#ah well i have learned to take the bitter with the sweet
elucubrare · 1 year
the eternal problem of being a picaresque lover is that there's no actual good way to end a picaresque. like it's fine, i've gotten used to it, but you have to be ready for a little bit of a let-down at the end of an otherwise fun experience.
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cloudyyoimiya · 1 year
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Forced Photography; Nikolai Gogol
Format: Oneshot
Possible warnings: Yandere content, dark themes, unhealthy relationships, violence, manipulation
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The sound of a professional camera pierced through the normally quiet atmosphere. For some reason unknown to you, today was special to Nikolai. The clown never voiced why it was special to him, but he seemed adamant on staying with you the entire day.
The camera shuttered once more, leaving a slightly bitter taste in your mouth. You always hated it when Nikolai took pictures of you. It made you feel antsy, twitchy, discombobulated… many negative emotions.
You were currently dressed up in a rather fancy outfit. You would have never worn something so… expensive in your old life, but because of your captor constantly stealing from high class stores, your wardrobe only consisted of classy clothing.
Part of you thought it was a nice gesture, but the other part of you argued that it was disgusting that he’d just so casually commit a crime for your sake. Your internal debate was surly going to drive you mad sooner or later.
You forced yet another smile as you sat still on the bed you were situated on. You didn’t dare more in fear of angering your captor.
“Oh! This one has to be my new favorite!” Your captor exclaimed to you as he looked at the camera screen. “You look stunning, dove!”
You remained silent as Nikolai fawned over your appearance in the photograph. One of the many lessons you learned while staying with Nikolai was to remain quiet when he was gushing about how much he loved you.
If you ever told him to stop or told him that you found it weird, then you would be punished. You unfortunately found this out the hard way.
“Ah, can’t I just take one more? Please? Pretty please with sprinkles on top?” Nikolai asked, giving you puppy dog eyes.
You looked at him and gave him a fake smile. “Yes, of course. Take as many as you want!”
Your words made your captor smile rather largely. You could see majority of his teeth, his canines sticking out to you the most. They were sharp and on the bigger side, but they were nowhere near the size of a certain vampire’s you know.
The shudder of the camera sounded once more. Nikolai looked at the picture of you on the screen with the same sickening smile on his face.
“Ah, you look so lovely, my little birdie! I wish you could look like this forever and ever!” Your captor exclaimed in a slightly chilling tone, insinuating something sinister.
Was he going to kill you?
No, no. Nikolai has stated that he could never bring himself to kill you.
He said that the feeling of guilt would be far worse than the feeling of love.
…But could he have lied to you?
You weren’t sure.
You doubted that you would ever be sure.
“You already have me, so you might as well doll me up as much as you want. I’ll stay lovely, just for you, Kolya,” you spoke with a sickeningly sweet tone of voice.
Nikolai suddenly wrapped both of his arms around you and nuzzled his face into your neck. He then started to giggle like a schoolgirl. It honestly disturbed you to think that despite everything he has done to you, he can still laugh. Maybe he’s not as sane as he says he is.
“Ah, thank you, thank you! You’re so sweet, my little birdie! I love you so much!” He said, continuing to giggle into your neck.
“I love you too,” you murmured.
Nikolai practically squealed at your response. “Really?! You love me back?!”
You nodded, forcing a fake smile onto your face. “Of course I do. You’ve done so much for me.”
“Ah, that makes me so happy!” He exclaimed. He then started to pepper your face in soft butterfly kisses. “I love you, I love you, I love you! Oh, please never leave me! I would never forgive myself if I ever let you escape my grasp! My wonderful little birdie, never leave my side!”
“I would never leave you,” you spoke in an almost robotic tone.
Nikolai never did like it when you lied, but he did like it when you lied about your love for him. Maybe it was some sick way of him feeding into his delusions of you loving him back, or maybe it was because he thought he could condition you into loving him. Either way, it was still off putting.
Nikolai continued to giggle and press small kisses all over your face. “You’re so sweet! My sweet little dove, I cannot wait for the day the both of us become free! Nothing will stop our love from blossoming even further! Oh, I’m so excited!”
You stayed silent. It was best to let him bask in his own delusions.
Your captor kissed your cheek one last time, then pulled away. He looked at you with his same old large smile, and let out a small giggle.
And then he stopped.
He put a stern expression on his face.
It was chilling.
“Hmm… I think my birdie lied to me!”
You tensed up. “What? No, I would never lie to you…!”
“You lied again!” He sighed. “Haven’t I told you about how I absolutely loath lying? I can’t stand it!”
“I know you hate it. That’s why I don’t lie to you,” you spoke, trying to keep a level head.
“You’re lying yet again! I thought I taught you better than that, my beloved!”
You gulped. You knew what was coming now.
“I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me!” You started to plead. “Please forgive me!”
Nikolai sighed and put his hand into his overcoat. He then drew out a knife that he had placed across the room earlier.
“Hm… Do you deserve it?” He said as he pointed the knife to your face. “I don’t think you do. My little birdie has been trying to butter me up so I can lower my guard. Then you’d escape from me! We can’t have that, now can we?”
“That wasn’t my—“ you stopped yourself for a moment. If you lied again, it most likely wouldn’t have ended up pretty. “Yes. That was my intention. I’m sorry!”
Nikolai gave you a suspicious look. He then lowered the knife, putting it adjacent to his right thigh.
He suddenly smiled once more.
“You’re learning! Good!” He spoke as he threw the knife away to the other side of the room. It now rested by a nearby boarded up window. “I’m so proud of you!”
You stayed silent as your body shivered. You could feel your breath getting shallower and shallower, most likely from you starting to panic from his sudden mood swing.
Nikolai took note of this and continued to smile at you. You knew he was a clown and a terrorist, but you were starting to think he was bipolar as well. No normal person could suddenly change their mood so quickly.
“Oh, is my dove scared?” He asked you as he hugged you. You could feel his muscular arms squeezing your body. It made you feel sick. “Im so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you! Or maybe I did! Who knows…”
You stayed silent. Nikolai sighed as a result of that.
“No more lies, okay? I don’t like it when my dove lies to me. It makes me really sad!” He said, his voice lowering to a whisper. “Understand?”
“…I understand.”
“Good! Now, can I get back to taking your pictures?! They make me so happy!”
“Fine. Go ahead…”
Nikolai giggled yet again and grabbed his camera once more. He then put it into his overcoat and had it appear above of you.
Gold swirled around his wrists as he used his ability. It was very pretty, but you wouldn’t allow yourself to willingly compliment your captor. If he forced you to compliment him though, that would be a different story.
“Look up and smile!” He laughed.
You did just as you were told. You looked up into the camera’s lens and forced a weak smile onto your face. You current expression seemed to please Nikolai to some extent since he didn’t tell you to smile… “better.”
Nikolai brought the camera back out of his overcoat and looked into the screen of the camera. He made somewhat of a happy sound then looked back at you.
“This one has to be my new favorite! You’re so cute, my dear!”
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this is unedited. apologies for any errors
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nonclassyparty · 11 months
pretty on the outside [masterlist + preview]
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just take off that disguise, everyone knows that you're only pretty on the outside
It's not a secret that you like to get around despite the trail of broken hearts you leave behind. Jeong Yunho, the sweetest prudish frat boy in the history of frat boys, is supposed to be just another guy you'd discard after you grew bored of him. Very soon, you realize you bit off more than you can chew and that Jeong Yunho might not be so easy to handle.
pairing: jeong yunho x reader, choi san x reader, mentions of past jung wooyoung x reader
status: work in progress
notes: *evil giggles* hello! enjoy the little preview of my new series that i'm working on (i will be using this post as a masterlist for it) and it won't be posted until i'm done with soot. it will have nine parts, if you'd like to be added to the taglist for it just reply below <3
my main masterlist // playlist // moodboard // click to donate to Palestine
first chapter preview;
In his earliest surviving work of dramatic theory Poetics, Aristotle wrote, “A whole story is what has a beginning and middle and end.” This is not only fundamental to storytelling, it’s the closest reflection of an entire life cycle. It can be applied to anything in this life. Everything has a beginning, middle and end.
Which is why when San introduces you to his new girlfriend, you try not to be too bothered. Not only because it's his seventh new girlfriend this year but because, as all relationships, just like it had it's beginning and middle - it will have an end too.
Her name is Mijoo, her bleached hair is curled and looks slightly fried and the only thing that you've learned since she sat down with you is that her interests include pilates and taking care of her Instagram feed. They met at a frat party two weekends ago and hooked up in a stuffy room on the second floor, as romantic as it sounds.
San eats his lunch next to her while she scrolls through her phone and plays with her water bottle, looking absolutely unbothered that he barely knows his new girlfriend and seems like he has no intention of getting to know her better either. Hongjoong and you share a knowing look.
You can already tell that this is one of San's relationships where he calls it a relationship just so neither one of the parties participating feel like whores.
Still, the fact that he'd be in a relationship with just about anyone manages to leave a bitter taste in your mouth as you swallow down the last bite of your sandwich and clean your hands with a napkin.
You clear your throat, "I have to go. Have class in ten minutes."
San's head lifts up from the screen of his phone that he held in one hand as he ate, "You didn't answer if you're going to Vortex with us tonight?"
By 'us' he probably means him and his girlfriend and some of his other sleazy friends that he managed to make ever since he started going to the gym freshman year. It's definitely not Hongjoong because Hongjoong wouldn't be caught dead in a nightclub for college students that could only be classified as a dump.
You deadpanned, "It's a Wednesday."
San stares at you like he's not seeing the problem as Hongjoong snorts from next to you, "Like that's stopped you before."
You roll your eyes at him before looking back at San, trying not to dwell on the way his soft hair falls over his forehead. "I have my first midterm on Friday, so no."
"Ah, sucks." He says with a scrunched up nose and you look away quickly as you plaster on a smile that definitely looks sarcastic and a little sour.
"Well, see you guys later." You say, standing up and throwing your bag over your shoulder, "Bye."
San's new girlfriend gives you a sweet smile that makes you hate her.
You think about her and your own hypocrisy as you make your way to class. You barely spoke to her, she's done nothing to you and it's unfair to dislike her simply because she temporarily has...maybe the only person that you ever truly wanted but will never have.
You sigh as you pass through the door of the classroom that's already fairly filled out. The board stationed in the front filled out with a list of students attending the class, stops you in your tracks.
Partners assigned for Lab Exercise 1-3. is written in big bold letters at the top of the board.
You refrain yourself from rolling your eyes as you curse your professor who suggested this as an elective class. He said this class was a breeze to go through. Anything that has lab exercises is not a breeze.
Your eyes sweep over the list before they land on your own name. Y/L Y/N - Jeong Yunho, table 6.
Never heard of him, you think to yourself which isn't much of a surprise. The campus is huge, you'll always meet someone new.
Alas, you make your way to your designated table and are satisfied to find it empty which means you can slide to the seat near the window and hopefully make it know that it's your spot from now on.
You sit for the next ten minutes, scrolling down your phone and checking for your partner because almost all of the seats in the classroom are occupied by now and class is supposed to begin in two minutes. You'll be pissed if you have to do the first lab exercise alone.
Soon enough, a tall guy walking through the door a minute before the professor is supposed to show up catches your attention. He walks to the board, eyes roaming over it, he turns around and skims the classroom before his eyes stop on table labeled with a big number six and he makes eye contact with you.
You immediately look away through the window, trying to hide your grimace.
The guy, Jeong Yunho, even without ever meeting him before, looks undoubtedly like a frat boy.
A dark blue cap turned backwards sits on his head and his backpack hangs off of one shoulder. He's handsome in a boy-next-door type of way and tall. Definitely plays a sport of some sort (maybe soccer) judging by his broad shoulders and fit build. Frat boy and a jock. How boring.
"Hi." He greets you with a small smile that you return quietly with a squeamish smile as he sits down next to you. The smell of his cologne is instantly overwhelming. It's a smell that you can't describe as anything else except male and you feel like this is about to be the longest three weeks of your life. "I'm Yunho."
"Y/N." You say politely, again making eye contact with him that he tries his hardest to hold as he leans on the table by his elbows and his mouth quirks up. Oh God, here we go.
"I don't think I've ever seen you around, are you a Chemistry major as well and just new or is this your elective?" You blink at the question.
"Ah, yeah, this is an elective." You respond, glancing at the door again to see if the professor will show up soon. 
He hums, "The Chem branch is a really small circle here so everybody knows everybody by now, that's why I asked."
"Right." You blink at him again, observing this Jeong Yunho as he starts pulling out a notebook, calculator and a wide array of pens out of his backpack. The last frat boy you knew, Bangchan or Chris as they like to call him because his real name isn't sleazy enough, came to class with a pen and a folded piece of paper tucked in his back pocket.
So, maybe you're a little judgmental. Who isn't these days?
The class starts and Jeong Yunho continues to make you hide your surprise at him as he actively participates in the discussions. From what you can tell, he's very articulate and smart. 
That does absolutely nothing for you but still, it's a little surprising. 
Not because you think all frat boys and jocks are stupid or something (even though most are, you know from experience) but because the way he speaks and carries himself is nothing but respectful and nice and it just does not fit the stereotype. An hour in, you expected at least a crude joke during the presentation but it never came. Hm.
Since you were extremely competitive, you wanted nothing more than to beat him to answering the professor's questions but you knew jackshit about polymer chemistry so all you could do is sit, faintly annoyed, watching someone be better than you.
After class is done and you're packing your stuff while texting Yeosang, Yunho gently touches your elbow with his fingers to get your attention. You turn to him and he quickly withdraws his hand.
"Would you like to...uh, go work on the exercise at a coffee shop nearby? I think it would be good to get a head start since we're not yet busy with out other, actually important, classes." He chuckles before checking the watch around his wrist, "I have free time now."
You bite your lip, thinking it would probably be the smart thing to do but you were texting Yeosang. Making plans to see him. Scratch that, making plans to fuck him.
"Uh, how long would it take exactly? Just so I can organize the rest of my day-"
"Oh, well, I have practice at six-thirty so I was thinking until six." He shrugs, his backpack hanging over one shoulder and making him look like a poster for golden college boys. "Does that work for you?"
It works better than having to work on the exercises on other days of the week. It just means seeing Jeong Yunho more than necessary, one day a week is perfectly enough in his presence.
You bite your lip again, glancing at your screen one last time before texting Yeosang that you'll see him at seven. "Yeah, let's go."
Yunho leads you to a coffee shop near campus that you've never heard of. Hidden deep between buildings and almost entirely empty, there's no regular customers let alone anyone from campus.
"I study here sometimes if the library is full. Nobody comes here." He chuckles, holding the door open for you and motioning for you to go in. He almost seems shy to let you know that he goes to the library. It's, unfortunately, kind of cute.
After you both order and make yourself comfortable in the small booth you've picked out, you start to work on the assignment. Yunho leads the way, as a Chemistry major, he's much more well versed in this subject. You, a future engineer, are completely lost so you just scribble down whatever he does and keep quiet.
He likes to talk a lot, you notice, after every done question, he makes sure to ask about you, your interests, hobbies, whatever and you shut it down every time with a dry response.
It's not that you dislike him, really it's not. It's not even that he's a frat boy and a jock that bothers you anymore because it's obvious that he's a little bit of a nerd as well. It's that, in the hour and a half that you've spent sitting here with him, you realized just how much he reminds you of San.
And that's enough to make you keep your distance from him. You don't want him, you don't want anyone like San.
The corny jokes, shy smiles, a blush that spreads all the way to his ears when he gets flustered, attempts to be cocky but then growing absolutely embarrassed by it that it ends up being endearing - it's all very San-like. And it's a version of San that not many people know. 
Once it starts nearing six and you both start packing up your things, Yunho clears his throat next to you.
"So, uh, would you be interested in getting a cup of coffee sometime, like, in a non polymer chemistry related way?" He nervously stutters out, ears already burning red. You slow down the action of pulling your jacket on as your phone is in one hand, the chat with Yeosang opened.
Maybe you should've seen this coming. 
He wasn't shy about the fact that he found you attractive since the moment he sat down next to you. You just didn't expect for this to happen so soon. Geez, how awkward will the next three weeks be after today.
You sigh, pulling your dark red hair from under your jacket. "No offense Yunho, you seem nice and all but you're not my type."
He seems almost offended by that as he chuckles, "You barely even know me?"
You give him a once over.
The matter of fact was that you did not, under any circumstance, date anyone or get into relationships. You had hook-ups, one night stands and no strings attached agreements.
If there was any way to describe your mindset it would be pretty simple - men, women, people you were attracted to - you treat them like horderves served in front of you. You'll take a bite (might save some for later) but that's about it, you make sure not to get full because there's way too many flavors, too many of them to try, taste, pick apart...
And if someone really managed to impress you, maybe you'd pick another plate up.
But that didn't happen often and when it did, it usually didn't last.
Jeong Yunho, in every single way, reeked of romance and good intentions.
 The typical boy next door type. He seemed like a momma's boy that wanted a proper and traditional relationship, brought flowers and texted you 'good night' and 'good morning' religiously and had extremely romantic but bland missionary sex. The type to want you to wear his jersey to his games so he could take cheesy photos with you in it and, if he was religious, maybe he'd want you to go to church with him on Sundays. He was the last thing you needed.
If Hongjoong and Seonghwa found you with someone like him, they'd never let you live it down.
You open your mouth to respond to him but your phone rings and you look at it - a photo of Yeosang lighting up the screen. He's always so impatient. You told him at seven, why is he calling already?
You wave your phone in front of Yunho's face, pointing out Yeosang's photo that you took one drunken night while the two of you were messing around after leaving the club and that you've been using as his contact photo ever since where he's in all black, long hair tucked behind his ear as he lights up a cigarette, "My type."
Yunho blinks at the photo before looking at you again resembling a kicked puppy, you sigh feeling only slightly bad but still you have to say something more out of courtesy. "I have to go, I'm sorry if I seemed rude or something, it wasn't intentional and nothing against you but I'm not interested. I hope we do well on the lab exercise though."
He opens his mouth to say something else but you're already standing up and walking towards the entrance of the small, dingy coffee shop.
The discomfort you feel is only temporary because, once again, everything has its beginning, middle and end. This 'partnership' with Yunho will end soon so why bother yourself by feeling guilty.
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My personal little experiment
Heeeeere's another Jade fic hehehehehehe-
Warning(s): slight yandere behaviours, manipulation, body horror-ish
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There's a weird disease going around recently... it has some fancy scientific name, but most people just call it "mushrooming"
Basically, this new species of mushrooms popped up basically out of nowhere, and people learned very quickly that they can grow on people... and they feed on flesh.
So.. it's not great for people. You've had it particularly rough... your left eye has been consumed and replaced with a mushroom growing out of the socket, and a lot of your flesh is rotting... according to doctors, you should be dead... but you're not.
And oh boy... this unique scenario you're in was about to attract some unwanted attention to you.
You sit in a hospital waiting room. You've tried to cover as much of the rotting as you can. Looking around the waiting room, you see people with various injuries. Sitting directly across from you is a small girl with a mushroom growing from the top of her head... you can only hope her illness doesn't progress to the point yours has...
"Is there a (Y/N) here?"
You sigh and stand up, being led to the room and now waiting for the doctor. It takes a while, but eventually he arrives. A young redheaded man you've gotten quite acquainted with over the course of your infection, Dr. Riddle Rosehearts.
"Hey Riddle." You sigh, pulling down your hood you were wearing. "So... how have you been...?"
"I've been... well. However, you look worse than I remember." He sighs. "Have you been taking the medication I prescribed?"
"Yeah. It's working really slowly, if it's working at all."
"Your condition is just going to get worse and worse if this continues... I really do not want to do this, however..." Riddle writes something down on a piece of paper, and hands it to you. "Please visit this man, he may be able to help you more than I. Just be warned, he can be quite..." Riddle pauses, looking like he's searching for the right words. "He's quite eccentric."
"...I see. So... he'll be able to help me with this... advanced case of mushrooming?"
"He might."
"Okay... well then, if that's all you wanted me here for, then... I'll be going now." You stand up and put your hood back on.
"I look forward to seeing you get better."
The address led you to... a house outside the city walls. It looks quite... overgrown.
You knock on the door.
You wait for a few minutes, before knocking again. Eventually, the door opens ever so slightly.
"Who is it? If you're a member of the authorities, allow me to reassure you once again there is nothing illegal going on here."
"What?? N-no, I... I was sent here by someone, uh, D-Dr. Riddle Rosehearts..."
Then, the door opens, revealing a six-foot-tall man that definitely gave off some... strange vibes...
"Oh my... what an unfortunate situation you're in... your eye has been consumed and replaced..." He smiles. "Please, come inside, sweet child..."
When you enter the house, the scent of damp mustiness and decay hits you all at once... the room is somewhat organised, but there is still little space to walk. Piles of paper and books cover the floor and tables. Jars of mushrooms and plants line the shelves... it kinda freaks you out.
"Now, sit yourself down and tell me about your condition. I'll make us some tea." He smiles.
"...So you've been infected with Carne Comedere, have you?" He asks, as he sits down next to you, sipping his tea. "It's interesting that you've survived to this point, especially when the fungus is being... this intense to you." He smirks, chuckling slightly. "You are quite the... interesting specimen. May I ask your name?"
"...it's (Y/N)..." You say, taking a sip of the... surprisingly bitter tea. "And... who are you? Dr. Rosehearts didn't really... tell me who you are. He just sort of... gave me a piece of paper with your address on it and told me to visit you."
"Ah, good to know he's doing that. You see, what I do is not exactly legal within the city walls. As such, I prefer people don't know m name right away." He pauses, before looking straight at you. "That being said, you look trustworthy.... my name is Jade Leech."
"Wait it's not legal-?"
"Now, if you'd please stay still for a moment, I just want a small sample of one of your mushrooms, okay?" He pulls out a pair of scissors.
"Oh, um... o-okay..."
Jade stands up from his seat, walking over to you. He begins to comb through your hair, until he eventually finds a tiny mushroom, and he uses the scissors to cut it from your body.
"Why not just take the one from my eye...?"
"Well, you see, that one is in a very sensitive spot... who's to say what damages I could cause if I were to take that one out!" He sighs and pats you on the head a few times. "We wouldn't want that, correct?"
"...I-I guess I see what you mean..."
He takes the "sample" and brings it over to what you assume is his kitchen, and he begins to observe it.
"Yes... yes, it's quite interesting... Carne Comedere, the flesh-eating mushroom... you have quite an advanced variant..." He places the knife down on the counter, and cuts it in half. "It's so strange that you've survived to this point. I'd love to study you... but of course, you're counting on me to cure you... so perhaps I will not!"
You don't like the way he worded that...
The days go by and you keep visiting Jade.
He keeps taking samples from you... the mushrooms, your skin, your blood... he keeps giving you strange substances, but you aren't getting any better...
One day, you decide to confront him about it.
"Hey Jade, I... I'm not getting any better." You tell him. "Nothing you're doing to me is working..."
"Oh really? What a shame." He smiles deviously. "Here, lease have some of this meat."
"What-? No! Tell me why I'm not getting any better!"
"Why should I? You should trust me. I'm your doctor, after all." HE pauses for a moment. "Well... actually, I am not legally allowed to call myself a doctor... I suppose I'm more of a healer... regardless, you should just trust me."
"Not until you tell me why I'm not getting better..."
"You're sure you want the truth?"
"Fine then. I've decided not to cure you."
"WHAT-?! Why the hell not?!"
"I want to see how far it will progress. I want to see the extent of what your body can survive… after all, you've survived much longer than anyone would in your condition… so I'd like to test your limits." He hands you the plate of meat. " Now, we need to make sure the mushrooms inside you continue to live, as such you must have protein to build more flesh and muscle for it to feed on… of course I'll provide you other foods every now and again to keep you alive and healthy, but for now it's important I feed you meat. Enjoy."
"But you told me you would cure me-!"
Jade shoves the piece of steak into your mouth.
"Oh goodness, no. Not in your state. Your infection has progressed to such a point that it would be MUCH more beneficial to keep you like this so we may study the mushroom's long-term effects on the body!" He giggles to himself. "Not to mention, I never said ANYTHING about curing you!"
"I-I'm going back to Dr. Rosehearts, I can't deal with this..."
"No no no, we can't have that! I have so many things I need to do to you... I need to take a blood test… and a sample of both the mushroom and your skin… and a full body exam… ohhh, I need to do so many things to you~ Now sit still."
He suddenly injects you with some kind of syringe...
You try your hardest to ignore the increasing feeling of dizziness and exhaustion...
But you're just so tired now...
You slowly lose yourself to the... whatever he injected you with...
"Yes, yes... go to sleep, my personal little experiment...~" He smiles in an almost evil way. "Don't worry, I'm only doing this to you for the betterment of humanity!"
Even in your current state, you can tell he's lying to you...
"I'll see you again soon, my patient."
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aishangotome · 3 months
Elbert Greetia: Chapter 8 His POV
Chapter 8
Kate: I usually only came here when I was feeling down.
Elbert: ...When you were feeling down?
Kate: Yes. I would eat delicious bread at that shop, have idle chatter...
Kate: It was my secret place where I would mysteriously regain my energy.
After leaving the bakery she frequented, Kate whispered as if confiding in me.
Kate: I'm returning the favor since you showed me your secret place.
Elbert: ..........
Closing my eyes, the scene from just a moment ago vividly appeared on the back of my eyelids.
(A place filled with the bustle of people, yet I didn't feel anxious.)
Time seemed to pass peacefully amidst the murmuring laughter.
It was a warm place, like a painting of happiness.
(That was...)
(A place I shouldn't search for or desire.)
Kate: Did I perhaps... make it a little too lively?
Elbert: No. ...It's a wonderful place.
I immediately denied Kate's slightly anxious voice.
Elbert: ...It's lively, but... there are places that aren't suffocating.
Elbert: I learned that today...
(Kate took me there.)
Without telling me where we were going, Kate led me like a butterfly fluttering towards a flower garden.
(To a place I wouldn't have been able to set foot in otherwise.)
It felt like I had broken a taboo and tasted sweet nectar.
Kate: ...I'm glad.
Kate: Ah, that's right.
Kate put her hand in her bag as if she suddenly remembered something.
Elbert: Hmm...?
Kate: Aunt Jesse gave us some fruit for dessert. Let's eat it since she was so kind.
Elbert: ...Didn't you just say you "ate a little too much"?
Kate: Dessert is different.
Elbert: I see...
Kate: We have oranges and apples. Which one would you like?
Kate held up the two fruits, one in each hand.
(...She looks like a goddess of harvest.)
The fruits in her hands shimmered like the seashells on that beach.
But more than anything, I couldn't take my eyes off of her.
Elbert: ...You choose.
Kate: ...Me?
Elbert: I want the one you choose for me.
Kate: ...?
Kate hesitated for a moment, her eyes wandering.
Kate: Ah... well...
She offered me the glossy red apple.
Kate: Then, here's the apple... for you.
Elbert: Hmm...
I took her hand holding the apple and pulled it towards my mouth.
(...Looks delicious.)
For some reason, I felt an unusual appetite for the bright red apple adorning her palm.
Elbert: ...Mmm...
I took a bite, and the honey-colored juice, belying its red appearance, overflowed and moistened my lips.
(Sweet, and it smells good.)
Elbert: ...Mmm... Delicious.
When was the last time I tasted food so vividly?
My mouth was surprisingly sweet... and I didn't dislike it.
Kate: ...Hehe.
I looked up at the faint laughter, like the fluttering of butterfly wings.
Elbert: ...? Why are you smiling?
Kate: Ah... sorry, I shouldn't laugh at someone while they're eating.
Elbert: That's fine, but...
Kate: Aunt Jesse said that "when you like bitter things, your heart is tired..."
Kate: So the fact that you find a non-bitter apple "delicious" means...
Kate: I was just happy thinking that maybe your heart is a little less tired today... so I couldn't help it.
Elbert: .............
Kate's smile is sweet.
Sweet, warm, soft, and sparkling.
(That's surely because...)
Elbert: ...You seem to be happiest when you laugh at someone else.
(It reflects your heart that rejoices in the happiness of others.)
Kate: Is that so...?
Elbert: Yes. Much more than when you laughed saying the bread was delicious...
As she innocently tilted her head, I was terribly drawn to her...
Suddenly, something thick and muddy welled up in my throat.
--Is she beautiful?
I heard a voice asking from the emptiness in my chest.
I couldn't answer, "I don't know," like I always do.
The voice crawling up from the dark depths demanded an answer, as if reproaching me for entering the secret garden and tasting the sweetness.
--Is she something I should obtain?
Elbert: ...When you learned that Daisy was safe, and when you found the blue poppies for her...
Elbert: You had the same face as you do now.
As if being manipulated, my body moved on its own, pulling Kate's hand that held the apple.
She stumbled forward two or three steps, almost close enough for our chests to touch.
Kate: ...Um, Lord Elbert...?
Elbert: What...?
Kate: Isn't this a little too close...?
Elbert: Ah... I wanted to see you better.
(I can't trust my senses.)
(So this is a mistake.)
(She's different... She's not what I'm looking for.)
(I don't want her to be.)
Yet... contrary to my thoughts, my eyes were captivated by her, unable to even blink.
I couldn't look away, and my heart was pounding wildly.
A yearning impulse and the reason trying to stop it swirled together in my chest, creating a vortex.
(Cover my eyes.)
(If I don't look away...)
Boy's Voice: Aww, you're flirting!
Kate: Huh!?
When I turned my head towards the voice, the boy who had spoken to us at the bakery was laughing cheerfully at us.
My thoughts were pulled back by the incomprehensible words, and I couldn't help but stutter.
Elbert: "Flirting"...?
Kate: W-We're not...!
Kate blushed to her ears and pushed my face away with both hands.
Elbert: Ugh...!
Kate: Ah! I'm sorry...!
Elbert: ...It's alright...
(That surprised me.)
What had welled up in my throat smoothly sank back into the emptiness.
Chestnut Haired Boy: What, you're not going to kiss?
Kate: No, we're not! You shouldn't tease adults!
The boy grinned mischievously and left with light footsteps.
I watched the boy leave, vaguely ruminating on his words.
Kate: Um... shall we head back to the castle now?
Kate averted her gaze, a little awkwardly.
Elbert: .....
Elbert: Ah... yes, let's.
The person who can share a happy kiss with her is surely someone much like her.
(Someone strong, kind, and snow-white.)
(Someone... who isn't me.)
Even though I knew it should be that way for her to be happy, Kate's smile, the sweetness of the apple, the warmth of the bakery, the taste of the nectar I had tasted, wouldn't disappear from the back of my tongue.
I felt the impulse that had been swirling in my chest earlier stir in the depths of my stomach.
Chapter 9
If you’d like to support my translations, feel free to buy me a coffee here! :)
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Pairing: Sagau!Aether x Reader
Summary: Aether who once hated now loves the creator.
Part 3/3
★ Paimon has known Aether for a while now, she knows his story, fear, and concern. As his friend and companion on his journey to find his sister, she tries her best to give him a safe place to confide his problem to her and reassure him.
Despite that, she hasn't seen many of the expression of his other than polite gesture.
She could guess it was because he still learning the Teyvat language and not understanding what they were saying probably hindered him from showing any expression other than some input.
Paimon blinked and deadpanned once she turned her head to look at her travel companion.
There is Aether on all his glory having a small smile with redden cheeks as he plays with Windwheel Aster's petal.
His eye glittery and gaze soft as his fingertip trace over the line of the Windwheel Aster's petal.
He has been like that for a while since the fireworks show.
Now, Paimon is not dumb to not realize why her travel companion is like this. Especially when he acts so apparent even the people of Monstadt and the knight of Favonius can pick up.
"Hey, Paimon, not to be rude or anything but is the traveler okay?" Kaeya asked Paimon one day, with that question both of them simultaneously turned to look at Aether standing daze in front of Katheryne who tried to direct Aether's attention to her, "He looks so out of it nowadays."
Paimon sighed, 'It seems Aether has a crush on the creator.' A bitter smile curl on Paimon's lips.
Honestly, Paimom doesn't know what to do or act in the situation. She does have the urge to scold and quickly deflect the crush Aether has on the almighty being that even she worships.
And she knows it's for his own well-being.
But at the same time, seeing such a gaze on Aether's face makes Paimon reluctant.
The creator might be a god that she respects and prays to but Aether is her friend and someone she cherishes. Her heart couldn't take it if she just crushed his dream even before it started.
"Ah," Aether blinked looking at the Windwheel Aster that he picked which he unconsciously turned into a flower crown in his moment of daydream, a sheepish chuckle escaped his mouth. "How silly."
Paimon looked at Aether and bit her bottom lips, nervously.
"Aether," Paimon called out as she flew to his side, a firm look adorned her expression. With that call, Aether turns his head and looks at Paimon, "Hm? What is it?"
"That feeling, you know it's impossible, right?"
That question makes Aether's eyes widen which makes Paimon grips her hand into a fist. "You shouldn't, it's dangerous and sad–You just will get hurt by the end of it."
At the end, Paimon said it.
Just like she wants to protect her friend and companion on his newfound feelings. She also needs to bring him back to reality before it's too late because she is his friend.
Aether's face fell, yet a smile of resignation curled on his lips. "I know, Paimon but let me indulge in such feeling for a bit, can I?" He tilted his head before bringing the flower crown that he created above his head as he looked upon it.
A sweet smile on his face,"Do you think the creator would look pretty with the flower of the her head?"
"Aether..." Paimon uttered worriedly before she smiled in defeat and nodded her head, "The creator would be gorgeous."
Aether grinned at that.
A screaming sound full of fear makes both Paimon and Aether's bodies rigid as goosebumps go through their vein.
Despite that, Aether quickly regained his focus from his shock and unsheathed his dull blade, quickly he rushed toward the sound, as fast as he could.
"Do you think it's a cat?!" Paimon speculates as she follows closely behind Aether.
As they run following the way the scream comes, it becomes closer and clearer to the naked ear.
Aether gave his feet like push before sprinting farther and faster.
Yet, what greets their eye is something both of them didn't expect and their eye widened. For a different reason and conclusion.
"That foreign...clothes and look..." Aether muttered before looking down at the big hole the stranger sat in. "It's like when I fell to the ground from another world before..."
Aether turns to Paimon, "Paimon, do you think the person is an outlander as well–"
"–No." Paimon cut Aether's words off as she looked at the person in a daze and awed, her small hand reaching forward like she trying to hold whoever the person was. "That foreign clothes....hair, eye, and beauty...the person is the Creator."
At that Aether's eyes are wide staring at Paimon before snapping his head back to the stranger.
He takes a side glance at Paimon, watching her hand hovered yet she doesn't attempt to move to the creator. Aether can see the devotion and care toward the creator flash in Paimon's eye but she is scared to get closer or more like feels worthless to do so.
For Aether, this revelation of this stranger's identity doesn't make his gaze any different like Paimon did but he does know his heartbeat because of a different reason.
That's why he doesn't feel scared to approach, doesn't feel scared to step down the hole and kneel in front of the person.
His hand reaches out to the creator, offering to hold their hand while the other gently rubs their shoulder.
Aether's eyes soften yet firm to look dependable but the heat that rushes on his cheeks seems to betray the image he tries to show.
"Don't' cry, shh, are you hurt anywhere?" He asked with a gentle voice akin to a flute, "My name is Aether, an honorary knight and adventurer." He introduced.
....It's a gamble to see if you would understand him or if will he be able to understand you now that you are here. Nonetheless, Aether had longed to hear your voice in front of him.
To interact with you.
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As that interaction happened, thousands of people all across Teyvat felt their hearts shaking in uncontrollable happiness.
Some have tears, some have a smile so wide adorned their smile while others look up to the sky with their hand apart.
"T-The creator is here!!"
"The Creator has descend!!""
Uproared happen as the people cry in joy.
"...Creator." Venti's eyes snapped open and sit up from laying himself on the table. Tears fell from his eyes like rain, even when he tried to wipe it yet it continued. "Bless the wind, bless the celestial, bless the Teyvat."
Venti stood up from his seat and ran out of the bar, passing by people crying in joy and happiness to the sky.
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Meanwhile, Zhongli is already on his way out from Liyue harbor city accompanied by the rest of Adepti.
There are no tears and wide grins but peace on each of their face.
Like they finally found a home to rest.
"Shall we go and escort the Creator back to our city?" One of them uttered as they moved faster in their respective form.
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"The Almighty Shogun has spoken!" Kujou Sara shouted as she pointed her hand out to the gate, "We shall escort and bring the creator back to our homeland!"
"Hail The Almighty Shogun!" The soldier shouted.
"Enough." Raiden Ei held her palm out before speaking up again, "It's no longer me, but, it's the Almighty creator!"
Cheer and roared all around the ground.
From there follow to Sumeru, Fontaine, Natlan and Sneznaya hearing the news.
It's now written the historical day of the creator descending the land and what to become of their day on Tevyat.
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blueywrites · 3 months
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JULY 1: firsts
rated: t. cw: language, drinking, references to foi word count: 1k
had an idea and just banged this out for @corrodedcoffinfest 🩵
the first time corroded coffin plays together - the current iteration of corroded coffin, anyway - is a goddamn hell of a mess.
they all share part of the blame, too; there's not one scapegoat to point the finger at. fuck-ups all around, eddie thinks, and somehow, the thought isn't bitter.
eddie's the oldest surviving member of corroded coffin. not 'cause the rest of the guys died, though in a way you could argue they did. died to the music; died to the dream when they moved up and along, leaving eddie behind. ronnie dealt the biggest blow with her departure less than a month ago, leaving her replacement - gareth - sweating behind her beat-up kit, trying to live up to that ecker magic.
the kid's the first fuck-up in the roster. he'd done just fine during practice, seemed to be comfortable with the material, even assured them he'd take over as their unofficial music director, the role ronnie always filled. it made sense for the drummer to fill that spot, though jeff offered to do it if the new guy wasn't up for it. that's it's own thing in and of itself, but we'll get to that. anyway, the kid insisted, shaking his fluffy mushroom mop out of his eyes and looking straight at eddie as he promised he had it, he could do it, no problem. didn't wanna let eddie down, maybe. had something to prove.
but when he walked out onto bev's rickety stage at the hideout, that bright-as-fuck beam from the one working spotlight hit him right in the face. the poor kid didn't have a chance after that. it was up to him to count them in, and all it took was three strikes for him to fumble his sticks, drop one with a discordant clatter to the plywood floor.
that was it. performance anxiety ate gareth up for the rest of the night, fucked him left and right - tempo, timing, consistency, it all went out the window.
so, yeah, drums are the backbone of a band, and gareth fucking up definitely struck a blow, but if the rest of the guys had been on, they probably would've been fine. thing is, though, that their bassist - eddie doesn't even wanna think his name, he's so fuckin' pissed at the bastard - just up and quit on them a day before the gig. for no reason, too; not like the others who'd been off to college, on to bigger and better shit. no, this guy just... wasn't feeling it anymore? eddie barely listened as he rattled off some vague explanation, pressing the plastic handset against his temple 'til it hurt so he wouldn't smash it back into the receiver and break wayne's kitchen phone. luckily, eddie thought of barry - a big dude from school he'd seen jamming in a friend of a friend's garage once - and after calling around to get his number, turns out barry was free and willing to help out.
and barry was a solid bassist, for sure. but his taste was less thrash metal, more hair metal, so he didn't have a whole lot of experience with corroded coffin's usual set list. and with only a day and a half max to prepare, it would take a certified savant to learn the parts well enough to compensate for the drums when gareth choked.
and remember how i said we'd come back to jeff? ah, jeff. the only member other than eddie who's been around the block with this band. nothing wrong with his playing whatsoever; jeff's always got his part locked down. but, see, his part is rhythm guitar, which is as much of a secondary instrument as you can get in metal where there aren't many instruments involved in the first place. and that night, corroded coffin didn't need a great rhythm guitarist; what they needed was a leader, a unifier. someone to light a fire under their asses and in their souls, someone to help gareth dig down deep and find his balls, someone to push barry to channel his inner steve harris and murder it on bass.
but jeff. oh, sweet jeff. jeff isn't that guy. he's the earnest guy, the kind guy, the shy guy who, when you get paired up with him for bio lab, offers to cut open the fetal pig for you even though he's queasy. but he isn't the fire starter. that's eddie, and it should've been eddie that night taking them all by the scruff of their necks and pressing their foreheads together with a hoarse shout that they're all "fuckin' metal."
except eddie was plagued by a wicked hangover that felt like satan was stomping on his gut and tea-bagging him at the same time. and should he have pulled an all-nighter the day before, drinking himself into a stupor and then passing out sprawled on the moldering couch outside the trailer, just so he could wake up damp and shivery and sick to his fucking stomach when it started raining less than four hours before they were set to take the stage?
well, no, he probably shouldn't have. but in his defense, his best friend didn't hug him when she left 'cause he fucked up their friendship, the girl he was into now hates him, and his son of a bitch father burned his house down, along with almost all his worldly possessions. so maybe we can cut eddie a little slack.
when all was said and done, corroded coffin limped through that set like a hound dog baying to be put down. was it the worst gig eddie's ever played? well, yeah, maybe it was, honestly.
but they can only go up from here, right?
and up they go. up, and up, and up - eddie, gareth, barry, and jeff. corroded coffin, those beautiful boys 🩵
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shegxox · 2 years
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the beauty of language: french lessons. | chamber
in which: you admire your colleagues' language and wanted to learn it.
c.w: not proofread, other than that it's a chill chapter wih a '👀' at the end.
w.c: 1,653
a.n: this will be a mini-series with a...plot?? i think.. idk I'm just planning everything otw 💀 also, reader will be based on my oc so that the reader will at least have a character built around them. enjoy! ++ oc visual here
next ♡
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WHEN you first came into the valorant headquarters and met everyone, you were pleasantly surprised at how diverse its members were. You even thought that maybe Brim was going to pick one or two agents from every country that there was in the world. It pleased you that you didn't have to worry about whatever accent that comes with your English because almost everyone had their own, and that somehow made you have this appreciation and admiration for other foreign languages.
It started with Chamber, his accent is pretty evident, and still, he sounds so elegant and rich. It was probably the first thing that attracted you to him (in an admiring way, of course), and one afternoon on a day off you caught him in an almost rare sight of lounging around the common area for his afternoon coffee. The man's usually either in missions, cooped up in his workshop, or somewhere around the base where the two of you just couldn't cross paths.
"Ah, bonjour mademoiselle!" Chamber called out in delight as he saw you passing by, and you gasped in surprise.
"Chamber, hello!" You smiled, approaching the entrance to the balcony that was overseeing the sea. "I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?"
The man's chest flutters at the sound of your voice. You were one of the people who he enjoys being with. Other than you being able to go along with his 'personality', You weren't as wary of him like the rest of the protocol, and you've expressed your genuine trust in him. It may have been a risky decision on your part– and he himself thought that you were too trusting, but he greatly appreciates it. Whenever you're around, he feels comfortable and warm inside.
He couldn't help but chuckle to himself when he noticed at least five rose buds subtly growing around your head the moment you saw him. He finds it fascinating how your feelings are somehow connected to your radiant abilities.
"I'm perfectly alright, ma chérie." He replied, "Still handsome and well dressed, no?"
You let out a short giggle to his reply. "Who else other than you?"
Chamber presented the empty chair next to him.
"Please, sit. Have a cup with me."
"Oooh, my pleasure." You took the offer and sat by his side. Chamber gracefully poured you a cup, and the scent of the coffee almost instantly hits your nose.
You took in a deep breath, "Mmm, that smells wonderful."
"Indeed it is." The man agreed. "Care for some treats?" Chamber motioned his hand to the tiered stand of mini cakes and tarts.
"Oui, oui." You answered playfully, making the man chuckle in amusement.
"Impeccable french you have there." He comments, handing you strawberry tart.
Perfect, you were eyeing that one.
"Well, I learned from the best." You winked.
"You're welcome." He replies smugly, and you smirked.
"Oh, I meant from Ratatouille."
Chamber huffed a laugh. "Ah, forgive me. Of course, who am I compared to a chef rat?"
You squinted your eyes at him playfully. "His name is Remy, you uncultured swine."
The two of you shared a hearty laugh before finally taking a sip of your coffee. Tasting the right amount of bitterness and a hint of sweetness in the drink.
"Ah, speaking of french." You set your cup down. "I was actually planning to learn it."
Chamber's left eyebrow quirked up in amusement, there was a glint of glee in his eyes.
"Oh, really now?"
"Yeah," you nod with a smile. "I'm intrigued by it. But mostly because whenever you talk in french, you sound so rich and lovely."
Chamber was slightly taken aback; that definitely fed his ego yet, at the same time, felt genuinely flattered. Don't get him wrong; this was not the first time someone complimented him (obviously), but he doesn't exactly know why he felt his heart skip a beat at your words. Maybe because you were so blunt about it most of the time that it catches him off guard.
"I wanna sound rich and lovely, too." You joked before taking a bite from your tart. "But seriously, your language is beautiful, and I would love to learn it."
Chamber gave you a charming smile. "Ma chèrie, you came to the right person!"
Your eyebrows shot upwards, giving him a look.
". . .What do you mean, huh?"
Were you not practically asking him to teach you? Chamber thought, confused as well.
Your eyes widened, and a growing smile started to stretch the corners of your mouth.
"Wait... You can teach me??"
"Of course, I can." Chamber waved his hand mindlessly, furrowing his eyebrows. "Who else but me, no?"
"Oh," You laughed sheepishly. "I was thinking duolingo, but you'd be better!"
"Please," He scoffed a laugh. "The real deal is right here in front of you, give the owl a rest, yes?"
You gave him a chuckle, "I suppose you're right. But are you sure? I mean, I know you're a busy man and all, I don't want to take up your time and stuff."
Chamber shook his head
"Nonsense, ma chérie." He assured before saying in a flirty tone. "It would be nice to see your beauty more often, no?"
Your left eyebrow raised and you smirked. "Oh really now?"
"Do you not feel the same?" Chamber challenged, mirroring your expression, leaning over just a tad bit closer to you.
You hummed, looking straight into his eyes through his glasses before ever so bluntly saying,
"Well, I do miss seeing your face every now and then."
Chamber's jaw clenched, and his hand that was under the table gripped his knee hard, almost faltering. He pushed a smug smile on his face and forced out a laugh that almost seemed nervous.
"Well, there you have it then!" He could feel his cheeks getting hot. "When would you like to start?"
You smiled. "If you're not doing much today, would it be alright to start now?"
His gloved hand trailed over to yours, lifting it and gazing straight into your eyes.
"It'd be an honor to teach you, ma chérie."
Without breaking his gaze, he placed a kiss at the back of your hand.
You simply smiled in his direction, not at all fazed by his actions since you knew that's just how he is. Retracting your hand from his hold, you clapped once, feeling excited about your future lessons with the man.
"Wonderful! So how should we start?"
Chamber hummed thoughtfully, taking hold of a croissant on his plate.
"What are some words or phrases that you know so far?" He lifted his hand and pointed it in your direction, levelling the bread to your mouth. Subtly telling you to take a bite.
"Well, other than oui and bonjour I know. . ." You took a bite of the croissant, looking directly at the man.
"Voulez-vous coucher avec moi, ce soir?"
Chamber felt something crack within him as soon as he heard those words, the croissant in his hand fell on the table.
The poor man froze again for the second time.
Well, you definitely had the pronunciations right. . .but. . .
The man swallowed thickly.
". . . You do not know what that means do you?"
You let out a carefree laugh, completetlyignorant of its meaning.
"No idea. Just heard it from a song somewhere ."
Chamber mentally sighed in relief.
"Alright, well take that off your list for now." He cleared his throat, trying to regain his cool composure.
"What, why? What does it mean?"
"You will know soon."
"Just tell meee."
Chamber looked away, pushing his glasses up in position. "Learn it yourself on the way, ma chérie."
You gave him a confused look, taking note of his ears suddenly turning a shade of red. 'Is he okay?'
He suddenly turned and shot you a sharp look. "But don't go around saying those words to anyone, am I understood?"
"Oh, uh– yes. . . Sir?" Maybe the sentence that you said was something rude?
'Oh well.' You shrugged it off, you'll learn what it means soon anyway.
Chamber took a quick shot of his coffee before clearing his throat again.
"Now we'll start at the basics, you may learn on your own when I'm away but only with the material that I will give you, am I understood?"
"That's a good girl."
- - - -
On the other side of headquarters, a team had just arrived from a two-week mission.
"Where's (y/n)?" A particular agent asked as soon as he stepped out of the Vulture. Both his arm and hands are full of souvenirs that he brought from the country where the mission took place. His left hand held a bag full of snacks and little trinkets, while his right arm cradled a big and round stuffed toy penguin.
"I believe she's in the common room," Sage replied to the man with a gentle smile.
The man returned a kind smile to Sage.
"Thank you."
The man didn't even bother putting his things down as he hurriedly went over to where you could be, gifts still tight in their hold.
He finally arrived at the door to the common area with the eagerness to see your face, but as he entered, he immediately catches your familiar form sitting and laughing.
Laughing with someone else– with Chamber.
He calls out your agent name aloud and saw you whip your head in his direction. His chest tightened at the sight of your growing smile and delightfully took note of the roses that started to bloom on your head the moment you saw him.
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patibato · 1 month
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-B01 - The Hateful Five
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Female Student A: Oh, ufufufu! Just what I'd expect from you, Yumenosuke-san! Sharp, smart, athletic, and funny to boot.
Female Student B: I'm so happy we can spend time together in mahorova like this.
Yumenosuke: I'm also honoured to be able to talk with delightful ladies such as yourselves. It's a shame that, due to me being at my villa in Switzerland, the metaverse is our only way to meet, but… well, there's only about half of Summer Vacation left.
Next on the agenda is how to make the best use of the remaining time—let's have an open discussion about it!
Female Student A: Sounds good to me! By the way, what are your plans?
Yumenosuke: I completed all my assignments in the first week, so in the remaining time, I think I'll put all my efforts towards ensuring the success of the open days we'll be holding at the end of the month.
Female Student B: Oh my! That's wonderful! We should learn from you.
Female Student A: We should. I've just been obsessed with the "LashColle" releases lately…
Yumenosuke: LashColle… "Eyelash Collection", you mean? Unfortunately, I'm rather unfamiliar with the eyelash world, so I appear to be falling behind.
However, I believe the top LashColle award from the other day was acquired by my Uncle, with an overwhelming point difference, yes?
Gannosuke: Indeed, along with one of the audience awards.
A pleasure to meet you, lovely young ladies. I am Yumenosuke's Uncle, Kuraku Gannosuke.
Female Student B: I was wondering who the mysterious gentleman next to Yumenosuke-san was… so you're that renowned eyelash artist?
Female Student A: Congratulations on your winnings! Your work was the boldest, most radiantly decadent one of them all…!
Female Student B: So true. On top of that… it felt a little different to your usual style!
Yumenosuke: Huh… has there been a change in your mental state or something?
Gannosuke: Well, the other day I had a once in a lifetime encounter on the island. There's no doubt that he sparked a flame in my imagination.
Yumenosuke: Oh! That's wonderful to hear. I wonder, just what kind of encounter was it—
Student Council Member: President Kuraku!
Yumenosuke: What is it? Quiet down.
Student Council PR: It's serious! Please look at this news!
Yumenosuke: …!? "Active High Schoolers Recruited as Tourism Ward Mayors"…!?
Student Council PR: What's more, while this hasn't been announced yet, my mother who works with the news says the ones nominated are—…
Female Student A: Of all people, it's those lowly Rank One students who may have blown up the old school building…!? Aah, I'm getting dizzy…!
Female Student B: A-are you alright, Yumenosuke-san? You've gone pale…
Yumenosuke: …Kh!
(Ward Mayors have a lot of influence over the political world, and despite knowing that, the Ward 0 Mayor chose THEM? In the first place, it's clear this personnel decision was enforced without proper consideration… an unacceptable folly!)
(What's more, being a Ward Mayor…! It's the position that I should have been inaugurated into in "Kuraku Yumenosuke's Life Plan Chapter 3 ~Tourism Ward Mayor Edition~"…!)
(Surely those savages responsible for the bombing incident took the positions with no great effort involved—absolutely unforgivable! How dare they do this to my perfect life plan… how dare they…-)
Gannosuke: Are you alright, Yumenosuke-kun?
Yumenosuke: … Excuse me. I have some business to attend to, so I shall take my leave now!
Gannosuke: …
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Momiji: Everyooone! The press release is ouuut!
Akuta: Ooh! For real!? Can I see~~~?
Nanaki: Oi, Akuta. Sit properly while you eat.
Ushio: Hmm… this celebration* soba is pretty good.
Muneuji: Indeed. I'm sure even my mother, who's very particular about Japanese food, would choose to eat this 100% buckwheat soba.
Kiroku: … Slurp…
Akuta: Uuum, "Actibb high shkoowers~"…
Yachiyo: Ah, should I read it out? Since everyone's busy eating…
Renga: That's thoughtful of you. —Hey, you guys, hand it over.
Momiji: Sorry, Yachiyo-kun. Please go ahead!
Yachiyo: "Active High Schoolers Unexpectedly Chosen for Wards 5-9 in the Hama Special Tourism Ward"
Liguang: … …
Yachiyo: "Aiming to incorporate a new sense of values into Hama's tourism based on the younger generation, who bear the burden of the future—"
"We are pleased to announce that active high schoolers have been inaugurated into the position of Tourism Ward Mayors for Wards 5-9 under the orders of Ward 0 Mayor and Hama Tours President, Oguro Kafka."
Yukikaze: …
Yachiyo: "As with the tour held by R1ze—the Mayors of Wards 0-4—which concluded to high acclaim the other day, their upcoming first tour will include a Hospitality Live."
"And this time, there'll also be an inauguration ceremony held on the first day, making this a tour packed with events."
"Furthermore, it will be held at their school building, one of the symbols of Hama—"
Ten: This soba's good.
Yachiyo: "Hama Asunaro High School, in collaboration with the open days being held."
"It will be a tour that can be enjoyed by not only the prospective students and their guardians, but the general public as well, so please rouse yourselves to take part, everyone."
Momiji: The press release really does make it hit home and get you motivated.
Akuta: A Hospitality Live for the tour…! Just hearing that gets me going all of a sudden~~~!
Liguang: Don't shake the table, boy.
Nanaki: Ah, sorry, I'll scold him later.
Renga: But you know, feeling excited for it is… well, I understand it. But what will you do about the contents? Your concept is important.
Kiroku: …The… concept… …
Ushio: Our dear Idiotake-san, how's that coming along?
Akuta: Nghe?
Muneuji: Thinking up the concept is the leader's role. Do you have anything in mind?
Renga: W-wait! Students. —I appreciate that you guys don't know up from down when it comes to making plans.
If you're struggling, I could deign to lend a hand—
Akuta: Ac-tua-lly, I DO have a proper plan!
Renga: Wh—
Liguang: Patronising them is futile.
Ten: Isn't it nice that they won't be taking up any of your time, Renga-san?
Renga: …- Y-yeah, right.
Momiji: —Alright, if we're finished with the soba, let's get on with the rest of the moving process!
All Five: Got it.
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Nanaki: So the room arrangements have me, Akuta, and Kiroku rooming together.
Akuta: The room's called "Coil" huh. We should think up a coiled pose later.
Kiroku: … Hm…
Momiji: Are you fine with this room arrangement, Ushio-kun?
Ushio: Can't complain about rooming with Muneuji. The name, on the other hand…
Muneuji: "Whinny Clan" is an interesting one. Shall we devise a Whinny Clan pose later?
Momiji: (The former inn does have weird room names…)
Nanaki: We should finish carrying in our luggage now. Let's go Akuta, Kiroku.
Kiroku: Mhm…
Ushio: … …
Yukikaze: Why are you scowling at your phone? Have you finished putting away your luggage?
Ushio: Elevator's full so I'm waiting for it to be empty. Gotta use that spare time to ego-search that news from earlier.
Yep, there's the slander. Reported.
Yukikaze: …
Ushio: …You think what I'm doing is pointless, don't you? So do I. It doesn't really matter.
Yukikaze: No, it's not pointless. I'll help.
Ushio: … Idle curiosity, huh.
Momiji: (It's not out of curiosity, it's out of kindness. Ushio-kun…)
Muneuji: Uuchan, step aside a bit. I want to put this there.
Momiji: Woah! That bag looks super heavy…!
Yukikaze: How grand. …It doesn't look like a piece of furniture.
Kafka: Amazing, right? It's full of congratulatory gifts sent by Muneuji's family.
Momiji: Wow~! It's got everything from high class sweets to electric appliances!
Kafka: Looks like we won't need to worry about equipment for a while. There's even tea cakes for tea time with Chief-chan.
Akuta: Lured by the presence of food, I have arrived from the second floor!
Ushio: Are you a dog…?
Akuta: Can I have this gold leaf castella? Ah, if I gather up the gold leaves, will I become rich?
Momiji: Ahaha, I wonder.
Ten: What's your home like, Akuta? Your family must be happy to hear you're a Ward Mayor.
Akuta: Nyah, my uncle's holed up at work so we've not had a proper talk yet. Nom nom…
Momiji: Your uncle?
Akuta: He's an animation director, Isotake Taiji. He's been looking after me.
Momiji: Is that so…
Ten: Isotake Taiji's a pretty famous animator. And even if he wasn't, people working in animation have it hard.
Momiji: (There goes Ten-kun…! Splendidly moving past the complicated circumstances and continuing the conversation…!)
(Come to think of it, the family member who signed the letter of consent for the trip was his uncle, wasn't it.)
(I wasn't going to touch on it, but—I see, that was why.)
Renga: Oh, Akuta! You're here! I was looking for you!
Akuta: Mgh?
Renga: A-about your concept! Earlier, I wondered if you were bluffing in front of everyone… I understand that too, or like…
A concept isn't something you can put together so easily! So I, the leader of the Morning Team, shall-
Akuta: Nah, I'm good. But thanks for the thought, Renga-san.
! Nanaki and Kiroku have come back at just the right time.
Hey, gentlemen of Asu-High! Attentiii~~~~on! Please gather here tomorrow!
Renga: …Uu.
Akuta: I'll be announcing the best, most powerful concept to render the guys who treated us like idiots speechless!
Renga: I-I… can lend… my knowledge…
Momiji: (I'll console him later…)
*"引っ越しそば" (hikkoshi soba) is soba eaten to celebrate a successful move. It's traditionally given by neighbours, but in recent years has become something eaten regardless
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rvllybllply2014 · 2 months
Oh I can't even imagine what Willem & Samwell's father was like!  I wonder if he really was worse, or if Willem just always had a darker/more violent streak in him than other Blackwoods?  Given that Samwell is calmer & nicer?
Ooh good point! If madness can be inherited then why not other traits? Especially with how certain houses are know for theirs! Anger & quickness to act being inherited by the Blackwoods would just make sense, considering they used to be kings in the more brutal north, dealing with houses like the Starks & Boltons before they were finally forced out of their home and into the Riverlands!
And then we have the Brackens who have raised & bred horses since the founding of their house, and like you said you can't be angry or quick tempered around horses, they need a steady calm hand to thrive. And it takes patience & gentleness to earn a horse's trust, to learn to read their body language. So house Bracken learning to turn their anger into sternness early makes so much sense! Also through all the peace marriages, there's Blackwood blood in every Bracken and vice versa, both houses know this though they'd hate to admit it. So it wouldn't surprise me at all if they'd fear their own anger is the Blackwood blood in them, that it needs to be controlled as soon as possible.. Pff with this in mind, imagine Amos & Aeron sometimes looking at Willem & Davos and just seeing a tempermental stallion? One that just needs to be called with firm-but-gentle touches & sweet words?
Samwell being the one to introduce Willem & Amos is not something I expected! =O Oh that's so bittersweet, you know he'd have had hope for their future children marrying too! How could you see Samwell reacting when he learns of Amos ending their relationship? If he'd know what Willem would do after his death? Did he know just what Bracken his brother killed in the past?
I love how their big fight would start with something so small & petty, something that could have ended so differently if the wrong word wasn't said.. Just like how a simple argument over the boundary stones turned into the carnage of the burning mill D= And to think it's the first time Willem admitted he loved Amos too, oh my heart!
Ah of course it couldn't work out so nicely could it, no Blackwood would willingly let themselves be held prisoner (even if treated well) and Davos likely wouldn't stop to consider if he's treated well or not, or Amos's words to him. At least Amos would be there to hold Aeron, wondering if their family had angered the seven, or if they were cursed by the old gods to love their enemies as punishment for abandoning them for the faith of the seven. (i do find it so interesting that the brackens used to worship the old gods too, i wonder what caused them to turn to the faith of the seven? maybe simply because adaptability is something one has to have while working with horses too? i think more likely is that the brackens of the past worshiped the old gods in a different, less bloody way than the blackwoods, and the blackwoods tainted the old gods for them in their brutality)
Oof I can anderstand Willems bitterness & hurt here, but just like with everything else he takes it too far doesn't he? One thing to spread the rumor, another to actually believe in it. And even if Raylon were a bastard, he wouldn't deserve what the guards do to him, poor boy :( Oh can you imagine if Davos survived the burning mill but Aeron didn't? If he's the one tasked with guarding Raylon? I imagine "it should have been you dead, not him!" would be the kindest treatment Davos would give him.. And when Amos later learns what happened to his son, after Willem is beheaded..well Willem is lucky he's already dead.
Oh this is so sad but perfect in a way? Like I could finally see Willem doing this, even convincing himself the tears in Amos's eyes are of pleasure, that Amos deserves this punishment, needs it even! To remind him of who he belongs to, that he can never leave him again.. And the marks! I can only imagine what the ones on his face & hands look like! And Amos isn't dumb, he know what message Willem is sending to his men when he marks him and makes him howl his name for the camp to hear. The humiliation he'd have to fight down every morning afterwards would almost be too much, but a small part of him might hope he gets executed for treason at Harrenhall, that his son might be sent back to rule their house and be free of Willem. Which speaking of, there's more ways to bring someone to justice than death..and I can't help but wonder if Willem would have planned to ask Daemon & lord Tully to make the Brackens a true vassal house to the Blackwoods, as they always should have been.  With him being allowed to keep Amos for himself and marry Raylon to a Blackwood girl of his choosing before sending him back to Stone Hedge.
And Willem blaming Amos for his own darkness is just so in character for him isn't it? Forgetting that everything he did was still his own choice, because he wanted to.
Ooh I like the thought of them seeing their proof of slavery as proof of what they survived, marking them as warriors! Pff Amos making Willem ride behind him the whole time is fun, up until he feels what is clearly not Willem's knife rubbing against his ass from behind >w> You know Willem gets jealous of the attention Amos gives the horse at some point too =u= Dothraki horses would be pretty damn prized by Brackens wouldn't they? I imagine they'd admire the Dothraki skill with horses, even if they'd hate everything else about them. Makes me wonder what the Dothraki would think of Amos and the horse sigal he wears..
Also got another small idea, this one is less about Willem/Amos, but imagine while checking the border stones himself one day, Amos catches Davos & Aeron spending time together? Amos keeps his calm but the shock of being found jolts both teens and Davos ends up hurting his ankle? Since Davos arrived without a horse, Amos knows he won't be able to limp all the way home by himself, and sends Aeron back to Stone Hedge as he chooses to escort Davos back to Raventree Hall himself? I imagine during the ride there could be a storm, with them having to take cover for the night in a cave for the horse's sake and during this time the two could talk, with Davos learning the truth of what happened between his uncle n& Amos and why? Pff also imagine Davos running his mouth at Amos so much (out of anger at this whole situation) that Amos finally looses his patience! Only rather than striking his face like Davos expects, Amos takes him across his knee and gives him a spanking? Just like he's done to his son & Aeron when they were younger? Of course Davos has experienced far worse than a hand against his bare arse, so it'd be far more humiliating than painful for him =w= 
Ah sorry this got so long btw! I hope you don't mind these essays I'm leaving you ;w;
I love the essays you’re writing. My thoughts under the cut. Once again non con/rape/sexual assault mentioned. And a character delusional enough to believe that it’s all warranted and wanted. Read at your own risk.
I think Samwell and Willems father was like Willem, prideful quick to anger and embraces the darkness. But his wife helps keep the darkness away, she’s the light of his life and her light will chase away some of the darkness. Lord Blackwood only gets darker after his wife dies from an illness, especially if he prayed everyday for the old gods to spare her and they didn’t. Samwell was probably around 10 years old when she died, so she was able to influence his gentler personality while also letting him know that it’s okay to embrace some of the darkness that’s in him, both light and dark are apart of him. Willem was about 7 when she died, she did influence some of the softer parts but with years passing Willem forgets quite a bit of her lessons. Especially if lord Blackwood takes out his grief on him, Samwell was too grown to easily beat whereas Willem is easier to beat.
Yeah the Blackwood anger definitely came from having to try to control the Boltons. They had to teach their kids to be angry and use it to fight against the Boltons, it’s the only way to not become flayed. The Starks were more brutal too, but not as bad as the Boltons. So yeah after several generations of being told that they’re kings and they have to fight off Starks and Boltons by embracing their anger it’s bound to pass down through their blood. The inherited anger/darkness/pride was thrown into over drive after the Starks became the kings in the north and they were kicked out into the Riverlands.
Every Bracken after a peace marriage is worried about Blackwood blood influencing their anger, so it’s a relief when generations pass before another peace marriage is forced onto them. The Brackens are taught from infancy that it’s okay to be angry but they can’t let it control their actions. They need to let their anger turn into a sternness if they want to be useful horse breeders for their house.
Amos sees Willem as the equivalent of a wild untamed stallion and goes I can fix that. It does work for a while but it does take a lot of Amos being stern in meaning what he says to Willem and sticking to it. Amos is used to working with difficult horses, he’s basically a horse whisperer. Aeron also sees Davos as an untamed stallion, but Aeron is not great with taming with horses so Davos just ends up with hurt feelings and being a pouty mess. Aeron does try to apologize to Davos but he just doesn’t want to hear it.
Samwell is heartbroken for both Willem and Amos. He knows how gentle hearted Amos is, and that it would take a lot to make him leave Willem. Samwell also tells Willem that it’s okay to mourn the lost possibilities for his future. Samwell only found out that Willem had killed Amos’s brother Jerrell, years after the fact. Lord Blackwood had bragged about Willems first kill to him but Samwell didn’t connect the dots until after Willem got with Amos. Amos does send Samwell a raven after he breaks up with Willem asking if he knew and why would he let him date Willem. Willem apologizes to Amos telling him that he didn’t realize that Jarrell was his brother until he had already gotten with Willem.
Davos was also told by Willem that it would be more honorable to die than to be held prisoner by a Bracken. Which causes Davos to escape as soon as he can, even if Amos never hurt him or planned on hurting him.
Exactly there’s just something about how a more even head could prevent heartbreak. If only Willem had kept his mouth shut before he said that he killed Jarrell. Then history repeats itself with Davos and Aeron, Davos forgot that Brackens will dare when pushed too hard. It’s also how the messiest break up in history happened, aka the burning mill. But unlike Willem and Amos, Aeron is dead and Davos will never be able to apologize.
Amos probably thinks it’s a curse from the old gods to have Blackwoods and Brackens to love each other in generations. The Brackens switched to the seven, mainly because they didn’t want their house to be wiped out and they can adapt easier to different things just like how they do with different horse’s personalities. And the Brackens wanted to prove to themselves and house Blackwood that although they share blood they aren’t as savage as the Blackwoods.
The first time Davos is assigned to guard Raylon, Raylon is relieved to see his cousins ex. But Davos tortures him psychologically, he tells Raylon that it should’ve been him that was killed at the burning mill. That he should’ve followed Aeron and tried to talk him out of it. That it was bad enough that Raylon could be a bastard, but he was also raised as more of a brother to Aeron than a cousin. He tells Raylon that he failed his house and Aeron by not dying.
Davos never touches Raylon, he only ever wants to touch Aeron but since he’s dead he won’t touch another Bracken. Davos would feel some pity for Raylon when he hears what the other guards do to him, he can’t help but imagine Aeron in that situation and how nobody deserves to be sexually tortured.
Willem does tell Amos that he should feel luckier than his son, Amos only has to fuck him unlike Raylon who is his guards sexual play thing. Amos doesn’t believe it, at least not until Raylon confirms what happened to him. Amos also doesn’t pray for someone to be tortured in death but he does pray for Willems torture in death.
Willem might’ve gotten his wish for the brackens to become his vassals if he hadn’t allowed Raylon to be tortured like he was and if Amos hadn’t looked like Willems personal chew toy. Willem still would’ve tried to convince Oscar and Daemon to force a marriage between Raylon and a Blackwood girl, Daemon would’ve agreed to it but Oscar is disgusted by how horribly Willem treated Amos and Raylon. So no Willem your stupid actions once again killed the peace between both your house and Amos’s. It’s one of the only times Amos is glad that he has visible marks on his body.
Willem is delusional enough to believe that Amos crying means that he loves the brutal way Willem fucks him. Willem also never lets any of his marks heal on Amos, he wants Amos to associate pain with pleasure but the only pleasure that Willem brings him. Well that Willem thinks he brings him.
Thankfully Amos men know that he’s not a willing participant and Willems men are deranged enough to say that of course Bracken cunts deserve to be treated like cunts. It will take some time for Amos to be able to face his men without feeling the burning shame of them knowing that he was raped repeatedly by Willem.
Amos also tells Willem that only Willem is responsible for his actions and how he reacts to situations. That the Willem he knew wouldn’t have hurt him like this Willem does and his Willem also wouldn’t let the Blackwoods hurt Raylon like they are. Basically Amos tries his horse taming techniques on Willem yet again but this time Willems light can’t be reached.
As for the slavery thing I’m working on a separate post with more details, you’re tagged and credited with the idea. But I will say that Willem definitely pushes onto Amos’s ass constantly while telling him that his problem will not go away until he also gets ridden like a horse. Amos tells him to wait until they can get to civilization, if Willem can behave then he’ll get his wish if he can’t then he won’t get ridden and he’ll have to fix his problem by himself. Amos is also seen as an amazing warrior when he gets back to Stone Hedge, he managed to keep a Dothraki horse and now that horse will be bred into their other horses bloodlines making them a lot of money.
If Amos finds out about Davos and Aeron while checking on the boundary stones, he just calmly asks them what they’re doing? But Davos being raised by Willem is terrified that Amos would hurt him, it’s what Willem would’ve done in Amos’s position. So of course in his panic Davos manages to trip over a hole in the ground causing his ankle to twist in an unnatural way. After Aeron helps him up and Davos realizes that he can’t walk let alone make it back to Raven Tree Hall, Amos tells Davos to get on Aerons horse they’ll go back to Stone Hedge to see the maester there. Davos really wants to refuse but with his ankle hurting like it does and storm clouds rolling in,he feels like he doesn’t have a choice.
Even with the amount of pain he’s in and with Amos riding next to them Davos is still rubbing up against Aeron and whispering what he wants to do to him. Aeron is a blushing mess telling Davos to stop, and Amos just finds it all amusing. They’re still pretty far out from Stone Hedge when the storm clouds finally break. Amos tells them that there’s a small cave that they can shelter in. Once all of them are inside Amos tells Davos and Aeron to cuddle for warmth, any wood they find will be too wet to light a fire with. Amos also tells them that he’ll sleep next to the horses for his warmth, and he knows how horny teenage boys are but could they please keep their nighttime activities behind closed doors? There will be plenty of time for that later at Stone Hedge.
If Davos does try to say that he has more respect for himself so expects the same respect towards him from Amos, but in a moody teen way Amos finally snaps and pulls him over his lap, it’s only three quick smacks on his bare ass with the last one hitting him right on his hole, but man it does hurt his pride. Aeron checks up on him later in the night asking if he’s okay, while telling Davos he also used to get smacked on the ass by Amos but it’s been years.
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tgrailwar-zero · 2 months
... ... why...
... ... why did it have to be us...
... ... why... why... why, why, why-
... ah.
... Rikyu-san.
Rikyu-san, it was a very nice cup of tea, and I apologize in advance in the event that we disrespect the ceremony by stress puking...
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RIKYU: "How polite you all are. However, RIkyu has not been entirely honest."
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RIKYU: "My Noble Phantasm, 'Ichi-go ichi-e' creates a specialized Bounded Field, forcing those to surrender their being to Rikyu as they participate in the tea ceremony. I meant no harm, however I needed to see deeper into the 'Blackness' that composed you. To know."
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RIKYU: "…You see, Rikyu is a 'Servant of Grudges'. A Servant that exists within the 'Blackness', and uses it to guide her will, and vice versa."
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RIKYU: "When Koma and I manifested at the 'Point of Sealing', I thought I was summoned to avenge the souls lost to the Interlopers' rampage. As such, I planned to destroy the tomb of the Interlopers beyond recognition, rendering it impossible to escape with a terrible curse."
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RIKYU: "As I raised my fist, Young Koma said, 'Master Rikyu, are you sure'? Confused, I replied, 'Of course, if this the tomb of 'those who harm innocent victims' then I must destroy it'. And she simply said, 'what if they are victims as well'?"
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RIKYU: "…That Koma is certainly wise in her youth… Suddenly, I felt foolish. To execute, without proper understanding… such behavior is improper. So, I came up with a solution. I would simply allow the tea ceremony to decide. So, until we met face to face, I kept my mind free of judgements and biases, and when I set the ceremony- I allowed the tea to decide for me."
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RIKYU: "Yes. You can tell a lot about a person by the face they make when drinking properly made tea. And if you can't see their face, then their posture. There's always a way to tell. Their 'authentic selves' will slip through, no matter how well made their facades. And, in this one meeting, I learned much about you."
You felt a deep, ominous swell of magical energy roll out from RIKYU.
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RIKYU: "...Rikyu exists within the 'Blackness' because that is the path she chose. To cleanse the world, to reach true 'wabi', to be a howling voice for the weak that were not allowed to speak for themselves. However, you were not welcomed into the 'Blackness', but instead it has been forced upon your souls, and you drown in it. Weak souls turned to the dark and not allowed to rage for your own sake. Such a thing infuriates me. However, Rikyu's path is clearer now."
She bowed her head, deeply.
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RIKYU: "...I also learned you enjoyed sweeter flavors. I will be sure to prepare proper snacks next time. Actually..."
She got up, walking out of the room. She returned with a small box.
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RIKYU: "This should help counteract the bitterness. I often doesn't like to 'counteract' the flavor of the tea, as it is authentic... however, customers may not have adapted the same palate, and so I sell these just in case. Subtly up-charged. Take them for free, as a token of Rikyu's sincerity."
She slid a small tray of delicate, flower-shaped sweets over, and a box containing similar ones.
[ You received: Wagashi ! ]
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SSR Trey Clover Outdoor Wear Personal Story: Part 3
"Something a little tastier"
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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[Dwarfs' Mine – Interior]
Trey: What is this place…? There are red and green stones shining all over the bedrock. Are these all magestones…?
Trey: No, I can't feel any magic from them. They're big enough that I'd think I'd notice immediately.
Rook: Whether they have magic or not, it does not change the fact that these stones are exquisite.
Science Club Member A: We were hoping to unveil the true nature of these stones. That's why we were trying to find some way to bring them back.
Science Club Member B: But the bedrock in this area is way too hard. Basically, we were digging in a way to try to not damage the stones, and that was taking way too much time.
Trey: Hmm, but if it's a gemstone that has some worth, wouldn't it be bad to take it out of the mine?
Science Club Member A: We confirmed with the ghost on that front.
Ghost C: Yep, it's no problem. This is just another part of this extracurricular learning experience. Go ahead and take a few and research them.
Trey: Wow, that was a quick okay… Maybe the ghost knows what these stones really are?
Trey: Well, I guess that pretty much throws it being a valuable gemstone out the window, then.
Trey: Well, whatever. I'm also pretty interested in what these stones are. Let's dig them out quickly and bring them back to the tent.
Trey: I say that, but yesterday, it was Malleus who did this task for me, so this is my first time I'll be digging.
Trey: I don't have any skills in using a pickaxe, let alone know how to use one, so I might not be that useful.
Science Club Member B: We're just happy to have more hands to help. Trey, Rook, let's do our best!
Rook/Trey: Oui!/Yeah.
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[clink, clink…]
Rook: This bedrock truly is so very hard. We may be chipping away at it, but at this rate, it'll be dark before we know it.
Trey: We only came out here to find our delayed clubmates and this is what happens… We should probably pause here soon… Ah, oops!
Science Club Member A/B: AAAAAAHH~~~!!
Trey: Oh man… I got distracted by the conversation and my hand slipped… The pickaxe hit the stone. My bad!
Trey: But still, this rock is pretty brittle compared to the bedrock around it. I can't believe this many little pieces broke off with just one hit.
Trey: …Hm?
Rook: Trey-kun, what is it?
Trey: I just though the way this stone broke looked familiar. Hm, what could it be…?
Trey: Ah, I know!
Trey: This stone' true nature is… rock salt.
Science Club Members/Rook: ROCK SALT!?
Trey: Yeah. I couldn't tell while it was embedded in the bedrock, but the broken shards look exactly like the salt I've used to make sweets with.
Trey: The one I bought at the school store was colorless and transparent salt… If I recall correctly, the package said "crystal rock salt."
Ghost C: Correct. Just like Trey-kun says, all the stones you can see in this area are rock salt.
Rook: Rock salt, I see… Vil has used it in his meals and skincare products, but I didn't realize there were any that would be this transparent.
Rook: I cannot even fathom how it would taste. I will try just a few of these pieces.
Science Club Member A: Don't do it, just because he says its salt, doesn't mean we know what else might be in it…
Rook: [bite]
Rook: Urrgh…
Trey: Rook…!?
Rook: What a complex flavor. Within that mild salty flavor, I also taste a hint of bitterness and sweetness.
Rook: It is a very flavorful salt. With just these pieces, I don't think I'll have any problem replenishing my salt intake while attempting to survive in the woods.
Trey: Just what kind of situation are you coming up with in your head…?
Trey: But still, rock salt, huh…
Trey: Ah! If I use this to salt the grilled fish, don't you think it could taste better?
Rook: Très bien! That's a great idea, Trey-kun.
Trey: Now that that's settled, let's try to take a few pieces back with us.
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[clink, clink… clank!]
Trey: Right, I got it!
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Trey: I never expected to find salt in a place like this… Maybe it really was true that this place all used to be underwater ages ago.
Trey: But, really… This has such a beautiful color. I don't think I would have guessed it was salt just by looking at it.
Trey: It didn't even cross my mind that I'd get to see a rare spectacle like this before we headed out this way.
Trey: When we get back to the tent and before I use it for cooking, I think I'll have to show this to the other Science Club members.
Trey: Ah, that's right. Maybe I'll reach out to Idia if he's back at camp then, too.
Trey: He did say he had a bit of interest in this kind of thing… I bet he'd really like it if I told him about this.
(Part 1) (Part 2) Part 3
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loosesodamarble · 9 days
Welcome to the Black Bird Part 13: Vincent's Appraisal
Summary: Introducing Klaus as Vincent, the head coffee barista of the Black Bird's kitchen team. Genre: general Word count: 800 A/N: Klaus's art for the series was commissioned from @crazycookiemaniac.
A file was slapped onto Klaus’s desk without warning before a sharp “What the hell is this?” was asked. Klaus looked up to see his father, Lawrence, giving him a steely glare. His eyes darted to the manila folder. Taking another glance at Lawrence, Klaus got the impression he was meant to check the contents. So he opened it.
“Ah.” Klaus immediately recognized the document by the first sentence. “Those are my recent reviews to be considered for publication.”
“Then I’m rejecting them right now!” Lawrence snapped. “It’s all shallow garbage that doesn’t say anything meaningful!”
“Bwah!” Klaus shot up to his feet. “But I thoroughly explained how each business failed to perform to the standards of—”
Lawrence groaned, “Klaus, my boy… It’s not like there’s some formula for a perfect restaurant.” Klaus raised an eyebrow at his dad’s remark. “You’re overlooking the humanity that goes into those businesses. And that means things won’t be perfect.”
“Am I expected to ignore long wait times or inconsiderate staff?” Klaus questioned, not following Lawrence’s thoughts.
“Klaus…” Lawrence grimaced and rubbed his temples. “You gotta…” His head shot up. “You outta work somewhere and learn what it’s like behind the scenes!” Lawrence clapped a hand on Klaus’s—who’d entered a stupor—shoulder. “That’ll get you off your high horse and teach you to respect the working class.” He pulled Klaus from the desk. “C’mon, I’ve even got a friend who’ll help you get into a place.”
“B-b-but wait!” Klaus squawked, having come to his senses. “What would I even do?!”
“Is the Fondue Pasta for Table #3 ready?”
The kitchen was loud but that question rang prominently to Klaus.
“Uh! No!” Klaus yelped back as he stared at his mistake. Blackened cheese sat atop a serving of pasta, with burnt specks also on the noodles and burnt smell rising from it. “Something went wrong!” Again. I’m really not meant to be a chef. “Can someone else take ov—”
“No way!” The head chef snapped from his place at the front of the kitchen. “You’re gonna be the one to start it over, Vincent. But first, go out there and let the table know why they’ll be waiting longer.” He gestured to the door leading to the dining area.
Klaus meekly complied and shuffled out, making his way to Table #3. He held his head up with as much pride as he could muster, not that it was much after his failure. His stomach dropped when his eyes saw who was at the table: his dad. Of all people to have to face…
“Sir Lunettes?” Klaus stated as he stepped up to Table #3. “I’m— Ahem… I’m Vincent, I work in the kitchen and—”
“Is there a reason why you’re out here?” Lawrence spoke in a clipped tone that made it hard for Klaus to believe the man was his father. “Something went wrong, didn’t it?”
“Well sir…” Klaus steeled himself. “I’m an inexperienced chef which caused me to mess up your order. Someone else will prepare your meal so please wait a bit longer.” He bowed at the waist. “I’m sorry.”
“Hmph.” Lawrence’s grunt made Klaus raise his head to see his father staring in a way he couldn’t read. “It’s nice that you admit your mistake but I hate leaving judgment on something incomplete.”
What was his father saying? Klaus’s work wasn’t incomplete, it ended in failure. Failure was failure and success was success. Right?
Bittersweet and Decadent. The dessert was as its name implied, a dish that was indulgent to those who loved the mixing of bitter and sweet flavors. Something more could be said of it.
The dessert consisted of coffee jelly cubes over a layer of chocolate custard and topped with a generous dollop of whipped cream. In summer, the topping was ice cream. Neither the sweetness of the custard and cream nor the acidity of the coffee could overpower the other. Each was a component to a harmonious whole.
Similarly, a business like the Black Bird was a mix of its failures and successes, with the former allowing for growth into the latter. Mistakes couldn’t be avoided but instead overcome to develop a more realized final form. It was all about balance. 
Klaus unlocked his phone and opened up his father’s review of the Black Bird. Lawrence gave a full five stars. He complimented the menu that, while not cohesive, was always good. He commented that the unorthodox style of service was entertaining, like watching performers in a play. His final statement was that the beauty of the cafe came from the fact that it was still learning and growing.
Klaus had a feeling that the comment was directed to him specifically. But it was only a hunch.
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chaosmax · 2 years
To Old Friends, To the Future
Summary: Seto invites Yugi over for dinner again. They had both been quite busy with their own projects as of late but had finally found a moment quiet moment between it all. However, unfortunately, Seto chose a bit of an awkward day on the calendar to do so. But this is good, they get a chance to speak of old friends and feelings.
Words: 2,255
Characters: Seto Kaiba, Yugi Mutou
Tags/warnings: Rivalshipping, Post-DSoD, social drinking, dinner date and talking
There was a bit of a breeze as Seto set the table out on the patio. Mokuba loved using it for dinner, Seto less so. But tonight the weather was nice and he’d invited Yugi over, so he figured it’d be nice to do something different for once.
“I’m back!” was hollered from the entrance.
Yugi kicked his shoes off at the genkan and stepped up into the apartment in one neat motion.
Well, “apartment” was a loose term. Seto and Mokuba owned the unit but it wasn’t its own building. Seto didn’t like waste so they had downsized, but it still cost more than Yugi’s life savings so far!
“Impeccable timing, it’s almost done, you doing this so you can get out of helping?”
He was joking, of course. Yugi how he is always offered to lend a hand. And Yugi knew Seto wasn’t serious even if his tone of voice was flat and as stoic sounding as ever.
“Ah, of course. You know I’m just sooo lazy and like to have you pamper me,” Yugi replies with a snort.
“Smells good, what is it?” he asked stepping up to the stove but quickly moving out of the way as Seto returned to it to make sure their dinner didn’t burn. He’s no expert chef, but he can follow a recipe fine so long as it was written out in detail. Often people assumed he didn’t know how to cook, but in reality Seto had learned at a young age how to do simple meals when helping raise Mokuba within a single-parent household. His skills grew from there.
“Halibut. Fish. You’ve ever tried it?”
“I have in sushi.”
“Well, this is quite different. Go take a seat outside, I’ll be there in a second.”
Yugi did as he was told and noticed a few saké bottles set out on the table.
“Ooh, fancy night,” he teased when Seto brought over their plates. “Sweet or bitter?” he asked as he looked over the labels.
[Continued on AO3]
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middleearthpixie · 2 years
After the Fire ~ Chapter Thirty-Two
Summary: Following the Battle of the Five Armies, a grievously wounded Thorin is brought back to the kingdom of Erebor, which is still mostly in ruins. Although he’s survived the wounds he received at the end of Azog’s blade, his recovery is far from complete. Grief, regret, anger, all are making his journey that much more difficult and the physical recovery isn’t quite the most difficult challenge he faces.
Jasna Stoneham is no stranger to loss, as she is a survivor of Smaug’s wrath upon Esgaroth. When she is asked to help the dwarves healers of Erebor, her instinct is to say no, but she needs the job, and so agrees to it. However, no one told her that of all the patients, she would be responsible for the king himself, Thorin Oakenshield. 
Unfortunately, the road to recovery isn’t necessary a smooth one, but if there’s one thing Thorin will learn, it’s that Jasna is just as stubborn as he is and for every step back he takes, she is there to push him three steps forward. And Jasna will soon find out that there is a gentle, softer side to the dwarf king, one that very few people have ever seen and one he fights to keep hidden from her as well. But like his recovery, that is also easier said than done. 
Jasna learns a family secret while Thorin calls the Elder Council to convene
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x ofc Jasna Stoneham
Characters: Jasna, Arabella Stoneham, Thorin, Fíli, Dís, Balin
Warnings: None
Rating: T
Word Count: 4,061
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @linasofia @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knitastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorisooyaa @ruthoakenshield @
Tag List: @tschrist1 @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @linasofia @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @fizzyxcustard @legolasbadass @kibleedibleedoo @xxbyimm @arrthurpendragon @exhausted-humxn-being @rachel1959 @laurfilijames @sketch-and-write-lover @sherala007 @enchantzz @knitastically @notlostgnome @myselfandfantasy @ggfamert @medusas-hairband @guardianofrivendell @jotink78 @sorioosyaa @ruthoakenshield @quiall321 @dianakc
If you’d like to be added (or removed) to the tag list, please just let me know!
Previous chapters can be found here. 
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At the door to her flat, Thorin smiled down at her. “So, I will tell Balin what I’ve decided and  I’ll arrange the meeting and Mahal willing, I will get the laws changed. Then, we can decide how we wish to be married.”
“And if your council still won’t allow it?”
“It changes nothing and I’ll not change my mind. But, would you still wish a wedding if it is without fanfare? I know you are the fanfare sort.”
She smiled. “I still rather fancy the fanfare.”
“Then you shall have it, mesmel.” 
He bent to brush her lips with his just as Mama opened the door. She cleared her throat loudly, and when she did, Jasna snaked an arm about Thorin’s neck to keep him from jerking back. 
Mama cleared her throat again and this time, Thorin gently pulled free. He pressed his forehead to hers. “Do not antagonize your mother, mesmel,” he murmured with a smile. “I will see you tomorrow.”
He straightened up then and smiled at Mama. “It’s nice to see you, Mrs. Stoneham.”
She didn't smile, but Jasna didn't miss that her eyes weren’t as cold as her expression. “And you, Your Majesty.”
“Ah, Thorin, please,” he told her. “Because we won’t know for several more days, or even possibly weeks, whether or not I will, in fact, be the king of Erebor.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Jasna will fill you in. I must get back before the hour grows too late. Until tomorrow.” He brushed Jasna’s lips with his once more and then took himself off, the sunlight glinting off the silver ornament gathering his hair at the back of his head. 
“Jasna,” Mama broke into her reverie, “what did he mean, he may no longer be king of Erebor in the coming days?”
Jasna stepped into the sitting room and closed the door behind her. “Erebor law will not permit the king to marry outside of the dwarven race,” she said softly, leaning against the door. “So, he plans to convene what he called a council of elders to petition them about rewriting that law. If the council either won’t meet or won’t allow the amendment, Thorin has chosen to abdicate his title and the throne.”
“What? Council of elders? I thought he was the king?”
A heavy sigh bubbled to Jasna’s lips as a certain weariness crept over her. It was amazing, how quickly things could go from so perfect to such chaos in so short a time span. “I would think so, too, but apparently we would be wrong. Remember, Mama, they are dwarves and they do things differently than we do.”
“And he is going to abdicate if they will not grant him permission to marry you.”
She nodded slowly. “He told me earlier.”
“And you are encouraging this? You wish him to simply walk away from his responsibilities, from his people? Are you so selfish that you would ask him to do this?”
Jasna stared at her mother, for these were the last words she’d ever thought her mother would utter. “What?”
Mama nodded. “You are being incredibly selfish, Jasna Stoneham. You are asking him to forget everything he knows, to give up all he has worked for, for you.”
“I didn't ask h-h-him to d-do anything, Mama. He wants to do this. I didn't even know about the law until only a short while ago.” She shook her head slowly. “This was his decision. M-m-made well before he even thought to tell me about the law, never mind what he’s chosen to do.”
“Well, perhaps that’s because he knew what you’d say.”
“I would never ask him to give up anything for me. I told him as much.”
“Jasna,” Mama’s hands came to rest on her shoulder, her eyes soft and her expression sympathetic, “think long and hard about this. He had been raised to assume the throne. He nearly died to reclaim that throne. Do you really wish to have him give that all up? Because if he comes to regret it… I shudder to think what will happen between the two of you. I do not wish him blaming you for his decision or resenting you for it.”
“Blaming me? Resenting me? Why would he? I’ve not asked him to st-st-step down.”
“No, but he is putting you before his responsibilities and in time, I fear that might come back to haunt him. To haunt the both of you. I should hate to see it come, but it will, once you are no longer new to him.”
“Mama, why do you do that? Why do you look so negatively on him?”
“Because,” Mama stepped back, hands clasped at her stomach now, “you are so young and love is such a powerful, heady emotion. Especially first love. But, I do not wish to see it cloud your judgement. I did and it was a terrible mistake.”
Jasna could only stare at her mother. “But you and Papa were happy. Weren’t you?”
“We were content and that is not the same thing. I had given my heart to another and had it smashed to smithereens by him. I was only a little older than you and he was the Master’s son.”
Jasna couldn't help her face. “The Master?”
“Not the one you remember. The one who came before him. He was handsome and strong and I was in love. I let him take liberties because he promised me the sun and the moon and everything in between.”
Jasna moved to sink onto the arm of the sofa, a strange knot forming in the pit of her stomach. She’d never seen her mother look so serious or sound so faraway before. “What happened, Mama?”
Mama turned sad violet eyes to her. “You happened, sweetling.”
“What?” Jasna could only stare, her stomach kinking even more now. No… that couldn't be true. Papa was her father, not some nameless, facelesss son of a former Esgaroth Master. Papa was the one who sat up with her when she was sick. Who taught her how to swim in the summer and how to ice fish in the winter. He was never too tired to give her shoulder rides or allow her to come to the market with him. 
He was her papa.
But Mama nodded slowly. “When I told him I was expecting you, he said he wished to marry me, but his father would not allow it. He thought to run away, to fetch me and we would live happily elsewhere. You were not quite two years old when I awoke one morning and he was gone. I went back to Esgaroth and to his house, and he told me that the life he’d promised me was not the one he ever wanted. He didn't wish to give up the life he had planned on living and he requested I not trouble him again. He refused to see me, refused my letters, it was as if you and I ceased to exist to him. 
“When I met the man you knew as your father, he told me he cared not that you were sired by another man. As far as he was concerned, you were every bit his daughter. And he promised to love both of us no matter what.He was true to his word and loved you as if you were his child.
“But I was heartbroken and it took me a long time to heal from that. I came to love your papa, but it took me a long time to realize how I’d hurt him in the beginning, pining for another the way I did, one who was not worth my pining.  And I do not wish to see that happen to you.”
“What if it doesn’t happen, Mama? What if Thorin never comes to regret choosing to step down?”
“And what if he does?”
“But what if he doesn’t?”
“Is that a chance you wish to take?”
“Mama… not all men are as your Lakemaster was.” She stood, shaking her head. “And you should have told me all of this long before now.”
“Why? It changed nothing for you.”
“Because you just sh-sh-should have.” 
“Your papa loved you and you loved him and that was what mattered.”
“And Thorin loves me, Mama. I know y-y-you have s-s-some need to believe the opposite, b-b-but he does.” 
“Do not confuse love and sex, Jasna. For they are not the same.”
“Stop it. Just st-st-stop it.”
“Leave me be!” She stormed past her mother, to her room, and took a great, if childish, delight in slamming the door as hard as she could. 
She half-expected her mother to knock on the door and look to talk it out, as she always did. But no such knock came. Jasna stretched out on her bed, staring up through the thickening darkness at the ceiling. So many things whirled through her mind, although the least troubling was her mother’s confession that her father wasn't her father. 
If she was completely honest with herself, she had to admit that she had the same hesitations her mother had voiced. Would Thorin come to regret his decision? He’d spent a good portion of his life preparing to ascend the throne, never mind how hard he fought and what he’d overcome to actually claim it. What would happen, should the council deny him permission, deny him the right to change what he saw as an unjust law? What would happen, should he find himself miserable in Ered Luin, or in the Shire or wherever they found themselves setting up house? What would happen, should they have children and he found himself resenting her, or found himself blaming her for his decisions? 
He said now he’d never come to do that. But what if he was wrong as well? After all, he’d always had the knowledge the throne would be his and now it was his. What if he detested life outside of Erebor?
Her head began to ache. She could never stand it if he was unhappy because he’d chosen thinking he’d make her happy. 
Thorin stood at the door to Fíli’s chambers, and knocked without hesitation. “Fíli?”
“Come in.”
He thrust open the door and found Fíli on the small sofa, his still-casted right leg resting on the equally small table across from him. “Thorin? What brings you here?”
“Don’t get up,” he replied as Fíli reached for his crutches. He skirted the sofa, and stood before his oldest nephew, who had aged considerably since they left Ered Luin nearly two years earlier. “I needed to speak with you about something.”
“You look so serious,” Fíli replied with a hint of a nervous grin. “Am I in trouble for something?”
“Not at all. Why, have you done something for which you think you might get into trouble?”
He smiled. “Not at all.”
“Why am I not so certain I believe that?” Thorin grinned, sinking into the armchair across from his nephew. “I came here because you know Miss Stoneham and I are planning to marry.”
“Yes. She broke my heart when she told me you were a couple.”
“I’m being serious, Fíli.”
“As am I. She’s very cute.”
He smiled at that. Jasna was very cute, indeed. “Well, it’s been brought to my attention that as King of Erebor, I am not permitted to marry a woman who is not of dwarven extraction.”
“What?” Fíli’s eyes went round. “Are you joking?”
“I’m not.”
“Oh, Uncle, I don’t know what to say… I’m sorry.”
“No, you needn’t apologize,” he said, shaking his head. “I am requesting the Council of Elders convenes and will petition them to allow me to change the fool law, to allow me, in essence, to marry Jasna. But, should they deny me, I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’ve decided that I will step down and abdicate my title. Which means you would become the king in my stead.”
“What?” Disbelief rang through that one word.
Thorin nodded slowly. “I’ve given this a great deal of thought, Fíli. You’re ready. You’ve grown, matured to the point where I would be perfectly comfortable with my decision. I leave Erebor in capable hands.”
“No, Thorin, I am not ready to be king of anything. Surely there is some way around this?”
“There is not. Balin has been trying to find it, but so far, it seems nonexistent. So, the next step is, as I said, to convene the Council of Elders. And if that goes south, I either step aside or I give up Miss Stoneham, which is something I am not willing to do.”
“But, I am… Thorin, I could not possibly do this.”
“Of course you could. As I said, you’ve a good head on your shoulders now, and I have faith in you.”
Fíli didn't look any more convinced. “I am not the king. You are.”
“Stop being so blasted stubborn,” Thorin growled, shaking his head. “I am the king now. I might not be in the coming days.” 
“How can you simply walk away from this? This is what you’ve worked for for the last two years, if not longer.”
“A year ago, I’d have agreed with you,” Thorin replied slowly, clasping his hands between his knees. “But, since we left the Shire, since we began the journey that brings us here to this very moment, you know all we’ve gone through. You know what we—your brother, you, and I—all went through to arrive at this moment. 
“I love Jasna. I want to spend the rest of my days with her. I want us to have children and raise them to have children of their own. Once, I dreamed of the crown and the throne and the power. Now? They are but things. And those things pale in comparison. One day, Mahal willing, you will meet someone and you will understand. I am willing to give up whatever I must in order to be with her.”
Fíli sighed softly. “You feel that strongly about her?”
“I do, yes.” Thorin replied softly, meeting Fíli’s gaze. “She has, in a very short time, become everything to me.”
“She must have, if you are willing to give up all that you’ve worked for.” 
“I don’t see it as giving up all I’ve worked for, Fíli. I see it as trying to improve upon what I’ve worked for. The law is wrong, and should be amended. And if the council refuses to see that, then I see no other choice for me.”
“Do you think they’ll agree? About amending the law, I mean.”
“I have no way of knowing,” Thorin replied softly. “I hope they will. I think if nothing else, Jasna has proven herself. But, one can hardly predict which was the wind might blow.”
Fíli sat back against the cushion, his expression more serious than Thorin had ever seen it before. “And you think me ready, should you abdicate?”
“Fíli,” Thorin leaned forward slightly, “a year ago, I’d have said no. You still had some maturing to do. But now? Now, I would be comfortable handing the reins off to you.”
Silence stretched between them, with Fíli opening and closing his mouth several times, as if trying to find just the right words. Then, he drew in a deep breath, slowly exhaled, and said, “I am uncertain how I’m supposed to respond, Uncle. This isn’t anything I’d expected.”
“Nor is it what I expected, either,” Thorin told him with a slight smile. “But then again, I had no way of knowing I’d meet Jasna, either.”
“And when will you know? I mean, about the law?”
“I don’t know, exactly, but it won’t be for a bit yet.”
Fíli nodded. “I have to admit, this is the last thing I thought I’d be hearing, the last thing I expected as a whole.”
“I didn't expect it, either, but here we are and you need to accept the possibility that it will happen.” 
Another nod. “She’s introduced me to Miss Whitbow, you know.”
“Jasna did?”
“She did. And I’m glad she did. I rather like her.”
Thorin smiled then. “Good. She’s a lovely person.”
“You mean, you don’t mind?”
“Why would I? If she makes you happy, that is all I can ask. And I suppose Jasna saw something, since she introduced the two of you.”
Fíli chuckled. “She was not wrong.”
“Good. Then perhaps it won’t be long before you understand fully.”
“I do, to a certain extent. Are you certain there is no way around the law? Is a petition before the Council the only way?”
“Balin is combing through the archive but I’m not very hopeful, so yes. I believe it will be.”
“That is wrong. You should be allowed to marry as you see fit.”
“I agree, but our forebears weren’t quite as modern as we are. But, it would be a small price to pay in the end, I think. I will be far happier with Jasna than I would be with a throne.” He stood. “And I’d leave Erebor in the best of hands.”
Fíli’s expression spoke volumes of how he saw his newfound responsibility, for Thorin had never seen him look so serious. “I won’t let you down, Uncle.”
“I know you won’t. Which is why I’d be perfectly at ease with that decision.” He moved to the door. “I’ll let you know when the Council convenes, if they agree to it, and what the outcome is, of course.”
“I’ll try not to too upset if that happens.”
Thorin chuckled as he let himself out and made his way down to the far end of the corridor, where he knocked on Dís’ door this time. She opened it to peer up at him. “Is something wrong?”
“Not at all. May I?” He gestured to the flat’s interior.
“Of course.” She held the door open and stepped back to allow him to pass. “What brings you here?”
“I was just telling Fíli he might be crowned king in the coming days.”
Dís’ eyes went wide and her jaw slightly slack. “Thorin, surely there is another way.”
“There is one last solution and that is to convince the Elders. But I cannot guarantee they will see this my way, so I just wished to give Fíli a heads up as to what may happen in the coming days.” He smiled. “Don’t look so horrified, Dís. Fíli would be a fine leader. He’s matured into a level-headed man and would have good people around him.”
“I’m not horrified by that, you dolt. This is your kingdom. You’ve earned the right, more so than anyone else in Erebor, to sit on that throne. This is all your doing!”
“I did not do it alone, though. And Fíli has also earned it. And this may not even come to pass. That remains to be seen.”
“I know, but Erebor is yours. And Fíli is not ready yet. He is still so young, though.”
“He is, but he would be fine. He’d have Balin and Dwalin and his brother as his confidante.”
“And you would leave, if they deny you?”
“I wouldn’t have a choice. If I were to remain here, Jasna would always be made to feel the outsider and everyone would continue to look to me as the king and I will not usurp Fíli’s authority. It’s best for all of us if Jasna and I set up our home elsewhere, should that happen.”
“Ered Luin?”
“Most likely. We can both find work there. Perhaps we will travel a bit first. There is so much for her to see and don’t worry, I’d come back from time to time to make certain all is well with everyone.”
“You’d better.” Dís sighed softly. “We would all miss you, you know.”
“You all wouldn’t even notice I was gone in time.”
“I’m not so certain of that.” She stepped up to slip her arms about his midsection and hugged him tight. 
He sighed softly, wrapping his arms about her in return. “Everything will be fine, Dís. It will work out as it should. You’ll see.”
“I hope so.”
He pressed a kiss into the top of her head. “It will be. Now, I need to go and see Balin, to make sure, for once and for all, that the laws are as ironclad as he thinks. And then, tomorrow, I will send word to the Elders to bring them here.”
Dís stepped back. “It is a stupid law, Thorin. And our great-grandfather was a bit of an ass for writing it. Hopefully the others will see it your way.”
“That I cannot say, but I hope so as well.” He moved to the door and tugged it open. “But, if not, it is as it is and we cannot change it for now. But, as I said, everything will work out as it should. I’ll see you at supper.”
She nodded and he left to make his way to Balin’s workshop. “Balin, I am sending word to the Elders, requesting their presence here in the coming days to listen to my petition to change the marriage laws regarding the Durin family.”
“Do you think it stands a chance of being successful?”
He sighed, shaking his head. “I cannot say.”
“Well, they are all reasonable. Your Miss Stoneham is a lovely girl and if anyone can win over those grizzled stonehearts, it will be her. But, if they deny it, do you still plan to step down?”
Thorin looked over at him and nodded. “I do, yes. I’ve already spoken to Fíli. For the first time in a long time, I am happy. I’ll do nothing to jeopardize that, Balin. I love her and I wish to be with her. And that is all that matters.”
“Have you told her they will wish to speak with her as well?”
Thorin shook his head. “I’ve not, no.”
“You should. She needs to be aware and you do not want to have her sit before them blind.”
He sighed softly. “I know. But first, I have to make certain they will even agree to convene.”
Clouds obscured the stars and thunder rumbled in the distance. The winds picked up, blowing in from the north to sweep his hair almost perfectly straight back from his face. Thorin ignored most of it as he stood at the parapet, gazing off toward Dale. Although he had to admit, this wasn't how he saw his life unfolding, he wasn't exactly sorry to see it go this way. There was more to life than a crown. He’d learned this the hard way—dragon sickness, madness, almost dying. 
But with Jasna, he felt whole—felt whole in a way he’d never felt before, a way he’d never known could exist before. He’d long ago assumed marriage and children were for other men, but not for him. And he’d accepted that. After all, it didn't happen for every dwarf. Many never married. Even fewer were fortunate enough to be blessed with children.
Now he might have both. And he found himself looking forward to the coming days, to building a new life with Jasna at his side. To starting a family with her. 
He’d sent his raven, Roäc to the Iron Hills. He’d start with Dáin first, since he was a member of the council as well. The other dwarven tribes elected their representative to sit on the council, and he had no way of knowing who’d be sent to speak for them. Once, it was simply the clan leader, but things being what they were, and with the tribes in theory united under the Arkenstone—thereby making the King of Erebor the ultimate leader, which Thorin found somewhat amusing, considering the circumstances under which he was convening the council—now each clan just choose who would speak for them. In a day or two, they would all convene at Erebor and Thorin would stand before them to try and convince them the law was unjust and wrong and should be amended at once.
And hopefully, they would agree. If not? Well, if not, then Fíli would become king. 
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Dream Express Dialogue
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Fluffy Passenger: Have you heard? Someone defeated a notorious space villain! Machinelike Passenger: Rise in space travel popularity. Checking possible causes… Available heroic challenges? Milky Way Cookie: Choo choo… Passengers boarding the Dream Express, please proceed to the train… Machinelike Passenger: But the cosmos is full of danger! What if we encounter another space villain?! Milky Way Cookie: Oh, you don’t realize how right you are! In space, ANYTHING can happen to you! Milky Way Cookie: A simple train journey can lead you to events you haven’t seen… in your scariest dreams… He he… Milky Way Cookie: But don’t y’all fret! It will be just FINE! Wink! Milky Way Cookie: Treasures beyond imagination, exhilarating battles, enigmatic space travelers await! Fluffy Passenger: He he… I’m so thankful for an opportunity to travel! Milky Way Cookie: That’s the spirit! Happy travelers are… not-filing-a-complaint travelers…? Milky Way Cookie: Ahem… CHOO CHOO! Dream Express departing now! Milky Way Cookie: HURRY UUUUP! Or you’re gonna miss out on all the adventureeeees! Milky Way Cookie: After all, you’re not a real space traveler until you’ve completed a Dream Express voyage!
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Lamb’s Box: Baa… Lamb’s Box: Baaaa… Space Traveler: (You hear faint sounds of bleating coming from the box…) Space Traveler: (Huh. You could expect anything inside- a reward, for instance,- but not a lamb…) Space Traveler: (Let’s keep quiet to let the lamb fall asleep…) Lamb’s Box: Baaa… Zzzz Lamb’s Box: *snoring* Space Traveler: (Oh! A blue coin has rolled out of the box! Sweet dreams, lamb!)
Space Traveler: Phew! I didn’t expect to fight the king of another kingdom! Space Traveler: Seems like Dark Cacao Cookie has a lot of nightmares… Space Traveler: Can’t we just enjoy a peaceful sleep? We don’t need to fight!
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Bitter Toothpaste: Bitter! Oh how bitter! Chocolate, oh my dear chocolate! Bitter Toothpaste: My life without you is nothing but unpleasant bitterness! Bitter Toothpaste: You see, we’ve been separated by those jealous of our affection. Bitter Toothpaste: Please, spread the word of this woeful story to all corners of the galaxy! Bitter Toothpaste: All must know of our tragedy! Of our most unique flavor profile! Bitter Toothpaste: In return, I shall bless you with a spell of refreshment. Do you require anything?
My train needs repair…
Bitter Toothpaste: Train, be fixed! Spread the bitter word across the galaxy!
I’m space traveling. What do I NOT need?!
Bitter Toothpaste: Then have this. It will help you in your travels!
I want to become a better explorer!
Bitter Toothpaste: Feel the Energy of the Cosmos! Travel across the galaxy and learn!
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Space Mechanic: I’m a skilled space mechanic! I’m on dispatch duty today! Space Mechanic: Accidents with trains always happen far away from maintenance depot planets… Space Mechanic: You there! On the train! Is everything working as per factor specifications? Space Mechanic: NO? Well let me take a look! Free of charge! Space Mechanic: So… Space Mechanic: Please, make sure to perform regular maintenance checks in time! There’s only so much the mechanics can do when a train is… ruined.
Space Traveler: VICTORY! It was a tough battle, but we made it! No problem-o! Space Traveler: We must be pretty deep in to the galaxy! Definitely past the midpoint! Space Traveler: Alright! Let’s keep moving! Riches and fame await us!
Lamplighter Gnome: Doop-doopti-doo! You there! Do you know what you must do when the lights are on? Lamplighter Gnome: Turn them off! And what to do when they’re off? DOOP! Lamplighter Gnome: Turn them on! For such is the Cycle of Eternity. Lamplighter Gnome: Da-da-doo! You’re a space traveler, I see. Lamplighter Gnome: Ah, the excitement of exploring the vast uncharted…! I envy you, traveler. But I may not leave my lights. Lamplighter Gnome: So please, go! Explore in my name! Lamplighter Gnome: Eh… Perhaps, you need something from me?
My travel has been long and arduous…
Lamplighter Gnome: Here, have this! Looks like you need it more than me!
I need help with repairing my train.
Lamplighter Gnome: Then I will grant you the Blessing of the Lantern! It will help you with your broken train! Doop-da-doo-da!
I need strength to fight space villains! 
Lamplighter Gnome: Then I will grant you the Blessing of the Lantern! Strength is in high demand in space! Doop-da-doo-da!
I need safety in my travels!
Lamplighter Gnome: Then I will grant you the Blessing of the Lantern! Safe travels! Doop-da-doo-da!
I wish I didn’t get tired so easily…
Lamplighter Gnome: Then I will grant you the Blessing of the Lantern! May your travels always be full of joy! Doop-da-doo-da!
Can you help me improve my skills?
Lamplighter Gnome: Then I will grant you the Blessing of the Lantern! You will feel lighter momentarily!
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Light-bearing Conductor: ⭗⬛⬜▲⬜◯⚫◆⬜⭗~!! Space Traveler: (Huh? What’s that now?) Light-bearing Conductor: ⬛⬛◆! ⬛⚫△⭗~ Light-bearing Conductor: ☆~ ☆☆☆~! Space Traveler: (The surroundings become brighter as the conductor gets closer.) Space Traveler: (it feels nice when your environments are bright for once…)
Space Traveler: THAT wasn’t easy at all! Space Traveler: Whoah, so that’s who Milky Way Cookie gets to be working with! Space Traveler: Does this mean it will only get worse from now on…? Space Traveler: Better take extra caution going forward…!
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Galactic Fish: I didn’t eat anything… Yet I’m so full! Galactic Fish: Oh, how I wish I could break this curse and grow some meat on these dry bones… Galactic Fish: Ah, a new space traveler! Galactic Fish: I am just a poor fish, cursed by a dreadful space villain… Galactic Fish: Legend has it that a noble space traveler will be able to break my curse… Galactic Fish: This is why I bestow my blessing on every space traveler I meet! Galactic Fish: Ask and you shall receive!
I’m space traveling. What do I NOT need?! / My travel has been long and arduous…
Galactic Fish: Here, I’ll give you some Dream Coins! They’ll come in handy.
My train needs repair… / I need help with repairing my train.
Galactic Fish: Safety must come first! Have my blessing! The train should be able to take some more hits now.
I wish I didn’t get tired so easily…
Galactic Fish: Of course, of course! Have my blessing. This will help relieve your fatigue!
I need strength to fight space villains!
Galactic Fish: I shall grant thee power! May thou never tire!
Can you help me improve my skills?
Galactic Fish: Very well! With this blessing, you will become swifter than anyone!
Safety! Space is full of dangers…
Galactic Fish: Safety must come first! Have my blessing!
I want to deliver a fierce blow!
Galactic Fish: How exciting! Have my blessing, and no enemy will be able to stand in your way!
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Woeful Chocolate: Oh, woe is me…! My precious mint toothpaste… Where art thou?! Woeful Chocolate: Cruel fate broughtst us together only to do us part… Woeful Chocolate: Ah, why must I endure this prejudice-ridden universe? Those fools have no idea what a good taste is… Woeful Chocolate: O Traveler! Will thou bestow your blessings upon me and my dear mint toothpaste?! Woeful Chocolate: For only thy blessings will help us… Woeful Chocolate: In return, I shall grant you a wish… Speak!
I want to stay strong and energetic!
Woeful Chocolate: I shall grant through the blessing of energy! May thou never tire!
I want to deliver a fierce blow!
Woeful Chocolate: Yes… May thy strikes always be swift and fatal!
I need to defeat space villains once and for all!
Woeful Chocolate: May this blessing grant thou luck in battle! May thy armaments strike true as the light itself!
Can you make my journey less… scary? / I want to travel safely. / I need safety in my travels!
Woeful Chocolate: I will pray for thy safety! My blessing will protect thou in the face of danger!
Is there anything to help my friends? / Do you have anything for my friends?
Woeful Chocolate: Oh yes! Then I shall grant my blessing to thy companions, too.
I wish I could deliver a fierce blow! / I wish I could improve my skills!
Woeful Chocolate: Certainly, my friend! May thou always be cheerful and swift!
Space Traveler: Oof. Finally! We won! HA! Persistent, that one was. Space Traveler: Huh! Looks like this scary-looking magical device was not that strong after all! Space Traveler: We’re about to reach the core region of the galaxy! Space Traveler: We’ve come such a long way… Let’s make sure to reach the very end!
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Hello? Phone Booth: Ring-ring… Space Traveler: (You hear ringing coming from that phone booth… Shall we answer?) Hello? Phone Booth: Hello?! Hello! Phew…! Finally, someone answered my call! Hello? Phone Booth: I need the exact location of the phone booth! Hello? Phone Booth: Huh? In the middle of galactic nowhere?! How in the universe did it get there?! Hello? Phone Booth: Alright, thanks. I’ll be there as fast as I can. Hello? Phone Booth: Listen… Do you want anything in return? I’m kinda in your debt now…
My train needs repair…
Hello? Phone Booth: Don’t worry, friend! Hang up the phone, and your train will be as good as new! Ta-ta!
I’m space traveling. What do I NOT need?!
Hello? Phone Booth: Oho! Hang up the phone, and will get what you need! Ta-ta! Hello? Phone Booth: Clak! Space Traveler: (A blue coin rolled out of the coin slot. Looks useful!)
I want to become a better explorer!
Hello? Phone Booth: Super! May the Energy of the Cosmos be with you! Ta-ta!
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Amazing Bike: Ring-ring!!! GAH! Space Traveler: (You see a bicycle rider approaching you at an enormous speed. Then, suddenly, they stop.) Rider of the Void: You there! The front basket and the seat are full, but I can take you in the luggage compartment, if you want. Rider of the Void: Oh crumbs, you’re already on a train! Rider of the Void: Oh well. But if you ever wish for a free ride with a bunch of close friends… Nevermind! Green Fellow in the Basket: It’s a shame we can’t travel together! Crumbs… Rider of the Void: It hurt my feelings… But I’ll be just fine. Catch you later! Rider of the Void: It was nice meeting you here in the middle of nowhere. Listen, I’ve a gift for you. Need anything?
I need safety in my travels! / I want to travel safely! / I want to travel safely.
Green Fellow in the Basket: Boop! This will help you in the times of danger! So long!
I need strength to fight space villains! / I want to deliver a fierce blow! / I need power to fight space villains! / I want to get faster than light in battle!
Green Fellow in the Basket: An ambitious one, eh? I’ll make you stronger! Boop!
Do you have anything for my friends?
Green Fellow in the Basket: So you’re not traveling alone, eh? Here’s something for your friends! Boop!
I want to stay strong and energetic!
Green Fellow in the Basket: Aha! This will put you back in order in no time! Safe travels!
I wish to deliver a fierce blow!
Green Fellow in the Basket: Oh yeah! Hm, that would be… Ah! Yeah, that should do! Boop!
I need to defeat space villains once and for all!
Green Fellow in the Basket: Hmm… This will bring you luck in battle! Boop!
I wish I could improve my skills. / I wish I could improve my skills!
Green Fellow in the Basket: Hold on a sec! Here… boop! This will help you travel around just as fast as our bike!
I need power, for I don’t want to lose.
Green Fellow in the Basket: Can’t stand losing, eh? Well, here’s your strength! So long!
Space Traveler: Oh… OH…! Was that the… the Dark Vortex…? Space Traveler: Whoah! It’s just as powerful as rumored! We would’ve disappeared without a trace had we rushed in blindly! Space Traveler: Huh, it wasn’t just a regular Dark Vortex! Did you see the floating lumps of pink glaze? Space Traveler: Ha ha ha ha! We’ve made it out alive! No Dark Vortex can stop us! Space Traveler: WA HA HA! Let’s head back home! Now that we’ve got treasures and stories to share!
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