#addiction mental health treatment
The New Brunswick government is pursuing a controversial approach to addressing drug addiction that could result in people being forced into treatment against their will.
That approach would be carried out through legislation giving police officers the power to order someone to undergo drug rehabilitation in the "most extreme cases," where they pose a danger to themselves or others, said Public Safety Minister Kris Austin, in an interview.
"The objective always is to get people the help that they want but some people are so deep into their addictions that they simply can't make that decision," Austin said.
Full article
This is a blatant attempt to remove autonomy from people who use substances- especially mentally ill people. It implies that people who deal with addiction don't "deserve" the right to make our own choices, and gives cops the framework to take that away from people. Involuntary treatment does more harm than good, and many people subject to it are placed under inhospitable conditions that only make their situations worse.
(commentary from Samira, @politicsofcanada )
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jameswilsonsupremacy · 8 months
currently have a lot of feelings abt house’s relapse in s7,, may have to write it out at some point. he was clean two years at that point (it was either foreman or chase who gave this number). the way a lot of them reacted, they expected it—not surprised. like they expected his sobriety to fail.
yes, relapse is often a part of recovery. but it doesn’t always have to be. the fact that the most standout conversation about it was from wilson to cuddy is wild to me. i’m not a huddy hater—I feel they would’ve eventually broken up but stayed friends if it happened in earlier seasons, because cuddy does care for house. but in s7, she wanted him to be someone he wasn’t. wilson accepted him as who he was.
house literally internalizes all of his issues. he’s terrified when cuddy leaves him. especially when he keeps saying no, and asks cuddy “don't. please don't,”. (also shout out to hugh laurie for his incredible acting in that scene because I cry every time!) and then he ends up back on vicodin and tries to push everyone away again. but think about that guilt. he knew his addiction hurt the people he loved—that’s why he tried to hide it from cuddy. that’s why he begged her not to leave, that it was a one-time thing. he knows it impacts more than just him. so even if he’s back in those harmful habits? I assure you that he is being eaten alive by guilt.
two years clean. he would’ve had so many moments where he likely came close to relapsing, or, he just had intrusive thoughts about it. he pushed through. and then he relapsed, and his world collapses, and he can only blame himself. and he hates himself for it. if he felt confident in his growth for two years and then lost it all, he probably lost sight of any hope for true recovery. for real happiness. for having people by his side in support.
and, in a way, house cannot see the people who care because he’s blinded by his own emotion. wilson went to that hotel to check on him. wilson went to cuddy. wilson was angry on house’s behalf, because he knows how hard it is for house to have gotten through those two years, and to have lost it. he knows how much house likely hates himself for it, even if the guy is acting all snappish and nonchalant about it all. wilson understood.
I want to write out all of my thoughts on it but this is the very basics so rahhhhh take this for now. I dunno if any of it makes sense but <3
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deelitefulrecovery · 2 months
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Mental Health and Addiction Recovery Workbook, 12-Step & CBT Guide for Sobriety, Personal Growth, Therapist worksheets https://deelitefulrecovery.etsy.com/listing/1761025882/mental-health-and-addiction-recovery . . . . . . . . . . #AddictionRecovery #MentalHealthSupport #SobrietyJourney #12StepRecovery #RecoveryWorkbook #SoberLiving #MentalHealthMatters #CopingSkills #CBTTechniques #RecoveryTools #SubstanceUseDisorder #HealingJourney #MotivationalInterviewing #SoberLife #PersonalGrowth #RecoveryCommunity #MindfulRecovery #WellnessJourney #SoberSupport #RecoveryIsPossible #MentalHealthAwareness #AddictionHelp #SoberResources #RecoveryGoals #healthyliving
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ridgelinerecoveryllc · 2 months
Best Addiction Treatment in Columbus, OH!
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Best Addiction Treatment in Columbus, OH
Ridgeline Recovery recognizes addiction’s complexities and provides specialized care. MAT addresses withdrawal symptoms, cravings for drugs or alcohol, and psychological elements of addiction with FDA-approved medications and counseling and behavioral therapy. This integrated method will certainly make the process of recovery more total and effective.
Supportive Community and Personalized Care
Be a part of our community where each and every person is there to support one another in all manners possible. We know recovery is more than just not using; it’s about building a better life. Our mental health support services are woven smoothly into our treatment programs to help clients who experience other co-occurring disorders like depression, anxiety and PTSD. Our licensed professionals work in conjunction with each other to create a comprehensive, personalized treatment plan just for you.
Group and Individual Counseling
In our addiction treatment programs, therapy Recovery is guided by our individual and group counseling. You can work with a professional psychologist one-on-one or in a group setting to address your concerns. This full system of support is there to help you along the way in your recovery.
Why is Ridgeline Recovery the Best Addiction Treatment in Columbus, OH?
What Makes Ridgeline Recovery One of the Best Columbus Ohio Addiction Programs We have a philosophy that it is not just the addiction but also the person as whole. Our friendly environment lets you bond with other suffering, giving you a sense of belonging.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Start Here for Better Tomorrow Ridgeline Recovery, Start Your Wellness Journey Here Let our compassionate professionals help you overcome addiction and live a healthy, happy life. Contact us at (614) 618-5000 Visit ridgelinerecovery.com
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maybe when the spanish subtitles for “dennis takes a mental health day” are released, his doctor will say at the end “eso es bueno sr. reynolds. todavía tienes hipertensión” instead of whatever bullshit the english dub tried to pull
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patriciafortunato · 1 year
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I wrote about some personally meaningful topics here and here.
Thank you to wonderful colleagues and friends.
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wisterianwoman · 1 year
Real Talk: Cannabis, Self-Medication, and Substance Abuse
Let's get real about the dangers of self-medication for mental health relief. From cannabis to microdosing, we'll discuss the nuanced path to wellness and the need for comprehensive support.
Marijuana: a “Safe Substance” Amidst the evolving landscape of mental health awareness, the concept of self-medication has emerged as a growing phenomenon, shedding light on the increasing tendency of those of us who are struggling to turn to substances for relief from emotional burdens. I’ve lived in the Mile-High State for ten years now, and I moved here just shortly after Colorado became the…
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View On WordPress
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kodoandsangha · 9 months
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As a recovering addict, I am constantly grateful for cheese. Not only does it come a variety of flavors and textures, but it tickles the part of your brain that gets high.
So, on days when I’m struggling with addictive cravings, I carry around cheese cubes. A little CoJack, some medium cheddar, some provolone, mozzarella string cheese.
Eating it slow helps with the hands needing to prepare the drugs and the slow nibbling is distracting from the desire to use.
It’s a simple thing and can be obtained 24/7.
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microcosmiclymbic · 1 year
Therapy is just consensual manipulation
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4 Types of Addiction Treatment What’s the Difference
Recovery from addiction is possible with the correct approach! 💯
Check out our most recent blog, in which we discuss four types of addiction therapy. 💊
Learn how each approach works, as well as its distinct benefits and considerations, to help you make a smart choice on the best treatment option for your recovery journey.💫
Take the first step towards a happier, healthier lifestyle. 😊
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First Post!
Hello everyone!
This is my first post! So let me explain why I'm making this blog. In my life I have struggled with the results of childhood abuse of physical, emotional, and sexual. For the sakes of my friends and family I will be remaining anonymous and any usage of names will be changed for their privacy and safety.
For years I have struggled with addiction and co-dependancy due to my experiences in life. I have gone though therapy, treatment, and lost most things in my life. Hopefully, though this blog I can reach at least one person who has struggled the same and provide hope that you can succeed and move on. I would like to state that I am not a doctor in any means of the word, nor do I have any education or experience in the mental health field besides my own treatment. This blog will be used to share my experiences and thoughts. If you are struggling mentally, please do not use this blog as a self diagnosis. Speak to your physician immediately and seek the help you need.
You deserve happiness my lovely friend,
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runfast-runfar · 1 year
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Some pics from res treatment since the last time I updated. Approximately two more weeks left if all goes well. It’s been both the longest 6 weeks ever and the shortest all in one.
- visited some beautiful places
- lots of animal loving during this program which I looove
- my favorite place on earth: the horse ranch!!! 🐴
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looseygoosey66 · 1 year
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“Put Your Records On” is our Mental Health Awareness month campaign about the healing power of music. Musicians take care of us, so let's take care of musicians.
Donating to SMASH directly funds our capacity to offer musicians free and low-cost mental health support. Make a tax-deductible donation now.
"50% of musicians reported battling symptoms of depression, compared with less than 25% of the general adult population."
2018 study from the Music Industry Research Association (MIRA)
"Less than 40% of musicians surveyed said they sought professional mental health treatment; more than 50% claimed they turned to self-medication like alcohol and drug use."
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ridgelinerecoveryllc · 2 months
Start Your Addiction Recovery Journey at Ridgeline Recovery in Columbus, OH
At Ridgeline Recovery, we understand the complexities of addiction and are here to support you every step of the way. Our compassionate team provides personalized addiction recovery plans tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you receive the care and support you deserve. 🩺
🤗 Join our welcoming community where healing, understanding, and resilience come together. Together, we can overcome addiction and build a brighter future.
Take the first step towards recovery today. Your journey to wellness starts here. 💙
📞 Contact us at (614) 618-5000 🌐 Visit ridgelinerecovery.com
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Drug Abuse and Effects On Mental Health Treatment Facilities
Unfortunately, drug abuse is becoming more and more common. It can be difficult for anyone who has to live with or deal with the addict. It can also break down every ounce of respect, self-care, mental health and belief one has in themselves. If you are worried about addiction in you or someone you care about or love, please reach out to our Southeast Addiction team for treatment today.  If you are just wanting to know whether someone has a drug abuse disorder that can impact their mental health, read more here today. 
Do You Have A Substance Abuse Problem?
If you are looking over this guide, you may be wondering what all you are going to learn. Well, let’s jump straight to the point. The first step in helping anyone to overcome drug abuse is to see if they have an addiction in the first place. Some signs Alcohol addiction that you or a loved one may have a substance abuse problem include: 
Keep taking the drug after you no longer need it
Needing more of the drug to get the effects you were getting
Feeling strange when the harmful substances start to wear off
Feeling as if you can’t stop using drugs and/or alcohol, even if you badly want to
Spending a lot of time thinking about harmful substances
Losing interest in doing things that were once enjoyable to you
Losing all your motivation
Becoming more and more irritable with people
Moderate to severe agitation and aggressiveness
Bloodshot eyes
Regular bloody noses
Slurred speech when they are talking to you
Tremors in the hands and/or legs
Not sticking to their daily routine like they used to
Not showing concern for themselves or others
Keeps asking for money or other types of help
Stopped showing up for others who they looked up to in the past
Do you know someone who has some of these issues? If so, do your best to hold an intervention with other people who care about this person. Hopefully, they will see that their drug abuse is affecting their physical and mental health and treatment should come very soon.
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The Brain And Drug Abuse Related Information
Have you been noticing there is a change in your behavior or the behavior of someone you know? If so, it could be due to drug abuse. This is especially the case if you are experiencing negative mental health changes. For example, someone who is abusing alcohol may develop depression or suicidal tendencies. Someone who is getting high may not be able to focus or concentrate. 
To sum it up, drugs work on the brain like this:
Copying the brain’s naturally-based chemical messengers
Overstimulating the brain’s reward circuit
Overloading the brain with extra chemicals
Binding those chemicals to the brain’s receptors
Basically, any type of drug can change the way the body and brain think or work. If you or someone you care about have a problem with drug abuse, don’t let it get any worse. Take your time to call our Southeast Addiction team of professional drug rehab agents today. We want to help you get the life you deserve. Alcohol And Drugs – Their Mental Health Effects
There is psychological distress that is associated with drug abuse. The distress can range from very mild to extremely serious. There is one problem though, it isn’t always clear as to what started first – the mental health issue or the addiction. The good thing is that you or your loved one can get co-occurring disorder treatment if you struggle with mental health and drug abuse issues. Nonetheless, it has been found that those who struggle with anxiety, mood swings, stress, trauma and other mental health issues are much more likely to get drunk or high than those who don’t have mental health issues.  
If you are at a higher risk of developing these issues, it would be a good idea to get ahead of the issue. This means that you even if you don’t drink or do drugs now, you can save yourself a lot of mental health issues and other disasters in your life, if you take action. You can start by going to an Al-Anon meeting which is a meeting for people who have someone in their life who suffers from addiction. Moving Forward In Recovery
Now that you read through this guide and found out how drug chemicals attach to the brain and alter mental health, you can decide what to do next. Are you the one who has drug abuse issues or is it someone that you know? Either situation is important to our team. We want to ensure that everyone is going to get the help they need – whether they have an addiction, mental health disorder or both. With this being said, moving forward into a recovering lifestyle is possible. Some of the tips to help you get going on this path include: 
Signing up for and going to a professional detox center (there are many facilities that offer detox and then outpatient or inpatient drug rehab services)
After detox, you can go to outpatient, intensive outpatient, partial hospitalization, or inpatient programs (if you have questions about each one of these treatments, don’t hesitate to let us know)
Receiving co-occurring disorder treatment (for the drug abuse and mental health issues)
Continuing through with your aftercare plan
Going to addiction recovery meetings to lower your risk of relapsing
Building your support network
Keeping up with routines
Having fun, substance-free hobbies to participate in
These are some of the best things you can do to start living a recovering lifestyle. If you want more information about how our team can help with these, speak with a member of our team as soon as possible. Drug Abuse Affects Mental Health – Get Help With Both Today
Now that you know drug abuse does affect mental health, you can start receiving help in treating both these issues together. If you still have more concerns or questions about different types of addiction or treatment options, our team is ready to discuss these with you, too.  
Contact us today to get help with both drug abuse and mental health issues starting right away. Visit our website https://southeastaddiction.com/ or call us at (888) 981-8263  for more details.
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samarpanhealth · 2 years
Samarpan provides the best treatments for addictions, depression, anxiety, trauma, eating disorders, and other mental health conditions on an outpatient basis in Mumbai. We believe that compassionate care that recognizes the inherent dignity of every individual, combined with evidence-based therapies provides the best outcomes for people struggling with mental health issues. Samarpan has a highly trained team who works to develop a unique treatment plan catered to help every step of the way.
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