#again i’m really really going to miss new orleans… i wish we did less of the horrible touristy bs and just went around the little shops and
celestefem · 1 year
oh, also this cute bookstore i went to had a copy of the scum manifesto
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nanshii-doruu · 2 years
Top Nancy Drew cosy moments (part one, probably)
(i’m using the British spelling of cosy and you will simply have to make your peace with that)
So! Recently released from tumblr jail I was looking over my posts and I had a couple of Top Creepiest Moments. Maybe one day I’ll do a part 3, I probably could! But, part of the appeal of ND for me is how comfy the games feel, too. Cosiness here refers to the peace/comfort you find in certain scenes in the games - and for me, cosiness has a lil bit of excitement in it, too. This is not presented in any sort of chronological or numerical order, just thoughts as they occur. For me this is often related to sleep and hidden places, but I’d love to hear your favourite ND cosy spots, or if you disagree with any of these!
DED - The dorm and rec room
Despite moments of terrible fear (and that creepy banging bit in the middle of the night) I actually really like the lab in this game. The rec room and the bunkbed room nostalgically feel a little like Guide Camp for me (I mean, winter Guide Camp, when we’d stay in an indoor building with bunks and sofas and Activities).
WAC - More or less the whole building, I guess
Again, we have moments of peril in this building, but I kind of love the idea of bed/study/food all being in one place (I miss dorm living sometimes...) The mild peril of having to be in bed at a certain time is fun, as is having a little tuck shop*. I also love the library so close to the bedroom - heaven!
*your Britishism of the day - "tuck shop” refers to a little shop in some kind of institution (private school, hospital, Guide camp etc) that sells cheap snacks/sweets. I’m familiar with it through Guides, I did not go to private school, do not mistake me for some private school **** lmao. Also I’m Scottish not British, this footnote is already too long
CAR - the hotel
This is one of the least interesting locations in the game but: call me boring, but I fuckin’ love a good hotel where you feel SAFE and RESTED (as long as you remember to turn your goddamn iron off). I love this room, I love ordering room service, I love those cheeseburgers and milk.
CRY - the hotel you never see
This one is kind of cheating because I’m talking about something you never see properly. Nancy is stuck in a house (it’s not really a mansion?), but Bess is back in the hotel. I’ve never been to New Orleans (hopefully soon!) but the idea of a French Quarter hotel with a balcony?? where you can go shopping??? and have a bubble bath??? and it’s raining the whole time ASMR style and also you can nip over the road and get some jambalaya/visit a curiosity shop/crash a Krewe meeting? I LOVE it. I bet this hotel had kickass pillows and a whirlpool tub.
DDI - the Hot Kettle Cafe
ooooooh this is the best. Nancy’s accommodation here sucks (head to head with Katie? COME ON) but this game is cosy and nice overall. The music is a big part of this, and I think the cosiness is at its best in the Hot Kettle Cafe. I want to rock up here, get a blueberry muffin and some clam chowder, and relax in a corner booth for a full afternoon.
SAW - Yumi’s apartment
I did list this in my scary list, and the game as a whole is terrifying. BUT HEAR ME OUT - I love Yumi saying that she loves her first taste of independence, I love the compact size of the apartment, I love us crashing in, I love the little kitchen area, and I love Yumi’s bed and her wardrobe. I wish nothing creepy happened cos this was nice!
TRT - most of the castle
My fellow gamers who love snow will immediately guess this. There’s just something magical about being snowed in. Plus a nice room, a roraring fire downstairs, and an infinite supply of chicken drumsticks? Sounds GREAT
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Keeping Secrets Ch. 39
Keeping Secrets Masterlist
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Pairing: Katie(oc)xKlaus. Warnings: None that I can think of. Let me know if I need to add one.
Katie and Klaus were spending their morning rolling around in bed, giggling and laughing when her phone started ringing. “Ignore it.” he told her between kisses when she looked over at it where it sat on the bedside table.
“It could be important.” She argued as she wiggled out of his grasp and grabbed her phone. She looked at it to see an unknown number and cautiously pressed talk. “Hello?”
“Scarlett, hey it’s me.” a male voice replied.
It took a few seconds for the voice that called her by her middle name to register. “Dad?” she asked, confused.
“Damon called and let me know you were back.” He told her. “I hope it's okay that he gave me your number.”
��Uh, yeah it's fine I’m just…surprised, I guess.” She told him as she pushed herself back to lean against the headboard.
“So I was hoping that we could get together sometime and try that talk again.” He told her.
“I’d like that.” she told him with a small smile as she watched Klaus move to sit beside her.
“I’ll come by your house this Saturday?” he asked, sounding happy.
“Actually the founder’s council has been cracking down on us vampires lately. They’ve even put vervain in the town’s water supply.” She informed him. “So that’s probably not a good idea.”
“Oh, okay.” He sounded disappointed.
“Why don’t I come to you?” she asked in an attempt to save the conversation. “You can text me the address of where you want to meet and I can come whenever.”
“What about school?” he asked with a fatherly disapproving tone.
“I’m homeschooling now.” she told him. “So long as my assignments get emailed to the school, I’m free to do as I wish.”
“Well, you always were independent.” He commented. “So when can I be expecting you?”
“Well, I don’t really have any plans so it’s up to you.” Katie told him feeling awkward.
“The sooner the better.” He told her with a bit of a laugh to his voice.
“I’ll leave tomorrow morning.” She told him.
“I’ll text you the address and see you then.” Her father told her.
“See you then.” Katie echoed back then hung up the phone. A minute later the address of a bar and grill called Rousseau’s was sent to her in a text message.
“So you’re leaving town?” Klaus asked.
“Yep.” She answered and moved around to straddle him. “I promised my mother I would find my dad and talk things out with him. I owe it to her to give him a chance.”
“Would you like me to accompany you?” he asked as he slid his hands up her thighs under the red satin night gown she wore. “New Orleans is after all one of my favorite places in the world.”
“Really?” she asked, a little surprised. “Why? I mean, I know you lived there once, that’s why my father lives there now, but what’s so special about the place?”
“It’s rich in culture. They like to preserve their heritage. There’s also music, art and really good food.” He told her as he slipped his hands down her thighs to rest on her calves.
“Good food?” she asked as she slipped her fingertips over his chest.
“Have you ever had gumbo?” he asked and she shook her head no. “You should try it. I think you’ll like it. So are you going to answer my question?”
She thought about it for a second. “This is something I need to do alone. Besides, you’re needed here…Silas…impending end of the world and all that.” she answered, slipping her finger tips over his chest, drawing nonsensical shapes over his soft skin.
“Do you know how long you’ll be gone?” he asked and the tone of his voice implied he was going to miss her.
“I’ll definitely be back before prom.” She answered. “And I’ll keep in touch.” She kissed him then pulled back and stood up to look at the framed, hand written letters that hung over his bed. “I’ve been meaning to ask you…what’s with the letters?”
“I was wondering when you were going to ask.” He told her and she looked down at him. “They are mementos.” He answered simply a little afraid to tell her they were taken off the dead bodies of his victims.
She noticed they were all love notes. “Did you take them so you can simply relive and revel in the deaths of the people they were taken from or to serve a greater purpose like making you feel something?” she asked, making him look up at her with a frown. “And there goes my nose, poking around where it’s not welcome again.”
“Your perfect little nose is always welcome in my business.” He told her as she sat down beside him. “Your understanding of my mind still catches me off guard once in a while.”
“Caroline told me that Elena said that during Stefan’s humanity-less time in the twenties, he would write the names of his victims on a wall in his apartment.” she admitted. “The only difference between that and this, is the fact that all of those letters were written from one lover to another.” She pointed out and he didn’t say anything back. “You know, vampires talk about the humanity switch like it’s a magical fix all. Damon and Stefan made it sound like all emotions cease to exist, but…even when it was flipped…when I was as numb as I was going to get, and when I really didn’t want it, there was still one emotion that tried to fight its way in.”
“And what emotion was that?” he asked, looking at her across his shoulder, wondering where she was going with this.
“The one more powerful than hurt and hatred.” She answered and looked across her shoulder at him. “Love.” He blinked, giving her the look that said she was once again doing that thing where she decoded and understood the cracks within him, the same cracks she shared. “I guess what I’m so poorly trying to say is…” she pointed up at the letters on the wall above them, “I get it.” she dropped her hand to her lap.
As usual when she did that, since he wouldn’t let himself tell her he loved her, he slid his arm between her back and the headboard and pulled her around to straddle him and pressed his lips to hers in a deep kiss, pouring it all into her. “You are truly one of a kind, Little Phoenix.”
Katie smiled and looked down at his chest letting her mind wander to lighter subjects like prom that was coming up soon. “I have a question.”
“I may have an answer.” He replied as his hands slid down her back to hold her rear.
“If I asked you to let Tyler come home would you?” his face turned hard. “Not for good, just for prom.”
“Katie…” he sighed.
“Please?” she begged giving him her best puppy dog eyes. “Caroline’s my best friend and she is working her butt off to make prom perfect for everybody. Her night should be just as perfect as everyone else’s”
“Fine, but his welcome wears off at eleven.” He told her.
“Oh, come on, prom isn’t even over until ten thirty. At least give them until twelve.” She reasoned.
“No.” he told her flatly.
“Yes.” She argued with a half serious glare.
“Klaus…” she drawled his name out warningly.
“Katie…” he mimicked her.
“Please, for me?” She pulled puppy dog eyes again.
“You,” he grabbed her sides and moved her around to lay on her back making her laugh when he tickled her sides and moved to hover over her, “are lucky you’re cute when you’re being demanding.” She slid directly under him and wrapped her legs around his hips. “He better be out of town by twelve or he’s dead.” He told her and she gave him a bright smile.
“Thank you.” she told him, still smiling.
“You’re gonna thank me with more than just words.” He told her with a lustful glare.
“Oh I am, am I?” she asked with a laugh and he hummed. “In a minute.” She told him as she turned on her stomach and slid up to grab her cell phone off the nightstand.
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asked.
“Telling Caroline the good news.” She replied as she started texting Caroline. A yelp and a giggle left her lips when he grabbed her ankles and pulled her back to him. As she texted Caroline he peppered her back with kisses seeking out her ticklish spots just to hear her laugh. “Okay, where were we?” she asked as she rolled over and smiled up at him.
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After a two hour flight she landed at the airport, hailed a cab and gave the driver the address of Rousseau’s. She texted her father to let him know she was on her way to the bar and grill then texted Klaus to let him know she had landed and arrived safe and sound. When she got the bar and grill and walked in she easily found Bradley sitting at a table near the window. “Scarlett.” He smiled when she walked over and sat down.
“Hi.” She greeted feeling awkward as she hooked her purse over the back of the chair and sat down.
A pretty young brunette waitress with a gap between her two front teeth walked over and took her drink order. “You should try the gumbo.” Bradley spoke up and the waitress looked at Katie. “Sophie here is the best cook in the French Quarter.”
“I don’t know about that, Bradley.” She told him with a flirty smile then looked at Katie.
“Sure.” Katie told Sophie with a nod remembering that Klaus had recommended she try gumbo.
“I’ll get that right out.” Sophie told her then walked away.
“So how have you been?” Bradley asked.
“Good, believe it or not.” She answered, still feeling awkward. “What about you?”
“Better now that I know you’re okay.” His answer pissed her off and he could tell. “Look, I know you probably hate me for leaving you with your grandfather, but I did it to protect you.”
“You thought that leaving me to come here and search for people that haven’t lived in this area for at least a hundred years was protecting me?” she asked, trying her best to contain her anger. He sighed and looked down at the table. Sophie walked over with Katie’s drink and a bowl of gumbo and set them down in front of her. “Did you know you and mom have empty graves in the cemetery?” she asked and he shook his head no. “I grew up telling myself stories about where the two of you disappeared to. That you guys were entered into witness protection and weren’t allowed to come back to me or that your bodies were buried in the woods somewhere or eaten by bears or something. Why didn’t you just come home and be a father to me?”
“Because a vampire was the last thing you needed in your life.” He told her quietly.
“And I call B.S.” she told him then took a sip of her sweet tea. “You, even as you are now, would have been better than Grandfather.”
“I was going to pay him a visit and give him a piece of my mind before I left Mystic Falls, but he wasn’t there.” He told her.
“Yeah that’s because I killed him.” she told him with a straight face and he looked at her, his green eyes wide. “Oh don’t judge me when you’re the one that killed my mother.”
“How were you able to speak with her again?” he asked clearly aggravated that she’d learned that bit of information.
“Bonnie Bennett brought Jeremy Gilbert back from the dead and in doing so cracked the door to the other side open. A witch on the other side wedged it open and let the supernatural spirits be able to interact with our side. For a while we were able to see and feel them. Mom found me and we were able talk before Bonnie fixed the balance.” She explained. “She is the only reason I’m here right now.”
“I’m really sorry I didn’t come for you sooner.” He told her seriously. “Maybe if I had you wouldn’t be what you are now.”
“Which is?” she asked as she picked up her spoon and started stirring the gumbo. It looked disgusting despite its mouth watering smell.
“A vampire…and whatever getting Hannah’s memories has turned you into.” He answered then watched her playing with the gumbo. “Would you just try it already?” he asked with a point to the bowl of chicken and sausage gumbo.
“Fine.” She answered and took a bite. “Holy shit.” She commented as she covered her mouth then swallowed. “That’s really good.”
Her father laughed. “Told you.” things got quiet and she was almost through with her gumbo when he asked, “So how’s everyone back home?”
“Well, let’s see, Sheila Bennett, Mayor douche wad and Carole Lockwood, Caroline’s father, Elena’s parents, her aunt Jenna, Jeremy and John Gilbert aka Elena’s bio dad, along with most of the other council members that got blown up in the pastors farm house are all dead. I’m sure I’m leaving some people out, but that’s all I can think of right now.” she told him. “Oh and Caroline and Elena are vampires too. Other than that there’s the impending threat of hell on earth being unleashed, but that’s another story for another time.”
“Wow.” He said, taking time to let it sink in. After a few minutes he blinked out of his thoughts. “So you said you’ve met all of the originals?”
“Yep, even momma and poppa original.” She answered.
“And you live to tell about it.” he observed.
“What can I say, the Mikaelson siblings like me.” she told him with a shrug.
“A little too much if you ask me.” he commented.
She rolled her eyes and looked up at him. “Please tell me you’re not still mad that Elijah and I found each other.”
“My family, your ancestors, devoted their lives to keeping the reincarnations from remembering Elijah.” He told her with a glare.
“I’m sorry, the reincarnations?” she asked with a frown and a shake of her head as she pushed her bowl away from her.
“You think you’re the first of Hannah’s reincarnation attempts?” he asked with a tilt of his head.
“Uh, yeah, I don’t remember any lives other than Hannah and this one.” She answered, completely confused.
“That’s because the reincarnations were never allowed to live past their sixth birthday.” She just stared at him. “Legend has it that Jonah was so disgusted with what his mother had done that he killed his daughter to keep her from turning into his mother…to keep her from suffering at the hands of the Mikealson men.” he explained. “Every Finnegan female was either killed at birth or just before her sixth birthday. I couldn’t kill you so I did my best to protect you. I had Sheila block your memories and after I turned I didn’t come back because if I did it was more likely, with a vampire in your life, that you would become one and break the dam in your mind. I hoped that you would live and die as Katie, never becoming Hannah. I hoped it would break the cycle and free the women of our family.”
After a few minutes of letting it all sink in she sighed and looked up from her empty bowl to her father. “Then I guess I should thank you for not killing me and tell you that the cycle is broken.” he frowned in confusion. “I’m no longer linked to or with Elijah.”
“Really?” he asked with raised brows.
“Yep, the link broke when my soul shattered.” She answered.
“So you’re free of the Mikaelson’s?” he asked.
“Um…” she pulled one side of her mouth up and squinted an eye. “I guess you could say that?” she scratched the back of her neck uncomfortably.
“What does that mean?” he asked a little confused.
“Klaus and I are kind of…together.” She answered.
“Klaus is not an acceptable partner for anyone, much less my little Scarlett.” He told her.
She scoffed and before he could say anything, a guy who looked to be in his mid to late twenties with espresso skin and nice eyes, walked over to them and slapped his hand down on Bradley’s shoulder. “Who, may I ask, is this lovely lady?” he asked, giving Katie a bright, charming smile.
“My daughter, Scarlett.” Bradley answered. “Scarlett, this is Marcel.”
Katie gave Marcel a wave and a polite smile assuming that he was the same Marcel that turned her father. “I hate to pull you away from your family reunion, but we have business to attend to.” Marcel told Bradley.
“Alright.” Bradley told Marcel who walked off giving the father and daughter time to bid each other goodbye. “How long are you planning on staying in town?”
“I’m flying back in the morning.” She answered. “Prom is coming up soon.”
“What time is your flight?” he asked.
“Seven thirty.” She answered.
“We’ll meet here for breakfast at six?” he asked and she nodded. “See you in the morning.” He told her and she gave him a smile and a wave and watched him leave with Marcel.
“Refill?” Sophie asked as she walked over with a pitcher of tea in her hand. Katie slid her empty glass to the edge of the table. “Would you like more gumbo?”
“No, but it was delicious.” She answered then gave Sophie a smile as she picked up her glass of tea. “Thank you.”
She was still sitting there, sipping on her tea, fiddling with her necklace, thinking about everything she and her father had discussed when Sophie walked by with a sizzling plate of fajitas and her stomach flipped. She frowned and ran to the bathroom with her hand over her mouth and barely made it into the stall before her gumbo came back up. “The hell was in that gumbo?” Katie sighed as she shut the toilet lid and flushed it.
“It wasn’t the gumbo.” She heard Sophie say from outside the stall. “You’re tea, however, had a very powerful mixture of herbs in it. A roofie…kind of.”
Katie pushed the stall door open and turned on the sink. “You’re a witch.”
“Yep.” Sophie answered.
“I’ve seen a witch roofie in action, the dude didn’t get sick.” Katie said as she cupped her hand under the stream of water and rinsed out her mouth.
“Yeah that’s not the roofie, that’s morning sickness.” Sophie told her watching her grow weaker and weaker.
“That would imply…that I’m pregnant. I’m a vampire, I…can’t…” she passed out.
Sophie watched her fall then knocked on the door letting Jane-Ann, her sister inside. “This is stupid, and risky, you know that right?”
“We will talk about this later, for now we have to get her out of here without being seen.” Jane-Ann told her.
Katie woke up in a cabin in the woods, crickets and frogs could be heard outside. “Where am I?” she groaned as she sat up in the cot she was laying on.
“The bayou.” Sophie told her.
“Why?” she asked with a glare.
“Because like it or not, you’re pregnant with Klaus Mikaelson’s child.” Sophie answered reminding Katie what she’d told her before she passed out.
“It’s not possible, I’m a vampire. We can’t have kids.” She sighed, feeling ill. “How would you know anyway. You’re a witch not a doctor.”
“I’m a witch with a gift of telling when a woman is pregnant. I sensed it as soon as you walked into the restaurant.” She told her.
Katie, sure that Sophie was wrong, got quiet and listened. At first she only heard Sophie’s heartbeat and her own, but eventually she heard a small, fast heartbeat and slid her hand over her lower abdomen. “Holy freaking hell…”
“Congratulations?” Sophie asked awkwardly.
“How the hell is this possible?” Katie asked, sounding like she was in shock.
“Your guess is as good as mine.” Sophie shrugged.
“So what do you want with me? Why kidnap me and bring me out to the middle of nowhere?” Katie asked, trying to think about something other than what Klaus was going to have to say about this or the thousand other questions that were running through her head.
“Marcel has been keeping my people under his thumb, but now we have you.” Katie shook her head not understanding. “Your boyfriend is famous in this town. Witches tell bedtime stories about the vampire Klaus. Marcel was nothing but an orphaned street rat until he made him what he is. Now he’s out of control. He does what he wants. He kills who he wants. We’re gonna stop him and you’re gonna help us.”
“And how am I supposed to do that? I don’t even know you people.” Katie asked with a scoff. Jane-Ann walked in. “Who are you?”
“My name’s Jane-Ann.” She answered. “And to answer your question, you’re going to get Klaus here and you’re going to get him to help us.”
“What makes you think I have any control over Klaus?” Katie asked with a glare.
“Because he’s been texting you every hour on the hour for the past day and a half.” Sophie answered holding up Katie’s cell phone. “A guy doesn’t do that unless he’s worried and people only worry when they care.”
“Prom is today.” Katie sighed realizing how stupid that sounded since she just found out that she’s pregnant.
“Yeah, Caroline’s been texting incessantly about that.” Sophie told her. “I’m sorry but you’re going to have to miss it.”
“I gathered as much.” Katie scoffed.
“We need to get started, Soph.” Jane-Ann said.
After performing a million different witchy tests on her Sophie tossed Katie a clear blue pregnancy test. “Just for shits and giggles. The outhouse is that way.” She told her with a point outside.
“Watch your language Soph.” Jane-Ann scolded her little sister as Katie stood up and went outside.
After taking the pregnancy test she put the cap back on it and watched as the word pregnant showed up on the screen. She headed back inside and showed it to them, then tucked it into her pocket. “How the hell is this even possible?” Katie asked herself more than them.
“Did I hear you tell Bradley that your soul shattered?” Jane-Ann asked, having been at the bar while Katie and her father chatted.
“Yeah, why?” Katie asked as if it were no big deal.
“No one, witch, human, vampire or wolf has ever come back from that before.” Jane-Ann answered. “We have no records of what that can do to someone.”
“Even still, that doesn’t explain Klaus’s roll in this.” Katie pointed out.
“He’s a hybrid, magic made him a vampire, but he was born a werewolf and is the first of his kind. Nature is full of loopholes.” Jane-Ann explained.
“Awesome.” Katie sighed and fell back to lie on the cot hoping to go to sleep and wake up from this nightmare.
After making sure Tyler was out of town Klaus returned to his mansion to find a note, left for him by Katherine. “Klaus, I hear Elijah has refused you the cure and in return you have refused me my freedom. Shame on you both. But while you boys sort out your problems, I have one last thing to offer you. I’ve caught wind that there is a witch in New Orleans named Jane-Anne Deveraux holding your precious Katie hostage. Hunt her down. What she has to tell you about Katie will rattle you so deeply to your core that chasing little old me will be the least of your concerns. It’s been a fun five centuries, Klaus, but I’ve worn down too many good heels running from you. Love and hate, Katerina.”
Klaus dropped everything, packed a bag and bought a plane ticket to New Orleans.
Twenty four hours later Katie sat on a wooden bench in a tomb in the middle of a cemetery in New Orleans. “We can talk freely here.” Katie heard Sophie say. She also heard another set of feet walking with Sophie.
“Then I suggest you start talking.” Elijah’s voice made Katie perk up, just happy to hear a familiar voice. “What did your sister want with Niklaus?” Katie tried to leave the tomb, but a couple of witches stepped in her way.
“Isn’t it obvious?” Sophie asked. “We have a vampire problem, and we need help. Marcel has an army backing him. The witches have been trying to fight back, but we haven’t had much luck. Until my sister, Jane-Anne and I met a girl, a vampire girl passing through the quarter from a small town in Virginia, the daughter of one of Marcel’s day walkers. She has a special…connection to your brother.” Sophie explained to him. “By the look on your face I’m guessing you know who she is.”
“What do you want with Katie?” he asked, his tone guarded.
“Wait, are we talking about the same girl? Bradley called her Scarlett.” Sophie asked.
“Scarlett is her middle name.” Elijah answered growing impatient.
“She’s pregnant and the father of the child she’s carrying is your brother, Klaus.” Sophie told him.
“That’s impossible.” Katie could hear the shock in his voice.
“Nothing’s impossible, especially not when it comes to a hybrid and the first being to ever recover from a shattered soul.” Sophie explained. “Let her out.” She called.
The men stepped aside and Katie whooshed out of the tomb, stopping in her tracks when her eyes landed on Elijah, looking at her with narrowed eyes.
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He looked at Sophie, “Give us a moment please.” Sophie nodded and jerked her head for the witches to leave them be. Elijah put his hand on Katie’s lower back and led her into the tomb where she sat back down straddling the bench. He started pacing. “So it’s true?” he asked and she nodded. “Have they been holding you here against your will?”
“They witch roofied me, brought me out to the bayou and did all these witchy tests.” She told him then pulled the pregnancy test out of her pocket. “But even the plain old clear blue confirmed it.” She showed him the word pregnant on the test. “I thought it was just a really weird dream at first, but this is really happening…I’m really pregnant.” She tapped the test on the bench, attempting to hold back her tears, then tucked it back into the pocket of her jeans.
Elijah sat down and pulled a leg up on the bench to face her and cupped her cheek in his hand making her eyes slip shut for a second. “How are you dealing with this?”
“I’m shaking in my freaking boots.” She answered, tapping the toe of her shoe down into the tile floor of the tomb. “What if he doesn’t want it…or me?” she asked with a shaking voice. “I can’t do this alone.”
“You are not in this alone.” He assured her. “I do not believe he would turn his back on you.” He wiped her tears away. “Niklaus has never truly been happy, but I believe that you and this baby can achieve the impossible and save him from himself.”
Katie grabbed his wrist and moved his hand from her face. “No pressure or anything.”
“That wasn’t my intent.” He told her apologetically.
“No, I know.” She assured him. “I’m just…a little overwhelmed, I guess.”
“Katie I know I’ve broken my promises to you in the past, but I need you to trust me when I say that no harm will come to you or this baby if I can help it.” he brushed her loose hair behind her ear and rested his hand on the side of her neck.
She took his hand off her and held it in both of hers. “I’m trusting you, please don’t make me regret it again.”
“I wouldn’t dare.” He told her seriously.
She took a deep breath and let go of his hand. “We have to convince the witches to let me tell Klaus about the baby. It’s my business to tell, not theirs.”
“Request heard and granted.” Sophie told her as she walked in.
“What precisely is it that you want and what does it have to do with Katie?” Elijah asked as he stood up and walked over to Sophie.
“We want to run Marcel and his vampires out of town. Klaus is the key. Everything Marcel knows about being a vampire he learned from Klaus. Marcel trusts him, looks up to him. He won’t see the betrayal coming.” Sophie answered.
“Yes. Well, I’m sure you’re aware, my brother Niklaus doesn’t like to be told what to do.” Elijah told her and Katie found that she still liked to listen to Elijah talk.
“Marcel drove the werewolves out of town decades ago. Do you really think he’s going to welcome a hybrid baby to the neighborhood?” Katie placed a hand protectively over her stomach at Sophie’s words. “Convince Klaus to help us and no one has to know about the newest member of the original family.”
“That sounds remarkably like blackmail.” Elijah told her.
“Like I said, I’m desperate.” Sophie told him with a hard voice and face.
“Well, then. We have our work cut out for us don’t we?” Elijah asked with a look back at Katie.
“What are we doing here?” Katie had been sitting on the bench in the tomb, bouncing her foot nervously since Elijah left to find Klaus. When she heard the younger brother’s voice she stood up.
“You want to know where Katie is and what the witches have in store for you?” Elijah asked rhetorically. “Follow me.”
A few seconds later Elijah and Klaus walked into the empty tomb to see Katie standing in front of the bench with her head held high, doing a good job of covering up how much she was freaking out inside. “Before you get mad, I haven’t been ignoring your texts and calls. The witches took my phone.”
“Are you alright?” he asked as he walked in and slid his hand over her cheek as he pressed his lips to hers. She savored the moment, knowing that after she told Klaus that she was pregnant it may very well be the last time he kissed her.
When the kiss broke she looked around Klaus to Elijah, “Leave us, please?” she could tell he didn’t want to, but he gave her a nod and walked out of the tomb. “I have been wrecking my brain trying to find the right words to tell you this, but I can’t. So I need you to do me a favor.” She told him and he blinked at her as she took his hands in hers and held them to her chest. “Close your eyes and listen.” He rolled his eyes at her as if she were being silly. “Just…do it please.”
He closed his eyes and listened to everything around him. She knew he’d heard the baby’s heartbeat when he took in a deep breath, his eyes shot open and he jerked his hands from hers as if he’d been burned.
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“How is this possible?” He whispered looking into her eyes as a tear slipped down his cheek. He wanted the baby, she could see it in his eyes, but if he was willing to let himself have it, to have happiness, she couldn’t tell.
“I am the first known person to come back from a shattered soul and you are a hybrid, the first of your kind. Apparently nature loves loopholes.” She told him quietly to hide the fear in her voice. After a few minutes of silence passed it became too much for her to handle. “I feel like I’m about to have a panic attack, please say something.”
“What do the witches want with you?” he asked, not putting her mind at ease.
“They want you to overthrow Marcel and get them out from under his control.” She answered.
“Why should I?” he asked with a hard face.
Before Katie could answer, Sophie and a few other witches walked into the tomb. Elijah walked over and stood next to Klaus and Katie moved to his other side, looking at the three witches blocking them into the tomb. “Because my sister gave her life to perform the spell that put the lives of this girl and her baby in our control. If you do not help us take down Marcel…so help me Katie won’t live long enough to see her first maternity dress.”
“Whoa, hey, you’re threatening me?” Katie asked shocked at what she’d just learned. “I’ve never been anything but cooperative with you people.”
“We appreciate that, but we aren’t so sure he’ll be as understanding.” Sophie told her with a hard face and a point at Klaus.
“Enough of this.” Elijah told Sophie, “If you want Marcel dead he’s dead. I’ll do it myself.”
“No. We can’t. Not yet.” Sophie argued. “We have a clear plan that we need to follow and there are rules.”
“Sophie can you guys just back the hell off and give us a minute please?” Katie asked and Sophie gave her a look that asked, seriously? “Just a few minutes then you can get back to your threats, blackmail and bullshit.”
“Fine, but just a few.” She nodded and motioned for the witches to leave and followed them out.
With them gone Katie sank down on the bench and placed her head in her hands with a heavy breath. “This is a trick.” Klaus growled being his usual paranoid self.
“No, brother, it’s a gift. It’s your chance. It’s our chance.” Elijah argued.
“You know I would never lie to you. Or is our trust really that one sided?” Katie asked as she stood from the bench and walked over to him.
“It’s not one sided.” He told her with watery eyes.
“Good, then do me a favor and put the witches out of your mind for a second. You haven’t said and I need to know. Do you want this baby?” When a tear betrayed her she quickly wiped it away.
He stared at her for a minute then said one word, “No.”
It felt as if someone snatched the air from her lungs and a pain shot through her chest. She wanted to break down, cry and let it all out, but she wouldn’t let him see how much he affected her. So she held her head high. “I call bullshit.” she told him in a quiet yet strong voice. “I know you want this baby, you want us. I saw it in your eyes.” she didn’t bother wiping her tears away this time. “You made hybrids because you wanted a new family. Well,” she held her hands out to the side, “you’ve got one standing right in front of you. All you have to do is say the word and we’re yours.”
“Listen to her, Niklaus.” Elijah spoke up making Katie look at him then back at Klaus.
“You once told me that Elijah was my first love and you intended to be my last. If you reject this baby again, that will never happen.” His lips drew together, pursed in defiance. “So, I’ll ask one more time. Do you want this baby?”
He leaned down and looked her in the eyes, “No.” he saw hurt flash in them then turn into a blazing fire that he hated seeing directed at him. He thought she was going to hit him, but she didn’t.
Instead she grabbed the silver pendant hanging around her neck in her fist and jerked. Elijah watched her grab Klaus’s hand, put the necklace in his palm and closed it. “Thank you.” he gave her a questioning look. “For reminding me that love…is for children and fools.” She shoved his hand and turned her back on him, leaving the tomb.
One of the witches thought she was trying to leave the cemetery and grabbed her arm. She grabbed his wrist, knocked him to his knees and twisted his arm behind his back, almost breaking it. “You lay a hand on me again and it will no longer be attached to your body.” She shoved him to the ground then looked at Sophie, “Proceeded with the blackmail and bullshit, I’ve gotten the only answer I cared about.” She walked over to the steps of another tomb and sat down on them, crossing her arms over her knees, rested her head on them.
Katie zoned out and lost track of how much time had passed before she felt someone touch her shoulder and she looked up to see that it was Sophie. “Come on.” She jerked her head back to the tomb. “Klaus and Elijah are gone for now, but I’m sure Elijah will be back.” Katie just nodded and stood up.
Katie sat on the wooden bench in the tomb listening to the witches talk about how Marcel and his vampires were out of control when one of them asked, "What makes you think you can control the hybrid?"
"She can't." Elijah spoke up and everyone looked to see him leaning against the doorway of the tomb. "I'm not entirely certain I can either." He pushed himself off the wall and walked into the tomb. "But now that your coven has drawn his ire, I have a question. What prevents my brother from murdering you instead of cooperating?"
Sophie walked over to the wall of the tomb and grabbed a straw doll off of a shelf. She took a needle out of it and poked her hand. Katie winced and looked at a spot of blood that pooled in her palm. "Are you freaking kidding me? She linked me to you!?" Katie asked angrily.
"Yep. Anything that happens to me, happens to you." Sophie told her then looked at Elijah. "Which means her life is in my hands. If she so much as sets a foot out of this town I will be able to tell." Katie gritted her teeth with flared nostrils. "Klaus may not care about his own child, but it's very clear what it already means to you. If I have to hurt Katie or worse to ensure that I have your attention, I will."
Elijah took a step closer to Sophie. "You would dare threaten an original?"
"I have nothing to lose." Sophie answered. "You have until midnight to get Klaus to change his mind."
Elijah turned and left the tomb.
Katie was sitting outside the tomb, getting fresh air when she heard the midnight bell toll then let her head fall back. She was staring up at the sky, waiting for the witches to come kill her when she heard someone walking up and looked up to see Elijah carrying a body wrapped in light brown linen. Curious, she followed him inside the tomb. “Klaus does not care about the child.” She heard Agnes, one of the witch elders say.
“I do.” Elijah spoke up getting their attention. “And I bring proof of my intent to help you. The body of your fallen friend.” He kneeled down and placed the body on the floor. “Which I procured from Marcel himself.”
“Jane-Anne.” Sophie sighed and fell to the floor beside her dead sister.
“May she be granted peace.” Elijah told them. “Klaus will agree to your terms.” They all looked at him. “I just need a little more time.”
“You’ve had your time. It’s passed.” Agnes argued.
“Shut up, Agnes.” One of the other witches spoke up and moved to stand next to Sophie.
“For now, accept the deal.” Elijah told them. “Katie and the child remain unharmed, or Klaus will kill you all” He turned and started walking away, but stopped and turned back to look at the witches. “And I will help him.”
The next morning Katie was brought back to the cemetery. “When can I have my cell phone back?” she asked as she walked in and sat down on the bench. “I’m bored out of my mind.”
Sophie pulled Katie’s phone out of her back pocket and held it up. “You can’t tell anyone about your pregnancy.”
“Duh.” Katie commented and Sophie slapped the phone into Katie’s palm. “Thank you.”
She was going through her texts from Caroline, Klaus and Bonnie when Elijah and Sophie walked in. “Klaus has agreed to help us. You’re free to go, but don’t even think about leaving town. If you do, I’ll sense it and kill both of us.”
“Ten four, rubber ducky.” Katie sighed sarcastically as she pushed herself from the bench and walked over to Elijah. When they got out of the cemetery she asked, “So, how’d you get him to agree?”
Elijah opened the passenger door of his car for her. “Unlike you I didn’t give up on him.” he answered as she slid inside and he shut the door.
“I didn’t give up on him. I’m just done wasting my breath begging people to give a shit about me.” she replied not looking at him as he cranked the car and started driving.
“Do you really think he doesn’t care about you?” he asked and she just shrugged. “He cares, Katie.”
“Yeah, well, he has a funny way of showing it.” she scoffed.
“He is scared.” Elijah defended.
“And I’m not?” she asked, raising her voice.
“You’ve been a parent before. You know how to love unconditionally. Klaus doesn’t because he’s never experienced it.” Elijah reminded her.
“Can we just…stop talking about this, please?” she asked, getting aggravated.
“Of course.” He drove her out of the city and to a plantation house. “Welcome to your new home.” He parked outside the huge two story white house with large columns, black shutters and a black door.
“Well, it’s a lot better than a tomb or a swamp.” She commented then got out of the car.
After he let her inside and gave her a tour, she picked a room with a window seat and pulled the dust covers off of the bed and the rest of the furniture.
She was sitting on the window seat, her back to the door and her head leaned on the wall, looking outside when she heard someone walk up behind her. A bouquet of six red roses appeared in front of her face and she recognized the hand holding them as Klaus’s. She took them, held her hand out to the side then dropped them to the floor. She heard him sigh then a pint of strawberry ice cream and a spoon appeared in front of her. She took it and he thought she was going to drop it too, but she stood from the bench and left the room. He followed her down stairs to the kitchen where she pulled open the icebox that was made to blend with the white cabinets and stuck it in the freezer. When she turned around he gave her a curious look. “I don’t believe in wasting perfectly good ice cream.”
She walked around the island and had to pass him on the way to the door, but he gently grabbed her arm, stopping her from walking away from him. “Please accept my apology.”
“I have yet to hear one.” She pointed out as she took her arm from his grasp.
“I’m sorry.” He told her quietly. “I…”
“Acted like a pig headed dick.” She filled in for him since he couldn’t find the words.
“That’s putting it lightly.” He told her with a nod.
She took in a slow, deep breath then heaved it out, walked back over to the icebox, grabbed the ice cream and the spoon she’d tossed into the empty sink at one end of the island and set the container on the counter across from where Klaus stood on the other side. “I’m really going to miss alcohol…” she stabbed the spoon into the pink frozen treat and took a bite. “I’m sorry too.” She admitted then swallowed. “I shouldn’t have cornered you with an ultimatum like that.”
“How long have you known?” he asked instead of acknowledging her apology.
“I found out not long after I got here. I was hanging out at Rousseau’s after my dad left with Marcel when Sophie walked by with a plate of Fajitas. The smell made me sick and let me tell you, Sophie’s gumbo was freaking awesome, but after it came back up I don’t think I’ll ever be able to even smell it again.” He smirked at her confession, a little happy she had taken his advice and had gumbo. “That was right before I passed out from the witch roofie Sophie put in my tea.”
“Does your father know?” he asked.
“As far as he knows I skipped the breakfast we planned and left without saying goodbye.” She told him. “And I’d like to keep it that way. Bredley is one of Marcel’s day walkers. Marcel sired him and I don’t know where his loyalties lie.” She took one last bite of ice cream then put the top back on it, stuck it in the freezer and washed, dried and put away her spoon. “Speaking of Marcel, can I ask what history you have with him and this city? I know you guys had to leave in 1919, but that’s about it.”
“My family and I practically ran this town. Marcel was just an unnamed boy, a slave, when I found him, named him and took him under my wing.” He told her as he walked around the island to stand across from her where she leaned her hip against the counter. “I made Marcel everything that he is. I loved him like a son, and when my father chased me and my family from here a hundred years ago we believed Marcel was killed. We each mourned him in our own way. Yet when I returned, I found not only had he survived he had thrived. Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own. Now he is living in our home. He is sleeping in our beds. There’s an M he stamps everywhere but it doesn’t stand for Marcel, it’s for Mikaelson. I want it all back. I want to be king.”
“And this baby and I…Do we have a place in this kingdom of yours?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Every king needs a queen by his side.” he replied as he slid his hand over the side of her neck. “And an heir to his throne.” He leaned into her and pressed his forehead to hers, looking her in the eyes. “Stand with me, be my queen?” he asked and she pulled her head back as he pulled her necklace out of his pocket, the clasp now fixed.
“Let me hear you say it…out right, no talk of kingdoms.” She told him, not giving in to him yet.
His mouth opened to say something but he closed it. She nodded and tried to turn her back on him to walk away, but he grabbed her arm and spun her around, catching her lips with his. It took a few seconds before she let herself kiss him back. When it broke he pressed his forehead to hers. “I want you…both of you.” She gave him a small smile as she gathered up her loose auburn waves and lifted them as she turned her back on him. He put the necklace back around her neck. “And I never want to see this necklace leave your neck again.”
“Good, because I never want to take it off again.” She told him as she slid her fingertips over the smooth metal then put her hand on his cheek. “I’ll be your queen or your little phoenix or…whatever you want to call me.” she smiled to herself more than him. “You’ve really got to stop giving me nicknames.”
He chuckled, happy they were back on good terms. “The nicknames are endless because you…” he grabbed her hips and picked her up, setting her on the island next to the sink, “are my everything.” His words knocked the breath out of her in a good way this time. After taking in a deep, forced breath she caught his lips with hers and the kiss quickly turned heated and a moan left her lips as she pulled him closer with her legs. A sigh left his lips as she started kissing his neck.
She was kissing his lips and about to grab the hem of his shirt and pull it over his head when she heard someone clear their throat. Klaus stopped kissing her and rolled his eyes as they both looked at Elijah, leaning against the door frame. “I see you two made up.” Katie unwrapped her legs from Klaus’s waist.
“We were working on it.” Klaus answered with a smirk that Elijah ignored and made Katie look at the floor with a blush.
“Is it done?” Elijah asked Klaus, making Katie look up at them, confused.
“As a matter of fact, yes.” Klaus answered. “Your underhanded deal worked quite well. Marcel was only too happy to accept my blood, even as he accepted my heartfelt apologies. His man Thierry yet lives and I remain a welcome guest in the French quarter. My only concern now is this coven of impudent witches.”
“You do know I’m linked to Sophie right?” Katie asked Klaus who gave her an interested look. “If she dies I die and while I will come back, the baby might not.”
“I believe them to be honorable though.” Elijah spoke up. “They did release Katie to me, although they haven’t been entirely forthcoming. Marcel obviously has something that they need. They don’t want him dead. There must be a reason why.”
Out of nowhere a wave of nausea rolled over Katie sending her rushing to the bathroom. She was flushing the toilet when Elijah asked, “Are you okay?”
“Ugh.” She responded and rested her forehead on the toilet seat knowing it was clean since they’d just moved into the house. “Please look away.” She groaned.
Instead he walked inside, grabbed a washcloth, wet it and rang it out. “You forget this isn’t the first time I’ve seen you sick.” He pointed out as he handed her the cloth. She took it and his offered hand when he offered it.
He pulled her up. “I didn’t forget. I caught the flu back in Ireland and wouldn’t let you give me your blood.” she remembered then wiped her face and mouth and rinsed the cloth out and draped it over the faucet. “Why was that again?”
“You said it was a human experience that you needed to get through so that you wouldn’t get sick again.” He reminded her.
“And Jonah ever so politely told me I was being stupid.” She said as she put her hand on the counter and leaned on it.
“You were running a fever and not thinking straight.” he added. “Jonah convinced me to heal you while you were sleeping.”
“And I thanked you for it when I woke up.” She gave him a small smile. “At least this time you don’t have to pick stew chunks out of my insanely tight curls.”
“I didn’t have to do it then.” He pointed out with a small smile of his own, reminding her that he did it because he loved her, not because he had to. “And if I may…” he grabbed the rag and rinsed it out then wiped at a spot of puke on her cheek that she’d missed. When he was done he tossed the rag into the dirty clothes hamper behind her.
“So,” Katie started realizing that reminiscing wasn’t the best idea, “Where did you go after I woke up and you left Mystic Falls?” she asked, as she hopped up to sit on the bathroom counter, wanting to stick close to the toilet in case she got sick again.
“I’m surprised Niklaus hasn’t already told you.” he told her as he leaned back on the wall across from her in the small guest bathroom. She just looked at him and shrugged. He narrowed his eyes, thinking about not telling her. “Katherine contacted me and said she had the cure. She thought we could be of mutual use to one another.”
Katie bit her lips closed and narrowed her eyes back at him. “You were with her, with her weren’t you?”
“Katie I-” he started
“Stop, rewind and forget I asked. It’s none of my business.” She interrupted him. “I told you we needed to move on. So you moved on just like I did.”
“I tried to move on.” He corrected her. “It did not work.”
She wanted to ask why. A small part of her wanted to know if he couldn’t move on because he was still hung up on her, but another… much bigger part dedicated to Klaus, didn’t care. “Good.” She saw curiosity flash behind his pretty brown eyes. “You can do better than the colossal bitch that is Katherine Pierce. Now,” she hopped down off the bathroom counter and walked over to the bathroom door, “if you don’t mind I really need to shower.”
She was getting out of the shower when she heard the all too familiar sound of Elijah in pain. With a whoosh she wrapped the towel around herself and went to where she’d heard the sound only to find an empty room. She went back to her room and got dressed then started searching the house. After an hour she found a hidden room containing coffins, one of which reminded her of her bedroom in Klaus’s house in Mystic Falls. She noticed Elijah’s coffin missing and after searching the room thoroughly she found two silver daggers.
She was removing dust cloths from some of the furniture out of the need to do something when she heard the front door open and close. Klaus heard her and found here. “Where’s Elijah?” she asked flatly.
“Exactly where he needs to be.” Klaus answered and did that thing where he looked down his nose at her.
“Where he needs to be is here, with us, but he’s not.” She replied, her nostrils flaring a bit. “I searched this house over and do you know what I found?” she asked rhetorically as she closed the space between them and glared up at him. “Daggers and coffins…one of each missing and one coffin that looked suspiciously like it could me mine.” He sighed and blinked at her. “Start. Explaining.”
“The white coffin is yours.” he told her and she took in an angry breath, but kept her mouth shut. “I had it custom made when I thought you were dying and I haven’t been able to convince myself to get rid of it. I have no intention of ever seeing you in it.”
She had to admit, he was smart to lead with that. She found it touching that he’d had a coffin custom made for her to be buried in style…or on the even creepier side, kept with him in style. But she shook herself out of her thoughts and put the glare back on her face. “Get to the part where you tell me where Elijah’s at.”
“He was a weakness. Marcel was nervous. It was bad enough that one original returned to town, but two… His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone. So I gave him a peace offering.” She frowned and crossed her arms over her chest. “I have a plan to keep you safe. Gain Marcel’s trust, dismantle his empire, and see to it that our baby is born into an environment free of wolf hating vampires and witches threatening to kill you.” He cupped her face in his hands. “I am taking care of you the only way I know how.” She gently grabbed his wrists and took his hands from her face. “Katie…”
“We will continue this conversation after I calm down.” she told him with a tight voice and a hard look. He let her walk away.
She was sitting at the dining table and had finished off the ice cream that Klaus had bought her when he dared to show his face to her again. She didn’t say a word as she watched him pull out a chair and sit down across from her. “Calm yet?”
“As much as I’m gonna get.” She answered, then tossed the spoon into the empty container and pushed it to the side. “Elijah’s not a weakness or a bargaining chip. He’s an asset. With that being said, tell me the full truth. You didn’t dagger him just because of Marcel, did you?”
Klaus sighed and looked down at the table then back up at her. “Contrary to his escapades with Katerina he is still in love with you, Katie.” She gritted her teeth. “I heard the two of you, reminiscing over a time when it was him taking care of you.”
“New flash,” she started with an attitude, “We have seven years of memories together and from time to time those memories are going to resurface. Yes, I look back on them fondly as I’m sure he does too, and yes I still love him, but I am not in love with him and he is not the Mikealson brother I want. You are and you know it.” He nodded, letting her know he understood and the look in his eyes told her he was sorry. “The reason he is an asset is because the old saying, it takes a village to raise a child is incredibly true. Parents are the most important people in a child’s life, but they also need aunts and uncles, people that round out their world. If you keep daggering our village this child doesn’t stand a chance.”
“It will take time, but I will find a way to get him back.” he told her quietly.
“Good.” She stood up and walked around the table to lean her hips against it and look down at him. “And if I’m not mistaken, don’t kings usually keep their queens informed on battle plans?” she asked, with an arched brow.
A small smile pulled at the corners of his lips as he clasped his hands in front of him with his elbows resting on the arms of the dining chair. “I will also do a better job of keeping you in the loop.”
“Thank you.” she told him with a nod and he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her over to stand in front of him and rested his head on her stomach. They both got quiet for a moment, listening to the fast beat of the baby’s heart. “Is there anything you wish to ask of me?” she asked knowing that he was used to doing what he wanted when he wanted and now he was having to accommodate her.
He picked his head up and looked up at her. “As much as I want to show you New Orleans I need you to stay here.” he told her. “If your father sees you out and about in the quarter he’ll start asking questions. As you’ve already pointed out he is part of Marcel’s inner circle. You need to remain a secret.”
“And if my father runs into you in the quarter?” she asked. “He knows we’re together. He’ll want to know where I am.”
“You went on a pre-graduation road trip. Last I heard you were in Chicago.” He told her.
“That actually sounds like something I would do and answers why I’m not in Mystic falls in case he went looking for me. It’s a given that my friends back in Mystic Falls can’t know the truth either huh?” she asked and he nodded, knowing she would hate lying to her friends. “Then they get the same story.” she agreed. “But if I’m going to be locked away in here I’m going to need a few things.”
“Like what?” he asked curiously.
“Internet, a laptop and a three in one printer.” She answered. “Even if I can’t make it to graduation I fully intend on getting my diploma and I have a lot of catching up to do.”
“Your wish is my command.” He told her with a closed lipped smile.
“As yours is mine.” She told him then placed her hands on the arms of the chair and leaned down, looking him in the eyes. “Thank you.” She pecked him on the lips and he smiled.
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gambitimagines · 3 years
J’tadore Vous Part 3
Sorry this isn’t as soon as I/you would’ve liked. Insomnia weeks again! Also, I figure everyone understands I’m human and need breaks to recharge, have other responsibilities and can’t write fics all day, as fun as that would be. Thanks!
The legend is my own imagining based off Remy’s less-than-flattering nickname for the purpose of the story.
Warnings: Jack the Ripper references, but nothing graphic. Mentions of women being accosted and other stuff, but nothing too horrid. If men locking car doors triggers you, skip where the asterisks are.
You we’re up late researching Remy, but not so late you couldn’t get up the next morning. You headed to the museum to look into a lead. The legend of Le Diablo Blanc-the white devil. (Not to be confused with Daredevil.) 
Legend had it that a mysterious figure showed up around New Orleans around the 1900s, the same time as a man was doing some horrific “Jack-the-Ripper” inspired killings, but a bit less dark. Young women were accosted, preyed upon and several were killed, or wounded if they managed to somehow get away. Then, one day, mentions of a savior started spreading like wildfire through the town. He would pull away damsels in distress, but they never saw his face. He wore a black mask to cover his features, but all you could see were glowing red eyes and white skin, so the papers branded him Le Diablo Blanc. Stories went around of him throwing playing cards that exploded at the murderer, but he didn’t catch him for about a year. Until 1915. The killer was dropped off at the local police station tied up with some rope, looking worse for wear, and the queen of hearts card stuffed into a large gash in his arm.
After that, there were a few stories in surrounding southern states about the hero rescuing people, but they completely stopped in 1918. The hero had hung up his mask for a quieter life. 
You weren’t positive that he and Remy were one in the same, but it was worth looking into. Then there was the picture. You planned to take it to your friend at Kensworth’s Copies to be blown up for a better look. 
At the museum, you looked through the historical books and files for anything on Le Diablo Blanc or Remy LeBeau. Despite being a museum of _Natural_ History, the place had many books, files, CD’s, and other media on general history about the nation and the world. You also planned on going to the library, because they might have something there. Newspaper articles or something. You didn’t know how much fame Remy had garnered over the years, if any, but billionaires never seemed to stay out of the limelight. 
“You’re here? On a weekend?” Jenny entered the office looking exhausted. Her hair was a mess and she looked frazzled. What the actual frigging heck?
“Personal project,” You murmured, barely looking up from the many open books in front of you, “If I’m in the way, I can step out for a bit, but this is important.”
“No, no.” Jenny waved her hands, “I’m just a corporate slave. There’s a meeting with the higher ups at freaking nine-am and I was instructed to come, take some notes and be amicable to that snake, Misses Winters.” 
Mrs. Winters was a 70-something year old woman who was the head of the museum. You crossed her, you were fired. She was known as cold-hearted and ruthless. Not a warm person.
“How did yesterday go with the mutie?”
“I told you not to use that word around me. It went fine.” You looked up a moment. Jenny really did look like garbage today. “Why do you look so...out of sorts?”
“Didn’t sleep good. Sister and her five-month old twins needed a place to stay at two this morning. She got into another argument with her husband.” Jenny drank her coffee, “I’m gonna go freshen up. Have fun on your _day off_. See you _Monday_.” She was venomous, but you couldn’t blame her. Everyone needed their sleep.
In moments, you forgot her. Somewhere between ancient Mesopotamia and the California gold rush, you found more stories of a dashing red-eyed savior sprinkled throughout history. You went back further in history, jumping around books. 
1842-Colombu’s travels include a snippet about a red-eyed man saving one of his ships from thieves before leaving port by somehow blowing up several barrels.
1924-Remy’s picture is clearly snapped in a crowd at the opening of one of the first Ford Automotive companies.
1912-The Queen of England is saved by a man only known as LeBeau. No other description is given.
1202 A.D- The Mayans have a symbol carved into a wall of a hand seemingly on fire. One of their villages had a rockslide the week before, but the casualties hadn’t been that bad.   
1995-Remy Picard gets his picture in the New York Chronicle for making 500 billion and donating some of his money to a new children’s hospital. 
You sit back in your chair a moment. Taking it all in. Was it a trick? Coincidence? You needed to know more. You got your bag and headed to the library.
You went through the history section at the New York City library, getting out book after book again. It took over two hours, but you’d made out a hypothesis.
Remy was possibly born around the time Egypt reigned, if not earlier. He had to survive because of his mutantcy, you knew that much. He’d obviously amassed billions, keeping his profile low key over the recent years, for the most part. Hide in plain sight and you wouldn’t get caught. As far as the public knew, he was a rich mutant, nothing more. He’d hung up his hero status for reasons unknown, but he wasn’t as “young” as the history book claimed.
The figment, the savior, the man with the seductive, beautiful red eyes wasn’t a myth shrouded in stories and half-truths. He was real. And he wasn’t hundreds of years old. He was _thousands_ of years old!
The book you were looking at in the library shut loudly, making you jump. Remy was beside you.
“So, you found out my secret, after all, Cherie. You come with me. We need to talk.”
Remy drove the two of you to an empty parking lot away from the city. You were suddenly terrified. What did he do to people that found out his secret? Kill them?
Your anxiety wasn’t helped when you heard the doors lock with a click.
“Wh-wh-what are you planning on?” you stuttered.
“Easy, (Y/N). I just want to talk and don’t want you storming out on me. We’re gonna have a talk and I’m going to explain everything.”
“Okay,” You couldn’t stop shaking. You wished you’d bought pepper spray, but your fears were calmed a little as he placed his large hands over yours.
“I’m not going to hurt you. I’d never think of hurting you, please don’t be so scared of me,” Remy insisted, his eyes soulful and pleading. He really seemed to mean it.
You just nodded.
“I was born in the time of  Pharoh when Egypt was the ruling power.  A scholar took me under his wing and raised me, but was killed in battle. I was trained to fight, but because of my eyes and powers, the Pharoh Rama-Tut tried to have me assassinated, thinking I’d take over. I didn’t have any desire for prestige or kingship, I just wanted to live my life out and die as normal, but we don’t always get what we want. That’s the secondary part of my mutation; I live a long time. Maybe forever, I don’t know. I do know that I’ve forced myself into isolation and it’s getting boring. I gave you that picture on purpose, hoping you’d be curious enough to find out my secret. You’re cute and sweet. I meant it when I said I wanted to get to know you, and I want you to know me as well. No secrets. But there’s something else, and I don’t want you to get angry,”
“Oh, what? My manager is in the trunk because you’re out to stop bigotry?” You scoffed. You’d gradually stopped shaking, feeling better. Safer with him.
“I tried to save people, but I couldn’t save everyone. Women and children have died in my arms. Men hunted me down for what I was, even when I was trying to do the right thing. The best thing. To help and save others. I’ve made mistakes and people got hurt, people died. I just don’t want that to make you see me differently,” Remy said, “Someone else did once. Renay LeFluer. She never forgave me.”
“I’m not her, Remy.” You tentatively touched his shoulder, “I get it. You can’t save everyone. No one can, not even superheroes. You can trust me too.”
“Thank you, (Y/N). I’m glad we understand each other but are we on the same page? Would you like to go out with me?” Remy asked.
“I’d love that, Remy. Now?”
“Tomorrow night,” Remy said, “You’ve had a long morning and it’s only Saturday. The place I have in mind is upscale, so you have to look your best.-Not that you aren’t cute now.” He brushed some hair out of your face.
“I’ll look forward to it,” You smiled.
Remy took you back to your car. You had many questions but didn’t want to bombard him all at once. That could wait until you saw him again.
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thebibliomancer · 3 years
Essential Avengers: Avengers #246: GATHERINGS
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August, 1984
Family feud! Guest-starring SERSI of the Eternals!
She comes!
A portent of times to come! I hear a faint rumbling of leather jackets from distant years...
Also, hey! She-Hulk! I missed you!
The Avengers have been through the Secret Wars and participated in the Wraith War! What’s next for our band of heroes?
Maybe parties? The cover makes it look like a party is going on before some Kirby-looking guys crashed.
But also? Vision’s vague scheming to raise the Avengers’ profile continues as he and Scarlet Witch take a trip to visit President Reagan and First Lady Reagan at the White House.
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Weird thing is that we don’t get an unobscructed view of Reagan’s face. He’s either back to the ‘camera’ or cropped on the panel border. Weird, since this wasn’t a problem last time he appeared in this book. Y’know, the time some plant people tried to hold him for ransom? That time?
President Didn’t-Pay-for-the-Likeness-Rights thanks Vision for taking time to personally brief him on all the biz the Avengers have been up to.
President Reagan: “I wish we could talk like this more often! The National Security Council keeps me posted on your missions, but there’s nothing like getting the news firsthand.”
Vision: “I quite agree, Mr. President. In fact, I have a few suggestions for making the lines of communication between Avengers Mansion and the White House more... shall we say... direct?”
He suggests they speak in private which Reagan gladly agrees to, shooing Scarlet Witch and Mrs. Reagan out. To Scarlet Witch’s surprise because he sprang the trip on Washington on her and now he’s sprung this on her.
Also, every time Vision meets someone in private and the conversation takes place off-panel, they suddenly come around to his point of view so.... uh...
Well, I’m sure it’s fine.
Meanwhile, we get back to Captain Monica Marvel Rambeau’s subplot. Remember how she worried after getting back from Secret Wars that she had no explanation to give her family for being missing for several days? And was thinking of telling them about her secret superhero thing?
Well, she calls home to New Orleans and her presumably firefighter dad answers. I presume he’s a firefighter because there’s a firefighter hat and coat hanging up prominently in the background. We call that environmental storytelling.
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Monica’s mom isn’t home so Monica asks for her parents to call her back when they’re both available.
Monica: “In a way, I’m glad momma wasn’t home. That gives me more time to figure out how I’m going to tell them that their ‘little girl’ is leading a double life... as an Avenger called Captain Marvel!”
... Geez, her costume looks so weird when there’s nobody in it.
Monica ponders just bringing it up casually by RECAPPING HER ENTIRE BACKSTORY! Which, in fairness, would be an appropriate way to handle it. But she decides that just going ‘yeah I was helping old family friend Professor LeClare investigate a secret lab on an oil platform, punched a machine, got powers, and then joined the Avengers’ would sound crazy and that there must be a better way to tell them.
I say, take it slow and ramp up. Start from ‘I have superpowers’, do a little pew pew flashlight beam and let their questions guide your explanation.
Meanwhile again but elsewhere, Wasp van Dyne is just chilling at Avengers Mansion, bumming herself out rereading the World According to Garp, and receiving a phone call from West Avengers Chairman Hawkeye.
He tells her that he found a great HQ for the new West Coast Avengers, some old silent film star’s home, and he’s overseeing renovations now.
This ongoing Hawkeye real estate subplot is to get you excited for the upcoming West Coast Avengers series. Are you?
I dread it.
Anyway, Starfox comes in after the phone call and recognizes that Janet is in a Mood. A very bored mood. A post-chairperson funk.
Wasp: “It’s just that Wanda and the Vision are in Washington... Hawkeye and his new wife are setting up a new team in California... Cap and Thor are away on missions of their own... Everybody’s doing something! Everybody but me! It’s funny, after all we’ve been through lately, especially with that horrible Magneto, you’d think I’d appreciate a little leisure time. But instead, I’m bored out of my mind!”
Magneto kissing her really teed her off if that’s what she’s focusing on from the whole Secret Wars thing and not having died.
Starfox has just the answer for Wasp’s post-Magneto-kissing blues though.
He was on his way to a great party and Wasp can be his plus one!
Meanwhile, on the Washington to New York plane, Vision and Scarlet Witch.
She’s confused why they didn’t just take the Quinjets that they have instead of flying on a commercial airline but Vision says that getting out among the people is just good public relations.
I mean, he’s not wrong. But also flying in public, in your costumes, seems like it runs the risk of aggroing a supervillain attack.
It doesn’t happen but I wouldn’t have been surprised if it did.
The flight attendant asks Vision if he drinks before course correcting into asking him if he wants a drink.
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I don’t know what’s more amazing here. Wanda going ‘he never has coffee at home’ like that coffee ad that Airplane spoofed.
Or Vision patting himself on the back for connecting to the common man with his drink order.
Simply superb.
Back at the casa Rambeau, Maria Rambeau returns and then returns Monica’s call. Monica says she’s going to come over for dinner and then a panel later, she’s knocking on the door.
Her parents are confused because it’s a twenty-minute drive between Monica’s house and theirs but that’s just part of what Monica wants to explain to them.
I see Monica decided to just jump into her explanation.
Back in New York, Janet frets over whether she’s dressed right for the party but Starfox just dismisses that as one of Earth’s weird mores. Why, he only wears the one outfit and that’s just gonna have to be good enough.
They arrive at the party and it seems to be a hobnobbin’ sort of event, with people discussing court settlements and acting. Also, She-Hulk is there. Hi, She-Hulk!
Glad Stern found another excuse to include you after Byrne stole you away to the land of the Fantastic.
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She-Hulk says she met the host at an exotic bakery shop just last week and that’s how she scored the invite.
I wonder what made these baked goods so exotic. And I’m wondering if it wasn’t actually erotic. Do I think that She-Hulk would purchase a butt cake? Yes, yes I do.
She asks Starfox how he knows the host and, well, he doesn’t. He heard about the party and decided to invite himself (and Wasp) along. I.e. crash.
But the host...
But the host, Sylvia Sersi, isn’t too bothered by the pair of party-crashing Avengers and has She-Hulk introduce them.
Starfox is enchanted to meet Sersi and she likewise but they’d best not be too enchanted to meet each other because I’m pretty sure they’re not too distant relations.
Mentor founded the Titan colony of the Eternals and the Eternals have all been around a while so there’s not that many branches between Starfox and Sersi, I don’t think.
A drunk man pauses before a mirror to tidy up his tie and gets a startle when a Watcher-looking guy that isn’t the Watcher because he has hair appears in the mirror instead of his own face.
When Sersi comes over to investigate she tells him he must have imagined it and sends the guy away for some air but then interrogates the mirror face man and calls him Domo.
Domo, in the mirror: “We need you here in Olympia! Everyone is needed for the final decision!”
Sersi: “I told you before, I don’t care! Go ahead and make your big decision! It won’t affect me, because I intend to go right on doing as I please!”
Then she turns the mirror into a picture of penguins??
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Her powers are great indeed.
Although her investment in the community is less so.
Whatever this mysterious decision everyone is voting on, it is clearly less important than this rockin’ party. This party has a She-Hulk!
Back over at the Rambeaus, Monica decides to just rip off the band-aid and tell her parents that she’s Captain Marvel. They find it hard to believe so she just pulls out her costume and lightspeeds into it.
Harder to hold doubts when your daughter glows with an awesome power.
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Frank Rambeau: “It’s true... my little girl’s an Avenger. Hey, that means... you’ve met Captain America!”
Frank jumping right to the important points.
Thankfully, Monica’s parents are very supportive. And actually like the Avengers. You have cool parents, Monica.
Frank Rambeau: “Monica, I don’t know what to say! The Avengers are heroes... like Cap and the Black Panther and Thor... They’re like a legend! To think that you’re one of them -- !”
Maria Rambeau: “We’re very, very proud of you, dear... Prouder than we ever thought possible!”
Very cool parents.
Meanwhile, back at the party, mirror spooked guy (apparently Harry) goes out for air like Sersi suggested and then sees something else which spooks him even harder!
He runs from the party babbling about seeing things or not seeing things and not sticking around to sort out which.
Then a bunch of goons crash the party by flying through the terrace doors.
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Look at these total goons.
Starfox steps forward and tries to defuse the situation both by words
Starfox: “Easy, my friends! I’m sure you don’t want to hurt anyone!”
And by shooting pleasure beams from his mind.
Predictably, his pleasure beam, besides being creepy, can’t be allowed to be too effective.
If it actually worked we wouldn’t have conflict and plot.
So like the Hulk in Incredible Hulk #300, these dudes called Delphans just slap Starfox out of the way.
Then superhero number two steps up.
One of the Delphans say that they need to get “that witch” before she can cause them any grief and She-Hulk was in proximity and assumes they meant her and takes exception to that.
She-Hulk: “‘Witch’, huh? You wouldn’t mean me, would you? That’s a bad choice of words, but you’re right about one thing... I can give plenty of grief!”
The Delphan just immediately hits her with an energy pole which just pisses off She-Hulk and ruins her party dress. Thankfully she had the unstable molecules FF costume on underneath.
She dresses in layers.
Delphan: “You’re still standing? But that photon-burst would have stunned the mighty Karkas!”
She-Hulk: “You stupid jerk! Do you have any idea how hard it is to find nice things in my size?!”
She-Hulk and Starfox start beating on the Delphans but its Sersi’s party and she can shoot eye beams if she wants to, eye beams if she wants to.
Sersi: “I should have known Domo would send you Delphans after me! Well, it won’t work! You’re not taking me away without a fight!”
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Not just eyebeams but apparently a piggifying beam!
A singing piggifying beam!
Oh, sure, the Delphan says that its a transmutive ability but I know whats what.
Her name is Sersi, which is like Cerci, and she can shoot pig beams at people, especially Greek soldiers.
Unfortunately, like other witches before her, she needs some wrist range of movement to do her business and grabbing her by the arms will just nullify her.
If only he didn’t have armored outpanties, she could kick him in the business.
But fortunately, Wasp “can blow up a small house” van Dyne won’t be stopped by armored outerwear and shoots the Delphan grabbing Sersi right in the butt.
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That is, Wasp shoots him in the butt, not that he’s grabbing Sersi in the butt.
Meanwhile, over in the Vision and Scarlet Witch subplot, their plane lands at LaGuardia and they’re instantly accosted by journalists who wants Vision’s take on rumors that the president is going to make chairmanship of the Avengers a cabinet-level post.
Vision coyly tells them that he and the president discussed many things but he’s not at liberty to confirm anything.
Then Vision excuses himself, saying that he and Wanda have to get back to Avengers Mansion.
Scarlet Witch: “We certainly do!” And when we get there, we are going to have a little talk!
Seems Wanda is annoyed at all this being left out of the loop.
Back at the A-plot, where A stands for Avengers go to a party and then get into a fight, Sersi gets fed up with these shenanigans and threatens to turn the Delphans into worms but she gets grabbed by the wrists again, this time by power-dampening chonky handcuffs, and dragged away by the Delphans to their spaceship that was hovering right outside the party.
Starfox and Wasp fly out in pursuit, with non-flying She-Hulk complaining about being left behind.
Wasp: “After them, Starfox! We mustn’t let them get away!”
Starfox: “I quite agree! Hostesses such as Ms. Sersi are all too rare!”
Wasp: “No kidding! Once we rescue her, I want to find out how she does that trick with her eyes!”
... Really.
The eyes specifically? Not the singing pig beam?
Huh. To each their own.
The ship takes off shortly after Wasp and Starfox stow aboard and the two heroes resume beating Delphan ass to try to save Sersi.
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Lead Delphan: “We have the advantage in number, but they’re still making us look like idiots! We can’t let them beat us now! Have to initiate transport... while there’s still a chance!”
The ship then disappears with a FWOF!
And reappears above the mountains of Northern Greece.
Apparently, Eternal transportation is like the kind in Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy because Starfox and Wasp are discombobulated and nauseated by the transport.
The Lead Delphan seizes the opportunity while the bull is hot and pulls the lever to make the ship just completely disassemble.
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The Delphans take advantage of the heroes startlement to beat the shit out of Starfox in midair.
Clever. But rude.
Sometime later, Starfox comes to in Olympia to discover that he and Wasp are completely surrounded and in the shit.
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Domo: “Citizens of Olympia!! At last, we all stand together... reunited with our Polar and Pacific cousins! Our destiny beckons! But before the ritual may begin, we must first deal with these two... who have intruded into the affairs of the Eternals!”
Hey, dick! They don’t come to a party you’re crashing and slap the host!
But I guess we’re going to meet all the Eternals next time.
What a fun coincidence that I’m hitting this point of the story when the Eternals movie is just a few months away.
Follow @essential-avengers​ because one day I’ll read comics about Sersi wearing a leather jacket. Like and reblog for the same reason or for different reasons.
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eve-evil-lair · 4 years
Someone in the Garden - M Naga x F Human, NSFW, 2nd person perspective.
This was a request from my friend and my first go at original smut writing. It is also available on my ao3.
Inheriting a mansion in New Orleans was NOT what you expected to happen to you by the end of a very shitty year. Still, that happened. It was bizarre and you still expected it to be a scam. Either way, you had nothing to lose so there you were. The lawyer had opened the gate and after like two minutes drive you were in front of not exactly a mansion but a large house. It didn’t even look that old.
“The original mansion burned down about 10 years ago,” the lawyer explained. “The addition at that time was also an indoor, large swimming pool/lake.”
You nodded as you got out of the house. The land belonged to some of your distant family, so distant that you didn’t even know they existed until you got the letter. Clearly, No one else wanted it.
“The land has a natural spring that goes through the lake area to later join a river. You can get water that way. Generators provide electricity in case the lines get cut.” the lawyer kept talking as you walked inside the building and started to show you around the place. It didn’t look too bad. Dusty and might need airing and a fresh coat of paint here and there. Some of the previous potential owners left buckets of paint behind.
“So… why no one has claimed this place? Is it haunted?” You joked but secretly hoping it wasn’t.
“No one gave much of a reason aside from ‘changed mind’. Longest someone stayed here was a week,” the guy checked his papers. “I won’t lie, Miss, we have a bet going back at the firm on how long are you going to last here.”
“Oh, I hope you bet for me to stay here permanently, huh?” you grinned.
“I gave you two days,” he replied bluntly and your smile fell.
“Gee thanks.” you huffed. Now you were going to show this asshole that you can take care of yourself.
You toured the house and quite liked it. It was a two-story building with a kitchen, living room, two bathrooms and 3 bedrooms with built-in closets. Your only concern was - how were you going to earn money to keep all that. You could sell it, but not until you proved the stupid lawyer you could live there no problem.
“I will now show you the rest of the estate,” said the bastard lawyer and led you outside and right to the giant swimming pool/lake.
It was made of glass like a greenhouse. Inside were multiple tropical plants and it looked much better than the house. As if someone has been taking care of it. You asked about that.
“Well there is no one listed as a gardener,” the lawyer checked the papers again, “but the previous owner made a point of never getting rid of this building. It’s the only condition for you if you want to keep the estate.” he lifted an eyebrow at you.
“I’m not going to get rid of it but I am just wondering if someone is taking care of it.” You didn’t have any experience in gardening but if this place was empty for at least a year or so…, shouldn’t it be a bit overgrown?
“Hmmm, there were…” one more page flip and…., “ah yes, there is some sort of wild nature enthusiast who takes care of the greenhouse.” Success. “Unfortunately there’s no name.”
Well, that was a bummer. “Thanks, I’m sure I will run into this person once I settle in.”
With that, the tour continued. You got a good look at the premises and signed the papers that you were supposed to sign and got your bags into the house. The night you were going to spend in a sleeping bag until you’d air and wash all the sheets and refresh the mattresses. Hands full of work.
It’s been three days and one night of cleaning everything up until you saw the light in the greenhouse. And the shadow. It was one huge-ass shadow but then you thought it was just a trick of the light. It must have been that friendly, neighbourhood gardener. It was a strange hour to work - the clock showing close to midnight. You grabbed a flashlight and went to talk to the person. You planned to bake them a pie but you weren’t sure when they’d show up so you had that idea on stand by.
“Hello?” you walked into the greenhouse shining your path forward. It was still dim. You took another step forward and tripped. You yelped and fell on your shoulder and winced. Damn it, the flashlight rolled away and you had to find it before shining it at whatever you tripped over. A tree branch? No… It was huge. Thick. And definitely scaly. Like a snake. You recognized the markings. You always wanted a python and was interested in reptiles. This… this was an anaconda. A damn huge, horror movie sized anaconda. Getting to your knees you looked abruptly around for the head of the reptile. Why the fuck was there an anaconda in your greenhouse?! Why no one told you! Shit, shit, maybe the poor thing ran away from poachers or illegal breeder or fuck knows what circus. But it was way too large for you to deal with alone- oh fuck the tail moved. You decided to bolt. Ready to sprint to the door you swallowed hard and-
“Wait,” the voice stopped you. It was a very pleasant, deep, vibrant, male voice. The kind of ‘panty drop’ one on TV shows. Heck. You turned around and shone the light around. It finally landed on a stomach. A stomach that was way too high and was creamy yellow. Not a very human tone… The light travelled up to land on a board chest and then on a face that got quickly covered by a hand. “Please put that away.”
You clicked the flashlight off, mouth hanging agape, still in a big shock. “What the fuck,” you said softly. Then promptly fainted.
Waking up with a small headache you groaned holding your head. “Shit.” You groaned. Confused you looked around. It was still the greenhouse. What were you laying on? You looked down and swallowed. The massive coils of the anaconda. You looked up to see a concerned (or at least you hoped it was a concern) face of… snake dude. You knew there was a name for him but currently, you couldn’t care less for proper terms.
“Oh you’re awake!” he said relieved and grinned.
You felt cold sweat running down your back at the sight of his teeth.
“Yup,” you squeaked out. “I- Can I go down?”
He blinked. “Oh, of course, there ya go.” the coils unravelled under you creating a slide which got you to the floor. Immediately he headed to the huge lake in the middle. OK, so he was not going to eat you. That was nice. Suddenly you realised why no one lived in the house longer than a couple of days. He must have freaked everyone out.
“Um, ex-excuse me,” you called to him. “Who are you?”
“I’m Adam,” he said and sighed slipping into the water.
Adam. A humanoid mega python in your pool was named Adam. This day could not be even more bizarre than it already was. Okay. You licked your lips.
“Okay, Adam. Can you tell me what are you doing here?” you asked trying to sound polite.
“I live here,” he replied. You watched mesmerised as his tail swished over the water.
“Ye, I got that but… how did you come to live here?” you gestured to the greenhouse.
“Oh, that’s a funny story, really.” He brightened up seeing you were going to stay and listen to him. “I was much younger and you know… much smaller,” he looked over his body patting his soft belly a little. “I accidentally got stuck on a ship, it went up to the port, tried to escape from there, got caught in some nets and then Mr Brown found me.”
“Mr Brown. The previous owner?” you asked to clarify but who else could he mean.
“Yeah, his house burned down because of a storm. He was a really nice person, allowed me to stay, even tried to get me back home but…. I kind of like it here,” he smiled again, all sunshine and rainbows and you couldn’t help but to ‘aww’ a little. “I stayed and brought some good luck to him.”
“What?” you blinked a little.
“You don’t know? Naga are protectors of underground waters and possess great riches, I don’t have riches myself but I tend to bring a lot of luck to those I like,” he explained further. “You strike me as a nice person. What’s your name by the way?”
That moment you remembered you didn’t introduce yourself so you quickly fixed that. You stayed up with Adam the rest of the night, talking and answering some questions. You started to enjoy his company and noticed that he was very handsome once you look past the whole shock of having a possibly a 30 feet long anaconda dude in your greenhouse. Possibly even longer. You didn’t pay much attention. What you paid attention to were his deep voice and beautiful, warm, light brown eyes. Also muscular arms and torso. With a little bit of a belly. But you couldn’t stay with him forever and had to go back to the house and get some sleep. You bid your goodnights and went back inside.
The next day you worked a little on the house and in the evening went to meet with Adam. You two bonded a little over time, you caught him up with the times and he showed you how to take care of the plants inside the greenhouse. Like he said suddenly your luck started to improve. You got a really good job, following his advice you played a lottery and even won quite a bit. Enough to finish the work on the house. It was great.
There was one but. You realized somewhere along the way that you might be crushing on your Naga friend. Like really bad. Once or twice maybe even ended up having a (*coughamazingcough*), wet dreams. His hands were so huge on your shoulder and whenever it landed on your back you wished it was on your ass. You kind of also wondered if…. He resembled snakes in more ways than one. Though you hoped for no spikes. Or hooks. Anything that might be painful in the wrong way. That would be bad.
So, for now, you have been kind of keeping all of that to yourself. But damn was it becoming hard to keep your eyes, not on his waist level. In your defence, he had no clothes! And it was most of the time on your eye level! Where else were you supposed to look when horny!? His eyes?! …. Yeah possibly, yeah. Damn it.
“Are you okay?”
You almost jumped out of your skin when he got you out of your deep thoughts. You completely forgot where you were. Namely in the damn greenhouse. Oh, god. You couldn’t wait to just get out of there, drive to town and find a quick one nightstand. You were ready to go, having done all the prep for * all * possibilities. But nope, you got distracted by staring at your roommate’s? Housemates’s? Crotch. Nice.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just a bit spaced out.” You tried to justify yourself.
“So… you’re horny, huh?”
Holy fucking hell, you must have blurted that out. Why cannot the ground swallow a chick whole just this once???
“Uuuuuuuh, hehehehe, sorry.” You licked your lips.
Suddenly Adam moved around you, circling you with the upper parts of his tail, or at least the part not in water.
“That’s fine by me,” his voice… oh, boy his voice. It was already rich molasses but now it was just unfair how hot it was. He touched you under the chin and smiled. You swallowed hard. “Do you wish for my help there?”
“Mmhm, yup, yes please,” you blurted out making him chuckle.
“Alright then. Off must go these clothes,” he said and before you could say anything riiiiiip went your shirt. Damn. He sure made his point. Quickly before he could destroy your good bra and skirt/panties you took them off. He watched you. His tongue darting forward, it was cute. You wondered what that tongue could do.
Whatever you have imagined got interrupted by a hungry, rough kiss and a hand between your legs. God, that felt good. You were already dripping of which he made a notice by lifting his fingers back up to his mouth and wrapping his long tongue around his digits and having a taste of you and looking too smug in your opinion. Your face was positively on fire but who would complain in this situation?
“Just hurry up,” you tried not to sound too whiny and he chuckled.
“Impatient, you are,” Adam hummed and wrapped his mouth around your nipple. His hand travelling back between your legs.
Your hands went to his head stroking him and grazing his skull with your fingers. He seemed to know more than less what he was doing over there. His lips were keeping a nice, a bit rough pressure, and his finger was stroking you so well~. If he just moved his calloused, thick forefinger just a bit to the- You jerked and bit your lower lip to stop a loud moan from pretty much erupting from your throat. Looking down you saw him with a grin and he did it again.
Your nails dug into the back of his skull as he stroked your clit in just the right spot.
“Fffffuck!” you whined and gripped your other hand on his coils looking for support. “Oh, fuck! F-faster! God!” you hissed and he gladly obliged.
The first orgasm crashed through you with a tsunami of relief from weeks of frustration. Turning into a noodle in his arms your you sighed and breathed heavily, trying to regain some sort of sense of composure. But God did it feel so good to just lay there for a moment.
“Where-, how-” you panted out, cracking your eyes open not even remembering when you have closed them.
“I read a lot, you have no idea what you humans throw out to the swamp,” he chuckled. “Was it… Good?” he asked just in case.
“It was fucking awesome.” you gave him a thumbs up calming your breathing down. “Got any more tricks you read about?” You licked your lips in anticipation.
“I do,” he picked you up and removed the top coil, allowing himself more manoeuvrability before setting you back down. “Keep your legs open,” he instructed before his head went between your knees and you had to stop yourself from crushing his head.
Wow, that tongue felt * amazing*. Adam swirled it in gently circles, that little fork at the end of it just rubbing your clit and when he slipped inside… Oh, wow . You gasped and reached behind your head to grab onto his tail. Pulling yourself up and arching back. But he didn’t let you get away oh no. He took his time, finding all the angles to make you moan and cry out. The thrusts going from soft to quick. One finger pressed to your clit to compensate for lack of nose as he pressed on. He reached to your breast with the other hand and stroked you. You whined and twisted your body. Good lord. You should have done this ages ago!
The pinch to your nipple and a hard suck on your clit had tipped you over, crying out in your release. When you stopped shaking he removed your legs from his head and licked your thighs. You whined and twitched.
“Noo,” you sighed over stimulated.
He then stroked your face leaning back and that was when you saw them. Two. Magnificent. Dicks. Long, thick, swaying with his movement. Each head looked almost like a flower with a collar of soft-looking nubs. Barbs? You were unsure about the terminology. Anyway, they glistened. Must have been covered in his own lubricant. They were dripping. Your mouth watered and eyes grew big. Oooooh~
Adam noticed your stare and coughed. “Well, um-” he sounded a bit sheepish.
“Can you use them both? At the same time?” You asked managing to sit up.
“Y-yes? Why?” he immediately helped you out, supporting you as you crawled and touched one of the cocks. He shivered a little as you ran a hand over them. Sticky, the liquid covered your fingers and started to dry, much like lube or your juice would. It didn’t smell half bad either. You licked it and heard him swallow loud.
It was your turn to grin like the cat who got the canary. Wobbly standing up, you pressed onto his chest.
“I want to try something,” you said. Something that you had only ever tried with toys. Once with one of your exes. You were quite sure you could take him. Blessed be your earlier precautions
“Okay,” Adam said slowly, watching you as you sank on the first dick. Inhaling loudly and sharply in you adjusted.
“Oh, yes,” you breathed out and reached back to the other dick. You rubbed your hand over the head, getting used to the barbs as you bounced in his lap. He shuddered and moaned stroking your back. You did not want to end this too fast for either of you so you slipped off of him. “Adam, would you mind to stretch me a bit, here?” you stretched your ass cheeks apart to better make your point. “I want both of them at the same time~,” you told him. “I also want you to use your tail on me, while you do that.”
“No problem,” he nodded looking quite excited at the idea.
Wetting his fingers first he slid first one finger over your ass cheeks and between them. Rubbing the circle of muscles he slipped inside. You moaned and breathed deeply, relaxing. His tail went up to your front, pushing inside you, impaling you repeatedly. Feeling your ass loosening up he added another finger and stretched your ass further and further until you both were sure you could take him in. His other hand gently fondled your chest and you reached down to toy with your clit. Soon, your third orgasm was coming in. You went rigid and spilt yourself, gasping for air once more.
“O-okay,” you said trying to steady yourself up. “Let’s… let’s try his thing.”
Now, here comes the moment of truth! His tail slipped out of you and got replaced with one of his dicks. You angled a little and Adam pushed the second cock into your spread out asshole. Your eyes watered a little. That was full! You gasped and gritted your teeth, the moan already escaping you. Throwing your head back you search for him.
Adam held you against his chest. “You okay?” It must have been a lot for him too. He was holding your legs wide open. It probably would never not be a turn on - the ease in which he could just keep you in his hands.  
“Never better, just getting used to you,” you reached up and patted his cheek. Your vision was in that kinda lusty state where it wasn’t exactly fuzzy but your eyes couldn’t focus on anything.
The barbs were pressing on inside you, the shape of his dicks was an unusual one but thickness and texture were making up for it so well~. You squeezed your walls around him and he hissed. His hips pushed forward and you groaned pleased. Yess, that was so good.
You pressed your back to his chest, one hand on your boob. “Fuck me,” you told him, voice hoarse.
His throat moved as he swallowed. He nodded and started to move you on him. Your body shivered, your mouth fell open. Those dicks barely fit whole inside you, your stomach having a small bulge every time he thrust inside. The barbs rubbed your insides, pressing onto that sweet spot. The added feeling and tightness from his other dick was making you dizzy. You panted and moaned, trying to move as much as you could. The feeling swelled and grew until you couldn’t hold back any longer, screaming out. Your hips jerked rather erratically and you dug your nails into his scales, finding gaps and holding tightly. His own body convulsed under you and he hissed your name, dicks spilling into you as you heaved against his chest. A final thrust which elicited a whimper of his name from you, and he was done, movements slowing as you both struggled to catch your breath.
After a moment he laid down on the ground, the two cocks slipping out of you and with it came the cum, slowly dripping down your leg. But who cared at that moment? You whimpered and nuzzled his chest.
“My legs feel funny,” you giggled stupidly and hummed pleased. He also made an amused noise and nuzzled your head.
You looked at him. He was getting ready to sleep now. Ah, some things never change among the species, huh? You stretched yourself and kissed him. That made him wake up a little and look at you softly. Pulling you up in his arms he kissed you again and coiled around you.
“Sleep?” he mumbled.
“I need to clean up,” you replied patting his face.
“But come back and sleep, yes?” That made you feel so warm and fuzzy. Maybe this was going to be a bit more than just a one-time thing?
“Sure,” you wiggled out of his arms and waddled to the lake, washing away the remains of your mixed fluids. Then as promised you came back. “Goodnight, Adam.” You said softly.
“G’d night.” he said and soon you both were fast asleep.
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lalainajanes · 4 years
Surprise + 1. “OH you’re jealous!” + KC
Called Out
Caroline’s got her back pressed to a brick wall, barely aware of the people passing in front of her. It’s not like her – she’d touched down in New York City three days ago and has been hungrily absorbing every new sight and sound. At the moment, she’s having a pretty intense personal crisis.
She and Klaus have been chasing down separate leads for the last few hours. When she’d walked into the restaurant they’d planned to meet in, found him leaning against the bar, in full flirt mode, the punch of jealousy she’d felt had her flight instincts kicking into high gear.
Practicality had kept her from going too far. Klaus is doing her a favor; she needs to know what he’s found out today. She just needs a minute (or twelve) to collect herself. A drink might help, but that would mean going back inside.
When someone pauses in front of her, Caroline keeps her head tipped up. She’s hoping they’ll move along (she can’t be polite to a good samaritan right now, will totally eat a creep). A vaguely familiar voice exclaims, “Hey, I know you. Long way from Mystic Falls, aren’t you, darling?”
She jerks in surprise when she spots Kol Mikaelson in front of her. Without thinking, Caroline reaches out and pokes his chest. He’s warm and solid under what’s probably an exorbitantly expensive t-shirt. She knows ghosts are a thing; she hadn’t known Kol wasn’t one of them.
Kol traps her hand, keeps it pressed to his chest with a smirk, “Why Miss Forbes, that’s awfully forward of you. Nik’ll fly into quite a tantrum if we steal away. Sounds fun.”
“How are you not dead?” Caroline asks, ignoring the rest of Kol’s speech. Klaus has told her a few stories over the years in which Kol appears. Caroline’s gotten the impression that Kol enjoys the sound of his own voice a little too much.
He releases her, rocks back on his heels. “Did my brother fail to mention that little feat? It happened ages ago, not long after he left your sad little town.”
Caroline’s mouth falls open, and a quick flash of anger pushes the jealousy aside. She’d thought she and Klaus had become friends in the years since she’d first made a trip to New Orleans. That time she’d needed his help, but she’d gone back (and had met up with Klaus in other locations) dozens of times since. Maybe she’d misconstrued things if he hadn’t bothered to mention something as significant as the resurrection of a member of his family.
“He’s given me free rein since. I’ve been traveling, and unbothered save for the odd check-in and reminder not to make myself conspicuous. It’s been bliss.”
“Huh,” Caroline says. Not exactly eloquent, but she’s processing.
“I only had to agree not to remove Elena Gilbert’s pretty head from her shoulders. Nik thought it would upset you.”
Kol’s casual revelations are so not helping Caroline’s emotional turmoil. “Um, obviously.”
He makes a noise of disgust. “She’s the worst doppelganger.”
“Katherine smothered me with a pillow so. Hard disagree.”
Kol opens his mouth – probably to argue – and Caroline has no desire to get sucked into an argument that’s sure to be ridiculous. “What are you doing here?”
He sighs, long and exaggerated, “Nik commanded my presence. Coaxing witches into helping with impossible situations is a bit of a specialty of mine.”
It’s impossible to miss the lewd undertone. Caroline wrinkles her nose. “Ew.”
“Don’t knock it till you try it.” Kol’s eyes sharpen, his head tipping to the side as he glances from her to the door. “Why are you skulking out here? Nik’s inside, according to his last message. Feigning off the advances of a witch we can’t currently piss off.”
“Ha, didn’t look like feigning to me,” Caroline mutters. Wishes she hadn’t immediately after because her bitterness had been palpable. Kol’s impressively self-absorbed, but he’s not an idiot.
“Ohhh,” he drawls, the syllable drawn out and dripping with glee. “You’re jealous.”
Caroline bites back a denial – she’s sure it will only encourage Kol.
“Nik will be tickled when I tell him. It’s a bit pathetic how he’s jumped to help you with your problems over the years. But it’s paid off and far sooner than he’d anticipated.”
Caroline doesn’t have the will power to swallow her offense. “Excuse me, I’ve asked Klaus for exactly three favors. In fourteen years.”
And yeah, maybe they’d been kind of big. But the problems hadn’t really even been hers. Klaus had helped her and Bonnie break the spell Kai had placed on Elena. He’d called off the calls for the doppelganger to be brought to him, allowing Elena and Damon to have a sickeningly perfect white picket fence life.
And now he’s helping her find a way for Bonnie to be immortal and keep her magic.
“That’s approximately three more favors than he’s granted anyone else. He’s only ever helpful when he’s got something to gain.”
“Maybe he’s growing as a person.”
Kol laughs at that. Loudly. Several people on the street look over in interest. He shakes his head, “You’re adorably optimistic.”
“Two of my best qualities.”
She’s also not a coward.
Caroline pushes off from the wall, smooths her hands over her dress. She’d bought it today, and it’s freaking fantastic – blue and clingy, tiny straps and a low back. She’d privately wondered about Klaus’ reaction to the dress in the fitting room, might have drifted off into an idle fantasy about how easily it could be torn away.
Kol’s watching her, amused. “Do you not want him to know about the jealousy then?”
She’s fairly certain Klaus will be able to tell – he’s always been annoyingly good at reading her, even when he’d barely known her, and she’d done her damndest to hide from him.
Caroline practices a smile. She hopes it’ll at least fool whatever contacts they’re trying to cajole tonight. “I’m sure we’ll discuss it later.”
“I’m glad I’m staying at a different hotel. Something tells me you’ll get loud.”
Caroline ignores the innuendo. “Let’s go in.”
“Ladies first.”
Caroline glares though she’s not actually annoyed, “So you can stare at my ass?”
“Isn’t that why you picked the dress?”
He may have a point. It’s petty - one of her worst qualities, Caroline’s made her peace with it – but maybe she can distract Klaus with a little jealousy of his own.
The crowd inside the bar is thicker than it had been earlier, and Kol sticks close behind her as they weave towards where Klaus now is. He’s commandeered the best booth in the place. Kol’s hand lands on her back, in a respectful place, surprisingly. “I’m going to go get a drink. Try not to be in a compromising position when I return, hmm?”
Klaus is alone, now. Caroline’s relieved, doesn’t bother to try to deny it, even internally.
Klaus slips out when Caroline approaches, rests a hand on her hip while he brushes his mouth across her cheek. “Did you have a productive day, love?”
She loops her arms over his shoulder, keeps him close. Klaus goes rigid for a scant moment – she’s never hugged him before. “I did,” she murmurs. “I’ll tell you all about it. But first, I ran into your brother outside. Is there a reason you never mentioned you’d brought Kol back?”
Caroline pulls away so she can see his face, and Klaus is genuinely confused. “Did I not?”
“I would have remembered that.”
He lifts a shoulder, “I can’t imagine why it’s never come up. I should have thought it would be obvious – I wasn’t about to leave him dead when I had the means to bring him back.”
It’s such an arrogant statement, and so Klaus. She can’t even be annoyed. Of course he’d casually break the laws of life and death and not think it worth mentioning. He’s Klaus Mikaelson – most powerful being in the world.
A laugh bubbles out of her and she can’t resist hugging him again. “Has anyone ever told you you’re a little ridiculous?”
“No one who lived,” Klaus says mildly.
“I guess I’m lucky you like me.” His eyes darken, and his mouth opens. Caroline brushes past him before he can respond.
They have business first. Caroline can see how the next few minutes will play out if Klaus were to refute that his regard for her is as simple as like. He’s got a gift for perfect tempting words. She’s always had trouble resisting the way he looks at her – like their alone even when there are a hundred other people nearby. Caroline’s about ninety-five percent of the way to admitting that her feelings are more significant too. She knows she’s got decisions to make. She remembers how freaking good Klaus can make her feel, even if the one time they’d indulged they’d been crunched for time and in a less than ideal location.
Without a quick subject change, they’ll end up providing Kol with blackmail fodder.
She snags his hand, keeps it even when they’ve slid into the booth. Klaus seems fine with how much she’s touching him, has taken it upon himself to return the favor. He brushes her hair back, his fingers lingering on the strap of her dress.
Caroline’s sure it’ll end up snapped by the end of the night, and she’s not mad about it.
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the dead of night | chapter five
Scott's point of view
I watched Kristina return to her seat next to me with her long platinum blonde hair drifting behind her head. Her eyes scanned over me as if she was waiting for me to say something to her. She had a glimmer in her eyes like she had just witnessed something or other.
“What?” I asked her.
She shook her head, but I knew there was something on her mind, though. She had seen something back there near the bathrooms. Nancy followed suit into the seat across from her. I glanced over at Geddy, who shrugged his shoulders at me. There was a part of me that wanted to touch and run my hands down the smoothest parts of his hair, right on top of his head.
To think that Frankie and I were alone with him for a little bit. It was just a few minutes but it was enough for the both of us to forget about everything for a little bit.
I turned back to Kristina, who showed me a grin, the first time I had seen her grin in forever and a day.
“You saw something back there, didn't you,” Frankie teased her.
Nancy slid back into the seat next to Geddy with a warm blush upon her face. From behind those glasses, I noticed a baffled look in his eye.
“What?” she asked him.
“Is everything alright?” he asked her.
“You sure? Your face is flushed and you're breathing hard.”
Joey and Hannah breezed back into the room right then: he had a smirk on his face while she smelled of strawberries and her face was bright pink like a single strawberry.
“What the hell is going here,” I demanded.
“It's not what it looks like,” Hannah assured me.
“I'm pretty sure it is,” I teased her.
“It's not,” Joey joined in, still with a smirk on his face.
“It's NOT, you mean,” I teased him with a wag of my finger, and I couldn't resist the smirk on my face, either.
“Yeah, it's NOT. A big ol' thick NOT.”
“It's a big ol' thick 'not' like your dick,” Hannah murmured as she brought her cup of coffee to her lips.
“Not here!” Joey scoffed in a hushed voice.
I cleared my throat and returned to Geddy.
“So what we were talkin' about earlier?” I asked him in a loud voice.
“Oh, you mean going up to retrace dear Francine's steps?” he asked me back, also in a loud voice.
“Yeah...” I turned my head to Joey and Hannah, both of whom had picked up their cups of coffee for drinks on their parts.
“Which means we'll have to head on up to Rochester,” Frankie followed along; his expression turned solemn right then.
“Rochester and then to 'Swaygo and Syracuse,” Joey filled in right then as he held his coffee cup before his chest.
“Seems like a lot,” Kristina remarked.
“We've been around a lot of places upstate and here in the City,” Hannah pointed out. “I'm sure the cops have the City covered, though.”
“And then?” Nancy asked.
“And then?” Hannah echoed.
“We'll have to go up to Toronto then,” Geddy suggested.
“We'll have to,” Hannah pointed out. “There's no other way otherwise.”
Geddy raised his glass such that the overhead lights hit the dark cola in the glass to make it look bright red.
“To Francine,” he declared.
“To Francine,” the each of us followed suit, and we took a drink in unison. It seemed like a lot but we each had come to this point in time for a reason. For me, it was to reconnect with Kristina in the time she had left. I had to make it right before she tied the noose around her neck in the next decade.
“I caught Joey and Hannah making out in the bathroom,” Nancy blurted out, to which Frankie almost gagged on his drink.
“Nancy!” Geddy scoffed.
“What? I did! Kristina did, too.”
“I was just going to use the ladies' room,” Kristina filled in, “I didn't even see them 'til I was washing my hands and Hannah was making little whimpery noises.”
“Gonna need some water over here!” Joey called out to the waitress.
After our bite to eat, we all filed out into the cold afternoon. I huddled closer to Kristina and that big guitar case on her back. It almost seemed unnecessary to be near her, especially since we were all here to seek out Francine. And yet, Frankie and I came back to reconnect. Reconnect before the sands in the hourglass ran out.
“So where do you hope you'll record at?” I asked her over the rush of the cold winds.
“Electric Lady of course,” she answered: even though it was overcast, the daylight shone over that crown of blonde hair to make it appear as though it was made of silver. Bright head of silver with smokey dark eyes. She adjusted the strap on her shoulder to make the case stay on her back.
“I hope I can find an opening soon,” I told her. “And I hope we can find an opening to listen in, too. I'd love to listen to you record a record.”
I returned to Nancy and Geddy, both of whom were huddled close together against the winds.
“I hope the Mounties don't stop us when we're up there,” she confessed to him.
“They won't, my dear,” he vowed to her. “As long as you have proof and you have a way into there, you can traverse about all over the place.”
“We've got an actual Canadian with us, too,” I joined in.
“You've got a Canadian with you, too!” he said with a tone of glee.
“We'll stop by that li'l upholstery place, too,” Joey pointed out. “Say how ya doin' to Marcia and Sonia and see if they can give us some clothes if we wanna.”
“You just want to see Hannah try on some clothes,” Kristina cracked.
“Well, I won't deny it,” he said with a shrug and a tucking of his hands into his coat pockets. He then peered up to the sky overhead. I followed his gaze to a series of drones, pitch dark against the light gray sky. Even from far down below, I could make out the sight of the green and blue neon on their undersides.
I turned my head to Kristina, as she set her guitar case on the sidewalk. She opened the case and took out her guitar, a bright cherry red acoustic with a narrow black neck and a white star painted on the end of the body.
“Beauty!” Geddy declared.
“I named her Cherise,” Kristina said with a twinkle in her eye. She held her hand over the strings and strummed with her thumb and her index finger. It took me a second to realize what she was playing, to which the memory came flooding back to me.
“'Planet Caravan,'” I said, and I couldn't help but smirk.
“We're just missing some snow,” she replied with a raise of her eyebrow. She never actually broke out into singing but she did play that hypnotic riff that haunted me since I was a kid.
The perfect song to go finding a girl missing in Canada to no less.
I peered up at the drones in the sky again, and then I caught sight of a smooth white humanlike head near the top of the apartment building. I was wondering where all the humans here had disappeared to, because aside from the waitress, the few patrons, and the line cook there in the cafe, the city streets seemed far more deserted than ever before. It almost felt like a dream to be on an otherwise crowded city street, only to find everyone had all but vanished.
As Kristina let the music drift over the street and the sidewalk, I glanced down the street to a few more drones appearing out from behind the apartment complexes.
“Makes me wish we had Lars and his little radar detector again,” Joey muttered under his breath.
“I really hope she's alright,” Frankie whispered to me.
“We'll find her, man,” I promised him, even though I had no idea as to where to look from that point onward. “I have hope that we will.”
All I knew was we had to find our way out of that part of the city and get on upstate. But then there was Kristina, who continued to strum and play to that familiar song. I missed Pearl but there was something about her I had missed. She was the first girl I ever fell in love with and then much like Joey and Hannah, we were separated by circumstance.
It was now or never at that point. Balance out finding Francine with reconnecting with Kristina.
“Where do you live now?” I asked her. She kept strumming but she looked at me with raised eyebrows.
“Boston,” she replied.
“All the way over in beautiful Bahstahn,” Frankie cracked.
“Bahstahn, exactly!” Kristina laughed. “It's a little out of the way, though, if you guys wanna come swing by at some point.”
“Makes me wish we had Lars and that arrowhead of his,” Joey spoke again.
“Wait a minute, don't you have that?” Hannah asked him.
“The arrowhead?” Joey hesitated for a second and then he patted down the front of his coat. He slipped one hand down into his right pocket and took out a stone arrowhead about the size of a silver dollar.
“Don't think there's a wormhole from Syracuse to Boston, but you can make one with this li'l thing here, Scott,” he explained. “Just—be really careful, though, 'cause ghosts and other scary ass things can go through 'em.”
“Ghosts?” Frankie sputtered.
“Ghosts, yeah.”
“How can I forget 'Vera',” Hannah grumbled.
“Forget Vera for a second, what about Mrs. Snow?” Joey recalled. “She tried to whack my dick off after she caught us in bed together.”
“I liked the old man, though,” she continued. “What was his name?”
“Mr. Lang. He gives me apples all the time.”
“There are also mutant banana slugs down in New Orleans and big ass spiders in both Syracuse and Rochester,” Nancy chimed in. “'Syracuse spiders' as Marcia and Sonia call them.”
“And water snakes and scorpions up on the Canadian side of the Great Lakes, too,” Geddy added.
“And all of those and more over in Seattle, too,” Nancy continued, “as poor Dominique will tell you...”
“You sure they're scorpions and not vinegaroons, Ged?” Hannah asked him.
“They're definitely scorpions. Great Lake Emperors, they're called. And yes, they are as every bit of terrifying as you can possibly imagine because unlike actual emperors, they're actually quite aggressive. I think there are vinegaroons up there but I haven't seen any. I don't think Alex and Neil have, either.”
What a world I came into! I turned back to Kristina as Joey dropped the arrowhead into my palm.
“You better not have weird creatures over in Boston,” I told her.
“Giant seabirds, but otherwise, not really.”
“How giant are we talkin'?”
“Giant enough to take a whole loaf of bread from you, but they're not like—giant aggressive scorpions, though. They're quite lovely, actually.” She continued to strum her guitar, to which I took another look up to the drones in the sky. The green and blue neon waxed and waned with the gray clouds overhead, and I wondered if there were any more around there. I didn't want to leave Kristina there in the City by her lonesome, especially since I had no idea where she even parked.
“So, shall we get a move on, eh?” I suggested in a slight fake Canadian accent.
“Get a move on, eh,” Geddy scoffed with a smirk. “Take off, ya hoser.”
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
Hair and Bone - Marilyn Manson x Reader [Smut/Angst]
Synopsis: The new album your boyfriend is recording takes its toll on not only him, but you too.
Notes: Antichrist Superstar era! I never thought I’d write anything for this era, but I was re-reading his book, and these parts that were mentioned of the recording process for AS were just so raw, I really connected with them. So, here’s a self insert to feel all the feels! Warning: Not-so-recreational drug use and brief thoughts of self harm.
This fic can be read as a later sequel to Hotel, Motel, Holiday Inn. Otherwise, it can be a standalone too.
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It was the conversation that needed to happen.
It was less of a conversation, really, and more of a tension release, the pop in the balloon you had known was coming. You just wish it had happened at a more convenient time-- not 3 in the morning.
You don't care if your boyfriend gets home at 6 pm or 6 am. You’re used to his schedule being irregular. It was different when he was just starting out-- he’d record music with the guys in the closet or something, or in Jeordie’s bathroom, since it had good acoustics. Now after the success of his first studio album, the pressure for the next one is greater, and he’s putting a lot more work into it. He's in the studio, and you trust him. Tonight, he had ambled in at 2:45 in the morning, and you had been sleeping.
Hearing a faint crash and a string of 'fuck's, you open your eyes, yawn, and get out of bed. It’s either a serial killer, or your boyfriend. Not much difference.
"Bri?" you whisper, holding onto the wall.
"Yeah," he grumbles back. He sits down in the dark living room, and holds his head in his hands, lacing his fingers behind the back of his head. The only light is that of the streetlight across the road from your big, cold New Orleans house.
"You okay?"
He doesn't answer, and you sit on the hardwood floor with him. The black paint that you'd both been meaning to use on the walls still sat, unopened, beside you. It always reminded you of the times you and he would joke around and say how you'd buy a suburban house with a white picket fence, then paint the fence black and watch the neighborhood fall to pieces in uproar. Causing trouble with you always used to bring his spirits up. He doesn't look like he's in a good place right now, though. He hasn't for a while.
"How'd the day go?" you ask softly, crouching down on your knees in front of him.
Marilyn looks up, and you notice how glazed his eyes look. Well, you think, it's no different from any other night. He's always high now. It's not a judgement; merely an observation. He used to say drugs were all for appearances, to act the part of the rock and roll star he wanted so desperately to be. Now, you’re not so sure, but it’s not your place to say anything about it, and you’re not about to.
He looks at you, eyes travelling downward to sweep over your tiny black satin nightgown. You suddenly become aware of how cold you are right now, sitting on the under-heated living room hardwood. Your boyfriend's dark stare, however, heats you up.
Wordlessly, he licks his lips. You let out a breath, and let the thin strap of the nightie fall down your shoulder. It's an invitation... you did miss him.
A quiet moan escapes his lips, and he reaches forward, pressing his mouth to yours. Putting his weight on top of you, he pins you to the floor, peels off his shirt to reveal his pale, thin body, and reaches underneath the nightie. When he finds you naked with no panties, he reaches down to touch himself, unzipping his pants and lowering them just enough. He gives himself a few tugs, letting the blood rush down to his cock.
A breath of hot air on your face, and you feel the head press in, your body slowly accepting him inside. He gives you three seconds to adjust, then starts to fuck in fast and hard. A jolted cry escapes you, and it turns into a sigh as your back arches. Marilyn keeps his hands firmly braced on the hardwood as he pounds into you, each pump of him inside you feeling as if it's bruising. Your hands scramble downward, and you move your fingers to rub your clit, helping yourself along. Marilyn is unaffected by your attempt to pleasure yourself-- he doesn't tease you by taking your fingers away, and doesn't offer to take over. He just keeps fucking you, deep, punched out noises coming out of him with each thrust.
After a minute, one of his hands finds your breast, squeezing roughly, like his hand can't get enough. You choke out a noise, and you look up at his face to see that he's glowering down at you. His hair is draped around you, and it again brings you back to fond memories of Brian grinning, calling it a curtain so that the world can't see the two of you fuck.
He's not smiling now. His face is completely devoid of emotion-- at least for a moment. His black eyeshadow makes his eyes appear hollow, and you usually find it sexy, but tonight in the dark, on top of you, he looks ghoulish. His face contorts, and his lips part. His slender hips stutter, and you rub your fingers faster, desperately, feeling your release build, needing it as you grind down onto his cock.
"Wait, wait," you beg, panting into his neck, "Wait..."
He grunts a couple of times, slamming in hard, and you feel the trickle before you or he can bring you to an orgasm first. His breathing evens out, and with a sigh, he pulls out. As if he's mechanical, like he knows he’s expected to, he replaces his dick with his fingers-- three, he's not wasting time-- and starts to mercilessly shove them in. He knows all your spots. His fingers brush your G-spot as he bends them right where he knows you'll cum, and you do, gasping his name as he painfully gives you what you need.
The two of you just lie there, staring at the dark ceiling. After about five minutes, the dark starts to move before your eyes, making you see stars, and you need to sit up.
Rubbing your head, you yawn. "You wanna talk about it?"
He doesn't look at you.
You look out the window, facing every possible reality. "Is there another woman?"
"Then what is it?"
The fuse that your initial question lit now explodes in your face.
"Sometimes I don't want to fucking speak, okay? Can you just respect that and shut the fuck up?"
It’s like a slap in the face. Worse. "...Okay," you murmur, curling in on yourself as he stands up. Then a voice in your head tells you, fuck that. You're always here for him. You've been here for him since he even had the glimmer of an idea for a band, and had supported him through everything. Sure, he'd supported you too in everything you'd done since then-- graduating school, moving with him, saying goodbye to your family to come out here. But these past few months, it was as if he was possessed by something darker than all the demons he sang about.
"You know what?" you whisper, "You can't tell me to shut up."
"You know why?"
"Because I've kept my mouth shut for too long. It's your life. I will always be proud of you, and supportive of you, and I will never tell you what to do. But when you say shit like that to me? I don't deserve that." He doesn't answer, and you feel your blood rising. "You'd better agree with me real fast."
"You can't possibly fucking imagine the stress I'm under right now," he shoots back, "My band is falling apart. I feel like I'm falling apart."
"And I'm trying to help you," you insist.
"You can't help me. You're just in my way." The weight of his words are crushing. "I feel like a hamster in a wheel, (y/n), and I'm ready to chew my own arm off. I'm not getting anywhere and it's because I have some fucked up idea of a perfect life with you, some stupid notion that entered my stupid unconscious grey matter back when I started this disjointed excuse for a fucking band. I can't make the record I want to make to get to the future I want to make with you, it’s all dead ends and it's killing me!"
You balk. And this is somehow your fault? "What am I supposed to do about it?"
"You can't do anything. All you can do at this point is fuck me when I need you, and leave me the hell alone otherwise." Through the darkness, you can't see the tear running down his cheek. He doesn't mean it. He doesn't mean any of it, he wishes the automatic wiring of his jaw would stop, just stop, stop talking you fucker!
"Wow. You are something. Why don't you go run to your boyfriend Trent? I'm sure he could help with all of that."
Apologize. Hold her in your arms and make her forget this stupid fight happened. "Yeah, you know what? Maybe I will. He probably gives better head than you too!" That stings. You've always prided yourself on your blow jobs.
"Fuck you, Brian Warner."
He doesn't answer. He just glares, a glare that seems to drill right through you, like he's not even glaring at you anymore.
You put a coat and his pants on, since they're the first ones you find, pick up your bag, shove a few things into it, and leave. He watches you go, numb as he seems to feel every waking moment of his life now. The stubbornness in him won't let him break down and cry, or throw something, or beat himself in the stomach until he throws up. He can only stand there, the silence like knives digging into his ears.
It's 6:15 am, and you're waiting for the bus to the airport. Your mom had offered to come pick you up when you get home from New Orleans, and you had gladly accepted. You need your family right now more than ever.
Approaching the flight desk, you look up at all the listings of flights.
"Excuse me, is flight 237 updated?" you frown. She types something in.
"Yes, that's the latest. I'm afraid the cancellation is due to unforeseen weather conditions at the destination. We can get you on another flight tomorrow."
You thank her, and leave the airport. You could just sleep in there, but you honestly don't know what to do with yourself. You just want to lay on the floor and cry away those six years you had been with him... and crying on floors is usually frowned upon in airports.
If Brian was here, he'd tell you to do it, just to see what people would say.
You walk out of the building.
Marilyn doesn't notice Twiggy's greeting as he enters Nothing Records' studio, which is just Trent's glorified rockstar pad. Jokingly to get his attention, Twiggy takes off his shoe, and tosses it at Marilyn's head. Marilyn stops, picks it up, takes Pogo's ligher, lights the shoe up, and sends it crashing through the window. If Twiggy had eyebrows, he would raise them. Trent's head appears in the doorway from the other room.
"Yeah. You’ll be billed for that. I take it you didn't have a good night." And just like that, the light mood he had walked in on was now compromised. Great going, Brian. You fuck up. Now they’re not only gonna wanna not work and do coke all day, but they’re gonna wanna not work and do coke all day without you.  
Ginger wisely stays out of it, opting instead to use the kitchen for some weird yoga thing he'd been getting into. Daisy is sitting outside on the steps of the house doubling as a studio, recording personal shit into his tape. Pogo walks through the broken glass to go upstairs, and Twiggy awkwardly shuffles backward that way.
"Mar. There's, uhhh.... there's a table of blow upstairs if you need it. Y'know... you... look like you could use a line or two." His best friend gives a sympathetic half smile, offering solace the only way he knows how. He looks like he wants to say something else-- to offer council, comfort, anything, but he dashes skittishly the other way as soon as Marilyn turns. The frontman really can't blame Jeordie. He's fallen even further into the dope than he has himself, he started a long ass time ago, and moreover, Jeord knows by now that talking to him like this is like poking a bear.
The singer gives a quick glance out the window to make sure he's not currently burning Trent's house down with pyrotechnic footwear (he can pay for a broken window, but a burned down house would seriously deprive their touring funds). When he sees that the shoe is just burning calmly on the sidewalk, contained in its own little bubble of anarchy as it quietly disintegrates to ash, Marilyn relates the shoe to his own life.
Or maybe he just wishes that were him.
Promising himself he wouldn't break down again, he floats like a ghost over to the recording equipment. Their label manager is in the den, watching hockey with Trent or some stupid sports bullshit like that, which leaves him alone, again, to actually try making music. That's what he does, right? That's what he’s supposed to do.
His rough recording of the track 'Tourniquet' is open on the laptop, and for no reason in particular, he starts to play it. Listening to the words, he closed his eyes, and thinks of you. He thinks of your hand holding his, how happy you get when you watch him perform. He hears you whispering that you love him, that he’s enough, that he isn't broken, that maybe it’s just the system that’s broken.
Leaning his head down on the table, he lets all the emotions wash over him, lets the tears drop and watches the red carpet beneath his knees turn them into drops of blood. Digging around under said carpet, he takes out a small bag they had all stashed under there for "emergencies." He doesn't want to do it. He almost splits the bag, almost watches it all pour out, sifting through the floorboards like sugar. But he can't do that. Not that he doesn't have the willpower to quit it now-- he most certainly does-- it just seems like a bigger fuck you to do the coke than to throw it away in favor of self reflection.
Lifting a bump on his knuckle up to his nose, he snorts the powder up, and squeezes his eyes shut. He's becoming numb to it. He gives himself another, and another. After five, he quits when he finally gets the high he wants, dropping the bag and digging his forehead into the table.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
Reaching for the mic, he sets it up with shaking hands, turning those hands into fists and tapping an S.O.S into the table, wishing you could hear it and come running to him. He holds the mic, and whispers, clear as day, into it:
"This is my lowest point of vulnerability.”
An hour must have gone by, and Marilyn finally drags himself up. Walking out to the front steps of the house, he sits down next to Daisy, the Sexual Janitor, his oldest friend and the only soul on the premises who isn't hopelessly doped up.
"You're not having a good day," the guitarist remarks softly, not looking up from his strings.
"What gave me away?" Marilyn mutters sarcastically, rubbing his sore nose. Daisy looks up, studies him. Marilyn doesn't like to be studied, so he looks away. "(y/n) left." Daisy runs a hand through his green hair, nods.
They sit for a bit, just exist. Daisy picks up a half-smoked cigarette from the step beside him, and offers it to his friend. The singer glances at it, repulsed, but accepts it anyway between his fingers. He takes a pull, then remembers why smoking is one of his biggest pet peeves. Whipping it into the street to join Twiggy's burning shoe before Daisy can take it back, he coughs, waves the offending cloud away and groans into his hands.
"My life is falling apart, Scott. I feel like I just lost the last piece that was holding it together."
Daisy nods again. "I get it. You're losing it. We're all losing it."
"Says the most conscious man here," Marilyn laughs bitterly, almost envious of Daisy's sobriety.
"You don't have to be high to feel like you're out touch," Daisy says, strumming his chords, "And I certainly don't have to be high to know you are out of touch with not only this band, but who you want to be."
"Shit. Thanks, doc. This is really helpful. I think I'm gonna go inside now and blow my brains out."
"Hey. Dickwad." Daisy puts down his guitar. "We've both known (y/n) since Spooky Kids. You were closer to her, obviously, but she's a special one. She's stayed for this long, through your worst. And you've been terrible. Don't lose her now."
Marilyn sighs, rubbing at his eyes, wondering if his headache is from sleep deprivation or a long overdue brain aneurysm.
Daisy doesn't encourage him to open up. He doesn't tell him to accept that it's human nature to be co-dependent. He doesn't tell Marilyn that's love or some stupid shit like that, doesn’t mention that it's in his nature to push people away. He knows his friend too well to even attempt it. He just leans back against the door, and hums.
"We could all die tomorrow. Wouldn't you want to be with her your last night?"
Marilyn pauses. He's never really thought of it like that. "Hey. When did you get so wise?" the singer chuckles.
Daisy just smiles, going back to his guitar. "You haven't talked to me properly in like, 4 years. We used to be close, man."
"Yeah," Marilyn muses, "Yeah."
Standing in front of the house, you wonder why you're back. You've told yourself at least ten times it's to grab the rest of your stuff so you don't have to pay him to ship it out to you, but the more you stand here, key in hand, the more you doubt that's the reason you returned.
Taking a deep breath and shaking your head, you force yourself past the walkway, and let yourself in.
"Hello?" the door creaks, and opens to an empty house. Good. No distractions.
Walking around, you start to pack all your things properly, and see evidence of a very tough morning in the bathroom. Writing out a note, you think of what you want to say to him. You'd given him so many years of your life, and he you, since you were both angsty kids who just wanted to make your mark on the world. You write out one of his lyrics he had shared with you in bed the other night... if you could just remember them right:
I wrapped our love in all this foil
Silver-tight like spider legs
I never wanted it to ever spoil
But flies will...
Ah, fuck it. You crumple the paper. You can’t remember the lyrics properly, and that’ll just do more harm than good. After all... he's the poet, not you.
Just then, you hear the door knob jiggle, and keys in the lock.
Oh god. You do not have the emotional stability right now to deal with this confrontation. Ducking behind the couch, you lay on your back and try to keep quiet.  
He tosses his keys onto the table, and sighs. He starts mumbling something, but you can't hear.
Marilyn rubs his face, starting to think about dinner. He had an opened packet of kraft dinner somewhere in some cupboard, and even though it would be stale, that sounded pretty good. Mac and cheese with ketchup. White trash through and through and more unhealthy shit to ruin his body with. Whatever. Mac and cheese is comfort food... or so his mom told him.
He runs over the events of the day in his head as he counts how many things he had gotten done. Pissed half his band-mates off, reconnected with one. The middle of the day was a coked up white blur, and... well... he had finished Tourniquet, and Dried Up, Tied was pretty much ready for demo. That's more than he'd done in a month, but he felt as if he had gone backward, not forward.
Grab a razor blade, take your shirt off, and check and see if your worthless heart is still pumping blood.
He stamps the intrusive impulse down, and gives an indifferent huff.
As he walks past the dark living room, not bothering to turn on a lamp, the streetlight from outside catches the metal of something he has sitting on a shelf. He backtracks, and finds a few of his lunchboxes from the collection he hadn't finished unpacking yet. He half smiles, looking at the Scooby Doo one, the Planet of the Apes one, and the one that even had his old band's name on it. Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids.
He feels a stab of guilt, and makes a mental note to go easier on Daisy. He did contribute a lot in the days of the old gigs.
Why is he referring to it as his old band? It's still the same band. But somehow, it isn't. They had grown up, into darker, scarier versions of themselves, each one of them on their own personal path of destruction, taking out everything and everyone in their way. Fundamentally loathsome.
Marilyn scratches his bony rib cage and turns away from the shelf, muttering about filing that one away for a future song or something. He walks over to the fridge, blows off dinner, and grabs a beer, chugging half of it down and heading back toward the living room. With any luck, he'll have put down three bottles by midnight.
You bite your fist. Hiding definitely wasn't a good idea. Just telling him you were grabbing a couple of things and leaving for good would have done just fine, not... hiding behind your old couch in the dark like a goddamn Nosferatu!
Shit. He's coming over here... maybe if you try and crawl around the cushions...
Marilyn frowns as he sees something move out of the corner of his eye. This time, it isn't metal glinting. This is real movement.
"Satan? Is that you?" he whispers, and lets out a humorless laugh. Ah, the small joys of sharing an inside joke with yourself. (y/n) would find it funny. He swings the beer bottle in his hand, setting it down beside the couch. "If it is... I could use a bit of your black spell shit, you magical goat motherfucker. See, I've got this girl. She's everything I want, but of course, I fuck up things that're good in my life-- you know me-- so that's done. Congratu-fuckin-lations, Manson, you’ve done it again. So, if you wanna... take my soul or something, if it's not too damaged, you can go right ahead, buddy. No returns. If I didn't have a soul, I'd have a lot less pr--"  He lets out a piercing yell as he sees you crawling on his floor. That's not Satan.
Flicking the closest lamp on, he sees it’s you. "(y/n)!"
You glare at him. "I was getting my things."  
"On the floor?!"
"You hide drugs in the floor, why can't I?"
"You don't d... what the fuck are you doing here, and... oh god, I thought you were some crazy girl who got in through my window or something.”
“You thought I was Satan.”
“I thought you were gonna kill me!"
You shrug. "I still might." Marilyn almost lets out an incredulous laugh of relief. It's almost like old times again. You frown, and remember why you're there, and that it is not, in fact, like old times. "Just... I'm not ready to talk to you. Please don't try."
You quickly grab your things, and he stands there. "Why'd you come back when you knew I could be here?"
"Don't make this about you. I'm leaving."
"Go ahead, leave. I'm just asking a question, god forbid." Shut up! Don’t do this again. Tell her you're sorry, you stupid prick, tell her you love her, like you rehearsed!
"Yes, god forbid you try and talk to me after you told me last night I was a useless fucktoy, Brian."
The room fills with the same old silence again, and you roll your eyes. You should have known nothing would change. He sits down, and watches you pack. He watches you put everything in your bag, everything he'd committed to memory over the past 7 years... stuff of yours that had become stuff of his too. It was so strange, seeing everything hidden away in the flaps of your duffel bag.
He isn't numb anymore. He's in pain, and he knows you are too, because of him. That's not fair, and if his ambition proved anything, it was his capability to unfuck things that were not meant to get fucked in the first place.
"I miss laughing."
"What?" you demand.
"I miss laughing," he repeats. "I haven't smiled properly in a year. I'm depressed, sure, but who isn't? It isn't an excuse. Sometimes I wonder if there is a hypocritical, horrible, sick bastard of a god watching me. Sometimes I wonder if he would laugh at me if I prayed to him."
"Yeah. Well. I pray sometimes, to whatever the hell's out there. Sometimes I pray my life was just a dream," you say, and he looks at you.
"(y/n). I love you so damn much."
You suck in a breath. If you turn around and look at him, you'll be lost again. But like any good drug, you just can't resist.
Turning around, you walk over to him. Sighing, you sit in his lap, moving your legs over the arm of the chair so that you're draped over him. You two sit like that for a bit,  neither one of you willing to be the first one to make physical contact. You're both too stubborn. Eventually, you know you're going to have to be the one to do it. You know he's already hugged you a billion times in his mind in the last minute, and he's punishing himself more than you ever could.
"You're still an asshole," you whisper.
"I'll always be an asshole," he mutters back, "It's in my DNA. I can't change that." I can be less of an asshole to the people who love me. I promise. His eyes seem to say it, and you understand. You take his hand, which allows him to subsequently pull you in and cradle you.
"Yeah. Just don't forget who was there for this asshole's first show."
"You dedicated Lucy In The Sky With Demons to me."
"Yeah. I remember."
"Listen. I love you too. I don't wanna leave. Okay? So I'm not going to."
He buries his face into your neck, and you let him release anything he's been feeling since last night, anything he's been repressing. You rub his back gently, and he squeezes you tighter as he chokes out your name, shaking violently with every sob.
"I know, Bri. I know. I'm here."
A few minutes go by. He wipes his face, and it starts to rain outside. You glance out the window. "Guess I'm really not leaving tonight."
He hums. "You want mac and cheese?"
"Uhhh, is that even a question?"
You roll off him. He presses a kiss to the top of your head, and walks over to the kitchen to root around in the cupboard. You lay on your back again in starfish position, staring at the mildewy ceiling of this crappy old house.
"I lit Jeordie's shoe on fire today!" your boyfriend calls out to you, "Nearly burned Trent's house down. Would've been an improvement, it's an ugly fucking house and sad excuse for a studio. You should see it. That jerk-off should pay me to burn it down, swear to the holy old bastard in the sky." You giggle into a pillow.
There's your antichrist.
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daylight-imagines · 5 years
Miss Me? Part 3
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x Reader Warning: N/A Word Count: 1001
Part 1     Part 2 
You let out a sigh when you finally made it back to your hotel room. You had talked to a dozen witches and went into any shop that would let you. After agreeing to talk to you they were never willing to just give you the answers you needed. They would dance around their answers giving you more information about healing remedies than anything about the Gemini Coven. What little useful information they did give you usually left you with more questions than answers. 
Then after dealing with the witches things had gotten stranger. You ran into Kol Mikaelson. The same Kol who had died three years ago. The same one had seen you at some of your lowest points. 
You never expected to see him again. Until seeing him and talking to him, you hadn’t realized how much you missed him. Before he died your relationship had been. You were friends, but you couldn’t remember when you begin seeing him that way. He helped you through your transition into a hybrid. He knew more about your struggle than your own sister did.    
Then there were times you didn’t feel like friends. Times when he’d look at you and your heart would skip a beat. Or when you were falling apart and he was there to help you pick up the pieces. When things felt wrong, but then he’d show up and somehow things would feel normal again. It was times like those when it felt like you were more than friends- or could be. And it was true. You’d realized not long after his death what your feelings were. If he had lived, things would have changed. But he didn’t so you never found out what could be. 
Your thoughts were interrupted by your phone ringing. Seeing Caroline’s name you answered it. 
“How was your trip?
“Long.” You stood up and stretched before moving towards the kitchen. 
“How have the meetings been going?”
“The same as usual.” You sighed. “A little about siphoners and a lot less about the merge.”
“Anything is better than nothing.”
“Y/n what you’re doing is amazing. You don’t need to find all the answers now. We have time.”
“I know, but you worry about it Care. I know you do.”
“Of course I do. I’m their mom, but I’ll be ok,” she said. “How is New Orleans?”
“Hot..crowded. Then again I haven’t seen much.” You grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. “Are you ready to admit Klaus is the one who told you about it?”
Caroline scoffed. “I never said he didn’t.”
“But you did avoid the question.” You went back to the living room and laid on the couch. 
“Well yes, he did tell me about it.”
“Mmhmm. I haven’t had the pleasure of seeing him yet.”
“I know you hate him,” she said. “That’s why I didn’t say anything.”
“I wouldn’t have let my feelings for him keep me from helping the girls.”
“I know that.”
You let out a sigh. It’s true that Klaus Mikaelson is one of your least favorite people. First, he killed your dad and then he killed you and there aren’t any other reasons for you to like him. You would gladly never see him again, but if seeing him helped the twins you wouldn't hesitate. But you knew there was no point in arguing about it, so you changed the subject. 
“How are the girls?”
“They’re getting so big.” She sighed. “It’s going by too fast.”
You smiled. “That’s what mom always said.”
“I wish she was here.”
“So do I.”
Your mom’s death had been hard. Both of your parents were gone. It hurt that she would never get to meet the twin. Or see you and Caroline’s lives play out. Of course, there would have been a time when you were separated. You and Caroline would eventually be noticed for not aging and have to leave Mystic Falls. But any time would have been better than what you got. After her death, you and Caroline had grown even closer. Her and the twins were the only family you had left and you’d do anything to protect them. 
“She would be proud of you Caroline.”
“She’d be proud of you too.”
You cleared your throat blinking back the tears that had formed in your eyes.
“So, anything interesting going on in New Orleans?” Caroline asked. 
You paused before answering- not sure how to reply.
“Kol is alive.”
Caroline was silent before saying, “Kol Mikaelson.”
You knew what Caroline was thinking. Kol would want revenge and that could put her and the twins in danger.
“You don’t have to worry about him. He’snot looking for revenge.”
“I hope you would have led with that if he was.”
You both laughed until you heard crying in the background. 
“Tell Ric I said hi.”
“We’ll talk later,” Caroline said.  
After hanging up the laid your head back and sighed. It had been a long day. Your eyes had just closed when there was a knock at the door. Letting out a groan you got up and answered it. 
You opened the door to see Kol standing there. You both stood there silent trying to read each other. All the feelings you had years ago were back; they really never left. The look in his eyes made it feel like all the air had left your body. Before that look had scared you but now you knew how you felt. 
You both moved forward at the same time and within seconds his lips were on yours. You couldn't help the moan that left your mouth when your lips touched. He lifted you up and you wrapped your arms around his neck. He started walking towards the bedroom. Your lips parted long enough for him to drop you onto the bed; you barely had time to breathe before his lips were on yours again.
Part 4 
Tag list:  @poisvns  @booksandwonderlands  @amarachoren  @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven
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tvdversefanfiction · 4 years
Canary Carnage
Fandoms: Arrowverse, DC Universe, TVDverse and The Originals
Chapter Twelve: A Far Cry from Earth X
Warnings: I don’t own any of the rights, content or characters belonging to any of the DC content I use within the story along with not owning any rights, content or characters within The Vampire Diaries, Originals or Legacies.
18 Rating: Moderate/Graphic displays of violence, sexual innuendos, sexually charged scenes, SMUT, mention of Nazi’s due to Earth X storyline, strong language and potentially triggering scenes.
Pairings: M/M, F/F, M/F.
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Lucas Thomas Wayne may have been the Earth X doppelganger of Lucas Lance, but they were to very different people Lucas Lance was the Red Canary and Lucas Wayne was the Blue Canary.
Lucas Thomas Wayne was dumped on the doorstep of Earth X’s Batman after his biological mother Earth X’s Laurel Lance aka Siren X abandoned him to continue her ruthless crusade. He is the biological son of Earth X’s Bruce Wayne aka Batman and was raised by his father eventually joining him in his crusade to make Earth X a better place.
Earth X’s Lucas was resilient, strong and ready to save his world from the darkness that surrounded it under the guidance of his father Batman but having the same meta-human power as his mother leading to Batman himself naming him the Blue Canary.
Lucas Lance was the villain and Laurel Lance was the hero in that story whereas on Earth X Lucas Wayne was a hero and his mother Laurel was the villain on an earth with far too many villains so when the fate of the multiverse was at risk it was only a matter of time before Earth X would be no more.
Unbeknownst to him his father had planned a back up plan so that he could live after hearing rumors about Earth Blood from other earths he had visited in the past and eventually learning that somehow Earth Blood existed out of the multiverse meaning if all else failed he could at least save his son and all else did fail.
Lucas Thomas Wayne couldn’t be any more different than his doppelganger who died on Earth Blood but he was soon about to learn all about him as he found himself teleport-ed to Earth Blood via a fail-safe breaching device that his father had installed into his phone scheduled to teleport him after Earth X was wiped out by anti-matter.
A lot had changed on Earth Blood over the five years that went by following the death of the Red Canary: the entire vampire community now knew the Black Canary as Laurel Lance spent most of her time travelling the world and using her superhero alter ego and Sara Lance had taken over New Orleans Voyage Hotel renaming it the New Orleans Lance Hotel in honor of her family deciding to stay in New Orleans and adjusting to no longer being the White Canary and being a vampire.
The Mikaelson family were of course still the Mikaelson’s as immortal beings who lived for over a thousand years, five years wasn’t really much to them although they did have some momentous changes such as: Kol Mikaelson reuniting and marrying his true love Davina Claire, Hope Mikaelson being accepted to and now going to Columbia University in New York City, Rebekah getting her revenge on Marcel Gerard by trapping him for good and the tragic and shocking death of Hayley Marshall which left everyone devastated especially Elijah and Hope.
The last thing the Lance sisters or the Mikaelson family were prepared for was the return of Lucas, or rather their introduction to Earth X’s Lucas Wayne the heroic Blue Canary who was ready to cause all kinds of carnage to any wrong doers.
“Where am I?” Lucas Wayne wondered as he opened his eyes to find himself in a hospital room laying in a hospital bed with a nurse standing over him. “What’s going on?”
“You were found on the side of the road unconscious but we’re as of yet trying to find out why you were there.” The male nurse replied to him. “Do you know your name?”
“Last thing I remember is being at home with my dad…” Lucas began to say before he realized Earth X was no more before tearing off the cables connected to him, climbing off the bed and rising to his feet much to the nurse’s concern.
“I’m going to have to ask that you sit back down! You’re not in a state to be going anywhere.” The nurse advised him, as Lucas was too concerned looking at his hospital gown which revealed a little too much in the back.
“What earth are we on?” Lucas asked, knowing the chances of the nurse knowing anything about the multiverse were slim.
“Yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about…I’m going to need you to sit back down!” The nurse answered the Blue Canary, eager to get his patient back into his bed.
“I figured that was a long shot…well I’m going to need my clothes.” Lucas replied to the nurse before looking him up and down. “Your clothes will do if you can’t find mine.”
Lucas Wayne waited for a moment as the nurse stared him down making it clear he wasn’t going to let him go easily forcing Lucas to release a canary cry in his direction with just enough force to send the nurse flying into the corridors giving him just enough time to make an escape and try and figured out what the hell was going on.
Lucas knew that for him to be on this strange earth that his own earth must’ve been destroyed by the anti-matter waves and wherever he was now was going to have to be his new home but he had no idea of the people he lost or the people he was about to find.
It was the fifth year anniversary of Lucas Lance’s death and although he died on Lian Yu, Laurel decided to have him buried in Lafayette Cemetery within New Orleans where she would reunite with her sister Sara each year on Lucas’ anniversary to mourn him as they honored not what he became but who he once was.
It was a tradition that brought Laurel comfort and helped eased her guilt, regret and pain about losing a son and choosing not to return to Star City to stop him even being born knowing saving the world had to come before being a mother but that didn’t make her feel any less guilty.
At first she had no idea why her younger sister Sara Lance chose to stay in New Orleans despite the fact she was hated by the Mikaelson siblings for killing their beloved sister Freya Mikaelson but as the years went by their hate for Sara grew smaller as Rebekah Mikaelson surprised them all by forming a friendship with the White Canary, a strong friendship built on forgiveness, loss and honesty.
Laurel Lance knew there was good in Rebekah and Elijah from the start and following his marriage to Davina Claire she learned Kol had good in him too as she began blurring the lines between good and evil, learning that the world itself was not so black a white which was a lesson she wish she had learned five years ago.
“I had a feeling this is where you would me Miss Lance, it’s always a pleasure to be in your presence.” Elijah greeted Laurel as he sped into the cemetery to stand beside her, as Laurel stood in front of her son’s tombstone.
“I don’t even understand why I always come here each year I mean with the way the future changes he’s probably vanished by now just like Talia al Ghul did when he died.” Laurel admitted with a saddened sigh, freely opening to the noble original before turning to face him. “I enjoy your company too Elijah.”
“It’s soothing to have a place to grieve for what we’ve lost and also a place where we feel we can reconnect with them momentarily at least.” Elijah replied to the Black Canary. “I may not have been with you in your choices with your son, but I understood them, nonetheless. You can’t keep torturing yourself forever Laurel.”
“I could say the same to you over Hayley it’s not on you what happened to her and it’s not on you to keep your life on hold because she’s gone…you two weren’t even together in the end.” Laurel told him, trying to comfort the original why he tried to comfort her. “You two shared a great and epic love for each other but that doesn’t mean your life has to be over…you’ve lived on pause for a thousand years Elijah maybe it’s time to press play.”
“We are as bad as each other.” Elijah admitted with a sly laugh, smiling at Laurel. “Neither of us will take the other’s advice and yet we keep advising each other anyway.”
“Well that’s where your wrong as of today my days as the Black Canary are well and truly over I’m even considering joining Sara at the hotel I mean she wants it to remain somewhat of a family business…the irony being my son literally murdered his way into owning the hotel.” Laurel replied with a sly smirk.
“This world needs the Black Canary don’t let her go for some attempt at a normal life you were never meant to be normal Miss Lance.” Elijah advised Laurel, hoping she didn’t give up being the Black Canary, knowing how much it meant to her.
“How is your brother Klaus?” Laurel asked, instantly making Elijah chuckle, both knowing she didn’t care about Klaus, she just wanted to change the conversation.
The Lance sisters had grown closer to the Mikaelson over the last five years to the stage where both Laurel and Sara even tolerated Klaus which to them was quite the hard task but Laurel and Elijah wound up getting a little too close and that’s where their problems began.
From the moment they met they had buried feelings for each other feelings that they eventually acted upon which would have been perfect if their moment of passion didn’t happen the same time Hayley Marshall was killed making Elijah blame himself and his feelings for Laurel for not being there for his former love’s death.
Both Laurel Lance and Elijah Mikaelson were both filled with guilt over their past, but both wanted to help each other and so they were at a painful halt in their angst-ridden relationship with happiness for either seeming highly unlikely.
Klaus Mikaelson was king of New Orleans once again thanks to Rebekah’s revenge against Marcel and although he was particularly thrilled that a man he once loved like a son was wiped off the map or the fact Rebekah wouldn’t reveal his exact location he was more than thrilled to have New Orleans to himself.
Marcel Gerard was the only thing on that entire earth that could kill him and him being out of the equation made the original hybrid and his siblings truly immortal once again or so that’s what he had come to believe.
Klaus walked the streets of the French Quarter like he did many nights taking in the city he loved so much when he noticed Lucas Wayne for the first time stood next to a jazz band performing a musical ensemble in the middle of the street.
Immediately he believed that Lucas Lance either survived the day he died and deceived everyone including himself or that the Red Canary had somehow found a way back to the living, knowing the canary was capable of both.
“I didn’t take you as a lover of music, but you always were full of surprises.” Klaus said to Lucas after walking over to stand next to him, as the two of them continued to listen to the beautiful jazz music being performed live.
“You’ve clearly mistaken me for someone else or rather the same person but different earth.” Lucas replied to the original hybrid. “Tell me who am I to you in this strangely fascinating world?”
“Are you seriously expecting me to believe that you’re a doppelganger of Lucas Lance?” Klaus scoffed, believing Lucas was trying to trick him somehow, after all he was quite the master of manipulation in the past.
“Seriously? You know who I am in a world that’s already much better than my own and nobody has heard about breaching devices which allow you to jump portals?” Lucas quizzed the strange man he was highly suspicious of. “Clearly you either know about the multiverse and are lying boldly to my face or you are somebody completely useless to me…no offense meant unless you’re a liar that is.”
“Are you really not the same man who died at my sister’s hands five years ago?” Klaus wondered, struggling to know whether to trust Lucas’ words.
“This world really is fascinating!” Lucas said with excitement in his eyes as an innocent smile appeared across his face making Klaus realize this wasn’t Lucas Lance. “I’d love to hear the story of how this earth’s doppelganger met their demise seems like there’s a chance of a lesson being learned there…tell me stranger do you know Bruce Wayne?”
“I have no idea who he is, but your mother is in this very city in fact she’s only recently returned.” Klaus informed the Blue Canary, as he tried to work out what Lucas’ otherworldly doppelganger was doing in his world. “Sara Lance too.”
“Figures the man whose sister killed me works alongside Siren X makes sense that ruthless bitch would survive the literal end of the multiverse. I just need to find out if I’m on this supposed Earth Prime or this Earth Blood my father talked about.” Lucas revealed to the original hybrid just in time for the band to take a break. “You better tell your boss I’m coming for her and this canary isn’t so easy to kill.”
Before Klaus Mikaelson could even process the realization he had just met the doppelganger of a former flame Lucas Wayne sped his way out of sight clearly without a worry of being noticed for his powers which was a far cry from the other canaries arrival on Earth Blood.
Klaus had no idea what world this Lucas came from but he already knew this one was different to the Lucas Lance of his past despite their many similarities and he couldn’t help his urge to want to find out more like; was this Lucas also the Red Canary? How different was he to the Lucas he knew? What the bloody hell was Siren X? Was Laurel or Sara Siren X on this Lucas’ world? Was this Lucas a threat to his loved ones and beloved city?
Klaus knew one thing for and that was it was time to sit down with the two canaries in the city that he did know, knowing either Sara, Laurel or both Lance sisters would quickly solve the mystery of Lucas 2.0.
To find out the brother you grew up with was actually your son was a reveal very rare but it is a discovery Laurel Lance made before she went on a mission to kill that son for the greater good only to later on reconsider what was good and evil and whether her son truly deserved to die.
Laurel Lance was still traumatized from watching her son Lucas Lance die at the hands of Rebekah Mikaelson, so traumatized that when she learned of the news about a doppelganger of her son now being in New Orleans it had her reliving all the pain and regret once more as she began to fear what awful fate this version of her son would meet and whether she or her loved ones would be the ones to deliver it to him.
She wanted so badly to run away and continuing running so she never had to face another Lucas or her duties as the Black Canary ever again but deep down she knew that despite everything she was first and foremost a canary and she needed to make sure this Lucas wasn’t a danger to others or himself, hoping desperately this outcome would be better than the last time she had to put a world before her own child.
“I can’t believe that there’s another version of Lucas out there…although with all the parallel universes it makes sense that he’d be born in at least a few other worlds within the multiverse but what doesn’t make sense is why the hell he is here.” Laurel reluctantly confided in Klaus, as the Black Canary and the original hybrid sat on the edge of his bed within his room in the compound both nursing a glass of whisky each.
“He said something about the multiverse being dead that there was only Earth Prime and Earth Blood now which I found rather strange, but I don’t pretend to understand the multitude of worlds that you meta-humans come from.” Klaus replied while taking a sip from his drink. “He also mentioned Siren X he believes I work for this person I believe he’s referring to either you or your sister.”
“Me…or at least the Earth X evil doppelganger of me.” Laurel revealed to Klaus. “Figures some version of my son would be working alongside an evil version of me.”
“I don’t know he didn’t seem like a big fan of Siren X if anything I think he’s more than likely an enemy…he had a look of hate when mentioning her name and that particular look can’t be faked.” Klaus informed Laurel as he finished the whisky in his glass. “Maybe in this bizarre world he comes from the roles are turned around between you and him.”
“You mean in a world literally run by freaking Nazi’s my son is a hero?” Laurel laughed at Klaus before downing her drink. “Why tell me about this? You’re not one to tell me anything especially regarding my son.”
“I wanted to know if it was possible or if Lucas was just playing yet another game with us all.” Klaus admitted as he stood up from the edge of his bed. “I don’t particularly want to play in the past not when the future is mine!”
“It’s highly possible my Lucas is back but it’s also highly possible that this isn’t my Lucas.” Laurel replied to the original hybrid as she too stood up from Klaus’ bed. “I’ll meet with this Lucas but if he’s not my son then he’s your problem not mine.”
“In other words, if you don’t kill him I should.” Klaus answered with a sly smirk.
“You were the one trying to save him last time around so don’t start playing the big bad wolf to me Klaus!” Laurel snapped at him. “I said I’ll sort it and I will.”
“Yes, well Lucas Lance amused me and that’s rare for anyone to do but if this isn’t him then he’s merely some cheap copy from some maddened world that I don’t intend on getting to know.” Klaus replied, making it clear to Laurel he was ready to kill if he needed to.
The mere idea of Klaus Mikaelson killing her son infuriated her and not because his sister Rebekah had already murdered one version of him before but because it seemed so easy for him, which served to strengthen her dislike for the original hybrid as she continued to believe he was more monster than man.
Laurel Lance doubted any chance of any version of Lucas being a hero having dealt with the Red Canary’s crimes first hand but this wasn’t the Red Canary and this wasn’t the son from her future or even her world and if she was to take him out then she would in fact be the villain this time around.
Lucas Wayne grew up in a cruel world a world in which the Nazi’s had won but that didn’t stop his father Bruce Wayne from donning the cape and suit and becoming Batman if anything it drove Batman to be the hero not only Gotham City needed but the world itself as he worked alongside a group of freedom fighters eventually enlisting his own son Lucas into the group under his heroic alter ego Blue Canary.
Earth X’s Batman had traveled to many different worlds most far better and some far worst but he never gave up on the hope of one day saving his own earth that was until he heard tales of the death of the multiverse and everything changed for him and his son.
The Blue Canary had turned down many of his father’s pleas to go to either Earth Prime or Earth Blood with a device that not only allowed him to breach to another world but also transport him to another time but Lucas Wayne was very much like his father and wanted to save his earth, the problem was Bruce was never going to allow anything to happen to his son meaning Lucas Wayne was now in a different world in a different time completely and utterly alone.
Lucas wanted nothing more than to return to his awful world just to be reunited with his father but he knew Earth X was gone now and if he was going to honor his father’s sacrifice he had to continue being a hero no matter what world he was in.
“You know you were always pretty morbid but visiting your own grave is a whole other level even for yourself Lucas.” Sara told Lucas after vamp speeding into Lafayette Cemetery to stand beside him, finding Lucas stood in front of his own grave, or what she believed was his own grave.
“I don’t know why I was drawn here but I was…it was like his spirit was calling out to me somehow.” Lucas replied as he continued to look at Lucas Lance’s tomb, looking haunted by his own doppelganger’s grave.
“I heard your playing the doppelganger card, but I’ve got to admit you’re really committing to the role little brother.” Sara said completely disregarding the theory that this wasn’t the man who she was raised with.
“Brother?” Lucas stated as he turned to face the White Canary. “In my world I’m an only child well I was the only surviving child…yet you know me as brother and I’m not aware of any siblings looking like you which only means you’re her daughter.”
“What the hell are you talking about Luci?” Sara questioned him, not sure whether to be more confused or more suspicious by Lucas’ words.
“My name is Lucas Wayne…I’m guessing yours is Sara Lance which means you are my half-sister I won’t blame you for your mother considering she’s mine too or at least she is on my now extinct world.” Lucas replied to the woman he believed was this earth’s Laurel Lance’s daughter.
“Wayne…shut up!” Sara said in shock, realizing this version of Lucas wasn’t her Lucas. “You’re the freaking son of Batman!”
“I guess identities are just as badly hidden in this world.” Lucas scoffed. “Yes, I am but, on my Earth, they tend to call me the Blue Canary…tell me are you evil like our mother or is this a world where she’s a canary instead of a siren?”
“Firstly, Laurel Lance isn’t my mother she’s my sister, secondly I’m the White Canary and I’m not your sister I’m your aunt.” Sara informed the Blue Canary, while trying to get her head around his revelations. “Also, this isn’t my earth or Laurel’s but we’re both the good guys here…this world isn’t like the others.”
“Well I gathered that on the whole fact that there’s only two worlds in existence now within two entirely different multi-verses which I know is as confusing as it sounds so I’ll just ask is this Earth Prime or Earth X?” Lucas replied with more questions for the White Canary.
“Earth Blood…What do you mean the other worlds are gone?” Sara quizzed her nephew’s doppelganger, desperate to find out more about the supposed death of the multiverse.
“Do you always answer questions with more questions?” Lucas retorted with a smile on his face.
“I could say the same for you…my sister says you come from Earth X or at least that’s what she suspects considering the Siren X name drop you gave to Klaus.” Sara stated to him. “Are you as batshit evil as my Lucas was or did Batman become a good influence on this version?”
“I do come from Earth X yes but I’m not part of the evil that world is run by your sister is however, I worked alongside my father until…” Lucas began to explain before taking a painful pause, as he was reminded of the death of his father, his friends, his loved ones and the only world he had known as home.
“Until the death of the multiverse…you’re the only survivor from your earth, aren’t you?” Sara asked sympathetically, knowing the answer by the pure look of devastation of Lucas Wayne’s face and the tears forming in his eyes.
“All the worlds from our multiverse are gone…completely wiped out except for the newly reborn Earth Prime…in time there will be more reborn, but our worlds are gone forever!” Lucas cried. “I knew it would one day come to this, but I thought I’d be gone too.”
“We should probably go somewhere to talk about all this something tells me we’re both going to need one hell of a drink.” Sara suggested to Earth X’s version of her Lucas, wanting to stop his cries, distraught to see a soft side to any version of her brother.
“My father said not to trust anyone…but he was highly paranoid, and you are a fellow canary after all.” Lucas replied while drying his tears. “Let’s just keep your sister out of this one!”
Sara Lance had sought out Lucas fully expected to find the man she loved like a brother to be fooling them all but instead she found a good hearted and vulnerable Lucas Wayne, one not too dissimilar to the Lucas Lance she once knew before becoming the Red Canary.
She knew she could trust the Blue Canary as she recognized the pain in his eyes, the loss he must of felt and the loneliness he was now suffering from following the death of his entire world but just because she was willing to trust Lucas Wayne and he was willing to trust her didn’t mean it would be so easy for everyone else.
Sara Lance had been convinced that the man she found in Lafayette Cemetery was in fact the Earth X’s Lucas Wayne, the Blue Canary and the son of batman and decided to take him back to her own Lance Hotel within the French Quarter of New Orleans going as far to take him up to her own private bedroom within the hotel so they could have some privacy.
Sara ordered some much needed beers for them both via room service before they both walked out to Sara’s private balcony, both holding bottles of beers as they looked down on the city of New Orleans taking in the beautiful view that the city had to offer.
Lucas Wayne was taught to never trust anyone but he wasn’t anywhere near as distrusting as his father in fact he liked to believe he was a great judge of character and his judgement for Sara Lance was that he could trust her, a gut instinct which he wasn’t wrong about as she willing divulged information about his doppelganger Lucas Lance.
“I don’t mean to be cruel but I can’t help but see irony that the Laurel you know was determined to stop your Lucas’ evil ways considering I’ve spent most of my life cleaning up after a mother who abandoned me and the evil acts she committed on my earth.” Lucas scoffed at Sara while taking a sip of his beer. “Although I guess your Lucas was also abandoned by his Laurel in a way luckily, I had my father to raise me honestly and not under a cloud of deceit.”
“It wasn’t exactly like that it was a future version of Laurel in our world and she was trying to protect you.” Sara defended her sister while still feeling sympathy for this version of her nephew. “I know you’ve lost a lot and I know Siren X was a wicked bitch but my Laurel’s not like that she’s a hero…just like you.”
“It must’ve been difficult being part of a mission to kill a loved one for the great good I’d like to believe I’d be that honorable if I were ever in that situation.” Lucas replied with sincerity, making it known to Sara he didn’t hold her or Laurel responsible for his Earth X fate. “My whole life has been a never-ending battle fighting side by side with my father with the quest for freedom and now the war has ended…everyone lost…and all I want to do is find another battle to fight.”
“I get that for many years I was an assassin with the league of assassin’s my life was far less honorable but it was a never ending battle nonetheless and upon leaving the league I had to fight someone I called a brother.” Sara comforted Lucas before they both took drinks from their bottles of beer. “My war ended about five years ago and it was hard at first…don’t get me wrong things are never quiet around here, but this life really is an improvement to my previous even if I am a vampire.”
“You’re a vampire!” Lucas said in shock before laughing at the White Canary. “I think I can safely assume that this is Earth Blood then.”
“Lucas…” Laurel spoke with a sense of shock and heartbreak in both her voice and on her face, as she walked into Sara’s hotel room forcing both Lucas and Sara to walk back in from the balcony to greet the Black Canary.
“Judging by you looking not much older than I am that I’m also in the past instead of the present of Earth Blood.” Lucas stated, correctly assuming where and when he was, while Laurel continued to look at her son with tears forming in her eyes.
“He’s not our Lucas, he’s really not but he needs us Laurel.” Sara revealed to her older sister. “I think we need him too…I think you need him too.”
“So, you’re really from Earth X then?” Laurel managed to say as she held back her tears. “You must hate me even more than my Lucas did.”
“Well as long as you don’t try to kill me on numerous occasions, I’m fairly sure you and I will get along in some shape or form.” Lucas replied to the good doppelganger of his evil mother. “You’re not her I can’t hate for actions someone else made.”
“Wow you really aren’t my Lucas!” Laurel both cried and laughed, unsure if she was happy or not by the discovery of the good doppelganger of her evil son.
It was hard for Sara Lance not to see the little brother she grew up alongside when she looked at Lucas Wayne knowing that despite him looking exactly like Lucas Lance he wasn’t that man but he did share many similarities with who her adoptive brother Lucas was before becoming the Red Canary before Lucas Lance gave into evil.
Laurel Lance was resistant at first to get to know this doppelganger of her son but she knew he was innocent and as long as any version of her son needed her help she was going to be there for him even if it caused potential carnage between her and her bonds with the Mikaelson family, knowing Klaus would definitely have something to say about another Lucas being in New Orleans.
Nyssa al Ghul had decided to stay on Earth Blood five years previous creating a league of assassins of her own and claimed the island of Lian Yu for herself and her assassin army using her chance to break free from her father once and for all and both Sara and Laurel had been living on Earth Blood for quite some time too but they were far from alone.
Upon the death of the multiverse Lucas Wayne wasn’t the only one to find a way of escaping erasure by the anti-matter wave and Bruce Wayne wasn’t the only one to learn about the strange world of Earth Blood and the Blue Canary wasn’t the only one who used this world as an escape from their own deaths although he was the only one anyone would be happy to see.
In fact quite a few people from multiple worlds managed to find some way of escaping the death of the multiverse bringing them all to Earth Blood which may not have been a huge concern for the Mikaelson’s but it was certainly about to put the lives of all the canaries in definite danger.
“Well Puddin you don’t quite look like my Mr J but you sure as handsome!” Harley Quinn stated as she walked up to the gates of Lafayette Cemetery to find a different version of The Joker stood there waiting for her, knowing by the look of him he was just as sinister as The Joker she knew.
“Well you look exactly like the Harley Quinn I’m used to.” The Joker replied as he walked slowly towards a doppelganger of his sinister lover. “Now don’t tell me you’ve disappointed me and came alone now.”
“Don’t be silly now I’m a very smart broad and I know if we’re going to take this city by storm then we’re going to need accomplishes…although alone time with you is definitely on my schedule right after some chaos and carnage.” Harley answered with a menacing look in her eyes as Poison Ivy, Ra’s al Ghul and Killer Frost appeared from out of the shadows, each of the three looking just as sinister as delighted with themselves as the others.
The Joker simply replied with a manic and continuous laugh clearly beyond ecstatic to have escaped death once more, eager to rid this world of any good that resided within it knowing his twisted team were more than prepared to take out anyone that got in their way even if Batman himself somehow managed to follow them.
Now truly was the time for some true carnage and The Joker was more than ready to inflict it on everyone that got in his way.
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bri-rog-deak-fred · 5 years
In Good Company (Part 3)
Brian May x Reader: The reader is the 5th member of queen, and she sleeps with brian when they were both drunk and she finds out she’s pregnant half way through a tour, causing her to try and hide the pregnancy from, everyone, especially brian.rock stars can’t have babies, right?
Note:this part is smutty and takes place in the past. If you don’t wanna read it the next part continues from part 2, but this is a bit of a background to what exactly happened on that special night between Brian and Y/N. it’s also very Brian May centered for a change! also always use protection while having sex, children. Thank you every one for such positive reactions! it really means the world to me!! this series is almost over, but there shall be more to come! for now, enjoy lovies!! 🥰🥰🥰
 The halfway point of the tour was just coming around the corner. Stakes were high for a great show every night, and Queen delivered. Critics raved and reviewed the shows and concerts, many stages and cities selling out of tickets left and right. It was a dream for Queen, honestly. But everyone was getting annoyed, bugged and even upset with one another. Being crowded on a tiny tour bus was absolute chaos most of the time and had really began to take its toll on the 5 members of the band in their own respective ways. 
When Miami had announced that the band was getting a three-day holiday in-between moving to cities, Brian May had almost began to cry of happiness. Every person from Freddie to Roger, John to Brian, and even Y/N to the management were so relieved that they stopped no less than an hour later to begin their epic three-day ‘weekend’. They booked a hotel, and decided to relax in their own separate rooms to wind down from each other, unloading their emotions and finally feeling some peace in the alone time they had gained. 
There was a sudden banging on Brian May’s door and he couldn’t help but roll his eyes. What could be more important than relaxing in such a hectic time? He sighed and rolled his eyes, making his way slowly to the door. He opened it and let out an annoyed sigh. “What do you want, Rog?” Brian asked, his voice laced with annoyance.
Roger pushed his way into Brian’s suite and shoved a beer into his hand. “There’s a club. Get your party suit on.” Roger teased. Brian considered it for a moment before Roger seemed to read his mind. “Y/N’s already down there, and so is Fred. Come on, she’s wearing that red dress she got when we went to New Orleans.” Roger raised his eyebrow and wiggled his tongue playfully, making Brian’s face the same color of the dance dress she had found from a vintage supply store on the last leg of the tour. “Fine. But shut it. I don’t need her hearing any of that.” Brian huffed and crossed his arms.
“She won’t hear anything from me.” Roger sighed quite dramatically, spinning around and sipping his beer.
“Freddie, however can’t keep his mouth shut and they were in the lobby whispering about something. I heard her say ‘Brian” a few times.” He giggled before closing the door and leaving Brian to fume.
Needless to say, Brian had falling quite madly for Y/N, ever since they had met in college. He was astounded by her brilliance and kind nature to help him with any of his endeavors, leading to the success of their band, Queen. Never the less, he really didn’t want to ruin a good friendship, especially now that they were a whole country over and in the middle of a tour. Feelings would just have to wait. For now, it was fun and games. Brian shook his head and ran a shaky hand through his dark curls before deciding to go down to the hotel lobby with Roger and join the group for a night of drinks and dancing.
After everyone had their turns dancing on the floor with randoms and with each other, many shots of all kinds and varieties, everyone decided that it was time to retire and go to bed. They had the chance to sleep and sleep for a long while, and everyone deserved the rest. 
A few hours had passed and Brian found himself lonesome, very drunk and in a sad state again, wishing for some company, but he seemed too shy to ask for it. He gathered his thoughts and closed his eyes, sitting down on his hotel room floor, taking out his song journal and began to write a few things. “Dun dun dun, hmm hmm hmmh… my father said to me… ” He sang under his breath as he mused through songs and lyrics. He was trying to focus through his drunken, numbing haze when his phone began to ring. He furrowed his eyes and stood, picking up the phone. “Hullo, this is erhm… Brian speaking.” He said quietly over the line. “Hello… is your refrigerator running?” a goofy voice said over the phone. He immediately began to grin, knowing it was Y/N calling him. “Why, yes, it is running.” He replied, acting quite oblivious, voice turning dumb. “Then you better go catch it!” The voice shouted before there were helpless, tipsy giggles on the other line.  Brian laughed to himself and shook his head, feeling his heart swell in his chest. He was about to hang up before he heard the voice again, this time, not as silly. “Bri! It’s me, It’s Y/N.” She said, her voice slurred a little but sweet.
“Oh, silly me. I had no idea!” Brian pretended to be shocked, causing more giggles to erupt over the phone.
“You’re mad.” Y/N said, finger twirling the phone line while she spoke. “Are you busy? Like, right now?” She asked, hiccupping a little. “I’m rather bored and find myself looking for someone to talk to, and I thought, why not Brian! Brian is a great person who has the best conversations with!” She seemed to babble.
“I thought you didn’t have that much to drink?” He asked, stifling a laugh. He put his hand on his hip and bit his cheek.
“Maybe a little more than what I thought. But I found out that these suites are packed full of more kinds of alcohol!” There was a pause. “Bring your guitar to my suite and hang out with me tonight.” She said her voice as sweet and pure as honey, before she hung up the phone. The dial tone was quite obnoxious in Brian’s ear. He couldn’t help but feel a little excited, but it was their routine. Even in the flat they shared. Long nights with each other’s company and music. It was a great comfort to him and apparently Y/N too.
Within a few minutes, Brian was in his pajamas and took his guitar down the hall to Y/N’s suite. He knocked on the door politely, before he heard some stumbling, a great “Ow” and some rustling noises before the door opened. Y/N stood in the door way, eyes heavy and smiling waning on her face.
“Brian!” She shouted, pulling him into a great hug.
“Hello, hello love!” Bri laughed as she tugged him into the room. She took his hand and lead him to her bed and sat him on the edge. “Need anything to drink?” She asked, opening up a little fridge packed full of tiny bottles of liquor, trying to hide the many, many bottles that had already formed a pile behind her.
“Maybe something not so strong.” Brian answered, playing with the ends of his hair that weren’t quite dry from his shower he took earlier. Y/N hummed and rummaged around in the fridge before tossing a little bottle of brandy to him. “This’ll warm up your vocals.” Her melodic voice turned to giggles as she sat next to him, leaning against his side.
“I’m so happy to have some rest, Bri. You don’t even know it. I think I was starting to go mad from listening to Roger complain.”
“You and me both.” He let out a sigh and shook his head, gently picking at a few chords and notes. They didn’t have any rhyme or purpose, but it did make some lovely background noise.
Y/n’s head began to feel heavy and her eyes were tired too.
“Bri, can I ask you something?” She asked gently, turning her face towards Brian.
“Anything.” He said, heart rate quickening. The space between them was small and the air was sweet with alcohol and freshly cleaned bodies.
“Do you ever get lonely? Like really lonely. Like, there’s this important person in your life that you love so dearly, you could see them all day every day, but even then, you miss them terribly?” She babbled, playing with a hem on her shirt sleeve. “Because you don’t know how they feel or you just assume the worst? No matter what you do or say, or how much you see them, it just hurts because you miss them. You miss the feeling of them inside your heart, even though they weren’t there for very long.” Her words were slow and slurred, but she was speaking from deep in her soul. Her glossy eyes looked to Brian’s face, unable to read his emotions in her drunken state.
Brian felt his hands go numb. His chest and ached and his throat burned. He swallowed hard and felt Y/N grow closer, smelling the alcohol on her breath and the sadness spinning in circles in her eyes. “I do. This tour has been really hard. I may be surrounded by my friends, no, my family. But I still feel lonely.” Brian managed, voice quiet. His fingers had stopped playing a while ago. ‘I feel lonely, because I can’t have you. I miss you because I love you. I love you too much.’ He thought to himself. Y/N’s eyes had flickered from his eyes to lips multiple times, before she just about crashed into his face. Her hands found Brian’s jaw, her fingers warm against his cool skin. Y/N leaned forward and gently kissed him. It was slow and didn’t last very long, but it felt like an eternity.
Brian was left speechless, cheeks burning bright and eyes left to rapidly blink, trying to make sense of the situation. Y/N noticed and felt her stomach drop, she suddenly felt sick. Brian’s silence was deafening.
She sucked in a sobering breath, realizing her mistake before she stood. She swallowed, her body seeming to carry her for she couldn’t feel her legs. “It’s late.” She said softly, heart breaking into a million pieces. “You should go to bed, I’m sorry… I’m just not in the right mind set or something. Over thinking, I suppose. I might have had a bit too much to drink” She said, palm to her forehead, avoiding Brian’s face as she opened the door for him. “I’m sorry Brian, I didn’t mean to-“ Y/N had began to apologize, before Brian walked over to her, sweeping her up into a deep passionate kiss. It was electric and her body stuck to his. His hand found hers on the door knob and closed it shut, never faltering in the kiss. When he had finally pulled away, Y/N opened her eyes, breathless and face red. Her eyes found Brian’s, ever so kind and longing.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He smiled so sweetly her stomach was sent into butterflies yet again. Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was true love.
Y/N wrapped her arms around Brian’s neck, feeling his hands wrap under her thighs, so she jumped and was now being carried by him. She continued to kiss him. Lips, cheeks, neck, collar bones, she was leaving not so graceful kisses, sucking until his skin was bright pink. Brian gently laid her back on the bed, her legs still wrapped around his waist, pulling him down with her.
“Love, you can let go.” Brian chuckled, struggling a little bit to keep his balance.
“No, I just got you I don’t wanna let you go.” She whined, looking up to him with playful eyes.
“I won’t leave, promise.” He nuzzled his nose upon hers, her eyes fluttering shut.
“What time is it?” Y/N asked, rolling her shoulder’s back a little.
“It’s…. late.” Brian said quietly.
Y/N’s eyes never left Brian’s, her heart pounding so hard. She felt her courage spike, hoping she wouldn’t regret her choices.
“Take me.” She said in a heavy golden voice, so low in her chest that Brian felt his ears turn hot and his pants become uncomfortably tight.
“Y/N… We can’t. We’re drunk. I don’t want you to regret doing this with me.” Brian began to worry, voice still soft.
Y/n looked back to him, stunned. “I have always wanted you Brian.” Her hand found his cheek again, holding it. “I want this with you. I always have. Please.” She said, voice so vulnerable.
Brian blinked rapidly, scared he’d hurt her or wouldn’t even be enough for her. He didn’t know what to say, mind buzzing at the speed of light.
Y/N rolled her eyes and gave him a little squeeze with her legs, gaining his attention before kissing him again. “I love you, Brian May.” She whispered. 
Brian smiled with confidence, his heart going wild in his chest. “I love you, Y/N.” He said, before his lips met hers again and he started to climb up on the bed, nestling right over top of her. Y/n pulled her self up on the bed more so that Brian’s long legs wouldn’t hang off, her fingers fumbling with the shirt Brian was wearing. In between breathy kisses and very uncorrelated undressing, Brian’s mouth lingered down from her lips to her neck, feeling her heart beat fast under his touch. He couldn’t help starring at her beautifully flushed face. She looked so serene and angelic with her hair messy and her lips kiss bitten by himself.
“That’s so good… oh, please don’t stop Bri.” She managed, her words slurred as she felt Brian kiss his way to her breasts. She quickly sat up a little and got the bra off in a moment, tossing it over to the side, allowing Brian to have as much fun as he wanted. While his teeth and tongue found Y/N’s nipple, her pelvis grinded up into Brian, feeling just how hard he had become already. “This okay?” Brian asked, a little breathless himself.
“It’s wonderful.” She relaxed back, tiny moans starting to be pulled from her throat at the new pecks and nips from Brian. “I want more…” She breathed, her hand finding Brian’s hair while the other held to his side. She let her legs drift open wide with Brian In between. “Lover boy… good old fashioned lover booooyyyy.” She sang, giggling. Brian had to stop kissing her for a moment, laughing with her.
“That song was written about me.” He said with a cheeky grin as he began to make his way down her stomach. She sucked in a gasp when he met her panties.
“Liar.” She scoffed, letting go of his hair to hold on to his shoulder. Brian looked up to her face as his fingers gently tugged at the hem of her panties. She nodded, unable to really find the words as Brian pulled them down and off of her legs. Y/n could feel herself blushing, realizing Brian still had his on.
“Want me to help you with those sir?” She asked, sitting up and accidentally looking at Brian’s hard on. She felt herself squirm with how big it actually was now that she was very up close and personal to it.
She kissed Brian’s tummy before she pulled his pants down, letting his cock spring free. She gasped and felt Brian lay her back down. “Let me help you, love.” He said, beginning to kiss her neck again.  She closed her eyes and felt Brian’s fingers trail down to her hips, to her thigh, and then right to her opening. “It this okay? I want to make sure you’re comfortable.” He said softly, fingers hesitating.
“Yes, Yes Brian… please. This is brilliant.” She nodded her head fast, letting out a long breath as she felt Brian slowly push his pointer finger inside of her opening. She gasped a little at the feeling, steadying herself. She noticed that Brian was still waiting, the gentle men. “I’m alright, keep going.” She smiled, opening her eyes to see Brian’s. She would always remember the hazel green his eyes were when she felt her most at home, which was here, under Brain and protected with his touch.
He slowly began to pump his finger in and out, slowly to get Y/n warmed up to the thought, before he added his middle finger. Y/N’s mouth fell open, letting moans drift out.
“Yes… Good Bri. Excellent.” She praised, hearing him moan against her neck. Complete bliss wasn’t even a fraction of what she was feeling, considering how much alcohol they both had and how much pleasure Brian was giving.
She couldn’t take it anymore, growing needy. Her hips wanted to buck so badly that Brian’s hand had to hold her hips down. “I’m ready… I’m ready Brian. Please…” She moaned, chest bare and heaving in the dark blue light of the hotel room. Brian nodded and swallowed, slowly taking his fingers out and laying almost on top of her. He pumped his cock a few times to stabilize himself, lining himself up with her wet and ready hole. He bowed down and gave her a passionate kiss, tongues passing over each other. “Are you ready, my love? Brian asked, voice a little raw and he was a little sweaty. “As I’ll ever be.” She answered, kissing him deeply. As soon as Brian began to push himself inside, she let out a low moan, eyes rolling back a little. She took a few deep breathes and held to Brian tightly. As soon as he began to thrust, she lost all sense of restraint. Brian’s moaning and heavy panting in between sloppy kisses was enough to send her flying.
“Unh… Oh… I-I… Yes… Yes! Brian yes!” She said, voice as raw as it would be after playing two concerts in one day.
The guitarist blew out threw his mouth, eyes squeezed shut. “Y/n darling… so brilliant… You’re so prefect.” Brian breathed out. Y/n’s toes curled and she could feeling her stomach beginning to clench. “I’m so close already…” She said, opening her eyes to take in the sight in front of her. She would never forget Brian’s squeezed eyes, or his hollow cheeks around his lips that were in a prefect ‘O’, or how bouncy his curls were around his head. “I’m not going to last much longer.” Brian said, panting and readjusting. The second he did, Y/N squealed, hips jerking. “Oh! More! Do that again!” She huffed, smile never leaving her face. Brian’s eyes watched her lashes flutter, feeling himself grow more and more wound up as well.
“Don’t stop… I love you Brian!” She moaned, not knowing how loud either of them were.
Brian grunted, his legs quivering.
“I’m going… I’m going-“ Y/N began before Her walls tightened around Brian and she basically screamed his name, feeling quite dizzy and her vision went blurry. “Oh bri…” She managed so sweetly as she tried to gain her breath again, coming harder then she had ever before.
Her soft gentle voice was enough to send Brian over the edge, moaning quite loudly too, peppering her neck and face with adoring kisses as they both ride the sex high down from their cloud. “I… I love this… I love you. So much, Y/N.” Brian whispered, exhausted. He slowly got up and went to the bathroom, grabbing a wet towel and brought it back to Y/n, washing her down before he freshened up himself. The whole rest of the night was quite a blur for either of them. By the time Brian had woken up, Y/N was gone. She must of snuck off to her room sometime in the night. She had a tendency to find her own bed when she was quite drunk. Brian had little memory of what happened, but he remembered how Y/n looked underneath him, and what it felt like to love her completely. When she didn’t bring it up, he thought maybe it had been a dream, so he stayed quiet.
 Now here was Brian May, a few drinks gone and stumbling down the corridor of the hotel Queen was staying in for the night. He wasn’t quite drunk, but he was tipsy enough to forget his own room number. He wandered down a little further, knowing his room wasn’t very far from the end. Suddenly he heard a familiar voice singing from the door to his left. He furrowed his eyes, hearing his own song being sung, before he recognized Y/N’s singing voice. The low hum of the guitar and her equally smooth voice sounded so peaceful. Brian smiled and found that the door was unlocked, so he gently turned the knob, hoping to surprise her.
He tiptoed silently when he entered the room, hearing the music pause, and a quiet gasp, he surely thought his cover had been blown. Put when the gentle notes of the guitar began and her voice began to sing again, He quietly stepped into the light of the room.
He smiled, seeing Y/N laying lazily in a nest of pillow on her bed, with her guitar. But suddenly, his eyes followed her hands to her guitar, and then to her bloated, distended stomach.  Brian shook his head and thought maybe he was seeing things. All medical thoughts and anomalies ran through his mind, feeling his heart race inside his chest. When the realization dawned upon him that Y/N was pregnant, very pregnant, he turned pale, mind blank. Hurt and confusion sent his world crashing down around him, body ice cold and frozen in place.
 “Y/N?” He asked, voice no louder than a whisper, hearing the guitar chords stop abruptly.
(let me know if you want to be added to the) Tags List: @sleep-paralysis-demon @mazzello-lee-jones-malek @T0r @geek-and-proud @im-grac3ful-but-fi3rc3 @kellypenac @awkwardangelshezza @brenna-xoxox @leah-halliwell92 @kiwi-coconut-dreams @sunflower-borhap-boys 
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thishazeleyeddemon · 5 years
even villains love their kids; a Descendants fanfic
Y’all I really love Celia...and I was like hey, what if one of the VKs WASN’T a child of abuse?
(not that Facilier is really a...GOOD parent.)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/19472725 <--Read on Ao3! Please reblog if you like it :)
Facilier didn’t need to monitor the arcade directly, most of the time.
He did, of course, since Islanders were a sneaky, treacherous lot (this was thought without rancor or judgement; they all knew who they were and had been on the Isle), but actually walking the floor hadn’t been necessary for a while. He could just watch, instead; watch from his balcony the swarm and swirl of filthy, exhausted people surrounded by the glittering lights of his machines like a twisted parody of an Auradonian ball.
Oh, look. CJ Hook was trying to pry the back of one of the machines open. For parts, or for money, perhaps? Not that any of his machines had anything that had much use outside of being part of arcade machines.
He contemplated for a moment jumping down to tell her to go fuck off back to her dad or he’d go throw her in the sea, when he saw a small figure moving through the crowds towards her. It had a diminutive size but was making good progress, through judicial application of small, sharp elbows. Despite himself, he grinned, leaning against the rail of the balcony.
CJ, focused on her attempted theft, had not raised her head to notice the figure. It was likely she wouldn’t have noticed the figure even if she had, Facilier considered. He’d taught Celia better than that.
Celia, a good foot added to her height from her tattered old hat, stepped out of the crowd and clapped CJ on the shoulder. Facilier was up too high to hear what she said, but he saw CJ turn and snarl at her like a wildcat. Facilier curled his lip back. Some people did not know how to raise their children.
From what he could see of Celia’s face, she looked equally unimpressed. She folded her arms and said something to CJ that made the already-white girl pale even further. Still snarling something, but with the wind visibly taken out of her sails, she shoved her tools in the pockets of her red overcoat and stalked off. All the Hooks walked like that, he thought idly. Like a little kitten pretending to stalk like a tiger.
Celia brushed her dress off and gave the back of the machine a swift kick, knocking the back panel back into place.
The balcony was fine but this was getting dull. Time to go check on Celia.
Dr. Facilier closed the door to the balcony behind him and strode towards the stairs. They kept their house dark and warm like a cave, and the soft wood (not too soft, he wouldn’t have to replace it for a while yet) muffled his footsteps.
Here’s an important note about Dr. Facilier: he’d gotten dragged to Hell.
Several of the others had died, but they all reported not remembering what had happened to them. Facilier...well, he wasn’t sure if he’d died. Under the Friends’ care, however, there had certainly been a few times when he’d wished...
It gave him a different sort of perspective, on the Isle. Even without his Shadow, his constant companion that meant there was never a day he was alone in truth, even poor and magic-less, he was alive, and could breathe the free air under the sun – even if it was warped and faded from the Barrier. He could almost thank Tiana for it – if it was this or the Friends, he’d take this any day, any hour, any minute.
Here’s another note: he’d been poor his life. All these grand kings and queens didn’t know how to fend for themselves, how to make the best out of a poor situation. That was why Grimhilde was going mad in her tower and Cruella had stayed in her house ever since she’d tried to take a knife to one of Hades’ hounds and he’d...disapproved. They were falling apart, scrambling for power wherever they could find it. Pathetic, really.
He reached the staircase and, on the grounds that no one was watching, slid down on the banister. Braking with his cane, he stopped neatly before he reached the end and hopped off. Still got it. He strode off towards the door to the arcade floor.
Here’s one more note: Facilier was smart. One of his allies had gotten knifed by her daughter last week. They didn’t exactly do murder investigations on the Isle, but when he’d gone to see what was up the kid had explained to him at length how her mother had deserved it, had beaten her until she’d bled and how she couldn’t take it anymore. There was one obvious way, he felt, to avoid such situations.
He opened the door, and the blast of light and sound from the arcade was like a slap to the mouth. As always, something in him recoiled slightly; he didn’t have nightmares, at least not most nights, but too much light and open spaces still made his wrists and mouth itch. At least it wasn’t green.
A glance up told him the sun had started to set. Good. He was getting tired of this lot anyway.
A few wacks against the Wheel of Fortune got everyone’s attention. Those who hadn’t noticed got smacked by those who had, and in thirty seconds he had the eyes of every one of his patrons on him.
Back in New Orleans he would have come up with a spiel, but the Isle didn’t stand on ceremony. At least not in the arcade, everyone knew why they came here.
“Alright, show’s over, go home,” he called. At the various protests he received at this he scowled. He had a good scowl. He was gratified to see a couple of people flinch at it. “Machines’ll shut off with the sun anyway. Get out or I’ll make you.” He’d had to a few times; he hadn’t killed anyone (don’t want to waste a potential customer) but the miscreants still had the scars.
Shortly afterwards, the remaining customers were filing out. The crowd thinned as the sun’s light faded, the last man stepping out just as the sun dipped below the horizon and the mechanical hum dimmed and died. Magi-tech, they’d found, generally worked even under the Barrier – the problem was they couldn’t acquire any.
Celia was sitting on one of the pinball machines. He gave her a look and she hopped off.
“So, Cels?” he asked, switching to French – he could swear his thoughts were clearer in his mother-tongue. “What’d we get today?”
“Not much more than usual,” Celia said, walking over to his side. Celia’s French was worse than his was, but then it hadn’t been her birth tongue. “We made almost...four hundred and sev-”
Facilier smacked her on the shoulder, just enough to barely sting. “ No English at home, Cels, you know this.”
She sighed but switched back to French. “ I still don’t know why.”
“Because it’s one of the things Auradon would take from you, Cels,” he reminded her. He walked off towards the door back into their apartment, Celia following behind without question. She was no wilting lily to do everything he told her, she was whip-crack smart, but if she thought he had good ideas, she’d happily do what he wanted. Despite himself, it made his chest warm – any idiot could throw their weight around and get what they wanted by force or intimidation. It took intelligence and work to be able to get someone to do what you wanted all on their own and it didn’t come with any risk of betrayal.
“ Auradon would love you to be alone in the world, with no connection to anything outside the Isle,” he told her, opening the door for her (something he’d had to explain to her was only acceptable at home; he wouldn’t have her viewed as soft by this gang of malcontents and murderers). “ You’re going to know your history and people.”
She nodded, moving past him through the darkened doorway. He smiled at her back almost unconsciously.
They only kept a few candles in their house. It had never troubled either of them; they still had a few gifts from Facilier’s days as a bokor. Plus, the Friends, despite being creatures of night, had an abode with no shadows anywhere. Anywhere that didn’t look like... there was good in Facilier’s book. Also the candlelight made it look like his Shadow was still with him. Having an emotional attachment to your own shadow might be kind of strange, but hey. He was a villain (thanks Tiana.) It was allowed, he thought, and brushed his fingers along the wall.
The arcade brought a better income and protection for them than most people got. He closed his eyes, letting his consciousness spread out until he felt the gentle hum of the wards. They were still strong, untouched.
Auradon thought a mere Barrier could take all magic. Stupid.
Cels had flopped down at their kitchen table, tossing her hat down next to her and resting her head on her arms. He gave Cels a look. “ Hell’s wrong with you?”
Celia shrugged without raising her head. “ I’m just tired. Did you see that VK Day is in a few weeks?”
VK Day.
The shadows flickered with Facilier’s sudden rage.
“ No,” he drawled, “ somehow I missed it with all the propaganda posters up around the entire Isle.”
Celia snorted. His lips twitched.
“ I got one of their applications yesterday,” Celia told him. She raised her head, looking him dead in the eyes. “ I think I’ll fill it out.”
He stared at her. Separate from their lit candles, the shadows roiled. “ What -”
Celia raised her hands before he could finish. “ No, Daddy, I have a plan.”
“That involves going along with their -” Facilier didn’t quite have words for exactly how he felt about the VKs. He just felt, somewhere down in what had probably once been his soul, that it was alright for him to be...well, a villain, because he didn’t try to seem like anything but what he was. Anyone who thought he was trustworthy or safe was an idiot or desperate or both ( or Celia ), but leaving people on the Isle to fight and suffer while pretending to be grand heroes, smiling on TV and dressed in fancy clothes, looking every inch like the protagonists, was...a different kind of villain. One he’d hoped to leave in New Orleans.
Celia nodded. “ Just for a little while.” She rested her chin on her arms again, fixing him with one of her piercing gazes. “ I’ve been doing some groundwork with Mal, positive predictions, that sort of thing. I think she’ll pick me to go to Auradon Prep.”
“And then?”
“What do you think?” Celia fixed him with one of her wide, bright smiles, filled with life and mischief. “ I rob them blind, obviously!”
Facilier, unusually, found that for a moment, he had no words. Celia’s smile seemed closer to slipping with every second he was silent, but she held her ground.
Finally he spoke. “ What about the Wand?”
“I don’t think that’ll work now,” Celia told him. “Uma and Mal both tried for it and lost, it’ll be heavily guarded and they’ll be expecting us to go for it. There’s other magic in the world, though, stronger than faery magic. And Auradon is rich as anything – if I get money from them, I can buy all the spells in the world.” She rose from the table, stepping around to take Facilier’s hand. The cool leather of her gloves was offset by the warmth of her hands in his. She was so small.
“ I’ll free you too, Daddy,” she said, eyes shining. “ If I don’t go for the Wand and pretend to be scared, they won’t expect it. And then you can take me to New Orleans – teach me voodoo and hoodoo – maybe we could go to Tiana’s restaurant and steal some cake and stuff -” Celia smiled again, hope rising in her face. “ I can bring down the Barrier and free us, Daddy. I just have to get Mal to take me to Auradon first.”
Facilier was smart. He knew that while force and intimidation had its place, you could get much further on manipulation and knowing when to strike and that if you were careful, that didn’t even come with a risk of betrayal. He knew that the practical thing to do was to play to people’s sensibilities, make them like you, and then they’d do anything for you.
It was the furthest thing from his mind as he yanked his daughter into a very unvillainous hug. She froze for just half a second before throwing her arms around him as well. She smelled like they all did on the Isle, of dirt and malnutrition and exhaustion – he saw behind his eyes the two of them in New Orleans, no, in Auradon, where the people didn’t know their names, safe and healthy and back in power.
There would be no mucking around with talismans this time. This time they would do it correctly.
“ You know Cels,” he said quietly into her hair, “ That makes dollars and sense.”
Her laughter was more beautiful than he thought he could ever find such a thing.
Fine, Tiana, you win. I see what you meant now, that last night.
“If you got pride, wave your Vs up high!”
Mal’s voice rang out over the crowd, accompanied by cheers and hands shooting towards the sky. Below the VK podium, hidden in the shadows, Facilier observed the carrying-on.
Celia was in the crowd, waving her application in the sky like the rest of them. None of their conversation weeks before showed on her face. Was that his imagination, or did he see Mal cast her a few approving glances?
“You can take the VK out of the Isle, but you can’t take the Isle out of the VK!” Jay shouted. Facilier smiled, despite himself. Son, you have no idea.
Who else was here to dupe the VKs? Those two from Uma’s crew definitely were – Uma had a magnetic personality and a zero-tolerance for disloyalty - but who else? Not Dizzy, she thought Evie was her mother practically (as he’d heard her say – even VKs just hung out with their friends sometime, and Celia despite herself liked Dizzy), but perhaps that one of Gaston’s spawn?
“We used to steal stacks, now we give ‘em back!”
Celia cheered with the rest of them, looking just like another worshipping hopeful. Facilier grinned.
Maybe you do, VKs, but us? Auradon owes us a cut of those stacks.
He saw Mal’s gaze turn towards Celia. The older girl gave her a bright smile, beginning to beckon her forward.
And my Celia isn’t giving a single damned thing back.
Closing his eyes, he did something he hadn’t in decades. If anything’s listening, give my child some luck. More than I had.
There was nothing else to be done. With that, Dr. Facilier turned and walked away.
Maybe they would steal some cake.
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idkxwriting · 5 years
Treacherous - Chapter Nine
Author: idkhaylijah
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4.6k
A/N: Masterlist in bio to catch up on previous chapters. Thanks for the p
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Elijah groaned, tearing off the vervain ropes (they were more of an annoyance than anything else), and quietly walking to the mirror. He unbuttoned his dress shirt, peeling it away from his body and placing it on the bed before turning to get a good look at his shoulder.
The bite mark Tyler had left had disappeared, the fever gone. The angry red burns left from the vervain faded before him.
He glanced down at his watch. It was already the afternoon, which meant Y/N and Dean should have headed to Mystic Falls.
Only Y/N was still sleeping, Dean nowhere to be found.
He could only assume by the state he found himself in that he had attempted to hurt one or both of them the night before. He sighed, turning to look at Y/N’s sleeping form, amazed at her trust in him.
He had failed her, time and time again. Yet there she was, letting her guard down to a vampire who had lost his mind to fever.
The fact that she didn’t leave with Dean wasn’t lost on him - and though he tried to warn himself it hadn’t meant anything, he couldn’t help the feeling that it meant everything.
Y/N stirred, turning her head as the sunlight peeked through the curtains, burrowing further into her pillow and he felt an ache in his chest. He wondered if there’d ever come a day when he looked at her without it breaking his heart.
He sighed, pulling a clean shirt on and deciding he should wake her - knowing she’d want to get on the road as soon as possible.
The bed dipped as he sat beside her and she rolled over, curling her body around him. He smiled softly, brushing the hair from her face. “Y/N,” he whispered gently, knowing how much she hated waking up.
She protested sleepily, hiding her face against him and her breathing evened out once more as she fell back into a deep sleep.
She let out a soft sigh, and he wondered what it was she was dreaming of when she mumbled his name.
It was so quiet that had he been human, he would have missed it.
He stroked her cheek gently, hesitating for a moment before entering her mind.
“Elijah!” Y/N turned and beamed at him. She didn’t wait for a response, launching herself into his arms.
He held her tightly to his chest, wishing more than anything that they could have this. That he could have her.
She released him, stepping back, and she looked around. They were in the streets of New Orleans. “You came,” she exclaimed.
He nodded, guilt threatening to overwhelm him at his intrusion.
“I’m dreaming,” she said.
It wasn’t a question, but he nodded once more sheepishly.
She blushed as she took in his appearance - a dark suit, a deep navy blue shirt, and a black tie - her favorite suit. She wondered if he knew and altered his clothes for her, or if it was a product of her own imagination. “I dream of this often,” she admitted, stepping closer once more. She curled her fingers around his, bringing their hands up, her eyes trained on how hers fit perfectly in his. “Of you…”
His heartbeat quickened and he swallowed, slamming his eyes shut as her confession washed over him. He leaned his forehead against hers, afraid that if he opened his eyes she’d be gone.
She let go of his hands, bringing her own up to his face, her thumbs running along the stubble of his jaw. “I miss you so much,” she whispered.
His eyes burned at her words. Though they should have brought him comfort, even hope, he found no relief. Only more heartache. “Tell me why…” he said. “Why did you leave?”
She shook her head slightly, pulling back as she waited for him to look at her. When he opened his eyes she smiled sadly, the sorrow in the depths of his eyes breaking her a little more. She wondered how much more she could take. “It’s a good dream, Elijah. Let’s just enjoy it for a little while.”
He leaned into her touch, closing his eyes and nodding silently. When he opened his eyes again she was smiling. “Okay,” he whispered hoarsely.
She took his hand and led him down the block, the streets filled with noise - people talking, music playing. The sun was beating down on them as they walked hand in hand.
“I don’t think anywhere has ever felt quite like home as much as New Orleans,” she admitted after a moment. It was true. She considered the bunker for a moment, and even though she had a room, it hadn’t been the same. After all this time she still felt like a wanderer.
He hummed in agreement. He knew the feeling, though he was certain it was less attached to the city and more rooted in her. New Orleans hadn’t felt like home to him since she walked out of his life.
She caught whiff of a beignet and grinned, pulling Elijah toward the food cart excitedly. The man working the cart offered her one and she took it with thanks, turning towards Elijah. She took a bite, her face falling. “No matter how many times I dream this, I still can’t seem to get the taste right,” she sighed. She discarded the pastry, moving on, enjoying the feel of the city around her. “It’s strange,” she said. “The little details you never think of until they’re gone. Things you think you couldn’t possibly forget start to fade so quickly.”
He stopped walking, placing his hands in his pockets. “What else have you forgotten?” He asked.
She turned, her cheeks blushing. “You,” her voice was quiet and she turned her eyes away from him. “Before all of this...your voice was fading. And I -,” she swallowed. “I couldn’t remember how you felt, anymore.”
He stepped toward her, his hand cupping her face. He wiped a tear from her cheek. “Y/N, look at me.”.
When she turned her glossy Y/E/C eyes to him the world around them shifted - the streets faded away until they were back in their shared bedroom. She chuckled, embarrassed at the shift. “I always end up here,” she explained.
He glanced around the room as the corner of his lip turned up. He closed his eyes for a moment, adjusting the details she hadn’t quite gotten right. “That’s more like it,” he said.
She stepped away from him, looking around the room, running her hands along the dresser. She laughed at the chair in the corner, piled with clothes she had pulled out but changed her mind on. “This is supposed to be my dream, Elijah,” she teased before continuing through the room.
He had gotten every little detail right, and she wondered how much this place haunted him.
“I always end up here, too,” he admitted.
She turned toward him, a sadness in her eyes.
“We should go,” he said, clearing his throat.
She walked toward him, entwining their fingers once more. She began to cry softly. “I don’t want to forget.”
He furrowed his brows, uncertainty in his eyes. “Y/N…”
She leaned up on her toes, kissing the corner of his mouth sweetly. “Please. I just want to remember. Can we just have this for a little while? Before we have to go back?”
He turned his face, his lips barely brushing against hers when the harsh buzzing of a phone broke through the haze, the dream fading quickly around them as Y/N awoke.
She shot up in bed, her phone buzzing angrily on the nightstand. She glanced around the dimly lit motel room, surprised to find herself completely alone.
The line between what was real and what was a dream blurred as she wondered if Elijah had really been there at all.
She turned, grabbing her phone and saw Sam’s name light up the screen. “Sam, hey…” she greeted, her voice laced with sleep.
“Hey Y/N,” he responded. “How far out are you guys?”
She sighed, sitting up in bed. “Dean left just before dawn.”
Sam paused for a moment. “You aren’t with him?”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “No, not exactly. Elijah was bit and without Klaus’ blood we had to hang back until his fever passed.”
“Right. Well you may want to stay put,” he said.
She furrowed her brows. “Don’t be ridiculous, I’m not sitting this one out, Sam.”
She heard shuffling before another voice cut through. “Damn right you are.”
She groaned. “Hi, Damon.”
“Long time no chat, Buffy.”
She rolled her eyes at the nickname. “I’m no help all the way out here…”
“You’re no help to us dead,” he argued. “Though you’ve done one hell of a job with your little disappearing act, I guess it doesn’t make much difference to me.”
She may have deserved that, but she heard another shuffle and suddenly Stefan’s voice cut through. “Empusa has left a trail of supernatural bodies up and down the east coast, all leading back to Mystic Falls.”
She had missed his voice, and he was perhaps the one person she could talk to about everything - Empusa, hunting, Elijah, Dean...he’d understand it all. She had missed her friend. She brushed it aside, focusing on the task at hand. “Alright, so I’m headed out there now,” she said, sliding out of bed and getting dressed as she placed the phone on speaker.
“Y/N, it’s not safe for you,” Stefan’s tone was careful.
She shrugged, stripping off the T-shirt she had slept in and throwing on a bra. “Stefan, it’s not safe for anyone with Empusa out there. Elijah and I will….”
“Slow down, Van Helsing,” Damon groaned. “He forgot to mention she did all this as you.”
She froze, understanding dawning. “They want revenge…”
“Doesn’t feel so good to be on the other end of this hunting thing, does it?” He snapped.
She rolled her eyes, ready to argue when Sam cut back in.
“Look, Y/N, I hate to say it but they’re right. Cas and Freya will be here soon, Dean’s on his way...for whatever reason this thing is targeting you, so stay put.” She knew he was right, but she didn’t want to just sit in a motel room waiting for all of her friends to die. “At least until we have a plan,” he added.
“Where’s Klaus?” She asked, changing the subject.
“He found Blondie and got her the hell out of dodge,” Damon said. Though he sounded annoyed, she knew deep down he was just as relieved Caroline was safe as she was.
Elijah walked back into the room, and her skin flushed, realizing she hadn’t put a shirt on yet. “Shit, I gotta go. Call me with any updates,” she said hanging up.
He averted his eyes, which she was grateful for as she pulled on a flannel. “Forgive me, I should have knocked,” he said, holding up a coffee.
She finished buttoning the shirt, reaching out for the coffee gratefully. “Sorry, I was distracted….” she took a sip, the hot liquid burning down her throat, but it made her feel alert.
Or maybe it was Elijah that had her suddenly hyper aware.
“Thank you,” she said.
She wondered briefly if she should bring up the dream, but quickly decided against it.
“I spoke to Niklaus,” he offered. “Caroline’s safe.”
She ran her hand through her hair, attempting to make herself more presentable, hating that she cared at all how she looked when he saw her. “Yea,” she held up her phone. “I just talked to Stefan and Damon, actually.”
He said nothing, instead opening the curtains to let the daylight in and moving further into the room, his gaze piercing hers.
“Turns out Empusa is tracking down and torturing supernatural creatures...as me.”
His jaw ticked, and he furrowed his brow.
She swallowed. “Leaving a trail of evidence straight to Mystic Falls,” she said. “The hunter becomes the hunted.” She moved across the room, throwing her things back in her duffel bag before disappearing into the bathroom.
Elijah waited, frustrated and concerned because he knew he wouldn’t stop her. When she appeared again, her hair combed and her teeth brushed, he stood.
“Let’s go,” she said, determined.
She headed for the door, but as she pulled it open he cut her off, crowding her as he pushed the door shut. “I don’t suppose there is any way to talk you out of this?” He asked.
She turned and glanced up at him. She could see in his face he wouldn’t stop her, but he’d do everything he could to keep her safe. “Elijah, I can’t just sit around while everyone I care about is in danger.”
His jaw tensed and his eyes were hard. “You do not leave my sight, do you understand?”
She nodded, biting back a victorious smile. She could live with that compromise. “Deal,” she agreed. “Now let’s track down a car.”
He took the duffel bag from her shoulder, holding the door open for her. “Already taken care of,” he stated.
She turned and glanced at him over her shoulder, a question on her face when she saw his playful smirk.
“I’ll be driving,” he added.
Y/N sunk further into the plush leather seats. It had been a while since she had sat in anything this luxurious. She ran her hands along the interior of the door, pushing buttons and opening compartments. It was a beautiful car, sleek and new. It drove like a dream, the road smooth beneath her as the engine of the F-Type Jaguar purred quietly.
Elijah chuckled from the driver’s seat beside her, amused with her curiosity and admiration of the vehicle.
“You couldn’t have picked something a little more subtle?” She asked with a raised brow.
He held back a smile, stealing a glance at her before turning his eyes back to the road. “Subtle like your boyfriend’s Impala?” He countered.
She scoffed. “There’s nothing subtle about Baby, either,” she muttered. “And he’s not my boyfriend.” She shifted in her seat, her cheeks burning as she glanced out the window.
Elijah let her comment sink in, unable to hold back his smile any longer. He watched her for a moment, her head resting in her palm as she watched the horizon pass by. He gathered himself, turning his attention back to the road once more and reminding himself that it didn’t matter. “Forgive me,” he said. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
“Yes you did,” she stated matter-of-factly and turned to face him. “Truth is, I don’t know what Dean is…” she sighed.
He nodded, his jaw clenching as the elation he felt moments earlier dissipated. “Perhaps you’re right,” he admitted. “I did mean to pry…I’m sorry.”
She shrugged. “It’s fine, Elijah. But I’m not talking boys with you,” she laughed uncomfortably. They sat in silence for a moment when she cleared her throat. “What about you?” She asked, struggling to keep her tone even. “Are you seeing anyone?”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, and she felt her heart sink at the thought of him moving on, despite it being what she had hoped for him all this time.
“There’s no one else,” he said after a few minutes, his words settling heavily in the car.
She felt relief, quickly followed by guilt and a sadness she couldn’t quite place. She was headed into dangerous territory with him, and when the radio buzzed quietly beneath their heavy silence she leaned forward, turning it up.
“I love this song,” she said as Halsey’s voice filled the car.
She leaned back into her seat, letting the music distract her as she watched the horizon zip by them.
A few hours later Y/N woke to find the car parked at a gas station, Elijah nowhere in sight. She sat up, stretching her stiff muscles, taking in her surroundings as she blinked the sleep from her eyes. A neon sign that read “Harri’s Place” buzzed across the street, tinting the pavement red.
She yawned, and as she reached her hand to her face to push her hair behind her ears she stopped, seeing the blood dripping down her hand.
Confused, she furrowed her brow, bringing her other hand up to find it, too, was drenched in blood. She began to panic, anxiously feeling around her, leaving traces of it all around, smearing it on her pants and shirt, but there was too much to wipe away.
She pulled down the visor to see herself in the mirror, the warm red liquid coating her chin and neck.
She reached for her seat belt, struggling with the buckle when she saw Elijah in the driver’s seat, lifeless beside her.
She paused, the air trapped in her lungs until she let it out and gasped for breath, panic and worry overwhelming her.
“Elijah!?” She pulled harder at the buckle until she managed to undo it, tears burning her eyes and she reached across the center console, tugging on him. “Elijah wake up!”
“You did this.”
The eerie voice shocked her, and she jumped back in her seat, looking down to see Elijah’s heart in her lap. She screeched as she brushed it away from her, desperate to get it away.
She caught her reflection in the side view mirror, her pupils red and angry. More than that, they were narrowed, and despite her panic, her reflection smiled diabolically, as if it was amused.
“What are you?” She screamed at the glass.
The reflection laughed, taunting her. “You can’t stop what’s coming,” it said.
She struggled to get out of the car as fear seeped into her bones, running toward the small gas station when she heard Elijah’s voice calling her name.
Y/N jolted up, gasping as she woke up and took in her surroundings. She frantically studied her hands, patting her body down and checking herself in the mirror. She turned, looking for evidence of what she had just seen - what had felt so real only a moment ago.
“Y/N?” Elijah furrowed his brow with concern, reaching out and placing his hand on her face. She jumped, turning to face him, and clutched his hand to her. She reached out to his chest with her free hand, and he didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around her when she leaned into him.
Her breathing began to calm as she concentrated on the feel of him under her hands - solid and real...alive.
He leaned back, cupping her face in his hands, studying her as he waited for her explanation.
She closed her eyes, concentrating on the weight of his hands on her face, his thumb gently tracing a path along her cheek. “Sorry,” she whispered. “Bad dream.”
He nodded, releasing his hold on her as she pulled away, sitting in her seat once more. He watched her carefully, as if he was waiting for a clue as to what was really happening, but she offered nothing.
She buckled her seatbelt once more. “We should keep moving,” she said.
He nodded, pulling back onto the road as she lost herself in her phone.
They drove in silence for twenty minutes when she let out a frustrated sigh.
“Elijah, I can practically feel you watching me,” she complained.
He had been sneaking glances at her when he was sure she wasn’t looking, watching for any sign of distress. “I’m worried about you,” he said.
“It was a dream. That’s it. Comes with the job.”
“The job of a hunter,” he clarified sharply.
She clenched her jaw. She had been waiting for him to bring it up - for this to be an argument, but she was not going to have it locked inside a car with him while they still had a few hundred miles left until they hit Mystic Falls. “That would be the one…” she said, lacing a little more attitude in her voice than necessary.
He gripped the steering wheel, deciding to let it go for the time being when he saw a gas station up the road. “We need gas,” he said as her stomach grumbled. “And you need food.”
“What about you?” She asked. “Any hospitals nearby? We can snag you a couple blood bags.”
“I assure you, I’ll be fine,” he said dryly.
She nodded, and when they pulled into the gas station she hopped out of the car eagerly. It felt good to stretch her muscles, and she didn’t wait as she made her way inside the little shop.
The bell above the door dinged as she stepped inside, the cashier greeting her with little more than a nod. She walked up and down the aisles, grabbing snacks for the road when the bell above the door jingled again.
“Not exactly the nutritious meal I had in mind,” Elijah said with distaste as he looked down at her haul full of Cheetos, Oreos, and beef jerky.
She shrugged. “Not exactly a five star restaurant,” she countered, piling the snacks into his arms. “Hold these? I want to use the restroom before we get back on the road.”
He nodded, already putting them down when she turned away to exchange them for a yogurt and granola bar. “I’ll check out,” he called after her.
“There better be Oreos, Elijah,” she tossed over her shoulder knowingly.
He chuckled, picking the pack of cookies back up and taking it to the counter.
A few minutes later, Y/N stepped back out into the parking lot and hopped in the car. She took a deep breath, still trying shake the uneasy feeling her nightmare had left her.
She looked around, deciding Elijah must have decided to use the restroom himself, when she caught sight of a red glow out of the side of her eye.
She turned to see the pavement across the street bathed in red from the neon light flickering above it.
“Harri’s Place”
She felt the panic wash over her and immediately checked her reflection in the mirror, relief flooding her to find it was her own.
She jumped when Elijah opened the car door.
“Everything okay?” He asked.
She nodded, but when his hands moved to grip the steering wheel she noticed his daylight ring was missing. She furrowed her brow for a moment as her mind raced for an explanation, her instincts kicking in. “Yea, sorry. You know what? I actually have to call Dean,” she said, careful to keep her voice even. “Phone’s dead, but I think I saw a pay phone on the side of the building…”
She opened the car door, not waiting for him to answer, when he reached across, gripping the door handle and slamming it shut.
“Dean can wait,” he said. “We should really get going.”
She swallowed, knowing this intruder wasn’t Elijah, and when he turned forward once more she used all the strength she had to slam his forehead into the steering wheel.
His head cracked, blood cascading down his features, and he turned angry eyes on Y/N as she scrambled to get out of the car. Her hands slipped on the handle, and he grabbed her by her hair, pulling her back in.
She used the momentum to fling her head back, and she heard the crunch of the bone when she made contact with his nose. She turned so her back was to the door, her hair out of his reach, and wasn’t surprised to see the gash on his head heal and his nose set right once more.
He lunged at her, an animalistic snarl escaping his lips as he reached for her, but she threw her legs out, kicking him away as hard as she could. Her back slammed into the door, popping it open, and she fell out onto the pavement with a thud.
She turned quickly, gravel digging into the palms of her hands as she pushed herself up. She stumbled and caught herself, not turning back as she burst into a full sprint toward the side of the building.
She stopped when she saw the dumpster - a rusty pipe leaning against the bins. She grabbed it quickly, knowing it wasn’t enough, but it’d have to do.
She turned so her back was against the brick of the building, bracing herself, calming her breathing as she listened. She clenched her jaw, and as she heard the footsteps move closer she gripped the pipe tighter in her hands.
He turned the corner and she swung, knocking him to the ground. She didn’t hesitate, jumping on top of him and pinning him there, swinging the pipe again. Blood sprayed across her face as she continued to swing. Elijah groaned underneath her, but he turned his face again and again, looking her in eye with a smile that made her blood boil.
She held the pipe against his throat. “Who sent you?” She growled.
He did nothing but laugh as his eyes shifted gold and back to the warm shade of summer she knew Elijah’s to be.
She hated the creature beneath her - for hunting her, for mimicking Elijah. For the way he chuckled darkly, and the need to hurt him he invoked in her. She let the rage wash through her and she picked the pipe up, holding it above her head and slamming the end into his chest as hard as she could, piercing him.
He gasped, his eyes darkening and his mouth filling with blood as he coughed. She felt him writhe beneath her and she pushed harder as she pulled the pipe sharply to the side. She knew it wouldn’t kill him. She had met enough shapeshifters to know how to spot one. Apart from removing the head or the heart you needed silver to end one. 
“Who?” She demanded.
He slammed his eyes shut and when he opened them again they were bright red. His face twisted unnaturally, as if the expression wasn’t his own.
When he spoke, he choked on his own blood, and his voice was gravelly. “You can’t stop what’s coming,” he taunted.
She reached into the wound in his chest, gripping his heart and pulling desperately with everything she had. He dropped his head back, his eyes turning yellow once more and his body going lax as she released her grip on him.
She stood, dropping the disgusting organ and panting. As she reached up to move her hair out of her face she saw the blood on her hands, dripping down her arm and onto the pavement beneath her.
She started to shake, and when she felt a strong grip spin her around she swung, ready to fight once more.
Elijah caught her fist with ease, his free hand brushing her hair aside. “I thought you may be in need of some help,” he glanced over her shoulder at the body before him. “I can see I was mistaken.”
She glanced down to his chest, a bloody hole in his shirt indicated he had been staked, and she flung herself into his arms, wrapping her own around his neck.
He held her to his chest, and when she pulled away again he let go reluctantly. “Are you okay?”
She nodded. “Yea…”
Elijah furrowed his brow as he studied the corpse that resembled him.
“Come,” he said. “We need to move.”
She nodded, dragging the corpse of the shapeshifter to the dumpster. He watched her hoist the body into the opening, as if she had done it a thousand times, and he saw just how much she had changed. She was harder now, stronger, even unattached. He felt a sadness that the world had done this to her, that he played a part in it, but he couldn’t help but also be in awe of her.
She wiped her bloody hands against her shirt, and as they walked back to the car, she stripped it off and cleaned her face with the fabric as best as she could, too tired to care about her ex seeing her, let alone anyone else. They were in the middle of nowhere, not that it mattered. Elijah unlocked the car, pulling out one of his spare button down shirts he had and offering it to her.
“Thank you,” she said, taking the garment from his hands. “I’ll have it cleaned,” she added when she saw some of the remaining blood she hadn’t managed to clean off seep into the light blue if the fabric.
“It’s yours,” he replied.
She clutched the extra fabric of the arms in her hands. It was too big, but it smelled like Elijah, and she let it wrap around her senses, grounding her after the rush of adrenaline she just had.
He opened her car door, and she hesitated for just a moment. Long enough for him to reach into his pocket. “I almost forgot,” he remarked. He handed her a pack of Oreo cookies.
She took the cookies in her hand with an exasperated sigh and a hint of a smile. “Five star dining.”
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Finding Hope Part 1 (Nik x MC)- Secret Santa fic
This is part 1 of my Secret Santa I wrote for @embarrassingsmartphonegame . The original fic had a bit of a problem, so I’m reposting it. (This time with a read more.)
You can find the second part here.
Tagging the wonderful @itsbrindleybinch @mariaoz @jlpplays1 and @desiree-0816 ! <3
Night descended once again on the city of New Orleans. Winter was coming, as shown by the colorful lights shining in the darkness. Most were in the classic red and green of Christmas, but it was still possible to identify some other holidays among them. Some Alex couldn’t identify, but one stood out in her eyes.
Lumian, the Faes’ festival of lights.
Her eyes fell on a family walking down the street. A boy gaped as he took in the marvel surrounding him, his cheeks flushed with the winter cold. For a moment, the boy turned to his parents, his eyes lit up in wonder. He ran to them and immediately started gushing about how he couldn’t wait for Christmas to come.
Alex turned her back to the happy family. Her heart clenched tightly in her chest as she started walking away. Tears welled up in her eyes and she willed herself not to cry. She was stronger than this. She was.
She didn’t know how many people she passed by, before a voice called her name.
Alex froze. It was so sudden, a man almost crashed into her. She hardly even registered his vulgar curses as he walked off, because for a moment she felt alive. Could it really be him?
It didn’t take long for the running footsteps to catch up to her. The moment they did, a warm hand rested on her arm. Alex turned, and a smile rose to her face when she met familiar dark eyes. Nik grinned and pulled her closer, into the warmth of an embrace she didn’t know she needed.
“I’ve missed you,” he murmured.
Alex wrapped her arms around him. Her heartbeat steadied into a steady rhythm. It was as if her body recognized her one and only rock, the one person she always needed.
She lay her head on Nik’s chest. His heart beat slightly faster than usual, a fact that made Alex smile. She tapped her fingers absentmindedly on his chest as she let herself drown in comfort. One, two, three…
“Alex, how have you been?”
Alex froze. She swallowed as she tried to think of anything but the truth. After a long silence, she finally settled on an “I’m fine”. It was an obvious lie, but Nik didn’t say a word.
“Is it true that today is Lumian?” Nik whispered. He took hold of one of Alex’s dark hairs, the warmth of his fingers almost enough to distract her.
Alex focused on the floor. “It is.”
Nik’s brows furrowed. He pulled Alex even closer, as if he could protect her from the world if only she was close enough. “How is it without him?”
“Hard.” She didn’t know what else to say. How could she describe the emptiness of the castle? The way Lady Thalissa’s sobs drifted past any barriers there could have been? How out of place Alex felt among her own people?
Nik pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’m sorry.”
His eyes scanned Alex carefully, like a doctor examining a patient for injuries. When his eyes met hers again, they were full of understanding. “You’re wearing your Nighthunter outfit.”
Alex nodded. “I needed to escape.” She couldn’t bear staying in the same room as her father’s ghost. Everything she touched reminded her of him, so she needed a break. She needed to see some life.
Nik gently ran his thumb over her cheek. His eyes were so deep with worry, Alex’s heart clenched. How did she deserve him?
“Rook, you know you can always come back to my place.”
“I do,” Alex confirmed, “but I have a duty to my people and to Lady Thalissa. They need me. I can’t abandon them.”
Nik’s eyes softened. “I’m sure they’ll love you.”
Alex took hold of Nik’s hand. “I need to go.”
It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she knew Nik couldn’t come with her. At least, not yet.
“Will you be at the festival?” she found herself asking.
Nik’s eyes met hers. He pulled Alex close enough for her to feel his hard body, close enough for her to see every inch of his face. Then he bent so his warm breaths hit her ear and sent tingles down her spine. “Alex, I will always be there for you. And so will the others.”
She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Thank you.”
He carressed her cheek. “You and I are an unstoppable team. Never forget that.”
She laughed. “I won’t.”
His eyes shone stronger than the streetlights. “Good, because I’ll never let you.”
And then he pulled her into a kiss, and Alex lost herself in his warmth, his touch and his love.
A few hours later, Alex stood at a large window overlooking the magical streets of Lamrian. While most citizens were getting ready for the festivities, children still found the time to run through the streets. Their laughter rang through the lifeless alleys, spreading light and wonder for all the other citizens. Even Alex herself couldn’t help but smile.
But then a silky voice woke her from her reverie. “You look like a true queen.”
Lady Thalissa entered the vast ballroom. Her features hid behind the darkness of the room, shrouded in the mask of night. Her only visible feature was her smile, which managed to brighten any room she entered.
Alex smiled back, but it did nothing to warm the cold room. Even Lady Thalissa’s fakest smile was more affective than hers.
Alex turned back to the window, where the kids were now playing a magical version of tag. “I wish I didn’t have to be one.”
Alex pulled on her silver sleeve. This gown was even more extravagant than the one she wore to the Fae Ball. It’s shades of blue and silver shone in the darkness, catching all the light in the large room. She never wanted so much spotlight, but she didn't have much of a choice. Thalissa was still as beautiful as ever, but much of her hope disappeared after the death of Elric. Thus, without knowing much, Alex was pushed into the role of queen.
Alex sighed. If only…
A warm hand lay on her shoulder. Thalissa's eyes gleamed in the light from the windows. For a moment, it seemed like there were even tears in her eyes. However, before Alex could say a word, her stepmother shifted her gaze.
"I'm sorry about Elric. I know how much he meant to you, Alex. If only he was still alive…"
Thalissa let go of Alex's arm. She straightened her back so she was standing like a soldier preparing for war. "However, today is Lumian. A time for celebration. We must spread our people with hope, love and comfort for times ahead. As their ruler, that is your responsibility."
"I know."
There was a short silence, before Thalissa spoke again. "You haven't eaten much the last few days. You need to eat in order to stand tall in front of your people."
Alex swallowed. She lowered her gaze, but she could still feel Thalissa's kind eyes on her back. The beads in her hair bounced as she shook her head. "I can't. It's too hard."
Thalissa pursed her lips. "Please. If not for you, then for me. And if not for me, then for your beloved."
Alex nodded as tears pooled in her eyes.
"The festival will start soon. Don't forget."
Thalissa's warm lips touched Alex's forehead, like the mother she never really had. Alex closed her eyes as she etched the sensation into her memory, but then her stepmother's warmth disappeared. The sound of Thalissa's steps slowly grew weaker, until the queen couldn't hear them anymore.
Alex released a heavy breath and silently turned back to the window. The children were still playing, but they were not alone. The festival lights glowed, lighting up many more people coming out from their homes. And as the night sky darkened, more and more emerged.
Her friends arrived when the square was almost packed. There was a certain restlessness between the fae, an expectation for the magic of a holiday Alex barely knew.
Just as she turned her back to the city, three figures emerged. They were all dressed in new attire, a strange but pleasant realization. For the first time that day, Alex let go of it all. Her friends were here, and she couldn't be happier.
"Vera, Katherine, Cal. I missed you so much!" She cried. 
Without a thought, she ran to them. She didn't even mind that she was wearing heels. How could she, when her friends were standing right in front of her?
Alex rushed to Katherine, who watched her with a grin. She scanned Alex's dress with silent approval. Her eyes lingered once or twice, but it was gone before Alex could make sure.
Eventually, she nodded. "Not bad."
There was a hint of vulnerability in her tone, but Katherine walked to the window before Alex could say a word.
The moment Alex reached Vera, her friend pulled her into her arms. "I missed you." 
Her voice shook, and so did her hands, but her smile lit the room.
Alex smiled back. "I did too."
For a moment, it seemed like Vera would never let go. There was something fragile in her eyes, but it disappeared the moment she let Alex go.
"It's good to see you again," she whispered. There was a grin on her lips, but this one didn't meet her eyes.
Alex was caught by surprise when Cal rushed at her. His strong arms took hold of her and he spun her around with a grin. His eyes shone in mischievousness and laughter rang through the room. Alex joined him, and somehow her heart felt lighter. For some reason, it made the darkness a bit less threatening.
Once he set her down, Cal took Alex in. He stepped back as his eyes scanned her whole figure. His pupils dilated, but before he could speak someone took hold of Alex's arm.
Alex smiled as her eyes met Nik's. A softness rose once again in his eyes, but his jaw was still set. Before Alex could say a word, he captured her lips with a searing kiss.
Alex didn't know how long they kissed for before they finally broke apart. She smiled at Nik and he grinned back, a taunting smirk on his face.
Alex wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself closer. Nik's scent was intoxicating, like an essence she could never get enough of. She breathed in the blood, smoke and magic he smelled of, like a forbidden fruit that was only hers.
She lay her head on his chest, close enough so she could hear his heartbeat. She relaxed into his warmth, and eventually Nik also wrapped his arms around her.
He bent down so his breaths touched her ear. "You're mine."
She tapped his chest absentmindedly. "There, there, hunter. Play nice."
He frowned. "I am not…"
Alex met his eyes, her brow raised. "You're a Nighthunter. You sounded like you would kill everyone in this room any minute now. You are."
She pecked his lips, but Nik didn't react. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't leave me for last," he grumbled.
Alex pointed at her three confused friends. "They were here first. You were late."
Nik narrowed his eyes. "I was working on something. I think you'll like it."
"Oh, really."
"You'll see."
"So when is the festival supposed to start?" Katherine interjected. She subtly touched a boot, and her shoulders set when she found what she was looking for.
Alex looked back to the window. "Any minute now. We should head to our place."
Reluctantly, she pulled back from Nik's embrace. Hand in hand, she led him down the long hallway. The others followed, and they stopped when they reached two glass doors.
"It's here," Alex announced. She looked at the cushioned chairs outside. Three were set in an elegant half circle, while three more were placed in an elegant line. 
Alex wasn't thrilled about the placement, but Lady Thalissa made it clear that was the necessary arrangement.
They opened the glass doors. Lady Thalissa was already in the front row, waiting for them. She smiled as she took in the whole group. "I'm glad you're here."
She motioned them to come closer, and they complied. Alex sat between Thalissa and Nik, and the others sat in back. 
She hated this position, but Alex knew she needed this. She still wasn't popular among her people, so it was important to showcase the purest fae behavior. She knew that just adding Nik would cost her a lot.
The square was already brimming with people: families, couples, pets and royalty. Some spoke to each other, some played games with balls of light, but most looked up at her expectantly. At her.
Alex took a deep breath, and then forced her smile. It was strange to stand under the moon, looking down at her people. 
It was hard to believe she was one of them, a supernatural creature who could do magic. Real magic. Things she never heard of, let alone imagined.
When she opened her mouth, words poured out. It was like magic: the magic of the night, the magic flowing through her veins, the magic of the queen.
"My dear people," she began. "Today is Lumian, the Festival of Lights. It is a night of magic, of mischief, of hope. It is a night in which we remember all the ones we've lost, and pray to the future. It is a night for us: who we were in the past, who we are now, and who we will be in the next year."
"This year wasn't easy, especially not for our people. We lost a king and an heir. We lost the future we always thought we'd have. We lost so much, as a nation and as individuals."
Alex lowered her eyes. Pictures flashed through her eyes: her father's lifeless body, lying on the cold floor; Tialos's hatred burning in his eyes as he announced what he planned; and the bloodwraith as it rushed toward her, bloodlust in every inch of its body.
Something lit inside her. A need so intense, a power so strong, she couldn't hold it back. Fireworks flashed in the sky, creating three different pictures: a crown, a festival light and sparks of magic. Adults exchanged perplexed looks while children marveled at the images.
Alex stood even taller, and then she let her magic free.
"However, the future is waiting for us. It will be better: full of laughter, love and peace. It will bring us closer together, and our sorrow will turn to happiness. Just like, today, the life of the ones we lost becomes wishes. And these people will light our way."
Alex released all her happiness with a final roar. "May all your wishes come true, and happy Lumian!"
The faes burst in a thundering applause. Some clapped politedly, while others applauded with genuine smiles. Alex beamed as she gazed at them all. Finally, she could breathe in relief.
Warm arms circled her waist, and a deep voice whispered in her ear. "Congratulations, Alex. You did it."
You can find the next part here.
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mydarlingklaus · 6 years
Road Trip part 1: I could not resist writing something on 1x12 of Legacies because it was such an adorable episode. It’s been awhile since I’ve written a Klaroline family drabble so yay. This is my first time writing the twins as teens interacting with Klaus and it was so much fun to write it. I will post the link to my ff account at the bottom if you’d like to leave a review. Thank you!
"Explain to me why you aren't coming with us again." Klaus muttered leaning against the mini van with his arms crossed.
"Like I told you last night and the night before, I can't. I have piles on top of piles of files to sort through after being away for a whole week." Caroline answered placing two luggage in the back seat.
"Love, those files aren't walking away any time soon. Surely they can wait a few days?" Klaus badgered making Caroline laugh.
"Actually no, they can't. Hey you have yourself to blame, Mr. I'm going to whisk you away on a surprise trip to Italy." She cheekily stated as Klaus's eyes rolled.
Technically she wasn't wrong. It was Klaus's fault. He sprung an impromptu getaway for just the two of them during the busiest time of the school year. But with Caroline just as eager to have alone time with him as well she didn't refuse. Now she had to suffer the repercussions of that blissful decision, but so did Klaus. Could she blame him for wanting her all to himself for awhile?
Though finally solidifying their relationship, the couple still barely had time to see each other over the past couple of years. They didn't just solidify a relationship together, but also merged their families. Hope already attending Caroline's school made it easier for Klaus to see them both, when he could, as well as see Josie and Lizzie. Klaus would stop by for the girls' special events, like when him and Hayley flew out for Hope's 18th birthday or when he stayed overnight for the twins' talent show. All appreciative gestures but, no visit felt long enough.
With the boarding school only growing more in popularity everyday and new potential students showing up at their door, Caroline and Alaric were buried in paperwork all the time. Not to mention Klaus was still ruling the kingdom of the French Quarter, and even with the help of Marcel, he still couldn't be away from the city as often as he would like.
It bruised Klaus that not only the love of his life but also, daughter lived in Mystic Falls while he still lived in New Orleans. He also formed a bond with Caroline and Alaric's twin daughters, who he started seeing as his own over the years. Klaus had been in their lives since they were kids. Even when him and Caroline were still sorting out the complexity of their relationship he was always there for her girls. The family he's always wanted, and finally had, yet so far away.
At this point, Klaus took advantage of any reason to see them, including accompanying Alaric and the girls on the annual Saltzman family road trip for Spring Break.
Certainly not an extracurricular activity one would expect from a ruthless 1000 year old hybrid yet, when Caroline invited him and Hope he was all in. However when he first agreed to the idea a month ago, he was under the assumption Caroline was joining. Instead he was now stuck with three teenage girls and only Alaric Saltzman for adult company.
"I harbor absolutely no regrets with that decision. You deserved a break away from teenagers, classrooms and things that go bump in the night." Klaus said amusingly. "Besides, you enjoyed Italy. So much we barely left our hotel room all weekend."
A light blush crept up Caroline's pale cheeks as their blissful memories tangled in the soft sheets began to circulate in her mind.
Damn you Mikaelson.
Caroline cleared her throat. "I did, a lot. Thank you." She said appreciatively. "But now I have to get back to work, and Spring Break gives me the perfect opportunity to catch up on all I missed."
"Saltzmam can't take care of all the work?"
Caroline shot him an annoyed glare with a hand on one hip. "He's been taking care of the work, and I'm the headmistress Klaus."
He smirked now walking towards her. "Hmm, why does that title sound so sexy coming from you?"
She wasn't able to react as he was already in front of her and pressing his lips against hers. Caroline immediately melted into his touch as his hands hugged her tightly against his front, on her waist determinedly.
One hand quickly found home in his dark curls, threading her fingers through the softness while her other hand gripped onto his bicep. The light moan escaping her lips creating an entrance for Klaus's eager tongue into her mouth as the kiss deepened. Bodies flushed together against the van hotly.
They moaned into each other mouths, tongues caressing and hands wandering. Klaus ventured up and down her clothed spine and lightly brushed over her buttocks with a subtle squeeze. He smirked against her lips feeling her reaction to his shocking but arousing action. Her sighs of approval fueling him.
Caroline smiled in between kisses, never tiring of his lips worshipping hers. His lips so plump and soft but powerful. All their kisses and intimate moments fueled by passion and longing. One good thing to come of their long distance relationship, the anticipated reunions full of sweet kisses and hot hybrid sex.
So caught up in Klaus's distracting affection, Caroline completely forgot they were displaying all their PDA in front of the boarding school where any student or faculty member could see.
With that thought, she placed a few more kisses on his lips before pulling away much to Klaus's dismay.
"Down wolf." She teased with a final kiss then resting her hands against his chest almost laughing at his pouty face. "Hey, don't give me that. Remember this is my job and I have students living here who definitely don't want to see their headmistress making out against a car."
Klaus smirked, clearly amused. "What are they going to do, give you detention?"
Caroline nibbled on her bottom lip, regrettably pushing against his chest when he tried leaning in for another kiss.
"Alaric and the girls will be out any minute." She explained.
Klaus subtly scoffed under his breath.
She giggled. "You know you're acting like a spoiled brat right?"
"Am not." He childishly claimed.
Caroline quirked an amused brow at his bratty tone.
Klaus smiled which Caroline reciprocated. His eyes softened and he sighed circling invisible circles on her hip looking up at her. He moved them away from the van and up the stairs.
"I just..." Sighed again leaning his forehead against hers. "I miss you Caroline, I miss us. Stealing you away on a spontaneous vacation was the only option I had left. But even then, having you all to myself for a week isn't nearly enough to make up the time we've wasted, not seeing you for almost half a year."
The blonde stared up at him sympathetically when he pulled away, still holding her.
"I know we're immortal and there's no such thing as wasted time but that's how it feels, with you. I was looking forward to this trip because I knew I would finally be spending time with not only my daughters but the woman I love."
Her heart ached at his honest words.
"The long distance thing is taking its toll on me, I suppose." He shrugged. "I'm not saying this to make you feel guilty because you shouldn't at all and I understand you have responsibilities here as I do in New Orleans but-"
"I get it Klaus, really I do." Caroline interrupted with a soft smile.
He gave her the same expression, taking a relieved deep breath.
"Kinda glad you said something because I've been feeling the same for awhile."
Klaus looked at her worriedly.
Caroline wasn't necessarily surprised by Klaus's confession, she felt it as well. Long distance relationships already had a bad reputation but at the time neither suspected the longing for one another to be this intense, and painful.
She missed him too, every single day. They talked on the phone and video chatted constantly but that didn't equate to the warmth of being in each other's arms at night. But, Caroline couldn't just pack up her life in Mystic Falls and move to New Orleans. Not only because of the school but also because of the twins, and she wasn't selfish enough to ask Klaus to abandon the city he loves for her.
- Where do we go from here?
Caroline thought with no solution.
Cradling his face in her hands, the blonde made him look directly into her eyes. "I know this hasn't been easy, believe me I wish for once me and you could have something simple."
"Would we really be us if it was simple?" Klaus asked with a teasing smirk and pecking her nose sweetly
She sighed heavily. "I guess you're right but it doesn't hurt any less being apart all the time. I love you, Klaus. For the first time in a long time I'm genuinely happy and in love and secure in a relationship with the most amazing guy..."
"My ego is loving this. Continue." He teased earning a slap to the chest.
"Don't be a jerk!" She yelled.
His undead heart skipped multiple beats whenever Caroline uttered those powerful three words to him. Three months into their relationship Klaus was the first to say it as they basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking, not expecting the baby vampire underneath him to repeat the words back . The most memorable night of his 1000 years of existence and he was still caught off guard by it. No one had ever loved him the way Caroline did, or even allowed close enough to try, and that scared as much as excited him.
The only thing better than loving Caroline Forbes was being loved by her.
"We formed this beautiful family together, unconventional and a bit twisted but a family nonetheless. The twins love you so much and I love Hope, even if they don't necessarily show they love each other." She joked with a hint of a tear resting in her eye. "I guess I'm just worried...that if we don't work this distance thing out our relationship might suffer because of it."
"Stop." Klaus softly demanded, bringing her hands down from his face and holding them in his.
"Nothing is going to happen to us, do you understand? We've been through a lot worse over the years together, unforgivable situations yet we survived and this is no different." Klaus confidently claimed.
Caroline pressed her lips together with a hesitant nod.
Klaus tucked a blonde curl behind her ear, exposing her beautiful face to his sight.
"Hey," He lifted her chin with his finger. "I did a lot of fighting to win your heart Caroline Forbes and don't plan on giving it up anytime soon. We'll figure it out like we do everything else but I don't want you stressing about it or over the possibility of us not being together because that is simply out of the question. I promised you an eternity and I intend on keeping that promise, always." Klaus reassured, caressing his thumb over her cheekbone.
At least 10 pounds lifted off Caroline's chest from Klaus's promises. Keeping her concerns and insecurities to herself physically hurt. She knew he wasn't just saying all of this because it's what she wanted to hear, he believed it too. Quite frankly this was his first stable relationship, where he was genuinely happy, in love and secure as well.
They kept falling bank into each other's lives over the past decade for a reason.
Nothing was going to tear them apart, especially something as trivial as distance.
Caroline nodded again and kissed him sweetly on the lips.
He let out a deep breath. "And while we're being honest, as much as I adore our girls being trapped in a van with three nagging teenagers and a man I can barely tolerate is already giving me a migraine." Klaus added making Caroline giggle.
"I love that you refer to them as 'our girls'." She happily said wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Well they are, which is insanity." He lowly chuckled. "I never expected to have one child let alone three, who are all incredibly powerful witches. But I wouldn't change any of the choices I made that led me here."
"Me either." She happily affirmed. "Though, I feel like Lizzie's constant phone calls to you In New Orleans are starting to get to Alaric."
There was no secret that the blonde twin and Klaus had a special connection. As she got older and feeling less attached with herself and overwhelmed by her powers and mental disorder, she caught herself finding solace in conversations with Klaus. He quickly became someone she trusted with everything. Lizzie was 12 years old when she experienced her first episode and even with a twin sister and two amazing parents supporting her, she never felt more alone. Klaus's surprise visit that day couldn't have come at a better time, and no one understood the fear of loneliness like Klaus.
It was refreshing for her to talk about her struggles with someone who wasn't fixated on trying to 'fix' her.
He huffed. "Is that so? What, the unbearable human upset that he's not perfect at everything?"
"Or maybe he feels a little neglected that his daughter rather confide in you about what's going on in her life than him. And get off your high horse okay, you're no stranger to feeling this specific type of jealously either." Caroline pointed out making Klaus furrow his eyebrows.
When Hope first enrolled into the school she was 8 years old and with Klaus god knows where at the time, Alaric stepped in as her father figure. Though his intentions weren't malicious, it struck a cord in Klaus for a long period of time.
Oh the irony that the same situation was now occurring with his own daughter .
"I was not jealous, simply cautious." Klaus claimed as Caroline playfully rolled her eyes. "Besides, Saltzman has no one to blame but himself for their strained relationship. Maybe if he actually listened to her things would be different between them." He said with a tense jaw.
Caroline stared at him curiously, wanting him to elaborate on his statement but the sound of Lizzie and Hope yelling at each other put her questions on pause.
The two girls too stubborn to get out of each others way, knowing both can't fit on the same step at once, pushing against each other. Josie simply walked behind them with her earphones in both ears to drown it out.
"Ugh be careful where you're swinging that Dollar Tree brand luggage." Lizzie growled at Hope as they walked down the entry stairs.
"A bag is just a bag." Hope rolled her eyes.
The young blonde scoffed in offense. “You would say that. This isn't just a bag, it's a Louis Vuitton luggage set that I bought specifically for this trip. I know you prefer shopping in the slumps but you do know how much a Louis Vuitton is worth, right?"
The other girl sarcastically smiled at the blonde. "You do realize I don't care, right?"
Lizzie shrugged with a victorious grin. "Figured as much."
"Yeah, just like it figures you would claim you bought an expensive set of bags when we all know my dad paid for it like he does everything else." Hope shot back.
"Must be one tough spill to swallow knowing your dad rather spend money and time on me than you." Lizzie retaliated, boiling Hope's blood.
"Girls enough." Klaus commanded.
Hope's forehead creased. "But dad she started it-"
"I don't care who started it, I'm ending it. Understood?"
They both weakly nodded, each giving Caroline a hug before walking down to open the trunk for their bags.
Josie followed behind but stopped in front of the couple pulling out one earphone. "Based on what you've seen already between those two, you really think a 13 hour car ride together is a good idea?"
Caroline lifted her shoulders. "Think of it as a new adventure. Besides, you've been looking forward to this Miami trip for months."
"When I thought it was going to be just the 5 of us because I knew Hope and Lizzie wouldn't get along." She whined.
Klaus softened his eyes at the brunette girl who's eyes were pleading for a way out.
Caroline briefly detached from Klaus to grab Josie's hands. "I know this might be irritating but something good could come if it too, our worse situations always do. And this trip is important to your father as well, it's family tradition."
"Our first one without you." The young girl somberly mentioned.
Caroline licked her lips nervously. "We will have plenty of trips to go on together when you return, I promise. I really wish I had the luxury to skip out on all this work to go with you, I do, but I can't this time. Apart of adulthood is taking responsibility for your choices and I have to accept the consequences for mine."
"Because going to Italy for a week with the man you love was so dreadful." Josie joked with a wide grin that her mother reciprocated.
The corners of Klaus's lips twitching up.
Caroline kissed her daughter on the head. "I love you so much and will miss you like crazy. Have fun, please, be safe and keep an eye on your sister."
"So now my vacation consists of being on Lizzie patrol to make sure she doesn't bite Hope's head off. Can't wait." The brunette said with a twisted mouth before walking past then to throw her belongings in the trunk as well.
Klaus and Caroline exchanged looks turning to face the three teenagers who were getting situated in the van. Lizzie and Hope fighting for the window seat while Josie yelled for them to shut up.
The hybrid put his arm around the amused blonde.
"This is going to be my reality for 5 whole days, isn't it love?" Klaus inquired with a heavy sigh as they observed the girls bickering.
"Pretty much." Caroline snickered. "But you'll survive, and make it back home to me with two days to spare before you have to go back."
With her arms looped around his neck again and his now around her waist, Klaus purred at the feel of her fingers playing with the curls on the back of his neck. His eyes following the suggestive way her teeth slid across her bottom lip.
Klaus hummed. "Oh love, when I return I will make sure those two days are thoroughly worth while. You will feel empty not having me inside of you." He seductively whispered in her ear, amused at her trying to suppress a moan.
Breath brushing her skin and lips ghosting over hers before she surrendered to him again.
Caroline smiled against his lips and brought him closer into her body. Fingers laced through his curls as his the tip of his tongue teased hers.
The kiss was tamed, considering their daughters were feet away, but certainly effective with a naughty promise behind it.
Someone clearing their throat snapped the two out their love trance immediately.
Klaus groaned when his eyes met Alaric's. Caroline rubbing her finger over her bottom lip and avoiding his glare to hide her evident blush.
"Cock blocking still your strong suit, I see." The hybrid teased.
"As subtlety still isn't yours." Alaric insulted back.
Caroline felt like the awkward third party between the two most childish grown men she's ever met.
"Right once I put my stuff in we'll be on our way. We're behind schedule enough as is so I don't think we should waste anymore time." Alaric said to Caroline.
"Yeah of course. As you can see, the girls are very eager to get on the road as well." She laughed pointing at them still fighting.
"Obviously." Alaric laughed swinging a bag over his shoulder. "You ever gonna grace us with your presence in the van, your royal highness?"
Klaus chuckled. "Certainly. Just give me another moment with my queen, hmm?" The hybrid replied pulling Caroline closer and giving her a quick surprising kiss, catching her completely off guard.
The other man huffed walking towards the car.
She pressed her lips together when Klaus pulled away watching him walk off. Caroline turned to Klaus with a displeased expression on her face.
"What?" Klaus asked innocently.
"Seriously Klaus? The whole petty jealous boyfriend thing is really bringing out your A game."
Klaus laughed dramatically. "Jealous, over Saltzman? Please."
She raised an eyebrow.
He hated when she could accurately read his intentions. Took the fun out of it all.
"You know nothing has or ever will happen between me and Alaric right?" Caroline wondered and Klaus clenched his jaw looking down at her.
She did inform Klaus about how after the twins were born the human did express having brief romantic feelings towards her, but knew nothing would come of it. They went back to being co-parents and friends, which was even more apparent when her relationship with Klaus began.
Though he knew he had nothing to worry about in that department, it didn't make Klaus any less uncomfortable or homicidal when in his presence or seeing him near Caroline.
He sighed. "Yes, I know. I trust you. I'm not jealous of that basic mortal in anyway however, that doesn't keep me from wanting to rip out his tongue through his arse whenever I see him." Klaus beamed earning a disapproving scowl from Caroline.
"Well can you put that to the side for this week then hash it out when you get back?" Caroline suggested.
"Sweetheart you do realize there's a strong possibility we might all kill each other." He reminded.
"Optimism is sexy on you." She joked.
His gaze lowered. "I'm serious Caroline."
She sighed. "Look, you two are going to need to get over yourselves and get along, genuinely get along for the sake of me and the girls if nothing else. This feud between you two has been going on for years and I don't know where it comes from but it's childish and unnecessary. You're acting worse than the teenagers."
Caroline put her index finger up. "This is suppose to be a family bonding experience, so bond with your family. Both of you. Don't turn this trip into proving who's the greater alpha male."
"I don't need to prove anything love, I am the alpha male." Klaus claimed with a teasing smirk.
The blonde couldn't help the big smile stretching her face, soon leaning in for a tight hug. He held onto her in the embrace, inhaling her scent and buried his face in her curls with closed lids. Klaus made it seem he was going off to war and wouldn't see her again for months. In a way that's exactly how it felt.
Alaric honked the car horn repeatedly yelling out Klaus's name to get in the van.
His animalistic growl didn't go unnoticed by Caroline.
"He's dead." Klaus threatened exposing his golden yellow vampire eyes.
"Be nice." She demanded before stepping on her tippy toes for a passionate kiss. Klaus's murderous thoughts out the window the moment her lips melted against his. His features returning to normal as he allowed himself to relax in her touch and taste.
Caroline allowed his tongue to lick inside her mouth briefly before pulling away with a smile. "I love you. I miss you already."
"These five days will fly by. I'll be back before you know it." Klaus smiled into another deep kiss, wanting this one to last. They won't see each other for five days and he'll be boxed in a van with Alaric for 13 hours while forcing his murderous tendencies to the back of his head.
What could go wrong?
He detached his lips from hers with a last kiss to the forehead, whispering an 'I love you' against her skin before finally detangling his body from hers.
Their fingertips lingered as they separated.
"If anything happens or you need anything at all, do not hesitate to call me." Klaus assured making his way to the vehicle.
"Thanks oh mighty King but I'm capable of taking care of myself." Caroline assured.
Klaus shrugged. "Thought you might say that so, I took the liberty of ordering a few of my hybrids to watch over you and the school anyways till our return." He casually informed knowing she wouldn't necessarily be happy about having a babysitter.
- Seriously!
"I'll call you if we get there." Klaus winked stepping into passenger seat and closing the car door.
Caroline shook her head smiling as she watched her family drive off.
Don’t worry there will be a part 2! FF.net link is here! Reviews are appreciated!
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