#adhd Johnny Cage
scaryspears · 10 months
Johnny: Opinions and Thoughs
These are my thoughts and opinions on Mortal Kombat that a bunch of people probably won't care about, but I thought I should post them here. Now I will be using past games as reference, even though every character's interpretation/counterpart is different, they still play part to the canon storyline.
[Warning: This post is very long. Slight mention of sexual oral practise.]
I think every single character in Mortal Kombat is prideful and egotistical, the best example would be Jade in my opinion. With that being said I think the way they treat Johnny is a bit unfair. A lot of these will fall in line with my Neurodivergent Johnny headcanons and theory post, I suggest checking that out for context. I know the intros aren't canon and are more what if scenarios, but they mean something.
I have a lot of things to say regarding his character, for starters he gets invited to a tournament and sees it as a chance to show people he isn't just some actor but is legit in his martial arts. Good for him, (I've seen posts that demonise this and say it's pretty selfish as if we shouldn't be allowed to be selfish when situations call for it. Bro didn't like that people were calling him a fake and wanted to prove that he wasn't, there's nothing wrong with that.). When he shows up at the tournament half of the contestants are wearing costumes, can't blame the guy for not thinking it was real at first. There's a lady dressed as a hot soldier (I understand that it gets retconned), a bunch of ninjas standing around, and his opponents are wearing alien makeup.
First of all Johnny doesn't know about the existence of other realms, second of all it's the 90s and he's a Hollywood actor meaning he's no stranger to makeup and practical effects not to mention stunts. He probably figured it was something comic con related (as I've said in another post) and while questioning it he went along with it. He had no reason to think that Reptile and Baraka were real creatures.
When Johnny is told to finish his opponent he responds with "Yeah, right.", and I gotta say, it took me years to find out there was a sexual innuendo to that. Dude straight up thought they were demanding him to perform 'you-know-what'. That was just an example of what's to come (I'll be using the word 'example' lot). (Hollywood must be a wild place even in fiction).
First I'll start with his interactions. He's not very good at bonding with people. In mk9 we see a lot of this. I get that Johnny has his problematic moments, but in comparison to the other characters he's an angel. I'm the sort of person to sweep them under the rug, but I have to address them.
"And I'm taking you down. I'm taking you down. I'm taking you out. I'm taking you out. And I'm taking you out... for dinner." I genuinely interpreted this as Johnny being playful. To be fair, I first saw this interaction when I was a child (say 7-9) so the fact that I could see myself doing that probably had to do with my immaturity. But everytime I rewatch it I only have fondness and not annoyance because I found it adorable just how proud he was of himself. I also appreciate how open he is about how he feels towards Sonya, I stan an honest man. However, it seems a lot of viewers saw this as him being stupid or something along those lines. If this was any other character they would be told to go to horny jail, but Johnny is met with hostility from most of the fandom.
"Nice hat :)." Johnny to Raiden in mk9. "You should be more respectful of Lord Raiden!" Liu Kang says to Johnny right away. SonicXD commented on this in his mk9 sucks video, I don't need to say anything. Johnny wasn't interested in saving Earthrealm at first, he straight up told Raiden and Liu Kang that they should call the military if Shao Kahn was that much of a threat (he was speaking facts tho). Also, I think he was still questioning what he got himself into, so Raiden and Liu Kang approaching him probably made him think he was surrounded by insane people. And then he finds out that it's all real and that he's not allowed to leave.
There's also when Johnny saved Sonya from Kano. How that went down was that Johnny was trying to escort her. By the way, this is minutes after he realised that he was in a death match and not some comic con related fighting tournament, everyone was waiting for him to kill Baraka and it dawned on him just how serious they were. So Johnny got worried for Sonya's safety by that alone. But it's also understandable on Sonya's end: here comes this guy trying to chat her up (get into her pants) and not getting the hint that she's not interested, and then tries to convince her that he needs to be by her side.
Cyrax got annoyed just by hearing him talk, you can see it on his face. I saw it as friendly banter on Johnny's side but Cyrax didn't. "Not everyone gets to rumble with a celebrity. Ready for a beat down, Sunshine? Here it comes." I think Cyrax was gonna kill him by that alone if it wasn't for Raiden's disapproving dad stares. Every single Lin Kuei is super serious so I think Cyrax didn't take it as banter.
Next is Jax. Johnny Green, Jax Purple: "So what's the deal with you and Sonya anyway? She is smocking hot." "It's not like that. I'm her CO." "Honey like that under my command-" "You'll wanna stop talking now." "...So if it's not like that- Then you won't mind if I-" "That's it!" And then Jax proceeds to beat him up.
Now I understand that Johnny was talking too much, and was a tad bit slimy about his hornyness, but he didn't want to get between her and Jax if they were a thing. He just has no filter. Now following my Neurodivergent headcanons for him this may have an occasion where he wasn't reading the social cues. Jax says "You'll wanna stop talking now." but Johnny has no intentions to stop talking nor does he want to stop talking. Johnny doesn't answer immediately, perhaps confused about the reply and ultimately deciding to ignore it. I too choose the wrong times to start talking to people, and most of the time I don't realise it unless it's pointed out. Happens way often than I'd like to admit.
I know that a lot of the characters call Johnny a clown or see him as a joke (Spawn, Kotal, Shang Tsung) due to how he operates, but I don't see that as the case. There's one specific quote in mk9's story mode that he says to Raiden: "Sure, let's go and ruin someone else's life." This is why I think Johnny was very aware of what was going on. He's also very open about his ego, he doesn't hide it like everyone else, and yes they are hiding it.
Now don't get me wrong, he does randomly antagonise people, but he's in a tournament so he can do that. And it's not like he was getting personal for most of them. I think the only time he says something personal is when he feels like he's being personally attacked.
"We have something in common?" - Johnny
"I too was once young and foolish." - Nightwolf
"But I looked good doing it." - Johnny
What Nightwolf said sounded like a backhanded comment to me. Uncalled for. This is the same guy that intentionally risked the invasion of Earthrealm just to teach Scorpion a lesson or something. Johnny can tell that Nightwolf is like the others, very serious and tolerant, so he's surprised that Nightwolf can even manage to see himself in him.
Relationships: Even in the intros it's shown that he has a better chance at friendships with the villains than with the good guys. It's more like they (good guys) are tolerable of him, especially Jax. I think Sub Zero allowing Johnny to get away with calling him Grandmaster Blueberry Ice is out of respect rather than fondness. This section can extend to interactions, as I think a lot of people misinterpret him as a person, which extends to a lot of things he says such as statements and nicknames.
Johnny asks the other characters if he can make movies based on their stories, meaning he's (in a way) asking for permission. Johnny could've easily made a movie about their lives without asking them, make money, and get away with it because it's not like they would even watch his movies (they hate him), especially non-Earthrealm characters. But he's respectful. So I guess he understands boundaries to a certain degree.
"Heard you gave Cage a shiner." - Young Jax
"He pushes every damn one of my buttons." - Old Jax
"You, me and everyone else." - Young Jax
"Not surprised I have a kid, but you." - Jax
Why can't he have a kid, Jax? He's so condescending about it too.
"Actions speak louder than words." - Liu Kang
"Yeah, that's why I make action movies." - Johnny
"With fake fighting." - Liu Kang
"We come from different worlds, Johnny." - Liu Kang
"Aren't you from Earthrealm too?" - Johnny
"I mean I come from the real world." - Liu Kang
Liu Kang is such a bully.
"The answer remains no." - Scorpion
"But you'll be co-starring with yours truly." - Johnny
"Exactly." - Scorpion
I think a true friend would consider it.
"What kind of name is Kabal?" - Johnny
"Got a better suggestion, Cage?" - Kabal
"For now on you're Carlos." - Johnny
Never change, Johnny. Kabal clearly finds Johnny annoying, but was able to humour him enough to answer with a question of his own, perhaps encouraging Johnny's curiosity.
"Looking forward to a kindler, gentler Outworld." - Johnny
"Why? Because I'm a woman?" - Kitana
"Well that, and you're banging Liu Kang." - Johnny
I have a lot of opinions about this one. On Johnny's part I interpreted this as him giving her a thumbs up on becoming the new Kahn, and since Kitana is supposed to be on the good side she is expected to rule fairly. You know, like a good person. But then Kitana made it about feminism, so Johnny delivered a line to counter it. I honestly think Kitana was reaching at something that wasn't there and Johnny picked up on it. I'm probably making excuses for him, but that's my take. Her response annoyed me so much.
"So you were to defeat Shinnok." - Kitana
"What is with people? Is it so hard to believe?" - Johnny
"Yes." - Kitana
Kitana this is literally you:
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"If it's tail you want I can get that." - Kano
"Johnny Cage doesn't pay for it, Kano." - Johnny
"A scrubble? Note the date and time :D." - Kano
Kano is so pleased.
"You stole my face for Ninja Priest!" - Kano
"Art imitates life, Kano." - Johnny
"Taking my cut outta of your hide." - Kano
A call back to what I stated in the relationships, Johnny didn't ask for Kano's permission for inspiration on a character.
"Why a Russian fan club?" - Johnny
"Just going where the fans are." - Kano
"You have a showman's instincts there Kano. :D" - Johnny
"I won't play your lackey, Cage." - Baraka
"Really? 'Cause I'm feeling a BFF vibe here." - Johnny
So this one is pretty wishy washy, but thought it would be beneficial to this post. I would lowkey enjoy a storyline where Johnny is buddy buddy with Baraka, who is reluctant to accept friendship but slowly gets used to it. 
"Oh, dude! I love westerns!" - Johnny
"The bullets are real, Cage" - Erron Black
"So are my fists." - Johnny
I'm pretty sure Johnny was just admiring Erron for what he is, kind of like meeting a nun in real life after years of only hearing about them... something like that. But Erron interpreted it as Johnny not being in the real world and treating everything as a joke.
"Where is your fear?" - Noob Saibot
"Must've left it in my other pants." - Johnny
"We will find it." - Noob Saibot
Aww, Noob Saibot is so nice~ [Delusion] I love how Noob doesn't go out of his way to insult Johnny or belittle him, unlike some other characters.
"Hey there, Tall Dark and Gruesome." - Johnny
"An apt description." - Noob Saibot
"Do you not get I am mocking you?" - Johnny
I headcanoned that Noob/Bi Han would take things literal, but he's also very analytical. I'm sure he was able to pick up on Johnny mocking him but didn't mind it, meaning he might have interpreted it as a nickname, which Johnny gives everyone. Wishful thinking, there could've been a lot of banter between these two.
"You are more smug than usual." - Fujin
"I'm the new assistant thunder God." - Johnny
"Raiden should not have healed you." - Fujin
"You know the evil overlord bit's played out." - Johnny
"What would you suggest?" - Shao Kahn
"Right now it's all anti-heroes." - Johnny
Is that kindness, Shao Kahn?
I think they did Johnny dirty in MK11, not gonna lie. To be fair, his storyline also didn't make sense in mkx thanks to discovering his new powers even though he's shown using them in mk9. If he was playable in mk9 story mode and his powers were usable, then the mkx part where he mysteriously saves Sonya because of the green light doesn't make sense. I think he should've been able to always use his green glow, that way Hollywood critics thinking he's fake has another tone to it. His green glow can be spotted in his movies, which is why viewers think he uses special effects, which led him to try to prove himself in the tournament.
I think the problem should've been that he couldn't control it, also as a call back to his mk9 ending. I think it's even referenced in an intro with Raiden. "Seek out the Wu Shi for instruction."
It also would be funny if everyone else was aware of it, but only Johnny wasn't. Like they all assumed he could use the green glow out of choice, but he didn't know or notice that he would go green. The fact that it happened during fights means it would only ignite in stressful situations or on instinct. He was also wearing shades for the majority of mk9 (because he likes shades), in fact he always wears shades so I think he's the only one who didn't notice the glow.
Johnny says "Yeah, those things are real." when referring to Baraka's blades, meaning he didn't feel that they were real. I'm not sure what that means, but it gives insight to his power level. Johnny defeated Shinnok. I get that Johnny 'softens him up' but he still defeated Shinnok, so I think he should've been able to at least handle Sindel. The reason Shao Kahn was defeated in mk9 is because the Elder Gods possessed Raiden which is how Raiden defeated Shao Kahn. They nerfed Johnny's character and I am not happy about that.
Now, with his upbringing and history. I think Johnny had narcissistic parents, and depending on who he got his powers from it was an inherited narcissism (don't know which parent had the powers, someone will probably say his father but let's not assume).
I think there was taught narcissism on Johnny's behalf. The thing about growing up with narcissistic parents is that you grow up thinking that their behaviour is normal, so he must've not seen anything wrong with the behaviour he learned. We also need to take a good look at his personality. He's a bit childish in terms of maturity, and this is common in individuals who grew up with a narcissistic parent. Johnny talks as if he's a teenager rather than the average 25+ year old man. To his credit he doesn't throw tantrums or lash out when his odd behaviours are called out (unless I missed something), but dude is childish. Only lashes out when his face is even slightly ruined and even blindly attacked some Black Dragons for getting a scratch on his face. However he is also very independent, from what I know. And he's a bubbly man, even when he changed, that's a character I can appreciate. I think him and Joey from Friends would be friends, even though I haven't watched Friends to confirm this.
Morality wise Johnny doesn't have wicked intent. In his mk9 story mode he says he's not gonna kill anyone when told to kill Baraka, realising that it's not an everyday tournament. He's okay with fighting people for sport (let's establish that tournaments are basically a sport) but not killing people. The tournament is like a perverted form of kill or be killed, one Johnny was forced into participating in some form (I'm talking about the killing and fighting for Earthrealm part). I don't think Johnny likes killing people or anything dead related. In mkx story mode he rolls a head off the helicopter in a fit of heeby jeebies and disgust.
"Have you killed anyone?" - Terminator
"Yeah, but they were all bad." - Johnny
"Why make that distinction?" - Terminator
Like a rationale of what he's experiencing.
"Discard your jesters mask." - Kotal Kahn
"What you see is what you get, Feather Head." - Johnny
"I thought you merely played the fool." - Kotal Kahn
"You revel in childishness." - Kotal Kahn
"Gotta stay sane somehow." - Johnny
"How are you a warrior?" - Kotal Kahn
"He was insufferable. Just like you." says Fujin about Johnny's great-great grandfather. Dude might've been a mega narcissist. Narcissism is taught and learned. Another example would be old Johnny and young Johnny: 
Young Johnny - "Dad always said "Hungry people eat lunch, humble people serve it."
Older Johnny "Dad was an a**hole, Hollywood made us an even bigger one."
So based on those facts alone, Johnny comes from a long generation of egotistical people. Then we have Hollywood. I think Johnny got into Hollywood not just because of creative thinking, but I think there's also a sense of longing there. Narcissistic parents, ignore, abandon and degrade their children. Along with making movies being a hyper fixation, their abandonment played a part in his need for spotlight. Johnny divorcing Sonya for her neglect might be more personal because it was a reminder of his parents.
I heard that there's a lot of narcissists in Hollywood, so with Johnny surrounding himself with people like that...(yikes!) The thing with narcissists is that they are always out for themselves. An autistic person struggles with social interactions, while a narcissist will manipulate the social interaction. Johnny (and Kung Lao) doesn't do that. He very much cares about the people around him and doesn't see them as tools.
Now back to his family.
"Grandma Carlton told you my secret?" - Johnny
"(Snicker) Johnny pee pants?" - Cassie
"I had one accident! One!" - Johnny
Judging from how Johnny both asked the question and responded, I theorise it came from a place of trauma. For his mother to tell Cassie the story as if it's a funny story and give him a nickname is suspicious. I think I already mentioned this in another post but I would like to elaborate. Me personally, I don't think anyone pissing themselves is a laughing matter. People don't piss themselves for no reason, or at least most people don't. Humiliating their child is a narcissist's past time. While his mother may not have played a part in humiliating him, she still found it funny enough to tell Cassie, who also for some reason found it funny.
(I have mixed opinions on Cassie and I might get in on her in another post. I don't know how many of these I'll be making.)
Going back to the interactions between young and older Johnny, I think older Johnny hates his younger self. Movie making is something Johnny loved, cash grab or not creative thinkers like doing creative things. 
I think I mentioned in another post that it's something he learned, so I'll like to continue that theory. Johnny wasn't that much of a bad person, sure he has flaws, but he's not evil or anything. So older Johnny's reaction to his younger self eagerly trying to convince him to make movies and stuff was kind of unnerving. 
It should've been something he could smile fondly at, but instead he reacts as if his passion has been beaten out of him. He finds his younger self annoying, just like everyone else. Everyone else = Sonya, Jax, and pretty much everyone else. As a person who likes coming up with stories and wants those stories to be known, I feel crushed by this conclusion of analysis. Poor Johnny.
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Another fact about Neurodivergent people is that no matter what they will always be the same person no matter how much their opinions and belief change overtime, they will still have the same personality. Johnny still likes making his jokes and still gives people nicknames, but he lacks creativity in creating things. I guess applying his need for action into training the Kombat kids and working with the Special Forces counts as a slight change.
I'm coming close to an end so I'll sum it up by saying that Johnny shouldn't have got back together with Sonya. I don't ship them and I'm making it clear that I hate them together. Even before mk11 I thought the ship didn't make sense and it needs to be a character that doesn't tolerate him but actually enjoys his company from the beginning. It took me everything not to write that Johnny is a national treasure that should be protected.
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qdbs-writes · 1 year
May I have a slightly strange request?  Raiden and Fujin's reaction to their crush suddenly saying "God save Johnny Cage" (the reader and Cage are friends and this phrase just escaped by chance and was not even intended for anyone in particular)
nonny, i promise you this is like the least strange thing i've had in my inbox lately
Fujin and Raiden React To Their Crush Saying "God Save Johnny Cage"
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It was like any other day in the Sky Temple, or, as normal as the Sky Temple could be. In the last few weeks, you'd been setting up your friendly neighbourhood Shinto deities with some more modern Earthrealm technology, the latest edition being a TV. It was nothing fancy, an old Goodmans 1408 that you had lying around. The real challange was hooking it up to modern channels. After some percussive maintenance, you tune the CRT TV to a talk show featuring Johnny Cage. The storm brothers gathered behind you, enchanted by the flickering screen you had brought to life for them. The interview itself was relatively dull, with Johnny being asked about his latest movie or suspected liasions with other Hollywood actors. It was until the interviewer mentioned one of Johnny's costars, an actor who'd been publicly outed as transgender, and asked if Johnny could ever work with the 'dirty, immoral liar' again. The three of you watch as Johnny begins to shout at the interviewer, screaming that they had no right to say that about his costar. The arguement continues until Johnny punches the interviewer across the jaw, before turning to the camera crew and live audience to speak about the importance of trans rights. But he could only get a few words in before the program cuts off, with a 'We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties' message. The storm Gods share a look while you nod your head proudly. "God save Johnny Cage." you mutter. You didn't have time to think about the nuances of what you had said in front of the two Gods, but decided that it was more amusing to let them come to their own conclusions.
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Recently Fujin had been building up the courage to reveal his feelings towards you. He was sure of how he felt but painfully unsure of how to go about it. He had asked his brother, Raiden, who was little help. He had even asked other Earthrealmers, although he did his best to hide your identity as the object of his affections.
Fujin knew one thing, that if he couldn't tell you, then he absolutely couldn't tell any of your friends, what if they stepped in? What if they said something to you that gave you a bad opinion of him? What if someone stole your heart first?
There were far too many ways it could all go terribly wrong. And now he was even more confused. "God save Johnny Cage", what did those words mean? Well he knew what they meant, but why would you say them?
Fujin was a god, did you want him to save Johnny? If that were the case, Johnny didn't seem to be in any danger. If you really cared that much about Johnny, maybe it's time Fujin confessed his feelings for you before it's too late.
When the two of you are alone, Fujin will drop to his knee dramatically, "I vow to protect Johnny Cage for you, because since the day we met, I have loved you, and I will do all in my power to make you happy, even if you love another."
Fujin emotionally braces, expecting rejection, but instead hears your delighted squeals as you wrap your arms around him, saying how you love him too, pressing soft kisses to his cheek.
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For the last few months, Raiden had been delicately calculating how to best start a relationship with you. Part of that was navigating how you felt about others, and if he had any competition to worry about.
From what he had seen, your relationship with Johnny Cage was platonic at best. But Johnny was also more experienced in courting techniques and had succeeded in gaining many partners over his short, mortal lifetime.
Raiden's heart sinks at the idea that perhaps Cage's charm had reached you through the television, ensnaring you enough to make you say "God save Johnny Cage".
He knew the meaning behind that saying, he wasn't a complete fool. To ask a god to save someone was a verbal decleration of your devotion to someone, your pride in them, how you wish their lives to be long and happy.
Weren't all those things the sum of love? Those were certainly all the things Raiden wished for you. For you to suddenly feel this way towards Cage... The only explaination was the TV, clearly a cursed device that you must be protected from.
Que Raiden launching the TV over the nearest balcony when you aren't looking, if you ask where it went, Raiden will feign ignorance and instead invite you for a walk in the gardens, offering his arm for you to take.
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gynohorror · 3 months
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totally-not-baron · 8 months
Sooo...is someone else gonna write the hurt/comfort johnshi fic where Johnny has ADHD and thinks he's annoying Kenshi whenever he talks or moves around "too much"
Or do I have to do it??
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feralsimp2005 · 1 month
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wow-skylar · 7 months
One thing I hate about being an autistic lesbian is that I tend to hyperfixate on characters.
Why are they all men
Get out of my head please 🥲
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voltazar · 9 months
I love it when I live my life and do normal stuff and then BAM suddenly my brain is obsessing over a person or a character with 100% power. Like i can drink tea or pet my cat and suddenly all i can think of is Johnny Cage's nose. Like bark bark grrr woof i wanna touch it and bite it and stare at it for 10 000 hours like what
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cosmictapestries · 2 years
Me: Has 6 chapters left to write of Another Day in Paradise .
Also me: Wants to write my next fic in my CageBlade series(or sister series. Still to be decided.)
Also Also me: Time to dive head long into a CageBlade AU!!!
My ADHD brain: Come on! We can only write one thing at a time here!
Also my ADHD brain: Let's spend two hours researching 1920's clothing options for Sonya and Johnny! Oh! Look up Los Angeles in 1921! Prohibition! Cool!!!
Two hours later....No writing is done
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bunniekittiee · 6 months
Movie Night
I wanted to do headcanons for a movie night with some of the men from MK cause rn I wanna watch a movie and eat snacks and cry my feelings out lol. I just did gender neutral reader instead of fem.
A little nsfw but only at Kung Lao and Raiden’s part . Not detailed or anything, just hinted at.
Characters- Tomas, Kuai Liang, Bi-Han, Kung Lao, Raiden
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He was probably the one to suggest movie night. He loves watching movies, as well as spending time with his s/o.
He will make sure to set aside time for movie nights so that he doesn’t miss it or get sidetracked with other things.
Tomas likes to watch comedy movies, but he will watch a good horror movie.
He doesn’t like action movies too much as he lives in the action. He doesn’t want to see what he does on a day-to-day basis on the tv screen.
He will watch Spiderman though (hehe). Thinks Spiderman is great. Peter Parker reminds him of himself (hmm I wonder why).
Tomas doesn’t get scared very easily when watching horror movies. He can expect the jump scares a lot of the time.
But he doesn’t mind if his s/o cuddles into him or grabs onto him if they’re scared. He thinks it’s cute.
He likes to tease them about it.
Tomas loves to have a lot of snacks available for him and his significant other. He will go shopping beforehand and get everything for movie night.
Will make crazy concoctions of his popcorn with M&M’s and chocolate syrup sometimes (I’ve had that before I will admit it and it was good so don’t even bully him)
He likes the saltiness and sweetness of his weird popcorn concoction.
Absolutely feels like crap after he eats a lot of bad snacks. He’s got a bloated tummy, and he feels a bit gross.
Will ask for a tummy rub during the movie.
Likes to wear matching pjs during movie nights.
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Kuai Liang-
He looks forward to movie nights because that is when he gets time to relax and spend time with his lover.
He and his s/o will eat a meal while watching movies. He prefers it that way a little bit.
So he will have their kitchen cooks prepare what they want so it is ready for their movie time. Or sometimes Kuai Liang will make it himself.
He is a great cook, he is skilled at many things.
Loved cuddling while watching movies. He will increase his body temperature to be his s/o’s personal blanket.
Expect a lot of kisses from Kuai, he’s v affectionate, esp during movie time.
He will like to watch romance or rom-coms. He isn’t a horror fan, he will watch them but he isn’t into it really.
Kuai doesn’t get scared, he is just tired of seeing bloodshed. When it’s something he deals with everyday, he doesn’t want to see it at home when he’s relaxing.
But paranormal movies are a little different, he will watch those.
Sometimes gets a little paranoid but he won’t admit it.
Kuai dresses comfortably during movie night so he’s typically shirtless and in lounge pants or sweats. Maybe even his boxers, it just depends.
Liang will indulge in snacks though, even if he prefers meals. But nothing crazy. He’s not like Tomas where his sweet tooth is crazy big, but it’s still there.
Will fuck up a pack of cupcakes to himself. Licks the container clean.
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He’s the Grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, why should he waste time watching Hollywood films?
You put on the Addams Family, and he’s glued to the screen. He finds it interesting.
It’s hard to sit and watch a movie with Bi-Han. He has to find the time to watch a movie, but also because he has a hard time sitting still.
Not in like an ADHD way, more like in a “there’s important work I need to do and I’m stressing about it” kind of way.
He will watch anything but Johnny Cage’s films. If his s/o put one of his movies on, Bi-Han is walking out and going back to his paperwork.
How dare they waste his time like that?
He does like fantasy films despite living in a fantasy world himself. He’s never seen a dragon, but wouldn’t that be cool to see?
He’s sure they exist in one of the realms. He just has to find it.
Doesn’t really snack on junk food, he’s more of a fruit salad kind of guy (fruit salad is good tho so i cant blame him).
Eats his vegetables. Ugh, why Bi-Han?
He will indulge in some sweets like dark chocolate, but that’s the farthest he will go. He’s just never been a fan of sweets or carbs I guess.
Party Pooper Bi-Han.
But he will buy his s/o all the snacks they want and what foods they want as well. He’ll even have the chefs cook something.
He wants his lover to be happy and content. Plus he doesn’t mind if they eat junk food. He thinks it’s cute.
Will make the temperature cold so his s/o cuddles with him closer. He pretends like he doesn’t do it on purpose.
Kinda prefers to watch TV in bed rather than sit in the living room or somewhere else.
He only feels that way because he can turn over on his side and go to bed if he’s tired enough. On a couch, he can’t do that.
Especially on the uncomfortable ass couches in the Lin Kuei palace that are not made for comfort. He would rather get his spine ripped out.
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Kung Lao-
You have to have an entire four-course dinner catered to this man during movie time.
He’s a bottomless pit. He has to do a lot of shopping if he knows he and his s/o are having a movie night.
He will eat so many snacks it’s ridiculous.
He likes comedy movies, but he will sit down and watch a horror movie too.
Slasher films to be specific. Doesn’t like poltergeist movies, he’s afraid he will be haunted.
He won’t admit that though. But if he and his s/o watch a poltergeist movie he will do his best to seem like he’s not scared.
Is the type to overanalyze horror films and point on the flaws or how unrealistic it is.
Has choked laughing at a comedy film and it just about gave his s/o a heart attack.
If cuddling ensues, be prepared to have crumbs stuck to you. He makes a mess.
Kung Lao was also the one to probably suggest movie night similar to Tomas.
Will give his s/o small kisses during the movie but doesn’t do it too much. He knows he will get too horny, and there will be no point of return.
Sometimes there has been movie nights ‘ruined’ by his horniness. I say ruined lightly because it’s not really ruined yk.
He just gets distracted easily. He cant help it.
Does make up for it with another movie night and tries to control his horniness but don’t bet on it.
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Big on cuddling, absolute cuddle bug.
Has a lot of blankets ready and will make the house cold so he and his s/o can cuddle close.
Likes watching family kind of movies or romance. Doesn’t like horror really.
He’s a mix of junk food and healthy food. He likes to keep his physique nice.
But he doesn’t care if his s/o eats junk food, he will buy them anything they want.
Raiden will give his s/o small kisses during the movies, and he will pull them closer to his body. He likes having them close to him.
He’s a big softie as everyone knows, so movie time is mainly just kissing and cuddling. He’s not outwardly sexual about it.
But he won’t turn his s/o down if they engage in it.
Tends to fall asleep during movies. He gets so comfortable esp around his s/o, so he feels sleepy.
Loves it when they play with his hair. It makes him feel even more drowsy.
He loves their fingers going through his locks and the sensations.
Doesn’t outwardly ask for a massage during movie time but he may hint at it.
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Liu Kang-
He’s excited for movie time!!
He does love some relaxation after a stressful day. He has a lot of stress in his life being Earthrealm’s Protector.
So he likes to unwind when he can. Liu Kang is never against taking mental health days.
He likes to watch peaceful movies. Something romantic but not heart wrenching.
Horror movies aren’t something he wants to watch. He’s seen much worse in his life.
They aren’t frightening to him, but he does like it when his s/o cuddles closer to him because they’re scared.
Makes him feel big and strong.
Showers his s/o in kisses. Kisses all over their face and body. He attacks them with kisses.
Smiles when they kiss him back.
Cuddles are great with him, he holds his s/o in his lap practically and he is just v comfortable to be around.
After watching sci-fi movies, he likes to discuss different theories both he and his s/o may have about the lore of the movie.
He likes to hear them talk about things that they’re questioning and what they’re interested to know.
Of course, he doesn’t have the answers, but he likes to theorize.
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gay-dorito-dust · 8 months
Mortal Kombat 1 masterlist.
Bi Han/sub zero;
Soft Bi-Han
Bi-Han’s reaction to reader’s fatal illness
Bi-Han’s guilt over reader’s injuries + part 2
Bi-Han accidentally hurting reader with his powers
How reader won over Bi-Han
Reader gets upset at Bi-Han over lack of communication whilst away on a mission
Bi-Han is jealous of Johnny Cage
Bi-Han and Kuai Liang dealing with a chaotic reader who lives to annoy.
Bi-Han w/ a male reader who’s touchy only to him
Receiving cuddles/ kisses from reader
Bi-Han/Smoke w/a s/o who is so overworked they barely eat or sleep.
Bi-Han w/ an s/o with ADHD
Kuai Liang/scorpion;
Reader leeching off of Kuai Liang’s warmth
Kuai Liang likes having his hair played with (not clickbait)
Kuai Liang and Bi-Han dealing with a chaotic reader who lives to annoy.
Kuai Liang and period comfort hdc (fem reader)
Receiving hugs/kisses from reader
Tomas Vrbada/smoke;
Smoke tending to reader’s injuries that they’ve tried to hide from him.
Tomas w/ an easily flustered s/o that he loves to tease despite being easily teased himself.
Reader tells Tomas that he and Kuai Liang will be betrayed but that starts a fight between them and some fluff at the end kinda.
Smoke/Bi-Han w/ a s/o that is so overworked they barely eat or sleep
Tomas daydreams about reader and gets caught (not clickbait.)
Lin Kuei trio; (Tomas, Kuai Liang and Bi-Han)
Lin Kuei trio with a healer!reader who’s sweet and kind.
Lin Kuei + Raiden reacting to a sweet, kind, nurturing reader threatening someone and then backing it up.
Lin Kuei trio and how they deal with the fatal injury and or death of their partner/reader
Lin Kuei trio w/a powerful sorceress who’s like scarlet witch and has a child from a previous relationship who’s like her and an mamas boy (fem reader)
Lin Kuei trio reacting to reader who can respawn after fatal injury, but didn’t tell him, dying in the process for a bit before coming back as though nothing happened.
Lin Kuei trio w/ a seemingly normal s/o who can actually see ghosts and one day they get to see one themselves.
Lin Kuei trio reaction to their long time friend coming to them for aid after getting hurt and in need of somewhere to lay low. (Platonic)
Lin Kuei + Raiden reacting to a sweet, kind, nurturing reader threatening someone and then backing it up.
Raiden comforting his shy, insecure s/o
Getting kisses/cuddles from reader
Liu Kang;
Soft Liu Kang headcannons
Liu Kang w/ a gn! S/o
Liu Kang reacting to reader having a very obvious crush on him.
Receiving cuddles/kisses from reader
Johnny Cage;
Nothing yet
Syzoth w/a reader who can respawn when fatally injured but didn’t think to tell him, gets severely injured, dies for a bit, then comes back unharmed.
Affectionate Syzoth.
Cuddling w/ syzoth cuz he’s a cold boi
Soft Syzoth headcannons.
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scaryspears · 1 year
Neurodivergent Johnny Cage headcanons and theory
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Hear me out, since there's a lot of people who don't like him.
I'm going to headcanon Johnny on the spectrum.
I believe Johnny was fully aware of what was going on around him regarding the tournament, but his upbeat personality is either a coping mechanism or is just his way of communicating. I genuinely think the guy likes thinking positively but he's surrounded by negativity (for obvious reasons). I'm pretty sure he stumbled into the tournament thinking it's a fight where people are dressed up for comic con related reasons and then got roped into what was actually happening and was like "Welp, I guess I'm doing this now." I don't think he was prepared to be dealing with people who could get easily angered.
However, he sometimes shows the inability to read the room and accidentally says something offensive. Or somehow offends people even though he means no harm. I'm sure his intentions are simply to be fun and playful, even towards his enemies, and I think that's beautiful.
Something I found out is an neurodivergent trait is being sarcastic but everyone thinks you're being 100% serious. I tend to joke a lot but people think I'm being literal even though I made my voice and tone sound playful. I also think his ego is just him being confident. If it is vanity then it's giving popular girl vibes, and I think that's lovely. I think future Johnny's dislike towards his younger self is actually a form of self loathing because of learning what's okay and not okay overtime. The other side is due to the influence of others, since they have a lot of negative things to say about him and to him.
It's quite obvious that compared to everyone else he's not very good at socialising. Something his older self learns to be better at, but his difference in communication still shows. He's still the same Johnny, just a lot more restraint and responsibility.
Showing interest in creative related stuff, such as acting. That counts as a check, right? Speaking as a person who was interested in theatre.
Lack of interest in training? Could be the need to procrastinate until he's very close to the due date. Like chronic procrastination. We learn about Johnny's lack of training through his intro with Raiden.
Also, is bro not allowed to show that he finds someone attractive or interested in them? Dudes being straight up honest about how he feels.
"We come from different worlds, Johnny." - Liu Kang
"Aren't you from Earthrealm, too?" - Johnny
"I mean I come from the real world." - Liu Kang
The sense of otherness and the random bullying.
"Why wasn't I your chosen one?" - Johnny
"Do you have all day, Johnny Cage?" - Raiden
"Yeah. I do." - Johnny
I feel you Johnny. That sense of exclusion.
"Stop reaching for my hat, Johnny." - Kung Lao
"You hiding a rabbit in there or not?" - Johnny
"Only my friends know for sure." - Kung Lao
Difficulties with social boundaries
Conversational self restraint problems
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arcan3-reliquary · 7 months
Johnny Cage and Kenshi (with a touch of Jonshi) Headcannons
Why? because they make me ill and once i claim characters as my favorites i hold them like a squishmallow
Has freckles. like everywhere, in all the places. Also has a tooth gap. A lot of his visual “imperfections” are edited out and that really got to him early in his career. Now he rolls with the punches and proudly says that his imperfections are some of his best bits
Total history buff. Almost became a history teacher before acting and martial arts movies were a serious avenue for him. 100% would go back for a masters in history “But im no good at school and have like zero time :/ ”
(Hits with the transgender-fication beam) Hes just like me and i dont even need to elaborate because i know some of yall agree with me.
Very ADHD. Probably got diagnosed after the divorce and events of story mode and immediately went “Oh shit that explains so much.” I say this as an actor with ADHD
Do not let him talk about sci-fi movies because he will talk your ear off. He has a list of his all time favorites (the original Dune is at the top because of nostalgia, not because it was good and thats his stance on it till the end of time)
Loves soft textures and compression clothing. Helps him feel more grounded when he’s dissociating and doesn’t have the element of sight to pull him out.
Has opinions on certain books. Not much for mainstream genres but does enjoy a good scifi horror or essay. Smoke gifted him a CD player with audio books once because he knew Kenshi missed the physical aspect of books, and to this day those cds sit with not a scratch on them.
Not much of an infodumper, prefers to kinda just sit with his opinions and write/record them for himself. But when Johnny has a hard time sleeping, he’ll just start talking for as long as he can stay awake.
Cold as a corpse. Mans is freezing has always has the thermostat on 70. Not very touchy but when people feel his hands they immediately jump up 6 feet bc of the temperature
His coffee is pitch black without even an ounce of sugar in sight, and to add to the horror he once called unsweetened green tea “a little too sweet” while Ashrah and Smoke called it the most bitter concoction known to mortal kind.
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punsandposes · 5 months
"a taste of ichor"
2k, Johnshi, complete
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1
Summary: "Being stuck in two busy lives meant Johnny doesn't get to see Kenshi as often as he wanted. It just meant that when they did, it was frantic, quick, like they couldn't get enough.
Serendipity is a hell of a drug."
Tags: "Trans Johnny Cage, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Vaginal Sex, Bisexual Johnny Cage, the barest hint of a breeding kink, Rough Sex, Oral Sex, Trans Male Character, Established Relationship, Friends With Benefits, Playful Sex, silly goofy motherfuckers, Biting, competitive sex between dumbasses, POV Johnny Cage, Face-Sitting, Johnny probably has ADHD congrats on ur neurodiversity king, sass as foreplay"
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I saw that you were taking a request for drunk MK character head cannons and it might be cliché but could you plz share your Johnny HC? 👉🏽👈🏽🫣
yeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Drunk Johnny is fun
He can outdrink god, like the man has been in hollywood for too long to get drunk easily.
Favorite drink is a cocktail he invented called a "Cage Surprise" that contains enough alcohol to kill an elephant and tastes like straight juice.
He gave that to Kuai Liang once and almost killed the guy.
Doesn't like Kung Lao's moonshine but is one of the few people who can actually drink it without flinching
Heavy handed with his cocktails, there's enough alcohol in them to blind a man but nobody really complains bc when you drink a Johnny Cage Cocktail, you're looking to get fucked up
Loves drinking games, will turn anything into a drinking game at the slightest prompting.
Once played a game of drunk never have I ever with the defenders where it got revealed (not by him) that he and Kuai Liang had slept together once, and Hanzo hasn't let it go since
Johnny is also just Riddled with adhd, and the alcohol makes it so much worse, like, he's just jumping from thought to thought without a care in the world
For my cageblade shippers: Every time Johnny starts on a new tangent, Sonya just stares at him with heart eyes until Jax elbows her and tells her to stop drooling. She just really thinks its attractive to see him so passionate about something
For my bireencage shippers: Sareena and Johnny are on the exact same bizarre wavelength and can practically read each other's minds, somehow even more so when drunk, and end up rambling to each other nonstop the moment they're a couple drinks in. Bi-Han gets stuck quite literally in the middle of them, trying to make sure they don't walk into anyone (he is also listening in, the first time Bi-Han mentions something Johnny and Sareena had said during one of their drunken rambles and asks them a question about it, they drag him off to bed and don't let him out for a full day)
Has drunkenly made out with at least half of the (equally drunk) defenders, and would not complain about making out with the other half should the opportunity present itself (there is a reason he and Kuai Liang get along so shockingly well and part of it is bc of how they act when drunk)
That's all I can think of for Johnny rn, but lemme know if you want more or some hcs for another character
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fluffymaxsworld · 6 months
my requests are always open yet i might postpone them bc i’ll write first my planned fics.
i DO write:
gore (limited)
adhd related (i have adhd sooo :3)
stepsiblings BUT VERY LIMITED (i won’t write it if the characters grew up like blood siblings)
I DON’T write:
cheating if no excusable reason (like if the partner is toxic and the reader’s bsf wants to save them if yk what i mean)
any kind of nsfw content related to minors
r4pe/non consensual sex
furry/animals or anything related (except for an animagus situation [hp fandom])
promoting homophobia
anything i don’t have competency with (ptsd, bipolar, autism, anxiety attacks)
non consensual somnophilia
like very detailed abuse (i can mention it tho)
a huge age gap (max age gap 10yrs circa)
anything i feel uncomfortable with (but i can still adapt it)
characters in write for:
leon kennedy, carlos oliveira, chris redfield
ghost, soap, gaz, konig, keegan
jason, dick, bruce
theo nott, mattheo riddle and maybe the other slytherins??
johnny cage
miguel o’hara, hobie brown, miles morales (won’t write smut for him), spider noir
but i’m open to some other characters, anyways i suggest to add another choice bc sometimes i absolutely despise them and won’t write bc yeeea (ex. ‘hey i wanted a fic with *other character* or *character in the list*’)
any kind of trope is good with me as long as it stays between the boundaries
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lowsodiumscifi · 1 year
Call of duty headcanons - "favorite fighting games"
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick - Street Fighter
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Colorful and stylish
Gaz has a lighthearted personality and Street Fighter's art style just screams Gaz
He will main anyone, but mostly DJ and Kimberly
Elena is his waifu
Street Fighter's soundtrack is the soundtrack to Gaz's life.
Gaz is competitive and will definitely try to be an e-sports player.
Soap has beaten Gaz a few times for sure. The 141 will make bets on who wins 10 rounds first.
Has a few friends on Discord he will play against in online matches.
John "Soap" MacTavish - Killer Instinct
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Fast paced, bloody, hard hitting, and Mick Gordon
It's heavy metal undertones screams Soap
This game is perfect for Soap's ADHD brain
Plays on the hardest difficulty
Will end up throwing shit around the room screaming Scottish profanities
Soap stands up while playing, he can't keep still
Will scream at the top of his lungs "ULTRA COMBOOOOOOO!"
Will post highlights of his streams on his tiktok account
Simon "Ghost" Riley - Mortal Kombat
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Blood, gore, hellfire and soul stealing is what Ghost is living for. It fuels him.
Will definitely main Scorpion and catch the feels when seeing Scorpion's family perish at the hands of Shang Tsung
Soap and Ghost have a Scorpion and sub zero relationship
Knows every character's fatalities by heart. Dude doesn't need cheat codes.
Leans closer to the TV when the opponent is harder than he thought
Does the best Noob Saibot impression
Lost a bet once and had to walk around the base dressed up as Sonya Blade
Yes... Soap's main is Johnny Cage, don't @ me
John Price - King of Fighters
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Price is a classic man who cherishes classic games
Will sit around the kitchen table with the boys reminiscing about his arcade days
Has definitely played against Laswell in arcade mode
Dude doesn't need cheat codes either. Price is a master at KOF.
No one has beaten Price. Ever.
With work, he doesn't have time to play games anymore.
The boys surprised Price for Christmas by putting a KOF arcade cabinet in the base, and Price definitely had a smile on his face
Kate Laswell - Tekken
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Will main Nina Williams. Period.
Every time Kate comes home to her wife after a long day of work, they fire up Tekken and rage
Will play the game with Japanese dub on
Streams with Gaz and Soap once in a while
When she was younger, she'd cosplay as Nina Williams. (Her wife finds it extremely hot)
"Knocc Em Down" by Snoop Dogg is her favorite Tekken song. (And the best song. Don't @ me)
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