#alice deserves someone to stick up for her
yanderes-galore · 2 months
Hi! Could I get prompts 7 and 10 from your list with Rhaenyra Targaryen?
Sure! Here's a short of Rhaenyra with an obsession she used to be close, only for them to join The Greens.
Yandere Rhaenyra Targaryen Prompts 7 + 10
"All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!"
"I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Mature themes, Angst, Violence, Medieval marriage practices (Viserys/Alicent), Targcest (Rhaenyra/Daemon), Manipulation, Kidnapping, Dubious bedding mention/implication, Murder mentioned, Forced kiss, Forced relationship.
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Young love is such a fickle thing, isn't it?
When Rhaenyra was young she was exploratory with relationships. She's had some guilty temptations deep within her chambers. However... nothing compared to her first real love.
You were part of a House sworn to the Targaryens, sworn to her father, the king. When your father came to do business with the council, you were often left in the Red Keep. That's when Rhaenyra met you... often speaking with you and Alicent as you sat in the royal garden.
You've always been pleasant company to Rhaenyra. Your presence around the Red Keep due to your father's work was something she often looked forward to. It was to the point she often abandoned her books to search for you.
As you both grew up, feelings naturally grew. You stick by the young princess as her life slowly crumbles apart... forced to watch as her best friend marries her father. However... who didn't leave her...
Was you.
Such dedication during your visits sparked something in Rhaenyra. When you two got older, even when she was married to Laenor, you two often met. Rhaenyra never hid her feelings from you. She was always open with you.
Unfortunately she had to hide such a... relationship with you from prying eyes. Rhaenyra, as an adult, was already considered promiscuous by many. But you had truly captured her heart since you were young.
The unfortunate thing is the fact you wanted nothing to do with her once the Dance started.
Your father, a man Rhaenyra still has a grudge with even with him dead, told you to stay away from her. Your loyalty naturally stayed with her father, then soon Aegon II. Loyal to the crown...
You finally abandon her...
A thought she can't deal with, even as war wages on around her.
Rhaenyra never understood why you chose King's Landing over her. Were you tempted by the role of being on Aegon's council just like your father? She could've given you that and so much more.
Rhaenyra gave you everything she had. Even when married to Laenor and Daemon, she kept coming back to you. She risked her reputation for you because she loved you.
Did you really think she'd sit back and let you go?
Rhaenyra never thought The Greens deserved you. She'll never understand how you could've chosen someone else other than her. You two were lovers... not Alicent. Not Aegon.
You've always been hers.
Rhaenyra originally planned to let you go. She wanted to forget you... you're with The Greens now. Unfortunately, late at night, she can't get you out of her head....
It was only a matter of time before Rhaenyra ordered your capture. She never revealed her true intentions, she simply said capturing someone from the council could provide info on The Greens. Plus, you'd be more receptive as you merely knew each other.
Your connection was so much deeper than that.
To Rhaenyra, it didn't matter how much blood was spilt to drag you to Dragonstone. She herself would've taken Syrax to demand you be handed over, yet Jacaerys convinced her otherwise. King's Landing shouldn't be your home... Dragonstone should.
Rhaenyra ordered you to be treated with care when taking you in. Not a hair on your head should be harmed. Anyone else, their blood can stain the streets.
You hadn't thought much of your previous lover until Meleys crashed Aegon's coronation. The dragon's rider, Rhaenys, had meant the visit as a threat... yet she also came with another purpose. Rhaenyra had very specific orders...
Which lead to you being kidnapped atop the Red Queen, dragged back to Rhaenyra like some insolent child.
Anyone who attempted to stop the dragon was quickly burned or made into dragon feed, Aegon's coronation ending in a smoldering fire. The thought made you sick. People were injured... People died...
All because Rhaenyra wanted you.
It was your fault, wasn't it?
Rhaenyra wanted a warm greeting when you arrived. Part of her wanted you to crawl back into her arms like she missed. But the queen knows better.
A cold glare was what she really expected... even after she gave you your own chambers close to hers.
She tries her best to be patient with you. You'll need some time to readjust. Although... She's getting tired of intercepting letters you keep sending to The Greens.
Any little spies you keep trying to inform are often slaughtered, their heads brought to her for proof thanks to Daemon.
The bloodshed Rhaenyra does for you is supposedly out of love... but you obviously don't view it that way.
"How much blood have you spilled, Rhaenyra?" You coldly ask the queen when she enters your chambers to check on you.
"This is war, my love. Blood is going to be spilled." Rhaenyra answers back, watching you quietly as you sit at the desk she provided.
"You've killed innocents, Rhaenyra." You frown, glancing at your captor. "You killed people because you don't trust them, all because I was around them-"
"You want to know why I spilled their blood, don't you?" Rhaenyra cuts you off, stepping closer. "I did it because of you."
You go to protest, only for Rhaenyra to stand in front of you. She cups your cheek, looking at you fondly. It's a familiar feeling... but you no longer have feelings for the queen.
"All this blood? It's all for you! Everything I do is all for you!" Rhaenyra confesses. "You left me all those years ago to join The Greens... you broke my heart, love. Naturally... I had to take back what was mine one way or another."
"You're a monster." You cry, terrified of the woman in front of you as you bat her hand away. The queen pauses momentarily, watching you with a dark gaze.. To think you once found it pleasant to bed her....
"A monster?" Rhaenyra scoffs, amused yet hurt. "I've given myself all to you! Yet you call me a monster!"
You want to fight her more but she grabs your chin, pinning you to the desk you were sitting in front of. You gasp, fear in your eyes as Rhaenyra glares down at you. A fury like no other burning in her gaze....
"If anything I'm a dragon, dear..." Rhaenyra purrs, holding your face with both hands. "A dragon who wants nothing more than to take what she wants... what she deserves...."
You want to show more defiance, to show how much you despise what she's become... but Rhaenyra is quick to silence you. The queen has been patient enough, quickly pressing her lips to yours. The kiss stuns you... all while Rhaenyra groans at the familiarity.
She's missed this.
Expertly Rhaenyra leads you away from your desk, herding you like a sheep as she lightly pushes you on your bed. You may hesitate, you may even curse and fight her... but she knows you'll break eventually. She knows you love her still...
She just needs to show you what The Greens can never give you...
That you've always been hers since the start.
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izfrogzy · 4 months
Soft and Innocent Part II 18+ Aemond x Sister Reader(OC.)
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Warnings: 18+ content eventually, this part is a bit angsty and a lot of pinning and longing, a bit sexism and such as what is expected of a woman and girl of the time period and world like Westeros and there's mentions of foot fetish (Due to Larys mention.)
A/N: .Mostly soft fluffy and angst at this part, for the most part a bit Angsty and such lots of hugging and seeking comfort from the Broody Brother. New to writing these sort of things for readers to read I am down for good criticism I try my best and never intend to offend or upset anyone with my writing with that being said enjoy...sorry for any bad grammar and punctuation :) I do apologize for any inaccuracies for certain characters just think of it as AUs scenarios.
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Aemond was returning from the training yard. Sweat and dirt covered his clothing. His hair was sticking to his face with sweat and sweat also glistened off his skin. The only thing he wanted to do was have a bath and rest. He let out a tired huff. But as he walked past his sister's room. He heard crying which seemed to peak his curiosity. He raised his head and began to walk towards her room which his walking turned into a sprint.
Seanna glared as Alicent, Their mother, sighed trying to appease upset Seanna. “It is your duty Seanna to marry." Alicent said and Seanna sobbed and threw things at her mother. “But it had to be him of all people!” She cried out and sobbed.
Seanna inhales and exhales glaring at Alicent, though the queen, She was more then willing to defy her mother, Aemond entered the room upon the middle of this argument between his mother and little sister.
“I don’t want to marry him, he's old and he walks funny and he’s he’s.” Sobbed Seanna 
His gaze went to his sister as he tilted his head ever so slightly to the side. His expression went from cold and hard to a slightly concerned and sympathetic one as he saw her in tears. He knew how she felt. Having to be married off to someone who she does not like. It wasn't fair to her. She didn't deserve that. Aemond's expression darkened slightly as he turned his head back to his mother. Who seemed so uncaring and cold to her own daughter.
“Larys Strong is the Lord of Harrenhal and he has acquired a mass fortune after his….” Alicent tries to make the situation sound better but Seanna speaks up. “You think I care about any of that Mother?!” She sobbed and sat up scowling at Her mother, Queen Alicent.
Aemond's hand tightly clenched into a fist at his side when he heard the name of the man who he sister was betrothed to. His whole body tensed....a wave of anger, sympathy and protectiveness filled his entire being. Larys Strong was not a good man. He was a perverted old man who only cared about wealth and power. Not love or family. Which made Aemond's expression darkened even more and his jaw clenched at the thought of the pervert being near his little sister.
Seanna says more to her mother trying to reason with her, “Plus I heard he has a foot thing mother would you really subject me to such a man and how he acquired his inheritance is no secret either…Hells I'd rather marry some Greyjoy or Bolton then the likes of that decrepit man.” Seanna said frustratedly from the top of bed clearly very worked up by the whole situation.
The thought of her being married off to a Greyjoy or a Bolton did not ease Aemond's darkening anger. It still would not be a happy ending. But it was slightly better than Larys Strong. Aemond's jaw clenched again at the word foot. Knowing what his little sister meant by that....it made his stomach do twists and turns in anger that his sister had to be tied to such a man. He was a pervert and a murderer.
Alicent sighs. “It has already been arranged." She said and Seanna started sobbing. “No! I won’t marry that man, Mother! I won’t!” Seanna wailed and threw her last pillow at her mother.
Aemond's hands slowly curled into a tight fist as more anger filled his being. The way his so-called loving mother was making his sister cry and treating her like she was some commodity to trade. He gritted his teeth and then grumbled out. “Isn’t there a better match mother ...or can't such a match be held off for a while? mother?” Aemond's tone hardened at his mother which made her turn her head to look at him..
“Aemond, you know we all must do our duty and it is about time your little sister did her part for this family….as you know alliances have to be made in case…” Alicent said to him and she looked at Seanna. “You will grow accustomed to Lord Strong ... .children become the greatest comfort.” She said trying to assure Seanna who shook her head and sobbed. “Is that all I am mother?” Seanna said and hopped off the bed and stormed up to Alicent. “Like my Beloved sister Helaena I too must be one of your broodmares to offer up to the highest bidder?” She said angrily in tears and Alicent's eyes widened and grabbed her daughter. “Enough of your childish tantrum Seanna! You will marry Lord Strong and that is final!” She snapped and Seanna sobs and yanks herself away pushing Alicent out of her way and storms past Aemond without a second glance, as she runs out of her bedchambers in tears and Alicent sighs and looks at Aemond. “Duty always requires sacrifice Aemond even you know that.” She said in a serious tone to her beloved son and she sighed “It’s about time Seanna learns as well.” Alicent said a bit coldly trying to be stoic in this decision.
Aemond's jaw tensed as he began gritting his teeth once more. The anger burned furiously in his body as he listened to his mother speak in such a cold and uncaring manner. He watched as his sister tried to argue and cry only to be treated like a child by their mother. He saw the push and he watched her run out of the room crying. He let out a slow and harsh breath through his nose to stop himself from screaming at his mother's seemingly cruel decision.
“I understand the demands of duty, Mother.” Aemond said with gritted teeth as he crossed his arms. His gaze was hard and cold as he stared at his mother. “However you don't seem to understand the concept of love and care.” Aemond said in an accusing tone as he continued to look at his cold hearted mother. “My sister is still a young lady who has her whole life ahead of her. And you treat her like a pig to be sent to slaughter.” Aemond said as his jaw tightened more.
“Aemond…..Larys Strong is lord of the Strongest fortress in the Seven Kingdoms ... ..as you know. plans are being made in case your father dies and we must solidify our household…..in case.” She said approaching him. “I don’t like it anymore than you do but Marrying her off is for the greater good….to strengthen the crown and house Targaryen.” Alicent said in a lowered tone of voice.
“I know all of that.” Aemond said, slightly agitated as he let out a slow breath through his nose. “But why him?” He asked in a hard and cold tone. “Why must you marry her off to such a creature as that. Why can she not marry someone else? Someone who would love and care for her. Why, someone like him?” He questioned as his jaw clenched and he began gritting his teeth again.
“You Mean Someone like you?” Alicent asked outright as if she knew what he tried so hard to keep hidden. “Aegon and Helaena are already wedded we must form alliances not just keep our bloodline to ourselves Aemond….I see how you feel obligated to her….how you wish to keep her safe….I am no fool at what I see…..But….Duty comes first Aemond.” Alicent said calmly and she placed her hand on his shoulder as if to give him assurance.
Aemond's jaw clenched further and his breathing became much more labored as he stared at his mother. How was she so good at reading him? He was always good at hiding his emotions. But with her it was different. She always managed to figure him out. Aemond stayed quiet...he almost felt as if he had been exposed of his secret feelings.
“If I had it my way it would have been you and her who were married instead of Aegon and Helaena but it was not Aemond.” Alicent said to her son.
Aemond's eyes widened slightly at the sentence his mother had spoken. So she has figured his secret out long before he even realized it himself. He would have been better fit to marry his sister. 
“That would not have pleased father right?” Aemond asked as he looked away from his mother. His expression became cold and stoic
“Your father could care less.” She admitted, looking away. “But for the realm arranging proper and good alliances and marriages for his remaining children is ideal.”
Aemond's face remained cold and stoic but inside he was feeling a mix of different emotions. He understood the concept of duty and loyalty, and why they had to arrange marriages...but the thought of his sister being sent off to such a vile person had his blood boiling. “And this is the best you came up with.” Aemond hissed out as he turned to look at her again. “Larys Strong. That creature…” He said bitterly to his mother, the Queen.
Alicent sighs and averted her eyes and nodded, “He asked for her and I owe him…our family owes him for his loyalty.” She admitted.
Aemond let out a huff and looked away again. He clenched his jaw yet again as the anger filled his body. She not only arranged his sister's marriage to a disgusting man but because the crown owed him. It was almost as if they didn't care about her being sent off to a perverted man who had a foot fetish. In Aemond's mind....it made her seem like she didn't care at all for her daughter.
Alicent approaches Aemond as she knew he was filled with anger at this decision, and she rubbed his shoulder and sighs before speaking, “Larys promised to be kind and gentle with her, that is all I can hope for your sister's future.” Alicent said to Aemond but her son gave her an agitated look. 
Aemond's hands slowly curled into tight fists as he listened. He didn't believe that at all. “And you believe such an empty promise from a lecherous man like him?” Aemond asked as he looked at his mother in anger and disbelief.
Alicent showed some hesitation to answer when he asked and she sighed and swallowed her motherly instincts and spoke “We must for the greater good Aemond.” She said simply looking at her son.
“The greater good?” Aemond's expression was full of anger as he looked at her. What greater good was there for marrying off his sweet sister to such a perverted man. “Why not another Lord? A good man who can give her a happy life. Surely that would be better for the realm than selling her like a pig to be slaughtered?” He asked and Alicent grabbed his arms so he would look at her “It has been final Aemond…..if I was to withdrawal there would be drastic consequences for our family.” Alicent said, trying to convince her son to accept the decisions made.
Aemond's hands clenched even more. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath to compose himself before speaking again. “If you will not change the betrothal. I will.” Aemond said his voice was hardened and cold. As he walked past his mother and opened the door to step out to where he knew his sister had run off to. Leaving his mother to stew in the room behind him.
Aemond knew exactly where to find his sister. He walked quickly down to the Godswoods. He began to hear sobbing. He followed the sobbing and finally stopped as he found his sister sitting on the ground sobbing. Aemond slowly walked up to her and gently placed a hand on her shoulder. Hoping to give her some comfort. “Seanna....sister.” Aemond said softly as knelt down and looked at her. “Shhh.”
Seanna looked at him and sniffled. “Oh Aemond I don’t want to do it.” She cried.
Aemond gently wrapped her in his strong arms and gave her a soft warm embrace. “Shhh.....shh...I know sister. I know…” His heart shattered as he saw how distraught and upset she was. He wanted to see her happy and cheerful. Not sobbing on the ground in tears.
“Why does it have to be him?” She sobbed. “How could mother do this to me?” She asked emotionally. 
Aemond continued to hold her in the embrace as he gently patted her back in a soothing manner. Trying not to think about how he would have treated her if they were married nor if he was to have her in his arms. He gently moved one of his arms to the back of her head and gently cradled her.
“I don't know...but....I promise to you. Once the time is right I won't let you be married to such a horrid man. No matter the consequences.” Aemond said his voice was soft yet filled with so much promise and conviction.
Seanna whimpers and clings to him. “I won’t marry him, I don't care what mother says or does to me.” she sobbed nuzzling into his clothed body.
Aemond holds her close as she clings to him. He rested his chin slightly atop her soft hair. He felt a sense of protective affection and love for his sister. He wanted her to be happy. He wanted to see her smile. And he knew there was no way in the seven hells that he would allow her to be married to such a horrible man. “No you won't. I promise you that.” He said as Aemond nuzzled his face into her hair.
Seanna sniffled and turned her face up and looked up at him with her pouty face and tear filled eyes. “You really promise?” She asked gently, her voice trembling.
He looked down at her. Seeing her tear filled eyes and pouty face made him want to kiss her...but no. That was not, be allowed this time. He gently placed a hand on her cheek and softly held it. A small yet warm smile spread across his face as he looked at her. “I promise my little sister. With my whole heart. I will not allow that creature to take you. No matter what.” He said though it sounded more like a vow and oath to her which made her smile slightly though still feeling upset.
 Seanna looked at him with her large eyes and rosy cheeks she sniffled. “Really?” she asked, tearing up again.
Aemond gazed back into her large eyes. He felt an overwhelming sense of love and adoration for her as he gently held her small face tenderly in his hand. He gently rubbed her chubby tear stained pink cheek. “Really. I promise. There is no need to cry or be scared. I will be by your side and I will protect you. You are my little sister. It is my duty to do so.”
She nodded. “I love you Lēkia.” She said Lēkia meaning older brother in Old Valyrian in a soft light innocent voice looking at him with her violet doe eyes.
And I love you, sweet sister. Aemond replied, still looking at those wide eyes of hers which he loved looking at so much. He gently cradled her face in his hand and then gently leaned in and placed a gentle, yet loving kiss on her forehead. The love he had for her was far more than what a brother should feel for his sister.
She clung to him and sighed totally content with her Lēkia.
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A/N: Part III is a bit more saucy and will be short but.....the small series will get steamy I promise Also named the OCSister I will do Reader or Y/N eventually but y'all can still imagine yourselves in OCs shoes obviously.
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herondalesbooklover · 2 months
I have a new theory yall!!!
Disclaimer: This is gonna be long, but you should stick around I make some fair points...
I know most of us think that Lyra was one of Avery's players, even more now that we have read Jameson's reactions to Lyra and Grayson's interaction. Now, I was thinking that MAYBE this is not the case and that actually someone found the wild card and put it in Lyra's p.o box with the message.
I know that Jameson was looking rather suspicious with his "this should be fun," and it makes sense that he would pick Lyra to mess up with gray, but these are not his picks, these are Avery's and she wouldn't just pick someone to put gray on edge. I think Jamie's reaction has more to do with the fact that gray looked visibly shocked to see her than about him knowing anything about them, I mean it is rare for THE grayson hawthorne to show his emotions, Jameson was obviously going to be intrigued.
Also, I think Grayson wouldn't be the type of person to reveal Lyra's story to anyone, not even his brothers, it is something rather private. We know that by the end of tbh he hadn't said a thing, he might have considered it his mystery to solve, and he probably tried it, but got nowhere, Lyra doesn't have her father's last name, maybe he didn't even sign her birth certificate or smth, so he probably couldn't find her. Grayson definitely didn't tell Avery, so how would she know about her??? It would be a pretty great coincidence that she just choose Lyra randomly and she ended up being the girl that called grayson...honestly, it doesn't add up. It could be that Avery choose people that had been wronged by Tobias, but still choosing lyra would still be big coincidence.
Then, I was thinking that the way in which Lyra got the ticket was pretty specific. A note "you deserve this" and the ticket. The note got destroyed within seconds, which is a Hawthorne trick, it makes sense that we thought Avery or a Hawthorne invited her, but what if it is not? It could be A Hawthorne, just not the boys... It could have been Alice or smne who knows their tricks (maybe not eve, I just don't think she knows anything about lyra ...yet). Then, Lyra mentioned feeling like someone was watching her, none of the other povs has mentioned something like this which makes me think that someone is indeed watching her, not Avery or the boys, they have boundaries (it would be weir if they followed her), but you know what... the epilogue is narrated by the watcher or smth. So I think that the watcher is the person who gave Lyra the ticket.
Considering the fact that lyra is a dancer and Avery is the knife. I think the person who put the ticket in Lyra's mail wants her to be the ballerina, this person wants Lyra to play the game for them, just like Tobias wanted to Avery to do. Honestly, this feels quite dangerous for her. The game is obviously not gonna go as it is planned and someone is definitely planning to manipulate Lyra to do as they want.
This makes the perfect sense when you realize that lyra has a bigger role in tgg than only being gray's love interest.
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maidragoste · 1 year
A little drabble into the past with Harwin Strong.
It is part of the universe of "The Queen and Her Husbands" but it is not necessary to read it to understand since this happens when Reader and Aegon are kids
Reblogs, likes and comments are always appreciated. I hope you like it 🥰🥰💕💕
Disclaimer: English is not my first language so I apologize for any mistakes. I'm also posting this while I'm half asleep.
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Harwin had just returned from his patrol. It was still early so he thought of stopping by your chambers to give you the sweets he had bought you during his patrol. When he arrived at the door of your chambers he heard your crying. Normally he would have knocked on the door before entering but this time he entered without hesitation, letting himself be carried away by worry and panic thinking that someone had managed to enter your chambers and was doing you harm.
Honestly, Harwin didn't know exactly what he expected to see when he entered, but he was relieved to see that there was no dangerous intruder…There was only Aegon. You were kneeling in front of the fire. There was a burning smell but he couldn't find anything in sight that was on fire. Your cheeks were stained with tears and Aegon held your hand carefully.
"What happened?" asked the captain of the city guard.
"The fool burned herself" replied the prince with a frown.
You released yourself from Aegon's grasp, then shoved him with all your might. You caught him off guard so he ended up on the floor. He didn't even have a chance to get back up when you jumped on top of him and started punching him in the chest. "It's your fault"
You are not an aggressive person so both the prince and the captain were surprised by your attitude. Harwin was quick to react and pull you on top of Aegon. The last thing Rhaenyra needed was for you to end up hurting the prince and enraging the queen. The relationship between Princess Rhaenyra and Queen Alicent was already tense enough, and the last thing he wanted was for it to get worse.
"Hey, hey, that's no way to solve problems," Harwin reminded you as he gently grabbed you by the shoulders. "Do you want to tell me what he did to you?"
"I didn't do anything to her," Aegon said, offended that someone thought he would be able to hurt you. "All I did was prevent you from burning further," He said looking straight into your eyes hating being the reason for your anger and sadness
"You burned the cloak I made for Aemond!" you said furiously as you tried to hold back your tears.
Oh sure, Harwin knows which cloak you were talking about. You had been making that cloak for weeks, whenever he came to see you you proudly showed him your process and asked if he thought Aemond would like it. You took the trouble to learn how to embroider a sword and a dragon. Even he heard Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey complain that you didn't want to play with them because you were busy sewing. You had put too much dedication into it for Prince Aegon to burn it like nothing. Now he understood the reason for your anger.
"It's just a stupid cloak! It wasn't even well made, surely Aemond would have been embarrassed to wear that!”
Aegon was still angry and surprised at how you didn't hesitate to stick your hand into the flames in an attempt to save the cloak you made for Aemond. You could have gotten badly burned just because of that stupid cape.
Harwin was surprised by the prince's words and actions. He knew that normally Aegon wouldn't do anything to hurt you. It's not like it's a secret that Rhaenyra's brother had a devotion to you and he seemed ready to do anything you told him to. So Harwin did not understand why the prince's attitude.
"Good, then I'll save you the embarrassment of wearing yours!" You walked over angrily and grabbed the other cloak you'd made before throwing it into the fire.
"You made me a cloak?" asked the prince with a choked voice and red cheeks.
"I do." you answered with a frown"But you're an idiot and you don't deserve it"
Now the one who seemed to want to jump into the fire to get the cloak was Aegon. Harwin wanted to laugh as he realized the reason for the prince's attitude. Kids could be such jerks sometimes. Aegon had only burned the cloak out of jealousy because he thought you hadn't done anything to him and he was jealous that his brother had something of yours and he didn't. The prince wanted to be the only one to have your attention and your gifts. He didn't want to share you with Aemond.
"My prince, why don't you go find the maester so he can see the princess's burn?" Harwin asked to save Aegon from further embarrassing himself. Now that the fire had completely consumed the cloak, he looked as if he were about to cry.
"I'm sorry" the prince murmured before almost running out of your chambers.
The next day Harwin wasn't surprised to see Aegon with a black eye and how he looked like an abandoned dog because you ignored him and stuck to Aemond.
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marukrawler · 3 months
It's great we all agree the og girls deserved better. Personally, of the 3 girls I think Julie was the one who had the most "decent" short end of the stick or the girl who was treated "a bit better" than Runo and Alice (or at least the writers tried give her something to do in comparison or in general) (and with these I'm not saying she was not flanderized; the same show sexualized her🤨). She appeared in season 3 and had few decent appearences were she helped the team and was a good friend for Dan and Jake
MS 1 treated the girls like if they never existed/j
And in MS2 her role in the story made sense and again, was a truly good friend and ally because she had something to do according with her personality and core traits.
Meanwhile, like you said in another ask: the show seemed to always give Runo the short end of the stick and season 2 had to flanderized her (babygirl didn't deserve them) and in MS2 her role didn't seem to be for her but for someone else (it can be new or another charac) truly they didn't knew what to do with her 😭 (she didn't deserve this she has SO much potential)
With Alice, again there was so much potential. She has her abilities and there's is no need to show She's one of the best brawlers, her grandpa, her card, hydra, and show said: Nah, too much work better ignore she exist 😮‍💨.
In my personal conclusion, the three girls had the worst pieces of cake but Julie had the worst decent piece of all three
Sorry for Bad English, it's not my first language
your english is good, don't worry!
you're right that julie didn't have it as bad. she helped mira beat gus, she didn't lose against anyone from the vexos in her (1) permitted battle and the one who (unintentionally) tipped off the vexos about their location was billy, not her. compared to runo and alice, julie was the one who screwed up the least.
she's also allowed to come back in other seasons and gave jake important insight as to how he can utilize the advantages that subterra provides as an element, just like she did with mira. she doesn't do much but helps out however she can, such as keeping kids out of bakugan interspace while it's under gundalian control, all this while still focusing on her grades, her cheerleading, and part time job.
in ms2, julie returns as a news reporter, working in bakugan city. she functions as the announcer during the b1 climax tournament, the field reporter who covers everything wiseman does live on the scene, and the interviewer collecting opinions from the citizens for a commemorative special program on the city's one year anniversary.
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she seems very passionate about undoing the damage that wiseman has caused to the trust between humans and the bakugan who came to live with them, wanting to prove to the citizens of bakugan city that the bakugan are their friends and vice versa.
this is shown in s4ep33 when julie tries to convince a stubborn subterra damakor named damdos that humans and bakugan can coexist.
she also tries during s3ep43 to make sure the anniversary event goes smoothly so that more cities will have bakugan living there.
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it's not a very exciting role but it's definitely a role that no one but julie could fill and im glad that she could still be relevant somehow.
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divine-donna · 2 years
courtship - hotd cast
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i have done a variety of similar posts for a different fandom. so i thought i’d try my hand and do something a little more laid back than a fic. anyways, have fun with these! i hope they’re satisfactory for you guys. (and if there’s someone missing that you would like me to add, feel free to tell me. my brain can be a bit scattered when writing these.)
these are all inherently gender neutral, by the way. i aspire to be as inclusive as possible when it comes to writing fandom pieces. i understand there are structures in place within the world of westeros. for the sake of this post, however, i am forgoing them. everyone is deserving of a courtship after all!
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ser criston cole
ser criston’s courtship is very straight forward. of course, he makes sure he has the blessing of his queen to pursue you first. he is a gentleman. makes good conversation, always asks about you. you do wish he would be a little more romantic with his gestures however, he has appearances to keep up. his honor is always at stake, front and center. and sometimes, it can definitely feel like your courtship with him is a secret he must keep hidden.
“and how was your day, my liege? i hope it was bright despite the clouds.”
daemon targaryen
daemon’s courtship with you is also very straight forward. he’s honest about the way you make him feel and there is also a lot of witty banter happening between you two. he’s not much of a traditional person though. traditions are boring after all. but if you insist on keeping with tradition, he will put his personal feelings aside to accomodate them. as long as they aren’t ridiculous. he does love giving you physical affection and surprisingly is very touch starved.
“i missed you today. i can’t even begin on how woeful it was without you, my love.”
rhaenyra targaryen
rhaenyra is the princess! the heir to the iron throne! and essentially, she can court whoever she wants. her father did tell her to just pick someone after all. if she is going to marry, she’s going to pick someone that lights a fire within her and makes her smile. so of course, she chooses you! you’re brave, smart, witty. and most importantly, you know how to make cake. the best moments of your courtship come when you visit her in her room, holding a cake you made specifically for her. and she gets to eat it while you talk about your day. afterwards, she lays her head on your lap, looking up at you. sometimes she kisses you. other times, she just holds your hand and traces your knuckles with her fingers.
“you must tell me the secret to how you keep your hands so soft, (y/n). soft like the cake you make.”
alicent hightower
when it comes to courtship with alicent, it is you who must make the first move. she is rather busy, preoccupied, and a little nervous. she has a habit of overthinking things when she shouldn’t. so you make the first move and make many gestures of romance. you leave books at her desk, books you think she would like. you give her flowers when you see her, sticking one in her hair. sometimes, if you have the time, you go out of your way to buy a blank book where you press flowers in between the pages and you make beautiful arrangements within them. she holds that book of pressed flowers close to her heart.
“you give me so many daisies, (y/n). and i am a fool to just learn that it means you are saying, i love you truly.”
aegon targaryen
aegon is very blunt. courtship with him is...messy? messy is an understatement. and he is a prince so people only watch. they don’t bother to comment on it. what matters most to aegon is not his grand gifts to prove his love, but rather it’s the way you sit and listen to his woes. he feels they are not taken seriously enough and he loves laying near you and having you listen. you’re the first person to truly listen to him when he tells you that he has no interest in being royalty. in fact, he’d rather fake his death. and run away.
“you wouldn’t be opposed to running away with me, right (y/n)? it could just be the two of us. i like that idea.”
aemond targaryen
aemond is a cordial man. he sticks with tradition and does very thorough research if you particularly have certain traditions for courtship with your family. he woos you not with any grand gifts or proclamations or songs, but with his gentle touch and sweet words. he is surprisingly a big fan of physical touch, your pinkies intertwined, a hand on your shoulder, a small kiss to your cheek. he’s willing to do anything for your approval and he has the means to do so. but the best moments, in your opinion, are when you two are just alone. it’s you, aemond, and a source of light in a room.
“it may be the morrow, my love, but my mother does not call for me yet. so please, let me lay with you a little longer.”
helaena targaryen
helaena is a quiet girl and tends to prefer solitary activities. but for you, she was willing to get out of her bubble. she starts with talking to you. it’s small talk, but you enjoy it. and when she apologizes for accidentally going on tangents about her love for bugs, you encourage her. you sit and listen to what she has to say, asking questions to further increase your own knowledge. she feels guilt for speaking so much but you reassure her it’s fine. she also loves hearing you talk about what you’re passionate about and asks questions as well. the two of you build a collective of knowledge together. you also go out of your way to do things for her, like finish her embroidered spider or give her a drawing of a new bug you found. she has many of those drawings tucked away for they are sacred to her.
“i found this lovely creature yesterday. it reminded me of you (y/n). i cannot decide if i want to name it after you. i thought i would ask for naming suggestions as well.”
jacaerys velaryon
jacaerys most definitely asked his mother for some advice on courting you first. after all, he has seen you two talk frequently (apparently it’s because you remind her of herself when she was your age). he asks if he can take you on small walks where two talk about the weather, the scenery, how your days have been. you have a fascination with dragons, so he will take you to see vermax. sometimes, if you’re feeling up for it, you propose that when vermax is big enough that you ride together. he is also, surprisingly, a good artist and when you sit and contemplate, he draws you. the portrait is lovely and you keep many of them even if they are of you doing mundane things.
“perhaps one day, i will capture you riding vermax. but i do not believe a drawing of you can truly capture your beauty.”
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 9 months
If my OC was Canon what God Awful Fandom Hot Takes would their be for them?
Ohhh what do you think they would perceive Aldreda/Alicent?
Not the ask I expected, & I'll be honest I've thought about this more with the Roycegaryens, so it took a minute but I think I've got a good thought process going here. I'm gonna tackle it first with Aldreda herself, because I think that's a lot of important context, & then I'll talk about Aldricent. [Also, content warnings for below the cut: mentions of sexual abuse, discussions of violence, mentions of emotona abuse, general unhinged fandom bs]
Aldreda would be fucking divisive. There's no way around it, I know she would be. Because she's only Gender Weird & not a man, she'd get viewed more negatively than someone like Daemon or Aemond, who are also divisive in their own ways but get more positive attention. She has all the makings of getting seen like a girlboss (she fights & raids, all her hobbies are masculine, she's “sexually liberated”), but she has way too much grit to get boiled down to that unless you want to be really fucking delusional (& trust, I know a lot of fans of HOTD are/can be because of how young a lot of them skew). She's mean & petty, early on in her arc she pretty obviously objectifies other women (regardless of how nice & respectful by comparison she is), she revels in violence if she's the cause of it, & she really quickly turncloaks in The Dance because wrong place/wrong time & getting captured & offered the position of Aegon’s Master of Ships in exchange for her & her remaining men's lives (nevermind she personally was determined to be neutral/wasn't really engaging with the war before getting conscripted by Team Green). Because she's not easily sanitizable & on the less popular side of the war, she wouldn't be getting any favors from a lot of fandom. And that's not even touching on how, like, way hard-core Team Green stans would feel about her, I cannot even fathom if it would be positive or negative (if anyone has thoughts there lmk, I'm curious).
So, just in general Aldreda would be getting hot takes about how she's not really one of the Ironborn & making up all kind of shit about honor & doing a disservice to her whole House & culture (like Sansa got/gets about Not Really Being Northern), & about how she should have either let herself get killed or have somehow murdered her way out of being surrounded by trained soldiers who'd disarmed her & were literally only leaving her unharmed/unacosted because they watched her rip a man's ear off with her teeth. Really vindictive Aldreda antis would come out with hot takes about her deserving all the emotional neglect & emotional incest & sexual abuse from her backstory & how it should have been worse, or that she should have “shut up & married her cousin instead of getting involved in the war & sticking her nose where it doesn't belong/betraying Rhaenyra [whom she has never fucking met].” There'd probably be a pretty vocal minority that ships her with her abuser/cousin just because he's “hot & possessive,” & that is a very rancid hot take. People would victim blame her & also claim she was the direct reason her murdered/not dead by happenstance brothers got murdered.
Aldricent, I don't think, would be super popular outside of tumblr. Like, Aldricent just is for the tumblrinas because it's “becoming less toxic yuri marriage arc,” & that would speak to the tumblr-flavor-chronically-online girlies (gender neutral).
I approach this next bit as a Rhaenicent Enjoyer, but a lot of hate for Aldricent would come from there, imo. Aldreda would get called “bargain bin Rhaenyra” due to the places their stories kinda overlap, & depending on which bias you approached the ship from would determine your hot take from there. It'd either be “Alicent is replacing Rhaenyra with Aldreda who's a lesser model, & she'd probably leave her in a heartbeat if she came to her senses & started supporting her girlboss one true love” or “Aldreda is sexually manipulating Alicent & is literally only one step above Larys or Viserys due to her issues/trauma surrounding female sexuality that she's obviously never going to grow from/improve upon. Criston should kill her.” Before the growth arc, there'd probably be hot takes/jokes about Alicent being a pillow princess & finally getting to nut, & some of them would probably come from a good place, but it's still a Bad Hot Take to me because Alicent's lack of active participation the first time they fuck is an Aldreda choice.
There'd probably also be hot takes about which one of them is fixing the other with their magic, problem solving pussy or w/e, because that's how relationships work 🙄 (whoever you think is fixing the other is determined by who you like more &/or whoever you think is worse, I suppose. Pick your poison/bad take).
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bohemian-nights · 8 months
"Such reasons are Ryan's self-insert, Aemond"
Where did this come from? Ryan mentioned Ramsay and the Mountain in the same sentence with Aemond and hinted that Aemond will reach their level in villainy lmao. Aemond is framed as a villain in most of his scenes as adult (at least in the scenes with the Strongs). Ryan talked about his love of Aegon 2 but I don't remember him saying that about Aemond. And he seems to really love Rhaenyra and Alicent, why do people act like Aemond is his fav because he is more complicated than he is in the book so far? He killed Luke accidentally, but the showrunners literally did a similar thing with Cole and Beesbury, and Alicent crowns Aegon by a misunderstanding. Most characters were whitewashed, not just Aemond, even Daemon was whitewashed and has been made much cooler cause he is not a pedo for starters, he is obsessed with his brother, not just power-hungry like in the book, and he is shown as the most badass character in many scenes, like at the Stepstones or in the scene with Vermithor that exists just because.
😬 Respectfully I’m going to have to disagree.
Ryan says a lot of stuff, but I tend to look at actions rather than words because words are ultimately meaningless(especially in regards to this show)
I like Aemond, but in book canon, he is quite something. I straight up dislike Rhaenyra and think that everything that happened to her in the end was deserved(I will be cheering Aegon on when does her in), but even I would will admit he’s misogynistic towards her(he's the one who should be calling her a whore and not Ser Vaemond).
He’s never bullied in the books for not having a dragon(adding that in the show feels like a justification for his behavior; the strong boys keep taunting him so of course he’s going to defend himself). Obese Gollum (aka book!Viserys) literally offered to take him to Dragonstone to find a dragon egg, but he didn’t feel a dragon egg was good enough when he could have Vhagar.
He’s arrogant as hell while in the show it seems like he was a bullied kid who was trying to stick it to his bullies.
The Cole and Beesbury(let’s be honest no one cares about him) thing isn’t really a good comparison.
Originally they were going to keep Luke’s death book canon but somewhere in production, it got changed to it being an accident on Aemond’s part. I suspect that the reason why this was is because Luke is Missy Anne’s beloved son.
Having Aemond kill him in cold blood(especially when Luke is so small in comparison) makes him look outright villainous rather than settling an old debt.
So taking all of that into account if Ryan was going to make him into a psychopath he’s already failed at that and I doubt Aemond will ever reach Ramsey and Mountain levels. (Nor should he because Aemond, even book Aemond who should be in therapy, isn’t an actual psychopath like the other two).
There are some key moments where they could’ve worked in Aemond being two seconds away from a genocidal manic, but all they’ve shown is a boy who loves his mama, a victim of ostracization, bullying, and parental neglect.
I really do get your point, because in a way everyone on this show has kinda been screwed over, including Aemond, but I think that with Aemond they tried to make him into someone you would root for despite his oopses.
All I will say about the Aegon situation is that you don’t make characters you love into outright rapists when you are trying to humanize them and make them likable. They could’ve taken out the rape bits and shown him as a man boy struggling to deal with parental neglect so he’s turned to alcohol to cope. It’s not perfect, but people can empathize with that. However him being a rapist is where most people will draw the line. Ryan may not have said he loved Aemond, but he did a lot more to mellow him out than he did for Aegon.
In regards to Daemon, he definitely has not been whitewashed. If anything he has been made worse. He’s still shown to be a pedo(creeping on Rhaenyra ashen she’s 15) getting with someone he considers a child(Laena cause she’s even younger than Miss Maegor). He killed his first wife in cold blood, neglected Laena(who was his most beloved wife in the book), and choked out Missy Anne.
Let’s not forget that Nettles, the person whom he loved without an ulterior motive, who shows he cares for more than just the throne and isn’t just a heartless Valyrian supremacist, is MIA.
He’s also the voice of reason on the Black council and isn’t just trying to rush into war, but that was axed in favor of Let’s attack the Greens because they killed my walking corpse of a big brother🤪
All the good parts of Daemon have been stripped away to make him into the big bad man(so far). I won’t disagree that Daemon has been shown as a badass in the show, but he’s a badass in the books as well(ex. Six men or Sixty; The Battle Above the Gods Eye; challenging Laena’s betrothed to a duel and winning her hand, etc).
That’s literally the only thing they haven’t taken away from him.
Being a badass is great and all, but that’s not a positive trait(How many villains can you name that are badass? Darth Vadar anyone? Scar, Thanos, The Joker), especially when you combine it with all the other stuff Daemon has done.
He’s not just supposed to be a badass brute. He has a personality. Ryan Condal is severely limiting him.
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Different Jervises : he finds a song that he liked when he was younger on the phone and plays it with lyrics trying to sing. While doing it he slowly realizes "Wait… this is sex song."
"This is a sex song?" Hatter Party Ask
I hear you and I'm going to raise you specific sex songs for each Hatter. Fun fact: one of these I actually didn't realize it was a sex song until I was well into adulthood. You can have fun guessing which one.
TW: explicit lyrics, Suggestive
"Afternoon Delight" By Starland Vocal Band
This Jervis is one for the classics. 60's and 70's songs really hit that sweet spot for him because it's things he remembers well from canonical childhood years.
"Thinkin' of you's workin' up my appetite
Looking forward to a little afternoon delight
Rubbin' sticks and stones together makes the sparks ingite
And the thought of lovin' you is getting so exciting"
This song is pleasant, it's something that played a lot and it's not overtly sexual. Just subtle and veiled enough that if you don't pay attention, it can be easy to miss. You can rather just put it on and sing along.
Which is exactly what Jervis was doing while he was sewing. You see, his darling f/o taught him how to use Spotify (I know the time frame is loopy, just go with it), and now he has a lot of his favorites ready to play whenever he wants! You would think it would be simple for him given his work but applications are not his strong suit.
Afternoon Delight comes on and he sings. It's around halfway through the song that he's mouthing the words and has the epiphany.
"Oh." A slight blush. It's still a fantastic song, he's just a little flustered now as he's rediscovering it in a new light.
He might need to show this to his f/o... It's giving him ideas :)
"Come on Eileen" By Dexy Midnight Runners
This song is one filled with joy and bouncy vibes. It's a song to dance to! It's genuinely difficult to hear it and not feel a little happy/pumped up... So of course it's one he's exceptionally fond of.
"Come on, Eileen
Oh, I swear (what he means)
Ah, come on, let's
Take off everything
That pretty red dress
Eileen (tell him yes)"
Between the accents and the fast beat, it's easy to miss the words. Plus it's not graphic at all- More about seeing someone you haven't in a while and realizing oh wow they're... very hot now. Having dirty thoughts about them...
It suits his coy nature in a way, actually. Yet he has no idea of this until it's playing on the radio. Someone in the room mentions the song being about sex. At first he pays no mind. He has other things to focus on!
Yet, as with most random tangents he comes back to, it lingers as an itching thought in his brain. Several days later he'll find himself looking it up to satisfy his own curiosity. Really, he probably bothers someone else to look it up, but the result is the same.
He's got this goofy sort of delight singing it after that, thinking about his Eileen "Alice" being sung to.
"lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off" By Panic! At the Disco
In my opinion, the idea of Gotham Jervis Tetch being a little emo youngster just tickles me. No, it's not based on anything in particular other than that. Emo pop bands like Panic! At the Disco were a staple.
"I've got more wit, a better kiss
A hotter touch, a better fuck
Than any boy you'll ever meet
Sweetie, you had me
Girl, I was it, look past the sweat
A better love deserving of
Exchanging body heat in the passenger seat"
It's one of those songs that when you're young it's cheeky because there's CURSING and you kind of vaguely know what it's about but you know you're not really listening to the words as much as the music. Or you weren't paying much attention and thought to it.
Picture Jervis putting the song on, sort of half singing while he's doing something- He pauses. Wait. It all sort of hits him at once- The song, what it means, how obvious it is and him not realizing until just this now.
No one else can know about this. Certain parties (Jerome, Edward) would never let him live this down.
It strikes him as particularly crass now as an adult but of course that's the sort of thing he wanted to listen to as a teen. He had things he needed to be angsty about! And this was it!
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fickleminder · 1 year
A scene from a very OOC/bad end AU that’s been stuck in my head recently. Just wanted to write something out to vent for a bit. Inspired by this fic (and if you know who I ship my F!MC with then you know whose part I was inspired by RIP 🙃)
Content warnings: past relationship, infidelity, single parenting
“Here’s your usual, Alice! All packed and ready to go.”
“Thanks Mister Sanders!”
“Anytime, kiddo. I see your folks are out with you today. Is your grandma not feeling well?”
“She’s doing alright! Dad just thought she could use some peace and quiet for once.”
“Glad to hear that. Now you take care on your way home, okay?”
Across the bustling town square, Lucifer observed the exchange with a thoughtful hum. “Her portions have gotten bigger. Have you been eating?”
“Yes, of course. Simeon always makes sure we have enough delivered to last a month.”
“That’s good. Are you feeling alright? We can find some shade to sit in if you want.”
“…No, I think I could use some more sun.”
“Very well.”
Lucifer offered Kirana his arm and continued to escort her around for the rest of the morning. His free hand carried the extra groceries picked up by the young girl happily running errands on their behalf.
When it was time for lunch, the three returned to a little cottage on the outskirts of town. Alice rushed upstairs to wash up, leaving them to prepare food.
“Thank you for accompanying us today. You can let go now.”
Lucifer released Kirana’s arm and started putting away the groceries, already familiar with where she kept everything in the kitchen.
Kirana smiled sadly. “Lucifer. Let go.”
A pause, and the demon sighed before allowing the glamor to fall away. Smooth skin became wrinkled, black hair faded to grey; when Lucifer finally turned around, a much older woman was standing in Kirana’s place.
“It’s okay. It was nice while it lasted.” She moved to pull out a few pots and pans. “Will you be staying for lunch?”
“I’m afraid not. Lord Diavolo needs me for several engagements.”
“Pity. Another time then.”
With a kiss to her cheek and a farewell hug, Lucifer teleported away.
“Mum, can Mister Lucifer be Dad?”
Kirana went still before carefully setting down her cutlery. “Alice, why—”
“I know he’s actually my uncle, but if my real dad doesn’t want me, then I don’t want him back!” The girl declared, crossing her arms with a huff.
“Sweetheart, you know he doesn’t know about—”
“I don’t care! He didn’t want you either, or any of them, so stop sticking up for him!”
It was the truth, but it never stopped hurting after all these years. To this day, Kirana still wondered where she’d gone wrong, wondered what she could’ve done differently. She didn’t regret having Alice, but there were times she wished she had someone by her side to help raise her daughter. Alice deserved more than just a heartbroken mother who couldn’t move on from the past.
“Mum? Mum, I’m sorry, please don’t cry…” Alice scrambled off her chair, green eyes bright with worry as she crawled onto Kirana’s lap and hugged her tight.
Kirana sighed and hugged her back, mentally chiding herself for wallowing in misery again. The fact that she survived delivering Alice into the world was a sign, according to Simeon and Lucifer. It meant that her fight wasn’t over, that she still had a role to play in the grand scheme of things. And despite losing her youth and magic in the process, Kirana wouldn’t trade her daughter for anything.
“Why don’t you ask Lucifer the next time he visits, hm?” Kirana acquiesced. Regardless of how she felt about the Avatar of Pride, her daughter needed a father. Alice was her world, and there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for her.
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the realm’s delight.
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How long has it been since I’ve fell in love with a character like I did with you? Your pain, your joy, your freedom and your fire. All of these things made you so unique and magnetic in a way that pushed me to be obsessed over House of the Dragon as a tv-show like I haven’t been in maybe a decade. 
WARNING : all spoilers. 
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‘Nyra, she embodies a moment of my life, she is a woman fighting the madness and the patriarchy but all the while owning who she wants to become. When Milly first appeared on my screen, her smille was blinding. The way she exhaled mischief and confidence bound me to her eternally in a way few characters ever did. No one wants to give her the throne when it begins, not even her own father but she asks him repeatedly through this first season, “if you want me to become your heir, fight for me”. Brave and Bold and Dragon. I love how she dares to ask for what she has been shamed for deserving, for what seems to be the toughest to ask. How humiliating it is but eventually she sees the bigger picture as she’s growing up and she goes for what she fucking deserves. 
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She is both a giver and a receiver. I love how it’s pretty well depicted all season long. She’s choosing her lovers, the father(s) of her sons, but she gives away bits of her that she will never get back for the throne. These intimates little things which are hidden and kind of broken in the name of duty and what’s supposedly right. Morally speaking. Yet she’s untamed and fucks who she bloody wants.
Speaking of fucking, a scene truly embodies to me the sense of womanhood which is so often overlooked or not understood. When Daemon took her to that brothel in that scene, he lit flames in her. Suddenly, it’s all heated touches and urgency and she truly burns with her own desire for the first time in her life. He slices her open with lust and ablaze sensations. And she does meet him halfway with a desire so wild that it does burn him. And from my perspective, that lack of control pisses him off. She is more than that young thing that he thinks he can bend to his will. She is a Dragon. So eventually he leaves her there, but guess what? She still wants to have sex, she needs to have that orgasm. You rarely see a woman allowing herself to seek pleasure that way, and to actually find another partner in the minute or so to pretty much finish what Daemon started. That is one of the most powerful thing I’ve ever seen through a screen.
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So, she finds our dear Cole. And she has sex with him. Following that episode, another pivotal moment happens. He asks her, “Run away with me, become my wife and leave this life” for two reasons, he loves her and he is not fully comfortable with the fact that he broke his vows by having sex with her, that royal hypocrite. And she basically says, “I’m sorry, I like you, but I won’t leave the throne and my crown for you”, because, man that is the Iron Throne, duh. He is shocked. Here lays of one of the most iconic line “You want me to be your whore?” and that is truly, to me, the greatest accomplishment of this show. It’s a role reversal. Kings, men in general, are known to have mistresses and that is normal and not really criticized, but when a woman does? She’s slut shamed. Rhaenyra will forever suffer of that (besides the fact that Laenor is not the actual father of her sons) but she sticks to her wants. She said no. And she’s my hero.
The way House of the Dragon painted patriarchy and that specific pressure on women, from Alicent and that feet moment, to Vaemond screaming “She is a whore!” as precious last words, are real. I found it interesting how women are discriminated by duty and yet sexualized through pleasure, mostly their own, or then their lack of pleasure in this show. Usually, women are super sexualized through the eyes of men, but here Rhaenyra seeks pleasure for herself instead of trying to please someone else. It’s major to me, all season long. And the parallel of divergent growth between Rhaenyra and Alicent is smart that way. Rhaenyra never pretended to pretend, they all knew she was taking what she decided that she deserved when Alicent let herself get choked by her father’s greed and the weight of giving heirs and what is morally good ; what is even more interesting is that she turns to religion to find comfort in all the uncomfortable decisions she took. Again, quite hypocrite in my opinion but it draws the prism of patriarcal values found in most religions.
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The suffering Rhaenyra goes through is kind of unbearable. She is selfish enough to protect what she deems to protect, and it’s taken away from her almost each time, Aemma, Alicent’s love, her innocence, Harwin, her father, Visenya, and most of all, Lucerys. That final frame in the last episode? Don’t get me started on how powerful it is. 
Daemon is the only constant in all of her losses. Daemon is hers from the first second they appear on screen together, and even she doesn’t have him right away, she never lets go, never stop loving him. She pursues and lives with the idea that they are meant to be together. Blood of my Blood. Incestuous ties apart, their relationship is beautiful. They earn each other. They support each other. They love.
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I strongly think (look how my humor is edgy) that we should take pride in our sins because they make us more empathic with whom are struggling with the same guilt. By owning your mistakes, you make sense out of them, and it’s the only way, to me, to grow into a better version of yourself. When Lucerys says to his mother “I’m not like you, I’m not perfect” it does embody the weight of all her choices. Emma D’Arcy acting in that sequence are phenomenal. They are the purest form of devotion and it underlines flawlessly what it took Rhaneryra to be where she is at that moment of her life.
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Rhaenys, as the Queen who Never was, went early on through the same misogyny as Rhaenyra. But she chooses to accept her fate and to play her part. I love the scene where ‘Nyra says “I will create a new order” and how Rhaenys scoffs and answers “Men would sooner put the realm to the torch than see a woman ascend the iron throne”, and well, ain’t that truth is our society as well?
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I will never be a son either. I can’t help but think how real this is. They make a burden out what is our greatest power. Womanhood is where truly lays the most creative form of all. Was it really that doomed from the start? Can’t women be deserving to be on that fucking throne? This might be a show about Dragons and Kings but this is in its essence a show about how women deserve more, if not all.
+ side note : I met Milly Alcock last month, and she is the cutest and so radiant! I was lucky enough to speak with her a few words and get her to sign one of my portrait of her as Rhaenyra. Lucky bitch indeed.
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Rhaenyra, in your spirit, I’ll allow myself to take things I want but not only the one which I need, but also the ones that I deserve. This is what this endless fight is about. I will try to create a new order and I won’t shy away from a little bit of blood, because I think I have the fire of the Dragon too. 
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emo-nova · 2 years
Honestly, I have opinions about Nancy Wheeler. She is a good written female character and well written as a character. I put the distinction there because in most media they make their women for "diversity" rather than placing the story in first. And in Stranger Things they put the story forward and diversity is included in the story and dealt well as it linked into the character arcs and the story.
Nancy Wheeler in the first season of ST, kinda annoyed me. The reasoning is that as a girl close to her age, I was mortified when I found out that Jonathan had taken photos of Nancy during the pool party. And honestly, I was expecting a bigger reaction to that fact someone took a photo of her in a state of undress without any consent and when Steve as her boyfriend confronted Jon about it, Nancy had taken a bad reaction to it.
If I was her, yes I will be sorry for your missing brother Jonathan, but that doesn't give you the right to photograph me in that state. And if anything, I was expecting Nancy to act like this was a major invasion of privacy. But it wasn't. And it was treated like it wasn't that important.
I will concede points of arguments that Nancy was more worried about Barb in this time as she was missing at this point. Nancy was thinking more about her friend than about her privacy at that moment. But I find this a flimsy argument. However, i do understand the way Steve tackled the confrontation is deserving of her reaction as it's done at school, in front of people she isn't that close to and in a parking lot.
I am going to state that at this point about her being declared as smart when Nancy was out in the woods with Jonathan looking for Will, she willingly looks at a hole in a tree and decides to Alice in Wonderland that shit. She is the first to discover what the Upside-Down looks like on screen, this may help with identifying the Demogoron but it doesn't stop her from looking at the strange-looking organic hole in a tree and not testing it out with a stick at least. This non-testing method nearly got her killed by the Demogoron and by sheer luck and (in character) fast thinking was able to get out. However, there was a struggle of getting out Upside-Down hole/gate because she didn't test the give of this gate.
This is me being nitpicky about her character, but her handling Steve not leaving the house when waiting for the Demogoron is wild. For her character, someone usually needs time to process what's happening to make a plan, it kind of makes sense but pulling a gun on your boyfriend who was there to apologise is fucked up. Especially when he got worried about the fact you're injured and you tried to hide it from him.
First season wasn't a great foundation for me to like her character, as I slowly noticed she was supposed to be the badass female character. Yes, she is a good shot, but she pulled a gun on a person who was unaware of what was happening. Yes, she is on top of her class, but the simple scientific practice of testing out the theory.
I know that she is to represent a book-smart character in contrast to Jonathan's kinda street-smart edge. She does become that foil very well and I enjoy that.
In season 2, they change things up a tad. Nancy is still book-smart but she is learning the world of street-smarts, going out of her way to show that the government is shit and terrible at hiding a girl's death. I like this. Another thing I like about Nancy is the fallout of her dealing with Barb's death. Her being bitter is humanising and having that affect her relationships is brilliant story telling, connecting stories of Steve and Jonathan further into the story while also doing a fantastic job of giving Steve another call for the show.
Season two, in my opinion, handled Nancy Wheeler the best. Using her to have conflict, cause it and also deal with the aftereffects of the previous season. She is well-utilised as a character and more than just "a girl with a gun who is also smart" and I like that.
Season Three, I have mixed feeling about. She is a good character and a better character study of people's ideals and their thought processes regarding how things are not working out for them. Nancy is a foil to Jonathan's idea of why Nancy is disliked in her work environment. As Nancy comes from a well-off middle-class family which is a contrast to Jonathan's single mother's lower-income family life.
Nancy thinks the reasoning is the stigma in America on women working unlike England (where I am living now and know the history of) where women had already proved they are capable of working jobs even men can do and make the bombs for such. However, Jonathan thinks it's because her status as a well-off middle-class girl is making her more outspoken to the big bosses. Something that an INTERN wouldn't normally do. I agree the bosses are sexist but there is also a line of command in this business, and normally Nancy would give the story over to her mentor in this place. She doesn't do this.
I know there is a story to be told and this is the inciting incident to make Nancy engage with the plot. It's just slightly out of left field when she proceeds with speaking up to her bosses rather than her mentor, Nancy is careful with authority from her pedants to teachers to the cops. So I feel her talking to the bosses about the story going crazy is something she would have asked her mentor to ask them and have them let her engage with the plot, giving another example of good authority but also the workings of the board potentially being sexist by having this story brought up by Nancy or something. I don't know, I just think it could have been handled better.
Season 4, both volumes, are ones that I need to look at more carefully as I need to slim down her character's storyline and her interactions with others' storylines and arcs. So I won't be making too many comments about it.
In conclusion, I have opinions on Nancy Wheeler as a character and how she is written more as a diverse card in some aspects than actually a character to just further the plot and others arcs. She isn't my favourite, but she is one of my favoured as a writer and how I would tackle similar characters
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0nlythrowharrybeaux · 2 years
Here are a list of questions for you. Lol. What does men actually do so day? What was keeping Alice alive? Was she eating in real life too? Of people dead in simulation die in reality too then how nobody cares about so many people dying? How does the family, friends and colleagues of these trapped wives do not come looking for them? What happened to the other wives of victory at the end? If a woman gets pregnant then is she pregnant in real life too?? M confused.
OK, I’m so excited for this LOL Here are some answers! And just a disclaimer that my "answers" are just me using my own critical thinking and problem solving skills to come up with logical explanations & scenarios for how these things would work. I haven’t read the original story and I’ve only seen the film once so far so they might not be accurate or anything close to what the creators of the story or film have in mind!
Don't read them if you don't want DWD spoilers if you haven't seen it yet:)
What do the men actually do in the day? They exit the simulation and literally go work whatever job they have in the real world in order to pay to keep participating in the Victory Project. We learn this towards the end of the film when Alice realizes she's in the simulation and Jack goes off and is like "I have to leave to work everyday to give us the life we deserve while you stay here and enjoy it and I fucking hate it so fucking much!". This also answers the question a lot of people had when they heard that the men have an "allotted time" to be in the sim with their wives. After seeing the film, my critical thinking skills led me to conclude that depending on how much the men pay that translates to how much time they have to be in the simulation with their "wives". So more money = more time in the sim!
What is keeping Alice alive? Was she eating in real life too? Jack is keeping Alice alive, all the other men are also keeping the women they have in the sim alive. When we see Jack bringing Alice flowers there's a voice over where they are interviewing Jack as a candidate for the Victory Project and one of the questions they ask him is "Are you aware that you are responsible for the physical upkeep of your chosen wife?" and Jack says, "Yes." and we can see him taking off the restraints and dripping a bit of water into her mouth. She’s also hooked out o an IV which probs had a cocktail of sedatives, hydration, & nutrients to keep let subdued but alive. I don't think she can eat normally, so I'm assuming the men are just tube feeding them or giving them little bits of those shakes that old people have to drink with hella nutritional supplements when they can't eat solids. And well, she's not really eating in the simulation, it's not real. So she only "eats" in the real world via whatever means Jack uses to feed her.
Why does no one care about the people that die in the simulation? / How does no one who knows them come looking for them These 2 can be answered together. So first off, towards the end when Alice is escaping and Frank is like freaking out that she might get out and expose it all, he's ordering for someone to get her and kill her before she makes it out. I believe that Frank and his people "take care" of the bodies of anyone who dies in the sim as to not arouse suspicion or knowledge of the Victory Project. This also ties into your second question of how can their families/friends/colleagues not realize they are gone. So I'm assuming they may also help the participants of the Victory Project stage something to make it seem like the person trapped in the sim is dead or something. I later saw on TikTok (I think?) someone who read the original story confirm this theory and that the "husbands" had to fake the women's deaths so that people would stop looking for them. And I think that in the re-write they are sticking to the same idea. We don't really see anything to confirm that in the film, but if the OG story says so I'll stick with that:)
What happened to the other wives at the end? I think they realize that something is really wrong, but they probably don't know fully what's going on unless Bunny tells them the truth. So in my opinion they probs just stay in the sim, sadly. It is unclear whether the sim will continue but be run by Shelley (Frank's wife) or whether she killed him to get out herself, so that's kind of the unknown next step that honestly I didn't even think about while watching the film. So thanks for asking because I was just so focused on Alice getting out I forgot about everyone else lol
If a woman is pregnant in the sim is she pregnant in real life? No, it's a simulation, so nothing going on there is real. Also, with the way these women are kept in the real world there would be no way that they could have a successful pregnancy. They are far too malnourished and dehydrated to carry a baby fully to term. We also know according to Bunny that the children in the sim are not real, so therefore the pregnancy cannot be real. We also know from the film that you can make yourself, and I'm assuming others as well, into whatever you want in the sim. Like Jack is American in the real world but his chosen nationality is British in the sim. So my theory about Peg (the always pregnant one) is that maybe in the real world she couldn't get pregnant whether it be by her or her man's fertility issues and so the man made her be pregnant in the simulation. Hence why she's always pregnant, so until something in the sim programing changes she will always be pregnant.
I hope my theories make sense!
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They're fighting again.
Daniel doesn't even remember how the fight started, only how it ended. And it ended ugly. He may have told Armand that he was the worst thing that ever happened to him.
After that, Armand had tears in his eyes. It had instantly made Daniel feel like shit, but Armand asked him to leave when he tried to apologize.
So now he's ate a bar, pissed off and guilty and once again desperate for Armand's affection. He hopes that Armand didn't mean forever when he asked him to leave.
“I recognize that look. Girl trouble?”
It's close enough, so Daniel says back “The worst kind.”
He turns to look at the stranger who spoke and it's a woman around his age. Big brown hair, clear gray eyes. One of her eyebrows is half blonde. She's pretty, in a way. Her nose is too big and her mouth too wide for her to truly be beautiful, but she's easy on the eyes. She's got shit for tits, but she isn't wearing a bra under her black tank top and Daniel can see the press of her nipples against the fabric. She's wearing tight jeans that show her shapely legs off. Not an unappealing person to spend his evening with.
“Yeah, same.” The woman clicks her beer bottle to his.
Daniel acts on impulse saying “I show you mine if you show me yours?”
She smiles and it lights her whole face up. Boyfriend—ex boyfriend now—proposed to me. Didn't like my answer.”
“Ouch,” Daniel says. “Mine's a bit complicated. Gives me everything except the one thing I want.”
“Commitment?” she guesses. And isn't that what it is in the end? Daniel wants to be with Armand forever, Armand only wants Daniel a little while. It's why he won't turn him—Daniel isn't his everything the way Armand is his.
“I want us together forever, they don't want to do what it takes to make that happen.”
She peers at him. She's already a little drunk, Daniel realizes. Well, he'll just have to catch up. He chugs his bottle down and signals for another. “I'll tell you what I told my fellow,” she says. “You can either waste your time chasing someone who will only ever see you as temporary, or you can find someone who sees you as permanent.”
That's...probably good advice, actually. Daniel looks her over head to foot. Decides, why the hell not? “Wouldn't mind finding something temporary right now.”
She grins, takes a slow swallow of her beer. Sticks out her hand to take his. “The name's Alice. Wanna come back to mine?”
His key doesn't work when he comes back home the next night. It isn't the first time Armand has changed the locks on him, but Daniel hadn't expected it to happen so soon. He came prepared though; he's brought Armand a gift.
Daniel knocks on the door. “Armand?”
It's difficult to knock and keep the box in his arms, but he manages. It's an espresso machine. Not a typical apology gift, but Armand went through a phase with blenders and microwaves. Daniel figures he can't go wrong with kitchen appliances.
He hears Armand moving on the other side of the door. “I'm still angry with you, Daniel.”
Daniel shifts the box in his arms and sighs. He was really hoping not to have to go rounds with Armand today. “Yeah, I know. I'm sorry, okay? I'm a dick.”
“Go away, Daniel.”
Daniel wonders if Armand really kicks him out—and he never really does, he just needs space sometimes, that's all—he can get Alice to let him crash with her again tonight. He left with less than a hundred bucks cash on him, and he doesn't have anyone he can spend the night with. “Please, baby. Let me make it up to-”
“Whose Alice?” And right, mind reading. Armand typically doesn't do it as often now, now that Daniel earned his love. Except for when they argue, because he isn't above cheating, the bastard.
“She's nobody, baby. It didn't mean anything.”
Armand is quiet for a long moment, then he says mildly, “Then you won't mind if I kill her?”
Shit. Shit. He likes Alice. She's good people. Certainly not someone who deserves to die because he fucked up. “Aw, come on. Don't take it out on her. It's me you're mad at.”
Armand says nothing. Shit shit shit.
“I brought you a present,” Daniel tries. He sits down the box when Armand doesn't answer. “You gonna let me in?”
Daniel swears. Fuck this. He's getting in one way or another. He needs to make things right with Armand. So he goes around to the back door. It's also locked, and his key doesn't work. But the back door has a small window built into it, covered by thick, blackout dark curtains.
He punches the window. It hurts like hell, but it cracks. He hits it again, and the glass shatters, leaving a small hole. Daniel pushes his arm through and unlocks the door, pushes his way inside.
Armand is there in the kitchen waiting for him. He's looking at him with dark, dilated eyes. “You're bleeding.”
And Daniel is, scratches all the way up his arm to his shoulder. His hand has broken glass smashed into it, and there's a wicked gash across his knuckles. He barely notices. “You're worth it.”
Armand makes a small noise, then launches himself into Daniel's arms. One moment he is across the room, and the next he's kissing Daniel. Daniel wraps his uninjured arm around his waist and kisses him back like he'll die if he doesn't. Armand kisses him like he wants to devour him, biting and hungry. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” Daniel pants against his mouth.
Then he's being manhandled until he's bent over the counter, and Armand is kicking his legs apart. Armand takes him there in the kitchen, injured hand hanging off the counter, and other twisted behind his back and held in place by Armand. His face is mashed into the counter-top and his pants are only around his knees. Armand doesn't touch him, other than the hand in his hair holding him down and the one around his wrist. He fucks him, rough and deep, until Daniel is a crying, desperate, incoherent mess. Only then does he let him touch himself and come.
Later, Armand cleans and bandages his wounds. His blood would heal Daniel right up, but Daniel knows better than to ask. This peace is too fragile.
“Are you going to see her again?”
Armand sounds disinterested, like he couldn't care less. But if that were true, he wouldn't be asking. Daniel runs a hand through his hair and tucks a strand behind his ear. “No, I'm all yours. I promise”
Armand glances up at him. He's rooting around in Daniel's head to see if he's telling the truth. Daniel lets it happen without complaint; he's already in the dog house, he can grant Armand some leeway.
After a moment, Armand smiles. “Alright, I believe you.”
Daniel wraps an arm around his waist and rests their foreheads together. “We good now?”
“We're good.”
This time, he almost believes it.
read here on ao3
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biwritesfics · 1 year
Dead Girls Don’t Die
Part 1: We’ve got a live one
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Characters: MCU Tony Stark and Matt Murdock with female witch OC
Warnings: General mentions of death and violence, Abuse against minor by parent. Allusion to NonCon, mention of suicide, just a lot of trauma in general. Read at your own risk ⚠️
AN: I posted this on A03 so I thought I should post here too. Heads up the idea is that the main girl can see ghosts and she has a crap ton of trauma.
Word count 2.3k (sorry if it’s too long)
The cold was delicious; it draped over me like a blanket, the edges kissing my skin and caressing my soul. It slowly slipped away leaving me shaking, not from chill, but from power. The witches had been coming for days offering their knowledge. Women from so many different eras with rich and diverse skills.
The dark witches always seemed to stick, all but the chaos they said they belonged to another. They bid me goodbye, placing kisses on my cheek and whispering blessings in my ears. I had always loved the spirits. Most are satisfied with one meeting or they choose to come and go, but a few stayed. Mostly the women, it was a sisterhood connection of sorts. Alice Brody, a 23 year old 1950s housewife, killed her husband for cheating on her after learning of her infertility.
Alice occupied her time in “The Grey” as the spirits called it by taking on a maternal role with me. She gave great housekeeping and sewing advice I was capable of multiple elaborate 50s style hairdos and whenever someone hurt me she comforted me by explaining exactly how she would murder them. Most female killers preferred poison. Alice was not like most.
Joan the depression era pickpocket eternally age 14. She could get into just about anywhere while human so she enjoyed the freedom of her specter- like form. She was stabbed to death over a five dollar debt. She still insists it was better than starving. Dorothy Montie rising star of the cotton club. Her voice was haunting, do deep and sad it could swallow you up. I don't know how she died, all I know is that it was bad and white men with Harlem accents send her running.
Wyatt, one of the few male ghosts, was a cowboy in New Mexico. He talked about his friend and fellow Cowboy Manuel like he was much more than that to him. He wouldn't let me summon him though and despite my hints at modern terms he refused to admit his feelings out loud.
Martin was the other man who stuck around. He was huge and his body was riddled with scars but he called me Miss Sylvia in the softest voice. I had told him that he didn't have to call me Miss but he had scolded me “Ms.Sylvia it ain't nothing like that, you've been good to me and good women are deserving of respect.” He had another name in life but in his words “Since I'm a free man now I oughta have a free name.”
With the aid of my reading skills and multiple history books from the institute's library, he had settled on Martin. No one could be perfect when it came to the topic of race, but despite the fact it wasn't his job Martin sure did help keep all of us in check. He taught himself how to read, and we had a system that whenever he tapped my hand I turned the page for him. Now with concentration he could do it on his own. He was honestly more educated on the current political climate than I was. In my defense he didn't need to sleep.
Being the most modern I had the fewest problems ( note fewest not nonexistent) but the others needed some work. Even though Dorothy had lived in a time with more rights she struggled with believing she was worth it. I wish I could help her but giving my opinion on her no matter how kind wouldn't help. It would only cement the idea that other people’s opinions controlled her. Martin coaxed her out of her shell. They made me believe in true love. How morbid that the best example of a healthy relationship had was two dead people from times nearly seven decades apart.
There was a nun Sister Anne who popped in from time to time. Child ghosts could scare the crap out of you especially if they weren't verbal but I had only ever encountered one who was dangerous. They mostly just wanted to play or be held and talked too. Alice adored them and I had to admit I did too.
“You doing alright Darling, I saw you had another visitor,” she smooths my hair with her cool fingers. Ghosts could be anywhere from seemingly the same temperature as my skin, to cold enough to leave red marks on my body. Alice just felt like someone with poor circulation. “I'm alright, it gets easier every time,” I reassure her.” “It must be such a queer feeling, absorbing another person.” “It's really not they just leave their knowledge, I know how to read ancient languages and cast spells like I know 1+1=2.”
“Cole you have visitors, time for cuffs,” one of the male orderlies shouts unceremoniously. I look up annoyed. “ I oughta teach these brutes a lesson in manners,” Alice huffs, her gray-white tones flashing into color. Her eyes are this striking blue and her blonde hair is in the softest curls. The only harsh things are her blood red lips and nails, and of course the malice in her eyes.
“You can try later Alice. We need to know who the visitors are” I whisper. I stand in position as the guard places the cuffs. They had medicated me to near death and no change in my “Severe Schizophrenia”. So they kept me on low dose antipsychotics and cuffed me in the presence of other patients.
Doug the orderly was superstitious, he recited the exorcism from the exorcist every time he had to check on me. God himself couldn't stop me from killing him if I wanted to so it was pretty useless. Lucky enough for Doug I didn't want to kill him. We had a ghostly entourage as he led me out to the visiting area. The news of living visitors brought everyone out from the grey.
Two men were waiting. One was definitely blind and most definitely a lawyer. The second was wearing an overpriced suit and a little too much confidence for his own good. As we neared I realized the latter was Tony Stark. It was impossible to escape tabloid magazines even living under the rock that was Michael Bronlittle’s hospital for the criminally insane.
“You can take the shackles off of Miss cole” the lawyer speaks. He had the seal of approval from Sister Anne “a good Catholic boy” Alice was raving about how handsome he was and Martin had heard of his humanitarian work in NewYork. He was good in my book. “Are you sure sir, she's killed two men?” Doug sounds shocked that he even considered it.
“Doug look me in the eyes” I say exasperated. I turn around and he looks at me like I might bite him. “Doug if I had any desire to harm you I would have done it by now, I have been here seven years and the only trouble I have ever caused was Jackson three years ago.”
“We both know for a fact he wasn't checking on me just like he wasn't checking on Marcie before she got pregnant and just like he wasn't checking on April before she killed herself.” I can see in his eyes he knows, everyone knew. I was going to end on that note but then I remembered I had a promise to fulfill.
“Also before you go your Aunt Perla says you need to man up and propose to Rebecca already and the secret ingredient in her pound cake is just sour cream not anything fancy.” Perla was a dear, but she was ready to go upstairs and didn't have the energy to deliver the message herself. He goes silent then he sputters and stutters. “We’ll take our chances with Curly Sue Lady of Darkness” Stark Quips. Doug uncuffs me and leaves locking the door behind him. He’d be okay. Eventually.
“Have a seat Ms.Cole?” says the Lawyer “Matthew, Matt Murdock” Martin informs me. “You can call me Sylvia Mr. Murdock, as can you Mr.Stark, it's best to be on a first-name basis with a girl before she performs a seance or discusses her motive for murder.” I state simply sitting down across from them.
“Manners Darling, small talk, polite language.” Alice reminds me looking disdainfully at the shocked faces in front of me. “Oh I'm terribly sorry I'm quite rusty when it comes to conversation. I don't get visitors so I assumed those would be the only reasons someone would bother to come here. I apologize.”
“That's alright I like to cut to the chase, small talk is overrated,” says Stark taking off his shades.” We need to know about your Father he invented a certain device of sorts that we need to know about. It's for the sake of humanity.” My body stiffens and I feel Alice's embrace Wyatt steps forward placing a hand on my shoulder
“Alan has never been my father and he never will be, the last time I saw him was when I killed him and I would do it again. Anything he ever touched turned twisted and broken. Anything he created wouldn't be for the better of anything.” I can feel my nails digging into the skin of my palms and the phantom pains on the parts of my body I can't technically feel anymore.
“Anything at all would be incredibly helpful to our case.” Mr. Murdock urges gently. I feel the floodgates in my mind break open. “What I remember Mr.Murdock doesn't matter in any court of law. I'm just the psycho little girl, the murderous schizophrenic, Humanities little freak show to ogle from time to time,” I snap.
“Everyone says it's such a tragedy, what happened to my poor poor Father. What kind of little girl comes up with such horrible things!? What kind of monster murders her own father and blames it on ghosts!?” I mock the comments I've heard over the years, as hot tears beginning to roll down my cheeks.
“According to society and a multitude of mental health professionals, I'm a violent schizophrenic with extreme and vivid delusions,” I repeat the diagnosis that’s been told to me time and time again. “They say that the only thing in my life that gives it any meaning or inkling of joy is made up in my head,”
I pause for a ragged breath but they still don’t dare to interrupt me Some days I don't know if what my father did to me caused it or if he didn't even do anything at all.” The words are strained. “Even I know I am not sane Mr. Murdock, and I have more faith in myself than anyone else” I finish looking up at them with contempt in my eyes. “Memories, anything at all?,” Stark questions me.
He crossed an invisible line in my head. “What I remember was a man Who was a Sadistic Narcissistic Sociopath, a pedophile and a necrophile.” the list nearly makes me vomit. “A man who got off on my pain and my fear. A man who I know within my heart of hearts killed girls before I killed him.” I look in their eyes silently begging them to believe me.
“The man I know invented and built all manner of things to hurt a person no, a child and not leave a mark.” I’m seething at this point. “A monster so good at manipulating that he did it from his grave.” No one believed me not over him. “Mr.Murdock, Mr.Stark I remember a man that exists to no one except for me and the ghosts of little dead girls.”They're watching pale faces as one does when someone breaks down in front of you. Somehow I just know what I need to do.
“Tony, your mother loves you more than anything and she says that you shouldn't worry about living up to your father because you're ten times the man he ever was and a thousand times better Father. “Mattie I hope you really have the devil in you because God has no domain over where I'm sending you.”
I grab a file and a pen sitting on the table and I begin to write out the address. “Matthew, your father wanted me to remind you that you don't have to win every fight you just gotta survive 'em,” I say, trying not to imitate the man’s accent. “The well at the front of the estate is real but the one in the garden is a tunnel.” I turn to Stark. “I wouldn't recommend visiting all you'll see is your little girl or if I'm as insane as they say you'll find nothing.”
They both start to ask questions but I silence them. “I know what I know. I've already talked more today than I have my entire life,” Maybe it's a deathbed confession of sorts I think to myself. “I truly wish the best for both of you” . I pause cringing at the intense feelings in my body. “I'm sorry for not being able to help you more and for the fuss I'm about to cause.” I'm partially aware of the fall from my chair as I lose control of my body to a Grand mal seizure. I swear I can hear death and the devil laughing at the irony. How funny, a dead girl that's afraid of dying.
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w-m-heart · 7 months
We Three Witches Preview
We're back! And with a new chapter! Here's a preview of what we've just posted!
Chapter 38: The Conversation
March 24th, 2003
Bella’s POV
I’d always thought less of the characters in stories who let miscommunication get in the way of their love lives. Always rolled my eyes and declared that everything could be solved with a simple conversation. Always scoffed at the innermost thoughts of the main characters who insisted that their partner felt far away, even in the small room. 
Now, as I laid here in that stupid fucking hospital bed with rails that I was convinced had been put in with malicious intention, I knew without a doubt I owed those characters a big fucking apology. 
It’s easy to roll your eyes and dismiss something as ridiculous if you’ve never experienced it before. Maybe that's a sign: if you’re not afraid to lay your cards down on the table for all to see, not fucking terrified doing so will destroy the unstable balancing act you know won't last but cling to anyway, then you’ve never been truly in love. It's the simplest thing in the world for you as the reader to groan at another missed opportunity and wish that character would just get on with it. 
These thoughts raced around in my head as I stared at Edward through the door of my hospital room. Before the kidnapping, we’d left everything in shambles. Of course that hadn’t been my fault. He’d chosen to break up with me. He was the one who couldn’t handle me at my worst, so obviously he didn’t deserve me at my best. And yet…
The thought made my heart constrict and I looked across the room at my sisters’ beds. Both of them were under individual privacy spells, speaking to their boys. Rose had her head on Emmett’s shoulder with his arms around her waist, while Alice and Jasper seemed to be having a tense conversation in the other corner.
Irrational jealousy flowed through me. Why did they get the understanding ones? Why did they get the guys willing to stick with them through anything? Didn’t I deserve someone who’d be by my side regardless too? 
Their vampires hadn’t called it off with them when they blew up, and I knew my sisters had. Alice and Rose had told me all about how they’d exploded under pressure and all their boys had done was cling tighter to them, unwilling to let them go. Why couldn’t Edward have done the same?Why did he have to walk away? Right when I needed him the most?
Read the rest here:
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