#all I want to do is scream fuck into the void
Rant in the tags pls ignore me. Or don't. You do what you want to.
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a-wondering-thought · 8 months
are you the night sky? cause i see stars whenever i stand up
-a very bad pick up line that would not work nor makes any sense but does describe the relationship between me and my brain
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I saw the trailer for the new Fable game and, as much as I greatly dislike the SUPER-HYPER REALISM they're going for (like I genuinely hate it it's so unsettling to me, where's the Stylized Charm of the old games???), seeing all the comments on said trailer about 'Fable Going Woke' makes me want to Commit Crimes.
Tell me you've Never fucking played a Fable game without saying you've Never played a Fable game.
Now I want this new Fable game to be WILDLY successful just out of spite for these empty headed fuckheads.
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godblooded · 4 months
….fucking Spotify requires you to buy more fucking audiobook credits????
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bubblybloob · 5 months
I can't help now but imagine that when Cold finally falls prey to the hibernation scheme (as they all will, eventually 👁👁) Hunted will take the opportunity to put him in the washing machine until the mange crust is all gone.
First of all, who’s to say they fall to the hibernation? 👁️👁️
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dandunn · 6 months
'don't ship that, ship THIS'
'why are people focused on THAT when they could look at THIS'
'bad media literacy nuance reading comprehension-'
'why is NO-ONE writing fic about-'
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quarantineddreamer · 8 months
I think a natural consequence of being chronically ill/immunocompromised is becoming more…germ opposed. (Im not gonna say hypochondriac but I mean yeah, I guess that).
Anyways I hate how it forces me to constantly be on my toes about getting sick and how in turn…I get perceived/treated like I’m overreacting and ruining things (example; visiting family rn and I can hear my father in law hacking up a lung and now I’m sitting here like..fuuuuck I don’t wanna leave the room! I don’t wanna get sick! I just started a new med, I’m in as little pain as I have been in nearly two months and I’ve worked so hard to get here and i don’t want to get sick)
But my FIL is also the type of guy who will be weird about me feeling this way (uncomfortable/anxious). Plus there is supposed to be a gathering at the house tonight where he has invited a friend who he’s proclaimed multiple times to be anti-vax 🙃
Anyways why am I writing all this out? Who tf knows I can’t exactly talk about it freely rn and do don’t want it to live in my brain where it’s gnawing at me from the inside out
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tardis--dreams · 9 days
Should i finish my degree or just drop out?
Will it benefit me to do it? Probably a little bit.
Will it affect me negatively if i don't? Probably not much.
Will i feel better after doing it? Probably a little bit.
So this should mean the answer is a clear 'yes i should absolutely finish my degree even if i hate every second of it' right? But. I really hate just even thinking about it. But i should. Do it. It would be bad not to. I think-
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moafleco · 12 days
i hate that duality that your mind can be your safe heaven that helps you get through some difficult things, keeps you going and brings you happiness at the worst of times. and at the very same time it could be your worst tormentor that won't let you rest and won't let you breathe, literally for no particular reason at all. and you can't leave or silence it. can't get it to stop when it gets dark in there. can't get the light in when you desperately need to feel a respite instead of suffocation.
#its so difficult#sometimes its too much to handle#yeah particularly today im just.. screaming internally#and the inability to do something YOU LOVE due to your brain having one of those bad days so everything feels fucking BAD is just so unfAIR#its frustrating#the only thing you can do is sob apparently#my room doesnt feel like my room anymore all i feel is fear and dread#i just dont understand why and how it came to this point i want out#nothing grounds me to reality or to my normal state and im afraid#instead of watch fav movie to get better ill count the duration time and decide thats its too long i dont have that much time#i will be painfully aware of numbers and wb scared of them and then ill just not move at all immobilized at place#i cant#all i could do is desperately bother my friends trying to connect to them and hiding that obvious ache#i dont have capacity to soothe myself with my favorite guys and gals from games and movies i dont feel anything at all#and i hate that but also i cant do anything im so idk what i feel like but like im not anything#i lost myself i lost my favorite things to do and my hobbies and my spark and everything i dont even know anymore#on small bad days you could conjure a good thoughts and watch somethinf and think about what makes you happy#theres a void in my head now that just counts and counts and counts and cant do nothing#i will just open up a chat w friends and look at empty textspace i want to connect so badly but i wont send anything just freeze still#i dont feel that im in here but i want badly to be here and yet i cant grasp anything to still keep myself real#and like i have a feeling that in next 2 hours I'll just vanish spmething bad will happn carcrash orso i cantbe spendin much timeon anythin#i hate this#suddenly your brain just want you dead and fills you with dread unimaginable and my dumbass thinks that it's right#that my brain is right and im inclined to believe in this shit. im not but deep down i kind of is so thats why this anxiety causes me probl#ms for the whole week i didnt done anything i just could not i want it to stop#its so sure of itself that i will pass away in couple of hours by unknown reasons that it imagined so why even try
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mischiefmagpie · 3 months
I'm such a burden
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sherlock-is-ace · 3 months
Obviously plastic surgery is about the person getting the surgery and nobody else. They can do whatever they want and I truly hope they're doing it for the right genuine reasons and not societal pressure and shitty beauty standards. And I hope they feel great and confident and in love with the results. But the way some people change everything that made them unique and interesting looking in order to look like Generic Rando #5 is so weird to me...
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so um
tighnari’s eng va huh
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me rn (confused and sad)
i would like to add though that we can separate a character from their voice actor. it may take some time for some people to feel okay with the character again, for some no time at all, and its okay if you are either one. its also okay if you never end up feeling comfortable with the character again. you cant help what you feel. just know that if you do love tighnari, this does not spell the end of him, nor do the actions of the VA reflect the fictional character. you aren’t evil or bad if you still love tighnari—i think everyone really enjoyed elliot’s portrayal of him. and it’s okay if you still do. you are not a bad person if you still like that portrayal of the character. please remember that elliot’s actions in no way reflect tighnari as he is a fictional character, and you are not a bad person if you like his voice.
you dont have to invest yourself in the drama and the cancelling—in fact, i’d encourage anyone who struggles with these sorts of things or is in a bad mental spot to not engage in the drama at all. it will do no good for you—it will only cause you stress and grief that you don’t have to experience if you simply continue to play genshin and enjoy the characters. i am not downplaying the seriousness of the situation at all, but i am simply saying that elliot is a stranger to you—you do not know him, and you don’t have to get emotionally involved with the drama. you can sympathize with the victims and feel lots of things still, but you can be informed in a way that does not break or hurt you in the process.
anyways, im not super sure what the point of this post is. i think i just hope that everyone can take care of themselves amidst this discovery, since we can be so emotionally invested in fictional stories and characters—and if something happens that bridges the gap between fiction and reality in a negative way, it can shatter you. so i just want everyone to be careful since there will be so much drama and confusion going on.
tl;dr you don’t have to be emotionally invested in the drama—in fact, it is probably better if you do not get invested at all, especially if it will only hurt you and cause you stress. please please take care of yourselves. it’s not your responsibility, not your moral obligation, to know everything about what he did or said or what’s going on. you can know the basics of the situation, pray for and care about the victims, and you can still live your life. please take care!
p.s. also.. if you previously used the eng VO and no longer wish to because of elliot.. may i recommend.. the korean vo.. tighnari’s korean va is absolutely delicious (at least in my opinion) and i would highly recommend giving it a listen :] i mean, in my opinion, the entire korean VO is severely underrated and it is my favorite voiceover so i might be biased but ehhhhh :]
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autumnalhalcyon · 4 months
the rage just kinda never fully goes away, huh.
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sunlightfeeling · 1 year
gonna maybe be away for a lil bit (I say maybe because it really depends on my brain’s temperment)
currently fighting some darkness atm that won’t fucking stop (I’m okay, though, I swear, but its been all fucking day and I need to sleep and I can’t because thoughts)
leave a message after the beep
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belladonnafleur · 7 months
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wet-ass-pigeon · 7 months
I don't know if I'm autistic or if I just don't like making eye contact, and I'm terrible at face to face conversations, and I want to beat the shit out of something when my hand touches wet food or grease or rusty doorknobs that don't turn without making a disgusting noise or library keyboards, and I want to rip my teeth out when I chew halloumi cheese, and i cant stand that one part in dark red where the guy fucks up the whole sound of the song, and lotion that sticks to your hand no matter how much you wash it, and I grind my teeth when I should be relaxed, and my eyes hurt all the time, an
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