#adopt karlo?
dorkthoughts · 2 years
Falling sick in a desi household is not fun at all!!! You be fighting for your life and in the bg your mom is like "aur matt khana Khao" "aur din bhar phone dekho" 😭😭😭😭
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drbatsponge · 2 years
Bruce adopting Cass is cool and all but Barbara was right there.
Then again neither is really acknowledged nowadays and maybe Orphan is more of an appropriate name for Cass than we thought lmaooooo.
Like at the least Bruce you could acknowledge all your fucking kids bruh.
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mononijikayu · 3 months
demonyo — ryomen sukuna.
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For the first time in a long time, you see beyond Sukuna’s stoic exterior, glimpsing the depth of his emotions beneath the surface. It's a revelation that leaves you reeling, realizing just how much he has come to rely on your presence in his life, whether he admits it or not.
GENRE: Heian Era to Shibuya Arc, 2018;
WARNING/s: Alternate Universe ─ Canon Divergence, Romance, Emotional Hurt, Found Family, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Heavy Pining, Domesticity, Friends to Lovers, Character Death, Grief, Miscarriage, Mention of Depression, Mention of Mourning, Depiction of Physical Touch, Depiction of Mental Anguish, Depiction of Violence, Depiction of Harm, Depiction of Blood and Wounds, Depiction of Miscarriage, Depiction of Death, Depiction of Harm, Pseudo-Incest, Adoptive Cousins, Portrayal of Misogynist And Degrading Acts and Language, Smut, Detailed Depiction of Sex, Depiction of Sexual Foreplay, Sexual Penetration, Consensual Sex;
ashes of love
song: demonyo by juan karlos
note: i already pre-planned the writing for this for a while now, but i think the story is about to get worse now that its near its end. three more chapters before my favorite chapter in the series and probably the shortest??? we shall see. anyway, i love you!!! enjoy the story as always~
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MUCH HAD CHANGED FOR YOU. But you doubt that you would dare change anything about it. As you released the sigh you held for what seemed like years, your purple eyes seemed to shake as you tried to make sense of your reality. It had been more than ten years since you last saw Sukuna. Ten years since he had left you and your world. Ten years more as mother, wife, clan leader, consort — all the things you had not expected all those years ago. All these things you still were, all these things you suffer to be. 
You looked to your side and felt your eyes narrow in a somber manner. You hadn’t left the lord’s chambers in days now. You just could not bear to do it. Not when Suzaku needed you. You sit in your husband’s chambers for days on end, tending to him as he lay there in painful agony. These days, you think your husband is waiting for fall. He stares from his futon with those weary eyes, hoping for that day where the leaves would be dying, just like himself. 
You look at him worriedly as you squeezed the water out of the cloth. You turned to him and started to gently press the wet cloth to his body and slowly clean his body, for he is now unable to move. He had good days, where he could sit up well enough to read or eat. But most times, you read reports to him. And your son’s progress in training. 
It was hard to see how constrained Suzaku was by the pain and anguish. Most days, it was easier not to look at him. Most days, you wished you could take a moment to process everything. But you knew you couldn’t. You could not leave him to the whims of his pain. Even when he asks you to, you could not. He had been nothing but good to you. He had given you peace, with everything he had done in nearly twenty years of marriage. And even this you were was not enough to repay all he had done for you and your children.
These past ten years have been relatively peaceful for all of you. The war weighed down to skirmishes and occasional battles. The Zenin were not to end their wanting and the Kamo were not one to forget a slight. The Fujiwara had moved from both the Ryomen lands and their own, having been incinerated as a clan by Sukuna. 
As you continue to tend to him, memories of Sukuna flood your mind. The last time you saw him, his presence had been a dark shadow over your life. Yet, in the decade that followed, you had found moments of light amidst the darkness. You had rebuilt, you had nurtured, and you had loved fiercely. Hida is back in Ryomen control and over this decade, your leadership has grown the Ryomen back to its power.  
But you were not a fool to forget that you now share it in a quiet agreement with Sukuna. These ten years, he had built a shrine on the opposite side of Hida, and people had flocked to him by the hundreds. He had the name after all and that gives him legitimacy across Hida. You knew very well that his Jujutsu….does not compare to anyone. And more than ever, growing powerful every single day. 
The agreement with Sukuna, though uneasy, had held. You did not seek him out, and neither did he. You knew better than that as much as he did. He had killed more sorcerers than you could count. And your world of sorcerers would not take to that kindly. They never have. Deviants are shunned. They are nothing but the fallen ones and these days, they whisper about him being the ‘disgraced one’. The remaining Ryomen elders had been glad to get rid of him, yapping about how this saves the clan from ruin. You did not agree with them. Even after all this time. But you knew that you can never take back what was lost. You were no fool. And neither was he.
When you were not in Hida, you were in Gojo lands. Ghosts haunted you, but at the very least you could distract yourself from them. With your husband’s efforts, there could only be peace. And with that peace, your children have grown up well and happy, surrounded by a bubble that keeps them from the worldly affairs that they need not worry over. 
Your eldest, Seiryuu, was now four and ten, nearly a man to all that were around him. He had grown taller than ever before. You were certain that he would grow and tower over those around him. His powers had grown over the years, more than ever this past year — obsessively.  Masako had grown finely, with her dark hair echoing like shining charcoal. In only ten summers, she had grown to be quite a beautiful tender young girl. You kept her away from Jujutsu a little while longer, but her cursed technique had started to manifest little by little.
You gently wipe your husband’s brow with a damp cloth, feeling the heat of his fever through the fabric.This was a regular occurrence, one that had only increased his pain and discomfort. At first, you were concerned and you still were — but even with your efforts, his fevers would not leave him. This had become a new part of his life.  
Suzaku’s once-strong hands now lie limply at his sides, the strength that had carried you through so many battles now drained away. The same hands that had held yours in your hardest times, the hands that had held yours at each birth, the hands that had carried your children. His warm eyes, though clouded with pain, still hold a flicker of the determination that once defined him. You could see his will to live. He does not want to leave yet, you knew. Not until Seiryuu was old enough. 
You could only sigh as you returned the damp cloth back into the basin. From the outside, life continues. The sounds of children playing in the distance, the chatter of villagers going about their day, and the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze all seem to mock the stillness within these walls. Your husband had lived for those echoes of life when he himself could not get up. He says that it reminds him of when your children were younger. It reminds him to live, to know life. 
"Rest some more, husband." you whisper, your voice cracking with emotion. "You must gather your strength. The children miss you.”
You could feel his eyes, though dimming, reflect a deep sense of peace in your words. It has been hard to keep the children away from your husband. You did not want them to see him in pain and he knows that too well too. But the mention of them makes him want to live. It always does. You know he worries about leaving you and the children behind, but you have always been strong. Stronger than you ever thought possible.
As your husband’s breathing grows more labored, you feel the weight of all you have endured together. The battles fought, the tears shed, and the laughter shared. The peace you had enjoyed with your children together. You take a hold of his sullen hands and squeeze it, your tears mingling with the sweat on his skin. You want him to know that you will be here.
"We will be alright, Suzaku." you say, more to reassure yourself than him. "We will be alright."
In the silence that follows, you exchange looks. His ever tender, as it always was.The world outside may continue to change, but within these chambers, time stands still, suspended in what time remains for the two of you. You find solace in this moment. Or at least you can try. The worries of the wily world keep knocking you down to only worry.
But you could not help but worry. You were a mother more than anything else. Your husband’s condition loomed over all of you. And the possibility that he could die any time soon, when your son was still but a boy and without the expertise of his father worried you. And your husband knew that. Much of the consequences of his death would be a blow to you and your children.
A year ago, your perfectly healthy husband had brought your son with him to quell a cursed spirit that was plaguing the region. Your son was excited to be able to put his skills to the test, to make his father proud. Seiryuu was proficient in using his powers enough that he was able to fight against the cursed spirit’s lackeys. However, being overtaken by a flood of other curses, he did not notice his father’s need for aid. And your husband took the curse's full impact. From that moment on, your husband started to decline. Seiryuu had felt nothing but guilt over the matter. 
The people of the clan started to whisper about his ability to be the heir. If Seiryuu could not protect his father, how can he protect the clan? The boy with the six-eyes and he could not do his duty, his most important filial duty. Those are their whispers. And it breaks your heart over and over. But your son was only a fourteen-year-old boy. He was still a boy—even if the world saw him as a grown man. And you feared for him.
Factions have started to appear in the Gojo clan, including that of Suzaku’s own cousin. If the time came to fight for your son’s rights, you knew that you could be overwhelmed. The voice in your head started to tempt you to use your powers, whispering that you could defeat all the clans by yourself, with destruction. But you vowed to never do that. You didn’t seek the destruction of all, but peace. The voice laughs at you, telling you that this train of thought will get you killed. You do not reply.
As you tend to your husband, you glance at Seiryuu, standing at the doorway, his shoulders slumped. You could see the boy in him so clearly. He felt that heavy weight of guilt and worry. He looks so much older than his years, burdened by the weight of expectations and the whispers of the clan. 
He lowers the tight cloak of those bandages around his eyes. His cerulean eyes meet yours, and for a moment, you see the frightened child he truly is, hidden behind the mask of forced maturity. Your husband looks at you and nods at you. You narrow your eyes at him, as though telling him that you could not leave you. But he squeezes your hand. You purse your lips and nod at him. You turned to a servant and smiled at them. 
Closing the door behind you, you take your son in your arms to embrace him. He slowly succumbs to your touch. He felt so small in your arms, as though he was not the one who had shaken the world with his birth. He was just a boy, a boy who had so much of his youth ahead of him. And he is robbed of it by the world which does not understand. You kiss the top of his head with tender abandon. 
"Mother….I…." he says softly, his voice trembling. "Is Father... will he...?"
You place a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Your father is strong, my son. He fights for us, for you. We must be strong for him too.”
Seiryuu nods, but you can see the doubt in his cerulean blue eyes. He blames himself for his father's condition, and the clan's murmurs only deepen his self-reproach. He does not feel confident in himself, to truly be worthy of his father’s seat. To be worthy of even being his son. You could see it in his eyes. And you hate it. You wish you could shield him from their harsh judgments, but you know that he must face this trial as you have faced your own.
"Remember, my dearest boy," you say, your voice firm but gentle, "you are not alone. We stand together, as a family, as a clan. You will grow stronger, and you will prove them wrong. You are already worthy. Your father has told you that.”
“But mother, I….”
You shake your head at him, looking him in his eyes. You smile. “You are our pride, my son. Always remember that.”
He nods again, more resolute this time, but the worry does not leave his eyes. “I will remember.”
“You must go and get some rest.” You whisper, squeezing his shoulder. “I heard you were up all night trying to master your reversal technique.”
“I am fine, mother.” He insists as he tries to wipe your worry with his smile. “Not entirely exhausted as of yet. I plan to go and continue—”
“I don’t want you to cause yourself hurt.” You interject to him. “I want my son well. Please rest for a while at least. Soothe your mother.”
He purses his lips, almost like a child. He slowly nods. “Alright, mother.”
When he left, you return to your husband’s chambers. You turn back to your husband, sitting down beside him and wiping his brow once more. The voice in your head grows louder, taunting you with promises of power and control. It tells you that with your abilities, you could crush all opposition, and ensure Seiryuu's place as heir beyond any doubt.
But you push the voice away, focusing on your husband and your son. You have vowed to seek peace, not destruction. Even if it means facing overwhelming odds, even if it means standing against the very whispers that threaten your family, you will not falter. You will not give in.
The voice laughs again, mocking your resolve. "This train of thought will get you killed, little fool." it hisses.
You do not reply. Instead, you draw strength from the loyalty you have for your husband and the love you have for your children, from the hope that despite the challenges, you can still find a path to peace. You will stand firm, for them, for the future you believe in. And no matter what the voice says, you will not be swayed.
Suzaku has fallen asleep again.
You place the wet towel away.
You sit patiently, as you always do.
And you pray to the gods for your relief.
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IT WAS A NICE DAY OUT. It was one of his good days, and he had been cheerful. Suzaku had enough strength to sit up and talk. When he sat up, he looked at you and smiled. He pointed towards the outside. You worried about the strain on his body. But you could not deny him such pleasure, to explore your home. You hooked his arm around your own as you helped him up. When servants passed you, you refused their help. You could help your husband there. Little by little, you helped him take a walk towards the vast expanse of the koi gardens. 
As the two of you strolled among the greenery around the serene waters and the swimming koi, the sun was shining. The sun was beaming like never before. It was a good day, you think. It was not too cold, just warm enough. And your husband was in good spirits. For the first time in a while, you could see life in his eyes once again. The smile on your lips tethered tenderly. 
Gojo Suzaku sits down on one of the edges of the benches. You gently hold him as you too lower your body and sit beside him. You sighed as you let the wind kiss your face with great abandon. When you turn to your side, your husband smiles at you too. But the look in his eyes  tells you that he can feel it—that he would soon die. You want to tell him not to leave you. You want to tell him that he would live a long life. But you know that he would only laugh.
Your husband then coughs, the sound harsh and grating. You look at him with concern, and he smiles at you, a weary but warm expression. He waves you off as your eyes dilate in panic. He squeezes your hand and tries to settle you back into a calm. 
“You worry too much.” His first words echoed in your head. It had been so long since you had heard his words be this clear. 
“I can’t help it.” You admitted to him as you let out a sigh. “I am your wife. And a wife worries about her husband.”
"Don't worry, my love," he says softly, his voice still tinged with humor despite the gravity of his words. “I’m not feeling too bad.”
“Your coughing is still painful to you.”
“Not too bad.” He says, downplaying it with a smile. “It’s not bad.”
You glare at him. “You are a pathetic liar.”
He laughs in reply. “It is not a lie. It’s not bad, because you’re here.”
You couldn’t help but shrug at him. “Nearly twenty years of marriage and you have not changed.”
He smiles. "Has it been that long?”
You hummed to him as the wind brushed against you. “Hm, it has been.”
“It feels only like yesterday when we got married.”
You smiled at him. “It does, doesn’t it?”
Silence enveloped the two of you, a heavy shroud that settled between you like an unspoken barrier. Suzaku's gaze lingered on the horizon, his eyes following the graceful flight of a heron as it soared effortlessly through the sky. The sight seemed to capture his attention, drawing him into a moment of quiet contemplation amidst the turmoil of emotions swirling around you both. The heron wanted to be free. 
In the stillness of the night, the sound of the heron's wings slicing through the air echoed softly, a soothing melody that provided a brief respite from the weight of the world pressing down upon your shoulders. It was as if time itself had paused, allowing you to simply be, to exist in this moment of serene tranquility.
“I've had a good life, thanks to you."
You shake your head, refusing to accept his resignation. "Husband, please. You mustn't talk like that. You'll be with us for many more years."
He gently squeezes your hand, his touch as familiar and comforting as ever. "We both know that's not true. But it's alright. I’ve come to terms with it."
A lump forms in your throat as you watch him, the man who has been your rock and your partner through so much. "I can't lose you, not yet." you whisper, your voice trembling.
"I know you have worries about the growing divide in the Gojo clan," he says, his voice softer now, "and I worry that, unlike all these years before, I cannot be as strong as before to protect the three of you from it.”
"You have done more than enough, Suzaku." you reply, your voice firm with conviction. "You always have."
He pauses, looking out over the garden, his eyes distant with memories. "Do you remember, years ago, when I told you that Sukuna and I spoke?”
You nod, the memory bringing a bittersweet smile to your lips. “You never told me what you talked about.”
“Sukuna told me to be more honest about my feelings for you.” He reveals, watching your face contort into a puddle of emotions. “And all this time, I should have been more honest with you.”
Suzaku reaches out, brushing your loose hair back behind your ear. "I love you, wife." he says, his voice trembling with emotion. "More than the world knows, more than you do."
"I love you too. I hope you know." you respond, your voice breaking.
He smiles, shaking his head gently. "I know you will never love me as much as you do Sukuna. But I’m more than satisfied with the wonderful life we have had together. Nearly twenty years of a happy marriage—I am thankful for all of it. Because you took care of me, accepted me for what I was. You loved a man whole, made more of his life than anything else.”
You lean into his touch, feeling the warmth of his hand against your cheek. Your eyes narrow, their color deepening to an even more intense shade of purple. "You’ve given me a life I never thought possible, Suzaku. I’ve cherished every moment."
He closes his eyes, savoring the closeness, the tranquility of the garden surrounding you. "Promise me you'll continue to be strong, for Seiryuu, for our family."
"I promise," you whisper, your voice thick with unshed tears.
Suzaku opens his eyes, looking at you with a depth of love and understanding that transcends words. "Thank you," he murmurs. "For everything."
You stay like that for a while, leaning into each other, drawing strength from the bond you share. The koi swim lazily in the pond, their movements a gentle reminder of the cycles of life and the beauty that can be found even in moments of sadness. You sighed as you leaned against him. He smiles as he lays a kiss upon your cheek.
As the sun begins to set, casting a golden glow over the garden, you and Suzaku stay that way for as long as you could. The two of you just enjoy the silence that remains in the veil of the golden light. You were certain that the weight of the future looms large, but in this moment, you find solace seeing him like this. You banish the world from everything else. You just sit there with him. You take in what remains before it’s too late. And with that, you fell asleep beside him.
The next day, it was quite a surprise to you. Gojo Suzaku was still as he was yesterday, his frailty more pronounced in the morning light. You sit up beside him, holding his hand as he gathers the strength to speak. You wanted to say something, but you could see it, how he wanted to say something to you. And so you sat there, silent and let him gather his strength to say it all out loud.
“You must leave for Hida tomorrow.”
Your face scrunches into confusion. “Why must we leave for Hida–”
“Live on after me, wife.” Suzaku says softly, his voice filled with a quiet determination. “Take care of the children, and most of all, find happiness when I am gone.”
Tears well up in your eyes, but you manage to keep your voice steady. “Don’t talk like that, Suzaku. You'll still be with us for a long time yet.”
He shakes his head gently, a sad smile on his lips. “I’ve made plans to ensure that Seiryuu will be my successor. No one will challenge him.”
“It’s not as easy as you say, husband.” you reply, your concern evident. “The clan is divided. There are factions, and Seiryuu is still so young.”
“It will be easy.” Suzaku insists, squeezing your hand with the little strength he has left. “Leave it all to me. I’ve arranged everything.”
“Suzaku, please—”
"You don’t have to worry," he says with a reassuring smile. "I’ve taken care of everything."
"But whatever you’re planning, I cannot accept it." you reply, your voice firm. "We have to do it together. As we always have.”
Suzaku sighs and places a gentle kiss upon your head. "This is my last wish, you know." he says softly. "Please, let me do as I please."
Your lips fall into a line, wanting to argue, but the earnestness in his eyes stops you. You nod reluctantly, tears threatening to spill. "If that is what you wish." you whisper. "I’ll let you."
He smiles, relief washing over his features. "Thank you. I will miss you, but it’s time for you to return to Hida with the children. I don’t want you to see me die."
The finality of his words stabs at your heart, but you know he’s trying to spare you pain. "You will not die, I refuse to believe it….I…”
"Please, wife. Do as I instruct." he interrupts gently. "Do it for the peace of my soul.”
You nod again, unable to speak past the lump in your throat. He pulls you into a tender embrace, holding you close as if to memorize the feel of you one last time. You stayed like that until you could not anymore. The rest of the day, you had ordered quietly for your son and daughter to be informed and your entire household to be readied for the journey. 
You were not ready to lose your husband, not like this. You watched him laugh all night, telling little quips and singing little tunes despite his coughing fits. He wrote many things that night, but he refused to let you see them. Yet you were certain that he was preparing himself for what may come. You bit your lower lip, as you struggled to put away those tears from pouring through your eyes. You stilled yourself as you retired to your chambers. You cry and cry until there is nothing left to let out from your purple eyes.
When you emerged in the morning, your servants had tried to not let their faces notice your devastation. You dressed in your finest junnihitoe for him. You put all of your most beautiful suberakashi rested upon the foundation of your long dark hair. Your hiōgi was the most elegant of cypress wood, painted in beautiful herons flying over the river. Your husband had made it for you all those years ago, and it was your favorite. You wanted to look good for him. You wanted to make sure that he knows that he is leaving you well. That you would be fine, even if you would not truly be. You wanted him to know.
He was assisted by his servant in standing as he met you and the children out in the courtyard. Seiryuu stood tall and proud before his father. He was dressed in his finest kariginu bearing the Gojo clan symbols against the heron of the Ryomen. His little sister stood beside him, diligently in her silk kimono covered with herons standing above the Gojo family crest. 
The two of them lowered their heads as you passed them by. They seemed somber, but confident. But you had expected that. They loved their father the most in the world. And to leave him in such a state, they did not like it. But they adore you just as much and they will not let you go on your own. Not when you needed them too. You let go of your servant’s hand as you smiled at your husband.
The children and you say your goodbyes to Suzaku as you all prepare to return to Hida. You watch your husband bid farewell to your son and daughter for what you know will be the last time. He embraces them gently, whispering words of love and encouragement, his eyes filled with a deep, unspoken sorrow. Seiryuu tries to be strong, but you can see the tears he struggles to hold back. Your daughter clings to Suzaku, her small frame shaking with sobs.
When it is your turn, you take his hands in yours and press a kiss to them, feeling the warmth and strength that has always comforted you. Your eyes start to water, and you look up at him, seeing your own pain reflected in his eyes. He cups your cheek, his thumb brushing away a tear that escapes.
“You must take care to be well on your travels.” Your husband says to you tenderly, more than he had ever before. You smiled at him. “And make sure you will wear the furs I have arranged for you.”
“I will not forget them.” You promised him. You took his hand on your own. “You must take care of yourself. I won’t be able to do it for you.”
He laughs as he lifts your hand into his and places a kiss upon its palm. “I will always strive to please my wife. I shall.”
Your heart broke at those words. Because you knew that he would not. Not when his plan was in full motion. “I shall see you when I return.”
Gojo Suzaku sends a tight smile at you, one that was all too knowing. “I shall see you too.”
You look towards his hand, eyeing the matching rings upon both your fingers. You lifted your eyes, feeling them water. He squeezes your hand even tighter, as though to tell you to not spill your tears here. Not at this moment. Not in your farewell. You took a deep breath, as though to gather yourself fully.
"I love you, wife. Truly." he whispers, his voice breaking. "More than words can say."
“I love you, with everything in me." you manage to choke out, your tears flowing freely now.
"Be safe," he whispers, his voice breaking. 
He leans in and kisses your cheek one last time, a tender and lingering farewell. You can feel the finality of his touch, the weight of all the unspoken words between you. "I wish you a good journey," he says softly, "and that you will be happy."
You slowly nodded at him, your lip pursing into a tight line. “I will.”
He steps back, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination.  "I shall see you next, wife. One day.”
With a heavy heart, you turn to leave, guiding Masako towards her own litter. Suzaku got atop his horse and turned to look at his father and bowed his head. Masako sat upon her litter and glanced towards her father and waved. As you step inside your own litter, you glance back at Suzaku one last time. He stands there, a faint smile on his lips, his eyes following you with a mixture of love and resignation.
The door of the litter closes, and as it starts to move, the reality of the situation crashes down upon you. The tears you had held back now flow freely, and you start to sob, your shoulders shaking with the force of your grief. The children, sensing your pain, huddle close to you, their own tears mingling with yours.
This was the last time you would see your husband. The man who had been your rock, your partner, your love. As the litter carries you away from him, you clutch at the memories of your time together, vowing to honor his last wishes. The journey ahead seems daunting, but you draw strength from the love you shared, knowing that it will guide you through the days to come.
Suzaku’s smile was his last gift to you.
It will always linger in your mind for years.
When you step into Hida, you fall to your knees. 
The years of peace had disappeared in an instant.
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YOU WERE EXHAUSTED. You have not slept day after day. You could not, when there is so much more to be done. Your rest can wait. It had been more than two months now since the Gojo clan was plunged into civil war. You have been raising forces in Hida, ones that you promised to lead personally. For now, your trusted Mikoto Masaomi leads the vanguard that thrusts against possible attacks. 
It still has not hit you that you are now a widow. The news reaches you swiftly upon your arrival in Hida: The departed lord of the Gojo, Gojo Suzaku had used all his remaining strength to kill his cousins, their entire bloodline, and all those who conspired against him. The rest of those bloody traitors had gone and ran amok, but soon enough, your husband had died alone. You were certain that his body had been exhausted from all of it. And in the aftermath, Those treacherous letchers had usurped everything. Those loyal to your son had begun gathering in Hida, planning an offense to reclaim what rightfully belonged to Seiryuu.
The young rightful lord of the Gojo. young Gojo Seiryuu had been most inconsolable about his father's death. He refused to see anyone, even you. Guilt and grief gnawed at the young Gojo lordling, and he withdrew further into himself with each passing day. Masako, your daughter, continued to ask for her father, crying bitter tears when you had no answer for her. 
You grieved your husband as much as you could, but there was no time to rest. There was no space for you to show your grief too clearly. Not when there is a need to move. If you do not move further, you could lose everything. And even more, your children could lose their lives. You would not let that happen. Not over your dead body. 
As you sit in your chambers, the weight of your responsibilities pressing heavily on your shoulders. You write over and over to all your allies, trying to gather their support. The Inumaki as always were loyal to the Gojo and the Ryomen. You were seeking out the Azuma, another vassal of the Gojo, but there has yet to be a response. You could feel your head hurt. The voices in your head whispering the thoughts of a devil. But you would not succumb. You cannot. But then, a knock at the door pulls you from your thoughts. You turn your head, seeing long dark hair peer through the doors.
“Mother?” Masako’s small voice trembles from the other side.
“Daughter, it is late.” You whisper at her.
“I…I cannot sleep.” Her little voice admits to you tenderly.
You sighed and smiled at her. “Come in, little one.”
The door opens, and Masako enters, her eyes red and swollen from crying. She clutches a worn, little doll to her chest, her small frame trembling. You brush away the stray hairs that mar her eyes. She sniffs as she looks at you and you could not help but let out a small smile at her. She’s been having nightmares, you remembered. It hasn’t been easy on her lately, more so with those nightmares come in reminders of her own late father.
“Mother, where is father?” she asks again, her voice breaking. “Why won’t he come back?”
You swallow hard, forcing back your own tears as you hold her closer to you. “Masako, my darling girl, your father has gone to a place where we cannot follow. But he is watching over us, always.”
“But I miss him, mother.” she sobs, burying her face in your shoulder.
“I miss him too,” you whisper, holding her close. “But we must be strong. For him, and for Seiryuu.”
As you comfort Masako, a servant appears at the door, bowing respectfully. “My lady, the loyalists have gathered in the main hall. They await your instructions.”
You nod, rising to your feet and taking Masako’s hand. “Thank you. I will be there shortly.”
The servant leaves, and you turn to Masako, brushing a stray tear from her cheek. “Stay here, my love. I must attend to something important.”
Masako nods reluctantly, her grip tightening on her toy. “Please come back soon, Mother.”
“I will,” you promise, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
In the main hall, the loyalists look to you with a mixture of hope and desperation. They need guidance, a plan, a way to reclaim their home and secure Seiryuu’s rightful place as the head of the Gojo clan.
“Thank you all for gathering here,” you begin, your voice steady despite the turmoil within. “We face a grave threat, but we are not without hope. My husband, lord Gojo Suzaku, sacrificed everything to protect this clan. Now, it is our duty to honor his legacy and fight for Seiryuu.”
A murmur of agreement ripples through the room, the tension palpable. The loyalists, a mix of seasoned warriors and young recruits, shift uneasily on their feet. Their faces are a tapestry of determination, fear, and hope. Some exchange glances, silently communicating their resolve and apprehensions. The flickering torchlight casts dancing shadows on the walls, adding to the somber atmosphere.
As you scan the room, you see familiar faces—men and women who have stood by your side through countless battles and hardships. Their loyalty is unwavering, but the uncertainty of the future weighs heavily on everyone. The silence that follows is thick, filled with unspoken fears and the gravity of the situation.
An older warrior, his hair streaked with silver, steps forward. His eyes are steely with conviction, but there is a softness in his gaze as he looks at you. "My lady, we have followed Suzaku through many trials. We will follow you and Seiryuu now. We are ready to fight for what is rightfully ours."
His words act as a catalyst, breaking the tension. Others nod, some murmuring agreements more audibly now. The room seems to draw in a collective breath, preparing for the arduous journey ahead.
“We must be strategic,” you continue. “We will reclaim what is ours, but we must do so wisely. Seiryuu will need our strength, our unity. Together, we can overcome this.”
One of the loyalists steps forward, his expression resolute. “We are ready to follow you, my lady. What are your orders?”
You take a deep breath, drawing on the strength Suzaku always saw in you. “Prepare our defenses and gather intelligence on the usurpers’ movements. We will strike when the time is right. For now, we must fortify Hida and protect Seiryuu.”
As plans are set into motion, you feel a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. You must be hopeful. You felt your age echo throughout your bones. It is as if you had aged a thousand years. As you walked towards the outer halls, you crossed your arms. You should have brought a padded haori. But you wanted to have this moment. You wanted to enjoy your lonesomeness. You wanted to have a moment to accept the reality you now faced.
You could feel the chilly air stab through your skin like sharp needles. There is no time to rest, but in the quiet moments, you allow yourself to grieve. In this moment, you let yourself take a deep breath and still yourself to your reality.  to remember the love and strength that Suzaku gave you. And with each passing day, you steel yourself for the battles ahead, determined to see Seiryuu restored to his rightful place. Looking at the far away moon, you pray that you could be successful. That you will succeed in honoring Suzaku’s memory and fight for your family’s future.
You blink as you still yourself. You were wondering if you were seeing an illusion. You stayed as you were as he observed you with those dark red irises. You purse your lips as your arms crossed against your chest, as though to shield yourself. You knew he would never hurt you. But you wanted to protect yourself. You were the most vulnerable you ever were. Before you could catch yourself, you found him standing before you. You lift your head to observe him. He has not changed. He still looked as he did years ago. He has not aged. 
He does not say a word to you as he sheds his haori off his prodigious body. Slowly, his four arms placed it around your shoulders. It was too big on you, you think. It covered almost all of you as a whole. But it was warm, as he always was. Sukuna watched as your hands dragged it closer to you, as though to secure it in place. 
“You’re foolish to not bring a cover for yourself.” Those were the first words he had for you in these many years. 
"Why have you come?" you ask, your voice barely above a whisper.
"Even a runaway scum can come home when he misses home." he replies, his tone carrying a hint of melancholy. “Is that wrong?”
"You were never a runaway scum." you say softly, looking into his eyes. "Just a lost soul."
A pregnant silence passes between you, filled with unspoken emotions and shared history. The air is thick with memories, both bitter and sweet, that hang heavily in the space between you. The faint sound of the night—a distant owl hooting, the rustle of leaves in the wind—provides a stark contrast to the silent conversation unfolding in your hearts.
Your eyes meet, and in that moment, so much is conveyed without a single word. The pain of separation, the lingering affection, the regrets of things left unsaid. Sukuna's gaze is intense, yet there's a softness there that you've rarely seen. It's as if he's laying bare his soul, exposing the vulnerability he keeps so well hidden.
You remember the first time you met, the awkward yet exhilarating beginnings of your friendship. The battles fought side by side, the nights spent in quiet companionship, the stolen glances and fleeting touches that spoke of something deeper. All these memories swirl around you, forming an invisible bond that time and distance have never truly severed.
Sukuna shifts slightly, his posture stiff yet somehow more open than before. You can almost hear the words he's not saying, the apologies, the admissions of guilt and longing. Your own heart aches with the weight of unexpressed feelings. You want to tell him everything—how you missed him, how his absence left a void that nothing else could fill, how despite everything, you never stopped caring.
But the silence holds you captive, a barrier of fear and uncertainty. What if these words break the fragile peace between you? What if they open old wounds that have barely begun to heal?
Sukuna breaks the silence, his voice uncharacteristically gentle. "I'm sorry for your loss."
You turn to face him fully, searching his face. "Do you mean it?"
He sighs, his gaze unwavering. "I did not like your husband, but he took care of you. And for me, that was the most important thing."
Your eyes fill with fresh tears at his words, the sincerity in them undeniable. "Thank you." you say, your voice trembling. "It means a lot to hear you say that."
Silence passes between the two of you. Tears pass through your eyes in an outburst, almost like the heightening tides of the seas in a storm. 
Sukuna reaches out, hesitating for a moment before placing a hand on your shoulder. "You've been through so much. More than anyone should have to endure."
"You've been gone for so long," you say, your voice cracking. "And now everything is falling apart. The clan is in chaos, Seiryuu is lost in his grief, and Masako cries every night for her father."
You sigh wearily, taking a good look at Sukuna for the first time in a long time. He stands there, the same as you remember, unchanged by time. Despite everything, you manage a small smile. "You haven’t aged a day since I last saw you."
He tilts his head slightly, a faint smirk playing on his lips. "Jujutsu does have quite a lot of mysteries."
"You look as you did years ago," he says, his voice softer than usual.
You laugh, shaking your head. "Come up with a better lie, Sukuna. I continue to age, but you do not. You’ll outlive me soon enough."
For the first time, you see a flicker of emotion in Sukuna’s eyes. His usual mask of indifference slips, revealing a vulnerability you had never witnessed before. The realization that perhaps he does not think you could ever truly die and leave his life completely lingers in the air, unspoken but palpable.
It hurts him to see you like this. But he cannot let you know that. You would carry that weight with you and he does not want that. As he looked at you, he could see the life that he lives for. The moonlight shone all around you with a beautiful gleam. Nearly twenty years had passed and in all those years that grew within your human flesh, there will always be the soul he had fallen in love with. You were easily recognizable. And he would always choose you over the world.
There were times where Sukuna thought that you were just a pure creature who fell from the heavens and was lost in hell with him. Even after all this time, even as you had grown older, you still wanted to meet him. You would never shun him. Even if he chooses to stay away, you would let him return here, in this paradise. 
Even if he tried to lead you out of it, you would never leave. The demon he is, he could never escape his love for you either. as much as you would never escape your love for him. Over and over, he believes it as much as you probably do. He will always fall in love with you over and over again.
He looks away for a moment, composing himself. "You are stronger than you think, you know." he finally says, his voice barely above a whisper.
You reach out and place a hand on his arm, a small smile on your lips. "And you, Sukuna, are not as invincible as you believe."
He meets your gaze again, the intensity in his eyes softened by a hint of something deeper—regret, perhaps, or a fear of losing the one connection he has left.
"I’ve missed you." he admits, the words heavy with unspoken emotions.
"And I’ve missed you." you reply, your voice tender.
You smile at him like you used to, a gesture both familiar and foreign after all this time. It's a smile tinged with a hint of nostalgia, a softening of the edges that have formed between you over the years of separation. In that moment, the weight of the past seems to lift, leaving only the echo of what once was.
Your smile is a silent invitation, a bridge across the chasm that has grown between you. It speaks of shared memories, of laughter and camaraderie, of moments that time has not yet erased. It's a reminder of the connection you once shared, a glimmer of hope that perhaps it's not too late to reclaim what was lost.
For Sukuna, your smile is like a balm to his wounded soul. It's been so long since he's seen that smile directed at him, so long since he's felt the warmth of your affection. It stirs something deep within him, a longing that he thought he had buried long ago. In that fleeting moment, he allows himself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things could go back to how they used to be.
As he returns your smile, there's a softness in his eyes, a vulnerability that he rarely lets show. It's a silent admission of the myriad emotions swirling within him—regret, longing, hope. In that shared moment, you both let go of the barriers that have kept you apart, if only for a moment.
The world around you fades away, leaving only the two of you standing there, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight. It's a moment frozen in time, a brief respite from the chaos of your lives. And in that moment, as you smile at each other like you used to, you both know that no matter what the future holds, this connection between you will endure.
"You’ll outlive me soon enough," you say, the words laced with a hint of jest, but the weight of their truth hangs heavily on your heart. You don’t say it out loud, though. Instead, you offer him a gentle smile, a feeble attempt to alleviate the tension that simmers between you. “Time touches everything, but you, it would seem.”
"Don't say that," he whispers, his voice barely audible but laced with a hint of desperation.
You pause, taken aback by the raw emotion in his tone. It's a rare moment of vulnerability from Sukuna, a crack in the facade he wears so meticulously. You meet his gaze, seeing something akin to fear flicker in his eyes—fear of losing you, fear of facing a future without your presence.
The contrast between your aging form and his eternal youth is a constant reminder of the passage of time, of the inevitability of mortality. It's a bitter truth that you both silently acknowledge, yet neither dares to confront head-on.
For the first time in a long time, you see beyond Sukuna’s stoic exterior, glimpsing the depth of his emotions beneath the surface. It's a revelation that leaves you reeling, realizing just how much he has come to rely on your presence in his life, whether he admits it or not.
Perhaps he has never truly considered the possibility of you leaving him, of your life coming to an end while his continues on unchanged. The thought is both comforting and terrifying, a reminder of the fragility of your mortal existence in contrast to his immortal nature.
As the weight of unspoken words hangs heavy in the air, you reach out, tentatively placing a hand on his arm. It's a silent gesture of reassurance, a reminder that even as time marches on and lives change, your connection remains unbroken.
“You will live a long life, I am certain.”
He looks at you, something unreadable in his gaze. "I don’t care about that. I care that you are with me now.”
"For as long as I can be, do not be greedy." you reply softly, as though telling him off. "But someday, I won’t be."
His expression hardens slightly, a defense mechanism against the pain your words bring. "I won’t let that happen." he says, his voice barely above a whisper, as if saying it louder might make it true.
"You can’t stop time, Sukuna. Never." you say gently, turning to him with a small smile. 
"You were right," Sukuna finally admits, his voice barely above a whisper. But he wishes you weren’t. He wishes he could change the inevitable, alter the course of fate so that he could keep you with him always. In that moment, he longs to lock away the world, to shield you from the passage of time and the cruelty of mortality. Even after all this time, his desire to be with you burns as fiercely as ever. But deep down, he knows that you would never allow it.
Silence once more envelops your world, a heavy shroud that settles between you. It's a silence pregnant with unspoken truths and unfulfilled desires, a reminder of the chasm that separates your two worlds. Despite the ache in his heart, Sukuna knows that he cannot defy the laws of nature, cannot change the fundamental truths that govern your existence.
And so, he remains silent, his thoughts a tumultuous whirlwind of longing and resignation. He knows that even as he yearns to keep you by his side, to hold onto you with a desperation born of centuries of solitude, he must accept that some things are beyond his control. Your mortality is one such thing, a barrier that he cannot hope to overcome no matter how much he wishes otherwise.
In that moment, as you stand together beneath the moonlit sky in silence, Sukuna realizes that his love for you is both a blessing and a curse. He knows that one day, it will make him feel worse. More so when you are gone. It would fill him with a warmth and a joy that he has not known all his life, yet it also brings him anguish and a despair he had known all his life — threatening to consume him whole. 
Sukuna's gaze doesn't waver, his determination unwavering. "I may not be under your command anymore," he replies, his voice low and steady, "but that doesn't mean I can't help you."
You pause, considering his words carefully. Despite the years that have passed and the distance that now separates you, Sukuna's offer of assistance stirs something within you—a flicker of hope in the darkness of uncertainty. It was tempting. But you know you cannot. He does not belong to you anymore.
"I appreciate the offer, Sukuna," you say, your voice tinged with gratitude, "but this is something I must face on my own."
He steps closer, his expression unwavering. “Even if you say that, I can never change when it comes to you. I only ever think about you. And any threat to you—”
A sad smile touches your lips as you interject. “Sukuna, you must free yourself from me before it’s too late. I’m a lost cause, a mortal with fleeting time. Don’t saddle yourself with someone like me.”
Sukuna's expression softens, a hint of sadness flickering in his eyes. He reaches out, his hand hovering in the air for a moment before gently cupping your cheek. "You're not a lost cause," he murmurs, his voice tender yet tinged with resignation. "And I could never think of you as such."
Your heart aches at his words, knowing the truth behind them. Despite the depth of his affection, despite the bond that still ties you together, you cannot deny the vast differences between you—differences that cannot be bridged no matter how much you may wish otherwise.
Taking his hands in yours, you look at him earnestly. “Thank you for coming to see me.”
His grip tightens slightly, a rare show of vulnerability. “I’ll always be with you, on earth and in hell. Anywhere. I shall follow you.”
You turn to him as you blinked. You felt your lips tremble into a laugh. “You will truly be cursed to love me, Sukuna.”
“I know.” He responds nonchalantly, with a shrug. 
“And you do not care?”
“Not in the slightest.”
You squeeze his hands for a moment, as though conveying a message that words cannot express. His gaze meets yours, and you hold his four eyes with your gleaming purple haze. “In my next life, I pray that we never meet again, so that you are free of me.”
For a moment, he stands silent, the weight of your words sinking in. The air around you is heavy with the gravity of your parting, the unspoken farewell hanging between you like a veil of sorrow. Sukuna's expression is unreadable, a mixture of longing and resignation playing across his features.
As the silence stretches on, you can feel the weight of his unspoken response, a silent acknowledgment of your wishes. It's a bittersweet moment, filled with the pain of goodbye and the hope of new beginnings.
Finally, Sukuna breaks the silence, his voice barely a whisper. "That is a cruel wish."
Your heart aches at his response, knowing the truth behind his words. It's a cruel wish indeed, to ask for separation from someone you care for so deeply. Yet, it's a sacrifice you feel compelled to make, for his sake as much as your own.
Sukuna's voice, barely above a whisper, echoes through the quiet space between you. It's laced with a hint of sadness, a silent acknowledgment of the pain of your parting. You can see the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between honoring your wishes and the longing to remain by your side.
For a moment, you're lost in the weight of his gaze, the depth of emotion swirling within his four eyes. It's a silent plea, a desperate desire to defy fate and rewrite the script of destiny. But deep down, you know that some things are beyond your control, beyond even the power of a curse.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the night breeze. "But it's the only way."
With those words hanging in the air like a lament, you turn away, the ache of goodbye settling heavy in your heart. As you walk away, the weight of Sukuna's unspoken response lingers in the air like a haunting melody, a reminder of the bond that will forever tie you together, no matter how far apart you may be.
Your heart aches at his response, knowing the truth behind his words. It's a cruel wish indeed, to ask for separation from someone you care for so deeply. Yet, it's a sacrifice you feel compelled to make, for his sake as much as your own.
Sukuna's voice, barely above a whisper, echoes through the quiet space between you. It's laced with a hint of sadness, a silent acknowledgment of the pain of your parting. You can see the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between honoring your wishes and the longing to remain by your side.
For a moment, you're lost in the weight of his gaze, the depth of emotion swirling within his four eyes. It's a silent plea, a desperate desire to defy fate and rewrite the script of destiny. But deep down, you know that some things are beyond your control, beyond even the power of a curse.
"I'm sorry," you whisper, your voice barely audible above the gentle rustle of the night breeze. "But it's the only way."
With those words hanging in the air like a lament, you removed his haori and returned it to him. He moves, as though to argue but you turn away without another word.The ache of goodbye settling heavy in your heart. As you walk away, the weight of Ryomen Sukuna's unspoken response lingers in the air like a haunting melody, a reminder of the bond that will forever tie you together, no matter how far apart you may be.
Soon enough the winter snows fall.
And you will be cold all over again.
You think of his warmth all over again.
And hope it keeps your sorrows away.
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facts about the chapter
i always knew that gojo suzaku was going to die, i just didn't know when he would die. i only thought about killing him when i nded up building the story to this point.
hiromi (you)'s purple eyes continue to turn brighter because the closer you are to the gods, the more the power is there. the more they're brighter. it's why its lilac unlike genmei (also you)'s darker shades.
also, the more you're closer to the gods, the more you are less likely to be bullied by the voices in your head. hiromi only has brief moments where she gets bullied off by the gods because they actually like her unlike genmei.
hiromi is at this point 41 - 42 years old, sukuna is 39 - 40 years old. he stopped aging years ago because he uses his cursed technique to slow down his ageing.
at this point in heian era, seiryuu as a fourteen year old would be considered of age but hiromi (you) really don't think that he's old enough to know what to do and hiromi (you) wants to shield him from all of it.
seiryuu practiced a lot of the reversal techniques that satoru learned years ago. just like satoru, he thinks that the biggest pain in the ass is learn it. seiryuu figured out red and blue later in life and theorized that it's possible to merge them.
hiromi (you)'s current heir to the ryomen name is masako. masako has been under instruction to learn how to be the future ryomen clan leader but she's not interested in it.
the azuma clan is a oc clan under the gojo my friend has made and we sometimes talk about it in like roleplays and i wanted to give a nod to my friend cause their ocs are really cool
it's a common theme between the people who inherit hiromi (you)'s cursed technique to die young because of how much toll it takes on the body to exist. the one in between hiromi and genmei died when she was sixteen, trying to kill off a zenin clan head who tried to subjugate mahoraga.
the upcoming chapter happens in between one or two years, the next chapter is a hundred years later and the last happens in shibuya. its gonna spoil stuff for us and them, but well after this, i have to write us and them.
upcoming chapter also reveals hiromi (you) and genmei (you)'s domain expansion and why both hold back using it in the first place.
next chapter, the family tree of the ryomen will be revealed. this includes all of hiromi's children and other family members. i've kept it from people long enough, so im excited for that too.
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the-cosmic-blogger · 26 days
Finally drew a cover for The Tale of William Nolis :D
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From left to right, William's dad Norman, William's adopted brother Gabriel Nolis, Karlos Naica (Kryptos), William Nolis himself, Hector von Gahn (Hectorgon) and William's mother Clarissa.
The star OC, Gabriel, isn't mine, but he belongs to an old friend, the same old friend who collabed with me on A Triangle in the Stars, which this story is a companion to. :3
And that's a card Norman's holding.
The story can be read here!! and under the cut is the traditional version!
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flickynightdarkness · 4 months
Info about my DC OCs
Benjamin Williams
Ally of Batman
Night Edwards
Ally of Nightwing
Tootsie Jingles
Aids Joker (originally they were gonna be adopted by him)
Inspired by Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss
Neo demon
Jamie Quinzel
Adopted daughter of Harley Quinn
Younger cousin of Blade Quinzel
Blossom Isley
Adopted daughter of Poison Ivy
Friends with Jamie Quinzel
Younger sister of Vince Isley
Ray Nygma
Adopted son of The Riddler
Friends with Trace Dent
Trace Dent
Adopted daughter of Two Face
Looks exactly like him but she hates when anyone says it to her
Friends with Ray Nygma, Meredith Miranda and Evelyn Wesker
Kraig Jones
Adopted son of Killer Croc
Very aggressive
Has anger issues, tends to get angered easily
Shows a soft side to his allies, especially Fangs Langstrom
Allies with Lucian, Kaleb and Fangs
Talon Cobblepot
Adopted son of Penguin
Bird lover
Younger brother of Feather Cobblepot
Katherine Kyle-Angela
Adopted daughter of Catwoman
Cat lover
Youngest child of Mr Angela and Mrs Angela (formerly)
Younger sister of Katelyn Kyle
Katelyn Kyle-Angela
Adopted daughter of Catwoman
Oldest child of Mr Angela and Mrs Angela (formerly)
Older sister of Katherine Kyle
Cat lover
Toffee Karlo
Created by Clayface
Clay demon
Can morph her limbs but unable to shapeshift into others
Berg Fries
Oldest child of Mr Freeze and Nora Fries
Older brother of Snow Fries
Cousin of North
His body was frostbitten when he was sprayed liquid nitrogen
His goggles were given by Mr Freeze to use
Evelyn "Evie" Wesker
Adopted daughter of Ventriloquist
Cousin of Michele and Michelle
She is aided along with her ventriloquist dummy Stitcher. The two share a positive to eachother
Ventriloquist dummy
Created by Evie's cousin Michele
He is shown to have a soft side to Evie
Hallow Crane
Youngest adopted child of Scarecrow
Younger brother of Lauren and Laurent
Cousin of Craven and Lunar
Is a living scarecrow but was a child at first (he originally was gonna be a human in a scarecrow costume
Friends with Meredith, Echo and Spook
Shade Miranda
Neutral but mostly on the evil
Ally of Scarecrow
Foster mother of Meredith and Myers
Shows respect for the Wayne family but only does it if Scarecrow isn't around with her
Acts as a mentor to Hallow's studies on fear
Wife of Nathaniel
Meredith Miranda
Foster daughter of Shade and Nathaniel
Sister of Myers
Friends with Hallow, Evelyn, Trace, Flakes, Echo and Spook
Refers to Scarecrow as 'Dr. Crane'
Scotch Tetch
Youngest adopted son of Mad Hatter
Younger brother of Bowie Tetch
Kaleb Langstrom
Oldest child of Man-Bat and She-Bat
Older brother of Fangs Langstrom
Became a bat after he had the same serum his father had
Fangs Langstrom
Youngest child of Man-Bat and She-Bat
Younger sister of Kaleb
Neutral but mostly on the evil
Provided as an emotional support companion for Kraig Jones' anger issues
Feather Cobblepot
Adopted daughter of Penguin
Older sister of Talon
Mean towards anyone except her younger brother Talon(she cares for him) and her adopted dad(she is loyal to)
Coona Walker
Adopted by Killer Moth
Torch Lynns
Adopted son of Firefly
Twin brother of Ember
"Experiment" of Scarecrow (they were originally was made to be his creation)
Living scarecrow
Mostly hides in his hat
Friends with Hallow and Meredith
Allies with Hallow, Meredith, Spook and Flakes
Adopted by Scream Queen
Trans MTF
Adopted by Mrs Manface and Babyface
Leader Scorch
Inspired by Father from Kids Next Door
Runs an academy for young rogues
Harrison, Carrie and Misty
Inspired by the Delightful Children From Down The Lane from Kids Next Door
They speak by unison
Claimed by Leader Scorch as his creations
Betty The Blob Caretaker
Takes care thousands of blob creatures
Lucian Dorrance
Adopted son of Bane
Wears a mask on his face to hide his scars
Speaks in a thick Spanish accent
Young ally of Superman
Young ally of The Flash
Young ally of Green Lantern
Young ally of Question
Adopted by Deathstroke
Allies with Torch and Ember
Aids Deacon Blackfire
Possesses demon transformation by his rage
Aids Professor Pyg
Topher's ally/servant
Obeys to what Topher says to her
Neutral but mostly on the evil
Dust Edwards
He is shown to not get along with Hallow, the two would argue on who is a better friend to Meredith
Friends with Meredith
Colton Snart
Adopted by Captain Cold
Friends with Berg, Snow and Toffee
Aids Heatwave
Aids Weather Wizard
Really calm
Has an ability involving their emotions being the weather; sunny - happy, rain - sad and thunder - angry
Aids Weather Wizard
Ability to unleash thunderstorms
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thepurplebacon · 4 months
Why is it that every time I read Karlos I think about Karlsson on the roof.. Sooo, I think you didn't say much about that bunny, sooo can you tell to us more?? (I'm sorry if there are mistakes here, I'm not English and I write through a translator)
Although I have never heard of that thing, it is indeed easy to think of it lmao
Oh, Karlos, this Bunny, has a lot of things, I can’t say too much...👀
But the information currently known will be what Elisk knows about them! (Elisk doesn't even know if they are humans or robots, or where they came from.)
Karlos is the one person who seems to have a full understanding of "Defectum", other than the governments of those countries. and is immune to the infection they spread.
They also seemed to know Elten, who was the adoptive father of Elisk after escaping from the detention center, but Elten could not see them.
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zithcavooris · 7 months
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Basil Karlo was once a promising young actor, who might have been quite successful if not for a sudden outbreak of hives. With no apparent cause, and thus no way to prevent further breakouts, Karlo started using a dangerous, untested skincare treatment called Re-Nu. It softened up the affected areas so much he could basically smooth out the welts with his fingers. As the welts kept appearing, however, he kept needing more and more Re-Nu. Soon he ran out of money to pay for the stuff. This was unacceptable to his suppliers, who threw him–as well as his whole supply of Re-Nu, which might otherwise have served as evidence– into one of Gotham’s many vats of radioactive waste.
But the radiation enhanced the effect of all that Re-Nu, softening Karlo up until his entire body was a swollen mass the consistency of clay. Far from dead, Karlo found that he could control his shape so much he could turn his limbs into simple objects or weapons. He could compress his mass to become half his size or as tough as stone. With great concentration, he could even take the shape of whatever person he thought of, including making his skin resemble their clothing! However these forms took far too much effort to maintain for long, so he was cursed to retain his disfigured visage. His career ruined, Karlo had little choice but to turn to a life of crime, adopting the name of a villain he once played, Clayface.
Clayface can not control a piece of himself that has been severed (though he may be able to reattach it if he acts fast), nor can he split in two, nor seep through cracks in stone (though he may be able to squeeze through some pretty tight spaces with enough time and effort), nor absorb real mud to grow bigger. At least not unless he suffers a second radioactive waste-related accident. But what are the odds of that?
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random-movie-ideas · 9 months
Nightwing (Movie Outline)
Here comes another movie outline, set in the same cinematic universe as the other movies I've covered so far. This one would follow shortly after Batman & Batgirl, and would show how Dick Grayson picks up Tim Drake as a new Robin, with Poison Ivy and Clayface as the main villains (Also Roman Sionis pre-Black Mask).
The story opens on a crime scene. The penthouse apartment of a famous actor, Basil Karlo had apparently been broken into, the entire place trashed. Most curiously, there was a strange clay-like substance everywhere. After the cops clear out, Nightwing descends in, scoping the place out. He has an earpiece in, and is talking to Barbara Gordon on the other end. Barbara asks if he needs her and Bruce’s help, but Dick refuses it. Otherwise, their conversation borders on flirtatious.
Dick, on a hunch, pays attention to the weird clay substance, following it out of the penthouse and down to the sewers. He heads inside and keeps following it until he comes to a strange hulking figure hiding out. He tries to approach it but the thing lashes out at him, bursting from the sewers and revealing itself as a giant monster made of clay. The monster rampages, Nightwing unable to do anything, but just as he is about to be struck a fatal blow, the monster catches a glimpse of itself in the glass window and flees in shame.
Unbeknownst to Dick, a young boy was watching the fight in awe. As Dick returns to the loft he had been renting since moving out of Wayne Manor, tending his wounds a little, he gets a knock on the door. He answers to find the same young boy standing there. Before Dick can say anything, the boy launches into introductions about how his name is Tim Drake, how he has been a fan of Batman and Robin all of his life, inspiring him to teach himself detective work and martial arts, and how, through his self-education, had deduced the identities of both Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson as Batman and Robin, now Nightwing. Tim proclaims that he feels he is finally ready to take his place as the new Robin.
Dick, naturally, says no. As he tries to shut the door, Tim demonstrates some of the martial arts skills he’s learned to keep the door open and get inside. He keeps pushing his case but Dick staunchly refuses. Eventually, it gets to the point where Dick snaps at him, the mask slipping a little as he reveals that part of his refusal to take on a partner is because of Jason’s death, and that he won’t go through that again. This emotional reaction surprises Tim enough to make him leave.
Dick sends a sample of the clay substance to Barbara, who sends him back results, suggesting it matches the chemical composition of makeup sold by Sionis Beauty Products, of which Basil Karlo had been a long-time user and promoter. Dick goes, as himself, to meet with the company’s CEO, Roman Sionis, under the guise of wanting to build something of himself separate from his adopted father’s money and choosing the company as a potential investment. Roman is friendly and welcoming, and introduces him to Pamela Isley, the company’s head botanist who creates the chemical formulas for the company’s makeup lines.
After getting some samples, he sends them back to Barbara for testing. She confirms that they are indeed the same composition, Barbara expressing concern for some of the questionable ingredients. Meanwhile, back at Sionis, we get to see a scene between Pamela and Roman, Roman demonstrating that he is nowhere near the pleasant person he presented himself as, acting borderline cruel and abusive to Pamela when she questions him about Karlo and whether the makeup he used had really passed the inspections she had recommended.
Later, while Pamela is working in her lab, surrounded by unique plants from all over the world, Nightwing appears to her. Though Pamela is surprised at first, she agrees to help as Nightwing tells her about the clay and the makeup matching. Throughout all of this, we get several scenes of the monster “Clayface,” hiding in the sewers and trying to come to terms with his new form. Slowly, but surely, he discovers he can shapeshift, and works himself back into a human body but not for very long.
A day or two later, Dick goes to visit Sionis to meet with Roman, while also subtly getting the results of Pamela’s tests, as planned earlier. While he is there, however, he notices a strange man shambling into the lobby, covered in an overcoat. On closer inspection, the man’s skin looks strange, and he is leaving behind thick, muddy footprints. He calls out a warning just as the man sees Roman and transforms, attacking the CEO with his clay body and abducting him.
We then get a drawn-out fight scene between Nightwing and Clayface on the side of the Sionis building, with Clayface holding Roman hostage. Pamela stares in awe and tries to help, and later into the fight, Tim shows up, in a makeshift Robin costume of his own design, using specially designed tasers to shock Clayface, causing his form to become uncontrollable and making him flee into the sewers again. Roman thanks Nightwing and Robin profusely for their help, using it as a bit of a PR move.
Dick takes Tim back to his loft and patches up some of the injuries he’d received. Dick notes the courage Tim showed, reminding him uncomfortably of his little brother Jason. Dick relents, saying that if he can’t stop Tim from doing dangerous things, he can at least teach him not to get himself killed. We then get a montage of Dick and Tim training, Tim getting better and learning how to do it all practically beyond just conceptually. We also get scenes of them bonding, Tim talking about his home life, and why he prefers to be on his own away from them, and Dick telling Tim about some of the falling out between him and Bruce.
In the middle of all this, we see Pamela returning to her home only to find the clay monster inside her house. She is about to scream when the monster calls out to her, saying it’s me. She takes a closer look, and realizes that the monster is Basil Karlo. Basil tells her how he’d been using their makeup to cover an unsightly scar across his handsome face, and how it had started to work less and less, requiring him to use more and more, until it became addictive, and then later started to mutate and misshape him. He had threatened to expose Roman Sionis’s shady business practices, and in retaliation, Roman had sent some goons to his apartment, dousing him in gallons of the makeup which had caused his body to melt and break down and turn into this. He pleads for her help as his body is breaking down more and more everyday.
Pamela sets to work trying to create a stabilizer to cure Basil. She tries several different attempts, but each one ends in failure, forcing her to go back to her lab at Sionis to work with her plants there. While there, she bumps into Roman and confronts him about using makeup that she had warned him about, telling him that she knows what he did to Basil, and that she intends to expose him. In retaliation, Roman attacks her, injecting her with a syringe full of the makeup, laughing as she collapses, her body starting to break down. She struggles to call Basil, telling him she’s been attacked. She then calls the number Nightwing gave her, but is unable to say anything and seemingly dies.
Roman is back in his office, making some calls, when Clayface shows up outside his window and attacks. Nightwing and Robin arrive at the exact same time, and a battle ensues between the three of them. In the end, Clayface’s body finally starts falling apart, revealing him to be Basil for a brief moment. He tells Nightwing that Roman did this to him, and that he killed Pamela, before finally crumbling into hardened clay.
We then cut back to Pamela’s lab, where we see her grab her experimental stabilizer in desperation and inject it into herself. She screams out in pain and collapses to the ground. Back in Sionis’s main office, Roman is confronted by Nightwing and Robin. Roman denies all charges and orders them out of his building, as there are warrants out for their vigilantism. Nightwing shows him the chemical results and asks him where Pamela is.
In the middle of their argument, strange vines start to grow all over the building, with Tim noticing and trying to warn Dick. It’s too late though, as the windows shatter, and the vines grab Roman, Pamela appearing, her body having turned a sickly green with plants growing out of her hands and under her full control. Pamela tries to kill Roman, making him look at what he’s done to her, what he’d done to Basil. Nightwing and Robin try to stop her from killing him, and Pamela lashes out at them, nearly killing Tim in the process. Nightwing finally manages to talk her down, but not before she brutally scars Roman’s face and flees.
Nightwing hands Roman over to the police with all the evidence of what he’s done. Sionis Corp goes down the tube from the PR disaster, while Nightwing searches for Pamela. Tim comes to him again, with a proposal that they work together, and Dick finally agrees. In a final conversation with Barbara, he agrees to talk to Bruce again.
In a post-credits scene, we see Pamela take refuge on top of a bank’s roof, rubbing at her green arms and trying to figure out what to do now. We hear a familiar voice say, “Well, hey, sugar. Planning to hit this place up too?” Pamela turns to see Harley Quinn standing beside her with a mallet.
And that's it for now. The Batman & Batgirl sequel, the Iceberg Heist, would follow this, a given considering its inclusion of both Tim and Ivy having roles in the plot.
What do you think? Would you watch a movie like this?
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karlobears · 3 months
o/ Howdy, welcome to this weird side of the internet
Name is Karlos, I've been on Tumblr since 2010 / 2011, which is a damn near long time.
Pronouns are he / him.
I'm almost thirty which is a scary thought, not going to lie.
I identify as therian, with my main theriotype being canine, and my sub-type being corvid! Dog brain excels more than bird brain.
I am a very approachable guy, who does enjoy talking to new people so if you ever wanna have a conversation, just hit me up! (Be warned, you end up eventually signing adoption papers to have a best friend for life. You've been warned.)
I don't have one style of posts I reblog. I like it, I reblog it. I do have a Flight Rising blog @slightlydensedragons where I put all my FR content and a Pokemon one @zzoruas which I am slowly reblogging more stuff to.
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calciumcryptid · 1 year
Earth-64 | Brief List of the Bat Cauldron
Important Note: The following post consists of a listing of the Bat Cauldron how they are on Earth-64, a fan-made alternate Earth of the DC universe personally made by me.
Bruce Wayne - Batman I
Selina Kyle - Catwoman I
Talia al'Ghul - Demoness
Dick Grayson - Robin I, Nightingale
Jason Todd - Robin II, Red Hood II, Redkite
Duke Thomas - Signal, Lark
Tim Drake - Stray, Robin III, Golden Aix
Cassandra Brown-Wayne: Orphan, Batgirl II, Black Bat, Batman II
Stephanie Brown-Wayne: Spoiler, Robin IV, Batgirl III, Starling
Damian Wayne-Wilkes: Robin V, Vireo
Collin Wilkes: Abuse, Sparrowhawk
Helena Sage-Wayne: Huntress
Victor 'Vic' Sage: Question II
Terry Wayne: Batmite
Athanasia Wayne: Hellhound
Kate Kane - Batwoman I, Vampire Bat
Renee Montoya - Question I
Bette Kane - Goshawk
Jim Gordon - Commissioner Gordon
Barbara Gordon - Batgirl I, Oracle
Alysia Gordon - Honorary Batgirl
Lucius Fox
Tanya Fox
Jace Fox - Flying Fox
Luke Fox - Honorary Batman, Batwing II
Tamara Fox - Lady Fox
Tiffany Fox - Batgirl IV (Retired)
Harleen Quinzel: Harley Quinn
Minhkhoa "Khoa" Khan: Ghost-Maker
David Zavimbe: Honorary Batman, Batwing I
Jean-Paul Valley: Honorary Batman, Azrael
Basil Karlo: Clayface (Retired)
Harper Row: Bluebird
Colin Row: Carrier, Oracle II
Mia Mizoguchi: Maps
Carrie Kelly: Robin VI, Oriole
Nell Little: Batgirl V
Claire Clover: Lady Gotham (Retired)
Hank Clover: Gotham (Deceased)
Onyx Adams: Onyx
All characters listed have been canon characters in one way or another. Not all characters work primarily in Gotham, but have worked there at some point in time. This is to be updated as there are more characters to be added.
In the early years, the Bat Cauldron was fairly isolated from the other masks, which was one of the primary reasons Dick left Bruce. Despite starting the Titans, Dick was not told of the Nightwing and Flamebird story so when deciding a new identity Dick became Nightingale instead of Nightwing. Superman is still his favorite hero though.
The Robin and Batgirl mantles must be passed down from the previous Robin and Batgirl.
Due to the early death of the Joker, Duke Thomas' acquisition happened earlier than the comics. In the same vein, Jason's Red Hood era was a brief period in his life and he rejoins the Bat Cauldron as Redkite.
Due to Jason's death, Bruce refused to give Tim the mantle of Robin so Catwoman took him in as her first sidekick where he served as Stray. When Jason returned, he passed the Robin mantle to Tim who accepted it. Tim's time as Stray made him a bit more flirty than his canon counterpart, and he realized he was bi sooner.
Along with the tech Robin, Tim is known as the water Robin due to being unafraid to get into the toxic Gotham water. This contributed to his alias of Golden Aix, and Arthur Curry often jokes that Bruce stole an Atlantean.
Stephanie was active before Cassandra, but Cassandra was Batgirl before Stephanie. Cass passed her the Batgirl title because Cass was heading on a mission in Tokyo and it would be weird if Batgirl showed up there. That period of time made them realize their feelings for each other, and the first thing Cass did when she returned was confess her feelings.
In this universe, Bette Kane is the adopted daughter of Kate Kane and Renee Montoya.
Colin Row worked as a messenger for Oracle, and later becomes the second Oracle.
Carrie Kelly and Tiffany Fox were the first Robin and Batgirl under Cassandra's time as Batman. Tiffany would later give the mantle to Nell Little.
Terry is not the second Batman because I don't personally like the Batmam Beyond storyline, but he is still a hero under his big sister Cass!
I have some characters marked as Honorary Batmans because if I try to make some sense of that timeline my head will explode.
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whump-card · 11 months
My horrible mind is already like…Karlo doesn’t have a father, Marina and Tao are compatible ages, Tao x Marina = adopted dad caretaker? I love a parental caretaker lol
Your mind is excellent, anon ;)
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karlohabagatstudios · 2 years
[Splatoon MMD] Team Pandra
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Here’s one (or four) of my first ever Splatoon OC characters in the Habagat Studios universe, Team Pandra! These characters are based on Erect Sawaru's PANDRA characters and these four are extremely different from their original counterparts. Additionally, most of their traits and personalities were a fusion between their counterparts' and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles'. This was submitted from my DeviantArt page. Check ‘em out: https://www.deviantart.com/karlo-habagat BIOGRAPHY Team Color: Depends on what color they have during Turf War matches Members: Sherry - Hair: Banger - Gear: School Uniform (Custom-made), School Shoes - Weapon: Varies The team's antihero, Sherry is a white haired half-elf Inkling girl and Reily's twin sister with the ability to summon any dark creatures at will. She has a quiet nature, and seldomly hesitates to torture those who gets out of harm's way. Her personality can be quite dead and deadly, and she oftentimes delivers nonsensical humor. She is intensely loyal to her friends. Reily - Hair: Banger - Gear: School Uniform (Custom-made), Fringed Loafers - Weapon: Varies The optimistic member of the team, Reily is a kind, sweet, friendly, fun-loving, black haired half-elf Inkling girl known for her soft-hearted nature. Reily has the same abilities as her twin sister Sherry. She gives good advice to her friends, though she still has an adventurous side. She was oftentimes the mother figure of the four. Fumika - Hair: Pigtails (w/ Blue Scrunchies) - Gear: School Uniform (Custom-made), School Shoes - Weapon: Varies The brave, proud leader and adoptive daughter of Zeus, Fumika is an Inkling girl with brown hair tied in pigtails with the ability to shoot lightning bolts out of either her fingertips or her hands. As the most conscientious of the four, she often bears the burden of responsibility for her friends, which commonly leads to conflict with Sherry. Unico - Hair: Haircut - Gear: School Uniform (Custom-made), Fringed Loafers - Weapon: Varies An intellectual bookworm, Unico is the team's second-in-command. She is a light blue haired Inkling girl and a member of the legendary Wingedhorse clan with a miraculous ability to read countless books in a matter of seconds. Unico is a pure and innocent girl, preferring to use her knowledge to solve conflicts, but never hesitates to defend her friends. CREDITS Splatoon, © Nintendo PANDRA, © Erect Sawaru
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ace-angel-judas · 5 months
I feel like Joon and Baillie would be the type to adopt.. like.. when Karlos gets older (in his teens) and they don’t want to be pregnant again but like, they miss having a kid.
So they adopt a two year old or something.
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catspittle · 11 months
— character info sheet.
(repost, don’t reblog)
name: Kay "Jonathan" Robert Crane. Or Jonathan Wong. We don't know, actually; he gives slightly different answers every time just to fuck with people.
name meaning: 劉, the character for battle-axe. Jonathan: Hebrew name meaning "God has given". Robert is an old German name that means "bright fame". A crane is a bird, Wong translates roughly to jade.
alias/es: [the] Scarecrow, Harvestman.
ethnicity: Identifies solely as Zhuang, though in reality is Zhuang/Armenian/Greek primarily, with some Irish.
one picture / icon you like best of your character:
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three h/cs you never told anyone:
He has the tongue of Gene Simmons; borderline prehensile and overly lengthy.
Has nearly been killed by Basil Karlo. Only got out of it because he was knocked up at the time and Basil felt like being generous.
Mostly vegetarian by choice, when he does decide to eat without having to be fed through a tube. He does follow some tenets of Buddhism.
three things your character likes doing in their free time: 
Being unconscious. There is no greater hell than being alive. Do not bother him. He literally gets excited about going to bed.
....fucking. It's all he knows how to do, debatably. Even there's a fine line between enjoyment and self harm for him.
pre-Parkinson's, sculpting. Now it tends to frustrate him.
eight people your character likes / loves:
Caitlin Snow [Killer Frost] as played by Alex. She's his adoptive daughter, and so far his only living daughter until later Piper is born in his main canon. Unfortunately, he outlives her.
KATANA oh god Katana, as played by Vio. QPP and honestly his soulmate and best friend.
@oncegreatness - I do play them as knowing each other tangentially, and while Crane thinks he could stand to be a little less egotistical he respects what Basil's doing.
Garfield Lynns [Firefly], as played by Monica. They have a mutual goal of fucking over the rich and he can deeply relate to anyone who has the general attitude of "who gives a shit?"
Just about any version of Kite-Man, really. The guy is a ray of sunshine, or at least he is how I write him. Also Crane just has a thing for D-listers.
Main AU only; Hugo Strange. it's entirely possible he'll just want to fistfight other versions, because this asshole wants to fight everybody. Everybody.
@ people on Tumblr: yeah IDK interact with me more?? Shrug. My problem is mostly that he doesn't really know people. 8 is asking too much of me.
two things your character regrets:
generally being alive while everyone around him dies. Will I elaborate later maybe, it's 2 in the morning. His tenure on the Suicide Squad [main canon] sure was something, as he carries a lot of survivor's guilt.
the drug addiction that led to his firstborn being addicted to meth and not surviving because of it.
one phobia your character has:
Unlike canon Scarecrow, he's not really afraid of anything? He's deeply displeased by blood, but that's for understandable trauma reasons [literally bled to death].
Tagged by: I stole this from myself lmfaooo
Tagging: whoever wants to do this I guess??? Going to bed lol
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superdorkcat · 6 years
Alright, you’ve all heard of Batdad. Now, get ready for: Bat Big Brother. Or: the idea of Bruce just adopting some of his reformed rogues as his younger siblings (or at least befriending them and later becoming something of an older brother figure) is really interesting to me, so I’m gonna talk about it in AU form.
Alright, the first rogue I wanna talk about is also the easiest to talk about, as he’s currently reformed in the comics and is currently interacting with Bruce fairly regularly: the Basil Karlo Clayface.
Basil’s Face-Turn is executed pretty well in canon, so it wouldn’t be too different except that Bruce and Basil interact far more often due to one important factor: Cass. Because Cass... Cass is Bruce’s daughter, his BABY. (And no, Jason, Bruce doesn’t still see his babies as children, whatever gave you that idea?) As a result, he’s more paranoid cautious about Cass and Basil’s developing friendship. Sure, he wouldn’t have offered Basil a place in the Batfamily if he wasn’t 100% sure that he wouldn’t turn on them, but like I said: Cass is Bruce’s little girl; he’s allowed to be protective. 
Eventually, Basil catches onto this and confronts Bruce about it. Bruce, realizing how he’s been coming across, apologizes for his paranoia extreme caution and explains (without revealing his and Cass’s secret identities) that Cass is his adoptive daughter. Basil forgives him and reveals that he has his own daughter: Katherine. He continues, further revealing that the mental effect his powers have on him caused him to treat her poorly and he expresses guilt over it. Bruce then offers to use his connections to help get Basil another chance with her, which Basil gratefully accepts. 
Katherine starts calling Bruce “Uncle Bat” by the end of next month.
Next would be Harley Quinn. Like Basil, Harley has been portrayed as more of a hero (well, anti-hero) lately. So, she’s fairly similar to her comic portrayal, but her personality is more in line with her original BTAS version.
Unlike Basil, Harley actually seeks Bruce out instead of the other way around.  However, it doesn’t have anything to do with wanting to become a crime fighter; she instead wants to make sure her best friend’s boyfriend/partner/whatever he and Selina are is actually a good person whose worthy of her instead of some no-good dirt-bag like Mistah J. Just imagine Bruce’s surprise when she pops out of nowhere during patrol and starts doing some Twerp Sweating.
She also takes it upon herself to familiarize herself with the Batkids, seeing as how they’re Selina’s possible step-kids. Their reactions to “Auntie Harley”, as she calls herself, vary. Dick is bemused, Jason is irritated, Tim is perplexed, Cass is just happy to have another family member in her life, and Damian is indignant because how dare this clown presume that his father will marry some criminal?! (Damian warms up to her once she starts to let him spend time with Bud and Lou, though.) Bruce, meanwhile, is starting to wish that he bought Advil in bulk.
However, they start getting closer once Harley starts to put her psychology background to use assisting the Batfamily, both with crimefigthing and interpersonal stuff. It’s also not unheard of for a red-and-black figure to assist the Bats during particularly hairy situations.
Bruce also goes out of his way to look after Harley. Even so much as a rumor of the Joker seeking out Harley to get her to become one of his henchmen again rekindle their relationship is enough to get Bats to seek Jokes out and throw his sorry ass back into Arkham.
Finally, Eddie Nygma AKA the Riddler.
He’d be a PI, just like the stint where he was reformed in the comics. Initially, he does his best to take on the same cases as Bruce just so he can upstage Bats by solving them first. However, as time goes on, Bruce’s feelings regarding Eddie go from him being an unwanted rival who Bruce just exasperatedly ignores to Eddie being like an annoying younger brother who Bruce is irritated by and does his best to ignore at some points but at the same time who he wouldn’t trade for the world. 
Eddie in return starts to see Bruce as an older brother figure who will always look for him. He’s a complete tsundere though, so he’d rather die than let anyone know it. However, he isn’t exactly subtle when it comes to how he truly sees the Dark Knight. (He legit hid behind Bruce during an encounter Killer Croc. However, if anyone asks, he was using B as a human shield. Nobody buys it.)
Also, Bruce introduces him to Detective Chimp and, once Eddie gets over his pride (because this is just some animal, how on Earth could it be anywhere near as smart as him), they and Tim become something like Bruce’s backup sleuths, people who assist Bruce with detective work whenever he’s stumped on a case.
And, while the Batfamily is initially put off by having one of their old enemies become a member and two more of them becoming semi-members, they eventually become so used to them that them just hanging around the Belfry doesn’t feel out of place in the slightest. 
This winds up having an adverse effect when the Justice League visits the Belfry and they just awkwardly stare at Basil, Harley, and Eddie for awhile before Bruce asks them what’s wrong. Cue one of the Leaguers making an uncomfortable quip about not knowing that Bruce adopts his enemies too while the entire Batfamily stares at them like Are you sure? I’m pretty sure they’ve been here the entire time. Haven’t they? and the Leaguer finally just gives up and asks Bruce to continue showing them around.
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Could you make a list of the rogues and the batfam's ethnicites for the lawfulverse?
(Ps:the writing on your au is very nice and I wish you a good day or night)
I'm so sorry for not getting back to you on this bc I did write this down I just never answered it. As a fair warning, some of these ethnicities have shifted a bit since I posted Waller's Gotham Files and won't match up, particularly with the Batfam.
Note: This is an ethnicity list, so while I have this notated for my own reference, the character might not know the specifics.  If I have a character's ethnicity marked with a * it means that cultural or national background is within two generations (so grandparent or parent, ** means that ethnicity is/was their nationality (and it applies to being a member of an indigenous tribe). If someone is mixed-race their ethnicities are marked separately.
Rogues First:
Mr Bloom (Zachariah Bloom): Ashkenazi/Telugu*
Lock-Up (Lyle Bolton): British/German
Penguin (Oswald Cobblepot): Polish*
Scarecrow (Jonathan Crane): Irish/Ojibwe**
Baby Doll (Mary Dahl): German
Calendar Man (Julian Day): Italian*/Berber*
Two-Face (Harvey Dent): Ashlenazi
Mr. Freeze (Victor Fries): Ashkenazi (German)**
Solomon Grundy (Cyrus Gold): Bulgarian**
Poison Ivy (Pamela Isley): Irish*
Killer Croc (Waylon Jones): Louisiana Creole**
Clayface (Basil Karlo): Filipino**
Toymaker (Cosmo Krank): Japanese*
Catwoman (Selina Kyle): Puerto Rican*/Haitian*
Deadshot (Floyd Lawton): West African
Firefly (Garfield Lynns): British New Zealander**
Anarky (Lonnie Machin): Scottish
Music Meister (Maxwell Mavis): Corsican**
Joker (Jack Napier): Scots-Irish**
Riddler (Edward Nygma): Vietnamese*
Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel): British/Ashkenazi
Mad Mod (Neil Richards): Thai** (adopted from Thailand)
Creeper (Jack Ryder): German/British
Black Mask (Roman Sionis): Korean*/Thai*
Dr. Hugo Strange: German
Mad Hatter (Jervis Tetch): Cornish**
Clock King (William Tockman): Sinti (German Romani)**
Bane (Angel Vargas): Nahuatl**/Santa Priscan (Carribean)**
Killer Moth (Drury Walker): Javanese**/Scottish Australian*
Deathstroke (Slade Wilson): British
Maxie Zeus (Maximillian Zeus): Greek*/Turkish*
Viktor Zsasz: Russian**
And Our Batfam:
Steph Brown: British
Cass Cain: Chinese*/British
Audrey Castillo (OC): Spanish*/Mexican*
Tim Drake: British/Malay*
Barbara Gordon: British/Irish
Dick Grayson: Romanichal (British Romanı)**
Salem Jackson (OC): Haitian Creole*
Kate Kane: Ashkenazi
Duke Thomas: Afro-Brazilian*
Jason Todd: Scottish/Guatemalan*
Bruce Wayne: Ashkenazi
Damian Wayne: Ashkenazi/Turkish**
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