#a soft place to land is where I REALLY started crying
enobariasteeth · 6 months
saw the Waitress pro-shot and I cried so hard I lost my eyelashes AND I got nauseous
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Best mistake
Azriel x Reader
Summary; Reader doesn't quite understand how mating bonds work.
Warnings; Mentions of sex
Velaris was always beautiful during the day, but during the night? It was a sight of dreams, if you really think about it; that’s one of the reasons it is called court of dreams. Because of this you decided that tonight’s dinner party should be held in the main balcony of the house of wind where the view was spectacular. Thankfully Feyre and Nesta volunteered to help you, otherwise you wouldn’t have made it. You were so lucky that Nesta preferred the bookstore you worked at, because if she didn’t you wouldn’t have met the inner circle, they wouldn’t become your family too and most importantly you wouldn’t have met him. The night court’s shadowsinger-your mate. Technically he wasn’t your mate-mate yet if that’s a thing, but you were making progress. You knew you had to accept him as your mate but with everything going on -the recent war, the reconstruction of Velaris and his missions- it was nearly impossible to find a free day -or several (wink wink)- for the mating ceremony. You still had no clue how you would accept him but the idea of asking anyone filled you with embarrassment. You are a fae for crying out loud shouldn’t you know this already?
You and Feyre were preparing the meals, everything was perfect until you noticed that you both forgot about Azriel’s request; apple pie. You whipped your head in Feyre’s direction to inform her, but she was gone, probably bickering with Nesta for something irrelevant. You shook your head and started making the apple pie. You knew that the house was enchanted, and it could make the food -weird- yet you wanted the dinner to be special and full of love thus you made all the food.
Everything was set and by the beating sound of wings you knew that Cassian, Azriel and Rhysand were approaching the house. You took your apron off and headed to the balcony.  Just a moment before the males landed, black smoke filled the air and Mor, Elain and Amren fell into the balcony. You laughed at their panting knowing that they were probably racing the boys here.
Strong arms engulfed you from behind and the musky scent of cedar and whiskey had you shivering. His face rested in your neck where he left a soft kiss.
“Hello angel” his voice melodic and soft like the finest velvet.
You just leaned back enjoying his Illyrian warmth and closing your eyes.
“Enough I’m starving” Cassian exclaimed earning a growl from your mate.
Soon everyone was devouring your food, complimenting you. After everyone was finished, you and Feyre walked back inside to get the desserts, you picked a plate and filled it with apple pie keeping the rest in the kitchen in case Azriel wanted more, after all you made it for him. As soon as Feyre had moved the desserts to the table you picked the plate and walked back outside, taking a seat next to Azriel you placed it in front of him without interrupting his conversation with Rhysand. He was briefing him about his last mission, so lost in the discussion that he didn’t notice your movement. Cassian did though and leaned back in his chair a smirk forming on his face. You lifted your eyebrow and he just shrugged pulling his gaze from you.
Azriel stopped talking and picked up his fork taking a piece of the apple pie, he chewed and a low moan left his mouth.
“This is amazing” he said, already picking a second piece.
“Really? I made it for you” you smiled excitedly.
Everyone’s head whipped towards you. Azriel gulped, his eyes wide.
“What?” You asked. Fear filled your body.
Rhysand was standing up slowly as to not provoke the shadowsinger.
“Y/n don’t you know that this is how you accept the mating bond?” Feyre spoke her gaze fixed on Azriel. You gave her a confused look. “Offering food.” She specified.
“But we made all the food and we’ve done it again before” your voice barely above a whisper.
“Did you make the apple pie specifically for Azriel?” Cassian asked the smirk never leaving his face and his eyes filled with amusement. He knew.
You nodded.
“There you have it. You just accepted the bond and sent your mate into a sexual frenzy” he boomed. Your jaw almost touched the ground.
“You saw me leaving the plate there…you knew… why didn’t you tell me?” You shouted.
“I wouldn’t be able to enjoy this” he leaned back more and placed his hands behind his head.
Your gaze turned to Azriel who was shaking and then you felt it too. Every feeling was million times stronger, his scent filling all of your senses making you clench your thighs, a faint smell of your arousal leaving your body.
Azriel lifted his gaze on you, his eyes filled with darkness and dominance.
“Do you want this?” His voice feral and possessive.
“Yes” you breathed.
In an instant you were in his arms, his wings flaring behind him.
“Don’t come to the cabin” he growled to the others and with that you were on the sky, a yelp leaving your lips.
He glanced at you and then you decided.
This was the best mistake you’ve ever made.
Requests are open.
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verstappen-cult · 17 days
Could I request a lestappen x reader fic where she finds out she’s pregnant and is worried to tell them because she thinks theyll be mad or upset about it but theyre over the moon happy about it!
A tear falls down your face and lands on your lap. You are trying to think about how to tell Max and Charles the news. You’ve put yourself in every scenario, but every single one of them ends with them leaving you.
The front door being opened startles you.
“Honey, we’re home!” Charles says and giggles, Max joining his boyfriend.
You wipe your tears in record time.
They know something is wrong when you won’t meet their eyes as soon as they enter the room.
Max calls your name and you’re forced to look up at them, plastering a smile. “How was padel?”
“Something happened?” Max touches your face and body, searching for an injury. But he doesn’t find anything wrong.
“What’s — ” Charles swallows, green eyes fixed on the pregnancy test by your side. “What’s that?”
You start crying again. That wasn’t how you wanted them to find out.
“I’m so sorry,” You sob, hiding behind your hands but two warm and soft hands pull them away.
Charles and Max are kneeled in front of you, both of them with tears in his eyes.
“Why are you crying, baby?” Max asks softly, rubbing the back of your hand. “Aren’t you happy?”
You look at him for a second, then at Charles, but not a word is spoken; they just wait for you to be ready.
“I don’t want to have it.” It’s the first thing that leaves your lips for what feels like hours. “I don’t want this baby to come between us and your jobs and ev—”
“Shh, it’s okay.” Charles sits by your side and places a comforting hand in the back of your head.
“I’m sorry. I really am sorry.” You wipe away the tears that don’t stop falling from your eyes.
Max shakes his head, a few tears streaming down his face. “You don’t need to be sorry, okay? There’s nothing to be sorry about.” He kisses your hands.
“Is that why you don’t want to have the baby?” Your Monégasque boyfriend asks, frowning. “Do you want to have it?”
“It doesn’t matter what I want.”
“But it does matter!” They say at the same time and you fight back the urge to start crying again.
“If you’re thinking about not having this baby for fear that is gonna come between us, you’re wrong.” Max stands up and starts walking around the room, hands on his hips. “I love you, baby. But you’re not doing us any favor.”
“What do you mean?” You look at him from beneath your wet eyelashes.
Charles cups your cheek, making you look at him. “It means that if you want to have this baby, we will be more than happy. And if you really don’t want to — then we will respect your decision.”
“Whatever you decide,” Max nods, a little smile on his lips. “But don’t make a decision based on what you think is best for me and Charles.”
“I — I want to have the baby.” You smile. The first real smile since you found out you’re pregnant. “You’re not mad?”
“Why would we be mad?” Charles genuinely asks.
Max snorts, “I’m trying really hard to stay calm. But I want to tell the whole world about it.”
You giggle, cheeks heating up. It’s incredible how you can go from being sad and anxious to happy and relieved in just a few minutes.
“I think we should wait a few weeks to tell the news.” Your boyfriends’ faces light up, two big and bright smiles directed at you. “We need to go to the doctor first and make sure everything is okay.”
Max starts crying again while Charles takes you in his arms and spins you around.
That night the three of you go to bed very tired after spending the day looking for baby names and bigger houses on the market, because according to your boyfriends: ‘we’re not stopping at one.’
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feralforfrank · 1 year
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summary reader gets injured while looking out for the team and simon riley worries.
cw descriptive scenes of reader getting injured, cod canon violence, stab wounds & blood loss, worried!simon riley. angst!!!!! hurt with tiny bit of comfort (from simon to reader) NON-DESCRIPTIVE READER. tell me if i missed anything!
a/n is this deserving of a part two? does it feel rushed? is THIS really how i want to enter the cod mw2 fandom!?!! so many questions.
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"Ghost," you spoke his name in a hushed tone, mainly to hide from the enemy but also to hide the shake in your voice.
"I'm here, Owl. I'm coming to get ya." You could hear Ghost running, and you tried to focus on the sounds he made instead of the stinging pain on your thigh and side.
It was your fault. All of it. You were supposed to be on the roof, not on the goddamn ground. You're a sniper, for fuck's sake. But being above ground, you spotted two men making their way to where the team's getaway car was. You weren't allowing them to steal your vehicle, but if you shot at them, it would alert the others, and your position would've been compromised.
You knew how to fight. Although you never liked engaging the enemy face to face and your eyes were better used above ground, thus why you were a sniper and why they called you Owl, Ghost and Soap trained you to take down men as big as them. 
The first man went down quickly, he was skinny, and you surprised him. He was gurgling on his one blood in seconds. The second guy pinned you to the wall. You took your second knife from your right thigh strap and pierced his stomach twice. He was slipping from your grasp when you felt the knife you'd used on him puncture your thigh. 
You screamed. A shriek left your mouth before you could stop it. Your thigh throbbed as you landed a final blow on the side of the man's neck. You stumbled off the wall, blinking the tears and black dots away. You heard someone call your name through comms, but you didn't have time to answer.
The third man came behind you. He must've heard you scream. He circled his buff biceps around your throat and squeezed. Fight and flight kicked in. Andrenaline was pumping in your bloodstream, and, without thinking twice, you bit his bicep. Hard.
He cursed and moved away from you for a split second, and you got a chance to suck in a breath. You stumbled forward, but he caught you, spinning you around and pulling you so impossibly close. 
At first, you didn't feel it. A shot rang out, and his body slumped forward, distracting you. The man was dead in your arms, and his blood had splattered on your face and continued spilling on your shoulder. Your head shot up to your station—that's where the gunshot had come from. Gaz asked you if you were okay. You tried to nod, and that's when you felt it. 
Your ears started ringing. You stepped back, the man falling completely from your grasp and onto the ground. You choked on your breath. Your hand instinctively fell to your side and then rose in front of your face. You were bleeding from two places now.
Gaz called for you again, but you didn't answer. You felt dizzy, and as much as you tried blinking those black spots away, they just wouldn't go. You leaned against the wall. Ghost ordered your whereabouts, and Gaz answered him hurriedly, adding that he could see you losing consciousness. So, that's who shot from your position. Ghost confirmed that he was coming your way.
And that's how you ended up in this position.
"Please, hurry." Your cry of pain made the lieutenant's pace pick up.
Ghost always had some sort of a soft spot for you. Your kind-hearted, friendly nature and bubbly personality didn't help his growing infatuation. You were too sweet for your own good, and he swore your sarcastic comments directed mostly at Soap always managed to melt his heart.
The guys weren't oblivious—they could see how Ghost always stared at you. His hard eyes seemed to soften when looking at you. Actually, his whole posture changed when you were around. Ghost was always near you, a soft hand placed on your lower back and guiding you when you were in the dark during missions, and glances were thrown at you when you were too quiet to make sure you were doing okay.
Soap and Gaz had joked about his fascination with you, asking him why he never made a move. He'd shut them down and called them inappropriate before lowering his head to hide how flustered he felt. He thought burying those teenage sentiments at the very back of his mind would be the best. He's never been good at expressing his feelings, and for fuck's sake, he was your superior.
But as he heard your breath come out in gasps and Gaz telling him to hurry up through comms, he felt panic inside him. His steps became more urgent, and his grip on the gun tightened. He was almost there.
"Don't move. I'm coming to get you." Ghost's voice was filled with utter panic and anxiety, and he took a breath to get rid of the shake in his tone. "I'm almost there, darlin'."
He hadn't meant for that to slip out. He heard your breath hitch. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!
He turned the corner, and there you were, slumped on the wall, holding your side with your palm and breathing heavily. He placed his gun in its holster and ran toward you. You collapsed with a groan, your forehead touching his vest.
"I'm sorry, Lieutenant. I'm so sorry. They were—They were trying to escape with our c-car, and I couldn't let—I couldn't let them—" You gasped for breath as Ghost looked around at the dead bodies.
It was dark, but he could make out three silhouettes, definitely larger frames than yours, and they all lay dead in a puddle of their own blood. 
"It's okay, it's alright, love. I'm here now. I'm not goin' anywhere." A soft whimper escaped your lips, and he felt your body give in to the fatigue caused by the blood loss. 
Ghost picked you up, requesting the rest of the team to meet him at his location. The car was unlocked and untouched, and his heart swole with pride. You'd taken out three soldiers to protect the team and secure their getaway transportation.
You mumbled his name as he placed you in the backseat. He quickly got in, and pulled you in his arms again, one palm pressing on your wounded side and the other on your bleeding thigh. 
Soap slipped in the driver's seat, Gaz following right behind him. "How's she doing, Lt.?" The former asked, glancing behind him once.
"She'll be fine if you move this goddamn car!" Ghost's tone was sharp, but Soap didn't take it personally.
"Where to, Ghost?" John asked.
"The safe house. Make sure no one follows us. As soon as we're in the clear, Gaz, you call Price. Tell 'im to send evac." Gaz nods curtly, followed by a yes, sir.
"Simon." You shift, snuggling closer to his body.
The frown on your face deepens. Simon looks down at you. His heart hasn't stopped its rapid beating, and worry mixed with panic is still swirling in his blood. He wants to tell John to hurry the fuck up, but he knows the soldier is going as fast as possible.
You whine in distress, your eyes blinking ever so slowly. Your ears ring, your gaze is unfocused, and your eyes are glassy with tears ready to fall. 
"Shh, it's alright, love," Simon whispers. "You're goin' be okay."
"Am I dying?" You speak in hushed panic.
Simon shakes his head quickly from side to side as if your words burned him. "No, you're fine. Nothing that can't be fixed, okay? I can fix it." He's trying to convince himself more than he's trying to convince you.
"Are they after us?" He shakes his head again. "So, we're safe? I'm safe?"
"Nothing's gonna hurt you. As long as I'm here, no one's hurting you again, ya hear me?" The finality in his voice is the reassurance you need to soothe you.
You feel your eyes drooping again, and the ringing in your ears finally fades out. "Thank you, Simon."
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Hey! I love your stuff!! Could you maybe do fem reader being insecure about how they look and the 141+ König comforting them?? Im sorry that I’m not giving you a lot of stuff to work with. And if you have already done something like this or feel uncomfortable doing it I 100% understand! I LOVEEE YOUU!!!🩷🩷
141 + König Comforting Insecure Reader
Warnings: swearing, mentions of insecurities, crying, mentions of poor body image, mentions of bullying
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Simon Ghost Riley-
"Love, are you ready to go?" Simon's voice called from outside your door. "Reservations at five and it takes us about twenty minutes to get there."
"Yeah, I'm almost ready." You replied regarding yourself in the mirror. You felt the pit in your stomach grow as you turned to the side, inspecting the way your outfit made your stomach look.
You weren't always self-conscious, Simon always had a way of making you feel like the most beautiful person on the planet, but lately you'd noticed you'd been gaining some weight, and really felt like it was starting to show.
Unbeknownst to Simon, you'd been at the mirror for the better part of the afternoon, trying on outfit after outfit, trying to find something you felt good in.
"Love is everything-" He stopped short in the doorway when he heard your sniffles.
You turned to him with tears running down your cheeks, unable to hold them in any longer. "I hate my body, Simon."
Simon's heart slowly broke as he absorbed your words, his eyes softening as they landed on yours. "Y/N."
"No, it's true. I can't find any outfits that fit right. My stomach just feels like it's blown up ten sizes overnight, I just.. I hate the way my body looks." A soft sob escaped your lips as you spoke, causing Simon to walk up behind you, placing his arms around you.
"Enough of that. You are so, so incredibly beautiful inside and out, sweetheart." He spoke as he pulled you into his chest. "Please don't pick yourself apart like that. You're beautiful no matter what you've got on. I especially favor you without clothes, but that's just me."
You turned swiftly, playfully slapping at Simon's chest. "Si, I'm serious!"
"So am I, sweetheart." He leaned down to press a soft kiss on your lips. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever and will ever lay my eyes on. Nothing will change that."
"You mean that?"
"More than you will ever know. I know it's not easy to believe me, I've had my fair share of self-confidence issues, but love, you have no reason to be self-conscious." He got down on his knees in front of you and started to place various kisses across the length of your body.
"You're beautiful here. And here. And here." He murmured in between kisses before landing one on your tummy. "And most especially here."
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Johnny Soap MacTavish-
"Y/N? Babe, are you okay?" Johnny called out as he searched the house trying to find you. The two of you were watching a movie together, and you'd dissaperwd nearly twenty minutes ago, claiming you needed to use the bathroom.
He walked into the bathroom and found you picking at yourself in the mirror, with tears streaming down your face.
He stood at the doorway and watched you for a moment, his eyes softening as he watched you pick at the skin of your face. He knew of your insecurities when it came to your skin, but he'd truly thought it was something you'd overcome.
"Babe, what are you doing?" He asked, approaching you from behind.
"I had a sore pimple, and I just came to put some cream on it..and I.. I didn't realize how bad it is." You sniffled softly, letting your hands fall to your sides in defeat.
"How bad what is?"
"My skin, it's just, I wish I had smooth skin like everyone else. I can't get rid of these scars no matter how much I try, and every time I wake up, there's a new pimple, and I... I feel so ugly."
"Now you listen to me." Johnny's voice was stern, causing you to look up at him through the mirror. "I don't know where this is coming from, or why you'd possibly feel this way, but you are so, so fucking beautiful, Y/N. So what if your skin isn't like everyone else's, it makes you YOU."
"No buts. Everyone, and I mean everyone, has imperfections, and they are what make you human. I love everything about you, sweetheart, down to the last little scar you've got on your cheek. I love all of it."
You hiccuped a sob and turned to throw your arms around your boyfriend. "Thank you, Johnny."
"No, thank YOU for being you, love." He picked you up, prompting you to wrap your legs around his waist. "Now if you really want to thank me, you'll come watch this damn movie and let me cuddle your beautiful ass while we do."
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John Price-
"Hey, I'd check on Y/N. There were some of those newer recruits harassing them earlier today." Kyle said, popping his head into his captians office.
John stood immediately, grabbing his hat as he made his way to your room. Fortunately for him your door was unlocked as he barged inside, only to find you in tears on your bed.
"What did they say?" John's tone was cold, and you could tell he was seething.
"What do you mean?" You asked, fiercely wiping away at your tears. You knew John knew, but were to embarrassed to talk about it.
"Y/N, honey, please tell me." He pleaded, kneeling in front of you.
You stayed quiet, your thoughts running rampant in your brain before you spoke up. "They were saying they don't know how someone like you is with someone like me and that I dont deserve to be on the team or deserve you."
"Look at me." He grabbed your chin gently, directing your gaze to him. "Those twats are just jealous of you. They've wanted on 141 for a while, and they were pissed you got the spot. None, and I mean none, of what they are saying is true."
"I can't help but let it get to me, John. I haven't felt good about myself in a while, and hearing that didn't help." Your eyes flickered down to your hands in front of you, as you fiddled with then nervously.
"Why on earth have you not felt good about yourself, babe? You are so stunning it hurts."
"I've gained weight, John, even you can't deny that. I got on the scale last night, and nearly broke down. I've never been this heavy before."
"The numbers that look back at you on the scale are just that. They are just numbers. They don't define you, love. You are a wonderful person inside and out, and anyone who doesn't see that can fuck right the hell off." He spoke gently before placing a chaste kiss to your lips. "I love you more than you'll ever know. Nothing will change that, especially not some stupid numbers on a scale or some petty recruits."
You threw your arms around him and let him hold you for some time, before pulling away. "I love you John."
"I love you too, always."
Later that week, John was elated as he got permission to lead a group of the newer recruits in a training seminar. When he found out the recruits who'd harrased you were a part of the group? Let's just say he didn't pull any punches during the training.
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Kyle Gaz Garrick-
"Babe, the boys will be here any minute. Are you able to come help me in the kitchen?" Kyle asked poking his head into your shared bathroom.
You placed the straightener you were holding down on the counter and turned to Kyle with a sad smile. "Yeah, be there in a minute."
"Hey now, I know that look, what's up, kid?" His brows furrowed in concern as he walked over to you.
"I want to look good for you and your friends." You said, picking up the hair brush on the counter. You turned back to the mirror and started brushing at your hair aggressively.
"Sweetheart, who says you don't? You look as stunning as you do every day."
"My hair it just, I can't style it like how I want, it's just always a mess no matter what I do." You threw the brush you were holding down in frustration. "I don't feel pretty because of it."
"Babe, I love your hair." Kyle spoke, grabbing the brush off the floor. He moved you so that you were standing in front of him and began to brush at the strands of your hair softly.
"You have to say that, because you're my boyfriend."
"No, I don't. You and I both know I'm an honest man. I think your hair is beautiful, no matter what you do with it. Hell, you could shave it, and I'd look at you no differently than I already do."
"You mean it?" You asked, blinking away the tears.
"Of course I do, love. You're too hard on yourself, I promise you, you are so beautiful. If you want, if you really want to try out new hairstyles, why don't we look at pinterest or something to see about different ways to do your hair? I can help."
"I love you so much, Kyle." You turned around to grab the brush from his hands before placing a kiss on his lips.
"I love you too." He said pulling back with a smile. "By the way, the boys are your friends too."
"The boys, you called them my friends. They love you just as much as they do me, if not more. They are your friends as well."
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König awoke to the sound of muffled sobs coming from the bathroom. He blinked the sleep from his eyes as he turned over to find your sleeping form absent from the bed.
"Schatz, what's wrong?" He asked as he shuffled into your shared bathroom. What he found had his heart tearing bit by bit.
You stood in front of the mirror in nothing but your undergarments, tears streaming down your face as you closely inspected the scars and marks littering your body. "I'm ugly, Kö. These marks make me hideous."
"Maus." He moved to stand next to you regarding you thoughtfully in the mirror. "Your marks are what make you beautiful. Each scar, each mark, tells a story, and I love each and every one of them."
"You don't have to say that, Kö. I know my body isn't perfect." Your voice cracked slightly as you spoke. Tears continued to fall down your cheeks as you looked back at the scars lining your skin. "I'm not perfect."
"Nobody is perfect, Maus, and if anyone were to be, it'd be you. I wish you saw what I do. I'd kill to have you see yourself through my eyes." He shuffled slightly to stand behind you as he leaned his head on yours. "Just as you told me when I was self-conscious about mine, the scars make us human, make us wholesome. Nobody is without them."
You gave him a small smile as you shook yourself before turning to him. "Thank you, Kö."
"You never have to thank me, Maus. I'm only speaking the truth."
You wrapped your arms around his med section and squeezed tightly. "Take me to bed?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
A/N: thanks for reading
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kujousgf · 10 months
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pairings: dark ! natasha romanoff + f ! reader
summary: natasha has always liked to hunt, and it's even better when her prey is a pretty girl
warnings: violence, abuse, bear trap, injury, established kidnapping/established relationship, almost outdoor sex, public indecency, hair pulling, impact play, groping, guns, daddy kink
wc: 3.2k~
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“Natasha, please.” You whimper, grabbing at her wrist to try and ease some of the strain on your hair as she drags you out of the house and through the yard. “Stop, I don’t want to do this.” Tears are rolling down your cheeks now from the pain in your scalp and your face from the previous punches Natasha threw your way. 
“Really? Could’ve fuckin’ fooled me.” Natasha growls, tugging harder and making you trip over your own feet before she hauls you up, only to push you to the ground afterwards, glaring at your shaking form on the ground. 
This was your fault, you shouldn’t have tried to run. It was stupid, you know that now. You just wished you had more freedom, that’s all. 
You were naked save for the panties and bra she allowed you to keep on, having forced you to strip about ten minutes prior. Your body trembled in the chilly autumn air of whatever part of Russia Natasha inhabited, one of the Oblasts you think, it was the most likely, but you weren’t sure. She didn’t like to keep you conscious while she was traveling, so you were never quite sure where you were. But you know you’ve been in this specific place for a while now, at her out of place house, in the middle of nowhere, in the Russian wilderness. 
You startle when you hear a knife make a soft thud on the grass next to you and you look up at Natasha, sniffling and trying to wipe your tears away. You know she doesn’t like it when you cry over nothing like this. “Tasha, I’m sorry, I promise. Please, I’ll be good, I don’t want to do this again.” Your bottom lip wobbles and you try to keep your voice even, but it trembles and you know Natasha heard. 
“Don’t ‘Tasha’ me.” She scoffs, crossing her arms over her chest. “Pick up the knife. Get up.” And when you don’t make any moves to get up, still hoping she’ll change her mind, she lands a harsh kick to your thigh and you whimper. “Now! Don’t make me say it again.”
You squeak involuntarily, tears starting to spill down your cheeks again. You don’t like when Natasha yells at you, even more than you don’t like when she hits you like this and treats you like a ragdoll. ‘If you don’t like it, then don’t do anything to deserve it’ you can hear her voice in the back of your head. You shouldn’t have done anything to upset her. Everything that happens from now on is your fault, you know that, but still, you can’t help but wish Natasha would be just a little nicer. 
You grab the hunting knife with a shaky hand, gripping the handle and starting to stand up. “You want to be a good girl?” She asks and you nod hesitantly, you know where this is going. “Then you can be a good girl by getting out of my sight. You wanted so badly to leave this morning, so go on then.”
“But Tasha, I’m not– I’m–”
“What the fuck did I just say? Go!”
The loudness of her voice is enough to have your body moving before your brain even registers what she said, scrambling away like a scared animal. You’ve always hated when Natasha got like this, you don’t like this game. You’ve never played it like this, but it’s never been fun either way.
The game is really quite simple, Natasha is the predator and you are her prey. She gives you five minutes to run– ten minutes if she’s feeling particularly nice, before she comes after you. The knife is because she’s not that cruel, she doesn’t want some wild animal to be the reason you die. You are in the Russian wilderness, afterall. All of the previous times she’s done this you’ve been fully clothed, though, and you wish she had let you keep your clothes on this time, too.
She must have been feeling particularly mean to make you do this in the current weather. It’s not horribly windy, but the air is not still either, and the wind that blows past is bitter and cold. You think the time on the clock read 4:26pm when Natasha dragged you through the living room, which meant you had about two hours before the sun would set. 
Natasha had never really let you outside late enough for the sun to set, and you weren’t entirely sure you wanted your first time out past sunset to be in the forest, but you also didn’t know what exactly she would do when she found you. Natasha was unpredictable. Some days she was soft and gentle, like she was when you first got together, and other days she was mean and cold, treating you as if you were nothing but a burden she had to drag around with her. You knew she didn’t mean it, though. If that’s what she really thought then she would have dropped you off in the middle of nowhere months ago, maybe even left you years ago, and drove off without so much as a look back. 
Your feet are sore as you run across the ground, rocks and dirt sticking to your bare feet, twigs scattered everywhere, some sharp and some not, digging into your flesh harshly. You know you’ll be cleaning cuts when you get back to the house, but you try not to focus on the pain so you can focus on where you’re going instead. You know that the closest village is about 15 miles away, an impossible distance even when you’re running your fastest.
It would take around two hours to get there and Natasha would never let that happen anyway, the longest she’d ever taken in her little hunt was 45 minutes because you’d somehow managed to climb a tree. You never did that again after how terrifying it was to have her climb up after you and practically throw you down from it. 
You could never go into the village in your state of undress anyway, something Natasha was counting on. 
You don’t know how long you’ve been running for when you stop to catch your breath, if it’s been less than or more than ten minutes– the maximum amount of time Natasha would have given you to get a headstart. Not that it really mattered, the outcome would be the same no matter how long you’d been running. That, at least, was predictable. 
You hear a gunshot in the distance and you bolt. You didn’t know she had that with her, you didn’t see it before back at the cabin. She’d never used it on you, only to scare you, but that doesn’t mean today won’t be the day that changes. She did seem rather volatile today. You look behind you and you can’t see her anywhere, not even a glimpse of her red hair. 
Is she using her gun to signal that it's been five minutes? Ten minutes? That would be new. But what else would she possibly be wasting a bullet for? …Is there someone else out here? No, there couldn’t be, there’s never been before. Who would have found their way all the way out here? You don’t even know where here is, so why would anyone who isn’t Natasha know where you are?
And if there is someone else out here, was that Natasha’s gun firing or theirs? Your heart is beating faster now, moreso out of genuine fear rather than nervousness like before. Sure, Natasha could be scary, but she’d never evoked this kind of fear out of you before. You’re conflicted now. Should you keep running or should you go back to see if Natasha is okay? You have a knife, surely you could help? But what good is a knife against a gun?
Your mind is going so fast you can barely keep up. You hadn’t felt this anxious since you thought Natasha was going to die in the hands of Ultron all those years ago. 
Your feet are moving on their own and with your constant glances behind, you aren’t paying any attention to where you’re running. You even climbed… something, but you weren’t paying enough attention even to that. Usually, you’d be more vigilant, you know that Natasha likes to set traps sometimes, keep you nervous about what’s out there and give you a reason not to try and escape.
But you’re not paying any attention to the ground below you as you run, too focused on the gun shot you had heard that you don’t see the trap in front of you. You had never been up here anyway, you never would have known about it. You barely even feel yourself stepping on the pan in the middle until the two steel jaws clamp around your ankle and you let out a blood curdling scream. 
Bear traps aren’t supposed to hurt like this, they’re not supposed to be this sharp. Natasha was just cruel.
You instantly drop to the ground, on your knees first and then sitting as you uselessly try to pry the trap off of your leg. Your hands are trembling and covered in blood as you cry. Just the sight of all your blood is almost enough to make you pass out. You hiccup on your own sobs, trying to figure out how you could possibly get this trap off. You wish Natasha were here. 
Natasha grunts as she pulls herself up onto the top of a rock face. How you had strayed so far from your usual path, she had no idea. Well, she had a little bit of an idea. She did fire her gun just to make you jump. She can tell you’d been here, though, if the fresh blood on the sharp rock was any indication. Her poor baby, you must have cut yourself, why didn’t you just choose another direction?
Once she’s on her feet again, she looks around for any other signs of you. The grass is flattened to the east and she narrows her eyes as she looks further in that direction. She knows that climbing must have slowed you down a lot, and if she knows her girl, then the pain from whatever cuts you have will have you whining and complaining to yourself the whole time. If she listens close enough, she’d probably just be able to hear you, so she walks in the direction of the flattened grass. 
She pauses for a second and then crouches down to get a closer look at the ground. Yes, you were running away from the rock face, not towards it. And it looks like you have a few cuts on the bottom of your feet if the dark maroon stains on some of the blades of grass meant anything. Natasha supposes she could have been a little less cruel and given you shoes, but it’s a little too late for that now. 
She stands again and begins walking further, she’s not running, no longer worried about how far ahead you may have gotten. You’d be tired by now even without any injuries, and Natasha was much faster than you even on your best days, it didn’t matter if she ran or walked now. She was in the home stretch.
She looks down at the watch on her wrist and hums. It had been 20 minutes since she’d set you free, and that was more than enough time for her to simmer down at least a little bit and for you to trap yourself in your thoughts of her being mad at you. Ones that would have you pleading at her feet, she’s sure, begging her to forgive you more than you were before. 
And she has simmered down, realized that perhaps her reaction to the fear of you wanting to leave her wasn’t quite appropriate. But really, when were any of her reactions appropriate? This was an okay approach, she reasons, making you realize you never wanted to be without her.
And then she hears it. A scream in the distance. 
Natasha’s fingers twitch and she wonders if she should fire another blank or not. She slows her breathing and does her best to create minimal noise as she walks towards the source of the sound. She knows it’s you, but she doesn’t know what has you screaming like that. If it’s an animal, she can sneak up and kill it before it hurts you. And if it’s not, well, she might be in for a little treat. 
She’s not disappointed when she sees you sitting down and leaning against a tree, sniffling as you look down at your leg. Your very bloody leg, actually. And then Natasha’s eyes focus properly and she sees the trap clamped tightly around your leg, the teeth from the jaws sunk into your flesh. Poor thing, you’ll never see her coming. Unless…
She considers having a little mercy, but once she knows she’s close enough to be in your eye sight and for you to panic, she reaches into her back pocket for her gun and fires it into the air. 
She watches as you practically jump out of your skin, and a pained whimper slips past your lips, looking around with wide eyes until you spot her. You’re like a deer caught in headlights and you know there’s nothing you can do now, you can’t run and even if you tried, you wouldn’t get very far, the trap is chained somewhere to a chain fence stake somewhere in the ground. 
Natasha stalks towards you, eyes hungry as she takes in the sight in front of her. “Run into a little trouble, did you?” She grins, wolf-like, and crouches in front of you. “This looks like it hurts, baby. You poor thing.” And you know she’s going to do something bad when she reaches out, but you don’t expect her to start poking and prodding at the injury. 
You whimper and your fists clench at your sides, “T–Tasha, please.” Your teeth clench, “Stop… Yes, it hurts, ah!”
She chuckles and grants you a little mercy. She presses down on the springs on both sides, using her strength to open the jaws, “Move your leg.” She instructs when your leg is finally free of the metal, the dislodging causing a pained whine to escape your lips. When all you do is sniffle and look at her she sighs, “Now or I will let it go and we both know you don’t want that.”
Hesitantly, you move your leg out of the trap, wincing when you feel a jolt of pain shoot up your leg. Natasha lets go and the trap snaps shut before she picks it up and tosses it somewhere behind her, you hear it hit the ground with a dull thud. “There. Aren't things always better when you listen to me?”
She takes a second to properly examine the injury you’ve sustained. The wounds aren’t too deep and they’ll definitely need some cleaning and they’ll take time to heal, but that is something she’ll worry about later. For now…
“You didn’t lose my good hunting knife, did you?” she tilts her head to the side and you shrink a little under her gaze. “W– Well, I didn’t really lose it, I promise, b– but I didn’t have anywhere to put it and I needed my hands and–”
Natasha cuts you off with a kiss and your eyes widen in surprise. You thought she’d be mad at you, not kissing you, but maybe this means you’re forgiven. “Don’t care, I’ll find it later. Seeing you like this… We might have to do this more often.” Her hands roughly grope at your breasts and you whine before she rips your bra off of you entirely, it’s times like this where you’re reminded of just how strong she actually is.
You want to cry at her words, yell and tell her you don’t want to do this again, you don’t like this. Tears well up in your eyes at just the thought of having to do this again, especially in a state of undress like this and you wish you could tell her to stop, that you don’t want this anymore, you can’t take it, but you know you can’t. After all, what would you do without her? Even if being with her means you get hurt like this sometimes, you don’t think you could really ever live without her. You just wish she’d go back to being sweet Natasha all the time.
Natasha interrupts your thoughts with another kiss, this one a little more hungry and insistent. You wish she would at least take you back to the house, but it seems that she wants you now and she’s unwilling to wait. You could try to convince her to at least tend to your injury first, but you doubt that she would listen. 
“Tash–” You start and she moves to start kissing at your neck because of the interruption, “Tasha, please, let’s go home first. I’m filthy, don’t you want to clean up first?” 
She groans as she pulls away from your neck, taking the time to examine you properly. Her heart skips and she growls, the sight of you like this excites her, even if you’re covered in dirt and blood. “No, you want to go home and clean up first, but I don’t remember asking.” And that’s all you get before she’s back to kissing and biting at your neck. 
One of her hands moves down to toy with the waistband of your panties as the other gropes at your chest. You let your head fall back against the tree and you wish you could focus more on Natasha, she always makes you feel so good and it’s not like you’ve never let her fuck you while injured before, but your leg is throbbing and the whimper that falls from your lips is more from pain than pleasure.
You push at her shoulder weakly and the look she gives you when you make her pull away for the second time is deadly. But you know she cares, you know she does, you just have to hit the right spot when you speak next and so you go for a weak point, “I–It hurts a lot, Daddy, please. I’ll be good and we can do whatever you want, just please can we go home first?”
Her expression softens a fraction and you know you’ve won. Natasha may be unpredictable, but there is always one thing that stays the same: her need to protect you.
“...Fine.” You’re surprised she’s not actually pouting as she grabs your bra and shoves it partially into her back pocket before standing up. She cracks her knuckles before leaning down and picking you up bridal style, making sure your injured leg is the one furthest away from her body. “I think we still have those pink bandages you liked so much.”
Yes, you were definitely forgiven.
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jvnluvr · 1 year
blue lock boys when you surprise them ! pt 1. ♡
ft. sae & kaiser x f!reader
(neo-egoist arc spoilers!! be warned)
author’s note: my last blue lock post got a lot of love and it made me more motivated, so thank you everyone! might do a part too where the roles are swapped, or with more characters. lmk by asking if you have any other requests. enjoy more bllk content, my lovely readers. <3
itoshi sae:
sae is gone a lot. you knew from the moment you got into a relationship with him that this would be the reality of your relationship. you loved him though, so even if you missed him tremendously, he would always come back home into your arms. there wasn’t much more you could ask for.
sae had gone to brazil for three games. it was a week stay, but it felt so insufferably long. maybe 3-4 days in, you were sick of being home after work not having anyone to go to or not having anything to do. so what did you do? obviously book a ticket to brazil yourself! to avoid suspicion, you told sae that you might not respond to his texts because you were going out with your friends and end up staying over at their place. (all your friends were busy that week.) but he didn’t catch anything!
you fell asleep on the flight, waking up to your landing. your heart was racing as you walked off into the airport. you’ve never really done something this grand before. surprising your boyfriend right before his game? god, you never expected to even set foot in another country for a while. all you could do was quickly rush to get a taxi, (you learned basic portuguese for this) and off you were to the stadium where his last game was being hosted.
quickly playing the driving, you ran inside. even if shidou was annoying, you thanked him for not revealing your plan to sae and helping you enter the stadium freely. “your boyfriend is a lucky one, yeah?” you could only nod in nervousness. why were you scared to see him? what if he just told you to go back home, what if he didn’t want any distractions, what if-? “c’mon he’s about to get on field, go!” shidou pushed you near the place his team was getting ready.
“hey [name]! sae didn’t tell us you were gonna’ be here.” one of his teammates grinned at you. you saw sae slowly turn around when he heard your name, an annoyed look plastered on his faces, thinking his teammates were tricking him for a stupid laugh. that was until he actually saw you, that his eyes widened.
“uh,, surprise sae?” he kind of just stood there for a second, not even being able to process the fact that you were physically standing in front of him. you only were able to feel dejected for a mere second, assuming he wasn’t happy to see you, that was until you were suddenly enveloped into a warm hug. and for a second, it felt as if you were the only two in the blazing stadium. “stupid, why are you here?” he whispered in your ear, not letting you go. despite his chosen words, his voice was filled with nothing but softness.
“cause i missed you, sae. you’re always gone, and even if i was prepared, it hurts not being with you.” you replied back. god no, you weren’t going to cry right before he went on the field. “don’t cry princess, i’m right here.” you were trying so hard to hold it in, but you couldn’t help it, he was with you, after what felt like an eternity. “thank you for surprising me, you’re the best thing i could ask for.” he kissed your forehead, still whispering so his teammates couldn’t hear the sweet nothings he reserved for you.
michael kaiser:
the ace of bastard münchen loved you very dearly. kaiser loved selectively, but the moment he laid eyes on you, he was smitten. truly, he tried to make as much time as humanly possible to spend with you but when blue lock joined the top teams, his brain had been haywire because of isagi. all he could think of was how to improve, how to crush him.
so naturally; with his brain occupied and all, he gradually started spending more and more time away from home to practice. sure, he still texted you sometimes and all, but you felt more lonely before than ever, since you were so used to kaiser being there to smother you in his love and adoration.
so when today finally came, the day where they would go up against barcha fc, it was him to finally prove he was a better player than isagi. he left super early that morning. he didn’t expect you to even try and leave the house because you studied from home, and he was going to be gone practically the whole day. to be honest, you really did want to go and surprise him at the game, but you couldn’t afford to skip class today. so you had to come up with something else grand to surprise kaiser.
so you went out after class, an hour before he was supposed to come home. you bought heart-shaped balloons, confetti, a cake, and any other decorations that you could drape onto the walls in your shared house. just before you were about to go back, you got a *ping!* from your phone.
ml michael: baby we won!!!! i’ll be home in a bit <3
you: congrats ! i’m waiting <3
you knew after that you had to rush home and get ready. gratefully your house wasn’t too far from the store. so you quickly unloaded everything from your car and put everything up in the living room, near the entrance of your house. “i hope he likes it, and isn’t too tired to just ignore everything..” you let out a slight sigh before continuing to finish up putting up the decorations.
you heard a loud engine outside and you would have been surprised if it was anyone besides kaiser. you quickly ran to shut off the lights before hiding behind the couch that faced the wall. the sound of the keys jingling as the door opened made your heart race as you held your hand over your mouth, not wanting him to even hear your breathing. “my dearest love, i’m home- huh? why are the lights off?” you couldn’t help but internally giggle at his insanely slow reaction time.
“[name], are we playing hide and seek or something? you know i’ll find you.” at that, you unintentionally rolled your eyes at his confidence. there’s no way he would expect you to be behind this couch, not to mention he hasn’t even turned the lights on- “found you.” you yelped as kaiser picked you up from behind, sitting you on his lap on the side of the couch.
“now, does my pretty girl wanna tell me why she was hiding behind the couch?” he kissed your cheek, and he swore he could see them turn red in the darkness. your entire plan? ruined. this really wasn’t the way you wanted to surprise him. “just wanted to surprise you, y‘know? you didn’t even turn on the lights silly.” kaiser gave you a confused look but nonetheless got up to turn them on. “surprise! and of course good job on winning your game today.” you smiled at him, but he just stared at you with the biggest heart in his eyes.
“you’re the cutest thing ever.” he lifted you up again and you wrapped your legs around him. “there’s a cake too, we should eat it.” you mentioned, totally forgetting that you set it out on the table. “i love you, liebe.” he couldn’t stop kissing you after that surprise.
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plistommy · 1 month
Prompt- Steve sending Eddie a bouquet of black and red roses every Valentine's Day since corroded coffin performed in the talent show.
Secondary prompt- Possibly leaving one at his bedside during Eddie's recovery from the bat bites, or maybe leaving them by his grave...
The first thing Eddie noticed when he woke up was the soft beeping noise. No more the loud screeching sounds of the bats or Dustin’s cries next to him as he was dying on the cold ground of the upside down.
When his senses started to come back, he knew he was laying on something soft. A bed, probably.
He slowly opened his eyes and the brightness of the room shocked him which made him vince. He tried to move his hand to rub his eyes, but a shocking pain shot through his body and he groaned.
Suddenly there was rustling next to him and soon someone was next to him, touching him and Eddie tried to look up to who it was, but his vision was still a bit unfocused as he felt dizzy.
”Eddie? Eddie?! Oh my god, you’re awake, jesus, I-I need to-”
Eddie couldn’t understand the most of what was said, but he could recognize that voice from anywhere.
It was Steve. Steve, who was sounding like he was on the edge of crying with how his voice got so high and shaky.
As Eddie’s eyes finally started coming to focus, he looked around the room, a hospital room and his eyes landed onto a bouquet on the small table beside the door.
”…a bouquet?” Eddie questioned, voice raspy and deep and he felt really fucking thirsty.
As he looked at it closer, he was hit by a realization and… familiarity. They were roses, both red and black, neatly put into a vase where they looked fresh as ever.
He had been getting those same exact bouquet’s of roses ever since he played at the talent show on Valentine’s Day during middle school.
He still remembers when he had gotten it after the show, a teacher of all people giving it to him, saying ’This was left for you, Munson’ as he handed the roses with an awkward grunt.
Eddie had thought it had been a joke, but when he read the small note on the roses that called him really talented and cute, he felt like tearing up with happiness.
He put that note into a safe place at home and read it whenever he needed it the most.
But it never stopped there. Every year, every Valentine’s Day, he always got it. The same bouquet of roses.
Sometimes it was hanging on his locker, on his seat where he sat during DnD, on his van… But he never found out who left them for him, even when he tried his best to find out.
Steve looked like he was seconds away from crying, eyes big and glossy, but he gave Eddie a soft laugh and glanced towards the bouquet.
”Yeah… It’s um.. It’s from me.”
Eddie’s eyes snapped wide.
His heart monitor must’ve picked up, because soon Steve was next to him, like right next to him and touching his forehead and fuck did it feel good.
”Shit, Eddie. You need to stay calm! You went through hell and if your heartbeat picks up too much you can—”
”You…” Eddie rasped out, moving his hand to wrap it around Steve’s wrist even though it hurt like hell. Steve froze, staring down at him with big eyes as he let Eddie guide his hand down from his forehead to his bandaged chest.
”It was… you?” He got out finally.
Steve’s pretty face had this soft blush on it and if Eddie wasn’t in so much pain and bunch of painkillers, he would’ve stood up and picked the man up into his arms.
”Yeah…” Steve answered, voice sweet like honey as he interrupted Eddie, ”it was me. Always has been.”
If Eddie had never gotten hurt or had never gotten those roses on his hospital room’s table and Steve being there when he woke up, he doesn’t think he would’ve found himself four months later laying in bed next to Steve, who was giving his scars soft kisses while Eddie held him close to his chest.
At least getting almost eaten by the demobats had one positive thing coming out of it.
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blkgirl-writing · 6 months
hi!! i just read your massive headcanon list for gale (loved it btw) and i desperately need one astarion as well!! ❤️
Astarions Massive list of SFW and NSFW headcanons (Part 1?)
Literally of course!! I wasn’t sure the people wanted this so I was waiting for a request. I’m bundling a lot of my astarion requests in this one too so if you see an ask you did it’s probably inspired!
TW: Acended Astarion section, details on physical and mental abuse there. I will put a warning for where it starts and ends. Some headcanons are more illuded to "female" anatomy, not all headcanons will reveal much
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Astarion is somehow so soft with his touch yet rough and almost feral when he really desires you
He will trace every inch of your body with such light, soft fingers, but grab onto your hips tight and nearly thrust you into him. Gently kiss you neck before sinking his teeth into your skin
Because honestly his true desires, wants, and needs, are unfiltered and less calculated than his normal affair
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
I do have to include acended astarion here because I don’t want to write him fully, so here’s that section. I feel like too many people want acended Astarion to be loving and caring. That unfortunately isn't the truth of the cycle of abuse
It doesn’t last, his love for you. It extinguishes fast, like water to a flame. He becomes cold and controlling
The only was I can see a happy future for tav and Astarion ascended is a Durge, where you rule the land together, ignoring the heart you once had together. It’s lots of bickering. If chaos is your turn on, this is it
Lots of hate sex and screaming matches. At least one per month where you both loose your voice before the argument ends and red marks across eachothers bodies
And honestly, I think one of you kills the other, in a fit of rage. But still whoever dies would get a grave stone. Small, unlabeled, a sort of revenge for the people who wanted it all. Forced in a common place with no success flaunted and easily forgotten
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Astarion holds hand in his sleep, rather than cuddling
A hand is all he needs to feel like he’s in the safest place in the world
Full spooning is just too intimate and personal until much later In your relationship. He wasn’t ready for something so real yet
There's a lot of pushing and pulling til he gets comfortable, but he will always make sure you know that he loves you and wants your touch, there's a lot of learning along the way
He just hasn't experienced the seriousness of true love and compassion for someone he truly feels he can't lose. It's scary, loving so much that your death would lead to his emotional one, if not physically as well
Astarion would never admit it but he would do just about anything for you
he becomes somewhat soft, which, initially annoys him, but he finally accepts it after a few weeks
He realized when you looked at him, with brightness in your eyes, asking him something important, he really wasn't listening
All he could think was to never make those eyes cry again, he'd do anything to stop you from feeling like that again
Your first date isn't very planned
After a fun but quick night on the beach, you get clothed and Astarion stares at you, taking all of your skin in, as it slowly gets hidden by clothing. A bit of a shame, he couldn't see you bare all the time
There was a blanket and you both lay on it for some time, in silence. Slowly, you feel his pinky finger graise yours. You hook them together, and simply watch the moon in the sky, fading in and out of sleep. Astarion doesn't get any closer or further, but he does sigh a few times
And for the first time, when you wake up, he's still there
Your second date was much more of a traditional date, at least for you two
Astarion had the bright idea to sneak as much alcohol as possible from the inn
feet dipped in the cold water of the docks, four bottles of quality whiskey polished off, and working on a fifth, you were positively hammered
Astarions head was leaning on your shoulder, arm slumped around your waist
the laughing and mumbled words only get louder and louder with each sip, and at some point, Astarion looks up at you, a small glint of his sharp teeth peering out of a smirk, and he leans into you further, pressing his lips against yours doe a deep kiss
it was almost aromatic. A charm whispered in your ear that made his lips taste like roses and sugar, with a hint of copper, you feel your own tongue lick his bottom lip, needing more of whatever that taste was
the night was a blur, after that. Too drunk to really remember much the next day, but you both knew there wasn't going back after that. There was a bond, now, with feelings more than just lust and need
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Astarion fucking you feels like getting close to a campfire, warm, hot, even, like getting any closer may kill you, pounding and scraping, biting and bleeding, breath thick and hot
When you fuck Astarion, everything feels light, it flows like water over a riverbed, he lets you ravish him in a gentle, caring sense
His attention is all over you, but your neck clearly has his attention-grabbing the back of your neck, kisses down it, bite marks, hickeys, licks, even cum, sometimes, purposefully dripped on your face, but mostly on your neck and collarbone
It definitely also is just a very obvious placement, it can show that you fuck, he fucks you, and you love it. It gets to the point where there are faded bruises, bite marks, and scratches littering across your whole neck, it almost looks like tattoos, and a few passersby comment on it.
Astarion had a very smug smile on his face that day, and that night he ravished you with more passion than ever before
What else can I say, Astarion fucks, but I do think once you really start your relationship, there's a lot of re-learning of what he really wants
so sex starts off fairly vanilla, adding stuff in, changing it out, uses of safe words and communication being key, a safe, loving space between you and him where he is never used and he never uses you, it's just pleasure and ecstasy
I believe he'd be open to a closed relationship as well, at least for a while, especially if you choose the path of the underdark for your future
Literally not even once do you wear protection either lol
It's messed up so TW, I have a feeling Cazador made sure Astarion could never procreate, giving him an attachment to anyone is dangerous, and something to fight for even more so. Having his own offspring would never be an option for him
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There would never be normalcy in your relationship, that's kind of the beauty of it
Every single day is different, there is never a moment that passes with Astarion that isn't unique
Especially when Astarion is adjusting to a life where he has to think and care for another, a routine isn't comforting to him, spontaneity is important in your early relationship
Astarion is still very romantic in his own ways, kissing your fingers hugs from behind, small, light touches across your whole body
The first time you nearly die? my god. He's incredibly distant for a few days
and when you ask what's up he would definitely blow up
like what were you thinking? Going in like that, you could have died! You could have left him alone again
He cries softly in your arms, then, repeats how you could have died. It seems like forever, that he stays there, tears dripping down your skin, cold
From then on he always looks back at you, in battle, before striking, to make sure you're ok, accounted for
hey! What other HCs would ya'll like me to add in the next part! I haven't romanced Astarion more than twice so I may need a little help there, haha. But thank you for reading!!
@shyminnie07 @makers-breath @claryvoyantfray @black-sapphic @fapqueen
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myseungsunglove · 6 months
I Wanna See You | Ksm
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Pairing: Seungmin x Reader
Warnings: Smut, language
Word count: 1k
𖠫Summary: No thoughts, just finding pleasure in your boyfriend Seungmin, spread out in front of the mirror in practice room E one random Tuesday evening after dance practice.
A/N: This Drabble is from my “Yeah, just like that” smut prompt list I posted Friday. A Nonnie Wonnie requested “open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you,” with the one and only Kim Seungmin. Whew. And of course I made the mistake of publishing this in the middle of the night so no one is even gonna see it. 🫠
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「© December 9, 2023 by myseungsungheart」
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Your breathing was heavy and your head was spinning. You weren’t sure how you ended up here, but with the current state of bliss encompassing your mind, you weren’t about to start over thinking it.
You lifted your head, looking into the mirror, Kim Seungmin’s eyes meeting yours from where he was seated behind you. You are situated between his legs, naked from the waist down while he is still, regretfully, fully clothed. He has your arms held tightly behind your back in his strong hold and the other hand between your legs, his fingers dancing along your most sensitive places, a deep blush on your face.
He kisses your neck tenderly, soft, wet kisses that make your head spin. You’re so lost in the way his lips feel on your skin, you forget about where his fingers are headed until two of them plunge into your aching core, his thumb pressed expertly against your clit as he pumps into you with purpose. You seek purchase in anything you can where he holds your arms behind you, managing to get a fistful of his shirt, tugging it toward you as your body arches desperately. You can’t help but squeeze your legs together, the sensation overwhelming as his hand moves against your cunt.
He immediately withdraws his hand from you, leaving you panting and desperate. You receive a swift slap to your leg as he knocks them away from each other, spreading you wide, his lustful stare landing on your bare cunt in the mirror.
“Ah ah, y/n-ah, what did I say, hmmm?” he rumbles, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. “Open your legs for me, baby. I wanna see you,” he growls, pulling you tighter against him, your hands pushed against his hard member as he holds you tightly to him. With the hand that had, only moments ago, been buried inside you, he grabs your chin and turns it to face him, your eyes locking on his. “You’re absolutely beautiful like this, jagiya,” he whispers, his lips ghosting yours between words. “Open and vulnerable,” he breathes, his lips meeting yours in a slow and tantalizing kiss. You can’t stop the moan that escapes your throat.
“Seungmin,” you manage as his fingers dance along your neck, holding you steady through the kiss. Grounding you to him. “Seungmin, please,” you beg. You’re not even sure what you’re begging for at this point, but you want him. All of him. Any part of him he’ll give you. You’re desperate and it’s evident in the way his name falls from your lips like a prayer.
“Let me hear you, y/n,” he whispers against your mouth, his hand wandering from your neck back down to where you need him the most, settling between your thighs. He wastes no time burying two fingers in you again, your body reacting immediately, a wonton cry falling from your lips. “That’s it,” he encourages, his thumb pressing deliciously against your clit as his fingers nail that soft spot deep inside you. His hands are a gift from the gods, you think as you feel that coil winding tighter, your skin on fire as your climax nears.
“So close,” you manage through the blissful haze of your mind, your eyes meeting his in the mirror once more. “Fuck,” you breathe once you see his blown out pupils, his gaze drifting down, fixating on your cunt and his fingers plunging inside you.
“Cum on my fingers baby and then I’ll give you what you really want,” he promises.
Your hands desperately search for just that behind you, finding his bulge and squeezing him, a feral moan escaping him.
The coil snaps at the sound of his pleasure, your walls clenching down on his fingers and trying to pull him in and push him out all at once. Your body shakes and your vision goes white as he holds you close to him. You swear for a holding 30 seconds you can’t hear anything but the ocean crashing against the shore as you ride out the pleasure.
“That’s it,” he praises. “Good girl,” adds with a soft kiss to your neck, his eyes falling once again to where his fingers are buried inside you.
He releases your arms he’s been holding behind your back and you slump against him, arms aching and spent from being held like that for so long and from coming down from the heights of pleasure he so expertly brought you to. However, his hard cock presses against your back reminding you of his promise. He removes his fingers from you, and holds them to your mouth. You open, your tongue sticking it out slightly as he slips them into your mouth, your tongue swirling around the two digits.
“Fuck,” he breathes, his chest heaving now.
“There’s more where that came from,” you promise when his fingers leave your mouth with a pop. “Let me show you just how good this pussy feels wrapped around that aching cock.”
You turn on him quickly, a renewed energy finding you as you push him to the floor and pull his sweats down to his thighs, his angry red cock springs free, leaking and begging for attention. His head thuds against the ground, his eyes squeezing shut as your hand wraps around him, pumping him slowly to full hardness before you’re climbing over him and aligning your dripping hole with his cock.
You sink down onto him easily, your arousal making him an easy fit despite his generous size. He moans in response when your hips meet his, his hands reaching out and squeezing your hips, rolling you forward on his cock.
“Come here,” you whisper, grabbing his shirt and pulling him to a sitting position. Your lips lock with his as you bounce on him in earnest, his mouth falling open in the middle of the kiss, short bursts of air falling onto your lips as you ride him harder.
“I’m gonna come,” he warns, his arms wrapping around your waist and holding you to him.
“What’s stopping you?” you tease, rolling your hips again before you pull off of him and slam down once more with renewed purpose.
“Shit,” he grits out, his fingers digging into your back, gripping your shirt tight, as he unloads into you, his cum filling you perfectly and triggering a surprise orgasm from you. “Fuck!” he all but wails as your walls squeeze him tight, milking him dry. “Jagiya,” he stutters, his lips finding yours once more, his hands having found their way back to your neck to hold you against him as he kisses you fervently.
You’re still not sure how the two of you ended up here, fucking on the floor of practice room E on a random Tuesday night, but fuck if you didn’t hope it was the cool down for every dance practice from this day forward.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
What if one Monday after a weekend of crying over her bully!Eddie, he tells her she looks like shit and like she hasn't slept in days and she can't help but tear up so he silently vows to take care of her, and he'd force her to sit on his lap and sleep during lunch and little things like that. He'd leer at anyone who so much as looked her way, he needed her to have a peaceful day. He'd call her his little crybaby and make her give him little kisses as thankyous for taking care of her but she doesn't care, it's better than him pushing her around and smacking her ass in front of anyone who happens to be around.
What Eddie didn't realise is in this constant change of behaviour, he'd conditioned her to need him whenever she's overtired or sad. She'd start calling him in the middle of the night asking for him to come over and help her sleep. He never wanted to- he wanted to tell her no, call her mean names and put her back in her place but he couldn't bring himself to let her down. Every time he would rush to her house, climb through her window and fuss/kiss her until she was so relaxed and cosy she drifted off. He was never there when she woke up but there'd always be a thanku nudey polaroid or magazine in his locker or car as a thankyou for taking care of her
-🐱, sorry if this one is a lil weird- my meds have sent my lil horny goblin brain into mushy gushy subspace, I wanna be babied by a meanie lmao
today is multiverse monday! send me an au you can think of :)
i'll write the second part as a part 2!! it's very cute but i couldn't fit it all in one blurb </3
cw // bully!eddie. nothing terrible, he doesn't ever hurt her or anything, he's just annoying as fuck - don't like don't read
Eddie's grip on your wrist hasn't loosened since you'd walked out of class. Typically, he pushes you around, catching you before you trip and teasing you for being so off-balance. Today, though, he drags you through the doors of the cafeteria, and your stomach drops. Is he going to humiliate you in front of the entire room? Is he going to dump milk over your head, soak your shirt so that it's stuck to your figure? Is he going to shove your face in a plate of mashed potatoes and show you off to the crowd? Is he going to force you to eat something he steps on? Is he going to-
You're sitting in his lap. He's plopped down on a bench, yanking you down by one arm so that you land on his thighs. He has you facing him, your chest pushed up against his as you stare bewilderedly at him.
"Lay down," He demands, pushing his hand against the back of your head so that your face is forced over his shoulder, "You're tired. You look like shit, honey."
Your eyes fill with tears from where you're struggling to fight his grip, and he scoffs.
"Not a bad thing, crybaby. I'm not being mean, I'm being honest. Y'look like you haven't slept for days," He lets the back of your head go, thumbing roughly at the bags under your eyes, "I won't kick you while you're down. That's not really my thing. Just take a nap, get your sleep, so I can go back to messing with you."
Without another word he's pushing again at the back of your head, and you let his words sink in while you rest on his shoulder. You shouldn't let him keep you here like this. You should insist on studying in the library, or some other place he wouldn't dare enter. But he's warm, his shirt is soft, and though the smell of weed makes your nose wrinkle, there's musk beneath it that makes your tummy twist. His hand settles on your thighs, just below the hemline of your skirt, and rubs up underneath it, brushing the globes of your ass where they meet your thighs. You shiver, tucking your face into his neck so that you can drown out the noise of the lunchroom.
He gets strange looks when you finally doze off. Jeff sends him a glance that's far from friendly, nose wrinkled in judgement, disgust, and probably a little jealousy. He makes the decision to chuck an apple slice at him instead of an entire apple, which he's sure the man appreciates. Mike takes note of this, and schools his expression to be neutral, as he avoids asking about you like the rest of them.
When the school bell rings you don't wake, instead still lightly snoring against his neck. He thinks he can feel drool there too, and he'd be lying if he said the thought didn't stiffen his cock.
"Hey," He taps at your side, one hand still flush to your ass, "Come on, honey. Time to wake up, nap's over."
Your eyes flutter open, he can feel the lashes against his skin.
"You feeling any better?" He asks as you straighten from his lap, your hands braced against his chest for stability as everyone vacates the room, on their way to their next class.
"You're looking a bit better," He muses, not waiting for an answer. He once again rubs a thumb over the bags under your eyes, but then his fingers slip down to grip your chin. He pulls your face down, ignoring the way your hands tighten in his shirt in alarm.
"Eddie, what-"
"You owe me a thank you," He speaks only centimeters away from your lips, "I didn't have to be this nice to you, y'know. I could have flipped your skirt up like I always do."
You sniffle once, nodding as much as you can while he holds your face to his.
"Well?" His eyebrows raise, "I'm waiting."
"Thank you, Eddie." You mumble, the tip of your nose brushing his own, "I appreciate it."
He scoffs, "Not what I meant," And kisses you firmly. There's no pulling back, not when his fingers are hooked around your chin and tugging you impossibly closer. He backs away after only a moment, leaning back expectantly.
"Your turn," He explains, "Say thank you, crybaby."
Your hands inch up his chest as you lean in, lips parted to capture his lower one in between them. You feel him squeeze at the fleshy curve of your ass when you do, and there's a devilish glint in his eyes when you pull away.
"That's not gonna cut it, honey." He laughs, and then he's moving back for more. You're not sure how many times he does it, relentlessly jamming his lips to yours, but you're not sure you can stand up straight when he finally gets his fill.
"It's less than I want, but it'll do." He decides, patting the bare skin of your ass, now aching from where he'd kneaded it, "You'd better get to class now, honey. Don't be late, or I won't be this nice to you again."
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oval3000 · 7 months
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Chapter 4
Yandere Teacher Nanami x Student Reader
Warning: Abuse, smut. Abduction, violence, rough play, toxic behavior, age gap, everything from all above. Mainly from his point of view...somewhat... modern au- ish idk. College teacher x student.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Soft music was playing in the background as he spread the condiments onto the fresh, crispy, bread. He felt his body feeling the rhythm of the sweet melody that was playing at the record player. He placed the rest of the ingredients, placing the finished sandwiches onto a white plate. He placed the plates on the other side of the small kitchen table that was in the corner of the room. Don't worry though, there's a dining room so you and him can have family dinner nights with your many future children. He opened the fridge and got out the glass pitcher of orange juice as well as two glass cups that were on the cupboard. He placed the cups on the side of the plate and poured the freshly squeezed orange juice into the clear, glass cups.
He went over to the living room where the record player was sitting perfectly in a cubical section of the large bookshelf that was against the wall, moving the needle off the vinyl record. He walked up the staircase, and he could hear you ruffling around on the bed. He wasn't concerned about your movements around the bed, the rope wasn't long enough for you to leave the premises. He opened the door and saw how you immediately stopped and curled yourself into a ball. He walked closer to you which made you squeamish. He took your wrist and quickly untied the rope. "please don't hurt me." Nanami didn't reply, he pulled your body off the bed to make you land on your feet.
He still had a strong grip on your arms and body that made you unable to run off. He led you to the kitchen where the kitchen table was. He sat you down on the chair and pointed at the food, "Your lunch is ready." He walked over to his seat and sat down.
You couldn't move out of your seat, not because you weren't able to, but because you were a bit too scared. To be quite fair, even if you did get up and make a run for it, he could easily catch you since your back was facing the wall. Nanami kept you caged in. You saw that he was already half done with his sandwich, taking a few sips of his juice. "Are you gonna hurt me?" He looked up at you, chewing the piece of sandwich in his mouth, still not saying anything. You gently picked up your sandwich, taking a small bite from it chewing and swallowing it quickly. "A-are you going to kill me?" He took another sip of his orange juice to wash down the food. He was about to take another bite of his lunch when he heard you say, "Why am I here?" you felt shivers going down your body with the way he stared at you. He was your teacher. Someone who helped you when you were having difficulty understanding an assignment. He was someone that you should've trusted right? Someone whom you so foolishly trusted. Now you're in a place where he keeps you tied up to a bed. You know it's only been two days since you have been here, but you know you'll soon lose track depending on how long you might be here. You don't know exactly why you are here. You kept asking him but all he replied with was "This is your new home." When you ask about your safety, he replies with "I'm not gonna hurt you." however, should you really trust someone who is keeping you captive. It still doesn't answer your questions.
Before he could take another bite he reassures you with, "If I was going to kill you then I would've done it already. Eat your lunch."
You did just that. You don't know if your teacher was a serial killer all along who is psychotic and tortures his victims. You don't know if you are ever going to see the light of day ever again. Just the thought of it made your tears start flowing. You didn't want to cry. You wanted to stay strong. Just not knowing and being kept in the dark, scares you. You covered your mouth trying to conceal the low sob you couldn't keep in. Nanami got up from his seat and went towards you. "I'm-I'm..sorry," you cried out. He kneeled down to your level placing his right hand on your back while his other hand grabbed your cheek and made you turn to him. You uncovered your mouth taking deep breaths to calm yourself.
He wiped away the tears with his thumb, "I'm not going to hurt you. That's the last thing I want to do." He leaned closer to you, "You're beautiful and perfect. You are perfect for me."
Your heart felt like it stopped. You felt like an elephant was sitting on your chest. Everything wasn't clear for you to listen to, for you to see. You felt your head feeling light. "You're gonna.....ra......rap-"
You didn't finish the sentence when you saw his head turn away in a sharp turn and heard his low scoff. "That's what you think of me?" He straightened himself up making a hard fist. "I would never do that to you. Not like that at least. I want our first time to be special. "He sat back to his seat. He sighed, rolling his eyes, "If you don't want me to hurt you then don't give me a reason. And just to let you know, escaping is one of them, not listening to me is another. Now finish your food."
You took more deep breaths before continuing to eat the sandwich he prepared for you. Once you were finished, he took you back to the bedroom and tied you up again. He fixed his tie and hair, putting on his specs. "I'm going back to work." He checked his watch and raised an eyebrow, "Might be 10 minutes late before my next class. I'll be back for dinner. What do you want so I can pick it up."
You sat there with your knees to your chest. 'What do you want?' as if it was a nothing question. 'Dinner?' the second time you spend dinner time with him. "uh....mm...pa-pasta?"
"Pasta?" He looked at you as you nodded. "Okay. Pasta it is."
He walked out of the room closing the door and that was the end of that. He doesn't tell you anything else like your friends or relatives. He still doesn't let you roam around the house freely, which wasn't shocking. So you just sat there for hours waiting for him to come home. Even though he keeps tied up, he's the only other human interaction that you get. Still not knowing what's going to happen to him. Human isolation might just drive a person crazy. You could ask for something so you wouldn't be so bored. Maybe some books, or a sketchbook, maybe he could let you watch some TV or give you some puzzle games so at least your mind is being occupied.
You aren't sure if your family is even looking for you or if anyone even noticed you have gone missing. Were they ever going to find you? Are you ever going to leave this place? Is this where you're going to live for the rest of your life? Is your teacher a complete psychopath who kills people? Are you his next victim? Or what he says is true? Is he not going to hurt you? Only time will tell for you. Of course for Nanami, he knows your fate. So, yes you're going to live here for the rest of your life. As for the rest of the questions; who knows?"
You reached over the nightstand by your side and opened the little drawer only to find nothing. You opened it before, you guess you kinda hoped that there was something there for you to do. The light bulb of the fan ceiling was shining throughout the room. The barricaded window prohibited light from going through, so you aren't sure if it's cloudy or sunny. The only thing you can tell time is the clock on top of the dresser and Nanami's work schedule. You know Monday, Tuesday, and Friday, he has four classes, and on Wednesday, and Thursday, he would only have three classes to teach. On the days he would have four classes, his first class would start at 8:00 am. His second one was in fact the 10:00 am class, the same class you were in. His third class would be at 1:00pm and his last class would be at 5:00pm. He would come home at 6:30. The days he would have three classes, his first class would also start at 8:00am. His second class would start at 10:30 am. His last class would start at 2:00pm. However, he would come home at 5:00pm due to him staying a bit late so he could help students who might need help. He has mentioned to you that he might just come home after his last class since no one comes in so you don't have to be alone all day.
He also mentioned how he will change his class time the next semester so he could come home early to you. Nanami being the only person that you could listen to and talk to makes him the only source of entertainment for you, so knowing all this makes sense for you.
You lay down on the bed closed your eyes, covering your face with the blanket to shield you from the bright light. You didn't know how long you'd been asleep, but it was long enough that you heard the door open and close.
You could hear his footsteps you could hear that he had come home already. He opened the door and went to untie you. He. once again, lifted you up by grabbing the side of your arms and pulling you off the bed. He pretty much dragged you to the kitchen, either way, it's not like you have any freedom to move wherever you feel like it. He sat you back down on the chair from the square, light brown, kitchen table. He moved the bowl, that had pasta, closer to you. He went over to grab two clear, glass cups and poured ice and cold water. He gave you the black plastic fork that came with the food while he had the silverware.
You didn't ask any more questions. You didn't hesitate to eat the food. You simply sat there and had dinner with your teacher; with the person who is keeping you captive in a nice, cozy home.
He poured himself some wine into his wine glass, taking a sip. "I missed you today. During class when you weren't there" That's right, it's Friday, you were supposed to be in his class today. You were supposed to be in school today before lunch. 'If it was high school, would it notify anyone that you weren't there' you thought. "But then I realized that I have you here, so really I get excited to come here." He took a bite from his food, swallowing it. "I'll eventually have family pictures of us on my desk or wallet so I can stare at them. You know and have a family portrait of us and our kids."
kids? He wants to have kids with you. You placed your hand on your tummy, trying to really process what had said. You never thought about having kids, you're too young. You still have a life to accomplish, having kids was not on your mind. He wants to have kids with you. That changes everything. Does he want kids now? You'll have to go through painful childbirth. You'll have to put your body through something that you hear horror stories about from other women who experienced it.
"Of course, we'll have kids when you're ready. When we're ready. I don't want to have kids now when my schedule isn't exactly consistent, but once I change that then we can try. Once you're ready then we can try to have multiple children." He continued eating his food so nonchalantly. " I want to have four kids in total. I always wanted a sibling growing up and I think it'll be nice for our kids to have siblings as well. I won't rush you to give birth to all four quickly. Childbirth can be hard especially for someone to recover." He picked up the last few pieces of pasta with his fork, " finish your food so I can give you a bath."
Bath? you're gonna be naked and he's going to bathe you. You finished your last bite, drinking the cold water. He's going to give you a bath? Is he going to ask you to strip? Or is he going to strip you himself? He did say that he won't force anything on you, so you shouldn't have to worry right?
He got up and dragged you back to the bedroom upstairs. He shut the door and went to the bathroom while he held your wrists together. He towards the tub and turned it on. You felt your heart rate going up. You felt nervous. "I can bathe myself." you huffed out.
He looked back at you, "I know you can." He checked the temp of the water, letting the water fill up the bathtub. He stood in front of you holding to your waist, keeping you still for a moment. He reached over and started to pull down your shorts. You felt the shorts falling and landing on your feet. Your eyes widened and your breath began to be uncontrollable. He reached to the bottom of your top and started to pull them up, but you quickly crossed your arms making him stop. "I can do it myself. I can bathe myself." He stopped and then released your top from his fingertips. He moved to the side walking to be behind you. You felt his chest on your back, "Please I can do it. I'll feel a lot better if I do it. Please, Nanami."
"Say 'Kento'" He whispered in your ear. It sent a shiver down your spine.
"Kento." You said back to him.
"From now on call me Kento. It's my first name." He said, taking a few steps back. He leaned back on the bathroom door. "Now strip."
"I don't need someone to watch me." You turned your head to look at him as he crossed his arms staring back at you.
"No, sweetheart. You can bathe yourself, but I'm not leaving you alone. So either strip and bathe yourself while I stand here and watch or I go and do it myself."
You turned your head back around and started to lift your top off. You went down and pulled your panties off. The thought of how he can see your bare ass made you feel weird. You went on and unhooked your bra. You let the bra strands fall down from your shoulders. You quickly slid in your one hand over your breast to cover them. You were completely naked in front of Nanami. He could feel his crotch area getting tight and hard. This was torture for him. It was torture for you. You carefully took a step inside the tub with lukewarm water, getting more comfortable. You eventually sat down in the middle of the bathtub. Your back still turned to him. Even though you barely had any room to move around, you tried your best not to turn around. Nanami's eyes wandered else in the bathroom to calm his area down. You quickly washed your hair with the nice scented shampoo and washed your body with the body wash cloth.
When all the soap left your body you knew it was time to get out. "I'm done, Kento."
Nanami turned his gaze back to you. He pulled the towel from the hook that was installed on the bathroom wall. He walked up to you with the towel extended to his arm's length." Get up."
When you stood up, you felt his arm embrace around you covering you with the soft, dry towel. You got out of the tub, feeling the towel land on your wet legs. He dragged you back to the room where he pointed to the folded clothes that were resting on top of the little stool in front of the armrest chair, "Change into your pajamas." You felt his grip letting go. You quickly dried yourself with the towel he gave you before putting on the set of pajamas and undergarments. When you finished you finally turned to him and faced him. He moved to the side to reveal the white vanity. " There is a hair blow dryer for you to use." You sat down on the chair that matched the vanity and grabbed the blowdryer that was being plugged in by Nanami. Mist while you were drying your hair, you could hear Nanami's belt buckle drop on the floor. You knew that he was stripping behind you. He removed his tie and started to unbutton his blue dress shirt. You looked at the mirror in front of you and saw Nanami exposed. You saw all of his muscles clearly. You already knew that he was fit so seeing his muscles was something else. He went and put on some grey sweatpants and waited for you to finish drying your hair.
When you finished, you got up from the chair as Nanami took your hand and placed you back on the bed. He tied your hands and pulled the blankets over you and him. You lay on your side as you felt his arm wrapping around your torso, pulling you closer to him.
You could tell that he had already fallen asleep. It took a while for you to do so as well. Your mind kept wondering about all those questions you had.
Are you ever leaving here?
His strong hand kept you in tight.
Is this your new life?
His chin rested on top of your head.
Did you regret walking to his class that day?
You could hear his light snores.
You're never leaving.
This is your new life.
Just accept it already.
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sanjisprincesswifey · 6 months
hey cherry!! for secret santa I’d like law, kid, or zoro with a female reader, and if I could ask, can it be a little angsty? 🤭🫶🏾
hi sweet anon! when i saw that you requested angst i started giggling and kicking my feet because you know i love me some angst&lt;3
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you've received law + warming up by the fire
❆ : cw: chapter 1080 spoilers, lots of angst, very sad law! no gender implied, 900+ words!
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the match strikes against the edge of the fire place, logs within set ablaze, small room illuminating as you take a set next to your captain. 
you dunk the washcloth into the warm water, allowing it to soak for a second or two before removing it. your breath is ragged, chest slowly rising and falling while you place the washcloth over law’s head.
his dark hair is matted to his forehead with blood, fresh scratches littering the area. you can only hold back tears as you clean him further, cutting through his shirt to find the source of his injuries. 
your medical knowledge, though no where near as experienced as law’s, came in handy today. you could only chuckle at the thought of all those late nights you were nose deeps in medical encyclopedias and significantly less thankful to be there. 
rummaging through the closets, you gather as many blankets as you could find. the cold water was fine for bepo to swim in, but you and law? not so much. 
law’s body temperature was just a little too low for your liking, and like he’d always say, it was better to be safe than sorry. 
you wrap him in as many blankets you could find but one, keeping that one for yourself. tugging roughly at the corners of the fabric around you, you can’t help but wince when you take in law’s state. 
he looked so…weak, fragile all bruised and bandaged, lying unconscious under all the layers. sure you hadn’t been on the crew for long, but law was tough, it took a lot of fighting to get him to this point. 
his empty, limp hand rests by his side and you take the chance to slip yours in to hold him. 
“captain?” you whisper, voice hoarse from the screaming and cries hours prior. “i know you can’t hear me...”
other than the slow, steady rhythm of his chest, he doesn’t move. 
your lip trembles before you can continue. “…i’m really scared right now.” a warm tear slips down your cheek. 
“i need you to wake up,” you plead, squeezing his hand a bit tighter than before. his features remain still, but if you were being honest you don’t really know who you were doing this for anymore. “i can’t lose you, law.” 
as your teeth dig further into your lip, the pain in subsides imagining what would happen if you weren’t enough to save him. tears begin to trickle, dropping from your skin as you lean up to place a soft kiss on his forehead. 
“please come back to me,” you cry, careening over his bedside. the sobs that rack your body shake the bed as a result, but the layer of blankets you’ve given him absorb any sound leaving you there shaking in your own despair until your body finally collapses from exhaustion. 
a couple of hours later, deep into the late hours of the night, a light breeze enters the room from a cracked window. it blows gently throughout the small area until it brushes over law’s skin. 
his eyes, heavy and drowsy, flutter open. his vision blurs for a second or two, until he’s shot back into reality, panic rapidly spreading throughout his body until he sees you. 
“y/n?” he questions, shaking your body until you jolt up. 
your breathing is scattered, eyes scanning around until you land on him. all of a sudden your breathing is hitched in your throat, tears immediately pooling in your eyes as you jump into law’s embrace. 
the soreness from his injuries is discarded as his bandaged arms wrap around you, pulling you to sit on top of his lap. his head falls onto your shoulder, silent sobs gently erupting from his body as his hand hopelessly grasps onto you. 
influenced by the exhaustion that havocs your body, you begin to cry too. cradling his head in your hands, you attempt to alleviate some of his anxiety, assuring him that it will be okay. 
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry,” he cries, surely addressing both you and all of his crew members that were hurt in blackbeard’s wake. “i couldn’t protect you, y/n.”
you almost laugh remembering how just hours ago you were apologizing to him for the exact same reasons. 
pulling out of your arms, he cups your cheeks; his inked fingers bringing your forehead to his. his gray eyes are puffy, throat raspy when he continues a symphony of apologies. 
the mixture of both adrenaline and panic overtakes him, harshly pushing his lips against yours. his lips are salty from all the tears that have fallen down his face and you’re sure he’d say the exact same thing about you. the way his lips glide against yours, so smooth yet desperate, you can tell he had been longing to do this for a while. the brush with death he had faced today must’ve overpowered any other feeling of doubt.
he whimpers when you draw from him, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “rest for now, please,” you beg, almost removing yourself from on top of him, but he holds you still. 
“please stay with me, i need you,” he whispers, falling back onto the bed with you in his arms. 
your head rests against his chest, a deep sigh emptying your lungs. 
you hear the light crackle of the burning fire you had ignited hours ago, sighing with contempt knowing it kept him warm all this time.  
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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duhnova · 1 year
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a challenge - choi seungcheol & jeon wonwoo
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word count: ~1.5k
synopsis: a punishment thats not really a punishment
warning(s): smut under the cut (mdni!!!), dubcon?, spanking, multiple orgasms, squirting, fingering, masturbation, cum on body, reader is called a good girl & baby & princess, let me know if i forgot anything! - don't mind grammatical errors/typos (i tried and its 2am). this is literally just mindless, and its been sitting in my drive FOREVER… anyways i finally did something with it because of @multi-kpop-fanfics
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it was safe to say that you should never challenge your best friends on who can fuck you better - especially when one of them has been your friends with benefits for months now. wonwoo wasn’t a possessive person, and he’d be damned if seungcheol could think he could fuck you better than him. which is where you found yourself right now, several rounds later, neither one of them wanting to back down but physically they needed to take a break and after you had orgasmed before either one of them gave you permission too it was only fair that you were punished. 
seungcheol grabbed your hips to drag you to the edge of the bed where your legs hang off. he has a smirk on his face as his fingers dig into your hips a little while he makes eye contact with wonwoo who nods his head a little, telling him to go for it. he moves one of his hands to rest on your lower back to keep you in place and he uses his other hand to rub soothingly at your ass cheeks. 
“i want you to start counting for me princess.” and with that his heavy hand made contact with your left ass cheek, the same one wonwoo had smacked not even a minute ago. whining quietly, your feet come up to try and cover your ass.
“no.” seungcheol pushes your legs back down. “every time you do that i’ll start over. understood?” when you nod he's quick to land another blow to the same one.
“two..” you let out a shaky breath only for seungcheol to scoff. “no?” you whine before he lands another smack to your ass causing you to squeak.
“that’s two.” 
“but-“ he smacked your ass again, cutting your sentence off.
“we started over because you moved your legs, remember?” you nod your head quickly, your fingers digging into the sheet below you. he takes a second to rub your ass cheek, allowing the soft side to come out for just a second before he smacks it. 
“four!” you yelp, your legs kicking up a little from the shock of it. you’re quick to put them back down as you stutter out apology after apology. “please don’t start over im sorry! i’ll be good i promise!”
“i don’t know sweetheart.. that’s the second time now,” he looks up at wonwoo who was sitting in his gaming chair, his boxers back on but his cock still painfully hard underneath. “wonwoo?” 
“smack her ass till she’s cumming and crying.” any nice bone in his body was gone as his jaw set while he watched the older male do just as he said. 
you yelped and whined as seungcheol’s heavy hand came down on both of your ass cheeks, alternating every couple smacks to give the other a break. the pain began to mix with pleasure at some point, there was no real friction offered other then the little jolts your body did as you rocked against the bed with every blow. 
around the thirtieth smack your counting didn’t even matter anymore as you dig your nails into the sheets, your babbling getting louder as some twisted part of your body decided you were going to cum when he delivered a particularly hard smack. tears stream down your face as you sob, your legs coming up to cover your ass, seungcheol letting them as you process the fact that you just orgasmed from him spanking you. 
“good girl.” seungcheol coos as he lets his hand wander down so his fingers can feel the juices that begin to seep out of you. “can you give us another one?”
“i think she can.” wonwoo groans quietly from his seat as he finally allows his hands to offer himself some relief. you whine loudly when his fingers ghost over your entrance before you’re wiggling your hips. 
“‘m a good girl.” is all you mumble before your legs scoot open enough so seungcheol’s hand can fit between them. 
“you are,” wonwoo hums as he rubs his hard cock through his boxers. “my good girl.”
“our good girl.” seungcheol mumbles before dipping his fingers into your sopping pussy. your slick made it easy or his middle and ring finger to set a fast pace. 
you gasp at the pace, your body still sensitive from all the orgasms you had experienced before your “punishment” that wasn’t so much of a punishment after you were allowed to cum followed by seungcheol stuffing you with his thick fingers.
“cheollie~” you mewl when his fingers curl to hit the bundle of nerves that has your legs closing and locking around his arm as he continues to draw wet squelching from your pussy. 
“open those pretty legs baby.” wonwoo groans quietly. seungcheol manages to unwrap your legs from his arm before forcing them open so wonwoo can watch his fingers disappear in your wet heat. 
“thats it baby.. take it all.” seungcheol groans at the feeling of your pussy clenching around his fingers as he speeds up the pace, his arm muscles flexing as he focuses on your pleasure more then the cramp he knows he’s going to get later. 
“cum.. cum!” you babble as you try to find something on the bed to clutch. the rubber band in your stomach was pulled tight, tighter than it ever has been pulled. 
“wanna cum already?” seungcheol smirks almost triumphantly, he’s managed to rip two orgasms out of you in such a quick and short period of time. 
“please.. please! please!” you beg pathetically, before either of them could give you an answer the orgasm washes over your body like a tsunami. it was like a dam broke as you squirt all over cheols fingers and arms - he tries to help you rid it out but your pussy forces his fingers out as he rubs hard at your clit to milk you for everything you have. 
“shiiiiit.” you sob as your body goes limp, your face buried in the crook of your elbow. wonwoo groans loudly as he stands up to shoo seungcheol away, his cock in his hand again. 
“you did so good baby.” he moans lowly, his glasses sliding down his nose as he looks down at your spent body, your ass red - a little bit of purpleing could be seen as the bruises begin to form. “fuck.” he whines quietly as he jerks his cock faster before cumming all over your ass and back, painting you white. 
“so, who fucked you better princess?” seungcheol mumbled as he sat on the bd next to you to push the hair out of your eyes while you panted quietly, still trying to come down. 
“i..” you huff before rolling over onto your back, not caring about the cum thats all over it as you stare at wonwoo whos standing above you before looking at seungcheol whos to your right. “i think its a tie..” you laugh quietly while they both look at each other with raised eyebrows. 
“a tie?” wonwoo grumbles. 
“that can’t do princess, one of us had to fuck you a little better than the other.” seungcheol continues to pet your hair gently. 
“well,” you offer them a tired grin. “maybe round two can help me decide.”
“right now?” wonwoo’s eyes are a little wide, collectively the three of you have orgasmed at least twelve times. 
“not tonight, you two might actually fuck me dumb.”
“and our dicks could fall off.” wonwoo jokes as he shuffles around the room to find your water bottle, aftercare with him included him feeding and hydrating you until you could get up on your own to get cleaned up. once you quenched your thirst, seungcheol hoisted you up in his arms so he could take you to the bathroom. 
“i assure you if we go one last round in the shower my dick won’t fall off.”  he jokes as he sets you down on a towel on the sink. 
“hey! you’re not about to fuck her in my shower without me.” wonwoo tries to follow but seungcheol moves quicker then that to lock him out. 
“snooze you lose! besides we wouldn’t want your precious dick to fall off.” he laughs quietly before going to start the shower for you, letting it warm up.
“are we really gonna fuck while he stands out there and pouts?” you giggle as he helps you stand, walking you slowly into the shower so he can help your clean up. 
“no, i just wanted some alone time with you that's all.” he hums quietly as hes gentle about rubbing soap on your body. you learn very quickly that seungcheol’s aftercare is very much physical as he helps you clean up, dry off and get dressed before he takes you back to wonwoos bed to cuddle in the fresh blankets while said male goes back to gaming after freshening up himself. 
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feedback + reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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foreheadkiss3s · 5 months
tate langdon x gn! reader.
trigger warnings : really sad thoughts going through the readers mind. i let my drama queen take over and everything came out too dramatic.
angst/ fluff at the end if you squint your eyes really hard.
this is so messy, really, it’s just a drabble i wanted to put out but i think i’ll probs end up deleting it since i feel like it’s cringey. also, english is not my first language so whatever (and wherever) mistake you might find, please bear with me.
I know it might be confusing, or even worse, not make sense at all. but i just let my messy thoughts flow and that’s the result.
just to get things a bit more clear, tate is still alive and dealing with his situation back home while reader is the only friend he managed to make in high school. the reader was at the house, not the murder house ( let’s just assume the reader’s house it’s near that ) and tate just presented himself there after the reader became distant with him.
« I’m sorry. »
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You know about those days, when you wake up and your eyes reflexively land on the window? And then they wander up, and get to notice the soft hue of the blue sky, lightened up by the sun? And it’s almost as if you could feel the warmth of the sun rays seeping through your window?
Perhaps it’s the warmth of the covers, the cozy feeling that you get every time when you just wake up and that later on makes you whine because you know you’ll have to leave that warm place soon to get up and get ready for school. But it’s almost as if you had a restart.
For five minutes— sometimes even less, it depends on how much it takes your brain to process the world outside of your mind again— you get to feel like you’ve just been reborn, and that everything would be alright.
But then it all comes crumbling down.
Your brain registers where you are, the reality you live, and the obnoxious routine you have to do everyday. Get up. Brush your teeth and hair. Skip breakfast because you’re always late. Get dressed. Go to school. Wish to get home during and in between classes. Get finally home, but then you get frustrated because it’s always the same damn thing.
You don’t know what it is that frustrates you, that angers you so much and sometimes even makes you cry. That drains you, leaving you so exhausted that you end up falling asleep only to wake up the next morning and experience the same thing again.
Perhaps, you think, that you’re crazy. Maybe you’re spiralling out of reality. Maybe you’re just being an ungrateful teenager. Maybe, maybe, maybe.
Maybe you just want to sleep forever.
But, when you think you can’t take it no more, here comes Tate.
Sometimes you think he’s weird. Not in a bad way, you think he’s just.. weird. He’s one of the most pessimistic people you know, always looking down on the human specie and labelling it as some sort of stupid being. Yet, when it comes to the state you’re slowly falling in, he seems to suck it out of you.
You don’t know how to explain it properly— you don’t even understand it yourself, but it’s almost as if he is a sponge. Just by staying near you, he sucks all the darkness away. He’s like a black hole, but instead of absorbing everything he just absorbs your darkness. Or perhaps he’s just a little hypocrite that doesn’t allow you to be pessimistic just like he is.
Even though you know.. you know that referring to Tate as pessimistic is the least you could call him.
You hate it when he gets clingy, and that happens very often. Who are you kidding? it always happens, hence why you always resort to unkind ways to get him to leave you. You just want to be alone sometimes.
Tate might argue with you and say that it’s more than sometimes, it’s always.
You’re not a good person, you know that. You’re selfish and you don’t care who you’re hurting when it comes to you and the decisions you make.
You didn’t care when you started hanging out with a boy and spent less and less time with Tate. Why did you do it though? You still question yourself.
Yeah, he might be clingy, attached to your hip, dependant on you and the list could go on just like that. But he was the only one that showed you how much you mean, or perhaps, how much you could mean to somebody.
You never thought it possible that a being could be so much for another being.
Tate is your only friend. Even though you’re not sure of that anymore since all you did for the past few weeks—maybe month, was avoiding and ignoring him.
At the beginning it was just to get a little time alone. But then it started becoming more of an avoidance, and now? You thought you were avoiding him out of shame.
But he was your only friend, and you pushed him away for what? To test if you could feel something different than the void you were currently drowning in? How could you have been that selfish?
His eyes seem to be asking you the same questions as he stares deep down inside your soul. His kaleidoscope honeyed eyes.
« I’ll.. » a sob breaks his voice, and his attempt to hold back his tears fails, making the tears break through and fall down his cheeks like diamonds, «.. I’ll leave never bother you again if that’s what you want »
For the first time in weeks you feel something so authentically powerful that it almost knocks the breath out of your lungs.
You’re sat there, on your messy, still unmade, bed as you’re looking into his eyes. And he stares back at you almost as if he has already been there, in that position— unwanted and thrown to the side, times and times before. But still it causes him pain.
It’s a subtle but yet stinging feeling. Like a cut being slit open again by a sharp dagger with its blade covered in salt. It’s a swift movement, a methodical cut, because it always seems to be hurting in the same spot.
You don’t say anything.
« You’re just like her. » Constance. Tears stream down his face like pouring rain. His voice taking the resemblance of a wave as sometimes it gets higher and other times it comes crashing down, stopping abruptly to let his tears fall down silently.
Just like rain in the ocean.
Silence fills the room yet again.
« Please.. p-please.. » How come that he’s the one begging you and not the other way around? What is he pleading for?
You frown looking at him, still staring into his eyes like a stone cold bitch. And you might’ve even been one to someone else’s eyes. But not to his.
You were just as hurt and lost as he was.
He got down on his knees, sliding on them on the carpeted floor until he was by your legs, as you were still sitting down on your bed. He sobbed and sniffled as he got in between your legs and let his head slowly come down to rest on your lap. «..d-don’t leave me.
you’re the only thing I have left.. y-you don’t have to do anything just.. p-please.. please I need you. You’re everything to me.. I-I’m.. I.. »
How could you have let everything spin out of control?
You were sorry.
You were so sorry.
Your vision became so blurry, almost as if a plastic wall was swiftly building itself up on your eyes, until it broke down and you felt warm droplets of water strike your cheeks. You were sorry as you could see the hurting boy sobbing on your lap because of your selfish behaviour.
You didn’t know what had happened to you to get you to this point, to hurt mindlessly like that the only person that cared about you. But you knew you were sorry and you wanted to wipe everything you did away.
Your hand, slowly, made its way on his head covered by the soft honeyed hair. You let your fingers slip and comb through the strands of his hair while you finally felt something.
« I’m sorry. » a broken whisper left your mouth.
just wanted to apologize again as i’m sure it came out more cringy than anything, but if you have some advice to give me please feel free to leave a comment ( or just straight up tell me to stop writing and never do it again 🤪 ).
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numinous-scribe · 10 months
I’m seeing a lovely trend of recommending DPxDC fics going around so here I am throwing my hat into the ring lol
Beauty lays behind the hills by Library_of_Chronos
Danny loses everything. He runs fast and he runs far, somehow ending up in a back alley known as Park Row, where a strange man with flowers in his hands changes his life.
While Danny does end up staying with Bruce and a much younger Dick, the story focuses more on giving Danny a good support system both within Wayne Manor and with the Justice League, as they all come together to help Danny fight against Vlad. Status: Incomplete
Law of Retribution by Michaelisunderatted
“The ghosts like you.”
Danny watched as Red Hood reeled. Now that he thought about it, that was probably a creepy thing to say. Danny hadn’t talked to living people in years though, so Jason really should cut him some slack. He was trying his best. It wasn’t his fault living people had such weird hang ups about things.
“Okay,” Jason said, taking a deep breath. “Okay kid, what the fuck.” ...
Jason starts seeing ghosts. Danny comes back to the Living Realm for the first time since the Incident.  He has a job offer for Red Hood
I have not caught up with this one myself, but so far I’m really enjoying the darker/more serious tone of the story. Jason sees ghosts, Danny fumbles the “how to human” ball, and Duke takes no shit. It’s great! Status: Incomplete
Sundials by AkelaNakamura
Damian Wayne is nearing sixteen and it's finally feeling like a future is something he might get to choose. He has a Soulmate, somewhere, who is no longer subject to Grandfather's judgement. He wonders though, how he's going to find him when he's unmarked. There's a thousand ways to find a Soulmate, he knows, but Damian has nothing physical to guide him.
Tucker Foley has always worried that Amity Park will be too much for his Soulmate, whoever they are. Soulmates are supposed to match each other, to walk with each other, but there's not many places that are as wild as Amity Park. The only mark he carries though, is the one that links him to Sam and Danny, so he's left to wonder how they might meet.
Damian turns sixteen and everything changes.
A really sweet Tucker/Damian soulmate au with wonderful lore and mechanics and just overall oozing with tender softness. 100% adore this one. Status: Complete
Bruised by DizzlyPuzzled
The Guys in White are preparing for war. The Justice League doesn't believe in Ghosts and wrote Amity Park off. And Danny just wants things to chill for a moment so he can enjoy his life. But now he is the only thing standing between complete reality collapse and peace.
Ghost King au + political drama + taking down the GIW and Vlad? Amazing, stunning, I’ve re-read this at least five times now. Status: Complete 
Ouroboros by Rhapsody_in_Pink
In the end, it was Jack and Maddie that caused Phantom. It was Phantom that caused the downfall of Jack and Maddie. It was Jack and Maddie that destroyed Danny Fenton. It was Danny Fenton who accepted Phantom. And so Ouroboros swallowed himself.
An alternate take on how Danny acquired his powers and interacts with the ghosts around him as well as well as dimensional travel. I genuinely don’t have the words to describe how much I love this one, it’s just so good! Status: Incomplete
Your City Loves You (And Your Home Was Always Here) by bongo_balderdash
After a meeting between the Reigning Monarch of the Infinite Realms and the Justice League, King Phantom asks Superman to stay behind for a moment. Superman is a little hesitant, but they’ve just agreed to a peace treaty between the lands of the living and the dead, and apparently someone on the king’s council has something they’ve been waiting to say.
Not just a message for Superman. A message for Clark Kent.
This one was so sweet and it made me cry. Status: Complete
A Vigilante A Day Keeps the Government Away by DeathlySilent13
Lucius Fox gets a phone call he'd never expected from a source even more unexpected. Now, he's got to figure out what to do with a betrayed child, a traumatized nephew, a protective son, and an adoption-prone Bat.
Very interesting choice in using Lucius as the main POV, and it provides a fresh look at the beginnings of coordinating a take down of the GIW. This is only the first part of the series, and while it is Complete, there is still more to come!
What’s a Spleen Between Friends? by Cielle_Noire
Tim gets Isekai'd a few times, which is really inconvenient. The guy (meta? ghost? half-ghost?) who keeps helping him is cute though, so it's okay. Well, it's not okay, but it could be worse. Probably.
Five Times Tim Fell Through a Portal and One Time He Didn't
A very witty 5+1 Tim/Danny fic. Great lore, great plot, great jokes. 10/10. Status: Incomplete
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