#a lot of gems in these ones
misspaddockverse · 6 months
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Chapters 11 & 12 out :)
She couldn't help but let out a small smile at that.
“I love your butt”, she squeezed his shoulder lightly.
Daniel's chest vibrated when he laughed back.
“Thank you”, he sniffed then shrugged nonchalantly, “It's an awesome butt”.
“It is.”
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wasyago · 7 months
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✨the dragon slayer✨
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theminecraftbee · 5 months
I think it’d be really funny if the two new hermits are two guys basically none of us guessed btw. like that would also be rad as hell but more importantly it would be really goddamn funny,
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jestroer · 4 months
"You form the most interesting relationships with people, Cleo" I am thinking now, was an extremely bold thing of Etho to say, considering the way he interacts with his friends on daily basis
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casualavocados · 18 days
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Gemini and Fourth are nothing like Atom and Kongthap. When they're together, it's chaotic. They're always messing around with each other. If I had a friend who's been working with me for a long time, I believe the vibes would be similar.
MY LOVE MIX-UP! THAILAND (2024) BTS & Special Ep
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spyglahass · 9 months
not pressuring you to draw anything so don't misconstrue this but i love your fwhip so much!! i love his design it's my favorite ever i love the little ponytail i love his gloves i love his shape just. i love him so much my beloved little guy and no one makes art of him anymore! so just thank you for your design for feeding my brain worms :>
AHHH THANK YOU!!! I'm glad you enjoy the little fella, he is very special to me <333
AND !!! It so happened that I found this art around the same time you sent me this ask so!! hope you will accept this two for one deal 🙏
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ladylightning · 9 months
supernatural s2 is SO GOOD because every decision has more weight because the after life is still unknown to us. we know there is something after death but we don't know quite what that is. the season starts with tessa the reaper begging dean to come with her. to where? she cannot say. when john dies it’s devastating to the brothers that he’s no longer here but elsewhere. but it’s even more devastating as they come to the slow realization that elsewhere is probably hell, whatever that looks like. sam and dean don't know anything more than the audience does about hell.
there is an effort to exorcise the possessed and save them instead of letting them die because there is no promise of heaven to be made. the ghost in roadkill wants to know what happens when she crosses over and sam and dean just don’t know. where do the monsters go when they die? are there angels? is there a god? sam and dean don’t know. sam more than anything wants to believe. and secretly dean does too. but they just don’t know.
when sam dies where does he go? dean doesn’t know. we never get to see it. and more than that. does dean truly believe that he would be sent to the same hereafter as his brother after everything he has done? all dean knows is that there is a way to damn your eternal soul to hell and there is a way to bring his brother back from the unknown and he will choose that path without hesitation over and over and over again.
the second the angels are introduced we lose that sense of unknown. while the stakes are higher in seasons 4-5 the second we can see behind the curtain it’s over. yes you can damn the world and start the apocalypse but at least you KNOW. you know there is an afterlife. a heaven. a hell. a hereafter. and all the people who die will end up will end up where they belong so how guilty can you feel using a demon knife to kill an innocent? how wrong is it to drain the host for blood? they’ll end up in heaven after all. no more pain. and that is how only the winchester family drama becomes important to the brothers, because they KNOW the end is not the end. there’s more than just ghosts and demons and reapers. there is a heaven. and if there is a heaven every wrong bad thing in the narrative can be brushed away by the characters or the audience as “well at least they are at peace in heaven now.” they do this to jimmy novak and ash and pamela and lord knows who else.
season 2 sam and dean don’t have this opt out. every choice they make is so much heavier because they just. don’t. know.
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adelfie · 1 year
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comic-style art I made inspired by 'when in gotham: don't drink the water' by @wesslan on ao3 - from that one scene when dick discovers tim drinking the water 💕
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vshamru · 4 months
I’m wearing a Magen David again :) I’m glad to be doing it
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rqg179 · 3 months
thinkin about lydia barkrock again i just. she's incredibly important to me both as someone who has chronic pain myself & as someone who grew up with a disabled parent. my mother was diagnosed when i was a toddler, so i don't remember a version of my mum who isn't disabled to some extent, it's just always been a fact of my life. and sure, there are certain things she can't do, and that list has probably gotten longer over the last few years, but she's still my mum, and she raised me, and she did a damn good job of it too. and idk i just. for the most part it's easy to find families that look like mine in fiction, but i'm not sure i've ever seen the medical side of my family in fiction in a way that feels as close to home as lydia & ragh's relationship does. it's just very lovely to see a disabled character who a) is a well-rounded character in and of herself, and b) is a parent, and is explicitly shown to be a good parent to her son
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DPxDC media story prompt
Okay first off, this sort of thing has been done before, but here’s a different version involving Jazz Fenton.
Popular in DPxDC fanfic is that the GIW have a media blackouts—or whiteouts, there’s kind of a difference, where whiteouts work more like… there is a file, but you can’t edit it or it may be locked out for certain users, or an edited version of events where things are ‘whited out’ like with correction paste, among other definitions.
Point is!
The GIW have a media restriction, and among these is social media, probably with certain words or phrases pinging to location restrict the post. There was probably a phase for a while where the A-Listers tried to get around it, but ultimately failed, and since they could only get information IN rather than information OUT, and possibly still a limited amount of outside information in the first place, social media didn’t take off as much in Amity Park than in other places in the world. There’s still a small local presence, but at this point it’s almost like a city wide chat room than actual social media.
Enter in, Jazz Fenton. She’s chronically behind on trends, so by the time she decides to get on social media, the GIW aren’t being as militant on it. And she has that habit of calling the ghosts by code names instead of their actual names, such as Crate Creep instead of The Box Ghost, or Ghost X instead of Skulker. By pure coincidence of her personal language use and Tucker messing with all of Team Phantom’s phone locaters for easier excuse giving, Jazz manages to dodge all the word censors.
She accidentally creates a whole online story community convinced it’s some kind of altered reality game or role playing game, what have you. Meanwhile, Jazz is letting off steam by ranting online with, of course, made up names of all the people involved. She doesn’t even notice the numbers, and that’s assuming the GIW didn’t just—region lock the ability to see them for whatever reason. The few Amity Parkers on social medias see Jazz, maybe look at a complaint post or two, then move on because this isn’t even an unusual video inside Amity Park’s social media sphere.
Heck, PHANTOM has a social media presence and he’s done several rant videos too! One particularly famous one is him complaining about keeping his boots and gloves white while being chased and one of the GIW agents actually stops and gives him advice before shooting at him again.
Those outside Amity Park, of course, only see Jazz’s videos. And she has no idea that she has an entire online presence and mild amounts of online fame. And again, almost everyone thinks the whole thing is just a fun little game, if oddly detailed.
Until, that is, a certain young man by the name of Bernard comes in. One of the few who are totally convinced this is real, he tries to also convince his boyfriend—Timothy Drake-Wayne. Who, in turn, finds it incredibly suspicious that it’s this hard to get news and posts from one random town in the Midwest.
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k1tty5 · 1 month
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a mumbo ! his concept art this season is very cool,,
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khyann · 3 months
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You know i cant let past the opportunity to do angst with this man
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theminecraftbee · 7 months
Gem rocks back and forth on her heels, blood still pounding in her ears. It’s funny, because she’d sort of thought it would go away when the curse did, but nope! The bloodlust and hunger’s just part of being red, which is pretty neat. Gives her a good excuse for whatever she does next.
Impulse is humming something next to her. It’s a little annoying, but also really sweet. It’s very Impulse of him, right? And—
“You know, I’ve never done the whole ‘throwing my lot in with a red name’ thing before,” he says idly.
“Oh? What do you mean?” Gem asks.
“Well, see, Third Life, I was sort of—I mean, I wasn’t on any side to throw my lot into with, that time,” Impulse plainly lies, and Gem notes that in her head as another question to ask later. “But the red name I definitely wasn’t on a real side with. I was the traitor there, right? So that doesn’t count, and that’s when people were really doing this whole arrangement. In Last Life it wasn’t allowed, in Double Life most people largely stuck to their soulmates, and Limited Life was too chaotic to really feel like it was, you know, throwing your lot in with much other than death.”
“Oh, that sounds fun!” Gem says.
“You would say that,” Impulse says.
“Although, I wasn’t there for any of that! I didn’t know there was a history to sticking with red names, a history to bloodthirsty monsters. Thats so cool!”
Impulse’s face flickers through an expression Gem’s not sure she wants to read. “You phrase things so unsettlingly sometimes,” he says. “A history to bloodthirsty monsters?”
“I mean, why else would you choose to be on the killing team?” Gem asks.
“Love, Gem. And loyalty. And a lot of other things I’m really good at just not getting, apparently.”
Gem rocks back on her feet.
“Oh,” she says quietly. “I didn’t mean—Impulse—”
Impulse’s face softens. “I know. Just don’t be the one to kill me in the end, okay?” he says. “Don’t know how much more of that I can take.”
“Okay,” Gem says. “I haven’t—you know I haven’t done this before.”
“I know. You’re doing pretty good though,” Impulse says.
“I can’t tell if that’s a compliment.”
Impulse pats her arm and goes back to humming. Gem feels that fun bloodlust rushing in her ears and suddenly, with horrible clarity, knows it won’t be fun for much longer. She doesn’t know what to think about that.
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ethogirltournament · 3 months
Last bracket of the left side! Depending on how the poll goes I’m either going to update the bracket with results and start the next poll once this one is done, or call it early if it is a clear sweep.
I am actually SO well informed in this, on one side. But I’m so sorry Rekrap. I had not heard of you until you were submitted into this. From what I’ve gathered he is QUITE the ethogirl though. Gem, well, she’s a self proclaimed Ethogirl, and if I go more into it I WILL be practically rigging the polls. Watch any clip of Etho and Gem.
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muriers · 2 months
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@mcyt-femslash - Week 4: Snow/Cultivation
So I know the "cultivation" part of this prompt meant like, plant cultivation, but I'm taking any excuse to draw wuxia au gempearl
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