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Crescent City - House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas
 807 pages, published March 3, 2020 - 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 This book...wow! I am gonna say something insane seeing as Throne Of Glass is one of my absolute favorite series but... I think this is my absolute favorite SJM book. I am hesitant to read the second one for two reasons mostly; 1) The date of the next SJM book has yet to be announced. That goes for any of her series - no word. 2) I am honestly not sure I will like the ending (yes I know all about it - spoilers are wicked). But ever since Nesta's book I have been looking at Rhys in a new light and I'm not sure how I feel.
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teenwolf-confessions · 5 months
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Jackson was abusive, Parrish was too old (it wasn't technically illegal but it was still a bit uncomfy), and the Stydia romance to me just took too long and felt a bit crowbarred into S6 because they wanted to finally throw those fans a bone without putting too much effort into it.
Aidia wasn't ground-breaking romance, but it was cute, had an arc, they clearly cared about each other, made each other better in the long run, it all worked surprisingly well.
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haven-of-dusk · 4 months
After discourse about the topic spawned over there, I posted this analysis on how healthy I believe Ethan/Danny and Aiden/Lydia were as couples on the Teen Wolf subreddit. But looking back over it, I'm honestly happy enough with the analysis that I'm going to copy it wholesale to right here:
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With Dethan, what Danny did for Ethan was pretty straightforward, but significantly important for Ethan: he just made him happy. With what we know about the Steiners' past, it's more than likely that the only friend Ethan had with any consistency was Aiden, and much as he loves his brother, Aiden is...himself. Ethan can spend time with Danny and not have to worry about wolf politics, or orders, or look over his shoulder waiting for someone to come looking for revenge or Deucalion to appear and punish him.
As for what Ethan provided for Danny, while we don't get a ton of information on Danny, what we do know is that A. He probably was a bit lonely at the start of S3 considering his 'best friend' left town, B. He never seemed to have a consistent partner up till Ethan, and based on the partners he did have we can guess it was either because those relationships were about sex/intimacy and nothing else, or because there just weren't many options and nobody was the right fit, and C. Danny expressed that finding out about his condition and its effects usually drove people away or made them far too overly cautious for Danny's liking. Using all that, I think it's safe to say that Ethan's consistency and willingness to basically fight to stay with Danny was a big part of why Danny got attached. Ethan wanted to be around Danny just because Danny was himself. Instead of driving him away or making him overly protective, Danny getting sick had basically no effect on Ethan's behavior outside of just reaffirming love.
In short, they worked for each other because they provided the stability they both needed for the other.
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With Aidia, what Lydia did for Aiden was...basically calling him out for bad behavior. It'd be reductive to say she became the angel on his shoulder, because it's a bit more complicated than that, but what made the way Lydia helped Aiden grow so effective was that she never tried to force him to change his personality. He didn't need to stop being sassy, or 'cure' his anger, or anything of that sort. What was important was that when the chips were down, she could count on him to do the right thing, and he did prove that, and along the way she helped him finally feel good about himself (likely not a commonality with all the abuse in his past). It is a wonder what positive reinforcement can do.
As for what he did for Lydia, I think it's most important to remember that her boyfriend immediately prior had an extremely toxic relationship with her that ended with verbal and borderline physical abuse, not long after she was basically SA'd on the field by Peter (and then had her mind invaded). So in essence the fact that Aiden was devoted to her, let her take the reins so to speak, and allowed her to dictate her needs from the relationship was a big step up and the type of healthy boundary setting she desperately needed after Jackson doing...the exact opposite of all of that. Whether he was the right forever partner for her or not, Aiden was the exact sort of boyfriend she needed in that moment of her life.
So in essence their relationship worked because they both felt validated and cared for by the other, but Lydia was still able to set a line in the sand and Aiden realized he wanted to stay behind it and change for the better.
With all this I'd be remiss to not mention and address a couple of the major criticisms I've seen directed towards these couplings...
While it is true that they started the relationships because of the Alpha Pack's mission, the way the show depicts that element, the initial deceptive phase lasted about 24 hours at most before they both actually started falling for their 'targets'. Ethan was definitely just dating Danny for its own sake by at the latest Episode 7, and the dialogue a little later on even confirms that Ethan was attached to Danny despite the Alpha Pack no longer having any need of him. The switch in Aiden's mind is a little harder to pinpoint, but at the absolute latest it was by the 3A finale when he was ready to fight Kali to protect Lydia. So just on the whole I don't think it's fair to say their relationships were 'built on lies' when their feelings turned genuine so quickly.
The other one I've seen is speculation that Ethan and Aiden are child predators/adults dating children/are no better than Kate. But really the oldest the Steiners could be in my opinion is 19, and are probably younger than that given how easily they pass as teenagers. The most information we get about their age is that they 'never finished high school' which could mean anything from dropped out the previous year and are, in fact, still the same age as their peers, to dropped out several years ago and are now somehow 25 year olds able to masquerade as teenagers. And honestly, with how easily they slip into the high school life, I don't think the latter is plausible. I don't really have a 'gotcha' piece of evidence for this argument, but I just find it hard to believe that two adults could enter the school system and blend in easily and no one, anywhere in the show, mentions that they aren't actual teenagers.
To be honest, use of that last argument feels like attempts to manipulate some of the show's vague lines to discredit the pairings, since there just isn't much to scrutinize otherwise.
And to be clear, none of this is saying you have to like these pairings, but it is always important to recognize the difference between not liking a couple and declaring that couple unhealthy.
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dearestdaffodils · 7 months
Born to be an F1 wag, forced to be a full time college student and part time worker 😔
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
I love Allisaac, and I love Dethan, and I enjoy Aidia because of how much Lydia brings out Aiden's softer side, but I DON'T TRUST ANY OF THIS BECAUSE OF THE STUPID F*CKING NOGITSUNE.
Like, I love that Allison gave Isaac the garage code (I also love that she took out her dad's firing pin, because THANK GOD. Allison gets credit for actually being smart and having plans and can now go in the same grouping as Scott, Stiles, and Lydia because she was the only non-idiot in that situation), because that's so wholesome and sweet and has the same vibes as Scott leaving his window unlocked for Stiles, and I loved their kiss, and the way she just stroked him so gently when he said he was all healed.
But also, Isaac is 100% under the Nogitsune's influence and that makes me nervous.
And then Ethan and Danny! Like, that was about to be such a sweet and emotional and inevitably open and honest conversation, and it automatically got darker the second the fly got in him, and as much as I love the "I'm gonna shower, and so are you.", and as cute and adorable and fun as that is, it makes me nervous, because F*CKING NOGITSUNE.
And then Aiden!! F*cking Stiles (Void Stiles? Real Stiles? I don't know, he's unconscious so I can't tell) is in the middle of the parking lot (we love your Banshee abilities so much, Lydia, I'm so proud of you <3), and it's 100% a trap, because now Aiden just got a fly in him, and Lydia's gonna be there with two monsters that she doesn't want to kill or hurt because they're also both her friends/family/loves and I just...
And now Derek's gonna be under his influence too because that fly flew right into his cut, and he was actually kind of making headway and might have been able to figure something out about what the Nogitsune's plan was, except now he can't, because he belongs to the Nogitsune, and I HATE IT!!
PLEASE STOP WITH THE FLIES! I'm gonna have nightmares about that, I swear to god.
I don't like when things crawl into orifices. Why is that such a thing in supernatural stuff? Why do beings always take control of other people by crawling into their ears or eyes or cuts or mouths or whatever?? I DON'T LIKE IT!! I'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.
This is awful.
I hate it.
F*ck everything.
Here's an adorable Scira gif from some episode in the future to make me feel better.
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(They're so wholesome and sweet I love them. I really hope the Nogitsune doesn't get to Scott, too, or we are WAY screwed...)
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kurts-world-101 · 2 years
Hey, Kurt! You popped up on my feed and I thought I’d stop by and say hi ☺️ I’m Aidia!
I also happen to think you’re really hot but that’s beside the point 🫣
Hello! Thank you for stopping by!!
Why thank you, no need to feed my ego though 🖤
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oldmannapping · 7 months
Mama - a Red Hood fanfic
Directly inspired by this post by @webshood
You don’t jack a car in Crime Alley. And you definitely don’t jack a car in Crime Alley that almost certainly has a child in it.
The “Welcome To Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know” pamphlets that Harley Quinn earnestly distributed to newcomers to the Gotham underworld were very clear about Red Hood’s list of Dos and Don’t.
Among the top Don’ts were:
Crime in Crime Alley
Crimes against women in Crime Alley
Crimes against children in Crime Alley
It wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been so goddam cute.
Felicia Aidia, barely a year old. Couldn’t quite walk yet, but she could stand unassisted for five seconds of startled jubilance before her own shock at the situation would send her flopping back on her adorable diapered butt. Huge almond eyes that were nearly black, wispy black hair and full pink cheeks, she looked altogether too cherubic to be real.
Felicia had been strapped safely in a booster seat, poking at the condensation on the window of the rideshare car she was in with her babysitter, when they were carjacked by an idiot with either a death wish or less situational awareness than a stoned beetle.
There was no other excuse for why this man jacked a She-Share, one of the brightly-marked cars in a fleet that was famous for being Gotham’s first rideshare company to boast child seats in every one of their vehicles at no extra cost.
They were famously affordable and primarily utilised by single parents in low-income areas such as Crime Alley.
You don’t jack a car in Crime Alley. And you definitely don’t jack a car in Crime Alley that almost certainly has a child in it.
The “Welcome To Gotham: 10 Things You Need To Know” pamphlets that Harley Quinn earnestly distributed to newcomers to the Gotham underworld were very clear about Red Hood’s list of Dos and Don’t.
Among the top Don’ts were:
Crime in Crime Alley
Crimes against women in Crime Alley
Crimes against children in Crime Alley
The car thief had shoved the driver and Felicia’s babysitter out of the vehicle but utterly failed to notice the giant car seat and the appropriately-sized child occupying it.
A city-wide Amber Alert was out within minutes, which honestly was pretty good considering it happened in Crime Alley and Gotham police liked to pretend that area was just a mysterious Bermuda Triangle kinda place where people just mysteriously went missing, who can say why, oh well, what can you do.
The police were fast but Red Hood was faster.
The vigilante was leaping across rooftops with the speed of a panther. One police helicopter pilot completely forgot their assignment and started following him instead of the stolen car. People livestreamed blurry videos of the car careening around corners that hadn’t yet been blocked off, panning up to catch a glimpse of red metal and brown leather streaking across the sky in pursuit.
The end was anticlimactic. Hood crashed onto the roof of the car from the awning of a deli like a feral beast and punched straight through the driver’s side window. He knocked the driver out and wrested control of the vehicle until it skidded to a stop a few blocks away from the official police cordon.
Before any officers got there, Hood had hogtied the unconscious car thief and carefully extracted Felicia from her carseat.
She let out a small, uncertain wail at the sight and sound of cheering locals, crowding close to film and too boisterous with relief to realise they were scaring a baby.
Felicia pouted. It had been loud, and then fast, and then unfamiliar, and then loud again, and suddenly she was outside, and she was supposed to be napping, and she didn’t know any of these people.
Wait, yes she did. The man cradling her protectively with one arm and holding the other out to the crowd, telling them to, “Back off, back off, give her some space,”, she’d seen him before. She didn’t know how but he was familiar. His big red face (no eyes, very strange, no mouth too! How did he suck his thumb?) wasn’t scary. He was the man on the wall painting! The big wall near the playground had a picture of him painted on it. The playground was safe, and he reminded her of the playground. He was holding her protectively and he was all nice and warm.
Felicia didn’t know many words. But she did know the word she used for the person who felt safest.
“Mama!” she said loudly, clinging to the red man’s arm. “Mama!”
“It’s okay, kiddo,” he said in a very soothing voice for someone without a mouth, “We’ll get your mom.”
A police officer arrived and tried to take Felicia away. She did not appreciate it.
“Mama!” she cried louder, torn between frustration and fear. No one ever listened to her! She reached for the red man. “MAMA!”
Well. Like we said. She was so goddam cute. All eyes were on her fat little face, her adorable, freshly-rescued, chubby little hands reaching out to Red Hood. Everyone was filming her on their phones.
And she called the Red Hood “Mama”, in a perfectly clear, tiny, adorable little baby voice.
Of course it went viral.
For a while, it was a fun in-joke between Gothamites. People playing vigilante bingo to see who they’d spot each night would jokingly ask each other if they’d seen “Mama” down by the docks. Goons blustered amongst themselves that “Mama” didn’t scare them, as they kept their heads down and prayed he didn’t notice them. One bold news website captioned a picture as “Red Hood/Mama” in a story about Felicia’s rescue, while the commenters lost their minds either rofl skull skull skull dying laughing or warning the editors that they should be careful in case the trigger-happy vigilante didn’t have a sense of humour.
Closer to Hood’s home though, the reception was different. And, to him, wholly unexpected.
It started with Felix, the 16-year-old who’d been a sex worker until Hood cleaned up the under-18 scene in the Alley, and who now helped shuttle street kids to the lowkey safehouses Hood and his team had set up. Felix was a good middleman the kids trusted to take them somewhere with food, water, electricity, and no one called CPS. It wasn’t perfect, but it was a good compromise until Hood could clean the stink out of the city’s social services.
Felix was smoking on a stack of crates one night, chatting to a couple of his friends, when Hood strolled over.
“Hola, Mama,” Felix greeted casually, taking a drag of his cigarette as his friends choked.
Hood just sighed. “Not you too.” With a weary exhale, he got to business. “I got those extra blankets you needed for the safehouse on Cedar. They’re at the Warehouse B if you want to run them over tonight. Sheila knows you’re coming, she’ll sort you out.”
And so, with Felix not dead and two witnesses with big mouths to tell the tale, word spread. It was open season on Red Hood’s new nickname.
“Hey, mama!” called the girls on the corner as Hood checked to make sure none of the johns had gotten too rough.
“Mama’s here!” crowed the gays and theys across the block as he dropped off condoms and hot soup.
“It’s mama!” announced the receptionist at the shelter when Red Hood stopped by to do an inventory check.
Everywhere he went.
Whatever. It would pass. People’s attention spans were shot to shit, and the loudest viral jokes always burnt out the fastest. At least, Hood was pretty sure. He wasn’t really online much but it was impossible to exist in the world without hearing a few meme references, and they always seemed to die out fast. When was the last time anyone talked about Baby Shark? Or that kid who said “corn” weird? This would blow over.
Granted, it was taking a bit longer than Hood initially expected.
When Dick gleefully changed his name in the Family Chat, Jason ignored it. He never replied to that thing anyway.
When Red Robin said, “Mama, you’re clear,” in perfectly neutral tones during an otherwise routine surveillance operation, and several comm lines immediately muted themselves, Jason ignored it.
When Damian’s new black kitten, with huge blue eyes and a white streak on the forehead, was named Mama, Jason started to get annoyed. Even DAMIAN?
When Roy answered his call with, “Mama, I missed you!” followed by thirty seconds of unhinged cackling, Jason hung up the phone and didn’t speak to Roy for three days.
When Cass used the ASL sign for Mom to relay information to him during a mission brief, his shoulders dropped.
When Alfred gave him an exquisite pink cupcake on the second Sunday of May, Jason thanked him, left the room, walked into the nearest bathroom, carefully put the cupcake on the bench, and screamed into a towel for six minutes.
When Duke finished a story about growing up in the Narrows with, “Mama knows what I’m talking about, right?”, Jason was defeated.
Fine. They win. Everyone wins.
He worked so hard on a legacy. He dug out of his own GRAVE. He clawed himself back from insanity and anger and reclaimed himself, reclaimed Red Hood, reclaimed his home. He carved a new space for himself, not quite a vigilante, not quite a villain. He made his own rules. He built an empire.
And now, he’s FUCKING Mama.
Life isn’t fair. Sometimes the Joker kills you and you sever heads and butcher bad guys and build up a reputation and then one goddam adorable child says two goddam syllables and you’re fucking MAMA for the rest of your goddam life.
Fuck it. He’s going home. He’s too tired for this shit.
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u2fangirlie-blog · 6 months
Good Omens Aziraphale's Sad Bastard Breakup Playlist
After the breakup, Aziraphale has a new job in heaven, having taken Gabriel’s vacant position. Aziraphale is haunted by sad music reminding him of his time with Crowley. The songs are dramatic, tragic, melancholic, angry, wistful, romantic, and sentimental. How does he listen to music at his new job in the head office? Are material objects allowed? Does he keep a secret stash of tea, cake, and records and a phonograph player in his office? Does he have a celestial radio that can tune in Earth radio stations? Does he sneak off to Earth to hang out in record shops and bookstores? Or more dramatically and emotionally torturously, does he remember every note, every nuance, every feeling, of every song and replay them in his mind? He's stuffing his face with angel food cake and tea while crying and listening to sad bastard songs and hiding from Michael and the Metatron.
See note after list on song selection process.
Songs include:
“Lacrimosa” – Mozart, Requiem in D Minor, Vienna Mozart Orchestra
“Commendatore” – Mozart, Don Giovanni, Amadeus film soundtrack
“Ja, tot katoramu vnimala” – Rubenstein, The Demon, Nicolai Ghiaurov
“D’amour l’ardente flemme” – Berlioz, The Damnation of Faust, Maria Callas
“Liebestod” – Wagner, Tristan and Isolde, Waltraud Meier
“Ach ich fuhls” – Mozart, The Magic Flute, Gundula Janowitz
“Thy hand, Belinda … When I am laid in earth” – Purcell, Dido and Aeneas, Janet Baker
“E lucevan la stelle” – Puccini, Tosca, Placido Domingo
“Celeste Aidia” – Verdi, Aida, Mario Lanza
“Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen” Mahler, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
“Der Wanderer” – Schubert, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau
“Love is a Plaintive Song” – Gilbert and Sullivan, Patience, D’Oyly Carte Opera Company
“I am a Courtier Grave and Serious” – Gilbert and Sullivan, The Gondoliers, D’Oyly Carte Opera Company
“The Gentleman is a Dope” – Rodgers and Hammerstein, Allegro, Blossom Dearie
“A Hymn to Him” – Lerner and Lowe, My Fair Lady, Rex Harrison
“Could I Leave You?” – Sondheim, Follies, Alexis Smith
“We Do Not Belong Together” – Sondheim, Sunday in the Park with George, Bernadette Peters and Mandy Patinkin
“On My Own” – Schonberg, Les Misérables, Frances Ruffelle
“As Long as He Needs Me” – Bert, Oliver, Judy Garland
 “Stranger in Paradise” – Wright and Forest, Kismet, Richard Kiley and Doretta Morrow
“A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square” – Sherwin and Maschwitz, Vera Lynn
“Night and Day” – Porter, The Gay Divorcee, Ella Fitzgerald
“I’ve Got You Under My Skin” – Porter, Born to Dance, Shirley Bassey
“Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered” – Rodgers and Heart, Pal Joey, Sarah Vaughan
“They Can’t Take That Away From Me” – Gershwin, Shall We Dance, Fred Astaire
“Mon Deu” – Dumont and Vaucaire, Edith Piaf
“Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” – Dumont and Vaucaire, Edith Piaf
P.S.: Aziraphale likes Les Mis because it reminds him of that time Crowley rescued him from the Bastille. Don't tell anyone. It's a big secret.
P.P.S.: “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered” reminds him of the time he and Crowley got drunk in the backroom at the bookshop the day the anti-Christ was delivered to Earth. Basically, this song reminds him of every time they went out for drinks or stayed in and drank.
P.P.P.S.: “I am a Courtier Grave and Serious” was the song Aziraphale planned to play when trying to tempt Crowley into learning the gavotte. It reminds him of the ball in the bookstore when he finally danced with Crowley.
P.P.P.P.S.: “Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien” is as close as Aziraphale can get to telling the world and Crowley to eff off. He has no more effs to give. Or at least he’s trying to convince himself he no longer gives a f***. He’s going off to his new job at the head office and Do Good.
Note on song selection:
I selected songs that thematically fit with the relationship between Aziraphale and Crowley. I think the songs tell a story of Aziraphale’s struggle to reconcile his conflicted motivations. They reflect Aziraphale’s fears and desires. He fears being hauled off to hell for disobedience. He fears Crowley’s death and being alone in the world. He desires to be emotionally intimate with Crowley. (Dare he risk physical intimacy with Crowley?) He feels self-righteously indignant, but he’s soft and squishy and weepy and misses his best friend.
I don’t have much knowledge of opera or musical theater, but I have some experience with choir and solo performance. I did a lot of research into opera, art songs, musicals, showtunes, and standards to create a playlist on YouTube. Selections were based on availability, popularity, and sound quality. My big question was whether or not Aziraphale is a strict originalist or if he likes different versions of songs. In some places, I chose newer versions over original versions due to the sound quality of the recordings. I tried to keep selections accessible to a wide audience with varying degrees of musical knowledge. You may not like my choices, so your mileage may vary. You can make your own playlist.
You can listen to it on YouTube.
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onemansfantasies4 · 5 months
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Deleted again. M/40. This is a blog focused on family bonding. If that isn't your thing, please block me and move along.
Aidia and Tania, please message me if you find my blog again.
I love and prefer M/d, A/n, or s/s. I also enjoy M/s, F/d, U/n, c/c and b/s. Feel free to submit any female family members and let me know if you want them posted or for my private collection.
If you are trying to trade, s2r only. You will get what you give, so keep that in mind when contacting me.
If you have a blank blog and no likes, you will be blocked. If you have a vanilla blog and no likes, you may be blocked.
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Sterek, Stalia, Stydia, Scallison, Scisaac, Scira, Scalia, Thiam, Layden, Petopher, Berica, Malira, Shelissa (Mama McCall x Sheriff), Pydia, Marrish, Aidia, Allisaac and so many others.
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mogomoago · 4 months
Imagine what if hyde and jekyll go to hell ( hell's of hazbin hotel ) after death , it's mad aidia and I love it !!!!!!!
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444names · 1 year
Names generated from Irish forenames, forced to end with "S"
Afris Aghus Aidhghus Aidias Aighachlas Aigneas Ailes Aillaitéas Ailís Aindeas Aindás Ainíles Airgas Airis Airlas Airseas Airíos Aithghus Aitlís Amaos Ambriúdás Amhalas Amheas Amhus Angheas Aodhadhlas Aodheas Aodhnas Aodhus Aoibheas Aoibhilís Aoilís Aoirbhneas Aoireargus Aoiris Aoistas Aolmás Aolruais Aolás Aomás Aorgus Argus Armargas Athrás...
Baithmaois Baoigheas Barais Barlewis Barás Beachlas Beallas Beamhus Beamus Bearbrós Beiceas Beirgus Bliargus Blibhles Bláthargas Brairseas Brathris Brearaois Brearbhrás Breas Brigheas Briúdás Bréas Bríosamus Bróirgus Bróislás Béarlas Caichlas Cailtionis Cairgus Cairlas Caoifeas Caoileas Caoilís Caois Caomás Caorgus Caormfhlas Cargus Carleas Carás Caríos Cathachrás Cathghus Cathiles Catreas Chtandás Ciamaois Ciamhus Ciarghus Cilís Cinndás Cinseas Ciodhlas Clasaolmás Clibhéas Cloclas Cláilís Clíos Cobherbrós Cobhrás Cobnaos Coibhlas Coibhrás Coighus Coilbhrás Coimhíos Coindás Coireas Coisíles Collás Colmás Coluirles Colás Comhghus Comhlas Comhus Comás Conghnas Conghrás Conghus Conis Conndás Connis Conorgus Corcheas Corghus Criúdás Críos Crónárlas Cuilearlas Cuiles Cuirgus Cyrisíos Dabhaglás Dabhargus Dabheamhus Dabhelís Dabhrás Dagheas Daghus Daglás Daithrás Damas Daoirgus Daomhus Darghus Deargus Declas Deilewis Deilís Diagóis Dialas Diarós Diceas Domáiréas Donailís Donghus Donias Doraglás Dubhereas Dubhlais Dubhlas Dubhrás Dymphnas Dáilís Dúnlais Dúnlughus Dúnluirgus Eachormas Eachtas Eallás Eardghus Earghais Earmas Eartas Earás Edwis Eigheas Eighergus Eighus Eilinéis Eilíonis Eimerbréas Eimothrás Eindás Eireas Eoclís Eoilbhilís Eoilís Eoindréas Eointas Eóidhus Eóirgus Eóirseas Eóiríomhus Fachtas Faoilís Faoimeilís Faoireas Faois Faolás Faosaomhus Feachtas Feadbheas Fearandás Fearchus Feibhannas Feibhilís Feighadhus Feilíos Felís Fialas Fiallas Fianneas Fiarleas Fiarneas Fiasiaris Findás Fintas Fioclás Fiodhneas Fiodóis Fionairlas Fionas Flais Florghus Fodhalas Fodhnalas Forachrás Forbhfhlas Forgargus Forgus Foros Fraitiúdás Féilís Fétas Fétharghus Féthghrás Fíoghus Fíonghus Geamothmas Geimhus Gergus Gorgus Gorlas Gormas Gragas Graithris Greallas Gráilís Holás Horoireas Iargas Ioclís Iriobóis Iríos Iósadheas Iósaisíos Ióseos Kyleaghus Kyles Laidhrás Laindás Lanas Laniantas Lannas Loclas Loclís Lomás Lonais Lorgus Luais Lubhlís Lugharós Luirearíos Maeles Maelís Maidhus Maindás Mainghus Maithnas Malas Manionas Maoiles Maoilís Maoirgus Maois Maomás Margus Mastíos Meacholás Meaglandás Meargus Mearis Measamas Meilís Mervivilís Monghus Mothrás Muibéadhus Muiles Muilíos Muilís Muineargus Muireas Muirghus Muirgus Muirias Muiríos Murearás Mureas Máilís Máinis Móirgus Móiriomhus Mónais Mórailís Mórlas Naodheas Niadnas Niarmais Nielís Nóranghus Nórlaois Nórles Odhachlas Oibhlas Oilbhiles Oilís Onais Onndás Osallas Peibhilís Peidhrás Peilbhais Peilís Piléis Proiles Póidhrás Rannais Raothrás Rathfholás Risliarós Riúdáirgus Rogeas Roghus Roibhris Roignas Roiles Roilís Roirghus Roirgus Roirias Ruailes Ruais Rualas Ruandás Ruargus Ruathrás Ruirgus Róchachtas Róidhrás Róirgas Róseas Saelsheas Safridheas Sairis Sallas Saoibhris Sarnailís Sarós Seadhus Sealgas Seargus Senis Seogeas Siarlas Sileas Silís Sindás Slias Sorgus Sorleas Soros Stóilianis Séadais Séalanis Séalbheas Séallás Séamaoilís Séamhus Séargus Séarmfhlas Séartias Síles Tadhbhrás Tialandás Tiarós Tignas Tiodhrás Tiúdás Tomhlanis Tomáilís Torgus Treamais Tuarais Téaolás Téargus Uaibheas Uairiles Ualtas Uanndás Uartas Uilís Uireas Ultas Vilís Ágaighus Ágailís Áindás Árleas Árles Áróis Éamhalais Éamhnas Éarcárós Éarghus Éargus Éighus Éilís Éimhnais Éimídeas Éislás Émergas Émergus Éthmaois Órachlais Órais Órles
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vampiir3d · 2 months
Hi, Wil!
I recently found your post on Quotev. I liked the "Only sound" about the reader!Aidia.
There are very few works about the character, which becomes very sad. Since the character himself is very secretive and you want to get to know him better.
Please, the author, do not lose faith in yourself and motivation. I really want to read the sequel.
P.S. I'm sorry if this message seemed arrogant and disrespectful to you and your work.
May the great Muse come to you.
Hii! I’m glad you like that story!! To be honest that’s the only story I still have motivation to write lol, don’t worry it’ll still be getting updates! ^^ Don’t worry, I didn’t take this as rude or disrespectful!
Thank you for the support!!
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dearestdaffodils · 6 months
Sometimes I really think I’m destined to die alone
Cause who the fuck would want me… like ever
“And I wouldn’t marry me either”
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Hey. My name is Eddie, and up until a few days ago, I was dead.
I've got some kind of vampirism adjacent undead disease. Don't worry, I try not to bite people. Unless you like that ;)
May do non-Kas vampire Eddie sometimes if the situation calls for it :)
Switch • Vers (because dom bottoms and sub tops exist lol) • Pan/Poly
Willing to be other kinds of monstrous versions of Eddie for an rp (if you ask nicely) - 🐐
Currently: (yes(eddie only)(kas only) | a bit | no)
Eddie | Kas
Bat time? (Note: I'll respond to rps of both types whether it's bat time or not, but bat time stuff will be prioritized during bat time and vice versa)
Horny | Sleepy | Feral | Sad | Cuddly | None Of The Above
Online • • • • • Slow Responses • • • • • Offline
Open • • • • • Closed
Admin here. Hi! I may occasionally disappear but I'll try not to.
Goat Boy, Admin's art/fic/rambling sideblog: @kassifieddocuments
The Mutuals:
Billy, the Cali Man: @theflayedking
Chrissy, Queen of Hawkins High: @corrodedcoffinchrissy
Steve, Big Boy: @stevethewhipped
Eddie, My Non-batty Twin: @eddiefknmunson
Aidia, Daffodil: @dearestdaffodils (also: you let me brainstorm at you for this blog, thank you - admin🐐)
Eddie, Other Non-batty Twin: @sireddiethebanished
Hannah, Moon <3: @skymoonandstardust
Max, Red: @dearbilly-lovemax
Charlotte, The Queen's Sister: @charlottecunningham
Steve, Fluffy Side Of The Monster Coin/Barks For People puppy <3: @lunarharrington
Jason, Sir Stereotype: @hawkinsbestplayer
Frequently interacts (not moot):
Lily: @yearwalker96
Taken anons:
🧚‍♀️ - 20
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tammyfeabakker · 11 months
it's great aidia 😱💯 | #youtubesohrt
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