleep, heading to the studio to compose at ungodly hours of the night means mana joining you because they simply cannot stand the fact that their pretty little lover is worrying themselves. This usually leads to you and Mana creating the most beautiful pieces of music but simply because the raw emotions and lack of sleep get the best of each other allowing for a different type of creativity to form. All I’m hearing is Malice Mizer punk era coming soon…..
⛤ If the time ever comes for you two to be apart for some type of tour or event, Mana will make sure that they have daily and maybe even HOURLY communication with you. Mana is a lover through and through and they are absolutely and irrevocably infatuated with you. They are obsessed with every little detail of your being and they can’t stand not being able to be around you for long periods of time.
⛤ Because Mana is so infatuated with you, they believe that it’s only fair for them to spoil you absolutely rotten because of how much happiness you bring them by simply existing. This means that you get absolutely anything you look at when you’re out shopping together, whether it’s some really cool clothing pieces or even a new signature bass that you’ve had your eye on. (precision bass, jazz bass, any bass you want mana will buy for you because they think you deserve the WORLD)
⛤ The first time you told your band mates that you were talking to a SUPER attractive guitar player, they simply played it off as nothing even when you admitted you both had begun dating a little while after the news. The day finally came for your band mates to meet Mana, and they were left completely speechless because I think you failed to mention that you were dating the LEAD GUITARIST OF MALICE MIZER AND MOI DIX MOIS!
⛤ After the introductions between Mana and your band mates, they all quickly warmed up to each other and alas a new friendship had begun between them. Mana thought they were the coolest people ever, but of course they had to be because they were friends with you. Your band mates also couldn’t believe that someone as big as Mana had heard of your band, but nonetheless they were stoked that your music was getting the recognition it deserved.
⛤ You and Mana were two creatives who absolutely clicked like missing pieces of a puzzle whenever put together. You two produced some of the best music that the industry had seen in the long time and it was all due to the love and mutual respect for each other. Hit after hit after hit, your band was topping the charts and as your punk band began to rise more into fame you and Mana had turned into THE power couple of the century. The media was absolutely eating up all the content you two were giving them and they couldn’t have been more happy claiming “when the punk princess meets her visual kei match, the world will know true peace” and then the world really did.
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Authors note: I really hope you guys enjoyed this short and sweet head cannon, I was so excited that my first one was for Mana, I really love them. I had fun writing this and I hope you had fun reading it. Continue to keep sending in asks or requests I’m always happy to respond (even though it might be a little late with my crazy school and work schedule) but I will ALWAYS get it done! Thank you so much for reading my work I absolutely love this!!! Have a great one!!!🤍🤍🤍🤍
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