#all about cunning imo
Playlist! this is a random vibe, so no worries if it just doesn't work for you rn, but um coyote/canid survival playlist? Coyotes are a much-hated "pest species" and not as charismatic as wolves due to their solitariness and smaller size, but they're survivors, they're clever and they adapt to all situations and it just gets me, man... city coyotes surviving despite all odds... doesn't have to be songs *about* coyotes specifically, just... the wild dog... <3
S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W by My Chemical Romance
Up the Wolves by The Mountain Goats
The Foundations of Decay by My Chemical Romance
Zombie by The Cranberries
Desert Song by MCR
Sound + Fury by Ella Mine
Bones Don't Rust by TMG
Burn Bright by MCR
Immortals by Fall Out Boy
Hello Cold World by Paramore
The Modern Leper by Frightened Rabbit (there's also a cover by Julien Baker that's very good but I feel like the instrumentation of the original will be very up your alley considering that you like TMG)
Optimism (As a Radical Life Choice) by Spanish Love Songs
The (After) Life Of The Party by Fall Out Boy
The Killer Was A Coward by Dermot Kennedy
I See Fire by Ed Sheeran
You First by Paramore
Love From the Other Side by Fall Out Boy
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domoz · 2 years
hey quick question anyone know of any aus out there where Itama and Kawarma live but Tobirama and Hashirama DONT
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ambrosiagourmet · 7 months
Did Laios have a plan
... when he made his deal with the Lion? How much of it was intentional and how much of it was out of his control?
Well. If I'm being honest I don't really want to try and provide a definitive answer to that question, because I think the ambiguity is, itself, part of the story. I've gone back and forth a few times myself, and I don't think either category - "fully intentional" or "fully coincidence" - is entirely true.
That being said, I would like to point out a few things that I've seen taken for granted as true. Things that, imo, are much more about the character's perspective, or about what the character WANTS people to think (well, that's really just the Winged Lion).
Consider this not exactly an argument for "Laios masterminded everything from the start and saved the world with his cunning," but more... "Laios considered what he was doing more than people give him credit for." Make sense?
Alright then, let's go:
So to start with, I want to show every time (that I could find, at least) that the question of 'does Laios have a plan' gets brought up. This is specifically after his Ultimate Monster Form is revealed, to be clear - the question isn't about if he has a plan in general, it is if he has/had a plan when he made this specific deal with the Lion.
Here they are:
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You'll notice, in all of these instances, there never really is an answer given to the question. Either because there is no way to get one, or, with Kabru at the end there, because he explicitly doesn't let Laios answer. There's even a bit of an arc here: we start with a sort of desperate 'I've mostly given up but maybe this isn't as bad as it looks,' then get a more optimistic 'maybe we really are saved,' and finally end on 'it all worked out in the end, so we maybe don't need to know.'
But, as much as there is some genuine growth in Kabru's 'accept the outcome, rather than dissecting the truth,' I also think it says a lot more about him than about Laios. Kabru is the one trying to handle his questions and his uncertainty - as he said, he wants to confirm his judgement of character. He wants to feel like he had control over things.
And he lets that go! But he also doesn't actually get the truth, either, and his implied assumption here (that Laios, the wide-eyed monster-lover, probably just followed his desires), still relies on his judgements and assumptions about Laios.
But okay, these bits are all focused on the characters theorizing about Laios. How about we look at the character who actually tells us the facts ("facts"): the Winged Lion.
The Winged Lion has quite a bit to say about Laios and his monster form.
He says that Laios hates humanity, and would rather be a monster
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I've talked about this a bit already, but the Lion makes a lot of claims and assumptions about Laios that aren't necessarily true.
First of all, let's just make sure we clearly establish that the Lion is being manipulative here. That may seem obvious, but it's important to understand that there is a difference between 'the truth' and 'a version of the truth specifically framed to prey upon your deepest shame and insecurities about what you really want.'
To point out a few quick-and-dirty contradictions here:
If Laios really hated all other humans, then the Lion wouldn't hinge so many of his other arguments on Laios' love for Falin and his friends.
the Lion claims that Laios "[doesn't] even care enough about the future of [the] world to express an opinion about it," even though Laios has literally expressed opinions on what he wants for the world, to the Lion's face.
In general, the Lion does not make a distinction between urges and choices (see, for instance: him using Marcille's subconscious fear of the canaries as a way to keep her from stopping the monsters from attacking in chapter 86).
I'm not saying there is not a piece of truth here, but also... we are not our darkest thoughts, and we especially are not those thoughts as defined by someone who wants to hurt and control us.
But let’s move on to the stuff the Lion claims about Laios once he has been turned into his monster form.
2. He says that (or rather, acts like) Laios is under his control
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The Lion really enjoys grandstanding about how Monster Laios is an ultimate tool he has control over. He gloats about making Laios fight the others, and has him smash through the magical barrier.
But smashing the barrier is kinda the only thing that Monster Laios actually does for the Lion. He doesn't attack anyone. He doesn't hurt his friends, despite Chilchuck thinking that Laios has "turned completely into a monster." And he certainly doesn't simply let the Lion go through with his plan to eat everyone.
This barrier smashing is actually an interesting and odd thing for Laios to have done specifically, so remember that one. I'll come back to it later.
But, yeah, to the original point... despite the Lion's dramatics, all that Monster Laios does is pose, smash up a magic barrier, and then eat him. Not exactly under his control.
3. He frames Laios attacking and eating him as thoughtlessly violent
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This one is pretty funny to me, and the Lion keeps it up for the whole scene. I'm not sure how much of this is his genuine understanding of the situation, and how much is him intentionally framing things in the most insulting manner, but like... truly. The ego involved in this. To see someone who has, multiple times, tried to stand against you - someone who has literally wished for your non-existence, to your face - to see this person attack you, specifically, and have your first reaction be 'huh, I guess he's a reckless weirdo to the core???'
Incredible stuff.
And this part, too:
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He claims that Laios can't recognize anyone, that he's out of control. And yet, the Lion is the only person that gets eaten here. He is Laios' singular target.
Hell, Laios even specifically attacks one of the bodies that is actively hurting Chilchuck. I don't know if that was entirely intentional on Laios' part, but I do think it's notable.
The Lion torments Laios' friend, and when Laios does something that interrupts that action, the Lion reframes it as unhinged violence. I don't know, there's something here about the way that cruel people only talk about the things people do to resist them as violent, and ignore the violence that causes such resistance in the first place.
In any case, the main point is that the Lion insists on treating Laios like an unthinking animal during this fight, despite the fact that Laios is clearly trying to accomplish something here.
And what exactly is Laios trying to accomplish? Well, the Lion isn't entirely wrong. Laios is trying to eat something. He tells us as much.
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And truly, everything Laios does as a monster points to this. He had a goal. And he accomplished it.
Let me back up a moment. I need to explain smashing the barrier.
So, Laios first starts considering how to kill the Lion when he is confronted with the fact that his only other choice would be to kill Marcille. Immediately and entirely discarding that solution, because of course he does, he tries to wrap his head around what defeating the Lion would even look like.
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He clearly continues thinking about this, as a nearly identical conversation happens a few chapters later, when Laios is once again told that killing Marcille is the only way forward.
Only, this time, he's started to come up with an idea for how to do this impossible thing.
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Harkening all the way back to the Living Armor chapter, Laios draws on the same lesson - if the Lion has made itself part of the world, if it has made itself into something alive, that means he can kill it. And eat it.
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But there's an important extra detail to this. If he's going to try and kill (and eat) the Lion, he needs to strike when it’s vulnerable. He needs to strike when it's eating.
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This is why he smashes through the barrier. Again, nothing else he does as a monster really benefits the Lion. He doesn't attack anyone else. The only command he obeys is to smash the barrier. Because the Lion has to think he has won for Laios to be able to eat him.
Beat him. For Laios to be able to beat him.
The question of why Monster Laios wanted to eat the Lion is, I think, the most ambiguous part. Was he curious? Hungry? Did he fight for his own life, for his friends, or for all of humanity? Did he know how to win because he had planned everything from the start, or because he was driven by an unquenchable instinct to do whatever it took to survive?
I don't know that it is possible to say for sure. But I do know that the Lion underestimates Laios, through it all. He underestimates Laios as a human, and he underestimates Laios as a monster.
And in the end, after he is bested, even then I don't think the Lion ever gets Laios. I don't think he understands how much Laios means his words about the Lion being burdened by hunger...
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or what Laios cares about most...
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or what meaning there is in life, for him.
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So I don't buy what the Lion is selling about Laios, generally speaking. I don't buy that Laios didn't ever know what he was doing, and I don't buy that he was nothing more than a hungry beast.
Well. I mean. He was a hungry beast. But he was a more than that too. He was the Devourer of All Things Horrible. And he didn't just happen into that title by chance.
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watercolourferns · 10 months
If there0s a villain that actually scared the soul out of me in a very raw and "I wanna get out of her presence" way, is Dra. Volumnia Gaul.
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Viola Davis as a villain?? More excellent and mesmerizing than you'd think! She nailed the character, imo. And she did it so well that I think I'll have nightmares.
Don't worry, no spoilers from the movie, but by now I'm sure you've read the book.
Dr. Gaul comes off as not just villanous and 100% evil, SHE COMES OFF AS NON-HUMAN. In contrast with Highbottom, Arachne, and Grandma'am (yes, she's sort of an antagonist as she molds Snow's character negatively a lot) Dr. Gaul doesn't look like your typical villain in a dictatorship; she simply doesn't react like a regular human does.
She's not overly arrogant, nor overly spiteful, she knows she's good and she knows the power she wields not just as Game-Maker but also as a doctor; yet she's far removed from what's happening around her in the sense that it doesn't affect her negatively...up until the 10th games, but as I said, no spoilers. And even after that she recovers very well and doesn't take it personally.
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She views humans and Panem literally as her laboratory and she takes her role as Game-Maker very seriously, but she's not pompous about it. She's a lot like Heavensbee in the sense they're both cunning, cold calculators... but Dr. Gaul takes it up another notch and isn't afraid of using innocent humans for her own research ends, and punishing people? A breeze. I think she doesn't regard humans as anything other than hairless apes she can do her research on. She reminds me of a certain doctor during WWII...
She's not driven by anger, hate, vengeance, pride... I'm not sure what drives her to do the things she does... it could be power? But I think it's a kind of undiluted, twisted, sick curiosity of how things work and how far she can push the limits, how much she can play to be a God before she breaks it... and part of the reason she needs to retain power is to keep the resources to continue pushing the limits of biology to satisfy her morbid curiosity... If there's a portrayal of psycopathy that isn't over the top, clownish, but has flair and is quite interesting that's Dr. Gaul.
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I think she's responsible for the... feel of the Capitol in THG books and movies, that fakeness, plastic, unnatural coldness of it that puts Katniss off so much. It's like she created a psycopathic ENVIRONMENT, no empathy, no compassion, no feelings...
Re-watching and re-reading the saga I can see Dr. Gaul's trademark in a ton of things... and that's why I think she's the scariest villain... She bred a whole host of psychopaths that don't know they act psychopathic and are so vapid and shallow they can be pupeteered to do anything the people in power want... The Capitol was her largest experiment and her biggest success...
P.S. All my respect to Viola Davis... she's embodied a character that will probably mark the way villains are seen after this. I love her range and mastery of acting so so much.
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seriousbrat · 8 months
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this says a lot about Snape's character development for me. There are many parallels drawn throughout the series between Harry and Snape; obviously, they're very different characters but there are similarities too.
I think here Snape is talking about himself. The teenaged Snape we see in the Pensieve is very much like this- emotional, heart on his sleeve, easily provoked, a definite wallower in sad memories... weak. Adult Snape, though he retains some of these characteristics that do emerge in stressful moments (in PoA we see how angrily he reacts to Sirius's escape, for instance) on the whole is a great deal more thoughtful, reserved, calculating, measured.
I think that Snape at some point had to force himself to become this. I think he actually relates to Harry here, and is giving him advice based on personal experience. In my fic he begins to learn to control his emotions partially out of a desire to protect Lily; he's fully aware that she's his weakness (or really, his strength, viewed a different way) and that openly displaying any sort of emotion towards her at all makes her vulnerable to the likes of Avery and Mulciber, who will have the perfect weapon to get to him if they want to.
Severus doesn't have the advantages of his peers, he's not pureblood, he wasn't born into money. If he wants to join the Death Eaters and rise in their ranks, he needs to be subtle, cunning, careful. he can't afford to be careless and entitled like mulciber or bellatrix or even sirius. what he's got to offer isn't his name or his money, it's his sheer talent and cleverness. moving on:
When Voldemort decides to go after Lily this becomes even more important. Imo the reason why Voldemort believes that Snape only "desired" Lily is because that's what Snape told him. He lied to Voldemort's face and told him something probably disgusting tbh because that's the only way Voldemort would accept it and agree, if it was a selfish, callous request that Voldemort could understand. We can see evidence of this here:
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Asking Voldemort to spare a mudblood because he was in love with her would likely not have gone over well- and as we know, Voldemort actually bore his request in mind, though obv didn't give enough of a fuck about Snape to follow through. Because although asking voldemort to spare her must have taken serious balls, Snape's mistake here was trusting someone inherently selfish to do something selfless for him.
Clearly he immediately realises this and goes to Dumbledore, which is when controlling his emotions becomes of paramount importance, because now he's working against perhaps the most highly accomplished legilimens of all time.
It's also interesting to me that Snape in this conversation is probably the character who is most forthright and informative with Harry in the whole of OotP until Dumbledore at the end; Harry actually learns a lot in this conversation. And Snape also kind of gives him credit which is interesting too:
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like for Snape that's high praise lmao. A shame because if he wasn't so bitter (i.e. didn't wear his heart on his sleeve so much around harry) then he might have actually been pretty helpful to Harry and a decent teacher. Again, during the Occlumency lessons his unrestrained emotion brought up by memories of James is a hindrance. He defies Dumbledore's orders to teach Harry Occlumency because of his emotional response to SWM, as well as honestly doing kind of a shit job before that (by not being empathetic and teaching Harry in a way that would've been actually productive.)
At this point Dumbledore believes that Harry learning Occlumency and controlling his emotions is of vital importance; he turns out to be wrong about this. In Harry's case, it turns out to be his emotional nature that saves him- unlike Snape, who is the opposite. Snape's journey is about learning that some things are more important than his selfish need to give into his own emotions.
By DH Snape's learned this lesson fully; his old hatred for James doesn't stop him from doing what has to be done, from giving Harry the tools he needs. Even in the final moments of his life, he can look past James and see Lily in Harry- and, by giving Harry the information that leads to his self-sacrifice, he can let her go.
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erinwantstowrite · 1 month
I don't know if someone asked you this question yet
But what Hogwarts houses do you think the lof cast would be?
i might have some controversial opinions here so i should preface that i prefer the headcanon that the placements at Hogwarts are more decided on what you want rather than what you are. But also some of these are placed on their personalities
refresher for anyone that needs it or for anyone that doesn't know:
"You might belong in Gryffindor, Where dwell the brave at heart, Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Set Gryffindors apart You might belong in Hufflepuff, Where they are just and loyal, Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, If you've a ready mind, Where those of wit and learning Will always find their kind Or perhaps in Slytherin You'll make your real friends, Those cunning folk use any means To achieve their ends"
Alfie- Hufflepuff
Bruce- Ravenclaw (curiosity is a big trait of his)
Dick- Gryffindor
Jason- Hufflepuff (i will die on this hill)
Tim- Slytherin (I am not opposed to Ravenclaw... but I feel like it just fits his character better)
Steph- Gryffindor!!!!
Damian- Slytherin
Cass- Ravenclaw
Duke- Gryffindor
Babs- Slytherin
Peter- Hufflepuff
Tony- Ravenclaw
Pepper- Gryffindor
Happy- Hufflepuff
There are others (like Natasha and Steve and them) but I honestly don't know as much about them
Qualities that tipped my decisions:
-All of the Hufflepuff characters could be considered for Gryffindor, but what sets them apart is that even when kind to a bunch of people, they are all people that guard their hearts close and value close bonds. Whereas Gryffindors are the type to jump into caring about people fiercely imo
-I think Dami fits all the houses very well. He's brave, loyal, loves to learn, and he's cunning. Ultimately, Slytherin fits his personality better, and it doesn't diminish his other qualities. You can be a Slytherin with a big heart, and Dami fits that bill for me (FUCK that whole "Slytherin is the evil house" bullshit that really grinds my gears)
-Tim being Slytherin... listen, he's got all of the Ravenclaw qualities. But he takes all of what he learns and he runs with it. He has goals and plans for shit that not even Bruce's level of paranoia can cover. He just so happens to have a big heart as well, in a slightly different way to Dami's
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random-dragon-exe · 4 days
Okay, MAJOR SALT COMING! Also a long post!
So I have the Disney Villains tarot deck but before I go into the salt part of the post, let's go into the positives.
The cards have stunning art and each card is appropriately themed to the villain generally speaking about 98% of the time. (IMO).
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Another positive is the roster of villains included. Seeing even a few minor/underrated villains is pretty cool and impressive.
Some examples of these villains include Bowler Hat Guy, Madame Mim, Madame Medusa, and possibly Yzma.
Now onto the salt.
As impressive as the span of villains is, two villains are absent who (IMO) deserved a card.
King Candy
First, there are other villains absent, but I'm sticking to these two since I've seen these movies. Now going in order, it is an absolute SHAME (IMO) that King Candy doesn't have a card, but I have an idea of which card suits him best.
The King of Swords. Although this card is given to Scar, and I do love how it looks, I believe that King Candy deserved it.
Plus, Scar appears on like three other cards, so I think it's okay for him to appear three times (sorry Scar, I do love you too).
Anyway, I'm going to go into some detail as to why I believe King Candy/Turbo deserves the card by going into the meaning of it and how it relates to him.
I'll admit, I have a lot of points and can talk about this for days, but I'm going to condense them to 3-ish. I'll do the same for Frollo too in a part 2 post.
Going for a two in one here: The card is about being an authority who uses reason and their intelligence for good. while the reverse of this is being cunning to deceive people.
After Turbo hijacked Sugar Rush, he was very methodical about his approach to make it sound like he's their rightful ruler. He locked up their memories, then he fabricated the lie that she was a danger to their game. Turbo did his best to make sure nothing went unchecked and made sure to make the lie sound convincing to protect them (but mostly him). He's very strategic, and was able to come up with a plan to manipulate Ralph with 16 manipulation tactics in one go. He was even able to feign being concerned to play on Ralph's attachment to Vanellope.
I think the best line that best captures this aspect of the card is "Doing what's right, no matter what." AKA: He recognizes that it may sound harsh, but he makes his lies sound reasonable to protect his subjects and game.
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The card also represents enjoying structure when upright. But it's controlling and oppressive in a need for order when reversed.
Turbo needs everything to be to be going his way, as he's a control freak.
Inserting the test animation here, he even says "You are a threat to my game, to the order I have maintained. And if there's one thing I can't abide, it's anything out of order!"
Also, the split-second something isn't in his control, he starts to fumble and break into either rage or nervously laughing. He's capable of coming off as cool and composed, but he's scared of being caught and it can cause him to lash out in anger (another aspect of the card).
Just as mentioned in the previous point, he made sure nothing went unchecked and made an entire world literally revolve around him. He can and WILL happily use all of his resources of excessive force he has like the cops, the Sugar Rush equivalent of S.W.A.T., and the fungeon to detain someone who stands in his way.
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As a minor note, there's a line in the tarot guidebook that states the reverse of the card can represent "someone who needs to win at any cost." Which describes Turbo to a T. He not only wants attention but he's also extremely competitive. It's part of his programming, and it ties to his love for racing. To always come out on top and be #1. No matter who or what stands in his way.
That core drive (pun intended) was the cause of his villainy in the first place and earned him his infamous status in the arcade.
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Okay, I don't want to sound too salty, but you can imagine my disappointment when King Candy didn't get a card.
Oh well, Its fine, I still love and use this deck.
So I guess we can call this the thrilling conclusion to the 3 part saga of including King Candy in Disney Villain merchandise.
Also as a sidenote: hypothetically if he did get this card, what would the imagery be?
I feel the card has the potential to get creative with the glitch effects. For example make it so that he's glitching between the Turbo appearance and the King Candy appearance. If we want to be a little cheeky, we could have it set in his castle, and out the window, we see a the cybug Ralph initially sent to SR flying outside a castle window. (similar to Hook's card as the crocodile is seen outside)
So basically, my interpretation would be a mix of these images and Captain Hook's card:
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But, if anyone else has really cool ideas, I'd love to hear them! If you want, you could also draw it out to illustrate your point (pun intended) Honestly please do, I'd love to see other people's interpretations of this card for him. The possibilities are endless!
Join me in my antics next time when I analyze Frollo and and the card I think he should've gotten.
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isycamor · 3 months
i do kind of have mixed feelings about the armand reveal i will not lie. but at the same time, I think we forget that we still do not have all the information (lestat’s pov, and armand’s unfiltered pov of the trial, maybe even sam’s pov loool). also i don’t think this was particularly ooc nor do i think that it flattens armand’s character.
one,i think him doing this is completely in line with what we have seen from his character thus far. at this point (ep4/6 in paris) imo it is clear that he is feeling unloved/rejected on some level by louis [dreamstat haunting their relationship was the proverbial shoe waiting to drop; there was always a lingering feeling of inadequacy armand was feeling in his relationship with louis and considering his history (his trauma) we know how deeply this would affect him]. madeleine semi-confirms that there’s a sort of wall in the vulnerability of the loumand relationship when she asks louis why he doesn’t tell armand he loves him. armand is a character that desperately wants to be wanted, is desperately insecure, and on top of that, like assad said in an interview, very forward thinking. i think he really did not think his relationship with louis would survive — not with the burden of lestat, the burden of claudia/madeleine, and honestly i think it was coupled with a lot of self-hatred. the coven was a far more reliable decision for him. louis, throughout their relationship, was not a very consistent partner if we’re being honest (and i say this as a ldpdl apologist every tongue that rises against louis shall fall unless in defense of claudia). he refused to join the coven, he was constantly haunted by lestat in vital moments of loumand relationship development, he and armand were on verryyy different wavelengths about the labeling of their relationship, madeleine’s turning in itself i think also put a major strain in their relationship, etc. i don’t say this to excuse armand, but to contextualize his feeling of isolation within the relationship.
and thinking about his history, his trauma, i really do think that he would latch onto whatever seems to be the most consistent. he yearns for that commitment, and to feel wanted; and if he was not feeling that with louis, he would make the decision to stay with the coven. years upon years of abuse, and having that abuse be tied with a twisted sense of worship with marius, I believe has stunted armand significantly. armand is cunning, manipulative, whatever, but he really does not like being a leader. he leans into subservient positions constantly, and i think this is a pattern of learned helplessness that would explain why he perhaps may have felt as though he “could not prevent it” wrt the trial. i think him honestly believing he could not prevent it and also directing the whole thing are not really mutually exclusive here.
i don’t think this diminishes his love for louis at all either, he loved louis before during and after the trial, and the trial’s preparation. this was done in response to feeling unloved by him, not in response to not loving him. and i think, at least within the show’s presented narrative thus far, witnessing the actual trial along with lestat’s action versus his own inaction at its conclusion perhaps really put his guilt and regret into perspective which led to him saving louis from the wet room. and after finding a way to be with louis again (claiming to have saved him), and having louis speak to his commitment to him (even if it was done as a way to torture lestat), made armand solely focused on preserving his relationship with louis in any way possible - and unfortunately that meant also preserving this big lie. armand isn’t some supervillain that secretly wants louis dead - he did genuinely spend his life trying to make up for it. he is desperately desperately lonely and he has lived centuries feeling inadequate and unloved. this deep deep insecurity and attachment to preserve feeling loved/wanted drives his actions in paris, in san francisco, and in dubai.
so no! i don’t think it reverses any development of his character at all! honestly, apart from delainey’s claudia, armand was my shining star of season 2. assad played him brilliantly, and i don’t think this finale diminished the complexity assad (and the writers) gave to this character at all.
(i also think having this revealed and what this will do to armand’s psyche (as a character who i think is really really afraid to look inward) is such fun setup for season 3)
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When answering asks I mentioned several times that while I agree that Aegon's character arc is the best one this season (among the Greens and overall), I still don't like it. No one really asked but I decided to put it out there anyway - because he is my second favourite character of the book/show combo.
When I think about Aegon in season 2, this bit from the trailer comes to mind:
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If we are to take Aegon more or less as a separate character (which is not so easy as no character can/should exist in a vacuum), his storyline has been quite decent (the effort to be a good ruler despite the lack of actual preparation, the obvious love and care towards Jaehaerys and heart-wrenching reaction to his murder, the failed attempt to prove himself at Rook's Rest - and now the signs pointing to him becoming a new man after what happened, more cunning and harsh). Besides, Tom has been given quite a few really good moments where he could show, truly and without being restrained, just how talented he is (it was the least HotD owed him after the treatment he got because of the shitty writing for the previous season). And even with that, I am still far from being convinced that the writers won't fumble it all in season 3 (just look what they did to Aemond this season after him getting IMO the most compelling and consistent beginning of the character arc in season 1).
But if we look at Aegon in connection with other characters? I am not merely disappointed, I am fucking furious, actually.
He's the character who suffered the most this season (feels like suffering takes up 90% of his screentime) - and this is understandable given what he's been going through. But how does the show present us this suffering? More precisely, who is presented as being responsible for it?
The first big blow dealt to Aegon was the murder of Jaehaerys. And which characters are actually shown to be the cause of Aegon's anguish?
Not Rhaenyra - she was as clueless as poor murdered boy himself. Not Mysaria - her opressed self "just provided the names" to Daemon. Daemon is the closest to it, but even here we were treated to this "ambiguity" bullshit about him supposedly not giving clear instructions to Blood and Cheese - and apparently he deeply regrets his actions. Boo-hoo, poor baby (I am not even a Daemon hater, actually, but the "he is just a tormented soul" thing he has going on this season has gone too far). The audience can't even properly hate the murderers themselves because of the shallow and cartoonish way the whole event was handled on screen.
But we get to see how Otto turns the horrible murder of an innocent child into a propo show - and Alicent sides with him (both are shown to disregard Aegon's feelings on the matter). Criston is presented as the one who neglected his duties and in doing so facilitated the heir's murder (and later he tries to shift the blame to Arryk which eventually gets the latter killed while fighting his own twin brother). Aemond doesn't gaf about his nephew's death (or the way it affected anyone in his family, specifically Aegon) for which he is partially to blame. And later Aegon gets a parting gift from Otto in the form of "you are a useless piece of junk - and a naive one for even daring to believe otherwise" - and Alicent's inability to console him when he needs it most.
Things only get worse from here. The Blacks are doing their thing on Dragostone (in Daemon's case - at Harrenhal) while Aegon keeps being abused, neglected and terrorized by those closest to him. His council members (including his mother and brother) do not respect him, Alicent flat out tells him he is useless in the most hurtful way possible (comparing him to Viserys who, as Aegon learned, didn't deem him worthy either after all). Oh, and by the way Viserys' neglect towards his children - Aegon in particular, in this case - is now completely taken out of the equation. Instead Viserys is presented as almost a godlike figure, someone to be worshipped and as infallible as the Pope.
And then, as the cherry on top of the cake, Aegon and his beloved dragon get horribly injured, almost killed by Aemond who Aegon trusted despite everything (Rhaenys' part in Aegon being hurt is minimal). And even after that Aemond proceeds to torment his bedridden brother, physically and mentally (I am aware there are supposed layers to it but I really doubt a lot of viewers gave that scene a second thought), so the former could remain in power; Alicent experiences remorse in all the wrong moments (and then proceeds to tell Gwayne how she is disappointed in both of the sons she actually knows and seems to redirect her hopes towards the one she doesn't). The only person who actually seems to care about Aegon is, surprise, Larys Strong, a reigning Kinslayer Supreme who actually murdered his father and elder brother while playing the game of thrones (and there is a BIG question whether Larys would give a single fuck about Aegon and his condition if he had been granted promotion by Aemond). While it's nice that the indisposed king has at least someone on his side, it's really fucked up that out of everyone else around him it had to be precisely Larys, whose loyalty is very much conditional.
To sum it all up, the writers gave Aegon an extreme amount of suffering (in accordance with his story in F&B and even more), clearly aiming to make the audience pity him as much as possible - and in a dirty and lazy writing move weaponized this pity against other TG characters (it's not clear for now whether it worked to the degree they expected for GA - but for the fandom it certainly did). Meanwhile TB is whitewashed once again. Now it's understandable where all this "they all hate each other" promo jokes (that turned out not to be jokes after all) made by TB actors came from.
In conclusion, I despise the way Aegon's suffering is being used in the narrative, and it takes a really big chunk out of the positive feelings I have about Aegon's arc in general. The F&B Greens, while being flawed individuals and not the most well-functioning family, were loyal to and cared for each other. HotD destroyed the majority of inter-Green relationships, and I am really, REALLY not here for it.
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dr-duckie · 6 months
soooo has anyone thought of a mdzs x svsss transmigration au with shen jiu and meng yao?
i’m not going into detail over their similarities but most people get the idea— brothels, yqy/lxc, spite, villainous antagonists that didn’t deserve what they were put through as a child, late start in cultivation, cunning personality, etc etc
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let me start: shen jiu, one day, is gifted a high quality book set from one of his brothel jiejies when visiting them. at first, shen jiu had no plans to legitimately read them (mostly due to a lack of leisure time), but he eventually got to reading it when he was on a qian cao-mandated break after a qi deviation.
he gets hooked. when SJ is nearing the end of the novel, his thoughts are as followed: JGS deserved to get castrated and his limbs thrown to the endless abyss— WWX, although he was absolutely shameless, he was at least competent— LWJ was a fool for being so in love, but he was moral and loyal— and lan xichen…
an ache forms in shen jiu’s heart whenever he thinks about him. lxc, a man with a gentle, pacifistic, amiable personality who believed in what was right all the way until the end. he wholeheartedly supported and trusted his sworn brother, jin guangyao, until he couldn’t anymore.
shen jiu was touched. lan xichen, that man, had wasted all his efforts on an irredeemable monster. in a similar fashion, yue qingyuan was doing the same.
as for meng yao… shen jiu resented him. he had a loving mother, one who worked so hard for his happiness, only to squander all her efforts. meng yao… had what shen jiu envied the most in the newest disciple he just brought in. luo binghe. imo, it would be a clear sign of shen jiu’s self hatred projected onto meng yao. he sees the two of them as the hopeless scum of society, too broken to be loved. they were “charity cases” that couldn’t be fixed, no matter what.
soon after shen jiu finishes the novel, he falls into a qi deviation (the very same one that shen yuan transmigrated into) and dies. through some time space dimension jumping, shen jiu lands into the body of one 14 yo meng yao. and that’s just the beginning of his story.
shen jiu starts out by practicing cultivation in secret. meng yao’s body, although he is no prodigy, would definitely benefit from practicing from a younger age. then he gets to planning. with how shen jiu is, he would not step a foot in the karp tower, with a system or not. like, just no. i believe he’d set JGS on fire if he ever had to see the guy. the only plot point shen jiu intends on fulfilling is saving lan xichen, and then living a comfortable life away from the jianghu.
but within a year of living with meng shi in the brothel, shen jiu grows attached to her. he *wants* to make her proud, even if he wasn’t her real son. he was a total impostor. but even so, he didn’t want her legacy to be tainted by the actions of jin guangyao— who was now still meng yao, who is now shen jiu. but he doesn’t want to go to the jin sect. after an arduous process of actual communication with someone for a long time, meng shi realizes that the jin sect wouldn’t be good for her son, and jin guangshan wouldn’t help her *or* meng yao. the night before meng shi dies, she tells shen jiu that she loves him, regardless of whether he may fulfill her dreams.
aaaand, after that, shen jiu buries meng shi. he makes enough money as an artist (in secret, with his skillset from qing jing) to give her the proper burial rites. after that, he runs away. shen jiu finds a job as an assistant to an artist who sold fans and paintings in caiyi town. through his job, he meets NHS first, when he’s on his first year of being st the cloud recesses. surprisingly, shen jiu and nie huaisang have a friendship that… isn’t too bad. shen jiu is amiable, shows off the different fans he’s painted, and nie huaisang eagerly buys all of them. nie huaisang also buys out shen jiu’s other works, like his poetry and short stories. that day, with shen jiu’s qiankun pouch full, he treats himself to tanghulu.
the second encounter with nie huaisang brought along jiang cheng and wei wuxian. at that point in time, they were investigating the waterborne abyss problem. shen jiu, a year older now, shows nie huaisang his “new” invention: the war fan. wei wuxian is absolutely delighted at the new invention, and jiang cheng, although less excited that WWX, is considerably impressed as well. as for NHS, well, words can’t describe his happiness. shen jiu, on a whim, gifts it to him for free— mockingly thanking NHS for being such a generous patron. nie huaisang, unable to contain his excitement anymore, jumps on shen jiu and embraces him dramatically. this causes such a commotion, lan wangji comes over. with his brother.
(okay, i’m done writing for today.)
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yanderes-galore · 4 months
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar concept?????
Honestly, He's definitely one of my favorites in the series. He's probably one of the least dangerous Joestar yanderes imo. Very tame gentleman, lol.
Yandere! Jonathan Joestar Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Slight manipulation, Overprotective behavior, Clingy behavior, Slight jealousy, Slight violence, Slight submissive yandere, Delusional behavior, Blood mention, Brief mentions of marriage, Dubious companionship/relationship
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I honestly feel like Jonathan would be one of the tamer yanderes in his bloodline.
He wouldn't want to force his darling into anything and is always very polite.
I can also see him being very affectionate and protective of the one he adores.
After all, one of his goals is to be a "true gentleman".
He aspires to be that with his darling.
Jonathan actually doesn't have many friends in his youth.
His fellow boys ostracized him because of his wealthy status which often left him isolated.
So he no doubt met you in his youth and befriended you, like a childhood friend.
He's kind and full of courage, often wanting to support you and make you happy.
Honestly, If Jonathan could give you the world, he probably would.
Jonathan lives for the happiness of his obsession.
No matter the cost.
He's always respectful and often considered the epitome of good and honorable
Even his darker side is rather subtle and not that intense.
He may come off as manipulative by accident, but quickly corrects himself.
His own obsessive desires confuse him and he isn't sure if he likes it.
He's not possessive but he finds himself slightly jealous when you have other friends.
However, Jonathan knows he must suffocate such emotions for you.
After all, if he truly cares for you and loves you, you should have your space.
Jonathan is another yandere who you could get into a relationship with and not see any of his darker tendencies.
He isn't like Dio, the definition of cunning and trickery, but he does have some darkness in him.
No one's truly pure, right?
His dark behavior is usually things like being clingy and slightly jealous.
But for the most part he seems fine.
Barely any red flags.
He seems like the perfect boyfriend material, that's how hidden his obsessive behavior is.
Although, like most yanderes, you're always on his mind.
Jonathan would want everything between you to be perfect.
Everything from little hangouts, to his confession, to even dates.
His obsession would start platonic, but transition to romantic.
He notices his feelings change when he wants to impress you and protect you more often.
Speaking of protection, Jonathan would beat up those who messed with you.
He's both a protective guardian for you yet also an affectionate teddy bear.
He's a gentle giant, essentially.
He just wants to make you happy in every way.
As I said before, he'd even make his confession perfect.
Things like flowers and in your favorite spot, all with formal clothing and a smile on his face.
You don't make a fuss about his status and treat him as a human being.
Now, he wants to be yours, now and forever.
I feel Jonathan could fit into the submissive yandere category.
You could ask him to get you anything and he'd do it.
Any gift or action, he just wants you happy and in his arms.
It could confuse him greatly if you said you didn't like him or were scared of him.
He isn't trying to hurt you, if he did hurt anyone, it was no doubt to protect you!
If you expressed some sort of discomfort towards him, he'd do his best to correct himself.
You can bet Dio isn't getting anywhere near you.
Jonathan is somewhat judging of those around you.
He wants to make sure no one harms you, if anyone did then he wants you to come running to him.
The only reason Jonathan bloodies his knuckles and clothes is to protect you.
It isn't for any nefarious reason, he genuinely just wants you safe and happy.
He won't beat up others out of jealousy.
No, if he's jealous he finds a healthier way to vent.
You deserve to have friends, he should be happy anyways.
Once he has the position of your boyfriend, then he won't have to worry.
When you're together he may show a bit more of his darker behavior.
Such as his clingy nature when giving you affection.
He tries his best to be gentle, but he could squish you with his hugs.
He's very gentle when it comes to handling you, kissing you softly and always asking if you're okay.
He isn't one to force you into anything.
If you reject his confession, he's fine with just being your best friend until you're ready.
If you aren't up to kissing or hugs, that's okay too!
Point is, he'd never be a yandere to kidnap you.
He may manipulate you into marriage and keep you in the house, but even then it's relying on your consent.
He wouldn't even murder unless he was back into a corner.
He prefers to just teach people a lesson and let them live their life.
So, compared to most yanderes, he's a keeper.
He listens to your consent and protects you from harm.
He'd spoil you and be forever loyal.
He'd marry you, make you his forever partner, and keep you happy.
Sure, sometimes he's jealous and may nudge you in the right direction.
But Jonathan would never want to hurt you or make you upset.
Eventually he'll have you in his arms, he just has to be patient and you'll come to him.
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cbrownjc · 4 months
My more detailed thoughts on EP 2x04 :
Spoilers below the cut:
@emeraldinerosefaedragon pulled this quote about Armand, which I believe is from The Vampire Companion book, that I think encompasses very much what we saw by the end of this episode:
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Do I think Armand is some huge grand mastermind, manipulating every single thing that is going on years in advance in a mustache-twirling villain-type of way? No, I do not.
But just because Armand's not that, doesn't mean he isn't cunning or smart. And that he can't think this way on the fly, especially when a new troublesome situation presents itself to him.
Armand had two main problems at the start of this episode: the coven grumbling about the fact that Louis was still not a member -- after almost two years it seems -- and Louis not viewing Armand as his companion.
And by the end of the episode? Well, both problems are pretty much solved, aren't they? Louis, in letting Dreamstat go, has made a choice to start to try and move on, with Armand the one he is choosing to have by his side. Louis didn't say it, but Claudia did -- Louis had decided, after that trek to the museum, to accept Armand as his companion.
Along with this Louis also decided, (after he comes to terms that his photography isn't going to go further for him after meeting with that photo editor guy), again of his own free will, to join the coven. Which now makes Louis bound to its ways and laws. Which, in the book, the Great Laws are just a fig leaf, but I think the show is having the TdV -- and had Armand too at first as well -- take them much more seriously . . . but that's a meta as to why for another time.
Anyway, at the end of the episode, the two main problems Armand had at the beginning of the episode are very much solved by the end. Louis is joining the coven and Louis is accepting Armand to him as a companion. And no, the solving of those issues was not a happenstance IMO. Armand even told Louis, rather directly at the top of the episode, that these two things were problems for him, and Louis just barely conceded to one of those two things at the start -- which is only that he'll "come around" and spend more time with the coven. By the end of the episode, however . . . Louis fully commits to giving Armand both things.
Do I think Armand might have had a bit of influence over what that photo editor said to Louis about his pictures? Hey, I can't prove anything, but it wouldn't surprise me if he did, given Armand's Mind Gift abilities (which, put a pin in this, as I'll get to talking about that in a bit). But, more than anything, I think Armand went with a strategic full-court press when it came to having Louis decide to commit to him as a companion wrt that whole museum date.
And, unlike Lestat, who held his trauma and vulnerabilities from Louis until things had reached a point of no return, Armand opens up to Louis about his past traumas and vulnerabilities long before it has even begun to get to such a point. But also because Louis is still reluctant to fully give himself over to truly being companions with Louis. But here, Armand is showing Louis that he will not withhold when it comes to such things as this -- something Lestat very much did withhold for a very long time.
However, a bit of dialogue from Armand during the scene where Louis is practicing his Fire Gift abilities is key when it comes to Armand's thought process when it comes to why he decided to share this about himself with Lous, as well as when it comes to solving issues in general IMO -- "I try to find the vulnerability within the object."
Which is what he says wrt how he uses the Fire Gift, yes, but I do not believe that it is something Armand just does when using the Fire Gift. I believe that comes to all situations in his life, especially when it comes to being a coven leader and master.
Lestat withholding in the ways he did made Louis feel not just frustrated but powerless. As Louis exclaimed just last episode, "Lestat didn't tell me shit!" Because even when Lestat did finally start to tell Louis (and Claudia) some things (about Magnus and Nicki) there was still very much he still withheld, even after that.
But Armand? Well, after that museum trip that withholding issue is starting to look quiet different with Armand than it was with Lestat, I'd say.
And in Armand's eyes, well . . . if even yielding can be a way of eventually gaining something, then so be it. Because who says yielding to something means that you must now also be in a weak position? IMO, it's very much like the adage about attacking from a defensive position.
This brings us to the end of the episode and seeing what Santiago, Celeste, and Quan were up to.
And can I say right now -- it actually doesn't matter one way or another if this ends up being a true mutiny by the coven . . . or if Armand is manipulating this stuff. For the record, I personally don't think Santiago and the others were under orders from Armand to go and search Louis and Claudia's apartment. But again, it doesn't matter one way or the other because there is just no way in hell a vampire as powerful as Armand didn't know he was being watched at that moment in the park with Louis.
Armand put not just the entire dining room but all his coven members -- including Claudia -- into a stasis state by just one command. (And no, that power isn't something from the books, but the show made it clear back in episode 2x03 that the ability to do this is part of the Mind Gift -- which is one of Armand's two most powerful abilities btw).
No. Armand knew damn well he was being watched. And frankly, I would not be at all surprised to learn that Armand could hear all that telepathic conversation going on between Quan, Celeste, and Santiago either. Again this episode already made it clear how powerful Armand's Mind Gift abilities are, plus that he can hear thoughts even when at a distance. (Such as when he got summoned from the museum wrt Claudia befriending Madeleine).
So, no. Armand knows damn well what is going on wrt the coven. The reason I don't think Armand was behind Santiago and the others doing this -- at least right now -- is only because I don't think Armand has decided, just quite yet, to fully choose Louis over them completely and therefore have the coven destroyed. I think that is a choice he is going to make -- due to some event, mostly likely the turning of Madeleine -- in Episode 6.
But once Armand makes that choice? That the coven has to go? He will use what he knows to bring that about. And probably winning the coven fully back to his side right before the trial is set up . . . in order to set everything in motion for their demise in the end, and having Louis all for himself.
(Where the Frankenstein Experiment comes into all of this I still can't figure out, but that can be put on hold for now.)
So yeah. Armand isn't a Machavelli. But he is smart and cunning and good at working out situations he finds himself in. To the point that, even when he appears to be yielding, he still ends up dominating.
Other things:
-- I've already been thinking that one of the reasons that the show made present-day Daniel older was because it was going to be part of helping Armand work through his issues with Marius. And now, after this episode and hearing from Armand's own mouth how much darker the show's version of Marius is -- and Armand's relationship with Marius is looking to be, I feel that all even more. Because now older Daniel will not only have the maturity to directly say what that relationship dynamic was . . . but it will also help Daniel himself understand why his past relationship with Armand was the way it was because . . .
-- I've also been thinking that, in many ways, Armand and Daniel's relationship in the past was going to mirror a lot of what we'd learn, and then eventually see, of Marius and Armand's past relationship. And I feel that even more so now. I think a lot of parallels will begin to be set up now that we, the audience have heard from Armand himself what his relationship with Marius was like.
-- I don't feel that was just a random slip-up by Daniel when he mentioned the theater fire. I think something else compelled him to say that. Well, something or someone else.
-- That final scene between Louis and Dreamstat was so sad. I really do think that Louis, at that moment, was accepting that Lestat was well and truly dead.
-- Those Talamasca files that Daniel has are not the full and complete files about everything. I was already suspecting that when Daniel was given them last week. But the fact that there are those 5 files (three images and two audio) related to Daniel? Nope. Daniel was strategically given what he was given. Because it's not like Daniel can verify if that is or isn't the complete files the Talamasca have about himself or anything else.
-- And speaking of the Talamasca . . . just like with the coven, I will be surprised if Armand doesn't know that he and Louis were being tracked by them at one -- or many other -- points in time. Though, in that instance, if he doesn't I won't look too sideways at it . . . given that I just finished reading the chapter in Prince Lestat that explains the Talamasca's origins. And Rolin Jones did note that Prince Lestat is one of the books this season takes information from, so . . .
-- I knew Santiago was going to get to Claudia's diaries at some point. But even then, I can't really tell if he truly likes her or is just 100% playing her. But, maybe deep down Claudia herself feels something off with him, or she wouldn't have sought out a friendship -- companionship -- elsewhere. I, personally, don't see what is developing between Claudia and Madeleine as romantic (eros) love, but there is love growing there -- for sure on Claudia's end, and I'd say affection (just right now) on Madeleine's. The show is probably being a bit careful on this, seeing as how Madeleine still thinks Claudia is just a kid, although it's also clear she's sensing something is different about Claudia as well.
So, all in all, very good episode. I actually like it more than last week's. It's still mostly set up, but it's set up with more movement to it when it comes to character development and plot IMO, which I really loved.
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i am reminded once again that people are so weird about rhaegar.
it’s interesting but nauseating to see the shift about him on the anti-rhaegar side of the fandom as it’s clear that people are still wildly and crazily deep in their fanon versions of him, but have decided he’s somewhat useful to them as the fandom becomes less accepting of the ‘targaryens are bad and all mad’ narrative that was floating around for years, so some of the antis have slightly changed their tunes.
i should clarify that the shift does seem subtle right now, so maybe it’s not going to affect the way the antis discuss rhaegar that much, but i find it interesting and a bit annoying so im gonna discuss it.
the shift is basically starting from ‘rhaegar was a moron and killed his family by fucking his whore so he deserved death’ and seems to be heading to ‘rhaegar was secretly really cunning and cruel and actually loved elia but she was iffy/neutral of him and he only got with lyanna to have a baby and left her to die cause he was always gonna go back to elia.’
both of these are crazy interpretations imo, but the second one is even worse than the first. the first interpretation is at least a tad bit understandable, but the second is completely based on fanon land nonsense.
because… how is rhaegar seen as cunningly cruel when he’s only been paralleled with dany and jon, two incredibly kind characters? one of the first times dany is directly paralleled to rhaegar is when dany was protecting others! while we do learn a lot about rhaegar through these parallels, there’s also an on page interaction that completely contradicts the ‘rhaegar is cruel and callous’ interpretation. it starts when jamie is recalling rhaegar’s departure to the trident, he remembers when jon darry snapped at him, telling him to obey and stay with aerys; then rhaegar takes the time to console a teenage jamie and ease his worries before he leaves. we have all this and yet people interpret this character as cunningly cruel and willing to use others for his own ends?
like bsffr… this is a character who prefers writing songs and singing them instead of violence and the song of swords. that says a lot about rhaegar, and it’s all good things.
speaking of good things said about rhaegar: barristan as whitebeard, when he was still sussing out dany, calls rhaegar able, determined, deliberate, dutiful, and single-minded. these are all positive descriptions. barristan also later says that there’s a lot of good to be said about rhaegar, more than any of dany’s other relatives. this is not the description of someone hiding a nasty personality behind a perfect facade, it’s a deliberate set up preparing us readers for the big rhaelya reveal and to contradict roberts anti rhaegar propaganda.
i also want to mention the other side of rhaegar. he was described as melancholy and was said to have sad eyes, and according to cersei he looked wounded. it seems like he suffered from depression. and based on the parallels between aerys and viserys, i think it’s safe to assume that aerys was likely abusive to rhaegar like viserys was to dany. what’s written in a world of ice and fire supports my case and shows that things were always very very tense between rhaegar and aerys. things were so tense in fact that aerys even brought varys in as spymaster partly because he mistrusted rhaegar. that is a very terrible environment for someone to grow up in, and yet rhaegar still pulled through so much so that characters still sing his praises years after his death. that’s impressive and shows how good of an impression he left on so many characters.
now, i also want to discuss the rhaegar x elia ship as it’s getting more popular as the tides keep shifting. one quote that these shippers use to support their ship is the “rhaegar was fond of elia” remark made by barristan, but the context of that conversation is specifically left out by these shippers. basically the conversation began when dany is telling barristan that she’ll do her duty and marry hizdahr, so she asks barristan if rhaegar wed for duty or love. barristan hesitates and tells her that rhaegar was fond of elia but says nothing about love. context is key here. and while it’s not surprising that these shippers need to strip away the context as they have to go up against rhaelya, which has a lot of textual support, it is deceitful and proves that their case is weak in compassion to the build up of rhaelya.
anyways… yeah… this shifting tide is weird af and seems like a huge backwards dive into fanon land, and while i can’t control anyone i think i’ve done my best to stay true to canon by mentioning what we know about rhaegar and trying to keep my interpretations grounded.
tbh… i don’t even like this character that much, but i think his impact on the fandom is so cool. cause it’s like… here is rhaegar, a sad boy, and yet so many people treat him like he’s satan incarnate responsible for everything bad. it’s like so wild and so far from what little we know of him. so, basically, because of this fandom discourse, i became interested in this character and am now one of his defenders. yeahhhhh….
also, because so many people liked to basically shit on rhaegar for ‘doing nothing’ and ‘just letting war break out’ i found it kinda fun to theorize about what he may have actually been doing at the time of the rebellion. as of now, i’m pretty set in my belief that he specifically went to dorne to conspire with house martell and potential allies in order to overthrow aerys. my theory is based on what we know of his personality, and i think his last words to jamie clearly hint that he had some sort of plan in place; and since he was last in dorne, it’s only logical to conclude that there was something going on.
that’s all
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omfg I just watched "Zuko alone" (season 2 ep7) for the first time and it's so fucking good holy I'm getting goosebumps rn. The flashbacks, Zuko saying "I'm the son of Ursa and fire lord ozai" right after he got a flashback of his mom, the boy Zuko helped saying "I hate you!" After Zuko tried giving him the knife he got when he was younger, UGHH the angst, the feels I'm sobbing 😭💔
I also like how they showed azula being cunning even as a kid, not mourning her grandfather's death, wanting iroh to die so ozai can be king, not caring about lu tens death, etc. Also, how much her dad favoured her over Zuko, and how Zuko inherited his mom's gentleness. Zuko shows empathy so many times throughout this season. The most prominent one being refusing to steal food as soon as he found out it belonged to a pregnant woman. These little stuff show that his empathy, a character trait he always had, was slowly coming back to him and had never left him even after all the abuse he went through.
it also shows how much Azula has been influenced as a child by her own dad's cruelty and becoming just like him, to please him. The firenation is genuinely the best written segment of atla imo, and I'm saying this as a first time watcher.
The earthkingdom family being so quick to turn on Zuko after they found out he's the prince is so realistic but sad at the same time :( it shows how much a hundred year long war affects people. I'd say this is the episode Zuko truly realized the damage his nation, and his father had done to the world.
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autopotion · 2 years
I was thinking about Josephine today.... Seriously underrated DA character. She stands out to me as one of the very few legitimate pacifists in a series that is fairly violent (which is a perspective that is sorely needed IMO), but her pacifism doesn't detract from her competency at all. I think often if you find pacifistic women in fiction they're portrayed as like, either childlike in naïveté, or impossibly flawless & pure of heart. Josephine on the other hand feels incredibly grounded and she's very cognizant of how her lived experiences differ from the people around her. She's sheltered (like... arguably, just compared to the hardened warriors of the rest of the cast, but she understands the gaps in her knowledge) without coming off as stupid, silly, or "endearingly" out of touch. She's also incredibly shrewd and can be cunning without sacrificing her principles (unlike Leliana, who is kind of her foil). I like her an awful lot
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ashoss · 3 months
I think It’d be kinda interesting if Damian was a legacy because Ra’s was a demigod. Especially if it was a god similar to Ra’s personality rather than Damian’s, and he feels a tension against it. And maybe the Lazarus pit has some relation to nectar or the fire healing river in Tartarus and it works better for demigods, relating to how long it’s been working for Ra’s to keep him alive.
Google told me there was a minor god of trickery, cunning, deception, craftiness, treachery and guile named Dolos, which could fit Ra’s but of course doesn’t really match Damian at all, so Dami might feel such a fun tension with that legacy. And if Bruce was also a legacy of a different God, that would make it interesting for Damian too.
For the Waynes, I feel like either a legacy of Zeus (dating back before the big 3 deal) or Thomas being a son of Apollo (whose domain includes medicine [thomas], knowledge [bruce], and art [damian]). I also like the idea of Barbara being not necessarily a child of Apollo but having his divine blessing (bc oracle), and the demigod/legacy v blessed mortal dynamic between her and Bruce could be really cool. Another option could be Nyx (goddess of night) because of Batman’s ability to fade into the shadows so well. She is also sometimes known as the nurse of the gods (old use of that word, not medical related but related to raising other’s children) which is kinda funny with Bruce adopting so many kids.
Since Dami normally has both such pride about his heritage but also conflicting feelings from the vast difference between his parents’ families, I think having 2 competing legacies could offer some really fun explorations of character for him.
ough demigod Ra's is such a good take oh my god. it would really amplify his own conflicts about his heritage in such a fresh way- the pride in being a legacy via Ra's and whatever he's getting from Bruce's side? add the Kane magician aspect i was kinda playing around with? fun and fresh imo.
I think legacy Bruce would be interesting to play around with! i do like apollo and that might influence his brucie persona lol. but the past wayne (or even the kanes!) might be really interesting to look into as demigods lol. nyx would also be interesting! if anything Bruce could possibly be a nyx devotee if anything - definitely funny in the context of nurse of the gods lol. (i do remember reading a fic where jason was a child of nyx...)
i do think i'm gonna do blessed mortal babs! unsure if i want that to be when she was younger or if it happened after TKJ and her taking up the Oracle name (aka apollo heard some gotham vigilante was going by the name oracle and hes like: how about we make that real :D)
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