#ah yes make a bird but make it walk and actually really bad at flying
slimepone · 7 months
Chickens r so stupid. What was god thinkign when he madr them. I love them. ❤️…
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tsuki-sennin · 7 months
Episode 40 of HiroPre! A play wedding, how precious~! Now don't worry, despite initial worries about Toei making it weird, this is all above board and wholesome. Very wild of them to make this the episode there's a delay for though, but I guess life's just funny like that.
Spoilers, I guess...
-I see Sora likes BBC's Walking with Dinosaurs.
-Sagely studies~!
-Oh ye gods, weddings.
-Ohhhh, worldbuilding!
-An all night party following an announcement of engagement. Don't even need to dress up.
-Quite a fun time, actually, I wish weddings in our world were that easy. And it might just be you two up there next, Mashiron~!
-...I have to wonder how polygamy works up there.
-Y'know, now I've got much more PreCure knowledge accrued, I've noticed that the casts have gotten smaller over the years.
-It's not necessarily a bad thing, mind you! It certainly makes sense, as the teams get bigger you'll have less time to devote to big supporting casts, but this has a side effect of us feeling isolated to our heroes.
-We still have plenty of weirdos to go around in Hirogaru Sky, but having more of them stick around more often would be fun. How's Berryberie doing?
-Just sayin', we would've really benefited from a Masukomi, Kaoru, or even a Yuriko.
-Ah, the cake. All the motivation you need.
-Kinda like Booster in Mario RPG.
-Royal wedding, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
-I'm sorry Elle, I don't care how much cake we eat or how shiny your cardboard crown is, nothing can make me give a crap about a royal wedding. In my junior year of high school, people were really going wild for Harry and Meghan, and I had no idea who these people were so I just kinda had to sit there in the corner.
-I see Ageha disagrees.
-Tsubasa-kun, your bowtie is somehow a brighter red than your jacket's orange.
Ageha: You're doing great, boy~! Just think of the doves flying out~! Tsubasa: No talking during the ceremony!
-Best of friends!
-That was nice, wasn't it?
-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand there's the rub~!
-I have to hand it to Murase, Tsubasa sounds genuinely terrified here.
-I don't think Yoyo can officiate anything, so
-You should marry Mashiro twice over, Sora.
-I suppose it's not too surprising Elle could develop a crush on Tsubasa, considering he's like... the only boy she knows. Still though, I get why some people were put off by this.
-Frankly, I'm really surprised Toei haven't been doing a Dipper and Wendy ship tease thing with Tsubasa and Ageha. Thank god they haven't, by the way, that was always the worst part of Gravity Falls.
-I guess Toei knew that would be a little much, especially with the (quite understandable mind you) backlash Nozomi and Coco's relationship gets nowadays.
-Nightmare time.
-King Bitchin' Mustache can add Shotgun Papa to his list of titles.
-Even his own parents!
-He has been left comatose.
-That looks like quite a heavy book, I'm impressed she can carry it.
-It's always the simplest sentences coming from a kid that kill you, huh?
-Ladies and gentlemen, the bird boy is dead!
-Ageha appears.
-In the pursuit of great knowledge, one has neglected their friendship. A tale as tragic and old as time.
-That uh
-Might've been a good thing to let him in on earlier, Ageha.
-Skearhead appears.
-A wedding beast.
-Majesty leads our charge today.
-Skearhead's not even talking today!
-Oh, nevermind.
-Aaaaand she's caught!
-That Wing, ever gallant a knight and pal.
-Oh cool, team attack. Paralleling the cake cutting.
-Knighthood is much more fun than marriage.
-Friends and family forever!
-I'm... perplexed! I was expecting 24 minutes of mid cringe comedy, and got a fun and sweet exploration of these two characters' friendship instead on top of well executed cringe comedy. What a ripoff.
-I guess if I had to bitch about anything, I think having them talk as Wing and Majesty more would've been a fun way to tie the battle into their conflict.
-Speaking of which, the battle was pretty dang weak, they... absolutely could've done more with that. And why pick a church bell, Skearhead? Like, diegetically. In-universe. Watsonian argument. I usually don't mind this kinda thing, but like... a bell and a holly wreath are very specific imagery to just conjure up out of nowhere, but I think it'd make a lot more sense if Skearhead weren't just... seemingly slapped into the script because they needed a monster fight that episode.
-Like, Skearhead happens to see Elle and Tsubasa's play wedding and considers playing mind games by preying on Tsubasa's worries about the whole thing, or hell, even just wreaking havoc at someone else's wedding to draw out Pretty Cure would've been good enough for me.
-Anyways, forget all that, we're celebrating a harvest next time!
-Hi, this is Mashipan. I'm out looking at the fall colors. Please leave me a message, and I'll call you right back.
-Monda jumpscare.
-Business as usual, we see!
-See you next tiiiime, maybe!
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skellebonez · 3 years
Happy Birthday Winter!
Hey @winterpower98 it's your birthday! I really hope you enjoy this, I know I had a ton of fun writing it for you! Actor AU is one of my favorite AUs you've made and coming back to play around with it again was a blast and a half!
Painter MK cackled, taking the brushes filled with bright pink paint into his fists.
“Yes, yes!” He exclaimed, brushing them against his cheeks and bringing another to run up the center of his face. “The art is-OW! OW, THE ART IS IN MY EYE!”
“Cut!” The director yelled, bringing the entire film production to a halt in an instant. “Xiaotian, what happened?”
The young actor dropped the paintbrushes into the hands of a stage worker to rushed over to help him, one hand covering his right eye as he tried to keep himself from laughing. “I think some of it splashed when I waved the brush at my face. I guess the art really IS-”
“Don’t say it,” Heshang said from the other side of the set, doing his best not to join his co-star in laughter.
“-seeping into my pores!”
The entire cast and crew groaned as Xiaotian cackled again, with a few added ows, before another stage hand came by with a bottle of water.
“Uh…” Xiaojiao pulled, attempting to pull the prop sword from above her head out of the wall only to be met with… a lot more resistance than should probably be there. “UH…? It’s stuck?”
She stood, attempting to pull it out normally only to be met with just as much resistance.
“It’s stuck!” She laughed, out, bracing a foot on the wall with no change.
“Let me try,” General Ironclad, or rather Red in the costume of General Ironclad for the episode, offered, attempting to do the same with the exact same result as his co-star. “What did you use to hold this in place? Cement!?”
“It should have only been stuck in with force!” A stage hand yelled as Xiaotian and Heshang joined in, both failing to pull the sword out from the false wall and Heshang nearly toppling over backwards with his additional costume pieces.
“Whoever stuck that in there needs to be moved to making sure the safety equipment stays connected!” Xiaotian offered, watching as even more people tried to remove the sword. “That is not coming out.”
Heshang held Mo in his arms, waltzing around the set as he waited for places to be called for with the shockingly content feline in his arms.
“You are selling beautiful vegetables today?” Pigsy said, leaning over the the display to give an awkward smile to the disguised Spider Queen.
Tang looked over the produce from where he knelt, looking back up at his companion with a concerned and confused look. “Are you… a-are-PFT-FUCK.”
Everyone on set burst into laughter as Tang did, both of his fellow actors holding back from laughing themselves.
“Why is it this line!?” Tang yelled in frustration as he continued laughing. “It’s not a hard line! I wrote this line! Why do I keep laughing at the last word!?”
“Maybe if Ganglie wasn’t making goo-goo eyes at me you’d keep straight face,” Zhi-Zhu Jing managed to get out through her laughter.
“That’d be the only thing straight about me.”
Dicky Cheung, or the actual Sun Wukong disguised as a human actor in full costume of himself, took a running leap and jumped onto the counter of Pigsy’s noodles, sliding to a perfect stop with a wink toward the camera.
“MK, there’s something I wanted to tell you…” Mei said, looking at MK with sparkles in her eyes before snickering. “Stop looking at me like that, it’s hard enough to keep a straight face during this scene!”
“Sorry!” Xiaotian yelled to the camera. “I can’t help it! How are Jin and Yin this wrong about these two in the show?”
“Himbos!” was the shouted answer from Tang at the other end of the set.
“One of the rare talents that no one knew the great Sun Wukong possessed…” Xiaojiao said ominously, camera panning over to Mr. Cheung in full costume. “Surprisingly good peach juggling!”
“Gotta keep myself occupied somehow!” The actor laughed out, catching two peaches in either hand while the last one was caught perfectly in his mouth to the applause of everyone watching.
“Thanks for the Key los-AH!”
Red flung his arms wildly, key flying into the air as Tie Shan rushed forward and caught him just before he face planted into the ground.
“Mine!” Mr. Cheung yelled as he caught the key mid air and rushed through the frame.
“Thank you… for giving me all o-ooh, whoa!” Lui Er Mihou, or unbeknownst to nearly all Six-Eared Macaque in disguise much the same way as Sun Wukong was, yelped as the cable that was supposed to gently raise him and make him look like he was floating yoinked him as good 4 feet off the ground way too fast. “That’s too much power!”
“SORRY!” The line operator shouted, fiddling with the controls. “Someone loaded the weight setting for Xiaotian into your line instead of yours.”
“I already feel bad enough treating him like garbage and beating him up in this role, this is just rubbing salt in the wound,” Liu Er muttered, leaning back and swinging limply much to the amusement of everyone who couldn’t hear him before raising his voice. “When will my beloved friend Sun Wukong come to rescue me?”
Liu Er yelped in surprise as Mr. Cheung rushed in and grabbed him from beneath to hold him bridal style with a shit eating grin. He couldn't help the flush on his cheeks in response.
“HOW DO YOU KEEP SHOWING UP IN SHOTS WHEN YOU AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE YET!?” The director yelled with more than a little amusement in his voice despite the disruption.
“You!” DBK said, rounding on Red Son. “You have brought me nothing but failure! Time and time again! I keep telling you I… shit, I can’t remember the next line when you look that sad, I am so sorry.”
“Nothing but disappointment?” Red offered helpfully, immediately breaking out of his downcast somber gaze to the floor with a wide smile.
“It is scary how fast you get in and out of character sometimes, kid,” Niu Mowang laughed out, clearly resisting the urge to ruffle the younger actor’s hair lest he ruin the styling job that took far too long every time they got dressed.
The White Bone Spirit stood at the entrance to the Silken Web Cave, looking at the camera before far too much time passed from when she was supposed to say he line. She moon walked backwards out of the frame without changing her expression one bit as the other actors devolved into cackles.
“The Year of the Spider starts tonight!” Spider Queen proclaimed from her high vantage point before she muttered something under her breathe, narrowing her gaze and then looking off to the side. “Or next year ‘cause I don’t remember my line.”
Huntsman slowly lowered into frame, upside down and gripping the rigging holding him up like Spiderman.
“Oh yeah?” Sun Wukong said, appearing in frame as he walked down the wall MK was embedded in. He grabbed his staff, yanking it out of the wall and jumped down and smacked the wall with it.
… only for it to go through the wall once again and crack it. Or, rather, the false wall that was on a tilted angle to make it look like he was talking down it, rather than a heavily slanted floor.
“I’m sorry!” Mr. Cheung yelled, looking at the damage he caused. “I must have hit at weak spot!”
He hoped no one noticed that when MK offered to get the prop staff for this shot and put it into the wall… he grabbed the real one by accident.
Nui Mowang held the little bird that was Wukong’s transformation stand in for one of the final scenes, gently petting the little head with a big goofy smile on his face.
The entire cast sat around on various travel tables right outside the small Lunar New Year Festival set they had set up, various extras that had answered the open invitation for the shoot going about and getting the free food that was available at the functional stalls provided by the catering they had hired.
It was an odd sight to see Red Son and Spider Queen and Sun Wukong and everyone else sitting around together, but Liu Er Mihou being there outside of his Macaque costume broke the illusion a little bit.
It was the final day of shooting for the season 2 opening special to Monkie Kid, Revenge of the Spider Queen, and everyone was there. Even people who didn’t have to come in wanted to give a temporary farewell to Tie Shan, Nui Mowang, and Red before season 2 proper began shooting. There was still a chance they could bebcalled in for bit roles, the scripts weren’t entirely finished yet, but as far as anyone knew the Demon Bull Family wasn’t going to be returning properly any time soon.
Maybe in season 3, Tang had teased, holding the begun scripts for that in his little tablet away from prying eyes. And they were always welcome to help out in bit roles, background characters or voice over or to use their other talents to work other jobs that were needed around the set.
But even before then it would be a while.
And so that’s how Red found himself sandwiched between Long Xiaojiao and Qi Xiaotian, with the newly added member of their quartet in her full White Bone Spirit costume hanging over his shoulder to watch the compilation that Xiaojiao had expertly edited on her phone for them all.
“The director gave me permission to use whatever I wanted and I though that… maybe we could all have it for ourselves,” Xiaojiao offered, pulling up the wireless transfer option on her phone. “To watch when we miss each other being on set together. I know we’re going to probably be back together with Red Son eventually! But…”
“I’ll miss shooting with you too,” Red said smiling softly as he pulled out his own phone to accept the file. “Hopefully Mr. Tang isn’t just teasing us about season 3.”
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mitta-likes-moths · 2 years
Hey there, I was wondering if you have any miniforce headcanons? If not, that’s cool, happy Valentine’s Day btw
*in the distance you hear cheers and what sounds like screams of happiness, although you’re not very sure. It seems they’re circling back to you!*
any ways- *evil laughter*
-Out of all of them, Max and Lucy are the tallest, Sammy being the shortest
-Max is 0”10
-Lucy is 0”9
-Volt is 0”7
-Sammy is 0”6.5
-It’s not super noticeable but when Volt wants to agitate him he’ll make some short jokes, that usually gets him riled up enough to take whatever challenge or dare was mentioned
-They’re all really strong
-Like come on, academy training and the fact Sammy used to be able to fly gives obvious hints they’re all stronk
-At one point when Sammy was insulting someone he said something along the lines of their head being more hollow than his bones (that’s been in my head for too long)
-This is the exact reason he can jump so high
-When Volt gets spooked or something his tail gets really poofy
-The group regularly picks up Sammy because of how short and light he is, he doesn’t even fight it at this point, he has accepted it as part of his life
-Lucy is the queen at Mario Kart but she doesn’t play it often because it gets kind of boring when you win every time
-By herself at least, beating her is basically a flex and it’s fun to hear the other’s reactions while playing while somehow avoiding sabotage, irl and in game
-Though she is queen of Mario Kart, Sammy is the king of drifting, even when he has been affected by a mini mushroom he will still somehow drift like a god (teach me your ways)
-Despite obviously bad with fast vehicles Volt still chooses the fastest option thinking he’ll win this time
-He doesn’t, but at one point he actually chose a different vehicle and cried happy tears when he got 4th place
-Max is pretty good at it but he and Lucy are the best at accepting defeat, it’s just a never ending competition with the everyone else
-Owl pellets
-Sammy will pull out a bucket at any given moment and puke out an owl pellet and set it off to the side
-Speaking of, he puts any food with bones into his mouth whole and puke out said owl pellet later on, but this doesn’t happen THAT often
-Max is a closeted vocaloid fan
-He can also do a perfect Peppy impression and Volt will occasionally ask him to say “Do a barrel roll!”
-He subconsciously says this out loud at any given moment
-He once saw a small stream and was just in his head, absolutely not, and chucked dirt on the spot
-He came home with a dirty tail and a dirty tail only
-He also has a big fear of spiders, the spider mechon only sort of resembled one which is why he wasn’t scared
-Leo, Lucy, and Sammy are the bug handlers of the group
-Pascal would make an amazing dad and I will fight you on this, it doesn’t matter whether he kidnapped the child or not
-This is canon, but they will all throw hands with a stranger for each other
-Gender is irrelevant and dorms at the miniforce training academy were based purely off of personality and such
-What birds lack in as much endurance as other animals due to hollow bones, they make up for exponentially in speed, agility, and etc.
-The group has physically asked Susie what a gender was and were confused at the fact they wear clothes 24/7
-Animals have non anthro forms as well as their anthro forms that we commonly see in the show, it’s just an ability that not many animals know about anymore
-There are animals that do live with humans and we just don’t see it in the show except for the main four
-Sammy is multilingual, he knows Cambodian, Spanish, asl, etc.
-Susie’s last name is Agnello
-Sammy is insecure about his laugh and dancing skills, part of the reason he doesn’t do either very often
-Even though they’re both awesome
-The crew on tv is the equivalent to Elmo on rove
-Once when Volt was aggressively bargaining, again, Sammy said something along the lines of, “ah yes bargaining, the third stage of grief”
-Sammy walks really quietly, he’s scared a lot of people on accident and maybe on purpose but you didn’t hear that from me
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Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Chapter 3
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ー The scene starts on Glimmer Main Street
Subaru: Haah...What will that old geezer make us do next?
Yui: Based on what we had to do yesterday...I’m fairly sure today’s task will be a challenge as well.
ー An old lady walks past them
Yui: ( Hm...? )
Female Vampire E: Haah...This is bad...
Yui: ( That old lady looks troubled by something...? I wonder what happened? )
→ Reach out (☾)
Yui: Um, excuーー 
Subaru: Oi.
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: You’re not gonna talk to her, are you?
Yui: Eh? ...That was the plan though...
Subaru: You know the situation we’re in, right? We have somewhere to go, remember.
Yui: That’s true, but...I can’t just ignore it when there’s someone in need right before me...
Subaru: A person in need, you say...?
...Haah, fine. Be my guest.
...Seems like you’re still the literal definition of a kind soul.
→ Walk past her
Yui: ( I’d love to help but...We don’t really have the time for that right now... )
Subaru: Hm? Oi, what’s wrong? Let’s get going already.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
Female Vampire E: Haah...What am I going to do?
Yui: ( ...Uu... )
( I can’t just turn a blind eye to someone in need after all...! ) 
ー Yui runs over to the lady
Yui: Um...Is something the matter, Ma’am?
Female Vampire E: Aah...Miss. Well, I seem to have dropped my dear handkerchief...
Yui: I see. I’ll help you look for it!
Subaru: Geez...Guess I have no other choice...
Yui: ( Looking for a handkerchief might be more tricky than I thought... )
Subaru: Oi, it’s not over here.
Yui: Yeah...I haven’t found it yet either.
( I wonder if it got blown away by the wind...? ーー Ah! )
Couldn’t it be the thing stuck on that bench over there!?
Female Vampire E: Oh dear! It is!
Subaru: Haah...You finally found it? Then hurry up and graーー 
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: Ah...!
( A bird...! )
Subaru: Hey! Wait!
*Flap flap flap*
Yui: ( It flew away with the handkerchief in its beak... )
Subaru: Che...It’s sittin’ on a rooftop... 
Yui: ...I’ll go look for a ladder...!
Subaru: Aah, wait. The idea of you using a ladder is way too risky, I don’t think I could handle it.
...Haah. I’ll go grab it, so just stay put here, ‘kay?
I don’t need a ladder to reach that high...It literally takes one second if I fly.
ー Subaru leaps up into the air
Yui: ...Ah, Subaru-kun...
Subaru: ...Here you go. This’ll do, right?
Yui: ( Ah, in Subaru-kun’s hand is...! )
Female Vampire E: Yes, this is it! Thank you so much, you two. 
This handkerchief truly means a lot to me...So you helped me out immensely. Thank you so much. 
Yui: ( She seems very happy. I’m glad I reached out for her! )
Yui: Ah...Sorry we got a bit sidetracked, Subaru-kun...But still, thanks.
Subaru: ...Haah. You baffle me every time with how much of a goodie-two-shoes you are...
...But well...If you don’t mind that, I won’t stop you either.
Yui: Sure...?
( Usually he’d call me out on that kind of behavior...I wonder what has gotten into him today? )
Subaru: Anyway, we’re done now, right? Let’s go.
ー The scene shifts to Rubien canal
Gondolier A: ーー Off we go!
Yui: ( ...Today’s task involves retrieving a certain crystal from an abandoned mine inside a volcano. )
( ...Sounds like quite the struggle... )
Subaru: Oi, what was your problem earlier?
Yui: Eh? What do you mean?
Subaru: You seemed surprised after I said ‘let’s go’, remember? I’m referrin’ to that.
Yui: Ah...
( When we were told we have to head to a volcano today... )
( I was sure Subaru-kun would protest, but he just immediately responded with ‘let’s go’... )
Ah...Right. Please don’t get mad when I say this but...
I figured you wouldn’t like the idea of having to go all the way to a volcano.
However, you immediately rolled with it, hence why I was a little surprised...
Subaru: ...Hmph.
...Everyone has different things they consider valuable, regardless of whether others feel the same way, right? 
I finally understood that.
Yui: ...?
Subaru: Take that clown mask the old geezer wanted, for example. 
Or the handkerchief that old lady was lookin’ for.
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: Also...I’m sure that from an outsider’s perspective...What you mean to me...
Would fall under that same category as well, right?
Yui: ...
( How sneaky of him to suddenly say such things... )
( It’s embarrassing but...I feel as if my love for him has only grown. )
ー The scene shifts to the lake
Gondolier A: We’ve arrived at Tilkeys lake!
Yui: ( Phew...Seems like we’ve reached our destination. )
( Now we just have to head towards the volcano up ahead. )
Subaru: Haah...We’re finally here, huh...?
Yui: I thought you’d suggest we’d fly here instead of taking the gondola.
Subaru: Yeah...That thought crossed my mind as well, but I might need to save my energy for later, no?
Yui: ( Fufu...Seems like Subaru-kun is taking these tasks much more serious now. )
ー The two of them start walking
Yui: If I recall correctly, there should be a volcano on the other side of the water, right?
Subaru: That’s what the old geezer told us.
Yui: In that case, let’s just keep on walking straight aheaーー
ー The people around them grow restless
Yui: ...
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( It caught my attention earlier but there sure are a lot of couples around this lake... )
( I guess it can’t be helped since it seems to be a tourist attraction... )
T-There’s quite a few couples, huh...?
Subaru: Che...They’re annoyin’...
Yui: ( However, we can’t get to the volcano if we don’t go past them... )
Subaru: Oi, Yui.
ー Subaru suddenly pulls her close
Yui: Wah...!
( He pulled me close...!? )
Subaru: We won’t stand out if we walk like this, right?
Yui: P-Probably not but...It’s embarrassing...!
Subaru: From their point of view, we’re...no different from them, you know.
Don’t let it bother you. Let’s go.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
ー The scene shifts to the entrance of the mine
Yui: Ah, seems like we can get inside through there.
Street vendor: ーー One second, you two.
Subaru: Ah?
Street vendor: You’re going inside?
Subaru: What if we are?
Street vendor: Oh no...But if you do, you better take one of these with you.
Yui: Are those...marshmallows...?
Um...Why do we need marshmallows to enter the volcano?
Street vendor: ...You see, there’s a certain tale being told around these parts...
Yui: A tale...
ーー What we were told afterwards,
was the sad tale,
regarding this Smaragd volcano.
In the past...Due to the many mining resources,
available in this area,
mining for minerals flourished. 
On a fateful day, one of the miners,
fell in love with a Wraith (2),
who lived in the underground lake.
A Wraith and a Vampire,
made somewhat of an odd duo,
but to be able to live alongside her,
the man tricked a female Vampire,
and offered her body to the Wraith.
Why, you might ask? ...Per tradition,
Wraiths are not allowed to leave the place they were born,
unless they take control of the body of another being.
If they try and leave,
they will simply fade away.
Despite the many unfamiliarities which came with it,
 the two of them lived happily.
While living amongst Vampires,
the only thing the Wraith grew fond of...
were marshmallows. 
their happiness was short-lived.
One day,
the original owner of the body she had possessed,
regained her consciousnessーー 
And killed the man.
Shaking with anger,
the Wraith killed the woman, who had been her vessel,
before vanishing herself.
To this day, the man’s spirit,
continues to look for the Wraith they once loved,
wandering around inside this volcano...
The fellow Wraiths,
as if they chose to carry on their lost comrade’s legacy,
have also taken a liking to marshmallows...
Yui: ...
( I had no idea this volcano is linked to such a sad story... )
Subaru: Hmph. In other words, if we run into one of those Wraiths, we just have to give them these as a snack?
I bet it’s just some urban legend, right? Ridiculous...
ー Subaru walks away
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun, wait...!
( It might just be a made-up story but... )
Um...Excuse me? Could I get some marshmallows while I’m here, please?
Street vendor: Of course. I’ll pray you don’t run into any Wraiths. 
Yui: Thank you very much.
( Okay. I have to go after Subaru-kun...! )
ー The scene shifts to the inside of the mine
Yui: ( Where did he run off to...? )
( I don’t think he could be that far ahead... )
Subaru: ーー I knew it.
Yui: Wah! Subaru-kun!?
Geez...It gives me a heart attack when you appear out of nowhere like that...
Subaru: Knowing you, I bet you bought some marshmallows first before coming inside of here?
I figured that might be the case, so I waited for you here.
Yui: I-I see...
Subaru: You actually believe that story from earlier?
It’s just some obvious sales trick (3) to try and get us to buy his marshmallows, no?
Yui: It might be but...You know, better be safe than sorry...Right?
Subaru: ...Haah.
Whatever. Let’s just look for that crystal now.
Yui: He told us it glimmers and lights up, right?
Subaru: Yeah...According to the old geezer, we might find it by searching this rock surface.
Seems like they’ve conveniently got the mining tools all laid out for us.
Subaru: I’ll use this to chip away at the wall so you look for the crystal.
Yui: Yeah, I’ll try my best!
Subaru: Haah...haah...
Yui: ( Hm...We’ve been searching for quite some time now... )
( But it doesn’t seem like we’ll find it any time soon... )
( On top of that... )
( Perhaps I’m paranoid after listening to that story from earlier but...For some reason, this place really gives me the creeps. )
???: Fufu...Ufufufu...
Yui: ...Who’s there...?
ー A strong gust of wind blows
Yui: ( There’s nobody... )
( Am I just hearing things...? But I could have sworn someone was there... )
Subaru: Oi, what’s wrong?
Ah...Subaru-kun...For some reason, this place has been creeping me out...
Subaru: ...Well, this isn’t the most fun place to be at.
Yui: Yeah...
Subaru: ...Let’s take a small break. You brought some food with you, right?
Yui: Ah...Yes! I got us some sandwiches on the way.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...Here, this one’s yours!
Subaru: Yeah...Thanks.
Yui: Phew...That hit the spot.
( While the location is somewhat unsettling, this feels like we’re having a picnic together, it’s honestly kind of fun...! )
...I should have brought dessert with me as well.
Subaru: Ah? But we do, don’t we?
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: You got them at the entrance earlier, didn’t you? ...Those marshmallows.
Yui: You’re going to eat those!? I think it’d be better if we have those on hand just in case a Wraith shows up...
Subaru: Oh come on, I’ve been tellin’ you that crap is just some urban legend, haven’t I?
Yui: You think so...?
( But well...I guess it’s better to eat them than to have to end up throwing them away... )
Hold on...
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Oi, what’s wrong?
Yui: I can’t seem to find them...
Subaru: Hm...Didn’t you drop them somewhere?
Yui: ...
( Don’t tell me...Did a Wraith actually take them...? )
( In that case, I’m glad I bought some just like that person advised us to... )
Subaru: ...What’s wrong? Did you want to eat marshmallows that badly?
Yui: Ah...No. That’s not it, but...
( I’ll just keep this to myself... )
( It’s not like I have concrete proof that they were taken by a Wraith... )
( If the story we were told is true, it might be best to just quietly let it pass. )
Subaru: ...? You weirdo. Whatever. We should get back to work soon.
Subaru: ...Haah...!
Yui: Subaru-kun, how are things looking on your end...?
Subaru: No luck...I did find this rare-looking gem instead though.
But it’s not the one that old geezer wants...
Here, it’s this one.
Yui: Waah, it’s so pretty.
( It changes color depending on the angle! Wow...! )
( But this isn’t what we’re looking for... )
Subaru: ...
Yui: ( Subaru-kun has been staring at the gem in his hand this whole time, it seems. )
...Fufu, I see no harm in taking it home with us to remember this day?
It doesn’t look like the type of gemstone you’d find every day!
Subaru: Y-Yeah...Good point.
Yui: So...What are we going to do now...?
( We can’t just keep on aimlessly searching around forever... )
???: Fufu...Ufufufu...
Yui: ...!
( That voice just now...It’s the same one I heard earlier...! )
( Are there really Wraiths living here...? Oh no, we’re all out of marshmallows too... )
Subaru: ...What was that voice just now?
Yui: You noticed as well...?
Subaru: Yeah. I could hear it from behind us.
Yui: Yeah...Let’s try heading into that direction.
ー They follow the voice
Subaru: ...Around here, maybe...?
Now that you mention it, I did read this one fairytale from the Demon World when I was a kid...
In one of those stories, their dog barked to mark a location and they found a treasure buried underneath.
Does that ring a bell?
Yui: Eh? Y-Yeah...It’s a famous story after all... (4)
Subaru: This might just be...a similar case...!
...Let’s try diggin’ here.
Subaru: ...Ugh...!
Yui: Ah! Subaru-kun, look!! Couldn’t it be that one over there...!?
Subaru: You’re right..It’s blue in color just like that old geezer said...
Yui: Waah! Thank god we were able to find it!
Subaru: Haah...Geez, finally...
But...Well, I guess it was worth goin’ through all the trouble...
Yui: Yes.
( Hm...? Then the Wraith’s voice from earlier...? Could she have been trying to thank us for the marshmallows...? )
Subaru: We were able to find the crystal, so I guess we should leave now.
Yui: Good idーー
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Aah...?
Yui: What was...that sound...?
*Flap flap*
Yui: Eh...An eagle...!?
Subaru: Haah!? Where did it come from!? ...Wait, fuck...It’s comin’ our way...!
Subaru: ...! Watch out...!!
Yui: Are you okay!?
( ...Did it target the gem in Subaru-kun’s hand just now...? )
Subaru: Oi oi...Are you after this gemstone perhaps...?
We went through hell and back to find it, so no way I’m handin’ it over!
Let’s make a run for it!
ー The two of them start running
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Che...It’s comin’ after us again!
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun! There’s a rail cart over there...!
Subaru: Guess we have to use that to get out of here...!
ー They head towards the rail cart.
Subaru: Oi, hold onto this crystal.
Yui: Yeah...!
( I’ll put it in my pocket so I don’t drop it... )
Subaru: Kuh...
*Rattle rattle*
Subaru: Awesome, it’s runnin’!
Is that eagle still comin’ after us?
*Flap flap*
Yui: Yeah...Seems like it set its sights on this gem after all...
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Che...That fuckin’ geezer! He didn’t mention this...!
*Flap flap*
Yui: Ah...! Subaru-kun, watch out...!
Subaru: Fuck...! Oi, you stay down. Don’t you dare raise your head!
Yui: Y-Yeah...
*Flap flap*
Subaru: Che...You persistent pest! Buzz off!
Yui: Subaru-kun! Don’t push yourself too much...!
Subaru: Yeah, I know...! ...Uwoh...!? 
Yui: Eh...!?
( The eagle...Grabbed hold of him...!? )
Subaru: ...Kuh...Oi...Let go of me...!!
Subaru: ...Ugh!!
Yui: Ah...!!
Subaru: Yui...!!
Yui: No way...Subaru-kun!?
( Subaru-kun fell inside the ravine...!! I have to go save him...But what can I...? )
*Rumble rumble*
Yui: W-What now...!? The ground’s rumbling...?
Yui: Eh...!?
( The wagon’s tilted to the side...At this rate it’ll fall...!? )
ー She falls down
Yui: ( Oh no...At this rate, I won’t even live to get my heart back... )
( ... )
Subaru: ーー Yui!
Yui: ( Eh...? )
Yui: ( My body is...floating...? )
Subaru: You’re fine now! Hang on tight!
Yui: Yeah...!
ー The scene shifts to a cave
Yui: Haah, haah...
We made it out...unharmed somehow...?
Subaru: Yeah...Seems like it.
Yui: ( But...Where are we? It looks like a cave of some sorts... )
( What’s happening...!? I can barely...breathe...!? ) 
Subaru: Che...Seems like we fell pretty far down...
We have to get out of here before you suffocate to death...!
ー The scene shifts to the underground lake
Subaru: Haah...Oi, are you okay...?
Yui: Just barely...!
( So there’s a lake underground... )
Subaru: Oi, you still have the gem on you, right?
Yui: Yeah, don’t worry. I’ve got it.
Subaru: Perfect...Let’s get out of here at once then.
I don’t want to stay here any longer and run into trouble again.
Then afterwards...
...Don’t ever leave my side again, ‘kay? Who knows what waits ahead of us.
Yui: Yeah...!
*Rumble rumble*
Subaru: ...Hold up. Something’s...comin’...
Yui: ( This sound...Could it be the rumbling of the ground again...!? )
Subaru: ...Water...!?
Yui: Ah...The quakes from earlier might be what is causing the lake to flood...
Subaru: Che...It’s just one problem after the other...!
ー The water flows their way
Yui: Kyaah!?
( We’re being swept away..!? )
Subaru: Oi, hold onto me!!
Subaru: Don’t you dare let go of my hand!
Yui: ( We...made it out alive...? )
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Yui: Cough...cough...
Subaru: Oi...Are you alright?
Yui: Ah...Yes. I swallowed a little water, but I don’t seem to have any injuries.
I’m sure it’s because you protected me.
Subaru: H-Haah!? The fuck are you sayin’...!?
Yui: Eh? ...What do you mean? You proteーー
Subaru: Aah, shut up! Not another word!
Yui: ( Ah...Subaru-kun looked away... )
But it’s really all thanks to you that I was able to safely make it back out.
Thank you for saving me.
Subaru: ...
Yui: ...We ran into several problems but...
It’s good we got out safe and sound, right?
Subaru: There’s nothin’ good ‘bout this shit. Honestly...We went through hell and back.
I don’t wanna go through that ever again.
Yui: Fufu...I agree.
Subaru: Anyway...Let’s go to the old geezer’s place already.
I’m gonna snap if he calls us out on takin’ too long again.
ー Subaru nearly trips
Subaru: ...
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun, are you okay...!?
Subaru: I just felt a little shaky in my step. Don’t worry ‘bout it.
Don’t be worryin’ ‘bout someone else when you’re totally worn out yourself.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( Even if he says that, I can’t help but be concerned... )
Yui: ( Nn... )
ー Yui wakes up in the hotel room
Yui: ( Huh...? Where am I...? This isn’t...the anitque shop, right...? The hotel room...? )
( I remember heading from the lake towards the antique shop together with Subaru-kun... )
Subaru: Nn...Ahー Fuck...My muscles sore...
Wait...Hah? Why are we at the hotel...!?
Yui: ( Thank god...Seems like Subaru-kun has woken up as well. )
Say, I wonder how we made it back here?
Subaru: Who knows...I can only remember up until the point we left for the old geezer’s place.
Yui: ( I guess Subaru-kun’s in the same boat, huh...? ...Hm? )
Yui: ( Oh? There’s a note on the bedside table... )
Subaru: What’s that? A note? Give me that for a sec.
ーー The requested gemstone has been successfully retrieved. 
Make sure to get plenty of rest today so you’re ready for the final task tomorrow.
...Furthermore, next time I find you two passed out in front of my store, I’m throwing you out on the sidewalk like that so you have been warned. 
...That’s what it says.
Yui: Ah...I see...We must have collapsed in front of the store.
Subaru: Geez...Who’s fault does he think that is!?
Fuck...! That older geezer needs to watch his words...!
Haah...I’m gonna sleep. You should rest up soon as well. Tomorrow’s the last day after all.
Yui: Yeah, I will.
( Today sure was something else but...I had fun. )
Translation notes
(1) 話 or ‘hanashi’ is more of a general term which simply means ‘talk’ or ‘story’. However, given the contents of the story, I thought ‘tale’ was a fitting term in English. 
(2) A Wraith is a type of ghost or spirit, originally from Scottish Folklore. They are said to be the embodiment of souls who are either on the verge of death, or who have recently passed on.
(3) 子供騙し or ‘kodomo-damashi’ literally means a trick/trap only children would fall for.
(4) I did a quick google search and Subaru is mostly referring to the Japanese folklore tale: Hanasaka Jiji. 
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
Safety Net
Part 1
Day 7: Betrayal @maribatmarch-2k21
Ao3 *** Here *** Part 2 *** Part 3 *** Part 4 *** Part 5
Betrayal is not a word to be used lightly.
In fact it should never be used.
Not when describing your family, much less yourself.
"Again" A rough voice shouted. They got into position.
"Again? Really?" a distant memory, a voice sounded in their mind. "Don't you want a break?"
"Nuh-uh. Again!"
"Okay. 1, 2, 3, Fly," she soared through the air, "got you."
Giggles exploded from her lips.
"Now 1, 2, hold" she grabbed the bar while he was holding her ankles. "Ready?" he asked knowing the answer.
"Okay," he let go, "1, 2, and jump!"
She flew and landed on the platform, "Again Dickie, Again." she jumped up and down shouting across the way to her brother.
"Next set!" the cold voice shattered the memory. "Up high no safety."
No safety net was under them, but that didn’t stop mom and dad flying through the air as as if they had wings. As it was more natural for Graysons to fly than to walk, until those wings snapped.
Gasps and held breaths. Pulled into a bone crushing hug unable to turn their heads. But they knew, they knew what just happened.
They knew that if they turned they would see two lifeless bodies crumpled on the ground. They knew that they would never fly again. That their small flock was even smaller now than just a moment before.
A flurry of attacks, dodge, kick, throw.
A flurry of reporters, of officers, of social workers. Being tossed from one to another, back and forth outcast and hurt beyond understanding.
"Well done Grayson, we are truly fostering your potential." The voice complimented, but it fell on deaf ears. “You are excused.” They nodded robotically and turned on their heel.
"I won't go to that foster home, not without my twin sister." Dick shouted.
"Please!" Marinette pleaded. "We are the only family the other has left."
"Alright I'll try. But most families only want one child not two. On top of that you two are older, making it even less likely."
The two nodded as Madame left.
"I promise we won't be separated." he hugged his sister.
"Your stuck with me like glue." she hugged him back.
"Promise?" he held out his pinkie.
"Pinky Promise." as she held out hers.
That night, they slipped out of bed to get water when they heard voices from the entry hall.
"Please Sir if you wish to meet the children you must come back tomorrow. It is already late."
"No need for formalities, I only want my niece and nephew."
They peaked over and saw Uncle Lincoln March.
'Who's that mom?' they asked.
'That is your Uncle Lincoln March. He always brings trouble with him, an entire court actually. His only good quality is he never breaks a promise.'
Their breath caught, but instead of dropping the cup they gripped it harder. A shadow of motion flashed and a dark figure loomed over them, pushing them into the hall.
"Ah if it isn't my sweet little niece." He smiled but his tone was cold and demanding.
"Hello," she responded calmly, resolve unshaken.
"I hope my friend there didn't scare you too bad."
"No Sir, I am perfectly fine." she was the picture of calm, while Madame seemed ready to faint.
"How would you and your brother like to come live with me?"
"I'll go, but," she looked him in the eyes. "You and the whole court stay away from Dickie." her resolve unfaltering.
He considered it a moment before he began to laugh, a full belly laugh that made the hairs on her neck stand.
"One will do. Kill her." he motioned to the figure behind her.
"What?!" Madame yelped and then went quiet, falling to the ground.
"I promise you Marinette, I nor anyone from the court of owls will go after your brother. So long as you obey our rules." The silent threat of the words clear.
"Understood, Sir." came her response.
She was now back at her quarters. The memories still felt fresh even after years. Its been two years maybe three but it still hurts. The hot water of the shower felt like needles on her skin, but she knew it would conceal the trails of tears that silently slid down her face.
“You’ll catch me me off slip right?” She asked her brother.
“Of course Nettie, but only if you catch me too.” He responded in kind.
“Then I’m your safety net-tie” a cheeky grin on her face, the two broke out in a fit of laughter.
I'm sorry Dickie.
I broke our promise.
I betrayed your trust.
But I don't regret doing it.
Since I am your safety net.
Because at least you are free from this place.
Free to fly like a bird in the open sky.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha
160 notes · View notes
jaehyunfirstlove · 3 years
Fly away with me...
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Pairing: Jaehyun x f. reader
Genre: meet-cute, fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, smut (18+ only)
Warnings: aerophobia (fear of flying), mentions of anxiety, panic attacks, death, afterlife, unprotected sex
Word count: 2.8k
Taglist: @jaehyunnie77 (send me a message if you want to be tagged in future fics)
A/N: this came out of a conversation between me and @jaehyunnie77​ :) Hope you like it!
Your palms were sweating.
The uber driver chattered the whole way to the airport, and you wished you could’ve paid attention but your mind kept going over all the ways the flight could go wrong. It’s not that you hadn’t ever flown before, you had, except you were a kid the last time and therefore too young to understand all the different ways it could end in disaster.
“... we’re here.” 
You snapped out of it long enough to realize the car had stopped, and the driver was regarding you with an exasperated expression.
“Ah, yes, we’re here,” you repeated, but made no move to get out of the car. He sighed.
“Miss, I have another ride waiting,” he motioned to a person standing outside the car with their luggage in tow. You sighed heavily, and got out of the car reluctantly.
“Have a safe flight!” the driver called out as you closed the car door, and oh how you wished for the same thing.
You watched the clock ticking towards your flight with a sense of dread, with every minute your heart beat faster, your palms clammy with sweat. You wrung your hands, pacing in the terminal while everyone else sat calmly waiting for their flights. 
How could they be so calm? You thought to yourself, wishing you had even an ounce of their resolve. You were practicing your breathing exercises when the dreaded announcement came over the loudspeaker.
“Flight 127, now boarding.”
You panicked, your heart beating out of your chest. You spun around frantically, in a confused delirium, stopping when you started to feel lightheaded. You could hear people speaking around you but you couldn’t make out what they were saying. Finally, your eyes focused and there was someone standing in front of you, the sunlight streaming into the windows framing his head like a halo. His hand was outstretched towards you, and when you looked at his face he was the most beautiful person you had ever seen.
I must be dead, you thought, he must be an angel
“Are you okay?” he certainly sounded like an angel, his voice like warm honey. You welcomed death if this was what lay in store for you. You smiled just as he reached for you, and then your world went black.
Your hearing came back first, and the first thing you heard was birds chirping. You opened your eyes, momentarily blinded by the rays of sunlight peeking through the leaves in the tree above you.
I’m in heaven, you thought, that’s interesting
“Oh, you’re awake,” someone’s face came into your vision, and you recognized him as the angel from the terminal. It warmed your heart that he had accompanied you to the afterlife, and you smiled at him in gratitude. “How are you feeling?”
“Perfectly fine,” you replied, because you thought you were. Except that when you tried to sit up, your head spun like a top.
“Easy,” the angel held you up by your shoulders, looking with concern into your eyes, “you fainted back there, just take it slow for now.”
Your short term memory suddenly caught up to you, and you remembered the events that had transpired to bring you to your current state.
“Ah, right,” you rubbed your head in embarrassment, suddenly aware that he wasn’t an angel, just a complete stranger who had helped you when you fainted. You looked around at your surroundings in confusion, very aware now that you were no longer in the airport. “Um, where are we?”
“A doctor examined you and said you’d be okay, that you’d probably just need some air, so I brought you out here. It’s a park across from the airport.” He pointed across the street and sure enough you saw planes taking off, thankful that you weren’t on any of them.
“Oh. Well, thanks. You didn’t have to do all that.” You were grateful of course, but you felt bad that he had gone to all that trouble for you, probably missing his own flight in the process. He just smiled, and you noticed the most adorable dimples emerge on his face.
“It’s not a problem. I couldn’t just leave you lying on the floor like that.” He replied, and in that moment he really did resemble an angel. His hair fluttered softly in the breeze, the smile on his face reaching his eyes. He wore a white button-down shirt that almost glowed in the bright sun, setting off the smoothness of his skin. You wanted to stop staring but your eyes wouldn’t obey you.
“Well, um, I’m sure you have things to do? I hate that I took up so much of your time.” You sat up carefully as he watched you, but as soon as you were upright and feeling better, your stomach suddenly grumbled. You clutched it in embarrassment, but he only laughed.
“Listen, why don’t you let me help you get some food somewhere, and if you still want me to leave I definitely will. Deal?” he held out his hand, eyes wide, eyebrows raised. You couldn’t help yourself, you took his hand, unable to get over how warm it was and how it engulfed your entire hand, and shook it.
“Alright, let’s go,” you smiled, “I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Nice to make your acquaintance, Y/N. I’m Jaehyun,” he bowed to you dramatically, still holding your hand, and you had to laugh. He definitely wasn’t an angel, you thought, shaking your head, but he might be a disney prince in disguise.
You discovered a cafe down the street, having a really pleasant conversation along the way. You found Jaehyun was a good conversationalist, listening attentively when you spoke, contributing his own anecdotes here and there as appropriate. When you reached the door of the cafe you were actually a little disappointed. You enjoyed his company, and wanted to spend more time with him, but you were hesitant to ask, not wanting to come off as too forward since you just met.
“Oh, I know this place,” he said as he peeked in the window, “they make the best croissants.”
“Oh yeah?” what a perfect excuse for an invitation, you thought, “let me get you one? It’s the least I can do, after you went to all that trouble for me.”
He stared into the window for a minute, and your heart sank, thinking he was going to say no. But then he turned to you, with that dimpled smile.
“Sure,” he said, pushing the door open for you, “they really are too good to pass up.”
You’d lost track of how much time had passed as you sat in the cafe with him, empty coffee cups and half-eaten croissants littering your table. He had the quirkiest sense of humor which had you in stitches, and whenever he would tell a story you found you would listen with rapt attention. Whenever you spoke he would watch you with a smile, eyes bright, and he would look away now and then, but almost hesitantly, like he couldn’t take his eyes off of you but he didn’t want to come off as a creep. Customers streamed in and out, and it was only when someone walked by you, talking loudly into their phone about their missed flight, that brought you into reality.
“I guess I should try to get on the next flight,” you sighed with dread. If it hadn’t been a business trip you would have just called an uber and gone home. As it was, your boss would kill you if you missed this trip. Jaehyun nodded and looked away. You thought he might have looked disappointed, but you definitely didn’t want to get your hopes up.
Calling the airline you found out the only flight with availability wasn’t leaving until the morning. They offered to put you up in a hotel nearby and you accepted, not wanting to deal with the hassle of having to go all the way home and come back again.
“So it looks like I have to stay in a hotel for the night, the next flight isn’t leaving until the morning,” you told him with a heavy sigh. Again you didn’t relish the idea of parting from him.
“I can walk you,” he offered. It didn’t seem like he wanted to part from you either. “I mean, if you don’t mind, of course,” he added with a shrug, trying to appear cool with your decision if you said no.
You couldn’t help it, but you broke out into a huge grin. You felt like a giddy schoolgirl who found out her crush reciprocated her feelings.
“That would be really nice,” you nodded, and the smile he shot your way actually made you weak in the knees. You wondered again if you were keeping him from something, but decided he wouldn’t really be spending this much time with you if he didn’t want to. He had ample chances to leave but he didn’t take them.
As you approached the door of the hotel you noticed his footsteps slowing down, until he finally stopped just a few feet from the door. You turned to look at him, wondering why he’d stopped.
“I guess I’ll leave you here,” he said quietly. He had his hands shoved in his pockets, and was looking down at the ground so you couldn’t see his face. “I’m not good with goodbyes.”
Your heart and mind warred inside you, a fierce battle that ended with your heart in victory. Your mind told you not to do it, but your heart always won out in the end. With no words spoken between you, you slipped your hand in his and tugged him towards the entrance of the hotel.
It occurred to you that you probably should have thought this through a bit more, that inviting someone you’d basically just met up to your hotel room might not have been the best decision, but when he pulled yet another orgasm out of you there was no room for debate anymore.
“Does that feel good?” he asked, rubbing your clit gently, making sure it was coated with your juices so the pad of his thumb could glide more easily around the nub.
You only moaned in response as you arched your back off the bed, unsure if you could give him another orgasm but he sure was convincing you. He started kissing up your neck, entering you for a second time that night and you cried out, slightly over-sensitive but still so aroused from everything he’d been doing. It was clear he wanted to make you feel good, his own pleasure almost secondary, learning your body and reacting accordingly.
This time around he went slow, taking his time pleasuring you, his hands and lips all over your body. He rolled his hips achingly slowly, building up your pleasure gradually, so that when you hit your peak it was amplified to a mind-numbing degree. Your vision went white, your toes curled, as you squeezed him, bringing him to his own high with a deep groan.
You lay in his arms afterward, sweaty and satiated, and soon enough fell into a deep sleep.
You woke to the sound of his voice, muffled and sounding far away. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you checked the clock: four in the morning. You’d have to get up in a couple hours for your flight, so you searched the room in the dark to bring him back to bed. The door to the bathroom was slightly open, and coming closer you heard his voice again. You peeked in to see him sitting on the edge of the bathtub, talking to someone on his phone. When he noticed you he motioned for you to go back to bed, and he would join you when he was done. You wondered who he would be talking to at that time but figured it was probably none of your business. You waited in bed and he finally came back, slipping in behind you and wrapping his arm around your waist.
“Sorry about that,” he whispered against your neck, his hand coming up to cup your breast.
“It’s okay,” you breathed, and all thoughts of the call flew out of your head as his other hand slipped between your legs.
The next morning you woke to an empty bed. You got up and checked the bathroom but he wasn’t there. There was no note either, you practically tore apart the bed looking for one. You thought maybe he’d gone to get breakfast so you waited a few minutes, but when you got a notification that your flight was boarding soon you checked out of the hotel and made your way to the airport.
You tried not to be disappointed, you tried hard not to be hurt, you told yourself that you barely knew him so it shouldn’t affect you so much, but the tears that pricked your eyes couldn’t be stopped. You wiped angrily at them, angry with yourself, angry with him.
As you approached the terminal your phone suddenly rang, and it was a number you didn’t recognize. Answering it, your heart leapt at the sound of his voice.
“Y/N,” his voice sounded strained, sad.
“Jaehyun,” you wanted to yell at him, you wanted to be angry, but hearing him again just made you want him more.
“I’m so sorry,” he began, “you don’t have to accept my apology, but I needed to explain. Will you hear me out?”
You found a seat in the terminal and sat down, not sure if you were ready for what he was about to say. You even briefly considered saying no, and hanging up, and forgetting about him completely. But you knew you could never forget the angel who’d saved you, who’d charmed you, who’d pleasured you to the point that you’d forgotten your own name.
“Okay,” was all you could say in response.
He let out a deep sigh before he began his story. He told you he’d been at the airport because his flight had just landed, he was back in town to meet with his ex-girlfriend. He had been stalling, wasting time in the terminal because he knew she wanted to get back together with him and he wasn’t sure what to do. He told you he’d been looking for a sign, and that’s when you had shown up in his life.
“It was like a miracle, you know? I literally asked for a sign, and then all of a sudden you were in front of me, fainting into my arms. I couldn’t think of a surer sign than that.” He continued, and you could tell even over the phone that he was smiling at the memory. “I had only meant to get you some help and that was it, but I couldn’t just leave you there afterwards, and I know there were so many times during our time together when I could have left, should have left, really, but I couldn’t bring myself to. I was so insanely charmed by you, I couldn’t leave you if I tried.”
“So what’s changed then? Why did you leave now?” you asked bitterly.
He sighed deeply again, and when he spoke again his voice sounded resigned. “The phone call I got in the middle of the night was from my ex, she was understandably mad that I had stood her up. I explained to her what happened but she just got more upset, so I figured I should meet with her like I had promised to.” He paused but your heart was beating out of your chest at the suspense.
“Are you there now?” you asked, wondering if they had gotten back together.
“No,” he responded right away, “I left. Actually, she threw me out. She was really angry.”
“So… you didn’t get back together?” you needed him to confirm it in so many words.
“No. I never wanted to. I should have just told her that in the first place.” He took a deep breath, and you held your own breath waiting for what he was going to say next. “Y/N, you don’t have to listen to me, you can hate me if you want, I’d understand, but…” He paused, like he was losing his nerve, but seemed to rally and went on. “I really want to see you again. When you get back from your trip I’ll be waiting in the terminal, and if you don’t want to see me just keep on walking.”
“And what if I do want to see you?” you asked hesitantly. You didn’t have to see him to know he was smiling.
“Then I know a cafe that makes awesome croissants.”
When you landed from your trip he was there just like he said. He wore the same white button-down shirt, the sunlight from the window once again framing his head like a halo. His smile was only for you, his hands behind his back hiding a bouquet of pink peonies.
You walked towards him, and without any doubts in your mind, you wrapped your arms around him, falling into his embrace.
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tallstars-rewrite · 3 years
Chapter 36
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“So what is it you call them again?” Talltail’s eyes narrowed skeptically.
“They’re called cars, so I’ve been told.” Jake replied. 
They were crouched a fox-length away from a bright red shiny monster sitting quietly in front of a twoleg den.
“Is it dead?” Talltail asked, instinctively keeping his voice quiet as if he half expected the thing to roar to life any moment.
“I don’t even think they’re alive. At least, it certainly doesn’t smell alive. All I know is when housefolk gets inside one, they start moving”
“Hm.” Talltail kicked a small pebble at it. Nothing. Jake was right about that, they certainly didn’t smell like any living thing. “And what about the lights in their eyes? It’s not fire, but there are lights like that all over the twoleg places.”
“I dunno, housefolk are just good at making light that isn’t hot I guess. Between us, I think their eyesight in the dark is awful.”
“So you don’t even know how twolegs make the things they do?”
“Not really,” Jake shrugged. “But do you understand exactly how plants grow or how birds can fly?”
“Well...no, they just do. I suppose...you sort of have a point.” Talltail admitted. “But I still don’t trust these things. They sound like monsters to me. Let’s keep going, I don’t like looking at it’s eyes, even if they aren’t alive.”
They walked through gardens, keeping to the grass and sparse trees alongside the hard stone Thunderpaths and trails. As the dusky sky turned to a pale gray dawn, they saw twolegs every so often, and many of them paused to look at the two cats walking side by side. Talltail didn’t like going past them, but after narrowly escaping another aggressive group of strays, and a lost dog, Jake eventually convinced Talltail that twolegs were the lesser of the two evils. So, daylight travel it was.
“Just don’t make eye contact,” Jake said. “They’re slow, so even if they want to pet us, we can just run and they’ll give up.”
“They just try petting every animal that walks by!?” Talltail hissed.
“Well some of them, if they can.”
Talltail snorted. The absolute arrogance of assuming that because a couple cats liked them, that meant every cat wanted to be their friend. I don’t try to groom every cat I walk by because that would be weird, Talltail thought with an irritated twitch of his tail. But he was quickly finding most twolegs weren’t necessarily the ruthless predators he’d imagined them to be in his youth. They were, however, incredibly annoying.
But on the brighter side, he’d found that he really had started to get used to the sounds of the town, even though it was still overwhelming. They had to duck behind a house every now and again when a particularly loud string of monsters passed.
“We’re almost there,” Jake assured him. “I’m...mostly sure of it. When we were on the roof, I got a better idea of where we were. The alley cats chased us in the wrong direction, but we should be able to get there without crossing anyone's territory.”
After only a couple more turns down the stone path, Jake raised his tail. “Ah! There it is!” he exclaimed. “See those tall trees up ahead? I’m sure that’s where the park is.”
“Is this ‘park’ actually...safe?” Talltail asked as they grew closer. In the distance, he knew the pines that bordered ShadowClan’s territory were close. There was a ring of twoleg dens blocking it, but such a forested area would surely house prey to some cat.
“Well, twolegs walk through it with their dogs, but they have them on leashes. Don’t worry, I know not all dogs are like Dusty. I won’t make you get slobbered by any more of them,” Jake added quickly when he saw Talltail’s alarm.
“I appreciate that,” Talltail said with a shudder.
The park was a large area with sparse patches of woods and bushes surrounded by large grassy fields. Not the fields Talltail was used to, but very short soft grass that would be impossible to hide in, and most of it stank of stale dog scent. Talltail thought he would be able to relax once they’d reached a more natural familiar area, but even this place felt very...off compared to the woodland and fields he knew. Like the plants and trees were all too...neat.
“Well, it’s still better than the town,” Talltail sighed. “But where to start looking…”
“What exactly are you planning on doing when you find them?” Jake asked with a sideways glance.
“Uh...” Talltail paused. He hadn’t been thinking of it in detail, he’d just been repeatedly telling himself that he’d figure it out when he got there. “I’ll... figure it out when I get there?” he said.
“You don’t want to fight all of them do you?” Jake’s eyes were round with concern.
“No, of course not.” Talltail for the first time felt a stab of guilt for the visitors when he thought of Mole, Reena, and her parents. They had been so kind. Reena had even been his friend for a while. They wouldn’t think so kindly of him after this, but their feelings couldn’t be at the front of his mind. They were protecting a bad cat. Sparrow didn’t even care about the others as much as Hen, he’d practically said so himself. If Talltail could just get Sparrow away from the others somehow, they wouldn’t have to get involved at all.
While he was thinking, Jake had gotten distracted and was looking up at a massive oak tree with long hanging branches splaying out. He had an eager light in his eyes, like a kit hunting a drifting feather.
“We could…get higher? Maybe if we got high up we could see if there are any cats around, or even the pond we’re looking for. I bet you could see the whole area from up there, and the branches are low enough to jump to.”
Talltail looked doubtfully up at the tree. WindClan had keener eyes than most cats, but his nose was still better for searching. Maybe Jake had other motives.
But It’s not as if we’re running out of time. If they’ve hung around for this long, they’ll hang around longer… Talltail thought. He shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
Jake looked back at him, “You don’t think it’s too dangerous?”
“Well...maybe it’s risky, but less dangerous than what we’ve already done. It’s not as if I’ll let you fall.”
Jake’s plumy red tail flicked high, his vibrant eyes glowing with a mischievous excitement. “Bet I can get up it faster."
With that, he crouched and leapt, hooking his claws into the lowest branch and hoisting himself all the way up with an agility Talltail hadn’t expected from such a stocky cat. Talltail bunched his muscles and jumped up after him, and his paws touched the branch without requiring him to scramble the rest of the way. Keeping his momentum, he jumped again to the next nearest branch up.
He got so caught up in the challenge, Talltail was almost on the fourth branch before he remembered he’d never actually climbed a tall tree in his entire life. He made the mistake of looking down, and the ground below felt dizzyingly far, even though it didn’t feel like he’d gone very high.
“What’s wrong? I’ll be napping at the top before you get there!” Jake called. Great StarClan, how had he gotten three branches above him? 
Talltail looked up. “You know uh...there’s not really many trees like this on the moor.”
“Then this’ll be good practice! Every cat should know how to climb trees!”
“What am I, ThunderClan?” Talltail grumbled. Staring up while newly aware of the drop below him, he felt significantly less confident with his leaps. “Er, Jake?”
“How did you get up there exactly?”
“Alright, yes, but be more specific.”
“You’re half way up! How did you get to where you are?” the ginger tom flashed him a cheeky grin.
“Dumb luck? I don’t trust my paws! Can’t you tell me where you put yours?”
“Well, I trust your paws, and you should too! Just keep your eyes on where you want to be.”
Swallowing his doubt, Talltail balanced himself with his tail and found it a reliable weight as ever as he leapt. Jake stopped past the halfway point up the massive tree. The branches were separated enough that they could see the whole area around them, but too thin to climb further. For a moment Talltail could almost pretend he wasn’t surrounded on all sides by twolegs with their bizarre dens and contraptions. The call of alarmed birds disturbed from their perching was a welcome sound blocking out the distant rumble of crossing Thunderpaths. He had learned his lesson about looking down and carefully lay himself on the branch to catch his breath. 
Jake lay across from him, and looked thoughtfully at Talltail’s paws. “Huh,” he said, “I didn’t expect you to have duller claws than me.” He flexed his small needle sharp claws and scraped them on the branch. 
“They’re not as sharp, but they're a lot sturdier.” Talltail flexed a paw. “And those wounds are harder to close,” he added with a wink.
But it was true his claws didn’t hook into the bark as deep as he would like. He usually only needed them to grip soft earth while running, or digging.
“How high up do you think a cat can jump from without getting hurt?” Jake asked abruptly, gazing below at the dizzying drop with an amused twitch of his whiskers. He looked like he was enjoying himself somehow.
Talltail glared at him. “Do not ask me that right now.”
Jake snorted with laughter which petered into a quiet purr of contentment as the sun dripped through the branches and danced over his fur. He really did have the brightest orange pelt Talltail had ever seen. The sun caught the ginger and it glowed like the warm fire Jake’s twoleg kept in their home, the vivid stripes swirling along his tufted flanks broken up where the fur was longest. Talltail had never spent so much time trying to memorize all the details of a cat's face. It was odd, the little leap of happiness he felt fluttering around in his heart. Sometimes he caught his breath and it skipped in a way he couldn’t recall ever feeling before when looking at a cat. That’s...weird. Am I getting sick?
He scarcely realized he was staring when he noticed Jake was also looking intently at his face as well. 
Talltail blinked at him. “What is it?”
Jake stretched out and touched his nose to Talltail’s cheek. “Thanks for humoring me. I’m glad you’ve let me come with you this long,” he purred.
“I wouldn’t say I’m humoring you, I wouldn’t even have gotten here without you,” Talltail replied. His ears twitched as he tried to hide the fur prickling on the nape of his neck and the warm blush rushing under his pelt from the unexpected touch. What in StarClan is wrong with me? I think the height is making me light headed.
“I mean with this climb,” Jake laughed. “My friends would have said it was fluff-brained or dangerous and told me to stop messing around. Not that I blame them, we are really high up.”
“Don’t remind me,” Talltail gulped. “I just want to enjoy the view and pretend the ground is nearby. Don’t you have friends who do this with you?”
“They’ll come on long walks with me. I like Quince and Nutmeg, but they don’t always understand me. Sometimes I just feel...this pull to do something different, like in my gut, and I have to do it. Like I see a faraway place from my roof and I think ‘what does everything look like from there?’ And I so desperately want to go there and see.”
Talltail nodded, his whiskers twitching in amusement. It was similar to that excitable longing to dash to the horizon he felt when he was young. It had been a long time since he’d dwelled on it.
Jake continued, “I can’t live my whole life every day eating, sleeping, grooming, even though I like it. I feel like...there’s something else out there, and I’ll be restless until I find out what it is. That’s why I was so glad to meet you again... I love my friends and neighbors, well-- most of them, Tyr can get stuffed. But sometimes I worry I’m annoying them with my fancies.”
Talltail blinked at Jake in surprise. “I can’t imagine any cat finding you annoying.”
Jake snorted. “Oh Talltail, you haven’t been around me long enough! Driving cats up the walls is a talent of mine.”
“Well you’ve certainly driven me up a tree, so there’s that. No other cat would be able to do that.” Talltail rested his chin on his paws. The sun felt so nice warming the dark fur on his back, he’d forgotten all about scanning the area for other cats. 
Jake stretched and inched his forepaws on either side of Talltail. “I’m glad I know you,” he purred.
Talltail was a little caught off guard. “Thanks.” 
“You’re welcome.”
“Well…. I’m...glad I know you too?” 
They sat there in the branches passively grooming each other's ears, and Talltail listened to the breeze whisk through his fur. It wasn’t the familiar winds he grew up with, but he swore he could almost smell the moor carried on them from far away. Before the homesickness could creep up on him again, Jake yawned and stretched.
“Ok, we’ve stalled long enough, we should probably get down now.”
“Right, erm, down.” Talltail still wasn’t brave enough to look.
“Don’t worry, it’s not as if I’ll let you fall. Promise.” Jake winked.
“Are you going to catch me?” Talltail snorted. “I probably weigh as much as you do.”
“I could carry you if I had to! It’s not all fluff under here.”
 Talltail was still doubtful of that, but Jake’s confidence in the whole situation was at least easing his nerves a little.
“I climb trees like this all the time, it’s much easier than it looks. Surely you won’t have too much trouble balancing with that tail of yours.”
Talltail swayed on his paws as he, unfortunately, finally glanced down at the dizzying drop through the branches. Oh stars… He kept his eyes firmly on Jake’s tail and paws, one branch at a time, flinching with each tentative jump, but after some coaxing and at least one instance of Jake grabbing his scruff to steady them, Talltail at last landed down onto safe grass again. He still trembled a bit even as he flexed his claws into the soft earth 
“See, that wasn’t so bad!” Jake chirped.
“Says you, I can't believe you put yourself through that all the time.”
“The height is kind of a rush though, isn’t it?”
“If by rush, you mean vividly imagining the air rushing by me as I plummet to my death? Then yes, absolutely.”
“Aw I bet you could climb all sorts of things if you set your mind to it!” Jake grinned at him.
“I prefer to use my tail for steering my turns,” Talltail retorted. “WindClan are not the climbers of the forest. An old clanmate of mine, Aspenfall, took to climbing better than the rest of us, but he was still pretty bad at it.”
“You really do all have such funny names don’t you?” Jake replied. “Who else is there?”
“What, in my whole clan? well...my mentor was called Dawnstripe. I’m sure I’ve told you about Briarpaw, he’s the one training to be a medicine cat. I had a friend called Ryewhisker as well, and Fawnleap and Lilywhisker...” He listed off several more names as Jake stared. Talltail of course still knew everyone by heart.
“That’s so many cats, how do you keep track of them all?”
“That’s not even half of them! They’re your family, of course you come to know them over time.” He remembered how overwhelmed he had been as a kit, trying to learn the names of all his clanmates. They had been so patient with him.
“So how do you get your names anyhow?” Jake asked. “I heard a rumor your get a cool name when you killed your first enemy”
Talltail purred in laughter. “No, not quite. Our names are much more than that. They’re special to us, you get it when you’ve completed your training and officially become a warrior. No murder required. The first name given to you by your parents represents your roots. Your parents give you your colors and physical traits, so them choosing your first name is to honor them and the life you’ve been given. It’s usually a name referencing something from the world around us, to represent our connection to the area we are born in. Our territory is part of us after all, as important as our clanmates. It’s where you’ll spend your whole life.” Well...it’s where you’re supposed to spend your whole life, he thought with a twinge of guilt.
Jake nodded, “That's simple enough. What about the last part?”
“That’s the important part. It represents a small part of the warrior you become, what you're best known for. Some are more abstract than others. Your mentor, the leader, and the medicine cat discuss with each other about your progress over the course of your training to decide what name you're called to have.”
“That’s so cool! My name doesn’t mean anything, I wish I could earn a cool badge like that. But...What about you? Your first name is Tall, that’s not really a thing like the other names you told me.”
Talltail nodded. “My name is old. In the early times of the clans, you had no name at all until you proved you could survive to adulthood. Back then, if you got a name, it always referenced the most noticeable physical trait about you rather than anything else, so cats could tell you apart on sight. Except for the legendary warriors of course, who were named for their renowned feats, but most cats couldn’t hope to be that special. There was only one meaning to their names, rather than two separate meanings. So my name was planned ahead, a traditional one to honor the cats that survived in those hard times. That’s why my father chose it for me. I guess my tail was freakishly long back then too.” 
“You didn’t get to earn a last name yourself? That doesn’t seem as fun.” Jake said.
“It’s not all about fun! Besides, no name can perfectly represent everything about you. Getting a warrior name is always an honor regardless of what it is. Besides, it is pretty notable isn’t it?” he purred, wapping Jake with his tail for good measure.
Jake sneezed as the fur tickled his nose. “Yeah, I could see you from a mile away with that thing.”
After a bit more aimless wandering, they finally paused for a moment to rest. Jake rolled in the grass, getting burs and twigs and grass shreds stuck in his tufty orange pelt. He looked a bit like a hedgehog.
“You're going to end up dragging the whole park along with you if you keep that up,” Talltail chuckled. 
“Maybe I want to take some back with me. Also I like smelling like grass! It’s nice. You always smell like moor grass.”
Talltail didn’t know how that could be. It had been so long since he’d been home, the moor couldn’t possibly still be sticking to him. But maybe it was harder to get rid of than he thought. 
Jake interrupted his thoughts again. “What would my name be if I was in a clan?”
Talltail snorted. “Your name? I have no idea, it’s not something you can just slap on a cat!”
“Well how do cats who join the clan get named? Does that ever happen?”
“We’ve never had an outsider join in my time but...I think the leader chooses? Even then, I can’t possibly imagine what skills you would prove over the course of training.”
“Well let’s say you’re leader, what would you call me? Just if you had to guess?”
Talltail hummed in thought, looking Jake over as he beamed back at him patiently. He had the goofiest gleeful look on his face, Talltail stifled a purr “Oh I don’t know...Perhaps Flameface.”
Jake laughed at that. “Flameface? That’s a name? That sounds so silly!”
“It’s not silly at all! It’s a perfectly fine name. No sillier than Jake, your name is nonsense! It sounds like the noise you make when you hack up a furball. It only sounds silly to you because you don’t know what it means.”
“Ok, ok that’s fair. What’s it mean?”
“Flame is pretty self explanatory. You are the brightest orange cat I’ve ever seen. And I guess I associate it with you now because your twoleg’s den was the first place I ever saw real fire.”
“I like ‘Flame.’ That part’s cool. But...what, does my face look like it’s on fire?”
“No, no it’s not always that literal. Well, maybe it is a little. Some names are for cats who are good at many different things, but master of nothing in particular.”
“What? I could be a master at something!”
“It’s not a bad thing at all!” Talltail purred. “In fact, those are some of the most reliable cats. ‘Face’ is just a variation on referencing your appearance. I think it’s often given to cats who are thought to be particularly attractive in some way or another. I can’t remember what the idea was exactly. Like their face draws attention or...lights up the area? Metaphorically of course. It’s a little sappy.”
“Ohhh...” Jake was silent for a moment in thought. “You think I’m attractive?”
“Wow, no cats ever called me that before!”
Talltail’s pelt felt hot as he sat up. “Y-you’re thinking too hard about it, I’m trying to be objective. I only thought of it because--I just mean you’re distracting. But...In a good way.”
“I’m distracting?”
“Well, I don’t mean--I meant like, eye-catching, because of--have you looked at yourself when the sunlight hits your fur? It--No, oh for StarClan’s sake, hold on, I’m explaining this poorly. Stop looking at me like that, the point is that’s the closest guess I can manage. It might not be accurate.”
Jake grinned up at him, “I like that name.”
“...Good. It’s past sunhigh now, so we should start looking,” Talltail mewed quickly, already to his feet, hoping his fur wasn’t noticeably bristling in embarrassment. 
Jake trotted after him, his tail held up high. “So, what would your name be if you earned a normal one, do you think?” he asked, a new note of amusement in his voice that Talltail was trying very hard to ignore.
“I don’t know, Jake.”
“‘Cause I think you could be a ‘face’ cat too, you’re the most distracting thing I've ever seen in my life”
“We are burning daylight here, Jake.”
“Ok, but think about it.”
Talltail would probably think about it for the rest of the day, thanks.
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canvas-the-florist · 3 years
The Store Doesn’t Have Butter
Ship: Romantic Moceit, Platonic DLAMPR (they’re all just friends, y’know?)
Warnings: Temporary main character death, blood (not in detail), swearing, vague jokes about sex, guns, injuries, suffocation mention, car accident, depictions of a depressive episode, food, there is a lot of death in this one folks be safe :)
Summary: Patton’s just having a day filled with surprises and mishaps! But he won’t let that stop him from having a good time.
Word Count: 10.4K
Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He stopped the alarm, sitting up and stretching. Janus mumbled and turned to his side to look up at Patton tiredly. Patton greeted him with a smile and a kiss on the forehead, going to get out of bed to start the day. Janus grabbed his arm softly, almost complaining incoherently.
“We do this every morning, love. Can’t I just go make breakfast without you fussing about?” He asked as he reached for his glasses with his free hand and put them on.
Janus let go of Patton, squinting his eyes. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He sat up, letting the blankets fall off his chest and onto his lap. “We have never had this conversation before.”
“Sure, Jan.” With one last kiss on the cheek, Patton sat up and got dressed. Janus slowly followed suit. Patton brushed out his curls and grabbed his head of hair to get a short ponytail. The shorter hairs would fall out, which Janus would call adorable, but it annoyed Patton greatly. The compromise was a few brightly colored barrettes. Janus fixed up his own hair beside him. “Dang Janus, I think we look pretty good today!”
Janus raised an eyebrow with a smirk. “Yes, sure. Very fetching.” He looked like he wanted to say more but was cut off by an alarm on his watch. Janus put on his hat and walked out to the front door. “I must be off dear! If I don’t return by seven, assume that I have been kidnapped by my horrible fellow employees.”
Patton leaned against the wall next to the door. “Don’t be mean! It can’t be that bad to work with Roman and Logan, can it?”
His eyes turned dark from whatever he had experienced. “It really can.” Janus lightened up and opened the door. “Well, goodbye Patton! Remember to buy butter!”
The door closed and Patton was left with his own devices. He started by watering the plants, feeding the cat, feeding the turtle, drinking a glass of water, and feeding that murder of crows that started following the couple around a few months ago. Patton sat down on the concrete of the patio in the backyard. A few crows dropped random shiny things before flying off. He watched for a moment before picking them up, hoping to make an interesting necklace from them. Patton dropped them in a small plastic bag before moving to other things he needed to do. He didn’t have work on Mondays, so that’s when he preferred to do groceries and other errands.
It was slightly windy out, causing Patton’s cardigan to drift updraft. He gave the world a smile before walking around. A plane went by, supposedly going down towards the airport. He saw a woman chasing a dog with a leash running wild and helped her out. A group of kids were walking to school. And then he reached the grocery store. Patton went in only needing four things: Butter, bread, eggs, and bagels. He left with seven. They were out of butter too. Walking out, the wind seemed to have simmered down which he was very grateful for.
The walk back was always more frustrating. People were going to their jobs or having a day out with their families. Which meant doing the ten minute walk home with easily squishable foods was a lot more difficult. Patton was humming a song to himself when a biker collided with him, dropping the food.
“Ah, sorry man!” The person apologized.
   “It’s okay!” Patton reassured, helping them up. “It’s just food. Are you alright though? That was quite the fall!”
   “Oh- yeah! That was nothing.” They grabbed their bike. “Sorry about the eggs though. Have a good one!”
   “You too!” Patton looked down at the food. The breads would be fine but half of the eggs had cracked and spilled over everything. He took out the carton and threw it away in the nearest trash can he could find before heading home. The cat lovingly named, Ladle, mewed at him loudly begging for attention. Janus didn’t want Ladle at first, insisting that Patton’s cat allergy was something important, but she quickly made him love her. Patton gave her a few scratches under her chin before sitting down on the couch. Ladle jumped up next to him before making her way to sleep on the windowsill. “Gosh Ladle, today has been an ordeal!”
   She ignored him but he didn’t really mind. Talking to her was really just a thing for himself. Patton took a breath and decided to make lunch. Despite knowing that Janus’s lunch break wasn’t actually two hours long, Patton knew he would be on the bar stool for that duration before returning to work late. The door opened up and Patton finished making the second sandwich. Just on time.
   “Hey dear! You really need to stop skipping work for-” Patton stopped as he looked up. “Oh, Roman! I didn’t expect to see you here…”
The man was covered in blood and seemed shell shocked. Roman looked over at Patton who was taking off his apron and getting a rag wet under the sink. “Pat… I’m so sorry.” Patton’s face fell before he continued but blinked away any fear and started cleaning up Roman’s face. “Logan and I, we tried to stop what happened but… Janus died.”
   Patton clenched his fist around the rag and put it to his side, dropping it to the floor. He took a breath in but it broke as he felt his face warm under tears. Ladle meowed loudly in concern but Patton ignored it. Roman sat him down on the couch and hugged him. The rest of the day was a blur. He vaguely remembered letting Roman borrow some of his clothes so he could shower and clean up. Patton spent the rest of the day with a cat on his chest and the cucumber sandwiches completely forgotten.
   Eventually Roman got Patton to drink some water and left him alone in the dark. Patton stared up at the ceiling. He wasn’t crying anymore, but his face left evidence of his sobbing. None of it felt real. It was supposed to be fine. But the problems kept coming. Ladle jumped off his chest and he made his way to the bed. The bed sheets were still messy from that morning. Patton collapsed down on his husband’s side of the bed and surrounded himself with the comforter. The wind was almost completely gone so the only sounds outside were people’s dogs and a few birds. He turned to lay on his back and fell asleep.
   Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He gasps and shoots upward with a start. Breathing heavily, Patton grabbed Janus’s arm and checked to see if he was real. Janus let out a noise of complaint and pulled the blanket over his head. Patton took in a deep breath and smiled through his tears. Just a nightmare.
   “We can’t do this every morning, love. Let’s go get some breakfast, okay?” Patton put on his glasses and Janus sat up, letting the blankets fall from his head to his lap.
    “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Janus stated sarcastically. “We’ve never had this conversation before.” Patton blinked in confusion but let it slide.
   “Whatever you say, Janus.” His voice hurt from the crying. Patton gave his husband a kiss on the cheek and got out of bed to get ready for the day. He did his hair in a short ponytail and put in the barrettes to get the small curls out of his face. Janus fixed up his hair beside him. Patton couldn’t shake the dream however much he wanted to. “Janus? Do you ever get bad dreams about me… getting hurt?”
Janus looked at him curiously. “How hurt are you talking about?”
“I-” Patton was cut off by the alarm on Janus’s watch. He put on his hat but looked back at Patton with concern. He gave a smile. “Go to your job, we can talk at… lunch.”
They both walked to the front door. Janus kissed Patton briefly. “Okay, dear. If I don’t return by seven, assume that I have been kidnapped by my horrible fellow employees.”
“Hey!” Patton said, ignoring the feeling of déjà vu. “Be nice and be safe. Roman and Logan aren’t that bad.”
His eyes turned dark from whatever he had experienced. “It really can.” Janus lightened up and opened the door. “Well, goodbye Patton! Remember to buy butter!” The door slammed and Patton already knew that the grocery store probably didn’t have butter. He didn’t know why he suspected that but took a deep breath. Patton had things to do today that wasn’t about moping.
He started by watering the plants, feeding the cat, feeding the turtle, drinking a glass of water, and feeding that murder of crows that started following the couple around a few months ago. Patton sat down on the concrete of the patio in the backyard. A few crows looked at him and called in concern before dropping off shiny objects and flying away. He watched for a moment, confused, before picking them up. Patton dropped them in a small plastic bag before moving to other things he needed to do. It was time to do errands but he wasn’t sure that it was going to go well. It was windy outside and at the moment people were heading to their jobs and school so the world was going to be really busy. But he did anyway, like he needed to prove something to himself.
It was slightly windy out, causing Patton’s cardigan to drift updraft. A plane went by, supposedly going down towards the airport. He saw a woman chasing a dog with a leash running wild and helped her out after a second of confusion. A group of kids were walking to school. There wasn’t any butter and he shouldn’t have expected it there. Patton stared at the empty space before buying the other things he needed: eggs, bread, and bagels.
   Patton looked around with caution as he walked back, carefully weaving between families and people down the street. He was halfway home when he heard the bike. Patton turned and saw someone about to run into him so he took a step back and tumbled into the grass, hearing the eggs break and scatter. The biker stopped and helped him up.
   “Ah, sorry man!” The person apologized.
   “It’s… It’s okay! Are you okay?” Patton asked.
   The biker looked at them quizzically. “What?”
   Right, they were fine. Patton gave a smile. “Oh never mind. Have a good day!”
   The biker got back on their bike. “Sorry about the eggs. Have a good one!” They zoomed past him and Patton blinked away all his thoughts, forgetting to respond. This didn’t just feel like déjà vu. He finished walking home and put away the bread and bagels.
Ladle meowed for attention and curled around Patton’s shoulders. He pet her idly as he went to sit down at the couch. It was almost time for lunch. Patton thought back to the dream and took in a shaky breath. He had to make sure. With a moment’s hesitation, he called Janus’s burner phone. Patton knew that Janus said to stop spamming him with pictures of Ladle to his burner, because it could be bad and they could be caught with whatever illegal thing he was doing… But Patton needed to know. To warn him something was about to happen.. Probably.
   “Patton? Why did you call me? You know that you can’t just-”
   “Janus, something bad is going to happen. You need to be safe or hide or stop whatever you’re doing!” Patton was trying to stay calm but he kept remembering Roman’s expression and crumbling to the floor. He didn’t even know what happened.
   He heard Janus say something incoherent to someone else on the other end of the line before responding directly. “You’re not normally like this Patton. Why am I in danger, exactly?”
   The only issue with that was that Patton didn’t know the answer to the question. This would be so much easier if Patton knew what the fuck was going on. He felt his throat dry as tears welled up. “I… You just are. Please.”
   “Okay, dear. I’ll be there so-” Janus was cut off by his own screaming. Patton stood up suddenly, yelling Janus’s name and got no response. The line went dead after a minute. He threw his phone at the wall, causing Ladle to jump off his shoulders and he stared at the hole he just created. It got blurrier the more he cried. Patton heard the door open with a bloody Roman who looked just as bad as Patton remembered from the dream, if it even was one.
   Roman sat on the floor next to him and gave him a hug. “I’m so sorry, Patton, I’m so sorry.” This mantra was repeated for hours before silence fell between the two of them. The room darken around them and Patton finally got up and ushered Roman to the bathroom to clean off the blood and take a shower. He got out in Patton’s oversized clothes and watched Patton as he cleaned up the floor. “Do… you need to be alone right now or should I stay with you?”
   The silence was filled by the chirping of birds and people’s dogs. Patton shook his head. “Please don’t leave me alone right now.” His voice was small but he wasn’t sure how much he was actually feeling at the moment. Roman and Patton decided to sleep on the couch together with Ladle nestled by Patton’s stomach. Their backs would kill them tomorrow but that wouldn’t matter. Janus died. Patton looked at Roman’s head before taking off his glasses and closing his eyes, hoping he wouldn’t dream.
Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He opened his eyes tiredly, not bothering to stop the alarm. He looked over to Janus and frowned. He finally understood what was happening, and Patton was pretty sure that he hated the answer. With a sigh he turned off the alarm and decided full heartedly that he was not going to let Janus die today, however many todays that would take.
He grabbed Janus’s arm and pulled him into a hug. Okay, he would save his husband after getting a little support. Janus flickered open his eyes in confusion but hugged back. They stayed there for a while before Patton let go to sit up and put on his glasses.
“As much as I love your affection, this seems a bit early in the morning, even for you.” Janus pointed out. Patton kept putting on his clothes, half ignoring Janus, just trying to concoct a plan that would save him. Janus got off the bed and went in front of him as he finished putting on his shirt. “Patton. What is happening today?”
Patton looked at him with a determined smile and fear in his eyes. “You’re going to go to work and I’m going to take care of all the things here. Now go! We need to get ready for the day.”
Janus complied, pretending to shrug off Patton’s demeanor and put on his clothes. Patton did up his hair in a short ponytail and 4 colorful barrettes to hide the short curly hairs that were left. Janus barely finished his hair as his watch beeped. He gave Patton a kiss on the cheek before saying, “I must be off dear! If I don’t return by seven, assume that I have been kidnapped by my horrible fellow employees.”
“Yeah, mhm, don’t be rude to them. Be safe!” Patton responded walking out to the front doorway.
Janus gave a look but opened the door. “Well, goodbye Patton! Remember to buy butter!” The door closed and Patton took out his phone to text Remus. He needed a car and someone who wouldn’t ask questions. Remus was good at both of those. As he awaited the reply he quickly went through all his chores including feeding several animals and watering the plants. Remus sent back a reply with many curses and agreed to it. Wonderful.
With that a plan was in action! Follow husband to work and find out how he keeps dying and prevent it! Easy. Patton heard a loud car horn sound repeatedly outside his house and immediately knew that Remus had arrived. He walked outside, wearing his cardigan on his arms instead of around his shoulders to show that he was serious about it. Remus smiled and moved to the passenger seat instead of getting out completely.
“Uh, Remus?” Patton got into the driver’s seat and looked at his friend awkwardly. “I thought I mentioned wanting to do this alone?”
Remus put on his seat belt. “You did, but I’m ignoring you, fuckface! Whatever the fuck you’re doing seems like a fun time and I am extremely bored.” Patton scrunched his nose and pushed up his glasses before starting the car. He knew exactly how Remus was when he was bored and wasn’t a fan of dealing with it. Perhaps someone who kind of knew Janus’s line of work could be helpful. They started driving after Patton set up a GPS route to the workplace. Remus looked at it and back at him. “We’re visiting J-anus and my brother? OH! Are you going to prank them?! It’d be so exciting to set the entire building on fire!”
Patton’s hands tightened on the wheel and glanced at his friend. “No, you know I don’t condone killing people with arson. We’re here to hopefully prevent something that’s going to happen.”
“What’s going to happen? Murder without arson?”
He stopped at a stop sign before making a left turn. Patton shrugged as he corrected the wheel. “I don’t actually know. That’s what I’m going to find out though.” It couldn’t hurt to be honest with Remus, seeing as he didn’t know if the next day was even going to exist in the first place. With a few gross conversations that led to vague responses from Patton, the two finally reached their destination. To find out what the fuck was going to happen to Janus. They walked up to the front building, Patton had a smile on his face that was apparently intimidating according to the reaction of the receptionist. “Hi, sorry to disturb you I was just wondering if Janus Lyre-Hart is in the office today? I’m his husband.”
“Sorry sir... He’s, he’s not actually here today? He was sent on a field mission with two others to deal with an issue with the company.” She stated nervously.
“Where did they go?” Remus asked with more seriousness than Patton had heard in several years. They were told the location and drove there together. Remus had seemed to gage the seriousness of the situation and adjusted SOME of his actions accordingly. “Do you think you’re going to find their entrails all over here or something?” Some actions.
Patton sighed and slammed the car door shut, looking around the place. Just a bunch of buildings. The place seemed completely normal. He noticed a few crows over an old blue wooden bar that didn’t appear significant. Patton started walking towards it and Remus followed, taking huge steps to keep up. The door creaked open and a few of the birds flew away. Patton peaked in and Remus knelt over to peak through underneath Patton’s head. The place was empty. The two stepped in.
“This isn’t as planned out as I’d like.” Patton said, even though his real thoughts were ‘I can try again tomorrow anyway’. Remus walked around, kicking over an empty trash can. It fell over making a loud sound against the floor. Patton flinched but noticed something weird with the floorboards. He kneeled down. “Huh. Hey Remus? I think we just found a trapdoor.”
“Then let’s open it!” Remus exclaimed, and he slammed his fingers around the corners, pulling up. Patton bit a protest and helped. The door lifted and slammed down on, the force of which made a wave of dust fly up. Patton coughed before looking down. There was a metal ladder on one of the walls, small rectangular slots lined up evenly all the way down to the bottom of the tunnel; it was much lower down than he expected. Remus shoved past Patton and started climbing down. He looked back up. “Come on! I wanna see what’s down here! Like a sex dungeon or just a dungeon dungeon! With worms!”
The two reached the bottom and walked until they reached a point with two turns they could go. Remus mentioned splitting up but Patton thought that it was a bad idea. So instead, the two made a right turn right into Logan, Roman, and Janus running rapidly.
“We have to go!” Roman exclaimed, grabbing Remus and Patton. They all turned and started running through to the left turn. Patton tried to look back but Logan kept his head forward. They eventually got out of the tunnels in a different exit. Janus shoved everyone into the car while Logan started the engine. Patton put on his seat belt quietly. Roman turned to look at them from the passenger seat. “What the hell are you guys doing here?!”
“Looking for you shitheads!” Remus exclaimed. “Patton said that something bad was going to happen!”
Janus looked out the window of the speeding car and grimaced. He got out a gun and Patton fought himself to keep his eyes open. It was almost lunch time, it was almost time. “They’re tailing us, Logan!” Janus turned to Patton with softness in his eyes, and his tone became more controlled. “Why do you think something bad is going to happen?”
“Does this not count as bad to you, Janus?!” Patton exclaimed, Remus pushed his back down as a bullet hit the back window. Janus looked at the glass and shrugged. Patton groaned and leaned back on Remus’s shoulder before giving a glance to the back window. There were a few nicely dressed people with guns and were shooting sporadically at the car. “Seriously?! Jan, I can’t explain what’s going to happen because I wasn’t here originally but you have to be careful!”
“I am doing my best to be safe dear, but I also need to do my job.” Janus said coldly before opening the window and shooting back. Logan made a swift turn and Patton grabbed Remus’s hand for comfort. He felt scared and angry at the same time. Janus needed to trust him on this but only Patton even knew what was going on. Next thing he knew, Roman’s arm got shot. He screamed, dropping his weapon out the car window and leaned back on his seat. Patton didn’t see a gun wound in the dreams, so this happened because of the changes he made. The guilt didn’t have time to sink in when one of the bullets hit the car wheels. Logan cursed under his breath as the car swerved and narrowly avoided a tree; it instead flipped on its side. Patton swallowed an ongoing panic in order to unbuckle his seat belt and helped Remus and Janus out of the car. Logan and Roman got caught up with the airbags. Logan quickly unbuckled and maneuvered his way out.
Patton coughed and looked at the car. “So… what now? How do we get Roman out of there?”
“Well, we can’t move him because if he broke something that could ruin his vital organs or bones permanently.” Logan hummed, nonchalantly pulling Remus back from the car. “I think that the best thing we can do now is leave immediately.”
Remus pulled back from Logan’s grasp sharply. “And just leave him here? He could die!”
“We could also die, Remus!” Janus cut in, shaking. Patton froze up, staring at the door. He had a feeling it was already too late. Janus kept yelling, the cars started arriving and the gunshots got louder. But he couldn’t turn his eyes away from the car. It was on its side and even though Patton couldn’t see him, he imagined Roman’s pain. He couldn’t move. “-Atton! You have to get up! Patton! I’m not looping you into this!”
The others had run off, leaving Roman in the car, but Janus was dragging Patton as he blinked back into hearing others again. But it was too late, Patton heard Janus cry out and looked up to him with concern. “Janus? Are you okay?”
He shook his head, tears welling up and Janus hugged him. Patton looked down and saw blood seeping into his shirt. He looked up at his husband and smiled. “I’ll be okay! I’ll be better next time. You’ll be okay next time!” The light sky hurt so he closed his eyes. He felt Janus’s arms trembling around him and wanted to comfort him. But Patton felt like he was turning into static. “Next time will be better, I promise.”
   Patton woke up to the same cheerful song on his phone, tired but ready to try again. He sat up and examined his chest. It looked normal and his breathing wasn’t hindered anymore but his brain wanted to believe he was in pain. Patton looked over at Janus, who was breathing normally too. He wasn’t even crying. Janus was okay, Roman was okay, he was okay. Right? If Patton just learned how to do better this time everything would turn out fine. So, he decided not to wake up Janus. Patton closed the blinds on the window and slipped back into bed and cuddled into Janus’s side. Even if his husband did wake up, he tended not to care about following what his job wanted him to do anyways. Whatever that job actually was.
   Time passed and eventually Janus did leave. Patton tried to come with him but it didn’t work. And Patton wouldn’t consider himself as stubborn as Janus was. So he let him leave and got on his bicycle to follow him. Patton had visited one of the work locations before, for a potluck or Halloween party usually set up by Roman. It was a secretive place but loved to pretend it was just a normal business.
   He walked in and saw Virgil. Which was a bit unusual, seeing as he didn’t actually work with the others either. Not like Patton had much room to judge if he liked to judge. He gave a smile and waved. “Hey, kiddo! What are you up to?”
Virgil waved awkwardly as he walked over, his other hand in his hoodie. “Sup, Pat. Logan wanted to ask something from me I guess? He was being vague about this place, as always, but I just finished. Why are you here?”
   He hated lying and Virgil hated being lied to. Patton wasn’t exactly sure how to explain his situation without sounding like he was joking or really sleep deprived. He gave a glance to the receptionist and looked back at his friend. “I don’t really know what I’m doing here. But I am having quite a long day, if you want to talk about it over ice cream with me?”
   Patton internally high fived himself for his wonderful pun that no one would get but him.
   “So, we’re stuck in a loop and every time Janus dies when you don’t do anything but Roman died when you tried to mess with it?” Patton nodded nervously. Virgil thought it through while taking a bite of ice cream from his paper bowl. “That sounds like a personal hell if I’ve ever heard one. Especially for you. But from what you’ve said, the loop will probably end when you manage to save everyone. I’m not sure how exactly you’ll do that but I could help out.”
   “You… aren’t freaking out as much as I thought you would.” Patton knew that wasn’t phrased as well as he wanted to, but he was curious about how Virgil felt about everything going on.”
   Virgil put down the plastic spoon and made eye contact with Patton. He noticed just how shaky the man was. “Oh I’m absolutely panicking right now, but it’s probably better to deal with it when tomorrow comes or something. Nothing matters right now and that is terrifying to think about. My actions are actually useless. It’s not like I’ll remember what happened right now anyway, right?”
   He shook his head. “So far I think I’m the only one who knows about it.” Patton decided he’d just not tell Virgil in the next loop, he didn’t see his dark strange son daily so that wasn’t an issue. Patton didn’t want to give Virgil a panic attack every single time they talked on this day. “What should I do about it? I’ve tried coming to help, or preventing it from happening, or doing nothing, but I’m still here.” Alone.
   “Well, putting my pessimism aside for a moment,” Virgil started. “You could tell Janus, Roman, and Logan about what’s happening so they can avoid doing this specific job or whatever until they have a better fleshed out plan. Or… I don’t know, figure out what they’re doing and get to it first.” He opened his mouth before closing it again, and Patton guessed that he probably had another idea that would be upsetting to hear.
   Patton leaned forward. “What’s the last one, Virgil?”
“Nothing!” Virgil exclaimed. He calmed down, letting go of the ice cream bowl. “It’s just that maybe you’re supposed to… accepthisdeathandworkthroughthegrief- I don’t know it’s stupid!”
   “Oh…” Virgil looked away with his arms crossed. Patton looked down at his now melted ice cream. Roman would be at his house by now but he wasn’t quite sure that it mattered. He looked back up at Virgil, trying not to cry. “I mean I can try out the other things first, right? I really don’t want anyone I love to die if I can prevent it somehow.”
   “I know, Pat.” No, you don’t, Patton thought bitterly. He felt guilty but he knew he stood by his thinking no matter how rude it was.
   The next time he tried to just wake up earlier, which worked just as well as you would expect. So he called Roman as soon as he woke up instead and told him everything. “So that’s why you shouldn’t do anything about whatever the hell you found earlier today. It’s doomed to fail, and I believe in you kiddo but this absolutely isn’t going to work.”
   There was a sigh from the other side of the screen. “Patton, you had a weird dream about a time loop? It happens sometimes, Padre. Janus and I aren’t going to die. Remus doesn’t even work here and you don’t even know where we’re going-”
   “Yes I do Roman!” He fought back. One of Virgil’s suggestions was to figure out what the others were doing and to prevent it or solve it before the others did. Patton needed to gather information for that to even work though. “You’re going to an old abandoned blue building that used to be a bar! There’s at least two entrances to the tunnels underneath it and you had a direct route about a mile away from the bar.” Patton sighed, it was hard convincing people about this much of a reach. So, it was time for a different approach. “Look, maybe it is a weird dream but it’s not nothing. Can you at least tell me what you found so I know that you guys are going to be okay?”
   He hummed, contemplating for a moment before sighing. “I can’t do that, Patton. Logan and Janus are already on my case about so many things I’m not adding another to the list. We’re going to be okay today, I promise that.” Patton clenched his phone as his friend kept talking. “I’ll visit you after we’re done today! Does that sound good, padre?”
   “It sounds great Roman, see you..” Patton responded, ending the call.
   True to his word, Patton did hear the door creak open. Roman cried into his arms while Patton just considered what he could do next.
   “Logan, is there ANY way you could do what you’re doing today later?” Patton asked, while Remus was walking through the office idly. Logan gave him a confused look as if to indicate that he wanted more information. “I’m going to be straightforward here-”
  “Good luck attempting that.” Remus cut in. Logan and Patton stared at him for a moment. He shrugged. “Just saying. Keep talking about your psychic powers or whatever.”
   “I’m going to be CLEAR about this.” Patton mended. “Whatever happens at your job today will end with Janus being shot and killed. I can’t really explain why, but you need to do this tomorrow, or plan something. I don’t know! This is really dangerous and I want everyone to be okay.”
   There was a moment of silence between the three of them. Logan sat in his seat, thinking everything over while Remus had paused reorganizing the bookshelf to spell ‘penis’ with the first letters of the book titles. It was so silent that Patton could hear the shuffling of people walking through the halls, and the caws of birds that suspiciously sounded like crows. He took a breath and looked at the ceiling to keep himself from crying. Patton knew that he looked like a mess. He was wearing his cardigan instead of around his shoulders and he was so focused on leaving as fast as possible that his hair was completely neglected.
   Logan cleared his throat. “It would be unwise for us to completely postpone our mission today.” Patton sniffed and Logan continued through seemingly unaffected. “But I suppose it would be wise to make sure we have bulletproof vests and show up more inconspicuously than we previously planned.”
   “Thank you, Lo.” Patton’s voice was quiet, like a sudden breeze could shatter it.
   Patton and Remus were ushered out. Remus suggested they go out to sushi to wait and see how it went. There was a place close by and Remus enjoyed eating raw meats. This was a type of food the two frequently compromised on. The drive was quiet if you tuned out whatever loud artist Remus played in his car. Patton didn’t know them but did know that they swore way more than he would normally listen to.
   When the car stopped Patton didn’t move or do anything. Remus reminded him to unbuckle and get out of the car before he locked him in. He talked about not wanting his best friend to suffocate without any air and getting trapped by the safety lock completely and having to resort to eating his arm. No matter how grotesque his metaphors were, Patton appreciated knowing that Remus was there for him. He took everything Patton said in stride, not mocking or belittling him. He wasn’t a serious man and he didn’t have to be. Remus was passionate and would do anything for the people he cared about, regardless of how dangerous. Which was exactly why he had to make sure Remus and everyone else survived to some sort of future that didn’t exist yet.
   The two picked up their sushi and ate there. Well, Remus did. Patton picked at his a little while listening to the ambient noises of the restaurant. “Do you think they’re going to be okay today?”
   “I have no fucking clue.” Remus said. He paused to drink some of the soy sauce from the bottle. “But they stand a better chance with you fighting for them to finally use all those brain cells they’re hogging. I mean, do you hear that they weren’t even planning on wearing bullet proof vests? Do they want to become rag dolls at the end of this?”
   Patton snorted, tears brimming his eyes. “I guess I really ragged on Logan, huh?”
   Remus took all of Patton’s sushi in his hands and smooshed them together before eating the entire thing. With the food gone it was finally time to leave. When they arrived at the house there was already a car there. Roman’s car. Patton ran into the house to see Roman on the ground, looking very bruised with his hands covered in blood.
   “What happened?” He demanded.
   “Patton?” Roman asked weakly, looking up at him. “Patton! I’m so sorry, Logan and I, we tried to stop what happened but… Janus died.”
   His mind was racing, hearing Remus close the door behind him but he ignored it. “How?”
   “He was… umm, stabbed to death. Are you okay?”
   Roman’s question was ignored. Patton sat down at the table, turned away from the twins. Stabbed. Not shot. Of course they had multiple types of weapons on them. That was an oversight he couldn’t do again. He’d find a way to save them. They can bring their own guns or knives or they could be warned about what their enemies had prepared for them. Patton’s heart was racing as his hands gripped his head. He’d know what to do.
   Patton watched expectedly as Roman walked into the door. “They beat Janus to death.”
   Logan went into Patton’s house holding tightly onto his bleeding leg, with his other arm against the wall to keep his balance. The two made eye contact. “Roman and Janus died when they shot the tires of the car and it crashed. I’m the only one who made it.”
   “Janus was shot.”
   “We just couldn’t save Logan I’m so sorry-”
   “Roman was kidnapped and used against us. Janus thought they were bluffing about killing him but then they did.”
   Janus died. Logan died. They all died and somehow Virgil found out before him. Roman and Janus died. Logan and Janus died. Janus died. Patton was pulling his hair out. Every time he woke up he had darker eye bags than the last time. He didn’t bother to watch as yet another one of his friends limped through the door at 3 PM on a sunny day ready to announce a tragedy.
    “Who died?” He asked, cutting him off. Patton looked up to see Janus. There was blood coming from his nose that was ignored and drying over his skin. It wasn’t a very common version of this day. He showed up sometimes but Janus was very frequently the one dead. “I already know someone got murdered, Jan. Please just tell me how so I can avoid it next time.”
   “What? Next time-” Janus sputtered, shaking his head before looking at Patton. “What the fuck does that mean?! Roman got suffocated to death- why… Do you know what happened? Patton, what’s going on?”
   A question so simple with a very difficult answer. Patton stood up to help Janus walk to a chair. Roman. Strangled. How could he warn them about that next time? Janus was talking as Patton continued to walk around the kitchen but he wasn’t listening. He wet a towel and started cleaning up Janus’s face. Janus shut up and Patton gave a tight lipped smile. “I know you aren’t going to believe me but you, Logan, and Roman have been dying every single day for me and I’m trying to make sure you’re all okay in the end. So, next time I’ll tell Logan about things to avoid doing that didn’t work out this specific time. As long as I mess with the timeline something different will happen. One of these days will turn out okay.”
   Unless they don’t. Unless he really just has to accept it like Virgil said.
   “So you’ve just been handed the world’s most traumatizing time loop?” Janus asked. Patton removed the bloody paper towel and threw it in the trash can. He nodded. “How long have you been stuck here? Just knowing that one of us dies?”
   “I don’t know.” Patton answered honestly. He spent so much effort trying to save his friends he hadn’t bothered to keep track of time. Janus rested his hand on Patton’s arm for the littlest amount of comfort. Patton looked up at him with a sad smile, tears brimming his eyes. “What do I do? I can’t get you to stop, you won’t let me come with you, and I don’t want anyone to be hurt anymore.”
   They both looked so hurt. Janus had bruises setting in just about everywhere and he winced whenever he made a movement too big or too fast. Patton just looked tired. So incredibly tired, as if he had woken up after a fitful night sleep decades ago and never went back to bed. Janus tried to say something but stopped himself. There was no clear cut answer. Why would there be? It was like he had said earlier, the world’s most traumatizing time loop and Patton was the only one with a ticket to the ride. How do you stop something that’s only goal is to make you suffer? He thought about what Virgil said and grimaced.
   Patton fell into Janus’s lap and sobbed. This wasn’t fair, none of it was! And Virgil had to be right about everything. He had to let his husband die. Patton whispered his apologies over and over until he felt like he couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t figure out a way to save him; perhaps there wasn’t a way to save him at all.
   Patton wakes up to a happy song playing on his phone and his husband asleep next to him. He didn’t stop the alarm, he didn’t do anything. Janus woke up with a yawn, only to see Patton staring blankly at the ceiling above him. The world felt devoid of life, like the more Patton looked, the world would pause before draining away before him. Janus gave him a shake, asking if he was okay, but Patton didn’t answer. It was no use. Nothing he did would work in the end anyways. Why try? Janus seemed more worried, not a common look on him. Patton looked him over and gave a smile. Would this be the last time he’d see him?
   “Are you okay?” He asked, when Patton finally sat up. Patton gave him a hug and let go of it before he wouldn’t be able to. “Patton, do you need me to stay with you?”
   “No, I’m okay.” The lie was breathed to life almost hesitantly. His voice felt raspy. Patton knew that this was the right thing to do, but it hurt so much. Why did it have to hurt so much? “Just, just go to work and I’ll be alright.”
   So Janus did, and Patton was alright. Janus wasn’t. When Roman came to tell him of the news, Patton was still in bed on his husband’s side. Roman stayed after taking a shower, but his attempts to help were in vain. The world was draining away and there was nothing that could stop it. Roman was sleeping on the floor, holding Patton’s hand.
   It kept repeating. Making Patton live the pain every single day, which wasn’t fair. He still cried when Roman would tell him that Janus died. He still made sure that Roman got cleaned up, but nothing changed. Patton couldn’t make it to yesterday, despite trying so hard to move on. Eventually he decided to keep up the routine he would normally have, trying to show the world that he was going to be okay, but that didn’t work either.
   Nothing did.
   He watered the plants, fed the cat and the turtle, had a glass of water, and hung out with that murder of crows that started following the couple around a few months ago. Patton threw some food at the ground in front of them before sitting down on the patio. He wasn’t really sure what to do. Going to the store probably wouldn’t be helpful, unless he managed to avoid the biker eventually. Janus was already at work and in danger already. Patton sighed and fell to his back. A crow cawed at him.
   “What should I do?” He dragged his hands over his face. None of the birds responded, outside of the one that hopped onto his calf. Patton decided that was a sign to go grocery shopping, despite knowing they wouldn’t have all that’s on the list.
It was slightly windy out, causing Patton’s cardigan to drift updraft. A plane went by, supposedly going down towards the airport. He saw a woman chasing a dog with a leash running wild and helped her out. A group of kids were walking to school. And then he reached the grocery store. Patton went in only needing four things: Butter, bread, eggs, and bagels. He already knew they didn’t have butter, but put the rest in the shopping basket. Patton’s hand hovered over Janus’s favorite candy. He blinked slowly, taking a deep breath in and out, before throwing it into the basket. It wasn’t a horrible thing to indulge anyways.
Walking out, the wind had calmed down. He carefully carried his bags, skillfully dodging out of the way of the biker for the first time. Patton stopped walking to watch the person continue on, not knowing about the collision that had occurred between them before. The rest of the way was uneventful. He put away the groceries and decided to make something for Roman when he was going to stop by.
He made some sort of water based soup, Patton wasn’t sure which because he grabbed the one closest to him, only checking the label to make sure it wasn’t cream based. Last time he hadn’t, Roman got really sick. Just as Patton had finished, the door opened. He didn’t say anything and instead got a rag from a cupboard and turned on the hot water.
Roman limped in and leaned against the wall. “Pat, I’m so sorry.” Patton nodded silently, running the rag underneath the sink and started cleaning up the blood on Roman’s face. “Logan and I, we tried to stop what happened but… Janus died.”
   Patton’s heart pinged in guilt, still feeling like he could do something. He took the rag off Roman’s face. “Yeah, I know. How about you go take a shower, Roman. You can borrow my clothes for tonight.” Roman had a confused expression but seemed too out of it to say anything. Patton took out some of his clothes, not able to go through Janus’s shirts. He set it outside the bathroom door and spent the rest of his time petting Ladle idly. None of this felt right.
   It couldn’t be the right way to go about this, seeing as he awoke again with Janus next to him so many times after. But Patton didn’t know what he COULD do. He stood up a bit too quickly but ignored it. Patton decided he’d finally start putting up his hair again. Not that anyone would know how long he hadn’t bothered to but himself. It would just help. He put in the barrettes and stared at himself in the mirror for a few seconds. Sighing, Patton tied the cardigan to finish his look. Janus walked into the bathroom, brushing his incredibly long hair. He was dressed for work but had yet to grab his hat.
   “Hey love, can we talk before you go to work?” Patton asked. Usually he’d be nervous about Janus misinterpreting his tone but currently things like that haven’t really mattered to him.
   “Well that’s not ominous at all.” Janus replied as he nodded. He put his hair in a bun and put his hat on top. There was a strip of hair loose, highlighting the scarred side of the man’s face. The two walked to the living room. Upon seeing them, Ladle jumped off the couch and ran into the bedroom presumably to hide under something. “What did you need to talk about?”
   Patton took a breath, taking in all the ways this conversation has been messed up before. “You can’t go to work today. I know what you’re going to say-”
“This day is really important,” Janus interjected while Patton said it at the same time as him with a sense of boredom. Janus narrowed his eyes. “Have you been hanging out with Remus more often? There’s no way you were able to copycat that well without practice.”
   “Yeah, I guess you could call it practice if you wanted to.” Patton chuckled to himself. “But we’re getting distracted. If any of you guys, including Roman and Logan, go do the thing you need to do today you will die. It won’t be pleasant, and it will happen no matter how many precautions you decide to take. So please, take the day to plan this out better or something. But you can’t risk anything.”
   Janus was very taken back but scoffed, to hide the fact he was worried. Patton knew that he wasn’t just going to give in without good reason to. He didn’t want to pull the ‘time loop’ card if he didn’t have to. If he could just move onto tomorrow with no one knowing what had happened he would be satisfied. “We are always careful, Patton. Why do you think today’s going to be any different? We haven’t died yet!”
   “But you will! I don’t THINK today’s going to be different, I. KNOW. SO.” Patton was trying to stay as calm as possible, but it really sucked to do that. “If you want me to explain, I can, but it would be so much better for you just to trust me. Please.”
    “Patton. I want to know what’s going on. Are you being threatened or something? Why do you believe we’re going to be hurt?” Janus asked.
   He took a deep breath, Patton’s heart was breaking faster than his patience. “I’m not being threatened, Janus. I’m stuck. I’m stuck watching you die every single day, only learning when Roman comes into our house at 3 PM when I expected you to sneak out of your work place to eat food with me. And I can’t do anything about it or someone else I care about dies! So I’m stuck! Stuck knowing that it’s going to be windy today, that a biker will break the eggs I bought at the grocery store, and that I got other things there to compensate for the fact that the store doesn’t have butter!” His voice broke as he looked at Janus after he ranted loudly. “I’ve been on this day that it’s easier to focus on my small inconveniences instead of the fact that my husband dies today and I can’t do anything.”
   Janus walked over to him, giving Patton a hug. Patton didn’t hug back but put his head on his chest. Everything was silent between the two of them. Janus rubbed circles into Patton’s back. Neither of them were crying. Patton had run out of tears for a long time, and Janus didn’t know enough to understand how horrible the situation was. After a few minutes, Patton pulled back. Janus looked at him, with undivided attention.
  “Will you tell the others that the plan today has changed?” He asked. “I can’t let you go into danger. Not when I can do something about it.”
   “At this point it would be stupid of me not to. Want to come with to make sure none of the other’s fuck up this day?” Janus suggested, Patton gave a weak smile. “I’ll work hard to not die today by planning ahead and having common sense. It might be quite difficult if your rants suggest anything.”
   “Hey,” Patton interjected softly. “You have common sense! I’m not exactly sure how you die but you probably try very hard not to do it. Don’t degrade your worth, Janus.” It was ironic, seeing as how much Janus promoted taking care of yourself and your own self worth in general. Patton tried to get his normal energy but it fell short. He almost literally fell too, but Janus caught him and stood him back up. “I’ll… physically fight you.”
   “Of course you will, let’s go tell the other’s okay?”
   Patton watched as his friends huddled around Logan’s desk coming up with some sort of game plan. He was trying to listen but his exhaustion caught up to him and he mainly focused on staying awake. Roman gave him a concerned look before he kept talking. Clearly, the three were talking about him. The whole reason this was happening was because of Patton. He let Janus argue his points and kept his attention on staring at the small things on Logan’s bookshelf. It was uniform, organized by the author's last name. The only deviation being the small nick knacks and items that the other’s gave him over the years. Patton smiled, even though Logan didn’t see the purpose of the small toys, he still kept them. Things like this reminded Patton how much he loved his friends.
“Okay, what dangers are there that we aren’t prepared for?” Logan asked.
   Janus thought for a moment, and looked at Patton. He just barely started listening again. “I wouldn’t really know. What about you, Patton?”
He looked up seeing all of them looking directly back. Patton took a breath. “Well, they have a whole range of weapons. If you aren’t immediately shot and manage to get into the car they’re going to shoot the tires. You could be strangled, hurt in the car wreck, manipulated into a situation where you could put someone else at risk…” Patton trailed off awkwardly. Logan, Roman, and Janus all made eye contact for a brief moment. Patton liked to imagine they could all talk to each other telepathically, even though Logan didn’t think that was logical.
“This seems like a lot,” Roman commented. “Are you sure that you’re not just overthinking every single thing that can go wrong? That sounds more like Virgil’s thing if we’re being real-”
Logan looked at him, confused. “Of course we’re being real, but I don’t see what that has to do with it.” Janus looked like he wanted to cut in but decided not to say anything, simply clearing his throat instead. “Roman the entire point of our job is to make sure we’re prepared for any given situation, why is that a problem?”
“Well, uh, it just-” Roman sputtered through his sentence. “Without taking chances and trying to plan everything out we’re not going to get anything done! How can we be expected to save anyone from danger if we spend all day just thinking about what COULD happen?”
“Without planning at all we’re not going to be able to save ourselves!” Janus argued back. “And if we die that’s not going to do anyone any good.”
He looked over at Patton with a small smile, signalling that he was going to stand up for his side of the argument, which was comforting. Janus was a very persuasive person. But in the end, Patton didn’t care what conclusion they went to as long as they lasted to the end of the day. Logan looked between his two coworkers and friends, sighing. “Well clearly we need a healthy balance instead. If we put too much weight on taking risks or preparing, it won’t be productive either way.”
“So…” Roman started. “Yerkes-Dodson curve again?”
   Logan looked at him, unimpressed. “Yes, the Yerkes-Dodson curve again.”
   He didn’t really understand what that was referencing, but Patton decided to speak up again. “So you’re going to spend the rest of the day coming up with a flexible but concrete plan for tomorrow?”
   “That does sound like the consensus.” Janus shrugged. No one else argued.
   By the time the three were done planning, Patton had fallen asleep on the chair he was on. Janus gently picked up his husband on his back. Patton’s arms fell loosely around his neck as he was coming out of unconsciousness. The car ride was quiet, and they reached home. Janus waved to Remus before heading inside, helping Patton follow along.
   It was 6 PM. The longest that anyone had lived on that day. Patton was suddenly awake when he realized that. His grip on Janus’s shirt tightened significantly. But the two still didn’t say anything. Patton took out his barrettes and ponytail. He shook out his hair, looking at himself in the mirror again as he took off the cardigan. Janus was making a quick dinner for the two of them. Patton had to keep reminding himself that Janus was still there, still alive. He almost believed that something would keep going wrong, and that wouldn’t be fair. None of it seemed fair though, so it was possible. Patton gave himself a nod. “It’s going to be okay.”
   After they ate, Janus and Patton got into pajamas. They laid on top of the blankets, holding hands despite facing opposite ways. Janus cleared his throat. “What are you going to do if today repeats again, Patton?”
   “I don’t know.” He answered honestly. “I mean obviously I’ll try to keep you all alive but I’m going to try different things. This is the closest I’ve ever gotten. I keep thinking that you’ll die in front of me or that Roman and Logan already died and I just don’t yet. Virgil suggested that I might just have to accept the fact that you’re going to die. I certainly don’t want that to be true.”
   Janus nodded solemnly. “I mean I guess it’s finally been proven that I can die now.”
   Patton hit him softly with his free hand. “No jokes! This is a serious time, we gotta be serious.” Janus gave him a look, some mix between mock offended and trying desperately not to laugh. “JAn! Stop trying to make me laugh- no stop poking my face- I’m trying to have a conversation with you-” He was cut off by his own laughter, followed by his husband’s laughter. Patton’s laugh turned into crying. The two sat up. “You’ll be okay, right Jan? I don’t want this to be the last time we joke around like this. I’ll miss you so much.”
    There was a pause, and then Janus cradled Patton’s check with one of his hands. “You’re strong, Patton. If anyone had the moral capability to save everyone repeatedly, it would be you. Then again, I’ll ask you to consider taking up a therapist when you do get out of the time loop, regardless of the end result.”
   “Fair enough.” Patton allowed Janus to pull him into a kiss. It was short. When they pulled away Patton pulled them into a hug. “Can you stay up with me until twelve? I want to make sure that tomorrow will actually come.”
   “Of course, dear.”
   Time passed. Patton and Janus mostly just bothered Ladle when she went into the room, talked about things that didn’t matter, and kept each other company. Patton checked the clock on the bedside table and his phone with basically every free thought he had. Janus tried to distract him with a movie playing on his laptop, but his hand remained on his phone. They finished the movie when it turned 11 PM.
   “So, should we play another movie or just scroll on our phones or something?” Janus asked. Patton hummed for a moment, giving a look. Janus narrowed his eyebrows, feigning suspicion. “Oh, you want to do a special thing don’t you?”
   “Yeah,” Patton relented. “Something simple though! I haven’t made any of the loops, so it’s been awhile for me. Please? If we start now we might be able to finish before midnight!”
   So they made cookies. Despite being on a time limit, the two spent plenty of it messing around. Janus ate some of the cookie dough after the chocolate chips were put in despite Patton’s insistence not to. But after a very small amount of convincing, Patton ate cookie dough as well. Janus put in the first batch of cookies at about 11:47. So maybe they should have rushed just a little bit more. Patton looked at Janus, with innocence in his expression but mischievousness in his heart. “Looks like we’re in a real time crunch now, huh?”
   “Patton. We have been married for three years and four months but I’m willing to end it there if you continue to keep doing this to me.” If someone who didn’t know Janus heard him say that, they would’ve believed that he was being completely honest. Patton though, just laughed proudly. Janus sat on the floor, across from the oven, watching the cookies and pretending not to pay attention to Patton.
   “Come on, Jan!” Patton exclaimed, shaking his shoulders. “If this really is the last of the time loop I got to end with a sweet pun!”
   Before there could be any more arguments, or god forbid, puns the timer went off and the first batch of cookies were done. Patton took out the tray as Janus put in the next one. The two checked the time. 11:58. Janus lifted the cookie. “Looks like there’s no time to let it cool. I want to have at least one cookie if the day is going to reset anyways.”
   “Well, I guess just this once, it’s okay.” Patton said, picking up his own cookie. He looked at the clock to see they only had one minute left. Patton made eye contact with Janus. “If this day repeats, I just want you to know that I’ll never stop until I save you.”
   “I know.” and they both took bites into the cookies.
   Patton looked at the clock after a moment. He chewed and swallowed the cookie, seeing that it was 12 AM. Patton looked quickly back at Janus, who was there and alive. Janus put down his cookie just as he was enveloped in a hug. Patton was crying already, holding onto him like he was going to disappear at any moment. “You’re alive! You’re alive… It’s finally over. I’m not stuck anymore.”
   He cried into Janus’s shoulder, finally breathing in a new today.
Taglist: @rosalynravenclaw16 @genderkwerfirebird @littlefufu10 @hailcap85 @infawrit10 @dontask25 @shinekittenace @reginaofdoctorwho @harmonydiaries @tomori-outtit @wundergirllovesyou @you-gay-bitch @tradernate @vinnievinvibing @gender-guts @the-dead-and-the-decaying @qtkittencorn @elsecaller617 @made-of-love-and-loneliness @venus-virgil77 @sablesides @mainfor-theo @inge-nine @drunk-logan-cursed-facts @pastelpatton @gay-artist-626 @ace-ace-in-yo-face @lemonlinelights @mk-wastebin @kayte-wren @jaunssanders @asdfghjklicia
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willowbird · 3 years
Hey! For the au + trope + prompt thing, could you do 1 for au, 9 for trope and 27 for prompt with pynch?
(P.S: I just remembered you have already done one with pynch, so you can do this one with another ship of your choosing if this one feels repetitive!)
Roommates AU, strangers to lovers, “that was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend.” ~ for pynch!
I am more than happy to write 10,000 roommate aus for these idiots <3
It all started with an only mildly suspicious ad on craigslist:
Roommate needed $275/mo - utilities included must be ok with corvids good w/cars a plus - rent discount if u can prove it
Adam wasn't an idiot. He knew something that was too good to be true when he saw it. He also knew that answering a craigslist ad for a roommate was a good way to get stabbed, robbed, and God only knew what else.
And yet...
Sometimes, when your options were limited it really was better to take every possible avenue to get away from the devil you know - even if that means sharing a small apartment with the devil you don't.
Well, the devil and his pet raven. And really, Chainsaw was by far the more agreeable of the two.
That being said, it wasn't like Ronan was awful. He was an asshole, and he was downright grumpy bastard anytime before 11am. He listened to terrible music, if that trash could ever be considered such. Chainsaw was a sweetheart, though, always bringing Adam new shinies for his approval and sitting with him while he worked on a paper or research or any number of other assignments for his degree.
(Taking the risk that he had by jumping at that craigslist ad meant that he was able to cut back on his hours a little bit at work, go to school full time, and start amassing a savings account.)
And, okay, Ronan probably had some merits too. He could cook, for one thing. Not to say that Adam couldn't cook. He could - he just didn't like to. If it were up to him, he'd probably subsist on saltines and hard-boiled eggs. In fact, he had done exactly that for the first two weeks living with Ronan until the other man had dropped a full plate of breakfast in front of him, stole his crackers, and pointed at him. "Eat like a fucking grown-up," he'd said -and... well, that was that. Sure, Adam had tried to protest, but Ronan had just... started making food for the both of them and maybe if it was shitty food or even mediocre in quality Adam would have been able to ignore it - but it killed something inside Adam to waste food. Especially good food. And Ronan's food was fucking amazing.
So, there was that.
He also wasn't an absolute terror to be around. Having a conversation with Ronan Lynch was a choose-your-own-adventure novel written by very high geniuses. You really never knew what you were going to get and each alternate path was bound to be either completely bat-shit crazy or a humbling level of profound. Not only that, but Ronan didn't pull that alpha-male bullshit so many other men did where they refused to admit they didn't know something. No, when Adam proved that he knew what he was talking about when it came to cars, Ronan just said "teach me?" with such open intensity that Adam couldn't really tell him 'no', alright?
And then there were days like today, where Adam got home from an early shift at the garage to find Ronan sitting halfway out of their third-floor apartment, securing a thick rope to a hook above the window that definitely hadn't been there when Adam left that morning.
"Are you about to do something stupid again?" Adam called up to him as he got out of his car. Upon hearing his voice, Chainsaw (who had been circling anxiously above) crowed out a warbled imitation of speech that sounded a lot like 'Atom' and coasted down to him.
"Me? Stupid? Nah, this is gonna be fucking amazing," Ronan called back without looking away from his work.
Chainsaw landed on Adam's shoulder and clapped her beak affectionately near his ear. Adam dutifully lifted a hand to stroke at the soft feathers of her neck. If he also whispered 'hello beautiful girl, is your papa making trouble for you again?' it was between him and the bird and Ronan would never need to know.
Chainsaw crooned a tense 'kreh!' that Adam took as an affirmative.
"What exactly are you doing, Ronan Lynch?" Adam called up as he took another look at the setup, walking closer to the building. The rope that Ronan had just finished tying to the hook was already secured to a tree on the edge of the parking lot, the one that stood awkwardly out from the rest of the tree line. Their apartment complex was situated right on the edge of a forest preserve. A lot of Ronan's hair-brained ideas usually came back to the forest in one way or another.
"This is just a test run. If I can get it to work right, I'm going to set a line straight into the forest."
"Mm, yes, because... leaving civilization through a door is beneath you?"
Ronan paused, then grinned down at him, the expression somehow both boyish and savage in a way that always made Adam's heart jump for some reason. "Actually, yeah. Literally."
Adam rolled his eyes but didn't bother to fight the smile. "Punk."
"I resent that. I reject all labels, Parrish - you know that."
"Uh-huh. Sure. Well if you-- Ronan what are you doing?"
Ronan had produced what looked like a fucking tie (was that the one Ronan's brother Declan had been wearing when he came by for dinner a couple weeks back?) and had wrapped one end around his hand. As Adam watched, he flicked the loose end of the tie over the taut rope and then wrapped it around his other hand.
"Told you it was a test run, Parrish. That mean's I've actually got to test it."
"Ronan I don't think--"
But it was too late. Ronan had already jumped out of the fucking third-floor window like he was expecting to fly. For a second or two, he sort of did. The rope bowed but supported him and the smooth tie provided little friction as Ronan began to zoom down at a steep angle. Then the rope shuddered and went completely slack, the hook having torn free from the side of the building where it clearly had not been properly anchored. Ronan plummeted like a stone in a still pond.
"Ronan!" Adam did not make the active decision to move, but he was suddenly sprinting to where the jumbled heap of Ronan Lynch had landed on the rough pavement. Chainsaw had already launched ahead and was hopping around near Ronan's head, squawking out anxious reprimands of 'Kerah! Kerah!'
Adam skidded to his knees beside Ronan just as the other man was shakily trying to sit up. "What the FUCK Ronan Lynch!? What were you thinking!? You can't just jump out of a God-forsaken third-floor window like that. Do you want to be killed?" Adam didn't even care that the rural-Virginian flavor of his youth had coated his words in a thick batter, he was so mad.
Ronan blinked at him and there was a strange mix of confusion and pain and... something else on his face. "Scared, Parrish?" The words did not come out as teasing as they normally would.
"Scared? Scared? Of course I was scared. You... you fucking idiot!" Adam had to give himself a moment. He raked his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath, then another. He closed his eyes and tried to center himself. Fear and anger would get him nowhere, even if the fear had already set its nasty little hooks into each and every one of his nerve endings and the anger felt like the only way to burn them away.
A hand touched his shoulder, then his cheek. Adam opened his eyes and Ronan was wearing another indecipherable expression, his dark eyes hooded, his mouth pursed.
"Come on," Adam said as he leaned back so he could stand up. "Can you stand?" Chainsaw continued to hop around, but she'd stopped her distressed shouting, perhaps sensing that Adam was taking control and feeling more comfortable knowing that he would set things to rights, whatever that might mean.
Ronan was quiet for a moment, then seemed to shake himself out of his thoughts before giving a derisive snort. "It was just a little fall, Parrish, I'm --fuck!" Ronan had just tried to stand up, but his knee buckled out from under him as soon as he put his weight on it. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck, alright. Alright. Shit. Fuck. That was a very bad idea. 0/10 would not recommend."
"The standing or the stupid fucking stunt you pulled jumping out of a goddamn window?" Adam asked. He attempted to make it as dry as possible, trying to get them back to some kind of equilibrium, but his heart was still racing a bit too fast and he could hear the angry bite in his own words.
Still didn't stop him from instantly stepping forward and catching Ronan, though. He wound an arm around Ronan's waist, guiding Ronan's arm over his shoulders so he could support him.
"The standing, of course. Shit! Ah... fuck. My idea for the apartment-forest zipline is fucking genius thank you."
Adam helped Ronan hobble forward, taking them back toward his car instead of the building. "Yeah. Right. Whatever you say, Lynch."
"Where are we going?"
"To the hospital, dumbass," Adam said with a roll of his eyes, all but shoving Ronan into the passenger seat. He held the door open for Chainsaw to be able to swoop in and land on the idiot's lap. The least Ronan could do was soothe her for the drive.
"You don't have--"
Adam cut him off with a glare. "We. Are. Going. To. The. Hospital. Am I being perfectly clear?"
"...yes." Ronan glared back, but then sank down in his seat, expression mulish.
Adam fixed him with a hard stare that lasted another few heartbeats, then gave a nod and snapped the door shut.
So yes, Ronan Lynch wasn't all that bad. Sometimes the devil you don't really is the better choice. Because sometimes that devil has a cute bird and makes good food and has great conversation. If he also scares the shit out of you on the regular and makes your heart race inexplicably, well, that's not so bad a deal. Right?
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maiyami · 4 years
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𝕂𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕠 𝕋𝕒𝕜𝕒𝕞𝕚 𝕩 𝔽𝕖𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕖 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
ℝ𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝟙𝟠+
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘: 𝕃𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕦𝕒𝕘𝕖, 𝕤𝕞𝕦𝕥, 𝕗𝕝𝕦𝕗𝕗, 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕞𝕠𝕣𝕖.
𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣𝕤 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕒𝕘𝕖𝕕 𝕦𝕡 𝟙𝟠+
Hawks saw you there, holding this mans head in your lap. Hands glowing a bright green, eyes too as you tired your hardest to save this hero. He couldn’t be more than in the thirties for ranking but you were trying your hardest to save him. Damn did you look beautiful, a little bit of sweat on your brow while you concentrated hard, your y/c/h hanging on your cheeks, and this determinate look on your face. But sadly it was to late for this hero, he lost to much blood and there was nothing more that you could do for him. Another hero had put a hand on your shoulder, letting you know that you did everything you could.
Hawks just stood there looking at you, that’s when you finally picked your head up. Your eyes caught these gorgeous golden ones. Maybe you both stared at each other a little too long, until one of your colleagues called for you. “Angel! We are leaving.” He yelled too you. You shot him a small smile, then you were off. Even though that smile was small, seemed a little forced but it was breath taking. He would do anything to see that smile once more, be the reason why you smile. He was going to try and see you again, whatever it takes.
While you were on your way back to the agency you worked for, you couldn’t get Hawks out of your mind. Have you ever seen eyes as golden as his? Or wings so bright that you could see them a mile away? Probably not. He just carried himself in a way that you had never seen before, he had a slim but muscular build. Damn he was pretty much perfect, no wonder so many fan girls swoon over him. It was a long day, you needed to wash up after that one.
Hawks decided to look into you more, he already heard your hero name. It shouldn’t be that hard to find something on you. The only thing he found about you was that you’ve been in the low teens on the hero chart since you were eighteen. However you spend a lot of time working at hospitals while still working for fatgums agency. Other than that, there isn’t much about you. He couldn’t even find your actual name, where you went to school, or anything about you until you turned eighteen. It was like you didn’t exist, like you just came out of nowhere. This just made him more interested in you, he wanted to find out more.
You were just going through the motions of the day, going on patrol then getting called off to the hospital to help the hurt. Once you arrived at the hospital, you were taken up to a room immediately. A big pro hero had been hurt, they needed you. Once you got into the room, you were met with those beautiful golden eyes. Hawks was sitting on the table, he looked pretty beat up. His right wing was drooping, plus there was horrible cuts on his right arm. You told everyone to leave, closing the door behind them.
You looked over him, he was smiling. Like it didn’t matter he had been hurt, his spirits were super high. You walked over looking at his arm, then his wing. “So what happened.” You asked him. He shrugged a bit, rubbing the back of his neck. “Got thrown through a window, pretty hard too.” He said back. You nodded at him, reaching out to lift his wing but then stopped. “Can I?” You questioned. Which he nodded back. You slowly rubbed your hand along his wing, bringing it up slightly. When you looked at him, he just seemed content. “Can you move it?” You asked and he shook his head no. “Can you feel it?” You asked. Which he nodded yes. “I can, just hurts like hell.” He said back.
“It’s more than likely broken, but don’t worry.” You said then you sat down. You placed both hands onto his wing now, they started to glow green. Your eyes changed as well, you were staring straight as you healed him. Hawks felt this warm sensation run through his body, it was like being completely covered in a light sun. Just enough to make you warm but not enough to burn you. It was the most peaceful thing he ever felt. Quickly his wing started to twitch, moving back into place. You moved down to his arm, softly rubbing your hands over it until the cuts were gone. The process only took about twenty minutes, but Hawks had never felt so good in his life. He had so much energy after you were done, but when he looked at you, you seemed so drained.
There were some bags under your eyes now, looked a little more pale. You were leaning back in your chair, almost breathless. “Are you ok?” He questioned. You nodded, giving him a soft smile. “Yea, sometimes when injuries are bad it takes me a second to feel better.” You admitted too him. He kind of just kept looking at you, a little confused look. You laughed softly. “My quirk is different than most healing quirks. Your pain transfers too me, I pretty much swap energies with the person I heal. So while I take away your pain, I feel it. While also healing any injuries, sometimes I just need a second to bounce back.” You said then some of the life was coming back into your eyes.
Hawks couldn’t believe what he was hearing, you put yourself through so much just to help people. “Does it hurt bad?” He questioned. You shrugged, not really knowing what to say. “Some more than others.” You answered honestly. Which was true sometimes you felt nothing at all, but others could really put you down for the count. You stood up once more, looking over his wing then back to his arm. “You’re all set here, please try to be more careful.” You said to him, a soft smirk spreading across your lips. There it was, that smile Hawks has been thinking about for weeks. You finally brought it out, it could fucking melt his heart if he looked at it for too long.
He stood, walking towards you. “Thank you for healing me. By the way, I’m Hawks. Sorry I didn’t properly introduce myself the other day.” He said while holding his hand out too you. You gladly took it, your hand seemed to get swallowed up in his. “No problem, names Angel.” You said back too him. Just keeping it the hero name, interesting. Hawks thought too himself. “Ahw, come on kid. What’s your real name?” He asked, putting on as much charm as he could. You were hesitant, almost like you were lost as to what to say to that. “It’s just Angel, love.” You said back at him, you smile fading away slightly.
“Damn, I pushed her a little to much.” Hawks thought too himself. He needed to recover quick, he didn’t want to see you without that smile. “Real names are overrated anyways, take it from me.” He said back with a big toothy grin. It made you perk up a little, more comfortable now. That smile returned to your face, a little brighter now. “Glad you think so, Hawks.” You said back. Hawks beamed at you, looking at your face. “Let me take you out to dinner, it’s the least I can do for putting you through so much.” Hawks offered. You pondered the idea slightly in your mind, then smiled. “Sure, I’d like that.” You said.
A few days later you were getting ready for your dinner with Hawks. He said he was going to bring you to this cute little barbecue place, nothing to fancy. You were very pleased with that, you never really cared for over the top “dates”. You were dressed in this cute floral crop top, paired along with high waisted leggings, and shoes to match. You pulled your hair up, letting it hang long behind you. You grabbed your tan leather jacket off the chair, putting your outfit together. That’s when you heard a tap at your balcony door.
You turned to see the bird man himself, right on time and waiting. You quickly went over to the door, opening it and waving him to come inside. This was the first time you had ever seen Hawks dressed down. He was in a v-neck t-shirt, dark jeans, and he had some jewelry on but not too much. He just seemed so comfortable, you were pretty excited to see him this way. He smiled at you, looking you up and down. “You look amazing, ready for the date?” He questioned, which you nodded at him. Then he stepped out onto the balcony, you were confused but followed.
He opened his wings, stretching them out completely before holding a hand too you. “We flying there?” You questioned him, taking his hand. He pulled you in close, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Of course, so hang tight dove.” He said back. You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, and he took off into the sky. You weren’t afraid of flying by any means, you just weren’t extatic that you were miles above the ground with just a pair of arms holding you for safety. But as you flew, you could feel how secure his arms were around you. There was no way he would ever let you fall, it made you feel safe.
Hawks could feel your heartbeat going a mile a minute, he thought it was kind of cute. Then he felt you slightly loosen your grip around his neck. Looking down at you, he didn’t see any fear in your eyes. You looked extremely joyful, like this was an amazing experience for you. That smile that could knock him dead was shining brighter than the sun. God, how he loved to see this look on your face. It made him hold onto you a little tighter, taking it all in for himself.
Once you arrived at the restaurant that’s when the date really kicked off. You exchanged many hero stories, talked about work, and just everyday life. You applauded Hawks for being able to deal with so many fans, and he shot back with how he thinks your extraordinary for doing what you do. It was an amazing date, you never felt more comfortable with someone than you do with Hawks. “I have to ask, why do you just stick with your hero name?” He questioned. Ah, the dreaded question. The questioned you hated more than anything else in this world. You sort of sighed, leaning back to look over his face. “It’s just going to sound silly too you.” You said meekly back.
“No, it won’t trust me.” He said back, serious he knows exactly what you mean. You looked over to the window, watching people walk by then back at him. “I forgot it.” You said softly back. If Hawks wasn’t so keen in hearing, the average person wouldn’t have heard you. You forgot your own name? Hm, that’s interesting. Sure, sometimes he forgets his own name since he can’t tell anyone it but he always remembers it. “You forgot it?” He questioned back. You sighed, rubbing your arms. “I didn’t grow up like most kids. I was practically put through military school but on crack. I had to completely strip myself of my own identity. My name was just lost in time, something forgotten.” You said back.
Holy shit, you went through exactly what he went through as a child. He just sat there dumbfounded at you, seeing that you weren’t fucking joking about forgetting your own name. He wanted to know more, he wanted to see if he could get a little more information out of you. “How did you end up at the place you did?” He questioned. You laughed, yes laughed at him when he asked. “My parents were quirkless and poor. Somehow I ended being born with a quirk, a quirk that could heal. I could be useful for many different things, so they sold me off. Their only child, for a quick buck. I haven’t seen them since I was five.” You said back at him.
He just couldn’t believe what he was hearing, that here is this beautiful woman that practically had the same up bringing as he did. “I’m not just good at healing Hawks, that “program” made me get my skill level high, but they also taught me how to fight. I was a good little fighter for them.” You beamed. “Was?” He questioned. You smiled, leaning forward to rest your head on your knuckles. “Well I shouldn’t say was since I am technically still apart of it. My parents only sold me off until I was eighteen. So I got out, but I never went back to my parents. I actually ended up going back to the Commission only a few months after they released me. They gave me more of a home than any other place. Plus I really had no where else to go.” You said back.
The commission, so they got their hands on you when you were a child as well. Slippery fucking bitches. Then an idea came to Hawks mind, he leaned forward smiling at you. “What?” You questioned, to which he smiled harder. “I can find out your real name, Dove.” He said back. Your eyes went wide at him, shock written all over your face. “How?” You questioned him, to which he just kept smiling. “Easy, I’m the commission favorite pet. I can get the information quick and easy. No one would know a thing.” He said back. You were at a loss for words, this man would do something like that for you? Why though, you didn’t give or do anything to have him be like this. “Why would you want to do that for me?” You asked. Hawks now leaned back, looking over your whole face. “Because I want to be the reason you have that beautiful smile on your face.”
His words struck you right in the heart, it was crazy what he made you feel. As the weeks pasted, you heard very little from Hawks. He would send you a text here and there, asking about your day but that was it. He said work picked up hard, he was staying late in the office. You had just gotten out of the shower, your hair still damp. You had on a crop tank top along with some booty shorts. Brushing through your hair, until a familiar tapping sound came from your balcony. You smiled to yourself before getting up to open the door. But what you were met with scared the shit out of you.
Hawks looked like he just got out of a prize fight, his face was swollen, hands bruised, and his wings were twitching causing him discomfort. It was pouring rain, so you pulled him inside quickly. “What happened?!” You asked him, there was so much concern laced into your voice. Hawks kind of just grunted, sitting on the chair in your room. He was tired, beat down, and maybe slightly concussed. “Bad fight with a villain, it’s alright though.” He said in a huff, but you ignored it. You stepped behind him, putting your hands against his temples. You were glowing, trying to hear him.
Holy shit it was painful, one of the more painful things you had been through in a while. You moved down to his neck, then to his shoulders, just making sure you healed him correctly. Hawks sighed with relief, all the pain had gone away from him. Once he looked at you, he just saw this blank stare then you fell to the ground. You had passed out, Hawks was quick out of his chair. He was holding you, trying to shake you awake. Then he remembered that if the pain is too much it does take a lot out of you. He picked you up, placing you on your bed. Hawks waited for you, sitting on your bed looking over you. He wanted to make sure nothing happened while you slept.
You started to stir, slowly fluttering your eyes open. You looked around your room, it was completely dark now, only light on was from your vanity lap. Then you saw Hawks sitting on your bed, looking out the window. You just looked over him a bit, he was much better from when he did come into your room. Then it hits you, you fucking passed out. Damnit, how did you not keep it together in front of him. You must have scared the shit out of him too do that, no wonder he stuck around. You leaned to softly tug on his jacket sleeve, trying to get his attention. 
Hawks was long in thought, just thinking about what you must go through everyday. All the pain you must feel, the feeling of death you come in front of everyday, and taking all that pain for someone else. You were amazing, that you would put strangers over yourself, you were completely selfless. Maybe he could learn something from you, be a better person by being around you. Hawks was taken out of his trance once he felt his sleeve get pulled on. He turned to meet those beautiful eyes of yours, a little tired than they were before you passed out. He smile softly at you, leaning over towards you. “There she is, how are you feeling?” He questioned you, you could see a little bit of guilt in his eyes.
You smiled back at him, it was small and meek but it was there. It just made Hawks chest tighten, he loved that smile of yours. “I feel better now, you must have been hurt more than you said you were.” You said in a playful tone. Hawks rubbed the back of his head, looking away from you. “I’m sorry, when I saw how worried you were, I didn’t want to make it worse.” He said softly. You shook your head, pulling on his arm. He turned to look back at you, softness in his face. “It’s fine, Hawks. Don’t worry about it. I just don’t understand how you ended up here. Why not go to the hospital.” You questioned him. 
Hawks remembered why he decided to come to your place, he found your name. Your real name, and he wanted to surprise you with it. But then those stupid villain's had to get in his way, mess up his plans. “I was on my way here, I found out your name. But then I got...side tracked.” He said back. Your eyes widened a little, sitting up fully now. “You really found it?” You asked. There was excitement in your voice, the way your face lit up just pushed Hawks heart over the edge. “Yeah, it’s y/n. It’s very beautiful.” He said back, you were over the moon. “Y/N.” You repeated back at him. There was such joy in your eyes, it was amazing. You got out from the covers, moving over to throw your arms around Hawks neck, pulling him in for a hug. 
Hawks was stiff for a moment, then he relaxed into your embrace. It wasn’t just your quirk that can make someone feel a peaceful warmth all over their body, Just you, yourself could have that affect on Hawks. It made him feel so safe, pulling out of the hug to look over your face. You smiled brightly at him, pulling him in by his cheeks. You placed a kiss on his lips, it was quick but the feeling made Hawks melt. You broke it off and got out of bed, walking over to your closet. “We should celebrate.” You said too him, turning to look at him over your shoulder. Hawks just sat there, blush creeping over his nose to his cheeks eyes never leaving you. 
That’s when it hit you, you just kissed the number two pro hero. You eyes widened, then your hand shot over your mouth. You started to walk forward, then stopped. “I am so sorry! I just did that on impulse, I didn’t mean to over step.” You said too him, fear laced in your voice. How could you just kiss someone randomly, you don’t know if he is with someone or if he is even into you. Hawks quickly got up, walking straight up too you. He moved your hand from your mouth, then let his hands rest on your hips. He leaned in and placed his lips back onto yours. You slowly let your hands run up his chest then into the back of his hair. It was one of the most passionate kisses you have ever had in your life. No one was fighting for dominance, it was like you were working together. He pulled you so your bodies were right against each other. He broke the kiss off to whisper into your ear, his breath was warm against your skin. “Don’t be sorry, I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the moment I met you.” He said
You were a little shocked, you didn’t think that someone who wasn’t as popular as him, get his attention. “Really? I’m not that special Hawks.” You said back too him. He kind of laughed at you, he couldn’t understand how you couldn’t see how amazing you are. “Y/n, you are so selfless, brave, and caring. You are so special.” He said back, rubbing your hips a little. You smiled back at him, wow is he beautiful too you. “So being covered in blood, not saying a word too you made you want to kiss me?” You teased him. He laughed at you, pulling you in to hold you tighter. “That beautiful smile is what really pulled me in. The situation you were in was grim but you still managed to smile back at me.” He said back. You just played with the back of his hair a bit, taking in every feature of his face. “You can be such a simple man, Hawks.” You said back. He leaned in to kiss you on the cheek. “Call me Keigo, and lets go celebrate.” He said softly.
You smiled at him, walking over to grab something out your closet. You told him you’d be right back, walking into the bathroom. When you closed the door, it didn’t shut all the way. It just left a small crack, enough for Keigo to see you. He saw you pull off your tank top, exposing your bare back too him. He noticed that you had a big scar on there, but he quickly looked away. He didn’t want to already be called a perv for looking at you change. You came back out, taking Keigo’s hand into yours. He moved out onto the balcony, holding your hip tightly. “Ready?” He asked you, which you nodded back. You were in the air, flying high as you went to go celebrate. 
Everything was going great, you saw Hawks more offend. Went out dates, and checked up on each other daily. But one day you just disappeared, you didn’t reply to his texted. He was getting worried, so he paid a visit to your place. Once he got there, his heart sank into his stomach. Your place was a reck, things throw everywhere, bed tossed against the wall, and your vanity mirror shattered. He looked around to find anything that could help him find out what had happened, he found your phone under some blankets. He saw all the unanswered messages from him and some friends of yours. What happened? You didn’t just up and leave, something must have went down. He needed to find out, he had to find out. 
He went to Fatgums agency, they must know what had happened too you. Once he got there, he talked with him. He found out that you had been sent out to spy on a hangout for the LOV. Sadly some of the villain's had followed you back to your house, you might be extremely skilled but trying to take on five people in such a cramped space isn’t easy for most. You had been seriously hurt, you hadn’t woken up in over a week at the hospital you were staying at. Keigo was quick to leave, heading over to the hospital. He was brought right up to your room, his heart just broke looking at you. 
There were IVs, wires, and everything else you could think of coming from you. Part of your face was bandaged over, along with your arms. He walked over, taking your hand into his. While he spoke with the doctors, they just told him that he had to wait. It was up to you know to wake up, they did everything they could to keep you here. So that’s what Keigo did, he waited. Only time he left was when he needed to be somewhere, he left all his patrols to one of his sidekicks. 
It had been weeks, still you had not woken up yet. Your bandages had come off, exposing scars left from the attack. You had this new scar coming from from the top right of your forehead, cross your right eye, half way down your cheek. Keigo gripped your hand tightly, thinking about what he was going to do once he gets the people who did this too you. He just wanted you to wake up so he could be blessed with that beautiful smile of yours. “Please come back, y/n. The world is such a brighter place when you are in it. I am a better person when you are here, just wake up.” Keigo said softly, then kissed your knuckles.  
Everything hurts, your whole body is sore, and you have the worse headache of your life. You fluttered your eyes open, looking around the room. “Hospital?” You questioned yourself. You turned your head to see that two doctors were speaking to each other, then once they saw your eyes open they were in shock. It had been almost three weeks since you were in your coma. They asked you all the questions, all the ones you usually ask the hurt. How do you feel? Do you know where you are? Do you remember who you are? What year is it? Which you answered them all, you knew what happened. They smiled, then said someone has been waiting for you to wake up.
A few hours passed, your eyes were shut since you were trying to rest them. You heard the door to your room open up, you opened your eyes slightly to see that beautiful winged man looking back at you. He nearly dropped to the ground when he saw you open your eyes. You smiled at him, which he quickly walked over to kiss you on the top of your head. “You’re awake, holy shit you’re finally awake.” He said softly against your hair, holding the back of your head into his chest. You could feel him shaking a little bit, tightening your frame to hold you closer. “Keigo, it’s okay. I’m awake, don’t cry please.” You asked him.
“If I had been there, if I wasn’t so caught up with work. I could have protected you. I am so- “ He started to say but you pulled out of his hold. You grabbed both of his cheek, making him look you in the eyes. “Keigo. No one would have known that would have happened. None of this is your fault at all. Get that out of your head. I’m fine, I’m here, and I’m alive.” You said back. You kissed him softly on the lips and it seems like all his worries washed away with that kiss. “Live with me?” He questioned back after the kiss was done. You smiled at him, which he smiled back. “Ok.” You said back.
It had been a few months since the attack happened, you were sitting on the bed waiting for Keigo to come home. Boredom taking over you while you waited, you picked yourself off the bed walking over to look through the closet. You found one of Keigos jackets hanging up in there, pulling it out to look at it. I smelt like him, it was so comforting. You were only in your bra and panties, you felt a little cold so you decided to slip it on. Laying back on the bed, looking at some videos on your phone until you fell asleep.
Keigo had come home about an hour later, he walked into your shared bedroom to find you laying on the bed. He looked over your frame, how his jacket was too big on you, it put a smile on his lips. Then you turned a little in your sleep, exposing your thighs a little. As you kept moving, the jacket get creeping up your exposed skin until it showed off your barely covered asscheeks. What a fucking sight Keigo thought, you just laying in his clothes. He walked over, rubbing your arm softly until you slowly woke up.
“Well little bird, don’t you look good in my clothes.” He teased softly. You rubbed your eyes, sitting up on your elbow, the jacket slipping off your shoulder to expose your chest a bit. Before you had fully fallen asleep, you took of your bra to be a bit more comfortable. “I was a little cold, and this seemed so comfortable.” You said with a sleepy voice. Keigo smirk, looking over you. “Now your scent is going to be all over me the next time I wear that. I think you want to drive me crazy, huh little bird?” He questioned. You tilted your head slightly, a smirk coming to your lips. You slowly sat up, kneeling before him.
“Maybe I do. Do you not like it?” You questioned back with sass in your voice. He shrugged off his own jacket, letting it hit the floor. “I fucking love it.” He muttered before his lips were on yours. The kiss was heated, all teeth and tongue. He slowly pushed you onto your back, letting himself get ontop of you. He looked down as you kissed his neck, looking at how amazing your breasts looked while you were on your back. He nearly growled at the sight, leaning up to pull his shirt off. You leaned up, starting to take the jacket off but Keigo stopped you. “Oh no, little bird. Keep that on, I like seeing you in my clothes.” He said before he started to trail kisses down your chest.
You bit your lip at the feeling of his tongue licking over one of your harden buds. Letting your fingers run through his hair. As he made his way down your chest and stomach, he pushed your panties to the side. Letting his face rest between your legs, then he slowly licked a broad stripe up your entrance. He moaned at your taste, while you threw your head back at the sensation. “Such a pretty little pussy.” He moaned then let his tongue feverishly lap at your clit. You gripped his hair a little tighter, feeling the pleasure running through your body. He slowly pushed in two finger, pumping them quickly. It made your hips buck up into his tongue. “Someone’s impatient.” He teased at you.
“Please Keigo, fuck me.” You moaned too him. Which he snickered at, leaning back to pull his pants along with his boxers off of himself. He pulled your panties off your hips, down your legs, until he threw them onto the ground. He dipped back down between your legs, spitting on your entrance before leaning back up. Letting his head tease you for a few seconds before slowly slipping himself into you. You leaned up to pull him down by his neck, letting his forehead rest against yours.
He started off slow but then picked up his pace, making sure you could feel his whole length deep inside of you. With each thrust, his head kissed your cerxics. It was making you see stars, your moans got louder with each pump of his cock. He pushed your legs up to your chest, causing you to let out a loud moan. You clamped down on his shaft, causing him to moan. He leaned down to give you a heated kiss. “Gonna cum for me?” He questioned while his thrusts began to become sloppy. You nodded at him, gripping the back of his head tightly. He leans down to whisper into your ear. “Say it.” He says back.
You moan loudly, looking him straight in the eyes. “I’m gonna cum, Keigo!” You moan too him. He starts to thrust hard into you, putting everything he had into his motion. “Ya. Fuck, cum on my cock.” He says then he released his load into you. You felt over the edge, clamping down on him tightly. As you both slowed, you just held each other there. Until Keigo lifted his head slight to look at you. You had this beaming smile on your face. That smile he fell for the moment he saw you, the smile that’s kept him going, the smile from someone he truly loves. “I love you, y/n.” He said softly. You push a few sweaty hairs out of his face, pulling him down for a soft kiss. “I love you too.” You said softly.
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hellonoblesky · 3 years
School got me worn out so here's my team dynamic HCs
It's Kaeya, Xingqiu, Diluc, and Ayaka atm hngjfhgdjfg
This man is so tired, Archons please let him rest
Has to pick up his week's paperwork from Jean every Monday when we go to Mondstadt to buy food supplies and stuff before fighting Andrius, gets to work on it while Diluc and the Andrius team go at it
Actually is the person who keeps the whole party safe, has pulled Xingqiu away from ledges while he's reading more times than he can count, makes sure everyone has food at all times, and keeps the schedule in line
Has a flask of Death After Noon that he keeps on him, has to actively keep it away from Xingqiu because the kid's curious
He is so tired he is the reason the party only gets up to leave at like noon because he sleeps in
Thinks he's good enough at hiding his anxiety that no one else has noticed
He is not, they've all noticed him shaking visibly at high speeds in 90-degree weather and the kids will do their best to avoid fraying his nerves on a bad day
Very kind to Xingqiu and Ayaka, kinda like a cool uncle? Buys them things even though they can afford it
Kinda lets the kids do what they want and chat while he keeps them safe and the whole party on their way
Absolute tank, balances his skillset out so he can manage most threats alone, no one has to get hurt, they can just travel, it's fine it's fine
Pretends to casually bring up stuff the kids want to do (after meticulously making sure the party would be in the right place at the right time)
"Xingqiu, we have time to kill, care to show us to the Wanwen Bookhouse? We can see if they have the next issue in that book series you're always reading! :)"
"Ayaka, you wanted to try some Liyuen cuisine, didn't you? We have a dear friend who just so happens to be a chef at Wanmin Restaurant! And since we're in Liyue anyway, we should swing by, shouldn't we?"
He tries his best to find something Diluc wouldn't mind doing too! Usually, Diluc turns him down but Kaeya has scored on occasion!
"C'mon Diluc, you can't have lost all your taste for reading, right? I hear Inazuma has some interesting books nowadays, what with all the isolation..."
Basically, he just tries his best and is so tired please let him rest
This man is angry all the time but he doesn't mean to be. He's just unnerved because he's basically back to hunting Fatui in other nations. He just isn't alone this time and the Fatui aren't the focus
He's so annoyed that they don't leave until Kaeya wakes up, actively in denial about the fact that he himself wakes up only an hour earlier and everyone else is waiting for much longer
Runs right into danger all the time please someone tell this man to calm down he is the reason they need so much food
Does and takes a whole lot of damage at the same time and it stresses Kaeya out so much
Was not Pleased to find out he'd be stuck traveling with Kaeya, puts up with it because he can't bring himself to turn down the Traveler's request. Because in his eyes they're just a kid trying to find their family and he really can't turn down their plea for help in
Gets along surprisingly well with Xingqiu, they both enjoy reading, and often recommend books to each other! Diluc has no idea Xingqiu wrote Legend of a Sword, but the only reason for that is that he literally forgot the book name
"Hmm... in Mondstadt we have this book, The Fox and the Dandelion Sea? For a traditional Mondstadt fairytale, it does remind me of Inazuma, funnily enough. There are versions of the book that are watered down for younger children, but if you have the time I'd recommend the full novelization."
"Tales From the Waves? No, I haven't read that. Is it good?" ... "A novelization of an old ship captain's life? That does sound interesting... I'll pick up a copy when I can"
Gets along well with Ayaka as well, they both appreciate the arts and such so they talk about that
"In Mondstadt we don't have nearly as many festivals as they do in Inazuma... but when we do they're quite the occasion, and very dear to people's hearts. There would be rioting in the streets if the Windblume Festival was postponed..."
"Oh Mond has its fair share of dance traditions, but they fell to be a staple of the Lawrence rule, so not many traditional dances remain... although if you wish to learn more about them you could ask Kaeya to introduce you to the Knight's Recconacance Captain. She doesn't like me very much"
Is the one person who actually doesn't realize that Kaeya is anxious All The Time, literally could watch him shake uncontrollably as Venti walks by and think it was his Vision acting up, he has all the pieces to put the puzzle together but has lost interest in it
Top ten reasons the party gets sidetracked, number one: Xingqiu finding a book and getting so into it that he doesn't notice people
Actually besties with Ayaka he thinks she's really cool!
Top ten reasons why Kaeya actually gets to sleep as long as he does, number one: Xingqiu jumping up and yanking Diluc's hair when he tries to wake him up
"You're 22 you can go get breakfast by yourself, my leige"
Infodumps about his books to the whole party while they're eating dinner regardless of if they're listening or not (they are, they always are)
Pulls out relevant trivia out of nowhere?? Like they'll be stuck in some ruins and Xingqiu just
"Hey, you know this specific style of ruins are known to be built with metal hatches that always lead to escape routes :)"
Or like
"Oh yeah, the coloration in the animals is different here because the plants in Inazuma so often have purple and blue pigmentation, and Inazuma is so naturally isolated, that the animals adapted to get their pigments partially from the foliage!"
And no one knows how or why he knows this much but he Does??
Also, knows everyone's favorite bird for some reason and talks about them, why? Idk I think he'd like birds!!
"A peacock? Oh, I've never even seen one of those! I hear they're lovely, but a little noisy. Sometimes we get feathers imported for design reference at the Feyun Commerce Guild though!"
"Umbertail Falcon, right? Ohh I hear they can be very loyal, right? Ahh, so that's why yours flys down to check in on you? That's lovely! Owls? Oh yeah, those are cool birds, you know their feathers are fanned out just right so they're entirely silent while flying!"
"Herons? Oh yeah, that's what your title is, right? Graceful... I think they're more stealthy, very good at waiting to strike. That's how they hunt, you know? Just being patient and stealthy, then striking. That's also why they're so graceful standing there all the time!"
Bummed that he's the only person in the party without a bird as his constellation tbh, but he's alright with it because he's got books!!
Mentioned Albedo and Kaeya almost choked on his food, Xingqiu thought this was hilarious
Routinely plays pranks on Diluc and occasionally manages to pull a deez joke on Kaeya, leaves Ayaka alone with the pranks though because he knows she's new to all of this
Oh this poor girl, Lumine just dropped her off with Mondstadt's most dysfunctional siblings and a kid who reads at the speed of light and said have fun
Really gets along well with Xingqiu!! Having someone with a somewhat similar background is definitely a relief, especially because Kaeya and Diluc intimidate her, what with them arguing most of the time they interact
She recognizes the anxiety in Kaeya (because she also has it) so she's a little more comfortable approaching him because of that
She's happy to talk about Inazuma's ruins and is fascinated by Kaeya bringing up similar ruins in Mondstadt and Liyue
She really appreciates him remembering what she's interested in and making time in the day for it!
Diluc on the other hand?? She has... some idea how to talk to him? But?? He is either aggressive or glaring off into the distance at all times, and she's been around long enough to know that he doesn't mean to be like that but it's still unnerving to her
However, she Can talk to him! She is still a little confused because he constantly sounds so grumpy, but she's realized that he's actually really good at listening, and is absolutely willing to talk about Mondstadt traditions! Because she does really like to learn about other nations
Plus, she can go to Xingqiu to answer most of her questions!
"Xingqiu, I- I hope this isn't an odd question, but ah... how exactly do you get used to Kaeya and Diluc? I don't think I've quite figured it out yet..?"
"So in Liyue... the Merchant stalls are on the docks? Like Ritou but it's all on the docks? Interesting..."
"You're the second born of the Feyun Commerce Guild? Oh! Forgive me, I thought you were the eldest, my brother handles most international relations..."
It was really hard for her to adjust to the team, just because of how ragtag it is most of the time, but she's got it by now!
She actually kind of likes the scrappy chaos! She hasn't completely gotten used to it all but she finds it like kind of a break from having to uphold her image at all times
Top five Ayaka quotes and who she said them to:
"They fight a wolf ghost every week...?? Are they ok??" (To Kaeya, about the Andrius team)
"So this is Morax's old... dragon friend...??" (To Xingqiu)
"Wait, you do this every week?" (To Diluc, about the domains)
"Oh!! Oh it is spicy!!!" (To Xingqiu, about Xiangling's cooking)
"Ah... OH! Yes um I uh- *gay hand flip* ?? Is that right??" (Xingqiu was talking about Chongyun)
Also the party went to Dragonspine and Ayaka was actually really interested in Durin because she didn't know that other nations also had odd giant dragon skeletons
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feeling-uncomfy · 3 years
Am I spamming? Yes. Do I care? Not really, I'm having fun so- sorry you're at the brute end of my restlessness.
This was definitely inspired by "paranoia party" by Frances Forever. Its a bop.
There are some warnings-
Alcohol mentions (aka Hawks gets drunk and makes bad decisions.
There's some implications of sexual assault, please be cautions while reading
There's also a blood warning
Don't know why my brain did this it just started typing so- hah
Anyways enjoy :D
Shigaraki sat up at a desk full of monitors. Kurogiri stood stiff at his side. "This is a horrible idea, pull him out." Kurogiri said, speaking with a tone he rarely used on Shigaraki. Shigaraki shrugged, watching Compress weave through the crowd as he declined his third offering of champagne that night. At this point, he was the only sober one in the room. "He's not a damsel, he'll live, Kurogiri."
Kurogiri bit back his first response. "You know as well as I do as much as he enjoys partying, this is beyond anyone's limit. People are blackout drunk in there." Shigaraki nodded, and he caught up on what Kurogiri was trying to explain when Compress pulled someone's hand off of his shoulder. "If anyone tries anything like that, we have Twice, Dabi and Magne ready to pull him out," Shigaraki pointed to Hawks on another monitor. "And we have the bird." Kurogiri shook his head, not enjoying this in the slightest.
Atsuhiro felt the same.
He enjoyed partying, he used to do it all the time in his youth. Though, after one particular night, he couldn't bring himself to even smell alcohol. He refused to go near it. Or leave his apartment, but that's his story. Now that he's surrounded by either tipsy or flat-out drunk people, Atsuhiro was ready to call it a night and go take a shower to try wash the alcohol away. He tried his best to swallow around the lump in his throat whenever someone's hand brushed up against his arm.
He thought he was safe when someone grabbed him from behind. Atsuhiro turned sharply, and stopped mid-punch. It was Hawks. "Ah, it's just you." Atsuhiro breathed a sigh of relief. "I doubt I'm going to be able to find our target like this, we should go-" Atsuhiro's breath hitched when he felt Hawks's grip tighten on his wrist. "Hawks." He hissed, turning back. One look at his face and Atsuhiro knew he was in trouble. Hawks was drunk. How did that even happen? Atsuhiro pulled back, freeing his wrist only to have his waist grabbed.
"Hawks." Atsuhiro tried again, grabbing his wrist. "Let go." Hawks didn't seem to want to, and pulled Atsuhiro to the dance floor, where there were people dancing. Atsuhiro was spun around almost like a doll. Hawks was laughing, and pulled him so they were chest to chest. If Atsuhiro wasn't aware that they were being watched, he might have actually stabbed Hawks. He was spun again, and let out a shriek as he was picked up this time. "Put me down-! Hawks!" Atsuhiro's cry was ignored as Hawks brought them back off the centre of the dance floor.
"Very funny." Atsuhiro said sarcastically. "Can you let go now?" Atsuhiro winced once again as Hawks dug his nails into Atsuhiro's waist. Hawks grinned, positively out of it, and pushed his whole weight onto Atsuhiro. They fell back, Atsuhiro's back hitting a wall. In one quick movement, Atsuhiro was caged by a pair of arms. Atsuhiro was vaguely aware of Hawks saying his name, his face buried into his neck.
Atsuhiro barely suppressed a wince when he felt teeth digging into his neck. This was too familiar, Atsuhiro barely remembered what happened that night but Hawks's weight on him brought a cold reminder of the whole thing to him, and Atsuhiro felt like he was going to get sick. "Hawks-" Atsuhiro froze when he saw Hawks's hand start to move. Atsuhiro wasn't going to give it a chance to go anywhere.
Atsuhiro shoved Hawks off of him roughly, sufficiently terrified for the night.
Backing into the crowd, Atsuhiro realised he was bleeding. He clutched where Hawks had bit down and looked around for the camera. Which one was he supposed to signal at again? Atsuhiro forced himself not to flinch at Hawks calling him again. Atsuhiro took off into the crowd, caution thrown to the wind. He didn't bother checking if the door he went through was the right door, he just needed to get away from the stench, from the people, from Hawks.
"What's happening down there?!"
Shigaraki yelled into the walkie talkie, Kurogiri glaring at the feather covering the camera. "Don't know, Magne went in." Shigaraki sighed, scratching at his neck harshly. "Good." He said simply. Dabi put the walkie talkie away, looking at Twice, who was peeking into the room. "I can't see her! She's right there!" Dabi looked in, and saw Magne dragging Hawks out, his feathers following. "What about Mr.?" Dabi glared at Hawks as Magne shook her head.
"Boss, Magne didn't find Mr." Dabi's voice crackled over the walkie talkie. Shigaraki leaned in. "Send Hawks back to the van." Dabi grinned at the clear threat in his bosses voice. He grabbed Hawks and started walking as Kurogiri's patience ran thin, and he left as well. Magne and Twice stayed at the door, peeking in to catch wind of Compress. Kurogiri looked through the building, thankfully blending in well as he looked.
Kurogiri heard Atsuhiro before he found him.
Kurogiri turned down to the right when he heard a hitched sob, then silence. Turning around sharply, Kurogiri saw Atsuhiro pressed up against a wall, covering his mouth and neck. "Atsuhiro-? Atsuhiro, it's Kurogiri." Kurogiri spoke as gently as he could, surprisingly able to surpress his anger. Atsuhiro didn't answer, wiping his tears away sufficiently and grinning weakly up at him. "Kurogiri, I-" Kurogiri waited as Atsuhiro took a shaky breath. "I didn't see you there."
"Are you hurt? What happened down there?" Kurogiri stood over Atsuhiro, watching him curl into himself as he got closer. "Nothing, it was just a little hiccup." Atsuhiro laughed weakly as more tears fell down his cheeks. Kurogiri wiped them away, and saw blood trickle down Atsuhiro's hand. Kurogiri stared for a second, and then registered what he was looking at. "Atsuhiro, what happened to your neck?" Atsuhiro didn't answer, and Kurogiri gently moved his hand. He saw the teeth marks.
"Who did this?" Kurogiri's voice turned cold.
Atsuhiro stared firmly at the floor. "Could we just go home?" His voice was barely above a whisper. Kurogiri shook his head. "Atsuhiro. Who did this." Atsuhiro forced himself to breathe, forced himself to keep his composure, or what was left of it. Atsuhiro muttered as Kurogiri wrapped his arms around him loosely. "What was that, love?" Kurogiri asked, and neither noticed the nickname. "Hawks. It was Hawks. He didn't- he was drunk." Atsuhiro's words were choked as he spoke into Kurogiri's chest, his grip tightening on his shirt.
Kurogiri took a deep breath, both to hide the will to hold Compress tighter in fear of scaring him more, and anger at Hawks. He was going to rip that man to shreds. "Okay, let's get you out of here, alright? We'll go back to the van." Atsuhiro nodded, face hidden as Kurogiri warped them back to the van.
Dabi looked over, and hid the relief he felt when he saw Atsuhiro. "Boss, Kurogiri has Mr." Atsuhiro looked over, and Kurogiri would've been impressed by his ability to seem fine if not for the rage flowing through him. "I'm not dead, no need to be concerned." Atsuhiro laughed, then winced, his hand flying to the bloody mark on his neck. Dabi frowned. "Did a dog attack you or something?" Kurogiri gestured to Hawks, and Dabi's shoulders raising was the only indication that he was surprised.
"Hawks-?" Dabi asked, voice sharp. Kurogiri nodded as Hawks stumbled out of the van, and Atsuhiro took an instinctive step back when they made eye contact. Hawks garbled speaking was interrupted by Dabi kneeing him in the gut. Atsuhiro let out a startled laugh, not expecting that at all. Toga ran out of the van, wrapping her arms around Atsuhiro and swinging off of him. "Twice was worried about you! You want me to cut up the guy who hurt you?" Toga grinned and pulled a knife out of god knows where. Atsuhiro laughed again, shaking his head.
"That's not necessary, but thank you." Toga didn't respond, and dragged him over to Spinner. As soon as Shigaraki joined them outside with Magne and Twice, they were off. Atsuhiro sat up front with Spinner, and thankfully, there was no issue getting back. Shigaraki sent the others on their way, and Dabi managed to convince him to wait until Hawks was sober to kill him, somehow. Kurogiri led Atsuhiro off to shower and away from Hawks.
Atsuhiro cleaned himself off until all he could smell was soap, and his skin was scrubbed raw, he got out only because Kurogiri called him. Atsuhiro was freshly clothed, dried and ready to drop dead. Kurogiri snorted a little when Atsuhiro faceplanted on the bed. "Atsuhiro." Kurogiri called softly, and Atsuhiro looked over. Kurogiri reapplied a bandage to the wound. "There, now you can rest, love." Atsuhiro nodded, eyes already shut. Kurogiri gently eased Atsuhiro back into the pillows, watching him curls around the blankets.
Kurogiri waited until he was sure Atsuhiro was asleep before leaving. He walked down the hall and tried not to yell when he caught Toga and Twice breaking into Atsuhiro's room. He held back a sigh and let them go. He had more important things to tend to. Like the murder of the number two hero.
Atsuhiro woke the next day to arms wrapped around every limb. At first, he panicked. Then he saw who was there. Twice and Toga were clinging to his arms, and Spinner was the reason he couldn't feel his legs. He was draped over both of them, sleeping soundly. Atsuhiro knew he wasn't moving any time soon, so he decided to lean back and wait for rescue. Unfortunately, he fell asleep before said rescue showed up.
Twice and Spinner were woken abruptly to Hawks screaming. Spinner was about to ask what the hell was happening, but was shoved off the bed by Toga, who proceeded to scream. "They're killing him without us! C'mon!" Twice started to shush her as Atsuhiro shifted around. The three of them froze until Atsuhiro settled again, comfortable. Spinner snuck out, holding the door open for the other two as the fled the room. As soon as Spinner eased the door shut, they were off.
Shigaraki was chasing Hawks through the halls, Dabi hot on his heels, literally.
Twice made a clone, and followed Dabi through the door. Toga threw one of her knives to Spinner and the two followed. Kurogiri enjoyed watching them, already deciding when and how he was going to kill Hawks. So he sat back and watched the others chase Hawks out into the streets. He enjoyed the panic over the media, it was entertaining to watch other heroes try get in their way. Kurogiri simply sat back and waited for Atsuhiro to get up.
[Something I feel I should explain is Hawks's behaviour- because I am aware of how different I'm writing him-
Hawks to me is the kind of guy who treats everyone aside from his chosen few people like shit. Like- if he doesn't like or if he doesn't have to respect you, he doesn't care about you. At all.
Tokoyami, Miruko and Endeavour, people like them that he likes he protects, he treats well and he adores them. People like Dabi, Shigaraki and Kurogiri? He has to respect them, it's the only reason he tolerates them.
His relationship with Twice is a little like his and Tokoyami's, Tokoyami and Twice treat him like a human, so he wants to make sure they're happy, that they're well fed and other stuff like that.
I dont think Hawks feels that way about Compress, therefore he doesn't treat him like that, simple as. The only reason he'd like Compress is because of his drive to do work and be productive instead of sleeping.
Which is also why I dont think his relationship with Dabi is great either, because Dabi and Hawks dont trust each other and all that.
Yeah idk- I just think it's pretty cool to explore Hawks's duality as a spy and how differently he'd treat people he sees as "good" and "bad"]
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ga-yuu · 3 years
~Kurama~Main Story Chapter 15~Part 1
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Chapter 14
----------Part 1---------
He gently combed my messy bangs and then, his neat face slowly approaches.....
He drops a kiss on my forehead and my heart skips a beat.
Kurama: "Humans are annoying. But, you make me do the strangest things. Like listening to idle talking, watching out for weak people and offering them a hand."
Yoshino: "Kurama....?"
(Why did you do that...?)
It's not the usual playful touch, but a genuinely caring gesture that makes my chest tighten sweetly.
Kurama: "----I'm already acting weird. What the hell is happening to me?"
Kurama frowned irritatingly and moved away.
Kurama: ".....Benkei and Yoichi said they would treat you as a guest from now on, right?"
Yoshino: "Yeahh....so what about it?"
I asked feeling confused by the sudden change of subject.
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Kurama(glaring cutely): "I don't like the idea of being the only one who keeps you as a prisoner."
1. What's with the rivalry?(+4/+4)
2. Why?
3. That's not a problem, right?
Yoshino: "What's with the sudden rivalry....?"
Kurama: "It's not rivalry. It's just a natural conclusion of those who own you. I'll think about how I'm going to treat you from now on."
Kurama dismissed the subject unilaterally and left the room.
Yoshino: "Wait....."
(...Wait! I can't sleep like this.)
The next day-----
Kurama: "Yoshino. We're going out."
Yoshino: "Excuse me?"
(You just barged into my room without knocking and I'm here just trying to get rid of this hangover.....What time is it, again!?)
Kurama: "We're going to the Otherworld."
Yoshino: "What? Where?"
(I think I didn't hear you right!)
Kurama: "Are you deaf?.....Or maybe the after-effects from overworking?"
Yoshino: "Wrong!"
Kurama: "Good. Now stop being lazy and get up."
Yoshino: "No wait. First, you have to explain things----"
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Kurama: "Don't worry. I already told Yoshitsune. It won't be like last night."
(No! First, you had to explain everything to me...!!)
Yoshino: "----And STOP PULLING MY CLOTHES!!"
Kurama: "......and that's what the Otherworld is. Don't make me repeat it."
Kurama reluctantly explains everything while walking around the town of Hiraizumi.
Yoshino: "I've heard a little bit about the Otherworld from Tamamo before, I heard that only demons live there,....and it's not a place that humans should go often..."
(But what's the reason that you're taking me....?)
Kurama: “There are places in the Otherworld that are harmful to humans, and there are places that are not. Either way, if a human goes there, he or she is bound to fall prey to the demons.”
Yoshino: “Will I get eaten!?”
Kurama: “Idiot! Do you think there will be a foolish demon alive out there that will dare to touch my toy when I’m around? If anyone should come near you, I’ll tear them to pieces.”
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(In simple words, you’ll protect me no matter what, right?)
Yoshino: “But why are you taking me there?”
Kurama: “To thank you.”
Yoshino: “Thank me?”
Kurama: “I thought about it last night. The party was, as they told you, was a gesture of them showing their gratitude towards you. So I wanted to thank you in my own way.”
(You mean....)
I suddenly remembered the conversation we had after we left Heikichiro-san’s house.
Kurama: “Yoshino. I’m reassessing your value. Apparently, you have a strength that I don’t know about. ....I’m proud of you.”
Yoshino: "Are you...perhaps....do you want me to take that statement as a 'Thank you."
Kurama: "...............Think of it however you want."
---------FLASHBACK ENDS--------
(So maybe...he’s starting to care for me?)
He’s not trying to actually say ‘Thank you’ in words but instead, he’s trying to show it through his actions.
I felt ticklish when I thought about it and started to giggle.
Kurama: “Why are you laughing?”
--------Part 2--------
Kurama: “Why are you laughing?”
Yoshino(blushing): “You’re imagining things.”
Kurama: “Do you think you can hide your red cheeks from me?”
I smiled more and more when I saw Kurama making a face that screams ‘Why am I doing this?’.
(I can’t help but be happy for Kurama’s feelings, regardless of why the destination is the Otherworld.)
(You said you were taking me to the entrance to the Otherworld........But what a way to go, we’ve come pretty far!)
Kurama brought me to the mountains around Hiraizumi.
We tied our horse we had ridden on the way to the tree and went further into the woods. (I don’t know how they got a horse when they were walking around town.)
Kurama: “Haa! Flying would have been much faster, you know. But Yoshitsune and others forced me to take a horse.”
Yoshino: “Looks like it was a good thing that you told them before going on a long journey.”
Kurama: “It’s better to listen to them than hearing their nonstop complaints later. But I don’t like the idea of them having even a little bit of you.”
(....Just like yesterday.)
I’m a bit confused by the suggestion of exclusivity.
(What does Kurama thinks of me?)
(His toy? A prey to be kept alive? Or prisoner?)
(I’ve always thought of myself as being like that.)
Kurama: “It’s here.”
My thoughts were cut off when I heard Kurama’s thoughts.
Yoshino: “Here? I can’t see anything here.”
Kurama: “I can smell the Otherworld through the slightest hole. A mere mortal wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.”
Yoshino: “Are there many places like this?”
Kurama: “To a certain extent. Some holes close quickly, others appear irregularly. I could drill a hole with a spell, but that would require a high amount of my magic.”
Yoshino: “Okay, I get it.”
Kurama: “We’re going. Ready?”
Yoshino: “Wait! I need time to prepare! Is there anything I need to prepare first----”
Kurama laughed lightly when he saw me panicking.
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Kurama: “Just take my hand and close your eyes. That’s all you need to do.”
Yoshino: “Mm...”
While my heart was not quite ready yet when I saw Kurama holding out his hands towards me, I don’t feel anxious.
When I placed my hand on his big palm, he draws me towards him and I was completely wrapped in Kurama’s warmth.
Holding my hand with one hand and the other touching my back, Kurama quickly closed his eyes.
Kurama: “-----It’s time to fall into the hole in the gap.”
His voice echoed and the surroundings around is begins to distort.
Yoshino: “.....!”
I instantly closed my eyes and only felt Kurama’s existence.
The sound of trees and the chirpings of birds that filled the area has suddenly become distant.
Kurama: “Good. Now, open your eyes.”
Yoshino: “This is....”
Kurama: “The Otherworld.”
(At first glance it looks like normal but....the air is different.)
When I looked around, the plants and trees in the area is also different.
Yoshino: “I feel heavy.”
Kurama: “Feeling nausea is normal. Let’s get to our destination as quickly as possible.”
Then, he spreads his black wings.
Kurama: “Hold on tight.”
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(Perfect for the atmosphere of the Otherworld....)
Kurama picks me up easily regardless of me who is admiring him.
Yoshino(blushing): “Th-Thank you.”
(I’m afraid I’m getting more and more used to his behavior all of a sudden.)
In the midst of the powerful sound of wings, I looked down gently.
Yoshino: “Woww!! The landscape looks totally different.”
Kurama: “And so it shall be.”
----------Part 3-----------
Yoshino: “Woww!! The landscape looks totally different.”
Kurama: “And so it shall be.”
Kurama smiles in satisfaction as I gawk at him.
Kurama: “I’ve seen this sight all the time and it’s not bad to see your delightful face seeing the skies of this world.”
Yoshino: “Oh! What’s that? That, glowing dog-like creatures....”
Kurama: “Don’t go near them. They eat human bones.”
(It looks cute, but it’s scarier than I thought! After all, this is the Otherworld.)
Kurama flies in the sky with all the scenery in his sight.
He looks like the King of Demons.
As the night falls.
More and more the air of the Otherworld smells heavy and mysterious.
Kurama: “This is it.”
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My eyes widened when I saw a magnificent cherry blossom tree in full bloom.
Yoshino: “Beautiful.....they have cherry blossoms in the Otherworld too. And I can’t believe they’re blooming at this time of year.”
Kurama: “The seeds must have spilled out of the Human world. The air around here is suitable for humans, so it has germinated, grown over time, and adapted to the atmosphere of the Otherworld.”
(You’re right, the air here is very clear.)
It doesn’t have the clinging weight that I felt when I first arrived in the Otherworld.
Kurama: “Do you like it?”
Yoshino: “Yes! Very much!!”
(Did you wanted to show me this view?)
(Did you think that it would make me happy?)
When I think about those questions, my heart was full.
Yoshino: “Thank you very much for bringing me here, Kurama.”
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Kurama: “-----Yeah.”
I turned and smiled, and then, the Otherworldly wind blew my hair.
As if on a whim, Kurama reached out and combed the hair on my cheek with his fingertips.
Yoshino: “Mm......”
(Hehe, that tickles....)
A strange heat smoldered in my heart like a burning fever.
Pale pink petals fluttered and falls above our heads.
Yoshino: “If you look closely, the color of the blossom seems to be a little darker than the cherry blossoms of the human world.”
Kurama: “You’re a bit of a trifler, aren’t you?”
Yoshino: “I noticed it when was struck in awe, and I tend to do it most of the time. But the wind makes it look even more magical, like something out of a dream.”
(I’ll never forget this view.)
The wind blew again and it started raining petals.
Yoshino: “!!”
I noticed Kurama was staring at me.
The petals on his black hair, disheveled by the wind, fell dreamily as if it were afraid to touch Kurama.
Yoshino(blushing): “.......How beautiful.”
Kurama: “You said the same thing earlier.”
(I can’t tell him that this time I was mentioning Kurama and not the cherry blossoms.....)
Kurama touches my collar as the wind dances gently with the flurries.
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Kurama: “You’re covered in petals. It looks stupid but....not bad.”
Kurama’s face, a little down on his eyelashes, approaches------
His lips caught the petal that had fallen on my collar.
(What the....I can’t look...)
Kurama: “Got it!”
Yoshino(blushing): “.....You could’ve just picked it up normally.”
Kurama: “Don’t tell me what to do. Anyway, you said, you like the way the wind blows and the flowers fall, don’t you? Now look.”
Kurama takes out his fan and spreads it loosely.
Then the wind started to gather in one place-----
The increasing force of the wind made me close my eyes.
(Is he using his magic!?)
Kurama: “You won’t see if you close your eyes.”
Yoshino: “What are you doing....?”
Kurama: “I’m going to drop all the flowers on this tree. Watch them fall as much as you like.”
Yoshino: “No, wait!”
I stop his hand that was about to swing the fan.
Kurama: “What?”
I made sure that the wind slowly dies down and Kurama stopped using his magic power.
Yoshino: “I’m glad you feel that way, but I think cherry blossoms are only beautiful when they fall naturally. I think it’s the dreaminess that makes you want to see it again after it’s gone.”
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Kurama: “.........?”
(His face says “I don’t understand you.”)
Kurama: “I don’t understand you.”
Part 2
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some-dr-writings · 3 years
Mikan, Nagito and Miu x Prince-like male S/O
Mikan Tsumiki:
·       “Hmm? Ah! My love! Wait- I’m working!” You took a deep breath to calm yourself. “You are a professional. You are working. No lovey-doveyness…” Besides, you didn’t want to startle Mikan. You hated when you had done so on occasion, greeting when she was completely unsuspecting of it and causing her clumsiness to at up, most often in the form of her falling or breaking something. “Hello my love, welcome to the store. How may I help you, if at all?” “Y-Y/N. Good. I was worried about asking someone else for help. Uh, the class needs some more supplies for the school festival, and… I… I was sent to do the shopping and I don’t, don’t know where the items are and… I-I’m so sorry to bother you at work!” “Mikan, please worry not. It is literally my job to help. I do not mind at all, in fact I actually enjoy doing so, just as you enjoy caring for those who are sick.” “… T-thank you. You always know just what to say.” “I do? I but speak the truth, though I am glad my words can place you at ease.”
·       And so the pair of you went about from aisle to aisle collecting each of the items. However your job was to assist all and not only one so you would occasionally have to part from her to help someone else, you always made sure to quickly return to her side though, she still needed assistance too after all.
·       As you were helping someone else the daylights were startled out of you hearing a loud crashing sound come from where you had left Mikan. Immediately you raced to her grabbing some throw blanket off the shelf as you ran past. Upon reaching her, you immediately tossed the blanket on her. You knew Mikan had a sort of talent for falling in the most precarious of positions, so to save her the embarrassment you tossed it on her, despite not looking for yourself, just in case. Items were scattered across the ground and a shelf was knocked over. “WAAAAHHHHHHH! I’, SO SORR-” “Shhhhhh” You quickly placed a hand over her mouth getting her to quiet down. Moments later some of your co-workers and customers came by to check the ruckus. “I’m so sorry mam’! Are you hurt?” “h-huh? Uh, no?” Mikan looked to you completely confused. You never called her ‘mam’’ before. “Y/N what happened?” You immediately faced your co-worker looking so flustered and apologetic. “I was trying to help this woman reach some items, and I knocked over everything.” “What.” “She seems rather dazed still. I hate to ask this, but would you help place the items while I check on her?” “… Sure dude.” “Thank you!”
·       “Y/N it was my fault, why did you say you did it?” You and Mikan hid away at the opposite side of the store, away from prying eyes. “Well… You deal with embarrassing moments like that too often. I just wanted to try to protect you from it. I apologize if I just made it more so for you!” “N-no, no! What you did was very sweet! Thank you. But I’m sorry for being such a burden to you!” “You may see it as being a burden, but I do not. I am always glad to help you, even when I’m not working.”
    Nagito Komaeda:
·       The longer you waited the bigger the pit in your stomach grew. You were suddenly snapped from your thoughts feeling a pressure on your shoulder. “Ah! Oh, Boss. You need something.” “Yeah, for you to go so I don’t need to pay you over time.” They smiled, giving you a light pat on the back. “So still not here? They were supposed to take over your shift a while ago.” “They still haven’t called in sick or anything?” “No, no at peep.” Your boss sighed catching your worried expression as you glanced toward the front door. “Your shift ended. I know you like sticking around till your replacement arrives, but this is getting ridiculous. Shove off, take your break and relax. I’ll call you when they come in.” “Are you sure? I don’t mind staying, and you don’t even have to pay me over time. I don’t want to leave you to have to take care of the place by yourself.” “Y/N, I like you, you’re a good kid. So I’m going to give you a piece of advice.” They leaned in draping an arm over your shoulders. “When your boss tells you to actually rest and NOT work, you should REALLY take advantage of that. So…” They gently shoved you towards the door. “Off you go. And I’ll even call you when I get news on them, alright.” “Ah, that would be very much appreciated! Thank you. And you be sure to not hesitate to call me if you end up needing or wanting a extra hand.” “Of course I will! Now just go before I change my mind.” “Yes Boss!” As you exited the pharmacy you hesitated for a moment not seeing any sign of your co-worker anywhere. Not wanting to upset your boss though you fled the scene.
·       Something must have happened, you knew it must have, it was way too late to call in sick or to ask for a change in shifts because of conflicting schedules, there must have been an incident or accident, or something of some sort. No! Distract yourself from this! Uh, dinner! What were you going to have for dinner! You could think of that! As you tried recounting all you had left from your last trip to the grocery store you noticed something that immediately had you worrying again. A car crash in the middle of the intersection blocking most traffic. You tried looking away, not wanting to possibly witness the potentially bloody scene. Thankfully the hospital was near by so they should be alright. Wanting to avoid the foot traffic you opted to cut through the park.
·       Even with your worries it was a lovely day at least. Clear blue sky, cool and breezy, the birds were singing, the loud snapping sound, a man was screaming… what? You immediately ran off to investigate.
·       “Nagito!?” “Hey Y/N.” “Are you hurting? You’re covered in bruises and scratches. What happened?” Nagito shakily got up, only to lose his balance. You immediately caught him, and gently placed him down, having him lean against the tree. “Well the usual really. I got hit by a car, was sent flying through the air and landed in a tree. I was resting here but then the branch broke and you caught me.” “… All that, and you only have scratches.” “Yep.” “… Why am I really surprised anymore. I know from times past when your bad luck struck you never needed the hospital, but I’m still inclined to have a professional check you just in case.” “Y/N I’m fine, really.” You kneeled before him, looking to him so tenderly, your visage shining under the sun’s rays. “At the very least allow me to patch up these scratches, so my heart be be placed a little at ease. Alright?” “Well, it’s not my place to stop you.” “…” The curse of Nagito, you already knew it, thinking you’re too lowly for care and attention but also too lowly to refuse anything offered from those he perceived as greater than himself. This was the closest you’d ever get to a ‘yes’ from him. Gently you took his hand and lead the way, after making sure he could walk.
·       “Hey Boss?” “Eh? Y/N you’re not wor-… What happened to him?” Your boss pointed to Nagito. “Exactly. May I use the first aid kit in the back?” “Sure, but you’re leaving right after.” “Thank you, Boss!” “One more thing, just got that call, seems there was a car crash not far from here and the traffic has been awful.” “Thank goodness. Though shouldn’t I stay longer-” “Mend your boyfriend then scram. That’s an order.” “Yes Boss!”
·       You had Nagito sit on a chair as you patched him up.  “You can do what you want, but I have to wonder sometimes why someone like you, can love me back, literal trash. You give me so much, and I have nothing I can give in return… It’s awfully unfair to you.” “…” Honestly, in that moment you were tempted to ignore that comment. You had this conversation over and over, always saying he was not trash, but… “Y/N? What’s wrong?” “I just realized I’ve done you a grave disservice! I’m so sorry!” “What could you possibly have done?” You sighed, gently cupping his cheeks in your hands. “I’ve been invalidating your feelings this whole time. I’ve been a horrendous boyfriend. Even before getting together I’ve told you you’re not trash, yet that IS how you see yourself. As your partner it is wrong of me to tell you your feelings are not valid. If one feeling is not valid, then what about the others, would that seep into the others and you believe all your feelings are not valid, even down to your love for me. I can’t ignore your feelings, as much as I may disagree and not like them. I can’t disregard them. They still are very real. I… I’m sorry. Telling you you’re wrong is not going to help. If I invalidate your feeling of yourself now, then what about if you gain self-worth and love yourself, would you find that love for yourself invalid because I denied your feelings in the past? I’m sorry.” “No, Y/N it’s fine-” “And I must respectfully disagree and say it’s not fine. However, I must say that is true of yourself too. Ever heard of a saying, ‘one man’s trash is another’s treasure’? You may see yourself as trash, but I and so many others see you as a treasure. Your feelings are valid, but so are mine. I love you, and I wish you to be alright.” Ever so tenderly you gave him a kiss on the forehead before going back to tending to his wounds. “I must also say, I do believe you to be a far greater man than me. From the very start you’ve accepted my affections, even when believing you didn’t deserve it. You never invalidated my feelings. And I thank you for allowing me to grow and catch up in my own time, but now that I’m not blinded to your own feeling. I swear I’ll continue to do all that I can to be an even greater boyfriend and partner for you.” Surely getting someone as great as you to fall for him was entirely due to his luck. It even made this moment happen… Though… being the caring person you were… possibly, just possibly, would this… all of this have happened anyway?
    Miu Iruma:
·       “My love, I’m home! I apologize for being late. Turns out the store had a sale and I had to run around town for a bit, but I found everything.” You weren’t surprised to be greeted to no response, in fact you would have been surprised to get a response at all, it was ever so rarer when you did. You skittered around the house, placing all the items away only being left with one last bag. With it in hand you trotted over to the back of the house were a large metal door lay embedded into the wall. You knocked a few times, getting no response. Just in case you checked the handle, finding the door was unlocked. You peeked in finding your wife working away at her table, sparks flying, that bright light reflected in her goggles. Not wanting to disturb her from her work you opted to just place the items away. However as you did so, you realized she was working with the wires that she was having trouble with, them constantly shorting out on her. Sidling up beside her you gave her a kiss to the temple as you placed the new wires beside her.
·       “Oh, so now you decide to show up! What took you so long? Playing with yourself because I was working?” Before you could answer Miu noticed the new wires. When she turned to face you she noticed that the supplies she was running low on were now replaced and refilled. “… What should I have expected. Of course you still grovel at my genius, sneaking into my workshop and seeing what I was low on.” “Yes your… b-bitchass genius goes uncompared-” Before you could continue you were cutoff by uproarious laughter, Miu doubling over, you catching her before she could fall out of her seat. “What the hell was THAT!?” “I… I-I wanted to try using your… colorful language. I thought you might like it and that does seem to be the case.” “Oh. My. God. I am SUCH a good bad influence on you!” She then smirked, wrapping her arms around your neck, pulling herself close and pressing herself against you. “Or my husband finally decided to get cocky and use that as an excuse to make me laugh and try to get a feel.” “Love, if I wanted to do that, I would just tell you I was in the mood.” “Whatever! This gives me a new idea for an invention.” “Oh, and what might that be?” Miu simply chuckled and booped your nose. “Oh, you’ll see.”
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5lazarus · 3 years
For the @sapphic-solstice fest! Posted on AO3 here.
Velanna and Sigrun fight some darkspawn, talk around the past, and write some letters.
“The golem,” Sigrun says. “They said our peoples worked together, once.” “Not like we do that now,” Velanna says sourly. Sigrun says, “Really? Then what do you think we’re doing, my love?” “I don’t think this is work,” Velanna says gruffly. A bit embarrassed, she pulls Sigrun in tighter. They’re sleeping under the stars. Velanna’s cast enough wards to keep the bugs away, and she radiates enough heat to keep Sigrun as toasty as the good spot in front of the fire. My fireball, Sigrun thinks fondly. Warmth. She’s too drowsy to come up with a compliment good enough to make Velanna blush, but not drowsy enough to stop thinking about the past.
She says, “Stars aren’t so strange. Like lyrium-lights. Don’t you think it’s funny both dwarves and elves can see well in the dark?” Velanna grunts. “Because the shem are stupid.” Sigrun laughs. “Yeah, they’re not the brightest. But the Wardens are okay.” Velanna says, “Hmph.” “You disagree?” Velanna strokes her face gently. You’re okay. The others….” She heaves a sigh. “I don’t think I was built for communal life. Even though I’m Dalish.” “Aw, c’mon, you’re not that irritable. Not nearly as bad as Nathaniel. Or Mahariel on a bad day.” Velanna says drily, “Such praise. Not as bad as a murderer’s son or our own neurotic Warden-Commander.” She rises suddenly. The wind wafts through the trees gently. The leaves rustle, but she spots something flit from branch to branch, networking through the canopy. Sigrun reaches for her favorite short sword. Velanna digs her fingers into the earth, feeling its heat travelling through its roots, and at the end--corruption. “Darkspawn,” she says shortly. “I don’t want to run,” Sigrun says. Velanna cannot argue with that, so they prepare an ambush. A shriek nearly catches her unawares, and as she strikes it down, she wonders if this were a cousin once, whose claim it came from, or worse--who birthed it? The battle is quick. They burn the remains and keep walking under the stars. As they trod their way towards dawn, Sigrun says, “You’re quiet.” “I’m tired.” “We can stay at an inn when we get back to the King’s Road. They won’t turn wardens away.” Velanna grunts. Sigrun tries again: “You know, the Legion of the Dead, we don’t let anyone who can make babies go down alone. So, you know. Darkspawn’s probably no one I know. And your sister--” “I don’t want to talk about Seranni.” Sigrun says, “But you should. At some point.” This is what they do, every night. They watch the stars and they watch the earth, and when the darkspawn come, they  kill them and give them a merciful death. Then they move onto the dawn and wash the dust from the road at some hesitant inn, and then they talk. They talk about the dead, they talk about the living. Sigrun leads her onto the road through the blueing dawn. They don’t talk about Shianni, but Sigrun chatters about other things as birds peep through the tree-lined path. “See, in Dust Town, we don’t have birds, not really. Who ever heard about a flying dwarf? But I had pigeon a couple times, before I came to the surface. Not really a delicacy, and for once I didn’t have to steal it! Sometimes we’d have these feasts, just for the sake of having something to celebrate. Go all out, not even on a real feast day. One way to tell the Shaperate to fuck off, I guess. So my friend Anezka, she hooked herself a warrior caste, she gets him to get me and her and a few of the others a ‘celebration of the feathers.’ Some weird shit she came up with, after she saw some noble in a feather-dress. So we skinned the bird but didn’t pluck the feathers--” “That’s so time-consuming,” Velanna says, amused. “Why? Just drop it in the pot with some chilis and salt and--” “Because it looked cool,” Sigrun laughs. “It’s all about the looks, down in Orzammar.” “Ugh,” Velanna says. They reach the inn off the King’s Road. Velanna counts the horses: two, for a two-story building, they might have spare rooms. She hesitates. Will they give them a room? They are decked in Grey Warden armor, after all, and only a little gore-splattered. Sigrun gives her a push.
“C’mon,” she says. “Breakfast is on me.”
Their eyes do not need to adjust to the dusky inside. The innkeeper, a thin woman with a slash for a mouth, starts when she sees them. Her eyes rest on the Grey Warden crest on their chest. She crosses her arms. Plunderers, Velanna can tell she’s thinking. Treaty-takers.
“We need a room!” Sigrun pipes up. “And a bath. No horses, though. But I won’t say no to breakfast.” She flips a gold coin and catches it in her fist, grinning: we have money to pay.
The innkeeper says flatly, “Two sovereigns.”
Velanna says, “Fuck that,” and turns to leave, but Sigrun grabs her by the wrist.
“One sovereign,” Sigrun says pleasantly. “We’re sharing the bed. And the bath. Not the breakfast. And please, we have letters to write, we just destroyed a darkspawn warren not too far from here.” Be grateful, her tone implies. The innkeeper takes the hint.
No one’s up but the owner, so there’s no one to politely intimidate away from the table by the fire. They settle down happily, and Sigrun pulls out a piece of parchment. Velanna’s amused.
“I didn’t think we actually had letters,” she says.
“Someone needs to tell the commander there’s still darkspawn wandering,” Sigrun shrugs. “Especially since we found them this close to the King’s Road.”
“So conscientious,” Velanna teases. She reaches for Sigrun’s face. Sigrun leans into her hand, and Velanna kisses her. Breaking from the kiss, she says quietly, “I didn’t know we had parchment left. We could get Dalish paper—”
“Nah,” Sigrun says. She holds up a wooden stylus, the tip flat like a tiny spatula. “I’m just gonna scrape the ink off this old dispatch.” Curious, Velanna watches her shuffle the ink off the parchment skin. The innkeeper brings over two generous plates of eggs and sausage and fresh-looking bread, and the eternal Ferelden shem cheese. Velanna doesn’t thank her, so Sigrun shoots her a quick, reassuring smile. Of what? Velanna wonders. Well, you’ve killed a lot of shem.
She eats and watches Sigrun write. It’s always a delight to watch her work. First, she scrapes the ink off. Nathaniel told her that was called palimpsest, when you dig the ink out of a piece of parchment. Still, the scratchings remain. You can still see the words that were unwritten.
“What was that?” Velanna asks, wiping the crumbs away from her mouth.
“Hmm?” Sigrun peers at her over her shoulder. “How’s the food?”
“Heavy, like you like it.” Sigrun still eats like she’s starving. Velanna has faced lean times, everyone but the wealthiest shem and durgas durgen’len has, but not like Sigrun. She doesn’t think Sigrun will ever feel comfortable eating slowly. “What was written, before?”
“Oh. Uh.” Sigrun looks embarrassed. “Nothing.”
“Nothing?” Velanna says, amused. “It’s got to be something.”
Sigrun smiles bashfully. “I like to write about my day sometimes. What we do, who we meet, if we find anything interesting. But I scratch it off every day. Parchment’s so expensive.”
Velanna pauses. “If we go north, we need to go trade for some Dalish paper.”
“Nah. Too much trouble.”
She’s annoyed, and it’s not because she’s hungry anymore. Before she speaks, though, she asks herself why—something she’s learned from Sigrun herself. She’s tired, yes, and she doesn’t know if she wants to continue this conversation, but she knows she should. Sigrun’s only shy when she’s hiding something she’s bothered by. She needs to know, then. She’s her partner, and Velanna has learned that to be good for her, to be as good for as she has been for her, she needs to know.
“Trouble? It’s…we can just requisition it, can’t we?” She gestures to the food. “You always tell me to enjoy being a warden.” She scoffs slightly. “You shouldn’t erase your own record of yourself, you know.” She realizes: ah, that’s why. “They’ve done enough of that.”
Sigrun laughs. “It’s not like this is the Shaperate, Velanna. Just paper.”
“It’s the Shaperate for people like us,” Velanna retorts. “The Dalish write. And we have our songs and stories and friezes. We just have our dispatches. Add in a line. Give it to me.” She tugs the parchment from under her hand. “I’ll write it. ‘Give us more paper.’”
“Hugs and kisses, Velanna,” Sigrun says drily. She picks up a butter knife and begins smearing soft cheese onto the loaf. Velanna stretches an arm around her, and Sigrun leans into her as she eats. “Fine,” she says, muffled. She pauses to chew a bit more and swallow. “But who’s gonna read it? Not like I want Mahariel to read it. This is personal, not like—history.”
Velanna says, “Who cares? I’d kill to have my mother’s words.”
“I know you would,” Sigrun says.
“So you see my point. Someone will want it. You know how much it matters. Don’t let them scratch you off the page.”
“Who’s them?” Sigrun pushes against her gently. “Just me. Anyway, the scratch of the nib still fucks up the page. I’m still there.”
“Yeah,” Velanna says, “off in like, the margins. You dragged me to this inn, vhenan. Your words should be in the middle of the page.”
Sigrun says, “I think you got me lost in the woods of that metaphor, my love. Why don’t we go take that bath, and you try that again?”
“Oy,” Velanna says, but Sigrun’s laughing, so she smiles too. Sigrun finishes the report, Velanna adds in a demand for more paper, they take their bath and enjoy their bed, and at some point, Velanna knows, Sigrun will write about it—and someone will remember it for them, too.
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